The_SeqHound_Admin_Manual The Seq Hound Admin Manual

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The SeqHound Manual
Part II: Sections 4-7
For Administrators and Developers
Release 3.3
(April 20th, 2005)

Ian Donaldson, Katerina Michalickova, Hao Lieu, Renan Cavero, Michel Dumontier,
Doron Betel, Ruth Isserlin, Marc Dumontier, Michael Matan, Rong Yao, Zhe Wang,
Victor Gu, Elizabeth Burgess, Kai Zheng, Rachel Farrall
Edited by
Rachel Farrall and Ian Donaldson

© 2005 Mount Sinai Hospital

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Table of Contents
About this manual............................................................................................................ 7
Conventions ..................................................................................................................... 8
How to contact us. ........................................................................................................... 8
Who is SeqHound?........................................................................................................... 9
4. Setting up SeqHound locally. ....................................................................................... 10
4.1 Overview.................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 SeqHound system requirements............................................................................... 11
OS and hardware architecture .................................................................................... 11
Memory (RAM) ......................................................................................................... 11
Hard Disk ................................................................................................................... 12
Source code and executables .................................................................................. 12
Database.................................................................................................................. 12
Other Software ........................................................................................................... 12
Compiling SeqHound Code yourself. ........................................................................ 13
ODBC compliant database engines............................................................................ 13
Library dependencies ................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Obtaining precompiled SeqHound executables....................................................... 14
4.3.1 Obtaining SeqHound Source Code...................................................................... 16
4.4 Compiling SeqHound executables on Solaris.......................................................... 18
4.5 Building the SeqHound system on Solaris............................................................... 26
Catch up on SeqHound daily updates ........................................................................ 45
Setting up daily sequence updates.............................................................................. 47
Setting up SeqHound servers. Overview................................................................... 53
Trouble-shooting notes............................................................................................... 57
Error logs ................................................................................................................ 57
Recompiling SeqHound .......................................................................................... 57
Restarting the Apache server .................................................................................. 57
Other useful links.................................................................................................... 58
Parser schedule........................................................................................................ 58
MySQL errors ......................................................................................................... 58
5. Description of the SeqHound parsers and data tables by module................................. 59
What are modules? ........................................................................................................ 59
How to use this section. ................................................................................................. 59
Parser descriptions........................................................................................................ 59
Table descriptions.......................................................................................................... 60
An overview of the SeqHound data table structure ....................................................... 63
Parsers and resource files needed to build and update modules of SeqHound. ........... 64

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core module ................................................................................................................ 66
mother parser .......................................................................................................... 66
update parser ........................................................................................................... 71
postcomgen parser .................................................................................................. 72
asndb table .............................................................................................................. 75
parti table ................................................................................................................ 78
nucprot table............................................................................................................ 80
accdb table .............................................................................................................. 82
histdb table .............................................................................................................. 88
pubseq table ............................................................................................................ 91
taxgi table................................................................................................................ 94
sengi table ............................................................................................................... 97
sendb table .............................................................................................................. 99
chrom table............................................................................................................ 101
gichromid table ..................................................................................................... 105
contigchromid table .............................................................................................. 107
gichromosome table .............................................................................................. 109
contigchromosome table ....................................................................................... 111
Redundant protein sequences (redundb) module ..................................................... 113
redund parser......................................................................................................... 113
redund table........................................................................................................... 115
Complete genomes tracking (gendb) module........................................................... 119
Taxonomy hierarchy (taxdb) module....................................................................... 120
importtaxdb parser ................................................................................................ 120
taxdb table............................................................................................................. 122
gcodedb table ........................................................................................................ 127
divdb table............................................................................................................. 132
del table................................................................................................................. 135
merge table............................................................................................................ 137
Structural databases (strucdb) module ..................................................................... 139
cbmmdb parser...................................................................................................... 139
vastblst parser........................................................................................................ 144
pdbrep parser......................................................................................................... 146
mmdb table............................................................................................................ 148
mmgi table ............................................................................................................ 154
domdb table........................................................................................................... 156
Protein sequence neighbours (neighdb) module ...................................................... 162
Installing nblast:.................................................................................................... 162
Configuration of nblast environment:................................................................... 163
Running NBLAST ................................................................................................ 164
NBLAST Update Procedure ................................................................................. 166
nbraccess program* .............................................................................................. 168
BLASTDB table................................................................................................... 169
NBLASTDB table................................................................................................. 172
Locus link functional annotations (lldb) module ..................................................... 177
llparser................................................................................................................... 177

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addgoid parser....................................................................................................... 179
ll_omim table ........................................................................................................ 181
ll_go table.............................................................................................................. 183
ll_llink table .......................................................................................................... 186
ll_cdd table............................................................................................................ 188
GENE module .......................................................................................................... 191 parser..................................................................................... 191
gene_dbxref table.................................................................................................. 193
gene_genomicgi table ........................................................................................... 195
gene_history table ................................................................................................. 198
gene_info table...................................................................................................... 201
gene_object table .................................................................................................. 204
gene_productgi table............................................................................................. 206
gene_pubmed table ............................................................................................... 208
gene_synonyms table ............................................................................................ 210
Gene Ontology hierarchy (godb) module................................................................. 212
goparser................................................................................................................. 212
go_parent table...................................................................................................... 214
go_name table ....................................................................................................... 216
go_reference table................................................................................................. 219
go_synonym table ................................................................................................. 221
Gene Ontology Association (GOA) module ............................................................ 223
Table summarizing input files, parsers and command line parameters for GOA
module................................................................................................................... 225
Gene Ontology Module Diagram.......................................................................... 228
goa_seq_dbxref table ............................................................................................ 230
goa_association table ............................................................................................ 234
goa_reference table ............................................................................................... 237
goa_with table....................................................................................................... 239
goa_xdb table ........................................................................................................ 242
goa_gigo table....................................................................................................... 245
dbxref module .......................................................................................................... 248
Who Cross-references who? ................................................................................. 249
Explanation of the data table structure: ................................................................ 249
How to update the DBXref and GO Annotation modules using a cluster. .............. 256
Understanding the dbxref.ini file ............................................................................. 257
Table summarizing input files, parsers and command line parameters for dbxref
module................................................................................................................... 262
dbxref table ........................................................................................................... 265
dbxrefsourcedb table............................................................................................. 268
Contents of dbxrefsourcedb table ......................................................................... 270
RPS-BLAST domains (rpsdb) module..................................................................... 272
domname parser .................................................................................................... 272
Rpsdb parser.......................................................................................................... 273
domname table ...................................................................................................... 274
rpsdb table............................................................................................................. 278

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Molecular Interaction (MI) module.......................................................................... 285
MI-BIND parser.................................................................................................... 285
MI_source table .................................................................................................... 289
MI_ints table ......................................................................................................... 291
MI_objects table.................................................................................................... 292
MI_obj_dbases table ............................................................................................. 294
MI_mol_types table .............................................................................................. 295
MI_dbases table .................................................................................................... 296
MI_record_types table .......................................................................................... 297
MI_complexes table.............................................................................................. 298
MI_complex2ints table ......................................................................................... 299
MI_complex2subunits table.................................................................................. 300
MI_complex2subunits table.................................................................................. 301
MI_refs table......................................................................................................... 302
MI_refs_db table................................................................................................... 304
MI_exp_methods table.......................................................................................... 305
MI_obj_labels table .............................................................................................. 306
Text mining module ................................................................................................. 307
mother parser ........................................................................................................ 307
text searcher parser ............................................................................................... 308 parser ..................................................................................... 312
text_bioentity table................................................................................................ 314
text_bioname table ................................................................................................ 317
text_secondrefs table............................................................................................. 321
text_bioentitytype table......................................................................................... 324
text_fieldtype table................................................................................................ 325
text_nametype table .............................................................................................. 326
text_rules table ...................................................................................................... 327
text_db table.......................................................................................................... 328
text_doc table ........................................................................................................ 329
text_docscore table................................................................................................ 331
text_evidencescore table ....................................................................................... 336
text_method table.................................................................................................. 338
text_point table...................................................................................................... 341
text_pointscore table ............................................................................................. 342
text_result table..................................................................................................... 344
text_resultscore table ............................................................................................ 346
text_search table.................................................................................................... 348
text_searchscore table ........................................................................................... 351
text_rng table ........................................................................................................ 353
text_rngresult table................................................................................................ 355
text_doctax table ................................................................................................... 357
text_organism table............................................................................................... 359
text_englishdict table ............................................................................................ 361
text_bncorpus table ............................................................................................... 363
text_pattern table................................................................................................... 365

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text_stopword table............................................................................................... 367
6. Developing for SeqHound. ......................................................................................... 369
Open source development............................................................................................ 369
Code organization. ...................................................................................................... 370
Adding/Modifying a remote API function to SeqHound.............................................. 373
Overall architecture of the SeqHound system.......................................................... 374
Adding a new module to SeqHound............................................................................. 380
Database layer .......................................................................................................... 381
Parser layer............................................................................................................... 382
Local API layer (Query layer).................................................................................. 383
CGI layer .................................................................................................................. 383
Remote API layer ..................................................................................................... 384
7. Appendices.................................................................................................................. 387
Example GenBank record ........................................................................................ 388
Example SwissProt record ....................................................................................... 393
Example EMBL record ............................................................................................ 400
Example PDB record................................................................................................ 406
Example Biostruc ..................................................................................................... 411
GO background material .......................................................................................... 421
* not available at time of writing

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About this manual.
This manual contains everything that has been documented about SeqHound. It is
distributed in two Parts (Part I: For Users and Part II: For Administrators and
If you can’t find the answer here then please contact us. This manual was written and
reviewed by the persons listed under “Who is SeqHound”. Any errors should be reported
You can find out more about the general architecture of SeqHound by reading the
SeqHound paper that is freely available from BioMed Central. This paper is included in
the supplementary material distributed with this manual. See:
Michalickova K, Bader GD, Dumontier M, Lieu H, Betel D, Isserlin R, Hogue CW.
SeqHound: biological sequence and structure database as a platform for bioinformatics
research. BMC Bioinformatics. 2002 Oct 25;3(1):32.
PMID: 12401134
The SeqHound Manual (Part I: Sections 1-3) For Users.
Section1 and Section 2 is a one page description that tells you what to read first to get
started depending on what kind of user you are.
Section 3 is of interest to programmers who want to use the remote API to access
information in the SeqHound database maintained by the Blueprint Initiative.
The SeqHound Manual (Part II: Sections 4-7) For Administrators and Developers
Section 4 is of interest to programmers and system administrators who want to set up
SeqHound themselves so they can use the local API.
Section 5 is an in-depth description of everything that’s in the SeqHound database and
how it gets there (table by table). This section will be of interest to all users.
Section 6 describes how programmers can add to SeqHound. This section also describes
our internal development process at Blueprint.
Section 7 includes Appendices of background and reference material.

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The following section describes the conventions used in this manual.
is used for filenames, file extensions, URLs, and email addresses.
Constant Width
is used for code examples, function names and system output.
Constant Bold
is used in examples for user input.
Constant Italic
is used in examples to show variables for which a context-specific substitution should be

How to contact us.
General enquiries or comments can be posted to the SeqHound usergroup mailing list You may also subscribe to this list to receive
regular updates about SeqHound developments by going to .
Private enquiries, bug reports from external users, questions about SeqHound or errors
found in this manual may be sent to

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Who is SeqHound?
Chronologically ordered according to when the person first started work on SeqHound.
Chris Hogue
Katerina Michalickova
Gary Bader
Ian Donaldson
Ruth Isserlin
Michel Dumontier
Hao Lieu
Marc Dumontier
Doron Betel
Renan Cavero
Ivy Lu
Rong Yao
Volodya Grytsan
Zhe Wang
Victor Gu
Rachel Farrall
Michael Matan
Elizabeth Burgess
Kai Zheng

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4. Setting up SeqHound locally.
4.1 Overview.
This section describes how one can set up the SeqHound system on your own hardware
using freely available SeqHound executables. These executables will allow you to build
and update the SeqHound database as well as run a web-interface and a remote API
Section 4.2 should be reviewed first for system requirements before attempting to install
the SeqHound system.
Section 4.3 tells you how to download executables from the SeqHound ftp site for your
platform and operating system. SeqHound code may also be downloaded from this site.
Section 4.4 describes how SeqHound code may be compiled on your own hardware using
the freely available code available on the SeqHound ftp site. This step is only required if
SeqHound executables are not available for your platform or if you want to make use of
the local programming API. If you obtain SeqHound executables from the ftp site and
want to build your local SeqHound database, you still need to go through Steps 8, 9, 10,
11 and 13 in this section which describe how to install the MySQL server and ODBC
Section 4.5 contains detailed instructions for using the executables to build the SeqHound
data tables and for setting up the SeqHound web-interface and remote API server.

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4.2 SeqHound system requirements.
Before attempting to set up SeqHound yourself, you should review the system
requirements listed below. The SeqHound system is able to run on a number of operating
systems (we recommend and can best support a UNIX operating system like Sun Solaris
or Red Hat Linux). Setting up SeqHound will require approximately 700 GB of disk
space (see below).
Questions about system requirements, compilation, setup and maintenance can be
addressed to We will do our best to address all inquiries but
resources may not allow us to solve all problems arising on all possible set ups.
OS and hardware architecture
SeqHound code is compiled on the following platforms based on release version code.
Blueprint production SeqHound is compiled and run on Sun-Fire-880 - Sun Solaris
(version 9). We have also compiled and tested SeqHound on the Fedora Core 2.0 and
the MacOS X operating systems.
Release versions of SeqHound executables are available for.
x86 architecture
PowerPC architecture

(Fedora Core 2.0)
Sun Solaris (version 9)

We have also successfully built executables on the following platforms.
x86 architecture
x86 architecture
x86 architecture
Windows NT
PowerPC architecture
PPC Linux
Irix 6
Alpha architecture
Compaq Alpha OS
HPPA 2.0 architecture
HPUX 11.0
HPPA 1.1 architecture
Memory (RAM)
We recommend a minimum of 1 GB of RAM to run the SeqHound executables.

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Hard Disk
Source code and executables
SeqHound Source and compiled
NCBI Toolkit
NCBI C++ Toolkit
bzip2 Library
slri lib
slri lib_cxx
Source code and executables (total)

Image Size
220.0 MB
560.0 MB
4.5 MB
9.4 MB
13GB approx

data tables
data tables backup

Image Size
300 GB
300 GB
700 GB*
Database (total)
*700GB includes 300 GB for a single copy of the SeqHound data tables. The SeqHound
system includes a second copy of the data tables used for back up and updating. We
suggest a minimum of 700 GB for SeqHound installation. This allows for yearly growth
of the data tables as well as for a RAID5 disk configuration.
We are using the MySQL database storage engine InnoDB, which provides transaction
support and automatic recovery in the event of database server outage. There is no need
to keep a separate instance of the database when the InnoDB storage engine is used. To
prevent deadlock during data insertion and update, you should not run SeqHound parsers
in parallel against the InnoDB database server. As a result, it takes up to three extra days
for the initial build of SeqHound database using the InnoDB storage engine. If you wish
to use the MyISM storage engine, you can run parallel parsers to speed up the initial
build of SeqHound. However, you will need to keep a separate database instance for
database update and backup as the storage engine MyISM does not support transaction
and automatic recovery.
Other Software
Webserver(version 1.3)
Apache Jakarta Tocat
JSP/Servlet Container
(version 4.1)
Perl (version 5.8.3)

See for software installation for you
See for software installation for
you platform.
See for installation for your platform.
Requiredmodules include Net/, sun4-solaris-64/

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Compiling SeqHound Code yourself.
It is not necessary to compile SeqHound executables yourself; the system may be set up
using the executables provided on the ftp site for selected Operating Systems. However,
if you wish to make use of the local API then you must compile SeqHound yourself.

ODBC compliant database engines
Blueprint uses the ODBC compliant MySQL database engine. We are using version
4.1.10 in production; this version supports nested SQL queries and internationalization.
We have not tested SeqHound on other ODBC compliant RDBMS such as Oracle, DB2
and PostgreSQL.

Library dependencies
NCBI Toolkit
NCBI C++ Toolkit (optional*)
bzip2 Library
slri lib
slri lib_cxx (optional*)
* This library is only required if you plan to use the SeqHound remote C++ API.

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4.3 Obtaining precompiled SeqHound executables.
It is not necessary to compile SeqHound executables yourself; the system may be set up
using the precompiled executables provided on the ftp site for selected Operating
Systems. If you choose to compile the executables yourself, skip to step 4.3.1.
You will require about 220 MB of disk space to store the SeqHound compiled
executables. These instructions assume you are logged in as user “seqhound” on a UNIX
system running the bash shell and you have perl installed on your system.
1. Decide the location to install the SeqHound binary executables. For example, if you
want to install in the directory /home/seqhound/execs, do the following:
mkdir execs
cd execs
2. Download the SeqHound installation utility script from the FTP
When prompted for a name enter
When prompted for a password type your email address:
cd pub/SeqHound/script
Close the ftp session by typing:
3. Run the perl script to download and install SeqHound executables. The perl script
will download SeqHound binary executables based on the specified platform (linux or
solaris), unpack the tar ball, modify the configurations files .odbc.ini and .intrezrc (for
ODBC database access) and deploy the configuration files. It requires two
commandline arguments: platform (linux or solaris) and installation path (e.g.
/home/seqhound/execs). Enter the path to the ODBC driver (e.g.

