User Manual
PUB. DIM-0996-000 ćĽćŹčŞ ä˝żç¨čŞŹćć¸ ăŞăăBluetoothÂŽăŤăăçĄçˇé俥ă§ăŻăĺŽéăŽéłĺŁ°ă¨ă¤ă¤ăăłăăăŽéł 声ăĺ°ăăăăŚćăăăăĺ¨čžşăŽéłĺŁ°ăŤĺéżăăŚčăăăăăăăă¨ăă ăăžăăăć éă§ăŻăăăžăăă é俥äťć§ é俥ćšĺźďź ăăŽăăłăŻăăă¤ăăł ăŻă¤ă¤ăŹăšăă¤ăŻăăăłWM-V1ăă財ăä¸ăăă ă ăăžăăŚăčŞ ăŤăăăă¨ăăăăăžăă ăă¤ăăł ăŻă¤ă¤ăŹăšăă¤ăŻăăăł Canon Wireless Microphone Microphone sans ďŹl Canon Canon Funkmikrofon MicrĂłfono Wireless Canon Microfono Wireless Canon ĐĐľŃĐżŃОвОднОК ПикŃĐžŃОн Canon WM-V1ăŻăăŹăˇăźăăźă¨ăă¤ăŻăăăłďźăăŠăłăšăăăżăźďźă§ć§ćăăăă ăă¤ăăłHDăăăŞăŤăĄăŠĺ°ç¨*ăŽăŻă¤ă¤ăŹăšăă¤ăŻăăăłă§ăăWM-V1ă 使ăă¨ăć§ă ăŞç°ĺ˘ă§ăŽéłĺŁ°ăĺéłăăăă¨ăă§ăăžăă WM-V1ăŻăăŹăˇăźăăźă¨ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽéă§BluetoothÂŽďźăăŤăźăăĽăź ăšďźăŤăăçĄçˇé俥ăčĄăăžăăăŹăˇăźăăźăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠă¨ćĽçśăăă ă¤ăŻăăăłă袍ĺä˝ăŤĺăäťăăă¨ăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽĺ čľăă¤ăŻă§ăŻă¨ă ăăŤăăăé ăé˘ăă袍ĺä˝ăŽéłĺŁ°ă§ăĺéłăăŚč¨é˛ă§ăăžăăăžăă WM-V1ăăăŽéłĺŁ°ă¨ăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽĺ čľăă¤ăŻăăăŽéłĺŁ°ăăăăŻăš ďźćˇˇĺďźăăŚč¨é˛ăăăă¨ăă§ăăžăă * ă使ăăŽăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŤăăŁăŚăŻăćŁăăĺä˝ăăŞăăă¨ăăăăžăă ĺä˝ćŠç¨ŽăŤă¤ăăžăăŚăŻăćć°ć ĺ ąăă確čŞăă ăăă ĺé¨ăŽĺ称 Names of parts Noms des ĂŠlĂŠments Bezeichnung der Teile ă使ç¨ăŤăŞăĺăŤăăăŽä˝żç¨čŞŹćć¸ăăčŞăżăă ăăăăčŞăżăŤăŞăŁă ĺžăŻăĺż ăäżçŽĄăăŚăă ăăăăžăăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽä˝żç¨čŞŹćć¸ăăă ăăŚă茧ăă ăăă Nomi delle parti Nombres de las partes ĐĐ°ĐˇĐ˛Đ°Đ˝Đ¸Ń ĐşĐžĐźĐżĐžĐ˝ĐľĐ˝ŃОв ăŚăŁăłăăšăŻăŞăźăłăŤă¤ă㌠BluetoothÂŽăŤăăçĄçˇé俥ăŤă¤ă㌠⢠WM-V1ăŻăăŹăˇăźăăźă¨ăă¤ăŻăăăłă§BluetoothÂŽăŤăăé俥ăčĄ ăăčŞĺçăŤćĽçśăăăăăăŤč¨ĺŽăăăŚăăžăăăŞăăWM-V1äťĽĺ¤ ăŽBluetoothÂŽćŠĺ¨ă¨ćĽçśăăŚé俥ăăăă¨ăŻă§ăăžăăă ⢠ăă¤ăŻăăăłăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŤčżăĽăăăăă¨ăéťćł˘ăŽĺ˝ąéżă§ăč¨é˛ ăăăéłĺŁ°ăŤăă¤ăşăćˇˇĺ Ľăăĺ ´ĺăăăăžăă1 m䝼ä¸é˘ăăçść ă§ă使ç¨ăă ăăă WM-V1ă使ăçľăăŁăă ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽéťćşăĺăă ăŹăˇăźăăźă¨ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽéťćşăĺăă ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽMIC獯ĺăăćĽçśăąăźăăŤăćăă ă注ć ćŽĺ˝ąăăă¨ăăŤĺăäťăăă¨ă風ăćŻăŤăăăă¤ăş ďźééłďźăä˝ć¸ă§ăăž ăă ⢠éłĺŁ°ăŽĺé˛ä¸ăŻăă¤ăŻăăŚăŁăłăăšăŻăŞăźăłăŤč§ŚăăŞăă§ăă ăăăă ĺąĺ¤ă§ćŽĺ˝ąăăĺ ´ĺăŻăĺăäťăăăăăăăăžăă ⢠éťćł˘ĺĄăéŤĺ§çˇăä¸é¨ăŽćşĺ¸ŻéťčŠąăŽčżăă§ä˝żç¨ăăă¨ăéťćł˘ăéŤéťĺ§ ă¤ăşăč¨é˛ăăăžăă ăŽĺ˝ąéżăĺăăŚăă¤ăşăč¨é˛ăăăăă¨ăăăăžăă ćşĺăă WM-V1ăŤăŻăéťćą ďźĺĽĺŁ˛ďźăĺż čŚă§ăăĺ4形ă˘ăŤăŤăŞäšžéťćą 2ćŹăžă㯠ĺ4形ăăăąăŤć°´ç´ ĺ éťćą 2ćŹăăç¨ćăă ăăă ăŚăŁăłăăšăŻăŞăźăł çˇ ăäťăăă ă¸ă§ă¤ăłăé¨ Protezione antivento Bloccaggio della slitta Attacco Windscreen Shoe lock Joint Protector de viento Bloqueo de zapata Junta Bonnette anti-vent Bague de verrouillage Joint ĐĐľŃŃОСаŃиŃĐ˝ŃĐš ŃĐşŃĐ°Đ˝ ФикŃĐ°ŃĐžŃ ĐşĐžĐťĐžĐ´ĐşĐ¸ ĐĄĐžŃНононио Windschutz Schuhverriegelung Anschluss ăŹăˇăźăăźăŽéťćą ăśăăăšăŠă¤ăăăŚĺăĺ¤ă ďźĺł1ďźă éťćą ĺăĺşăăăŁăŤă ăä¸ăŤăŞăăăăŤéťćą ăĺ Ľăă ďźĺł1ďźă ăŹăˇăźăăźăŽéťćą ăśăăéăă ďźĺł1ďźă ćé 1 âź 3ăčĄăăăă¤ăŻăăăłăŤăéťćą ăĺ Ľăăă ăŹăˇăźăăźăŻăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŤăăă¤ăŻăăăłăŻč˘Ťĺä˝ăŤĺăäťăăŚä˝żç¨ă ăžăă ăŹăˇăźăăźăŽă¤ă¤ăăłçŤŻĺăŤăćĽçśăąăźăăŤăŽăšăăŹăźăĺăăŠă°ă ăŹăˇăźăăźăŽčŁ çăŻăŞăăăéăăŚăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽă°ăŞăăăăŤă㍠ă ćżă ďźĺł2ďź ĺăäťăă ďźĺł2ďź ă ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽMICďźăă¤ăŻďźçŤŻĺăŤćĽçśăąăźăăŤăŽLĺĺăăŠă°ăćż ă ďźĺł2ďź ă Attaching the microphone Fixation du camĂŠscope Anbringen des Mikrofons Bluetooth Power Class1 使ç¨ĺ¨ćł˘ć°ĺ¸Żďź 2.4 GHz 帯ďź2400 - 2483.5 MHzďź ăăăăĄă¤ăŤďź A2DP é俥čˇé˘ďź ç´ 50 m ăŤăĄăŠăćăĄéă°ăŞăă§ăă ăăă ⢠ĺä˝ăăšăăčĄăĺ ´ĺăŻăăă¤ăŻăĺŠăăăćŻăĺšăăăăăăăă声 Collegamento del microfono FijaciĂłn del micrĂłfono ĐŁŃŃанОвка ПикŃĐžŃОна ĺ˝ăă襣ćŚăéłăŞăŠăĺéłăăăĺ ´ĺăăăăžăăŽă§ă確ĺŽăŤĺă ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽéťćşăšă¤ăăăăšăŠă¤ăă㌠ăONăăŤăăă ⢠ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽé俥確čŞç¨ăŠăłăăéăçšćť ăăžăă ⢠ăŹăˇăźăăźă¨ăă¤ăŻăăăłăčŞĺçăŤBluetoothÂŽăŤăăçĄçˇé俥 ă§ćĽçśăăăé俥ăĺŻč˝ăŞçść ăŤăŞăă¨ä¸ĄćšăŽé俥確čŞç¨ăŠăłă ăçšćť ăăçšçŻăŤĺ¤ăăăžăă ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŤăŚăŁăłăăšăŻăŞăźăłă袍ăăŚĺăäťăă ďźĺł3ďźă ⢠ăŚăŁăłăăšăŻăŞăźăłä¸é¨ăăăăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽă¤ă¤ăăłçŤŻĺăčŚăă 250 mW äťĽä¸ ç´ 3 ćé ďźă˘ăŤăŤăŞäšžéťćą ăć°ć¸Š25 âä˝żç¨ ćăă¤ă¤ăăłéłéĺćĺ¤ăŽă¨ăďź Checking microphone audio with the earphone 使ç¨ć¸ŠĺşŚçŻĺ˛ďź ç´0â 寸ćłďź ç´ 29 Ă 68 Ă 37 mmďźĺš ĂéŤăĂéˇăďź čłŞéďź ç´ 28 g äťĺąĺďź ă˘ăăŠăŤă¤ă¤ăăł Ă 2ăă¤ă¤ăăłăăŁăăĂ 2ăćĽçśăąăźăăŤăăŚăŁăłăăšăŻăŞăźăł âź +40 â 使ç¨ă§ăăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠďź iVIS HF R21/R200ăiVIS HF M41/M43ă iVIS HF G10ăXA10 âť BluetoothăŻçąłĺ˝Bluetooth SIG, Inc.ăŽçťé˛ĺć¨ă§ăă ❠製ĺăŽäťć§ăăăłĺ¤čŚłăŻăäşĺăŞăĺ¤ć´ăăăăă¨ăăăăžăăăă äşćżăă ăăă English Instructions ăăăăćžç˝ŽăăăăăŞăă§ăă ăăă ⢠ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăăąăźăšăŞăŠăŤĺç´ăăă¨ăăŻăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăăăă¤ăŻ ăĺăăŻăăăŚăă ăăă éťćł˘ăŤé˘ăăă注ć ⢠ćŹčŁ˝ĺăŤăŻăéťćł˘ćłăŤĺşăĽăčŞč¨źăĺăăçĄçˇčŁ 罎ăĺ čľăăăŚă ăă訟ćăŠăăŤăŻçĄçˇč¨ĺăŤćˇťäťăăăŚăăžăă ⢠ćŹčŁ˝ĺăŽăăĄăĺ¤ĺ˝çşćżăăăăłĺ¤ĺ˝č˛żććłăŽčŚĺŽăŤăăăćŚçĽçŠčł ç ďźăžăăŻĺ˝šĺďźăŤčŠ˛ĺ˝ăăăăŽăŤă¤ăăŚăŻăćĽćŹĺ˝ĺ¤ă¸ăŽčź¸ĺşăŤéă ăŚăćĽćŹĺ˝ćżĺşăŽčź¸ĺşč¨ąĺŻ ďźăžăăŻĺ˝šĺĺĺźč¨ąĺŻďźăĺż čŚă§ăă çˇĺą ďźĺ 訹ăčŚăăçĄçˇĺąďźăăăăłçšĺŽĺ°éťĺçĄçˇĺą ďźĺ 訹ăčŚăăŞă çĄçˇĺąďźä¸ŚăłăŤă˘ăăăĽă˘çĄçˇĺą ďźĺ 訹ăčŚăăçĄçˇĺąďźăéç¨ăăăŚă ăžăă ăăŽćŠĺ¨ă使ç¨ăăĺăŤăčżăă§ç§ťĺä˝čĺĽç¨ăŽć§ĺ çĄçˇĺąăăă ăłçšĺŽĺ°éťĺçĄçˇĺąä¸ŚăłăŤă˘ăăăĽă˘çĄçˇĺąăéç¨ăăăŚăăŞăă ă¨ă確čŞăăŚä¸ăăă ä¸ä¸ăăăŽćŠĺ¨ăă秝ĺä˝čĺĽç¨ăŽć§ĺ çĄçˇĺąăŤĺŻžăăŚć厳ăŞéťćł˘ 嚲ć¸ăŽäşäžăçşçăăĺ ´ĺăŤăŻăéăăăŤä˝żç¨ĺ¨ćł˘ć°ăĺ¤ć´ăăăă ăžăăŻéťćł˘ăŽçşĺ°ăĺć˘ăăä¸ăă厢ć§ç¸čŤçŞĺŁăŤăéŁçľĄăăă ăă 桡俥ĺéżăŽăăăŽĺŚç˝Žç ďźäžăă°ăăăźăăŁăˇă§ăłăŽč¨ç˝ŽăŞăŠďźăŤă¤ă ăŚăç¸čŤä¸ăăă ăăŽäťăăăŽćŠĺ¨ăă秝ĺä˝čĺĽç¨ăŽçšĺŽĺ°éťĺçĄçˇĺąăăăă㯠ă˘ăăăĽă˘çĄçˇĺąăŤĺŻžăăŚć厳ăŞéťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ăŽäşäžăçşçăăĺ ´ĺ㪠ăŠä˝ăăĺ°ăăŽăă¨ă辡ăăă¨ăăŻăă厢ć§ç¸čŤçŞĺŁă¸ăĺăĺăă Thank you for purchasing the WM-V1 Wireless Microphone. The WM-V1 consists of a receiver and a microphone (transmitter) and was created for exclusive use with Canon camcorders*. The WM-V1 allows sound recording in a variety of different environments. BluetoothÂŽ wireless communication is used between the receiver and microphone of the WM-V1. By attaching the receiver to the camcorder and the microphone