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Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide
Internetworking Solutions Guide
August 2000

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Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide
Copyright © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc.
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C O N T E N T S









Related Documentation and Sites
Cisco Connection Online


Documentation CD-ROM


Documentation Feedback





Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks
About SNMP



What are the Basic Components of SNMP?


About Basic SNMP Message Types and Commands
What are SNMP MIBs?
What is SNMPv1?


What is SNMPv2?



About SNMP Management
About SNMP Security



Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study
Introduction to the Case Study
Benefits of a Dial NMS




Dial NMS Planning Questionnaire
Dial NMS Service Definition
Network Topology





Hardware Requirements


Software Requirements


Configuration Design Parameters


Implementation and Operation Tasks


Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide



Dial MIBs and OIDs Used in the Case Study


Task 1—Enabling SNMP in a Cisco IOS Device
About Enabling SNMP
Enabling SNMP



Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP
About Using UCD-SNMP


Installing UCD-SNMP and Downloading Cisco MIBs
Exploring SNMP MIBs for Dial Networks
About SNMP Commander




Setting Up SNMP Commander


Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads
About MRTG




About Selecting Dial OIDs


How to Inspect and Interpret Data


Creating and Editing a Configuration File
Sending MRTG Graphs to a Web Server


Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Fault s
About Syslog
About NTP


About Modem Call Records


Enabling NTP on a Cisco IOS Device
Setting Up an NTP Client



Troubleshooting the NTP Client


Enabling Syslog and Modem Call Records in the Cisco IOS Software
Configuring the Syslog Daemon


Inspecting Syslog Messages in the Log File


Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS
About a Web Portal


Building a Device Linker Web Page


Troubleshooting a Cisco 2511 Console Connection
About HTTP Access to the CLI


Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide







Using HTTP to Access CLI Commands


Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS
About Managing IP Addresses



Using Cisco Network Registrar CLI Commands


Using a Batch File to Make Changes to a DNS Configuration
Creating a Primary Forward Zone


Creating an IP Tracker Web Page


How to Create a Reverse DNS Zone


Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework
About HP OpenView



Verifying the SNMP Configuration
About SNMP Demand Polls



Performing an SNMP Demand Poll
Testing SNMP Get Requests



Troubleshooting SNMP and a Demand Poll
Verifying that SNMP Traps Are Received
Unmanaging the Dial Ports
About Discovery Filters



Creating and Adjusting Maps



Setting Up and Editing a Discovery Filter


Using the HPOV CLI to Enter a Device into the Database


Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials
About CiscoWorks 2000 RME

Verifying that Device Polling is Turned On
Polling the Devices



Importing Devices from HPOV and Populating the Databases




Backing up Cisco IOS Configurations
Using CiscoView





Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide




Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide

This Internetworking Solutions Guide (ISG) describes how to implement and operate a dial network
management system (NMS) that provides management functions for a dial Internet access service

This guide is intended for network engineers and operators who implement and operate dial NMS
This guide assumes that you have the following level of knowledge and experience:

An understanding of NMS protocols, such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP),
Network Time Protocol (NTP), and syslog.


Hands-on experience working with Cisco routers, IOS technologies, and UNIX.


Success configuring a Cisco network access server (NAS) for basic IP modem services.


A Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certificate or equivalent level of experience.

This guide provides guidelines and a case study for:

Designing a dial NMS.


Collecting and using data-management streams to operate a dial access network.


Managing important connection events and alarms for statistical analysis.


Reporting on the performance of a DIAS.


Addressing the perception problems that are commonly associated with dial access networks.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide




This guide describes the following network protocols, functions, and NMS applications:

Protocols—SNMP and NTP.


Functions—Syslog, modem call records, Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI),
Log File Rotator, Device Navigator, web-based management, and War Dialer.


NMS applications—UCD-SNMP, Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG), HP OpenView (HPOV),
and CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials (CW2000 RME).

This guide does not provide the following information:

Descriptions about the basics of network management.


Windows NT-based management of Cisco routers.


Detailed authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA).


Basic access server configurations.


Information about integrating high-end NMS systems in to a dial access environment.






Command or keyword that you must enter.


File names, directory paths to files, user names, and arguments for which you supply


Optional keyword or argument that you enter.

{x | y | z}

Required keyword or argument that you must enter.

[x {y | z}]

Optional keyword or argument that you enter with a required keyword or argument.


Set of characters that you enter. Do not use quotation marks around the character
string, or the string will include the quotation marks.


Information that appears on the screen.

^ or Ctrl

Control key—for example, ^D means press the Control and the D keys

< >

Nonprinting characters, such as passwords.


Comment line at the beginning of a line of code.

Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in
equipment damage or loss.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide



Related Documentation and Sites




Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or reference to materials not
contained in this manual.

Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action
described in the paragraph.

Means the information might help the reader solve a problem.

Related Documentation and Sites
See the following related documentation and web sites for more information:

Technical References and Support


Internetworking Solutions Guides




Cisco Product Documentation

Technical References and Support

Center of Excellence Internet Access Engineering—A site dedicated to developing lightweight
tools and techniques for supporting the implementation and operation of Internet access services.
This site is an educational endeavor of the University of Texas at Austin and Cisco Systems, Inc.


Wholesale Dial Resources—Provides links to technical documents related to wholesale dial
Internet access services.


Technical Assistance Center—Provides technical support information about Cisco technologies.
Locate your technology of interest from a list of available technology pages, which are continually
updated by Cisco TAC engineers.


SNMP Technology Support Pages—Provides an overview of SNMP, network design tips,
implementation and operation guidelines, and links to suggested reading.


CiscoWorks 2000 TAC Support Page—Describes how to implement, operate, and troubleshoot
Cisco Works 2000.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Related Documentation and Sites



Access Technology Software Center—Provides the firmware for modem upgrades.


Increasing Security on IP Networks—Addresses network-layer security issues.


Carnegie Mellon CERT® Security Improvement Modules—Provides information about
security management.

Internetworking Solutions Guides

Cisco AS5x00 Case Study for Basic IP Modem Services—Describes how to configure, verify, and
troubleshoot basic IP modem services.


Cisco AAA Implementation Case Study—Describes how to design, implement, and operate basic
Cisco IOS AAA security and accounting functions.


Access VPN Solutions Using Tunneling Technology—Describes how to configure, verify, and
troubleshoot access VPN solutions. See also Access VPDN Dial-in Using L2TP.

•—A repository of freeware programs and news for Solaris.


The UCD-SNMP Home Page—Provides an overview of UCD-SNMP, links to the FTP site,
recent news, documentation, bug reports, mailing lists, and where to go for more information.


Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) Product Site—Provides an overview of MRTG, links to the
FTP site, documentation, frequently asked questions, mailing lists, and contact information.

Cisco Product Documentation

Modem Router Connection Guide—A starting point for understanding basic modem cabling and
configuration. To view this guide, you must be a CCO member.


AT Command Sets and Register Summaries—A list of AT commands for configuring and operating
MICA and Microcom modems. Most modems function well with their default settings; however,
AT commands are required for special features and troubleshooting modems.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide



Cisco Connection Online


Managing Modems (Cisco IOS 12.1)—Describes configuration and troubleshooting tasks for dial
access environments.


Modem Management Commands (Cisco IOS 12.1 and 12.0)—Provides two lists of Cisco IOS
modem commands used for configuring and troubleshooting modems.


CiscoWorks 2000 Documentation Set—A collection of configuration guides and reference manuals.

Cisco Connection Online
Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems' primary, real-time support channel. Maintenance
customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services
to Cisco's customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, product
documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator, configuration notes,
brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.
CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced
simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the World Wide Web
(WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet e-mail, and
it is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO
provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as
hyperlinks to related information.
You can access CCO in the following ways:









Modem: From North America, 408 526-8070; from Europe, 33 1 64 46 40 82. Use the following
terminal settings: VT100 emulation; databits: 8; parity: none; stop bits: 1; and connection rates up
to 28.8 kbps.

For a copy of CCO's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact For additional
information, contact

If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco
product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, or To
obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco products, or upgrades, contact 800
553-6387, 408 526-7208, or

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Documentation CD-ROM


Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package that ships with your
product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly.
Therefore, it might be more current than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the
Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The
CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription.
You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

Documentation Feedback
If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit comments
electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete the form,
click Submit to send it to Cisco.
You can also submit feedback on Cisco documentation by sending an e-mail to or
sending a fax to (408) 527-8089. We appreciate your comments.

This guide was created as a collaborative effort. The following Cisco team members participated:
David Anderson, Oscar Bauer, Robert Brown, Drew Cupp, Katie Creegan, Barry Raveendran Greene,
Jessica Janis, Andrew Kennedy, Jim Leonard, Robert Lewis, Lori Livingston, Greg McMillan,
Roger Moises, Rizwan Mushtaq, Anjali Puri, Annie Shi, David Simms, Jim Thompson,
Kris Thompson, Craig Tobias, Patrick Van Deynse, and Mario Villarreal.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks
About SNMP
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application-layer protocol that facilitates the
exchange of management information between a network management system (NMS), agents, and
managed devices. SNMP uses the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol
There are three versions of SNMP:

SNMP Version 1 (SNMPv1)—The initial implementation of the SNMP protocol, which is
described in RFC 1157 (


SNMP Version 2 (SNMPv2)—An improved version of SNMPv1 that includes additional protocol
operations. For the SNMPv2 Structure of Management Information (SMI), see RFC 1902


SNMP Version 3 (SNMPv3)—SNMPv3 has yet to be standardized.

The case study in this guide describes how to create a dial NMS environment. To successfully manage
the environment, you must be familiar with the SNMP feature set. The following NMS applications use
SNMP to help manage the network devices in the case study:



Multi-Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG)


HP OpenView (HPOV)


Cisco Works 2000 Resource Manager Essentials (CW2000 RME)

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks

What are the Basic Components of SNMP?

Table 1

Related SNMP Documentation and Sites

Site Description


SNMP Technology TAC Page—Network
design tips, implementation and operation
guidelines, which are continually updated by
Cisco TAC engineers.
The SimpleWeb—Public domain software
packages, which are available on the Internet.
Most of the software is a spin-off from SNMP
related research.
SNMP FAQ—Frequently asked questions
about SNMP.

What are the Basic Components of SNMP?
An SNMP-managed network consists of three key components: managed devices, agents, and network
management systems (NMS).

Managed devices
` Contain an SNMP agent and reside on a managed network.
` Collect and store management information and make it available to NMS by using SNMP.
` Include routers, access servers, switches, bridges, hubs, hosts, or printers.


Agent—A network-management software module, such as the Cisco IOS software, that resides in
a managed device. An agent has local knowledge of management information and makes that
information available by using SNMP.


Network Management Systems (NMS)—Run applications that monitor and control managed
devices. NMS provide resources required for network management. In the case study, the NMS
applications are:
` CW2000 RME

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks

About Basic SNMP Message Types and Commands

Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between the managed devices, the agent, and the NMS.
Figure 1

An SNMP-Managed Network










Managed Devices

About Basic SNMP Message Types and Commands
There are three basic SNMP message types:

Get—NMS-initiated requests used by an NMS to monitor managed devices. The NMS examines
different variables that are maintained by managed devices.


Set—NMS-initiated commands used by an NMS to control managed devices. The NMS changes
the values of variables stored within managed devices.


Trap—Agent-initiated messages sent from a managed device, which reports events to the NMS.
The Cisco IOS generates SNMP traps for many distinct network conditions. Through SNMP traps,
the Network Operations Center (NOC) is notified of network events, such as:
` Link up/down changes
` Configuration changes
` Temperature thresholds
` CPU overloads


For a list of Cisco-supported SNMP traps, go to

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks

What are SNMP MIBs?

Figure 2

SNMP Event Interactions Between the NMS and the Agent

Get request
Get next


Get next

Trap (agent initiated)

(Cisco IOS device)



What are SNMP MIBs?
A Management Information Base (MIB):

Presents a collection of information that is organized hierarchically.


Is accessed by using a network-management protocol, such as SNMP.


References managed objects and object identifiers.

Managed object—A characteristic of a managed device. Managed objects reference one or more object
instances (variables). Two types of managed objects exist:

Scalar objects—Define a single object instance.


Tabular objects—Define multiple-related object instances that are grouped together in MIB tables.

Object identifier (or object ID)—Identifies a managed object in the MIB hierarchy. The MIB hierarchy
is depicted as a tree with a nameless root. The levels of the tree are assigned by different organizations
and vendors.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks

The MIB Tree and Its Various Hierarchies

ccitt (0)

iso (1)

iso-ccitt (2)


standard (0)

registrationauthority (1)

memberbody (2)

identifiedorganization (3)


dod (6)


internet (1)

directory (1)

mgmt (2)

mib-2 (1)


private (4)


enterprise (1)




DECnet (1)

experimental (3)




XNS (2)


cisco (9)

variables (3)

Apple Talk (3)

security (5)

snmpV2 (6)



Novell (3)
atInput (1)
atLocal (2)
atBcastin (3)
atForward (4)




Chassis (5)


Figure 3

What are SNMP MIBs?

As shown in Figure 3, top-level MIB object IDs belong to different standards organizations while
low-level object IDs are allocated by associated organizations. Vendors define private branches that
include managed objects for products. Non standard MIBs are typically in the experimental branch.
A managed object has these unique identities:

The object name—For example,
temporary variables.AppleTalk.atInput


The equivalent object descriptor—For example,

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks

What is SNMPv1?

SNMP must account for and adjust to incompatibilities between managed devices. Different computers
use different data-representation techniques, which can compromise the ability of SNMP to exchange
information between managed devices.

What is SNMPv1?
SNMPv1 is the initial implementation of the SNMP protocol and is described in RFC 1157

Functions within the specifications of the Structure of Management Information (SMI).


Operates over protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Internet Protocol (IP), OSI
Connectionless Network Service (CLNS), AppleTalk Datagram-Delivery Protocol (DDP),
and Novell Internet Packet Exchange (IPX).


Is the de facto network-management protocol in the Internet community.

The SMI defines the rules for describing management information by using Abstract Syntax Notation
One (ASN.1). The SNMPv1 SMI is defined in RFC 1155 ( The SMI
makes three specifications:

ASN.1 data types


SMI-specific data types


SNMP MIB tables

SNMPv1 and ASN1 Data Types
The SNMPv1 SMI specifies that all managed objects must have a subset of associated ASN.1 data types.
Three ASN.1 data types are required:

Name—Serves as the object identifier (object ID).


Syntax—Defines the data type of the object (for example, integer or string). The SMI uses a subset
of the ASN.1 syntax definitions.


Encoding—Describes how information associated with a managed object is formatted as a series
of data items for transmission over the network.

SNMPv1 and SMI-Specific Data Types
The SNMPv1 SMI specifies the use of many SMI-specific data types, which are divided into two

Simple data types—Including these three types:
` Integers—A signed integer in the range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
` Octet strings—Ordered sequences of zero to 65,535 octets.
` Object IDs— Come from the set of all object identifiers allocated according to the rules

specified in ASN.1.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks


What is SNMPv2?

Application-wide data types—Including these seven types:
` Network addresses—Represent addresses from a protocol family. SNMPv1 supports only

32-bit IP addresses.
` Counters—Nonnegative integers that increase until they reach a maximum value; then, the

integers return to zero. In SNMPv1, a 32-bit counter size is specified.
` Gauges—Nonnegative integers that can increase or decrease but retain the maximum value

` Time ticks—A hundredth of a second since some event.
` Opaques—An arbitrary encoding that is used to pass arbitrary information strings that do not

conform to the strict data typing used by the SMI.
` Integers—Signed integer-valued information. This data type redefines the integer data type,

which has arbitrary precision in ASN.1 but bounded precision in the SMI.
` Unsigned integers—Unsigned integer-valued information that is useful when values are always

nonnegative. This data type redefines the integer data type, which has arbitrary precision in
ASN.1 but bounded precision in the SMI.
The SNMPv1 SMI defines structured tables that are used to group the instances of a tabular object (an
object that contains multiple variables). Tables contain zero or more rows that are indexed to allow
SNMP to retrieve or alter an entire row with a single Get, GetNext, or Set command.

