Casio Communication TC-920 900 MHz Cordless Telephone User Manual tc920 p65

Casio Communication Inc. 900 MHz Cordless Telephone tc920 p65

User Manual

123233BThe answering machine is shipped with the RingSelect Switch set to 4 rings. Set the RINGSELECT SWITCH (labeled RINGS) to 4, 2, or TS(Tollsaver) to select the number of rings beforethe TC-920 answers.4 = The TC-920 will answer on the fourth ring.2 = The TC-920 will answer on the second ring.TS = When calling to retrieve messages from aremote location, Tollsaver will helpeliminate toll charges by letting you knowif there are any new messages before theTC-920 answers.  When set to TS, theTC-920 answers on:Second ring = NEW messagesFourth ring = NO new messagesHang up after three rings to avoid tollcharges.NOTE:■After you have retrieved messages, (from a remotelocation or at the machine) Tollsaver will reset toanswer on the fourth ring until a new message isrecorded.11You can record one or two customized greetingsup to 20 minutes in length. The greeting isrecorded on a digital chip.NOTE:■The sound level is automatically adjusted when thegreeting is played over the phone line.34BASE MESSAGE PLAYBACK1Press GREETING RECORD again afteryou have finished speaking. The greetingreplays automatically and the TC-920resets to answer phone calls with GreetingOne.RECORD GREETING TWOTo record Greeting Two, pressGREETING SELECT to set the TC-920to answer with Greeting 2, then follow thesteps noted above in the section "RECORDGREETING ONE."You can listen to either greeting anytime whenthe TC-920 is turned on.1Press TIME SET (located in the cradle ).Press TIME SET again after hearing"Sunday, 12:00 a.m." You will hear,"Sunday."Set the current time and day. The TC-920 willstamp each message with the time and day.Press TIME SET again. The TC-920 willannounce the hour.4Press SKIP/+ to advance or REPEAT/-to reverse the hour.  “a.m.” and “p.m.” willbe announced for each hour.1Press ON/OFF (located in the cradle ) toturn the answering machine on and off.The PLAY/PAUSE INDICATOR on the basewill light when the TC-920 answeringmachine is on.ON/OFFThe PLAY/PAUSE INDICATOR on the base hasfour settings:1. OFF = the answering machine is off.2. ON = the machine is on but no messages havebeen recorded.3. Light flashes quickly = new messages havebeen received and not yet played.4. Light flashes slowly = messages have beenplayed and saved.NOTE:■Slow flashing also indicates active recording mode.12Adjust the base unit VOLUME CONTROL(located on the right side).Press NEW on the base.  The number ofnew messages will be announced.1The PLAY/PAUSE INDICATOR on the base willflash slowly when messages have been playedand saved.PLAY ALL MESSAGESAdjust the VOLUME CONTROL(located on the right side of the base).2Press ALL (on the base) to replay all newplus saved messages.  The total number ofmessages will be announced.3You can repeat the current message.REPEAT MESSAGES1Skip backward, message by message.SKIP BACKWARD1During playback of messages, pressREPEAT twice to skip backward to theprevious message. Press REPEAT eachtime you want to skip backward throughmessages.1NOTE:■Messages that were individually erased duringplayback will be saved.Press SKIP once to skip forward to thenext message.SKIP FORWARD1You can temporarily pause message playback upto five minutes. The TC-920 will not answer callsin the Pause Mode.PAUSE MESSAGE PLAYBACKPress ALL or NEW during messageplayback.REPLAY ALL MESSAGESYou can erase specific messages while savingothers.1EMessage File offers a convenient way to store important messages, long messages or  to separatemessages for business, personal use or for other users.The green MESSAGE FILE INDICATOR on thebase has three settings when the answeringmachine is turned on:1. OFF = No messages have been filed.2. Quickly flashes = New messages have beentransferred and not yet played.3. Slowly flashes = File messages were playedand saved.You can record a memo for another household member or as a reminder for yourself up to fiveminutes in length. The memo will be stamped with the time and day it was recorded.You will hear "Please record message."Begin speaking into the Microphone(located at the bottom right-hand corner)about 7" from the base unit.Press MEMO to end the recording.You can play new and saved messages privatelythrough the handset. Make sure the handset is inthe Standby Mode and the answering machine ison.1Press REMOTE/SCREEN and thenPLAY (3 on the keypad). You will hear abeep and the MESSAGES LED on thehandset will light solid.2Return the handset to the base cradle.1Press ERASE (4 on the keypad) afterhearing “End of messages.”2The specific message will be erased 7seconds after hearing “End of Messages”unless SAVE (1 on the keypad) is pressed.If you do not press SAVE (1 on the keypad) orERASE (4 on the keypad) while listening tomessages or after hearing “End of messages,”the TC-920 will automatically save all messages.31After listening to messages, return thehandset to the base or wait seven secondsto exit the Playback Mode.Press REMOTE/SCREEN on thehandset and then PLAY (3 on the handsetkeypad) to playback your messages.2Press MSG FILE (6 on the handset key-pad) during message playback. The greenMESSAGE FILE INDICATOR on the base willflash quickly to show that a message hasbeen transferred to Message File.NOTE:■If SAVE is pressed at the end of message playback,then all messages will be saved in the main location,and the messages that were transferred duringplayback will also be saved in Message File.11HBe sure the TALK INDICATOR on thehandset is not lit. (The handset must be inStandby Mode.)2Press REMOTE/SCREEN on thehandset.3Press MEMO (2 on the handset keypad).4The LOW BATT/RECORD INDICATORabove the 2 button will light solid and  youwill hear “Please record a message”through the earpiece.  