RRAM V2.0Beta Quick User Guide Updated May
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A Quick User Guide on Peking University-Stanford University Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) SPICE Model Version: 2.0Beta Patent Pending. Copyright Peking University and Stanford University 2015 All rights reserved. April 13th, 2015 Contributors: Prof. Jinfeng Kang, Prof. Xiaoyan Liu, Prof. H.-S. Philip Wong Dr. Ximeng Guan, Dr. Shimeng Yu, Dr. Peng Huang, Dr. Bin Gao Haitong Li, Zizhen Jiang 1 Terms of Use Peking University and Stanford University and the authors provide these model files to you subject to the Terms of Use, which may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you. The most up-to-date Terms of Use can be found on the Stanford University Nanoelectronics Lab Model Website at http://nano.stanford.edu/models.php. By using the Peking University and Stanford University RRAM SPICE Model (“Model”), you acknowledge that you have read the most up-to-date Terms of Use and agree to abide by the Terms of Use (“Terms”). These Terms include, but are not limited to, the following (for a comprehensive, and up-to-date version of the Terms of Use, please visit the Stanford University Model Website): License Agreement Peking University and Stanford grants you a non-transferable license to use this Model on a single computer for a single user (You). This license may not be sub-leased, sub-licensed, sold or otherwise transferred to another individual, company, or third party. Peking University and Stanford reserves the right to revoke this license at any time, at which point you must stop using the Model and delete all Model files. Acceptable Usage This Model shall be used solely for non-commercial academic and industrial research by the individual to whom this Model, and its license, is granted. The Model and its files may not be used, in part or in whole, by another individual, institution, or third party other than the original individual to whom this Model, and its license, is granted without prior written approval from Peking University and Stanford. The Model and its files may not be copied, redistributed, or otherwise transferred, in part or in whole, to a third party without prior written approval from Peking University and Stanford. You agree not to disclose the ideas and inventions inherent in this Model to other individuals, institutions, or third parties. You further agree not to decompile or otherwise reverse-engineer this Model, in part or in whole; not to decompose the Model and its files; and not to misrepresent the Models and its files through modifications and add-ons. Additional Terms You agree to appropriately acknowledge and reference the Model work by Peking 2 University and Stanford in all publications, presentations, and/or other works derived from the use, in part or in whole, of this Model and/or its variants. (See Section 5. References and additional references on the Website.) Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability This Model is provided to you “As Is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this Model, you agree that you and your representing institution or company will not hold Peking University and Stanford University, the Model inventors, the Model authors, as well as all other contributing members to the Model and its official distribution, liable for damage of any kind resulting from the download or use of the Model and its files and documents. Legal Notice This Model, including the files, documents, and inherent ideas, are protected by United States Copyright Law and United States Patent Law. Peking University and Stanford University and the authors reserve all rights. Unauthorized reproduction the files and/or the documents included in the Model package is unlawful. 3 1. Model Files Table 1. Summary of Model Files File Name Description RRAM_v2.0Beta RRAM SPICE Model File Additional Files File Name Description User Guide RRAM Model v2.0Beta Quick User Guide.pdf This User Guide in PDF format. References/Publications [1]-[5] Sample Decks test_RRAM_SET.sp Example HSPICE decks: SET operation test_RRAM_RESET.sp Example HSPICE decks: RESET operation AC_RRAM_SET.sp Example HSPICE decks: SET pulse AC_RRAM_RESET.sp Example HSPICE decks: RESET pulse This documentation pertains to the model files in the RRAM SPICE Model v2.0Beta package. A brief summary and description of the model files included in the package are shown in Table 1. This model is a beta-version intended for advanced users. There are still issues such as occasional non-convergence. Please report issues to the developers. For users who prefer a more stable model, please download RRAM v1.0.0 from the NCN NEEDS: https://nanohub.org/publications/19 The package should include all and only these files, plus this User Guide document. A summary of the model scope is in 2. Scope of the Model; details regarding model usage and instantiation can be found in 3. Model Usage; and 4. Model Description and Parameters describes the model assumptions and default parameters. 