AT Commands Set SIM7500 SIM7600 Series Command Manual V1.10
User Manual:
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- Version History
- Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 2 AT Interface Synopsis
- 3 AT Commands According V.25TER
- 3.1 A/ Repeat last command
- 3.2 ATD Dial command
- 3.3 ATD><mem><n> Originate call from specified memory
- 3.4 ATD><n> Originate call from active memory (1)
- 3.5 ATD><str> Originate call from active memory (2)
- 3.6 ATA Call answer
- 3.7 ATH Disconnect existing call
- 3.8 ATS0 Automatic answer incoming call
- 3.9 +++ Switch from data mode to command mode
- 3.10 ATO Switch from command mode to data mode
- 3.11 ATI Display product identification information
- 3.12 AT+IPR Set local baud rate temporarily
- 3.13 AT+ICF Set control character framing
- 3.14 AT+IFC Set local data flow control
- 3.15 AT&C Set DCD function mode
- 3.16 ATE Enable command echo
- 3.17 AT&V Display current configuration
- 3.18 AT&D Set DTR function mode
- 3.19 AT&S Set DSR function mode
- 3.20 ATV Set result code format mode
- 3.21 AT&F Set all current parameters to manufacturer defaults
- 3.22 ATQ Set Result Code Presentation Mode
- 3.23 ATX Set CONNECT Result Code Format
- 3.24 AT\V Set CONNECT Result Code Format About Protocol
- 3.25 AT&E Set CONNECT Result Code Format About Speed
- 3.26 AT&W Save the user setting to ME
- 3.27 ATZ Restore the user setting from ME
- 3.28 AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification
- 3.29 AT+CGMM Request model identification
- 3.30 AT+CGMR Request revision identification
- 3.31 AT+CGSN Request product serial number identification
- 3.32 AT+CSCS Select TE character set
- 3.33 AT+CIMI Request international mobile subscriber identity
- 3.34 AT+CIMIM Request another international mobile subscriber identity
- 3.35 AT+GCAP Request overall capabilities
- 4 AT Commands for Status Control
- 4.1 AT+CFUN Set phone functionality
- 4.2 AT+CPIN Enter PIN
- 4.3 AT+CICCID Read ICCID from SIM card
- 4.4 AT+CSIM Generic SIM access
- 4.5 AT+CRSM Restricted SIM access
- 4.6 AT+SPIC Times remain to input SIM PIN/PUK
- 4.7 AT+CSPN Get service provider name from SIM
- 4.8 AT+CSQ Query signal quality
- 4.9 AT+AUTOCSQ Set CSQ report
- 4.10 AT+CSQDELTA Set RSSI delta change threshold
- 4.11 AT+CATR Configure URC destination interface
- 4.12 AT+CPOF Power down the module
- 4.13 AT+CRESET Reset the module
- 4.14 AT+CACM Accumulated call meter
- 4.15 AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum
- 4.16 AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table
- 4.17 AT+CCLK Real time clock management
- 4.18 AT+CMEE Report mobile equipment error
- 4.19 AT+CPAS Phone activity status
- 4.20 AT+SIMEI Set IMEI for the module
- 4.21 AT+SMEID Request Mobile Equipment Identifier
- 4.22 AT+CSVM Voice Mail Subscriber number
- 4.23 AT+CUSBPIDSWITCH Change module’s PID
- 4.24 Indication of EONS
- 4.25 Indication of Voice Mail
- 5 AT Commands for Network
- 5.1 AT+CREG Network registration
- 5.2 AT+COPS Operator selection
- 5.3 AT+CLCK Facility lock
- 5.4 AT+CPWD Change password
- 5.5 AT+CCUG Closed user group
- 5.6 AT+CUSD Unstructured supplementary service data
- 5.7 AT+CAOC Advice of charge
- 5.8 AT+CSSN Supplementary service notifications
- 5.9 AT+CPOL Preferred operator list
- 5.10 AT+COPN Read operator names
- 5.11 AT+CNMP Preferred mode selection
- 5.12 AT+CNBP Preferred band selection
- 5.13 AT+CNAOP Acquisitions order preference
- 5.14 AT+CPSI Inquiring UE system information
- 5.15 AT+CNSMOD Show network system mode
- 5.16 AT+CEREG EPS network registration status
- 5.17 AT+CTZU Automatic time and time zone update
- 5.18 AT+CTZR Time and time zone reporting
- 5.19 AT+NETMODE WCDMA & TDSCDMA mode select
- 6 AT Commands for Call Control
- 6.1 AT+CVHU Voice hang up control
