Node.js, MongoDB And Angular Web Development: The Definitive Guide To Using MEAN Stack Build Applications (Developer' Brad Dayley & Brendan Caleb Mongo DB Development

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Node.js, MongoDB and Angular Web
Second Edition

Brad Dayley
Brendan Dayley
Caleb Dayley

Node.js, MongoDB and Angular Web Development, Second Edition
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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-465553-6
ISBN-10: 0-13-465553-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017954802
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Contents at a Glance
I: Getting Started
1 Introducing the Node.js-to-Angular Stack
2 JavaScript Primer
II: Learning Node.js
3 Getting Started with Node.js
4 Using Events, Listeners, Timers, and Callbacks in Node.js
5 Handling Data I/O in Node.js
6 Accessing the File System from Node.js
7 Implementing HTTP Services in Node.js
8 Implementing Socket Services in Node.js
9 Scaling Applications Using Multiple Processors in Node.js
10 Using Additional Node.js Modules
III: Learning MongoDB
11 Understanding NoSQL and MongoDB
12 Getting Started with MongoDB
13 Getting Started with MongoDB and Node.js
14 Manipulating MongoDB Documents from Node.js
15 Accessing MongoDB from Node.js
16 Using Mongoose for Structured Schema and Validation

17 Advanced MongoDB Concepts
IV: Using Express to Make Life Easier
18 Implementing Express in Node.js
19 Implementing Express Middleware
V: Learning Angular
20 Jumping into TypeScript
21 Getting Started with Angular
22 Angular Components
23 Expressions
24 Data Binding
25 Built-in Directives
VI: Advanced Angular
26 Custom Directives
27 Events and Change Detection
28 Implementing Angular Services in Web Applications
29 Creating Your Own Custom Angular Services
30 Having Fun with Angular

I: Getting Started
1 Introducing the Node.js-to-Angular Stack
Understanding the Basic Web Development Framework
Backend Services
Understanding the Node.js-to-Angular Stack Components
2 JavaScript Primer
Defining Variables
Understanding JavaScript Data Types
Using Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Applying Comparison and Conditional Operators
Implementing Looping
while Loops
do/while Loops
for Loops
for/in Loops
Interrupting Loops
Creating Functions
Defining Functions

Passing Variables to Functions
Returning Values from Functions
Using Anonymous Functions
Understanding Variable Scope
Using JavaScript Objects
Using Object Syntax
Creating Custom-Defined Objects
Using a Prototyping Object Pattern
Manipulating Strings
Combining Strings
Searching a String for a Substring
Replacing a Word in a String
Splitting a String into an Array
Working with Arrays
Combining Arrays
Iterating Through Arrays
Converting an Array into a String
Checking Whether an Array Contains an Item
Adding and Removing Items to Arrays
Adding Error Handling
try/catch Blocks
Throw Your Own Errors
Using finally
II: Learning Node.js
3 Getting Started with Node.js
Understanding Node.js
Who Uses Node.js?
What Is Node.js Used For?
What Does Node.js Come With?
Installing Node.js
Looking at the Node.js Install Location
Verify Node.js Executables
Selecting a Node.js IDE

Working with Node Packages
What Are Node Packaged Modules?
Understanding the Node Package Registry
Using the Node Package Manager
Searching for Node Package Modules
Installing Node Packaged Modules
Using package.json
Creating a Node.js Application
Creating a Node.js Packaged Module
Publishing a Node.js Packaged Module to the NPM Registry
Using a Node.js Packaged Module in a Node.js Application
Writing Data to the Console
4 Using Events, Listeners, Timers, and Callbacks in Node.js
Understanding the Node.js Event Model
Comparing Event Callbacks and Threaded Models
Blocking I/O in Node.js
The Conversation Example
Adding Work to the Event Queue
Implementing Timers
Using nextTick to Schedule Work
Implementing Event Emitters and Listeners
Implementing Callbacks
Passing Additional Parameters to Callbacks
Implementing Closure in Callbacks
Chaining Callbacks
5 Handling Data I/O in Node.js
Working with JSON
Converting JSON to JavaScript Objects
Converting JavaScript Objects to JSON
Using the Buffer Module to Buffer Data
Understanding Buffered Data

Creating Buffers
Writing to Buffers
Reading from Buffers
Determining Buffer Length
Copying Buffers
Slicing Buffers
Concatenating Buffers
Using the Stream Module to Stream Data
Readable Streams
Writable Streams
Duplex Streams
Transform Streams
Piping Readable Streams to Writable Streams
Compressing and Decompressing Data with Zlib
Compressing and Decompressing Buffers
Compressing/Decompressing Streams
6 Accessing the File System from Node.js
Synchronous Versus Asynchronous File System Calls
Opening and Closing Files
Writing Files
Simple File Write
Synchronous File Writing
Asynchronous File Writing
Streaming File Writing
Reading Files
Simple File Read
Synchronous File Reading
Asynchronous File Reading
Streaming File Reading
Other File System Tasks
Verifying Path Existence
Getting File Info
Listing Files
Deleting Files

Truncating Files
Making and Removing Directories
Renaming Files and Directories
Watching for File Changes
7 Implementing HTTP Services in Node.js
Processing URLs
Understanding the URL Object
Resolving the URL Components
Processing Query Strings and Form Parameters
Understanding Request, Response, and Server Objects
The http.ClientRequest Object
The http.ServerResponse Object
The http.IncomingMessage Object
The http.Server Object
Implementing HTTP Clients and Servers in Node.js
Serving Static Files
Implementing Dynamic GET Servers
Implementing POST Servers
Interacting with External Sources
Implementing HTTPS Servers and Clients
Creating an HTTPS Client
Creating an HTTPS Server
8 Implementing Socket Services in Node.js
Understanding Network Sockets
Understanding TPC Server and Socket Objects
The net.Socket Object
The net.Server Object
Implementing TCP Socket Servers and Clients
Implementing a TCP Socket Client
Implementing a TCP Socket Server
Implementing TLS Servers and Clients

Creating a TLS Socket Client
Creating a TLS Socket Server
9 Scaling Applications Using Multiple Processors in Node.js
Understanding the Process Module
Understanding Process I/O Pipes
Understanding Process Signals
Controlling Process Execution with the process Module
Getting Information from the process Module
Implementing Child Processes
Understanding the ChildProcess Object
Executing a System Command on Another Process Using exec()
Executing an Executable File on Another Process Using execFile()
Spawning a Process in Another Node.js Instance Using spawn()
Implementing Child Forks
Implementing Process Clusters
Using the Cluster Module
Understanding the Worker Object
Implementing an HTTP Cluster
10 Using Additional Node.js Modules
Using the os Module
Using the util Module
Formatting Strings
Checking Object Types
Converting JavaScript Objects to Strings
Inheriting Functionality from Other Objects
Using the dns Module
Using the crypto Module
Other Node Modules and Objects

III: Learning MongoDB
11 Understanding NoSQL and MongoDB
Why NoSQL?
Understanding MongoDB
Understanding Collections
Understanding Documents
MongoDB Data Types
Planning Your Data Model
Normalizing Data with Document References
Denormalizing Data with Embedded Documents
Using Capped Collections
Understanding Atomic Write Operations
Considering Document Growth
Identifying Indexing, Sharding, and Replication Opportunities
Large Collections Versus Large Numbers of Collections
Deciding on Data Life Cycles
Considering Data Usability and Performance
12 Getting Started with MongoDB
Building the MongoDB Environment
Installing MongoDB
Starting MongoDB
Stopping MongoDB
Accessing MongoDB from the Shell Client
Administering User Accounts
Listing Users
Creating User Accounts
Removing Users
Configuring Access Control
Creating a User Administrator Account
Turning on Authentication
Creating a Database Administrator Account
Administering Databases
Displaying a List of Databases

Changing the Current Database
Creating Databases
Deleting Databases
Copying Databases
Managing Collections
Displaying a List of Collections in a Database
Creating Collections
Deleting Collections
Finding Documents in a Collection
Adding Documents to a Collection
Deleting Documents in a Collection
Updating Documents in a Collection
13 Getting Started with MongoDB and Node.js
Adding the MongoDB Driver to Node.js
Connecting to MongoDB from Node.js
Understanding the Write Concern
Connecting to MongoDB from Node.js Using the MongoClient Object
Understanding the Objects Used in the MongoDB Node.js Driver
Understanding the Db Object
Understanding the Admin Object
Understanding the Collection Object
Understanding the Cursor Object
Accessing and Manipulating Databases
Listing Databases
Creating a Database
Deleting a Database
Creating, Listing, and Deleting Databases Example
Getting the Status of the MongoDB Server
Accessing and Manipulating Collections
Listing Collections
Creating Collections
Deleting Collections
Collection Creation, Listing, and Deleting Example
Getting Collection Information

14 Manipulating MongoDB Documents from Node.js
Understanding Database Change Options
Understanding Database Update Operators
Adding Documents to a Collection
Getting Documents from a Collection
Updating Documents in a Collection
Atomically Modifying Documents in a Collection
Saving Documents in a Collection
Upserting Documents in Collection
Deleting Documents from a Collection
Removing a Single Document from a Collection
15 Accessing MongoDB from Node.js
Introducing the Data Set
Understanding Query Objects
Understanding Query Options Objects
Finding Specific Sets of Documents
Counting Documents
Limiting Result Sets
Limiting Results by Size
Limiting Fields Returned in Objects
Paging Results
Sorting Result Sets
Finding Distinct Field Values
Grouping Results
Applying MapReduce by Aggregating Results
Understanding the aggregate() Method
Using Aggregation Framework Operators
Implementing Aggregation Expression Operators
Aggregation Examples

16 Using Mongoose for Structured Schema and Validation
Understanding Mongoose
Additional Objects
Connecting to a MongoDB Database Using Mongoose
Defining a Schema
Understanding Paths
Creating a Schema Definition
Adding Indexes to a Schema
Implementing Unique Fields
Forcing Required Fields
Adding Methods to the Schema Model
Implementing the Schema on the Words Database
Compiling a Model
Understanding the Query Object
Setting the Query Database Operation
Setting the Query Database Operation Options
Setting the Query Operators
Understanding the Document Object
Finding Documents Using Mongoose
Adding Documents Using Mongoose
Updating Documents Using Mongoose
Saving Document Changes
Updating a Single Document
Updating Multiple Documents
Removing Documents Using Mongoose
Removing a Single Document
Removing Multiple Documents
Aggregating Documents Using Mongoose
Using the Validation Framework
Implementing Middleware Functions
17 Advanced MongoDB Concepts
Adding Indexes
Using Capped Collections
Applying Replication

Replication Strategy
Deploying a Replica Set
Implementing Sharding
Sharding Server Types
Choosing a Shard Key
Selecting a Partitioning Method
Deploying a Sharded MongoDB Cluster
Repairing a MongoDB Database
Backing Up MongoDB
IV: Using Express to Make Life Easier
18 Implementing Express in Node.js
Getting Started with Express
Configuring Express Settings
Starting the Express Server
Configuring Routes
Implementing Routes
Applying Parameters in Routes
Using Requests Objects
Using Response Objects
Setting Headers
Setting the Status
Sending Response
Sending JSON Responses
Sending Files
Sending a Download Response
Redirecting the Response
Implementing a Template Engine
Defining the Engine
Adding Locals
Creating Templates
Rendering Templates in a Response

19 Implementing Express Middleware
Understanding Middleware
Assigning Middleware Globally to a Path
Assigning Middleware to a Single Route
Adding Multiple Middleware Functions
Using the query Middleware
Serving Static Files
Handling POST Body Data
Sending and Receiving Cookies
Implementing Sessions
Applying Basic HTTP Authentication
Implementing Session Authentication
Creating Custom Middleware
V: Learning Angular
20 Jumping into TypeScript
Learning the Different Types
Understanding Interfaces
Implementing Classes
Class Inheritance
Implementing Modules
Understanding Functions
21 Getting Started with Angular
Why Angular?
Understanding Angular
Data Binding
Dependency Injection
Separation of Responsibilities

Adding Angular to Your Environment
Using the Angular CLI
Generating Content with the CLI
Creating a Basic Angular Application
Creating Your First Angular App
Understanding and Using NgModule
Creating the Angular Bootstrapper
22 Angular Components
Component Configuration
Defining a Selector
Building a Template
Using Inline CSS and HTML in Angular Applications
Using Constructors
Using External Templates
Injecting Directives
Building a Nested Component with Dependency Injection
Passing in Data with Dependency Injection
Creating an Angular Application that Uses Inputs
23 Expressions
Using Expressions
Using Basic Expressions
Interacting with the Component Class in Expressions
Using TypeScript in Angular Expressions
Using Pipes
Using Built-in Pipes
Building a Custom Pipe
Creating a Custom Pipe
24 Data Binding
Understanding Data Binding

Property Binding
Attribute Binding
Class Binding
Style Binding
Event Binding
Two-Way Binding
25 Built-in Directives
Understanding Directives
Using Built-in Directives
Components Directives
Structural Directives
Attribute Directives
VI: Advanced Angular
26 Custom Directives
Creating a Custom Attribute Directive
Creating a Custom Directive with a Component
27 Events and Change Detection
Using Browser Events
Emitting Custom Events
Emitting a Custom Event to the Parent Component Hierarchy
Handling Custom Events with a Listener
Implementing Custom Events in Nested Components
Deleting Data in a Parent Component from a Child Component
Using Observables
Creating an Observable Object
Watching for Data Changes with Observables

28 Implementing Angular Services in Web Applications
Understanding Angular Services
Using the Built-in Services
Sending HTTP GET and PUT Requests with the http Service
Configuring the HTTP Request
Implementing the HTTP Response Callback Functions
Implementing a Simple JSON File and Using the http Service to Access It
Implementing a Simple Mock Server Using the http Service
Implementing a Simple Mock Server and Using the http Service to Update
Items on the Server
Changing Views with the router Service
Using routes in Angular
Implementing a Simple Router
Implementing a Router with a Navigation Bar
Implementing a Router with Parameters
29 Creating Your Own Custom Angular Services
Integrating Custom Services into Angular Applications
Adding an Angular Service to an Application
Implementing a Simple Application that Uses a Constant Data Service
Implementing a Data Transform Service
Implementing a Variable Data Service
Implementing a Service that Returns a Promise
Implementing a Shared Service
30 Having Fun with Angular
Implementing an Angular Application that Uses the Animation Service
Implementing an Angular Application that Zooms in on Images
Implementing an Angular Application that Enables Drag and Drop
Implementing a Star Rating Angular Component


About the Authors
Brad Dayley is a senior software engineer with more than 20 years of experience
developing enterprise applications and web interfaces. He has used JavaScript and
jQuery for years and is the author of Learning Angular, jQuery and JavaScript
Phrasebook and Sams Teach Yourself AngularJS, JavaScript, and jQuery All in One.
He has designed and implemented a wide array of applications and services, from
application servers to complex web applications.
Brendan Dayley is a web application developer who loves learning and
implementing the latest and greatest technologies. He is the co-author of Learning
Angular and Sams Teach Yourself AngularJS, JavaScript, and jQuery All in One. He
has written a number of web applications using JavaScript, TypeScript, and Angular,
and he is exploring the capabilities of new web and mobile technologies such as
augmented reality and how to use them for innovative solutions.
Caleb Dayley is a university student studying computer science. He tries to learn all
that he can and has taught himself much of what he knows about programming. He
has taught himself several languages, including JavaScript, C#, and, using the first
edition of this book, NodeJS, MongoDB and Angular. He is excited for what the
future holds, and the opportunities to help design and create the next generation of
innovative software that will continue to improve the way we live, work, and play.

I’d like to take this page to thank all those who made this title possible. First, I thank
my wonderful wife for the inspiration, love, and support she gives me. I’d never
make it far without you. I also want to thank my boys for the help they are when I
am writing. Thanks to Mark Taber for getting this title rolling in the right direction.
—Brad Dayley
I’d like to thank all those who helped make this book possible for me. First and
foremost, my wife, who pushes me to become greater and gives me all her love. Also
my father, who mentored me not just in writing and programming but in life. My
mother, who has always been there for me when I need her. And finally, Mark
Taber, who gave me the chance to be a part of this.
—Caleb Dayley

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Welcome to Node.js, MongoDB and Angular Web Development. This book is
designed to catapult you into the world of using JavaScript—from the server and
services to the browser client—in your web development projects. The book covers
the implementation and integration of Node.js, MongoDB, and Angular—some of
the most exciting and innovative technologies emerging in the world of web
This introduction covers
Who should read this book
Why you should read this book
What you will be able to achieve using this book
What Node.js, MongoDB, and Angular are and why they are great technologies
How this book is organized
Where to find the code examples
Let’s get started.

Who Should Read This Book
This book is aimed at readers who already have an understanding of the basics of
HTML and have done some programming in a modern programming language.
Having an understanding of JavaScript will make this book easier to digest but is not
required because the book does cover the basics of JavaScript.

Why You Should Read This Book

This book will teach you how to create powerful, interactive websites and web
applications—from the webserver and services on the server to the browser-based
interactive web applications. The technologies covered here are all open source, and
you will be able to use JavaScript for both the server-side and browser-side
Typical readers of this book want to master Node.js and MongoDB for the purpose
of building highly scalable and high-performing websites. Typical readers also want
to leverage the MVC/MVVM (Model-View-Controller/Model-View-View-Model)
approach of Angular to implement well-designed and structured webpages and web
applications. Overall, Node.js, MongoDB, and Angular provide an easy-toimplement, fully integrated web development stack that allows you to implement
amazing web applications.

What You Will Learn from This Book
Reading this book will enable you to build real-world, dynamic websites and web
applications. Websites no longer consist of simple static content in HTML pages
with integrated images and formatted text. Instead, websites have become much
more dynamic, with a single page often serving as an entire site or application.
Using Angular technology allows you to build into your webpage logic that can
communicate back to the Node.js server and obtain necessary data from the
MongoDB database. The combination of Node.js, MongoDB, and Angular allows
you to implement interactive, dynamic webpages. The following are just a few of the
things that you will learn while reading this book:
How to implement a highly scalable and dynamic webserver, using Node.js and
How to build server-side web services in JavaScript
How to implement a MongoDB data store for you web applications
How to access and interact with MongoDB from Node.js JavaScript code
How to define static and dynamic web routes and implement server-side scripts
to support them
How to define your own custom Angular components that extend the HTML
How to implement client-side services that can interact with the Node.js

How to build dynamic browser views that provide rich user interaction
How to add nested components to your webpages
How to implement Angular routing to manage navigation between client
application views

What Is Node.js?
Node.js, sometimes referred to as just Node, is a development framework that is
based on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. You write Node.js code in JavaScript, and
then V8 compiles it into machine code to be executed. You can write most—or
maybe even all—of your server-side code in Node.js, including the webserver and
the server-side scripts and any supporting web application functionality. The fact that
the webserver and the supporting web application scripts are running together in the
same server-side application allows for much tighter integration between the
webserver and the scripts.
The following are just a few reasons Node.js is a great framework:
JavaScript end-to-end: One of the biggest advantages of Node.js is that it
allows you to write both server- and client-side scripts in JavaScript. There have
always been difficulties in deciding whether to put logic in client-side scripts or
server-side scripts. With Node.js you can take JavaScript written on the client
and easily adapt it for the server, and vice versa. An added plus is that client
developers and server developers are speaking the same language.
Event-driven scalability: Node.js applies a unique logic to handling web
requests. Rather than having multiple threads waiting to process web requests,
with Node.js they are processed on the same thread, using a basic event model.
This allows Node.js webservers to scale in ways that traditional webservers
Extensibility: Node.js has a great following and an active development
community. People are providing new modules to extend Node.js functionality
all the time. Also, it is simple to install and include new modules in Node.js;
you can extend a Node.js project to include new functionality in minutes.
Fast implementation: Setting up Node.js and developing in it are super easy.
In only a few minutes you can install Node.js and have a working webserver.

What Is MongoDB?
MongoDB is an agile and scalable NoSQL database. The name Mongo comes from
the word “humongous,” emphasizing the scalability and performance MongoDB
provides. MongoDB provides great website backend storage for high-traffic websites
that need to store data such as user comments, blogs, or other items because it is
quickly scalable and easy to implement.
The following are some of the reasons that MongoDB really fits well in the Node.js
Document orientation: Because MongoDB is document-oriented, data is
stored in the database in a format that is very close to what you deal with in
both server-side and client-side scripts. This eliminates the need to transfer data
from rows to objects and back.
High performance: MongoDB is one of the highest-performing databases
available. Especially today, with more and more people interacting with
websites, it is important to have a backend that can support heavy traffic.
High availability: MongoDB’s replication model makes it easy to maintain
scalability while keeping high performance.
High scalability: MongoDB’s structure makes it easy to scale horizontally by
sharing the data across multiple servers.
No SQL injection: MongoDB is not susceptible to SQL injection (that is,
putting SQL statements in web forms or other input from the browser and
thereby compromising database security). This is the case because objects are
stored as objects, not using SQL strings.

What Is Angular?
Angular is a client-side JavaScript framework developed by Google. The theory
behind Angular is to provide a framework that makes it easy to implement welldesigned and structured webpages and applications, using an MVC/MVVM
Angular provides functionality to handle user input in the browser, manipulate data
on the client side, and control how elements are displayed in the browser view. Here
are some of the benefits Angular provides:

Data binding: Angular has a clean method for binding data to HTML elements,
using its powerful scope mechanism.
Extensibility: The Angular architecture allows you to easily extend almost
every aspect of the language to provide your own custom implementations.
Clean: Angular forces you to write clean, logical code.
Reusable code: The combination of extensibility and clean code makes it easy
to write reusable code in Angular. In fact, the language often forces you to do
so when creating custom services.
Support: Google is investing a lot into this project, which gives it an advantage
over similar initiatives that have failed.
Compatibility: Angular is based on JavaScript and has a close relationship with
the JavaScript standard. This makes it easier to begin integrating Angular into
your environment and reuse pieces of your existing code within the structure of
the Angular framework.

How This Book Is Organized
This book is divided into six main parts:
Part I, “Getting Started,” provides an overview of the interaction between
Node.js, MongoDB, and Angular and how these three products form a complete
web development stack. Chapter 2 is a JavaScript primer that provides the
basics of the JavaScript language that you need when implementing Node.js and
Angular code.
Part II, “Learning Node.js,” covers the Node.js language platform, from
installation to implementation of Node.js modules. This part gives you the basic
framework you need to implement your own custom Node.js modules as well as
the webserver and server-side scripts.
Part III, “Learning MongoDB,” covers the MongoDB database, from
installation to integration with Node.js applications. This part discusses how to
plan your data model to fit your application needs and how to access and
interact with MongoDB from your Node.js applications.
Part IV, “Using Express to Make Life Easier,” discusses the Express module for
Node.js and how to leverage it as the webserver for your application. You learn
how to set up dynamic and static routes to data as well as how to implement
security, caching, and other webserver basics.

Part V, “Learning Angular,” covers the Angular framework architecture and
how to integrate it into your Node.js stack. This part covers creating custom
HTML components and client-side services that can be leveraged in the
Part VI, “Advanced Angular,” covers more advanced Angular development,
such as building custom directives and custom services. You also learn about
using Angular’s built-in HTTP and routing services. This section finishes with
some additional rich UI examples, such as building drag-and-drop components
and implementing animations.

Getting the Code Examples
Throughout this book, you will find code examples in listings. The title for each
listing includes a filename for the source code. The source code is available for
download at the book’s website.

A Final Word
We hope you enjoy learning about Node.js, MongoDB, and Angular as much as we
have. They are great, innovative technologies that are fun to use. Soon, you’ll be able
to join the many other web developers who use the Node.js-to-Angular web stack to
build interactive websites and web applications. Enjoy the book!

Part I: Getting Started

Introducing the Node.js-to-Angular
To get you off on the right foot, this chapter focuses on the fundamental components
of the web development framework and then describes the components of the
Node.js-to-Angular stack that will be the basis for the rest of the book. The first
section discusses various aspects of the general website/web application
development framework from users to backend services. The purpose of first
covering the web development framework components is to get you in the mindset to
more easily understand how the components of the Node.js-to-Angular stack relate
to the pieces of the general framework. This should help you better see the benefits
of using the Node.js-to-Angular stack components over the more traditional

Understanding the Basic Web Development
To get you in the right mindset to understand the benefits of utilizing Node.js,
MongoDB, and Angular as your web framework, this section provides an overview
of the basic components of most websites. If you are familiar with the full web
framework, this section will be old hat, but if you understand only the server side or
client side of the web framework, this section gives you a more complete picture.
The main components of any given web framework are the user, browser, webserver,
and backend services. Although websites vary greatly on appearance and behavior,
all have these basic components in one form or another.
This section is not intended to be in-depth, comprehensive, or technically exact, but

rather a high level perspective of the parts involved in a functional website. The
components are described in a top-down manner from user down to backend
services. Then in the next section we discuss the Node.js-to-Angular stack from the
bottom up, and you can get a picture of where each piece fits and why. Figure 1.1
provides a basic diagram to make it easier to visualize the components in a
website/web application.

Figure 1.1 Diagram showing the components of a basic website/web application

Users are a fundamental part of all websites; they are, after all, the reason websites
exist in the first place. User expectations define the requirements for developing a
good website, and these expectations have changed a lot over the years. Users used
to accept the slow, cumbersome experience of the “world-wide-wait,” but no longer.
They expect websites to behave closer to applications installed on their computers
and mobile devices.
The user role in a web framework is to sit on the visual output and interaction input
of webpages. That is, users view the results of the web framework processing and
then provide interactions using mouse clicks, keyboard input, and swipes and taps on
mobile devices.

The browser plays three roles in the web framework. First, it provides
communication to and from the webserver. Second, it interprets the data from the
server and renders it into the view that the user actually sees. Finally, the browser
handles user interaction through the keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, or other input
device and takes the appropriate action.

Browser to Webserver Communication
Browser-to-webserver communication consists of a series of requests using the
HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) defines
communication between the browser and the webserver. HTTP defines what types of
requests can be made as well as the format of those requests and the HTTP response.
HTTPS adds an additional security layer, SSL/TLS, to ensure secure connections by
requiring the webserver to provide a certificate to the browser. The user then can
determine whether to accept the certificate before allowing the connection.
The browser makes three main types of requests to the server:
GET: The GET request is typically used to retrieve data from the server, such
as .html files, images, or JSON data.
POST: POST requests are used when sending data to the server, such as adding
an item to a shopping cart or submitting a web form.
AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is actually just a GET or
POST request done directly by JavaScript running in the browser. Despite the
name, an AJAX request can receive XML, JSON, or raw data in the response.

Rendering the Browser View
The screen that the user actually views and interacts with is often made up of several
different pieces of data retrieved from the webserver. The browser reads data from
the initial URL and then renders the HTML document to build a Document Object
Model (DOM). The DOM is a tree structure object with the HTML document as the
root. The structure of the tree basically matches the structure of the HTML
document. For example, the document will have html as a child, and html will
have head and body as children, and body may have div, p, or other elements as
children, like this:
+ html
+ head
+ body
+ div
+ p

The browser interprets each DOM element and renders it to the user’s screen to build

the webpage view.
The browser often ends up getting various types of data from multiple webserver
requests to build the webpage. The following are the most common types of data the
browser uses to render the final user view as well as define the webpage behavior.
HTML files: These provide the fundamental structure of the DOM.
CSS files: These define how each of the elements on the page is to be styled;
for example, font, color, borders, and spacing.
Client-side scripts: These are typically JavaScript files. They can provide
added functionality to the webpage, manipulate the DOM to change the look of
the webpage, and provide any necessary logic required to display the page and
provide functionality.
Media files: Image, video, and sound files are rendered as part of the webpage.
Data: Any data, such as XML, JSON, or raw text, can be provided by the
webserver as a response to an AJAX request. Rather than sending a request
back to the server to rebuild the webpage, new data can be retrieved via AJAX
and inserted into the webpage via JavaScript.
HTTP headers: The HTTP protocol defines a set of headers that can be used
by the browser and client-side scripts to define the behavior of the webpage. For
example, cookies are contained in the HTTP headers. The HTTP headers also
define the type of data in the request as well as the type of data expected to be
returned back to the browser.

User Interaction
The user interacts with the browser via input devices such as mice, keyboards, and
touchscreens. The browser has an elaborate event system that captures these user
input events and then takes the appropriate action. Actions vary from displaying a
popup menu to loading a new document from the server to executing client-side

The webserver’s main focus is handling requests from browsers. As described
earlier, the browser may request a document, post data, or perform an AJAX request
to get a data. The webserver uses the HTTP headers as well as the URL to determine

what action to take. This is where things get different depending on the webserver,
configuration, and technologies used.
Most out-of-the-box webservers, such as Apache and IIS, are made to serve static
files such as .html, .css, and media files. To handle POST requests that modify server
data and AJAX requests to interact with backend services, webservers need to be
extended with server-side scripts.
A server-side program is really anything that can be executed by the webserver to
perform the task the browser is requesting. These can be written in PHP, Python, C,
C++, C#, Java, … the list goes on and on. Webservers such as Apache and IIS
provide mechanisms to include server-side scripts and then wire them up to specific
URL locations requested by the browser.
This is where having a solid webserver framework can make a big difference. It
often takes quite a bit of configuration to enable various scripting languages and wire
up the server-side scripts so that the webserver can route the appropriate request to
the appropriate script.
The server-side scripts either generate the response directly by executing their code
or connect with other backend servers such as databases to obtain the necessary
information and then use that information to build and send the appropriate response.

Backend Services
Backend services are services that run behind the webserver and provide data used to
build responses to the browser. The most common type of backend service is a
database that stores information. When a request comes in from the browser that
requires information from the database or other backend service, the server-side
script connects to the database, retrieves the information, formats it, and then sends it
back to the browser. Conversely, when data comes in from a web request that needs
to be stored in the database, the server-side script connects to the database and
updates the data.

Understanding the Node.js-to-Angular Stack

Now that you have the basic structure of the web framework fresh in your mind, it is
time to discuss the Node.js-to-Angular stack. The most common—and we believe
the best—version of this stack is the Node.js-to-Angular stack comprised of
MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js.
In the Node.js-to-Angular stack, Node.js provides the fundamental platform for
development. The backend services and server-side scripts are all written in Node.js.
MongoDB provides the data store for the website but is accessed via a MongoDB
driver Node.js module. The webserver is defined by Express, which is also a Node.js
The view in the browser is defined and controlled using the Angular framework.
Angular is an MVC framework where the model is made up of JSON or JavaScript
objects, the view is HTML/CSS, and the controller is made up of Angular
Figure 1.2 provides a basic diagram of how the Node.js-to-Angular stack fits into the
basic website/web application model. The following sections describe each of these
technologies and why they were chosen as part of the Node.js-to-Angular stack.
Later chapters in the book cover each of the technologies in much more detail.

Figure 1.2 Basic diagram showing where Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Angular
fit in the web paradigm

Node.js is a development framework based on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine.
Therefore, Node.js code is written in JavaScript and then compiled into machine
code by V8 to be executed.
Many of your backend services can be written in Node.js, as can the server-side
scripts and any supporting web application functionality. The nice thing about
Node.js is that it is all just JavaScript, so you can easily take functionality from a
client-side script and place it in a server-side script. Also, the webserver can run
directly within the Node.js platform as a Node.js module, so it makes it much easier
than, say, Apache at wiring up new services or server-side scripts.
The following are just a few reasons why Node.js is a great framework to start from:
JavaScript end-to-end: One of the biggest advantages to Node.js is that it
allows you to write both server- and client-side scripts in JavaScript. There have
always been difficulties in deciding where to put scripting logic. Too much on
the client side makes the client cumbersome and unwieldy, but too much on the
server side slows down web applications and puts a heavy burden on the

webserver. With Node.js you can take JavaScript written on the client and
easily adapt it for the server and vice versa. Also, your client developers and
server developers will be speaking the same language.
Event-driven scalability: Node.js applies a different logic to handling web
requests. Rather than having multiple threads waiting to process web requests,
they are processed on the same thread using a basic event model. This allows
Node.js webservers to scale in ways that traditional webservers never can. This
is discussed in more detail in later chapters.
Extensibility: Node.js has a great following and an active development
community. New modules to extend Node.js functionality are being developed
all the time. Also it is simple to install and include new modules in Node.js,
making it easy to extend a Node.js project to include new functionality in
Time: Let’s face it, time is valuable. Node.js is super easy to set up and develop
in. In only a few minutes, you can install Node.js and have a working

MongoDB is an agile and scalable NoSQL database. The name Mongo comes from
“humongous.” It is based on the NoSQL document store model, meaning that data is
stored in the database as a form of JSON objects rather than the traditional columns
and rows of a relational database.
MongoDB provides great website backend storage for high traffic websites that need
to store data such as user comments, blogs, or other items because it is fast, scalable,
and easy to implement. This book covers using the MongoDB driver library to
access MongoDB from Node.js.
Node.js supports a variety of DB access drivers, so the data store could just as easily
be MySQL or some other database. However, the following are some of the reasons
that MongoDB really fits in the Node.js stack well:
Document orientation: Because MongoDB is document-oriented, the data is
stored in the database in a format close to what you will be dealing with in both
server-side and client-side scripts. This eliminates the need to transfer data from
rows to objects and back.
High performance: MongoDB is one of the highest performing databases

available. Especially today when more and more people interact with websites,
it is important to have a backend that can support heavy traffic.
High availability: MongoDB’s replication model makes it easy to maintain
scalability while keeping high performance.
High scalability: MongoDB’s structure makes it easy to scale horizontally by
sharing the data across multiple servers.
No SQL injection: MongoDB is not susceptible to SQL injection (putting SQL
statements in web forms or other input from the browser that compromises the
DB security) because objects are stored as objects, not using SQL strings.

The Express module acts as the webserver in the Node.js-to-Angular stack. The fact
that it is running in Node.js makes it easy to configure, implement, and control. The
Express module extends Node.js to provide several key components for handling
web requests. This allows you to implement a running webserver in Node.js with
only a few lines of code.
For example, the Express module provides the ability to easily set up destination
routes (URLs) for users to connect to. It also provides great functionality on working
with the HTTP request and response objects, including things like cookies and HTTP
The following is a partial list of the valuable features of Express:
Route management: Express makes it easy to define routes (URL endpoints)
that tie directly to Node.js script functionality on the server.
Error handling: Express provides built-in error handling for documents not
found and other errors.
Easy integration: An Express server can easily be implemented behind an
existing reverse proxy system such as Nginx or Varnish. This allows it to be
easily integrated into your existing secured system.
Cookies: Express provides easy cookie management.
Session and cache management: Express also enables session management
and cache management.


Angular is a client-side framework developed by Google. Angular provides all the
functionality needed to handle user input in the browser, manipulate data on the
client side, and control how elements are displayed in the browser view. It is written
using TypeScript. The entire theory behind Angular is to provide a framework that
makes it easy to implement web applications using the MVC framework.
Other JavaScript frameworks could be used with the Node.js platform, such as
Backbone, Ember, and Meteor. However, Angular has the best design, feature set,
and trajectory at this writing. Here are some of the benefits of Angular:
Data binding: Angular has a clean method to bind data to HTML elements
using its powerful scope mechanism.
Extensibility: The Angular architecture allows you to easily extend almost
every aspect of the language to provide your own custom implementations.
Clean: Angular forces you to write clean, logical code.
Reusable code: The combination of extensibility and clean code makes it easy
to write reusable code in Angular. In fact, the language often forces you to do
so when creating custom services.
Support: Google is investing a lot into this project, which gives it an advantage
over other similar initiatives.
Compatibility: Angular is based on TypeScript, which makes it easier to begin
integrating Angular into your environment and to reuse pieces of your existing
code within the structure of the Angular framework.