5. Sample results. 4 2. Scope of the Model Table 2 below summarizes the scope of the model. Table 2. Summary of the Scope of the RRAM Model Device Types Device Dimensions: Switching Layer Thickness Formed filament width Initial filament width Cell Size Number of RRAMs / device Physics Aspects & Practical Non-idealities: Filament Growth Electronic Conduction Device parasitic effects Temperature and Heat Conduction Variations: Resistance States Variations: Switching Voltages Dynamic Current Fluctuations Metal-Oxide Bipolar RRAM ~2 nm - 5 nm ~1 nm - 5 nm ~0.5 nm ~5 nm × 5 nm to 100 µm × 100 µm 1 to Unlimited Two-dimensional growth of one dominant filament Combined: Ohmic & generalized tunneling mechanism RC components of MIM structure Joule heating Included Included Included for RESET process This model was designed for fast and accurate simulation of metal-oxide based RRAM devices [1]. The model captures typical DC and AC electrical behaviors of metal-oxide based RRAM devices with physics-based compact model descriptions. The model assumes a conductive filament (CF) evolution process described by a change of the CF geometry during SET/RESET processes under various bias conditions. The core of the model is a two-dimension description of CF, which includes both CF gap region and the CF width as the control variables, where the CF dimensions are not limited. Parasitic effects are also modeled, including both parasitic resistance of switching layer and electrodes, and parasitic MIM capacitance. Intrinsic variation effects such as statistical distributions of resistance states and switching voltages after SET/RESET processes as well as current fluctuations during RESET are supported, which has made this model the first one supporting the complete suite of RRAM variation effects to date. Since the model invoked in HSPICE or other SPICE software is a two-terminal component, it can thus be easily implemented in any circuit including memory array structures such as 1R, 1D1R, 1T1R and 1S1R [2]-[4]. 5 3. Model Usage The model is developed in Verilog-A, and can be instantiated in HSPICE or other SPICE tools (with the appropriate Verilog-A support). This section illustrates how to instantiate the model in HSPICE. 3.1 Model Variants – Standard Model vs. Dynamic Model Two model variants are available: 1) Standard RRAM Model (if parameter “switch” == 0) 2) Dynamic RRAM Model (if parameter “switch” == 1) The Standard Model is recommended for describing the ensemble-average DC switching behavior. The Dynamic Model is recommended for applications that involve dynamic current fluctuations and variations of RRAM cell characteristics. 3.2 Convergence and Settings For improved accuracy and convergence, include the following lines of code at the beginning of the SPICE deck: *************************************************** .option converge = 0 .option RUNLVL = 6 .option METHOD=GEAR *************************************************** 3.3 Model Instantiation To instantiate the devices in the model, the library must be included at the beginning of the SPICE deck. .hdl RRAM_v2.0Beta.va The Verilog-A compiler should automatically compile the Verilog-A model when the SPICE deck is compiled. The Verilog-A compilation should only occur the first time the model is used and can take a few minutes. Afterwards, the model does not need to be recompiled for different simulation runs or different SPICE decks. To instantiate an RRAM device, use the appropriate syntax below. The usage of this model is similar to that of the Si CMOS transistor model. * Standard RRAM Model -Hspice 2013.03 SP2 X_RRAM TE BE RRAM_v2.0Beta Parameter_Value> < switch = 0 Parameter_Name = 6 *Dynamic RRAM Model -Hspice 2013.03 X_RRAM TE BE RRAM_v2.0Beta Parameter_Value> < switch = 1 Parameter_Name = The port definitions, TE and BE, for the RRAM are for the top electrode and the bottom electrode, respectively. The ports TE and BE are not interchangeable in this model due to nature of the asymmetry of the RRAM programming mechanism and the details of the model implementation. The device parameters indicated in the < ... > are optional and can be set differently for each device instance. If the device parameters are omitted, default or global values set in the parameter definition file are used. The syntax for setting a parameter is: parameter_name = value or parameter Please see Table 3 for the definitions and default values of the device parameters. Figure 1 illustrates the basic physical model for the set and reset programming of the RRAM [1]. Figure 2 shows the model assumptions for the filament evolutions processes and corresponding models of electrical transport and parasitic effects. 