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/usr/lib/, please refer to step 10 in section 4.4 for ODBC driver path),
database server name, port number, user id, password and database instance name
when prompted by the perl script.
./ [linux OR solaris] [/home/seqhound/execs]

Upon successful execution of the perl script, you should see the following directories
in the directory execs:
The configuration file .odbc.ini can be found in the home
directory (e.g. /home/seqhound).

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4.3.1 Obtaining SeqHound Source Code.
Follow the instructions below to download SeqHound source code . If you downloaded
and unpacked the executables, you can skip section 4.3.1 and 4.4 and continue with
section 4.5.
1. In your home directory, make a new directory where you will store the new
SeqHound code.
mkdir compile
Move into this directory and set an environment variable called COMPILE to point to
this directory.
cd compile
export COMPILE=`pwd`
(where (`) is a single back-quote)
2. Download the perl utility seqhoundsrcdownload from the SeqHound ftp site

Note: We no longer support SeqHound download from the Sourceforge
FTP site. Please download SeqHound from

From the compile directory, type:
When prompted for a name enter
When prompted for a password type your email address:

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cd pub/SeqHound/script
Close the ftp session by typing:
3. Download SeqHound source code by running the perl script
The script will download the source code tar file and unpack the tar file into two
directories slri and bzip2. You will also see a release note file Release_notes_x.x.txt
in the same directory compile.
4. Set the SLRI environment variable
Move to the slri directory and set the environment variable “SLRI” to point to this
cd $COMPILE/slri
export SLRI=`pwd`

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4.4 Compiling SeqHound executables on Solaris
These instructions describe how to compile SeqHound running on the Solaris platform.
They may be used as a guide for compiling SeqHound code on other platforms.
Instructions are similar for Linux and differences are noted.
Using these instructions
These instructions assume that:
You have downloaded the SeqHound code from the ftp server and you have set
environment variables called COMPILE and SLRI. See section 4.3.1
You are using the bash shell.
Note: On Linux platforms, to compile SeqHound libs with ODBC support you also need
unixODBC-devel package which contains the sql.h + other libs/headers required to
compile SeqHound libs with ODBC support. This is not needed to run SeqHound, just to
compile it.
These instructions were tested on a Sun-Fire-880 architecture running a Sun Solaris OS
(version 9). The system information for the test-box (results of a “uname –a” call)
SunOS machine_name 5.9 Generic_117171-15 sun4u sparc

Download the NCBI toolkit
SeqHound is dependent on code in the NCBI toolkit
Move to the compile directory and ftp to the NCBI ftp site:
When prompted for a name enter anonymous
When prompted for a password type
cd toolbox/CURRENT
Make a note of the FAQ.html and the readme.htm files.
Change your transfer type to binary and get the zipped directory called ncbi.tar.gz
get ncbi.tar.gz
Close the ftp session by typing:

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Uncompress the toolkit.
gunzip ncbi.tar.gz
tar xvf ncbi.tar
2. Edit the platform make file.
Go to the platform directory and locate the file with a “.mk” extension that applies to
your platform. For 64-bit Solaris system the file is “” and in Linux
the file is
cd $COMPILE/ncbi
cd platform
In Linux replace the line /home/coremake/ncbi with
Use the following line (a Perl command) to replace the string in the Solaris file
/netopt/ncbi_tools/ncbi64/ncbi with the string ${NCBI}
in the file:
perl -p -i.bak -e 's|/netopt/ncbi_tools/
so for instance, the line
NCBI_INCDIR = /netopt/ncbi_tools/ncbi64/ncbi/include
Will become:
NCBI_INCDIR = ${NCBI}/include
You could also edit this file in hand using a text editor if you don’t have Perl
Copy the file up one level to the ncbi directory and rename it “”
cp ../
3. Set environment variables in preparation for the toolkit build.
Move back to the ncbi directory and set the environment variable NCBI to point to
that directory
cd $COMPILE/ncbi
export NCBI=`pwd`
check this by typing
echo $NCBI
the value shown will replace ${NCBI} in the “” file that you
modified in the above step when the make file is run.

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Note: The make file in the NCBI toolkit will use the C compiler from Sun
instead of the compiler gcc. We do not recommend using gcc as it
generates seqhound parsers that lead to segmentation fault at run time.
Finally, paths to the compiler and the archive executable ar should be added to your
PATH variable:
You can check all of your environment variables by typing
set | sort
At this point, the relevant environment variables should be something like this:
If you want, you can read the readme file in the make directory.
cd make
more readme.unx

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Note: For the Solaris UNIX OS only, the SeqHound API functions
SHoundGetGenBankff and SHoundGetGenBankffList breaks
due to a bug in the NCBI library file ncbistr.c (in directory ncbi/corelib
and ncbi/build). To fix the problem, replace all the code inside the
function Nlm_TrimSpacesAroundString() in the file ncbistr.c
with the following text
char *ptr, *dst, *revPtr;
int spaceCounter = 0;
ptr = dst = revPtr = str;
if ( !str || str[0] == '\0' )
return str;
while ( *revPtr != '\0' )
if ( *revPtr++ <= ' ' )
if ( (revPtr - str) <= spaceCounter )
*str = '\0';
return str;
while ( revPtr > str && *revPtr <= ' ' )
while ( ptr < revPtr && *ptr <= ' ' ) ptr++;
while ( ptr <= revPtr ) *dst++ = *ptr++;
*dst = '\0';
return str;

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4. Build the NCBI toolkit
Move back up to the compile directory and run the make command.
./ncbi/make/makedis.csh |& tee out.makedis.txt
Note: to build Solaris 64 bit binaries add the following to the command
SOLARIS_MODE=64 ./ncbi/make/makedis.csh
This runs a c-shell script to make the toolkit and tees the output to the screen and a
log file “out.makedis.txt”. It is safe to ignore the multiple error messages that you
may see.
At the end of a successful build you will see
*The new binaries are located in ./ncbi/build/ directory*
The ncbi.tar file can be removed from the “compile” directory after the successful build
process has been completed.
5. Make the bzip2 library
The bzip2 code was downloaded as part of the seqhound code in step 4.3.1 above.
Move to the bzip2 directory and run the make file.
cd $COMPILE/bzip2
make –f make.bzlib
6. Set the BZDIR environment variable.
cd $COMPILE/bzip2
export BZDIR=`pwd`
7. In your home directory, add the following environment parameters to the appropriate
configuration file such as .bashrc or .bash_profile. Text in italics should be changed
to the correct path on your machine that points to directory having
export NCBI=$COMPILE/ncbi
export BZDIR=$COMPILE/bzip2
export SLRI=$COMPILE/slri
export VIBLIBS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXpm -lXmu -lXp lXt -X11 -lXext"

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8. Install MySQL server and create database “seqhound”.
SeqHound is built and tested in MySQL version 4.1.10. You can download MySQL
from and follow the manual at to install MySQL on your server. The
data directory where the MySQL server points to should have 700 GB for a full
SeqHound database. After MySQL is installed, you need to log into MySQL and
create database “seqhound”:
create database seqhound;
Note that ";" must be used at the end of all MySQL statements.
9. Install ODBC driver:
Note that for Linux platforms, the unixODBC package needs to be
installed prior to the ODBC driver otherwise the following error will
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by MyODBC-3.51.09-1

a) Go to web site:
b) Find and download RPM distribution of ODBC driver MyODBC-3.51.071.i586.rpm.
c) As user "root", install the driver.
For first time installation
rpm -ivh MyODBC-3.51.01.i386-1.rpm
For upgrade
rpm -Uvh MyODBC-3.51.01.i386-1.rpm
d) The library file libmyodbc3. will be installed in directory /usr/lib or
10. Set up the configuration file for ODBC driver.
Create a configuration file called .odbc.ini in your home directory with the following

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Edit the file called .intrezrc in directory slri/seqhound/config/.
header must not be used for other sections
Description = MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver DSN
= Off
= stderr
your library path
= /usr/lib/
= mysqlsh
same as the header name
= my_server
= my_port
= my_id
= my_pwd
= seqhound
database name
Text in italics should be changed. Text /usr in the value of variable Driver
should be changed to the path where unixodbc resides. Text my_server should be
changed to the IP address or the server name of the MySQL server. Text my_port
should be changed to port number of the MySQL instance. Text my_id and my_pwd
should be replaced by your user id and password to the MySQL database.
Note that the values for the headers such as DSN, USER, PASSWORD and
DATABASE must be less than 9 characters.
11. Set up ODBC related variables:
export ODBC=path_to_unixodbc
Where path_to_unixodbc should be replaced by the path of the UnixODBC
driver on your machine.
In your home directory, add parameter “LD_LIBRARY_PATH” to the appropriate
configuration file such as .bashrc or .bash_profile:
The value of variable “LD_LIBRARY_PATH” should have all the paths that have the
library files libodbc*, libmyodbc*, and libmysqlclient*
12. Build the SeqHound executables
Move to the compile directory and list all the files in the directory:
You should see:
> ls

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Before proceeding you should check your environment variables
set | sort
to ensure that correct paths have been specified for each of the following variables:
Compile the SLRI libraries using the following commands:
cd $SLRI/lib
make -f make.slrilib
make -f make.slrilib odbc
The above commands will build the SLRI libraries needed by SeqHound.
The make files which you are about to invoke call on these variables therefore the
paths must be correct. Move to the make directory for SeqHound and run the makeall
script. The script requires two command line arguments. The first parameter indicates
what database backend is to be used for the build (currently the only valid target is
odbc). The second parameter indicates what SeqHound programs are to be made (a
choice of all, cgi, domains, examples, genomes, go,
locuslink, parsers,scripts, taxon, updates). The output of the
build script will be captured in the text file out.makeseqhound.txt.
cd $SLRI/seqhound
./makeallsh odbc all 2>&1 | tee out.makeseqhound.txt
It is safe to ignore the multiple warning messages that you may see.
After this has finished running, move to the directory slri/seqhound/build/odbc/
where you will find the executables for SeqHound.
cd build/odbc
ls -1
You will see
>ls –1

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13. Set up the SQL files that create tables.
cd $SLRI/seqhound/sql
In each of files core.sql, redund.sql, ll.sql, taxdb.sql, gendb.sql,
strucdb.sql, cddb.sql, godb.sql, rps.sql, nbr.sql, there is a line close to
the beginning of each file:
#use testsql;
This line should be changed to
use seqhound;

4.5 Building the SeqHound system on Solaris
Using these instructions
These instructions show how the SeqHound executables may be used to build the
SeqHound system under a Solaris 8 OS. These instructions may also be used as a guide
for setting up SeqHound under other operating systems. These instructions assume that:
• You have downloaded the latest release version of the SeqHound code (see step

You have successfully installed MySQL


You have successfully compiled the SeqHound code yourself (section 4.4)
you have downloaded the SeqHound executables for your platform and operating
system (section 4.3.4).


You have set environment variables called COMPILE and SLRI (see steps 4.3.1 and

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You have a default install of an Apache server running. See
for freely available software and instructions for your platform.


You have installed Perl. See for freely available software and
installation instructions.


You have at least 300 MB space available in a directory where you can check out
code and compile it.


You have at least 600 GB available for the SeqHound executables and data tables.
See section 4.2.

These instructions were tested on a Sun Ultra machine running the Sun-Solaris 8 OS. The
system information for the test-box (results of a “uname –a” call) were:
SunOS machine_name 5.8 Generic_108528-01 sun4u sparc
These instructions assume that you are using the c shell. Syntax may differ for some
commands in other shells.
Note: These instructions begin with ‘step 14’.

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14. Prepare to build the SeqHound database.
Create a new directory where you will set up SeqHound.
mkdir seqhound
Set the environment variable SEQH to point to this directory.
cd seqhound
setenv SEQH `pwd`
Move to this directory and create new directories
cd seqhound
mkdir 1.core.files
mkdir 2.redund.files
mkdir 3.taxdb.files
mkdir 4.godb.files
mkdir 5.lldb.files
mkdir 6.comgenome.files
mkdir 7.mmdb.files
mkdir 8.hist.files
mkdir 9.neighbours.files
mkdir 10.rpsdb.files
mkdir precompute
The numbered directories will hold parsers and files required for the build of the
SeqHound data tables. Directory “precompute” will hold the precomputed data of the

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Move to each of the numbered directories and copy all of the scripts and executables
required for the build.
cd $SEQH/1.core.files
cp $SLRI/seqhound/sql/core.sql .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/mother .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/update .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/config/.intrezrc .

$SLRI/seqhound/sql/redund.sql .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/redund .


$SLRI/seqhound/sql/taxdb.sql .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/importtaxdb .


$SLRI/seqhound/sql/godb.sql .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/goparser .


$SLRI/seqhound/sql/ll.sql .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/llparser .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/addgoid .


$SLRI/seqhound/sql/gendb.sql .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/genomes/gen_cxx .
$SLRI/seqhound/genomes/ .

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$SLRI/seqhound/genomes/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/genomes/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/chrom .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/comgen .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/mother .


$SLRI/seqhound/sql/strucdb.sql .
$SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
$SLRI/seqhound/config/.mmdbrc .
$SLRI/seqhound/config/.ncbirc .
$SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/cbmmdb .


cd $SEQH/8.hist.files
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/histparser .
Open the .intrezrc file with a text editor like pico and edit.
cd $SEQH/1.core.files
pico .intrezrc
An example .intrezrc file follows. Lines preceded by a semi-colon are comments that
explain what the settings are used for and their possible values.
Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with
your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in
section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and
DATABASE respectively in the .odbc.ini file you set up in Step 10 in section 4.4. For
variable path and indexfile in section [precompute], replace the text in
italics with the absolute path of directory “precompute” you just created.
Warning: This file may have wrapped lines. Take care when editing this
file that you do not break any of the lines (i.e. introduce any unwanted
carriage returns).

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-------------------------------example .intrezrc begins-------------------------------[datab]
;seqhound database that you are connecting
;the executable the cgi runs off of.
;precomputed taxonomy queries
MaxQueries = 100
MaxQueryTime = 10
QueryCount = 50
path = /seqhound/precompute/
indexfile = /seqhound/precompute/index
;indicated what modules are available in SeqHound
;1 for available, 0 for not available
;gene ontology hierarchy
godb = 1
;locus link functional annotations
lldb = 1
;taxonomy hierarchy
taxdb = 1
;protein sequence neighbours
neigdb = 1
;structural databases
strucdb = 1
;complete genomes tracking
gendb = 1
;redundant protein sequences
redundb = 1
;open reading frame database
;currently not exported to outside users of SeqHound
cddb = 0
;RPS-BLAST domains
rpsdb = 1
;DBXref Database Cross_Reference
dbxref = 0
;customizable variables in cron jobs
;NOTE: all paths must end in '/'
-------------------------------example .intrezrc ends----------------------------------

This file should be copied to other directories used during the build process:

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cp .intrezrc $SEQH/2.redund.files/.
cp .intrezrc $SEQH/3.taxdb.files/.
cp .intrezrc $SEQH/4.godb.files/.
cp .intrezrc $SEQH/5.lldb.files/.
cp .intrezrc $SEQH/6.comgenome.files/.
cp .intrezrc $SEQH/7.mmdb.files/.
cp .intrezrc $SEQH/8.hist.files/.
cp .intrezrc $SEQH/9.neighbours.files/.
cp .intrezrc $SEQH/10.rpsdb.files/.
15. Build the core module of SeqHound.
Building the core module (basically all of the sequence data tables) is not optional.
The rest of the modules are optional if there is a need to spare resources or
administrative efforts but the corresponding API functionality will not be present.
cd $SEQH/1.core.files
Create the core tables in the database
Make sure file core.sql has line use seqhound close to the beginning of the file.
mysql –u my_id –p –P my_port –h my_server < core.sql
Where my_id, my_port and my_server should be replaced by your userid for
the database, the port of the database and the IP address or the server name of the
database server respectively. You will be prompted to enter your password.
This creates core tables accdb, asndb, nucprot, parti, pubseq, sendb, sengi, taxgi,
bioentity, bioname, secondrefs, bioentitytype, nametype, rules, fieldtype and histdb.
If you are building a full-instance of the SeqHound database then run the
script while in the build directory:
Note that any command in these instructions can be run as a ‘nohup’ to
prevent the process from ending if your connection to the machine should
be lost. For example:
nohup ./ &

If you only want to build a small test version of the database then manually download
a single file. For example:
When prompted for a name enter anonymous
When prompted for a password type
cd refseq/cumulative
get rscu.bna.Z (do not uncompress this file)

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The script downloads all of the GenBank sequence records (in binary ASN.1
format) required to make an initial build of the SeqHound core module. This script
will take approximately 24 hours to run and will consume 14 GB of disk space.
Note that all scripts are described in detail in section 5.
Two other files are generated by this script:
asn.list is a list of the sequence files that the script intends to download.
asnftp.log is where the script logs error messages during execution time.
If you open another session with the machine where you are building SeqHound, you
can check how far along is by comparing the number of lines in the asn.list
grep “.aso.gz” asn.list | wc –l
to the number of lines in the build directory (number of files actually downloaded so
ls *.aso.gz | wc -l
Once asnftp has finished, these two numbers should be the same.
Run the seqhound build script. Before running this script, make certain that the
.intrezrc file, in the same directory, and .odbc.ini, in your home directory, have
correct configuration values. (see steps 10 in section 4.4 and step 14 in the current
section). This parser MUST be given a single parameter that represents the release
version of GenBank. You can find the release number in the file:
./ 141 executes the mother parser over all source files and populates
tables accdb, asndb, nucprot, parti, pubseq, sendb, sengi, taxgi, bioentity, bioname,
secondrefs, bioentitytype, nametype, rules and fieldtype. This will take about 75
hours. Table histdb is still empty at this stage. It is populated in Step 25.
Parser mother creates a log file for every *.aso file that it parses. These log files are
located in a subdirectory called “logs” and are named “rsnc0506run” where
“rsnc0506” is the name of the file that was being processed.
While is running, you can move on to steps 16-18.
Once has finished you can test that all of the files were properly
processed by showing that the results of
cd logs
grep “Done” | wc –l
is the same as
ls *run | wc –l
is the same as
cd ..
ls *aso.gz | wc -l

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The script unzips .aso.gz files before feeding them as input to the
mother program. then rezips the file after mother is done with it.
If for some reason, the build should crash part way through, you have to
a) recreate core tables using core.sql (see above) and
b) search for any unzipped (*.aso files) in the build directory and rezip them
c) restart
Once the script has finished, you should move all of the *.aso.gz
files into a directory where they will be out of the way:
mkdir asofiles
mv *.aso.gz asofiles/.
16. Build the redundb module.
cd $SEQH/2.redund.files
Create table redund in the database.
Make sure file redund.sql has the line use seqhound close to the beginning of the
mysql –u my_id –p –P my_port –h my_server < redund.sql
Where my_id”, “my_port” and “my_server” should be replaced by your userid
for the database, the port of the database and the IP address or the server name of the
database server respectively. You will be prompted to enter your password.
This creates table redund in the database.
Run the script to download the FASTA nr database of proteins
./ generates a log file “nrftp.log” that informs you what happened. If everything
went ok, the last two lines should read:
Getting nr.gz
closing connection
A new file should appear in the build directory called “nr.Z”. You will have to
unpack this file by typing:
gunzip nr.gz
Run the redund parser to make the redund table of identical protein sequences.
Before running this script, make certain that the .intrezrc file in the same directory
and .odbc.ini in your home directory have correct configuration values (see step 10 in
section 4.4 and step 14 in the current section).
./redund -i nr -n F
redund generates the log file “redundlog”. If everything went ok, the only line in this
file should be:
NOTE: [000.000] {redund.c, line 259} Done.

