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User Manual: 007-1387-050
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ImageVision Library™ Programming Guide Document Number 007-1387-050 CONTRIBUTORS Written by George Eckel, Jackie Neider, and Eleanor Bassler Illustrated by Seth Katz, Nancy Cam, Bill Pickering, and Eleanor Bassler Edited by Nan Schweiger Engineering contributions by Chris Walker, Nancy Cam, Venkatesh Narayanan, Dan Baca, Jon Brandt, Don Hatch, and Casey Leedom Photography by Jackie Neider, Jim Winget, Nancy Cam, and Judith Quenvold Cover St. Peter’s Basilica image courtesy of ENEL SpA and InfoByte SpA. Disk Thrower image courtesy of Xavier Berenguer, Animatica. © 1993, 1995, 1996, Silicon Graphics, Inc.— All Rights Reserved The contents of this document may not be copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure of the technical data contained in this document by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, or in the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94043-1389. Silicon Graphics and IRIS are registered trademarks and IRIS-4D, IRIX, IRIS Graphics Library, IRIS IM, ImageVision, ImageVision Library, and RealityEngine are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. Motif is a trademark of Open Software Foundation. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories. X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Kodak and Kodak Photo CD are trademarks of Eastman Kodak Company. Red-tailed boa photograph property of Judith Quenvold. ImageVision Library™ Programming Guide Document Number 007-1387-050 Contents List of Figures xiii List of Tables xvii List of Examples xix About This Guide xxi What This Guide Contains xxi Suggestions for Further Reading xxiii Adding a User Interface to Your ImageVision Library Program Style Conventions xxvi 1. Writing an ImageVision Library Program 1 A Sample Program in C++ 2 C++ Version of the Sample Program 3 More about the Sample Program 4 The C Interface 9 Creating and Deleting C++-style Objects 9 Calling Functions 10 Including Header Files 11 A Sample Program in C 11 2. The ImageVision Library Foundation 15 The IL Class Hierarchy 15 Foundation Classes 16 The ilLink Class 17 The ilImage Class 19 xxv iii Contents Image Attributes 20 Error Codes 22 Size 22 Data Type 23 Data Ordering 24 Color Model 25 Determining Operator Data Types, Ordering, Working Types, and Definable Fields 26 Color Palette 27 Orientation 28 Fill Value 29 Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values 30 Data Compression 32 The Cache 32 Managing Cache 35 Priority 36 Page Size 38 Multi-threaded Paging Support 39 Accessing Image Data 40 Two-dimensional Functions 40 Three-dimensional Functions 46 Data Access Support Functions 47 Orientation Support 48 Geometric Mapping Support 49 The IL Execution Model 50 On-demand Processing 50 Multi-threading 53 Using Graphics Hardware for Acceleration 55 Working with Image Chains 56 Dynamically Reconfiguring a Chain 57 Propagating Image Attributes 59 Object Properties 61 iv Contents 3. Accessing External Image Data 65 Supported IFL Image File Formats 66 FIT 66 GIF 66 JFIF (JPEG) 67 ilTCL 67 Kodak Photo CD Image Pac 67 Kodak Photo CD Overview Pac 69 PNG 69 PPM/PGM/PBM 69 Raw 69 SGI 70 TIFF 70 YUV 71 Alias 71 SOFTIMAGE 71 Using IL to Access an Image 71 Opening an Existing File 71 Creating an Image File 73 Setting a File’s Compression 75 Querying a File Image 76 Setting and Getting Special Image Properties Importing and Exporting Image Data 78 Images in Memory 78 77 v Contents vi 4. Operating on an Image 81 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL 84 Color Conversion and Transformation 85 Arithmetic and Logical Transformations 90 Geometric Transformations 98 Spatial Domain Transformations 106 Edge Detection 117 Frequency Domain Transformations 120 Generation of Statistical Data 132 Radiometric Transformations 136 Combining Images 146 Constant-valued Images 152 Using a Null Operator 152 Defining a Region of Interest 153 Creating an ilRoiImg 154 Creating an ilSubImg 156 5. Displaying an Image 159 Overview of the Display Facility 160 Scrolling Windows 164 A Simple Interactive Display Program 165 Sample Program Code 165 Sample Program Comments 167 Creating an ilDisplay 169 Opening an X Window and Creating an ilDisplay Object Adding a View to the ilDisplay Object 170 Deallocating the Display 171 Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering 171 169 Contents View and Display Basics 171 Background Color 172 Borders 172 Preventing View Operations 174 Deferring Drawing 174 The Drawing Area 175 Managing the Cache 175 Mode Flags 175 Managing Views 177 Adding Images 177 Stereo Viewing 178 Retrieving Views 179 Retrieving Images 179 Removing Views 180 Replacing Images 180 Reordering the View Stack 180 Finding a View 181 Finding an Edge 181 Operating on a Pixel 182 Locating a Point 183 Applying a Display Operator 184 Drawing Views 184 Relocating Views and Images 188 Resizing Views 193 Updating Views 195 Using setMouse() 196 A More Complicated Interactive Display Program 6. 196 Extending ImageVision Library 199 Deriving From ilImage 202 Data Access Functions 203 Color Conversion 207 Managing Image Attributes 207 Deriving From ilCacheImg 212 vii Contents Deriving From ilMemCacheImg 213 Implementing an Image Processing Operator 215 Deriving From ilOpImg 217 Handling Image Processing 221 Deriving From ilMonadicImg or ilPolyadicImg 228 Deriving From ilSpatialImg 234 Deriving New Classes From ilWarpImg and ilWarp 237 Deriving From ilFMonadicImg or ilFDyadicImg 238 Deriving From ilFFiltImg 241 Deriving From ilRoi 242 Using an ROI: The ilRoiIter class 243 Deriving New Classes From ilRoi 243 Deriving New Classes From ilRoiIter 243 7. viii Optimizing Your Application 247 Managing Memory Usage 247 Optimizing Use of Cache 247 Page Size 251 Buffer Space 253 Using Hardware Acceleration 253 Using Accelerated Operators 253 Understanding the OpenGL Imaging Pipeline 255 Composing Operators 256 Pixel Buffers and Multi-Pass Acceleration 258 Texture 259 Texture Allocation 266 Hardware-Specific Acceleration Restrictions 266 General Restrictions 266 InfiniteReality 267 Reality Engine 267 Impact/High Impact 268 Indy/Indigo2 268 Contents Hardware Hints 268 Using IL-Recognized Hints 269 Creating Your Own Hints 271 8. The Programming Environment 273 Compiling and Linking an IL Program 273 Programs Written in C++ 273 Programs Written in C 275 Reading the Reference Pages 275 Image Tools 277 Online Source Code 277 Environment Variables 278 Caching Configuration Issues 280 Hardware-Acceleration Configuration Issues 280 Hardware Display Configuration Issues 280 Monitoring Control Issues 281 Multi-Threading Configuration Issues 283 A. What is New in Version 3.1 285 keepPrecision() Added to ilOpImg 285 Multiprocessing on Single CPU Machines Enabled Additional Image Formats Supported 285 ELT Performance Enhanced 286 Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering 286 API Change for ilImgStat 286 B. 285 What is New in Version 3.0 287 Overview of Changes in 3.0 287 Understanding the New Features 288 Support for OpenGL and Hardware Acceleration 64-bit Address Space Support 289 Understanding New Classes 289 288 ix Contents Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features Multi-threading Architecture Changes 292 Asynchronous Operations 292 Changes to the Display Facility 294 Error handling 295 Polynomial Coordinate Structures 296 Run-time Object-Type Query Macros 297 Changes to Existing Classes 298 Backwards Compatibility with IL 2.5 306 Automatic Class Name Conversion 308 New Derivations for Classes 313 x 292 C. Introduction to C++ 315 Objects and Classes 315 Overloaded Functions 316 Inheritance 317 Public versus Protected versus Private 318 Passing by Reference 318 Default Values 318 Class Declaration Format 319 Linking with Libraries in Other Languages 319 Referring to Function Names 321 D. Summary of All Classes 323 E. Implementing Your Own Image File Format 337 Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class Opening an Existing File 338 Creating a New Image File 340 Closing a File 342 Parsing the File Name 344 Reading and Writing Formatted Data 345 Functions that Manipulate the Image Index 348 Adding Images to Image Files 349 337 Contents Deriving an Image File Format from iflFormat 350 Deriving Subclasses 350 Virtual Function Descriptions 351 Sample Code for Virtual Function Definitions 353 Registering an Image File Format 354 Using the File Format Database 354 F. G. Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions 357 Auxiliary Classes 358 iflConfig 359 Using iflLut 360 Useful Functions 362 Computing the Size of Data Types 363 Minimum and Maximum Comparisons 364 Converting to Color-index Mode 364 Convenient Structures 365 Coordinate Data Structures 365 Error Codes 366 ilStatus Error Codes 366 iflStatus Error Codes 368 Enumerated Types and Constants 369 Describing Image Attributes 370 Using the Electronic Light Table 375 Understanding How ELT Works 375 DeWarping the Image 377 RotZooming the Image 377 Convolving the Image 377 Collecting Histogram Data 378 Dynamically Adjusting the Image 379 DeWarping the Image Data 379 Enabling and Disabling Operators 380 Setting Operator Values 381 xi Contents Understanding Accelerated Performance 381 Look-ahead Algorithms 381 Hardware Acceleration 382 Image Size 382 Choosing a Display in ELT Applications 383 Creating an ELT Application 383 Understanding the ilELTImg API 388 H. Results of Operators 395 Color Conversion 396 Arithmetic and Logical Transformations 397 Geometric Transformations 400 Spatial Domain Transformations 401 Edge Detection 402 Frequency Domain Transformations 404 Radiometric Transformations 405 Combining Images 407 Index xii 409 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 2-7 Figure 2-8 Figure 2-9 Figure 2-10 Figure 2-11 Figure 2-12 Figure 2-13 Figure 2-14 Figure 2-15 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6 Figure 4-7 Figure 4-8 Figure 4-9 An Image before Processing 6 The Image after Processing 8 The ilLink Class Inheritance 17 An IL Chain 18 Sizes of Original and Processed Images 23 Pixel Data Ordering for an RGB Image 24 Determining Color Model Inheritance for Operator Images 26 Image orientations 29 Cache Containing Portions of Three Images 33 Pages and Tiles of Image Data 34 Priority Lists in Cache 37 Parameters for getSubTile() and setSubTile() 45 Image Chain for the Sample Program 51 Image Chain Showing Demand-driven Execution Model 52 Performance Comparison of Non-threaded, Single-processor, and Multi-processor Applications 53 Operators, Requests for Pages, and Threads 55 An Image Chain 57 ilOpImg and IL Inheritance Hierarchy 82 Color Conversion Operators Inheritance Hierarchy 85 Determining the Color Model of Multi-Input Operators 87 A Falsely Colored Image 89 Arithmetic and Logical Operators Inheritance Hierarchy 91 A Positive and Negative Image Pair 93 Adding Two Images 96 Minimum of Two Images 97 Logical AND and OR of Two Images 98 xiii List of Figures Figure 4-10 Figure 4-11 Figure 4-12 Figure 4-13 Figure 4-14 Figure 4-15 Figure 4-16 Figure 4-17 Figure 4-18 Figure 4-19 Figure 4-20 Figure 4-21 Figure 4-22 Figure 4-23 Figure 4-24 Figure 4-25 Figure 4-26 Figure 4-27 Figure 4-28 Figure 4-29 Figure 4-30 Figure 4-31 Figure 4-32 Figure 4-33 Figure 4-34 Figure 4-35 Figure 4-36 Figure 4-37 Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 xiv A Warped Image 99 Geometric Operator Inheritance Hierarchy 99 Warping an Image 104 Spatial Domain Operator Inheritance Hierarchy 106 The ilPadSrc Edge Mode 108 An Original Image 110 An Image Blurred with ilBlurImg 111 An Image Sharpened with ilSharpenImg 112 An Over-sharpened Image 112 Median Rank Filtering on an Image 114 Edge Detection Operator Inheritance Hierarchy 117 Edge Image Produced by ilRobertsImg 118 A Compass Filtered Image 120 Frequency Domain Operator Inheritance Hierarchy 121 Magnitude and Phase Fourier Operators 125 Original Image 129 Image Processed with ilFGaussFiltImg 129 The ilImgStat Inheritance 133 Radiometric Operator Inheritance Hierarchy 137 Using Scaling 139 Breakpoints along a Piecewise Continuous Function 143 Using a Lookup Table Editor to Set Breakpoints 146 ilBlendImg, ilMergeImg, and ilCombineImg Inheritance Hierarchy 146 Blended Images 148 Composition Modes for ilBlendImg 150 lRoi’s Subclasses 155 Source Image and Subimage 156 Translated Subimage 157 IL Display Classes 160 Stacked Images in an X Window 161 ilDisplay Object Creates a Display Area 162 ilView Objects Map Images to Display Regions 163 Display Area After Views Are Drawn 164 List of Figures Figure 5-6 Figure 5-7 Figure 5-8 Figure 5-9 Figure 5-10 Figure 6-1 Figure 6-2 Figure 6-3 Figure 6-4 Figure 7-1 Figure 7-2 Figure 7-3 Figure 7-4 Figure 7-5 Figure 7-6 Figure 7-7 Figure 7-8 Figure 7-9 Figure 7-10 Figure C-1 Figure G-1 Figure H-1 Figure H-2 Figure H-3 Figure H-4 Figure H-5 Figure H-6 Figure H-7 Figure H-8 Figure H-9 Figure H-10 Figure H-11 Figure H-12 Aligning an Image to Bottom Left Corner 189 Aligning Views 189 split() with ilAbsSplit | ilRowSplit | ilColSplit 192 split() with ilRelSplit | ilRowSplit | ilColSplit 192 Using wipeSize() 195 User-Defined Classes in IL 200 ilOpImg and Its Subclasses for Deriving 216 Using qgetSubTile3D() 223 Visualizing a ROI 242 Varying Page Dimensions 249 OpenGL Image Processing Pipeline 256 IL Chain Mapped to the OGLIP Pipeline 257 Mapping onto the OGLIP in a Single Transfer 257 Running a Subsection of an IL Chain 258 Two-Pass Transfer Operations 259 Accelerating an IL Chain Using Texture 260 Data Path of the IL Chain in Figure 7-7 261 Hardware Acceleration Without Using Pixel Buffers 263 Hardware Acceleration Using Pixel Buffers 265 Sample Inheritance Hierarchy 317 ELT image processing pipeline 376 ilFalseColorImg 396 ilGrayImg 396 Original Image and Flipped Image 397 ilAddImg and ilAndImg 397 ilDivImg 397 ilExpImg and ilInvertImg 398 ilLogImg and ilMaxImg 398 ilMinImg and ilMultiplyImg 398 ilNegImg and ilOrImg 399 ilPowerImg and ilSqRootImg 399 ilSquareImg and ilSubtractImg 399 ilXorImg 400 xv List of Figures Figure H-13 Figure H-14 Figure H-15 Figure H-16 Figure H-17 Figure H-18 Figure H-19 Figure H-20 Figure H-21 Figure H-22 Figure H-23 Figure H-24 Figure H-25 Figure H-26 Figure H-27 Figure H-28 Figure H-29 Figure H-30 xvi Original and ilRotZoomImg 400 ilWarpImg 401 Original, ilBlurImg and ilGBlurImg 401 ilDilateImg, ilErodeImg, and ilMaxFltImg 401 ilMedFltImg, ilMinFltImg, and ilSharpenImg 402 ilCompassImg 402 ilLaplaceImg (original and filtered image) 402 ilRobertsImg (original and filtered image) 403 ilSobelImg (original and filtered image) 403 ilFGaussFiltImg 404 ilHistEqImg (filtered image and histogram) 405 ilHistNormImg (filtered image and histogram) 405 ilHistScaleImg (filtered image and histogram) 406 ilLutImg (original, filtered image, and LUT editor) 406 ilThreshImg 406 Originals and Original Mask 407 ilBlendImg 407 ilCombineImg 408 List of Tables Table 1-1 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Table 4-5 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 Table 6-4 Table 6-5 Table 6-6 Table 7-1 Table 8-1 Table B-1 Table B-2 Table B-3 Table B-4 Table D-1 IFL-supported Image Formats 6 Image Attribute Summary 21 Data Access Functions 40 Channel Mapping 43 Compression Algorithms Supported for ilTIFFImg Files 75 File Query Functions 76 Color Models 79 Single-input Arithmetic Operators and Their Valid Output Data Types 92 Compass Directions for the ilCompassImg Operator 119 Output of a Forward Fourier Transform (if nx and ny are even) 123 Output of a Forward Fourier Transform (if nx and ny are odd) 123 Sample Parameter Values for ilFGaussFiltImg 128 Image Attributes Needing Initialization in ilImage Subclass 202 ilImgParam Constants 209 Additional Attributes Needing Initialization in ilMemCacheImg Derived Classes 214 Classes Derived from ilMonaDicImg and ilPolyadicImg 229 ilSpatialImg’s Subclasses 234 The Subclasses of ilFMonadicImg and ilfDyadicImg 238 ilHwHint Definitions 270 Environment Variable Definitions 278 New Names for Polynomial Structures 297 Run-time Object Inquiries 297 Class Name Conversions 308 New Class Hierarchies 313 Summary of All Classes 323 xvii List of Tables Table E-1 Table F-1 Table F-2 Table F-3 Table G-1 xviii iflFormat’s Virtual Functions 351 Coordinate Data Structures 365 ilStatus Error Codes 366 iflStatus Error Codes 368 Methods in ilELTImg 388 List of Examples Example 1-1 Example 1-2 Example 3-1 Example 5-1 Example 5-2 Example 6-1 Example 6-2 Example 6-3 Example 6-4 Example 6-5 Example 6-6 Example 6-7 Example 6-8 Example 6-9 Example 6-10 Example 6-11 Example 7-1 Example 8-1 Example 8-2 Example C-1 Example E-1 Example E-2 Example E-3 Example E-4 Sample Program (in C++) Using X Window Management 3 Sample Program (in C) Using X Window Management 11 Opening an Image File and Reading Data 72 A Simple Interactive Display Program 165 A More Complicated Interactive Display Program 197 Typical Header for a Class Derived From ilOpImg 217 Typical Constructor for a Class Derived From ilOpImg 218 The resetOp() Function of ilMonadicImg 220 A Request-Processing Implementation for a Class Derived From ilOpImg 224 Computing the Pixelwise Sum of Two Images 226 Implementation of ilArithDoCalc() in ilPowerImg 231 Implementation of loadLut() in ilPowerImg 232 A Class Derived From ilHistLutImg to Count Pixels 233 A Class Derived From ilConvImg to Multiply and Accumulate Data 236 Constructor and Member Functions of a Class Derived From ilFMonadicImg to Convert Coordinates 239 A Class Derived From ilFDyadicImg to Multiply Two Fourier Images 240 Using the Hint Name to Set a Hint 269 Makefile for a C++ Program 274 Makefile for a C Program 275 Class Declaration Format 319 Opening a File 339 Creating a File 341 Closing a File 343 Flushing a Buffer 344 xix List of Examples Example E-5 Example E-6 Example F-1 Example F-2 Example G-1 xx Reading and Writing Data in the FIT Format 347 Defining Virtual Functions for Your Image File Format iflConfig Constructors and Fields 359 iflLut Constructors and Member Functions 361 Coding an ELT Application 384 353 About This Guide The ImageVision Library™ (IL) is an object-oriented, extensible toolkit designed for developers of image-processing applications. Typical image processing programs access existing image data, manipulate it, display it, and save the processed results. IL provides a robust framework within which developers can easily create such programs to run on all Silicon Graphics® workstations. IL consists of a library written in the C++ programming language; interfaces for the C language are also available. The object-oriented nature of C++ provides a simplified programming model based on abstractions of what images are and how they are manipulated. This model relieves developers of many tedious programming details and allows them to conceptually design creative programming solutions. Also, because IL is written in C++, developers can easily extend it, for example, to incorporate their own image processing algorithms or to include support for their own image file formats. Several examples of images produced using IL appear in Chapter 4, “Operating on an Image.” What This Guide Contains This guide presents a task-oriented perspective of IL. The topics in this guide are arranged to coincide with the order in which you need to refer to them while writing an image processing program. To illustrate the use of IL, code examples are sprinkled liberally throughout the guide. Additional sample source code is provided online; see “Online Source Code” on page 277. Brief descriptions of the chapters in this guide follow: • Chapter 1, “Writing an ImageVision Library Program,” shows what a typical image processing application that uses IL looks like. It presents an IL program that performs the tasks common to many image processing applications. It also summarizes the differences among the C++, C, and Fortran interfaces to IL. • Chapter 2, “The ImageVision Library Foundation,” explains the general architecture and design philosophy of IL. Most of this chapter is devoted to discussion of the principal image class (ilImage), from which virtually all IL classes derive, and the class that implements a key part of IL’s execution model (ilCacheImg). xxi About This Guide • Chapter 3, “Accessing External Image Data,” describes how to read and write image data from and to either a file on disk or memory. • Chapter 4, “Operating on an Image,” discusses the more than 70 image processing algorithms provided with IL. It explains how to use them and what effect they have on image data. • Chapter 5, “Displaying an Image,” describes how to display and manage a set of images on the screen in an interactive program. You can allow a user of your program to move images, perform wipes, roam around an image, and create split views of multiple images. • Chapter 6, “Extending ImageVision Library,” explains how to extend the capabilities of IL to implement your own derived classes. You might extend IL to include support for your own file format or to incorporate your own image processing algorithm. • Chapter 7, “Optimizing Your Application,” provides information on optimizing your IL programs by reducing memory usage, taking advantage of hardware acceleration, and making use of IL’s multi-threading facility. • Chapter 8, “The Programming Environment,” provides information on the programming environment available on Silicon Graphics workstations. It mentions special tools that may help you in writing, compiling, and debugging your IL program. In addition to these chapters, this guide includes several appendices as handy summaries of useful information: xxii • Appendix A, “What is New in Version 3.1,” describes the differences between versions 3.0 and 3.1 of the ImageVision Library. • Appendix B, “What is New in Version 3.0,” describes the differences between versions 2.5 and 3.0 of the ImageVision Library. • Appendix C, “Introduction to C++,” contains a brief introduction to the principles of C++ programming. • Appendix D, “Summary of All Classes,” provides a brief summary of all the classes that make up IL. • Appendix E, “Implementing Your Own Image File Format,” describes how to add and implement your own image file format. About This Guide • Appendix F, “Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions,” describes IL classes not fully discussed elsewhere in this guide. It also lists all the error codes and enumerated types used by IL. • Appendix G, “Using the Electronic Light Table,” describes the ilELT Img operator and how you use it along with ilDisplay, ilView, and ilStereoView to create an ELT application. • Appendix H, “Results of Operators,” contains illustrations showing the results of using IL’s operators to process data. Other documentation on IL is contained in the ImageVision Library Reference Pages. These reference pages provide concise yet thorough descriptions of each C++ class included in IL. They are only available online in versions for C++, C, and Fortran programmers. See “Reading the Reference Pages” on page 275 for more information on the exact content of the reference pages. Suggestions for Further Reading Because IL is written in C++, it is easiest to describe its design philosophy and how to program with it by talking about the C++ classes that compose IL. While it is not necessary that you know how to program in C++, you can gain more from this guide if you understand the concepts of object-oriented programming. Where possible, however, this guide avoids focusing on topics directly related to the C++ implementation of IL. In addition, a brief introduction to C++ is included in Appendix C. Programming examples in Chapter 1, “Writing an ImageVision Library Program,” are given in C++, C, and Fortran. Some books on C++ you might find helpful include: • Ellis, Margaret, and Bjarne Stroustrup. The Annotated C++ Reference Manual. AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1990. The official C++ language reference manual. • The C++ Programmer’s Guide. A short manual that provides information about implementing C++ programs on Silicon Graphics workstations. • Lippman, Stanley. C++ Primer. AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1991. An introductory-level, tutorial-style presentation of C++. xxiii About This Guide This guide assumes that you are familiar with the principles of image processing. A good, general discussion of image processing can be found in any of several textbooks, such as: • Jain, Anil K. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1989. A thorough presentation of the major concepts of image processing, written for graduate students. • Pratt, William K. Digital Image Processing. John Wiley & Sons, 1991. • Gonzalez, Rafael C., and Richard E. Woods. Digital Image Processing. Addison-Wesley, 1992. To learn more about the RealityEngine™ architecture, read: • Akeley, Kurt, and Tom Jermoluk. RealityEngine Graphics™. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ‘93 (August 1993), pp. 109-116. Most sample programs in this guide include calls to the IRIS Graphics Library™ (GL), and IL itself uses the GL to perform rendering in the frame buffer. These calls are not explained in much detail since the GL is documented separately in these Silicon Graphics books: • Graphics Library Programming Guide • Graphics Library Reference Pages • Graphics Library Programming Tools and Techniques IL provides support for manipulating files stored in the format defined by Tag Image File Format (TIFF), Revision 6.0, distributed by Aldus Corp. You might want to obtain the official specification of this format directly from Aldus (411 First Avenue South; Suite 200; Seattle, WA 98104; (206) 628-6593). • TIFF 6.0 Specification IL provides support for multi-threading on single- and multi-processor machines. If you want to know more about writing multi-threaded applications, refer to this document: • xxiv Parallel Programming on Silicon Graphics Computer Systems About This Guide IL uses dynamic linking. To learn more about using dynamic linking with your applications, read: • the dlopen, dlsym, and dlerror reference pages • IRIX™ Programming Guide Adding a User Interface to Your ImageVision Library Program IL does not impose any particular user interface (UI), so you can use any UI toolkit—such as IRIS IM™, Silicon Graphic’s port of the industry-standard OSF Motif™—to allow the user to control your program. To support such interactive control, IL provides many functions for altering parameters dynamically. IL also keeps track of when parameters have changed so that image data can be updated automatically. These user-interface manuals are available from Silicon Graphics: • OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide • OSF/Motif Programmer’s Reference • OSF/Motif Style Guide • IRIS IM Programming Notes Silicon Graphics recommends that you write mixed-model programs rather than pure GL programs. A mixed-model program is essentially an X program that uses the GL to handle graphics; the GL is completely removed from all areas governed by the X server. If you are creating a mixed-model X Window System™ and IL program, you might also want to refer to these volumes in the O’Reilly X Window System Series, published by O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, California: • Volume One: XLIB Programming Manual, by Adrian Nye • Volume Four: X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual, by Adrian Nye and Tim O’Reilly Volumes One and Four are available from Silicon Graphics as part of the IRIS® Development Option (IDO). xxv About This Guide Style Conventions These style conventions are used in this guide: • Bold—Functions, data members, and data types • Italics—Variables, filenames, spatial dimensions, and command • Regular—Class names and enumerated types Code examples are set off from the text in a fixed-space font. xxvi Chapter 1 1. Writing an ImageVision Library Program To write an image processing program, you use the C++ classes in the ImageVision Library (IL). This chapter shows several, typical image processing applications. This chapter contains the following major sections: • “A Sample Program in C++” on page 2 presents a sample program written in C++ that uses the IL. The section shows the program that uses X window management. • “The C Interface” on page 9 explains the differences between the C++ and C interfaces to the IL. • “A Sample Program in C” on page 11 presents the sample program written in C. 1 Chapter 1: Writing an ImageVision Library Program A Sample Program in C++ The sample C++ program presented in this section reads image data from a file, processes it, displays it, and saves the processed data in a new file. Each task the program performs is described in more detail in subsequent chapters. This chapter gives you a brief introduction to the capabilities of the IL and provides you with a code example that can serve as a template for programs you write. Image processing applications typically perform at least some of the following tasks: Read image data Read formatted image data from a file on disk, for example, and decompress it if necessary. Process the data Manipulate the data, for example, to enhance the original image or to produce a statistical analysis of the data. Display the image on the screen Allow a user to interactively view selected portions of simultaneously-displayed images. Save the processed data in a file Format and possibly compress the data. The C++ program presented in Example 1-1 demonstrates how the IL accomplishes these tasks. (A version of this program in the C language appears later in this chapter.) In Example 1-1, the user invokes the program from the command line and specifies a file of image data to be processed. The program then performs the following tasks: 1. Opens the input file of image data. 2. Constructs a sharpening operator that uses the file of image data as input. 3. Constructs a rotate operator that uses the output of the sharpening operator as input. 4. Displays the sharpened and rotated image data on the screen. 5. Continues to display the processed image until the user quits by pressing the keys or by using the window menu. 6. Copies the sharpened and rotated image to a file on disk. 2 A Sample Program in C++ The code for this program is available online so that you can easily compile and run it. Look in: /usr/share/src/il/guide/sampleProg.c++ Other sample code is also available online; see “Online Source Code” on page 277. C++ Version of the Sample Program The code in Example 1-1 shows the C++ version of the sample program. Example 1-1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Sample Program (in C++) Using X Window Managementvoid main(int argc, char **argv) { // Step 1: Open the file of image data. if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); exit(0); } ilFileImg inImg(argv[1]); // Step 2: Create IL objects for sharpening and rotating ilSharpenImg sharperImg(&inImg, 0.5); ilRotZoomImg rotatedImg(&sharperImg, 90.0); // Step 3: Set up and open a window for display. 3 Chapter 1: Writing an ImageVision Library Program iflSize size; rotatedImg.getDimensions(size); Display* dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); ilViewer viewer(dpy, size.x, size.y); // Step 4: Display the processed data. viewer.addView(&rotatedImg, ilLast, ilCenter); // Step 5: Display until the user quits. viewer.eventLoop(); XCloseDisplay(dpy); // Step 6: Write the processed data to a file. iflFileConfig fc(&size); ilFileImg tmpFile("outFile.tif", &inImg, &fc); tmpFile.copy(&rotatedImg); tmpFile.flush(); } More about the Sample Program The sample program uses the IL in a recommended way, but many good programming habits were not followed in the interest of keeping the program short. More specifically, this program does not do any of the following things: • check return arguments and write error messages as appropriate • strip arguments off the command line in an elegant way and check them for appropriate values (or provide a graphical user interface) • provide feedback to the user, for example, to indicate that a file of processed image data has been created The remainder of this section walks through Example 1-1, explaining how it uses the IL. This discussion is intended to give you a taste of the kinds of things the IL can do and what you, as a programmer, need to do to accomplish them. Each of the following topics is discussed extensively elsewhere in this book. 4 A Sample Program in C++ Header Files The first few lines of code include the necessary header files from the IL. These header files also include other IL header files, as well as header files from the Graphics Library and the standard C library. If you use this program as a template and modify it to suit your needs, be sure you include the header files necessary for your program. Since the IL provides many more capabilities than you need for any particular program, you do not need to include all of its header files. To minimize compile time and the size of your executable, you should include only those header files actually required by your program. In this example, • the header X11/Xlib.h is included to configure an X window for OpenGL rendering • the header X11/keysym.h is included to handle user input • the header il/ilFileImg.h is included to implement the ilFileImg class • the header il/ilSharpenImg.h is included to implement the ilSharpenImg class • the header il/ilRotZoomImg.h is included to implement the ilRotZoomImg class. • the header il/ilViewer.h is included to manage views in an X window. In general, when writing an IL program in C++, you will need to include an IL header file for each IL class you use. More information about programming and compiling IL programs is included in “Compiling and Linking an IL Program” on page 273. Step 1: Open the File of Image Data In step 1 of Example 1-1, an image data file specified by the user is opened by invoking the ilFileImg constructor. This function takes one argument: the pathname of the file. In this example, the filename is taken as an argument from the command line and the file is opened for reading. Figure 1-1 shows an example image file. 5 Chapter 1: Writing an ImageVision Library Program Figure 1-1 An Image before Processing Before any image data can be read, the ilFileImg constructor determines the format of the image file by returning a pointer to one of the supported ilFileImg types. IL recognizes the image file formats at runtime by searching for dynamic shared objects (DSOs) that contain the code for specific file formats. Table 1-1 shows all of the IFL -supported image file formats and their customary suffixes. 6 Table 1-1 IFL-supported Image Formats File Format Customary Suffix SGI .rgb, .sgi, .rgba, .bw, .screen TIFF .tif, .tiff JFIF .jpg, .jpeg, .jfif FIT .fit PCD .pcd PCDO pcdo GIF .gif PPM .ppm, .pgm, .pbm, .pnm PNG .png Raw .raw A Sample Program in C++ IFL is a lower-level library upon which IL is built. You can also create your own image file formats. For more information about defining image file formats, see Appendix E, “Implementing Your Own Image File Format.”. Step 2: Create IL Objects for Sharpening and Rotating Now that the source of the image data is ready, the IL objects used for processing the data are created in step 2. For this sample program, data is first sharpened and then rotated by using the ilSharpenImg and ilRotZoomImg classes. These two classes demonstrate two of the many image manipulation functions included in the IL. As shown in Example 1-1, the parameter 0.5 is passed in with a pointer to the input image data file to create the sharpening object. This parameter, which is a single-precision floating point number, can range in value from 0 to 1; it defines how much the data is sharpened. The specific algorithm that ilSharpenImg uses to sharpen image data is described in detail in its class reference page (read “Reading the Reference Pages” on page 275 for an explanation of the difference between normal reference pages and class reference pages). If this were an interactive program, you could allow the user to change the sharpness factor dynamically, perhaps with a slider widget. You can use the ilRotZoomImg class to rotate and/or zoom (magnify or minify) an image. In Example 1-1, the sharpened image data is rotated 90 degrees, in a counterclockwise direction, as specified by the parameter passed to ilRotZoomImg. The ilRotZoomImg class is discussed in detail in its reference page. The program uses the size of the rotated image to set the size of the X window opened to display the image. You can invoke any number of operators on a set of data. See Chapter 4, “Operating on an Image,” for more information about how the IL allows you to operate on image data. You can also easily add your own algorithms; “Implementing an Image Processing Operator” on page 215, tells you how to extend the IL to include a new image processing operator. As an IL program executes, image data is processed only on demand, for example, when it’s needed for displaying or writing to a file. This execution model eliminates unnecessary processing and minimizes transfers of data in and out of memory. In Example 1-1, data is not actually processed until step 4. The execution model is discussed in detail in “The IL Execution Model” on page 50. 7 Chapter 1: Writing an ImageVision Library Program Step 3: Open a Window for Display Example 1-1 calls the X Window library function, XOpenDisplay(), to return a pointer to the display device which, in turn, is passed to ilDisplay to open a window. Step 4: Display the Processed Data In step 3, an ilViewer object is created to display the processed image data. In a more interactive image processing program, you would use an ilViewer object to manage the dynamic display of multiple images. Also, you could rewrite the program to display the sharpened image before it’s rotated. Example 1-1, however, simply displays the final image by calling the addView() member function on the sharpened, rotated image. Displaying processed images is covered in detail in Chapter 5, “Displaying an Image.” The result of running the sample program with the image from Figure 1-1 is shown in Figure 1-2. Figure 1-2 The Image after Processing In the IL’s execution model, data is processed in conveniently sized chunks, called pages. As you execute Example 1-1, you can watch as successive pages of image data are displayed—one rectangular part of the image after another—after the pages have been processed. 8 The C Interface Step 5: Display Until the User Quits In step 5, the program uses the eventLoop() function in ilViewer to handle X events until the user types . You could also write your own event loop using X library calls and pass events you do not want to handle to the event() function in ilViewer. Step 6: Write the Processed Data to a File Many image processing applications need to write processed image data to a file. In step 6, the iflFileConfig function, fc(), sets the size of the image in pixels. All other image attributes are copied from inImg which is passed to the output file object’s constructor. The ilFileImg constructor creates a file for writing data using the TIFF file format. This version of the constructor needs to know the name of the output file, a pointer to the original image file, and the size of the image in pixels. See “Creating an Image File” on page 73 for more information about ilFileImg. The ilFileImg constructor only creates a file. The ilFileImg.copy() function actually writes the processed (sharpened and rotated) image data directly into the file. The ilFileImg.flush() function then writes to the disk file all pages still residing in memory. The C Interface Since the IL was written in C++, it implements the C interface as a wrapper to C++ member functions. This wrapper has names that are similar to those of the C++ member functions. Thus, the concepts explained in this guide apply to C as well as C++ programmers even though most of the code examples are shown in C++. Creating and Deleting C++-style Objects A C++ class object must be defined as something the C language recognizes to make it usable in a C program. For example, the header file il/ilCdefs.h defines all the IL classes as being of data type struct. To “create” such a struct in your program, call the appropriate function, which is usually of the form ClassNameCreate(). The call to create an ilDisplay struct, for example, is ilDisplayCreate(). 9 Chapter 1: Writing an ImageVision Library Program In C, use these statements: ilDisplay* disp; disp = ilDisplayCreateWindow(dpy, size.x, size.y, ilVisDoubleBuffer,0,0, ilDefault, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask); You can see in this example some other differences between the C and C++ calls. In C++, you can have variables created automatically for you, or you can allocate them dynamically yourself. The C variable disp must be declared as a pointer to type ilDisplay. Since disp appears as just a struct to C, you need to call a destructor directly when you need to delete it. The destructor naming scheme is similar to the creator scheme. In order to delete the display you created with the calls above, use ilViewerDelete(). In C, use this statement: ilViewerDelete(viewer); In C++, use this statement: delete ilViewer; // not needed unless created with new Calling Functions Once you have accomplished the C equivalent of creating an object, you can manipulate it with the C version of the functions associated with that object. The C function name generally includes the C++ class name, and the functions themselves take a pointer to the “object” as an additional argument. In C, use this statement: status = ilDisplayAddView(disp, rotatedImg, 0, ilCenter); In C++, use this statement: status = disp.addView(rotatedImg); As you can see, the C++ function addView(), which is a member function of the ilDisplay class, becomes ilDisplayAddView(). Most functions follow this form: the name of the base class is used as the prefix for the functions. C++ functions from the ilImage base class (or from ilImage’s parent class, ilLink) add “il,” not “ilImage.” ilCacheImg’s flush() function does this as well; it becomes ilFlush(), not ilCacheImgFlush(). 10 A Sample Program in C Note: The C version of the man pages list the C names for each method. The C++ versions of the IL functions fill in default values for some arguments. If you omit those arguments, C++ simply calls the function with the defaults. C, however, does not fill in defaults for you. You must supply values for each argument. The C++ sample program takes advantage of this feature when creating a new ilSharpenImg object. In C, use this statement: sharperImg = ilSharpenImgCreate(theImg, 0.5, 1.5, ilPadSrc); In C++, use this statement: ilSharpenImg sharperImg(theImg); 0.5, 1.5, and ilPadSrc are the default values for the sharpness factor, radius, and edge mode arguments, respectively. In C, you must pass them explicitly. Including Header Files To use the IL in your C programs, you need to include only il/ilCdefs.h. This file includes information about all the IL classes and functions. A Sample Program in C Example 1-2 shows the equivalent of Example 1-1 written in C. Example 1-2 opens a file image, sharpens and rotates it, sets up the window configuration, opens an X window, and displays the processed image. Example 1-2 #include #include #include #include #include Sample Program (in C) Using X Window Managementvoid main(int argc, char **argv) { ilFileImg *inImg, *tmpFile; 11 Chapter 1: Writing an ImageVision Library Program iflFileConfig *fc; ilSharpenImg *sharperImg; ilRotZoomImg *rotatedImg; ilViewer *viewer; iflSize size; Display *dpy; XEvent event; int ever; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); exit(0); } // Step 1: Open the file of the image data. inImg = ilFileImgOpen(argv[1], O_RDONLY, NULL); // Step 2: Create IL objects for sharpening and rotating. sharperImg = ilSharpenImgCreate(inImg, 0.5, 1.5, ilPadSrc); rotatedImg = ilRotZoomImgCreate(sharperImg,90.0, 1, 1, ilBiLinear); // Step 3: Set up and open a window for display. dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); ilGetSize(rotatedImg, &size); disp = ilViewerCreateWindow(dpy, size.x, size.y, ilVisDoubleBuffer, 0, 0, ilDefault, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask); // Step 4: Display the processed data. ilDisplayAddViewTop(viewer, rotatedImg, ilCenter); ilDisplayRedraw(viewer, ilDefault); // Step 5: Display until the user quits. ilViewer.eventLoop(viewer); XCloseDisplay(dpy); 12 A Sample Program in C // step 6: Write the processed data to a file fc = iflFileConfigCreate(&size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL); tmpFile = ilFileImgCreate("outFile.tif", inImg, fc, NULL); ilCopy(tmpFile, rotatedImg); ilImageDelete(tmpFile); } Example 1-2 shows several examples of function name changes, for example, the C++ call rotatedImg.getSize() becomes ilGetSize() in C. 13 Chapter 2 2. The ImageVision Library Foundation This chapter explains the general architecture and design philosophy of the ImageVision Library (IL). All subsequent chapters assume knowledge of the basic concepts presented in this chapter. This chapter contains the following major sections: • “The IL Class Hierarchy” on page 15 gives a brief overview of the main classes that compose the IL. • “Foundation Classes” on page 16 introduces the IL foundation classes, particularly ilLink and ilImage, from which most IL classes derive. • “Image Attributes” on page 20 discusses in detail the attributes used to describe an image and the functions available for retrieving and setting these attributes. • “The Cache” on page 32 describes the role of the cache in holding raw and processed image data. • “Accessing Image Data” on page 40 discusses the general capabilities for reading and writing image data that are common to all image classes. • “The IL Execution Model” on page 50 discusses the IL’s demand-driven model that optimizes memory usage and performance as image data is processed. • “Working with Image Chains” on page 56 shows how you can manipulate image chains in a dynamic environment. • “Object Properties” on page 61 describes how you can assign property values to objects and retrieve these values. The IL Class Hierarchy The architecture and functionality of the IL is contained in a hierarchy of C++ classes. Most of this chapter is devoted to a discussion of the principal image class (ilImage), from which most IL classes derive, and the ilMemCacheImg class, which implements image data caching. However, a brief look first at the IL base classes provides a perspective for better understanding the role of the ilImage and ilMemCacheImg classes. 15 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation The base classes can be divided into four functional groupings: ilLink The ilLink class defines the linking of image operators in succession and the images associated with these operators. See “The ilLink Class” on page 17 for more information about the ilLink class. Multi-threading The IL contains several base classes that implement multi-threading in IL. “Multi-threading” on page 53 describes how multi-threading works in the IL. “Effect of Multi-threading on Cache” on page 249 tells you how use multi-threading with the cache. ilDisplay The ilDisplay class allows you to create and manage one or more processed images in a graphics window. Read Chapter 5, “Displaying an Image.” to learn more about this class. Miscellaneous Some base classes, like iflLut, iflPixel, and iflSize, provide a variety of auxiliary functions to support the function of the IL. For example, ilPage defines a page of image data and iflLut defines a color palette lookup table (LUT) used to interpret the data in some images. “Auxiliary Classes” on page 358 contains more detail about many of these miscellaneous base classes. All the IL classes are briefly summarized in “Summary of All Classes” on page 323. Foundation Classes Figure 2-1 shows the portion of the IL class hierarchy that derives from ilLink. These classes provide much of the functionality and flexibility of the ImageVision Library. 16 Foundation Classes ilCacheImg ilMemCacheImg ilOpImg ilMemoryImg ilImage ilConstImg ilRoiImg iflListItem Operator classes ilFITImg ilFileImg ilSGIImg ilPCDImg ilLink ilTIFFImg ilImgStat ilRoi ilGIFImg ilPCDOImg ilView ilSwitchImg Figure 2-1 The ilLink Class Inheritance The foundation classes shown in shaded boxes in Figure 2-1 are abstract classes and cannot be used directly. Understanding the capabilities these classes provide is key to understanding how the IL works and how to use it. Also, if you extend the IL to meet your specific image processing needs, you will derive your own classes from these abstract classes. The ilLink Class The IL allows you to access, manipulate, store, and display images. You can perform a series of operations on one or more images by creating a chain of operators and passing the image or images down this chain. An operator is a class derived from ilOpImg (the base class for all IL operators) that applies its image processing algorithm to an image. The image output from each operator becomes the input to the next operator in the chain. 17 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation An element in a chain of operators can be: • an image file, for example, an ilFileImg object • a processing operation, which generates an image from one or more input elements, for example, an ilAddImg object • an object containing statistical information about an image, for example, an ilImgStat object • a region of interest (ROI), used to restrict the scope of an operator to a sub-portion of its input elements, for example, an ilRectRoi object • a subsection element, which selects a portion of its input(s) to be produced as an output, for example, an ilSubImg or ilSwitchImg object The result of a chain of operations is either a display of the processed image or a file on disk containing the processed image. Figure 2-2 illustrates this concept by showing a generalized image processing chain whose elements are raw and processed images. IL chain disk raw image operator1 processed image operator2 processed image monitor disk Figure 2-2 An IL Chain The ilLink class implements the chaining model by defining the mechanism for linking the image objects together. This model defines the concept of parent (input) and child (output) images. The ilLink class also provides functions that allow you to manipulate image attributes by providing functions that keep track of whether an attribute is allowed to change or has been altered. For more information about chaining operators, see “The IL Execution Model” on page 50. 18 Foundation Classes The ilImage Class The ilImage class is the root for the majority of the IL’s image class hierarchy. It provides the IL’s abstract concept of what images are and how they are manipulated. The IL defines an image as a four-dimensional array of pixels, x, y, z, and c. An image has certain attributes, such as the size (in pixels) of the image, the data type of the pixel elements (for example, float or int), and the color model that should be used to interpret the data (for example, RGB or CMYK). The ilImage class provides two main categories of functions to support this abstraction of an image: • image attribute functions, for querying an image about its attributes and setting these attributes (Programmers can explicitly set some attributes, even though many attributes are determined at the time the image is instantiated.) • data access functions, for reading, writing, and copying image data All classes that derive from ilImage (see Figure 2-1) inherit these general capabilities for querying and setting attributes and accessing data. Thus, the IL allows you to manipulate all images in the same way, regardless of the actual source or destination of the data. The same mechanism is used for data that is associated with any type of image, for example: • an image stored in memory (ilMemoryImg) • an image that is displayed on the screen and that resides in the framebuffer (ilFrameBufferImg) • an image operator, which applies an image processing algorithm to its data (ilOpImg) • an image that resides in a file on disk and is buffered in memory (ilFileImg) Classes derived from ilImage implement their own versions of the data access functions as necessary to add specificity. For example, ilMemCacheImg defines versions of the data access functions that read data from or write data to a partial copy of the image buffered in main memory. Similarly, ilTIFFImg adds capabilities specifically for reading and writing TIFF file headers and data. The ilSharpenImg class incorporates a sharpening algorithm into its access functions. 19 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation Image Attributes In the IL, an image has many descriptive attributes. These include: • image size • data type of image pixels • data ordering of channels in an image • color model • color palette • image type • orientation • fill value • minimum and maximum pixel values • data compression • page border • image format Many of these attributes are assigned default values when an image is created. Some of them are changed subsequently, usually as a result of applying—or preparing to apply— an image operator. Some can be changed explicitly by the programmer. Each class that derives from ilImage chooses which attributes it allows to be explicitly modified. (For more information about how this mechanism works, see “Propagating Image Attributes” on page 59 and “Managing Image Attributes” on page 207.) This section describes the image attributes and the functions available for retrieving and setting them. These functions are defined by the ilImage and ilLink classes and therefore can be used on any type of image. 20 Image Attributes Table 2-1 provides a summary of the image attribute functions. All of these functions are described later in this section except for the image format (described in “Querying a File Image” on page 76) and the page border (described in “Page Borders” on page 56). Table 2-1 Image Attribute Summary Image Attribute Retrieving Attributes Changing Attributes Size getSize() getXsize() getYsize() getZsize() getCsize() setSize() setCSize) Apply an operator that affects the size. Data type getDataType() isSigned() setDataType() Data ordering getOrder() setOrder() Color model getColorModel() setColorModel() Color palette getColorMap() setColorMap() Orientation getOrientation() setOrientation() Fill value getFill() setFill() Min and max pixel values getMinPixel() getMaxPixel() setMinPixel() setMaxPixel() getMinValue() getMaxValue() setMinValue() setMaxValue() getScaleMin() setScaleMinMax() getScaleMax() initScaleMinMax() Min and max scale values setScaleType() Data compression getCompression() setCompression() Page border getPageBorder() setPageBorder() Image format getImageFormat() Use the imgCopy utility to convert from one IL-supported format to another In addition to the functions shown above, which allow you to set image attributes individually, you might decide to use the IL’s ilConfig class, which allows you to specify several image attributes at once. An ilConfig object contains several elements that 21 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation describe pixel data: the data type, pixel ordering, number of data channels, ordering of data channels, channel offset, orientation, and zoom factors. This class is defined in the header file il/ilConfig.h and described in more detail in “iflConfig” on page 359 as well as in its reference page. Error Codes As you read the following sections, you will note that many of the functions described return a value of data type ilStatus. This enumerated type, which is defined in the header file il/ilError.h, contains the error codes used by the IL to indicate that an unexpected result occurred. If no unexpected result occurred, an image’s status is ilOKAY. The error codes and their meanings are listed in “Error Codes” on page 366. At any point, you can query an ilImage about its current status by using getStatus(), a function defined in ilLink that takes no arguments and returns a value of type ilStatus. You can also set an image’s status to ilOKAY by using clearStatus() (a function defined in and inherited from ilLink). Size One key attribute of an image’s its size, which is determined initially when an image is created. In Example 1-1 in Chapter 1, “Writing an ImageVision Library Program,” the size of the image data is determined when the ilFileImgOpen() function is called. An image’s size can be described with an iflSize data structure, which consists of four integers that correspond to the image’s size in the x, y, and z dimensions and the number of data channels, c, per pixel. The x and y dimensions specify the width and height of the image as measured in pixels. The z dimension, or “depth,” may refer to the number of xy planes of image data. The xy planes are usually related in some way; for example, they might be a time-series of a single animation scene or a set of CAT scan images. (CAT stands for computerized axial tomography, a medical imaging technique used to create three-dimensional images.) Different image representations require different numbers of data channels to describe each pixel of data. An RGB (red, green, blue) image, for example, requires three channels, one for each of the three colors. 22 Image Attributes The ilImage class defines functions for retrieving the entire iflSize structure for an image at once and functions for returning each of the elements separately: ilImage myImg; iflSize imgSize; int imgXSize, imgYSize, imgZSize, imgChans; myImg.getSize(imgSize); imgXSize = myImg.getXsize(); imgYSize = myImg.getYsize(); imgZSize = myImg.getZsize(); imgChans = myImg.getCsize(); You can change an image’s size by applying an image operator that affects its size or by setting its size explicitly (if you are allowed to set it). For example, in most cases, the ilRotZoomImg operator produces a processed image with a size that differs from that of the original image, as shown in Figure 2-3: New Size Original Image Figure 2-3 Rotated Image New Size Zoomed Image Sizes of Original and Processed Images You can set an image’s size explicitly by using setSize(), which takes a reference to the desired iflSize structure as an argument. A separate function, setCsize(), allows you to restrict the number of channels associated with an image. Data Type An image’s pixel components must all be of the same data type. The IL defines an enumerated set of data types (iflDataType) and a function, getDataType(), to return the data type of an image’s pixels: iflDataType imgType; imgType = myImg.getDataType(); The iflDataType returned can be one of the following: iflBit, iflChar, iflUChar (an unsigned char), iflShort, iflUShort, iflLong, iflULong, iflFloat, or iflDouble. (These types 23 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation are defined in the il/iflDataTypes.h header file and listed in “Describing Image Attributes” on page 370.) Use isSigned() to query an ilImage about whether its data type is signed: int sign = myImg.isSigned(); As shown, this function takes no arguments and returns TRUE (nonzero) if the image’s data type is signed and FALSE (zero) otherwise. Operators accept input images of any data type. Internally, however, operators may use a different data type than the input data type to process the image. In this case, the data is converted as needed to perform the computation. If you know what data type you need at the end of the computation, you can use the setDataType() function to force the data type. Data Ordering The channels composing an image’s pixel data can be ordered in three ways: iflInterleaved, iflSequential, or iflSeparate. These are the three possible return values of the enumerated type, iflOrder. To return the data ordering, use its member function, getOrder(), as follows: iflOrder imgOrder; imgOrder = myImg.getOrder(); The meanings of the three orders are illustrated in Figure 2-4. RGB RGB RGB iflInterleaved Figure 2-4 24 RRR GGG BBB RRR RRR RRR iflSequential GGG GGG GGG BBB BBB BBB iflSeparate Pixel Data Ordering for an RGB Image Interleaved In interleaved ordering, all pixel components are clustered together. For an interleaved RGB image, data is stored as: RGBRGBRGB.... Sequential With sequential ordering, each component is stored as a separate line. In the example, three lines of data (one each for red, green, and blue data) are needed to describe one line of pixels. Image Attributes Separate An image using separate ordering stores each component in a separate page. (See “The Cache” on page 32 for more information about pages.) Thus, the order defines that dimensions that vary most rapidly relative to the others in a chunk of data. For example, in the interleaved case, the channel dimension varies most rapidly, and the z dimension varies least rapidly. Here is how the dimensions vary for each of the orders, listed from most to least rapidly: iflInterleaved (c,x,y,z), iflSequential (x,c,y,z), iflSeparate (x,y,z,c). In the rare cases where you need to set an image’s order, use the setOrder() function. Some classes derived from ilImage, such as ilFileImg, do not let you change an image’s order. Color Model An image’s color model determines the meaning of the data channels from which a pixel is constructed. The IL defines an iflColorModel enumerated type (in the header file il/iflDataTypes.h) that can refer to the following color models: iflRGB red, green, blue iflRGBA red, green, blue, alpha iflRGBPalette color index mapped to an RGB lookup table iflHSV hue, saturation, value iflCMY cyan, magenta, yellow iflCMYK cyan, magenta, yellow, black iflMinWhite grayscale, with the minimum value interpreted as white iflMinBlack grayscale, with the minimum value interpreted as black iflBGR variation of RGB, for images generated by Silicon Graphics iflABGR variation of RGBA, for images generated by IRIS GL iflMultiSpectral generally more than three channels; requires a special interpretation iflYCC a luminance/chrominance data metric based on video primaries The getColorModel() function allows you to query an image about its color model. If necessary, you can change the data interpretation by using the setColorModel() function. 25 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation Determining the Color Model If an application or derived class does not use the setColorModel() function to explicitly set the color model of an ilOpImg object, the color model defaults to the lowest common ancestor of the input images as shown in Figure 2-5: iflMultiSpectral iflRGBA iflABGR iflLuminanceAlpha iflRGB iflYCC iflLuminence iflBGR iflHSV iflNegative iflRGBPalette iflCMYK iflCMY Figure 2-5 Determining Color Model Inheritance for Operator Images Determining Operator Data Types, Ordering, Working Types, and Definable Fields All classes derived from ilOpImg have specified output data types, data ordering, working data types, and fields that can be set on an object. You can identify them by finding the following functions in each class: setValidType(), setValidOrder(), 26 Image Attributes setWorkingType(), and setAllowed(), respectively. For example, the ilWarpImg operator uses an iflUChar as the output data type, can use any output ordering, uses iflFloat as the working type, and can have any of its fields set. You can set the data type or data order explicitly to a valid type or ordering by calling the ilImage member function setValidType() or setValidOrder(), respectively. If the data type or order is not set explicitly in this manner, they default to the “smallest” of the valid types or ordering that is at least as “great” as each input type or order. Here “small” and “great” refer to the numeric values of the types and ordering, as defined in il/iflDataTypes.h. An ilOpImg object has a “working type”, which is the data type used for calculations. The working type is often the same as the output data type. When this is not the case, the setWorkingType() function is used to define the working types. The setAllowed() function specifies which fields can be set on an object that is an instance of a class derived from ilOpImg. Color Palette Some images include a color palette that is used to interpret their data. A color palette is also referred to as a lookup table or LUT. The most common use of such a table is to store color map values. The iflLut class, defined in the header file ifl/iflLut.h and described in “Using iflLut” on page 360, is provided for such purposes. To set an image’s LUT, use setColorMap(): ilStatus setColorMap(const iflLut& lut); The table pointed to by lut is established as the image’s look-up table. This function copies the specified iflLut but not its data. The getColorMap() function returns by reference an image’s LUT: void getColorMap(iflLut& lut); Two other functions—iflSGIColormap() and ilSGIFileLut()—create look-up tables for use in managing color map data. They are described in “Using iflLut” on page 360 and in their own reference pages. 27 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation Orientation Different file formats arrange their data in different ways. By default, a TIFF file image considers its origin to be the upper left corner; if you scan through the data, you should read from left to right, working your way down the image. An SGI RGB image considers its origin to be the lower left corner; to read through its data, again read from left to right, but work your way up the image. The IL defines an iflOrientation data type to represent the possible orientations of image data. To query an image about the orientation of its data, use getOrientation(), which returns one of the eight values listed below. (You can set an image’s orientation with the setOrientation() function.) These four orientations use the traditional orientation of the x and y dimensions (the x dimension runs horizontally, and the y dimension runs vertically): iflUpperLeftOrigin The origin is in the upper, left corner and you read data from left to right, working your way down the image iflLowerLeftOrigin The origin is in the upper, left corner and you read data from left to right, working your way up the image iflUpperRightOrigin The origin is in the upper right corner, and you read data from right to left, working your way down the image iflLowerRightOrigin The origin is in the lower right corner, and you read data from right to left, working your way up the image The following four orientations have the x and y dimensions transposed so that the x dimension runs vertically, and the y dimension runs horizontally. iflLeftUpperOrigin The origin is in the upper left corner, and you read from top to bottom, working your way across the image to the right. iflLeftLowerOrigin The origin is in the lower left corner, and you read from the bottom to the top, working your way across the image to the right. iflRightUpperOrigin The origin is in the upper right corner, and you read data from top to bottom, working your way across the image to the left. 28 Image Attributes iflRightLowerOrigin The origin is in the lower right corner, and you read data from bottom to top, working your way across the image to the left. Figure 2-6 illustrates the difference between iflUpperLeftOrigin and iflLeftUpperOrigin orientation of image data. Origin Origin . . . Figure 2-6 ... iflUpperLeftOrigin iflLeftUpperOrigin Image orientations Fill Value When a function tries to access pixels that are beyond an image’s edge, those pixels are set to the image’s fill value. By default, an image’s fill value is 0, but you can set a different fill value with the setFill() function: static float fillData[3] = {127.0, 127.0, 127.0}; myImg.setFill( iflPixel(iflFloat, 3, fillData) ); As shown, setFill() takes a reference to an iflPixel as an argument. An iflPixel defines the pixel is data type (in this case, iflFloat), the number of data channels (3), and the pixel data itself (fillData[]). (In this example, the iflPixel value is passed in-line so that the compiler automatically constructs and deletes the object.) The image makes its own copy of the pixel data. Use getFill() to query an image about its fill value: iflPixel theFillValue; myImg.getFill(theFillValue); 29 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation Creating Fill Values You use the allocFillData() and freeFillData() functions in the ilImage class to create and free fill values in the native image format from an RGB triplet. The functions are defined as follows: void* allocFillData(float red, float green, float blue); void freeFillData(void* data); Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values By default, no restrictions are placed on the range of allowable pixel values. However, when an image is displayed—for example, using the ABGR color model—its pixel values may need to be converted to the range that is meaningful for the framebuffers, which is 0 to 255. If you explicitly set an image’s minimum and maximum allowable pixel values, they are used to color-scale the data as it is displayed. You might want to set the allowable pixel values for a processed image so that the resulting data has certain characteristics, especially if you display the data. For example, suppose you are using an edge detection filter that theoretically produces data ranging in value from -1000 to +1000. However, you know that the images you’ll be filtering will actually yield filtered data ranging from -100 to +100. If you set the allowable values to match this range and then display the filtered data, the display will be more useful, since the data will be scaled and stretched out over the framebuffer is meaningful range. Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values Minimum and maximum values are image attributes that are stored with an image. You can set the minimum and maximum allowable values for an image’s pixel data by using the setMinPixel() and setMaxPixel() functions. Both these functions take an ilPixel reference as an argument: ilStatus setMinPixel(const ilPixel& pix); ilStatus setMaxPixel(const ilPixel& pix); Use getMinPixel() and getMaxPixel() to query an image about its minimum and maximum allowable pixel values: void getMinPixel(ilPixel& pix); void getMaxPixel(ilPixel& pix); These functions return the minimum or maximum pixel value by reference. 