PDF Mitel SX 100 & 200 Gen. 205 Vol. 2
SX-100 & SX-200 Gen. 205 Vol 2 SX-100 & SX-200 Gen. 205 Vol 2
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SX-100/200 SUPERSWITCH Generic 205 - Volume II sx-100”/sx-200TM SUPERSWITCH VOLUME II (GENERIC 205) DOCUMEjNT LIST SECTION I-:, -‘, .\--.-. ._. $-: ;. Tl!TLE L O C A T O R .: : MITL9105/9110-98-000 DOCUMENTATION INDEX MlTL9105/9110-98-200 SHIPPING, RECEIVING AND INSTALLATION MITL9105/9110-98-205 INSTALLATION FORMS MITL9105/9110-98-210 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING MlTL9105/9110-98-215 INSTALLATION TEST PROCEDURES ~lTL9105/9110-98-320 EXTENSION TEST PROCEDURES ‘llTL9105/9110-98-350 TROUBLESHOOTING MITEL STANDARD PRACTICE SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-000 Issue 2, August 1980 SX=l oo*/sx-200* SUPERSWITCH* ELECTRONIC PRIVATE AUTOMATIC BRANCH EXCHANGES DOCUMENTATION INDEX 1. GENERAL TABLE 2-l DOCUMENTATION INDEX - VOLUME I 1.01 This section lists Mite1 Standard Practices which have been issued pertaining to the SX-100 and SX-200 Private Automatic Branch Exchanges. 2. DOCUMENTATION INDEX 2.01 The complete set of Practices are contained in two volumes as listed in Tables 2-1 and 2-2. Volume I basically covers the description and operation of the PABX’s; while Volume II is concerned with the installation and maintenance aspects of the systems. 2.02 Sections commencing with MITL9105 and MITLSllO- contain information specific to the SX-100 and SX-200 PABX respectively, while those commmencing with MITL9105/9110embrace both types of PABX. MITL9105/9110-98-000 M lTL910598-100 MITLSllO-98-100 MlTL9105/9110-98-105 Documentation Index General Description General Description Feature and Services Description MITL9105-98-150 Physical Description and Ordering lnformatioi Physical Description M ITL911 O-98-1 50 and Ordering lnformatioi MITL9105/9110-98-180 Engineering Information MITL9105/9110-98-212 Multi Digit Toll Control M ITL91051911 O-98-220 Speed Call MITL9105/9110-98-300 Attendant Console Description-Commercial MITL9105/9110-98-305 Attendant Console Description-Hotel/Motel MITL9105/9110-98-310 Programming and Maintenance Console Description MITL9105/9110-98-450 Traffic Measurement MITL9105/9110-98-451 Station Message Detail Recording MITL9105/9110-98-500 General Maintenance Information TABLE 2-2 DOCUMENTATION INDEX - VOLUME II MITL9105/9110-98-000 MITL9105/9110-98-200 MITL9105/9110-98-205 MITL9105/9110-98-210 MITL9105/9110-98-215 MITL9105/9110-98-320 MITL9105/9110-98-350 *;cE3 0 MITEL Corporation 1980 Documentation Index Shipping Receiving and Installation Installation Forms System Programming Installation Test Procedures Extension Test Procedures Troubleshooting Page l/2 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 ’ Issue 3, June 1980 MITEL STANDARD PRACTICE SX-lOO* Ah D SX-200* SUPERS MITCH* ELECTRONIC PRIVATE AUTO MATIC BRANCH EXCHANGE SHIPPING, RECEIVING AND INSTALLATION INFORA IATION CONTENTS 1. 2. PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Cabinet SX.100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment,Cabinet SX.200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Shelves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Shelf and Card Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Features and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attendant Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecting Cables ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Fail Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Fail Transfer Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TestLine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reserve Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paging, Dictation, and Music On Hold Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Night Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 3 3 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 8. REPACKING FOR RESHIPMENT . . . . . . . .18 9. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . Floor Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Cabinet Location . . . . . . . . . . Power Supply Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 .I8 .I8 .I8 .18 .17 10. CABLING AND CROSS CONNECTIONS . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . \. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephone Set and Trunk Cabling. . . . . . . Cable Terminations SX-100 . . . . . . . . . . . . Cable Terminations SX.200 . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross.Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCC Cross Connect Field Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I9 .19 .19 .19 .20 -20 .45 11. DESIGNATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 12. INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 ..4 9 SHIPPING AND RECEIVING . . . . . . . . . . . .I0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO System Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lO APPENDIX 1 Mite1 Action Procedures . . . . . 4. PACKAGING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consoles............................1 Equipment Shelves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reserve Power Shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printed Circuit Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. DELIVERY CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 8. UNPACKING AND HANDLING . . . . . . . . . .12 Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Shelves and Circuit Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 APPENDIX 3 SX.100 Installation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3.112 Unpack SX-100 Equipment (MAP200.301) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A3-3 Unpack Consoles (MAP200-302). . . . . . . . A3.5 Install Console Faceplate Designations (MAP200.303) . . . . . . . . . . .A3.9 Inspect Equipment (MAP200.304) . . . . .A3.15 Install and Connect Equipment (MAP200-305) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3.19 Set Card Switches (MAP200-308) . . . A3-29130 Power-Up System (MAP200-307). . . . . . .A3.31 7. INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I2 Shelves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12 Cards.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12 Defective Items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I2 APPENDIX 4 SX.200 Installation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A4.l Unpack Equipment Cabinet (MAP200.401) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4.3 Unpack Consoles (MAP200.402). . . . . . . .A4-7 3. .lO .10 2 .12 .I2 .12 Al-l APPENDIX 2 FCC Interconnection Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A2.1 0 MITEL Corporation 1980 * Registered Trademark of MITEL Corporation Page ! -. -I SECTION MITL910519110.98.200 CONTENTS PAGE Install Console Faceplate Designations (MAP200-403) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4.11 Inspect Equipment (MAP200-404) . . . . .A4.15 Connect Cables (MAP200.405) . . . . . . . .A4.19 Set Card Switches (MAP200.408) . . . A4.23124 Power-Up System (MAP200-407). . . . . . . A4-25 APPENDIX 5 Card Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . A5.1 Set CO Trunk Option and Status Switches (MAP200-501) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A5-3 Set E and M/Tie Trunk Option Switches (MAP200-502) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5-9 Set DID Tie Trunk Option Switches (MAP200-503) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5.17 Set Scanner Card Baud Rate Switch (MAP200-504) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5.23 APPENDIX 8 Additional Equipment Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A8-112 Shelf 2 Installation (MAP200.601). . . . . . . A6-3 Install New Cards (MAP200.602). . . . . . . .A6-7 Reserve Power Supply Installation (MAP200-603) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6-15 Console Interface Board Installation (MAP200.604) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6.23 Backplane Translator Board Installation (MAP200-605) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A6-31 Installation of RCP Card (MAP200-606) . A6-39 Reserve Power Supply Installation (SX-100) (MAP200-607) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6-43 1. INTRODUCTION General 1.01 This section provides general identification, installation, shipping, receiving and cabling information for the SX-100 and SX-200 Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchanges (PABXs). The systems consist of two major components, the equipment cabinet, containing the switching equipment and power supply and the attendant console(s). Reason for Reissue 1.02 This section is reissued to include Generic 205 features and applicable details. Documentation 1.03 Table l-l lists all MITEL practices, associated with the Electronic PABX. 2. IDENTIFICATION General 2.01 The SX-100 and SX-200 are multicustomer electronic switching systems providing the following capacities: l SX-100: Capacity of 160 ports with 112 ports available for lines, trunks and additional receivers TABLE l-l DOCUMENTATION Document No. M ITL910598-100 MITLSI 10-98-100 MITLSI 0519110-98-105 M ITL9105-98-150 M ITL911 O-98-1 50 M ITL9105/9110-98-180 M ITL9105/911 O-98-200 M ITL9105/911 O-98-205 MITL9105/9110-98-210 MITL9105/9110-98-212 M ITL9105/911 O-98-21 5 M ITL91051911 O-98-220 M ITL9105/911 O-98-300 M ITL9105/911 O-98-305 MITL9105/9110-98-310 M ITL9105/911 O-98-320 MITL9105/9110-98-350 M ITL9105/911 O-98-450 M ITL91051911 O-98-451 M ITL9105/911 O-98-500 Page 2 Title General Description General Description Features Description Physical Description and Ordering Information Physical Description and Ordering Information Engineering Information Shipping, Receiving and Installation Installation Forms System Programming Toll Control System Test Procedures (Installation) Speed Call Attendant Console Description Attendant Console (Hotel/Motel) Description Programming and Maintenance Console Description Station Test Procedures Troubleshooting Instructions Traffic Measurement Station Message Detail Recording General Maintenance Information Applicable to sx-1 00 sx-200 H r/ r/ c/ r/ J J I/ H r/ r/ J r/ r/ J H r/ r/ J J r/ r/ / r/ H J fl r/ fl fl r/ r/ r/ fl ti fl SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 l SX-200: Capacity of 256 ports with 208 ports available for lines, trunks and additional receivers 2.02 The systems are electrically compatible with most existing station, key telephone, Private Branch Exchange (PBX) and Central Office (CO) equipment. The PABXs provide: . service to a maximum of four individual customers 2.05 Reserve power for the SX-200 system, if required, may be supplied from the optional battery pack shelf located at the bottom of the equipment cabinet. In the case of the SX-100 reserve power supply it forms a separate base unit upon which the SX-100 can be installed. Equipment Shelves 2.06 l l . l . l . the use of a flexible numbering plan the simultaneous use of DTMF and rotary dial stations optional use of attendant consoles - 2 maximum the sharing of attendant consoles between tenants extensive selection of standard and optional features freedom from scheduled maintenance automatic diagnostics l six power fail transfer trunks (SX-100) l twelve power fail transfer trunks (SX-200) l optional reserve power supply Equipment Cabinet, SX-100 2.03 The SX-100 equipment cabinet (Fig. 2-1) consists of a metal frame enclosed by back and top panels. Access to the equipment shelf is provided by the front door of the cabinet. The rear panel allows access to the line and trunk cable plugs. Equipment Cabinet, SX-200 2.04 The SX-200 equipment cabinet (Fig. 2-2) consists of a metal frame which is enclosed by side and top panels. Access to the equipment shelves is provided by the front door of the cabinet. The hinged rear panels hold the power supply and allow access to the line and trunk cable plugs. The SX-100 is equipped with one shelf, but the SX-200 may be equipped with one or two equipment shelves depending on the number of lines and trunks required. Each equipment shelf (Fig. 2-3) is 10.75in. (273mm) high, 19in. (485mm) wide and 16.375in. (415mm) deep. The shelves are mounted in the equipment cabinet with the backplane assembly towards the rear of the cabinet. The shelves are held in position by mounting screws which locate the shelves in the main frame. 2.07 The physical characteristics and part numbers of the shelves, power supplies and maintenance panel are given in Table 2-1. The weight for each shelf is for a shelf containing a full complement of circuit cards. 2.08 The equipment shelves used in the SX-100 and the SX-200 are identical. Fig. 2-3 shows two views of an equipment shelf. 2.09 The equipment shelves hold up to 22 circuit cards. Each card plugs into a connector mounted on the shelf backplane. A locking bar assembly which passes through the sides of the shelf ensures that the circuit packs are seated correctly in the backplane connectors. 2.10 A number of card positions within each shelf are reserved for control cards. These card positions are identified by color coded identification strips along the top and bottom edges of the shelf. Only cards with locking clips of the same color as the identification strip should be plugged into that card position. Circuit card and/or system damage may otherwise occur. 2.11 Card positions, 14, 13, and 12 on equipment shelf 1, may be used for line, trunk or receiver cards. These positions are marked with a blue and black identification strip, indicating that any card coded with either of the identification color codes may be used in these positions. Page 3 - ,!’ ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 ,MAINTENANCE PANEL PRIMARY POWER SWITCH I I POWER bUPPLY EQUIPMENT SHELF CABINET DOOR FRONT VIEW PRIMARY PO’iVER SUPPLY CABLE CLAMPS REAR VIEW t7fqqqq (31.6kg) Fig. 2-l Page 4 SX-100 Equipment Cabinet ( 4 2 2 m m ) ( 6 3 5 m m ) (47Omm) ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 q i@ MAINTENANCE PANEL i EQUIPMENT SHELF 2 1 EQUIPMENT SHELF 1 c Front View RESERVE POWER SHELF -:. ,I .’ P‘ WEIGHT HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH 38.0in. (96Omm) 23.5in. (600mm) 27.5in. (700mm) / \ PRIMARY CABLE ENTRY POWER SUPPLY 290lb (131.7kg) Rear View Fig. 2-2 SX-260 .’ Equipment Cabinet 537.1 ‘^ Page 5 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 Fig. 2-3 Equipment Shelf TABLE 2-l PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Shelf Type Maintenance Panel Equipment Shelf Reserve Power Primary Power Page 8 SX-100 Part Number 9105-025 9110-012 9105014 9105-008 SX-200 Part Number 9110-125 9110-012 9110-014 911 O-008 o r 1 0 8 Ibs Weight Kg Maximum No. Circuit Cards 2 38 125 16170 0.9 17 57 7132 22 - S E C T I O N 2.12 Line or trunk cards can be placed in any position identified with black color code strips. It is recommended that line cards be placed in the lowest numbered card positions and trunk cards in the highest card positions for the following reasons: -CAUTION NOTICE -PARTNUMBER the maintenance test line is permanently wired to card position 1, hardware position 001 . separation of line and trunk cards allow ease of identification of card type during installation and maintenance . ease of system programming l NOTE: MITL9105/9110-98.200 If more than one receiver card is used, the second receiver card MUST be placed in card position 14, the third in position 13, and the fourth in position 12. It is therefore recommended that these card positions be used for trunk cards only when all other card positions are in use. I -TRANSPARENT FRONT PANEL Circuit Cards 2.13 The circuit cards (Fig. 2-4) used in the equipment shelves measure loin. (254mm) high, 13in. (330mm) deep, and are manufactured from fiberglass board. The light emitting diodes (LEDs) mounted at the front of each card indicate the operational status of the card. The transparent front panel protects the LEDs while allowing their status to be observed. @ii 2 CARD EXTRACTOR a A Fig. 2-4 Typical Circuit Card TABLE 2-2 EQUIPMENT CODING Type Equipment Shelf (Note 1) RAMlCOS Card Memory Expander PROM/RAM Expander PROM/CPU Card Scanner Card Tone Control Card Console Control Card Remote Control - PABX Card (Note 2) Receiver Card (Dual or Quad) CO Trunk Card (4 trunk) E&M Trunk Card (2 trunk) DID/Tie Trunk Card (2 trunk) Line Card (8 station) Note: Part Number 9110-012 911 O-002 9110-019 9110-l 19 911 O-003 91 lo-004 o r -104 911 O-005 911 O-006 9110-017 911 O-009 o r - 0 1 6 9110-011 o r -211 9110-013 911 O-031 9110-110 Card Extractor Color Code White Brown Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Green Blue Black Black Black Black ,1. All equipment shelves are identical. 2. The RCP is supplied only if required that the PABX be accessed by RMAT facilities (see Section MITL9105/9110-98-101 Remote Maintenance Administration and Test System). Page 7 SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-200 Fig. 2-5 Attendant Console 2.14 On the front part number not be removed power is on carry Fig. 2-4. panel of each card, is the card and its type. Cards which must or inserted while the system a Caution notice as shown in 2.15 2.19 The console is equipped with two sets of handset/headset jacks. These jacks will accept all standard handsets or headsets presently in general use. Connecting Cables Each card is equipped with two card extractors which enable the card to be easily removed. In the locked position the card extractors in conjunction with the locking bar ensure that the circuit cards are held firmly in position. 2.20 Equipment Shelf and Card Identification 2.21 2.16 Table 2-2 lists all shelf and card part numbers, types and color codes. Features and Services 2.17 The features and service codes are entered into the system memory through a console. No wiring or strapping is required when assigning features. Attendant Console 2.18 The attendant console (Fig. 2-5) is a selfcontained unit, connected to the equipment cabinet by a plug-ended 25 pair cable. Page 8 All connections to the attendant console and the equipment cabinet, are made using plug or connector-ended 25 pair cables. Power Fail Transfer In the event of a major alarm condition the power fail transfer relays located on the Power Fail Transfer card, will connect Central Office trunks to selected station lines (maximum 6 trunks for SX-100, 12 trunks for SX-200). Power fail transfer will take place under any of the following conditions: . commercial power failure (if no reserve power supply is used) . common . operating voltages out of accepted tolerance . manual transfer from a console or the equipment cabinet control failure S E C T I O N (a) Incoming Calls After a power fail transfer has occurred, ringing of extensions for incoming calls is applied directly to the selected extension line from the Central Office (CO). (b) Outgoing Calls To place an outgoing call through a ground start CO trunk, with the system in the power fail transfer mode, the extension originating the call must be equipped with a ground key. When the ground key is momentarily pressed, a ground is applied to the Ring side of the line, energizing the CO equipment. One side of the ground key must be connected to a ground and the other to the Ring conductor of the station line. Call origination over loop start trunks does not require the use of a ground start key. Power Fail Transfer Reset 2.22 The system may be returned to normal operation from power fail transfer in one of three ways. (a) Major Alarm If the system was placed in the power fail transfer mode because of a major alarm condition it will return to normal operation and turn off the major alarm lamp when the alarm condition is corrected. (b) Manual Reset When the system has been placed in the power fail transfer mode by operation of the transfer switch, the major alarm lamp will light, indicating that transfer has taken place. Setting the transfer switch to NORMAL will reset the system to normal operation and turn off the alarm lamp if the alarm condition has been corrected. If the alarm condition has not been corrected the alarm lamp will remain lit indicating that the system has remained in the power fail transfer mode. (c) Reset From Commercial Power Failure The system will automatically return to normal operation when commercial power is restored. Note: When the system returns to normal operation from the power fail transfer mode all connections established MITL9105/9110-98-200 through the power fail transfer circuits will be maintained until the completion of the calls. Test Line 2.23 The test line, permanently assigned to hardware position 001, has the Tip and Ring connections wired to the two terminals on the face of the maintenance panel. The service person can: . seize individual trunks . seize individual receivers . seize individual speech paths . initialize card slots l . busy out selected receivers, trunks or speech paths. clear all alarms and raise associated busyout conditions l reset the systems (Generic 203, 204) l initiate a system dump (Generic 204) l control the printer (Generic 204) Reserve Power Supply 2.24 The optional reserve power supply (in the form of batteries and charging system) is housed in the SX-200 equipment cabinet; or in a package that forms a base for the SX-100 cabinet. The power supply is designed to maintain system operation for a minimum of two hours in the event of main power failure. Paging, Dictation, and Music on Hold Equipment 2.25 All paging, dictation and music on hold equipment is located external to the PABX. This equipment should be located in an environment specified by the individual supplier and connected to the PABX through the cross-connect field. Night Relays 2.28 Four relays are provided for use during night service. One is operated permanently during night service, and the other three may be assigned to various trunks to ring night bells. Page 9 ’ SECTION MITL9105/911 o-98-200 Power, supplied from the power supply and required to operate night bells must be connected at the cross-connect field. 4. PACKAGING 3. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING 4.01 Introduction 3.01 This part describes the procedures to be used when shipping or receiving the Electronic PABX equipment. System Shipment 3.02 The PABX cabinet is shipped in a single carton containing the equipment cabinet. The consoles and reserve power supply, if required are packaged and shipped separately from the system equipment package. System Package The equipment is shipped with some cards and all shelves in position. The equipment cabinet is enclosed in a polyethylene sheet and positioned on the shock absorbant shipping pallet. Foam sheet is placed around and on top of the cabinet to protect it from damage and the complete assembly encased in a tri-board sleeve. Four transportation straps are then fastened to the pallet to prevent any movement of the cabinet package. The tri-wall cap is placed over the sleeve, and the complete assembly secured to the shipping pallet by two metal retaining straps. Figs. 4-l and 4-2 respectively show the packaging arrangements for the SX-100 and SX-200. STYROFOAM Fig. 4-l System Packaging Page 10 _- SECTION MITLSI 05/911 O-98-200 STYROFOAM \ FIBERGLASS Fig. 4-2 System Packaging TAPE ,- Page 11 i SECTlON M ITL9105/911 o-98-200 Consoles Shelves and Circuit Cards 4.02 Each console is wrapped in a polyethylene sheet and placed in a cardboard packing carton and protected with shock absorbent foam inserts. The handset and cradle are placed in bags and inserted in the corners of the box at one end. The console manual is placed at the other end of the box, and the Extension Features Operation booklets are distributed in the box to fill the available space. The completed package is secured with fibreglass tape (See Fig. 4-3). Equipment Shelves 4.03 Equipment shelves, when shipped separately, are packaged in a similar manner. A shelf, with all cards removed, is enclosed in a cardboard protector to prevent damage to the shelf backplane. The protected shelf is then wrapped in a polyethylene sheet and placed in a formed foam insert. The complete assembly is finally encased in a packing carton and secured by fibreglass tape (Fig. 4-4). Reserve Power Shelf The method of packaging the reserve power shelf is the same as for equipment shelves, except a heavy duty commercial packing carton is used in place of the regular packing cartons, due to the weight of the battery packs in the reserve power shelf. 6.02 Shelves and circuit cards shipped separately from the equipment cabinet should not be unpacked before they are required for use. When required, the shelf and cards are to be transported to the equipment location packaged in their original containers when possible. 7. INSPECTION Cabinet 7.01 After positioning and unpacking the equipment, a visual inspection should be performed prior to installation to ensure that: (a) The cabinet has not been dented or scratched during shipment. (b) The door on the front of the cabinet opens and closes easily. (c) The shelves are mounted firmly in the cabinet. 4.04 Printed Circuit Cards All printed circuit cards, if shipped separately, are packaged as shown in Fig. 4-5. If a large number of circuit cards are to be shipped, they are individually packed and shipped in groups of ten per carton. (d) The shelves are not bent or otherwise damaged. (e) All cards are seated firmly in their connectors. (f) Rear doors open and close easily. 4.05 5. DELIVERY (g) All components mounted in the rear panel power supply are secure. (h) All interconnecting secure. cables and plugs are CHECK 5.01 At the time of delivery at the installation site all items delivered must be checked against the order form and packaging slip. Any discrepancies must be reported immediately. (j) All connections to the power supply are tight. Shelves 7.02 Inspect the shelf to ensure that: 6. UNPACKING AND HANDLING (a) Cabinet 6.01 The procedure to be used when handling and unpacking the equipment are detailed in Appendices 3 and 4. Page 12 Edge connector contacts are undamaged and do not contain any foreign matter. (b) No circuit card guides are broken. (c) No wires are broken. ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 SX-200 CABINET - M A N U A &------- L CRADLE BAG HANDSET IN POLYETHYLENE CONSOLE WRAPPED IN POLYETHYLENE SHEET 8-I TAPE ‘V CGNSOLE - - . - - - - PACKAGING .-._. __..._ (FOR SHIPMENT IN SX-200 1 - SHELF CABINET) CRADLE j lnl HARDWARE/q BAG m HANDSET IN POLYETHYLENC BUBBLE WRAP V‘3ul - d- r(\ MANUAL FOAM INSERTS (2) WRAPPED IN IP CARDBOARD /CARTON (b) CONSOLE PACKAGING (FOR SEPARATE SHIPMENT) Fig. 4-3 Console Packaging _- Page 13 r I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 CARDBOARDPRO1TECTOR POLYETHYLENESHEET 5 PACKINGCARTON FIBERGLASSTAPE / Fig. 4-4 Equipment Shelf Packaging _- : Page 14 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 1 Fig. 4-5 Circuit Card Packaging Page15 i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 (d) The backplane is not cracked. (e) quirements of 9.02, and is within the following temperature and humidity limits: No connector pins are broken or bent. l Temperature 0 - 40 “C (32 - 113 “F) l Relative Humidity 10 - 90% Cards CAUTION: Hand/e Circuit Cards by their edges only. Handling the board faces or components may cause damage. 7.03 If printed circuit cards are shipped separately from the equipment, inspect each circuit card to ensure that: (a) The fibreboard is not cracked. (b) No loose leads or components are apparent. (c) The card front panel is not broken. Circuit cards shipped in the equipment do not require individual inspection unless equipment shelf damage has been found. Floor Space 9.02 The minimum floor space for installation and subsequent maintenance of the SX-100 and SX-200 Electronic PABXs is shown in Figs. 9-l and 9-2 respectively. Equipment Cabinet Location 9.03 The following requirement must be met when selecting a location for the PABX equipment. For cooling purposes the PABX cabinet equipments use natural air convection flow. For this reason the bottom areas of the cabinets must be allowed free air flow, and must not be obstructed, for example, by rug pile blocking the air vent entries. The location MUST BE: Defective Items l 7.04 If any defective item is found it should be tagged and returned to the supplier in accordance with accepted procedures. (See Part 8) 8. REPACKING FOR RESHIPMENT 8.01 When the PABX equipment is shipped from one location to another, all items must be packaged to prevent damage. Figs. 4-1 through 4-5 show how the equipment was originally packaged. This method of packaging should be followed as closely as possible. 8.02 If the original packaging material is no longer available, the returned parts should be wrapped in several layers of air-cushion type wrap, placed in a suitable container, and surrounded with paper to minimize movement of the items. 9. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS . . . dry and clean well ventilated well lit easily accessible The location MUST NOT BE: . near a sprinkler system, sweating pipes, steam pipes or steam vents . in areas with extreme heat or cold . in areas where corrosive fumes or exhaust from machinery is present . in passageways used for moving equipment . next to a reproducing or copying machine. A minimum clearance of 10 feet (3m) must be provided and the room should be ventilated by an exhaust fan if the reproducing machine is not equipped with a filtering system Power Supply Requirements Environmental Requirements 9.01 The PABX equipment cabinet may be installed in any location which fullfills the re- Page 16 9.04 The customer must provide a single phase power receptacle, with the following recom_mendations: SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 I 18.5in. (470mm) I MINIMUM WORKING AREA CLEARANCE (Slpm) “““‘IUM 2in. (51mm) . ..‘-- ‘^ REQUIRED O N 1AT REAR rig. l l . l l l l Y-I f- - I - 3~.iuu Mmlmum 24in. (610mm) I equipmenr 115V, 60Hz fused, and capable of delivering 4A; or 25OV, 50Hz fused, and capable of delivering 2A the power receptacle should be wired and fused independently from all other receptacles a warning tag should be attached to circuitbreaker-type fuses to prevent unauthorized manual operation the power receptacle must not be controlled by a switch the live and neutral conductors at the receptacle shall be wired to their proper respective connections the power receptacle must be a 3-wire type, with the third wire connected to the ground of the electrical system the receptacle should be easily accessible for the removal of the plug for maintenance RACK MOUNT VERSION (23in.) LaDme rloor space nequlremenrs l l . the receptacle location should be selected to prevent accidental removal of the power cord the power cord between the cabinet and the receptacle should not present a hazard to the subscriber a warning tag should be attached to the plug end of the power cord to prevent accidental removal of the cord by the subscriber Equipment Grounding 9.05 The following is a description of the required PBX equipment grounding practice: (a) All circuit commons within the cabinet shall derive ground from a single ground concentration point within the cabinet. Each cabinet’s ground concentration point shall derive ground from a single ground concentration point serving ,-all system Page 17 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 1 + NOTE: ,I~j~~ m 1ENTER FROM ONE 12&n. SIDE ONLY (711mm) I I’) 7ft ,Qm\ I i ; 30in ; (762mm) I L- - - - - - - - -1 t I I (610mm) 74in MINIMUM 2in (51mm) ,-’ cna”r’CE IS REQUIRED ON ULLnnnlY’ EACH SID E AND AT THE REAR OF THE EQUIPMENT CABINET L Fig. 9-2 SX-200 Minimum Equipment Cabinet Floor Space Requirements cabinets and peripherals colocated with the system. (b) The system cabinets and all associated ducting hardware along with all colocated peripherals shall not be exposed to any ground source other than the system single point ground described in (a) above. (c) AC service wires bringing ac power to the cabinets shall not share an enclosure or raceway with any other system grounds, DC power distribution wires, or signaling wires. All non-connectorized ac power terminations shall be enclosed by raceways and termination boxes whether these enclosures appear outside or within system cabinets. This is to ensure that ac service wires cannot fault to circuitry within system cabinets or associated ducting hardware. (d) All system hardware shall be provided with an ac fault return path to the system single point ground which in turn shall be provided with a reliable path to the equipment grounding conductor (i.e. green wire ground or safety ground). The path from system equipment to system single point ground need not be a direct dedicated path but can be any reliable path to other system hardware which receives the above grounding path. (e) All sources of external ground (i.e. system signaling ground to the approved ground source, etc.) shall connect only to the system single point ground. The intent of providing for a system single point ground is to minimize ground loops and prevent lightning from finding a path through ,system components. : Page 18 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Telephone Set and Trunk Cabling (f) A separate grounding conductor (minimum size, 14AWG) shall be separately run from the system single point ground to the communications ground system on the crossconnect field. 10. CABLING AND CROSS-CONNECTIONS 10.02 Telephone set and trunk cabling terminates on the building cross-connect terminal in the normal manner. The cabling requirements and limits for stations and consoles are shown in Fig. 10-l(a) and (b). General Cable Terminations, SX-100 10.01 This part details the cabling and crossconnections required when installing the PABX. 10.03All interconnecting cables must be terminated in accordance with Tables 10-1, 10-2 and Fig. 10-2. TWO CONDUCTOR WIRE OR EQUIVALENT BLOCK CABLE CONNECTOR CABLE CABINET NOTE:STATION LOOPLlMlT1200OHMS(INCLUDINGSTATlONSET) (a) STATION CABLING & LIMITS CABLE CONNECTORS INTERCONNECT BOARD \ INTFRCONNFCT 25 PAIR PLUG-ENDED CABLE SHELFCONNECTOR CONSOLE INTERCONNECT BOARD CABINET NOTE: CABLING LIMIT lOOOFT. (305m)- 26 AWG MINIMUM CABLE CONSOLETO EQUIPMENT CABINET. 1 (b)ATlENDANTCONSOLECABLlNG& Fig. 10-I LIMITS Station and Console Cabling Requirements Page 19 ! SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Cable Terminations, SX-200 10.04All interconnecting cables must be terminated in accordance with Fig. 10-3 and Tables 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, and 10-5. In addition if Shelf 2 is installed the interconnecting cables listed in Table 10-4 must be terminated. Cross-Connections 10.05 Jumpers should be run using Z type 24AWG cross-connecting cables. P301 (14 PIN) BOARD 10.08Connection b e t w e e n t h e e q u i p m e n t cabinet, cross connect field, stations, trunks and consoles should be made using 26AWG connector ended cable in accordance with Tables IO-1 through 10-5. 10.07Cabling connections between shelf 1, the interconnect board, and cross connect field are shown in Figs 10-2 and 10-3. P302 (25 PIN) CONNECTOR NO. DESTINATION BOAR0 CONNECTOR NO. J13 J14 J15 NOTE: ALL PLUGS AND CONNECTORS EXCEPT AS NOTED ARE STANDARD 25 PAIR (AMPHENOL TYPE). THE MALE AND FEMALE DESIGNATORS REFER TO THE CONNECTORS MOUNTED ON THE EDIJIPMENT.NOTTOTHECABLECONNECTORS. Fig. 10-2 SX-100 Connector Locations Page 20 PI6 P17 P16 P19 P20 P302 P301 DESTINATION MAINTENANCE CONSOLE ATTENDANT CONSOLE 2 ATTENDANT CONSOLE1 P6 Pi X-CONNECT X-CONNECT X-CONNECT PRINTER OR RECORDING DEVICE MAINTENANCE PANEL S E C T I O N 52 (6 w piiq P301 (liPIN) P302 (25 PIN) MITL9105/9110-98-200 NOTES: 1 . ALL PLUGSAND CONNECTORS EXCEPT AS NOTEDARE STANDARD 25 PAIR (AMPHENOLTYPE).THE MALEANDFEMALE DESIGNATORS REFERTOTHE CONNECTORSMOUNTEDON THE EQUIPMENT, NOTTOTHE CABLE CONNECTORS 2. SEE APPENDIX 6. MAP200-604 FOR CONSOLE INTERFACEBOARD CONNECTIONS. Pll piq p2-j NOTUSED Y s kf *M*LE SHELF 2 1 MALE 1 PlO I J15 n r P5 MALE SHELF 1 MALE P6 INTERCONNECT BOARD Y2 0 CONNECTOR SHELF NO Pl P2 P3 1 P4 2 CONSOLE Yus I DESTINATION FZ X-CONNECT X-CONNECT X-CONNECT X-CONNECT P17 P16 P7 PB P9 PlO Pll P12 X-CONNECT X-CONNECT X-CONNECT X-CONNECT SPECIAL FEATURES 1I CONNECTOR NO. DESTINATION J13 MAINTENANCE CONSOLE INTER- J14 P25 (NOTE 2) CONNECT J15 P20 INTERFACE CONSOLE hITERFACE BOARD 2 BOARD P2l POWER FAILTRANSFER BOARD ;;" (NoTEX( P16 P17 P5 P18 X-CONNECT P19 X-CONNECT P301 POWERSUPPLY P302 PRINTER OR MODEM P303 MAINTENANCE PANEL CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD 1 Fig. 10-3 SX-200 Connector Locations ,- Page 21 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-l SHELF 1 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS PLUG Pl (Connects to Cross Connect Field) Pair Color Lead Pin 26 1 27 2 26 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G GiW W-BR BR-W TI reserved for Rl test line T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 a w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 42 17 43 la 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE Y-G Designation Line Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&M+ tFor P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 22 Tl RI TRI RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRI RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRI RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRI RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Card Positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 TABLE 10-l SHELF 1 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG P2 (Connects to Cross Connect Field) Fair Color Lead Pin Designation Lines 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-EL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 14 R4 T2 R2 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&Mt Card Position: T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 1 :. 2 1 3 4 1 i:. /:‘. ::. .’ 5 I 6 : ,- I-For P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 23 !’ SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-l SHELF 1 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) P L G P3 (Connects to Cross Connect Field) Pair Color Lead Pin 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W TI RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI 34 9 3.5 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 38 13 39 14 10 15 $1 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl $2 17 1 $3 18 $4 19 15 ?O Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl $6 ?l $7 ?2 $8 23 $9 24 v-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V Ti Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE ‘ 1 Designation Line dote: Position 12 can be used for lines, trunks, or receiver Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&M: Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Ti Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl RI TRI RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 7 8 9 10 11 12 See Note #4 card. IFor 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 24 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Card Positions SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-200 TABLE 10-l SHELF 1 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG P4(Connects to Cross Connect Field) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation Lines Lead Designation Trunks co D I D / T I E E&Mt 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 w-BL BL-w w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 13 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE Note: Position 12 can be used for lines. trunks or receiver card Card Positims T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 7 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 8 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 9 10 11 12 See Note ,-I #4. i-For P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 25 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-l SHELF 1 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG P5 (Connects to Plug P17) Pair Color Lead Pin Designation Line 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR %R-W Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V MUSIC IN B MUSIC IN A SPARE SPARE PA1 OUT B PA1 OUT A PA2 OUT B PA2 OUT A 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&M: Card Positions Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 13 See Note Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 14 See Note RECEIVER No. 1 15 -I- (4 R (A) S DATA OUT T (A) S DATA OUT R (A) S DATA IN T (A) S DATA ON R (A) PA2 Control B PA2 Control A ATTENDANT CONSOLE No. 2 16 ATTENDANT CONSOLE No. 1 17 T (A) R (A) S S S S DATA OUT T (A) DATA OUT R (A) DATA IN T (A) DATA IN R (A) PA1 Control B PA1 Control A MUSIC ON HOLD 18 SPARE SPARE Note: Positions 14 and 13 can be used for lines or trunks, or for receiver cards #2 and #3 respectively. tFor 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 28 SECTION MITL910519110-98-200 j TABLE 10-l SHELF 1 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG P8 (Connects to Plug P18) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation Line Lead Designation Trunks DID/TIE E&M? co Card Positions ?6 1 ?7 2 ?8 3 29 4 W-EL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 Tl Rl Lines Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 13 See Note 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 Tl Rl Lines Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK RECEIVER No. 1 38 13 39 14 10 15 $1 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T (4 R (A) S DATA OUT T(B) S DATA OUT R(B) S DATA IN T(B) S DATA IN R(B) R(Kl) Kl $2 17 $3 18 t4 19 $5 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y T(A) W-V S DATA OUT T(B) S DATA OUT R(B) S DATA IN T(B) S DATA IN R(B) UART IN UART OUT 16 21 17 22 $8 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V YW K5 RF41 K4 WW K3 WW K2 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE R-G G-R ’ Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 14 See Note 15 ATTENDANT CONSOLE SPARE 16 NOT USED (See Notes for Plug P18) NIGHT BELL 1 MAINTENANCE CONSOLE 17 : -.. ‘. NIGHT BELL 1 18 NIGHT SERVICE NIGHT BELL 3 (See Notes For Plug Pi8 NIGHT BELL 2 (See Notes for Plug P18: SPARE SPARE Note: Positions 14 and 13 can be used for lines or trunks or for receiver cards ,- #2 and #3 respectively. tFor P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 27 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 TABLE 10-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS CONNECTOR J13 MAINTENANCE CONSOLE CONNECTOR J14 ATTENDANT CONSOLE NO 2 (Connected T o Maintenance Panel) ee Note For 515) Pin Pair Color Lead GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND 26 1 27 2 26 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA 0 U T ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND -~-__ 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ov -46V OV -48V ov -48V 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -46V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 50 25 v-s s-v ov -48V 50 25 v-s s-v ov -48V Pin Pair Color Lead 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BP BR-W ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R Page 28 Designation Designation GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) CONNECTOR J15 ATTENDANT CONSOLE NO 1 (See Note) NOTE: Pin Pair Color Lead 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND w-s s-w Desianation 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA 0 UT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 34 9 35 IO 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ov -48V ov -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V ov 50 v-s ov 25 s-v -48V Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y Connector J15 connected either direct to Attendant Console 1 or via plug P23 and jack J22 to console. Connector J14 similarly connected either direct to attendant console 2 or via plug P25 and jack J22. GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND -48V ov -48V ov -48V ov -48V P a g e 2 9 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 TABLE 10-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG P18 (Interconnect Cable to P8) Pin Pair Color Lead Line 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 w-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 TX3 RX4 T4 R4 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 TX3 RX4 T4 R4 T2 R2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE NIGHT BELL 1 B NIGHT BELL IA 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y TIP RING DATA IN COMMON DATA IN DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT UART B UART A 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V ALARM B ALARM A NIGHT SERVICE B NIGHT SERVICE A NIGHT BELL 38 NIGHT BELL 3A NIGHT BELL 2B NIGHT BELL 2A 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE tFor 2-Wire Page 30 Designation Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&M-f T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 RECEIVER 1 Card Positions 13 14 15 16 See Notes for Plug P18 MAINTENANCE CONSOLE 17 18 See Notes for Plug P18 See Notes for Plug P18 E&M Trunk operation D O NOT connect RR and TR leads SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-200 TABLE IO-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG PI7 (Interconnect Cable to P5) Pin Pair Color Lead Line 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 TI Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y TIP RING DATA IN COMMON DATA IN DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT PA1 CONTROL B PA1 CONTROL A 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V MUSIC IN B MUSIC IN A MAINT TIP MAINT RING PA1 OUT B PA1 OUT A PA2 OUT B PA2 OUT A 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE S S S S Designation TIP (A) RING (A) DATA IN R (A) DATA IN T (A) DATA OUT R (A) DATA OUT T (A) PA2 CONTROL B PA2 CONTROL A Lead Designation Trunk co DID/TIE E&M: Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Card Position 13 14 RECEIVER 1 15 ATTENDANT CONSOLE No. 2 16 ATTENDANT CONSOLE No. 1 17 18 (See Notes For Plug P18) ,- tFor a-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 31 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG PI8 (Miscellaneous Connections to Cross Connect Field) ‘in Pair Color !6 1 ?7 2 28 3 29 4 w-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y MUSIC IN B MUSIC IN A PA2 OUT B PA2 OUT A NIGHT BELL 28 NIGHT BELL 2A PA1 OUT B PA1 OUT A 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V NIGHT BELL 1 B NIGHT BELL 1A PA 1 CONTROL B PA 1 CONTROL A PA 2 CONTROL B PA 2 CONTROL A NIGHT SERVICE E NIGHT SERVICE P 50 25 v-s s-v NIGHT BELL 38 NIGHT BELL 3A Lead Designation Note: (1) Night service relay operates permanently when in night service. Night Bell continuous rating: Open circuit voltage 120Vrms Closed circuit current 75mArms See Fig. 10-7 for connections (2) Music in 1OOmV Impedance 600 Ohms (3) PA Output Level 1OOmV Impedance 600 Ohms S E C T I O N MITL9105/9110-98-200 : TABLE 10-2 PLUG AND JACK CONNECTlONS PLUG PI9 ON INTERCONNECT CARD PN9110-02A (M iscellaneous Connections to Cross Connect Field) TO INTERCONNECT Lead Designation Trunk co DID/TIE E&M: Pin Pair Color Lead Line Designation 26 1 W-BL BL-W SPARE SPARE 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 w-o o-w 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R R-BR BR-R T8 R8 T7 R7 T6 R6 T5 R5 T4 R4 XT3 XT4 T3 R3 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK BK-G G-BK T8 R8 T7 R7 T6 R6 T5 R5 T4 R4 XT3 XT4 T3 R3 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Y-O O-Y 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y V-BL BL-V T4 R4 T3 R3 T2 R2 Tl Rl T2 R2 XT1 XT2 Tl Rl 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V v-s s-v T4 R4 T3 R3 T2 R2 Tl Rl T2 R2 XT1 XT2 Tl Ri W-G G-W ti-BR BR-W w-s s-w BOARD (CONT’D) RECEIVER 1 CARD POSITIONS 15 T2 R’ E2 M2 TR2 RR2 T2 R2 T2 R2 E2 M2 TR2 RR2 T2 R2 14 13 15 RECEIVER 1 Tl Rl El Ml TRl RR1 Tl Rl El Ml TRl Tl Rl RR1 Tl Rl 14 13 /- I-For P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads : Page33 I SECTION MITL910519110~98~200 TABLE IO-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) CONNECTOR P302 DATA PORT (SEE NOTES) Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Note 1. 2. Page 34 Lead Designation ov TRANSMIT DATA RECEIVE DATA CLEAR TO SEND DATA SET READY SIGNAL GROUND CARRIER DETECT DATA TERM READY Connector P302 is common to the SX-100 and SX-200 PABX. See S&.ztion MITL9105/9110-98-450, Traffic Measurement, for applications of the connector. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-3 POWER FAIL TRANSFER BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS PLUG P20 PLUG P21 (Power Fail Transfer Connections to Cross Connect Field) (Power Fail Transfer Connections to Cross Connect Field) Pin Color Lead Designation Pin Pair Color Lead 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-GR GR-W W-BR BR-W STATION Tl STATION RI LINE CARD Tl LINE CARD Rl TRUNK Tl TRUNK Rl TRUNK CARD Tl TRUNK CARD Rl 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W STATION T7 STATION R7 LINE CARD T7 LINE CARD R7 TRUNK T7 TRUNK R7 TRUNK CARD T7 TRUNK CARD R7 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R. STATION T2 STATION R2 LINE CARD T2 LINE CARD R2 TRUNK T2 TRUNK R2 TRUNK CARD T2 TRUNK CARD R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R STATION T8 STATION R8 LINE CARD T8 LINE CARD R8 TRUNK T8 TRUNK R8 TRUNK CARD T8 TRUNK CARD R8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK STATION T3 STATION R3 LINE CARD T3 LINE CARD R3 TRUNK T3 TRUNK R3 TRUNK CARD T3 TRUNK CARD R3 34 9 35 IO 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK STATION T9 STATION R9 LINE CARD T9 LINE CARD R9 TRUNK T9 TRUNK R9 TRUNK CARD T9 TRUNK CARD R9 3 8 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y STATION T4 STATION R4 LINE CARD T4 LINE CARD R4 TRUNK T4 TRUNK R4 TRUNK CARD T4 TRUNK CARD R4 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y STATION TlO STATION RlO LINE CARD TIO LINE CARD RlO TRUNK TlO TRUNK RIO TRUNK CARD TlO TRUNK CARD RlO 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y STATION T5 STATION R5 LINE CARD T5 LINE CARD R5 TRUNK T5 TRUNK R5 TRUNK CARD T5 TRUNK CARD R5 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y STATION Tl 1 STATION Rll LINE CARD Tll LINE CARD RI 1 TRUNK Tl 1 TRUNK Rll TRUNK CARD Tll TRUNK CARD Rll 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V STATION T6 STATION R6 LINE CARD T6 LINE CARD R6 TRUNK T6 TRUNK R6 TRUNK CARD T6 TRUNK CARD R6 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE 50 25 v-s s-v STATION T12 STATION RI 2 LINE CARD T12 LINE CARD R12 TRUNK T12 TRUNK R12 TRUNK CARD T12 TRUNK CARD R12 ,SPARE SPARE Pair Note: Designation Plug 21 is not installed on SX-100 equipmenl t. Page 35138 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-4 SHELF 2 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS PLUG P7 (Connects to Cross Connect Field) Pair Color Lead Pin Designation Line 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W TI Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 34 9 35 IO 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y Tl RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o ,0-v V-G G-V V-BR B&V Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 50 2- 5 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&M+ Tl Rl Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Card Positions 1 ,: 2 3 4 5 . . : .Tl RI Tl Rl TRI RR1 El Ml 6 ,- tFor P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 37 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-4 SHELF 2 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG P8 (Connects to Cross Connect Field) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation Lines Lead Designation Trunks co D I D / T I E E&M? 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 W-S s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V VLBR BR-V T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE tFor P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 38 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Card Positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE 10-4 SHELF 2 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG P9 (Connects to Cross Connect Field) Pair Color Lead Pin Designation Line 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W TI Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 34 9 35 IO 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK Tl RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V Tl RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&Mt Tl RI Card Positions Tl I31 TRl RR1 El Ml 7 ‘: :. Tl Rl TRI RR1 El Ml 8 Tl RI TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl RI TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 9 10 11 12 ,- tFor P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads Page 39 i SECTION M ITL9105/911 O-98-200 TABLE 10-4 SHELF 2 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) PLUG PI0 (Connects to Cross Connect Field) t Pair Color Lead Pin 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 50 25 A._.. v-s s-v --mm- tFor z-wrre Page 40 . .. Designation Lines SPARE SPARE - - _.-- Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&MI- SPARE SPARE t&M I rum operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Card Positions 7 8 9 10 11 12 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE IO-5 CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (SX-200 ONLY) PLUG P23 JACK 522 (Connects to Jack J15) (Connects to Attendant Console 1) Pin Pair Color Lead ‘in Pair Color Lead 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND !6 1 !7 2 !8 3 !9 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA 0 U T ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 42 17 43 18 44 19 4.5 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 50 25 v-s s-v ov -48V 50 25 v-s s-v Designation GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND R-G ov -48V Designation /- Page 41 SECTION MlTL9105/9110-98-200 TABLE IO-5 CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (SX-200 ONLY) (CONT’D) PLUG P25 (Connects to Jack J14) JACK 524 (Connects to Attendant Console 2) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation ‘in Pair Color Lead Designation 26 1 1 ?7 2 I ‘!8 3 1?9 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND !6 1 !7 2 !8 3 !9 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND , . 30 5 ,3 1 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 - Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 50 25 v-s s-v ov -48V 50 25 v-s S-V ov -48V I 1 Page 42 GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 IO.08 Figs. 10-4 and 10-5 illustrate typical block and wiring diagrams for a power fail transfer circuit. Fig. 10-6 illustrates typical night bell wiring connections and Fig. 10-7 shows the connections for music and PA requirements. 10.09 When backplane translator boards are used with the lines and trunk circuits different terminal connections result. In this case the cabling arrangements must conform to the terminat i o n c o n n e c t i o n s s h o w n i n F i g . 6052, MAP200-605, Appendix 6. JUMPERC TIP JUMPERD COTRUNK T;;;DK JUMPER6 RING /c-POWER FAIL TRANSFER BOARD PABX ECIUIPMENT CABINET TIP ;A;; STATION JUMPERA RING -. 1 POWER FAIL TRANSFER BOARD FROM P200rP21 JUMPER LINE CARD RING TRUNKCARDRING TRUNKCARDTIP LINE CARDTIP A i D Fig. 10-4 TO INTERCONNECT BOARD RlNG(LINECARD) RlNG(TRUNKCARD) TIP(TRUNKCARD) TIP(LINE CARD) 261 Power Fail Transfer Block Diagram STATION RELAYS SHOWN IN TRANSFER POSITION PABX EQUIPMENT CABLE Fig. 10-5 Power Fail Transfer Wiring Diagram ,- Page 43 . . SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 NIGHT BELL CONNECTION AUXILIARY RELAY La F sx-200 POWER SUPPLY CROSS CONNECl TB2 INTERCOt UNE C T BOARD f' 1 8 NIGHT BELL K NIGHT BELL CONTACT MAX CURRENT 75mA RINGINGSUPPLY NIGHT BELL R(' NIGHT BELL RELAY DIRECT DRIVE sx-200 POWER SUPPLY TE2 T I CROSS CONNECT I '= I I I I I I I I I I I 1 OlA , MAX I I ) 1 - - - - -- - - NIGHT f 'BELL K ' I 1 - I NIGHT I ” I ’ % ! LJBELL I7 ‘“‘La) ( %G-dNER CARD L------- RECONNECT BOARD DESTINATION PIN BOARDPLUG 1 P18 DESTINATION PIN DESTINATION 46 NIGHT BELL 1 Kl 44 NIGHT BELL 2 K2 50 NIGHT BELL 3 K3 21 NIGHT BELL 1 R(K1) 19 NIGHT BELL 2 R(K2) 25 NIGHT BELL 3 R(K3) NOTE 1. THE FACILITY IS WIREOTO EITHERTHESX-100 ORTHE BLOCKS, AS INDICATED BY THE DASHED LINES Fig. IO-8 Page 44 r NIGHT BELL CONTACT MAX CURRENT 75mA INTERCONNECT PIN r-l NIGHT BELL r-l MAX ; (NOTE 1) +,,,,, 1 j7b636 / INTERCONNECl BOARD P18 SX-ZOOTERMINAL Night Bell Connections ii? 3 SECTION MITLSI 051911 O-98-200 _____ INTERCONNECT BOARD PI8 ------------------~ SPEECH PATH 32 illi I 60011 I I I FROM JUNCTOR j 60011 SEIZED FOR PA 3lII ACTIVATE PA1 CONTROL 34 - CONTACT RATING MAX 75mA FROM JUNCTOR j 6OOil SEIZED FOR PA 3 ACTIVATE PA2 CONTROL C - CONTACT RATING MAX 75mA 34 I I I I I I I I I A 17 B =42 A 20 6 45 A 22 B 47 A 18 B 43 A 23 B 48 CROSS CONNECT / >> r - - - - -__----_-_I I I - I I - I I I MUSIC SOURCE \\ \\ \\ + / * SYs'tEM 1 I ; CONTROL , PAIR 1 \\ , \ \ - I I I \ * * PA SYSTEM 2 I I I I CONTROL PAIR 2 \\ \\ CUSTOMER ’L---------------SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT TONE CONTROLCARD: _ _ _ _ _ --__-------- - - - - A 1268 Fig. IO-7 Music and PA Connections FCC CROSS CONNECT FIELD RECOMMENDATIONS 10.10 Trunk circuits must be connected to the telephone company interface jack sequentially. A cross connect field is necessary to separate the lines and trunks which occur in the same cable that is connected to the shelf connector. 11.02 This part describes one method of identification. Modular cross-connecting fields are referenced to throughout this description as the SX-200 system crossconnection may show the cross connect field with other PBX equipment. This procedure for terminating the cables and equipment are shown in Table 11-l and Fig. 11-1, 11-2 and 11-3. TABLE II-I TERMINATING PROCEDURE 10.11 All cables containing trunk circuit pairs must be connectorized; thus, the cross connect field must also be connectorized. Refer to Appendix 2 for details. 11. DESIGNATIONS General 11.01 Designations are an integral part of the installation procedures. Correct identification of all cables and terminations improves service by reducing search time. STEP ACTION 1 2 3 Mount cross connecting blocks Run and connect building cables Identify cables using identification tape Attach designation strips to required cross connecting blocks (Fig. 11-2 and 11-3) Run and connect equipment cables Run and connect required jumpers . .: 4 5 6 Page 45 SECTION MITL910519110-98-200 RED, GREEN &BLUE FIELDS SPACE FOR KEY EQUIPMENT, BUILDING CABLES &STATION CABLING WHITE FIELD I G R O W T H - (1) To termmate SX-100 or Shell Number 1 (approx 60 hnes) SX-200 Equipment Cables Pl. P2. P3. P4. P18. P19. and P20 are required To termmale the 2nd Shell for a lull 5X-200 system the lollawmg additional cables must be terminated. P7. PB. Pg. PlO. and P21 For Connector block deslgnatlon details see Figs 11-2 and 11-3 Fig. 11-l Typical Terminal Layout Page 46 (41 The attendant console IS cabled direct lY lrom the equipment cabinet and is nol X-Connected at the CK?SS connect field (5) Mulflplmg 01 connecrmns will be made on a 25 pair connecting block located m the Red Field. (6) An alternate layout may be 10 place all connectma blocks m the Whde Field, above or below the jumper channel SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-200 Fig. 11-2 Cross Connecting Block Designation Strips (SX-lOO/SX-200) ‘- Page 47 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 NOTES: 1. PLUG DESIGNATION STRIPS FOR PLUGS 7 THROUGH 10 ONLY SHELF 2 IS INSTALLED IN SX-ZOO 2 REIIUIRED WHEN PLUG DESIGNATION STRIP FOR PLUG 21 IS APPLICABLE TO SX-ZOO ONLY Fig. 11.3 Cross Connecting Block Designation Strips (SX-200 Only) Page 48 ‘^ SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 12. INSTALLATION Cd) For installation of SX-200 equipment proceed with the steps listed in Table A4-1, Appendix 4 (e) Appendix 5 lists setting of trunk card switches which are required to be performed during the installation of the PABX equipment m Appendix 6 lists miscellaneous installation procedures which may be required during the PABX installation or the installation of additional equipment General 12.01 The SX-100 and SX-200 systems should be installed in accordance with the following steps: (a) Consult Appendix 1 for a review of Mite1 Action Procedures (MAP’s) (b) Consult Appendix 2 for certain FCC interconnection requirements (c) For installation of SX-100 equipment proceed with the steps listed in Table A3-1, Appendix 3 Page 49 49 Pages j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 APPENDIX 1 MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES GENERAL Al.08 DECISION Block: Used to indicate a Task oriented functions in this section are implemented using MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES (MAP’s). decision within the level one steps which must be made. The symbol is based on a hexagon with the top and bottom sides extended. Decision text is centred in the symbol. Al.01 A MAP is a step by step procedure using a flow chart principle, written and illustrated where necessary to a level of detail that allows both experienced and inexperienced personnel to carry out the tasks detailed. A MAP contains two levels of information as follows: Al.02 Al.09 START/FINISH/JUMP TO Block: Used to indicate the start and finish of a MAP. Also used to indicate ‘jump to’ points within the MAP, for example “go to [r-r]” or “from [n]” or “return to [n]“. The symbol is a rectangle with semi circular ends. Text is centred in the symbol. (a) For experienced personnel, a series of steps (level one) each numbered [n] and annotated with minimal information. THE OPERATORS USE OF MAP’S (b) For inexperienced personnel, each step referred to in (a) above is amplified by a connected series of numbered substeps [nA] (level two). Al.10 For the experienced operator to complete Al.03 A typical example of a MAP is shown in Fig. Al, with the two levels detailed a task using a MAP, reference to the sequential short form level one steps is usually all that is necessary. Using Fig. Al as an example, the experienced operator would proceed as follows. At [l] makes a decision based on the information within the block. If the answer is YES the operator must proceed to a different MAP. If the answer is NO the operator is faced with another decision at block [2]. Al.11 MAP SYMBOLS Al.04 There are four basic symbol shapes which may be used defined as follows. Experienced Operator in a MAP, and are Al.05 AND Block: Used to indicate a level one Al.12 At [2] if the decision is NO there is no re- step that must be performed. Consists of a square with the word AND centred in the block. quirement to proceed further and the test is abandoned. This naturally results in a FINISH block. If the decision is YES the operator proceeds to [3] and [4] in succession, i.e. dials the DID station number and completes the call to the check extension. Al.08 OR Block: Used to indicate a choice of level one steps, one of which must be performed. Consists of a rectangle, with the text centred in the block, and with the word OR appearing between the alternative operations. Al.07 The rectangle is also used to border in- structions which imply that the operative must perform a task outside the scope of the MAP. The text is centred in the rectangle. The description of the instructions carried out in Al.05 and Al.06 have assumed that the level of competence of the operator is such that short form level one steps contain sufficient information, and therefore the operator reads only the centre column of the MAP, ,-top to bottom of the page. Al.13 Al-l SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 SECTION MITL9110.98.215 A3-25 Fig. Al Typical Map Page Inexperienced Operator Al.14 If the operator’s experience is such that the level one instructions do not contain sufficient information, the level two substeps should be referred to as follows. Al.15 Using Fig. Al as an example the path followed should be: (a) At [l] and [2] make the decisions called for at these steps as before. (b) At step [3] dial the DID station number by performing substeps [3A], [3B] and [3C]. Al-2 In terms of steps and substeps, the operative follows a decision, decision then step and substep paths in the example shown. TOOLS, TEST EQUIPMENT AND SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Al.16 Any tools, test equipment or special instructions that the operator requires or needs to know are stated on the first page of each MAP. If the MAP is long, and contains a number of sub procedures, these are listed in synopsis form on the first page. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 APPENDIX 2 FCC INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS A. TELEPHONE COMPANY INTERCONNECTION General A.01 This equipment has been approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as not being harmful to the telephone network when connected directly to the telephone lines through the standard 50-pin blue ribbon plug prescribed by the FCC Rule. This section is applicable to telephone interconnection in the United States. .‘: Notification A.02 Prior to the interconnection of this equipment, the local telephone company is to be notified; inform the company that you have FCC-registered equipment which you wish to connect to their trunks. Give them the following information: The PABX being connected is a Mite1 Incorporated Model SX-100 or a Model SX-200. The 14 digit FCC Registration Number for the SX-100 is BN285B67126PFE The 14 digit FCC Registration Number for the SX-200 is BN285B67126PFE. The Ringer Equivalence Number which is 2.1B. The jacks or connectors required are RJ2lX, RJ2EX or RJ2GX as shown in Table A2-1. Connection Limitations A.03 Due to the FCC Part 68 Rule, no connection can be made to party lines and to coin telephone service. Network Changes A.04 The telephone company may make changes to its communication service; such changes may inelude the change of trunk circuits, changes in the operational characteristics of its trunk, etc. Before doing this, however, the company shall provide official notification, so that the operation of the PABX service will not be interrupted. Maintenance Limitations A.05 This equipment has been registered with the FCC for direct connection to the telephone network. Under the FCC Program, the user is restricted from making any changes or repairs and from performing any maintenance operations other than those specifically included in this Standard Practice. A.08 Circuit cards may be removed by the user; however, replacement cards are to be supplied only by MITEL or its authorized agent. No field repair of circuit cards by the user is authorized. A.07 No cabling or wiring changes within the console are permitted by the user. Plug-ended cables, as detailed in this Standard Practice, are to be used for all external connections between the console and the telephone company interface jack. A.08 Power supply components and cabling is only to be changed or maintained by MITEL or by an authorized agent of MITEL. :. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Trouble Corrections A.09 Most troubles are diagnosed by the circuitry of the system, and the console read-out indicates the circuit and card that is malfunctioning. Card replacement can be made by the user. A.1 0 For more complex malfunctions, appropriate field service is provided by MITEL or its authorized agents. TABLE A2-1 USOC CONNECTOR PIN DESIGNATIONS Pin Zilbr /Ki%$Z% 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 1 T 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 1 R 1 T 1 T ) M 1 T EL IJ2GX T R Tl Rl E M T R Tl Rl E M T R Tl Rl E M E R Tl Rl E M 47 22 48 v-o o-v V-G Remarks The types of Universal Service Order Code (USOC) connectors shown have pin designations according to type of interface required by the Telephone Company. Use of these connectors are determined as follows: RJ2lX: 2-wire loop, or ground start trunk 2-wire reverse battery (DID) 2-wire off-premises extension (Class A through E) 2-wire Automatic Identified Outward Dialing (AIOD) 2-wire message register RJ2EX: 2-wire tie trunk with E and M Type I signaling RJ2GX: I-wire tie trunk with E and M Type I signaling 82-2 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 APPENDIX 3 SX-100 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES . . : .( ! 1. GENERAL A3.01 The MAP’s contained in this Appendix detail the procedures to be performed to complete the installation of an SX-100 PABX. TABLE A3-1 SX-100 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Procedure Unpack SX-100 Equipment Unpack Console(s) Install Console Faceplate Designation Inspect Equipment Install and Connect Equipment Set Card Switches (Appendix 5) Power-Up System (See Note) Program System Perform System Tests Reference MAP200-301 M AP200-302 MAP200-303 MAP200-304 MAP200-305 MAP200-306 MAP200-307 Section MITL9105/9110-98-210 Section MITL9105/9110-98-215 Note: Appendix 6 lists miscellaneous installation requirements which may be required priofto powerup of system. This appendix should be reviewed for applicability. A3-112 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 UNPACK SX-100 EQUIPMENT WI AT RECEIVING DOCK [lA] Cut and remove retaining straps [lB] Remove tri wall box from shipping package (Fig. 301-l) l- [2A] [2B] [2C] [2D] 1 .:.: -I I I AND I I I Position equipment so that a prox. ten inches of e q u i p m e n overhangs shipping pallet (Fi 301-2) Tip equipment so that rear 01 cabinet touches floor Remove shipping pallet from under equipment &;,“y lower equipment onto 1 :: z.: WARNING I Gloves must be worn when unpacking equipment cabinet. I REMOVE EXTERNAL P A C K I N G ( F I G . 301.1) Care must b! taken while moving equip- SHIPPING PALLET Was the shipment improperly packaged YES [4A] [4B] NO I Identify type of damage by referring to the Damage Report Form at rear of this Section Complete appropriate portion of Form A3-3 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Sheet 2 of 2 STYROFOAM FIBERGLASSTAPE STYROFOAM PADS WOODEN REMOVE SHIPPING A34 PALLET SHIPPING PALLET SECTION UNPACK I TOOLS MITL9105/9110-98-200 :. CONSOLES REQUIRED 1 Screwdriver 0.25 inch blade AT CONSOLE LOCATION [lA] PAI Remove fiberglass tape from top of packing case Open packing case and remove foam sheet Remove cardboard insert Remove console accessory bag from insert Remove console from packing case Remove polyethylene sheet from console Place all packing material in. P,a,c,:‘ng case for use m reshlp- I I I I UNPACK CONSOLE Remove the two cradle hooks and four panhead screws from accessory bag Place console face down on desk ml top WI Position one cradle hook as shown in Fig. 302-l. (Cradle hook may be placed at other end of console if preferred) WI Attach cradle hook to console using two panhead screws WI Position remaining cradle hook (Fig. 302-l) [=I Attach cradle hook to console with two panhead screws AND I I Fig. 302-l INSTALL CRADLE HOOKS (FIG. 302-l) 3 [34 1381 Remove the four screws securing the connector cover plate (Fig. e 302-2) Remove connector cover plate 1 REMOVE CONNECTOR COVER PLATE (FIG. 302-2) :_: Fig. 302.2 A3-5 - SECTION MITL910598-200 I UNPACK CONSOLES I [4A] [4B] [4C] [5A] [5B] Remove the securing screw from the console connector Position and press home console connector Secure connector to console with the securing screw - l- ATTACH CONNECTOR Replace connector cover plate Replace the four cover plate screws iREPLACE CONNECTOR COVER PLATE 461 [6A] Set Power Fail Transfer (PFT) switch to NORMAL 1 SET PFT SWTCH [7A] Place console in correct 1 I POSlTlON CONSOLE [8A] ;tFove handset from accessory [8B] Place handset plug into console jack [8C] Place handset on cradle hook AND < * I . PLUG IN HANDSET WI Insert designations as detaile MAP200-305 DESIGNATIONS A3-8 S E C T I O N UNPACK I MITL9105/9110-98-200 CONSOLES MAP200-302 I Issue 1, December 1979 Sheet 3 of 3 Was the shipment NO [ll A] Identify type of damage by ing to the Damage Report at rear of this Section [ll B] Complete appropriate portion of Form - REPORT DAMAGE _- A3-718 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 INSTALL CONSOLE FACEPLATE [lA] [lB] f~;pkekyey cap and pull upward < AND Remove key designation tab 4 I I PAI PI WI DESIGNATIONS REMOVE KEY CAP Check required console layout (Figs 303-1, -2 or -3) Push out required designation tab from designation sheet Place designation tab on top of key INSERT DESIGNATION TAB (FIG. 303-1, -2 OR -3) [3A] [3B] Place key cap over key checking that locking tabs are lined up correctly. (Fig. 303-4) Push down on key top IREPLACE KEY CAP (FIG. 303-4) LOCKINGTAB Fig. 3034 _- AS9 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALL CONSOLE FACEPLATE DESIGNATIONS MAP200-303 Issue 1, December 1979 Sheet 2 of 5 0 0 0 0 0 Fig. 303-l 0 0 0 “-_I r7 Attendant Console Key Designations, Hotel/Motel 1 L I _Fig. 303-2 A3-10 Maintenance Console Key Designation SECTION MITL9105/9110~98~200 t INSTALL CONSOLE 1 FACEPLATE I DESIGNATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fig. 303-3 Attendant Console Key Designations - Commercial A3-11 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 INSTALL CONSOLE FACEPLATE DESIGNATIONS MAP200-303 Issue 1, December 1979 Sheet 4 of 5 tabs been inserted [6A] [SB] _16Cl _ .16Dl . [6E] Remove the two faceplate securing screws (Fig. 303-5) Insert screwdriver blade into faceplate cutout (Fig. 303-5) Move screwdriver to the vertical position Slide screwdriver to oooosite end . . of console Remove console faceplate [6 c REMOVE CONSOLE FACEPLATE (FIG. 303-S) t [7A] [7B] [7C] Cut required busy lamp numbers from designation sheet Position number so that it will be seen clearly through busy lamp field window (Fig. 303-5) Press number firmly in place I- AND J ATTACH BUSY LAMP NUMBER DESIGNATION WINDOWS Fig. 303-5 A3-12 SECTION M ITL910!598.200 INSTALL CONSOLE FACEPLATE DESIGNATIONS MAP266303 I w ’ Issue 1, December 1979 I Sheet 5 of 5 .. :. .:: !I 1 Return to VI [9A] Place bottom ed$ of faceplateagainst console up. [9B] Place faceplate over keys. [9C] Press down firmly on console faceplate and press one corner under the top edge of the console housing as shown in Fig. 303-6 [9D] Continuing the downward pressure, press the remainder of top edge of the faceplate under the housing lip. REPLACE CONSOLE FACEPLATE (FIG. 303-6) El Replace the two faceplate screws. - Fig. 303.6 .: -. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSPECT EQUIPMENT rack mounted NO [2A] ;;;;w; [2B] tdJ;$ck and open cabinet front [2C] [2D] keys taped to top of -PI Remove the vertical and horizon- tal shelf securing straps Using the Phillips screwdriver tighten all shelf retaining screws - v AND CHECK SHELVES ARE SECURE [4Al [4W YES . d31 ' A N D - [3A] [3B] [3C] . CHECK SHELVES ARE SECURE Check card complement against invoice Visually check cards and shelves for damage CHECK CARDS AND SHELVES Inspect shelf mounting Using the Phillips screwdriver tighten all shelf retaining screws Remove the vertical and horizontal shelf securing straps - SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSPECT EQUIPMENT MAP200-304 I I Issue 1. December 1979 I Sheet 2 of 4 I Were any damaged items found or YES 1 [6A] [6B] INO Tag any damaged items and cz tinue with inspection Enter damage details on Damage Report form - TAG DAMAGED ITEMS 1 rack mounted [8A] [8B] Remove the eight 6-32 screws from the equipment cover Remove the equipment cover [9D] REMOVE THE TOP AND BACK PANELS A3-16 .: Remove four lo-32 screws from the panel at the rear of the cabinet Remove the back panel Remove four lo-32 screws from the top panel Remove the top panel S E C T I O N MITL9105/9110-98.200 I INSPECT EQUIPMENT 1 MAP200-304 I From [9] WI 1 Is power supply free from damage [llA] Tag defective items and with inspection [ll B] Enter damage details on Damage Report form TAG AND REPORT DEFECT/YE ITEMS [12A] Check that all cable connectors are seated firmly and free from [12B] %i:??hat all cable harnesses are free from damage Visually check backplane and interconnect board for damage (including fuses) - [12C] CHECK BACKPLANE AND /NTERCONNECT BOARD [14A] [14B] Tag any damaged items Enter damage details on Damage Report form -t - AND TAG AND REPORT DAMAGED ITEMS ‘I I A To [15] ! A3-17 j - SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSPECT EQUIPMENT MAP200-304 - - Issue 1, December 1979 Sheet 4 of 4 NO l16Al Repack tagged items a n d to supplier AND RETURN TAGGED t ITEMS 1171 / V t NO See Damage Report and complete appropriate section Were there other discrepancies during inspection YES [20A] Report discrepancies on Dam Report form AND REPORT DISCREPANCIES ‘NO SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT MAP200-305 11 “,:;gj;: ;;;gJ~;;board (Wall.mount PAI . . . U Bl PA1 V.31 WI PDI Terminate 25 pair cable connections at cross-connect field Refer to Part 10 Table 10-l and Fig. 10-l and 10-2 for line, trunk and console connections Refer to Part 10 Table 10-2 and Fig. 10-5 and 10-6 for Power Fail Transfer connections Refer to Part 11 Fig. 11-l and 11-2 for typical layout and designations Mark each cable connector or plug with the corresponding cabinet plug number Run required 25 pair cables be? ween cabinet and cross-connect field Run required power fail transfer cables between cabinet and cross-connect field Run required 25 pair console cable from each console to cabinet Mark each cable connector with its cabinet plug number - * installation only) AND I l - TERMINATE CABLES AT CROSS-CONNECT FIELD AND l RUN 25 PAIR /NTERCONNECT/NG CABLES ,131 Remove shipping strap from shelf Remove all cards from shelf Place all cards in secure area until [34] l- AND i I REMOVE CARDS FROM SHELF NO rack mounted J YES .. L: ” PAI WI Remove two 6-32 screws from the cable bar across the back of the rack (Fig. 305-l) Remove cable bar I ::. - SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT MAP200-305 Issue 1, December 1979 Sheet 2 of 10 18A1 [6B] [6C] Remove three lo-32 screws and washers from the front of SX-100 IFio. 305-l) ii&&e the mounting bracket Repeat steps 6A and 6B for second mounting bracket * 1 AND REMOVE MOUNTING BRACKETS [7A] [7B] Remove four 8-32 screws and washers from front of maintenance panel Remove the maintenance panel from the front of the equipment rng. JUJ‘l nacn mounmg SECTION I PA1 WI WI PDI WI WI WI MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT j I Locate the mounting area for the mounting brackets on equipment rack Place mounting brackets as shown in Fig. 305-1, with lip of the brackets at the bottom facing in Place six 10-32, 0.5 inch binding head screws in holes shown in Fig. 305-l Tighten all screws with a 0.25 inch slotted screwdriver Place cable holder bar across the bottom of the rear of the mounting brackets. The bar should rest on the lip of the brackets Insert one 6-32, 0.5 inch long binding head screw in each end of the bar (Fig. 305-l) Tighten all screws with a 0.25 inch slotted screwdriver INSERT CABLE HOLDER Place SX-100 on mounting brackets with the backplane facing the rear Slide SX-100 back until the rear of the faceplate makes contact with the mounting bracket IllAl FlBl 1 AND W . . PLACE SX-100 IN RACK MOUNT UN/T llll~ 1 I I Insert 10-32, 0.5 inch long binding head screws and finishina washers k-r each positionshown in Fig. 305-l Tighten all screws with a 0.25 inch slotted screwdriver t--r-J INSERT AND TIGHTEN SCREWS TO RACK MOUNT THE SX-100 ~3.21 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT MAP200-305 Issue 1, December 1979 Sheet 4 of 10 [12A] [12B] Place maintenance panel in position shown in Fig. 305-l Slide maintenance panel back until the rear of the faceplate makes contact with the mounting bracket AND . PLACE MAINTENANCE PANEL IN POSlTlON [13A] [13B] Insert four 10-32, 0.5 inch long binding head screws and finishing washers in positions shown in Fig. 305-l Tighten all screws with a 0.25 inch slotted screwdriver 4 4131 v AND I INSERT AND TlGHTEN SCREWS AND MOUNT MAINTENANCE PANEL mounted in a YES A3-22 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT MAP200305 Issue 1, December 1979 Sheet 5 of 10 YES 4 elk [16A] Secure a backboard .75in. (14.05mm) thick to accomodate mounting bracket (Fig. 3052) AND -= S E C U R E BACKBOARD 4161 [18A] Secure mounting bracket to backboard with eight, 0.25 inch 4 clay2)1.0 inch l o n g s c r e w s ( F i g . - [198] [19C] I L AND J LOCATE sx-100 ’ AND SECURE [19A] I171 MOUNTING BRACKET Place one pivot pin on each side at the back of the bottom of the cabinet Secure pin from the inside of the cabinet with a 0.25 x POUNC nut Tighten nut until pin is secure PLACE AND SECURE SX-100 PIVOT PINS A3-23 ;. ! SECTION MITL9105.98.200 Sheet 6 of lo 1 x 0.25in. DIA. OOD SCREWS l.Oin. LONG PIVOT BRACKET \ 4 x a-32 x 0.25lll. UNC SCREWS Fig. 3052 Wall Mounting SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT MAP200-305 [20A] Place SX-100 in wall ‘mount bracket, pivot pins first as shown in Fig. 305-2 [208] Secure SX-100 pivot pins with pivot brackets and four 8-32 slotted screws PLACE SX-100 IN WALL MOUNT BRACKET [21A] Allow SX-100 to swing down (gently) so that the backplane IS revealed +- IN CABLE /NSTALLAT/ON [22A] Locate interconnect board on top of the SX-100 behind maintenance panel (See 3053) fOMM;E [23A] Locate the following cables; J18, J19, J20 from cross-connect, console cables 1 and/or 2, printer cable or storage device, Jl, J2, J3, J4, Commercial Power cable, and ground strap (See [2D]) THE INTERCONNECT 031 AND . LOCATE CABLES TO BE RUN INTO THE SX-700 (-x7=) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT MAP200-305 1241 v Is sx-100 rack mounted GA] [25A] Run all incoming cables from beneath the SX-100 through the cable clamp - [26B] AND [26C] I Run all incoming cables along the rack vertical to a point just under the SX-100 Run the cables up to the rear of the SX-100 from the bottom Secure all cables with nylon cable ties to the rear across the cable bar (insure there is sufficient cable inside to reach connection points) RUN INCOMING CABLES J15 CONSOLE 1 FAII TB30'2 Fig. 305-3 A3-28 Cable Connections _- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT MAP200-305 issue 1, December 1979 I [27A] [27B] [27C] [27D] [27E] [27F] [27G] [27H] [27l] [28A] Sheet 9 of 10 I Connect console P15 to J15 Connect console P14 to J14 Connect maintenance cable from the back of the maintenance panel P13 to J13 Connect Jl to P l , J2 to P2, J3 to P3, J4 to P4, J18 to P18, J19 to P19, and J20 to P20 Connect printer or storage device cable J302 to P302 (if required) Connect maintenance panel cable J301 to P301 Connect ground strap Connect J16 to P16 and J5 to P5 Connect J17 to P17 and J6 to P6 Tighten down all connector screws with 0.25 inch slotted screwdriver AND 4 TIGHTEN p1 CONNECTORS I [2gA] Using nylon cable straps tighten around free end on all connec- -&-+ A N D tors until connector is secure I I I J T/E DOWN OTHER END OF ALL CONNECTORS rack mounted [31A] [31B] Replace back of cabinet Secure back with four, lo-32 screws [31C] Replace top of cabinet [31D] Secure top with four, lo-32 screws [31 E] Swing SX-100 upwards and secure with strikes [31F] If necessary adjust strikes by screwing them in or out [32A] [32B] [32C] PANELS Place cover on SX-100 with screen in the back as shown in Fig. 305-l Place eight, 6-32, 0.5 inch long ;;;;s rn posrtrons shown tn Frg. Tighten all screws with a 0.25 inch slotted screwdriver COVER A3-27 I SECTION MITLSI 05/911 o-98-200 INSTALL EQUIPMENT MAP200-305 I I Issue 1, December 1979 I Sheet 10 of 10 I [33A] Complete required tions at cross-connect field. Refer to [iA] for references COMPLETE CROSS-CONNECT INTERCONNECTIONS [34A] Set card switches as required (Appendix A5) [346] Replace cards in shelf unit FINISH A3-28 1 SET CARD SWITCHES I MAP200-306 Issue 1, December 1979 Sheet 1 of 1 .; The setting of switches, to result in the required mode of operation on the Trunk Cards is detailed in the MAP’s contained in Appendix A-5. The installer should ensure that these cards are properly switched for the correct mode of operation prior to performing “Power-Up” as detailed in MAP200-307. A3-29130 SECTION MITL910519110-98-200 I POWER-UP SYSTEM I I MAP200-307 I / ;;IItl,, ,D;;mber 1 9 7 9 / START Have MAP’s 200-301 through 200-306 been AT FRONT OF EQUIPMENT CABINET [2A] Unlock and open door if fitted [2B] Check that all cards are seated correctly [2C] Check that locking bars are secure [2D] Set all Power Fail Transfer Control switches on Maintenance Panel to “DISABLE” (See Fig. 307-l) [2E] Set POWER FAIL TRANSFER CONTROL SWITCHES for consoles connected to “ENABLE” [2F] Set Power Fail MASTER SWITCH to “NORMAL” [2G] Set POWER FAIL TRANSFER SWITCHES to power supply and common control to “ENABLE” [3A] Set AC Power Switch to OFF [3B] Plug power cord into outlet [3C] Set AC Power Switch to ON [3D] Close equipment cabinet door 4 Complete required MAP’s I AND CHECK CARDS AND SET MAINTENANCE SWITCHES (FIG. 307.1) 4 AND Fig. 307-l A3-31 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 1 POWER-UP SYSTEM 1 I MAP200-307 Wait 10 sec. Is Power LED lit N O ) - 5A Set AC Power Switch to OFF f 58 I G o t o MITL9105/9110-98-350 YES [6A] Place equipment cabinet in its final position if required Is Console clock NO I YES Note Occasionally, when circuit cards are plugged into the PABX, the logic circuits on the card may not reset completely. In order to guarantee complete r&et 01 all card lo ic, a slot initialization procedure must %e performed. This procedure allows the service personnel to insert a card into a shelf and intialize the card slot. To initialize the card slot dial 555 + 5 + nn, where nn is the 2 digit card slot number (01-17 shelf 1, 31-42 shelf 2). Since inserting a card may cause dia nostic errors, this rocedure is norm a fi y followed by diar rng 555 + 1 to clear all system errors. A3-32 I Go to Section MITL9105/9110-98-210 and Program System (iii&L) S E C T I O N MITL9105/9110-98.200 : APPENDIX 4 SX-200 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. General A4.01 The following Table A4-1 details the procedures to be performed to complete the installation of an SX-200 PABX. _’ i: : IL : SX-200 TABLE A4-1 INSTALLATION Procedure Unpack Equipment Cabinet Unpack Consoles Install Console Faceplate Designation Inspect Equipment Connect Cables Set Card Switches (Appendix 5) Power-Up System (See Note) Program System Perform System Tests Note: ‘I Reference MAP200-401 MAP200-402 MAP200-403 MAP200-404 MA P200-405 MAP200-406 MAP200-407 Section MITL9105/9110-98-210 Section MITL9105/9110-98-205 J Appendix 6 lists miscellaneous installation requirements which may be required prior to powerup of system. This appendix should be reviewed for applicability. A4-l/2 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 / 1 ~~~~4~~UIPMENT CABINET ’ issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 1 of 3 TOOLS REQUIRED 1. Set of strap cutters I WARNING Gloves must be worn when unpacking equipment cabinet. START I lil$ [lA) [lB] [lC] Cut and remove retaining straps Open tri wall outer sleeve Remove inner tri wall sleeve Position equipment so that approx. ten inches of cabinet overhangs shipping pallet (Fig. 401-2) [26] Tip equipment so that rear of cabinet touches floor [2C] Remove shipping pallet from under cabinet [2D] Gently lower cabinet onto floor 4 [2A] [3A] ;;;h < AND i I I REMOVE EXTERNAL PACKING (FIG. 401.1) AND I REMOVE SHIPPING PALLET (FIG. 401-2) REMOVE cabinet to its required :31 CAUTION Care must be taken while moving cabinet to avoid damage. [36] r;;W;ion cabinet as shown in Fig. [3C] !+zmv; l-If& 4” I-L plastic sheet from I POSITION CABINET (FIG. 401-3) Was equipment [5A] Complete relevant entries on Damage Report Form - I - COMPLETE DAMAGE REPORT A43 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 UNPACK EQUIPMENT CABINET MAP200-401 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 2 of 3 STYROFOAM \ FIBERGLASS Fig. 401-l A4-4 TAPE SECTION MITL910519110-98-200 UNPACK EQUIPMENT CABINET MAP200-401 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 3 of 3 I LNOTE: CABLES ENTERFROM ONE SIDE ONLY EQUIPMEN CABINET 28in. 71 lmm) 24in. (610mm)- t jOin 762mm) I 24in (610mm) MINIMUM 2in (51mm) CLEARANCE IS REQUIREDON EACHSIDEANDATTHEREAR OFTHE EQUIPMENTCABINET Fig. 401-3 A4516 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 UNPACK CONSOLES MAP200-402 issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 1 o f 3 At Console Location [1Al 11 Bl 11 Cl 11 Dl [l El 11 Fl PGI WI PBI PC1 WI PEI PFI 134 [3Bl Remove fiberglass tape from top of packing case Open packing case and remove foam sheet Remove foam inserts from ends of console (if installed) Remove console accessory bag from insert Remove console from packing case Remove polyethylene sheet from console Place all packing materials in re\yng case for use in reship- 1 D UNPACK CONSOLE Remove the two cradle hooks and four panhead screws from accessory bag Place console face down on desk top Position one cradle hook as shown in Fig. 402-l. (Cradle hook may be placed at other end of console if preferred) Attach cradle hook to console using two panhead screws Position remaining cradle hook (Fig. 402-l) Attach cradle hook to console with two panhead screws 1 Fig. 402-I AN D I INSTALL CRADLE HOOKS (FIG. 402.1) Remove the four screws securing the connector cover plate (Fig. 402-2) Remove connector cover plate -IREMOVE CONNECTOR COVER PLATE \ / Fig. 402.2 A47 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-200 UNPACK CONSOLES MAP200-402 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 2 of 3 [4A] [4C] [5A] [5B] 1 Remove the securing screw from the console connector Position and press home console connector Secure connector to console with the securing screw Replace connector cover plate Replace the four cover plate screws REPLACE CONNECTOR COVER PLATE PI [6A] Set Power Fail Transfer (PFT) switch to NORMAL AND -I [7A] Place console in correct position AND b- 1 POSITION -181 ’ [8A] f;;ove handset from accessory 1881 PI,” handset plug into console [8C] Place handset on cradle hook - AND lPLUG IN HANDSET A4-8 CONSOLE SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-200 1 UNPACK CONSOLES : I &: / “‘-,. :::.. :.