- 6.2 AT+CHUP Hang up call
- 6.3 AT+CBST Select bearer service type
- 6.4 AT+CRLP Radio link protocol
- 6.5 AT+CR Service reporting control
- 6.6 AT+CRC Cellular result codes
- 6.7 AT+CLCC List current calls
- 6.8 AT+CEER Extended error report
- 6.9 AT+CCWA Call waiting
- 6.10 AT+CHLD Call related supplementary services
- 6.11 AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions
- 6.12 AT+CLIP Calling line identification presentation
- 6.13 AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
- 6.14 AT+COLP Connected line identification presentation
- 6.15 AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation
- 6.16 AT+VTD Tone duration
- 6.17 AT+CSTA Select type of address
- 6.18 AT+CMOD Call mode
- 6.19 AT+VMUTE Speaker mute control
- 6.20 AT+CMUT Microphone mute control
- 6.21 AT+MORING Enable or disable report MO ring URC
- 6.22 AT+CSDVC Switch voice channel device
- 6.23 AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level
- 6.24 AT+SIDET Set sidetone
- 6.25 AT+CACDBFN Change default ACDB filename
- 6.26 AT+CPCMREG USB audio control
- 6.27 AT+CMICGAIN Adjust mic gain
- 6.28 AT+COUTGAIN Adjust out gain
- 6.29 AT+CTXVOL Adjust TX voice mic volume
- 6.30 AT+CTXMICGAIN Adjust TX voice mic gain
- 6.31 AT+CRXVOL Adjust RX voice output speaker volume
- 6.32 AT+CECH Inhibit far-end echo
- 6.33 AT+CECDT Inhibit echo during doubletalk
- 6.34 AT+CECWB Inhibit echo in the high band
- 6.35 AT+CNSN MIC NOISE suppression
- 6.36 AT+CNSLIM MIC NOISE suppression
- 6.37 AT+CFNSMOD Adjust parameter fnsMode of RX_VOICE_FNS
- 6.38 AT+CFNSIN Adjust parameter fnsInputGain of RX_VOICE_FNS
- 6.39 AT+CFNSLVL Adjust parameter fnsTargetNS of RX_VOICE_FNS
- 6.40 AT+CECRX Enable or disable VOICE_MOD_ENABLE
- 6.41 AT+CNLPPG Modify the NLPP_gain in DSP
- 6.42 AT+CNLPPL Modify the NLPP_limit in DSP
- 6.43 AT+CECM Adjust echo canceller
- 6.44 AT+CPCMFRM Set usb audio sample rate to 16k bit
- 6.45 AT+CPTONE Play tone
- 7 AT Commands for SMS
- 7.1 AT+CSMS Select message service
- 7.2 AT+CPMS Preferred message storage
- 7.3 AT+CMGF Select SMS message format
- 7.4 AT+CSCA SMS service centre address
- 7.5 AT+CSCB Select cell broadcast message indication
- 7.6 AT+CSMP Set text mode parameters
- 7.7 AT+CSDH Show text mode parameters
- 7.8 AT+CNMA New message acknowledgement to ME/TA
- 7.9 AT+CNMI New message indications to TE
- 7.10 AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages
- 7.11 AT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store
- 7.12 AT+CMGR Read message
- 7.13 AT+CMGS Send message
- 7.14 AT+CMSS Send message from storage
- 7.15 AT+CMGW Write message to memory
- 7.16 AT+CMGD Delete message
- 7.17 AT+CMGMT Change message status
- 7.18 AT+CMVP Set message valid period
- 7.19 AT+CMGRD Read and delete message
- 7.20 AT+CMGSEX Send message
- 7.21 AT+CMSSEX Send multi messages from storage
- 7.22 AT+CMGP Set cdma/evdo text mode parameters
- 8 AT Commands for Phonebook
- 9 AT Commands for GPRS
- 9.1 AT+CGREG GPRS network registration status
- 9.2 AT+CGATT Packet domain attach or detach
- 9.3 AT+CGACT PDP context activate or deactivate
- 9.4 AT+CGDCONT Define PDP context
- 9.5 AT+CGDSCONT Define Secondary PDP Context
- 9.6 AT+CGTFT Traffic Flow Template
- 9.7 AT+CGQREQ Quality of service profile (requested)
- 9.8 AT+CGEQREQ 3G quality of service profile (requested)
- 9.9 AT+CGQMIN Quality of service profile (minimum acceptable)
- 9.10 AT+CGEQMIN 3G quality of service profile (minimum acceptable)
- 9.11 AT+CGDATA Enter data state
- 9.12 AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address
- 9.13 AT+CGCLASS GPRS mobile station class
- 9.14 AT+CGEREP GPRS event reporting
- 9.15 AT+CGAUTH Set type of authentication for PDP-IP connections of GPRS
- 10 Hardware Related Commands