30 Image Attributes Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values for a Channel You can also set the minimum and maximum values for an individual channel of an image: ilStatus setMinValue(double val, int c=0); ilStatus setMaxValue(double val, int c=0); These functions set channel c’s minimum or maximum value to val. To query an image about its channel value limits, use getMinValue() and getMaxValue(): double getMinValue(int c=-1); double getMaxValue(int c=-1); These functions return the minimum or maximum allowable value for the specified channel (the default, -1, returns the minimum or maximum of all channels). Setting Maximum and Minimum Scaling Values For Color Conversion Minimum and maximum scaling values are used by the IL during color conversion. By default, the scale minimum and maximum are the same as the image minimum and maximum values. The IL provides functions you can use to set and retrieve maximum and minimum scaling values. The initScaleMinMax() function initializes the scale minimum and maximum to the image minimum and maximum values. If scale minimum and maximum have already been set, they are unchanged, unless force is TRUE. void initScaleMinMax(int force=0); The function setScaleMinMax() sets the minimum and maximum scaling values to min and max. The setScaleType() function sets the scale minimum and maximum to the minimum and maximum values of the data type passed in type. ilStatus setScaleMinMax(double min, double max); ilStatus setScaleType(iflDataType type = iflDataType(0)); The getScaleMax() and getScaleMin() functions return the maximum and minimum values used for scaling during color conversion. double getScaleMax(); void getScaleMin(); 31 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation Data Compression Often, images stored in a file on disk are compressed to minimize their size. Such images need to be decompressed before they can be read. There are many different compression algorithms. Each file format (for example, TIFF) determines which algorithms it supports. See “Setting a File’s Compression” on page 75 for more information about which compression algorithms the IL supports. From a programmer’s point of view, as data is read or written in an IL program, its compression or decompression is handled transparently. The Cache The IL uses the term cache to mean a portion of memory that holds raw and processed image data that can be accessed by a process. This is not the same as the hardware cache that is accessed by the CPU. The IL cache holds image data in rectangular pieces called pages. The cache does not necessarily hold all the pages for each image being processed, but only those pages that have been referenced and have not been bumped out of the cache to make room for more recently-referenced pages. Thus, only part of an image may reside in the cache. Figure 2-7 shows a cache that contains three images being used by an IL application. The three rectangles on the left show a logical map of the pages for each image. The shaded boxes indicate the pages of each image resident in the cache. For example, the raw image contains four pages, only two of which are in the cache. The rectangle on the right shows the cache as it might contain the pages from the three images. 32 The Cache Raw Image 1 Processed Image 1 2 3 Processed Image 1 2 3 2 4 3 1 4 2 4 1 2 3 Figure 2-7 1 2 4 Cache Containing Portions of Three Images The IL keeps track of the pages in the cache, brings in a page when the program requests data on a page not in the cache, and chooses a page to be overwritten when additional room is needed in the cache. Every IL class that derives from ilMemCacheImg uses the cache and the caching mechanism defined by ilMemCacheImg. Both ilOpImg and ilFileImg inherit directly from ilMemCacheImg and use caching in these ways: • IL operators (those classes that derive from ilOpImg) use the cache to hold their output. • Classes that derive from ilFileImg place raw, uncompressed data in the cache. While the cache holds image data in pages, an IL program can access image data in rectangular blocks of any size, without regard to page boundaries. These rectangular blocks are referred to as tiles. As shown in Figure 2-8, tiles can cross page boundaries or can be smaller than a page. 33 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation Image Page Tile Tile Figure 2-8 Pages and Tiles of Image Data When a program requests a data tile, the IL checks the cache. If the data corresponding to the tile is not among the pages already in the cache, the IL brings additional pages into the cache as necessary. If the cache is already full, it must discard some of the resident pages in order to make room for the new pages. The page replacement algorithm is based on a combination of the following factors: • The number of times each page has been referenced; the more times a page is referenced, the more likely it will remain in the cache. • The priority of the references; higher priority requests tend to have their pages retained longer. • The relative time since each page was last referenced; the pages that have been in the cache the longest without being referenced are discarded first. The overall effect of the page replacement algorithm is that data toward the end of a chain tends to get preferentially cached. Other data that is frequently referenced (for instance, the input to an operator whose parameters are being repeatedly adjusted) also tends to remain in the cache. To prevent data from being recomputed for successive tile requests, the cache must be large enough so that pages just discarded aren’t reread. (See the following two sections for more information on setting the size of the cache and adjusting priorities.) Since operators place processed image data in the cache, data is operated on as it is brought into the cache. To maximize efficiency under this execution model, only the pages needed to satisfy any given tile request are brought into the cache. For example, if a getTile() request specifies only a single channel of an image that is stored in a separate format, only the pages containing that channel are accessed. Thus, processing 34 The Cache multispectral data (or any data stored in a separate format) is made as efficient as possible. Managing Cache By default, the cache size is set to 30% of the total user memory on the host system. The IL provides two functions to override the default size of the cache, ilSetMaxCacheSize() and ilSetMaxCacheFraction(), which are defined as shown below: void ilSetMaxCacheSize(int maxBytes); void ilSetMaxCacheFraction(float fraction); The first function sets the cache size to the number of bytes indicated. The second function computes the size of the cache as the indicated fraction of the total user memory on the host computer. You can change these limits without modifying an IL- based program by using the environment variables IL_CACHE_SIZE or IL_CACHE_FRACTION to set either the size in bytes or the fraction of user memory, respectively. The IL_CACHE_SIZE value overrides the value specified by IL_CACHE_FRACTION. Any value established with these environment variables is overridden by calls to ilSetMaxCacheSize() or ilSetMaxCacheFraction(). The current value of these cache size limits can be obtained with either ilGetMaxCacheSize() or ilGetMaxCacheFraction(). The current actual size of the object is cache can be retrieved with ilGetCurCacheSize(). These functions are defined as follows: int ilGetCurCacheSize(); int ilGetMaxCacheSize(); float ilGetMaxCacheFraction(); The IL maintains the global cache in a special memory pool that allows the cache memory to be compacted to eliminate memory fragmentation problems. When fragmentation exceeds a defined threshold, the pool is automatically compacted. You can use the ilSetCompactFraction() function to set the fragmentation threshold to the maximum fraction of the pool that is allowed to be wasted space before compaction occurs. The current value of this threshold can be obtained with ilGetCompactFraction(). The default compaction fraction value is .2 or 20%. ilSetCompactFraction(float maxWastedFraction); float ilGetCompactFraction(); 35 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation You can force compaction of the pool at any time by calling ilCompactCache(). If the pool is more fragmented than the fraction passed to this routine, it is compacted. You can pass zero to cause the pool to be unconditionally compacted. ilCompactCache(float maxWastedFraction=0); You can use the getCacheSize() function of ilMemCacheImg to query the cache size for an individual object: int getCacheSize(); You can use the flush() member function of ilMemCacheImg to flush the cache for an individual object: ilStatus flush(int discard=FALSE)); You can free the memory in the global cache to get it down to a desired maximum size with ilFlushCache(). This call also compacts the cache memory. int ilFlushCache(int maxsize); Priority The IL assigns priorities to pages in the cache and uses these priorities to make decisions about which pages to discard. The priority associated with pages in cache ranges from zero (lowest) to seven (highest); the higher the priority, the greater the likelihood the page will remain resident. The IL maintains a linked list of the pages in cache for each of priority levels 0 through 7. Figure 2-9 illustrates this concept. This simplified diagram shows a cache with three pages at priority level seven, two pages at priority level three, and three pages at level zero. 36 The Cache Priority level Pointers to pages in cache 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Figure 2-9 Priority Lists in Cache The initial (default) priority level of a page is zero. The following events can cause a change to the priority level: • The priority of a page is incremented each time the page is accessed (for example by a copyTile() or ilMemCacheImg::executeRequest()). This is essentially a reference count; the more times a page is referenced, the higher its priority. • The priority of the page is incremented when you use the lockPage() method to lock a page. • If you use the setPriority() method to set the priority of the image containing the page, the IL increases the priority of the page by one plus the value specified in setPriority() each time the page is referenced. The setPriority() definition is shown below: void setPriority(int priority); • The maximum number of pages at each priority level is one eighth of the total number of pages in cache. If the number of pages at any one priority level exceeds this limit, the priority level of the last page at that level is reduced by one. In other words, the page is moved to the head of the list at the next lower priority level. You can use the ilmonitor utility to monitor the activity of pages in cache. See the ilmonitor reference page or “Image Tools” on page 277 for more information about ilmonitor. 37 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation Page Size The page size for each operator is defined by its input images. For an ilFileImg, the page dimensions match those used to store the image on disk. Some images also let you set the size of the pages in the cache, the data type, and the ordering of the cached data. The data type and ordering affect how data is cached, so if you change these attributes, you might also want to change the size of the cache. To set the data type or the ordering of data in the cache, use the appropriate functions defined by ilImage, setDataType() and setOrder(). These functions are described in “Image Attributes” on page 20. “Managing Cache” on page 35 describes how to set the size of the cache. Only image operators allow you to set the page size of an image. If you change the page size of an image, you should follow the suggestions in “Cache Priority” on page 250. To set the size of the pages used in the cache for a particular image, use setPageSize(), which is defined in the ilImage class as follows: ilStatus setPageSize(int nx, int ny, int nz, int nc) { return setPageSize(iflSize(nx, ny, nz, nc)); } ilStatus setPageSize(const iflSize& pageSize); ilStatus setPageSize(int nx, int ny); The following functions are related: ilStatus setPageSizeZ(int nz); ilStatus setPageSizeC(int nc); The arguments specify the x, y, z, and c dimensions of the page in pixels. This function calculates the number of bytes needed to store a page with the specified dimensions. You can use any of the following functions to query an image about its page size, depending on whether you want the answer in page dimensions, bytes, or pixels: size_t size_t size_t size_t size_t getPageSize(); getPageSize(int& nx, int& ny, int& nz, int& nc); getPageSize(int& nx, int& ny) getPageSize(iflSize& pageSize, iflOrientation workOrientation); getPageDimensions(iflSize& pageSize) int getPageSizePix(); int getPageSizeVal(); getPageSize() 38 returns the page size in bytes; this function is overloaded, as shown, to take no arguments or to take arguments that return the size and orientation of the page in pixels. The Cache getPageSizePix() returns the total number of pixels represented by a page; this value is found by multiplying the x, y, and z dimensions. getPageSizeVal() returns the total number of data elements represented by a page; this function multiplies the page’s channel dimension by the value returned from getPageSizePix(). Multi-threaded Paging Support The ilImage class provides functions to support paging in a multi-threaded environment. These functions allow you to lock pages to ensure that those pages stay in memory until you unlock them. The five virtual functions that control paging are: virtual int hasPages(); virtual ilPage* lockPage(int x, int y, int z, int c, ilStatus& status, int mode=ilLMread); virtual void unlockPage(ilPage* page); ilStatus lockPageSet(ilLockRequest* set, int mode=ilLMread, int count=1); void unlockPageSet(ilLockRequest* set, int count=1); hasPages() returns TRUE for ilMemCacheImg and all of its descendants and FALSE for all other classes in the IL. This function is useful for determining whether the ilImage in question supports paging. lockPage() locks down the page located at x, y, z, and c in the cache; it returns a pointer to that page, which is later passed to unlockPage() to free up that page. unlockPage() frees the page specified by the pointer in the argument list. lockPageSet() processes a set of ilLockRequest structures and returns pointers to the requested pages in the structures. unlockPageSet() releases the set of pages obtained by the lockPageSet() function. These methods provide a mechanism to bypass the overhead of getTile() and setTile(), but they require that you consider all of the attributes of the page: size, data type, and order. 39 Chapter 2: The ImageVision Library Foundation Accessing Image Data All classes derived from ilImage read, write, and copy image data using the same set of data access functions defined by the ilImage base class. Each derived class implements the functions as necessary to suit its particular requirements. A key feature of these functions is that they allow you to access any arbitrary rectangle, or tile, of image data, regardless of how that data is stored. This flexibility allows the IL is demand-driven execution model to be implemented. As part of this model, calls to some of these functions are generated automatically. However, you can also call these functions explicitly as needed. The execution model is discussed in detail in “The IL Execution Model” on page 50. The ilImage class defines both three-dimensional and, for convenience, two-dimensional data access functions, as shown in Table 2-2. Table 2-2 Data Access Functions Three-dimensional Two-dimensional Description getTile3D() getTile() reads, writes, and copies a tile of data setTile3D() setTile() copyTile3D() or <getStatus() != ilOKAY) { printf("file %s could not be opened", fname); exit(1); } // obtain image attributes 72 Using IL to Access an Image iflDataType theDataType = someFile->getDataType(); int xsize = someFile->getXsize(); int csize = someFile->getNumChans(); // allocate buffer char* buf = new char[iflDataSize(theDataType, xsize*csize)]; // read data into buffer someFile->getTile(0, 0, xsize, 1, buf); In this example: 1. A file is opened for reading and a corresponding ilFileImg object is created. If the file cannot be opened, the program exits. 2. The ilFileImg is queried about some of its attributes to determine what size buffer to allocate for holding one row of the image’s data. 3. The buffer is allocated. The iflDataSize() function returns the number of bytes needed for the data type indicated by its first argument, multiplied by the optional second argument. This function is declared in the header file il/iflDataSize.h and described in “Computing the Size of Data Types” on page 363. 4. The getTile() function reads the first row of the image’s data into the buffer. Creating an Image File To create a new image file, you need to specify the characteristics of the data, such as its data type, and indicate what file format will be used. The ilFileImg constructor creates a new image file, as follows: iflFileConfig cfg(iflSize(xsize, ysize)); ilFileImg newFile(“newFileName”, NULL, &cfg); This constructor creates an image file with the requested size; all of the other attributes use the default values. The first argument to the ilFileImg constructor specifies the name of the file to create. The second argument specifies a pointer to an ilImage to use for default image attributes, In this example, NULL is used which means the file format’s own preferred defaults are used. The third argument specifies a pointer to an iflFileConfig argument which is used to specify various image file attributes: the x and y size of the image in this example. Here is a more extensive use of the ilFileImg constructor where many more image parameters are specified. (All of these attributes are discussed in detail in “Image 73 Chapter 3: Accessing External Image Data Attributes” on page 20, along with the constants that specify particular values for these attributes.) iflFileConfig cfg(iflSize(xsize, ysize, zsize, csize), datatype, dimensionorder, colormodel, orientation, compression, iflSize(xpsize, ypsize, zpsize, cpsize)); ilFileImg newFile(“newFileName”, srcImage, &cfg, format); It is rare that you would specify all of these parameters. In fact, it is likely that such a fully-specified configuration would be in error, for example, the color model and channel size would have to agree with one another. Normally, only a few attributes are specified; the remainder would take default values: iflFileConfig cfg(iflSize(xsize, ysize), datatype, iflOrder(0), colormodel, iflOrientation(0), iflCompression(0), iflSize(xpsize, ypsize)); ilFileImg newFile(“newFileName”, NULL, &cfg); In this example, the dimension order (iflInterleaved, iflSequential, or iflSeparate), the orientation, for example, iflLowerLeftOrigin, and the compression are allowed to default to the format’s preferred values: the z size is set implicitly at 1 and the channel size matches that of the specified color model. The only attributes specified for the image are its size, its data type, for example, iflUChar, iflFloat, its color model, for example, iflRGB, iflRGBPalette, and its page size. The page size argument defines the x, y, z, and c (channel) dimensions of the pages that the image is broken into as it is stored on disk. The x, y, and z dimensions are specified in pixels. Paging in the c dimension is specified in channels and is useful for multi-spectral images with a large number of channels. If no page size is supplied, the default page size for that particular format and image size is used. The attributes specified when creating an image file must match those supported by the file format being used, for example, TIFF files support any data type except iflDouble, SGI files support only iflUChar and iflUShort, and FIT files can handle any data type. See the reference pages in for the various image formats supported by IFL for more information about what they support. Once you create a file, you can write data to it. The example shown below assumes the image file, theImg, of size size was previously created. Its data is written to the file, outFile.tif, using copyTile(). ilFileImg tmpFile(“outFile.tif”, theImg); tmpFile.copyTile(0, 0, size.x, size.y, theImg, 0, 0); 74 Using IL to Access an Image Setting a File’s Compression Often, images stored on disk are compressed to minimize their size. Such images need to be decompressed before you can read them. There are many different compression algorithms and each file format determines which algorithms it supports. From a programmer’s point of view, as data is read or written in an IL program, its compression or decompression is handled transparently. The compression attribute indicates which compression algorithm, if any, is used to compress the data before it is stored on disk. You should not compress files that will be interactively modified. Modifying portions of a compressed, existing file is dangerous because the amount of data written must be the same as what was originally in the file. In general, the size of a file image, once created, is fixed. To set a file’s compression algorithm, you must specify the compression algorithm when the file is created. This can be done either by specifying the compression algorithm explicitly in the iflFileConfig argument that is passed to the ilFileImg constructor or by inheriting the compression algorithm from another image used for the source image attributes. Since the set of compression algorithms supported by formats is highly variable, one of the easiest ways to specify that you want the image compressed is to use iflCompression(0) which specifies the format’s preferred compression. The compression specification used in an iflFileConfig is of type iflCompression. Table 3-1 lists the iflCompression constants currently defined in the header file ifl/iflTypes.h and their corresponding compression algorithms. Table 3-1 Compression Algorithms Supported for ilTIFFImg Files iflCompression Constant Compression Algorithm iflCompression(0) use format’s preferred compression iflNoCompression no compression iflCCITTFAX3 CCITT Group 3 fax encoding iflCCITTFAX4 CCITT Group 4 fax encoding iflLZW Lempel-Ziv and Welch algorithm iflPACKBITS Apple® Computer, Inc., Macintosh® RLE (run-length encoding) iflSGIRLE SGI’s RLE compression 75 Chapter 3: Accessing External Image Data Table 3-1 (continued) Compression Algorithms Supported for ilTIFFImg Files iflCompression Constant Compression Algorithm iflJPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group iflZIP ZIP deflate/inflate To query an existing file about which compression algorithm it uses, call getCompression(): iflCompression whichCompression = myFile->getCompression(); This function returns a value of type iflCompression corresponding to one of the supported algorithms. Querying a File Image Once you create an ilFileImg, you can query its attributes with any of the following functions: const char* getFileName(); iflFormat* getImageFormat(); const char* getImageFormatName(); int getFileDesc(); int getFileMode(); int getNumImgs(); int getCurrentImg(); Table 3-2 describes each of these functions. Table 3-2 76 File Query Functions Function Description getFileName() Returns the name of the file. getImageFormat() Returns the file format—TIFF, SGI, PhotoCD Image Pack, PhotoCD Overview Pack, GIF, or FIT. getImageFormatName() Returns the name of the image format. getFileDesc() Returns the file descriptor. Using IL to Access an Image Table 3-2 (continued) File Query Functions Function Description getFileMode() Returns either O_RDWR or O_RDONLY, depending on whether the file was opened for reading and writing or just reading. getNumImgs() Returns the number of images stored in the file. Setting and Getting Special Image Properties The iflFile member functions, getItem() and setItem(), deal with format-dependent name-value pairs, called items, associated with an image within an image file. Usage of these functions requires format-specific knowledge of the meaning of the tags for the specific file format, for example, for iflTIFFImg, the meaning of the tags is given in the TIFF specification. Using getItem() The getItem() method returns the value of an item associated with the current image in the image file. virtual iflStatus getItem(int tag, va_list ap); The tag argument specifies the name of the item to be set. It is interpreted by the specific iflFile subclass. The number and types of the remaining arguments are determined by the particular subclass of iflFile and the tag value. The return value is iflOKAY if the function succeeds or an appropriate iflStatus error value if it fails. Using setItem() The setItem() method sets the value of an item associated with the current image in the image file. Calling setItem() may change some image attributes. You can check this by calling haveAttributesChanged() after calling setItem(). virtual iflStatus setItem(int tag, va_list ap); 77 Chapter 3: Accessing External Image Data The tag argument specifies the name of the item to be set. It is interpreted by the specific iflFile subclass. The number and types of the remaining arguments are determined by the particular subclass of iflFile and the tag value. The return value is iflOKAY if the function succeeds, or an appropriate iflStatus error value if it fails. Using haveAttributesChanged() You use haveAttributesChanged() to determine whether or not image attributes have changed. int haveAttributesChanged(); This function returns TRUE if any attribute has changed since the last call to this method, otherwise, the function returns FALSE. Importing and Exporting Image Data IL provides a convenient mechanism for importing or exporting raw image data between IL and other libraries or devices. This mechanism is encapsulated in the ilMemoryImg class, which interprets a contiguous array of data residing in memory as an ilImage object. Since ilMemoryImg inherits from ilImage, you can use any of the data access, query, and other functions defined in ilImage. In addition, ilMemoryImg defines a function that returns a pointer to its array of data so that you can read the data (for exporting) or write new data (for importing). The class ilXImage, derived from ilMemoryImg, allows you to convert an XImage (an X Window data structure that defines X’s representation of an image) to an ilImage and vice versa. Images in Memory The ilMemoryImg class provides four constructors. You can use these constructors to: 78 • allocate an array to hold data that will be written • use an existing array • create an ilMemoryImg object from an ilImage • create an empty ilMemoryImg that will be populated later Importing and Exporting Image Data The first constructor allocates an array large enough to hold size.x*size.y*size.z*size.c pixels of the indicated data type: ilMemoryImg(const iflSize& size, iflDataType datatype, iflOrder order); This array is deallocated when the ilMemoryImg object is destroyed. The second constructor allows you to import data. It takes as an argument an existing array of data: ilMemoryImg(void* data, const iflSize& size, iflDataType datatype, iflOrder order); This constructor creates an ilMemoryImg object and initializes its data array pointer with the value passed in data. The size of the specified array is equal to or larger than size.x*size.y*size.z*size.c pixels of the indicated data type. Since this array was not allocated by ilMemoryImg, it will not be deallocated automatically when the ilMemoryImg object is destroyed. Both of these constructors set the ilMemoryImg’s attributes—size, data type, and order—to the values passed in the constructor so that you can use the query functions defined in ilImage, such as getDataType(). The minimum and maximum allowable pixel values are set by default to the minimum and maximum values allowed for the image’s data type. In addition, the coordinate space attribute is set to iflLowerLeftOrigin. The color model is set depending on the number of channels in the image. as shown in Table 3-3. Table 3-3 Color Models channels color model 1 iflLuminance 2 iflLuminanceAlpha 3 iflRGB 4 iflRGBA 5 or more iflMultiSpectral The third constructor takes an ilImage as an argument: ilMemoryImg(ilImage* img); 79 Chapter 3: Accessing External Image Data The ilMemoryImg object has the same attributes as the ilImage. These attributes and the source image data are not changed if the source ilImage changes (thus, you can think of the ilMemoryImg as taking a snapshot of the ilImage). You can explicitly synchronize the ilMemoryImg with its source ilImage by calling the sync() method on the ilMemoryImg. The fourth constructor returns an ilMemoryImg object with no data or attributes: ilMemoryImg(); You can use this constructor when you need to create an ilMemoryImg before you can supply its data. Use setDataPtr() to specify the data. To change the image data residing in an ilMemoryImg object, call setDataPtr() and pass a pointer to the new data. You must call setSize() if the new data is a different size than currently noted for the ilMemoryImg object. Finally, you should also call markDirty() to indicate that the data in the ilMemoryImg object has been altered. void setDataPtr(void* data); ilStatus setSize(const iflSize &size); void markDirty(); To gain direct access to the image data residing in a ilMemoryImg object, call getDataPtr(). This function returns a void pointer to the data, as shown below: void* getDataPtr(); Because an ilMemoryImg resides in memory, you can use it to hold temporary copies of images that you need to access quickly. Note: Since the entire image resides in memory, IL’s on-demand execution model is not used when an ilMemoryImg is accessed. 80 Chapter 4 4. Operating on an Image Much of the ImageVision Library implementation consists of image-processing algorithms, or operators. An operator applies its algorithm to the image data encapsulated in an ilImage object. To maximize the efficiency of the computation required to perform such an operation, IL uses the demand-driven execution model discussed in Chapter 2, “The ImageVision Library Foundation.” This chapter explains how to use each of the operators defined by IL. “Implementing an Image Processing Operator” on page 215 explains how you can implement your own image processing algorithm as an IL operator. This chapter contains the following major sections: • “Image Processing Operators Provided with IL” on page 84 describes the set of approximately 70 image processing operators implemented in IL. • “Defining a Region of Interest” on page 153 explains how to mask out portions of an image and restrict processing to a desired area. 81 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image IL classes covered in this chapter are mainly those that derive from ilOpImg. The relevant portion of IL inheritance hierarchy is shown shaded in Figure 4-1. ilTIFFImg ilSGIImg ilFITImg ilPCDImg ilPCDOImg ilMemoryImg ilImage ilFileImg ilCacheImg ilMemCacheImg ilGIFImg ilSpatialImg ilOpImg ilPolyadicImg ilWarpImg ilMonadicImg Figure 4-1 ilOpImg and IL Inheritance Hierarchy The ilOpImg class defines the basic support for all operator classes. It provides functions for setting attributes, accessing data, setting bias and clamp levels, and propagating attributes down an operator chain. Most of these functions are declared protected, so while they are available for use in a subclass’s implementation, they are not available (or needed) directly. ilOpImg defines only three sets of public functions: ilStatus setBias(double biasVal = 0); double getBias(); 82 ilStatus setClamp(iflDataType typ=iflDataType(0)); ilStatus setClamp(double min, double max); int getValidTypes(); int getValidOrders(); Some operators take a bias argument in their constructors and use it in their image processing algorithms. This bias value is discussed in the sections describing the relevant operators in the remainder of this chapter. In general, bias is a constant value added to each pixel luminance value to make it scale correctly. If, for example, the raw pixel luminance covers values between 100 and 200, some operators are able to scale the luminance values over the entire depth of pixel luminance values, for example, 0 - 255. When you scale the luminance values in this way, you need a bias value that adjusts the initial, raw luminance value, 100, in this example, to zero. The setClamp() functions allow you to set values that pixels are clamped to if underflow or overflow occurs. Not all operators allow the clamp values to be modified, so you need to check that the returned status is not ilUNSUPPORTED if you are assuming you have changed the values. The first version of setClamp() sets the clamp values to be the minimum and maximum values allowed for the data type. The default value of typ means to use the a single bit image type. The second version allows you to specify actual clamp values. You will not generally need to use either of these functions since most operators handle overflow and underflow conditions appropriately. All operators that alter the data range of their inputs compute the worst case minimum and maximum pixel values to ensure that the processed data can be displayed. For example, if you multiply two images and then display the result, you can easily end up with pixel data that is all black. To solve this problem, ilMultiplyImg automatically computes the worst case minimum and maximum values. When the data is displayed using ilDisplay, the data is automatically scaled between these values (or those allowed by the display) so that a meaningful display is produced. The ilOpImg protected functions that implement these features are double getInputMin(int idx=0); double getInputMax(int idx=0); double getInputScaleMin(int idx=0); double getInputScaleMax(int idx=0); The getInput functions return the minimum and maximum luminance values of the input images. The getInputScale functions return the minimum and maximum luminance values of the output image. 83 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Image Processing Operators Provided with IL This section discusses all the operators provided with IL. they are grouped functionally as listed below: 84 • “Color Conversion and Transformation” on page 85 describes operators that convert an image from one color model to another. • “Arithmetic and Logical Transformations” on page 90 describes operators that perform pixelwise arithmetic or logical computations. • “Geometric Transformations” on page 98 describes operators that warp, rotate, and zoom (magnify or minify) an image. • “Spatial Domain Transformations” on page 106 describes operators that transform an image in the spatial domain—for example, by sharpening, blurring, convolving, or rank filtering it in the spatial domain. • “Edge Detection” on page 117 describes gradient operators such as compass, Laplace, Roberts, and Sobel. • “Frequency Domain Transformations” on page 120 describes operators that incorporate forward or inverse Fourier transforms and frequency-domain filters. • “Generation of Statistical Data” on page 132 describes the operator that computes the histogram, mean, and standard deviation of an image. • “Radiometric Transformations” on page 136 describes operators that perform radiometric transformations such as histogram normalization and thresholding. • “Combining Images” on page 146 describes operators that blend, merge, or combine two images. • “Constant-valued Images” on page 152 describes an image class that returns a constant value for all data accesses. • “Using a Null Operator” on page 152 describes an operator that performs a “null” operation. Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Color Conversion and Transformation IL provides several operators that perform color conversions and color transformations of IL images. These operators can be summarized as follows: • The ilColorImg operator converts an existing image from any IL-supported color model to a requested color model. (See “Color Model” on page 25 for a description of the color models supported by IL.) • Several operators, derived from ilColorImg, convert an existing image to one of the more commonly used color models: CMYK, grayscale, HSV, and RGB. • The ilFalseColorImg operator converts an image from one multispectral color model to another. • The ilSaturateImg operator provides a mechanism to transform the color saturation of an image. These color conversion and transformation operators are described in the following paragraphs. Their positions in IL inheritance hierarchy are shown in Figure 4-2. ilBGRImg ilABGRImg ilSaturateImg ilCMYKImg ilGrayImg ... ilOpImg ilMonadicImg ilColorImg ilHSVImg ilRGBImg ilFalseColorImg ilSGIPaletteImg Figure 4-2 Color Conversion Operators Inheritance Hierarchy 85 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Color Conversion The base class for the color conversion operators, ilColorImg, defines the generic support for performing color conversions on image data. It converts data from any supported color model to any other supported color model, except multispectral. ilColorImg(ilImage* img, iflColorModel cm); For example, the following code converts an iflRGB image (theimg) to one whose color model is iflYCC. ilColorImg(ilImage* theimg, iflColorModel iflYCC); The ilColorImg class is not normally used directly to do color-model conversion. Instead, use derived classes. Each of the six classes derived from ilColorImg performs a specific conversion. The algorithms used to perform the various conversions are detailed in the respective reference pages. The six derived classes are summarized below: • ilABGRImg converts data to the ABGR color model used by Silicon Graphics’ framebuffer. • ilRGBImg converts an image to RGB. • ilCMYKImg converts data to the CMYK color model. This color model is used primarily as an output format for color printers. • ilGrayImg converts an image to minBlack. • ilHSVImg converts to the HSVcolor model. • ilRGBImg converts an image to the iflRGB color model. • ilSGIPaletteImg converts data to the iflRGBPalette color model. This color model is suitable for data that is to be displayed in a color-mapped window. Using any of these derived classes is simple since the only public member function most of them define is a constructor. To convert an ilImage, call the constructor for the desired color model and supply as an argument a pointer to the ilImage to be converted. For the following example, assume that theImg has already been created and that it uses any one of the supported IL color models: ilCMYKImg* cnvrtdImg; cnvrtdImg = new ilCMYKImg(theImg); In this example, the constructor for the ilCMYKImg class returns a pointer to an ilCMYKImg, which produces image data converted to the CMYK color model. Similarly, the constructors for any of the derived classes—ilABGRImg, ilCMYKImg, ilGrayImg, 86 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL ilHSVImg, ilRGBImg, or ilSGIPaletteImg—return a pointer to an object of that class, which produces converted image data. that is really all there is to it. If you want to convert to the color models for which there is no derived class (iflRGBA, iflCMY, ilBRG or iflYCC), use the ilColorImg operator. If an operator image has two or more inputs with different color models, the color model of the resulting image depends on the color models of the input images. IL converts the color models of the input images to a common color model before performing the operation. The resulting image has this color model. You can use the diagram in Figure 4-3 to determine how IL determines the common color model. Just find the nodes for the input images and follow the paths from these nodes to a common node. This nodes determines the color model of the resulting image. For example, if the color models of two inputs to an operator are iflHSV and iflYCC, the color model of the resulting image is iflRGB. iflMultiSpectral iflRGBA iflABGR iflRGB iflRGBPalette iflYCC iflBGR iflHSV Figure 4-3 iflMinBlack iflCMYK iflMinWhite iflCMY Determining the Color Model of Multi-Input Operators 87 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image ilFalseColorImg The ilFalseColorImg operator performs false coloring of multispectral images. It accomplishes this by computing the weighted sum of the input channels for each channel of the resulting false-color image. The constructors for ilFalseColorImg, except the NULL constructor, or take a pointer to the input image and the arguments that define the conversion algorithm: ilFalseColorImg(); ilFalseColorImg(ilImage *img, int numColumns, int numRows, const float* xformMatrix, const float* bias=NULL); The conversion is defined by the transformation matrix, xformMatrix. This matrix has dimensions numColumns x numRows. Each row of this matrix defines a set of weights used to produce one channel of the output. Each weight is multiplied by the pixel values in the corresponding input channel, and the weighted sum forms the output channel. The conversion may also include a bias vector, bias. This vector contains a constant value for each input channel that is added to each input value before it is weighted. Thus, the transformation equation for each channel of the output image is: Output Cx1 = T CxR ( Input Cx1 + B Cx1 ) where C and R are numColumns and numRows, respectively. An image transformed by ilFalseColorImg appears in Figure 4-4. 88 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Figure 4-4 A Falsely Colored Image ilSaturateImg This operator performs a color saturation of its input. If the input color model is not RGB, the input is first converted to RGB. The constructor for ilSaturateImg takes a pointer to the input image and an initial saturation value: ilSaturateImg(ilImage* img=NULL, float sat=1); The transformation is defined as: Equation 1 lum = .3redin + .59greenin - .11bluein Equation 2 redout = lum + (redin - lum)sat 89 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Equation 3 greenout = lum + (greenin - lum)sat Equation 4 blueout = lum + (bluein - lum)sat You can set the saturation value interactively with setSaturation(): void setSaturation(float saturation); The current value of the saturation factor can be queried with getSaturation(): float getSaturation(); A value of zero completely desaturates the image (equivalent to ilGrayImg), a value of one leaves the image unchanged, and values greater than one increase the color saturation of the image. Output values are clamped to the minimum and maximum values of the operator image, which by default are simply inherited from the input. Arithmetic and Logical Transformations There are numerous IL operators that perform pixelwise arithmetic transformations of image data. Some of these require two input images—for example, to add them together—while others perform computations on a single image’s data, such as determining the absolute value. In the inheritance hierarchy shown in Figure 4-5, operators that inherit from ilPolyadicImg take two images as inputs and those that derive from ilMonadicImg take only one. 90 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL ilAbsImg ... ilOpImg ilNegImg ilInvertImg ilMonadicImg ilPowerImg ilLogImg ilLutImg ilArithLutImg ilSquareImg ilExpImg ... Figure 4-5 ilXorImg ilBlendImg ilMultiplyImg ilAbsImg ilDyadicImg ilAddImg ilSubtractImg ilDivImg ilMaxImg ilMinImg ilAndImg ilOrImg ilSqRootImg ilHistLutImg ilPolyadicImg Arithmetic and Logical Operators Inheritance Hierarchy When using one of the dual-input operators, you might want to use an ilConstImg as one of the inputs. An ilConstImg returns the same value for all of its pixels, so you can use it to multiply each of an image’s pixels by a constant value, for example. For more information on how to create an ilConstImg, see “Constant-valued Images” on page 152. Single-input Operators The single-input arithmetic operators are listed in Table 4-1, along with the operation they perform on each pixel of image data and the pixel data types each operation can 91 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image produce. The last five operators in Table 4-1 (ilSquareImg, ilSqRootImg, ilExpImg, ilPowerImg, and ilLogImg) descend directly from ilArithLutImg. The ilArithLutImg abstract class optimizes the performance of operators that derive from it by pulling precomputed square, square root, exponent, power, and log values from a lookup table. This is much more efficient than computing values on a per-pixel basis. The ilArithLut class in turn inherits from ilLutImg. Consequently, the last five operators in Table 4-1 inherit the ability to be accelerated further in the CPU or in specialized graphics hardware. See “Radiometric Transformations” on page 136 and “Using Hardware Acceleration” on page 253 for details about ilArithLutImg and hardware acceleration, respectively. Table 4-1 Single-input Arithmetic Operators and Their Valid Output Data Types Operator Operation Performed Valid Data Types ilAbsImg absolute value iflUChar, iflUShort, iflULong, iflFloat, iflDouble ilNegImg two’s complement any signed data typea ilInvertImg one’s complement iflBit, iflChar, iflUChar, iflShort, iflUShort, iflLong, iflULong ilSquareImg (pixelvalue)2 any type except iflBit ilSqRootImg any type except iflBit ilExpImgb base(pixelvalue) any type except iflBit ilPowerImgb (pixelvalue)power any type except iflBit ilLogImgb logbase(pixelvalue) any type except iflBit a. iflChar iflShort, iflLong, iflFloat, and iflDouble are the signed data types. b. These operators allow you to apply scale and bias values to the pixelvalue, so that it becomes scale*pixelvalue+bias. An example of processing by an arithmetic operator is given in Figure 4-6, which shows an original image constructed from simulation data processed with ilNegImg. 92 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Figure 4-6 A Positive and Negative Image Pair The only public member function defined in ilAbsImg, ilNegImg, ilInvertImg, ilSquareImg, and ilSqRootImg is a constructor that takes a single argument, the input image. Thus, to include any of these operators in a chain, you simply call its constructor and pass, as the argument, a pointer to the input ilImage. In this example, assume that inputImg is a pointer to an already existing ilImage: ilAbsImg* someAbsImg = new ilAbsImg(inputImg); The constructors for the ilAbsImg, ilNegImg, ilInvertImg, ilSquareImg, and ilSqRootImg classes all return a pointer to the operator image. The constructors for the remaining three classes—ilExpImg, ilPowerImg, and ilLogImg—take three additional arguments, all of type double. The second argument for each of these constructors specifies base or power, the third specifies scale, and the fourth bias. ilExpImg(ilImage* inImg = NULL, double expBase=0, double scl=1., double bs=0.); ilPowerImg(ilImage* inImg = NULL, double pow = 2, double scl=1., double bs=0.); ilLogImg(ilImage* inImg = NULL, double logBase=0, double scl=1., double bs=0.); The ilExpImg, ilPowerImg, and ilLogImg classes define a function for setting the value of the second parameter after the operator is created, so that you can dynamically alter the computation: void setBase(double expBase=0); void setPower(double power=2); void setBase(double logBase=0); // for ilExpImg // for ilPowerImg // for ilLogImg 93 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Dual-input Operators As their names suggest, the dual-input operators ilAddImg, ilSubtractImg, ilMultiplyImg, and ilDivImg perform standard arithmetic computations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of two images. The constructors for each of these classes take as arguments pointers to the two input images, which can be different sizes but must have the same number of channels. If they are different sizes, by default the output image is the larger of the two sizes; the smaller input image is padded with its fill value, and then the operator performs its computation on corresponding pixels in the two images. You can explicitly set the desired output size with ilImage.setSize(). You may also offset one image with respect to the other using the following ilPolyadicImg methods: void setOffset(int x, int y, int z = 0, int input = 0); void getOffset(int &x, int &y, int &z, int input = 0); setOffset() offsets the first image with respect to the second by x, y, and z if input is 0. If input is 1, the second image is offset with respect to the first. getOffset() queries the dual-input operator for its offsets. If input is 0, the offset of the first image relative to the second is given; if input is 1, the offset of the second image relative to the first is given. 94 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Here are the constructors for the dual-input operators: ilAddImg(ilImage* in1 = NULL, ilImage* in2 = NULL, double bias=0); ilSubtractImg(ilImage* in1 = NULL, ilImage* in2 = NULL, double bias=0); ilMultiplyImg(ilImage* in1 = NULL, ilImage* in2 = NULL); ilDivImg(ilImage* in1 = NULL, ilImage* in2 = NULL, ckDiv=1); ilAddImg adds the bias value to the sum found by adding the corresponding pixels of in1 and those of in2. The ilSubtractImg operator subtracts the corresponding pixels of in2 from every pixel of in1 and then adds the bias value. ilMultiplyImg multiplies the pixels in the two input images, and ilDivImg divides the pixels of in1 by the corresponding pixels of in2. All of these operators can produce an image containing any data type except iflBit. An example using ilAddImg appears in Figure 4-7. The two original images appear as well; one is the flipped version of the other. The ckDiv argument for ilDivImg’s constructor specifies whether the operator should check for division by zero. By default, it does check and responds as described below: • If the divisor is zero and the dividend is positive, the quotient is set to the maximum value possible for the final image’s data type. • If the divisor is zero and the dividend is negative, the quotient is set to the minimum value possible for the final image’s data type. • Zero divided by zero produces a zero. You can use setCheck() to change whether this check is made. 95 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Original 1 Original 2 Added Images Figure 4-7 Adding Two Images The two classes ilMaxImg and ilMinImg compare each corresponding pixel in the two input images and select the greater or the lesser value, respectively. Their constructors take pointers to the two input images as arguments. These input ilImages must have the same number of channels. The output image can contain any data type except iflBit. (There are also simple, in-line functions defined in the header file il/ilMinMax.h that compare two values and return the greater or the lesser one. See “Minimum and Maximum Comparisons” on page 364 for more information about these functions.) An 96 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL example of using ilMinImg appears in Figure 4-8. Two original images are shown, followed by the image that results if you apply ilMinImg to these images. Original Image Original Mask Minimum of Image and Mask Figure 4-8 Minimum of Two Images Similarly, the logical-operator classes—ilAndImg, ilOrImg, and ilXorImg—perform their computations (logical AND, OR, and exclusive-OR) by combining each corresponding pixel in the two input images. The constructors for these classes take pointers to the two input images as arguments. The input ilImages must have the same number of channels; the output image can contain any of the following data types: iflChar, iflUChar, iflShort, iflUShort, iflLong, or iflULong. Figure 4-9 shows an example of using ilAndImg and ilOrImg on the original images from Figure 4-7. 97 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Original Image 1 Original Image 2 Logical AND Logical OR Figure 4-9 Logical AND and OR of Two Images Geometric Transformations The heart of a geometric transformation, or warp, is the algorithm that maps output image coordinates to input coordinates. (See Figure 4-10.) The general support for such transformations is encapsulated in the abstract class, ilWarpImg. Classes that derive from ilWarpImg— ilTieWarpImg, and ilRotZoomImg—implement specific warping algorithms;. These algorithms are most efficient for images that are relatively square. 98 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Figure 4-10 A Warped Image The warping classes are shown in Figure 4-11 and discussed in the following sections. ilRotZoomImg ... ilOpImg ilWarpImg ilTieWarpImg ilPerspWarp ... ilWarp ilPolyWarp ilAffineWarp Figure 4-11 Geometric Operator Inheritance Hierarchy Warping an Image The ilWarpImg class, from which ilTieWarpImg, and ilRotZoomImg derive, performs up to a two-dimensional, seventh-order warp. The output image space is mapped to the input image space with a transformation defined by two sets of polynomials (which can be up to seventh order), one for the x-dimension and one for the y-dimension. Since the coefficients for the polynomials are not always integers, the addresses computed for the output space sometimes contain fractional components. Therefore, a resampling method must be applied to convert these fractional addresses into meaningful pixel locations. 99 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image To use ilWarpImg, you must choose a resampling algorithm and specify the coefficients of the warping polynomials. The constructor takes as its arguments a pointer to the input image and a constant that corresponds to a resampling method: ilWarpImg(ilImage* img=NULL, ilResampType rs=ilNearNb, ilWarp* warp=NULL); The ilResampType enumerated type is defined in the header file il/iflDataTypes.h and shown in “Resampling Methods” on page 100. It has these six members: • ilNearNb (nearest neighbor) • ilBiLinear • ilBiCubic • ilMinify • ilUserDef (for a resampling algorithm you implement) If you choose a bicubic resampling method, you can use setBicubicFamily() to fine-tune its algorithm. ilWarpImg performs output-driven image warps. It uses the abstract. helper class, ilWarp, to define the specific nature of a given warp. An image of any data type may be given as input. The proper data conversions will be performed to ensure output is one of the following valid data types: ilUChar, ilUShort, ilShort or ilFloat. ilWarpImg is a cached, image operator. It may be linked into operator chains. Resampling Methods The ilWarpImg class supports five built-in resampling methods: 100 • nearest neighbor • bi-linear (the default) • bi-cubic interpolation • filtered minification (ilMinify) • auto resampling Image Processing Operators Provided with IL The resampling type can be altered with setResampType(). ilWarpImgSetResampType(). Support for user-defined resampling methods is also provided by the setResampFunc() function. Nearest neighbor is the fastest method, but produces the lowest quality result. This method merely copies the value of the input pixel that is closest to the computed address. It is most useful when performance is more important than image quality, as for instance when the warp is under interactive control by a human. When the warping parameters have been adjusted to satisfaction, the final output might be produced with the bi-linear or bi-cubic method. The bi-linear method interpolates over a 2x2 neighborhood around the computed input address, using a simple weighted average. This method is somewhat slower than nearest neighbor, but produces a much higher quality result. The bi-cubic method interpolates over a 4x4 neighborhood, using an interpolation kernel that approximates a two-dimensional bi-cubic spline. For a given (x, y) point, the interpolation is performed by first interpolating four lines starting at floor(y)-1 and ending at floor(y)+2; each line runs from floor(x)-1 and ends at floor(x)+2. The resulting values are then processed vertically to produce the resulting output point. In order to speed up the processing, the cubic convolution co-efficients are precomputed to a 1/256 pixel accuracy and stored in a table. This provides more than adequate accuracy for geometric precision. The co-efficient generation is from equation (8) in the paper: Mitchell, D. and A. Netravali, “Reconstruction Filters in Computer Graphics.” Computer Graphics, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 221-228. The setBicubicFamily() function allows the B and C co-efficients of equation (8) in the cited paper to be defined, allowing a choice of various bicubic resampling. Filtered minification is used when unaliased minification is desired. The input image is filtered and minified. The user can specify a filter or, if none is specified, a box filter is used. The size of the box filter, depends on the minification factor and it ensures that the entire input image is sampled. If the box filter or kernel is used, the operation can be speeded up by sub-sampling the kernel. By using the setMaxSamples() function, the number of image pixels are averaged to produce an output pixel can be set. So if the number of samples is set to 10, even when using a 5 x 5 kernel, only 10 image pixels used to compute the filtered result. 101 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Note: When specifying your own kernel, each zero value in the kernel results in one less multiply/add computation. So, sprinkling zeros around the kernel achieves subsampling. If you choose the ilMinify resampling method, you can use setMinifyKernel() to specify your own kernel instead of the default box (all 1s) kernel. In the default case, the kernel size is dynamically adjusted so that the entire input is sampled (that is, all the input image pixels are used to compute the output). If you use the default kernel, you can speed up the operation by using setMaxSamples() to set the number of input image pixels to be averaged to produce a single output pixel. For example, if you set the maximum number of samples to 10 and you are minifying by a factor of 8, thus necessitating the use of an 8 x 8 kernel, only 10 input pixels (instead of 64) uniformly interspersed throughout the 8 x 8 area are averaged to produce one output pixel. To define your own resampling method, use setResampFunc() and pass in a pointer to your algorithm. The reference page for ilWarpImg explains what the supported algorithms are, which one you might want to use, and how to define your own algorithm. You can dynamically change and retrieve the resampling method with setResampType() and getResampType(), which are inherited from ilWarpImg: void setResampType(ilResampType rs); ilResampType getResampType(); Additionally, ilWarpImg lets you determine the amount of error allowed in a warp performed in graphics hardware with setAddressError(). Its one parameter, maxPixelsOff, determines by how many pixels the warped data may be incorrect. The previously set parameter can be retrieved with getAddressError(): void setAddressError(float maxPixelsOff); float getAddressError(); For backward compatibility, you can define the coefficients of the warping polynomial using the ilPolyWarpImg.setCoeff() function: void setCoeff(const ilCoeff_2d& xcoeff, const ilCoeff_2d& ycoeff); You can query the ilWarpImg object for its coefficients with ilPolyWarpImg.getCoeff() and for the order of its polynomial with ilPolyWarpImg.getPolyOrder(): void getCoeff(ilCoeff_2d& xcoeff, ilCoeff_2d& ycoeff); int getPolyOrder(); 102 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL The ilPolyCoeff2SD structure contains floating point numbers for the coefficients. It is defined in the header file il/ilPolyDef.h, as shown below: struct ilPolyCoeff2D { float con, y, x, y2, xy, x2, y3, xy2, x2y, x3, y4, xy3, x2y2, x3y, x4, y5, xy4, x2y3, x3y2, x4y, x5, y6, xy5, x2y4, x3y3, x4y2, x5y, x6, y7, xy6, x2y5, x3y4, x4y3, x5y2, x6y, x7; }; The ilTieWarpImg class performs a two-dimensional warp, but it does not allow you to specify the coefficients of the warping polynomial directly. Instead, you specify pairs of tie points in the input and the output images that should match after the image is warped as shown in Figure 4-12. The coefficients of the polynomial, which you can choose to be first- to seventh-order, are then computed from these tie points. The minimum number of pairs of points necessary to determine the coefficients of a polynomial of order ord is given by the formula: ( ord + 1 ) ( ord + 2 ) pairs = -------------------------------------------------2 Thus, you need to specify at least three pairs of points for a first-order polynomial, six pairs for a second-order, and so on. The constructor for ilTieWarpImg takes the same arguments as that for ilWarpImg. After creating an ilTieWarpImg operator, you must specify the tie points from which the warping polynomial is computed. For this, use setTiePoints): void setTiePoints(const iflXYfloat* uv, const iflXYfloat* xy, int n); This function takes pointers to arrays of n tie points in the input image (xy) and the output image (uv) and computes the polynomial’s coefficients. (The data type iflXYSfloat is defined in the header file il/iflCoord.h as an (x, y) coordinate pair of data type float.) The function isWellDefined() can be used to check if the polynomial coefficients can be computed from the specified tie points. If the polynomial is successfully computed, one is returned; if not, zero is returned. Before you call setTiePoints(), you might want to set the order of the polynomial that will be computed by calling setPolyOrder() and passing in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 as the desired order. If you do not explicitly set the order, a first-order 103 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image polynomial is used. The function getPolyOrder() returns the order of the warping polynomial. To move the tie points, use moveTiePoint(), defined as follows: ilStatus moveTiePoint(float u, float v, float x, float y, int idx); ilWarpImg defines functions (which ilTieWarpImg and ilRotZoomImg inherit) that, given a point in the input (or output) image, compute the corresponding point in the output (or input) image, using the mapping specified by the polynomial: void evalUV(iflXYfloat& uv, const iflXYfloat& xy); void evalXY(iflXYfloat& xy, const iflXYfloat& uv); The function evalUV() takes the input image point xy and returns by reference the corresponding point uv in the output image. Similarly, evalXY() computes the input image point, xy, from the output image point, uv. Figure 4-12 shows the result of applying ilTieWarpImg to an image. Original Image Figure 4-12 104 Warped Image Warping an Image Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image Unlike the various warping classes, the ilRotZoomImg operator is limited to performing two-dimensional affine transformations on an image. This single operator can rotate, zoom (magnify or minify), and mirror (or flip) image data: ilRotZoomImg(ilImage* img = NULL, float rotAngle=0, float horizontalZoom=1, float verticalZoom=1, ilResampType rs=ilNearNb); The input image, img, is rotated by rotAngle degrees in a counterclockwise direction and magnified or minified in the appropriate dimension by the horizontalzoom and verticalzoom factors. The default resampling method is nearest neighbor (ilNearNb). This method, when there is no hardware acceleration, chooses ilMinify resampling for pure minification (x and y zoom factors < 1.0 and rotation angle = 0.0) and ilNearNb otherwise. If there is hardware acceleration, ilBiLinear is chosen for pure minification and ilNearNb otherwise. This operator is especially efficient when the rotation is a multiple of 90 degrees and when the resampling method is ilNearNb. Functions are provided for you to dynamically change all the parameters: void void void void setAngle(float rotAngle); setZoom(float horizontal, float vertical); setZoom(float zoom); setCenter(float h, float v); An analogous set of functions is provided to retrieve the parameters: float getAngle(); void getZoom(float& horizontal, float& vertical); int getCenter(float& h, float& v); You can also select a portion of the image to be operated on by using setSize() (inherited from ilImage) and setCenter(). Alternatively, you can ask for only the desired portion using getTile() or copyTile() with the appropriate arguments, or you can define a region of interest. The setSize() and setCenter() functions limit the transformation to the area specified with setSize(), centered on the point given in setCenter(). The center point is specified in the input image’s coordinate space. These functions also translate the image’s coordinate space so that the image’s origin becomes the corner of the region specified by setCenter() and setSize(). You can clear the center point set with setCenter() by calling clearCenter(). 105 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image You can zoom the input image to a particular size by calling sizeToFit(): void sizeToFit(float width, float height, int keepAspect=FALSE); You specify the desired image width and height with width and height. If you want the image to keep its aspect ratio, set keepAspect to TRUE. The default behavior allows the image’s aspect ratio to change. Spatial Domain Transformations Spatial operators transform image data by computing a weighted sum of the pixels in the neighborhood surrounding the target pixel. The size of the neighborhood and the weights used for neighboring pixel values are defined by the kernel. Some spatial operators predefine their kernels while others allow the user to specify them. In addition, a method for handling pixels at the edge of an image must be specified, since a pixel’s neighborhood is undefined beyond the edge of a page. The spatial operators provided with IL are shown in Figure 4-13. ilBlurImg ilConvImg ilSharpenImg ilSepConvImg ilDilateImg ... ilOpImg ilSpatialImg ilErodeImg ilMaxFltImg ilRankFltImg ilMedFltImg ilMinFltImg Figure 4-13 106 Spatial Domain Operator Inheritance Hierarchy ilGBlurImg Image Processing Operators Provided with IL The ilSpatialImg class, which is an abstract class, defines the basic support for spatial operators that derive from it. The public functions it defines are those that allow you to set and retrieve the kernel and the edge-handling method.: void void void void setKernel(ilKernel* kern=NULL); setKernelSize(int x, int y, int z=1); getKernelSize(int& x, int& y, int& z); getKernelSize(int& x, int& y); void setEdgeMode(ilEdgeMode eMode = ilPadSrc); ilEdgeMode getEdgeMode(); Note: Some operators predefine their kernel and thus do not allow you to set it. The ilKernel class defines a kernel as consisting of the following elements: • the size of the kernel in the x, y, and z dimensions • the size of the data type used to specify kernel weights • a pointer to the data specifying the weights The x, y, and z dimensions should be odd numbers so that a neighborhood can be exactly centered on a single, target pixel. If they are even numbers, the data may be shifted. See the reference page for ilKernel, il/ilKernel.h, and “Auxiliary Classes” on page 358 for more information about this class. The origin of an ilKernel normally falls at its center pixel. The origin can be specified with ilKernel’s setOrigin() function to correspond to any of the pixels in the kernel. The arguments x, y, and z indicate the origin’s offset from the upper-left-front corner of the kernel. getOrigin() returns the offset by reference. void setOrigin(int x, int y, int z=0); void getOrigin(int &x, int &y, int &z); ilSpatialImg’s setEdgeMode() function specifies how the neighborhood is defined for pixels at the edge of the image. Explanations of the supported edge modes, which are defined in ilTypes.h, follow: ilReflect Sufficient data near the edge of the image is reflected so that a full-sized output image can be processed without producing artifacts at the image edge. This mode gives the best results for most operators. ilWrap Sufficient data is taken from the opposite edge of the source image so that a full-sized output image can be processed. 107 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image ilPadSrc The edge of the input image is padded with the input image’s fill value so that a full-sized output image can be processed (see Figure 4-14). See “Fill Value” on page 29 for more information on an image’s fill value. Image Data Kernel Page Being Processed Filled Border Padded Data Figure 4-14 The ilPadSrc Edge Mode ilNoPad No padding is done, and the output image shrinks by the size of the kernel minus one in each dimension. ilPadDst Similar to ilNoPad, except that the output, image’s border is sufficiently padded with its fill value so that the final image is the same size as the source image. Convolving an Image The ilConvImg operator performs general image convolution. This class is not an abstract class, so you can use it directly to convolve image data. The constructor for ilConvImg, which is its only public member function, is shown below: ilConvImg(ilImage* inputImage=NULL, ilKernel* inputKernel=NULL, double biasVal = 0., ilEdgeMode eMode=ilPadSrc); This function takes a pointer to the source or input image, a pointer to the kernel, and an enumerated type that matches one of the supported edge modes. The other argument, biasValue, is added to the weighted sum (image data multiplied by kernel weight) for each neighborhood. You can set the bias value with the setBias() function. You can also perform certain convolutions more efficiently with a separable kernel (one that is specified by row and column vectors). ilSepConvImg, descended from ilSpatialImg, provides this feature. Its constructor accepts the input image, the row and column kernels, the sizes of the kernels, an optional bias value, and an optional edge mode: 108 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL ilSepConvImg(ilImage *inputImg = NULL, float *xkernel=NULL, float *ykernel=NULL, int xsize=1, int ysize=1, double biasVal=0.0, ilEdgeMode eMode = ilPadSrc) float *zkernel = NULL, int zsize = 1); As shown, the default bias is 0.0, and the default edge mode is ilPadSrc. The default kernel size for each kernel is 5. This operator is especially efficient for kernel sizes 3 x 3, 5 x 5, and 7 x 7. ilSepConvImg also defines a set of functions to set and get the kernel vectors: void setXkernel(float *xval); void setYkernel(float *yval); void setZkernel(float *zval, int n = 0); float* getXkernel(); float* getYkernel(); float* getZkernel(); setXkernel() allows you to change the row kernel; getXkernel() returns its value. setYkernel() allows you to change the column kernel; getYkernel() returns its value. setZkernel() allows you to change the depth kernel; getZkernel() returns its value. If you replace any kernel with one that has a different size, use ilSpatialImg.setKernelSize() (inherited from ilSpatialImg) to update the sizes. Blurring or Sharpening an Image The two blurring operators, ilBlurImg and ilGBlurImg, both blur an image by performing a convolution, but they use different kernels and algorithms for the convolution. ilBlurImg convolves the image with a blurring kernel using the general convolution algorithm defined by ilConvImg. ilGBlurImg (descended from ilSepConvImg) convolves an image with a separable two-dimensional Gaussian kernel. Because ilGBlurImg uses a separable kernel, it is generally more efficient than ilBlurImg. Although different methods are used, often the blurred results do not look significantly different. The reference pages for these classes provide more detailed information on the kernels and convolution algorithms used. Figure 4-15 shows an original image that is used as an example in the following pages. 