This chapter covered the basics of the web development framework. The chapter
discussed the interaction between the webserver and the browser as well as the
functionality required to make modern websites function.
The chapter also described the Node.js-to-Angular stack, comprising Node.js,
MongoDB, Express, and Angular. Node.js provides the platform for the framework,
MongoDB provides the backend data store, Express provides the webserver, and
Angular provides the client-side framework for modern web applications.


The next chapter provides a primer on the JavaScript language. Since the entire
Node.js-to-Angular stack is based on JavaScript, you need to be familiar with the
language to follow the examples in the rest of the book.

JavaScript Primer
Each component that you will be working with in this book—Node.js, Express,
TypeScript, and Angular—is based on the JavaScript language. This makes it easy to
implement and reuse code at all levels of your web development stack.
The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize you with some of the language basics of
JavaScript, such as variables, functions, and objects. It is not intended as a full
language guide, but rather a synopsis of important syntax and idioms. If you are not
familiar with JavaScript, this chapter should give you enough information to help
you understand the examples throughout the rest of the book. If you already know
JavaScript well, you have the option of skipping this chapter or reviewing it as a

Defining Variables
The first place to begin within JavaScript is defining variables. Variables are a means
to name data so that you can use that name to temporarily store and access data from
your JavaScript files. Variables can point to simple data types such as numbers or
strings, or they can point to more complex data types such as objects.
To define a variable in JavaScript you use the var keyword and then give the
variable a name, for example:
var myData;

You can also assign a value to the variable in the same line. For example, the
following line of code creates a variable myString and assigns it the value of
"Some Text":

var myString = "Some Text";

The following lines work as well:
var myString;
myString = "Some Text";

Once you have declared the variable, you can use the name to assign the variable a
value and access the value of the variable. For example, the following code stores a
string into the myString variable and then uses it when assigning the value to the
newString variable:
var myString = "Some Text";
var newString = myString + " Some More Text";

Your variable names should describe the data stored in them so that it is easy to use
them later in your program. The only rules for creating variable names is that they
must begin with a letter, $, or _, and they cannot contain spaces. Also remember that
variable names are case sensitive, so using myString is different from

Understanding JavaScript Data Types
JavaScript uses data types to determine how to handle data assigned to a variable.
The variable type determines what operations you can perform on the variable, such
as looping or executing. The following list describes the most common types of
variables that you will work with throughout the book:
String: Stores character data as a string. The character data is specified by
either single or double quotes. All the data contained in the quotes will be
assigned to the string variable. For example:
var myString = 'Some Text'; var anotherString = 'Some More

Number: Stores the data as a numerical value. Numbers are useful in counting,
calculations, and comparisons. Some examples are
var myInteger = 1; var cost = 1.33;

Boolean: Stores a single bit that is either true or false. Booleans are often used
for flags. For example, you might set a variable to false at the beginning of

some code and then check it on completion so see whether the code execution
hit a certain spot. The following examples define a true and a false
var yes = true; var no = false;

Array: An indexed array is a series of separate distinct data items all stored
under a single variable name. Items in the array can be accessed by their zerobased index using array[index]. The following example creates a simple
array and then accesses the first element, which is at index 0.
var arr = ["one", "two", "three"] var first = arr[0];

Object literal: JavaScript supports the ability to create and use object literals.
When you use an object literal you can access values and functions in the object
using the syntax. The following example shows how to
create and access properties of an object literal:
Click here to view code image
var obj = {"name": "Brendan", "Hobbies":["Video Games", "camping"], "age",
var name =;

Null: At times you do not have a value to store in a variable either because it
hasn’t been created or you are no longer using it. At this time you can set a
variable to null. Using null is better than assigning the variable a value of 0
or empty string "" because those may be valid values for the variable.
Assigning the variable to null allows you to assign no value and check against
null inside your code.
var newVar = null;

JavaScript is a typeless language. You do not need to specify in the script what
data type the variable is as the interpreter automatically figures out the correct
data type for the variable. Additionally, you can assign a variable of one type to a
value of a different type. For example, the following code defines a string variable
and then assigns it to an integer value type:
var id = "testID"; id = 1;

Using Operators
JavaScript operators allow you to alter the value of a variable. You are already
familiar with the = operator used to assign values to variables. JavaScript provides
several different operators that can be grouped into two types: arithmetic and

Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to perform operations between variables and direct
values. Table 2.1 shows a list of the arithmetic operations along with the results that
get applied.
Table 2.1 JavaScript’s arithmetic operators, with results based on y=4 initially



Resulting x






























Modulus (remainder of Division)



The + operator can also be used to add strings or strings and numbers together.

This allows you to quickly concatenate strings as well as add numerical data to
output strings. Table 2.1 shows that when adding a numerical value and a string
value the numerical value is converted to a string and then the two strings are

Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assign a value to a variable. In addition to the =
operator, several different forms allow you to manipulate the data as you assign the
value. Table 2.2 shows a list of the assignment operations along with the results that
get applied.
Table 2.2 JavaScript’s assignment operators, with results based on x=10
Equivalent Arithmetic Operators
Resulting x




















Applying Comparison and Conditional Operators
Using conditionals is a way to apply logic to your applications so that certain code
will be executed only under the correct conditions. This is done by applying
comparison logic to variable values. The following sections describe the
comparisons available in JavaScript and how to apply them in conditional

Comparison Operators
A comparison operator evaluates two pieces of data and returns true if the
evaluation is correct or false if the evaluation is not correct. Comparison operators
compare the value on the left of the operator against the value on the right.

The simplest way to help you understand JavaScript comparison syntax is to provide
a list with some examples. Table 2.3 shows a list of the comparison operators along
with some examples.
Table 2.3 JavaScript’s comparison operators, with results based on x=10
Is equal to (value only)


Both value and type are equal








Is not equal




Both value and type are not equal






Is greater than




Is greater than or equal to




Is less than




Is less than or equal to



You can chain multiple comparisons together using logical operators and standard
parentheses. Table 2.4 shows a list of the logical operators and how to use them to
chain comparisons together:
Table 2.4 JavaScript’s comparison operators, with results based on x=10 and
y=5 initially




(x==10 && y==5)


(x==10 && y>x)


(x>=10 || y>x)





(x<10 || y>x)






(x>=10 && y=10) && y>=5)


(!(x==y) && y>=10)


Using if Statements
An if statement allows you to separate code execution based on the evaluation of a
comparison. In the following lines of code the conditional operators are in (), and
the code to execute if the conditional evaluates to true is in {}:

In addition to only executing code within the if statement block, you can specify an
else block that gets executed only if the condition is false. For example:
Click here to view code image
} else {

You can also chain if statements together. To do this add a conditional statement
along with an else statement, for example:
Click here to view code image
} else if(x<10) {

} else {

Implementing switch Statements
Another type of conditional logic is the switch statement. The switch statement
allows you to evaluate an expression once and then, based on the value, execute one
of many different sections of code.
The syntax for the switch statement is
Click here to view code image
case value1:

case value2:



So here is what is happening. The switch statement evaluates the expression
entirely and gets a value. The value may be a string, number, Boolean, or even an
object. The switch expression is then compared to each value specified by the
case statement. If the value matches, then the code in the case statement is
executed. If no values match, then the default code is executed.

Typically each case statement includes a break command at the end to signal a
break out of the switch statement. If no break is found, then code execution
continues with the next case statement.

Implementing Looping
Looping is a means to execute the same segment of code multiple times. This is
useful when you need to perform the same tasks on an array or set of objects.

JavaScript provides functionality to perform for and while loops. The followings
sections describe how to implement loops in your JavaScript.

