Data Critical AVTS1030 Model AVTS1030, Rule Part 90.203(j)(7) User Manual AV AdminManual 10 27 2000

Data Critical Corporation Model AVTS1030, Rule Part 90.203(j)(7) AV AdminManual 10 27 2000


Admin Manual

EXHIBIT EE – Admin Manual   FCC ID#  NMEAVTS1030
Wireless Data Network SystemAdministrator’s ManualThe AlarmView™ System is intended for use with Nellcor™ NPB-290,NPB-295, N-395, and N-3000 Pulse Oximeters
AlarmView™ is a trademark of Data Critical Corporation.Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of MallinckrodtInc. Nellcor™ is a trademark of Mallinckrodt Inc.Microsoft® and Windows® CE are registered trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation.Compaq® and Aero® are registered trademarks of Compaq ComputerCorporation.All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of theirrespective owners.© 2000 Data Critical Corporation.  All rights reserved.
AlarmView™ Wireless Data Network SystemAdministrator’s ManualTable of ContentsUSING THIS MANUAL ................................................................................... 1Procedures............................................................................................ 1Warnings ............................................................................................... 1Cautions ................................................................................................ 1Notes..................................................................................................... 1For Basic Operations ............................................................................ 2SAFETY INFORMATION................................................................................. 3System Warnings.................................................................................. 3SECTION 1: ALARMVIEW™ SYSTEM OVERVIEW........................................... 6Introduction............................................................................................ 7List of Components ............................................................................. 10System Features ................................................................................. 11Transmitter ...................................................................................... 11Programmer..................................................................................... 14Pager............................................................................................... 15SECTION 2: SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS........................................................ 18AlarmView System.............................................................................. 18Programmer ........................................................................................ 18Transmitter .......................................................................................... 19Pager (Percomm)................................................................................ 20Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) .................................................... 67SECTION 3: INSTALLATION ........................................................................ 21Setting Up Transmitter ........................................................................ 21Connect Antenna............................................................................. 21Connect to AC Power...................................................................... 22Connect to Monitor .......................................................................... 23Transmitter Placement .................................................................... 25Turning Transmitter On ................................................................... 26Turning Transmitter Off ................................................................... 28
Operating Transmitter On Battery Power............................................ 28SECTION 4: INSTALL PROGRAM................................................................. 29Using The Install Program .................................................................. 29Changing System Parameters............................................................ 30Changing System Password ........................................................... 31Changing Individual Transmitter Assignments................................ 33Changing Survey Page Configuration............................................. 40Changing Global System Parameters............................................. 41SECTION 5: TESTING AND PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ................................... 45Testing System Safety ........................................................................ 45Earth Leakage Current.................................................................... 45Testing System Performance.............................................................. 46Communications Page .................................................................... 46Test Page ........................................................................................ 47Transmitter Range Test (Survey Paging) ........................................... 48Periodic Maintenance.......................................................................... 51Batteries .......................................................................................... 51Cleaning Procedures....................................................................... 52Inspection and Testing .................................................................... 52Service............................................................................................. 53SECTION 6: TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................ 54Error Messages................................................................................... 54Getting System Information................................................................. 64Determining Programmer Software Version ....................................... 65Repairing and Replacing Parts ........................................................... 66Technical Support ............................................................................... 69APPENDIX A: DEFAULT SETTINGS ........................................................... A-1Transmitter .........................................................................................A-1Pager..................................................................................................A-1APPENDIX B: INITIAL INSTALLATION PROCEDURE..................................... B-1INITIAL INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ............................................B-1APPENDIX C: RESTORING THE PROGRAMMER’S SOFTWARE ..................... C-1RESTORING ALARMVIEW PROGRAMMER SOFTWARE............. C-1
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 1Using this ManualProceduresAs you work through this guide, steps to perform are numbered insequence. For example:1. Turn monitor off or disconnect cable from transmitter.2. Press On/Off button on transmitter.WarningsWarnings alert you to potential serious outcomes (including death, injury,or adverse events) to the patient or user.          Warnings are identified by this symbol.CautionsCautions alert you to actions or conditions necessary for the safe use ofthe equipment to prevent damage or malfunction.   Cautions are identified by this symbol.NotesNotes provide additional tips or hints to make it easier for you to workwith the AlarmView System.!!!!!!   Notes are identified by this symbol.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 2For Basic OperationsThis manual contains information on AlarmView system specifications,system configuration, programming, testing, maintenance, andtroubleshooting. Only qualified personnel should service the AlarmViewSystem.You should also review the AlarmView™ Wireless Data NetworkingSystem User’s Guide carefully to gain a complete understanding ofAlarmView System daily operations not covered in this manual.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 3Safety InformationSystem WarningsPrescription - Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by oron the order of a physician.Patient Monitoring – The most reliable method of patient monitoringcombines close personal surveillance with correct operation ofmonitoring equipment.Secondary Patient Monitoring System – The bedside monitor anddesignated station make up the patient monitoring system. Patientalarm conditions and notifications are primary functions of the patientmonitoring system. It is imperative that patient alarm conditionsbe monitored at the primary monitor or designated station. TheAlarmView System is not intended for use as the primarysource for patient alarm notification.Explosion Hazard – Do not use the AlarmView System in thepresence of flammable anesthetics, skin cleaning agents,disinfectants or gases. Care must be taken when the device is usedin oxygen-enriched environments (where room air contains 25% ormore oxygen or nitrous oxide).Electrical Shock – To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do notremove the cover of the AlarmView transmitter. Refer servicing toqualified personnel. Do not spray or spill any liquid on the AlarmViewtransmitter, power supply, pager, programmer, or any accessories,connectors, switches or openings in the equipment.Pacemaker Interference – The programmer’s speaker may causeinterference with some pacemakers when used in close proximity.For patients with pacemakers, do not use the AlarmViewprogrammer near a patient’s chest area or place the programmer ona patient’s chest.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 4Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation Safety – The AlarmViewtransmitter is designed for use as a mobile device as defined by theFederal Communications Commission (FCC). Do not place thetransmitter on a patient’s or user’s body. Ensure that the transmitteris located at least 20 cm (8 inches) from a patient or user’s body.Location of the transmitter closer than 20 cm (8 inches) to a person’sbody will void the user’s FCC authority to operate the equipment.Transmitter Placement – Do not place the AlarmView transmitter inany position where it might fall on and potentially harm a patient. Donot lift the transmitter or connected monitor by the interface cable orpower cord, as they may become disconnected and cause thetransmitter and/or monitor to fall on and potentially harm a patient.Use During Defibrillation – The AlarmView transmitter is notelectrical shock-proof. When attached to a monitor that is attached toa patient during defibrillation or while an electrosurgical unit is in use,the transmitter may temporarily lose communication with the monitorand/or pages may be delayed.Transmitter Range – Users are not notified when the AlarmViewpagers are out of range of the AlarmView transmitter. A range testmust be performed (as indicated in the Administrator’s Manual) todetermine system boundaries.System Redundancy – To provide redundancy, the AlarmViewSystem should consist of at least two pagers. If one pager is notreceiving pages for any reason and the alarm is not silenced at themonitor, the second pager will be notified by a reminder page. Ifredundancy is not possible, caregivers should use extra vigilance inmonitoring the patient and use the primary monitoring alarm.Site Surveys – Each institution is responsible for surveying existingequipment and ensuring no interference risk exists when introducingadditional devices.