- 10.1 AT+CVALARM Low and high voltage Alarm
- 10.2 AT+CVAUXS Set state of the pin named VREG_AUX1
- 10.3 AT+CVAUXV Set voltage value of the pin named VREG_AUX1
- 10.4 AT+CADC Read ADC value
- 10.5 AT+CADC2 Read ADC2 value
- 10.6 AT+CMTE Control the module whether power shutdown when the module’s temperature upon the critical temperature
- 10.7 AT+CPMVT Low and high voltage Power Off
- 10.8 AT+CDELTA Set the module go to recovery mode
- 10.9 AT+CRIIC Read values from register of IIC device
- 10.10 AT+CWIIC Write values to register of IIC device
- 10.11 AT+CBC Read the voltage value of the power supply
- 10.12 AT+CPMUTEMP Read the temperature of the module
- 11 AT Commands for SIM Application Toolkit
- 12 AT Commands for Hardware
- 12.1 AT+IPREX Set local baud rate permanently
- 12.2 AT+CFGRI Indicate RI when using URC
- 12.3 AT+CSCLK Control UART Sleep
- 12.4 AT+CMUX Enable the multiplexer over the UART
- 12.5 AT+CGFUNC Enable/disable the function for the special GPIO
- 12.6 AT+CGDRT Set the direction of specified GPIO
- 12.7 AT+CGSETV Set the value of specified GPIO
- 12.8 AT+CGGETV Get the value of specified GPIO
- 12.9 AT+CGISR Set GPIO interrupt trigger condition
- 13 AT Commands for File System
- 13.1 AT+FSCD Select directory as current directory
- 13.2 AT+FSMKDIR Make new directory in current directory
- 13.3 AT+FSRMDIR Delete directory in current directory
- 13.4 AT+FSLS List directories/files in current directory
- 13.5 AT+FSDEL Delete file in current directory
- 13.6 AT+FSRENAME Rename file in current directory
- 13.7 AT+FSATTRI Request file attributes
- 13.8 AT+FSMEM Check the size of available memory
- 13.9 AT+FSLOCA Select storage place
- 13.10 AT+FSCOPY Copy an appointed file
- 14 AT Commands for File Transmission
- 15 AT Commands for Internet Service
- 15.1 PDP
- 15.1.1 AT+CSOCKSETPN Set active PDP context’s profile number
- 15.1.2 AT+CIPDNSSET Set DNS query parameters
- 15.1.3 AT+CDNSGIP Query the IP address of given domain name
- 15.1.4 AT+CDNSGHNAME Query the domain name of given IP address
- 15.1.5 AT+CPING Ping destination address
- 15.1.6 AT+CPINGSTOP Stop an ongoing ping session
- 15.1.7 AT+CTCPFIN Configure TCP FIN
- 15.1.8 AT+CTCPKA Conigure TCP heartbeat
- 15.1.9 AT+CTEUTP Set unknown incoming TCP packet echo
- 15.1.10 AT+CUPURE Set UDP port unreachable ICMP echo
- 15.1.11 AT+CINICMPALLOW Preferred ICMP filter
- 15.1.12 AT+CDNSSRV Get dns server ip address
- 15.2 HTP
- 15.3 NTP
- 15.1 PDP
- 16 AT Commands for Open/Close Network
- 17 AT Commands for GPS
- 17.1 AT+CGPS Start/Stop GPS session
- 17.2 AT+CGPSINFO Get GPS fixed position information
- 17.3 AT+CGPSCOLD Cold start GPS
- 17.4 AT+CGPSHOT Hot start GPS
- 17.5 AT+CGPSURL Set AGPS default server URL
- 17.6 AT+CGPSSSL Set AGPS transport security
- 17.7 AT+CGPSAUTO Start GPS automatic
- 17.8 AT+CGPSNMEA Configure NMEA sentence type
- 17.9 AT+CGPSNEMARATE Set NMEA output rate
- 17.10 AT+CGPSMD Configure AGPS MO method
- 17.11 AT+CGPSFTM Start GPS test mode
- 17.12 AT+CGPSDEL Delete the GPS information
- 17.13 AT+CGPSXE Enable/Disable GPS XTRA function
- 17.14 AT+CGPSXD Download XTRA assistant file
- 17.15 AT+CGPSXDAUTO Download XTRA assistant file automatically
- 17.16 AT+CGPSINFOCFG Report GPS NMEA-0183 sentence
- 17.17 AT+CGPSPMD Configure positioning mode
- 17.18 AT+CGPSMSB Configure based mode switch to standalone
- 17.19 AT+CGPSHOR Configure positioning desired accuracy
- 17.20 AT+CGPSNOTIFY LCS respond positioning request
- 17.21 AT+CGNSSINFO Get GNSS fixed position information
- 17.22 AT+CGNSSMODE Configure GNSS support mode
- 17.23 Unsolicited XTRA download Codes
- 17.24 AT+CLBS Base station location
- 17.25 AT+CLBSCFG Base station location configure
- 17.26 AT+CASSISTLOC Base station location of LTE/CDMA1x mode
- 18 Audio Application Commands
- 19 Appendixes