to the shooting subject, you can record sound from far-away subjects that may be difďŹcult to pick up using the camcorderâs built-in microphone. You can also mix and record sound from the WM-V1 and sound from the camcorderâs built-in microphone. * The WM-V1 may not operate properly depending on your camcorder model. Refer to the latest information for details on supported models. Please read these instructions carefully before using the microphone. After reading, make sure to store these instructions for future use. Refer also to your camcorderâs instruction manual. Using the windscreen By attaching the windscreen to the microphone before shooting, you can reduce noise caused by wind or breathing. We recommend attaching the windscreen when shooting in outdoor locations. Preparations The WM-V1 requires batteries (optional). Use two size AAA alkaline dry batteries or two size AAA NiMH rechargeable batteries. ăăžăă ćŽĺ˝ąĺăŽăă§ă㯠ăŠăăŚĺéłăŽçść ă確čŞăăŚăă ăăă ⢠ăŹăăŤăĄăźăżăźăŽčĄ¨ç¤şăĺŻč˝ăŞăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽĺ ´ĺăŻăăŹăăŤăĄăźăż ăźă襨示ăăŚéłéăŽçść ă確čŞăăŚăă ăăă Insert the straight plug of the connecting cable into the receiverâs earphone jack (ďŹg. 2). Open the receiverâs clip, and attach it to the grip belt of the camcorder (ďŹg. 2). Insert the right angle plug of the connecting cable into the camcorderâs MIC jack (ďŹg. 2). Slide the power switch on the receiver to the ON position. ăăăéťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ăĺăăĺ ´ĺăăăăžăăăăăăŽćŠĺ¨ăăă§ăăă ăé ăé˘ăăăăĺŠç¨ćéăĺăăăŞăŠăăŚăéťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ăéżăăŚä˝żç¨ ăăŚăă ăăă ⢠ćăăăĺ¸ă§äšžćăăăŚăă ăăăăˇăłăăźăăăłă¸ăłăă˘ăŤăłăźăŤç ăžăăăŹăˇăźăăźă¨ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŤăăăăäťĺąăŽă¤ă¤ăăłăćĽçśăăŚăă ăŠăłăˇăźăăźă¨ăăŚäźčŠąăŤä˝żç¨ăăăă¨ăă§ăăžăă &+/A9/8KPFF ⢠The receiverâs communication indicator blinks blue. ⢠ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽă¤ă¤ăăłçŤŻĺăŻă常ăŤăăăăŤăăŚăăăŚăă ăăăćĽ ăăłăăŁăăăčŁ çăăŚăă ăăă ⢠ăŚăŁăłăăšăŻăŞăźăłăŻć°´ć´ăăŻă§ăăžăăăŽă§ă濥ăăă¨ăăŻäšžăăć ăăăĺ¸ă§čť˝ăćăĺăăčŞçśăŤäšžçĽăăăŚăă ăăă Open the microphoneâs clip, and attach it to the subjectâs clothes. ⢠If the subject uses an electronic medical device such as a pacemaker, do not attach the microphone near the subjectâs chest region. Do not use the WM-V1 near electronic medical devices or other such devices. ⢠If the microphone is not attached securely, it may rub against the subjectâs clothes and rustling noises may be picked up. Make sure to attach it securely. ăŽćŽçşć§ăŽăăŽăŻä˝żç¨ăăŞăă§ăă ăăă 觌ä¸čŻăŽĺĺ ă¨ăŞăăžăăăă¤ăŻăăăłă使ç¨ăăŞăă¨ăăŻäťĺąăŽă¤ă¤ ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽă¤ă¤ăăłçŤŻĺăŤäťĺąăŽă¤ă¤ăăłăćĽçśăăă¨ăăă¤ăŻăă ăłăĺéłăăŚăăéłĺŁ°ăŽçść ă確čŞăăăă¨ăă§ăăžăă ⢠Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ⢠Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ⢠Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ⢠Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Slide the power switch on the microphone to the ON position. ⢠The microphoneâs communication indicator blinks blue. ⢠BluetoothÂŽ wireless