-:, 1.. [9A] Insert designations as detailed 3-1 in MAP2000403 A N D I INSERT DESIGNATIONS Was equipment properly packaged and undamaged NO 411 [llA] Complete relevant entries on Damage Report Form - YES ’ AND -I+ COMPLETE DAMAGE REPORT ‘t Y FINISH A4-9110 1 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALL CONSOLE FACEPLATE DESIGNATIONS MAP200-403 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 1 o f 4 [lA] [lB] 1 ;rrapk;y cap and pull upward Remove key designation tab ;:y:.- D I- REMOVE KEY CAP [2A] [2B] [2C] I: Check required console layout (Figs 403-1, -2 or -3) Push out required designation tab from designation sheet F%ce designation tab on top of INSERT DESIGNATION (FIGS 403-1, -2 OR -3) [3A] [3B] Place key cap over key checking that locking tabs are lined up correctly. (Fig. 403-4) Push down on key top t TAB REPLACE KEY CAP (FIG. 403-4) LOCKINGTAB Fig. 403-4 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 I INSTALL CONSOLE FACEPLATE DESIGNATIONS I I-- MAP200-403 ~~ -1 1 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 2 of 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fig. 403-l Commercial Fig. 403-2 Hotel/Motel A4.12 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALL CONSOLE FACEPLATE DESIGNATIONS I MAP200-403 I Issue 1, January 1980 I I A4-13 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Are the busy lamp field designations to be inserted YES r-w WI WI [f3W WI 17Al [7Bl [7Cl Remove the two faceplate securing screws (Fig. 403-5) Insert screwdriver blade into faceplate cutout (Fig. 403-5) Move screwdriver to the vertical position Slide screwdriver to opposite end of console Remove console faceplate - 4 Cut required busy lamp numbers from designation sheet Position number so that it will be seen clearly through busy lamp field window (Fig. 403-5) Press number firmly in place SCREWDRIVER ATTACH BUSY LAMP NUMBER Fig. 403-5 WI WI Place bottom edge of faceplate against console lip Place faceplate over keys Press down firmly on console faceplate and press one corner under the top edge of the console housing as shown in Fig. 403-6 Continuing the downward pressure, press the remainder of top edge of the faceplate under the housing lip Replace the two faceplate screws I YES -cl I PI AND REPLACE CONSOLE Fig. 403-6 A4-14 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 1 INSPECT EQUIPMENT I TOOLS REQUIRED 1 Slot l crewdriver. 114 in. 11 Slot 38# in. Philli Screwdriver. s Screwdriver 2 I 1 PAI 11 Bl PC1 Remove keys taped to top of cabinet Unlock and open cabinet front [l Dl Using the Phillips screwdriver tighten all shelf retamrng screws PA1 [=I ~ ~ wwm*nt she)f, J-1 A~~i/~~i~ikvEs Remove the shipping straps from Check card complement invoice Visually check cards and shelves for damage I CHECK CARDS AND SHELVES Were any damaged items found or items missing NO [4Al 1481 Tag any damaged items and continue with inspection Fill in relevant section of Damage Report c- A N D TAG DAMAGED ITEMS Y A4-15 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSPECT EQUIPMENT MAP200-404 1 Issue 1, January 1980 I I Sheet 2 of 4 ~~~~ [5A] - Close and lock cabinet front d AND FRONT DOOR Have shipping screws been removed from 404-l) NO YES -171 [7A] Remove the shipping screws from rear door - AND REMOVE SHlPPlNG SHIPPING XREWS SCREWS [8A] Unlock and swing open rear door [8B] Open power supply door [8C] Visually check power supply for loose or damaged components [8D] Check that power supply cable harness is secure and free from damage - Fig. 401-l INSPECT POWER SUPPLY (FIG. 404-l) SECTION MITL9105/911 o-98-200 Is power supply free from damage YES [10A] Tag any defective item and continue with inspection [loBI LW&;elevant portion of Damage TAG DAMAGED [llA] AND Close power supply door COMPLETE POWER SUPPLY /NSPECT/ON [12A] Check that all cable connectors are seated firmly and free from [12B] %z:??hat all cable harnesses are free from damage Visually check backplane for damage. (including fuse inspection) - [12C] H ‘I121 ’ AND CHECK BACKPLANE A4-17 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSPECT EQUIPMENT MAP200-404 Issue 1, January 1960 I Sheet 4 of 4 I Was any damage to backplane found NO D41 f [14A] Tag defective items items and and continue with inspection [148] ;;‘$rrelevant portion of Damage AND tT A G DEFECT/b ITEMS YES [16A] Repack tagged items NO I AND R E T U R N T A G G E D ITEMS 7 A4-18 SECTION CONNECT ‘r’ START - PAI . . Make required connections at cross connect field Refer to Part 10 Table 10-l and Fig. 10-l and 10-3 for line, trunk and console connections Refer to Part 10 Table 10-2 and Fig. 10-5, 10-6 and 10-7 Miscellaneous connections I PA1 PBI WI WI Mark each cable connector or plug with the corresponding cabinet plug number (Fig. 10-2 and 405-l) Run required 25 pair cables between cabinet and cross-connect field Run required power fail transfer cables between cabinet and cross-connect field Run required 25 pair console cable from each console to cabinet At Equipment Cabinet [3A] Feed lowest numbered cable through cable duct in side of cabinet MB] _ _ Feed the cable through cable entry in base of cabinet[3C] Pull through sufficient cable to allow connector to reach required cabinet plug (Fig. 405-l) [3D] Attach cable connector to corresponding cabinet jack [3E] Tighten connector retaining screw --I MAKE CONNECTIONS AT CROSS CONNECT FIELD PII AND J RUN 25 PAIR lNTERCONNECT/NG (FIG. 405-l) T CABLES CONNECT /NTERCONNECT/NG CABLE TO EQUIPMENT CABINET (FIG.405-1) been made to equipment cabinet YES CABLES MITL9105/9110-98-200 I ! SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 ICONNECT CABLES -( [5A] Dress cables down side of cabinet (Fig. 405-l) [5B] Attach strain reliefs [5C] PuEtexcess cable through cable -----I A N D I ATTACH STRAIN RELIEFS (FIG. 405-I) WI 1681 - [6C] Set Power Fail Transfer switch on base of console to NORMAL Connect attendant console cable to console Tighten connector retaining screw (61 ‘I AND -4 CONNECT INTERCONNECTlNG W?kE[; ATTENDANT _- A4-20 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 J15\ PlO J14\ / J13- P8 / P17- P3 P16P19Pl8' /pl /p4 P5Y P20- -P2 P6P 2 1 ' Fig. 405.1 A4-21122 ,. SECTION MITLSI 05/911 o-98-200 1 SET CARD SWITCHES I . . .: _‘.’ .... The setting of switches, to result in the required mode of operation on the Trunk Cards is detailed in the MAP’s contained in Appendix A-5. The installer should ensure that these cards are properly switched for the correct mode of operation prior to performing “Power-Up” as detailed in MAP200-407. A4.23124 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 1 Sheet 1 of 3 Complete required MAP’s At Front of Cabinet [2A] Unlock and open door [2B] Check that all cards are seated correctly [2C] Check that locking bar(s) are secure [2D] Set all POWER FAIL TRANSFER CONTROL switches to DISABLE (Fig. 407-l) [2E] Set POWER FAIL TRANSFER CONTROL switches for consoles connected to ENABLE [2F] Set MASTER switch to NORMAL [2G] Set POWER FAIL TRANSFER switches for power supply and common control to ENABLE [2H] E&GFSYSTEM POWER switch to YES Return to [l] < CHECK CARDS AND SET MAlNTENANCE SWITCHES (FIG. 407-1) At Rear of Cabinet [3A] Plug power supply power cord into the power outlet [3B] AC POWER ON LED lit [3C] ~~;CNONVERTER I N P U T s w i t c h . CONVERTER INPUT LED lit - ( I APPLY POWER TO SYSTEM (FIG. 407.2). To I41 A425 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 POWER-UP SYSTEM MAP200-407 Issue 1, January 1960 A Sheet 2 of 3 At Front of Cabinet [4A] gz; SYSTEM POWER switch to . 0; SYSTEM POWER LED lit AND 4 POWER SUPPLY EQUIPMENT SHELF POWER ON LED lit - SWTCH POWER ON NO required LED’s YES Set all Power Switches Remove Power Cord(s). 461 [6A] [6B] Close and lock all doors Position cabinet - ’ AND POSITION CABINET NO Note Occasionally, when circuit cards are plugged into the PABX. the looic circuits on the card may not reset coriipletely. In order to guarantee complete reset of all card lo ic, a slot initialization procedure must Ii e performed. This procedure allows the service personnel to insert a card into a shelf and intialize the card slot. To initialize the card slot dial 555 + 5 + nn, where nn is the 2 digit card slot number (01-17 shelf 1, 31.42 shelf 2). Since inserting a card may cause dia nostic errors, this rocedure is norma 1 y followed by dia rmg 555 + 1 to clear all system errors. A4-28 YES I Go to SECTION MITL9110-210 and program system +q SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 POWER-UP SYSTEM MAP200-407 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 3 of 3 Fig. 407-2 A427l28 1 j SECTION MITL91051911 o-98-200 APPENDIX 5 CARD SWITCH SETTINGS 1. General A5.01 The MAPS contained in this Appendix (see Table A5-1) detail the procedures to be performed to result in the correct settings of the Trunk Card switches i.e. those required to meet the particular needs of the installation. A502 These procedures are performed during the installation of the SX-100 or SX-200 PABX systems, (referenced in Appendices 3 and 4). TABLE A5-1 SETTING TRUNK CARD SWITCHES Step Procedure Reference 1 2 3 4 Set CO Trunk Option and Status Switches Set E and M/Tie Trunk Option Switches Set DID Tie Trunk Option Switches Set Scanner Card Baud Rate Switch MAP200501 MAP200502 M AP200-503 MAP200-504 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 SET CO TRUNK OPTION AND STATUS SWITCHES 1 MAP200-501 I I Issue 2, August 1980 Sheet 1 of 6 Note: See Fig. 501-l for Trunk Card Type 9105/9110-011 and Fig. 501-2 for Trunk Card T y e 9105/9110-111 o r - 2 1 1 . T rl e notes for each Fig. should be read in conjunction with the installation Form data to determine proper switch settings. I ( Have Installation Forms for Trunk Card switch settings been completed I YES Identify trunk circuit by card position type and unit number (Figs 501-1, -2 and -3) Lift card extractors at top and bottom of card Remove trunk card from the shelf 4 REMOVE T R U N K C A R D Is trunk circuit Make [4A] [4B] [4C] Trunk Busy Identify trunk circuit Set trunk switch to Incoming Idle Set trunk switch to Outgoing Busy (Fig. 501-l and -2) 1 ,. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 Issue 2, August 1980 Sheet 2 of 6 Identify trunk circuit Set conditions on Trunk switch (see Note) BUSY-~-+ 1 AND I 1 SET TRUNK BUSY CONDITION SWITCHES (SEE NOTE) 0 161 Is trunk to be GROUND start YES (GROUND START) [7A] identify trunk circuit [7B] Set LOOP/GROUND start to GND (See Note) [8B] ~~;l’~%%&$~~start 1 l\lD F to LOOP (See Note) I SET LOOP/GROUND START SWITCH TO 2 , switch SET LOOP/GROUND START SWITCH TO 1 f I Is trunk used as Dictation Trunk or is XT lead ive 8Ition Set 3rd.wire switch to CLOSED YES (Yk-) A5-4 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 SET CO TRUNK OPTION AND STATUS SWITCHES I MAP200401 Issue 2, August 1980 Sheet 3 of 8 Set 3rd.wire - 48VL.X -114 (12A] [12B] Set 3rd-wire switch to OPEN Set XT switch to OPEN switch to OPEN GND ’ -1131 - A N D . ’ A N D e - SET 3RD WRE A ND XT SWTCH TO OPEN [13Al [13B] Set 3rd-wire switch to OPEN Set XT switch to CLOSED SET 3RD WIRE SWTCH TO OPEN AND XT SWTCH TO CLOSED I [15A] Set IGN REVS switch to OPE I Set IGN REVS switch to CLOSED SET IGN REVS AS-5 r -. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 1Issue 2, August 1980 I 1 Sheet 4 of 6 circuit required to recognise release time at 50ms [18A] Set REL TIME switch to OPEN - AND AND SET REL TIME SWITCH TO OPEN [21A] [21B] A] Set REL TIME switch to CLOSED SET REL TIME SWITCH TO CLOSED Check extractor color code matches slot color code Lock card in position I REPLACE CARD Have all trunk switches on all trunk cards been set NO (-A-) 85-8 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 SET CO TRUNK OPTION AND STATUS SWITCHES Sheet 5 of 6 I SWITCHES TRUNK1 TRUNKBUSY SWITCHES 3RDWlRE TRUNK1 TRUNK2 OUTGOING / TRUNK3 1 TRUNK4 TRUNK1 \ INCOMING TRUNK2 TRUNK3 TRUNK4 i BUSY IDLE COTRUNK CARD- SINGLE ( TYPEOll) ASSEMBLY NOTES: TRUNKBUSY SWITCHES 1. OUTGOING BUSY SWlTCHES(1 PER TRUNK)CAN BE SET FOR EITHEROFTHE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: IDLE SETTING _ NORtiALTRUNKOPERATlON BUSY SETTING -TRUNKCANNOT BESEIZED FOR OUTGOING CALL 2. THE"OUTGOING BUSY" CONDITION MAY BE SET EITHER BY THE OUTGOING BUSY SWlTCH(NOTEl),OR BYTHECONSOLE"TRUNKBUSYOUT"FUNCTION.WHEN THIS CONDITION IS IN EFFECTTHEINCOMING BUSYSWITCH AFFECTSTHETRUNK CONDITION AS FOLLOWS: IDLE SETTING - NO ANSWER WILL BE GIVEN TO INCOMING CO CALLS BUSY SETTING -APERMANENT SElZURECONDlTlONISGlVENTOWARDSTHE CO LOOP/GROUND START SWITCHES 3. THELOOP/GROUNDSTARTSWlTCHES(1PERTRUNK)CANBESETTORESULTINTHE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: LOOP (1)SETTlNG _ USED FOR LOOP-STARTTYPETRUNKS GROUND(2)SETTlNG - USED FOR GROUND-STARTTYPETRUNKS 3RD-WIRE SWITCHES 4. THE3RD-WIRESWlTCH(1PERTRUNK)ISUSEDWHENTHETHlRDWlRE(XTLEAD)OF ATRUNKIS REQUIREDTO INDICATE A BUSY(GROUND)CONDlTlON ON EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT (e.g. DICTATION TRUNK). THE SWITCH SETTINGS AREAS FOLLOWS: OPEN SETTING RECOGNISES GROUNDASA BUSY CONDITION CLOSED SETTING - JRD-WIRE CONDITION IS INEFFECTIVE Fig. 501-l Single Assembly Card SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 1 Issue 2, August 1980 I Sheet 6 of 6 I NOTES. TRUNK BUSY SWITCHES 3RD-WIRE 1. OUTGOING BUSY SWITCHES (1 PER TRUNK) CAN BE SET FOR EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: IDLE SETTING NORMAL TRUNK OPERATION BUSY SETTING TRUNK CANNOT BE SEIZED FOR OUTGOING CALL 2 THE “OUTGOING BUSY” CONDITION MAY BE SET EITHER B Y T H E O U T G O I N G B U S Y SWITCH (NOTE 1). OR BY THE CONSOLE “TRUNK BUSY OUT” FUNCTION. WHEN THIS CONDITION IS IN EFFECT THE INCOMING BUSY SWITCH AFFECTS THE TRUNK CONDITION AS FOLLOWS IDLE SETTING ND ANSWER WILL BE GIVEN TO INCOMING CO CALLS BUSY SETTING A PERMANENT SEIZURE CONDITION IS GIVEN TOWARDS THE CO 5 . THE BRD-WIRE SWITCHES (1 PER TRUNK) ENABLE THE XT SWITCH (NOTE 4) AND THEIR SETTINGS GIVE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: ENAB SETTING ENABLES THE CORRESPONDING XT SWITCH DIS SETTING MAKES THE XT SWITCH INEFFECTIVE i.e. A BUSY CONDITION ON THE XT LEAD CANNOT BE RECOGNISED LOOP/GROUND START SWITCHES SWITCH SENSE REVS SWITCH 6. IF LINE REVERSALS ON THE TRUNK CIRCUITS ARE REOUIRED TO HAVE NO EFFECT THE SENSE REVS SWITCH IS SET TO IGN (IGNORE). IF LINE REVERSALS ARE TO BE EFFECTIVE THE SWITCH IS SET TO EFF. RELEASE TIMING SWITCHES 3. THE LOOP/GROUND START SWITCHES (1 PER TRUNK) CAN BE SET TO RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS L O O P ( 1 ) SETTING. U S E D F O R L O O P - S T A R T T Y P E T R U N K S GROUND (2) SETTING USED FOR GROUND-START TYPE TRUNKS 4. THE 3RD WIRE (XT) LEAD WHEN REQUIRED IS CONNECTED TO THE CO TO PROVIDE CERTAIN FACILITIES. THESE INCLUDE THE RECORDING OF METER PULSES (EXTENDED FROM THE CO); OR ANOTHER REQUIREMENT MAY BE A BUSY CONDITION WHEN DICTATION OR CODE CALLING EQUIPMENT AT THE CO HAS BEEN TAKEN INTO SERVICE BY OTHER TRUNKS. THE XT SWITCH (1 PER TRUNK) IS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE 3RD WIRE SWITCH (NOTE 5) AND CAN BE SET TO PROVIDE FOR THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS - 48 SETTING THE CIRCUIT RESPONDS TO A - 4BVDC SIGNAL (i.e. WHEN IT IS A METER PULSE OR A BUSY CONDITION). A GROUND OR OPEN SIGNAL IS THE IDLE CONDITION GND SETTING - THE CIRCUIT RESPONDS TO A GROUND SIGNAL (i.e. WHEN IT IS A METER PULSE OR A BUSY CONDITION). AN OPEN OR -48VDC SIGNAL IS THE IDLE CONDITION 7. RELEASE TIMING SWITCHES “A” AND “ B ” OPERATE IN CONJUNCTION TO PRODUCE THE RELEASE TIMES SHOWN FOR THE FOLLOWING SETTINGS: “A” SETTING SHORT LONG SHORT LONG “B” SETTING SHORT SHORT LONG LONG RELEASE TIME 49ms 490ms 2500ms INFINITE (NON-RELEASE) HI-Z SWITCH 8. THE HI-Z SWITCH ALLOWS THE PROPER IMPEDANCE ON INCOMING CALLS. TO BE P R E S E N T E D A C C O R D I N G T O REOUIREMENTS. THE TWO SETTINGS FOR THE SWITCH RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING: HI-Z SETTING - PRESENTS THE NORMAL IMPEDANCE TO INCOMING RINGING SIGNALS, BUT A HIGH BLOCKING IMPEDANCE TO VOICE SIGNALS N O R M SETTING. PRESENTS A NORMAL IMPEDANCE TO BOTH RINGING SIGNALS AND VOICE SIGNALS M/B RATIO SWITCH 9. THE MAKE/BREAK RATIO SWITCH SETS THE RATIO OF THE MAKE-TO-BREAK INTERVALS OF THE OUTPULSING ON THE TRUNK. THE SWITCH SETTINGS RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 33166 SETTING 33% MAKE; 66% BREAK 40160 SETTING - 40% MAKE; 60% BREAK GND B, X HIGH 2 l -48 NORMAL BUSY IDLE TRUNK 1 TRUNK 2 OUTGOING TRUNK 3 TRUNK 4 \ TRUNK 3 \ q \ INCOMING H tl TRUNKI TRUNK 2 TRUNK 3 TRUNK 4 TRUNK BUSY SWITCHES CO TRUNK CARD. MODULAR ASSEMBLIES Fig. 501-2 Mother Board Assembly Card DETAIL SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 SET E&M/TIE TRUNK OPTION SWITCHES MAP200-502 Issue 2, August 1980 I Sheet 1 of 7 Note: Installation Forms for trunk Have Installation Forms for Trunk Card switch settings been completed Go to Section MITL9105/9110-98-205 -?I YES WI WI PI Locate required trunk circuit card 9110-013 Note card position Lift card locking clips located at the top and bottom of the card Remove trunk card 9110-013 AND I REMOVE REQUlRED TRUNK CARD Set Outgoing Busy syitch to BUa;; #i502-1 I I 4A]48) Identify trunk circuit Set conditions on Trunk BUSY switch (see Note) 4 - YES I (,,,,,,,) AND t SET TRUNK BUSY CONDlTlON SWTCHES (SEE NOTE) ..:. ., ‘:: . .,. :; : I-: ;-ii SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 I SET E&M/TIE TRUNK OPTION SWITCHES 1 MAP200-602 I Issue 2, August 1980 Sheet 2 of 7 [5A] Set Trunk Impedance switches to 600n or 9000 as required. Fig, 502-l or Fig. 502-2 -clI [51 AND SET IMPEDANCE SWITCHES FIG. 502.1 OR 502.2 [7A] [7B] Set the 2-Wire - 4-Wire switch face of the circuit card to P-Wire Set the 2/4-Wire switch on rear of the circuit card to P-Wire Set the P-Wire - 4-Wire switch on face of the circuit card to 4-Wire Set the 2/4-Wire switch on rear of the circuit card to 4-Wire SET SWITCHES FOR Z-WIRE TRUNK SET SWITCHES FOR 4.WIRE TRUNK I Do Incoming Tie Trunk calls require Wink Start operation [lOA] Set the Incoming Wink switch the face of the circuit card to COMING WINK Note: I A!%10 [lOA] results in a signal sent as a receive dial information” condition. I Set the Incoming Wink switch on the face of the circuit card to NOT INCOMING WINK L To 1121 ) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Issue 2, August 1980 Sheet 3 of 7 [13A] I+ Set the Outgoing Wink Start switch on the face of the circuit card to OUTGOING WINK [14A] SELECT OUTGOlNG WINK START Set the Outgoing Wink Start switch on the face of the circuit card to NOT OUTGOING WINK I Note: [13A] results in waiting period of 160 to 220ms off-hook. sigyal ;rgrn far end before sendmg dial- YES TN0 rW1 L [16A] Set Stop Dial switch on circuit card face plate to STOP DIAL ---k-l AND I171 ii-dl- -I AND J [17A] Set Stop Dial switch on the cirgiLcard face plate to NOT STOP SELECT NOT STOP DJAL A5-11 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 SET E&M/TIE TRUNK OPTION SWITCHES MAP200602 lssue 2, August 1980 c . Sheet 4 of 7 From [la WI ” Is trunk card equipped with a Loop Limit switch Fig. 502-l NO Set Loop Limit switch on rear of circuit card to the OPEN position for short loop and CLOSED position for long loop (Fig. 502-l) H AND L I M I T SWlTCH [20A] Set Gain Switches to Normal GAIN (OdB) or SPECIAL GAIN as required. (+ 7dB Incoming - 18dB Outgoing). See Note I SET TRUNK GAIN S W I T C H -1211 [2J&I-Se.t M INVERT switch to M INV if inversion of the M lead signal is 4 required (Fig. 502-2) - 7 AND SET M INVERT SWITCH AS-1 2 Special gain applies to &wire SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 1 Issue 2, August 1980 1 Sheet 5 of 7 NO set for both * Set switches for other trunk 4 YES 4231 ' [23A] Replace card in original card slot [236] Check that color coded locking 4 clips match the card position color [23C] Lock card in positionI - AND - YES AS-1 3 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 I Issue 2. Auaust 1 Sheet 6 of 7 1980 OUTGOING WINK - I I NOTE 1: SPECIAL GAIN (NOTE 5) - INCOMING WINK - TRUNK IMPEDANCE SWITCHES ARE LOCATEDON THE REAR FACE OFTHETRUNK CARD. NOTE 2: OUTGOING/INCOMING SWITCH SETTINGS OUTGOING BUSY INCOMING BUSY SWITCH SET TO SWITCH SETTO NioT NOT OUTGOING WINK .7iGKz GAIN INCOMING WINK LONG LOOP (NOTE 3) W:RE LOOP LIMIT SWITCH 2 1 TRUNK1 214 WIRELOOP SWITCH m SHORT 4 LOOP WIRE [NOTE 4) I , RESULT IDLE SUSY NORMALTRUNKOPERATION - I F TRUNK IS MADE BUSY BYATTENDANT,OUTGOlNG BUSY, INCOMING BUSY CONDITION RESULTS.SEE BELOW. BUSY BUSY TRUNKCANNOT BESEIZEO, INCOMINGOROUTGOING FROM THE PABX. RECOMMENDEDSETTING IFTRUNK IS NOTCONNECTEDTO TRUNKCIRCUIT. BUSY IDLE OUTGOING CALLS RECEIVE BUSY TONE. INCOMING CALLS RECEIVE RINGINGTONE BUTCANNOTBE ANSWERED IDLE IDLE IFTRUNKIS MADE BUSY BY ATTENDANT,OUTGOlNG BUSY, INCOMING IDLE CONDITION RESULTS. SEE BELOW. INCOMING BUSYSWITCH, WHEN OPERATED,WlLL PROVIDE AN OUTGOING SEIZE SIGNAL WHENEVER THE TRUNK IS MADE OUTGOING BUSY (EITHER FROM THE OUTGOING BUSY SWITCH ON THETRUNK,OR FROM THE CONSOLE). NOTE 3: LONG LOOPSETTING AT LOOP LIMIT SWITCH RESULTS IN 10RRESlSTANCEIN SERIES WITH M LEAD NOTE 4: SHORT LOOPSETTING OF LOOP LIMIT SWITCH RESULTS IN 11OflRESISTANCE IN SERIES WITH M LEAD NOTE5: NORMALGAIN PROVIDES 0.5dBlNSERTlON LOSSTHROUGH THE PABX. SPECIAL GAIN PROVIDES FOR 4-WIRE OPERATION WITH CARRIERSYSTEMSREQUIRINGSIGNALLEVELSOF +7dBONTHE Rx PAIR. AND -16dB ON THE TX PAIR. OUTGOING BUSY 600 R :--: T R U N K 2 1 IMPEDANCE , , 1 SWITCH L--A NOTE1 900 R r-,-7 !2!11 \ iiJ OPEN Fig. 502-l A5-14 FACEPLATE M LEAD NORMAL :.. . SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 I 1 SET E&M/TIE TRUNK OPTION SWITCHES MAP200302 Issue 2, August 1980 1 Sheet 7 of 7 OUTGOING WINK NOTE 1: SPE(IA IN (NZ E: - INCOMING WINK TRUNK IMPEDANCE SWITCHES ARE LOCATED ON THE REAR FACEOFTHETRUNKCARO. NOTE 2: OUTGOING/INCOMING OUTGOING BUSY INCOMING BUSY SWITCH SETTO SWITCH SET TO Ni)T OUTGOING WINK NOT INCOMING WINK W;RE NoriMAL GAIN SWITCH SETTINGS :_:: RESULT IDLE BUSY NORMALTRUNKOPERATION -IF TRUNK IS MADE BUSY BYATTENDANT.OUTGOlNG BUSY,lNCOMlNG BUSY CONDITION RESULTS. SEE BELOW. BUSY BUSY TRUNKCANNOT BESEIZED,INCOMING OR OUTGOING FROM THE PABX. RECOMMENDED SETTING IFTRUNK IS NOTCONNECTEDTOTRUNKCIRCUIT. BUSY IDLE OUTGOING CALLS RECEIVE BUSY TONE. INCOMING CALLS RECEIVE RINGINGTONE BUT CANNOT BE ANSWERED IDLE IDLE IFTRUNKIS MADE BUSY BYATTENDANT.OUTGOlNG BUSY, INCOMING IDLE CONDITION RESULTS. SEE BELOW. INCOMING BUSYSWITCH. WHEN OPERATED,WlLLPROVlDEAN OUTGOING SEIZE SIGNAL WHENEVER THE TRUNK IS MADEOUTGOING BUSY (EITHER FROM THE OUTGOING BUSY SWITCH ON THETRUNK,OR FROM THE CONSOLE). NOTE 3: NORMAL GAIN PROVIDES 0.5dBlNSERTlON LOSSTHROUGH THE PABX. SPECIAL GAIN PROVIDES FOR 4-WIRE OPERATION WITH CARRlERSYSTEMSREOUIRINGSlGNALLEVELSOF +7dBONTHE Rx PAIR, AND -16dB ON THE T X PAIR. :--7 TRUNK2 , ' IMPEDANCE I--J1 SWITCHES NOTE1 900 0 pt7E-I I ' I ' I I 1 1 L--J 4WIRE M LEAD INVERT \ FACEPLATE 600R 900 R I32 Fig. 502-2 A5-15118 i_ \ 1 SECTION MITL91051911 o-98-200 Installation Forms for trunk card Have Installation Forms for Trunk Card switch settings been completed L.. _ . c Go to Section MITL9105/9110-98-205 YES Locate required trunk circuit card 9110-031 [2B] Note card position [2C] Lift card locking clips located at the top and bottom of the card [2D] Remove trunk card 9110-031 - 421 [2A] l + ’ I I REMOVE REQUIRED TRUNK CARD Is trunk circuit [4A] [4B] Identify trunk circuit Set conditions on Trunk BUSY switch (see Note) AND . SET TRUNK BUSY CONDITION SWITCHES (SEE NOTE) [5A] Set SWl, SW2 and SW3 Trunk Impedance switch to 600n or 900 as required. Fig. 503-l I AND 4 AND SET IMPEDANCE SWITCH. F/G. 503-I Set Outgoing Busy switches to BUSY. Fig. 503-l SECTION MITL91054911 O-98.200 9 From [6A] Set trunk type switches A and 6 to configuration required. Fig. 503-1, Table 503-l < - AND SET TRUNK TYPE SWITCHES FIG. 503-l Do Incoming DID/TIE Trunk calls require Wink Start operation [BA] Set the Incoming Wink switch on the face of the circuit card to INCOMING WINK 1 AND A N D - [9A] SET SWITCH FOR lNCOM/NG WlNK START Set the Incoming Wink switch on the face of the circuit card to NOT INCOMING WINK SET SWITCH FOR NOT INCOMING WINK START (8A] results in a 200ms off-hook receive dial information” condi- [llA] Set the Outgoing Wink Start switch on the face of the circuit card to OUTGOING WINK I i AND - A N D [12A] - Set the Outgoing Wink Start switch on the face of the circuit card to NOT OUTGOING WINK SELECT NOT OUTGOlNG WlNK START WINK START v A5-18 - ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110~98~200 ~ SET DID/TIE TRUNK OPTION SWITCHES ( From [12] ) Is trunk signaling to be loop pulse NO BATTERY AND GROUND PULSING LOOP PULSE [14A] Set the PG-PULS switch to BATTERY and GROUND PULSING. Fig. 503-l and 503-3 Set the BG-PULS switch to LOOP PULSING Fig. 503-l and 503-2 SELECT LOOP PULSING BATTERY AND GROUND PULSlNG BATT ’ - -------PABX /_I_ I \++-------Trunk require Stop I#--- 4 YES STOP DIAL [17A] Set the STOP DIAL switch to STOP DIAL Fig. 503-l \ STOP DIAL [18A] NOT STOP DIAL 1406 Fig. 503-3 ‘ N O c- A N D I co Set the STOP DIAL switch to NOT STOP DIAL. Fig. 503-l I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 SET DID/TIE TRUNK OPTION SWITCHES MAP200-503 Issue 2, August 1980 1Sheet 4 of 5 I Set switches for other trunk YES 1 [20A] Replace card in original card slot [2OB] Check that the color coded locking clips match the card position color [2OC] Lock card in position 4201 v + AND REPLACE CARD Have all switches on all trunk cards 9110-031 been set YES 85.20 NO SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 I Sheet 5 of 5 TABLE 503-l SWITCH A TRUNK TYPE 1. SWITCH R TRUNK IMPEDANCE SWITCHES ARE LOCATED ON THE REAR FACE OF THE TRUNK CARD. TRUNK 2. OPEN .-\ SEE TABLE 503-l OUTGOING INCOMING SWITCH SWITCH 3. BUSY .. ..: :. I: SWITCHES OUTGOING BUSY SWITCHES (1 PER TRUNK) CAN BE SET FOR EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: IDLE SETTING NORMAL TRUNK OPERATION BUSY SETTING TRUNK CANNOT BE SEIZED FOR OUTGOING CALL .. THE "OUTGOING BUSY" CONDITION MAY BE SET EITHER BY THE OUTGOING BUSY SWITCH (NOTE 2). OR BY THE CONSOLE "TRUNK BUSY OUT' FUNCTION. WHEN THIS CONDITION IS IN EFFECT THE INCOMING BUSY SWITCH AFFECTS THE TRUNK CONDITION AS FOLLOWS: IDLE SETTING - NO ANSWER WILL BE GIVEN TO INCOMING TRUNK CALLS BUSY SETTING - A PERMANENT SEIZURE CONDITION IS GIVEN TOWARDS THE TRUNK I OPEN SW3 r---7 600 fit---j 9000 SWlI i----J I I LL: soon 600 (1 C-7-7 TRUNK 2 IMPEDANCE SWITCHES NOTE 1 SW21 i i i I ; 1 I kOiii Fig. 503-l SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 : ) Issue 1, January 1980 1 Sheet 1 of 1 I CAUTION Do not remove Scanner Card from an active PABX without following relevant procedures in MAP200-602. I [2A] NO I (,,.,,,) Identify Scanner card by card slot position (19) in shelf 1 I /DENT//V SCANNER CARD SCANNER CARD [3A] [3B] Lift card extractors at top and bottom of card FIRz;ve Scanner card from the - (41 [4A] [5A] [5B] Identify the required baud rate from the circuit requirements &a$? 1 [6B] ’ SYSTEMFrom [lo] l--L3 [llA] Determine settings of trunk card switches from installation forms and Appendix 5 (Note) [llB] Set trunk card switches to proper positions - Pll AND S E T DIDITIE T R U N K CARD SWITCHES NO YES 431 ’ [13A] Release card extractor and remove card from shelf slot 4 AND & Mf;VE I N S T A L L E D 3-f WI [15A] Tag defective item [15B] t%$age Item and return to sup- AND : [16A] Place card in stock A8-9 i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 [17A] Check proper card slot and color codes of card extractor against shelf slot [178] Slide new card into shelf slot [17C] Lock card by pressing the extractors inward + - [18A] Access the test line [186] Dial the maintenance access code (555 used for the purpose of this documentation) [18C] Dial 5 [18D] :;;I card slot number (1 - 17/31 [18E] Replace handset of test line telephone I PLUG IN NEW CARD 4-lI h31 AND INITIALIZE NEW CARD CAUTION note been inserted [20A] Access the test line [20B] Dial the test access code (555 used for the purpose of this documentation) [2OC] Dial 1 [20D] Replace handset of the test line telephone c 1 AND CLEAR MINOR ERRORS with CAUTION YES (-+-) A6-10 NO SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 1 INSTALL NEW CARDS I 1 Issue 1, January 1980 I Sheet 5 of 8 --l--f [22A] Set all POWER switches to the OFF position [226] Remove the power cord from the power outlet P34 [23~1 4 Release card extractors Remove card from shelf slot AND AND REMOVE INSTALLED CARD YES NO -1251) Tag defective item Package item and return plier to sup- 4 4261 AND ’ - AND RETURN DEFECT/YE ITEM Place card in stock RETURN 2OCK Y 7 I A6-11 j SECTION MITL910519110-98-200 I INSTALL NEW CARDS --I MAP200-602 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 6 of 8 From 1271 57 1281 [28A] Identify proper baud rate if RS232 port is used Set baud rate switch to proper rate (See MAP200-504) l--l [28B] AND SET SCANNER CARD BAUD SWITCH 4291 J [29A] 12981 [29C] Check proper card slot and color codes of card extractor against shelf slot Slide new card into shelf slot Lock card by pressing the extractors inward 4 AND PLUG IN NEW CARD YES %) IS s stem an HX.100 or SX-200 sx-200 13211 [32A] Power up system as detailed in Appendix 3, MAP200-307 AND AND 133A] Power up system as detailed in Appendix 4, MAP200-407 l - 4 - - I I A6.12 POWER UP sx-200 - SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 YES [35A] Replace the locking bars across the front of the shelf [356] Slide and securely fasten the locking device A N D 4 REPLACE LOCK/NG BARS YES ( Go to[39] ) TABLE 602-l Was there a change in software (see Note 1) GENERIC AND REVISION LEVELS YES -203-Xx 4381’ [38A] (3881 Perform initialization procedure as in Steps [18] and [20] Reprogram the system in accordance with the procedures stated in Section MITL9105/9110-98-210 - A N D INITIALIZE AND REPROGRAM I -20.5xx -XX indicates revision level and number NOTES 1 . The equipment may be installed with different software packages (Table 602-l). If the PROM/CPU and Memory Expander (or PROM/RAM Expander) cards installed differ in group type from those previously installed a software change occurs, and Step 1361 must be performed. 2 . The above cards must haye identical generic and revision level numbers when installed. t SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 ) INSTALL NEW CARDS 1 MAP200-602 issue 1, January 1980 1Sheet 8 of 8 YES [40A] Add new line and trunk programs following procedure stated in Section MITL9105/9110-98-210 - AND NO SECTION ;^ MITL9105/9110-98.200 : RESERVE POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION (SX-200) Sheet 1 o f 7 Tools Required Non 1 1 1 Note: Predrilled Cabinet - Electric drill eNo. 22 (0.157 inch) twist drill - Slot screwdriver l/z inch This MAP applies only to SX-200 equipment. I Predrilled Cabinet 1 - Slot screwdriver ‘/2 inch CAUTION Check that the BATTERY switch on the reserve battery pack is set to OFF. Check that the three switches on the battery charging unit is set to OFF. Unpack reserve power supply equipment [IB] ln;$x&items for physical [lA] [lC] Check item types against invoice -IUNPACK AND INSPECT ITEMS Were correct items received [3A] [3B] Complete Damage Report Form and return with defective items to the sup. plier. Set ALL POWER switches to OFF Remove power cord(s) from power outlet(s) / : i. ‘:. .._. .T<.! 2-z ‘. 1 (4Al [4B] Unlock and open front door Set all power switches to OFF position 4 AND OPEN FRONT DOOR A ND POWER DOWN : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Issue 1, January 1980 1 Sheet 2 of 7 EAI [5B] Open rear cabinet door Check bottom of cabinet right hand center support bar for the charging unit mounting holes (Fig. 603-l) I CHECK CHARGING UN/T MOUNT/NG HOLES NO [7A] [7B] [7C] [7D] Place charging unit in position (Fig. 603-2) Mark the position of the two charging unit mounting holes Mark the position of the rear charging unit mounting hole Remove the charging unit from the equipment cabinet c - [8A] [8B] Center punch the position of the three mounting holes Using the No. 22 drill, drill the three mounting holes A6-16 r”1 171 MARK CHARGING UN/T MOUNTlNG HOLES 4 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 RESERVE POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION 6X-200) [Sheet 3 of 7 I CHARGING UNIT Fig. 803-i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 RESERVE POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION (SX-200) MAP200-603 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 4 of 7 (J g ! +I in ,CHARG,NG“N,T C------RED LEAD wBLACK LEAD CABLE RED LEAD POWER SUPPLY TYPE PN9110-008 POiiER SUPPLY GRdUND ,,j[y ALARM CIRCUIT CONNECTOR STUD POWER SUPPLY TYPE PN9110-108 Fig. 603.2 S E C T I O N MITL9105/9110-98-200 MAP200-603 1Issue 1, January 1980 I I I ‘. 1Sheet 5 of 7 Was cabinet predrilled [lOA] Place charging unit in position [lOB] Secure the charging unit to the cabinet support bar using three No. 10 slotted self tapping screws 7 AND [liB] Secure the charging unit to the CAUTION The reserve battery pack weight is 125lbs. Care must be taken when lifting the battery pack. I [12A] [12B] [13Al [14A] [14B] Slide the reserve battery pack into the bottom of the equipment cabinet from the front Secure the reserve battery pack to the cabinet with four pan head screws l- On the charging unit, feed the Red and Black leads marked “TO BATTERY” to the battery pack Check that the BATTERY switch on the battery pack is set to OFF 4 Connect the Red lead to the terminal marked +RED Connect the Black lead to the terminal marked -BLACK On the charging unit, feed the Red, Black and Green lead marked “TO POWER SUPPLY” to the power supply Connect the Red, Black and Green leads as shown in Fig. 603-2 AND . , CONNECT CHARGING UNIT TO BATTERY PACK : ._ ,-,-; -[141 * 4 AND CONNECT CHARGING UN/T TO BATTERY PACK (FIG. 603-2) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 -fl6Al . Run two wire cable from the $u;, eitndicator to the equipment Feed the cable through the equipment cabinet cable duct. (Fig. 603-3) SC] Connect the two wires to the Molex plug supplied [16D] Insert the Molex plug into the receptacle I YES I BATTERY ALARM (FIG. 603-3) (1661 - [17A] Feed the charging unit power lead through the cable duct [176] ,“,“I;,:“e power lead to the power [17C] I&D] Plug system power lead into power outlet AC power LED in on Plug charging unit power lead into power outlet - r 1171 CONNECT EQUIPMENT CABINET t AND c PLUG IN SYSTEM m I- I ALARM CIRCUIT CONNECTOR On Battery Pack [16A] Set BATTERY switch to ON I On Charging Unit [19Al Set AC switch to ON [19B] Set DC switch to ON [l?c] Set BATTERY switch to ON BATTERY CHARGING LED lights A8-20 SWITCH BA ITTERY PACK ON RELAY CONTACT RATING RESISTIVE LOAD-2A. 28VOC - lA, 1lOVAC Fig. 603-3 601 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 ‘r> From [19] On Power Supply [20A] tS,e;iONVERTER . . INPUT switch AND 4 CONVERTER INPUT LED lit RESERVE BATTERY CONNECTED LED lit . SWTCH POWER SUPPLY ON - rP11 $- On Maintenance Panel [21A] p; SYSTEM POWER switch to . . SYSTEM POWER LED lit Power Supply EQUIPMENT SHELF POWER LED lit 4 . AND Spr$lT;;;STEM Did all LED’s YES [23A] [23B] Close and lock all cabinet Place cabinet in final position POSlTiON CA B/NET Go to Section MITL9105/9110-98-500 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD INSTALLATION (SX-200) Tools Required I MAP200-604 1 Wrench ‘/2 inch 1 Slotted screwdriver l/4 inch Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 1 of 7 7 START tit/ 11 Cl (1 Dl [1 El Open front and rear doors Set system POWER switch to OFF Set all other power switches on rear of cabinet to off Set the battery switch on the reserve battery pack to off Remove the power cords from the commercial outlets I Note: This MAP applies only to SX-200 equipment. I 11 r;That rn~~~~~ is off Check that the three switches on the battery charging unit are set to OFF. If there is a reserve battery pack set it SYSTEM POWER PA1 WI PC1 Remove locking bars from Shelf Unit 1 Unscrew the shelf retaining screws from Shelf Unit 1 Carefully withdraw Shelf Unit 1 from the cabinet by 2 inches (See Note) NOTE < A N D Step 2 is required to make room to affix Console card to bracket in Step 7. MOVE SHELF UNIT 7 ,, FORWARD \ [4Al [4Bl [4Cl WI WI Locate 2nd console (male) A m phenol connector. D/sconnect from J14 Check bottom right hand corner of cabinet for first Console Interface Card. Fig. 604-l Locate holes for second Console Interface Card on bracket above f6i;mt,Consoie Interface Card. Fig. Place Console Interface Card as shown in Fig. 604-2 Insure the ground strap of the Console Interface Card is at the bottom facing the system of cabinet for first Console Inter- tPLACE 2ND CONSOLE /NTEf?FACE CARD IN POSlTlON I A8-23 j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD INSTALLATION (SX-200) I 1Sheet 2 of 7 [7A] Insert 8 - 10 x 32 screws into Console Interface Card affixing it to the mounting bracket Fig. 604-2 1 I SECURE 2ND CONSOLE INTERFACE CARD JN POSlTIO N 7181 [8A] [8B] Locate system ground stud loosen nut with wrench % inch Attach ground strap for Console Interface Card to system ground stud and tighten lug. Fig. 604-2 -A 4 _ AND I [9A] [9B] . f ATTACH CONSOLE lNTERFACE CARD GROUND STRAP Locate the incoming connector of the 2nd and install it into J24 (Fig. 604-2) Tighten the screw on the connector with a slotted screwdriver l/4 inch AFFIX SECOND CONSOLE AMPHENOL CONNECTOR TO J24 OF CONSOLE INTERFACE CARD A8-24 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-200 CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD INSTALLATION (SX-200) MAP200.604 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 3 of 7 III 2NDCONSOLE INTERFACE CARD I ISTCONSOLE INTERFACE CARD UND RE GROIJND STUD Fig. 804-l Fig. 804-2 A6-25 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98~200 CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD INSTALLATION (SX-200) 1MAP200-604 7 I 1 Issue 1, January 1960 Sheet 4 of 7 INTERCONNECT BOARD 1 I I Pll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ll2 P18 /-Q-q [-e-j p-j u2 PI9 CONSOLE INTERFACE CARD2 CONSOLE 2 P25 J24 !Y 2 5 d z CONSOLE INTERFACE CARD1 P23 J22 Y 2 - !2 ifi F Fig. 604.3 ). SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD INSTALLATION (SX-200) I Construct Cable in accordance with Tables 804.1 and 604-2. D1CONNECT lNTERCON ECT YES [llA] [llB] Connect the Interconnect Console Interface Card cable between J14 and P25 (Fig. 604-3) Tighten down top screws on A m phenol connectors t- (d-) CABLE JO CONSOLE /NJERFACE CARD [12A] [12B] D I-+ REPLACE SHELF UN/T [13A] [t3B] [13C] Close rear door Plug power cord into commercial outlet Turn all switches on [12C] [12D] Replace Replace screws Replace front of Securely Shelf Unit 1 in cabinet and tighten up retaining locking bars across shelf fasten locking device 1 D POWER SYSTEM UP : : A8-27 j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Sheet 6 of 7 TABLE 604-i INTERCONNECT BLOCK - CONSOLE INTERFACE CARD A6-28 Pin No. Pair Colour 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 O-BK BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALRAM TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC GROUND GROUND 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 Y-0 O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y v-BL BL-v v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ov - 48V ov -48v ov -48v ov - 48V ov - 48V ov - 48V ov - 48V GROUND GROUND 50 25 v-s s-v ov - 48V Lead Designation GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD INSTALLATION (SX-200) TABLE 604-2 POSITION LEAD DESIGNATION P5 PI7 J14 P25 J24 T(A) 38 38 38 38 38 R (A) 13 13 13 13 13 SDATAOUlT(A) 39 39 32 32 32 CONSOLE2 16 SDATAOUTR(A) 14 14 7 7 7 S DATAINT(A) 40 40 30 30 30 S DATAIN 15 15 5 5 5 R(A) MAJORALARMTBl-5 12 -48VTB301 181920 181920 181920 OVlBSOl-1 21 22 23 21 22 23 212223 24 25 24 25 24 25 . 434445 434445 434445 37 1_2 37 12 37 464748 46 4748 464748 49 50 49 50 49 50 CUT OVER SWA 35 * 35 35 . CUTOVERSWB 10 10 10 ALL UNLISTED PINS GO TO ESG TB301-3 P5 PI7 J15 P23 J22 T (4 42 . 42 38 38 30 R (A) 17 17 13 13 13 SDATAINT(A) 18 . 18 5 5 5 SDATAIN R(A) S DATADUTT(A) 43 19 . 43 19 30 7 30 7 30 . .7 SDATAOUTR(A) 44 44 32 32 32 CONSOLE1 17 MAJORALARMTBl-5 12 -48VTB301 18 19 20 18 1920 1819 20 37 12 OVTB301-1 21 2223 21 2223 212223 24 37 12 37 25 24 25 24 25 434445 434445 434445 46 4748 464748 464740 49 50 49 50 49 CIJTOVERSWB 35 35 35 CUTOVERSWA 10 19 10 ALL UNLISTED PINS GO TO ESG TB301-3 50 *c SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 START Open front door Open rear door (SX-200) Set SYSTEM POWER switch to off Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch (SX-200) to off Remove power cable(s) from power outlet(s) 1 ( YES [3B] ]4Al 1481 [4Gl ) I I POWER DOWN SYSTEM [3A] Goto[4] Unscrew the 4-40 screw from the cable connectors on the backplane (Fig. 6051) Remove cable connectors - I LUSCONNECT CABLES TO X-CONNECT I INSTALL BOARD Plug the translator board into the backplane connectors (Fig. 605-l) Install four 6-32 screws (Fig. 605-l ) Tighten all screws with a slotted 0.25 inch blade screwdriver TRANSLATOR / ‘“..rr.\ NO . SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD INSTALLATION r 1 J J Note Installation of translator boards changes pin-out configuration on plugs. Lines and trunks must therefore be configured to accommodate the equipment numbers shown in Fig. 605-2. Perform procedure outlined at MAP200.405, but using the data in Tables 605-i and 605-2 and referring to Fig. 605-2. I [7A] [7B] Reconnect connector plugs according to Fig. 605-l Tighten connector screws NO 4 - Using Tables 605.1 and 605-2 and Fig. 605-2, program the proper line and trunk MITL910519110-96.210 [9A] Change the jumpers on the cross-connect field to reflect the new configuration, using Tables 605-l and 605-2 and Fig. 605-2 ---I--- (..,.,,) / NO A&32 for details). SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 Sheet 3 of 7 [IlA] Run jumpers as per Fig. 6052 and reference MAP200-604 --cl I121 [12A] Close front door of cabinet [12B] Close rear door of cabinet [12C] Lock rear door of cabinet AND l [13A] [13B] Replace power cord(s) Power up system in accordance with MAP200-407 (SX-200) or MAP200-307 (SX-100) - - - I - - - SECURE DOORS -J POWER UP SYSTEM A8-33 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-200 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD INSTALLATION r MAP200-605 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 4 of 7 Pl/P7 4 X 4-40 SLOTTED RETAINING SCREWS O.751n. 2 X BACKPLANE + PLASTIC SPACER SECONDTRANSLATORBOARD Fig. 606-l Translator Board Installation A6-34 4-40 SLOTTED SCREWS 0 LONG 751n LONG SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD INSTALLATION TABLE 605.1 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD CONNECTIONS (SHELF 1) TO CROSS-CONNECT FIELD Line and Trunk Connections Pin Pair Color Extn co DID/Tie 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T 8 R8 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Ti Rl TRl RR1 El Ml T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M 2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T 2 R2 T3 R3 T4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 7: R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M 2 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 T5 R5 T 6 R6 T 7 R7 T 8 R8 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml T 3 R3 XT4 XT3 T 4 R4 T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M 2 50 25 v-s s-v 1 SPARE SPARE 1 I Shelf 1 Translator Board Plug Numbers E & Mt I Pl I P2 P3 P4 I Note: Position 12 can be used for lines, trunks or receiver #4 card. t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads. A8-35 SECTION MITL910519110-98-200 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD INSTALLATION TABLE 605.2 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD CONNECTIONS (SHELF 2) TO CROSS-CONNECT FIELD Line and Trunk Connections Pin Pair Color 26 1 27 W-BL EL-W w-o Extn co DID/Tie E&Mt Ti Rl XT2 XT1 T2 Tl Rl Tl Rl TRI R/ii W-G I Tl Rl T 2 R2 T3 BR-W 1 R4 o-w Shelf 2 Translator Board Plug Numbers P7 161 iRK \ ; 0 -IA:, I Fi I P8 E P9 -t .m\ PllI p- wM\ 3 I .6 32 7 33 8 BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 R-BR Tl BR-R I Rl R-S T 2 R2 S-R B K - B L 1 Ti BL-BK R3 BK-0 T 4 0-BK R4 BK-G T5 G-BK I R5 BK-BR T 6 BR-BK R6 BK-S T7 S-BK I R7 Y-BL BL-Y R8 42 17 Y-O Q-Y 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V 43 50 25 A6-36 I T 7 R7 I 1 I 1 I I T8 Tl 1 RI T2 R2 T3 R3 v-d ... I T5 R5 T 6 I R6 T 7 I R7 I TR ki I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 Tl I iii“ I I Tl 1 ii I I XT; T4 R4 TR2 RR2 E2 M 2 Tl I I i; XT2 XT1 Ti R2 1 I 171 M l “‘I;[ 172 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T 4 RA I I I I Tl 1 RI ~3 R3 XT4 XT3 T 4 R4 T 2 R2 I Tl RI ~2 1 I I T2 I R2 TR2 1 RR2 I .E2 I M3 174 Tl 177\ I ~2 179 I” l.- IFII c-2 I 3nj i 1 I I I I I E2 M 2 I 1 I 184 1 / ; 1 208 ! 1 / $ 1 232 - 1 1 z 1 256 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD INSTALLATION MAP200-605 Issue 1, January 1980 Sheet 7 of 7 I I HARDWARE/EQUIPMENT NUMBERING PLUG7 1 2 PLUG8 3 4 PLUG9 5 6 7 8 9 1 PLUG10 I 10 11 I2 SHELF 2 (SX-200) PLUGPl PLUGP2 PLUGP3 PLUGP4 I : I 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 IO SHELF 1 NOTE: ti 12 1318 EQUIPMENT POSITION 001 IS RESERVED FORTHETEST LINE AND MUST THEREFORE BE EQUIPPED WITH A LlNECARD.TRUNK EQUIPMENT NUMBER IS SAMEASINDIVIDUALTRUNKACCESS CODE. Fig. 605.2 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD PLUG APPEARANCES A6.37138 j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 ! 1 INSTALLATION OF RCP CARD Note: I The RCP card provides a remote access facility. See Section MITL9105/9110-98-101 Remote Maintenance, Administration and Test Description for details. B I 1 [lA] [lB] [lC] Unpack card from container Inspect card for physical damage Check card type against invoice 4 - AND l UNPACK AND INSPECT CARD Was correct Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report I. [4A] [4B] I Unlock and open cabinet doors Remove locking bars from shelf - 1 [5A] Release card extractor for Console Control Card (slot 16) and remove card -J 4 : rote RCP card is to be used in Shelf 1 ;;;;.“,‘““‘*LnL 1 control card (If mstalled) must be A6.39 I SECTION fbllTL9105/911 O-98-200 1 INSTALLATION OF RCP CARD1 ( MAP200-606 Issue 1, February 1980 I -1 Sheet 2 of 4 [6A] 1 Run and terminate a 25 pair connectorized cable between J14 (cabinet) and cross-connect field -- If a’ console interface card is in stalled (MAP200-604) the cable AND to be connected as extension EXTENSlON -PI v I. 1 I [8A] [8B] . Run jumper between pins 38 (Tip) and 13 (Ring) of cross-connect cable (Step 16A1) to predesignated equipment number allotted for RCP card Program RCP card as designated extension. See MITL9105/9110-98-210 for programming procedures T R U N K A N D WIRE $VpD ;iOGRAM - [9A] Run jumper between pins 38 (Tip) and 13 (Ring) of cross-connect cable (Step [6A]) to trunk line WIRE ;fCPNAS EXTENSION J [lOA] Set thumbwheel switches on Tone Control card to 7772 1 401 f ( I J - AND . f$‘$R+loG 7772 A8-40 RA M Note: Switch settings Step [lOA] must remain at 7772 for Generic 202/203 software - installed PABX’s on completion of installation. SECTION MITLSI 051911 O-98-200 INSTALLATION OF RCP CARD MAP200-606 1 Issue 1, February 1980 Sheet 3 of 4 7) From [lo] [llA] Check proper card slot and color codes of card extractor against shelf slot [llB] Slide new card into shelf slot [llC] Lock card by pressing the extrac tors inward . Data LED turns on and off with diagnostics (Table 606-l) [llD] Verify that AL1 and AL2 LEDs are not lit (See Note) 4 r-----l -I Note: 11 If AL2 LED is lit at Step [llD] replace the RCP card [12A] . Dial allotted RCP number Answer tone heard Term LED turns on [l;B] Verify that during a 10 second period the answer tone increased in level in three distinct steps [12C] Press RELEASE key . ConsolelRCP connection remov. %m l AND DIAL RCP NUMBER LED turns off - [13A] [13B] Replace locking bars across front of shelf Sl&ydi;znd securely fasten locking AND --i I I I I [14A] REPLACE LOCKING BARS Lock cabinet doors ICABINET DOORS 23 FINISH A8-41 1 ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 INSTALLATION OF RCP CARD MAP200-606 Issue 1, February 1980 Sheet 4 of 4 TABLE 606-l RCP LED INDICATIONS DESIGNATION DATA DESCRIPTION OF INDICATIONS 1. 2. TERM A6-42 LED lit when the RCP is connected to the RMAT Controller and data is being transmitted. LED lit during diagnostic tests. Tests consist of three 10 second periods followed by 17 seconds during which LED is off. LED is lit when the RCP answers the RMAT Controller AL1 Alarm LED AL1 is lit when alarm is activated by the watchdog timer AL2 Alarm LED flashes if failure occurs during the RCP self-test diagnotics. The LED is lit steadily if a checksum or RAM failure occurs during initialization. r SECTION MITLSI 05/9110-98-200 RESERVE POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION (SX-100) MAP200-607 I issue 1, April 80 Sheet 1 of 11 T START [lA] Unpack reserve power supply equipment [lB] F;;.p;;items for physical [lC] l-----oI 111 AND Check item types against invoice 1 h Note: This MAP applies only to SX-100 equipment. I CAUTION Check that the BATTERY switch on the reserve battery pack is set to OFF. Check that the three switches on the battery charging unit are set to OFF. UNPACK AND INSPECT ITEMS YES re!urn with defective items to the sup- FINISH YES (Tz--) A643 ” SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 ‘r’ From [3] SX-100 EQUIPMENT [4A] [4B] [4C] [4D] [4E] Switch off AC and DC breakers Remove AC cord from receptacle Remove the eight 6-32 securing the cover Remove the cover and the interconnect card &I~; location of TB302 circuit power screws expose in Fig. ---u I41 $ AND DEACTIVATE SYSTEM A ND EXPOSE TERMINATIONS (Fig. 607-1) RESERVE POWER SUPPLY WI WI WI WI WI F3Cl WI ]7Al ]7Bl Ensure all switches are off (see CAUTION block above) Remove cable harness from T B l terminals (Fig. 607-2) and discard Install Reserve Power Supply in position near base of rack Measure, cut and run required lengths of cable to interconnect TB302, SX-100 and T B l , Reserve Power Supply. See NOTE and Fio. 607-2 Loosen cable securing clamps at sx-100 Feed new cable under clamps, and terminate each end as shown in Fig. 607-2 Tighten cable securing clamps Replace the cover over the SX-100 (see Step 4D) Secure the cover with the screws removed at Step 4C I INSTALL RESERVE POWER SUPPLY Interconnecting cable must be of equal construction to standard cable harness, i.e. red, black and green insulated flexible strand leads of at least 14AWG gauge. 4 TERMINATE POWER CABLES (Fig. 607-2) AND t- .- A8.44 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 RESERVE POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION 6X-1001 J15 CONSOLE 1 FAII Fig. 607-l Cable Connections A845 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.200 r -- SX-100 PABX - \ NOTE: SEE FIG. 607-l FOR LOCATION OF TEl302 I INTERCONNECT BOARD(PART) -48Vdc BK I OVdc R --I r Tfl Al ARM INnI,-ATnR , - . . _ . . , . . . I , , . l , “ . , , l . , IF REQUIRED (SEE STEP 27) RESERVE BATTERY SUPPLY \ I \ I I I , .I / INTERCONNECl ll"P., r LHtlU HARNESS 0 -es Q @ i@ GROUNDSTUD Fig. 607-2 A6-46 TBI l-!-l ' Cable Harness Interconnections .BATTERY CHARGER -- SECTION MITL910519110~98~200 RESERVE POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION (SX-100) .. YES d3 I Go to [14] SX-100 EQUIPMENT [9A] Unlock and open front door [9B] Switch off AC and DC circuit breakers [9C] Remove AC cord from power receptacle [9D] Close and lock front door +I - - ’ AND DEACTIVATE sx-100 [IOA] Release the strikes at the top of the SX-100 (supporting the weight of the unit by hand) [IOB] Allow the SX-100 to be gently pivotted down and rest against the backboard [IOC] Unlock (or remove the four 10-32 gx[w; from) the top cover of the AND [lOD] Remove the top cover [lOE] Remove the four lo-32 screws from the rear panel of the SX-100 [lOF] Remove the rear panel - c RESERVE POWER SUPPLY [ll A] Ensure all switches are off (see CAUTION block above) [ll B] Remove cable harness from TBl terminals (Fig. 607-2) and discard [11C] Install Reserve Power Supply in a suitably protected location near the SX-100 equipment (see NOTE) -Ill1 ’ I EXPOSE sx-100 TERMlNAT/ONS AND . INSTALL z;;MyYE P O W E R 1 Note The Reserve Power Supply should be in. stalled in a location which affords protection against mechanical or en. vironmental damage and which requires an interconnecting cable run of no more than 50 feet. A8-47 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-200 I 1 I RESERVE POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION (SX-100) MAP200-607 1 Issue 1, April 80 1 Sheet 6 of 11 [12A] Measure, cut and run required lengths of cable to interconnect TB302, SX-100 and T B l , Reserve Power Supply. See NOTE and Fig. 607-2 $o;;; cable securing clamps at [12B] 112Cl _ I _ [12D] Feed new cables under clamps,and terminate each end as shown in Fig. 607-2 Tighten cable securing clamps -J Note 4 AND I TERMINATE POWER CABLES Replace the back panel removed at Step 1OF [13B] Secure the back panel with the screws removed at Step 10E _Il3Cl _ Replace the too cover removed at S t e p 1OD [13D] Lock the cover (or secure with the screws removed at Step 1OC [13E] Swing the SX-100 equipment up to its normal position, and ensure that the strikes latch and engage properly - [13A] L AND i RESTORE ;;&gA;O POSITION SX-100 EQUIPMENT [15A] [15B] [15C] [15D] A848 Unlock and open front door Switch off AC and DC circuit breakers Remove AC cord from power receptacle Close and lock front door Interconnecting cable must be of equal construction to standard cable harness, i.e. red, black and green insulated flexi, ble strand leads of at least 14 AWG gauge. - l From [21] [16A] connectorized cables to be [16B] [16C] [16D] Unlock (or remove the four lo-32 screws from) the top cover of the sx-100 Remove the top cover Remove the four lo-32 screws from the rear panel of the SX-100 Remove the rear panel NO [23A] - Install new connectorized cables in accordance with MAP200-305 (from Steps 22 through 29 in- - - - L elusive) - [24A] [24B] [24C] [24D] Locate the free end of the cable harness terminated on the Reserve Power Supply Feed the free end under the SX-100 cable clamp Terminate the conductors to TB302 of the SX-100 as shown in Fig. 607-2 Tighten screws securing the SX-100 cable clamp - [25A] !$$~s~ [25B] Secure the panel with the screws removed at Step 16C Fk~;k~~ the top cover on the [25C] [25D] [18A] I Move SX-100 aside to make for new power supply position (see NOTE 1) TERMINATE POWER CABLES the rear panel on the Lock the cover (or secure with the screws removed at Step 16A) - RESERVE POWER SUPPLY [20A] Ensure all switches are OFF (see CAUTION block) [2OB] Place Reserve Power Supply in required position REPLACE sx-100 [21A] alarm circuit to be connected Place SX-100 on top of Power Supply, ensuring trusions in base fit into sions on top of Reserve Supply (Fig. 607-3) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 RESERVE POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION (SX-100) MAP200-607 Issue 1, April 80 Sheet 10 of 11 I [27A] [27B] Locate T B l (Fig. 607-2) on Reserve Power Supply Run required leads from alarm indicator to TBI (see NOTE) - I RESERVE POWER SUPPLY [28A] Insert power cord into power outlet receptacle [28B] Set the AC switch on the charger to the ON positon [28C] Set the DC, then the BATT switches on the charger to the ON position [28D] Set the BATTERY circuit breaker (at left of T B l ) to the ON position . Battery charging LED lights SX-100 EQUIPMENT [29A] Unlock and open front door [29B] Insert power cord into power outlet receptacle (see NOTE) [29C] Switch AC and DC circuit breakers to ON . CONVERTER LED lit Alarm contacts are provided by the charging unit. These are available for customer-provided alarm indicating equipments to indicate power-fail condit i o n s . F i g . 607-2 s h o w s t h e n o r m a l operational condition i.e. a power-fail condition causes the normally open (NO) and common (COM) contacts to close. The alarm contact electrical ratings are as follows: Resistive Load . 2A, 26Vdc - 1 A, 40Vdc CONNECT POWER JO RESERVE POWER SUPPLY t -1291 ’ AND 4 . L * I SWITCH POWER SUPPLY ON ON MAINTENANCE PANEL [30A] Set System Power switch to ON pi . SYSTEM POWER LED lit A N D SWlTCH SYSTEM POWER ON A6-52 Note I I Note Ensure SX.100 circuit breakers are off (Step 4A) prior to Step 29A. r SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 AT SX-100 EQUIPMENT [32A] Set AC circuit breaker to OFF AND 4 4 SWITCH MAIN POWER SUPPLY OFF 1331 ’ Does System remain fully operational NO YES (341 AND [34A] Set AC circuit breaker to ON SWITCH MAIN POWER SUPPLY ON !7 (351 [35A (356 1 Close and lock all cabinet doors Place cabinet in final position 7 + AND POSlTlON CAB/NET Go to Section MITL9105/9110-98.350 MlTEL STANDARD PRACTICE SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-205 Issue 3, August 1980 SX-lOO* AN D SX-200* SUPERSWITCH” ELECTRONIC PRIVATE AUTOMATIC BRANCH EXCHANGE INSTALLATION FORMS CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reason for Reissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2. INSTALLATION.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . I 3. 1 1 2 INSTALLATION FORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Identification.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CodeEntry.......................... 2 Forms Included Al-l APPENDIX 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Programming Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . Al-3 Programming Confirm Codes . . . . . . . Al -4 Extended Programming Error Codes Al.5 Extended Programming Confirm Al-8 Codes........................... Speed Call Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al -7 Installation Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trunk Card Switch Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.02 This section is reissued to include all Generic 205 information 2. INSTALLATION Cabling 2.01 All connections for the line and trunk circuits are made from the cross-connect frame to the PABX equipment cabinet through 25 pair connector ended cables. The attendant consoles are connected to the equipment cabinet through standard 25 pair cables with a plug on the cabinet end and a connector at the console. Programming I 2.02 The system contains ten individual programs. Each program details a different aspect of the system configuration. l 1. INTRODUCTION General installation of the SX-100 or SX-200 PABX consists of connecting the system to the cross-connect frame, applying power, and programming. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 details the system cabling requirements, SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 gives detailed instructions for programming the system and SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 details the test procedures to be performed after the system programming is completed. This section contains a general description of the system installation, the type of installation forms and the data required to complete the installation. I. Reason For Reissue 1.01 l l Tenant Service (Generic 203 or higher)-If the system is to be used by multiple tenants “Tenant Service” must be selected when programming is started. System Options-The system options are those options which affect all extensions and trunks within the system. A number of options are provided (code numbers 100 through 234) any of which may be selected. :-. I Features-A number of features (code numbers 1 through 42) require access codes to be dialed by the extension user to gain access to the features. The Feature program allows the selected access codes to be assianed. 0 MITEL Corporation 1980 * Trademark of MITEL Corporation P a g e 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-205 l Class of Service Options-A maximum of 16 different Classes of Service (COS) may be defined. Each COS specifies the features and services (code numbers 33 through 94) that may be accessed by an extension or dial-in trunk assigned to that cos. l Extension-The Extension program allows the tenant, equipment number, directory (extension) number, COS (the features and services which may be accessed), toll restrictions, and the optional busy lamp and pick-up group assignments to be made for each extension. 3. INSTALLATION FORMS General 3.01 A complete set of installation forms is contained in Mite1 publication SX-lOO/SX-200 Installation Forms. For descriptive purposes a copy of each type of installation form is included in this section. Each installation form is divided into a number of columns, the headings of which serve two purposes(a) to identify the information that should be entered into the column, and (b) to show the actions to be performed to enter the codes into the system memory. 3.02 l Hunt Groups-This program defines the extensions within a tenant that form a hunt group and the type of hunting to be performed. A maximum of 12 individual hunt groups may be specified per system. A list of features or options is included on the relevant installation form if applicable. These features and options, and any conflicts (mutual exclusions), are described in Section MITL9105/9110-98-105 Features and Services Description. 3.03 l Trunks-This program allows the tenant, equipment number, busy lamp assignment, trunk type, console appearance, day and night number assignments, COS, toll restriction, and incoming number definitions of each trunk to be made. In addition to the “programming” installation forms the various types of trunks require the trunk card switches to be set to meet the proper operational configuration. This type of form is also included at the rear of this Section. Identification 3.04 l Trunk Groups-A maximum of 12 different trunk groups may be programmed per system. The access code and type, the toll restriction and the overflow group (the trunk group to which the trunk will hunt when all trunks in the trunk group are busy) of each trunk group are specified. The name of the button shown at the top of each column identifies the type of code to be entered in that column. The number following the button name shows the range of codes associated with the operation. Code Entry 3.05 l Multi Digit Toll Control (Generic 204/Up)-If Toll Control is to be employed, refer to Section MITL9105/9110-98-212 for instructions. l Speed Call (Generic 205)-IfSpeed Call is to be employed, refer to Section MITL9105/ 911 o-98-220. Page 2 To enter the information contained in each table the button shown at the top of the column must be pressed and the code number dialed. An example is shown in Fig. 3-1, Typical Programming Entry. 3.08 Table 3-1 is a list of all forms included in Mite1 publication SX-lOO/SX-200 Installation Forms. The number of pages of each type of form is also included. _- SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-205 I FEATURE DIAL 1-42 ACCESS CODES I To assign feature access codes. (4) (1) Press FEATURE button. ASSIGN AND DIAL ACCESS CODES ENTER c l Dial the access code to be assigned to the feature (2) Dial feature number (range i-42). (5) Press the ENTER button to store the information entered. (3) Press ACCESS CODE button. (6) Repeat steps (1) through (5) as required. Fig. 3-l Typical Programming Entry TABLE 3-l INSTALLATION FORMS Title Number of Forms 4 Customer Changes 3 System Options 1 Features 2 Class of Service Options 16 Extensions* 2 Hunt Groups 6 Non Dial-In Trunks 6 Dial-In Trunks* 6 DIDICCSA Trunks 2 Trunk Groups Multi Digit Toll Control Outline Forms Toll Control 4 TCl 4 TC2 6 TC3 1 TC4 6 TC5 2 Absorb Plan (Note 1) 3 Class of Restriction (Note 1) 5 Control Plan (Note 1) 1 2 Restriction Tables (Note 1) 6 4 Entry Restriction Table 6 20 Range Restriction Table 800 Range Restriction Table Speed Call Forms 1 SC1 (Note 2) 1 SC2 (Note 2) 2 Trunk Card Switch Settings CO Trunks 6 Trunk Card Switch Settings E & M/Tie Trunks 6 Trunk Card Switch Settings DID/Tie Trunk Card * Includes column for Multi-Digit Toll Control Generic 2041Up. For further information see Section MITL9105/9110-98-212. Note 1: These forms are peculiar to Multi-Digit Toll Control Generic 2041Up. Note 2: These forms are peculiar to Speed Call Generic 205. Page3 i SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-205 APPENDIX 1 EQUIPMENT AND BUSY LAMP NUMBERS AND PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES 1. GENERAL Al.01 The equipment numbers used in the SX-100 and SX-200 are shown in Fig-Al-l,and the field numbering in Fig. Al-2. PLUG1 161 169 177 185 PLUG9 193 2 0 1 EL ES PLUG11 1 209 217 225 233 241 249 3. EZ busy Iamp z. f5z I 1 sHELF2(%200ONLY) DUALANDORQUAD RECEIVER EQUIPMENT NUMBERS QUAD RECEIVER EQUIPMENT NUMBERS NOTES: 1. EQUIPMENT POSITION 001 IS RESERVED FORTHETEST LINE AND MUST THEREFORE BE EQUIPPED WITH A LINE CARD. 2,TRUNKEQUlPMENTNUMBERISSAMEASlNDlVlDUALTRUNKACCESSCODE. Fig. Al-l Hardware/Equipment Numbering Al-l j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-205 l 1 2 ooooooooo 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 l ooooo~oeo 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 l oooeoo~oo 61 62 l 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ooooeoooo 91 92 9 3 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 eo9ooooooo 130 121122 1 2 3 124125126127128129 Fig. Al-2 Al.02 Busy Lamp Position Numbering Error codes and confirm codes, which may appear as console displays during programming, are respectively described in Tables Al-l and Al-2, Al-3, Al-4 and Al-5 Al.03 Standard and Extended Programming Overlays appear in Fig. Al-3. Al.04 Before a system can be initially programmed, the RAM (and the extended RAM if applicable) must be initialized. Until the RAM(s) have been initialized system diagnostics may present an error E021---at the console. Al.05 Refer to Fig. Al-4 for the proper initialization procedure of the RAM (Standard Programming). Refer to Fig. Al-5 for the proper initialization procedure of the RAM (Extended Programming). Al.08 Refer to Fig. Al-6 to enter or exit programming (Extended or Standard). Al-2 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-205 TABLE Al-l STANDARD PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES Error code Cause Key affected Key flashing EO Invalid key pressed. ALL None El Invalid number. None E2 Key other than LAMP TEST, ENTER or CANCEL TENANT, OPTION pressed. COS DEFINE, FEATURE EXTN NUMBER, HUNT GROUP, TRUNK GROUP, NEXT, EQPT NUMBER ENTER, CANCEL E3 Access code has not been entered. HUNT GROUP TRUNK GROUP ACCESS CODE E4 The extension number or access code entered is already assigned. EXTN, ACCESS CODE None E5 EXTN NUMBER Number entered contains incorrect ACCESS CODE number of digits or conflicting option enabled in this COS. None E6 Incorrect equipment EQPT NUMBER number entered. None ALL Meaning Action Required The last key pressed is invalid Check procedure and press at this time. correct key. The number entered is out Press key associated with of range or contains entry and re-enter number. corrupted data. An attempt was made to leavepress ENTER to transfer the the current mode after some data to permanent store or parameters were changed CANCEL to remove the data but before ENTER or CANCEL from the temporary store. were pressed. ENTER may be used to write the new programming information back to the non-volatile RAM or use CANCEL to ignore all programming changes made since the last time ENTER was pressed. In Trunk mode an attempt Press ACCESS CODE key an is made to delete a member enter required access code. of a trunk group. Equipment Numbers desired must be entered. Check code entered. In Trunk Group mode an at1 If code is correct, terminate tempt is made to place a entry, remove other appear trunk into a trunk group while ante of code and re-enter that trunk is currently proall new data. grammed into another trunk 2 If code is incorrect, press group. key associated with entry Attempting to enter members and re-enter extension into a Hunt or Trunk group number or access code. before an access code has been assigned to the group. The extension number or access code entered is already assigned to an extension, feature, hunt group or trunk group. Callback and Executive Override conflict, i.e. trying to enter a Callback code while same code assigned to Executive Busy Override and vice-versa. The extension number or Check entry. Press key access code is in conflict associated with entry and with the existing numbering re-enter number. plan. Attempting to add an option to a COS in which a conflicting option is enabled. Attempting to add a System Option when a conflicting COS option exists. Attempting to assign an Remove conflicting option equipment number that is: (a) Assign equipment l undefined number correctly l defined as a trunk to (b) ,E$aa;rew equipment an extension hunt group or extension l defined as an extension to a trunk group or a trunk l an extension with message registration to hunt group or pickup group An equipment number assigned to an extension must be deleted as an extension before being programmed as a trunk. An equipment number assigned to a trunk must be deleted as a trunk before being programmed as an extension (Generic 20411~~). Al-3 SECTION MITL910519110-98-205 TABLE Al-l (Cont’d) STANDARD PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES Error code Cause E7 System is busy. E8 E9 Extension has a message register that is not zeroed or has a message waiting, or has Do Not Disturb set. Trunk or equipment number already assigned. Key affected Key flashing ENTER, TENANT None Action Required (a)Attempting to initialize system while PABX is in use. (b)Attempting to change data of an extension or trunk while that extension or trunk is in use. It must be idle or busied-out. l a valid message register exists for this extension l extension has a message waiting or Do Not Disturb set (a) Wait until system is idle (b) Wait until extension or trunk is idle ENTER None ENTER None Attempting to assign a trunk or equipment number to more than one tenant at the same time. (a) Key proper trunk or equipment number (b) Press ENTER None Ones and Zeros test failed prior to initializing NonVolatile RAM. RAM programmed in Generic 202 or 203 is used with Generic 2041~~ Go to Section M ITL91051911 o-98-350 In Tenant Service, pressing the Hunt Group key when all hunt groups are assigned to other tenants, In Tenant Service, pressing the Trunk Group key when all trunk groups are assigned to other tenants. In Tenant Service, attempting to put an extension assigned to one tenant into a hunt group of a different tenant. In Tenant Service, attempting to put a trunk assigned to one tenant into a trunk group of a different tenant. In Tenant Service, entering a hunt group number assigned to a different tenant (after pressing HUNT GROUP). In Tenant Service, Trunk Group Programmrng, selecting an overflow group that belongs to another tenant. In Tenant Service, entering a trunk group number assigned to a different tenant (after pressing TRUNK GROUP). Non-Volatile RAM ENTER error. E022-22 At Power up Meaning None Zero message register, reset message waiting or Do Not Disturb and reprogram Non-Volatile RAM must be initialized and/or reprogrammed _- Al-4 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-205 TABLE Al-2 STANDARD PROGRAMMING CONFIRM CODES Confirm code Key affected Flashing lamp Attempting to assign an equipment number for an extension to a slot containing a trunk card EQPT NUMBER CONFIRM Attempting to assign an equipment number for a trunk to an empty slot or a slot containing an extension card. EQPT NUMBER CONFIRM Cl Attempting to assign an extension that already exists EXTN NUMBER CONFIRM Check assignment l if correct press CONFIRM key. The extension number entered is accepted as the extension number for the equipment being defined. ALL data associated with the original appearance of the extension number is removed. l if incorrect press EXTN NUMBER and re-enter extension number. c2 T h e b u s y l a m p asslgment already exists BUSY LAMP CONFIRM Check assignment l if correct press CONFIRM key. Busy lamp assignment is accepted for this equipment. All data associated with original assignment is removed l if incorrect press BUSY LAMP and re-enter busy lamp assignment. co Cause Action Check assignment l if correct press CONFIRM key. Equipment number entered is accepted as the number for the equipment type being programmed. All data associated with the original appearance of the equipment number is removed l if incorrect press EQPT NUMBER and re-enter new equipment number TABLE Al-3 TOLL CONTROL PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES Applies to: Error Meaning EO All modes Invalid key pressed. Consult MAP for correct procedure. El Absorb Plan mode Trunk Group mode Control Plan mode Number is not within the range of the parameter being defined. Re-enter parameter key defined. E2 All modes An attempt was made to leave the current mode after some parameters were changed but before ENTER or CANCEL was pressed. ENTER may be used to write the new programming information back to the non-volatile RAM or use CANCEL to ignore all programming changes made since the last time ENTER was pressed. Al-5 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-205 TABLE Al-3 (Cont’d) TOLL CONTROL PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES Error Applies to: E3 Control Plan mode Table mode E4 Table mode Meaning The table number entered is not valid for the current configuration. Re-enter a number which exists for the configuration of the extended nonvolatile customer RAM. The table entry code is invalid for the table programmed. This occurs in the following situation: E5 Table mode E6 Not used in extended programming E7 Configuration mode E8 Not used in extended programming E9 Configuration mode 1. A code of more than 3 digits in length for an 800.entry or 20-range table. 2. A code not in the range of 200-999 for an 800-entry table. 3. A code which already exists or a code which would be ambiguous in conjunction with the existing table entries, for a 4-entry table. The table is full and cannot hold the entry. Configuration is not allowed because the Tone Control card switches are not 7776 or the system is not idle. A hardware failure was detected while clearing the extended customer non-volatile RAM. TABLE Al-4 TOLL CONTROL PROGRAMMING CONFIRM CODES Error C5 Applies To: Control Plan mode Table mode C6 Al -6 Table mode Meaning An attempt was made to assign a table which is currently assigned elsewhere. Pressing the confirm key will de-assign the table from wherever it was previously assigned to assign it to the specified place. A request has been made to delete all entries in a table. If CONFIRM is pressed all entries will be deassigned. The old data in the non-volatile RAM will not be destroyed until the ENTER key is pressed, and the table itself can be reprogrammed as desired before the ENTER key is used. __ r SECTION M ITL9105/911 O-98-205 TABLE Al-5 SPEED CALL PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES Error Applies To: Meaning El EQPT NUMBER The equipment number entered is outside the range of valid numbers El NUMBER REDIAL An invalid number redial value was entered E3 TABLE E4 ACCESS NUMBER An attempt was made to enter an access number for a common-use table E4 NUMBER REDIAL An attempt was made to enter a number redial digit for a common-use table E5 ACCESS NUMBER The access number entered already exists for another table assigned to the same equipment number E5 NUMBER REDIAL Number redial already exists for another table assigned to the same equipment number, (only 1 number redial attribute per user is allowed) E6 SPEED CALL The Configuration of the extended NV RAM does not include the speed call feature The table number entered is not consistent with that allowed for the current configuration of the extended NV RAM 1’ (a) Basic Programming Fig. Al=3 Programming Overlays SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-205 (b) Extended Programming Fig. Al-3 Al-8 Programming Overlays (cont’d) SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-205 I CAUTION ONE OFTHE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES MUST BE PERFORMED FOR STANDARD PROGRAMMING OFTHE SYSTEM SEESECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210. SELECT PROGRAMMING MODESTANDARD OR EXTEND- ED THEN PERFORM ONE OFTHE FOLLOWING STEPS IF THESYSTEM ISTO BECOMPLETELY PROGRAMMED TO CHANGE FROM MULTI-TENANT SERVICE TO SINGLE TENANT SERVICE OR TO ORIGINALLY PROGRAM SINGLE TENANT SERVICE (INITIALIZE) SETTHUMBWHEEL SWITCHESTO 7776 PRESS m H Fd;;{%&$iON T;;;;KI -> SET THUMBWHEEL SWITCHESTO 777X (WHERE XIS THE PROGRAMMING CONSOLE) /I, PRESS TO ORIGINALLY SET-UP MULTI-TENANT SERVICE OR CHANGE FROM SINGLE TENANT SERVICE TO MULTI-TENANT SERVICE. SET THUMBWHEEL SWITCHES TO 7776 PRESS m m ~i?;~t;%&DN SET THUMBWHEEL SWITCHESTO 777X (WHEREX IS THE PROGRAMMING CONSOLE) PRESS q NOTEl: m LAMP TEST IFTENANTSERVICEIS REQUIRED,THIS STEP MUSTBEDONE BEFOREANYOTHERSTEPS.IFA SYSTEMISTOBECHANGEDFROM NON-TENANTTOTENANTSERVICE,THEMEMORYMUSTBE INITIALIZED AND ALL DATA RE-ENTERED. STARTING WITH THE ABOVE STEP. IT IS RECOMMENDEDTHATALLDATA FOR ONETENANT BE ENTERED BEFORECHANGINGTENANTS. Fig. Al.4 Initialization of RAM (Standard Programming) Page Al-.9 ’ SECTION M ITL9105/911 O-98-205 CAUTION THE DATA OF THE FOLLOWING FORMS CAN BE ENTERED AFTER THE CONSOLE HAS BEEN PLACED IN THE DESIRED PROGRAMMING MODE (STANDARD OR EXTENDED) TO ENTER STANDARD PROGRAMMING MDDE: SET THUMBWHEEL SWITCHES TO 777X WHERE X = THE PROGRAMMING CONSOLE PRESS q LAMP TEST LAMP TEST LEO LIT OR DIAL FEATURE ACCESS CODE FOR FEATURE NUMBER 29 FROM THE CONSOLE (GENERIC 204/lJP) TO ENTER EXTENDED PROGRAMMING MODE: ENTER STANDARD PROGRAMMING PRESS NEXT c LAMP TEST LED FLASHES l TO TERMINATE EXTENDED PROGRAMMING MODE. PRESS NEXT c LAMP TEST LEO LIT SOLID SYSTEM IS IN STANDARD PROGRAMMING MODE l TO TERMINATE STANDARD PROGRAMMING MODE: IF THE SYSTEM WAS PUT IN STANDARD PROGRAMMING MODE WITH FEATURE NUMBER 29 . PRESS IF THE SYSTEM WAS PUT IN STANDARD PROGRAMMING MODE BY CHANGING THE THUMBWHEEL SWITCHES PRESS SET THUMBWHEEL SWITCHES TD 7780 c LAMP TEST LAMP TEST III l LAMP TEST LED UNLIT SYSTEM OUT OF PROGRAMMING MODE LAMP TEST LEO UNLIT SYSTEM OUT OF PROGRAMMING MODE .Fig. Al-5 Page Al-10 Initialization of Extended RAM (Generic 2041~~) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-205 CAUTION THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE MUSTBE PERFORMED WHEN COMPLETELY PROGRAMMING THESYSTEM A. THE SYSTEM MUST BE IN STANDARD PROGRAMMING MODE 8. THE SYSTEM MUST HAVE BEEN INITIALIZED IN STANDARD PROGRAMMING (FIG. Al-4) C. SELECTTHE EXTENDED PROGRAMMINGOVERLAY PRESS NEXT c PRESS SET CONFIG n PRESS THETHUMBWHEEL SWITCHES TO 7776 l ENTER DIAL SINGLE DIGIT CONFIGURATION CODE-(SEE NOTE 2) .I . *: I ; x-.-- PRESS RESET BUTTON ON THESCANNERCARD (THE SYSTEM A WILLEXIT FROM PROGRAMMING) 0 . PRESS LAMP TEST 0 PRESS NEXT THE SYSTEM IS NOWIN EXTENDED PROGRAMMING 0 NOTE 1:INITIALIZATION IS NOT POSSIBLE IF SYSTEM IS IN USE NOTE 2:IN GENERIC AVAILABLE: 1. ,,.*< I 204/205 SYSTEMSTHEREARE AUTOMATICWAKEUPANDTOLL FOUR CONFIGURATIONS CONTROL STANDARD (2040NLY) TOLLCONTROL STANDARD AND SPEEDCALL STANDARD(205ONLY) 3.' TOLLCONTROL BASIC AND SPEEDCALL '.. _ 4. TOLLCONTROL EXTENDED(204 ONLY) Fig. Al-8 EXTENDED(205ONLY) Enter or Exit Programming Page Al-11 CUSTOMER CHANGES MiTEL CUSTOMER NAME: CUSTOMER SITE: DATE OF CHANGE SERVICE PERSON / .,.., .,. TYPE OF CHANGE REMARKS SYSTEM OPTIONS b[ I -1 0 ADD DIAL O P T I O N ,$;;;R cl OPTION NUMBER OPTION NAME I I DISCRIMINATING RINGING OPTION OPTION NAME 100 ./’ ATTENDANT CO TRUNK-CO TRUNK CONNECT ENABLE 129 TRANSFER DIAL TDNF ATTENDANT CO TRUNK-NON CO TRUNK CONNECT ENABLE 130 FLEXIBLE NIGHT SERVICE ATTENDANT NON CO TRUNK-NON CO TRUNK CONNECT I”3 ENABLE TAFAS AVAILABLE DURING DAY I 104 CONTROLLED OUTGOING RESTRICTION SET-UP 132’ OUTGOING TRUNK CAMP-ON 105 CONTROLLED STATION RESTRICTION SET-UP 133’ 106 CONTROLLED STATION TO STATION RESTRICTION SET-UP NIGHT SERVICE AUTOMATIC SWITCHING 1 OUTGOING TRUNK CALLBACK 1 CAN FLASH IF TALKING TO AN INCOMING TRUNK I 107 -1 i 111 134’ ATTENDANT DISA CODE SET-UP ENABLE I i35 II CAN FLASH IF TALKING TO AN OUTGOING TRUNK 108 LIMITED WAIT FOR DIAL TONE 136 CAN FLASH IF TALKING TO STATION 109 MESSAGE WAITING SET-UP (LAMP) 137’ I CANNOT DIAL A TRUNK AFTER FLASHING 110 MESSAGE WAITING SET-UP (BELL) 138’ I CANNOT DIAL A TRUNK AFTER FLASHING IF HOLDING 1OR IN CONFERENCE WITH A TRUNK I I 111 I 117 I ATTENDANT TIMFD RFCAI I CAMP-IIN - 71% ..~ .-- _..^... - _.. -- ---.. 1 Al ItNUANl IlMtU HtCALL - CAMP-ON 40s I ( C A L L FORWARDING DON’T ANSWER TIMEOUT I (100-234) ATTENDANT I 139 ~~ I I 118 TRUNK, CCSA) ATTENDANT 119 CALL FORWARDING - DON’T ANSWER (SYSTEM, DID. DIAL-IN 17” 1-1 TIE TRUNK, CCSA) 121 PARK AND CALL-HOLD RECALL - 2 MINUTES 151 BELL OFF ENABLE 122 PARK AND CALL-HOLD RECALL - 4 MINUTES 152 PAGE BUTTON ENABLE 123 END’OF DIAL SIGNAL FOR OUTGOING TRUNKS (#) 153 NEW CALL TONE ENABLE 124 24 HOUR CLOCK 154 BOTH MODE STANDARD 125 CONFERENCE CALLBACK BUTTON ENABLE I ‘-, .! : 126 TRUNK BUSY-OUT ENABLE 127 BOTH BUTTON ENABLE 128 ‘1 CALL FORWARDING BUSY (SYSTEM, DID. DIAL-IN TIE ATTENDANT CAMP-ON 1 ATTENDANT BUSY OVERRIDE I ATTENDANT SERIAL GALL 1 140 ’ ) ‘: <.: / ,’ I \, -2 . I I 1 I I FIRST DIGIT TOLL DENY MESSAGE REGISTRATION ENABLE ‘) MESSAGE REGISTRATION: COUNT ADDITIONAL SUPERVISIONS F----/--I ,283 4 r---,,I,, I I, I I I I SYSTEM OPTIONS 1OPTioN 1 OPTION NUMBER OPTION NAME MESSAGE REGISTRATION: TIMER 158' = 20 SECONDS AUTOMATIC WAKEUP PRINT MESSAGE REGISTRATION: MULTIPLIER = 2 UNITS 16P MESSAGE REGISTRATION: SURCHARGE = 8 UNITS 163' PRINT ENABLE MESSAGE REGISTRATION: SURCHARGE = 7 UNITS 164' IGNOREPRINTENABLE MESSAGE REGISTRATION: SURCHARGE = 6 UNITS 165* REMOTF SYSTFM RFSFT SURCHARGE = 5 UNITS 166. MESSAGE REGISTRATION: MESSAGE I I 178' REGISTER&MESSAGE - - CHANGE I 19Lw - PRDTFCTION IQ,,' .I. flVFRRlnF - -. .--- .“-‘--“-‘.-.-““‘-- TRUNKTO TRUNK CONNECT ENABLE I T,, I CnNTR”, 210t* SYSTEM ID ENABLE 211t* FLASH TIMING = 0.7 SECONDS 180' NlGHTBELL3WlTH FLASH TIMING = 0 9 SECONDS 181* FLASH TIMING = 1.1 SECONDS TRUNK RECALL PARTIAL INHIBIT RESERVED RESERVED .I ' 1 I /.' / MINOR ALARM ENABLE 213t** 182' WAKE-UPALARM 214" 183' RESERVED 164 185 -.SPFFII - - - -,r.i,.__ I FNPR, -,.,, ILLF SPFF” ENABLE CA, I PR”GRdMMINC 216t FNdRl F 186 -, -_I -I.-L ll,.. ."- ,.,,,, L I.Y,.,YLII RESERVED 187 RESERVED RESERVED 188 STATION MESSAGE DETAIL RECORDING RESERVED 189 OUTGOING CALLS 220t AUTOMATIC WAKEUP ENABLE 190" STATION MESSAGE DETAIL RECORDING INCOMINGCALLS 221t I I 215 RESERVED :?I ?fi @. .e -- 212t PRINTOUTS: EXTRA LINE FEEDS I I I ATTENDANT PRINTER CONTR( IL ENABLE “ _ k-+ \A--- 19Bt' 179' I "1 ATTENDANT STATION BUSY-OUT ENABLE II WAITING 195"' 1 EXTENSION NON-CO MlllTIDlRlT 1 SINGLE DIGIT DIALING TIME-OUT = 5 SECONDS OPTION NUMBER OPTION NAME yly, L-, L,."VLL LI", 219t ., b, : .. SYSTEM OPTIONS Fi cl OPTION ADD DIAL OPTION NUMBER (100-234) c l OPTION NAME NOTES 3MDR: DROPlNCOMPLETEOUTGOlNG CALLS TO DELETE SYSTEM OPTIONS 2257 ~MDR:RECDRDONLYlNCOMlNGCOCALLS(CCSA&NONDlALTIETRUNKS)226t jMDR: DROPCALLS OF LESS THAN 8 DIGITS 2277 XCRIMINATING 22at DIAL TONE SPECIAL ANI FEATURE 229t XCOIJNT CODEENABLE 230t \CCOUNT CODE LENGTH:4 DIGITS 231t \CCOUNT CODE LENGTH: 8 DIGITS 232t \CCOUNTCODE IARIABLE AFTER ALL REQUIREDOPTIONS HAVE BEEN REMOVED ENTER c l TO REVIEW SYSTEM OPTIONS LENGTH: 12 DIGITS LENGTH 234t ACCOUNTCODES I I I I I 1 I I II II I I I I AFTER ALL OPTIONS ARE ADDED I I I I I 'GENERIC 203/UP **GENERIC 204 BUTNOT t' GENERIC 204AND 205 t GENERIC 205 BUTNOT I I * FEATURES H y;; lqAs;!gJD m DESCRIPTION ATTENDANT FEATURE ACCESS CALLBACK-DON'T NUMBER :' 1 ANSWER CALL FORWARD-BUSY CALL FORWARD DON'T CALL FORWARD FOLLOW ANSWER ME I CALL RETRIEVE (REMOTE1 2 ROOM STATUS UPDATE(MAID 3 PROGRAMMING 4 ALARM !: ') ..' 5 SECURITY I 77’ _. IN ROOM) 28' CODE ACCOUNTCODE 31tt SPEED CALL 32tt DIAL CALL PICKUP 7 DIRECTED CALL PICKUP 8 ASSIGN ACCESS CODES 33.42TOTRUNK TRUNK GROUP 1lFNECESSARY MEET-ME 9 TRUNKGROUP ACCESS CODE33 I 10 ACCESS CODE 34 ACCESS CODE 35 35*t 12 TRUNKGROUP ACCESS CODE 36 36.T 13 TRUNKGROUP ACCESS CODE 37 37*t CODE 38 38't HOLDPICKUPACCESS PAGER 1 AND 2 pJ!( TAFAS 1 !~,',' ,s;,, \'t; 1 TAFAS 3 I I 1 14 i/ TAFAS 2 I 7 TRUNK 15 TRUNKGROUP ifi TRUNK I I I 17 ATTENDANT FUNCTION MAINTENANCE 18 FUNCTION GROUP 19 DID ATTENDANT ACCESS CODE 20 DIRECT INWARD SYSTEM ACCESS 21 EXECUTIVE BUSY OVERRIDE (SINGLE DIGIT)". 22 CAL LBACK BUSY (SINGLE DIGIT)*** 23 ,p. .f. 4‘< :. ,.$A '. GROUP ACCESS CODE 41.t 42*t ACCESS CODE42 204/UP I i' --. I GENERICS 204AND 205 t GENERlC204ONLY **GENERIC I 40*t TRUNK 't 203/UP 34*t TRUNKGROUP ACCESS CODE41 GROUP I 39.t 40 t 'GENERIC I ACCESSCOOE39 ACCESS I 33-t TRUNKGROUP 11 TAFAS ALL I TRUNKGROUP PAGER 2 ; ., xl*' -- 6 PAGER 1 .'i 29" CALL CALL PARK CONFERENCE I I ‘2 I 7 **' FIRST DIGIT CONFLICTALLOWEDWITH OTHER ACCESS CODES tt GENERIC205 I I . , . I CLASS OFSERVICEOPTIONS TO CHANGE ANYOPTION FOR ACOS r __--_--___-____-___________________ I DlALOPTlONNUMBER33-94PRESS L--------- ._______ * ____________-_______________________ ----- ----- -___--__---_-_-- TO REVIEW THE OPTIONS WITHIN A COS NOTE: AN EXTENSION OR TRUNKCAN NOT CHANGE ITS COSIFTHE EXTENSION OR TRUNKISBUSY,HASMESSAGEWAlTlNGORDONOTDlSTURBSET.ITALSOCAN NOT BECHANGED UNLESSTHE MESSAGE REGISTER IS CLEARED. l * GENERIC 203/UP * GENERIC 204 t GENERIC 205 I TOENABLE ---_ -__---__---_-___--_-___________________ REPEATFOREACHOPTIONINTHECOS - ________________________ - ---- - -----, ---- - ---- -----_~ IN THAT COS HAVE BEEN DEFINED - _----- - _____________--__ :. EXTENSIONS APPLIES TO GENERIC 203 AN0 ABOVE IF TENANT SERVICE IS IN USE ALL ENTRIES MADE ARE ASSIGNED TO THE TENANT NUMBER DIALED c NAME I 1 TENANT NUMBER EQPT NUMBER l DIAL l-112 OR 161-256 (SEE NOTE 1) TD ENTER EXTENSION PROGRAMMING PRESS L DE DIAL CODE c SEEONROTES 2, 3, OR 4 cos NUMBER l DIAL l-16 EXTN - 1 l DIAL l-150 OR q BUSY LAMP NUMBER c DELETE c I I NOTES’ 1 . EQUIPMENT NUMBERS 161-256 APPLIES TO SX-200 ONLY 4. TO SEE THE NEXT EQPT NUMBER ASSIGNED AS AN EXTENSION: 2. TO ASSIGN NON CONFLICTING SINGLE DIGIT DIRECTORY NUMBER ENTER N#. WHEN N IS THE SINGLE DIGIT. 5 COR 1-3 APPLIES ONLY, IF TOLL CONTROL (GENERIC 204/UP) IS USED 3. TO REMOVE EXTENSION PROGRAMMING / PICKUP GROUP DIAL l-50 OR l q DELETE l ’ HUNT GROUPS APPLIES TO GENERIC 203 AND ABOVE IF TENANT SERVICE IS IN USE ALL ENTRIES MADE ARE ASSIGNED TO THE TENANT NUMBER DIALED H 4'f4' r;;;;"] I (EXTENSION INFORMATION MUST BE ENTERED BEFORE HUNT GROUP DATA) TENANT NUMBER DIAL CODE OR cl HUNT GROUP DIAL 1-12 PRESS N,$f-ER BEFORE DIALING EACH c DELETE l-l TO SEETHEEOUIPMENTNUMBERS ClJARENTLYINAHUNTGROLlP m N$ER 14 m ERUIPMENT NUMBER ENTRY AFTER LAST ENTRY IN EACH GROUP PRESS l q ENTER TO MAKEACHANGETOAHUNTGROLlP,THE LISTOF MEMBERS MUST BE RE-ENTEREDJN. DIVIDUAL M E M B E R S C A N N O T B E DELETEDOR GHANGED.THE EXISTING GROUP LIST IS A U T O M A T I C A L L Y D E L E T E D W H E N Y O U S T A R T T D E N T E R A NEWONE E . . . FORCIRCULAR H U N T G R O U P S FIRSTAND LASTNUMBERS MUST BE IDENTICAL. I T O S E 6 A L L H U N T GRDUPS ~. NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS APPLIES TO GENERIC 203 AND ABOVE ALL ENTRIES IFTENANT SERVICE IS IN USE MADEAREASSIGNEDTO THETENANT NUMBER DIALED TO ENTERTRUNK PROGRAMMING PRESS III TRUNK SEE NOTE 3 DIAL Z-112 OR 162-256 LDN NUMBER TYPE c (SEENOTE4) DIAL 1, 5, 11. 51 OR l DELETE c q LDN NUMBER DIAL 1-4 l (SEENDTE4) DIAL #O-x3 OR x1-*12 OR I-112 OR 161-256 El NIGHT 1 [SEENOTE4) DIAL #O-#3 OR *i-*12 OR l-112 OR 161 256 #O-#3 OR *i-*12 OR l-112 16pp256 cl BUSY LAMP NUMBER I NOTES: 1 EOUIPMENT 2 N U M B E R S 162.256APPLYTOSX-ZOOONLY ONLY EVEN EOUIPMENT TO TRUNKS NUMBERS MAY BE ASSIGNED 3 TYPE 1 = STANDARDEOTHWAY COTRUNKVNL TYPE 5 = NON DIAL IN TIETRUNK (NON CO)VNL TYPE 11 = STANDARD BOTHWAY CO TRUNK NON VNL ‘) TYPE 51 = NON DIAL IN TIETRUNK (NON CO)NON VN, G E N E R I C 202TYPE 4 #II CONSOLEONLY #i -CONSOLE AND NIGHT BELL 1 #2 CONSOLEANDNIGHT BELL 2 !43 CONSOLE AND NIGHT BELL 3 5 T O REMOVEATRUNKASSIGNMENT (NOTE. TRUNK MUST FIRST BE REMOVEDFROM TRUNK GROUP] C O D E D I S P L A Y D E F A U L T S T O 1W H E N T R U N K I S D E L E T E D Xl-Xl2ASSlGNSTHETRUNKTOTHE HUNTGROUPSELECTED 1-112, 161-256 ASSIGNS THE TRUNK TO THE SPECIFIED EXTENSION 6. TO SEETHE AS ATRUNK: NEXT EDUIPMENT NUMBER PROGRAMMED l-15a OR q ENTER 4 DIAL-IN TRUNKS APPLIES TO GENERIC 203 AN0 ABOVE IFTENANTSERVICEIS IN USE ALL ENTRIES MADEAREASSIGNEOTDTHETENANT NUMBER DIALED I 1 TENANT NUMBER TO PROGRAMMING PRESS TRUNK L SEENOTE DIAL Z-112 OR 162-256 LDN NUMBER ENTERTRUNK - 1 l BUSqY I DIAL 2, 4, 21, OR 41 OR DELETE c cos NUMBER cl DIAL l-16 i-150 OR r-l LAMP NUMBER ENTER l NOTES: 1. EOUIPMENT NUMBERS 162-256 APPLIES TO SX-200 ONLY 2 . E V E N EOUIPMENT NUMBERS ONLY MAY GE ASSIGNED TO TRUNKS TYPE 2 = DIRECT INWARD SYSTEM ACCESS VNL TYPE 4 = DIAL IN TIE TRUNK (NON CO) VNL TYPE 21 = DIRECT INWARO SYSTEM ACCESS NON VNL TYPE 41 = DIAL IN TIE TRUNK (NON CO) NON VNL 4 TO REMOVE A TRUNK ASSIGNMENT: NOTE TRUNK MUST FIRST GE REMOVE0 FROM TRUNK GROUP cl EQPT NUMBER E;dk&;T [=I G E N E R I C 202-02 T Y P E C O D E D I S P L A Y D E F A U L T S T O 1W H E N T R U N K I S D E L E T E D . I[ 5. TO SEE THE NEXT EOPT NUMBER ASSIGNED AS A TRUNK bi Fi . . 6. COR l-3 APPLIES ONLY, IF TOLL CONTROL (GENERIC 204/UP) IS USED . ..; APPLIESTO GENERIC ALL ENTRIES DIDICCSA TRUNKS 203ANDABOVE IFTENANTSERVICE IS IN USE MADEAREASSIGNEDTOTHETENANT (GENERIC 203/UP) NUMBER DIALED TOENTERTRUNKPROGRAMMINGPRESS I I TENANT NUMBER SEE I NOTE3 DIAL DIAL Z-110 OR 162-254 LDN NUMBER I TRUNK 17 I/C 3136i?61 (SEE NOTES 1 AND 2) r DELETE DIAL l-150 OR DIAL NMX CODE (NOTE 4) DELETE l c l 5. TO REMOVE A TRUNK ASSIGNMENT. ( T R U N K M U S T F I R S T B E R E M O V E D F R O M T R U N K G R O U P ) 1. EOUIPMENT NUMBERS 162-254 APPLY TO SX-200 ONLY 2. ALTERNATE EVEN NUMBERS ONLY MAY BE ASSIGNED TO OlDlCCSA TRUNKS 3. TYPE 3 = DID VNL TYPE 31 = DID NON VNL TYPE 6 = CCSA VNL ‘JYPE 61 = CCSA NON VNL 4. N = NUMBER OF DIGITS TO BE RECEIVED AFTER TRUNK IS SEIZED (l-9) M = NUMBER OF DIGITS TO BE ABSORBED AFTER TRUNK IS SEIZED (O-B) X = LEADING DIGIT TO BE INSERTED, IF REWIRED. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DIGITS IS 4 (3 IF TENANT SERVICE) AFiR ABSORPTION (M) AND ADDING A DIGIT (X). q EQPT NUMBER 6. TO .‘,‘. 5; ‘-, SEE ElU$k;T m m THE NEXT EOPT NUMBER ASSIGNED AS A TRUNK @4 MITEL TRUNK GROUPS APPLIES TO GENERIC 203ANOABOVE IFTENANT SERVICEISIN USE ALL ENTRIES MADEAREASSIGNEOTOTHETENANT NUMBER DIALED TO ENTERTRUNKGROUP PROGRAMMING PRESS . TENANT NUMBER cl TRUNK GROUP BEFOREDlALlNGEACHEOUlPMENTNUMBERENTRY DIAL l-12 3TES TO SEETHE TRUNKS IN ATRUNK GROUP: ~INER[~ F[ Fi . . l 6. TRUNK GROUPTYPEIS 4 DIGITS 1st DIGIT l-NO SUPERVISION Z-ANSWER SUPERVISION 3-TOLL REVERSAL 4-OUTGOING AUDIO INHIBITED UNTIL ANSWER SUPERVISION TIMEOUT OR # DIALLED (GENERIC203/UP) nnn TO SEEALLTRUNKGROUPS 1 'G",","u; I TO 1 1 nlAI NEXT 1 1 NExTJ n n l . l I 4th DIGIT I-CENTRAL OFFICE 2-NON-CO 3-IDENTIFIED TRUNK GROUP (NON-CO) 7. IFGENERIC 2030R HIGHER IS USED.THETRUNKSWlTHlNATRUNKGROUP MAY BE PROGRAMMED FOR EITHERTERMINALOR CIRCULAR HUNTING, IFTERMINAL HUNTING IS REQUIRED,ENTERTRUNK EQUIPMENT NUMBERSIN REQUIREDSEOIIFNCF IF CIRCULAR HUNTING IS REQUIRED MAKELASTTRUNK EQUIPMENT NUMBER THESAMEASTHE FIRSTTRUNK EQUIPMENT NUMBER. DELETETRUNKGROUP: TO MAKEACHANGETOATRUNKGROUP,THE LISTOF MEMBERS MUST BE RE-ENTEREDJNDIVIDUAL MEMBERS CANNOT BE DELETED OR CHANGED.THE EXCTC" I",ur~I ISTINGTRUNKGROUP LISTISAUTOMATICALL, \I nca YLLLILV VV~CIY wn,, IUV CT&"7 .,,nno Tn IV ENTER A NEWONE _____ 8. DOES NOT APPLY IF TOLL CONTROL(GENERIC 204/UP)IS USED SEE SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-212 OR TOLL CONTROL FORMSTHIS SECTION. ORIGINALANDOVERFLOWTRUNKGROUPS MUST BETHE SAMETYPEAND HAVE THE SAMETOLL RESTRICTION CHARACTERISTICS. IF GENERIC 202 IS USEDTHETRUNKSWITHIN AGROUP MAYONLY BE PROGRAMMEDFORCIRCULAR HUNTING. ;.i ::;i 3rd DIGIT I-ROTARY DIAL OFFICE, NO WAIT FOR DIAL TONE 2-ROTARY DIAL OFFICE, WAIT FOR DIAL TONE 3-TOUCH-TONE NO WAIT , T",,,.II --..- DIAL ^,., OFFICE, AvrlAr ,.,",1 7""FOR nl",DIAL Tr%.lrTONE 2nd DIGIT I-NO MESSAGE REGISTER Z-MESSAGE REGISTER (GENERIC 203/UP) 3-SMDRWITH MESSAGE REGISTER (GENERIC 205) 4-SMDR WITHOUT MESSAGE REGISTER (GENERIC 205) MlTEb - - - . , MULTI DIGIT TOLL CONTROL FORMS GENERICS 2041205 .- .- : _’ TOLL CONTROL- CONTROL PLAN DEFINITION TC-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ENTER A FOR BASIC ALLOWAL AND D FOR BASIC DENIAL IN COLUMNS 2.4. 5. 7 AND 8. ENTER A CONSECUTIVE NUMBER FOR EACH SET OF EXCEPTIONS IN COLUMNS 3.0 AND 9 IF APPLICABLE. ,- TOLL CONTROL - EXCEPTION LIST STRUCTURE 1. WRITE ALL NUMBERSOFTHE EXCEPTION LIST IN COLUMN 1. 2. WRITE ALL NUMBERS IN NUMERICAL ORDER OF THE FIRST THREE DIGITS (I.E. 613, 614, 615)IN COLUMN 2. 3. WRITE ALL NUMBERS IN NUMERICAL ORDER OFTHE SECONDTHREE DIGITS (I.E. 592. 593, 594)IN COLUMN 3. 4. WRITE ALL NUMBERS IN NUMERICAL ORDER OFTHE NEXT FOUR DIGITS (I.E. 4000, 4001, 4002)IN 1 EXCEPTION LIST CONTROLPLAN COLUMN 4 BASIC CONDITION SHEET COLUMN4 TOLL CONTROL -TABLE ALLOCATION TC-4 1. COMPLETE ALL REQUlREDTC3 OFTABLE3AND 4 REPRESENT FORMS. ALL NUMBER GROUPS OF COLUMN 2 REPRESENT ONETABLE. ALL NUMBER GROUPS ONETABLE(IFTHEY HAVE THE SAME PREVIOUS NUMBER GROUP IN COLUMN 2). 2. IDENTIFY NUMBER GROUPS WITH MORETHAN 3. IDENTIFYREMAINING NUMBER GROUPS WHICH HAVE A FIRST DIGIT OORl. DIGITS DOES NOT EXCEED 4 OTHERWISEALLOCATEA 20 RANGE TABLE. 4. ASSIGN ALL NUMBERS WHICH REQUIRE BOO ENTRYTABLES. ENSURETHAT ALL THE LOWERTABLES (4 ENTRY, 20 RANGE) HAVE BEEN FILLED. 3 DIGITSANDASSIGN A4-ENTRY TABLE FOR EACH SUCH GROUP. ALLOCATEA4-ENTRYTABLEIFTHE NUMBER OF TABLE ASSIGNMENTS TOLL CONTROL THIS FORM IS INTENDEDTO PROVIDE AN OVERVIEWOF THETABLE BOOENTRY # I CP I I ZORANGE I Ll I STRUCTURE USED FOR A PARTICULAR SYSTEM INSTALLATION. L2 I L3 I L4 I # I I I 5 B 25 S 6 B 26 S 7 B 27 E a S 28 E 9 S 29 E 33 B Basic s Standard E Extended CP....TO ENTER NIJMBEROF CONTROL PLAN THETABLE CP I S LX....X TC-5 4ENTRY Ll I L2 I L3 I I L4 I IS USED IN IS NUMBERDF LEVELOF EXCEPTION TABLE; ENTER TABLE NUMBERS OF PREVIOUS EXCEPTION TABLES AND MARK AN 'X'WHEREVER THE PARTICULAR TABLE IS USED. I.E. TABLE 5 IS USED IN CONTROL PLAN 5 AS AN EXCEPTION TO TABLE 22. WHICH IS AN EXCEPTION TO TABLE 1. E 72 E 73 ,lSlD q coiko~ ABSORB PLAN ABSORB DIAL PLAN 1 OR 2 c l ABSORB REPEAT c l DIAL REPEAT DIGITS ‘M;; 4) DIAL UNLOCK DIGITS ‘M;; 4) ABSORB PLAN NUMBER 1 ABSORB PLAN NUMBER 2 TO WE’,, GENERIC 205/lJP THE ABSORB PLANS’ PLAN NUMBER 1 OISPLAYEO PLAN NUMBER 2 DISPLAYED MITEL CLASS OF RESTRICTION (TRUNKGROUP) TRUNK GROUP c DIAL 1-12 l DIAL 1-2 OR q DIAL 1-3 COR DIAL 1-15 OR DELETE c l 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 q ENTER I\ CONTROL PLAN ICONTROL] q q ADD ADD DIAL l-15 OR q OR BASIC COND TABLE DIALl-5 (NOTEZ) cl DIAL 1-9 (800 ENTRY) 21-33 (20 RANGE) 51-73 (4 ENTRY) OR (NOTEl) 1 (0) 2 (I-XNX) 3(1-X0/1X) 4(XNX) 5(X0/1X) l(O) 2(1-XNX) 3(1-X0/1 X) 4(XNX) 5(X 0/1X) l(O) Z(l-XNX) 3(1-X0/1X) q 4(XNX) ENTER 5(X O/l X) OTE 1 q ADD q DELETE -ALLOW - ALL COOES OENYALLCODES EXCEPTTHOSE EXCEPTTHOSE LISTED LISTED IN IN THETABLE THE TABLE SPECIFIED TO REVIEW CONTROL PLAN ASSIGNMENTS SPECIFIED BASIC 'OT;'2 N IS ANY NUMBER 2-9 XIS ANY NUMBER O-9 ;,:i:.. DISPLAY CONDlTlON DISPLAY DISPLAY 1 BASIC CONDITION 2 BASIC CONDITION 3 ‘_ a. ‘... / 4 ENTRY EXCEPTION TABLE FROM BASIC CONDITION- CONTROL PLAN __ DRTABLENUMBER- THlSTABtELlSTS ALLTHECODES THATAREALLOWED THISTABLE ALLTHE CODESTHAT ARE LISTS DENlED ,, 0 IF AN EXCEPTION TABLE IS TO BE APPLIEDTO THIS ENTRY TO SEARCH FOR ASPECIFIC H A R E S H OE;;;y W N Tq Im N T H E DISPLAYTHE NEXT ENTRY IN AFTER . ENTRY AN ENTRY HAS BEEN TO DELETETHE ENTRY BEING OKSPLAYED NOTE: ANY OPERATION MAY BE PERFORMED IN ANY ORDER. IFTHEENTRY DOES NOT EXIST DASHES E N T R Y D I S P L A Y THETABLE SELECTED TO DELETE ALL ENTRIES FROM ATABLE 20 RANGE EXCEPTION TABLE FROM BASIC CONDITION- THIS TABLE LISTS ALL THE CODES THAT ARE ALLOWED CONTROL PLAN - OR TABLE NUMBER- q THIS TABLE LISTS ALL THE CODES THAT ARE DENIED 0 IF AN EXCEPTION TABLE IS TO BE APPLIED TO THIS ENTRY q ENTER TO SEARCH FOR A SPECIFIC ENTRY H A R E S H OE;;;y W N I [q N T H E T O &SPLAY T H E N E X T E N T R Y IN T H E T A B L E AFTER AN ENTRY HAS BEEN SELECTED NEXT c l TO DELETE THE ENTRY BEING DISPLAYED IF THE ENTRY DOES NOT EXIST DASHES E N T R Y D I S P L A Y . NOTE: ANYOPERATION MAY BE PERFORMED IN ANYOROER. TO DELETE ALL ENTRIES FROM A TABLE 800 ENTRY EXCEPTION TABLE FROM BASIC CONDITION- OR TABLE NUMBER- THIS TABLE LISTS ALL THE CODES THAT ARE ALLOWED 0 CONTROL PLAN - THIS TABLE LISTS ALL THE CODES THAT ARE DENIED IFAN EXCEPTION TABLE IS TO BEAPPLIEDTO TO SEARCH FOR A SPECIFIC ENTRY TO DELETE THE ENTRY BEING DISPLAYED IF THE ENTRY DOES NOT EXIST DASHES ARE SHOWN IN THE ENTRY DISPLAY. TO DISPLAY THE NEXT ENTRY IN THE TABLE AFTER AN INTRY HAS BEEN SEL EC TED THIS ENTRY NOTE: ANYOPERATION MAY BE PERFORMED IN ANYORDER. TO DELETE ALL ENTRIES FROM A TABLE SPEED CALL FORMS GENERIC 205 I’ .:. SPEED CALL TABLE ALLOCATIONS MITEL TABLE NUMBER ENTRY ACCESS 1 NUMBERS _COMMON -USE PERSONAL 16 85-89 17 90-94 18 95-99 NOTES: EQPT NUMBER FORM SC-I CLASSOFSERVICE REDIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 I.STRIKETHROUGH NUMBERSIN COMMON-USECOLUMN, IFTABLE ISTO BE A PERSONALTABLE;THEN ENTER NEWENTRYACCESS NUMBERSIN PERSONALCOLUMN. 2. CHECK (r/)IN REMAINING COLUMNS AS REQUIREDIN RESPECTTO EACH TABLE. _- 15 16 : 6, PERSONALTABLEPROGRAMMING FORMSC-2 (SYSTEM MUST BE IN EXTENDED PROGRAMMING) MITEL DIAL TABLE NO. DIAL Er IUIPMENT NO. (l-11 2 ; 161.256). FTF_ O F1 . nFI I___. OIAL ACCESS NO 1 1 7 3 4 3. The Saved Number Redial operation is initially omitted if not required. For subsequent programming see Notes 8 and 9. 4. Personal table data is programmed in Extended Programming Mode. See Section MITL9105/9110-98-210 Appendix 2 for full details. 7 a 5. The ENTER button may be pressed at any time to enter data, or pressed when all data is entered. 6. Removing a Personal table removes all its contents, Access Numbers and Redial value (if any). 7. To remove a Personal table; 8. To add a Redial attribute: 9. To remove a Redial attribute: 10. To change a Speed Call Access Number: SPEED CALL NUMBER RECORDS FORM SC-3 (Sheet 1 of 4) SPEED CALL FEATURE CODE SPEEDCALL NUMBER SPECIALSEQUENCES CAN BE ENTEREOATANY POINT IN THETELEPHONE NUMBER LISTING: * 1 OCCUPIES 1 DIGIT SPACE AND CAUSES A 5 SEC. PAUSE IN USE * 2 OCCUPIES 1 DIGIT SPACE AND CAUSES WAIT FOR DlALTONE(SYSTEM OPTION 136APPLIES) ABLES MANUALLY DIALED DIGITS TO BE ENTERED. 3 LISTING 1. YOUR NUMBERS INSTRUCTIONS TABLES AVAILABLE FOR USE ARE INDICATED ON THE FORM BYTHE INSTALLER.YOUR FEATURE ACCESS CODE AND CLASSES OF SERVICE HAVE BEEN ALSO ENTERED. 2. OPPOSITETHE FIRST AVAILABLE ENTRY ACCESS NUMBER, WRITE IN YOUR FIRST TELEPHONE NUMBER,lNCLUDlNGTHETRUNKGROUPACCESSCODE.YOU CAN USE SPECIAL SEQUENCES (SEE ABOVE). 3. WRITE IN THE NEXT ENTRY ACCESS NUMBER, UNDERTHE FIRST ENTRY NUMBER, USING A FRESH LINE AND CONTINUING WITH THE NEXTTELEPHONE NUMBER OPPOSITE THISSECOND ENTRY NUMBER. 4. COMPLETE YOUR LIST OF NUMBERS FOLLOWINGTHEABOVE PROCEDURE. HOWTO FOR USER(ATTENDANT) ENTER OR CHANGE A NUMBER 5. DIAL FEATURE ACCESS CODE. 6. DIAL 0. 7. DIAL ENTRY ACCESS NUMBER REQUIRED. 8. DIALTELEPHONE NUMBER FORTHAT ENTRY NUMBER. 9. PRESSTHE RELEASE BUTTON. IO. REPEATTHE ABOVE SEQUENCE FOR EACH OFTHE REMAINING ENTRIES ON THE LIST. HOWTD DELETE A NUMBER ,h 11. PERFORM STEPS 5 THROUGH 9 BUT OMIT STEP HOWTO DIAL A SPEED CALL NUMBER 12. DIAL FEATURE ACCESS CODE. SEE CONSOLEOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR OTHER DETAILS 13 DIAL ENTRY ACCESS NUMBER. 14. CALL PROCEEDSIN USUAL MANNER 8. MITEL SPEED CALL NUMBER RECORDS FORM SC-3(SHEET 2 OF 4) SPEED SPEED CALL NUMBER SPECIAL SEQUENCES CAN BE ENTEREDATANY POINT IN THE TELEPHONE NUMBER LISTING: * 1 OCCUPIES 1 DIGIT SPACE AND CAUSES A 5 SEC. PAUSE IN USE 45 a h CALL FEATURE CODE SPEED CALL NUMBER RECORDS FORM SC-3 (SHEET 3 OF 4) MITEL SPEED . CALL SPEED CALL NUMBER SPECIAL SEQUENCES CAN BE ENTEREDATANY POINT IN THETELEPHONE NUMBER LISTING. 2 2 E 1 50 9 70 13 ,/ 5 10 15 20 CODE DIGITS *lOCCUPlESl DlGlTSPACEANDCAUSESA5 SEC. PAUSE IN USE + 2 occupies I DIGIT SPACE AND CAUSES WAIT FOR DIALTONE (SYSTEM OPTION 136 APPLIES) *3QQ OCCUPIES 2 DIGIT SPACE AND ENABLES MANUALLY DIALED DIGITS TO BE ENTERED. QQ REPRESENTSTHE NUMBER OF DIGITSTO BE DIALED IN RANGE OiTO16. ENTRY ACCESS NUMBER FEATURE 25 28 3 E B m z 3 56 CALLED PARTY : TRUNK CARD SWITCH SETTINGS - CD TRUNK CARDS CARD SLOT NO: CARD SLOT NO: CARD SLOT NO: CARD SLOT NO: CARD SLOT NO: ,299 -* NOTES 1. EARLIER IRUNK CARDVERSIONS 00 NOT HAVE ALL SWITCHES LISTED ABOVE 2. CHECK APPROPRIATE COLUMN E.G. "BUSY" OR "IDLE" FOR DESIRED SETTING 3. SEE SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-ZOO APPENDIX SETTING TRUNK CARD SWITCHES. 5 FOR PROCEDURES USED IN . TRUNK CARD SWITCH SETTINGS - DID/TIE TRUNK CARD CIRCUIT REFERENCE NUMBERS CIRCUIT REFERENCE NUMBERS TRUNK 1 -___---_----- ____--_ TRUNK 2 ___---_--- ____---- TRUNK 1 _---_--__---_----_ SHELFNUMBER -------__-- -___ SHELFNUMBER CARD SLOT NUMBER __---- ---_---. CARDSLOT NUMBER --___--_----_ T R U N K 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --__--__ TRUNKCARD - --__ ----__- ____ 1 SWITCH SETTINGS I __-___--__---__ TRUNKCARD --__-___---_---_ I TRUNK 1 TRUNK 2 I I SWITCH SETTINGS II I ECIPT NUMBER EQPT NUMBER INCOMING CONDITIONS INCOMING CONDITIONS BUSY OUTGOING TRUNK 1 SWITCH “B” SETTING L - - - l - - INCOMING WINK INCOMING WINK NO:;;:: I - - - - + - - ‘“‘““;“*’ OUTGOING WINK - _ _____ I PULSING CONDITION STOP DIAL NOT STOP DIAL l - 4 CLOSED OPEN WINK NO WINK WINK NO WINK I I I DIALING CI-INI-IITI~NS 1 CLOSED OPEN TRUNK IMPEDANCE SWITCHES (3) BATTERY/GROUND LOOP I BUSY IDLE 900 R 600 R PULSING CONDITION TRUNK 2 CONDITIONS SWITCH “A” SETTING “‘,“E I1 I “,“,s: k SWITCH “6” SETTING I BATTERY/GROU;; I I I I 1-1 I DIALING CONDITIONS I t-- I N O T % % &j-----1 NOTES: i.TRlJNK CARD SWITCHES MUST BE SETTO ONt OFTHETWO POSSIBLE SETTINGS FOR EACHSWITCH AS DETAILED IN SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.ZOO APPENDIX 5 MAPZOO-503. """ TRUNK CARD SWITCH SETTINGS - E AND M/TIE TRUNK CARD CIRCUIT TRUNK1 REFERENCE CIRCUIT REFERENCE TRUNK1 TRUNK2 TRUNK2 CARDSLOT NUMBER CARD SLOT NUMBER SHELFNUMBER SHELF EPPTNUMBER EQPTNUMBER OUTGOING CONDITIONS OUTGOING OUTGOING WINK DIALING CONDITION M-LEAD NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBER CONDITIONS DIALING CONDITION CONDITION NOTES:,.TRUNKCARD SWITCHES MUST BE SETTO ONE OFTHETWO POSSIBLE SETTINGS FOR EACHSWITCH AS DETAILED IN SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 APPENDIX 5 MAP200-502 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 Issue 3, July 1980 MITEL STANDARD PRACTICE SX-100” AND SX-200* SUPERSWITCH* ELECTRONIC PRIVATE AUTOMATIC BRANCH EXCHANGE SYSTEM PROGRAMMING CONTENTS PAGE GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reason for Reissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purpose.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TenantMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class-Of-Setvice Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feature Access Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hunt Groups .................. Trunks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trunk Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 3 7 8 9 12 12 14 3. PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Error/Confirm Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attendant Function Access Codes . . . . . Maintenance Function Access Codes . . . Timeout Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 15 15 15 15 15 4. EXAMPLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1. 2. CONTENTS Program Extension Hunt Groups (MAPSlO-207). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Non Dial-In Trunks (MAPSlO-208). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Dial-In Tie Trunks (MAPPIO-209). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program DID Trunks (MAP21 O-21 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Trunk Groups (MAPSlO-211). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminating Programming Mode (MAPSIO-212). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE :.. .” A2.31 A2-37 A2-47 A2-55 A2-61 A2-69 1: 1. GENERAL Introduction APPENDIX 1 - MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Al.1 APPENDIX 2 - SYSTEM PROGRAMMING MAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2.112 System Programming A2.3 (MAP21 O-201) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select Programming Mode A2.5 (MAP21 O-202) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program System Options A2.9 (MAP21 O-203) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program COS Options A2.13 (MAP210.204) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assign Feature Access Codes 82.19 (MAPSIO-205). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Extensions A2.23 (MAP210=206). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.01 The SX-100 and SX-200 PABX’s are processor-controlled switching systems. In order to process calls the central processor needs to know certain information about the calling and called equipment. This information is described by blocks of data held in the system memories. A number of service change programs are provided to allow additions, deletions and changes to be I made to the blocks of data to reflect changes made to the equipment configuration. The eight service change programs provided are: l l l l : Tenant Mode-Defines whether the system is to be used by single or multi tenants. System Options- D e s c r i b e s t h e o p t i o n s -1 which may be enabled on a system basis. :: Class Of Service Options-Each class of service specifies the features which may be used by stations assigned that Class Of Service (COS). A maximum of sixteen different classes of service may be specified for each system. F e a t u r e A c c e s s Codes-A number of features within the system are accessed by 0 MITEL Corporation 1979 * Trademark of MITEL Corporation Page 1 ; SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 dialing a special access code. This program allows the access codes for the features to be defined. Part 1 Extensions-This program allows the equipment number, extension number, Class Of Service (features allowed), toll access, busy lamp field assignment and pickup group assignment for each extension to be made. Part 2 Program Description-a description of each program and definition of each entry and possible response. Part Hunt Groups-This program allows the extensions within each hunt group to be specified, together with the hunt group master number (access code). Trunks-This program allows each trunk to be described in terms of the equipment number, trunk type, listed directory number, day and night numbers, busy lamp number, COS and toll access. Trunk Group-This program allows the trunks within each group to be specified, together with trunk group type, access code and overflow group. General-general description of system programming contents and purpose of the programming manual. 3 Programming-this part contains a general introduction to the system programming and MITEL Action Procedures (MAP’s) which detail how to use each program. When entering data, the system checks each entry to ensure that the codes entered are correct and if an error is detected it sounds the console ringer and displays the required error code. These codes and their meaning are defined in this part. Part 4 Examples-The examples in this part show how the programs are used to define a typical system. 2. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION General Other additional service programs, dependant upon the type of software Generic installed in the PABX, may be implemented. These are listed below and include relevant MITEL Practice references, which should be consulted for descriptions and programming requirements. a) Traffic Measurement (Generic 204 only). See Section MITL9105/9110-98-450 b) Multi Digit Toll Control (Generic 204 or 205 only). See Section MITL9105/9110-98-212 c) Station Message Detail Recording (Generic 2050nly). See Section MITL9105/9110-98-451 d) Speed Call (Generic 205 only). See Section M ITL9105/911 O-98-220 Reason For Reissue 1.03 This Section is reissued to incorporate Generic 205 information for the SX-100 and SX-200 PABX’s. Purpose 1.04 This Section consists of four parts, each part explaining a different facet of the system programming. Page 2 2.01 Because the PABX is controlled by a processor, data describing each extension, trunk, feature etc. must be entered into the system. This is done by pressing keys and dialing codes. The codes dialed are held in the system memories and used by the system during call processing. Eight basic programs are provided which allow data to be entered into the system as equipment is added, or existing data to be changed or removed as the system configuration changes. The following paragraphs describe the eight programs (see 1.01). These programs specify the keys to be pressed and explain the entries that may be made. The Appendices to this section contain an introduction to MITEL Action Procedures (MAP’s) and the actual MAP’s which detail each step in system programming. A complete description of each feature and option is given in Section MITL9105/9110-98-105 Features and Services Description. Other types of programs are referenced in 1.02. Tenant Mode 2.02 The tenant program allows a user to specify the number of the tenant for which entries are to be made. If multi-tenant service is to be selected the system must be placed in the pro- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 gramming mode then the TENANT key pressed and the tenant number entered. If single tenant service is required TENANT mode should not be selected. making the option available for use by the system. . DELETE Pressing the DELETE key after dialing an option code removes the code from the active option list inhibiting further use of that option. . CANCEL As entries are made during the option program they are stored in a temporary memory. If after making a number of entries an error is discovered, all new entries may be removed by pressing the CANCEL key. . ENTER After all entries have been made to the system option, they may be moved from the temporary storage to permanent storage by pressing the ENTER key. Additional changes may be made by reentering the option program. System Options 2.03 l l The system options are selected by the console keys as described below: OPTION This key selects the option program which allows the system to set-up or change the active option list. The code entered (Table 2-l) after selecting the option program defines the option to be added or removed from the active option list, but see Table 2-2 for possible option conflicts. ADD When pressed, this key adds the option code to the active system option list, TABLE 2-l SYSTEM OPTIONS Option Number 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113* 114 114* 115 116 117 118 119* 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Option Name Discriminating Ringing Transfer Dial Tone Flexible Night Service Night Service Automatic Switching TAFAS Available During Day Outgoing Trunk Camp-on Outgoing Trunk Ca!lback Can Flash if on an Incoming Trunk Can Flash if on an Outgoing Trunk Can Flash if Talking to Station Cannot Dial a Trunk After Flashing Cannot dial a Trunk After Flashing if Holding or in Conference with a Trunk Lockout Alarm Enable Tenant Service (set automatically when tenant service is selected when programming) Flash Timer 0.7 seconds (Generic 202 only and REV 5 up) (See also 180-182 for Generic 20311~~) Tenant Service - Separate Consoles Vacant Number Intercept to Attendant Illegal Access Intercept to Attendant DID/Dial-InlCCSA Vacant/Illegal Access Intercept to Attendant Attendant Camp-On Attendant Conference Attendant Busy Over-ride Attendant Serial Call Bell Off Enable Page Button Enable New Call Tone Enable Both Mode Standard ,Callback Button Enable Page 3 i SECTION M ITL91051911 O-9821 0 TABLE 2-1 (Cont’d) SYSTEM OPTIONS 3ption lumber 127 128 129 130 131 132* 133* 134* 135 136 137* 138* 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156* 157* l58* 159* 160* 161* 162* 163* 164’ 165* 166* 167* 168* 169* 170* 171* 172* 173* 174* 175* Page 4 Option Name Trunk Busy-Out Enable Both Button Enable Attendant CO Trunk-CO Trunk Connect Enable Attendant CO Trunk-Non CO Trunk Connect Enable Attendant Non CO Trunk-Non CO Trunk Connect Enable Controlled Outgoing Restriction Set-Up (Room Restriction) Controlled Station Restriction Set-Up (Do Not Disturb) Controlled Station to Station Restriction Set-Up (Call Blocking) Attendant DISA Code Set-Up Enable Limited Wait For Dial Tone Message Waiting Set-Up (lamp) Message Waiting Set-Up (bell) Attendant Timed Recall - Camp-On - 20s Attendant Timed Recall - Camp-On - 40s Attendant Timed Recall - Don’t Answer - 20s Attendant Timed Recall - Don’t Answer - 40s Attendant Timed Recall - Hold - 20s Attendant Timed Recall - Hold - 40s Night Service Timeout - 20s Night Service Timeout - 40s Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Timeout - 20s Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Timeout - 40s Call Forwarding - Busy (System, DID Dial-In Tie Trunk, CCSA) Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer (System, DID Dial-In Tie Trunk, CCSA) Park and Call-Hold Recall - 2 minutes Park and Call-Hold Recall - 4 minutes End of Dial Signal for Outgoing Trunks (#) 24 Hour Clock First Digit Toll Deny Message Registration Enable Message Registration: Count Additional Supervisions Message Registration: Timer = 20 s Message Registration: Timer = 40 s Message Registration: Multiplier = 4 units Message Registration: Multiplier = 3 units Message Registration: Multiplier = 2 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 8 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 7 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 6 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 5 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 4 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 3 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 2 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 1 unit DID to Non-CO Trunks via Attendant Inhibit GUEST ROOM Button Enable ROOM STATUS Button/Display/Change Enable Do Not Disturb Intercept to Attendant Do Not Disturb and Message Waiting Displays ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 2-l (Cont’d) SYSTEM OPTIONS Option Umber Option Name 176* 177* 178* 179* 180* 181* 182* 183* 184 185 186 187 188 189 190** 191** 192* * 193** 194* 195** 196** * 197** 198*’ * 199** * 200** 201** 202** 203+* 204* 205** 206’ 207* 208** 209** 210** 211** 212** 213** 214** 215 216t 217t 2187 219t 220t 221 t 222t 223t 224t 225t l l l l l l l l l l l Single Digit Dialing Enable Single Digit Dialing Time-Out = 3 s Single Digit Dialing Time-Out = 5 s Attendant Station Busy-Out Enable Flash Timing = 0.7 s Flash Timing = 0.9 s Flash Timing = 1.1 s Trunk Recall Partial Inhibit Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Automatic Wakeup Enable Automatic Wakeup Print Automatic Wakeup Music On Hold Room Register Audit Enable Message Register Print Message Register & Message Waiting Change Print Enable Ignore Print Enable Remote System Reset - Protection Override Enable Non-CO Trunk to Trunk Connect by Extension Toll Control Enable Traffic Measurement Enable Traffic Measurement Extreme Value Mode Traffic Measurement Compact Report Traffic Measurement Polling Traffic Measurement Autoprint Identified Trunk Group Enable Inhibit Automatic Supervision Printer Carriage Return Delay Zero Message Register after Room Register Audit Traffic Measurement - Console Enable Attendant Printer Control Enable System ID Enable Night Bell 3 with Minor Alarm Enable H/M Printouts: Extra Line Feeds Automatic Wakeup Alarm Reserved Speed Call Enable Speed Call Programming Enable Speed Call: Confidential Number Display and Change Enable Reserved Station Message Detail Recording: Outgoing Calls Station Message Detail Recording: Incoming Calls SMDR: Extended Record SMDR: Record Meter Pulses SMDR: Indicate Long Calls SMDR: Drop Incomplete Outgoing Calls . .: ,., SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 2-l (CONT’D) SYSTEM OPTIONS Option Number c 226-f 227t 228-t 229t 230t 231 t 232t 233t 234-t Option Name SMDR: Record Only Incoming calls (CCSA & Non-dial tie trunks) SMDR: Drop Calls of Less Than 8 Digits Discriminating Dial Tone Special ANI Feature Account Code Enable Account Code Length, 4 Digits Account Code Length, 8 Digits Account Code Length, 12 Digits Variable Length Account Codes * Generic 203 and above ** Generic 204 only l ** Generic 204 and 205 t Generic 205 only TABLE 2-2 SYSTEM OPTION CONFLICTS The following System Options are mutually exclusive, i.e. they cannot be simultaneously enabled on the same PABX. 105 and 106 and 106 and 113 and 113 and 113 and 113 and 113 and 113 and 113 and 114 and 114 and 229 229 230 132 134 156 172 173 190 205 1 32 1 34 114 and 56 114 and 72 114 and 73 114and 190 114 and 205 121 and 172 121 and 173 137 and 138 191 and 203 193 and 203 194 and 203 195 and 203 203 205 207 220 221 and and and and and Page 8 204 229 229 229 229 Outgoing Trunk Camp-On 8. Special ANI Feature Outgoing Trunk Call Back & Special ANI Feature Outgoing Trunk Call Back & Account Code Enable Tenant Service & Controlled Outgoing Restriction Setup. Tenant Service & Controlled Station to Station Restriction Setup. Tenant Service & Message Registration Enable. Tenant Service & GUEST ROOM Button. Tenant Service & ROOM STATUS Enable. Tenant Service & Automatic Wakeup Enable. Tenant Service & Identified Trunk Group Enable. Tenant Service-Separate Consoles & Controlled Outgoing Restriction Setup. Tenant Service-Separate Consoles & Controlled Station to Station Restriction Setup. Tenant Service-Separate Consoles & Message Registration Enable. Tenant Service-Separate Consoles & GUEST ROOM Button Enable. Tenant Service-Separate Consoles & Room Status Eanble. Tenant Service - Separate Consoles & Automatic Wakeup Enable. Tenant Service & Identified Trunk Group Enable. Attendant Serial Call & GUEST ROOM Button Enable. Room Status Enable & Attendant Serial Call. Message Waiting Set-ups (lamp or bell) Automatic Wakeup Print 8t Traffic Measurement Polling. Room Audit Enable & Traffic Measurement Polling. Message Register Print & Traffic Measurement Polling. Message Register and Message Waiting Change Print Enable & Traffic Measurement Polling. Traffic Measurement Polling & Traffic Measurement Autoprint. Identified Trunk Group Enable & Special ANI Feature Printer Carriage Return Delay 8. Special ANI Feature Station Message Detail Recording: Outgoing Calls & Special ANI Feature Station Message Detail Recording: Incoming Calls & Special ANI Feature /- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 2-2 (CONT’D) SYSTEM OPTION CONFLICTS In addition to the above system options, some console service features are mutually exclusive. These features are listed below: ROOM RESTRICT and NIGHT 2. CALL BLOCK and HOLD 4. ROOM STATUS and NIGHT 2. SERIAL CALL and GUEST ROOM. NOTE: The Room Restriction and Room Status features utilize the same button, but are not mutually exclusive, as the Room Status feature can be arranged to include the Room Restriction function if System Option 132 is selected. The entry made after selecting the program identifies which COS is to be modified. Class-Of-Service Options 2.04 Each system may contain up to 16 different Classes Of Service (COS). The COS defines which of the available options (Table 2-3) are active, and therefore available for use by any extensions assigned that COS. 2.05 The individual Classes of Service are selected by the console keys as described below: OPTION l ADD Add the option to this COS. l DELETE Remove the option from the cos. l l The code entered (Table 2-3) after pressing the OPTION key defines the extension option which is to be added or removed from the COS specified. l CANCEL If after entering a number of COS DEFINE This key selects the Class codes for a COS, an error is discovered, the new entries may be removed from the system by pressing the CANCEL key. Of Service program which permits changes to be made to any of the 16 individual COS. TABLE 2-3 CLASS-OF-SERVICE OPTIONS Option Islumber Extension Options 33 34 35 36 37 38 Automatic Callback Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Call Park Never a Forwardee 39 Directed Call Pickup 40 Executive Busy Over-ride 41 Data Security 42 Station Over-ride Security *43 Inward Restriction (DID or CCSA) 44 Originate Only 45 Receive Only 46 Flash Disable 47 Never a Consultee 48 Broker’s Call 49 Station Conference 50 Meet-Me Conference 51 Camp-On 52 Do Not Overflow Paging Access 53 ^I.^..^ +1 uellcllb r?r...ar:r. LULJ onr ^^I.. * uellel PA..,..:,Ic; LU3 oncl ai^^,.AIU auuve ullly Option Number Extension Options 54 55 56 57 TAFAS Access Hold Pickup Account Code Access Manual Line Contact Monitor +E 59 60 61 62 ‘63 *64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Account Code Access Non-CO Trunks via Attendant Inhibit CO Trunks via Attendant Inhibit No Dial Tone Flash for Attendant Call Blocking Applies Message Register Trunk Group 1 Access Trunk Group 2 Access Trunk Group 3 Access Trunk Group 4 Access Trunk Group 5 Access Trunk Group 6 Access Trunk Group 7 Access Trunk Group 8 Access Trunk Group 9 Access I- ** Generic 204 only Page7 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 2-3 (Cont’d) CLASS-OF-SERVICE OPTIONS Option Number 74 75 76 *77 l 7a l 79 *a0 *al **a2 ta3 tad ta5 w ta7 ta8 tag t90 t91 t92 l-93 t94 Extension Options Trunk Group 10 Access Trunk Group 11 Access Trunk Group 12 Access Message Waiting Applies Room Do Not Disturb Setup Enable Call Hold and Retrieve Access Room Status Applies Call Forward System Inhibit Alarm Call Setup Enable Forced Account Code Entry No SMDR Record for This Line Speed Call Table 1 and 2 Access Speed Call Table 3 and 4 Access Speed Call Table 5 and 6 Access Speed Call Table 7 and 8 Access Speed Call Table 9 and 10 Access Speed Call Table 11 and 12 Access Speed Call Table 13 and 14 Access Speed Call Table 15 and 16 Access Speed Call Table 17 and 18 Access Cannot Dial a Trunk After Flashing Generic 203 and above * Generic 204 only l l f Generic 205 only OPTION CONFLICTS 45 46 46 46 48 62 62 l Receive Only Flash Disable Flash Disable Flash Disable Broker’s Call Flash for Attendant Flash for Attendant and ENTER After all entries have been made for the COS the entries may be transferred to permanent storage by pressing the ENTER key. 58 48 49 62 49 49 48 code must be unique within the system. The feature access codes are programmed from the console keys as described below: l Feature Access Codes 2.06 A number of features (Table 2-4) require access codes to allow the extension users to select and use the features. Each feature access Page 8 Contact Monitor Broker’s Cal I Station Conference Flash for Attendant Station Conference Station Conference Broker’s Call FEATURE This key selects the feature program and allows the access codes to be defined. The number dialed (Table 2-4) after pressing the FEATURE key specifies the feature to which the access code is to be ,assigned. SECTION MlTL9105/9110-98-210 l l ACCESS CODE After pressing this key the number dialed (1 to 4 digits) is assigned as the access code of the feature selected. The system automatically checks to see if the code is assigned to any other equipment or feature within the system, and if a match is found displays an error message. CANCEL The access just assigned to a feature may be removed by pressing the CANCEL key. The new access code may be assigned immediately. l l DELETE Pressing this key deletes the access code assigned to the feature, rendering the feature inoperative. ENTER Transfers all manent memory. new entries to per- Extensions 2.07 The extension program allows all data associated with extensions to be specified, TABLE 2-4 FEATURE ASSIGNMENTS Feature Number Description Attendant Access 1 Callback - Don’t Answer 2 Call Forward - Busy 3 4 Call Forward - Don’t Answer Call Forward - Follow Me 5 Call Park 6 7 Dial Call Pickup 8 Directed Call Pickup 9 Meet-Me Conference 10 Pager 1 Pager 2 11 Hold Pickup Access 12 13 Pager 1 and 2 14 TAFAS-AI I 15 TAFAS-1 TAFAS-2 16 TAFAS3 17 Attendant Function 18 19 Maintenance Function 20 DID Attendant Access Code Direct Inward System Access 21 Executive Busy Overridet (Single Digit) 22 Callback - Busyt (Single Digit) 23 24* Room Do Not Disturb Setup and Cancel 25* Call Hold Call Retrieve (Local) 26* Call Retrieve (Remote) 27* Room Status Update (Maid in Room) 28* 29t* Programming Security Code Alarm Call 30** Account Code 31 t Speed Call 32t 33 - 42t* Trunk Group 1 Assign access codes 33-42 to Trunk Group 1 if necessary t Generic 205 only * Generic 203 and above t* Generic 204 and 205 l * Generic 204 only t First digit conflicts between these codes and other access codes are allowed. See Section MITL9105/9110-98-105 for complete description of feature operation. Page 9 -__~- -~ SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 changed, or removed from the system memories. The extension program is selected by the console keys as described below: l TENANT The number, 1 to 4, entered after pressing the TENANT key specifies the tenant for which the extensions are being programmed, if the system is to be used as a multi-tenant system. If the system is to be used by a single tenant, the TENANT key must not be pressed. l EXTN Pressing this key enables the extension program which allows new data to be entered or existing data to be changed or removed. * EQPT NUMBER The number (I-112, 161-256) entered after pressing the EQPT NUMBER key defines the equipment number of the line circuit serving the extension (Fig. 2-l). 49 50 51 52 SHELF 2 (-5x-200 ONLY) RECEIVER SHELF 1 NOTES: NO.1 DUALANDOR QUAD RECEIVER EQUIPMENT QUAD RECEIVER EQUIPMENT NUMBERS 1. EQUIPMENT POSITION 001 IS RESERVED FORTHETEST LINE AND MUST THEREFORE BE EQUIPPED WITH A LINE CARD. 2,TRUNKEQUlPMENTNUMBERISSAMEASlNDlVlDUALTRUNKACCESSCODE. Fig. 2-l Equipment Number Page 10 1 SLOT NUMBER NUMBERS 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 l EXTN NUMBER The 1, 2, 3 or 4 digit number entered after pressing the EXTN NUMBER key specifies the extension number of the telephone set being added or changed. This number must not conflict with other extension numbers or access codes. If non-conflicting single digit dialing is required, enter N#, where N is the single digit. l l COS NUMBER The number (1-16) entered, after pressing the COS NUMBER key, specifies the Class-Of-Service, and therefore the features, that may be accessed by the extension. See 2.04 Class-OfService Option. Option 199 was enabled. See also Section MITL9105/9110-98-212 Multi-Digit Toll Control. l key the number entered (l-150) defines the position (Fig. 2-2) of the busy lamp to be associated with the extension. If the extension is not to be assigned a busy lamp, no entry is required. l l ooooooooo l ooooooooo l ooooooooo l ooooooeoo 31 32 3 3 61 62 6 3 91 92 9 3 DELETE Pressing the DELETE key removes the existing busy lamp assignment. l TOLL DENY Each extension may be defin- ed as TOLL ALLOWED-allowed to originate calls to the toll network; or TOLL DENIED-not allowed to make calls to the toll network. To make the extension TOLL ALLOWED press the TOLL DENY key then the DELETE key. To make the extension TOLL DENIED press the TOLL DENY key then the ADD key. The extension will be TOLL DENIED only if the extension and the trunk group are TOLL DENIED. This allows Toll Denial on a trunk group basis if System BUSY LAMP NUMBER After pressing this l PICKUP GROUP The system may hold up to 50 independant call pickup groups. An extension may be made a member of any group, by entering the pickup group number after pressing the PICKUP GROUP key. Any number of extensions may be assigned to a pickup group, but an extension may only be a member of one group at any time. Membership in a pickup group is mutually exclusive with message registration and room status. CANCEL Pressing the CANCEL key, prior to the operation of the ENTER key, removes any data entered during the foregoing Extension Program sequence. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 121122 123 124125126127128129 130 l ooooooooo l ooooooooo 107108109110 111 112113 114115 116117 118119120 131 132133 134135 136137138 139140 141 142 143144145 146 147 148 149 150 101 102 103104 105 106 Fig. 2.2 Busy Lamp Position Numbering _- Page 1 I SECTION M ITL9105/911 O-98-21 0 ENTER Transfer all new data for the extension to permanent memory. l l HUNT GROUP Allows the hunt group required to be selected by dialing the hunt group number (1-12). Hunt Groups l 2.08 The system can hold up to 12 different hunt groups. Each hunt group may contain an unlimited number of members and be specified as: l l l l l TERMINAL HUNTING The hunt group sequence starts at the first equipment number and ends at the last number in the hunt chain. The call is completed at the first idle number encountered. l CIRCULAR HUNTING Hunting starts at the last equipment number reached and hunts over all members of the hunt group. The call is completed at the first idle number found. l SECRETARIAL HUNTING This is terminal hunting where the last number is common to two or more extension hunt groups. DUAL NUMBER ACCESS An extension may be programmed to allow it to be accessed by two different numbers. The first number is assigned when programming the extension and the second number by programming a hunt group with the extension as the only member. The extension may therefore be accessed by dialing the extension number or the hunt group master number (see Section MITL9105/9110-98-105, Single Digit Dialing). l 2.11 The following console keys are activated to program the hunt groups: TENANT If multi-tenant service is to be selected the number (l-4) entered after pressing the TENANT key, specifies the tenant for which the hunt groups are being programmed. If single tenant operation is to be used, the TENANT key must not be pressed. Page 12 EQPT NUMBER This key must be pressed before dialing the equipment number of each extension in the hunt group. If circular hunting is to be defined, the last entry in the hunt group must be the same as the first entry. Membership in a hunt group is mutually exclusive with “message registration” and “room status” for this extension. CANCEL Deletes all new data entered associated with the hunt group. ENTER Transfers all new data for the hunt group to permanent memory. 2.10 This program allows the type, console appearances, day and night assignment, COS and toll deny codes of each trunk to be specified. Note: When changing the list of members of a hunt group in any way, all members of the hunt group must be re-entered. l DELETE Pressing this key deletes the hunt group from the system memory. Trunks l 2.09 ACCESS CODE Allows the 1,2,3 or 4 digit code identifying the hunt group master number to be entered. l l The following console keys are employed to enter this program: TENANT If the multi-tenant service is to be selected the number (l-4) entered after pressing the TENANT key, specifies the tenant for which the hunt groups are being programmed. If single tenant operation is to be used, the TENANT key must not be pressed. TRUNK Selects the trunk program EQPT NUMBER The number entered (2-112; 162-256, even numbers only) specifies the equipment number of the trunk circuit serving this trunk (Pig. 2-l). SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 l TYPE The code entered, defines the type of trunk being specified. (See MITL9105/9110-98-105 Features and Services Description for definition of VNL) Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code . l l l l 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 21 31 41 51 61 - CO trunk + VNL DISA trunk + VNL DID trunk + VNL Dial-In tie trunk + VNL Non Dial-In tie trunk + VNL CCSA trunk + VNL CO trunk + NON VNL DISA trunk + NON VNL DID trunk + NON VNL Dial-In tie trunk + NON VNL Non Dial-In tie trunk + NON VNL CCSA trunk + NON VNL DELETE If this key is pressed, the information associated with this trunk is removed from the system memory. BUSY LAMP NUMBER The number (l-150) defines the position (Fig. 2-2) of the busy lamp to be associated with this trunk. If the trunk is not to be assigned a busy lamp no entry is required. DELETE If this key is pressed the busy lamp assignment for this trunk is deleted. LDN NUMBER (Types 1, 5, 11, 51 only) This single digit entry defines the Listed Directory Number key (LDN 1, 2, 3 or 4) on the attendant console which is to be associated with the trunk. If the trunk is not to appear on the attendant console, no entry is required. DID trunk calls to the attendant always appear on LDN 4. DAY NUMBER (Types 1,5,11,51 only) The code entered for Day Number specifies any special assignments of the trunk during normal day time service. These assignments may be: . assigned to ring bell 3, code #3 . assigned to one extension - enter equipment number of extension . assigned to a hunt group, codes to 12 1 I/C (Types 3, 6, 31, 61 only) This two or three digit entry for DID or CCSA trunks defines the number of incoming digits, the number of digits to be absorbed; and the digit to be added to the incoming number after absorbtion. NIGHT 1 (Types 1,5,11,51 only) This entry defines the assignment of the trunk during Night Service 1. Assignment is made in the same manner as for DAY NUMBER assignment. NIGHT 2 The entry defines the assignment of the trunk during Night Service 2. This assignment is made in the same manner as for DAY NUMBER assignment. COS NUMBER (Types 2,4,21,41 only) The number (l-16) entered, after pressing this key, specifies the Class-of-Service and therefore the features, that may be accessed by the dial-in trunk. See 2.04 Class of. Service Option. TOLL DENY (Types 2, 4, 21, 41 only) Each dial-in trunk may be defined as TOLL ALLOWED-allowed to originate calls to the toll network; or TOLL DENIED-not allowed to make calls to the toll network. To make the tie trunk TOLL ALLOWED press the TOLL DENY key then the DELETE key. To make the tie trunk TOLL DENIED press the TOLL DENY key then the ADD key. If System Option 199 is enabled see also Section MITL9105/9110-98-212 Multi-Digit Toll Control. . no assignment to bells, extensions or hunt groups, console appearance only (Default code #0) CANCEL Pressing this key, prior to the operation of the ENTER key, removes any data entered in the temporary storage. . assigned to ring bell 1, code #l ENTER Deletes previous data associated with this trunk and stores the new data. l assigned to ring bell 2, code #2 Page13 i ---_- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 Trunk Groups l 2.12 The trunk group program specifies the trunks forming the trunk group, the restrictions and options common to all trunks in the group. The trunk group may employ terminal or circular hunting (see 2.08). When making any change to the list of members of a trunk group all members of the group must be re-entered. The following console keys are activated to program the trunk groups: l l 0 TENANT The number, 1 to 4, entered after pressing the TENANT key specifies the tenant for which the extensions are being programmed, if the system is to be used as a multi-tenant system. If the system is to be used by a single tenant, the TENANT key must not be pressed. l TRUNK GROUP The number (1-12) entered specifies the trunk group to be set-up or changed. ACCESS CODE Allows the 1,2,3 or 4 digit code identifying the trunk group to be specified. DELETE Pressing this key deletes the trunk group from the system memory. TYPE The four digit code entered after pressing the TYPE key specifies the trunk group type parameters as detailed in Table 2-5. TABLE 2-5 TRUNK GROUP TYPE CODES First Digit (Note 1) 1 No supervision 2 Answer supervision 3 Toll reversal 4 Outgoing audio inhibited until answer supervision Second Digit Third Digit (Note 2) 1 No message register l 2 Message register fl3 SMDR Enable @4 SMDR Enable and Message Register Enable * Available in Generic 203 and above l * Available in Generic 204 tl Dial pulse, no wait for dial tone t2 Dial pulse, wait for dial tone $3 DTMF, no wait for dial tone t4 DTMF, wait for dial tone Fourth Digit 1 CO trunk 2 Non CO trunk **3 Identified Trunk Group (Type XX13 only is valid) 0 Generic 205 only 15% f If extensions are DTMF the trunk will convert to dial pulse. Early line split is not provided. $ Trunks will repeat DTMF or dial pulse signals. Note 1 l . . . . Note 2 Page 14 l If answer supervision is not required (or not provided by the CO), then use 1 - (No supervision). If trunks provide answer supervision and tandem trunking or message registration is used, then specify 2, (Answer Supervision). If supervision is used to indicate toll calls, and this feature is required, then use 3 - (Toll supervision). If audio cut-through on tie-trunk tandem calls is required only after receipt of answer supervision, then use 4 - (Outgoing audio inhibit until answer supervision), If audio cut-through on tie-trunk tandem calls is required only after receipt of answer supervision, then use 4 - (Outgoing audio inhibit until answer supervision). In addition for _ Generic 205 the audio is inhibited until timed out or unless a # is dialed. If “wait for dial tone” is selected then any digits dialed prior to receipt of CO dial tone are ignored by the PABX. This prevents circumvention of the toll denial by dialing a fast valid digit before CO dial tone is received. r SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-21 0 l l TOLL DENY Each trunk group may be specified as TOLL ALLOWED-allowed to originate calls to the toll network or TOLL DENIED-not allowed to make calls to the toll network. To make the trunk group TOLL ALLOWED press the TOLL DENY key then the DELETE key. To make the trunk group TOLL DENIED press the TOLL DENY key then the ADD key. Toll Denial is effective only when both the trunk group and the extension or dial-in trunk involved are TOLL DENIED. OVERFLOW The number entered (1-12) specifies the trunk overflow group number. If all trunks within the trunk group being defined are busy, any additional calls directed to the trunk group will be rerouted to the overflow group. Overflow arrangements which direct the call back to the original group must NOT be specified. 3. PROGRAMMING General 3.01 After all installation procedures have been completed in accordance with Section MITL9105/9110-98-200 the system should be programmed as detailed in the MITEL Action Procedures (MAPS) contained in Appendix 1 and 2. ErrorlConf irm Codes 3.02 During standard system programming the console DESTINATION display may show “error” or “confirm” codes, with the meanings indicated in Tables 3-1 and 3-2 respectively. These tables also indicate required action when the code is displayed. In the extended programming mode errors may also be displayed at the console. Figs 3-3 and 3-4 show the meanings of these errors. Attendant Function Access Codes 3.03 l l EQPT NUMBER This key must be pressed before dialing the equipment number (2-112; 162-256) of each trunk in the group. If circular hunting is to be defined, the last entry in the hunt group must be the same as the first entry. If circular hunting is not required, the trunk group is terminal hunting (see 2.08). CANCEL Pressing the CANCEL key removes all new data entered for the trunk group, leaving any existing data unchanged. Table 3-5 is a listing of the tion access codes. To select tendant functions the access code must have been dialed. The code Table 3-5. attendant funcany of the atfor Feature 18 * is used in Maintenance Function Access Codes 3.04 Table 3-6 lists the maintenance function access codes. To select any of the maintenance functions the access code assigned for the maintenance function must be dialed (Feature Number 19). The code 555 is used in Table 3-6, for the maintenance code and may be dialed from the test line or console. Timeout Information 3.05 l ENTER Removes all old data associated with the trunk group and transfers the new data entered to permanent memory. During programming it may be necessary to know the timeout information with regard to certain functions. Table 3-7 is such a listing of the timeout information. Page15 I. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 3-l PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES Error code Cause Key affected Key flashing E O Invalid key pressed. ALL None El Invalid number. None E2 Key other than LAMP TEST, ENTER or CANCEL TENANT, OPTION COS DEFINE, pressed. FEATURE EXTN NUMBER, TRUNK HUNT GROUP, TRUNK GROUP, NEXT, EQPT NUMBER E3 Access code has not been entered. HUNT GROUP TRUNKGROUP ACCESS CODE E4 The extension number or access code entered is already assigned. EXTN, ACCESS CODE None E5 EXTN NUMBER Number entered contains incorrect, ACCESS CODE number of digits or conflicting option enabled in this COS. None E6 Incorrect equipment EQPT NUMBER number entered. None Page 16 ALL ENTER, CANCEL Meaning Action Required The last key pressed is invalid Check procedure and press at this time. correct key. The number entered is out Press key associated with of range or contains entry and re-enter number. corrupted data. An attempt was made to leavepress ENTER to transfer the the current mode after some data to permanent store or parameters were changed CANCEL to remove the data but before ENTER or CANCEL from the temporary store. was pressed. ENTER may be used to write the new programming information back to the non-volatile RAM or use CANCEL to ignore all programming changes made Ssince the last time ENTER was pressed. Attempting to enter members Press ACCESS CODE key ant into a Hunt or Trunk group enter required access code. before an access code has been assigned to the group. The extension number or Check code entered. access code entered is 1 If code is correct, terminate already assigned to an entry, remove other appearextension, feature, hunt ante of code and re-enter group or trunk group. all new data. In Trunk mode an attempt 2 If code is incorrect, press is made to delete a member key associated with entry of a trunk group. and re-enter extension Equipment Numbers desired number or access code. must be entered. In Trunk Group mode an attempt is made to place a trunk into a trunk group while that trunk is currently programmed into another trunk group. Callback and Executive Override conflict, i.e. trying to enter a Callback code while same code assigned to Executive Busy Override and vice-versa. The extension number or Check entry. Press key access code is in conflict associated with entry and with the existing numbering re-enter number. plan. Attempting to add an option to a COS in which a conflicting option is enabled. Attempting to add a System Option when a conflicting option exists. Attempting to assign an Remove conflicting option equipment number that is: (a) Assign equipment l undefined number correctly l defined as a trunk to (b) ,E,nE;e:ew equipment an extension hunt group or extension l defined as an extension to a trunk group or a trunk l an extension with message registration to hunt group or pickup group An equipment number assigned to an extension must be deleted as an extension before being programmed as a trunk. An equipment number assigned to a trunk must be deleted as a trunk before being programmed as an extension (Generic 204/up). SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 3-1 (Cont’d) PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES Error code E7 E7 E8 E9 E022-22 Cause System is busy. Key affected Key flashing ENTER, TENANT None Extension has a ENTER message register that is not zeroed or has a message waiting, or has Do Not Disturb set. Trunk or equipment ENTER number already assigned. None Non-Volatile RAM error. None At Power up ENTER None None 1 Meaning Action Required (a)Attempting to initialize system while PABX is in use. (b)Attempting to change data of an extension or trunk while that extension or trunk is in use. It must be idle or busied-out. l a valid message register exists for this extension l extension has a message waiting or Do Not Disturb set (a) Wait until system is idle (b) Wait until extension or trunk is idle :. Zero message register, reset message waiting or Do Not Disturb and reprogram : Attempting to assign a (a) Key proper trunk or trunk or equipment equipment number number to more than one (b) Press ENTER tenant at the same time. In Tenant Service, pressing the Hunt Group key when all hunt groups are assigned to other tenants. In Tenant Service, pressing the Trunk Group key when all trunk groups are assigned to other tenants. In Tenant Service, attempting to put an extension assigned to one tenant into a hunt group of a different tenant. In Tenant Service, attempting to put a trunk assigned to one tenant into a trunk group of a different tenant. In Tenant Service, entering a hunt group number assigned to a different tenant (after pressing HUNT GROUP). In Tenant Service, Trunk Group Programmtng, selecting an overflow group that belongs to another tenant. In Tenant Service, entering a trunk group number assigned to a different tenant (after pressing TRUNK GROUP). Ones and Zeros test failed Go to Section prior to initializing NonMITL9105/9110-98-350 Volatile RAM. RAM programmed in Generic Non-Volatile RAM must 202 or 203 is used be initialized and/or with Generic 2041~~ reprogrammed Page17 ’ r SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 3-2 CONFIRM CODES Confirm Code Cause Key Affected Flashing Lamp Action co Attempting to assign an equipment number for an extension to a slot containing a trunk card EQPT NUMBER CONFIRM Check assignmentl if correct press CONFIRM key. Equipment number entered is accepted as the number for the equipment type being programmed. All data associated with the original appearance of the equipment number is removed l if incorrect press EQPT NUMBER and re-enter new equipment number c o Attempting to assign an equipment number for a trunk to an empty slot or a slot containing an extension card. EQPT NUMBER CONFIRM Cl Attempting to assign an extension that already exists EXTN NUMBER CONFIRM Check assignmentl if correct press CONFIRM key. The extension number entered is accepted as the extension number for the equipment being defined. All data associated with the original appearance of the extension number is removed. l if incorrect press EXTN NUMBER and re-enter extension number. c2 The busy lamp assignment already exists BUSY LAMP CONFIRM Check assignmentl if correct pass CONFIRM key. Busy lamp assignment is accepted for this equipment. All data associated with original assignment is removed. l if incorrect press BUSY LAMP and re-enter busy lamp assignment TABLE 3-3 EXTENDED PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES - TOLL CONTROL Error Applies to: Meaning EO All modes Invalid key pressed. Consult MAP for correct procedure. El Absorb Plan mode Trunk Group mode Control Plan mode Number is not within the range of the parameter being defined. Re-enter parameter key defined. E2 All modes An attempt was made to leave the current mode after some parameters were changed but before ENTER or CANCEL was pressed. ENTER may be used to write the new programming information back to the non-volatile RAM or use CANCEL to ignore all programming changes made since the last time ENTER was pressed. E3 Control Plan mode Table mode The table number entered is not valid for the current configuration. Re-enter a number which exists for the configuration of the extended nonvolatile customer RAM. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 3-3 (Cont’d) EXTENDED PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES -TOLL CONTROL E4 The table entry code is invalid for the table programmed. This occurs in the following situation: Table mode 1. A code of more than 3 digits in length for an 800-entry or 20-range table. 2. A code not in the range of 200-999 for an 800-entry table. 3. A code which already exists or a code which would be ambiguous in conjunction with the existing table entries, for a 4-entry table. E5 Table mode The table is full and cannot hold the entry. E7 Configuration mode Configuration is not allowed because the Tone Control card switches are not 7776 or the system is not idle. E9 Configuration mode A hardware failure was detected while clearing the extended customer non-volatile RAM. I P a g e 1 9 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 3-4 EXTENDED PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES - SPEED CALL EQPT NUMBER The equipment number entered is outside the range of valid numbers. Check procedure and press key then redial proper number group. Enter the proper access number. NUMBER REDIAL An invalid number redial value was entered. Enter the proper The table number entered is not consistent with that allowed for the current Configuration of the extended NV RAM. Check the Configuration number. common-use NUMBER REDIAL table. An attempt was made to enter a number redial digit for a common-use table. assigned to the same equipment number. NUMBER REDIAL SPEED CALL Page 20 Number redial already exists for another table assigned to the same equipment number, (only 1 number redial attribute per user is allowed). SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-21 0 TABLE 3-5 ATTENDANT FUNCTION ACCESS CODES These codes assume the use of 3t as the Attendant Function code (Feature number 16). To cancel all call forwarding: a) Dial * 1 b) Dial # c) Press RELEASE To make trunk group attendant access: a) Dial * 6 b ) Dial trunk group (1 through 12) c) Dial+ d) Press RELEASE To access an individual trunk: a) Dial * 2 b) Dial individual trunk access number (equipment number) c) Dial * d) Press RELEASE To force-release an individual trunk: a ) bial* 2 b) Dial individual trunk access number (equipment number) c) Dial # # d) Press RELEASE t To make flexible night service assignments: a) Dial * 3 b) Dial individual trunk access number (equipment number) c ) Press Night 1 or Night 2 d) Dial extension number e) Press RELEASE To cancel all system callbacks: a) Dial )c 4 b) Dial # c) Press RELEASE To set the clock time: a) Dial * 5 b ) Dial time (hour plus minutes) c ) Dial * for p.m., otherwise a.m. d) Press RELEASE To make trunk group dial access: a) Dial * 6 b ) Dial trunk group (1 through -12) c) Dial # d) Press RELEASE To change the Direct Inward System Access Code: a) Dial + 7 b) Dial DISA code c) Press RELEASE To cancel a minor alarm: (Note 1) a) Dial * 8 b) Dial # c) Press RELEASE t To busy out an individual trunk: a) Dial * 9 b) Dial individual trunk access number (equipment number) c) Dial * d) Press RELEASE t To de-busy an individual trunk: a) Dial + 9 b) Dial individual trunk access number (equipment number) c) Dial # d) Press RELEASE t To change the status of all occupied clean rooms to occupied and needs cleaning: (Note 2) a) Dial * 10 b) Dial * c) Press RELEASE tTo change the status of all occupied rooms in the need of cleaning to occupied clean: (Note 2) a) Dial * 10 b) Dial # c) Press RELEASE Page 21 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 3-5 (CONT’D) ATTENDANT FUNCTION ACCESS CODES To set up call forwarding: (Note 2) i’ To enable the printer: a) Dial* llnnn, where nnn is the extension number of the forwarding extension b) Dial call forwarding code (l-3) c) Dial nnn, where nnn is the number to which the calls are to be forwarded d) Press RELEASE a) Dial )c 14 # b) Press RELEASE To change the date: Dial * llnnn, where nnn is the extension number of the forwarding extension b) Dial # cj Press RELEASE .To busy out an extension:(Note 2) a) Dial* 12nnn, where nnn is the number of the extension to be busied out b) Dial+ c) Press RELEASE 1 To de-busy an extension: (Note 2) a) Dial * 12nnn, where nnn is the number of the extension to be de-busied b) Dial # c) Press RELEASE tTo suspend the printer: (Note 3) Dial * 15 and 3 or 4 digit date (one or two digit month, two digit day) b) Press RELEASE tTo print the room audit (registers): 4) (Note 3) (Notes 3 ant a) Dial * 16 b) Press RELEASE tT o d’tsplay system identity: (Note 3) a) Dial * 17 b) Press RELEASE tTo change the system identity: (Note 3) a) Dial* 17 nnn (where nnn is a 1 to 3 digit ID, O-999) b) Press RELEASE f To print the “room status” audit: 4) a) Dial * 14 * b) Press RELEASE tTo purge and ignore the printer: (Note 3) a) To cancel call forwarding for an extension:(Note 2) a) (Note 3) (Notes 3 and a) Dial 3c 18 b) Press RELEASE a) Dial 3c 14 00 b) Press RELEASE Note 1 The errors will be sequentially stacked in the memory and may be recalled sequentially (most recent first) by repeating the above procedure. Note 2 Applies to Generic 203/up Note 3 Applies to Generic 204/up Note 4 Printer starts after RELEASE key is pressed. t Requires system option programming Page 22 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 3-8 MAINTENANCE FUNCTION ACCESS CODES ‘o select any of the functions the access code assigned for the maintenance function must be dialed Feature Number 19). The code 555 is used in the following part for the maintenance code and may be lialed from the test line or console in Generic 203/up. Clear all errors: **To initiate system dump (from test line): a) Dial 555 + 1 a ) Dial 555 + 7 and hang up b) Go off-hook c) Dial 555 + 8 + # (or 2) Direct trunk or station access: a) Dial 555 + 2 b ) Dial individual equipment number (3 digit equipment number for trunk or station) **To initiate system dump (from console): a) Dial 555 + 7 b) Dial * 14 # Busy out of a receiver: a) Dial 555 + 3 b ) Dial equipment number of receiver **T O suspend printer: a) Dial 555 + 8 + * (or I), or b) Dial * 14 it (console only) Busy out of a speech path: a) Dial 555 + 33 b ) Dial speech path number (01-31) De-busy a receiver: a) Dial 555 + 4 b ) Dial equipment number of receiver De-busy a speech path: l *To enable printer: a) b) Dial 555 + 8 + # (or 2), or Dial * 14 # (console only) t**To purge and ignore printer: a) Dial 555 + 8 + 00, or b) Dial * 1400 (console only) a) Dial 555 + 43 b ) Dial speech path number (01-31) Initialize card slot: a) Dial 555 + 5 b ) Dial card slot number (01-17, 31-42) t* System reset: (Note 2) a) Dial 555 + 6 t Requires System Option Programming Generic 2031~~ * Generic 204/up l l Notes 1. For Traffic Measurement Access Codes see MITL9105/9110-98-450. 2. System Reset requires thumbwheel switches be set to 777n (n = 0 to 9) on Tone Cont;bl card for Genpric 20311~~. Page23 j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 3-7 SYSTEM TIMEOUT INFORMATION Description Timeout Attendant Timed Recall (Don’t Answer) 2Os, 30s or 40s Attendant Timed Recall (Camp-On) 2os, 3os, or 40s Attendant Timed Recall (Hold) 2Os, 3Os, or 40s Automatic Night Switching 2Os, 3Os, or 40s Dial Tone Timeout 15s Interdigit Timeout (Extensions) 15s Interdigit Timeout (Trunks) 10s Lockout Timeout 45s Callback Clear Timeout 8 hours Callback Don’t Answer Reset 6 rings Call Park Recall 2, 3 or 4 minutes Call Hold Recall 2, 3 or 4 minutes Call Forward - Don’t Answer Timeout 2Os, 3Os, or 40s Switchhook Flash Ringing Timeout Min. 200ms Max. 0.7s 0.9s, 1.1s or 4.5s 5 minutes Automatic Wakeup Ringing 6 rings, 3s each Automatic Wakeup Attempts 3 at 5 minute Intervals Page 24 4. EXAMPLES Introduction 4.01 This part describes the steps required to program the SX-100 and SX-200 PABX’s using the Installation Forms, and provides typical examples of completed Installation Forms. 4.02 System Options Step Operation 1. / Press the OPTION key. 2. Dial the number of the required option. ~ (See Tables 2-l and 2-2) 3. Press the ADD key to add the option, OR Press the DELETE key to remove the option 4. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 above until all required options have been added or deleted. 5. Press the ENTER key to enter all options into the memory. I 1 t I SYSTEM OPTIONS 1 mm 1 I I cl OPT!ON I OPTION NAME ion .__ TRANSFER I", .-. FLEXIBLE NIGHT SERVICE ADD DIAL ;l,T$R cl OPT'ON (100-234) I rJ I J _ 4TTEhlndhlT PO ITDllhlK.Pq -I LI.Y"l.I "V II",,,\ v.. TRUNK nTTChl"nhlT I no ILI.YIIIII rn YY TDI,hIY.hlr ~w,.w,.JN J ATTENDANTNON NIGHT SERVICE AUTOMATIC SWITCHING 103 J ENABLE TAFAS AVAILABLE DURING 104 / CONTROLLEDOUTGOING OUTGOINGTRUNKCAMP-ON 105 J CONTROLLEDSTATION OUTGOINGTRUNK lOI7 .._ J P"hlTD"l I Erl 9TdTlr-m -w>.,,,vLLLY w,n,,w,. CAN FLASH CALLBACK IFTALKINGTOAN INCOMINGTRUNK 107 CAN FLASH IFTALKING TO AN OUTGOINGTRUNK 108 109 CANNOT 110 J 111 J 112 / DIAL ATRUNKAFTER FLASHING J I/ CANNOT OIALATRUNKAFTER FLASHING IF HOLDING OR IN CONFERENCEWITH LOCKOUT TENANT ALARM ATRUNK ENABLE SERVlCE(SET CONNECT ENABLE CO TRUNK CONNECT ENABLE J 130 J REPTalrTfnhl SE' 132' QET. 133' TrlIv STATION RESTRICTION SET-UP I 134' 135 LIMITED WAIT FOR DIAL TONE 136 MESSAGE WAITING SET-UP (LAMP) 137' MESSAGE WAITING SET-UI '(BELL) 138' ATTENDANTTIMED 139 ATTENDANTTIMED ATTENDANTTIMED l 129 I 131 RESTRICTION REGAL1 L - CAMP-ON - 20s ATTENOANTTIMEORECALL- AUTOMATICALLY WHEN TENANT c COTRUNK-NONCOTRUNKCONNECT ATTENOANTOISACOOESET-UPENABLE CAN FLASH IF TALKING TO STATION ADD DIAL OPTION NUMBER (100-234) OPTION NUMBER OPTION NAME 102 DAY I I OPTION NUMBER DISCRIMINATING RINGING DIALTONE q I 140 CAMP-ON -40s RECALL-DON'T ANSWER RECALL-DON'T - ANSWER 141 20s 142 40s SERVICE IS SELECTED WHEN PROGRAMMING) TENANT SERVICE. SEPARATE CONSOLES(GENERIC203/UP)OR FLASH TIME JACANT 144 114* 0.7SEC(GENERIC202.05/UP) NUMBER LLEGALACCESS INTERCEPTTO INTERCEPT TO ATTENDANT 145 .I 146 ATTENDANT ?LIN,T IIDIDIAL-lN/CCSA VACANT/ILLEGALlNTERCEPTTO ARDING ANSWER TIMEOUT -20s - OON'T ANSWER TIMEOUT -40s CALL FORWARDING - BUSY (SYSTEM, DID, DIAL-IN TIE 1 I 147 I 146 149 TRUNK,CCSA) CALL FORWARDING - DON'T ANSWER (SYSTEM, DID, DIAL-IN \TTENDANT ,-" TIETRUNK. \TTENDANT SERIAL CALL BUSY OVERRIDE 121 PARK AND CALL-HOLD RECALL 2 MINUTES IELL OFF ENABLE 122 'AGE BUTTON ENABLE 123 IEWCALLTONf ENABLE 124 IOTH MODESTANDARD 125 :ALLBACK BUTTON ENABLE 1% RUNK 127 rn(l BUSY-OUTENABLE BOTH BUTTON ENABLE ,b” J I I I J CCSA) 150 PARK AND CALL-HOLD RECALL - 4 MINUTES 151 152 > I ENI) OF DlAl SIANAl FflR OUTGOING TRUNKS (#) I -.-- -' -..'- -'-'."- -" . 24 HOURCLOCK 154 ._. J I FIRST "ICIT T", I nrhl" 155 MESSAGE REGISTRATION J MESSAGE REGISTRATION: J SUPERVISIONS / ENABLE COUNT 153 156' ADDITIONAL 157' 128, SYSTEM OPTIONS F] I I ADD c OPTION NUMBER OPTION NAME OPTION NUMBER OPTION NAME MESSAGE REGISTRATION: TIMER = 20 SECONDS 158’ AUTOMATIC WAKEUP PRINT 191.’ MESSAGE REGISTRATION: TIMER = 40 SECONDS 159’ AUTOMATIC WAKEUP MUSIC ON HOLD 192”’ MESSAGE REGISTRATION: MULTIPLIER = 4 UNITS 160’ ROOM MESSAGE REGISTER AUDIT ENABLE 193” MESSAGE REGISTRATION: MULTIPLIER = 3 UNITS 161’ ROOM STATUS AUDIT ENABLE 194” MESSAGE REGISTRATION: MULTIPLIER = 2 UNITS 162’ MESSAGE REGISTER & MESSAGE WAITING CHANGE MESSAGE REGISTRATION: l SURCH FLASH TIMING = A U I UMAI II; WAKtUV tNALlLt 1 1YO” I STATION MESSAGE DETAIL RECORDING INCOMING CALLS 1 221t I 1x3 1 S Y S T E M O P T I O N S F[ I I DIAL OPTION NUMBER (100-234) OPTION SMOR. ISMDR NAME EXTENOEORECORO RECORD METER PULSES NOTES ISMDR. INDICATE LONG CALLS ISMDR ISMDR. DROP ~NCOMPLETEOUTGOING TO DELETE SYSTEM OPTIONS CALLS RECORDONLY INCOMING CO CALLS 3 SMDR DROPCALLS OF ACCOUNTCODE LESSTHAN 8 DIGITS ENABLE 22Eit AFTER ALL REOUIRED OPTIONS HAVE BEEN REMOVED I 1 I 229t 230t ENTER ACCOUNT CODE LENGTH:4 DIGITS 231t I ACCOUNT CODE LENGTH. 8 DIGITS 232t IACCOUNT CODE LENGTH. 12 DIGITS IVARIABLE LENGT H ACCOUNT I 234t CODES I I TO REVIEWSYSTEM n n I OPTION OPTIONS 204 BUTNOT 204 AND 205 't GENERIC 205BUTNOT204 AFTER ALL OPTIONS ARE ADDED ENTER c I ,.,;, ,A/,( :, l I n . . . 4.03 COS Options Step Operation 1. Press the COS DEFINE key. 2. Dial the number of the COS required (1 through 16). 3. Press the OPTION key. 4. Dial the number of the extension option required to be added or deleted to the COS selected in step 2. (See CLASS-OF-SERVICE DEFINITIONS). 5. Press the ADD key to add the option to the selected COS. OR Press the DELETE key to remove the option from the selected COS. 6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until all required extension options have been added or deleted to the selected COS. 7. Press the ENTER key to enter all COS options into the memory. 8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the next required COS. CLASS OF SERVICE OPTIONS PRESS q DIAL cos cos DEFINE NUMBER l-16 TO CHANGE ANYOPTION FOR A COS (- --------------------____________________----1 q - -------------------------, q I I DIALOPTION NUMBER33-94 PRESS ADD TOENABLE OR PRESS DELETE TOREMOVE j L ___-___---_____-_-______ -------------------- - -______---_____---__-JI REPEATFOREACHOPTIONINTHECOS .- - _- - - _ ------ - - _ _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - _- - - - - - - - _q _- - - -- ------- ------- -------- ------- -------- -- ------_ -- ----PRESS ENTER TOENTERALLINFORMATIONINTHECOSAFTER TO REVIEW THE OPTIONS WITHIN A COS NOTE: AN EXTENSION OR TRUNK CAN NOT CHANGE ITS COS IF THE EXTENSION OR TRUNK IS BUSY. IT ALSO CAN NOT BE CHANGED UNLESS THE MESSAGE REGISTER IS CLEARED. l .., , . *GENERIC 203/UP * GENERIC 204 t GENERIC 205 ALL OPTIONS IN THAT COS HAVE BEEN DEFINED 4.04 Features Step Operation 1. Press the FEATURE key. 2. Dial the number of the required feature. (See FEATURE ASSIGNMENTS TABLE 2-4) 3. Press the ACCESS CODE button. 4. Dial the access code to be assigned to the feature. OR Press the DELETE key to remove an access code 5. Press the ENTER key to enter information into the memory. 6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 until all required access codes have been assigned or deleted. FEATURES I FEATURES ‘ F;;“41 CALL RETRIEVE (REMOTE) 27' ROOM STATUS UPDATE(MAIDIN PROGRAMMING ROOM) 28' SECURITYCODE 29'. ALARM CALL 30" 31 32 TRUNKGROUP ACCESS CODE 38 TRUNKGROUP __ 21 - EXECUTIVE BUSY OVERRIDE (SINGLE DIGIT) 22 % CALLBACK. BUSY (SINGLE DIGIT) 23 b ROOM DO NOTOISTURBSETUPANDCANCEL 24' OIRECTINWAROSYSTEM ACCESS CALL HOLD CALL I CODE34 1I -I 25' RETRlEVE(LOCAL) 26' NOTES TO DELETE A FEATURE *GENERIC 203/UP II ACCESS TO REVIEWACCESS CODES **GENERIC 204 *** FIRST DIGIT CONFLICTALLOWEDWITH OTHER ACCESS CODES 111 .I D 4.05 4 f Extensions Step Operation If TENANT service is used commence at Step 1. If TENANT service is not used, start at Step 4 (Note 1). Step Operation 13. Press the BUSY LAMP NUMBER key. 14. Dial the number of the busy lamp which is to be associated with the selected extension. (See BUSY LAMP POSITION NUMBERING, Fig. 2-2) 1. Press TENANT key. 2. Dial required tenant number (1, 2, 3 or 4). 3. Press ENTER key. 4. Press the EXTN key. 5. Press the EQPT NUMBER key. 15. Press the PICKUP GROUP key. 6. Dial the required equipment number (see EQUIPMENT NUMBERING, Fig. 2-l). 16. Dial the number of the required pickup group (1 through 50) 7. Press the EXTN NUMBER key. OR a. Dial the required extension number Press the DELETE key if no pickup group assignment is required. OR Press the DELETE key if no busy lamp is required. OR Press the DELETE key to remove existing extension information. 9. Press the COS Number key. IO. Dial the required COS number (1 through 16). Il. Press the TOLL DENY key. (See Note 2) 12. Press the ADD key to implement toll denial for the extension selected OR Press the DELETE key to remove toll denial for the extension selected. 17. 18. Press the ENTER key to enter all extension information into the memory. Repeat steps 1 through 18 or 4 through 18 for all required extensions. Notes: 1. All extensions in one tenant group should be entered in succession following the listed steps. The next group of extensions are are entered in a similar manner using the TENANT and ENTER keys again. 2. For Multi-Digit Toll Control, see Section MITL9105/9110-98-212 Programming Procedures. 1 EXTENSIONS APPLIES TO GENERIC 203 AND ABOVE ALL ENTRIES MADE IFTENANT SERVICEISIN USE AREASSIGNEDTD THE TENANT NUMBER DIALED TO ENTER EXTENSION PROGRAMMING PRESS TENANT NUMBER cl EQPT NUMBER NAME EXTN L- DIAL l-112 OR 161-256 (SEE NOTE 1) DIAL CODE SEEETES 2. 3. OR 4 cm/ wo 0025 ZOI 003 202 003c to3 cosq NUMBER DIAL l-16 l-150 OR DE 005 z/0+ 24 301 2 007 3oa 00% 303 307 2, 1 3 3 24 3Y- z 35 305 - .I cl ENTER 006 009 i-50 5 3/ 32 VOTES i EQUIPMENT NUMBERS 2 TO ASSIGN NON CONFLICTING SINGLE DIGIT DIRECTORY N WHEN N IS THE SINGLE DIGIT. 3 TO REMOVE 161.256APPLlES EXTENSION TO SX-200 ONLY --~a UifY. IF TOLL CONTRDL(GENERIC 204/UP)IS USED PROGRAMMING MITEL 4.06 H u n t Groups Operation If TENANT service is used commence at Step 1. If TENANT service is not used start at Step 4 (Note 1) 1. Press TENANT key 2. Dial required tenant number (1, 2, 3 or 4) 3. Press ENTER key 4. Press the HUNT GROUP key. 5. Dial the number of the required hunt group (1 through 12). 6. Press the ACCESS CODE key. 7. Dial the required ACCESS CODE (master number). Step 12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until all required extensions have been dialed. 13. Press the ENTER key to enter all hunt group information into the memory. 14. Repeat steps 1 through 13 for all required hunt groups. Notes: 1. All extensions in one tenant group should be entered in succession following the listed steps. The next group of extensions are entered in a similar manner using the TENANT and ENTER keys again. 2. If the hunt group is to be a circular hunt group, then the first equipment number entered must be reentered as the last number. OR Press the DELETE key to remove an existing hunt group. 8. Press the EQPT NUMBER key. 8. Dial the equipment number of the first extension in the hunt group. 10. Press the EQPT NUMBER key. 11. Dial the equipment number of the next extension in the hunt group. Operation APPLIESTOGENERIC I 203ANOABOVE IFTENANTSERVICEISIN USE ALL ENTRIES MAOEAREASSIGNEDTOTHETENANT (TENANTI NUMBER DIALEO HUNT GROUPS TENANT NUMBER GROUP L-l (EXTENSION OR TRUNK INFORMATION MUSTBEENTEREDBEFORETRUNKGROUPDATA) DIAL CODE OR cl HUNT GROUP DIAL l-12 BEFORE DIALING EACH EGUIPMENT NUMBER ENTRY AFTER LAST ENTRY IN EACH GROUP PRESS c / 2 s? ENTER c DELETE l l 292 192 173 TO SEETHE EOUIPMENT NUMBERS CURRENTLY IN A HUNT GROUP cl NEXT TO MAKE A CHANGETOAHUNTGROUP.THE LIST OF MEMBERS MUST BE RE-ENTERED.,N. DIVIDUAL MEMBERS CANNOTBE DELETEDOR CHANGED.THE EXISTING GROUP LIST IS AUTOMATICALLY DELETED WHEN YOU STARTTO ENTERANEWONE. . . . FOR CIRCULAR HUNT GROUPS FIRSTAND LAST NUMBERS MUST BE IDENTICAL TO SEEilL HUNTGROUPS @ MITEL :_,:, “, 4.07 Trunks (a) Trunk Card Settings Before programming the trunk circuits the Installation Forms which detail the trunk card switch settings must have been completed, and the switches on these cards set to their proper positions. Full details of the switch setting procedures are given in Appendix 5 to Section MITL9105/9110-98-200. Typical configurations are shown in the following examples. e 2 CO TRUNK CARD SWITCH SETTINGS: The example shown has the following meaning: Trunk Trunk Trunk Trunk 1 2 3 4 - Trunk is active with a ground start configuration Trunk is the same configuration as Trunk 1 Trunk is similar to Trunk 1 but is a spare trunk Trunk is a dictation trunk with loop start and the 3rd wire condition active DID/TIE TRUNK CARD SWITCH SETTINGS: The example shown has the following meanings: Trunk 1 - Trunk is a loop tie trunk with no wink or “stop-dial” requirements Trunk 2 - Trunk is a DID/Tie trunk with no wink or “stop-dial” requirements and uses loop pulsing TRUNK CARD SWITCH SETTINGS - CD TRUNK CARDS co DIRECTORY NO. 592 NO:/0 llll SPARA olcm~od SHELF NO. 1 d 2 CARD TRUNK NO. TRUNK EQPT. NUMBER INCOMING OUTGOING CONDITION CONDITION BUSY IDLE BUSY IDLE 1 / 2 t f 3 f 4 4/ \/ LOOP/GND START LOOP 3RDWlRE CONDITION GND ENAB DIS SENSE REVkRSALS lGN ssB" RELEASETIMES SHRT ssB>> LDNG M/B ' RATIO "A" "A" "A" "A" 33166 EFF SHRT LONG SHRT LONG XT 40160 GND -48V HI - 2 HI-Z NORM SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 LOOP/GROUNDSTART SWITCHES TRUNK1 TRUNKBUSY SWITCHES LOOP 0 GND 3RDWlRE TRUNK1 TRUNK2 LOOP OPEN CLOSED q OUTGOING GND / q TRUNK1 GND \ INCOMING CO TRUNKCARD- SINGLE (TYPEOIl) q TRUNK2 TRUNK3 TRUNK4 TRUNK4 LOOP TRUNK3 TRUNK4 TRUNK3 LOOP TRUNK2 BUSY IDLE GND ASSEMBLY iTAlL GND Be q Xl HIGH 2 1 2 HI-Z -48 BUSY NORMAL IDLE TRUNK1 TRUNK2 TRUNK3 INCOMING w TRUNK4 TRUNK1 TRUNK2 TRUNK3 TRUNK4 TRUNKBUSY SWITCHES COTRUNKCARD-MODULARASSEMBLIES CO Trunk Card Switch identification Page 41 SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-21 0 N Y 5 5 - I I I ( , I 25 3 E l% \I- IN Page 42 W Non Dial-h Trunks step Operation Step If TENANT service is used commence at step 1. If TENANT service is not used, start at step 4 (Note 1) 1. Press TENANT key. Operation 10. Dial the number of LDN key with which the trunk is to be associated. (1 through 4) 11. Press the DAY NUMBER key. 12. Dial equipment number, or # (night bell number), or * (hunt group number). 2. Dial required tenant number (1, 2, 3 or 4). 3. Press ENTER key. 13. Press the NIGHT 1 key. 4. Press the TRUNK key. 14. Dial equipment number, or # (night bell number), or * (hunt group number). 5. Press the EQPT NUMBER key. 15. Press the NIGHT 2 key. 6. Dial the equipment number to be associated with the required trunk (See EQUIPMENT NUMBERING, Fig. 2-1) 16. Dial equipment number, or # (night bell number), or * (hunt group number). 7. Press the TYPE key. 17. Press the BUSY LAMP NUMBER key. 8. Dial the required trunk type number (1 -Standard Bothway CO Trunk VNL, 5 - Non Dial-In Tie Trunk VNL, 11 - Standard Bothway CO Trunk Non VNL and 51 . Non Dial-In Tie Trunk Non VNL). 18. Dial the number of the busy lamp to be associated with the trunk (see BUSY LAMP POSITION NUMBERING, Fig. 2-2) OR Press the DELETE key if no busy lamp is required. OR 9. Press the DELETE key to delete all trunk information. 19. Press the ENTER key to enter all trunk information into the memory. Press the LDN NUMBER key. 20. Repeat steps 1 through 20for all trunks required ’ Notes: 1. 2. All trunks in one tenant group should be entered in succession following the listed steps. The next group of trunks are entered in a similar manner using the TENANT and ENTER keys again. For Multi-Digit Toll Control, see Section MITL9105/9110-98-212 Programming Procedures. ,-,I.:;‘,, m , ._ ,‘, .‘?I 21 % APPLIESTO I GENERIC ALL ENTRIES 1 NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS 203ANDABOVE IFTENANTSERVICE IS IN USE MADEAREASSIGNEDTOTHETENANT NUMBER DIALED I I1 TENANT NUMBER SEE NOTE 3 I DIAL Z-112 OR 162-256 :SEE (SEENOTE4) DIAL 1. 5, 11. 51 OR DIAL #O-#3 OR Xl-Xl2 OR i-112 OR 161-256 DIAL 1-4 c l $0 NO ff0 I I I I / - ENTERTRUNK PROGRAMMING PRESS I 1 1 TRUNK1 [SEENOTE4) DELETE NOTES ANDZ) TO SEENOTE4) DIAL #O-#3 OR *i-*12 OR 1-112 OR 161-256 DIAL I-150 OR DIAL #O-#3 OR x1-*12 OR l-112 r1 r-l ENTER DELETE 16yR256 RI -- - , -EXP d0 I NOTES' 1 EOUIPMENT 2 ONLY EVEN EOUIPMENT TO TRUNKS NUMBERS 162.256APPLY TO SX-200 ONLY NUMBERS MAY BE ASSIGNED 3 TYPE 1 = STANDARD BOTHWAYCOTRUNKVNL TYPE 5 = NON DlALINTIETRUNK(NON CO)VNL TYPE ii = STANOARD BOTHWAY CO TRUNKNON VNL TYPE 51 ='NON DIAL IN TIE TRUNK(NON CO)NON VNL GENERIC 202TYPE CODE DISPLAY DEFAULTS TO 4. ilO_ CONSOLEONLY #, CONSOLEANDNIGHT BELL 1 If2 -CONSOLE AN0 NIGHT BELL 2 #3-CONSOLE AND NIGHT BELL3 5. TO REMOVEATRUNKASSIGNMENT (NOTE TRUNK MUST FIRST BE REMOVED FROM TRUNKGROUPi 1 WHEN TRUNK IS DELETED *l-X12ASSlGNSTHETRUNKTOTHE HUNT GROUPSELECTED l-112, 161-256 ASSIGNS THE TRUNK TO THE SPECIFIED EXTENSION 6. TO SEETHE NEXT ASATRUNK: EDUIPMENT NUMBER PROGRAMMED @I MI-TEL (a Dial-h Trunks 12. Step Operation If TENANT service is used commence at step 1. If TENANT service is not used, start at step 4 (Note 1). 1. Press TENANT key. 2. Dial required tenant number (1, 2, 3 or 4). 3. Press ENTER key. 4. Press the ADD key to implement toll denial for the trunk selected. Press the DELETE key to remove toll denial for the trunk selected. 13. Press the BUSY LAMP NUMBER key. 14. Press the TRUNK key. Dial the number of the busy lamp which is to be associated with the selected trunk. (See BUSY LAMP POSITION NUMBERING, Fig. 2-2) 5. Press the EQPT NUMBER key. OR 6. Dial the equipment number to be associated with the required trunk (See EQUIPMENT NUMBERING, Fig. 2-2) Press the DELETE key if no busy lamp is required. 7. Press the TYPE key. 8. 15. Press the ENTER key to enter all Dial-In Trunk information into the memory. Dial the required trunk type number (2 -Direct Inward System Access or 4 - Dial-In Tie Trunk). 16. Repeat steps 1 through 16 for all Dial-In trunks required. OR Notes: 1. Press the DELETE key to delete all trunk information. 9. Press the COS number key. 10. Dial the required COS number (1 through 16). 11. Press the TOLL DENY key. All extensions in one tenant group should be entered in succession following the listed steps. The next group of extensions are entered using the TENANT and ENTER keys again. 2. For Multi-Digit Toll Control, see Section MITL9105/9110-98-212 Programming Procedures. 9 % APPLIESTO GENERIC ALL ENTRIES MADE $ ’ DIAL-IN TRUNKS 203ANDABOVE IF TENANT SERVICE IS IN USE AREASSIGNEDTOTHETENANT NUMBER DIALED I TO TENANT ENTERTRUNK PROGRAMMING TRUNK PRESS c NUMBER l DIAL 2, 4, 21, OR 41 OR DIAL 2-112 OR 162-256 DIAL l-16 DELETE (SEE NOTE 1 AND 2) c BUSY LAMP NUMBER c l DIAL l-150 OR cl ENTER q DELETE l 2 n 4 074 07& 084 086 1 EOUIPMENT NUMBERS 162.256APPLlES 2 EVEN EQUIPMENTNUMBERSONLY 3 TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TO SX-200 ONLY 4 TO REMOVEATRUNKASSIGNMENT: NOTETRUNK MUST FIRST BE REMOVED FROM TRUNKGROUP 5. TOSEETHENEXT EOPT NUMBERASSIGNEOASATRUNK MAYBEASSIGNEOTOTRUNKS 2 = DIRECT lNWAADSYSTEM.ACCESS VNL 4 = OIAL IN TIE TRUNK (NON CO)VNL 21 =9IRECTlNWARDSYSTEM ACCESS NON VNL 41 =blAL IN TIE TRUNK (NON CO)NON VNL pq GENERIC 202.02TYPE CODE DISPLAY DEFAULTS TO 1 WHEN TRUNK IS DELETED. pq . . . 6 COR I-3APPLlESONLY,IFTOLLCONTROL(GENERIC 204/UPIIS USED fd) DIDKCSA Dial-In Tie Trunks Step Operation If TENANT service is used commence at step 1. If TENANT service is not used, start at step 4 (Note 1) Step 9. Operation Press the I/C key. 10. Dial the required NMX code (N - number of digits to be received after the trunk is seized, M - number of digits to be absorbed after the trunk is seized, X - the actual leading digit to be inserted, if required). 1. Press TENANT key. 2. Dial required tenant number (1, 2, 3 or 4). 3. Press ENTER key. 11. Press the BUSY LAMP NUMBER key. 4. Press the TRUNK key. 12. 5. Press the EQPT NUMBER key. Dial the number of the busy lamp which is to be associated with the selected trunk (see BUSY LAMP POSITION NUMBERING, Fig. 2-2) 6. Dial the equipment number to be associated with the required trunk (See EQUIPMENT NUMBERING, Fig. 2-1) OR 7. Press the TYPE key. Press the DELETE key, if no busy lamp is required. 8. Dial the required trunk type code (3 - DID VNL, 6 - CCSA VNL, 31 - DID Non VNL and 61 - CCSA Non VNL) 13. Press the ENTER key to enter all DIDlCCSA Dial-In Tie Trunk information into the memory. OR 14. Repeat steps 1 through 13 for all DID/CCSA trunks required. Press the DELETE key to delete all trunk information. Notes: 1. ‘\ 2. All trunks in one tenant group should be entered in succession following the listed steps. The next group of trunks are entered in a similar manner using the TENANT and ENTER keys again. For Multi-Digit Toll Control, see Section MITL9105/9110-98-212 Programming Procedures. Q 6tD % 'DIDICCSA APPLIES TO GENERIC 203 AND ABOVE ALL ENTRIES IFTENANT SERVICE IS IN USE MADEAREASSIGNEDTOTHETENANT TRUNKS (GENERIC 203/UP) NUMBER DIALED TOENTERTRUNKPROGRAMMINGPRESS TRUNK l-l TENANT NUMBER SEE NOTE 3 DIAL DIAL 2-110 OR 162-254 313i261 cl 094 q DELETE (SEE NOTES 1 AND 2) 0 9 0 DIAL l-150 OR DIAL NMXCODE (NOTE 4) 0 ENTER DELETE C 78 3 3 77 NOTES. 5. TO REMOVEATRUNKASSIGNMENT: (TRUNK MUSTFIRST BE 1. EOUIPMENT NUMBERS 162.254APPLYTOSX-ZOOONLY 2 ALTERNATE EVEN NUMBERS ONLY MAY BE ASSIGNEO TO DlDlCCSA 3 TYPE3 = OIOVNL TYPE 31 = DID NON VNL TYPE 6 = CCSAVNL TYPE 61 = CCSA NON VNL 4 N = NUMBER OF DIGITS TO BE RECEIVEDAFTERTRUNKIS SEIZED (l-9) M = NUMBER OF OIGITS TO BE ABSORBEOAFTERTRUNKIS SElZED(O-8) X = LEADING DIGIT TD BE INSERTED, IF REOUIRED. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DIGITS IS 4(3lFTENANT SERVICE)AFTER ABSORPTION (M) AND ADDING A DIGIT (X). REMWED FROM TRUNKGROUP) TRUNKS 6. TOSEETHE NEXTEQPTNUMBERASSIGNEDAS ATRUNK @I MITEL 4.08 Trunk Croups Step Operation Step If TENANT service is used commence at step 1. If TENANT service is not used, start at step 4 (Note 1) Operation Press the DELETE key if toll denial is not required on the trunk group. 12. Press the OVFLO GROUP key. 13. Press ENTER key. Dial the number of the trunk group (1 through 12) to which calls will overflow if the trunk group is busy. You must not overflow into the same group. (See Note 1) 4. Press the TRUNK GROUP key. OR 5. Dial the required trunk group number (1 through 12). Press the DELETE key if no overflow is required. 6. Press the ACCESS CODE key. 14. Press the EQPT NUMBER key. 7. Dial the required trunk group access code 15. Dial the equipment number of the first trunk in the trunk group. 16. Press the EQPT NUMBER key. 17. Dial the equipment number of the next trunk in the trunk group. ia. Repeat steps 16 and 17 until all required equipment numbers have been dialed. 19. Press the ENTER key to enter all trunk group information into the memory. 20. Repeat steps 1 through 19 for all required trunk groups. 1. Press TENANT key. 2. Dial required tenant number (1, 2, 3 or 4). 3. OR Press the DELETE key to remove all trunk group information. a. Press the TYPE key. 9. Dial the four-digit trunk group type (See TRUNK GROUP TYPE CODES, Table 2-4). 10. Press the TOLL DENY key. 11. Press the ADD key to provide toll denial on the trunk group. OR Note 1: If a call to a trunk group is routed to the overflow group the restrictions of the overflow group are in effect for that call. 22 rb TRUNKGROUPS APPLIES TO GENERIC 203 AND ABOVE IF TENANT SERVICE IS IN USE ALL ENTRIES MADE ARE ASSIGNED TO THE TENANT NUMBER DIALED TO ENTER TRUNK GROUP PROGRAMMING PRESS TRUNK GROUP cl TENANT NUMBER (TRUNK INFORMATION MUST BE ENTERED BEFORE TRUNK GROUPDATA) SEE NOTE 4 AND 7 cl TRUNK GROUP DIAL 1-12 DIAL CODE OR NOTE SEE 6 q DELETE 1 1 ,T% 1 OR ll I n 1 DELETE 1 q-q DIGIT DIGIT NOTE 8 I DIAL 1-12 OR OVFLO GROUP c PRESS EOPT BEFORE DIALING EACH EQUIPMENT NUMBER ENTRY NUMBER AFTER LAST ENTRY PRESS ENTER c l c l l NOTE 5 6. TRUNK GROUP TYPE IS 4 DIGITS -. 1. -, l-NO SUPERVISION P-ANSWER SUPERVISION 3-TOLL REVERSAL 4-OUTGOING AUDIO INHIBITED UNTIL ANSWER SUPERVISION (GENERIC 203. 204) OUTGOING AUDIO INHIBITED UNTIL ANSWER SUPERVISION TIMEOUT OR # DIALED (GENERIC 205) TO SEE THE TRUNKS IN A TRUNK GROUP: TO SEE ALLTRUNK GROUPS: TO DELETE TRUNK GROUP: pl E[ F[ Nl%& Fi 14 . Fi . l F[ . . . 3rd DIGIT l-ROTARY DIAL OFFICE, NO WAIT FOR DIAL TONE 2-ROTARY DIAL OFFICE, WAIT FOR DIAL TONE 3-TOUCH-TONE DIAL OFFICE, NO WAIT FOR DIAL TONE 4-TOUCH-TONE DIAL OFFICE. WAIT FOR DIAL TONE 4th DIGIT I-CENTRAL OFFICE P-NON-CO 3-IDENTIFIED TRUNK GROUP (NON-CO) 7. IF GENERIC 203 OR HIGHER IS USED, THE TRUNKS WITHIN A TRUNK GROUP MAY BE PROGRAMMED FOR EITHER TERMINAL OR CIRCULAR HUNTING, IF TERMINAL HUNTING IS REQUIRED, ENTER TRUNK EOUIPMENT NUMBERS IN REOUIRED SEOUENCE. IF CIRCULAR HUNTING IS REOUIRED MARE LAST TRUNK EOUIPMENT NUMBER THE SAME AS THE FIRST TRUNK EOUIPMENT NUMBER. 