The TC-920 willbegin recording.5Press MEMO or REMOTE/SCREENagain to end the recording and return toStandby Mode.In the Standby Mode, the handset is inactive andready to receive calls. INDICATORS on thehandset will not be lit in Standby Mode.Press VOL + or VOL - to change thevolume level of the handset during aconversation or during message playback.Each press of VOL + or VOL - willincrease or decrease the sound level to oneof four levels: Normal through High. Whenyou hang up the volume will reset to the“Normal” setting.123When the handset is in the Talk Mode andreturned to the base unit, it will automaticallyreturn to the Standby Mode and disconnect thecall. It is not necessary to press TALK on thehandset to disconnect the call.1Pick up the handset and press TALK.2Wait for dial tone and dial the phonenumber. The CHARGING/LINE IN USEINDICATOR on the base flashes slowly  toshow that the handset is in use.3To hang up, press TALK again or returnthe handset to the base unit.NOTE:■When you return the handset to the base unit, youare hanging up the phone (Standby Mode).AUTODIAL11Press TALK on the handset twice (“off”and “on”). Wait for dial tone and dial thecorrect number.11Press HOLD.  The TALK INDICATOR onthe handset flashes slowly.Press TALK on the handset.OR123Press STORE on the handset. You willhear two beeps.Enter one of the telephone numbers youwant to store in the AutoDial memory bydialing it on the keypad. You will hear abeep after entering each digit.Press AUTODIAL.It is assumed that the TC-920 is set to “PULSE”(see "TONE/PULSE SWITCH SETTING".)  If youlive in a pulse or rotary dialing area, you can usetone to access a long distance service (i.e. Sprintor MCI), bank by phone or any other service thatrequires touchtone dialing.Dial your telephone number and wait forthe line to connect. (You dialed your call inPulse Mode.)Press ❋❋❋❋❋ TONE on the handset totemporarily change from Pulse to ToneMode.Dial the tone numbers. This could be aspecial service or access number.1125You can use Remote Operation from mosttouchtone or cellular phones to retrieve, replay,erase and save messages.34TC-920 is shipped with the code set to 1-2-3.To change your 3-Digit Remote Access Code:Press SKIP/+ or REPEAT/- until the firstnumber you select is announced.Repeat steps 2 and 3 to set the second andthird remote code digits.Call your answering machine from most cellular,pay or touchtone telephones. Enter your 3-DIGITREMOTE ACCESS CODE immediately after thegreeting begins.NOTE:■If the TC-920 does not respond when you enter yourcode, try again after the beep.After entering your 3-digit remote access code,the number of new messages will be announced.If new messages have been received, they willplay in the order of receipt. After all newmessages have played, you will hear “End ofmessages.” Select another option or hang up.NOTE:■Hang up anytime to cancel Remote MessagePlayback. The TC-920 will automatically save allmessages, unless you choose to erase them.1SWITCH SETTINGSThe TC-920 has one switch on the side of the handset and three switches on the back of the base unit.POWER SAVER/RINGER ONThe TC-920 is shipped with the HANDSETRINGER SWITCH set to “PWR SAVER” (the ringeris off).  When set to PWR SAVER (power saver),the battery power is conserved.  Turn the handsetto “RINGER ON” before use.RINGER ON - The ringer is on and the handsetwill ring when an incoming call or pagingsignal is received. When the handset is out ofthe cradle, the rechargeable batteries will lastup to seven days in this mode (the PWRSAVER is off).POWER SAVER (PWR SAVER) ON - When anincoming call or a paging signal is received thehandset will not ring, but all other handsetfunctions will operate. The rechargeablebatteries will last up to one month in this mode(the ringer is off).Set the RINGER ON/OFF SWITCH on the base tocontrol the telephone ringer. The base ringer ispreset to “RINGER ON.”ON = Base ringer is turned on.OFF = Base ringer is turned off, except if thehandset is charging and the handset ringer isOn.  The handset will ring even if the baseringer is set to Off.BASE RINGER ON/OFFRING SELECTThis switch configures the TC-920 to dial outwith either touchtone or pulse signals to matchthe service supplied by your local telephonecompany. The TC-920 is shipped with the TONE/PULSE SWITCH set to “TONE.” If you have rotaryor pulse service, set this switch to “PULSE.”PULSE = for Rotary dialing or Pulse servicesTONE = for Touchtone serviceTONE/PULSECINITIAL SETUPTo select Greeting One or Greeting Two:SELECT GREETINGSPress GREETING SELECT (in the cradle)You will hear “Greeting One” or “GreetingTwo” to indicate the current setting.2Pressing GREETING SELECT again willchange the setting to the other Greeting.The TC-920 will now answer all calls withthe selected greeting.NOTES:■If a greeting has not been recorded, all callers willhear “Record a message.”RECORD GREETING ONEBe sure the TC-920’s indicators are lit orflashing.2Set the VOLUME CONTROL at midpoint(located on right side of TC-920).Press GREETING RECORD (located inthe cradle area). You will hear "PleaseRecord Greeting One" and a beep. Speakloudly and clearly about 7" from themicrophone located at the lower right handcorner of the base unit. The PLAY/PAUSEINDICATOR on the Base unit will flashslowly to confirm that recording is inprocess.NOTES:■If a greeting has not been recorded, callers will hear“Record a message.”■The greeting should be recorded without anybackground noise.■The greeting should be recorded by only one personspeaking into the Microphone.CHECK GREETING12Press GREETING SELECT until thedesired greeting is announced.Press GREETING CHECK (located inthe cradle  of TC-920.) The TC-920 willplay the greeting and reset to answer newcalls.NOTE:■If a greeting has not been recorded, you will hear“No greeting. Please record greeting.”  Callers willhear “Record a message.”SET THE TIME/DAY2Press SKIP/+ or REPEAT/- (on thebase) until the correct day is announced.5Press TIME SET again. The TC-920 willannounce the minutes.6Press SKIP/+ to advance or REPEAT/-to reverse the minutes.7Press TIME SET again to end.  The dayand time will be announced.NOTE:■If the time and day have not been set, all messageswill be stamped with “Sunday 12:00 a.m.”2The ringer will operate with the unit off,but no messages will be recorded.1Press TIME SET/CHECK (in the cradle)once. The day and time will be announced.TALKING CLOCKThe TC-920 also functions as a clock.DPLAY/PAUSE INDICATORWhen messages have been received and notplayed yet, the PLAY/PAUSE INDICATOR on thebase will flash quickly. To listen to new messagesonly:PLAY NEW MESSAGES3All new messages are played in the orderreceived.  The message number, time andday will be announced before eachmessage. After the last message is played,you will hear, “End of messages.”All messages are played in the orderreceived.  