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And about 3 millions records will be inserted into table redund.
17. Build the taxdb module
Create tables of the taxdb module in the database.
cd $SEQH/3.taxdb.files
Make sure file taxdb.sql has line use seqhound close to the beginning of the file.
mysql –u my_id –p –P my_port –h my_server < taxdb.sql
Where my_id, my_port and my_server should be replaced by your userid for
the database, the port of the database and the IP address or the server name of the
database server respectively. You will be prompted to enter your password.
This creates tables taxdb, gcodedb, divdb, del, merge in the database.
Run the script to download taxonomy info from the NCBI
( generates a log file taxftp.log that informs you what happened. If everything
went ok, the last two lines should read:
Getting taxdump.tar.gz
closing connection
A new file should appear in the build directory called taxdump.tar.gz. You will have
to unpack this file by typing:
gzip –d taxdump.tar.gz
tar -xvf taxdump.tar
There will be seven new files:
Run the importtaxdb parser to make the taxonomy data tables. Taxdump must be in
the same directory as this parser.
importtaxdb has no command line parameters. importtaxdb generates the log file
importtaxdb_log.txt. If everything went ok, the output of this file should be
something like:
Program start at Thu Sep 4 13:47:51 2003
Number of Tax ID records parsed: 191647
Number of Tax ID Name records parsed: 246263
Number of Division records parsed: 11
Number of Genetic Code records parsed: 18

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Number of Deleted Node records parsed: 25475
Number of Merged Node records parsed: 4607
Program end at Thu Aug 12 13:49:43 2004

And records will be inserted into tables taxdb, gcodedb, divdb, del and merge.
18. Build the GODB module
Create tables of the godb module in the database.
cd $SEQH/4.godb.files
Make sure file godb.sql has line use seqhound close to the beginning of the file.
mysql –u my_id –p –P my_port –h my_server < godb.sql
Where my_id, my_port and my_server should be replaced by your userid for
the database, the port of the database and the IP address or the server name of the
database server respectively. You will be prompted to enter your password.
This creates tables go_parent, go_name, go_reference, go_synonym in the database.
Run the script to download the gene ontology files
( and
There is a log file for this script called goftp.log that indicates that it got all of these
files. Three new files should appear in the build directory called
Two other files also appear called
but these are used as input files by addgoid in the next step.
Run the goparser to make the hierarchical gene ontology data tables. The three input
files must be in the same directory as this parser.
goparser has no command line parameters. goparser generates the log file
goparserlog. If everything went ok, the output of this file should have only one
NOTE line:
NOTE: [000.000] {goparser.c, line 101} Main: Done!
And records will be inserted into tables go_parent, go_name, go_reference,
19. Build the LLDB module
Create tables of the locus link module in the database.
cd $SEQH/5.lldb.files
Make sure file ll.sql has line use seqhound close to the beginning of the file.
mysql –u my_id –p –P my_port –h my_server < ll.sql

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Where my_id, my_port and my_server should be replaced by your userid for
the database, the port of the database and the IP address or the server name of the
database server respectively. You will be prompted to enter your password.
This creates tables ll_omim, ll_go, ll_llink, ll_cdd in the database.
Run the script to download the locus link template file (LL_tmpl) which is the
source for function annotation tables
This script generates the llftp.log file. If everything executes correctly, the last two
lines of the file should read:
Getting LL_tmpl.gz
closing connection
And a new file should appear in the build directory called LL_tmpl.gz which you will
have to unpack using the commands
gzip –d LL_tmpl.gz
Run the llparser to create the set of functional annotation data tables. The input file
must be in the same directory as this parser.
llparser has no command line parameters. llparser generates the log file
“llparserlog”. At the time of writing, the output of this file will have thousands of
lines like:
NOTE: [000.000] {ll_cb.c, line 654} LL_AppendRecord: No
NP id. Record skipped.
(these lines are expected since many LocusLink records are not linked to specific
sequence records)
followed by the last line of the file:
NOTE: [000.000] {llparser.c, line 90} Main: Done!
Records will be inserted into tables ll_omim, ll_go, ll_llink and ll_cdd. Run the
addgoid parser to populate the go annotation table. This parser uses input files that
were downloaded in the previous step 13. Copy those files to this directory:
cp ../4.godb.files/gene_association.Compugen.GenBank.gz
cp ../4.godb.files/gene_association.Compugen.UniProt.gz
The files need to be unpacked.
gunzip gene_association.Compugen.GenBank.gz
gunzip gene_association.Compugen.UnitProt.gz
The input files must be in the same directory as addgoid
./addgoid –i gene_association.Compugen.GenBank
after this parser has finished, use it to parse the other input file
./addgoid –i gene_association.Compugen.UniProt

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At the time of writing, this second input file is not parsed since cross references
between Swissprot and GenBank ids are not available. This is being corrected by the
dbxref module project.
LLDB TABLES HAVE BEEN BUILT; the llparser makes the ll_go table
into which the addgoid script writes. This program is dependent on tables
asndb, parti, accdb and nucprot..
addgoid generates the log file addgoidlog. The output of this file will look like:
=========[ Sep 5, 2003 10:28
ERROR: [000.000] {addgoid.c,
ERROR: [000.000] {addgoid.c,
ERROR: [000.000] {addgoid.c,
ERROR: [000.000] {addgoid.c,

AM ]========================
line 235} No GI from 100K_RAT.
line 235} No GI from 100K_RAT.
line 235} No GI from 100K_RAT.
line 235} No GI from 100K_RAT.

This is normal. These errors are caused by the inability to find GI’s for names of
proteins/loci that are annotated in the GO input file. This problem is being addressed
by the dbxref module.dir
This program writes to the existing ll_go table that was generated by llparser.
20. Build the GENDB module
Change directories to the Complete Genomes directory (comgenomes).
cd $SEQH/6.comgenomes.files
Create tables of the GENDB module in the database.
Make sure file gendb.sql has line use seqhound close to the beginning of the file.
mysql –u my_id –p –P my_port –h my_server < gendb.sql
Where my_id, my_port and my_server should be replaced by your userid for
the database, the port of the database and the IP address or the server name of the
database server respectively. You will be prompted to enter your password.
This creates table chrom in the database.
Building the GENDB module involves several steps. To simplify the process, a perl
script, groups together all of the necessary scripts or binaries for
each individual step. These scripts and binaries must be present in this directory.
They are:

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Before building the GENDB module, the [crons] section in configuration file
.intrezrc should be set up properly. It should look like the following. Text in
italics must be changed. Variable mail should have the e-mail address where
you want the message to be sent to. Variable defaultrelease should have the
release number of the GenBank files you use to build the core tables of SeqHound
database (see Step 15):
;customizable variables in cron jobs
;NOTE: all paths must end in '/'

Make a subdirectory flag where the flag file comgen_complete.flg will be saved.
mkdir flag
Run the script to build the GENDB module:
./ generates flat file genff, log files bacteria.log, chromlog,
comgenlog, gen.log, iteratapartilog, a subdirectory genfiles and a lot of logs file with
postfix run which will be moved to a subdirectory logs. It also downloads many .asn
files which will be moved to subdirectory genfiles. During the process, temporary file
comff and directory asn are created. They are deleted before the end of the build
process. If the build process fails in the middle, they should be removed along with
file genff manually.
There are several lines printed on the screen during the build like:
mail = your_email_addr
pathupdates = ./
pathinputfilescomgen = ./genfiles/
defaultrelease = 141
pathflags = ./flag/
No source or subsource Plasmpdium falciparum NC_03043.
Update 1 chromosome type by hand.
It is OK to see above line.
An e-mail will be sent to the address you provide to inform if the process succeeds or
fails. If everything went ok, you will see the last line in file comgenlog as:
NOTE: [000.000] {comgen.c, line 504} Main: Done.
The last line in file iteratepartilog as:

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NOTE: [000.000] {iterateparti.c, line 170} Done.
The last line in file chromlog as:
NOTE: [000.000] {chrom.c, line 173} Done.
The last two lines in file bacteria.log as:
deleteing asn
See bacteria.results for changes to ./genff
The last two lines in file gen.log as:
Removing asn
Deleting comff
The following is a detailed explanation of the script You may skip
21. Generate flat file genff.
genff is a tab-delimited text file where each line in this file represents one "DNA unit"
(chromosome, plasmid, extrachromosomal element etc.) belonging to a complete

Taxonomy identifier for the genome
Unique integer identifier for a given chromosome
Type of molecule (1 or chromosome, 8 for plasmid, …)
FTP file name for the genome without the .asn
Full name of the organism

Here is an example of several rows from genff:




Ralstonia solanacearum plasmid pGMI1000MP
Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009 chromosome
Rickettsia conorii chromosome
Rickettsia prowazekii chromosome
Salmonella typhi chromosome
Salmonella typhi plasmid pHCM1
Salmonella typhi plasmid pHCM2
Salmonella typhi Ty2 chromosome

The genff flat file is generated in two steps.
a) which will CREATE genff using the eukaryotic complete genomes.
b) which will UPDATE genff with bacteria complete genomes.
* both and are dependent on so this must be in the
same directory as and when you run it. will backup the current (if it exists) genff as genff.backup and then create a new
genff file. will download asn files from NCBI’s ftp site and then extract the
relevant fields (as described above) and store them as records in genff.
The data of bacteria complete genome is written to genff by running
This perl utility will compare the data in genff to the contents of the
/genomes/bacteria directory in NCBI’s ftp site and then automatically update genff. will save the names of the bacteria that have been newly added to
genff in a separate file called bacteria.results. You can use this file to quickly verify
the results.
A sample output of

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***********PERFECT MATCH***********
Aeropyrum pernix
***********SEMI MATCHED NCBI BACTERIA*************
---------------------------------------Buchnera aphidicola
Buchnera sp
Buchnera aphidicola Sg
Buchnera sp
***********UNMATCHED NCBI BACTERIA*************
Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 Cereon
Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 UWash

Perfectly matched bacteria are already present in genff. Semi matched bacteria means
that there is an organism that is closely related to a new organism. For the above
example, Buchnera aphidocola Sg and Buchnera aphidocola were newly released and
closely related to the Buchnera sp. The newly released data will have been added to
genff. Unmatched bacteria are completely new organism and will be added to genff.
Both and will create an intermediate file called comff, and a
temporary directory asn. These are temporary and are critical to the functionality of
the perl scripts. Both and will delete comff and asn after
While running and you may see the following on the screen.
No source or subsource Plasmodium falciparum NC_03043.
Update 1 chromosome type by hand.
It means that for the specified organism, the asn file is missing the chromosome type.
In such a scenario, the chromosome type will default to 1 (chromosome
Once you have generated file genff, you will likely need to run it again periodically,
in case some of the data in genff has changed, for example if an organism taxid
changes, in which case it is crucial to rerun
Script downloads complete genome files from*.
A script called must be in the same directory as since
calls the script. is a misnomer because the script actually processes files for
human, mouse AND rat genomes.
Each of these genomes has two files called rna.asn and protein.asn (these files are
called the same thing regardless of the organism that they refer to: the only way you
can tell which organism the file refers to is by looking at the directory name that it
came from or by looking at the contents. renames rna.asn and protein.asn
files to more specific names so they can be processed with the script.
rna.asn and protein.asn files mostly contain XM’s and XP’s sequences: see for
example genomes/H_sapiens/protein. The sequences in these files are “loose”
bioseqs that have to be “stitched” together into bioseq sets by This
allows these sequences to be processed by the mother parser in the next step.
Many new *.asn files will appear in the comgenomes directory after this is run. There
is no log file for this script.

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a) Populate table chrom
Binary chrom is used to populate table chrom from the list of complete genomes
found in genff. Chrom generates the log file “chromlog”. This log will look
something like:
============[ Sep 5, 2003
NOTE: [000.000] {chrom.c,
NOTE: [000.000] {chrom.c,
NOTE: [000.000] {chrom.c,
NOTE: [000.000] {chrom.c,
NOTE: [000.000] {chrom.c,
NOTE: [000.000] {chrom.c,

2:30 PM ]====================
line 130} Assigned TaxId 56636.
line 137} Assigned Kloodge 1.
line 144} Assigned Chromfl 1.
line 149} Assigned Access NC_000854
line 152} Assigned Name Aeropyrum pernix.
line 167} Done.

b) Delete all records from division gbchm from the tables of the core module.
This step is carried out for data integrity purpose. All the records that are inserted
into the core module tables are labeled as from division gbchm. Before they are
inserted, it needs to ensure no such record exists in the database. This is
accomplished using binary iterateparti. iterateparti takes the division name as one
parameter and deletes all GI’s that are part of that division from all of the tables in
the core module.
c) Set kloodge to 0 in table taxgi
This step is also carried out for data integrity purpose. The field “kloodge” in
table taxgi for all records should be set to 0 before they are updated in a later step
by binary comgen.
d) Move all Apis mellifera related files to a subdirectory.
The chromosome, rna and protein files of Apis mellifera are not processed at the
time of writing. They are moved to a subdirectory.
e) Add records to the core module tables.
Since the human, mouse and rat sequences from this source (the “Complete
Genomes” directory) are not a part of the GenBank release, the records are added
to the core module tables by script 141
This script feeds all chromosome, rna and protein files downloaded by to
the mother parser. The mother parser makes a new division called “gbchm”
(GenBank Chromosome Human and Mouse) and touches all core module tables.
Log files will be created by mother for every chromosome file processed (called
f) Update field kloodge in table taxgi and field name in table accdb
Parser comgen is used to label sequences as belonging to a complete genome.
This program uses the files downloaded by and marks the complete
genomes in table taxgi. This program also adds loci names into table accdb (if
they are not present). comgen is dependent on the chrom table and writes to
accdb and taxgi. The comgen program has to be executed after all databases are
Comgen writes to the log file comgenlog in the same directory where it is run.

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22. Build the Strucdb module
Change to the mmdbdata directory.
cd $SEQH/7.mmdb.files
Create tables of the Strucdb module in the database.
Make sure file strucdb. sql has line use seqhound close to the beginning of the file.
mysql –u my_id –p –P my_port –h my_server < gendb.sql
Where my_id, my_port and my_server should be replaced by your userid for
the database, the port of the database and the IP address or the server name of the
database server repectively. You will be prompted to enter your password.
This creates tables mmdb, mmgi and domdb in the database.
Make certain that the configuration files have been properly set up. These include:
.mmdbrc, .ncbirc and .intrezrc.
In file .mmdbrc, variable “Gunzip” should have a value which is the path of
gunzip on the machine (change text in italics). File .mmdbrc looks like:
;Database and Index required when local MMDB database is used
Database = ./
Index = mmdb.idx
Gunzip = /bin/gunzip
; [VAST]
;Database required for local VAST fetches.
; Database = .

