Gaining Expertise With Azure AD B2C Microsoft Master Manual

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Gaining Expertise with
Azure AD B2C

A course for developers

Version 1.5, July 2018

About this course ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Course Elements ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Course Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Module 0: AAD B2C Environment Setup ................................................................................................................ 6
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Accounts, tenants, and subscriptions ................................................................................................................. 7
Create an Azure Tenant............................................................................................................................................ 7
Create an Azure co-admin and test user ........................................................................................................... 8
Create a B2C tenant ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Link the B2C Tenant to the Azure Subscription ........................................................................................... 11
Enable the B2CAdmin account to manage the B2C Tenant .................................................................... 12
Make things easy to find ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Create a B2C Test user........................................................................................................................................... 13
Important Concepts................................................................................................................................................ 14
Module 1 – Using Built in Policies ......................................................................................................................... 15
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Create a Sign-up or Sign-In Policy.................................................................................................................... 16
Create a Password Reset Policy.......................................................................................................................... 19
Update the Password Reset Policy to include Multifactor Authentication ........................................ 21
Create a Profile Editing Policy ............................................................................................................................. 23
Register the Reply URL .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Review the Identity Token Using .......................................................................................... 28
Important Concepts................................................................................................................................................ 31
Module 2 - Using Identity Providers with Azure AD B2C Built in Policies .............................................. 33
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 33
See it in action .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Setup Social Sign In ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Facebook Social Sign in Configuration Steps ............................................................................................... 36

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Modify the SUSI Policy to Include Facebook ................................................................................................ 37
Test the Facebook SUSI Policy............................................................................................................................ 38
Important Concepts................................................................................................................................................ 39
Module 3: Application Integration for a .Net Web App ................................................................................ 40
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
Register a Relying Party Application ................................................................................................................ 41
Download the Sample Application and Open it in Visual Studio ......................................................... 43
Edit the Application to Include SISU, Profile Edit and Password Reset Policies .............................. 44
Edit the Application to Add the Tenant ID..................................................................................................... 44
Edit the Application to Include the Client ID and Client Secret ............................................................. 45
Configure the Edit Profile and Reset Password Links ................................................................................ 45
Examine the OWIN Middleware Configuration............................................................................................ 46
Publish the Sample Application ......................................................................................................................... 48
Test the Deployed Application ........................................................................................................................... 51
Important Concepts................................................................................................................................................ 51
Module 4: UX Customization using Built-In Functionality............................................................................ 55
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 56
Customize the HTML Pages Displayed by B2C Policies ............................................................................ 56
Customize Email Messages sent by the B2C App ....................................................................................... 65
Add Localization to Support Spanish-Speaking Users .............................................................................. 67
Modify the Password Complexity of Policies ................................................................................................ 69
Important Concepts................................................................................................................................................ 71
Module 5: Introduction to Custom Policies ....................................................................................................... 76
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 77
Create a Custom Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 77
Update the Web Application to Reference the New Policies ................................................................. 88
est and Debug a Custom Policy by Using Application Insights ............................................................. 91
Modify the Starter Pack SUSI Policy ................................................................................................................. 94
Important Concepts................................................................................................................................................ 96
What is IEF? ................................................................................................................................................................ 97
Module 6 – Custom Policies 2 – REST APIs ...................................................................................................... 105

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Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................. 105
See it in action ........................................................................................................................................................ 105
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................................ 105
Step-by-Step Instructions ....................................................................................................................................... 106
Create a custom policy for REST API integration ...................................................................................... 106
Modify the Profile Edit Policy to Return the User Store Membership Date .................................... 122
Module 7—External IDPs, OIDC and SAML...................................................................................................... 130
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 130
Integrate an OIDC IDP and Map Claims ....................................................................................................... 131
Integrate a SAML IDP and Map Claims ......................................................................................................... 139
Module 8: Using the Azure AD Graph API and User Migration ............................................................... 147
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................. 147
Use the Azure AD Graph API to Query, Add, Update, and Delete Users in AAD .......................... 148
Migrate Users to AAD .......................................................................................................................................... 161
Require Users to Change Password on First Sign-in ................................................................................ 170
Important Concepts .................................................................................................................................................. 186
The Azure AD Graph API and the Microsoft Graph API .......................................................................... 186
Graph Explorer ........................................................................................................................................................ 189
Planning User Migrations ................................................................................................................................... 196
Module 9 – Auditing and Reporting ................................................................................................................... 200
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 200
Setup Application Insights ................................................................................................................................. 201
Use Audit logs to Export Application, Policy, and User Activity Data................................................ 204
Download Data into an Insight/Analytics System ..................................................................................... 205
Auditing Admin and Security Events.............................................................................................................. 209
Accessing Audit Logs through the Azure AD Reporting API ................................................................ 210


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About this course
Welcome to the Gaining Expertise with Azure AD B2C course for developers.
This self-paced course is designed to take you from initial awareness of Azure AD B2C to being
able to create complex user journeys for your customers and leveraging the insights of their
behavior with those journeys to determine how to deepen your organization’s relationship with
those customers.
Each module within the course builds on the previous, and at the end you will have a
working .Net web application that:

Enables customers to log in with local, social, and enterprise accounts.


Enables customers to edit their profiles and reset their own passwords with an MFA


Has a fully customized UI.


Requests users to accept terms and conditions.

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

Create an Azure AD B2C tenant.


Use built-in (UI-based) policies to




Create sign up, sign in, profile edit, multi-factor authentication, and self-service
password reset journeys.


Add many popular identity providers.


Enable sign in with social accounts.


Customize the User interface.

Use custom policies built in XML to

Create customized sign up, sign in, profile edit, multi-factor authentication, and
self-service password reset journeys.


Enable sign in with social accounts


Enable sign in with any OIDC or OAuth compliant identity provider.


Enable REST API calls to eternal systems to validate user input.


Migrate users from other Identity Providers to Azure AD B2C.


CRUD users using Microsoft Graph.

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Course Elements
In most course modules you will see the following elements:

See it in action. Before you complete most modules, you’ll go to the Awesome
Computers site to see the customer experience you’ll build in the module.


Step-by-step directions. A click-through guide for completing each procedure. We
have included screen shots of virtually every step to guide you.


Important Concepts. An explanation of some of the concepts important to the
procedures in the module, and what happens behind the scenes.


Sample application, policies, and files. A downloadable version of the Awesome
Computers application that you will use throughout course, and other files you will need.
Please go to to download all necessary assets.

Course Prerequisites
To be successful in this course, you should be familiar with the following concepts:

What is Azure Active Directory?


What are authentication and authorization?


What is federation?


What is Single sign on?


What are open authentication standards?




OpenID Connect


OAuth 2.0

Understanding web site .CSS

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Module 0: AAD B2C Environment Setup
At the end of this module, you will be able to:

Set up an Azure Tenant that supports Azure AD B2C


Add a co-admin and a test user to the Azure tenant


Enable the co-admin to manage the B2C tenant


Set up an Azure AD B2C Tenant


Create a test user in the B2C Tenant


8 Link the B2C Tenant to the Azure subscription

And you will have a deeper understanding of the following concepts:

What Azure AD B2C is


What tenants and subscriptions are


When to use Azure AD B2C

This module should take you 30 minutes to complete.


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Accounts, tenants, and subscriptions
In this module you will create an Azure account, which results in an Azure tenant. To create an
Azure Active Directory B2C tenant, your Azure tenant must have a subscription. Azure
subscriptions require a billing method and are pay-as-you go.
Nothing you do in this course should result in any billing to your Azure subscription. The
first 50,000 users in a B2C tenant are free. Be sure, at the end of the course, to follow the
directions for removing any test tenants and accounts from your subscription.

Create an Azure Tenant
If you already have an Azure account with a subscription, you may use that account to create
your B2C tenant for this course, in which case you can skip to you can skip to Create an Azure
co-admin and test user. If you have a free Azure tenant, you can choose to add a subscription to
it, and use that one.
Perform the following steps to create an Azure account, tenant, and subscription
1) Access, and select the green Start Free button.
2) On the resulting page, select the Or buy now link, and on the next page select Buy now.

3) Sign in with a Microsoft account, and select No at the Stay signed in? prompt.
you will be using an admin account you create in the next procedure.
4) On the Azure Pay-As-You-Go signup page, enter your contact information and select Next.
5) Verify your identity via phone, enter your payment information, then select Next.
6) Select No technical support, and then select Next.
7) Read the Agreement documents, and then select I agree…, and select Sign up.
8) Select answers to the questions if desired, and select Submit, then on the resultant page,
select Go to the portal.


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Create an Azure co-admin and test user
In this procedure, you create an admin account to use throughout the course, and a test user to
use in later modules. It is always a good idea to have more than one administrator.
Perform the following steps to create your Azure users:
1) Log in to your Azure tenant at
2) In the left navigation, select Azure Active Directory, select Users, then select + New user.

3) In the Name field, enter B2cadmin, and in the User name field, enter
NOTE: if you have a custom domain name, your tenant will not have the .onmicrosoft
element in the name.
4) Select Directory role, select a role of Global Administrator and select OK.
NOTE: when you create a regular user, you will not need to select OK.
5) Select Show password, copy down the temporary password, and select Create.


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6) Repeat steps 2-5 with the following values to create your test user.
a) Name:


b) User Name:

c) Directory role: User
Your administrator account and test user account now appear in your users list.


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Create a B2C tenant
Perform the following steps to create a new B2C Tenant.
1) In the left navigation of the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory, then select + Create
a resource at the top of the navigation.
2) In the search box, type B2C, and from the results choose Azure Active Directory B2C.
3) In the window that opens, select Create, then select Create a new Azure AD B2C Tenant.
4) In the Organization name, type Awesome Computers.
5) In the Initial domain name, type AwesomeYourLastName, for example AwesomeJones, and
then select Create.
If AwesomeYourLastName isn’t available, choose another name, such as AwesomeJones22.

The new directory will now be available in the drop down under your sign in name.


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Link the B2C Tenant to the Azure Subscription
In this process, you connect your Azure AD B2C tenant to your Azure subscription.
Perform the following steps to make the connection.
1) In the left navigation of the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory, then select + Create
a resource at the top of the navigation.
2) In the search box, type B2C, and from the results choose Azure Active Directory B2C.
3) In the window that opens, select Create, then select Link an existing Azure AD B2C Tenant
to my subscription.
4) In the Azure AD B2C Tenant drop down, select your AwesomeYourLastname tenant.
5) Choose an existing resource group or create a new one and select the resource group
location, select the Pin to dashboard check box, and then select Create.


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Enable the B2CAdmin account to manage the B2C Tenant
In this process, you will enable the B2CAdmin account to manage the B2C Tenant.
1) Ensure you are in your Azure Tenant.
2) From the dashboard, select your B2C Tenant, AwesomeYourLastName.
3) In the tenant navigation, select Users.
4) In the resultant window, Select + New guest user.
5) Type the B2CAdmin email, and select Invite.

On the All Users screen, the b2cadmin account will now show with a user type of Guest.
6) Select the link for the user name, and on the b2cadmin properties screen, select Directory
Role, choose a role of Global adminstrator, and select Save.

7) Sign out and sign in with the B2C admin account.
8) Select All Services, Search for B2C, and mark Azure AD B2C as a favorite by selecting the
For the rest of this course, use the B2CAdmin account.


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Make things easy to find
1) In your Azure portal, select All Services, search for B2C, then select the star next to it to add
it to your favorites. It will then appear in your left navigation.
2) Drag Azure AD and Azure AD B2C to the top of your favorites.

Create a B2C Test user
1) In the left navigation select Azure AD B2C, select Users, the select + New user.
2) In the Name field enter B2C Test User.
3) In the User name field, enter,
and then select the Show Password link, note the password, and select Create.



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Important Concepts
What is Azure AD B2C
Azure AD B2C is a customer identity management system that enables you to abstract the
authentication and authorization functions from your application. Azure AD B2C uses policies to
construct user journeys (or user flows) including sign up, sign in, and profile management.
Azure AD B2C interacts with identity providers, customers, other systems (such as CRM systems)
and a local directory to complete identity tasks.
The underlying platform that establishes multi-party trust and completes these steps is called
the Identity Experience Framework (IEF). This framework and a policy (also called a user journey
or a Trust Framework policy) explicitly defines the actors, the actions, the protocols, and the
sequence of steps to complete. You can find out more about Azure AD B2C here.

When to use Azure AD B2C
Azure AD B2C is best used when you want to sign up and sign in users for web apps, iOS apps,
android apps, single page apps, or desktop apps. It can enable the user journeys discussed
above and can interact with REST APIs to validate information with other systems, such as
validating an address with the postal service, or validating a governmental identity with a
government system.
If you are looking for identity services for enterprise accounts, you should investigate Azure
Active Directory. If you are looking for identity services for partners or suppliers to give them
access to enterprise resources, you should investigate Azure AD B2B collaboration. In B2B, you
invite users into your corporate directory. With Azure AD B2C, users remain external.

Accounts, Tenants, and Subscriptions
An Azure account is created when you sign up for Azure. Creating your Azure account creates
an Azure Tenant, which is accessed by logging in to with the credentials
that you used to create your Azure account. This is the Azure Portal. Inside the portal, you
create and manage different types of user accounts and other resources.
An Azure subscription is a billing agreement you create in conjunction with your Azure
account. Azure subscriptions are usually pay-as-you-go, and you only incur charges for the
services that you use. To create an Azure AD B2C Tenant, your Azure account must have a
An Azure AD B2C Tenant is a resource that you create within your Azure tenant.


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Module 1 – Using Built in Policies
This module introduces you to policies in Azure AD B2C that can be used with Identity Providers,
or IdPs, as part of the user journeys listed below. Policies save you time and effort within your
application so that you do not have to completely write code or create new pages for each user
journey. However, it is still possible to use the extensibility of Azure AD B2C to create custom
pages for each journey if at all desired.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:

Create built-in policies for

The sign up or sign-in journey.


The password reset journey.


The profile edit journey.

And you will have a deeper understanding of the following concepts:

What policies are, and how applications use them.


Claims and attributes and how they are used.


How to view the contents of tokens.


The pros and cons of using multi-factor authentication.


Using policies to facilitate single-sign on among applications.

This module should take you 15 minutes to complete.