The message number, time andday will be announced before each message.After the end of the last message you willhear “End of messages.”During playback of messages, pressREPEAT (on the base) once to repeat thecurrent message.You can skip forward through messages.You have three options during pause:222Press ALL or NEW again to resumelistening to messages.OR Leave the TC-920 in Pause Mode. It willautomatically reset to answer calls afterfive minutes. All messages will be saved.OR Press ON/OFF (in the cradle ) twice toend pause. All messages will be saved.To replay all messages,1Press ALL on the base after hearing, “Endof messages.”If you do not press ERASE while listening tomessages or after playing them, the TC-920 willautomatically save all the messages.AUTOMATIC SAVEERASE INDIVIDUAL MESSAGES1Press ERASE while listening to a specificmessage.2If you change your mind and decide tosave the message, press SAVE at end ofmessage playback.1Press ERASE within seven seconds afterhearing “End of messages”  to erase allmessages. You will hear “Erase Messages”.ERASE ALL MESSAGESNOTE:■Messages that were individually saved duringplayback will be erased.1If you wish to save all messages, pressSAVE within seven seconds after hearing“End of messages” or after pressingERASE.SAVE ALL MESSAGES1Press TALK on the handset or pick up anyextension phone to speak with the caller.All messages will be automatically saved.ANSWERING A CALLDURING PLAYBACKIf you receive an incoming call during messageplayback:MESSAGE FILEMESSAGE FILE INDICATOR1Press ALL or NEW on the base toplayback your messages.TRANSFER MESSAGES TOMESSAGE FILETo store messages into Message File:2Press MESSAGE FILE during messageplayback. You will hear “Message TwoTransferred” to indicate that a newlytransferred message has been saved inMessage File.NOTE:■If SAVE is pressed at the end of message playback,then all messages will be saved in the main location,and the messages that were transferred duringplayback will also be saved in Message File.1Press MESSAGE FILE.  The number ofmessages in Message File will beannounced. Messages stored in thislocation will be played.PLAY ALL MESSAGES INMESSAGE FILEWhen playing messages in Message File, you canutilize the convenient playback features such as:Pause, Skip/Repeat and Selective Save/Erase.NOTES:■If there are no messages in Message File, you willhear “No file messages.”■After the last message is played you will hear “End ofmessages.”RECORD A MEMO AT BASEPress MEMO on the base unit.FRecorded memos are played along with theincoming messages in the order in which theywere recorded.GHANDSET MESSAGE PLAYBACKHANDSET MESSAGEINDICATORIn the Standby Mode, if you have messages, theMESSAGES INDICATOR on the handset flashesfor 10 seconds after the handset is used. (In theStandby Mode the TALK INDICATOR on thehandset is not lit.)NOTE:■The MESSAGES INDICATOR on the handset does notflash for messages stored in Message File.MESSAGE PLAYBACK FROMTHE HANDSETAfter listening to messages, to exit the HandsetPlayback Mode:2ORPress REMOTE/SCREEN again.NOTE:■If you hang up during handset message retrieval, allmessages will be saved.1Press REPEAT  (❋❋❋❋❋ TONE key) once torepeat the current message.REPEAT MESSAGESYou can repeat the current message.1Press REPEAT  (❋❋❋❋❋ TONE key) twice toskip backward to the previous message.Press REPEAT each time you want to skipbackward through messages.SKIP BACKWARDSkip backward message by message.1Press SKIP (# key) once to skip forwardto the next message.SKIP FORWARDYou can skip forward through messages.1SAVE ALL MESSAGESMessages will be saved within seven secondsafter you hear the last message. To manually saveall messages,Press SAVE (1 on the handset keypad)after hearing, "End of messages. "ERASE ALL MESSAGESAll messages may be erased within sevenseconds after hearing the last message.1Press ERASE (4 on the keypad) duringplayback of a specific message.ERASE INDIVIDUAL MESSAGESErase specific messages during Handsetmessage playback.AUTOMATIC SAVE21Press TALK on the handset to answer theincoming call.  All messages will be saved.ANSWER A CALL DURINGPLAYBACKIf a call comes in while you are playing yourmessages through the handset, the answeringmachine will not answer the call. Your phone willring if the HANDSET RINGER SWITCH is set to“RINGER ON.”To hang up and continue listening to yourmessages, press TALK, REMOTE/SCREEN and then PLAY (3 on thekeypad).TRANSFER MESSAGES TOMESSAGE FILETo store messages into Message File whileplaying back messages through the handset:PLAY ALL MESSAGES INMESSAGE FILEWhen playing messages in Message File, you canutilize the convenient playback features such as:Skip/Repeat, and Selective Save/Erase.1Press REMOTE/SCREEN on thehandset and then MSG FILE (6 on thehandset keypad). Messages stored in thislocation will be played.  After the lastmessage is played you will hear “End of filemessages”.You can record a memo using the handset.RECORD A MEMO The TC-920 allows you to record importanttelephone conversations.CONVERSATION RECORDPress REMOTE/SCREEN on thehandset during your phone conversation.MEMO & CONVERSATION RECORDPress CONV (5 on the handset keypad).The LOW BATT/RECORD INDICATORabove the 2 button will light solid and theTC-920 will begin recording.Press CONV or REMOTE/SCREENagain to end the recording and return toStandby Mode.NOTE:■In certain states, it is unlawful and may lead tocriminal penalties to record any telephoneconversation without prior consent of all parties.HANDSET TELEPHONE OPERATIONWhen the battery pack needs recharging, theLOW BATT/RECORD Indicator on the handset willflash. You may also notice a reduction in thequality of your cordless handset communica-tions. Return the cordless handset to the baseunit when the LOW BATT/RECORD INDICATOR isflashing.NOTE:■The batteries can be recharged many times, but ifyou get a low battery indication even after 12-15hours of charging, you should replace the batterypack.BATTERIES - If it becomes necessary to removeor replace the batteries see "HANDSET NI-CADBATTERY INSTALLATION."HANDSET LOW BATTERYINDICATORSTANDBY MODEHANDSET VOLUME CONTROL1.If you move out of the base unit’s operatingrange, you will hear a warning tone. Movecloser to the base unit to deactivate the alarm.If you remain out of range for too long, theTC-920 will disconnect from the line.2.If the handset loses its security code you willalso hear an alarm tone. To reset this securitycode place the handset in the base unit for afew seconds. Pick up the handset and try yourcall again.3.Interference from other appliances may alsocause the alarm to sound. To preventinterference, move the base unit to anotherlocation and vertically position the base unitantenna.ALARMAUTO HANG UPPLACING A CALLMISDIALING A NUMBERRECEIVING A CALLWhen the phone rings, pick up the cordlesshandset and press TALK.  