In file .ncbirc, variable DATA should have a value which is the path of directory
ncbi/data on your machine. File .ncbirc looks like (change text in italics):

Copy file bstdt.val from the ncbi/data directory:
cp ~/compile/ncbi/data/bstdt.val ./
Run the script to download the mmdb (Molecular Model Database)
ASN.1 files from This will take
approximately 10 hours..
This script writes to the mmdb.log file and records the files downloaded.
Approximately 20000 *.val.gz files will appear in the mmdbdata directory after
running this. Look at the first line in the mmdb.idx index file and this states the
number of files that should have been downloaded.
Run the cbmmdb parser to make the MMDB and MMGI datafiles. Use:
./cbmmdb –n F -m F
This program takes about 12 hours to run and writes errors to the cbmmdblog file.
After a typical run this file will contain:
============[ Nov 3, 2003 1:21 AM ]======================
ERROR: [004.001] {cbmmdb.c, line 125} Error opening MMDB id 22339

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WARNING: [011.001] {cbmmdb.c, line 240} Total elapsed time: 41857 seconds
NOTE: [000.000] {cbmmdb.c, line 245} Main: Done!

And records are inserted into tables mmdb and mmgi.
Run the vastblst parser to make the DOMDB datafile.
./vastblst –n F
This program writes errors to the vastblstlog file. After a typical run this file will
contain no messages and records are inserted into table domdb
In addition, vastblst makes a FASTA datafile of domains called mmdbdom.fas in the
directory where it is run.
Get the most recent nrpdb.* file from the NCBI ftp site in hand
Run the pdbrep parser to label representatives of nr chain sets in the domdb datatable.
This parser writes to the domdb table. Use:
uncompress nrpdb*.Z
pdbrep –i nrpdb.*
Where nrpdb.* is the name of the input file set. pdbrep will write errors to the
pdbreplog file in the same directory where it is run.
23. Build the Neighdb module
The sequence neighbours tables can be downloaded from as MySql database table files, as well
as mysqldump output, which should be adaptable to most SQL database systems. See
the readme on the ftp site for information on these files. To incorporate the mysql
database table files into your instance of seqhound, simply copy the files extracted
from the nblastdb and blastdb archives, downloaded from the ftp site, into your
seqhound database directory in your mysql instance. To incorporate the mysql dumps
of these tables into your seqhound instance, you need only pipe the contents of the
dump(which are SQL statements) to your database server. In the case of mysql,
simply execute:
gunzip -c
gunzip -c

seqhound.blastdb.SQLdump.YYYYMMDD.gz | mysql seqhound
seqhound.nblastdb.SQLdump.YYYYMMDD.gz | mysql seqhound

Be sure to fill in any required mysql options, such as username, hostname and
port number.
24. Build the Rpsdb and Domname modules
The pre-computed rps-blast table and the domname table can be downloaded from as MySQL database table files, as well as
mysqldump output, which should be adaptable to most SQL database systems. To
incorporate the mysql database table files into your instance of seqhound, simply
copy the files extracted from the rpsdb and domname archive, downloaded from the
ftp site, into your seqhound database directory in your mysql instance. To
incorporate the mysql dumps of these tables into your seqhound instance, you need
only pipe the contents of the dump(which are SQL statements) to your database
server. In the case of mysql, simply execute:
gunzip -c
gunzip -c

seqhound.rpsdb.SQLdump.YYYYMMDD.gz | mysql seqhound
seqhound.domname.SQLdump.YYYYMMDD.gz | mysql seqhound

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Be sure to fill in any required mysql options, such as username, hostname and port
25. Build the histdb table.
cd $SEQH/8.hist.files
./histparser –n F
This parser populates table histdb. An entry will be generated for each of the
sequences that have valid accessions in table accdb that indicates that the sequence
was added on this day (when you ran histparser). This parser writes to the
histparserlog. This parser requires the accdb table and will take about 15 hours to
26. You are done with the initial build of SeqHound.
If you did not build any of the optional modules, you will have to
remember this when setting up the .intrezrc configuration file for any
SeqHound application.
Set module values to zero if you did not build them. See the following section of the
.intrezrc configuration file.
;indicate what modules are available in SeqHound
;1 for available, 0 for not available
;gene ontology hierarchy (did you run goparser?)
godb = 1
;locus link functional annotations (did you run llparser and addgoid?)
lldb = 1
;taxonomy hierarchy (did you run importtaxdb?)
taxdb = 1
;protein sequence neighbours (did you download neighbours tables?)
neigdb = 1
;structural databases (did you run cbmmdb, vastblst and pdbrep?)
strucdb = 1
;complete genomes tracking (did you run chrom and comgen?)
gendb = 1
;redundant protein sequences (did you run redund?)
redundb = 1
;open reading frame database (currently not exported at all)
cddb = 0
;RPS-BLAST tables (did you download RPS-BLAST tables?)
rpsdb = 1

Catch up on SeqHound daily updates
27. Download all daily update files for genbank
Warning: There might have been a new GenBank release while you were
building SeqHound, in this case you cannot get updates from any more. You have to rebuild
SeqHound with a fresh GenBank release. You should check the file to make certain that it
contains the same release number that was present when you started step
cd $SEQH/
mkdir seqsync

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cd seqsync
When prompted for a name enter anonymous
When prompted for a password type cd ncbi-asn1
cd daily-nc
mget nc*.aso.gz
Do not download the con_nc*.aso.gz files from this directory. SeqHound does not
use them.
28. Download all daily update files for refseq.
From download all files past the date stamp on
gbrscu.aso.gz. gbrscu.aso.gz is the latest cumulative RefSeq division which was
downloaded by and is located (in this example) in seqhound/build/asofiles.
cd $SEQH/seqsync
enter anonymous and your email address when prompted
cd refseq
cd daily
get rsnc.****.2003.bna.Z
(where **** are files with timestamps greater than gbrscu.aso.gz)
You must uncompress all of these files and rezip them so they can be processed by
the mother parser.
compress –d *.Z
gzip *.bna
29. Run update and mother on all downloaded files (excluding today's one; crons will do
it in the evening).
You can use the scripts and You will also need
mother, update and a properly configured .intrezrc file in the same directory as all of
the daily update files.
cd $SEQH/seqsync
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/scripts/ .
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/scripts/ .
cp $SEQH/1.core.files/.intrezrc .
cp $SEQH/1.core.files/mother .
cp $SEQH/1.core.files/update .
Run first

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./ 141
where 141 is the release number.
Run second.
./ 141
These scripts will run update and mother executables (consecutively) on all
downloaded files present in the current directory.
All daily updates in SeqHound are stored in one division called gbupd regardless
how long SeqHound runs without a core rebuild.
mother will make a log file called “*run” for every file that it processes
update will make two log files called “*gis” and “*log” for every file that it processes
You can check that the two parsers have completed successfully. Each of the
following queries should return the same number (the number of starting input files):
ls *aso.gz | wc –l
ls *gis | wc –l
ls nc*log | wc –l
ls nc*run | wc –l
grep Done nc*run |wc -l
Setting up daily sequence updates
30. Make a new directory from where you will run daily sequence updates.
Populate this with the necessary scripts and programs.
cd $SEQH
mkdir updates
cd updates
cp $SLRI/seqhound/scripts/*
cp $SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/redund .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/mother .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/update .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/precompute
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/isshoundon
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/importaxdb
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/goparser .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/llparser .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/addgoid .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/comgen .



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cp $SLRI/seqhound/build/odbc/chrom .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/scripts/ .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/genomes/gen_cxx .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/genomes/ .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/genomes/ .
cp $SLRI/seqhound/genomes/ .
mkdir logs
mkdir asofiles
mkdir inputfiles
mkdir genfiles
mkdir flags
31. Copy the .intrezrc config file to the updates directory and edit it.
cd $SEQH/updates
cp $SLRI/seqhound/config/.intrezrc .
cp $SEQH/1.core.files/.intrezrc .
Text in italics must be changed. in [crons] section, variable pathupdates
points to the path where the update jobs will be set up; variable pathinputfiles
points to the path that saves the input files (other than *.aso.gz and *.bna.gz files from
the core module and *.asn files from the gendb module); variable
pathinputfilescomgen points to the path that saves the input files *.asn for the
gendb module; variable mail indicates your e-mail address; variable
defaultrelease is the GenBank release you build SeqHound database with;
variable pathflags points to the path that save the flag files generated by each
updating job.
;customizable variables in cron jobs
;NOTE: all paths must end in '/'

The cron daemon may consider your home directory to be the “current directory”.
For this reason, the .intrezrc file should be copied to your home directory too.
cd $SEQH/updates
cp .intrezrc ~/.
32. Set up the cron job. (daily update cron) is a PERL script that retrieves the latest
GenBank and RefSeq update files from the NCBI ftp site and then passes them to

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“update” and “mother” where they are used to update the SeqHound data tables.
Specifically, it
a) downloads update files with today's date (from nc*.aso.gz and rsnc*.bna.Z
b) runs update
(update -i nc*.aso.gz)
and then
c) runs mother
(mother -i nc*.aso.gz -r version# -n F -m F -u T).
You need to know this because if you miss a few updates before setting up
the cron job (and after completing the seqsync steps above) you have to
run update and mother in hand using the above commands.
All scripts (like report success or failure via email. The mailto
address is set in the script which you have just edited. is the first cron job that has to be set up. Make a new text file
called list_crontab where you will list the cron jobs.
cd $SEQH/updates
pico list_crontabs
This file should have the single line
30 22 * * * cd /seqhound/update; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libpath ./

where libpath should be replaced by the correct path you set up in Step 11 for
environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You can find it out by:
This line specifies the time to run a job on a recurring basis. It consists of 6 fields
separated by spaces. The fields and allowable values are of the form:
(0-59) in this case 30
(0-23) in this case 22
day of the month (1-31) in this case *
(1-12) in this case *
(0-6 where 0 is Sunday) in this case *
command to run
The above line indicates that is to be run at 10:30 PM every day of
the month, every month, regardless of the day of the week. The * character is a wildcard. The actual command consists of changing to the directory where exists (this path will have to be modified depending on your set
cd /seqhound/update;
and then executing the perl script

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After adding the above line and editing it to match your setup, close the file.
To activate this crontab file, type
crontab list_crontabs
If for some reason, you want to deactivate the cron job, type:
crontab –r list_crontabs
To find out what cron jobs you have activated, type
crontab -l
For more information on setting up cron jobs on UNIX type:
man crontab
33. Set up to run daily.
cd $SEQH/updates
pico list_crontabs
Add the following line:
30 23 * * * cd /seqhound/update; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libpath ./

See Step 32 for the explanation of libpath.
After adding the above line, edit it to match your setup and close the file.
To activate this crontab file, type
crontab list_crontabs
This script basically does three things:
a) checks if file “nr” is updated on the ftp site If it
is, retrieves it
b) drops table redund from the database and recreate it.
c) rebuilds table redund using the downloaded nr file and the redund parser.
34. Run precompute for the first time.
First set up the configuration file
cd $SEQH/updates
pico .intrezrc
Edit the section under [precompute] to make it look like:
;precomputed taxonomy queries
MaxQueries = 0
MaxQueryTime = 10
QueryCount = 0
#path to precomputed searches has to have "/" at the end !!
path = /seqhound/precompute/
indexfile = /seqhound/precompute/index

Make sure the value of path is the absolute path of directory precompute you
make in Step 14 and the value of indexfile is the value of path plus index.
Variable path is the directory that holds results of the precompute executable.
indexfile is a path to the index that will be created by precompute.

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Finally, run the precompute executable:
cd $SEQH/updates
./precompute –a redo
Where –a redo specifies that the program is being run for the first time.
This program basically precomputes the number of proteins and nucleic acids (and
their GI values) for each taxon in the taxgi table. The results of this query are stored
and indexed in text files (in the directory specified by path) if this query takes
longer than x seconds (where x is defined by MaxQueryTime in the above .intrezrc
file). These text files are used by SeqHound API calls such as
35. Set up to run daily.
cd $SEQH/updates
pico list_crontabs
Add the following line:
30 1 * * * cd /seqhound/update; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libpath ./

See Step 32 for the explanation of libpath.
After adding the above line and editing it to match your setup, close the file.
To activate this crontab file, type
crontab list_crontabs
This script basically runs the command
precompute -a update
and updates the precomputed search results.
36. Set up to run daily.
cd $SEQH/updates
pico list_crontabs
Add the following line:
30 7 * * * cd /seqhound/update; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libpath ./

See Step 32 for the explanation of “libpath”.
After adding the above line and editing it to match your setup, close the file.
To activate this crontab file, type
crontab list_crontabs
This script basically does two things:
a) runs the executable called isshoundon. This program makes a single call to
the local SeqHound API to ensure that it is working.
b) moves all log, run and gis log files into a directory called logs
37. Set up to run daily.
cd $SEQH/updates
pico list_crontabs

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Add the following line:
30 21 * * * cd /seqhound/update; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libpath ./

See Step 32 for the explanation of libpath.
After adding the above line and editing it to match your setup, close the file.
To activate this crontab file, type
crontab list_crontabs
This script basically repeats the actions listed in step 14 above and re-creates the
locus link tables in SeqHound. This includes:
a) getting the latest LL_tmpl.gz file from the NCBI ftp site.
b) removing the locus link tables from SeqHound
c) running llparser
d) getting 2 GO annotation files from GO ftp site
e) running the addgoid parser on these two files
38. Set up to run daily.
cd $SEQH/updates
pico list_crontabs
Add the following line:
30 21 * * * cd /seqhound/update; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libpath ./

See Step 32 for the explanation of libpath.
After adding the above line and editing it to match your setup, close the file.
To activate this crontab file, type
crontab list_crontabs
This script basically repeats the actions listed in step 15 above and re-creates the
chrom table in SeqHound and updates the complete genome information in the core
tables. This includes:
a) generating a list of “DNA units” that belongs to a complete genome,
b) downloading complete genome files from NCBI ftp site,
c) rebuilding table chrom
d) removing all records in the core tables that belongs to division “gbchm”,
e) running script to insert records into core tables
f) resetting the kloodge field in table taxgi for all records to 0
g) updating kloodge by running parser comgen

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Setting up SeqHound servers. Overview
39. Setting up SeqHound servers. Overview.
There are two web server applications that make up the SeqHound system:
a) wwwseekgi produces html pages for the SeqHound web interface and
b) seqrem processes requests to the SeqHound remote API.
Step 40 shows you how to find the two directories where you will set up these two
applications (assuming that you are using a default installation of Apache). The two
directories are called:
Step 40 may be skipped if you already know or have already been told where these two
directories are.
Steps 41 - describe the files that must be placed into these two sub-directories in order to
start the wwwseekgi and seqrem servers.
40. Examining the httpd.conf file for Apache.
These instructions assume that you already have an Apache server running. In order
to proceed further you must locate the directory where executables will be run from
(called “cgi-bin” in a default set-up of Apache) and a directory that contains html
documents (called “htdocs” in a default set-up of Apache). You can find (and reset)
the location of these two directories in an Apache configuration file called
“httpd.conf”. In a default set-up of Apache, the httpd.conf file can be accessed by
changing to the directory:
cd /etc/apache
and then opening the httpd.conf file found in this directory using a text editor such as
pico httpd.conf
To find the cgi-bin directory location, look for the line beginning with
“ScriptAlias”. In the default set-up, this line looks like this:
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ “/var/apache/cgi-bin/”
In this example, the path to the cgi-bin directory is /var/apache/cgi-bin/.
Write this path down, whatever it is.
To find the htdocs directory, look for the line beginning with “DocumentRoot”. In
the default set-up, this line looks like this:`
DocumentRoot “/var/apache/htdocs/”
In this example, the path to the cgi-bin directory is /var/apache/htdocs/.
Write this path down, whatever it is.
Also make a note of the line beginning with “User” and “Group” (who has
ownership to the server). In a default Apache set-up, these lines are likely
User nobody
Group nobody

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Make a note of this, whatever it is.
Exit from the httpd.conf file and save your changes. If you made changes to the file,
you must restart the Apache server using the command:
/usr/apache/bin/apachectl restart
See the Trouble Shooting section at the end for more information on this.
In the steps below you will set up the SeqHound server by adding to these two
Contents of the cgi-bin and htdocs directories



the SeqHound wwwseekgi and seqrem server applications will placed

all of the static html pages used by the SeqHound interface will be placed
41. Set up the cgi-bin directory.