communication between the receiver and the microphone is established automatically. When communication is established, both of the communication indicators will remain steadily lit in blue. This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Turn off the receiver and microphone. Disconnect the connecting cable from the camcorderâs MIC jack. Disconnect the connecting cable from the receiver. This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement C to OET65 and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that are deemed to comply without testing of speciďŹc absorption ratio (SAR). IMPORTANT ⢠Do not touch the microphone or windscreen while recording, as this will cause noise to be recorded. ⢠Using the microphone close to high-voltage equipment or to devices that emit strong electromagnetic ďŹelds (high-voltage lines, electrical towers, some cellular phones, etc.) may cause noise to be recorded. ⢠When carrying the camcorder with the microphone attached, be sure to support the camera body. Never carry the camcorder by the microphone. ⢠Test the microphone by speaking into it. Do not tap the microphone or blow into it. ⢠Do not drop or jolt the microphone. This may damage the microphone or impair its performance. Handle the microphone with care. ⢠Do not disassemble or touch the interior parts of the microphone. Consult your dealer or a Canon Service Center if problems occur. ⢠Do not use or leave the microphone in hot, humid places such as inside a car in hot weather or in direct sunlight. ⢠Do not leave the microphone attached when storing the camcorder in a case, etc. SpeciďŹcations Communication speciďŹcations Communication system: Bluetooth Ver. 2.0 Power class: Bluetooth Power Class1 Frequency band used: 2.4 GHz band (2400 â 2483.5 MHz) ProďŹle: A2DP Communication distance: Approx. 50 m (164 ft.) Receiver/microphone (transmitter) Directionality/channel: Frequency characteristics: Power supply: Power consumption: Continuous operating time: Jack: Non-directional, monaural 500 Hz â 7 kHz (1 kHz reference Âą6 dB or less) One size AAA (LR03) alkaline dry battery or one size AAA (ZR03) nickel-metal hydride rechargeable battery Less than 250 mW Approx. 3 hours (when used with alkaline battery at 25 °C (77 °F) air temperature and with volume level of earphone jack at default setting) Mini jack (monaural) with 3.5 mm diameter Ouvrez les menus de conďŹguration et sĂŠlectionnez le paramètre [Firmware]. La version actuelle du micrologiciel du camĂŠscope sâafďŹchera. SĂŠlectionnez [OK]. Le camĂŠscope redĂŠmarrera automatiquement et le micrologiciel sera mis Ă jour. Canadian Radio Interference Regulations The Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Français Mode dâemploi Nous vous remercions dâavoir achetĂŠ le Microphone Surround Canon SM-V1. Ce microphone a ĂŠtĂŠ exclusivement conçu pour ĂŞtre utilisĂŠ avec les camĂŠscopes Canon munis dâune mini griffe porte-accessoire avancĂŠe compatible avec lâenregistrement en son Surround 5.1 canaux. Avant dâutiliser le microphone, veuillez lire attentivement ces instructions. Reportez-vous