Speak to thecaller.  To hang up, press TALK on thehandset or return the handset to the baseunit.PLACING A CALL ON HOLDNOTE:■If a call has been on hold for five minutes, theTC-920 will automatically disconnect the call.1TAKING A CALL OFF HOLDThere are three ways to take a call off HOLD.Press HOLD again on the handset.1OR Pick up any extension phone that isconnected to the same line.1Pick up the handset, press TALK and thenREDIAL/PAUSE. The TC-920 willautomatically redial the number.LAST NUMBER REDIALThe TC-920 remembers the last number youdialed.If you subscribe to a call waiting service and youreceive another call while using the phone, pressFLASH (on the handset) to answer the secondcall. Press FLASH again to return to the firstcall. Flash may also be used on a business phonesystem (CENTREX, PBX) for transferring calls.FLASH/CALL WAITINGJYou may store up to 10 of your most frequentlydialed numbers in AutoDial memory. Autodialnumbers can be up to 24 digits in the Tone Modeand the Pulse Mode.STORING AUTODIALNUMBERS45Enter a one-digit keypad number (0-9) asthe AutoDial location for that number. Youwill hear two beeps.Repeat steps 1-4 to store up to 10AutoDial numbers.6Write the names and telephone numbersof the people whose numbers you havestored on the TC-920’s AutoDial index card(located under the base unit).NOTES:■To erase AutoDial numbers, store a new number inthe AutoDial location you wish to erase. For example,you may store a one digit number to erase an oldphone number.■Autodial numbers are stored in the handsetpermanently until they are changed.  Autodialnumbers will not be lost when installing a newhandset battery.■You can store important emergency numbers inAutoDial memory (police, fire, medical or 911 forexample) but Casio PhoneMate assumes noresponsibility for this feature.Press TALK on the handset and wait forthe dial tone.USING AUTODIAL2Press AUTODIAL.3Press the one-digit AutoDial locationnumber you wish to dial (0-9 on thekeypad). The TC-920 will dial your numberautomatically. You will hear a series ofbeeps during dialing.TONE/PULSE MIXED DIALING4Hang up and the TC-920 automaticallyreturns to the Pulse Mode.Pause is convenient for use on a businesstelephone system (i.e.; PBX) when an 8 or 9 mustbe dialed to reach an outside phone line. Thisfeature can also be used for a long distanceservice (i.e.; MCI) where you have to wait for asecond dial tone before you continue dialing.Follow instructions for "STORING AUTODIALNUMBERS."PROGRAMMABLE PAUSEPress REDIAL/PAUSE on the handsetwhen a pause is required. Each pause istwo seconds in length and counts as onedigit in the AutoDial memory.REMOTE OPERATION KPROGRAMREMOTE ACCESS CODEPress CODE SET/CHECK  (located inthe cradle ). You will hear the currentsetting.Press CODE SET/CHECK again withinfive seconds after the audio speech. Youwill hear, "Enter remote code one." Thefirst remote code digit is announced.Press CODE SET/CHECK again to end.You will hear the newly programmed3-digit access code announced.REPEAT MESSAGES - Press ❋❋❋❋❋ once.SKIP BACKWARD - Press ❋❋❋❋❋ twice.SKIP FORWARD - Press # once.REPLAY ALL MESSAGES - Press 1.SAVE ALL MESSAGES - Press 2.ERASE INDIVIDUAL MESSAGES  - Press 3 as amessage plays back, you will hear, “Erasemessage”  and then the next message will play.ERASE ALL MESSAGES - Press 3 after hearing,“End of messages.”AUTO SAVE - If you do not press SAVE or ERASE,the TC-920 will automatically save all messages.RECORD MEMO  - Press 4.RECORD GREETING - Press 5 .CHANGE GREETINGS - Press 6.PLAY MESSAGES IN MESSAGE FILE - Press 7.REMOTE MESSAGE RETRIEVALFrequent callers can skip your greeting whenthey call to leave a message. Instruct them topress # on their touchtone keypad any time afterthe TC-920 answers their call.GREETING BYPASSREMOTE VOICE MENUEnter 1 to play messages.Enter 2 to save messages.Enter 3 to erase messages.Enter 4 to record message.Enter 5 to record greeting.Enter 6 for Greeting One (or Two)Enter 7 to play file messages.NOTE:■Remote menu items 1, 2 and 3 will not be announcedif no messages are received and stored. Remotemenu item 7 will not be announced if no messagesare stored in Message File.REMOTE OPERATION OPTIONSIREMOTE TURN-ONCall and let your phone ring 10 times or more.The TC-920 will turn on and you will hear "Pleaseenter remote code."1When the phone rings, the TC-920 will answerthe call. You may use the handset to screen yourphone calls.2Press REMOTE/SCREEN to listen toincoming calls from the cordless handset.You will hear the TC-920 play your greetingand your caller leave a message.NOTE:■DO NOT press ON/OFF on the base unit as you maydisconnect your caller.CALL SCREENINGBe sure the PLAY/PAUSE INDICATOR onthe base unit is on.34Press REMOTE/SCREEN again to exitCall Screening.To speak to the caller, press TALK on thehandset. The unit will stop recording.5To hang up, press TALK or return thehandset to the base unit. The unit willautomatically reset to answer new calls.You will hear “Memory is Full” after your greetingis played. Enter your 3-DIGIT REMOTE ACCESSCODE. After listening to messages, press 3 onthe keypad to erase them. If you have erasedmessages, the TC-920 can now answer calls andrecord new messages.MEMORY FULL MESSAGERETRIEVAL