See it in action
Before you begin the module, you can experience the end user journeys that you are about to

Go to the Demo site and sign up.


Enter your profile information


Note: you must use both an email and a phone number to which you have


Edit your profile to add “-1” to your last name.


Reset your password and experience the multi-factor authentication (MFA) experience.

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Create a Sign-up or Sign-In Policy
A sign-up or sign-up policy provides a sign-in and a sign-up user experience with a single policy
configuration. Policies define the user experience and the attributes which are received when a
user signs into an application. The attributes are added as claims to the user token.
Perform the following steps to configure a Sign-up or Sign-in policy in the Azure AD B2C tenant.
1) Sign in to the Azure portal as the B2CAdmin account in your Azure tenant.
2) Select Azure AD B2C in the left navigation.
3) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Policies section, select Sign-up or sign-in-policies,
then select + Add.
4) Name the policy SignUpOrSignInPolicy.
5) Select Identity Providers, then select the checkbox for Email signup.
This is for local accounts that are created within the Azure AD B2C tenant.

6) Select OK.
7) Select Sign-up attributes and then select the following attributes. The attributes are
collected as part of a sign-up process.







Display Name


Email Address


Given Name


Postal Code



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8) Select OK.
9) Select Application claims and then select the following application claims.





Display Name


Email Addresses


Given Name


Identity Provider


Postal Code




User is new


User's Object ID


Select OK to save the application claims.


Select Create to provision the Sign-up or Sign-In Policy.


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When the Policy has been created, the name will be prefixed with B2C_1_.


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Create a Password Reset Policy
You will now create a password reset policy, so that the application can handle password resets
for the local Azure AD B2C tenant user accounts.
Perform the following steps to create the password reset policy.
1) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Policies section, select Password reset policies, then
select +Add.

2) Name the policy PasswordResetPolicy.
3) Select Identity Providers, then select Reset password using email address.

4) Select OK.


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5) Select Application claims and then select the following claims. These will be returned to the
application after a successful password reset.

Email Addresses


User’s Object ID

6) Select OK.
7) Select Create to provision the password reset policy.
When the Policy has been created, the name will be prefixed with B2C_1_.


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Update the Password Reset Policy to include Multifactor Authentication
Multifactor Authentication (MFA) can be enabled to secure Azure AD B2C identities.
Perform the following steps to enable MFA on a password reset policy.
1) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Policies section, select Password reset policies and
then select the B2C_1_PasswordResetPolicy policy.

2) Select Edit.

3) Select Multifactor authentication.


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4) Toggle the State from Off to On and then select OK.
5) Select Save to save the change to the policy. Ensure that the Multifactor authentication
option displays On.

Multifactor authentication has been enabled on the password reset policy.
6) Close the Edit Policy blade, by selecting the X.


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7) Close the B2C_1_PasswordResetPolicy blade, by selecting the X.

Create a Profile Editing Policy
Profile editing policies allow users to make changes to their profile.
Perform the following steps to enable a profile editing policy.
1) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Policies section, select Profile editing policies, then
select + Add.

2) Name the policy ProfileEditPolicy.
3) Select Identity providers, select Local Account SignIn and then select OK.

4) Select Profile attributes, select the attributes shown in the following image, and then select


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5) Select Application claims, select Email Addresses and User's Object ID, and then select
6) Select Create in the Add Policy blade.

Register the Reply URL
You can examine the claims present in the identity tokens by using the website. provides the ability to decode id_tokens and show the claims present within the token.
To utilize, you can either paste in an id_token, or set the reply URL of the application to
Perform the following steps to update the application reply URL to
1) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Manage section select Applications.


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2) Select +Add.
3) In the New application blade, set the Name to Awesome Computers and set Include web
app / web API to Yes.


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4) Set the Reply URL to then select Create.


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5) Close the application blade



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Review the Identity Token Using
You can inspect identity tokens by using the page at This site enables you to
review the token, and the decoded token and claims associated with the token that have been
issued by an IdP.
Perform the following steps to update the application reply URL to
1) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Policies section, select Profile editing policies.

2) Select the B2C_1_ProfileEditPolicy which was created earlier.
3) In the profile editing policy blade select Run now. This will launch a browser with the
Run now endpoint URL.
4) Enter the credentials for the
that you created in the pre-module, and then select Sign in.
5) If this is the first time you have logged into the tenant with the test user account, you will
be asked to update your password. Enter the current password, new password and
confirm the new password, then select Sign in.
6) After successfully authenticating, you will need to complete the user profile fields as the
Sign-in and Sign-up policy enforces the capturing of profile information. Enter the details


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as desired for the user profile then select Continue.

7) After successfully authenticating, you will be re-directed to which is the
reply URL for the application. This is the URL where all tokens are returned, by the Azure
AD B2C OAuth 2.0 endpoint.
8) Inspect the decoded token and claims in


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Decoded Token



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Important Concepts
Unique IDs for Applications
Each application registered in an Azure AD or Azure AD B2C tenant has a unique application ID
which is utilized as part of the trust mechanisms built into the Azure AD authentication libraries.
Applications contain unique IDs and secrets, which are used in applications to ensure that they
are authorized to request tokens from Azure AD tenants.

What are built in policies
Built in policies provide the user experience and are associated with IdPs and applications for
various user journeys. These include Sign up, Sign In, Password Resets and Profile Editing
policies. Policies can be applied to multiple IdPs and applications that are registered in Azure AD
B2C which makes the development effort faster, reducing the time you need to spend on coding
the user journeys.
Policies are important to ensure that the right user attributes are captured as part of the sign up
or sign in process and are flexible enough so that you can add custom attributes too. Policies
also allow you to control the look and feel of the user journeys and also enforce Multi Factor

How do policies work
Policies you define are associated with one or more IdPs. When your application leverages Azure
AD B2C, the policies will determine the behavior when a user authenticates to the IdP. When
the token from the IdP is validated by Azure AD B2C, ensuring the signature is trusted, Azure AD
B2C then uses a policy specified in the Azure AD B2C tenant for the specific IdP and application.

How applications use policies
Applications receive user id_tokens to make authorization decisions. Users attributes, which may
be collected during a sign up or sign in policy, are used as claims that are present in the
id_token. Applications can then utilize the claims in the id_token, to understand the user in more
detail e.g. a claim can be used to expose different UI elements based on a role associated with a
user’s claims, which are taken from attributes.

What are attributes and claims
Attributes are pieces of information which are tied to a user profile. You may want to collect
specific attributes as part of a sign up or sign in policy to ensure that you have collected the
necessary information for the application you are developing. Users will be presented with a
form, for each user journey, to ensure that the attributes are collected as part of the initial sign
up or sign in process.
Attributes of a user can be added to the user’s claims, which is essentially updating the user’s
id_token through the policies, when they are authenticated by Azure AD B2C which be utilized
across different applications.

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Using policies for SSO across applications
Multiple applications within a tenant may use the same policies, which can result in Single Signon (SSO) to all the applications to which the user has access. By default, the configuration is set
at the tenant level, which means that multiple applications can share the same user session. This
means that once the user is authenticated to an application, the user can access multiple
applications registered in the same Azure AD B2C tenant, without having to follow a user
journey or be re-directed for authentication credentials.
For further information, see Azure Active Directory B2C: Token, session and single sign-on configuration.

Pros and cons of using MFA
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) increases security, and also increases the friction a user
experiences in their journey by adding more steps. You should use it in situations where you feel
increased security is paramount. There is also a cost to using MFA. While minimal, if you plan to
scale to tens or hundreds of thousands of users, you should consider the impact of MFA


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Module 2 - Using Identity Providers with Azure AD B2C Built in Policies
This module introduces you to IdPs and provide you with the steps to federate with Facebook
using Azure AD B2C. You will learn how to add Facebook as an identity provider and set up
Facebook federation with an Azure AD B2C tenant.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:

Register a Facebook developer account.


Create a Facebook application.


Create an Azure AD B2C Identity Provider.

And, you will have a deeper understanding of the following concepts:

Identity Providers and federation


Authentication protocols supported by Azure AD B2C

This module should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

See it in action
Before you begin the module, you can experience the end user journeys that you are about to
build at


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Setup Social Sign In
You must have an account in the Facebook for developers website, prior to implementing this
task. The following steps show how to setup an application in the Facebook for developers

Setup the Facebook Application
1) Open a browser and navigate to, enter your account
details, and select Login.
2) If you do not have a current Facebook for developers account, select Create New
Account then enter the details as requested.
3) Navigate to, select My Apps, and then select Add a
New App.
4) Enter the application Display Name and a Contact Email address.

5) Select Create App ID.
6) If you receive a Security Check message, enter the code on the screen in the box
provided and then select submit.
7) When you are shown the Add a Product page, note down the App ID as this will be
required for the configuration steps in the next set of tasks. Ensure that you handle this
information securely.
8) Click Settings in the left navigation pane and then click Basic.


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9) Select + Add Platform and then select Website.

10) In the Site URL field, enter
11) In the Privacy Policy URL, enter, then select Save
12) In the App Secret section of the page, Click Show to reveal the App Secret. You may
have to re-enter your password to complete this step.
13) Copy the App Secret when it is display on the page. Ensure that you handle this
information securely.
14) Click
in the left-hand navigation pane, and then select Set Up, under the
Facebook Login section.


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15) Under Facebook Login, in the left-hand navigation pane, select Settings.
16) In the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field, enter
thresp, and then select Save Changes.
17) Select App Review in the left-hand navigation pane, and then toggle the Make the App
Public option from No to Yes.

Facebook Social Sign in Configuration Steps
Follow the steps below to configure Social Sign In, by adding an Identity Provider (IdP) within
your Azure AD B2C tenant.
1) Log in to the Azure portal as B2CAdmin in your Azure tenant, and then switch to the B2C tenant, where
AwesomeYourLastname is the name of your B2C tenant, and then select Save
2) Go to your Azure tenant. Select All services, in the Filter box enter B2C, and then select
Azure AD B2C.
3) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Manage section, select Identity Providers.
4) Select +Add.
5) In the Add identity provider blade, in the Name field, enter Facebook, and then select
Identity provider type.
6) In the Select social identity provider blade, select Facebook, and then select OK.
7) In the Add identity provider blade, select Set up this identity provider.
8) In the Set up this social identity provider blade, enter the Client ID (the Facebook App
ID) and Secret that was configured in the Facebook for developers website, and then
select OK.
9) In the Add Identity Provider blade, select Create.
10) You will be re-directed back to the Azure AD B2C – Identity Providers blade. This blade
should now show the Facebook Social Identity Provider which you have just created.
11) Ensure that Local Accounts is set to Email.


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The following references are provided for detailed steps to integrate additional IdPs with Azure



Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
Microsoft accounts


Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
Facebook accounts


Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
Google+ accounts

Amazon Accounts

Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
Amazon accounts


Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
LinkedIn accounts


Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
Twitter accounts


Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
GitHub accounts


Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
Weibo accounts


Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
QQ accounts


Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with
WeChat accounts

Modify the SUSI Policy to Include Facebook
Azure AD B2C has an extensive policy framework which provides the consumer identity
experience and profile editing options. Azure AD B2C includes sign-up and sign-in policies that
can be used across registered applications. It is recommended that you use a sign-up or sign-in
Follow the steps below to add the Facebook IdPs to the policies.
1) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Policies section, select Sign-up or sign-inpolicies, and then select +Add.

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2) In the Add policy blade, type ADandFacebookSignUporSignInPolicy in the Name field,
select Identity providers, select Facebook, and then select OK.
3) In the Add policy blade, select Sign-up attributes.
4) In the Sign-up attributes blade, select Display Name, Email Address, Given Name,
and Surname, and then select OK.
5) In the Add policy blade, select Application claims.
6) In the Select application claims blade, select Display Name, Email Address, Given
Name, Identity Provider, Surname, and User’s Object ID, and then select OK.
7) In the Add policy blade, leave Multi-Factor Authentication set to Off, and then select

Test the Facebook SUSI Policy
1) In the Azure AD B2C blade, under the Policies section, select Sign-up or sign-in
2) Select the B2C_1_ADandFacebookSignUporSignInPolicy.
3) Select Run now. The Facebook sign-in page should appear.

4) Log in using your Facebook account. The page should appear, displaying the
identity token and claims returned Facebook.


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5) Click Claims, and verify that the Display Name (name), Email Address (emails), Given
Name (given_name), Identity Provider (idp), Surname (family_name), and User’s
Object ID (oid) are all listed.

Important Concepts
What are IdPs?
An Identity Provider’s primary purpose is to store information for user or system principals that
has its own mechanisms to provide authentication to a known subject. A subject can be referred
to as a user identity. A typical example of an identity provider is Azure AD; it encompasses user
identities, groups and various pieces of information for each object it stores. For example, Azure
AD provides authentication services to Office 365 and each Office 365 application relies on
Azure AD to provide a user identity token, using common authentication protocols.
Authentication occurs at the IdP and authorization occurs within an application.

What protocols does Azure AD B2C support?
A token that is signed by a trusted IdP is provided to Azure AD B2C, utilizing one of the
following authentication protocols which are supported by Azure AD B2C.

OAuth 2.0
Open ID Connect (OIDC)
SAML 2.0

A user ID token or application token, also referred to as am App token, is provided by Azure AD
B2C to an application, which provides an authentication context for the user or application
respectively. Applications can utilize claims, based on the identity, present within the token e.g.
to make decisions on what the users role is within the application.


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Module 3: Application Integration for a .Net Web App
In this module, you will download the sample web application and configure it to utilize your
Azure AD B2C tenant and policies created in Module 1. You will then publish the application and
examine the claims associated with an id_token. The web application itself is very simple; all it
does is configure the OWIN middleware that implements the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol
to integrate with your Azure AD B2C policies, and then display the resulting identity token when
the user has connected.
At the end of this module, you will have registered an application, edited the application to
incorporate policies, and edited the authorization token path.
And, you will have a deeper understanding of the following concepts:
1. How to register a relying party application
2. How to configure an application to utilize Azure AD B2C policies
3. Installing OWIN Middleware
4. Examine claims using
5. This module should take approximately 45 minutes to complete.


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Register a Relying Party Application
A relying party application is required within the Azure AD B2C tenant so that it is authorized to
retrieve tokens from the Azure AD B2C tenant. The relying party application has several
important pieces of information that describe the application so that it can be integrated with
the Azure AD B2C tenant. The information that is required to register the relying party
application has been listed below.

Name – the name of the application


Application Type – Web app / API or a Native application


Sign-on URL – A URL where users will sign into the application

Follow the steps below to configure a relying party application in the Azure AD B2C tenant.
1) Log in to the Azure portal as B2CAdmin.
2) Switch to the directory to access your B2C
3) Select Azure AD B2C from your favorites.
4) In the Azure AD B2C blade, in the Manage section, select Applications.

5) Select the Awesome Computers application.
6) Make a note of the Application ID. You will need this when you configure the sample web
application later.


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7) Change the Reply URL to This is the
URL that you will to deploy the sample web application. Note that if you deploy the web
application to a different location, you must remember to update this URL for the
8) You need to create an application secret to enable B2C to integrate with your web app.
Select Keys, and then select Generate Key.

9) Select Save and note down the App key value. You will reference this key later in the
web.config file for the sample application.


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You must continue to manage the application in the Azure Portal, not with PowerShell. For
example, if you edit the application registered in an Azure B2C tenant using the Azure Portal,
subsequently managing the application with PowerShell is unsupported. For further
information, see Azure Active Directory B2C: Register your application, faulted apps section.

Download the Sample Application and Open it in Visual Studio
Follow the steps below to download the sample application to the local C:\B2CourseSampleApp folder. This sample application will be used throughout the course.
1) Navigate to the following URL to download the sample application.
Note, download all the assets at this site as you will need them throughout the course.
2) If your browser shows a popup message to provide permissions to download the file, select
OK. If you opened the above URL in PDF, select Open.
3) Select the downloaded zip file in the browser to open the zip file contents.
4) Right-click the folder in the zip file and select Copy.
5) Navigate to the [C:\B2Course-SampleApp] folder, right-click in the explorer window and
then select Paste. The contents of the solution from the zip file will be copied into the folder.
6) Start Visual Studio and open the B2C-WebAPI-DotNet.sln solution in the C:\B2CourseSampleApp\MsftBuild2018.AwesomeComputers_Before folder.
7) Select OK to the security warning. A sample of the security warning is shown below.



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Edit the Application to Include SISU, Profile Edit and Password Reset Policies
1. In Solution Explorer, in the AwesomeComputers project, select the Web.config file.
2. In the  section of the file, replace the placeholders for the
SignInSignUpPolicyId, EditProfilePolicyId, and ResetPasswordPolicyId settings with
the names of the policies you created in module 1, as follows:


3. Replace the value of the RedirectUri setting with the URL that you specified when you
registered the application in the Azure portal,



4. Save the file.

Edit the Application to Add the Tenant ID
In the web.config file, update the app setting for the Tenant to reference the tenant ID for
your Azure AD B2C tenant. Replace AwesomeComputers with the name of your B2C tenant:



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Edit the Application to Include the Client ID and Client Secret
In the web.config file, update the app setting for the ClientId and specify the app id and app
secret that you generated earlier using the Azure portal.



Note: The generated client secret may require escape characters to be correctly parsed in the
web.config (XML). Use an XML escape tool such as to escape any special characters. In a production scenario, escape these
characters manually or generate your own secret using powershell.

Configure the Edit Profile and Reset Password Links
The web application includes links that enable the user to edit their profile and reset their
password. However, to keep the code straightforward, these links are hardcoded into the user
interface, and by default reference a version of the application running in the AADB2CTraining
domain. You should modify these links to reference your own web application.
1) In Solution Explorer, in the AwesomeComputers project, expand the Shared folder, expand
the Home folder, and then select the _LoginPartial.cshtml file.
2) In the _LoginPartial.cshtml file, modify the two  elements as follows. Replace
AwesomeYourLastname with the name of your Azure AD B2C tenant, and specify the value
that you added to the web.config file for the ClientID:

3) Save the file.

Examine the OWIN Middleware Configuration
4) In Solution Explorer, in the AwesomeComputers project, expand the App_Start folder, and
then select the Startup_Auth.cs file. This file contains the code that configures the OWIN
middleware when the web application starts running.

Examine the ConfigAuth method. This is the code that initializes the OWIN middleware:
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)

app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions());

new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
// Generate the metadata address using the tenant and policy information

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MetadataAddress = String.Format(AadInstance, Tenant, DefaultPolicy),

// These are standard OpenID Connect parameters, with values pulled from
ClientId = ClientId,
RedirectUri = RedirectUri,
PostLogoutRedirectUri = RedirectUri,

// Specify the callbacks for each type of notifications
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
RedirectToIdentityProvider = OnRedirectToIdentityProvider,
AuthorizationCodeReceived = OnAuthorizationCodeReceived,
AuthenticationFailed = OnAuthenticationFailed,

// Specify the claim type that specifies the Name property.
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
NameClaimType = "name"

// Specify the scope by appending all of the scopes requested into one string
(separated by a blank space)
Scope = $"openid profile offline_access"

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6) The remaining methods in the file, OnRedirectToIdentityProvider,
OnAuthenticationFailed, and OnAuthorizationCodeReceived are handlers that respond to
authentication and authorization events raised by the OWIN middleware. Note that the
OnAuthenticationFailed method also handles password resets.

Publish the Sample Application
Follow the steps below to publish the application to the Azure Web App.
7) In Solution Explorer, right-click the AwesomeComputers project, then select Publish.

8) Select Create new profile.
9) In the Pick a publish target dialog box, select App Service, select Create New, and then
select Publish.


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10) In the Create App Service dialog box, connect to your Azure tenant as the B2CAdmin
account, and specify the name of your app (AwesomeYourLastname).

11) Select New to create new resource group and name it AwesomeComputersApp.
12) Select New, next to the App Service Plan field.

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13) In the Configure Hosting Plan dialog box,
a. enter AwesomeComputersAppServicePlan for the App Service Plan Name.
b. Select your location.
c. Select B1 (1 core, 1.75 GB RAM) for the size, and then select OK.

14) In the Create App Service dialog box, select Create.
15) Publish the Application by selecting "Publish":

16) Wait while application is deployed.
17) Ensure the build has succeeded and the Web App was published successfully. You should
see messages similar to the following in the Output window of Visual Studio.


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18) When the application has deployed, it will launch in the browser and display the sign-in
page. Do not sign in yet, just close the browser window.

Test the Deployed Application
1) In a web browser, navigate to your app web address,
2) In the sign-in page, log in as
3) Verify that you are signed in successfully. You should see the following page.

5. Select View Token Contents. You will be presented with a page generated by using the web
site at which you used in Module 1 to display the identity token for the signedin user.
Note: If you select Back To B2C Training, you will be taken to the aadb2ctraining web site.
6. Select Claims, and view the claims passed to the web app by the SUSI policy.

Important Concepts
Authentication Flows for Web Apps
There are several common authentication flows for web apps and APIs. They are:


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1) A user authenticating to a web application.
2) A user authenticating to a web API.
3) An application authenticating to a web API on behalf of a user using a confidential client.
4) A service authenticating to another service (service to service).
5) A mobile or native application authenticating to a web API.
For whichever scenario you need to develop, please see Azure Active Directory B2C: Types of
applications for further information.


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Claims and Tokens Overview
The user id_token, which is issued by Azure AD B2C, contains claims that provide web apps and
APIs important information that can be used to make authorization decisions in applications
and/or surface different user interface elements or text specific to a user. The id_token is
essentially a security token that is signed by the Azure AD B2C tenant as part of the
authentication flow. Azure AD issues an id_token, the application utilizes the token with Open ID
Bearer tokens are also security tokens that provide the bearer access to resources such as an
API. These are presented to a resource and the resource determines if the bearer token is
trusted and valid for use as part of a request. You must ensure that all tokens are transmitted
Access tokens and refresh tokens are also provided by Azure AD B2C, and have claims present
to authorize access to APIs. When an API receives an access token it must validate the access
token before authorizing the use of the access token. Refresh tokens are used to request a new
access token as the access token lifetime is limited and configurable within Azure AD B2C.
For further information, see Azure AD B2C: Token reference.

Incorporating Azure AD B2C into existing applications
To incorporate Azure AD B2C into existing applications you need to perform the following steps:
1) Ensure the application is registered in the Azure AD B2C tenant so that the application
can receive tokens, and ensure the reply url is set to the application authorization path.
2) Integrate Azure AD authentication, MSAL Libraries, and Open ID Connect middleware
into the application project.
3) Change the configuration files to include the following information:
a) Azure AD B2C tenant ID.
b) Application ID and secret
c) Azure AD B2C policy names which you intend to use in the application
d) Handle the Azure AD B2C notifications
e) Ensure that the application has the correct permissions to any resources i.e. Azure AD
B2C permissions to read directory data


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Azure AD V1 vs V2 Endpoints
Azure AD provides a v1 and v2 endpoint which utilizes OAuth 2.0 to issue JSON Web Tokens. It
is important to understand the differences between both endpoints and the limitations. The v1
endpoints are commonly access using the Active Directory Authentication Library for work or
school accounts. The v2 endpoint is utilized using the Microsoft Authentication Library and
provides integration with Azure AD B2C and thus provides access to any IdP supported by Azure
AD B2C, which includes all the IdPs referenced in Module 1.
For further information, see What's different about the v2.0 endpoint?


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Module 4: UX Customization using Built-In Functionality
At the end of this module, you will be able to:

Customize the HTML pages displayed by B2C policies.


Modify the style of email messages sent by B2C policies to match the corporate design.


Localize the HTML content generated by B2C policies.

And, you will have a deeper understanding of the following concepts;

Customized Azure AD domains.


Built-in localization strings used by B2C policies.

This module should take approximately 40 minutes to complete.


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In this module, you will customize the user experience of the policies implemented by your
Azure AD B2C application to match the corporate look and feel of the Awesome Computers
organization. You will also add localization to the policies to support Spanish-speaking users,
and you will increase the password complexity requirements for users to make the application
more robust to attack.
See the end user experience you are about to build.
In the demonstration site, you will perform the following tasks:

Login on the customized screen.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

Customize the HTML pages displayed by B2C policies. To achieve this, you will:
a. Create a storage account for holding customized content.
b. Create HTML content for the Profile Edit policy and the SUSI policy.
c. Upload the HTML content to blob storage
d. Update the SUSI and Profile Edit policies.


Customize email messages sent by the B2C app.


Add localization to support Spanish-speaking users.


Modify the password complexity of policies.

Customize the HTML Pages Displayed by B2C Policies
You can customize the Azure AD B2C user interface to match the look and feel of your existing
applications and provide a seamless experience to users. Specifically, you can customize the
pages that appear in response to the SUSI, sign-up, sign-in, profile editing, and password reset
To customize the interface, you provide the HTML5 content in the form of HTML fragments and
CSS styling. The content includes placeholders where Azure AD B2C-specific content is
generated and inserted when the policies run. You save your HTML5 content to a convenient
and accessible location, and provide the URL of this content to your policies; different policies
can reference different HTML fragments. At run-time, the policy retrieves your content and
merges it with content that it generates for the placeholders. Note that the site that hosts your
content should expose an HTTPS endpoint with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) enabled.
The GET and OPTIONS request methods must both allow CORS.


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Follow these steps to create a custom HTML page, upload it to the cloud, and associate it with a
policy in the Azure AD B2C tenant.

Create a Storage Account for Holding Customized Content:
Note: This series of steps uses Azure Blob Storage to hold the HTML content, but you can
host this material anywhere that is accessible to Azure AD B2C. This includes publicly
accessible web servers, CDNs, AWS S3, and file servers. The prime requirements are that the
content is accessible through HTTPS and CORS has been enabled.
1) Log in to the Azure portal as the B2CAdmin account in your Azure tenant. Do not log
into the domain for the B2C tenant.
2) Select Create a resource, type Blob Storage in the search field, and then select Storage
account – blob, file, table, queue.
3) In the Storage account – blob, file, table, queue blade, select Create.
4) In the Create storage account blade, specify the following settings and then select

Name: A unique name for the storage account. For example,


Account kind: Blob storage


Accept the default values for the remaining settings (create a new resource group
for the storage account if required)

5) When the storage account has been created, select All resources, and then select the
new storage account.
6) In the Services section of the blade, select Blobs.
7) In the Blob service blade, select +Container.
8) Add a container with a convenient name, such as b2c, set the Public access level to
Blob, and then select OK.


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9) Return to the blade for the storage account, and then select Access keys. Make a note of
the value of key1.
Create HTML Content for the Profile Edit Policy and the SUSI Policy
1) On your computer, create a new folder named PolicyUX under the B2CourseSampleApp folder. Copy the subfolders named css, images, and fonts and their content
from the ui-customizations folder under the sample app to the PolicyUX folder.
2) Using Visual Studio, create a custom HTML5 page for the Profile Edit policy, as follows.
a. Replace the URLs highlighted in bold with the address of the blob storage
container you created earlier.
b. Name the file updateprofile.html, and save it in the PolicyUX folder you created
in the previous step.

Update Profile

58 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback?