ĂŠgalement au manuel dâinstructions de votre camĂŠscope. Le microphone est ĂŠquipĂŠ de 4 ĂŠlĂŠments transducteurs, un Ă chaque coin. Les signaux audio de ces 4 canaux sont ensuite traitĂŠs et enregistrĂŠs en son Surround 5.1 canaux dans le camĂŠscope. Pour utiliser le SM-V1, le micrologiciel du camĂŠscope doit ĂŞtre mis Ă jour Ă lâaide de la carte mĂŠmoire fournie. Une fois le micrologiciel mis Ă jour avec succès, lorsque vous ďŹxez le SM-V1 au camĂŠscope, vous serez en mesure de changer la directionnalitĂŠ du microphone pour lâun des rĂŠglages suivants : [> Surround], [; Zoom] ou [< Canon]. SĂŠlectionnez les rĂŠglages de lâenregistrement audio en fonction de lâemplacement de la prise de vue ou de lâeffet souhaitĂŠ pour ajouter un effet de profondeur et de prĂŠsence Ă vos enregistrements. Vous pouvez proďŹter de la lecture en son Surround 5.1 canaux sur les ĂŠquipements compatibles avec le son Surround 5.1 canaux raccordĂŠs au camĂŠscope Ă lâaide dâun câble HDMI. Mise Ă jour du micrologiciel du camĂŠscope Le micrologiciel du camĂŠscope doit ĂŞtre mis Ă jour Ă lâaide de la carte mĂŠmoire fournie. Pour obtenir plus de dĂŠtails sur les fonctions du camĂŠscope, reportez-vous au manuel dâinstructions du camĂŠscope. Mettez hors tension le camĂŠscope et insĂŠrez la carte mĂŠmoire fournie dans le camĂŠscope. Si votre camĂŠscope dispose de la double fente de carte mĂŠmoire, insĂŠrez la carte mĂŠmoire dans la fente de la carte mĂŠmoire ". Mettez le camĂŠscope sous tension et rĂŠglez le camĂŠscope sur le mode de lecture de photos. ⢠Assurez-vous de ne pas dĂŠbrancher lâalimentation du camĂŠscope jusquâĂ ce que la mise Ă jour du micrologiciel soit terminĂŠe. ⢠SĂŠlectionnez les photos que vous souhaitez lire Ă partir de la carte mĂŠmoire (Ă partir de la carte mĂŠmoire ", si votre camĂŠscope dispose dâune double fente de carte mĂŠmoire). Mettez hors tension le camĂŠscope et retirez la carte mĂŠmoire fournie. PrĂŠparations ⢠Assurez-vous quâ aucun pĂŠriphĂŠrique nâest connectĂŠ Ă la prise MIC (microphone) du camĂŠscope. ⢠Si vous pouvez afďŹcher lâindicateur de niveau du son sur lâĂŠcran de votre camĂŠscope, vous pouvez utiliser lâindicateur de niveau du son comme rĂŠfĂŠrence pour la vĂŠriďŹcation des niveaux audio. ⢠Si votre camĂŠscope est ĂŠquipĂŠ dâune prise de sortie de casque dâĂŠcoute, vous pouvez utiliser le casque dâĂŠcoute pour surveiller le son et pour vĂŠriďŹer si le microphone fonctionne correctement avant de commencer lâenregistrement. ⢠Mettez le camĂŠscope hors tension avant de ďŹxer ou de dĂŠtacher le microphone. ⢠Pour rĂŠduire le bruit causĂŠ par le vent ou par le soufďŹe de lâopĂŠrateur, nous vous recommandons de ďŹxer la bonnette anti-vent (ďŹg. 1) ; en particulier lorsque que vous enregistrez en extĂŠrieur. Fixation du camĂŠscope Mettez le camĂŠscope hors tension. Serrez la bague de verrouillage en la tournant dans le sens des aiguilles dâune montre (ďŹg.2). Assurez-vous que le microphone ne se dĂŠbranche pas lorsque vous tournez la bague de verrouillage. Attachez la bonnette anti-vent par lâavant et rabattez-la dĂŠlicatement de façon Ă ce