8. USE OF .I'OLL DENY KEY DOES NOT APPLY IF TOLL CONTROL (GENERIC 204/UP) IS USED SEE SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-212 OR TOLL CONTROL FORMS THIS SECTION. TO MAKE A CHANGE TO A TRUNK GROUP. THE LIST OF MEMBERS MUST BE RE-ENTERED. INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS CAN'NOT BE DELETED OR CHANGED. THE EXISTING TRUNK GROUP LIST IS AUTOMATICALLY DELETED WHEN YOU START TO ENTER A NEW ONE ORIGINAL I\ND OVERFLOW TRUNK GROUPS MUST BE THE SAME TYPE AND HAVE THE SAME TOLL RESTRICTION CHARACTERISTICS. IF GENERIC 202 IS USED THE TRUNKS WITHIN A GROUP MAY ONLY BE PRDGRAMMED FOR CIRCULAR HUNTING. 2nd DIGIT l-NO MESSAGE REGISTER Z-MESSAGE REGISTER (GENERIC 203/lJP) 3SMDR WITHOUT MESSAGE REGISTER (GENERIC 205) 4-SMDR WITH MESSAGE REGISTER (GENERIC 205) - MITEL SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 APPENDIX 1 MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES GENERAL Al.01 Task oriented functions in this section are i m p l e m e n t e d u s i n g MITEL A C T I O N PROCEDURES (MAP’s). Al.02 A MAP is a step by step procedure using a flow chart principle, written and illustrated where necessary to a level of detail that allows both experienced and inexperienced personnel to carry out the tasks detailed. A MAP contains two levels of information as follows: (a) For experienced personnel, a series of steps (level one) each numbered [n] and annotated with minimal information. Al.08 DECISION Block: Used to indicate a decision within the level one steps which must be made. The symbol is based on a hexagon with the top and bottom sides extended. Decision text is centred in the symbol. Al.09 START/FINISH/JUMP TO Block: Used to indicate the start and finish of a MAP. Also used to indicate ‘jump to’ points within the MAP, for example “go to [n]” or “from [n]” or “return to [n]“. The symbol is a rectangle with semi circular ends. Text is centred in the symbol. THE OPERATORS USE OF MAP’S Experienced (b) For inexperienced personnel, each step referred to in (a) above is amplified by a connected series of numbered substeps [nA] (level two). Operator Al.03 A typical example of a MAP is shown in Fig. Al, with the two levels detailed. For the experienced operator to complete a task using a MAP, reference to the sequential short form level one steps is usually all that is necessary. Using Fig. Al-l as an example, the experienced operator would proceed as follows. MAP SYMBOLS Al.11 Al.04 There are four basic symbol shapes which may be used in a MAP, and are defined as follows. Al.05 AND Block: Used to indicate a level one step that must be performed. Consists of a square with the word AND centred in the block. Al.08 OR Block: Used to indicate a choice of level one steps, one of which must be performed. Consists of a rectangle, with the text centred in the block, and with the word OR appearing between the alternative operations. Al.07 The rectangle is also used to border instructions which imply that the operator must perform a task outside the scope of the MAP. The text is centred in the rectangle. Al.10 At [l] makes a decision based on the information within the block. If the answer is YES the operator must proceed to a different MAP. If the answer is NO the operator is faced with another decision at block [2]. Al.12 At [2] if the decision is NO there is no requirement to proceed further and the test is abandoned. This naturally results in a FINISH block. If the decision is YES the operator proceeds to [3] and [4] in succession, i.e. dials the DID station number and completes the call to the check extension. Al.13 The description of the instructions carried out in Al.05 and Al.06 have assumed that the level of competence of the operator is such that short form level one steps contain sufficient information, and therefore the operator reads only the centre column of the MAP,-top to bottom of the page. Al-l SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 SECTION MITL9110.99-215 YES c Go lo MAP215.15, NO AT [3A] MAINTENANCE Se, tc ?. .Iswkh ..-. ,; r3.c. . __ _ Slcl” 1 mng,ng tone _ _ .__ STATlON NUMBER ANSWER DID DIAL STATfON ATTENDANT DID A3.25 Fig. Al Typical Map Page Al.15 Using Fig. Al as an example the path followed should be: (a) At [l] and [2] make the decisions called for at these steps as before. (b) At step [3] dial the DID station number by performing substeps [3A], [3B] and [3C]. Al.2 TOOLS, TEST EQUIPMENT AND SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Al.18 Any tools, test equipment or special in- structions that the operator requires or needs to know are stated on the first page of each MAP. If the MAP is long, and contains a number of sub procedures, these are listed in synopsis form on the first page. S E C T I O N MITL9105/9110-98-210 ‘; APPENDIX 2 PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES 1. GENERAL This appendix details the preferred order in which the SX-100 or SX-200 PABX should be programmed for features and options required by the customer. This appendix also includes procedures for programming Multi Digit Toll Control and Speed Call. A2.01 A2.02 Multi Digit Toll Control is available in Generic 2041~~. Speed Call is available in generic 205 only, Note that both features require the use of the Extended Programming mode. In this appendix MAP210-221 will cover entering the Extended mode for both features. MAP210-244 will cover exiting the Extended mode for both features. :. ” A2.03 Table A2-1 details the order of the standard system programming procedures. Table A2-2 details the order of the Multi Digit Toll Control programming procedures. Table A2-3 details the order of Speed Call programming of the system. TABLE A2-1 STANDARD Title Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MAP 21 O-201 21 O-202 21 O-203 21 O-204 21 O-205 21 O-206 21 O-207 21 O-208 21 O-209 210-210 21 o-21 1 210-212 System Programming Select Programming Options Program System Options Program COS Options Assign Feature Access Codes Program New Extensions Program Extension Hunt Group Program New Non Dial-In Trunks Program New Dial-In Trunks Program New DID Trunks Program Trunk Groups Terminate Programming Mode TABLE A2-2 MULTI DIGIT TOLL CONTROL Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Option Selection of Extended Programming Absorb Plan Control Plan Trunk Group Class of Restriction Restriction Tables Add an Entry Displaying Sequential Entrys Search for an Entry Delete an Entry Terminating Programming MAP No. 21 o-221 21 o-222 21 O-223 21 O-224 21 O-225 21 O-226 21 O-227 21 O-228 2 1 o-229 21 O-244 : ‘. ;‘. A2-1 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE A2-3 SPEED CALL Order 1 2 3 4 A2- 2 Option Selection of Extended Programming Programming Personal Tables Convert Tables From Personal to Common Use Terminating Programming MAP No. 21 21 21 21 o-221 O-242 O-243 O-244 SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-21 0 START GENERIC NUMBER 111 Is the system in programming mode ( I YESI ) NO At Equipment: [2A] Set thumbwheel switch on tone control card (slot 18, yellow) to 8888 NUMBER \ At the Programming Console: [3A] Press LAM.P TEST key l Al&\~~s light, tone rmger l [3B] l l OR All displays show 8 Press LAMP TEST key All disp&ys show 8 I&fLLis light, tone ringer -0 0 ATT CLASS 0 0 RING BUSY DESTINATION INTERNAL FIRMWARECODE 0 ERROR \ CONSOLE 1 CODE 131 AND I PERFORM LAMP TEST I Fig. 201-l (> Go to Sectlon MITL9105/9110-99.350 Press IDENT key WI . Source display shows software . generic number and its issue Fig. 201-l) b ESTINATION display shows the MITEL internal issue number and the code number for the console (Fig. 201-l) .- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 bheet 2 of 2 T From [51 YES [7A] Enter all system data in tha order listed in Table 201-l 23 ENTER ALL DATA FINISH TABLE 201-l Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l9 10 11 Title Select Programming Mode Program System Options Program COS Options Assign Feature Access Codes Program New Extensions Progam Extension Hunt Group Program New Non Dial-In Trunks Program New Dial-In Trunks Program New DID Trunks Program Trunk Groups Terminate Programming Mode * Not supplied with Generic 202 A24 MAP 21 O-202 21 O-203 21 O-204 21 O-205 21 O-206 21 O-207 21 O-208 21 O-209 210-210 21 o-21 1 210-212 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 START Is system operatronal and programmed with SecurrtidAeccefs Place console in pro ram mode by dialing Security Access I! ode and go to required MAPS (210-203 through -214) I NOTE programmed from a console Place console in programming mode [3A] Place programming console overlav over console faceolate (Fig. 2b2-1) (381 Press ENTER key twice All displays dark [3;] Set thumbwheel switches on tone control card (card position 18, yellow) posi- . . to--- appropriate _. non (I acile 202-l) [3D] Press LAMP TEST key . LAMP TEST lamp lit Y E S i- NO 1 To use Pr ramming Security Access “Bowing criteria must apply: Code the fol l Feature 29 (MAP210.205) is programm ed with the code l Generic 204/up is installed When using the Maintenance console on the cabinet maintenance panel. CONSOLE TO PROGRAMMING I TABLE 202.1 I f ( Go to[4] ) I I SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-210 SELECT PROGRAMMING MODE I 1 MAP210-202 Issue 3, July 1980 1 Sheet 2 of 3 I Multi Tenants WI W. I r& . 61 . . PEI . Set thumbwheel switches on the Tone Control card to 7776 Press TENANT kev TENANT lamp lit ’ SOURCE shows 1 or 0 Press ADD key ADD key lit DESTINATION shows 1 Press ENTER key SOURCE display shows 00000000 DESTINATION display shows 00000000 Press RESET key on Scanner card (card position 19, orange) System reset, no longer in program mode [7Al 17Bl . 64 . [h . . MULTl TENANT I S E L E C T S I N G L E TENANT SERVICE [7El * - Set thumbwheel switches on the Tone Control card to 7776 Press TENANT key TENANT lamp lit SOURCE shows 1 or 0 Press DELETE key DELETE lamp lit DESTINATION shows 0 Press ENTER key SOURCE display shows 00000000 DESTINATION display shows 00000000 Press RESET key on Scanner card (card position 19, orange) System reset, no longer in program mode Place console in programming mode [8A] Place programming console overlay over attendant console faceplate (Fig. 202-l) [8B] Press ENTER key twice All displays dark &] Set thumbwheel switche on tone control card (card postion 18, yellow) to appropriate position (Table 202-l) [8D] Press LAMP TEST key . LAMP TEST lamp lit lTL9105/9110-96-212 A2-6 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 SELECT PROGRAMMING MODE MAP210-202 1 Issue 3, July 1980 I Sheet 3 of 3 EQPT NUYllER EXTN NUMBER cos TOLL BUSY LAMP P,CWP NUM8ER D E N Y N U M B E R GROUP Fig. 202-l Programming Console Overlay .: :...-: _- A2-718 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I I PROGRAM SYSTEM OPTIONS MAP210-203 1 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 1 of 4 NOTES (1) All entries are made from the console dial pad. (2) OPTION lamp lit throughout procedure. (3) A display of EO indicates that an incorrect key had been pressed. Press the key specified. I I ~ I I I YES Place console In programming mode. Select System Option [3A] Press OPTION key. l OPTION lamp lit SOURCE display shows 100 and l 0 if no options enabled or the number of the first option enabled and 1. [3S] l ()Go to MAP210-202 Dial option number required (100 - 234) Table 203-l SOURCE display shows number dialed and 1 if the option enabled or 0 if the option is not enabled PRESS OPTION KEY DIAL OPTION CODE (TABLE 203-l) A2-9 r SECTION MITL9110.98-210 PROGRAM SYSTEM OPTIONS G O - 2 0 3 I 1~ Issue 3, July 1980 I Sheet 2 of 4 TABLE 203-l SYSTEM OPTIONS Option Number 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113’ 114 114’ 115 116 117 118 119* 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132* 133* 134’ 135 136 137* 138’ 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 A2-10 Option Name Discriminating Ringing Transfer Dial Tone Flexible Night Service Night Service Automatic Switching TAFAS Available During Day Outgoing Trunk Camp-On Outgoing Trunk Callback Can Flash if on an Incoming Trunk Can Flash if on an Outgoing Trunk Can Flash if Talking to Station Cannot Dial a Trunk After Flashing Cannot Dial a Trunk After Flashing if Holding or in Conference with a Trunk Lockout Alarm Enable Tenant Service (set automatically when tenant service is selected when programming) Flash Time 0.7s (Only in Generic 202 and REV 5 UP) Tenant Service - Separate Consoles Vacant Number Intercept to Attendant Illegal Access Intercept to Attendant DID/Dial-InlCCSA Vacant/Illegal Intercept to Attendant Attendant Camp-On Attendant Conference Attendant Busy Override Attendant Serial Call Bell Off Enable Page Button Enable New Call Tone Enable Both Mode Standard Callback Button Enable Trunk Busy-Out Enable Both Button Enable Attendant CO Trunk-CO Trunk Connect Enable Attendant CO Trunk-Non CO Trunk Connect Enable Attendant Non CO Trunk-Non CO Trunk Connect Enable Controlled Outgoing Restriction Set-Up (Room Restriction) Controlled Station Restriction Set-Up (Do Not Disturb) Controlled Station to Station Restriction SetUp (Call Blocking) Attendant DISA Code Set-Up Enable Limited Wait For Dial Tone Message Waiting Set-Up (lamp) Message Waiting Set-Up (bell) Attendant Timed Recall - Camp-On -20s Attendant Timed Recall - Camp-On -40s Attendant Timed Recall - Don’t Answer - 20s Attendant Timed Recall - Don’t Answer - 40s Attendant Timed Recall - Hold - 20s Attendant Timed Recall - Hold - 40s Night Service Timeout - 20s Night Service Timeout - 40s Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Timeout -20s Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Timeout -40s Call Forwarding - Busy (System, DID Dial-In Tie Trunk, CCSA) SECTION MITL9110.98-210 TABLE 203-l (CONT’D) SYSTEM OPTIONS Option Number 150 151 152 153 154 155 156’ 157* 158’ 159* 160’ 161’ 162’ 163’ 164’ 165* 166” 167* 168’ 169’ 170’ 171* 172* 173’ 174* 175’ 176’ 177’ 178’ 179’ 180’ 181’ 182’ 183* 184 185 186 187 188 189 190” 191” 192** 193” 194” 195” 196” 197** 198’* 199” 200** 201” 202** 203** 204’* 205’ l Option Name Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer (System, DID Dial-In Tie Trunk, CCSA) Park and Call-Hold Recall - 2 minutes Park and Call-Hold Recall - 4 minutes End of Dial Signal for Outgoing Trunks (#) 24 Hour Clock First Digit Toll Deny Message Registration Enable Message Registration: Count Additional Supervisions Message Registration: Timer = 20 seconds Message Registration: Timer = 40 seconds Message Registration: Multiplier = 4 units Message Registration: Multiplier = 3 units Message Registration: Multiplier = 2 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 8 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 7 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 6 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 5 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 4 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 3 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 2 units Message Registration: Surcharge = 1 unit DID to Non-CO Trunks via Attendant Inhibit GUEST ROOM Button Enable ROOM STATUS Button Enable & Display Enable Do Not Disturb Intercept to Attendant Do Not Disturb and Message Waiting Displays Single Digit Dialing Enable Single Digit Dialing Time-Out = 3 seconds Single Digit Dialing Time-Out = 5 seconds Attendant Station Busy-Out Enable Flash Timing = 0.7 seconds Flash Timing = 0.9 seconds Flash Timing = 1.1 seconds Trunk Recall Partial Inhibit Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Automatic Wakeup Enable Automatic Wakeup Print Automatic Wakeup Music On Hold Room Register Audit Enable Room Status Audit Enable Message Register & Message Waiting Change Print Enable Ignore Print Enable Remote System Reset - Protection Override Enable Non-CO Trunk to Trunk Connect Toll Control Enable Traffic Measurement Enable Traffic Measurement Extreme Value Mode Traffic Measurement Compact Report Traffic Measurement Polling Traffic Measurement Autoprint Identified Trunk Group Enable Generic 203 and above ** G e n e r i c 2 0 4 o n l y * l * Generic 204 and 205 t Generic 205 only Option Number 206* 207” 208** l 209* 210** 211” 212** 213** 214*’ 215 216t 217t 218t l 219t 220t 221t 222t 223t 224t 225t 226t 227t 228t 229t 230t 231 t 232t 233t 234t Option Name Inhibit Automatic Supervision Printer Carriage Return Delay Zero Message Register After Room Register Audit Traffic Measurement - Console Enable Attendant Printer Control Enable System ID Enable Nightbell 3 with Minor Alarm Enable HIM Printouts: Extra Line Feeds Automatic Wakeup Alarm Reserved Speed Call Enable Speed Call Programming Enable Speed Call: Confidential Number Display and Change Enable Reserved Station Message Detail Recording: Outgoing Calls Station Message Detail Recording: Incoming Calls SMDR: Extended Record SMDR: Record Meter Pulses SMDR: Indicate Long Calls SMDR: Drop Incomplete Outgoing Calls SMDR: Record Only Incoming calls (CCSA & Non-dial tie trunks) SMDR: Drop Calls of Less Than 8 Digits Discriminating Dial Tone Special ANI Feature Account Code Enable Account Code Length, 4 Digits Account Code Length, 8 Digits Account Code Length, 12 Digits Variable Length Account Codes A2-11 1. : i:. : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM SYSTEM OPTIONS I MAP210-203 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 4 of 4 [5A] l Press ADD key SOURCE display shows opti number dialed and 1, option tive [5B] l Are more options to be added or I NO Store system options [7A] Press ENTER key . ENTER lamp lit S ENTER KEY [8A] . Press LAMP TEST key LAMP TEST lamp lit S LAMP TEST KEY A2-12 Press DELETE key SOURCE display shows option number dialed and 0, option SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM COS OPTIONS I MAP210-204 I Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 1 of 6 (1) All entries are made from the console dial pad (2) COS DEFINE lamp remains lit through procedure (3)A display of EO indicates that an incorrect key was pressed; press key specified SYNOPSIS Define COS group (1 . 16) Enter all option codes (33 . 94) Press ADD or DELETE keys Press ENTER key Place console in programming mode. I YES (e) Select COS Pro r a m [3A] Press COki DEFINE key . COS DEFIYE lamp lit l gg:FiCE display shows current [3B] Dial class-of-service number to . be defined (l-16). DESTINATION display shows COS number dialed - PRESS COS DEFINE KEY DIAL COS NUMBER ( Goto[4] ) A2-13 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM COS OPTIONS MAP216204 Lie 3, July 1980 I [4A] Press OPTION key l OPTION lamp lit [46] SOURCE display shows COS number dialed followed by 33 and 0 (no options assigned) or first option assigned to the COS followed by a 1. 4 AND PRESS OPTION KEY COS number dialed out of range 1-16 NO NO (Delete options) Add options to COS [74 Dial option code be added to this . OPTION lamp lit. . SOURCE display shows COS number followed by option number dialed, followed by 0. [8A] Press ADD key l ADD lamp lit [8B] SOURCE display shows COS number, new option code and 1 (option active) VI -cl AND I DIAL OPTION CODE (TABLE 204-l) rI61 ’ AND ADD OPTION v Go to 191 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TABLE 204-l CLASS-OF-SERVICE OPTIONS Option Number Extension Options 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ‘43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ‘63 l 64 Option Number Extension Options Automatic Callback Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Call Park Never a Forwardee Directed Call Pickup Executive Busy Override Data Security Station Override Security Inward Restriction (DID) Originate Only Receive Only Flash Disable Never a Consultee Broker’s Call Station Conference Meet-Me Conference Camp-On Do Not Overflow Paging Access TAFAS Access Hold Pickup Account Code Access Manual Line Contact Monitor Non-CO Trunk via Attendant Inhibit CO Trunks via Attendant Inhibit No Dial Tone Flash for Attendant Call Blocking Message Register * Generic 203 and above ** Generic 204 only 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ‘77 l 78 l 79 l 80 *al “82 t83 t84 t85 t86 t87 t88 t89 t90 t91 t92 t93 t94 Trunk Group 1 Access Trunk Group 2 Access Trunk Group 3 Access Trunk Group 4 Access Trunk Group 5 Access Trunk Group 6 Access Trunk Group 7 Access Trunk Group 8 Access Trunk Group 9 Acess Trunk Group 10 Access Trunk Group 11 Access Trunk Group 12 Access Message Waiting Applies Room Do Not Disturb Setup Enable Call Hold and Retrieve Access Room Status Applies Call Forward System Inhibit Alarm Call Setup Enable Forced Account Code Entry No SMDR Record for This Line Speed Call Table 1 and 2 Access Speed Call Table 3 and 4 Access Speed Call Table 5 and 6 Access Speed Call Table 7 and 8 Access Speed Call Table 9 and IO Access Speed Call Table 11 and 12 Access Speed Call Table 13 and 14 Access Speed Call Table 15 and 16 Access Speed Call Table 17 and 18 Access Cannot Dial a Trunk After Flashing t Generic 205 only TABLE 204.2 OPTION CONFLICTS 45 46 46 46 48 62 62 Option Receive Disable Flash Disable Flash Disable Flash Disable Brokers Call Flash for Attendant Flash for Attendant and 58 48 49 62 49 49 48 Option Contact Monitor Brokers Call Station Conference Flash for Attendant Station Conference Station Conference Brokers Call A2-15 j. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM COS OPTIONS Option number dialed out of range 33.94 and El or E5 OPTION NUMBER AND E5 NO YES NO Remove Option from COS [12A] Press OPTION key [12B] Dial option code (33 - 82) to be removed from the COS l SOURCE display shows COS number, option code, and 1 (option active) 51 1121 ANI PRESS OPT/ON KEY DIAL OPTION CODE A2-18 Conflicting option exists. ) Remove conflicting option. Table 204-2 * SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 : ..;. [13A] . l Press DELETE key DELETE lamp lit SOURCE display shows COS number, option code, and 0 (op. tion inactive) - 4 - AND DELETE OPTION AND CHECK DISPLAYS D o e s bell ring and out of range 33 - dialed and El or E5 Are more options to be removed from the COS NO Store COS Options [16A] Press ENTER kev . ENTER lamp lit L * SOURCE display shows current COS number WI < AND PRESS ENTER KEY i (oolollll) A2.17 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 PROGRAM COS OPTIONS MAP210-204 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 6 of 6 Are more COS NO 1181 [18A] . Press LAMP TEST key LAMP TEST lamp AND ri PRESS LAMP TEST KEY A2-18 S E C T I O N I MITL9105/9110-98.210 ASSIGN FEATURE ACCESS CODES I MAP210-205 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 1 of 3 I I 1. 2. 3. NOTES All entries are made from the console dial pad. FEATURE lamp lit throuahout procedure. . A display ot EO indicates that an incorrect key was pressed, check procedure and press correct key. SYNOPSIS Enter feature number. Assign or delete access code. Press ENTER key. Repeat for all required features. t Set console to programming mode. Programming mode YES \ f Go to MAP210-202 SELECT FEATURE ACCESS CODE PROGRAM [3A] Press FEATURE key. e SOURCE display shows feature number and its assigned access code or the feature number and ----, no access code assigned to the feature. [3B] l l Dial number of feature to be added or changed (Table 205-l) SOURCE display shows feature number and its assigned access code or the feature number and ---*, no access code assigned to the feature. DESTINATION display shows feature number dialed. d [31 AND A PRESSFEATUREKEY DIAL FEATURE CODE (TABLE 205-l) Go to [4] I- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I ASSIGN FEATURE ACCESS CODES MAP210-205 Issue 3, July 1980 I Sheet 2 of 3 I DESTINATION display shows feature number dialed and error code. El - feature number dialed out of range 1 .42 Check feature number (Table 205-l) (Y&T) Is feature to be removed from system ASSIGN FEATURE ACCESS CODE - -I Dial new access code WI. ACCESS CODE lamp lit . SOURCE display shows new feature number-and its access code or the feature number and ----, if no access code is assigned to the feature. e DESTINATION display shows access code to be assigned. - NO Press ENTER key A2-20 SOURCE display shows feature number and assigned access code. YES [7Al . STORE FEATURE ACCESS CODE WI I Press DELETE key. SOURCE display shows the feature number and 0, feature not active. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 ASSIGN FEATURE ACCESS CODES MAP210-205 issue 3, July 1980 1 Sheet 3 of 3 Are more access codes to be NO Press LAMP TEST key All lamps dark I TABLE 205-l FEATURE ASSIGNMENTS Feature Number Description 20 21 Feature Number Description Cal, Forwards Lbn;t Answer Call Forward Follow MB Call Park Did cau Pickup Directed Cdl PiCkUP Meet-Me Conference pager 1 pager 2 HCM Pick”*ACCBSS pager 1 and 2 TAFASAII TAFAS.1 TAFAS-2 TAFAS-3 Attendant Function hlain,enance Function DID Attendant Access Code Direct inward System Access ..: :-.i:. -~ ~~ Generic 203 and above Generic 204 only t First digit conflicts between these codes and other access codes are allowed. See Section MITL9105/9110-98-105 for complete description of feature operation. l l l A2-21122 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I PROGRAM EXTENSIONS 1 NOTES (1) (2) (3) All entries are made from the console dial pad. EXTN lamp lit throughout procedure. A display of EQ indicates that an incorrect key has been pressed. ;rps the key specrfred In the required, this MAP is not applicable. SYNOPSIS Select required tenants (l-4) Enter extension equi ment number. Enter extension num rid er. Enter COS number. Enter toll allow/deny. Enter busy lamp position number. Enter picku group number. Press ENT PR key. f START 1 )No Have all installation forms been completed I YES Place console in programming mode. A2-23 SECTION MlTL9105/911 O-98-21 0 PROGRAM EXTENSIONS MAPPlO-206 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 2 of 7 Is multi tenant service to be used (SINGLE TENANT) [4A] [4B] [4C] Press TENANT key Dial tenant number (l-4) Press ENTER key SELECT EXTENSION PROGRAM [5A] Press EXTN key . EXTN lamp lit 4 PRESS EXTN KEY L NOTE E uipment number 001 is reserve ii for the test line and should not be assigned to a working extension. J ENTER EQUIPMENT NUMBER [6A] Press EQPT NUMBER key . EQPT NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE display shows lowest assigned equipment number or 001 if no equipment number is assigned [6B] . l . Dial equipment number to be defined, Fig. 206-l. (l-1121161-256) EQPT NUMBER lamp lit SOURCE display shows current equipment number DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed I P R E S S ECWPMENT NUMBER KEY DIAL E Q U I P M E N T N U M B E R ( F I G . 206.7) DESTINATION display shows equipment number and error code. El number dialed out of range l-1121161-256. Check number. Fig. 206-l A2-24 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I I PROGRAM 1 EXTENSIONS ---I MAP210-206 1 issue &July 1980 I 1 Sheet3 of 7 I SHELFZ(SX-2000NLY) I PLUG1 I PLUG3 PLUG5 001 0 0 9 0 1 7 0 2 5 0 3 3 041 0 4 9 0 5 7 0 6 5 0 7 3 081 089 5 g 002 010 018 026 034 042 0 5 0 0 5 8 0 6 6 0 7 4 0 8 2 090 0 0 3 011 051 = 004 012 020 028 036 044 019 027 035 043 -I- 0 5 9 0 6 7 0 7 5 0 8 3 091 099 1071 0 5 2 0 6 0 0 6 8 0 7 6 0 8 4 092 100 1081 005 013 021 029 037 0451053 061 069 077 085 093 101 1091 006 014 022 030 038 0461054 062 070 078 086 094 S 1007 015 023 031 039 0471055 063 071 079 087 095 g 1008 016 024 032 040 0481056 064 072 080 088 096 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 PLUG2 9 10 11 12 13 14 9 10 11 12 13 14 PLUG4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 CARD POSITION 1 1 SLOTNUMBER I PLUG6 SHELF1 NOTES: 1. EQUIPMENT POSITION 001 IS RESERVED FOR THETEST LINE AND MUST THEREFORE BE EQUIPPED WITH A LINE CARD. 2.TRUNKEQUlPMENTNUMBERISSAMEASlNDlVlDUALTRUNKACCESSCODE. Fig. 206-l Hardware/Equipment Numbering A2-25 1. : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 r PROGRAM EXTENSIONS I 1 MAP210-206 1 Issue 3, July 1980 I Sheet 4 of 7 I ENTER EXTENSION NUMBER [8A] Dial extension number . EXTN NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE display shows equipment number and existing extension number if assigned l DESTINATION display shows dialed extension number - EXTENSION NUMBER DESTINATION display shows El, E4 or E5 I Cl Numbering plan conflict, check entry. If entry is correct, press CONFIRM key and continue, the original assignment is deleted. If entry is incorrect, return to [A. El -bad data received by CPU. E4-extension number exists. E5-extension number in conflict with existing numbering plan. ENTER COS NUMBER [lOA] Dial COS number (l-16) l COS NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE display sho.ws equiprn;-n;;;mber and exrstmg COS . DESTINATION display COS number dialed shows COS NUMBER Press TOLL DENY key. Does bell ring DESTINATION display shows COS number and error code. El-COS number out of range (1.16). NO (-Qk-) A2-26 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 See CAUTION at start of MAPSlO-206. I- TOLL AALLOWED TOLL LL TOLL DEN/E DEN/ED r [14A] [l . ASSIGN TOLL ACCESS [13AJ Press DELETE key . DELETE lamp lit l SmOJK$ display SOURCE display shows equipment number and existing Toll Allow/Deny code coae (0 (u == HIIOW, Allow, 1 = Deny) . DESTINATION display shows O-Toll Allow t- A N D A N D . . . PRESS DELETE KEY PRESS ADD KEY Press BUSY LAMP NUMBER key. Does bell ring DESTINATION display shows Toll Allow or Deny code and error code. El, bad data received by CPU. -TNO ASSIGN EXTENSION TO BUSY LAMP FIELD [16A] Dial BUSY LAMP NUMBER (l-150) to be assigned to extension (See Fig. 206-2 . BUSY LAMP NUMB ER l a m e lit l SOURCE disolav shows eq’uipment numbed and existin 9 BUSY Lamp assignment . DESTINATION display shows new Busy Lamp Number 4. 4L + Press ADD key ADD lamp lit SOURCE display shows equipment number and the existing toll access code DESTINATION display shows code 1 (Deny) I (y&F) m[161 AND 7 I DIAL REQUIRED BUSY LAMP NUMBER (FIG. 206-2) A2-27 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 1 PROGRAM EXTENSIONS I EMAP210-206 I 1 Issue 3, July 1980 I I I Sheet 6 of 7 I I l 31 l 61 l 91 l ooooooooo 32 33 62 63 92 93 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 l 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 l 51 52 53 ooooooooo 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 *eeaeoeoo 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ooooooooo 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ooooooooo 121122 123 124 125126127128129 130 101 102 103104 105 106 107108 109 110 111 112 113 114115 116117 118119120 131 132133 134 135 136 137138 139140 141 142 143144145146 Fig. 206-2 A2.28 ooooooooo 42 Busy Lamp Position Numbering 147 148149 150 I I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I I DESTINATION display shows Busy Lamp Number and error code. El - number entered out of range (1.150). Check entry and return to [15]. C2 . position dialed already assigned. If this IS a valid change press the CONFIRM key and continue. If Busy Lamp position is in error return to [15]. ASSIGN EXTENSION TO PICKUP GROUP f1SA1 Dial Pickup Group number to . which extension i s assigned . PICKUP Group lamp lit e SOURCE display shows equipment number and current pickup group assignment, 0 is displayed if no assignment IS made . DESTINATION display shows new pickup group assignment - Sheet 7 of 7 I -If I I NO [181 AND DIAL PICKUP GROUP NUMBER DESTINATION display shows pickup Press ENTER key. Does bell ring i7 y extension has a used message register. Clear message register. . I (Returnfollll) Are other Tenant extensions to be programmed NO .: ,: .‘. YES [22A] Press LAMP TEST key . LAMP TEST lamp lit . All lamps except LAMP TEST go dark - 4 A2-29130 . SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 1 PROGRAM EXTENSION HUNT GROUPS 1 1 MAP210-207 I 1Issue 3, July 1980 1Sheet (1) (2) (3) (4) I I of 6 NOTES All entries are made from the console dial pad. HUNT GROUP lamp remains lit throughout rocedure. A display oP EO indicates that an incorrect key has been pressed. Press the key specified in the MAP. If any e uipment number is to be change iI wrthin a hunt group, the hunt group must be re-entered. SYNOPSIS Select required tenant. Enter hunt group number (l-12). Enter master hunt number. Enter all required equipment numbers. Determine type of hunting Press ENTER key. installation forms been completed Complete installation Has console programming mode programming mode. Go to MAP210-202 Go to MAP210.206 A2-37 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM EXTENSION HUNT GROUPS MAP2107207 Issue 3, July 1980 1Sheet 2 of 6 Is multi tenant service to be ~!%GLE TENANT) [5A] [5B] [5C] Press TENANT key Dial tenant number (l-4) Press ENTER key I- TENANT/NG SELECT HUNT GROUP PROGRAM [6A] Press HUNT GROUP key l SOURCE display shows hunt group 1 and access code if assigned [6B] lI?\;equired hunt group number \’ l . -161 - s ’ AND ‘-I SOURCE display shows hunt group 1 and master number if assi ned DES%NATlON display shows new hunt group number PRESS HUNT GROUP KEY D/AL HUNT GROUP NUMBER Press ACCESS ;;;lzE; [8A) l l . HUNT GROUP MASTER ;ioae;unt group master code (See ACCESS CODE lamp lit SOURCE display shows hunt group number and existing master number DESTINATION display shows master number dialed I NO P PI - DIAL MASTER CODE NUMBER (xi-) : () Return to [6] AND I A2-32 DESTINATION display shows hunt group number dialed and error code. El -number out of range 1-12. NOTE The master number is the number which when dialed will access the hunt group. This number cannot be assigned to an extension. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM EXTENSION HUNT GROUPS I MAP210-207 1Issue 3, July 1980 1Sheet 3 of 6 7 From [8] ASSIGN EXTENSIONS TO HUNT GROUP [lOA] Dial equipment number of first extension in this hunt group . EQPT NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE display shows hunt group n u m b e r and existing equipment number if one is assigned or the hunt group number alone if no equipment number is assigned to the hunt group . DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed DESTINATION display shows hunt roup master number and error code. I!l-bad data received by CPU E4-access code already assigned Efi-numbering plan conflict I r SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 PROGRAM EXTENSION HUNT GROUPS NO I DESTINATION display shows equipmenf number dialed and error code. El - number entered out of range l-112/161-256 return to [9] E3 - master number not entered, return to (71 E6 - equipment number dialed is not defined as an extension or extension has a used message register. Check equipment number; if incorrect return to 191. If correct, press LAMP TEST key and go to MAP210-206 and enter extension information. If message register shows a non-zerc content, clear the register and ensure COS of extension does not include Op tion 64 (Message Register). [12A] l l . Dial equipment number of next extension in this hunt group EQPT NUMBER lamp lit SOURCE display shows hunt group number and existing equip tieni number DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed EOPT Go A2-34 to 114) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM EXTENSION HUNT GROUPS MAP210-207 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 5 of 6 ASSIGN TYPE OF HUNTING ClRCULA R HfJNTlNG DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed and error code El - number entered out of ran e I-112/161-256, return to [II 7. 56 - equipment number dialed is not defined as an extension or extension has a used message re ister. Check equipment number, if Bncorrect return to [II . If correct, press LAMP TE sT key and go to MAP210-206 and enter extension information. NO EWIFtCE display is as shown in Step .Il6Al . l . Dial first equipment number on this hunt giotip EQPT NUMBER lamp lit SOURCE display shbws hunt group and last equipment number entered DESTINATION display shows first equipment number entered -1161 ’ l 7 AND I 23 Go to (171 A2-35 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM EXTENSION HUNT GROUPS I MAP210-207 klssue3, I July 1980 I Sheet 6 of 6 Incorrect Number Dialed DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed and error code El - number entered out of ran e l-112/161-256, return to 111 3 E6 - equipment number dialed is not YES defined as an extension or extension has a used message register, return to 1151 STORE HUNT GROUP DATA ~~~IRCE display is as shown in Step I 1161 f N O YES NO . [20AI . . Press LAMP TEST key All displays dark All lamps dark except LAMP TEST lamp 4 AND b PRESS LAMP TEST v FINISH KEY SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I PROGRAM NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS I 1 MAP210-208 I Issue 3, July 1980 Issue 1 of 10 (1) (2) (4 NOTES All entries are made from the console dial pad TRUNK lamp remains lit throughout rocedure A display oPEO indicates that an incorrect key was pressed. Press the key specified in MAP and proceed. SYNOPSIS Select tenant service if required Enter equipment number (2-1121162-256) Enter Trunk type number (1 or 5,11 or 51) Enter LDN assignment Enter DAY assignment Enter NIGHT 1 assignment Enter NIGHT 2 assignment Enter Busy Lamp Position number Press ENTER key Have all installation forms been completed I NO P Complete all installation forms. YES Has console Set console to programming mode. programming mode YES 1 Go to MAPPlO-202 A2-37 i : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS I MAP210-298 Issue 3, July 1980 r Issue 2 of 10 Is multi tenant service to be used \ / (EVG‘E SELECT TENANT SERVICE [4A] Press TENANT key [4B] Dial tenant number (l-4) [4C] Press ENTER key TENANT) -I- 1 SELECT TRUNK PROGRAM [5A] Press TRUNK key l TRUNK lamp lights and remains lit throughout procedure. - +-tfJ PRESS TRUNK KEY ENTER EQUIPMENT NUMBER [6A] Press EQPT NUMBER key . EQPT NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE display shows current equipment number [6B] Dial equipment number of trunk (Fig. 208-l) . EQPT number lamp lit l SOURCE display shows current equipment number . DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed I \ ICO C o , n NO f i r/ m e n t r y NOTE I E uipment number 001 is reset-v e 1 for the test line and must not be assigned to a trunk. I s e e N O T E b e l o w . NOTE The equipment number dialed is either assigned to an extension or does not contain a trunk card. Check equipment number and card slot. If you wish to remove the previous assignment and assign this equipment osition to the trunk press CONFIRM R ey and return to [S]. If you wish to change the equipment entry, return to 141. A2-38 I 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM NON DIAL-INTRUNKS .- .-.. : .’ SHELF 2 (SX-200 ONLY) I PLUG1 PLUG3 I - PLUG5 I E 0 0 5 0 1 3 021 0 2 9 0 3 7 0 4 5 0 5 3 061 0 6 9 0 7 7 0 8 5 0 9 3 101 1 0 9 g g 006 014 022 030 038 046 054 062 070 078 088 094 102 110 i ; 0 0 7 0 1 5 0 2 3 031 039 047 0 5 5 0 6 3 071 0 7 9 0 8 7 0 9 5 1 0 3 111 2 008 016 024 032 040 048 056 064 072 080 088 096 1 0 4 1121 2 . 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 PLUG2 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PLUG4 I 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 1 CARD POSITION 17 18 19 20 21 22 SLOT NUMBER PLUG6 642 SHELF 1 NOTES: - 1. EQUIPMENT POSITION 001 IS RESERVED FOR THE TEST LINE AND MUST THEREFORE BE EQUIPPED WITH A LINE CARD. 2,TRUNKEQUIPMENTNUMBERISSAMEASINDIVIDUALTRUNKACCESSCODE. Fig. 208-l Hardware/Equipment Numbering ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS MAP210-208 Issue 3, July 1980 Issue 4 of 10 TABLE 008-l Code 1 5 11 51 SELECT TRUNK TYPE [8A] Dial trunk type code, Table 2087 l TYPE lamp lit l SOURCE display shows equipment number of trunk and its current type . DESTINATION display shows new trunk type entered Type Both way CO Trunk VNL Non Dial-In Tie Trunk VNL Both way CO Trunk Non VNL Non Dial-In Tie Trunk Non VNL DIAL TRUNK TYPE TABLE 208-l G;;;)E-j, DESTINATION display shows trunk type ASSIGN TRUNK TO LDN KEY [lOA] Dial LDN key number (l-4) to be assigned to trunk . LDN lamp lit l SOURCE display shows equipment number and current LDN key assignment . DESTINATION display shows new LDN assignment +---j ANDII DIAL LDN ASSIGNMENT A2-40 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 From [lo] DESTINATION displa shows equipment number and error cox8. El-LDN assignment out of range (l-4), check assignment. Press DAY NUMBER key. Does bell ring I (-Y&-) NO ENTER DAY ASSIGNMENT [12A] Dial DAY assignment of trunk. See Table 208-2 . DAY lamp lit l SOURCE display shows equipment number and current day assignment (Table 208-2) . DESTINATION display shows new day assignment (Table 208-2) i -wd I TABLE 208-2 1 Code Assignment AND - DIAL DAY A S S IlG N M E N T T A B L E 208.2 #O #l #2 #3 nnn Attendant Bell 1 plus Attendant Bell 2 plus Attendant Bell 3 plus Attendant Equipment number of extension +r aa Hunt group number 1-12 I Display 1 JO -I1 J2 J3 nnn Las NOTE The # Key is displayed as J on the console display. The * Key is displayed as L on the console display. (Yz--) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS lMAP210-208 1Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 6 of 10 I Press NIGHT 1 key. I NO Is this this Trunk to be be assigned to NIGHT service 1 NO ENTER NIGHT 1 ASSIGNMENT [18A] Dial code of equipment to which &u&is to be connected (Table l l l NIGHT 1 lamp lit SOURCE display shows current a s s i nment of trunk DESB INATION display shows code dialed TABLE 2063 Code Assignment TABLE 208-3 #O Attendant console #I Bell 1 plus Attendant #2 Bell 2 plus Attendant #3 Bell 3 plus Attendant nnn Equipment number of extension +aa Hunt group number l-12 Display JO Jl 5 nnn Las NOTE The # Key is displayed as J on the console display. The * Key is displayed as L on the console display. Go to 1161 A2-42 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS MAP210-208 1 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 7 of 10 DESTINATION display shows night assignment dialed and error code. El -assignment entered incorrect, check assignment. (Y&T-) Is this trunk to be assigned to NIGHT service 2 YES ENTER NIGHT 2 ASSIGNMENT [18A] Dial code of equipment to which trunk is to be connected. Table 208-4 . NIGHT 2 lamp lit l SOURCE display shows current assignment of trunk . DESTINATION display shows code dialed NO 1181 TABLE 208-4 AND Code Assignment 5 Display J ASSIGN NlGHT 2 T A B L E 208-4 NOTE The # Key is displayed as eon the con. sole display. The * Key is displayed as L on the console display. f Go to [I91 A243 SECTION MITL910519110~98-210 PROGRAM NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS 1 DESTINATION display shows Night assignment dialed and El -assignment entered incorrect, check assignment. Press BUSY LAMP Is this trunk to busy lamp position - YES I- NO ASSIGN TRUNK TO BUSY LAMP FIELD [21A] Dial busy lamp position assigned to the trunk (Fig. 208-2) . BUSY LAMP number lamp lit l SOURCE display shows equipment number of trunk and current busy lamp assignment . DESTINATION display shows new busy lamp assignment Press ENTER key Does bell ring YES DESTINATION display shows busy lamp osition dialed and 4 1 -position number dialed out of range 1.150 CZ-position assigned see NOTE below t NO NOTE lamp position dialed already dialed is correct, IRM key, this will remove the original assignment and assign the busy lamp positron to this trunk. The busy lamp will therefore, indicate multile numbers. Multiple appearances may !Ie removed by proceedmg through this MAP. h2-44 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM NON DIAL-INTRUNKS I lMAP210-208 I lssue3,July1980 Sheet9of 10 l 31 l 61 l 4 91 ooooooooo 32 3 3 34 35 62 6 3 64 9 2 93 3 6 37 3 8 39 40 l 41 42 43 ooooooooo 44 45 4 6 47 48 49 50 ooooooooeo 51 52 53 54 55 5 6 57 58 59 60 ooooooooo 65 66 67 68 69 70 oooeooooo 9 4 95 96 9 7 98 99 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121122 123 124125126127128129 130 l ooooooooo 101 102 1 0 3 1 0 4 105 106 107108109 110 l ooooooooo 1 1 1 112 113 1 1 4 1 1 5 116117 118119120 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142135 143144145 yj 131 141 132133 134 136 137138 139140 146 147 148 149 150 Fig. 208-2 Busy Lamp Position Numbering A245 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I I PROGRAM NON DIAL-IN TRUNKS I MAP210-208 I 1Issue 3, July 1980 ISheet 10 of 10 I Are trunks to be programmed for other tenants NO NO [25A] . . Press LAMP TEST key All displays dark All lamps dark except LAMP TEST lamp PRESS K E Y LAMP TEST _- A246 . SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 NOTES All entries are made from the console dial pad (2) TRUNK lamp remains lit throughout rocedure (3) A display oP EO indicates that an incorrect key was pressed. Press the key specified in MAP and proceed. (4) (1) CAUTION If Multi-Digit Toll Control (Generic 204) is required this MAP is not applicable. Trunks must be programmed in accordance with Section MITL9105/9110-96-212. SYNOPSIS Select tenant service if required. Press TRUNK key. Enter Equi ment number (2.112/162-256) Enter Trun R type number 2 or 4, 21 or 41 Enter Trunk COS Enter Toll Allow/Deny code Enter Busy Lamp Position number Press ENTER START \ Complete all installation forms. been completed I YES Has console Set console to programming mode. programming mode SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 r r PROGRAM DIAL-IN TRUNKS I MAP210-209 1 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 2 of 8 Is multi tenant SELECT TENANT SERVICE [4A] Press TENANT key [4B] Dial tenant number (l-4) [4C] Press ENTER key SELECT TRUNK PROGRAM [5A] Press TRUNK key l TRUNK lamp lights and remains lit throughout procedure. ENTER EQUIPMENT NUMBER [6A] Press EQPT NUMBER key . EQPT NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE displav shows current equipment number [6B] Dial equipment number of trunk (Fi,g. 209-l) l EQPT number lamp lit l SOURCE display shows current equipment number . DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed A2-48 I PRESS TRUNK KEY yoss;gned to equipment numbers 001 =iS EQPT NUMBER KEY DIAL EQPT NO. (FIG. 209-l) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PLUG7 66 1 7 4 1 8 2 1 9 0 1 9 8 206 214 2 2 2 2 3 0 2 3 8 2 4 6 2541 1 6 7 175 g 1 8 3 191 168 176 1 8 4 1 9 2 5 1 PLU I 1 9 9 2071215 200 208 1 2 3 4 5 31 32 33 34 35 6 36 PLUG8 I 1 . 2 2 3 231 I 239 247 255 7 216 224 232 240 248 256 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 37 38 39 40 41 42 PLUG10 I 1 13 14 43 44 15 16 45 46 17 18 47 19 48 PLUG12 I . 1 20 49 50 21 51 22 52 I 4 CARD POSITION 1 SLOT 1 PLUG1 0 0 9 0 1 7 025 PLUG3 I 0 3 3 0411049 0 5 7 065 1051 ri2 010 018 026 034 0421050 058 066 074 082 0901098 1061 i ~019 027 035 0431051 059 067 075 083 091[099 1071 t 8 D O 6 0 1 4 0 2 2 030 038 046 0 5 4 0 6 2 0 7 0 0 7 8 086 0 9 4 102 : D O 7 0 1 5 0 2 3 031 0 3 9 047 0 5 5 0 6 3 071 087 095 1 0 3 111 5 2 D O 8 016 0 2 4 0 3 2 0 4 0 048 0 5 6 0 6 4 0 7 2 0 8 0 0 8 8 096 1 0 4 112 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 079 110 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PLUG2 PLUG4 z zjd z= EL fi= I PLL I 0 7 3 081 0891097 I I SHELF 2 (SX-200 ONLY) 001 NUMBER 1 P =z z= 3: gz 2s P cz zs =I=ct 22 1211111 - E; RESERVED I31 FOR COMMON 14121 I 5 CONTROLS 6 3 7 18141 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CARD POSITION 17 18 19 20 21 22 SLOT NUMBER PLUG6 209-l Hardware/Equipment I 642 .._.. . ‘ -:z -: i:_ 1. EQUIPMENT POSITION 001 IS RESERVED FORTHETEST LINE AND MUST THEREFORE BE EQUIPPED WITH A LINE CARD. 2,TRUNKEQUIPMENTNUMBERISSAMEASINDlVlDUALTRUNKACCESSCODE. Fig. I: 2 SHELF 1 NOTES: I 1 Numbering _- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 [BA] DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed and El-number out of range 2-112/162-256, return to [4] EG-trying to program an extension with message registration, return to - A N D [41 CO-Confirm entry see NOTE The equipment number dialed is either assigned to an extension or does not contain a trunk card. Check equipment number and card slot. If you wish to remove the previous assignment and assign this equipment osition to the trunk press CONFIRM R ey and return to [A. If you wish to change the equipment entry return to 161. . CORRECT NOTE - Remove Trunk [lOA] Press DELETE key . DELETE lamp lit . SOURCE display shows equipment number and its current class . DESTINATION display shows 0 . AND TABLE 209-l Code SELECT TRUNK TYPE [llA] Dial trunk code. Table 209-l l TYPE lamp lit l SOURCE display shows the equipment number of the trunk and its current type . DESTINATION display shows trunk type entered TRUNK 4 _ DATA AND 2 Type @c.t Inward System Access 4 Dial-In Trunk VNL 21 Direct Inward System Access Non VNL 41 Dial-In Trunk Non VNL A D/AL T R U N K T Y P E CODE. TABLE 209.1 Press COS NUMBER (+l) (-T&q A2450 DESTINATION display shows the trunk t pe code and error code P1 - code is not 2, 4, 21 or 41 SECTION MITL91051911 ENTER COS NUMBER [13A] Dial COS number (l-16) . COS NUMBER lamp lit . SOURCE display shows equipment number of trunk and its existing COS number . DESTINATION display shows COS number dialed O-98-21 0 AND . DIAL COS M/MBER must be programmed in accordance with Section MITL9105/9110-98-212. DESTINATION displa shows equipment number and error coJe El - COS number dialed out of range l-18 NO TOLL ALLOWED TOLL DENIED 1 ASSIGN TOLL ACCESS [16A] Press DELETE key * DELETE lamp lit SOURCE displav shows eauiol ment .numbei and the existing toll Allow/Deny code (0 = Allow, 1 = Denv) . DESTINATION display shows 0 TOLL ALLOWED 7A] . . 4- . Press ADD key ADD lamp lit SOURCE display shows equipment number and the existing toll access code DESTINATION display shows code 1 (Deny) I , Press BUSY LAMP DESTINATION display shows Toll fjllow/Deny code and El, out of range 0 A2-51 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-210 Is this trunk to ASSIGN TRUNK TO BUSY LAMP FIE [2OA] Dial busy lamp position assign to the trunk (Fig. 209-2) l BUSY LAMP NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE display shows equipment numbei of trunk and-current busy lamp assignment l DESTINATION display shows new busy lamp assignment - AND ASSIGN BOW LAMP POSlTlON (FIG. 209.2) A2-52 SECTION l ooooooooo l ooooooooo l 92 93 91 o94o95 oo 96 o 97o98 o99 oo 100 l ooooooooo 31 32 3 3 61 62 6 3 MITL9105/9110-98-210 ‘. 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 0 64 65 66 67 68 69 121122 123 124125126127128129 70 . . pxxG7-p 101 ..o 102 103104 .105 . . . 106 107108109 110 111 112113 114115 116117 118119120 130 Fig. 209.2 131 132133 134 135 136 137138 139140 141 142 143144145146 147 148149 150 Busy Lamp Position Numbering : I :-: : :,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 r- PROGRAM DIAL-IN TRUNKS I MAP210-209 Issue 3, July 1980 1 Sheet 8 of 8 I Press ENTER key I NO YES AND CoNzlz CoNzlz 7 ASSlGNMl ASSIG NM1 NOTE The busy lamp position dialed is already assigned to an extension or trunk. If you wish to remove the previous l-I tenants trunks [25Al . . -1251' Press LAMP TEST key All displays dark All lamps dark except LAMP TEST lamp 4 1 7 AND . P R E S S LAMP TEST KEY v FINISH DESTINATION display shows busy lamp position dialed and El position number dialed out of range 1.-!50 ;il:;rtron Assigned see NOTE (1) (2) (3) NOTES All entries are made from the console dial pad. Trunk lamp remains lit throughout rocedure. A display oPEO indicates that an incorrect key has been pressed. Press the key specified in the MAP and proceed. SYNOPSIS Select re uired tenant. Enter equ9 pment number 2-l 121162-256 Enter trunk t pe code 3, 31, 6, or 61. Enter I/C code. Enter Bus Lamp assignment. Press EN JER. I 1 t S E C T I O N MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM DID TRUNKS I MAP210-210 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 1 of 6 must be programmed in accordance with Section MITL9105/9110-96.212. I] Complete all installation forms I Set console to programming mode. I Go to MAP210-202 Is multi tenant service to be NO SELECT TENANT SERVICE [4A Press TENANT key [4B Dial tenant number (l-4) [4C Press ENTER key (SINGLE TENANT) .- A2-55 j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 rl PLUG9 pz u, z-YN E!t XL YD PLUG11 2: ozo l-z 1 161 1 6 9 1 7 7 186 1 9 3 201 2 0 9 2 1 7 225 233 241 2 4 9 1 ,I162 170 178 186 194 2021210 218 226 234 242 2501 20; l-z I I 1 El163 171 179 187 195 2031211 219 227 235 243 2511 I Ei I 3: 2 1 6 4 1 7 2 180 108 196 204 . 212 220 228 236 244 252 . . . 15 I 6 174 1 6 2 1 9 0 1 9 8 2 0 6 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 3 0 2 3 8 2 4 6 2 5 4 167 175 183 191 199 207 215 223 231 2 3 9 2 4 7 2 5 5 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 2 3 2 2 4 0 248 L 2 43 ~ --I I 1 El165 173 181 189 197 2051213 221 229 237 245 2531 1 I 3 2 7 256 a 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CARD POSITION 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 SLOT NUMBER PLUG8 PLUG10 PLUG12 SHELFZ(SX-2000NLY) 19 20 21 22 SLOT NUMBER 642 A SHELF1 NOTES: 1. EQUIPMENT POSITION 001 IS RESERVED FOR THETEST LINE ANn MIIST THEREFORE BE EQUIPPED WITH A LINE CARD. 2.TRUNKEQUlPMENTNUMBERISSAMEASlNDlVlDUALTRUNKACCESSCODE. Fig. 210-l Hardware/Equipment Numbering A2-58 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM DJD TRUNKS I MAP210-210 I Issue 3, July 1980 1Sheet 3 of 6 __ cFr;-’ I From 141 SELECT TRUNK PROGRAM [5A] Press TRUNK key l Trunk lamp lights and remains lit throughout procedure ENTER EQUIPMENT NUMBER [6A] Press EQPT NUMBER key . EQPT NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE display shows current equipment number [6B] Dial equipment number of trunk (Fig. 210-l) l EQPT NUMBER lamp lit l SOURCE disDlav shows current equipment number . DESTINATION display shows equipment number entered NOTE The equipment number dialed is either assigned to an extension or does not contain a trunk card. Check equipment number and card slot. If you wish to remove the previous AND +-i PRESS TRUNK KEY L P R E S S E Q P T NUMBER KEY E Q P T N U M B E R DESTINATION display shows equipmenl number dialed and El - number out of range 2-1121162-256. Return to [3]. CO - confirm entry see NOTE. Remove Trunk CAUTION Trunks MUST be removed from trunk groups before being removed from the s stem. Trunks cannot be deleted or c 7l anged while they are in use. J Is this trunk to be removed from NO + Go to [lo] [QA] Press DELETE key . DELETE lamp lit ’ ! SOURCE display shows equipment number and its current class . DESTINATION display shows 0 IVE K ENTER TYPE CODE [lOA] Dial type code. Table 210-l l TYPE lamp lit l SOURCE displa shows equipment number o Y the trunk and its current type code l DESTINATION display shows new trunk type code TABLE 210-l DID Non VNL CCSA Non VNL DIAL TRUNK TYPE CODE A2-57 SECTION MITL910519110-98-210 Issue 3, July 1980 r Sheet 4 of 6 I DESTINATION display shows trunk type ENTER I/C CODE [12A] Enter number of digits to be received after the trunk has been seized (l-9) [128]1 Enter number of digits to be absorbed after the trunk is seized ( O - 8 ) [12C] If a leading digit is to be inserted, dial the actual digit to be inserted. See Note. t J DIAL UC CODE 1131 ’ Press BUSY LAMP NUMBER key. Does bell ring DESTINATION display shows code entered and El - digit length incorrect NO Is trunk to be assigned to a Busy Lamp 7 YES ENTER BUSY LAMP ASSIGNMENT [15A] Dial the busy lamp position assigned to the trunk (Fig. 210-2) l BUSY LAMP lamp lit l SOURCE displa shows the equipment num L er of the trunk and its current busy lamp assignment . DESTINATION display shows the new busy lamp assignment - A2-58 ASSIGN BUSY LAMP POSITION NO the I/C SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 PROGRAM DID TRUNKS I MAP210-210 I I issue 3, July 1980 I 1 Sheet 5 of 6 l 31 l 61 l 91 l ooooooooo 32 33 62 63 92 93 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ooooooooo 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ooooooooo 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 . 101 102 103104 105 106 107108 109110 111 112113 114115 116117 118119120 131 132133 134135 136137138 139140 141 142 143144145146 ooooooooo 121122 1 2 3 124125126127128129 130 I 147 148149 150 J Fig. 210-2 Busy Lamp Position Numbering .._. A2-59 r SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM DID TRUNKS MAP210-210 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 6 of 6 DESTINATION display shows busy lamp osition assigned and ii 1 - number dialed out of range (l-150), rem to [lo] - position already assigned. See Note. Press ENTER Does bell ring The Busy Lamp PosItion dialed already exists. If the assi nment is correct, ti press the CONFIRM ey, this will remove the old assignment and assign the osition to this trunk. If the assignment sr incorrect, return to 114). trunks for all tenants been YES [17Al Press LAMP TEST key l All indicators go dark except LAMP TEST lamp A2-80 * NO S E C T I O N I I MITL9105/9110-98.210 PROGRAM TRUNK GROUPS I MAP210-211 I 1 Issue 3, July 1980 I Sheet 1 of 7 (1) (2) (3) (4) NOTES All entries are made from the console dial ad. TRUNK GROeP lamp remains lit throughout rocedure. A display oP EO indicates that an incorrect key has been pressed, pAv the key specified in the If an equipment number is to be changed all trunks within the trunk group must be re-entered. CAUTION If Multi-Digit Toll Control (Generic 204) is required this MAP is not applicable. Trunks must be programmed in accordance with Section MlTL9105/9110-99212. I SYNCPSIS Select required tenant. Set up trunk group and access code. Assi n trunk roup type, Toll Deny and 8 verflow 8 roup codes. Enter all trunk equipment numbers assigned to the trunk group. H a v e a l l instal- Complete installation forms. YES (OotD) Has all trunk NO * Enter all trunk Information. I Go to MAP210-208 MAP210-209 A241 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 PROGRAM TRUNK GROUPS MAP210-211 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 2 of 7 Is multi tenant service to be NO SINGLE TENA NT SELECT TENANT SERVICE [5A] Press TENANT key [5B] Dial tenant number (l-4) [5Cl P r e s s E N T E R AND I SELECT TENANT SERWCE ‘+- SELECT TRUNK GROUP PROGRAM [6A] Press TRUNK GROUP key l TRUNK GROUP lamp lit l SOURCE display shows trunk group 1 and its access code if assigned or trunk group 1 and ----if no access code assigned [6B] Dial number of trunk group (1-12) l SOURCE display shows current trunk group number and its access code if one is assigned or trunk group 1 and ---- if no access code assigned l DESTINATION display shows trunk group number dialed 1 S TRUNK GROUP DIAL TRUNK IP NUMBER DESTINATION display shows trunk Press Access Code key Does bell ring [8A] l l . ~~~rKi?&$le~ Dial access code to be assigned to this trunk group ACCESS CODE lamp lit SOURCE display shows new trunk group and existing access code if assigned or the new trunk group and ---- if no access code assigned. DESTINATION displa CODE 23 Go to (91 A2-62 of range I-X2.1 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98~210 PROGRAM TRUNK GROUPS MAP210-211 Issue 3, July 1980 I Sheet 3 of 7 I DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed and El -bad data received by CPU E4-access code already assigned E5-first digit conflict Check entry. T NO ASSIGN TRUNK TYPE [TOAl Dial trunk type code (Table 211-1) l TYPE lamp lit l SOURCE display shows trunk group number and current type . DESTINATION display four digit type code dialed TABLE 211.1 Description Entry Code First digit Note (1) 1 No Answer Supervisior 2 Answer Supervision 3 Toll Supervision 4 Outgoing audio inhibited until answer supervision econd digit 1 No message register 2 Message register 3 SMDR without messagr register 4 SMDR with message register tl rhird digit Note (2) ‘ourth digit Note (3) Rotary dial office, no wait for dial tone t2 Rotary dial office, wait for dial tone $3 DTMF dial office, no wait for dial tone $4 DTMF dial office, wait for dial tone tone 1 CO trunk 2 Non-CO trunk 3 Non-CO with identification p _t, -I I AND - I - - DIAL TYPE CODE T A B L E 271-7 r YOTE1 . If answer supervision is not required (or not provided by the CO), then use 1 - No Answer Supervision. . If tandem trunking or Message Re istration is used, then use 2. Bnswer Supervision. . If supervision is used to indicate toll calls, and this feature is required, then use 3 . Toll Supervision. . If audio cut-through or tie trunk tandem calls is required only after receipt of answer supervision, then use 4 *Outgoin Audio Inhibit until Answer 8 upewision. VOTE 2 . If “wait for dial tone” is selected then any digits dial. ed prior to recei t of CO dial tone are ignore 8 by the PABX. This prevents circumvention of the toll denial by dialing a fast valid di it before CO dial tone is rece Bved. NOTE 3 . If the fourth digit selected is 3, the third digrt must be 1. t If extensions are DTMF the trunk will convert to dial p;fs;deyrly line split is not $ Yrunks iill repeat DTMF or dial pulse signals. A2-63 j - SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAM TRUNK GROUPS MAP210-211 l-Issue 3, July 1980 I- Sheet 4 of 7 1 -1 DESTINATION display shows trunk type code dialed. Check code. N O DENY - ASSIGN TOLL ACCESS [13AJ PRESS DELETE key l DELETE lamp lit . SOURCE disolav shows trunk group number and existing Toll Allow/Deny code (0 = Allow, 1~ Denv\ . DESTitiATION display shows 0 - Toll Allow - A2.64 1 14A] . . - AND I A N D + . . PRESS K E Y DELETE PRESS K E Y I ADD Press ADD key ADD lamp lit SOURCE display shows trunk group number and existing Toll Allow/Deny code (0 = Allow, 1 = Denv\ DESTIgATION display shows 1 - Toll Deny SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I PROGRAM TRUNK GROUPS I MAP210-211 issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 5 of 7 7 From 1141 -DESTINATION diseiag shows toil allow/deny code and 1, ad data received by CPU. I NO ASSIGN OVERFLOW GROUP [16A] Dial overflow group number (1-12) l OVFLO group lamp lit l SOURCE display shows trunk grou number and assigned overPlow group number l DESTINATION display shows new overflow group number [16B] If no overflow group required press DELETE (dz-) NOTE Overflow roup number must not be the same as tile current trunk group number. if a call to a trunk group is routed to the overflow group, the restrictions of the overflow group are in force for that call. A2-85 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 r- PROGRAM TRUNK GROUPS I IP210-211 Issue 3, July 1980!r 79 Sheet 6 of 7 1171 ( Press EQPT NUMBER key. Does bell ring DESTINATION display shows trunk group number and El . overflow group 1 ASSIGN EQUIPMENT NUMBERS TO THIS TRUNK GROUP [18A] Dial equipment number of trunk in trunk group (2-112/162-256) . EQPT NUMBER lamp lit . SOURCE display shows the trunk group number and existing equipment number - () Return to (151 L-J I AND DIAL EQUIPMEN NUMBER NO A2.86 DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed and El - number out of range, return to [17) E8 - equipment number dialed not 1assi ned to a trunk. If equipment num tier is correct, press LAMP TEST, return to required trunk programming MAP, if equipment number is incorrect return to (171 E 3 - trunk grou access code not entered, return to P7j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 PROGRAMTRUNKGROUPS MAP210-211 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 7 of 7 [22A] . . . 1 Dial first equipment number on this trunk group EQPT NUMBER lamp lit SOURCE display shows trunk group number and last equipment number entered DESTINATION display shows first equipment number entered - AND * l DIAL EQPT NUMBER Press ENTER key. Does bell ring YES P DESTINATION display shows equipment number dialed and E; - number out of range, return to [17] equrpment n u m b e r draled n o t to a trunk. If equipment er is correct, press LAMP TEST, return to required trunk programming MAP, if equipment number is incorrect access Eurn - trunk to m grou entered, return to Pfl code not Are any more trunk groups for this tenant to be programmed I (,,.,,,,,,) STORE TRUNK GROUP DATA [26A] Press LAMP TEST key . All displays dark . All lamps dark except LAMP TEST .- A2-87168 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-210 TERMINATING PROGRAMMING MODE I MAPPlO-212 I Issue 3, July 1980 I Sheet 1 of 1 Press LAMP TEST button handset removal [3A] Set thumbwheel switches on Tone Control card (card position 18, yellow) to 8888 - [6A] Press SYSTEM MASTER RESET button on Scanner card (card position 19, orange) It- [7A] Close and lock cabinet doors AND - AND . [4A] [48] Remove Replace console console handset handset AND AND CLOSE AND LOCK CABINET DOORS A2-69170 / i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 SELECTION OF EXTENDED PROGRAMMING I Sheet 1 of 2 / [2A] ;?I?;; VI Is the system in standard progfo7ring YES RELEASE button several Set thumbwheel switches on Tone Control card (card position 18 yellow) for console to be used in programming (Table 221-1) [2C] Press LAMP TEST button LAMP TEST LED lit [2b] Alternately enter Programming Security Code from console (Feature 29) TABLE 221-l [2B] CODE i CONSOLE I I I 7770 Maintenance 7771 Attendant 1 7772 Attendant 2 1 SELECT STANDARD PROGRAMMIN(: MODE I Is the complete YES NO MULTI-DIGIT TOLL CONTROL ONLY [4A] Place Extended Programming console overlay over console buttons I SELECT EXTENDED PROGRAMMING OVERLAY Press LAMP TEST button Press NEXT button ;P TEST LED flashes for tg+-[Fi duration of Extended Programm- 1 (T-) SELECT EXTENDED PROGRAMMING A2-71 i’ 1. _ SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 ISheet 2 of 2 TABLE 221-2 I :ONFIGURATI~N CODE From [S] Is all new data to be entered for 17Al 1761 [7Cl [701 1h [7Fl 17Gl WI Set the thumbwheel switches 07 the Tone Control Card (Card Position 18 yellow) to 7776 Press CONFIG button Dial single digit configuration code (Table 221-2) Press ENTER button Display shown in Fig. 221-1 I Return the thumbwheel switches on the Tone Control card to the Standard Programming console designation (Fig. 221-l) Press the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card Repeat Steps 2, 4 and 5 Enter all extended programming data in the order shown in Table 221-3 DESCRIPTION 1 Automatic Wakeup Toll Control Standard 2 Toll Control Standard and Speed Call Standard 3 Toll Control Basic and Speed Call Extended 4 Toll Control Extended (No Automatic Wakeup) NO I NOTE To have Automatic Wakeup and Multi. Digit Toll Control, select Configuration code 1 (Table 221.2) I CONFIGURATION COPE .1 PI --III AND I-l 17 171-i 1-l 17 In 1-i 1-.--.a.-.-.-.-. I) 1.) 0 0 0 0 0 1 ENTER EXTENDED PROGRAMMING I NUMBER CLASS UISPLAY AFTER ENTER BUTTON PRESSED TABLE 221-3 Trunk Group Class of Restriction A2-72 Fig. 221-l S E C T I O N MITL9105/9110-98-210 ABSORB PLAN I MAP210-222 ,, ::: ‘.. :‘. . NO forms completed in MITL9110.98.212 To Installation Forms MITL9110.98.212 YES I NO [3A] . I Press TOLL CONTROL button Toll Control LED lights SELECT ABSORB PLAN ABSORB REPEAT 451 [5A] Press ABSORB REPEAT butto AND SELECT (+-) .- A2-73 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 [7A] Di&igits Press DELETE button (Fig. 222-2) N O A B S O R B REPEAT DIGITS REQWRED [9A] Press ABSORB UNLOCK 1 button to be absorbed (Fig. ABSORB REPEAT DIGITS REQUIRED AND Are any absorb to be defined [ll A] Press DELETE button l- N O A B S O R B U N L O C K DlGlTS REQUIRED A2.74 AND [12A] A B S O R B U N L O C K DIGITS REQUIRED :;;13Tbsorb Unlock Digits (Fig. SECTION M ITL91051911 O-98-21 0 :: .: ‘.’ YES [14A] Press the ENTER button I ENTER ABSORB DATA ABSORB PLAN NUMBER ABSORB REPEAT SORI 3 PL NUM BER 5 NUMBER NUMBER 0 ATT . CLASS 0 INT 00 RCL SOURCE 00 DID 00 MAN DELETE INDICATION NUMBER AB\SORB UNLOCK DIGITS Fig. 222.2 ABSORB UNLOCK DIGITS (4 DEFINED) ': "W Fig. 222.3 A2-75176 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 CONTROL PLAN START NO tables completed in MITL9110-99-212 I [3A] . Press TOLL CONTROL button Toll Control LED lights [4A] Press CONTROL PLAN button Control Plan LED lights Dial Control Plan number DESTINATION Display shows Control Plan Number [4::B] YES ENTER CONTROL PLAN (dz-) 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-210 r- CONTROL PLAN I Sheet 2 of 4 YES [6A] [6B] Press DENY TOLL REV button Press DELETE button (Fig. 003-l) DENYON TOLL CONTROL REVERSAL DISABLE PLAN INDICATION NUMBER \ FIRST BASIC CONO. NUMBER . FIRST BASIC COND. NUMBER ALLOWED (1) OR DENIED (0) I [7A] [7B] Press DENY TOLL REV button Press ADD button (Fig. 003-2) c CONTROL PLAN NUMBER FIRST BASIC DENYON TOLL REVERSALENABLE COND. INDlCATlON NUMBER FIRST BASI COND.NUME ALLOWED( OR DENlED( CLASS 0 0 0 0 0 I -i r7 --1’ NUMBER TABLE NUMBER ALLOWEDOR DENIED NUMBER Fig. 223-l A2-78 , Fig. 223-2 SECTION MfTL9105/9110-98-210 CONTROL PLAN [8A] [8.B] Press B + S l C COND button Dial !3as!c Cord. number Destlnatlon Display shows Basic Cond. number -- I AND ENTER BASIC CONDlTlON Basic Condition to be allowed [lOA] Press ADD button (Fig. 223-2) [llA] Press DELETE button (Fig. 223-2) ziLi+~~E I. WI [12A] Press TABLE button 3 AND SELECT TABLE [14A] Dial Table number (Fig. 223-l) 7 [15A] c Press DELETEbutton (Fig. 223-l) A2-79 j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I CONTROL PLAN I MAP210-223 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 4 of 4 NO YES NO required Control Plans programmed YES [18A] Press ENTER button _- A2-80 SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-21 0 TRUNK GROUP CLASS OF RESTRICTION I MAP210-224 I July 1980 1 Issue 3, I Sheet 1 of 3 START NO tables completed in MITL9110-98-212 J Return to [2] 1 --u I YES I31 [3A] . Press TOLL CONTROL button Toll Control LED lights 7 AND SELECT TOLL CONTROL [4A] P r e s s T R U N K G R O U P b u t t o n [4B] Dial Trunk Group number Y SELECT TRUNK GROUP [5A] Press ABSORB PLAN button -+Yq -I- SELECT ABSORB PLAN (-+-) A2-81 SECTION MITLSI 051911 O-98-21 0 1 Sheet 2 of 3 From 151 161 Is an Absorb Plan to be applied YES l I61 [7A] Press DELETE button (Fig. A N D I NO ABSORB TRUNK GROUP NUMBER NO ABSORB PLAN NUMBER APPLIED :OR MBEI [8A] --IC Dk!2;BSORB PLAN 1 or 2 (Fig. :. ABSORB PLAN APPLIES TRUNK GROUP NUMBER ABSORB PLAN NUMBER COR NUMBER NUMBER 0 A:: Ri;T,NAT~~ /ERROR CONiROL PLAN NUMBER Fig. 224-l 0 0 0 J CONTROL PLAN NUMBER Fig. 224.2 0 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 :. -j [9A] [9B] Press COR button Dial COR number ._. ._.-; :-;.: AND SELECT COR WI + AND [lOA] Press CONTROL PLAN button + SELECT CONTROL PLAN Control Plan [12A] ;IH2&ntrol Plan number (Fig. A N D I [16A] I [13A] Press DELETE button (Fig. 224-l) c J Press ENTER button ENTER TRUNK GROUP DATA A2-83184 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 RESTRICTION TABLES 1 7 111 installation Tables completed in MITL9110-98-212 ( JNO (+I (7) PI / [3A] Press the TOLL CONTROL button . Toll Control LED lights [4A] Press TABLE button [4B] Dial Table number _ I AND I I SELECT + TOLL CONTROL ~“z-l t 1 If !he wrong table number is entered by J SELECT TABLE A2-85 i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 RESTRICTION TABLES I MAP210-225 [6A] [6B] [6C] Press DELETE button Press CONFIRM button Press ENTER button I AND Press DISPLAY ENTRY button N O T E : U s e t h e s e MAPS u desired modifications. TABLE 225-l ~1 A2-88 to perform SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 NOTE 1: rADD ~~AN ENTRY If the wrong entry digits are keyed by mistake, attempt to add the entry as it was keyed. If the entry is accepted remove it with the delete key. If an error is given no further action is required, as the entry was ignored. I Sheet 1 of 1 START NO (-Tik-) [2A] Press ADD button [26] Dial ENTRY digits (See Note 1) - Y AND I I I I I ADD AN ENTRY Restriction Table to apply [4A] Press TABLE button [4B] Dial Table number - AND ENTER I RESTRICTION TABLE YES Refer to Table 005-l [6~] Press ENTER button AND ENTER ADDfTlONS A2-87188 / SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 DISPLAYING SEQUENTIAL ENTRIES iiij=q Have steps 1 to 617 of MAP210.225 been completed [2A] . Press NEXT button Next sequential entry displayed NO AND 4 . YES 1 NO NOTE ;i;;m to get back to the start of the A2-89190 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-210 SEARCH FOR AN ENTRY 1 MAP210-228 I : :. :-.: [2A] Press DISPLAY ENTRY button [26] Dial Entry digits [3A] Push DISPLAY ENTRY button ,4--~[31zq DISPLAY ENTRY (T$g--) -< .. N O ,: . -. . 1 ..: A2-9,,92 :. .: SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 I DELETE AN ENTRY I Sheet 1 of 1 MAP210-225 been completed [2A] Press DELETE button 1 AND l DELETE DATA YES To MAP210.225 [4A] Press ENTER button - AND ENTER DELETION DATA The entry deleted is the entry which was dlsplayed. If the dashes were dlsplayed in the entry columns no change occurs when the Delete button is pressed. v A2-93194 /. 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 1 PROGRAMMING PERSONAL TABLES 1 NOTES 1. Prior to making programming entries on this MAP, Form SC-2 must have been completed. The completed form is used in conjunction with the relevant steps noted in this MAP. 2. After digit entries are made (e.g. Step (4)), the bell may ring and an error code may a pear in the DESTINATION display wPI en the key in the next sequence is pressed. In this event refer to Tables 242-l or 242.2, and repeat the sequence, i.e. the relevant function key and its digit entries, in order to correct the previous entry. Fig. 242-2 shows a typical error code entry. START TABLE 242-l 11 The equipment number entered is Place System In Extended Programming Mode (MAP210-221) The table number entered is not valid for the current size CON- 4 NOTE The SPEED CALL LED remains lit during programming in the Speed Call mode. [3A] I / Press SPEED CALL key. Does bell ring \ YES DESTINATION display shows E6. Refer to Table 242-l I u NO I Press TABLE key PRESS I TABLE .- A2-95 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 r PROGRAMMING PERSO.NAL TABLES MAP210-242 1Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 2 of 4 [4A] Enter Table number required (See Form SC-2) DESTINATION display shows number entered (Fig. 242-l) When a subsequ&i Key operation occurs the number is transferred to the SOURCE display and three hyphens appear as shown in Fig. 242-l) - . . I Error E3 (Table 242-l) may occur at;; a subsequent key operation. Note 2 and Fig. 242-2 DIAL TABLE NUMBER SPEED CALL TABLE NUMBER b-4 o,l - - - , NUMBER 0 INT 0 ATT CLASS 0 RCL 0 DID 0 MAN Go to[12] ECHOED DIGITS Fig. 242-l Typical Entry Displays III i7p1 Press EQPT NUMBER key EQPT NUMBER LED is lit 1 A ND PRESS EQPT NUMBER KEY Fig. 242.2 A2-98 Typical Error Code Display I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 . Sheet 3 of 4 PAI . . [9A] Dial equipment number digits for selected table DESTINATION display shows dialed digits SOURCE display shows digits entered (Fia. 242-3) when a subsequeni key operation occurs - I I NOTE Error El (Table 242-l) may oCcur after a subsequent key operation. See Note 2 and Fig. 242-2. I D/AL EQUIPMENT NUMBER DIGITS Press ACCESS NUMBER key +qlAg 1 I PRESS ACCESS NUMBER KEY [lOA] Dial first speed call access number diaits for the selected table (see Form SC-2) . DESTINATION display shows dialed digits (Fig. 242-3) in first I two positions which go to the last two positions when a subsequent key operation occurs I I NOTE Error El (Table 242-l), or Error E5 may occur after Step )e Note 2 and Fig. 242-2 DIAL ACCESS NUMBER DiGiTS Table 242-2 / [111 1 Is Number Redial to be used for this Station ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION E4 Indicates attempt to enter access number (Step 10) for a common-use table E4 Indicates attempt made to allocate number redial digits in a c o m m o n use table (Step 12) It- E5 Indicates number redial already exists for another table (Step 13) assigned to the same equipment - E5 Indicates access number (Step 10) already exists for another table assigned to the equipment ll2Al Press Number Redial Key [l3A] Press ADD key . fX~T;NATION display shows -a-. SOURCE display shows digit 1 where a subsequent key operation occurs I NOTE Error E5 (Table 242-3) may o6cur after Step (13). See Note 2 and Fig. 242.2 I A2-97 . _.. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 Are all tables entered for this NO YES -1151 [15A] Press ENTER key TABLE NUMBER AND EOUIPMENT NUMBER NUMBER REOIAL CODE CLASS 0 0 0 RCL SOURCE 0 DID 0 MAN SPEEd CALL ACCESS NUMBER Fig. 242-3 Completed Entries Dislay A2-98 ’ PRESS K E Y ENTER SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.210 CONVERT TABLE FROM PERSONAL TO COMMON-USE COMMON-USE TABLES DO NOT REQUIRE PROGRAMMING. THIS MAP IS THE PROCEDURE U S E D T O CONVERT A PERSONAL TABLE TO A COMM-USE TABLE. NOTES 1. Prior to makin programming entries on this MA 8 Form SC-2 must have been compleied. The completed form is used in conjunction with the relevant steps noted in this MAP. 2. After digit entries are made (e.g. Step (4)), the bell may ring and an er. ror code may a pear in the DESTINATION display wrl en the key in the next sequence is pressed. In this event refer to Table 243-1, and repeat the sequence, i.e. the relevant function key and Its digit entries, in order to correct the previous ent Fig. 243-2 shows a typical error co 7.e entry. TABLE 243-l ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION E3 The table number entered is not valid for the current size CONFIGURATION E6 The CONFIGURATION (MAP210-221) entered does not include Speed Call NOTE The SPEED CA.LL L-ED remains lit durinidP,‘Ogrammmg n-r the Speed Call Place System in Extended Programming * M o d e (MAP210-221) ( cF;tpes p+Izl-y DESTINATION display shows E6. Refer I NO Pi [3A] Press TABLE key I PRESS K E Y TABLE A2-99 .-- _ SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 CONVERT TABLE FROM PERSONAL TO COMMON-USE r MAP210-243 I Issue 3, July 1980 0 Sheet 2 of 2 0 DIALED DIGITS. [4Al . Enter Table number required (See Form SC-2) DESTINATION display shows number entered (Fig. 243-l). I 4 DIAL TABLE N U M B E R 0 0 Fig. 243-l Table Number Display NOTE Error E3 (Table 003-l) may occur after Step (4). See Note 2 and Fig. 243.3 SPEED CALL TABLEt?JMEER EQUIPMENT NUMBER NUMBER REDIALCODE - WI . . WI . . Press EQPT NUMBER key SOURCE display shows the data associated with the table (Fig. 243-l) DESilNATlON display shows the first access number of the table, and the table number (Step 4) disappears - I PRESS EQPT NUMBER KEY Press DELETE key DELETE LED is lit PRESS K E Y DELETE ,.." DIALED DIGITS Fig. 243-2 NUMBER 0 ATT Typical Entry Displays CLASS 0 0 0 RING BUSY ERROR DESTINATION J NO Fig. 243-3 T y p i c a l E r r o r C o d e Display [8A] Press ENTER key -I- - AND 0 PRESS 0 0 0 0 ENTER 17 Fig. 243-4 A2-100 Completed Entry Display I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-210 TERMINATING PROGRAMMING MAP210-244 Issue 3, July 1980 Sheet 1 of 1 [lA] [lB] . Press the LAMP TEST button Press the NEXT button LAMP TEST LED solid ENTER STANDARD PROGRAMMlNG MODE [2A] Set the thumbwheel switches on Tone Control card (card position 18, yellow) to 7780 *p AND I T’ ;;;oSWITCHES [3A] Press SYSTEM MASTER RESET button on Scanner card (card position 19, orange) . System is taken out of the programming mode - TO RESET SYSTEM ,lt1 - 141 ’ [4A] Enter time on console display [4B] Close and lock the cabinet doors 7 - - AND I CLOSE AND LOCK CAB/NET ,- A2-101 : MITEL STANDARD PRACTICE SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-215 Issue 2, July 1980 SX-lOO* AND SX-200* SUPERSWITCH” ELECTRONIC PRIVATE AUTOMATIC BRANCH EXCHANGE SYSTEM TEST PROCEDURES CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...2 Reasonforlssue........................2 2. DETAILED TEST PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . .2 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...2 System Test Procedures - Generic 202 Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 System Test Procedures - Generic 203 Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 System Test Procedures - Generic 204 Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 APPENDIX 1 MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES .Al-1 APPENDIX 2 GENERIC 202 SYSTEM TESTS. .A2-1 Set Up Test Equipment (MAP215201). . . . A2-3 Test Extension Options (MAP215202) . . . A25 Test Console Features (MAP215.203) . .A2-7/8 Broker’s Call (MAP215-204). . . . . . . . . .A2-9/10 Call Forwarding - Busy (MAP215-205) A2-11112 Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer (MAP21 5.208) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-13/14 Call Forwarding - Follow Me (MAP21 5-207) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-15/18 Call Park (MAP215-208) . . . . . . . . . . . .A2-17118 Call Pick-up (MAP215-209) . . . . . . . . . . . .A2.19 Camp-On (MAP215-210). . . . . . . . . . . .A2-21/22 Consultation Hold/Transfer/Add-On (MAP215-211) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-23124 Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer (MAP215-212) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A2-25/28 Automatic Callback - Busy (MAP21 5-213) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-27128 Meet-Me Conference (MAP21 5-214) . . A2-29130 Executive Busy Override (MAP215-215) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-31132 Paging (MAP21 5-218) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-33134 Answer Incoming Call (MAP215-217) . . . A2-35 Automatic Callback (MAP215-218). . .A2-39/40 Extending Internal Calls (MAP21 5-219) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2.41/42 CONTENTS PAGE Answering Recall (MAP215.220) . . . . . . .A2-43 Override (MAP215-221) . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-45/48 Flexible Night Service (MAP215-222) . A2-47/48 Trunk Busy Operation (MAP215-223). . . .A2-50 Trunk Group Attendant Access (MAP21 5-224) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-51152 Trunk Group Dial Access (MAP21 5-225) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2-53/54 Test Termination (MAP215-226). . . . . . . .A2-55 APPENDIX 3 GENERIC 203 SYSTEM TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-l/2 Test Extension Options (MAP215-300). : A3-3/4 Do Not Disturb (MAP215-301) . . , . . . . . .A3-5/6 Call Block (MAP215-302). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-7 Call Hold (MAP215-303) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A3=9 Single Digit Dialing (MAP215-304). . . . . .A3-13 Transfer Into Busy (MAP215-305) . . . .A3-15/16 Common Alerting Devices (MAP215-306) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-17118 Test Console Features (MAP21 5-350) A3-19/20 Answer Incoming CO Trunk Call (MAP215-351). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A3-21 Answer DID Trunk Call (MAP215-352) . . . A3-25 Attendant Do Not Disturb (MAP215-353) A3-27 Message Waiting (MAP215-354) . . . . . . .A3-29 Attendant Call Forwarding - Busy (MAP21 5-355) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-31 Attendant Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer : (MAP215-356) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A3-33134 I Attendant Call Forwarding - Follow Me ;. 1” I,:;’ (MAP21 5.357) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-35/36 Attendant Controlled Conference (MAP21 5-358) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-37 Attendant Station Busy-Out i (MAP21 5-359) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-39140 Test Console Features (H/M) (MAP21 5-300) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-41 Attendant Do Not Disturb (H/M) (MAP21 5-360) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,< . . . . A3-43 : 0 MITEL Corporation 1980 l Trademark of MITEL Corporation Page 1 i I -- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 CONTENTS PAGE Message Waiting (H/M) (MAP21 5-361) A3-47148 Message Registration (MAP21 5362) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-49150 Controlled Outgoing Call Restriction (H/M) (MAP215-363). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3-51 Room Status (H/M) (MAP215-364) . . . . . . A3-53 APPENDIX 4 GENERIC 204 SYSTEM TESTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A4-112 Test Extension Option (MAP215-400). . . A4-314 Automatic Wake-Up (Alarm Call) (MAP215-401) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A4-5/6 Enable Non-CO Trunk to Trunk Connect (MAP215-402) . . . . . . . . . A4-718 Test Extensions Options (MAP21 5-450)A4-9110 Console Date Display and Date Utility (MAP215-451) . . . . . . . . . .A4-11112 Customer Program Dump/Load (MAP215-452) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A4-13114 Room Audit (MAP215-453). . . . . . . . . .A4-17/18 Automatic Wakeup (MAP215-454) . . .A4-19120 System ldentifier(MAP215.455) . . . . .A4-21/22 Reason for Issue 1.02 This section is issued to incorporate procedures for Generic 205 information. 1.03 It should be noted that a particular system test is valid only if the required option(s) has been programmed to satisfy the system test result. 2. DETAILED TEST PROCEDURES General 2.01 All test procedures in this Section are performed in accordance with MITEL Action Procedures (MAPS). An outline of the purpose and use of MAPS is contained in Appendix 1. Actual system test procedures to be used for the PABX are as detailed in the following paragraphs. System Test Procedures - Generic 202 Equipment 2.02 The system test procedures for Generic 202 equipment are detailed in Appendix 2. Procedures are performed in a set order as follows: 0 APPENDIX 5 GENERIC 205 SYSTEM TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5-1 Test Extension Options (MAP21 5-500). . A5-3/4 Use a Personal Speed Call (MAP21 5-501) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5-5/6 Use a Common Use Speed Call (MAP21 5-502) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5-718 Test Console Options (MAP215-504) . . A5-9/10 Speed Call (MAP215-505). . . . . . . . . . .A5-11/12 1. INTRODUCTION General Set up the required test conditions 0 Perform the tests required for extension features 0 Perform the tests required for console features l Remove the test conditions 0 Perform a final console “lamp-test” verification These procedures are listed in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 in addition to appearing in Appendix 2. System Test Procedures - Generic 203 Equipment 2.03 1.01 This Section details the system test procedures to be performed after the system installation (Section MITL9105/9110-98-200) and programming (Section MITL9105/9110-98-210) have been completed. Upon completion of the tests listed in this Section all programmed system options and features will have been checked. Page 2 The system test procedures for Generic 203 equipment are detailed in Appendix 3. Procedures are similar to those performed for Generic 202 equipment, but are modified due to the fact that Generic 203 equipment can provide three basic configurations which are: 0 A standard single customer configuration SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-21 5 l l A system configured for use with more than one customer (tenant) A system configured to provide facilities which are peculiar to a hotel or motel environment 2.04 The pattern of test procedures for Generic 203 equipment closely parallels that shown in 2.02, with the exception, that in so far as the console tests are concerned a choice of procedures is given; ie. the choice is dependant upon whether the system has been programmed with or without “hotel/motel” features. Tables 2-3 and 2-4 list the procedures to be followed with Table 2-4 listing the choice of console features. System Test Procedures - Generic 204 Equipment 2.05 The system test procedures for Generic 204 equipment are detailed in Appendix 4. Procedures are similar to those performed for Generic 203 but are modified for the additional features in Generic 204. 2.08 The system test procedures for Generic 205 equipment are detailed in Appendix 5. Procedures are similar to Generics 203 and 204 but are modified for the additional features in Generic 205. 