123451PLUG the separateTelephone Cord included inthe package into the rear ofthe unit. PLUG the TC-920’sTelephone Cord into aTelephone Wall Jack.ADDITIONAL INFOTROUBLESHOOTING REFERENCIA RÀPIDAFCC REQUIREMENTSUSER INSTRUCTIONS1. This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On the bottom of this equipment is a labelthat contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and Ringer EquivalenceNumber (REN) for this equipment. If requested, provide this information to your telephonecompany.2. The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line andstill have all of those devices ring when your number is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum ofthe RENs of all devices should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices youmay connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should call your local telephone companyto determine the maximum REN for your calling area.3. If your answering machine causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company maydiscontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in advance. But if advancenotice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right tofile a complaint with the FCC.4. Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or proceduresthat could affect the proper operation of your equipment. If they do, you will be given advancenotice so as to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service.5. If there is a problem with this unit, the telephone company may ask you to disconnect thisequipment from the network until the problem has been corrected or you are sure that theequipment is not malfunctioning.6. Repairs can only be made by the manufacturer or an authorized service agency. Unauthorizedrepairs void registration and warranty. Contact seller or manufacturer for details of permissibleuser-performed routine repairs, and where and how to have other than routine repairs made.7. This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection toparty lines is subject to state tariffs. (Contact your state public utility commission or corporationcommission for information.)Jack: RJ11   Ringer Equivalence: See bottom/underside of the TC-920 base unit.CASIO PHONEMATE, Inc. 20665 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90501NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Any changes made by the user not approved by CASIO PHONEMATE can void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment. This product is hearing aid compatible.LIMPORTANT CORDLESSTELEPHONE INFORMATIONINTERFERENCE INFORMATIONNotice: This cordless telephone uses radio communications between the handset and the base unit,and may not ensure privacy of communication. Other devices including other cordless telephonesmay interfere with the operation of this cordless telephone or cause noise during operation. Cordlesstelephone equipment generates and receives radio waves and, if not installed and used properly, may pickup interference.To prevent interference:Avoid locations such as heating appliances, electrical equipment (e.g., fluorescent lamp, TV, radio,refrigerator, computer), places subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust, moisture, vibration, etc.Locate the base unit in a high place in the house (such as the second floor) in order to receive themost effective communication range. Fully extend the base unit antenna. Telephones must not causeinterference to any licensed radio service.WARNINGTo prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the set to rain or moisture.To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.CAUTION1. Use batteries only intended for recharging. Use only the following battery pack:Nickel-Cadmium Rechargeable, 3.6 volts, 600 mAh.2. Do not dispose of the battery in a fire. The cell may explode. Check with local codes for specialdisposal instructions.3. Do not open or mutilate the battery Released electrolyte is corrosive and may cause damage to theeyes or skin. It may be toxic if swallowed.4. Exercise care when handling the battery in order not toshort the battery with conducting materials such asrings, bracelets, and keys. The battery or conductormay overheat and cause burns.IMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.2. Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.3. Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected atthe network interface.4. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWhen using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk offire, electric shock and injury to persons, including the following:1. Read and understand all instructions.2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.3. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Usea damp cloth for cleaning.4. Do not use this product near water; for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, ina wet basement, or near a swimming pool.5. Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The product may fall, causing serious damageto the product.6. Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are provided for ventilation, to protect it fromoverheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked byplacing the product on the bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should never be placed nearor over a radiator or heat register. This product should not be placed in an enclosed environment unlessproper ventilation is provided.7. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this product where the cord will be abusedby animals or persons walking on it.8. Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in the risk of fire or electric shock.9. Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltagepoints or short out parts that could result in a risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind onthe product.10.To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product, but take it to a qualified servicepersonwhen service or repair work is required. Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerousvoltages or other risks. Incorrect re-assembly can cause electric shock when the appliance is subsequentlyused.11.Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under thefollowing conditions:A. When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.B. If liquid has been spilled into the product.C. If the product has been exposed to rain or water.D. If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only thosecontrols, that are covered by the operating instructions because improper adjustment of other controlsmay result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore theproduct to normal operation.E. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.F. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance.12.Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote riskof electric shock from lightning.13.Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak while near the leak.