while Loops
The most basic type of looping in JavaScript is the while loop. A while loop tests
an expression and continues to execute the code contained in its {} brackets until the
expression evaluates to false.
For example, the following while loop executes until the value of i is equal to 5:
var i = 1;
while (i<5){
console.log("Iteration " + i + "
"); i++; } The resulting output to the console is Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration 1 2 3 4 do/while Loops Another type of while loop is the do/while loop. This is useful if you always want to execute the code in the loop at least once and the expression cannot be tested until the code has executed at least once. For example, the following do/while loop executes until the value of day is equal to Wednesday: Click here to view code image var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]; var i=0; do{ var day=days[i++]; console.log("It's " + day + "
"); } while (day != "Wednesday"); The resulting output to the console is It's Monday It's Tuesday It's Wednesday for Loops The JavaScript for loop allows you to execute code a specific number of times by using a for statement that combines three statements into a single block of execution using the following syntax: for (assignment; condition; update;){ code to be executed; } The for statement uses those three statements as follows when executing the loop: assignment: Executed before the loop begins and not again. This is used to initialize variables that will be used in the loop as conditionals. condition: Expression evaluated before each iteration of the loop. If the expression evaluates to true the loop is executed; otherwise, the for loop execution ends. update: Executed each iteration after the code in the loop has executed. This is typically used to increment a counter that is used in statement 2. The following example illustrates not only a basic for loop but also the ability to nest one loop inside another: Click here to view code image for (var x=1; x<=3; x++){ for (var y=1; y<=3; y++){ console.log(x + " X " + y + " = " + (x*y) + "
"); } } The resulting output to the web console is Click here to view code image 1 X 1 = 1 1 X 2 = 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 X X X X X X X 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 = = = = = = = 3 2 4 6 3 6 9 for/in Loops Another type of for loop is the for/in loop. The for/in loop executes on any data type that can be iterated on. For the most part, you use the for/in loop on arrays and objects. The following example illustrates the syntax and behavior of the for/in loop on a simple array: Click here to view code image var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]; for (var idx in days){ console.log("It's " + days[idx] + "
"); } Notice that the variable idx is adjusted each iteration through the loop from the beginning array index to the last. The resulting output is It's Monday It's Tuesday It's Wednesday It's Thursday It's Friday Interrupting Loops When working with loops there are times that you need to interrupt the execution of code inside the code itself without waiting for the next iteration. There are two different ways to do this: using the break and continue keywords. The break keyword stops execution of the for or while loop completely. The continue keyword, on the other hand, stops execution of the code inside the loop and continues on with the next iteration. Consider the following examples: Using a break if the day is Wednesday: Click here to view code image var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]; for (var idx in days){ if (days[idx] == "Wednesday") break; console.log("It's " + days[idx] + "
"); } Once the value is Wednesday, loop execution stops completely: It's Monday It's Tuesday Using a continue if the day is Wednesday: Click here to view code image var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]; for (var idx in days){ if (days[idx] == "Wednesday") continue; console.log("It's " + days[idx] + "
"); } Notice that the write is not executed for Wednesday because of the continue statement; however, the loop execution did complete: It's It's It's It's Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Creating Functions One of the most important parts of JavaScript is making code that is reusable by other code. To do this you organize your code into functions that perform specific tasks. A function is a series of code statements combined together in a single block and given a name. The code in the block can then be executed by referencing that name. Defining Functions Functions are defined using the function keyword followed by a name that describes the use of the function, a list of zero or more arguments in (), and a block of one or more code statements in {}. For example, the following is a function definition that writes "Hello World" to the console. function myFunction(){ console.log("Hello World"); } To execute the code in myFunction(), all you need to do is add the following line to the main JavaScript or inside another function. myFunction(); Passing Variables to Functions Frequently you need to pass specific values to functions that they will use when executing their code. Values are passed in comma-delimited form to the function. The function definition needs a list of variable names in () that match the number being passed in. For example, the following function accepts two arguments, a name and city, and uses them to build the output string: Click here to view code image function greeting(name, city){ console.log("Hello " + name); console.log(". How is the weather in " + city); } To call the greeting() function, you need to pass in a name value and a city value. The value can be a direct value or a previously defined variable. To illustrate this, the following code executes the greeting() function with a name variable and a direct string for the city: var name = "Brad"; greeting(name, "Florence"); Returning Values from Functions Often, functions need to return a value to the calling code. Adding a return keyword followed by a variable or value returns that value from the function. For example, the following code calls a function to format a string, assigns the value returned from the function to a variable, and then writes the value to the console: Click here to view code image function formatGreeting(name, city){ var retStr = ""; retStr += "Hello " + name +",
); retStr += "Welcome to " + city + "!"; return retStr; } var greeting = formatGreeting("Brad", "Rome"); console.log(greeting); You can include more than one return statement in the function. When the function encounters a return statement, code execution of the function is stopped immediately. If the return statement contains a value to return, then that value is returned. The following example shows a function that tests the input and returns immediately if it is zero. Click here to view code image function myFunc(value){ if (value == 0) return value; return value; } Using Anonymous Functions So far all the examples you have seen are of named functions. JavaScript also provides the ability to create anonymous functions. In a functional language like JavaScript, anonymous functions can be used as parameters to functions, properties of an object, or to return values from a function. These functions have the advantage of being defined directly in the parameter sets when calling other functions. Thus, you do not need a formal definition. For example, the following code defines a function, doCalc(), that accepts three parameters. The first two should be numbers, and the third is a function that will be called and pass the two numbers as arguments: function doCalc(num1, num2, calcFunction){ return calcFunction(num1, num2); } You could define a function and then pass the function name without parameters to doCalc(), for example: function addFunc(n1, n2){ return n1 + n2; } doCalc(5, 10, addFunc); However, you also have the option to use an anonymous function directly in the call to doCalc(), as shown in the following two statements: Click here to view code image console.log( doCalc(5, 10, function(n1, n2){ return n1 + n2; }) ); console.log( doCalc(5, 10, function(n1, n2){ return n1 * n2; }) ); As you can see, the advantage of using anonymous functions is that you do not need a formal definition because it will not be used anywhere else in your code. This makes JavaScript code more concise and readable. Understanding Variable Scope Once you start adding conditions, functions, and loops to your JavaScript applications, you need to understand variable scoping. Variable scope is simply “the value of a specific variable name at the current line of code being executed.” JavaScript allows you to define both a global and a local version of the variable. The global version is defined in the main JavaScript, and local versions are defined inside functions. When you define a local version in a function, a new variable is created in memory. Within that function you reference the local version. Outside that function, you reference the global version. To understand variable scoping better, consider the following code: Click here to view code image var myVar = 1; function writeIt(){ var myVar = 2; console.log("Variable = " + myVar); writeMore(); } function writeMore(){ console.log("Variable = " + myVar); } writeIt(); The global variable myVar is defined on line 1; then on line 3 a local version is defined within the writeIt() function. Line 4 writes "Variable = 2" to the console. Then in line 5, writeMore() is called. Since no local version of myVar is defined in writeMore(), the value of the global myVar is written in line 8. Using JavaScript Objects JavaScript has several built-in objects such as Number, Array, String, Date, and Math. Each of these built-in objects has member properties and methods. In addition to the JavaScript objects, Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and Angular add their own built-in objects as well. JavaScript provides a nice object-oriented programming structure for you to create your own custom objects. Using objects rather than just a collection of functions is key to writing clean, efficient, reusable JavaScript code. Using Object Syntax To use objects in JavaScript effectively, you need to have an understanding of their structure and syntax. An object is really just a container to group multiple values and, in some instances, functions together. The values of an object are called properties, and functions are called methods. To use a JavaScript object, you must first create an instance of the object. Object instances are created using the new keyword with the object constructor name. For example, to create a number object, you use the following line of code to create an instance of the built-in Number object in JavaScript: var x = new Number ("5"); Object syntax is straightforward: You use the object name, followed by a dot, and then the property or method name. For example, the following lines of code get and set the name property of an object named myObj: var s =; = "New Name"; You can also get and set object methods of an object in the same manner. For example, the following lines of code call the getName() method and then change the method function on an object named myObj: var name = myObj.getName(); myObj.getName = function() { return; }; You can also create objects and assign variables and functions directly using {} syntax. For example, the following code defines a new object and assigns values and a method function: Click here to view code image var obj = { name: "My Object", value: 7, getValue: function() { return this.value; } }; You can also access members of a JavaScript object using the object[propertyName] syntax. This is useful when you are using dynamic property names or if the property name must include characters not supported by JavaScript. The following examples access the "User Name" and "Other Name" properties of an object named myObj: Click here to view code image var propName = "User Name"; var val1 = myObj[propName]; var val2 = myObj["Other Name"]; Creating Custom-Defined Objects As you have seen so far, using the built-in JavaScript objects has several advantages. As you begin to write code that uses more and more data, you will find yourself wanting to build your own custom objects with specific properties and methods. JavaScript objects can be defined in a couple different ways. The simplest way is the on-the-fly method: You create a generic object and then add properties to it as needed. For example, to create a user object and assign a first and last name as well as define a function to return the name, you could use the following code: Click here to view code image var user = new Object(); user.first="Brendan"; user.last="Dayley"; user.getName = function() { return this.first + " " + this.last; } You could also accomplish the same thing through direct assignment using the following syntax where the object is enclosed in {} and the properties are defined using property:value syntax: Click here to view code image var user = { first: Brendan, last: 'Dayley', getName: function() { return this.first + " " + this.last; }}; These first two options work well for simple objects that you do not need to reuse later. A better method for reusable objects is to actually enclose the object inside its own function block. This has the advantage of allowing you to keep all the code pertaining to the object local to the object itself. For example: Click here to view code image function User(first, last){ this.first = first; this.last = last; this.getName = function( ) { return this.first + " " + this.last; }}; var user = new User("Brendan", "Dayley"); The end result of these methods is essentially the same: You have an object with properties that that can be referenced using dot syntax as shown here: console.log(user.getName()); Using a Prototyping Object Pattern An even more advanced method of creating objects is using a prototyping pattern. The prototyping pattern is implemented by defining the functions inside the prototype attribute of the object instead of the object itself. The advantage of prototyping is that the functions defined in the prototype are created only once when the JavaScript is loaded, instead of each time a new object is created. The following example shows the code necessary to implement the prototyping pattern. Notice that the object UserP is defined and then the UserP.prototype is set to include the getFullName() function. You can include as many functions in the prototype as you want. Each time a new object is created, those functions will be available. Click here to view code image function UserP(first, last){ this.first = first; this.last = last; } UserP.prototype = { getFullName: function(){ return this.first + " " + this.last; } }; Manipulating Strings The String object is by far the most commonly used object in JavaScript. JavaScript automatically creates a String object for you any time you define a variable that has a string data type. For example: var myStr = "Teach Yourself jQuery & JavaScript in 24 Hours"; When creating a string, several special characters cannot be directly added to the string. For these characters, JavaScript provides a set of escape codes described in Table 2.5. Table 2.5 String object escape codes Escape \' Description Example "couldn\'t be" Output String couldn't be \" Double quote mark "I \"think\" I \"am\"" I "think" I "am" \\ Backslash "one\\two\\three" one\two\three \n New line "I am\nI said" I am Single quote mark I said \r Carriage return "to be\ror not" to be or not \t Tab "one\ttwo\tthree" one two three \b Backspace "correctoin\b\b\bion" correction \f Form feed "Title A\fTitle B" Title A then Title B To determine the length of the string, you can use the length property of the String object, for example: var numOfChars = myStr.length; The String object has several functions that allow you to access and manipulate the string in various ways. The methods for string manipulation are described in Table 2.6. Table 2.6 Methods to manipulate String objects Method charAt(index) Description charCodeAt(index) Returns the unicode value of the character at the specified index. concat(str1, str2, ...) Joins two or more strings, and returns a copy of the joined strings. fromCharCode() Converts unicode values to actual characters. indexOf(subString) Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified subString value. Returns -1 if the substring is not found. lastIndexOf(subString) Returns the position of the last occurrence of a specified subString value. Returns -1 if the substring is not found. match(regex) Searches the string and returns all matches to the regular expression. replace(subString/regex, Searches the string for a match of the Returns the character at the specified index. replacementString) search(regex) subString or regular expression, and replaces the matched substring with a new substring. Searches the string based on the regular expression and returns the position of the first match. slice(start, end) Returns a new string that has the portion of the string between the start and end positions removed. split(sep, limit) Splits a string into an array of substrings based on a separator character or regular expression. The optional limit argument defines the maximum number of splits to make starting from the beginning. substr(start,length) Extracts the characters from a string, beginning at a specified start position, and through the specified length of characters. substring(from, to) Returns a substring of characters between the from and to index. toLowerCase() Converts the string to lowercase. toUpperCase() Converts a string to uppercase. valueOf() Returns the primitive string value. To get you started on using the functionality provided in the String object, the following sections describe some of the common tasks that can be done using String object methods. Combining Strings Multiple strings can be combined either by using a + operation or by using the concat() function on the first string. For example, in the following code sentence1 and sentence2 will be the same: Click here to view code image var word1 = "Today "; var word2 = "is "; var var var var word3 = "tomorrow\'s"; word4 = "yesterday."; sentence1 = word1 + word2 + word3 + word4; sentence2 = word1.concat(word2, word3, word4); Searching a String for a Substring To tell whether a string is a substring of another, you can use the indexOf() method. For example, the following code writes the string to the console only if it contains the word “think”: Click here to view code image var myStr = "I think, therefore I am."; if (myStr.indexOf("think") != -1){ console.log (myStr); } Replacing a Word in a String Another common String object task is replacing one substring with another. To replace a word or phrase in a string, use the replace() method. The following code replaces the text "" with the value of the variable username: var username = "Brendan"; var output = " please enter your password: "; output.replace("", username); Splitting a String into an Array A common task with strings is to split them into arrays using a separator character. For example, the following code splits a time string into an array of its basic parts using the split() method on the ":" separator: Click here to view code image var var var var var t = "12:10:36"; tArr = t.split(":"); hour = t[0]; minute = t[1]; second = t[2]; Working with Arrays The Array object provides a means of storing and handling a set of other objects. Arrays can store numbers, strings, or other JavaScript objects. There are a few different methods to create JavaScript arrays. For example, the following statements create three identical versions of the same array: Click here to view code image var arr = ["one", "two", "three"]; var arr2 = new Array(); arr2[0] = "one"; arr2[1] = "two"; arr2[2] = "three"; var arr3 = new Array(); arr3.push("one"); arr3.push("two"); arr3.push("three"); The first method defines arr and sets the contents in a single statement using []. The second method creates the arr2 object and then adds items to it using direct index assignment. The third method creates the arr3 object and then uses the best option for extending arrays, which is to use the push() method to push items onto the array. To get the number of elements in the array, you can use the length property of the Array object, for example: var numOfItems = arr.length; Arrays are zero-based indexed, meaning that the first item is at index 0 and so on. For example, in the following code the value of the variable first will be Monday, and the value of variable last will be Friday: Click here to view code image var week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]; var first = w [0]; var last = week[week.length-1]; The Array object has several built-in functions that allow you to access and manipulate the array in various ways. Table 2.7 describes the methods attached to the Array object that allows you to manipulate the array contents. Table 2.7 Methods to manipulate Array objects Method concat(arr1, arr2, ...) Description indexOf(value) Returns the first index of the value in the array or -1 if the item is not found. join(separator) Joins all elements of an array separated by the separator into a single string. If no separator is specified, then a comma is used. lastIndexOf(value) Returns the last index of the value in the array or -1 if the value is not found. pop() Removes the last element from the array and returns that element. push(item1, item2, ...) Adds one or more new elements to the end of an array and returns the new length. reverse() Reverses the order of all elements in the array. shift() Removes the first element of an array and returns that element. slice(start, end) Returns the elements between the start and end indexes. sort(sortFunction) Sorts the elements of the array. The sortFunction is optional. splice(index, count, item1, item2...) At the index specified, count number items are removed, and then any optional items passed in as arguments are inserted at index. toString() Returns the string form of the array. unshift() Adds new elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length. valueOf() Returns the primitive value of an array object. Returns a joined copy of the arrays that are passed as arguments. To get you started using the functionality provided in the Array object, the following sections describe some of the common tasks that can be done using Array object methods. Combining Arrays You can combine arrays the same way that you combine String objects, using + statements or using the concat() method. In the following code, arr3 ends up being the same as arr4: Click here to view code image var var var var arr1 arr2 arr3 arr4 = = = = [1,2,3]; ["three", "four", "five"] arr1 + arr2; arr1.concat(arr2); Note You can combine an array of numbers and an array of strings. Each item in the array keeps its own object type. However, as you use the items in the array you need to keep track of arrays that have more than one data type so that you do not run into problems. Iterating Through Arrays You can iterate through an array using a for or a for/in loop. The following code illustrates iterating through each item in the array using each method: Click here to view code image var week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]; for (var i=0; i" + week[i] + ""); } for (dayIndex in week){ console.log("
  • " + week[dayIndex] + "
  • "); } Converting an Array into a String A useful feature of Array objects is the ability to combine the elements of a string together to make a String object separated by a specific separator using the join() method. For example, the following code results in the time components being joined back together into the format 12:10:36: var timeArr = [12,10,36]; var timeStr = timeArray.join(":"); Checking Whether an Array Contains an Item Often you need to check to see whether an array contains a certain item. This can be done by using the indexOf() method. If the item is not found in the list, a -1 is returned. The following function writes a message to the console if an item is in the week array: Click here to view code image function message(day){ var week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]; if (week.indexOf(day) == -1){ console.log("Happy " + day); } } Adding and Removing Items to Arrays There are several methods to add and remove items from Array objects using the various built-in methods. Table 2.8 shows you the various methods used in this book. Table 2.8 Array object methods used to add and remove elements from arrays Statement var arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; Value of x undefined Value of arr 1,2,3,4,5 var x = 0; 0 1,2,3,4,5 x = arr.unshift("zero"); 6 (length) zero,1,2,3,4,5 x = arr.push(6,7,8); 9 (length) zero,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 x = arr.shift(); zero 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 x = arr.pop(); 8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 x=arr.splice(3,3,"four", "five","six"); 4,5,6 1,2,3,four,five,six,7 x = arr.splice(3,1); four 1,2,3,five,six,7 x = arr.splice(3); five,six,7 1,2,3 Adding Error Handling An important part of JavaScript coding is adding error handling for instances where there may be problems. By default, if a code exception occurs because of a problem in your JavaScript, the script fails and does not finish loading. This is not usually the desired behavior; in fact, it is often catastrophic. To prevent these types of problems, wrap your code in a try/catch block. try/catch Blocks To prevent your code from totally bombing out, use try/catch blocks that can handle problems inside your code. If JavaScript encounters an error when executing code in a try block, it jumps down and executes the catch portion instead of stopping the entire script. If no error occurs, then all of the try block is executed and none of the catch block. For example, the following try/catch block tries to assign variable x to a value of an undefined variable named badVarNam. Click here to view code image try{ var x = badVarName; } catch (err){ console.log( + ': "' + err.message + } '" occurred when assigning x. Notice that the catch statement accepts an err parameter, which is an error object. The error object provides the message property that provides a description of the error. The error object also provides a name property, which is the name of the error type that was thrown. The preceding code results in an exception and writes the following message: ReferenceError: "badVarName is not defined occurred when assign Throw Your Own Errors You can also throw your own errors using a throw statement. The following code illustrates how to add throw statements to a function to throw an error even if a script error does not occur. The function sqrRoot() accepts a single argument x. It then tests x to verify that it is a positive number and returns a string with the square root of x. If x is not a positive number, then the appropriate error is thrown and the catch block returns the error: Click here to view code image function sqrRoot(x) { try { if(x=="") throw {message:"Can't Square Root Nothing"}; if(isNaN(x)) throw {message:"Can't Square Root Strings"}; if(x<0) throw {message:"Sorry No Imagination"}; return "sqrt("+x+") = " + Math.sqrt(x); } catch(err){ return err.message; } } function writeIt(){ console.log(sqrRoot("four")); console.log(sqrRoot("")); console.log(sqrRoot("4")); console.log(sqrRoot("-4")); } writeIt(); The following is the console output showing the different errors that are thrown based on input to the sqrRoot() function: Can't Square Root Strings Can't Square Root Nothing sqrt(4) = 2 Sorry No Imagination Using finally Another valuable tool in exception handling is the finally keyword. A finally keyword can be added to the end of a try/catch block. After the try/catch blocks are executed, the finally keyword is always executed. It doesn’t matter if an error occurs and is caught or if the try block is fully executed. The following is an example of using a finally block inside a webpage: Click here to view code image function testTryCatch(value){ try { if (value < 0){ throw "too small"; } else if (value > 10){ throw "too big"; } your_code_here catch (err) { console.log("The number was " + err.message); } finally { console.log("This is always written."); } } Summary Understanding JavaScript is critical to working in the Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and Angular environments. This chapter discussed enough of the basic JavaScript language syntax for you to grasp the concepts in the rest of the book. The chapter discussed creating objects and functions, as well as working with strings and arrays. You also learned how to apply error handling to your scripts, which is critical in the Node.js environment. Next In the next chapter, you jump right into the basics of setting up a Node.js project. You also learn a few of the language idioms and a see simple practical example. Part II: Learning Node.js 3 Getting Started with Node.js This chapter introduces you to the Node.js environment. Node.js is a website/application framework designed with high scalability in mind. It was designed to take advantage of the existing JavaScript technology in the browser and flow those same concepts all the way down through the webserver into the backend services. Node.js is a great technology that is easy to implement and yet extremely scalable. Node.js is a modular platform, meaning that much of the functionality is provided by external modules rather than being built in to the platform. The Node.js culture is active in creating and publishing modules for almost every imaginable need. Therefore, much of this chapter focuses on understanding and using the Node.js tools to build, publish, and use your own Node.js modules in applications. Understanding Node.js Node.js was developed in 2009 by Ryan Dahl as an answer to the frustration caused by concurrency issues, especially when dealing with web services. Google had just come out with the V8 JavaScript engine for the Chrome web browser, which was highly optimized for web traffic. Dahl created Node.js on top of V8 as a server-side environment that matched the client-side environment in the browser. The result is an extremely scalable server-side environment that allows developers to more easily bridge the gap between client and server. The fact that Node.js is written in JavaScript allows developers to easily navigate back and forth between client and server code and even reuse code between the two environments. Node.js has a great ecosystem with new extensions being written all the time. The Node.js environment is clean and easy to install, configure, and deploy. Literally in only an hour or two you can have a Node.js webserver up and running. Who Uses Node.js? Node.js quickly gained popularity among a wide variety of companies. These companies use Node.js first and foremost for scalability but also for ease of maintenance and faster development. The following are just a few of the companies using the Node.js technology: Yahoo! LinkedIn eBay New York Times Dow Jones Microsoft What Is Node.js Used For? Node.js can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Because it is based on V8 and has highly optimized code to handle HTTP traffic, the most common use is as a webserver. However, Node.js can also be used for a variety of other web services such as: Web services APIs such as REST Real-time multiplayer games Backend web services such as cross-domain, server-side requests Web-based applications Multiclient communication such as IM What Does Node.js Come With? Node.js comes with many built-in modules available right out of the box. This book covers many but not all of these modules: Assertion testing: Allows you to test functionality within your code. Buffer: Enables interaction with TCP streams and file system operations. (See Chapter 5, “Handling Data I/O in Node.js.”) C/C++ add-ons: Allows for C or C++ code to be used just like any other Node.js module. Child processes: Allows you to create child processes. (See Chapter 9, “Scaling Applications Using Multiple Processors in Node.js.”) Cluster: Enables the use of multicore systems. (See Chapter 9.) Command line options: Gives you Node.js commands to use from a terminal. Console: Gives the user a debugging console. Crypto: Allows for the creation of custom encryption. (See Chapter 10, “Using Additional Node.js Modules.”) Debugger: Allows debugging of a Node.js file. DNS: Allows connections to DNS servers. (See Chapter 10.) Errors: Allows for the handling of errors. Events: Enables the handling of asynchronous events. (See Chapter 4, “Using Events, Listeners, Timers, and Callbacks in Node.js.”) File system: Allows for file I/O with both synchronous and asynchronous methods. (See Chapter 6, “Accessing the File System from Node.js.”) Globals: Makes frequently used modules available without having to include them first. (See Chapter 10.) HTTP: Enables support for many HTTP features. (See Chapter 7, “Implementing HTTP Services in Node.js.”) HTTPS: Enables HTTP over the TLS/SSL. (See Chapter 7.) Modules: Provides the module loading system for Node.js. (See Chapter 3.) Net: Allows the creation of servers and clients. (See Chapter 8, “Implementing Socket Services in Node.js.”) OS: Allows access to the operating system that Node.js is running on. (See Chapter 10.) Path: Enables access to file and directory paths. (See Chapter 6.) Process: Provides information and allows control over the current Node.js process. (See Chapter 9.) Query strings: Allows for parsing and formatting URL queries. (See Chapter 7.) Readline: Enables an interface to read from a data stream. (See Chapter 5.) REPL: Allows developers to create a command shell. Stream: Provides an API to build objects with the stream interface. (See Chapter 5.) String decoder: Provides an API to decode buffer objects into strings. (See Chapter 5.) Timers: Allows for scheduling functions to be called in the future. (See Chapter 4.) TLS/SSL: Implements TLS and SSL protocols. (See Chapter 8.) URL: Enables URL resolution and parsing. (See Chapter 7.) Utilities: Provides support for various apps and modules. V8: Exposes APIs for the Node.js version of V8. (See Chapter 10.) VM: Allows for a V8 virtual machine to run and compile code. ZLIB: Enables compression using Gzip and Deflate/Inflate. (See Chapter 5.) Installing Node.js To easily install Node.js, download an installer from the Node.js website at The Node.js installer installs the necessary files on your PC to get Node.js up and running. No additional configuration is necessary to start creating Node.js applications. Looking at the Node.js Install Location If you look at the install location, you will see a couple of executable files and a node_modules folder. The node executable file starts the Node.js JavaScript VM. The following list describes the executables in the Node.js install location that you need to get started: node: This file starts a Node.js JavaScript VM. If you pass in a JavaScript file location, Node.js executes that script. If no target JavaScript file is specified, then a script prompt is shown that allows you to execute JavaScript code directly from the console. npm: This command is used to manage the Node.js packages discussed in the next section. node_modules: This folder contains the installed Node.js packages. These packages act as libraries that extend the capabilities of Node.js. Verify Node.js Executables Take a minute and verify that Node.js is installed and working before moving on. To do so, open a console prompt and execute the following command to bring up a Node.js VM: node Next, at the Node.js prompt execute the following to write "Hello World" to the screen. >console.log("Hello World"); You should see "Hello World" output to the console screen. Now exit the console using Ctrl+C in Windows or Cmd+C on a Mac. Next, verify that the npm command is working by executing the following command in the OS console prompt: npm version You should see output similar to the following: Click here to view code image { npm: '3.10.5', ares: '1.10.1-DEV', http_parser: '2.7.0', icu: '57.1', modules: '48', node: '6.5.0', openssl: '1.0.2h', uv: '1.9.1', v8: '', zlib: '1.2.8'} Selecting a Node.js IDE If you are planning on using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for your Node.js projects, you should take a minute and configure that now as well. Most developers are particular about the IDE that they like to use, and there will likely be a way to configure at least for JavaScript if not Node.js directly. For example, Eclipse has some great Node.js plugins, and the WebStorm IDE by IntelliJ has some good features for Node.js built in. If you are unsure of where to start, we use Visual Studio Code for the built-in TypeScript functionality required later in this book. That said, you can use any editor you want to generate your Node.js web applications. In reality, all you need is a decent text editor. Almost all the code you will generate will be .js, .json, .html, and .css. So pick the editor in which you feel the most comfortable writing those types of files. Working with Node Packages One of the most powerful features of the Node.js framework is the ability to easily extend it with additional Node Packaged Modules (NPMs) using the Node Package Manager (NPM). That’s right, in the Node.js world, NPM stands for two things. This book refers to the Node Packaged Modules as modules to make it easier to follow. What Are Node Packaged Modules? A Node Packaged Module is a packaged library that can easily be shared, reused, and installed in different projects. Many different modules are available for a variety of purposes. For example, the Mongoose module provides an ODM (Operational Data Model) for MongoDB, Express extends Node’s HTTP capabilities, and so on. Node.js modules are created by various third-party organizations to provide the needed features that Node.js lacks out of the box. This community of contributors is active in adding and updating modules. Node Packaged Modules include a package.json file that defines the packages. The package.json file includes informational metadata, such as the name, version author, and contributors, as well as control metadata, such as dependencies and other requirements that the Node Package Manager uses when performing actions such as installation and publishing. Understanding the Node Package Registry The Node modules have a managed location called the Node Package Registry where packages are registered. This allows you to publish your own packages in a location where others can use them as well as download packages that others have created. The Node Package Registry is located at From this location you can view the newest and most popular modules as well as search for specific packages, as shown in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 The official Node Package Modules website Using the Node Package Manager The Node Package Manager you have already seen is a command-line utility. It allows you to find, install, remove, publish, and do everything else related to Node Package Modules. The Node Package Manager provides the link between the Node Package Registry and your development environment. The simplest way to really explain the Node Package Manager is to list some of the command-line options and what they do. You use many of these options in the rest of this chapter and throughout the book. Table 3.1 lists the Node Package Manager commands. Table 3.1 npm command-line options (with express as the package, where appropriate) Option Description Example search npm search Finds module packages in the repository express install Installs a package either using a package.json file, from the repository, or a local location npm install npm install express npm install express@0.1.1 npm install ../tModule.tgz install – g Installs a package globally npm install express -g remove Removes a module npm remove express pack Packages the module defined by the package.json file into a .tgz file npm pack view Displays module details npm view express publish Publishes the module defined by a package.json file to the registry npm publish unpublish Unpublishes a module you have published npm unpublish myModule owner Allows you to add, remove, and list owners of a package in the repository npm add bdayley myModule npm rm bdayley myModule npm ls myModule Searching for Node Package Modules You can also search for modules in the Node Package Registry directly from the command prompt using the npm search command. For example, the following command searches for modules related to openssl and displays the results as shown in Figure 3.2: npm search openssl Figure 3.2 Searching for Node.js modules from the command prompt Installing Node Packaged Modules To use a Node module in your applications, it must first be installed where Node can find it. To install a Node module, use the npm install command. This downloads the Node module to your development environment and places it into the node_modules folder where the install command is run. For example, the following command installs the express module: npm install express The output of the npm install command displays the dependency hierarchy installed with the module. For example, the following code block shows part of the output from installing the express module. Click here to view code image C:\express\example `-- express@4.14.0 +-- accepts@1.3.3 | +-- mime-types@2.1.11 | | `-- mime-db@1.23.0 | `-- negotiator@0.6.1 +-- array-flatten@1.1.1 +-- content-disposition@0.5.1 +-- content-type@1.0.2 +-- cookie@0.3.1 +-- cookie-signature@1.0.6 +-- debug@2.2.0 | `-- ms@0.7.1 ... The dependency hierarchy is listed; some of the methods Express requires are cookie-signature, range-parser, debug, fresh, cookie, and send modules. Each of these was downloaded during the install. Notice that the version of each dependency module is listed. Node.js has to be able to handle dependency conflicts. For example, the express module requires cookie 0.3.1, but another module may require cookie 0.3.0. To handle this situation, a separate copy for the cookie module is placed in each module’s folder under another node_modules folder. To illustrate how modules are stored in a hierarchy, consider the following example of how express looks on disk. Notice that the cookie and send modules are located under the express module hierarchy, and that since the send module requires mime it is located under the send hierarchy: Click here to view code image ./ ./node_modules ./node_modules/express ./node_modules/express/node_modules/cookie ./node_modules/express/node_modules/send ./node_modules/express/node_modules/send/node_modules/mime Using package.json All Node modules must include a package.json file in their root directory. The package.json file is a simple JSON text file that defines the module including dependencies. The package.json file can contain a number of different directives to tell the Node Package Manager how to handle the module. The following is an example of a package.json file with a name, version, description, and dependencies: Click here to view code image { "name": "my_module", "version": "0.1.0", "description": "a simple node.js module", "dependencies" : { "express" : "latest" } } The only required directives in the package.json file are name and version. The rest depend on what you want to include. Table 3.2 describes the most common directives: Table 3.2 Directives used in the package.json file Directive name Description preferGlobal Indicates this module prefers to be installed globally. "preferGlobal": true version Version of the module. "version": 0.0.1 author Author of the project. "author": "arthur@???.com" description Textual description of module. "description": "a silly place" contributors Additional contributors to the module. bin Binary to be installed globally with project. scripts Specifies parameters that execute console apps Unique name of package. Example "name": "camelot" "contributors": [ { "name": "gwen", "email": "gwen@???.com"}] "bin: { "excalibur": "./bin/excalibur"} "scripts" { "start": "node ./bin/ when launching node. excalibur", "test": "echo testing"} main Specifies the main entry point for the app. This can be a binary or a .js file. "main": "./bin/excalibur" repository Specifies the repository type and location of the package. keywords Specifies keywords that show up in the npm search. "keywords": [ "swallow", "unladen" ] dependencies Modules and versions this module depends on. You can use the * and x wildcards. "dependencies": { "express": "latest", "connect": "2.x.x, "cookies": "*" } engines Version of node this package works with. "engines": { "node": ">=6.5"} "repository": { "type": "git", "location": "http://???.com/c.git"} A great way to use package.json files is to automatically download and install the dependencies for your Node.js app. All you need to do is create a package.json file in the root of your project code and add the necessary dependencies to it. For example, the following package.json requires the express module as a dependency. Click here to view code image { "name": "my_module", "version": "0.1.0", "dependencies" : { "express" : "latest" } } Then you run the following command from root of your package, and the express module is automatically installed. npm install Notice that no module is specified in the npm install. That is because npm looks for a package.json file by default. Later, as you need additional modules, all you need to do is add those to the dependencies directive and then run npm install again. Creating a Node.js Application Now you have enough information to jump into a Node.js project and get your feet wet. In this section, you create your own Node Packaged Module and then use that module as a library in a Node.js application. The code in this exercise is kept to a minimum so that you can see exactly how to create a package, publish it, and then use it again. Creating a Node.js Packaged Module To create a Node.js Packaged Module you need to create the functionality in JavaScript, define the package using a package.json file, and then either publish it to the registry or package it for local use. The following steps take you through the process of building a Node.js Packaged Module using an example called censorify. The censorify module accepts text and then replaces certain words with asterisks: 1. Create a project folder named .../censorify. This is the root of the package. 2. Inside that folder, create a file named censortext.js. 3. Add the code from Listing 3.1 to censortext.js. Most of the code is just basic JavaScript; however, note that lines 18–20 export the functions censor(), addCensoredWord(), and getCensoredWords(). The exports.censor is required for Node.js applications using this module to have access to the censor() function as well as the other two. Listing 3.1 censortext.js: Implementing a simple censor function and exporting it for other modules using the package Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 var censoredWords = ["sad", "bad", "mad"]; var customCensoredWords = []; function censor(inStr) { for (idx in censoredWords) { inStr = inStr.replace(censoredWords[idx], "****"); } for (idx in customCensoredWords) { inStr = inStr.replace(customCensoredWords[idx], "****"); } return inStr; } function addCensoredWord(word){ customCensoredWords.push(word); } function getCensoredWords(){ return censoredWords.concat(customCensoredWords); } exports.censor = censor; exports.addCensoredWord = addCensoredWord; exports.getCensoredWords = getCensoredWords; 4. Once the module code is completed, you need to create a package.json file that is used to generate the Node.js Packaged Module. Create a package.json file in the .../censorify folder. Then add contents similar to Listing 3.2. Specifically, you need to add the name, version, and main directives as a minimum. The main directive needs to be the name of the main JavaScript module that will be loaded, in this case censortext. Note that the .js is not required, Node.js automatically searches for the .js extension. Listing 3.2 package.json: Defining the Node.js module Click here to view code image 01 { 02 "author": "Brendan Dayley", 03 "name": "censorify", 04 "version": "0.1.1", 05 "description": "Censors words out of text", 06 "main": "censortext", 07 "dependencies": {}, 08 "engines": { 09 "node": "*" 10 } 11 } 5. Create a file named in the .../censorify folder. You can put whatever read me instructions you want in this file. 6. Navigate to the .../censorify folder in a console window and run the npm pack command to build a local package module. 7. The npm pack command creates a censorify-0.1.1.tgz file in the .../censorify folder. This is your first Node.js Packaged Module. Publishing a Node.js Packaged Module to the NPM Registry In the previous section you created a local Node.js Packaged Module using the npm pack command. You can also publish that same module to the NPM repository at When modules are published to the NPM registry, they are accessible to everyone using the NPM manager utility discussed earlier. This allows you to distribute your modules and applications to others more easily. The following steps describe the process of publishing the module to the NPM registry. These steps assume that you have completed steps 1 through 5 from the previous section: 1. Create a public repository to contain the code for the module. Then push the contents of the .../censorify folder up to that location. The following is an example of a Github repository URL: 2. Create an account at 3. Use the npm adduser command from a console prompt to add the user you created to the environment. 4. Type in the username, password, and email that you used to create the account in step 2. 5. Modify the package.json file to include the new repository information and any keywords that you want made available in the registry search as shown in lines 7–14 in Listing 3.3. Listing 3.3 package.json: Defining the Node.js module that includes the repository and keywords information Click here to view code image 01 { 02 "author": "Brad Dayley", 03 "name": "censorify", 04 "version": "0.1.1", 05 "description": "Censors words out of text", 06 "main": "censortext", 07 "repository": { 08 "type": "git", 09 //"url": "Enter your github url" 10 }, 11 "keywords": [ 12 "censor", 13 "words" 14 ], 15 "dependencies": {}, 16 "engines": { 17 "node": "*" 18 } 19 } 6. Publish the module using the following command from the .../censor folder in the console: npm publish Once the package has been published you can search for it on the NPM registry and use the npm install command to install it into your environment. To remove a package from the registry make sure that you have added a user with rights to the module to the environment using npm adduser and then execute the following command: npm unpublish For example, the following command unpublishes the censorify module: npm unpublish censorify In some instances you cannot unpublish the module without using the --force option. This option forces the removal and deletion of the module from the registry. For example: npm unpublish censorify --force Using a Node.js Packaged Module in a Node.js Application In the previous sections you learned how to create and publish a Node.js module. This section provides an example of actually using a Node.js module inside your Node.js applications. Node.js makes this simple: All you need to do is install the NPM into your application structure and then use the require() method to load the module. The require() method accepts either an installed module name or a path to a .js file located on the file system. For example: require("censorify") require("./lib/utils.js") The .js filename extension is optional. If it is omitted, Node.js searches for it. The following steps take you through that process so you can see how easy it is: 1. Create a project folder named .../readwords. 2. From a console prompt inside the .../readwords folder, use the following command to install the censorify module from the censorify0.1.1.tgz package you created earlier: npm install .../censorify/censorify-0.1.1.tgz 3. Or if you have published the censorify module, you can use the standard command to download and install it from the NPM registry: npm install censorify 4. Verify that a folder named node_modules is created along with a subfolder named censorify. 5. Create a file named .../readwords/readwords.js. 6. Add the contents shown in Listing 3.4 to the readwords.js file. Notice that a require() call loads the censorify module and assigns it to the variable censor. Then the censor variable can be used to invoke the getCensoredWords(), addCensoredWords(), and censor() functions from the censorify module. Listing 3.4 readwords.js: Loading the censorify module when displaying text Click here to view code image 1 2 3 4 5 6 var censor = require("censorify"); console.log(censor.getCensoredWords()); console.log(censor.censor("Some very sad, bad and mad text.")); censor.addCensoredWord("gloomy"); console.log(censor.getCensoredWords()); console.log(censor.censor("A very gloomy day.")); 7. Run the readwords.js application using the node readwords.js command and view the output shown in the following code block. Notice that the censored words are replaced with **** and that the new censored word gloomy is added to the censorify module instance censor. Click here to view code image C:\nodeCode\ch03\readwords>node readwords [ 'sad', 'bad', 'mad' ] Some very *****, ***** and ***** text. [ 'sad', 'bad', 'mad', 'gloomy' ] A very *** day. Writing Data to the Console One of the most useful modules in Node.js during the development process is the console module. This module provides a lot of functionality when writing debug and information statements to the console. The console module allows you to control output to the console, implement time delta output, and write tracebacks and assertions to the console. This section covers using the console module because you need to know it for subsequent chapters in the book. Because the console module is so widely used, you do not need to load it into your modules using a require() statement. You simply call the console function using console. (). Table 3.3 lists the functions available in the console module. Table 3.3 Member functions of the console module Function Description log([data],[...]) Writes data output to the console. The data variable can be a string or an object that can be resolved to a string. Additional parameters can also be sent. For example: console.log("There are %d items", 5); >>There are 5 items info([data],[...]) Same as console.log. error([data], [...]) Same as console.log; however, the output is also sent to stderr. warn([data],[...]) Same as console.error. dir(obj) Writes out a string representation of a JavaScript object to the console. For example: console.dir({name:"Brad", role:"Author"}); >> { name: 'Brad', role: 'Author' } time(label) Assigns a current timestamp with ms precision to the string label. timeEnd(label) Creates a delta between the current time and the timestamp assigned to label and outputs the results. For example: console.time("FileWrite"); f.write(data); //takes about 500ms console.timeEnd("FileWrite"); >> FileWrite: 500ms trace(label) Writes out a stack trace of the current position in code to stderr. For example: module.trace("traceMark"); >>Trace: traceMark at Object. (C:\test.js:24:9) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._ext.js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Function.Module.runMain(module.js:497:10) at startup (node.js:119:16) at node.js:901:3 assert(expression, Writes the message and stack trace to the console if expression evaluates to false. [message]) Summary This chapter focused on getting you up to speed on the Node.js environment. Node.js Packaged Modules provide the functionality that Node.js does not inherently come with. You can download these modules from the NPM registry, or you can even create and publish your own. The package.json file provides the configuration and definition for every Node.js module. The examples in this chapter covered creating, publishing, and installing your own Node.js Packaged Modules. You learned how to use the NPM to package a local module as well as publish one to the NPM registry. You then learned how to install the Node.js modules and use them in your own Node.js applications. Next The next chapter covers the event-driven nature of Node.js. You see how events work in the Node.js environment and learn how to control, manipulate, and use them in your applications. 