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 5Transmission Bands – Each institution is responsible for continuedsurveillance of transmission bands in the facility to prevent co-occupation of bands and cross-band interference.Environment – Data Critical does not assume responsibility fordamage caused to the equipment by improper use or installation.Home Use – The AlarmView System is not intended for home use.IEC Standards – When connecting the AlarmView transmitter to anymonitor, verify proper operation before clinical use.  Both thetransmitter and the monitor connected to it must be connected to agrounded outlet.  Accessory equipment connected to the monitor’sdata interface must be certified according to IEC Standard 950 fordata-processing equipment or IEC Standard 60601-1 forelectromedical equipment.  All combinations of equipment must be incompliance with IEC Standard 60601-1-1 systems requirements.Anyone who connects additional equipment to the signal input portconfigures a medical system and is therefore responsible forensuring that the system complies with the requirements of systemstandard IEC Standard 60601-1-1 and the electromagneticcompatibility system standard IEC Standard 60601-1-2.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 6Section 1: AlarmView™ SystemOverviewWARNING: As with all medical equipment, carefully route patientcabling to reduce the possibility of patient entanglement orstrangulation.WARNING: Do not use an AlarmView transmitter, pager, orprogrammer that appears to be damaged.WARNING: The AlarmView wireless data network system is asecondary alarm notification system.  The AlarmView System isintended to supplement and not to replace any part of thehospital’s device monitoring procedures (including proceduresregarding bedside pulse oximeters and responding to bedsideoximeter alarms).  The delivery of pages cannot be guaranteedor verified.  Do not rely on the AlarmView System as the solesource of oximetry alarms.WARNING: An AlarmView System must always consist of atleast two pagers, so that if one pager is temporarily not receivingpages (for example, because the batteries are exhausted or theuser is out of range) and no one silences the alarm at themonitor, the second pager will be notified via a reminder page.WARNING: To ensure accurate performance and prevent devicefailure, do not subject the AlarmView System to extrememoisture, such as direct exposure to rain.  Such exposure maycause inaccurate performance or device failure.  The transmitter,transmitter power supply, programmer and/or pager must beremoved from service and returned to Data Critical if they everbecome submerged in liquid.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 7IntroductionThe AlarmView System is a complete, secondary patient monitoringsystem. AlarmView notifies caregivers of patient events using a wirelessnetwork that supplements the primary notification system.AlarmView is intended for use in hospitals and hospital-type facilities,such as surgical centers, subacute centers, special nursing facilities andsleep labs. Hospital use typically includes areas for general care, specialprocedure, intensive and critical care, and operating rooms. Intendedpatient population consists of all patients for whose physicians haveordered pulse oximetry monitoring.AlarmView consists of the following three basic components:• Transmitter• Pager• ProgrammerAt each bedside, a transmitter connects to the data port on the patientmonitor. The transmitter detects alarms identified by the monitor, andsends the information to one or more text pagers worn by caregiverswithin 10 seconds for single alarms.  Multiple alarms are sent withinapproximately 60 seconds.The pager is worn by the caregiver responsible for the patient. It receivesAlarm Pages in the form of text messages from the transmitter anddisplays immediate information about the patient and type of alarm. If analarm condition continues or is not silenced at the monitor, a ReminderPage is sent once to all pagers in the care unit.The programmer is a handheld computing device running the Microsoft®Windows® CE Operating System. Proprietary AlarmView software usedto configure the AlarmView System is pre-installed in the programmer.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 8   The AlarmView pager coverage is limited and designed to cover acare unit. Operating range from the AlarmView transmitter to pageris approximately 150 feet with no intervening structures (walls,columns, doors, floors, etc.). Coverage is not long range. Exactcoverage area will be determined during initial installation, and youcan re-examine the coverage area at any time by performing aTransmitter Range Test (as indicated in Section 5: Testing andPeriodic Maintenance).
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 9AlarmView™ Wireless Data Network Components
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 10An AlarmView System includes up to 24 transmitters (one for eachbedside oximetry monitor), up to 12 pagers, and one programmer. Alltransmitters and pagers within one system operate on the same radiofrequency and baud rate. Pages will not be received if the pager is out ofrange. The system communicates as indicated in the functional diagrambelow:AlarmView™ System Functional DiagramList of ComponentsAn AlarmView System consists of the following components:• Transmitter (up to 24)• Antenna (1 per transmitter, to 24)• Interface Cable (1 per transmitter, to 24)• Transmitter Power Supply (1 per transmitter, to 24)• Hospital-grade AC Power Cord (1 per transmitter, to 24)• Programmer (1)• Rechargeable Battery Pack for Programmer (1) (pre-installed)• AC Adapter Cord (1)• Pager with Holster (up to 12)• AlarmView System User’s Guide• AlarmView System Administrator’s Manual (this manual)
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 11System FeaturesTransmitterThe AlarmView transmitter interfaces with stand-alone patientmonitors. Alarm settings and parameters are entered in themonitor – the transmitter itself does not screen or select alarms.When the monitor goes into alarm, the transmitter detects thealarm from the monitor, then transmits that alarm to an assignedpager or pagers. The alarm is transmitted as a text message tothe pager(s). Data relayed includes patient bed number, alarmtype, and parameter values.All transmitters and pagers in an AlarmView System operate onthe same defined frequency and baud rate.   The antenna must be connected to the transmitter before thetransmitter is turned on. Turning the transmitter on without theantenna connected may damage the transmitter. Do not disconnectthe antenna while the transmitter is turned on.The AlarmView transmitter is designed for use as a mobile deviceas defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Donot place the transmitter on a patient’s or user’s body. Ensure thatthe transmitter is located at least 20 cm (8 inches) from a patient oruser’s body. Location of the transmitter closer than 20 cm (8 inches)to a person’s body will void the user’s FCC authority to operate theequipment.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 12Top PanelTransmitter Top ViewOn/Off button turns the transmitter on and off.  It is also used toinitiate Test Pages, and to select All Pagers from the transmitter(refer to Section 5:  Testing and Periodic Maintenance for anexplanation of Test Pages and Section 4:  Install Program for anexplanation of selecting All Pagers).Front PanelTransmitter Front View
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 13AC IndicatorOff Transmitter is not connected to AC power.Green Transmitter is connected to AC power and the battery ischarging.Transmitting IndicatorOff Transmitter is not attempting to transmit.Amber Transmitter is attempting to transmit, but cannot due tointerference (for example another transmitter istransmitting at the same frequency and in the samevicinity).Green Transmitter is transmitting a page.If the Transmitting Indicator remains green for more than two (2)seconds, the transmitter is malfunctioning and should be takenout of service. Contact Data Critical for repair or replacement.If the Transmitting Indicator remains amber for more than ten(10) seconds, it may be an indication of interferingtransmissions in the vicinity.  Contact the appropriate personnelat your facility for an assessment.Communications IndicatorOff Transmitter is turned off.Amber Transmitter is turned on, but is either not connected tomonitor, or is unable to communicate with monitor.Green Transmitter is turned on and is communicating with themonitor.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 14Rear PanelTransmitter Rear ViewMonitor Input and Power Input ports.WARNING: In the USA, do not connect the AlarmView transmitterto an electrical outlet controlled by a wall switch, because AC powermay accidentally turned off.    WARNING: To ensure patient safety, do not place the AlarmViewtransmitter in any position that might cause it to fall on the patient.    WARNING: Do not lift the monitor by the sensor cable or powercord, because the cable or cord could disconnect from the monitor,causing the monitor to drop on the patient.ProgrammerThe AlarmView Programmer is a handheld computing device, orpersonal digital assistant (PDA), that is used to setup andchange the configuration of the AlarmView transmitter. Data isexchanged between the transmitter and the programmer viaInfrared (IrDA) ports on both the programmer and transmitter.   The programmer is to be used for the AlarmView System only.Programming that is not used for the AlarmView System has beendisabled. Do not attempt to load, enable, or use other software withthe programmer, as it may corrupt or damage system software.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 15Below is a picture of a typical programmer. Your programmer maydiffer slightly from the one shown here.Programmer Front & Side ViewsPagerThe AlarmView pager is worn by caregivers assigned to monitorpatients. It is intended as an additional means of receivingpatient alarm information.Within seconds of detecting an alarm identified by the oximetrymonitor, the transmitter sends an Initial Alarm Page to itsassigned pager(s) only. Each transmitter can be programmed tosend the Initial Alarm Page to one pager, two pagers, or allpagers.Information communicated includes bed number, alarm type, andparameter values, such as blood oxygenation (SPO2), pulserate, or heart rate that is outside alarm limits.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 16If the alarm condition continues or has not been silenced at themonitor, the transmitter will follow up with a Reminder Page sentonce to all pagers in the system.Pagers are identified in the system using a Cap Code. Capcodes are 7-digit numbers unique to each pager. The seven (7)digits correspond to the last seven digits of the pager’s serialnumber (located on the back of the pager).  If the serial numberis less than seven digits, then add zeros in front.For example, if a pager’s serial number is 45678, its cap code is0045678.Because basic pager operations vary in different models,functions such as turning pager on/off, setting tone or vibrate,contrast, backlight, and replacing batteries are not covered here.Refer to Appendix A: Basic Pager Functions in the AlarmViewSystem User’s Guide.   Replace pager batteries weekly. If pager batteries are low ordepleted, the pager’s range may be reduced or the pager may notcorrectly receive pages.Alarm Pages   The pager must be turned on to receive pages. Do not turn thepager off at any time when being used for alarm notification. Doingso may result in failure to receive notice of a patient alarm.Alarm pages are prioritized for four (4) event levels(4=immediate, 3=high, 2=medium, 1=low).