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSMTwo-line installations may require a two-lineT-Adapter for your machine to operate correctly.The T-Adapter allows you to connect your machineto Line 1 or Line 2. The TC-920 will only answer oneline.NROInstall one 9 volt (9V) battery in the base toprotect your outgoing and incoming messagesand any programmed information (i.e.; time/daystamp, remote access code) during a powerfailure. Otherwise, your greeting, incomingmessages, the time/day and the handsetsecurity code will be lost, even during a shortpower failure. (The 9V battery is not included.)BATTERY BACKUPINSTALLING A 9V BATTERY1. Turn the TC-920 over and remove the batterycover while unit power is on.2. Install a fresh 9V alkaline battery. Make surethe battery is connected correctly. Replace thecover.POWER FAILUREInstallations with more than two lines, such as abusiness phone system, may require a separateRJ11 jack for answering machines. Please contactyour telephone equipment provider for additionalinformation. You can use the TC-920 as an extensionphone on a business phone system, but somesystems will require that you install an A+A1 Adapterto light the in-use indicator on the receptionist’sconsole.MULTI-LINE INSTALLATIONUnplug the AC Adapter from the wall outlet. DONOT unplug the AC Adapter from the back of theunit or your greeting, incoming messages,remote access code and the time and day maybe erased.MOVING THE TC-920CAUTION: Disconnect the TC-920 from the ACpower outlet before cleaning. Make sure youhave a 9 volt battery installed in the base unit.Clean the battery charging contacts on the baseunit and the handset with a soft cloth once amonth. Clean the antenna, and the plasticcabinet of the base unit and the handset, with asoft cloth only. Do not use excess water orcleaning liquid of any kind.WARNING: Use only NiCd RechargeableBattery Pack (3.6 volts 600 mAh.)Recorded greeting sounds garbled or difficult tohear.Strictly follow the guidelines for recording yourgreetings to ensure the best possible quality:1. Speak loudly and clearly about 7" from theMicrophone.2. Avoid any background noise.3. Greeting should be recorded using the voice ofone person.No dial tone is heard when calling out.1.  Place the handset in the charging cradle for about3 seconds to reset the security code.2.  Make sure the handset battery pack was chargedfor at least 12-15 hours.3. Is the handset LOW BATT/RECORD INDICATORon?4. Check the telephone cord connection.Your incoming messages, greetings and machinesettings were erased.Disconnection of the AC Adapter from the back of theunit will cause the TC-920 to lose all recordedmessages, greetings and other settings. Make surethat you have looped the power cord through the ACAdapter Cord Holder on the back of the unit.The unit does not record incoming messages.1. Memory may be full. Erase messages to allow newmessages to be recorded.2. The VOLUME SWITCH may be set too low andrecorded messages cannot be heard.3. The machine may have been accidentally turnedoff.4. The caller may have hung up within four secondsof the machine answering the call. The TC-920 willnot record a message by design.5. Your local telephone company may transmitsignals that are recorded by your machine.6. No calls were actually received.Calls on hold are disconnected.1. The call placed on hold may have exceeded thefive minute holding limit.2. Review the hold section.The handset does not ring.1. Place the handset in the charging cradle for about3 seconds to reset the handset security code.2. Make sure the HANDSET RINGER SWITCH is on.3. Check the AC Adapter and the telephone cordconnections.Recorded messages are cut off.The TC-920 is designed to disconnect from the lineafter a caller stops talking. Calls may be cut off if afour second pause is detected, if the caller does notspeak loud enough, or if the message is less thanfour seconds in length.You have more than one telephone number andare experiencing difficulty.See MULTI-LINE INSTALLATION.There is no sound during playback.Check and adjust the base volume control.Between messages there is an operator recordingor a beep and dial tone.The caller has hung up without leaving a message. Ashorter greeting will reduce the frequency of theserecordings.LO BATT INDICATOR on the handset lights.The handset needs to be charged.The unit does not automatically stop playing thegreeting or recording a message when anextension phone is picked up.Hang up briefly and answer the call again.After several attempts the TC-920 will not operateproperly.Reset the TC-920 by unplugging the AC ADAPTERPLUG from the back of the unit for 10 seconds andremove the battery (if one is installed). The greetings,incoming messages and time/day stamp will be lost.Re-record the greeting and set the time and day.If this action does not fix the problem, call the CASIOPHONEMATE Helpline. CASIO PHONEMATE’s Helplinestaff can often resolve problems or recommendrepair service when needed.Unless you live close to a CASIO PHONEMATEService Center, you may be required to mail aproduct to CASIO PHONEMATE for repair. To mailthe product to the service center you should:1. Package the unit in its original box or acomparable package.2. Include a clear and specific explanation of theproblem.3. Include your name, address, and phone number.4. Provide a legible photocopy of the dated storereceipt for warranty purposes.PU23CONNECT the AC Adapter Plug into the ACAdapter Outlet on the back of the TC-920.LOOP the cord through the AC Adapter CordHolder to prevent accidental disconnection.PLUG the AC Adapter into anElectrical Wall Outlet.NOTE:■Disconnection of the AC Adapter from theback of the unit will cause the TC-920 toerase all recorded messages, greetingsand  the time and day.INSTALLATIONTC-920 EASY TO USE OWNER'S GUIDE900 MHz CORDLESS PHONE WITHALL DIGITAL ANSWERING MACHINEAOpen for easyoperating guide!IMPORTANT FEATURESCHARGE THE HANDSET BATTERIES BEFORE USINGTHE CORDLESS TELEPHONEThe batteries lose their charge during shipping and storage. Be sure to charge the batteries before you usethe TC-920 cordless telephone. Place the handset in the base unit. The CHARGING/LINE IN USEINDICATOR on the base will light. Leave the handset in the base unit for 12-15 hours.The Digital Security Coding System automatically resets a new personal security code to one of over64,000 combinations every time you return the TC-920 handset to the base unit. (Whenever the handsetis returned to the base unit you will hear a beep.)  