4 Using Events, Listeners, Timers, and Callbacks in Node.js Node.js provides scalability and performance through its powerful event-driven model. This chapter focuses on understanding the model and how it differs from traditional threading models used by most webservers. Understanding the event model is critical because it may force you to change the design thinking for your applications. However, the changes will be well worth the improvement in speed that you get using Node.js. This chapter also covers the different methods you use to add work to the Node.js event queue. You can add work using event listeners or timers, or you can schedule work directly. You also learn how to implement events in your own custom modules and objects. Understanding the Node.js Event Model Node.js applications are run in a single-threaded event-driven model. Although Node.js implements a thread pool in the background to do work, the application itself doesn’t have any concept of multiple threads. “Wait, what about performance and scale?” you might ask. At first it may seem counterintuitive, but once you understand the logic behind the Node.js event model it all makes perfect sense. Comparing Event Callbacks and Threaded Models In the traditional threaded web model, a request comes in to the webserver and is assigned to an available thread. Then the handling of work for that request continues on that thread until the request is complete and a response is sent. Figure 4.1 illustrates the threaded model processing two requests, GetFile and GetData. The GetFile request first opens the file, reads the contents, and then sends the data back in a response. All this occurs in order on the same thread. The GetData request connects to the DB, queries the necessary data, and then sends the data in the response. Figure 4.1 Processing two requests on individual threads using the threaded model The Node.js event model does things differently. Instead of executing all the work for each request on individual threads, work is added to an event queue and then picked up by a single thread running an event loop. The event loop grabs the top item in the event queue, executes it, and then grabs the next item. When executing code that is no longer live or has blocking I/O, instead of calling the function directly, the function is added to the event queue along with a callback that is executed after the function completes. When all events on the Node.js event queue have been executed, the Node application terminates. Figure 4.2 illustrates the way Node.js handles the GetFile and GetData requests. The GetFile and GetData requests are added to the event queue. Node.js first picks up the GetFile request, executes it, and then completes by adding the Open() callback function to the event queue. Next, it picks up the GetData request, executes it, and completes by adding the Connect() callback function to the event queue. This continues until there are no callback functions to be executed. Notice in Figure 4.2 that the events for each thread do not necessarily follow a direct interleaved order. For example, the Connect request takes longer to complete than the Read request, so Send(file) is called before Query(db). Figure 4.2 Processing two requests on a single event-driven thread using the Node.js event model Blocking I/O in Node.js The Node.js event model of using the event callbacks is great until you run into the problem of functions that block waiting for I/O. Blocking I/O stops the execution of the current thread and waits for a response before continuing. Some examples of blocking I/O are Reading a file Querying a database Socket request Accessing a remote service The reason Node.js uses event callbacks is not to have to wait for blocking I/O. Therefore, any requests that perform blocking I/O are performed on a different thread in the background. Node.js implements a thread pool in the background. When an event that requires blocking I/O is retrieved from the event queue, Node.js retrieves a thread from the thread pool and executes the function there instead of on the main event loop thread. This prevents the blocking I/O from holding up the rest of the events in the event queue. The function executed on the blocking thread can still add events back to the event queue to be processed. For example, a database query call is typically passed a callback function that parses the results and may schedule additional work on the event queue before sending a response. Figure 4.3 illustrates the full Node.js event model including the event queue, event loop, and the thread pool. Notice that the event loop either executes the function on the event loop thread itself or, for blocking I/O, it executes the function on a separate thread. The Conversation Example To help you understand how events work in Node.js versus traditional threaded webservers, consider the example of having different conversations with a large group of people at a party. You are acting the part of the webserver, and the conversations represent the work necessary to process different types of web requests. Your conversations are broken up into several segments with different individuals. You end up talking to one person and then another. Then you go back to the first person and then to a third person, back to the second, and so on. This example has many similarities to webserver processing. Some conversations end quickly, like a simple request for a piece of data in memory. Others are broken up into several segments as you go back and forth between individuals, similar to a more complex server-side conversation. Still others have long breaks when you are waiting for the other person to respond, similar to blocking I/O requests to the file system, database, or remote service. Using the traditional webserver threading model in the conversation example sounds great at first because each thread acts like you. The threads/clones can talk back and forth with each person, and it almost seems as though you can have multiple conversations simultaneously. There are two problems with this model. Figure 4.3 In the Node.js event model, work is added as a function with callback to the event queue, and then picked up on the event loop thread. The function is then executed on the event loop thread in the case of non-blocking, or on a separate thread in the case of blocking First, you are limited by the number of clones. What if you only have five clones? To talk with a sixth person, one clone must completely finish its conversation. The second problem is the limited number of CPUs (or “brains”) that the threads (“clones”) must share. This means that clones sharing the same brain have to stop talking/listening while other clones are using the brain. You can see that there really isn’t a benefit to having clones when they freeze while the other clones are using the brain. The Node.js event model acts more like real life when compared to the conversation example. First, Node.js applications run on a single thread, which means there is only one of you, no clones. Each time a person asks you a question, you respond as soon as you can. Your interactions are completely event driven, and you move naturally from one person to the next. Therefore, you can have as many conversations going on at the same time as you want by bouncing between individuals. Second, your brain is always focused on the person you are talking to since you aren’t sharing it with clones. So how does Node.js handle blocking I/O requests? That is where the background thread pool comes into play. Node.js hands blocking requests over to a thread in the thread pool so that it has minimal impact on the application processing events. Think about when someone asks you a question that you have to think about. You can still interact with others at the party while trying to process that question in the back of your mind. That processing may impact how fast you interact with others, but you are still able to communicate with several people while processing the longer-lived thought. Adding Work to the Event Queue As you create your Node.js applications, keep in mind the event model described in the previous section and apply it to the way you design your code. To leverage the scalability and performance of the event model, make sure that you break work up into chunks that can be performed as a series of callbacks. Once you have designed your code correctly, you can then use the event model to schedule work on the event queue. In Node.js applications, work is scheduled on the event queue by passing a callback function using one of these methods: Make a call to one of the blocking I/O library calls such as writing to a file or connecting to a database. Add a built-in event listener to a built-in event such as an http.request or server.connection. Create your own event emitters and add custom listeners to them. Use the process.nextTick option to schedule work to be picked up on the next cycle of the event loop. Use timers to schedule work to be done after a particular amount of time or at periodic intervals. The following sections discuss implementing timers, nextTick, and custom events. They give you an idea of how the event mechanism works. The blocking I/O calls and built-in events are covered in subsequent chapters. Implementing Timers A useful feature of Node.js and JavaScript is the ability to delay execution of code for a period of time. This can be useful for cleanup or refresh work that you do not want to always be running. There are three types of timers you can implement in Node.js: timeout, interval, and immediate. The following sections describe each of these timers and how to implement them in your code. Delaying Work with Timeouts Timeout timers are used to delay work for a specific amount of time. When that time expires, the callback function is executed and the timer goes away. Use timeouts for work that only needs to be performed once. Timeout timers are created using the setTimeout(callback, delayMilliSeconds, [args]) method built into Node.js. When you call setTimeout(), the callback function is executed after delayMilliSeconds expires. For example, the following executes myFunc() after 1 second: setTimeout(myFunc, 1000); The setTimeout() function returns a timer object ID. You can pass this ID to clearTimeout(timeoutId) at any time before the delayMilliSeconds expires to cancel the timeout function. For example: myTimeout = setTimeout(myFunc, 100000); … clearTimeout(myTimeout); Listing 4.1 implements a series of simple timeouts that call the simpleTimeout() function, which outputs the number of milliseconds since the timeout was scheduled. Notice that it doesn’t matter which order setTimeout() is called; the results, shown in Listing 4.1 Output, are in the order that the delay expires. Listing 4.1 simple_timer.js: Implementing a series of timeouts at various intervals Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 function simpleTimeout(consoleTimer){ console.timeEnd(consoleTimer); } console.time("twoSecond"); setTimeout(simpleTimeout, 2000, "twoSecond"); console.time("oneSecond"); setTimeout(simpleTimeout, 1000, "oneSecond"); console.time("fiveSecond"); setTimeout(simpleTimeout, 5000, "fiveSecond"); console.time("50MilliSecond"); setTimeout(simpleTimeout, 50, "50MilliSecond"); Listing 4.1 Output simple_timer.js: Timeout functions executed at different delay amounts Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch04> node simple_timer.js 50MilliSecond: 50.489ms oneSecond: 1000.688ms twoSecond: 2000.665ms fiveSecond: 5000.186ms Performing Periodic Work with Intervals Interval timers are used to perform work on a regular delayed interval. When the delay time expires, the callback function is executed and is then rescheduled for the delay interval again. Use intervals for work that needs to be performed on a regular basis. Interval timers are created using the setInterval(callback, delayMilliSeconds, [args]) method built into Node.js. When you call setInterval(), the callback function is executed every interval after delayMilliSeconds has expired. For example, the following executes myFunc() every second: setInterval(myFunc, 1000); The setInterval() function returns a timer object ID. You can pass this ID to clearInterval(intervalId) at any time before the delayMilliSeconds expires to cancel the timeout function. For example: myInterval = setInterval(myFunc, 100000); … clearInterval(myInterval); Listing 4.2 implements a series of simple interval callbacks that update the values of the variables x, y, and z at different intervals. Notice that the values of x, y, and z are changed differently because the interval amounts are different, with x incrementing twice as fast as y, which increments twice as fast as z, as shown in Listing 4.2 Output. Listing 4.2 simple_interval.js: Implementing a series of update callbacks at various intervals Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 var x=0, y=0, z=0; function displayValues(){ console.log("X=%d; Y=%d; Z=%d", x, y, z); } function updateX(){ x += 1; } function updateY(){ y += 1; } function updateZ(){ z += 1; displayValues(); } setInterval(updateX, 500); setInterval(updateY, 1000); setInterval(updateZ, 2000); Listing 4.2 Output simple_interval.js: Interval functions executed at different delay amounts Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch04> node simple_interval.js x=3; y=1; z=1 x=7; y=3; z=2 x=11; y=5; z=3 x=15; y=7; z=4 x=19; y=9; z=5 x=23; y=11; z=6 Performing Immediate Work with an Immediate Timer Immediate timers are used to perform work on a function as soon as the I/O event callbacks are executed, but before any timeout or interval events are executed. This allows you to schedule work to be done after the current events in the event queue are completed. Use immediate timers to yield long-running execution segments to other callbacks to prevent starving the I/O events. Immediate timers are created using the setImmediate(callback,[args]) method built into Node.js. When you call setImmediate(), the callback function is placed on the event queue and popped off once for each iteration through the event queue loop after I/O events have a chance to be called. For example, the following schedules myFunc() to execute on the next cycle through the event queue: setImmediate(myFunc(), 1000); The setImmediate() function returns a timer object ID. You can pass this ID to clearImmediate(immediateId) at any time before it is picked up off the event queue. For example: myImmediate = … setImmediate(myFunc); clearImmediate(myImmediate); Dereferencing Timers from the Event Loop Often you do not want timer event callbacks to continue to be scheduled when they are the only events left in the event queue. Node.js provides a useful utility to handle this case. The unref() function available in the object returned by setInterval and setTimeout allows you to notify the event loop to not continue when these are the only events on the queue. For example, the following dereferences the myInterval interval timer: myInterval = setInterval(myFunc); myInterval.unref(); If for some reason you later do not want the program to terminate if the interval function is the only event left on the queue, you can use the ref() function to rereference it: myInterval.ref(); Warning When using unref() with setTimout timers, a separate timer is used to wake up the event loop. Creating a lot of these can cause an adverse performance impact on your code, so use them sparingly. Using nextTick to Schedule Work A useful method of scheduling work on the event queue is the process.nextTick(callback) function. This function schedules work to be run on the next cycle of the event loop. Unlike the setImmediate() method, nextTick() executes before the I/O events are fired. This can result in starvation of the I/O events, so Node.js limits the number of nextTick() events that can be executed each cycle through the event queue by the value of process.maxTickDepth, which defaults to 1000. Listing 4.3 illustrates the order of events when using a blocking I/O call, timers, and nextTick(). Notice that the blocking call fs.stat() is executed first, then two setImmediate() calls, and then two nextTick() calls. Listing 4.3 Output shows that both nextTick() calls are executed before any of the others. Then the first setImmediate() call is executed followed by the fs.stat(), and then on the next iteration through the loop, the second setImmediate() call is executed. Listing 4.3 nexttick.js: Implementing a series of blocking fs calls, immediate timers, and nextTick() calls to show the order in which they get executed Click here to view code image 01 var fs = require("fs"); 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 fs.stat("nexttick.js", function(){ console.log("nexttick.js Exists"); }); setImmediate(function(){ console.log("Immediate Timer 1 Executed"); }); setImmediate(function(){ console.log("Immediate Timer 2 Executed"); }); process.nextTick(function(){ console.log("Next Tick 1 Executed"); }); process.nextTick(function(){ console.log("Next Tick 2 Executed"); }); Listing 4.3 Output nexttick.js: Executing the nextTick() calls first Click here to view code image c:\books\node\ch04>node nexttick.js Next Tick 1 Executed Next Tick 2 Executed Immediate Timer 1 Executed Immediate Timer 2 Executed nexttick.js Exists Implementing Event Emitters and Listeners In the following chapters you get a chance to implement many of the events built in to the various Node.js modules. This section focuses on creating your own custom events as well as implementing listener callbacks that get implemented when an event is emitted. Adding Custom Events to Your JavaScript Objects Events are emitted using an EventEmitter object. This object is included in the events module. The emit(eventName, [args]) function triggers the eventName event and includes any arguments provided. The following code snippet shows how to implement a simple event emitter: var events = require('events'); var emitter = new events.EventEmitter(); emitter.emit("simpleEvent"); Occasionally you want to add events directly to your JavaScript objects. To do that you need to inherit the EventEmitter functionality in your object by calling in your object instantiation as well as adding the events.EventEmitter. prototype to your object’s prototyping. For example: Function MyObj(){; } MyObj.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype; You then can emit events directly from instances of your object. For example: var myObj = new MyObj(); myObj.emit("someEvent"); Adding Event Listeners to Objects Once you have an instance of an object that can emit events, you can add listeners for the events that you care about. Listeners are added to an EventEmitter object using one of the following functions: .addListener(eventName, callback): Attaches the callback function to the object’s listeners. Every time the eventName event is triggered, the callback function is placed in the event queue to be executed. .on(eventName, callback): Same as .addListener(). .once(eventName, callback): Only the first time the eventName event is triggered, the callback function is placed in the event queue to be executed. For example, to add a listener to an instance of the MyObject EventEmitter class defined in the previous section you would use the following: function myCallback(){ … } var myObject = new MyObj(); myObject.on("someEvent", myCallback); Removing Listeners from Objects Listeners are useful and vital parts of Node.js programming. However, they do cause overhead, and you should use them only when necessary. Node.js provides server helper functions on the EventEmitter object that allow you to manage the listeners that are included. These include .listeners(eventName): Returns an array of listener functions attached to the eventName event. .setMaxListeners(n): Triggers a warning if more than n listeners are added to an EventEmitter object. The default is 10. .removeListener(eventName, callback): Removes the callback function from the eventName event of the EventEmitter object. Implementing Event Listeners and Event Emitters Listing 4.4 demonstrates the process of implementing listeners and custom event emitters in Node.js. The Account object is extended to inherit from the EventEmitter class and provides two methods to deposit and withdraw that both emit the balanceChanged event. Then in lines 15–31, three callback functions are implemented that are attached to the Account object instance balanceChanged event and display various forms of data. Notice that the checkGoal(acc, goal) callback is implemented a bit differently than the others. This was done to illustrate how to pass variables into an event listener function when the event is triggered. The results of executing the code are shown in Listing 4.4 Output. Listing 4.4 emitter_listener.js: Creating a custom EventEmitter object and implementing three listeners that are triggered when the balancedChanged event is triggered Click here to view code image 01 var events = require('events'); 02 function Account() { 03 this.balance = 0; 04; 05 this.deposit = function(amount){ 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 this.balance += amount; this.emit('balanceChanged'); }; this.withdraw = function(amount){ this.balance -= amount; this.emit('balanceChanged'); }; } Account.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype; function displayBalance(){ console.log("Account balance: $%d", this.balance); } function checkOverdraw(){ if (this.balance < 0){ console.log("Account overdrawn!!!"); } } function checkGoal(acc, goal){ if (acc.balance > goal){ console.log("Goal Achieved!!!"); } } var account = new Account(); account.on("balanceChanged", displayBalance); account.on("balanceChanged", checkOverdraw); account.on("balanceChanged", function(){ checkGoal(this, 1000); }); account.deposit(220); account.deposit(320); account.deposit(600); account.withdraw(1200); Listing 4.4 Output emitter_listener.js: The account statements output by the listener callback functions Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch04>node emmiter_listener.js Account balance: $220 Account balance: $540 Account balance: $1140 Goal Achieved!!! Account balance: $-60 Account overdrawn!!! Implementing Callbacks As you have seen in previous sections, the Node.js event-driven model relies heavily on callback functions. Callback functions can be a bit difficult to understand at first, especially if you want to depart from implementing a basic anonymous function. This section deals with three specific implementations of callbacks: passing parameters to a callback function, handling callback function parameters inside a loop, and nesting callbacks. Passing Additional Parameters to Callbacks Most callbacks have automatic parameters passed to them, such as an error or result buffer. A common question when working with callbacks is how to pass additional parameters to them from the calling function. You do this by implementing the parameter in an anonymous function and then call the actual callback with parameters from the anonymous function. Listing 4.5 illustrates implementing callback parameters. There are two sawCar event handlers. Note that the sawCar event only emits the make parameter. Notice that the emitter.emit() function also can accept additional parameters; in this case, make is added as shown in line 5. The first event handler on line 16 implements the logCar(make) callback handler. To add a color for logColorCar(), an anonymous function is used in the event handler defined in lines 17–21. A randomly selected color is passed to the call logColorCar(make, color). You can see the output in Listing 4.5 Output. Listing 4.5 callback_parameter.js: Creating an anonymous function to add additional parameters not emitted by the event Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 var events = require('events'); function CarShow() {; this.seeCar = function(make){ this.emit('sawCar', make); }; } CarShow.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype; var show = new CarShow(); function logCar(make){ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 console.log("Saw a " + make); } function logColorCar(make, color){ console.log("Saw a %s %s", color, make); } show.on("sawCar", logCar); show.on("sawCar", function(make){ var colors = ['red', 'blue', 'black']; var color = colors[Math.floor(Math.random()*3)]; logColorCar(make, color); }); show.seeCar("Ferrari"); show.seeCar("Porsche"); show.seeCar("Bugatti"); show.seeCar("Lamborghini"); show.seeCar("Aston Martin"); Listing 4.5 Output callback_parameter.js: The results of adding a color parameter to the callback Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch04>node callback_parameter.js Saw a Ferrari Saw a blue Ferrari Saw a Porsche Saw a black Porsche Saw a Bugatti Saw a red Bugatti Saw a Lamborghini Saw a black Lamborghini Saw a Aston Martin Saw a black Aston Martin Implementing Closure in Callbacks An interesting problem that asynchronous callbacks have is that of closure. Closure is a JavaScript term that indicates that variables are bound to a function’s scope and not the parent function’s scope. When you execute an asynchronous callback, the parent function’s scope may have changed; for example, when iterating through a list and altering values in each iteration. If your callback needs access to variables in the parent function’s scope, then you need to provide closure so that those values are available when the callback is pulled off the event queue. A basic way of doing that is by encapsulating the asynchronous call inside a function block and passing in the variables that are needed. Listing 4.6 implements a wrapper function that provides closure to the logCar() asynchronous function. Notice that the loop in lines 7–12 implements a basic callback. However, Listing 4.6 Output shows that the car name is always the last item read because the value of message changes each time through the loop. The loop in lines 13–20 implements a wrapper function that is passed message as the msg parameter and that msg value sticks with the callback. Thus the closure shown in Output 4.6 displays the correct message. To make the callback truly asynchronous, the process.nextTick() method is used to schedule the callback. Listing 4.6 callback_closure.js: Creating a wrapper function to provide closure for variables needed in the asynchronous callback Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 function logCar(logMsg, callback){ process.nextTick(function() { callback(logMsg); }); } var cars = ["Ferrari", "Porsche", "Bugatti"]; for (var idx in cars){ var message = "Saw a " + cars[idx]; logCar(message, function(){ console.log("Normal Callback: " + message); }); } for (var idx in cars){ var message = "Saw a " + cars[idx]; (function(msg){ logCar(msg, function(){ console.log("Closure Callback: " + msg); }); })(message); } Listing 4.6 Output callback_closure.js: Adding a closure wrapper function allows the asynchronous callback to access necessary variables Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch04>node callback_closure.js Normal Callback: Saw a Bugatti Normal Callback: Saw a Bugatti Normal Callback: Saw a Bugatti Closure Callback: Saw a Ferrari Closure Callback: Saw a Porsche Closure Callback: Saw a Bugatti Chaining Callbacks With asynchronous functions you are not guaranteed the order that they will run if two are placed on the event queue. The best way to resolve that is to implement callback chaining by having the callback from the asynchronous function call the function again until there is no more work to do. That way the asynchronous function is never on the event queue more than once. Listing 4.7 implements a basic example of callback chaining. A list of items is passed into the function logCars(), the asynchronous function logCar() is called, and then the logCars() function is used as the callback when logCar() completes. Thus only one version of logCar() is on the event queue at the same time. The output of iterating through the list is shown in Listing 4.7 Output. Listing 4.7 callback_chain.js: Implementing a callback chain where the callback from an anonymous function calls back into the initial function to iterate through a list Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 function logCar(car, callback){ console.log("Saw a %s", car); if(cars.length){ process.nextTick(function(){ callback(); }); } } function logCars(cars){ var car = cars.pop(); logCar(car, function(){ logCars(cars); }); } var cars = ["Ferrari", "Porsche", "Bugatti", 16 "Lamborghini", "Aston Martin"]; 17 logCars(cars); Listing 4.7 Output callback_chain.js: Using an asynchronous callback chain to iterate through a list Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch04>node callback_chain.js Saw a Aston Martin Saw a Lamborghini Saw a Bugatti Saw a Porsche Saw a Ferrari Summary The event-driven model that Node.js uses provides scalability and performance. You learned the difference between the event-driven model and the traditional threaded model for webservers. You learned that events can be added to the event queue when blocking I/O is called. And you learned that listeners can be triggered by events or timers or called directly using the nextTick() method. This chapter discussed the three types of timer events: timeout, interval, and immediate. Each of these can be used to delay the execution of work for a period of time. You also saw how to implement your own custom event emitters and add listener functions to them. Next In the next chapter you see how to manage data I/O using streams and buffers. You also learn about Node.js functionality that allows you to manipulate JSON, string, and compressed forms of data. 5 Handling Data I/O in Node.js Most active web applications and services have a lot of data flowing through them. That data comes in the form of text, JSON strings, binary buffers, and data streams. For that reason, Node.js has many mechanisms built in to support handling the data I/O from system to system. It is important to understand the mechanisms that Node.js provides to implement effective and efficient web applications and services. This chapter focuses on manipulating JSON data, managing binary data buffers, implementing readable and writable streams, and compressing and decompressing data. You learn how to leverage the Node.js functionality to work with different I/O requirements. Working with JSON One of the most common data types that you work with when implementing Node.js web applications and services is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). JSON is a lightweight method to convert JavaScript objects into a string form and then back again. This provides an easy method when you need to serialize data objects when passing them from client to server, process to process, stream to stream, or when storing them in a database. There are several reasons to use JSON to serialize your JavaScript objects over XML including the following: JSON is much more efficient and takes up fewer characters. Serializing/deserializing JSON is faster than XML because it’s simpler syntax. JSON is easier to read from a developer’s perspective because it is similar to JavaScript syntax. The only reasons you might want to use XML over JSON are for complex objects or if you have XML/XSLT transforms already in place. Converting JSON to JavaScript Objects A JSON string represents the JavaScript object in string form. The string syntax is similar to code, making it easy to understand. You can use the JSON.parse(string) method to convert a string that is properly formatted with JSON into a JavaScript object. For example, the following code snippet defines accountStr as a formatted JSON string and converts it to a JavaScript object using JSON.parse(). Then member properties can be accessed via dot notation: Click here to view code image var accountStr = '{"name":"Jedi", "members":["Yoda","Obi Wan"], \ "number":34512, "location": "A galaxy far, far away"}'; var accountObj = JSON.parse(accountStr); console.log(; console.log(accountObj.members); The preceding code outputs the following: Jedi [ 'Yoda', 'Obi Wan' ] Converting JavaScript Objects to JSON Node also allows you to convert a JavaScript object into a properly formatted JSON string. Thus the string form can be stored in a file or database, sent across an HTTP connection, or written to a stream/buffer. Use the JSON.stringify(text) method to parse JSON text and generate a JavaScript object: For example, the following code defines a JavaScript object that includes string, numeric, and array properties. Using JSON.stringify(), it is all converted to a JSON string: Click here to view code image var accountObj = { name: "Baggins", number: 10645, members: ["Frodo, Bilbo"], location: "Shire" }; var accountStr = JSON.stringify(accountObj); console.log(accountStr); The preceding code outputs the following: {"name":"Baggins","number":10645,"members":["Frodo, Bilbo"],"location":"Shire"} Using the Buffer Module to Buffer Data While JavaScript is Unicode friendly, it is not good at managing binary data. However, binary data is useful when implementing some web applications and services. For example: Transferring compressed files Generating dynamic images Sending serialized binary data Understanding Buffered Data Buffered data is made up of a series of octets in big endian or little endian format. That means they take up considerably less space than textual data. Therefore, Node.js provides the Buffer module that gives you the functionality to create, read, write, and manipulate binary data in a buffer structure. The Buffer module is global, so you do not need to use the require() statement to access it. Buffered data is stored in a structure similar to that of an array but is stored outside the normal V8 heap in raw memory allocations. Therefore a Buffer cannot be resized. When converting buffers to and from strings, you need to specify the explicit encoding method to be used. Table 5.1 lists the various encoding methods supported. Table 5.1 Methods of encoding between strings and binary buffers Method Description utf8 Multi-byte encoded Unicode characters used as the standard in most documents and webpages. utf16le Little endian encoded Unicode characters of 2 or 4 bytes. ucs2 Same as utf16le. base64 Base64 string encoding. Hex Encode each byte as two hexadecimal characters. Big Endian and Little Endian Binary data in buffers is stored as a series of octets or a sequence of eight 0s and 1s that can be a hexadecimal value of 0x00 to 0xFF. It can be read as a single byte or as a word containing multiple bytes. Endian defines the ordering of significant bits when defining the word. Big endian stores the least significant word first, and little endian stores the least significant word last. For example, the words 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D would be stored in the buffer as [0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D] in big endian but as [0x0D, 0x0C, 0x0B, 0x0A] in little endian. Creating Buffers Buffer objects are actually raw memory allocations; therefore, their size must be determined when they are created. The three methods for creating Buffer objects using the new keyword are new Buffer(sizeInBytes) new Buffer(octetArray) new Buffer(string, [encoding]) For example, the following lines of code define buffers using a byte size, octet buffer, and a UTF8 string: var buf256 = new Buffer(256); var bufOctets = new Buffer([0x6f, 0x63, 0x74, 0x65, 0x74, 0x73]); var bufUTF8 = new Buffer("Some UTF8 Text \u00b6 \u30c6 \u20ac", 'utf8'); Writing to Buffers You cannot extend the size of a Buffer object after it has been created, but you can write data to any location in the buffer. Table 5.2 describes the three methods you can use when writing to buffers. Table 5.2 Methods of writing from Buffer objects Method buffer.write(string, [offset], [length], [encoding]) Description buffer[offset] = value Replaces the data at index offset with the value specified. buffer.fill(value, [offset], [end]) Writes the value to every byte in the buffer starting at the offset index and ending with the end index. writeInt8(value, offset, [noAssert]) There is a wide range of methods for Buffer objects to write integers, unsigned integers, doubles, and floats of various sizes using little endian or big endian. value specifies the value to write, offset specifies the index to write to, and noAssert specifies whether to skip validation of the value and offset. noAssert should be left at the default false unless you are absolutely certain of correctness. writeInt16LE(value, offset, [noAssert]) writeInt16BE(value, offset, [noAssert]) … Writes length number of bytes from the string starting at the offset index inside the buffer using encoding. To illustrate writing to buffers better, Listing 5.1 defines a buffer, fills it with zeros, writes some text at the beginning using the write() method at line 4, and then adds some additional text using a write that alters part of the existing buffer using write(string, offset, length) at line 6. Then in line 8 it adds a + to the end by directly setting the value of an index, as shown in Listing 5.1 Output. Notice that the buf256.write("more text", 9, 9) statement writes to the middle of the buffer and buf256[18] = 43 changes a single byte. Listing 5.1 buffer_write.js: Various ways to write to a Buffer object Click here to view code image 1 2 3 4 buf256 = new Buffer(256); buf256.fill(0); buf256.write("add some text"); console.log(buf256.toString()); 5 6 7 8 buf256.write("more text", 9, 9); console.log(buf256.toString()); buf256[18] = 43; console.log(buf256.toString()); Listing 5.1 Output buffer_write.js: Writing data from a Buffer object Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node buffer_write.js add some text add some more text add some more text+ Reading from Buffers There are several methods for reading from buffers. The simplest is to use the toString() method to convert all or part of a buffer to a string. However, you can also access specific indexes in the buffer directly or by using read(). Also Node.js provides a StringDecoder object that has a write(buffer) method that decodes and writes buffered data using the specified encoding. Table 5.3 describes these methods for reading Buffer objects. Table 5.3 Methods of reading from Buffer objects Method buffer.toString([encoding], [start], [end]) Description stringDecoder.write(buffer) Returns a decoded string version of the buffer. buffer[offset] Returns the octet value in the buffer at the specified offset. readInt8(offset, [noAssert]) There is a wide range of methods for Buffer objects to read integers, unsigned integers, doubles, and floats of various sizes using little endian or big readInt16LE(offset, Returns a string containing the decoded characters specified by encoding from the start index to the end index of the buffer. If start or end is not specified, then toString() uses the beginning or end of the buffer. [noAssert]) readInt16BE(offset, [noAssert]) … endian. These functions accept the offset to read from an optional noAssert Boolean value that specifies whether to skip validation of the offset. noAssert should be left at the default false unless you are absolutely certain of correctness. To illustrate reading from buffers, Listing 5.2 defines a buffer with UTF8 encoded characters, and then uses toString() without parameters to read all the buffer, and then with the encoding, start, and end parameters to read part of the buffer. Then in lines 4 and 5 it creates a StringDecoder with UTF8 encoding and uses it to write the contents of the buffer out to the console. Next, a direct access method is used to get the value of the octet at index 18. Listing 5.2 Output shows the output of the code. Listing 5.2 buffer_read.js: Various ways to read from a Buffer object Click here to view code image 1 2 3 4 5 6 bufUTF8 = new Buffer("Some UTF8 Text \u00b6 \u30c6 \u20ac", 'utf8'); console.log(bufUTF8.toString()); console.log(bufUTF8.toString('utf8', 5, 9)); var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8'); console.log(decoder.write(bufUTF8)); Listing 5.2 Output buffer_read.js: Reading data from a Buffer object Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node buffer_read.js Some UTF8 Text ¶ テ € UTF8 Some UTF8 Text ¶ テ € e3 e3838620 Determining Buffer Length A common task when dealing with buffers is determining the length, especially when you create a buffer dynamically from a string. The length of a buffer can be determined by calling .length on the Buffer object. To determine the byte length that a string takes up in a buffer you cannot use the .length property. Instead you need to use Buffer.byteLength(string, [encoding]). Note that there is a difference between the string length and byte length of a buffer. To illustrate this consider the followings statements: Click here to view code image "UTF8 text \u00b6".length; //evaluates to 11 Buffer.byteLength("UTF8 text \u00b6", 'utf8'); //evaluates to 12 Buffer("UTF8 text \u00b6").length; //evaluates to 12 Notice that the same string evaluates to 11 characters, but because it contains a double-byte character the byteLength is 12. Also note that Buffer("UTF8 text \u00b6").length evaluates to 12 also. That is because .length on a buffer returns the byte length. Copying Buffers An important part of working with buffers is the ability to copy data from one buffer into another buffer. Node.js provides the copy(targetBuffer, [targetStart], [sourceStart], [sourceIndex]) method on Buffer objects. The targetBuffer parameter is another Buffer object, and targetStart, sourceStart, and sourceEnd are indexes inside the source and target buffers. Note To copy string data from one buffer to the next, make sure that both buffers use the same encoding or you may get unexpected results when decoding the resulting buffer. You can also copy data from one buffer to the other by indexing them directly, for example: sourceBuffer[index] = destinationBuffer[index] Listing 5.3 illustrates three examples of copying data from one buffer to another. The first method in lines 4–8 copies the full buffer. The next method in lines 10–14 copies only the middle 5 bytes of a buffer. The third example iterates through the source buffer and only copies every other byte in the buffer. The results are shown in Listing 5.3 Output. Listing 5.3 buffer_copy.js: Various ways to copy data from one Buffer object to another Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 var alphabet = new Buffer('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); console.log(alphabet.toString()); // copy full buffer var blank = new Buffer(26); blank.fill(); console.log("Blank: " + blank.toString()); alphabet.copy(blank); console.log("Blank: " + blank.toString()); // copy part of buffer var dashes = new Buffer(26); dashes.fill('-'); console.log("Dashes: " + dashes.toString()); alphabet.copy(dashes, 10, 10, 15); console.log("Dashes: " + dashes.toString()); // copy to and from direct indexes of buffers var dots = new Buffer('-------------------------'); dots.fill('.'); console.log("dots: " + dots.toString()); for (var i=0; i < dots.length; i++){ if (i % 2) { dots[i] = alphabet[i]; } } console.log("dots: " + dots.toString()); Listing 5.3 Output buffer_copy.js: Copying data from one Buffer object to another Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node buffer_copy.js abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Blank: Blank: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Dashes: -------------------------Dashes: ----------klmno----------dots: ......................... dots: .b.d.f.h.j.l.n.p.r.t.v.x. Slicing Buffers Another important aspect of working with buffers is the ability to divide them into slices. A slice is a section of a buffer between a starting index and an ending index. Slicing a buffer allows you to manipulate a specific chunk. Slices are created using the slice([start], [end]) method, which returns a Buffer object that points to start index of the original buffer and has a length of end – start. Keep in mind that a slice is different from a copy. If you edit a copy, the original does not change. However, if you edit a slice, the original does change. Listing 5.4 illustrates using slices. Note that when the slice is altered in lines 5 and 6, it also alters the original buffer, as shown in Listing 5.4 Output. Listing 5.4 buffer_slice.js: Creating and manipulating slices of a Buffer object Click here to view code image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 var numbers = new Buffer("123456789"); console.log(numbers.toString()); var slice = numbers.slice(3, 6); console.log(slice.toString()); slice[0] = '#'.charCodeAt(0); slice[slice.length-1] = '#'.charCodeAt(0); console.log(slice.toString()); console.log(numbers.toString()); Listing 5.4 Output buffer_slice.js: Slicing and modifying a Buffer object Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node buffer_slice.js 123456789 456 #5# 123#5#789 Concatenating Buffers You can also concatenate two or more Buffer objects together to form a new buffer. The concat(list, [totalLength]) method accepts an array of Buffer objects as the first parameter, and totalLength defines the maximum bytes in the buffer as an optional second argument. The Buffer objects are concatenated in the order they appear in the list, and a new Buffer object is returned containing the contents of the original buffers up to totalLength bytes. If you do not provide a totalLength parameter, concat() figures it out for you. However, it has to iterate through the list, so providing a totalLength value is faster. Listing 5.5 concatenates a base Buffer with one buffer and then another, as shown in Listing 5.5 Output. Listing 5.5 buffer_concat.js: Concatenating Buffer objects Click here to view code image 1 2 3 4 5 var af = new Buffer("African Swallow?"); var eu = new Buffer("European Swallow?"); var question = new Buffer("Air Speed Velocity of an "); console.log(Buffer.concat([question, af]).toString()); console.log(Buffer.concat([question, eu]).toString()); Listing 5.5 Output buffer_concat.js: Concatenating Buffer objects Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node buffer_concat.js Air Speed Velocity of an African Swallow? Air Speed Velocity of an European Swallow? Using the Stream Module to Stream Data An important module in Node.js is the stream module. Data streams are memory structures that are readable, writable, or both. Streams are used all over in Node.js, for example, when accessing files or reading data from HTTP requests and in several other areas. This section covers using the Stream module to create streams as well as read and write data from them. The purpose of streams is to provide a common mechanism to transfer data from one location to another. They also expose events, such as when data is available to be read, when an error occurs, and so on. You can then register listeners to handle the data when it becomes available in a stream or is ready to be written to. Some common uses for streams are HTTP data and files. You can open a file as a readable stream or access the data from an HTTP request as a readable stream and read bytes out as needed. Additionally, you can create your own custom streams. The following sections describe the process of creating and using readable, writable, duplex, and transform streams. Readable Streams Readable streams provide a mechanism to easily read data coming into your application from another source. Some common examples of readable streams are HTTP responses on the client HTTP requests on the server fs read streams zlib streams crypto streams TCP sockets Child processes stdout and stderr process.stdin Readable streams provide the read([size]) method to read data where size specifies the number of bytes to read from the stream. read() can return a String, Buffer or null. Readable streams also expose the following events: readable: Emitted when a chunk of data can be read from the stream. data: Similar to readable except that when data event handlers are attached, the stream is turned into flowing mode, and the data handler is called continuously until all data has been drained. end: Emitted by the stream when data will no longer be provided. close: Emitted when the underlying resource, such as a file, has been closed. error: Emitted when an error occurs receiving data. Readable stream objects also provide a number of functions that allow you to read and manipulate them. Table 5.4 lists the methods available on a Readable stream object. Table 5.4 Methods available on Readable stream objects Method read([size]) Description setEncoding(encoding) Sets the encoding to use when returning String in the read() request. pause() This pauses data events from being emitted by the object. resume() The resumes data events being emitted by the object. pipe(destination, [options]) This pipes the output of this stream into a Writable stream object specified by destination. options in a JavaScript object. For example, {end:true} ends the Writable destination when the Readable ends. unpipe([destination]) Disconnects this object from the Writable destination. Reads data from the stream. The data can be a String, Buffer, or null, meaning there is no more data left. If a size argument is read, then the data is limited to that number of bytes. To implement your own custom Readable stream object, you need to first inherit the functionality for Readable streams. The simplest way to do that is to use the util module’s inherits() method: var util = require('util'); util.inherits(MyReadableStream, stream.Readable); Then you create an instance of the object call:, opt); You also need to implement a _read() method that calls push() to output the data from the Readable object. The push() call should push either a String, Buffer, or null. Listing 5.6 illustrates the basics of implementing and reading from a Readable stream. Notice that the Answers() class inherits from Readable and then implements the Answers.prototye._read() function to handle pushing data out. Also notice that on line 18, a direct read() call reads the first item from the stream and then the rest of the items are read by the data event handler defined on lines 19–21. Listing 5.6 Output shows the result. Listing 5.6 stream_read.js: Implementing a Readable stream object Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 var stream = require('stream'); var util = require('util'); util.inherits(Answers, stream.Readable); function Answers(opt) {, opt); this.quotes = ["yes", "no", "maybe"]; this._index = 0; } Answers.prototype._read = function() { if (this._index > this.quotes.length){ this.push(null); } else { this.push(this.quotes[this._index]); this._index += 1; } }; var r = new Answers(); console.log("Direct read: " +; r.on('data', function(data){ console.log("Callback read: " + data.toString()); }); r.on('end', function(data){ console.log("No more answers."); }); Listing 5.6 Output stream_read.js: Implementing a custom Readable object Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node stream_read.js Direct read: yes Callback read: no Callback read: maybe No more answers. Writable Streams Writable streams are designed to provide a mechanism to write data into a form that can easily be consumed in another area of code. Some common examples of Writable streams are HTTP requests on the client HTTP responses on the server fs write streams zlib streams crypto streams TCP sockets Child process stdin process.stdout, process.stderr Writable streams provide the write(chunk, [encoding], [callback]) method to write data into the stream, where chunk contains the data to write, encoding specifies the string encoding if necessary, and callback specifies a callback function to execute when the data has been fully flushed. The write() function returns true if the data was written successfully. Writable streams also expose the following events: drain: After a write() call returns false, the drain event is emitted to notify listeners when it is okay to begin writing more data. finish: Emitted when end() is called on the Writable object; all data is flushed and no more data will be accepted. pipe: Emitted when the pipe() method is called on a Readable stream to add this Writable as a destination. unpipe: Emitted when the unpipe() method is called on a Readable stream to remove this Writable as a destination. Writable stream objects also provide a number of methods that allow you to write and manipulate them. Table 5.5 lists the methods available on a Writable stream object. Table 5.5 Methods available on Writable stream objects Method write(chunk, [encoding], [callback]) Description end([chunk], [encoding], [callback]) Same as write(), except it puts the Writable into a state where it no longer accepts data and sends the finish event. Writes the data chunk to the stream object’s data location. The data can be a String or Buffer. If encoding is specified, then it is used to encode string data. If callback is specified, then it is called after the data has been flushed. To implement your own custom Writable stream object, you need to first inherit the functionality for Writable streams. The simplest way to do that is to use the util module’s inherits() method: var util = require('util'); util.inherits(MyWritableStream, stream.Writable); Then you create an instance of the object call: stream., opt); You also need to implement a _write(data, encoding, callback) method that stores the data for the Writable object. Listing 5.7 illustrates the basics of implementing and writing to a Writable stream. Listing 5.7 Output shows the result. Listing 5.7 stream_write.js: Implementing a Writable stream object Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 var stream = require('stream'); var util = require('util'); util.inherits(Writer, stream.Writable); function Writer(opt) {, opt); = new Array(); } Writer.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, callback) {'utf8')); console.log("Adding: " + data); callback(); }; var w = new Writer(); for (var i=1; i<=5; i++){ 15 w.write("Item" + i, 'utf8'); 16 } 17 w.end("ItemLast"); 18 console.log(; Listing 5.7 Output stream_ write.js: Implementing a custom Writable object Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node stream_write.js Adding: Item1 Adding: Item2 Adding: Item3 Adding: Item4 Adding: Item5 Adding: ItemLast [ 'Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3', 'Item4', 'Item5', 'ItemLast' ] Duplex Streams A Duplex stream combines Readable and Writable functionality. A good example of a duplex stream is a TCP socket connection. You can read and write from the socket connection once it has been created. To implement your own custom Duplex stream object, you need to first inherit the functionality for Duplex streams. The simplest way to do that is to use the util module’s inherits() method: var util = require('util'); util.inherits(MyDuplexStream, stream.Duplex); Then you create an instance of the object call: stream., opt); The opt parameter when creating a Duplex stream accepts an object with the property allowHalfOpen set to true or false. If this option is true, then the readable side stays open even after the writable side has ended and vice versa. If this option is set to false, ending the writable side also ends the readable side and vice versa. When you implement a Duplex stream, you need to implement both a _read(size) and a _write(data, encoding, callback) method when prototyping your Duplex class. Listing 5.8 illustrates the basics of implementing writing to and reading from a Duplex stream. The example is basic but shows the main concepts. The Duplexer() class inherits from the Duplex stream and implements a rudimentary _write() function that stores data in an array in the object. The _read() function uses shift() to get the first item in the array and then ends by pushing null if it is equal to "stop", pushes it if there is a value, or sets a timeout timer to call back to the _read() function if there is no value. In Listing 5.8 Output, notice that the first two writes "I think, " and "therefore" are read together. This is because both were pushed to the Readable before the data event was triggered. Listing 5.8 stream_duplex.js: Implementing a Duplex stream object Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 var stream = require('stream'); var util = require('util'); util.inherits(Duplexer, stream.Duplex); function Duplexer(opt) {, opt); = []; } Duplexer.prototype._read = function readItem(size) { var chunk =; if (chunk == "stop"){ this.push(null); } else { if(chunk){ this.push(chunk); } else { setTimeout(readItem.bind(this), 500, size); } } }; Duplexer.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, callback) {; callback(); }; var d = new Duplexer(); d.on('data', function(chunk){ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 console.log('read: ', chunk.toString()); }); d.on('end', function(){ console.log('Message Complete'); }); d.write("I think, "); d.write("therefore "); d.write("I am."); d.write("Rene Descartes"); d.write("stop"); Listing 5.8 Output stream_ duplex.js: Implementing a custom Duplex object Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node stream_duplex.js read: I think, read: therefore read: I am. read: Rene Descartes Message Complete Transform Streams Another type of stream is the Transform stream. A Transform stream extends the Duplex stream but modifies the data between the Writable stream and the Readable stream. This can be useful when you need to modify data from one system to another. Some examples of Transform streams are zlib streams crypto streams A major difference between the Duplex and the Transform streams is that for Transforms you do not need to implement the _read() and _write() prototype methods. These are provided as pass-through functions. Instead, you implement the _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) and _flush(callback) methods. The _transform() method should accept the data from write() requests, modify it, and then push() out the modified data. Listing 5.9 illustrates the basics of implementing a Transform stream. The stream accepts JSON strings, converts them to objects, and then emits a custom event named object that sends the object to any listeners. The _transform() function also modifies the object to include a handled property and then sends a string form on. Notice that lines 18–21 implement the object event handler function that displays certain attributes. In Listing 5.9 Output, notice that the JSON strings now include the handled property. Listing 5.9 stream_transform.js: Implementing a Transform stream object Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 var stream = require("stream"); var util = require("util"); util.inherits(JSONObjectStream, stream.Transform); function JSONObjectStream (opt) {, opt); }; JSONObjectStream.prototype._transform = function (data, encoding, callb object = data ? JSON.parse(data.toString()) : ""; this.emit("object", object); object.handled = true; this.push(JSON.stringify(object)); callback(); }; JSONObjectStream.prototype._flush = function(cb) { cb(); }; var tc = new JSONObjectStream(); tc.on("object", function(object){ console.log("Name: %s",; console.log("Color: %s", object.color); }); tc.on("data", function(data){ console.log("Data: %s", data.toString()); }); tc.write('{"name":"Carolinus", "color": "Green"}'); tc.write('{"name":"Solarius", "color": "Blue"}'); tc.write('{"name":"Lo Tae Zhao", "color": "Gold"}'); tc.write('{"name":"Ommadon", "color": "Red"}'); Listing 5.9 Output stream_transform.js: Implementing a custom Transform object Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node stream_transform.js Name: Carolinus Color: Green Data: {"name":"Carolinus","color":"Green","handled":true} Name: Solarius Color: Blue Data: {"name":"Solarius","color":"Blue","handled":true} Name: Lo Tae Zhao Color: Gold Data: {"name":"Lo Tae Zhao","color":"Gold","handled":true} Name: Ommadon Color: Red Data: {"name":"Ommadon","color":"Red","handled":true} Piping Readable Streams to Writable Streams One of the coolest things you can do with stream objects is to chain Readable streams to Writable streams using the pipe(writableStream, [options]) function. This does exactly what the name implies. The output from the Readable stream is directly input into the Writable stream. The options parameter accepts an object with the end property set to true or false. When end is true, the Writable stream ends when the Readable stream ends. This is the default behavior. For example: readStream.pipe(writeStream, {end:true}); You can also break the pipe programmatically using the unpipe(destinationStream) option. Listing 5.10 implements a Readable stream and a Writable stream and then uses the pipe() function to chain them together. To show you the basic process, the data input from the _write() method is output to the console in Listing 5.10 Output. Listing 5.10 stream_piped.js: Piping a Readable stream into a Writable stream Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 var stream = require('stream'); var util = require('util'); util.inherits(Reader, stream.Readable); util.inherits(Writer, stream.Writable); function Reader(opt) {, opt); this._index = 1; } 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Reader.prototype._read = function(size) { var i = this._index++; if (i > 10){ this.push(null); } else { this.push("Item " + i.toString()); } }; function Writer(opt) {, opt); this._index = 1; } Writer.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, callback) { console.log(data.toString()); callback(); }; var r = new Reader(); var w = new Writer(); r.pipe(w); Listing 5.10 Output stream_ piped.js: Implementing stream piping Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node stream_piped.js Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Compressing and Decompressing Data with Zlib When working with large systems or moving large amounts of data around, it is helpful to be able to compress and decompress the data. Node.js provides an excellent library in the Zlib module that allows you to easily and efficiently compress and decompress data in buffers. Keep in mind that compressing data takes CPU cycles. So you should be certain of the benefits of compressing the data before incurring the compression/decompression cost. The compression methods supported by Zlib are gzip/gunzip: Standard gzip compression deflate/inflate: Standard deflate compression algorithm based on Huffman coding deflateRaw/inflateRaw: Deflate compression algorithm on a raw buffer Compressing and Decompressing Buffers The Zlib module provides several helper functions that make it easy to compress and decompress data buffers. These all use the same basic format of function(buffer, callback), where function is the compression/decompression method, buffer is the buffer to be compressed/decompressed, and callback is the callback function executed after the compression/decompression occurs. The simplest way to illustrate buffer compression/decompression is to show you some examples. Listing 5.11 provides several compression/decompression examples, and the size result of each example is shown in Listing 5.11 Output. Click here to view code image Listing 5.11 zlib_buffers.js: Compressing/decompressing buffers using the Zlib module 01 var zlib = require("zlib"); 02 var input = '...............text...............'; 03 zlib.deflate(input, function(err, buffer) { 04 if (!err) { 05 console.log("deflate (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString('base6 06 zlib.inflate(buffer, function(err, buffer) { 07 if (!err) { 08 console.log("inflate (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString()) 09 } 10 }); 11 zlib.unzip(buffer, function(err, buffer) { 12 if (!err) { 13 console.log("unzip deflate (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toStr 14 } 15 }); 16 } 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 }); zlib.deflateRaw(input, function(err, buffer) { if (!err) { console.log("deflateRaw (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString('ba zlib.inflateRaw(buffer, function(err, buffer) { if (!err) { console.log("inflateRaw (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString } }); } }); zlib.gzip(input, function(err, buffer) { if (!err) { console.log("gzip (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString('base64') zlib.gunzip(buffer, function(err, buffer) { if (!err) { console.log("gunzip (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString()); } }); zlib.unzip(buffer, function(err, buffer) { if (!err) { console.log("unzip gzip (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString } }); } }); Listing 5.11 Output zilb_ buffers.js: Compressing/decompressing buffers Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch05>node zlib_buffers.js deflate (18): eJzT00MBJakVJagiegB9Zgcq deflateRaw (12): 09NDASWpFSWoInoA gzip (30): H4sIAAAAAAAAC9PTQwElqRUlqCJ6AIq+x+AiAAAA inflate (34): ...............text............... unzip deflate (34): ...............text............... inflateRaw (34): ...............text............... gunzip (34): ...............text............... unzip gzip (34): ...............text............... Compressing/Decompressing Streams Compressing/decompressing streams using Zlib is slightly different from compressing/decompressing buffers. Instead, you use the pipe() function to pipe the data from one stream through the compression/decompression object into another stream. This can apply to compressing any Readable streams into Writable streams. A good example of doing this is compressing the contents of a file using fs.ReadStream and fs.WriteStream. Listing 5.12 shows an example of compressing the contents of a file using a zlib.Gzip() object and then decompressing back using a zlib.Gunzip() object. Listing 5.12 zlib_file.js: Compressing/decompressing a file stream using the Zlib module Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 var zlib = require("zlib"); var gzip = zlib.createGzip(); var fs = require('fs'); var inFile = fs.createReadStream('zlib_file.js'); var outFile = fs.createWriteStream('zlib_file.gz'); inFile.pipe(gzip).pipe(outFile); gzip.flush(); outFile.close(); var gunzip = zlib.createGunzip(); var inFile = fs.createReadStream('zlib_file.gz'); var outFile = fs.createWriteStream('zlib_file.unzipped'); inFile.pipe(gunzip).pipe(outFile); Summary At the heart of most intense web applications and services is a lot of data streaming from one system to another. In this chapter, you learned how to use functionality built into Node.js to work with JSON data, manipulate binary buffer data, and utilize data streams. You also learned about compressing buffered data as well as running data streams through compression/decompression. Next In the next chapter, you see how to interact with the file system from Node.js. You get a chance to read/write files, create directories, and read file system information. 