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 17The transmitter will send alarm pages to the pager in a formatsimilar to the following example.Bed: 1234Low SatSPO2: 83%PR: 70 bpmThe first line displays the bed number of the patient beingmonitored. The second line of the message will display the typeof alarm. The third and fourth lines display the SpO2 percentageand pulse rate readings at the time of the alarm.!!!!!!   If the page is sent from a transmitter attached to a Nellcor N-3000 monitor with ECG and/or respiration capabilities, the lastline of the message will display the pulse rate, heart rate, ifavailable, or respiration parameter that is outside alarm limits.The following is a picture of a typical pager. Pager may differslightly from the one shown here.AlarmView™ Pager
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 18Section 2: System SpecificationsEach hospital or healthcare facility can use up to six (6) sets ofAlarmView Systems, with 24 transmitters each, each set operating on itsown channel.AlarmView SystemParameter SettingSingle Alarm Response Time Up to 10 secondsMultiple Alarm Response Time Up to 60 seconds**Only valid for five (5) simultaneous alarms.ProgrammerParameter SettingOperating System Microsoft® Windows® CEBatteries (main) 1 rechargeable battery packRechargeable Battery Life 300 to 500 charge/discharge cyclesBatteries (backup) 1 3V coin battery included (CR2032)Battery Operation Program up to 24 transmitters, 3 times aday for 1 weekNumber of Beds Maximum 48Number of Transmitters Maximum 24Number of Pagers Maximum 12FCC Compliant FCC Part 15
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 19TransmitterParameter SettingPhysical Dimensions 5.25” x 1.5” x 3”(13.3 x 3.8 x 7.6 cm)Battery Life 2 years of normal operationBattery Operation Approximately 45 minutesOutput Power 250 mW nominal400 mW maximumFrequency Range 450 MHz to 466 MHzTypical Range(no intervening structures) Approx. 150 ft (46 m)Input Voltage +15V DC, 1.5 ampsAntenna Terminal DesignedImpedance 50 ohmsTemperature Range(normal operation) 32ºF to 113ºF (0ºC to 45ºC) at 5% to95% RH, non-condensingTemperature Range(storage) -4ºF to 140ºF (-20ºC to 60ºC) at 5%to 95% RH, non-condensingAltitude(normal operation) 0 ft to 10,000 ft (0 m to 3,048 m)Mechanical Shock IEC 68-2-27Water Resistance(transmitter, not power supply) IEC 529 Class IPXIRadiated Immunity(radio-frequency electromagneticfields)Up to 3V/meter from 80 MHz to 1GHzConducted Immunity(conducted-frequencyelectromagnetic energy)MIL-STD-461DCSI14 Level 3FCC Compliant FCC Part 90
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 20Pager (Percomm)Parameter SettingNotification Tone Audible Tone (8 sec)or Vibration (6 sec)Received Data POCSAG encodedBattery 1 AAA standard alkalineBattery Operation 2 weeks normal operationFrequency Range 450 MHz to 466 MHzTemperature Range(normal operation) 32ºF to 113ºF (0ºC to 45ºC) at 5% RH to95% RH, non-condensingTemperature Range(storage) -4ºF to 140ºF (-20ºC to 60ºC) at 5% RHto 95% RH, non-condensingAltitude(normal operation) 0 ft to 10,000 ft (0 m to 3,048 m)Water Resistance IEC 529 Class IPXIFCC Compliant FCC Part 15
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 21Section 3: InstallationSetting Up TransmitterBefore first use of a transmitter or transmitters in a care unit, perform aTransmitter Range Test (Per Section 5: Testing & Periodic Maintenance,“Transmitter Range Test: Survey Paging”). This will establish the limits ofunit coverage.Connect Antenna1. Connect antenna to the top of the transmitter. For besttransmission, antenna must be pointing up.   Range will be limited if antenna is not vertical.The transmitter is designed for use as a mobile device as definedby the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Do not placethe transmitter on a patient’s or user’s body. Ensure that thetransmitter is located at least 20 cm (8 inches) from a patient oruser’s body. Location of the transmitter closer than 20 cm (8 inches)to a person’s body will void the user’s FCC authority to operate theequipment.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 22Connect to AC Power1. Connect the power supply cord to the power input port onthe rear panel of the transmitter.2. Plug the AC power cord into the other end of the powersupply.  Only use the hospital-grade power cord provided byData Critical.3. Plug the AC power cord into a properly grounded AC outlet.Power Supply with Hospital-grade AC Power Cord
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 23   Although the transmitter can operate on its internal backup batteryfor a short period of time (up to 45 minutes under normal operation),always use AC power when possible.Connect to Monitor1. Connect the modular RJ-45 plug end of the interface cableto the input port on rear panel of transmitter.Monitor Input Port2. Connect the other end of the Data Critical interface cable tothe data port on the rear of monitor.A Data Critical serial cable with a 15-pin (Male DB15)connector is required to connect to NPB-290, NPB-295, andN-395 monitors. A Data Critical serial cable with a 7-pin(male 7 pin DIN) connector is required to connect to N-3000monitor.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 24NPB-290, NPB-295, and N-395 Monitor Data PortN-3000 Monitor Data Port
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 25A monitor that is not connected to AC power or operating onbattery will not communicate with the AlarmView transmitter.The monitor’s data port is disabled when not connected to ACpower.  AlarmView System will transmit “Comm Fail” in thiscase. The only exception is the Nellcor N-395 monitor whichcontinues to communicate with the transmitter while operatingon battery power.Outlets used for the system should be on the hospitalemergency circuit so that they are energized at all times.Transmitter Placement1. Place transmitter on top of or beside the pulse oximeter it isbeing used with.To minimize the possibility of the transmitter creatinginterference with the monitor, place the transmitter at the rear ofthe monitor. For best results with N-395 monitors, place thetransmitter to the right-rear of the monitor.Preferred N-395 Transmitter Placement
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 26Turning Transmitter On   The antenna must be connected to the transmitter before thetransmitter is turned on. Turning the transmitter on without theantenna connected may damage the transmitter. Do not disconnectthe antenna while the transmitter is turned on.1. Check oximetry monitor to ensure it is plugged in (notoperating on battery), functioning properly, and that alarmsettings are appropriate.2. Press On/Off button on top of transmitter.Indicators will flash on and off while transmitter performs aPower-On Self Test (POST) to check its function.Transmitter LED IndicatorsPOST Light SequenceStage Stage Indication Test Failure Indication1GreenTransmitting LED Transmitterprogram flashmemorycheckSimultaneous flashingof Tx and Mode LEDs2GreenCommunications LED ExternalSRAM Simultaneous flashingof Tx and Mode LEDs3Amber Operation of Simultaneous flashing
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 27Transmitting LED IrDA UART of Tx and Mode LEDs4AmberCommunications LED RF boardsynch lock Alternate flashing of 1Tx and 1 Mode LED5AmberCommunications LED Tx ID flashread Alternate flashing of 2Tx and 2 Mode LEDs6AmberCommunications LED Setup flashread Alternate flashing of 3Tx and 3 Mode LEDs   Stage 6 Failure is an indication of hardware failure, even iftransmitter seems to recover (only exception is when installer hasprogrammed new software into transmitter). In case of a Stage 6failure, all programming will be lost, and data will need to bereprogrammed into transmitter.3. The Communications LED is solid green when transmitterhas established communication with monitor.The Transmitting LED will flash green, and transmitter willsend a Comm OK Page to the assigned pager(s) to confirmcommunication between the transmitter and monitor. Themessage will display:Bed: 1234Comm OKAll Pagers**Last line All Pagers will be replaced with “Pager 1234” if onepager is assigned to transmitter, and “Pager 1234 5678” if twopagers are assigned.  The 4 digits correspond to the last 4 digitsof the assigned pager(s) cap code.4. Verify that a page is sent to the assigned pager(s) and thatthe bed number is correct.The transmitter will now send pages to the assigned pager(s)whenever it detects alarms identified by the monitor.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 28Turning Transmitter OffThe transmitter can be turned off only when it is notcommunicating with the monitor. To turn the transmitter off:1. Turn monitor off or disconnect interface cable fromtransmitter or monitor. Mode LED will be amber.2. Press On/Off button. Mode LED will be Off.!!!!!!   If you disable communications between the transmitter and themonitor and do not turn off the transmitter, the transmitter willsend Communication Failure pages to the assigned pagers atperiodic intervals for up to one hour.Operating Transmitter On Battery PowerThe transmitter has an internal, rechargeable backup battery. It canoperate on battery power for approximately 45 minutes (under normaloperation) if it becomes disconnected from AC power.The battery will automatically recharge when connected to AC power.Solid green AC LED indicates that the transmitter is connected to power,and that the internal battery is recharging. A fully discharged batterytakes approximately 17 hours to return to full charge. The transmitter canbe used while it is recharging.