Move to the cgi-bin directory you found in the step above. For the default set-up:
cd /var/apache/cgi-bin/
make a new subdirectory here called SeqHound
mkdir seqhound
cd seqhound
copy the SeqHound server applications here:
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/build/odbc/seqrem .
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/build/odbc/wwwseekgi .
also copy the following files to this directory:
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/html/seekhead.txt .
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/html/seektail.txt .
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/html/seekhead.txt pics/.
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc .
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/config/.ncbirc .
42. Edit the .ncbirc configuration file.
Open the file with a text editor such as pico.
The setting for Data should contain a path to the ncbi/data directory. This directory
was downloaded as part of the ncbi toolkit in step 2.
--------------------example .ncbirc file begins----------------------[NCBI]
--------------------example .ncbirc file ends-------------------------

43. Edit the .intrezrc configuration file.
Refer to step 14 in the current section for setting up of the .intrezrc file. The settings
for username, password, dsn and database in section [datab] should be
valid for the SeqHound database you have just built, and the setting for path and

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indexfile in section [precompute] should point to the valid path as in step 34
in the current section. Set up the index.html file for the web interface.
Move to the htdocs directory for your web-server. In the default case:
cd /var/apache/htdocs/
Make a SeqHound directory here:
mkdir seqhound
cd seqhound
Copy the index.html page to this directory:
cp $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/html/index.html .
Open the file in a text editor like pico and edit it so that its action points to the
wwwseekgi server.
pico index.html
then edit the line
where "/cgi-bin/seqhound/wwwseekgi" should specify the path to the wwwseekgi executable. 44. Set up ODBC configuration file .odbc.ini:. Move to the home directory of the owner of the binary seqrem in directory /var/apache/cgi-bin/. Text in italics should be changed (see Step 10): cd /homedir Set up file .odbc.ini as the following (text in italics should be changed): [mysqlsh] Description Trace TraceFile Driver DSN SERVER PORT USER PASSWORD DATABASE = = = = = = = = = = MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver DSN On stderr /software/64/unixodbc/odbc/lib/ mysqlsh my_server my_port user_id my_pwd seqhound 45. Set permissions on the cgi-bin directory. Move to the cgi-bin directory. cd /var/apache/cgi-bin/ Change the user and group ownership to nobody (or whatever the values of “User” and “Group” were set to in step 40). chown –R nobody:nobody seqhound 46. Set permissions on the htdocs directory. Move to the htdocs directory. cd /var/apache/htdocs/ Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 56 of 421 18/04/2005 Change the user and group ownership to nobody (or whatever the values of “User” and “Group” were set to in step 40). chown –R nobody:nobody seqhound 47. Test the SeqHound web interface. Open an internet browser and, in this example, go to the url http://yourmachinename/cgi-bin/seqhound/ You should see the front page of the SeqHound wwwseekgi interface. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 57 of 421 18/04/2005 Trouble-shooting notes Error logs Error logs for each of the SeqHound parsers are described in the steps above where the parser is used to initially build a given SeqHound module. Error logs for the SeqHound wwwseekgi server software is located in the same directory as the executable; see wwwseekgilog. Error logs for the seqrem server are located in the same directory as the executable; see seqremlogs. Error logs for the Apache server software are located (in a default set-up) in /var/apache/logs. Recompiling SeqHound If you make changes to and recompile SeqHound, you should first do a clean of the existing object files and executables. If you are still in a super-user shell, you may wish to exit this shell and return to the shell where you had set all of your environment variables. These variables are required by the clean and make scripts. COMPILE compile directory SLRI slri directory NCBI ncbi directory CC gcc PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:${PATH} EXTRAOPT –D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 ODBC (path to unixodbc) LD_LIBRARY_PATH (path to mysql and odbc libraries) The first three variables refer to directories that are created during the above instructions. To clean, run any make file with the ‘clean’ target. For example, to clean the cgi executables, type: cd $COMPILE/slri/seqhound/cgi make –f make.seqrem clean make –f make.wwwseekgi clean Restarting the Apache server If changes are made to the httpd.conf file, the Apache server must be restarted for the changes to take effect. Use the apachectl script to do this For a default install of Apache this script is in the directory cd /usr/apache/bin and to start the server, type ./apachectl restart or to get a list of apachectl script commands type ./apachectl Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 58 of 421 18/04/2005 Other useful links SLRI on Sourceforge NCBI Info Engineering branch: Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) MySQL Parser schedule Parsers are run on a periodic basis as “cron” jobs on Unix platforms and as “Schedules tasks” on Windows platforms. The cron job schedule is set up in the file “seqhound/update/list_crontabs” on UNIX platforms The setup for the current production version of SeqHound described in these instructions is shown below: 0 19 * * * /arena/seqhound/update/ 0 21 * * * /arena/seqhound/update/ 30 22 * * * /arena/seqhound/update/ 30 24 * * * /arena/seqhound/update/ 0 7 * * * /arena/seqhound/update/ MySQL errors ERROR 1153 at line X: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' When MySQL receives a packet bigger than max_allowed_packet bytes, it issues a Packet too large error and closes the connection. For example, when a single SQL statement from a mysqldump being imported exceeds the value for "max_allowed_packet" configured on the MySQL server. Increasing this value to 64MB from the default 16MB should resolve the error. This value may be changed in the global config or setting this on the running server via: set global max_allowed_packet=67108864; Please see for more information Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 59 of 421 18/04/2005 5. Description of the SeqHound parsers and data tables by module What are modules? The SeqHound system is divided into one required “core” module and several optionally configured modules. Modules are groups of tables and API calls that are filled using a common data resource, for example the 3D structures. The purpose of this division is to give the user an option to control hardware resources and complexity of system administration when parts of the SeqHound system are not required. The list of SeqHound modules and their data resources is contained in the table below. After a system build, the module information is recorded in the configuration file which is then utilized by the API to determine if certain operations can be achieved with the current setup. The configuration file is called .intrezrc (Unix platforms) The relevant section of this file is under the heading “[sections]”. Consult Section 4 under “Building the SeqHound system” for more information on specifying the available modules in this file. How to use this section. This section describes the SeqHound system in detail module by module. Parser and data tables associated with a given module are described under the section for that module. A brief description of all of the parsers can be found below and in the Table 2 of the SeqHound paper. The table is repeated below and will be updated here. Note: It is assumed that you have read the material in section 3 and section 4 before delving into this material. These two sections include everything you need to know to start using the SeqHound remote API or to install you own local version of SeqHound. This section is intended for users who may want more details about how SeqHound is constructed and exactly what it is doing behind the scenes. This section is also meant as background material for developers who want to further develop the SeqHound system Parser descriptions Parser descriptions contain the following headings and information: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual purpose: logic: module: input files: tables altered: source code location: config file dependencies: command line parameters: example use: associated scripts: error and run-time logs: troubleshooting: additional info: 60 of 421 18/04/2005 a brief description of what the parser is for more details on the parser – see update parser for example what module the parser belongs to input files required by the parser (also available in Table 2) tables in SeqHound that are modified or created by the parser (also available in Table 2) location of the parser source code in the slri development tree what configuration file parameters must be set for the parser to work used by the parser of the parser from the command line that are used to run the parser where they are located and what is in them problems that may occur with this parser where to find it Table descriptions Each table that is relevant to a module is described under that module. Here is an example with comments in brackets. A data table description consists of the following sections and content: Database: Table: Definition: that the table belongs to (almost always SeqHound) name of the table like “accdb” a brief description of the table's purpose (for example, “This table Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 61 of 421 18/04/2005 correlates gi’s to accession identifiers). notes about the table Observation: where does this table’s information come from Source db: the source file (used by the parser to fill this table) location is listed here Source file: the name of parser if a single parser is responsible for filling this entire Parser: table. This is followed by a summary of the table’s definition (for example): Field Type Null Default Column_Definition rowid int(11) No Auto number row identifier gi int(11) No 0 GenInfo Identifier asn1 longblob Yes NULL BioSeqs: Sequences and indexes Keyname Type Field PRIMARY PRIMARY gi iasndb_rowid INDEX rowid iasndb_gi INDEX gi (each field is then described...only one field description is shown for this example) ***gi*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 structure: definition of the column (for example, GenInfo sequence record identifier”) of a column entry (for example, “1232452”) if the value has a default value, it is listed here If the value in this column is derived from an NCBI data structure, this gives you a quick idea of where to locate it--you can find more info by searching for this data structure at: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual source: parser: function: API: more info: 62 of 421 18/04/2005 for example, “Bioseq->Seq-id (choice 12) Alternatively, the column may store a binary object that is an NCBI or SLRI ASN.1 object. Descriptions of SLRI ASN.1 objects may be found at If the value in this column is derived from a text file, this describes how to find the information present in this column in the source file (for example in the fourth column) this is the parser(s) that retrieves the value from some other db (for example, mother) this is the parser function that retrieves the value if a SHound API function retrieves this value from this table it is listed here (for example, ShoundFindAcc) (other notes) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 63 of 421 18/04/2005 An overview of the SeqHound data table structure An overview of the SeqHound data table structure is available as a separate document in pdf format. See Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 64 of 421 18/04/2005 Parsers and resource files needed to build and update modules of SeqHound. This table will be updated shortly Input File Resource ASN.1 sequences*.aso mother /*.bna ASN.1 sequences*.aso Parser update*bna FASTA nr redund database List of complete (flat bin/viewcvs.cgi/slritools/slri/seqhound chrom file) /genomes/chromff ASN.1 for complete*/*.asn comgen genomes Taxonomy importtaxdb release (flat file) dump.tar ASN.1 MMDB cbmmdb release /*.val MMDB mmdb table vastblst (database table) Tables Module Modified asndb, parti, nucprot, accdb, core pubseq, taxgi, sendb, sengi asndb, parti, nucprot, accdb, core pubseq, taxgi, sendb, sengi redund redundb chrom gendb taxgi, accdb gendb TAX, GCODE, taxdb DIV, del, merge mmdb, mmgi strucdb domdb strucdb Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 3-D chain BLAST sets (flat file) FASTA nr database 65 of 421 18/04/2005 pdbrep pdb.* nblast nrB table available nrB and nrN tables BLAST ASN.1 available at nbraccess results NBLAST/ LL_tmpl (flat llparser file) LL_tmpl gene_associaton .com addgoid pugen.GenBank /Swissprot (flat files) function.ontolog y process.ontolog goparser y component.onto logy (flat files) CDD database domname; FASTA nr DOMNAME and RPSDB tables database and rpsdb available at CDD database RPS/ domdb strucdb nrB neigdb nrN neigdb ll_omim, ll_go, lldb ll_llink, ll_cdd ll_go lldb go_parent, go_name, go_reference, go_synonym godb domname rpsdb rpsdb rpsdb Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 66 of 421 18/04/2005 core module Last updated April 11, 2005. This section is maintained bt Elizabeth Burgess. mother parser Last updated April 11, 2005 purpose: The mother parser is the first parser that is used to initially build the SeqHound “core” set of data tables. The input files consist of the latest release of GenBank and RefSeq in binary ASN.1 format available on the NCBI ftp site. The resulting SeqHound data tables hold DNA, RNA and protein sequence record information. As of release 4.0, the mother parser is also used with the GenBank and RefSeq daily updates to update SeqHound so that that sequence information is synchronized with that of NCBI. Previously, updates were handled by a separate parser called “update”. logic: The mother parser is run on a daily basis in update mode (-u T) to update with two input files. One input file is the daily update from GenBank and the other is the daily update from the RefSeq database. For each bioseq in the input file, mother retrieves the GI and accession number. Mother then looks for this pair of GI and accession identifiers in the SeqHound accdb table. If neither the accession (nor the GI) is found, then the record in the daily update represents a GI that is to be ADDED to SeqHound. If the accession in the update file is found in SeqHound and is associated with the same GI (as listed in the update file) then the record in the daily update represents a GI that has been CHANGED. This means that the sequence record was resubmitted to GenBank with the same GI; the sequence remains the same but the associated annotation has changed. If the accession in the update file is found in SeqHound but the GI associated with this accession differs between the update file and SeqHound, then the GI that is newly associated with the accession represents a change in the sequence. The accession and updated GI Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 67 of 421 18/04/2005 pair point to a sequence record that will be ADDED to SeqHound. The accession and old GI (currently in SeqHound) point to a record in SeqHound that will be KILLED (deleted). Mother then records in the SeqHound history table whether the GI and accession in the update file represent an ADDED or CHANGED record. The previous gi associated with the accession is also recorded, if there is one. Mother also records in the history table those sequence records currently in SeqHound that will be KILLED (see above). This process is completed for every bioseq in the update file. A list of ADDED, CHANGED and KILLED GI’s is written to the file rsncmmddgis where rsncmmdd refers to the update file that was being processed. Mother then deletes from the following tables: parti, accdb, sendb,sengi, taxgi, pubseq, nucprot asndb. If the record is a complete genome record, then the gi will be deleted from gichromid, contigchromid, gichromosome and contigchromosome. The strategy for complete genome deletions is as follows: Complete genome information in NCBI may be stored in several different places in the record. 1. Records from organisms other than those for certain higher eukaryotes ( e.g. human, mouse, rat, chicken and bee). These records contain the flag NCBI_GENOMES and list the RNA and protein gis in the annotation. The RNA and protein gis will be written to gichromid. The gi of the contig that contains the annotation is also written to this record if it is known. 2. Records from human, mouse, rat etc. The top level contig contains the NCBI_GENOMES flag, but no annotation. Instead, it lists the gis for contigs that make up this chromosome. The annotation of these contig records contains the gis and proteins that belong to this chromosome. The lower level contig gis are written to contigchromid so that the protein and RNA gis can be parsed later from the contig bioseqs by the postcomgen parser. The gi of the top level contig is also written to this record. 3. Some records exist that only contain a chromosome number in the description of the bioseq. These records can be a contig record or a record for an individual protein or RNA. These records are first written to gichromosome or contigchromosome and later moved to gichromid and contigchromid by postcomgen. For updating, we check to see if the accession for that gi is in the chrom table. The only records that are written to this table are the top level gis that contain the NCBI_GENOMES flag. If the gi belongs to a top level contig, then all gis in contigchromid that belong to that contig are retrieved and all gis in gichromid that belong to each low level contig gi are deleted. The low level contig gis are then deleted from contigchromid. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 68 of 421 18/04/2005 If the record is present in contigchromid, then all gis in gichromid from that contig are deleted before the record is deleted from contigchromid. If the gi is present in only gichromid and contains a contig gi, then the appropriate record in contigchromid is marked as changed. That way, after mother finishes, postcomgen will only process those contigs that have changed. Mother writes errors and messages to a log file called rsncmmddrun where rsncmmdd refers to the update file that was being processed. module: core input files: latest GenBank release (*.aso) latest RefSeq release (*.bna) daily GenBank release (*.aso) daily RefSeq release (*.bna) tables altered: asndb, parti, nucprot, accdb, pubseq, taxgi, sendb, sengi, bioentity, bioname, chrom, gichromid, contigchromid, gichromosome, contigchromosome source code location: slri/seqhound/parsers/mother.c config file dependencies: The relevant configuration file is: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 69 of 421 18/04/2005 slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc The relevant section of the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see section 4). command line parameters: Typing “./mother –“ at the command line while in the directory where mother resides will return a list of command line parameters and default settings. Note that -n and -m are listed for historical Codebase purposes. These values are always F for ODBC. For example: > ./mother – mother arguments: -i Filename for asn.1 input [File In] -r Release [String] -n Initialize the ASNDB database file [T/F] Optional default = F -m Initialize the remaing database files [T/F] Optional default = F -u Is this an update [T/F] Optional default = F -c Is this a file for human/mouse complete genome [T/F] Optional default = F -t Read input file in text mode [T/F] Optional default = F Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 70 of 421 18/04/2005 example use: mother –i nc1227.aso -r 135 -n F -m F mother –I nc1227.aso –r 135 Note that mother is normally run under the control of a script (see below). associated scripts: The initial build of SeqHound is executed using the script called “” See “slri/seqhound/scripts/” This script cycles through all the GenBank and RefSeq release files downloaded by unzips them, processes them with mother and then zips them up again. The script must be run in the directory containing the GenBank and RefSeq release files and a copy of the mother parser The script takes one argument (a release number). ./ 135 mother is also called by the scripts that generate the daily updates (see “associated scripts” under update parser). error and run-time logs: mother writes to a log file called “rsncmmddrun” where rsncmmdd refers to the GenBank release or update file that was being processed. When run in update mode, it also writes the gis to a file called “rsncmmddgis”. The log files are created in the directory logs. troubleshooting: additional info: See readme files that accompany the input files on the GenBank ftp site. See data table descriptions for each of the tables that are listed under “tables altered”. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 71 of 421 18/04/2005 update parser Last updated April 11, 2005 note: As of Release 4.0, update functionality has been moved to the mother parser and associated scripts. See above. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 72 of 421 18/04/2005 postcomgen parser Last updated April 11, 2005 purpose: The postcomgen parser is used in conjunction with the mother parser. It is used to update the taxgi table with complete genome information using the chrom, contigchromid, gichromid, gichromosome and contigchromosome tables. It is run after the initial build and after any updates. logic: Complete genome information in NCBI may be stored in several different places in different records. 1.Records from organisms other than those for certain higher eukaryotes ( e.g. human, mouse, rat, chicken and bee) contain the flag NCBI_GENOMES and list the RNA and protein gis in the annotation. 2.Records from certain higher eukaryotes (human, mouse, rat etc) are different. The top level contig contains the NCBI_GENOMES flag, but no annotation. Instead, it lists gis for the contigs that make up this chromosome. The annotation of these records contains the gis and proteins that belong to this chromosome. 3. Some records exist that only contain a chromosome number in the description of the bioseq. These records can be contig records or records for an individual protein or RNA. At the time that mother is run, gis in the annotation may not yet have been entered into accdb and taxgi. For this reason, mother writes these gis out to the table gichromid. When mother encounters a record that contains only contig gis, these gis are written out to contigchromid. The records that contain only a chromosome number are written to gichromosome or contigchromosome. After mother is finished, postcomgen is run to process the data in these tables and write the kloodge to the taxgi table for each gi: 1. Postcomgen first writes every gi in gichromosome to gichromid with the appropriate chromid. After this is done, all records are deleted from gichromosome. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 73 of 421 18/04/2005 2. Next, all contigchromosome gis are written to contigchromid with the appropriate chromid and all records are deleted from contigchromosome. 3. For each gi in contigchromid, the bioseq is obtained from asndb and any protein or RNA gis in the annotation are written to gichromid. In addition to the chromid, the contiggi is stored so that the appropriate contigchromid record can be reread on update if necessary. 4. Each record in contigchromid is marked as read, so that upon update only records that have been modified need be read. 5. Finally, taxgi is updated for each gi in gichromid with the appropriate kloodge. module: core input files: There are no input files. The parser uses the tables gichromid, contigchromid, gichromosome and contigchromosome, which are filled by mother, to update the taxgi table. tables altered: taxgi, gichromid, contigchromid, gichromosome, contigchromosome source code location: slri/seqhound/genomes/postcomgen.c config file dependencies: The relevant configuration file is: slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc The relevant section of the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 74 of 421 18/04/2005 password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see 4). command line parameters: None. example use: postcomgen associated scripts: error and run-time logs: Postcomgen writes to a log file called “postcomgen.log”. troubleshooting: additional info: See data table descriptions for each of the tables that are listed under “tables altered”. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 75 of 421 18/04/2005 asndb table Last updated April 11, 2005 SeqHound Database: core Module: asndb Table: Central table that stores sequence records in binary ASN.1 format and indexed by gi. Definition: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 76 of 421 18/04/2005 asndb table Field Type Null Default rowid int(11) No NULL ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_TIMES timestamp TAMP gi int(11) No 0 asn1 longblob Yes NULL Column_Definition Mysql autoincrement column GenInfo primary sequence record identifier varchar(25) API 2005-03-23 12:32:16 4001923 FillASNDB calls GetGi. See Bioseq->seqid->gi PRI release varchar(10) No type varchar(15) No The type of molecule protein that this record refers to. SHoundGetBioseq SHoundSequenceLength GetDivisionFromGBBlock. See Bioseq->descr->source ->org->orgname->div No The name of the release 135 given as a command line input to the mother parser Source bioseq in binary ASN.1 An example of a bioseq ToBioseqSEQENTRY is included in the See Bioseq->seqid->gi Appendix (Example of GenBank record). NCBI division division Example FillASNDB calls GetType. SHoundMoleculeType See Bioseq-> mol Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 77 of 421 18/04/2005 asndb indices Keyname PRIMARY iasndb_rowid iasndb_ts iasndb_gi Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX INDEX Field gi rowid ts gi Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 78 of 421 18/04/2005 parti table Last updated April 11, 2005 Note: This table is documented for historical purposes and may be deprecated in a future release. PARTI was required by codebase as an index to the ASNDB table. Database: Table: Module: Definition: seqhound parti core This table maps the gi to the NCBI division. parti table Field Type Null rowid int(11) No ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_TI MySQL timestamp MESTAMP column gi int(11) No 0 division char(15) Yes Default NULL Column_Definition MySQL autoincrement column. Example Source 2005-03-23 12:32:16 GenInfo Identifier 21676275 FillASNDB calls AppendRecordPARTI. See Bioseq->Seqid->gi (choice 12) NCBI Division PRI GetDivisionFromGBBlock. See Bioseq->descr->source ->org->orgname->div Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual parti indices Keyname PRIMARY iparti_rowid iparti_ts iparti_gi iparti_div Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX 79 of 421 18/04/2005 Field gi rowid ts gi division Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 80 of 421 18/04/2005 nucprot table Last updated April 11, 2005 seqhound Database: nucprot Table: core Module: This table maps the gi of a protein to the gi of its encoding DNA. Definition: A DNA may map to more than one protein. A protein can only map to one DNA. Not every DNA may Observation: map to a protein, eg synthetic DNA fragments typically do not have a protein. In a bioseqset structure of type nucprot, the first bioseq record is a nucleic acid, subsequent bioseq records correspond to proteins. In such a case, the entries added to the nucprot database would be: record 1) gi_1 gi_2 record 2) gi_1 gi_3 record 3) gi_1 gi_4 Each record would be a mapping of the nucleic acid (gi_1) to each protein (gi_2 ... gi_N) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 81 of 421 18/04/2005 nucprot table Field Type Null Default rowid int(11) No gin int(11) No 0 ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_ 2005-03-23 12:32:16 TIMESTAM MySQL timestamp column P gia int(11) No 0 nucprot indices Keyname PRIMARY inucprot_rowid inucprot_ts inuc_gin inuc_gia Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX Column_Definition MySQL autoincrement column. DNA GenInfo Identifier Protein GenInfo Identifier Example Source API 27464927 FillNUCPROT. See Bioseq->Seqid->gi (choice 12) SHoundDNAFromProtein FillNUCPROT. See Bioseq->Seqid->gi (choice 12) SHoundProteinFromDNA 27464928 Field gia rowid ts gin gia Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 82 of 421 18/04/2005 accdb table Last updated April 11, 2005 seqhound Database: accdb Table: This table maps gi's to accession numbers and other identifiers (a combination of a database name and Definition: identifier) found in GenBank sequence records. Note that gi is not unique in ACCDB. Also note that a gi does not always have an accession associated Observation with it. There are 2 kinds of records in ACCDB. In one case the gi is associated with an accession and in the other case, the gi is associated with a database name and some identifier from that database (name column). Any given gi may have both record types and may be associated with more than one name. Note that internal NCBI databases may be stored in ACCDB, for example NCBI_GENOMES. In this case the record will not have an accession, but it will have a name. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 83 of 421 18/04/2005 accdb table Field Type Null Default rowid int(10) No ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_TI MySQL timestamp column MESTAMP gi int(11) No 0 db name varchar(15) varchar(30) namelow varchar(30) Column_Definition MySQL autoincrement column. GenInfo Identifier The source database of the sequence record. See note 1 below. No Example Source API 2313082 FillACCDB calls GetGi. See Bioseq->seqid->gi SHoundGiFromGBAcc (ShoundFindAcc) pdb FillACCDB. See Bioseq->Seq-Id->dbtag->db SHoundDbNameAndIdListFrom GBAcc 1AAP See note 2 below. SHoundDbNameAndIdListFrom GBAcc (ShoundFindName) (ShoundGetNameByGi) 2005-03-23 12:32:16 No This is an accession number from a foreign database. Yes Same as name but in lower 1aap case. Present for historical reasons and may probably be removed in the future. NULL See note 2 below. n/a access chain varchar(20) varchar(20) No Genbank Accession. The primary sequence record identifier. Yes This describes which one of A (possibly) many chains in a structure a sequence refers to. This only refers to PDB sequences. NULL WriteACCDB. See Bioseq- SHoundGBAccFromGi >Seq-id->Textseq-id(ShoundAccFromGi) >accession. This field is n/a for sequences from PDB and other databases. This field is only relevant when name field is n/a. FillACCDB. See SHoundGiFromPDBchain Bioseq->Seq-id->PDB-seq-id>chain. See note 5 below. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual release version title varchar(20) int(11) text Yes Yes Yes 84 of 421 NULL NULL NULL release date of the record 18/04/2005 Sep 14, 1990 See note 3 below. SHoundSeqIdFromGi 0 See note 4 below. Chain A, Protease Inhibitor Domain Of Alzheimer's Amyloid Beta-Protein Precursor (APPI) FillACCDB calls CreateDefline. version of the record a brief description of the sequence Notes 1. A complete list of db names that may appear in this column is listed under API supplementary material at Some common db name abbreviations are listed below. gb means GenBank embl means EMBL pir means Protein Information Resource (PIR) sp means Swiss-Prot pbs means other database ref means RefSeq dbj means DNA Database of Japan (DDBJ) prf means PRF pdb means Protein Data Bank (PDB) tpe means third party annotation from embl Version 3.3 This value cannot be directly retrieved from the table by the API but a Seq-id can be retrieved using ShoundSeqIdFromGi given a gi. The SeqHound Manual 85 of 421 18/04/2005 tpg means third party annotation from genbank tpd means third party annotation from ddbj other means some other database 2. WriteAccdb. For all db’s except PDB and ‘other’: Bioseq->Seq-id->Textseq-id->name For PDB sequences: Bioseq->Seq-id->PDB->seq-id->PDB-mol-id (4 characters) For other databases: Bioseq->Seq-id->Dbtag->Object-id->string or integer 3. FillACCDB, given a Bioseq pointer, retrieves a Seq-id pointer. If the Seq-id is of the type, pdb (protein data bank), then a PDB-seqid ptr is passed to WriteACCDB which retrieves the value of rel. If the Seq-id is of the type, genbank, embl, pir, swissprot, other, ddbj, prf, tpg, tpd or tpe then a Textseq-id pointer is passed to WriteACCDB which retrieves the value of release. If the Seq-id is of the type, giimport then a Giimport-id ptr is passed to WriteACCDB which retrieves the value of release. In all cases, the formatting of the date is attempted with NCBI's function DatePrint (like this 07-OCT-2004). If the Formatting cannot be done, then the string is just copied. Bioseq->Seq-id->Textseq-id->release (an INTEGER) for all databases besides PDB, Giimport and ‘other’ Bioseq->Seq-id->PDB->seq-id->rel (a string or an NCBI data type) for PDB sequences Bioseq->Seq-id->Giimport-id->release (a string) for Giimport n/a for all ‘other’ databases. 4. FillACCDB, given a Bioseq pointer, retrieves a Seq-id pointer. If the Seq-id is of the type, genbank, embl, pir, swissprot, other, ddbj, prf, tpg, tpd or tpe then a Textseq-id pointer is passed to WriteACCDB which retrieves the value of version. For all other databases, this value is n/a. See Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 86 of 421 18/04/2005 5. Sequences that are part of structures will have a PDB identifier. Since there may be more than one chain (sequence) in a structure, the PDB identifier must be accompanied by a chain identifier to uniquely identifiy a chain within the structure. A PDB identifier supplemented with a chain identifier will be associated with a single sequence record (GI). For example, see PDB id “9XIM” and chain A; this corresponds to GI sequence 443580. See example ASN.1 record for 9XIM_A in the Appendix. Chain in the ASN.1 annotation is of type character, not of type string so it appears in its decimal form. So 65 is A and so on. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual accdb indices Keyname PRIMARY Type PRIMARY iaccdb_rowid iaccdb_ts iaccdb_gi iaccdb_db iaccdb_name iaccdb_namelow iaccdb_acc INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX 87 of 421 18/04/2005 Field gi db access rowid ts gi db name namelow access Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 88 of 421 18/04/2005 histdb table Last updated April 11, 2005 seqhound Database: histdb Table: hist Module: A history table of gis. Includes the date and any action taken on them. Definition: As of release 4.0, histdb is no longer populated by the histparser and update. Instead, mother populates Observation: this table, both during the initial build and the update. During the initial build, gi-accession number pairs, the version number, filename and date are stored in histdb with an action ACTION_ADDED. During updates, mother extracts the gi-accession number pairs from ACCDB. If neither the gi nor the accession are found, then this is a new record (ACTION_ADDED). If the accession is found in SeqHound but is associated with a different gi, then the record represents a changed record (ACTION_CHANGED), and if the gi-accession pair is present in SeqHound, then the record represents a deleted record (ACTION_KILLED). The gi, accession, action along with the version, filename and date (current date update executed) are logged in histdb. Gi's with ACTION_ADDED will get added to accdb, nucprot, taxgi, pubseq, sengi, sendb, parti by mother. Gi's with ACTION_CHANGED will be deleted and the new updated information will be added to the core databases. For gi's with ACTION_KILLED, the old record information in the core databases is now obsolete and will be deleted from the core databases and the new information will be added to the databases . For any gi that is killed, there will be another gi (with the same accession) that is added. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 89 of 421 18/04/2005 histdb table Field rowid Type int(11) Null Default No ts timestamp Yes Column_Definition MySQL autoincrement column. CURRENT_ TIMESTAM MySQL timestamp column P Example Source 2005-03-23 12:32:16 21676275 GetGi is called by ToBioseqUp in the initial build and by ToBioseqUp in updates. See: Bioseq-->Seqid->id (choice 12) gi int(11) No 0 GenInfo Identifier oldgi int(11) Yes NULL The gi previously associated with this 10954454 accession. Not used during the initial build. ToBioseqUp retrieves the gi from ACCDB using GetACCDBRecord. The genbank accession from ACCDB NC_001911 for the gi. If the accession is ‘n/a’, then the ‘name’ is written here. See details in accdb table description. ToBioseqUp retrieves the accession or name from ACCDB using GetACCDBRecord. access char(20) No 1 ToBioseq and ToBioseqUp call GetSeqIdInfoFromBioseq. See Bioseq>Seq-id->Textseq-id->version. version int(11) Yes NULL Version of the record. See details in accdb table description. date No 0000-00-00 current date when histdb is updated in 20040128 the form (YYYYMMDD) Mother uses the current date. 0 the action taken on the record: ACTION_ADDED, ACTION_KILLED, ACTION_CHANGED ToBioseq and ToBioseqUp calls LogHistory. action date int(11) No filename Varchar(80) No ACTION_CHANGED The name of the file that contains this rsnc0311.bna gi for debugging purposes. Version 3.3 Main passes this to ToBioseq and ToBioseqUp. API The SeqHound Manual 90 of 421 18/04/2005 histdb indices Keyname ihistdb_rowid ihistdb_ts Type INDEX INDEX Field rowid ts ihistdb_gi INDEX gi ihistdb_date INDEX date ihistdb_action INDEX action ihistdb_acc ihistdb_filename INDEX INDEX access filename ihistdb_oldgi INDEX oldgi Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 91 of 421 18/04/2005 pubseq table Last updated April 11, 2005 seqhound Database: pubseq Table: This database maps a geninfo identifier to the medline/pubmed article(s) found in the sequence record Definition: indicating who first published the sequence. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 92 of 421 18/04/2005 pubseq table Field rowid Type int(11) Null Default No ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_ TIMESTAM MySQL timestamp column P gi int(11) No 0 muid pmid int(11) int(11) No No 0 0 Column_Definition MySQL autoincrement column. Example Source API 2005-03-23 12:32:16 ts 25992759 ToBioseq calls GetGi. SHoundGiFromReferenceID See Bioseq-->Seqid SHoundGiFromReferenceList (choice 12) 99091706 FillPUBSEQ calls GetMuid. See Seqentry->Bioseq>Seqdescr->Pubdesc>Pub-equiv->Pub>muid (choice 4) 9873079 FillPUBSEQ calls GetMuid. See Seqentry->Bioseq>Seqdescr->Pubdesc>Pub-equiv->Pub>pmid (choice 13) GenInfo Identifier Medline identifier found in this record (points to same article as pmid (if listed)). Pubmed identifier found in this record (points to same article as muid (if listed)) Version 3.3 SHoundGetReferenceIDFromGi SHoundGetReferenceIDFromGiList SHoundMuidFrom3D SHoundMuidFrom3Dlist (ShoundMuidFromGi) (ShoundMuidFromGiList) The SeqHound Manual 93 of 421 18/04/2005 pubseq indices Keyname PRIMARY Type PRIMARY Field gi pmid ipubseq_rowid INDEX rowid ipubseq_ts ipubseq_gi ipubseq_muid ipubseq_pmid INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX ts gi muid pmid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 94 of 421 18/04/2005 taxgi table Last updated April 11, 2005 seqhound Database: taxgi Table: core Module: This table associates a gi with a taxon identifier. Definition: Gis are stored in taxgi even if they are not associated with any taxonomy id. This occurs, for example, for Observation.: some patent gis. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 95 of 421 18/04/2005 taxgi table Field Type Null Default rowid int(11) No ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_T MySQL timestamp column IMESTAMP gi int(11) No 0 taxid int(11) No 0 Yes NULL kloodge int(11) type varchar(50) Yes Column_Definition MySQL autoincrement colulmn. NULL Example Source API 2005-03-23 16:50:42 GenInfo Identifier 42565179 WriteTAXGI calls GetGi. See Bioseq-->Seq-id (choice 12) SHoundDNAFromTaxID() SHoundDNAFromTaxIDList() SHoundProteinsFromTaxID() SHoundProteinsFromTaxIDList() SHoundProteinsFromChromosome() SHoundProteinsFromChromosomeList() SHoundDNAFromChromosome() SHoundDNAFromChromosomeList() Taxonomy Identifier from NCBI’s taxonomy database. 3702 See note 1 below. SHoundTaxIDFromGi() SHoundTaxIDFromGiList() Blueprint chromosome id from 392 the chrom table. protein Type of macromolecule DNA, RNA, protein, NA, other, "not specified". See note 2 below. WriteTaxgi calls GetType. See Bioseq->mol (see note 3 below). Notes: 1. FillTAXGI calls GetTaxId. See Bioseq-->Seq-desc->BioSource->Org-ref->Dbtag.db == "taxon" Bioseq-->Seq-desc->BioSource->Org-ref->Dbtag.tag 2. Mother: ToBioseq calls SearchCHROMByChromNum. Postcomgen: GetAllRecordsFromGICHROMID and UpdateTaxgiWithKloodge Version 3.3 SHoundDNAFromChromosome() SHoundDNAFromChromosomeList() SHoundProteinsFromChromosome() ShoundProteinsFromChromosomeList() The SeqHound Manual 96 of 421 18/04/2005 3. DNA = 1 RNA = 2 Protein = 3 NA = 4 Other = 255 taxgi indices Keyname PRIMARY Type PRIMARY Field gi itaxgi_rowid itaxgi_ts INDEX INDEX rowid timestamp itaxgi_gi INDEX gi itaxgi_taxid INDEX taxid itaxgi_kl INDEX kloodge itaxgi_type INDEX type Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 97 of 421 18/04/2005 sengi table Last updated April 11, 2005 seqhound Database: sengi Table: core Module: Seqentry to 'gi' conversion. Definition: Seqhound keeps track of which Bioseqs come from which Bioseq-sets using the sengi table. In the sengi Observation: table, each Bioseq is represented by a GI (a unique identifier for the sequence record) and each Bioseq-set is represented by the first GI in the set of sequences, the seid. Sengi also stores the division for historical purposes. sengi table Field rowid Type int(10) ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_TI MySQL timestamp column MESTAMP gi int(11) No 0 GenInfo Identifier seid int(11) No 0 Yes NULL division char(15) Null Default No Column_Definition Example MySQL autoincrement column Source 2005-03-23 12:32:16 2313082 ToBioseqSEQENTRY calls GetGi. See Seq-entry->Bioseqset->Bioseq-->Seqid (choice 12) GenInfo Identifier: the first one in the bioseq-set. seid means seqentry id. 231308 ToBioseq calls GetGi for the first Bioseq in a SeqEntry See Seq-entry->Bioseq-set->Bioseq-->Seqid (choice 12). Genbank division. PRI ToBioseqSEQENTRY calls GetDivisionFromPARTI. Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 98 of 421 18/04/2005 sengi indices Keyname PRIMARY isengi_rowid Type PRIMARY INDEX Field gi rowid isengi_ts INDEX ts isengi_gi INDEX gi isengi_seid INDEX seid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 99 of 421 18/04/2005 sendb table Last updated April 11, 2005 seqhound Database: sendb Table: core Module: SeqEntry Data Base Definition: Sequences are distributed by GenBank in packages. Each package is referred to as a seq-entry. Observation: A seq-entry may contain either a single sequence record (called a Bioseq) or a set of sequence records (called a Bioseq-set). If a Seq-entry contains a Bioseq-set then that Bioseq-set contains a list of Seq-entry packages (yes, this data structure is recursive). Each of these Seq-entry packages contains a single sequence record (a Bioseq). There is annotation that is associated with single sequence records (Bioseqs). An example of annotation is a list of authors who are responsible for submitting a sequence record. There is also annotation associated with sets of sequence records (Bioseq-sets). This type of annotation applies to all of the sequence records that are in the set. For example a set of authors may be responsible for all of the sequence records in the set. Seqhound stores Bioseqs and their associated GenInfo id's in one central table (called asndb). Since each of these Bioseqs may have come from a Bioseq-set, Seqhound needs a way to store the Bioseq-set associated annotation (that applies to each of the Bioseqs in the set). To accomplish this, Seqhound takes the Bioseq-set, removes the Bioseqs that it contains, and stores the remainder of the Bioseq-set (annotation) in the sendb table. Seqhound keeps track of which Bioseqs come from which Bioseq-sets using the sengi table. In the sengi table, each Bioseq is represented by a GI (a unique identifier for the sequence record) and each Bioseq-set is represented by the first GI in the set of sequences (the seid). Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 100 of 421 18/04/2005 sendb table Field rowid Type int(10) Null Default No ts timestamp Yes seid asn1 int(11) No Column_Definition Auto number row identifier CURRENT_TI MySQL timestamp column MESTAMP 0 mediumblob No Example API 2005-03-23 12:32:16 2313082 ToBioseq calls GetGi for the first Bioseq in a SeqEntry. Main calls AppendRecordSENDB. See Seq-entry->Bioseq-set>Seq-entry->Bioseq->Seqid (choice 12) binary data ToBioseqSeqEntry removes These functions return the Seqentry the bioseqs. Main calls or BioseqSet stored in this field AppendRecordSENDB. after first replacing all of the Bioseqs that belong in it. Gene Info identifier for the first bioseq in the SeqEntry. ASN1 Binary SeqEntry. Note that the bioseqs themselves have been removed to save space. Source SHoundGetBioseqSet() SHoundGetSeqEntry() sendb indices Keyname PRIMARY Type PRIMARY Field seid isendb_rowid INDEX rowid isendb_ts INDEX ts isendb_seid INDEX seid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 101 of 421 18/04/2005 chrom table Database: Table: Module: Definition: Observation: seqhound chrom core This table maps taxonomy ids with their complete genome information (chromid, chromflag, accession, and name) This table keeps track of all completely sequenced chromosomes of a particular organism (taxid). We also store the NCBI chromid (chromid), the type of sequence (chromflag), the name (name) and accession number (access). Every chromid will have a corresponding kloodge identifier (this is Blueprint’s internal version of the NCBI chromid. In addition, every taxon will have one kloodge identifier that has no corresponding chromid. This kloodge id is assigned to any proteins or RNAs that are have no chromid; i.e. they have not been assigned to a chromosome yet. The kloodge is the value of an autoincrement column and is written to taxgi by postcomgen. We also store the chromosome number (chromnum) as text. This is used so that we can assign records which have no complete genome information other than taxid and chromosome number to a chromosome identifier. For example, let’s say that chromosome 4 (circular plasmid, named chr_4, access XIV) of species “species X” (taxid 123) is completely sequenced and that NCBI has assigned this chromosome a chromid of 191. Let us say our internal kloodge id for this same chromosome is 1254. Then a record is added to the chrom table with fields: kloodge: 1254 taxid: 123 chromid: 191 chromflag: plasmid accession: XIV name: species X chr_4 chromnum: chr 4 See more example entries in the notes section below. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 102 of 421 18/04/2005 chrom table Field Type Column_Definition Blueprint chromosome 568 id (used internally). Mysql Autoincrement column. kloodge int(11) No ts timestamp No CURRENT_T IMESTAMP taxid int(11) No 0 chromid int(11) No chromflag int(11) Example1 Null Default No access varchar(20) No name text API 2005-03-23 16:17:11 Taxonomy identifier 9606 ToBioseq calls GetTaxid See SHoundAllGenomes Bioseq-->Seq-desc->BioSource->Orgref->Dbtag->tag NCBI chromsome identifier (see note 2 below) 1 0 ToBioseq calls GetChromIdFromBioseq. See Bioseq>SeqId->Dbtag->tag 0 the type of chromosome 1 (chromosome, plasmid, mitochrondria etc) defined as byte macros in intrez.h. (see note 3 below) ToBioseq calls GetGenomeInfo, See Bioseq->descr->source->subtype>subtype Accession for the sequence (see note 2 below). NC_000001 NULL GetGenomeInfo calls Misc_GetAccession. See Bioseq->Seqid->Textseq-id->accession The scientific name of the organism with the chromosome name. Homo sapiens Chromosome 1 GetGenomeFromBiosource constructs this from various places in the Biosource. See Bioseq->descr->source No chromnum varchar(10) Yes Source NULL Chromosome number as 1 text. GetGenomeFromBiosource constructs this from various places in the Biosource subtype. See Bioseq->descr>source->subtype Version 3.3 SHoundChromosomeFromGenome The SeqHound Manual 103 of 421 18/04/2005 Notes. 1. Example entries from the chrom table. kloodge ts taxid chromid chromflag access name chromnum 1 '2005-03-23 12:33:24' 9 13723 9 'NC_001911' 'Buchnera aphidicola Plasmid pLeu-Dn' 'pLeu-Dn' 2 '2005-03-23 12:33:24' 9 17119 9 'NC_004843' 'Buchnera aphidicola Plasmid pBPS1' 'pBPS1' 567 '2005-03-23 16:06:41' 9606 -9606 1 'Homo sapiens Chromosome Un' 'Un' 568 '2005-03-23 16:17:11' 9606 1 1 'NC_000001' 'Homo sapiens Chromosome 1' '1' 569 '2005-03-23 16:17:12' 9606 2 1 'NC_000002' 'Homo sapiens Chromosome 2' '2' 570 '2005-03-23 16:17:12' 9606 3 1 'NC_000003' 'Homo sapiens Chromosome 3' '3' 592 '2005-03-23 16:35:05' 9606 2000021 5 'AC_000021' 'Homo sapiens Mitochondria' 4289 '2005-04-05 09:29:55' 287944 18301 5 'NC_006916' 'Harpiosquilla harpax Mitochondria' 4290 '2005-04-05 09:29:55' 302098 18316 5 'NC_006931' 'Eubalaena japonica Mitochondria' Note that the third entry down represents an entry corresponding to an “unknown” chromosome. Proteins or RNAs that have not been mapped to a chromosome will be assigned this kloodge identifier (567) in the accdb and table. 2. Kloodge identifiers representing unknown chromosmomes will not have a corresponding chromid from NCBI. The negative value of the taxid is used instead. See third entry in example table above. These entries will also have no accession associated with them. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 104 of 421 18/04/2005 notes continued… 3. CHROM_PHAGE (phage sequence) CHROM_NR CHROM_ECE CHROM_PLMD (plasmid sequence) CHROM_CHLO (chloroplast sequence) CHROM_MITO (mitochrondrial sequence) CHROM_CHROM (chromosome sequence) CHROM_ALL chrom indices Keyname PRIMARY ichrom_chromid Type PRIMARY INDEX Field kloodge chromid ichrom_taxid INDEX taxid , chromnum ichrom_kl INDEX kloodge ichrom_acc INDEX Ichrom_chromnum INDEX access chromnum Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 105 of 421 18/04/2005 gichromid table Last updated April 11, 2005 SeqHound Database: gichromid Table: core Module: Stores RNA and protein gis that are part of a complete genome. Used to Definition: update taxgi with the kloodge. This table is used internally to store RNA and Protein gis parsed from Observation: contigs that are part of a complete genome. After a complete build is done, the gis and chromids from this table are used by postcomgen to update taxgi with the kloodge. gichromid table Field Type Null Default Column_Definition id int(11) No Primary key. Mysql autoincrement column. ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_TIMESTAMP MySQL timestamp column gi int(11) No 0 Gene Info identifier chromid int(11) No 0 NCBI chromosome id NULL Gi of the contig that contains this gi. contiggi int(11) Yes Example Source 2005-03-23 12:32:16 231308 ToBioseq calls FillGiChromid. See Bioseq->Seqid (choice 12) 3144 NCBI chromid 231308 ToBioseq calls GetChromidFromBioseq. See Bioseq->Seqid(choice 11)->tag->id gichromid indices Keyname Type Field Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 106 of 421 18/04/2005 id gi PRIMARY INDEX gi gi igits INDEX ts igichromid igicontiggi INDEX INDEX chromid contiggi Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 107 of 421 18/04/2005 contigchromid table Last updated April 11, 2005 SeqHound Database: contigchromid Table: core Module: Stores contig gis that are part of a complete genome. Used to update Definition: taxgi with the kloodge. This table is used internally to store lists of GI’s that make up a contig Observation: sequence for a complete genome. After a complete build is done, the gis and chromids from these contigs are used by postcomgen to update taxgi with the kloodge. contigchromid table Field Type Null Default Column_Definition id int(11) No Mysql auto-increment column. ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_TI MySQL timestamp column MESTAMP contiggi int(11) No 0 Gene Info identifier for this sequence record 50754263 that is part of a contig. ToBioseq calls GetGi. See Bioseq->Seqid (choice 12) Yes NULL Genbank gi of the contig that contains multiple sequences (i.e. multiple contiggi’s). 51039201 topgi ToBioseq calls GetGi. See Bioseq->Seqid (choice 12) 461 chromid int(11) No 0 NCBI chromosome id. ToBioseq calls GetChromidFromBioseq. See Bioseq>Seqid(choice 11)->tag->id changed Int(11) Yes NULL Indicates whether the record needs to be 1 = process processed by postcomgen. Used by mother 2 = do not process in update mode. int(11) Example 2005-03-23 12:32:16 contigchromid indices Source Version 3.3 ToBioseq calls FillContigChromid. See Bioseq->Seqid(choice 11)->tag->id API The SeqHound Manual 108 of 421 18/04/2005 Keyname contiggi icontigts Type PRIMARY INDEX Field id ts contigi UNIQUE contiggi iccontigi ictopgi INDEX INDEX contiggi topgi Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 109 of 421 18/04/2005 gichromosome table Last updated April 11, 2005 SeqHound Database: gichromosome Table: core Module: Stores RNA and protein gis that have a chromosome name, but no other Definition: complete genome info. This table is used internally to store RNA and protein gis that have a Observation: chromosome name, but no other complete genome info. After a complete build is done, postcomgen will write these gis to gichromid with the appropriate chromid. gichromosome table Field Type Null Default Column_Definition Example id int(11) No Primary key Mysql auto-increment column. ts timestamp Yes CURRENT_TIM MySQL timestamp 2005-03-23 12:32:16 ESTAMP column gi int(11) No 0 chromnum varchar(10) No GenInfo Identifier Chromosome number Source 231308 ToBioseq calls GetGi. See Bioseq-->Seqid (choice 12) 1 ToBioseq calls GetGenomeInfo. See Bioseq>descr->source->subtype->name Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 110 of 421 18/04/2005 gichromosome indices Keyname Type id PRIMARY igichrom_ts INDEX Field id ts gi UNIQUE gi igichrom_gi igichrom_num INDEX INDEX gi chromnum Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 111 of 421 18/04/2005 contigchromosome table Last updated April 11, 2005 SeqHound Database: gichromosome Table: core Module: Stores contig gis that have a chromosome name, but no other complete Definition: genome info. This table is used internally to store contig gis that have a chromosome Observation: name, but no other complete genome info. After a complete build is done, postcomgen will writethese gis to contigchromid with the appropriate chromid. contigchromosome table Field Type Null id int(11) No ts timestamp Yes contiggi int(11) No GenInfo gi chromnum Varchar(10) No Chromosome number Default Column_Definition Example Source Primary key Mysql autoincrement column. CURREN 2005-03-23 12:32:16 T_TIMES MySQL timestamp column TAMP 231308 ToBioseq calls GetGi. See Bioseq-->Seqid (choice 12) 1 ToBioseq calls GetGenomeInfo. See Bioseq->Seqid (choice 12) Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 112 of 421 18/04/2005 contigchromosome indices Keyname Type id PRIMARY Field id igichrom_ts INDEX ts contiggi UNIQUE contiggi icontigchrom_gi icontigchrom_num INDEX INDEX contiggi chromnum Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 113 of 421 18/04/2005 Redundant protein sequences (redundb) module Last updated: August 4, 2004 redund parser purpose: The redund parser builds the redundb module, which consists of the redund table. The input file consists of information pertaining to redundant GIs, accession numbers and the sequence information which the GIs refer to. The resulting data table contain information on the GIs, redundant GI groups and the ranking of each GI within their redundant group. module: redundb input files: nr.gz from table created: redund source code location: slri/seqhound/parsers/redund.c config file dependencies: slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc (UNIX platform) The relevant section of the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= [sections] Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 114 of 421 18/04/2005 ;this should be set to 1 to allow usuage of the redundb ;redundant protein sequences redundb = 1 Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) In section [sections] redundb should be 1. commandline parameters Typing ./redund at the command line will return a list of command line parameters and default settings. For example: >./redund redund arguments: -i Input non-redundant database fasta file [File In] -n Initialize database file [T/F] Optional default = F example use: ./redund -i nr -n T associated scripts: retrieves the relevant data file from NCBI's ftp site error & run-time logs: redund writes to a log file called redundlog additional information: See data table descriptions for each of the tables that are listed under “tables altered” Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 115 of 421 18/04/2005 redund table Last updated: August 4, 2004 seqhound Database: redund Table: redundb Module: Partitions GIs into groups based on sequence redundancy, and ranks Definition: each GI within their group. MySQL Field Type Null Default Column_Definition rowid int(11) No Auto number row identifier gi int(11) No 0 GenInfo Identifier rordinal int(11) No 0 Position in redundant group rgroup int(11) Yes NULL ID of redundant group(not static) MySQL Indexes Keyname Type Field PRIMARY PRIMARY gi iredund_rowid INDEX rowid iredund_gi INDEX gi iredund_ordinal INDEX rordinal iredund_rgroup INDEX rgroup Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 116 of 421 18/04/2005 Source org: Source file: parser: redund is a database table that places GIs with equivalent sequences into redundant groups. The same sequence may be worked on by independent researchers. Each discovery is submitted and assigned a different gi. When the discoveries concern a common sequence, the GIs point to sequence records that describe redundant sequences, i.e. a single sequence has multiple GIs. These GIs then belong to a common group (rgroup). In such cases, it is common for one particular GI to be used more than the others because it is better annotated. The ordinal (rordinal) is a ranking of the GIs, 1 for the best annotated GI, 2 for the second, 3 for the third etc. This ordering is determined by the ordering of the sequence headers in the nr source file. These 3 pieces of information form the redund database table. NCBI nr.gz from redund ***gi*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: GenInfo Identifier for a sequence record. 