quâelle recouvre entièrement le microphone (ďŹg. 3). Mettez le camĂŠscope sous tension. Ouvrez le couvercle de la mini griffe porte-accessoire avancĂŠe et faites glisser le microphone tout droit dans la mini griffe porteaccessoire avancĂŠe (ďŹg. 1). Faites glisser le microphone dans le sens de la ďŹĂ¨che au bas du microphone jusquâĂ ce quâil sâencliquette correctement Ă sa place. ⢠(mini griffe avancĂŠe) et > (Surround 5.1 canaux) apparaĂŽtront sur lâĂŠcran du camĂŠscope lorsque le camĂŠscope sera en mode dâenregistrement ou de pause dâenregistrement. ⢠Le microphone intĂŠgrĂŠ du camĂŠscope se dĂŠsactive automatiquement. Do not make any changes or modiďŹcations to the equipment unless otherwise speciďŹed in the manual. If such changes or modiďŹcations should be made, you could be required to stop operation of the equipment. Remove the receiver from the camcorder. ⢠Clean the units by dusting them lightly with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use thinner, benzene, alcohol, or other volatile cleaners or solvents. ⢠Keep the microphoneâs earphone jack clean at all times. The microphone will not work properly if the terminals are dirty. Attach the supplied earphone cap when the microphone is not in use. ⢠The windscreen cannot be washed. If it gets wet, pat it with a soft, dry cloth and let it dry naturally. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to insert a battery into the microphone. ⢠WM-V1ă¨ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽä¸ĄćšăŽéłĺŁ°ăăăăŻăšăăŚč¨é˛ăăĺ ´ĺăŻă ă¤ă¤ăăłă使ăŁăŚăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽéłĺŁ°ă確čŞăă Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Turn off the camcorder. Close the battery compartment lid (ďŹg. 1). ăăăä¸ĺš˛ć¸čˇé˘ăŻ50 mă§ăăĺ ¨ĺ帯ă使ç¨ăăăă¤ç§ťĺä˝čĺĽčŁ 罎 ăŽĺ¸ŻĺăĺéżĺŻč˝ă§ăă ⢠ćŹčŁ˝ĺăŻăäťăŽéťćł˘ăçşăăćŠĺ¨ďźéťĺăŹăłă¸ăBluetoothÂŽ ćŠĺ¨ăŞăŠďź Attach the receiver to the camcorder and the microphone to the shooting subject. ăćĺ Ľă ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠă§ ăéłĺŁ°ăăăŻăšăăé¸ăłăéłéăŽăăŠăłăšă調ć´ăăŚă This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-Gen of IC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions; (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. of this device. After using the WM-V1 Maintenance Attaching the receiver and microphone ⢠ćĺă§éłéă調çŻăăă¨ăăŻăăăăŞăŤăĄăŠă§ăăă¤ăŻăŹăăŤăăé¸ăłă MďźăăăĽă˘ăŤďźă§č¨ĺŽăăŚăă ăăă ă ăăă FCC/IC NOTICE ⢠BluetoothÂŽ wireless communication is used between the receiver and microphone of the WM-V1, and connection is established automatically. BluetoothÂŽ communication between devices other than the WM-V1 is not supported. ⢠If the microphone is too close to the camcorder, RF interference may cause noise in the recorded sound. Keep the microphone at least 1 m (3 ft.) away from the camcorder during use. Insert a battery so that the battery removal ďŹlm is underneath (ďŹg. 1). ăăŽčĄ¨ç¤şăŽăăçĄçˇćŠĺ¨ăŻ2.4 GHz帯ă使ç¨ăăŚăăžăăĺ¤čŞżćšĺźă¨ă ăŚFHSSĺ¤čŞżćšĺźăćĄç¨ăă秝ĺä˝čĺĽčŁ 罎ăŽć§ĺ çĄçˇĺąăŤĺŻžăăŚćłĺŽ ⢠ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŤăăăăăłçŤŻĺăăăĺ ´ĺăŻăăă¤ăŻăăăłăĺä˝ă㌠ăăăăăăăăăłăžăăŻäťĺąăŽă¤ă¤ăăłăćĽçśăăŚăăă声ăĺşă㪠Weight and dimensions are approximate. Errors and omissions excepted. Subject to change without notice. BluetoothÂŽ wireless communication Slide and remove the receiverâs battery compartment lid (ďŹg. 1). ä¸ăăă ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽéťćşăĺ Ľăăă ⢠ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŽćś˛ćśçťé˘ăŤ$ďźăŚăŁăłăăŤăăďźăŽăăźăŻă襨示ă Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. You can check the status of sound picked up with the microphone by connecting the supplied earphone to the microphoneâs earphone jack. In addition, connecting the supplied earphones to both the receiver and the microphone allows transceiver communication. During BluetoothÂŽ wireless communication, you may notice a slight lag between the actual sound and the audio heard in the earphone, and audio feedback may occur. These are not malfunctions. ăăăŤăăŚĺăäťăăŚăă ăăă Before shooting ĺ4ă˘ăŤăŤăŞäšžéťćą ăžăăŻĺ4ăăăąăŤć°´ç´ ĺ éťćą 1 ćŹ 500 Hz âź 7 kHzďź1 kHzĺşćş Âą6 dB䝼ĺ ďź ăłăľăźăăšăťăłăżăźăŤăç¸čŤăă ăăă ăăŽćŠĺ¨ăŽä˝żç¨ĺ¨ćł˘ć°ĺ¸Żă§ăŻăéťĺăŹăłă¸ăŞăŠăŽçŁćĽăťç§ĺŚăťĺťçç¨ćŠ ĺ¨ăŽăťăăĺˇĽĺ ´ăŽčŁ˝é ăŠă¤ăłçă§ä˝żç¨ăăăŚăă秝ĺä˝čĺĽç¨ăŽć§ĺ çĄ äťăăŚăă ăăă ⢠The $ (wind cut) icon appears on the camcorderâs LCD screen. éťćşďź çĄćĺć§ ĺ¨ćł˘ć°çšć§ďź ⢠ĺ解ăăŚĺ é¨ăŤč§ŚăăŞăă§ăă ăăăćŁĺ¸¸ăŤä˝ĺăăŞăă¨ăăŻăăă¤ă ăă¤ăŻăăăłăŽčŁ çç¨ăŻăŞăăăéăăŚă袍ĺä˝ăŽčĄŁćăŞăŠăŤĺăäť â˘ ăă¤ăŻăăăłăä¸ĺŽĺŽăŞçść ă§ĺăäťăăăăŚăăă¨ă襣ćăŞăŠăŤ Turn on the camcorder. Approx. 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) Approx. 29 (W) x 68 (H) x 37 (L) mm (1.1 x 2.7 x 1.5 in.) (Excluding protrusions) Weight (excluding battery): Approx. 28 g (1 oz.) Accessories: Monaural earphones x 2, Earphone cap, Connecting cable, Windscreen Camcorders supporting the WM-V1: VIXIA HF R21/R20/R200, VIXIA HF M41/M40/M400, LEGRIA HF M41/ M40/M400, VIXIA HF G10, LEGRIA HF G10, and XA10 ć éăŽĺĺ ă¨ăŞăăžăă製ĺăŻăŚăăăăŤĺăćąăŁăŚăă ăăă éťćł˘ĺš˛ć¸ăŤé˘ăăă注ć ç¨éťć°ćŠĺ¨ăŞăŠăŽčżăă§ä˝żç¨ăăŞăă§ăă ăăă Dimensions: éŁçśä˝żç¨ćéďź ćĺçšć§ďź ă§ç˘şčŞăăŚăă ăăă ⢠ăŹăˇăźăăźăŽé俥確čŞç¨ăŠăłăăéăçšćť ăăžăă ⢠ĺżčăăźăšăĄăźăŤăźăŞăŠăŽĺťçç¨éťć°ćŠĺ¨ă使ç¨ăăŚăăĺ ´ĺăŻă č¸é¨äťčżă¸ăŽĺăäťăăŻăăŞăă§ăă ăăăăžăăWM-V1ăĺťç Operating temperature range: ⢠Place the windscreen so that the microphoneâs earphone jack is visible from the top of the windscreen. ćśč˛ťéťĺďź ăŹăˇăźăăźďźăă¤ăŻăăăł (ăăŠăłăšăăăżăź ) ⢠ăă¤ăŻăč˝ă¨ăăăăĺŠăăăăăŞăă§ăă ăăă埡ăćŻĺăčĄć㯠ăŹăˇăźăăźăŽéťćşăšă¤ăăăăšăŠă¤ăă㌠ăONăăŤăăă ăăă Place the windscreen on the microphone (ďŹg. 3). ⢠If your camcorder is equipped with a headphone jack, check whether the microphone is functioning by connecting headphones or the supplied earphone, speaking into the microphone, and monitoring the sound that is picked up. ⢠If you can display an audio level indicator on your camcorderâs screen, use the audio level indicator to check sound levels. ⢠If you want to adjust sound levels manually, select [Mic. Level] on the camcorder and set it to M (manual). ⢠If you want to mix and record audio from both the WM-V1 and the camcorder, select [Audio Mix] on the camcorder and adjust the audio balance. ⢠ç´ĺ°ćĽĺ ä¸ăç夊ä¸ăŽĺŻéăăăčťĺ ăŞăŠăéŤć¸Šăĺ¤ćšżăŽĺ ´ćă§ä˝żç¨ ăŹăˇăźăăźă¨ăă¤ăŻăăăłăĺăäťăă ĺăäťăăă ⢠ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăŤăă¤ăŻăĺăäťăăŚăăă¨ăăŻăăă¤ăŻăćăŁăŚăă㪠Bluetooth Ver. 2.0 ăăŻăźăŻăŠăšďź ăăăŞăŤăĄăŠăăăŹăˇăźăăźă¨ĺăĺ¤ăă ăŹăˇăźăăźăăăćĽçśăąăźăăŤăćăă 丝ăŞäťć§ ModiďŹez le mode de directionnalitĂŠ du microphone avec le rĂŠglage [Surround Mic Direction.] dans les menus de conďŹguration du camĂŠscope. DĂŠtachement du microphone Mettez le camĂŠscope hors tension. Faites glisser le microphone et retirez-le. Desserrez la bague de verrouillage dans le sens opposĂŠ des aiguilles dâune montre. Fermez le couvercle de la mini griffe porte-accessoire avancĂŠe. IMPORTANT ⢠La carte mĂŠmoire fournie avec le SM-V1 ne peut ĂŞtre utilisĂŠe que pour mettre Ă jour le micrologiciel dâun camĂŠscope Canon compatible ; elle ne peut pas ĂŞtre initialisĂŠe, ni utilisĂŠe pour lâenregistrement. Si vous essayez dâinitialiser la carte mĂŠmoire ou dâenregistrer dessus, le message dâerreur [La carte mĂŠmoire est protĂŠgĂŠe en ĂŠcriture] apparaĂŽtra, quelle que soit la position du commutateur LOCK de la carte mĂŠmoire. ⢠Ne touchez pas le microphone ou la bonnette anti-vent pendant lâenregistrement car du bruit sera enregistrĂŠ. ⢠Utiliser le microphone Ă proximitĂŠ dâĂŠquipement ou dâappareils sous haute tension qui ĂŠmettent des champs ĂŠlectromagnĂŠtiques importants (lignes Ă haute tension, tours ĂŠlectriques, certains tĂŠlĂŠphones portables, etc.) pourrait causer du bruit pendant lâenregistrement ⢠Si un autre microphone est branchĂŠ sur la prise MIC (microphone) du camĂŠscope pendant que le SM-V1 est attachĂŠ, le son sera capturĂŠ par les deux microphones, ce qui affectera lâenregistrement audio ⢠Lorsque vous transportez le camĂŠscope avec le microphone ďŹxĂŠ dessus, assurez-vous de maintenir le boĂŽtier du camĂŠscope. Ne saisissez jamais le camĂŠscope par le microphone. ⢠Le joint en bas de ce microphone () est conçu pour absorber les chocs aďŹn dâempĂŞcher lâenregistrement de bruit causĂŠ par des vibrations. Ne soumettez pas le camĂŠscope Ă une force excessive car cela risquerait de lâendommager. Faites attention de ne pas vous pincer les doigts dans lâinterstice directement au-dessus de la bague de verrouillage (). ⢠Testez le microphone en parlant dedans. Ne tapez pas sur le microphone et ne soufďŹez pas dedans. ⢠Ne laissez pas tomber ou ne cognez pas le microphone. Cela pourrait endommager le microphone ou rĂŠduire ses performances. Manipulez le microphone avec prĂŠcaution. ⢠Ne dĂŠmontez pas et ne touchez pas les pièces internes du microphone. Consultez votre revendeur ou un centre de service après vente Canon si le problème persiste. ⢠Nâutilisez pas et ne laissez pas le microphone dans des lieux chauds et humides, comme dans une voiture fermĂŠe par temps chaud ou en plein soleil. ⢠Assurez-vous quâaucun corps ĂŠtranger tel que des fragments de mĂŠtal ne se prenne dans la mini griffe porte-accessoire avancĂŠe du camĂŠscope. ⢠Ne laissez pas le microphone sur le camĂŠscope lorsque vous rangez celui-ci.
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