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 29Section 4: Install ProgramUsing The Install ProgramFor basic operations of the AlarmView programmer – including On/Off,adjusting contrast, backlight, setting date/time, and recharging orreplacing main and backup batteries – refer to Appendix B: BasicProgrammer Functions in the AlarmView System User’s Guide.   Recharge the main battery pack often. Ensure that the programmerhas at least charged main batteries or a charged backup batteryinstalled at all times, or programming and data in the programmerwill be lost.Proprietary AlarmView System Manager (SysMgr) software will beinstalled and running when you receive the programmer.This section explains how to operate the AlarmView Install Program.For all programming functions, use the stylus to tap the appropriate spoton the screen to perform the desired action.   Use the stylus that came with the programmer or other stylusdesigned specifically for use with a handheld computer. Use ofother pointed items such as pens and pencils may damage theprogrammer screen.Tap the Start button   (lower left corner of screen) to access theAlarmView Install Program to view and change system configuration andparameters.Tap the Keyboard button   (lower middle of screen) to open and closethe keyboard on your screen. The keyboard will usually appearautomatically when it is needed for programming.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 30Tap the Exit button   (in upper left corner of screen) to return toSysMgr Main Screen from submenus.Tap the Scroll buttons   to move left and right to make tabs visiblein submenus.Tap Down Arrow to reveal pull-down menu choices.Changing System ParametersAlarmView System parameters are set and transmitters are configured toyour specific site during initial system installation.Only qualified personnel should use the AlarmView Install Programsoftware to view and change system configuration and parameters thatcannot be changed with the SysMgr program.The Install Program has five main screens: Password, Alarms, Pagers,Monitors, and Sys Inf (system information), which are used to changethe following parameters.• Default program password (DCC)• Bed Numbers (up to 48)• Pager Cap Codes (up to 12)• Alarm Pager Destinations (1, 2, or all pagers)• Bed Number and Pager Assignments• Transmission Frequency (MHz) and Baud Rate (bps)• Global Pager Cap Code• Reminder Page Delay Interval• Survey Page Interval and Duration!!!!!!   Some of the above can also be accessed and changed throughthe SysMgr main program.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 31Changing System Password1. Turn on programmer. Programmer will display SysMgrsoftware main screen.Start Button2. Tap the Start button and tap AlarmView Install Program toselect. Password screen with be displayed.Password Screen
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 323. Tap the Keyboard button to reveal the Change Passwordbutton.Change Password Screen4. Tap the Change Password button. The Enter CurrentPassword screen will be displayed.Enter Current Password Screen
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 335. Enter your current password using the keyboard and tap OK.The factory default password is “DCC” (not case sensitive).The Enter New Password screen will be displayed.Enter New Password Screen6. Enter your new password using keyboard and tap OK.The programmer is ready to respond to the new password.Changing Individual Transmitter AssignmentsTransmitter assignments will change as transmitters andmonitors are moved to different beds, as transmitters are movedto different monitors in the care unit, as pagers are changed, andas caregivers are assigned to different patients.To view and change configuration of a transmitter, first retrievethe current parameters from the transmitter.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 34Retrieving Transmitter DataTo check current transmitter values:1. Tap the Start Button and tap AlarmView Install Program.The Install program password screen will be displayed.Password Screen2. Enter your password and tap OK. The Alarms screen isdisplayed.Install Program Alarms Screen
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 35!!!!!!   If you tap cancel, or tap OK without entering the correctpassword, the programmer returns to SysMgr.3. Turn transmitter on.4. Aim the infrared port on programmer directly at the infraredport on the front of the transmitter and tap the CHECKbutton.Aligning Infrared Ports!!!!!!   The programmer must be within four (4) feet (1.2 meters) ofthe transmitter and the infrared ports must be aimed directlyat each other.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 365. When retrieval of transmitter data is successful, theprogrammer will display “Transmitter Data Loaded” statusmessage and values will be displayed in data fields.Transmitter Data Loaded Status MessageChanging Bed Number AssignmentAfter successfully retrieving transmitter data, current values willappear in appropriate fields. One bed number is assigned toeach transmitter. To change the bed number assigned to atransmitter:1. From Alarms screen, double-tap current bed number in bednumber field.2. Tap the Keyboard button and enter new bed number usingkeyboard characters.OR3. Tap the Down Arrow in bed number field to show a pull-down menu listing current bed numbers. Continue to tap theDown Arrow to scroll through the list.4. Tap to select desired bed number from pull-down menu.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 37Changing Pager AssignmentsOne, two, or All Pagers can be assigned to each transmitter. AllPagers will enable the transmitter to transmit to all of the pagersin the AlarmView system.To change alarm destination and pagers assigned to atransmitter:1. From Alarms screen, tap button for Assigned Pager or AllPagers.2. Tap the Pagers tab to move to pager selection screen.Pager Selection Screen3. Tap the Down Arrow in the First Pager field and tap toselect the cap code for the desired pager.  Only the last four(4) digits of the pager number will be displayed.4. If another pager is desired, tap the Down Arrow in theSecond pager field and select the cap code for the desiredpager.5. If all pagers is warranted, tap the button for All Pagers.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 38!!!!!!   You can choose the All Pagers option from the Alarm screen orthe Pagers screen.Assigning All Pagers from TransmitterThe All Pagers option can also be selected from the transmitterwithout using the programmer. The transmitter should be on, butnot communicating with a monitor.1. Turn transmitter on, but turn monitor off or disconnectinterface cable. Mode LED should be amber.2. Turn on at least two pagers in system.3. Press and hold transmitter On/Off button until an All Pagersconfirmation message is received at pagers (approximately 5seconds).Bed: 1234Programming OKAll PagersProgramming New Data into TransmitterBed number and pager assignment changes made in theprevious steps should now be programmed into the transmitter.!!!!!!   Once data has been retrieved for a transmitter, it is easiest tochange all values for that transmitter before sending changesback to transmitter.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 391. Aim the infrared port on the programmer directly at theinfrared port on the front of the transmitter and tap the SENDbutton. Programmer will display “Sending Program Data”status message.Sending Program Data Status Message2. When the transmitter has been successfully programmed,the programmer will display a “Programming Successful”status message.Programming Successful Status Message
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 403. Tap Exit button (< in upper right corner) to return to SysMgr.Changing Survey Page ConfigurationPrior to its first use in a care unit, the effective range andcoverage area of each transmitter should be tested byconducting a paging survey to ensure that the transmitter andpagers are performing as needed.The programmer can be used to set the time between pages andthe total number of pages to be sent for performing surveypaging (the default in 100 pages, sent every 15 seconds).To set interval between pages and total number of pages:1. Tap the Start button and tap the AlarmView InstallProgram.2. Enter your password. The Alarms screen will be displayed.3. Tap the Monitor tab to display the Monitor Configurationscreen.Monitor Configuration Screen