109 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Figure 4-15 An Original Image The ilBlurImg and ilGBlurImg classes have slightly different interfaces: ilBlurImg(ilImage *img = NULL, float blur=1., float radius=2., ilEdgeMode e=ilPadSrc); ilGBlurImg(ilImage *inputImg = NULL, float blur = 1.0, int xsize = 5, int ysize = 5, double biasVal = 0., ilEdgeMode eMode = ilPadSrc); Both constructors take as arguments a pointer to the source image, a blur factor ranging from 0.0 (no blur) to 1.0 (maximum blur), and an enumerated type specifying the edge mode. By default, the blur factor is set to 1.0 and the edge mode is ilPadSrc. The radius argument for ilBlurImg (with a default value of 2.0) and the xsize and ysize arguments for ilGBlurImg (with default values of 5) control the size of the kernel used for blurring. (The ilBlurImg kernel size is equal to 1+radius*2.) ilGBlurImg’s biasValue argument, which by default is zero, is added to the final weighted sum. Both classes allow you to dynamically modify the amount of blur by passing a float value to the setBlur() function. You can also change the size of the kernel with setBlurRadius() (for ilBlurImg) or setBlurKernelSize() (for ilGBlurImg). An image blurred with ilBlurImg is shown in Figure 4-16. 110 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Figure 4-16 An Image Blurred with ilBlurImg The ilSharpenImg class is similar to ilBlurImg, except that instead of using a kernel that blurs, it uses a kernel that sharpens the image data. Its constructor takes a similar set of arguments: ilSharpenImg(ilImage *img = NULL, float sharpness=.5, float radius=1.5,ilEdgeMode e=ilPadSrc); The sharpness factor indicates the degree of sharpening that should occur. This factor can have a value between 0.0 and 1.0, with a default value of 0.5. A sharpened image appears in Figure 4-17. 111 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Figure 4-17 An Image Sharpened with ilSharpenImg As with ilBlurImg, you can dynamically change the sharpness factor (with setSharpness()) and the size of the radius (with setSharpenRadius()). getSharpness() and getSharpenRadius() are the query methods that return the values of the sharpness factor and radius. Making the size of the radius too large or repeatedly cycling an image through the sharpening operation can result in a grainy, high-contrast image. Figure 4-18 shows an example of this. Figure 4-18 112 An Over-sharpened Image Image Processing Operators Provided with IL To see additional illustrations of the ilBlurImg and ilGBlurImg transformations, refer to “Spatial Domain Transformations” on page 401. Rank Filtering an Image The ilRankFltImg class performs two-dimensional rank filtering, which is typically— though not exclusively—done on black-and-white images. It involves sorting all the pixel values (for each channel) for a neighborhood of pixels. Then, the target pixel is assigned the values corresponding to a specified rank. For example, suppose you have chosen a 3 x 3 neighborhood and a desired rank of 0 (the minimum). In this case, each pixel is assigned the lowest value found among itself and its eight surrounding pixels. The classes that derive from ilRankFltImg—ilMinFltImg, ilMaxFltImg, and ilMedFltImg—assume that the desired rank is the minimum possible rank, the maximum possible rank, and the median, respectively. Median filtering is useful for removing binary, or impulse, noise in image data. Minimum and maximum rank filtering produce morphological erosion and dilation. An example of an image processed with ilMedFltImg appears in Figure 4-19. The only public member function defined by these three classes is a constructor, and each of these constructors takes the same set of arguments. ilMinFltImg’s constructor is shown below: ilMinFltImg(ilImage* inputImage = NULL, ilEdgeMode edge=ilPadSrc, ilKernel* inputKernel=0); As shown, you need to specify the input image, how pixels at the edge of the image are to be handled, and the kernel. The kernel is treated as a mask. Only nonzero elements are included in the neighborhood; the rest are ignored, as are the kernel weights. The constructor for the ilRankFltImg superclass takes the same set of arguments and an additional one for specifying the desired rank for the target pixel: ilRankFltImg(ilImage* inputImage = NULL, int filterRank = -1, ilEdgeMode eMode = ilPadSrc, ilKernel* inputKernel=NULL); The default rank of minus 1 indicates that median rank should be used. You can dynamically change the desired rank with the setRank() function. You can also determine what the maximum possible rank is with getMaxRank(). 113 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Original Figure 4-19 Filtered Median Rank Filtering on an Image To see additional illustrations of the rank filtering transformations, refer to “Spatial Domain Transformations” on page 401. Morphological Operators Morphological operators include shape-dependent, nonlinear image transformations such as erosion and dilation. The operators implemented in IL, ilDilateImg and ilErodeImg, can be used on 1-D, 2-D or 3-D data sets. More powerful morphological operations such as “opening” and “closing” can be performed by chaining together dilation and erosion operations. Opening can be accomplished by an erosion followed by a dilation. Closing can be done with a dilation followed by an erosion. These operations are defined on binary or grayscale images. Note that you can operate on color images if you remember that “binary” and “grayscale” indicate how the pixel values or intensities in each channel of the image are interpreted. A binary image contains no more than two levels or intensity values: zero and not zero. An 8-bit image with 256 pixel intensities can be treated as a binary image by collapsing the intensities into two groups, for example, a zero pixel intensity could be represented with a zero, and all intensities between 1 and 255 could be represented with a nonzero value. A grayscale image, of course, includes more than two intensity values. Thus, an 8-bit image can be treated as an input image with 256 pixel intensities. Typically, the image has a single channel. (For multichanneled input, the operations are performed on each channel independently.) Both ilErodeImg and ilDilateImg are derived from ilSpatialImg and thus involve moving a kernel across an image, but the operation performed is not a computed sum. Instead, in morphological operations, the kernel is called a ‘‘structuring element’’ (SE) and is 114 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL represented by an ilKernel. The SE, like the input image, can be interpreted as binary or grayscale. When applied to an image, a morphological operator returns a quantitative measure of the image’s geometrical structure in terms of the SE. The interpretation of the numbers that make up an SE depends on the type of morphological operation being performed. Negative SE elements are always treated as logical “do not cares” when the operation is in progress, image pixels under negative SE elements are ignored. Thus, the support of the SE is limited to those elements that are nonnegative. This permits the creation of odd-shaped SEs. The image pixel under the origin is the one potentially modified. Note: You can change the origin of the SE by using ilKernel’s setOrigin() method. The default is in the center of the SE. The result of erosion or dilation on a binary image (regardless of whether the SE is binary or grayscale) is to turn every pixel either “on” or “off.” A pixel in the output image can then be assigned one of two intensities, corresponding to whether it is on or off. These two intensities are typically the maximum and minimum values of the operator image, which can be set using setMaxValue() and setMinValue() (inherited from ilImage). If they are not explicitly set, the maximum and minimum values are inherited from the input image. For the example of an 8-bit image, the minimum value might be 0 and the maximum 255. A pixel that is 0 in the input image might have a value of 255 in the output image, and a nonzero input pixel might be 0 in the output. The interpretation of the image or the SE as binary or grayscale can be controlled through the enumerated type ilMorphType, as described below. • If the input image and the SE are binary (ilMorphType = ilBinBin), the SE is used to perform a hit-or-miss transformation. That is, if a zero image pixel falls under a zero SE element, or if a nonzero image pixel falls under a nonzero SE element, the image pixel beneath the SE origin is turned on (assigned the maximum value) for dilation and turned off (assigned the minimum value) for erosion. Typically, for binary images, an SE is composed of negative and positive ones. • If the input image is binary and the SE type is grayscale (ilMorphType = ilBinGray), the nonnegative SE elements determine the support area. In other words, image pixels under negative SE elements are ignored, but if a positive image pixel falls under a non-negative SE element, the target pixel (under the SE origin) is turned on for dilation or off for erosion. • If the input image is grayscale and the SE type is binary (ilMorphType = ilGrayBin), the maximum or minimum (depending on whether dilation or erosion is being 115 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image performed, respectively) of image pixels falling under positive SE elements is computed. • If the input image and the SE are grayscale and a “set” operation is desired (ilMorphType = ilGrayGraySet), the maximum or minimum (depending on whether dilation or erosion is being performed) of image pixels falling under nonnegative SE elements is computed. • If a “function” operation is desired (ilMorphType = ilGrayGrayFct), the computation is the same as for ilGrayGraySet, except that the SE elements are added to the image pixels before computing the minimum or maximum. The constructors for erosion and dilation are shown below: ilDilateImg(ilImage* inputImage = NULL, ilMorphType mtype = ilBinGray, ilKernel* se = NULL, ilEdgeMode eMode = ilPadSrc); ilErodeImg(ilImage* inputImage = NULL, ilMorphType mtype = ilBinGray, ilKernel* se = NULL, ilEdgeMode eMode = ilPadSrc); Each operator accepts a pointer to an input image (inputImage), a specification of the type of morphological operation (mtype), a structuring element (the ilKernel pointer se), and an edge mode (eMode). The morphological transform types, which are members of the enumerated type ilMorphType (defined in il/iflDataTypes.h), are summarized below. These types define whether data in the image and the structuring element (SE) is treated as binary (that is, having a zero or a nonzero value) or as grayscale (that is, with an appropriate range for its data type). 116 BinBin Dilation or erosion on a binary image with a binary SE. BinGray Dilation or erosion of a binary image with a grayscale SE. The operation is performed over the support of nonnegative SE elements. GrayBin Dilation or erosion of a grayscale image with a binary SE. The operation is performed over the positive support of the SE. GrayGraySet Dilation or erosion of a grayscale image with a grayscale SE. The operation is performed over the nonnegative support of the SE. GrayGrayFct Dilation or erosion of a grayscale image with a grayscale SE. The dilation or erosion is performed as a function operation over the nonnegative support of the SE; that is, the SE elements are added to the image pixels before the dilation or erosion is performed. Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Both ilDilateImg and ilErodeImg define these two functions: void setMorphType(ilMorphType type); ilMorphType getMorphType(); setMorphType() allows you to set the type of morphological operation and getMorphType() returns the type of operation. Edge Detection The operators described in this section are gradient operators that produce edge-enhanced images by performing orthogonal convolutions with particular kernels. This section focuses on how to use these operators rather than on the specific algorithm implemented by each of these operators. For more information about the algorithms, see the reference pages for the specific class. The classes described in this section inherit directly or indirectly from ilSpatialImg, as shown in Figure 4-20. ilConvImg ilCompassImg ilLaplaceImg ... ilOpImg ilSpatialImg ilRobertsImg ilSobelImg Figure 4-20 Edge Detection Operator Inheritance Hierarchy The constructors for the ilRobertsImg and ilSobelImg operators take the same arguments: ilRobertsImg(ilImage *inputImage= NULL, double biasVal = 0., ilEdgeMode edgeMode = ilPadSrc); ilSobelImg(ilImage *inputImage = NULL, double biasVal = 0., ilEdgeMode edgeMode = ilPadSrc); The image to be transformed is specified by inImg. The other two arguments, which have default values, indicate a bias value to be added as each pixelwise convolution is 117 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image performed and how pixels at the edge of a page are to be handled. These arguments have the same meaning as the ones supplied in the ilConvImg constructor, which is described in the preceding section. As explained in more detail in the reference pages, these operators perform two orthogonal, two-dimensional convolutions, which are then combined with predefined kernels. The resulting images are edge-enhanced images. An example image produced by ilRobertsImg is shown in Figure 4-21. Original Figure 4-21 Filtered Edge Image Produced by ilRobertsImg The constructor for the ilLaplaceImg operator uses the same arguments as the constructors shown above, plus an additional argument that allows you to select one of two predefined kernels: ilLaplaceImg(ilImage *inputImage= NULL, double biasVal = 0., ilEdgeMode eMode = ilPadSrc, int kerno = 1); The kerno argument can be either 1 or 2; the corresponding kernels are listed in the reference page for ilLaplaceImg. You can use setKernel() to specify either kernel after you have created an ilLaplaceImg object. A compass operator measures gradients in a specified direction. The ilCompassImg operator allows you to specify the desired direction as an angle between 0 and 360 degrees or as one of eight compass points. You can also specify the size of the kernel to 118 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL be used. Once all this information is supplied, a square kernel is generated, which is then convolved with the image data. Here’s the class constructor: ilCompassImg(ilImage *inImg= NULL, float angleDir = ilCompassN, double biasVal = 0., int kernSize = 3,ilEdgeMode edgeMode = ilPadSrc); The angleDir argument can be a number or one of the following values (see Table 4-2), which correspond to the compass points. Table 4-2 Compass Directions for the ilCompassImg Operator Value Angle (in degrees ilCompassN 0 ilCompassNE 45 ilCompassE 90 ilCompassSE 135 ilCompassS 180 ilCompassSW 225 ilCompassW 270 ilCompassNW 315 North, or 0 degrees, is the top of an image (as it is displayed using ilDisplay). Angles are measured from north in a clockwise direction. The bias value and edge mode arguments for the constructor have the same meaning as those for ilLaplaceImg. Since the kernel is always square, only one dimension of its size needs to be specified. You can set and retrieve the bias value with setBias() and getBias(), which are defined by ilOpImg. Figure 4-22 shows an example image produced by using ilCompassImg. 119 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Unfiltered Figure 4-22 Filtered A Compass Filtered Image Once you have created an ilCompassImg operator, you can dynamically change the direction of the gradient with either setAngle() or setXYWt(): void setAngle(float angleDir = ilCompassN); void setXYWt(float Xwt = 0.0, float Ywt = 1.); The setXYWt() function specifies weights in the x and y dimensions, which are then used to generate the kernel. The ilCompassImg reference page describes in more detail how the kernel is generated from the angle or weights. You can query an ilCompassImg about its angle or weights with these functions: float getAngle(); void getXYWt(float& Xwt, float& Ywt); Frequency Domain Transformations it is often convenient to manipulate data in the frequency domain, particularly when restoring, enhancing, or removing noise from images. The ilRFFTfImg operator described in this section performs a forward fast Fourier transform (FFT) on an image (containing “real-valued” data, not complex). Once you have converted an image into the frequency domain, you can use any of the numerous Fourier operators to manipulate the image data. Then, when you are finished, you can use ilRFFTiImg, which performs 120 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL an inverse FFT, to convert back to the spatial domain. Figure 4-23 shows the frequency domain operators and how they fit into IL inheritance hierarchy. ilFCrCorrImg /ilFDyadicImg ... ilFDivImg ilFMultImg ilFPolyadicImg ilFConjImg ilFMonadicImg ilFRaisePwrImg ilFExpFiltImg ilFFiltImg ilFGaussFiltImg ilFSpecImg ilFMergeImg ... ilOpImg ilRFFTfImg ilFFTOp ilRFFTiImg ilFMagImg ilFPolarImg ilFPhaseImg Figure 4-23 Frequency Domain Operator Inheritance Hierarchy Forward and Inverse Fourier Transforms As shown in Figure 4-23, both ilRFFTfImg and ilRFFTiImg inherit publicly from ilOpImg and privately from ilFFTOp. You should think of these two classes as operators that simply use the forward and inverse transform functions defined by ilOpImg. ilRFFTiImg tries to set the page size large enough to hold an entire channel of the image. The FFTs are performed using the Prime Factor algorithm, using floating point arithmetic. (For more information on the specifics of this algorithm, see the ilFFTOp reference page and the article “Symmetric FFTs,” by Paul N. Swarztrauber, Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 47, Number 175, July 1986, pp. 323-346.) The only restriction this 121 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image algorithm places on the input image is that it have a real (non-complex) data type other than iflBit. However, the algorithm is most efficient if the image already contains floating point data (so it does not have to be converted for processing and then converted back again), has an iflSeparate order, and has dimensions that are products of small primes. Dimensions that are a power of two yield the most efficient computation. The reference pages for each of the Fourier operators described in this section contain more information about the methods used to perform the computations as well as hints about how to achieve the greatest possible efficiency. The constructor for the ilRFFTfImg operator and the member function, ilFFTOp.ilRfft(), perform a forward FFT. ilRFFTfImg(ilImage *img = NULL, short option = ilFFTxform2D); ilStatus ilRfftf(ilImage* src, int srcCh, void* dst, short opt = ilFFTxform2D, ilMpCacheRequest* req = NULL); Using the ilRFFTfImg operator to perform a forward FFT is relatively easy. The first argument is a pointer to the source image that is to be transformed. The second argument, called option, allows you to choose whether a one- or two-dimensional transform is performed; if it is: • 1, a one-dimensional FFT is performed on the rows of data • 2, a one-dimensional FFT is performed on the columns of data • 3, a two-dimensional FFT is performed (the default) You can dynamically change this parameter with the setOption() function.The first four arguments to ilRFFTfImg() function specify which channel of the source image is to be transformed and into which channel of the destination image the result should be put. In this example, channel 0 of srcImg is transformed and placed into channel 0 of destImg. The size of both of these images must be the same. The last argument for this function specifies which of the three options described above is desired. (It has the same meaning as the second argument to the ilRFFTfImg constructor.) Since the source image must contain real data (not complex numbers), the output is conjugate-symmetric. In other words, only two of the four quadrants are unique, and only these are computed for the output. The output is complex, however, so both the real and imaginary results must be reported. Because of this, the destination image has the 122 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL same x and y dimensions as the source image. Table 4-3 shows the format of the output from the ilRFFTfImg operator function. (The origin is in the upper left corner.) Output of a Forward Fourier Transform (if nx and ny are even) Table 4-3 0 1 2 3 4 ... nx-3 nx-2 nx-1 0 real real imag real imag ... real imag real 1 real real imag real imag ... real imag real 2 imag real imag real imag ... real imag imag 3 real real imag real imag ... real imag real 4 imag real imag real imag ... real imag imag ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ny-3 real real imag real imag ... real imag real ny-2 imag real imag real imag ... real imag imag ny-1 real real imag real imag ... real imag real Columns 1 through nx-2 contain the real and imaginary components of a complex transform, for example, column 1 contains the real component and column 2 the corresponding imaginary component of the first complex FFT output. The column 0 represents the 0-frequency (or DC) component, and column nx-1 represents the highest (Nyquist) frequency along the x-direction. These two columns resemble the output of a real-valued FFT. In the example shown, both nx and ny are assumed to be even. If nx were odd, the Nyquist column would be missing. If ny were odd, the last row shown would be missing. Table 4-4 shows the output format if both nx and ny are odd. Output of a Forward Fourier Transform (if nx and ny are odd) Table 4-4 0 1 2 3 4 0 real real imag real imag 1 real real imag real 2 imag real imag 3 real real 4 imag real ... nx-2 nx-1 ... real imag imag ... real imag real imag ... real imag imag real imag ... real imag imag real imag ... real imag 123 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Table 4-4 (continued) Output of a Forward Fourier Transform (if nx and ny are odd) 0 1 2 3 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ny-2 real real imag real ny-1 imag real imag real ... nx-2 nx-1 ... ... ... imag ... real imag imag ... real imag This format is what is expected as input by all the Fourier operators described in this section. In particular, the constructor for the ilRFFTiImg operator expects this format in their source image. They perform an inverse FFT, which is to say they convert the input Fourier data back to the spatial domain: ilRFFTfImg(ilImage *img = NULL, short option = ilFFTxform2D); ilStatus ilRfftf(ilImage* src, int srcCh, void* dst, short opt = ilFFTxform2D, ilMpCacheRequest* req = NULL); The ilRFFTiImg constructor takes a pointer to the source image and the same option argument described above. (The ilRFFTiImg operator also defines the same setOption() function described above.) For the ilRFFTiImg() function, the source and destination images (src and dst) must be the same size; the srcCh and dstCh arguments specify the channel to be transformed and the destination channel number. Both the constructor and the function produce output data that is real. The output of the forward transform is multiplied by 1.0/(nx*ny) so that the forward transform followed by the inverse returns the original image unscaled. Separating the Magnitude and Phase Components The operators described in this section allow you to separate the magnitude and phase components of a complex Fourier image so that you can process or filter them independently and then combine them into a complete image when you are finished. Such an operator chain would look like Figure 4-24. 124 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL ilFMagImg (operators) ilFMergeImg ilRFFTfImg ilRFFTiImg (operators) ilFPhaseImg Figure 4-24 Magnitude and Phase Fourier Operators As you might expect from their names, the ilFMagImg operator computes the magnitude of an input complex Fourier image, and ilFPhaseImg determines the phase component. The constructors for both of these operators expect the format produced by ilRFFTfImg (which is described above): ilFMagImg(ilImage *img = NULL); ilFPhaseImg(ilImage *img = NULL); The x -dimension of the output image for both these operators is half of the input image’s size, plus one; the y dimension is unchanged. The x dimension shrinks because the input image uses two columns for each Fourier element, one for the real component and one for the imaginary, whereas the magnitude and phase are not complex. For a complex number represented by a + ib, the magnitude is a2 + b2 and the phase is atan (b/a) An operator that is similar to ilFMagImg, ilFSpectImg, computes the spectrum of a Fourier image. The computation is the same as that performed by ilFMagImg, but all 125 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image quadrants are represented in the output image, not just the two that are unique. As a result, the size of the output image is the same as that of the input image, and the origin of the output image is at its center rather than its upper left corner. You might use an ilFSpectImg object for displaying, although you probably want to scale the spectral values using ilHistScaleImg. (This operator is described in “Radiometric Transformations” on page 136.) An ilFMagImg object is more efficient for processing since redundant calculations are not performed. The constructor for ilFSpectImg simply takes a pointer to the source image: ilFSpectImg(ilImage *img= NULL); The ilFMergeImg operator merges an ilFMagImg and an ilFPhaseImg to produce the original whole Fourier image. The merged image is converted from polar to rectangular form so that it is in the format expected by ilRFFTiImg. The constructor for ilFMergeImg takes pointers to the two images and an int that specifies the desired x dimension of the final image: ilFMergeImg(ilImage *mag, ilImage *ph, int xsize); The xsize argument is required because the x dimension of a merged image can’t be uniquely determined from the x dimension of mag or phase. For example, if mag and phase have x dimensions of 129, the merged image could have an x dimension of either 256 or 257. You can explicitly set the x dimension with setXsize(). Filtering Two filter operators are provided for use on Fourier images: ilFExpFiltImg and ilFGaussFiltImg. These operators derive from ilFFiltImg, an abstract class that implements the basic support for frequency domain filtering. (You can derive your own filter as described in “Deriving From ilFFiltImg” on page 241.) Both ilFExpFiltImg and ilFGaussFiltImg expect input in the format produced by ilRFFTfImg. Typically, you’ll apply the ilRFFTiImg operator to the filtered image in order to view the results in the spatial domain. The constructors for these operators are shown below: ilFExpFiltImg(ilImage *img, float alpha, float beta, float gamma,float eccent, float theta); ilFGaussFiltImg(ilImage *img, float hfgain, float dcgain, float minhalf, float majhalf, float theta); 126 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL For more information about what these arguments mean, see the filter equations below and the reference pages for these two operators. This is the filtering equation used by ilFExpFiltImg: H ( u, v ) = α + βe { γ [ ( a 11 u + a 12 v ) 2 + ( a 21 u + a 22 v ) 2 ] This is the filtering equation used by ilFGaussFiltImg: H ( u, v ) = hf + ( dc – hf ) e – { ( a 11 u + a 12 v ) 2 + ( a 21 u + a 22 v ) 2 } where for both equations: H() = transfer function of the filter u,v = two-dimensional frequency coordinates σ S cos θ' σ S sin θ' σ L sin θ' σ L cos θ' a 11 = ------------------- , a 12 = ------------------ , a 21 = – ------------------- , a 22 = -------------------xSize ySize xSize ySize πθ θ' = --------- , where θ = angle in degrees of the filter’s orientation 180 xSize = x dimension of the source image ySize = y dimension of the source image and where for ilFExpFiltImg: α = high-frequency asymptote β = decay coefficient γ = exponential decay coefficient 1 σs= 1.0 and σ L = -----------------1 – ε2 where ε = eccentricity of equal contours of the filter and where for ilFGaussFiltImg: hf = gain of filter at the Nyquist (highest) frequency 127 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image dc = gain of filter at zero frequency 0.693147 0.693147 ------------------------2 and σ L = -----------------------2minHalf majHalf minHalf = frequency of half-power point along the minor elliptical axis σS = majHalf = frequency of half-power point along the major elliptical axis Table 4-5 shows two examples of specific values that might be passed in for ilFGaussFiltImg. Table 4-5 Sample Parameter Values for ilFGaussFiltImg Parameter High-pass Low-pass dc 0.004 1.0 hf 3.0 0.002 minHalf 0.01 0.05 majHalf 0.01 0.05 0.0 0.0 The high-pass values create a two-dimensional circular high-pass filter with a cutoff value of 0.01 on both axes; its DC gain is 0.004, and its gain at the highest frequency is 3.0. A high-pass filter diminishes the constant or slowly-changing portions of an image and thereby accentuates the edge portions (creating a high-contrast, edge image). The low-pass values create a two-dimensional circular low-pass filter with a cutoff value of 0.05 on both axes; its DC gain is 1.0, and its gain at the highest frequency is 0.002. A low-pass filter diminishes the dramatically changing values at edges in an image and thereby accentuates the constant or slowly varying portions (creating a blurry image). See Figure 4-25 and Figure 4-26. 128 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Figure 4-25 Original Image Figure 4-26 Image Processed with ilFGaussFiltImg Functions are defined in ilFExpFiltImg.h and ilFGaussFiltImg.h to set the value of all the parameters used in the constructors for both operators. 129 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image In ilFExpFiltImg.h: void void void void void setAlpha(float val); setBeta(float val); setGamma(float val); setEccent(float val); setTheta(float val); In ilFGaussFiltImg.h: void void void void void setHFgain(float val); setDCgain(float val); setMinHalf(float val); setMajHalf(float val); setTheta(float val); See the reference pages for more information about these functions. Single-input Operators The two operators described in this section are ilFConjImg and ilFRaisePwrImg, both of which derive from ilFMonadicImg. (See “Deriving From ilFMonadicImg or ilFDyadicImg” on page 238 for more information about deriving your own operator from this class.) ilFConjImg and ilFRaisePwrImg expect a source image in the format produced by ilRFFTfImg. Typically, you’ll need to convert ilFRaisePwrImg’s output to the spatial domain by using ilRFFTiImg. (You do not typically need to convert the result of applying ilFConjImg to an image back to the spatial domain; usually, it is used in the middle of a chain of operators in the frequency domain.) As its name suggests, ilFConjImg computes the complex conjugate of an image; it also multiplies the complex values by a real factor: ilFConjImg(ilImage *img=NULL, float scale = 1.0); The scale argument is used to multiply or scale the values; the default value of 1.0 results in no scaling. You can change the scaling factor with setScale(). ilFConjImg is useful in computing the magnitude squared of the Fourier transform. For example, assume theImg is a pointer to a valid ilImage in the spatial domain: ilRFFTfImg forwardImg(theImg); ilFConjImg conjugateImg(&forwardImg); ilFMultImg magSquaredImg(&forwardImg, &conjugateImg); You can then display magSquaredImg. 130 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL The ilFRaisePwrImg operator raises the natural log of the magnitude values of a Fourier image by a power, exponentiates the result, and writes the values back in complex rectangular form: e ( ln m ) p where m = magnitude and p = specified power This root-filtering operation is useful for image sharpening. The constructor for this class is shown below: ilFRaisePwrImg(ilImage* src, float power); The log of the magnitude values of the source image, src, are raised by power, exponentiated, and converted back to complex rectangular form. The valid range for power is 0.0-1.0. You can set this value dynamically with setPower(). Dual-input Operators Three operators take two Fourier images as inputs: • ilFCrCorrImg, which computes the cross-correlation of two images • ilFMultImg, which multiplies two images • ilFDivImg, which divides two images These classes derive from ilFDyadicImg, which implements the basic support for dual-input Fourier operators, and they expect input images in the format produced by ilRFFTfImg. To convert the processed data back to the spatial domain, you need to apply the inverse transform implemented by ilRFFTiImg. See “Deriving From ilMonadicImg or ilPolyadicImg” on page 228 for more information about deriving your own dual-input Fourier operator. The constructors for ilFCrCorrImg, ilFMultImg, and ilFDivImg expect two images, which must be the same size: ilFCrCorrImg(ilImage *img1 = NULL, ilImage *img2 = NULL); ilFMultImg(ilImage *img1 = NULL, ilImage *img2 = NULL); ilFDivImg(ilImage *img1 = NULL, ilImage *img2 = NULL, int ckDiv = 1); To compute the cross-correlation, ilFCrCorrImg multiplies src1 by the conjugate of src2 and then normalizes the result using the DC (or (0,0)) coefficient of src1. One of the principal applications of cross-correlation in image processing is in prototype matching, where one tries to match a given unknown image to a known image. The closest match 131 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image can be found by selecting the image that yields the correlation function with the largest value. Multiplying two Fourier images is equivalent to convolving them in the spatial domain. Since the Fourier algorithm is very efficient, you might want to choose ilFMultImg over one of ilConvImg’s subclasses if you are using a large kernel for the convolution. ilFDivImg divides src1 by src2 and, by default, checks for division by zero according to the following rules: • If the numerator of the real or imaginary part is positive and the denominator is zero, the result is the largest possible floating point value (3.40282346e+38). • If the numerator of the real or imaginary part is negative and the denominator is zero, the result is the smallest possible floating point value (-3.40282346e+38). • If both the numerator and the denominator are zero, the result is zero. You can call setCheck() and pass in a 0 to prevent ilFDivImg from checking for division by zero. You can use ilFDivImg in image restoration. Given the Fourier transform of a degraded or noisy image and the Fourier transform of the noise function (or “noise image”), you can retrieve a clean image by dividing (in the frequency domain) the degraded image by the noise image. Once converted back to the spatial domain, you can then display the clean image. Generation of Statistical Data it is often desirable to collect statistical information about an image, such as how frequently various pixel values occur and what the minimum and maximum pixel values are. The ilImgStat class computes this kind of information for an entire image or for a specified region within an image. More specifically, for each channel of image data, it computes: • a one-dimensional histogram showing frequency of pixel values • the minimum and maximum pixel values • the mean and standard deviation of the data, calculated from the histogram The ilImgStat class inherits from ilLink, as shown in Figure 4-27. 132 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL ilLink Figure 4-27 ilImgStat The ilImgStat Inheritance ilImgStat does not derive from ilImage, so its constructor does not create an ilImage. It derives from ilLink. Thus, an ilImgStat object cannot be passed as an image to another operator, but it might be one of an operator’s input arguments. Multiprocessing on an ilImgStat object can turned on or off and queried using the enableMP() and isMPenabled() functions. ilImgStat has two parents: the input image from which the data is derived, and the ROI, if any. If either of these objects is altered, the two ilLink inheritance mechanism ensures that the ilImgStat object reconfigures itself. Calculation of the statistics is deferred until it is triggered by one of the get...() methods. If only the minimum-maximum is requested, a histogram is not computed. For any other get...() method, the histogram is computed. If the data order is separate, on the minimal subset of the channels is analyzed. The analysis results (minimum, maximum, historicity, mean, standard deviation, are cached in the ilImgStat to avoid recalculation. If the object is altered either directly or indirectly with inheritance, the cached data id discarded. Note: There is an “auto calc” flag that modifies this default behavior. For more information, see the ilImgStat man page. The constructor for the ilImgStat class allows you to specify whether the data should be computed for the entire source image or for just a portion of it, as shown in the next code fragment. The portion is defined as a region of interest (ROI); see “Defining a Region of Interest” on page 153 for more information about the ilRoi class, which defines an ROI within an image. ilImgStat(ilImage* img=NULL, ilRoi* roi=NULL, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0, int zoffset=-1, nz=0); The xoffset, yoffset, and zoffset parameters represent the offsets into the input image, img, at which the ROI is placed. The z argument specifies the starting z value, and nz indicates the size of the z tile. Thus, you can use these values to effectively create a 3-D ROI. The coordinates of the roi image are specified in the coordinate space of the input image. You can also specify an ilRoi and its offsets for the ilImgStat with the following setRoi() functions: 133 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image ilImgStat::setROI(ilRoi* roi, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0); ilImgStat::setZ(int z, int nz=1); If no ROI is specified, ilImgStat performs its computations over the whole image. ilImgStat::clearZ() unsets the tile in the Z dimension. An Image’s Histogram An image’s histogram, which is computed for each channel of image data, is defined by: • the starting and ending pixel values—these establish the endpoints of the histogram’s range. • the number of bins—the range is evenly divided into a specified number of bins. • the size of each bin—the size is the range covered by each bin; this is computed by dividing the total range by the number of bins. You use the following methods to determine the number of bins, the bin size, and the lower limit of the first bin for any particular channel: double lowerLimit = myImgStat.getStart(1); double upperLimit = myImgStat.getEnd(1); double binSize = myImgStat.getBinSize(1); int binCount = myImgStat.getBinCount(1) The argument for these functions is an int that specifies the desired channel. Once you have created an ilImgStat object, you can specify the limits of a histogram using the following methods: void setInput(ilImage* in) void setLimits(double start, double end); void setBinCount(int count); where in is the image associated with the histogram, start and end specify the lower and upper endpoints of the range of pixel values, and count is the number of bins in which pixel values are collected. The maximum number of bins allowed is 4096. To access the histogram of the source image’s pixel values, use the getHist() function: unsigned long* getHist(int chan=0); where chan is the color channel. 134 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL The getHist() function returns a pointer to an array that is allocated by ilImgStat. The values in the array correspond to the number of pixels that have values within each bin’s respective range. To represent a probability distribution, copy the long array into a float array, and then divide each element of the array by the total number of pixels used to compute the histogram for that particular channel. You can obtain the number of pixels used with getTotal(): long totalPixelCount = myImgStat.getTotal(1); The argument for this function is an int that specifies the desired channel. (The number of pixels used for each of the channels might vary if you have specified different endpoints for the different channels.) If the image’s pixel ordering is iflSeparate, you can make multiple calls to getHist() for each channel and specify varying numbers of bins and starting points and endpoints. However, the histograms for all channels of iflInterleaved or iflSequential images are computed on the first call to getHist(), so the number of bins and the starting points and endpoints are fixed for subsequent calls. If you need to change the histogram’s attributes for subsequent calls, use reset(). This function deallocates the array created with getHist() and enables you to start over. (In general, you should call reset() or the ilImgStat destructor as soon as you are finished with a histogram to minimize memory usage.) If you need a histogram you have already computed, copy it into your own buffer before calling reset(). Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation The ilImgStat class defines functions that return the minimum value, maximum value, mean, and standard deviation of a particular channel: double double double double getMin(int c=0); getMax(int c=0); getMean(int c=0); getStdDev(int c=0); These functions all return the desired number as a double, regardless of the data type of the image. Other Functions Two other support functions are provided: void setHwEnable(ilHwAccelEnable enable); ilHwAccelEnable getHwEnable(); 135 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image void qCalcStats(ilMpNode* parent, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL); You can use the first function shown above to enable and disable hardware acceleration by passing in TRUE or FALSE, respectively. You can use getHwEnable() to determine whether or not acceleration is enabled. The last function allows your application to calculate a histogram asynchronously. Radiometric Transformations This section describes a set of operators that adjust all the pixels of an image so that together they have certain specified characteristics. Three of the operators described in this section—ilHistNormImg, ilHistEqImg, and ilHistScaleImg—modify an image’s pixel values channel by channel, so that the image’s histogram has certain desired properties. You can limit the area for which statistics are computed by specifying an ROI and its offsets when you create these operators; the operators then adjust all the pixels of the image so that the entire image’s histogram matches that computed for the ROI. (See “Defining a Region of Interest” on page 153 for more information about ROIs.) If you have already created an image’s histogram using ilImgStat as described in the previous section, you can pass a pointer to the existing ilImgStat object to speed the transformations performed by these operators. The following radiometric operators are described in this section: 136 ilScaleImg linearly scales the pixel data of an image so that it falls in a new specified range ilHistNormImg transforms an image so that its histogram is normalized (Gaussian) and so that it has a specified mean and standard deviation ilHistEqImg transforms an image so that its pixel values are uniformly distributed (so that the cumulative histogram is linear) ilHistScaleImg clamps values to a specified percentage distribution of the high- and low-intensity pixels and scales the remaining data between the clamp values ilThreshImg sets each pixel to the image’s minimum or maximum value, depending on whether the pixel is less than or greater than a specified threshold value ilLutImg transforms a source image using a specified lookup table Image Processing Operators Provided with IL ilPiecewiseImg transforms a source image using a lookup table created with a piecewise linear mapping function The operators that perform radiometric scaling, ilScaleImg and ilHistScaleImg, are accelerated on certain hardware platforms. The ilLutImg operator and the operators derived from it, such as ilPiecewiseImg, ilHistNormImg and ilHistEqImg, are also accelerated provided they meet the constraints specified in “Using Hardware Acceleration” on page 253. The ilThreshImg operator is also accelerated through the LUT mechanism, even though it is not derived from ilLutImg. All these classes derive directly or indirectly from ilMonadicImg, as shown in Figure 4-28. ilScaleImg ... ilOpImg ilMonadicImg ilHistScaleImg ilThreshImg ilPiecewiseImg ilLutImg ilHistNormImg ilArithLutImg ilHistLutImg ilHistEqImg Figure 4-28 Radiometric Operator Inheritance Hierarchy Scaling an Image The ilScaleImg operator linearly scales the pixel data of an image so that it falls in a specified range. If you do not know the range of the input pixels, the first constructor shown below must be used. This constructor uses the minimum and maximum value fields of the input image to determine the input range, and it assumes an output range of 0 to 255. If you want to override the range of the input pixel data, you can use the second constructor and also specify an output range. The default is 0 to 255. ilScaleImg(ilImage* img = NULL); ilScaleImg(ilImage* img, double inMin, double inMax, double outMin=0, double outMax=255.999); 137 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Pixels of value inMin are scaled to outMin, while those of value inMax are scaled to outMax. Pixels channel values lying between these extremes are scaled accordingly. Pixels outside the input domain are clamped between outMin and outMax. The scaling function is normally computed based on inMin and inMax (the domain) and outMin and outMax (the range). To do this scaling, ilScaleImg computes the slope and intercept of a linear function of the form: f ( x ) = ( x ⋅ slope ) + intercept Thus, an input pixel of value x becomes an output pixel of value f(x). The slope and intercept are computed as follows: ( outMax – outMin ) slope = -----------------------------------------------------( inMax – inMin ) intercept = outMin – ( slope ⋅ inMin ) You can alter the operator’s parameters with these member functions: void setRange(double outMin, double outMax); void setDomain(double inMin, double inMax); You can control the scaling behavior with these functions: void void void void resetDomain(); resetRange(); resetScaling(); setScaling(double slope, double intercept); resetDomain() invalidates the current input levels and, if none are specified using setDomain(), the minimum and maximum values of the input images are used for the domain. resetRange() invalidates the current output levels and, if none are specified using setRange(), default values are computed using the input domain and the scaling values (slope and intercept). An example image produced using ilScaleImg is shown in Figure 4-29. resetScaling() forces the operator to forget any values explicitly set for slope and intercept and to compute them as shown above. setScaling() allows you to explicitly set the values of the slope and intercept of the scaling function. 138 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL Figure 4-29 Using Scaling Histogram Operators Both ilHistNormImg and ilHistEqImg derive from ilHistLutImg, which itself derives from ilArithLutImg. This inheritance allows the histogram operators to use lookup tables to determine resulting values, rather than perform the computations on a per-pixel basis. As a result, the histogram operators are more efficient. The constructors for ilHistNormImg are: ilHistNormImg(ilImage *img, iflPixel &mn, iflPixel &std, ilImgStat *imgstat = NULL, ilRoi *Roi = NULL, int xoffset = 0, int yoffset = 0, int zoffset = 0); ilHistNormImg(ilImage *img=NULL, ilImgStat *imgstat=NULL, ilRoi *Roi=NULL, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0, int zoffset=0); 139 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image The first constructor allows you to specify the source image and the desired mean, mn. and standard deviation, std. The second constructor takes a source image and computes default values for the mean and standard deviation. The mean for each channel is computed as the average of the minimum and maximum values of the source image for that channel. The standard deviation is set to 1.0 for each channel. The iflPixels can use any data type, but their number of channels must match that of the source image. If you have already created an ilImgStat object (for the source or even a different image), you can pass a pointer to it. This makes ilHistNormImg more efficient. If you supply both an ilImgStat and an ilRoi, the histogram computed for the ilImgStat is used and the ilRoi is ignored. You can dynamically change the mean, the standard deviation, the ilImgStat object, and the ilRoi and its offsets with the following ilHistNormImg.h functions: void void void void setMean(iflPixel& mean); setStdev(iflPixel& stdev); setImgStat(ilImgStat* imgstat); setRoi(ilRoi* Roi, int xoffset = 0, int yoffset = 0); The setImgStat() and setRoi() functions are inherited from ilHistLutImg. Histogram equalization and histogram scaling of an image are often performed to enhance the contrast of an image. Histogram equalization results in an image with pixel values that are more evenly distributed. The constructor for ilHistEqImg is shown below: ilHistEqImg(ilImage *img = NULL, ilImgStat *imgstat = NULL, ilRoi *Roi = NULL, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0, int zoffset=0); As shown, you specify the source image, the ilImgStat object if one exists, and an optional ROI along with its offsets. This class also inherits setImgStat() and setRoi() functions as does ilHistNormImg. The constructor for ilHistScaleImg is more complicated: ilHistScaleImg(ilImage* img = NULL, double lowClip=0, double highClip=0, double outMin=0, double outMax=255, ilImgStat* imgstat=NULL, ilRoi* Roi=NULL, int xoffset = 0, int yoffset = 0); 140 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL The src argument specifies the source image. The next four arguments specify how the source image should be transformed. The highClip and lowClip arguments indicate what percentage of the high and low intensity pixels should be clamped to the values specified by outMax and outMin, respectively. Imagine that the pixels are sorted in order of increasing intensity, as in a histogram. Then, highClip percent of the highest-intensity pixels are set to the outMax value, and lowClip percent of the lowest-intensity pixels are set to the outMin value. After the desired pixels have been clipped, the remaining pixels are scaled linearly between the clamp values. The optional ilImgStat and ilRoi objects (and offsets) each have the same meaning as with ilHistNormImg. You can dynamically change all these arguments with the following ilHistScaleImg functions: void void void void setImgStat(ilImgStat* imgstat); setRoi(ilRoi* Roi, int xoffset = 0, int yoffset = 0); setClip(double lowClip, double highClip); setRange(double outMin, double outMax); One other useful function, setHistLimits(), allows you to change the limits between which the histogram is to be computed: void setHistLimits(double low, double high); The two arguments, low and high, define the histogram’s limits. Be careful when changing the input to any of the histogram operators by using setInput(). (See “Dynamically Reconfiguring a Chain” on page 57 for more information.) If an ilImgStat has already been specified in a histogram operator constructor and then setInput() is called, the old ilImgStat is used unless you call setImgStat() with a new one. You can use NULL in setImgStat() to force a new one to be computed. The Threshold Operator The ilThreshImg operator sets each pixel (on a channel by channel basis) to the image’s minimum or maximum allowable value, depending on whether the pixel is less than or greater than a specified threshold value. (See “Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values” on page 30 for more information about how to set an image’s minimum and maximum pixel values.) To create an ilThreshImg operator, you can use one of the following constructors: ilThreshImg(ilImage* img, const iflPixel& thresh); ilThreshImg(ilImage* img= NULL, float val = 0); 141 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image In the first constructor, the threshold is specified as an iflPixel, and a different threshold level can be applied to each channel of the source image. In the second constructor, the same threshold, val, is applied to all channels. Each channel or each pixel of the source image is compared to the threshold value, thresh or val. If the channel value is less than the threshold value, it is set to the image’s minimum channel value. If the channel value is greater than or equal to the threshold value, it is set to the maximum channel value. (If thresh is a single-channel pixel, its value is used for all channels of the source image.) You can query an image about its threshold value and dynamically change this value with these functions: void getThresh(iflPixel& thresh); void setThresh(float val); void setThresh(const iflPixel& thresh); getThresh() returns the threshold value by reference, and setThresh() sets the threshold value. ilLutImg The ilLutImg class transforms a source image using a specified lookup table (LUT). As mentioned previously, ilArithLutImg (see “Single-input Operators” on page 91) and ilHistLutImg (see “Histogram Operators” on page 139) derive from ilLutImg. Normally, the LUT and the image have the same number of channels. However, two other possibilities are allowed: if the LUT has only one channel, it is applied to each channel of the image. If the source image has only one channel while the LUT has n channels, each LUT channel is applied to the source image in turn, producing an ilLutImg with n channels. (For any other combination, the ilStatus value ilLUTSIZEMISMATCH is returned by any data access operations.) The first constructor below allows you to specify the source image and the LUT. The second one lets you specify the source image and sets the LUT to NULL. You can later specify a LUT using the setLookUpTable() function. ilLutImg(ilImage* src, const iflLut& table); ilLutImg(ilImage* src = NULL); See “Using iflLut” on page 360 for more information about the iflLut class and also for an explanation of how lookup tables can be stored and retrieved using SGI image files. 142 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL You can dynamically change or retrieve the LUT with these functions: ilStatus setLookUpTable(const iflLut& table); If you change the LUT, the output number of channels and data type are updated, if necessary, to accommodate the new LUT. ilPiecewiseImg The ilPiecewiseImg class, derived from ilLutImg, simplifies the task of constructing a lookup table when only a piecewise linear mapping is needed from the input pixels to the output data. The constructor accepts the source image, a list of breakpoints, and the length of that list: ilPiecewiseImg(ilImage* inputImage = NULL, const iflXYSfloat* bkpts=NULL, int length=0); A breakpoint is a point on a piecewise continuous function where two continuous segments meet, as shown in Figure 4-30. Output channel values Breakpoint Endpoint 0 Figure 4-30 Input channel values 255 Breakpoints along a Piecewise Continuous Function The endpoints, 0 and 255, are made breakpoints by default (this does not affect the length of the breakpoints list). If a breakpoint is entered outside the range, it is clamped to the appropriate endpoint. Several functions are provided to manipulate the breakpoints: ilStatus setBreakpoints(const iflXYSfloat* bkpts=NULL, int length=0, int chan=-1); ilStatus insertPoint(const iflXYSfloat& point, int index, int chan=-1); 143 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image ilStatus replacePoint(const iflXYSfloat& point, int index, int chan=-1); ilStatus removePoint(int index, int chan=-1); 144 setBreakpoints() allows you to specify a new list of breakpoints (of length). You can specify a list for a specific channel with the chan argument; if this is minus 1 (the default), the list is used for all channels in the image. insertPoint() inserts a breakpoint point after the one at index in the list for channel chan. replacePoint() replaces the breakpoint at index in the breakpoint list for channel chan with point. removePoint() removes the breakpoint at index; you specify which channel’s breakpoint list with chan. Image Processing Operators Provided with IL You can query an ilPiecewiseImg about its breakpoints with these functions: int getBreakpoints(iflXYSfloat* bkpts, int chan=0); int getNumBreakpoints(int chan=0); void getPoint(iflXYSfloat& point, int index, int chan=0); float findPoint(iflXYSfloat& loc, int& index, int forInsert=0, int chan=0); getBreakpoints() accepts a pointer to a list of breakpoints and returns the length of the breakpoint list for chan as an int and the breakpoint list itself through bkpts (you must allocate enough space in bkpts before this function call). getNumBreakpoints() returns the number of breakpoints in the breakpoint list for chan. getPoint() returns the breakpoint at index in the breakpoint list for chan by reference in point. findPoint() accepts a location (loc), an index into the breakpoints list for chan, and a flag specifying whether the closest breakpoint should be found (forInsert = 0) or whether the closest edge should be found (forInsert = 1). In either case, the distance between the given location and the found location is returned as a float, the breakpoint is returned by reference in loc, and the index of that breakpoint is returned in index. In all of the above functions, chan is 0 by default, specifying the first channel of the image. Figure 4-31 shows an example of an application with a graphical user interface (imgview) that can be written with ilPiecewiseImg. 145 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Original Figure 4-31 LUT Editor RGB Interface Edited Using a Lookup Table Editor to Set Breakpoints Combining Images The three operators described in this section—ilBlendImg, ilMergeImg, and ilCombineImg—combine two or more images into one using different methods: • ilBlendImg blends two images using a specified alpha value or alpha images that indicate how to weight the images relative to each other. • ilMergeImg merges a series of images into a single multiple-channel image. • ilCombineImg combines two images using a mask to define which portions of the two images to use in the final combined image. These three classes have very different pedigrees, as shown in Figure 4-32. ilMergeImg ilImage ilCacheImg ilOpImg ilPolyadicImg ilBlendImg ilCombineImg Figure 4-32 146 ilBlendImg, ilMergeImg, and ilCombineImg Inheritance Hierarchy Image Processing Operators Provided with IL ilBlendImg The constructors for ilBlendImg allow you to specify a constant alpha value or to specify third and fourth images that contain alpha values for each pixel of the foreground and background images. You can also select the way in which the foreground and background images are blended: ilBlendImg(ilImage* fore, ilImage* bkgd, float alpha); ilBlendImg(ilImage* fore = NULL, ilImage* bkgd = NULL, ilImage* alphaf = NULL, ilImage* alphab=NULL, ilCompose comp=ilAplusB); The first constructor specifies one constant alpha value (which should fall between 0.0 and 1.0) that is used to calculate a foreground and background alpha. If the second constructor is used, the alpha values are taken from the first channel of alphaf (for the foreground alphas) and alphab (for the background alphas). The other channels, if any, are ignored. In the default mode (ilAplusB), if alphab is NULL, then the background alpha values for each pixel are computed from alphaf as 1 - alphaf. Figure 4-33 shows an example image produced using the ilBlendImg operator and the ilAplusB compose mode. The second constructor also allows you to specify the composition mode. See Figure 4-34 for an explanation of these modes. The default is ilAplusB. The composition modes are defined in the header file il/iflDataTypes.h. 147 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Original 1 Original Mask Original 2 Figure 4-33 Blend of 1 and 2 Blended Images The foreground, background, and alpha images must all be the same size. The alpha values defined by alphaf and alphab are normalized to the range (0-1), based on the minimum and maximum allowable pixel values of alphaf and alphab. The foreground and background alphas are calculated as follows: foreα = alpha , backα = 1 - alpha or foreα = alphaf, backα = alphab (if alphab is not NULL), and backα = 1 - alphaf (if alphab is NULL) 148 Image Processing Operators Provided with IL The blending function, which is used for each pixel, is: F A ⋅ foreground ⋅ foreα + F B ⋅ background ⋅ backα The composition mode determines FA and FB. For the default composition mode (ilAplusB), they are both equal to 1.0, see Figure 4-34. If ilImgA is the foreground image and ilImgB is the background image, then αA = alphaf and αB= alphab . However, when alphaB=NULL, then αB = alphaf You may set the composition method with setBlendMode(). It takes one argument of type ilCompose: void setBlendMode(ilCompose mode = ilAplusB); You can explicitly set the minimum and maximum allowable pixel values of the alpha images alphaf and alphab using these functions: void setAlphaRange(float fmin, float fmax); void setAlphaRange(float fmin, float fmax, float bmin, float bmax); The first function sets the normalizing values for the foreground alpha. The second sets the minimum and maximum values of the alpha for the foreground and background images. To query an ilBlendImg about its normalizing values, use: void getAlphaRange(float& fmin, float& fmax); void getAlphaRange(float& fmin, float& fmax, float& bmin, float& bmax); The first function returns the normalizing values for the foreground alpha, and the second function returns the normalizing values for both the foreground and background alphas. You can also dynamically change the alpha images or the constant alpha value: ilStatus setAlphaPlane(ilImage* alphaImg); ilStatus setAlphaPlane(ilImage* alphaf, ilImage* alphab) ilStatus setConstAlpha(float val); 149 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image The first function shown above sets the foreground alpha image, while the second function sets both the foreground and background alpha images. The third function sets the constant alpha value. You can also use setOffset() (inherited from ilPolyadicImg) to offset the foreground image with respect to the background image. FA FB ilImgA 1 0 ilImgB 0 1 ilAoverB 1 1−αΑ ilBoverA 1−α 1 ilAinB αΒ 0 ilBinA 0 αΑ ilAoutB 1−αΒ 0 ilBoutA 0 1−αΑ ilAatopB αΒ 1−αΑ ilBatopA 1−αΒ αΑ ilAxorB 1−αΒ 1−αΑ ilAplusB 1 1 Mode Figure 4-34 150 Diagram Β Composition Modes for ilBlendImg Image Processing Operators Provided with IL ilMergeImg An ilMergeImg consists of a single ilImage formed by merging a number of images. The number of channels of the merged image equals the sum of the number of channels in all the individual input images. All the input images should be the same size, but you can assign a different data type or order to the final ilMergeImg as it is created: ilMergeImg(ilImage** imgPtr, int nimg, iflOrder order=iflInterleaved, iflDataType dtype=iflDataType(0)); ilMergeImg(int nimg, ilImage** imgPtr); In both of these constructors, imgPtr is an array of pointers to the ordered input ilImages. The first nimg ilImages in the array are merged and the rest are ignored. (imgPtr should have at least nimg pointers.) The first constructor lets you specify an order and data type for the merged image. If the default data type numilTypes is used, the data type of the merged image is the largest data type of the ilImages. If the second constructor is used, the order and data type of the merged image are the same as those of the first ilImage pointed to in the imgPtr array. ilCombineImg An ilCombineImg takes two ilImages of the same size and uses an ROI (and its offsets) to determine which pixels to use in the final image (pixels that are inside the ROI are taken from the foreground image, and pixels that are outside the ROI are taken from the background image): ilCombineImg(ilImage* fore=NULL, ilImage* bkgd=NULL, ilRoi* roi=NULL,int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0, int zoffset=0); See “Defining a Region of Interest” on page 153 for more information about creating an ilRoi object. The xoffset and yoffset parameters specify the offsets at which the ROI is placed in the foreground and background images; they are specified in the coordinate space of the fore image. You can change the ROI and its offsets after the combined image is created, and you can obtain a pointer to it with these ilHistScaleImg functions: void setRoi(ilRoi* roi, int xoffset = 0, int yoffset = 0, zoffset = 0); ilRoi* getRoi(); 151 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Constant-valued Images The ilConstImg class allows you to create an object that returns a constant value whenever its data is read. You might use this class as an input to one of the operators described in the “Dual-input Operators” on page 94, for example, to multiply each pixel in an image by a constant value. Remember that ilConstImg is not an operator since it derives directly from ilImage. The ilConstImg class defines only one function, its constructor: ilConstImg(const iflPixel& fill); The specified iflPixel is the value returned whenever the image’s data is read, regardless of how much data is read. Since an ilConstImg stores only one iflPixel, it uses much less memory than, for example, an ilMemoryImg filled with pixels. To change an ilConstImg’s pixel value after you have created an ilConstImg object, use the setFill() function defined in ilImage and described in “Fill Value” on page 29. Using a Null Operator As its name suggests, the ilNopImg operator performs no operation at all. It is useful for caching the results defined by a non-cached class, such as ilMemoryImg (described in “Importing and Exporting Image Data” on page 78). it is also useful if you just want to change some of the attributes of any image (for example, data type, data ordering, or page size) and need to cache the result. Note that this class is a real operator, as it derives from ilMonadicImg. The ilNopImg class defines one public member function, its constructor: ilNopImg(ilImage* inputImage = NULL); An image stored as an ilMemoryImg cannot take advantage of IL’s on-demand paging mechanism, since it does not derive from ilCacheImg. ilNopImg, however, is derived (indirectly) from ilCacheImg. Thus, storing that ilMemoryImg as an ilNopImg allows you to page that image. 152 Defining a Region of Interest Defining a Region of Interest Some IL programs, especially those that deal with large images, may need to apply an operator to only a portion of an entire image. When this is the case, you can restrict the processing area to a region of interest (ROI). An ROI allows you to modify irregular regions of an image. IL provides two principal classes that let you restrict the data that can be accessed: • ilRoiImg, which associates a ROI with an image so that subsequent operations on the image affect only the data inside the ROI • ilSubImg, which allows a rectangular portion of an image to be treated as if it were an independent image In some situations, these two classes might appear to have similar effects, but they actually achieve their results through very different means, and they have different uses. ilRoiImg, derived from ilCombineImg, is the same size as the initial image. The difference is that portions of the ilRoiImg are “masked out”—set to a specified background value—so that they will not be affected by processing. You use an ilRoiImg when you wish to modify a portion of an image while leaving the rest of the image intact. This is the traditional masking, or ROI, concept. ilSubImg, derived from ilOpImg, does not actually hold any data itself; it merely implements the standard data access ilImage functions—getSubTile3D(), setSubTile3D(), and copyTileCfg()—so that they access only the data in the subimage. When you call one of the access functions, you specify the origin and size of the desired tile in the subimage. The ilSubImg maps the coordinates of the desired tile to the source image so that the correct data is accessed. An ilSubImg can be used as a rectangular ROI, but it is most useful for manipulating the input images to an operator to achieve particular results. For example, you can use an ilSubImg to offset two images relative to each other before they are fed into an ilAddImg operator to be added together. (You can also do this with the ilPolyadicImg.setOffset() function in ilPolyadicImg.) Or you can select the red and blue channels of an image using two ilSubImgs and then add them together. Once you have created either an ilSubImg or an ilRoiImg, you can use it in an operator chain just as you would any other ilImage. You can also write data back into ilSubImg or ilRoiImg, which you cannot do with an operator (since all operators are read-only). When you do write data back into an ilSubImg or an ilRoiImg, the input image is modified appropriately. The next sections describe how to use these two classes. 