2.07 Where several customers (tenants) share one PABX (Generic 2031~~) then the test procedures to be performed (listed in Tables 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7 and 2-8) are in respect to the “NonHotel/Motel” options, ie. they are the same as for a single customer configuration. It should be noted however that the console SOURCE and DESTINATION displays, during the test procedures, will reflect the fact that a multi-tenant configuration is in effect. These displays will show the “tenant” digit which prefixes the extension number. A typical example of this difference is illustrated in Figs. 2-1 and 2-2, respectively showing a single customer extension display, and a display which indicates that the calling extension (333) forms part of Tenant group 2. TABLE 2-l GENERIC 202 EQUIPMENT - EXTENSION OPTIONS TEST ORDER Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer. Call Forwarding - Follow Me Automatic Automatic Meet-Me Executive Callback - Don’t Answer Callback - Busy Conference Busy Override MAP215-205 MAP215-206 MAP215-207 MAP215-208 MAP215-209 MAP215-210 MAP215-211 MAP215-212 MAP215-213 MAP215-214 MAP215-215 Page3 : SECTION MITLSI 05/911 O-98-21 5 TABLE 2-2 GENERIC 202 EQUIPMENT - CONSOLE OPTIONS TEST ORDER Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Option Test Console Features Answer Incoming Call Automatic Callback Extending Internal Calls Answering a Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination MAP No. MAP215203 MAP215217 MAP215218 MAP215219 MAP215-220 MAP215-221 MAP21 5-222 MAP21 5-223 MAP21 5-224 MAP21 5-225 MAP215-226 TABLE 2-3 GENERIC 203 EQUIPMENT - EXTENSION OPTIONS TEST ORDER Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Page 4 Option Set Up Test Equipment Test Extension Options Broker’s Call Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Call Park Call Pick-Up Camp-On Consultation Hold/Transfer/Add-On Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer Automatic Callback - Busy Meet Me Conference Executive Busy Override Paging Do Not Disturb Call Block Call Hold Single Digit Dialing Transfer Into Busy Common Alerting Devices MAP No. MAP215-201 MAP21 5-300 MAP21 5-204 MAP215-205 MAP21 5-206 MAP21 5-207 MAP215-208 MAP215-209 MAP215-210 MAP215-211 MAP215212 MAP215-213 MAP215-214 MAP215-215 MAP215-216 MAP21 5-301 MAP215-302 MAP215-303 MAP215-304 MAP215-305 MAP21 5-306 SECTION M ITL9105/911 3 ,I‘I( 73 6 NUMBER 0 ATT Fig. 2-l 0 INT O-98-21 5 CLASS 0 RCL SOURCE 0 DID 0 MAN Single Customer Display Fig. 2-2 Multi-Tenant Display TABLE 2-4 GENERIC 203 EQUIPMENT - CONSOLE OPTIONS TEST ORDER OPTION MAP NO. T ORDER NONH/M Test Console Features Test Console Features Answer CO Trunk Call Answer DID Trunk Call Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Attendant Controlled Conference Attendant Station Busy-Out Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Message Registration Controlled Outgoing Restriction Room Status Answer Incoming Call Automatic Callback Extending Internal Calls Answering a Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination MAP215350 MAP215300 MAP215351 MAP215-352 MAP215353 MAP215-354 MAP21 5-355 MAP21 5-356 MAP215-357 MAP21 5-358 MAP21 5-359 MAP215-360 MAP21 5-361 MAP21 5-362 MAP21 5-363 MAP21 5-364 MAP215-217 MAP215218 MAP215-219 MAP215-220 MAP215-221 MAP215-222 MAP215-223 MAP215-224 MAP215-225 MAP21 5-226 NOTES H/M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 375 495 5 5 5 6 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 5 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 TABLE 2-5 GENERIC 204 EQUIPMENT - EXTENSION OPTIONS TEST ORDER Set Up Test Equipment Test Extension Options Broker’s Call Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me MAP215001 MAP215300 MAP21 5-204 MAP215205 MAP21 5-206 MAP215-207 MAP215-208 MAP21 5-209 MAP215-210 MAP215-211 MAP21 5-212 MAP215-213 MAP215-214 MAP215-215 MAP215-216 MAP215-301 MAP21 5-302 MAP215-303 MAP215-304 MAP21 5-305 MAP215-306 MAP21 5-401 MAP215-402 Consultation Hold/Transfer/Add-On Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer Automatic Callback - Busy Meet Me Conference Executive Busy Override Single Digit Dialing Transfer Into Busy Common Alerting Devices Automatic Wake-Up (Alarm Call) Enable Non-CO Trunk to Trunk Connect TABLE 2-8 GENERIC 204 EQUIPMENT - CONSOLE OPTIONS TEST ORDER OPTION MAP NO. r ORDER NONH/M Test Console Features Test Console Features Answer CO Trunk Call Answer DID Trunk Call Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Attendant Controlled Conference Attendant Station Busy-Out Attendant Do Not Disturb Page 6 MAP21 5-350 MAP215-300 MAP21 5-351 MAP21 5-352 MAP21 5-353 MAP215-354 MAP215-355 MAP21 5-356 MAP215-357 MAP215-358 MAP215-359 MAP21 5-360 NOTES HIM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 1 1 2 3 4 3,5 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 TABLE 2-8 GENERIC 204 EQUIPMENT - CONSOLE OPTIONS TEST ORDER OPTION MAP NO. ORDER NONH/M Message Waiting Message Registration Controlled Outgoing Restriction Room Status Answer Incoming Call Automatic Callback Extending Internal Calls Answering a Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination Console Date Display and Date Utility Customer Program Dump/Load Room Audit Automatic Wake-Up System I.D. MAP21 5-361 MAP21 5-362 MAP215363 MAP215364 MAP21 5-217 MAP215-218 MAP215-219 MAP215-220 MAP215-221 MAP21 5-222 MAP215-223 MAP21 5-224 MAP21 5-225 MAP215-226 MAP215-451 MAP215-452 MAP21 5-453 MAP21 5-454 MAP215-455 NOTES HIM 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 24 25 27 28 435 5 5 5 6 7, 8 22 NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. “NON-H/M” and “H/M” column. MAP215-302 applies only to a Hotel/Motel environment as it tests the use of the “Hotel/Motel” console keys. The Generic 203 console features to be tested depend on whether the equipment is programmed with or without Hotel/Motel features, and respectively refer to columns “H/M” or “NON-H/M” in the above Table. DID Trunks (see MAP215-352) are not provided for Hotel/Motel use. The “Attendant Do Not Disturb” facility (MAP215-353) i s a p p l i c a b l e i n t h e “NON-H/M” and “H/M” column. MAP215-301 applies only to a Hotel/Motel environment as it tests the use of the “Hotel/Motel” console keys. The “Message (MAP215-354) i s Waiting” facility applicable in the 5. MAPS 215-301 through -305 inclusive are applicable only to Hotel/Motel options. 6. MAP215-016 tests are performed on Generic 2021~~ equipment. Generic 2021~~ equipment tests are listed in Table 2-4 starting at MAP215-151 incorporating the use of the SERIAL/GUEST ROOM key. 7. A printer is required for use with some Generic 204 options. 8. A storage device is required for use with some Generic 204 options. Page 7 :... i r SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 TABLE 2-7 GENERIC 205 EQUIPMENT - EXTENSION OPTIONS TEST ORDER Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 8 Option Set Up Test Equipment Test Extension Options Broker’s Cal I Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Call Park Call Pick-Up Camp-On Consultation Hold/Transfer/Add-On Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer Automatic Callback - Busy Meet Me Conference Executive Busy Override Paging Do Not Disturb Call Block Call Hold Single Digit Dialing Transfer Into Busy Common Alerting Devices Enable Non-CO Trunk to Trunk Connect Use a Personnel Speed Call Use a Common Use Speed Call MAP No. MAP215201 MAP215500 MAP21 5-304 MAP215-205 MAP215-206 MAP21 5-207 MAP215-208 MAP215-209 MAP215-210 MAP215-211 MAP215-212 MAP215-213 MAP215-214 MAP215-215 MAP21 5-216 MAP215-301 MAP215-302 MAP21 5-303 MAP215-304 MAP215-305 MAP215-306 MAP215-402 MAP21 5-501 MAP21 5-502 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.215 TABLE 2-8 GENERIC 205 EQUIPMENT - CONSOLE OPTIONS TEST ORDER OPTION Test Console Features Answer CO Trunk Call Answer DID Trunk Call Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Attendant Controlled Conference Attendant Station Busy-Out Attendant Do Not Disturb Answer Incoming Call Automatic Callback Extending Internal Calls Answering a Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination Console Date Display and Date Utility Customer Program Dump/Load System I.D. Speed Call Notes 1. 2. 3. MAP NO. ORDER MAP215504 MAP21 5-351 MAP21 5-352 MAP215-353 MAP21 5-354 MAP215-355 MAP215-356 MAP215-357 MAP215-358 MAP21 5-359 MAP215-360 MAP21 5-217 MAP215-218 MAP215-219 MAP215-220 MAP215-221 MAP215-222 MAP215-223 MAP215-224 MAP215-225 MAP21 5-226 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 MAP21 5-451 MAP215-452 MAP215-455 MAP21 5-505 22 23 24 25 NOTES . : .: : 1 2, 3 MAP 215-216 tests are performed on Generic 2021~~ equipment. Generic 2021~~ equipment tests are listed in Table 2-4 starting at MAP212-351 incorporating the use of the Serial/Guest Room key. A printer may be used. A storage device may be used. Page 9 : ; SECTION APPENDIX MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES Task oriented functions implemented using PROCEDURES (MAP’s). Al.01 in this section are MITEL ACTION A MAP is a step by step procedure using a flow chart principle, written and illustrated where necessary to a level of detail that allows both experienced and inexperienced personnel to carry out the tasks detailed. A MAP contains two levels of information as follows: Al.02 (a) DECISION Block: Used to indicate a decision within the level one steps which must be made. The symbol is based on a hexagon with the top and bottom sides extended. Decision text is centred in the symbol. Al.08 GENERAL TO Block: Used to indicate the start and finish of a MAP. Also used to indicate ‘jump to’ points within the MAP, for example “go to [n]” or “from [n]” or “return to [n]“. The symbol is a rectangle with semi circular ends. Text is centred in the symbol. Al.09 START/FINISH/JUMP For experienced personnel, a series of steps (level one) each numbered [n] and annotated with minimal information. THE OPERATORS For inexperienced personnel, each step referred to in (a) above is amplified by a connected series of numbered substeps [nA] (level two). example of a MAP is shown in with the two levels detailed For the experienced operator to complete a task using a MAP, reference to the sequential short form level one steps is usually all that is necessary. Using Fig. Al as an example, the experienced operator would proceed as follows. There are four basic symbol shapes which may be used in a MAP, and are defined as follows. At [l] makes a decision based on the information within the block. If the answer is YES the operator must proceed to a different MAP. If the answer is NO the operator is faced with another decision at block [2]. (b) Al.03 A typical Fig. Al, MAP SYMBOLS Al.04 Used to indicate a level one step that must be performed. Consists of a square with the word AND centred in the block. Al.05 AND Block: Used to indicate a choice of level one steps, one of which must be performed. Consists of a rectangle, with the text centred in the block, and with the word OR appearing between the alternative operations. Al.06 OR Block: The rectangle is also used to border instructions which imply that the operative must perform a task outside the scope of the MAP. The text is centred in the rectangle. Al.07 Experienced USE OF MAP’S Operator Al.10 Al.11 At [2] if the decision is NO there is no requirement to proceed further and the test is abandoned. This naturally results in a FINISH block. If the decision is YES the operator proceeds to [3] and [4] in succession, i.e. dials the DID station number and completes the call to the check extension. Al.12 The description of the instructions carried out in Al.05 and Al.06 have assumed that the level of competence of the operator is such that short form level one steps contain sufficient information, and therefore the operator reads only the centre column of the MAP, top to ,bottom of the page. Al.13 Al-l SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 START *TTEND*NT DID Fig. Al Inexperienced Typical Operator Al.14 If the operator’s experience is such that the level one instructions do not contain sufficient information, the level two substeps should be referred to as follows. Al.15 Using Fig. Al as an example followed should be: the (a) At [l] and [2] make the decisions at these steps as before. called (b) At step [3] dial the DID station number by performing substeps [3A], [3B] and [3C]. Al-2 Map Page In terms of steps and substeps, the operative follows a decision, decision then step andsubstep paths in the example shown. TOOLS, TEST EQUIPMENT INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIAL path Al.16 for Any tools, test equipment or special instructions that the operator requires or needs to know are stated on the first page of each MAP. If the MAP is long, and contains a-number of sub procedures, these are listed in synopsis form on the first page. SECTION MITLSI 05/911 O-98-21 5 APPENDIX 2 GENERIC 202 SYSTEM TESTS General A2.1 The SX-100 or SX-200 programmed with Generic 202 is tested in the order shown in the following Tables using the MAPS shown which appear in Appendix 2: TABLE A2-1 Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OPTIONS Option MAP No. Set Up Test Equipment Test Extension Options Broker’s Call Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Call Park Call Pick-up Camp-on Consultation Hold/Transfer/Add-On Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer Automatic Callback - Busy Meet-Me Conference Executive Busy Override Paging TABLE A2-2 Order EXTENSION CONSOLE Option Test Console Features Answer Incoming Call Automatic Callback Extending Internal Calls Answering a Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination MAP21 5-201 MAP21 5-202 MAP215204 MAP21 5-205 MAP215-206 MAP21 5-207 MAP215-208 MAP215-209 MAP215-210 MAP215-211 MAP215-212 MAP21 5-213 MAP215-214 MAP215-215 MAP215-216 OPTIONS MAP No. MAP215-203 MAP215-217 MAP215-218 MAP215-219 MAP215-220 MAP21 5-221 MAP215-222 MAP21 5-223 MAP215-224 MAP21 5-225 , MAP215-226 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.215 I SET UP TEST EQUIPMENT I I MAP215201 I Issue 2, July 80 I I I Sheet 1 of 2 TEST EQUIPMENT Maintenance Handset (Bun IN) Console 2 Telephone Sets (Check Extensions 7 and 2 located within reach of equip. merit cabinet) [l A] Unlock and open cabinet door on cabinet versions ON MAINTENANCE PANEL [l B] Connect maintenance handset Tip lead to TIP stud (Fig. 001-l) [lC] [l D] f \ START + f-l PI Connect maintenance handset Ring lead to RING stud AND Insert console connector into MAINTENANCE CONNECTOR AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 (1 E] Connect check extension Tip and Rin lead to TIP and RING pins on 8 ROSS CONNECT FIELD I Note: Check extension must have access to all features to be tested. CONNECT TEST EQUIPMENT (FIG.207.7) AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [2A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK . Dial tone [2B] . . Dial 0 Ringing tone Console rings AT CONSOLE [2C] Press ANSWER . SOURCE display shows number and class-of%e&ce of test line, ATT lamp lit [2D] Note number of test line [2E] Press RELEASE [2F] Set maintenance to ON-HOOK Fig. 201-l DETERMINE NUMBER OF TEST LINE handset switch Go c I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 SET UP TEST EQUIPMENT MAP215-201 Issue 2, July 80’ Sheet 2 of 2 AT CHECK EXTENSION [3A] Lift handset . Dial tone [38] . . 1 Dial “0” Ringing tone Console rings 1 AT CONSOLE [3C] Press ANSWER . SOURCE display shows number and class-of-service of check extension, All lamp lit (3D] Note number of check extension [3E] Press RELEASE [3F] Replace check extension DETERMINE OF CHECK NUMBER EXTENSION 1 DETERMINE OF CHECK NUMBER EXTENSION 2 handset AT CHECK EXTENSION [4A] Lift handset . Dial tone [4B] . . 2 Dial “0” Ringing tone Console rings AT CONSOLE [4C] Press ANSWER . SOURCE display shows number and class-of-service of check extension, ATT lamp lit [4D] Note number of check extension [4E] Press RELEASE [4F] Replace check extension A24 handset SECTION MITL9105/9110~98~215 If any test fails, check that the check extension’s COS allows the op [2A] Test all options 202-l as listed in Ta AND 4 TEST GENERIC 202 OPTIONS See System Test Procedures I A2-5 : _. SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-21 5 , TEST EXTENSION OPTIONS MAP215-202 issue Sheet 2, July 80 2 of 2 TABLE EXTENSION Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i 10 11 12 A2-6 OPTIONS Option 202-l - TEST Name Broker’s Call Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Call Park Call Pick-up Camp-On Consultation Hold/Transfer/Add-On Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer Automatic Callback - Busy Meet-Me Conference Executive Busy Override Paging ORDER MAP No. 215-204 215-205 215-206 215-207 215-208 215-209 215-210 215-211 215-212 215-213 215-214 215215 215-216 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 Sheet 1 of 2 1 YES PAI Test all options 203-l as listed in . AND TEST GENE/?/C 202 OPTIONS NO +-) Are Generic Are Generic 205 options programmed See System Test MAP215250 or - 300. Procedures at See System MAP21 5-400. Procedures at Test See System Test Procedures at A2-7 SECTION 1 TEST MITL9105/9110-98.215 CONSOLE FEATURES I 1 MAP215-203 1 Issue 1 Sheet 2, July I 80 2 of 2 TABLE CONSOLE Order : 3 4 5 6 ii 9 10 A2-8 OPTIONS Option 203-l - TEST Name Answer Automatic An Callback Incoming Call Extending Internal Calls Answering A Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination ORDER MAP No. 215217 215218 215219 215-220 215-221 215-222 215-223 215-224 215-225 215-226 SECTION Sheet AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [lA] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [lb] _. _ Dial number of check extension Ringing tone Check extension 1 rings [l*C] Lift check extension 1 handset . Conversation between maintenance handset and check extension 1 AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [2A] Set switch to ON-HOOK then OFF-HOOK Transfer dial tone [2:B] Dial number ot check extension Ringing tone Check extension 2 rings [2:C] Lift check extension 2 handset Private two way conversation between maintenance handset and check extension 2 . Check extension 1 on hold AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [3A] Set switch to ON-HOOK then OFF-HOOK . Check extension 2 on hold . Private conversation with check extension 1 [36] Set switch to ON-HOOK then OFF-HOOK . Private conversation with check extension 2 . Check extension 1 on hold [4A] [4B] [4C] Replace check sei Set maintenance to ON-HOOK Replace check set extension handset extension MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 of 1 .: ,-. 1 - AND . . ESTABLISH MAINTENANCE CHECK EXTENSION SET CALL -7121 v 2 AND l . HOLD ORIGINAL CALL CHECK EXTENSION 2 - 131 CALL ' AND +--u I ALTERNATE BETWEEN - 1 hand- CALLS [41 switch 2 hand- I TERMINATE CALLS ,- SECTION 1 CALL MITL9105/9110-98.215 FORWARDING - BUSY I 1 MAP215205 Issue Sheet AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET PAI Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone Dial Call Forwarding - Busy lh + number of check extension Dial tone Set switch to ON-HOOK [h I 80 1 of 1 - _ code :. :. I I - 4 AND -1 SET UP CALL FORWARDING Set maintenance handset to OFF-HOOK Dial test line number from sole Check extension rings Press console RELEASE 2, July - BUSY switch con- CHECK CALL BUSY-NUMBER FORWARDING BUSY CHECK CALL BUSY-NUMBER FORWARDING. IDLE - [3Al 1381 . &I [iE/ Set maintenance handset to ON-HOOK Dial test line number from sole Busy lamp field shows test number busy Check extension idle Set maintenance handset to OFF-HOOK Two way call with console Press console RELEASE Set maintenance handset to ON-HOOK switch con- 4 switch switch - [4Al [4Bl [4Cl Set maintenance handset switch to OFF-HOOK Dial Call Forwarding - Busy code Set maintenance handset switch to ON-HOOK Set maintenance handset to OFF-HOOK Dial test line number from sole Busy tone ATT and BUSY lamps lit Press console RELEASE Console idle Set maintenance handset to ON-HOOK -cl I31 line AND -I - I switch CANCEL CALL FORWARDING -v con- AND 4 switch - BUSY . , TEST CALL FORWARD BUSY INACTIVE ‘I FINISH A2-11112 i : i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ( CALL FORWARDING - DON’T ANSWER 1 AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [lA] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [I\] Dial Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer code + number of check extension Dial tone [;C] Set switch to ON-HOOK AT CONSOLE [2A] CIX$stest line number from con. . . [2B] . . . [;C] . Ringing tone DESTINATION display shows the test line number and its class, ATT and RING lamps lit Busy Lamp Field shows test line number busy After time-out (205, 30s or 40s) Check extension rmgs Busy Lamp Field shows test line number idle check extension busy DESTINATION display shows number of check extension and its class ATT and RING lamps lit Press console RELEASE Console idle AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [3A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [3\] Dial Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer code [3C] Set switch to ON-HOOK I CHECK CALL ;fMREW;$lNG 431 4 AFTER ’ AND c 1 CANCEL CALL FORWARDlNG ANSWER - DON’T AT CONSOLE _[4A)_ Dial test line number . Ringing tone . DESTINATION disolav shows number of test line and its class ATT and RING lamps lit [:B] Wait 45s - no chanoe [4C] Press console RELEASE . Console idle A2-13114 SECTION CALL MITL9105/9110-98-215 FORWARDING - FOLLOW ME MAP215-207 AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [lA] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [IL] Dial Call Forwarding - Follow Me code + number of check extension Dial tone [;C] Set switch to ON-HOOK *[ll * . Issue 2, July Sheet 1 of 1 80 t AND . SET UP CALL FOR WARDlNG FOLLOW ME AT CONSOLE [2.A] Dial number of test line Check extensron rmgs . DESTINATION display shows number of check extension and its class ATT and RING lamps lit (2& Press console RELEASE . Console rare - I CHECK CALL FORWARDlNG ME ACT/YE FOLLOW AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [3A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [TS] FF;eCall Forwarding - Follow [3C] Set switch to ON-HOOK FOLLOW ME - FOLLOW ME AT CONSOLE [4.A] Dial test line number DESTINATION display shows number of test line and its class ATT and RING lamps lit [4\] Press console RELEASE . Console idle - CHECK CALL FORWARDlNG lNACT/VE A2-15118 j SECTION CALL MITL9105/9110-98.215 . PARK MAP215-208 Issue Sheet AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [lA] Dial number of check extension . Ringing tone . Check extension rings 2, July 80 1 of 1 I 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [lB] Lift handset . Two way conversation with maintenance set [lC] Flash switchhook . Maintenance set on hold Transfer dial tone [l*D] Dial Call Park code Dial tone [lk] Replace handset AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2p] Lift handset Two way conversation with maintenance set [2B] Flash switchhook Maintenance set on hold &C] Dial Call Park code Transfer dial tone [;D] Replace handset -121 AND 4 . * RiEL/--;;;E AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [3p] Lift handset Dial tone [3B] Dial Directed Call Pick-Up code + number of check extension 1 . Two way conversation with maintenance set I pi31 y AND * l : RETRlEYE -REMOTE [4A] [4B] Replace check perr-rrntenance CALL CALL extension switch TERMINATE CALL A2-17/18 i SECTION MITLSI 05/911 O-98-21 5 1 CALL PICK-UP AT CONSOLE [lA] Dial number of check extension . Check extension rings . DESTINATION display shows number and class of check extension . ATT and RING lamps lit I rf211-7 D/AL CHECK EXTENSION NUMBER FROM CONSOLE AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [2A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [;B] Dial Call Pick-Up code . Check extension stops ringing . Two wav conversation with console - AND I MAINTENANCE [3A] Set maintenance handset to ON-HOOK I3Bl Press console RELEASE I Note: Check extension and test line must be in the same pickup group. HANDSET switch 3-1 AND AT CONSOLE [4A] Dial number other than that of test line or check extension . DESTINATION display shows number dialed and class of extension dif lled . ATT and R ING lam s lit . Busy Laml > Field s 1 ows called SC., number bu=, DIAL NUMBER FROM CONSOLE (F) _- 1j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [5A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [5\] Dial Directed Call Pickup code + number dialed in [43 [5C] l%; way conversation with con- AND PlCKUP CALL FROM MAINTENANCE SET 161 [6A] [6B] Set maintenance to ON-HOOK Press console handset switch 4 . ’ AND RELEASE - . TERMINATE CALL A2-20 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 CAMP-ON -- : I MAP215210 Issue Sheet AT CONSOLE [l.A] Dial number of check extension DESTINATION drsplay shows number and class of .check extension . ATT and RING lamps lit Check extension rings [l*B] Lift check extension handset . Two way conversation with con. sole [3Al 138 [3C I Set maintenance to ON-HOOK Replace check Press console handset extension RELEASE 80 . 1 of 1 +I 1 AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone Dial number of check extension 1 &I Busy tone I& After 10s check extension receives BEEP tone RELEASE PDI Press console 1 hand[=I Replace check extension sei Check extension rings Lift check extension handset 1& . Two way call with maintenance handset PAI 2, July PI ESTABLISH CONSOLE CHECK EXTENSlON TO CALL CAMP-ON CHECK 7 1 . AND TO EXTENSlON switch handset - -1 TERMlNA CALL TE A2.21122 ! SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 CONSULTATION HOLDTTRANSERIADD-ON AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [lA] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [l*B] Dial number of check extension . Ringing tone . Check extension 1 rings l-cl 1 * . AND . AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2A] Lift handset . Two way private conversation with maintenance handset [26] Flash switchhook . Maintenance handset on hold Transfer dial tone [;C] Dial number of check extension 2 . Ringing tone Check extension 2 rings [2b] Lift check extension 2 handset . Private conversation, check extension 1 and check extension 2 . I ESTABLISH HANDSET EXTENS/ON MAlNTENANCE A ND CHECK 7 CALL PI AND CONSULT WTH CHECK EXTENSlON 2 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [3A] Flash switchhook . Three way call, check extension 1, check extension 2, and maintenance handset [3B] Replace check extension 1 handset . Two way call, maintenance handset and check extension 2 [4A] [4B] I Set maintenance handset switch to ON-HOOK ,R,eplace check extension 2 hand- - TRANSFER TO CHECK AND --i I I J TERMINATE CALL CALL EXTENSION 2 I SECTION ;;;WF;TIC MITL9105/9110-98.215 CALLBACK - DON’T AT CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Lift handset Dial tone [IL] Dial test line number . Ringing tone . Console Busy Lamp Display shows check extension and test line busy - AT CHECK EXTENSION Flash switchhook y1 Dial tone [=I Dial Automatic Callback Answer code + number line Dial tone Replace handset &I [3Al [+I . [3Cl . Don’t of test 4 1 AND . - I ACTIVE AUTOMATIC CALLBACK Set handset switch to OFFHOOK then ON-HOOK Check extension rings Lift check extension handset Ringing tone Console Busy Lamp Field shows check extension and test line kifYmaintenance to OFF-HOOK Two way call handset switch DON’T ANSWER Beplace check extension handset Set maintenance handset switch to ON-HOOK TERMlNA CALL TE _- A2-25128 : SECTION EI-;;,““BA~K Sheet AT MAINTENANCE SET [lA] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone (l*B] ,“i’b”:, ;he number of check . (I:] _f&I [;D] [3A] [3B] . Busy tone Dial automatic code Dial tone Replace handset Set maintenance to ON-HOOK Replace check set Check extension - BUSY 1 1 of 1 exten- Ringing tone Check extension 1 rings Lift check extension 1 handset Two way conversation maintenance set and check extension 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION [2.A] Lift handset Dial tone [2B] Di)iA t,he number MITL9105/9110-98-215 d AND ESTABLISH CALL, MAINTENANCE SET CHECK EXTENSION AND 1 2 of check exten- AND callback busv I OBTAIN AUTOMATIC BUSY CONDlTlON CHECK EXTENSION handset extension CALLBACK FROM 1 switch 1 hand- - 2 rings 1 [4.A] ]4:B] Lift check extension handset Ringmg tone Check extension 1 rings Lift check extension handset Two way conversation check tension 1 and 2 exCHECK EXTENSION 2 ANSWERS, RINGS CHECK EXTENSION 1 AND SPEAKS [5A] ,R,eplace check extension 1 hand- [5B] Replace set check extension 2 hand- - TERMINATE CALL A2-27128 /: [ SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 MEET-ME CONFERENCE AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [lA] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [I’B] Dial Meet-Me Conference . Call on hold I ,111 AND code ACCESS MEET-ME CONFERENCE MAINTENANCE FROM HANDSET i AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2A] Lift handset Dial tone [;B] Dial Meet-Me Conference code . Two way conversation with maintenance set AT CHECK EXTENSION [3!] yeI ll”,“,se’ [3B] . ‘--cl RI AND ENTER FROM CONFERENCE CHECK EXTENSION 1 ENTER FROM CONFERENCE CHECK EXTENSION 2 2 Dial Meet-Me Conference code Conference call maintenance set, check extension 1 and 2 - AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [4A] Replace check extension 1 and check extension 2 handsets [4B] Set maintenance handset switch to ON-HOOK 1 TERMINATE CONFERENCE A2.29130 / ! SECTION EXECUTIVE MITL9105/9110-98-215 BUSY OVERRIDE I 1 MAP215215 issue Sheet 2, July I 80 1 of 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [lA] Dial number of check extension 1 . DESTINATION display shows number and COS of the check extension, ATT and RING lamps lit Check extension rings [IL] Lift check extension handset . Two way conversation with console I- AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [2A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [2\] Dial number of check extension 1 Busy tone [2>] Dial override code . All parties hear warning tone . Three way call, maintenance handset, check extension 1, and extension 2 [3A] ,ReePslace check [3B] perr~intenance extension switch : . . OVERRIDE CALL FROM MAlNTENANCE HANDSET hand- AND to ONt----i TERMINATE CALL FINISH .- A2-31132 i -’ SECTION I MITL9105/911 O-98-21 5 PAGING I i-’ START AT CHECK EXTENSION [IA] Lift handset Dial tone [I\] Dial paging access code . Beep heard . Check extension connected pag.ing equipment to ACCESS [3A] Repeat Step ing codes 1 for remaining pag---I- CODE YES NO 431 PAGING ’ AND I ACCESS PAGlNG REMAINING CODES L A2-33134 SECTION ’ ANSWER MITL9105/911 INCOMING O-98-21 5 CALL MAP215-217 t Issue 2, Julv 80 I Sheet 1 of 4 NO I Abandon trunk and an Test YES 4 AT CONSOLE [3A] ANSWER and LDN lamps flash, ringer sounds [3B] Press LDN . ANSWER, LDN and SOURCE lamps light . SOURCE display (Fig. 017-l) shows number of calling trunk and ATT lamp lit . Two way conversation, console and maintenance set AND -131 < 1 4 f [-;a : AND ANSU IER LDN C:ALL (FIG. 217.1) , [4A] . Press SERIAL CALL SERIAL CALL lamp lights p Fig.017.1 . , 1 4 Note: Equi ment number displayed IS same as Ind vidual Trunk Access Code. SET UP SERIAL CALL A2-35 i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 Sheet 2 of 4 1 AT CONSOLE [5$] Dial number of check extension ANSWER. LDN and DESTINATION lambs lit . SOURCE display (Fig. 217-2) shows the eauioment number of the calling trunk . DESTINATION display shows the number and COS of the check extension . ATT and RING lamps lit l-l 7 l-l LI I l-l - AND . I CLASS 0 0 ATT INT 0 0 RCL SOURCE DID 0 MAN 1; 1; 1; --- EXTEND CALL TO TEST STAT/ON (FIG. 217.2) NUMBER 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION [6A] Lift check extension handset . ;T; way conversatron wrth con- AT CONSOLE [7A] Press SOURCE . ANSWER, LDN and SOURCE lamps lit . SOURCE display (Fig. 217-3) shows the number of the calling trunk, ATT lamp lit . DESTINATION disolav shows number and COS of check extension . Two way private call with maintenance set - - NUMBER 0 ATT CLASS 0 0 0. RING BUSY DESTINATION ERROR Fig. 217-2 -NUMBER ( SPLIT CALL TO SOURCE (FIG. 217.3) 0 ATT CLASS 0 INT 0 SOR;;cE 0 DID 0 MAN ) 1 NUMBER 0 FO 0 0 RING BUSY DESTINATION Fig. 217-3 I I Note: same A2-38 I Equipment as lndlvidual number Trunk displayed is Access Code. I SECTION 1 ANSWER MITL9105/9110-98-215 INCOMING CALL I From [7j AT CONSOLE [8A] Press DEST . :tNSWER, LDN and DEST lamps . SOURCE display (Fig. 217-4) shows the eauioment number of the calling trunk) . DESTINATION display shows the number and COS of the check extension . ATT lamp lit . Two way private call with check extension SPLIT CALL TO DESTINA (FIG. 217.4) AT CONSOLE [9A] Press BOTH . ftNSWER, LDN and BOTH lamps . SOURCE display (Fig. 217-5) shows equipment number of calling trunk . ATT lamp lit . DESTINATION display shows number and COS of check extension . ATT lamp lit . Three way call check extension, maintenance set and console [lOA] Press console RELEASE . Console idle . Two way conversation, check extension and maintenance set PI t PI . . . .%hiRCE display .(Fig. 217-6) shows the equipment number of the calling trunk ATT, RCL lamps lit Two way conversation console and maintenance set - I Fig. 217-4 qote: I ;gL;m;LL (FIG. Equipment number displayed is same as lndlwdual Trunk Access Code. ’ ’ 1 217-S) AND t- [ll A] Replace check extension handset . Console rin er sounds ANSWER L% N RCL lamps flash 1; B] Press co&sole kCL . SERIAL CALL, SOURCE . ANSWER, LDN and RCL lamps TION ’ AND RELEASE CONSOLE -3 11’3 !f NUMBER 0 0 0 All RING BUSY DESTINATION WI AND I I I I Fig. 217-5 RETURN CALL TO CONSOLE (FIG. 27 7-6) V (,,,.,,) Fig. 217-6 j r 13 CLASS 0 ERROR SECTION ANSWER MITL9105/9110-98-215 INCOMING CALL MAP215-217 rlssue 2, July 80 rziSheet -4 of 4 I 1121.t [12A] Press HOLD 1 l Console idle l HOLD lamp lit l Call held AND ti HOLD CALL [13A] $.;ty recall time-out (20, 30, or . HOLD lamp flashes l Ringer sounds [13B] Press HOLD 1 l ;:h:WER and SOURCE lamps l [14A [14B SOURCE displa shows equipment number o Y calling trunk Press cpnsole penytenance AND - HOLD RECALL RELEpsE switch to ON- ’ TERMINATE CALL A2-38 S’ECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-21 5 PI AT CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Lift handset . Dial tone lMAKE CHECK EXTENSION BUSY AT CONSOLE [2p] Dial number of check extension DEST and ANSWER lamps Irt . DESTINATION display (Fig. 218-l) shows number and COS of check extension . ATT and BUSY lamps lit Busy tone (2@B] Press CALLBACK [2C] Press RELEASE . Console idle 4 A UTOMA [3A] Replace check extension AT CONSOLE . RCL and ANSWER . Ringer sounds [3B] . . handset AND Press RECALL ANSWER, DEST and CALLBACK lamps light DESTINATION display shows number and COS of check extension, ATT and RING lamps lit AT CHECK EXTENSION . Ringer sounds -0 Fig. 218-1 131 lamps flash -I [4p] T/C - I ANSWER CALLBACK CONSOLE AND Lift handset Two way call ANSWER CHECK CALL AT EXTENSION ,, t51 . Replace check extension Press console RELEASE Console idle handset AND TERMINATE CALL A2.39140 i SECTION EXTENDING MITL9105/9110-98-215 INTERNAL CALLS MAP215-219 START Issue 2, July Sheet 1 of 1 80 1 Terminate Test (,,.,,,) 1- AT CHECK EXTENSION [2.A] Lift handset Dral tone [2B] Dial 0 . Ringing tone AT CONSOLE . ANSWER and DIAL 0 lamps flash Ringer sounds [iA] Press DIAL 0 . ANSWER, DIAL 0 and SOURCE lamps light . SOURCE display (Fig. 219-l) shows number and COS of check extension . ATT lamp lit . Two way conversation . . . . ;Fn;k access 0 b --Cl NUMBER 0 0 A7T INT 0 RCL SOURCE AND 0 DID CLASS 0 MAN 0 DID CLASS 0 MAN Fig. 219-1 I ANSWER DIAL 0 CALL (FIG. 219.1) code ANSWER, DEST and DIAL 0 lamps lit SOURCE display (Fig. 219-2) shows number and COS of check extension DESTINATION disolav shows trunk access code’ ATT lamp lit DIAL 131 J AT CONSOLE [4.A] 1331d~. I A I EI AND ACCESS TRUNK 0 CO (F/G. 0 0 RCL SOURCE J 219-2) 151 [5A] . . Press console Console idle CO dial tone tension RELEASE heard at check ex---I-- AND RELEASE CONSOLE f ct61 t [6A] Replace check extension han Fig. 219.2 z----j Note: displayed AND TERMINATE Individual is same Trunk Access as equipment Code number TEST A2-41142 j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ) ANSWERING 1 2, July Sheet 80 1 of 2 , ’ Ill ---c 1 I MAP2157220 Issue AT CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Lift check extension Dial tone [l*B] Dial 0 . Ringing tone RECALL r 1 handset AT CDNSOLE . DIAL 0, and ANSWER lamps flash Ringer sounds [2:] Press DIAL 0 . DIAL 0. ANSWER and SOURCE lamps fight . SOURCE display (Fig. 220-l) shows number and COS of check extension 1 . ATT lamp lit . Two way conversation AT CONSOLE [3p] Dial number of check extension 2 DIAL O,.ANSWER and DEST lamps Irt . SOURCE display (Fig. 220-2) shows number and c;uS OT check extension e DESTINATION display shows number and COS of check extension 2, ATT and RING lamps lit I I- DIAL II 0 IT: ll CLASS 0 0 0 0 DID Fig. 220-l 14 1 CHECK EXTENSION (FIG. 220-2) 333 --NUMBER PI41 [4A] [4B] . Check extension Press console Console idle 2 rings RELEASE 4 0 MAN 0 ATT t 0 INT 0 RCL SOURCE AND RELEASE CONSOLE Fig. 220-2 0 DID CLASS 0 MAN SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ANSWERING RECALL MAP215220 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 2 of 2 AT CONSOLE [5A] t;$r time out period (20, 30 or . RCL and ANSWER lamps flash Ringer sounds [&] Press RECALL . RCL, ANSWER and SOURCE lamps light . SOURCE display (Fig. 220-3) shows the number and COS of check extension 1 . ATT and RCL lamps lit . DESTINATION display shows number and COS of check extension - [6A] [6\ [6C . A2-44 Press console CANCEL Console idle Replace check extension F’r%sso~~~rele RELEASE by AND I ANSWER RECALL (FIG. 220-3) J -PI handset 4 ‘I AND -1 ‘I 3 --NUMBER 0 0 ATT INT e RCL SOURCE Fig. 220.3 0 DID CLASS 0 MAN SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 OVERRIDE AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [lA] Lift check extension 1 handset Dial tone [I\] Dial number of check extension Ringing tone [l:C] Lift check extension 2 handset Two way conversation AT ATTENDANT CONSOLE [2A] Dial number of check extension 1 . Busy tone . DEST and ANSWER lamps lit . DESTINATION display (Fig. 221-1) shows number and class of check extension 1 . ATT and BUSY lamps lit [3A] . . [4A] [4B] Press and hold down Release Replace sets console check I SET-UP TWO WAY CALL -cl PI AND Fig. OVERRIDE Ali parties hear warning Three way conversation, check extensions 1 and I 2 - tone I-[? console, 2 OVERRIDE TERMINATE TEST :; ‘+ 221-l SECTION FLEXIBLE MITL9105/9110-98.215 NIGHT SERVICE I 1 MAP215222 Issue Sheet -cl AT CONSOLE WI Dial *, 3 ANSWER and DEST lamps lit Dial INDIVIDUAL TRUNK ACh CESS CODE (equi ment number) . ANSWER and DE t T lamps lit . D.ESTlNATlON display shows inclrr$r~,“l’ trunk (equipment) . WI [3Al AND . . Press NIGHT 1 ANSWER and DEST lamps lit SOURCE display shows individual trunk number Dial number of check extension ANSWER and DEST lamos lit SOURCE display (Fig. 222-l) shows individual trunk number and night assignment DESTINATION display shows number of check extension 1 Press RELEASE Press NIGHT 1 button selected ste [2A] NI l HT lamp lit Night trunk is connected to check extension ACCESS . NlGHT I NUMBER ( ATT CLASS INT ,,","d-,, DID MAN SERWCE I- Ey Lift check Two way extension Pw Replace check extension 1 and handsets Press NIGHT button associated with NIGHT lamp Fig. 222-l I 1 I t----l AND 4 AND 1 check 2 SERVICE Individual I WI SERVICE In AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [4A] Lift handset Dial tone Dial outside line trunk access bl code CO dial tone Dial listed directorv number of ih console . Ringing tone . Check extension 1 rings with NIGHT 1 SELECT NIGHT extension conversation 2 1 of 1 Ill J WI . . 80 (xii--) - PA1 . . 2. Julv I Trunk Access Code J SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 AT CONSOLE [l A] Dial *. 9 Individual Trunk number, * . ANSWER and DEST lamps light . DESTINATION display (Fig. 223-l) shows number dialed L, ATT lit 11Bl Press RELEASE A CLASS 0 - ERROR Fig. 223-l Dial*, 2, Individual Trunk Numb&dialed in lA] * ANSWER and DE 4 T lamps lit DESTINATION display shows number dialed. ATT lit Busy tone ’ Press RELEASE I Note: I Individual Trunk Access Code TRUNK-BUSY [3Al . . 1381 1 Dial *, 9. Individual Trunk Numbbr,f ANSWER and DEST lamps lit DESTINATION display.(Fig. 223-2) shows number dialed , Al I Ilt Press RELEASE \1 I/ tMAKE TRUNK NON-BUSY (FIG. 223-2) II I-I I3 13 l,ll-II -- I 1 - - [4Al . . Fig. 223-2 . JERMINA J I JE A2-49150 I SECTION MITL9105/9110.98-215 TRUNK GROUP ATTENDANT ACCESS MAP215-224 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 1 AT ATTENDANT CONSOLE [lA] Dial *, 6, trunk group number,* . ANSWER and DEST lamos lit . DESTINATION display (Fig. 224-l) shows trunk group followea my L 11. Bl Press RELEASE TRUNK GROUP STATUS display (Fig. 224-2) shows trunk group attendant access MAKE TRUNK tOUP ATTENDANT AT CHECK EXTENSION Lift handset '2~1 Dial CO trunk access code Ringing tone . Console rings . “Dial 0” and ANS lamps flash . Call is interceptea to tne console - y1 TRUNK CALL AT ATTENDANT CONSOLE [3A] Press console “Dial 0” key . “Dial 0” lamp lit . Two way conversation with check extension Fig. 224-l AND I ANSWER INTERCEPT AT ATTENDANT CONSOLE . I481 . [‘&. Xal CO trunk access code bial tom ANSWEF ; and DEST lamps lit ATT lamp lit sress -^___I_RELEASE :A‘I,,,,,,, I”lt: . d41 _-.._-.- .-.- 4 - Fig. 224-2 AND . - CHECK ACCESS ATTENDANT TO TRUNK .:::: ...-1 :;‘t .- A2-51152 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 TRUNK GROUP DIAL ACCESS MAP215225 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 5 AT CONSOLE [lA] Dial access code of trunk group . Dial tone - I CHECK TRUNK-GROUP ATTENDANT $4 [2A] . . Dial*, 6, Trunk Grou Number, # ANSWER and DEST Pamps lit DESTINATION display (Fig. 225-l) shows Trunk Group Number , ATT lit ACCESS AND MAKE TRUNK GROUP DIAL ACCESS (FIG. 225-l) i [3Al . Dial access code of trunk group Dial tone Fig. 225-l CHECK GROUP ACCESS -141 t I4A] Press RELEASE - TRUNK DIAL l AND TERMINATE TEST A2.53154 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 TEST TERMINATION MAP215226 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 5 AT MAINTENANCE PANEL [lA] Sg4c;sole switches IlBl ‘--’ to Set_ PO-kER SUPPLY and COMFiiBCENTROL switches to _[lCl _ Set MASTER SWITCH to NOR[lD] MAL Remove console from maintenance panel I SET TRANSFER SWITCHES, REMOVE MAINTENANCE CONNECTOR connected / - WI Connect required attendant consoles as detailed in MAP200-202 - YES -1 AND Is attendant console No. 1 to be NO [5A] gtA;r$.SOLE No. 1 switch to I..: I?--. ._ ..-. :_ ~., SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-215 Issue 2, July Sheet 2 of 5 80 From [5] Is attendant console No. 2 to be used YES . PI [7A] g;tA%$SOLE No. 2 switch to k- - NO AND . t ENABLE CONSOLE 1 AT FIRST ATTENDANT CONSOLE [8A] Press LAMP TEST . All LED’s light Tone ringer sounds [8& Release and press LAMP TEST [8\] . PA1 . %%~plays Release Console Dial* ApISWFR show 8 dark A2-58 PERFORM LAMP TEST I 5 lamn lit DEST lamp lit DESTINATION display shows Dial hours Dial two digit minutes DESTINATION display shows time Dial* if p.m. Press RELEASE Correct time is displayed N’AI 2 Check that all installation records are complete Lock equipment cabinet Place equipment cabinet final position doors in its L5 -------1 1 I- ANC L-r’ *I101 SET *‘: 1 AND COMPLETE CONSOLE CAB/NET AND /NSTALLAT/ON SECTION TEST From Check Extension [ll A] Lift handset [llB] Dial 0 . Ringback tone MITL9105/9110-98-215 TERMINATION I returned I- --J - \t Console 2Aj Tone rin er sounds, DIAL 0 and ANSWE 8 lamps flash busy lamp DIAL 0 FROM EXTENSION lights. 281 Press DIAL 0 l Dial 0 and ANSWER lamps light l SOURCE display shows number and class of callin extension,ATT lamp lit. l BUSY LAMP t IELD shows calling extension number busy l Connection established - a-1 AND ANSWER CALL AT CONSOLE YES YES I Note Symptom Refer to Section and continue test MITL9105/9110-96-360. I i ,- A2-57 ;. : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 Issue 2, July Sheet 4 of 5 [16A] Replace [16B] Press 80 extension console handset. RELEASE I RELEASE CALL AT CONSOLE [13A] Dial extension number displayed in [8]. . DESTINATION display shows number and class of called extension, ATT and RING lamps lit. FROM I1381 . At extension handset. Connection under test lift extension established 4 I ANSWER Is console CALL display Is connection free YES A2-58 CONSOLE Note symptom Refer to Section and continue with MITL9105/9110-98.350. test. 1 : SECTION ) Sheet MITLSI 05/911 O-98-21 5 5 of 5 I [17A] Replace extension [17B] . Press console Console idle handset. RELEASE u AND RELEASE CALL Have all extensions been checked Go to new [l l] through extension [22]. and repeat steps YES Were numbers, all extensions, class, and busy YES NO Go to Section 9105/9110-98-200 Were connections free from noise YES (+-) A2.59 ;: i” SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-215 APPENDIX 3 GENERIC 203 SYSTEM TESTS General A3.1 The SX-100 or SX-200 programmed with Generic 203 is tested Tables, using the MAPS shown which appear in Appendix 3. TABLE A3-1 Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 EXTENSION Option Set Up Test Equipment Test Extension Options Broker’s Call Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Call Park Call Pick-Up Camp-On Consultation Hold/Transfer/Add-On Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer Automatic Callback - Busy Meet Me Conference Executive Busy Override Do Not Disturb Call Block Call Hold Single Digit Dialing Transfer Into Busy Common Alerting Devices in the order shown in the following OPTIONS MAP No. MAP215201 MAP21 5200 M AP215204 MAP215-205 MAP215-206 MAP21 5-207 MAP215-208 MAP21 5-209 MAP215-210 MAP215-212 MAP215-213 MAP215-214 MAP215-215 MAP215-216 MAP215-301 MAP21 5-302 MAP21 5-303 MAP215-304 MAP215-305 MAP215-306 I-. : : : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 TABLE A3-2 CONSOLE OPTIONS ORDER OPTION MAP NO. NONHIM Test Console Features Test Console Features Answer CO Trunk Call Answer DID Trunk Call Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Attendant Controlled Conference Attendant Station Busy-Out Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Message Registration Controlled Outgoing Restriction Room Status Automatic Callback Extending Internal Calls Answering a Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination A3-2 MAP215350 MAP21 5-300 MAP215351 MAP21 5-352 MAP21 5-353 MAP215-354 MAP215-355 MAP215-356 MAP21 5-357 MAP215-358 MAP215-359 MAP215-301 MAP215-302 MAP215303 MAP21 5-304 MAP215-305 MAP215-318 MAP215319 MAP215-320 MAP215-321 MAP215322 MAP21 5-323 MAP215-324 MAP21 5-325 MAP215-326 H/M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SECTION M ITL91051911 O-98-21 5 ) TEST EXTENSION Test all options 300-l as listed in Table - I 1 MAP215300 I 1 Issue 1, January 80 I L..Sheet [2A] OPTIONS 1 of 1 + I I TEST GENERlC 203 EXTENSlON OPTIONS YES (QLEk-) TABLE Drder : 3 4 : i 9 ;: ;: 14 2 :i Option Broker’s Call Call Forwarding Call Forwarding Call Forwarding Call Park Call Pick-up 300-l Name - Busy - Don’t Answer - Follow Me %&%ition Hold/Transfer/Add-On Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer Automatic Callback - Busy Meet-Me Conference Executive Busy Override Do Not Disturb Call Block Call Hold Single Digit Dialing Transfer into Busy Common Alerting Devices MAP No. 215-204 215-205 215-206 215-207 215-208 215-209 215210 215211 215-212 215-213 215-214 215-215 215-301 215-302 215-303 215-304 215-305 215-306 j A3-314 I SECTION 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [lA] Lift handset Dial tone [l*B] Dial Do Not Disturb access code followed by digit 1 [lC] Replace handset extension Lamp Field lit AT CHECK [2p] [2B] EXTENSION [;D] .‘1. .:-: .:.:.. ENABLE FEATURE FROM EXTENSION I 2 Lift handset Dral tone pial number of Check Extension -PI a ’ AND Press ANSWER SOURCE display shows number of Check Extension 2 and class ATT and INT lamps lit (Fig. 101-l) Two way conversation, Check Extension 2 and console Press console RELEASE Replace handset at Check Extension 2 VERIFY ENABLED FEATURE AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [3A] Lift handset Dial tone [3*B] Dial Do Not Disturb access code followed by digit 2 [3C] Replace handset - AND AT CONSOLE . Check Extension 1 lamp in Busy Lamp Field goes off AT CHECK [4A] (4& . Ringing AT CHECK [dc] . [4D] EXTENSION Lift handset Dial tone pial number 2 tone -141 1 Bell rings Lift handset Two way conversation, Check Extension 1 and 2 Fttace Check Extension hand- AT CONSOLE [4E] Press DO NOT DSTB key . Check Extension 1 lamp in Busy Lamp Field is not lit [4FJ . CANCEL DO NOT FEATURE of Check Extension EXTENSION Release DO NOT Console idle I 1 lamp in Busy . Ringing tone (NOTE 1) . Console rings AT- CONSOLE . ANSWER and DIAL 0 lamps flash [2C] . DO NOT DISTURB AND 4 AT CONSOLE . Check MITL9105/9110-98-215 DSTB key - t AND VERIFY CANCELLED FEATURE Fig. 301-l DISTURB SECTION I MlTL9105/9110-98-215 CALL BLOCK I 1 MAP215302 I Issue 2, July 80 I 1 Sheet 1 of 2 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [lA] Lift handset Dial tone [I’B] l$al number of Check Extension r[ll Ringin tone A’; CHECK EIT ENSION 2 Bell rings [;C] Lift handset . Two way conversation between console and Check Extension 1 - 4 ’ , . -AND AT CONSOLE [2A] Press CALL BLOCK . CALL BLOCK lamp lights AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [3A] Check that conversation is still effective with Check Extension 2 [3B] Replace handsets of both extensions AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [4A] Lift handset Dial tone [;B] Dial Check Extension 2 . Ringing tone (NOTE 1) Corisofe rings. A; CONSOLE [4C] Press ANSWER . SOURCE disolav shows extension number’and class-of-service ATT and INT lamps lit Press RELEASE Replace handset check extension 1 - AND . VERIFY EXISTING CALL MAINTAINED -141 4 1 y I 9 AND VERIFY CALL BLOCK AND INTERCEPT Note 1: Procedure applies if S stem Option 116 is in e r feet. If System Option 116 is not enabled then reorder tone is obtained et Step [4B], and T [4C] and [4D] do not app A3.7 i SECTION Ieet 2 MITL9105/9110-98.215 of 2 I AT CONSOLE [5A] Press CALL BLOCK . CALL BLOCK lamp off CANCEL CALL BLOCK AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [6A] Lift handset Dial tone (;B] Dial number of check extension . Ringing4one 2 AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 Bell rings I&] Lift handset . Two way conversation, check extension 1 and 2 [SD] ;e&$Tapdn;set check exten- A3-8 461 4 . ‘I AND VERIFY CANCELLAUON OF CALL BLOCK SECTION MlTL9105/9110-98-215 1 CALL HOLD I MAP215303 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 3 START ‘r’ AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [lA] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [I;] Dial number for Check Extension . Ringing Ill r --I tone AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 Bell rings [I& Lift handset and establish conversation with Maintenance Handset AND 1 I ESTABLISH TWO-PARTY ’. l CALL AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2A Flash switchhook _f2B _I Dial HOLD access code . Dial tone . Maintenance set on hold (may receive music if customer provided) [2C] Replace handset -I21 l - AND * , J SET FIRST %EY PI-~ 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [3A] Dial RETRIEVE code . Call reconnected to maintenance set AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 4A Flash switchhook Dial HOLD access code f 4B I . Dial tone . Maintenance set on hold (may receive music if customer provided) [4C] ;ial number of Check Extension . Ringing tone AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 Bell rings [4& Lift handset and establish conversation with Check Extension 1 4 ON -A AND RETRlEVE FIRST PARTY 141c a- AND ;;T;;;;T CALL PARTY THlkD PARTY A3-9 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 5A Flash switchhook Dial HOLD code I 58 I . Call reconnected to maintenance set . Check Extension 2 placed on hold (with music if provided) :+-cl 161 [6A] z;@ace Check Extension [6B] p;e;intenance 1 hand- switch to ON- AND TERMINATE FIRST AND SECOND PARTY CALL AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 . Ringing tone after HOLD timeout period (2, 3 or 4 minutes) AT CHECK EXTENSION . Bell rings [7A] . Lift handset C$lln ynnected 1 -VI 4 to Check Exten- AND 6 A YERlFY THIRD PARTY TIMEOUT RECALL - AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 6A Flash switchhook Dial HOLD access code I 68 . 1 Dial tone . Check extension 2 set on hold (may receive music) [6C] Replace handset * ’ 1 AND -I HOLD PARTY A3-10 THIRD SECTION AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [9A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [9\] Dial REMOTE RETRIEVE code [9C] Dial number of check extension . Conversation established between Maintenance Set and Check Extension 2 ] CALL 1 MAP215-303 MITL9105/9110-98-215 HOLD Issue 2, July Sheet 3 of 3 I I 80 2 RETRIEVE FIRST THIRD PARTY [lOA] [lOB] Replace check extension set Set switch on Maintenance to ON-HOOK 2 hand- < Set - AND 4 . TERM/NATE FIRST A ND THIRD PARTY CALL A3-11112 ’ SECTION 1 SINGLE MITL9105/9110.98-215 DIGIT DIALING I MAP215-304 1 Note: Issue 2, July Sheet 1 of 2 80 I To conduct the following system tests, check extension 1 must be programmed as a “SERVICE” extension with code “n” (a single digit code). Alternatively check extension 1 may be temporarily connected in parallel on the cross-connect field to an ex. tension which has a “SERVICE” code, for the test duration. DTMF AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [2p] Lift handset Dial tone [2B] Dial “n” (see above note) followed immediately by “#” . Ringing tone . Check extension 1 bell rings [2.C] Lift handset at check extension 1 Two way conversahon, check extensions 1 and 2 [2D] Replace handsets on check extensions 1 and 2 Note: DIAL SERVICE NUMBER (n#) Ste [2] is for DTMF telephones an cr gives immediate ring. Step [3] is for DTMF or rotary dial telephones and tests programmed timeout interval (3, 4 or 5s). AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [3A] Lift handset Dial tone [;B] Dial “n” (see above note) . Ringing tone . Check extension 1 bell rings [3.C] [3D] Lift handset at check extension 1 Two way conversahon, check extensions 1 and 2 Replace handsets on check extensions 1 and 2 I- AT CONSOLE [4A] Dial keypad digit “n” . DESTINATION disolav shows digit “n” (in Fig. 304-l “n” is . No ringing tone heard ATT lamp lit [:B] Wait at least 10 seconds No ringing tone heard [:C] Press RELEASE “5”) DIAL SERVICE NUMBER (n - pause) I - AN . CHECK SlNGLE DIALING CONSOLE D/G/T Fig. 304-l SECTION MITL910519110-98-215 [5A] . . . Dial keypad digits “n #” DESTINATION display shows check extension number 1 (NOTE 1) and class (Fig. 304-2) ATT and RING lamps lit Ringing tone AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 Bell rings [;B] Lift handset . Wi way conversation :;pnly [5D] . Press RELEASE at console Both parties idle A3-14 handset with con- [%I at check exten- VERIFY CONSOLE ACCESS SECTION TRANSFER MITL9105/9110-98-215 INTO BUSY MAP215-305 Issue Sheet AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [lA] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [AL] DiDi; ;he number of check . Ringback 80 1 of 1 exten- tone AND AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 Bell rings [I’C] Lift handset . Two way conversation maintenance handset with AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 f2A] _ - Lift handset . Dial tone f2Bl Dial number of check extension -. - Ringback tone [2C] Establish two way connection, check extensions 2 and 3 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2D] Flash switchhook . Maintenance handset (may receive music) Transfer dial tone ]2:E] ;;$ ptn;ber of check AT CHECK EXTENSION [3A] Replace handset 2, July ESTABLISH HANDSET EXTENSION Pl- 7 3 AND on hold extension L MAINTENANCE AND CHECK 7 CALL 2 SET MAINTENANCE HANDSET ON HOLD AND CHECK EXTENSlON 2 AS BUSY 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 AND 3 [3B] Check extension 2 and 3 receive camp-on “beep” tone PC] Rep!ace handsets Check extension 2 bell rings [;D] Lift handset check extension 2 . Two way conversation between check extension 2 and maintenance handset [3E] Replace handset on check extension 2, and set switch to ONHOOK on maintenance handset - TFfANSFER HANDSET EXTENSION CAMP-ON MAINTENANCE TO CHECK 2 AS BUSY A3-15/16 AT CONSOLE [lA] Press Night Service 1 or 2 button [lB] Remove handset from console 4 I SELECT AT TEST LINE [2A] Dial 9 Dial tone (2;) Di$;irnsole . Common local alerting NlGHT SERVlCE directory device rings I DIAL NIGHT SERVICE FROM TEST LINE AT CHECK EXTENSION [3p] Lift handset Dral tone [3B] Dial TAFAS code . Check extension connected [3C] Replace handset clI 131 AND and test line - 1 ANSWER CALL FROM CHECK EXTENSION NO YES I [5A] Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for remaining night bells to be tested - AND t- _- A3-17118 SECTION Sheet MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 of 2 Note: In the console option test MAPS the Check Extension Number 1 is displayed as 333 and COS as 6. Check Extension Number 2 is displayed as 222 and COS as 5. Attendant Access code is defined as 9 (displayed as L). End of dial code is # (displayed as J ) [lA] Test all options 350-l as listed in Ta TEST GENERIC 203 CONSOLE OPTIONS : (xi--) TABLE CONSOLE OPTIONS. Option Answering Answering 350-l TEST ORDER Name Incoming DID Call MAP No. CO Call 215-351 215-352 Message Waiting Do Not Disturb Call Forward Busy Call Forward Don’t Answer Call Forward Follow Me Attendant Controlled Conference Attendant Station Busy Out 215353 215-354 215-355 215-356 215-357 Extending Automatic Answering Override Trunk Flexible 215-218 215-219 215-220 215-221 215-222 215-223 Internal Callback Calls A Recall Night Service Busy Operation Group Attendant Trunk Access Trunk Group Dial Test Termination Access 215-258 215-259 215-224 215-225 215-226 A3-19 : SECTION MITL9105/911 [lA] lk&t,all options O-98-21 5 as listed in Table - AND l- Note: In the console option test MAPS the check extension number 1 is displayed as 333 and COS as 6. Check extension number 2 is displayed as 222 and COS as 5. Attendant Access Code is defined as * (displayed as L). End of dial code is # (displayed as J ). TEST GENERIC 203 (HIM) CONSOLE OPTIONS CONSOLE Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A3-20 TABLE 300.1 OPTIONS - TEST ORDER Option Answer CO Trunk Call Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Cal I Forwarding Busy Call Forwarding Don’t Answer Call Forwarding Follow Me Attendant Controlled Conference Attendant Station Busy Out Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Message Registration Controlled Outgoing Restriction Room Status Automatic Callback Extending Internal Calls Answering A Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination MAP No. 215-251 215253 2 15-254 215-255 215-256 215-257 215-258 215-259 215-360 215-361 215-362 215-363 215-364 215-218 215-219 215-220 \ 215-221 I 215-222 215-223 215-224 215-225 215-226 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 (“‘4”> (Ool.M*P211312) NO / [PI I r 131 AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [3A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [3@B] Dial CO trunk access code CO dial tone [3\] Di$;~rsole listed directory * YES t . AND * * DIAL AT CONSOLE [4A] ANSWER and LDN lamps flash, ringer sounds [4B] Press LDN . ANSWER, LDN and SOURCE lamps Ii ht . SOURC -i display (Fig. 351-l) shows number of calling trunk and ATT lamps lit . Two way conversation, console and maintenance set -141 ’ LDN 9 AND I Fig. . - I 351-l . I A NSWEfl LDN CALL (FIG. 357-7) Note: same Equipment as lndwidual number Trunk displayed is Access Code. YES (G-) A3-21 SECTION [6A] . MITL9105/9110-98-215 Press SERIAL SERIAL lamp AND lights k AT CONSOLE [7A] Dial number of check extension . ANSWER, LDN, and DESTINATION lamps lit . SOURCE display (Fig. 351-2) shows the eauioment number the calling trunk . DESTINATION display shows number and COS of the check extension . ATT and RING lamps lit I of the I AT CHECK EXTENSION [8A] Lift check extension . Two way conversation sole handset with con- AT CONSOLE [9A] Press SOURCE . ANSWER, LDN and SOURCE lamps lit . SOURCE display (Fig. 351-3) shows the number of the calling trunk ATT lamp lit . DESTINATION display shows number and COS of check extension . Two way private call with maintenance set . SET UP SERIAL CALL TO TEST STATION FIG.351-2) Fig. 351-2 111 same f--- 4 Equipment as lndwdual number Trunk displayed is Access Code. AND l . SPLIT CALL TO SOURCE (FIG. 351.3) NUMBER Fig. I Note: same A3-22 Equi ment as Ind Pvidual 351-3 number Trunk displayed is Access Code. SECTION AT CONSOLE [lOA] Press DEST . ANSWER LDN and DEST lamps lit . SOURCE display (Fig. 351-4) shows the equipment number of the callin trunk . DESTINA 8 ION display shows the number and COS of the check extension . ATT lamp lit . Two way private call with check extension SPLIT CALL TO DESTINATION (FIG.351-4) AT CONSOLE [llA] Press BOTH . ANSWER. LDN and BOTH lamps lit . SOURCE display (Fig. 351-5) shows equipment number ot call* . Fig. 351-4 I Note: same %T,‘Z! lit Three way call check extension, maintenance set and console number displayed is Trunk Access Code. I 3 1 ,7 dJ-l NUMBER RELEASE CONSOLE 0 ATT NO I4 Equipment as lndwidual SPLIT CALL TO BOTH (FIG. 351-S) [12A] Press console RELEASE . Console idle . Two way conversation, check extension and maintenance set -I- Replace check extension handset g; ;;;;nance set swatch to MITL9105/9110-98-215 - AND 11 CLASS 0 0 RING BUSY DESTINATION Fig. 351-5 0 ERROR / SECTION ANSWER [15A] . p&q . . . . . MITLSI 05/911 O-98-21 5 INCOMING CO TRUNK CALL Replace check extension handset Console ringer sounds ANSWER LDN RCL lamps flash Press console RELEASE SERIAL CALL, SOURCE ANSWER, LDN and RCL lamps !%!RCE display (Fig. shows the equipment the calling trunk ATT, RCL lamps lit Two. way conversation, and check extension (7) cl 1151 AND 351-6) number of console RETURN CALL TO CONSOLE (FIG. 357-6) Fig. [16A] . . . [17A] . [I&] c . Press HOLD 1 Console idle HOLD lamp.lit Call held $ft$r recall time-out (20, 30, or HOLD lamp flashes Ringer sounds Press HOLD 1 ANSWER and SOURCE light shows SOURCE displa ment number o Y calling 1 lamps equiptrunk HOLD Press console Set maintenance HOOK RELEASE switch to oi+-..-- RECALL . AND TERMlNA CALL A3-24 TE 351-6 SECTION ( ANSWER MITL9105/9110-98-215 DID TRUNK CALL I MAP215352 1 Issue 2, July 1 Sheet 1 of 2 80 I (“T”‘) YES Go to MAP215-351 Abandon AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [3A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [;B] Dial CO trunk access code CO dial tone [{C] :fit; YID number for check exten. Ringing 1 tone Test J I I DIAL DID STATION NUMBER AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [4A] Lift check extension 1 handset . Two way conversation, check extension 1 and maintenance set [4B] p&y handset on check exten[4C] F; ;raa;nance set switch to AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET _f5Al_ Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone ftB1 Dial CO trunk access code CO dial tone $Z] p,i)ia;,91p number for Station . Ringing tone I IAt- Y--- AND r-l 1 I I DIAL fETEh’/l STATION NT DID T _- A3-25 ’ SECTION ANSWER MITL9105/9110-98-215 DID TRUNK CALL MAP215-352 issue 2, July Sheet 2 of 2 80 f AT CONSOLE [6A] ANSWER and LDN 4 lamps flash, ringer sounds [6B] Press LDN 4 . ANSWER, LDN 4 and SOURCE lamps light . SOURCE display (Fig. 352-l) shows number of calling trunk . ATT and DID lamos lit . Two way conversation, console and maintenance set [6Cl Press RELEASE [6D] E$d-;;rFnance set switch to - \ I Fig. 352-l AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [7A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [7*B] E$ld~~ ;rou”,” access code [;C] . Dial DID number sion 1 but omit diait Ringing tone for check dialing the extenlast - VERIFY CONSOLE lNTERCEP T OF MISSING DIAL TRAIN I NUMBER e ATT AT CONSOLE [9A] Dial 0 and ANSWER lamps flash, ringer sounds [9B] Press DIAL 0 key c ANSWER, DIAL 0 and SOURCE lamps lit . SOURCE display (Fig. 352-2) shows number of tailing trunk . ATT, INT and DID lamps lit . Two way conversation, console and maintenance set [9C] Press RELEASE . Console idle A3.26 e INT 0 RCL SOURCE Fig. Reorder tone Fd-Hmgaignsnance TERMINATE 0 0 obtained set switch 352-2 to SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ATTENDANT DISTURB I DO NOT DISTURB when console is active (CotoMiiPlliJO1 NO dAT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2A] Lift handset at check Dial tone [2*B] Dial attendant access . Ringing tone extension 1 AND 4 code I CALL CONSOLE AT CONSOLE DIAL 0 and ANSWER lamps flash [{A] Press ANSWER . SOURCE display shows check extension 1 number and class of service . ATT lamp lit . Two way conversation, console and check extension 1 1381 Press DO NOT DSTB key DO NOT DSTB lamp lit @C. Press RELEASE [3D I Replace handset at check extension 1 PI31 AND s 4 SET UP DO NOT DISTURB AT CONSOLE NUMBER 0 ATT AT CONSOLE [4Al Press DO NOT DSTB . SOURCE display, Fig. 353-l. shows all rooms with “do not disturb” feature activated [4B] Release DO NOT DSTB . Console idle CLASS 0 INT Fig. 0 RCL SOURCE 0 DID 0 MAN 353-l DISPLAY ALL ROOMS WITH ;~AtV;;XTllRB ACTIVATED I (y-z-) , A3-27 SECTION r MITL9105/9110-98-215 ATTENDANT DO NOT DISTURB MAP215-353 1 lssue2, July80 I 1 AT CHECK [5.A] ;ft, [5.B] . EXTENSION 2 ha;zset of check extension 2 Dial number of check extension Ringing tone (NOTE 1) Console rings 1 AT CONSOLE ANSWER and DIAL 0 lamps flash [S’c] Press ANSWER . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 2 and class ATT and INT lamps lit [sb] Two way conversation console and check extension 2 [5E] Press console RELEASE [5F] Replace handset at check extension 2 - AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [6.A] ~ft,h;;~set at check extension [6.B] code Dial attendant Ringing tone access 1 YEWI FY DO N :;;EDISTURB FEA T 1 AT CONSOLE ANSWER and DIAL 0 lamps flash [S’C] Press ANSWER . SOURCE display shows check extension 1 number . ATT lamp lit . Two way conversation, console and check extension 1 [6D] Verify DO NOT DSTB lamp is lit [6E] E:;s DO NOT DSTB if lamp [QF] [6;] DO NOT DSTB Press RELEASE Console idle Replace handset sion 1 lamp goes at check AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [7A] Lift handset at check Dial tone [7*B] Dial number of check . Ringing tone t \ND 4 CANC DO NI out FEAT CONS exten- extension 2 extension 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 Bell rings [7\] Lift handset at check extension 1 . Two way conversation, check extensions 1 and 2 [7D] Replace handset at check extension 1 [7E] Replace handset at check extension 2 \ND I v :ELLATlON ;RNEOT DISTURB SECTION I MESSAGE M ITL9105/911 O-98-21 5 WAITING I 1 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 2 ( START /Ill / AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2A] Lift handset Dial tone [;B] Dial number of check extension . Ringing tone AT CONSOLE [4A] c’&;;CMISGE WAIT . : display shows all rooms with messages waiting, Fig. Release MSGE WAIT Console idle Is Generic 203 aroarammed with tellMotel 4-l I NO Lx AND AT CONSOLE [3A] Dial number of check extension 1 . Busy tone . DESTINATION display shows number of check extension 1 and class of service 4 ATT and BUSY lamps lit [;B] Press MSGE WAIT MSGE WAIT lamp lit &] Press RELEASE . Console idle [4B] . , PI 2 AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 Bell rings &C] Lift handset, check extension 2 . Two way conversation, check extensions 1 and 2 354-I 1 Pressing MSGE 1 WARNING: WAIT when console is active with an extension may activate I:;tg~~; the feature at the ) -T- -0 ESTABLISH EXTENSION EXTENSION TO CALL I41 0 0 CLASS 0 AND 1~ DISPLAY ROOMS WlTH MESSAGES WAITING Fig. 354-l : z.; A3-29 I SECTION MESSAGE MITL9105/9110-98-215 WAITING --.__ MAP215354 7 From AT CHECK EXTENSION [5A] Fe&lye handset 2 at check exten- AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [5B] Replace handset at check extension 1 . Bell rings within a period of 10 seconds at check extension _15Cl _ Lift handset Dial tone [sb] ~h&number of attendant access . Ringing tone AT CONSOLE . ANSWER and DIAL 0 lamps flash, ringer sounds [6A] Press ANSWER . ANSWER and DIAL lamps go off and ringer stops . Two way conversation, console and check extension 1 . MSGE WAIT lamp lit . SOURCE display shows number of extension and class of service, ATT lamp lit [6B] Press MSGE WAIT MSGE WAIT lamp goes off (6:] Press RELEASE Console idle [sb] ;Il$ce handset at check exten- A3-30 [4] ---L AND 1 VERIFY WAlTlNG MESSAGE FACILITY ANSWER MESSAGE WA/T/NG CALL, CANCEL MESSAGE WAlTlNG SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 AFUTTYDANT CALL FORWARDING AT CONSOLE [IA] Dial * 11333 . SOURCE disolay shows check extension 1 number and “-I’ (no ‘,o:,Fd code), ATT lamp lit (Fig. [IB] . s [lC] . Dial i222 SOURCE display shows check extension 1 number and “1” (busy code) (Fig. 355-2) DESTINATION display shows check extension 2 number. ATT CALL BUSY %%s’iELEASE Console idle FORWARDING (CONSOLE) Fig. 355-l AT CHECK EXTENSION [2.A] Lift handset Dial tone 1 AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [2B] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone (2& Dial number of check extension 1 Check extension 2 rings [2& Replace check extensron 1 handset and place maintenance handset switch to ON-HOOK AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET _13Al_ Set switch to OFF-Hot (3\] . 3K 1 Dial tone Dial number of check extension Check extension 1 rings AT CONSOLE [4A] Dial * 11333 . SOURCE display shows check extension 1 number and “busy” code (I), ATT lamp lit . DESTINATION shows check extension 2 number, ATT lamp lit (See Fig. 355-2) [4B Dial #(RELEASE) [4C I Press RELEASE AT CHECK EXTENSION [4D] Lift handset . Dial tone 1 VERIFY CALL FORWARDING BUSY - NUMBER BUSY I 4 1 VERIFY CALL FORWARDING BUSY - NUMBER IDLE CANCEL CALL FORWARDING BUSY L Fig. 355-2 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ATTENDANT - BUSY CALL FORWARDING 1 MAP215355 ( Issue FSheet 2, July 80 I 2 of 2 AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET (5A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone [&] Dial number of check extension 1 Busy tone [S’c] Replace check extension 1 handset, place maintenance handset switch to OFF-HOOK VERFY CANCELLAWON CALL FORWARDlNG ~43-32 BUSY SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-21 5 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 1 AT CONSOLE [lA] Dial * 11333 . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 1 and ‘I-” (no forward code) (See Fig. 356-l), ATT lamp lit [lB] Dial 2 222 . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 1 and digit 2 (Don’t Answer code (Fig. 356-2) . DESTINATION disp 1ay shows number of check extension 2, ATT lamp lit [lC] Press RELEASE . Console idle START SET UP CALL FORWARDING DON’T ANSWER (CONSOLE) J Fig. 356-l AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [2A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone &B] Dial number of check extension 1 Ringing tone [;C] After timeout (20s 30s or 40s) . Check extension 2 rings . BUSY LAMP FIELD shows check extension 1 lamp idle, check extension 2 lamp busy [2D] Set switch to ON-HOOK AT CONSOLE [3A] Dial * 11333 . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 1 and “Don’t Answer code “2”(Fig. 356-2)) . DESTINATION display shows number of check extension 2. (Fig. 156-2) Press # (REL) key * ’ PI AND l . * VERIFY CALL FORWARDING DON’T ANSWER c PI31 4 l AND 4 4 CANCEL CALL FORWARDlNG DON’T ANSWER AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET 14Al Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone $B] Dial number of check extension 1 Ringing tone [JC] Check extension 1 rings for at least 1 minute without forwarding to check extension 2 4D Set switch to ON-HOOK I 4E I Check extension 1 stops ringing - I41 AND Fig. 356-2 VERIFY CANCELLATlON CALL FORWARDING DON’T ANSWER Y (GE-) A3-33134 ! I SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-215 1 ATTENDANT CALL FORWARDING I 1 MAP21 5-357 1 issue 2, July 80 I 1 Sheet 1 of 1 I Note: AT CONSOLE [lA] Dial *~ 11333 . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 1 and I‘-” (no forward code) (See Fig. 357-l) 118) Dial 3 222 . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 1 and “3” . ~$;N,AMT”lo”;d;/$& ~cO~7-2’ hl. number of check extension ATT lamp lit Press RELEASE Console idle 41 ’ l AND * 2 This feature also ap ears as an extension set-up an 8 test optlon. See MAP21 5304 for details. I l SET UP CALL FORWARDlNG FOLLOW ME (CONSOLE) Fig. 357-i AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [2A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone (2\] Dial number for check extension . &] Ainging tone Check extension 2 rings Set switch to ON-HOOK / I VERIFY CALL FORWARDiNG FOLLOW ME AT CONSOLE [3A] Dial * 11333 . SOURCE shows check extension 1 number and “Foiiow Me” code --clI I31 -t s-1-1 ZI 3 2 1 NUMBER 0 ATT 0 INT 0 0 CLASS 0 RCL SOURCE DID MAN AND ;B t 3C I tension 2 number ATT lamp lit (Fig. 357-2) Dial # Press RELEASE CANCEL CALL FORWARDiNG FOLLOW ME - AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [4A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK . Dial tone [4B] Dial number of check extension . Ringing tone Check extension 1 bell rings Id;C] Set switch to ON-Hook ; J 1 1 AND I Fig. 357.2 VERiFY NORMAL CALL RESTORATiON --I T (-TlG--) A3-35138 SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-21 5 7 ATTENDANT CONTROLLED CONFERENCE AT CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Lift handset Dial tone [I\] Dial digit “0” . Ringing tone . Console rings 1 AT CONSOLE [lC] Press ANSWER . SOURCE display shows number and class of service of check ex. tension 1 ATT lam lit (See Fig. 358-l) [I\] Press C 8 NF . CONF lamp lit . SOURCE display cleared . DESTINATION display shows letter C (Fig. 358-2) AND SET UP CONFERENCE FEATURE Fig. 358-l . PI AT CONSOLE [2A] Press RELEASE . CONF lamp remains lit . Console idle . Check extension 1 receives music-on-hold if customerprovided I 1 AND . CONSOLE WlTHDRA WS FROM CONFERENCE AT CONSOLE [3A] Dial number of check extension 2 . Ringing tone . DESTINATION display shows number of check extension 2 and class ATT and RING lamps lit TE? Check extension 2 lifts handset Press CONF I 3C . I One second beep tone heard by check extension 1 . Console and check extension 2 hear shorter burst of beep tone [3D] Verify console and two extensions can speak to each other [3E] Press RELEASE e Console idle . CONF lamp lit Fig. 358-2 131 ’ I AND NEW EXTENSlON TO CONFERENCE A3-37 ‘. SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-215 ATTENDANT CONFERENCE / CONTROLLED MAP215358 Issue 2, July Sheet 2 of 2 80 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [4A] Flash switchhook . Ringing tone applied fereince to con- AT CONSOLE . CONF lamp flashes . CW display shows 1 more . Console bell may ring call - AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [5A] Flash switchhook . Ringing tone removed ference AT CONSOLE b CONF lamp lit . Console bell silent . CW display drops AT CHECK EXTENSION [6A] Replace handset count AT CONSOLE . RECALL and ANSWER flash . CONF lamp goes off . Console bell rings . con- by 1 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [6B] After a period of one . Ringing tone [7Al . from minute AND lamos I I CHECK EXTENSION LEA YES CONFERENCE Press ANSWER ANSWER, SOURCE and RECALL lamos lit SOURCE display shows check extension 2 number and class number. ATT lamp lit Speak to check extension 2 Press RELEASE ~~;;;e~tensron 2 replaces CHECK EXTENSION 2 AND CONSOLE TERM/NATE CONFERENCE I ( A3-38 1 FINISH ) SECTION ATTENDANT AT CONSOLE [lA] Dial * 12 333 * [lB] Press RELEASE . Check extension 1 lamp BUSY LAMP FIELD MITL9105/9110-98-215 STATION lit in 1Fig. c BUSY OUT ON CHECK EXTENSlON AT CONSOLE [2p] Dial number of check extension 1 DESTINATION drsplay shows “00” in CLASS, ATT and ERROR lamp lit (Fig. 359-l) [2B] Check extension 1 does not ring [2C] Press ALARM RESET . Check extension 1 lamp remains lit [2D] Press RELEASE AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [3;] Lift handset Dral tone [3B] Dial number of check Reorder tone [;C] Replace handset BUSY-OUT 359-l 1 121 AND I I VERIFY FROM FEATURE CONSOLE 31 -9 extension AND 1 I VERIFY BUSY OUT CONDWONS FROM CHECK EXTENSlON AT CONSOLE [4A Dial * 12 333 # [4B Press RELEASE . Check extension 1 lamp LAMP FIELD goes off 2 AND in BUSY I -T- CANCEL FEATURE FROM CONSOLE AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [5A] Lift handset Dial tone [& Dial number of check extension . Ringing tone . Check extension 1 bell rings . Two way conversation between check extensions 1 and 2 [5C] Replace handsets on check extensions 1 and 2 1 151 1 AND k- i VERIFY FROM f CANCELLATION CHECK EXTENSlON 2 FINISH /Xl-39140 ” SECTION MITLSI 05/9110-98-215 1 Sheet 1 of 3 active with an extension AT C iONSOLE Press GUEST ROOM y1 GUEST ROOM lamp lit Dial number of check extension 1 y1 SOURCE display shows check extension number and message re ister, ATT lamp lit . D I! STINATION displav shows room status code ’ Fig. 360-l) Press DO NOT DS i B 19 DO NOT DSTB lamp lit . Check extension 1 lamp lit in Busy Lamp Field Press RELEASE y Console idle DISPLAY GUEST ROOM STA TfJS AT CONSOLE AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [3A] Lift handset Dial tone [;B] Dial number of check extension 1 . Ringing tone (NOTE 1) . Console rings . DIAL 0 and ANSWER lamps flash AT CONSOLE [3C] Press ANSWER . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 2 and class of service ATT and INT lamps lit Two way conversation, console h and check extension 2 3E Press RELEASE Replace check extension 2 handId3 set Fig. 366-l may ac- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ATTENDANT DO NOT DISTURB (H/M) MAP215-360 Issue Sheet 2, July 60 2 of 3 AT CONSOLE [4A] Press DO NOT DSTB . SOURCE display. Fia. 360-2. shows total huri&er%t roonis with “do not disturb” facility [4B] Release DO NOT DSTB . Console idle ~ISS~A~‘IUMBER W/TN DO NOT DISTURB ACTIVATED AT CONSOLE [5A] Dial check extension 1 . ERROR lamp lit in DESTINATION displa DO N 8 T DSTB lamp flashes [;B] Press DO NOT DSTB . ERROR and DO NOT DSTB lamps go off . Ringing tone AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [5C] Check extension 1 rings [5D] Lift handset . Two way conversation, check extension 1 and console Press DO NOT DSTB [5E] DO NOT DSTB lamp lit -15& - Press RELEASE Console idle [5& ,R,eplace check extension 1 hand- . Fig. AT CONSOLE [6A] Press GUEST ROOM GUEST ROOM lamp lit [;B] Dial check extension 1 number . SOURCE display shows check extension number and message l [6C] . . [6D] . . [6E] . A342 %$i%~~l0N display shows room status code See Fig. 360-l) Press DO NOT DS f B DO NOT DSTB lamp lit E;;.slon lamp Ilt In Busy Lamp Press DO NOT DSTB DO NOT DSTB lamp goes off Extension lamp in BUSY LAMP FIELD aoes off Press RELEASE Console idle < CANCEL ;gANpT~~~ 360-2 SECTION ATTENDANT MITL9105/9110-98-215 DO NOT DISTURB (H/M) MAP215360 AT CHECK EXTENSION 2 [7p] Lift handset Dlal tone [7B] Dial number of check . Ringing tone extension I Issue 2, July 80 ~_____ I ) Sheet 3 of 3 I 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 Check extension 1 rings [;C] Lift handset * Two way conversation between extensions [7D] Replace handsets on check extensions 1 and 2 I A343144 SECTION MESSAGE MITL9105/9110-98.215 WAITING (H/M) MAP215-361 issue 2, July 60 Sheet 1 of 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Lift handset . Dial tone 1 AT CONSOLE [lB] Press GUEST ROOM GUEST ROOM lamp lit [;C] Dial check extension 1 . Busy tone Extension busy lamp lit [TD] Press MSGE WAIT . MSGE WAIT lamp lit . Extension busy lame lit VEI Press RELEASE ’ -TSET UP MESSAGE WAITING l- f Fig. 361-l AT CHECK EXTENSION [3B] Lift handset Dial tone [&I Dial “0” . Ringing tone . Console rings 1 AT CONSOLE [3D] Press ANSWER . SOURCE disDlav shows number and class of ‘seivice of check extension 1, ATT lamp lit [3E] Two way conversation between console and check extension 1 AT CONSOLE [4A] Press MSGE WAIT MSGE WAIT lamp goes off ;B Press RELEASE I 4C I Replace handset at check extension 1 1 Note 1: The lamp flash facility to flash ~telephone fitted with lamp is available on PABX line cards bearing part number 9110-010. Either option 137 for lamp flash or option 136 for bell ring may be i programmed, but not both. , EXTENSION CALL 10 CONSOLE SECTION 1 MESSAGE AT CONSOLE [lA] Press GUEST ROOM GUEST ROOM lamp lights [I’B] Dial number of check extension 1 . SOURCE display shows room number and message registration, (Fig. 362-l) . DESTINATION display shows room status code ‘(and period if maid in room ) [lC] Dial “#” . Message register reverts to zero registration [lDl Press RELEASE AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2A] /iI :a,;set . [2B] Dial CO trunk access code CO dial tone [2;] Dial console listed directory number I ;Wo’E” handset [4C] . (H/M) 1 REGISTER (FIG. 362-l) Fig. 362-l 111 5 -1 A -’ CLASS NUMBER 0 0 ATT l-i =I ,1 I-1 -I I- INT 0 c RCL SOURCE DID 0 MAN on check exten- AT CONSOLE [4A] Press GUEST ROOM GUEST ROOM lamp lights [4\] Dial number of check extension . SOURCE display shows room number and new message l REGISTRATION ND ZERO AT CONSOLE [3A] ANSWER and LDN lamps flash, ringer sounds [3B] Press LDN . ANSWER, LDN and SOURCE lamps Ii ht . SOURC I! display shows number of calling trunk, ATT lamp lit . Two way conversation, console and check extension 1 [3C] Wait 1 minute ,“i”,l,“” MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 1 J Fig. 362-2 ~&~~~~(#gdj~$f)&ows room status code Press RELEASE SOURCE and DESTINATION displays are extinguished A3.47148 SECTION CONTROLLED RESTRICTION I Note: START AT CONSOLE [lA] Press GUEST ROOM GUEST ROOM lamp lit [lk] Dial check extension 1 . SOURCE display shows number and message register count . DESTINATION display shows room status code (and period if maid in room) (See Fig. 363-l and Table 363-l) MITL9105/9110-98.215 OUTGOING (H/M) CALL I This MAP applies when console has ROOM RESTR. If ROOM STATUS see MAP21 5364. I 111 AND --I 1 ’ VERIFY ROOM STATUS Fig. AT CONSOLE [3A] Dial di it 1 . SOURCE display shows room number and messa e registration . DESTINATION disp Bay changes to read diqit “1” for room status (Fig. 363-l) [3B] Press ROOM RESTR ROOM RESTR lamp lit &] Press RELEASE . SOURCE and DESTINATION displa s are cleared ROOMRESTR lamp cleared [{D] Press NIGHT 1 . NIGHT 1 lamp is lit 363-l ROOM RESTRICTION (OUTGOING CALLS) TABLE 363-l ROOM STATUS CODES Room is vacant but requires cleaning Room is occupied but requires cleaning A349 i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 2 of 2 From [3] AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [4A] Lift handset Dial tone [4& Dial trunk access code Reorder tone (NOTE 1) (4& Replace handset RESTRICTION AT CONSOLE [5Al Press GUEST T3OOM - GUEST ROOM I&. 1 Dial s( number of ‘%%dextensic 3URCE and DESTINATION displays repeat information shown in Fi . 366-l ROOM RESQR lamp lit [5& Press ROOM RESTR ROOM RESTR lamp off ;D] Press RELEASE 5E] Press NIGHT-1 . NIGHT 1 lamp goes off )n 1 AND CANCEL RESTRICTION i AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [6A] Lift handset Dial tone [6& y;;ky$ ycss code [6;] A3-50 Replace handset -T- I I L I61 AND VERIFY CANCELLATION OF RESTRICTION SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ROOM STATUS (H/M) MAP215-364 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 4 I NOTES (1) The single-digit codes in the procedures have meanings Tables 364-l and 364-2. (2) Maid codes are dialed from ly, after the “Maid Access” been dialed liable 364-2). I following shown in room oncode has TABLE 364-l ROOM STATUS CODES Room vacant, requires cleaning Room occupied, requires cleaning TABLE 364-2 MAID-DIALED CODES MAID CODE I AT CONSOLE [lA Press GUEST ROOM flB _ I_ Dial the number of check extension 1 . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 1 and message re ister count e DESTINATI 8 N display shows room status code (Table 364-l) [lC] Dial digit 3 . DESTINATION display shows room status code 3 (Fig. 364-l) : 3 INDICATION I Maid in room, requires cleaning Maid left room, status unchanged Maid left room, room ready SET AND VERIFY ROOM STA TVS AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [2A] Lift handset Dial tone 12;) Dial “Maid Access” code then digit 1 (Table 364-2) [2C] Replace handset AT CONSOLE . Period sign appears after status code in DESTINATION display [2D] . Press RELEASE SOURCE and DESTINATION displays extinguished Fig. 364-l SET EXTENSION FOR MAID-IN-ROOM CONDITION (NOTE 2) I 1J Go to [S] A3-51 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ) ROOM STATUS (H/M) 1 ‘r’ From [2] AT CONSOLE f3Al Press ROOM STATUS [3Bj Press and hold digit 0 . Check extension 1 lamp lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD . SOURCE display shows total number of rooms with maids present Fig. 364-2 [3C] Release key pad digit 0 [3D] Press ROOM STATUS Press and hold diait 3 -13El . _ Check extension 7 lamp lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD . SOURCE display, Fig. 364-2, +J changes to reflect total number of vacant rooms which require i cleaning [3F] Release key pad digit 3 . BUSY LAMP FIELD resumes normal indications [3G] Press RELEASE 169 t6D6E. 1 . [6F] . ]6G1 A3-52 CLASS 0 INT 0 RCL SOURCE Fig. 364.2 VERIFY ROOM STATUS ON BUSY LAMP FIELD AND dR’egd:&e handset AT CONSOLE [5A] Press GUEST ROOM [5B] Dial the number of check extension 1 . SC3URCE display shows number Of ’ check extension 1, and message re ister count . DESTINATI 8 FJ display shows room status code .“I” (Fig. 364-3) [5C] Press RELEASE . SOURCE and DESTINATION displays extinguished . .o ATT AND SET [6A] [6B] . I 7 II,- NUMBER 131 AT CHECK EXTENSION 1 [4!] Lift handset Dral tone 1481 D.ia! “Maid Access” code then [4C] L 1-1 1-l Press ROOM STATUS Press and hold key pad digit 0 Check extension 1 lamp not lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD Repeat same entry per top riaht previous page ” Release key pad digit 0 BUSY LAMP FIELD resumes normal indications Press ROOM STATUS Press and hold key pad digit 1 Check extension 1 lamp lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD SOURCE display, Fig. 364-2, changes to reflect total number of rooms which are ready for oc%?&?zlkey pad digit 1 BUSY LAMP FIELD resumes normal lamp indication Press RELEASE EXTENSION r SET AND VERIFY ROOM STATUS ON DESTINATION DISPLAY (VACANT/READY) I r PI- +---I AND VERIFY ON BUSY ROOM STATUS LAMP FIELD Fig. 364-3 0 0 DID MAN SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.215 1 ROOM STATUS (H/M) MAP215364 I I Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 3 of 4 AT CONSOLE 7A] Press GUEST ROOM I 781 Dial the number of check extension 1 . SOURCE display shows number of check extension 1 . DESTINATION display shows room status “1” (Fig. 364-2) Dial digit 2 [7Cl . DESTINATION display shows room status code “2” Press REL key 170 . SOURCE and DESTINATION displays extinguished I tt I . . WI. ml AND SET AND VERIFY ROOM STATUS ON DESTlNATlON DISPLAY (OCCUPIED/CLEAN) Press ROOM STATUS Press and hold key pad digit 2 Check extension 1 lamp lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD SOURCE display, Fig. 364-2, changes to reflect total number of rooms which are occupied and cleaned Release key pad digit 2 BUSY LAMP FIELD resumes normal lamp indications Press REL key WAND I VERlFY ROOM STATUS ON BUSY LAMP FIELD AT CONSOLE 9A Press ROOM STATUS Press and hold key pad digit 2 I 9B . I Check extension 1 lamp lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD [9C] Release key pad digit 2 . BUSY LAMP FIELD resumes normal lamp indications Press ROOM STATUS key Press and hold key pad digit 2 . Check extension 1 lamp is not lit . SOURCE display reflects total number of rooms with “condition 1)1) P,Hl helease key pad digit 2 BUSY LAMP FIELD resumes normal indication Press RELEASE Press ROOM STATUS Press and hold key pad digit 4 . Check extension 1 lamp is lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD . SOURCE display reflects total number of rooms with “condition A” [9M] . Release key ad digit 4 All lamps in i USY LAMP FIELD resume normal indications t VERIFY STATUS CHANGE BY CONSOLE, ALL OCCUPIED ROOMS FROM “CLEAN” TO “REQUIRES CLEANING” I- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 ROOM STATUS (HIM) I I MAP215-364 I Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 4 of 4 AT CONSOLE -Dial x 10 # Press REL key Press ROOM STATUS Press and hold key pad digit 4 Check extension 1 lamp is not lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD Release key pad digit 4 Press REL key Press ROOM STATUS Press and hold key pad digit 2 Check extension 1 lamp is lit in BUSY LAMP FIELD . SOURCE display reflects total number of room with “condition 2” WJI Release key pad digit 2 . All lamps in BUSY LAMP FIELD resume normal indications VW Press REL key A3-54 AI101 AND --L VERIFY STATUS BY CONSOLE, ROOMS, CLEANING” CHANGE ALL OCCUPIED FROM “REQUIRES TO “CLEAN” SECTION MITL9110.98.215 APPENDIX 4 GENERIC 204 SYSTEM TESTS General The SX-100 or SX-200 programmed with Generic 204 is tested in the order shown in the following Tables, using the MAPS shown which appear in Appendix 4. These tests should be done after completing all required tests for Generic 202 and 203 options in 204 (see table 2-9). A4.1 TABLE A4-1 EXTENSION OPTIONS OPTION ORDER I MAP NO. Set Up Test Equipment MAP21 5-001 Test Extension MAP21 5-400 Automatic Options Wake-Up (Alarm Call) MAP215401 L-Y Enable Non-CO Trunk to Trunk Connect TABLE A4-2 OPTION CONSOLE I MAP215402 OPTIONS MAP NO. r H/M NON H/M Test Console Console Utility Date Display Customer Message Options Program Register MAP215-450 and Date Dump/Load Print Room Audit Automatic System Wake-Up I.D. Test Termination 1 ORDER (Alarm Call) MAP215-451 MAP215-452 2 MAP215-453 3 MAP21 5-454 4 MAP215-455 5 MAP21 5-456 6 MAP215-226 ,- I::‘ 7 A4-112 : SECTION I I Generic been 202 and tested ES [2A] Perform test procedures listed in Table A4-1, Appendix f-- 3 AND I procedures enerlc [4A] Perform tests in Table - 400-l been 204 option AND 3 TEST GENERIC 204 OPTIONS there Generic to be tested TABLE Automatic Wake-Up 400-l (Alarm Call) YES TEST MITL9105/9110-68.215 EXTENSION OPTIONS MAP215400 Issue 1, January Sheet 1 of 1 I I 80 SECTION MITLSI 05/911 O-98-21 5 ( AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP j I 1 MAP215401 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 1 AT CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Lift handset Dial tone [I;] Dial Automatic Wake-Up Access I;oorgarrd Wake-Up time (24 hour [I\] i.:.i .,‘;.‘: .-.