SNMPv1 Protocol Operations
SNMP is a simple request-response protocol. The NMS issues a request, and managed devices return
responses. This behavior is implemented by using one of four protocol operations:

Get—Used by the NMS to retrieve the value of one or more object instances from an agent. If the
agent responding to the Get operation cannot provide values for all the object instances in a list, the
agent does not provide any values.


GetNext—Used by the NMS to retrieve the value of the next object instance in a table or list within
an agent.


Set—Used by the NMS to set the values of object instances within an agent.


Trap—Used by agents to asynchronously inform the NMS of a significant event.

What is SNMPv2?
SNMPv2 is an improved version of SNMPv1. Originally, SNMPv2 was published as a set of proposed
Internet standards in 1993; currently, it is a Draft Standard. As with SNMPv1, SNMPv2 functions
within the specifications of the SMI. SNMPv2 offers many improvements to SNMPv1, including
additional protocol operations.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks

About SNMP Management

SNMPv2 and SMI
The SMI defines the rules for describing management information by using ASN.1.
RFC 1902 ( describes the SNMPv2 SMI and enhances the SNMPv1
SMI-specific data types by including:

Bit strings—Comprise zero or more named bits that specify a value.


Network addresses—Represent an address from a protocol family. SNMPv1 supports 32-bit IP
addresses, but SNMPv2 can support other types of addresses too.


Counters—Non-negative integers that increase until they reach a maximum value; then, the
integers return to zero. In SNMPv1, a 32-bit counter size is specified. In SNMPv2, 32-bit and 64-bit
counters are defined.

SMI Information Modules
The SNMPv2 SMI specifies information modules, which include a group of related definitions. Three
types of SMI information modules exist:

MIB modules—Contain definitions of interrelated managed objects.


Compliance statements—Provide a systematic way to describe a group of managed objects that
must conform to a standard.


Capability statements—Used to indicate the precise level of support that an agent claims with
respect to a MIB group. An NMS can adjust its behavior towards agents according to the capability
statements associated with each agent.

SNMPv2 Protocol Operations
The Get, GetNext, and Set operations used in SNMPv1 are exactly the same as those used in SNMPv2.
SNMPv2, however, adds and enhances protocol operations. The SNMPv2 trap operation, for example,
serves the same function as the one used in SNMPv1. However, a different message format is used.
SNMPv2 also defines two new protocol operations:

GetBulk—Used by the NMS to efficiently retrieve large blocks of data, such as multiple rows in a
table. GetBulk fills a response message with as much of the requested data as fits.


Inform—Allows one NMS to send trap information to another NMS and receive a response. If the
agent responding to GetBulk operations cannot provide values for all the variables in a list, the
agent provides partial results.

About SNMP Management
SNMP is a distributed-management protocol. A system can operate exclusively as an NMS or an agent,
or a system can perform the functions of both.
When a system operates as both an NMS and an agent, another NMS can require the system to:

Query managed devices and provide a summary of the information learned.


Report locally stored management information.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide

Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks

About SNMP Security

About SNMP Security
SNMP lacks authentication capabilities, which results in a variety of security threats:



Masquerading—An unauthorized entity attempting to perform management operations by
assuming the identity of an authorized management entity.


Modification of information—An unauthorized entity attempting to alter a message generated by
an authorized entity, so the message results in unauthorized accounting management or
configuration management operations.


Message sequence and timing modifications—Occurs when an unauthorized entity reorders,
delays, or copies and later replays a message generated by an authorized entity.


Disclosure—Results when an unauthorized entity extracts values stored in managed objects.
The entity can also learn of notifiable events by monitoring exchanges between managers and

Because SNMP does not implement authentication, many vendors do not implement Set
operations, which reduce SNMP to a monitoring facility.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide

About SNMP Security

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide

Overview of Basic SNMP Building Blocks

Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study
Introduction to the Case Study
This case study describes:

How one Internet service provider (ISP) designs, implements, and operates a dial network
management system (NMS) for a dial Internet access service (DIAS).


How to implement dial NMS protocols, applications, and other utilities.

THEnet is an ISP in Austin, Texas that wants to develop a dial NMS and integrate it with its existing
Network Operations Center (NOC). THEnet has two dial point-of-presences (POPs) that provide
dial-up services for the following types of customers:

Residential subscribers


Corporations who outsource their dial-up services and want to avoid the overhead of operating their
own dial POP.

Figure 4

THEnet Operates Two POPs from One NOC

POP #1




Remote modem

POP #2



Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Benefits of a Dial NMS


All remote modem users share a common pool of modem resources. Users can dial in to either POP.


The dial POPs are redundant. If one POP loses service, traffic is re-routed to the other POP.
Describing how traffic is re-routed is outside the scope of this case study, and the diagrams in the
case study show simplified IP paths only.

THEnet uses this model to identify the different functional areas of the dial NMS:
F = Fault management
C = Configuration management
A = Accounting management
P = Performance management
S = Security management
A dial NMS provides the FCAPS management functions for a DIAS.

Benefits of a Dial NMS
A dial NMS:

Increases network availability


Improves end-user satisfaction by improving service performance


Provides fault-isolation capabilities, which improves fault-analysis information


Reduces network support costs


Enables capacity plannning


Enables security improvements


Provides accounting (for example, billing and chargeback)


Processes important connection events and alarms for statistical analysis


Provides performance-reporting capabilities for a dial Internet access service


Enables standardized software releases (for example, software versions and configuration files)


Addresses the perception problems that are commonly associated with dial access networks

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Dial NMS Planning Questionnaire

Dial NMS Planning Questionnaire
This planning questionnaire describes information that is essential for creating a dial NMS service
definition. A questionnaire helps network engineers make accurate design decisions and consider
alternative solutions. The network engineers at THEnet answered the design questions as shown in
Table 2.
Table 2

Network Design Questions and Answers


Network Design Questions
What types of services does your network provide?

Dial Internet access services
(V.90 analog modem services)

How many dial POP sites are you managing?

Two sites in Austin, Texas

Residential subscriber



What is the user-growth projection for the next 5 years?


3 months—50,000 users

3 months = Current deployment requirement.
1 year = Current design plan requirement.
5 years = Future scalability plan requirement.


1 year—100,000 users


5 years—1 million users

What types of network services will the DIAS support?
(Network management is based on customer requirements.)

What is the user-to-line ratio during busy hours?


What level of service must you guarantee to your customers?

Guaranteed up time

Do you have redundant connections to the Internet?


Do you have redundant connections to the NOC?


What existing servers do you have available in the NOC?

What SNMP framework management system do you want to


SNMP management server


Syslog server


AAA server


Database server

HP OpenView (HPOV)

What element management system do you use for collecting and CiscoWorks 2000 Resource
managing syslog?
Manager Essentials
(CW2000 RME)
Do you have a preferred platform and operating system for
monitoring the network?


What type of network access servers will you use?

Cisco AS5800s

Do you have a staff of UNIX experts?


Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.6

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Dial NMS Planning Questionnaire

Table 2

Network Design Questions and Answers (continued)

Network Design Questions


Do you provide reports for any service level commitments with Yes
your customers? If yes, what management systems will you use? •

Identify the types of users who require network management

What types of reports do you provide?

Multi Router Traffic Grapher


Custom-based AAA
accounting tools and database
query tools


Network managers


Network operators


Network engineers


Help desk operators


Corporations who outsource
their dial-up service


End users


Periodic performance reports


Billing reports


Security reports


Router operations reports


High-priority syslog reports

What format do the managers want to view the reports in?

HTML web pages and
online graphs

Who will monitor the management systems?

The network operations staff

How will network operators be notified of network problems?

By sending e-mail to their pagers

For fault and performance management purposes, do you need to Yes
provide call detail records?
Disconnect cause codes and retrain
counters must be inspected.
What security protocols do you use for authentication,
authorization, and accounting (AAA)?

What dial NMS freeware do you plan to use?
What software tools do you plan to develop internally?

Do you plan to build and maintain customized scripts?

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide



RADIUS for the remote
modem users


TACACS+ for the router
administrators in the NOC

MRTG, UCD-SNMP, Linux, and

Log File Rotator


Device Navigator


Modem Call Record Viewer


Web-based management


War Dialer for performance
testing (optional)


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Dial NMS Service Definition

Dial NMS Service Definition
A service definition is a statement that describes required services for a network design.
The dial NMS service definition determined for THEnet is based on:

The answers provided in Table 2


The FCAPS model
` Fault management
` Configuration management
` Accounting management
` Performance management
` Security management

Table 3

Dial NMS Service Definition for THEnet


Service Requirements and Ways to Collect Management Data

SNMP—Use UCD-SNMP and HPOV to explore the SNMP Management
Information Bases (MIBs) and create the SNMP framework for the
dial NMS.


The Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI)—Troubleshoot network
connectivity problems by collecting robust network statistics.
For example, use the following commands:
` show controller t1
` show isdn status
` debug ppp negotiation
` show isdn service
` debug ppp error
` debug isdn events
` debug isdn q921
` debug isdn q931


Syslog—Troubleshoot and isolate faults in the network by collecting
syslog data and modem call records. Important syslog messages will be
e-mailed daily to the operations staff.


Log file management—Collect and archive syslog data from network
access servers.


Web-based management—Navigate devices and enable HTTP access to
the CLI.


AAA—Collect accounting disconnect cause codes and view authentication
and authorization failures.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Dial NMS Service Definition

Table 3

Dial NMS Service Definition for THEnet (continued)


Service Requirements and Ways to Collect Management Data

SNMP—Use CW2000 RME to archive configuration files, manage
Cisco IOS images, determine how much memory is installed, and discover
which boot ROMs are present.


CLI—Inspect and modify Cisco IOS configuration files and images.
For example, use the following commands:
` show version
` show running
` show modem version



AAA authentication—Control access to the routers.


AAA authorization—Limit CLI command access to router administrators
on a per group basis. Authorization is also used for limiting network
service assignments, such as static IP addresses and access lists.


AAA accounting—Monitor which configuration changes are made to the
routers and identify who is making the changes. Authenticated usernames
also appear in syslog.


Effective IP address management—Manage all assigned IP subnets by
using a DNS server and the application Cisco Network Registrar.


Web-based management—Navigate devices and enable HTTP access to
the CLI.


Send accounting information to a database that is accessible by Standard
Query Language (SQL). Archive user-accounting data for billing and
auditing purposes.


Syslog—Collect basic accounting information by using modem call


CLI—Collect accounting statistics. For example, use the following
` show interface accounting
` show isdn history
` show controller t1 call-counters
` show modem log
` show modem summary
` show modem call-stats

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Table 3

Dial NMS Service Definition

Dial NMS Service Definition for THEnet (continued)


Service Requirements and Ways to Collect Management Data

SNMP—For the initial installation, use MRTG to monitor key Object
Identifications (OIDs) in the device MIBs. In the future, use commercial
software applications that collect mass scale management data streams for
large numbers of access servers.


CLI—Monitor the performance of the access servers. For example, use the
following commands:
` show modem operational-status
` show modem connect-speeds
` show modem summary
` show modem call-stats



Web-based management—Navigate devices and enable HTTP access to
the CLI.


War Dialer—Test remote client PCs by using a free client simulator.


Authenticate, authorize, and account for dial access clients (modem users)
in each POP by using RADIUS.


Authenticate, authorize, and account for router administrators in the NOC
by using TACACS+.


Review the AAA service security logs.


Review the AAA server database by using SQL queries.


CLI—Inspect security information. For example, use the following
` show snmp group
` show access-lists
` show location
` show tacacs
` show radius statistics
` show logging


Web-based management—Navigate devices and enable HTTP access to
the CLI.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Network Topology

Network Topology
Based on the dial NMS service definition in Table 3, the network engineers at THEnet defined
the network topology for the POPs and NOC.
Figure 5

Network Topology for One POP



Cisco AS5800
access servers



AAA server
(for remote client users)


Cisco 2511
OOB console server



An intranet WAN connects the two POPs together and routes traffic to the Internet. The NOC collects
management data from both POPs.
Figure 6

Network Topology for the NOC

Cisco PIX


HP OpenView
CW 2000


An important design issue to consider is where to send syslog data. If syslog data is sent back to a
central site NOC, the syslog data must travel across WAN links. Estimate and monitor how much syslog
data is generated by each POP and the impact on the WAN links. Modem call records can add a
significant amount of traffic to syslog data.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Hardware Requirements

In this case study, THEnet initially sends syslog data across WAN links to the NOC. The WAN links are
designed to support a large network capacity in a metropolitan area. Collecting syslog locally in each
POP is a future design consideration.

Hardware Requirements
To design the dial NMS for the two POPs and the NOC, the network engineers at THEnet defined these
hardware requirements:
Table 4

Hardware Description for Two POPs and the NOC



4 Cisco AS5800
access servers

Two access servers in each POP to provide access in to the Internet from the
PSTN. Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T is installed in each access server.

2 backbone

Enables management data streams to enter the NOC.

2 Cisco 2511 OOB
console servers

Accesses the console ports in the Cisco AS5800s by using out-of-band (OOB)
management lines.

3 AAA servers

One server in each POP to authenticate, authorize, and account for dial access
clients by using RADIUS.

Routes traffic to the intranet WAN and the Internet.

One server in the NOC to authenticate, authorize, and account for router
administrators by using TACACS+.
1 Cisco PIX firewall Protects the NOC by filtering the devices that can access management services,
such as TACACS+, RADIUS, syslog, and SNMP.
3 Sun Ultra 10

Operates the dial NMS inside the NOC. Solaris version 2.6 is used.

The following capacity-planning calculations were made to determine the number of required lines and
Cisco AS5800s for the next five years.
Basic parameters:

There are 23 available bearer channels per PRI line


There are 28 PRI lines per T3 card (644 channels)


Each Cisco AS5800 has two T3 cards


There are 1288 available bearer channels per dual T3 Cisco AS5800

Table 5

Capacity-Planning Matrix for the Line and Chassis Requirements


Busy Hour Users


Chassis Calculation


3 months




5000 lines / 1288 = 3.88 chassis

4 AS5800s

1 year




10,000 lines / 1288 = 7.76 chassis

8 AS5800s

5 years




100,000 lines / 1288 = 77.64 chassis

78 AS5800s

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Software Requirements

These calculations in Table 5 are based on a PRI system integration—not a system signalling 7 (SS7)
For each POP site, also plan for the following elements:

Power, space, and cooling for each Cisco AS5800


Required number of AAA servers


Required number of Cisco 2511s (OOB ports)


WAN link capacity

Software Requirements
To design the dial NMS inside the NOC, the network engineers at THEnet identified these software and
management system requirements:
Table 6

Dial NMS Software and Management System Requirements

Software and Management Systems



Uses CLI-based SNMP freeware to explore the SNMP MIBs
and OIDs that are useful for operating a dial network.

Multi Router Traffic Grapher
(MRTG), version 2.8.12

Monitors and graphs the traffic load on the network.

Web-based management

Manages a network by using light-weight NMS tools (LWT).
A LWT is light on:



Staff support


Course requirements


GUI requirements

THEnet requires the following LWTs:
Device Navigator—A web page that links network devices


Cisco IOS Command Center—A web page that provides
HTTP access to the CLI.


Log File Rotator—A freeware script that archives, sorts,
and deletes syslogs.


Modem Call Record Viewer—A tool that enables you to
view modem records and syslogs on a web page.

HP OpenView (HPOV) Network
Node Manager Release 5.0

Creates the SNMP framework for the dial NMS and identifies
what is breaking in the network.

CiscoWorks 2000, maintenance
release 2
Resource Manager Essentials
(RME), version 2.2

Archives configuration files, upgrades the Cisco IOS,
determines how much memory is installed, and discovers what
boot ROMs are present.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide



You can install HPOV and CW2000 RME on the same Sun
workstation—without conflicts.

Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Table 6

Configuration Design Parameters

Dial NMS Software and Management System Requirements (continued)

Software and Management Systems
CiscoSecure Unix, version 2.3(3)

War Dialer


Authenticates, authorizes, and accounts for dial access
clients in each POP by using RADIUS.


Authenticates, authorizes, and accounts for router
administrators in the NOC by using TACACS+.


Uses AAA accounting records to collect performance
data, fault data, and track router configuration changes.

Runs performance tests by using a dial simulator and
client PCs.

Configuration Design Parameters
Before THEnet can implement and operate the dial NMS, several design parameters must be defined by
the network engineers and operators.
Each dial POP requires enough IP address space for the POP to grow to its maximum size. For THEnet,
each POP must support up to 50,000 lines. Therefore, an entire class B network is initially assigned to
each POP.
Figure 7

IP Subnetting Diagram for the THEnet

POP #1



Device ID
IP pool



POP #2




Device ID
IP pool


To simplify IP address management, each POP uses a similar IP subnetting plan.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Configuration Design Parameters

Table 7

IP Subnetting Plan for POP #1 and POP #2

Network Name

Assigned IP Subnet


POP #1

Class B IP subnet assigned to POP #1.

POP #2

Class B IP subnet assigned to POP #2.


Class C IP subnet assigned to the NOC.


Primary and secondary class C access Ethernet subnets.
All the access devices in each POP are directly connected
to these subnets.

Identifies each Cisco IOS device with a unique, fixed, and
stable loopback IP address for network management
One IP address is assigned to the loopback 0 interface of
each Cisco IOS device.
One IP address block is used to simplify IP-security
filtering at the NOC. This technique protects the NOC
from devices that should not access management
services, such as TACACS+, RADIUS, syslog, and

IP pool

Hosts a pool of IP addresses for the dial access clients
with modems.

This IP assignment provides 1280 IP addresses to each
POP. The access servers create the IP routes to support
the IP pools.
Few IP routes are summarized to the backbone instead of
advertising 1280 host routes.

Table 8


SNMP Community Strings Used at THEnet

Community String s



Assigns a read-only (RO) community string to enable SNMP polling and
SNMP get requests.


Assigns a read-write (RW) community string to enable router configuration

Do not use “public” or “private” strings, which are well known in the industry, are
common hardware defaults, and invite attacks from hackers—regardless if you use filters.
To maximize security, choose community strings that are not associated with your
personal life or company.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Implementation and Operation Tasks

The information in Table 9 is posted and maintained on web-based management pages. Easy access to
this information reduces network downtime.
Table 9

T1 Support Management Information at THEnet

T1 Dial-in Number

Circuit ID


Contact Phone









Implementation and Operation Tasks
THEnet implements and operates the dial NMS in two phases:

Phase A—Exploring and setting up basic dial NMS functions by using free management software
and light-weight NMS tools:
Task 1—Enabling SNMP in a Cisco IOS Device
Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP
Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads
Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults
Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS


Phase B—Monitoring and maintaining basic dial NMS functions by using commercially available
management systems:
Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS
Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework
Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials

Providing information for integrating high-end management systems is
beyond the scope of this case study.

The examples in this document are taken from a Sun Microsystems workstation running Solarus 2.6.
Some commands and filenames may vary slightly on other Unix systems, such as Linux and HP UX.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Implementation and Operation Tasks

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study

Dial MIBs and OIDs Used in the Case Study
This section describes the MIBs and OIDs used to manage the dial Internet access service in the
case study.
See the following tables and choose the variables you want to use in your network. Explore the OIDs
and determine whether to poll and graph the results on a regular basis.



To explore the MIBs and OIDs, use UCD-SNMP. For more information, see the
“Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP” section on page 45.


To graph the trending statistics for a specific OID, use Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG).
For more information, see the “Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads” section
on page 53.

Be cautious when polling network elements. Polling OIDs that retrieve large amounts of
data can cause CPU problems on a Cisco IOS device. For example, do not get the ARP
table, walk large portions of a MIB tree, poll the wrong OID too frequently, or get statistics
that have an entry for every interface. For example, a Cisco 7200 may have 10 interfaces;
whereas, a Cisco AS5800 may have 3,000 interfaces.

Table 10

MIBs to Consider Using for the Dial NMS

Dial Related

System Management

MIB II / Interfaces
















1. This MIB was enhanced in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)XH and later releases.


For a complete list of available Cisco MIBs, go to


For a list of Cisco-supported traps, go to

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Dial MIBs and OIDs Used in the Case Study


For more information about other NMS enhancements for dial, see Call Tracker plus ISDN and
AAA Enhancements for the Cisco AS5300 and Cisco AS5800 at


To protect a network access server from over polling, use the SNMP get bulk feature.
It’s available in SNMP v2 in CISCO-BULK-FILE-MIB.
Table 11 and Table 12 identify useful OIDs and variables within selected MIBs from Table 10.
Equivalent Cisco IOS commands are shown wherever applicable. Sometimes data is more clearly
inspected by using OIDs and a graphing tool instead of CLI commands.
To see the complete structure of the CISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB and CISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB,
go to the following URLs:




Table 11

Description of CISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB



Number of analog calls connected


Equivalent Cisco IOS
show modem summary

Number of active DS0s in use


Total call count per DS0


Total time in use for each DS0
Total octets received on a DS0


show controllers t1
show isdn memory (See the
number of call control
blocks, CCBs, in the
command output.)
show controllers t1


show controllers t1


None available

Total octets transmitted on a DS0


None available

Total packets received on a DS0


Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


None available

Dial MIBs and OIDs Used in the Case Study

Table 11

Description of CISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB (continued)


Equivalent Cisco IOS


None available

Total packets transmitted on a DS0 cpmOutPackets
Number of active PPP calls


None available

Number of active V120 calls


None available

Number of active V110 calls


None available

Maximum number of DS0s used


Type of call currently connected to cpmDS0CallType
each DS0

Table 12

show controllers t1
None available


Variable Description
Modems available to take calls


Equivalent Cisco IOS
show modem summary

Average call duration for each


Number of times each modem
failed to answer


Number of times each modem
failed to train up successfully


Number of times each modem
successfully trained up

cmIncomingConnectionCompleti show modem

show modem

show modem

show modem


Current TX speed for all the


Current RX speed for all the


List of users currently connected
and authenticated
Call durations for currently
connected and authenticated users


show modem
show modem
show caller


show caller


Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Dial MIBs and OIDs Used in the Case Study

Table 12

Description of CISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB (continued)

Variable Description


Equivalent Cisco IOS

List of user CLIDs


show caller ip


show isdn history

List of called DNIS phone numbers cpmActiveLocalPhoneNumber

show caller ip

List of TTY interfaces in use


show caller ip

List of which user is using which
modem slot


List of which user is using which
modem port


List of which IP addresses are
currently in use


Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


show caller user

show caller user


show caller ip

Task 1—Enabling SNMP in a Cisco IOS Device
About Enabling SNMP
In this case study:

Each Cisco IOS device is identified by a fixed and stable loopback IP address for network
management purposes. The IP address functions as an device ID.
One block of loopback IP addresses is used to simplify IP-security filtering at the NOC. This
technique protects the NOC from devices that should not access management services, such as
TACACS+, RADIUS, syslog, and SNMP.


The dial NMS environment interfaces with SNMP through these applications:
` SNMP Commander
` Multi-Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG)
` HP OpenView (HPOV)
` Cisco Works 2000 Resource Manager Essentials (CW2000 RME)


Avoid using well-known community strings, such as “public,” “private,” or “cisco.”
These strings are easily guessed and leave your device open to malicious attacks or
inadvertent access. To further enhance SNMP security, apply access lists to the community

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 1—Enabling SNMP in a Cisco IOS Device

About Enabling SNMP

Enabling SNMP
To enable SNMP on a Cisco IOS device in the network, follow these steps.

Step 1

In some software releases, the commands snmp-server engineID local and
snmp-server packetsize are enabled by default.

To use Loopback0 for device management and set SNMP traps to use that IP address, enter the
following commands. This configuration also eliminates the need to change IP addresses if a different
interface is used to send traps.
interface Loopback0
ip address
snmp-server trap-source Loopback0

Step 2

To enable a basic SNMP configuration, enter the following commands. See Table 13 for descriptions of
each command.
snmp-server community 5urf5h0p RO
snmp-server community 5crapmeta1 RW
snmp-server location Lake Travis (Austin) Dial POP
snmp-server contact
snmp-server enable traps
snmp host traps SNMPv1

Table 13

SNMP Command Descriptions



snmp-server community 5urf5h0p RO

Assigns a read only (RO) community string. Only get
requests (queries) can be performed.
The RO community string in this example (5urf5h0p)
allows Get requests but no Set operations. The NMS and the
managed device must reference the same community string.

snmp-server community 5crapmeta1 RW

Assigns a read write (RW) community string. SNMP
applications require RW access for Set operations.
The RW community string in this example (5crapmeta1)
enables write access to OID values. For example, you can
shut down an interface, download a configuration file, or
change a password.

snmp-server location Lake Travis
(Austin) Dial POP

Specifies the location of the device for administrative

snmp-server contact admin

Specifies a contact name to notify whenever a MIB problem

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 1—Enabling SNMP in a Cisco IOS Device

Table 13

About Enabling SNMP

SNMP Command Descriptions (continued)



snmp-server enable traps

Enables traps for unsolicited notifications for configuration
changes, environmental variables, and critical device
This command enables 14+ other commands for distinct
types of SNMP traps. Edit this command list to include only
the traps that are used by your network environment.

snmp host traps SNMPv1

Identifies the host destination for the traps. Traps are sent in
the SNMP v1 format in this case study.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


About Enabling SNMP

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 1—Enabling SNMP in a Cisco IOS Device

Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using
About Using UCD-SNMP
Researching and identifying which functions are available in SNMP are part of building a dial NMS
environment. In this case study, UCD-SNMP, an opensource freeware application that allows access to
SNMP functions from a command line interface (CLI), is used to explore the capabilities of SNMP.
There are many benefits to using UCD-SNMP.
You can:

Gain a fundamental understanding of how SNMP functions and protocols work in a dial access
environment. This knowledge provides a solid foundation for using automated and GUI-based
SNMP applications.


Learn how to use a low-level troubleshooting capability in the event that other SNMP applications
produce questionable results.


Poll any OID and verify SNMP agent responses.


Use stable and reliable CLI commands. UCD-SNMP is unobstructed by GUI functionality.


Explore and research MIB content.


Discover what functions are available to manage a Cisco IOS device.


Create customized scripts and tools.

For this case study, the dial engineers at THEnet created a tool called SNMP Commander. The tool
aided the MIB research task by enabling dial engineers to build web-based object identification (OIDs)
bookmarks, which they could go to without using a keyboard.
By using UCD-SNMP and SNMP Commander, the dial engineers at THEnet identified which items the
commercial NMS applications would monitor within the network operations center (NOC).

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP

About Using UCD-SNMP

Installing UCD-SNMP and Downloading Cisco MIBs
To install UCD-SNMP and download MIBs from the Cisco FTP site, follow these steps.

You can also download individual MIBs from

Step 1

Go to

Step 2

Download, compile, and install UCD-SNMP. In this case study, the UCD-SNMP commands are
installed in the /usr/local/bin directory.

Step 3

From the Cisco FTP site, download the MIBs into the /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs directory on your
Solaris workstation. By using the following Unix commands, you can copy the entire bundled v1 MIB
tar file from
cd /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs
cd /pub/mibs/v1
get v1.tar.gz

Step 4

Decompress and untar the files in the /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs directory:
gzip -d v1.tar.gz
tar -xvf v1.tar


There are many MIBs in the tar file that you may not use. Regardless, Cisco
recommends you keep all the MIBs on file to support your evolving network

Exploring SNMP MIBs for Dial Netwo rks
To explore the MIBs for a Cisco IOS device by using SNMP CLI commands, follow the steps in this
section. Poll OID variables by using the commands snmpget, snmpwalk, and snmptable.

Step 1

This section assumes you already have a basic understanding of UCD-SNMP
and know how to use its CLI commands.

To determine the last restart reason for the router, enter the snmpget command and the relevant OID.
In the following example, the restart reason is “reload.”
onionring:~$ snmpget 5urf5h0p .
Counter32 (is a reserved word): At line 6 in /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-S
Gauge32 (is a reserved word): At line 7 in /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI
Integer32 (is a reserved word): At line 8 in /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-S
Did not find 'mib-2' in module RFC1213-MIB (/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/IANAifTyp

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP

About Using UCD-SNMP

enterprises. = "reload"

If SNMP-parsing errors are generated, suppress them by appending 2>/dev/null to the end of the
command. Standard output is tagged as 1. Error output is tagged as 2.
onionring:~$ snmpget 5urf5h0p . 2> /dev/null
enterprises. = "reload"


Step 2

If no response is returned by the SNMP agent, allow error messages to print to the
screen by removing the 2>/dev/null argument.

Check the system up time by entering the snmpget command and sysUpTime OID:
onionring:~$ snmpget 5urf5h0p . 2>
system.sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (45450609) 5 days, 6:15:06.09

Step 3

To gather basic configuration management information about the Cisco IOS device, enter the
snmpwalk command and the system OID.
onionring:~$ snmpwalk 5urf5h0p system 2> /dev/null
system.sysDescr.0 = "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software ..IOS (tm) 5800
Software (C5800-P4-M), Version 12.1(2a)T1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)..Copyright
(c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc...Compiled Mon 12-Jun-00 23:13 by ccai"
system.sysObjectID.0 = OID: enterprises.9.1.188
system.sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (45492606) 5 days, 6:22:06.06
system.sysContact.0 = ""
system.sysName.0 = ""
system.sysLocation.0 = "Lake Travis (Austin) Dial POP"
system.sysServices.0 = 78
system.8.0 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00

Step 4

Change the OID environmental prefix by entering the commands prefix and export prefix. This step
reduces the number of key strokes you must enter at the command line.
onionring:~$ snmpget 5urf5h0p . 2> /
enterprises. = "reload"
onionring:~$ PREFIX=.
onionring:~$ export PREFIX
onionring:~$ snmpget 5urf5h0p 2> /dev/null
enterprises. = "reload"

The UCD-SNMP application attaches a prefix to the requested variable unless it is fully qualified (for
example, unless the variable starts with a period “.”). By default, the prefix points to the MIB-II node
. location. The Cisco enterprises prefix points to .
Step 5

Inspect the IP address entry table by entering the snmptable command and ipAddrTable OID:
onionring:~$ snmptable 5urf5h0p ip.ipAddrTable 2> /dev/null
SNMP table: ip.ipAddrTable.ipAddrEntry
ipAdEntAddr ipAdEntIfIndex ipAdEntNetMask ipAdEntBcastAddr ipAdEntReasmMaxSize

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP

About Using UCD-SNMP

Step 6

Poll the interfaces table and redirect the output to a text file by entering the snmptable command and
ifTable OID:
onionring:~$ snmptable 5urf5h0p interfaces.ifTable
> /export/home/www/travis-nas-01_ifTable.txt

Step 7

Do not forget the space between > and /export

Inspect the contents of the interfaces table by entering the cat command. In the following Cisco AS5800
example, notice the interface descriptions (ifDescr) and types (ifType). There is one PPP and DS0 entry
for each serial interface.
onionring:~$ cat /export/home/www/travis-nas-01_ifTable.txt
SNMP table: interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry
ifType ifMtu
ifSpeed ........
other 1500
other 1500
other 1500
ethernetCsmacd 1500 100000000
other 1500 4294967295
"T1 1/0/0"
"T1 1/0/1"
"T1 1/0/10"
"T1 1/0/11"
"Serial1/0/0:0" propPointToPointSerial 1500
"Serial1/0/0:1" propPointToPointSerial 1500
lapd 1500
isdn 1500
328 "Serial1/0/0:0-Bearer Channel"
329 "Serial1/0/0:1-Bearer Channel"
350 "Serial1/0/0:22-Bearer Channel"
softwareLoopback 15144294967295

To view the complete, unabridged output for this example, go to

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP

About SNMP Commander

About SNMP Commander
The dial engineers at THEnet created a tool called SNMP Commander that:

Provides web-based access to UCD-SNMP CLI commands.