6 Accessing the File System from Node.js Interacting with the file system in Node.js is important especially if you need to manage dynamic files to support a web application or service. Node.js provides a good interface for interacting with the file system in the fs module. This module provides the standard file access APIs that are available in most languages to open, read, write, and interact with files. This chapter provides you with the fundamentals necessary to access the file system from Node.js applications. You should come away with the ability to create, read, and modify files as well as navigate the directory structure. You also learn how to access file and folder information as well as delete, truncate, and rename files and folders. For all the file system calls discussed in this chapter, you need to have loaded the fs module, for example: var fs = require('fs'); Synchronous Versus Asynchronous File System Calls The fs module provided in Node.js makes almost all functionality available in two forms: asynchronous and synchronous. For example, there is the asynchronous form write() and the synchronous form writeSync(). It is important to understand the difference when you are implementing your code. Synchronous file system calls block until the call completes and then control is released back to the thread. This has advantages but can also cause severe performance issues in Node.js if synchronous calls block the main event thread or too many of the background thread pool threads. Therefore, synchronous file system calls should be limited in use when possible. Asynchronous calls are placed on the event queue to be run later. This allows the calls to fit into the Node.js event model; however, this can be tricky when executing your code because the calling thread continues to run before the asynchronous call gets picked up by the event loop. For the most part, the underlying functionality of both synchronous and asynchronous file system calls is exactly the same. They both accept the same parameters with the exception that all asynchronous calls require an extra parameter at the end, which is a callback function to execute when the file system call completes. The following list describes the important differences between synchronous and asynchronous file system calls in Node.js: Asynchronous calls require a callback function as an extra parameter. The callback function is executed when the file system request completes, and typically contains an error as its first parameter. Exceptions are automatically handled by asynchronous calls, and an error object is passed as the first parameter if an exception occurs. Exceptions in synchronous calls must be handled by your own try/catch blocks of code. Synchronous calls are run immediately, and execution does not return to the current thread until they are complete. Asynchronous calls are placed on the event queue, and execution returns to the running thread code, but the actual call will not execute until picked up by the event loop. Opening and Closing Files Node provides synchronous and asynchronous methods for opening files. Once a file is opened, you can read data from it or write data to it depending on the flags used to open the file. To open files in a Node.js app, use one of the following statements for asynchronous or synchronous:, flags, [mode], callback) fs.openSync(path, flags, [mode]) The path parameter specifies a standard path string for your file system. The flags parameter specifies what mode to open the file in—read, write, append, and so on—as described in Table 6.1. The optional mode parameter sets the file access mode and defaults to 0666, which is readable and writable. Table 6.1 Flags that define how files are opened Mode Description r Open file for reading. An exception occurs if the file does not exist. r+ Open file for reading and writing. An exception occurs if the file does not exist. rs Open file for reading in synchronous mode. This is not the same as forcing fs.openSync(). When used, the OS bypasses the local file system cache. Useful on NFS mounts because it lets you skip the potentially stale local cache. You should only use this flag if necessary because it can have a negative impact on performance. rs+ Same as rs except the file is open file for reading and writing. w Open file for writing. The file is created if it does not exist or truncated if it does exist. wx Same as w but fails if the path exists. w+ Open file for reading and writing. The file is created if it does not exist or truncated if it exists. wx+ Same as w+ but fails if path exists. a Open file for appending. The file is created if it does not exist. ax Same as a but fails if the path exists. a+ Open file for reading and appending. The file is created if it does not exist. ax+ Same as a+ but fails if the path exists. Once a file has been opened, you need to close it to force flushing changes to disk and release the OS lock. Closing a file is done using one of the following methods and passing the file handle to it. In the case of the asynchronous close() call, you also need to specify a callback function: fs.close(fd, callback) fs.closeSync(fd) The following shows an example of opening and closing a file in asynchronous mode. Notice that a callback function is specified that receives an err and an fd parameter. The fd parameter is the file descriptor that you can use to read or write to the file:"myFile", 'w', function(err, fd){ if (!err){ fs.close(fd); } }); The following shows an example of opening and closing a file in synchronous mode. Notice that a there is no callback function and that the file descriptor used to read and write to the file is returned directly from fs.openSync(): var fd = fs.openSync("myFile", 'w'); fs.closeSync(fd); Writing Files The fs module provides four different ways to write data to files. You can write data to a file in a single call, write chunks using synchronous writes, write chunks using asynchronous writes, or stream writes through a Writable stream. Each of these methods accepts either a String or a Buffer object as input. The following sections describe how to use these methods. Simple File Write The simplest method for writing data to a file is to use one of the writeFile() methods. These methods write the full contents of a String or Buffer to a file. The following shows the syntax for the writeFile() methods: fs.writeFile(path, data, [options], callback) fs.writeFileSync(path, data, [options]) The path parameter specifies the path to the file. The path can be relative or absolute. The data parameter specifies the String or Buffer object to be written to the file. The optional options parameter is an object that can contain encoding, mode, and flag properties that define the string encoding as well as the mode and flags used when opening the file. The asynchronous method also requires a callback that is called when the file write has been completed. Listing 6.1 implements a simple asynchronous fileWrite() request to store a JSON string of a config object in a file. Listing 6.1 Output shows the output of the code. Listing 6.1 file_write.js: Writing a JSON string to a file Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 var fs = require('fs'); var config = { maxFiles: 20, maxConnections: 15, rootPath: "/webroot" }; var configTxt = JSON.stringify(config); var options = {encoding:'utf8', flag:'w'}; fs.writeFile('config.txt', configTxt, options, function(err){ if (err){ console.log("Config Write Failed."); } else { console.log("Config Saved."); } }); Listing 6.1 Output file_write.js: Writing a configuration file Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06\writing>node file_write.js Config Saved. Synchronous File Writing The synchronous method of file writing writes the data to the file before returning execution to the running thread. This provides the advantage of allowing you to write multiple times in the same section of code, but this can be a disadvantage if the file writes hold up other threads as discussed earlier. To write to a file synchronously, first open it using openSync() to get a file descriptor and then use fs.writeSync() to write data to the file. The following shows the syntax for fs.writeSync(): fs.writeSync(fd, data, offset, length, position) The fd parameter is the file descriptor returned by openSync(). The data parameter specifies the String or Buffer object to be written to the file. The offset parameter specifies the index in the input data to begin reading from; if you want to begin at the current index in the String or Buffer, this value should be null. The length specifies the number of bytes to write; specifying null writes until the end of the data buffer. The position argument specifies the position in the file to begin writing at; specifying null for this value uses the current file position. Listing 6.2 illustrates implementing basic synchronous writing to store a series of string data in a file. Listing 6.2 Output shows the result. Listing 6.2 file_write_sync.js: Performing synchronous writes to a file Click here to view code image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 var fs = require('fs'); var veggieTray = ['carrots', 'celery', 'olives']; fd = fs.openSync('veggie.txt', 'w'); while (veggieTray.length){ veggie = veggieTray.pop() + " "; var bytes = fs.writeSync(fd, veggie, null, null); console.log("Wrote %s %dbytes", veggie, bytes); } fs.closeSync(fd); Listing 6.2 Output file_write_sync.js: Writing synchronously to a file Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06\writing>node file_write_sync.js Wrote olives 7bytes Wrote celery 7bytes Wrote carrots 8bytes Asynchronous File Writing The asynchronous method of file writing puts the write request on the event queue and then returns control back to the calling code. The actual write does not take place until the event loop picks up the write request and executes it. You need to be careful when performing multiple asynchronous write requests on the same file, since you cannot guarantee what order they will be executed unless you wait for the first write callback before executing the next. Typically the simplest way to do this is to nest writes inside the callback from the previous write. Listing 6.3 illustrates that process. To write to a file asynchronously, first open it using open() and then after the callback from the open request has executed, use fs.write() to write data to the file. The following shows the syntax for fs.write(): fs.writeSync(fd, data, offset, length, position, callback) The fd parameter is the file descriptor returned by openSync(). The data parameter specifies the String or Buffer object to be written to the file. The offset parameter specifies the index in the input data to begin reading data; if you want to begin at the current index in the String or Buffer, this value should be null. The length specifies the number of bytes to write; specifying null writes until the end of the buffer. The position argument specifies the position in the file to begin writing at; specifying null for this value uses the current file position. The callback argument must be a function that can accept two parameters, error and bytes, where error is an error that occurred during the write and bytes specifies the number of bytes written. Listing 6.3 illustrates implementing basic asynchronous writing to store a series of string data in a file. Notice that the callback specified in lines 18–20 in the open() callback calls the writeFruit() function and passes the file descriptor. Also notice that the write() callback specified in lines 6–13 also calls writeFruit() and passes the file descriptor. This ensures that the asynchronous write completes before executing another. Listing 6.3 Output shows the output of the code. Listing 6.3 file_write_async.js: Performing asynchronous writes to a file Click here to view code image 01 var fs = require('fs'); 02 var fruitBowl = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'grapes']; 03 function writeFruit(fd){ 04 if (fruitBowl.length){ 05 var fruit = fruitBowl.pop() + " "; 06 fs.write(fd, fruit, null, null, function(err, bytes){ 07 if (err){ 08 console.log("File Write Failed."); 09 } else { 10 console.log("Wrote: %s %dbytes", fruit, bytes); 11 writeFruit(fd); 12 } 13 }); 14 } else { 15 fs.close(fd); 16 } 17 } 18'fruit.txt', 'w', function(err, fd){ 19 writeFruit(fd); 20 }); Listing 6.3 Output file_write_async.js: Writing asynchronously to a file Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06\writing>node file_write_async.js Wrote: grapes 7bytes Wrote: banana 7bytes Wrote: orange 7bytes Wrote: apple 6bytes Streaming File Writing One of the best methods to use when writing large amounts of data to a file is the streaming method. This method opens the file as a Writable stream. As discussed in Chapter 5, “Handling Data I/O in Node.js,” Writable streams can easily be implemented and linked to Readable streams using the pipe() method, which makes it easy to write data from a Readable stream source such as an HTTP request. To stream data to a file asynchronously, you first need to create a Writable stream object using the following syntax: fs.createWriteStream(path, [options]) The path parameter specifies the path to the file and can be relative or absolute. The optional options parameter is an object that can contain encoding, mode, and flag properties that define the string encoding as well as the mode and flags used when opening the file. Once you have opened the Writable file stream, you can write to it using the standard stream write(buffer) methods. When you are finished writing, call the end() method to close the stream. Listing 6.4 illustrates implementing a basic Writable file stream. Notice that when the code is finished writing, the end() method is executed on line 13, which triggers the close event. Listing 6.4 Output shows the output of the code. Listing 6.4 file_write_stream.js: Implementing a Writable stream to allow streaming writes to a file Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 var fs = require('fs'); var grains = ['wheat', 'rice', 'oats']; var options = { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' }; var fileWriteStream = fs.createWriteStream("grains.txt", fileWriteStream.on("close", function(){ console.log("File Closed."); }); while (grains.length){ var data = grains.pop() + " "; fileWriteStream.write(data); console.log("Wrote: %s", data); } fileWriteStream.end(); options); Listing 6.4 Output file_write_stream.js: Implementing streaming writes to a file Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06\writing>node file_write_stream.js Wrote: oats Wrote: rice Wrote: wheat File Closed. Reading Files The fs module also provides four different ways to read data from files. You can read data in one large chunk, read chunks of data using synchronous writes, read chunks of data using asynchronous writes, or stream reads through a Readable stream. Each of these methods is effective. Which one you should use depends on the particular needs of your application. The following sections describe how to use and implement these methods. Simple File Read The simplest method for reading data to a file is to use one of the readFile() methods. These methods read the full contents of a file into a data buffer. The following shows the syntax for the readFile() methods: fs.readFile(path, [options], callback) fs.readFileSync(path, [options]) The path parameter specifies the path to the file and can be relative or absolute. The optional options parameter is an object that can contain encoding, mode, and flag properties that define the string encoding as well as the mode and flags used when opening the file. The asynchronous method also requires a callback that is called when the file read has been completed. Listing 6.5 illustrates implementing a simple asynchronous readFile() request to read a JSON string from a configuration file and then use it to create a config object. Listing 6.5 Output shows the output of the code. Listing 6.5 file_read.js: Reading a JSON string file to an object Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 var fs = require('fs'); var options = {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}; fs.readFile('config.txt', options, function(err, data){ if (err){ console.log("Failed to open Config File."); } else { console.log("Config Loaded."); var config = JSON.parse(data); console.log("Max Files: " + config.maxFiles); console.log("Max Connections: " + config.maxConnections); console.log("Root Path: " + config.rootPath); } }); Listing 6.5 Output file_read.js: Reading a configuration file to an object Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06\reading>node file_read.js Config Loaded. Max Files: 20 Max Connections: 15 Root Path: /webroot Synchronous File Reading The synchronous method of file reading reads the data from the file before returning execution to the running thread. This provides the advantage of allowing you to read multiple times in the same section of code, but this can be a disadvantage if the file reads hold up other threads as discussed earlier. To read to a file synchronously, first open it using openSync() to get a file descriptor and then use readSync() to read data from the file. The following shows the syntax for readSync(): fs.readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) The fd parameter is the file descriptor returned by openSync(). The buffer parameter specifies the Buffer object that data will be read into from the file. The offset parameter specifies the index in the buffer to begin writing data; if you want to begin at the current index in the Buffer this value should be null. The length specifies the number of bytes to read; specifying null writes until the end of the buffer. The position argument specifies the position in the file to begin reading from; specifying null for this value uses the current file position. Listing 6.6 illustrates implementing basic synchronous reading to read a chunk of string data from a file. Listing 6.6 Output shows the output of the code. Listing 6.6 file_read_sync.js: Performing synchronous reads from a file Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 var fs = require('fs'); fd = fs.openSync('veggie.txt', 'r'); var veggies = ""; do { var buf = new Buffer(5); buf.fill(); var bytes = fs.readSync(fd, buf, null, 5); console.log("read %dbytes", bytes); 09 veggies += buf.toString(); 10 } while (bytes > 0); 11 fs.closeSync(fd); 12 console.log("Veg g (to get output shown) ies: " + veggies); Listing 6.6 Output file_read_sync.js: Reading synchronously from a file Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06\reading>node file_read_sync.js read 5bytes read 5bytes read 5bytes read 5bytes read 2bytes read 0bytes Veggies: olives celery carrots Asynchronous File Reading The asynchronous method of file reading puts the read request on the event queue and then returns control back to the calling code. The actual read does not take place until the event loop picks up the read request and executes it. You need to be careful when performing multiple asynchronous read requests on the same file, since you cannot guarantee what order they will be executed unless you wait for the first read callback to execute before executing the next read. Typically the simplest way to do this is to nest reads inside the callback from the previous read. Listing 6.7 illustrates that process. To read from a file asynchronously, first open it using open() and then after the callback from the open request has executed, use read() to read data from the file. The following shows the syntax for read():, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) The fd parameter is the file descriptor returned by openSync(). The buffer parameter specifies the Buffer object that data will be read into from the file. The offset parameter specifies the index in the buffer to begin reading data; if you want to begin at the current index in the Buffer, this value should be null. The length specifies the number of bytes to read; specifying null reads until the end of the buffer. The position argument specifies the position in the file to begin reading from; specifying null for this value uses the current file position. The callback argument must be a function that can accept three parameters: error, bytes, and buffer. The error parameter is an error that occurred during the read, bytes specifies the number of bytes read, and buffer is the buffer with data populated from the read request. Listing 6.7 illustrates implementing basic asynchronous reading to read chunks of data from a file. Notice that the callback specified in lines 16–18 in the open() callback calls the readFruit() function and passes the file descriptor. Also notice that the read() callback specified in lines 5–13 also calls readFruit() and passes the file descriptor. This ensures that the asynchronous read completes before executing another. Listing 6.7 Output shows the output of the code. Listing 6.7 file_read_async.js: Performing asynchronous reads from a file Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 var fs = require('fs'); function readFruit(fd, fruits){ var buf = new Buffer(5); buf.fill();, buf, 0, 5, null, function(err, bytes, data){ if ( bytes > 0) { console.log("read %dbytes", bytes); fruits += data; readFruit(fd, fruits); } else { fs.close(fd); console.log ("Fruits: %s", fruits); } }); }'fruit.txt', 'r', function(err, fd){ readFruit(fd, ""); }); Listing 6.7 Output file_read_async.js: Reading asynchronously from a file Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06\reading>node file_read_async.js read 5bytes read 5bytes read 5bytes read 5bytes read 5bytes read 2bytes Fruits: grapes banana orange apple Streaming File Reading One of the best methods to use when reading large amounts of data from a file is the streaming method. This method opens the file as a Readable stream. As discussed in Chapter 5, Readable streams can easily be implemented and linked to Writable streams using the pipe() method. This makes it easy to read data from a file and inject it into a Writable stream source such as an HTTP response. To stream data from a file asynchronously, you first need to create a Readable stream object using the following syntax: fs.createReadStream(path, [options]) The path parameter specifies the path to the file. The path can be relative or absolute. The optional options parameter is an object that can contain encoding, mode, and flag properties that define the string encoding as well as the mode and flags used when opening the file. Once you have opened the Readable file stream, you can easily read from it using the readable event with read() requests or by implementing a data event handler as shown in Listing 6.8. Listing 6.8 illustrates implementing a basic Readable file stream. Notice that lines 4–7 implement a data event handler that continuously reads data from the stream. Listing 6.8 Output shows the output of the code. Listing 6.8 file_read_stream.js: Implementing a Readable stream to allow streaming reads from a file Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 var fs = require('fs'); var options = { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' }; var fileReadStream = fs.createReadStream("grains.txt", fileReadStream.on('data', function(chunk) { console.log('Grains: %s', chunk); console.log('Read %d bytes of data.', chunk.length); options); 07 }); 08 fileReadStream.on("close", function(){ 09 console.log("File Closed."); 10 }); Listing 6.8 Output file_read_stream.js: Implementing streaming reads from a file Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06\reading>node file_read_stream.js Grains: oats rice wheat Read 16 bytes of data. File Closed. Other File System Tasks In addition to reading and writing files, the fs module also provides functionality for interacting with the file system—for example, listing files in a directory, looking at file information, and much more. The following sections cover the most common file system tasks that you may need to implement when creating Node.js applications. Verifying Path Existence Before doing any kind of read/write operation on a file or directory, you might want to verify whether the path exists. This can easily be done using one of the following methods: fs.exists(path, callback) fs.existsSync(path) The fs.existsSync(path) returns true or false based on the path existence. Just as with any other asynchronous file system call, if you use fs.exists(), you need to implement a callback that is executed when the call completes. The callback is passed a Boolean value of true or false depending on whether the path exists. For example, the following code verifies the existence of a file named filesystem.js in the current path and displays the results: fs.exists('filesystem.js', function (exists) { console.log(exists ? "Path Exists" : "Path Does Not Exist"); }); Getting File Info Another common task is to get basic information about file system objects such as file size, the mode, modify time, whether the entry is a file or folder, and so on. This information can be obtained using one of the following calls: fs.stats(path, callback) fs.statsSync(path) The fs.statsSync() method returns a Stats object, whereas the fs.stats() method is executed and the Stats object is passed to the callback function as the second parameter. The first parameter is error if an error occurs. Table 6.2 lists some of the most commonly used attributes and methods attached to the Stats object. Table 6.2 Attributes and methods of Stats objects for file system entries Attribute/Method isFile() Description isDirectory() Returns true if the entry is a directory isSocket() Returns true if the entry is a socket dev Specifies the device ID on which the file is located mode Specifies the access mode of the file size Specifies the number of bytes in the file blksize Specifies the block size used to store the file in bytes blocks Specifies the number of blocks the file is taking on disk atime Specifies the time the file was last accessed mtime Specifies the time the file was last modified ctime Specifies the time the file was created Returns true if the entry is a file Listing 6.9 illustrates the use of the fs.stats() call by making the call and then outputting the results of the object as a JSON string as well as using the isFile(), isDirector(), and isSocket() calls, as shown in Listing 6.9 Output. Listing 6.9 file_stats.js: Implementing an fs.stats() call to retrieve information about a file Click here to view code image 01 var fs = require('fs'); 02 fs.stat('file_stats.js', function (err, stats) { 03 if (!err){ 04 console.log('stats: ' + JSON.stringify(stats, null, ' ')); 05 console.log(stats.isFile() ? "Is a File" : "Is not a File"); 06 console.log(stats.isDirectory() ? "Is a Folder" : "Is not a Folder" 07 console.log(stats.isSocket() ? "Is a Socket" : "Is not a Socket"); 08 stats.isDirectory(); 09 stats.isBlockDevice(); 10 stats.isCharacterDevice(); 11 //stats.isSymbolicLink(); //only lstat 12 stats.isFIFO(); 13 stats.isSocket(); 14 } 15 }); Listing 6.9 Output file_stats.js: Displaying information about a file Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06>node file_stats.js stats: { "dev": 818973644, "mode": 33206, "nlink": 1, "uid": 0, "gid": 0, "rdev": 0, "ino": 1970324837052284, "size": 535, "atime": "2016-09-14T18:03:26.572Z", "mtime": "2013-11-26T21:51:51.148Z", "ctime": "2014-12-18T17:30:43.340Z", "birthtime": "2016-09-14T18:03:26.572Z" } Is a File Is not a Folder Is not a Socket Listing Files Another common task when working with the file system is listing files and folders in a directory. For example, you might want to determine whether the files and folders need to be cleaned up, you might need to dynamically operate on the directory structure, and so on. To access the files in the file system, use one of the following commands to read a list of entries: fs.readdir(path, callback) fs.readdirSync(path) If readdirSync() is called, an array of strings representing the entry names in the specified path is returned. In the case of readdir(), the list is passed as the second parameter to the callback function and an error, if there is one, is passed as the first. To illustrate the use of readdir(), Listing 6.10 implements a nested callback chain to walk the directory structure and output the entries. Notice that the callback function implements a wrapper to provide closure for the fullPath variable, and that the WalkDirs() function loops by being called by the asynchronous callback function, as shown in Listing 6.10 Output. Listing 6.10 file_readdir.js: Implementing a callback chain to walk down and output the contents of a directory structure Click here to view code image 01 var fs = require('fs'); 02 var Path = require('path'); 03 function WalkDirs(dirPath){ 04 console.log(dirPath); 05 fs.readdir(dirPath, function(err, entries){ 06 for (var idx in entries){ 07 var fullPath = Path.join(dirPath, entries[idx]); 08 (function(fullPath){ 09 fs.stat(fullPath, function (err, stats){ 10 if (stats.isFile()){ 11 console.log(fullPath); 12 } else if (stats.isDirectory()){ 13 WalkDirs(fullPath); 14 } 15 }); 16 })(fullPath); 17 } 18 }); 19 } 20 WalkDirs("../ch06"); Listing 6.10 Output file_readdir.js: Iteratively walking the directory structure using chained asynchronous callbacks Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch06>node file_readdir.js ../ch06 ..\ch06\file_readdir.js ..\ch06\filesystem.js ..\ch06\data ..\ch06\file_stats.js ..\ch06\file_folders.js ..\ch06\renamed ..\ch06\reading ..\ch06\writing ..\ch06\data\config.txt ..\ch06\data\folderA ..\ch06\data\grains.txt ..\ch06\data\fruit.txt ..\ch06\reading\file_read.js ..\ch06\data\veggie.txt ..\ch06\data\log.txt ..\ch06\data\output.txt ..\ch06\writing\file_write.js ..\ch06\reading\file_read_async.js ..\ch06\reading\file_read_sync.js ..\ch06\reading\file_read_stream.js ..\ch06\writing\file_write_async.js ..\ch06\writing\file_write_stream.js ..\ch06\writing\file_write_sync.js ..\ch06\data\folderA\folderC ..\ch06\data\folderA\folderB ..\ch06\data\folderA\folderB\folderD ..\ch06\data\folderA\folderC\folderE Deleting Files Another common task when working with files is deleting them to clean up data or make more room on the file system. To delete a file from Node.js, use one of the following commands: fs.unlink(path, callback) fs.unlinkSync(path) The unlinkSync(path) returns true or false based on whether the delete is successful. The asynchronous unlink() call passes back an error value to the callback function if an error is encountered when deleting the file. The following code snippet illustrates the process of deleting a file named new.txt using the unlink() asynchronous fs call: fs.unlink("new.txt", function(err){ console.log(err ? "File Delete Failed" : }); "File Deleted"); Truncating Files Truncating a file means reducing the size of the file by setting the end to a smaller value than the current size. You might want to truncate a file that grows continuously but does not contain critical data, such as a temporary log. To truncate a file, use one the following fs calls and pass in the number of bytes you want the file to contain when the truncation completes: fs.truncate(path, len, callback) fs.truncateSync(path, len) The truncateSync(path) returns true or false based on whether the file is successfully truncated. The asynchronous truncate() call passes an error value to the callback function if an error is encountered when truncating the file. The following code snippet illustrates the process of truncating a file named log.txt to zero bytes. fs.truncate("new.txt", function(err){ console.log(err ? "File Truncate Failed" : }); "File Truncated"); Making and Removing Directories At times you may need to implement a directory structure for files being stored by your Node.js application. The fs module provides the functionality to add and remove directories as necessary. To add a directory from Node.js, use one of the following fs calls. The path can be absolute or relative. The optional mode parameter allows you to specify the access mode for the new directory. fs.mkdir(path, [mode], callback) fs.mkdirSync(path, [mode]) The mkdirSync(path) returns true or false based on whether the directory is successfully created. The asynchronous mkdir() call passes an error value to the callback function if an error is encountered when creating the directory. Keep in mind that when using the asynchronous method, you need to wait for the callback for the creation of the directory before creating a subdirectory. The following code snippet shows how to chain the creation of a subdirectory structure together: Click here to view code image fs.mkdir("./data/folderA", function(err){ fs.mkdir("./data/folderA/folderB", function(err){ fs.mkdir("./data/folderA/folderB/folderD", function(err){ }); }); fs.mkdir("./data/folderA/folderC", function(err){ fs.mkdir("./data/folderA/folderC/folderE", function(err){ }); }); }); To delete a directory from Node.js, use one of the following fs calls. The path can be absolute or relative. fs.rmdir(path, callback) fs.rmdirSync(path) The rmdirSync(path) returns true or false based on whether the directory is successfully deleted. The asynchronous rmdir() call passes an error value to the callback function if an error is encountered when deleting the directory. Just as with the mkdir() calls, keep in mind that when using the asynchronous method, you need to wait for the callback of the deletion of the directory before deleting the parent directory. The following code snippet shows how to chain the deletion of a subdirectory structure together: Click here to view code image fs.rmdir("./data/folderA/folderB/folderC", function(err){ fs.rmdir("./data/folderA/folderB", function(err){ fs.rmdir("./data/folderD", function(err){ }); }); fs.rmdir("./data/folderA/folderC", function(err){ fs.rmdir("./data/folderE", function(err){ }); }); }); Renaming Files and Directories You might also need to rename files and folders in your Node.js application to make room for new data, archive old data, or apply changes made by a user. Renaming files and folders uses the fs calls shown here: fs.rename(oldPath, newPath, callback) fs.renameSync(oldPath, newPath) The oldPath specifies the existing file or directory path, and the newPath specifies the new name. The renameSync(path) returns true or false based on whether the file or directory is successfully renamed. The asynchronous rename() call passes an error value to the callback function if an error is encountered when renaming the file or directory. The following code snippet illustrates implementing fs calls to rename a file named old.txt to new.txt and a directory named testDir to renamedDir: Click here to view code image fs.rename("old.txt", "new.txt", function(err){ console.log(err ? "Rename Failed" : "File Renamed"); }); fs.rename("testDir", "renamedDir", function(err){ console.log(err ? "Rename Failed" : "Folder Renamed"); }); Watching for File Changes Although not entirely stable, the fs module provides a useful tool to watch a file and execute a callback function when the file changes. This can be useful if you want to trigger events to occur when a file is modified, but do not want to continually poll from your application directly. This does incur some overhead in the underlying OS, so you should use watches sparingly. To implement a watch on a file, use the following command passing the path to the file you want to watch. You can also pass in options, which is an object that contains persistent and interval properties. The persistent property is true if you want the process to continue to run as long as files are being watched. The interval property specifies the time in milliseconds that you want the file to be polled for changes: fs.watchFile(path, [options], callback) When a file change occurs, the callback function is executed and passes a current and previous Stats object. The following code example monitors a file named log.txt at an interval of every 5 seconds and uses the Stats object to output the current and previous times the file was modified: Click here to view code image fs.watchFile("log.txt", {persistent:true, interval:5000}, function (curr, prev) console.log("log.txt modified at: " + curr.mtime); console.log("Previous modification was: " + prev.mtime); }); Summary Node.js provides the fs module that allows you to interact with the file system. The fs module allows you to create, read, and modify files. You can also use the fs module to navigate the directory structure, look at information about files and folders, and change the directory structure by deleting and renaming files and folders. Next The next chapter focuses on using the http module to implement basic webservers. You see how to parse query strings and also how to implement a basic webserver in Node.js. 7 Implementing HTTP Services in Node.js One of the most important aspects of Node.js is the ability to quickly implement HTTP and HTTPS servers and services. Node.js provides the http and https modules out of the box, and they provide the basic framework to do most everything you need from an HTTP and HTTPS standpoint. In fact, it is not difficult to implement a full webserver using just the http module. That said, you will likely use a different module, such as express, to implement a full-on webserver. This is because the http module is pretty low level. It doesn’t provide calls to handle routing, cookies, caching, and so on. When you get to the Express chapters later in this book, you will see the advantages it provides. What you will more likely be using the http module for is implementing backend web services for your applications to use. That is where the http module becomes an invaluable tool in your arsenal. You can create basic HTTP servers that provide an interface for communications behind your firewall and then basic HTTP clients that interact with those services. Therefore, this chapter focuses on understanding the objects that come into play when implementing clients and servers using the http module. The examples in this chapter are basic so that they are easy to consume and expand on. Processing URLs The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) acts as an address label for the HTTP server to handle requests from the client. It provides all the information needed to get the request to the correct server on a specific port and access the proper data. The URL can be broken down into several different components, each providing a basic piece of information for the webserver on how to route and handle the HTTP request from the client. Figure 7.1 illustrates the basic structure of a URL and the components that may be included. Not all these components are included in every HTTP request. For example, most requests do not include the auth component, and many do not include a query string or hash location. Figure 7.1 Basic components that can be included in a URL Understanding the URL Object HTTP requests from the client include the URL string with the information shown in Figure 7.1. To use the URL information more effectively, Node.js provides the url module that provides functionality to convert the URL string into a URL object. To create a URL object from the URL string, pass the URL string as the first parameter to the following method: url.parse(urlStr, [parseQueryString], [slashesDenoteHost]) The url.parse() method takes the URL string as the first parameter. The parseQueryString parameter is a Boolean that when true also parses the query string portion of the URL into an object literal. The default is false. The slashesDenoteHost is also a Boolean that when true parses a URL with the format of //host/path to {host: 'host', pathname: '/path'} instead of {pathname: '//host/path'}. The default is false. You can also convert a URL object into a string form using the following url.parse() method. Table 7.1 lists the attributes of the URL objects created by url.parse(): url.format(urlObj) The following shows an example of parsing a URL string into an object and then converting it back into a string: Click here to view code image var url = require('url'); var urlStr = ' var urlObj = url.parse(urlStr, true, false); urlString = url.format(urlObj); Table 7.1 Properties of the URL object Property href Description protocol The request protocol lowercased. host The full host portion of the URL including port information lowercased. auth The authentication information portion of a URL. hostname The hostname portion of the host lowercased. port The port number portion of the host. pathname The path portion of the URL including the initial slash if present. search The query string portion of the URL including the leading question mark. path The full path including the pathname and search. query This is either the parameter portion of the query string or a parsed object containing the query string parameters and values if the parseQueryString is set to true. hash The hash portion of the URL including the pound sign (#). This is the full URL string that was originally parsed. Resolving the URL Components Another useful feature of the url module is the ability to resolve URL components in the same manner as a browser would. This allows you to manipulate the URL strings on the server side to make adjustments in the URL. For example, you might want to change the URL location before processing the request because a resource has moved or changed parameters. To resolve a URL to a new location use the following syntax: url.resolve(from, to) The from parameter specifies the original base URL string. The to parameter specifies the new location where you want the URL to resolve. The following code illustrates an example of resolving a URL to a new location. Click here to view code image var url = require('url'); var originalUrl = ' var newResource = '/another/path?querynew'; console.log(url.resolve(originalUrl, newResource)); The output of the previous code snippet is shown below. Notice that only the resource path and beyond are altered in the resolved URL location: Processing Query Strings and Form Parameters HTTP requests often include query strings in the URL or parameter data in the body for form submissions. The query string can be obtained from the URL object defined in the previous section. The parameter data sent by a form request can be read out of the body of the client request, as described later in this chapter. The query string and form parameters are just basic key-value pairs. To actually consume these values in your Node.js webserver you need to convert the string into a JavaScript object using the parse() method from the querystring module: querystring.parse(str, [sep], [eq], [options]) The str parameter is the query or parameter string. The sep parameter allows you to specify the separator character used. The default separator character is &. The eq parameter allows you to specify the assignment character to use when parsing. The default is =. The options parameter is an object with the property maxKeys that allows you to limit the number of keys the resulting object can contain. The default is 1000. If you specify 0, there is no limit. The following shows an example of using parse() to parse a query string: Click here to view code image var qstring = require('querystring'); var params = qstring.parse("name=Brad&color=red&color=blue"); The params object created would be: {name: 'Brad', color: ['red', 'blue']} You can also go back the other direction and convert an object to a query string using the stringify() function shown here: querystring.stringify(obj, [sep], [eq]) Understanding Request, Response, and Server Objects To use the http module in Node.js applications, you first need to understand the request and response objects. They provide the information and much of the functionality that comes into and out of the HTTP clients and servers. Once you see the makeup of these objects—including properties, events, and methods they provide —it will be simple to implement your own HTTP servers and clients. The following sections cover the purpose and behavior of the ClientRequest, ServerResponse, IncomingMessage, and Server objects. The most important events, properties, and methods that each provides also are covered. The http.ClientRequest Object The ClientRequest object is created internally when you call http.request() when building the HTTP client. This object represents the request while it is in progress to the server. You use the ClientRequest object to initiate, monitor, and handle the response from the server. The ClientRequest implements a Writable stream, so it provides all the functionality of a Writable stream object. For example, you can use the write() method to write to it as well as pipe a Readable stream into it. To implement a ClientRequest object, you use a call to http.request() using the following syntax: http.request(options, callback) The options parameter is an object whose properties define how to open and send the client HTTP request to the server. Table 7.2 lists the properties that you can specify. The callback parameter is a callback function that is called after the request is sent to the server and handles the response back from the server. The only parameter to the callback is an IncomingMessage object that will be the response from the server. The following code shows the basics of implementing the ClientRequest object: Click here to view code image var http = require('http'); var options = { hostname: '', path: '/', port: '8080', method: 'POST' }; var req = http.request(options, function(response){ var str = '' response.on('data', function (chunk) { str += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { console.log(str); }); }); req.end(); Table 7.2 Options that can be specified when creating a ClientRequest Property host Description hostname Same as host but preferred over host to support url.parse() port Port of remote server. Defaults to 80. localAddress Local interface to bind for network connections. socketPath Unix Domain Socket (use one of host:port or socketPath method A string specifying the HTTP request method. For example, GET POST, CONNECT, OPTIONS, etc. Defaults to GET. path A string specifying the requested resource path. Defaults to /. This should also include the query string if any. For example: The domain name or IP address of the server to issue the request to. Defaults to localhost. /book.html?chapter=12 headers An object containing request headers. For example: { 'content-length': '750', 'content-type': 'text/plain' } auth Basic authentication in the form of user:password used to compute an Authorization header. agent Defines the Agent behavior. When an Agent is used, request defaults to Connection:keep-alive. Possible values are: undefined (default): Uses global Agent. Agent object: Uses specific Agent object. false: Disables Agent behavior. The ClientRequest object provides several events that enable you to handle the various states the request may experience. For example, you can add a listener that is called when the response event is triggered by the server’s response. Table 7.3 lists the events available on ClientResponse objects. Table 7.3 Events available on ClientRequest objects Property Description response Emitted when a response to this request is received from the server. The callback handler receives back an IncomingMessage object as the only parameter. socket Emitted after a socket is assigned to this request. connect Emitted every time a server responds to a request that was initiated with a CONNECT method. If this event is not handled by the client, then the connection will be closed. upgrade Emitted when the server responds to a request that includes an Update request in the headers. continue Emitted when the server sends a 100 Continue HTTP response instructing the client to send the request body. In addition to events, the ClientRequest object also provides several methods that can be used to write data to the request, abort the request, or end the request. Table 7.4 lists the methods available on the ClientRequest object. Table 7.4 Methods available on ClientRequest objects Method write(chunk, [encoding]) Description end([data], [encoding]) Writes the optional data out to the request body and then flushes the Writable stream and terminates the request. abort() Aborts the current request. setTimeout(timeout, [callback]) Sets the socket timeout for the request. setNoDelay ([noDelay]) Disables the Nagle algorithm, which buffers data before sending it. The noDelay argument is a Boolean that is true for immediate writes and false for buffered writes. setSocketKeepAlive ([enable], [initialDelay]) Enables and disables the keep-alive functionality on the client request. The enable parameter defaults to false, which is disabled. The initialDelay parameter specifies the delay between the last data packet and the first keepalive request. Writes a chunk, Buffer or String object, of body data into the request. This allows you to stream data into the Writable stream of the ClientRequest object. If you stream the body data, you should include the {'TransferEncoding', 'chunked'} header option when you create the request. The encoding parameter defaults to utf8. The http.ServerResponse Object The ServerResponse object is created by the HTTP server internally when a request event is received. It is passed to the request event handler as the second argument. You use the ServerRequest object to formulate and send a response to the client. The ServerResponse implements a Writable stream, so it provides all the functionality of a Writable stream object. For example, you can use the write() method to write to it as well as pipe a Readable stream into it to write data back to the client. When handling the client request, you use the properties, events, and methods of the ServerResponse object to build and send headers, write data, and send the response. Table 7.5 lists the event and properties available on the ServerResponse object. Table 7.6 lists the methods available on the ServerResponse object. Table 7.5 Events available on ServerResponse objects Property close Description headersSent A Boolean that is true if headers have been sent; otherwise, false. This is read only. sendDate A Boolean that, when set to true, the Date header is automatically generated and sent as part of the response. statusCode Allows you to specify the response status code without having to explicitly write the headers. For example: Emitted when the connection to the client is closed prior to sending the response.end() to finish and flush the response. response.statusCode = 500; Table 7.6 Methods available on ServerResponse objects Method writeContinue() Description writeHead(statusCode, [reasonPhrase], [headers]) Writes a response header to the request. The statusCode parameter is the three-digit HTTP response status code, for example, 200, 401, 500. The optional reasonPhrase is a string denoting the reason for the statusCode. The headers are the response headers object, for example: Sends an HTTP/1.1 100 Continue message to the client requesting that the body data be sent. response.writeHead(200, 'Success', { 'Content-Length': body.length, 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }); setTimeout(msecs, callback) Sets the socket timeout for the client connection in milliseconds along with a callback function to be executed if the timeout occurs. setHeader(name, value) Sets the value of a specific header where name is the HTTP header name and value is the header value. getHeader(name) Gets the value of an HTTP header that has been set in the response. removeHeader(name) Removes an HTTP header that has been set in the response. write(chunk, [encoding]) Writes a chunk, Buffer or String object, of data out to the response Writable stream. This only writes data to the body portion of the response. The default encoding is utf8. This returns true if the data is written successfully or false if the data is written to user memory. If it returns false, then a drain event is emitted by the Writable stream when the buffer is free again. addTrailers(headers) Adds HTTP trailing headers to the end of the response. end([data], [encoding]) Writes the optional data out to the response body and then flushes the Writable stream and finalizes the response. The http.IncomingMessage Object The IncomingMessage object is created either by the HTTP server or the HTTP client. On the server side, the client request is represented by an IncomingMessage object, and on the client side the server response is represented by an IncomingMessage object. The IncomingMessage object can be used for both because the functionality is basically the same. The IncomingMessage implements a Readable stream, allowing you to read the client request or server response as a streaming source. This means that the readable and data events can be listened to and used to read data from the stream. In addition to the functionality provided by the Readable class, the IncomingMessage object also provides the properties, events, and methods listed in Table 7.7. These allow you to access information from the client request or server response. Table 7.7 Events, properties, and methods available on IncomingMessage objects Method/Event/Property Description close Emitted when the underlying socket is closed. httpVersion Specifies the version of HTTP used to build the client request/response. headers This is an object containing the headers sent with the request/response. trailers This is an object containing any trailer headers sent with the request/response. method Specifies the method for the request/response. For example: GET, POST, CONNECT. url The URL string sent to the server. This is the string that can be passed to url.parse(). This attribute is only valid in the HTTP server handling the client request. statusCode Specifies the three-digit status code from the server. This attribute is only valid on the HTTP client when handling a server response. socket This is a handle to the net.Socket object used to communicate with the client/server. setTimeout(msecs, callback) Sets the socket timeout for the connection in milliseconds along with a callback function to be executed if the timeout occurs. The http.Server Object The Node.js HTTP Server object provides the fundamental framework to implement HTTP servers. It provides an underlying socket that listens on a port and handles receiving requests and then sends responses out to client connections. While the server is listening, the Node.js application will not end. The Server object implements EventEmitter and emits the events listed in Table 7.8. As you implement an HTTP server, you need to handle at least some or all of these events. For example, at a minimum you need an event handler to handle the request event that is triggered when a client request is received. Table 7.8 Events that can be triggered by Server objects Event request Description Triggered each time the server receives a client request. The callback should accept two parameters. The first is an IncomingMessage object representing the client request, and the second is a ServerResponse object you use to formulate and send the response. For example: function callback (request, response){} connection Triggered when a new TCP stream is established. The callback receives the socket as the only parameter. For example: function callback (socket){} close Triggered when the server is closed. The callback receives no parameters. checkContinue Triggered when a request that includes the Expect: 100continue header is received. There is a default event handler that responds with an HTTP/1.1 100 Continue even if you do not handle this event. For example: function callback (request, response){} connect Emitted when an HTTP CONNECT request is received. The callback receives the request, socket, and head, which is a Buffer containing the first packet of the tunneling stream. For example: function callback (request, socket, head){} upgrade Emitted when the client requests an HTTP upgrade. If this event is not handled clients sending an upgrade request will have their connections closed. The callback receives the request, socket, and head, which is a Buffer containing the first packet of the tunneling stream. For example: function callback (request, socket, head){} clientError Emitted when the client connection socket emits an error. The callback receives an error as the first parameter and the socket as the second. For example: function callback (error, socket){} To start the HTTP server, you need to first create a Server object using the createServer() method shown below. This method returns the Server object. The optional requestListener parameter is a callback that is executed when the request event is triggered. The callback should accept two parameters. The first is an IncomingMessage object representing the client request, and the second is a ServerResponse object you use to formulate and send the response: http.createServer([requestListener]) Once you have created the Server object, you can begin listening on it by calling the listen() method on the Server object: listen(port, [hostname], [backlog], [callback]) The first method listen(port, [hostname], [backlog], [callback]) is the one that you will most likely use. The following list describes each of the parameters: port: Specifies the port to listen on. hostname: Specifies when the hostname will accept connections, and if omitted, the server will accept connections directed to any IPv4 address (INADDR_ANY). backlog: Specifies the maximum number of pending connections that are allowed to be queued. This defaults to 511. callback: Specifies the callback handler to execute once the server has begun listening on the specified port. The following code shows an example of starting an HTTP server and listening on port 8080. Notice the request callback handler: Click here to view code image var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { <> }).listen(8080); Two other methods can be used to listen for connections through the file system. The first accepts a path to a file to listen on, and the second accepts an already open file descriptor handle: listen(path, [callback]) listen(handle, [callback]) To stop the HTTP server from listening once it has started, use the following close() method: close([callback]). Implementing HTTP Clients and Servers in Node.js Now that you understand the ClientRequest, ServerResponse, and IncomingMessage objects, you are ready to implement some Node.js HTTP clients and servers. This section guides you through the process of implementing basic HTTP clients and servers in Node.js. To do this, a client and server are implemented in each section to show you how the two interact. The examples in the following sections are basic to make it easy for you to grasp the concepts of starting the client/server and then handling the different requests and responses. There is no error handling, protection against attacks, or much of the other functionality built in. However, the examples provide a good variety of the basic flow and structure required to handle general HTTP requests using the http module. Serving Static Files The most basic type of HTTP server is one that serves static files. To serve static files from Node.js, you need to first start the HTTP server and listen on a port. Then in the request handler, you open the file locally using the fs module and write the file contents to the response. Listing 7.1 shows the basic implementation of a static file server. Notice that line 5 creates the server using createServer() and also defines the request event handler shown in lines 6–15. Also notice that the server is listening on port 8080 by calling listen() on the Server object. Inside the request event handler on line 6, the url.parse() method is used to parse the url so that we can use the pathname attribute when specifying the path for the file in line 7. The static file is opened and read using fs.readFile(), and in the readFile() callback the contents of the file are written to the response object using res.end(data) on line 14. Listing 7.1 http_server_static.js: Implementing a basic static file webserver Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 var fs = require('fs'); var http = require('http'); var url = require('url'); var ROOT_DIR = "html/"; http.createServer(function (req, res) { var urlObj = url.parse(req.url, true, false); fs.readFile(ROOT_DIR + urlObj.pathname, function (err,data) { if (err) { res.writeHead(404); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); return; } res.writeHead(200); res.end(data); }); }).listen(8080); Listing 7.2 shows a basic implementation of an HTTP client that sends a get request to the server to retrieve the file contents. Notice that the options for the request are set in lines 2–6, and then the client request is initiated in lines 16–18 passing the options. When the request completes, the callback function uses the on('data') handler to read the contents of the response from the server and then the on('end') handler to log the file contents to a file. Figure 7.2 and Listing 7.2 Output show the output of the HTTP client as well as accessing the static file from a web browser. Listing 7.2 http_client_static.js: Basic web client retrieving static files Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 var http = require('http'); var options = { hostname: 'localhost', port: '8080', path: '/hello.html' }; function handleResponse(response) { var serverData = ''; response.on('data', function (chunk) { serverData += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { console.log(serverData); }); } http.request(options, function(response){ handleResponse(response); }).end(); Listing 7.2 Output Implementing a basic static file webserver Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch07>node http_server_static.js Static Example