The security code prevents unauthorized use of yourtelephone line, false rings and false dialing.DIGITAL SECURITY CODEGREATER RECEPTION RANGEShorter, more powerful signals are able to travel farther and penetrate thick concrete walls, enablingusers a wider area of reception, free of interference caused by obstructions.ULTRA CLEAR NOISE REDUCTION CIRCUITThe TC-920 is equipped with Ultra Clear Noise Reduction Circuitry (Compander Circuit). It reducesbackground noise-reception is superior to conventional cordless telephones.40 CHANNELS WITH CLEAR CHANNEL SELECTIONThe TC-920 has 40 channels with Clear Channel Selection.  Clear Channel Selection checks and securesa clear channel with every call. When you press TALK to call out or receive a call, the unit automaticallyfinds a clear channel. Press CHANNEL if you wish to change channels manually.HEADSET JACKAs a convenience, the TC-920 cordless phone can be operated hands-free using a wired headset and thebelt clip provided with the unit. An industry standard 2.5mm headset jack is built into the handset forattachment to a headset. The belt clip can be used in conjunction with the headset. It snaps easily andsecurely into the back of the handset.  Note: headset not provided.AUTO EXTENSION DISCONNECTYou can answer a call from any extension phone connected to the same line as the TC-920.  Pick up anyextension phone after the TC-920 has answered a call. The unit will automatically stop playing yourgreeting or recording a message. If it does not stop, hang up briefly and answer the call again.MODEM MONITORTM CONNECTION PROTECTIONModem MonitorTM constantly scans the telephone line and protects the modem and fax connectionswhen a call attempt is made from the TC-920 or any phone that includes the Modem MonitorTM feature.It distinguishes between data and standard voice communication and allows for normal telephoneoperation. Modem MonitorTM prevents the telephone from interrupting an online session and safeguardsdata during file transfer.When the TC-920 detects a modem in use on the line to which it is connected, the Modem MonitorTMfeature prevents the TC-920 from going off-hook.  When you attempt to make a call on the TC-920 and amodem is connected, The TALK LED will flash to indicate active data transmission and you will hear themodem data sounded through the handset earpiece. The data you hear is protected from interruptions.The MODEM MONITORTM INDICATOR on the base unit will light red.NOTE:■If you wish to disable Modem Monitor after pressing TALK, you can do so by pressing 9.  To insure that you canplace outbound calls, you must still manually or electronically disconnect the modem.CHARGING/LINE IN USE INDICATORFlashes red = someone is using an extension phone or the cordless handset.Lights solid red = the handset is charging .BENEFITS OF 900 MHZ CORDLESS TECHNOLOGYOTHER FEATURESWhen power is restored after a power failure, allBase INDICATOR’s will flash to indicate that theinstalled battery was depleted during the powerfailure.  After you install a new 9 volt battery, resetthe time/day stamp, record a new greeting andreprogram other settings.TWO-LINE INSTALLATIONCLEANING THE TC-920If it becomes necessary to replace the batterypack:1.Press down on the battery compartment coverand slide it toward the bottom of the handset.2.Install the new battery pack with the red wireon the right side of the black wire.3.Replace the battery cover by sliding it up fromthe bottom.4.Place the handset in the base unit and chargethe battery pack for 12-15 hours.HANDSET NI-CAD BATTERYINSTALLATIONThe TC-920 can easily be wall mounted byfollowing these instructions. If you have astandard telephone wall mounting bracket, beginwith step 2.FACTORY SERVICE CENTERSCASIO PHONEMATE, INC.Attn: Customer Service20665 Manhattan PlaceTorrance, CA 90501(310) 328-6453CASIO PHONEMATE, INC.Attn: Customer Service8805 Kelso DriveBaltimore, MD 21221(410) 391-0974Should you have additional questions, please call theCASIO PHONEMATE Helpline at (310) 320-9810 forassistance.WALL MOUNTING QTEMPLATE1.Purchase  and mount wood screws, roundhead, brass, size #10, 1/14 inches inlength into wall. Use the template (left) tospace screws correctly.2.Guide the telephone cord through the rightcord holder on the unit’s bottom. Tightlycoil the telephone cord around the fourguides on the inside of the wall mountingbracket. Pull the telephone cord throughthe center opening on the wall mountingbracket.3.Guide the AC Adapter through the left cordholder on the bottom of the unit. Tightlycoil the AC Adapter cord around the fourguides on the inside of the wall mountingbracket. Direct the AC Adapter cordthrough the opening in the side of the wallmounting bracket.4.Snap the wall mounting bracket into theback of the TC-920.5.Plug the AC Adapter into a wall outlet andthe telephone cord into a wall jack. Hangthe Handset on the fixed Handset hookand insure that the CHARGING LED on thebase is lit solid.  Vertically position thebase antenna to ensure the best reception.XXXX1Fije la hora y el día correctos. Su TC-920asignara a cada mensaje la hora y el día en quefueron recibidos.GRABANDO EL SALUDO UNOUsted puede grabar uno o dos saludospersonales con duración hasta de 20 minutos.El saludo es grabado en un circuito integradodigital.Asegúrese de que las luces indicadorasde su  TC-920 estén encendidas ocentellando.23Ajuste el control de volumen a su puntomedio (control localizado en el ladoderecho de su  TC-920).Oprima GREETING RECORD(grabación del saludo) (localizado en elárea donde se coloca el auricular en labase).4Usted escuchará un bip seguido por lasiguiente grabación “Please RecordGreeting One” y luego otro bip. Hableclaramente y con voz fuerte a unos 18 cmdel micrófono localizado en la esquinaderecha de la unidad base.5La luz indicadora junto a PLAY/PAUSEen la unidad base centellará lentamentepara indicarle que está grabando.6Oprima GREETING RECORD denuevo después de que usted a terminadode decir su mensaje. El mensaje sereproduce automáticamente una vez,luego su TC-920 se re-posiciona paracontestar llamadas telefónicas usando elSaludo Uno.NOTA:■Para grabar el Saludo Dos, oprima GREETINGSELECT (selección de saludo) para indicarle a suTC-920 que conteste utilizando el Saludo Dos,luego siga los pasos indicados anteriormente en lasección GRABANDO EL SALUDO UNO.FIJANDO LA HORA Y EL DÍAOprima TIME SET (fijación de la hora)(localizado en el área donde se coloca elauricular en la base) dos vecesrápidamente. Usted escuchará, "Sunday."Oprima SKIP o REPEAT (en la base)hasta que el día correcto sea anunciado.Oprima TIME SET. Su TC-920anunciará la hora.Oprima SKIP para avanzar o REPEATpara retroceder la hora. «a.m.» y«p.m.» será anunciado para cada hora.Oprima TIME SET. Su TC-920anunciará los minutos.6Oprima SKIP para avanzar o REPEATpara retroceder los minutos.7Oprima TIME SET de nuevo paraterminar.  