- -. :: ” .. .. ..: :. . Dial tone Replace handset I ENTER CHECK WAKE-UP EXTENSION TIME FROM AT CHECK EXTENSION [2A] Check extension rings at requested time WAKE-UP CALL RINGS CHECK EXTENSlON AT CHECK EXTENSION [3A] Repeat steps 1A + 1B Dial tone [3\] ~~;b~r~ma;gc Wake-Up Access [3& et31 4 Dial tone Replace handset * ’ AND 6 a CANCEL CHECK r I41 t AT CHECK EXTENSION [4A] Check extension does not rina at time requested steps WAKE-UP EXTENSION CALL FROM \ AND M a , WAKE-UP CALL CANCELLED A4-518 i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 , ENABLE NON-CO TRUNK TO TRUNK CONNECT MAP215402 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 1 :-. ,.. : .. AT CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Dial trunk . Connection between check extension - trunk and - AND s a SET UP CONNECTION TRUNK AND EXTENSION [2A] [2\] [2;] . Extension flashes switchhook Dial tone Extension dials Non-CO Trunk Non-CO Trunk answers Extension hangs up Trunk and Non-CO Trunk connected - BETWEEN J TRANSFER TRUNK ,- FINISH A4-718 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 1 TEST CONSOLE OPTIONS I MAP215450 Issue 2. July 80 Sheet 1 of 1 START Generic been 202 and tested IES [2A] Perform test procedures listed in Table A4-1, Appendix 3 7 f- Complete Installation and in Section MITL9110.98-200, Programming Section 1NO [4A] Perform tests in Table 450-l TEST GENERIC 204 OPTIONS YES TABLE OPTION Console Customer Date Display and Date Utility Program Dump/Load Room Audit Automatic Wake-Up (Alarm Call] System I.D. 450-l [ MAPNO. 1 REMARKS MAP215451 MAP21 5-452 MAP215-454 HIM ONLY MAP215-455 HIM ONLY MAP215-456 A4-9110 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 .- START .-+ I .:’ AT CONSOLE (1AJ Dial * 15 ANS and DEST lamps light [l& Enter date as three or four digits (one or two digit month and 2 digit day) [lC] Press RELEASE [2A] [2& . 4 Press IDENT (Fig. 451-l) Date appears in time display Release IDENT Time returns to time display DISPLAY DATE (FIG. 457-7) 0 0 0 0 0 Fig. 451-l A411112 - SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 CUSTOMER PROGRAM MAP21 5-452 Issue 2, July Sheet ; DUMP/LOAD 80 1 of 2 START. -Ill AT STORAGE [lA] to-;iuII [l B] DEVICE blank Place storage start condition tape device into storage - ’ I .-.-i“- Note: When dumpin insure that the storage device is not B n the local mode. If the load is not successful. thestorage device will not have a correct program. AND in ready-toJPREPARE STORAGE DEVICE Busy tone indicates RS232 port is e Code + 7 / I J \ ACCESS RS232 PORT AT CONSOLE [3A] Dial * 14 Jc Press RELEASE . Printer function suspended AT CABINET [3B] Remove printer on Interconnect [3C] Fn;;t storage AT STORAGE [4A] Place (write) [4B] Start plug from P302 Card device plug into DEVICE storage device condition storage device SUSPEND PRINTER AND REPLACE BY STORAGE DEVICE in record AT CONSOLE [4C] Dial ~14 # , Press RELEASEA . LED No. 4, Extended Memory Card, is lit during recording. goes out when program is dumped - AN and DUMP DATA PROGRAM A413114 i- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 CUSTOMER PROGRAM DUMP/LOAD I MAP215452 -1 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 2 of 2 i-’ From 14) AT STORAGE DEVICE [5A] i;lntch off record (write) condi[5B] [5C] Place in rewind mode Remove cassette when rewound, label and place in secure storage - AT CABINET [6Aj Remove storage device plug from P302 on Interconnect board [6B] Replace the printer plug - t STORE t--i I AND AT STORAGE DEVICE I7AJ ;z;zirogram tape into storage PROGRAM RESTORE PRINTER CONNECTIONS [7B] Ensure program tape is at start of program, i.e. rewound AT CABINET [7C] Disconnect printer plug from P302 on Interconnect board [7D] g;;Scanner card switches to [7E] . . Press RESET button on Extended Memory card LED’s on Scanner card show “AA,, . .. . Console 452-l PREPARE FOR PROGRAM I LOAD I shows code as in Fig. -I AT STORAGE DEVICE [8A] Place storage device in play read) mode [SB] 6 tart storage device . Scanner card LEDs show successive readin s from 01 through ~~gt~t;d(l) 00 tR rough (1) 30 durJ[9A] Switch off storage LOAD PROGRAM Fig. 452-l device I AT CONSOLE [9B] Dial z(c14 * , Press RELEASE AT CABINET [9C] ;;r20ve [9D] storage Insert printer required) plug into P302 (if AT CONSOLE [9E] Dial * 14 # [9F] Press RELEASE AND device plug from c RESTORE SYSTEM TO NORMAL v FINISH _- SECTION MITL910549110~98~215 ROOM AUDIT MAP21 5-453 IS Nazi Printer connected YES NO [2A] . . [;B] Printer must: Meet EIA RS232 requirements Be capable of 66 characters per line Be capable of 110 or 300 baud ;o$nect Printer to system RS232 Ensure Printer is not in local w AND 1 !I CONNECT PRINTER Fig. 463-l AT CHECK EXTENSION [3A] Complete a number of calls to local directory numbers 1 ENTER VALUES IN CHECK EXTENSION MESSAGE REGISTER (FIG. 453-l) AT CONSOLE [4A] Dial* 16 (Fig.453-1) [4B] Press RELEASEn Printout of entries produced . AND J-i A4-17118 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP MAP215-454 Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 2 AT CONSOLE [lA] Press Guest Room button Guest Room lamp lights [I>] Dial check extension number . Destination display shows wakeup time if one has been requested. Display blank if no wake-up requested (Fig. 454-l) NUMBER 0 0 ATT INT AND 4 . A I TO SET AUTOMATIC WAKEUP FROM CONSOLE [2A] . [2B] 0 RCL SOURCE NUMBER ,3 0 0 ATT RING BUSY DESTINATION Fig. 454-l I TO SET AUTOMATIC FROM CONSOLE (FIG. 454-2) KJI 131 WAKE-UP AND CHECK EXTENSION RINGS r I41 AT CONSOLE 4A Repeat steps [i A] and [l B] 48 Dial * # . Wake-up time clears from Destination display [4C] Press RELEASE II -7 AND I CANCEL WAKE-UP FROM CONSOLE T/ME , Note: If a printout is requested occur at steps 28,4C, 5C. it will Fig. 454.2 \ Got> CLASS 0 MAN -1 3 Dial *, wakeup time, then # (or + if p.m., 12 hour format) Destination display shows wakeup time (Fig. 455-2) Press RELEASE AT CHECK EXTENSION [3A] Check extension rings at desired wake-up time 0 DID CLASS 0 ERROR SECTION MITL91051911 AUTOMATIC O-98-21 5 WAKE-UP MAP215454 issue Sheet 2, July 80 2 of 2 [5Al [5Sl [5Cl [5Dl Repeat steps 1 and 2 Allow check extension to ring at all 3.5 minute intervals unanswered At the end of the third attempt console minor alarm LED will light and the console ringer will sound Press the ALARM RESET display should be similar to (Fig. 454-3) CHECK WAKE-UP ALARM - 64 tW . . Press Press * 8 # RELEASE Source display shows the system ID (Fig. 455-l) Destination display shows current L17 ~ CANCELLING ALARM A420 THE MINOR SECTION SYSTEM MITL9105/9110-98-215 IDENTIFIER MAP215455 1 AT CONSOLE [IA] Dial * 17 . Source display system ID (Fig. shows 355-l) the current Issue 2, July 80 Sheet 1 of 1 I - DISPLAY ID (FIG. 455-l) NO YES AT CONSOLE [3A] l$in;w . system New ID appears display identifier (1-3 -131 1. 4 in Destination - ’ t AND c b I I CHANGE ID t41 AND NUMBER ii 0 CLEAR 0 0 0 0 DISPLAY Fig. 355-l A4-21122 :. : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.215 : :: APPENDIX 5 GENERIC 205 SYSTEM TESTS General A5.1 The SX-100 or SX-200 programmed with Generic 205 is tested in the order shown in the following Tables, using MAPS shown which appear in Appendix 5. These tests should be done after cornpleting all required tests for Generics 202, 203 and 204 option tests that are used in 205 (see Table A51 and A52). GENERIC Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TABLE A51 205 EQUIPMENT - EXTENSION TEST ORDER Option Set Up Test Equipment Test Extension Options Broker’s Call Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Call Park Call Pick-Up Camp-On Consultation Hold/Transfer/Add-On Automatic Callback - Don’t Answer Automatic Callback - Busy Meet Me Conference Executive Busy Override Paging Do Not Disturb Call Block Call Hold Single Digit Dialing Transfer Into Busy Common Alerting Devices Enable Non-CO Trunk to Trunk Connect Use a Personnel Speed Call Use a Common Use Speed Call OPTIONS MAP No. MAP215-001 MAP21 5-500 MAP21 5-204 MAP21 5-205 MAP215-206 MAP215-207 MAP21 5-208 MAP21 5-209 MAP215-210 MAP215-211 MAP21 5-212 MAP215-213 MAP215214 MAP215-215 MAP215-216 MAP21 5-301 MAP21 5-302 MAP215-303 MAP21 5-304 MAP215-305 MAP215-306 MAP21 5-402 MAP215-501 MAP215-502 A5-1 / SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 GENERIC OPTION Test Console Features Answer CO Trunk Call Answer DID Trunk Call Attendant Do Not Disturb Message Waiting Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Follow Me Attendant Controlled Conference Attendant Station Busy-Out Attendant Do Not Disturb Answer Incoming Call Automatic Callback Extending Internal Calls Answering a Recall Override Flexible Night Service Trunk Busy Operation Trunk Group Attendant Access Trunk Group Dial Access Test Termination Console Date Display and Date Utility Customer Program Dump/Load System I.D. Speed Call Notes 1. 2. 3. A5.2 TABLE A5-2 205 EQUIPMENT - CONSOLE TEST ORDER OPTIONS MAP NO. ORDER MAP21 5-504 MAP215351 MAP215-352 MAP21 5-353 MAP21 5-354 MAP215-355 MAP21 5-356 MAP21 5-357 MAP21 5-358 MAP21 5-359 MAP215-360 MAP215-217 MAP215218 MAP215-219 MAP21 5-220 MAP215-221 MAP21 5-222 MAP215-223 MAP21 5-224 MAP215-225 MAP215-226 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 MAP215-451 MAP215-452 MAP215-455 MAP215-505 22 23 24 25 MAP 215-216 tests are performed on Generic 20211~~ equipment. tests are listed in Table 2-4 starting at MAP212-351 incorporating Serial/Guest Room key. A printer may be used. A storage device may be used. NOTES 1 2, 3 Generic 20211~~ equipment the use of the 1 4.. MAP215500 Issue 1, July Sheet 1 of 1 I 80 Have all Generic 202,203 and 204 [2A] Perform test procedures Table A5-1 Appendix 5. [4A] Perform tests in Table listed 500-l in - AND [ - L TEST GENERIC 205 OPTIONS I TABLE Order 1 2 Option Use a Personal Use a Common 500-l Name Speed Call Use Speed Map Call No. MAP215501 MAP215502 A5-314 SECTION USE A PERSONAL MITL9105/9110-98-215 SPEED j CALL (“4”) AT THE CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Go off hook [l B] Dial the Speed Call Access Code [lC] Dial 0 [lD] Dial all digits including pauses and manual digit insertions (Table 501-l) [lE] Dial Speed Call Personal Code (personal table number) [lF] Go on hook - PI L1 AND l- I TO PROGRAM NUMBER A PERSONAL USE [2A] [2B] [2C] . Go off hook Dial the Speed ;$he Speed Call Call Tone (busy returned Access Personal Code e or ringback) TO USE [3A] [3B] [3C] [3D] Go off hook Dial the Speed Dial 0 t&allhe Speed [3E] Go on hook Call Access Call Personal A PERSONAL Code TO CANCEL TABLE USE A SPEED CALL ENTRY 501-l FINISH A5-518 i: :/ SECTION 1 USE MITL9105/9110-98-215 A COMMON USE SPEED CALL I 1 MAP215502 Issue 1, July Sheet 1 of 1 I 80 AT THE CHECK EXTENSION [lA] Go off hook [lB] Dial the Speed Call Access Code [lC] Dial the Speed Call Entry Code (Dial manual digits if necessary) . Tone returned (busy or ringback) A5-718 : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 Have all Generic 202,203 and 204 options been tested [2A] Perform test procedures Table A51 Appendix 5 listed in II-- Complete installation and programming in SECTIONS MITL9105/9110-98-200, 9105/9110-98-210 and 9105/9110-98-205. [4A] Perform test in Table 504-2 I TEST GENERK 205 OPT/O NS TABLE Option Order 1 Speed Call 504.2 Name I Map No. MAP215605 I (-GF-) ,- AS-9110 :1. J SECTION I1 MITL9105/9110-98-215 of 1 I Eikt; zpeed Call Access Code Dial Speed Call Entry Code Dial all digits, pauses and manual insertion points (Table 505-l) Destination display shows digits entered (most recent the right (Fig. 505-l), ATT lamp lit Source display shows Speed Call Entry Code, ATT lamp lit Press RELEASE Dial Speed Call Access Code Dial # Dial Speed Call Entry Code Dial # Destination display shows all digit, pauses and manual insertion digits (Fig. 505-2) Continue to dial # until the number has been reviewed Press RELEASE TO PERFORM A SPEED NUMBER CALL W] Setup Fig. Speed 505-l Call I( Number T I - TO REWEW A SPEED CALL NUMBER -R Dial Speed Call Dial 0 Dial Speed Call Press RELEASE Access Entry Code - Code -i- TABLE Digits l1 :: (NN) I , TO CANCEL A SPEED CALL ENTRY 505.1 Meaning 5 Second pause Wait for dial tone Allows the required number manual digits to be dialed (NN denotes the required number of defined digits) 1 AND JI191t I Review Fig. 505-2 Speed Call Number Of I I L FIN,,,) ,- I. A5-11112 .f MITEL STANDARD SECTION PRACTICE M ITL91051911 O-98-320 Issue 3, July 1980 sx-100 */sx=200 * SUPERSWITCH* ELECTRONIC PRIVATE AUTOMATIC BRANCH EXCHANGE EXTENSION TEST PROCEDURES CONTENTS PAGE 1. GENERAL ............................ Reason for Issue. ...................... 1 1 2. TEST AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES . 1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Operating Procedures .................. 1 1. ;; -:. ‘7 GENERAL 1.01 This section describes the extension test operating instructions for the SX-lOO/SX-200 PABX’s. These procedures should be performed as operational tests upon installation of extensions after the initial system installation. See SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-200 for system installation instructions. Reason for Issue Chart 2-l Chart2.2 Chart 2-3 Chart2-4 Chart 2-5 Chart 2.6 Chart 2.7 Chart 2.8 Chart 2.9 Chart 2.10 Chart 2.11 Chart 2-12 Chart 2.13 Chart 2.14 Chart 2.15 Chart 2-16 Chart 2.17 Chart 2-18 Chart 2-19 Chart Chart Chart Chart 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23 Station-to-Station Call ........... .................... Hunt Group Broker’s Call ................... Call Hold ....................... Call Forwarding. Busy ........... Call Forwarding. Don’t Answer .... Call Forwarding. Follow Me ...... Override ....................... Dial Call Pick.Up ............... Camp.On ..................... Automatic Callback. Busy. ...... Do Not Disturb. ................ Call Park/Pick.Up ............... Paging ....................... Trunk Answer From Any Station ....................... Consultation ........... Hold/Transfer/Add.On Automatic Wake.Up (Alarm) Call. ................... ........... MeetMe Conference. Automatic Call back . Don’t Answer........................2 Directed Call Pick.Up ........... Station Conference ............. Speed Call .................... Saved Number Redial ........... 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 .ll ,12 .13 .14 .15 .16 1.02 This has been reissued to include all Generic 205 information requiring an extension test procedure. 2. TEST AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES General 2.01 Satisfactory completion of the operating procedures tests confirms that the apparatus has been installed and programmed carrectly. 2.02 If any operating procedure cannot pleted as described, verify that: be com- .17 l .18 .20 .21 2 .23 .24 .25 .26 l the procedure is applicable to the extension (ie. the feature being tested is assigned to the extension) the apparatus which provides (eg. music on hold) is correctly Operating the feature installed Procedures 2.03 Chart 2-1 should be performed on each extension. Charts 2-2 through 2-26 should be performed once per system. 0 MITEL Corporation 1960 , l Registered Trademark of MITEL Corporation Page 1 i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 STATION STEP CALL ACTION Called Station Dial tone returned Lift handset 2 Dial any extension 3 Called extension 4 Called and calling replace handsets number Lift handset 6 Dial originating 7 Dial Callback 8 Replace 9 Busy extension 10 Original 11 Called extension Dial tone removed after first digit; ring-back heard after completion of dialing answers Ring-back tone removed; two-way tone conversation extensions Busy (Enable Callback 5 Called Station VERIFICATION Idle 1 Called Station Page 2 CHART 2.1 . TO - STATION Busy) Dial tone returned extensions number code Busy tone returned Dial tone returned handset goes on-hook extension answers answers Busy (Member Original Ringback extension rings tone returned. Called extension rings Two way conversation of a Hunt Group) 12 Lift handset Dial tone returned 13 Dial Hunt Group Access 14 Free extension 15 Extensions Code answers replace handset , Dial tone removed after first digit; ring back tone heard; next free extension of group is rung Ring back tone removed; two way conversation SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-2 HUNT GROUP ACTION STEP ?rst Station iunt Idle Dial tone returned 1 Lift handset 2 Dial Hunt Group access 3 First extension zirst Station Dial tone removed after first digit; ring-back tone heard upon completion of dialing. First extension in group hears ringing Ring-back tone removed; two-way conversation Busy (Terminal) Repeat 5 Next idle extension 6 code answers 4 Groups VERIFICATION 1 and 2 above answers Next idle extension Ring-back in group hears ringing tone removed, 2 way conversation (Circular) Repeat steps 1 and 2 Hunting starts at the extension after the last extension rung in the group. System will ring first idle extension in the hunt group, if no idle extension is found, busy tone is returned Page 3 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.320 CHART 2-3 BROKER’S CALL ACTION STEP Extension in conversation wishes VERIFICATION a private alternative conversation after flashing switchhook. 1 Flash switchhook Transfer 2 Extension dials number of third party Third party phone rings 3 Third party answers Extension private and third party may now converse 4 Extension Extension returns 5 Third party is on hold. Extension may alternate between conversa tions by flashing switchhook Page 4 flashes switchhook dial tone returned to original (1st) party The three parties can NOT be joined together in one conversation in SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-4 CALL HOLD STEP ACTION VERIFICATION To set up a CALL HOLD: 1 Extension in conversation wishes to put call on hold, flashes switchhook No tones or sound heard by extension on hold unless MOH is provided. Flashing extension receives transfer dial tone 2 Extension dials CALL HOLD code Dial tone returned 3 Extension replaces Extension To retrieve handset the call at the original Extension lifts handset 5 Extension dials CALL HOLD local retrieve code a call at another calls extension: 4 To retrieve is now free to make or receive Dial tone returned Extension connected to call on hold extension: 6 Extension lifts handset 7 Extension dials CALL HOLD Remote Retrieve code No tones or sound 8 Extension dials Call Holding extension’s number Extension Dial tone returned connected heard to call on hold To use CALL HOLD as a Broker feature: 9 Perform steps 1, 2 and 3 under “To set up a CALL HOLD” 10 Extension lifts handset Dial tone returned 11 Extension dials third party Ring-back ringing 12 Third party answers 13 Extension flashes 14 Extension dials CALL HOLD code tone heard, third extension’s Conversation switchhook Transfer phone is takes place dial tone is returned Third party is placed retrieved on hold, second party is _- Page5 I SECTION nmTL9i05/9110-98.320 CHART 2-4 (Cont’d) CALL HOLD* ACTION STEP 15 Controlling extension may repeat steps 13 and 14 as often as required To join all three parties 16 17 18 Note: * Generic Page 6 VERIFICATION Each repetition exchanges the party on hold with the one in the conversation into one conversation: Extension cn second Extension RETRIEVE flashes switchhook extension dials CALL HOLD code Transfer Extension flashes Three parties A conference 2031~~ switchhook Extension can NOT be put on CALL HOLD. dial tone returned connected to third party in conversation SECTION CHART 2-5 CALL FORWARDING To set up CALL FORWARDING VERIFICATION - BUSY: 1 Forwarding handset 2 Extension dials CALL FORWARDING - BUSY code, and number of extension to which calls are to be forwarded (calls may also be forwarded to the attendant) 3 Extension To cancel - BUSY ACTION STEP extension replaces lifts Dial tone returned Dial tone heard; forwarding successful handset a CALL FORWARDING - BUSY: 4 Extension lifts handset 5 Extension dials CALL FORWARDING - BUSY code No tones or sound 6 Extension Cancellation replaces MITL9105/9110-98-320 handset Dial tone returned heard complete Page7 : SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-320 CHART 2-6 CALL FORWARDING - DON’T ANSWER STEP ACTION To set up CALL FORWARDING - DON’T ANSWER: 1 Extension 2 Extension dials CALL FORWARDING - DON’T ANSWER code and number of extension to which calls are to be forwarded (calls may also be forwarded to the attendant) 3 Extension To cancel lifts handset replaces CALL FORWARDING Dial tone returned; successful forwarding - DON’T ANSWER: Extension 5 Extension dials CALL FORWARDING - DON’T ANSWER code 6 Extension Page 8 Dial tone returned handset 4 lifts handset replaces VERIFICATION handset Dial tone returned No tones or sound heard. Cancellation complete SECTION CHART 2-7 CALL FORWARDING - FOLLOW ACTION STEP To set up CALL FORWARDING ME VERIFICATION - FOLLOW ME: 1 Extension 2 Extension dials CALL Dial tone heard; forwarding FORWARDING - FOLLOW ME code successful and number of extension to which calls are to be forwarded (calls may also be forwarded to the attendant) 3 Extension To cancel lifts handset replaces CALL FORWARDING extension Dial tone returned : :-. ..” handset - FOLLOW ME: 4 Originating handset 5 Originating extension dials CALL FORWARDING - FOLLOW ME code 6 Extension replaces MITL9105/9110-98-320 lifts Dial tone returned No tones or sound heard. Cancellation complete handset j I Page 9 F SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-320 CHART 2-8 OVERRIDE STEP ACTION 1 Establish a two party call 2 Extension 3 Dial busy extension 4 Calling extension OVERRIDE code lifts handset VERIFICATION Talking connection Dial tone returned Busy tone returned dials Parties in conversation hear a one second warning tone unless the COS of one or more of them prevents being over-ridden. After beep, calling extension is in conversation. All extensions will hear a short warning tone every six seconds SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-9 DIAL CALL PICK-UP ACTION STEP I 1 L 1 Any extension 2 VERIFICATION in the Pick-Up group is ringing. Idle extension handset lifts Extension dials DIAL CALL PICK-UP code Dial tone returned Extension is connected calling party to Page 11 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.320 CHART 2.10 CAMP-ON STEP ACTION VERIFICATION 1 Establish 2 Extension 3 Dial busy extension Busy tone returned 4 Calling extension remains off-hook for more than ten seconds a) Calling extension after ten seconds receives a change in busy tone b) The dialed extension receives a short warning tone 5 Busy extensions Page 12 a two party call lifts handset hang up Dial tone returned Dialed extension is rung SECTION CHART 2-11 AUTOMATIC CALLBACK - BUSY VERIFICATION ACTION STEP Dial tone returned 1 Extension lifts handset 2 Dial busy extension Busy tone returned 3 Calling extension dials AUTOMATIC CALLBACK code Dial tone returned 4 Calling extension 5 Called extension handset replaces replaces MITL9105/9110-98-320 - BUSY handset a) Calling extension rings b) Called extension rings when calling extension answers c) Calling extension hears ringback tone d) Conversation - 2-way -.:.:’ . .I; SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-12 DO NOT DISTURB STEP Extension VERIFICATION sets up DO NOT DISTURB: 1 Extension 2 Extension DISTURB 3 Extension 4 Extension is not called while in the DO NOT DISTURB mode Extension Page 14 ACTION cancels lifts handset dials DO NOT code followed by 1 replaces Dial tone returned Dial’ tone returned handset A calling extension receives tone or attendant intercept reorder DO NOT DISTURB: 5 Extension 6 Extension DISTURB 7 Extension lifts handset dials DO NOT code followed by 2 replaces handset Dial tone returned No tone or sound, DO NOT DISTURB is cancelled Calling original extensions extension can ring the SECTION MITLSI 051911 O-98-320 CHART 2-13 CALL PARK/PICK-UP ACTION STEP ‘o park an established VERIFICATION call: 1 Flash switchhook Transfer 2 Extension dials CALL PARK code Dial tone returned to parking extension. No tones or sound heard unless music provided parked extension 3 Extension replaces Extension to handset ‘o Pick-Up a parked call from the parking 4 dial tone returned extension: lifts handset ‘o Pick-Up a parked call using an alternate Extension connected to parked call extension: 5 Lift handset extension of alternate Dial tone returned 6 Alternate extension dials CALL PARK/DIRECTED CALL PICK-UP code and number of parking extension Alternate extension parked call connected to Page 15 / SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-14 PAGING ACTION STEP Repeat VERIFICATION 1 Extension lifts handset Dial tone returned 2 Extension code dials paging zone Extension receives a short warning tone. Extension may now page 3 Extension replaces for each of three codes handset if assigned. SECTION TRUNK STEP To answer MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-15 ANSWER FROM ANY STATION ACTION VERIFICATION a TAFAS call 1 Extension user hears night bell 2 Extension lifts handset Dial tone returned 3 Extension dials TAFAS night code Extension ; is connected ..~. :: :.: .’ to trunk call _- Page17 I \ SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CONSULTATION STEP ACTION CONSULTATION Established CHART 2-16 HOLD/TRANSFER/ADD-ON VERIFICATION HOLD: Call 1 Extension flashes switchhook 2 Extension which flashed, dials third extension Third extension 3 Third extension Effecting extension and third extension connected. Second extension remains on HOLD answers a) Flashing extension receives transfer dial tone b) Second extension in conversation put on HOLD, and hears music if provided rings TRANSFER: To idle extension: 4 Perform steps 1 and 2 in CONSULTATION Third extension 5 Extension effecting replaces handset Extension on HOLD receives ringing tone, and is connected to third extension it is answered transfer rings when To busy extension: 6 Perform steps 1 and 2 in CONSULTATION HOLD Third extension busy, effecting extension receives busy tone 7 Extension effecting replaces handset Extension on HOLD receives busy tone and is CAMPED-ON busy line after 10 seconds transfer During Consultation: Page 18 8 Perform steps 1 to 3 in CONSULTATION HOLD 9 Effecting extension hangs Effecting extension up Extension nected extension converse and third on hold and third extension con- SECTION CHART 2-18 (Cont’d) CONSULTATION HOLD/TRANSFER/ADD ACTION STEP M ITL9105/911 O-98-320 ON VERIFICATION ADD ON: 1 I I After 10 Perform steps 1 to 3 in CONSULTATION HOLD Effecting extension and third extension connected. Second extension remains on HOLD 11 Effecting extension switchhook All three extensions flashes connected three way consultation: L 12 Perform steps 1 to 3 in CONSULTATION HOLD Effecting verse 13 Effecting extension switchhook flashes All extensions 14 Effecting handset replaces Remaining connected extension extension and third extension con- connected extensions remain 1: Page19 r’- r SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 AUTOMATIC sets AUTOMATIC WAKE-UP VERIFICATION (ALARM Extension 2 Extension dials Automatic Wake-Up access code and Wake-Up time as a four digit number (24 hour clock) 3 Extension 4 At selected cancels lifts handset replaces time AUTOMATIC a) Extension WAKE-UP (ALARM Extension 6 Extension dials Automatic access code and 9999 7 Extension replaces in Generic 204 only Page 20 Dial tone returned handset 5 * Available CALL) Dial tone returned 1 Extension CALL) * ACTION STEP ixtension CHART 2-17 WAKE-UP (ALARM lifts handset handset Extension is rung receives a tone or receives MOH if provided CALL) Dial tone returned Wakeup Dial tone returned Wake-Up call is cancelled SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2.18 MEET-ME CONFERENCE STEP ACTION To set up a MEET-ME 1 VERIFICATION CONFERENCE: At a prearranged time dial Meet-Me Conference Access Code from up to seven extensions First extension on ho@. First extension hears warning tone as second extension is connected. Extensions in conference hear warning tone as succeeding extensions are connected Page 21 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 AUTOMATIC CHART 2-19 CALLBACK - DON’T ANSWER ACTION STEP To set up AUTOMATIC CALLBACK VERIFICATION - DON’T ANSWER: 1 Extension lifts handset Dial tone returned 2 Extension dials destination Destination 3 Extension receives flashes switchhook 4 Dial tone returned Extension dials AUTOMATIC CALLBACK - DON’T ANSWER code and number of extension called 5 Extension 6 Called extension extension uses Extension of call 7 Called extension handset replaces Calling 8 Calling extension handset 9 Called extension Page 22 replaces no answer, extension rings Dial tone returned handset lifts answers goes busy for duration extension rings Called extension rings; calling extension hears ring-back tone Conversation takes place SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-20 DIRECTED CALL PICK-UP ACTION STEP Any extension VERIFICATION is ringing 1 Extension lifts handset Dial tone returned 2 Extension dials DIRECTED Extension CALL PICK-UP code, and the number of the extension being rung is connected to call i_ Page23 ! r SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-21 STATION CONFERENCE ACTION STEP lifts handset VERIFICATION 1 Extension 2 Extension dials first conferee extension for STATION CONFERENCE Called 3 Called a) Calling extension and called extension connected b) Called extension goes on hold. Calling extension receives transfer dial tone extension answers. Calling extension informs of conference, flashes switchhook and dials second conferee extension 4 Second conferee answers 5 Calling extension switchhook flashes 6 Any extension of 7 extensions CONFERENCE b) & c) Page 24 may add up to a tota to the STATION by repeating steps 3 Dial tone returned party extension c) Second conferee All extensions rings extension connected rings SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-22 SPEED CALL* STEP Extension programs VERIFICATION a Speed Call: 1 Extension 2 Extension dials Speed Call Access Code 3 Extension 4 Extension dials Speed Access Code 5 Extension dials Trunk Group Access Code Note 1 6 Extension dials digits to be used as Speed Call Number Note 1 7 Extension To verify programmed lifts handset Dial tone returned dials 0 replaces Call Entry handset number: 8 Extension dials Speed Call Access Code 9 Extension dials Entry Access Number and manual digits if required Note 1: l ACTION Generic * 1 for 5 second at any time. If the call is successful ring back tone will be returned from the CO and the correct number will be rung pause or * 2 for wait for dial tone or* 3nn for user dialed digits may be entered 205 only Page 25 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-320 CHART 2-23 SAVED NUMBER REDIAL STEP Extension 1 ACTION programs a last number After completion side number the seconds to dial store the dialed number redial. To use saved number VERIFICATION redial: of dialing extension an * . This number in an outhas 10 will the last redial: 2 Extension goes off-hook 3 Extension dials Speed Call Feature Access Code 4 Extension Number dials Entry Access Dial tone returned Last number dialed rings MlTEL STANDARD PRACTICE SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 Issue 1, June 1980 SX=lOO* AND SX-200* SUPERSWITCH” ELECTRONIC PRIVATE AUTOMATIC BRANCH EXCHANGE TROUBLESHOOTING CONTENTS 1. GENERAL Introduction ............................ 3. CONTENTS 1 .......................... Basic Troubleshooting 2. PAGE Console Maintenance Functions ........ Console Alarm LEDs and Maintenance Aids .................... Minor Alarm LED. ..................... Console Alarm LED ................... Major Alarm LED. ..................... Alarm Reset Button ................... IDENT Button ........................ Error Codes .......................... Power Fail Transfer Switch ............. Test Line Functions General ............................. Direct Trunk Access ................... To Set and Clear Busy Out of Receivers. Clear All Errors ....................... Select a Speech Path and or Receiver..............................1 Slot Initialization Activate .............. Forced Trunk Release ................. 2 ....... Philosophy 3 CIRCUIT CARD AND MAINTENANCE PANEL AIDS .......................... 3 Card Shelf ............................ RAMlCOS Card (Basic). ................. Memory Expander Card ................. PROM CPU Card (Basic) ................ Scanner Card (Basic) ................... Tone Control Card ..................... Tone Control Thumbwheel Switches ............................. ................ Maintenance Functions. Load Functions ........................ Console Control Card (Basic) ............ Console Control Line and Data LEDs ............................ Remote Control RMAT .................. Receiver Card ......................... Trunk Card. ..... ! ..................... Trunk Busy/Idle LEDs ................... Trunk Incoming and Outgoing Busy Switches ........................ LineCard ............................. Maintenance Panel .................... Maintenance Console Connector. ........ Power Fail Transfer Control Switches ..... .................... Test Line Terminals The System Power Switch Cards External to the Shelf. .................. The SX-200 Interconnect Card. .......... The SX-200 Power Fail Transfer Card ..... The Console Interface Card. ............ Shelf Backplane ...................... .I0 .I1 .I1 .I1 .I3 CONSOLE AND TEST LINE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS .I8 ........... 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4. 5. 0 MITEL Corporation * Trademark MITEL Corporation .:: .I8 .I8 .I6 .I6 .I6 .I7 .I7 .I7 .I7 .I8 .I8 .. .I8 .I8 8 .I9 .I9 CONSOLE FUNCTIONS AND ERROR CODES...............................19 Current Speech Path Display . . . . . Line and Trunk Status Display . . . . Table 4-l Access Codes. . . . . . . . . . Table 4-2 Maintenance Function Access Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4-3 Traffic Measurement Function Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4-4 Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4-5 Standard Programming Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4-6 Extended Programming Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 9 .9 9 PAGE SYSTEM OPERATION . . . . . 20 . . . . . 20 . . . . . 22 . . . . . 24 . . . . . 25 . . . . . 26 _: L. y: . . . . . 29 . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...32 Extension Operation . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . .32 1980 Page 1 SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-350 CONTENTS PAGE Console..............................3 Dialing a Trunk (Console). .............. Hook Flash .......................... Incoming Calls (GSILS Trunks) .......... TABLES .............................. Table 5-2 Error Code Procedures ........ Table 5-3 Extension Fault Report Procedures ......................... Table 5-4 Console Faults ............... Table 5-5 Trunk Fault Report Procedures ......................... Table 5-8 System Faults. ............... 6. 7. 3 .33 .34 .35 .35 .40 ..4 5 .48 in- Part 1 General - gives a brief outline practice and a general introduction troubleshooting philosophy. . Part 2 Maintenance Aids - describes the maintenance aids provided by the system and gives a description of each indicator, switch and display. . Part 3 Console and Test Line Functions -contains a description of the maintenance functions which can be dialed from the console or the test line. of the to the SX-lOO/SX-200 POWER SUPPLY ......... .47 . AC/DC Convertor ..................... DC/DC Convertor ..................... Ringing Generator .................... Out of Tolerance ...................... Reserve Battery Backup and Charger ............................ .47 .47 .47 .47 Part 4 Error Code Troubleshooting describes the troubleshooting procedures to be used in conjunction with the system error code displays. . Part 5 Fault Report Troubleshooting - this part details troubleshooting procedures to be used when no error code is reported. . Part 8 SX-lOO/SX-200 Power Supply Specifications - defines the electrical and operational specifications for the SX-100/200 PABX power supplies. . Appendix (MAPS). . Appendix two - provides of all system parameters. . Appendix three - provides installation and cabling information for the SX-100/200 PABX’s. Appendix four - contains the mechanical information pertaining to the SX-100 in the form of MAPS (MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES) and Tables. ..4 7 REMOTE MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION AND TEST SYSTEM ................... .57 1 MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES APPENDIX 2 SYSTEM PARAMETERS APPENDIX 3 SYSTEM CABLING APPENDIX 4 SX-100 MECHANICAL INFORMATION ............. .A4-1 5 SX-200 MECHANICAL INFORMATION ............. .A5-1 APPENDIX 8 POWER CHECKS. .A8-1 APPENDIX 7 TROUBLESHOOTING APPENDIX ....... .......... ............ . Al-l A2-1 .A3-1 . MAPS ... A7-1 GENERAL . . Introduction . 1.01 is divided . ..4 2 .44 APPENDIX 1. SX-lOO/SX-200 PABX’s. The practice to six parts and seven appendices: This section contains information used when troubleshooting Page 2 to be the one - Mite1 Action Procedures a series of tables Appendix five - contains the mechanical information pertaining to the SX-200 in the form of MAPS and Tables. Appendix six - contains all power checks pertaining to the SX-1001200 in the form of MAPS and Tables. Appendix seven - details, in the form of MAPS, the procedures required to locate and fix malfunctions in the PABX’s. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 1.02 It should be noted that certain sections and appendices must be used as interlocking information for complete troubleshooting. also contains a RAM battery pack with an LED that will be lit to indicate that the pack is seated correctly and is charging. 1.03 2.05 Basic Troubleshooting Philosophy: The SX-100/200 PABX’s employ automatic diagnostics which, in most cases, can pinpoint faults to a specific printed circuit card. A system malfunction is generally corrected by the replacement of an indicated faulty circuit card with a known (good) spare. Should the need arise, the actual shelf backplane or power supply may be easily replaced by a new unit. The tables, MAPS and explanations in this practice should be sufficient in most cases to cover any problems which may arise in the field. Actual field repair of components on cards, shelves or power supplies is never done. All defective units should be returned to MITEL as per Section MITL9105/9110-98-200. 2. CIRCUIT AIDS CARD AND MAINTENANCE PANEL 2.01 The SX-1001200 PABX’s are equipped with various maintenance aids that will be of assistance to the repair person troubleshooting the system. This part is a card by card description with specific reference to all indicators, switches and fuses on the cards. In addition the connectors and switches on the maintenance panel are also described. 2.02 Card Shelf: Fig. 2-1 illustrates the card locations in the equipment shelf or shelves. A visual display of all cards is shown in Fig. 2-2 and Fig. 2-3. Fuses on the backplane of the shelf are described in paragraph 2.22. 2.03 Both the nine basic in the card shelf be used in either control problems SX-100 and SX-200 employ only and four optional types of cards (Fig 2-2 and Fig.2-3). These may system, minimizing stocking and for field maintenance. Memory Expander Card: This card has the capability of carrying 28K bytes of Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) containing generic programs. The Memory Expander card holds four diagnostic LEDs: . the top LED, when flashing indicates that the automatic diagnostics are running. This LED will not flash (the diagnostics do not run) when the system is in programming mode, or when less than 4 speech paths are idle. Under these circumstances, the LED may be either on or off, its state has no special meaning. . the second LED, when lit, indicates that the system is in the programming mode. . the third LED, when lit, indicates that the RS232 port is in use (Generic 204 and up). . the fourth LED, when lit, indicates that a Data Dump or Load is in progress (Generic 204 and up). 2.06 The PROM/RAM (optional) Expander card can be used in place of the Memory Expander. It contains an additional 2K of CMOS RAM. A fifth LED on the battery pack indicating that the battery .pack is seated correctly and is charging. 2.07 PROM/CPU Card (basic): The PROM/CPU card contains system generic programs in Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM), and also contains the microprocessor, which together with the generic program constitutes the intelligence of the PABX. The basic system clock is also located on this card (See Fig. 2-2). 2.08 2.04 RAMlCOS Card (basic): This printed circuit card contains the system 8K byte scratch pad (volatile) Random Access Memory, together with 2K bytes of CMOS (non-volatile) Random Access Memory which is used for the storage of customer configuration data (Class of Service options, numbering plan etc.). No functions other than memory read/write functions are performed on this card. (See Fig. 2.2). This card Scanner Card (basic): The scanner card (Fig. 2-2) contains a two digit display which is used to display faulty card positions. It may be used in conjunction with the test line to display the status of selected circuits and to support the customer data Load and Dump. The two digit display is read from top to bottom. If a card is malfunctioning, the display will show the position number of the faulty card (01-22 for equipment shelf 1 and 31-42 for SX-200 equipment shelf 2). Page3 ..‘. I j : SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 i 2 LLINES. 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lfi 17 18 19 711 71 77 TRUNKS/ FRONTVIEW SHELF1 Fig. 2-I Equipment When used in conjunction with the test line, the display shows the status of the receiver and/or the speech path which has been selected. The top display shows the receiver status and the bottom display shows the speech path status. The customer data can be dumped or loaded in blocks as the data port is divided into blocks (Table 2-2). The displays used are shown in Table 2-l. This card also contains the night bells and night service relays. The Master Reset button is used in the initial programming process as part of the RAM clearing procedure and may also be used to reset the system. When the Master Reset button is pressed, the processor is momentarily turned off, all existing calls are dropped, and all system crosspoints are released. The processor then starts, and the diagnostics begin operating, in the same manner as when the PABX power is first turned on. The Baud Rate switch selects the RS232 port baud rate as either 110 or 300 baud (later versions 300 or 1200 baud). Page 4 Shelf TABLE 2-l SCANNER DISPLAYS DISPLAY MEANING Available - not in use. Conversation - in use. Error - found faulty by diagnostics. Found - in use by test line. Optional - no specific circuit selected. TABLE 2-2 AA 01-99 00-30 EE Beginning Data Block Data Block Checksum of Data Load 1-99 loo-130 error on Data Load SECTION - MITL9105/9110-98-350 - i, ‘: #I I-II, SCANNER DISPLAY DIAGNOSTIC INDICATOR \ si Iz II : “.,,,. BAUD RATE SWITCH 110/300 BAUb+j w./,,I 300/12ooRo BAUD n(1 PROGRAMMING MODE INDICATOR SYSTEM MASTER ,.---RESET \ IN SERVICE c F L - THUMBWH SWITCHE HOOK LED LINE 8 RAM POWER LED Fig. 2-2 Equipment Cards SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TWO VERSIONS OF CO TRUNK CIRCUIT CARD 9110-011 9110-011 (N ON-MODULAR) DO EXIST 9110-011 (MODULAR) h TRUNKSWITCHESON I \ TRUNK1 REVERSEOF:BOARD ("\ \I! 1 BUSYSWITCHES / MOTHER BOARD THISISTHE MODULAR COTRUNKCARD. FOUR INDIVIDUAL TRUNKS MAY BE SET FOR EITHER LOOPOR GROUND START. THIS IS A NON MODULAR CO TRUNK CARD.ITHASTHEABlLlTYTOMAKEFOUR INDIVIDUAL TRUNKS EITHER LOOP OR GROUND START. TWOVERSIONSOF E&M TRUNK CIRCUIT 9110-013 DO EXIST 9110-013 I 1I ;-.A9oon LONG L"sOW'l+;;lT r-r-: L L_I SHORT - 90011 2WIRE:--7 :;:;:60011 4 WIREis-1 Ls9oorr I 2/4 WIRE SWITCH 1 BUSY I MOTHER BOARD MOTHER BOARD THIS IS A MODULAR E&M TRUNK CARD. TWO E&M TRUNK CIRCUITS ARE ACCOMODATED. THE TRUNKS MAY BE SET FOR WINK START, STOP DIAL, 2 OR 4 WIRE OPERATION, SPECIAL GAIN AND 600(10R 900RIMPEDANCE. Fig. 2.3 Circuit Cards ,- SECTION Card: This card provides dial tone, busy tone, ringback tone and miscellaneous tone, along with two DTMF generators and two rotary dial generators which are used for diagnostic tests. The DTMF generators are also used when dialling from the console. The four thumbwheel switches used with the test line and programming are also located on the tone control card. In addition, the circuits for Page 1 and Page 2 outputs, and the music on hold inputs are located on this card. (See Fig. 2-2) 2.09 9110-211 HIGH IMPEDANCES EXTERNAkGROUND OPEN Fit THE9110-211 ISACOTRUNKCARD ACCOMODATlNG4COTRUNKS 9110-031 n / BUSY SWITCHES 1 r-r1 TRUNK1 IMPEDANCE ' ' L-L-r SWITCHES I 1 MOTHER BOARD THIS IS A MODULAR DID/TIE TRUNK CARD.TWO DID OR TIE TRUNKS ARE ACCOMODATED. TRUNKS CAN BE SET FOR WINKSTART. INCOMING DIAL-OUTGOING AUTO AND DELAY DIAL. Fig. 2-3 Circuit Tone Control Tone Control Thumbwheel Switches: The four thumbwheel switches on the Tone Control card are used in conjunction with programming, maintenance, and load functions. The number settings read from top to bottom. Programming functions are shown in Table 2-3. (a) I1 MITL9105/9110-98-350 Maintenance Functions: The thumbwheel switches may be used in conjunction with the test line to select receivers and speech paths. The top two switches are used to select a receiver by setting the switches to the last digits of the required receiver equipment number (even numbers only, 90-20). If set to 99, any free receiver will be selected. The bottom two switches are used to select a speech path (01-31 for speech paths, or 32 for the music on hold speech path). If set to 99, any free speech path will be selected. When not using the test line for maintenance purposes, the switches should be set to 7780. TABLE 2-3 SWITCH SETTINGS Enter Maintenance Console into programming mode Enter Attendant Console 1 into programming mode Enter Attendant Console 2 into programming mode Initialize System Configuration Take any console out of programm ing mode (one of the X = any digii except 7, n = O-9) Enables reset from test line (n = Cards Cont’d Page 7 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 (b) Load Functions (Generic 2041~~): The Customer Program Dump/Load Function requires the switches to be set to 5623 to initiate a load from, or dump to, an external storage device. Console Control Card (basic): The console control card provides the interface between the PABX and two consoles. Console control card number 1 (position 17) is allocated to the maintenance console connector and the attendant console number 1 connector. Console control card number 2 (position 16) is allocated to the attendant console number 2 connector. The card provides both voice and data signals to and from each console. (See Fig. 2-2). To identify the console, the operator may press the IDENT button. The last segment in the DESTINATION Display identifies the console as; 0 for maintenance, 1 for console 1, or 2 for console 2. the handshaking circuitry required to interface the MPU with the external 2-wire line. TRUNK INTERFACE, to provide the proper termination to the line with regard to impedance, ringing and supervisory condition. 2.10 2.11 Console Control Line and Data LEDs: LINE 1 and LINE 2 LEDs,when lit, indicate that the associated console is active, i.e. the handset or headset is plugged in. The designations 1 and 2 refer to the two consoles handled by the card. The maintenance console will appear in slot 17, line 2. Console 1 will appear in slot 17, line 1. Console 2 will appear in slot 16, line 1. Line 2 in slot 16 is not used. The data LEDs indicate voice pair continuity to the console(s). The LEDs labelled DATA 1 and DATA 2 flicker whenever data is transmitted from the corresponding console to the console control card (Data is transmitted when any console button is pressed.) 2.12 Remote Control RMAT: The Remote Control PABX (RCP) card, can be fitted in slot 16 of the PABX shelf to provide the PABX console button functions remotely, under the control of the RMAT Controller (see MITL9105/9110-98-101). The main components of the RCP card are as follows: 0 l * MASTER/SLAVE INTERFACE, to enable the MPU to access the PABX data bus and control lines. 2.13 Receiver Card: The receiver card contains two rotary dial and two DTMF receivers. Having received each dialed digit, the receiver informs the processor and prepares for the next digit. The dual receiver card contains no LEDs or switches. The quad receiver card contains four rotary dial, four DTMF receivers, four dial tone detectors, and 4 sets (two each) of LEDs labelled Al Bl, A2 B2, A3 B3, A4 B4. In each case the A LED indicates a busy condition. The B LED indicates a busied out condition. 2.14 Trunk Card: The Trunk Card contains either two or four trunks depending upon the trunk type. (Fig. 2-3; 4 CO Trunks, 2 E&M Tie Trunks, or 2 DID Trunks per card). These circuits provide the interface between the PABX and the Central Office, other PABX’s, or other equipment. Each trunk circuit repeats dial pulse signals from the speech path to the Tip and Ring and passes DTMF signals directly from the speech path to the Trunk for outgoing calls. The busy switches on the trunk card may be used to make a trunk continuously busy. If the trunk is in use when the switch is set, the existing call is not disturbed. For exact details of the trunk busy switches see Table 2-4. l The Micro Processor Unit (MPU), which acts on commands received from the RMAT Controller via the modem. MEMORY PROM/RAM, which contains programmed memory and scratch pad memory for storage and execution of commands. MODEM, which provides the necessary tone transmitter and receiver, and contains Page 8 Trunk Busy/Idle LEds: Each trunk circuit has associated with it an LED which shows the busy/idle status of the trunk as follows: l Trunk circuit idle l LED OFF l Trunk circuit seized l LED ON l LED FLASHING l Trunk circuit busied out (by switch on card or from the console) SECTION MITL9105/9110-96-350 Trunk incoming and Outgoing Busy Switches: Associated with each trunk circuit are two busy switches, one for making the trunk busy outgoing and one for making the trunk busy incoming. Table 2-4 lists the switch settings and describes their effect. The switches have two positions, ENABLE and DISABLE. When set to ENABLE, the system allows power fail transfer to be initiated from the designated source. When set to DISABLE,the designated source cannot initiate power fail transfer, e.g. with the COMMON CONTROL power fail transfer control switch set to ENABLE, a common control failure will cause a power fail transfer. The MASTER power fail transfer switch will set the PABX to power fail transfer when operated to the TRANSFER position. The switches associated with each console must be set to disable when that console is not in use. If the transfer switch on a console will never be used, the transfer enable switch may be left in the disable position at all times. 2.15 Line Card: The line card contains 8 separate line circuits. The line circuit detects on and off-hook conditions, which are recognized by the scanner, and reported to the processor for appropriate action. Dial signals (rotary dial or DTMF) are passed over the speech path selected for the conversation. (See Fig. 2-2). The LED on each line circuit provides an indication that the line circuit has detected an off-hook condition. The LED is driven directly from the offhook detect circuit in the line circuit. It turns ON when an off-hook condition is detected and will flash when dial pulses are sent. l 2.16 Maintenance Panel: At the top of the equipment cabinet is the maintenance panel (Fig. 2-4). This panel provides the service personnel with access to the system through the maintenance console connector and test line terminals. Also housed on the maintenance panel are the six Power Fail Transfer Control Switches, a system Power ON/OFF switch and a POWER ON LED. l l l Maintenance Console Connector: This connector is provided to allow the installer/repair person to plug in a console for administration and test purposes, i.e. to program changes in system data. Power Fail Transfer Control Switches: These switches are used to control the source of a power fail transfer. A Power Fail Transfer (PFT) may be caused by a common control failure, a power failure, by the operation of a failure transfer switch on one of the consoles, or by operating the Master Transfer Switch on the maintenance panel. .-: I’..-: Test Line Terminals: The test line TIP and RING terminals may be used in conjunction with a test set (butt-in) and the thumbwheel switches on the tone control card, to access individual speech paths, receivers, trunks, and lines for test purposes. The test line also has the capability of resetting system errors, initializing card slots, busying out and de-busying receivers and speech paths and controlling the printer port. See section 3 for a full description of the use of the Test Line. The System Power: This switch has the ability to turn the shelf power on or off. Note that this does not turn the power supply off, but the system will go into a Power Fail Transfer. The system power should be disconnected from the commercial AC source (or DC if - 48Vdc fed) before any power supply maintenance is attempted. Cards External to the Shelf 2.17 There are a number of cards that are external to the equipment shelf (shelves). These cards, and the PABX they are part of, are listed in Table 2-5. 1 Fig. 2-4 Maintenance Panel Page9 I j. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 2 -4 OUTGOING/INCOMING SWITCH SETTINGS Trunk Busy Switches I. Outgoing busy switches (1 per trunk) can be set for either of the following Idle Setting - Normal Busy Setting If the switches conditions: trunk operation - Trunk cannot are not set in this manner, be seized for outgoing “Ring Don’t Answer”, call may occur. 2. The “Outgoing Busy” condition may be set either by the outgoing busy switch, or by the console “Trunk Busy Out” function. When this condition is in effect the incoming busy switch affects the trunk condition as follows: Idle Setting - No answer Busy Setting For further information will be given to incoming - A permanent see Sections seizure condition MITL910519113 CO calls is given towards the CC 98-200 and MITLS 1051911 o-98-205 TABLE 2-5 EXTERNAL SYSTEM CARDS c Card Interconnect Power Fail Transfer Console Interface sx-200 1 card 1 card 1 card (or 2, 5 x 200) Card (Fig. 2-5) provides a direct connection between the consoles (J13, J14 and J15) and the shelf backplane (P16 and P17). This board also contains the console fuse for protection of the console. Directly opposite the fuse is the RS232 printer port P302. For a complete description of this port see MITL9105/9110-98-450 and Table 2-6. Plugs P301 and P303 are the maintenance panel connector and the power supply out of tolerance monitor respectively. All power for the Interconnect card is supplied through the power supply terminal block TB301 on the board. Plugs J13, J14, and J15 2.18 The SX-200 Interconnect Page 10 Fig. sx-1 00 Fig. 2-5 2-6 2-7 1 card combined 2-8 I( are the console plugs. Plugs P16 and P17 provide interconnection between the Interconnect card and the shelf backplane. Plugs P18 and Pl9 provide a connection between the Interconnect card and the Cross Connect Field. P18 carries Night Bell Contacts, Music on Hold, and Paging access circuitry. P19 carries Tips and Rings for the card shelf slots 13 and 14. Thus the Interconnect card does as its name implies, by providing an interconnection between the PABX and external equipment, as shown in Appendix 3. Each component that terminates on the Interconnect card is listed in Table 2-7. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 MAINTENANCE PANEL P301 I J302 RS232 PORT PRINTER RECiiOING DEVICE TB301 POWER SUPPLY TERMINAL 6 8-32 3/E" SCREWS \ - 4aVdc CONSOLE FUSE 1.5AMP FAST BLO Fig. 2-5 2.19 ATT CONSOLE 2 J15 \ MAINTENANCECONSOLE J13 SX-200 Interconnect The SX-200 Power Fail Transfer Card (Fig. 2-6) provides for the possibility of twelve CO trunks to be connected to twelve extensions in the event of a commercial power or equipment failure. Two amphenol connectors (P20 and P21, Table 2-7) are hard wired directly to the cross connect field (Appendix 3) to provide for power fail transfer. All power for this card is provided through the cable harness to the power terminal block (TBl) at the top of the board. The power fail transfer LED on this card when not lit indicates P17 INTERCONNECT CABLE ATT CONSOLE1 J14 \ \ P16 INTERCONNECT CABLE P18 MISCELLANEOUS Card dicates that the system condition. 2.20 P19 MISCELLANEOUS is in a power fail transfer The Console Interface Card (Fig. 2-7) provides static protection for the SX-200 system against discharges to the console and console cable. This protection is achieved by placing a series of transient voltage suppressors between the console connections and a chassis ground. Any transient voltages will be routed to the ground. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 2-6 PIN NO.1 CONNECTORS SIGNAL Connector P302, P303 NAMES P301 2.21 The SX-100 combines the Console Interface, Power Fail Transfer, and Console Interconnect on one card (Fig. 2-8). All plugs on this card perform the same functions as listed in Table 2-7. All power for the board is provided by the two terminal blocks (TB301 and TB302) fed by a cable from the power supply. In the event of a commercial power or equipment failure, up to six CO trunks can be automatically connected to six extensions. In addition, the board has a Transfer LED which will go out when a transfer occurs. There are three fuses for user ringing, user - 48Vdc, and - 48Vdc for the console (Fl, F2, F3). Shelf Backplane 2.22 14 I MAINT. RING Connector P302 ov RECEIVE DATA TRANSMIT DATA CLEAR TO SEND DATA SET READY SIGNAL GROUND CARRIER DETECT 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 iti 94 I DATA TERM READY Connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 P303 KEY O/l -lov PWR SWB PWR SWA SPARE The same backplane and equipment shelf are used in both the SX-100 and SX-200. Field replacement of only the backplane is not recommended; rather the whole equipment shelf should be replaced (Fig. 2-10). The backplane essentially provides an interface between all printed circuit cards (paragraphs 2.01 - 2.14) and extensions, trunks and miscellaneous equipment. Physically the backplane has six 25 pair amphenol type connectors for equipment, extensions and trunks. It may have four fuses (Fig. 2-9). Each fuse is rated at 2 amps, - 48Vdc (UL approved) and has a LED which will light if the fuse blows and there is a card in one of the associated slots. All power for the backplane is provided by terminal blocks TB112 and TB3/4. All PCB cards are held in position by PCB edge connectors on the backplane, and plastic guides on the shelf. In both the SX-100 and SX-200 the backplane power is fed by a cable from the output of the power supPlY. TABLE 2-7 INTERCONNECT CARD EQUIPMENT TERMINATIONS Component Interconnect Plug Number Consoles Shelf Backplane Printer/Recording Device Maintenance Panel Power Out of Tolerance Cross Connect Power Fail Transfer Power Terminal J13, J14, J15 P16, P17 J302 P301 P302 Pia, pi9 P20, P21 TB301 - Card 1840 Page 12 SECTION Fl-2A P21 POWER FAIL TRANSFER \ MITL9105/9110-98-350 POWER FAIL TRANSFER RELAYS cl c1 II&l TOPOFCARD c \ POWER FAIL TRANSFER LED POWER FAIL TRANSFER RELAYS Fig. 2-6 SX-200 Power Fail Transfer P20 POWER FAIL TRANSFER I Board J24 0 TOPOFCARD \ P25 Fig. 2-7 SX-200 Console Interface Card Page 13 J SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 POWER FAIL TRANSFER CABLE ""n d-YND STRAP MISCELLANEOUS CABLE INTERCONNECT CABLE INTERCONNECT CABLE MISCELLANEOU ,~lTORI TB301 PIN1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P303 OOT CONNECTOR . 1~~~ “‘\’ \ I 0 f PIN1 2 3 4 5 6 7 POWERTERMlNiLS Fig. 2-8 Page 14 : ‘.,. “.. :. ::.. &SES ;302 F11.5 AMP FAST BLO RS232 PoRT (PRINTER OR F2.5AMP SLO BLO RECORDING F3.5AMPSLO BLO DEVICE) SX-100 Interconnect, Console Interface, \ ;.:.L: :.. :./,:.. : .., ‘.I..:. :..I.. :‘. @l J13 ATTCONSOLE 2 @‘\ . \ \ J14 ATT CONSOLE 1 Power Fail Transfer Card ; KINTENANCE CONSOLE _ SECTION P5lPll TB1/3 MITLSI 05/91 I O-98-350 P3/P9 PI/P7 PIN 21 FUSE Fl F2 F3 F4 ALL FUSES ARE 2 AMPSLO LED Fig. 2-9 Fig. 2-10 SLOTS 1-4 5-a 9-12 13-16 EL0 LED 14482 Backplane Equipment Shelf Page 15 SECTION lblITL9105/9110-98-350 3. CONSOLE AND TEST LlNE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS 3.01 The console and test line are of great importance when detecting and locating a fault. Each may be used individually or they may be used together in troubleshooting the system. This part will discuss first the Console Alarm LEDs and Maintenance Aids, and then the Test Line Functions. The Console Alarm LEDs and Maintenance Aids will include all ERROR, Attendant Access and Maintenance Function Access codes in the form of tables. The Test Line Function description will include an explanation of all features available to the test line. Console Maintenance Functions 3.02 Console Alarm LEDs and Maintenance Aids: Each attendant console (Fig. 3-1) is equipped with a number of maintenance aids and keys which are associated with maintenance functions. The following paragraphs describe the function of each maintenance associated LED and key. l Minor Alarm LED: This LED will flash whenever the automatic diagnostics detect a malfunction which is not sufficiently serious to cause a complete system failure. Typical examples would include receiver 0 0 malfunction, speech path malfunction or crosspoint malfunction. Console Alarm LED: The Console Alarm LED flashes to indicate a console malfunction. The LED will go off when the alarm has been cleared or cancelled. Major Alarm LED: The LED turns ON to indicate that a malfunction has occurred which has caused the power fail transfer relays to operate: (a) When the MAJOR ALARM LED is ON the PABX is automatically in power fail transfer mode. (b) Typical examples of major alarms include Scanner failure or CPU malfunction, Power Supply voltages out of tolerance. (c) The MAJOR ALARM LED, unlike the other console LEDs, is hardwired from the PABX cabinet to the console. (d) A colon in the time display indicates that the console is receiving power and the handset is plugged in. . (e) A time display indicates that the PABX and console processors are running. It also indicates that the link from the console control card to the console is correct. Alarm Indicators Call Waiting Indicator Digital Clock Trunk Group Busy Indicators Busy Lamp Field Calling Number Display Called Number Display Dial Pad Operating Keys and LED’s Fig. 3-I Attendant Console SECTION ALARM RESET BUTTON: This button is used to reset the flashing Minor Alarm LED and the audible signal associated with the alarm indication. When the button is pressed it: . resets the flashing LED to steady and extinguishes the audible alarm signal associated with the alarm condition 3.03 l 3.04 l displays in the SOURCE and DESTINATION fields details of the alarm condition, including the location of the printed circuit card that has malfunctioned. A typical alarm display is shown readout in the SOURCE in Fig. 3-2. In addition, with Generic 203 or higher, if the Alarm Reset button is pressed, the Busy Lamp Field changes to display lines and trunks which are locked out or have been busied out. This display remains for as long as the Alarm Reset button is held down. BUTTON: If the IDENT button is pressed when the console is idle, the SOURCE display will show the installed firmware 3.05 IDENT MITL9105/911 O-98-350 generic number, and its revision. The DESTINATION display shows an internal firmware code and the number of the console at which the key was pressed. See Fig 3-3. If the IDENT button is pressed when the attendant is connected to either a source or destination party, the SOURCE and DESTINATION displays will change to show the equipment numbers and speech path number being used. The date will appear in the time display in Generic 2041UP. ::’ 2.: .:- 3.08 ERROR CODES: Table 4-4 is a list of error codes displayed on the console, indicating the card causing the malfunction and the type of malfunction. Fig. 3-2 shows a typical error display and it’s interpretation. POWER FAIL TRANSFER SWITCH: This switch (on the underside of the console), when in the TRANSFER position, manually switches the PABX into power fail transfer (unless the appropriate power fail transfer enable switch on the maintenance panel is in the DISABLE position). Operation of the switch from the NORMAL to the TRANSFER position will cause all existing 3.07 GENERIC REVISION \ / CLASS 0 0 0 RCL SOURCE 0 DID 0 MAN CLASS ,.. :: -. .:’ .’ E012 04 031 024 - UNABLETO CONNECT A SPEECH PATH TO LINE CARD IN -CARD POSITION 04 SHELF 1 -EQUIPMENT NUMBER 31 (SHELF 1 CARD 04, UNIT 7) -SPEECH PATH IN USE 024 Fig. 3-2 Typical Readout I I INTERNALFIRMWARECODE Fig. 3-3 Typical CONSOLENUMBER Identification Display Page 17-I ;: SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 calls on the transferred trunks to be released, and the MAJOR alarm LED will light. The switch should only be operated in emergency situations. For normal operation, the switch should be in the NORMAL position. 3.12 l Test Line Functions General The test line is on equipment number 001, and appears both on connector Pl and on terminal posts on the maintenance panel. It must be programmed to be an extension, and should have full trunk access for use by maintenance personnel. To Set and Clear Busv-Out Speech Paths * The test line (or console) nnn (set) or 555 + 4 + “nnn” is either the 3 number of a receiver, or speech path number (i.e. of Receivers and dials 555 + 3 + nnn (clear) where digit equipment is 3 + the 2 digit 301-331) 3.08 3.09 As well as its normal facilities as an extension, certain additional features exist exclusively for the test line. These are the ability to; directly access a trunk, set and clear the busy-out conditions of speech paths and receivers, clear all errors and busy-out conditions in the system (except for trunks), select a specific speech path and receiver for use and display their status on the Scanner card. 3.10 Most of these features require a special access code (the Maintenance Function code), which will normally be “555”, but may be different if necessary to avoid number plan conflicts. This document assumes the use of the code 555. NOTE: The rotary switches on the tone control card (slot 18) should be set to 7780 when the test line is not being used for maintenance purposes. 3.11 Direct Trunk Access: The test line (or console) dials 555 + 2 + nnn where “nnn” is the 3 digit equipment number of the trunk including leading zeros. Reorder tone indicates that the equipment number is not that of a trunk. Busy tone indicates that the trunk is busy, otherwise the line is connected to the trunk. If the trunk is a member of a group programmed “wait for dial tone”, the connection is not made until dial tone is received. Page 18 l Reorder tone indicates invalid and dial tone operation is completed. that the number is indicates that the 3.13 Clear All Errors: The test line (or console)dials 555 + 1. Dial tone is returned. All outstanding minor alarms are cleared. All busied out receivers, generators, and speech paths are set back to normal and the diagnostic tests are restarted. 3.14 Select A Speech Path and or a Receiver: This procedure is used to select a speech path and/or a receiver when the test line goes off-hook. 3.15 The top 2 switches on the tone card select the receiver to be used, set up as the last two digits of the receiver equipment number (even numbers, 90-20). If set to 99, any free receiver is used. (Fig. 3-4) 3.18 The bottom two switches select the speech path to be used, set up as the speech path number (Ol-31), or the music-on-hold speech path may be selected as 32 (in which case no receiver will be connected). If set to 99, any free speech path is used. When the switches are set and the test line goes off-hook, the system waits for the selected speech path to become free and seizes it. It then waits for the selected receiver to become free. A busied out speech path or receiver may be selected; the speech path may be accessed, but the receiver will not respond to dialing. If an illegal number is set up, no device will be selected. _-- SECTION The two seven-segment displays on the scanner card show the status of the receiver and/or speech path when a specific one has been selected. The top display is for the receiver and the bottom display is for the speech path. The readouts are: MITL9105/9110.98-350 3.17 A - Available Hardware Position Number - not in use C - Conversation E - Error - found 097 105 113 / 090 098 106 114 091 099 107 115 092 100 108 116 093 101 109 117 094 102 110 118 095 103 111 119 12 13 14 15 ( ( - in use :: -:. .,-:. faulty by diagnostics F - Found - in use by test line 0 - Optional 089 - no specific circuit selected Once the test line has obtained a speech path and a receiver, it does not change its .selection until it originates a new call (changing the switch settings meanwhile will cause the display to change to reflect the status of the receiver and speech path whose numbers are on the switches). If a valid speech path is selected, but an invalid receiver is selected (e.g. 91), then the line is connected to the speech path, no receiver is selected, and no dial tone is introduced. This provides the ability to listen to a speech path for the presence of noise. The test line, since it has not been assigned a receiver, will not time out and revert to reorder tone. It is then possible to listen to any unused speech path by remaining off-hook and selecting the speech path number with the bottom two switches. I I I 3.18 3.19 Slot Initialization Activate: Occasionally, when circuit cards are plugged into the system, the logic circuits on the card may not reset completely. In order to guarantee complete ” reset of all card logic, a slot initialization procedure has been provided. This procedure allows the service personnel, after inserting a card into a shelf, to initialize the card slot from the test line. To intialize the card slot dial 555 + 5 + nn, where nn is the card slot number ( 1-17 shelf 1, 31-42 shelf 2). Since inserting a card may cause diagnostic errors, this procedure is normally followed by dialing 555 + 1 to clear all system errors. Fig. 3-4 3.20 trunk dial trunk Care trunk, even 4. Receiver Card Position Equipment Numbers Forced Trunk Release: This feature allows service personnel to force a busy into the idle state. The test line (or console) * 2+nnn+*# where nnn is the individual equipment number; press the RELEASE key. should be taken when force releasing a as the trunk will be forced into the idle state if the trunk is legitimately in use. CONSOLE FUNCTIONS AND ERROR CODES ‘:’ t 4.01 Generic 20411~~ systems may be assigned a system identifier (1-3 digits) which will be unique to that system. To display the system ID; dial * 17; the system ID appears in the SOURCE display. Press RELEASE to clear the display. To change or enter the system ID; dial * 17, enter the l-3 digit system ID, press the RELEASE button and the display will clear. - Page19 I ! SECTION MITL91O5/9110-98.350 4.02 Current Speech Path Display: This procedure is used to display the speech path number being used by a source or destination party. If the console has a destination party, pressing the console IDENT key causes the number of the speech path in use to be displayed in positions 7 and 8 of the DESTINATION display. Similarily, if the console has a source party, pressing the IDENT key causes the speech path number to be displayed in positions 7 and 8 of the SOURCE display. status display. The record must include any blanks, dashes, or symbols exactly as shown in the SOURCE and DESTINATION displays. 4.04 Tables 4-1 through 4-2 are a listing of all system access codes. Table 4-3 is the Traffic Measurement Function Codes. For a further description see Sections MITL9105/9110-98-300, 9105/9110-98-305, 9105/9110-98-310 and 9105/9110-98-450. 4.05 4.03 Line and Trunk Status Display: This function allows the attendant to display certain information regarding the status of selected lines or trunks. This feature aids MITEL Field Engineers to diagnose malfunctions from a remote location. To display the line or trunk status dial #nnn#, where nnn is the equipment number of the line or trunk. Care should.be taken when recording the RMAT CONSOLE Table 4-4 is a list of error codes that may appear on the console during operation of the system. Table 4-5 is a list of programming error codes that may occur during standard programming of the system. Table 4-6 is a list of Standard programming confirm codes. Table 4-7 is a list of programming error codes that may occur during extended programming of the system. Fig. 4-l illustrates the three console overlavs -,-- available for system programming. OVERLAY Pa:, P1100,1m, IISYL 1 I I LAMP TEST r I ‘1 DATE PASX ATT PABX PROG SET BELL OFF PASX EXPROG READ DIAG PASX RESET PASX D&AS CODE CHANGE CANCEL -. IDENT EQPT ENTER ANSWER REL Q GO cAAkL N\y,f!ER REDlAL Fig. 4-l Page 20 Programming Overlay I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 (a) BASIC PROGRAMMING Fig. 4-l Programming Overlay (Cont’d) Page21 -I, j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 4-I ACCESS CODES These codes assume To cancel a) b) c) the use of * as the Attendant all call forwarding: Dial #c 1 (or * 11) Dial # Press RELEASE To access Function code (Feature To change Code: the Direct a) b) c) an individual c) a) b) c) d) e) a) b) c) all system c) d) a) b) Dial I 6 Dial trunk group Dial * Press RELEASE Page 22 alarm: (Note 1) trunk: Dial * 9 Dial individual trunk access (equipment number) Dial * Press RELEASE an individual number trunk: Dial * 9 Dial individual trunk access (equipment number) Dial # Press RELEASE number To change the status of all occupied clean rooms to occupied and needs cleaning: a) b) c) Dial * 5 Dial time (hour plus minutes) Dial * for p.m., otherwise a.m. Press RELEASE Dial * 6 Dial trunk group Dial # Press RELEASE Access Dial * 8 Dial # Press RELEASE t To de-busy c) d) number (1 through Dial * 10 Dial * Press RELEASE To change the status of all occupied rooms in need of cleaning to occupied clean: dial access: 12) a) b) c) Dial I 10 Dial # Press RELEASE To set up call forwarding: To make trunk group attendant a) b) c) d) number callbacks: a minor t To busy out an individual a) b) time: To make trunk group a) b) c) d) assignments: Dial * 4 Dial # Press RELEASE To set the clock a) b) c) d) night service a) b) c) number Dial * 3 Dial individual trunk access (equipment number) Press Night 1 or Night 2 Dial extension number Press RELEASE To cancel System trunk: Dial * 2 Dial individual trunk access (equipment number) Dial # To make flexible Inward 18). Dial * 7 Dial DISA code Press RELEASE To cancel a) b) number number access: (1 through a) 12) b) c) d) (Note 2) Dial * llnnn, where nnn is the extension number of the forwarding extension Dial call forwarding code (l-3) Dial mmm, where mmm is the number to which the calls are to be forwarded Press RELEASE SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 4-I (CONT’D) ACCESS CODES To cancel extension: a) b) c) call forwarding (Note 2) Dial * llnnn, where nnn is the extension number of the forwarding extension Dial # Press RELEASE To display a) b) call forwarding b) c) b) c) f an extension: the printer: of the date: (Note 3) Dial JC 15 and 3 or 4 digit date (one or two digit month, two digit day) Press RELEASE t To print the room register a) b) of (Note 3) Dial * 14 * Press RELEASE (Note 3) Dial * 14 00 Press RELEASE a) b) the system current system (Note 3) ID, O-999) identity: (Note 3) Dial JC 17 Press RELEASE To print the individual audit: (Note 3) a) b) (Note 3) identity: Dial * 17 n(nn) (1 to 3 digit Press RELEASE To display a) b) audit: Dial Jt 16 Press RELEASE t To change (Note 2) t To purge and ignore the printer: a) b) b) (Note 3) Dial * 14 # Press RELEASE To change a) the printer: (Note 2) Dial * 12nnn, where nnn is the number the extension to be de-busied Dial # Press RELEASE To suspend a) b) a) b) set for an extension: Dial * 12nnn, where nnn is the number the extension to be busied out Dial * Press RELEASE f To de-busy a) t TO enable Dial * llnnn, where nnn is the extension number of the forwarding extension Press RELEASE f To busy out an extension: a) for an “room status” Dial JC 18 Press RELEASE . Note 1 Errors will be sequentially stacked in the memory and may be recalled sequentially (most recent first) by repeating the above procedure. Note 2 Applies to Generic 203/up Note 3 Applies to Generic 2041~~ t Requires system option programming Page 23 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 MAINTENANCE TABLE 4-2 FUNCTION ACCESS CODES To select any of the functions the access code assigned for the maintenance function must be dialed (Feature Number 19). The code 555 is used in the fotlowing part, for the maintenance code and may be dialed from the test line or console (Generic 2031~~). Clear all errors: a) Dial 5551 Direct a) b) t*System a) trunk or station Dial 5552 Dial individual access: equipment **To number Busy out of a receiver: a) b) Dial 5553 Dial equipment a) b) Dial 55533 Dial speech De-busy a) b) a) b) a) b) path: a) b) t**To a) (01-31) a receiver: t**To a) number a speech Dial 55543 Dial speech Initialize of receiver path number Dial 5554 Dial equipment De-busy **To number Busy out of a speech a) b) of receiver path: t**To a) path number (01-31) card slot: Dial 5555 Dial card slot number (01-17, 31-42) reset: Dial 5556 initiate system dump Dial 555 + 7 Dial * 14 # (console initiate system dump from the console: only) from the test line: Dial 555 + 7 hang up Go off-hook dial 555 + 8 # or 82 suspend printer: Dial 555 + 8 + it or 1 or Dial * 14 JC (console only) enable printer: Dial 555 + 8 + #or 2 or Dial Jt 14 # (console only) purge and ignore printer: Dial 555 + 8 + 00 or Di,al * 1400 (console only) SECTION TRAFFIC TABLE 4-3 MEASUREMENT FUNCTION CODES Description Function Code *130 MITL9105/9110-98-350 Select and/or l l start time. The start time for a Traffic Measurement set by the console attendant as follows: Enter*130 from keypad SOURCE display shows: where: hh = hhmmx (existing run may be displayed time) hours mm = minutes x = P if p.m. x = space if a.m. or 24 hour clock l Enter new start time hhmmy where: y = *if p.m. y is not required l 131 *132 w133 (new time) if a.m. or 24 hour clock Press RELEASE The run length (in multiples Select Length of Run. and/or set by the console attendant as follows: l Enter*131 from keypad l SOURCE display shows: tt (number of hours) l Enter new run time tt (01 to 24) l Press RELEASE A run length of 24 means that Traffic Measurement Print Traffic Data. Traffic data may be output follows: l Enter *132 from keypad l Press RELEASE The current count held in the storage registers of 1 hour) may be displayed will run continuously. by the console are output attendant to printer or tape. Cancel Traffic Measurement. The traffic measurement run, if in progress, cancelled by the attendant as follows: l Enter *133 from keypad l Press RELEASE This function results in resetting the start time to O:OO,the run length to 0, and zeroing the traffic registers. To restart traffic measurement new If a new time is entered start and run times must be entered. Warning: part or all of the Traffic Measurement may be missed. For further codes see Table 4-l and Table 4-2. as may be _- Page 25 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 TABLE 4-4 ERROR CODES Code Major Minor Slot EOOl major*/ minor 22 E002 major*/ minor 20 or 21 E003 major 19 Clock/scanner E004 minor 18 Speech path check circuit “hi” when disconnected E005 minor E006 minor 18 (Et not known) l E007 minor E008 minor E009 EOlO During Page 26 First 3 digits of Destination Display Last 3 digits of Destination Display Error in RAM Hi byte of address bits found error PROM checksum 0 if slot 20 1-7 if slot 21 (PROM page number) error 7. in 7. 1 = 1st interrupt missing 2 = 2nd interrupt missing 1. no Bias circuit not connected to Speech path Speech number Speech short Speech path that has bias applied path See Note path 2. other speech path number on which bias was seen 2. Dial tone circuit not connected to speech path Speech number Receiver Card Receiver receiving digits not tone Receiver equipment number 3. minor Receiver Card Receiver receiving digits not pulse Receiver equipment number 3. minor 18 Generator Generator number (1 and 2 are tone, 3 and 4 are pulse) 4. PowerUp 18 Reason sequence only error path 2. ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 4-4 ERROR CODES (CONT’D) Code Major Minor Slot EOll minor Receiver Card E012 minor Line Card or Trunk Card E013 minor E014 minor Receiver Card Receiver dialtone detector not working E015 minor Receiver Card Probable receiver error E018 minor 99 (slot not known) Speech shorted known) E019 minor 18 18 Reason First 3 digits of Destination Display Generator/ Receiver error isolated to a speech path NOTE-error could be on receiver card or on tone control card (slot 18) Unable connect speech the line med as “station” “trunk” to the path to programa or Supervisory missing Speech number Equipment number See Note 2. path tone path out (not Last 3 digits of Destination Display Speech number Path 5. 6. Receiver equipment number Speech number 3. path 16 speech paths have been found in error, probably a fault in the checking circuit 2. 1. . ‘__--” E020 minor 16 or 17 Excessive in console circuits errors data Console number 0 - maintenance console 1 and 2 - attendant consoles Page 27 .. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 4-4 ERROR CODES (CONT’D) Reason First 3 digits of Destination Display Last 3 digits of Destination Display See Note Code Major Minor Slot E021 (21) minor 21 Check sum error in RAM Generic 204 a. E021 (22) minor 22 Non-Volatile RAM check sum error a. E022 minor 22 Generic 204 Software conflict NOTES 1. No more tests using the check will be performed. 2. The speech path shown in the first two digits of DESTINATION display is busied out, a maximum of 16 speech paths may be busied out. 3. 4. circuit The receiver is busied out, maximum one receiver on a Dual Receiver card and two receivers on a Quad Receiver card. The generator is busied out, maximum 1. No further generator tests are performed. Page 28 5. No further tests on this slot are performed at this time. This error will occur if a card is not installed for a programmed time. 6. No further test for supervisory presence are performed. 7. No further a. E021 will not reappear if the system is reset or the power is turned off, in Generic 202, revisions 04 or lower; and in Generic 203, revisions 02 and lower may be cleared by initializing the RAM and reprogramming the system. tone tests are performed. SECTION STANDARD Error code Cause pressed. TABLE 4-5 PROGRAMMING Key affected Key flashing ALL None ALL None EO Invalid key El Invalid number. E2 Key other than ENTER or CANCEL pressed. LAMP TEST, TENANT, OPTION COS DEFINE, FEATURE EXTN NUMBER, TRUNK HUNT GROUP, TRUNK GROUP, NEXT, EQPT NUMBER ENTER, CANCEL E3 Access code has not been entered. HUNT TRUNK ACCESS CODE E4 The extension number or access code entered is already assigned. EXTN, ACCESS CODE None E5 Number contains number conflicting enabled entered incorrect of digits or option in this COS. EXTN NUMBER ACCESS CODE None E6 Incorrect number equipment entered. EQPT None GROUP GROUP NUMBER MITL9105/911 o-98-350 ERROR CODES Meaning The last key pressed is invalid at this time. The number entered is out of range or contains corrupted data. An attempt was made to leave the current mode after some parameters were changed but before ENTER or CANCEL was pressed. ENTER may be used to write the new programming information back to the non-volatile RAM or use CANCEL to ignore all programming changes made ssince the last time ENTER was pressed. Attempting to enter members into a Hunt or Trunk group before an access code has been assigned to the group. The extension number or access code entered is already assigned to an extension, feature, hunt group or trunk group. In Trunk mode an attempt is made to delete a member of a trunk group. Equipment Numbers desired must be entered. In Trunk Group mode an attempt is made to place a trunk into a trunk group while that trunk is currently programmed into another trunk group. Callback and Executive Override conflict, i.e. trying to enter a Callback code while same code assigned to Executive Busy Override and vice-versa. The extension number or access code is in conflict with the existing numbering plan. Attempting to add an option to a COS in which a conflicting option is enabled. Attempting to add a System Option when a conflicting option exists. Attempting to assign an equipment number that is: l undefined l defined as a trunk to an extension hunt group or extension l defined as an extension to a trunk group or a trunk l an extension with message registration to hunt group or pickup group An equipment number assigned to an extension must be deleted as an extension before being programmed as a trunk. An equipment number assigned to a trunk must be deleted as a trunk before being programmed as an extension (Generic 2041~~). Action Required Check procedure and press correct key. Press key associated with entry and re-enter number. Press ENTER to transfer the data to permanent store or CANCEL to remove the data from the temporary store. Press enter ACCESS required CODE access key an code. Check code entered. 1 If code is correct, terminate entry, remove other appear ante of code and re-enter all new data. 2 If code is incorrect, press key associated with entry and re-enter extension number or access code. Check entry. Press key associated with entry and re-enter number. Remove conflicting option (a) Assign equipment number correctly (b) E;E;zrew equipment .I,?; I Page 29 MITL91051911 O-98-350 STANDARD Confirm Code Cause co Attempting equipment an extension containing co AttemptIng to asslgn an equipment number for a trunk to an empty slot or a slot contamIng an extension card Cl Attempting extension exists c2 to assign dn number for to a slot a trunk card to assign that already The busy lamp already exists an assignment TABLE 4-6 PROGRAMMING (CONFIRM) Key Affected Flashing Lamp EQPT NUMBER CONFIRM EQPT NUMBER CONFIRM EXTN NUMBER CONFIRM BUSY LAMP CONFIRM CODES Action Check assignmentl if correct press CONFIRM key. Equipment number entered is accepted as the number for the equipment type being programmed. All data associated with the original appearance of the equipment number is removed l if incorrect press EQPT NUMBER and re-enter new equipment number Check assignmentif correct press CONFIRM key. The extension number entered is accepted as the extension number for the equipment being defined. All data associated with the original appearance of the extension number is removed. l if incorrect press EXTN NUMBER and re-enter extension number. l Check assignmentl if correct press CONFIRM key. Busy lamp assignment is accepted for this equipment. All data,associated with original assignment is removed. l if incorrect press BUSY LAMP and re-enter busy lamp assignment ‘0 TABLE 4-7 Absorb Plan mode Trunk Group mode Control Plan mode Number is not within the range of the parameter being defined. Press parameter key defined, and enter new correct number. An attempt was made to leave the current mode after some parameters were changed but before ENTER or CANCEL was pressed. ENTER may be used to write the new programming information back to the non-volatile RAM or use CANCEL to ignore all programming changes made since the last time ENTER was pressed. Control Plan mode The table number entered is not valid for the current configuration. Re-enter a number which ists for the configuration of the extended nonvolatile customer RAM. ex- SECTION EXTENDED Applies Error E4 TABLE 4-7 (CONT’D) PROGRAMMING ERROR CODES to: Table mode MITL9105/9110-98-350 Meaning The table entry code is invalid for the table programmed. This occurs in the following situation: Table mode 1. A code of more than 3 digits 800-entry or 20-range table. 2. A code not in the range of 200-999 for an 800-entry table. 3. A code which already exists or a code which would be ambiguous in conjunction with the existing table entries, for a 4-entry table. The table is full and cannot in length for an hold the entry. E7 Configuration mode Configuration is not allowed because the Tone Control card switches are not 7776 or the system is not idle. E9 Configuration mode A hardware failure extended customer was detected non-volatile while RAM. clearing the TABLE 4-8 CONFIRM CODES Applies Error C5 C6 Control to: Plan mode Table mode Table mode Meanina An attempt was made to assign a table which is currently assigned elsewhere. Pressing the confirm key will de-assign the table from wherever it was previously assigned to assign it to the specified place. A request has been made to delete all entries in a table. If CONFIRM is pressed all entries will be deassigned. The old data in the non-volatile RAM will not be destroyed until the ENTER key is pressed, and the table itself can be reprogrammed as desired before the ENTER key is used. Page 31 -. I; SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 4-9 Error Applies SPEED CALL ERROR CODES To: Meaning El EQPT NUMBER The equipment numbers El NUMBER REDIAL An invalid E3 TABLE E4 ACCESS NUMBER An attempt was made to enter an access common-use table E4 NUMBER REDIAL An attempt was made to enter a number common-use table E5 ACCESS NUMBER The access number entered already exists for another assigned to the same equipment number E5 NUMBER REDIAL Number redial already exists for another table assigned to the same equipment number, (only 1 number redial attribute per user is allowed) E6 SPEED CALL number General is assigned to a specific equipment number on a specific Line card (Fig. 5-l). When an extension goes off hook, it will complete a circuit and draw loop current. This loop current will cause the LED (on the line card) associated with that equipment number to light. At this time there are up to 31 speech paths available for assignment to the off hook extension. Each line card has an 8 x 32 switching matrix, providing access to 31 speech paths and 1 Music on Hold (MOH) path (Fig. 5-2). The Scanner Page 32 is outside the range of valid redial value was entered The Configuration of the extended the speed call feature This part will discuss events which occur within a SX-100/200 PABX during the operation of extensions, trunks and consoles. From this part the repair person should be able to discern a basic working knowledge of the PABX. Also in this part is a series of tables which list error codes and problems that may occur. These tables will provide a solution to each problem, or reference a MAP in the appendices for the appropriate remedial action. Extension Operation 5.01 Each extension entered The table number entered is not consistent with that allowed for the current Configuration of the extended NV RAM SYSTEM OPERATION 5. number number for redial digit for a table NV RAM does not include 184. card will detect the off-hook condition on the Line card and report the equipment number to the Central Processor Unit (CPU). The CPU (through its Random Access Memory or RAM) will find a free speech path and test it, using circuits on the tone control card. After the speech path is tested, the CPU connects it to the line circuit and a free receiver is located. The selected receiver, and dial tone from the tone control card, are then connected to the free speech path (Fig. 5-2). 