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 41!!!!!!   Monitor Type and Authorization fields are read-only values set atinitial installation. You will not need to edit these values.4. To change survey page time intervals, tap the Down Arrowin the sec (seconds) field. Tap to select desired time intervalfrom the pull-down menu.5. To change the total number of survey pages, tap the DownArrow in the times field. Tap to select the desired number ofpages from the pull-down menu.6. Program survey page configuration into the transmitter. Turnthe transmitter on and aim the infrared port on theprogrammer directly at the infrared port on the front of thetransmitter and tap the SEND button. The programmer willdisplay a “Sending Program Data” status message.7. Wait for receipt of a “Programming OK” status message,then tap Exit button to return to SysMgr.The complete Survey Paging procedure is detailed in Section 5:Testing and Periodic Maintenance, “Transmitter Range Test,” inthis manual.Changing Global System ParametersAn AlarmView System is defined by a common frequency, baudrate, and a global cap code. All transmitters and pagers within anAlarmView System must have the same frequency (MHz), baudrate (bps), and global cap code.  Each pager has two addresses:the unique cap code and the global cap code.  The global capcode is common to all pagers within the AlarmView System.The Reminder Page Delay Interval is intended to be set to thesame value for all transmitters in the system.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 42Changing Frequency, Baud Rate, and Global Cap Code1. Tap the Start button and tap the AlarmView InstallProgram.2. Enter your password. The Alarms screen will be displayed.3. Tap the Pagers tab to enter the Pager configuration screen.Pager Configuration Screen4. Turn on any transmitter in the system, and aim theprogrammer’s infrared port directly at the infrared port on thefront of the transmitter.5. Tap CHECK to retrieve the current system configurationparameters.6. a. To change the sending frequency, tap the Down Arrow inthe MHz field. The Sending frequency is the frequencytransmitted from the transmitter to the pager.b. To change the baud rate, tap the Down Arrow in the bpsfield. This programs the transmitter’s baud rate to match thepager’s receiving baud rate.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 43c. To change the Global Cap Code, tap the All Pagers label,then OK, and use the keyboard to type in a new Global CapCode.7. Aim the programmer’s infrared port directly at the infraredport on the front of the transmitter and tap SEND to programthe configuration changes into the transmitter.8. Repeat programming for every transmitter in the system.9. Tap Exit to return to SysMgr.Changing Reminder Page IntervalIf the alarm condition continues or is not silenced at the monitor,a Reminder Page is sent to all pagers in the system. To changethe delay interval for the reminder page:1. From SysMgr, tap the Start button and tap Install Program.2. Enter your password. The Alarms screen will be displayed.Alarms Screen Reminder Page Interval3. To send a reminder page after a certain interval, tap theDown Arrow in the Sec. field.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 444. Tap to select the desired time interval from the pull-downmenu.5. Aim the programmer’s infrared port directly at the infraredport on the front of the transmitter and tap SEND to programconfiguration changes into the transmitter. A “ProgrammingOK” message will be sent to the pager(s) assigned to thetransmitter.6. Repeat programming for every transmitter in system.7. Tap the Exit button to return to SysMgr.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 45Section 5: Testing and PeriodicMaintenanceAll tests described in this section can be performed withoutdisassembling the units in the AlarmView System. Tests should beconducted prior to initial installation, when adding a new unit to thesystem, and before returning equipment to service after repairs or routinemaintenance.   If any component of the system fails to perform as specified, do notreturn it to use. Contact Data Critical Corporation regarding repair orreplacement of the equipment.Testing System SafetyAlarmView safety tests meet the standards of, and are to be performedin accordance with, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1 and UL 2601-1, MedicalElectrical Equipment – Part 1: General Requirements for Safety, forinstruments classified as Class 1 and Type B.!!!!!!   Equipment Needed is a Safety Analyzer that must meet ,CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1 and UL 2601-1 specifications.Earth Leakage CurrentThis test is in compliance with UL 2601-1 (earth leakagecurrent). The applied voltage is 120 volts, 60 Hz for UL 2601-1and CSA 601.1. Make all measurements with power switch inboth the On and Off positions.1. Connect the AlarmView transmitter power supply AC plug tothe electrical analyzer as recommended by the analyzeroperating instructions.2. Connect the AlarmView transmitter power supply DC plug tothe transmitter DC input connector.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 463. Do not connect the equipotential terminal on the analyzer toany metal on the transmitter.4. Connect the analyzer to accessible bare metal on thetransmitter (e.g. the antenna connector).5. Analyzer leakage indication must not exceed the valueslisted below.Earth Leakage Current LimitsAC Polarity Neutral Wire(L2) Leakage CurrentNormal Closed 300 µAReversed Closed 300 µAReversed* Open 1000 µANormal Open 1000 µA* With AC polarity reversed and neutral wire (L2) open, the linewire (L1) is actually open.Testing System PerformanceCommunications PageEach time a transmitter is turned on, or re-establishescommunication with a monitor after having lost communication,the transmitter will automatically send a communications page(Comm OK Page) to all pager(s) assigned to the transmitter.After setting up transmitter (connecting it to power and to amonitor), to send a Comm OK Page test:1. Check monitor to ensure it is on and functioning properly.2. Press On/Off button on top of transmitter.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 47Indicators will flash on and off while transmitter performs aPower-On Self Test (POST) to check its function.Mode LED is solid green when transmitter has establishedcommunication with the monitor.Tx LED will flash green, and the transmitter will send a CommOK Page to assigned pager(s) to confirm communicationbetween transmitter and monitor. The message will display:Bed: 1234Comm OKAll Pagers**Last line All Pagers with be replaced with “Pager 1234” if onepager is assigned to transmitter, and “Pager 1234 5678.” The 4digits correspond to the last 4 digits of the assigned pager(s) capcode.3. Verify that the page is sent to the assigned pager(s) and thatthe bed number is correct.The transmitter will now send pages to the assigned pager(s)whenever it detects alarms identified by the monitor.Test PageYou should test the AlarmView System setup by conducting aTest Page when any changes affecting the system haveoccurred.  To perform a Test Page, the transmitter must be onand communicating with the monitor.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 48To send a Test Page:1. Press the On/Off button to turn the transmitter on. Check toensure that the transmitter is communicating with themonitor (both AC Indicator and Communications Indicatoron transmitter are green).2. Turn on the pager(s) assigned to the transmitter.3. To send a Test Page, press and release the On/Off buttonagain.All pagers assigned to the transmitter will display thefollowing page (if a patient is not connected to the sensor,dashes will be displayed for SpO2 and pulse rate):Bed: 1234Test PageSPO2: 83%PR: 70 bpm** For the Nellcor N-3000 monitor, the last line of the test pagewill display heart rate (HR).Transmitter Range Test (Survey Paging)Survey Paging is used to determine the area of coverage of your system.A Range Test (Survey Paging) will be performed at the time of initialsystem installation. Survey Paging should be conducted prior to the firstuse of a transmitter added to a system, or when a transmitter has beenmoved to a new care unit.When the transmitter is placed in Test Range mode, it will send frequentpages from the transmitter to the assigned pager(s).  Frequency of sentpages and the total number of Survey Pages can be set according to the
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 49procedure in Section 4: Programming, “Changing Survey PageConfiguration” of this manual.As Survey Pages are sent, personnel with assigned pager(s) will walkaround the coverage area of the care unit to ensure that all pages arereceived.   Because transmitters and pagers in one system operate on a single,defined frequency, you should NOT exchange pagers ortransmitters from different systems.To perform Survey Paging for a transmitter, transmitters should beturned on, but not communicating with monitors. You will need at leastone transmitter and one pager.To conduct a transmitter Range Test (Survey Paging):1. Ensure that transmitter is connected to power and turned on, butnot communicating with a monitor.2. On the programmer, from the SysMgr main screen, tap Serviceto enter service program. The Controls tab will be displayed.3. To start Survey Paging, aim programmer’s infrared port directlyat the port on the front of transmitter and tap the Test Rangebutton  . The programmer will display a “Survey CommandSent” status message and Survey Paging will begin.4. Turn on the pager(s) assigned to transmitter. Qualified personnelshould be ready to walk the dimensions of the care unit. If youuse more than one pager, keep them at least 12” apart to avoidinterference.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 505. The transmitter will transmit a series of consecutively numberedpages (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Assigned pagers will receive the followingmessage for each numbered page:Bed: 1234Survey Page #xxx** XXX is the number of the Survey Page in the sequence.6. Walk slowly around the unit, observing the sequentiallynumbered pages. Pay special attention to elevator banks,columns, metal doors, double doors, and areas with plasterconstruction. Areas of no coverage or out of range conditions willbe identified by missing Survey Page numbers in the sequence.A corrupt, partial or incomplete page is the same as a missingpage.7. To stop the transmitter before all Survey Pages are sent, pressand release the On/Off button on the transmitter once.If any areas of no coverage are defined, communicate their location toclinical staff.AlarmView is intended to cover most care units, not entire floors or entirefacilities.  