Update your current profile

The page references a style sheet and image files that provide a corporate look and feel that matches the styling used by other applications published by Awesome Computers. You will upload the CSS and image files to blob storage. Note that the URLs for these items reference the container you created in the previous step. The
highlighted in bold is the placeholder that will be replaced with content generated by the policy at runtime. It is important to set the id attribute of this section to api. The content generated by the policy uses a set of specific HTML class and id attributes. These attributes are documented online at The css file contains styles that modify the way in which elements in this content are displayed. 3) Create another HTML page for customizing the SUSI user experience. Again, specify the URLs for your blob storage account where highlighted. Save this page in the same folder, and name it unified.html. Again, notice that this page includes a
named api. 59 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Sign in

Sign in with your existing account

60 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback?
Upload the HTML Content to Blob Storage 1) On your desktop computer, download the Azure Blob Storage helper tool from Extract this archive into a convenient folder. 2) Run the B2CAzureStorageClient.exe utility extracted from the archive. You use this utility to upload the HTML files and content that implement the customized user interface. At the prompt, enter the following details: a. The name of the storage account. For example, awesomecomputersb2cux. b. The value of key1, the access key for the storage account, recorded earlier. c. The name of the storage container you created earlier. For example, b2c. d. The folder on your computer that contains the customized HTML pages, including the subfolders holding the css and image files. For example, B2CourseSampleApp\PolicyUX. 3) Verify that the pages were uploaded correctly, and that a message appears indicating that the CORS policy has been set. 61 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 4) You can test the page by using a Web browser; navigate to the URL, where is the name of your storage account (awesomecomputersb2cux), is the name of the blob container (b2c), and page is the name of either of the HTML files you uploaded (updateprofile.html or unified.html) Update the SUSI and Profile Edit Policies Once you have created and uploaded the HTML pages that define the user interface for a set of policies, you can modify each policy to reference the appropriate page. 1) In the Azure portal, switch to the B2C tenant. 2) Select Azure AD BC from your favorites. 62 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 3) In the Policies section of the Azure AD B2C blade, select Sign-up or sign-in policies, and then select B2C_1_SignUporSignInPolicy.In the SIGN-UP OR SIGN-IN POLICY blade, select Edit, and then in the EDIT POLICY blade, select Page UI customization. 4) In the Page UI customization blade, select Unified sign-up or sign-in page. Set Use custom page to Yes, and then enter the URI of the unified.html page you uploaded to blob storage; 5) In the Unified sign-up or sign-in page blade, select OK. 6) In the Page UI customization blade, select OK. 7) In the Edit policy blade, select Save. 8) In the Policies section of the Azure AD B2C blade, select Profile editing policies, and then select B2C_1_ProfileEditPolicy. 9) In the PROFILE EDITING POLICY blade, select Edit, and then in the EDIT POLICY blade, select Page UI customization. 10) In the Page UI customization blade, select Profile Edit page. In the Profile Edit page blade, set Use custom page to Yes, and then enter the URI of the profileedit.html page you uploaded to blob storage: 63 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 11) In the Profile Edit page blade, select OK. 12) In the Page UI customization blade, select OK. 13) In the Edit policy blade, select Save. 14) Return to the B2C_1_SignUpOrSignInPolicy, and in the B2C_1_SignUpOrSignInPolicy blade, select Run now. 15) Verify that the sign-in page for the application appears. It should display the styling and images specified by the unified.html page: . 16) Sign in as 17) When the Awesome Computers page appears, select Edit Profile at the top of the page. 18) Verify that the customized version of the update profile page for the application appears: 64 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 19) Close the update profile page and return to the Azure portal. Customize Email Messages sent by the B2C App When a user signs up or needs to reset their password, Azure AD B2C responds by sending emails containing confirmation codes to the user's registered email address. These emails have a default style, but you can use the Azure AD company branding feature to modify features such as the logo displayed at the bottom of the email, the signature, and the background color of the banner displayed at the top. The following steps show how to perform these tasks. 1) In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory. 2) Select Company branding, and then select Configure. 3) In the background image box, specify the name of the image file provided with the sample application, B2CCourse-SampleApp\uicustomizations\images\background_web.jpg. 4) In the Banner logo box, specify the name of the logo file provided with the sample application, B2CCourse-SampleApp\ui-customizations\images\logo_small.jpg. 65 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 5) Set the background color to #A9CBFF, select Save, and then close the Edit company branding blade. 6) In the Azure Active Directory blade, select Properties. In the Properties blade, in the Name box enter Awesome Computers, and then select Save. 7) Select Azure AD BC from your favorites. 8) In the Policies section of the Azure AD B2C blade, select Password reset policies, and then select B2C_1_PasswordResetPolicy. 9) In the PASSWORD RESET POLICY blade, select Run Now. 10) In the verification page, enter the email address associated with your account, and then select Send verification code. 11) When you receive the verification email, note that it has been branded with the color, logo, and domain name. 66 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Add Localization to Support Spanish-Speaking Users Localization enables Azure AD B2C to present the HTML pages displayed by your application policies in the language most appropriate to the user and their location. The language to use is passed as a parameter in the HTTP requests sent to Azure AD B2C. Azure AD B2C provides automatic translation of the HTML content that it generates, depending on the user's login locale, or the locale specified by the browser. You can also customize the way in which translations are performed and provide your own translation strings. Perform the following steps to enable translation of content generated for the SUSI page by Azure AD B2C to Spanish. You should repeat this process for any other policies used by your application. 1) In the Azure portal, select Azure AD B2C from your favorites. 2) In the Policies section of the Azure AD B2C blade, select Sign-up or sign-in policies, and then select B2C_1_SignUporSignInPolicy. 3) In the SIGN-UP OR SIGN-IN POLICY blade, select Edit, and then in the EDIT POLICY blade, select Language customization. 4) In the Language customization blade, select Enable language customization. In the confirmation message box, select Yes. 67 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 5) In the Language customization blade, select español. 6) In the es español blade, set Enabled to Yes, select Save, and then close the blade. 7) Close the Language customization blade. 8) In the SIGN-UP OR SIGN-IN POLICY blade, select Run now. 9) Verify that the English language version of the sign-in page appears. 10) Modify the URL in the browser, and append the string &ui_locales=es to the end of the address: / […]=login&ui_locales=es The ui_locales parameter indicates the locale that should be used to display a page. Azure B2C determines the locale by examining the user's own configuration in the domain and includes the 68 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? appropriate ui_locales parameter as a query string parameter. Some browsers (not Microsoft Edge) also enable you to change the locale as a browser configuration setting. 11) Verify that the sign in page is presented in Spanish. Modify the Password Complexity of Policies Azure AD B2C is able to detect brute-force password attacks and dictionary password attacks, and differentiate users attempting to recall or mistyping a password from hackers and botnets. In the event of a suspected attack, Azure AD B2C will lock the affected account. Additionally, to help prevent successful attacks, users should create passwords that are sufficiently complex. You can use the following steps to configure password complexity, and enforce custom complexity rules when users sign up or reset their passwords. Note that password strength applies to SUSI, password reset, and sign-in policies, and that you must configure each of these policies separately. 1) In the Azure portal, select Azure AD BC from your favoites. 2) In the Policies section of the Azure AD B2C blade, select Sign-up or sign-in policies, and then select B2C_1_SignUporSignInPolicy. 3) In the SIGN-UP OR SIGN-IN POLICY blade, select Edit, and then in the EDIT POLICY blade, select Password complexity. 4) In the Password complexity blade, select Custom. Set Minimum length to 12. Set Character classes required to Must contain all of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols, and then select OK. 5) In the SIGN-UP OR SIGN-IN POLICY blade, select Run now. 6) In the sign-in page, select Sign up now. 69 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 7) On the sign-up page, enter your email address and select Send verification code. 8) Wait for the verification email, and then enter the verification code and select Verify code. 9) Enter a short password that does not meet the password complexity requirements in the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes. Note that a message appears indicating that the password is not complex enough. 10) Enter a password that matches the complexity requirements and verify that it is accepted. 70 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Important Concepts Azure AD and Customized Domains An Azure AD domain represents your organization on the Internet; it is the entry point through which customers access your applications and services. An Azure AD domain handles many aspects surrounding your applications, including the security, visibility, and look and feel of the applications and services that your organization publishes. You can customize many elements in an Azure AD domain. For example, you can: • Add and delete users and groups, and assign permissions over your applications and services to these users and groups. Identity and user management is a key aspect of Azure AD that is utilized by B2C. See Quickstart: Add new users to Azure Active Directory for details. You can also manage user profile information, such as adding a profile picture, phone numbers, contact details, and other authentication information. • You can implement self-service enrollment for users. This feature allows users to sign-up to your services without requiring any administrative action (or cost) on your part. You can enable self-service password reset (SSPR) for users who forget their sign-in credentials. You can configure the methods available to perform this task, for example, send a code to a specified email account, or verify the user's identity by asking questions to which only the user should know the answer. The article Azure AD self-service password reset for the IT professional describes how to perform these tasks. • Associate an Azure domain with your own corporate DNS name. By default, each Azure AD domain has a name in the form You can't remove or change this name, but you can add your own custom DNS name, such as, to the domain, and use this domain name to gain access to the domain. You can find more information at Quickstart: Add a custom domain name to Azure Active Directory. • Change the appearance of the sign-in page that Azure AD displays to match your company's branding. You can change items such as the banner logo that appears on the sign-in page, the text displayed, the background image and color, and other aspects. These changes also apply to items such as emails sent by the domain by processes such as password reset and confirmation. See Quickstart: Add company branding to your sign-in page in Azure AD for additional information. These features work in conjunction with the UX customization available through B2C policies. Built-in Localization Strings for B2C Policies, and Customization The language customization feature of Azure AD B2C performs the automatic translation of text generated as part of the HTML content for the various policies that you define. As noted on the page Language customization in Azure Active Directory B2C: 71 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? "Microsoft is committed to providing the most up-to-date translations for your use. Microsoft continuously improves translations and keeps them in compliance for you. Microsoft will identify bugs and changes in global terminology and make updates that will work seamlessly in your user journey." The translations are based on a predefined set of built-in strings displayed by the policies. You can override the translations performed, and provide your own localized text, if the default translations do not meet your requirements, or if you need to display different or additional information. Each phrase on each page displayed by the policies is associated with an identifier. You can download the list of identifiers and the corresponding phrases from the Language customization page of a policy to a local file. You can then edit this file to provide your own translations for any phrases and upload this file to the policy. The following steps describe how to override the Spanish language translation of phrases for the SUSI policy of the sample application: 1) In the Policies section of the Azure AD B2C blade, select Sign-up or sign-in policies, and then select B2C_1_ADandFacebookSignUporSignInPolicy. 2) In the SIGN-UP OR SIGN-IN POLICY blade, select Edit, and then in the EDIT POLICY blade, select Language customization. 3) In the Language customization blade, select español. 4) In the es español blade, under Page-level resources, expand Unified sign-up or signin page, and then select Download defaults (es). 5) Save the downloaded file in a convenient place, and open it using a text editor. The contents will look similar to this (a large part of the file has been omitted, to save space): 72 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? { "LocalizedStrings": [ { "ElementType": "UxElement", "ElementId": null, "StringId": "email_pattern", "Override": false, "Value": "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$" }, { "ElementType": "UxElement", "ElementId": null, "StringId": "logonIdentifier_email", "Override": false, "Value": "Dirección de correo electrónico" }, { "ElementType": "UxElement", "ElementId": null, "StringId": "requiredField_email", "Override": false, "Value": "Escriba su correo electrónico" }, { "ElementType": "UxElement", "ElementId": null, "StringId": "logonIdentifier_username", 73 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? "Override": false, "Value": "Nombre de usuario" }, { "ElementType": "UxElement", "ElementId": null, "StringId": "password", "Override": false, "Value": "Contraseña" }, … { "ElementType": "ErrorMessage", "ElementId": null, "StringId": "AADRequestsThrottled", "Override": false, "Value": "Hay demasiadas solicitudes en este momento. Espere un momento y vuelva a intentarlo." } ] } 6) To override the default translation of a phrase, set Override to true, and provide your own custom translation string as the Value. 7) Save the file and return to the es español blade in the Azure portal. 8) Select Upload new overrides, and specify the file that you have just edited. 74 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 9) When the policy is executed, any overrides that you have specified will be used rather than the default translations. 75 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Module 5: Introduction to Custom Policies At the end of this module, you will be able to: • Create a custom policy. • Test and debug a custom policy. • Modify an existing custom B2C policy. And, you will have a deeper understanding of the following concepts; • When to use custom policies rather than built-in policies • The Identity Experience Framework (IEF) See it in action See the end-user experience you are about to build. In the demonstration site, access the Module 5 area and perform the following tasks: • Sign up with your email and a password. • Edit your profile to include a “1” at the end of your last name. • Change your password and experience the Multi-factor Authentication process. This module should take approximately 60 minutes to complete. 76 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Introduction Built-in policies provide a set of standard behaviors that are useful in the most common situations in Azure AD B2C and are not customizable. If you need to implement some form of non-standard or extended behavior, you can implement custom policies. You describe the features implemented by a custom policy by using a set of XML files. These files can define the claims schema, claims transformations, content definitions, claims providers/technical profiles, and user journey orchestration steps, among other elements. You can define a hierarchy of XML files to ease maintenance and provide consistency across policies. The Microsoft recommended approach is to use three types of policy files: 1) A BASE file. This file contains the definitions that are shared all policies in your tenant. tenants. Any changes to this file can affect all the policies that depend on it. We recommend not changing this file unless absolutely necessary. 2) An EXTENSIONS file. This file specifies elements that override the base configuration for a single tenant. 3) A Relying Party (RP) file. This is a single task-focused file that is invoked directly by the application or service. There could be many RP files depending on RP requirement. When an application calls the RP Policy file, the IEF in B2C will assemble the policy file by adding all the elements from BASE, then from EXTENSIONS, and lastly from the RP policy file. Create a Custom Policy To create a custom policy, you require the following items: 77 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? • Signing and encryption keys • AAD applications that enable users to sign up and sign in. To create the custom policy, you can download the custom policy starter pack from GitHub and use the items it contains as a starting point. The following steps perform these tasks. Add Signing and Encryption Keys to the B2C Tenant for use by Custom Policies 1) Create a Facebook application following the process described in Module 2 Using Identity Providers with Azure AD B2C Built in Policies. Make a note of the Facebook app id and Facebook secret. 