Builds web-based OID bookmarks, which enable you to go to OIDs without using a keyboard.


Aids the MIB exploration and NMS design tasks.

By using SNMP Commander and a web browser, you can:

Create URL links for the network staff and help desk.


Identify target OIDs you want to graph by using MRTG.


Inspect thresholds and events to monitor by using other NMS systems.

The following two components work together to create SNMP Commander:

snmpcmds.dat—A comma separated variables file, which includes a list of SNMP CLI commands.
This file is read by the script.
For the source code, go to

•—A script that loads and reads a data file. You can use additional data files by
creating multiple instances of the original script and altering the data file descriptor.
For the source code, go to

Setting Up SNMP Commander
To set up SNMP Commander, follow these steps:
Step 1

From CCO, download snmpcmds.dat and

Step 2

Customize the files for your environment. When you find useful OIDs, enter them in the snmpcmds.dat
file and use the web-based form of the script to research the MIBs. The web tool functions like an SNMP
OID bookmarker.

Step 3

Test SNMP Commander by using a web browser:

Select an SNMP command and OID.


Select an SNMP agent (Cisco IOS device).


Click Submit.


Inspect the program and query messages.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP

About SNMP Commander

Figure 8

SNMP Commander Tool

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP

Figure 9

About SNMP Commander

Polling Results from the table cpmActiveCallSummaryTable Command

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


About SNMP Commander

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP

Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph
Traffic Loads
About MRTG
Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a free performance management application for Unix that
monitors SNMP statistics from any SNMP capable device on your network and performs the following

Captures, stores, and graphically presents SNMP data. By default, a web page with four graphs per
MIB object (OID) is created by MRTG. The graphs show the variation of MIB data over time.


Runs from the crontab. Every five minutes, a cron job runs MRTG to query a user-configured list
of OIDs and network devices. After each data collection cycle, the MRTG perl script posts updated
graphs to a web page.


Efficiently compresses and archives data samples to create graphs.


Enables you to determine if trending data is useful for monitoring your environment before you
invest in costly network performance software. If trending data is critical to manage your network,
it may be necessary to purchase a commercial network performance package, such as Concord
Network Health. However, you may find that MRTG is all you need.


MRTG Polls for OIDs; OID Values that Are Returned to MRTG

Polling OID
Returning OID valves


Figure 10

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads

About Selecting Dial OIDs

For each OID referenced in the configuration file, MRTG creates the following graphs:

Daily graph—5 minute average data points with approximately 33 hours of data presented.


Weekly graph—30 minute average data points with approximately 8 days of data presented.


Monthly graph—2 hour average data points with approximately 5 weeks of data presented.


Yearly graph—1 day average data points with approximately 1 year of data presented.

To quickly create images by using the GD graphics library, go to

About Selecting Dial OIDs
To select which dial OIDs to query when monitoring dial-up activity, see the OIDs listed in the
following tables:



Circuit utilization OIDs (Table 14)


Modem information OIDs (Table 15)


User information OIDs (Table 16)

Be cautious when polling network elements. Polling OIDs that retrieve large amounts of
data can cause CPU problems on a Cisco IOS device. For example, do not get the ARP
table, walk large portions of a MIB tree, poll the wrong OID too frequently, or get statistics
that have an entry for every interface. For example, a Cisco 7200 may have 10 interfaces;
whereas, a Cisco AS5800 may have 3,000 interfaces.
In this case study, the tools UCD-SNMP and SNMP Commander were used to inspect and understand
the MIBs. Based on this research, the network engineers at THEnet identified the OIDs in the following
tables to program in to MRTG.
To see the complete structure of the CISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB and CISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB,
go to the following URLs:




Table 14

Circuit Utilization OIDs


Base MIB and OID


Analog calls


The number of analog calls connected.
Active DS0s


The total number of calls connected.
Call count


Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


The number of calls that have occupied a
specific DS0.

Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads

Table 14

About Selecting Dial OIDs

Circuit Utilization OIDs (continued)


Base MIB and OID


Time in use


The time for each DS0.
PPP calls


The number of active PPP calls.
DS0 high
water mark


The maximum number of DS0s ever used

Table 15

Modem Information OIDs


Base MIB and OID




The number of modems currently available to
take calls.

Average call


No answers


The average call duration for each modem in the
The number of calls not answered by a modem.
Failed Train


The number of modem calls that failed to train
It’s normal behavior for most modems to not
have a 100 percent success rate.



The number of modem calls that successfully
trained up.
It’s normal for most modems to not have a 100
percent success rate.

TX speed


The current transmit speed (TX) of all the
modems in the NAS.
If a modem does not have an active call, zero is

RX speed


The current receive speed (RX) of all the
modems in the NAS.
If a modem does not have an active call, zero is

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads

How to Inspect and Interpret Data

Table 16

User Information OIDs


Base MIB and OID


Active user ID


List of users currently connected
and authenticated.

Active call duration


Call durations for currently
connected and authenticated users.


List of user Caller IDs (CLID).

DNIS phone number


Active TTY


Active modem slot


Active modem port


Active user IP


List of called Dialed Number
Information Service (DNIS) phone
List of asynchronous terminal lines
(TTY) in use.
List of which user is using which
modem slot.
List of which user is using which
modem port.
List of which IP addresses are
currently in use.

How to Inspect and Interpret Data
Internet users spend approximately 80 percent of their time reading information—not downloading
data. Modem traffic is very limited on a per user basis. People cannot read as fast as modems can
download. Therefore, watch for the following types of trends and performance data on the access

PPP sessions in use.


DS0s in use.


Modem calls that have been rejected.


The number of calls coming in to the access server and at what time.


Spikes or dips in total calls connected outside the normal call pattern.


Long-term trends that may mean that you need to upgrade components in your network.


Throughput that has been reduced to unacceptable levels (potential bottlenecks).


For disaster recovery purposes, when fail over events and routing swaps occur, look for drops in the
primary data path and jumps in the backup path.


The utilization of the IP backbone, such as a Frame Relay link or Ethernet campus.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads

How to Inspect and Interpret Data

The Connection Success Rate (CSR) is an important metric for tracking and measuring the stability of
a dial service. The CSR is defined by the number of modems that successfully train up and go in to
connected state. In addition to the CSR, you must track and analyze additional areas. For example,
SNMP MIBs can be used to measure the success rate for items such as PPP, AAA, and IP negotiation.
To collect the CSR service level counters, inspect the connection success and failure rate by using
modem OIDs or the show modem Cisco IOS command. SNMP, rather than the Cisco IOS CLI, is the
preferred method to collect these counters. SNMP can scale to support large numbers of access servers.
The following graphs show the DS0s and PPP sessions in use for 70,000 modem users calling in to a
dial-up service at a large university. The graphs are taken from one Cisco AS5300 in a large dial-up
modem pool.
Figure 11

Daily Graph: DS0s and PPP Sessions in Use

The jagged saw-tooth pattern at the top of the graph indicates a telephone-switch hunt group for the dial
lines passing by the access servers. A “jump up” occurs each time the hunt group passes by a different
T1 line. For a hunt group that rotates in a round-robin fashion, a jagged saw-tooth pattern is normal.
Figure 12

Weekly Graph: DS0s and PPP Sessions in Use

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads

How to Inspect and Interpret Data

Figure 13

Monthly Graph: DS0s and PPP Sessions in Use

MRTG efficiently compresses and archives data to create graphs. For example, you can keep
information for an entire year on a server without using much disk space.
Figure 14

Yearly Graph: DS0s and PPP Sessions in Use

The configuration file used to create these graphs is posted at
Note the numeric OIDs in the configuration file.

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads

How to Inspect and Interpret Data

Creating and Editing a Configuration File
Because dial interfaces normally go up and down as calls connect and disconnect, monitor counters
such as:

PPP sessions in use


DS0s in use


Modem calls that have been rejected

Depending on how the dial interfaces are used on a access server, different types of counters may not
be valuable to monitor, such as byte-packet counters on the interfaces in Table 17.
Table 17

Dial Interface Types on a Cisco AS5800

Interface Type

Syntax Example



B-channel serial


D-channel serial


Group asynchronous


T1/E1 controllers

T1 1/0/0

To enable MRTG to locate a device and poll it for network statistics, follow these steps:
Step 1

Collect the hostnames, IP address, and read only (RO) SNMP community strings for the devices to be

Step 2

Download, compile, and install MRTG on to a Solaris workstation:

Step 3


For the source code, go to


For the documentation, see the section “Getting and Installing MRTG on a UNIX System” at

Create a configuration file.
There are two basic ways to create the file:

Manually create it by using the MRTG files config.text and sample-mrtg.config. These files are in
the /mrtg/doc directory.


Use the configuration maker (cfgmaker) in the /mrtg/run directory. MRTG creates a basic
configuration file for you. The default configuration file made with cfgmaker automatically polls
for a standard set of MIBs and pre-defined values.
Generic command syntax:
./cfgmaker communitystring@hostname-or-ipaddress >> outputfilename.cfg

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide


Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads

How to Inspect and Interpret Data

./cfgmaker 5urf5h0p@travis-nas-01 >> travis-nas-01.cfg

In the previous example:

is the SNMP community string.


is the hostname of the managed device.



Step 4

is the configuration file that MRTG reads each time it starts up.

If the domain name server (DNS) is not working, MRTG cannot use a hostname.
You must use an IP address instead.

By using a text editor, edit the configuration file (.cfg) to enable polling of dial variables and OIDs.
For a complete list of OIDs to poll, see the “About Selecting Dial OIDs” section on page 54.
The following configuration file is from a Cisco AS5300. This file can be used as a configuration
template for your environment, but use your own community string, work directory, and device name.
The following definitions are used in the example:

The RO community string is 5urf5h0p


The work directory is WorkDir:


The device name is travis-nas-01


An electronic copy of this template is available at
WorkDir: /export/home/www/mrtg/travis-nas-01/dial
# set defaults
Options[_]: growright
# make legends reflect these are call counters
YLegend[_]: Active Calls
ShortLegend[_]: calls
LegendI[_]:  calls:
LegendO[_]:  calls:
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: DS0s and PPP Sessions.
MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_DS0PPP]: 200
MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_DS0PPP]: 200
Title[travis-nas-01_DS0PPP]: DS0s and PPP sessions in Use

DS0s and PPP sessions in Use

Options[travis-nas-01_DS0PPP]: gauge Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $ Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads How to Inspect and Interpret Data #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: DS0s and Analog #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_DS0ANALOG]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_DS0ANALOG]: 200 MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_DS0ANALOG]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_DS0ANALOG]: DS0s and Analog in Use PageTop[travis-nas-01_DS0ANALOG]:

DS0s and Analog in Use

Options[travis-nas-01_DS0ANALOG]: gauge #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: DS0s and SerialX:Y #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_DS0SERIAL]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_DS0SERIAL]: 200 MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_DS0SERIAL]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_DS0SERIAL]: DS0s and SerialX:Y in Use PageTop[travis-nas-01_DS0SERIAL]:

DS0s and SerialX:Y in Use

Options[travis-nas-01_DS0SERIAL]: gauge #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: DS0s and Sw56 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_DS0Sw56]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_DS0Sw56]: 200 MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_DS0Sw56]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_DS0Sw56]: DS0s and Sw56 in Use PageTop[travis-nas-01_DS0Sw56]:

DS0s and Sw56 in Use

Options[travis-nas-01_DS0Sw56]: gauge #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: cpmISDNCallsRejected and cpmModemCallsRejected #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_callrejects]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_callrejects]: 200 MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_callrejects]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_callrejects]: travis-nas-01 cpmISDNCallsRejected and cpmModemCallsRejected PageTop[travis-nas-01_callrejects]:

cpmISDNCallsRejected and cpmModemCallsRejected

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $ How to Inspect and Interpret Data Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: cpmISDNCallsClearedAbnormally and cpmModemCallsClearedAbnormally #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_clearAbnormal]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_clearAbnormal]: 200 MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_clearAbnormal]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_clearAbnormal]: travis-nas-01 cpmISDNCallsClearedAbnormally and cpmModemCallsClearedAbnormally PageTop[travis-nas-01_clearAbnormal]:

cpmISDNCallsClearedAbnormally and cpmModemCallsClearedAbnormally

#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: cpmISDNNoResource and cpmModemNoResource #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_callNoResource]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_callNoResource]: 200 MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_callNoResource]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_callNoResource]: travis-nas-01 cpmISDNNoResource and cpmModemNoResource PageTop[travis-nas-01_callNoResource]:

cpmISDNNoResource and cpmModemNoResource

#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: cmSystemModemsInUse and cmSystemModemsAvailable #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_modemcount]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_modemcount]: 200 MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_modemcount]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_modemcount]: cmSystemModemsInUse and cmSystemModemsAvailable PageTop[travis-nas-01_modemcount]:

cmSystemModemsInUse and cmSystemModemsAvailable

Options[travis-nas-01_modemcount]: gauge #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: cvpdnTunnelTotal and cvpdnDeniedUsersTotal #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_vpdn_tunnelanddenied]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_vpdn_tunnelanddenied]: 200 Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $ Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads How to Inspect and Interpret Data MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_vpdn_tunnelanddenied]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_vpdn_tunnelanddenied]: cvpdnTunnelTotal and cvpdnDeniedUsersTotal PageTop[travis-nas-01_vpdn_tunnelanddenied]:

cvpdnTunnelTotal and cvpdnDeniedUsersTotal

Options[travis-nas-01_vpdn_tunnelanddenied]: gauge #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# purpose: activeDS0s and cvpdnSessionTotal #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Target[travis-nas-01_activeDS0vpdnSession]: MaxBytes1[travis-nas-01_activeDS0vpdnSession]: 200 MaxBytes2[travis-nas-01_activeDS0vpdnSession]: 200 Title[travis-nas-01_activeDS0vpdnSession]: activeDS0s and cvpdnSessionTotal PageTop[travis-nas-01_activeDS0vpdnSession]:

activeDS0s and cvpdnSessionTotal

Options[travis-nas-01_activeDS0vpdnSession]: gauge Step 5 Open the crontab file in your system by entering crontab -e. The -e enables edit mode. You can run crontab from any directory. igloo:/ ->crontab -e "/tmp/crontabmMaqZd" 14 lines, 610 characters #ident "@(#)root 1.19 98/07/06 SMI" /* SVr4.0 */ # # The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection. # # The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when # daylight savings time changes. # 10 3 * * 0,4 /etc/cron.d/logchecker 10 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/newsyslog 15 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind 1 2 * * * [ -x /usr/sbin/rtc ] && /usr/sbin/rtc -c > /dev/null 2>&1 30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean Caution Step 6 Although the crontab file is a flat text file, do not manually edit it by using vi crontab. vi can corrupt the crontab, which causes all cron jobs to stop working. You must use the crontab -e command, which synchronizes and updates all the crontab daemons accordingly. Insert the directory path for the MRTG configuration file (.cfg) you created. At the bottom of the file, enter a line similar to this one: 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /opt/mrtg/run/mrtg /opt/mrtg/run/conf/travis-nas-01.cfg Note Do not forget to include a space between /mrtg and /opt Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $! Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads How to Inspect and Interpret Data "/tmp/crontabmMaqZd" 14 lines, 610 characters #ident "@(#)root 1.19 98/07/06 SMI" /* SVr4.0 */ # # The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection. # # The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when # daylight savings time changes. # 10 3 * * 0,4 /etc/cron.d/logchecker 10 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/newsyslog 15 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind 1 2 * * * [ -x /usr/sbin/rtc ] && /usr/sbin/rtc -c > /dev/null 2>&1 30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /opt/downloads/mrtg/mrtg-2.8.8/run/mrtg /opt/downloads/mrtg/mrtg-2.8.8/run/travis-nas-01.cfg On a 5-minute time interval, MRTG will start up, read the configuration file, and re-generate performance graphs. Sending MRTG Graphs to a Web Server MRTG builds all the graphs and web pages. To browse and view the graphs produced by MRTG, make sure the web server is running. For information on how to set up a web server, go to To send MRTG graphs to a web server, follow these steps: Step 1 Verify that the configuration file points to the correct working directory (WorkDir:) on your web server by entering the more command. See WorkDir: in the following example. igloo:/opt/downloads/mrtg/mrtg-2.8.8/run ->more travis-nas-01.cfg WorkDir: /export/home/www/mrtg/travis-nas-01/dial # set defaults Options[_]: growright # make legends reflect these are call counters YLegend[_]: Active Calls ShortLegend[_]: calls LegendI[_]:  calls: LegendO[_]:  calls: . . . Step 2 To send the web pages and graphs to the web-server directory, enter the following command: igloo:/opt/downloads/mrtg/mrtg-2.8.8/run ->./mrtg travis-nas-01.cfg igloo:/opt/downloads/mrtg/mrtg-2.8.8/run -> Now, the crontab will automatically perform this function every five minutes. Ignore any Rateup WARNING errors, which means that crontab is working in the background. Rateup Rateup Rateup Rateup WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: .//rateup .//rateup .//rateup .//rateup Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $" The backup log file for was invalidl Can't remove updating log file Can't rename to could not read the primary log file for Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads Step 3 How to Inspect and Interpret Data Use a web browser to view the MRTG output files in the web page directory. Note If the domain name server (DNS) is not working, a hostname cannot be used by MRTG. Use the IP address instead. Figure 15 MRTG Graphs Viewed by Using a Web Browser Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $# How to Inspect and Interpret Data Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $$ Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Syslog Syslog, Network Time Protocol (NTP), and modem call records work together to isolate and troubleshoot faults in a dial access network. Syslog enables you to: • Centrally log and analyze configuration events and system error messages, such as router configuration changes, interface up and down status, modem events, security alerts, environmental conditions, trace backs, and CPU process overloads. • Capture client debug output sessions in a real-time scenario. • Reserve telnet sessions for making configurations changes and using show commands. Telnet sessions that are cluttered with debug output interfere with troubleshooting procedures. • Reduce network downtime by knowing when the network has quality problems. Figure 16 Cisco IOS Sending Syslog Messages to a Syslog Server Syslog messages Syslog server Cisco IOS Syslog messages written to hard disk 24528 Internal view You can enable syslog in any Cisco IOS device and send syslog messages to many different destinations (host, buffer, console, history, and monitor). Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $% Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Syslog By using the logging ? command, you can see the log settings for distinct destinations: travis-nas-01(config)#logging ? Hostname or A.B.C.D IP address of the logging host buffered Set buffered logging parameters console Set console logging level facility Facility parameter for syslog messages history Configure syslog history table monitor Set terminal line (monitor) logging level on Enable logging to all supported destinations rate-limit Set messages per second limit source-interface Specify interface for source address in logging transactions trap Set syslog server logging level There are eight levels of syslog information in the Cisco IOS software. Monitor and manage logs according to the severity level of the syslog message. By using the logging trap ? command, you can see the logging severity levels: travis-nas-01(config)#logging trap ? <0-7> Logging severity level alerts Immediate action needed critical Critical conditions debugging Debugging messages emergencies System is unusable errors Error conditions informational Informational messages notifications Normal but significant conditions warnings Warning conditions Table 18 (severity=1) (severity=2) (severity=7) (severity=0) (severity=3) (severity=6) (severity=5) (severity=4) Logging Trap Severity Definitions Message Type Description Syslog Message Severity Level emergencies System unusable LOG_EMERG 0 alerts Immediate action needed LOG_ALERT 1 critical Critical conditions LOG_CRIT 2 errors Error conditions LOG_ERR 3 warnings Warning conditions LOG_WARNING 4 notifications Normal but significant condition LOG_NOTICE 5 informational Informational messages only LOG_INFO 6 debugging Debugging messages LOG_DEBUG 7 In this case study, syslog is enabled on all Cisco access servers and backbone routers. Each device sends syslog messages to the same log file on the same syslog server. The terminology in the syslog messages can vary between different versions of Cisco IOS software. To effectively manage syslog messages, ensure that wherever possible, the same version of Cisco IOS software is running on all routers. Note For background information on syslog, go to Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $& Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About NTP About NTP The Network Time Protocol (NTP): • Provides a synchronized time base for networked routers, servers, and other devices. • Coordinates the time of network events, which helps you understand and troubleshoot the time sequence of network events. For example, call records for specific users can be correlated within one millisecond. • Enables you to compare time logs from different networks, which is essential for: ` Tracking security incidents ` Analyzing faults ` Troubleshooting Without precise time synchronization between all the various logging, debug output, management, and AAA functions in the network, you cannot make time comparisons. For a list of NTP clients, go to About Modem Call Records A modem call record (MCR) is a type of syslog message that is: • Created when a user dials in and hangs up, but it is not generated until the end of the call. • Used to gather statistics and modem-performance logs on a per-call basis, such as: ` Modulation trends (V.90 verses V.34). ` Call time durations (consistent short connection times on a modem, regular Lost Carrier counts). ` Unavailable user IDs. ` PPP negotiation or authentication failures. In this case study, the engineers filter modem call records out of syslog and store them into flat files on a Unix host. The records are sorted by using cron jobs and perl scripts. A web-based MCR viewer facility is used to: • Search the call records. • Extract historical and statistical information about individual users and access servers. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $' Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Modem Call Records Figure 17 Web-Based MCR Viewer You can view entire log files or portions of logs in the MCR viewer. In addition, you can parse for specific users and other call attributes for a modem call (for example, modulation, error correction, compression, disconnect causes, and retrains). Note Modem call records are available in syslog starting with Cisco IOS Releases 11.3AA and 12.0T. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide % Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Modem Call Records Enabling NTP on a Cisco IOS Device To enable NTP and related clocking services, follow these steps. Step 1 From the Cisco IOS device, enter the following commands. Enable debug timestamps and include the date, time, and milliseconds relative to the local time zone: ! service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone ! Step 2 Identify the local timezone and enable recurring time adjustments for daylight savings time by entering the following commands: ! clock timezone CST -6 clock summer-time CST recurring ! Step 3 Locate an NTP server that can be reached by the Cisco IOS device. Step 4 Specify the IP address for the NTP server and enable automatic-calendar updates by entering the following commands: ! ntp update-calendar ntp server ! Note Step 5 By default, the ntp clock-period command is enabled in some Cisco IOS releases. The Cisco IOS software appends an arbitrary number to the end of the command. Verify that the clock is synchronized with the NTP server by entering the following command: travis-nas-01>show ntp status Clock is synchronized, stratum 9, reference is nominal freq is 250.0000 Hz, actual freq is 249.9987 Hz, precision is 2**24 reference time is BD123336.28CCF0C4 (18:09:42.159 CST Sat Jul 8 2000) clock offset is 0.1183 msec, root delay is 61.84 msec root dispersion is 0.93 msec, peer dispersion is 0.79 msec travis-nas-01> Inspect the status and time association. Clock sources are identified by their stratum levels. The previous display shows a stratum level nine clock. Note If the NTP synchronization does not take place, reload the router. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide % Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Modem Call Records Step 6 Verify that the router is receiving NTP packets from the NTP server by entering the following command: travis-nas-01>show ntp association address ref clock st when poll reach delay offset disp *~ 8 984 1024 377 60.3 -0.89 0.8 * master (synced), # master (unsynced), + selected, - candidate, ~ configured travis-nas-01> The tilde (~) next to the IP address of the NTP server means the NTP service is configured. The asterisk (*) indicates successful synchronization with the master clock. Setting Up an NTP Client To set up an NTP client on a Solaris v2.6 workstation, follow these steps. Note Step 1 Locate an NTP server that can be reached by the workstation. There are many available NTP servers on the Internet. If your workstation cannot reach the Internet, locate an NTP server within your network. Note Step 2 Additional software is not required to set up NTP on the workstation if it is running Solaris v2.6 (or later). A common practice is to configure an area border router as an NTP server for a particular subnet. The area border router then points to an external NTP server. Other equipment on that subnet uses the loopback 0 IP address on the area border router as an NTP server. Go to the /etc/inet directory and inspect the template file called ntp.client: onionring:~$ cd /etc/inet onionring:/etc/inet$ more ntp.client # @(#)ntp.client 1.2 96/11/06 SMI # # /etc/inet/ntp.client # # An example file that could be copied over to /etc/inet/ntp.conf; it # provides a configuration for a host that passively waits for a server # to provide NTP packets on the ntp multicast net. # multicastclient Step 3 Copy ntp.client and create the ntp.conf configuration file in the /etc/inet default directory: onionring:/etc/inet$ cp ntp.client ntp.conf onionring:/etc/inet$ The NTP daemon reads ntp.conf at startup to locate the NTP server. Note You must have root-level permissions to edit or copy any files in the /etc/inet/ directory. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide % Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults Step 4 About Modem Call Records Edit the ntp.conf file by changing multicastclient to server followed by the IP address of the target NTP server: # # # # # # # # @(#)ntp.client 1.2 96/11/06 SMI /etc/inet/ntp.client An example file that could be copied over to /etc/inet/ntp.conf; it provides a configuration for a host that passively waits for a server to provide NTP packets on the ntp multicast net. server Step 5 Go to the directory /usr/lib/inet/ and start the NTP daemon by entering the xntpd command. The daemon sets and maintains the time-of-day of the operating system in agreement with the master time server. onionring:/etc/inet$ cd /usr/lib/inet/ onionring:/usr/lib/inet$ ls in.dhcpd xntpd onionring:/usr/lib/inet$ xntpd onionring:/usr/lib/inet$ Step 6 Verify that the NTP daemon is running by entering the ntpq -p command: onionring:/usr/lib/inet$ ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset disp ============================================================================== *maui-rtr-01.mau CHU(1) 8 u 49 64 377 1.08 -0.131 0.08 onionring:/usr/lib/inet$ The following information appears: • The remote NTP server to which the workstation is connected. • The reference ID. • The stratum level of the server. • The type of NTP packet that was received by the client (local, unicast, multicast, or broadcast). • The polling interval in seconds. • The reachability register in octal. • The current delay of the server in seconds. • The current offset of the server in seconds and the dispersion of the server in seconds. • The delay, offset, and displacement between the client and the server in seconds. When the daemon starts, most of the time values will be zeros until there is a sufficient number of queries taken by the daemon to determine the correct offset. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide %! Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Modem Call Records Troubleshooting the NTP Client Table 19 NTP Problems and Solutions Problem Solution The ntp.client file or the xntpd daemon cannot be found in the directories shown in the examples. Verify that the workstation is running Solaris v2.6 or a later version of Solaris. Enter the uname -a command to see the version. Versions earlier than Solaris v2.6 do not support NTP and must be supplemented with additional NTP software available from The error message “No Associations There are three possible solutions: IDs Returned” when you enter the • The network traffic is slow, and the workstation has not ntpq -p command. had time to poll the NTP server. Allow the workstation enough time to issue the poll (a few seconds); then, enter the ntpq -p command. • The mulitcastclient line in the ntp.conf file was not replaced with the server line. • The NTP server you have chosen is down, or it is not configured correctly. Enabling Syslog and Modem Call Records in the Cisco IOS Software To enable syslog messages in the Cisco IOS software and send them to a syslog server, follow these steps: Step 1 Inspect the current logging status by entering the following command: travis-nas-01#show logging Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 flushes, 0 overruns) Console logging: level debugging, 42 messages logged Monitor logging: level debugging, 93 messages logged Buffer logging: level debugging, 3 messages logged Trap logging: level informational, 121 message lines logged Log Buffer (8192 bytes): travis-nas-01# Step 2 Set up a basic syslog configuration by entering the following commands. See Table 20 for command descriptions. ! logging buffered 10000 debugging no logging console guaranteed logging console informational ! ! logging trap debugging logging facility local0 logging ! Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide %" Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults Table 20 About Modem Call Records Logging Command Descriptions Command Purpose logging buffered 10000 debugging Sets the internal log buffer to 10000 bytes for debug output. New messages overwrite old messages. You can tune buffered-logging parameters for collecting logs on a NAS when you are at a remote location. For example, turn on debugs and start logging them in the history buffer. Make your test call; then, re-connect in shell mode and inspect the debugs. logging console informational no logging console guaranteed Sends the most urgent informational logs to the console port in the event the IP network or syslog server fails. Alternatively, send messages to the console by using the commands logging console errors or logging console warnings. Caution Logging console can cause the router to intermittently freeze up as soon as the console port overloads with log messages. Debugs and modem call records sent to the console port are potentially destructive to the Cisco IOS software. logging trap debugging Enables logging up to the debug level (all eight levels). logging Specifies the IP address of the syslog server. logging facility local0 Assigns a logging-facility tag (local0) to the syslog messages for this device. The tag must match the facility number configured in the syslog.conf file on the Unix host. See Step 1 in “Configuring the Syslog Daemon” section on page 76. In this case study, each device sends syslog messages to the same log file on the same syslog server. Step 3 Enable modem call records in the Cisco IOS by entering the following command: ! modem call-record terse ! A modem call record, which is a syslog message, looks like this: May 26 22:04:23.346 CST: %CALLRECORD-3-MICA_TERSE_CALL_REC: DS0 slot/contr/chan= 0/0/0, slot/port=2/14, call_id=26, userid=(n/a), ip=, calling=4082322078, called=3241933, std=V.34+, prot=LAP-M, comp=V.42bis both, init-rx/tx b-rate=264 00/24000, finl-rx/tx b-rate=28800/24000, rbs=0, d-pad=None, retr=1, sq=4, snr=27 , rx/tx chars=136/6470, bad=2, rx/tx ec=134/184, bad=0, time=594, finl-state=Ste ady, disc(radius)=(n/a)/(n/a), disc(modem)=DF03 Tx (host to line) data flushing - OK/Requested by host/DTR dropped Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide %# Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Modem Call Records Step 4 (Optional) To disable syslog messages and SNMP traps when dial interfaces go up and down, use the commands no logging event link-status and no snmp trap link-status. Although up and down events are legitimate events on dial interfaces, these events should not cause alarms as LAN and WAN interfaces would. ! interface Serial1/0/0:4:23 no logging event link-status no snmp trap link-status ! interface Group-Async0 no logging event link-status no snmp trap link-status ! In this example, only the fourth T1 of a T3 card is shown. Note In some Cisco IOS images, the logging event link-status command is disabled by default. Configuring the S yslog Daemon In this case study, all the syslog messages from the access servers are sent to a single log file. The syslog messages from the backbone routers are sent to a different log file. To configure the syslog daemon on a Solaris syslog server, follow these steps: Step 1 On the syslog server, edit the file syslog.conf in the /etc/ directory by using a text editor. To get syslog working, you must add the following line to the file: | local0.debug | /var/log/router.log • The local facility number is local0.debug. It must match the facility number configured in the Cisco IOS device. See the logging facility command in Table 20. • The log file path name is • One tab exists between the facility number and the path name. Spaces are not permitted. You can define any directory location/path for the .txt log file. /var/log/router.log In the following example, the new line is in bold: "syslog.conf" 53 lines, 1861 characters #ident "@(#)syslog.conf 1.3 93/12/09 SMI" /* SunOS 5.0 */ # # Copyright (c) 1991-1993, by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # syslog configuration file. # # This file is processed by m4 so be careful to quote (`') names # that match m4 reserved words. Also, within ifdef's, arguments # containing commas must be quoted. # # # # Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide %$ Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Modem Call Records #Following is the new line. It adds a logging facility number and direcory path for the #log file (router.log). local0.debug /var/log/router.log Note Step 2 The previous syslog.conf example has been abbreviated to fit this document. The actual file size is much larger than the example. Add the new line to the end of the file. Create the log file and check the read/write privileges by entering the following commands: aurora:/etc ->touch /var/log/router.log aurora:/etc ->ls -l /var/log/router.log -rw-r--r-1 root other 27110 Jul aurora:/etc -> Step 3 Verify the syslog daemon is running by entering the ps -elf | grep syslog command from the /etc directory. If the daemon is running, a process ID is returned by the system (for example, 169). If the daemon is not running, no ID is returned. aurora:/etc ->ps -elf | grep syslog 8 S root 169 1 0 41 20 60756cc8 aurora:/etc -> Step 4 8 19:56 /var/log/router.log 187 604e3156 Jun 19 ? d Activate the configuration changes you made in syslog.conf by restarting the syslog daemon. Enter the start/stop S74syslog scripts from the /etc/rc2.d directory. aurora:/etc ->rc2.d/S74syslog stop Stopping the syslog service. aurora:/etc ->rc2.d/S74syslog start syslog service starting. aurora:/etc ->ps -elf | grep syslog 8 S root 4405 1 0 44 20 6042d320 aurora:/etc -> 187 604e3156 09:16:35 ? d Confirm that a new syslog process ID was assigned (for example, 4405) after the start/stop process. Note You must have root-level permissions to run system scripts, such as the files in /etc/rc2.d Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide %% Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Modem Call Records Inspecting Syslog Messages in t he Log File To inspect syslog messages by using Cisco IOS commands, Unix commands, FTP, and a web browser, follow these steps: Step 1 From the Cisco IOS device, create basic syslog messages by entering these commands: travis-nas-01#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. travis-nas-01(config)#^Z travis-nas-01#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. travis-nas-01(config)#^Z travis-nas-01# Step 2 End with CNTL/Z. End with CNTL/Z. From the syslog server, verify that the syslog messages went in to the log file. Enter the tail -f command to monitor the last 10 lines of an active log file. To exit tail -f mode, press Ctrl-C. aurora:/etc ->tail -f /var/log/router.log May 26 17:43:12 [] 629: May 26 Configured from console by vty0 ( May 26 17:51:15 [] 630: May 26 Configured from console by console May 26 17:51:19 [] 631: May 26 Configured from console by console May 26 17:54:38 [] 632: May 26 Configured from console by vty0 ( ^C aurora:/etc -> Step 3 20:43:27.068 CST: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: 20:43:30.932 CST: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: 20:46:50.344 CST: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: View the syslog messages in a web browser. Notice the wide horizontal scroll bar, which is helpful for viewing debug messages and modem call records. Figure 18 Syslog Messages that Appear by Using FTP and a Web Browser ftp://sam@ Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide %& 20:35:23.551 CST: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults About Modem Call Records Table 21 shows the generic URL syntax to use. Be sure to replace the variables with your own information. The FTP server automatically prompts you for a login password. Table 21 URL Syntax Descriptions and Examples Generic URL Syntax Description Example ftp://username@host/directory-path Uses FTP to view ftp://sam@ logs from a remote og location. file://directory-path Views logs on a local host. file://var/log/router.log Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide %' About Modem Call Records Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide & Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS About a Web Portal A web portal for the dial NMS is a combination of CGI scripts and HTML links used to support a dial Internet access service. As the number of devices and applications in a network increase, the operations support team may become inundated with a myriad of management products. To support a dial service, a web portal provides easy access to: • Product manuals, design guides, white papers, and troubleshooting guides. • Light-weight tools and scripts. • Network policies, procedures, and reports. • Periodic and just-in-time reporting. ` The help desk can access operational information (for example, current connected caller status). ` The operations staff can report on current service levels. Tips For more information on building a management intranet, go to Table 22 Utilities Provided by the Web Portal for the Dial NMS Utility Function Documentation Center A web server used as an online-documentation hub to share network operations information. Device Linker A web page used for bookmarking URLs for quick device telnet and out of band (console) access. See the “Building a Device Linker Web Page” section on page 83. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide & Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS About a Web Portal Table 22 Utilities Provided by the Web Portal for the Dial NMS (continued) Utility Function Cisco IOS CLI Command Center A web page that provides HTTP access to frequently used Cisco IOS CLI commands. The operations team and help desk can use this utility to troubleshoot connectivity problems. See the “Using HTTP to Access CLI Commands” section on page 86. IP Tracker A web page that uses two scripts to keep track of IP address block assignments by using DNS reverse lookup zones. See the “Creating an IP Tracker Web Page” section on page 96. SNMP Commander A script that aids the MIB research task by enabling engineers to build web-based object identification (OIDs) bookmarks. You can poll for network statistics by using OID bookmarks and a web browser. No keyboard is required. See the “About SNMP Commander” section on page 49. Syslog Viewer A utility that uses FTP to access a syslog server and a web browser to view syslog messages. Migration to HTTP is straightforward after security issues are addressed. The use of non-wrapping text is useful when viewing debug messages and modem call records. See the “Inspecting Syslog Messages in the Log File” section on page 78. Modem Call Record Viewer Light-weight scripts used to parse and view modem call records. See the “About Syslog” section on page 67. CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials A utility used to remotely monitor and maintain devices through a web-based browser interface. See the “Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials” section on page 117. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide & Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS About a Web Portal Building a Device Linker Web Page A device linker web page: • Simplifies access to the many device-management interfaces in the network. • Provides links to the telnet, console, and HTTP ports of Cisco IOS devices. Figure 19 Device Linker Used to Access Devices Cisco 2511 terminal server Line 1 RS-232 cable Device Linker Telnet access telnet:// 35192 Cisco AS5800 HTTP access to the CLI OOB console access telnet:// By using a Cisco terminal server for out-of-band console access, such as a Cisco 2511, the consoles are available at TCP port 20xx on a terminal server. The target line number replaces xx. For example to get to line 1, telnet to port 2001. The equivalent URL is telnet:// To build a device linker web page, follow these steps: Step 1 Collect the IP addresses for the Cisco IOS devices. Step 2 Collect the device console out-of-band (OOB) paths for the terminal server and the lines connected to Cisco IOS devices. Step 3 Create a basic HTML table and enter the information for each device. The telnet and HTTP information is in bold in the following HTML code fragment. Step 4 shows what the table looks like in a web browser. Dial The.Net Device Linker