153 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image Creating an ilRoiImg Typically, you use an ilRoiImg when you are displaying processed data or writing it to a file. By restricting the area that needs to be processed, you can prevent data from being processed unnecessarily. Before you can create an ilRoiImg, you need to create the following: • the source ilImage that is to be masked with the ROI • the actual ROI itself, in the form of an ilRoi object • the x and y offsets for placing the ROI into the source image • the background value, an iflPixel, that is used to fill areas outside the ROI The source image can be any ilImage, and it can be part of an already existing operator chain. The background value defines the ilImage’s values outside the ROI. As shown below, the constructor for the ilRoiImg class takes pointers to all three of these objects: ilRoiImg(ilImage *Img, ilRoi *Roi, iflPixel &bkgd, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0); This constructor associates the ilRoi with the source ilImage and sets the ilRoiImg’s background value. The xoffset and yoffset values determine where the ROI is placed; they are specified in the src image’s coordinate space. Subsequent operations to the ilRoiImg affect only the image data inside the specified ilRoi. Any attribute of an ilRoiImg that is not explicitly set is inherited from its source image. Once an ilRoiImg is created, you can modify its associated ilRoi or the background value by calling ilHistScaleImg.setRoi() or ilRoiImg.setBkgd(). These ilHistScaleImg functions take a pointer to the desired ilRoi or iflPixel: void setRoi(ilRoi* roi, int xoffset = 0, int yoffset = 0); void setBkgd(iflPixel& bkgd); You can also query an ilRoiImg about its ROI or background value: ilRoi* getRoi(); void getBkgd(iflPixel& bkgd); The ilRoi base class defines the basic concept of a region of interest in IL. It is an abstract class, so you must use one of the classes that derive from it to create an ROI. (You can also derive your own class to define an ROI that more specifically matches your needs. See “Deriving From ilRoi” on page 242 to learn more about deriving from ilRoi.) An ilRoi is 154 Defining a Region of Interest a two-dimensional object with its own x and y dimensions and its own coordinate space. If you imagine the ilRoi placed on top of the image and yourself viewing it from above, you would see regions of the image inside and outside the ilRoi. The regions inside are considered valid and are accessible for image processing operations; those outside the ilRoi are invalid and are typically set to a background value for processing. The same ilRoi can be associated with different images (which can be different sizes), and it can be placed at different offsets within each image. This functionality is achieved through the ilRoiMap class, which is described later. You manage the ilRoi’s coordinate space with ilRoi.setOrientation() and ilRoi.getOrientation(). Currently, IL provides two classes derived from ilRoi, as shown in Figure 4-35. ilRectRoi ilLink ilRoi ilImgRoi Figure 4-35 ilBitMapRoi lRoi’s Subclasses An ilRectRoi defines a rectangular ROI, and an ilBitMapRoi defines a bitmap of any shape that can be used as an ROI. A Rectangular ROI As its name suggests, ilRectRoi allows you to define a rectangular ROI: ilRectRoi myRoi(20, 30, 1); All the arguments for the ilRectRoi constructor are of type int. The first two specify the sizes in the x and y dimensions (20 and 30) of the rectangle to be used as the ROI. The optional last argument, which can be either 1 or 0, indicates whether the area inside or outside the rectangle should be considered the valid area. The default value is 1, which defines the inside of the rectangle as the valid area. You specify the image that the ilRectRoi is associated with and the offsets into the image later so that the same ilRectRoi can be used for different images at different offsets. In addition, operators that take an ROI as an input also take the offsets as arguments. 155 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image You can also determine which is the valid area (the inside or the outside of the rectangle) and change the current designation: int getValidValue(); ilStatus setValidValue(int val); The first function returns either a 1 or a 0 to indicate that the inside or the outside is valid, and the second function sets the valid area. Creating an ilSubImg The ilSubImg class defines three constructors that let you create a subimage that is a different size from the source image. The first constructor is for two-dimensional images, the second for three-dimensional images, the third for four-dimensional images, and the last for use as a NULL constructor. ilSubImg(ilImage *src, int xs, int ys, int xsz, int ysz, ilConfig* config = NULL); ilSubImg(ilImage *src, int xs, int ys, int zs, int xsz, int ysz, int zsz, ilConfig* config = NULL); ilSubImg(ilImage *src, ilConfig *config); ilSubImg(); The first argument in all of these functions is a pointer to the source image. The next arguments specify the location of the origin of the subimage (xs, ys, zs, and cs), measured in pixels in the source image, and the dimensions of the subimage (xsz, ysz, zsz, and csz), as shown in Figure 4-36. (This figure assumes that the subimage’s coordinate space is iflLowerLeftOrigin.) If the dimensions are larger than the source image, the subimage is padded with the source image’s fill value. Source Image Subimage ysz (xs, ys) xsz Figure 4-36 156 Source Image and Subimage Defining a Region of Interest The last, optional argument for these constructors is a pointer to an ilConfig object that specifies the configuration of the subimage. If this argument is not supplied, the subimage inherits its configuration from the source image. Another constructor is provided for convenience when the subimage has the same size as the source image but a different configuration: ilSubImg(ilImage* src, ilConfig* config); You can use the ilConfig argument for any of these constructors to select a subset of the source image’s channels and to reorder them; you can also use it to set the coordinate space, data type, and pixel ordering of the subimage. Once you have created an ilSubImg, you can modify several of its attributes—size, data type, order, color model, and coordinate space—using the functions defined in ilImage. To change an ilSubImg’s configuration after you have created it, use setConfig(). This function takes a pointer to an ilConfig and modifies the ilSubImg accordingly. Any attribute of an ilSubImg that is not explicitly set is inherited from its source image. You can also translate the origin of a subimage after it is been created: const int xorigin = 20; const int yorigin = 20; mySubImg.setMouse(xorigin, yorigin); As shown, setMouse() expects const int arguments. For a three-dimensional image, supply a third argument for the z dimension. For a four-dimensional image, supply a fourth c dimension. The ilSubImg’s origin, not its size, is affected by setMouse(), as shown in Figure 4-37. Translated Subimage Image Subimage Figure 4-37 Translated Subimage 157 Chapter 4: Operating on an Image You can also query a subimage about its origin using one of the following methods: ilDisplay.getMouse(int& x, int& y); ilDisplay.getMouse(int& x, int& y, iflOrientation orientation); As shown, the overloaded getMouse() retrieves the origin by reference. The virtual method, ilImage.hasPages(), indicates whether a class implements paging and is defined by ilSubImg. It returns TRUE if its parent implements paging and FALSE otherwise. 158 Chapter 5 5. Displaying an Image This chapter describes how to display and manage a set of images on the screen using IL’s display facility. As part of this facility, numerous functions are provided to help you develop an interactive image-processing program. You can use these functions to move images, perform wipes, roam around an image, and create split views of multiple images. This chapter describes IL’s display facility in the following major sections: • “Overview of the Display Facility” on page 160 describes the sequence of operations you must perform to display an image. • “A Simple Interactive Display Program” on page 165 lists and describes a program that opens an image file, performs an operation on it, and allows interactive viewing of both images. • “Creating an ilDisplay” on page 169 describes in detail how to open a window and create an ilDisplay. • “View and Display Basics” on page 171 describes basic concepts such as setting background color and page borders and deferring drawing of a view. • “Managing Views” on page 177 describes how to manage the view stack and how to retrieve information from views. • “Applying a Display Operator” on page 184 tells you how to use display operators to draw views, relocate or resize them, and update them. • “A More Complicated Interactive Display Program” on page 196 contains a program illustrating control of a display. 159 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Overview of the Display Facility IL display classes described in this chapter are shown shaded in Figure 5-1. ilImage ilLink ilView ilDisplay ilStereoView ilViewer ilGLXConfig Figure 5-1 IL Display Classes With IL’s display facility, you can display any combination of IL or X images in an X or OpenGL window. These images can be positioned anywhere within the window and can overlap each other. Overlapped regions are displayed based on a stacking order such that the image on top is visible, as shown in Figure 5-2. 160 Overview of the Display Facility X Window Img1 Img2 Img3 Img4 Figure 5-2 Assuming: addView(Img1) addView(Img2) addView(Img3) addView(Img4) ilViews Background (display area) Stacked Images in an X Window In order to assemble such a display, you must follow these steps: 1. Create or open the images. You can display any combination of ilImage, ilXImage, or XImage using either OpenGL or X to render them. (An XImage is an X Window struct.) Often, displayed images are the product of an image processing chain. For example, you might want to display the original unprocessed image, an intermediate stage of the chain, and the final image. In some cases, you might want to display only a portion of an image. 2. Configure and open a window. To open an X window, use the standard X calls. To open a OpenGL window, use the OpenGL calls explained in “A Sample Program in C++” on page 2. 3. Create a display. Use calls to ilDisplay functions. 4. Add the images to the display. Use calls to ilDisplay functions. 5. Cause the images to be displayed. Use calls to ilView and ilDisplay functions. 161 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Note: You should assume that any function discussed in this chapter is an IL function, unless it is explicitly identified as a OpenGL or X function. The three principal classes within the IL display facility are • ilDisplay—Manages one or more ilViews in an X or OpenGL window. The entire window is used for display. An ilDisplay object maintains a stack of ilViews and provides functions to manipulate them. ilViewer derives from ilDisplay, which manages the display of images in an X window with X event handling. • ilView—Maps an ilImage or XImage to a region within the ilDisplay. It has various attributes such as view position, view size, image position, border color, and border width. • ilFrameBufferImg—Acts as a base class for images that reside in the frame buffer. There is one derived classes: ilXWindowImg. When an ilDisplay is created, it creates an ilXWindowImg for X rendering. The display image is configured to occupy the entire window specified by the application. As Figure 5-3 illustrates, the creation of an ilDisplay object defines a display area in which views are drawn. Memory X Window ilDisplay object Display Area Figure 5-3 ilDisplay Object Creates a Display Area When you want to add an image to ilDisplay, create an ilView to control where you want the image to be displayed. This view is pushed onto an indexed view stack and a pointer to it is returned to your application. As you add more images, you must create an ilView for each image. These views are pushed onto the view stack. When a view is added to the stack, it is pushed onto the top by default. However, you can specify a particular index to control where the view is put in the view stack. An ilView has various attributes, such as 162 Overview of the Display Facility • view position, which controls where in the window the image is displayed • view size, which controls how much of the image is displayed • image position, which controls what part of the image is displayed The position of an ilView in the view stack controls its visibility on the screen, as shown in Figure 5-2. The view on the top of the stack is fully visible. A view at the bottom of the stack is obscured by the views above it. In Figure 5-4, two ilView objects have been created and the positions of the corresponding views in the display defined. Two images to be displayed have been added to the view stack. Memory ilView objects view stack Img2 addView(Img2) view2 Img1 view1 addView(Img1) top Figure 5-4 ilView Objects Map Images to Display Regions When ilDisplay draws its contents, the position and size of each ilView, as well as the stacking order, are used to determine what portion of each view is visible. ilFrameBufferImg is called to render the images into the frame buffer. Each image is converted to the proper data type, order, color model, and coordinate space as necessary for displaying. Figure 5-5 shows the display after the views have been drawn. 163 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Memory Img2 view stack Display(view1) Img1 Display(view2) view2 top view1 Figure 5-5 Display Area After Views Are Drawn In addition to the views added by an application, ilDisplay creates a background view. This background view is the size of the window and is always at the bottom of the view stack. You cannot control it other than to change its color from the default, which is black. ilDisplay provides several operators to manipulate ilViews as well as functions to facilitate interactive display. The display operators enable you to move a view, change its size, or move the image within the view. The display operators are discussed in detail in “Applying a Display Operator” on page 184. By default, view manipulation also causes the display to be redrawn; however, a sequence of display operations can be performed with drawing deferred. In addition, an application can explicitly control drawing. ilDisplay is optimized to draw only the areas that have changed or that have been exposed. Scrolling Windows You can change the size of the image by reducing its display size. By making the image size smaller than the display, you, in effect, create a scrollable window. To set and read the visible area in which an image can display, you use the setVisibleArea() and getVisibleArea() functions in ilDisplay, defined as follows: void setVisibleArea(int x = 0, int y = 0, int nx = 0, int ny = 0); void getVisibleArea(int& x, int& y, int& nx, int& ny); The arguments define the lower left and upper right coordinates of the visible display area. 164 A Simple Interactive Display Program A Simple Interactive Display Program Now look at a simple interactive program that shows the IL display facility in action. This program opens an image file and applies a threshold operator to it. Both the original image and the processed image are displayed in a window, stacked on top of each other. You can wipe the original image away gradually so that you can see the processed image beneath it. Wiping changes the view size. The best way to understand wiping, of course, is to compile and run the display program. It is available online in /usr/share/src/il/guide/displayEx.c++ When you run the program, you see a window displaying the original image. The processed image is actually underneath the original one, but you cannot see it, since the images are opaque and of the same size. If you click in the window with the left mouse button, a red highlight border appears around the image, indicating that it is ready to be wiped. To wipe, click the left mouse button near any edge of the image and drag toward the center of the image. As you drag, the processed image becomes visible as the original image is wiped away; release the button to stop the wiping. You can wipe any edge or corner of the original image. To exit the program, use the normal window manager menu command. Sample Program Code The code for the sample program is shown in Example 5-1 and discussed in the paragraphs following that. All the ilDisplay functions used in the program are explained in more detail in the appropriate sections in this chapter. Example 5-1 #include #include #include #include #include A Simple Interactive Display Program const int Border = 10; operation // Threshold in pixels for edge finding void main (int argc, char* argv[]) 165 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image { if (argc < 2) { printf (“Usage: %s in-image1\n”, argv[0]); exit(0); } // Step 1: Open an image file and create a threshold image. ilFileImg in(argv[1]); if (in.getStatus() != ilOKAY) { char buf[400]; fprintf(stderr, “Could not open image file %s: %s\n”, argv[1], ilStatusToString(in.getStatus(), buf, sizeof(buf))); exit(0); } // Step 2: Create threshold image, open an X window, and create // ilDisplay object. float threshVal = 100.; iflPixel threshPix(iflFloat, 1, &threshVal); ilThreshImg thresh(&in, threshPix); iflSize size; in.getSize(size); Display* dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); ilDisplay disp(dpy, size.x, size.y); disp.addView(&thresh); ilView* inView = disp.addView(&in); disp.setBorders(TRUE); // Step 3: Process the image, allowing to wipe between original and // processed images using the left mouse button. int active = TRUE; int wipemode = 0; Window win = disp.getWindow(); while (active) { iflXYint winSize; XEvent event; XNextEvent(dpy, &event); switch (event.type) { 166 A Simple Interactive Display Program case MotionNotify: // flush the event queue Window rw, cw; int rx, ry, x, y; unsigned int state; XQueryPointer(dpy, win, &rw, &cw, &rx, &ry, &x, &y, &state); if (event.xmotion.state&Button1Mask) inView->wipe(x, y, wipemode|ilClip); else wipemode = inView->findEdge(x, y, Border); break; case ButtonPress: disp.setMouse(event.xbutton.x, event.xbutton.y); break; case Expose: disp.display(NULL, ilDefer|ilCenter); disp.redraw(); disp.getSize(winSize.x, winSize.y); break; case DestroyNotify: disp.destroyNotify(); active = FALSE; break; } } XCloseDisplay(dpy); } Sample Program Comments The first half of this program should be familiar to you; it is very similar to the sample program in Chapter 1, “Writing an ImageVision Library Program.” The first several lines of code include the necessary header files. If the user specifies fewer than two arguments (the name of the program and the name of the image file), the program prints an error message and then exits. 167 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Step 1: Open an Input Image File and Create a Threshold Image The specified image file is opened as an ilFileImg object called in. Next, an iflPixel object is created for use by the threshold operator; the threshold value chosen for this example is 100.0. The ilThreshImg operator thresh sets each pixel to its maximum possible value if the pixel value is greater than or equal to the threshold value, or to its minimum possible value if it is less than the threshold value. Step 2: Open an X Window and Create an ilDisplay Object After the threshold image is created, establish a connection to the X server with the X function XOpenDisplay(). Next, you create an ilDisplay object by passing in the appropriate X window and display IDs. As shown, the processed image thresh is added first, and then the original image, in, is added using addView(). The addView() function creates an ilView for the specified image, adds it to the display’s view stack, and returns a pointer to the ilView. The pointer to the ilView associated with in is used later in the program. The order in which images are added determines their stacking order when they are displayed; the last view added is on top of the others. In this case, the original image is displayed on top of (and completely obscuring) the processed image. You can reorder the views as needed. The setBorders() function is used with default arguments in this example to highlight all views in the view stack. You can also specify the border color and width. Step 3: Process Events Processing events is a critical task for interactive programs. All of the previously identified inputs (events) must be handled. The event loop in this example processes events continuously while the program is active. The code in the event loop uses the following variables: 168 active Indicates that the window is still active. It becomes FALSE when the user selects “Quit” from the window menu. event Holds the event read from the X event queue with XNextEvent(). winSize Indicates the current size of the window. Creating an ilDisplay wipemode Indicates which edge of the image to wipe. x and y Hold the x and y positions of the mouse, respectively, as the user drags to perform a wipe. The code in the event loop takes the following actions in response to user actions: • MotionNotify. As the mouse is moved, the x and y values are accessed with the X function XQueryPointer(). The current xy location of the mouse is passed to wipe(), which changes the size of the view by moving one or more edges. While the mouse button is pressed, motion causes a wipe to be performed. If the mouse button is not pressed, then findEdge() is called. The findEdge() function returns the edge(s) near the xy location specified and is saved in wipemode. (In this program, the user must click within 10 pixels of the edge.) When wipe() is called, wipemode specifies which edges to wipe. • Button Press. When the user presses the left mouse button to start wiping, the setMouse() function is called to save the current x and y mouse positions. • Expose. The first time through the loop, an Expose event is processed, causing the entire display to be drawn on the screen with the redraw() function. • DestroyNotify. When the user quits, the active flag is set to FALSE. Creating an ilDisplay To incorporate IL’s display facility in your program, you must follow these steps: 1. Open and configure a window. 2. Create an ilDisplay object to manage the window. 3. Add and manipulate images you want to display. 4. Apply the desired display operator(s) to one or more of the views. This section discusses the first two of these items. The remaining two items are covered in detail in following sections. Opening an X Window and Creating an ilDisplay Object Before creating an ilDisplay object, you must open a window. To do this, use the standard X call XOpenDisplay(),. as follows: 169 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image iflSize size; in.getSize(size); Display* dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); An ilDisplay object manages views of images within the window passed to it. If an X window is passed, render mode specifies whether X or OpenGL should be used to render the images. The constructor for ilDisplay is shown below: ilDisplay(Display* display, int width, int height, int attr=ilVisDoubleBuffer, int minComponentSize=8, int mode = ilDefault, long eventMask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | PointerMotionMask | PointerMotionHintMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | StructureNotifyMask); The following statement creates an ilDisplay object. It takes as its first argument dpy, the X connection created with XOpenDisplay(). The other arguments define the size of the window created by ilDisplay: ilDisplay disp(dpy, size.x, size.y); The in.getSize() function returns the size of the window to create, and the values of size.x and size.y define the X and Y dimensions of the window accordingly. When an ilDisplay object is created, the display origin is the lower left corner. The entire window is used for drawing, but this window may be a subwindow within an application. Note: The ilDisplay class uses many enumerated types, which are listed in “Enumerated Types and Constants” on page 369 and the header file il/ilDisplayDefs.h. Adding a View to the ilDisplay Object Once you have an ilDisplay object bound to an X window, use the ilDisplay member functions addView() and setBorders() to display the image, as shown in the following code: ilView* inView = disp.addView(&in); disp.setBorders(TRUE); 170 Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering The &in value is the input image that is ready for manipulation and display. The setBorders() function enables the display of the default border, ilDefault, around the view. Deallocating the Display After the user has finished with the image, you deallocate the ilView object, ilDisplay object, and the X window by calling XCloseDisplay(displayName), where displayName is the name of the ilDisplay object. Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering The ImageVision library supports OpenGL as well as X rendering. IL version 3.1 allows you to choose between the two with the following ilConfigure methods: ilStatus ilSetRenderingStyle(Display* dpy, ilRenderingStyle style) ilRenderingStyle ilGetRenderingStyle(Display* dpy) where ilRenderingStyle is one of the following enumerations: ilOpenGLRendering or ilXRendering. By default, ilOpenGLRendering is chosen if available. ilXRendering is used primarily for rendering to a remote machine that does not support OpenGL. You use ilSetRenderingStyle() to request a rendering style explicitly. If ilOpenGLRendering is requested but not supported on the X connection, a status of ilUNSUPPORTED is returned, and ilXRendering is set. ilGetRenderingStyle() returns the current style. View and Display Basics Once you have created a display object, the next step is to add views to this display and then apply display operators to these views. Before learning more about views, however, you need to be familiar with some basic concepts that apply to both displays and the views contained within them. 171 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Background Color If the images being displayed do not cover the entire display area, the ilDisplay’s background view is seen in the uncovered areas. The background may also be revealed if images are dragged around or resized by the user. By default, an ilDisplay uses black as the background color. You can set the color to any pixel value with setBackground(): myDisp.setBackground(float 0, float 1, float 0); The three arguments correspond to red, green, and blue, respectively. Each color value is between 0 and 1, inclusive. In the previous line of code, the background color is set to green. You can also retrieve an ilDisplay’s current background color: myDisp.getBackground(float& red, float& green, float& blue); The returned values for the references are between 0 and 1, inclusive. Borders All ilViews have borders, but by default they are not drawn (that is, they are turned off). You can use ilView’s setBorders() to turn borders on (TRUE) or off (FALSE): void setBorders(int flag); When borders are turned off, the highlight flag (see “Finding a View” on page 181) is also turned off. The borders are painted or erased immediately unless painting is deferred. Note that borders are painted inside the view. In addition, both the borders and the NOP flag can be controlled using the select functions on ilView (see “Preventing View Operations” on page 174 to learn more about the nop flag). When select() is called, borders are turned on and its nop flag is turned off. When unselect() is called, borders are turned off and its nop flag is turned on. The isSelected() function returns TRUE if the view is selected, or FALSE otherwise: void select(); void unselect (); int isSelected(); 172 View and Display Basics You can also specify the width and color of the borders: void setBorderWidth(unsigned int bordWidth); void setBorderColor(float red, float green, float blue); The first function sets the width of the border in pixels to bordWidth; by default, a border has a width of two pixels. (bordWidth should be a number greater than or equal to zero.) The second function sets the color of the border to the specified colors, each with a value between 0 and 1, inclusive. For convenience, you may set border parameters on all the views in an ilDisplay’s view stack by calling the corresponding functions on ilDisplay. (You can exclude particular views in the stack from being acted upon by these functions by setting a nop flag in each view you wish to exclude. See “Deferring Drawing” on page 174.) For example: myDisp.setBorders(TRUE); myDisp.setBorderWidth(5); myDisp.setBorderColor(0, 1, 0); There are no convenience functions for getBorders(), getBorderWidth(), or getBorderColor() in the ilDisplay class since the information may vary from view to view. Border Styles You can set and read the style of the border using the setBorderStyle() and setBorderStyle() functions in ilView, defined as follows: void setBorderStyle(int style = ilViewBdrSolidLines) { bStyle = style; setState(ilViewBorders); } int getBorderStyle() { return bStyle; } The possible border styles are defined by the following enum: enum ilViewBorderStyle { ilViewBdrSolidLines ilViewBdrDashedLines ilViewBdrCornerHandles ilViewBdrMiddleHandles = = = = 0, 1, 2, 3 // // // // Solid lines (old style) Dashed lines Handles on corners Handles on mid-side 173 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Preventing View Operations To keep any view in the stack from being operated upon, use the setNop() function to set the nop flag: void ilDisplay::setNop(int nop, ilView* view); void ilView::setNop(int nop); If the nop argument is TRUE, then the view will not be operated on. To allow operations to take place on a view, nop should be FALSE. You can use the function isNop() to determine the state of the nop flag: int ilDisplay::isNop(ilView* view); int ilView::isNop(); If you need to perform an operation on each view in the stack regardless of the value of each view’s nop flag, pass the ilDop flag in the mode for that operation. If an operation is called on a view, the nop flag is overridden. For example, the statement below ignores the nop flag on the specified view: view->wipe(); Deferring Drawing Drawing can be deferred by calling setDefer() on ilDisplay or ilView. When used to defer the display, nothing is drawn; however, each view can be individually deferred as well. These calls are shown below: void ilDisplay::setDefer(int def, ilView *view=NULL); void ilView::setDefer(int def); In the ilDisplay version, you specify the view in which you wish to defer drawing (the default is all views) by setting the ilView pointer argument to • NULL, which causes all views in the view stack to be affected • a pointer to an ilView in the view stack You might want to defer drawing until you have made a series of changes to an ilDisplay’s attributes (or to those of its views) so that they all take effect simultaneously. You might also want to defer drawing while you apply more than one display operator to avoid drawing intermediate results. In addition, most of the display operators allow 174 View and Display Basics you to pass the ilDefer flag (see “Mode Flags” on page 175) to defer drawing. (Display operators are described in more detail in “Applying a Display Operator” on page 184.) To defer drawing, call setDefer() and pass TRUE as its def argument. After that, the display is not redrawn until you call setDefer() with FALSE as its def argument. You can check whether drawing is deferred with isDefer(): int ilDisplay::isDefer(ilView *view=NULL); int ilView::isDefer(); This function returns TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether drawing has been deferred or not. The Drawing Area An ilDisplay assumes that it can draw anywhere in the window that is been passed to it. You can retrieve the current size of the drawing area with getSize(), which returns the x and y dimensions by reference: void getSize(int& x, int& y); Managing the Cache With global cache management, using ilView to manage the cache on its input is unnecessary. The various cache management methods on ilView have no effect. For more information, refer to “The Cache” on page 32 and “Optimizing Use of Cache” on page 247 for a discussion of the global cache management scheme. Mode Flags All the display operators use a mode argument to control the display of views. This mode is a bitwise-OR’d combination of flags that control the operator. You can use the ilDisplay member functions, setMode() and clrMode() to set and clear the mode flags. 175 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image The flags are defined as enumerated values (see il/ilDisplayDefs.h). Some flag types are described below. Display Flags Display flags specify various display modes. Examples are: • ilClip to clip an image to the edge of the display or view • ilDefer to defer painting • ilDop to override the nop flag Coordinate Flags Coordinate flags specify how the resizing, relocating, and update operators are to interpret coordinate values. Examples are: • ilDelVal where x,y is interpreted as delta relative to the current values • ilRelVal to interpret the x,y coordinates relative to the starting x,y (starting x,y is updated) • ilAbsVal to interpret the x,y coordinates as absolute values • ilOldRel to interpret the x,y coordinates relative to the starting x,y (starting x,y is not updated) Wipe Mode Flags Wipe mode flags specify the edges in a wipe operation. Some examples are: • ilTopEdge to do the wipe from the top edge • ilLeftEdge to do the wipe from the left edge Align Mode Flags Align mode flags specify image alignment. Some examples are: 176 • ilTopLeft to align the view from the top left corner • ilCenter to align the view to the center of the window or the image to the center of the view Managing Views The sample program shown at the beginning of this chapter contains an example of the use of the mode argument. In this example, the display operator initializes all views in the view stack, aligns the views to the center of the image, and defers the painting of the view until later. disp.display(NULL, ilDefer|ilCenter); Managing Views Once an ilDisplay has been created, you can create views of the images you want displayed. As views are created, they are pushed onto the view stack. You can also retrieve views from the stack, replace the images within the views with other images, remove views, and reorder the views in the stack. This section explains how to perform these tasks. Note: If an error occurs while rendering part of a view, the offending tile is painted with the error color (see getErrorColor() or setErrorColor()), and the status is set on ilDisplay. The error color defaults to magenta, but can be set per view with setErrorColor(). The error color functions are defined in ilView, as follows: void getErrorColor(float& red, float& green, float& blue) { err.get(red, green, blue); } void setErrorColor(float red, float green, float blue) { err.set(red, green, blue); } The values of the colors are between 0 and 1, inclusive. Adding Images The addView() function creates an ilView and adds it to the view stack. The image is drawn when addView() is called, unless ilDefer is passed in mode. It returns a pointer to the ilView for the ilImage (or XImage) pointer passed in ilView* addView(ilImage* img, int index, int mode); ilView* addView(ilImage* img, int mode=ilCenter); ilView* addView(XImage* img, int index, int mode); ilView* addView(XImage* img, int mode=ilCenter); 177 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image You can call addView() with just the image or the image and the display mode. In this case, the view index defaults to 0 (top of the stack). If you use the version of addView() that takes an index, you can specify the location in the view stack where the image is to go. The mode parameter controls the creation and position of the ilView. By default, the view is centered, not clipped to the display window, and is painted after being added. However, this behavior can be modified using various display mode flags such as ilClip and ilDefer. See “Mode Flags” on page 175 and the ilDisplay reference page for more details. If an image has a z dimension that is greater than one, you can choose which xy plane of the image to display. By default, the first plane (z = 0) is displayed. To display a different plane, call setZ() on ilView: void setZ(int startZ); The startZ argument specifies the desired plane of the image in the view that the function is called on. ilView’s getZ() function takes no arguments and returns the current z plane being displayed of the corresponding image. Stereo Viewing If your machine is capable of stereo and stereo is supported by IL on that machine, you can turn on stereo viewing mode. A stereo view can be created as shown below: ilStereoView(ilDisplay* disply, ilImage* LImg, ilImage* RImg, int mode = 0); ilStereoView(ilDisplay* disply, ilImage* img, int zLeft = 0, int zRight = 1, int mode = 0); Using the first version of the constructor, pointers to the left and right images are passed to this method on ilDisplay. The last argument specifies the display mode for the view. Currently, only OpenGL render mode is supported. This constructor requires that you set up an IL chain for the left and right images. The second version of the constructor takes a single image with the left and right images stored in the z dimension. The parameters zLeft and zRight specify the index in the z dimension corresponding to the left and right images. The benefit of this approach is that you can use a single IL chain to process both images. 178 Managing Views With either constructor, the relative screen positions of the left and right images can be adjusted (see the ilStereoView reference page). If the hardware does not support stereo, or if stereo mode is disabled, only the left image is displayed. Also note that IL can display a mixture of monoscopic and stereoscopic views in the same stereo window. To review an example of a stereo view application, see /usr/share/src/il/ilstereoview.c++. Retrieving Views You can obtain a pointer to any view in the stack with getView(). There are two versions of this function, one that takes an index and another that takes a pointer to an ilImage: ilView* getView(int index = 0); ilView* getView(ilImage* img); Both functions return a pointer to the corresponding ilView. If the image appears in more than one view, the view that is nearest the top of the stack is returned. You can also retrieve the index corresponding to a particular view: int theIndx = myDisp.getViewIndex(someView); int theIndx = myDisp.getViewIndex(someImg); The getViewIndex() function takes a pointer to an ilView (someView) or a pointer to an ilImage (someImg) and returns its index as an int (theIndx). To determine how many views are in the view stack, call getNumViews(). Retrieving Images You can obtain a pointer to the image in a particular view with getImg() or getXImg(): ilImage* myImg = someView->getImg(); XImage* myXImg = someOtherView->getXImg(); A pointer to the ilImage or XImage in the view is returned. (Here, someView and someOtherView are ilView pointers.) To obtain pointers to the images in a stereo view, use getLImg() and getRImg(): ilImage* myLeft = someStereoView->getLImg(); ilImage* myRight = someStereoView->getRImg(); 179 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image A pointer to the left ilImage is returned from getLImg() and a pointer to the right from getRImg(). (Here, someStereoView is an ilStereoView pointer.) Removing Views You can remove a view from the stack by deleting the view or by calling deleteView() on ilDisplay. This function removes the specified view from the stack and deletes it: void deleteView(ilView* view); Replacing Images An ilView object allows you to replace its image: void setImg(ilImage* ilInImg); void setXImg(XImage* xInImg); The argument is a pointer to the image you want the view to hold. This image replaces the image mapped to the view. Reordering the View Stack Several functions are provided by ilDisplay to reorder the view stack. The push() function pushes the specified view down count places in the stack. By default, it pushes the view to the bottom. Similarly, the pop() function pops the specified view up count places in the stack. By default, it pops the view to the top. On both push and pop, when count is 1, the view is moved one position in the view stack. In addition, the swap() function swaps two views in the stack. These functions are shown below: push(ilView *view, int count=0); pop(ilView *view, int count=0); swap(ilView *view1, ilView *view2); 180 Managing Views Finding a View Sometimes you need to find the view at a specified location. In an interactive program, the mouse is typically used to select a view. To find the view at a given x,y location, findView() can be called on ilDisplay, as shown below: ilView* findView(int x, int y, int mode = ilDspCoord); This function returns a pointer to the topmost ilView found at location xy within the display. If there is no view at xy, it returns NULL. If ilHighlight is passed in mode, the view is highlighted if found. When a view is highlighted, its borders are turned on. However, only one view at a time can be highlighted. If ilDspCoord is passed in mode (the default), the xy coordinates are interpreted relative to the origin of the display area (display coordinates). If ilScrCoord in passed in mode, then the xy coordinates are interpreted relative to the screen (screen coordinates). Recall that the origin of the display area coincides with that of the window. Finding an Edge You may need an edge of a view for certain operations. Sometimes, you want to determine which edge of a view the cursor is near. This is especially useful for wiping, as described in “Applying a Display Operator” on page 184. For this, use ilView’s findEdge() function: int findEdge(int x, int y, int margin = -1, int mode = ilDspCoord); This function determines which edge of the view is nearest to the specified xy coordinates. If the specified point is within margin pixels from an edge, that edge is returned. By default, the margin is either the default margin (15) or the current border width, whichever is greater. The mode argument can be either ilDspCoord (the default) or ilScrCoord to indicate whether x and y are specified in display or screen coordinates. The value returned by findEdge() is a bitwise-OR’d combination of the following values: ilNoView The coordinates lie outside margin pixels of all views. ilRightEdge The coordinates are within margin from the right edge. ilLeftEdge The coordinates are within margin from the left edge. ilTopEdge The coordinates are within margin from the top edge. ilBottomEdge The coordinates are within margin from the bottom edge. 181 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image ilAllEdge The coordinates are within margin from all edges; this is an unusual case since it implies that margin is very large relative to the image. The ilAllEdge value is used primarily as an argument for wipe(), which is described in “Applying a Display Operator” on page 184. ilNoEdge The coordinates do not lie within margin from any edge. If a combination of two intersecting edges is returned—for example, ilRightEdge|ilTopEdge—you can treat the value as corresponding to a corner, in this case the upper right corner. Note that you can also receive a value such as ilTopRight, which is equivalent to ilTopEdge|ilRightEdge. ilDisplay also defines a findEdge() function, which finds the edge on all views. For each view, it saves the edge for later use with wipeSplit(). Operating on a Pixel You can obtain the actual pixel data at a specified point in a view with getPixel() (defined by both ilDisplay and ilView): ilStatus getPixel(int x, int y, ilPixel& pix, int mode = 0); In ilView’s version, this function copies the pixel data at the point x,y into pix. If the point lies outside the view, the fill value is returned by reference. In ilDisplay’s version, the topmost view pointed to by the point x,y is found with findView(); the pixel data from the point in that view is copied into pix. If the point refers to no view, no pixel data is returned by reference. (The x,y point is specified in display coordinates.) You can also set a pixel value with setPixel(): void setPixel(int x, int y, ilPixel pix, int mode = 0); 182 Managing Views Locating a Point You can find out where you are in an image by passing the display coordinates to getLoc() (defined by both ilDisplay and ilView): void getLoc(int x, int y, int& ix, int& iy, int mode = ilLocIn); void getLoc(float x, float y, float& ix, float& iy, int mode = ilLocIn); void getLoc(float& ix, float& iy, int mode = ilLocIn|ilCenter); The getloc() function returns the location in the image corresponding to x and y. The location in the image is returned in ix and iy. If ilLocIn is passed in mode, the location is returned in the input space of the image. If ilLocOut is passed in mode, the location is returned in the output space of the image. For example, if an ilRotZoomIng is mapped to the view and ilLocIn is specified, ix and iy correspond to the location in the unzoomed image. However, if ilLocOut is specified, ix and iy correspond to the location in the zoomed image. If ilLocImg is specified (default), then the image is moved to the specified location. If ilLocView is specified, then the view is moved to the specified location. The second version uses floating point values for more accuracy. The third version determines the desired location based on mode. For example, if ilCenter is specified, the location corresponding to the center of the view is returned. When called on ilDisplay, the topmost view pointed to by x, y is found with findView(). Then the location is returned for that view. On both ilDisplay and ilView, a version is provided that does not require an xy location to be specified. Instead, the mode is used to specify the center or a corner. Similarly, you can set the location of an image within the display by calling setLoc() on ilDisplay or ilView. This allows you to move a point within the image to a specific location within the display, as show below: void setLoc(int ix, int iy, int x, int y, int mode = ilLocIn); void setLoc(float ix, float iy, int mode = ilLocIn|ilCenter); void setLoc(float ix, float iy, float x, float y, int mode = ilLocIn); The relocation can be accomplished by moving the image or the view. If ilLocView is specified, then the view is moved, otherwise the image is moved (ilLocImg). 183 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Applying a Display Operator Display operators alter views, typically in response to input from the user. These operators may draw all or portions of a view. Also, they can change the size and/or location of all or some of the displayed views and then update the display accordingly. These are ImageVision Library’s display operators; they can be called on both ilDisplay and ilView (except for display(), which may be called only on ilDisplay): • Drawing operators—Operators whose primary purpose is to draw all or part of the display. This group includes display(), paint(), qpaint(), redraw(), setStaticUpdate(), and save(). • Relocating operators—Operators whose primary purpose is to change the location of views or images. This group includes alignView(), alignImg(), moveView(), moveImg(), and split(). • Resizing operators—Operators whose primary purpose is to change the size of views or images. This group includes wipe(), wipeSize(), wipeSplit(), and resize(). • update()—Generalized operator that combines the capabilities of moveView(), moveImg(), and wipe(). However, because it is a generalized operator, it is not as optimized as some of the other operators. There is only one difference between calling a function on ilDisplay and calling it on ilView. When called on ilView, the function operates only on that view regardless of the state of the nop flag. In contrast, when called on ilDisplay, a view must be specified. If NULL is passed, then all views in the stack are operated on (except those with the nop flag set). If a pointer to a view is passed, the function operates only on that view. In this section, all operators are given in their ilDisplay forms. The ilView versions are easily derived by leaving out the argument specifying the view. Drawing Views The functions used primarily for drawing are described in this section: 184 • display() reinitializes the specified view and optionally aligns the view and image. The specified view is then painted. If NULL is specified, then all views are initialized (except those with nop flag set). • paint() does not resize or reposition the view. It simply paints the specified view if it needs to be painted. If ilPaintExpose is passed, then the view is forced to be painted. Applying a Display Operator • qpaint() queues painted views for multi-processor operations. • redraw() resizes the display image and background view to occupy the entire window. It then paints all views regardless of the nop flag. It does not resize or reposition any views. • save() paints the specified region of the display to an ilImage. A starting location within the display and a pointer to an ilImage are passed. The save region is specified by the starting location and the size of the image. • setStaticUpdate() sets the staticUpdate mode to paint a rectangular region as one tile rather than many smaller ones. display() The display() function takes three arguments, all of which have default values, as shown below: void ilDisplay::display(ilView* view = NULL, int vmode = ilCenter, int imode = ilCenter); view Reinitializes the specified view. If NULL is passed, then it reinitializes all views (except those with nop flag set). If the ilDop flag is passed in mode, the nop flag is ignored. vmode Specifies how to align the view within the display. imode Specifies how to align the image within the view. As explained above, only the visible portion of each view is drawn. Both vmode and imode are a bitwise-OR’d combination of values that allow you to specify alignment. You can align to any corner or edge using any combination of ilTopEdge, ilBottomEdge, ilLeftEdge, or ilRightEdge. In addition, ilTopLeft, ilBottomLeft, ilTopRight, or ilBottomRight can be used to specify a corner. By default, ilCenter is used. If no alignment is desired, ilNoEdge or ilNoAlign can be passed instead. See “Relocating Views and Images” on page 188 for more information about the alignView() and alignImg() functions. By default, a view is the size of its image; however, if ilClip is passed in vmode, then the view is clipped to the size of the display or window. 185 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image paint() The paint() function is typically used when a view needs to be redrawn after several deferred operations. This function takes a view pointer and a mode as arguments: void paint(ilView* view = NULL, int mode = 0); The view argument has the same meaning as that for display(). The mode argument can include any of the generic display flags. You can get the change of position and size from one painting to another using the getDel() (get delta) function in ilView, defined as follows: void getDel(iflXYint& dVPos, iflXYint& dVSize, iflXYfloat& dIPos); void getDel(iflXYint& dVPos, iflXYint& dVSize, iflXYZfloat& dIPos); The first and third references provide the delta of the image’s position since the last paint(). The second reference provides the delta of the image’s size since the last paint(). The two constructors provide two- and three-dimensional alternatives. qpaint() The qpaint() function is used to queue the painting of a specified view. It is used most often to optimize performance in multi-processor operations. The function is defined as follows: void qPaint(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int nx, int ny, iflOrientation orientation = iflUpperLeftOrigin, ilView* view = NULL, int mode = 0, ilMpManager** pMgr = NULL); void qPaint(ilMpNode* parent, ilView* view = NULL, int mode = 0, ilMpManager** pMgr = NULL) { qPaint(parent, visArea.x, visArea.y, visArea.nx, visArea.ny, workOrientation, view, mode, pMgr); } The first constructor allows you to define or specify the view being queued. The second constructor is for use with scrolling lists where the view is clipped by the size of the scrolling list. 186 Applying a Display Operator redraw() The redraw() function is called when a REDRAW (OpenGL) or Expose (X) event occurs (for example, if the window is exposed or resized): void redraw(int mode = ilDefault); The redraw() function resizes the drawing area (display image) and the background view to match the new size of the window, and paints all views. save() The save() function saves a region of the display by painting to an ilImage. The region saved is specified by the origin x,y and is the size of the image passed in ilStatus save(ilImage* img, int x = 0, int y = 0, int mode = ilDefault); By default, borders are not painted. However, if ilPaintBorder is passed in mode, the borders are painted. Note that on 8-bit graphics systems, displayed images may be dithered. Therefore, the save function provides a higher quality result than copying from the screen. setStaticUpdate() The setStaticUpdate() function allows you to enable or disable the staticUpdate mode. Static update paints a rectangular region as one large tile rather than as many smaller tiles. When staticUpdate mode is enabled, it forces a static update to occur whenever the view is painted. void setStaticUpdate(int enable) The setAutoStaticUpdate() function forces a static update after a reset has occurred. A reset is caused by changing inputs or processing parameters in the chain. In this case, since the entire exposed region of the view must be painted, the performance can be improved by painting the region as one large tile. After the static update has been completed, normal tiled painting resumes. By default, automatic static update is enabled. void setAutoStaticUpdate(int enable) The isStaticUpdate() function allows you to retrieve the current staticUpdate mode: isStaticUpdate() 187 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Note: Static update mode only has effect for hardware acceleration. Relocating Views and Images The functions used to relocate views and images are described in this section: • alignImg() aligns an image within its view. • alignView() aligns a view with a reference view. • moveImg() moves an image within a view. • moveView() moves a view within the display area. • split() repositions all views into rows and/or columns and resizes the views to fit. The following mode flags are also used in conjunction with the functions discussed in this section: ilAbsVal The xy pair represents absolute values. In other words, the view is simply moved to the location specified. ilDelVal The coordinates represent a change (delta) in the current view or image position. For example, if moveView is called with (2,5) and the specified view is located at (1,1), then the view is moved to (3,6). ilRelVal The xy pair is interpreted relative to the starting xy set by calling setMouse(). The starting x,y values are updated. The setMouse() function must have been called previously to initialize ilDisplay’s coordinate values. This is the default mode for most functions. ilOldRel Same as ilRelVal except that the starting xy values are not updated. alignImg() The alignImg() function is defined on both ilDisplay and ilView. This function aligns the image in view. If view is NULL (the default), the function aligns the images in all the views in the view stack (except those with the nop flag set). It is called as shown below: void alignImg(ilView* view=NULL, int mode=ilCenter); Alignment means that an edge, corner, or center of an image is aligned within the view, as shown in Figure 5-6. The mode argument specifies how to align the image. For example, the default, ilCenter, indicates that the image is to be centered in the view. In 188 Applying a Display Operator Figure 5-6, ilBottomLeft is passed in mode, causing the lower left corner of the image to be aligned to the lower left corner of the view. Image View Unaligned Image Figure 5-6 Aligned Image Aligning an Image to Bottom Left Corner alignView() The alignView() function is defined on both ilDisplay and ilView. This function aligns the specified view with a reference view. If NULL is passed, all views are aligned (except those with the nop flag set). The function is called as shown below: void alignView(ilView* view = NULL, int mode = ilCenter, ilView* rView = NULL); The reference view is specified by rview. If it is NULL, then the back view is used. Alignment means that edges, corners, or centers of the views are aligned, as shown in Figure 5-7. The mode argument specifies how to align the views. By default, ilCenter causes views to be aligned by their centers. In Figure 5-7, the views are aligned by their lower left corners with ilBottomLeft. Display Reference View Unaligned Views Figure 5-7 Aligned Views Aligning Views 189 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image moveImg() The moveImg() function changes the location of images within their respective views. To use this function, you need to specify the desired location and the view to which the image corresponds: void moveImg(float x, float y, ilView* view = NULL, int mode = ilRelVal); This function moves the image within the specified view. In other words, the view remains fixed relative to the display while the corresponding image moves within the view. This function allows a user to roam around an image. This is particularly useful for large images that are bigger than the screen. Thus, the coordinate values x,y specify the desired location of the image’s origin. they are interpreted according to the relevant flags passed in mode (such as ilDelVal, ilRelVal, and so on). The mode argument can also include flags indicating that drawing should be deferred (ilDefer) and that the image should not be moved beyond its edge (ilClip). By default, the image can be moved beyond its view, in which case the image’s fill value is used to paint the view. When roam is enabled, the speed with which you can roam around a picture is related to the displacement of the mouse: the farther you move the mouse, the greater the displacement between consecutively-displayed frames. You can change this behavior by calling setRoamLimit(). This function limits the displacement between consecutively-displayed frames for example, if the limit is set to four, regardless of how far you move your mouse, consecutively displayed frames will always be displaced by four pixels. This function has the effect of smoothing out roam motion. float getRoamLimit(); void setRoamLimit(float maxRoamDel = 0.0); void getRoamRate(float& x, float& y); The getRoamRate() returns the displacement, in pixels, in the X and Y directions between consecutively-displayed frames. 190 Applying a Display Operator moveView() The moveView() function changes the location of views within the display. You might use this function to allow a user to drag a view around the display area using one of the mouse buttons. To use this function, specify the desired location and the view to be moved: void moveView(int x, int y, ilView* view = NULL, int mode = ilRelVal); The view pointer argument view specifies which view to move (or all the views if NULL, the default). The x and y arguments indicate where to move the view, and mode specifies how these arguments should be interpreted (with ilDelVal, ilRelVal, and so on). You can include ilDefer in the mode argument if you do not want the display updated. Also, by default, you can move the views out of the window. For example, a user can continue dragging a view past the edge of the window; the view will not be visible, but ilDisplay keeps track of its location so that if the user drags it in the opposite direction, eventually the view becomes visible in the window. You can prevent a view from being moved past the window’s edge by specifying ilClip as part of the mode argument. split() The split() function allows you to display all views next to one another in rows and/or columns rather than randomly overlapping one another. All views are resized and repositioned based on the number of views in the view stack. Starting at the bottom of the stack, views are positioned starting at the lower left corner of the display. The split() function is called as shown below: void split(int mode = ilAbsSplit|ilRowSplit|ilColSplit) The mode argument controls the layout. It can be a combination of the following modes: ilAbsSplit Aligns images to the origin regardless of the view position. (See Figure 5-8.) ilRelSplit Positions images relative to view position. (See Figure 5-9.) ilRowSplit Divides the drawing area into rows. (See Figure 5-8.) ilColSplit Divides the drawing area into columns. ilPackSplit Clips views to an image if needed and packs them together. 191 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Views to be displayed Displayed with the default mode ilAbsSplit | ilRowSplit | ilColSplit Displayed with iilAbsSplit | ilColSplit Figure 5-8 split() with ilAbsSplit | ilRowSplit | ilColSplit Figure 5-9 split() with ilRelSplit | ilRowSplit | ilColSplit If both ilRowSplit and ilColSplit are specified, split() divides the drawing area into equal-sized rectangles such that the number of rows and columns is nearly equal. (See Figure 5-9.) Note that if both ilAbsSplit and ilRelSplit are specified, split defaults to ilAbsSplit. In addition, an alignment mode can be specified with ilAbsSplit, such as ilCenter. 192 Applying a Display Operator Resizing Views The functions used to resize one or more views are shown below and are described in this section: • resize() resizes a view (defined only on ilView). • wipe() moves one or more edges of a view. • wipeSplit() wipes the nearest edge of all views. • wipeSize() wipes an edge or corner and the opposite edge or corner. As with the relocating functions, if ilAbsVal is passed in mode, the xy values specify the new size of the view. For ilDelVal, the xy values represent changes to the current size of the view. ilRelVal means that the xy values are interpreted relative to the start values previously set with setMouse(). The start values are then updated by ilDisplay unless ilOldRel is specified. resize() The resize() function reinitializes the size of a view to the size of the image it displays. This useful after setting the image in ilView. The resize() function is called as shown below: void resize(int mode = 0); If ilClip is passed in mode, then the view is clipped to the size of the display. After the view is resized, it is painted unless ilDefer is passed. wipe() The wipe() function moves one or more edges on the specified view. It is called as shown below: void wipe(int x, int y, ilView* view = NULL, int mode = ilRelVal); The values x and y specify how to move the specified edge of the view. they are interpreted according to the flags passed in mode (such as ilRelVal, ilDelVal, and so on). The default is ilRelVal. If NULL is passed for view, then all views are wiped (except those with nop flag set). 193 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image The edge to wipe is specified in mode. Any combination of the following edge modes can be used: ilRightEdge, ilLeftEdge, ilTopEdge, or ilBottomEdge. For example, ilTopEdge|ilRightEdge (or ilTopRight) allows the user to wipe the upper right corner, thus resizing the view. In addition, the value returned by findEdge() can be used directly. (See “Finding an Edge” on page 181.) If ilAllEdge (or a bitwise OR of all four edges) is used, the effect is slightly different from a normal wipe. In this mode, called an inset, the view moves while the image remains fixed (opposite of moveImg()). This mode is useful to move a processed view of an image around on top of the original image for comparison. By default, the view is painted after it is wiped unless ilDefer is passed in mode. Also by default, the edge of a view can be moved beyond the edge of the image, unless ilClip is passed. When the view is allowed to be wiped beyond the edge of the image, the image’s fill value is used to paint the exposed region. Note that the wipe function is optimized to paint only the wiped region. wipeSplit() The wipeSplit() function is used in conjunction with findEdge() on ilDisplay to wipe the nearest edge of all views. It is called as shown below: void wipeSplit(int x, int y, int mode = ilRelVal); The x and y parameters control how the edges are moved. No view is specified because it operates on all views in the view stack. The mode parameter specifies only how to interpret x and y. Note that the edge on each view is not specified by mode. Instead, findEdge() must be called on ilDisplay first to find the edge on all views. If no edge is found for a particular view, then that view is not wiped. This function is useful after a split operation. For example, if the display is split to show two views side by side, it allows you to wipe the right edge of the left view and the left edge of the right view simultaneously. This is useful when comparing two or more images. In general, adjacent views can be wiped using this function. wipeSize() The wipeSize() function wipes the specified edge and the opposite edge to resize the view. It is called as shown below: void wipeSize(int x, int y, ilView* view = NULL, int mode = ilDelVal | ilTopRight); 194 Applying a Display Operator The x and y parameters control which way to move the edge specified in mode. In addition, the opposite edge is moved in the opposite direction, causing the view to grow or shrink in size. For example, if the right edge is moved to the right, then the left edge is moved to the left as well. In this case, the view would grow in width, as show in Figure 5-10. Previous size of view New wiped size of view Figure 5-10 Using wipeSize() Updating Views The update() function can change the view position, view size, and image position as shown below: void update(int x=0, int y=0, int nx=0, int ny=0, int imgX=0, int imgY=0, ilView* view=NULL, int mode=ilRelVal); The view is moved to the position specified by x and y and is resized to nx and ny. The image within the view is moved to the position specified by imgX and imgY. If view is NULL, then all views in the view stack are updated (except those with nop flag set). The first six of these parameters are interpreted as specified by mode. For example, if ilDelVal is specified, then all six parameters are interpreted as changes from the current configuration. In addition, the parameters are used as specified. However, if ilClip is passed in mode, then the view position, size, and image position are clipped. After the view has been updated, it is painted unless ilDefer is passed in mode. The update function combines the functionality of moveView(), wipe(), and moveImg(). 195 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image Using setMouse() A display support function that you might find useful as you apply display operators is setMouse(): void setMouse(int x, int y, int mode = 0); This function is typically used in an interactive loop to initialize the starting x and y coordinate values that the ilDisplay keeps track of. The coordinates passed to any function with ilRelVal or ilOldRel are interpreted relative to the current mouse position. If ilRelVal is specified, the old start values are updated; however, if ilOldRel is specified, the start values are not updated. This is useful if several operations are needed and you do not want to update the start values until you are finished. This model is used in the program presented in “A Simple Interactive Display Program” on page 165. To retrieve the previously set start values, use getMouse(). This function returns the start values by reference: void getMouse(int& x, int& y); You can achieve many different effects by judiciously deferring drawing while you apply a combination of these and/or any of the other display operators. A More Complicated Interactive Display Program The ilview interactive display program (which is installed in /usr/sbin when you install the Image Tools) allows a user to drag, roam, and wipe several images in a display window. (See ilview’s reference page for more information.) A simplified version of ilview’s source code is provided online in: /usr/share/src/il/ilview.c++ The C version of this program named ilcview.c is located in the same directory. Example 5-2 shows the portion of this program that processes events and calls display operators. It uses an ilViewer to handle events. The ilViewer class is a higher-level object derived from ilDisplay. It calls ilDisplay functions and operators based on X events. It calls moveView() for left mouse button movement and moveImg() for middle mouse button movement. The cursor changes shape near the edges and corners to indicate that wipe mode is enabled on the left mouse button. If you press the left mouse button and perform a wipe, this changed cursor remains for the duration of the wipe. See the ilViewer reference page and the header file il/ilViewer.h for details. 196 A More Complicated Interactive Display Program Example 5-2 A More Complicated Interactive Display Program // Create X window viewer ilViewer viewer(dpy, winsize.x, winsize.y, attr); for (idx = 0; idx < nimg; idx++) viewer.addView(img[idx], ilLast, ilClip|ilCenter|ilDefer); viewer.setStop(TRUE); // Execute the UI event loop // XXX need event call back on ilViewer to make this easier to do int done=FALSE; while (!done) { XEvent e; XNextEvent(dpy, &e); switch (e.type) { case KeyPress: switch(XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey, 0)) { // center the selected view(s) in the viewer case XK_Home: viewer.display(NULL, ilCenter|ilClip); break; // control-Q and escape exit the program case XK_q: if (!(e.xkey.state&ControlMask)) break; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case XK_Escape: done = TRUE; break; // raise and lower the current view(s) case XK_Up: viewer.raise(); break; case XK_Down: viewer.lower(); break; // enable/disable paint pipelining case XK_p: 197 Chapter 5: Displaying an Image viewer.enableQueueing(!viewer.isQueueingEnabled()); break; } break; case DestroyNotify: viewer.destroyNotify(); done = TRUE; break; default: viewer.event(&e); break; } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } 198 Chapter 6 6. Extending ImageVision Library Since ImageVision Library (IL) is implemented in C++, you can easily extend it by deriving new classes that provide support for the capabilities you need; for instance, to include another file format or image processing algorithm. You can derive from any C++ class, but you are most likely to want to derive from the foundation classes. Figure 6-1 shows the types of classes you are most likely to derive. Note: If you are using the C interface to IL, extending the library is not quite so simple. You have to implement a new class in C++ and then generate a C interface for it. This chapter contains the following major sections: • “Deriving From ilImage” on page 202 tells you how to derive new classes from ilImage. • “Deriving From ilCacheImg” on page 212 tells you how to derive new caching classes to manage data. • “Deriving From ilMemCacheImg” on page 213 tells you how you can derive from ilMemCacheImg to manage images in main memory. • “Implementing an Image Processing Operator” on page 215 tells you how to define operators that implement new image processing algorithms. • “Deriving From ilRoi” on page 242 describes how you define new regions of interest in your images. 