2) Log into the Azure portal as B2CAdmin in your Azure tenant. 3) Switch to the B2C tenant. 4) Select Azure AD BC from your favorites. 5) Select Identity Experience Framework. 6) Select Policy Keys to view the keys available in your tenant (there should be none). 7) Create a new key: a) Select +Add. b) For Options, select Generate. c) For the Name, enter TokenSigningKeyContainer. d) For the Key type, select RSA. e) For Dates, keep the defaults. f) For Key usage, select Signature. g) Select Create to add the new key. 78 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 8) Create the TokenEncryptionKeyContainer: a) Select +Add. b) Select Generate. c) For the Name, enter TokenEncryptionKeyContainer d) For the Key type, select RSA. e) For Dates, keep the defaults. f) For Key usage, select Encryption. g) Select Create. 9) Create a Facebook secret key: a) Select +Add. b) For Options, select Manual. c) For the Name, specify FacebookSecret. d) For the Secret, specify your Facebook secret. e) For Key usage, select Signature. 79 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? f) Select Create to create the key. Register Identity Experience Framework applications 1) Create the IdentityExperienceFramework application (Web app) a. Open the Azure Active Directory blade. b. Select App registrations. c. Select + New application registration. d. Name the application IdentityExperienceFramework. e. For the Application type, select Web App/API. 80 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? f. In Sign-on URL, enter om, where AwesomeYourLastname is the name of your B2C tenant. g. Select Create. h. Record the application ID. You will need this later. 2) Create the ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework application (Native app). a. Create a new application in Azure Active directory blade. b. Name the application ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework. c. Set application type to Native. d. In Redirect Url, enter om. 81 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? e. Select Create. f. Record the application ID. g. On the Application Details page select Settings. h. Select Required permissions. i. Select Add. j. Select Select an API. k. Search for IdentityExperienceFramework and select it. l. 82 Select Select permissions, and check Access IdentityExperienceFramework. © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? m. Select Select located at the bottom of the panel. n. Select Done. o. Select Grant Permissions, and then select Yes in the resulting dialog to confirm the process. Create the Custom Policies Custom policies do not overwrite built in policies. To avoid possible confusion by having two sets of policies defined for your B2C tenant, you will remove the built in policies you have added in earlier modules as the functionality that they contain will be implemented (and extended) by the custom policies. 1) In the Azure portal, move to the Azure AD B2C blade. 2) In the Policies section of the blade, select All policies. 3) Select the B2C_1_PasswordResetPolicy policy. 4) In the B2C_1_PasswordResetPolicy blade, select Delete, and then select Yes. 5) Repeat this process for the B2C_1_ProfileEditPolicy, B2C_1_SignUpOrSignInPolicy and B2C_1_ADandFacebookSignUporSignInPolicy policies. 6) Using a web browser, download the custom policy starter packs from active-directory-b2ccustom-policy-starterpack. Each pack contains a list of XML policy files that include a Base file, an Extension File and Replying Party files. You will use the SocialAndLocalAccounts pack for this tutorial. 7) Unzip the downloaded file to a convenient folder on your computer. 83 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 8) Move to the SocialAndLocalAccounts folder in the unzipped package. 9) Open the file TrustFrameworkBase.xml file using Visual Studio. 10) Modify the XML element TrustFrameworkPolicy at the top of the file, and replace yourtenant with your B2C tenant name, AwesomeYourLastname. The resulting XML element should look like this: 11) Save the file. 12) Open the file TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml in Visual Studio. 13) Find and replace yourtenant with the tenant name AwesomeYourLastname. There should be three occurrences. 14) Find the element and replace both instances of IdentityExperienceFrameworkAppId with the application id of the IdentityExperienceFramework app that you created earlier. 15) Replace both instances of ProxyIdentityExperienceFrameworkAppId with the application id you created earlier for ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework app. The result should look similar to this (but with your own app ids): Local Account SignIn e4c7ce45-9291-49f0-a824-0decbb98601b 3643843e-0931-43de-8ab7fc37d8f00d0b 84 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 16) Save the file. 17) Edit the SignUpOrSignin.xml file and replace yourtenant with AwesomeYourLastname (three occurrences). 18) After the closing tag but before the opening tag, add the following XML element. Replace awesomeyoursurnameb2cux with the name of the Azure storage account you created in Module 4 to hold the custom unified.html fragment for the SUSI page. Replace b2c with the name of the blob storage container you created. html html 19) Save the file. 20) Edit ProfileEdit.xml and replace yourtenant with AwesomeYourLastname (three occurrences). 21) After the closing tag but before the opening tag, add the following XML element. 85 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? profile.html 22) Save the file. 23) Edit PasswordReset.xml and replace yourtenant with AwesomeYourLastname (three occurrences). 24) After the closing tag but before the opening tag, add the following XML element. html 25) Save the file. 26) Return to the Azure Portal. Open the Azure AD B2C blade and select Identity Experience Framework. 27) Select Upload policy, and upload the policy files in the following order: a. TrustFrameworkBase.xml b. TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml c. SignUpOrSignin.xml d. ProfileEdit.xml e. PasswordReset.xml 86 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? The list of uploaded files should look like this: Add Facebook as an Identity Provider in the Custom Policy 1) Using Visual Studio, edit the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml policy file, find the element facebook_clientid. Replace facebook_clientid with your Facebook app id. 2) Save the file, and then in the Azure portal, upload the policy file. Select Overwrite the policy if it exists. 87 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Update the Web Application to Reference the New Policies 1) Using Visual Studio, return to the B2C-WebAPI-DotNet.sln solution for the web application you configured and published in Module 3. 2) In Solution Explorer, In the AwesomeComputers project, select the Web.config file. 3) In the section near the start of the file, change the values for the policy references to specify the new custom policy files, as follows: ... 4) Save the file. 5) In Solution Explorer, in the AwesomeComputers project, expand the Shared folder, expand the Home folder, and then select the _LoginPartial.cshtml file. 6) In the _LoginPartial.cshtml file, modify the two elements as follows. Replace the policy names as highlighted in bold: 7) Save the file. 8) In Solution Explorer, right-click the AwesomeComputers project, then select Publish. 9) On the Publish page, select Publish, and wait for the web application to be deployed. When the sign-in page appears in the web browser, close the page (do not sign in). 10) Return to the Azure AD B2C blade in the Azure portal. 11) Under the Policies section, select All policies, and then select the B2C_1A_signup_signin policy. 12) Select Run now. When the sign-in page appears, it should be correctly styled, and include the option to sign in using Facebook. 89 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 13) Sign in as When the Awesome Computers page appears after signing in, select Edit Profile. The edit profile should also be correctly styled. 90 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 14) Select Continue. When the Awesome Computers page reappears, select Reset Password. This page should have the same styling. 15) Close the web app. est and Debug a Custom Policy by Using Application Insights You can use the detailed log information provided by Application Insights to investigate any issues that might occur with a custom policy. Use the following steps to configure IEF to send events directly to Application Insights. Create Application Insights Resource 1) In the Azure portal, switch to the Azure tenant (not the current B2C tenant). 2) Select + Create a resource. 3) In the search box, enter Application Insights, and then select Application Insights. 4) Select Create. 5) Specify the following settings, and then select Create. 91 • Name: DemoInsightsForCustomPolicies • Application Type: ASP.NET web application • Resource Group: Create new, AppInsightsResourceGroup © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 6) When the Application Insights resource has been created, select All resources, and then select DemoInsightsForCustomPolicies. 7) Select Overview and then expand Essentials. Make a note of the Instrumentation Key. Update Relying Party (RP) Policies to Collect Logs 1) Using Visual Studio, open the SignUpOrSignIn.xml file. 2) Add the following attribute to the element. DeploymentMode="Development" UserJourneyRecorderEndpoint="urn:journeyrecorder:applicationinsights" 3) Under the element, add the following node immediately after element. Replace the bold text with your application Insight Key. Note the following points: • DeveloperMode=true is good for development but constrained at high volumes because it tells Application Insights to expedite the telemetry through the processing pipeline. • ClientEnabled="true" will send client-side scripts to Application Insights, for tracking page view and client-side errors • ServerEnabled="true" will send the existing UserJourneyRecorder JSON as a custom event to Application Insights 4) Save the file. 5) Return to the Azure Portal and switch to your B2C tenant. Open the Azure AD B2C Blade and select Identity Experience Framework. 6) Select Upload policy, and upload the SignUpOrSignIn.xml policy file. Select overwrite the policy if it exists. Check the logs in Application Insights 1) Select the B2C_1A_signup_signin policy. 2) Select Run now. 3) Attempt to sign in as ; a. an invalid user (type a random email address). T b. but with the wrong password. c. using the correct password. 4) In the Azure portal, switch back to your Azure tenant, and open the DemoInsightsForCustomPolicies Application Insights resource. 5) In the Details/Overview menu, select Analytics. 6) Open a new tab inside the Application Insights web application. 7) Use any of the following example queries to view log information. 93 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? • traces:See all of the logs generated by Azure AD B2C • traces | where timestamp > ago(1d): See all of the logs generated by Azure AD B2C for the last day • traces | count: See how many events have been generated • traces | render pie chart: Summarize the data as a pie chart Note that you might have to wait for a few minutes before logs start appearing in Application Insights. If necessary, you can download the query results and export them to CSV files if you need to perform a detailed analysis. You can learn more about performing analytics with Application Insights here Modify the Starter Pack SUSI Policy You can use a custom policy to include additional sign-up/sign-in functionality. In this procedure, you will see how to incorporate a journey step into the SUSI process that prompts the user to accept the organization's terms and conditions, add a claim to the sign-up page, and validate input using an external REST API. 1) Using Visual Studio, open the TrustFrameworkBase.xml file. 2) Inside the node, insert the following claim type. Terms of Service Consent string I agree to the Awesome Computers terms of service. CheckboxMultiSelect 3) Find the element , and in the node, add the following element. 4) Save the file. 5) Return to the Azure Portal and switch to your B2C tenant. Open the Azure AD B2C Blade and select Identity Experience Framework. 94 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 6) Select Upload policy and upload the TrustFrameworkBase.xml policy file. Select overwrite the policy if it exists. 7) To add a claim to the sign up page, open the SignUpOrSignIn.xml file using Visual Studio. 8) Find the element , and in the node, add . 9) Save the file. 10) In the Azure portal, upload the SignUpOrSignIn.xml policy file and overwrite the existing policy. 11) Select the B2C_1A_signup_signin policy. 12) Select Run now. 13) In the sign-in page, select Sign-up now. 14) In the sign-up page, notice that the Terms of Service Consented checkbox appears. 95 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 15) Attempt to create an account without checking Terms of Service Consent. This should fail with the message This information is required. You should only be able to proceed once you have checked the box. 16) Verify that you can create an account if you select the Terms of Service Consent box. Important Concepts When to Use Built-in Versus Custom Policies Built in policies implement the behavior most commonly required by tasks such as sign-in, signup, password reset, and profile editing. . They also support scenarios such as authentication through trusted parties, including Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn. If you have no special identity requirements, using the built-in policies will get you up and running with the minimum of fuss. 96 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Custom policies are useful if you have special requirements, such as the use of non-standard Identity providers. You can use custom policies to: • Interact with providers that implement the OIDC, OAUTH, and SAML protocols. • Include additional steps in the identity process, such as asking the user to confirm acceptance of terms and conditions when they sign up to a service. • Perform custom operations, such as transposing requests when RPs (relying parties) and AtPs (attribute providers) do not support the same protocol. Custom policies provide you with full control over identity behavior and experience. Azure AD B2C custom policies enable you to author your own trust framework: For example, they control how the identity information is exchanged between relying parties, IdPs (identity providers) and AtPs. They include all the operational details including claim providers, metadata and technical profiles, claims schema definitions, claims transformation functions, and user journeys necessary to facilitate operational orchestration and automation. You can define the behavior of custom policies through XML configuration files, and then apply them to your B2C container by using the IEF. What is IEF? The Identity Experience Framework (IEF) is a fully configurable, policy driven, cloud based Azure service that coordinates trust between various entities such as claim providers. It implements standard protocol formats such as OAuth, SAML, WsFed, and OpenIdConnect as well as nonstandard formats, such as claims based on proprietary REST APIs. The IEF provides a userfriendly step-by-step interface that simplifies many of the tasks involved when implementing identity policies. Using the IEF, you provide the following essential information. • • • • • The legal, security, privacy and data protection policies to which participants must conform. The contacts and process required to become an accredited user. The trusted identity/claims providers to use. The trusted relying parties and their requirements. The run time rules to enforce for exchanging identity information. For built-in policies, you simply use the various wizards provided by the IEF blade in the Azure portal. For more complex, custom requirements, you specify the details by using custom policy files that you upload to IEF. Using the IEF also minimizes the complexity of configuring identity federation. Federated identity provides the end-user identity assurance. By delegating Identity to third parties, a single user identity can be used with multiple relying parties. Identity assurance requires that the IdPs and AtPs must adhere to specific security, privacy, and operational policies and practices. RPs 97 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? must build the trust relationships between IdPs and AtPs they choose to work with. The IEF assists in this task, essentially reducing the process to two steps; establishing a trust relationship, and performing a single metadata exchange. 98 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Sample Custom Policy Files TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml B2C_1A_TrustFrameworkBase Terms of Service Consented string I am agreeing to the Awesome Computers terms of service. CheckboxMultiSelect Facebook 99 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 1567223293375050 email public_profile,first_name,last_name,name,e mail Local Account SignIn c5f2f442-6750-448f-9855-92d8e1d496f1 d210459f-f186-4b9a-ac63-a4b20645b0d3 100 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? objectId SkipThisOrchestrationStep authenticationSource localAccountAuthentication SkipThisOrchestrationStep 101 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? objectId SkipThisOrchestrationStep authenticationSource socialIdpAuthentication SkipThisOrchestrationStep objectId SkipThisOrchestrationStep 102 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? SignUpOrSignin.xml B2C_1A_TrustFrameworkExtensions Rolling 86400 PolicyProfile 103 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 104 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Module 6 – Custom Policies 2 – REST APIs Introduction At the end of this module, you will be able to integrate your own REST APIs into custom policies, to perform tasks such as validating input claims and sending back output claims. You will be able to: 1. Create a custom policy for REST API integration 2. Modify the profile edit policy to consume data from an external API. See it in action See the end-user experience you are about to build. In the demonstration site, access the Module 6 are and perform the following tasks: 1. Sign in with a previously created account. 2. When the Store membership Number field appears, enter a multiple of 5. a. Only multiple of five will successfully validate against the API. This module will take 60 minutes to complete. The Azure AD B2C Identity Experience Framework (IEF) provides complete control for configuring policies. It enables you to integrate identity providers with external REST full APIs through user journeys. IEF sends and receives data in form of claims. You can configure a policy to exchange claims and perform complex validation of identity information through a REST API by adding orchestration steps inside the user journey. By the end of this module, you will be able to create a user journey that interacts with a RESTful service. Prerequisites Note that this module assumes that you have completed Module 5 and created the XML files that define the custom policies used by the sample web application. 