    Hello from a Static File

    Figure 7.2 Implementing a basic static file web server Implementing Dynamic GET Servers More often than not you will use Node.js webservers to serve dynamic content rather than static content. This content may be dynamic HTML files or snippets, JSON data, or a number of other data types. To serve a GET request dynamically, you need to implement code in the request handler that dynamically populates the data you want to send back to the client, writes it out to the response, and then calls end() to finalize the response and flush the Writable stream. Listing 7.3 shows the basic implementation of a dynamic web service. In this case, the web service simply responds with a dynamically generated HTTP file. The example is designed to show the process of sending the headers, building the response, and then sending the data in a series of write() requests. Notice that line 6 creates the server using createServer(), and line 15 begins listening on port 8080 using listen(). Inside the request event handler defined in lines 7–15, the Content-Type header is set and then the headers are sent with a response code of 200. In reality you would have already done a lot of processing to prepare the data. But in this case, the data is just the messages array defined in lines 2–5. Notice that in lines 11–13 the loop iterates through the messages and calls write() each time to stream the response to the client. Then in line 14 the response is completed by calling end(). Listing 7.3 http_server_get.js: Implementing a basic GET webserver Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 var http = require('http'); var messages = [ 'Hello World', 'From a basic Node.js server', 'Take Luck']; http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"); res.writeHead(200); res.write('Simple HTTP Server'); res.write(''); for (var idx in messages){ res.write('\n

    ' + messages[idx] + '

    '); } res.end('\n'); }).listen(8080); Listing 7.4 shows a basic implementation of an HTTP client that reads the response from the server in Listing 7.3. This is similar to the example in Listing 7.2; however, note that no path was specified since the service doesn’t really require one. For more complex services, you would implement query strings or complex path routes to handle a variety of calls. Note that on line 11 the statusCode from the response is logged to the console. Also on line12 the headers from the response are also logged. Then on line 13 the full response from the server is logged. Figure 7.3 and Listing 7.4 Output show the output of the HTTP client as well as accessing the dynamic get server from a web browser. Listing 7.4 http_client_get.js: Basic web client that makes a GET request to the server in Listing 7.3 Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 var options = { hostname: 'localhost', port: '8080', }; function handleResponse(response) { var serverData = ''; response.on('data', function (chunk) { serverData += chunk; }); response.on('end', function() { console.log("Response Status:", response.statusCode); console.log("Response Headers:", response.headers); console.log(serverData); }); } http.request(options, function(response){ handleResponse(response); }).end Listing 7.4 Output Implementing a basic HTTP GET service Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch07>node http_server_get.js Response Status: 200 Response Headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html', date: 'Mon, 26 Sep 2016 17:10:33 GMT', connection: 'close', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked' } Simple HTTP Server

    Hello World

    From a basic Node.js server

    Take Luck

    Figure 7.3 Output of a basic HTTP GET server Implementing POST Servers Implementing a POST service is similar to implementing a GET server. In fact, you may end up implementing them together in the same code for the sake of convenience. POST services are handy if you need to send data to the server to be updated, as for form submissions. To serve a POST request, you need to implement code in the request handler that reads the contents of the post body out and processes it. Once you have processed the data, you dynamically populate the data you want to send back to the client, write it out to the response, and then call end() to finalize the response and flush the Writable stream. Just as with a dynamic GET server, the output of a POST request may be a webpage, HTTP snippet, JSON data, or some other data. Listing 7.5 shows the basic implementation of a dynamic web service handling POST requests. In this case, the web service accepts a JSON string from the client representing an object that has name and occupation properties. The code in lines 4– 6 read the data from the request stream, and then in the event handler in lines 7–14, the data is converted to an object and used to build a new object with message and question properties. Then in line 14 the new object is stringified and sent back to the client in the end() call. Listing 7.5 http_server_post.js: Implementing a basic HTTP server that handles HTTP POST requests Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 var http = require('http'); var options = { host: '', path: '/', port: '8080', method: 'POST' }; function readJSONResponse(response) { var responseData = ''; response.on('data', function (chunk) { responseData += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { var dataObj = JSON.parse(responseData); console.log("Raw Response: " +responseData); console.log("Message: " + dataObj.message); console.log("Question: " + dataObj.question); }); } var req = http.request(options, readJSONResponse); req.write('{"name":"Bilbo", "occupation":"Burgler"}'); req.end(); Listing 7.6 shows a basic implementation of an HTTP client that sends JSON data to the server as part of a POST request. The request is started in line 20. Then in line 21 a JSON string is written to the request stream, and line 22 finishes the request with end(). Once the server sends the response back, the on('data') handler in lines 10–12 reads the JSON response. Then the on('end') handler in lines 13–18 parses the response into a JSON object and outputs the raw response, message, and question. Output 7.6 shows the output of the HTTP POST client. Listing 7.6 http_client_post.js: Basic HTTP client that sends JSON data to the server using POST and handles the JSON response Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 var http = require('http'); var options = { host: '', path: '/', port: '8080', method: 'POST' }; function readJSONResponse (response) { var responseData = ''; response.on('data', function (chunk) { responseData += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { var dataObj = JSON.parse(responseData); console.log("Raw Response: " +responseData); console.log("Message: " + dataObj.message); console.log("Question: " + dataObj.question); }); } var req = http.request(options, readJSONResponse); req.write('{"name":"Bilbo", "occupation":"Burgler"}'); req.end(); Listing 7.6 Output Implementing an HTTP POST server serving JSON data Click here to view code image C:\books\node\ch07>node http_server_post.js Raw Response: {"message":"Hello Bilbo","question":"Are you a good Burgler? Message: Hello Bilbo Question: Are you a good Burgler? Interacting with External Sources A common use of the HTTP services in Node.js is to access external systems to get data to fulfill client requests. A variety of external systems provide data that can be used in various ways. In this example, the code connects to the API to retrieve weather information about a city. To keep the example simple, the output from is pushed to the browser in a raw format. In reality, you would likely massage the pieces of data needed into your own pages, widgets, or data responses. Listing 7.7 shows the implementation of the web service that accepts both GET and POST requests. For the GET request, a simple webpage with a form is returned that allows the user to post a city name. Then in the POST request the city name is accessed, and the Node.js web client starts up and connects remotely to to retrieve weather information for that city. Then that info is returned to the server along with the original web form. The big difference between this example and the previous examples is that the webserver also implements a local web client to connect to the external service and get data used to formulate the response. The webserver is implemented in lines 35– 49. Notice that if the method is POST, we read the form data from the request stream and use querystring.parse() to get the city name and call into the getWeather() function. The getWeather() function in lines 27–33 implements the client request to Then the parseWeather() request handler in lines 17–25 reads the response from and passes that data to the sendResponse() function defined in lines 4–16 that formulates the response and sends it back to the client. Figure 7.4 shows the implementation of the external service in a web browser. Note You must go to to create an account and get an API key to use the following application. Listing 7.7 http_server_external: Implementing an HTTP web service that connects remotely to an external source for weather data Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 var http = require('http'); var url = require('url'); var qstring = require('querystring'); var APIKEY = ""//place your own api key within the quotes; function sendResponse(weatherData, res){ var page = 'External Example' + '' + '
    ' + 'City:
    ' + '' + 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 '
    '; if(weatherData){ page += '

    Weather Info

    ' + weatherData +'