199 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library IL classes from which you might want to derive your own new classes are shown in Figure 6-1. newFileFormat .. iflTIFFFile iflFormat newImgClass iflJFIFFILE ilFileImg ilMemoryImg IFLfitfILE IFLrAWfILE ilLink ilImage ilCacheImg ilMemCacheImg ilFrameBufferImg ilOpImg .. ilSharpenImg .. ilRotZoomImg .. newOperator ilImgRoi ilRoi ilRectRoi newRoiClass Figure 6-1 newCacheClass User-Defined Classes in IL Each extension to IL can be designed to provide a certain set of capabilities and require the implementation of a matching set of functions, as described below: • 200 newImgClass—A class derived from ilImage inherits all of its functions for handling an image’s attributes; it needs to implement ilImage’s pure virtual functions for reading and writing data. More information on deriving from ilImage is provided in “Deriving From ilImage” on page 202. • newCacheClass—A class derived from ilCacheImg inherits its caching mechanism; such a class is useful for managing a large amount of data that is accessed a portion at a time. More information on deriving from ilCacheImg is provided in “Deriving From ilCacheImg” on page 212. • new ilMemCacheImg class—A class derived from ilMemCacheImg inherits its main memory caching mechanism. Implement the pure virtual functions for storing and retrieving pages of image data. More information on deriving from ilMemCacheImg is provided in “Deriving From ilMemCacheImg” on page 213. • newOperator—To define a new operator, you need to implement the desired image processing algorithm and ensure that the processed image has the correct attributes. You can derive directly from ilOpImg or from one of its generalized subclasses. See “Implementing an Image Processing Operator” on page 215 for more information. • newRoi—To define a new region of interest (ROI), you need to derive from ilRoi and implement functions that describe valid and invalid regions with respect to this new ROI. See “Deriving From ilRoi” on page 242 for more information. The classes ilImage, ilCacheImg, ilMemCacheImg, ilOpImg, and ilRoi declare virtual functions that subclasses may be redefined to alter class behavior. Other functions can be added as necessary to provide the desired capabilities of the class. The remaining sections in this chapter explain how to derive from ilImage, ilCacheImg, ilMemCacheImg, iflFileImg, ilOpImg, or ilRoi (or one of their generalized subclasses). Remember that when you derive from a class, you inherit all its public and protected data members and member functions, as well as the public and protected members from its superclasses. You should review beforehand the header files and the reference pages for any class you plan to derive from in order to become familiar with its data members and member functions. Many of the functions described in the following sections are protected, so they are available for use only by derived classes. 201 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library Deriving From ilImage A class derived from ilImage must assign values to the image’s attributes and implement ilImage’s virtual functions. The image’s attributes (data members) are listed in Table 6-1; they are generally initialized in the constructor. Table 6-1 Image Attributes Needing Initialization in ilImage Subclass Name Data Type Meaning pageSize iflSize size of the image’s pages in pixels dtype iflDataType pixel data type order iflOrder pixel data ordering cm iflColorModel image’s color model orientation iflOrientation location of origin and orientation of axes fillValue iflPixel value used to fill pixels beyond the image’s edge minValue, maxValue double minimum and maximum allowable pixel values status ilStatus image’s status (for example, ilOKAY)a a. Inherited from ilLink. Typically, you will just set these attributes directly. However, there are convenience functions—for setting minValue, maxValue, cm, and status—that you might want to use (these functions are protected, so they are available only to classes derived from ilImage): void initMinMax(int force=FALSE); void initColorModel(int noAlpha=FALSE); void initPagesize(const iflSize& pageSize); ilStatus setStatus(ilStatus val); //inherited from ilLink void clearStatus(); // inherited from ilLink The initMinMax() function simultaneously sets both the minimum and maximum allowable pixel values. They are set to the smallest and largest possible values, respectively, allowed by the image’s data type. Therefore, you must set the image’s data type before you call initMinMax(). By default, this function’s argument is FALSE, which means that the minimum and maximum values will not be changed if they have already 202 Deriving From ilImage been explicitly set; if you pass in TRUE as the argument to this function, both values will be set regardless of whether they have been set before. The initColorModel() function sets the color model based on the channel dimension of the image. If the channel dimension is 1, the color model is iflLuminance; if it is 2, the color model is iflLuminanceAlpha (or iflultiSpectral if noAlpha is TRUE); if it is 3, the color model is iflRGB. If the channel dimension is 4 and the default value of FALSE is used for the noAlpha argument, the color model is iflRGBA. Otherwise, the color model is iflMultiSpectral. The setStatus() function simply sets and returns the image’s status. The clearStatus() function sets the image’s status to ilOKAY. (Both of these functions are inherited from ilLink.) See “Error Codes” on page 366 for a list of the error codes that IL defines as being of type ilStatus. Another function you may want to use in a constructor is setNumInputs(). This function sets the maximum possible number of inputs to an image. Typically, you will use this function only when deriving an operator. See “Implementing an Image Processing Operator” on page 215 for more information about doing this. Data Access Functions Image data can be accessed as pixels or as a rectangular region of arbitrary size called a tile. Both 2-D and 3-D tile access functions are provided. The virtual access functions present a queued request model, which allows an application to issue non-blocking requests for image I/O and later inquire the status or wait for the operation to complete. The queued model also provides derived classes with the “hooks” needed to automatically distribute operations across multiple processors. These queued functions are distinguished by the prefix “q” on the function name. For convenience, there are access functions that do wait for their operation to complete, hiding the details of the queued model. There are several different functions to read image data, all based on qGetSubTile3D(). ilQGetSubTile3D(). Similarly, there are several different functions to write image data based on qSetSubTile3D(). ilQSetSubTile3D(). Two fast-paths called qCopyTileCfg() and qCopyTile3D() ilQCopyTileCfg() and ilQCopyTile3D() are available for copying a tile from another ilImage. 203 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library Most of the virtual functions in ilImage are data access functions: virtual ilStatus qGetSubTile3D(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, void*& data, int dx, int dy, int dz, int dnx, int dny, int dnz,const ilConfig* config=NULL, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL); virtual ilStatus qSetSubTile3D(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, void* data, int dx, int dy, int dz, int dnx, int dny, int dnz, const ilConfig* config=NULL, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL); virtual ilStatus qCopyTileCfg(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, ilImage* other, int ox, int oy, int oz, const ilConfig* config=NULL, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL); virtual ilStatus qDrawTile(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int nx, int ny, ilImage* src, float sx, float sy, float sz, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL); virtual ilStatus qFillTile3D(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, const void* data, const ilConfig* config=NULL, const iflTile3Dint* fillMask=NULL, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL); virtual ilStatus qFillTileRGB(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, float red, float green, float blue, const iflTile3Dint* fillMask=NULL, iflOrientation orientation=iflOrientation(0), ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL); virtual ilStatus qLockPageSet(ilMpNode* parent, ilLockRequest* set, int mode=ilLMread, int count=1, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL, ilCallback* perPageCb=NULL); ilStatus qGetTile3D(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, void*& data, const ilConfig* config=NULL, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL) ilStatus qSetTile3D(ilMpNode* parent, int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, void* data, const ilConfig* config=NULL, ilMpManager** pMgr=NULL) When calling the base functions listed above, the caller must specify the origin (x, y, z) and size (nx, ny, nz) of the desired tile. For 2-D operations, z is set to 0 and nz is set to 1. For pixel operations, nx, ny and nz are set to 1. An object called iflConfig, is used to specify the configuration (that is, data type, order, number of channels and so forth) of the desired tile. If required, the image data is converted to a specified configuration while getting a tile, or converted from a specified configuration to that of the image while setting a tile. 204 Deriving From ilImage All of these functions have default implementations that you can choose to override. The rest of this section explains how to implement these functions. Implementing qGetSubTile3D() You should implement qGetSubTile3D() so that it retrieves an arbitrary tile of data from the source image and puts it into the location indicated by data. The tile is located at position (x, y, z) in the source image and has the size indicated by nx, ny, and nz. The dx, dy, and dz parameters specify the data buffer’s origin relative to the image; dnx, dny, and dnz specify the buffer’s size. The optional config argument indicates how the data should be configured in the buffer. See “Three-dimensional Functions” on page 46 for more information about qGetSubTile3D(). This function has a default implementation that returns ilUNSUPPORTED. Implementing qSetSubTile3D() Your version of the qSetSubTile3D() function should write the tile of data pointed to by data into the destination image. The arguments for qSetSubTile3D() have analogous meanings to those for qGetSubTile3D(): (x,y,z) and (nx, ny, nz) indicate the desired origin and size of the tile in the destination image; dx, dy, and dz specify the data buffer’s origin relative to the image; and dnx, dny, and dnz specify the size of the data buffer. The optional config argument describes the configuration of the tile being passed or written; if it is NULL, assume that the tile’s configuration matches that of the destination image. See “Three-dimensional Functions” on page 46 for more information about qSetSubTile3D(). This function has a default implementation that returns ilUNSUPPORTED. Implementing qCopyTileCfg() The default implementation of qCopyTileCfg() copies a tile of data from one image to another. This implementation is not as efficient as possible, since it allocates a temporary buffer for holding the data as it performs the copy and then deletes the buffer when it completes the copy. You might want to override this function to provide a more efficient version. 205 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library Implementing qFillTile3D() and qFillTileRGB() The default versions of qFillTile3D() and qFillTileRGB() do nothing; you will need to override them if you want their functionality. Your implementations should fill a specified tile with the specified pixel value or color. Implementing qLockPageSet() Your implementation of qLockPageSet() should set a read-only lock for a set of pages when accessing image data. A pointer to each page in the set is deposited in each corresponding ilLockRequest. As a result, the image data for all of the pages is computed. If all of the requests succeed, ilOKAY is returned. If one or more fail, an error code will be returned and the ilLockRequest structures will contain individual status codes. Implementing qGetTile3D() This function places the destination of a tile, pointed at by data, at coordinates, x, y, z using the size of the source image defined by dx, dy, dz. Your class must overwrite qGetTile3D(). Its default function returns ilUNSUPPORTED. Implementing qSetTile3D() This function allows the source buffer to have a different position and size, specified by dx, dy, dnx, dny, dz, and dnz. Your class must overwrite qGetTile3D(). Its default function returns ilUNSUPPORTED. Support Functions The outOfBound() support functions are provided to help implement the data access functions: int outOfBound(int x, int y); int outOfBound(int x, int y, int z); These functions return TRUE if the specified point lies outside the image. If you implement any of the data access functions, you need to hook them into the reset mechanism, which is described next. 206 Deriving From ilImage Color Conversion The checkColorModel() function matches the color model of an image with the number of channels. If there is a mismatch, the number of channels is updated to match the color model. However, if the number of channels was set and there is a mismatch, a status of ilBADCOLFMT is set. void checkColorModel(); The needColorConv() function returns TRUE if the image’s color model does not match the color model of other. The from flag indicates the direction that data is copied: needColorConv(ilImage* other, int from, const ilConfig* cfg); The getCopyConverter() function chains one image to another provided the two images have different color models. If the images have the same color model, there is no color conversion. getCopyConverter() is defined as follows: int getCopyConverter(ilImage*& other,const ilConfig* cfg) The getCopyConverter() function returns TRUE if the other image has a different color model than this image. In this case, a color converter operator is chained onto the other image. The getCopyConverter() function returns FALSE if the color models are compatible, or if the cfg specifies a channel list or channel offset. In this case a converter operator is not chained to the other image.When cfg specifies a channel list or offset, no color conversion is performed. Managing Image Attributes An image has numerous attributes associated with it that describe the image. You can change some attributes; some change as a side effect of changing some other attribute. This section describes functions you can use to manage attribute values in a class derived from ilImage. 207 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library The reset() Function An important virtual function in ilImage that you must be concerned with is reset(): virtual void reset(); // inherited from ilLink This function is designed to adjust or validate an image’s attributes if they have been altered, for example, by applying an operator or by setting an attribute explicitly. This function plays a key role in IL’s execution model, which propagates image attribute values down an operator chain. (See “Propagating Image Attributes” on page 59 for more information on propagating image attributes.) The reset mechanism is triggered whenever an image is queried about its attributes or when its data is accessed. The query and access functions all call resetCheck() (which is inherited from ilLink) to initiate the reset process. If you implement qGetSubTile3D(), qSetSubTile3D(), qCopyTileCfg(), qFillTile3D(), qFillTileRGB(), qLockPageSet(), qGetTile3D(), qSetTile3D() or any attribute query, you need to call resetCheck() before you do anything else in your versions of these functions. This ensures that correct information about an image’s attributes is returned and that image data is always valid before it is read, written, copied, filled, or updated. The reset() function must be defined by derived classes to perform any necessary reset tasks. For example, the ilMemCacheImg class’s version of reset() throws out any existing data in the cache since it is invalid; ilOpImg performs several chores in its reset() function and then calls resetOp(), which needs to be implemented by derived classes to perform more specific reset tasks. Allowing Attributes to Change Not every image attribute can be changed; by default, the fill value and the maximum and minimum pixel values are allowed to change. Each ilImage derived class can choose which attributes it allows to be modified by using the setAllowed() function (inherited from ilLink), typically in the constructor: setAllowed(ilIPcolorModel|ilIPorientation); The argument passed to setAllowed() is a mask composed of a logical combination of the enumerated type, ilImgParam, which is defined in the header file il/ilImage.h. The ilImgParam constants defined in IL are listed in Table 6-2. Each image attribute listed in the table is described elsewhere in this guide. Derived classes can add members to this 208 Deriving From ilImage structure to trace whether particular parameter values have changed and to control whether they can be explicitly modified. Table 6-2 ilImgParam Constants Defining Class ilImgParam Image Attribute ilImage ilIPdataType data type “ ilIPorder pixel ordering “ ilIPpageSize page size “ ilIPxsize x dimension of page size “ ilIPysize y dimension of page size “ ilIPzPageSize z dimension of page size “ ilIPxyPageSize x,y dimension of page size “ ilIPcPageSize component value of a pixel “ ilIPpageSize red values of ilIPzPageSize, ilIPxyPageSize, and ilIPcPageSize “ ilIPchans number of channels “ ilIPdepth z dimension of the image “ ilIPorientation orientation “ ilIPcolorModel color model “ ilIPminValue minimum pixel value “ ilIPmaxValue maximum pixel value “ ilIPscale color scaling value “ ilIPfill fill value “ ilIPcompression compression “ ilIPcmap look-up table color map “ ilIPpageBorder page border for overlapping pages ilFileImg ilFPimageIdx image index 209 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library Table 6-2 (continued) ilImgParam Constants Defining Class ilImgParam Image Attribute ilOpImg ilIPbias bias value “ ilIPclamp clamp value “ ilIPworkingType working data type ilSubImg ilIPconfig configuration ilImgStat ilISPzBounds z dimension bounds ilRoi ilROIorientation orientation Preventing Attributes From Changing An image can explicitly disallow any of these attributes to be modified. For this, it uses the clearAllowed() function (from ilLink) and passes in a logical combination of the ilImgParam parameters that should be disallowed. Another function, isAllowed() (inherited from ilLink), checks whether a particular attribute can be modified: canChange = myImg.isAllowed(ilIPsize); This function takes the same sort of argument as clearAllowed() and returns TRUE if the attributes specified are not allowed to be modified. Setting Altered and Stuck Flags When an attribute’s value is changed by the user (by calling the appropriate attribute setting function), setAltered() (from ilLink) should be called to set a flag indicating that a reset is needed. Thus, you must call setAltered() within any attribute setting functions you define. This function takes a mask of ilImgParam parameters as an argument and sets the altered flags for the specified attributes. You can check whether any particular attributes have been altered with isAltered() (inherited from ilLink). This function takes an ilImgParam mask as an argument and returns TRUE if any of the specified attributes have been altered. As explained in “Propagating Image Attributes” on page 59, IL programs need to keep track of attributes that have been explicitly set by the user so that they remain fixed 210 Deriving From ilImage during the reset process. To keep track of these attributes, you should call markSet() (inherited from ilLink) with an ilImgParam mask as an argument. This function marks the specified attributes with a stuck flag (yet another item inherited from the ilLink class), which indicates that their values should not be changed during a reset operation. markSet() is invoked automatically for you when setAltered() is called, so generally you do not need to call markSet() yourself. You can determine whether any attributes are fixed with isSet() (inherited from ilLink). This function returns TRUE if any of the attributes specified in the mask passed in have been explicitly set. Setting Attributes Directly Sometimes within a derived class’s implementation, you may want to change an attribute’s value without triggering the reset mechanism and without causing the value to become fixed. You have already seen one situation where you want to do this: within a constructor, when attributes are being initialized. Another case is when you are computing attribute values during the reset operation itself. In these situations, you do not use a attribute setting function since it calls setAltered(), which in turn calls markSet(). Since derived classes have access to protected data members, simply set the value of the desired attribute directly: dtype = iflFloat; // changes value; no flag set The initMinMax(), initColorModel(), and setStatus() functions described earlier in this section all set attributes directly. Adding New Attributes It is quite easy to add attributes to a newly derived class. You can use the header files for the already existing IL classes for examples. This an example is from the il/ilOpImg.h header file: enum ilOpImgParam { ilIPbias = ilImgParamLast<<1, ilIPclamp = ilImgParamLast<<2, ilIPworkingType = ilImgParamLast<<3, ilOpImgParamLast = ilIPworkingType }; 211 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library The pattern is simple. Suppose you were to derive a new class from ilOpImg and add parameters to it. You might do the following: enum ilMyClassParam { ilIPparam1 = ilOpImgParamLast<<1, ilIPparam2 = ilOpImgParamLast<<2, ilIPparam5 = ilOpImgParamLast<<5, ilMyClassParamLast = ilIPparam5 }; Deriving From ilCacheImg The ilCacheImg class implements an abstract model of cached image data. The main purpose of this class is the definition of a common API for cached image objects. You can implement your own caching mechanism by deriving from ilCacheImg. The ilMemCacheImg class, derived from ilCacheImg, provides an example of the implementation of a caching mechanism. If you derive from ilCacheImg, you must implement the data access methods inherited from ilImage. You must also implement the flush(), getCacheSize(), and listResident() functions if you derive from ilCacheImg. The flush() function causes any modified data in the cache to be written out. Derived classes that access an image file can call this function in their destructor before they close the file to ensure that all data is written: virtual ilStatus flush(int discard=FALSE); The getCacheSize() function returns the amount of cache memory, in bytes, currently allocated by this image object: virtual size_tgetCacheSize(); The listResident() function returns a list of all the resident pages: virtual ilStatus listResident(ilCallback* cb); The callback specified in cb is invoked once for each page resident in memory. The callback function should have prototype as defined in addPagingCallback(). 212 Deriving From ilMemCacheImg Deriving From ilMemCacheImg The ilMemCacheImg class implements a caching mechanism for efficiently manipulating image data in main memory. In managing the interface to an image’s cache, ilMemCacheImg implements all of the ilImage virtual data access functions. The ilMemCacheImg class also implements the virtual function hasPages(), which is defined in ilImage. hasPages() should return TRUE only for classes that implement IL’s paging mechanism (ilMemCacheImg does). Classes that derive from ilMemCacheImg do not need to implement these functions; instead, they need to implement some or all of the following virtual functions: virtual virtual virtual virtual virtual ilStatus ilStatus ilStatus ilStatus ilStatus prepareRequest(ilMpCacheRequest* req); executeRequest(ilMpCacheRequest* req); finishRequest(ilMpCacheRequest* req); getPage(ilMpCacheRequest* req); setPage(ilMpCacheRequest* req); Image data requests are processed through the multi-processing scheme defined by the ilMpManager and ilMpRequest classes. The virtual functions, prepareRequest(), executeRequest(), and finishRequest(), define the API for multi-processing. To maintain the multi-processing scheme, you must sub-divide processing operations into these three stages: • prepareRequest() allocates buffer space for the pages an operator will work on and loads the image data from those pages into the buffer. • executeRequest() performs the image manipulation on the pages in the buffer. • finishRequest() deallocates the buffer space allocated in prepareRequest() and unlocks the input pages. Derived classes must re-define these virtual functions. These functions are described in greater detail in “Handling Image Processing” on page 221. The ilMpCacheRequest class (defined in the header file il/ilMemCacheImg.h) defines the page’s location within the image and the amount of data to be processed: class ilMpCacheRequest : public ilMpRequest, public iflXYZCint { public: ilMpCacheRequest(ilMpManager* parent, int x, int y, int z, int c, int mode = ilLMread); 213 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library // methods to access mode fields int isRead() { return mode&ilLMread; } int isWrite() { return mode&ilLMwrite; } int isSeek() { return mode&ilLMseek; } int getPriority() { return mode&ilLMpriority; } // method to access page data void* getData() { return page->getData(); } int nx, ny, nz, nc; // size of valid data in page }; Since an image’s size is not generally an exact multiple of the page size, you are likely to encounter pages that are only partially full of data. The nx, ny, nz, and nc members define the actual limits of the data that you need to read or write within a given page buffer. You might want to use the getStrides() function to help you step through a page buffer. See “Data Access Support Functions” on page 47 for more information about getStrides(). Table 6-3 lists additional attributes you might need to initialize for a class derived from ilMemCacheImg. Table 6-3 Additional Attributes Needing Initialization in ilMemCacheImg Derived Classes Name Data Type Meaning pageSizeBytes size_t size of a page in bytes pageSize iflSize pixel dimensions of the pages used to store data on disk pageBorder iflXYZint pixel dimensions of page borders as stored on disk (default is zero) You can also implement the allocPage() and freePage() functions. These functions allocate or free a page in main memory whose pixel includes (x,y,z,c). If you implement the function allocPage(), you must also call the function doUserPageAlloc() in the function that calls allocPage() to notify IL that the pages need to be defined. The flush() function (defined by ilMemCacheImg) flushes data from an image’s cache; it calls setPage() to ensure that the data is written to the proper place: virtual ilStatus flush(int discard=FALSE); 214 Implementing an Image Processing Operator This function takes one optional argument and returns an ilStatus to indicate whether the flush was successful. Calling flush() with a TRUE argument discards all data in the cache. This is useful for freeing up memory if you know you are never going to use the cached data again. When discard is FALSE, flush() writes any modified data from the cache to the image. The destructor for any class derived from ilMemCacheImg may need to call ilMemCacheImg’s flush() (with discard equal to FALSE) before the class object is deleted to ensure that any modified data is written back to the image. For more information about deriving from either of ilMemCacheImg’s derived class ilOpImg, see “Implementing an Image Processing Operator” on page 215. Implementing an Image Processing Operator IL is designed to be easily extendable in C++ to include image processing algorithms you implement. You can derive a new operator directly from ilOpImg, or you can take advantage of the support provided by its subclasses, some of which are specifically designed to be derived from. This section explains in detail how to derive your own operator. It contains these sections: • “Deriving From ilOpImg” on page 217 • “Deriving From ilMonadicImg or ilPolyadicImg” on page 228 • “Deriving From ilSpatialImg” on page 234 • “Deriving New Classes From ilWarpImg and ilWarp” on page 237 • “Deriving From ilFMonadicImg or ilFDyadicImg” on page 238 • “Deriving From ilFFiltImg” on page 241 The subclasses of ilOpImg handle the tasks of reading raw data from the cache and writing processed data back to the cache; if you derive from these classes, you are responsible for writing only the function that processes the data in a given input buffer and writes it to a given output buffer. If you derive directly from ilOpImg, you need to supply your own interface to the cache as well as your processing algorithm. Figure 6-2 shows the operator classes you are most likely to derive from. 215 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library ilColorImg ilMonadicImg ilLutImg ilFFiltImg ilArithLutImg ilHistLutImg ilFMonadicImg ilFPolyadicImg ... ilFDyadicImg ilOpImg ilWarpImg ilConvImg ilSpatialImg ilSepConvImg ilPolyadicImg Figure 6-2 ilDyadicImg ilOpImg and Its Subclasses for Deriving Remember that when you derive from a class, you inherit all of its public and protected data members and member functions. You also inherit members from its superclasses. You should review the header file and the reference page for any class you plan to derive from (as well as the header file and reference pages of its superclasses) to become familiar with its data members and member functions. It is also a good idea to look at a few of its subclasses to see what general tasks they perform and what functions they implement. Finally, you might want to take a look at the selected IL source code that is provided online in /usr/share/src/il/src. The next section contains information that is useful whether you derive directly from ilOpImg or from one of its subclasses. The sections that follow contain more detailed information about deriving from each of ilOpImg’s subclasses shown in Figure 6-2. 216 Implementing an Image Processing Operator Deriving From ilOpImg A class derived from ilOpImg needs to implement these member functions: • The constructor, which creates the object, declares which data types and pixel orders are valid for the output, and sets the working data type. • resetOp(), which adapts to any attributes that have been altered, such as changing the input image • keepPrecision(), which maintains the data type of a returned value. • prepareRequest(), which queues the data accessed from the input image(s) for a requested page of the operator. It also allocates the buffer(s) to hold the input image data. • executeRequest() which performs the operator’s processing when the input data is loaded. The result is placed directly in a page of the operator’s cache. • finishRequest() frees any resources allocated in prepareRequest(). This is separate from executeRequest() so that aborted operations that have already done prepareRequest() can clean up without bothering with the work done in executeRequest(). • Any public setParam() and getParam() parameter set or get functions provided to control the operator’s algorithm. You also need to implement a destructor if you allocate any memory or change state within the constructor or any other function you implement. Example 6-1 shows a typical header file for an ilOpImg subclass. Example 6-1 Typical Header for a Class Derived From ilOpImg #include class myOperator : public ilOpImg { public: myOperator(ilImage* img, float param1); void setParam1(float val) { param1 = val; setAltered(); } float getParam1() { resetCheck(); return param1; } }; protected: void resetOp(); ilStatus prepareRequest(ilMpCacheRequest *req); 217 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library ilStatus executeRequest(ilMpCacheRequest *req); ilStatus finishRequest(ilMpCacheRequest *req); private: float param1; The resetOp() function should be declared protected if other programmers are likely to want to derive a class from the myOperator class. The Constructor The constructor takes a pointer to the source ilImage(s) and additional arguments as needed to provide parameters to control the operator’s processing algorithm (for example, param1). If you do use additional parameters, you might want to define corresponding functions that allow the user to alter and retrieve the value of those parameters (such as setParam1() and getParam1()). These functions should probably take advantage of IL’s reset mechanism by calling setAltered() and resetCheck(), respectively. (See “The reset() Function” on page 208 for more information about how IL’s reset mechanism works.) Example 6-2 shows you what a simple constructor might look like. Example 6-2 Typical Constructor for a Class Derived From ilOpImg myOperator::myOperator(ilImage* img=NULL, float param1=Param1Default) { setValidType(iflFloat|iflDouble); setValidOrder(iflInterleaved|iflSequential|iflSeparate); setWorkingType(iflDouble); setNumInputs(1); setInput(img); setParam1(param1); } In this example, myOperator can produce output of either iflFloat or iflDouble data type; the output has the same pixel ordering as the input image. Input image data that is of type iflFloat is cast to iflDouble before it is processed; this is the meaning of an operator’s working type. Some operators can handle multiple inputs, but the setNumInputs() function is used here to limit myOperator to one input. The setInput() function sets the input to be the ilImage passed in; this step chains myOperator to the input image. Finally, param1’s value is initialized. 218 Implementing an Image Processing Operator The setValidType(), setValidOrder(), and setWorkingType() functions are all defined as protected in ilOpImg. They are discussed in more detail in ilOpImg’s reference page. The ilImage class defines setNumInputs() (protected) and setInput(). The constructor should not contain any calculations that are based on the value of arguments passed in, since these arguments might change. Most operators that require arguments other than the input image in their constructors define functions for dynamically changing the value of those arguments (like setParam1()). Such calculations should be done in the resetOp() function described below. The resetOp() function is declared in ilOpImg, but its implementation is left to derived operators. Note that when any ilImage is created, it is considered “altered,” so resetOp() is always called before any data is computed. The resetOp() Function Since resetOp() is guaranteed to be called before prepareRequest(), executeRequest(), and finishRequest(), it can—and should—be used to calculate the values of variables needed by these methods, particularly if those variables depend on arguments passed in the operator’s constructor. The resetOp() function also needs to reset any image attributes that change as a result of the image’s data being processed, so that the proper attribute values can be propagated down an operator chain. As an example, imagine an operator that defined the following variables (probably as protected) in its header file (ilMonadicImg defines these variables): iflXYZCint str; iflXYZCint istr; int bufferSize; int cBuffSize; // output (page) buffer strides // input image strides // size of input buffer in bytes // number of channels in input buffer As you might expect, these variables are used to determine the size of the internal buffer needed for reading in the image’s data that is to be processed. This buffer is actually allocated in prepareRequest(), but the values for these variables are calculated in resetOp(), since they depend on the input image’s page size and data type attributes. Example 6-3 illustrates this with ilMonadicImg’s implementation of resetOp(). (The iflXYZCint struct holds four integers, one for each of an image’s dimensions; see “Convenient Structures” on page 365 for more information.) 219 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library Example 6-3 The resetOp() Function of ilMonadicImg ilMonadicImg::resetOp() { // make sure we have a valid input ilImage* img = getInput(); if (img==NULL || getOrder() == iflSeparate && getCsize() != img->getCsize()) { setStatus(ilStatusEncode(ilBADINPUT)); return; } // make sure page size info is in sync with color model/number channels checkColorModel(); // determine whether or not we can use lockPage on our input int cps, icps; iflXYZint pgSize, pgDel, ipgSize, ipgDel; getPageSize(pgSize.x, pgSize.y, pgSize.z, cps); getPageDelta(pgDel.x, pgDel.y, pgDel.z, cps); img->getPageSize(ipgSize.x, ipgSize.y, ipgSize.z, icps); img->getPageDelta(ipgDel.x, ipgDel.y, ipgDel.z, icps); iflOrder inord = img->getOrder(); usesIstr = 0; // XXX not supported yet useLock = !inPlace && (usesIstr || pgSize == ipgSize && pgDel == ipgDel) && (cps == icps || cps == size.c && icps == img->getCsize()) && img->getDataType() == wType && img->getOrientation() == orientation && (order == inord || usesIstr && (order == iflSeparate) == (inord == iflSeparate)); // get buffer strides getStrides(str.x, str.y, str.z, str.c); if (useLock) img->getStrides(istr.x, istr.y, istr.z, istr.c); else img->getStrides(istr.x, istr.y, istr.z, istr.c, pgSize.x, pgSize.y, pgSize.z, icps, getOrder()); } As shown, the resetOp() function performs three tasks: 220 • makes sure the input is valid • determines whether to use lockPage() or getTile() • computes the stride parameters used in most calcPage() implementations Implementing an Image Processing Operator The size of the internal buffer depends on the operator’s working data type, on its page size, and on the input image’s channel stride. Note that for this operator, the input and output buffers are the same size. (All the functions used in this example are described in Chapter 2, “The ImageVision Library Foundation,” except for iflDataSize(), which is described in the reference pages.) In this example, none of the image’s attributes change as a result of this operator’s image processing algorithm. An example of an operator that does change attributes is ilRotZoomImg, which changes the image’s size, unless the user has explicitly specified a desired size: if (!isSet(ilIPsize)) { // calculate newXsize and newYsize size.x = newXsize; size.y = newYsize; } Notice that the attributes are set directly; the setSize() function is not used since it would flag the size attribute as having been altered. You can use isDiff() to determine whether any parameters changed as a result of propagation. This function takes a mask of ilImgParam values and returns TRUE if any of the specified attributes changed. The keepPrecision() Function When keepPrecision() is enabled, the data type of an operator’s input is maintained. If it is not enabled, the data type of the operator’s input is translated into the smallest possible data type. If you disable this function, it is possible that non-integral operator input, such as float, will be cast into an integral data type, such as char. For example, if keepPrecision() is disabled, and the operator’s input is really float values in the range of 0.0 and 1.0, the operator will change the data type of the range to char. keepPrecision() is enabled by default. To determine whether or not an operator maintains non-integral data types, use the isPrecisionKept() function. Handling Image Processing When deriving your own operator, it is important to follow the ilMpRequest procedure for operating on images. If you are deriving an operator from some class other than ilOpImg, such as the ilOpImg-derived classes ilMonadicImg, ilDyadicImg, or ilPolyadicImg, you can use the calcPage() method defined in those classes to operate on the requested pages in a buffer. If you derive an operator from ilOpImg, however, you 221 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library cannot use calcPage(), nor can you use the pre-3.0 version of the ilOpImg::getPage() method. Instead, you must use the three-step process for operating on images summarized by three virtual functions in ilOpImg: prepareRequest(), executeRequest(), and finishRequest(). prepareRequest Phase In your derived operator, you must override the prepareRequest() method so that it • allocates buffer space for the input image to the operator • asynchronously reads in image data into the buffer that will be processed by the operator There are two ways to read the image data into a buffer: • Use qLockPageSet() if the operator can use the data of the stored image directly. • Use qGetTile3D() or qGetSubTile3D() if the operator cannot use the data of the stored image directly. If the page size of the stored, input image matches that of the output image, and the operator can use the data type of the stored, input image directly, you can use qLockPageSet() to directly fill the buffer. qLockPageSet() returns a pointer to the page of the input image in cache. The advantage of using qLockPageSet() is that it avoids copying the image data. If you cannot use qLockPageSet(), you use the asynchronous methods qGetTile3D() or qGetSubTile3D() to fill the buffer. These methods get a tile, change the data type, allocate the buffer, and fill it. Note: Do not use the synchronous versions of these methods, GetTile3D() and GetSubTile3D() in the prepareRequest phase. You only use qGetSubTile3D() if the page of image data to be operated on extends beyond the boundary of the image, as shown in Figure 6-3. 222 Implementing an Image Processing Operator Figure 6-3 Using qgetSubTile3D() Each rectangle in the figure represents a page of image data. The pages on the right-side border spill beyond the image boundary. Loading the part of the page that lies outside of the image boundary is unnecessary and time consuming. Rather than loading the entire page, you use qGetSubTile3D() to load only that portion of the page that lies within the image boundary. Whether you use qLockPageSet() or qGetSubTile3D() to read in the data, you pass them the cache request mentioned in the argument of prepareRequest() as the parent, for example: ilMonadicImg::prepareRequest(ilMpCacheRequest* req) ... ilMpMonadicRequest* r = (ilMpMonadicRequest*)req; ... sts = im->qGetSubTile3D(r, r->x, r->y, r->z, r->nx, r->ny, r->nz, r->in, r->x, r->y, r->z, pageSize.x, pageSize.y, pageSize.z, &cfg); executeRequest Phase You override the ilOpImg::executeRequest() method to perform the image operation on the loaded image data. If, for example, you were writing a new sharpen operator, the executeRequest() method would implement the sharpening of the image data. 223 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library finishRequest Phase You override the ilOpImg::finishRequest() method to deallocate the buffer space used by the image data and to unlock any pages locked (set by qLockPageSet()) in the prepareRequest() method. You enter the finishRequest phase either because the executeRequest() method completes or because the operation was aborted. Image Processing Example Example 6-4 shows what a request-processing implementation might look like under this model. Example 6-4 A Request-Processing Implementation for a Class Derived From ilOpImg ilStatus ilMonadicImg::prepareRequest(ilMpCacheRequest* req) { // do not proceed if things look bad if (status != ilOKAY) return status; // get the input image to read data from ilImage* im = getInput(0); assert(im != NULL); ilMpMonadicRequest* r = (ilMpMonadicRequest*)req; // queue request for the input data, either lockPage or getTile ilStatus sts; if (useLock) { // doing lockPage, the page in the input image is the input buffer r->lck.init(r->x, r->y, r->z, r->c); sts = im->qLockPageSet(r, &r->lck); } else { // doing getTile: if in place use our own page as destination, otherwise // allocate an input buffer int nc = im->getCsize(); if (order == iflSeparate && nc == getCsize()) nc = getPageSizeC(); ilConfig cfg(wType, order, nc, NULL, r->c, getOrientation()); if (inPlace) r->in = r->getData(); sts = im->qGetSubTile3D(r, r->x, r->y, r->z, r->nx, r->ny, r->nz, r->in, r->x, r->y, r->z, pageSize.x, pageSize.y, pageSize.z, &cfg); } 224 Implementing an Image Processing Operator return sts; } ilStatus ilMonadicImg::executeRequest(ilMpCacheRequest* req) { // do not proceed if things look bad if (status != ilOKAY) return status; ilMpMonadicRequest* r = (ilMpMonadicRequest*)req; // find the input buffer, void* src; if (useLock) { // doing lock page, input page is the input buffer if (!r->lck.isLocked()) return r->lck.getStatus(); src = r->lck.getData(); } else // normal getTile, data was read into allocated buffer (or in place) src = r->in; // let the real operator code in derived class do it is thing return calcPage(src, r->getData(), *r); } ilStatus ilMonadicImg::finishRequest(ilMpCacheRequest* req) { ilMpMonadicRequest* r = (ilMpMonadicRequest*)req; // free up any allocations or locks if (r->in && !inPlace) { // junk the input buffer delete r->in; } else if (r->lck.getPage() != NULL) { // unlock the page ilImage* im = getInput(0); assert(im != NULL); im->unlockPageSet(&r->lck); } 225 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library return ilOKAY; } The calcPage() function implements the image processing algorithm, taking care to handle each valid data type appropriately. For example, Example 6-5 shows how ilAddImg computes the pixelwise sum of two images. Example 6-5 Computing the Pixelwise Sum of Two Images #define doAdd(type) \ if (1) { \ type tb = type(bias); \ if (numIn == 2) { \ void *ib0 = ib[0], *ib1 = ib[1]; \ for (; idx < lim; idx += sx) \ ((type*)ob)[idx] = ((type*)ib0)[idx]+((type*)ib1)[idx] + tb; \ } else \ for (; idx < lim; idx += sx) { \ type sum = tb; \ for (int in=0; in < numIn; in++) \ sum += ((type*)ib[in])[idx]; \ ((type*)ob)[idx] = sum; \ } \ } else ilStatus ilAddImg::calcPage(void** ib, int numIn, void* ob, ilMpCacheRequest& req) { // for interleaved case: combine x/c loops to improve performance int nc = req.nc, sc = str.c, nx = req.nx, sx = str.x; if (sc == 1 && sx == nc) { nx *= nc; nc = 1; sx = 1; sc = 0; } for (int z = 0; z < req.nz; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < req.ny; y++) { for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) { int idx = z*str.z + y*str.y + c*sc, lim = idx + nx*sx; switch (dtype) { case iflUChar: doAdd(u_char); break; case iflUShort: doAdd(u_short); break; case iflShort: doAdd(short); break; case iflLong: doAdd(long); break; case iflFloat: doAdd(float); break; 226 Implementing an Image Processing Operator case iflDouble: doAdd(double); break; } } } } return ilOKAY; } Since ilAddImg is derived from ilPolyadicImg, this function uses ilPolyadicImg’s stride data members—str.x, str.y, str.z, and str.c—to step through the data. Because IL programs can be multi-threaded, the prepareRequest(), executeRequest(), finishRequest(), and calcPage() functions should not alter any member variables or do anything else that would make the algorithm non-reentrant. For example, the input buffer used by prepareRequest() is allocated locally and stored as a member of the request, rather than as a member in resetOp() so that concurrent execution of prepareRequest() uses unique buffers for the different portions of the input image at the same time. Clamping Processed Data Some operators might trigger overflow or underflow conditions as they process data. To solve this potential problem, you should set clamp values that will then be used automatically when overflow or underflow arises, as described below. In your implementation of resetOp(), call setClamp(): void setClamp(iflDataType type = numilTypes); void setClamp(double min, double max); This function sets the values that pixels will be clamped to if underflow or overflow occurs. The first version sets the clamp values to be the minimum and maximum values allowed for the data type type; the default value of numilTypes means to use the operator’s current data type. The second version allows you to specify actual clamp values. In the calcPage() function, use the initClamp() macro, passing in the operator’s data type (for example, int or float). This macro initializes two temporary variables to hold the minimum and maximum clamp values. Then, after you process each pixel of data, call the clamp() macro and pass in the processed pixel value. This function clamps the pixel value, if necessary, to the minimum or maximum clamp value. 227 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library To allow a user to set clamp values, you need to add ilIPclamp to the ilImgParam mask passed to setAllowed() in the constructor. Setting Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values Another problem that might arise as a result of processing data is that the processed values might exceed the range of values. For example, if you multiply two images (the pixel values of which fall in the 0 to 255 range) and then display the result, you might end up with pixel data that appears to be invalid if the pixel values exceed 255. To solve this potential problem, operators that alter the data range of their inputs need to set the minValue and maxValue data members (inherited from ilImage) to ensure that the processed data can be displayed. When the data is displayed using ilDisplay, it is automatically scaled between these values so that a meaningful display is produced. Here is how ilAddImg computes minValue and maxValue in its resetOp() function (ilAddImg performs pixelwise addition on two images; a user-specified bias value can also be added to each pixel of the output): // compute worst case min/max values double min = getInputMin(0) + getInputMin(1); double max = getInputMax(0) + getInputMax(1); setStatus(checkMinMax(min+bias, max+bias)); The getInputMin() and getInputMax() functions return the minimum and maximum pixel value attributes of the input image. The argument for these functions is the index of the desired image in the list of inputs (the first input is at index 0). These values are added (since that is what ilAddImg does), combined with the bias value, and then passed to checkMinMax(). This function first attempts to set the operator’s data type to the smallest supported data type that can hold the range specified by its arguments. If the data type is explicitly set by the user, however, it will not be changed. Then, if minValue and maxValue are not explicitly set, they are set to the values passed to checkMinMax(). If checkMinMax() returns ilUNSUPPORTED, it is not able to change the data type to support the range; in this case, minValue and maxValue are set to the maximum range of the current data type. Deriving From ilMonadicImg or ilPolyadicImg Both ilMonadicImg and ilPolyadicImg follow the getPage()/calcPage() model described above. These two classes provide support for operators that take a single input image (ilMonadicImg) or multiple input images (ilPolyadicImg) and operate on all pixels of the 228 Implementing an Image Processing Operator input image data. Table 6-4 shows the classes that derive from ilMonadicImg and ilPolyadicImg. Table 6-4 Classes Derived from ilMonaDicImg and ilPolyadicImg Classes That Derive from ilMonadicImg Classes That Derive from ilPolyadicImg ilAbsImg ilAddImg ilFalseColorImg ilANDImg ilFFiltImg ilBlendImg ilInvertImg ilDivImg ilNegImg ilMaxImg ilThreshImg ilMinImg ilColorImg (& subclasses) ilMultiplyImg ilLutImg (& subclasses) ilORImg ilScaleImg (& subclasses) ilSubtractImg ilXorImg Here are some things you need to keep in mind if you derive from either of these classes: • Do not redefine prepareRequest(), executeRequest(), or finishRequest(); use the version defined in ilMonadicImg or ilPolyadicImg. Just implement your algorithm in calcPage(). • If you redefine resetOp(), call the superclass version in your resetOp() (so that buffers and page sizes are reset appropriately): // either ilMonadicImg::resetOp(); // or ilPolyadicImg::resetOp(); • Use setWorkingType() if you want the input buffer to be read in as a type different from the operator image’s data type. Note that the output buffer always uses the operator’s data type. 229 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library Example 6-5 shows that ilAddImg’s implementation of calcPage() takes three arguments. Similarly, ilMonadicImg’s calcPage() function takes three arguments: virtual ilStatus calcPage(void* inBuf, void* outBuf, ilMpCacheRequest& req) = 0; inBuf is the input buffer of data that needs to be processed, outBuf is the output buffer into which the processed data should be written, and req is the request that describes the page of data being processed. Your implementation of calcPage() (for any class derived directly or indirectly from ilMonadicImg) must accept this argument list. Since ilPolyadicImg processes more than one input image at a time, its calcPage() function supplies an array of input buffers. As above, your implementation of calcPage() must accept this argument list: virtual ilStatus calcPage(void* inBuf1, void* outBuf, ilMpCacheRequest& req) = 0; When you derive from a class, you inherit all of its public and protected data members and member functions. All the public members for ilMonadicImg and ilPolyadicImg have been discussed in previous sections. The protected member functions are resetOp(), getPage(), and calcPage(). For reference purposes, here are ilMonadicImg’s protected data members: iflXYZCint str; iflXYZCint istr; int bufferSize; int cBuffSize; // output (page) buffer strides // input image strides // size of input buffer in bytes // number of channels in input buffer The protected data members defined in ilPolyadicImg are similar: iflXYZCint str; iflXYZCint istr1, istr2; // output buffer strides // input image strides int buffSize1, buffSize2; // size of input buffers in bytes int cBuffSize1, cBuffSize2; // number of channels in input // buffers 230 Implementing an Image Processing Operator Deriving From ilArithLutImg As an abstract class, ilArithLutImg defines how to use look-up tables when performing arithmetic or radiometric operations. To derive from it, you implement your algorithm in calcRow() rather than in calcPage(): void calcRow(iflDataType intype, void *inBuf, void *outBuf, int sx, int lim, int idx); The intype parameter indicates the input image’s data type. The next two arguments are the input buffer of data that needs to be processed and the output buffer into which processed data should be written. The next three arguments specify how to step through the data: sx is the x stride of the output buffer, lim is the maximum x stride, and idx is the starting index. The calcRow() function contains the algorithm for processing one row of input data. For efficiency, you can use the defined macro doRow() to obtain the proper data type and feed it to the macro doCalc(). (The doRow() macro is defined in ilArithLutImg’s header file.) If you use these macros, your calcRow() definition would be just a call to doRow(): ilMyOpImg::calcRow(iflDataType inType, void* inBuf, void* outBuf,int sx, int lim, int idx) { doRow(); } and you would actually implement the computation algorithm in the macro doCalc(), as ilPowerImg does, for example, as shown in Example 6-6. Example 6-6 Implementation of ilArithDoCalc() in ilPowerImg #define ilArithDoCalc(outype, intype) \ if (1) { \ if (inType == iflDouble || dtype == iflDouble) { \ for (; x < lim; x += sx) \ ((outype*)outBuf)[x] = \ (outype)pow((double)((intype*)inBuf)[x]*scale+bias, power); \ } \ else { \ for (; x < lim; x += sx) \ ((outype*)outBuf)[x] = \ (outype)powf((double)((intype*)inBuf)[x]*scale+bias, power); \ } \ } else 231 Chapter 6: Extending ImageVision Library You also need to implement loadLut() to compute and load the appropriate values into the LUT. Example 6-7 shows ilPowerImg’s version of loadLut(). Example 6-7 Implementation of loadLut() in ilPowerImg void ilPowerImg::loadLut() { double low, high; lut->getDomain(low,high); double dstep = lut->getDomainStep(); double lim = high+dstep/2; for (double i = low; i < lim; i += dstep) lut->setVal(pow(i*scale + bias, power), i); } For your convenience, ilArithLutImg has functions for scaling and biasing the input data before the LUT is applied: void setScale(double scale); double getScale(); void setBias(double bias); double getBias(); Deriving From ilHistLutImg The ilHistLutImg class provides support for operators that compute a look-up table from the histogram of the source image and then apply this table to the source image. It derives from ilArithLutImg and implements its own versions of calcPage(), calcRow(), and loadLut(). The only pure virtual function in ilHistLutImg is calcBreakpoints(), which all derived classes must implement: virtual ilStatus calcBreakpoints(ilImage *src, ilImgStat *imgstat, double **brPoints) = 0; This function computes the breakpoints (brPoints) of a piecewise LUT. You can think of it as a pointer to a two-dimensional array whose members can be accessed by double val = brPoints[i][j] where: i = 0,1,2,...,nc-1 j = 0,1,2,...,nbinsi nc = number of channels in the source image nbinsi = number of bins in the histogram of channel i 232 Implementing an Image Processing Operator You can obtain the number of bins by using imgstat’s getNbins() function. The variable val in the example shown above represents what the pixel intensity represented by the jth bin of the histogram for channel i maps to. For example, to invert pixel intensities of an image containing unsigned char data, you can use brPoints[i][j] = 255-j; All the members of brPoints need to be evaluated in calcBreakpoints(), using both the source image and a pointer to its associated data as inputs. Derived classes do not need to allocate and manage memory for brPoints, since ilHistImg does this for them. In addition, ilHistImg provides convenience functions for setting the ilImgStat and ilRoi objects: void setImgStat(ilImgStat *imgstat); void setRoi(ilRoi *roi, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0); If you implement resetOp() in a derived class, be sure to explicitly call ilHistLutImg’s version of resetOp(). An example of a class derived from ilHistLutImg might be an operator called ilPixelCountImg, which replaces each pixel intensity by the number of times it occurs in that particular channel. Such an operator might be implemented as shown in Example 6-8. Example 6-8 A Class Derived From ilHistLutImg to Count Pixels class ilPixelCountImg:public ilHistLutImg { private: ilStatus calcBreakpoints (ilImage *src, ilImgStat *imgstat, double **brPoints); public: ilPixelCountImg(ilImage *src); } ilPixelCountImg::ilPixelCountImg(ilImage *src) :ilHistLutImg(src) { } ilStatus calcBreakpoints (ilImage *src, ilImgStat *imgstat, double **brPoints) { if (src==NULL) return ilBADINPUT; int nch=src->getNumChans(); for (int i=0; i getHist(i); int nbins = imgstat->getNbins(i); int total = imgstat->getTotal(i); double max = src->getMaxValue(i); for (int j=0; j TRUE; background/invalid -> FALSE) 7. scan pixels while foreground state remains the same 8. call update() 9. return TRUE; 245 Chapter 7 7. Optimizing Your Application This chapter is intended for programmers who are somewhat familiar with IL and who want to optimize their applications. This chapter has two major sections: • “Managing Memory Usage” on page 247 describes how to optimize the memory usage of your application. • “Using Hardware Acceleration” on page 253 describes what operations can be accelerated on different graphics hardware. Managing Memory Usage You can optimize the performance of your application by making knowledgable decisions about the use of memory resources. Three areas in which you can optimize use of memory are: • use of cache • page size • buffer size The following sections describe these three areas in greater detail. Optimizing Use of Cache You can optimize the use of cache in your application in a number of ways. You can change the size of the cache, control the automatic growth of cache that can occur if multi-threading is turned on, set priority on an image in cache, and use tools to monitor the use of cache. Before reading further, you might want to refer to other parts of this manual that describe caching. To learn about: • caching and paging, read “The Cache” on page 32. 247 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application • changing cache size using the functions ilSetMaxCacheSize() and ilSetMaxCacheFraction(), read “Managing Cache” on page 35. • using the ilCompactCache() and ilFlushCache() functions to compact global cache memory, read “Managing Cache” on page 35 Cache Size This section describes how to determine the cache size that is most appropriate to your application. Every class descended from ilMemCacheImg (including all the image operators) needs memory for a cache, which holds pages of image data. By default, IL cache size is 30% of the total user memory on the system. In some applications this is too large, in others it is too small. The optimum cache size for any particular IL program depends on the size of the images that the program manipulates and on the type of operations it performs on the data. If your application: • operates on small images, you can set the size of the cache to be the size of the image, minimizing both memory and total processing needs. • operates on large images, you will need a larger cache. A program with a large image cache improves performance because it saves the processing overhead required to move data in and out of memory. However, if the cache is too large and uses up main memory, you could potentially be swapping pages in and out of virtual memory on your system, which degrades performance. • displays image data, its cache should be large enough to hold the displayed window of data. • just produces a reduced resolution version of an image in another image file, you can get by with a smaller cache. Typically, the cache will not be able to hold everything needed for an operation. For these cases, set the cache at least large enough to hold both: • one page of output data • the number of pages of input data required to produce that page For example, suppose that you are copying an image with pages that are 128 pixels square (these are the default page dimensions for FIT images) to an image that sets the page width to match the width of the image (this is true for SGI RGB images). Further, 248 Managing Memory Usage suppose that both images are 2K pixels wide and that the SGI image sets its page height to 64 pixels. Figure 7-1 shows the two images and the pages contained in them. (This figure is not drawn to scale.) 2K 128 64 128 FIT Image Figure 7-1 Page SGI Image Varying Page Dimensions To write a single 2 KB x 64 SGI page, you need data from all the FIT pages that span the width of the image. Thus, in this example, set the cache size to (2 KB x 64 + 2 KB x 128) x 3 bytes (assuming that there are 3 channels and that the data type is iflChar). Add about 10% to this figure to allow for the size of page descriptors and other overhead. This allows all needed pages to be held in the cache. If the cache is smaller than this, the data can still be processed, but FIT pages are bumped out of the cache and then read back in as successive SGI pages are written. Effect of Multi-threading on Cache The use of multi-threading can affect the size of cache in an application (see “Multi-threading” on page 53). With multi-threading enabled, the cache can grow larger than its preset limit if all the pages contained within it are locked down and another page must be brought into the cache. This growth of cache prevents deadlock, but can cause the application to use more memory than you wish. To prevent this behavior, do one of the following: • reduce the number of threads (so that there are never more threads than pages in the cache) • reduce the size of each page (so that there are enough pages in the cache for all the threads) • increase the size of the cache (so that there is one page for each thread) 249 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application For example, if there is room in the cache for only two of the operator’s pages but there are four threads, the cache may be grown so that it contains four pages. If this is unacceptable, either reduce the number of threads to two or reduce the size of a page by half (so that the cache can contain twice as many, or four, pages). Multi-threaded applications always need more memory to run efficiently; the best solution is to add more memory to your system. If this is not possible, the next best solution is to reduce the page size. Cache Priority As explained in “Priority” on page 36, the pages of an image that are brought into cache as the result of an operation on the image are kept there until the cache becomes full. When the cache is full, decisions must be made about which pages are kept in cache and which are discarded and replaced by new pages. IL attempts to optimize the use of cache. You can also affect the caching process by using the setPriority() and lockPage() methods. It is helpful, when you are optimizing your use of cache, to understand actions IL is also taking to accomplish this. IL considers these factors as it manages the contents of cache: • time since the last reference to a page. Pages most recently referenced are least likely to be overwritten. • number of references made to a page. Pages that are frequently referenced are least likely to be overwritten. • the destination of a page. IL automatically raises the priority of a page request for data that is directly displayed. This has the effect of caching data at the end of a displayed chain. Sometimes it makes sense to cache data at points other than at the end of a chain. The reference counting used in the page replacement algorithm can help to accomplish this caching, but in cases where explicit knowledge of the application is required, you can use the setPriority() method of ilImage to set the priority of the image containing the specified page. For instance, you may want to raise the priority of the file input to a long chain to avoid rereading the input if the chain is expected to be altered. You may also want to raise the priority of the input to an operator that is having its parameters interactively modified, although again the reference counting built into IL will tend to automatically increase the priority for you. 250 Managing Memory Usage Monitoring the Cache You can monitor image data cache usage in two ways: • by using the image tool ilMonitor. This provides an interactive means for you to monitor the use of the cache. See “Image Tools” on page 276 for more information about ilMonitor. • by setting the environment variable IL_MONITOR_CACHE to a value of 1. This causes IL to print a message for each page loaded into the cache or deleted from the cache. The message identifies the page location in its associated image and the class and address of that image. It is often important to know about the operator images (such as color converters) that are automatically inserted by IL. You can use ilDumpChain() to print out a simple description of an IL chain. An example using this environment variable is shown below: % setenv IL_MONITOR_CACHE 1 % imgview /usr/demos/data/images/weather.fit Page (0,0,0,0) loading in Color(0x10034ec8) Page (0,0,0,0) loading in FIT(0x1001d010) This example shows that a color converter operator image has been used to cache the data from the FIT image in frame-buffer format. It also shows the background view with ilConstantImg as input that is automatically created by ilDisplay. You can use this technique to identify cache thrashing if you suspect it is occurring. You can eliminate such problems by one of the techniques described in the preceding sections. For more challenging situations, you may want to use the setPagingCallback() method in ilCacheImg. Refer to the ilCacheImg reference page for more details. Note: Do not attempt to use setPagingCallback() and ilMonitor at the same time since ilMonitor uses the setPagingCallback() mechanism. Page Size Image data is always cached in pages. A file image’s page dimensions match those used to store the image on disk. By default, an operator’s page size is defined by its input images. Certain operators override this default size, which can affect the caching of images. Some images also let you set the size of the pages in the cache and the data type 251 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application and ordering of the cached data. The data type and ordering affect how data is cached, so if you change these attributes, you might also want to change the size of the cache. Operators (ilOpImg objects) can set minimum pages sizes to increase efficiency. ilSpatialImg, for example, sets the minimum page size to a multiple of the kernel size. Optimum Page Size Operators are usually the only images that allow you to set the page size. The ideal page size depends on the particular application, but in general you want an image’s page size to be as close as possible to that of whichever image it is being copied to or read from. If the application involves roaming on a large image, however, the page size should be relatively square. The functions that change page size are defined by ilImage and are explained in “Page Size” on page 38. Large pages use up more memory, which is a problem when the cache grows beyond its limit and starts allocating extra pages to get around deadlock. See the previous section for suggested solutions. Making pages too small, however, forces too much processing overhead. A page should not be smaller than 32 x 32 pixels, and in general the total number of bytes in a page should be between 16KB and 64KB. This range typically works out to be 128 x 128 to 256 x 256 when measured in pixels. Some operators, such as the frequency domain ones, are more efficient when the page size is a power of 2. Maximizing Efficiency When Copying Pages The copyTile() method is an efficient way to copy a tile of data from one ilImage to another: ilStatus copyTile(int x, int y, int nx, int ny, ilImage* other, int ox, int oy, int* chanList=NULL); By default, the tile is copied to the calling image from the image pointed to by other. The x and y arguments specify the origin of the tile in the destination image, and nx and ny specify the size of the tile. The tile that is to be copied is located at (ox,oy) in the other image. (If the tile is at the same location in both the source and destination images, then x=ox and y=oy.) If the source and destination images have different orientations, the data is transformed automatically as necessary. 