Typical range for the AlarmView System with no interveningstructures is 150 feet.Contact Data Critical Corporation if areas of no coverage present aproblem in functioning of care unit.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 51Periodic MaintenanceBatteriesTransmitterAt least every two (2) years, the transmitter’s internal batteryshould be tested. To check transmitter battery performance:1. Turn on the transmitter.2. Make sure the transmitter’s external power supply isdisconnected.3. Program the transmitter to send to one pagers.4. From the SysMgr / Service, start the Range Test (SurveyPaging).5. Wait until a TX Battery Low / Shutting Down page isreceived.6. If more than 50 Range Test (Survey Paging) pages arereceived without the transmitter shutting down, thebattery is OK.7. If the transmitter has shut down before 50 Range Test(Survey Paging) pages are received, recharge thetransmitter for 17 hours and repeat #1-#5 above.  If thetransmitter then shuts down before 20 pages arereceived, the battery needs to be replaced.  Return thetransmitter to Data Critical.ProgrammerTo recharge programmer main battery pack and replaceprogrammer backup battery, refer to Appendix B: BasicProgrammer Functions in AlarmView System User’s Guide.   If the main battery warning message is displayed, recharge themain battery as soon as possible. If both the backup battery andmain batteries are depleted programmer software and data will belost.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 52PagerTo replace pager batteries, refer to Appendix A: Basic PagerFunctions in AlarmView System User’s Guide.Cleaning ProceduresWhen necessary, clean only the outer casing of the transmitterwith a soft cloth, damp with a non-abrasive, commercial cleaneror 70% alcohol solution in water. Lightly wipe surfaces oftransmitter.Use a clean cloth designed for lenses to clean the pager andprogrammer screens. Use a damp cloth to dust their casings,and wipe dry immediately.   Do not spray, pour, or spill liquids on any part of the AlarmViewSystem components. Do not submerge any of the components inliquids.If fluids are spilled in the equipment, take the equipment out ofservice for at least 24 hours. Check operation of equipment beforereturning to service.Inspection and TestingAt least every two (2) years, inspect the transmitter, pagers,cables, and programmer for mechanical and functional damage.Inspect safety labels to ensure they are legible.If any system components appear to be damaged, or subjectedto potential damage (such as being dropped or exposed toliquids), qualified personnel should test the system using theprocedures in this manual.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 53ServiceDo not remove the transmitter cover – there are no serviceableitems inside. If any item or component of the AlarmView Systemrequires repair or service, contact Data Critical.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 54Section 6: TroubleshootingError MessagesFor common system problems, an AlarmView transmitter may send errormessages to the pager(s) assigned to it. Below is a table of the SystemError Pages, along with probable causes, and recommended correctiveactions.System Error PagesMessage Possible Cause Corrective ActionLow TxBattery/Connect ACPower to TransmitterTransmitter’s batteryis running low(connect transmitter toAC power as soon aspossible).Transmitter is notconnected to ACpower.Connect transmitter topower.Tx BatteryLow/Shutting DownTransmitter operatingon battery power hasdepleted batterycharge and will shutdown immediately.Transmitter is notconnected to ACpower.Connect transmitter topower.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 55Comm FailureRetryingCommunication hasbeen lost betweentransmitter andmonitor, thetransmitter isattempting toreestablishcommunication.Communicationsbetween transmitterand monitor havefailed.Monitor is turned off oroperating on batterypower and transmitteris still on.Check serial cableand cable connectionsbetween transmitterand monitor.Reconnect or replacecable as required.Connect monitor toAC power.Check monitorperformance.CommFailure/Shutting DownTransmitter has notbeen able tocommunicate with themonitor for about anhour and is shuttingdown.Communicationsbetween transmitterand monitor havefailed.Monitor is turned off oroperating on batterypower and transmitteris still on.Check serial cableand cable connectionsbetween transmitterand monitor.Reconnect or replacecable as required.Connect monitor toAC power.Check monitorperformance.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 56The programmer may also display error messages related to its function.Below is a table of Programmer Error Messages, along with probablecauses, and recommended corrective actions.Programmer Error MessagesMessage Possible Cause Corrective ActionFailed to ConnectProgrammer wasunable to retrieve orsend informationto/from transmitter.Programmer infraredport not aligned withtransmitter infraredport.Transmitter turned off.Programmer batteriesare low.Transmitter defective.Programmerdefective.Re-align ports and tryagain.Turn on transmitter.Recharge programmerbatteries.Contact Data Criticalregarding repairand/or replacement oftransmitter orprogrammer.Please be sure thetransmitter is turnedon, the IR port ispointed directly at thetransmitter, at adistance less than 4 ft.(1.2 m) and try again.Programmer infraredport not aligned withtransmitter infraredport.Transmitter turned off.Programmer batteriesare low.Transmitter defective.Programmerdefective.Re-align ports and tryagain.Turn on transmitter.Recharge programmerbatteries.Contact Data Criticalregarding repairand/or replacement oftransmitter orprogrammer.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 57Programming FailedProgrammer wasunable to sendprogramming changesto transmitter.Interference orambient light noise.Programmer batteriesare low.Transmitter defective.Programmerdefective.Re-align ports and tryagain.Recharge programmerbatteries.Contact Data Criticalregarding repairand/or replacement oftransmitter orprogrammer.Unable to Access PortProbably in Use Programmer error. Reboot programmerby inserting stylus inthe reset buttonlocated on the back onthe programmer.Contact Data Criticalregarding repairand/or replacement ofprogrammer.You must select or geta bed number and oneor more pagersProgrammer SENDbutton was pressedbefore selecting a bednumber or pagernumbers.Follow procedure toselect bed and/orpager numbers andtap SEND again.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 58Battery and Power TroubleshootingMessage Possible Cause Corrective ActionLow TxBattery/Connect ACPower to TransmitterMeaning:Transmitter’s batteryis running low(connect transmitterto AC power as soonas possible)Transmitter is notconnected to ACpower.Connect transmitter topower.Tx BatteryLow/Shutting DownMeaning: Transmitteroperating on batterypower has depletedbattery charge andwill shut downimmediately.Transmitter is notconnected to ACpower.Connect transmitter topower.CommFailure/RetryingMeaning:Communication hasbeen lost betweentransmitter andmonitor, thetransmitter isattempting toreestablishcommunication.Communicationsbetween transmitterand monitor havefailed.Monitor is turned offor operating onbattery power andtransmitter is still on.Check serial cable andcable connectionsbetween transmitterand monitor.Reconnect or replacecable as required.Connect monitor to ACpower.Check monitorperformance.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 59CommFailure/ShuttingDownMeaning: Transmitterhas not been able tocommunicate with themonitor for about anhour and is shuttingdown.Communicationsbetween transmitterand monitor havefailed.Monitor is turned offor operating onbattery power andtransmitter is still on.Check serial cable andcable connectionsbetween transmitterand monitor.Reconnect or replacecable as required.Connect monitor to ACpower.Check monitorperformance.General TroubleshootingMessage Possible Cause Corrective ActionFailed to ConnectMeaning:Programmer wasunable to retrieve orsend informationto/from transmitter.Programmer infraredport not aligned withtransmitter infraredport or too far awayfrom transmitter.Transmitter turnedoff.Programmer batteriesare low.Transmitter defective.Programmerdefective.Re-align ports, ensurethe distance betweenthe transmitter and theprogrammer is lessthan 4' (1.2 m) and tryagain.Turn on transmitter.Recharge programmerbatteries.Contact Data Criticalregarding repair and/orreplacement oftransmitter orprogrammer.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 60Please be sure thetransmitter is turnedon, the IR port ispointed directly at thetransmitter, at adistance less than 4ft. (1.2 m) and tryagain.Programmer infraredport not aligned withtransmitter infraredport or too far awayfrom transmitter.Transmitter turnedoff.Programmer batteriesare low.Transmitter defective.Programmerdefective.Re-align ports, ensurethe distance betweenthe transmitter and theprogrammer is lessthan 4' (1.2 m) and tryagain.Turn on transmitter.Recharge programmerbatteries.Contact Data Criticalregarding repair and/orreplacement oftransmitter orprogrammer.Programming FailedMeaning:Programmer wasunable to sendprogrammingchanges totransmitter.Programmer infraredport not aligned withtransmitter infraredport or too far awayfrom transmitter.Interference orambient light noise.Programmer batteriesare low.Transmitter defective.Programmerdefective.Re-align ports, ensurethe distance betweenthe transmitter and theprogrammer is lessthan 4' (1.2 m) and tryagain.Recharge programmerbatteries.Contact Data Criticalregarding repair and/orreplacement oftransmitter orprogrammer.