105 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Step-by-Step Instructions Create a custom policy for REST API integration You will create a RESTful service that validates user input and sends an error message if the input data is not valid. The data that the service validates is part of the identity information provided when a user signs up to your application. Create an API Application 1) Start Visual studio. 2) On the File menu, select New and then select Project. 3) In the New Project dialog box, expand Visual C#, select Web, and then select ASP.NET Core Web Application. 4) Name the project StoreMembershipApi, and then select OK. 5) In the New ASP.NET Core Web Application dialog box, select Web Application (Model View Controller), select No Authentication and then select OK. 106 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Add Data Models and the Controller to the API project The user will provide a Store Membership Number at the time of registration of his account. The RESTful service will validate this number, and if it is verified registration will be allowed to proceed. If the number is invalid, the service will send back a validation failed error. In this example, the validation is simple; the provided Store Membership Number must be an integer that is divisible by 5. 1) In Solution Explorer, right-click Models, select Add, and the select Class. 107 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 2) In the Add New Item dialog box, select Class. Specify the name ValidationResponseContent, and then select Add. 3) Replace the code in the ValidationResponseContent.cs file with the following class: 108 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? namespace StoreMembershipApi.Models { public class ValidationResponseContent : StoreResponseContent { public string StoreMembershipNumber { get; set; } } } 4) Using the same procedure, add another class to the Models folder, named StoreResponseContent. Replace the code for the class with these statements: using System.Net; using System.Reflection; namespace StoreMembershipApi.Models { public class StoreResponseContent { public string Version { get; set; } public int Status { get; set; } public string UserMessage { get; set; } public StoreResponseContent() {} public StoreResponseContent(string message, HttpStatusCode status) { this.UserMessage = message; this.Status = (int)status; 109 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? this.Version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); } } } 5) Add a further class to the Models folder, named MembershipRequest. Replace the code generated for this class with the following statements: namespace StoreMembershipApi.Models { public class MembershipRequest { public int StoreMembershipNumber { get; set; } } } 6) In Solution Explorer, right-click the Controllers folder, select Add, and then select Controller. 7) In the Add Scaffold dialog box, select API Controller -Empty, and then select Add. 110 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 8) In the Add Controller dialog box, name the controller MembershipController, and then select Add. 9) Replace the code generated for the controller with the following. using System; using System.Net; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using StoreMembershipApi.Models; namespace StoreMembershipApi.Controllers { /// /// This controller is responsible for responding to requests from our custom policies /// to validate store membership numbers and retrieve customer membership dates. /// [Route("api/[controller]")] public class MembershipController : Controller { /// /// This method receives a storeMembershipnumber from the policy validation step and returns a 409 Conflict /// response if the store membership number is not valid (not a multiple of 5), and a 200 Ok response on /// successful validation of the store membership number. 111 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? /// /// Passed from the policy validation step, contains a storeMembershipNumber. /// HTTP 200 Ok on success. HTTP 409 Conflict if provided an invalid store membership number. [HttpPost("validate")] public IActionResult ValidateMembershipNumber([FromBody] MembershipRequest request) { if (!IsStoreMembershipNumberValid(request.StoreMembershipNumber)) { return GenerateErrorMessageWithMessage("Store membership number is not valid, it must be a multiple of 5!"); } // Return the output claim(s) return Ok(new ValidationResponseContent { StoreMembershipNumber = request.StoreMembershipNumber.ToString() }); } /// /// Constructs an HTTP 409 Conflict IActionResult to return back to the validation or orchestration step. /// This is used to communicate with the policy steps to communicate an error state. 112 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? /// /// The message to be passed back to the user to explain why the request failed. /// An IActionResult representing an HTTP 409 Conflict with a custom payload. private IActionResult GenerateErrorMessageWithMessage(string message) { return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new StoreResponseContent { Version = "1.0.0", Status = (int) HttpStatusCode.Conflict, UserMessage = message }); } /// /// Validates a provided store membership number by using the modulus operator (see more here) /// to determine if the provided store membership number is a multiple of 5. If it is, we return true, if not, we return false. /// /// The store membership number to be validated. /// True on successful validation, false if validation fails. private bool IsStoreMembershipNumberValid(int storeMembershipNumber) { 113 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? if (storeMembershipNumber % 5 != 0) { return false; } return true; } } } 10) On the Build menu, select Rebuild Solution, and verify that the solution builds without any errors. Publish the Project as an Azure Website 1) In Solution Explorer, right-click the StoreMembershipApi project node, and then select Publish. 114 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 2) In the Pick a publish target dialog box, select App Service, select Create New, and then select Publish. 115 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 3) In the Create App Service dialog box, login to Azure as B2CAdmin in your Azure domain, specify a unique App Name, select a resource group, and then select Create. 4) Wait while the service is published. The site will launch in the browser when publishing is complete. 5) Record the URL of your service in the browser address bar. Update Custom Policies 116 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 1) In Visual Studio and open the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml policy file that you created in Module 5. 2) In the node add the following element. Store Membership Number string Your store membership number TextBox 3) In the node, add the following element. Replace the address highlighted in bold with the URL of your REST web service. REST APIs Validate Store Membership Number None Body 117 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 4) Save the file. 5) Using the Identity Experience Framework in the Azure portal, upload the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file, and overwrite the existing policy. 6) In Visual Studio, open the SignUpOrSignIn.xml file in your working directory. 7) Find the element , and in the node add the following XML markup: 8) Save the file. 9) Using the Identity Experience Framework in the Azure portal, upload the SignUpOrSignIn.xml file, and overwrite the existing policy. Test the Custom Policy 1) In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory, and then select Users. 118 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 2) Select the user you created in module 5, and then select Delete user. Select Yes to confirm the deletion. Note: The purpose of these two steps was to enable you to reuse the same user account in the following test. 3) In the Azure portal, return to the Azure AD B2C blade, and then select All policies. 119 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 4) Select the B2C_1A_signup_signin policy to open its detail view. 120 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 5) Select Run now. 6) On the sign in page, select Sign up now. 7) On the sign up page, verify that the prompt Store Membership Number appears. 8) Attempt to sign up with a store membership number that is not a multiple of 5. 9) Verify that if you specify a multiple of 5 for the store membership number then sign up is successful. You can check this as follows: a. When the Awesome Computers page appears, select View Token Contents. 121 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? b. In the page, select the Claims tab. c. Scroll through the list of claims, you should see a claim with type extension_storeMembershipNumber that has the value that you specified. Modify the Profile Edit Policy to Return the User Store Membership Date In this task, you will add an additional step to the RESTful service. This step will read the input user claims and return the Store Membership Date. Modify the API Project 1) Return to the StoreMembershipApi project in Visual Studio. 122 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 2) In Solution Explorer, right-click Models, select Add, and then select Class. 3) In the Add New Item dialog box, select Visual C#, and then select Class. Specify the name MembershipDateResponseContent and then select Add. 4) Replace the code in the MembershipDateResponseContent.cs file with the following code: namespace StoreMembershipApi.Models { public class MembershipDateResponseContent : StoreResponseContent { public string StoreMembershipDate { get; set; } } } 5) In Solution Explorer, expand the Controllers folder, and select the MembershipController.cs file. 6) Add the following methods to the MembershipController class. /// /// This method receives a storeMembershipnumber from the policy orchestration step and returns a 409 Conflict /// response if the store membership number is not valid (not a multiple of 5), and a 200 Ok response containing /// the member's membership date if the store membership number is valid. /// /// Passed from the policy orchestration step, contains a storeMembershipNumber. /// HTTP 200 Ok on success with an obtained membership date. HTTP 409 Conflict if provided an invalid store membership number. [HttpPost("membershipdate")] public IActionResult GetMembershipDate([FromBody] MembershipRequest request) { 123 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? if (!IsStoreMembershipNumberValid(request.StoreMembershipNumber)) { return GenerateErrorMessageWithMessage("Store membership number is not valid, it must be a multiple of 5!"); } var membershipDate = ObtainStoreMembershipDate(); return Ok(new MembershipDateResponseContent { Version = "1.0.0", Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK, UserMessage = "Membership date located successfully.", StoreMembershipDate = membershipDate.ToString("d") }); } /// /// Generates a date within the last 90 days to return as the store membership number for a member. /// In a production application you'd likely contact a database here to get a real membership date for a member. /// /// A DateTime representing the store membership date for a member. private static DateTime ObtainStoreMembershipDate() { var random = new Random(); var daysOffOfToday = random.Next(0, 90); var randomDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-daysOffOfToday); 124 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? return randomDate; } 7) Save the file 8) On the Build menu, select Rebuild Solution. Verify that the solution compiles without any errors. 9) In Solution Explorer, right-click the StoremembershipApi project, and then select Publish. 10) In the Publish window, select Publish. Wait for the updated service to be deployed. Update Custom Policies 1) Using Visual Studio, open the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml policy file. 2) In the node, insert the following to the collection in the node. Store Membership Date string Your store membership date TextBox 3) In the node, find the node that contains the REST APIs element. Add the following node to this ClaimsProvider. Replace the address highlighted in bold with the URL of your REST web service. Obtain Store Membership Date None Body 125 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 4) Uncomment the node at the end of the file, and add the following element to this node. authenticationSource socialIdpAuthentication SkipThisOrchestrationStep 126 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 5) Save the XML file. 6) Using the Identity Experience Framework in the Azure portal, upload the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file, and overwrite the existing policy. 7) Using Visual Studio, open the ProfileEdit.xml file. 8) Under the , node replace the node with the following XML element. 9) Under the node, add the following XML markup below the node. 10) Save the XML file. 11) Using the Identity Experience Framework in the Azure portal, upload the B2C_1A_ ProfileEdit.xml file, and overwrite the existing policy. Test the Custom Policy 1) In the Azure portal, use the Azure Active Directory blade to delete the user you created in the previous test. 2) Return to the Azure AD B2C blade, and then select All policies. 3) Select the B2C_1A_signup_signin policy, and then select Run now. 4) On the sign in page, select Sign up now. 127 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 5) On the sign up page, sign up again, using the same account as before. 6) When sign up is complete, edit your profile by selecting Edit Profile in the demo web app. 7) After updating your profile, select View Token Contents. 8) Select Claims. You should see the storeMembershipDate claim in the claims list sent back from Azure AD B2C. 128 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 129 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Module 7—External IDPs, OIDC and SAML Introduction At the end of this module, you will be able to: • Add OIDC IDP (Google) in Azure AD B2C using Custom Policies • Integrate a SAML IDP and map claims (Salesforce) using Custom Policies This module should take approximately 75 minutes to complete. User management and configuring authentication can be a time-consuming process. It can also be error prone if the authentication and identity requirements are complex, leading to possible issues with security. To reduce costs, it is sometimes worthwhile to consider using third party identity providers to manage and authenticate users, although integration multiple IdPs into a solution can also be a challenge. Using Azure AD B2C simplifies many of these tasks. This module shows two examples for configuring popular third-party external IdPs. Note that this module assumes that you have completed Module 6 and created the XML files that define the custom policies used by the sample web application. 130 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Integrate an OIDC IDP and Map Claims As an example of using an OIDC IDP, the following procedure describes how to integrate Google as an IDP in Azure Identity Framework Experience. Create a Google+ Application Note: This procedure is only necessary if you don't already have a Google app available. It assumes that you have a Google+ account. If you need to create a Google+ account, click here. 1) Sign in to your Google+ account 2) Open the Google Developer Console 3) Select Select project. 4) Select Create. 5) Enter a project name of DemoB2CGooglePlus, and then click Create. 6) When the project has been created, select the DemoB2CGooglePlus project from project menu. 131 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 7) In the left-hand menu, select Credentials. 8) Select OAuth Consent Screen. 9) Provide your email address, enter a product name, and then select Save. 10) After the project has been saved, select Create Credentials, and then select OAuth Client ID. 132 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 11) In the list of options, select Web Application. 12) Set the name to Azure Demo B2C Client, set the Authorised JavaScript Origins to, enter uth2/authresp in the Authorized Redirect URIs field (where AwesomeYourLastname is the name of your B2C tenant), and then select Create. 133 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 13) Record the client ID and client secret; you will need them later. Setup Google+ Application Key and Secret in Azure AD B2C 1) Log in to the Azure portal as B2CAdmin in your Azure tenant, and then switch to the B2C tenant. 2) Select All services, type Azure AD BC in the search field, and then select Azure AD B2C. 3) Select Identity Framework Experience. 134 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 4) Select Policy Keys from left menu. 5) Select + Add. 6) For Options, select Manual. 7) In the Name field, enter GoogleSecret. 8) In the Secret field, enter the Google app secret key you recorded earlier. 9) Select Encryption. 10) Select Create. 135 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Update Policy Files 1) Open the TrustFrameworkBase.xml policy file that you used in Modules 5 and 6 using Visual Studio. 2) Add the following ClaimsProvider element to the list in the node. Replace client_id with the client ID of your Google+ application. Google Google google email POST 0 Your Google+ application ID 136 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? json $[?(@@.error == 'invalid_grant')] Reauthenticate 3) Save the file 4) Open the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml policy file. 5) Find the element near the end of the file. 6) Copy the element with attribute value Id="SignUpOrSignIn" from the TrustFrameworkBase.xml file to the list of UserJourney elements in the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file. Note: Make sure that you copy the entire element; it contains seven orchestration steps. 7) Locate the element with attribute Order="1" value under this element. 8) Replace the element in this step with the following XML markup. 9) Locate the element with attribute Order="2" in the node and replace the node with this markup. 137 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 10) Save the file. 11) In the Azure portal, in the Azure AD B2C blade, select Identity Experience Framework. 12) Select Upload Policy, and upload the TrustFrameworkBase.xml policy file. Overwrite the policy if it already exists. 13) Repeat the operation and upload TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml policy file. 14) When the files have been uploaded, click B2C_1A_signup_signin policy to see its detail view. 15) Select Run now. 16) The sign-in page should include the option to sign in with Google. 138 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 17) You should be able to sign in using your Google account. 