    '; } page += ''; res.end(page); } function parseWeather(weatherResponse, res) { var weatherData = ''; weatherResponse.on('data', function (chunk) { weatherData += chunk; }); weatherResponse.on('end', function () { sendResponse(weatherData, res); }); } function getWeather(city, res){ city = city.replace(' ', '-'); console.log(city); var options = { host: '', path: '/data/2.5/weather?q=' + city + '&APPID=' + APIKEY }; http.request(options, function(weatherResponse){ parseWeather(weatherResponse, res); }).end(); } http.createServer(function (req, res) { console.log(req.method); if (req.method == "POST"){ var reqData = ''; req.on('data', function (chunk) { reqData += chunk; }); req.on('end', function() { var postParams = qstring.parse(reqData); getWeather(, res); }); } else { sendResponse(null, res); } }).listen(8080); Figure 7.4 Implementing an external web service that connects to a remote source for weather data Implementing HTTPS Servers and Clients Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a communications protocol that provides secure communication between HTTP clients and servers. HTTPS is really just HTTP running on top of the SSL/TLS protocol, which is where it gets its security capabilities. HTTP provides security in two main ways. First, it uses longterm public and secret keys to exchange a short-term session key so that data can be encrypted between client and server. Second, it provides authentication so that you can ensure that the webserver you are connecting to is the one you actually think it is, thus preventing man-in-the-middle attacks where requests are rerouted through a third party. The following sections discuss implementing HTTP servers and clients in your Node.js environment using the https module. Before getting started using HTTPS, you need to generate a private key and a public certificate. There are several ways to do this, depending on your platform. One of the simplest methods is to use the OpenSSL library for your platform. To generate the private key, first execute the following OpenSSL command: openssl genrsa -out server.pem 2048 Next, use the following command to create a certificate signing request file: openssl req -new -key server.pem -out server.csr Note When creating the certificate signing request file, you will be asked several questions. When prompted for the Common Name, you should put in the domain name of the server you want to connect to. Otherwise, the certificate will not work. Also you can put in additional domain names and IP addresses in the Subject Alternative Names field. Then to create a self-signed certificate that you can use for your own purpose or for testing, use the following command: openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.pem -out server.crt Note The self-signed certificate is fine for testing purposes or internal use. However, if you are implementing an external web service that needs to be protected on the Internet, you may want to get a certificate signed by a certificate authority. If you want to create a certificate that is signed by a third-party certificate authority, you need to take additional steps. Creating an HTTPS Client Creating an HTTPS client is almost exactly like the process of creating an HTTP client discussed earlier in this chapter. The only difference is that there are additional options, shown in Table 7.9, that allow you to specify the security options for the client. The most important options you really need to worry about are key, cert, and agent. The key option specifies the private key used for SSL. The cert value specifies the x509 public key to use. The global agent does not support options needed by HTTPS, so you need to disable the agent by setting the agent to null, as shown here: var options = { key: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.crt), agent: false }; You can also create your own custom Agent object that specifies the agent options used for the request: options.agent = new https.Agent (options); Once you have defined the options with the cert, key, and agent settings, you can call the https.request(options, [responseCallback]), and it will work exactly the same as the http.request() call. The only difference is that the data between the client and server is encrypted. Click here to view code image var options = { hostname: '', port: 443, path: '/', method: 'GET', key: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.crt), agent: false }; var req = https.request(options, function(res)) { } Table 7.9 Additional options for https.request() and https.createServer() Event pfx Description key A string or Buffer object containing the private key to use for SSL. passphrase A string containing the passphrase for the private key or pfx. cert A string or Buffer object containing the public x509 certificate to use. ca An Array of strings or Buffers of trusted certificates in PEM format to check the remote host against. ciphers A string describing the ciphers to use or exclude. A string or Buffer object containing the private key, certificate, and CA certs of the server in PFX or PKCS12 format. rejectUnauthorized A Boolean that, when true, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs. An error event is emitted if verification fails. Verification happens at the connection level, before the HTTP request is sent. Defaults to true. Only for https.request() options. crl Either a string or list of strings of PEM encoded CRLs (Certificate Revocation List) only for https.createServer(). secureProtocol The SSL method to use. For example, SSLv3_method to force SSL version 3. Creating an HTTPS Server Creating an HTTPS server is almost exactly like the process of creating an HTTP server discussed earlier in this chapter. The only difference is that there are additional options parameters that you must pass into https.createServer(). The options, listed previously in Table 7.9, allow you to specify the security options for the server. The most important options you really need to worry about are key and cert. The key option specifies the private key used for SSL. The cert value specifies the x509 public key to use. The following shows an example of creating an HTTPS server in Node.js: Click here to view code image var options = { key: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/server.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/server.crt') }; https.createServer(options, function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200); res.end("Hello Secure World\n"); }).listen(8080); Once the HTTPS server has been created, the request/response handling works the same way as for the HTTP servers described earlier in this chapter. Summary An important aspect of Node.js is the ability to quickly implement HTTP and HTTPS servers and services. The http and https modules provide everything you need to implement webserver basics. For your full webserver, you should use a more extended library, such as Express. However, the http and https modules work well for some basic web services and are simple to implement. The examples in this chapter covered the HTTP basics to give you a good start on implementing your own services. You also saw how the url and querystring modules are used to parse URLs and query strings into objects and back. Next In the next chapter, you go a little deeper as the net module is discussed. You learn how to implement your own socket services using TCP clients and servers. 8 Implementing Socket Services in Node.js An important part of backend services is the ability to communicate with each other over sockets. Sockets allow one process to communicate with another process through an IP address and port. This can be useful when implementing interprocess communication (IPC) for two different processes running on the same server or accessing a service running on a completely different server. Node.js provides the net module that allows you to create both socket servers and clients that can connect to socket servers. For secure connections, Node.js provides the tls module that allows you to implement secure TLS socket servers and clients. Understanding Network Sockets Network sockets are endpoints of communication that flow across a computer network. Sockets live below the HTTP layer and provide the actual point-to-point communication between servers. Virtually all Internet communication is based on Internet sockets that flow data between two points on the Internet. A socket works using a socket address, which is a combination of an IP address and port. There are two types of points in a socket connection: a server that listens for connections and a client that opens a connection to the server. Both the server and the client require a unique IP address and port combination. The Node.js net module sockets communicate by sending raw data using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This protocol is responsible for packaging the data and guaranteeing that it is sent from point to point successfully. Node.js sockets implement the Duplex stream, which allows you to read and write streamed data between the server and client. Sockets are the underlying structure for the http module. If you do not need the functionality for handling web requests like GET and POST and you just need to stream data from point to point, then using sockets gives you a lighter weight solution and a bit more control. Sockets are also handy when communicating with other processes running on the same computer. Processes cannot share memory directly, so if you want to access the data in one process from another process, you can open up the same socket in each process and read and write data between the two processes. Understanding TPC Server and Socket Objects To use the net module in Node.js applications, you first need to understand the TCP Server and Socket objects. These objects provide all the framework for starting a TCP server to handle requests and implementing TCP socket clients to make requests to the socket servers. Once you understand the events, properties, methods, and behavior of these objects, it will be simple to implement your own TCP socket servers and clients. The following sections cover the purpose and behavior of the net.Socket and net.Server objects. The most important events, properties, and methods that each provides are also covered. The net.Socket Object Socket objects are created on both the socket server and the socket client and allow data to be written and read back and forth between them. The Socket object implements a Duplex stream, so it provides all the functionality that Writable and Readable streams provide. For example, you can use the write()method to stream writes of data to the server or client and a data event handler to stream data from the server or client. On the socket client, the Socket object is created internally when you call net.connect() or net.createConnection(). This object is intended to represent the socket connection to the server. You use the Socket object to monitor the connection, send data to the server, and handle the response back from the server. There is no explicit client object in the Node.js net module because the Socket object acts as the full client allowing you to send/receive data and terminate the connection. On the socket server, the Socket object is created when a client connects to the server and is passed to the connection event handler. This object is intended to represent the socket connection to the client. On the server, you use the Socket object to monitor the client connection as well as send and receive data to and from the client. To create a Socket object, you use one of the following methods. All the calls return a Socket object. The only difference is the first parameters that they accept. The final parameter for all of them is a callback function that is executed when a connection is opened to the server. Notice that for each method there is a net.connect() and a net.createConnection() form. These work exactly the same way: Click here to view code image net.connect(options, [connectionListener]) net.createConnection(options, [connectionListener]) net.connect(port, [host], [connectListener]) net.createConnection(port, [host], [connectListener]) net.connect(path, [connectListener]) net.createConnection(path, [connectListener]) The first method to create a Socket object is to pass an options parameter, which is an object that contains properties that define the socket connection. Table 8.1 lists the properties that can be specified when creating the Socket object. The second method accepts port and host values, described in Table 8.1, as direct parameters. The third option accepts a path parameter that specifies a file system location that is a Unix socket to use when creating the Socket object. Table 8.1 Options that can be specified when creating a Socket Property port Description host Domain name or IP address of the server that the client should Port number the client should connect to. This option is required. connect to. Defaults to localhost. localAddress Local IP address the client should bind to for network connections. localPort The local port that it binds to for network connections. family Version of IP stack. (default: 4) lookup Custom lookup. (default: dns.lookup) Once the Socket object is created, it provides several events that are emitted during the life cycle of the connection to the server. For example, the connect event is triggered when the socket connects, the data event is emitted when there is data in the Readable stream ready to be read, and the close event is emitted when connection to the server is closed. As you implement your socket server, you can register callbacks to be executed when these events are emitted to handle opening and closing the socket, reading and writing data, and so on. Table 8.2 lists the events that can be triggered on the Socket object. Table 8.2 Events that can be triggered on Socket objects Event connect Description data Emitted when data is received on the socket. If no data event handler is attached, then data can be lost. The callback function must accept a parameter, which is a Buffer object containing the chunk of data that was read from the socket. For example: Emitted when a connection is successfully established with the server. The callback function does not accept any parameters. function(chunk){} end Emitted when the server terminates the connection by sending a FIN. The callback function does not accept any parameters. timeout Emitted when the connection to the server times out due to inactivity. drain Emitted when the write buffer becomes empty. You can use this event to throttle back the data stream being written to the socket. The callback function does not accept any parameters. error Emitted when an error occurs on the socket connection. The callback function should accept the error as the only argument. For example: function(error){} close Emitted when the socket has fully closed, either because it was closed by an end() or because an error occurred. The callback function does not accept any parameters. The Socket object also includes several methods that allow you to do things like read from and write to the socket as well as pause or end data flow. Many of these are inherited from the Duplex stream objects and should be familiar to you. Table 8.3 lists the methods available on the Socket object. Table 8.3 Methods that can be called on Socket Objects Method setEncoding([encoding]) Description write(data, [encoding], [callback]) Writes a data Buffer or String to the Writable of the socket using the encoding if specified. The callbac function is executed as soon as the data is written. end([data], [encoding]) Writes a data Buffer or String to the Writable of the socket and then flushes the stream and closes the connection. destroy() This forces the socket connection to shut down. You sho only need to use this in the case of failures. pause() Pauses a Readable stream of the socket from emitting data events. This allows you to throttle back the upload data to the stream. resume() Resumes data event emitting on the Readable the socket. setTimeout(timeout, [callback]) Specifies a timeout in milliseconds that the server wil before emitting a timeout event when the socket is inactive. The callback function will be triggered as a once event listener. If you want the connection to be When this function is called, data returned from the sock streams is an encoded String instead of a Buffer Sets the default encoding that should be used when w data to and reading data from the streams. Using this opt handles multi-byte characters that might otherwise be mangled when converting the Buffer to a string using buf.toString(encoding). If you want to read the as strings, always use this method. terminated on timeout, you should do it manually in the callback function. setNoDelay([noDelay]) Disables/enables the Nagle algorithm that buffers data be sending it. Setting this to false disables data buffering setKeepAlive([enable], [initialDelay]) Enables/disables the keep-alive functionality on the connection. The optional initialDelay parameter specifies the amount in milliseconds that the socket is idl before sending the first keep-alive packet. address() Returns the bound address, the address family name, and port of the socket as reported by the operating system. Th return value is an object that contains the port, family, an address properties. For example: { port: 8107, family: 'IPv4', address: '127.0.0 unref() Calling this method allows the Node.js application to terminate if this socket is the only event on the event que ref() References this socket so that if this socket is the only th on the event queue, the Node.js application will not term The Socket object also provides several properties that you can access to get information about the object. For example, the address and port the socket is communicating on, the amount of data being written, and the buffer size. Table 8.4 lists the properties available on the Socket object. Table 8.4 Properties that can be accessed on Socket Objects Method bufferSize Description remoteAddress IP address of the remote server that the socket is connected to remotePort Port of the remote server that the socket is connected to remoteFamily IP of the remote family the socket is connected to localAddress Local IP address the remote client is using for the socket connection localPort Local port the remote client is using for the socket connection bytesRead Number of bytes read by the socket Returns the number of bytes currently buffered waiting to be written to the socket’s stream bytesWritten Number of bytes written by the socket To illustrate flowing data across a Socket object, the following code shows the basics of implementing the Socket object on a client. Notice that the net.connect() method is called using an options object containing a port and a host attribute. The connect callback function logs a message and then writes some data out to the server. To handle data coming back from the server, the event handler is implemented. To handle the closure of the socket, the on('end') event handler is implemented: Click here to view code image var net = require('net'); var client = net.connect({port: 8107, host:'localhost'}, function() { console.log('Client connected'); client.write('Some Data\r\n'); }); client.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data.toString()); client.end(); }); client.on('end', function() { console.log('Client disconnected'); }); The net.Server Object The net.Server object is used to create a TCP socket server and begin listening for connections to which you will be able to read and write data. The Server object is created internally when you call net.createServer(). This object represents the socket server and handles listening for connections and then sending and receiving data on those connections to the server. When the server receives a connection, the Server creates a Socket object and passes it to any connection event handlers that are listening. Because the Socket object implements a Duplex stream, you can use the write()method to stream writes of data back to the client and a data event handler to stream data from the client. To create a Server object, you use the net.createServer() method shown here: net.createServer([options], [connectionListener]) The options parameter is an object that specifies options to use when creating the socket Server object. Table 8.5 lists the properties of the options object. The second parameter is the connection event callback function, which is executed when a connection is received. This connectionListener callback function is passed to the Socket object for the connecting client. Table 8.5 Options that can be specified when creating a net.Server Property allowHalfOpen Description pauseOnConnect A Boolean; when true, each socket for each connection is paused, and no data will be read from its handle. This allows processes to pass connections between them without reading any data. Defaults to false. A Boolean; when true, the socket won’t automatically send a FIN packet when the other end of the socket sends a FIN packet, thus allowing half of the Duplex stream to remain open. Defaults to false. Once the Server object is created, it provides several events that are triggered during the life cycle of the server. For example, the connection event is triggered when a socket client connects, and the close event is triggered when the server shuts down. As you implement your socket server, you can register callbacks to be executed when these events are triggered to handle connections, errors, and shutdown. Table 8.6 lists the events that can be triggered on the Socket object. Table 8.6 Events that can be triggered on Socket objects Event listening Description connection Emitted when a connection is received from a socket client. The callback function must accept a parameter that is a Socket object representing the connection to the connecting client. For example: Emitted when the server begins listening on a port by calling the listen() method. The callback function does not accept any parameters. function(client){} close Emitted when the server closes either normally or on error. This event is emitted until all client connections have ended. error Emitted when an error occurs. The close event also is triggered on errors. The Server object also includes several methods that allow you to do things like read from and write to the socket as well as pause or end data flow. Many of these are inherited from the Duplex stream objects and should be familiar to you. Table 8.7 lists the methods available on the Socket object. Table 8.7 Methods that can be called on Socket objects Method listen(port, [host], [backlog], [callback]) Description Opens up a port on the server and begins listening for connections. port specifies the listening port. If you s 0 for the port, a random port number is selected. IP address to listen on. If it is omitted, the server accep connections directed to any IPv4 address. backlog the maximum number of pending connections the serve allow. The default is 511. The callback function is called when the server has ope the port and begins listening. listen(path, [callback]) Same as the preceding method except that a Unix socke server is started to listen for connections on the file path specified. listen(handle, [callback]) Same as the preceding method except that a handle to a Server or Socket object has an underlying _ member that points to a file descriptor handle on the assumes that the file descriptor points to a socket file th been bound to a port already. getConnections(callback) Returns the number of connections currently connected server. The callback is executed when the number o connections is calculated and accepts an error and a count parameter. For example: function(error, count) close([callback]) Stops the server from accepting new connections. Curre connections are allowed to remain until they complete. server does not truly stop until all current connections h been closed. address() Returns the bound address, the address family name, an port of the socket as reported by the operating system. T return value is an object that contains the port, family, a address properties. For example: { port: 8107, family: 'IPv4', address: '127.0. unref() Calling this method allows the Node.js application to terminate if this server is the only event on the event qu ref() References this socket so that if this server is the only t on the event queue the Node.js application will not term The Server object also provides the maxConnections attribute, which allows you to set the maximum number of connections that the server will accept before rejecting them. If a process has been forked to a child for processing using child_process.fork(), you should not use this option. The following code shows the basics of implementing the Server object. Notice that the net.createServer() method is called and implements a callback that accepts the client Socket object. To handle data coming back from the client, the event handler is implemented. To handle the closure of the socket, the on('end') event handler is implemented. To begin listening for connections, the listen() method is called on port 8107: Click here to view code image var net = require('net'); var server = net.createServer(function(client) { console.log(Client connected'); client.on('data', function(data) { console.log('Client sent ' + data.toString()); }); client.on('end', function() { console.log('Client disconnected'); }); client.write('Hello'); }); server.listen(8107, function() { console.log('Server listening for connections'); }); Implementing TCP Socket Servers and Clients Now that you understand the net.Server and net.Socket objects, you are ready to implement some Node.js TCP clients and servers. This section guides you through the process of implementing basic TCP clients and servers in Node.js. The examples in the following sections are basic to make it easy for you to grasp the concepts of starting the TCP server listening on a port, and then implementing clients that can connect. The examples are designed to help you see the interactions and event handling that need to be implemented. Implementing a TCP Socket Client At the most basic level, implementing a TCP socket client involves the process of creating a Socket object that connects to the server, writing data to the server, and then handling the data that comes back. Additionally, you should build the socket so that it can also handle errors, the buffer being full, and timeouts. This section discusses each of the steps to implement a socket client using the Socket object. Listing 8.1 presents the full code for the following discussion. The first step is to create the socket client by calling net.connect() as shown below. Pass in the port and host that you want to connect to as well and implement a callback function to handle the connect event: net.connect({port: 8107, host:'localhost'}, function() { //handle connection }); Then inside the callback you should set up the connection behavior. For example, you may want to add a timeout or set the encoding as shown here: this.setTimeout(500); this.setEncoding('utf8'); You also need to add handlers for the data, end, error, timeout, and close events that you want to handle. For example, to handle the data event so that you can read data coming back from the server, you might add the following handler once the connection has been established: this.on('data', function(data) { console.log("Read from server: " + data.toString()); //process the data this.end(); }); To write data to the server, you implement a write() command. If you are writing a lot of data to the server and the write fails, then you may also want to implement a drain event handler that begins writing again when the buffer is empty. The following shows an example of implementing a drain handler because of a write failure. Notice that a closure is used to preserve the values of the socket and data variables once the function has ended. Click here to view code image function writeData(socket, data){ var success = !socket.write(data); if (!success){ (function(socket, data){ socket.once('drain', function(){ writeData(socket, data); }); })(socket, data); } } Listing 8.1 shows the full implementation of a basic TCP socket client. All the client does is send a bit of data to the server and receive a bit of data back; however, the example could easily be expanded to support more complex data handling across the socket. Notice that three separate sockets are opened to the server and are communicating at the same time. Notice that each client created gets a different random port number, as shown in Listing 8.1 Output. Listing 8.1 socket_client.js: Implementing basic TCP socket clients Click here to view code image 01 var net = require('net'); 02 function getConnection(connName){ 03 var client = net.connect({port: 8107, host:'localhost'}, function() { 04 console.log(connName + ' Connected: '); 05 console.log(' local = %s:%s', this.localAddress, this.localPort); 06 console.log(' remote = %s:%s', this.remoteAddress, this.remotePor 07 this.setTimeout(500); 08 this.setEncoding('utf8'); 09 this.on('data', function(data) { 10 console.log(connName + " From Server: " + data.toString()); 11 this.end(); 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 }); this.on('end', function() { console.log(connName + ' Client disconnected'); }); this.on('error', function(err) { console.log('Socket Error: ', JSON.stringify(err)); }); this.on('timeout', function() { console.log('Socket Timed Out'); }); this.on('close', function() { console.log('Socket Closed'); }); }); return client; } function writeData(socket, data){ var success = !socket.write(data); if (!success){ (function(socket, data){ socket.once('drain', function(){ writeData(socket, data); }); })(socket, data); } } var Dwarves = getConnection("Dwarves"); var Elves = getConnection("Elves"); var Hobbits = getConnection("Hobbits"); writeData(Dwarves, "More Axes"); writeData(Elves, "More Arrows"); writeData(Hobbits, "More Pipe Weed"); Listing 8.1 Output socket_client.js: Implementing basic TCP socket clients Click here to view code image Elves Connected: local = remote = Dwarves Connected: local = remote = Hobbits Connected: local = remote = Elves From Server: Sending: More Arrows Dwarves From Server: Sending: More Axes Hobbits From Server: Sending: More Pipe Weed Dwarves Client disconnected Socket Closed Elves Client disconnected Socket Closed Hobbits Client disconnected Socket Closed Implementing a TCP Socket Server At the most basic level, implementing a TCP server client involves the process of creating a Server object, listening on a port, and then handling incoming connections, including reading and writing data to and from the connections. Additionally, the socket server should handle the close and error events on the Server object as well as the events that occur in the incoming client connection Socket object. This section discusses each of the steps to implement a socket server using the Server object. Listing 8.2 presents the full code for the following discussion. The first step is to create the socket server by calling net.createServer() as shown below. You also need to provide a connection callback handler and then call listen() to begin listening on the port: Click here to view code image var server = net.createServer(function(client) { //implement the connection callback handler code here. }); server.listen(8107, function() { //implement the listen callback handler here. }); Inside the listen callback handler, you should also add handlers to support the close and error events on the Server object. These may just be log statements, or you may also want to add additional code that is executed when these events occur. The follow shows the basic examples: Click here to view code image server.on('close', function(){ console.log('Server Terminated'); }); server.on('error', function(err){ }); Inside the connection event callback, you need to set up the connection behavior. For example, you might want to add a timeout or set the encoding as shown here: this.setTimeout(500); this.setEncoding('utf8'); You also need to add handlers for the data, end, error, timeout, and close events that you want to handle on the client connection. For example, to handle the data event so that you can read data coming from the client, you might add the following handler once the connection is established: this.on('data', function(data) { console.log("Received from client: " + data.toString()); //process the data }); To write data to the server, you implement a write() command somewhere in your code. If you are writing a lot of data to the client, then you may also want to implement a drain event handler that begins writing again when the buffer is empty. This can help if the write() returns a failure because the buffer is full, or if you want to throttle back writing to the socket. The following shows an example of implementing a drain handler because of a write failure. Notice that a closure is used to preserve the values of the socket and data variables once the function has ended: Click here to view code image function writeData(socket, data){ var success = !socket.write(data); if (!success){ (function(socket, data){ socket.once('drain', function(){ writeData(socket, data); }); })(socket, data); } } The code in Listing 8.2 shows the full implementation of a basic TCP socket server. The socket server accepts connections on port 8107, reads the data in, and then writes a string back to the client. Although the implementation is basic, it illustrates handling the events as well as reading and writing data in the client connection. Listing 8.2 socket_server.js: Implementing a basic TCP socket server Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 var net = require('net'); var server = net.createServer(function(client) { console.log('Client connection: '); console.log(' local = %s:%s', client.localAddress, client.localPort console.log(' remote = %s:%s', client.remoteAddress, client.remoteP client.setTimeout(500); client.setEncoding('utf8'); client.on('data', function(data) { console.log('Received data from client on port %d: %s', client.remotePort, data.toString()); console.log(' Bytes received: ' + client.bytesRead); writeData(client, 'Sending: ' + data.toString()); console.log(' Bytes sent: ' + client.bytesWritten); }); client.on('end', function() { console.log('Client disconnected'); server.getConnections(function(err, count){ console.log('Remaining Connections: ' + count); }); }); client.on('error', function(err) { console.log('Socket Error: ', JSON.stringify(err)); }); client.on('timeout', function() { console.log('Socket Timed Out'); }); }); server.listen(8107, function() { console.log('Server listening: ' + JSON.stringify(server.address())); server.on('close', function(){ console.log('Server Terminated'); }); server.on('error', function(err){ console.log('Server Error: ', JSON.stringify(err)); }); }); function writeData(socket, data){ var success = !socket.write(data); if (!success){ (function(socket, data){ socket.once('drain', function(){ writeData(socket, data); }); })(socket, data); } 46 } Implementing TLS Servers and Clients Transport Layer Security/Secure Socket Layer (TLS/SSL) is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure communications on the Internet. They use X.509 certificates along with session keys to verify whether the socket server you are communicating with is the one that you want to communicate with. TLS provides security in two main ways. First, it uses long-term public and secret keys to exchange a short-term session key so that data can be encrypted between client and server. Second, it provides authentication so that you can ensure that the webserver you are connecting to is the one you actually think it is, thus preventing man-in-themiddle attacks where requests are rerouted through a third party. The following sections discuss implementing TLS socket servers and clients in your Node.js environment using the tls module. Before getting started using TLS, you need to generate a private key and public certificate for both your clients and your server. There are several ways to do this depending on your platform. One of the simplest methods is to use the OpenSSL library for your platform. To generate the private key, first execute the following OpenSSL command: openssl genrsa -out server.pem 2048 Next, use the following command to create a certificate signing request file: openssl req -new -key server.pem -out server.csr Note When creating the certificate signing request file, you are asked several questions. When prompted for the Common Name, you should put in the domain name of the server you want to connect to. Otherwise, the certificate will not work. Also you can put in additional domain names and IP addresses in the Subject Alternative Names field. Then to create a self-signed certificate that you can use for your own purpose or testing, use the following command: openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.pem -out server.crt Note The self-signed certificate is fine for testing purposes or internal use. However, if you are implementing an external web service that needs to be protected on the Internet, you may want to get a certificate signed by a certificate authority. If you want to create a certificate that is signed by a third-party certificate authority, you need to take additional steps. Creating a TLS Socket Client Creating a TLS client is almost exactly like the process of creating a socket client discussed earlier in this chapter. The only difference is that there are additional options, shown in Table 8.8, that allow you to specify the security options for the client. The most important options you need to worry about are key, cert, and ca. The key option specifies the private key used for SSL. The cert value specifies the x509 public key to use. If you are using a self-signed certificate, you need to point the ca property at the certificate for the server: Click here to view code image var options = { key: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.crt'), ca: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/server.crt') }; Once you have defined the options with the cert, key, and ca settings, then you can call the tls.connect(options, [responseCallback]), and it will work exactly the same as the net.connect() call. The only difference is that the data between the client and server is encrypted. Click here to view code image var options = { hostname: '', port: 8108, path: '/', method: 'GET', key: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.crt'), ca: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/server.crt') }; var req = tls.connect(options, function(res) { }) Table 8.8 Additional options for tls.connect() Event pfx Description key A string or Buffer object containing the private key to use for SSL. passphrase A string containing the passphrase for the private key or pfx. cert A string or Buffer object containing the public x509 certificate to use. ca An array of strings or buffers of trusted certificates in PEM format to check the remote host against. rejectUnauthorized A Boolean; when true, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs. An error event is emitted if verification fails. Verification happens at the connection level, before the HTTP request is sent. Defaults to true. servername Specifies the server name for the Server Name Indication SNI TLS extension. secureProtocol Specifies the SSL method to use. For example, SSLv3_method will force SSL version 3. A string or Buffer object containing the private key, certificate, and CA certs of the server in PFX or PKCS12 format. Creating a TLS Socket Server Creating a TLS socket server is almost exactly like the process of creating a socket server discussed earlier in this chapter. The only differences are that there are additional options parameters that you must pass into https.createServer(), and there are some additional events that can be triggered on the tls.Server object. The options, listed in Table 8.9, allow you to specify the security options for the server. Table 8.10 lists the additional events for the TLS socket server. The most important options you need to worry about are key, cert, and ca. The key option specifies the private key used for SSL. The cert value specifies the x509 public key to use. If you are using a self-signed certificate, you need to point the ca property at the certificate for the client. Table 8.9 Additional options for tls.createServer() Event pfx Description key A string or Buffer object containing the private key to use for SSL. passphrase A string containing the passphrase for the private key or pfx. cert A string or Buffer object containing the public x509 certificate to use. ca An array of strings or buffers of trusted certificates in PEM format to check the remote host against. crl Either a string or list of strings of PEM encoded CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists). ciphers A string describing the ciphers to use or exclude. Using this in conjunction with the honorCipherOrder is a good way to prevent BEAST attacks. handshakeTimeout Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the connection if the SSL/TLS handshake does not finish. If the timeout is hit, a clientError is emitted on the tls.Server. honorCipherOrder A Boolean; when true, the server honors the server’s preferences over the client’s when choosing a cipher. requestCert When true, the server requests a certificate from clients that connect and attempt to verify that certificate. Default is false. rejectUnauthorized When true, the server rejects any connection that is not authorized by the list of supplied CAs. This option only has an effect if requestCert is true. Default A string or Buffer object containing the private key, certificate, and CA certs of the server in PFX or PKCS12 format. is false. NPNProtocols An Array or Buffer of possible NPN protocols. Protocols should be ordered by their priority. SNICallback A function that is called if the client supports the SNI TLS extension. The server name is the only argument passed to the callback. sessionIdContext A string containing an opaque identifier for session resumption. If requestCert is true, the default is an MD5 hash value generated from the command line. Otherwise, the default is not provided. secureProtocol Specifies the SSL method to use. For example, SSLv3_method will force SSL version 3. The following shows an example of creating a TLS socket server in Node.js: Click here to view code image var options = { key: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/server.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/server.crt'), ca: fs.readFileSync('test/keys/client.crt') }; tls.createServer(options, function (client) { client.write("Hello Secure World\r\n"); client.end(); }).listen(8108); Once the TLS socket server has been created, the request/response handling works basically the same way that the TCP socket servers described earlier in this chapter work. The server can accept connections and read and write data back to the client. Table 8.10 Additional events on TLS Server objects Event secureConnection Description Emitted when a new secure connection has been successfully established. The callback accepts a single instance of a tls.CleartextStream streaming object that can be written to and read from. For example: function (clearStream) clientError Emitted when a client connection emits an error. The parameters to the callback are the error and a tls.SecurePair object. For example: function (error, securePair) newSession Emitted when a new TLS session is created. The callback is passed the sessionId and sessionData parameters containing the session information. For example: function (sessionId, resumeSession sessionData) Emitted when the client tries to resume a previous TLS session. You can store the session in an external storage so that you can look it up when receiving this event. The callback handler receives two parameters. The first is a sessionId, and the second is a callback to be executed if the session cannot be established. For example: function (sessionId, callback) Summary Sockets are useful when implementing backend services in a Node.js application. They allow a service on one system to communicate with a service on another system through an IP address and port. They also provide the ability to implement an IPC between two different processes running on the same server. The net module allows you to create Server objects that act as socket servers and Socket objects that act as socket clients. Since the Socket object extends Duplex streams, you can read and write data from both the server and the client. For secure connections, Node.js provides the tls module that allows you to implement secure TLS socket servers and clients. Next In the next chapter, you learn how to implement multiprocessing in a Node.js environment. This allows you to farm work out to other processes on the system to take advantage of multiprocessor servers. 9 Scaling Applications Using Multiple Processors in Node.js In Chapter 4, “Using Events, Listeners, Timers, and Callbacks in Node.js,” you learned that Node.js applications run on a single thread rather than multiple threads. Using the single thread for application processing makes Node.js processes more efficient and faster. But most servers have multiple processors, and you can scale your Node.js applications by taking advantage of them. Node.js allows you to fork work from the main application to separate processes that can then be processed in parallel with each other and the main application. To facilitate using multiple processes Node.js provides three specific modules. The process module provides access to the running processes. The child_process module provides the ability to create child processes and communicate with them. The cluster module implements clustered servers that share the same port, thus allowing multiple requests to be handled simultaneously. Understanding the Process Module The process module is a global object that can be accessed from your Node.js applications without the need to use a require(). This object gives you access to the running processes as well as information about the underlying hardware architecture. Understanding Process I/O Pipes The process module provides access to the standard I/O pipes for the process stdin, stdout, and stderr. stdin is the standard input pipe for the process, which is typically the console. You can read input from the console using the following code: process.stdin.on('data', function(data){ console.log("Console Input: " + data); }); When you type in data to the console and press Enter, the data is written back out. For example: some data Console Input: some data The stdout and stderr attributes of the process module are Writable streams that can be treated accordingly. Understanding Process Signals A great feature of the process module is that it allows you to register listeners to handle signals sent to the process from the OS. This is helpful when you need to perform certain actions, such as clean up before a process is stopped or terminated. Table 9.1 lists the process events that you can add listeners for. To register for a process signal, simply use the on(event, callback) method. For example, to register an event handler for the SIGBREAK event, you would use the following code: process.on('SIGBREAK', function(){ console.log("Got a SIGBREAK"); }); Table 9.1 Events that can be sent to Node.js processes Event Description SIGUSR1 Emitted when the Node.js debugger is started. You can add a listener; however, you cannot stop the debugger from starting. SIGPIPE Emitted when the process tries to write to a pipe without a process connected on the other end. SIGHUP Emitted on Windows when the console window is closed, and on other platforms under various similar conditions. Note: Windows terminates Node.js about 10 seconds after sending this event. SIGTERM Emitted when a request is made to terminate the process. This is not supported on Windows. SIGINT Emitted when a Break is sent to the process. For example, when Ctrl+C is pressed. SIGBREAK Emitted on Windows when Ctrl+Break is pressed. SIGWINCH Emitted when the console has been resized. On Windows, this is emitted only when you write to the console, when the cursor is being moved, or when a readable TTY is used in raw mode. SIGKILL Emitted on a process kill. Cannot have a listener installed. SIGSTOP Emitted on a process stop. Cannot have a listener installed. Controlling Process Execution with the process Module The process module also gives you some control over the execution of processes, specifically, the ability to stop the current process, kill another process, or schedule work to run on the event queue. These methods are attached directly to the process module. For example, to exit the current Node.js process, you would use: process.exit(0) Table 9.2 lists the available process control methods on the process module. Table 9.2 Methods that can be called on the process module to affect process execution Method Description abort() Causes the current Node.js application to emit an abort event, exit, and generate a memory core. exit([code]) Causes the current Node.js application to exit and return the specified code. kill(pid, [signal]) Causes the OS to send a kill signal to the process with the specified pid. The default signal is SIGTERM, but you can specify another. nextTick(callback) Schedules the callback function on the Node.js application’s queue. Getting Information from the process Module The process module provides a wealth of information about the running process and the system architecture. This information can be useful when implementing your applications. For example, the property gives you the process ID that can then be used by your application. Table 9.3 lists the properties and methods that you can access from the process module and describes what they return. Table 9.3 Methods that can be called on the process module to gather information Method Description version Specifies the version of Node.js. versions Provides an object containing the required modules and version fo config Contains the configuration options used to compile the current no argv Contains the command arguments used to start the Node.js applic is the path to the main JavaScript file. execPath Specifies the absolute path where Node.js was started from. execArgv Specifies the node-specific command-line options used to start the chdir(directory) Changes the current working directory for the application. Th loaded after the application has started. cwd() Returns the current working directory for the process. env Contains the key/value pairs specified in the environment for the pid Specifies the current process’s ID. title Specifies the title of the currently running process. arch Specifies the processor architecture the process is running on (for platform Specifies the OS platform (for example, linux, win32, or memoryUsage() Describes the current memory usage of the Node.js process. You object. For example: console.log(util.inspect(process.memoryUsage()));{ rss: maxTickDepth Specifies the maximum number of events schedule by nextTick from being processed. You should adjust this value as necessary t uptime() Contains the number of seconds the Node.js processor has been hrtime() Returns a high-resolution time in a tuple array [seconds, implement a granular timing mechanism. getgid() On POSIX platforms, returns the numerical group ID for this proc setgid(id) On POSIX platforms, sets the numerical group ID for this process getuid() On POSIX platforms, returns the numerical or string user ID for t setuid(id) On POSIX platforms, sets the numerical or string user ID for this getgroups() On POSIX platforms, returns an array of group IDs. setgroups(groups) On POSIX platforms, sets the supplementary group IDs. Your No initgroups(user, extra_group) On POSIX platforms, initializes the group access list with the info needs root privileges to call this method. To help you understand accessing information using the process module, Listing 9.1 makes a series of calls and outputs the results to the console, as shown in Listing 9.1 Output. Listing 9.1 process_info.js: Accessing information about the process and system using the process module Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 var util = require('util'); console.log('Current directory: ' + process.cwd()); console.log('Environment Settings: ' + JSON.stringify(process.env)); console.log('Node Args: ' + process.argv); console.log('Execution Path: ' + process.execPath); console.log('Execution Args: ' + JSON.stringify(process.execArgv)); console.log('Node Version: ' + process.version); console.log('Module Versions: ' + JSON.stringify(process.versions)); //console.log(process.config); console.log('Process ID: ' +; console.log('Process Title: ' + process.title); console.log('Process Platform: ' + process.platform); console.log('Process Architecture: ' + process.arch); console.log('Memory Usage: ' + util.inspect(process.memoryUsage())); var start = process.hrtime(); setTimeout(function() { var delta = process.hrtime(start); console.log('High-Res timer took %d seconds and %d nanoseconds', delt console.log('Node has been running %d seconds', process.uptime()); }, 1000); Listing 9.1 Output Accessing information about the process and system using the process module Click here to view code image Current directory: C:\Users\CalebTZD\workspace\node\code\ch09 Environment Settings: Node Args: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe,C:\Users\CalebTZD\workspace\no Execution Path: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe Execution Args: [] Node Version: v7.8.0 Module Versions: Node Config: Process ID: 12896 Process Title: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe Process Platform: win32 Process Architecture: x64 Memory Usage: { rss: 20054016, heapTotal: 5685248, heapUsed: 3571496, external: 8772 } High-Res timer took 1 seconds and 913430 nanoseconds Node has been running 1.123 seconds Implementing Child Processes To take advantage of multiple processors in a server with your Node.js applications, you need to farm work off to child processes. Node.js provides the child_process module that allows you to spawn, fork, and execute work on other processes. The following sections discuss the process of executing tasks on other processes. Keep in mind that child processes do not have direct access to the global memory in each other or the parent process. Therefore, you need to design your applications to run in parallel. Understanding the ChildProcess Object The child_process module provides a new class called ChildProcess that acts as a representation of the child processes that can be accessed from the parent. This allows you to control, end, and send messages to the child processes from the parent process that started them. The process module is a ChildProcess object as well. This means that when you access process from the parent module, it is the parent ChildProcess object, but when you access process from the child process, it is the ChildProcess object. The purpose of this section is to familiarize you with the ChildProcess object so that in subsequent sections you can actually implement multiprocess Node.js applications. The best way to do that is to learn about the events, attributes, and methods of the ChildProcess object. Table 9.4 lists the events that can be emitted on the ChildProcess object. You implement handlers for the events to handle when the child process terminates or sends messages back to the parent. Table 9.4 Events that can be emitted on ChildProcess objects Event message Description Emitted when a ChildProcess object calls the send() method to send data. Listeners on this event implement a callback that can then read the data sent. For example: child.on('send': function(message){console.log(message}); error Emitted when an error occurs in the worker. The handler receives an error object as the only parameter. exit Emitted when a worker process ends. The handler receives two arguments, code and signal, that specify the exit code and the signal passed to kill the process if it was killed by the parent. close Emitted when all the stdio streams of a worker process have terminated. Different from exit because multiple processes might share the same stdio streams. disconnect Emitted when disconnect() is called on a worker. Table 9.5 lists the methods that can be called on the child process. These methods allow you to terminate, disconnect, or send messages to the child process. For example, the following code can be called from the parent process to send an object to the child process: child.send({cmd: 'command data'}); Table 9.5 Methods that can be called on ChildProcess objects Method kill([signal]) Description send(message, [sendHandle]) Sends a message to the handle. The message can be a string or an object. The optional sendHandle parameter allows you to send a TCP Server or Socket object to the client. This allows the client process to share the same port and address. disconnect() Closes the IPC channel between the parent and child and sets the connected flag to false in both the parent and child processes. Causes the OS to send a kill signal to the child process. The default signal is SIGTERM, but you can specify another. See Table 9.1 for a list of signal strings. Table 9.6 lists the properties that you can access on a ChildProcess object. Table 9.6 Properties that can be accessed on ChildProcess objects Property stdin Description stdout A standard output Readable stream. stderr A standard output Readable stream for errors. pid An ID of the process. connected A Boolean that is set to false after disconnect() is called. When this is false, you can no longer send() messages to the child. An input Writable stream. Executing a System Command on Another Process Using exec() The simplest method of adding work to another process from a Node.js process is to execute a system command in a subshell using the exec() function. The exec() function can execute just about anything that can be executed from a console prompt; for example, a binary executable, shell script, Python script, or batch file. When executed, the exec() function creates a system subshell and then executes a command string in that shell just as if you had executed it from a console prompt. This has the advantage of being able to leverage the capabilities of a console shell, such as accessing environment variables on the command line. The syntax for the exec() function call is shown below. The execFile() function call returns a ChildProcess object: child_process.exec(command, [options], callback) The command parameter is a string that specifies the command to execute in the subshell. The options parameter is an object that specifies settings to use when executing the command, such as the current working directory. Table 9.7 lists the options that can be specified by the exec() command. The callback parameter is a function that accepts three parameters: error, stdout, and stderr. The error parameter is passed an error object if an error is encountered when executing the command. stdout and stderr are Buffer objects that contain the output from executing the command. Table 9.7 Options that can be set when using the exec() and execFile() Functions Property Description cwd Specifies the current working directory for the child process to execute within. env Object whose property:value pairs are used as environment key/value pairs. encoding Specifies the encoding to use for the output buffers when storing output from the command. maxBuffer Specifies the size of the output buffers for stdout and stderr. The default value is 200*1024. timeout Specifies the number of milliseconds for the parent process to wait before killing the child process if it has not completed. The default is 0, which means there is no timeout. killSignal Specifies the kill signal to use when terminating the child process. The default is SIGTERM. The code in Listing 9.2 illustrates an example of executing a system command using the exec() function. Listing 9.2 Output shows the result. Listing 9.2 child_exec.js: Executing a system command in another process Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 var childProcess = require('child_process'); var options = {maxBuffer:100*1024, encoding:'utf8', timeout:5000}; var child = childProcess.exec('dir /B', options, function (error, stdout, stderr) { if (error) { console.log(error.stack); console.log('Error Code: '+error.code); console.log('Error Signal: '+error.signal); } console.log('Results: \n' + stdout); if (stderr.length){ console.log('Errors: ' + stderr); } }); child.on('exit', function (code) { console.log('Completed with code: '+code); }); Listing 9.2 Output child_exec.js: Executing a system command in another process Click here to view code image Completed with code: 0 Results: chef.js child_fork.js child_process_exec.js child_process_exec_file.js child_process_spawn.js cluster_client.js cluster_server.js cluster_worker.js file.txt process_info.js Executing an Executable File on Another Process Using execFile() Another simple method of adding work to another process from a Node.js process is to execute an executable file on another process using the execFile() function. This is similar to using exec() except that no subshell is used. This makes execFile() lighter weight, but it also means that the command to execute must be a binary executable. Shell scripts on Linux and batch files on Windows do not work with the execFile() function. The syntax for the execFile() function call is shown below. The execFile() function returns a ChildProcess object: child_process.execFile(file, args, options, callback) The file parameter is a string that specifies the path to the executable file that will be executed. The args parameter is an array that specifies command-line arguments to be passed to the executable. The options parameter is an object that specifies settings to use when executing the command, such as the current working directory. Table 9.7 lists the options that can be specified by the execFile() command. The callback parameter is a function that accepts three parameters: error, stdout, and stderr. The error parameter is passed an error object if an error is encountered when executing the command. stdout and stderr are Buffer objects that contain the output from executing the command. Listing 9.3 illustrates executing a system command using the execFile() function. Listing 9.3 Output shows the output. Listing 9.3 child_process_exec_file.js: Executing an executable file in another process Click here to view code image 01 var childProcess = require('child_process'); 02 var options = {maxBuffer:100*1024, encoding:'utf8', timeout:5000}; 03 var child = childProcess.execFile('ping.exe', ['-n', '1', ''] 04 options, function (error, stdout, stderr) { 05 if (error) { 06 console.log(error.stack); 07 console.log('Error Code: '+error.code); 08 console.log('Error Signal: '+error.signal); 09 } 10 console.log('Results: \n' + stdout); 11 if (stderr.length){ 12 console.log('Errors: ' + stderr); 13 } 14 }); 15 child.on('exit', function (code) { 16 console.log('Child completed with code: '+code); 17 }); Listing 9.3 Output child_process_exec_file.js: Executing an executable file in another process Click here to view code image Child completed with code: 0 Results: Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=55 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 1, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 47ms, Maximum = 47ms, Average = 47ms Spawning a Process in Another Node.js Instance Using spawn() A more complex method of adding work to another process from a Node.js process is to spawn another process; link the stdio, stdout, and stderr pipes between them; and then execute a file on the new process using the spawn() function. That makes spawning a bit heavier than exec() but provides some great benefits. The major differences between spawn() and exec()/execFile() are that the stdin for the spawned process can be configured and the stdout and stderr are Readable streams in the parent process. This means that exec() and execFile() must complete before reading the buffer outputs. However, you can read output data from a spawn() process as soon as it is written. The syntax for the spawn() function call is shown below. The spawn() function returns a ChildProcess object: child_process.spawn(command, [args], [options]) The command parameter is a string that specifies the command to be executed. The args parameter is an array that specifies command-line arguments to be passed to the executable command. The options parameter is an object that specifies settings to use when executing the command, such as the current working directory. Table 9.8 lists the options that can be specified by the spawn() command. The callback parameter is a function that accepts three parameters: error, stdout, and stderr. The error parameter is passed an error object if an error is encountered when executing the command. The stdout and stderr are defined by the stdio option settings; by default they are Readable stream objects. Table 9.8 Properties of the options parameter that can be set when using the spawn() function Property cwd Description env An object whose property:value pairs are used as environment key/value pairs. detached A Boolean; when true, this child process is made the leader of a new process group enabling the process to continue even when the parent exits. You should also use child.unref() so that the parent process does not wait for the child process before exiting. uid Specifies the user identity of the process for POSIX processes. gid Specifies the group identity of the process for POSIX processes. stdio An array that defines the child process stdio configuration ([stdin, stdout, stderr]). By default, Node.js opens file descriptors [0, 1, 2] for [stdin, stdout, stderr]. The strings define the configuration of each input and output stream. For example: ['ipc', 'ipc', 'ipc'] A string representing the current working directory of the child process. The following list describes each of the options that can be used: 'pipe': Creates a pipe between the child and parent process. The parent can access the pipe using ChildProcess.stdio[fd] where fd is the file descriptors [0, 1, 2] for [stdin, stdout, stderr]. 