Dial The.Net Device Linker

Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide &! Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS About a Web Portal
Name IP Console Hardware Type Comments
travis-nas-01 travis-oob-01:2001 5800 Dial POP #1
Table 23 Step 4 Functions and Parameters for Designing a Device Linker Web Page Function Formula Example OOB console access telnet://termserver-ip:20XX telnet:// Basic IP access telnet://ip-address telnet:// IOS HTTP access http://ip-address Post the device linker web page to a WWW server in the NOC. Figure 20 A Device Linker Management Page Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide &" Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS Step 5 About a Web Portal Click on an active device link. After a telnet session opens, log in. Figure 21 Console Port Login Troubleshooting a Cisco 2511 Console Connection If you cannot access the console of a device, follow these steps: Step 1 Verify that the configuration on the terminal server is correct. Telnet is the only service that must be supported to access the lines. The following configuration fragment shows you how to configure 16 TTY lines on a Cisco 2511 terminal server. ! line 1 16 no exec transport input telnet ! Step 2 If the console port is blocked, you may need to telnet to the terminal server and clear the line. Enter the show users EXEC command followed by the clear line type number command. c2511-oob#show users Line User 0 con 0 admin 4 tty 4 admin * 10 vty 0 admin Host(s) idle incoming incoming c2511-oob#clear line tty 4 [confirm] [OK] c2511-oob#show users Line User Host(s) 0 con 0 admin idle * 10 vty 0 admin incoming Idle Location 0 0 Idle Location 0 Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide &# Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS About HTTP Access to the CLI Step 3 (Optional) Sometimes administrators inadvertently leave lines in use. To make idle telnet sessions end after 30 minutes, enter the exec-timeout 30 0 command on all the lines. ! line 1 16 no exec exec-timeout 30 0 transport input telnet ! About HTTP Access to the CLI Using web-based access to the CLI reduces the need for telnet sessions to monitor or verify network operations. Telnet sessions can be reserved for actions such as making configuration changes. Additionally, sending syslog to a syslog server prevents telnet sessions from becoming cluttered with debug output. HTTP access to the CLI is: • Very difficult to secure. One way of securing a router is to use access-control lists on all VTY lines. Enable only devices in the NOC to access the VTY lines. • Not recommended for service providers. If used, you should weigh the perceived ease of use versus the additional security issues involved with HTTP access to a network device. The Cisco IOS CLI Command Center is a web page utility that provides HTTP access to CLI commands on a router. HTTP access to the CLI simplifies the troubleshooting tasks for a help desk. Using HTTP to Access CLI Commands To manage a dial Internet access service by using HTTP access to CLI commands, follow these steps: Step 1 Enable HTTP services on the Cisco IOS device by entering the following commands: ! ip http server ip http authentication aaa ! Table 24 Command Descriptions Command Purpose ip http server Enables the router to function as an HTTP server. ip http authentication aaa Uses the AAA facility as an authentication method for HTTP server users. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide &$ Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS Step 2 About HTTP Access to the CLI Create a table in an HTML web page and enter your list of frequently used Cisco IOS CLI commands. Note To create the link for a CLI command, specify the IP address of the Cisco IOS device followed by the command. Remember to include the forward slashes (/) between each command mode and key word. Table 25 Formula and Example for Linking a CLI Command Formula Example http://ip-address/exec/ios-key-word/.../cr http:/ The web page can include many types of commands useful for managing a dial Internet access service, including: • System commands (Table 26) • Interface commands (Table 27) • Call state commands (Table 28) • Debug commands (Table 29) Table 26 System Commands show running configuration show file systems show ip route show version dir show ip route static show modem version show flash show ip route connected Table 27 Interface Commands show controller t1 show ip interface brief show interface Fast Ethernet0/0/0 show isdn service show interface show line show isdn status Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide &% Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS About HTTP Access to the CLI Table 28 Call State Commands show modem show caller show users show modem call-stats show caller ip show dialer show modem ? show caller timeout show dialer map show caller ? Table 29 Step 3 Debugging Commands show logging debug isdn q931 debug aaa authentication clear counters debug modem debug aaa authorization clear logging debug ppp negotiation debug aaa accounting show debug debug ppp authentication debug aaa per-user undebug all debug dialer debug vtemplate debug dialerpacket debug vprofile Post the HTML page that you created in Step 2 to a web server. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide && Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS Figure 22 About HTTP Access to the CLI Cisco IOS CLI Commander For the source code that created the Cisco IOS CLI Commander in Figure 22, go to Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide &' Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS About HTTP Access to the CLI Step 4 Click on a CLI command and view the command output in a web page. Figure 23 Output for the Show Caller Command Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide ' Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS About Managing IP Addresses Managing IP addresses is a primary network administration function. Assigning and removing IP addresses can be tedious and error prone. Regardless—you must manage IP addresses to avoid duplicate IP subnets and addresses. Domain Name System (DNS) servers provide two kinds of fundamental lookup services: • Forward lookups—Used for looking up the IP address of a provided device name. This is the most common kind of lookup performed. • Reverse lookups—Used for looking up a device name of a provided IP address. Administratively, reverse-lookup zones are important tools used for tracking IP address assignments. In this case study, the dial engineers at THEnet: Note • Have received a block of IP addresses from the NOC with DNS administrative rights and instructions for setting up IP address space. • Track IP address assignments by using DNS reverse lookup zones within the existing DNS service. • Use the application Cisco Network Registrar (CNR) and its CLI to manage the IP address database. CNR is a full-featured IP address management solution for both enterprise and service provider networks. It includes advanced DNS and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers. This section assumes you are familiar with the basics of DNS. For more information about DNS, see DNS and Bind, Third Edition, by Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu. The ISBN number is 1565925122. Table 30 Related References and Documents Reference URL Internet Software Consortium for BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Daemon)—Describes the DNS protocols. Cisco Network Registrar—A collection of DNS/DHCP user guides and reference manuals. /product/rtrmgmt/ciscoasu/nr/index.htm Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide ' Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS About Managing IP Addresses Using Cisco Network Registrar CLI Command s Database locking prevents multiple users from writing to the same database records concurrently. However, an administrator may occasionally not exit a session properly, and the database may be left locked. To release the lock on the database, use the force-lock network registrar command. Network registrar commands sent from the Unix shell lock the database only while commands are running. The name for a reverse zone is the inverse of your Internet network number, added to the special domain For example if the network number is, the reverse zone name is A second example is the network number with the reverse zone of For a description of the network registrar CLI commands, go to To quickly perform administrative tasks by using CNR CLI commands, follow these steps: Step 1 Log in to the Cisco Network Registrar application by entering the following directory path: /opt/nwreg2/usrbin/nrcmd nrcmd> After logging in, the command mode is accessed and the prompt “nrcmd>” appears. Step 2 To create an account for an administrator, enter the admin command and an associated password: nrcmd> admin bob create password=xyz In this example, the administrator name is bob. The password is xyz. Step 3 To see a list of existing administrators, enter the admin list command: nrcmd> admin list bob: password=********; omar: password=********; padma: password=********; Note Step 4 The admin list command is a read-only command. Inspect a reverse zone by entering the zone command and listRR option: nrcmd> zone listRR 100 Ok Static Resource Records @ 3600 1800 86400 86400 @ 205 203 210 204 1 10 101 102 103 104 (truncated for brevity) Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide ' IN SOA 1997121601 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN NS PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS Step 5 About Managing IP Addresses When working with a reverse zone, you can map an IP address to a router by entering the zone command and the addRR resource record (RR) option: nrcmd> zone addRR 7 PTR Step 6 Remove a resource record by entering the zone command and removeRR option: nrcmd> zone removeRR 7 PTR Step 7 To minimize the lock-time on the database, enter the following CNR command from the Unix command line. Use quotations (“ ”) to contain the command and pass it to the shell. /opt/nwreg2/usrbin/nrcmd "zone listRR" Note Step 8 The NRCMD command mode is not used. Sort the records and parse the output by entering the following CNR command from the Unix command line: /opt/nwreg2/usrbin/nrcmd "zone listRR" | sort -n | more username: password: 0 IN PTR @ IN NS @ IN SOA 1997121606 3600 1800 86400 86400 Dynamic Resource Records Static Resource Records 1 IN PTR 2 IN PTR 3 IN PTR 4 IN PTR 5 IN PTR 6 IN PTR 7 IN PTR 8 IN PTR 9 IN PTR 10 IN PTR (truncated for brevity) Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide '! Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS About Managing IP Addresses Step 9 To add an “A” Resource Record (RR) to a forward zone (domain) and map a name to an IP address, enter the zone command: nrcmd> zone addRR bobslake-nas-02 A @ @ IN IN 3600 604800 86400 Dynamic Resource Records Static Resource Records aurora IN bobslake-nas-01 IN bobslake-nas-02 IN doc-2610-01 IN doc-3810a-01 IN doc-3810d-01 IN doc-AS5850-01 IN doc-core-01 IN doc-core-02 IN doc-core-03 IN (truncated for brevity) NS SOA 56 10800 A A A A A A A A A A In the previous example, the zone command: Step 10 • Creates an A record for • Assigns the IP address to the router bobslake-nas-02 To reload the server to make all IP assignments or changes take effect, enter the following command: nrcmd> server dns reload Note Reload all changes into the DNS database, so that the changes can be resolved upon lookup. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide '" Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS About Managing IP Addresses Using a Batch File to Make Changes to a DNS Configuration CNR can use batch files to make large and small-scale changes to the DNS configuration within your network. To use the batch-file facility to add and remove entries, follow these steps: Step 1 Define the batch file by entering zone commands: zone addRR doc-core-02 A zone addRR doc-core-03 A zone removeRR 6 PTR zone removeRR 7 PTR zone addRR 6 PTR zone addRR 7 PTR server dns reload The previous batch-file example shows how to add two new device/IP addresses. In addition to adding two “A” records (lines 1 and 2), remove the “unused” PTR records from the reverse zone (lines 3 and 4) before adding the new “PTR” records, in place of the unused records, to the reverse zone (lines 5 and 6). See line 7 to reload the DNS server. Step 2 Run the script by using the -b option: nrcmd> -b < 172.21.10.batch The following output appears: nrcmd> zone addRR doc-core-02 A 100 Ok doc-core-02 IN A nrcmd> zone addRR doc-core-03 A 100 Ok doc-core-03 IN A nrcmd> zone removeRR 6 PTR 100 Ok removing 6 IN PTR nrcmd> zone removeRR 7 PTR 100 Ok removing 7 IN PTR nrcmd> zone addRR 6 PTR 100 Ok 6 IN PTR nrcmd> zone addRR 7 PTR 100 Ok 7 IN PTR nrcmd> server dns reload 100 Ok Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide '# Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS About Managing IP Addresses Creating a Primary Forward Zone To create a domain (or forward zone) and include all forward mapping (the “A” records) for the domain, follow these steps: Step 1 Create a domain and include all forward mapping (the “A” records) by entering the zone command with the create option: nrcmd> zone create primary To create new subnets by using the CLI, import a BIND zone definition file, which can be edited by using an ASCI text editor. The following example shows an edited BIND file. @ IN IN doc-rtr58-01 doc-rtr54-01 doc-rtr53-01 doc-rtr53-05 doc-3810a-01 doc-3810d-01 doc-ubr7246-01 doc-switch-02 Step 2 NS IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN SOA ( 2000071600 ; serial number 3600 ; Refresh 1 hours 1800 ; Retry 30 minutes 86400 ; Expire 24 hours 86400 ; TTL 24 hours ) A A A A A A A A Verify that the primary zone was created by entering the zone command with the listRR option: nrcmd> zone listRR 100 Ok Static Resource Records @ IN @ IN doc-rtr58-01 IN doc-rtr54-01 IN doc-rtr53-01 IN doc-rtr53-05 IN (Truncated for brevity) Dynamic Resource Records SOA NS A A A A Creating an IP Tracker Web Page An IP tracker web page: • Provides web access to the IP database that is managed by Cisco Network Registrar. • Retrieves current IP address block assignments from a DNS server. • Uses two CGI scripts to provide a web-enabled look into DNS for each zone. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide '$ Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS About Managing IP Addresses To create an IP tracker web page, follow these steps: Step 1 Become familiar with the layout of an IP tracker web page. In Figure 24, the subnet column shows a list of all managed zones. The assignment column describes the purpose of each zone. Figure 24 IP Tracker Web Page Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide '% Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS About Managing IP Addresses Step 2 Understand how the CGI scripts function. There are two scripts that work together to return an NSLOOKUP list query (ls) for a specified zone in a CGI link. •—Runs the CGI process. In the subnet column in Figure 24, the entry is an active link that calls the script. The active link is coded as: Once invoked, calls the second script, dnszone_dump. • dnszone_dump—An expect script that steps through the NSLOOKUP interactive mode and returns the output of a “ls [ZONE]” command to the script. The zone list, returned to the requesting web-based management browser, appears: ls [] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Step 3 host = host = host = host = host = host = host = host = host = host = host = server host = host = host = host = host = host = host = = Download the source code for the scripts and customize them for your environment. Go to Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide '& Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS How to Create a Reverse DNS Zone How to Create a Reverse DNS Zone By creating reverse lookup zones for each IP subnet, you gain a robust database that can be used to track assignments within an IP address space. Reverse lookups can determine the allocation status of any address from any DNS client. Network operators must account for used and unused IP addresses. It is recommended that each IP address be given a DNS PTR Resource Record, even if the address is unused. For example, you can look up and resolve an IP address as “” See the following example to create a zone from a BIND file by entering the zone command: nrcmd> zone create primary file=the.net_rev_zone.txt The following edited BIND definition file is for “the.net_rev_zone.txt.” @ IN ( SOA 2000071600 3600 1800 86400 86400 ) ; ; ; ; ; serial number Refresh 1 hours Retry 30 minutes Expire 24 hours TTL 24 hours ; ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 IN NS IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR PTR (Truncated for brevity..) 