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 61Unable to AccessPort Probably in Use Programmer error. Reboot programmer byinserting stylus in thereset button located onthe back on theprogrammer (seeappendix X).Contact Data Criticalregarding repair and/orreplacement ofprogrammer.You must select orget a bed number andone or more pagersProgrammer SENDbutton was pressedbefore selecting abed number or pagernumbers.Follow procedure toselect bed and/or pagernumbers and tap SENDagain.Missing pagesIndication Possible Cause Corrective Action"Programming OK"page was notreceived at theassigned pager(s)after programmingthe transmitter.The pager isincorrectly assignedto the transmitter.The pager's battery istoo low or depleted.The pager is notturned on.Pager defective.TransmitterDefective.Follow procedure toselect bed and/or pagernumbers, ensure thatthe correct pager isselected.Replace pager'sbattery.Turn on pager.Contact Data CriticalCorp. regarding repairand/or replacement oftransmitter or pager.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 62"Comm OK" pagewas not received atthe assigned pager(s)after communicationhas been establishedbetween transmitterand monitor.The pager isincorrectly assignedto the transmitter.The pager's battery istoo low or depleted.The pager is notturned on.Pager defective.TransmitterDefective.Follow procedure toselect bed and/or pagernumbers, ensure thatthe correct pager isselected.Replace pager'sbattery.Turn on pager.Contact Data CriticalCorp. regarding repairand/or replacement oftransmitter or pager.Pages areoccasionally notreceived at the pageror the received pagesare "garbled".The pager's battery istoo low or depleted.The pager is notturned on.The pager is out ofthe tramsmitter'srange, i.e. outside thesystem boundaries.Pager defective.Replace pager'sbattery.Turn on pager.Ensure that all user'sare aware of theboundaries of thesystem.Perform a range test todefine the boundariesof the system.Contact Data CriticalCorp. regarding repairand/or replacement ofpager.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 63Transmitter or system failureIndication Possible Cause Corrective ActionThe transmitter'stransmission andcommunication LED'sare flashing amber.Transmitter failure.(Please refer tosection POST fordetailed failuredescription.)Contact Data CriticalCorp. regarding repairand/or replacement oftransmitter.The transmitter'stransmission LED isamber for longperiods of time.RF interference. Perform a site surveyas described in "InitialInstallation".Increase distancebetween transmitterand possibly interferingequipment.Contact Data CriticalCorp tech support.The transmitter'stransmission LED isgreen for more than 2seconds.Transmitter failure. Turn off transmitter andContact Data CriticalCorp. regarding repairand/or replacement oftransmitter.The transmitter can'tbe turned off. If the transmitter iscommunicating with amonitoring device,and the thecommunications LEDis green, then thetransmitter isfunctioning properly.If the communicationsLED is amber, thenthe transmitter ismalfunctioning.Disconnect thetransmitter from themonitoring device, orturn off the monitoringdevice.  When thecommunications LEDturns amber, turn off thetransmitter.Unplug the transmitter'spower supply.  ContactData Critical Corp.regarding repair and/orreplacement oftransmitter.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 64If you are unable to resolve system problems using the previous guides,contact Data Critical Corp. Technical Support for assistance.Getting System InformationWhen speaking to a Data Critical representative, it may be necessary toaccess transmitter system information to troubleshoot problems. Toobtain this information:1. Turn on the Programmer.2. From SysMgr tap the Start Button and tap Install Program. TheInstall Program password screen will be displayed.3. Enter your password and tap OK. The Alarms screen isdisplayed.4. Tap the right scroll button to make the SYS INF tab visible.5. Tap the SYS INF tab.6. Turn the transmitter on.7. Aim the infrared port on the programmer directly at the infraredport on the front of the transmitter and tap the CHECK button.When retrieval of transmitter data is successful, the programmer willdisplay “Transmitter Data Loaded” status message.System Information Screen
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 65Determining Programmer Software VersionWhen speaking to a Data Critical representative, it may be necessary torefer to your programmer software version to troubleshoot problems. Toobtain this information:1. Turn on the programmer.2. Tap the About button (About screen reads AlarmView WirelessData Notification System at the top of screen). The About screenwill display:About Button
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 66a. The programmer software version number is on thebottom line of the screen.About Screen3. Click OK to exit and return to SysMgr.Repairing and Replacing PartsIf it is necessary to return an AlarmView System component to DataCritical for repair, contact Technical Services for shipping instructions.Replacement parts are shown in the following table:Replacement PartsItem No. Description1AlarmView Transmitter27” Transmitter Antenna3a Transmitter serial cable, with 15-pin adapter for NellcorNPB-290, NPB-295, and N-3953b Transmitter serial Cable, with 7-pin adapter for NellcorN-30004AlarmView Pager
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 675AlarmView Programmer6Transmitter Power Supply and Hospital-grade ACpower cord7AlarmView System User’s Guide8AlarmView Administrator’s Manual  (this manual)AlarmView System Replacement PartsElectromagnetic Interference (EMI)The AlarmView transmitter has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for medical devices to the FDA guidance for electromagneticcompatibility (EMC). These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a typical medical installation.   It is possible that high levels of radio frequency or conductedfrequency electromagnetic interference due to close proximity orstrength of source may result in performance disruption oftransmitter.The transmitter is designed for use as a mobile device as definedby the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Do not placethe transmitter on a patient’s or user’s body. Ensure that thetransmitter is located at least 20 cm (8 inches) from a patient oruser’s body. Location of the transmitter closer than 20 cm (8 inches)to a person’s body will void the user’s FCC authority to operate theequipment.The Nellcor NPB-290, NPB-295, N-395, and N-3000 pulse oximetrymonitors are not designed for use in environments in which the pulse canbe obscured by EMI. Interference may cause measurements that seeminappropriate or monitor may not seem to operate correctly. TheAlarmView System may generate alarms or error messages during theseconditions.The AlarmView System generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy and – if not installed and operated according to theseinstructions – may cause interference with other devices in vicinity.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 68Evidence of disruption may include erratic readings, amber Tx LED,equipment ceasing to operate, or other incorrect functioning. If thisoccurs, survey the site to determine the source of disruption, and takethe following actions to eliminate the source(s):1. Turn equipment in vicinity off and on to isolate disruptiveequipment.2. Relocate or re-orient interfering equipment.3. Increase distance between interfering equipment and thisequipment.4. Manage use of frequencies close to AlarmView Systemfrequencies.5. Remove devices that are highly susceptible to EMI.6. Lower power from internal sources within facility control (such aspaging systems).7. Labeling will not eliminate interference with devices susceptibleto EMI.8. Educate clinical staff to recognize potential EMI-relatedproblems.9. Eliminate or reduce EMI with technical solutions (such asshielding).10. Restrict use of personal communicators (cell phones, computers)in areas with devices susceptible to EMI.11. Share relevant EMI information with others, particularly whenevaluating new equipment purchases which may generate EMI.12. Purchase critical care equipment that complies with IEC 601-1-2EMC Standards (3V/meter EMI immunity, limit interference levelto 0.0014 V/meter).
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s Manual880-0326-01 REV. A Page 69Use the following chart to estimate protective distance:Peak Power ofTransmitter: 1 V/m 2 V/m 3 V/m.400 W 12.1 ft 5.9 ft 3.9 ft.400 W 3.7 m 1.8 m 1.2 mThe chart above reflects an estimated protective distance for thosedevices that are not listed on Data Critical’s compatibility list.  ContactData Critical Corporation if additional assistance is needed to identify orresolve EMI conflicts.Technical SupportFor technical advice, service, or information concerning any equipment inyour AlarmView™ System, call Data Critical Technical Support toll freeat 1-877-DCC-STAT (1-877-322-7828).