5.02 When the first digit is dialed, it is detected by the receiver card. (The Scanner card reports to the CPU that the receiver card has a digit. The DTMF or DP information is decoded by the receiver card.) The digit is read by the CPU. Upon reception of the first digit, the CPU will inform the Tone Control card to drop the dial tone. The Receiver card will continue to monitor and decode digits until the CPU recognizes a digit sequence or determines an invalid sequence. This digit sequence may access a feature, trunk, the attendant, or another extension. If the option selected is busy, the extension will receive busy tone from the Tone Control card. SECTION 5.03 When an extension dials a sequence that requires the use of a feature the CPU must first check that extension’s COS. If the extension’s COS does not allow access to that feature it will be assigned (by the CPU) reorder tone from the Tone Control card. If feature access is permitted, the CPU will act according to the memory stored in the PROM RAM. All information will be stored in the system’s COSlRAM or PROM RAM EXPANDER by the CPU. It should be noted that the Scanner card informs the CPU that the Receiver card has a digit decoded for each digit the extension dials. The CPU controls all tones (i.e. supervisory tones that the extension may receive) switching them on/off at the correct rates. 5.04 If the call is an inside call (within the PBX), the extension must access a speech path as per paragraph 5.01. The receiver will decode the first digit dialed. The Scanner card will inform the CPU the Receiver has a decoded digit for it. The CPU will consult the RAM as per paragraph 5.02 to determine the validity of the digit and the action required. Until the CPU is able to confirm an action to be performed with the digits received, all digits will be stored in the RAM. Should the first digit or digit sequence be considered invalid by the CPU, reorder tone, from the tone control card, is connected to the speech path. A valid extension number causes the tone control card to provide either ringback or busy tone (all tones are controlled by the CPU) to the calling extension. Before actually ringing the called extension the CPU consults its RAM to check for any form of call forwarding, Do Not Disturb or extension restriction i.e. originate only. In these cases the calling extension will be forwarded or it will receive reorder tone (from the tone control card). 5.05 If the call is an outside call with no dialing restriction, the extension must be assigned a speech path (paragraph 5.02). The CPU will locate a free trunk corresponding to the access code dialed (see SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-205). If there is not a free trunk the CPU will connect busy tone (from the Tone Control card) to the speech path which the extension is assigned to. After recognition of a legitimate access code, the receiver will be dropped if tone to pulse conversion is not required. If tone to pulse conversion is required the receiver will decode the tones. The CPU will cause the trunk card to outpulse the equivalent in pulses on the trunk. MITL9105/9110-98-350 5.08 If the call is an outside call (Fig. 5-4) with digits, 0, 1, #, or it dialing restriction the extension must be assigned a speech path (paragraph 5.02). The CPU will then locate a free trunk corresponding to the access code dialed (see Section MITL9105/9110-98-205). If there is not a free trunk the CPU will connect busy tone (from the Tone Control card) to the speech path. The receiver will decode the first and second digit dialed into the trunk if System Option 155 (First Digit Toll Deny) is selected only the first digit is monitored on the trunk. The CPU will then decide if the digit that has been decoded is a 0, 1, #, or * . If it is, then reorder tone (from the Tone Control card) will be supplied to the speech path that the extension is assigned to and the trunk will be released. If the second digit is something other than a 0, 1, # or * the call will be allowed. The receiver will be dropped at this point if tone to pulse conversion is not required (see 5.03). 5.07 For an Outside call, with SMDR or Multi Digit Toll Control in effect (Fig. 5-5) the extension must be assigned a speech path (paragraph 5.02) The CPU will then locate a free trunk according to the access code dialed (see Section MITL9105/9110-98-205). If there is not a free trunk, the CPU will connect busy tone (from the Tone Control card) to the speech path. The receiver will decode all digits for the CPU until the last digit or a maximum of 26 digits is dialed (Generic 203/dawn 20 digits). In the case of SMDR (Section MITL9105/9110-98-451) all digits dialed will be stored in a special trunk buffer until they may be output to a printer or similar device. In the case of Multi Digit Toll Control (Section MITL9105/9110-98-212) the CPU will consult its memory (PROM/RAM expander) to see if the digits dialed are permitted. If they are, the call will go through. If not, reorder tone (from the Tone Control card) will be returned to the extension, and the trunk will be released. _- 5.08 The circuit operations described above are similar to those required for Tie-Trunk circuits; with the following exception. For DP extensions to DP tie-trunk circuits the requirement exists to inhibit dial train distortion arising as a result of tandem operation through one or more tie trunks. For this reason, when the trunk processor receives the input data it causes the output to the tie-trunk to be a regenerated train of dial pulses. The trunk processor will isolate the speech path to prevent dial pulses from feeding back to the extension. - Page 33 1, .‘: SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 Console 5.09 The console does not have a switchhook, rather the console is off-hook whenever the console handset is plugged in. To originate a call it is only necessary to press the button of the figure number or feature. The console communicates through the Interconnect card to the system via the Console Control card. The Scanner card will then inform the CPU that the Console Control card has information for it. Note that a Receiver card is not used for dialing from the console. As in the case of an extension the console must be assigned a free speech path. This is done after the first button (l-9, #, * or feature) is pressed. If an invalid digit or digit sequence is entered the console will receive reorder tone from the Tone Control card. If all speech paths are occupied the console will receive no tones or audio from the system. The Tone Control card will also provide ringback or busy tone for the console. LINE CARD NUMBER1 ‘1 1 2 3 4 SPEECH PATHS 5.10 The dialing of a valid extension number prompts the CPU to select a particular extension on a particular line card (as determined by the programming in the non-volatile RAM). The CPU sends a command to turn ringing current on, and off to the extension. When the extension is answered, the line circuit detects an off-hook and disconnects ringing. The CPU then connects the called extension to the speech path of the console. Dialing 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a Trunk (From Console) 5.11 The console dial pad produces digital signals which are stored by the CPU. After the trunk access code has been dialed the subsequently keyed signals are forwarded to the CPU, where, after decoding, they are forwarded to the trunk card and outpulsed to the trunk line. Note that a receiver card is not required for this configuration. If the circuit is programmed as a DTMF trunk circuit a tone generator will be inserted. This results in the signals being translated into DTMF tone pulses which are then placed on the speech path (not into the trunk card) and forwarded to the trunk circuit for outward transmission. The audio path is isolated back to the console when the DTMF transmission takes place. Page 34 Fig. 5-1 Speech Paths I- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 which first checks its memory to determine whether a flash is legal at that point. If not, the extension is disconnected from the speech path and a subsequent off-hook is interpreted as the beginning of a new call. However, when a flash is determined to be a legal operation, the CPU starts a timer. If the exte.nsion goes back off-hook within the specified time period, it is considered to be flashing. An on-hook of less than 200ms is considered to be a noise glitch while an on-hook greater than 1500ms (700, 900 or 1100ms alternatively) is considered as a call termination (hangup). 5.12 The console indicators are refreshed and/or updated continuously every 100 milliseconds by the CPU. These indicators include the seven segment displays for the time-of-day clock, the source and destination readouts and the callswaiting display as well as over two hundred LEDs. The status of each of these indicators is maintained in the volatile RAM on the RAMlCOS card. Every 100 ms, the processor addresses the RAM on the console control card and sends it information for each of the two consoles. This data is then sent along a pair of wires to the console. In the console, the information is stored in a RAM. At this point, the console’s CPU takes control and sorts this input “file” into the form required to turn the LEDs and the console ringer on/off. 5.14 When a flash is detected, the processor disconnects the flashing extension from its speech path, finds a free speech path which it tests, and connects the extenson to it. It then provides transfer dial tone (from the Tone Control Card) and connects a receiver to the speech path allowing the extension to dial and converse privately with a third party. If the extension had flashed out of a conference, the conference is unaffected. However, if the other party was not in conference, it is disconnected from its speech path and connected instead to HOLD. Hook-Flash 5.13 A hook-flash is defined for the PABX as an on-hook condition of between 200ms and 1500ms (700,900 or 1lOOms may be used in some Generics as a system option). A flash may occur in an off-hook condition where a speech path has been established between an extension and a trunk or between two extensions. When an extension goes on-hook, the Scanner informs the CPU r-l t SCANNER CARD DETECTS OFF-HOOK f CPU SUPPLIES DIAL TONE BUSYTONE 'REORDERTONE TONE CONTROL CARD Fig. 5.2 RCVR CRK! CARD Select a Speech Path OECOOES FIRST DIGIT _- Page : SECTION M~ITL9105/9110-98-350 IST DIGIT ON SPEECH PATH 4 RCVRCARD DECODES DIGITS FORCPU f CPU + RAMCARD ACCESS TO SYSTEMSOPTIONS 1 1 OF 8 EOUIPMENT NUMBERS LINECARD TONE CONTROLCARD CONSOLE BUSYTONE REORDER TONE 1 VACANT/ILLEGAL INTERCEPTTO THE ATTENDANT ACCESS 1 SPEECH PATH I,.., Fig. 5-3 Incoming Calls (GSILS Trunks) 5.15 When the trunk circuit detects ringing voltage, forward or reverse current or a tip ground (ground start trunks), the trunk’s microprocessor informs the CPU. The LED on the trunk card will light and the CPU reads a status report from the trunk. The CPU finds and tests a speech path and notifies the programmed equipment. The CPU then connects it, and the trunk to the speech path, and sends a command to the trunk card. The trunk card then terminates the trunk circuit and enables the audio. If the trunk has been programmed for DISA the system processor waits 10 seconds before answering and then connects a receiver and a dial-tone generator. This allows the trunk to appear as though it were an extension. A DISA card enables to dial internal stations and features. 5.18 Fig. 5-6 identifies all equipment numbers that may be assigned in a SX-100 or SX-200. Page 36 Inside Call This figure will aid the repair person in the association of equipment numbers to specific slots and thereby specific cards. There are 8 extensions per line card slot. Two E/M or tie trunks per trunk card slot or four CO trunks per trunk card. All trunk equipment numbers will appear as even numbers i.e. 50. For the explanation of the error codes and their meaning see part four of this practice. TABLE TABLE 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-l TITLE Error Code Procedures Extension Fault Report Procedures Console Faults Trunk Fault Report Procedures System Faults SECTION I MITL9105/9110-98-350 DIGITS RCVRDECODES FOR CPU VACANT/ILLEGALACCESS INTERCEPT TOTHEATTENDANT r-l TRUNK CARD IF NECESSARYCPU INFORMSTRUNKCARD TO OUTPULSE DIAL PULSES CORRESPONDINGTOTONES CALLCOMPLETED I ,716 I Fig. 5-4 Outside Call 0 and 1 Dialling TABLES 5.17 Table 5-1 is a list of all tables to be used in the actual troubleshooting of the SX-1001 SX-200 PABX’s. Table 5-2 is a list of the error codes that may appear on the console during regular operation, Table 5-3 is a list of extension faults, Table 5-4 is a list of console faults, Table 5-5 is a list of trunk faults and Table 5-6 is a list of Restriction system faults. All tables suggest immediate remedial action or provide a direct reference to a MAP that will incorporate the proper actions. 5.18 In the following tables (5-2 - 5-6) a STOP indication should be taken as: STOP, contact your nearest authorized MITEL Service representative. .- Page 37 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 Fl DIGITS ON SPEECH PATHS RCVR DECODES DIGITS FOR CPU 1 CPU 1 1 TONE CDNTROLCARD 1 REORDER TONE 7 . TRUNK BUFFER FOR SMDR p;&!g$$NG RAMCARD gT;F t TRUNK CARD REORDER TONE CALL COMPLETED ALLOWED Fig. 5-S Outside Call Multi Digit Toll Control or SMDR in Effect Page 38 CONSOLE VACANT/ILLEGAL ACCESS INTERCEPT TOTHE ATTENDANT SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 2 2 x 55 55 zs DE Y =E g” r= :!z 3.3. PLUG7 _ 185 193 162 170 178 1 2El163 \ 171 179 164 E F PLUG9 161 169 177 209 217 225 233 241 249 186 194 202 210 218 226 234 242 250 187 195 2031211 204 212 220 228 236 165 173 181 189 197 205 213 221 214 222 230 238 166 174 102 190 198 206 167 175 183 2071215 1 1 31 191 199 176 184 192 -- 200 2081216 4 229 237 245 253 5 246 254 247 2551 224 248 2561 3 4 5 6 I 7 8 32 33 34 35 36 37 30 232 240 11 12 I 13 14 39 40 41 42 43 44 PLUG10 I 15 16 17 18 45 46 47 48 2 7 A 10 EZ 1613121 I I 9 Etz 3 244 252 223 231 239 2 PLUG8 E5 219 227 235 243 2511 172 180 188 196 1168 PLUG11 201 d PLUG12 I SHELF2(SX-2000NLY) RECEIVER NO. 1 I PLUG1 PLUG3 FOR 9 1005 013 021 029 037 ~I451053 061 069 077 085 0931101 1091117 14121 1 I L 2123456 78 12345678 PLUG2 9 10 11 :2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CARD POSITION 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 SLOT NUMBER PLUG4 PLUG6 642 .3 DU ,LANDOR QUAD RE EIVEREQUIPMENTNUMBERS SHELF1 QUAD RECEIVER EQUIPMENTNUMBERS NOTES: 1. EQUIPMENTPOSITION001 IS RESERVEDFORTHETEST LINE AND MUST THEREFOREBE EQUIPPEDWITH A LINE CARD. 2.TRUNKEQUlPMENTNUMBERISSAMEASlNDlVlDUALTRUNKACCESSCODE. Fig. 5-8 Equipment Numbering Page 39 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 5-2 ERROR CODE PROCEDURES source Reason Display Alarm EOOl-22 major’/ minor Error major’/ minor PROM error major Clock/scanner minor Speech path check circuit not “hi” when disconnected Change Tone card (slot la) E00518 minor Bias circuit connected path not to Speech E006-99 minor Speech short E007-la minor E008Receiver Number minor E009Receiver Number minor EOlO minor E002-20 (21) E003-19 E004-1 a step minor step 2 step 3 Change RAMICOS card (slot 22) and reprogram Perform Common Control Test MAP350-701 STOP Change PROM/CPU card (slot 20) or Memory Expander (slot 21) Perform Common Control Test MAP350-701 STOP Change Scanner card (slot 19) Perform Common Control Test MAP350-701 STOP Control Perform Common Control Test MAP350-701 STOP Change Tone card (slot la) Control Perform Common Control Test MAP350-701 STOP Change Tone card (slot la) Control Perform Speech Path test MAP350-702 STOP Supervisory tone circuit not connected to speech path Change Tone card (slot la) Control Change Receiver Cards one at a time Perform Speech Path test MAP350-702 Receiver receiving Replace Receiver card specified in SOURCE display Replace Control Replace Receiver card specified in SOURCE display Replace Control (slot Replace control Change card Receiver Perform Common Control Test MAP350-701 STOP Change Control Tone card Perform Speech Path MAP350-702 STOP the card in the display Perform Common Control test MAP350-701 STOP in RAM checksum Receiver receiving digits Generator error path not tone digits not pulse error (slot EOll 1 Tone card (slot Tone card STOP Tone card STOP ia) ia) ia) Generator/Receiver error isolated to a speech path NOTE - error could be on receiver card or on tone control card (slot la) Replace specified display Receiver in SOURCE (slot ia) E012 minor Unable to connect the speech path to the line programmed as a “station” or “trunk” Ensure that there is a card in the slot and it is programmed correctly Change specified SOURCE E013 minor Supervisory missing Replace card Replace Receiver cards one at a time Perform Speech Path test MAP350-702 E014 minor Receiver detector Change Control STOP Page 40 tone dial-tone not working Tone Replace Receiver card specified in the SOURCE display (slot Tone card ia) SECTION TABLE 5-2 ERROR CODE PROCEDURES Source Display Alarm E015 minor Probable error E018 minor Speech out E019 minor 16 speech paths have been found in error, probably a fault in the checking circuit minor E020 l Reason Excessive console circuits receiver path minor Check Sum the RAM E022 minor Generic conflict Note: Power-Up E021 levels Generic Generic sequence Rev. Rev. 1 Step 2 Replace Receiver card specified in the SOURCE display Replace the Tone Control card (slot 18) Perform Speech test MAP350-701 Perform Common Control test MAP350-701 3 Perform Speech Path test MAP350-702 STC Perform Speech Path test MAP350-702 STOP Change console Control card specified in the DESTINATION display Change specified Check voltages on interconnect card MAP350-60 If the system presented error during normal operation change RAM/ COS card (slot 22) or PROM/RAM Expander (slot 21) and Initialize Memory as per MAP SECTION MITL9105/911098-210. This error will occur on a (new) unprogrammed RAM card Replace RAMlCOS card and reprogram the system STOP Wait error in Path Step Replace tone control card Perform Common Control Test MAP350-701 Dial maintenance code followed Error (CONT’D) to see returns by 1 if console in MAP350-501 STOP in software Initialize program and RAM STOP only will be lost if the are installed: 202 203 shorted errors data E021-21 or 22 During Step MITL9105/9110-98-350 04 and 02 and system is reset or the power is turned off, if the following Generics of the following revision lower lower ,1 Page41 I j .. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 EXTENSION Fault Reported As Extension dead no battery (side tone) No dial tone at the extension, battery (side tone) present Busy stays lamp on line on permanently Extension cannot break PABX dial Extension calls but calls Page 42 card tone can receive cannot make Step TABLE 5-3 FAULT REPORT PROCEDURES 1 Step 2 Check the equipment number locate the line card. See if the line LED is lit If it is check with a butt-in at the frame to verify set and house wiring. Buzz the pair. If the system is Generic 2031~~ ensure the console has not busied out the extension At the console check that the extension programming is correct Check the equipment number LED on the line card. If it is lit check the extension wiring by dialing with a butt-in at the frame. Buzz the pair Check other extensions on the same card for dial tone. If dial tone is missing on all card extensions replace the line card. If dial tone is absent system wide replace the tone control card Note: Dial tone delays will occur if all receivers are busy STOP Check out Buzz short STOP extension for locked Change STOP extension for cable Check extension with a butt-in at the cross PABX dial tone the cross connect field From the test line use the thumbwheel switches on the Scanner card to select each receiver and verify dial tone can be broken Replace the line card STOP At the console check the extension’s COS to ensure it is not receive only Check the extension with a butt-in at the cross connect field Replace the line card STOP Step 3 the line card SECTION MITLSI 051911 O-98-350 TABLE 5-3 FAULT REPORT PROCEDURES EXTENSION Fault Reported step As b (tension can make in ternal calls but can nc)t access a Trunk (busy or intercept tone returned) E>(tension fe ature cannot access a Ex:tension di,al tone cannot break CO step 1 Check for all trunks busy condition At the console check the extension’s COS 2 In systems Generic 203/up check that the Controlled Outgoing Restriction is not in effect (see MITL91051911098-l 05) Ensure that the trunks are available and working by accessing them directly from the the test line or console At the console check the extension’s COS, ,check the feature access code step Check that the Trunk Group is not Attendant Access only STOP STOP At the cross connect field check that the trunk is returning CO dial tone and can be broken. If the extension is DTMF, check that the CO trunks are capable of DTMF or that the trunk group is programmed for DTMF to DP conversion Check that the 3rd wire trunk switch settings are closed. If open ensure that there iS no ground on the XT lead Replace STOP W rong numbers after accessing a trunk If CO trunk can accept DTMF ensure that the DTMF to DP conversion is not programmed in the trunk group Replace trunk card STOP W rong numbers Do Receiver card test from the test line STOP local Cr‘osstalk on most ex tensions and trunks Note: 3 trunk card -48Vdc bad, replace power supply 1760 Some problems that line card replacement may cure; no ring, noisy battery, noisy lines. Page 43 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 5-4 CONSOLE FAULTS Fault Reported As step 1 Step Console dead except for for colon in time display and minor alarm or Try that the handset is properly inserted in the jack Try the other jack Replace card Console Check that the console is plugged firmly into console and interconnect Check interconnect voltages SX-100 MAP350-605 SX-200 MAP350-601 Replace console MAP350:501 dead no displays Check that the cable is plugged correct position nect card Dial or feature inoperative button Console noisy Console displays Incoming coming trunk calls to the console cable the card console into the on Intercon- At the console check that this feature button is programmed or no audio garbage not Change the Change the other jack handset/headset handset to the 2 Step Console Control Check voltages SX-100 SX-200 STOP card Replace Control Replace Replace STOP control card Unplug console control card and plug it back in. If the console returns to normal, it has been affected by static discharge. Ensure the system has a console interface card (SX-200 only) Perform the Test MAP350-701 Check Service Check that the console handset is plugged into the console and the console power fail transfer switch is set to normal console for Night Common interconnect card MAP350-605 MAP350-601 STOP Press a console button and observe the console control card to see if the Data LED flickers If it doesn’t there may be a console problem MAP350-501 console console 3 Control the card Console Replace the MAP350-501 console STOP STOP Check ensure direct STOP programming trunk is not in line to a 1761 SECTION TRUNK Fault Reported 1 step 2 Step Check the trunk at the cross connect field with DTMF and DP. Ensure that the system is not programmed to outpulse both DTMF and DP to a DTMF trunk Check that DTMF pulses are not going into a DP Trunk Check Check Check group Always receives busy tone Ifter dialing a trunk access :ode Check access Check Check Attendant Check Automatic Check tip and Check Check trunks Check ;annot break Check the trunks at the cross connect field for DTMF and DP switches, check trunk card, SECTION MITL9105/9110-9% 200. If there is tone to pulse conversion replace the receiver card If the trunk tests good the line card Check the dial dictation rrunks ;ystem dropped Check for intermittent extension switchhook At the cross connect field check the trunk with a butt-in, ensure this is not a CO problem On the trunk card check that the 50ms switch is not in position Program for longer switchhook flash (System Options) 114, 180, 181, 182) Replace Check trunk type and trunk group programming i.e. tie trunk to CO trunk connections or loop starts trunks together Ensure there is a good ground for ground start trunks Check release Replace STOP rVrong numbers runk card rrunks jystem Note CO dial by the being 7: tone hung These on the are other trunk . Calls . One . Noisy trunks . Trunk card . Dropped . Station . Collisions . AC . Trunks . Low ring card in, but way for correct trunk code for Call Blocking Trunk Group for Access only for full trunk buffers Wakeup and SMDR problems don’t that show may for reverse the PABX trunk and type or open ground trunk tip Replace the Replace the card if there DTMF to DP STOP 3 trunk card receiver is conversion :. : :: I for reverse or open ring on trunk PABX ground for two loop start connected together for ground start open the trunks supervision the trunk Replace card STOP replace suspect trunk STOP the trunk card STOP provide card occur: up on the console transmission (eliminate alarm calls LED from conference due induction CO trunk with a butt-in at the CO trunk with 2 or more trunks cross connect field first) lit the CO (eliminate oscillations to 1 loop start with trunk being seized a butt-in at the same at the time cross connect i.e. incoming field and first) outgoing on trunks out by one ringing current pair when (from the punched CO) down at the j TABLE 5-5 REPORT PROCEDURES FAULT Step As M ITL91051911 o-98-350 cross connect ,1762 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE 5-6 SYSTEM FAULTS Fault Reported AS System completely no power step dead Check power AC outlet Shelf 2 dead no power Calls within power 1 step at commercial Check Shelf MAP350-603 Check Power 2 that the switches Step system are on 3 Go to Appendix A6.03 STOP 6 2 power can not be made the system on Perform Common Test MAP350-701 Control STOP Meaningless or system diagnostics resets Error E012 speech Error E008 Double path 26 Perform Common Test MAP350-701 Control Intermittent cables shelf Change tone control card dial tone or if the problem intermittent change shelf connections Replace Scanner card Lockout shown on console while station conversing Replace Scanner card Shelf come P301 power up wihl not Apparent CPU recent software Calls with (at console) Low problem, change no one console there volume Replace Console STOP powered down new programming RAM 118A ringing fuse can Night bells don’t Music audible on Hold blows not page ring is not STOP STOP System requires 1 not Console Trunk to night rev levels Replace Conference Console goes no reason STOP is interconnect Software compatible Station oscillates Extension STOP Bad Short leads limitations battery STOP dead STOP handset on external STOP ringing Check programming Check extension COS Checkaccess codes Go to MAP350-704 STOP Check 9OVdc user 48Vdc fuses Check Check connect butt-in input at cross field by clipping on incoming pair and a Change card STOP trunk tone programming Go to MAP350-705 STOP control 1763 Page 46 SECTION SX.iOO/SX-200 POWER SUPPLY Out of Tolerance All voltage levels are regulated 25% except for the -48Vdc which may vary f 10%. An Out-OfTolerance (OOT) circuit monitors all levels continuously (white/green wire of P303). Should a deviation occur, an OOT signal will activate the power fail transfer circuit through the Interconnect card. It should be noted that if a - 48Vdc reserve power supply is used, the power fail transfer will not be activated in the event of a power failure. In the SX-100 and SX-200 there are provisions to program a port as a Contact Monitor (MITL9105/9110-98-105) This monitor may be used to alert the attendant that the system is on battery power (Wiring Appendix 3) by wiring it to a contact monitor port (at the cross connect field). l The SX-lOO/SX-200 power supplies form an integral part of the equipment cabinets. The SX-100 power supply is housed immediately to the right hand side (front view) of the equipment shelf (Fig. 6-l). In the SX-200 the power supply is housed in a metal cabinet forming the lower rear door of the system (Fig. 6-2). Both supplies are fully R.F. filtered and may be operated from either AC or DC inputs to produce multiple DC output rails as well as ringing voltage. This part will discuss the power supplies in 4 parts. There is also a section on the Reserve Battery Back-Up. 6. l AC - DC Converter Control verter Voltage l Ringing Generator l Out of Tolerance l l l DC/DC con- Circuit DC/DC Converter The converter output is fed to the main DC/DC converter and Control Voltage Supply. The DC/DC converter may also be fed by a 48Vdc reserve power supply. The battery supply may be connected permanently and will allow instantaneous cut over should the AC power fail. The control voltage section provides the following voltages: + 8Vdc . - 5Vdc OVdc . - 10Vdc . - 48Vdc l and AC/DC Converter The SX-iOO/SX-200 AC/DC Converters are designed to operate with a AC power source in the range of 100 -130Vac or 200 - 250Vac with an internal modification for the SX-200 and a converter for the SX-100, (see MITL9105/9110-98-200). The SX-200 converter has an output of - 60 to -64Vdc while the SX-100 converter has an output of -5OVdc to -56Vdc. . l Supply Ringing Generator The ringing generator uses a -48Vdc output from the main converter to produce a SOVac, 20Hz (optional 17Hz, 25Hz) supply for the system ringing. MITL.9105/9110-98-350 6.02 Reserve Battery Backup and Charger. The SX-100 and SX-200 both accept a -48Vdc source fed to the terminals indicated on the terminal blocks shown in Figs. 6-2, 6-3. The installation of the reserve supply in the systems is described in MITL9105/9110-98-200. A pictorial view of the power supply is shown in Figs. 6-2 and 6-4. The MITEL reserve battery and charger (MITL part number 9110-014) has an OOT circuit which may be used to alert the attendant that the system is on reserve battery power. The indicator is a dry relay contact that may be used to ring an external alarm or it may be wired to a system port as a Contact Monitor. 6.03 . Fusing The SX-200 is protected by fuses which are located on the back door of the cabinet (Fig. 6-5). The back door has imprinted upon it a circuit description defining each fuse and the circuit breaker. In addition to these fuses there are a series of LEDs which also are defined by the circuit on the back door. These LEDs will be lit if there is power in the area that they designate, or in the case of the reserve battery backup, if the battery is connected. In addition to the cabinet door fuses, there are fuses located on the backplane, interconnect card and power fail transfer card. The fuses on the backplane are for - 48Vdc and have an LED which will be lit if the fuse blows and there is a card in one of the associated slots. The Page 47 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 fuse on the interconnect card protects the console’s -48Vdc and the fuse on the power fail transfer card protects the power fail transfer - 48Vdc. l Note: l The SX-100 has the same backplane as the SX-200 hence, the same fusing appears on the backplane. There are three fuses on the interconnect card for; user SOVac, user - 48Vdc and the console - 48Vdc (Fig. 6-3). The front panel of the power supply has two circuit breakers; one is for the DC battery supply, the other is for the AC supply (Fig. 6-l). Some early versions of the SX-100/200 do not have all the fusing of later models. This point should be taken into account when troubleshooting the system. If the system is equipped with a reserve battery backup (MITLgllO-014 SX-200 or 9105014 SX-100) separate fusing is included in the charger unit itself, Fig. 6-6 There are three fuses; a one amp charging fuse, a five amp output fuse and a two amp AC fuse. In addition there are two 20 amp circuit breaker (one on the battery pack, one Page 48 on the charger unit) for the battery protection. All reserve battery and charger connections are shown in (Fig. 6-2 and Fig. 6-3). Installation of the reserve battery back-up is described in MITL9105/9110-98-200. 6.04 When troubleshooting the systems for power failures the Power Supply Block Diagram (Fig. 6-7), and Charts 6-1 through 6-10 should be consulted. The Charts outlined cover the trouble and it’s effect on the System. In most cases the repair person will be directed to a specific MAP for remedial action. Under the heading “Check” a yes answer to the question asked, is an indication to go on to the next question in the “Check” column. If a no answer is encountered the repair person should go to the “Action” column and follow the instructions listed there. There is also a column indicating by a X to which system the action applies. Above all it must be remembered that fuse replacement is not a remedy. The cause of a power failure should be determined before the system is powered up. Utilizing the information provided in this section and the MAPS referred to in Charts 6-1 through 6-10, the repair person should be able to pin point faults and take proper replacement action. At all times the repair person should follow all safety precautions suggested in the MAPS to ensure maximum personal and equipment safety. MAINTENANCE PANEL : ..: : :, : -:: : AC/DC CIRCUIT BREAKERS .- -. .- .._ .EQUIPMENTSHELF Fig. 6-1 SX-100 Equipment - .- _i POWER SUPPLY Cabinet and Power Supply Page49 -I :s SECTION MITL9105/9110~96-350 < BAT1 < < BATT < 4avdc 112~ FUSED Vat l/BA FUSED HASSIS GROUND <: ‘OWER CABLE --HEATSINK ASSEMBLY BAT.TER; CABLEENTRY BATTERYCHARGER Fig. 6-2 SX-200 Power Supply Page 50 ,- POWER FAIL TRANSFER CABLE P?O r MISCELLANEOUS CABLE P18 qRAp INTERCONNECT CABLE P16 INTERCONNECT CABLE P17 MISCELLANEOUS CABLE P19 / POWER FA 6 TRANSF RELAYS TRANSFER LED \, ,APAC'TOR a ~ P301 MAINTENANC PANEL CONNECTOR\ POWER RESISTOR 1 TB301 2 PIN1 P303 OOT CONNECTO, \ II PIN1 3 4 5 6 7 F2 I I 2 I 3 I 4 RESERVE BATTERY BACK-UP TB-302 PIN 1 -48Vdc PIN 2 +48Vdc I 5 I 6 I F3 I 7 vi I POWERTERMIN,iL; FUSES J'302 F11.5 AMP FAST BLO RS232 PoRT (PRINTER OR F2.5AMP SLO BLO RECORDING F3SAMPSLO BLO DEVICE) .d@\ a \ \ \ Jl3 ATTCONSOLE 2 J14 ATT CONSOLE1 J15 MAINTENANCE CONSOLE SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-350 EQUIPMENT SHELF POWER LED \ COVERTER INPUT LED I DC/DC CQNVERTER EQUIPMENT SHELFPOWER IS CONTROLLED BY SYSTEM POWER SWITCH ON RINGING MAINTENANCE PANEL VOLTAGE d 182.5 b TB2.4 CONNECTED 782.1 l- -+--: OPTIONAL RESERVE BATTERY I-F Y AC . POWER LED 250V 4A ~pL;J, 115~8~ SLOBLOCIRCUITBREAKEA ,113 Fig. 8-4 SX-200 Back Door Electrical Schematic SUPPLY Fig. 8-5 Page 52 SX-100 Reserve Battery Back-Up _- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 1111 Fig. 6-6 LINE- Reserve Battery 1 RF NEUTRAL- FILTER - AC/DC PRE/REG AND DC/DC CONVERTOR 7 POWER SUPPLY COUPLER RESERVE POWER AND CHARGER RINGING GENERATOR * Charger CONTROLVOLTAGE AND MAIN CONVERTOR - OUTOF TOLERANCE CIRCUIT .i Fig. 6-7 Power Supply Block Diagram II ;‘ Page 52 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 CAUTION Trouble /stem completely ?ad. Suspect ,imary power failure. D reserve battery backup sx-100 Check 1. Is the AC power LED lit? 2. Is the LED lit? 3. Is the maintenance LED (power converter 5. Replace Heat Sink assembly MAP350-506 Replace SX-200 power supply MAP350507 VOLTAGES sx.200 Action X On the SX-200 check the rear door, bottom right hand corner for the AC power LED X Check X Check the the system X Check the AC power at the commercial source with a suitable AC meter or by plugging another device into the outlet , X that the system AC power is plugged fuse There is a 20 AMP circuit back door of the SX-200. position the LED beside X X If the circuit breaker trips MAP350-403 MAP350-507 X X Check panel X X Ensure that is connected card X X Check backplane MAP350-603 X X X on the in back of There is a 5.5 AMP converter LED circuit breaker on the front of the SX-100 power supply. If it is in the on position the LED beside it should be lit X panel on) lit? 4. Replace SX-100 power supply MAP350-403 Page 54 CHART 8-1 DANGEROUS OR LETHAL breaker again, SX-100, SX-200 breaker on the If it is in the on it will be lit. is off, replace reset it. If the power supply that the maintenance power on switch is on the maintenance correctly to the voltages panel cable interconnect as per SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 CHART 6-2 Trouble System power on but no LEDs lit on console. Appears to be no power to the console sx-100 Check 1. Is handset plugged into console? the 2. Is the console cable secure? 3. Is the fuse the interconnect card good? on 4. Is the interconnect card passing - 48Vdc to the console X X Plug X X Secure X X Check the fuses on the interconnect cards and replace if blown. Power system Replace cable if the fuse blows. X CHART Major Alarm on console, System appears to operate normally, ie. calls can be processed. 1. Check the master transfer switch on the maintenance panel are in operating position X 2. Check the power Fail Transfer LED on the PFT board. Is it not lit? X 3. Disable all console switches the system remove itself from Power Fail Transfer 4. Replace maintenance as per MAP350-511 MAP350-405 Action sx-200 in handset console cable X MAP350-605 MAP350-601 X Set all switches paragraph 2.13 up. Try again. SX-100 SX-200 6-3 Change card MAP350-401 as per as per X did the X X X X X X :: X X X X X X panel OOT condition may exist refer to Appendix 6 Ensure that the console is in the correct plug Change the console as per MAP350501 Change the console cable as per MAP350-501 Change the maintenance panel MAP35051 1 SX-200 MAP350-405 SX-100 SX-200 SX-100 5. Replace the power supply harness as per MAP350-512 SX-200 MAP350-403 SX-100 .: ,- Page 55 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-350 CHART 6-4 Check 1. Ensure PFT LED I sx-100 I sx-200 X X Set all switches paragraph 2.13 X X Paragraph X X Go to Appendix that the is not on I Action as per tone 2. Check that all PFT switches are normal position in CHART sx-100 Check Check telephones low or sx-200 CHART sx-100 ; Action I Go to MAP350-603 6-6 sx-200 X 6 6-5 I I 9OVac 2.13 Action GO to System Appendix 6 X Power test CHART 6-7 Trouble Shelf 2 dead Check sx-100 sx-200 Is all power on shelf 2 present? X CHART Trouble Apparent radical power fluctuations Action sx-100 Check Under heavy (or light) traffic conditions system power remains unstable X Go to MAP350-603 6-8 sx-200 Action X GO to Appendix 6 CHART 6-9 sx-100 Check I System released can not be from PFT Reset the PFT switches. Is the system returned normal? X to X Page 56 sx.200 I Action I X Check fuse on interconnect card as per MAP350-605 SX-100 MAP350-601 SX-200 Go to Chart 6-2 SECTION M ITL91051911 O-98-350 6-10 Reserve battery not holding the up? sx-201 Check Trouble backup system 1. Are all reserve battery backup connections as per Figs. 6-2 and 6-3? Make connections as shown in Fig. 6-2 and 6-1. Give batteries time to charge (24 hours) 2. Is the battery circuit-breaker on position? X Reset X Go to MAP3507604 SX-200 MAP350-606 SX-100 X Go to MAP350-604 SX-200 MAP350-606 SX-100 5. Are the batteries less than 4 years old X Replace batteries as per M ITL9105/911 o-98-200 6. Unplug the system AC power cord. Is there an audible click from the charger unit or does the system indicate an “on battery condition” (i.e. CONTACT MONITOR MITL9105/911098-105) X OOT not properly hooked OOT not functioning replace charger unit 3. Is the charging Remote Maintenance, Test System battery LED lit? Administration F2 and RMAT System A Remote Control - PABX (RCP) Card installed in slot 16 of Shelf Unit 1 of each SX-100 or SX-200 PABX. (c) The interconnecting facilities between the RMAT Controller and the RCP - installed PABX’s. This communication link is in most cases provided by the public switched network, with the RMAT Controller dialing up the required PABX. Access to each PABX may be provided by dialing a dedicated number (trunk), or by dialing the listed directory nur,lber for the PABX. A user defined security code within each PABX provides protection against unauthorized access. Note: The RCP Card occupies slot 16, which might otherwise have been used for a second console control card. The PABX then has a single attendant console. If, however, a second attendant console is required together with the RMAT facility, then the second console is connected to the maintenance port. Under these conditions certain limitations are imposed such ,as: The RMAT System was designed to be used by personnel at Maintenance Centers to remotely access systems installed at a customers Those personnel may obtain premises. maintenance information or cause programming changes. The System provides a means of rapidly identifying potential PABX problem areas and allows programming changes to be done without the necessity of visiting the users premises. (a) The facility is provided by: A Remote Maintenance Administration and Test (RMAT) System Controller installed at the Maintenance Center. It consists of SX-100 or SX-200 hardware with a Generic 290 RMAT PROM, and includes a Remote Control - Central (RCC) Card and a standard operating console. up (b) 7.01 7.02 breaker in the 4. Are fuses Fl, and F3 good? 7. Action X Page 57 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 . shared HOLD consoles . shared . no timeout console . audio connection between soles when both are idle . separate console configuration installation is not possible positions conference to night between call setting service the two 60 If the RCP is connected as a PABX extension the PABX attendant, or any other PABX extension, has the facility of originating a RMAT call to the RMAT Controller. In addition, if the RCP extension has the COS option “Flash for Attendant” enabled, the RMAT operator can re-enter into speech mode with the PABX attendant after being in the Remote Administration Mode. (e) The card has code (0 The RMAT Controller’s receiver and trunk cards may be programmed by its console for the type of operation required to access the remote PABX equipments; local features such as time or date display can also be programmed from the console. (9) The RMAT Controller equipment includes the capability of displaying and clearing diagnostics registers for its own or for the remote PABX RCP Card. capability on the second attendant con- in a tenant 7.03 Once the RCP Card has been accessed the RMAT Controller can perform the following functions at the PABX: (a) Duplication by the RMAT Console operator of the PABX normal attendant console functions and displays. (NOTE: No speech path is available to the RMAT console operator once the RCP is accessed.) (b) Programming functions for the remote PABX including extended programming for Multi-Digit Toll Control purposes. (c) Detection of alarm conditions at the PABX and the ability to clear alarms, to busy-out lines and trunks and perform reset and PABX disable conditions. Page 58 58 Pages 7.04 RMAT Controller can access the RCP by dialing the RCP access code, and the capability to change the access when required. For further information see SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-1 01 and 9105/911 o-98-301. SECTION APPENDIX MITEL ACTION GENERAL MITL91Q5/9110-98-350 1 PROCEDURES Al.08 Task oriented functions in this section are implemented using MITEL ACTION PROCEDURES (MAP’s). Also there is a brief discussion of tools and safety practices. DECISION Block: Used to indicate a decision within the level one steps which must be made. The symbol is based on a hexagon with the top and bottom sides extended. Decision text is centred in the symbol. Al.02 Al.09 Al.01 A MAP is a step by step procedure using a flow chart principle, written and illustrated where necessary to a level of detail that allows both experienced and inexperienced personnel to carry out the tasks detailed. A MAP contains two levels of information as follows: (a) For experienced personnel, a series of steps (level one) each numbered [n] and annotated with minimal information. START/FINISH/JUMP TO Block: Used to indicate the start and finish of a MAP. Also used to indicate ‘jump to’ points within the MAP, for example “go to [n]” or “from [n]” or “return to [n]“. The symbol is a rectangle with semi circular ends. Text is centred in the symbol. THE OPERATORS Experienced (b) Al.b3 For inexperienced personnel, each step referred to in (a) above is amplified by a connected series of numbered substeps [nA] (level two). A typical Fig. Al, example of a MAP is shown in with the two levels detailed. MAP SYMBOLS USE OF MAP’S Operator Al.10 For the experienced operator to complete a task using a MAP, reference to the sequential short form level one steps is usually all that is necessary. Using Fig. Al-l as an example, the experienced operator would proceed as follows. Al.04 There are four basic symbol shapes which may be used in a MAP, and are defined as follows. At [l] makes a decision based on the information within the block. If the answer is YES the operator must proceed to a different MAP. If the answer is NO the operator is faced with another decision at block [2]. Al.05 Al.12 AND Block: Used to indicate a level one step that must be performed. Consists of a square with the word AND centred in the block. Al.06 OR Block: Used to indicate a choice of level one steps, one of which must be performed. Consists of a rectangle, with the text centred in the block, and with the word OR appearing between the alternative operations. Al.07 The rectangle is also used to border instructions which imply that the operator must perform a task outside the scope of the MAP. The text is centred in the rectangle. Al.11 At [2] if the decision is NO there is no requirement to proceed further and the test is abandoned. This naturally results in a FINISH block. If the decision is YES the operator proceeds to [3] and [4] in succession, i.e. dials the DID station number and completes the call to the check extension. Al.13 that such cient only tom The description of the instructions carried out in Al.05 and Al.06 have assumed the level of competence of the operator is that short form level one steps contain suffiinformation, and therefore the operator reads the centre column of the MAP, top to bot,of the page. Al-l I i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-215 ANSWER DID TRUNK CALL MAP215152 Issue 1, January SO Sheet 1 of 2 YES Go to MAP215.151 Is system Abandon with’s equip DI g” trunk AT MAINTENANCE [SA] [;B] @Cl . Test HANDSET Set switch to OFF-HOOK Dial tone Dial CO trunk access code CO dial tone ;i; YID number for check extenRinging tone STATION - NUMBER AT CHECK EXTENSION, 1 [4p] Lift check extenslo? 1 handset Two way conversatton, check extension 1 and maintenance set [4B] F&&ye handset on check exten[4C] F;.;$$enance set switch to - AT MAINTENANCE HANDSET [5A] Set switch to OFF-HOOK . Dial tone [5.B] Dial CO trunk access code CO dial tone [5C] ;;li,SII number for Station . Ringing tone DIAL STATION fLE;;;NT DID c5 Go to [S] A%25 Fig. Al-1 Al-2 Typical MAP Page SECTION Inexperienced TOOLS, TEST EQUIPMENT INSTRUCTIONS Operator If the operator’s experience is such that the level one instructions do not contain sufficient information, the level two substeps should be referred to as follows. MITL9105/9110-98-350 AND SPECIAL Al.14 Al.15 (a) (b) Using Fig. Al-l followed should as an example be: the path At [l] and [2] make the decisions at these steps as before. called for Al.18 Any tools, test equipment or special instructions that the operator requires or needs to know are stated on the first page of each MAP. If the MAP is long, and contains a number of sub procedures, these are listed in synopsis form on the first page. Al .17 Caution: is necessary, during ins talla tion and maintenance of the PABX to avoid possible damage to the system electronics by static discharge. A simple means of avoiding the possibility of such damage, is the use of a “Static Protection Wrist Strap” attached to the system Ground, as shown below (Fig. Al-2). At step [3] dial the DID station number by performing substeps [3A], [3B] and [3C]. In terms of steps and substeps, the operator follows a decision, decision then step andsubstep paths in the example shown. STATIC PROTECTION WRIST STRAP SYSTEM CARD SHELF Fig. Al-2 Static Protection Al -314 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 APPENDIX 2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW General CO TRUNKS (INCREMENTSOF The SX-100 and SX-200 are advanced electronic PABX’s employing digitally controlled solid-state, space-division switching with stored program control. The capacities of the PABX’s are as follows: A2.01 4 612162024263236404446525660646672766084669296100104 a _^ 24 1 32 40 46 56 64 72 60 88 96 104 112 120 126 136 144 152 160 166 176 164 192 200 206 SX-100. 112 ports are available for assignment to lines, trunks and additional receivers. SX-200. 208 ports are available for assignment to lines, trunks and additional receivers. Each line requires 1 port, each quires 2 ports and additional quire 4 ports each. E&M Tie and Transformer Trunk Cards ports. CO trunk rereceivers reTrunk Cards require four ---SX-100. -TWO SINGLESHELF SX-200 SYSTEM SHELF SX-200 NOTES: The maximum possible combination of trunks and lines which can be accomodated is dependant upon the number of receivers installed and is illustrated in Fig. A2-1. LINES 1 PORT REQUIRED PER LINE TRUNKS-ZPORTS/COTRUNK 4 PORTS/E&M.TlETRUNK 4 PORTS/DID, TIE TRUNK 2 RECEIVER CIRCUITS/RECEIVER CARD 4 RECEIVER CIRCUITS/QUAD RECEIVER CARD Compatibility Fig. A2-1 Maximum A2.02 The systems are compatible . Line cards of IAl/ . Standard Dial Pulse and DTMF telephone sets equipped with or without message waiting lamps. . Commonly used step by step, crossbar and electronic central office equipment. PHYSICAL A2.03 telephone Line and Trunk Configuration with: key system. OVERVIEW SX-100 Cabinet (Basic Version) is of metal construction and has the following dimensions: Height 16.62in. (422mm), width 25in. (635mm), and depth 18.5in. (470mm). The weight of a fully equipped PABX is approximately 70lbs (31.8kg). A2.04 The SX-100 Primary Power Supply is mounted to the right of the equipment shelf (total weight 15lbs, 35kg) and provides all system power from a 1 ISVac, (or a 220V adapter), 48Hz to 64Hz commercial supply OR from - 44 to -56V DC supply. A2.05 The SX-200 Equipment Cabinet is of metal construction and has the following dimensions: Height 38in. (965mm), width 23.5in. (600mm), and depth 27.5in. (700mm). The weight of a fully equipped PABX is approximately 290lbs (131.7kg). A2.08 panel, The SX-200 Primary Power Supply is mounted directly on the cabinet back (total weight 701b 31.8kg) and provides all A2-1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 system power from either a 115Vac, or a 220Vac, 44Hz - 64Hz commercial supply, OR a -44 to - 56Vdc supply. A2.07 The SX-lOO/SX-200 Equipment Shelf holds up to 22 printed circuit cards which plug into the shelf backplane. On the rear of the backplane are a number of Amphenol type plugs providing interconnections between the shelves and external equipment. In addition to the plugs are a number of screw down terminals, allowing shelf connections to the primary power supply unit. The equipment shelves measure 10.75in. (273mm) high, 19in. (480mm) wide, 15375in. (415mm) deep and weigh approximately 271bs (12.3kg) fully equipped. Equipment Shelf 2 (SX-200 only) is identical in construction to equipment shelf 1 and holds up to 12 additional line or trunk cards. A2.08 A2-2 The Reserve Power Supply in the PABX’s provides a -48Vdc source. The supply consists of a shelf unit containing 8 Globe Gel Gc 6200A batteries providing -48.3Vdc nominal at 20 C. A separate temperature-compensated charging unit maintains the correct battery voltage level. The SX-200 reserve battery power supply measures 7in. (178mm) high, 19in. (483mm) wide, 15in. (381mm) deep and weighs 1lOlbs (43kg). The SX-100 reserve battery power supply measures 8.2in. (200.9mm) high, 25.0in. (635mm) wide, 18.5in. (40mm) deep, and weighs 125lbs. The SX-lOO/SX-200 charging unit measures 5in. (127mm) wide, 7in. (178mm) high, 14in. (355mm) deep and weighs 14lbs (6.4kg). The Attendant Console weighs approximately 13lbs (5.9kg) and its dimensions are: 13.75in. (350mm) wide, 6.8in. (176mm) high, 9.25in. (236mm) deep. A2.09 A2.10 Table A2-1 lists all the tables that comprise the remainder of this appendix. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A2-1 TABLES TABLE NAME TABLE NUMBER Features DESCRIPTION A2-2 Generic A2-3 SX-lOO/SX-200 Characteristics A2-4 System A2-5 Timeout A2-6 Dial Pulse limits Lists all dial pulse information A2-7 PABX Tones Lists all the PABX tones A2-8 DTfvJF Tones Lists DTMF information A2-9 System Lists general A2-10 Environmental A2-11 Supervisory A2-12 Electrical Characteristics SX-lOO/SX-200 RMAT Controller Lists all the electrical characteristics SX-lOO/SX-200 RMAT Controller of the A2-13 Electrical Characteristics Remote Control - PABX (RCP) Card Lists all the electrical card of the RCP Electrical Limitations Information Power Condition Data System feature availability Lists general electrical sx-1 oo/sx-200 as per Generic characteristics of the Describes the SX-lOO/SX-200 general number of callbacks, etc. Lists the timeout features information power supply Outlines environmental sx-1 oo/sx-200 Provides general limitations of various i.e. system information conditions supervisory level for the data on the PABX characteristics ,- ~2.3 I :.’ SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A2-2 GENERIC FEATURES 202 Alphanumeric Display for Attendant Position Attendant Camp-On Attendant CCSA Access Attendant Console (Maximum 2) Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access Attendant Controlled Conference Attendant Flash Over Trunks Attendant Lockout Attendant Position (2 Max.) Attendant Transfer - All Calls Automatic Callback BusvlDon’t Answer (Station to Station Cal&) Automatic Callback . Busy (Station to Trunk) Automatic Night Service Switching Automatic Queuing to Attendant Position Broker’s Call Busy Lamp Field Busy Verification of Station Lines Call Forwarding - All Calls Call Forwarding _ Busy And Don’t Answer Call Forwarding - Busy Line (DID) Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer (DID) Call Hold Call Pick-Up Call Waitina Service Date Display on Console(s) Diagnostics _ Automatic Dial Access to Attendant Digital Clock on Attendant Position Direct Department Calling (DDC) Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Direct Outward Dialing (DOD) Direct Termination of Miscellaneous Circuits On Attendant Position (Paging)t Direct Trunk Group Selection (DTGS) Directed Call Pick-Up Hold-For-Pick-Uo Ootion Distinctive Ringins DTMF And/Or DCKP On Attendant Position DTMF Calling DTMF To Dial Pulse Conversion Dump and Load of Customer Data Executive Override Flash for Attendant Flexible Numbering of Stations Foreign Exchange (FX) Access t Requires A24 external customer provided equipment 203 204 l l l l . . . . 0 . . . . . . l 205 l l l l . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . l l l l . . . . l l l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . ._ . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l l l . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fully Restricted Station Identified Trunk Group Immediate Audible Ring on Attendant Handled Calls Immediate Ring Incoming Call Identification (ICI) Indication of Camp-On Intercept Treatment Attendant Intercept Intercept Tone Interposition Calling Interposition Transfer Inward Restriction Line Lockout With Warning Listed Directory Number (LDN) Service Loudspeaker Pagingf Direct Access by Attendant Dial Access Multizone Priority Paging Main/Satellite Service Manual Originating Line Service Manual Terminating Line Service Meet Me Conference Message Waiting (Audible) Message Waiting (Lamp) j Trunk Restriction Multiple Listed Directory Numbers (LDN) h, lultiple Access Codes for a sinale trunk group (10 max.) Music On Holdf Music on Attendant Position Holdf Night Console Position Night Service Fixed Flexible Night Station Service. Fixed Service Night Station Service. Full Service Origination Restriction Outgoing Trunk Call Back Outaoina Trunk Camo-On Outgoing Trunk Queueing Outward Restriction Radio Paging Accessf Recall Dial Tone Recorded Telephone Dictation Accessf Remote Access to PBX Services Remote Administration and Maintenance (hardware option) Rering From Toll (on Toll Terminal) Reserve Power (hardware option) Room __ Alhit __ Room Status Rotary Dial Calling Route Advance Serial Call Sharing (4 Tenant) Shared Attendant Service Single Digit Dialing (Non-conflicting) 202 . 203 . . 204 . . . 205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l l l . . . . . . . . . . . . IB . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . l l l . . . . . . . l l l l l . . . . . l . . . . . . l l l l l l l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . l l l . . . . . . l l l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l l . . . . l 133?3 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A2-2 (CONT’D) GENERIC FEATURES 202 Single Digit Dialing (Conflicting) Speed Call Splitting One-Way Manual Splitting Two-Wav Manual Solittina One-Way Automatic Splitying Two-Way Automatic Splitting Station Hunting Terminal Hunting Circular Hunting Secretarial Hunting Station Message Detail Recording Station Message Register Service Electronic Storage and Display Internal Charging Station Override Securitv Station-to-Station Calling Straightforward Outward Completion Switched Loop Operation Tandem Tie Trunk Switching Termination Restriction Threewav Conference Transfer Through Dialing Tie Trunk Access t Requires externa-I customer provided 203 . 204 . 205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timed Reminders Toll Restriction Battery Reversal 011 Access Multi Diait -a.Toll Terminal Access Total “Do Not Disturb” Display Total “Message Waiting” Display Total “Room Status” Display Traffic Data Collectionf Traffic Display to Customer Transfer into Busy Trunk Answer From Any Station Trunk Group Busy (TGB) Indicators on Attendant Position Trunk Status Field Trunk-To-Trunk Connections Trunk Verification by Customer (TVC) Trunk Verification by Station (TVS) Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) Wake- Up Service WATS Access Wideband Data Switching Wide Frequency Tolerant Power Plant 202 . 203 . 204 . 205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l l l equipment A2-5 I I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98:350 SX-lOO/SX-200 Station Loop Limit Maximum Number of Ringers per Line Ringing Standard Special Ring Trip Dial Tone Transfer Dial Tone Busy Tone Special Busy Tone Standard Ringback Tone Special Ringback Tone Callback Reorder Tone Conference Tone Camp-On Tone Override Tone Crosstalk Insertion Loss, Station-to-Station Station-to-Trunk Trunk-to-Trunk Longitudinal Balance Return Loss idle Circuit Noise Impulse Noise Envelope Delay System Impedance Traffic Capacity Primary Power Central Office Trunk Loop Limit Maximum Distance of Console from Equipment Operating Environment A2-6 TABLE A2-3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1200 ohms including set 7 9OV, 20Hz - immediate ringing 1s on, 3s off 0.5s on, -0.5s off, 0.5s on, -2.5s off During silent or ringing period 350/440Hz, continuous 350/440Hz, 3 bursts of looms, then continuous 480/620Hz, interrupted at 60ipm 350/440Hz interrupted at 60ips 440/480Hz, Is on, 3s off 440/480Hz, 0.5s on, 0.5s off, 0.5s on, 2.5s off 6 rings of standard ringing 480/620Hz, interrupted at 120ipm 440Hz, 1 burst of 1s 440Hz, one or two burst of 200ms 440Hz, one burst of 800ms followed by a 200ms burst every 6s 75dB minimum 5dB + 0.5dB at 1004Hz 0.5dB -+ 0.3dB at 1004Hz 0.5dB f 0.3dB at 1004Hz 54dB minimum, 200-3000Hz 14dB minimum 16dBrnC maximum No counts over 46dBrnC 150 us maximum 600 ohms nominal for lines 600 or 900 ohms nominal for trunks 7.5ccs/line minimum at 100 lines at P = 0.01 lOO-125V, 47-63Hz, 4A maximum 1600 ohms lOOOft. (300m) of 26AWG cable 0°C to 40°C 10% to 90% Relative Humidity SECTION SYSTEM calls MITL9105/9110-98.350 TABLE A2-4 FEATURE LIMITATIONS Maximum number of simultaneous = 31. Maximum Maximum number number of speech paths used by any call = 2 of simultaneous consultations = 15 Maximum number of simultaneous add-on (3 way) calls Maximum number of simultaneous station controlled Maximum number of calls that can simultaneously or hunt group = 30 = 30 conference calls be camped = 30 on to an extension, trunk group Maximum Maximum number number of simultaneous of simultaneous callbacks that can be enabled = 32. call forwards that can be enabled = 208 (SX-200); 112 (SX-100) Maximum number of simultaneous “dial Maximum number of hunting Maximum number of calls that can be simultaneously Maximum number of stations in a station Maximum number of stations in a call pick up group Maximum number of dial call pickup Maximum number of trunks assignable Maximum number of trunks in a trunk group Maximum number of trunk groups Maximum Maximum number number of calls that can override a given extension of calls that can be simultaneously parked Maximum number of simultaneous groups 0” calls hunting groups number connected group to music on hold = 31. = 208 (SX-200); 112 (SX-100) = 208 (SX-200);.112 (SX-100) = 50. to night stations = 100 (SX-200); 52 (SX-100). = 104 (SX-200); 56 (SX-100). = 12. meet-me Maximum number of simultaneous attendant (Two if tenanting with separate consoles) Maximum = 31 = 12. conferences controlled of calls that can be simultaneously = 1 = 31 = 1 conferences = 1 held by one attendant Maximum number of simultaneous incoming calls that can be separately = 6. (Recall, Dial 0, LDN 1 through LDN 4) Maximum Maximum number number of LDNs that can be identified at the attendant’s of simultaneously ringing Wake-Ups = 10 Maximum number of tenants = 4. identified console by the attendant = 4. = 4; 2 with consoles PABX numbering schemes may be 1, 2, 3, or 4 digit or a combination there are no conflicts in the first digits. of 1, 2, 3 and 4 digit, as long as _- A2-7 / SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 TABLE A2-5 TIMEOUT INFORMATION Attendant Timed Recall (Don’t Answer) Attendant Timed Recall (Camp-On) Attendant Tlmed Recall (Hold) Automatic Night Switching Automatic Wake-Up Ringing Dial Tone Timeout Interdigit Timeout Lockout Timeout Callback Clear Timeout Callback Don’t Answer Reset Call Park Recall Call Hold Recall Call Forwarding Don’t Answer Timeout Switchhook Flash Ringing 2Os, 30s 2Os, 3Os, 2Os, 3Os, 2Os, 30s 6 rings 15s 15s lines, 45s 8 hours 6 rings 2, 3, or 4 2, 3, or 4 2Os, 3Os, minimum maximum 5 minutes Timeout or or or or 40s 40s 40s 40s 10s trunks minutes minutes or 40s 200ms,700ms, 1500ms 900ms, 1100ms or TABLE A2-8 DIAL PULSE LIMITS PARAMETER MIN. MAX. (Accept) Pulse Rate (pps) Break Duration (percent) Break Interval (ms) Make Interval (ms) Interdigit Time (ms) 8.0 50.0 52.7 32.7 300.0 12.0 80.0 80.0 52.5 9 58 800 11 62 (Generate) l l l Pulse Rate (pps) Break Interval (percent) Interdigit Time (ms) _- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 ’ TABLE A2-7 PABX TONES 3501440H2, continuous, - 13dBm 350/440Hz, 3 bursts 1OOms on - 100ms off followed by continuous 350/440Hz, -‘13dBm 480/620Hz, interrupted at 60ipm, - 24dBm 3501440Hz at 6Oips, - 13dBm 440/480Hz, 1s on, 3s off, - 19dBm 480/620Hz, interrupted at 120ipm, - 24dBm 440Hz, one burst of 200ms, - 16dBm 440Hz, one burst of 800ms followed by a 200ms burst every 6s, - 16dBm 440Hz at 1Oips for 400ms, - 16dBm 440Hz, one burst of Is, - 16dBm 440Hz, - 16dBm Dial Tone Transfer Dial Tone Busy Tone Camp-On Busy Tone Ringback Tone Reorder Tone Camp-On Tone Over-ride Tone Attendant Error Tone Conferencing Tone Miscellaneous Tone DTMF Dialing Conditions l Frequency Deviation l On Time l Interdigit Time l Level, Low Group l Level, High Group l Level, DTMF Signal l Level, Third Frequency l Twist + 1 percent Greater than 40ms Greater than 40ms Greater than - 1OdBm Greater than -8dBm Greater than +2dBm Less than -4OdB Less than 4dB 16OP.I TABLE A2-8 DTMF TONE LIMITS High Frequency Low Frequency (Hz) 697 770 852 941 Notes: \’ (Hz) 1209 1336 1477 1 4 7 * 2 5 8 0 3 6 t 1. Tolerance of call progress 2. Individual tones 3. Tolerance of individual tone of any compound tones Frequency deviation: + 1% - Signal interval (2 frequency): 40ms (minimum) Per frequency, minimum level: - 17dBm on line circuit Twist, maximum (at - 10dBm): +4 to -8dBm (High f relative to low f) levels is & 1.5dBm. tone are within 1dB of each other are + 1% of the frequency stated. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A2-9 SYSTEM POWER Characteristic sx-100 sx-200 AC Power Supplies Input Voltage 115Vac or 230Vac, Frequency 44Hz to 64Hz 44Hz to 64Hz Hold-over Time Momentary interruptions in commercial power up to 250ms duration Momentary interruptions in commercial power up to 250ms duration Input Current 2.5A maximum 4A maximum Talk Battery Reserve Noise Battery Does not exceed Battery Holdover Time Battery Life Time Ringing 28dBrnc 115Vac or 230Vac, 48.3V to 52V 2 hours minimum 4 to 6 yrs 48.3V to 52V 2 hours minimum 4 to 6 yrs 4 weeks 4 years 4 weeks 4 years 9OVac + 10 O/O 20Hz I 1Hz 9OVac + 10% 20Hz f 1 Hz Pack -20% at 115Vac Does not exceed Supply Output Voltage Frequency A2.10 at 115Vac to +lO% Supply Voltage Range Holdover Time Battery Life Time RAMlCOS -20% 28dBrnc to +lO”/ SECTION MlTL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A2-10 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Storage Conditions l Temperature l Relative Range: Humidity: -50°C UP to 100% RH at 18°C (i.e. 15mm Hg water vapour . Shock: Up to 30 inch drop * Low Pressure: 87mm l Temperature Environmental Shock: -50°C pressure) Hg (50,000 feet) to +25X in 5 minutes Conditions l Acoustic l Vibration: l Electrostatic Noise: The systems do not radiate acoustic noise greater than 45dB SPL, “A” Weighted, measured 47.2in. (1200mm) from the center of the cabinet. The systems operate satisfactorily when subjected to a continuous vibration of 5-200Hz with an acceleration of 0.59. Discharge: The systems meet the following electrostatic discharge test. With the common equipment grounded, a voltage of 15kV placed to various parts of the equipment such as faceplates, switches, etc, has no noticeable effect on the operation of the system. With all the exposed metal of the peripheral equipment grounded, a voltage of 15kV applied to various parts of the peripheral equipment, has no noticeable effect on the operation of the system. Note: l to +71 “C Electromagnetic Susceptibility The high voltage DC is derived from an induction type generator with an output capacity of 25OpF and a series resistance of 3.9ohms. The systems are able to work in an electric without major degradation of service. field of 5Vlm A2-11 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A2-11 SUPERVISORY DATA l The PABX responds to hookswitch flashes with a duration maximum time (0.7, 0.9, 1.1 units or 1.5s) in order to activate features An open tip lead conditon PABX connection of 500ms (optional l l Momentary on outgoing PABX station hookswitch l PABX station on-hook Station Loop. 1200ohms l 50ms) or more duration open loop conditions of up to 350ms (optional PABX calls, will not release PABX calls l flashes conditions The station will not be repeated will release towards the station Attendant Console Range. The attendant imum of (300m) 1000 ft with 26AWG cable console CO Trunk resistance with CO trunks l l Group. CO Trunk Seizure. The PABX will operate The PABX nominal seizure the Central by the Central Office Office after the selected apparatus can be remoted resistance on a CO trunk will release the 40ms) generated a trunk connection loop range, including l of between 200ms and a programmable the Transfer/Consultation/Hold/Add-On flash time can be up to a maximum from the cabinet up to a maximum is 2700hms of up to a max- of 16000hms loop at 30mA l CO Trunk Resistance. In the idle state the resistance towards the PABX from the trunk circuit is 20Kohms tip to ground and 20kohms ring to ground for ground starts, and not less than 10Mohms for, loop start trunks l Tie Trunk A2-12 Resistance. 2Kohm for Loop 3Kohm for E&M The maximum resistance towards the tie trunk is: SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A2-12 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SX-lOO/SX-200 RMAT CONTROLLER Modem Signaling Operation Parameters: Mode Full or half duplex over 2 wire public switched originate mode network, 300 baud asynchronous Data Rate Transmit Tones Mark 1270Hz; Space 1070Hz Transmit Level Nominal - 10dBm with automatic gain to - 3dBm, OdBm, or + 0.4dBm for loop attenuation compensation Receive Tones Mark 2225Hz; Space 2025Hz Receive -4 to -45dBm Sensitivity Line Interface: NOTE 1: Primary See Section CO Trunk, loop/ground (NOTE 1) MITL9105/9110-98-210 start (rotary dial or DTMF signaling) for CO Trunk Card full capabilities. Power Supply: SX-100 Cabinet 90 to 125Vac (optionally 200 to 250Vac); 44 to 64Hz; 24 SX-200 Cabinet 90 to 125Vac or 185 to 250Vac; 44 to 64Hz, 4A SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A2-13 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS REMOTE CONTROL - PABX (RCP) CARD Modem Signaling Operation Parameters: Mode Full or half duplex over 2 wire public automatic answer feature Data Rate network Transmit Tones Mark 2225Hz; Space 2025Hz Transmit Level Nominal - IOdBm with automatic gain to -3dBm, + 0.4dBm for loop attenuation compensation Receive Tones Mark 1270Hz; Space 1070Hz Receive Sensitivity - 4 to - 45dBm DC Resistance Minimum 10 megohm On-hook Impedance 10kohms in series with ~JJF Minimum 30Vrms at 20Hz Ringing Off-hook DC Resistance 2600hms at 20mA (line reversal Off-hook Impedance 6000hms in series with 2yF Minimum 14dB at 200Hz 25dB at 1kHz 35dB at 3kHz Loss Common 6OVrms maximum Mode Rejection Longitudinal Transient OdBm or Parameters: On-hook Return with 300 baud asynchronous Line Interface Minimum Balance and Digital ignored) at 60Hz 63dB at 1kHz 56dB at 3kHz Withstands 1OOOV of 10/1000us and 220hm source between Tip and ground or Ring and ground Protection Power Supply interface resistance Parameters: Compatible A2-14 switched with Console Control Card (Mite1 P/N 9110-006) SECTION MITLSI 051911 O-98-350 APPENDIX 3 SYSTEM CABLING Cabling and Cross-Connections General A3.01 This part details the cabling and crossconnections required when installing the SX-100 or SX-200 PABX’s. Telephone Set and Trunk Cabling A3.02 Telephone set and trunk cabling terminates on the building cross-connection terminal in the normal manner. The cabling requirements and limits for stations and consoles are shown in Fig. A3-l(a) and (b). Cable Terminations, SX-100 A3.03 All interconnecting cables must be terminated in accordance with Tables A3-1, A3-2 and Fig. A3-2. Cable Terminations, SX-200 A3.04 All interconnecting cables must be terminated in accordance with Fig. A3-3 and Tables A3-1, A3-2, A3-3, and A3-5. In addition if Shelf 2 is installed the interconnecting cables listed in Table A3-4 must be terminated. Cross-Connections A3.05 Jumpers should be run using Z type 24AWG cross-connecting cables or equivalent. A3.06 Connection between the equipment cabinet, cross connect field, stations, trunks and consoles should be made using 26AWG connector ended cable in accordance with Tables A3-1 through A3-5. A3.07 Cabling connections between Shelf 1, the interconnect board, and cross connect field are shown in Figs A3-7 and A3-3. A3.08 Figs A3-4 and A3-5 illustrate typical block and wiring diagrams for a power fail transfer circuit. Fig. A3-6 illustrates typical night bell wiring connections and Fig. A3-7 shows the connections for music and PA requirements. A3.09 When backplane translator boards are used with the lines and trunk circuits different terminal connections result. In this case the cabling arrangements must conform to the termination connections shown in Fig. A3-8 and Table A3-6 of this Appendix. A3.10 Figures A3-9, A3-10 and A3-11 are in depth wiring explanations. These figures outline the card position in relation to a specific Amphenol type connector to the cross connect frame. A3-1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 TWO CONDUCTOR WIRE OR EQUIVI , r) , cABLEcrc . 1-l STATIONSET i;;J;CTlNG CROSSCONNECT -/ FIELD SHELF PLUG1 25 PAIR CABLE EQUIPMENT CABINET NOTE:STATION LOOPLlMlT1200OHMS(INCLUDINGSTATlONSET) (a)STATlON CABLING & LIMITS CABLE CONNECTORS INTERCONNECT INTERCONNECT BOARD \ PLUG-ENDED CABL 2 L SHELFCONNECTOR-/ ATTENDANT CONSOLE CONSOLE INTERFACE BOARD EQUIPMENT CABINET NOTE: CABLING LIMIT IOOOFT. (305m)- 26 AWG MINIMUM CABLECONSOLETO EQUIPMENTCABINET. (b)ATTENDANTCONSOLECABLlNG& Fig. A3-1 A3-2 Station and Console LIMITS Cabling Requirements _- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 1 INTERCONNECT 0 P301 (14 PIN) P302 (25 PIN) BACKPLANE I BOARD SHELF BACKPLANE I CONNECTOR NO. I I Pl 1 DESTINATION P4 FZ X-CONNECT X-CONNECT X-CONNECT X-CONNECT P17 P16 I 1 BOARD CONNECTOR NO. INTERCONNECT J13 J14 J15 NOTE: ALL PLUGS AND CONNECTORS EXCEPT AS NOTED ARE STANDARD 25 PAIR (AMPHENOL TYPE). THE MALE AND FEMAIF OESIGNATI-IRS RFFFA TO THF P16 PI7 PI6 P19 P20 P302 MENT.NOTTOTHECABLECONNECTORS. P301 CijN,,&(j~~~~~&f&) ii THE’&jii: Fig. A3-2 SX-100 Connector Locations DESTINATION MAINTENANCE CONSOLE ATTENDANT CONSOLE 2 ATTENDANT CONSOLE1 P6 !" CONNECT X-CONNECT X-CONNECT PRINTER OR RECORDING DEVICE MAINTENANCE PANEL ‘.. : Y.---G ,,. : _. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 (6 PIN) t--iiid p301 1 (14 PIN) P302 25 PIN) NOTES: 1 ALL PLUGS AND CONNECTORS EXCEPT AS NOTEDARE STANDARD 25 PAIR (AMPHENOLTYPE) THE MALEANDFEMALE DESIGNATORS REFER TOTHE CONNECTORSMOUNTEDON THE EQUIPMENT, NOT TO THE CABLE CONNECTORS I I Pll piq (-iEq +q NOTUSED SHELF2 NOTUSED [MALES piiF- piq PI2 J13 PI0 P8 J14 P5 MALE ki 2 c PI6 SHELF1 P17 TiiINTERCONNECT BOARD I I I 1 fYlNNFi-.TnR LUNNtLI 21 I I zl-l J15 P16 ,, Pi7 I I POWER FAILTRANSFER BOAR0 I I P18 P19 P301 P302 P5 i--CONNECT X-CONNECT POWERSUPPLY PRINTER OR RECORDING 'I I I =I nFVICF L - . , - L I I Fig. A3-3 A34 P: 103 MAINTENANCE PANEL P20 P21 X-CONNECT X-CONNECT SX-200 Connector 1 1 Locations .,oc ,‘"" ,‘ SECTION TABLE PLUG Pi (Connects A3-1 to Cross Equipment Numbers Lines Pin Pair Color 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 001 30 5 31 3: w-s S-W R-BL BL-R R-O 009 7 33 8 O-R R-G’ G-R 34 9 35 017 ;: 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 025 42 17 43 18 44 19 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR 50 25 v-s s-v 002 003 004 010 011 012 018 019 020 026 027 028 033 034 035 036 041 042 043 044 SHELF 1 EXTERNAL Connect PLUG AND JACK MITL9105/911.0~98-350 :- CONNECTIONS Field) Lead Designation Line Equipment Numbers Trunks Tl reserved for Rl test line T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 002 * Tl Rl T2 T3 R2 010 * 004 012 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl XT2 T2 XT1 Tl Rl R2 Tl RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 018* Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 026 * 020 028 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 034 * Tl Rl T2 042 * E R3 T4 R4 044 036 SPARE SPARE t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect * Trunk Equipment Number for 2 Trunk Card Lead Designation co DID/TIE Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl El RR1 Card Positions 1 2 Ml Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Al Tl Tl Rl ;;2 XT1 T2 R2 Trunks E&Mt Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 3 4 5 F-z? 6 SPARE SPARE 1121 RR and TR leads A3-5 SECTION MITL910519110-98-350 MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A3-1 SHELF 1 EXTERNAL PLUG P2 (Connects to Cross Connect Equipment Numbers Lines Pin Pair Color 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 005 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 013 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 021 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 029 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 037 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V 045 50 25 v-s s-v 006 007 008 014 015 016 022 023 024 030 031 032 038 039 040 046 047 048 (CONT’D) Field) Lead Designation Line Equipment Numbers Trunks T5 I35 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 006 * T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 014* T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 008 016 022 * 024 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 030* T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 038 * T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 046 * 032 040 048 SPARE SPARE t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect * Trunk Equipment Number for 2 Trunk Card A3-6 PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS Lead Designation co DID/TIE T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 Trunks E&Ml T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Card Positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 SPARE SPARE RR and TR leads 1i24 .. SECTION TABLE A3-1 SHELF PLUG P3 (Connects to Cross Connect Equipment Numbers Lines Pin Pair Color 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 049 30 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 057 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 065 3; 6 32 3: 8 34 10 36 11 37 12 38 050 051 052 058 059 060 066 067 068 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 073 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 081 089 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V ;“5 s-v ;9” 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 46 21 2427 2438 v-s 1 EXTERNAL 074 075 076 082 083 084 090 091 092 Lead PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS MITL9105/9110-98-350 (CCNT’D) Field) Designation Line Equipment Numbers Trunks Lead Designation co DID/TIE Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 050 * Tl 052 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 058* Tl Tl Rl T2 066 * E R3 T4 R4 068 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 074 * Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 082 * Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 090 * 060 Tl Rl Tl Rl xR:2 XT1 T2 R2 Trunks E&Mt Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Card Positions 7 Tl TR& RR1 El Ml 8 sx- 076 084 092 SPARE SPARE Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Ii; Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Tl Rl xR:2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl xR:2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl iii TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 9 10 11 :.:. Tl Rl Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml -.,. 2:. ._ .-a: .. 12 See Note SPARE SPARE Note: Position 12 can be used for lines, trunks, or receiver #4 card. t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads * Trunk Equipment Number for 2 Trunk Card A3-7 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A3-1 SHELF PLUG P4 (Connects Pair I _ to Cross Connect Equipment Numbers Lines Pin Color 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 053 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS Lead Designation Line Equipment Numbers Trunks 055 -7; R7 056 056 T8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 061 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 062 * T3 064 XT3 T4 R4 069 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 070 * 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 077 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 078 * 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 085 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 086 * 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 094 * 50 25 v-s s-v 062 063 064 070 071 072 078 079 080 086 087 088 093 094 095 096 T3 T2 Fi2 ;:4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Card Positions 7 R8 072 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 I 8 9 I 080 088 096 T3 SPARE SPARE T2 R2 z4 XT3 T4 R4 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 7: R8 Note: Position 12 can be used for lines, trunks or receiver card #4. t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads * Trunk Eauipment Number for 2 Trunk Card A3-8 Lead Designation Trunks co DlDillE E&Mt 054 * 054 (CCNT’D) Field) T5 R5 T6 3: 10 36 11 37 I 1 EXTERNAL SPARE SPARE T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2.RR2 E2 M2 10 11 T2 TR:2 RR2 E2 M2 12 See Note SECTION TABLE PLUG P5 (Connects . A3-1 SHELF 1 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS MITL9105/9110-98-350 (CGNT’D) to Plug P17) Equipment Numbers Lines Pin Pair Color 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK RECEIVER 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T (A) R (4 S DATA OUT T (A) S DATA OUT R (A) S DATA IN T (A) S DATA IN R (A) PA2 Control B PA2 Control A 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S s-v -f (4 R (4 S DATA OUT T (A) S DATA OUT R (A) S DATA IN T (A) S DATA IN R (A) PA1 Control B PA1 Control A 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V MUSIC MUSIC z v-s s-v 097 098 099 100 105 106 107 108 Lead Designation Line Tl RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Equipment Numbers Trunks 098 * 100 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 106* 108 Lead Designation co DID/TIE Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Trunks E&MT No. 1 Card Positions Rl TRI RR1 El Ml 13 See Note Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 14 See Note 15 ATTENDANT CONSOLE No. 2 16 ATTENDANT CONSOLE No. 1 17 IN B IN A TEST LINE MUSIC E%lF3E PA1 OUT A PA2 OUT B PA2 OUT A SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE ON HOLD 18 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A3.1 SHELF PLUG P8 (Connects Pin Pair Color 1 EXTERNAL PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS Equipment Numbers Lines Lead Designation Line 101 2; 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 109 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T (4 R (4 S DATA OUT T (B) S DATA OUT R (B) S DATA IN T (B) S DATA IN R (B) R Wl) Kl 42 17 43 18 44 19 4: Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BP-Y Y-S S-Y T (4 R (4 S DATA OUT T (B) S DATA OUT R (B) S DATA IN T (B) S DATA IN R (B) UART IN UART OUT 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V R (K5) 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE 102 103 104 110 111 112 Equipment Numbers Trunks T5 R5 T6 R6 Lines T7 R7 T8 R8 102* T5 R5 T6 R6 Lines T7 R3 T8 R8 110* RECEIVER 108 112 Lead Designation CO DID/TIE Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R7 Tl Rl Trunks E&Mt Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml No. 1 Card Positions 13 See Note 14 See Note 15 ATTENDANT CONSOLE SPARE 16 NOT USED NIGHT BELL 1 MAINTENANCE CONSOLE NIGHT ::K4) NIGHT BELL 17 1 SERVICE :4K3) NIGHT BELL 3 !;K2) K2 NIGHT BELL 2 Note: Positions 14 and 13 can be used for lines or trunks, or for receiver t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect RR and TR leads * Trunk Equipment Number for 2 Trunk Card A3-10 * to Plug P18) w-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 26 1 27 2 28 (CCNT’D) 18 SPARE SPARE cards #2 and #3 respectively, 1111 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A3-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS CONNECTOR 513 MAINTENANCE CONSOLE CONNECTOR 514 ATTENDANT CONSOLE (Connected To Maintenance Panel) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 33 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 46 21 47 32 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 50 ?5 v-s s-v ov -48V 50 25 v-s s-v ov -48V Pin Pair Color Lead Designation 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BP BR-W ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GFiOUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND ,- NO 2 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-350 TABLE A3-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS CONNECTOR J15 ATTENDANT CONSOLE NO 1 Pin Pair Color Lead Designation 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 w-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTRaSTATIC ELFCTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 50 25 v-s s-v ov -48V A3-12 GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND (CONT’D) SECTION TABLE A3-2 SHELF PLUG PI (Connects to Cross Connect Equipment Numbers Lines Pin Pair Color 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 161 30 337 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 177 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 185 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 193 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V 50 25 v-s s-v 3: 6 32 2 (SX-200 ONLY) EXTERNAL Lead Designation Line Equipment Numbers Trunks 162* 169 Tl 170* 170 7; R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 172 163 164 171 172 178 179 180 186 187 188 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 I T4 R4 164 178* 180 186* 188 194* 194 Tl Rl T2 195 7: 196 196 7: R4 201 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 202 203 204 PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS Field) Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 162 MITLSI 051911 O-98-350 202 * 204 SPARE SPARE t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect * Trunk Equipment Number for 2 Trunk Card Lead Designation co DID/TIE Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Tl Rl SPARE SPARE RR and TR leads Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 1 2 3 Tl TRAl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl Card Positions Tl TR:1 RR1 El Ml ;;2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Trunks E&Mt Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 4 5 6 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A3-2 SHELF 2 (SX-200 ONLY) EXTERNAL PLUG P8 (Connects I I 1 _ I to Cross Connect Equipment Numbers Lines Lead PLUG AND JACK CObiNECTlCNS Field) Designation Line Equipment Numbers Trunks Lead co Pin Pair Color 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 W-EL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR 165 T5 166* 166 167 ?i R6 T7 168 168 7; 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 173 T5 174 7: 175 TR76 R7 T8 R8 176 34 9 35 10 36 181 T5 182* T3 182 7: 183 F R7 T8 fl8 184 !!