252 Using Hardware Acceleration Buffer Space You may sometimes need a temporary buffer to work on image data. Using copyTile() instead of getTile() or setTile() to transfer data between images eliminates the need for temporary buffers, saving you memory. copyTile() is explained in “Accessing Image Data” on page 40. In addition to temporary buffers you may allocate to hold data, IL allocates buffers to operate on data internally. The amount of buffer space that IL can allocate at any one time depends on the number of threads running concurrently. If three threads are performing image processing operations on three tiles, in general, three buffers of the necessary sizes must be used. However, extra buffer space is not used if the operator in question is locking down pages, transferring data from input cache to output cache, and operating on the data “in-place.” Certain operators derived from ilMonadicImg do this. If you derive a new operator from ilMonadicImg or any of its descendants, you might want to ensure that your derived class operates on its data in-place by setting its inPlace member variable in the constructor. Using Hardware Acceleration IL can accelerate some image processing sequences on SGI computers that result in a displayed image (as opposed to sequences that result in a file). This section describes which IL operations can be accelerated, the constraints on these operations, and the underlying graphics resource required for these operations. Using Accelerated Operators This section describes the operators that can be accelerated for display and the related OpenGL functions that are required to accomplish the operators. Accelerating ilAddImg, ilBlendImg, ilMaxImg, ilMinImg, ilMultiplyImg, and ilSubtractImg Operators These operators use the OpenGL blend facility to arithmetically combine two or more input images. The primary (zero-th) input is rendered first to the frame buffer. Then the subsequent inputs are rendered to the same location with the appropriate OpenGL blend function enabled to accomplish the operation. 253 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application ilMultiplyImg can only be accelerated if both input min values are zero. ilSubtractImg is accomplished by negating the secondary input. Only constant-alpha-type blending can be accelerated. In some cases, the operation cannot be accelerated if the input data ranges differ. Accelerating ilAndImg, ilInverImg, and ilXorImg Operators These operators use the OpenGL logic OP facility to logically combine two or more images. They use multi-stage rendering operations similar to that of ilBlendImg. ilInvertImg, however, is done in a single rendering operation. Accelerating ilConvImg and ilSepConvImg Operators Convolution operators use the OpenGL 2D convolution extension. To facilitate acceleration, the kernel data must • be of type float • be of one of the following sizes: 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 • have the origin in the center of the kernel Using the ilFalseColorImg Operator IL uses the OpenGL color matrix. The matrix size must be less than or equal to 4x4. The bias must be zero. Some matrices with negative weights may not be accelerated because they cannot be scaled correctly. Using ilLutImg, ilHistLutImg, and ilThreshImg Operators IL uses OpenGL color tables. OpenGL provides four color tables (see Table 3-3). The color table that is used for a particular operator depends on the LUT input (see Composition). LUTs can be up to 4K long. Using ilScaleImg, ilHistScaleImg, and ilNegImg Operators IL uses OpenGL pixel scale, bias, and clamping facilities. These facilities are also used to normalize input data ranges to the intrinsic zero to one ranges and to compensate for convolution kernel and colormetric affects on the operator value ranges. 254 Using Hardware Acceleration Accelerating ilWarpImg Operators IL uses OpenGL texture rendering. There are two cases, depending on the type of warp, associated with operators: • affine or perspective warp • any other type of warp The first case sets the modelview matrix to perform the desired warp. The second case represents the warp with a regular triangular mesh. For certain simple zooms, for example, affine and perspective warp, the OpenGL pixel zoom facility is used instead of texture. The texture required for other warp cases is associated with the input of the warp operator. Thus, multiple warp operators that share input also share the same texture. See for more information about IL’s use of texture. Accelerating the ilImgStat Operator IL uses OpenGL’s histogram and minmax facility. The number of histogram bins must be less than or equal to 4096. The input data order must be interleaved. An ImgStat with a rectangular ROI can be accelerated, but one with any other kind of ROI cannot. Note: ilHistLutImg and ilHistScaleImg use ilImgStat. Therefore, they accelerate statistics-gathering and the rendering parts of the operations. Understanding the OpenGL Imaging Pipeline The OpenGL Imaging Extension (OIE) specifies a sequence of image processing operations that can be enabled during a pixel transfer operation. A pixel-transfer operation can be one of the following: • an image is drawn from the host memory to the frame buffer • an image is copied from one frame buffer to another • an image is loaded from the host to texture • an image is copied from the frame buffer to texture In each case, a rectangle of pixels is transferred from one buffer to another. During the transfer, any of the image processing operations shown in Figure 7-2 can be active. 255 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application S/B/C1 Lut1 Conv S/B/C2 Lut2 Color matrix1 S/B/C3 Lut3 Input buffer Output buffer Figure 7-2 OpenGL Image Processing Pipeline In Figure 7-2, the input can be the host memory or a GL buffer, the output can be a GL buffer, texture, or host memory, and S/B/C stands for scale/bias/clamp operators. To use hardware acceleration, the operators must follow the order in Figure 7-2. Not all of the operators need to be enabled. What is not allowed, for example, is Lut1 to precede S/B/C1. If you need to use operators out of order, you need to use pixel buffers, as described in “Pixel Buffers and Multi-Pass Acceleration” on page 258. Most of the accelerated IL operators use one or more elements in the Image Processing pipeline. Composing Operators Since the OGLIP supports a sequence of operations in a single operation, it is possible to compose several IL operators for acceleration, provided they occur in the right order, for example, IL chain shown in Figure 7-3 can be displayed by copying the file image cache directly to the frame buffer while enabling the subsection of the OGLIP pipeline shown in Figure 7-4. 256 Using Hardware Acceleration ilSqRootImg ilSharpenImg ilSaturateImg ilFileImg ilView Figure 7-3 IL Chain Mapped to the OGLIP Pipeline Figure 7-4 shows that all three operators are accelerated. ilSqRootImg, ilSharpenImg, and ilSaturateImg correspond to Lut1, Conv, and Color Matrix, respectively. Lut1 Conv Color matrix Host memory Frame buffer Figure 7-4 Mapping onto the OGLIP in a Single Transfer However, if the chain is reordered, as shown in Figure 7-5, so that the sharpen occurs after the FalseColor, the sequence cannot be fully accelerated because it does not match the sequence of operators in the OGLIP pipeline. When a sequence cannot be wholly mapped to the OGLIP, IL selects the longest subsequence to run as a single operator. 257 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application ilSqRootImg ilSaturateImg ilSharpenImg ilFileImg ilView Figure 7-5 Running a Subsection of an IL Chain Given the IL chain shown in Figure 7-5, only the sharpen operator would be accelerated with a single-pixel transfer. The other two operators would be evaluated in the normal, unaccelerated manner. The next section describes how chains as shown in Figure 7-5 can be fully accelerated through the use of pixel buffers. Pixel Buffers and Multi-Pass Acceleration OpenGL provides non-volatile, off-screen framebuffer memory, called pixel buffers, for storing intermediate results. This feature enables IL to fully accelerate chains that do not completely map onto the OGLIP as a single transfer operation. For example, the IL chain, shown in Figure 7-6, is accelerated with the two-pass sequence of transfer operations. 258 Using Hardware Acceleration Lut1 Color matrix Pixel buffer Convolve Host memory glDrawPixels() glCopyPixels() Frame buffer Figure 7-6 Two-Pass Transfer Operations Pixel buffers are, in general, eight to twelve bits per component. The exact depth of the pixel buffers can be determined by examining the attributes of the glx visual associated with the pixel buffer. The command % glxinfo -fbcinfo prints a summary of the available visuals. The limited depth of the pixel buffers limits the precision of the stored image data. Pixel buffers are allocated by IL in units of the display size. The total number of allocated pixel buffers can be limited either programmatically through calls to ilSetNumPBuffers() and ilGetNumPBuffers(), or through the environment variable IL_NUM_PBUFFERS. Texture IL employs the OpenGL texture facility to accelerate warp operators. From the standpoint of hardware accelerators, a texture is an intermediate storage buffer similar to a pixel buffer. However, the size of the texture is usually smaller and the component depth is shallower. The component depth is dependent on the resampling mode for the warp (for example, ilNearNb, ilBiLinear, and ilBiCubic) and the color model. 259 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application A texture is associated with the input of a warp. If several warp operators share the same input, they also share the same texture. The texture cache is unaffected if the warp is interactively altered to enable fast, interactive displays of changing warps. IL provides limited support for displaying a combination of warps in a single rendering pass. Specifically, you can string together any number of perspective (ilPerspWarp) and affine (ilAffineWarp) warps into a single step. This combination of warps is called a transform matrix. Figure 7-7 shows an IL chain of operators. ilFileImg ilWarpImg ilRotZoom ilAffineWarp ilPerspWarp ilRotZoom ilAffineWarp ilPerspWarp 1 User warp n ilView Figure 7-7 Accelerating an IL Chain Using Texture Figure 7-8 shows the underlying data path of the IL chain in Figure 7-7. 260 Using Hardware Acceleration Texture Triangle mesh Transform matrix ilFileImg ilView Figure 7-8 Data Path of the IL Chain in Figure 7-7 Figure 7-8 shows that IL associates a texture with the ilFileImg object and derives a triangular mesh from the user-defined warp. All of the perspective warps, affines, and rotzooms are combined into the transform matrix. When any of these warp values change the images change accordingly, however, changing the transform matrix does not change the cached values for the texture and the triangular mesh. By preserving these cached values, the use of the transform matrix accelerates image processing. When the input image is larger than the texture, the data must be paged into texture according to what is currently being viewed. When the texture requirement for a particular rendering operation greatly exceeds the texture capacity, performance degrades. In this situation, rendering is limited by the rate that texture can be loaded into the cache rather than by the rate that it can be rendered. The triangular mesh associated with a general warp is also paged into memory so that only the displayed portion of the warp is evaluated. The results are cached and reused in subsequent rendering operations. Seeing Evidence of Pixel Buffer Use The difference between the pipelines in Figure 7-3 and Figure 7-5 is that Figure 7-5 uses a pixel buffer as an intermediary to create the final image. By turning on the monitor, you can view the use of the pixel buffer in each pipeline by using the imgtcl program, which is included in the software distribution. To view the results of Figure 7-3 at each stage of the pipeline, use the following commands: 261 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application % setenv IL_MONITOR 2 % imgtcl imgtcl> ilfileimgopen monkey /images/monkey.rgb monkey imgtcl> view monkey imgtcl> ilSqRootImg sqroot monkey sqroot imgtcl> view sqroot imgtcl> ilSharpenImg sharp sqroot sharp imgtcl> view sharp imgtcl> ilSaturateImg sat sharp sat imgtcl> view sat To view the results of the pipeline in Figure 7-5, reverse the ilSharpenImg and ilSaturateImg commands, as follows: % setenv IL_MONITOR 2 % imgtcl imgtcl> ilfileimgopen monkey /images/monkey.rgb monkey imgtcl> view monkey imgtcl> ilSqRootImg sqroot monkey sqroot imgtcl> view sqroot imgtcl> ilSaturateImg sat sqroot sat imgtcl> view sat imgtcl> ilSharpenImg sharp sat sharp imgtcl> view sharp Because the first two operators are the same in the pipelines shown in Figure 7-3 and Figure 7-5 their images and monitor displays are identical. Figure 7-9 and Figure 7-10, however, show the differences in the images and monitor displays caused by reversing the ilSaturateImg and ilSharpenImg operators. 262 Using Hardware Acceleration Figure 7-9 Hardware Acceleration Without Using Pixel Buffers 263 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application Qualitatively, you can see that changing the order of the operators introduces added complexity in the monitor displays shown in Figure 7-10. More specifically, you can see that the ilSharpenImg operator in Figure 7-10 introduces the use of a pixel buffer. 264 Using Hardware Acceleration pixel buffer used Figure 7-10 Hardware Acceleration Using Pixel Buffers 265 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application Texture Allocation The total number of bytes of texture is configurable. The installed amount is encoded in the OpenGL renderer string. For more information, see the man page for glGetString. Texture is divided into two logical banks. Bilinear and nearest neighbor textures are allocated within a single bank. Therefore, the maximum texture size for bilinear and nearest neighbor texture is half the installed amount. Bicubic texture allocation is split across the two banks. Therefore the maximum size of a bicubic texture is the same as the installed amount. Whenever a warp image is accelerated with texture, an auxiliary texture is managed that shadows the input to the warp image. The size of this texture must be a power of two. If the image is larger than the maximum allocatable texture size, then the maximum size texture is used and maintained as a wrap-around image cache. Hardware-Specific Acceleration Restrictions This section describes the limitations and operating parameters for hardware acceleration on different platforms. General Restrictions The following restrictions apply to all platforms: 266 • The default pbuffer depth is based on the available X Visuals on the system. The depth is determined by selecting the greatest-order visual class, usually TrueColor, that has at least 8 bits per component, and includes alpha planes. It is not possible to copy from a pbuffer to a window (or another pbuffer) with a different visual class. • Convolution kernel sizes must be 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, separable or general, and of type float. The edge mode must be ilPadSrc, ilPadDst, or ilNoPad. • The color matrix (for ilFalseColorImg and ilSaturateImg acceleration) has. at most, 4 x 4 entries. The bias vector for ilFalseColorImg must be all zeros and the matrix should have equal gain for each output channel, that is, the sum of the positive elements and the sum of the negative elements should be the same for each matrix row. • The look-up table size must be limited to 4096 entries. Hardware-Specific Acceleration Restrictions • The histogram size must be limited to 4096 entries. • Multiply is accelerated only if the minimum scale value of the input images is zero. • Add is not accelerated for images with greater than two inputs. • Statistics are accelerated only for interleaved data. • The amount of texture available depends on the amount of texture memory available in the system and the texture data format. An application should use ilHwConnection::getTexCapacity() to determine the amount of texture available on any given platform. For any platform, an application should get at least one pbuffer for any framebuffer configuration unless another application has taken all of the pbuffers. InfiniteReality Currently, the maximum amount of texture memory is 64 MB. The number of pbuffers depends on the number of installed Raster Manager (RM) boards and the depth (in bits) of the pbuffer. At the default depth, 12 bits, a 1 RM system can allocate 2 pbuffers. The maximum texture lookup table size is 4096 entries if the texture and lookup table format is single component, 2048 if neither format is more than 2, 1024 otherwise. These numbers assume another application has not already taken the pbuffers. Reality Engine Restrictions for the Reality Engine are the same as for the InfiniteReality, except for the following conditions: • The maximum amount of texture memory is 16 MB. • The OpenGL imaging pipe is restricted. It contains none of the extended lookup tables, except for the texture lookup table. • Color matrix cannot be concatenated onto a convolution. • No pixel transformations in the imaging pipe can be active when loading texture. The same is true for statistics operations. • The maximum texture lookup table size is 256. • Textures (and display lists) cannot be shared across GLX contexts. 267 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application • InfiniteReality does not support bicubic texture resampling. • Cannot accelerate conversions from color palette data to RGB. • Cannot load texture from pbuffer safely. (The data cannot be swapped and may be obliterated due to a contending process.) It is disabled by default. It can be enabled by setting the hint, IL_TEXTURE_FROM_PBUFFER_OK_HINT. Impact/High Impact Restrictions for the Impact are the same as for the InfiniteReality, except for the following conditions: • Max Impact has 1 MB of texture memory, High Impact has 1 MB of texture memory, and Certain Impact has no texture memory. • The maximum texture lookup table size is 256. • Impact does not support bicubic texture resampling. • Impact cannot convolve if the input is float type. • Impact cannot convolve into texture. • Some framebuffer configurations of High Impact do not support pbuffers. Indy/Indigo2 Only blend, logic op, and arbitrary zoom are supported on an Indy. On Indigo Entry, XS, XZ, Elan, or Extreme, only blend, logic op, and integer zoom are supported. Hardware Hints The ilHwHint class provides a mechanism for setting hardware-specific attribute values. You can use this mechanism with the hints provided in the ImageVision library or you can create hints of your own. You can set hints globally or on operators. Hints set on operators take precedence over globally-set hints. 268 Hardware Hints An example of a hint is IL_TEXTURE_FORCE_HINT, which is defined in IL. This hint is used on warp objects to force the warp operator to use texture even when a pixel zoom could be used. Using IL-Recognized Hints Because ilHwHint::setHwIntHint() is overloaded, you can set a hint using either a hint name or ID. Using a hint name causes a hit in performance because it requires a lookup of the hint name. It is more convenient, however, to set a hint using its name. If you set a hint repeatedly, use the hint ID to set it. If you set a hint only once, use the hint name to set it. Using the Hint ID Because hint IDs are set at runtime, your application must first lookup a hint ID, save the ID so that it does not have to be looked up again, and set the hint using the hint ID. Example 7-1 shows this procedure. Example 7-1 Using the Hint Name to Set a Hint int texSizeIntHintID; // Find and save the hint ID using its name. texSizeIntHintID = ilHwFindHintID(“IL_TEXTURE_SIZE_HINT”); // Create a RotZoom object to rotate the image by 30 degrees ilRotZoomIMg rz(input, 30, 1, 1, BiLinear); // Set the hint on the RotZoom object to limit the texture size // to 1 million texels. input->ilImage::setHwIntHint(texSizeHintID, 1024*1024); Using the Hint Name Instead of going through the trouble of finding the runtime hint ID and then setting the hint based on it, you can just set the hint using the hint name, as follows: input->setHwIntHint(IL_TEXTURE_SIZE_HINT, 1024*1024); The trade-off for this easier construction is slower performance. 269 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application IL-Recognized Hints Table 7-1 describes the ilHwHint values currently recognized by IL. Table 7-1 ilHwHint Definitions Name Description IL_TEXTURE_SIZE_HINT Uses int-valued hint to control the size in texels of a warp operator input texture. IL_TEXTURE_COMPONENT_SIZE_HINT Uses int-valued component size hint to control the warp operator input texture. IL_TEXTURE_MESH_STEP_HINT Uses int-valued hint to control the warp mesh step size. IL_TEXTURE_MESH_PAGE_X_HINT Controls warp mesh page size (should be a power of two). IL_TEXTURE_MESH_PAGE_Y_HINT IL_PIXEL_BUFFER_WIDTH_HINT IL_PIXEL_BUFFER_HEIGHT_HINT 270 Uses int-valued hints to control pixel buffer dimensions. IL_TEXTURE_FROM_PBUFFER_OK_HINT Uses int-valued hint to enable sourcing texture from pixel buffer on RE (off by default because correct texture swapping is not guaranteed). IL_TEXTURE_LIMIT_HINT Uses int-valued limit in bytes to control global texture allocation for an application. IL_TEXTURE_FORCE_HINT Makes a warp object use texture, even if it could use pixel zoom. IL_FORCE_PASS_HINT Disables composing with input pass; effectively creates a multipass operation with pixel buffer cache between them. IL_ROAM_VIEW_HINT Chains a texture onto an image when displayed in an ilView; allows for fast roaming over an image. IL_HW_HINT_ALERT_PROP_NAME Marks an ilLink-derived object as altered when a parent’s hints are changed or when the global hints are changed. Hardware Hints Creating Your Own Hints If you are implementing your own hardware acceleration, you may need to create your own hints to control it. The ilHwHint class pairs a name with a value. You use these values to optimize the performance of your application. The base class provides the means to set and get the name in the following methods: ilHwHint(const char* hintName); const char* getHintName(); ilHwHint(int hintID); ilHwFindHintID(const char* hintName) The base class does not. however, provide methods to set or maintain values associated with hint objects; that job is left for ilHwHint-derived classes. For example, you could provide access to some integer value associated with a derived hint-class object, ilHwIntHint, as follows: class ilHwIntHint : public ilHwHint { public: ilHwIntHint(int hintVal) : ilHwHint(“ilHwIntHint”) { val = hintVal; } private: int val; }; Note: You can use the base class directly only if the hint object does not need to define an explicit value. In some cases, the presence of a hint on a hint list is sufficient. When you create a hint object, it is assigned an ID. The first object has an ID of zero and the following objects have ID numbers of 1, 2, 3, and so on. You can retrieve the ID of a hint using the following ilHwHint method: int getHintID() You can use hint IDs to accelerate hint lookups in a list of hints. To look up a name, use the name of the hint or its ID, if the derived class caches it. Hint lists are described further in “Hint Lists” on page 272. 271 Chapter 7: Optimizing Your Application Hint Lists ilHwHintList manages a hint list, which is an array of hints. Using hint lists can dramatically improve performance by reducing lookup delays. To add a hint to a hint list, use one of the following methods: ilStatus setHint(ilHwHint* hint, int adopt = FALSE); ilStatus setIntHint(int hintID, int val); ilStatus setIntHint(const char* hintName, int val); To return the hint specified by a name or ID, use one of the following methods: const ilHwHint* getHint(int hintID) const; const ilHwHint* getHint(const char* hintName) const int getIntHint(int hintID, int& val) const; int getIntHint(const char* hintName, int& val) const; To remove a hint, specified by a name or ID, from a hint list, use one of the following methods: ilStatus removeHint(int hintID); ilStatus removeHint(const char* hintName) ilStatus removeHint(ilHwHint* hint) 272 Chapter 8 8. The Programming Environment This chapter describes the programming environment available on Silicon Graphics workstations. Special tools are also described that may help you in writing, compiling, and debugging your IL program. This chapter contains the following major sections: • “Compiling and Linking an IL Program” on page 273 describes what you need to do to compile an IL program written in C++, C, or Fortran. • “Reading the Reference Pages” on page 275 explains how to read the class reference pages. These reference pages do not follow the standard UNIX® reference page format. • “Image Tools” on page 277 describes some image tools that were developed using the IL. • “Online Source Code” on page 277 describes the IL-related code that is available online. • “Environment Variables” on page 278 describes how to configure the global IL environment. Compiling and Linking an IL Program The following sections show you how to compile and link IL programs written in C++ and C. Programs Written in C++ To compile an IL program, in this example, sample.c++, use the following command line: # cc -g sample.c++ -o sample -lil 273 Chapter 8: The Programming Environment By default, the *.so libraries are used to link your programs, however, you must link to the IL library itself. In general, you should not link to the static, *.a, libraries unless you want to keep your application in one complete binary. If you do choose to use the static libraries, use the following command to compile your program: # cc -g sample.c++ -o sample /usr/lib/libil.a -lm -lGL -IX11 /usr/lib/libifl.a -lil If you link to the static libraries, include the IL library, the GL shared library, the X Window library, the math library, and the C++ library. A Sample Makefile Example 8-1 shows a sample Makefile for compiling IL programs. Example 8-1 Makefile for a C++ Program # Makefile for IL test programs SHELL = /bin/sh # If you want to debug,turn on the “-g” option. FLAGS = -g MAINS= sample.c++ OBJS = ${FILES:.c++=.o} PROGS = ${MAINS:.c++=} LIBS = -lil .c++: CC $(FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(LIBS) .c++.o: CC $(FLAGS) -c $< clean: rm -rf $(OBJS) $(PROGS) rm -rf core 274 Reading the Reference Pages Programs Written in C Link your C program to the libcil.so library, the C version of the IL. For example, to compile a C program called ctest.c, use this line: # cc -g ctest.c -o carprot -lcil IL is compatible with ANSI C. To use the older, pre-ANSI dialect, add –cckr to the command line. Ignore any warnings generated during compilation. Refer to the C reference page for more information about the C compilers. A Sample Makefile Example 8-2 shows a sample Makefile for compiling IL programs written in C. Example 8-2 Makefile for a C Program # A very simple Makefile for IL test programs SHELL = /bin/sh FLAGS = -g CMAINS = csample.c COBJS = ${CMAINS:.c=.o} CPROGS = ${CMAINS:.c=} CLIBS = -lcil .c: cc $(FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(CLIBS) clean: rm -rf $(COBJS) rm -rf core clobber: clean rm $(CPROGS) Reading the Reference Pages IL reference pages look atypical because they are class reference pages. They are available online by typing the following on the command line: # man -d ClassName 275 Chapter 8: The Programming Environment ClassName is the name of the IL or IFL class that you want to read about. A printed version of the reference pages is available as an option; see the Introduction for ordering information. The C++ and C versions of the class reference pages share a similar format. The following list describes the main sections of each reference page: Name The class name and a one-line description of the class. Inherits From A colon-separated list of superclasses, beginning with the base class. Header File The class’s header file. Class Description Describes how the class fits into the IL and how to use it. This section briefly mentions the most important functions associated with the class. The C++ version also contains information about deriving from the class, if appropriate. Class Member Function Summary Lists the prototypes of the functions associated with the class. They are grouped functionally with headings that indicate the general task they perform. Functions that are protected are identified as such. This section should be a synopsis of the class. Function Descriptions Describes what each function does and what its arguments mean. Sometimes code examples are included. This section is arranged alphabetically so that you can easily find the description of a particular function of interest. Inherited Member Functions Contains an alphabetical list of the functions inherited from superclasses. See Also Lists other reference pages of interest. Notes (optional) Contains special information about the class. 276 Image Tools Image Tools IL provides several useful utilities for displaying, copying, and manipulating images. Since these image tools are based on IL, they support TIFF, SGI, PCD (Photo CD), PCDO, TCL, PNG, GIF, and FIT file formats. These tools are installed in /usr/sbin and most of them are documented in the IRIS Utilities User’s Guide. (They also have reference pages.) imgcopy Image Copy copies a specified region of an input image file to an output image file. It can also be used to convert between IL-supported file formats. See the imgcopy reference page. imginfo Image Info reports image information such as size, data type, color model, and file format for any IL-supported file format. See the imginfo reference page. imgview Image View allows you to display and manipulate any combination of IL-supported image files. Images can be roamed, dragged, cropped, or wiped separately or simultaneously. See the imgview reference page. imgformats Image Formats lists all the IL-compatible formats currently installed. Online Source Code To provide you with source code examples, IL installs several directories in /usr/share/scr/il. They are as follows: • guide contains the whole-program examples presented in this guide. They are provided so that you can compile and run them as you read the relevant discussion in the guide. • apps contains sample IL applications, such as imgcopy and imgview. These applications serve as examples of how to program with the IL and serve as possible templates for developing new applications. • src contains IL source code that may use to derive your own classes. The directory includes the source for several operators, including the ilViewer class. The corresponding header files are in /usr/include/il or /usr/include/ifl. • tutorial contains a series of programs that build on one another. The first in the series (ex0.c++) simply opens and displays an IL image file. The other programs use various operators and display techniques. 277 Chapter 8: The Programming Environment You can examine the README files in the various directories for more information on each of the code examples. Also, each of the directories containing complete programs has an appropriate Makefile. To compile any of the programs, type: # make program_name where program_name is the name of the file minus its .c++ suffix. Environment Variables You use environment variables to configure the global IL environment. Environment variables configure such things as the file format, multi-processing, graphics hardware acceleration, caching capabilities, and monitoring functions. Table 8-1 provides a brief description of the environment variables with their default values. Table 8-1 278 Environment Variable Definitions Environment Variable Definition and Default Value IFL_DATABASE Specifies the file location where the IFL-supported image file formats are defined; default is ifl/src/ifl_database. IL_ARENA_MAXUSERS Specifies the maximum number of threads that can share a multi-processing arena; default is 40. IL_CACHE_FRACTION Specifies the amount of user memory reserved for the cache; default is .3 (30%). IL_CACHE_SIZE Specifies the size of the cache; default is IL_CACHE_FRACTION. IL_COMPUTE_THREADS Specifies the number of threads generated; default is the number of processors in the system. IL_DEBUG Specifies the debug level; default is 0. IL_HW_ACCELERATE Specifies whether or not hardware is used to accelerate image processing; default is all enabled. Environment Variables Table 8-1 (continued) Environment Variable Definitions Environment Variable Definition and Default Value IL_HW_DISPLAY Specifies the X display used by IL to obtain a display connection which is then passed to XOpenDisplay(). IL_HW_RENDERER Overrides the return value of glGetString(GL_RENDERER) which forces IL to treat the display as a different type of renderer. IL_MONITOR Specifies whether or not all monitors are on; default is off. Monitors print messages when specific events occur. IL_MONITOR_CACHE Specifies whether or not a log entry is generated when the cache is used; default is off. IL_MONITOR_COMPACTION Specifies whether or not a log entry is generated when the cache is compacted; default is off. IL_MONITOR_RESET Specifies whether or not a log entry is generated when an operator resets; default is off. IL_MONITOR_LOCKS Specifies whether or not a log entry is generated each time a lock is created or destroyed; default is off. IL_MP_ARENA_SIZE Specifies the size of the arena; default is 2 Mb. IL_MP_LOCKS Specifies whether or not concurrent access to IL data structures is allowed for threads; default is on. IL_NUM_PBUFFERS Specifies how many pbuffers to try to allocate; default is 1. IL tries to get as many as can up to this value. IL_READ_THREADS Specifies the number of read threads used per processor to handle disk I/O; default is one. 279 Chapter 8: The Programming Environment The following sections describe the uses of some of the environment variables. Caching Configuration Issues You can use the environment variable IL_CACHE_FRACTION to specify the size of the IL image data cache. The default size is 30% of available user memory. For example, you could set the cache size to 20% of available user memory by issuing the following command prior to running an IL-based application: % setenv IL_CACHE_FRACTION .2 Alternatively, you can use the environment variable IL_CACHE_SIZE to set the size of the cache in bytes. For example, you could set the cache size to 4 million bytes by issuing the following command prior to running an IL-based application: % setenv IL_CACHE_SIZE 4000000 The IL_CACHE_SIZE variable takes precedence over IL_CACHE_FRACTION if both are set. Hardware-Acceleration Configuration Issues You can use the environment variable IL_HW_ACCELERATE to override the default behavior of using the graphics hardware to perform processing whenever possible. For example, you can disable the hardware acceleration feature of IL by issuing the following command prior to running an IL based application: % setenv IL_HW_ACCELERATE 0 You might turn off hardware acceleration when debugging operators that are accelerated by the hardware. Hardware Display Configuration Issues When you open a display using IL, you first use the X call, XOpenDisplay(), to return a pointer to the display device. The return value is then passed into ilDisplay to open a window to display an image. You can use IL_HW_DISPLAY to set the value of the display which the return value of XOpenDisplay() points to. 280 Environment Variables The rendering machine returned by glGetString(GL_RENDERER) is generally the machine you are using. You can override the value returned by glGetString(), however, by setting the IL_HW_RENDERER value. For example, you might be running on an InfiniteReality but want to see what the display would be like on an Impact. In this case, you would set IL_HW_RENDERER to Impact. Caution: Make sure your machine supports the platform you are setting IL_HW_RENDERER to. Monitoring Control Issues You can use the IL_MONITOR environment variable to turn on the IL Monitor. The IL Monitor logs an entry wherever one of the following events occurs: • The cache is used. • The cache is compacted. • An operator is reset. • A lock is either created or destroyed. If you want a less-complete level of monitoring is needed, or you need to capture a log of the operations, you can use any combination of the following environment variables: • IL_MONITOR_CACHE • IL_MONITOR_COMPACTION • IL_MONITOR_RESET • IL_MONITOR_LOCKS If you set IL_MONITOR_CACHE to 1, a log entry is generated each time the cache is used, for example: Page (0,0,0,0) loading in File(0x1000a858) Page (0,32,0,0) loading in File(0x1000a858) Page (253,29,0,0) loading in Nop(0x100c8108) 281 Chapter 8: The Programming Environment If you set IL_MONITOR_COMPACTION to 1, a log entry is generated each time the cache is compacted, for example: Compaction Compaction Compaction Compaction Compaction Compaction Compaction Compaction Compaction reclaimed reclaimed reclaimed reclaimed reclaimed reclaimed reclaimed reclaimed reclaimed 144K. 0K. 160K. 144K. 0K. 64K. 176K. 0K. 0K. If you set IL_MONITOR_RESET to 1, a log entry is generated each time an operator is reset, for example: (brandt@chaos:tests) convrz File(0x1000a858) initialized Convolve(0x1000db98) initialized Rotate/Zoom(0x1000e1a0) initialized X Window(0x100813f0) initialized PBuffer(0x10099668) initialized X Window(0x100ad9a8) initialized X Window(0x100ad9a8) altered View(0x100a3218) initialized X Window(0x100ad9a8) altered OpenGL Hardware Pass(0x100c1088) initialized OpenGL Hardware Pass(0x100c1870) initialized OpenGL Hardware Pass(0x100c1870) altered Pixel Cache(0x100c2058) initialized If you set IL_MONITOR_LOCKS to 1, a log of lock creations and destructions is generated. Additionally, at program exit, any remaining locks are displayed. For locks that are created, a short message is printed with the name of the lock. The name consists of the address of the lock optionally followed by a parenthetical comment describing what the lock is used for, for example: Created Created Created Created Created Created 282 lock lock lock lock lock lock 4001fa0 4002070 4002140 4002210 40022e0 40023b0 (ilMpNode cache) (ilMpParkedGroup cache) (ilMpPool cache) (ilLink mutex) (ilImage evalLock) (ilLink mutex) Environment Variables For the destruction of locks as they exit, the name of the lock and its metering information are displayed. The metering information measures such things as how many attempts were made to acquire the lock, how many of those attempts were successful, and how many times the software was forced to start spinning on the lock. Multi-Threading Configuration Issues You can use the environment variables IL_COMPUTE_THREADS and IL_READ_THREADS to specify the number of compute threads and file read threads used by each processor. By default, one compute thread is created for each processor on the host system (including the user’s thread), and one read thread is created to perform disk I/O in the background. For example, you can disable all multi-processing features in IL by issuing the following commands prior to running an IL-based application: % setenv IL_COMPUTE_THREADS 0 % setenv IL_READ_THREADS 0 You can set the size of the arena used to allocate spin-locks and semaphores for multi-processing control with the IL_MP_ARENA_SIZE variable. You might set this variable if, for example, you create a large number of objects derived from ilLink. By default, IL allows up to forty threads to share multi-processing arenas. If you need more, you can set the IL_ARENA_MAXUSERS environment variable to a larger value. 283 Appendix A A. What is New in Version 3.1 This appendix describes the differences between versions 3.0 and 3.1 of the ImageVision Library. keepPrecision() Added to ilOpImg The ilOpImg method, keepPrecision(), was introduced to the IL library to maintain the data types of operator inputs. Before version 3.1, the data type of operator inputs defaulted to the smallest type that covered its range, for example, 0.0 to 1.0 defaulted to char. This default behavior caused problems for non-integer input values, for example, the range 0.0 to 1.0 might default to char when, in fact, the values were float. For more information about keepPrecision() see “The keepPrecision() Function” on page 221. Multiprocessing on Single CPU Machines Enabled Before IL version 3.1, asynchronous requests made on single-CPU machines failed. In version 3.1, asynchronous requests spawn multiple threads to process requests. Additional Image Formats Supported In addition to all of the image formats supported by IL version 3.0, version 3.1 supports Alias/Wavefront, SoftImage (by Microsoft®), and YUV (by Abekas) image formats. For more information about image formats, see “Supported IFL Image File Formats” on page 66. 285 Appendix A: What is New in Version 3.1 ELT Performance Enhanced The performance of the Electronic Light Table (ELT) has been enhanced dramatically. For more information about the ELT, see Appendix G, “Using the Electronic Light Table.” Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering The ImageVision library supports OpenGL as well as X rendering. IL version 3.1 allows you to choose between the two with the following ilConfigure methods: ilStatus ilSetRenderingStyle(Display* dpy, ilRenderingStyle style) ilRenderingStyle ilGetRenderingStyle(Display* dpy) where ilRenderingStyle is one of the following enumerations: ilOpenGLRendering or ilXRendering. By default, ilOpenGLRendering is chosen if available. ilXRendering is used primarily for rendering to a remote machine that does not support OpenGL. You use ilSetRenderingStyle() to request a rendering style explicitly. If ilOpenGLRendering is requested but not supported on the X connection, a status of ilUNSUPPORTED is returned, and ilXRendering is set. ilGetRenderingStyle() returns the current style. API Change for ilImgStat The API was changed for ilImgStat so that it behaves much more like ilImage. For more information, see “Generation of Statistical Data” on page 132. 286 Appendix B B. What is New in Version 3.0 This appendix describes the differences between versions 2.5 and 3.0 of the ImageVision Library. If you are new to ImageVision, you should skip this appendix. The changes mentioned in this appendix are integrated into the remainder of this manual. This appendix is split into the following sections: • “Overview of Changes in 3.0” describes the major changes in IL 3.0. • “Understanding the New Features” describes in detail all of the features added to IL 3.0. • “Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features” describes in detail all of the enhancements made to 2.x features. • “Backwards Compatibility with IL 2.5” describes in detail the conversions between IL 2.5 and 3.0. • “New Derivations for Classes” describes in detail the new class hierarchy structure. Overview of Changes in 3.0 The major new features in IL 3.0 are: • Support for OpenGL with transparent use of X rendering when OpenGL is not available. • Support for 64-bit address space. • Support for a configurable error reporting mechanism. • Support for a generalized callback mechanism. The major changes to existing features are: • IRIS GL rendering is no longer supported. 287 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 • The Fortran API. is no longer supported. It is still possible, however, to use the C API from Fortran. • File format support is now provided by the Image Format Library (IFL). • Some base functions of IL were moved to IFL with corresponding name changes. • Hardware acceleration is now user extensible. • Scalability to larger numbers of processors has been improved. • Asynchronous operations are now supported. • Long operations can be aborted. • Handling of image warping has been generalized. The following sections provide more detail on all of the changes and additions made in IL 3.0. Understanding the New Features This section describes the new features in IL version 3.0. Support for OpenGL and Hardware Acceleration IL 3.0 is built on top of OpenGL instead of IRIS GL. Applications that were using IRIS GL must be ported to OpenGL because the two graphics libraries are not compatible. Moving to OpenGL also means that IL 3.0 performs optimally on new graphics hardware that has a native OpenGL implementation. On older platforms, such as RealityEngine, there will be some degradation in performance. IL 3.0 maintains its own, internal OpenGL context which minimizes interactions between hardware-accelerated operations and user rendering to the same window. ilGLDisplayImg, ilGLViewer, and ilGLXConfig are gone. Programs that used those classes must be ported to OpenGL and the ilXWindowImg and ilViewer classes. IL 3.0 automatically manages a hardware rendering thread. ilHwIsSGI, ilHwThreadEnable, ilHwThreadSuspend, ilHwThreadResume are also gone. 288 Understanding the New Features 64-bit Address Space Support size_t, defined in /usr/include/sys/types.h, is used in IL 3.0 to specify the size of an object in memory. Depending on the maximum size that an object in the virtual memory, size_t can be either unsigned 32 bit or 64 bit. The return types of all functions returning the size of an object used to be int; now they return size_t. Understanding New Classes The following classes have been added to IL. ilAffineWarp ilAffineWarp is a subclass of ilWarp that extracts the first degree polynomial coordinate transformations that were formally embedded in ilPolyWarpImg. ilRotZoomImg uses this warp class to represent its transformations. ilCallback ilCallback is a new base class with two derived classes: ilFunctionCallback and ilMethodCallback. The derived classes provide a standard way to encode new function callbacks. The external interface uses derived classes from ilFunctionCallback and ilMethodCallback. ilFunctionCallback creates a callback to a function that takes an argument, userArg. This argument is supplied when the callback is created and a second argument, callerArg, is passed from the callsite of the callback (when doit() is called). ilMethodCallback is similar to ilFunctionCallback. You use both to create a callback to a method on an object of a specified class. iflColormap iflColormap is derived from iflLut. The only difference between the two is that iflColormap cannot have a one-to-one mapping onto the domain of the LUT. You use iflColormap to represent the colormap for image files that have an iflRGBPalette color model. All methods getting or setting colormaps now pass an iflColormap object instead of an ilLut. 289 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 ilCompoundImg ilCompoundImg is an abstract class that can be used to manage an IL subchain as if it were a single object. This can be useful for encapsulating an IL subchain used repeatedly in an application. You can use IL to create variable subchains since the parents and children of ilCompoundImg are attached to ilCompoundImg itself rather than internal subchains. For example, an ilCompoundImg could encapsulate two subchains which share common output processing but process input differently. ilELTImg ilELTImg, together with ilDisplay, ilView, and ilStereoView, provide functions needed by Electronic Light Table (ELT) applications. ELT applications provide real time manipulation of images, compressed or not. ilELTImg is derived from ilCompoundImg and manages an image chain consisting of dewarp, convolution, table look-up and histogram. Image manipulation, such as roaming and wiping as well as multi-image display and stereo display, is supported in ilDisplay. ilFPolarImg ilFPolarImg is a new base class for ilFMagImg and ilFPhaseImg that operate on fourier domain images. ilFPolyadicImg ilFPolyadicImg is a new base class for ilFMonadicImg and ilFDyadicImg that work on fourier domain images. ilFMonadicImg and ilFDyadicImg are now derived from ilFPolyadicImg as special cases. ilFrameBufferImg ilFrameBufferImg, derived from ilImage, is the basis for all IL access to frame buffer memory. IL maintains internal display and GL contexts to isolate its rendering from the user's code. ilMath In ilMath.h, some useful mathematical templates for integer types are defined, for example, ilMod, ilDiv, ilDivUp, ilRoundUp, and ilRoundDown. 290 Understanding the New Features ilPolyWarp ilPolyWarp is a subclass of ilWarp that extracts the seventh-degree polynomial coordinate transformations that were formally embedded in ilPolyWarpImg. ilPolyadicImg ilPolyadicImg, derived from ilOpImg, is the base class for N-input operators. Many formerly ilDyadicImg-derived operators, for example, ilAddImg, ilAndImg, ilBlendImg, ilMaxImg, ilMinImg, ilMultiplyImg, ilOrImg, and ilXorImg, now allow multiple inputs. ilDyadicImg is now derived from ilPolyadicImg as a special case. ilTiePointList ilTiePointList manages a set of tie points used by ilTiePointImg. It provides methods to add, remove, and locate tie points. ilTimeoutTimer ilTimeoutTimer provides a simple and efficient means of implementing a timeout period for a polling loop. The timer automatically adapts its internal time checking to avoid excessive reads of the hardware timer. Because of this optimization, the timeout period is within 10% of the actual period. ilTimer ilTimer provides an interface to the high-resolution interval timer. On most SGI machines this has a resolution of 1 usec or better. ilWarp ilWarp provides an abstract class to one-, two-, and three- dimensional coordinate system warps from, respectively, (u), (u, v), and (u, v, w) space to (x), (x, y), and (x, y, z) space. The subclasses ilPolyWarp, ilAffineWarp, and ilPerspWarp implement particular instances of the ilWarp abstraction. The ilWarp class hierarchy enables more convenient control of ilWarpImg. 291 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features This section explains how IL version 2.5 features have changed. Multi-threading Architecture Changes The MP architecture of IL has been completely redesigned for IL 3.0. This redesign enables • better scalability to larger numbers of processors • better integration of a dedicated rendering thread for improved graphics performance • long operations to be aborted The old ilDispatcher and ilRequest classes are replaced by the new ilMpManager and ilMpRequest classes. The ilMpSetMaxProcs parameter, spare, which specified the number of spare I/O threads is gone. IL 3.0 now uses a dedicated read thread. Asynchronous Operations All of the tile access methods, including getTile3D, setTile3D, copyTile, now have asynchrounous versions, for example, qGetTile3D, qSetTile3D, qCopyTile, respectively, that can access a tile without waiting for an operation to complete. The caller can add a queued operation as a dependent operation on some other ilMpManager or ilMpRequest. In this way, image operators handle input data tile requests when processing a request to compute a page. In addition, queued operations can return an ilMpManager object. This process allows a number of synchronization options: 292 • you can add a completion callback to the operation • you can explictly wait for the operation to complete at a later time • an operation can be aborted before it completes Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features Deriving Image Operators To support asynchronous operations and aborting, the getPage() virtual function in ilOpImg has been replaced by three new virtual functions that break the processing of a page into three phases: prepareRequest(), executeRequest() and finishRequest(). In the prepare phase, an operator allocates input buffers and fills them with image data. In the execute phase, the operator processes the image. In the finish phase, any allocated buffers or locked pages are freed. The finish phase is separate from the execute phase to allow aborted requests that have been prepared, but not executed, to skip the processing phase and free allocated resources. These changes are only visible to operators derived directly from ilOpImg. Operators derived from more typical classes, such as ilMonadicImg or ilSpatialImg, still use the calcPage() API. Image Format library The image file format functionality has been separated into a library called Image Format Library (IFL). This library takes care of all I/O image processing. IL uses IFL to perform image I/O. IFL applications do not have to use IL, however, IFL also simplifies and standardizes the process of adding support for new image file formats. The external interface to the IFL is encapsulated in two classes: iflFile and iflFormat. Note that IL users will normally continue to use ilFileImg directly; not the IFL API. Refer to the IFL man pages and release notes for more information on using IFL directly. File formats New image file formats such as PPM (portable pixmap file format) and PNG (new public domain replacement for GIF) are supported in IFL. JPEG compression support in TIFF files had been added as has the ability to decompress JFIF images at reduced resolution and increased speed. IFL also supports GIF file format writing, which was not supported in IL 2.5. 293 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 Renamed Types Now Defined in IFL File format types, tile descriptors, list objects, vectors, and other generic types, such as ilBitArray, ilColor, ilConfig, ilCoord, ilDataSize, ilDictionary, ilHashTable, ilList, ilLut, ilMinMax, ilPixel, ilSize, ilSpace, ilTile, and ilTypes, shared by both IL and IFL are now in IFL. Consequently, the class name prefixes have changed from “il” to “ifl”. A complete list of the name changes can be found in “Automatic Class Name Conversion” on page 308. Changes to the Display Facility The biggest change to the IL display facility is that OpenGL has replaced IrisGL. IL no longer supports GL windows or GL events. Additional changes to the display facility include the addition of callbacks, queued paint operations, and new border styles. All support for GL windows and GL event handling has been removed. Now only support for X windows and X event handling is provided. Since X rendering and OpenGL rendering can be mixed in the same X window, IL no longer has a render mode. If the visual supports OpenGL, rendering is done with OpenGL. Otherwise, X is used to render the images. ilDisplay, ilViewer (and ilXWindowImg) can now create a window for the user with an appropriate visual for the server they are connected to. ilViewer has a new eventLoop() method that runs the event loop to make coding a simple IL application as easy as possible. Callbacks have been added to ilDisplay and to ilView. Each has a post-render callback and ilView also has a border callback. Paint operations can now be queued which is useful for enhancing GUI response in applications. To turn on this feature, call ilDisplay::enableQueueing(True). All methods to get and set color for backgrounds, errors, and borders now take a float rgb triplet (normalized to a range of 0-1) instead of ilPixel. ilDisplayImg, ilGLDisplayImg, and ilXDisplayImg have been replaced by ilFrameBufferImg and ilXWindowImg. Users no longer need to tell IL to use X rendering since both OpenGL and X do their rendering to X drawables. Instead, IL determines if the visual supports OpenGL; if it does, IL uses it to display a window. 294 Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features Error handling ilError provides a standard interface to handle error processing, notification, and recovery. In the new interface, unexpected or exceptional conditions are classified according to severity: • MM_HALT • MM_ERROR • MM_WARNING • MM_INFO These severity levels are defined in pfmt.h; MM_HALT is the most severe, MM_INFO is the lease severe. When an error condition is encountered, the default behavior, defined in ilNaiveErrorHandler, is to print a message to stderr. If the severity is MM_ERROR or MM_HALT, IL exits the program. IL provides three error handling functions: ilNaiveErrorHandler Prints message to stderr and aborts the program if the severity is MM_ERROR or MM_HALT. ilRobustErrorHandler Prints message to stderr and aborts if severity is MM_HALT. ilSilentErrorHandler Prints a message to stderr and aborts if severity is MM_HALT. Otherwise, remains silent and continue execution. The behavior of the error handling functions can be overridden by using ilSetErrorHandler to supply a user’s error handler. If such a handler is not supplied, one of the standard error handling functions is selected according to the environment variable, for example, if IL_SILENT is set, ilSilentErrorHandler is selected if IL_ROBUST is set, ilRobustErrorHandler is selected, otherwise, ilNaiveErrorHandler is selected by default. The current global error handling function can be queried using ilGetErrorHandler. IL single-threads calls to error handlers. If an error happens in a thread, the thread blocks until no other errors are being handled in other threads. One benefit of the blocking is 295 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 that an error handler can send a message to an error stream in multiple fprintf() statements without fear that the pieces will be shuffled together with messages from another error handler running in a different thread. As in IL 2.X, the type ilStatus is overloaded to represent both a function return value and an object’s state. However, in IL 3.0, rather than being an enumerated type with only a few dozen possible values, ilStatus is now a 32-bit quantity composed of 3 components: unsigned int mainStatus:12 -- il status code unsigned int subDomain:4 -- domain of subStatus unsigned int subStatus:16 -- subdomain status code mainStatus encodes a value of enumerated type ilMainStatus, similar to the 2.51 ilStatus enumerated type. subStatus encodes an elaboration of the main status from another domain. In order to determine what subStatus means, one must examine subdomain to see what subStatus contains, for example, UNIX error numbers’s or iflStatus values. The status code 0, ilOKAY, is reserved. Callers can check the ilStatus value without worrying about specific return values. ilError.h contains the definition of ilStatus (32-bit unsigned int) and the enumerated types ilMainStatus and ilSubDomain; they represent the possible values of the mainstatus and subStatus fields, respectively. ilError.h also contains inline functions and macros to manipulate the following composite ilStatus values: ilStatusEncode, ilGetMainStatus, ilGetSubDomain, ilGetSubStatus, ilStatusToString, and ilStatusFromIflStatus. Polynomial Coordinate Structures Most of the polynomial coordinate structures defined in ilPolyDef.h have been removed. Specifically, declarations for polynomials of degree 2 through 6 no longer exist. In addition, the cubic polynomial evaluation routines in ilVector.h (ilVG3Poly and ilVG3Poly2D) no longer exist. 296 Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features The coefficient structures for first- and seventh-degree polynomial structures, defined in ilPolyDef.h, have been renamed, as shown in Table B-1. Table B-1 New Names for Polynomial Structures Old Name New Name ilCoeff1_2d ilAffine2D ilCoeff7 ilPolyCoeff1D ilCoeff7_2d ilPolyCoeff2D ilCoeff_1d ilPoly1D ilCoeff_2d ilPoly2D Run-time Object-Type Query Macros The declaration and implementation for run-time object-type inquiries are generalized to support any class, not just classes derived from ilLink, as the names in Table B-2 suggest. Table B-2 Run-time Object Inquiries Old Name New Name ilDeclareDerivedClass ilClassListDeclare ilImplementDerivedClass ilClassListImplementBase (or ilClassListImplementDerived) At run time, a statically-created class inheritance chain supports run-time object type inquiries. To acquire this capability, put the ilClassListDeclare macro in the public section of a class declaration derived from a base class and the ilClassListImplementBase (for all base classes) or ilClassListImplementDerived (for all derived classes) macro in the implementation file. In addition, the methods declared in ilClassListDeclare are of const type. Therefore, it is possible to call these methods on a const object. 297 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 Changes to Existing Classes The following miscellaneous changes have been made to existing IL classes: ilCacheImg In ilCacheImg, all callback-related functionality has been changed to use the standard ilCallback interface. Specifically, the following callback-related functionality has been replaced: setPagingCallback, setPagingCallbackDefaultEnabled, getPagingCallback, getPagingCallbackArg, getPagingCallbackDefaultEnabled, enablePagingCallback, isPagingCallbackEnabled, and listResident. These callback-related routines are replaced by addPagingCallback, removePagingCallback, hasPagingCallbacks, and doPagingCallbacks. Either ilPagingMethodCallback or ilPagingFunctionCallback (newly defined) can be used with ilCacheImg::addPagingCallback(). ilClassId ilClassId has changed to a const pointer to the ilClassList structure. ilConfig is now a derived class of iflConfig instead of a base class. The color model parameter in the constructor is now gone. ilDilateImg In ilDilateImg, the biasValue parameter in the constructor is gone. ilDisplay ilDisplay uses an overloaded constructor to specify visual attributes and to automatically create an X window. getStart() and setStart() have been renamed to getMouse() and setMouse() because their values are updated by the current mouse position after one or more display operations. ilDisplay::getVisibleArea() and ilDisplay::setVisibleArea() were added to clip painting for scrolled window support. ilDisplay::mapXY() was added to handle from and to orientations. Note that ilCoordSpace has been renamed to iflOrientation. 298 Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features enableFrontRedraw() and isFrontRedrawEnabled() were added to allow redraws to the front buffer in double buffer mode. This improves an application’s perceived responsiveness. setMode() and clrMode() were added to control the display mode used for adding new ilViews. New ilViews inherit dispMode() which makes it easier to defer painting while adding many new views. Post-render callbacks were added which are called after all views have been rendered. There are three callbacks: prepare, render, and finish. The prepare and finish callbacks are called by an IL compute thread. The render callback is called by the IL render thread to maximize rendering performance. The prepare and finish callbacks can be NULL. You can set and query a roam rate limit using setRoamLimit() and getRoamLimit(). You use the roam limit to smooth the roam motion. The limit sets the displacement, in pixels, between consecutively-rendered frames. Since the displacement is constant, regardless of the motion of the mouse, the roam speed is constant. For example, if the roam limit is four pixels, consecutively-rendered frames will be separated by four pixels regardless of how much or little the mouse moves. ilDisplay no longer supports autoSwap. Instead, pass ilNoSwap in the mode argument to disable swapping. ilDisplay::getScreenNum() was removed. ilErodeImg In ilErodeImg, the biasVal parameter in the constructor is gone. ilFDyadicImg cmplxVectorCalc() now has an extra argument to indicate whether the vector includes a dc value. getPage() is gone and its functionality is replaced by prepareRequest(), executeRequest(), and finishRequest(). ilFFTOp ilFFTOp is no longer a public class. Forward and inverse transform, ilRfftf and ilRffti, can be done only using ilRFFTfImg and ilRFFTiImg. 299 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 ilFFiltImg getPage() has been replaced by prepareRequest(), executeRequest(), and finishRequest(). ilFMonadicImg getPage() has been replaced by prepareRequest(), executeRequest(), and finishRequest(). ilFalseColorImg In ilFalseColorImg, a NULL constructor was added. ilFileImg ilFileImg was the abstract base class for various file format subclasses, for example, ilJFIFImg, ilPCDImg, ilPCDOImg, ilFITImg, ilGIFImg, ilSGIImg, and ilTIFFImg. Those subclasses are now gone. ilGenericImgFile and ilFileImg have been replaced by ilFileImg. ilFileImg provides a standard interface for opening or creating image files of all format types. All file format-specific implementations are hidden inside the IFL. There are major changes in ilFileImg. ilFsDitherer ilFsDitherer generates an optimal colormap for a full-color image and performs a high quality dithering to produce a color index image. The algorithm that generates this colormap is based on Heckbert's median cut algorithm. The function takes a pointer to the source image and to the number of colors you want in the color-index image. The function returns an optimal colormap based on the distribution of pixel values in the source image. The input image can be dithered using the Floyd-Steinberg algorithm. IL now maintains a global dithering mode that can be set and queried using two new, utility methods: ilSetDither() and ilGetDither(). So, when creating a color index image, one can either set the dithering to ilNoDither for no dithering, ilFSDither for Floyd-Steinberg dithering, or ilSGIDither for standard SGI dithering. These functions and the ilDither enum are defined in ilConfigure.h. 300 Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features ilGBlurImg In ilGBlurImg, getBlur() was added and setBlurKernelSize() was removed. lHistLutImg In lHistLutImg, getImgStat() and getRoi() were added. ilHistScaleImg In ilHistScaleImg, getImgStat() and getRoi() were added. ilImage In ilImage, the following methods were added: hwAccelerate(), isAccelerated(), copy(), q[Get/Set]SubTile3D(), qCopyTileCfg(), qDrawTile(), qFillTile[3D/RGB](), q[Get/Set]Tile3D(), qLockPageSet(), drawTile(), [alloc/get/free]FillData(), fillTileRGB(), getDimensions(), getCopyConverter(), getHwOp(), getHwPassTable(), getLockTileSet(), getPageOrigin(), hwDefine(), isIntegral(), [get/set]MaxColormapLevels(), and [is/set]Writable(). The methods map[To/From]Input() replace the methods eval[XY/UV](). The new methods accept 3D arguments which enables tracking of 3D coordinate transformations through a chain. Numerous overloaded versions of these methods, including the old 2D versions, are also provided. Methods with a different argument or return type, for example, clipTile(), take a new parameter of type iflTile3Dint which embodies offsets and dimensions. getColormap() returns cmap through a return instead of a reference parameter. getFill() returns fillValue through a return instead of a reference parameter. The following methods are obsolete: [get/set]CacheSize(), [get/set]Cache[Window/WindowCopy](), copyConverted(), isDisplayImg(), needColorConv(), operator<<(), seekTile[/3D](), and eval[XY/UV]. map[To/From]Source() now supports 3D coordinate transformations. Numerous overloaded versions of this method, including the 2D one, are also provided. 301 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 [map/isMirror]Space() has been replaced by [map/isMirror]Orientation(). minValue() and maxValue() changed from ilPixel to scalar double. [get/set][Min/Max]Value no longer have the channel parameter which means that minimum and maximum values are no longer maintained separately for each channel. getPageSize() now uses a return of type size_t instead of int. getPageSize() returns nx and ny through reference parameters. copyTile[_/3D/Cfg]() methods no longer have the fromOther parameter. Operations are now always from the “other" image to "this" image. getStrides3D() is replaced by getStrides(). setPageSize() is overloaded to allow only x and y page sizes to be set (and individual flags added to reflect this). setPageSizeZ() and setPageSizeC() were added. [get/set]SubTile3D(), copyTileCfg(), fillTile3D(), lockTile3D(), and lockPageSet() are no longer virtuals. lockPageSet() takes a new parameter, perPageCb. hwGetPass() replaces hwEval().d getColorImg() no longer has the optional parameter, img. ilImgStat In ilImgStat, the isAccelerated() method was added. ilIndexableList ilIndexableList is now a stand-alone class instead of a derived class from ilList. The new methods, get[Next/Prev](), were added. ilLink In ilLink, all callback related methods have been simplified to use the standard ilCallback interface. Specifically, setResetCallback(), setResetCallbackDefaultEnabled(), 302 Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features getResetCallback(), getResetCallbackArg(), getResetCallbackDefaultEnabled(), enableResetCallback(), and isResetCallbackEnabled() have been replaced by addResetCallback(), removeResetCallback(), and hasResetCallbacks(). The following functions were removed: get[Depth/Child]() and [add/remove]Parent(). ilDumpChain is now the dumpChain() method. The mpLock() method does not take the parameter, wait, anymore. The default value for parameter, spins, has changed. The runtime type query methods are now const. iflLut iflLut was formerly ilLut. iflLut now supports scale and bias on index which allows a LUT to have a different length than its domain, for example, a LUT can have floating point input values ranging from 0-1 and have 256 entries. [get/set]Val() now takes an index as a double. A new constructor takes LUT length. You can now use getDomainStep() to access sequential LUT entries. ilLutImg getLookUpTable() now returns a pointer to the LUT through a function return instead of a reference parameter. ilMemCacheImg In ilMemCacheImg, the method getPageTime() was added which returns the average time to compute a page in the cache. The listResident() method now takes ilCallback as a parameter. lockPageSet() is now inherited from ilImage and has one extra parameter, perPageCb. [prepare/execute/finish]Request() methods now replace getPage(). ilFileImg, derived from ilMemCacheImg, is the only class still using getPage(). ilMemoryImg In ilMemoryImg, setAutoSync() was removed as was the parameter, autoSyncEnable, in the constructor. 