'ipc': Creates an IPC channel for passing messages/file descriptors between the parent and child using the send() method described earlier. 'ignore': Does not set up a file descriptor in the child. Stream object: Specifies a Readable or Writeable stream object defined in the parent to use. The Stream object’s underlying file descriptor is duplicated in the child and thus data can be streamed from child to parent and vice versa. File Descriptor Integer: Specifies the integer value of a file descriptor to use. null, undefined: Uses the defaults of [0, 1, 2] for the [stdin, stdout, stderr] values. Listing 9.4 illustrates executing a system command using the spawn() function. Listing 9.4 Output shows the output. Listing 9.4 child_process_spawn_file.js: Spawning a command in another process Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var options = { env: {user:'brad'}, detached:false, stdio: ['pipe','pipe','pipe'] }; var child = spawn('netstat', ['-e']); child.stdout.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data.toString()); }); child.stderr.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data.toString()); }); child.on('exit', function(code) { console.log('Child exited with code', code); }); Listing 9.4 Output child_process_spawn_file.js: Spawning a command in another process Click here to view code image Interface Statistics Bytes Unicast packets Non-unicast packets Received 893521612 780762 94176 Sent 951835252 5253654 31358 0 0 0 0 0 Child exited with code 0 Discards Errors Unknown protocols Implementing Child Forks Node.js also provides a specialized form of process spawning called a fork, which is designed to execute Node.js module code inside another V8 instance running on a separate processor. This has the advantage of allowing you to run multiple services in parallel. However, it also takes time to spin up a new instance of V8, and each instance takes about 10MB of memory. Therefore, you should design your forked processes to be longer lived, and not require many of them. Remember that you don’t get a performance benefit for creating more processes than you have CPUs in the system. Unlike spawn, you cannot configure the stdio for the child process; instead it is expected that you use the send() mechanism in the ChildProcess object to communicate between the parent and child processes. The syntax for the fork() function call is shown below. The fork() function returns a ChildProcess object: child_process.fork(modulePath, [args], [options]) The modulePath parameter is a string that specifies the path to the JavaScript file that is launched by the new Node.js instance. The args parameter is an array that specifies command-line arguments to be passed to the node command. The options parameter is an object that specifies settings to use when executing the command, such as the current working directory. Table 9.9 lists the options that can be specified by the fork() command. The callback parameter is a function that accepts three parameters: error, stdout, and stderr. The error parameter is passed an error object if an error is encountered when executing the command. The stdout and stderr are Readable stream objects. Table 9.9 Properties of the options parameter that can be set when using the fork() function Property cwd Description env An object whose property:value pairs are used as environment key/value pairs. encoding Specifies the encoding to use when writing data to the output streams and across the send() IPC mechanism. execPath Specifies the executable to use to create the spawned Node.js process. This allows you to use different versions of Node.js for different processes, although that is not recommended in case the process functionality is different. silent A Boolean; when true, the stdout and stderror in the forked process are not associated with the parent process. The default is false. A string representing the current working directory of the child process. Listing 9.5 and Listing 9.6 illustrate examples of forking work off to another Node.js instance running in a separate process. Listing 9.5 uses fork() to create three child processes running the code from Listing 9.6. The parent process then uses the ChildProcess objects to send commands to the child processes. Listing 9.6 implements the process.on('message') callback to receive messages from the parent, and the process.send() method to send the response back to the parent process, thus implementing the IPC mechanism between the two. The output is shown in Listing 9.6 Output. Listing 9.5 child_fork.js: A parent process creating three child processes and sending commands to each, executing in parallel Click here to view code image 01 var child_process = require('child_process'); 02 var options = { 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 env:{user:'Brad'}, encoding:'utf8' }; function makeChild(){ var child = child_process.fork('chef.js', [], options); child.on('message', function(message) { console.log('Served: ' + message); }); return child; } function sendCommand(child, command){ console.log("Requesting: " + command); child.send({cmd:command}); } var child1 = makeChild(); var child2 = makeChild(); var child3 = makeChild(); sendCommand(child1, "makeBreakfast"); sendCommand(child2, "makeLunch"); sendCommand(child3, "makeDinner"); Listing 9.6 chef.js: A child process handling message events and sending data back to the parent process Click here to view code image 01 process.on('message', function(message, parent) { 02 var meal = {}; 03 switch (message.cmd){ 04 case 'makeBreakfast': 05 meal = ["ham", "eggs", "toast"]; 06 break; 07 case 'makeLunch': 08 meal = ["burger", "fries", "shake"]; 09 break; 10 case 'makeDinner': 11 meal = ["soup", "salad", "steak"]; 12 break; 13 } 14 process.send(meal); 15 }); Listing 9.5 Output chef.js: A child process handling message events and sending data back to the parent process Click here to view code image Requesting: makeBreakfast Requesting: makeLunch Requesting: makeDinner Served: soup,salad,steak Served: ham,eggs,toast Served: burger,fries,shake Implementing Process Clusters One of the coolest things you can do with Node.js is create a cluster of Node.js instances running in parallel in separate processes on the same machine. You can do that using the techniques you learned about the in the previous section by forking processes and then using the send(message, serverHandle) IPC mechanism to communicate send messages and pass the underlying TCP server handles between them. However, because that is such a common task, Node.js has provided the cluster module that does all that for you automatically. Using the Cluster Module The cluster module provides the functionality necessary to easily implement a cluster of TCP or HTTP servers running in different processes on the same machine but still using the same underlying socket, thus handling requests on the same IP address and port combination. The cluster module is simple to implement and provides several events, methods, and properties that can be used to initiate and monitor a cluster of Node.js servers. Table 9.10 lists the events that can be emitted in a cluster application. Table 9.10 Events that can be emitted by the cluster module Event fork Description Emitted when a new worker has been forked. The callback function receives a Worker object as the only argument. For example: function (worker) online Emitted when the new worker sends back a message indicating that it has started. The callback function receives a Worker object as the only argument. For example: function (worker) listening Emitted when the worker calls listen() to begin listening on the shared port. The callback handler receives the worker object as well as an address object indicating the port the worker is listening on. For example: function (worker, address) disconnect Emitted after the IPC channel has been disconnected, such as the server calling worker.disconnect(). The callback function receives a Worker object as the only argument. For example: function (worker) exit Emitted when the Worker object has disconnected. The callback handler receives the worker, exit code, and signal used. For example: function (worker, code, signal) setup Emitted the first time the setupMaster() is called. Table 9.11 lists the methods and properties available in the cluster module, allowing you to get information such as whether this node is a worker or the master as well as configuring and implementing the forked processes. Table 9.11 Methods and properties of the cluster module Property settings Description isMaster Is true if the current process is the cluster master; otherwise, it is false. isWorker Is true if the current process is a worker; otherwise, it is false. Contains the exec, args, and silent property values used to set up the cluster. setupMaster([settings]) Accepts an optional settings object that contains exec, args, and silent properties. The exec property points to the worker JavaScript file. The args property is an array of parameters to pass, and silent disconnects the IPC mechanism from the worker thread. disconnect([callback]) Disconnects the IPC mechanism from the workers and closes the handles. The callback function is executed when the disconnect finishes. worker References the current Worker object in worker processes. This is not defined in the master process. workers Contains the Worker object, which you can reference by ID from the master process. For example: cluster.workers[workerId] Understanding the Worker Object When a worker process is forked, a new Worker object is created in both the master and worker processes. In the worker process, the object is used to represent the current worker and interact with cluster events that are occurring. In the master process, the Worker object is used to represent child worker processes so that your master application can send messages to them, receive events on their state changes, and even kill them. Table 9.12 lists the events that Worker objects can emit. Table 9.12 Events that can be emitted by Worker objects Event message Description Emitted when the worker receives a new message. The callback function is passed the message as the only parameter. disconnect Emitted after the IPC channel has been disconnected on this worker. exit Emitted when this Worker object has disconnected. error Emitted when an error has occurred on this worker. Table 9.13 lists the methods and properties available in the Worker object, allowing you to get information such as whether this node is a worker or the master as well as configuring and implementing the forked processes. Table 9.13 Methods and properties of the Worker module Property id Description process Specifies the ChildProcess object this worker is running on. suicide Is set to true when kill() or disconnect() is called on this worker. You can use this flag to determine whether you should break out of loops to try and go down gracefully. send(message, [sendHandle]) Sends a message to the master process. kill([signal]) Kills the current worker process by disconnecting the IPC channel and then exiting. Sets the suicide flag to true. disconnect() When called in the worker, closes all servers, waits for the close event, and then disconnects the IPC channel. When called from the master, sends an internal message to the worker causing it to disconnect itself. Sets the suicide flag. Represents the unique ID of this worker. Implementing an HTTP Cluster The best way to illustrate the value of the cluster module is to show a basic implementation of Node.js HTTP servers. Listing 9.7 implements a basic cluster of HTTP servers. Lines 4–13 register listeners for the fork, listening, and exit events on cluster workers. Then in line 14 setupMaster() is called and the worker executable cluster_worker.js is specified. Next, lines 15–19 create the workers by calling cluster.fork(). Finally, in lines 20–24 the code iterates through the workers and registers an on('message') event handler for each one. Listing 9.8 implements the worker HTTP servers. Notice that the http server sends back a response to the client and then also sends a message to the cluster master on line 7. Listing 9.9 implements a simple HTTP client that sends a series of requests to test the servers created in Listing 9.8. The output of the servers is shown in Listing 9.7 and 9.8 Output, and the output of the clients is shown in Listing 9.9 Output. Notice that Listing 9.9 Output shows that the requests are being handled by different processes on the server. Listing 9.7 cluster_server.js: A master process creating up to four worker processes Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 var cluster = require('cluster'); var http = require('http'); if (cluster.isMaster) { cluster.on('fork', function(worker) { console.log("Worker " + + " created"); }); cluster.on('listening', function(worker, address) { console.log("Worker " + +" is listening on " + address.address + ":" + address.port); }); cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) { console.log("Worker " + + " Exited"); }); cluster.setupMaster({exec:'cluster_worker.js'}); var numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length; for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) { if (i>=4) break; cluster.fork(); } Object.keys(cluster.workers).forEach(function(id) { cluster.workers[id].on('message', function(message){ console.log(message); }); }); } Listing 9.8 cluster_worker.js: A worker process implementing an HTTP server Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 var cluster = require('cluster'); var http = require('http'); if (cluster.isWorker) { http.Server(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200); res.end("Process " + + " says hello"); process.send("Process " + + " handled request"); }).listen(8080, function(){ console.log("Child Server Running on Process: " +; }); }; Listing 9.9 cluster_client.js: An HTTP client sending a series of requests to test the server Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 var http = require('http'); var options = { port: '8080' }; function sendRequest(){ http.request(options, function(response){ var serverData = ''; response.on('data', function (chunk) { serverData += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { console.log(serverData); }); }).end(); } for (var i=0; i<5; i++){ console.log("Sending Request"); sendRequest(); } Listing 9.7 and 9.8 Output cluster_server.js: A master process creating up to four worker processes Click here to view code image Worker 1 created Worker 2 created Worker 3 created Worker 4 created Child Server Running on Process: 9012 Worker 1 is listening on null:8080 Child Server Running on Process: 1264 Worker 2 is listening on null:8080 Child Server Running on Process: 5488 Worker 4 is listening on null:8080 Child Server Running on Process: 7384 Worker 3 is listening on null:8080 Process 1264 handled request Process 7384 handled request Process 5488 handled request Process 7384 handled request Process 5488 handled request Listing 9.9 Output cluster_client.js: An HTTP client sending a series of requests to test the server Click here to view code image Sending Sending Sending Sending Sending Process Process Process Process Process Request Request Request Request Request 10108 says 12584 says 13180 says 10108 says 12584 says hello hello hello hello hello Summary To make the most out of Node.js performance on servers with multiple processors, you need to be able to farm work off to the other processes. The process module allows you to interact with the system process, the child_process module allows you to actually execute code on a separate process, and the cluster module allows you to create a cluster of HTTP or TCP servers. The child_process module provides the exec(), execFile(), spawn(), and fork() functions, which are used to start work on separate processes. The ChildProcess and Worker objects provide a mechanism to communicate between the parent and child processes. Next In the next chapter, you are introduced to some other modules that Node.js provides for convenience. For example, the os module provides tools to interact with the OS, and the util module provides useful functionality. 10 Using Additional Node.js Modules This chapter exposes you to some additional built-in capabilities of Node.js. The os module provides operating system functionality that can be useful when implementing your applications. The util module provides various functionality, such as string formatting. The dns module provides the ability to perform DNS lookups and reverse lookups from a Node.js application. The following sections describe these modules and how to use them in your Node.js applications. Some of the methods will already be familiar to you because you have seen them in previous chapters. Using the os Module The os module provides a useful set of functions that allow you to get information from the operating system (OS). For example, when accessing data from a stream that comes from the OS, you can use the os.endianness() function to determine whether the OS is big endian or little endian so that you can use the correct read and write methods. Table 10.1 lists the methods provided by the os module and describes how they are used. Table 10.1 Methods that can be called on the os module Event tmpdir() Description Returns a string path to the default temp directory for the OS. Useful if you need to store files temporarily and then remove them later. endianness() Returns BE or LE for big endian or little endian, depending on the architecture of the machine. hostname() Returns the hostname defined for the machine. This is useful when implementing network services that require a hostname. type() Returns the OS type as a string. platform() Returns the platform as a string; for example, win32, linux, or freeBSD. arch() Returns the platform architecture; for example, x86 or x64. release() Returns the OS version release. uptime() Returns a timestamp in seconds of how long the OS has been running. loadavg() On UNIX-based systems, returns an array of values containing the system load value for [1, 5, 15] minutes. totalmem() Returns an integer specifying the system memory in bytes. freemem() Returns an integer specifying the free system memory in bytes. cpus() Returns an array of objects that describes the model, speed, and times. This array contains the amount of time the CPU has spent in user, nice, sys, idle, and irq. networkInterfaces() Returns an array of objects describing the address and family of addresses bound on each network interface in your system. EOL Contains the appropriate End Of Line characters for the operating system; for example, \n or \r\n. This can be useful to make your application crossplatform compatible when processing string data. To help you visualize using the os module, Listing 10.1 calls each of the os module calls, and the output is shown in Listing 10.1 Output. Listing 10.1 os_info.js: Calling methods on the os module Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 var os = require('os'); console.log("tmpdir :\t" + os.tmpdir()); console.log("endianness :\t" + os.endianness()); console.log("hostname :\t" + os.hostname()); console.log("type :\t\t" + os.type()); console.log("platform :\t" + os.platform()); console.log("arch :\t\t" + os.arch()); console.log("release :\t" + os.release()); console.log("uptime :\t" + os.uptime()); console.log("loadavg :\t" + os.loadavg()); console.log("totalmem :\t" + os.totalmem()); console.log("freemem :\t" + os.freemem()); console.log("EOL :\t" + os.EOL); console.log("cpus :\t\t" + JSON.stringify(os.cpus())); console.log("networkInterfaces : " + JSON.stringify(os.networkInterfaces())); Listing 10.1 Output Calling methods on the os module tmpdir : C:\Users\CalebTZD\AppData\Local\Temp endianness : LE hostname : DESKTOP-3I5OR8I type : Windows_NT platform : win32 arch : x64 release : 10.0.14393 uptime : 1473719.6450068 loadavg : 0,0,0 totalmem : 12768796672 freemem : 8033443840 EOL : cpus : Using the util Module The util module is a catch-all module that provides functions for formatting strings, converting objects to strings, checking object types, performing synchronous writes to output streams, and some object inheritance enhancements. The following sections cover most of the functionality in the util module. They also explain ways to use the util module in your Node.js applications. Formatting Strings When handling string data, it is important to be able to format the strings quickly. Node.js provides a rudimentary string formatting method in the util module that handles many string formatting needs. The util.format() function accepts a formatter string as the first argument and returns a formatted string. The following shows the syntax for the format() method, where format is the formatter string and then [...] represents the following arguments: util.format(format[...args]) The format argument is a string that can contain zero or more placeholders. Each placeholder begins with a % character and is replaced with the converted string value from its corresponding argument. The first formatter placeholder represents the second argument and so on. The following is a list of supported placeholders: %s: Specifies a string %d: Specifies a number (can be integer or float) %i: Specifies an integer %f: Specifies a floating point value %j: Specifies a JSON stringifyable object %: If left empty afterward, does not act as a placeholder The following is a list of things to keep in mind when using format(): When there are not as many arguments as placeholders, the placeholder is not replaced. For example: util.format('%s = %s', 'Item1'); // 'Item1:%s' When there are more arguments than placeholders, the extra arguments are converted to strings and concatenated with a space delimiter. util.format('%s = %s', 'Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3'); // 'Item1 = Item2 Item3' If the first argument is not a format string, then util.format()converts each argument to a string, concatenates them together using a space delimiter, and then returns the concatenated string. For example: util.format(1, 2, 3); // '1 2 3' Checking Object Types It is often useful to determine whether an object you have received back from a command is of a certain type. To do this, you can use the isinstanceof operator, which compares the object types and returns true or false. For example: ([1,2,3] isinstanceof Array) //true Converting JavaScript Objects to Strings Often, especially when debugging, you need to convert a JavaScript object to a string representation. The util.inspect() method allows you to inspect an object and then return a string representation of the object. The following shows the syntax for the inspect() method: util.inspect(object, [options]) The object parameter is the JavaScript object you want to convert to a string. The options method allows you to control certain aspects of the formatting process. options can contain the following properties: showHidden: When set to true, the non-enumerable properties of the object are also converted to the string. Defaults to false. depth: Limits the number of levels deep the inspect process traverses while formatting properties that are also objects. This can prevent infinite loops and also prevent instances where complex objects cost a lot of CPU cycles. Defaults to 2; if it is null, it can recurse forever. colors: When set to true, the output is styled with ANSI color codes. Defaults to false. customInspect: When set to false, any custom inspect() functions defined on the objects being inspected are not called. Defaults to true. You can attach your own inspect() function to the object, thus controlling the output. The following code creates an object with first and last properties, but inspect outputs only a name property: Click here to view code image var obj = { first:'Caleb', last:'Dayley' }; obj.inspect = function(depth) { return '{ name: "' + this.first + " " + this.last + '" }'; }; console.log(util.inspect(obj)); //Outputs: { name: "Caleb Dayley" } Inheriting Functionality from Other Objects The util module provides the util.inherits() method to allow you to create objects that inherit the prototype methods from another. When you create the new object, the prototype methods are automatically used. You have already seen this in a few examples in the book; for example, when implementing your own custom Readable and Writable streams. The following shows the format of the util.inherits() method: util.inherits(constructor, superConstructor) The prototype of constructor is set to the prototype of superConstructor and executed when a new object is created. You can access the superConstructor from your custom object constructor using the constructor.super_ property. Listing 10.2 illustrates using inherits() to inherit the events.EventEmitter object constructor to create a Writable stream. Notice on line 11 the object is an instance of events.EventEmitter. Also notice on line 12 the Writer.super_ value is eventsEmitter. The results are shown in Listing 10.2 Output. Listing 10.2 util_inherit.js: Using inherits() to inherit the prototypes from events.EventEmitter Click here to view code image 01 var util = require("util"); 02 var events = require("events"); 03 function Writer() { 04; 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 } util.inherits(Writer, events.EventEmitter); Writer.prototype.write = function(data) { this.emit("data", data); }; var w = new Writer(); console.log(w instanceof events.EventEmitter); console.log(Writer.super_ === events.EventEmitter); w.on("data", function(data) { console.log('Received data: "' + data + '"'); }); w.write("Some Data!"); Listing 10.2 Output util_inherit.js: Using inherits() to inherit the prototypes from events.EventEmitter Click here to view code image true true Received data: "Some Data!" Using the dns Module If your Node.js application needs to resolve DNS domain names, look up domains, or do reverse lookups, then the dns module is helpful. A DNS lookup contacts the domain name server and requests records about a specific domain name. A reverse lookup contacts the domain name server and requests the DNS name associated with an IP address. The dns module provides functionality for most of the lookups that you may need to perform. Table 10.2 lists the lookup calls and their syntax, and describes how they are used. Table 10.2 Methods that can be called on the dns Module Event lookup(domain, [family], callback) Description Resolves the domain. The family attribute can be 4, 6, or null, where 4 resolves into the first found A (IPv4) record, 6 resolves into the first round AAAA (IPv6) record, and null resolves both. The default is null. The callback function receives an error as the first argument and an array of IP addresses as the second. For example: function (error, addresses) resolve(domain, [rrtype], callback) Resolves the domain into an array of record types specified by rrtype. rrtype can be A: IPV4 addresses, the default AAAA: IPV6 addresses MX: Mail eXchange records TXT: Text records SRV: SRV records PTR: Reverse IP lookups NS: Name Server records CNAME: Canonical Name records The callback function receives an error as the first argument and an array of IP addresses as the second. For example: function (error, addresses) resolve4(domain, callback) Same as dns.resolve() except only for A records. resolve6(domain, callback) Same as dns.resolve() except only for AAAA records. resolveMx(domain, callback) Same as dns.resolve() except only for MX records. resolveTxt(domain, callback) Same as dns.resolve() except only for TXT records. resolveSrv(domain, callback) Same as dns.resolve() except only for SRV records. resolveNs(domain, callback) Same as dns.resolve() except only for NS records. resolveCname(domain, callback) Same as dns.resolve() except only for CNAME records. reverse(ip, callback) Does a reverse lookup on the ip address. The callback function receives an error object if one occurs and an array of domains if the lookup is successful. For example: function (error, domains) Listing 10.3 illustrates performing lookups and reverse lookups. In line 3, resolve4() is used to look up the IPv4 addresses, and then in lines 5–8, reverse() is called on those same addresses and the reverse lookup performed. Listing 10.3 Output shows the result. Listing 10.3 dns_lookup.js: Performing lookups and then reverse lookups on domains and IP addresses Click here to view code image 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 var dns = require('dns'); console.log("Resolving . . ."); dns.resolve4('', function (err, addresses) { console.log('IPv4 addresses: ' + JSON.stringify(addresses, false, ' ' addresses.forEach(function (addr) { dns.reverse(addr, function (err, domains) { console.log('Reverse for ' + addr + ': ' + JSON.stringify(domains }); }); }); Listing 10.3 Output dns_lookup.js: Performing lookups and then reverse lookups on domains and IP addresses Click here to view code image Resolving . . . IPv4 addresses: [ "" ] Reverse for ["","sfo07s17-in-f68.1e1 Using the crypto Module The crypto module is interesting and fun to play around with. As the name suggests, it creates cryptographic information, or in other words, creates secure communication using secret code. To use crypto, you must make sure that it is loaded into your Node project. Although cool, this module isn’t necessary, and a Node application can be built without including support for crypto. The easiest way to do ensure crypto is loaded is to use a simple try catch (err); for example: Click here to view code image let crypto; try { crypto = require('crypto'); } catch (err) { console.log('crypto support is disabled!'); } The crypto module includes several classes that provide functionality to encrypt and decrypt data and streams. Table 10.3 lists all the different classes that the crypto module provides. Table 10.3 Classes that can be used in the crypto module Class certificate Description cipher Used to encrypt data in either a stream that is both readable and writable, or using the cipher.update and methods. decipher The opposite of cipher. Used to decrypt data using either a readable and writable stream or the decipher.update and methods. diffieHellman Used to create key exchanges for Diffie-Hellman (a specific method for exchanging cryptographic keys). eCDH (Elliptical Curve DiffieHellman) Used to create key exchanges for ECDH (same as DiffieHellman, but the two parties use an elliptical curve publicprivate key pair). hash Used to create hash digests of data using a readable and Used for working with SPKAC (a certificate signing request mechanism) and primarily used to handle output of HTML5. writable stream or hash.update and hash.digest. hmac Used to create Hmac digests of data using a readable and writable stream or Hmac.update and Hmac.digest. sign Used to generate signatures. verify Used in tandem with sign to verify the signatures. The most common use for the crypto module is to use the Cipher and Decipher classes to create encrypted data that can be stored and decrypted later; for example, passwords. Initially, passwords are entered as text, but it would be foolish to actually store them as text. Instead, passwords are encrypted using an encryption algorithm such as the ('aes192') method. This allows you to store data encrypted so if it is accessed without decrypting, your password is protected from prying minds. Listing 10.4 shows an example of encrypting and decrypting a password string. The output follows in Listing 10.4 Output. Listing 10.4 encrypt_password.js: Using cipher and decipher to encrypt and then decrypt data Click here to view code image var crypto = require('crypto'); var crypMethod = 'aes192'; var secret = 'MySecret'; function encryptPassword(pwd){ var cipher = crypto.createCipher(crypMethod, secret); var cryptedPwd = cipher.update(pwd,'utf8','hex'); cryptedPwd +='hex'); return cryptedPwd; } function decryptPassword(pwd){ var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(crypMethod, secret); var decryptedPwd = decipher.update(pwd,'hex','utf8'); decryptedPwd +='utf8'); return decryptedPwd; } var encryptedPwd = encryptPassword("BadWolf"); console.log("Encrypted Password"); console.log(encryptedPwd); console.log("\nDecrypted Password"); console.log(decryptPassword(encryptedPwd)); Listing 10.4 Output Using cipher and decipher to encrypt and then decrypt data Click here to view code image Encrypted Password 0ebc7d846519b955332681c75c834d50 Decrypted Password BadWolf Other Node Modules and Objects This section lists some other Node modules and objects that would be beneficial for you to know about: Global: Object available throughout all the modules. Globals range anywhere from _dirname, which gives you the name of the directory, to the Process object. V8: Module used to expose APIs, specifically for the version of V8 that is built in to the Node binary. Debugger: Module used to debug your Node application. To use, simply start Node with the debug argument, like so: $ node debug myscript.js. Assertion testing: Module that provides a basic set of assertion tests used to test invariants. C/C++ add-ons: Objects that allow you to dynamically link shared objects written in C or C++. They provide an interface that both JavaScript in Node and C/C++ libraries can use, allowing them to work as a regular Node.js applications. REPL (Read Event Print Loop): Accepts individual lines of input, evaluates them using a user-defined function, and then outputs the results. Summary The os module allows you to get information about the system, including the operating system type and version, the platform architecture, and programming helps, such as the amount of free memory, temp folder location, and EOL characters. The util module is the catch-all library for Node that has methods for synchronous output, string formatting, and type checking. The dns module performs DNS lookups and reverse lookups from a Node.js application. The crypto module encrypts and decrypts data to secure private data. Next In the next chapter, you jump into the world of MongoDB. You learn the MongoDB basics and how to implement it in the Node.js world. Part III: Learning MongoDB 11 Understanding NoSQL and MongoDB At the core of most large-scale web applications and services is a high-performance data storage solution. The backend data store is responsible for storing everything from user account information to shopping cart items to blog and comment data. Good web applications must store and retrieve data with accuracy, speed, and reliability. Therefore, the data storage mechanism you choose must perform at a level that satisfies user demand. Several different data storage solutions are available to store and retrieve data needed by your web applications. The three most common are direct file system storage in files, relational databases, and NoSQL databases. The data store chosen for this book is MongoDB, which is a NoSQL database. The following sections describe MongoDB and discuss the design considerations you need to review before deciding how to implement the structure of data and configuration of the database. The sections cover the questions to ask yourself, and then cover the mechanisms built into MongoDB to satisfy the demands of the answers to those questions. Why NoSQL? The concept of NoSQL (Not Only SQL) consists of technologies that provide storage and retrieval without the tightly constrained models of traditional SQL relational databases. The motivation behind NoSQL is mainly simplified designs, horizontal scaling, and finer control of the availability of data. NoSQL breaks away from the traditional structure of relational databases and allows developers to implement models in ways that more closely fit the data flow needs of their systems. This allows NoSQL databases to be implemented in ways that traditional relational databases could never be structured. There are several different NoSQL technologies, such as HBase’s column structure, Redis’s key/value structure, and Neo4j’s graph structure. However, in this book MongoDB and the document model were chosen because of great flexibility and scalability when it comes to implementing backend storage for web applications and services. Also MongoDB is one of the most popular and well supported NoSQL databases currently available. Understanding MongoDB MongoDB is a NoSQL database based on a document model where data objects are stored as separate documents inside a collection. The motivation of the MongoDB language is to implement a data store that provides high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling. MongoDB is simple to install and implement, as you see in the upcoming chapters. Understanding Collections MongoDB groups data together through collections. A collection is simply a grouping of documents that have the same or a similar purpose. A collection acts similarly to a table in a traditional SQL database, with one major difference. In MongoDB, a collection is not enforced by a strict schema; instead, documents in a collection can have a slightly different structure from one another as needed. This reduces the need to break items in a document into several different tables, which is often done in SQL implementations. Understanding Documents A document is a representation of a single entity of data in the MongoDB database. A collection is made up of one or more related objects. A major difference between MongoDB and SQL is that documents are different from rows. Row data is flat, meaning there is one column for each value in the row. However, in MongoDB, documents can contain embedded subdocuments, thus providing a much closer inherent data model to your applications. In fact, the records in MongoDB that represent documents are stored as BSON, which is a lightweight binary form of JSON, with field:value pairs corresponding to JavaScript property:value pairs. These field:value pairs define the values stored in the document. That means little translation is necessary to convert MongoDB records back into the JavaScript object that you use in your Node.js applications. For example, a document in MongoDB may be structured similarly to the following with name, version, languages, admin, and paths fields: Click here to view code image { name: "New Project", version: 1, languages: ["JavaScript", "HTML", "CSS"], admin: {name: "Brad", password: "****"}, paths: {temp: "/tmp", project: "/opt/project", html: "/opt/project/html"} } Notice that the document structure contains fields/properties that are strings, integers, arrays, and objects, just like a JavaScript object. Table 11.1 lists the different data types that field values can be set to in the BSON document. The field names cannot contain null characters, . (dots), or $ (dollar signs). Also, the _id field name is reserved for the Object ID. The _id field is a unique ID for the system that is made up of the following parts: A 4-byte value representing the seconds since the last epoch A 3-byte machine identifier A 2-byte process ID A 3-byte counter, starting with a random value The maximum size of a document in MongoDB is 16MB, which prevents queries that result in an excessive amount of RAM being used or intensive hits to the file system. Although you may never come close, you still need to keep the maximum document size in mind when designing some complex data types that contain file data. MongoDB Data Types The BSON data format provides several different types that are used when storing the JavaScript objects to binary form. These types match the JavaScript type as closely as possible. It is important to understand these types because you can actually query MongoDB to find objects that have a specific property that has a value of a certain type. For example, you can look for documents in a database whose timestamp value is a String object or query for ones whose timestamp is a Date object. MongoDB assigns each of the data types an integer ID number from 1 to 255 that is used when querying by type. Table 11.1 shows a list of the data types that MongoDB supports along with the number MongoDB uses to identify them. Table 11.1 MongoDB data types and corresponding ID number Type Number Double 1 String 2 Object 3 Array 4 Binary data 5 Object id 7 Boolean 8 Date 9 Null 10 Regular Expression 11 JavaScript 13 JavaScript (with scope) 15 32-bit integer 16 Timestamp 17 64-bit integer 18 Decimal126 19 Min key -1 Max key 127 Another thing to be aware of when working with different data types in MongoDB is the order in which they are compared. When comparing values of different BSON types, MongoDB uses the following comparison order from lowest to highest: 1. Min Key (internal type) 2. Null 3. Numbers (32-bit integer, 64-bit integer, Double) 4. String 5. Object 6. Array 7. Binary Data 8. Object ID 9. Boolean 10. Date, Timestamp 11. Regular Expression 12. Max Key (internal type) Planning Your Data Model Before you begin implementing a MongoDB database, you need to understand the nature of the data being stored, how that data is going to get stored, and how it is going to be accessed. Understanding these concepts allows you to make determinations ahead of time and to structure the data and your application for optimal performance. Specifically, you should ask yourself the following questions: What are the basic objects that my application will be using? What is the relationship between the different object types: one-to-one, one-tomany, or many-to-many? How often will new objects be added to the database? How often will objects be deleted from the database? How often will objects be changed? How often will objects be accessed? How will objects be accessed: by ID, property values, comparisons, and so on? How will groups of object types be accessed: by common ID, common property value, and so on? Once you have the answers to these questions, you are ready to consider the structure of collections and documents inside the MongoDB. The following sections discuss different methods of document, collection, and database modeling you can use in MongoDB to optimize data storage and access. Normalizing Data with Document References Data normalization is the process of organizing documents and collections to minimize redundancy and dependency. This is done by identifying object properties that are subobjects and should be stored as a separate document in another collection from the object’s document. Typically, this is used for objects that have a one-tomany or many-to-many relationship with subobjects. The advantage of normalizing data is that the database size will be smaller because only a single copy of an object will exist in its own collection instead of being duplicated on multiple objects in a single collection. Also, if you modify the information in the subobject frequently, you only need to modify a single instance rather than every record in the object’s collection that has that subobject. A major disadvantage of normalizing data is that when looking up user objects that require the normalized subobject, a separate lookup must occur to link the subobject. This can result in a significant performance hit if you are accessing the user data frequently. An example of when it makes sense to normalize data is a system that contains users that have a favorite store. Each User is an object with name, phone, and favoriteStore properties. The favoriteStore property is also a subobject that contains name, street, city, and zip properties. However, thousands of users may have the same favorite store, so there is a high one-to-many relationship. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to store the FavoriteStore object data in each User object because it would result in thousands of duplications. Instead, the FavoriteStore object should include an _id object property that can be referenced from documents in the user’s FavoriteStore. The application can then use the reference ID favoriteStore to link data from the Users collection to FavoriteStore documents in the FavoriteStores collection. Figure 11.1 illustrates the structure of the Users and FavoriteStores collections just described. Figure 11.1 Defining normalized MongoDB documents by adding a reference to documents in another collection Denormalizing Data with Embedded Documents Denormalizing data is the process of identifying subobjects of a main object that should be embedded directly into the document of the main object. Typically this is done on objects that have a mostly one-to-one relationship or are relatively small and do not get updated frequently. The major advantage of denormalized documents is that you can get the full object back in a single lookup without the need to do additional lookups to combine subobjects from other collections. This is a major performance enhancement. The downside is that for subobjects with a one-to-many relationship you store a separate copy in each document, which slows down insertion and also takes up additional disk space. An example of when it makes sense to normalize data is a system that contains users with home and work contact information. The user is an object represented by a User document with name, home, and work properties. The home and work properties are subobjects that contain phone, street, city, and zip properties. The home and work properties do not change often on the user. You may have multiple users from the same home; however, there likely will not be many of them, and the actual values inside the subobjects are not that big and will not change often. Therefore, it makes sense to store the home contact information directly in the User object. The work property takes a bit more thinking. How many people are going to have the same work contact information? If the answer is not many, then the work object should be embedded with the User object. How often are you querying the User and need the work contact information? If the answer is rarely, then you may want to normalize work into its own collection. However, if the answer is frequently or always, then you will likely want to embed work with the User object. Figure 11.2 illustrates the structure of the Users with Home and work contact information embedded as just described. Figure 11.2 Defining denormalized MongoDB documents by implementing embedded objects inside a document Using Capped Collections A great feature of MongoDB is the ability to create a capped collection, which is a collection that has a fixed size. When a new document that exceeds the size of the collection needs to be written to a collection, the oldest document in the collection is deleted and the new document is inserted. Capped collections work great for objects that have a high rate of insertion, retrieval, and deletion. The following list contains the benefits of using capped collections: Capped collections guarantee that the insertion order is preserved. Queries do not need to use an index to return documents in the order they were stored, thus eliminating indexing overhead. Capped collections also guarantee that the insertion order is identical to the order on disk by prohibiting updates that increase the document size. This eliminates the overhead of relocating and managing the new location of documents. Capped collections automatically remove the oldest documents in the collection. Therefore, you do not need to implement deletion in your application code. Be careful using capped collections, though, as they have the following restrictions: Documents cannot be updated to a larger size once they have been inserted into the capped collection. You update them, but the data must be the same size or smaller. Documents cannot be deleted from a capped collection. That means that the data takes up space on disk even if it is not being used. You can explicitly drop the capped collection to effectively delete all entries, but you need to re-create it to use it again. A great use of capped collections is as a rolling log of transactions in your system. You can always access the last X number of log entries without needing to explicitly clean up the oldest. Understanding Atomic Write Operations Write operations are atomic at the document level in MongoDB, which means that only one process can update a single document or a single collection at the same time. This means that writing to documents that are denormalized is atomic. However, writing to documents that are normalized requires separate write operations to subobjects in other collections, and therefore the writes of the normalized object may not be atomic as a whole. Keep atomic writes in mind when designing your documents and collections to ensure that the design fits the needs of the application. In other words, if you absolutely must write all parts of an object as a whole in an atomic manner, then you need to design the object in a denormalized fashion. Considering Document Growth When you update a document, consider what effect the new data will have on document growth. MongoDB provides some padding in documents to allow for typical growth during an update operation. However, if the update causes the document to grow to an amount that exceeds the allocated space on disk, MongoDB has to relocate that document to a new location on the disk, incurring a performance hit on the system. Also, frequent document relocation can lead to disk fragmentation issues—for example, if a document contains an array and you add enough elements to the array. One way to mitigate document growth is to use normalized objects for the properties that may grow frequently. For example, instead of using an array to store items in a Cart object, you could create a collection for CartItems and store new items that get placed in the cart as new documents in the CartItems collection and then reference the user’s Cart items within them. Identifying Indexing, Sharding, and Replication Opportunities MongoDB provides several mechanisms to optimize performance, scaling, and reliability. As you contemplate your database design, consider each of the following options: Indexing: Indexes improve performance for frequent queries by building a lookup index that can be easily sorted. The _id property of a collection is automatically indexed on since it is a common practice to look items up by ID. However, you also need to consider what other ways users access data and implement indexes that will enhance those lookup methods. Sharding: Sharding is the process of slicing up large collections of data that can be split between multiple MongoDB servers in a cluster. Each MongoDB server is considered a shard. This provides the benefit of using multiple servers to support a high number of requests to a large system, thus providing horizontal scaling to your database. Look at the size of your data and the amount of requests that will be accessing it to determine whether and how much to shard your collections. Replications: Replication is the process of duplicating data on multiple MongoDB instances in a cluster. When considering the reliability aspect of your database, you should implement replication to ensure that a backup copy of critical data is always readily available. Large Collections Versus Large Numbers of Collections Another important thing to consider when designing your MongoDB documents and collections is the number of collections that the design will result in. There isn’t a significant performance hit for having a large number of collections; however, there is a performance hit for having large numbers of items in the same collection. Consider ways to break up your larger collections into more consumable chunks. For example, say that you store a history of user transactions in the database for past purchases. You recognize that for these completed purchases, you will never need to look them up together for multiple users. You only need them available for the user to look at his or her own history. If you have thousands of users who have a lot of transactions, then it makes sense to store those histories in a separate collection for each user. Deciding on Data Life Cycles One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of database design is that of the data life cycle. Specifically, how long should documents exist in a specific collection? Some collections have documents that should be indefinite, for example, active user accounts. However, keep in mind that each document in the system incurs a performance hit when querying a collection. You should define a TTL or time-tolive value for documents in each of your collections. There are several ways to implement a time-to-live mechanism in MongoDB. One way is to implement code in your application to monitor and clean up old data. Another way is to use the MongoDB TTL setting on a collection, which allows you to define a profile where documents are automatically deleted after a certain number of seconds or at a specific clock time. For collections where you only need the most recent documents, you can implement a capped collection that automatically keeps the size of the collection small. Considering Data Usability and Performance Two more important things to consider when designing a MongoDB database are data use and how it will affect performance. The previous sections described different methods for solving some complexities of data size and optimization. The final things you should consider and even reconsider are data usability and performance. Ultimately, these are the two most important aspects of any web solution and, consequently, the storage behind it. Data usability describes the ability for the database to satisfy the functionality of the website. First, you must make sure that the data can be accessed so that the website functions correctly. Users will not tolerate a website that simply does not do what they want it to. This also includes the accuracy of the data. Then you can consider performance. Your database must be able to deliver the data at a reasonable rate. You can consult the previous sections when evaluating and designing the performance factors for your database. In some more complex circumstances, you may find it necessary to evaluate data usability and then performance and then go back and evaluate usability again for a few cycles until you get the balance correct. Also, keep in mind that in today’s world, usability requirements can change at any time. Remembering that can influence how you design your documents and collections so that they can become more scalable in the future if necessary. Summary In this chapter you learned about MongoDB and design considerations for the structure of data and configuration of a database. You learned about collections, documents, and the types of data that can be stored in them. You also learned how to plan your data model, what questions you need to answer, and the mechanisms built in to MongoDB to satisfy the demands your database needs. Next In the next chapter, you install MongoDB. You also learn how to use the MongoDB shell to set up user accounts and access collections and documents. 12 Getting Started with MongoDB This chapter gets you up to speed with MongoDB. Whereas Chapter 11, “Understanding NoSQL and MongoDB,” focused more on the theory side of MongoDB, this chapter is all about practical application. You learn what it takes to install MongoDB, start and stop the engine, and access the MongoDB shell. The MongoDB shell allows you to administer the MongoDB server as well as perform every necessary function on the databases. Using the MongoDB shell is a vital aspect of the development process as well as database administration. This chapter covers installing MongoDB and accessing the shell. The chapter focuses on some basic administrative tasks such as setting up user accounts and authentication. The chapter then wraps up by describing how to administer databases, collections, and documents. Building the MongoDB Environment To get started with MongoDB, the first task is to install it on your development system. Once installed on your development system, you can play around with the functionality, learn the MongoDB shell, and prepare for Chapter 13, “Getting Started with MongoDB and Node.js,” in which you begin integrating MongoDB into your Node.js applications. The following sections cover installation, starting and stopping the database engine, and accessing the shell client. Once you can do those things you are ready to begin using MongoDB in your environment. Installing MongoDB The first step in getting MongoDB implemented into your Node.js environment is installing the MongoDB server. There is a version of MongoDB for each of the major platforms, including Linux, Windows, Solaris, and OS X. There is also an enterprise version available for the Red Hat, SuSE, Ubuntu, and Amazon Linux distributions. The enterprise version of MongoDB is subscription-based and provides enhanced security, management, and integration support. For the purposes of this book and learning MongoDB, the standard edition of MongoDB is perfect. Before continuing, go to the MongoDB website at Follow the links and instructions to download and install MongoDB in your environment: As part of the installation and setup process, perform the following steps: 1. Download and extract the MongoDB files. 2. Add the /bin to your system path. 3. Create a data files directory: /data/db. 4. Start MongoDB using the following command from the console prompt: mongod –dbpath /data/db Starting MongoDB Once you have installed MongoDB, you need to be able to start and stop the database engine. The database engine starts by executing the mongod (mongod.exe on Windows) executable in the /bin location. This executable starts MongoDB and begins listening for database requests on the configured port. The mongod executable accepts several different parameters that provide methods of controlling its behavior. For example, you can configure the IP address and port MongoDB listens on as well as logging and authentication. Table 12.1 provides a list of some of the most commonly used parameters. Here is an example of starting MongoDB with a port and dbpath parameters: mongod –port 28008 –dbpath /data/db Table 12.1 mongod command-line parameters Parameter --help, -h Description --version Returns the version of MongoDB. --config , Specifies a configuration file that contains runtimeconfigurations. Returns basic help and usage text. -f --verbose, -v Increases the amount of internal reporting sent to the console and written to the log file specified by -logpath. --quiet Reduces the amount of reporting sent to the console and log file. --port Specifies a TCP port for mongod to listen for client connections. Default: 27017. --bind_ip Specifies the IP address on which mongod will bind to and listen for connections. Default: All Interfaces --maxConns Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections that mongod will accept. Max: 20000 --logpath Specifies a path for the log file. On restart, the log file is overwritten unless you also specify --logappend. --auth Enables database authentication for users connecting from remote hosts. --dbpath Specifies a directory for the mongod instance to store its data. -nohttpinterface Disables the HTTP interface. --nojournal Disables the durability journaling. --noprealloc Disables the preallocation of data files, which shortens the startup time but can cause significant performance penalties during normal operations. --repair Runs a repair routine on all databases. Stopping MongoDB Each platform has different methods of stopping the mongod executable once it has started. However, one of the best methods is to stop it from the shell client because that cleanly shuts down the current operations and forces the mongod to exit. To stop the MongoDB database from the shell client, use the following commands to switch to the admin database and then shut down the database engine: use admin db.shutdownServer() Accessing MongoDB from the Shell Client Once you have installed, configured, and started MongoDB, you can access it through the MongoDB shell. The MongoDB shell is an interactive shell provided with MongoDB that allows you to access, configure, and administer MongoDB databases, users, and much more. You use the shell for everything from setting up user accounts to creating databases to querying the contents of the database. The following sections take you through some of the most common administration tasks that you perform in the MongoDB shell. Specifically, you need to be able to create user accounts, databases, and collections to follow the examples in the rest of the book. Also you should be able to perform at least rudimentary queries on documents to help you troubleshoot any problems with accessing data. To start the MongoDB shell, first make sure that mongod is running, and then run the mongod command, then execute the mongo command from the console prompt. The shell should start up as shown in Figure 12.1. Figure 12.1 Starting the MongoDB console shell Once you have accessed the MongoDB shell, you can administer all aspects of MongoDB. There are a couple of things to keep in mind when using MongoDB. First is that it is based on JavaScript and most of its syntax is available. Second, the shell provides direct access to the database and collections on the server so changes you make directly impact the data on the server. Understanding MongoDB Shell commands The MongoDB shell provides several commands that can be executed from the shell prompt. You need to be familiar with these commands as you will use them a lot. The following list describes each command and its purpose: help

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