253 254 255 IN IN IN For a sample BIND file that can be used as a template and edited for your environment, go to Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide '' How to Create a Reverse DNS Zone Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About HP OpenView The primary function of HP OpenView (HPOV) is to manage faults. In this case study, HP OpenView: • Discovers all the devices in the network. • Functions as the central-starting point for other element managers (EM). After HPOV is installed, the remaining components of the network management architecture are built around HPOV. • Resides on the same Unix workstation as CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials, which gathers the following database information from HPOV: ` Device names and IP addresses ` Community strings EM1 Other Element Managers Start from HPOV EM2 EM3 HPOV Note EM4 42830 Figure 25 This section assumes that HP Network Node Manager Release 5.0 is already installed on a Solaris workstation. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About HP OpenView Describing the advanced capabilities of HPOV is outside the scope of this document. For more information, go to and For Cisco IOS SNMP configurations, see the “Task 1—Enabling SNMP in a Cisco IOS Device” section on page 41. Verifying the SNMP Configuration To verify that the HPOV daemons are running and the SNMP configuration is correct, follow these steps: Step 1 Start HPOV from the command line by entering the ovw& command from the /opt/OV/bin directory: aurora:/opt/OV/bin ->ovw& [1] 5079 Step 2 Verify that all the HPOV daemons are running by entering the ovstatus command from the root directory: aurora:/ ->ovstatus object manager name: state: PID: exit status: OVsPMD RUNNING 430 - object manager name: ovwdb state: RUNNING PID: 431 last message: Initialization complete. exit status: object manager name: ovtrapd state: RUNNING PID: 433 last message: Initialization complete. exit status: object manager name: ovactiond state: RUNNING PID: 434 last message: Initialization complete. exit status: object manager name: pmd state: RUNNING PID: 432 last message: Initialization complete. exit status: object manager name: ovtopmd state: RUNNING PID: 435 last message: Connected to native database: "openview". exit status: object manager name: netmon state: RUNNING PID: 450 last message: Initialization complete. exit status: - Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About HP OpenView object manager name: snmpCollect state: RUNNING PID: 451 last message: No values configured for collection. exit status: object manager name: ovrepld state: RUNNING PID: 452 last message: Initialization Complete. exit status: - Note Step 3 If a daemon is not running, try restarting it by using the commands ovstop daemon-name and ovstart daemon-name. If a daemon is still not running, an HPOV license issue may exist. For more information, go to From HPOV, enter the SNMP community strings and target loopback IP addresses for each Cisco IOS device. From the Options menu, select SNMP Configuration. In the SNMP Configuration screen, enter the following information: Note Caution • Target field—The target loopback IP address (for example, • Community field—The Read-Only (RO) community string (for example, 5urf5h0p) • Set Community field—The Read-Write (RW) community string (for example, 5crapmeta1) Accept the default SNMP parameters in the other fields in the SNMP Configuration screen. Do not use the SNMP community strings “public,” “private,” or “cisco.” These strings are well-known within the industry, and they are common defaults. These strings are open invitations to attacks—even if you use filters. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide ! Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About HP OpenView Figure 26 Step 4 SNMP Configuration: Loopback IP Address and Community Strings Click Add and Apply to submit the entries. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide " Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About SNMP Demand Polls About SNMP Demand Polls Perform an SNMP demand poll for a new managed device if you do not want to wait for the next automatic topology poll. HPOV performs less frequent automatic topology demand polls as your network and the HPOV device database becomes more static. When the HPOV daemons start, HPOV discovers the devices in your network. Depending on which discovery options are configured, the device map is based on Layer 2 or Layer 3 information. Choosing discovery options is outside the scope of this document. Depending on the number of devices that need to be discovered, it could take hours or even days for HPOV to discover a device. If HPOV cannot find a device, enter the device manually in to the database. See the “Using the HPOV CLI to Enter a Device into the Database” section on page 115. To organize and adjust the top-level map, see the “Creating and Adjusting Maps” section on page 111. Performing an SNMP Demand Poll To perform an SNMP demand poll, follow these steps: Step 1 From the Root screen, double click the planet Earth Internet icon. Step 2 Inspect the top-level map of the discovered devices in your network. Figure 27 The Top-Level Device Map Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide # Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About SNMP Demand Polls Map color legend: • Green—The device is up. • Yellow—Multiple interfaces are down. • Light blue—One interface is down. • Dark blue—The device is detected, but it has never been managed. The device is unreachable. • Red—The device is down and unreachable. Step 3 Select a device icon in the map (single click). Step 4 Go to Fault. Step 5 Select Network Connectivity: Poll Node. Figure 28 SNMP Walk-Polling Results Demand polls enable HPOV to: • Detect the sysobjectID (vendor ID) for each Cisco device. • Associate MIBs with each device. • Collect interface information. Table 31 Important Fields to Inspect In the Polling Results Field Description Changing SNMP sysobjectID to . Indicates SNMP is working and the system identifier for the device was found. This field appears only the first time a device is successfully polled. HPOV changes a generic router icon into a Cisco device icon after the sysobjectID is found. The trailing number series, for example ., is the OID that identifies a node as a Cisco device. Supported versions Describes which versions of SNMP are supported by HPOV, such as SNMPv1 and SNMPv2C. Verify node name Verifies the node name is valid. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $ Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework Table 31 About SNMP Demand Polls Important Fields to Inspect In the Polling Results (continued) Field Description Interface Confirms the interfaces were successfully pinged. Get system description Verifies that the system description information was collected, so you can identify the software version running on the device. Testing SNMP Get Requests To test that a device responds to SNMP Get requests, follow these steps: Step 1 Select a device icon in the map (single click). Step 2 From the Fault menu, select Test IP/TCP/SNMP. Figure 29 Successful SNMP Test This action performs one ICMP echo, one TCP connection, and one SNMP get. SNMP is working if the “OK” message appears under the SNMP Get field. Table 32 describes the important fields in Figure 29. Table 32 Test IP/TCP/SNMP Field Descriptions Field Returned Value Description Node The target loopback IP address of the Cisco device. ICMP Echo 26 ms HPOV successfully pinged the device. TCP Connect OK HPOV successfully made a TCP connection with the device. SNMP Get OK HPOV successfully made an SNMP query to the device. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide % Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About SNMP Demand Polls Troubleshooting SNMP and a Demand Poll If a device is not responding to a demand poll, follow these steps: Step 1 Poll a different device to see if it responds to SNMP. If the device responds, HPOV is not the problem. Step 2 Ping the device that is not responding. If the ping works, the devices are communicating. Note A firewall in the communication path can block ping and SNMP packets. Step 3 Verify that the SNMP community strings are correct. Step 4 Try polling the device from the HPOV command line. For example, enter the commands snmpwalk and snmpget. The syntax for the snmpget command line is as follows: snmpget [options] node object-id [object-id]... Options: -d -v version -c community -p port -t timeout -r retries Caution dump ASN.1 packet trace protocol version (1 or 2c) community string remote port retransmission timeout (1/10th seconds) maximum retransmission attempts Overpolling the wrong OIDs overloads CPUs and crashes network devices. Verifying that SNMP Traps Are Received Traps appear in the All Events Browser, which reports what is happening in the network. The events are updated every few seconds. Understanding the severity level of a trap is important. One trap can be critical; whereas, another trap can be informative. Other ways to look for traps include: • Using a network analyzer to capture and inspect data on the line. • Using the snoop Unix command to sniff the line and inspect data. To monitor the limits of a network, configure thresholds to set off alarms. For example, set up an alarm for a CPU that sustains a 98 percent utilization for a specific amount of time. Common mistakes include: • Setting thresholds too low. • HPOV is in a constant alarm state because you do not understand how to operate or monitor the dynamics of the equipment. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide & Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About SNMP Demand Polls Setting up alarms for different kinds of traps is outside the scope of this document. To verify that HPOV is receiving traps from devices in the network, follow these steps: Step 1 Open the All Events Browser. From the Fault menu, select Events. Figure 30 Step 2 Caution Step 3 Traps in the All Events Browser Force a trap to be sent into the browser by manually causing a fault. Pull out a card on a Cisco device or shut down an interface. Do not shut down a communication link that can cause a service outage. Look for traps in the browser. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide ' Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About SNMP Demand Polls Unmanaging the Dial Ports Do not poll the asynchronous and serial interfaces on Cisco access servers. The reasons for this recommendation include: • As remote users dial in to an access server, it is normal behavior for asynchronous and serial interfaces to regularly go up and down. • On an average 20-minute call, one modem normally produces three alerts. At approximately 6 alerts per hour, one modem can produce up 144 events each day. One Cisco AS5800 fitted with 1296 modems can produce up to 186,624 modem events per day. To unmanage the asynchronous and serial interfaces for a Cisco access server, follow these steps: Step 1 From the top-level map, double click on an access server icon. The available interfaces and ports appear. Figure 31 Available Interfaces and Ports for a Cisco AS5800 Color legend: • Green—The port is managed, and it is up. • Blue—The port is managed, but it is administratively down on the Cisco IOS. • Tan—The port is unmanaged. • Red—The port is managed, but it is in a down state. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework Step 2 About SNMP Demand Polls Find the following interfaces: • Serial interface channels (B and D channels). For example, Se1/0/0:6 and Se1/0/0:23 • Asynchronous interfaces. For example, Async 1/2/1 Step 3 Select a group of ports to unmanage. Draw a box around the ports, or select them individually. Step 4 From the Map menu, select Unmanage Objects. Unmange all ports except the T1 trunks, loopback management interface, and Ethernet interface. Statistics are polled from managed ports. Note You must unmanage the serial and asynchronous ports, which appear tan. Tips When the status of an object changes (to managed or unmanaged), HPOV switches to synchronization mode. Creating and Adjustin g Maps Maps provide a view of the network topology, and they enable you to quickly troubleshoot faults in the network. HPOV automatically polls devices and builds maps for you; however, devices often get stacked in the map, which is undesirable. The following procedure saves you from having to refresh all your submaps each time a new device appears in the network. After you implement the following procedure, new devices will appear in the New Object Holding Area. Caution Deleting a device from a submap removes the device from the database. To load a device back into the database, see the “Using the HPOV CLI to Enter a Device into the Database” section on page 115. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About Discovery Filters To manually re-structure device maps to adequately represent your network and turn off the automatic-layout function for the top-level map, follow these steps: Step 1 Re-structure the top-level map by selecting and moving device icons. For example, put a collapsed backbone in the center of the map; then, position devices around the backbone. Figure 32 Top-Level Map Adjustments Step 2 Go to View. Step 3 Select Automatic Layout. Step 4 Choose Off For This Submap. About Discovery Filters A discovery filter is an ASCII file that HPOV reads to limit the discovery of devices on the network. Use a discovery filter to: • Define the subnets and devices you want to monitor. • Avoid managing PCs and other non SNMP devices on the network. Sometimes HPOV discovers too many devices. If HPOV discovers devices beyond your target network, such as the entire Internet, the performance of the Unix host decreases significantly. If the device maps begin filling up with networks, routers, and other devices that do not belong to you, use a discovery filter. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About Discovery Filters After a filter is set up, HPOV will not discover devices unless they are defined by the filter. Edit the filter each time a new device is added to the network. For more information about discovery filters, go to Setting Up and Editing a Discover y Filter The filter file is located in the /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/C directory. A sample file is shown in the following step-by-step example. The file has been manually edited and abbreviated to include a specific node list and filter list for this case study: • Node list—A list of specific devices. In the example, the list is called TheNetNodes. There are two devices in the list: AS5800-1 and AS5800-2. • Filter list—A list of attributes for the specified devices. In the example, the list is called TheNetFilters, which specifies the filtering attributes for the devices in the node list. For example, all devices must be SNMP compliant and Cisco devices. To see a complete filter file, go to To set up and edit a discovery filter, follow these steps: Step 1 Find the filters file on your Unix workstation: aurora:/etc/opt/OV/share/conf/C ->ls filters oid_to_sym trapd.conf Step 2 Edit the filters file by using a text editor to include a node list and a filter list for your network environment: aurora:/etc/opt/OV/share/conf/C ->vi filters // // @(#)$OV_CONF/$LANG/filters // @(#)HP OpenView NNM Release B.05.01 Jun 21 1997 // @(#)Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Hewlett-Packard Company // $Revision: /main/TORNADO/NNM_NT/5 $ $Date: 1997/01/13 19:35 UTC $ // // This is the default filter file. These filters are examples // which may be useful in your environment. Feel free to modify // these filters and/or add your own. See OVfilterIntro(5) // for more information on this file. // // // // NOTE: The behavior of topology filters in a distributed environment changed as of DFIX 5027. This file documents the behavior as of that patch level. This should be considered the correct specification of how topology filtering behaves in a distributed environment. // // Sets are a simple way to list string values to test // against in a filter. The "IN" operator tests a field value // for membership in a set defined here. // Sets { // // These are simple examples of sets. // servers "Set of Servers" { "sv1", "sv2", "sv3" } gateways "Backbone gateways " { "gw1", "gw2", "gw3" } TheNetNodes "TheNet Node List" { "AS5800-1", “AS5800-2" } Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide ! Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About Discovery Filters } . . . FilterExpressions { // // The following combines the two set filters // defined above into one FilterExpression. // It works unmodified as a discovery filter. // To work as a map filter, network and segment filtering // must be added (see below). VitalNodes "All Gateways and Servers" { GatewaysSet || ServersSet } // // One can turn the filters defined above into viable map or // topology filters by simply adding "|| NetsNSegs". (Doing so // does not invalidate the filters as discovery // filters. It just adds a superfluous test.) // VitalNodesMap "All nets & segs, but only gateway and server nodes" { GatewaysSet || ServersSet || NetsNSegs} LocalLANView "All nets & segs, but only local nodes" { LocalLAN || NetsNSegs } NetInfrastructure "Any network connecting device and what they connect" { Routers || Bridges || Hubs || NetsNSegs } NetBackbone "Networks and gateways/routers" { Routers || Networks } // Using the filters defined above that include only a specific // network, we can also exclude the specific network like this // Note the use of the more specific form to exclude only the segments // in the engineering lan. This could have been specified directly // as a negation in the filter part, but this form works well if you // have several networks to manipulate in this manner. EverythingButEngr "Everything but the engineering LAN" { !EngrLan2 } // Of course the above filter expressions, when used as // map filters, pass all networks and segments. You // may wish to see only a particular network. The following map // filters accomplish this. Note that though segments // and nodes from other networks will pass the filters, IP Map // will ignore them because their parent networks will not pass. // NOTE: These filters will not work as Discovery // filters because all network and segments automatically pass // Discovery and Topology filters. // MyNetMap "Only the network of interest and all its constituent parts" { MyNet || Segments || Nodes} MyVitalNodesMap "Gateways, servers and segments in the net of interest" { MyNet || Segments || GatewaysSet || ServersSet } TheNetNodeList "This is the filter for TheNet nodeslist { TheNetNodes || TheNetFilters } // This is a map persistence filter which ensures that // all Ungermann-Bass are kept in memory and up to date. // Note that this will also keep any containing submaps in memory. // PersFilter "Objects to keep in map memory" { UBNodes } } Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide " Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework About Discovery Filters Using the HPOV CLI t o Enter a Device into the Database Sometimes devices do not appear in the device map, or they are accidentally deleted from the HPOV database. To manually load devices in to the HPOV database by using the CLI, follow these steps: Step 1 This step ensures that new host entries are safely loaded in to the database. Shutdown the netmon daemon by entering the ovstop netmon command from the root directory. All automatic network polling and database updates stops. aurora:/ ->ovstop netmon aurora:/ ->ovstatus netmon object manager name: netmon state: NOT_RUNNING PID: 450 last message: Exited due to user request exit status: Exit(0) Step 2 To load new devices in to the database, enter the loadhosts -m command from the root directory followed by a single netmask for the devices. Include an end of file statement (EOF) to enter multiple lines with one return. aurora:/ ->loadhosts -m < hostname > host2name > EOF aurora:/ -> Note Step 3 Enter devices by using a DNS format (IP address then hostname). Use spaces (not tabs) to separate IP addresses from hostnames. Restart the netmon daemon by entering the following commands: aurora:/ ->ovstart netmon aurora:/ ->ovstatus netmon object manager name: netmon state: RUNNING PID: 12812 last message: Initialization complete. exit status: Step 4 Go to the GUI and look for the new devices that appear in the new object holding area. Step 5 Perform a demand poll on each device to get the sysobjectIDs. After the demand poll is performed, HPOV puts each new device into its correct place in the map. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide # About Discovery Filters Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide $ Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Cisco Works 2000 Resource Manager Essentials (CW2000 RME) is an element manager used to routinely manage Cisco equipment. In this case study, CW2000 RME is used for the following tasks: • Inspecting syslogs to isolate faults and device problems. • Sorting syslog messages based on device and date. • Polling for device and interface status. • Backing up and restoring Cisco IOS configurations (images and configuration files). The following installation assumptions are made in this case study: • CW2000 maintenance release 2 has been installed on a Solaris workstation. RME version 2.2 is available. • CW2000 is installed on the same Unix workstation as HP OpenView (HPOV). • CiscoView uses HPOV as a starting point. Table 33 Related References and Documents Reference URL CiscoWorks 2000 TAC Support Page—Provides links to technical information for implementing, operating, and PSP/ troubleshooting Cisco Works 2000. ks2000 CiscoWorks 2000 Documentation Set—A collection of configuration guides and reference manuals. c/product/rtrmgmt/cw2000/index.htm Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide % Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Importing Devices from HPOV and Popul ating the Databases In this case study, CW2000 RME relies on the automatic-discovery mechanism in HPOV to discover devices in the network. CW2000 RME extracts the following information from the HPOV database after HPOV discovers the devices: • SNMP community strings • Device IP addresses • Device names Device information is stored in the following database locations: • For HPOV, /var/opt/OV/share/databases • For CW2000, /opt/CSCOpx/objects/db/px.db Note Alternatively, you can use Cisco Works for Switched Internetworking (CWSI) to discover devices instead of using HPOV. To import the list of devices and SNMP community strings from HPOV into CW2000 RME, follow these steps: Step 1 Verify that the basic setup for HPOV is working correctly. Incorrect SNMP community strings prevent polling cycles. For basic verification steps, see the “Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework” section on page 101. Step 2 From the root directory, verify that the HPOV database daemon is running in the background by entering the ovstatus ovwdb command: aurora:/ ->ovstatus ovwdb object manager name: ovwdb state: RUNNING PID: 442 last message: Initialization complete. exit status: aurora:/ -> Note If a daemon is not running, try restarting it by using the commands ovstop daemon-name and ovstart daemon-name. If a daemon is still not running, an HPOV license issue may exist. For more information, go to Step 3 From a web browser, log in to CW2000 RME. Step 4 Click on the Admin menu on the left toolbar. Step 5 Select Inventory: Import from Local NMS. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide & Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials Step 6 About CiscoWorks 2000 RME In the Import from Local NMS screen: • Select HP Openview from the NM Product rectangular-shaped menu. • Choose Resolve conflicts after importing. • Choose Cisco devices only. The SNMP community strings are automatically set during the import operation. Devices Imported from HP OpenView 38628 Figure 33 Step 7 Click Next. The devices are imported and a status summary appears. Step 8 Click Update until you see all the devices classified as managed devices. A constant pending or conflicting state indicates a problem that requires resolution: • Inspect the details of the device. • Verify that the SNMP community strings are correct. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide ' Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Verifying that Device Polling is Turned On To verify that polling is enabled or to alter any polling settings, follow these steps. Step 1 From the Admin menu, click on Availability: Change Polling Options. Step 2 In the Select Polled Views screen, select All Views and All Polled Views. Figure 34 Polling Setup Step 3 Click Next. Step 4 To accept the default settings, click Finish. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide   Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Polling the Devices To inspect the status and availability of the devices, follow these steps. Step 1 From the Tasks menu, click on Availability: Reachability Dashboard. The Status of the Devices 38629 Figure 35 Step 2 Click a device to become familiar with the different management elements. Green arrows indicate devices that are up. Red arrows indicate devices that are down. Step 3 To turn on continuous availability monitoring and reporting, go to the Tasks menu. Click on Availability: Availability Monitor. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide   Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Step 4 Select All in the Views window. Devices Listed in the Availability Monitor 38630 Figure 36 Step 5 Select one or more devices. Step 6 Click Finish. Step 7 Inspect the available elements for the devices. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Backing up Cisco IOS Configurations Having quick access to archived configuration files reduces network downtime when problems occur. Note You can only back up managed devices. To back up the Cisco IOS start-up configuration files for devices within the network, follow these steps: Step 1 From the Tasks menu, select Device Configuration: Update Archive. Figure 37 The Update Archive Screen Step 2 Select All Devices. Step 3 Select one or more devices from the list that appears. Step 4 Click Finish. The Cisco IOS start-up configuration file is copied from the router to the Unix workstation. Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  ! Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Using CiscoView CiscoView is a GUI-based device management software application that lets you access dynamic status, statistics, and comprehensive configuration information for Cisco products. To inspect device-specific characteristics on different Cisco devices, follow these steps: Step 1 From the top-level map in HPOV, select a device. Step 2 Go to Monitor: CiscoView. Step 3 Select and view different system components. Figure 38 Card Positions in the Cisco AS5800 Dial Shelf Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  " Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials Figure 39 About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Available Modems in the Cisco AS5800 Dial Shelf Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  # About CiscoWorks 2000 RME Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  $ Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials I N D E X Cisco Network Registrar A about AAA 95 batch files, using x case study 27, 28 CLI commands design 91 27 92 forward zone, creating 96 reverse zone, creating 57 negotiation CiscoSecure Unix 33 Cisco TAC online ix 124 CiscoView B 99 31 Cisco PIX 31 servers CLI commands, using CiscoWorks 2000 RME busy hour ratio 31 about 117 123 configurations, backing up design C 31 devices, polling 31 Cisco 2511 setting up 83 85 CLI commands for dial operations 85 clocking, NTP configuration MRTG configuration file 60 clock timezone command 57 MRTG graphs community strings 31 71 71 42 configuration management Cisco IOS CLI Commander 89 Cisco IOS, backing up CiscoView Cisco IOS configurations 86 75 CLI commands 71 design 27, 28 41 IP addresses, managing syslog 67 MIBs to use 85 Cisco IOS configurations, backing up crontab 91 37 console server, setting up 87 117 87 SNMP terminal server, Cisco 2511 123 124 CiscoWorks 2000 RME modem call records troubleshooting 27, 38, 87 71 clock summer-time command Cisco AS5300 Cisco AS5800 120 clear line command Cisco 2511, console connection, troubleshooting NTP 118 devices, importing capacity planning HTTP 32 83, 85 63 123 Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide  Index D H 83 Device Linker, setting up dial NMS HP OpenView 24 benefits about 23 case study 33 35 design 30 25 115 discovery filters 32 software requirements about 87 112 setting up DNS 113 filters, setting up 91 112 107 get requests, testing IP addresses 110 dial ports, unmanaging 27 service definition 32 devices, entering planning questionnaire 115 106, 110 color legend implementation and operation tasks network topology 102 CLI, entering devices 31 hardware requirements dir command 101 basic setup configuration design parameters about 30 hardware for a dial NMS 91 maps, adjusting 111 polling devices about F 105 demand polls, performing SNMP, troubleshooting fault management CLI commands 27, 88 sysobjectID HP OpenView, using 101 syslog and NTP, configuring FCAPS 69 web site 27 108 102 HTTP access to CLI commands, using Cisco IOS CLI Command Center IP tracker web page 70 53 UCD-SNMP I implemenation tasks for a dial NMS SNMP Commander 49 45 interface loopback command 35 42 interfaces FTP capacity planning 46 unmanaging syslog messages 86 86 96 Modem Call Record Viewer MIBs 102 106 traps, verifying freeware MRTG 108 SNMP configuration, verifying 67 description 105 78 31 110 IOS, See Cisco IOS 41 IP addresses, managing IP design 91, 96 33, 34 ip http authentication aaa command Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide 86 Index 86 ip http server command 54 OIDs to poll web site 59 L N 31 line requirements 115 loadhosts -m command 67 logging, See syslog NTP 75 logging buffered command 69 about 75 logging command 30 network topology, dial NMS 72 client, setting up logging console command 75 client, troubleshooting logging facility command 75 enabling on a Cisco IOS device 75 logging trap command verifying 34 loopback address 74 71 ntp clock-period command 71 73 ntpq -p command 71 ntp server command M 71 ntp update-calendar command 71 MIBs about 16 downloading from Cisco exploring by using UCD-SNMP O 46 45 OIDs 46 38 54 circuit utilization new dial features 38 description OIDs for MRTG 54 modem information recommended for the dial NMS modem call records about 69 Cisco IOS configuration 75 OpenView, See HP OpenView 101 operation tasks for a dial NMS 35 83 102, 115 ovstatus command 70, 75 call records modulation trends OIDs to poll 69 54 54 user information out-of-band console modems ovstop command 115 ovw& command 102 55 MRTG configuration files, editing design 37 16 32 59, 60 P performance management dial counters 54, 59 electronic template functions 53 installing 59 CLI commands 60 27, 29 Connection Success Rate OIDs to query 57 54 planning questionnaire 25 Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide ! Index polling devices 120 CiscoWorks 2000 RME 37, 54 warnings 81 portal, for a dial NMS PPP show modem version command 87 show ntp association command 72 71 show ntp status command 57, 69 PRI lines 38 show modem summary command 85, 88 show users command 31 SNMP 77 ps -elf command about 13 agent 14 42 community strings R 41 enabling in a Cisco IOS device RADIUS design 26, 29 FAQ 14 managed devices management S 14 20 15 message types and commands security management AAA case study x MIBs 16 NMS 14 21 CLI commands 27, 29 security for IP networks x SNMPv1 18 SNMPv2 19 HTTP 86 SNMP TAC support 69 incident tracking 76 trap link status events, disabling 21 service definition using MRTG 71 show controllers t1 call-counters command show file systems command 49 42 42 snmp-server enable command show isdn service command show isdn status command snmp-server location command 38 42 42 snmp-server packetsize command 87 snmp-server trap-source command 87 software for a dial NMS 74 show modem call-stats command 42 snmp-server engineID command 40 show isdn memory command 42 snmp-server contact command 87 87 show isdn history command show modem command 49 snmp-server community command show ip interface brief command show logging command about snmp host command 87 87 show ip route command 38 setting up 88 show dialer command 53 SNMP Commander 39, 88 show caller command show flash command 102 using HP OpenView 27 service timestamps command Solaris workstations 88 subnetting plan 39, 88 show modem connect-speeds command 39 syslog about " 14 Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide 67 33 31 32 42 42 Index 75 console warnings 76 daemon, configuring user-growth projections 30 design user IDs 25, 31 69 68 destinations enabling on a Cisco IOS device 76 link status events, disabling log file, inspecting 78 74 W War Dialer 68 server 31 Unix workstations 33 web server, setting up 68 severity levels 31 WAN links 64 X xntpd command T 73 31 T3 cards 26, 29 TACACS+ design 78 tail -f command terminal server, setting up 83 topology NOC POP 30 30 77 touch command troubleshooting HP OpenView 108 terminal server 85 using modem call records 69, 75 69 using NTP using syslog 69 U UCD-SNMP about 45 design 32 downloading MIBs installing 46 46 MIBs for dial, exploring 46 web-based access, setting up web site 49 46 Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide # Index $ Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide

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