+4 XT3 T4 R4 ;: 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK xl is 39 14 40 15 41 16 &$ BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 190” T3 192 Iz4 XT3 T4 R4 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 197 T5 19a* T3 198 7: R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 200 ;:4 XT3 T4 R4 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V 205 206 * T3 208 ;;4 XT3 T4 R4 50 25 v-s s-v RK-G 176 184 189 190 191 192 199 200 206 T5 R5 T6 ?Y 207 208 174* SPARE SPARE 12 R2 T3 T2 R2 Trunks E&Mt T2 R2 TR2 RR2 Card Positions 1 z2 !z4 XT3 T4 R4 SPARE SPARE RR and TR leads Designation DID/TIE T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 7: R8 t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect * Trunk Equipment Number for 2 Trunk Card A3-14 (CCNT’D) T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 TR:2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 T2 R2 3 T2 TR;2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 4 5 T2 ?:2 RR2 E2 M2 6 SECTION TABLE A3-2 SHELF 2 (SX-200 ONLY) EXTERNAL PLUG P9 (Connects Pin Pair Color to Cross Connect Equipment Numbers Lines MITL9105/9110-98-350 PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS Field) Lead Designation Line Equipment Numbers Trunks Lead Designation co DID/TIE Trunks E&Mt Card Positions 1 26 2: 2; 2; 4 I 30 3; 6 32 3; a 34 9 35 10 36 :: 12 38 1 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 ia 44 19 40” 47 47 22 4: W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 210 211 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 210* 212 Tl 7: R4 w-s 217 Tl R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 218 7; 219 7: 220 7: R4 225 Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 226* Tl 228 XT1 T2 R2 Tl 234 * Tl 236 XT1 T2 R2 242 * Tl s-w R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 226 227 228 2la* 220 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 233 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 241 Tl 242 7; 243 7: R3 T4 R4 244 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V 249 Tl Rl T2 250 * ?i R3 T4 R4 252 s-v Tl Rl ;;2 XT1 T2 R2 212 v-s 2”: 209 Tl ;+2 XT1 T2 R2 236 244 250 251 252 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl ii SPARE SPARE t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect *Trunk Equipment Number for 2 Trunk Card ;;2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl ii TRl RR1 El Ml Tl Rl Tl Rl Tl Rl Iz2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl 7 El-1 234 235 Tl RI TRl RR1 Tl Rl a Tl RI TRl RR1 El Ml 9 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 10 Tl RI TRl RR1 El Ml 11 Tl RI TRl RR1 El Ml 12 SPARE SPARE RR and TR leads 1111 - A3-15 I : .. SECTION MITL9105/9!10-98.350 TABLE A3-2 SHELF 2 (SX-200 ONLY) EXTERNAL PlO (Connects PLUG to Cross Connect Equipment Numbers Lines 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R 221 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK 229 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y 237 T5 238 7: 239 240 240 7; R7 T8 R8 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y 245 T5 246* 246 7: R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 248 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V 253 T5 254 * 254 7: R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 50 25 v-s S-V 215 216 222 223 Designation Line Equipment Numbers Trunks Pin 214 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 214* T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 222* 216 224 Lead Designation co DID/TIE T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 A4 T2 R2 Trunks E&MT Card Positions T2 R2 TR2 RR2 7 E T2 R2 TR2 RR2 8 F2 224 R8 230 231 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 I 230 * 232 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 232 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 -1 I 9 R8 247 248 255 256 I 238* 256 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T3 T2 R2 F4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 10 L?? T2 TR:2 RR2 E2 M2 11 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 12 I SPARE SPARE t For 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect * Trunk Equipment Number for 2 Trunk Card A3-16 (CONT’D) Field) Pair Color 213 Lead PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS SPARE SPARE RR and TR leads _.I,JI I SECTION TABLE A3-2 INTERCONNECT P18 (Miscellaneous PLUG BOARD Connections PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS to Cross ain Pair Color !6 1 27 2 ?8 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-GR GR-R SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-0 O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y MUSIC IN B MUSIC IN A PA2 OUT B PA2 OUT A NIGHT BELL 28 NIGHT BELL 2A PA1 OUT B PA1 OUT A 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V NIGHT BELL 1 B NIGHT BELL 1A PA 1 CONTROL PA 1 CONTROL PA 2 CONTROL PA 2 CONTROL NIGHT SERVICE NIGHT SERVICE 50 25 v-s s-v NIGHT BELL 38 NIGHT BELL 3A Connect M ITL91051911 O-98-350 (CONT’D) Field) Note: (1) Night service relay operates permanently in night service. Night Bell continuous rating: Open circuit voltage 12OVrms Closed circuit current 75mArms Lead Designation when (2) Music in 100mV Impedance 600 Ohms (3) PA Output Impedance Level 100mV 600 Ohms B A B A B A A3-17 I t SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE m-2 PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS PLUG P19 ON INTERCONNECT CARD PN9110-02A (Miscellaneous Connections to Cross Connect Field) Lead Designation co DID/TIE Pin Pair Color Lead Line Designation 26 1 W-BL BL-W SPARE SPARE 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 w-o o-w 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R R-BR BR-R T6 R8 T7 R7 T6 R6 T5 R5 T4 R4 XT3 XT4 T3 R3 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK BK-G G-BK T8 R8 T7 R7 T6 R6 T5 R5 T4 R4 XT3 XT4 T3 R3 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Y-O O-Y 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 Y-G G-Y 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 W-G G-W W-BR BR-W w-s s-w RECEIVER RECEIVER BOARD (CONT’D) Trunk E&M+ 1 T2 R2 E2 M2 TR2 RR2 T2 R2 14 E2 T2 R2 M2 TR2 RR2 T2 R2 13 15 1 Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y V-BL BL-V T2 R2 XT1 XT2 Tl Hl v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V V-S s-v T4 R4 T3 R3 T2 R2 Tl Rl T2 R2 XT1 XT2 Tl Rl DO NOT connect CARD POSITIONS 15 T4 R4 T3 R3 T2 R2 Tl Rl tFor 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation A3-18 TO INTERCONNECT Tl Rl El Ml TRl RR1 Tl Rl Tl Rl El Ml TRl RR1 Tl fii RR and TR leads 14 13 SECTION TABLE A3-2 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS MITL9105/9110-98-350 (CONT’D) CONNECTOR 5302 DATA PORT (SEE NOTES) Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Note 1. 2. Lead Designation ov TRANSMIT DATA RECEIVE DATA CLEAR TO SEND DATA SET READY SIGNAL GROUND CARRIER DETECT P303 sx-100 PIN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Key OOT - 1OVdc Power B Power A Spare P303 sx-200 PIN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - 10Vdc Power A Power B OOT Key Spare DATA TERM READY Connector J302 is common to the SX-100 and SX-200 PABX. See Section MITL9105/9110-98-450, Traffic Measurement, for applications of the connector. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 TABLE A3-3 PLUG P20 (Power Fail Transfer Connect Field) POWER FAIL TRANSFER Connections BOARD PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS PLUG P21 (Power Fail Transfer Connect Field) to Cross Connections to Cross Pin Pair Color Lead Designation Pin Pair Color Lead Designation 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-GR GR-W W-BR BR-W STATION .Tl STATION Rl LINE CARD Tl LINE CARD Rl TRUNK Tl TRUNK Rl TRUNK CARD Tl TRUNK CARD Rl 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W STATION T7 STATION R7 LINE CARD T7 LINE CARD R7 TRUNK T7 TRUNK R7 TRUNK CARD T7 TRUNK CARD R7 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R STATION T2 STATION R2 LINE CARD T2 LINE CARD R2 TRUNK T2 TRUNK R2 TRUNK CARD T2 TRUNK CARD R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R STATION T8 STATION R8 LINE CARD T8 LINE CARD R8 TRUNK T8 TRUNK R8 TRUNK CARD T8 TRUNK CARD R8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK STATION T3 STATION R3 LINE CARD T3 LINE CARD R3 TRUNK T3 TRUNK R3 TRUNK CARD T3 TRUNK CARD R3 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK STATION T9 STATION R9 LINE CARD T9 LINE CARD R9 TRUNK T9 TRUNK R9 TRUNK CARD T9 TRUNK CARD R9 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y STATION T4 STATION R4 LINE CARD T4 LINE CARD R4 TRUNK T4 TRUNK R4 TRUNK CARD T4 TRUNK CARD R4 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y STATION TlO STATION RlO LINE CARD TlO LINE CARD RlO TRUNK TlO TRUNK RlO TRUNK CARD TlO TRUNK CARD RlO 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y STATION T5 STATION R5 LINE CARD T5 LINE CARD R5 TRUNK T5 TRUNK R5 TRUNK CARD T5 TRUNK CARD R5 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y STATION Tl 1 STATION Rll LINE CARD Tll LINE CARD Rll TRUNK Tll TRUNK Rll TRUNK CARD Tll TRUNK CARD Rll 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V STATION T6 STATION R6 LINE CARD T6 LINE CARD R6 TRUNK T6 TRUNK R6 TRUNK CARD T6 TRUNK CARD R6 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V STATION T12 STATION R12 LINE CARD T12 LINE CARD R12 TRUNK T12 TRUNK R12 TRUNK CARD T12 TRUNK CARD R12 _- 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE A3-20 Note: -. Plug 21 is not installed on SX-100 equipment. SECTION PLUG P7 (Connects TABLE A3-4 SHELF to Cross Connect 2 EXTERNAL Field) PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS Pin Pair Color Lead Designation Line Lead Designation co DID/TIE 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W TI Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK Tl Rl T2 R2’ T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE tFor P-Wire E&M Trunk operation DO NOT connect MITL9105/9110~98-350 Trunks E&M? Card Positions Tl Rl TRI RR1 El Ml 1 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 2 Tl RI TRl RR1 El Ml 3 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 4 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 5 : T. ‘:, .::., Tl RI Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 6 .- RR and TR leads A3-21 SECTION MlTL9105/9110-98.350 TABLE A3-4 SHELF 2 EXTERNAL PLUG P8 (Connects to Cross Connect Field) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation Lines Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&W 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V’BR BR-V T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 50 25 - 4-For 83-22 PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS v-s s-v - .__. --_- z-wire E&M - TrUnK . OperatlOn SPARE SPARE -- _.-.. UO NOT SPARE SPARE Connect -- RR and TR leads T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 (CONT’D) Card Positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 SECTION TABLE A3-4 SHELF PLUG P9 (Connects to Cross 2 EXTERNAL Connect PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) Field) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation Line Lead Designation co DID/TIE 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W TI RI T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE tFor 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation MITL9105/9110-98-350 DO NOT connect Trunks E&Mf Card Positions Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 7 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 8 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 9 Tl RI TRl RR1 El Ml 10 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml 11 Tl Rl TRI RR1 El Ml 12 ,- RR and TR leads A3-23 r SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-350 TABLE A3.4 SHELF PLUG PI0 (Connects to Cross Connect PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS (CONT’D) Field) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation Lines Lead Designation Trunks co DID/TIE E&M? 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE tFor P-Wire E&M Trunk operation A3=24 2 EXTERNAL DO NOT connect T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Card Positions 7 8. 9 10 - RR and TR leads T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 11 12 _- SECTION TABLE A3-5 CONSOLE JACK 522 (Connects to Attendant INTERFACE Console BOARD 1) Pin Pair Color Lead Designation 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-E3L BL-R R-O O-R PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS PLUG P23 (Connects to Jack J15) MITL9105/9110-98-350 (SX-200 ONLY) pin Pair Coior Lead Designation GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND ‘6 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUND ELECTROSTATIC GROUND 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 50 25 v-s s-v ov -48V 50 25 v-s s-v ov -48V GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND ! GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND A3-25 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 TABLE A3-5 CONSOLE JACK J24 (Connects to Attendant INTERFACE Console BOARD 2) --I Pair Color Lead Designation ?6 1 ?7 2 28 3 ?9 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROL ELECTROSTATIC GROL DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROC ELECTROSTATIC GROL 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 50 25 v-s s-v 83-28 __~.. (SX-200 ONLY) (CONT’D) PLUG P25 (Connects to Jack J14) Pin ov ~~~ -48V PLUG AND JACK CONNECTIONS GROU GROU GROU GROlj GROC GROC GROC GROl IND IND IND IND IND JND JND JND IND IND JND JND GROL JND GROl JND GROl JND GRO: JND GROl GROL GROl GROl GROl GROl JND JND JND JND JND JND GROl JND GROl JND I 1-> 11 I3 33 Pin Pair Color Lead Designation 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R DATA IN COMMON DATA IN ELECTROSTATIC GROUNI ELECTROSTATIC GROUNI DATA OUT COMMON DATA OUT ELECTROSTATIC GROUN’ ELECTROSTATIC GROUN 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC CUTOVER SWB CUTOVER SWA ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC MAJOR ALARM MAJOR ALARM 36 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y TIP RING ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSJATIC ELECTROSTATIC 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y ELECTROSTATIC ELECTROSTATIC ov -48V OV -48V ov -48V 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V OV -48V ov -48V ov -48V OV -48V 50 25 ____ v-s s-v ov -48V GROUNC GROUN[: GROUNC GROUN[ GROUNI GROUNI GROUNI GROUNI D D D 1 D D GROUNI D GROUNI D GROUNI D GROUNI D GROUN GROUN GROUN GROUN GROUN GROUN D D D D D D GROUN D GROUN D ,- --I i SECTION JUMPERC TIP COTRUNK JUMPERB RING /c-POWER FAIL TRANSFER BOARD JUMPERD PABX TRUNK CARD EQUIPMENT CABINET STATION JUMPERA RING 1 FROM P20orP21 F D Fig. A3-4 Power Fail Transfer -- %\ POWER FAIL TRANSFER BOARD TO INTERCONNECT BOARD RlNG(LINECARD) RlNG(TRUNKCARD) TIP(TRUNKCARD) TIP(LINE CARD) x LINE CARD RING TRUNKCARDRING TRUNKCARDTIP LINE CARDTIP A TIP I\ k;rD 1 JUMPER MITL9105/9110-98-350 Block Diagram RELAYS SHOWN IN TRANSFER POSITION TRANSFERCABLE PABX EQUIPMENT CABLE Fig. A3-5 Power Fail Transfer Wiring Diagram A3-27 ! SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 NIGHT BELL CONNECTION AUXILIARY RELAY AI V' 1 I CROSS INTERCONNECl I 1 NIGHT BELL CONTACT MAXCURRENl 75mA -48V OSA max ov - NIGHT BELL RELAY DIRECT DRIVE NIGHT BELL R(K) CROSS CONNECT w 300!1 - ; SCANNERCARD INTERCONNECT BOARD Pla POWER SUPPLY TB2 --- t NIGHT BELL K ----- - " Ol NIGHT BELL O2 4 O3 -4av FUSEDO.~A 9OV RINGING FUSEDO.lA NIGHT BELL CONTACT MAX CURRENT 75mA "4 O5 ~&?::I()~ i OS %,,,', ---- CARD --- O7 '8 INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG Pia PIN DESTINATION PIN DESTINATION PIN NIGHT BELL 3 K3 NIGHT BELL 3 R(K3) 46 NIGHT BELL 1 Kl 44 NIGHT BELL 2 K2 50 21 NIGHT BELL 1 R(K1) 19 NIGHT BELL 2 R(K2) 25 Fig. A3-8 Night Bell Connections DESTINATION _- SECTION TABLE A3-8 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD CONNECTIONS TO CROSS-CONNECT FIELD Line Pin Pair Color 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 W-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR BR-V Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 50 25 v-s s-v SPARE SPARE Note: t For co Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 Position 12 can be used for 2-Wire E&M Trunk operation and Trunk Connections Shelf DID/lie E & Mt Tl Rl Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml T2 R2 Tl Rl T2 R2 Tl Rl T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 1 Translator Pl Board MITL9105/9110-98-350 (SHELF Plug 1) Numbers P2 P3 P4 001’ 025’ 049’ 073 002 026 050 074 003 027 051 075 004 028 052 076 005 029 053 077 006 030 054 078 007 031 055 079 008 032 056 080 009 033 057 081 010 034 058 082 011 035 059 083 012 036 060 084 013 037 061 085 014 038 062 086 015 039 063 087 016 040 064 088 017 041 018 042 066 090 019 043 067 091 020 044 068 092 021 045 069 093 022 046 070 094 023 047 071 095 024 048 072 096 . 065 ’ 089 - lines, trunks or receiver #4 card. DO NOT connect RR and TR leads. A3-29 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 TABLE A3-8 BACKPLANE TRANSLATOR BOARD CONNECTIONS TO CROSS-CONNECT FIELD Line Pin Pair Color Connections Shelf Extn co DID/Tie E & Mt Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Fil TRl RR1 El Ml T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 Tl Rl XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl Rl Tl Rl TRl RR1 El Ml T3 R3 XT4 XT3 T4 R4 T2 R2 T2 R2 TR2 RR2 E2 M2 w-BL BL-W w-o o-w W-G G-W W-BR BR-W w-s s-w R-BL BL-R R-O O-R R-G G-R Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 R-BR BR-R R-S S-R BK-BL BL-BK BK-0 0-BK BK-G G-BK BK-BR BR-BK BK-S S-BK Y-BL BL-Y Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 R8 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 Y-O O-Y Y-G G-Y Y-BR BR-Y Y-S S-Y V-BL BL-V v-o o-v V-G G-V V-BR Tl Rl T2 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4 T5 R5 T6 R6 T7 R7 T8 50 25 Note: Position 12 can be used for t For P-Wire E&M Trunk operation I Trunk 2 Translator Board Plug 1) Numbers . 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 A3-30 and (SHELF I PI I lines, trunks or receiver #4 card. DO NOT connect RR and TR leads. P8 P9 I PlO I SECTION INTERCONNECT BOARD P18 SPEECH PATH 32 CROSS CONNECT ---------- r----- > MITL9105/9110-98-350 I I MUSIC SOURCE ; FROMJUNCTOR SEIZED FOR PA I ' ] > ACTIVATE PAI CONTROL > CONTROL PAIR 1 I > FROM JUNCTOA SEIZED FOR PA - ----------------------~ ) * A ACTIVATE PAZCONTROL \ I I CONTACT RATING MAX. 75mA 300R I I I I 23 8 48 CONTROL PAIR 2 CUSTOMER ’L---------------SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT TONE CONTROL CARD’ Fig. A3-7 fl Music and PA Connections PA SYSTEM 2 - SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 HARDWARE/EllUIPMENT NUMBERING SHELF 2 (SX-200) PLUGPl PLUGPE PLUGP4 PLUGP3 002 010 018 I 026 034 042 / 050 058 066 1 074 082 090 003 011 019 1 027 035 043 j 051 059 067 1 075 083 091 008 016 024 032 040 048 056 064 072 080 088 096 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii l2 1 I I I I 1118 SHELF 1 SX-lOO/SX-200 NOTE: EOUIPMENT POSITION 001 IS RESERVED FOR THE TEST LINE AND MUST THEREFORE BE EDUIPPEDWITH A LINE CARD TRUNK EQUIPMENT NUMBER IS SAMEASIN‘DIVIDUALTRUNKACCESS CODE. Fig. A3-8 Backplane Translator Board Plug Appearances _- A3-32 SECTION CARD LEAD DESIGNATION POSITION /----TRUNKS----, LINE CO DID/TIE Ti RI T2 R2 T3 R3 . T4 R4 LINE A; T2 R2 53 Ti Rl XT2 XT1 T2 RE Tl RI P5 P17 J14 Ji5 P18 P19 P25 P24 MITL9105/9110-98-350 P22 P23 DESTINATION E&M Tl RI TRl RR1 El Ml !6 1 !7 2 28 3 29 4 X-CONNECT ! -TRUNKS-& CO DID/TIE Tl RI XT2 XT1 T2 R2 Tl RI Tl RI TRI RR1 El Ml 30 , I ‘to, -“,I I I I \ ! I 3: 6 32 7 33 a R4 X-CONNECT RECEIVER 1 NOTCONNECTED TO CABLE 15 CONSOLE 2 T(A) R(A) DATA OUT T(A) DATA OUT R(A) DATA IN TIA) DATA IN R(Aj PA2 CONTROL B PA2 CONTROL A CONSOLE 1 WV R(A) DATA OUT T(A) DATA OUT R(A) DATA IN T(A) DATA IN RiAj PA1 CONTROL B PAICONTROLA MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC IN B MUSIC IN A PA1 OUT B PA1 OUT A PAZOIJT B PA2 OUT A 18 ITE COh COh LE 1 CONNECTEDTOJ22 ,THROUGH LE 2 CONNECTED TO J24 ,THROUGH P P Fig. A3-9 Interconnect Board Cabling A3-33 I j SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 SOURCE fINTERCONNECTBOARD) t J13 1 J14 Fig. A3-10 1 J15 1 Interconnect P23 1 ,177 1 Board Cabling (Cont’d) SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 NIGHT BELL 1 Kl MAINTENANCE CONSOLE Fig. A3-11 Interconnect Board Cabling (Cont’d) A3-35136 I. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 APPENDIX 4 SX-100 MECHANICAL INFORMATION 1. GENERAL A4.01 The MAPS contained in this Appendix detail the procedures to be performed in all mechanical work on the SX-100. These MAPS are used in conjunction with the MAPS outlined in other sections of this practice. A4.02 Due to the similarity both systems. of the SX-100 to the SX-200, MAPS 350-501, 350-510, 350-511 are common for A4.03 There are three versions of the SX-100; rack mounted, wall mounted and cabinet mounted. MAP350-400 deals with exposing each of the three versions of the system for mechanical work. A4.04 The basic synopsis of these MAPS is: a component has been found to be defective, replace MAPS in this appendix describe how to replace a part which is known to be defective. Location the defective components is the topic of Appendices 6 and 7, Parts 5 and 6. it. of TABLE A4-I SX-100 MECHANICAL PROCEDURE Title Expose Reference System M AP350-400 Replace Interconnect, Power Fail Transfer Replace Equipment Replace Power Supply Replace Reserve Battery Replace Maintenance Replace 220V Adapter Replace Console or Console Replace Translator Board Replace Cards in Shelf Shelf and Console Interface Card MAP350-401 MAP350-402 M AP350-403 Back-Up Supply Panel MA P350-404 MA P350-405 MAP350-406 Cable MAP350-501 MAP350510 MAP350-51.1 A4-112 ,I I SECTION EXPOSE TOOLS THE MITL9105/9110-98-350 SYSTEM SX-100 1 REQUIRED 1 Screwdriver, 118 inch 1 Screwdriver, % inch flat blade 1 Phillips screwdriver AT THE FRONT OF THE CABINET (FIG. 400-l) [2A] Turn shelf power off by turning the svstem Power Switch off. on maintenance panel [2B] Turn both primary power switches off. If there is a reserve battery pack turn the battery pack switch off (also) [2C] Remove all AC power cords from their receptacles e--- - AND AND - , J 1 - THE SYSTEM THE AT THE FRONT OF THE CABINET (FIG. 400-l) [3A] Open the front equipment cabinet door [3B] Turn shelf power off by, turning the system power switch off [3C] Turn both rimary power switches off. I P there is a reserve battery pack turn the batterv . pack switch off also. f3Dl Remove all AC Dower cords from their receptacles SYSTEM 0 Is the system rack mounted YES AT RACK MOUNT (FIG. 400-2) [5A] Remove the eight, 6-32 binding head screws [5B] Remove the cabinet cover NO SWING DOWN 16Dl It- [6E] Unlock top cover from cabinet Remove the cabinet top cover If the cabinet is wall mounted (Fig. 400-3) release the strikes and allow the svstem to swina down gently Remove the four. lo-32 bindina head screws from the back cabinet cover Remove the back cabinet cover. (G-) A43 1 SECTION 1 EXPOSE MITL91051911 THE SYSTEM O-98-350 SX-100 1 MAP3507400 I I Issue 1, March Sheet 2 of 7 1980 SYSTEM SHELF POWER MAINTENANCE PANEL RETAINING SCREWS (4) MAINTENANCE PANEL PRIMARY POWER SWITCH SHELF RETAINING SCREWS (8) -- --_ 146-3 EQUIPMENT SHELF Fig. 400-l SX-100 Cabinet Mount i 6 x 6-32 UNC 2 x 6-32"NC 1033745-02 'MOUNTING BRACKET INTERCONNECT MALNTENANCE PANEL RETAINING SCREWS 14) SHELF RETAINING SCREWS (8) Fig. 400-2 SX-100 Rack Mount _~ -> SECTION EXPOSE Fig. 400.3 Wall Mounting THE MITL9105/9110-98-350 SYSTEM SX-100 SECTION 1 EXPOSE M1TL9105/9110-98.350 THE SYSTEM SX-100 rack AT THE REAR OF THE SYSTEM (FIG. 400-4) [8A] Release all cable ties from the cable bar to allow 10 inches (254cm) of slack [SB] Disconnect cables Pl, P2, P3, P4, P18, P19, P20, J13, J14, J15 [8C] Disconnect J302 (optional), the maintenance panel connection ,a;a,;he Out Of Tolerance (OOT) 18Dl (BE] [8F] IYES [llA] Remove the 8, lo-32 retaining screws and washers from the equipment shelf 11B Remove the ground lug wire the equipment shelf and I 11C I Remove power supply. Note that the power supply must be supported - 3’ 191A- AND 1 1 ATTHE REAR OF THE SYSTEM (FIG. 400-4) [9A] Loosen the cable clamp to allow 10 inches (254cm) of slack [9B] Disconnect cables Pl, P2, P3, P4, P18, P19, P20, J13, J14, J15 [9C] Disconnect J302 (optional), the maintenance panel connector and the OOT cable [SD] Disconnect the four cable clamp screws from the power supply (Fig. 400-5) [9E] Remove the power cables from the back of the power supply [9F] Disconnect ground wires (from system cable harness and power supply) on system ground lug [9G] If system was wall mounted swing back into position (Fig. 400-2) 1 NO 181 Disconnect the four cable clamo screws from the power supply ’ (Fist. 400-5) Reri-rove the power cables from the back of the power supply Disconnect ground wires (from system cable harness and power supply) on system ground lug AT THE FRONT OF THE EQUIPMENT (FIG. 400-3) [lOAl Remove the four. lo-32 maintenance panel retaining screws and washers [lOB] Remove the maintenance cable tie from the side of the cabinet [lOC] Remove the maintenance Panel mounted AND I I-+ t L REMOVE MAINTENANCE PANEL 1111 AND r-l REMOVE EQUIPMENT SHELF ,’ 84-6 :-. ,” ; SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 J15 CONSOLE 1 FAIL Fig. 400-4 Rear Cable View POWER SUPPLY RETAINING SCREWS (3) CABLESkWS (4) _- Fig. 400.5 Power Supply Cable Harness SECTION MITL9105/9110~98~350 FRONT [13A] rIl4li I [15A] [15B] If the system was wall release clips on strikes it to swing down gently Connect cables Pl, P2, P18, P19, P20, J13, J14, mounted and allow 1 [15D] [15E] [15Fl [15G] [13B] Place equipment supply in position Secure equipment 8, lo-32 retaining [14A] Place 11481 Secure lII:and ;;cure EQUIPMENT shelf and shelf screws power with and SHELF , ’ !-{ L [14C] MAINTENANCE P3, P4, J15 (Fig. Connect J302 (optional), the maintenance panel connector and the OOT cable (Fig. 400-5) Pluft power supply connectors to t e back of the power supply (Fig. 400-8) Secure power supply connectors with four retaining screws Connect cable ground lug Secure power cable with new cable ties /NSTALL EQUlPMENT ANL I 400-5) [15C] vI OF THE the maintenance panel in with four, lo-32 retaining wasners cable with a new cable PANEL 1151 AND in- --u I . CONNECT CABLES Was the system rack mounted NO YES AT THE RACK MOUNT LOCATION (FIG. 400-4) [17A] Place cover in position [17B] Secure cover with eight, 6-32 ding head screws -WI 1 bin - -1181 ’ AND AND -/ , L\r EvkFE A48 AT THE CABINET LOCATION [18A] Replace rear cover [18B] Secure the rear cover lo-32 retaining screws [18C] Replace top cover [18D] Secure top cover by [18E] If the equipment was mounted, swing the gently and secure in with the clips on the Y I (&ii--) REPLACE TOP BACK COVERS A ND ,- with locking wall cabinet position strikes four, it up SECTION 1 EXPOSE THE M ITL9105/911 O-98-350 SYSTEM SX-100 1 1 MAP350-400 Issue 1, March Sheet 7 of 7 I 1980 I I I Was the system rack mounted YES [20A] [2OB] &C] [20D] Connect AC power receptacles I%:?“, pnth primary cords power 11 to the7 -m swit- LED on power supply panel lights Turn battery pack switch on (optional) Turn shelf power on by turning the system shelf power switch on - [21A] [21B] AND [2;C] [21D] [21E] - Connect the AC their receptacles Turs “,o,th primary power power cords to swit- LED on power supply panel lights Turn battery pack switch on (optional) Turn shelf power on by turning the system shelf power switch on Close and lock front door SYSTEM A4-9110 I.. SECTION @I’ issue 1, March Sheet 1 of 3 MITL9105/9110-98-350 1980 , RETAINING SCREWS (I 1) [lA] Complete MAP350-400 steps 1 to 9C of AND 4 EXPOSE SYSTEM AT THE TOP OF THE SYSTEM (FIG. 401-l) [ZA] Remove P16, P17 and the maintenance panel connector [2B] Remove power cables from the power terminal blocks. Also remove reserve battery backup connection [3Al [3Bl I21 ’ AND F - J l-4 -TREMOVE Fig. 401-l Interconnect Card 131 A- Remove the 11, 6-32 screws that secure the interconnect card to the chassis Remove the interconnect card - POW& TERMINAL BLOCKS CABLES AND I I I REMOVE INTERCONNECT UNPACK AND INSPECT NEW lNTERCONNECT CARD CARD -I A4.11 i,.’ SECTKIN Sheet MITL9105/911 O-98-350 2 of 3 17 Fig. A4-12 401-2 interconnect Card SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 REPLACE INTERCONNECT, POWER FAIL TRANSFER AND CONSOLE INTERFACE CARD SX-100 1 MAP350-401 Issue 1, March Sheet 3 of 3 I . 1980 ( 1 YES ( [7A] [7B] Place new interconnect tion (Fig. 401-l) Secure new interconnect with 11, 6-32 screws car!%A?ged Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report )qq[ in posicard It-INSTALL NEW /NTERCONNECT [BA] [BB] - Connect power cable on power blocks. Also connect reserve battery backup cables if included Connect cables P16, P17 C$JA;$z?;-?;;eps 11 to 20 of CARD AND I-- -TCONNECT -PI [9A] ‘-. 4 - CABLES + AND FINISH WORK MECHANICAL A4-13114 I j‘ SECTION REPLACE -111 ’ [lA] Complete MAP350-400 steps 1 to 9F of 4 - MITL9105/9110-98-350 EQUIPMENT I SHELF W-100 POWER SUPPLY RETAINING SCREWS (3) AND I EXPOSE AT THE (FIG. i2A]. [28] REAR OF THE SYSTEM 402-i) R&&e the three screws that hold the power supply to the equipment shelf Remove the power supply THE SYSTEM 1 4 1 I REMOVE SUPPLY POWER LE SCREWS (4) AT THE FRONT OF THE EQUIPMENT [3A] Remove the eight, lo-32 retaining “,“,‘:,::,~,“,,~~~~h,~~o~~r~rs l-p3 [3B] Remove the equipment snelf POWER SUPPLY RETAINING SCREWS (3) REMOVE [4A] [4B] [4C] Unpack Inspect Check against THE EQUlPMENT SHELF new shelf from new shelf for damage shelf type and quantity invoice UNPACK AND /NSPECT NEW ECMPMENT Fig. 402-l Power Supply Mounting .- A4-15 I t, SECTION 3, REPLACE MITL9105/911 EQUIPMENT O-98-350 SHELF Sx-100 From [4] J NO Was the correct type of shelf received she!%$ged )lqqi 1 NO AT THE FRONT OF THE (FIG. 402-2) 7A Slide new shelf into position new shelf with four,, 10-32 I 78 I Secure retaining screws and finishrng washers [8A] [9A] [lOA] Secure three, 402-l) the power supply with 6-32 retaining screws (Fig. Transfer all cards MAP350-510 Complete MAP350-400 steps 4 AND as per 15 to 22 of I A4-18 container completed and sec- / \ ( +I IRepack item in original return to sui pplier, with tion of Damage IReport c COMPLETE MECHANICAL WORK AND POWER UP THE SYSTEM Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report SECTION REPLACE MITL9105/9110-98-350 EQUIPMENT SHELF SX-100 MAP350-402 Issue 1, March Sheet 3 of 3 1980 SYSTEM SHELF POWER . MAINTENANCE PANEL RETAINING SCREWS (4) 'MAINTENANCE -PRIMARY ,POWER PANEL POWER SWITCH SUPPLY SHELF RETAINING SCREWS (8) EQUIPMENTSHELF 745 -3 FRONTVIEW Fig. 402-2 Shelf Mounting Position ,- A4-17118 I SECTION 1 REPLACE MITL9105/9110-98-350 POWER SUPPLY SX-100 I 1 MAP350-403 ) issue 1, March [Sheet lof2~ 1980 g1 1 Screwdriver, WI Complete MAP350400 steps l/8 inch slotted 111 +----clI 1 to 9F of POWER SUPPLY RETAINING SCREWS (3) AND EXPOSE SYSTEM THE REMOVE SUPPLY POWER CABLES AT THE REAR OF THE SYSTEM (FIG. 403-l) [2A] Remove four, lo-32 retaining screws that secure the power supply cables [3A] [38] Remove the three, 6-32 power supply retaining screws Remove the power supply to the rear of the system I REMOVE SUPPLY [4Al [4Bl [4Cl CABLE SCREWS(4) // Unpack new power supply container Inspect new power supply damage Check Dower SUDDIV tvDe quantity against invoice from for and 1 1 POWER SUPPLY RETAINING SCREWS (3) POWER AND I UNPACK AND /NSPECT NEW POWER SUPPLY Fig. 403-l Power Supply Mounting A4-19 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 c From [4] return to supplier, with completed sec- Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report AT THE REAR OF THE (FIG. 403-l) (7A] ;b”,“e new power [7B] Secure three, the 6-32 SYSTEM supply in posi- 4 AND power supply with retaining screws INSTALL POWER [8A] [8B] [8C] Install power positions Secure power 4-40 retaining Install power cables in former cables screws supply with NEW SUPPLY -181 ’ 4 four, AND ground IcNAsBT;9:sL POWER ml [9AJ Complete MAP350-400 steps 14 to 22 of f v AND COMPLETE ALL MECHANlCAL WORK AND POWER UP THE SYSTEM A420 SECTION M ITL91051911 o-98-350 REPLACE RESERVE BATTERY BACK-UP UNIT SX-100 [lA] Complete steps 1 to 5 of MAP350-400 -cl PI AT THE TOP OF THE SYSTEM (FIG. 404-l) [2A] Remove the battery back-up power cable from the terminal block on the interconnect card AND - Check reserve Check battery CAUTION that the BATTERY switch on the battery pack is set to OFF. that the three switches on the charging unit are set to OFF. 131 [3AJ Remove reserve battery back-up unit from existing location. Note that the charger and batteries are supplied as one unit - 4 REMOVE [4A] 48 t 4C I Unpack new battery back-up unit from container (Fig. 404-2) Inspect new battery back-upunit Check battery back-up unit and quantity against invoice -t- RESERVE IY 7 AND INSPECT Was the correct NEW RESERVE NO * Repack item in original container return to supplier, with completed tion of Damage Report and sec- A4-21 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 J15 CONSOLE 1 FAll I TB301 I I BATTERY +EVdc I -5Vdc I I I I I BATTERY SPARE I I SPARE I II 1I 0 RESERVE BATTERY BACKUP / TB302 I I ~R$$~ I -4BVdc I I I 1I I I 0 I GROUND I I I 9OVac I USER -4BVdc 9OVac 1591 I .Fig. 404-l I A4-22 SX-100 Power Terminal Blocks (Interconnect Board) SECTION I I NO VI [7Al Install new reserve battery back-up unit in position AND i I J INSTALL BATTERY UNIT AT THE TOP OF THE CABINET (FIG. 404-l) [8A] Connect the reserve battery back-u.p power cable to the terminal block on the interconnect board RESERVE BACKUP 161 AND i Ti 1 CONNECT CABLES I11 [BA] Complete steps 15 to 22 of MAP350-400 AND COMPLETE MECHANICAL WORK AND POWER UP THE SYSTEM MITL9105/9110-98-350 REPLACERESERVEBATTERY BACK-UP UNIT SX-100 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 Fig. A4-24 404-2 Example of Reserve Battery Back-up Unit SECTION MITL9105/9110~98~350 REPLACE MAINTENANCE PANEL SX-100 1MAP350-405 Issue 1, March 1980 Sheet 1 of 3 START [lA] Complete steps 1 to 8A of MAP350-400 EXPOSE THE SYSTEM AT THE TOP OF THE SYSTEM (FIG. 405-l) [2A] Unplug the maintenance panel connector from the interconnect board [2B] Release the maintenance Panel cable tie from side of cabinet [2C] ;~;ze marntenance panel con- I AT THE FRONT OF THE SYSTEM (FIG. 405-2) [3A] Remove four, 8-32 retaining screws and finishing washers [3B] Remove the maintenance panel to the front of the system REMOVE THE MAlNTENANCE PANEL CONNECTOR PI REMOVE THE MAINTENANCE PANEL Repack item in original container and A4-25 I , J15 CONSOLE 1 TB301 Fig. 405.1 Maintenance Panel Connector , MAINTENANCE PANEL RETAINING SCREWS (4) MAINTENANCE PANEL PRIMARY POWER SWITCH _-a -..__ / EQUIPMENT SHELF -.i 746.3 Fig. 4052 Maintenance Panel 146-3 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 REPLACE MAINTENANCE PANEL 8.X-100 Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report AT THE FRONT OF THE EQUIPMENT FIG. 4052) 6A] install new maintenance panel in t position [6B] Secure maintenance panel with four, lo-32 retaining screws and finishing washers MAINTENANCE AT THE TOP OF THE EQUIPMENT (FIG. 405-1) [8A] Install the maintenance panel connector on the interconnect board 88 Secure cable with new cable tie maintenance panel con-I 8C I_ Connect nectar 034 Complete MAP350-400 steps AND fNSTALL PANEL MAINTENANCE CONNECTOR 14 to 22 of COMPLETE ALL MECHANICAL WORK AND POWER UP THE SYSTEM (,,,,,, J A427128 I SECTION IREPLACE 220V MITL9105/9110-98-350 ADAPTER I SX-100 lMAP350-406 I TOOLS REQUIRED 1 Screwdriver, slotted 118 inch slotted :: ., ::’ J---cl 111 [lA] Complete MAP350-400 steps 1 to 5 of AND AT THE TOP OF THE SYSTEM [2A] Remove the three, 6-32 retaining screws of the 220V adapter [2B] Remove the ground strap from the system ground lug [2C] F;$o;; system AC cord from [2D] [3Al [3Bl I3Cl _ _ Remove the 220V -PI 4 THE SYSTEM REMOVE THE ADAPTER ’ AND the adapter Uw ‘ack new 220V adapter container Inspect new 220V adapter dati rage Che ck 220V adapter type quantity against invoice EXPOSE from for and I- UNPACK AND INSPECT NEW 220V Was the correct type of 220V adapter ADAPTER NO Repack item in original container b return to supplier, with completed tion of Damage Report and sec. I YES A4-29 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report YES AT THE TOP OF THE (FIG. 406-l) [6A] ;b”,“e the 220V [6B] [6C] [6D] SYSTEM adapter 361 in posi- Secure the 220V adapter with three, 6-32 retaining screws Secure the ground strap on the system ground lug Plug system power cord into the 220V adapter AND INSTALL ADAPTER I [7A] Complete MAP350-400 steps 15 to 22 of ’ . NEW 220V -+-----~A:D I L- b COMPLETE ALL MECHANICAL WORK AND POWER UP THE SYSTEM A430 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 ZOVADAPTER RETAINING SCREWS(3) Fig. 406-l 220V Adapter _- SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-350 APPENDIX 5 SXm200MECHANICAL PROCEDURES 1. GENERAL A5.01 The MAPS contained in this Appendix detail the procedures to be performed in all mechanical work on the SX-200. These MAPS are used in conjunction with the MAPS outlined in other sections of this practice. They will facilatate ease of replacement of component parts. A5.02 The basic synopsis MAPS, replace it. of this part; a component part has been judged to be defective by the use of the TABLE A5-1 SX-200 MECHANICAL PROCEDURE Title or Console Cable Reference Replace Console Replace Interconnect Replace Power Fail Transfer Replace Console Replace First or Second Replace Heat Sink Assembly MAP350-506 Replace Power Supply MAP350-507 Replace Reserve Battery Replace Translator Replace Cards in Shelf Replace Maintenance Replace Wiring MAP350501 Card Interface MAP350502 Card MAP350-503 Card MAP350-504 Shelf MAP350-505 Assembly Back-Up Board Supply MAP350-508 MA P350-509 MAP350-510 Panel Harness MAP350-511 MAP350-512 A5-1 I2 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 REPLACE CONSOLE OR CONSOLE CABLE AND SX-200 TOOLS REQUIRED 1 Screwdriver 0.25 inch blade NO AT NEW CONSOLE [2A] Remove fiberglass tape from top of packing case [2B] Open packing case and remove foam sheet [2C] Remove foam inserts from ends of console (if installed) 12Dl Remove console accessory _ baa_ _ from insert from oackina -12El . Remove console case sheet from .12Fl - Remove oolvethvlene console . [2G] Place all packing materials in paec,:‘ng case for use in reshrp- (A--) --cl PI l AND I UNPACK NEW CONSOLE AT NEW CONSOLE [3A] Remove the two cradle hooks and four panhead screws from accessory bag [3B] Place console face down on desk [3C] 13Dl - . [3E] [3F] %ition one cradle hook as shown in Fig. 501-l. (Cradle hook may be placed at other end of console if preferred) Attach cradle hook to console usina two oanhead screws Position remaining cradle-hook (Fig. 501-l) Attach cradle hook to console with two panhead screws Fig. 501-l INSTALL HOOKS NEW CRADLE (FIG. 501-l) ,: ... j.-: .:. _- A5-3 I ; SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 gi 1 TO SYSTEM AT NEW CONSOLE [4A] Remove the four screws securing the connector cover plate (Fig. [4B] “ve connector cover plate REMOVE NEW CONSOLE CONNECTOR (FIG. 502-2) COVER PLATE Fig. [5A] Remove the four screws securing the connector cover plate (Fig. [5B] %k%e connector cover plate REMOVE OLD CONNECTOR (FIG. 507-2) CONSOLE COVER PLATE NO [7A] Construct and run a new console cable as per Appendix 2 + CONSTRUCT NEW A5-4 CABLE A 501-2 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 : I REPLACE CONSOLE AND OR CONSOLE CABLE SX-200 fSA] _ [SB] f8Cl . - Remove the securing screw from-I the console connector Position and press home console connector Secure connector to console with the securing screw / 9 4 From [fl :,t-;._ - AND NTBp_LcEHCONNECTOR PI ‘I 1 9A Replace connector cover plate I98 I Replace the four cover plate screws 4 AND ON NEW CONSOLE REPLACE CONNECTOR COVER PLATE -1101 - [liA] Place console in correct AND posit I [12A] Remove handset -r ’ POSITION CONSOLE from accessory [12B] #ce handset plug into console (12C] %e handset on cradle hook AND : :: PLUG IN HANDSET (Xi-) v A5.5 I i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 From 1121 [i3A] Repack the defective console per M ITL9105/911 o-98-200 [13B] Return to MITEL - l- FINISH A5-8 SECTION REPLACE I TOOLS REQUIRED 1 Screwdriver 0.25 inch blade [lA] 1B I 1CI [lD] [lE] [lF] [lG] MITL9105/9110~98-350 INTERCONNECT CARD SX-200 I Unlock and open front door Unlock and open rear door Unlock and open rear panel assembly z;t SYSTEM POWER switch to Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source POWER SYSTEM AT REAR OF CABINET [2A] Remove cables J13, J14, J15, P16, P17, P18, P19 (Fi . 502-l) [2B] Remove cable from R ti 232 Port (optional) [2Cl Remove OOT cable and maintenance panel connectors [2D] Remove power cable from terminal block AND REMOVE CABLES AT THE REAR OF THE CABINET [3A] Loosen cable clamps so that the cables have approximately 10 inches (254cm) of slack (Fig. 502-l) AT THE FRONT OF THE CABINET (FIG. Fli2)Unscrew 8 8-32 x 318 inch retaining sciews from the front of the equipment shelves [3C] Pull equrpment shelves forward approximately two inches [4A] [4B] Remove six, 8-32 x 318 inch screws that secure Interconnect card Remove the Interconnect card I- I PULL 141 SHELVES FORWARD ‘I AND ~~iM;VE (,.,,,) INTERCONNECT v A57 1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 ui REPLACE INTERCONNECT CARD SX-200 : _Fig. B-8 502-l Rear Door Cable Locations SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 MAINTENANCEPANEL EQUIPMENTSHELF 2 SHELF 1 - RETAINING SCREWS (8) EQUIPMENT SHELF 1 RESERVE POWER SHELF Fig. 502-2 Equipment Shelf ‘T’ From [S] [5A [5B [5C] Unpack Inspect damage Check against card from container card for physical (Fig. 502-3) card type and quantity invoice UNPACK AND INSPECT CARDS ,- SECTION IREPLACE MITL9105/9110-98-350 INTERCONNECT CARD SX-200 MAP350-502 issue 1, March Sheet 4 of 5 1980 MAINTENANCE PANEL P301 OUT OF TOLERANCE P303 \ 6 a-32 3180 SCREWS TB301 POWER SUPPLY TERMINAL ATT COlr'dOLE 2 J15 P17 INTERCONNECT CABLE ATT CONSOLE1 J14 P19 MISCELLANEOUS !w CAPACITOR J302 RSi32 PORT PRINTER RECi-fDING DEVICE - 48VdC CONSOLE FUSE 1.5 AMP FAST BLO \ \ MAINTENANCECONSOLE J13 Fig. 502-3 P16 INTERCONNECT CABLE interconnect Was the correct type of card received Pia MISCELLANEOUS Card Repack item in original container YES Go to A51 0 [8] ""* _- and SECTION REPLACE MITL9105/9110-98.350 INTERCONNECT CARD : SX-200 gi [8A] [8B] Place Interconnect tion (Fig. 502-l) Sme+;~~;~ wrth card six, 8-32 in posix 318 --I-- 181 5 AND 1 Issue 1, March Sheet 5 of 5 1980 I 1 INSTALL NEW lNTERCONNECT AT THE FRONT OF THE CABINET [9A] Push shelves back into original position [9B] Secure the shelves with 8, 8-32 x 3/8 inch finishing screws and washers [9C] Secure cables in cable clamps REPOSITION [lOA] [lOB] [lOC] [lOD] Plug in cables J13, J14, J15, P16, P17, P18, P19 (Fig. 502-l) Replace cable from RS232 Port (optional) Replace OOT cable and maintenance cable connectors !$p$ce power cable in terminal - Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on [llC] ! [llD] (Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door [ll E] Replace power cables into commercial AC source [llF] Set atl power switches on rear Idoor to on -u SHELVES 1101 AND CABLE CARD NEW INTERCONNECT IllA] El [*.I1 -, CLOSE AND ;;iT;gWER LOCK UP DOORS FINISH A5-11112 I I i SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 REPLACE POWER CARD SX-200 FAIL MAP350503 I TOOLS 1 Screwdriver, REQUIRED .25 inch flat blade (,,,,) [lA] [l B] [lC] [ID] _flE] _ [lF] [lG] Unlock and Unlock and Unlock and assembly S$ SYSTEM open open open front rear rear POWER Ill +--cl door door panel switch to AND Set all power switches on rear door to-off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source I POWER DOWN J SYSTEM PI AT REAR OF CABINET [2A] Remove power [2B] ,m,inJfborzrzrrom + cable from terPower Fall AND --I AT REAR OF THE CABINET [3A] Loosen all cable clamps so that the cables have aooroximatelv 10 inches (254cm) of slack (Fig. ’ 503-l) ;J3;yE [3B] [3C] [4A] [4B] FRONT OF THE CABINET REMOVE CABLES (FIG. 503-l) i I (FIG. Unscrew 8, 8-32 x 3/8 inch retaining screws from the front of the equipment shelves Pull equrpment shelves forward approximately two inches I PULL SHELVES FORWARD Remove six, 8-32 x 318 inch screws that secure the Power Fail Transfer card ;$ove the Power Fail Transfer REMOVE TRANSFER POWER CARD FAIL Issue 1, March Sheet 1 of 5 1980 TRANSFER SECTION Sheet MITL9105/9110-98-350 2 of 5 P21 I’ -7-n CABLECiAMP Fig. A5-14 503-l SECTION I MITL9105/9110-98.350 REPLACE POWER FAIL TRANSFER CARD SX-200 I MAP350-503 issue 1, March 1980 Sheet 3 of 5 MAINTENANCE PANEL - RETAINl?l~Es'~FfEWS (8) EQUIPMENT SHELF 2 SHELF 1 - RETAINING SCREWS (8) - EQUIPMENT SHELF 1 RESERVE POWER SHELF Fig. 503-2 Equipment Shelf ‘-i From 141 t5A58 I [5C] Unpack card from container Inspect card for physical damage (Fig. 503-3) Check card type and quantity against invoice - .“‘. ::,r, .; AND UNPACK AND INSPECT CARD Goto[61 ’ ) A5-15 SECTION 1 Sheet MITL9105/9110-98.350 4 of 5 I P21 POWER Fl-2A POWER FAII .._ TRANSFER RELAYS 3 l 4 5 6 i c \ 3 1 cI 0 6 \ POWER FAIL TRANSFER LED POWER FAIL TRANSFER RELAYS Fig. 503-3 From [5] NO ( car%r!?ged )=dj ) Repack item in original container return to supplier, with completed tion of Damage Report and sec- Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 1 Sheet 5 of 5 [8A] (861 1 Place new Power Fail Transfer card in position (Fig. 503-l) ~~mre;cJ with SIX, 8-32 x 318 - I INSTALL NEW FAIL TRANSFER POWER CARD AT THE FRONT OF THE CABINET [9A] Push shelves back into original position [9B] Secure the shelves with 18, 8-32 x 318 inch finishing screws and washers [9C] Secure cables in cable clamps REPOSITION SHELVES Plug in cables P20, P21 1OB I Replace power cable in terminal t10A block on Power Fail Transfer card -TE;M3bE 1 Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door [ll E] Replace power cables into commercial AC source [llF] Set all power switches on rear door to on NEW INTERCONNECT AND LOCK UP I 4111 4 - AND i CLOSE iliT;;WER DOORS A517118 j SECTION r REPLACE INTERFACE MITL9105/9110-98.350 CONSOLE CARD SX-200 MAP350-504 TOOLS REQUIRED 1 Screwdriver 0.25 inch blade 1 Wrench 7116 inch [lA] [lB] IlCl [lD] [lE] [lF] [lG] [2A] Unlock and Unlock and Unlock and assembly zf”f’ SYSTEM open open open front rear rear POWER cables P22, 1, March Sheet 1 of 4 1980 I door door panel switch to Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source Remove Issue P23, P24, POWER DOWN SYSTEM P25 ZNDCONSOLE NTERFACE CARD REMOVE CABLES ‘F/G. 504-l) lo-32 SCREW HOLES AT REAR OF THE CABINET [3A] Loosen all cable clamps so that 10 the cables have a proximately inches (254cm) o P slack (Fig. 504-l) AT THE g&2’ [3C] FRONT OF THE CABINET J24 / INTERFACECARD (FIG. Unscrew 8 8-32 x 3/8 inch retaining sc;ews from the front of the equipment shelves Pull equipment shelves forward approximately two inches - ‘ULL SHELVES ‘OR WARD GROUND STUD Fig. 504-l Console Interface Card Position A5-19 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 REPLACE CONSOLE INTERFACE CARD SX-200 MAINTENANCE PANEL - RETAdl!E~~FfEWS (8) EQUIPMENT SHELF 2 SHELF 1 RETAINING SCREWS (8) EQUIPMENT SHELF 1 1ESERVE POWER SHELF Fig. [4A] [4B] Remove six, 8-32 x 318 inch screws that secure the Console Interface card Remove card ground from ground [4C] %move Console 504-2 Equipment Shelf AND 4 Interface REMOVE CONSOLE fNTERFACE Unpack cards from containers Inspect cards for physical damage (Fig. 504-3) [5C ;] Check card-type and quantity against invoice CARD ISI ’ [5A] [5B] P25 4 - AND Fig. I UNPACK fNSPEC1 ( AS-20 Goto[6] AND CARDS > 504-3 Console Interface Card SECTION MITL9105/9110~98~350 Issue 1, March 1980 Sheet 3 of 4 161 c Was the correct type of card received ) YES Was the card damaged completed section of Damage Report NO [8A] [8B] [8C] Place new Console Interface card into position (Fig. 504-l) Secure Console Interface card with four, 8-32 x 318 inch screws Secure card ground on system ground lug I I PI l---cl PLACE NEW CONSOLE INTERFACE CARD INTO POSITION AT THE FRONT OF THE CABINET [9A] Push shelves back into original position [9B] Secure the shelves with 16, 8-32 x 318 inch finishing screws and washers [9C] Secure cables in cable clamps AND I [lOA] Plug in cables P24, P25 3 REPOSITION SHELVES AND ,- A5-21 I ’ SECTION [llA [llB I 11C 111 D I [llE] [llF] MITL9105/9110-98-350 Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door Replace power cables into commercial AC source Set all power switches on rear door to on l AND CLOSE JM;;WER ( A5-22 FINISH AND J LOCK UP DOORS SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 1 Sheet 1 of 5 I [lA [lB I [lC] Unpack new shelf Check backplane for cracks and bent pins Check hardware against packing 4 [lD] %$ck TOOLS REQUIRED 1 - Screwdriver 55 blade 1 - Screwdriver No. 10 Phillips I AND fuses (if suppled) A UNPACK CHECK AND SHELF Complete Damage Report Form and return with defective item to the Supplier AT REAR OF CABINET [3A] ;;b($NVERTER 381 I 3C] INPUT switch Set BATTERY switch to OFF Remove power plug(s) from outlet 4 AND POWER ,G&RN(I;T 4A I 48 I DOWN SYSTEM OF THE EQUIPMENT Unlock front door Open front door LOCK FRONT DOOR A523 SECTION REPLACE SECOND [5A] [5B] MITL9105/9110-98-350 FIRST SHELF Unlock Unlock assembly and and OR SX-200 open open I rear rear door panel f - ANQ c I AT REAR OF EQUIPMENT CABINET (FIG. 505-l) [6A] If shelf 1 is to be replaced, unplug cables Pl, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6. If shelf 2 is to be replaced unplug P7, P8, P9, PlO, Pll, P12. [6B] Disconnect the power cable from TBl and TB2 [6C] Remove shelf to shelf cables if a two shelf system (JlOl, J102, J103, J104) [7A] Remove all cards MAP350510 as per UNLOCKBACKDOORS AND I REMOVE ALL FROM SHELF CARDS 461 AT FRONT OF THE EQUIPMENT CABINET (FIG. 505-2) [8A] Remove four, 8-32 x 318 inch finishing screws and washers [8B] Remove shelf AND I I-- I REMOVE SHELF UNPACK NEW [9A] [9B] Unpack Inspect new shelf [SC] %r!%?helf against invoice A5-24 shelf from for physical type and container quantity SHELF SECTION REPLACE SECOND MITL9105/9110-98-350 FIRST SHELF OR SX-200 I ALL FUSES ARE 2 AMP FAST BLO FUSE Fl F2 YELLOW :: 5-a 9-12 13-16 c / IOV . .::85 5:;I 9ov RINGJNG GND SLOTS 1-4 SHELF2 -4BV TB2 ( P12 > ( PI0 > ( pa ) --BROWN TBl Pi _. __ WN3Y /CARiSLOT19 C CARDSLOT 20 / PIN 43 CARD SLOT17 PIN 44 SLOT 16 SHELF1 wlv FUSES SECTION REPLACE SECOND Sheet MITL9105/9110-96-350 FIRST SHELF OR SX-200 4 of 5 MAINTENANCE PANEL - RETAINl%%R’EWS (8) EQUIPMENT SHELF 2 SHELF 1 - RETAINING SCREWS (8) EQUIPMENT SHELF 1 I RESERVE POWER SHELF .Fig. 155-26 505.2 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 return to supplier with tioh of Damage Report ;I;,RNF;T [12A] [12B] OF THE EQUIPMENT Slide new equipment shelf into position Secure new shelf with 8, 8-32 x finishing screws and washers LL NEW AT REAR OF THE EQUIPMENT CABINET [13A] Replace shelf to shelf cables if a two shelf cables (JiOl, J102, J103, J104) [13B] Connect cables Pl, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 if shelf 1 is replaced. Connect cables P7, P8, P9, PlO, Pll, P12 if shelf 2 is replaced [13C] +Xx$?;; power cables to [14A] Replace cards per MAP350-510 in original slots [15Al ‘;$I I15D I Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door Replace power cables into commercial. AC source Set all power switches on rear door to on NNECT [15El CABLES as - P5Fl SHELF 1 REPLACE ALL 1 CLOSE AND AND POWER SYSTEM ( FINISH ) CARDS LOCK UP DOORS .- A5-27128 ; SECTION REPLACE MITL9105/9110~98-350 HEATSINK ASSEMBLY SX-200 MAP350-506 I llA1 ]lCj [lD] [lE] [lF] [lG] Unlock and ock and Unlock and assembly S$ SYSTEM -. . open open open front rear rear POWER TOOLS 1 Screwdriver, REQUIRED % inch switch to SYSTEM , l-l AND from J Remove 10,8-32 screws and lockwashers from heatsink assembly Remove heatsink assembly REMOVE CABLES FROM HEATSINK ASSEMBLY 4 I [4Al 14Sl [4Cl I 4 Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source 1 13Sl slotted door door panel AT REAR OF CABINET (FIG. 506-l) [2A] Remove Canon type connector from heatsink assembly block strip WI Remove terminal TB3 [3Al blade REMOVE ASSEMBLY HEATSINK UNPACK HEATSINK AND /NSPECT ASSEMBLY Unpack new heatsink assembly from container Inspect heatsink for physical damage Check heatsink assembly type and quantity against invoice Repack item in original return to supplier, with tion of Damage Report t container completed and sec- SECTION REPLACE rIssue r Sheet MITL9105/9110-98-350 HEATSINK 1, March 2 of 3 ASSEMBLY SX-200 1980 I RETAINING SCREWS (4) TERMINAL BLOCK CANNON POWER SUPPLY CONNECTOR STRAIN RELIEF Fig. 506-l SECTION REPLACE MITL9105/911 HEATSINK O-98-350 ASSEMBLY SX-200 MAP350-506 1 Issue 1, March 1980 1 Sheet 3 of 3 Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report NO [7A] [7B] Install new heatsink assembly in position Secure heatsink assembly with 10, 8-32 x 318 inch screws and lockwashers -VI 4 v AND INSTALL ASSEMBLY - [8A] [8B] Return Canon type connector to original position Secure terminal block strip TB3 4 NEW [al ’ AND CONNECT [llA] [ll B 11C I t llD] Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door [ll E] Replace power cables into commercial AC source [ll F] Set all power switches on rear door to on - -PI 4 HEATSINK CABLES ’ AND CLOSE ;;iT;;WER AND LOCK UP DOORS I. ‘. ,- AS-31 132 I SECTION REPLACE ASSEMBLY MITL9105/9110-98-350 POWER SX-200 SUPPLY MAP350-507 I [lA] [l B] [lC] [lD] [lE] [lF] [IG] Unlock and Unlock and Unlock and assembly z;t SYSTEM open open open TOOLS REQUIRED 1 Wrench,.7116 inch 1 Screwdnver 316 inch 1 Nutdriver 11132 inch Issue 1, March Sheet 1 of 4 1980 I front door rear door rear panel POWER switch to Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source I- AT THE REAR DOOR OF THE CABINET (FIG. 507-l) [2A] Remove rear panel with a 1:/32 inch nut driver [2B] Repeat steps 2 and 3 of MAP350-506 [2C] it7ccnnect Ground Lug (Fig. [2D] Disconnect nections (Fig. Reserve 507-2) 1 [3A] [3B] Release the four retaining screws from the rear door retaining bar Slz;er,;;;;:g bar up, releasing [3C] F;,;,“J;; power supply I REMOVE ASSEMBLY Battery Conif connected unit d31 AND final RELEASE RETAlNlNG [4A] [4B] [4C] HEATSINK REAR DOOR BAR Unpack new power supply assembly from container Inspect power supply assembly for physical damage Check power supply type and quantity against invoice NEW Was the correct type of power supply assembly received POWER SUPPLY Repack item in original return to supplier, with tion of Damage Report container completed and secI ,- A5-33 I ;: SECTION r Sheet MITL9105/9110-98.350 2 of 4 I RETAINING SCREWS(4) , \ / 1:2: CANNON POWER SUPPLY CONNECTOR STRAIN RELIEF CAELECiAMP Fig. A534 TERMINAL BLOCK STRlPTB3 507-l SECTION MITL9105/911 O-98-350 Issue 1, March 1980 Sheet 3 of 4 POWER SUPPLY TYPE PN9110-008 /CHARGING UNIT RED LEAD -BLACK LEAD HtU LEAD CHARGING UNIT I I( ,I .I I LEAD BLACK LEAD II STUD I :: /L ./ r”YYCfl GRdUND U”LLlY STUD SUPPLY POWER SUPPLY TYPE PN9110-108 LEAD L. tlg. -^- WI-Z _- ^ -I A5-35 : SECTION MITL91051911 O-98-350 REPLACE POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY SX-200 cs)Y= ,=, Tag defectwe item, repack In orlgmai container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report [7Al [7W Place new power supply assembly in place Lower power supply retaining bar and tighten four, 8-32 x 318 inch retaining screws I- AND INSTALL SUPPLY w41 PBI KU WI install heatsink assembly as per MAP350-506 steps 7 and 8 Connect Ground Lug (Fig. 507-2) Connect Reserve Power Supply (Fig. 507-2) if supplied Secure rear panel with 11132 inch nutdriver -4 AND 4 INSTALL ASSEMBLY Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door Replace power cables into commercial AC source Set ail power switches on rear door to on HEATSINK AND CLOSE AND $fiT;iWER FINISH A5-35 NEW POWER ASSEMBLY ) LOCK UP DOORS ,- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 REPLACERESERVEBATTERY BACK-UP SUPPLY SX-200 TOOLS 1 Wrench,.% 1 Screwdrrver, [lA] [lB] flC1 . [lD] [lE] [l F] [lG] - Unlock and Unlock and Unlock and assembly zf”t SYSTEM open front door open rear door ooen rear oanel ’ POWER switch VI I Disconnect [2C] f3YZ%k!t all reserve power supply connections Loosen the cable clamp and remove the AC power cord [2D] reserve power Check reserve Check battery that the BATTERY switch on the battery pack is set to OFF that the three switches on the charging unit are set to OFF. I < Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source [2B] inch 3/8 inch 1 to AT THE REAR OF THE EQUIPMENT CABINET (FIG. 508-l) [2A] 2:r-r battery pack circuit breaker REQUIRED CAUTION The reserve battery pack 125lbs. Care must be taken the battery pack. I POWER DOWN SYSTEM weight is when lifting I -l supply - AT THE FRONT OF THE EQUIPMENT (FIG. 508-2) [3A] Remove the four, 8-32 x 3/8 inch finishing screws and washers from the front panel of the battery pack [3B] Remove the reserve battery backup supply by sliding it forward carefully 1c e REMOVE BATTERY PACK AT THE REAR OF THE EQUIPMENT CABINET (FIG. 508-3) [4A] Remove the two reserve charger retaining screws [4B] Remove the charger to the rear of the system I REMOVE THE (FIG. 508-3) CHARGER ,- A5-37 SECTION MITL9I05/9110-98.350 POWER SUPPLY TYPE PN9110-008 LEAD 2 BLACK LEAD , \ \ CHARGIN G UNIT \ \ I \ I ’ I LEAD STUD POWER SUPPLY TYPE PN9110-108 POWER SUPPLY Fig. 508-l A538 SECTION MITLSI 051911 O-98-350 MAINTENANCE PANEL EQUIPMENT SHELF 2 EQUIPMENT SHELF 1 I-- RESERVE BATTERY BACK-UP RETAINING SCREWS (6) RESERVE POWER SHELF Fig. 508-2 [5A] [5B] [5CJ Unpack new reserve battery back-up from container Inspect new reserve battery backup for damage Check reserve battery back-up type and quantity against invoice /181- I t UNPACK AND /NSPECT RESERVE BATTERY BACK-UP SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 Issue 1, March 1980 Sheet 4 Of 5 Fig. 508-3 YES Was the reserve battery back-up damaged m \ Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report I NO v 8A I88 1 Install new charger unit Secure with two retaining screws 4 PI 1 AND MSTALL UNIT AS-40 : (FIG. NEW CHARGER 508-3) SECTION AT THE FRONT OF THE EQUIPMENT CABINET (FIG. 508-2) [9A] Install new battery pack. Carefully slide into position [9B] Secure new battery pack with four. 8-32 x 3/8 inch finishina scre’ws and washers - 4 BATTERY AT REAR OF THE EQUIPMENT CABINET (FIG. 508-l) [lOA] Connect ground lug [lOB] ;;c&ect all wrrrng as per Fig. [lOD] [llA] 11 B t 1 IC I [liDI PACK I Feed AC cable through cable duct and secure with the cable clamp Turn battery pack circuit breaker on Turn SYSTEM POWER switch Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door [ll E] Replace power cables into commercial AC source [liF] Set all power switches on rear door to on O-98-350 AND INSTALL [lOC] MITL9105/911 Allow reach Note 24 hours for battery a full charge pack to I CABLES - AND !... i. i- A5-41142 1 I I SECTION I I [lA 1B t lC] flD1 . [lE] [l F] [lG] Unlock and open front door Unlock and open rear door Unlock and open rear panel sembly 2 t SYSTEM POWER switch to off Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source - AT THE REAR OF THE EQUIPMENT CABINET (FIG. 509-l) [2A] Unscrew the two 4 x 40 screws from the amphenol type connector [2B] Unplug cables in pairs: P2 or P8 and Pl or P7, P3 or P9 and P4 or PlO [3A] [3B] [4A] [4B] [4C] / ;s;It TOOLS REQUIRED 1 Screwdriver. :‘Jt,“‘“h MITL9105/911 O-98-350 1980 / I ‘A inch I Ill --cl I AND POWER DOWN -0 SYSTEM PI AND DISCONNECT CABLES Remove the four, 4 x 40 slotted retaining screws Remove the translator board Unpack new translator board from container Inspect new translator board for damage Check new translator board type and quantity against invoice I UNPACK AND MdR;RANSLATOR INSPECT Repack item in original container return to supplier, with completed CA3 Go to 161 and sec- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 PI/P7 4 x 4-40 SLOTTED RETAINING SCREWS 0.75in. LONG / ,J31/J35 2 x 4-40 SLOTTED SCREWS 0.75in.LONG \ \\ \ BACKPLANE SECONDTRANSLATOR PLASTIC'SPACER Pl/P7 FlRSTTRANSiATORBOARO BOARD 10522 Fig. A5-44 509-l SECTION Sheet MITL9105/9110-98-350 3 of 3 Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report board damaged NO [7Al [7Bl Place new translator board firmly in place (push in firmly) Secure translator board with $ur,;s x 40 slotted retaining 1-r: I INSTALL WI IW Connect P3/P9, Secure slotted cables P91PlO all cables retaining PllP7, P21P8, with screw one, NEW TRANSLATOR 4-40 I CONNECT Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door Replace power cables into commercial AC source Set all power switches on rear door to on 4 CABLES AND 4 CLOSE AND ;;tT;$WER LOCK UP DOORS (+-) A545146 SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-350 REPLACE CARDS SHELF SX-200 ,A;BA;ETFRONT [lA] [lB] OF Unlock and open Swing front door allow easy access shelf (Fig. 510-l) THE EQUIPMENT front door open so as to to cards in I [3A] Turn shelf power on the maintenance 510- 2) off with switch panel (Fig. Unpack Inspect Check against new card from container new card or damage card type and quantity invoice OPEN DOOR AND POWER DOWN [4A] [4B] [4C] IN SYSTEM v I 1. 2. 3. UNPACK AND Note Do not handle card by gold inlay contacts Beware of static, service person should wear round strap Do not store t atteries for cards,in place,on cards,while in storage INSPECT 1: 510-l CONTROL CARDS TABLE COMMON --.-. _-__ I Type Part Number Card Extractor Color Code RAMKOS Card Memory Expander PROM/RAM Expander PROM/CPU Card Scanner Card Tone Control Card 911 O-002 9110-018 9110-119 911 O-003 911 O-004 911 O-005 White . . ...-- Brown Brown Red Orange Yellow ,- A547 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 MAINTENANCE PANEL EQUIPMENTSHELFP EOUIPMENT SHELF1 3ESERVE POWER SHELF Fig. 510-2 Maintenance Panel SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 REPLACE CARDS SHELF SX-200 IN MAP350-510 Issue 1, March Sheet 3 of 3 1980 (Yyi-) 151 t Was the correct type of card received ) Repack item in original container return to suppher, with completed “O’l,i........;..,j and set card damaged I [7A] Remove extractors card card by prying back and gently remove card 17 1----r-l AND M - NO -CAUTION NOTICE REMOVE CARD [8A] Insert new card card extractors gently fiat and push I- NUMBER AND l - ,PART T INSERT NEW CARD -PI [9A] 1961 Turn Close shelf and power back on lock front door - TRANSPARENT FRONT PANEL t AND POWER UP SY , Fig. 510-3 Typical Circuit CARD EXTRAC :TOR Card AS-49150 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 c 1 REPLACE MAINTENANCE PANEL SX-200 MAP35051 1 Issue 1, March Sheet 1 of 2 I 1980 [lA] [lB] [iC] 11Dl [lE] [lF] [lG] Unlock and Unlock and Unlock and assembly Set SYSTEM [2B] front rear rear POWER -.. door door panel switch to nff Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source $TTHETREAR [2A] open open open OF THE Disconnect maintenance cable from interconnect Cut tie wrap from top SYSTEM EQUIPMENT panel card of cabinet REMOVE CABLE REMOVE MAINTENANCE AT THE FRONT OF THE MAINTENANCE PANEL [3A] Remove the four retaining screws from the maintenance panel [3B] Remove the maintenance panel [4A] [4B] [4C] Unpack new maintenance from container Inspect new maintenance for damage Check maintenance panel and quantity for damage panel panel type ( - AND 7 -I UNPACK AND /NSPECT NEW MAINTENANCE PANEL A5-51 :i. SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 REPLACE MAINTENANCE PAN EL SX-200 1 MAP35051 1 Issue 1, March Sheet 2 Of 2 I 1980 7 From [4j Was the correct type of maintenance panel received Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report YES eTTTETFRONT WI WI OF THE Place new maintenance place Secure the maintenance with four, 3-32 finishing and washers EQUIPMENT panel 1 in #I61 ” t E AND panel screws - . I ‘171 ’ Install the maintenance panel connector on the Interconnect card Secure with new cable tie AND l- A CONNECT Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door Replace power cables into commercial AC source Set all power switches on rear door to on CABLE I *I81 ’ AND L CLOSE AND ~bfV;WER LOCK UP DOORS SECTION M ITL9105/9110=98-350 ml REPLACE WIRING HARNESS I Sheet [lA Unlock and open front door [l B 3 Unlock and open rear door [lC] Unlock and open rear panel assembly [lD] E$t SYSTEM POWER switch to [lE] -. . Set all power switches on rear door to off Set battery switch to off Remove power cable(s) from commercial AC source AND POWER DOWN 421. $;BT;;TBACK 2A] I 281 OF THE 4 -t11 ‘I 1, EQUIPMENT Unscrew canon connector Cut all cable ties associated the power cable AND with lDISCONNECT CONNECTOR [34 [3Bl SYSTEM CANON (F/G. 572-1) Disconnect all terminal blocks on; Power Fail Transfer cards, Interconnect card and Shelf Backplanes (Fig. 512-2) Cut all cable ties TERMINAL [4A] [4B] [4C] Unpack new power cable from container Inspect new power cable for %r.?!zower cable type and quantity against invoice l- 1 of 4 SX-200 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 RETAINING SCREWS (4) TERMlNAL BLOCK CANNON POWER SUPPLY CONNECTOR STRAIN RELIEF _Fig. 512.1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 1 1 Sheet 3 of 4 From [4] i-> Repack item In original container return to supplier, with completed tion of Damage Report and sec- YES Tag defective item, repack in original container and return to supplier with completed section of Damage Report NO 17AJ install new power cable in car-rect position using new cable ties [7Rl Secure terminal blocks on; back lanes, Interconnect card and Bower Fail Transfer card (Fig. 512-l) [7Cl Secure cable with new cable ties - -VI 4 ’ AND . NEW POWER INSTALL CABLE (FIG. 512.1) m41 Connect canon type connector (Fig. 512-1) -l- CONNECT CONNECTOR WI WI Turn SYSTEM POWER switch on Close and lock front door Set battery switch on Close and lock rear panel assembly and rear door Replace power cables into commercial AC source Set all power switches on rear door to on CLOSE AND CANON (FIG. LOCK TYPE 572-1) DOORS ,- AS-55 I ” -.- SECTION _. : MITh9105/9110-98-350 REPLACE WIRING HARNESS SX-200 MAP350-512 Issue 1. March Sheet 4 of 4 1980 OOTCONNECTOR BROWN V f4 BLUE WHITE/BLUE BROWN ORANGE ORANGE YELLOW BLUE A CUTOVER CARD I V GRAY BROWN BLUE .Fig. A5-56 512-2 Wiring Diagram SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 APPENDIX 6 POWER CHECKS General This appendix consists of a series of MAPS which will be directly referenced six, SX-lOO/SX-200 Power Supply. The appendix is also referenced directly five, Fault Report Troubleshooting and Cross Reference. by the charts of part by the tables of part A8.01 These MAPS describe how to measure the electrical voltages in key areas of the SX-100 or SX-200. The measurements will aid the repair person in the location of a specific fault. At all times the repair person should follow the safety precautions suggested in the MAPS to ensure personal and equipment safety. A6.02 A6.03 Table A6-1 is a listing or SX-200. of all power checks that may be performed when troubleshooting . MAP350-600, Power Supply Check deals with the SX-200 power primarily with the system not running or a major power failure . MAP350-601 . MAP350-602 deals with a suspected power failure system may or may not be in a transfer condition . MAP350-603 deals with the voltages SX-100 or SX-200 . MAP350-604 up . MAP350-605 outlines the procedure power fail transfer and interconnect for checking the voltages card of the SX-100 . MAP350-606 up for checking deals with a suspected outlines outlines the procedure the procedure power failure that appear for checking supply only. This map deals on or at the interconnect on the Power on the terminal the voltage the voltage card of the SX-200 Fail Transfer blocks an SX-100 card where of the backplanes in an on the SX-200 Reserve Battery to the combined console the Back- interface, on the SX-100 Reserve Battery Back- TABLE A6-1 POWER CHECKS sx-200 Power Supply Check Interconnect Card Power Fail Transfer Card Backplane(s) Reserve Batterv Back-Up I MAP 350-600 350-601 350-602 350-603 350-604 sx-100 Interconnect Card Backplane Reserve Battery Back-up MAP I 350-605 350-603 350-606 A8-1 I2 SECTION POWER MITL9105/9110-98-350 SUPPLY CHECK SX-200 MAP350-600 Issue 1, April Sheet 1 of 5 80 START I [2A] [2B] [2C] CAUTION System Power will be on Is the AC power LED on (Fig. 600-l) I Check that the AC power cord i7 plugged in Check the AC power fuse (Fig. 600-l). If the fuse is blown replace it with one of equal value. If it blows again replace the power supply as per MAP350-507 Plug a trouble light (or other piece of eauipment) into the butlet as a’t&st for ihe presence of AC voltage. If no voltage is present check for a faulty AC outlet - YES NO I Is the converter NO ON THE [4A] POWER SUPPLY DOOR - Check that the converter 20 Amp circuit breaker is in the on position. If it is off flip it to the on position AND CHECK C/RCU/T BREAKER ,- A8-3 : I SECTION YES NO MITLSI 05/9110.98-350 . 1 Replace the per MAP350.506 heatsink assembly as (--Lk-) El / [7Cl [7Dl Unlock and open front door Ensure that the maintenance power switch is on Unlock and open the back door of the system Measure for 64Vdc (reference to round) at TB3 on the backdoor of t8, e system as per Fig. 600-2 J CHECK I FOR 64Vdc TB3 NO -BATT -64VDC 1 -0 YES Replace the MAP350-507 --48VDC -90VAC power supply .ov I -ESG -NC Fig. 600-2 Terminal Block 3 Go to [9] (hi--) ,- as per 1 SECTION r POWER r MITL9105/9110~98-350 SUPPLY CHECK SX-200 I MAP350-600 PA1 Check the @&ence backplane to ground) voltages. as per Fig. < AND - YES t11Al If the system still has an apparent power fault, contact your nearest authorized MITEL service representative Replace the heatsink per MAP350-505 assembly as SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 BLUE \ GREEN ORANGE \ I A 1 YELLOW POWER SUPPLY VIOLET GRkY TG TBI TBI TBI TBI TB2 TB2 TB2 PIN l 2 : 4 2 WIRE COLOR SIGNAL NAME ORANGE BROWN YELLOW VIOLET BLUE BROWN GREY avoc MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE -Y/DC -1ovrlc -48VDC GNO OR OV SOVAC YELLOW BROWN EiRoiYN ORANGE BLii MAXIMUM ACCEPTABLE 7.6VDC -4.7VDC -9.5VDC -45.OVDC B.4VDC - 5iVDC -10.5VDC -52.OVDC 85;AC 95;AC 1631-1 ,- Fig. 600-3 Backplane Voltages I; I SX-200 A8-?I8 SECTION I INTERCONNECT MITL91051911 O-98-350 CARD I START .:.: .. mill [lA] [lB] Unlock $r~~~co; and and open open the the rear panel power supp- ( ,t.‘ _:._: AND EXPOSE [2A] Check the terconnect console fuse on the card (Fig. 601-l) in- THE /NTERCONNECT AND I 1 CHECK Was [4A] [4B] [4C] Power down the system by turning the convertor input breaker on the rear door off Carefully remove the fuse and replace it with one of equal value Power up the system by turning the convertor input breaker on the FUSE (FIG. 601-7) console 4 I I Go to Step [8] Ll Go to [51 86-9 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 GREEN ORANGE \ \ BLUE LUE WHITE/BL YELLOW / NGE OUTOF TOLERANCE P30\3 I YELLOW 1, MAINTENANCE PANEL p3/01 P302 PRINTER . RS232 PORT VIOLET - 48Vdc CONSOLE FUSE GRAY YELLOW BROWN BROWN ORANGE BLUE MEASURE -48VOC (WITH RESPECT TOGROUND) M AINTENANCE J13 CONSOLE 2 J14 ALSO MEASURE -48VDC Fig. A6-10 601-l (-45VDC TO -5ZVDC)AT Interconnect Card TEST POINT 1. 1611! SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 INTERCdNNECT CARD I 1 MAP350-601 [6A] [6B] [6C] [6D] Unplug the console cable Power down the system by turning the converter input breaker on the rear door off Carefully remove the fuse and replace rt with one of equal value Power up the system by turning the converter input breaker on 1 - Issue 1, April Sheet 3 of 6 I 80 AND I 7 NO [8A] Install the Disconnect cable I Replace the MAP350-502. is in place interconnect Ensure that card as per a new fuse I console cable only. the console from the I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 From IS] + Did the [lOA] Replace the MAP350-501 console cable trouble as per - -I- REPLACE THE CONSOLE THE T Is there still NO interconnect YES 1r AT THE INTERCONNECT CARD [13A] Measure all voltages (respect iroy,nd) on TB301 as per Fig. 4131 to 4 AND 1 CHECK VOLTAGES YES NO A6.12 [llA] Replace the MAP350-501 console as per SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 I INTERCONNECT I : CAR MAP350-601 I [15A] Perform all power checks in MAPSO-600 [17A] Replace the cable harness MAP350-512 as per REPLACE CABLE MEASURE CONSOLE [18A] [16A] Measure the console -48Vdc at test point one (- end of large capacttor to ground) on the mterconnect board as per Fig. 601-l - 48Vdc A8.4 3 I j.-: i SECTION Sheet MITL9105/9110-98.350 6 of 6 Was the - 48Vdc console present YES [20A] Replace the interconnect per MAP350-502 card as -t- [21A] If the system still has an appare!t interconnect card power problem contact you nearest authorized MITEL service representative 1 4 ,- A6-14 SECTION r [IA] [1B] I CAUTION System Unlock rfo;7 and and Power will be on open open the the rear panel power supp- EXPOSE TRANSFER [2A] Check transfer the fuse on the power card Fig. 602-l MITL9105/9110-98-350 TOOLS 1 AC-DC REQUIRED Voltmeter I POWER FAIL CARD fail Was Power Transfer the Fail fuse / ‘ES [4A] [4B] [4C] Power down the system by turning the converter input breaker on the rear door off Carefully remove the fuse and replace It with one of equal value Power up the system by turning the converter input breaker on the rear door on NO YES f-i Go to (61 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 161 AT THE POWER FAIL TRANSFER CARD [6A] Measure all voltages with respect to ground as per Fig. 602-l It- + 1 AND a power problem YES WI Replace the power fail transfer card as per MAP350-503 r AND t 4 CHECK VOLTAGES Were all the volta es within to Berance c5 Go to [X3] [lOA] Perform Power Checks in MAP350-600 w PERFORM POWER CHECKS SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 Sheet 3 of 4 GREEN ORANGE \ \ BLUE [BROtiN BLUE WHITE/BLUE RiO YELLOW ORA‘NGE YELLOW I TBl / POWER FAILTRANSFER TG PIN WIRE COLOR SIGNAL NAME TBl 2 YELLOW -5VDC Fig. 602-l MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE -4.7VDC Power Fail Transfer MAXIMUM ACCEPTABLE -5.3VDC Card A8-1 i SECTION POWER MITL9105/9110-98.350 FAIL TRANSFER MAP350-602 Eue r 1, April Sheet 1 80 4 of 4 NO [12A] Replace the Wiring per MAP350-512 Harness as I- REPLACE HARNESS P3Al WIRING If the system still has an apparent power fault in the power fail transfer card contact your nearest authorized MITEL service representative .- SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 BACKPLANE(S) MAP350-603 1 Issue 1, April Sheet 1 of 3 I [2A] [2B] Unlock pto;F and and open open rear panel the power EXPOSE I-- supp- THE AND AND BACKPLANE(S) EXPOSE I (5A] [5B] [5C] Power the system ing the converter Replace the fuse equal value Power the system the converter input down by turninput switch off with one of up by turning switch on NO YES 80 TOOLS 1 AC-DC REQUIRED Voltmeter I 3 [3Al THE BACKPLANE Complete MAP350-400 steps 1 to 6 of SECTION MITL9105/9110~98-350 YELLOW PIN1 Pll 2 3 4 5 . rB 5 SHELF2 L 12345 TB2 + F41Fm E PIN39 p CARDSLOT 20 1 c ( PlO F21 P8 VEZXI PIN 21 /CARD~LOT~~ ?a 5 B 5J1 SHELF1 PIN1 2 3 4 5 -FUSES L c . /-BROWN ALL FUSES ARE 2AMP FAST BLO FUSE SLOTS Fi 1-4 F2 5-8 F3 9-12 F4 13-16 A8-20 \ 1 TBl TBl TB2 TB2 TB2 I 1 , 1 4 2 I VIOLET ORANGE GREY BROWN BLUE i Fig. 603-l 1 I -1OVOC +aVDC SOVAC ov -48VDC Backplane 1 -9.5VOC +7.6VDC 81 VAC -45VDC Voltages I 1 -lO.SVDC +8.4VOL 99VAC -52VDC I CrlP SECTION [9A] r$rrn MITL9105/9110-98-350 ::. the power checks in 350-600 SX-200 350-605 SX-100 PERFORM IPOWER SUPPLY CHECK 1 r[l l]J= PlAl Replace the power supply as per MAP350-507 MAP350-403 SX-200 SX-100 - AND AND 4 WA1 Replace the wiring harness as per MAP350-512 SX-200 I [13A] If the system still has an apparent power fault, in the backplane(s) contact your nearest authorized MITEL service representative 4- A8-21122 1 SECTION I RESERVE sx-200 MITL9105/9110-98-350 BATTERY BACK-UP I MAP350-604 I Issue 1, April Sheet 1 of 2 I 80 1 TOOLS REQUIRED 1 AC-DC Voltmeter I 111 ::.‘ : [lA] lJJ:eyk and open the rear door BATTERY AT THE RE AR OF THE RESERVE BATTERY BACK UP [2A] Ensure that batteries have been charaina for at least 24 hours [2B] r14twe voltages as per Fig. I MEASURE VOLTAGES directing [4A] Replace as per reserve battery MAP350-508 section back-up REPLACE BATTERY RESERVE BACK-UP UN/T A8-23 : : /. i SECTION RESERVE sx-200 M ITL9105/911 BATTERY O-98-350 BACK-UP MAP350-604 Issue 1, April Sheet 2 of 2 80 RED LEN POWER SUPPLY TYPE PN9110-008 POWER SUPPLY TYPE PN9110-108 TB PIN WIRE COLOR SIGNAL NAME MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE MAXIMUM ACCEPTABLE TB2 TB2 2 3 RED BLACK -4BVDC -48VDC -45VDC -45VDC -52VDC -52VDC Fig. 604-l Resenre Battery Back-Up SX-200 II SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 INTERCONNECT CARD SX-100 MAP350-605 Issue 1, April Sheet 1 of 7 80 Is the AC power LED on Fig. 605-l YES K-41 [.=I PC1 [3Al Check that the AC power cord ifl plugged in Check that the AC circuit breaker is in the on position Plug a trouble light (or other piece of equipment) into the outlet as a test for the presence of AC voltage. If no voltage is present check for faulty AC power outlet Complete MAP350-400 steps 1 to 6 of THE TOP ] C$e;k [4B] . . . OF THE all fuses EQUIPMENT as shown In Fig. Replace any fuse that is blown with one of equal value by; Powering down the system by turning of the maintenance panel system power switch Carefully replace the fuse Power up the system by turning the system power switch on F3 TESTPo'NT 7 EXPOSE THE SYSTEM --El 41 AND SOVAC USER -48VDC USER YFZ \\ rF1 -48VOC CONSOLE Fig. 605-2 1 fuses blown ; ; ! Fuses A8-25 1 -1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 INTERCONNECT CARD SX-100 MAP350-605 Issue 1, April Sheet 2 of 7 80 SYSTEM SHELF POWER RETAINING SCREWS (4) MAINTENANCE PANEL PRIMARY POWER SWITCH i , ‘SHELF POWER SUPPLY RETAINING SCREWS (8) EQUIPMENT SHELF 746 -3 FRONT VIEW c4 Fig. 605-l SX-100 _- A8-26 SECTION 461 [6A] [8A] [8B] [8C] Troubleshoot recommended turer of the the user device by the manufacuser device : + as .: Remove all console cables Power down system and replace ;,“nseole fuse with a fuse of equal Power MITL9105/9110-98-350 - AND AND 4 up system . * ISOLATE INTERCONNECT 91 console fuse v NO Replace the MAP350401 [lOA] Plug in one console cable at a time until all are in. Ensure that there are no consoles attached to the cables - t-i 1 AND I I CHECK CABLES CONSOLE interconnect card as per SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 1 INTERCONNECT CARD SX-100 m-605 I Issue 1, April Sheet 4 of 7 80 NO [124 Connect one console at a time to the good cables and observe the fuses after each connection 4 AND 1 CHECK [13A] [138] [14Al Replace the cable that caused the fuse to blow as per MAP350401 CONSOLE Replace the console that caused the console fuse to blow as per MAP350-501 Replace the fuse with one of equal value Measure 605-3 all voltages as per VOLTAGES A8-28 SECTION MITL9105/911 INTERCONNECT CARD O-98-350 SX-100 MAP350-605 TG TB301 TB301 TB301 TB301 TB301 TB301 TB301 TB302 TB302 TB302 TB302 TB302 TB302 TB302 TB303 PIN : 3 4 i 7 : 3 4 Issue 1, April Sheet 5 of 7 WIRE COLOR SIGNAL NAME MINIMUM MAXIMUM ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE WHITE ORANGE YELLOW BROWN GREEN BLUE GREY BATT +8VOC -5VDC +7.6VDC -4.7VDC +8.4VDC -5.3VDC I -48VDC SOVAC BATT OOT 8VDC -45.OVDC 8OVAC -45.OVDC +7.6VDC -52.OVDC 99VAC -52VDC -8.4VDC ii USER -48VDC USER SOVAC OOT 8VDC -45.OVDC 80VAC +7.6VDC -52.OVDC 99VAC +8.4VDC BLUE/WHITE z ; 60 1 I 1638-I Fig. 605-3 Interconnect Card A8=29 ! SECTION MITL9105/9110-9.8-350 Were the voltages within tolerance Replace MAP350-403 the Power Supply I I? 1 (T&T) P61 [ISA; Assure white/green +8Vdc wire COOT) on the of P303 4 AND I CHECK FOR OOT NO A8-30 as per SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 INTERCONNECT NO ! CARD SX-100 System is in Power Fail transfer. Remove it by setting all maintenance panel switches to disable, master to Normal. If still in Transfer, replace interconnect card. [19A] Measure the console -48Vdc (with respect to ground) at test point one as per Fig. 805-2 A Was console - 48Vdc present YES [21A] Replace the interconnect as per MAP350-401 board - AND . + [22A] If the system still has an apparent power fault, on the interconnect card contact your nearest authorized MITEL service representative THE /NTERCONNECT BOARD < A8-31132 Ii SECTION RESERVE MITL9105/9110-98-350 BATTERY BACK-UP SX-100 y START ,; \ -111 [lA] Complete MAP350-400 steps 1 to 6 of AND EXPOSE [2A] Measure voltages per Fig. :: .-..=: 1“ THE SYSTEM AND 606 MEASURE VOLTAGES directing [4A] Replace as per Reserve MAP350-404 Battery Back-Up . section AND 4 REPLACE BACK-UP RESERVE BATTERY v FINISH A6-33 I j SECTION RESERVE MITL9105/9110-98.350 BATTERY BACK-UP SX-100 1 MAP350-606 Issue 1, April Sheet 2 of 2 80 SX-100 PABX OVdc R INTERCONNECT CABLE HARNESS II C TO ALARM INDICATOR IF REWIRED TBl , RESERVE BATTERY 0 LYLY -- GROUNOSTUO __ --I __ TB PIN WIRE COLOR SIGNAL NAME MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE MAXIMUM ACCEPTABLE TB302 1 BLACK -48VDC - 45VDC - 52VOC .- Fig. A6-34 606-l Reserve Battery Back-Up 1641.1 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98.350 APPENDIX 7 TROUBLESHOOTING MAPS 1. GENERAL The MAPS contained in this Appendix detail the procedures to be performed in all actual card troubleshooting on the system. These MAPS are used in conjunction with the MAPS outlined in other sections of this practice. Due to the similarity of the SX-iOO/SX-200 PABX’s all the MAPS of this appendix are common to each system. A7.01 A7.02 Table A7-1 is a listing of all MAPS contained in this section. TABLE A7-1 TROUBLESHOOTING I Title ~Common Control Test ~Speech Path Test Cabling Test Paging Test Night Bell Test Music On Hold Test I Reference I MAP350-701 MAP350-702 MAP350-703 MAP350-704 MAP350-705 MAP350-706 A7-l/2 1. i SECTION PAI I COMMON t MAP350-701 MITL9105/9110-98.350 CONTROL Issue 1, June Sheet 1 of 3 I I 1980 Unless immediate required this test performed during Complete all voltage measurements in MAP350-fX3~~~[1’~~ TEST Note remedial action should not be traffic conditions. is I CHECK BACKPLANE VOLTAGES Take the remedial MAP350.603 action suggested by retaining bar I YES mounted Unlock Remove and open the card the front retaining door bar - AND system AND KE 1 T [5A] Remove the card EEE t !Ff .-_ :/:I- SECTION [6A] MITL9105/9110-98-350 Remove all line, trunk, and console control cards reference MAP350510 I REMOVE COMMON ALL CARDS CONTROL BUT THE CARDS [7A] Press the MASTER RESET on the Scanner card button 4 I RESET problem [9B] [9C] [9B] The problem is in one of the cards removed Plug each card in and press the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card. Replace the card that causes the problem. If the problem persists with a known (good) card replace the equipment shelf SX-100 MAP350-402.SX-200 MAP350-505 Return to step 10 if the problem persists [lOA] Change the Common Control cards one at a time with the system power off at each card [lOB] %&?he on the [lOC] MASTER RESET Scanner card after button each %~&% steps [lOA] and [lOB] until all cards have been replaced - 1. SYSTEM remain NOI [9A] THE YES r191 AND ?, NOTE I I CHECK THE COMMON CONTROL CARDS Ignore E012 errors I SECTION COMMON MITL9105/9110-98-350 CONTROL ’ TEST MAP350-701 From Issue 1, June Sheet 3 of 3 1980 [lo] If the itialize I RAM and COS card reprogram was replaced, the system In- YES Disconnect all and push the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card. If the error persists go to step [14], if it does not, replace Shelf 2 as per MAP350-505 and install new Shelf Cables YES -1131 Replace the equipment per MAP350405 shelf as 4 + AND REPLACE [14Al If the system still parent card fault, nearest authorized representative i 1 EQUIPMENT SHELF :: 7 has an apcontact your MITEL service + CL j. : FINISH A7.518 I SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 Note be This test requires that the s stem turned off..lf possible, it shou r d be perf;med durmg a period of low (or no) traf- [2A] [2B] Unlock Remove and open the card the front retaining door bar --I- Remove EXPOSE CARDS EXPOSE [4B] Remove all Receiver cards reference MAP350610 Press the MASTER RESET on the Scanner card card retaining bar CARDS [IJ : [4A] the Ignore all E012 errors that may button --I- the error Insert one Receiver card and press the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card. If no error appears on the Scanner card repeat this step for each Receiver card. If the error persists after the replacement of all Receiver cards go to MAP350.701. return YES WV WI WI Leave the Receiver cards out of the system Turn off the system power on the maintenance panel Re lace the Tone Control card (re Perence MAP350-510) with a known (good) spare 7 r'"1 1 AND I- REPLACE CONTROL THE TONE CARD A7-7 I I SECTION 1SPEECH MITL9105/911 PATH Issue 1, June Sheet 2 of 3 O-98-350 TEST I 1980 Return [8A] [8B] I that were Return all good cards that to their original positions. defective card to MITEL. were YES Remove half the line and trunk cards (reference MAP350-510) Press the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card 1-i AND 1 REMOVE TRUNK A7-8 removed Replace the Console Control card (reference MAP350-510) with a known good spare Press the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card - I [lOB] cards YES Did the error return within 2 minutes [lOA] all good L/NE CARDS AND (NOTE 1) removed Return the I SECTION SPEECH PATH MITL9105/9110-98-350 1 TEST Did the error return within V3Cl The problem is in the line or trunk cards that were removed Replace half the removed cards Press the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card If the error appears the problem is in the cards replaced. Remove half of them and perform step [13C]. Alternate between [13B] and [13C] until the defective card is located through a process of elimination Return defective ]13Al V3Bl [12Al [1W The problem is in the remain line or trunk cards Repeat step [14] for the remaining cards until the defective is located through a process elimination AND ( Doe;Jz;rror - )No ]]I cards to MITEL YES -1151 [15A] Perform the Common test MAP350-701. This Speech Path problem Control is not a 4 ’ AND PERFORM CONTROL COMMON TEST A7-9110 I SECTION CABLING WI [l Bl WI UDI Disconnect the suspect cable from the backplane Disconnect a known good cable on the backplane Plug the suspect cable into the good cables connector on the backplane Press the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card I TEST I I Note Disregard (::F)NO,o, This next MITL9105/9110-98-350 is not a cable stop of MAP all E012 errors I i problem or chart return to the that dwected YES I31 [3A] Replace or repair suspect cable 1 ii I- AND REPLACE CABLE A7-11112 I : SECTION I MITL9105/9110-98-350 PAGING TEST I MAP350-704 1 Issue 1, June 1980 Sheet 1 of 3 AT THE CROSS CONNECT FIELD [lA] Clip a butt-in on the check points indicated b Fig. 704-l and listen for audio a Yter dralrng .’ the access code [lB] Check the continuity of the cable by measuring the DC resistance of the circuit. The resistance of the paging transformer is 40 R (test pt 1, Fig. 704-l) l NO [3Al Measure for 3000 DC resistance test pt 2 Fig. 704-1, after the paging access code has been dialed [5A] Turn off the system power at the maintenance panel Replace the Scanner card reference MAP350-510 Turn on the system power at the maintenance panel Reset the system by pressing the MASTER RESET button on the Scanner card t 4 ) Change the MAP350.510 Tone Control card reference AND YES [5B] [5C] [5D] A7-13 I ; SECTION PAGING MITL9105/9110-98-350 TEST MAP350-704 Issue 1, June Sheet 2 of 3 1980 Frnm 53 [6A] Access PAGE the pager by pressing button on the console (51 161 AND TEST PAGER FINISH WI Replace the interconnect card and all interconnect cables as per MAP350-401 for the SX-100 MAP350-502 for the SX-200 3--[Ag - or I REPLACE /NTERCONNECT CARD AND CABLlNG FINISH I YES [l W A7-14 If the system still has an apparent paging fault, contact your nearest authorized MITEL service representative ( SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 INTERCONNECT BOARD PI8 CROSS CONNECT --------_------ SPEECH PATH 32 FROM JUNCTOR SEIZED FOR PA ACTIVATE PA1 CONTROL FROM JUNCTOR SEIZED FOR PA SYifEM 2 ACTIVATE PA2 CONTROL TONE CONTROL CARO' -----------------------I TEST POINT PIN NUMBERS :1 20. 45 22, 18. 43 47 2 23. 48 Fig. 704-l :SJJJPL'EO EQUIPMENT - -----------~~, VCHECK FOR 300f1CONTINUlTY *CHECK FOR AUDIO Music and PA Connections A7-15116 SECTION TOOLS REQUIRED AC-DC Voltmeter OHM Meter [lA] Check the user 48Vdc and 9OVac fuses on: the back door of the SX-200, on the interconnect card of the SX-100 4 - AND CHECK FUSES YES [3A] [3B] [3C] [4A] [4B] Disconnect external equipment Replace the fuse with one of equal value If the fuse does not blow again connect the external equipment. If it blows again, there is an external equipment problem Measure all voltages on P18 as per Fig. 705-i Activate night bell and measure for 3000 continuity on P18 K and R contacts as per Fig. 705-l 4 AND I MEASURE VOLTAGES & CONTINUITY I 23 Go to 151 MITL9105/9110~98-350 ’ SECTION I MITL91051911 NIGHTBELL O-98-350 TEST I ) MAP350-705 Issue 1, June Sheet.2 1980 of 3 YES [6A] [7Al Replace Scanner MAP350410 card reference If there still is an apparent bell problem contact your nearest authorized MITEL representative II--- night 4 1 A FINISH A7-18 SECTION MITL9105/9110-98-350 NIGHTBELL TEST M AK350705 Issue 1, June 1980 I 1 Sheet 3 of 3 NIGHT BELL CONNECTION AUXILIARY RELAY NIGHT BELL CONTACT MAX CURRENT 75mA I I I I I I-----l MEASURE VOLTAGES AND CONTINUITY NIGHT BELL RELAY DIRECT DRIVE CROSS CONNECT sx-200 INTERCONNECT BOARD Pi8 POWER SUPPLYTBZ --- ------- - 11 Ex aa4 I I I I I I I I 4avdc ’ I I I 4 I + f)GK 9OVac - 1 O.lA I MAX. I I I I " NIGHT BELL 0.5A 6 MAX. 1 (NOTE 1) I! I I NIGHT BELL K NIGHT BELL R(K) " ' : 1 3~~~NN~~ SCANNER CARD L------------- I I I {V) MA 30011 NIGHT BELL CONTACT MAX CURRENT 75mA ~~ I MEASURE VOLTAGES I AND CONTINUITY !{+NNECT BOARD INTERCONNECT BOARD PLUG PlB PIN 46 21 DESTINATION 1 NIGHT BELL 1 R(KI) DESTINATION PIN 44 NIGHT BELL 2 KE 50 NIGHT BELL 3 K3 19 1 NIGHT BELL 2 R(K2) 25 1 NIGHT BELL 3 R(K3) PIN NIGHT BELL 1 Kl 11 1 11 DESTINATION 1 1120 NOTE 1: THE FACILITYISWIREDTO EITHER THE SX-100 OR THE SX-200 TERMINAL BLOCKS, AS INDICATED BYTHE DASHED LINES. MITEL DOES NOT RECOMMEND A DIRECTGROUND PIN 4 OFTHE NIGHT BELL RELAY DIRECT DRIVE Fig. 705-l Night ON Bell Connections ‘I A7-19120 SECTION [IA] MITL9105/9110~98-350 Check music source at cross connect field with a butt-in to ensure music is supplied CHECK the cross MUSIC connect I fES Trouble equipment shoot customer and cables music provided . [3A] Check for music with a butt-in pins 17 and 42 of P18 l-i AND1 on Buzz cable pair back connect field. Replace to the cross if necessary A Go to [5] AI-21 - -- I : ./ ;. z.:. : SECTION MUSIC MITL9105/9110-98.350 ON HOLD TEST c .. I., MAP350-706 Issue 1, June Sheet 2 of 3 [5A] [5B] 1980 Disconnect P18 Measure for approximately 40 (1 DC or pins 17 and 42 of J18 (receptacle for P18) - AND Was 42 II DC present on J18 Disconnect P17 Check for 40 II DC on pins and 21 of P17 46 AND I CHECK FOR ON P17 40 II DC Was 4011 DC present on P17 NO Replace . (Yz-) A7-22 the interconnect card MAP350.502 - SX-200 MAP350.401 -SX-100 as per SECTION MUSIC MITL9105/9110-98-350 ON HOLD TEST I MAP350-706 Issue 1, June Sheet 3 of 3 I 1980 T From [9A] [9B] [aI Disconnect P5 ,“,“d”“:, f;;‘J”5” I1 DC on pins46 ?” -l--CHECK ON P5 FOR 40 II DC 147.23 I
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