18) After you have signed in, on the Awesome Computers page select View Token Contents, and then select the Claims tab. The idp claim should be set to Integrate a SAML IDP and Map Claims This example shows how to integrate the Salesforce IDP as an example of a SAML identity provider. If you don't have a Salesforce developer account you can Signup for a free Developer Account, and then setup My Domain. Setup the Identity Provider in Salesforce 1) Login to your Salesforce developer account. 2) In the left menu, under Settings, expand the Identity menu and then select Identity Provider. 3) Select Enable Identity Provider (you may need to create a domain first). 139 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 4) Select the default certificate from the list and then select Save. Create a Salesforce App 1) On the Identity Provider page, select the Service Providers link. 2) Provide a connected app name, API name, and contact email as shown in the following image: 3) In the Web App Settings section select Enable SAML. 4) In the Entity Id field, enter C_1A_TrustFrameworkBase. 5) In the ACS URL field, enter C_1A_TrustFrameworkBase/samlp/sso/assertionconsumer. 140 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 6) Leave the remaining fields at their default values, scroll down, and select Save. 7) On the overview page for the new app, select Manage. 8) In the Metadata section, record the value for Metadata Discovery Endpoint. 9) Scroll down to the Profiles section, and then select Manage Profile. 10) Select the profile or group you want to federate with Azure AD B2C. Select System Administrator so that you can federate with your account. 141 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Create a Signed Certificate for Azure AD B2C 1) Open Azure Power shell and run the following commands. Replace AwesomeYourLastname with the name of your B2C tenant, and provide a password for the certificate. $tenantName = "" $pwdText = "" $Cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My -DnsName "SamlIdp.$tenantName" -Subject "B2C SAML Signing Cert" -HashAlgorithm SHA256 KeySpec Signature -KeyLength 2048 $pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $pwdText -Force -AsPlainText Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $Cert -FilePath .\B2CSigningCert.pfx -Password $pwd Add a SAML Signing certificate to Azure AD B2C 1) In the Azure portal, go to the Azure AD B2C blade, and then select Identity Experience Framework. 2) Select Policy Keys. 3) Select +Add. 4) In the Options list, select Upload. 5) Set the Name to SAMLSigningCert. 6) Upload the B2CSigningCert.pfx file you created in the in the previous procedure, and provide the password that you specified when you created the certificate. 7) Select Create. 8) When the key has been created, record the key full name, including the B2C_1A prefix (it should be something like B2C_1A_SAMLSigningCert if you specified the Subject of the certificate exactly as shown previously). Update Policy File You register Salesforce as claim provider in your policy files as follows: 1) Using Visual Studio, open the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file. 2) Find the node and add the following ClaimsProvider to the list. In the element, replace SalesforceDomain with the name of the domain you created for your Salesforce developer account. In the element, replace 142 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? the text SalesForce App Endpoint Uri with the Salesforce Metadata Discovery Endpoint that you recorded earlier. SalesforceDomain Salesforce Salesforce Login with your Salesforce account false false false SalesForce App Endpoint Uri 143 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 3) In node, add a copy of the existing node and its contents that you created earlier in this module. 4) Change the ID of the new element to SalesForceUserJourney. 5) Under this node find the element with the attribute Order="1", and replace the contents of the ClaimsProviders list in this node with the following text. 6) Find the element with the attribute Order="2", and replace the contents of the ClaimsExchanges list in this node with the following text. 7) Save the file. 8) In the Azure portal, in the Azure AD B2C blade, select Identity Experience Framework, select Upload Policy, and upload the FrameworkExtensions.xml policy file. Overwrite the existing policy. Update the Relying Party File 11) Make a copy of SignUpOrSignIn.xml policy file from your working directory and rename it as SalesForceSignUpOrSignIn.xml. 12) Open the SalesForceSignUpOrSignIn.xml file using Visual Studio. 13) In the element, change the PolicyId attribute to SalesForceSignOrUpSignInPolicy 14) In the node, change the ReferenceId attribute of the element to SalesForceUserJourney. 15) Remove the and elements from the list of output claims in the PolicyProfile TechicalProfile element. 16) Save the file. 144 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 17) In the Azure portal, upload the SalesForceSignUpOrSignIn.xml policy file. 18) To test the policy, select the B2C_1A_SalesForceSignOrUpSignInPolicy policy, and then select Run now. 19) The SalesForce sign-in page should appear. 20) Verify that you can log in with your SalesForce credentials. 21) After you have signed in, on the Awesome Computers page select View Token Contents, and then select the Claims tab. The idp claim should be set to SAMLIdp. 145 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 146 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Module 8: Using the Azure AD Graph API and User Migration At the end of this module, you will be able to: • Use the Azure AD Graph API to query and modify objects in an AAD tenant. • Migrate users to AAD by using the Azure AD Graph API • Require users to change their passwords when they log in for the first time after being migrated. And, you will have a deeper understanding of the following concepts; • The purposes of the Microsoft Graph API and the Azure AD Graph API, and when to use each. • Using Graph Explorer. • Planning user migrations This module should take approximately 60 minutes to complete. Introduction In an on-premises environment, users are frequently authenticated by using a local identity provider, possibly also located on-premises. When you migrate an application to Azure, and move users to a directory such as AAD, you will most likely change authentication to use an identity provider provided by Azure. If your local directory contains many thousands of users, migrating these users and changing their identity configuration is a non-trivial operation. Typically, you would automate the tasks involved in this process. The Azure AD Graph API is designed to help with these tasks. Using the Azure AD Graph API, you can query, create, update, and delete identity and authentication information in AAD. The Azure AD Graph API is a REST service, and you can perform individual operations by submitting the appropriate HTTP requests to the API. Alternatively, you can write a custom application that uses the Azure AD Graph API to implement tasks against an AAD domain. Users might be identified by using a social networking identity provider rather than a local IDP, and you can migrate these users also by using the Azure AD Graph API. Additionally, you can amend the password policy of users once they have been migrated to enforce stronger passwords, and you can configure Azure AD B2C to require users to change their password at first sign-in after migration. 147 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Use the Azure AD Graph API to Query, Add, Update, and Delete Users in AAD The Azure AD Graph API provides access to a web service that enables you to manage tenants in AAD. You can interact with the Azure Graph API from any environment that enables you to compose and submit HTTP requests. Use the Azure AD Graph API from PowerShell You can perform operations using the Azure AD Graph API by submitting HTTP requests through a tool such as PowerShell. This approach is useful for performing ad-hoc operations against AAD. The following steps show this technique: 1) Open a PowerShell prompt. 2) Create the following PowerShell function: function GetAuthToken { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $TenantName ) $adal = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ServiceManagement\Azure\Services\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.Act iveDirectory.dll" $adalforms = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ServiceManagement\Azure\Services\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.Act iveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll" [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adal) | Out-Null [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adalforms) | Out-Null $clientId = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2" $redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" $resourceAppIdURI = "" $authority = "$TenantName" 148 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? $authContext = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" -ArgumentList $authority $authResult = $authContext.AcquireToken($resourceAppIdURI, $clientId,$redirectUri, "Auto") return $authResult } The GetAuthToken function prompts the user to log in to the AAD tenant specified by the $TenantName parameter, and returns the authentication token if the login is successful. 3) Create a variable that references the name of your AAD tenant. Replace with the name of your AAD tenant): $tenant = "" 4) Run the GetAuthToken function and extract the authentication token from the result: $token = GetAuthToken -TenantName $tenant 5) Construct an HTTP authorization header object that contains the bearer token in the $token variable: $authHeader = @{ 'Content-Type'='application\json' 'Authorization'=$token.CreateAuthorizationHeader() } 6) To retrieve the list of users from your tenant, run the following code: $resource = "users/" $uri = "$tenant/$($resource)?api-version=1.6" $tenantInfo = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authHeader –Method Get – Verbose).value echo $tenantInfo This code constructs the URI of the /users resource in your tenant, and then uses the InvokeRestMethod function to send a GET request to this URI. The request includes an authentication 149 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? header that contains the bearer token. The echo statement displays the results; these could be lengthy if your tenant contains many users. 7) To retrieve a single user, set the $resource variable as follows (replace with the name of the user to fetch) and then run the query again: $resource = "users/@$tenant" $uri = "$tenant/$($resource)?api-version=1.6" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authHeader –Method Get –Verbose 8) To create a new user, construct a JSON object that contains the attributes for the user: $newuser = @{ "accountEnabled"=$true; "userPrincipalName"="aabb@$tenant"; "displayName"="AAA BBB"; "passwordProfile"=@{ "password"="hsa98h(*&g" "forceChangePasswordNextLogin"=$true }; "mailNickname"="aabb" } | ConvertTo-Json 9) Send an HTTP POST message to the users resource. Specify the JSON object as the message body: $resource = "users/" $uri = "$tenant/$($resource)?api-version=1.6" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authHeader –Method Post -Body $newuser -ContentType "application/json" –Verbose 10) To modify a user, for example, to disable the user's account, create a JSON object that contains the details to be changed: $changes = @{ "accountEnabled"=$false 150 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? } | ConvertTo-Json 11) Send an HTTP PATCH message to the resource corresponding to the user account to modify. Specify the JSON object as the message body: $resource = "users/aaa@$tenant" $uri = "$tenant/$($resource)?api-version=1.6" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authHeader –Method Patch -Body $changes -ContentType "application/json" –Verbose 12) To remove a user, send an HTTP DELETE request to the users resource that corresponds to that user: $resource = "users/aaa@$tenant" $uri = "$tenant/$($resource)?api-version=1.6" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authHeader –Method Delete –Verbose Use the Azure AD Graph API from a Custom Application If you are performing many tasks manually, such as migrating a large number of users, the chances of making an error are high. A more considered approach is create your own .NET application that automates the tasks required. The following steps configure and run a sample application, to illustrate this process: 10) Log into the Azure portal as, where AwesomeYourLastname is the name of your B2C tenant. 11) Select All services, type App registrations in the search field, and then select App registrations. 12) Select + New application registration. 151 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 13) In the Name field enter B2CGraphClient, set the Application type to Web app/API, in the Sign-on URL field enter https://B2CGraphClient (this can actually be anything as it is just a placeholder), and then select Create. 14) Record the Application ID, and then select Settings. 15) Select Keys, and then create a new key named Secret that never expires. Select Save, and make a note of the key value. 152 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 16) Select Required permissions, and then select Windows Azure Active Directory. 17) Select Read and write directory data, and then select Save. 153 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 18) Select Grant Permissions, and then select Yes to confirm. 19) Download the sample application from B2C-GraphAPI-DotNet sample application. Unzip it into the C:\B2C-GraphAPI-DotNet-master folder on your desktop computer. 20) Using Visual Studio, open the B2CGraphClient.sln solution file in the C:\B2C-GraphAPIDotNet-master\B2CGraphClient folder. 21) In Solution Explorer, select app.config 154 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 22) In the app.config file, modify the values in the appSettings section. Provide the name of your tenant, the application ID, and the secret key for your application. 23) On the Build menu, select Rebuild Solution. 155 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 24) In Solution Explorer, select B2CGraphClient.cs to examine the source code for the application. 25) In the Code window, find the B2CGraphClient constructor. It looks like this: public B2CGraphClient(string clientId, string clientSecret, string tenant) { // The client_id, client_secret, and tenant are pulled in from the App.config file 156 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? this.clientId = clientId; this.clientSecret = clientSecret; this.tenant = tenant; // The AuthenticationContext is ADAL's primary class, in which you indicate the direcotry to use. this.authContext = new AuthenticationContext("" + tenant); // The ClientCredential is where you pass in your client_id and client_secret, which are // provided to Azure AD in order to receive an access_token using the app's identity. this.credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret); } This code runs when the application starts up. It uses the values in the app.config file to connect to your AAD tenant, and saves the authentication token that is returned. It is analogous to the GetAuthToken function used in the PowerShell example. 26) Scroll to the end of the file and find the SendGraphRequest function: public async Task SendGraphGetRequest(string api, string query) { // First, use ADAL to acquire a token using the app's identity (the credential) // The first parameter is the resource we want an access_token for; in this case, the Graph API. AuthenticationResult result = authContext.AcquireToken("", credential); // For B2C user managment, be sure to use the 1.6 Graph API version. HttpClient http = new HttpClient(); string url = "" + tenant + api + "?" + Globals.aadGraphVersion; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { 157 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? url += "&" + query; } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("GET " + url); Console.WriteLine("Authorization: Bearer " + result.AccessToken.Substring(0, 80) + "..."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Append the access token for the Graph API to the Authorization header of the request, using the Bearer scheme. HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken); HttpResponseMessage response = await http.SendAsync(request); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string error = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); object formatted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(error); throw new WebException("Error Calling the Graph API: \n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(formatted, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine((int)response.StatusCode + ": " + response.ReasonPhrase); Console.WriteLine(""); return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); 158 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? } The application uses this function to send HTTP GET requests to the Azure AD Graph API. The api parameter to this function contains the resource to query (such as users or groups), and the query parameter contains any OData options, such as $filter, $top, and so on. The function constructs a URI referencing the data to fetch, adds the bearer token to the request, and then submits it to the Azure AD Graph API endpoint. It captures the result and returns it as a string. 27) Find the SendPostRequest method: private async Task SendGraphPostRequest(string api, string json) { // NOTE: This client uses ADAL v2, not ADAL v4 AuthenticationResult result = authContext.AcquireToken(Globals.aadGraphResourceId, credential); HttpClient http = new HttpClient(); string url = Globals.aadGraphEndpoint + tenant + api + "?" + Globals.aadGraphVersion; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("POST " + url); Console.WriteLine("Authorization: Bearer " + result.AccessToken.Substring(0, 80) + "..."); Console.WriteLine("Content-Type: application/json"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(json); Console.WriteLine(""); HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken); request.Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = await http.SendAsync(request); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) 159 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? { string error = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); object formatted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(error); throw new WebException("Error Calling the Graph API: \n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(formatted, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine((int)response.StatusCode + ": " + response.ReasonPhrase); Console.WriteLine(""); return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } This method sends HTTP POST requests to create new resources. The parameters are the URI identifying the type of resource to create, and a string containing the JSON data that represents the object. 28) Find and examine the SendGraphPatchRequest and SendGraphDeleteRequest methods. These methods follow a similar pattern, constructing HTTP PATCH and HTTP DELETE requests to modify and remove objects. 