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualAppendix A: Default Settings
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix A-1TransmitterParameter SettingGlobal Cap Code 0000031Reminder Interval 60 secondsSurvey Page Interval 15 secondsSurvey Page Duration 100 pagesPaging Baud Rate 512 bpsBed Number - - - -PagerParameter SettingDisplay 4 LinesNotification Mode AudibleFrequency On Back Label of Pager
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualAppendix B: Initial InstallationProcedure
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix B-1INITIAL INSTALLATION PROCEDUREThis procedure should be performed upon initial installation of anAlarmView System into a care unit.Setup1. Unpack the equipment to be installed in the care unit.2. Determine the furthest limits of the care unit based on physicaldistances.Frequency VerificationThe object of this activity is to use the transmitter’s carrier detect abilityto determine if other sources of potential RF noise exist on the selectedfrequency.1. Program the AlarmView transmitters to the desired frequencyassigned to the care unit. (See Section 4: Programming.)2. Program the appropriate pager baud rate into the AlarmViewtransmitters.  (See Section 4: Programming.)3. Program the All Pagers cap code into the AlarmView transmitterif different than 0000031.  (See Section 4: Programming.)4. Program Survey Page mode for 150 pages at an interval of 120seconds.  (See Section 5: Testing and Periodic Maintenance.)5. Place several AlarmView transmitters throughout the care unit.6. One by one, perform steps #7 and #8.7. Turn on a transmitter and activate Survey Paging.  (See Section5: Testing and Periodic Maintenance.)8. Observe the Transmitting Indicator LED.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix B-2a. This LED will be green when transmitting a survey page(approximately every 120 seconds) and will remain lit forapproximately 2 seconds.b. This LED will go amber when the transmitter detectsanother signal on this selected frequency.c. Be sure to account for any other AlarmView transmittersthat may be sending pages.9. Turn off the transmitter.10. The Transmitting Indicator LED should remain dark and notdetect significant RF interference.11. Proceed to the Range Test using the selected frequency.Range TestThe purpose of this activity is to determine any areas of no coverageand ensure that AlarmView transmitters can detect each other.1. Place an AlarmView transmitter at the furthest extent of one endof the care unit.2. Program the transmitter to transmit 150 survey pages every 10seconds.  (See Section 5: Testing and Periodic Maintenance.)3. Walk slowly around the care unit with an assigned pager todetermine any areas of no reception. Multiple pagers must beseparated from each other by 12 inches to eliminate interferencebetween pagers.a. During the walk, observe the sequentially numberedsurvey pages from #1 up to #150(or until the care unithas been sufficiently covered).
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix B-3b. Locate any areas where one of the numbered pages isnot received on the pager. That is an indication of anarea of no reception.c. If any suspected areas of no reception are found, walkslowly until the exact extents of the areas of no receptionare discovered.d. Walk into all rooms of the care unit.e. Pay attention to:• Elevator banks• Columns• Double doors• Metal doors• Plaster construction4. A corrupt page, partial page, or incomplete page is the same asa missing page.5. Repeat steps #1 and #4 with another transmitter at anotherfurthest extent of the care unit.6. Make sure both transmitters are sending survey pages at 20-second intervals for 150 pages. Initiate survey page mode forboth transmitters at the same time.7. Verify that each transmitter can detect the transmission from theother transmitter.This is determined when the first transmitter sends a SurveyPage and the second transmitter’s Transmitting Indicator LEDturns amber, indicating that it can detect the first transmitter.This should be seen at the same interval as programmed into thetransmitter in the previous step.An easy way to verify that the amber LED is from a valid transmitteris to use a pager. Compare the receipt of a page from the firsttransmitter with the amber LED on the second transmitter. These
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix B-4should correspond in time although they may not be exactlysimultaneous.)An amber LED that does not correspond to a survey page from thefirst transmitter may indicate interference.If the second transmitter does not detect the first transmitter’s pages,the test fails. It is possible for the pager to receive the page but thesecond transmitter does not detect the page from the firsttransmitter. This is still a failure.8. If areas of no reception are not discovered and the transmitterscan detect each other’s transmissions, the range test iscomplete.9. If the extents of the coverage exceed the care unit, only the careunit’s physical limits will be supported by Data Critical.10. Communicate the extents of tested coverage and any detectedareas of no reception to the clinical staff both verbally and inwritten form.Programmer Set UpThe purpose of this activity is to set up the programmer with thespecific room numbers in the care unit and add the pagers that willbe used.1. Make a list of all patient beds in the care unit.2. Verify with the charge nurse that the list is representative of howthe clinical staff reference the bed numbers. (For example, in asemi private room, do they reference the beds as Room 501 Aand 501 B, or Room 501-1 and 501-2?)3. Enter the entire list of beds, up to 48 beds, in the AlarmViewprogrammer.  (See Section 4: Programming.)
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix B-54. Enter the cap codes of all the pagers to be installed in the careunit, up to 12 pagers, into the AlarmView programmer. (SeeSection 4: Programming.)Transmitter SetupThe purpose of this activity is to set up each transmitter in the system.For each transmitter in the system, perform the following steps:1. Turn on the transmitter.2. With the programmer, use the AlarmView Install program.  Beginby pressing CHECK.3. Program the appropriate frequency, baud rate, and common capcode into the transmitter.  Press the SEND button.4. Set the Reminder Time Interval according to the care unit’spolicy.  If no policy is established, suggest to the nurse managerthat it be set to 2 minutes.  Press the SEND button.5. Set the Range Test (Survey Page) to transmit at 15-secondsintervals for 100 pages.  Press the SEND button.6. Use the CHECK button to verify that all the above values wereproperly received by the transmitter.Setup VerificationThe purpose of this activity is to ensure that all transmitters are correctlytransmitting to all the pagers and the programmer is properly setup.The following steps verify that the Programmer and Pagers have thecorrect Common Cap Code.1. Turn on one transmitter and all the pagers.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix B-62. With the programmer, use the AlarmView SysMgr program andgo to the ASSIGNMENTS screen.3. Select any BED NUMBER and select ALL PAGERS.  Press theSEND button to program the transmitter.4. Verify that all the pagers received a "Programming OK / AllPagers" message.If one of the pagers does not receive a page, that pager’scommon cap code may be incorrect.  If none of the pagersreceive the page, either the programmer or the pagers may havean incorrect common cap code.The following steps verify that the Programmer and the Pagers havethe correct individual cap code.5. With the programmer, select any BED NUMBER and select anindividual pager.  Press the SEND button to program thetransmitter.6. Verify that the selected pager received a "Programming OK /xxxx" message where ‘xxxx’ corresponds to the last 4 digits ofthe pager’s serial number.7. Repeat steps #5 and #6 for each pager in the care unit.If one of the pagers does not receive a page, either theprogrammer has the wrong cap code entered or that pager’sindividual cap code may be incorrect.The following steps verify that each Transmitter is working properly.8. For each transmitter in the system, program it to any of thepagers and bed numbers.9. Verify that the selected pager received a "Programming OK /xxxx" message where ‘xxxx’ corresponds to the last 4 digits ofthe pager’s serial number.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix B-710. Repeat steps #8 and #9 for each transmitter in the care unit.If one of the pagers does not receive the page, the transmittermay not be working or may be incorrectly programmed.11. Turn off all transmitter, pagers, and the programmer.Final StepsThe purpose of this activity is to ensure that all transmitters arecorrectly transmitting to all the pagers.1. Plug in each AlarmView transmitter to AC power for 17hours to ensure the batteries are fully charged beforeplacing the AlarmView transmitters into service.Select the location the clinical staff will store the AlarmView programmerwhen not in use.  Plug in the AC power cable at that location and instructthe clinical staff to plug in the programmer when it is not in use.
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualAppendix C: Restoring theProgrammer’s Software
AlarmView™ System Administrator’s ManualPart #880-0326-01 REV. 10/4/2000 Appendix C-1RESTORING ALARMVIEW PROGRAMMERSOFTWAREThe AlarmView programmer ships from the factory with a memory cardinstalled that has a backup of the AlarmView software.The following procedure will restore the software to the factory defaultstate:If both the main and the backup batteries of the Compaqprogrammer have become depleted or have been removedsimultaneously, the Intouch software may not appear when bothbatteries are reinstalled. Use the following procedure to restorethe Intouch program:1. If the programmer is not already on, press the Powerbutton to turn it on.2. Press the Q button on the side of the programmer.3. Select “QUtilities.” (Your menu may look somewhatdifferent than the one illustrated below.)4. Click on the CF Backup tab.5. Click on the Restore button to access the restoreprogram.6. Click on the Start button to initiate the restore process.7. A message asks you if you are sure you want tocontinue. Click Yes.8. A warning box appears, reminding you not to try to usethe device or remove the flash card while theprogrammer is being restored. Click on “OK.”9. A status bar reporting the activity until the function iscomplete (the status bar may stay on 99% for severalminutes). When the process is complete, a messageappears telling you to press the Reset button to resumeoperation. Click on “OK.”10. Press the Left-most application button to display theIntouch 3-button screen.
Data Critical Corporation19820 North Creek Parkway, Suite 100Bothell, WA

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