7 4. Model Assumptions and Parameters Fig. 1. Schematic of RRAM operation mechanisms, which serve as the physical basis of the analytical SPICE model. Fig. 2. Illustration of the RRAM SPICE model. (a) Equivalent circuit of RRAM cell composed of resistive switching element and parasitic elements. (b) Schematic of conductive filament evolution. (c) Equivalent circuit of resistive switching element modeling the metal-like and hopping current paths. 8 Table 3. Model Parameter Descriptions and Default Values 1 Parameters Descriptions Default Value Suggested Range1 I0 hopping current density 1013 A/m2 [1e10,1e15] ρ resistivity of the CF 19.64 µΩ·m [0.1,1000] a distance between VO 0.25 nm [0.2,0.4] f VO vibration frequency 13 10 Hz [0.8e13,1.2e13] Ea average active energy of VO 0.7 eV [0.5,1.2] 1.12 eV [0.8,1.4] 2- Eh hopping barrier of O Ei electrode/oxide interface 0.82 eV [0.6,1.2] αa & αh energy enhancement factor 0.75 nm 0.75 γ voltage enhancement factor 1.5 1.5 Z&e charge number & unit charge 1&e 1&e Rth effective thermal resistance 5 5×10 K/W [2e5,1e6] RH oxide parasitic resistance 200 MΩ [1e6,1e9] RL electrode contact resistance 20 Ω (0,25] CP electrode parasitic capacitance 20 fF (0,25] L0 initial switching layer length 3 nm [1,10] x0 initial gap length {L0, 0} L0/0 WCF switching layer width 5 nm [1,10] Weff effective width 0.5 nm 0.5 w0 initial CF width {0.5 nm, WCF} (0,WCF] VT characteristic voltage 0.4 V 0.4 T0 ambient temperature 300 K (4,500) Switch “model switch” 0 {0,1} deltaGap Gap varying rate 4e-5 m/s [0,1e-4] deltaCF CF width varying rate 1e-4 m/s [0,5e-4] crit_x Gap variation fitting point 0.5 nm [0, L0] The entire range and all possible combinations of the parameters have not been tested. The range listed represents reasonable values based on experimental observations and physical insights. The units should be the same as the default values. 9 5. Sample Results Current (A) 10-4 10-6 100 cycles Exp. DSA HfOx/TiOx RRAM device Simulation 10-8 -3 -2 Fig. 3. -1 0 1 Voltage (V) 2 Typical DC switching I-V curves. Note: the RRAM SPICE model runs in a dynamic way so that DC characteristics can only be obtained by simulating transient operations under stair-like voltage sweeps similar to realistic Current (µA) Voltage (V) measurement setup. 2 1 0 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 80 100 Current (µA) Voltage (V) Time (ns) 2 1 0 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 Time (ns) Fig. 4. Typical transient SET and RESET operation with pulse applied. 10 6. References [1] H.-S P. Wong, H.-Y. Lee, S. Yu, Y.-S. Chen, Y. Wu, P.-S. Chen, B. Lee, F. Chen, and M.-J. Tsai, “Metal–Oxide RRAM,” Proceedings of IEEE, vol.100, no.6, pp. 1951-1970, June 2012, DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2012.2190369 [2] H. Li, Z. Jiang, P. Huang, Y. Wu, H.-Y. Chen, B. Gao, X. Liu, J. Kang, and H.-S. P. Wong, “Variation-aware, reliability-emphasized design and optimization of RRAM using SPICE model,” Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), pp. 1426 – 1430, 2015 [3] Z. Jiang, S. Yu, Y. Wu, J. H. Engel, X. Guan, and H.-S. P. Wong, “Verilog-A Compact Model for Oxide-based Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM),” International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), pp. 41 – 44, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/SISPAD.2014.6931558 [4] H. Li, P. Huang, B. Gao, B. Chen, X. Liu, and J. Kang, “A SPICE Model of Resistive Random Access Memory for Large-Scale Memory Array Simulation,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 211 – 213, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2013.2293354 [5] X. Guan, S. Yu, and H.-S. P. Wong, “A SPICE Compact Model of Metal Oxide Resistive Switching Memory With Variations,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., pp. 1405 – 1407, 2012. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2012.2210856 11 7. Contacts and Website Please direct all inquiries and comments to: RRAM Model Email Address Email: nano_rram_model@list.stanford.edu Jinfeng Kang, Professor of Peking University Email: kangjf@pku.edu.cn H.-S. Philip Wong, Professor of Stanford University Email: hspwong@stanford.edu OR (for technical support): Zizhen Jiang, Ph.D. candidate with Stanford University Email: jiangzz@stanford.edu Haitong Li, Undergraduate student with Peking University (Prospective graduate student with Stanford University) Email: haitongl@stanford.edu; lihaitong@pku.edu.cn For the latest model file updates and the most current Terms of Use (“Software Download License”) as well as other documents, please visit: http://nano.stanford.edu/models.php . Please report any bugs to us. Suggestions and comments are also welcome. 12
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