El día y la hora seránanunciados.12Charge the cordless handset batteries for 12-15hours before using the handset for the first timeor after installing a new battery pack. Thehandset is always charging while it is in the baseunit and cannot be overcharged.CHARGING THE BATTERIESCheck the AC Adapter to see that it isconnected correctly.Place the handset in the base unit. TheCHARGING INDICATOR on the base unitlights to indicate the TC-920 is charging.CHARGE THE HANDSET BATTERIESBEFORE USING THE CORDLESSTELEPHONEThe batteries lose their charge during shippingand storage. Be sure to charge the batteriesbefore you use the TC-920 cordless telephone.Place the handset in the base unit. TheCHARGING/LINE IN USE INDICATOR on the basewill light. Leave the handset in the base unit for12-15 hours.4The TC-920 will broadcast a beep inabout 20 seconds indicating that theunit is fully initialized and ready tooperate. On the base, all indicators willflash. The TC-920 is ready to recordyour personalized greeting.5You must install a fresh 9 volt battery inthe base unit to prevent loss of thegreetings and messages if power isinterrupted. See "Installing a 9V battery".6Position the base antenna vertically forclear reception. Before use, place thehandset in the base unit for 12-15 hoursto charge the cordless handset batteries.1Press PAGE on the base unit.  You will hearthe handset ring, if the HANDSET RINGERSWITCH is set to “RINGER ON.”PAGING THE HANDSET FROMTHE BASE UNITTo page the handset user or to locate the handsetfrom the base unit, the handset must be in theStandby Mode (the TALK INDICATOR on thehandset is not lit) and the Handset Ringer mustbe ON.CHANGING CHANNELSAfter TALK is pressed, the TC-920 selects a clearchannel using Clear Channel Selection. If you hearnoise or interference while using the TC-920, pressCHANNEL on the handset to manually changechannels.CASIO PHONEMATE, INC.20665 Manhattan PlaceTorrance, CA  90501-1827Internet Web Site:http://www.casiophonemate.comDesign and specifications are subjectto change without notice.M1S1  3/99Printed in ChinaUS Patents 5,400,393 & 5,289,529; Other Patents Pending.DISTINCTIVE RING GREETINGMODEIf you subscribe to a distinctive ring service fromyour local telephone company, you can set theTC-920 to play a different greeting for normal ringcalls and distinctive ring calls. To set the TC-920 toDistinctive Ring Greeting Mode, select Greeting Twoby pressing GREETING SELECT. The TC-920 willanswer normal ring calls with Greeting Two and willanswer special (distinctive) ring pattern calls withGreeting One.LIMITED WARRANTYTo order accessories, simply cut out this order form, fill in the appropriate information and send it withpayment (check, money order or credit card information) to: CASIO PHONEMATE Parts Department,8805 Kelso Drive, Baltimore, MD 21221 or Call: 1-800-322-9995 for credit card orders.Description Part No. Price Qty. TotalLightning Arrestor - Recommended for areas prone to electrical storms. 2700140 $19.95AC Adapter - For Model TC-920. 1601073 $13.50Belt Clip (White) 2401734 $4.95Belt Clip (Black) 2401735 $4.95Headset (over ear) 8000688 $19.95Headset (over head) 8000689 $19.95Please charge my credit card.Card No. Expiration DateName ______________________________________________________________________________Street Address_______________________________________________________________________City _________________________________________ State __________ Zip Code _______________Signature ___________________________________________ Telephone_______________________We do not accept C.O.D. orders. Allow 15 working days for delivery. Prices subject to change without notice. Returnssubject to 20% restocking charge upon approval.IMPORTANT! SALES SLIP OR EVIDENCE OF PURCHASE DATE REQUIREDThis limited warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.The limited warranty is extended only to the original consumer of a CASIO PHONEMATE product and is valid only withrespect to consumers within the United States of America and Canada. Should this product prove defective by reasonof improper workmanship or material during the period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase, CASIOPHONEMATE will repair or, at its option, replace the product without charge for parts or labor. If CASIO PHONEMATEelects to replace the product, such replacement may be accomplished with a factory-reconditioned unit.This limited warranty does not apply: (a) to any product damaged by accident, misuse, improper line voltage, lightning,fire, water, or other acts of nature, (b) if the product is altered or repaired by anyone other than CASIO PHONEMATE,INC. or one of its authorized warranty stations or  (c) if the FCC-approved connector plugs are removed. This limitedwarranty does not cover broken or marred cabinets.Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, all implied warranties made by CASIO PHONEMATE in connectionwith this product are limited in duration to a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase, and nowarranties, whether expressed or implied, shall apply to this product after said period.Should this product prove defective in workmanship or material, the consumer’s sole remedies shall be such repair orreplacement as is herein-above provided. Under no circumstances shall CASIO PHONEMATE be liable for any loss ordamage, direct, consequential, or incidental arising out of the use of or inability to use this product.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusion may not apply to you.In order to obtain warranty service, you must provide evidence of purchase date. For your convenience, keep thedealer’s dated bill of sale or delivery ticket as evidence of the purchase date.Before returning or exchanging your product, call CASIO PHONEMATE ’s Helpline at (310) 320-9810.SACCESSORIES TVISA MasterCardSubtotalCA & MD residentsadd applicable sales taxAll orders add shipping & handling $3.50TotalEnclosed is my check/money order for the total amount.

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