303 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 iflName A new method was added to iflName: setID(). ilOpImg In ilOpImg, checkDataType() was removed. getValidTypes() and getValidOrders() were added to query attribute values. The inherit() logic has been tuned to only re-inherit when inputs change. ilPage In ilPage, the null constructor was removed. [get/set]PID() was added that gets or sets the process id that computes this page. ilPropSet ilPropSet is a pure virtual class. Two subclasses of ilPropSet are provided, ilPropList and ilPropTable, which implement the abstract class as a linked list and as a hash table, respectively. ilPropList is now derived from iflList instead of ilIndexableList. Interface changes involved are: virtual functions, iterInit() and iterNext(), are removed from ilPropSet. To iterate through all of the elements in the set, use the methods provided in either iflList or iflHashTable. ilSepConvImg The ilSepConvImg constructor takes two new parameters, zKernzel and zsize, to support three dimensional kernel specifications. Two methods, setZkernel() and getZkernel(), were added that support three dimensional kernels. set[X/Y/Z]kernel() takes a new, optional parameter, kernSize. ilSpatialImg The constructor for ilSpatialImg no longer takes the parameters inputKernel and biasVal. It does, however, take a new parameter, inImg. 304 Understanding the Changes to the Existing Features ilSpinLock The atomicCreate() method takes one new optional parameter, name. The type of lockp in the same method is now declared differently. ilSpinLock objects now have names for monitoring (turned on with IL_MONITOR_LOCKS). New methods were added, including lock(), unlock(), cset(), getName(), monitoringLocks(), dumpLockStats(), and dumpLocks(). set() and unset() no longer return values. ilSubImg ilSubImg now has a NULL constructor. ilSubImg is now derived from ilOpImg so its result is cached in memory. ilRoiImg ilRoiImg is now derived from ilCombineImg so its result is cached in memory. ilMergeImg ilMergeImg is now derived from ilOpImg so its result is cached in memory. ilTieWarpImg ilTieWarpImg now uses the generic warp functionality of ilWarp that is built into ilWarpImg. It is possible to specify the warp using tie points, providing the underlying ilWarp class supports warp inference using tie points. Also, ilTieWarpImg uses ilTiePointList internally to maintain tie points. The moveTiePoint() method is obsolete because it is no longer possible to reference a tie point by an index. ilView Three border callbacks and three post-render callbacks were added to ilView. The border callbacks draw the view borders; the post-render callbacks are called after the view has been rendered. The three border and post-render callbacks are defined as follows: borderPrepareCB = prepare; borderRenderCB = render; borderFinishCB = finish; 305 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 postPrepareCB = prepare; postRenderCB = render; postFinishCB = finish; The prepare and finish callbacks are called by an IL compute thread. The render callback is called by the IL render thread to maximize rendering performance. The border callbacks as well as the post-render callbacks can be enabled or disabled. Note: The prepare and finish callbacks may be NULL. Several new border styles were added, including BdrSolidLines, BdrDashedLines, BdrCornerHandles, and BdrMiddleHandles. Use setBorderStyle() to change the border style. getDel() is now protected instead of private. Its return value is overloaded to XYZ or XY image position (now in floating point). getImgLoc(), a new method, returns the location of an image relative to its window. ilViewer Added ability to get/set X event window. This is used to support events that occur in overlay drawables. ilWarpImg ilWarpImg has been substantially rearchitected. The addrGen() method is obsolete, and there are no longer any pure virtuals in ilWarpImg. The warp is now specified by the setWarp() method. The current warp can be accessed using getWarp(). Numerous other internal changes were made to support the new MP methodology. Backwards Compatibility with IL 2.5 IL 3.0 is not binary-compatible with earlier versions of the ImageVision Library (IL 2.5.1 and earlier). In addition, there are many source level differences. The largest difference is the wholesale movement of core typing from IL to the IFL subsystem. IFL performs all image reading and writing for IL. Consequently, all types dealing with image data types, pixel channel ordering, color models, and coordinate systems have been moved into IFL. 306 Backwards Compatibility with IL 2.5 There is some IL 2.5 source-level compatibility available in IL 3.0, as described in “Automatic Class Name Conversion” on page 308. You can turn on this compatibility by compiling your source code with IL2_5_COMPAT defined. When IL2_5_COMPAT is defined the following source level incompatibilities remain: • In IL 2.5, the ilConfig class contained an ilColorModel (now iflColorModel) field named cm that is no longer present. • The old ilImage coordinate system member variable, space, has been renamed orientation. Note: IL2_5_COMPAT automatically changes the variable type from ilSpace to iflOrientation. • The types ilXYS*, ilXYZS*, and ilXYZCS* are now defined in terms of the corresponding IFL types which have constructors. As a result, using C style initialization is not legal for these types. Code that uses such initialization must be changed to use C++ style initialization, for example, ilXYSint xy[2] = {{ 1, 2 }, {3, 4}}; becomes ilXYSint xy[2] = {ilXYSint(1, 2), ilXYSint(3, 4)}; • The global functions ilSetDefaultFileFormat() and ilGetDefaultFileFormat() are not supported. • Transparent pixels are not supported by ilMedianCutCmapLut(). • The ilList, ilListIter, and ilListIterRev classes (now the iflList, iflListIter, and iflListIterRev classes) have become template classes. You must use them with a template argument that declares what object types are linked into the lists, for example, iflList . • ilStatus is no longer an enum. It now returns a major error code, a subsystem ID, and a subsystem error code. As a result, any method which is declared to return an ilStatus value must now return ilStatusEncode(), for example, return ilStatusEncode(ilBADINPUT); Note: There is a setStatus(int) method which automatically encodes the int parameter and sets the ilImage object's status to that result. 307 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 Automatic Class Name Conversion When you define DIL2_5_COMPAT in your program, the IL compiler automatically converts the 2.5 class names into their 3.0 equivalents, as shown in Table B-3.: Table B-3 Class Name Conversions Old Type Names 3.0 Type Names ilBitArray iflBitArray ilColorModel iflColorModel ilMinWhite iflNegative ilMinBlack iflLuminance ilRGB iflRGB ilRGBPalette iflRGBPalette ilRGBA iflRGBA ilHSV iflHSV ilCMY iflCMY ilCMYK iflCMYK ilBGR iflBGR ilABGR liflABGR ilMultiSpectral iflMultiSpectral ilYCC iflYCC ilCompress 308 iflCompression ilNoCompression iflNoCompression ilSGIRLE iflSGIRLE ilCCITTFAX3 iflCCITTFAX3 ilCCITTFAX4 iflCCITTFAX4 ilLZW iflLZW ilPACKBITS iflPACKBITS Backwards Compatibility with IL 2.5 Table B-3 (continued) Class Name Conversions Old Type Names 3.0 Type Names ilConvIter iflConvIter ilConverter iflConverter ilCoordSpace iflOrientation ilUpperLeftOrigin iflUpperLeftOrigin ilUpperRightOrigin iflUpperRightOrigin ilLowerRightOrigin iflLowerRightOrigin ilLowerLeftOrigin iflLowerLeftOrigin ilLeftUpperOrigin iflLeftUpperOrigin ilRightUpperOrigin iflRightUpperOrigin ilRightLowerOrigin iflRightLowerOrigin ilLeftLowerOrigin iflLeftLowerOrigin ilDictionary iflDictionary ilFileFormat iflDatabase ilFillMode iflFillMode ilFillAll iflFillAll ilFillSome iflFillSome ilFillNone iflFillNone ilFlip iflFlip ilNoFlip iflNoFlip ilXFlip iflXFlip ilYFlip iflYFlip ilHashTable iflHashTable ilLinkItem iflListItem ilList iflList 309 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 Table B-3 (continued) 310 Class Name Conversions Old Type Names 3.0 Type Names ilListItem iflListItem ilListIter iflListIter ilListIterRev iflListIterRev ilLut iflColormap ilName iflName ilOrder iflOrder ilInterleaved iflInterleaved ilSequential iflSequential ilSeparate iflSeparate ilPixel iflPixel ilSize iflSize ilStackBuffer use ilStackAlloc() ilTile iflTile3Dint ilTileFloat iflTile3Dfloat ilType iflDataType ilBit iflBit ilUChar iflUChar ilChar iflChar ilUShort iflUShort ilShort iflShort ilULong iflULong ilLong iflLong ilFloat iflFloat ilDouble iflDouble Backwards Compatibility with IL 2.5 Table B-3 (continued) Class Name Conversions Old Type Names 3.0 Type Names ilColorModelChans iflColorModelChans ilColorModelName iflColorModelName ilCompressionName iflCompressionName ilCoordSpaceName iflOrientationName ilCreateImgFile use ilFileImg constructor ilDataAnySign iflDataAnySign ilDataClosestType iflDataClosestType ilDataDemote iflDataDemote ilDataIsIntegral iflDataIsIntegral ilDataIsSigned iflDataIsSigned ilDataMax iflDataMax ilDataMin iflDataMin ilDataSize iflDataSize ilDataType iflDataTypeFromRange ilDataTypeName iflDataTypeName ilDataWantSigned iflDataWantSigned ilGetDefaultFileFormat not supported ilGetNextFileFormat iflFormat::findNext() ilGlobalDict iflGlobalDict ilGlobalName iflGlobalName ilMax iflMax ilMedianCutCmapLut use ilFsDitherer class ilMin iflMin ilOpenImgFile use ilFileImg constructor 311 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 Table B-3 (continued) 312 Class Name Conversions Old Type Names 3.0 Type Names ilOrderName iflOrderName ilSGICmapLut use iflSGIColormap class ilSetDefaultFileFormat not supported ilSpcGetTransform iflOrientationTransform ilSpcIsLeft iflOrientationIsLeft ilSpcIsLow iflOrientationIsLow ilSpcIsMirrorSpace iflOrientationIsMirror ilSpcIsTrans iflOrientationIsTrans ilSpcMapFlipTrans iflMapFlipTrans ilSpcMapSize iflMapSize ilSpcMapSpace iflMapOrientation ilSpcMapTile iflMapTile ilSpcMapXY iflMapXY ilSpcMapXYSign iflMapXYSign ilXYS iflXYS ilXY iflXY ilXYZS iflXYZS ilXYZ iflXYZ ilXYZCS iflXYZCS ilXYZC iflXYZC ilDot iflDot ilCross iflCross ilXY[char, int, float, double] iflXY[char, int, float, double] New Derivations for Classes Table B-3 (continued) Class Name Conversions Old Type Names 3.0 Type Names ilXYZ[char, int, float, double] iflXYZ[char, int, float, double] ilXYZC[char, int, float, double] iflXYZC[char, int, float, double] ilXYS[char, int, float, double] iflXYS[char, int, float, double] ilXYZS[char, int, float, double] iflXYZS[char, int, float, double] ilXYZCS[char, int, float, double] iflXYZCS[char, int, float, double] ilMultiListIterRev iflMultiListIterRe ilMultiList iflMultiList ilGenericList iflGenericList ilTile[2D, 3D, Float,2Dint, 2Dfloat, 3Dint, 3Dfloat, 2Dint, 2Dfloat, 3Dint, 3Dfloat] iflTile2D[2D, 3D, Float,2Dint, 2Dfloat, 3Dint, 3Dfloat, 2Dint, 2Dfloat, 3Dint, 3Dfloat] New Derivations for Classes Because of the introduction of many new classes, the inheritance between classes has changed, as shown in Table B-4. Table B-4 New Class Hierarchies Class Old Base Class New Base Class ilAddImg ilDyadicImg ilPolyadicImg ilAndImg ilDyadicImg ilPolyadicImg ilBlendImg ilDyadicImg ilPolyadicImg ilCombineImg ilOpImg ilDyadicImg 313 Appendix B: What is New in Version 3.0 Table B-4 (continued) 314 New Class Hierarchies Class Old Base Class New Base Class ilConfig none iflConfig ilDyadicImg ilOpImg ilPolyadicImg ilFDyadicImg ilOpImg ilFPolyadicImg ilFFiltImg ilOpImg ilMonadicImg ilFMagImg ilOpImg ilFPolarImg ilFMonadicImg ilOpImg ilPolyadicImg ilFPhaseImg ilOpImg ilFPolarImg ilFSpectImg ilOpImg ilMonadicImg ilIndexableList ilList None ilLink None iflListItem ilMaxImg ilDyadicImg ilPolyadicImg ilMergeImg ilImage ilOpImg ilMinImg ilDyadicImg ilPolyadicImg ilMonadicImg ilOpImg ilPolyadicImg ilMultiplyImg ilDyadicImg ilPolyadicImg ilOrImg ilDyadicImg ilPolyadicImg ilPropList ilIndexableList iflList ilRoiImg ilImage ilCombineImg ilSubImg ilImage ilOpImg ilXorImg ilDyadicImg ilPolyadicImg Appendix C C. Introduction to C++ This chapter introduces the basic concepts of programming in C++. It briefly covers the principal concepts that differentiate C++ from non-object-oriented languages. Rather than providing a definitive overview, it gives C programmers a basic grasp of the C++ concepts and phrases that are occasionally used in this guide. If it has the side benefit of piquing the interest of C programmers enough to give C++ a try, so much the better. One primary benefit of programming in C++ is that you can extend the IL as you wish, for example, to include support for your image file format or for an image processing algorithm. Objects and Classes If you know that C++ is an object-oriented language, you correctly assume that objects play a major role in a C++ program. An object is an instance of a C++ class. As a C programmer, you are familiar with structures which provide a convenient grouping of variables. A class is a fancy data type that defines not only data elements, as in a data structure, but functions that manipulate those data elements. These data elements are called the class’s data members, since they belong to the class; similarly, the functions that manipulate the data members are called member functions. One key member function is the constructor, which contains instructions about how to create a class object. Typically, the constructor initializes the values of the data members. The class destructor deallocates the class object. In C++, you can have the compiler automatically create objects for you: goodClass myGoodClass(anArg); This statement defines the variable myGoodClass as being an instance of the class goodClass; it invokes the goodClass constructor to create myGoodClass, passing in the variable anArg as an argument to the constructor. Since storage is allocated for myGoodClass, you can now invoke any of its member functions: myGoodClass.doItNow(someArg, anotherArg); 315 Appendix C: Introduction to C++ This statement invokes the doItNow() member function, explicitly passing in two arguments and implicitly passing the data elements of myGoodClass. Note the use of the dot operator (“.”) to access the doItNow() member function of the goodClass. You can also use this operator to access a data member of a class object, for example, int defaultValue = myGoodClass.goodDefault; where goodDefault is defined in the goodClass class. Since the myGoodClass object is created automatically, it is also deleted (its storage freed) automatically, that is, the class destructor is called automatically when the function goes out of scope. You can explicitly create an object as shown below: goodClass* myGoodClassP = new goodClass(anArg); Here, the goodClass constructor is explicitly called with anArg as the argument; note that the constructor has the same name as the class and that it returns a pointer to the class object. So, instead of a class object, you now have a pointer to a class. In this case, to access one of its members, you have to use the arrow operator (“->”): myGoodClass->doItNow(someArg, anotherArg); Since you have explicitly created the myGoodClassP object, it is not automatically deleted. You have to do this yourself: delete myGoodClassP; This statement calls the goodClass destructor to delete the object. Overloaded Functions A function in C can only be declared once. In C++, however, it is permissible to provide more than one declaration of a function as long as the arguments in each function are different. Since the function has more than one declaration, it is called overloaded. Overloaded functions are used most commonly to declare class constructors. For example, you might have the following constructors: myClass(); myClass(int arg1, float arg2); myClass(myType type); 316 Inheritance The arguments that you pass into the constructor determine which version of the constructor is used. You cannot, however, make the following declaration because the arguments have the same form: myClass(int serialNumber, float accuracy); myClass(int imageNumber, float resolution); Inheritance Classes can inherit data members and member functions from other classes. Inherited members are available for use by a class just as though they were defined in the class itself. Inheritance occurs when one class is derived from another. The derived class inherits the member functions and data from its parent, unless those members are marked as private. (“Public versus Protected versus Private” on page 318 describes the meaning of “private.”) Thus, classes exist in an inheritance hierarchy. As shown in the inheritance hierarchy in Figure C-1, bestClass inherits from betterClass, which itself inherits from goodClass. goodClass Figure C-1 betterClass bestClass Sample Inheritance Hierarchy In this example, betterClass is “better” since it inherits members from goodClass and also defines its own; similarly, bestClass inherits members from goodClass and betterClass, and it defines its own. The root of a hierarchy is called the base class—in this example, the base class is goodClass. Typically, the base class has several subclasses that derive from it; it defines general capabilities common to every class in the hierarchy. A subclass then adds definitions of whatever members it needs to implement in order to provide its specific functionality. A superclass can declare a member function as virtual, giving a subclass the opportunity to provide its own definition of that function. In some cases, virtual functions are simply declared but not implemented at all in a superclass. These are called pure virtual functions, and they must be overridden by a subclass’s own version. You cannot create an object of a class that contains pure virtual functions; such a class is called an abstract class. 317 Appendix C: Introduction to C++ Public versus Protected versus Private A class cannot use all of its superclass’s members. Some of a class’s members are declared private, and they are available for use only by the member functions of that class. Other members are declared protected, and these are available for use by derived classes. Yet other members are declared public, and they are accessible anywhere in the program. Passing by Reference The C++ language allows variables to be passed by reference (as Fortran does). For example, here is the declaration of a query function getAttribute(), which returns an attribute’s value by reference: void getAttribute(int& val); Here is how you use this function: int x; myGoodClass.getAttribute(x); It looks like getAttribute() is taking the variable itself, but behind the scenes, C++ actually passes a pointer to x. Default Values Another handy thing C++ allows you to do is to specify default values for a function’s arguments. You do this when you declare the function: void thisFunction(int arg1, int arg2 = 5); Subsequently, you can call thisFunction() without explicitly specifying the second argument: myGoodClass.thisFunction(3); This statement invokes the function, passing in 3 as the first argument and 5 as the second. Additionally, you can specify whatever value you wish for the second argument instead of relying on the default, as shown below: myGoodClass.thisFunction(3, 7); 318 Class Declaration Format Class Declaration Format Example C-1 is a skeletal example of a class declaration to give you an idea of the declaration format. Example C-1 Class Declaration Format #include #include class ilViewTile : ParentClass { public: float red, green, blue; ilViewTile() { tile.x = tile.y = tile.nx = tile.ny = 0; mode = 0; } ilViewTile(const iflTile2D & t, int m) { init(t, m); } protected: void qRender(ilMpNode* parent, const iflTile2D & tile, int mode); private: void init(int mode); void initSize(int mode); }; In Example 1-1, ilViewTile class derives from ParentClass. The constructor for the class, ilViewTile() is overloaded: it has two forms. The constructors are public functions. The function qRender() is protected. The init() and initSize() functions are used internally in the class and so are marked private. Linking with Libraries in Other Languages If you program in C++, you probably want to link with object files and libraries written in languages other than C++, especially C. In order to do so, you must include in your 319 Appendix C: Introduction to C++ program declarations for the functions you wish to call. In most cases, you can do this by including appropriate header files with the #include directive. For the standard C header files supplied by Silicon Graphics, using #include is all you need to do. For example, if you are going to use C standard I/O and the Graphics Library, write: #include #include If you want to call C functions from within a C++ program, either directly or by file inclusion, make sure that the C++ program contains correctly prototyped declarations for the functions. Also, the function declarations need to be recognizable by the C++ translator as declaring functions whose definitions are in C. These steps are necessary because C++ normally encodes function names to support overloading. For example, the real name of a function declared in a C++ program as: void printf(char*, ...) is printf__FPce. The printf() function in libc.so, however, is called printf. To allow a C++ program to call functions written in C, C++ provides linkage specifications. To use the standard printf() function, for example, write: extern "C" { void printf(char *, ...); } within the C++ source file that calls printf(), or within a header file that is included by the source file. The extern C statement tells the translator that the function linkage should be done according to the conventions used by the C programming language. If you want to adapt an existing C header file or create a header file of your own containing C function declarations, and you want to be able to include it in either C or C++ programs, you can use the symbol __cplusplus (with two underscores preceding it). __cplusplus is always defined for C++ compilations and is otherwise undefined. Thus, you can enclose C function declarations with: #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif and #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif 320 Referring to Function Names This scheme is used to create the C and Fortran interfaces to the IL. Referring to Function Names The most important thing you need to know when debugging C++ programs with dbx is how to refer to functions and data members: • Member functions. Refer to these as classname::functionName. For example, to set a breakpoint in class C’s member function f(), type: stop in C::f If there is more than one member function named f(), this command will set a breakpoint in every such function. (However, you cannot set a breakpoint in an in-line function.) • Global C++ functions. Refer to these as ::functionname. For example, to set a breakpoint in the global function f(), type: stop in ::f • Non-C++ functions. Refer to these as functionname. For example, to set a breakpoint in printf(), type: stop in printf • Data members. You cannot refer to a data member by its name alone, even if the program is stopped in a member function. To refer to data member m, use this–>m. The following example illustrates various possibilities: #include class foo { int n; public: foo() {n = 0;}// this is an inline function foo(int x); int bar(); int bar(int); }; int foo:: bar() { return n; } 321 Appendix C: Introduction to C++ int foo:: bar(int x) { return n + x; } foo::foo(int x) { n = x; } int square(int x) // this is a global function { return x * x; } main() { foo a; foo b = 11; int x = a.bar(); int y = b.bar(x) + square(x); printf("y = %d\n", y); } If you type: stop in foo::foo execution will stop in the constructor for the variable b but not in the constructor for the variable a because you cannot set a breakpoint by name in an in-line function. If you type: stop in foo::bar execution will stop both when a.bar is called and when b.bar is called because the debugger is unable to distinguish between the overloaded functions. To stop in square, type: stop in ::square To stop in printf (a C function), type: stop in printf 322 Appendix D D. Summary of All Classes This appendix lists all the classes that make up the IL. Each of these classes has its own reference page. Convenience functions that do not belong to any particular class are also listed here. These functions have reference pages as well. Table D-1 Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description iflBitArray Provides a limited, subscriptable bit array iflClassList Creates a class inheritance chain. iflColor Defines a few convenience functions for obtaining info on color models. iflColormap Provides the base class for lookup tables. iflConfig Defines configuration of pixel data iflConvIter Provides an iterator for converters. It is used to step to the beginning of each row shared in common between two converters. The iterator also steps through the channels. iflConverter Handles type conversion and reorganization between arbitrary rectangular data buffers. iflCoord Contains structures to hold coordinates with arithmetic operations. iflDataSize() Manipulates the size of IL data types iflDatabase Describes the capabilities of a particular image file format. iflDefs Contains standard definitions required by the Image Format Library. iflDictionary Implements a dictionary of named elements 323 Appendix D: Summary of All Classes Table D-1 (continued) 324 Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description iflError Contains error codes, error handling, and assertion macros used by the IFL library. iflFile Contains an abstraction of a handle to an image file. iflFileConfig Describes the configuration of an iflFile. It is used with the iflFile::create() calls to query file configurations. iflFormat Describes the capabilities of a particular image file format. iflHashTable Contains the base class from which hash table implementations can be derived. iflList Contains the base class for a simple doubly-linked list. iflLut Defines a lookup table. iflMinMax Contains the functions for performing minimum and maximum comparisons iflOrientation Transposes the orientation of an image’s axis. iflPixel Defines a pixel. iflSGIColormap() Contains the functions that create or access color maps. iflSize Defines the size of an image. iflTile Defines a three-dimensional rectangle of image data. iflTileIter Cycles through the pages spanning a tile. iflTypeNames Provides a some convenience functions to get the ASCII string for some of the enumerated types used by IFL. iflTypes Defines the image data types, pixel component ordering, supported Color Models, supported orientations, supported compression schemes, and flip modes. ilABGRImg Converts to the ABGR color model. Table D-1 (continued) Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilAbsImg Computes the pixelwise absolute value of an image. ilAddImg Computes the pixelwise addition of two images. ilAndImg Computes the pixelwise logical AND of two images. ilArena Defines an area of CPU memory shared by multiple threads. ilArenaItem Creates a shared memory version of your favorite objects. ilArenaSem Provides an interface to the user mode semaphore services. ilArenaSmallBitArray Provides a shared memory version of the ilSmallBitArray class. ilArenaSpin Provides an interface to the user mode spin lock services. ilArithLutImg Performs a generalized arithmetic operation using a look-up table. ilArrayAlloc Allocates memory for arrays. ilAtomicOps Provides inline functions to define some useful atomic operations. This header file is mainly intended to ease portability of code using these operations. ilBGRImg Converts to the BGR color model. ilBitMapRoi Defines a bitmap-based region of interest (ROI). ilBlendImg Blends images. ilBlurImg Blurs an image. ilBoundingBox Accumulate 2D bounding box of a set of points. ilBuffer Provides a four-dimensional resizable buffer. ilCMYKImg Converts to the CMYK color model. 325 Appendix D: Summary of All Classes Table D-1 (continued) 326 Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilCache Implements the new and delete operators to allow objects of derived classes to be cached. This can be used to minimize calls to malloc() and free() for objects that are frequently constructed and destroyed. ilCacheImg Implements image data caching. ilCallback Implements callback method which is a abstraction of a pointer-to-function parameter. ilChromaKeyImg Compares each input pixel against a statistical measure of the “background”. If the pixel is close enough to the mean value of the background it is marked as being in the background. ilColorConv Converts between color models. ilColorImg Converts to the ABGR color model. ilCombineImg Combines two images controlled by an ROI. ilCompassImg Performs a directional gradient transform of an image. ilConfigure Contains routines to configure the IL environment. ilConstImg Defines a constant-valued image. ilConvImg Performs general image convolution. ilConvPixel Converts a pixel to different color models. ilDilateImg Performs morphological dilation on an image. ilDisplay Manages the display of images in an X window. ilDisplayDefs Defines various binary flags common to ilDisplay and ilView. Many display operators take a mode parameter that is the bitwise OR of one or more of these flags (e.g. mode = ilCenter | ilDefer). ilDisplayMgr Handles cleanup of ilViewCbArg. Created for ilView callbacks. ilDivImg Computes pixelwise division of two images Table D-1 (continued) Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilDyadicImg Provides basic support for dual-input operators ilELTImg Implements the functions needed for Electronic Light Table applications. ilELTRoamer Supports roaming look-ahead and zooming look-ahead for ELT applications. ilELTrset Encapsulates all information related to an R-set. ilEnviron Provides support for environment variables. ilErodeImg Performs a morphological erosion on an image. ilExpImg Performs pixelwise exponentiation of an image. ilFConjImg Computes the conjugate of a Fourier image and normalizes the complex value by a real factor. ilFCrCorrImg Computes the cross-correlation of two Fourier images. ilFDivImg Divides two Fourier images. ilFDyadicImg Provides basic support for dual-input Fourier operators. ilFExpFiltImg Applies an exponential Fourier filter to a Fourier image. ilFFiltImg Provides basic support for Fourier filter operators. ilFFTOp Performs a forward, inverse, or average fast Fourier transform of an image. ilFFiltImg Provides the base class for frequency filters. ilFGaussFiltImg Applies a Gaussian Fourier filter to a Fourier image. ilFileFormat Registers supported image file formats. ilFileImg Provides basic support for image files. ilFMagImg Computes the magnitude values of a Fourier image. ilFMergeImg Merges magnitude and phase images into a Fourier image. 327 Appendix D: Summary of All Classes Table D-1 (continued) 328 Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilFMonadicImg Provides basic support for single-input Fourier operators. ilFMultImg Multiplies two Fourier images. ilFPhaseImg Computes the phase values of a Fourier image. ilFPolarImg Provides the base class for single input fourier operators. ilFPolyadicImg Provides the base class for multiple input fourier operators. ilFRaisePwrImg Raises the magnitude values of a Fourier image by a power. ilFSpectImg Computes the spectrum of a Fourier image. ilFalseColorImg Performs false coloring of multispectral images. ilFrameBufferImg Provides the basis for IL access to frame buffer memory. IL maintains internal Display* and GL contexts to isolate its rendering from the user’s code. ilFsDitherer Allocates and returns an optimized color map. ilGBlurImg Performs a two-dimensional Gaussian blur of an image. ilGrayImg Converts to the gray-scale color model. ilHistEqImg Performs histogram equalization of an image. ilHistLutImg Provides the base class for operators that compute a lookup table based on a histogram. ilHistNormImg Performs histogram normalization of an image. ilHistScaleImg Performs histogram scaling of an image. ilHSVImg Converts to the HSV color model. ilHSVconverter Converts HSV to RGB file format. Table D-1 (continued) Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilHwConnection Provides private connections to the display server and serves as a graphics hardware capability query mechanism. ilHwContext Provides the foundation for all of IL’s rendering to graphics hardware. ilHwDefs Defines some types and enums for hardware acceleration. ilHwManager Provides the base class for various types of hardware accelerated rendering. This header file includes a couple of miscellaneous managers for fillTile and qBarrier operators. ilHwManagerGL Implements those rendering operations that can be accomplished with the OpenGL drawPixels function. ilHwMgrELT Provides the ilMpManager for Electronic Light Table applications. ilHwPass Encodes the hardware acceleration for an ilImage (or an ilImgStat). ilHwPassELT Implements hardware acceleration for the ELT application. ilHwPassGL Implements hardware acceleration in OpenGL. ilHwTexture Represents a single GL texture. ilImage Provides basic support for images. ilImgRoi Defines the image-mapped Roi class. ilImgStat Computes the histogram, minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation of an image. ilIndexableList Provides an indexable linked list. ilIndexableStack Manages an indexable list as a stack. ilInvertImg Performs one’s complement of an image. ilKernel Defines kernels. 329 Appendix D: Summary of All Classes Table D-1 (continued) 330 Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilLaplaceImg Performs edge detection using Laplacian kernels. ilLink Provides chaining and setting attributes. ilLinkIter Provides an iterator for ilLink. ilLockPageCache Manages a toroidal cache of lock requests on an image. ilLogImg Computes the pixelwise logarithm of an image. ilLutImg Translates an image using a lookup table. ilMachDep Provides definitions and typedefs used to detect machine dependencies and compensate for them to ease the difficulty of porting the IL to other platforms. ilMath Facilitates the mod operation for integer types. ilMatrix Defines matrices. ilMaxFltImg Performs max filtering of an image ilMaxImg Computes the pixelwise maximum of two images ilMedFltImg Performs median filtering of an image ilMemCacheImg Implements data caching in main memory. ilMemoryImg Defines an image array resident in memory. ilMergeImg Merges several images into one. ilMinFltImg Performs minimum filtering of an image. ilMinImg Computes the pixelwise minimum of two images. ilMonadicImg Provides basic support for single-input operators. ilMpLock Provides an encapsulated version of ilSpinLock with a different API that is more suitable for deriving from, for example, to make a lockable list. ilMpManager Provides a generalized method to execute work in parallel using a configurable number of threads created with sproc. Table D-1 (continued) Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilMpPool Manages a shared pool of resources, for example, buffers. Groups of requests can acquire a particular resource or get queued until the resource becomes available. ilMpQueue Provides an abstract API for queueing ilMpRequest’s to be executed by ilMpThread::run(). ilMpThread Implements the abstraction of an execution thread created with sproc. ilMultiplyImg Computes the pixelwise multiplication of two images. ilNegImg Performs two’s complement of an image. ilNopImg Provides caching on non-cached images. ilOpImg Provides basic support for operators. ilOrImg Computes a pixelwise logical OR of two images. ilPage Defines a page of image data in a cache. ilPager Implements a page table and manages an image cache. ilPCDImg Provides support for the Kodak Photo CD image pack file format class. ilPerspWarp Manages a perspective warp. ilPiecewiseImg Performs a linear mapping of lookup table images. ilPixelBufferFrag Provides support to hardware managers for allocating, locking, and drawing to pbuffer memory. ilPixelBufferImg Implements the ilImage model for images whose data resides in off-screen frame buffer memory, that is, GL p-buffers. ilPixelCacheImg Implements the ilImage model for images whose data resides in off-screen frame buffer memory, that is, GL p-buffers. ilPolyDef Defines some structures and methods for polynomials. 331 Appendix D: Summary of All Classes Table D-1 (continued) 332 Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilPolyWarp Specifies a two-dimensional seventh-order polynomial warp. ilPolyWarpImg Performs a two-dimensional seventh-order warp. ilPolyadicImg Provides the base class for N-input operators. ilPool Implements a pooled memory allocation scheme with facilities for compaction and reclamation of free space. ilPowerImg Raises image data to a specified power. ilPriorityList Lists items sorted by priority. ilPropSet Creates a collection of properties. ilRankFltImg Performs two-dimensional rank filtering on an image ilRectRoi Defines a rectangular region of interest (ROI). ilRFFTfImg Performs a real forward fast Fourier transform. ilRFFTiImg Performs a real inverse fast Fourier transform. ilRGBImg Converts to the RGB color model. ilRobertsImg Performs edge detection using Roberts kernels. ilRoi Defines an ROI. ilRoiImg Associates an ROI with an image. ilRoiIter Cycles through run lengths in an ROI. ilRotZoomImg Rotates, zooms, and flips an image. ilSaturateImg Performs color saturation of an image. ilScale Implements simple linear scaling operations, for example: f(x) = ax + b. ilScaleImg Performs a linear scaling of an image. ilSemaphore Limits the number of process threads that can access a shared data structure. Table D-1 (continued) Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilSepConvImg Performs an image convolution using a separable kernel. ilSepKernel Manages a separable kernel. A separable kernel is one that can be separated into independent X and Y components to optimize computation. ilSGIPaletteImg Converts to the RGB Palette color model. ilSharpenImg Sharpens an image. ilSmallBitArray Defines a bit array. ilSobelImg Performs edge detection using Sobel kernels. ilSpace Contains a list of IL to IFL compatibility #defines. ilSpatialImg Provides basic support for spatial operators. ilSpinLock Manages spinlock services. ilSqRootImg Computes the pixelwise square root of an image. ilSquareImg Computes the pixelwise square of an image. ilStackAlloc Provides a wrapper for alloca. ilStackBuffer Provides a four-dimensional, resizable buffer with better performance than an ilBuffer. ilStereoView Associates a stereo view (two images) with a region in an ilDisplayImg. ilSubImg Defines a rectangular portion of an image as an independent image. ilSubtractImg Computes the pixelwise subtraction of two images. ilSwitchImg Implements a switch construct in an image operator chain. ilTOTAL Implements the user interface portion of the interface builder. Normally, it is not used directly. Instead the subclass, FmtAttForm is instantiated. ilTexImg Implements a paged image stored in texture memory. 333 Appendix D: Summary of All Classes Table D-1 (continued) 334 Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilThread Manages a shared group of processes. ilThreshImg Applies a threshold to an image. ilTiePointList Manages a list of tie points. ilTieWarpImg Warps an image by specifying tie points. ilTIFFImg Creates an image file in the TIFF format. ilTileImgIter Cycles through the pages spanning a tile. ilTimeoutTimer Provides a simple and efficient means of implementing a timeout period for a polling loop. ilTimer Provides an interface to the high-resolution interval timer. On most SGI machines, this timer has a resolution of 1 usec or better. ilVector Provides a resizable Vector class. ilVectorUtil Provides vector utility routines. ilView Associates an image with a region in an ilDisplayImg. ilViewCallback Provides easy access to view state information as well as other information needed for graphics callbacks. ilViewer Handles standard operations on ilDisplay objects triggered by X events. ilViewIter Iterates through ilDisplay’s view stack. ilWarp Provides an abstract base class used to define 3D warp functions. ilWarp3Img Derives from ilWarpImg and defines addrGen() to evaluate a 3rd order polynomial. ilWarpImg Provides basic support for warping an image. ilWarpRoamer Provides an object that roams a warped image. ilXDisplayImg Defines an image that exists in the frame buffer. ilXImage Translates between an XImage and an ilImage. Table D-1 (continued) Summary of All Classes Class or Function Description ilXWindowImg Manages an IL interface to X Windows. IL maintains internal ilDisplay and GL contexts to isolate rendering from user code. ilXorImg Computes the pixelwise exclusive-OR of two images. ilYCCconverter Provides a YCC/RGB conversion object. 335 Appendix E E. Implementing Your Own Image File Format IFL supports a wide variety of image formats, including .tiff, .rgb, .rgba, .jpeg, and .gif. (For a complete list of supported file formats, see “Supported IFL Image File Formats” on page 66.) IFL is extensible, however, so that you can easily add support for additional file formats. You do that by 1. deriving your file format class from iflFile and iflFormat 2. implementing your derived class 3. adding your file format to the file format database, ifl_database The file format supplied with IFL, FIT, provides the sample code described throughout this chapter that demonstrates how you can extend IFL to implement your own file format. The code for the FIT format is also available in the software distribution in /usr/share/src/ifl/src/iflFITFile.c++ Although the C++ code might differ slightly from the excerpts shown in this chapter, the functionality remains the same. This chapter describes how to add and implement your own image file format. Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class iflFile is an abstract, base class that you use to derive your image file format class. Every iflFile object is an image file format class, such as iflTIFFFile (.tiff) and iflFITFile (.fit). iflFile does not have a public constructor or destructor, so you cannot use iflFile directly. In your new image file format class, you need to provide functions that • create a new file or open an existing one • read data from a file into the cache, one page at a time, decompressing it if necessary • write data from the cache into a file, one page at a time, compressing it if necessary 337 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format • close a file • allow your format to be registered To accomplish these tasks, your derived class will typically use the following inherited member functions of iflFile that open, create, and close the file, flush the buffer, and parse the file name: • open() • create() • close() • flush() • parseFileName() These functions (and a class destructor) are the minimum number of functions your class must provide. Very likely, your class will provide more capabilities including, perhaps, your own version of reset() (declared in ilLink and ilImage) to handle altered parameters properly. The remainder of this section describes how the iflFile methods implement these necessary tasks. Opening an Existing File You can specify a file by a filename, a file descriptor, or both. If both are specified, the file descriptor is used to open the file. In this case, the filename is stored for use with error messages and the iflFile::getfileName() method. The iflFile::open() method is defined as follows: iflFile* open(fileDesc, filename, mode, format, status); where fileDesc is the file descriptor. The name of the file, filename, can be followed by an index to specify sub-images using the following syntax: filename:index 338 Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class For more information about changing the index after a file is open, see “Functions that Manipulate the Image Index” on page 348. The mode argument specifies the read-write permissions set on the file. The two valid mode are read-only, O_RDONLY, and read-write, O_RDWR. The format argument specifies the file format for the opened file. If you set this argument to NULL, the usual implementation, the file format is deduced from the file’s contents, in particular, its magic number. You can, however, use the format argument to specify a file format. The status argument is set to an error value if the open() method fails. If you have not implemented error messages, you should set this argument to NULL. If the method fails, the return value of the method is NULL. If the open() method succeeds, an iflFile* pointer is returned to a derived class of iflFile, such as iflTIFFFile. The object created with open() can then be manipulated by the methods in the derived class. It is the application’s responsibility to deallocate the object using the iflFile::close() method, for example, newFileObject->close(); The iflFITFile file format uses two constructors to open a file. The first constructor uses just the filename to open the file, the second uses the file descriptor: static iflFile* open(const char* filename, int mode = O_RDONLY, iflStatus* status = NULL); static iflFile* open(int fileDesc, const char* filename, int mode = O_RDONLY, iflFormat* format = NULL, iflStatus* status = NULL); Example E-1 shows how ilFITFile.c++ implements opening a file. Example E-1 Opening a File iflStatus iflFITFile::openFile() { int fd_opened_here = 0; iflStatus status; 339 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format if (fd < 0) { assert(filename != NULL); fd = (iflStatus)::open(filename, accessmode); if (fd < 0) return iflStatusEncode(iflOPENFAILED, iflSubDomainUNIX, ::oserror()); fd_opened_here = 1; } needHeader = 0; dataWritten = 1; // must be initialized for destructor! // so extensions can’t be reserved // read the header if ((status = readHeader()) != iflOKAY) { if (fd_opened_here) { (void)::close(fd); fd = -1; } return status; } // fill in other info compression = iflNoCompression; calcPageParams(); return iflOKAY; } Creating a New Image File You can create a new file by specifying many of the same values you used in the open() method. You can create a new file using a filename, a file descriptor, or both. If both are specified, the file descriptor is used to create the file and the filename is stored for use with error messages and the iflFile::getfileName() method. The iflFile::create() method is defined as follows: iflFile* create(fileDesc, filename, source, config, format, status); All of the arguments in the create() method have the same mean as those described for the open() method. Only the source and config arguments are different. 340 Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class The config argument is a structure defined in iflFileConfig that specifies a wide range of file characteristics, including the file’s • dimensions • data type • dimension order • color model • orientation • compression • page dimensions If any of these characteristics are not given, the source argument is used to define them. If the source value is not defined, the characteristics default to the preferred values for the file format. The source argument points at an iflFile object. If any of the file’s characteristics are not defined in the config structure, the characteristics are set to be the same as those of the source object. If the create() method succeeds, an iflFile pointer is returned to a derived class of iflFile, such as iflFITFile. If the method fails, the method returns NULL and you can use the status argument to set an error value. Example E-2 shows how ilFITFile.c++ implements creating a file. Example E-2 Creating a File iflStatus iflFITFile::createFile() { // validate the c page size if (pageSize.c == 0) pageSize.c = order==iflSeparate? 1:size.c; else if (order != iflSeparate && pageSize.c != size.c) return iflStatusEncode(iflBADPARAMS); if (fd < 0) { assert(filename != NULL); fd = ::open(filename, accessmode|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd < 0) return iflStatusEncode(iflOPENFAILED, iflSubDomainUNIX, ::oserror()); 341 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format } else { (void)::ftruncate(fd, (off_t)0); } dataOffset = userOffset = sizeof(FIThead02); // flag the header/data as not written needHeader = 1; dataWritten = 0; calcPageParams(); scaleMinValue = iflDataMin(dtype); scaleMaxValue = iflDataMax(dtype); return iflOKAY; } Closing a File Whether you open or create a new file object, you must write a destructor that terminates it. This destructor needs to: • finish writing out any modified pages of image data to disk • close the file and release the file descriptor • free any temporary buffers that were allocated You use the iflFile::close() member function to close files, defined as follows: iflStatus close(int flags = 0); where flags can be set to IFL_CLOSE_DISCARD which means that iflFile::flush() is not automatically called so that buffered file data is not flushed when the file object is closed. The close() method performs the following tasks: 342 • flushes any buffered file data (unless the IFL_CLOSE_DISCARD flag is set) • closes the file • destroys the file object Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class The close() method automatically calls the iflFile::flush() and iflFile::closeFile() methods to carry out these tasks. Even if any of these three methods returns an error, the above tasks are performed. Note: The file descriptor is closed even if it is opened prior to the original iflFile::open() or iflFile::create() call. To keep a file descriptor open, use dup() on the file descriptor before closing the file and then pass the duplicated file descriptor to an open() or create() method. The following code shows how you might implement a destructor for a file format: iflFileFormat::~iflFileFormat() {FileFormat->close();} Example E-3 shows how ilFITFile.c++ implements closing a file. Example E-3 Closing a File iflStatus iflFITFile::closeFile() { assert(fd >= 0); if (::close(fd) != 0) return iflStatusEncode(iflCLOSEFAILED, iflSubDomainUNIX, ::oserror()); return iflOKAY; } Flushing the Buffer The iflFile::flush() method is a virtual function that displays any buffered data associated with an iflFile object. It is automatically called by iflFile::close() unless the environment variable, IFL_CLOSE_DISCARD, is set. In this case, the data in the buffer is flushed but not displayed. You might like to call flush() before closing an image file if, for example, you want to optimize memory space or system performance. If flush() succeeds, it returns iflOKAY; if not, it returns an appropriate iflStatus error value. Example E-4 shows how ilFITFile.c++ implements flushing a buffer. 343 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format Example E-4 Flushing a Buffer iflStatus iflFITFile::flush() { // update the header if necessary if (needHeader) { iflStatus status = writeHeader(); if (status != iflOKAY) return status; needHeader = 0; } return iflOKAY; } Parsing the File Name iflFile::parseFileName() is a static class member function. It is used to parse a file name for IFL. IFL file names have the following syntax: [# ][: ] [% ] This function is called automatically by the iflFile::open() member function. It is defined as follows: static char* parseFileName(const char* fullname, char** formatName=NULL, int* index=NULL, char** formatArgs=NULL); The return value is the actual filename and must be deleted by the user. The sub-image index can be returned using index if it is non-NULL. If an index is not present in the filename, -1 is returned. The format name can be returned using formatName if it is non-NULL. If no format name is present in the filename, NULL is returned. The format-specific argument string can be returned using formatArgs if it is non-NULL. If format-specific arguments are not present in the filename. NULL is returned. 344 Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class Reading and Writing Formatted Data In addition to providing functions that open and close files, you need to override getPage(), setPage(), getTile(), and getPage() to read and write image data in your file format. These functions are declared as follows: virtual iflStatus getPage(void* data, int x, int y, int z, int c, int nx, int ny, int nz, int nc); virtual iflStatus setPage(const void* data, int x, int y, int z, int c, int nx, int ny, int nz, int nc); iflStatus getTile(int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, void *data, const iflConfig* config=NULL); iflStatus setTile(int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, const void *data, const iflConfig* config=NULL); The data argument for getPage() is a pointer to an already allocated, page-sized buffer into which data is read. This buffer must be large enough to hold a page of data. For setPage(), data is a pointer to a page-sized chunk of memory that contains data that will be written to disk. These functions are described in greater detail in the following sections. These member functions are used by an IFL application to read image data from an image file into memory, or to write image data from memory to an image file. Standard practice is to use getTile(), setTile() functions. They enable reading and writing of arbitrary rectangular regions, tiles, with an arbitrary datatype, dimension ordering, and orientation. Optimized applications may use the lower-level getPage(), setPage() functions. The specified regions in these function are the file’s natural pages. Using getTile() This member function reads an arbitrary rectangular region from the image file into memory. The portions of the memory buffer corresponding to the area outside of the rectangular boundaries of the source file image are left undisturbed. The arguments, x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, specify the origin and size of the desired tile within the source image file, in the orientation indicated in the config parameter. The data argument specifies the address of the memory buffer into which the data should be placed. The config argument describes the configuration of the memory buffer. Its orientation affects the interpretation of x, y, z, nx, ny, nz. 345 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format A successful call to getTile() returns iflOKAY. If an error occurs, an iflStatus error value is returned. In an error condition, the buffer’s contents are undefined. Using setTile() This member function writes an arbitrary rectangular region from a memory buffer into the image file. The portions of the memory buffer corresponding to area outside the boundaries of the source file image are ignored. The arguments x, y, z, nx, ny, nz specify the origin and size of the target tile within the destination image file, in the orientation indicated in the config parameter. The data argument specifies the address of the memory buffer containing the data to be written. The config argument describes the configuration of the memory buffer. Its orientation affects the interpretation of x, y, z, nx, ny, nz. A successful call to setTile() returns iflOKAY. If an error occurs, an iflStatus error value is returned describing the error. In an error condition, the buffer’s contents are undefined. Note: setTile() may make calls to the subclass’s getPage() and setPage() functions in order to write a tile that is not aligned with the file’s pages. Using getPage() This virtual member function reads a page of image data from the image file. The data argument specifies the address of the memory buffer into which the data should be placed. The arguments x, y, z, nx, ny, nz specify the origin and size of the desired page within the source image file. The caller must guarantee that nx, ny, nz are the image’s page size and that x, y, z are a multiple of the page size. No checking is done by the function. A successful call to getPage() returns iflOKAY. If an error occurs, an iflStatus error value is returned describing the error. In an error condition, the buffer’s contents are undefined. Note: If the caller makes multiple, concurrent calls to getPage() or setPage(), it needs to set i/o callbacks. getPage() is required to surround code that must be executed atomically by calls to beginFileIO(). 346 Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class Using setPage() This virtual member function writes a page of image data from the image file. The data argument specifies the address of the memory buffer containing the data to be written. The arguments x, y, z, nx, ny, nz specify the origin and size of the desired page within the source image file. The caller must guarantee that nx, ny, nz are the image’s page size and that x, y, z are a multiple of the page size; no checking is done by the function. successful call to setPage() returns iflOKAY. If an error occurs, an iflStatus error value is returned describing the error. In an error condition, the buffer’s contents are undefined. Example E-5 shows how ilFITFile.c++ implements reading and writing data. Example E-5 Reading and Writing Data in the FIT Format iflStatus iflFITFile::getPage(void* data, int x, int y, int z, int c, int,int,int,int) { iflStatus returnval = iflOKAY; beginFileIO(); lseek (fd, pageOffset(x,y,z,c), SEEK_SET); int sts = read(fd, data, pageSizeBytes); if (sts == -1) returnval = iflStatusEncode(iflREADFAILED, iflSubDomainUNIX, ::oserror()); endFileIO(); return returnval; } iflStatus iflFITFile::setPage(const void* data, int x,int y,int z,int c,int,int,int,int) { iflStatus returnval = iflOKAY; beginFileIO(); lseek (fd, pageOffset(x,y,z,c), SEEK_SET); int sts = write(fd, data, pageSizeBytes); if (sts == -1) returnval = iflStatusEncode(iflWRITEFAILED, iflSubDomainUNIX, ::oserror()); endFileIO(); 347 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format dataWritten = 1; return returnval; } Functions that Manipulate the Image Index An image file can contain more than one image, depending on the file format. For example, the TIFF and GIF formats allow a file to contain any number of unrelated images, and the Kodak Photo CD Image Pac (PCD) and JFIF formats allow access to multiple resolutions of the same image. You can use image operations and queries on each image in a file by using an iflFile object’s current image index. The functions you can use to manipulate an image index are • getNumImg() • getCurrentImg() • setCurrentImg() The application can change the index by calling the object’s setCurrentImg() method. The current index and total number of images in the file can be queried by calling the getCurrentImg() or getNumImg() method, respectively. The initial index may also be set by specifying an index with the filename argument to iflFile::open(). Note: These operations are meaningful even if the file format does not support multiple images per file. In that case, getNumImgs() returns 1, getCurrentImg() returns 0, and setCurrentImg(i) will succeed only if i == 0. The following sections describe these functions in greater detail. Using getNumImgs() This virtual member function returns the number of images contained in the image file. The function is defined as follows: virtual int getNumImgs(); 348 Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class Using getCurrentImg() This virtual member function returns the iflFile’s current image index. The first image in the file is number zero. The second image in a file is number one, and so on. The function is defined as follows: virtual int getCurrentImg(); Using setCurrentImg() This virtual member function sets the current image index to the specified value. If the operation is successful, the function returns iflOKAY and the image index is changed. If the argument given in the function is out of bounds of the images in the file, the function returns iflStatusEncode(iflFILEFINDEXOOB) and the image index is left unchanged. If the operation fails for some other reason, an ifl error is returned using the iflError() mechanism. If the program continues, the file’s image index will be in an unknown state. The function is defined as follows: virtual iflStatus setCurrentImg(int i); Adding Images to Image Files If an image file has write permissions and the file format supports the addition of images, an application can use appendImg() to append an image to an image file. When the function succeeds, the new image in the file is given an index number and the index marker is updated to that of the added image. The function is defined as follows: virtual iflStatus appendImg(iflFile* source, iflFileConfig* fc=NULL); The dimensions, datatype, dimensionorder, colormodel, compression, and pagedims parameters specified in the iflFileConfig structure are treated the same as in the create() static member function. 349 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format If the operation is successful, the function returns iflOKAY. If the operation fails, an ifl error is returned using the iflError() mechanism. and the file’s contents and the object’s current index will be in an unknown state. Deriving an Image File Format from iflFormat An iflFormat object describes the capabilities of an image file format. Usually, there is only one such object per file format. Functions whose return values are of type iflFormat, such as iflFile::getFormat(), generally return a pointer to the static iflFormat object of the derived class. iflFormat is an abstract base class. Every iflFormat object is actually a file-format-specific subclass, such as iflTIFFFormat. Deriving Subclasses A derived class must define all of the following pure virtual functions found in iflFormat: accessModeIsSupported() randomAccessWriteIsSupported() typeIsSupported() getPreferredType() orderIsSupported() getPreferredOrder() colorModelIsSupported() getPreferredOrientation() compressionIsSupported() getPreferredColorModel() sizeIsSupported() getPreferredCompression() pagingIsSupported() getPreferredPageSize() pageSizeIsSupported() newfileobj() randomAccessReadIsSupported() Defining all of these functions fully characterizes the derived file format. newfileobj() tells iflFile::open() how to create an iflFile object in the derived format. Each image file format subclass must declare a single static object of its derived type. Because the base class constructor is invoked automatically when the DSO is opened 350 Deriving an Image File Format from iflFormat (because of the static object declaration) the derived format is placed on the global format list as part of its initialization. The following code shows you a sample declaration: static iflFITFormat theFITformat; If you install ifl_dev.sw.gifts, you can check the source code provided in /usr/share/src/ifl for examples of deriving from iflFormat. Virtual Function Descriptions This section describes all of the virtual functions listed in “Deriving Subclasses” on page 350. Table E-1 iflFormat’s Virtual Functions Function Description accessModeIsSupported() Tells whether the given access mode (which must be one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR) is supported by the subclass typeIsSupported() Tells whether the type is supported by the image file format. orderIsSupported() Tells whether the order is supported by the image file format. colorModelIsSupported() Tells whether the color model is supported by the image file format. compressionIsSupported() Tells whether the compression is supported by the image file format. sizeIsSupported() Tells whether the given image size x, y, z, c (which the caller must guarantee are all positive values) is supported by the image file format. pagingIsSupported() Tells whether the image file format supports any page size other than the entire image size. pageSizeIsSupported() Tells whether the image file format supports the given page size pWidth, pHeight, pz, pc for an image whose size is iWidth, iHeight, iz, ic, which must be a supported image size. 351 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format Table E-1 (continued) iflFormat’s Virtual Functions Function Description randomAccessWriteIsSupported() Tells whether the iflFile subclass supports random access reads or writes (as opposed to requiring that reads or writes occur sequentially). getPreferredType() Returns the image file format’s preferred type attribute value. The returned value must be one of the supported values. getPreferredOrder() Returns the image file format’s preferred order attribute value. The returned value must be one of the supported values. getPreferredOrientation() Returns the image file format’s preferred orientation attribute value. The returned value must be one of the supported values. getPreferredColorModel() Returns the image file format’s preferred color model attribute value. The returned value must be one of the supported values. getPreferredCompression() Returns the image file format’s preferred compression attribute value. The returned value must be one of the supported values. getPreferredPageSize() Returns the image file format’s preferred page size attribute value. The returned value must be one of the supported values. newfileobj() Used by the static functions iflFile::open() and iflFile::create() to construct an object of the derived class. The implementation should only return a new object of the desired subclass of iflFile. randomAccessWriteIsSupported() Tells whether the value of an image attribute is supported by the image file format. The following section shows you a code excerpt that defines all of these virtual functions. 352 Deriving an Image File Format from iflFormat Sample Code for Virtual Function Definitions Example E-6 shows an excerpt from iflFITFile.c++ that demonstrates how the virtual functions in iflFormat are defined. Example E-6 Defining Virtual Functions for Your Image File Format class iflFITFormat : public iflFormat { public: iflFITFormat() : iflFormat(“FIT”) {} int typeIsSupported(iflDataType) { return 1; } int orderIsSupported(iflOrder) { return 1; } int orientationIsSupported(iflOrientation) { return 1; } int colorModelIsSupported(iflColorModel) { return 1; } int compressionIsSupported(iflCompression cmp) { return cmp == iflNoCompression; } int sizeIsSupported(int,int,int,int, iflOrientation) { return 1;} int pagingIsSupported() { return 1; } int pageSizeIsSupported(int,int,int,int, int,int,int,int, iflOrientation) { return 1; } int randomAccessReadIsSupported() { return 1; } int randomAccessWriteIsSupported() { return 1; } virtual iflDataType getPreferredType() { return iflUChar; } virtual iflOrder getPreferredOrder() { return iflInterleaved; } iflOrientation getPreferredOrientation() { return iflLowerLeftOrigin; } virtual iflColorModel getPreferredColorModel(int nc) { return nc == 0? iflRGB : iflColorModelFromChans(nc); } virtual iflCompression getPreferredCompression() { return iflNoCompression; } void getPreferredPageSize(int, int, int, int sc, int& pWidth, int& pHeight, int& pz, int& pc, iflOrientation) { pWidth = 128; pHeight = 128; pz = 1; pc = sc; } iflFile* newfileobj() { return new iflFITFile; } }; // This static object declaration causes the file format to be // automatically registered when the DSO containing this code is // dlopen’ed. static iflFITFormat theFITformat; 353 Appendix E: Implementing Your Own Image File Format Registering an Image File Format To register your file format with IFL, you must create a dynamic shared object (DSO). A DSO allows programs that use IFL to recognize your new file format without relinking to those programs. The DSO contains the code for both your file format and the registration object. Each image file format subclass must declare a single static object of its derived type. The base class constructor is invoked automatically when the DSO is opened (because of the static object declaration). When the constructor is called, the derived format is placed on the global format list as part of its initialization. This following static object declaration for iflTIFFFormat causes the file format to be automatically registered when the DSO containing this code is dlopen’ed. static iflTIFFFormat theTIFFFormat; Using the File Format Database To add support for a new image file format, you create a Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) that implements the format and adds an entry in the IFL file format database. IFL uses a text database file to determine what file formats IFL can use. The database is normally located in the file, usr/lib/ifl/ifl_database, but this location may be changed using the IFL_DATABASE environment variable. 354 Registering an Image File Format You can add your own file formats to the database manually by using the following procedure: 1. Create a file of image format descriptions using the following format: format YourFormat match ushort(0) == 0x01da || ushort(0) == 0xda01 description “Your New Format” dso libiflYOURS.so subsystem “ifl_eoe.sw.c++” suffixes .yrfmt format YourAlternateFormat match ulong(0) == 0x49492a00 || ulong(0) == 0x4d4d002a description “Your Alternate Format” dso libiflALT.so subsystem “ifl_eoe.sw.c++” suffixes .altfmt 2. In the file you created in step one, use the #include directive to include the file ifl/src/ifl_database, which defines all ifl-supported image file formats. 3. Set the IFL_DATABASE environment variable to point at the file created in step one. 355 Appendix F F. Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions This appendix describes IL classes not fully discussed elsewhere in this guide. It also lists all the error codes and enumerated types used by the IL. This appendix has the following major sections: • “Auxiliary Classes” on page 358 briefly discusses the iflBitArray, ilBuffer and ilStackAlloc, iflConfig, ilKernel, iflLut, ilMatrix, ilPage, iflPixel, iflSize, and iflTile classes. • “Useful Functions” on page 362 describes several functions that does not belong to any particular class. They are useful for such tasks as computing the size of IL data types and for performing minimum and maximum comparisons. • “Convenient Structures” on page 365 lists the definitions of the ilCoord, iflSize, and various coefficient data structures. • “Error Codes” on page 366 lists the error codes used by the IL. • “Enumerated Types and Constants” on page 369 gives an annotated list of the enumerated types and constants defined in the IL. 357 Appendix F: Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions Auxiliary Classes All of the classes described in this section have their own reference pages; refer to them for more specific information about using these classes. 