29) Open a command prompt window, and move to the C:\B2C-GraphAPI-DotNetmaster\B2CGraphClient\bin\Debug folder. 30) Type B2C Get-User. This command runs the sample application and sends an HTTP GET request to the users resource. You should see a list of users from your tenant (in JSON format) 31) Using Notepad, create a new file named NewUser.json, and add the following data to this file: { "accountEnabled" : true, "userPrincipalName" : "ddee@{tenant name}", "displayName" : "DDD EEE", 160 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? "passwordProfile" : { "password" : "hsa98h(*&g", "forceChangePasswordNextLogin" : true }, "mailNickname" : "ddee" } Replace {tenant name} in the userPrincipalName property with the name of your AAD tenant. 32) At the command prompt, type B2C Create-User NewUser.json. This command causes the sample application to generate an HTTP POST request to the users resource and create a new user. Note that the B2C application also enables you to update and delete users, using the UpdateUser and Delete-User options. However, for these commands you must specify the object ID of the user to be modified or deleted. You can find this information by using the Get-User option. Migrate Users to AAD To migrate users from a local directory to AAD, you can use the Azure AD Graph API to retrieve the details of local users and groups, and then recreate the same structures in AAD. However, there are a number of issues that you should consider. The section Planning User Migrations in this module summarizes the primary considerations, but arguably, the most important concerns users' passwords. It may be possible to recreate users with their original passwords if you have access to them, but if the passwords are encrypted this approach might not be possible (or even desirable). Instead, you can opt to generate a random password and require users to reset their password the first time they log in after the migration. The following steps illustrate this approach. Migrate Users Identified using an On-premises IDP to AAD This procedure follows a two-stage approach: • 161 Retrieve the key information about users (sign in name, email, password, display name, given name, and surname) from the on-premises directory and save this information as a JSON array in a text file. You should not include domain-specific data such as object IDs, although you can include the attributes that your organization utilizes, such as job title, telephone number, and office location. You can perform this task by capturing the JSON formatted output of the PowerShell commands shown in the previous exercise and editing the results, or by following the principles used by the B2CGraphClient application, and writing the data to a file rather than displaying it on the screen. If necessary, an administrator can modify the resulting file and remove any records for users that should not be migrated. © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? • Iterate through the records in the JSON text file and use the Azure AD Graph API to create the corresponding users in AAD. Again, you can adapt the techniques used by the B2CGraphClient application to achieve this. The steps that follow assume that you have already retrieved the users to be migrated and saved them to a pair of JSON files (one for users with known passwords, and another for users whose passwords are undecipherable and so need to have random passwords generated). Sample JSON files can be found in the Module 8 Json Files folder within the files you downloaded for this course. You will use another sample application that reads a JSON file and uploads the users found to AAD. This application provides options to enable you to reuse the existing passwords for users (if they are available). The application requires an application registration in Azure AAD B2C. To save time, these steps reuse the B2CGraphClient created in the previous exercise. Note that the following steps are primarily concerned with handling users with passwords that can be migrated. The cases for users with indecipherable passwords, or that require users to reset their password, are covered in the exercise Require Users to Change Password on First Sign-in, later in this module. 1) Download the sample application from AADB2CUserMigration sample application. Unzip it into the C:\AADB2C.UserMigration folder on your desktop computer. 2) Using Visual Studio, open the AADB2C.UserMigration.sln.sln solution file in the C:\AADB2C.UserMigration folder. 3) In Solution Explorer, expand the AADB2C.UserMigration project, and then select App.config. 162 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 4) In the App.config file, modify the values in the appSettings section. Provide the name of your tenant, the application ID, and the secret key for the application (reuse the application ID and secret that you created for the B2CGraphClient application). ... 5) On the Build menu, select Rebuild Solution. 6) In Solution Explorer, under the AADB2C.UserMigration project, select Program.cs. The Main method in this file is the entry point for the application. The application expects the user to provide a numeric option on the command line to specify which operation to perform. If no option is specified, the code displays a menu indicating the available choices (there are other selections available other than 1 and 2, but they are not used by this exercise). If the user specifies option 1, the application invokes the 163 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? MigrateUsersWithPasswordAsync method. If the user invokes option 2, the application runs the MigrateUsersWithRandomPasswordAsync method: static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a command as the first argument."); Console.WriteLine("\t1 : Migrate users with password"); Console.WriteLine("\t2 : Migrate users with random password"); Console.WriteLine("\t3 Email-address : Get user by email address"); Console.WriteLine("\t4 Display-name : Get user by display name"); Console.WriteLine("\t5 : User migration cleanup"); return; } try { switch (args[0]) { case "1": MigrateUsersWithPasswordAsync().Wait(); break; case "2": MigrateUsersWithRandomPasswordAsync().Wait(); break; ... 164 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? } ... } ... } 7) Scroll down and find the MigrateUsersWithPasswordAsync method. This method reads the user data from a file (checking to make sure that the file exists first), and creates a collection of user objects in a variable called users. The code then iterates through this collection and calls the b2CGraphClient.CreateUser method to create each user. Note that the users. GenerateRandomPassword variable is a Boolean indicating whether the b2CGraphClient.CreateUser method should use the password specified as a parameter to this method, or generate its own random password. This method sets the GenerateRandomPassword variable to false. Note that the method MigrateUsersWithRandomPasswordAsync, which runs when the users specifies option 2 when executing the program, sets this variable to true. The b2cGraphClient.CreateUser method uses the Azure AD Graph API to create the user by sending an HTTP POST request to the users resource for AAD, as described in the previous exercise. /// /// Migrate users with their password /// /// static async Task MigrateUsersWithPasswordAsync() { string appDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); string dataFilePath = Path.Combine(appDirectoryPath, Program.MigrationFile); // Check file existence if (!File.Exists(dataFilePath)) { 165 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine($"File '{dataFilePath}' not found"); Console.ResetColor(); return; } // Read the data file and convert to object UsersModel users = UsersModel.Parse(File.ReadAllText(dataFilePath)); // Create B2C graph client object B2CGraphClient b2CGraphClient = new B2CGraphClient(Program.Tenant, Program.ClientId, Program.ClientSecret); foreach (var item in users.Users) { await b2CGraphClient.CreateUser(, item.password, item.displayName, item.firstName, item.lastName, users.GenerateRandomPassword); } Console.WriteLine("Users migrated successfully"); } 8) Using Windows Explorer, copy the UsersData.json file containing the sample user data to the C:\AADB2C.UserMigration\AADB2C.UserMigration\bin\Debug folder. 166 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 9) Using a text editor such as Notepad, open the UsersData.json file and examine its contents. Notice that it includes users' passwords. Do not change anything. Close the file when you are done. 10) Open a command prompt window and move to the C:\AADB2C.UserMigration\AADB2C.UserMigration\bin\Debug folder 11) At the command prompt, type UserMigration 1. This command reads the records from the UsersData.json file and creates the corresponding users in AAD. You should see messages confirming each user as they are created. 12) In the Azure portal, make sure you are connected as in the B2C tenant. 13) Select Azure Active Directory, and then select Users. 14) Verify that the new users appear in the list of users for your domain. 167 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Migrate Users Identified using a Social Networking Account to AAD If users are identified by using social networking accounts, the social networking IDP takes responsibility for authenticating them; your directory does not contain any password data for these accounts. To migrate users with these types of account, you must recreate the data required by the social network IDP to identify these users. This information is usually held in the userIdentites property of each user in AD, and is typically a combination of the name of the issuer (such as Facebook) and an issuer user id (an encoded, unique value that identifies the user to the social network IDP). For example: "userIdentities": [{ "issuer": "", "issuerUserId": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MA==" } ] This procedure shows how to migrate these types of users to AAD. Note that the AADB2C.UserMigration application does not currently support users with social identities, so these steps focus on using PowerShell instead. 1) Using Windows Explorer, copy the UsersSocialData.json file containing the sample user data to the C:\AADB2C.UserMigration folder. 2) Open the UsersSocialData.json file using Notepad. This file contains a list of users in JSON formatted; this is how data is returned by using the Azure AD Graph API. Notice that each user in this file has a userIdentities property that references Facebook as a social identity provider. Do not change any data, and close Notepad when you have finished browsing. 3) Open the Open a PowerShell prompt. 4) Create the following PowerShell function (this is the same function that you created in the first set of exercises): function GetAuthToken { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $TenantName ) 168 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? $adal = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ServiceManagement\Azure\Services\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.Act iveDirectory.dll" $adalforms = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ServiceManagement\Azure\Services\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.Act iveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll" [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adal) | Out-Null [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adalforms) | Out-Null $clientId = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2" $redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" $resourceAppIdURI = "" $authority = "$TenantName" $authContext = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" -ArgumentList $authority $authResult = $authContext.AcquireToken($resourceAppIdURI, $clientId,$redirectUri, "Auto") return $authResult } The GetAuthToken function prompts the user to log in to the AAD tenant specified by the $TenantName parameter, and returns the authentication token if the login is successful. 5) Create a variable that references the name of your AAD tenant (replace with the name of your AAD tenant): $tenant = "" 6) Run the GetAuthToken function and extract the authentication token from the result: $token = GetAuthToken -TenantName $tenant 7) Construct an HTTP authorization header object that contains the bearer token in the $token variable: $authHeader = @{ 'Content-Type'='application\json' 169 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 'Authorization'=$token.CreateAuthorizationHeader() } 8) Type the following commands: $jsonlist = Get-Content -Raw -Path C:\AADB2C.UserMigration\UsersSocialData.json | ConvertFrom-Json $userlist = $jsonlist | select -expand users $resource = "users/" $uri = "$tenant/$($resource)?api-version=1.6" These statements read the user accounts from the JSON file and generate a list of user objects. The $resource and $uri variables reference the URI in your tenant where the new users should be stored. 9) Enter the following block of code: foreach ($user in $userlist) { $newuser = $user | ConvertTo-Json Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri –Headers $authHeader –Method Post -Body $newuser ContentType "application/json" –Verbose echo Created $user.displayName } These statements iterate through the list of user objects, and send an HTTP POST request to your AAD to create each user in turn. 10) In the Azure portal, make sure you are connected as 11) Select Azure Active Directory, and then select Users. 12) Verify that the new users appear in the list of users for your domain, and that each user is identified as a user. Require Users to Change Password on First Sign-in To handle users with passwords that cannot be migrated, you will need to generate a random password, and then get users to reset their passwords when they log in. To achieve this you have several strategies available, including: 170 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? • Directly emailing each user with the endpoint of the PasswordReset policy for your domain: • Setting the forceChangePasswordNextLogin attribute of the password profile for the user to true: { "accountEnabled" : true, "userPrincipalName" : "", "displayName" : "DDD EEE", "passwordProfile" : { "password" : "********", "forceChangePasswordNextLogin" : true }, "mailNickname" : "ddee" } In the situation where the passwords have been successfully migrated (the original passwords are reused), it is still good practice to ask users to reset their passwords the next time they log in. You can use either of the strategies just highlighted. However, the problem with the first approach is that users might choose to ignore the email; there is no compulsion for them to reset their password. The second approach enforces a password change, but from an 171 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? administrative perspective it is not easy to determine that users have actually logged in and done so, so their accounts might still reference an old, unmodified password. The AADB2C.UserMigration application adopts a third approach that enables you to quickly check whether users have reset their passwords. As users are migrated, a record of each user is also recorded in Azure table storage. A separate REST Web service, AADB2C.UserMigration.API, implemented as part of the AADB2C.UserMigration solution reads the user records in table storage. The next time the user logs in, a custom policy invokes the AADB2C.UserMigration.API with the details of the user. If the user's record is found in table storage, the API returns the error message "You must change password". Once the user has changed their password, the policy calls the API again to remove the user's record from table storage. At any stage, an administrator with the appropriate access rights can read the data from table storage to determine which users are yet to reset their password. The following procedure shows how to implement this approach. 1) In the Azure portal, make sure you are connected as, and switch to your Azure tenant (not the B2C tenant) 2) Select + Create a resource. 3) In the Search box, enter Storage account, and then select Storage account – blob, table, file, queue. 172 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 4) Select Create. 5) Enter a unique name for the storage account, leave the remaining options at their defaults (create a new resource group if necessary), and then select Create. 6) When the storage account has been created, select All resources, select your new storage account, and then select Access keys. Record the value for the Connection string. 173 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 7) In Visual Studio, return to the AADB2C.UserMigration.sln solution file in the C:\AADB2C.UserMigration folder. 8) In Solution Explorer, expand the AADB2C.UserMigration project, and then select App.config. 9) In the App.config file, in the appSettings section, insert the table storage connection string as the value for the BlobStorageConnectionString key. ... 10) In Solution Explorer, expand the AADB2C.UserMigration.API project, and then select Web.config. 11) In the Web.config file, in the appSettings section, insert the same table storage connection string as the value for the BlobStorageConnectionString key. 174 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? ... 12) On the Build menu, select Rebuild Solution. 13) In Solution Explorer, right-click the AADB2C.UserMigration.API project, and then select Publish. 14) In the Pick a publish target window, select App Service, select Create New, and then select Publish. 15) In the Create App Service dialog box, log in as B2CAdmin in your Azure tenant (if necessary, add the account to Visual Studio). Set the App Name to AADB2CUserMigrationAPIAwesomeYourLastname where AwesomeYourLastname is the name of your B2C tenant. Accept the default values for the remaining fields, and then select Create. 175 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 16) Wait while the web application is published. When deployment is complete, the web app will start running and a browser window will open (The browser might display the error message The resource cannot be found, but this is OK.) 17) Log in to the Azure portal as, where AwesomeYourLastname is the name of your B2C tenant. Make sure you are connected to your B2C tenant (not the Azure tenant). 18) Select All Services, type Azure AD B2C, and then select Azure AD B2C. 19) In the Azure AD B2C blade, select Identity Experience Framework. 20) Select Custom Policies, and then select the B2C_1A_TrustFrameworkExtensions policy file. 176 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? 21) Select Download, and save the file as TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml. 22) Open the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file using Visual Studio. 23) Add the following element to the list in the node. Change your-app to AADB2CUserMigrationAPIAwesomeYourLastname (two occurrences): Password Reset APIs Local account just in time migration None Body 177 © 2018 Microsoft Corporation Feedback? Local account just in time migration None Body 24) Add the following element to the list, directly after the one that you added in the previous step. Local Account

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