358 • The iflBitArray class implements a subscriptable bit array of limited functionality for conveniently operating on bit data. • ilBuffer (allocated from the heap) and ilStackAlloc (allocated from the stack) are standalone objects that provide support for accessing a buffer in up to four dimensions. The call operator, (), is overloaded to operate on either type of buffer and returns a pointer to the specified element in the buffer. In addition, the an ilBuffer can be resized after being created. An ilStackAlloc is recommended for use in derived operators, since it tends to fragment the memory less than an ilBuffer does, thus resulting in better performance for an application. However, an ilStackAlloc cannot be resized. • The iflConfig class is used in ilImage functions such as getTile() and setTile() to describe the configuration of pixel data. You can also use it when constructing an ilSubImage to map the configuration of the input image to that of the subimage. This class is described in more detail in “iflConfig” on page 359. • ilKernel is the base class for a three-dimensional kernel. The kernel elements are stored in row-major form. An ilKernel is defined by x, y, and z dimensions, the kernel data, the kernel origin, and the data type of its elements. ilKernel also provides functions to access kernel attributes and data. ilSepKernel is derived from ilKernel for representing separable kernels. ilSepKernel enables access to x, y, and z kernels separately. • The iflLut class is used to access and manipulate lookup tables. This class is described in more detail in “Using iflLut” on page 360. • The ilPage class is used to describe rectangular regions of an image in a cache (that is, pages). This class groups the eight values describing the origin (x,y,z,c) and size (nx,ny,nz,nc) of a page together in a convenient way. • The iflPixel class abstracts the concept of a pixel of image data. It contains the data type, the number of channels, and a list of component values. Pixels are used as arguments to a number of ilImage functions and to some operator image constructors and functions. • iflSize is used to describe the size of an IL image. This class groups the four values describing the size (x,y,z,c) of an image together in a convenient way. Auxiliary Classes • The iflTile class is used to describe arbitrary rectangular regions of an image (that is, tiles). This class groups the six values describing the origin (x,y,z) and size (nx,ny,nz) of a rectangle together in a convenient way. iflConfig The header file ifl/iflConfig.h defines the class iflConfig, which is a structure used to describe the configuration of pixel data on getTile() and setTile() calls. The fields of iflConfig describe the data type, pixel ordering, number of data channels, ordering of data channels, channel offset, coordinate space, and color model (the color model field is currently ignored by functions such as getTile() and setTile()). The code in Example F-1 shows the iflConfig constructors and fields. Example F-1 iflConfig Constructors and Fields iflDataType dtype; iflOrder order; iflOrientation orientation; int nchans; int choff; int* channels; iflConfig() {} iflConfig(iflDataType type, iflOrder ord=iflInterleaved, int nchan=0, int* chanList=NULL,int chanOff=0, iflOrientation ori=iflOrientation(0)); ~iflConfig() {} void invert(int nc, int* chanList) const; int isInvertable() const; void compose(int nc, int* in, int* out) const; int mapChan(int idx) const { return (idx<0||idx>=nchans)? -1: (channels!=NULL? channels[idx+choff]:idx+choff); } int operator[](int idx) const { return mapChan(idx); } }; The fields of an iflConfig are set with its constructor. The data type argument is required; the other arguments are optional. The channel list defines what channels of a source 359 Appendix F: Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions image are mapped into a destination image; the channel offset defines where to start counting the source channels as zero. For example, consider a source image with 11 channels (0...10) and suppose you wish to map channels 4, 5, and 6 to a destination image. You can do this by setting the number of channels to 3 and the channel offset to 4 (so that the first channel mapped is 4, and the next 3 channels in the source define all 3 channels). No channel list is necessary. Alternatively, you can set the number of channels to 3, the channel offset to 0, and the channel list to 3, 4, 5. The hints field is reserved for internal IL use only. invert() is used to create a channel list of nc channels (written into chanList) that describes an inverse mapping between two images. For example, a source image defines three channels (0, 1, 2) and you have mapped 0 to 2, 1 to 0, and 2 to 1 in a destination image (the channel list to do this is 1, 2, 0). To map the destination to the source instead, use invert(). (This is useful to avoid creating a temporary buffer when copying from an ilDisplayImg to an ilOpImg, for example.) In the above example, the resulting channel list is 2, 0, 1. isInvertable() is used to determine whether the channel mapping has an inverse. compose() is used to compose a channel list from a subset of another; you supply the number of channels, nc, and the subchannel list, in, and compose() writes its result to out. For example, a source image defines three channels (0, 1, 2) and you have mapped 0 to 2, 1 to 0, and 2 to 1 in a destination image (the channel list to do this is (1, 2, 0). However, the source image is actually an ilSubImg (a subimage of another ilImage) that contains no data itself. It specifies a subset of its parent image’s channels; they are 2, 4, and 6 (so it uses an iflConfig with channel list 2, 4, 6). To map directly from the source’s parent image to the destination image, you need a composed channel list. The ilSubImg’s channel list is specified as in, and the 3 values mapped to out are 4, 6, 2. The member function mapChan() returns the contents of channels (the channel list) at the specified index added to the channel offset specified by choff. The index operator, [], is overloaded to perform the same function as mapChan(); both indicate what channel in the source maps to the specified channel in the destination. Both return -1 if the supplied index is less than 0 or greater than the number of channels. Using iflLut The header file ifl/iflLut.h defines a class, iflLut, used to describe lookup tables. The elements used to define an iflLut are the number of channels, the data type, the table length, and the table data. The code in Example F-2 shows the constructors and member functions for iflLut. 360 Auxiliary Classes Example F-2 iflLut Constructors and Member Functions iflLut() { init(NULL, 0, iflDataType(0), 0, 0); } iflLut(int numChan, iflDataType dtype, double min, double max, int length=0) { init(NULL, numChan, dtype, min, max, length); } iflLut(void* table, int numChan, iflDataType dtype, double min, double max, int length=0) { init(table, numChan, dtype, min, max, length); } virtual ~iflLut(); int getNumChans() const { return numChannels; } iflDataType getDataType() const { return type; } int getLength() const { return tabLength; } double getVal(double domainIdx, int chan=0) const; iflStatus setVal(double val, double domainIdx, int chan=0); void* getOrigin(int chan) const; void* getChan(int chan) const; void* getData() const { return data; } void setData(void* dataPnt); void getDomain(double& min, double& max) const { min = domainMin; max = domainMax; } double getDomainMin() const { return domainMin; } double getDomainMax() const { return domainMax; } double getDomainStep() const { return 1/scale; } void getRange(double& min, double& max) const; iflStatus setDomain(double min, double max); int isDiff(const iflLut& from) const; The first constructor takes a NULL argument and is only useful with assignment operators. The second constructor allocates a lookup table (LUT) and takes control of the data. The minimum and maximum values specify the domain of values that the LUT maps. You can use the length argument to constrain the resolution of the LUT. The default value for 361 Appendix F: Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions length, if you do not specify it, is the maximum value minus the minimum value plus one (max. - min. + 1). This formula creates a one-to-one mapping of LUT index to LUT entry. The third constructor wraps an iflLut object around user-specified data. The object does not copy the user data, however, it just retains a pointer to it. The getNumChans(), getDataType(), and getLength() functions return basic attributes of the lookup table. The length reflects the actual number of entries in the table, not necessarily the domain of accepted values. The getVal() and setVal() functions are the primary methods to access table entries. The domanIdx is scaled appropriately based on the minimum or maximum range and length of the table to access the corresponding table entry The getOrigin() function returns a pointer to the first (0) entry in the LUT (even it if is off the physical table). getChan() returns a pointer to the beginning of the physical table for a specified channel. getData() returns a pointer to the beginning of the tables for all of the channels. The internal layout of the tables is channel sequential, not interleaved. setData() enables you to set table values. The domain functions return and set information on the domain and range of the lookup table. You specify the minimum and maximum values of the domain in the constructor or by calling setDomain(). You can return the minimum and maximum values by calling getDomainMin() or getDomainMax(), respectively. A table domain is defined by the minimum and maximum values specified in an iflLut constructor or in a setDomain() function. The domain step, returned by getDomainStep(), is the stepping factor used to read physical table values sequentially. The range value, returned by getRange(), is calculated by finding the difference between the maximum and minimum table entry values. The isDiff() function compares two lookup tables an returns TRUE if there are any differences. Useful Functions This section describes utility functions defined by the IFL. These functions do not belong to any particular class, so they can be used anywhere in an IL program. 362 Useful Functions Computing the Size of Data Types The IFL defines constants that correspond to the data types it uses; it also defines a related set of functions for determining the sizes and possible values for these types. These constants are defined as the iflDataType enumerated type in the header file ifl/iflTypes.h: enum iflDataType { iflBit = 1, iflUChar = 2, iflChar = 4, iflUShort = 8, iflShort = 16, iflULong = 32, iflLong = 64, iflFloat = 128, iflDouble = 256 }; /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* single-bit */ unsigned character (byte) */ signed character (byte) */ unsigned short integer (nominally 16 bits)*/ signed short integer */ unsigned long integer */ long integer */ floating point */ double precision floating point */ The following two functions perform computations using the above data types. They are defined in the header file ifl/iflDataSize.h and described in the iflDataSize reference page. size_t iflDataSize(iflDataType type, int count = 1); iflDataType iflDataTypeFromRange(double minVal, double maxVal, int typeMask=-1); iflDataType iflDataClosestType(iflDataType desired, int allowed, int flags=0); double iflDataMin(iflDataType); double iflDataMax(iflDataType); int iflDataIsSigned(iflDataType); int iflDataIsIntegral(iflDataType); The first function, iflDataSize(), returns the number of bytes needed to store count elements of data type. By default, count is 1. Conversely, iflDataTypeFrom Range() returns the first IL data type that is large enough to hold the range of values specified by minVal and maxVal. iflDataClosestType() returns an allowable data type that most closely resembles the input data type. iflDataMax() and iflDataMin() return the maximum and the minimum possible values, respectively, for the specified data type. 363 Appendix F: Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions If you pass one of the iflDataTypes as an argument for iflDataIsSigned(), this function returns TRUE if the type is signed and FALSE (zero) otherwise. Remember that ilImage defines a similar function for an image, isSigned(), that returns TRUE if the image’s data type is signed. If you pass one of the iflDataTypes as an argument for iflDataIsIntegral(), this function returns TRUE if the type is integral or FALSE (zero) otherwise. Minimum and Maximum Comparisons The header file ifl/iflMinMax.h defines several in-line functions that determine the minimum and the maximum of two to four input values, as shown below: template inline T iflMin(T a, T b); template inline T iflMax(T a, T b); template inline T iflMin(T a, T b, T c); template inline T iflMax(T a, T b, T c); template inline T iflMin(T a, T b, T c, T d); template inline T iflMax(T a, T b, T c, T d); The iflMin() function returns the lesser of the input values, and iflMax() returns the greater of the input values. Converting to Color-index Mode iflColorModelFromChans(), in ifl/iflColor.h., converts a channel to the closest corresponding value in the standard color map that is used in color-index mode. iflColorModel iflColorModelFromChans(int nc); int iflColorModelHasAlpha(iflColorModel cm); int iflColorModelChans(iflColorModel cm); iflColorModelChans() determines the number of channels for a given color model cm. iflColorModelHasAlpha() determines whether or not alpha information is present in the image data. 364 Convenient Structures Convenient Structures This section lists the definitions of the iflCoord and various coefficient data structures. Coordinate Data Structures The structures listed in Table F-1 hold two- (x,y), three- (x,y,z), and four-dimensional (x,y,z,c) coordinates of various data types; they are defined in the ifl/iflCoord.h header file. iflXYC**, iflXYZC**, and iflXYZC** are simple structures without any constructors, destructors, or convenience operators. Table F-1 Coordinate Data Structures Two-dimensional Three-dimensional Four-dimensional iflXYchar, iflXYCchar iflXYZchar, iflXYZCchar iflXYZCchar, iflXYZCchar iflXYint, iflXYCint iflXYZint, iflXYZCint iflXYZCint, iflXYZCint iflXYfloat, iflXYCfloat iflXYZfloat, iflXYZCfloat iflXYZCfloat, iflXYZCfloat iflXYdouble, iflXYCdouble iflXYZdouble, iflXYZCdouble iflXYZCdouble, iflXYZCSdouble These structures are defined in ifl/iflCoord.h as follows: struct struct struct struct struct struct struct struct struct struct struct struct iflXYchar iflXYint iflXYfloat iflXYdouble iflXYZchar iflXYZint iflXYZfloat iflXYZdouble iflXYZCchar iflXYZCint iflXYZCfloat iflXYZCdouble { { { { { { { { { { { { char int float double char int float double char int float double x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, y; y; y; y; y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, }; }; }; }; z; z; z; z; z, z, z, z, }; }; }; }; c; c; c; c; }; }; }; }; 365 Appendix F: Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions Error Codes Error codes are contained in il/ilStatus.h and ifl/iflStatus.h. The function getStatus() returns an ilImage’s current status. Many other functions return the type ilStatus or iflStatus. This section describes all of the error codes. ilStatus Error Codes Table F-2 describes the error messages found in ilStatus.h. Table F-2 366 ilStatus Error Codes Erro Message Description ilOKAY Successful operation ilBADFILEREAD Error reading from file ilBADFILEWRITE Error writing to file ilBADMALLOC malloc() or new returned NULL ilBADIMGFMT Bad image file format ilBADDIMS Bad dimensions ilBADOBJ Bad object on construction ilBADATTR Bad attributes ilFMTUNSUP Unsupported file format ilBADPIXTYPE Bad pixel type ilBADCONFIG Unsupported configuration ilNORANDOMSEEK Cannot do random seek ilBADSEEK Error seeking on file ilBADDECODE Failure on decompression ilREADONLY Object is not writable Error Codes Table F-2 (continued) ilStatus Error Codes Erro Message Description ilBADFIELDSET Failed to set field in file header ilBADCOMPRESSION Invalid image compression ilNULLOBJ NULL object passed as parameter ilBADINPUT Invalid input passed ilBADCOLFMT Bad color format ilBADOP Bad operation attempted ilBADFILEOPEN Error opening file ilBADMAGIC Invalid magic number in file ilEMPTYFILE File is empty ilDATACLIPPED Data has been clipped ilOUTOFBOUND Parameter(s) out of bounds ilTOOMANYLOCKED Too many pages locked in image cache ilLUTSIZEMISMATCH Incompatible number of channels in lut and image ilZERODIVIDE Attempted to divide by zero ilUNSUPPORTED Attempted operation is unsupported ilUSEDOLDLIMITS Used old limits for histogram calculation ilBADPAGEDIMS TIFF page dimensions must be multiples of 8 ilBADTIFFDIR Could not index into TIFF directory ilNOTRESIDENT Page is not resident in cache ilHWACCELFAIL Unable to complete hardware accelerated operation ilHWACCELNEVER Unable to complete hardware acceleration operation ilPARKED Request has been parked ilUNIMPLEMENTED Unimplemented ilIFL_ERROR IFL error 367 Appendix F: Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions Table F-2 (continued) ilStatus Error Codes Erro Message Description ilFAILED Operation failed ilNOTLOCKED Unlocked ilLockRequest ilBADINPUTSTATUS Input image has bad status ilABORTED Operation was aborted ilAPPROXIMATE Result is not exact iflStatus Error Codes Table F-3 describes the error messages found in iflStatus.h. Table F-3 368 iflStatus Error Codes Error Messages Description iflOKAY Successful operation iflREADONLY Image file is read-only iflWRITEONLY Image file is write-only iflBADPARAMS Bad parameters iflUNSUPPORTEDBYLIBRARY Non-IFL library call. iflUNSUPPORTEDBYFORMAT Unsupported image format iflBADMAGIC Bad magic number, unrecognizable file type iflBADIMGFMT Bad image iflBADFIELDSET Failed to set field in file header iflBADFIELDGET Failed to get field in file header iflSYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_ERROR Configuration error iflFILEINDEXOOB File index out of bounds iflMALLOCFAILED Malloc failed Enumerated Types and Constants Table F-3 (continued) iflStatus Error Codes Error Messages Description iflOPENFAILED Error in opening file iflCLOSEFAILED Error in closing file iflREADFAILED Error in reading file iflWRITEFAILED Error in writing file iflSEEKFAILED Error seeking on file iflSTATFAILED Error in state iflDBOPENFAILED Failed when opening file format database, ifl_database iflSCRIPTFAILED Script failed Enumerated Types and Constants The IL uses enumerated types and defined constants extensively; they are defined in header files such as ifl/iflDefs.h and il/ilDisplayDefs.h. This section lists these types and constants in the following functional groups, according to what they are used for: describing image attributes, controlling the effect of operators, and controlling the display facility. All of these types are described in more detail in the relevant chapters of this guide. Also note that NULL, TRUE, and FALSE have been defined as follows in the header file ifl/iflDefs.h: #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #undef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #undef FALSE #define FALSE 0 369 Appendix F: Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions Describing Image Attributes ilDisplayDefs.h contains the remaining definitions used when describing image attributes. /* * Display mode bit fields (subject to change) * * 0xDDCCBBAA where: * * AA = Wipe/Align/Split Modes * BB = Param/Del Modes * CC = Defer/Clip/Stop Modes * DD = Paint/Display Modes * */ /* * ilWipeMode passed as mode for display and wipe, and returned from * findView and findViewEdge */ enum ilWipeMode { ilNoView = 0x00, /* No view found by findView() */ ilTopEdge = 0x01, /* wipe top edge, display image from top edge */ ilBottomEdge = 0x02, /* wipe bottom edge, display from bottom edge */ ilLeftEdge = 0x04, /* wipe left edge, display image from left edge */ ilRightEdge = 0x08, /* wipe right edge, display image from right edge*/ ilAllEdge = 0x0f, /* wipe operated as inset, display at center */ ilNoEdge = 0x10, /* No edge found by findViewEdge() */ ilWipeMask = 0x1F }; /* * ilAlignMode specifies the display() operator specific modes. * Combinations of ilWipeMode can alternatively be used for the first 5 */ enum ilAlignMode { ilTopLeft = 0x05, /* align view/image to top left corner ilBottomLeft = 0x06, /* align view/image to bottom left corner ilTopRight = 0x09, /* align view/image to top right corner ilBottomRight = 0x0a, /* align view/image to bottom right corner ilCenter = 0x0f, /* align view/image to center of image ilNoAlign = 0x10, /* do not re-align (unchanged) ilAlignMask = 0x1F }; 370 values */ */ */ */ */ */ Enumerated Types and Constants /* * ilParamMode specifies how to interpret passed parameters */ enum ilParamMode { ilDelVal = 0x00000100, /* Delta relative to current ilAbsVal = 0x00000200, /* Absolute value ilRelVal = 0x00000400, /* Relative to start xy ilOldRel = 0x00000800, /* ilRelVal but start xy not updated ilParamMask = 0x00000f00 }; /* * Specifies various display modes * */ enum ilDispMode { ilDefault = 0x00000000, ilClip = 0x00001000, ilDefer = 0x00002000, ilNoSwap = 0x00004000, ilDop = 0x00008000, ilDispMask = 0x0000f000, ilDspCoord = 0x00010000, ilScrCoord = 0x00020000, ilCoordMask = 0x00030000, ilDefaultCmap = 0x00040000, ilDestroy = 0x00080000 }; */ */ */ */ such as whether to clip or defer painting /* /* /* /* /* no clip, no defer, swap clip to display/image defer painting don’t swap buffers override Nop flag */ */ */ */ */ /* /* /* /* /* ilDisplayImg coordinates passed screen coordinates passed for internal use only use default colormap internal use only */ */ */ */ */ /* * ilSplitMode specifies how to split the views in ilDisplay. */ enum ilSplitMode { ilRelSplit = 0x00010000, /* Split & pos image relative to view pos*/ ilAbsSplit = 0x00020000, /* Split & pos image at origin */ ilRowSplit = 0x00040000, /* Split into rows */ ilColSplit = 0x00080000, /* Split into columns */ ilPackSplit = 0x00100000, /* Split views and pack together (if clipped) */ ilSplitMask = 0x001f0000 }; 371 Appendix F: Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Definitions /* * ilLocMode is used by getLoc() and setLoc() to find xy location * of a pixel in image and move image or view to specified location. */ enum ilLocMode { ilLocIn = 0x00100000, /* locate xy in image’s input space */ ilLocOut = 0x00200000, /* locate xy in image’s output space */ ilLocImg = 0x00400000, /* locate by moving image */ ilLocView = 0x00800000, /* locate by moving view */ ilLocMask = 0x00f00000 }; /* * Image Render Modes */ enum ilRender { ilGLRender = 1, ilXRender = 2 }; /* Render image using GL */ /* Render image using X */ #ifndef __cplusplus typedef enum ilRender ilRender; #endif /* * Miscellaneous * */ enum ilDispMisc { ilLast ilDefaultMargin ilHighlight }; = -1, /* add view to bottom of viewStack */ = 15, /* default margin width for findEdge etc */ = 0x10 /* find view and highlight its borders */ /* * ilViewer modes */ enum ilAreaOption { ilBadArea = 0, ilViewedImage = 1, ilFullImage = 2, ilFullWindow = 3 }; 372 /* /* /* /* invalid */ the area of the image the selected view covers */ the entire image associated with selected view */ the entire window, all views */ Enumerated Types and Constants #ifndef __cplusplus typedef enum ilAreaOption ilAreaOption; #endif ;} 373 Appendix G G. Using the Electronic Light Table The Electronic Light Table (ELT) operator implements a chain of operators in hardware. This implementation allows you to view and manipulate image files, compressed or not, in real time. ELT also allows you to add graphics and text on top of manipulated images. Viewing the processed images in real time avoids the necessity of first storing them first on disk before viewing it. Most often you use an ELT application to look at huge images (10K X 10K or larger). This chapter describes the ilELTImg operator and how you use it along with ilDisplay, ilView, and ilStereoView to create an ELT application. This chapter contains the following major sections: • “Understanding How ELT Works” • “Setting Operator Values” • “Understanding Accelerated Performance” • “Choosing a Display in ELT Applications” • “Creating an ELT Application” • “Understanding the ilELTImg API” Understanding How ELT Works You can think of the ELT as an image-processing pipeline, as shown in Figure G-1. 375 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table ilChain R Sets R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 . . . Display DeWarp RotZoom ELT controls input so the correct R-set is used for a specific rotzoom value Convolve LUT Histogram ELT Figure G-1 ELT image processing pipeline Each stage of the ELT pipeline has the following purpose: 376 R Sets contain the image data at different levels of reduction. DeWarp changes the perspective or corrects any image imperfection caused by the image capturing mechanism. RotZoom allows you to zoom or rotate the image. ELT selects the correct R-set to input for each specified zoom value. Convolve allows you to sharpen or blur the image. Histogram feeds data into the LUT to adjust pixel luminance dynamically according to the overall brightness of the displayed image. LUT adjusts pixel luminance and color dynamically. Understanding How ELT Works DeWarping the Image The output pages are subdivided into fine meshes of a user-defined size. The default size is a uniform, 10 X 10 mesh. The dewarp function composited with an affine transformation is used to compute the coordinates of the input image. Using a fine mesh with a high order resampling method, either bilinear or bicubic interpolation, creates high quality dewarped images. The member functions used to get and set both dewarp and mesh parameters are ilStatus setWarp(ilELTrset* rset, const ilWarp* Xyc); ilStatus getWarp(ilELTrset* rset, const ilWarp*& Xyc) const; void setMaxMeshSize(int n); int getMaxMeshSize() const; ilStatus setResampType(ilResampType rs); rset allows the application to reset the warp operator, Xyc is the dewarp function, n is the maximum mesh size, and rs is either ilNearNb, ilBiLinear or ilBiCubic. RotZooming the Image The RotZooming operator enables fluid zoom, rotation, and translation of images. You use the following ilELTImg member functions to control the view manipulation: void setAngle(float ang); float getAngle() const; void setZoom(float s); float getZoom() const; void setHorizontalFlip(int flip); int getHorizontalFlip(); void setVerticalFlip(int flip); int getVerticalFlip(); } where ang is the angle to display the image at, myELT is the ilELTImg object, s is the zoom level, and flip indicates that the image should be flipped. Convolving the Image The ilELTImg class also provides member functions for convolving an image using either general or separable kernels. 377 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table void setConvKernel(ilKernel* inputKernel); const ilKernel* getConvKernel() const; where inputKernel is the kind of convolution kernel you want to set. The kernel may be either an ilKernel- or ilSepKernel-type of object. Kernels with sizes of 3 X 3, 5 X 5, or 7 X 7 can be accelerated on the Impact, RealityEngine, and InfiniteReality platforms. Separable convolutions run faster than general convolutions. Collecting Histogram Data Histogram data is used by the look-up table operator, iflLutImg, to automatically adjust the color and luminance of each pixel to spread the range of luminance in an image over the number of bits per pixel in the output image. Transposing the luminance values in this way has the effect of making dark images brighter and overly-bright images darker. Histogram data is collected over a user-definable number of frames. If, for example, the sampling interval is defined as thirty frames, data is collected over the first 28 frames, during the display of the 29th frame the data is read out of the hardware, and during the 30th frame the information is sent to the LUT. In general, data is collected over the sampling interval minus two frames (samplingInterval - 2). Collecting and processing histogram data incurs a performance drawback. To alleviate this problem, you can specify the histogram sampling interval. Performance improves if the histogram data is sampled infrequently. The possible consequence of a long sampling interval, however, is sudden adjustments to luminance and color. The default update interval is once per 30 frames. Use the following ilELTImg member functions to control the sampling rate: ilStatus setHistPeriod(int numFrames); int getHistPeriod() const; where numFrames is the number of frames that pass between one sampling and another. Use the following functions to specify the number of bins used to compute the histogram tables: ilStatus setHistNbins(int num); int getHistNbins() const; 378 Understanding How ELT Works where num is the number of bins. All channels have the same number of bins and the number of bins must be a power of two. Use the following functions to process the histogram tables that are returned: ilStatus setHistCallback(const ilCallback* callback = NULL); ilCallback* getHistCallback() const; Dynamically Adjusting the Image The look-up table (LUT) adjusts the luminance and color values of each pixel dynamically. The LUT can adjust the luminance and color values on a frame-by-frame basis. The actual adjustment is determined by how often the histogram samples the image. The default is once every 30 frames. The process of Dynamic Range Adjustment (DRA) takes the darkest and brightest luminance values in the image and scales them over the number of bits per pixel in the output image. This has the effect of making dark images bright and overly-bright images darker. The Tonal Transfer Characteristic (TTC) changes the image colors. These changes can either correct color errors introduced by a camera mechanism or create false colors for the purpose of examining image details. The member functions used to get and set DRA and TTC are ilStatus setLookUpTable(const iflLut& lut); const iflLut* getLookUpTable() const; where lut contains information from the lookup table. DeWarping the Image Data Before displaying the image manipulated by the ELT chain, you can add vectors, shaded surfaces, or text on top of the images by using the callback functions provided by ilELTImg and ilDisplay. Four callbacks are provided in the ilELTImg class for • adjusting the contrast 379 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table • computing the bounding box • generating triangle meshes • deleting buffer resources The callbacks that adjust the contrast are discussed in “Collecting Histogram Data” on page 378. The other callback functions include void setBBoxCallback(const ilCallback* callback = NULL); ilCallback* getBBoxCallback() const; void setTmeshCallback(const ilCallback* callback = NULL); ilCallback* getTmeshCallback() const; void setTmeshDelCallback(const ilCallback* callback = NULL); ilCallback* getTmeshDelCallback() const; The bounding box callback returns the vertices of the input space. If NULL is passed into the setBBoxCallback() function, the default bounding box calculations method is used. The mesh callbacks generate the triangle mesh necessary to dewarp an image. If NULL is passed into the setTmeshCallback() function, the default Tmesh calculations method is used. You can either delete allocated memory for the Tmesh explicitly using setTmeshDelCallback(), or let it deallocate itself automatically when all processing associated with the callback is complete. Enabling and Disabling Operators You can enable or disable most of the operators in the ELT chain using the following functions: void enableHistogram(int enable = TRUE); void enableConv(int enable=TRUE); void enableLut(int enable=TRUE); You can make sure the operators are enabled using the following functions: void isHistEnabled(); void isConvEnabled(); void isLutEnabled(); 380 Setting Operator Values In addition to enabling and disabling operators, you can set their values. Setting Operator Values Before you enable any of the operators in an ELT chain, you must specify parameters for them. For several of the operators, you can only set their values by using ilELTImg member functions, such as setConv(). Other operator values can be set using the ilELTImg constructor. ilELTImg(ilImage* img=NULL, float minZoom=0.5, float maxZoom=8.0,ilWarp_2d* warp=NULL, int isR0=TRUE, void* rsetInfo=NULL); In the constructor, img represents the input image; generally, this is the R0 image. minZoom and maxZoom specify the minimum and maximum values of the zoom range.These parameters often correspond to the range of images in the R-set. The warp argument specifies the two-dimensional maps used to dewarp the image from the 1.0X plane coordinates to the R-set’s image plane coordinates. The isR0 argument specifies whether or not the image is the R0 image. Finally, the rsetInfo is a pointer to user-specific R-set image data. ilELTImg’s member function, getRsetInfo() can use this information. Understanding Accelerated Performance The ELT takes advantage of three processes to accelerate image manipulation processing: • look-ahead algorithms • hardware implementation of operator functions • reprocess the image only when there is a change in operator value This section looks at each of these processes. Look-ahead Algorithms ELT implements look-ahead algorithms that accelerate the roaming and zooming operations carried out in the ELT chain. The ELT uses one extra page border surrounding the display window for look-ahead processing. Internally, texture memory, used for intermediate buffers, is allocated in powers of two. For example, if a 1K by 1K space is 381 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table allocated as the intermediate, internal buffer, the maximum windows size is 896 by 896 because the look-ahead page border takes up 128 pixels (2 X 64) in each dimension. You can enable or disable the look-ahead mechanisms using the following functions: void enableRoamLookAhead(int enable = TRUE); void enableZoomLookAhead(int enable = FALSE); By default, the roaming look-ahead mechanism is enabled and the zooming look-ahead mechanism is disabled. The default values are appropriate if the user will roam but not zoom. If the user will zoom without roaming, it is better to enable the zoom look-ahead and disable the roam look-ahead mechanism. If the user will zoom and roam, both look-ahead mechanisms should be enabled. In this case, however, the performance of one look-ahead mechanism may suffer because of the processing of the other look-ahead mechanism. You can make sure the look-ahead algorithm is enabled by using the following functions: void isRoamLookAheadEnabled(); void isZoomLookAheadEnabled(); Hardware Acceleration You can use an ELT application to view and manipulate an image in real time partly because the manipulation processing is carried out in specialized hardware. You can turn off this functionality using the following function, however, the performance of your ELT application will be severely impacted. void enableFastPath(int enable=TRUE) {fastPath=enable; setAltered();} You can make sure the hardware implementation is enabled by using the following function: int isFastPathEnabled(); Image Size Although there is no size limit for the input image, images are stored and processed internally in 64 X 64 tiles. 382 Choosing a Display in ELT Applications Images are most often saved in multiple magnifications. Together, all the images at different magnifications are called a Reduced Resolution Data Set, or R-set. If the original image is named R0, R1 is generally R0 minimized two times; R2 is R1 minimized two times, and so on. Each of these minimizations can be filtered for optimal results. When the user zooms from one magnification to another, the ELT operator actually chooses the appropriate R-set to input to the ELT pipeline. R-sets often contain seven different magnifications of the original image. Choosing a Display in ELT Applications The output of the ilELTImg operator can be attached to an ilView object to display a single image, multiple images, or a stereo display. Single and multiple image displays are implemented using ilDisplay and ilView objects. Stereo views are implemented using ilStereoView, a derived class of ilView, on RealityEngine and InfiniteReality platforms. ilStereoView renders left images to the left buffer and right images to the right buffer. The images are displayed alternately to create a three-dimensional image when viewed through special glasses. Creating an ELT Application The software distribution includes a full-blown example of an ELT application called ilChain in /usr/share. This section presents a simplified example of an ELT application. It is based on the example code, ilrzview.c++, found in /usr/share. This example implements the following user interface: • Dragging with the left mouse button moves the view in the display. • Dragging with the center mouse button moves the image in the view. • Using the left and right arrows on the keyboard rotate the image. • Using the up and down arrows on the keyboard zoom the image. Example G-1 uses the following steps to implement an ELT application: 1. Parse the command line arguments. 2. Open an image file. 383 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table 3. Instantiate an ilELTImg object. 4. Create an X connection and open a display. 5. Create an X window viewer. 6. Implement the user interface. Example G-1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Coding an ELT Application void main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // Step 1: Process the command line arguments int usage = 0, sizePres = FALSE, attr = 0, autoAbort = FALSE; int compSize = 8; int blur = FALSE; iflSize winsize; ilResampType resamp = ilBiLinear; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, “bnlcads:”)) != -1) { switch (c) { case ‘b’: blur = TRUE; break; case ‘n’: resamp = ilNearNb; break; case ‘l’: resamp = ilBiLinear; break; 384 Creating an ELT Application case ‘c’: resamp = ilBiCubic; break; case ‘a’: autoAbort = TRUE; break; case ‘d’: compSize = 4; attr |= ilVisDoubleBuffer; break; case ‘s’: sizePres = TRUE; sscanf(optarg, “%d,%d”, &winsize.x, &winsize.y); break; case ‘?’: usage = 1; break; } } if (usage || argc-optind != 1) { printf(“autoAbort, doubleBuffer, Size\n”); printf(“%s [-ad -s ] \n”, argv[0]); exit(0); } // Step 2: Open an image file. ilFileImg img(argv[optind]); if (img.getStatus() != ilOKAY) { char buf[400]; rintf(stderr, “Couldn’t open image file %s: %s\n”, argv[optind], ilStatusToString(img.getStatus(), buf, sizeof(buf))); exit(0); } // Step 3: Instantiate an ilELTImg object. ilELTImg myELT(image, .5, 8)); // Step 4: Get an X connection and open a display. if (!sizePres) img.getSize(winsize, iflLowerLeftOrigin); 385 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table ilImage* image = &img; if (blur) image = new ilBlurImg(image); // Get display connection and clamp window size Display* dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); int screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); winsize.x = iflMin(winsize.x, DisplayWidth(dpy, screen)); winsize.y = iflMin(winsize.y, DisplayHeight(dpy, screen)); // Step 5: Create an X window viewer. ilViewer viewer(dpy, winsize.x, winsize.y, attr, compSize); if (autoAbort) { viewer.enableQueueing(); viewer.enableAutoAbort(); } ilView* view = viewer.addView(&myELT, ilClip|ilCenter); view->setAutoCenter(); // Step 6: Implement the user interface. int done=FALSE; float zoom=1; int angle=0; int movieRunning = FALSE; while (!done) { XEvent e; if (movieRunning) { if (!XCheckWindowEvent(dpy, viewer.getWindow(), -1, &e)) { int z = view->getZ() + 1; view->setZ(z); viewer.paint(); continue; } } else XNextEvent(dpy, &e); switch (e.type) { case KeyPress: 386 Creating an ELT Application switch(XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey, 0)) { // center the view in the viewer case XK_Home: viewer.display(NULL, ilCenter|ilClip); break; // control-Q and escape exit the program case XK_q: if (!(e.xkey.state&ControlMask)) break; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case XK_Escape: done = TRUE; break; case XK_s: movieRunning = FALSE; break; // flip the image case XK_h: viewer.abort(); myELT.setHorizontalFlip(!myELT.getHorizontalFlip()); viewer.paint(); break; case XK_v: viewer.abort(); myELT.setVerticalFlip(!myELT.getVerticalFlip()); viewer.paint(); break; // zoom and rotate the image case XK_Up: viewer.abort(); myELT.setZoom(zoom *= 1.2); viewer.paint(); break; case XK_Down: viewer.abort(); myELT.setZoom(zoom /= 1.2); viewer.paint(); break; case XK_Right: viewer.abort(); myELT.setAngle(angle -= 15); viewer.paint(); break; case XK_Left: 387 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table viewer.abort(); myELT.setAngle(angle += 15); viewer.paint(); break; } break; case DestroyNotify: viewer.destroyNotify(); done = TRUE; break; default: viewer.event(&e); break; } } } Understanding the ilELTImg API The ilELTImg class has an extensive set of methods. The ilELTImg manpage contains an extended discussion of each method. Table G-1 summarizes each method. Table G-1 Methods in ilELTImg Method Description ilELTImg ilELTImg(ilImage* img=NULL, float minZoom = 0.5, float maxZoom = 8.0,ilWarp* warp = NULL, int isR0 = TRUE, void* rsetInfo = NULL) Constructor for the class. addRset ilELTrset* addRset(ilImage* img, float minZoom, float maxZoom, ilWarp* warp, int isR0 = FALSE, void* rsetInfo = NULL) Allows the user to specify additional R-sets for roaming. enableConv void enableConv(int enable=TRUE) Enables or disables the convolution operation on an ilELTImg object. 388 Understanding the ilELTImg API Table G-1 (continued) Methods in ilELTImg Method Description enableFastPath void enableFastPath(int enable=TRUE) Enables or disables the special-purpose hardware acceleration for ELT. enableHistogram void enableHistogram(int enable = TRUE) Enables or disables the auto histogram operation on an ilELTImg object. enableLut void enableLut(int enable=TRUE) Enables or disables the table look-up operation on an ilELTImg object. enableRoamLookAhead void enableRoamLookAhead(int enable = TRUE) Enables or disables the roaming look-ahead operation on an ilELTImg object. enableRset ilStatus enableRset(ilELTrset* rset, int enable = TRUE) Enables or disables a selected R-set to be in effect. enableZoomLookAhead void enableZoomLookAhead(int enable = TRUE) Enables or disables the zooming look-ahead operation on an ilELTImg object. mapFromInput void mapFromInput(float& u, float& v, float& w, float x, float y, float z) Given a point (x, y, z) in the R0 image plane (regardless of which R-set is currently being roamed), compute (u, v, w) in the display plane using the mapping specified for geometric transformation. mapToInput void mapToInput(float& x, float& y, float& z, float u, float v, float w) Given a point (u, v, w) in the display plane, compute (x, y, z) in the R0 image plane (regardless of which R-set is currently being roamed) using the mapping specified for geometric transformation (including both the dewarp and the affine-transformation functions). 389 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table Table G-1 (continued) Methods in ilELTImg Method Description getAngle float getAngle() const Returns the angle of rotation (in degrees) specified for the view. getBBoxCallback ilCallback* getBBoxCallback() const Returns the user-provided callback which is used to compute the bounding box of a given output page mapped in its input image space. getBicubicFamily void getBicubicFamily(float& b, float& c) const Returns the B and C terms, defining the cubic resampling coefficients, in b and c. getConvBias double getConvBias() const Returns the current additive bias specified for convolution as a double. getConvKernel const ilKernel* getConvKernel() const Returns the current convolution kernel. getEnabled int getEnabled() The returned value is comprised of one or more of the following bit fields: ilELTImg::ilEPdewarp is set if dewarp operation is enabled. ilELTImg::ilEPhist is set if auto histogram operation is enabled. ilELTImg::ilEPconv is set if convolution is enabled. ilELTImg::ilEPlut is set if table look-up is enabled. ilELTImg::ilEProam is set if roaming look-ahead is enabled. ilELTImg::ilEPzoom is set if zooming look-ahead is enabled. getHistNbins int getHistNbins() const Returns the number of bins currently being specified for the histogram table. 390 Understanding the ilELTImg API Table G-1 (continued) Methods in ilELTImg Method Description getHistPeriod int getHistPeriod() const Returns the number of frames between look-up table updates; default is 30 frames. getHistCallback ilCallback* getHistCallback() const Returns the current histogram callback being used or NULL if none has been defined. getLookUpTable const iflLut* getLookUpTable() const Returns the current lookup table being provided by the user. getMaxMeshSize int getMaxMeshSize() const Returns the maximum allowable mesh size used for geometric transformations. getPairedImg ilELTImg* getPairedImg() const Returns the other image of a paired image, for example, in a stereo image. getResampType ilResampType getResampType() const Returns the current resampling type used in geometric transformations. getRset ilELTrset* getRset(ilImage* img) const Returns an opaque handle to the R-set for the input image, img. getRsetChangeCallback ilCallback* getRsetChangeCallback() const Returns the user-provided callback which indicates when the input image to the ELT has switched from one R-set to another. getRsetInfo void* getRsetInfo(ilELTrset* rset) const Returns the user-provided information about the specified R-set. If no R-set information has been provided, NULL is returned. getRsetZoomRange ilStatus getRsetZoomRange(ilELTrset* rset, float& minZoom, float& maxZoom) Gets the scaling range covered by the specified R-set. 391 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table Table G-1 (continued) Methods in ilELTImg Method Description getTmeshCallback ilCallback* getTmeshCallback() const Returns the user-provided callback which a generates triangle mesh for a given output page. getWarp ilStatus getWarp(ilELTrset* rset, const ilWarp*& func) const Returns rset’s dewarp function in func. getZoom float getZoom() const Returns the current display scale being specified. isConvEnabled int isConvEnabled() Returns TRUE if convolution is enabled for the current operation; FALSE, otherwise. isFastPathEnabled int isFastPathEnabled() Returns TRUE if special purpose hardware acceleration is enabled for the current operation; FALSE, otherwise. isHistEnabled int isHistEnabled() Returns TRUE if auto histogram is enabled for the current operation; FALSE, otherwise. isLutEnabled int isLutEnabled() Returns TRUE if table look-up is enabled for the current operation; FALSE, otherwise. isRoamLookAheadEnabled int isRoamLookAheadEnabled() Returns TRUE if roaming look-ahead is enabled for the current operation; FALSE, otherwise. isZoomLookAheadEnabled int isZoomLookAheadEnabled() Returns TRUE if zooming look-ahead is enabled for the current operation; FALSE, otherwise. removeRset ilStatus removeRset(ilELTrset* rset) Removes the specified R-set from the roaming operation. 392 Understanding the ilELTImg API Table G-1 (continued) Methods in ilELTImg Method Description setAngle void setAngle(float ang) Changes the rotation angle to that specified by the argument, ang, which is specified in degrees. setBBoxCallback void setBBoxCallback(ilCallback* callback = NULL) Sets up a callback to compute the bounding box of a given output page mapped in its input image space. setBicubicFamily void setBicubicFamily(float b=1., float c=0.) Specifies the B and C terms which define the bicubic resampling coefficients. setConvBias ilStatus setConvBias(double biasVal) Sets the additive bias applied to all pixels after the convolution operation. setConvKernel void setConvKernel(ilKernel* inputKernel, int doClamp=TRUE) Sets the convolution kernel. setHistNbins ilStatus setHistNbins(int num) Sets the number of bins in the histogram table. setHistPeriod ilStatus setHistPeriod(int numFrames) Sets the number of frames between LUT updates. setHistCallback ilStatus setHistCallback(ilCallback* callback = NULL) Provides a histogram callback. setLookUpTable ilStatus setLookUpTable(const iflLut& lut) Sets a new look-up table to be downloaded to the graphics system. setMaxMeshSize void setMaxMeshSize(int N) Sets the maximum allowable mesh size for geometric transformation to be NxN pixels. setPairedImg void setPairedImg(ilELTImg* pairedImg) Sets the other image of an image pair (i.e., stereo pair). 393 Appendix G: Using the Electronic Light Table Table G-1 (continued) Methods in ilELTImg Method Description setResampType ilStatus setResampType(ilResampType rs) Selects the resampling type to be used. setRsetChangeCallback void setRsetChangeCallback(ilCallback* callback = NULL) Provides a R-set change callback. setRsetInfo ilStatus setRsetInfo(ilELTrset* rset, void* rsetInfo = NULL) Sets the user-specified R-set information for the given R-set handle. setRsetZoomRange ilStatus setRsetZoomRange(ilELTrset* rset, float minZoom, float maxZoom) Sets the scaling range covered by the specified R-set. setTmeshCallback void setTmeshCallback(ilCallback* callback = NULL) Provides a triangle mesh generation callback. setTmeshDelCallback void setTmeshCallback(ilCallback* callback = NULL) Sets up a callback to clean up triangle lists after the system finishes drawing them. setWarp ilStatus setWarp(ilELTrset* rset, const ilWarp* func) Sets rset’s dewarp function to be func. setZoom void setZoom(float scale) Changes the display scale to scale. 394 Appendix H H. Results of Operators This appendix presents examples in the following sections of all the operators that give visible results: • “Color Conversion” on page 396 • “Arithmetic and Logical Transformations” on page 397 • “Geometric Transformations” on page 400 • “Spatial Domain Transformations” on page 401 • “Edge Detection” on page 402 • “Frequency Domain Transformations” on page 404 • “Radiometric Transformations” on page 405 • “Combining Images” on page 407 For more information on using these operators and what effect they have on image data, see Chapter 4, “Operating on an Image.” More specific information on how to apply each operator is located in its header file and in its reference page. Original, unprocessed images are presented where necessary. Some images combine two original images. These images are either reversed copies of the same image or two extremely similar images. 395 Appendix H: Results of Operators Color Conversion Figure H-1 ilFalseColorImg . Figure H-2 396 ilGrayImg Arithmetic and Logical Transformations Arithmetic and Logical Transformations Figure H-3 Original Image and Flipped Image Figure H-4 ilAddImg and ilAndImg Original Figure H-5 Square Root of Original Original and Square Root Divided ilDivImg 397 Appendix H: Results of Operators 398 Figure H-6 ilExpImg and ilInvertImg Figure H-7 ilLogImg and ilMaxImg Figure H-8 ilMinImg and ilMultiplyImg Arithmetic and Logical Transformations Figure H-9 ilNegImg and ilOrImg Figure H-10 ilPowerImg and ilSqRootImg Figure H-11 ilSquareImg and ilSubtractImg 399 Appendix H: Results of Operators . Figure H-12 ilXorImg Geometric Transformations Figure H-13 400 Original and ilRotZoomImg Spatial Domain Transformations . Figure H-14 ilWarpImg Spatial Domain Transformations Figure H-15 Original, ilBlurImg and ilGBlurImg Figure H-16 ilDilateImg, ilErodeImg, and ilMaxFltImg 401 Appendix H: Results of Operators Figure H-17 ilMedFltImg, ilMinFltImg, and ilSharpenImg Edge Detection . 402 Figure H-18 ilCompassImg Figure H-19 ilLaplaceImg (original and filtered image) Edge Detection Figure H-20 ilRobertsImg (original and filtered image) Figure H-21 ilSobelImg (original and filtered image) 403 Appendix H: Results of Operators Frequency Domain Transformations The frequency domain transformations are of limited interest as illustrations. For the purposes of this appendix, one example is shown. In the example, an original image is presented along with its appearance in the frequency, or Fourier domain, and the filtered resultant image is shown in both the spatial and frequency domains. Original Frequency Domain Filtered Original Frequency Domain Figure H-22 404 ilFGaussFiltImg Radiometric Transformations Radiometric Transformations Figure H-23 ilHistEqImg (filtered image and histogram) Figure H-24 ilHistNormImg (filtered image and histogram) 405 Appendix H: Results of Operators Figure H-25 ilHistScaleImg (filtered image and histogram) Figure H-26 ilLutImg (original, filtered image, and LUT editor) . Figure H-27 406 ilThreshImg Combining Images Combining Images Figure H-28 Originals and Original Mask Figure H-29 ilBlendImg 407 Appendix H: Results of Operators Figure H-30 408 ilCombineImg Index Numbers B 64-bit address space, 289 background color, 172 view, 172 bias value, 95, 108, 110, 117, 119 BinBin, 116 BinGray, 116 blending images, 146 blurring an image, 109 border style, 173 breakpoint, 143 buffers, using, 253 A absolute value operator, 92 accessing data, see reading, writing, or copying addInput(), 59 addition operator, 94 addView(), 168, 177 affine transformations, 105 alignImg(), 188 aligning images, 188 views, 185, 189 alignView(), 188, 189 allocPage(), 214 alpha value, 147 AND operator, 97 arithmetic operators, 90-97 dual-input, 94-98 single-input, 91 asynchrounous operations, 292 attributes, see image attributes C cache, 32-39, 215 monitoring, 251 optimizing use of, 247 replacing pages in, 34 cache size, 248-249 affected by multi-threading, 249 default, 248 optimum, 248 calcPage(), 226, 230, 235 chain, 56 409 Index chain of operators, 17, 50 components of, 18 propagation, 59 querying, 58 reconfiguring, 57 changes, to 2.5 classes, 298 checkColorModel(), 207 checkMinMax(), 228 C interface, 9 clamp(), 227 classes, new in 3.0, 289 class name conversions, 308 clearAllowed(), 210 clearCenter(), 105 clearSet(), 60 clearStatus(), 22 clipping, 48 clipTile(), 48 closing a file, 342 cmplxVectorCalc(), 238 color conversion, 85-87 color-index mode, 364 color model, 25, 26, 85 determining, 26, 87 initializing when deriving, 203 color palette, 27 color saturation, 89 combining images, 146 compass operator, 118 compatibility with version 2.5, 306 compiling, 273 complex conjugate of an image, 130 compose(), 360 compression, data, 32, 75 conjugate of an image, 130 constants, 369 410 constant value image, 152 convolution, 108, 117, 132 coordinates, 365 initializing, 196 copying image data, 40 tiles efficiently, 252 copyTile(), 40-44, 52, 74, 105, 252, 253 copyTile3D(), 46 copyTileCfg(), 44, 46 creating a file, 73 cross-correlation operator, 131 D data ordering, 24-25 data type of an image, 23, 26, 363 deferred drawing, 174, 177, 191 deleteView(), 180 deriving classes, 199 dilation, 113 display(), 184, 185, 186 display facility in 3.0, 294 displaying an image, 159 display mode, 175 display operators, 184 division by zero, 95, 132 division operator, 94 for Fourier images, 131 doUserPageAlloc(), 214 drawing area, 175 deferred, 174, 177, 191 views, 184 Index edge detection, 117-119 edge image, 117, 118 edge mode, 107, 110, 113, 118, 119 enableMP(), 133 enumerated types, 369 for image attributes, 370 environment variable, 278 erosion, 113 error codes, 22, 366 error handling in 3.0, 295 evalUV(), 50, 104 evalXY(), 49, 104 event-handling, 168 exclusive-OR operator, 97 executeRequest, 213 execution model, 50-59 advantages, 51 exponential operator, 92 Fourier, 131 exporting data, 78 extending the IL, 199 filename syntax for images, 72 fillTile(), 41-46 fillTile3D(), 47 fill value, 29, 108 findEdge(), 181, 194 findPoint(), 145 findView(), 181 finishRequest, 213 FIT, 6 FIT file format, 66, 69 flags, for display operators, 175 align mode, 176 coordinate, 176 display, 176 wipe mode, 176 flipping an image, 105 flush(), 36, 214 Fourier filtering, 126 Fourier transform, 120 freePage(), 214 freqFilt(), 241 frequency domain operators, 120-132 frequency filtering, 126 F G FALSE, 369 faLse coloring, 88 fast Fourier transform, 120 features, new for 3.0, 288 file access mode, 72 closing, 342 creating, 73 opening, 71 file formats, 66 Gaussian kernel, 109 geometric operators, 98-106 getAddressError(), 102 getAlphaRange(), 149 getAngle(), 105, 120 getBackground(), 172 getBias(), 119 getBkgd(), 154 getBorderStyle, 173 E 411 Index getBreakpoints(), 145 getCacheSize(), 36 getCenter(), 105 getChained(), 59 getClassProp(), 63 getCoeff(), 102 getColorMap(), 27 getColorModel(), 25 getCompression(), 76 getCopyConverter(), 207 getCsize(), 23 getCurrentImg(), 68, 69 getDataPtr(), 80 getDataType(), 23 getDBinSize(), 134 getDMax(), 135 getDMean(), 135 getDMin(), 135 getDStart(), 134 getDStDev(), 135 getEdgeMode(), 107 getErrorColor, 177 getFileDesc(), 76 getFileMode(), 77 getFileName(), 76 getFill(), 29 getFloatProp(), 62 getHist(), 134 getImg(), 179 getInput(), 59 getInputMax(), 228 getInputMin(), 228 getIntProp(), 61 getKernelSize(), 107 getLImg(), 179 412 getLoc(), 183 getMaxPixel(), 30 getMaxRank(), 113 getMaxValue(), 31, 115 getMinPixel(), 30 getMinValue(), 31 getMorphType(), 117 getNbins(), 134 getNumBreakpoints(), 145 getNumChained(), 59 getNumImgs(), 68, 69, 77 getNumInputs(), 59 getNumViews(), 179 getOffset(), 94 getOrder(), 24 getOrientation(), 28, 155 getOrigin(), 107 getPage(), 52, 227 overriding when deriving, 345 getPageBorder(), 56 getPageSize(), 38 getPageSizePix(), 39 getPageSizeVal(), 39 getPixel(), 41, 45, 182 getPoint(), 145 getPolyOrder(), 102, 104 getProp(), 62 getPropSet(), 63 getPtrProp(), 62 getResampType(), 102 getRImg(), 179 getRoi(), 151, 154 getSaturation(), 90 getScaleMax(), 31 getScaleMin(), 31 Index getSize(), 21, 23, 49, 175 getStart(), 158, 196 getStatus(), 22, 366 getStrides(), 47 getStrides3D(), 214 getSubTile(), 41-45 getSubTile3D(), 46, 153 getThresh(), 142 getTile(), 34, 40-43, 52, 105 getTile3D(), 46 getTotal(), 135 getValidValue(), 156 getView(), 179 getViewIndex(), 179 getVisibleArea, 164 getXImg(), 179 getXkernel(), 109 getXsize(), 23 getXYWt(), 120 getYkernel(), 109 getYsize(), 21, 23 getZ(), 178 getZoom(), 105 getZsize(), 23 GIF, 6 GIF file format, 66 gradient operators, 117 GrayBin, 116 GrayGrayFct, 116 GrayGraySet, 116 H hardware acceleration, 55 disabling, 56 hasPages(), 39, 158 header files, 5 including, 11 high-pass filter, 128 histogram equalization, 140 of an image, 132, 134, 136 operators, 139 scaling, 140 I IFL, 293 iflABGR, 25 iflBGR, 25 iflBitArray, 358 iflCMY, 25, 87 iflCMYK, 25 iflColorModel, 25 iflConfig, 358 iflDataIsSigned(), 364 iflDataSize(), 73, 221, 363 iflDataType, 23 iflDataTypeFromRange(), 363 iflFile, 338 iflHSV, 25 iflInterleaved, 24 iflLut, 27, 358, 360-362 iflMax(), 364 iflMin(), 364 iflMinBlack, 25 iflMinWhite, 25 iflMultiSpectral, 25 iflOrientation, 28, 48 iflPixel, 29, 154, 358 iflRGB, 25 413 Index iflRGBA, 25, 87 iflRGBPalette, 25 iflSeparate, 24 iflSequential, 24 iflSize, 22, 358 iflTile, 359 iflXYSfloat, 103 iflXYZCint, 219, 235 iflYCC, 25, 87 IL_ARENA_MAXUSERS, 278 IL_CACHE_FRACTION, 35, 278 IL_CACHE_SIZE, 35, 278 IL_COMPUTE_THREADS, 54, 278 IL_DEBUG, 278 IL_HW_ACCELERATE, 278 IL_MONITOR, 279 IL_MONITOR_CACHE, 251, 279 IL_MONITOR_COMPACTION, 279 IL_MONITOR_LOCKS, 279 IL_MP_ARENA_SIZE, 279 IL_MP_LOCKS, 279 IL_SPARE_THREADS, 54 ilABGRImg, 86 ilAbsImg, 92 ilAbsSplit, 191 ilAddImg, 94 color illustration, 96, 397 ilAndImg, 97 color illustration, 397 illustration, 98 ilArithLutImg, 92 ilBiCubic, 100 ilBiLinear, 100 ilBitMapRoi, 155 ilBlendImg, 146, 147-150 color illustration, 407 414 illustration, 148 ilBlurImg, 109 color illustration, 111, 401 ilBRG, 87 ilBuffer, 358 ilCacheImg deriving from, 201-215 ilCMYKImg, 86 ilColorImg, 86 ilColSplit, 191 ilCombineImg, 146, 151 color illustration, 408 ilCompactCache(), 36 ilCompassImg, 118 illustration, 120, 402 ilConfig, 21, 41, 157, 359-360 ilConstImg, 91 ilConvImg, 108, 132 ilDATACLIPPED, 48 ilDelVal, 188 ilDilateImg, 116-117 illustration, 401 ilDilateImg(), 116 ilDisplay, 16, 162 creating, 169 ilDisplayImg, 162 ilDivImg, 94 color illustration, 397 ilDumpChain(), 251 ilDyadicImg, 90 deriving from, 228-230 ilEdgeMode, 107 ilErodeImg, 116-117 illustration, 401 ilExpImg, 92 color illustration, 398 Index ilFalseColorImg, 88-89 color illustration, 89, 396 ilFConjImg, 130 ilFCrCorrImg, 131 ilFDivImg, 131 ilFDyadicImg, 131 deriving from, 238-241 ilFExpFiltImg, 126 ilFFiltImg, 126 deriving from, 241 ilFGaussFiltImg, 126 color illustration, 404 illustration, 129 ilFileImg, 19 ilFlushCache(), 36 ilFMagImg, 125 ilFMergeImg, 126 ilFMonadicImg, 130 deriving from, 238-241 ilFMultImg, 131 ilFPhaseImg, 125 ilFRaisePwrImg, 130 ilFrameBufferImg, 19 ilFSpectImg, 125 ilGBlurImg, 109 color illustration, 401 ilGetCompactFraction(), 35 ilGetCurCacheSize(), 35 ilGrayImg, 86 illustration, 396 ilHistEqImg, 136, 140 color illustration, 405 ilHistLutImg, 139 ilHistNormImg, 136 color illustration, 405 ilHistScaleImg, 126, 136, 140 color illustration, 406 ilHSVImg, 87 ilImage, 19 deriving from, 200-211 ilImgParam, 60, 210 ilImgStat, 132, 136, 140 ilInvertImg, 92 color illustration, 398 ilKernel, 107, 358 ilLaplaceImg, 118 color illustration, 402 ilLink classes deriving from, 16 implements chaining model, 18 ilLockRequest, 39 ilLogImg, 92 color illustration, 398 ilLutImg, 142 color illustration, 406 ilMaxFltImg, 113 color illustration, 401 ilMaxImg, 96 color illustration, 398 ilMedFltImg, 113 color illustration, 114, 402 ilMemCacheImg, 19, 33 deriving from, 213-215 ilMemoryImg, 19, 78 ilMergeImg, 146, 151 ilMinFltImg, 113 color illustration, 402 ilMinify, 100 ilMinImg, 96 color illustration, 97, 398 ilMonadicImg, 90, 137 deriving from, 219, 227, 228-230 ilMorphType, 116 415 Index ilMultiplyImg, 94 color illustration, 398 ilNearNb, 100 ilNegImg, 92 color illustration, 93, 399 ilNoPad, 108 ilOKAY, 22 ilOldRel, 188 IlOpImg, 19 ilOpImg, 82-83 deriving from, 201, 215-242 ilOpImg, 3.0 changes, 293 ilOrImg, 97 color illustration, 399 illustration, 98 ilPackSplit, 191 ilPadDst, 108 ilPadSrc, 108 ilPage, 358 ilPiecewiseImg, 143-146 ilPixel, 30, 182 ilPowerImg, 92 color illustration, 399 ilRankFltImg, 113 ilRectRoi, 155 ilReflect, 107 ilRelSplit, 191 ilRelVal, 188 ilResampType, 100 ilRFFTfImg, 120, 126, 130, 131-132 ilRFFTiImg, 120, 126, 130, 131-132 ilRGBImg, 87 ilRobertsImg, 117 color illustration, 118, 403 ilRoi, 133 deriving from, 201, 242 416 ilRoiImg, 153, 154 ilRotZoomImg, 7, 98-106 color illustration, 400 ilRowSplit, 191 ilSaturateImg, 89-90 ilScaleImg, 137 color illustration, 139 ilSepConvImg, 108, 109 ilSetCompactFraction(), 35 ilSetMaxCacheFraction(), 35, 248 ilSetMaxCacheSize(), 35, 248 ilSGIPaletteImg, 87 ilSharpenImg, 7, 111 color illustration, 112, 402 ilSigned(), 24 ilSobelImg, 117 color illustration, 403 ilSpatialImg, 107, 117 deriving from, 234-236 ilSqRootImg, 92 color illustration, 399 ilSquareImg, 92 color illustration, 399 ilSquareRootImg color illustration, 397 ilStackAlloc, 358 ilStatus, 22 ilSubImg, 153, 156 ilSubtractImg, 94 color illustration, 399 ilThreshImg, 141, 168 color illustration, 406 ilTieWarpImg, 98, 103 color illustration, 104 ilUserDef, 100 ilView, 162, 177, 179 ilViewBdrCornerHandles, 173 Index ilViewBdrDashedLines, 173 ilViewBdrMiddleHandles, 173 ilViewBdrSolidLines, 173 ilViewBorderStyle, 173 ilViewer, 8 ilWarpImg, 98, 99 color illustration, 401 ilWrap, 107 ilXorImg, 97 color illustration, 400 image aligning, 188 moving, 190 replacing, 180 retrieving, 179 image attributes, 20, 60, 370 adding new, 211 allowing to change, 208 clearing once set, 60 initializing when deriving, 202 marking as altered or set, 210 preventing from changing, 60, 210 propagating, 59 resetting, 208 setting directly when deriving, 211, 221 image chains constructing dynamically, 57 querying, 58 replacing an operator in, 57 image format, 21 Image Format Library, 293 Image Pac, 68 image tools, 277 imgcopy tool, 277 imgformats tool, 277 imginfo tool, 277 imgview tool, 277 importing data, 78 initClamp(), 227 initColorModel(), 203 initMinMax(), 202 initScaleMinMax(), 31 insertPoint(), 144 inset, 194 interleaved ordering, 24 invert(), 360 isAltered(), 210 isDefer(), 175 isDiff(), 221 isInvertable(), 360 isMirrorSpace(), 49 isMPenabled(), 133 isNop(), 174 isSet(), 211 isSigned(), 364 isStaticUpdate(), 187 isWellDefined(), 103 J JFIF, 6 JFIF file format, 67 JPEG file format, 67 K kernel, 106, 107, 108, 110, 113, 117, 118, 119, 235, 358 separable, 109 417 Index L Laplace operator, 118 laying out views, 191 left-shift operator, 44 linking with libraries, 274 loadLut() example, 232 lockPage(), 37, 39, 250 lockPageSet(), 39 logical operators, 90-97 log operator, 92 lookup table, 27, 358 low-pass filter, 128, 241 LUT, see lookup table M magnifying an image, 105 magnitude component, Fourier image, 124 Makefile, 274 mapChan(), 360 mapFlipTrans(), 49 mapFromSource(), 49 mapSpace(), 49 mapTile(), 49 mapToSource(), 49 mapXY(), 49 mapXYSign(), 49 markSet(), 211 masking, 153 maximum comparison, 96, 364 maximum filtering, 113 maximum pixel value, 30, 132, 135, 141, 228 initializing when deriving, 202 mean and standard deviation, 132, 135, 140 418 median filtering, 113 memory optimizing usage, 247-253 memory image, 78 merging images, 146 minifying an image, 105 minimum comparison, 96, 364 minimum filtering, 113 minimum pixel value, 30, 132, 135, 141, 228 initializing when deriving, 202 mirroring an image, 105 mode, display, 175 monitoring cache, 251 morphological dilation, 113 erosion, 113 operators, 114-117 moveImg(), 188, 190, 196 moveView(), 188 moving images, 190 views, 191 multiplication operator, 94 for Fourier images, 132 multispectral image, 25, 88 multi-threading, 53, 227 effect on cache size, 249 turning off, 54 multi-threading architecture, 292 N needColorConv(), 207 nop flag, 174 NULL, 369 Index O object properties, 61 scope of, 61 one’s complement operator, 92 online documentation, 275 source code, 277 OpenGL, 171 opening a file, 71, 168 operator, definition of, 17 order of an image, 24 orientation, 28, 48 OR operator, 97 outOfBound(), 206 overflow, 227 P padding an image, 108, 156 page default size, 74 replacement, 34 size, 38, 251, 252 pageBorder, 214 page borders, 56 pages priority in cache, 36 pageSize, 214 pageSizeBytes, 214 paging support, 39 paint(), 184, 186 PBM file format, 69 PCD, 6 PCDO, 6 PGM file format, 69 phase component, Fourier image, 124 Photo CD color model, 68 file format, 67 Image Pac, 68 image resolutions, 68 Overview Pac, 69 pixel operating on, 182 PNG file format, 69 pop(), 180 position(), 191 power operator, 92 PPM, 6 PPM file format, 69 prepareRequest, 213 priority, of cache pages, 250 priority of pages in cache, 36 propagating image attributes, 59 push(), 180 R radiometric operators, 136 rank filtering, 113 Raw, 6 Raw image file format, 69 reading image data, 40 redraw(), 52, 185, 187 reference pages, 275 region of interest, 105, 133, 136, 140, 153-158 bitmap, 155 combining images with, 151 rectangular, 155 removeInput(), 59 removePoint(), 144 419 Index removeProp(), 62 rendering, 171, 286 replacePoint(), 144 resampling method, 100, 105 reset(), 135, 208 resetCheck(), 208, 218 resetDomain(), 138 reset mechanism, 206, 218 resetOp(), 208, 217-221, 228 example, 220 resetRange(), 138 resetScaling(), 138 resize(), 193 Roberts operator, 117 ROI, see region of interest root-filtering, 131 rotating an image, 7, 105 run-time object-type inquiries, 297 S save(), 185 scaling data during color conversion, 31 for displaying, 228 scrolling window, 164 select(), 172 separable kernel, 109 separate ordering, 25 sequential ordering, 24 setAddressError(), 102 setAllowed(), 208 setAlpha(), 130 setAlphaPlane(), 149 setAlphaRange(), 149 420 setAltered(), 210, 218 setAngle(), 105, 120 setAutoStaticUpdate(), 187 setBackground(), 172 setBase(), 93 setBeta(), 130 setBias(), 108, 119 setBicubicFamily(), 100 setBkgd(), 154 setBlendMode(), 149 setBlur(), 110 setBlurKernelSize(), 110 setBlurRadius(), 110 setBorders(), 168, 172 setBorderStyle, 173 setBorderWidth(), 173 setBreakpoints(), 144 setCenter(), 105 setCheck(), 95, 132 setClamp(), 227 setClip(), 141 setCoeff(), 102 setColorMap(), 27 setColorModel, 26 setColorModel(), 25 setConfig(), 157 setConstAlpha(), 149 setCsize(), 21, 23 setCurrentImg(), 68, 69 setDataType(), 24, 38 setDCgain(), 130 setDefer(), 174 setDomain(), 138 setEccent(), 130 setEdgeMode(), 107 Index setErrorColor, 177 setFill(), 29 setGamma(), 130 setHFgain(), 130 setHistLimits(), 141 setImg(), 180 setImgStat(), 140, 141 setInput(), 58, 219 setKernel(), 107, 118 setKernelSize(), 107 setKernFlags(), 235 setLoc(), 183 setLookUpTable(), 143 setMajHalf(), 130 setMaxComputeThreads, 54 setMaxPixel(), 30 setMaxSamples(), 102 setMaxValue(), 31 setMean(), 140 setMinHalf(), 130 setMinifyKernel(), 102 setMinPixel(), 30 setMinValue(), 31, 115 setMorphType(), 117 setNop(), 174 setNumInputs(), 59, 203, 219 setOffset(), 94, 153 setOption(), 122, 124 setOrder(), 25, 38 setOrientation(), 28, 155 setOrigin(), 107 setPage() overriding when deriving, 345 setPageBorder(), 56 setPageSize(), 38 setPagingCallback(), 212, 251 setPixel(), 41, 45, 182 setPolyOrder(), 103 setPower(), 93, 131 setPriority(), 37, 250 setProp(), 62 setRange(), 138, 141 setRank(), 113 setResampFunc(), 102 setResampType(), 102 setRoi(), 140, 141, 151, 154 setSaturation(), 90 setScale(), 130 setScaleMinMax(), 31 setScaleType(), 31 setScaling(), 138 setSharpenRadius(), 112 setSharpness(), 112 setSize(), 21, 23, 94, 105 setStart(), 157, 196 setStaticUpdate(), 185, 187 setStatus(), 203 setStdev(), 140 setSubTile(), 41-45 setSubTile3D(), 46, 153 setTheta(), 130 setThresh(), 142 setTiePoints(), 103 setTile(), 40-43 setTile3D(), 46 setValidOrder(), 219 setValidType(), 219 setValidValue(), 156 setVisibleArea, 164 setWorkingType(), 219 421 Index setXImg(), 180 setXkernel(), 109 setXsize(), 126 setXYWt(), 120 setYkernel(), 109 setZ(), 178 setZoom(), 105 SGI, 6 SGI file format, 70 sharpening an image, 7, 109 size of an image, 22 sizeToFit, 106 Sobel operator, 117 spatial operators, 106-113 split(), 188, 191 square root operator, 92 squaring operator, 92 standard deviation, 132, 135, 140 statistical operator, 132-135 stereo viewing, 178 stride, 47, 235 subimage, 153, 156 subtraction operator, 94 swap(), 180 T threshold operator, 141 TIFF, 6 TIFF file format, 70 tile of data, 40 tools, image, 277 TRUE, 369 two’s complement operator, 92 422 U underflow, 227 unlockPage(), 39 unlockPageSet(), 39 unselect(), 172 update(), 184, 195 V version 3.0, overview of changes, 287 view adding, 177 borders, 172 finding an edge, 181 moving, 191, 196 removing, 180 reordering in the stack, 180 resizing, 193 retrieving, 179 stereo, 178 updating, 195 view stack, 177 reordering, 180 viewstack, 162 Index W warping operators, 98-106 window, 175 window,scrolling, 164 wipe(), 193 wipeSize(), 193, 194 wipeSplit(), 193, 194 wiping an image, 193 working type, 27 writing image data, 40 X XNextEvent(), 168 XOpenDisplay(), 169 XQueryPointer(), 169 X rendering, 171, 286 Z zooming an image, 105 423 Tell Us About This Manual As a user of Silicon Graphics products, you can help us to better understand your needs and to improve the quality of our documentation. 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