7228451 0 parsed from nr (line 1 of record) as token(|) delimited fields redund LabelGI, AssignRedund (redund.c) Observation: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual API: ***rordinal*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***rgroup*** description: example: default value: source: parser: 117 of 421 18/04/2005 SHoundRedundantGroup (returns all GIs in the same group as the input GI) SHoundRedundantGroupFromID (returns GIs from the group with input group ID) SHoundFirstOfRedundantGroupFromID (GI of rank 1, given a group) SHoundIsNRFirst (true/false, is this GI is ranked 1 in it's group) rank position in redundant set 1 n/a based on the position of the gi within the record, the first gi has rordinal 1, the 2nd has ordinal 2 redund LabelGI, AssignRedund (redund.c) SHoundIsNRFirst (tells if a gi has rordinal = 1) redundant group the gi is a member of 1 n/a rgroup IDs are assigned to GIs as the input file is parsed. Each GI encountered is assigned the rgroup ID of those GIs already encountered which have an identical sequence. If no such GIs have been encountered, the GI is assigned a new rgroup ID one number higher than the largest current rgroup ID in the database. The first GI encountered is given an rgroup ID of 1. redund Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual function: API: 118 of 421 18/04/2005 LabelGI, AssignRedund (redund.c) SHoundRedundantGroupIDFromGI[List] (returns the ID of the rgroup that the input GI is a part of) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 119 of 421 18/04/2005 Complete genomes tracking (gendb) module As of release 4.0 of SeqHound, the complete genomes module has been moved into the core module. The initial build and updates to these tables are handled by the mother and postcomgen parsers. See the description of the core module above for more details. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 120 of 421 18/04/2005 Taxonomy hierarchy (taxdb) module Last updated August 18, 2004 importtaxdb parser purpose: The importtaxdb parser builds the taxonomy module, which consist of the taxdb, gcodedb, divdb, del and merge table. The input file consists of taxonomic information such as the taxonomy nodes, names, division, genetic codes, deleted nodes and merged nodes. Table taxdb holds taxonomy ids and a binary file associated with each id. Table gcodedb holds genetic code ids and a binary file associated with each id. Table divdb holds division ids and a binary file associated with each id. Table del holds the taxonomy id of the deleted nodes. Table merge holds the taxonomy ids of nodes which has been merged and which is result of merging. module: taxdb input files: taxdump.tar.gz from tables created: taxdb gcodedb divdb del merge source code location: slri/seqhound/taxon/importtaxdb.c config file dependencies: slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc (UNIX platform) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 121 of 421 18/04/2005 The relevant section of the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= [sections] ;taxonomy hierarchy taxdb = 1 Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) In section [sections] taxdb should be 1. commandline parameters There are no command line parameters. Typing ./importtaxdb will run the program: example use: ./importtaxdb associated scripts: retrieves the relevant data file from NCBI's ftp site error & run-time logs: importtaxdb writes to a log file called importtaxdb_log.txt additional information: readme files at See data table descriptions for each of the tables that are listed under “tables altered” Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 122 of 421 18/04/2005 taxdb table Database: Table: Module: Definition: MySQL Field rowid tid asn MySQL Indexes Keyname PRIMARY itax_rowid itax_tid Observation: seqhound taxdb taxdb Maps a taxid to information about the taxid. The information about the taxid is stored as an ASN blob. Type int(11) int(11) mediumblob Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX Null No No Yes Default 0 NULL Column_Definition Auto number row identifier Taxonomy identifier Information about tid Field tid rowid tid The entire taxonomy can be viewed as a hierarchical taxonomy tree. The tree expresses the relationships between the nodes within the tree. At the root of the tree is a generic node that provides no information. Descendents of the root node include superkingdoms such as Archea, Eubacteria, Eukaryota, Viroids, Viruses. etc. Each of these superkingdoms have corresponding taxonomy children. Also included in the taxonomy tree are artificial sequences and unclassified taxonomies such as the prions, unidentified agents, etc. taxdb maps the taxonomy identifiers to the relevant information describing the taxonomies. Organizing the taxonomy as a tree allows users to request Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual Source org: Source files: parser: ***tid*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: 123 of 421 18/04/2005 complete lineages, ancestors, children and permits the user to browse the tree exploiting its tree structure. taxdb contains information from both nodes.dmp and names.dmp NCBI nodes.dmp from names.dmp from importtaxdb the unique taxonomy identifier. 9606 (Human) n/a nodes.dmp: column 1 importtaxdb Parser_TaxDBNodeRecord SHoundGetTaxChildNodes SHoundGetTaxChildNodesList SHoundGetAllTaxProgeny SHoundGetTaxParent ShoundGetAllTaxAncestors Note that although relationships (parent, child) are not stored in the database, it is a part of the asn field, and as such it makes it possible to retrieve parent, children, ancestors and lineages (see asn blob). Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***asn*** description: 124 of 421 18/04/2005 ASN blob containing information about the taxonomy. Fields in the ASN blob include: 1) parent taxonomy of node 2) rank of node 3) embl code for node 4) division of node (see divdb) 5) inherited div flag (1 if this node inherits its division from its parent) 6) genetic code (see gcodedb) 7) inherited genetic code (1 if this nodes inherits its genetic code from parent) 8) mitochondrial genetic code 9) inherited mit. genetic code (1 if nodes inherits mitochondrial gencode from parent) 10) genbank hidden flag (1 if name is suppressed in GenBank entry lineage) 11) subtree root flag (1 if this subtree has no sequence data yet) 12) comments 13) name of taxid (from names.dmp) Possible rankings of node (there may be more): superkingdom, kingdom genus, subgenus subspecies, species subfamily, family, superfamily phylum, subphylum, subtribe, tribe varietas Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 125 of 421 18/04/2005 infraorder, order, suborder infraclass, class, subclass no rank example: A textual representation of the blob for taxid 9606: SLRI-taxon ::= { taxId 9606 , parent-taxId 9605 , children-taxId { 63221 } , names { { name "Homo sapiens" , name-class scientific-name } , { name "human" , name-class other , other-class "genbank common name" } , { name "man" , name-class common-name } } , rank { rank species , premod none , postmod none } , embl-code "HS" , division 5 , inherited-div TRUE , gencode 1 , inherited-gencode TRUE , mito-gencode 2 , inherited-mito-gencode TRUE , genbank-hidden FALSE , hidden-subtree-root FALSE } default value: source: parser: function: API: n/a nodes.dmp: column 2 - 13 and names.dmp: column 2, 3 importtaxdb Parser_TaxDBNodeRecord The ASN object is not directly accessible through the API. Instead, Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 126 of 421 18/04/2005 fields in the ASN object may be retrieved and be accessible from the API. eg. SHoundGetTaxNameFromTaxIDByClass SHoundGetTaxNameFromTaxID SHoundGetTaxLineageFromTaxID You can also directly retrieve the ASN SLRITaxon by: #include AsnIoPtr aip = NULL; SLRITaxonPtr ptax = NULL; SHoundInit(FALSE, "name"); ptax = DB_GetTaxRec(9606); aip = AsnIoNex(ASNIO_TEXT_OUT, stdout, NULL, NULL, NULL); SLRITaxonAsnWrite(ptax, aip, NULL); AsnIoClose(aip); This will produce the text in the example above. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 127 of 421 18/04/2005 gcodedb table database: table: Module: definition: MySQL Field rowid gcid asn MySQL Indexes Keyname PRIMARY igcode_rowid igcode_gcid Observation: seqhound gcodedb taxdb Maps a genetic code identifier to the corresponding ASN taxonomy genecode record. Type int(11) int(11) mediumblob Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX Null No No Yes Default 0 NULL Column_Definition Auto number row identifier genetic code ASN taxon-gencode record Field gcid rowid gcid gcodedb is part of a group of databases (taxdb, gcodedb, divdb) that can be used to form a taxonomy hierarchy tree. In the case of gcode, the records map a genetic code identifier to an ASN object that holds information about that genetic code. taxdb (see taxdb later) will specify the type of genetic material each taxonomy uses, eg if the taxonomy has a plasmid as a genetic code, mitochrondria DNA, or standard chromosomal DNA etc. gcodedb houses information concerning each of the genetic code. Relevant information include the translation table (the mapping of nucleic acid codons to amino acids), & the start codon. Further information at: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual Source org: Source file: Parser: ***gcid*** description: 128 of 421 18/04/2005 NCBI gencode.dmp from importtaxdb The genetic code identifier. The identifiers may not be consecutive because historically codes may have merged or new ones were created. The code and their corresponding names: 0 Unspecified 1 Standard 2 Vertebrate Mitochondrial 3 Yeast Mitochondrial 4 Mold Mitochondrial; Protozoan Mitochondrial; Coelenterate Mitochondrial; Mycoplasma; Spiroplasma 5 Invertebrate Mitochondrial 6 Ciliate Nuclear; Dasycladacean Nuclear; Hexamita Nuclear 9 Echinoderm Mitochondrial; Flatworm Mitochondrial 10 Euplotid Nuclear 11 Bacterial and Plant Plastid 12 Alternative Yeast Nuclear 13 Ascidian Mitochondrial 14 Alternative Flatworm Mitochondrial 15 Blepharisma Macronuclear 16 Chlorophycean Mitochondrial 21 Trematode Mitochondrial 22 Scenedesmus obliquus mitochondrial Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***asn*** description: 129 of 421 18/04/2005 23 Thraustochytrium mitochondrial code Because many of the taxonomy groups are bacterial, 11 is a common genetic code. n/a gencode.dmp: column 1 importtaxdb Parse_TaxDBGenCodeRecord n/a An ASN blob for the genetic code information corresponding to the genetic code identifiers. The individual fields in the blob are: 1) an optional abbreviation 2) name of genetic code (see gcid for names) 3) translation table 4) start codon The translation table maps the nucleic acid codon to amino acids: In the source file, the map is represented as: FFLLSSSSYY**CC*WLLLLPPPPHHQQRRRRIIIMTTTTNNKKSSRRVVVVAAAADDEEGGGG There are 64 characters in this map. Each position in the map corresponds to a codon (see below) and the letter at that position corresponds to the resulting amino acid that will be translated from that codon. The same can map be better expressed as a direct mapping from codon to amino acid where 1) first 3 letters represent a nucleic acid sequence (codon), 2) an amino acid letter identifier 3) an amino acid abbreviation Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 130 of 421 18/04/2005 TTT TTC TTA TTG F F L L Phe Phe Leu Leu TCT TCC TCA TCG S S S S Ser Ser Ser Ser TAT TAC TAA TAG Y Y * * Tyr Tyr Ter Ter TGT TGC TGA TGG C C * W Cys Cys Ter Trp CTT CTC CTA CTG L L L L Leu Leu Leu Leu CCT CCC CCA CCG P P P P Pro Pro Pro Pro CAT CAC CAA CAG H H Q Q His His Gln Gln CGT CGC CGA CGG R R R R Arg Arg Arg Arg ATT ATC ATA ATG I I I M Ile Ile Ile Met ACT ACC ACA ACG T T T T Thr Thr Thr Thr AAT AAC AAA AAG N N K K Asn Asn Lys Lys AGT AGC AGA AGG S S R R Ser Ser Arg Arg GTT GTC GTA GTG V V V V Val Val Val Val GCT GCC GCA GCG A A A A Ala Ala Ala Ala GAT GAC GAA GAG D D E E Asp Asp Glu Glu GGT GGC GGA GGG G G G G Gly Gly Gly Gly The start codon is the particular codon that signals the start of protein translation for that particular genetic molecular (i.e. a standard chromosome starts translation at a different codon than a protozoan mitochrondrial DNA). The start codon is shown in the same manner as the translation table: ----------------------------------MM---------------------------- example: This indicates that M (methionine) is the start codon. Further information can be found at: htpp:// in Genetic codes link. A textually representation of a blob for genetic code 11: SLRI-taxon-gencode ::= { gencode-id 11 , name "Bacterial and Plant Plastid" , trans-table "FFLLSSSSYY**CC*WLLLLPPPPHHQQRRRRIIIMTTTTNNKKSSRRVVVVAAAADDEEGGG G " , start-codons "---M---------------M------------MMMM-------------- Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 131 of 421 18/04/2005 -M------------ " } default value: source: parser function: API: n/a gencode.dmp: column 2, 3, 4, 5 are stored in the database as an ASN SLRITaxonGencode structure. importtaxdb Parse_TaxDBGenCodeRecord not directly accessible from the API, but you can retrieve the SLRITaxonGencode object using: #include AsnIoPtr aip = NULL; SLRITaxGencodePtr ptax = NULL; SHoundInit(FALSE, "name"); ptax = DB_GetTaxGencodeRec(11); aip = AsnIoNex(ASNIO_TEXT_OUT, stdout, NULL, NULL, NULL); SLRITaxGencodeAsnWrite(ptax, aip, NULL); AsnIoClose(aip); This will produce the text in the example above. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 132 of 421 18/04/2005 divdb table Database: Table: Module: Definition: MySQL Field rowid did asn MySQL Indexes Keyname PRIMARY idiv_rowid idiv_did Observation: Source org: Source file: Parser: seqhound divdb taxdb Maps taxonomy division ID to an ASN SLRI-taxon-div object Type int(11) int(11) mediumblob Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX Null No No Yes Default 0 NULL Column_Definition Auto number row identifier Taxonomy Division ID ASN taxonomy division record Field did rowid did divdb is part of a group of databases (taxdb, gcodedb, divdb) that can be used to form a taxonomy hierarchy tree. In the case of divdb, the records map a division identifier to an ASN object that holds information about that division. This information include a 3-character GenBank division code, a division name and an optional comment. There are 10 divisions (see below). NCBI division.dmp from importtaxdb Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***did*** description: example: source: parser: function: API: ***asn*** description: 133 of 421 18/04/2005 The division identifier (0-11, see asn for the names of division). 0 division.dmp: column 1 importtaxdb Parse_TaxDBDivRecord n/a The ASN blob for the taxonomy division. The individual fields in the ASN blob are: 1) a 3 character division code (see below) 2) a division name (see below) 3) an optional comment Possible division codes and corresponding division names are: BCT Bacteria INV Invertebrates MAM Mammals PHG Phages PLN Plants PRI Primates ROD Rodents SYN Synthetic UNA Unassigned Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual example: 134 of 421 18/04/2005 VRL Viruses VRT Vertebrates the entire field is one ASN blob. A possible blob could be represented textually as: SLRI-taxon-div ::= { div-id 1 , div-code "INV" , div-name "Invertebrates" } source: parser: function: API: Column 2, 3, and 4 of division.dmp are stored as one ASN blob (SLRITaxonDiv) created in-house. importtaxdb Parse_TaxDBDivRecord (importtaxdb) there is no API function that allows you to retrieve the entire ASN blob. The information is used to construct information about a taxid, (see taxdb). You can retrieve a TaxonDivRec using: #include AsnIoPtr aip = NULL; SLRITaxonDivPtr ptax = NULL; SHoundInit(FALSE, "name"); ptax = DB_GetTaxDivRec(1); aip = AsnIoNex(ASNIO_TEXT_OUT, stdout, NULL, NULL, NULL); SLRITaxonDivAsnWrite(ptax, aip, NULL); AsnIoClose(aip); This will produce the text in the example above. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 135 of 421 18/04/2005 del table Database: Table: Module: Definition: MySQL Field rowid tid MySQL Indexes Keyname PRIMARY idel_rowid idel_tid seqhound del taxdb Contains all the deleted taxonomy identifiers. Type int(11) int(11) Null No No Default 0 Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX Column_Definition Auto number row identifier Taxonomy ID Field tid rowid tid Observation: Source org: Source files: parser: NCBI delnodes.dmp from importtaxdb ***tid*** description: example: The taxonomy identifier 15 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual default value: source: parser: function: API: 136 of 421 18/04/2005 n/a column 1 of delnodes.dmp importtaxdb main of importtaxdb SHoundIsTaxDeleted (true if taxid parameter is deleted) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 137 of 421 18/04/2005 merge table Database: Table: Module: Definition: MySQL Field rowid otid ntid MySQL Indexes Keyname PRIMARY imerge_rowid imerge_ntid imerge_otid Observation: Source org: Source files: parser: seqhound merge taxdb Contains all tax nodes that have merged. Maps an old taxid before merging with its new taxid after the merge. A taxonomy may be deleted because initially it was considered species X, but when its DNA is analyzed, it is deemed to be insignificantly different from species Y, in which case one of the species gets merged. Type int(11) int(11) int(11) Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX INDEX Null No No No Default 0 0 Column_Definition Auto number row identifier old taxonomy id new taxonomy id Field otid rowid ntid otid NCBI merged.dmp from importtaxdb Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***otid*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***ntid*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: 138 of 421 18/04/2005 the old taxid 12 n/a merged.dmp: column 1 importtaxdb main of importtaxdb SHoundIsTaxMerged (takes an old taxid and checks if it has been merged into a new taxid) the new taxid 74109 n/a merged.dmp: column 2 importtaxdb main of importtaxdb SHoundIsTaxMerged (takes an old taxid and checks if it's been merged into a new taxid) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 139 of 421 18/04/2005 Structural databases (strucdb) module Last updated October 6, 2004 cbmmdb parser purpose: The cbmmdb parser builds the strucdb module databases. The input files to cbmmdb contain data for experimentally determined macromolecular 3D structures. The data files are in ASN.1 format available from the NCBI ftp site. Module: Build the Strucdb module Change to the mmdbdata directory. cd $SEQH/7.mmdb.files Create tables of the Strucdb module in the database. Make sure file strucdb.sql has line use seqhound close to the beginning of the file. mysql –u my_id –p –P my_port –h my_server < strucdb.sql Where my_id, my_port and my_server should be replaced by your userid for the database, the port of the database and the IP address or the server name of the database server repectively. You will be prompted to enter your password. This creates tables mmdb, mmgi and domdb in the database. strucdb input files: *.val.gz ( tables altered: mmdb, mmgi source code location: slri/seqhound/parsers/cbmmdb.c config file & other dependencies: The relevant configuration files are: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 140 of 421 18/04/2005 slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc (UNIX platform) slri/seqhound/config/.mmdbrc (UNIX platform ncbi/config/.ncbirc (UNIX platform) ncbi/data/bstdt.val (optional) * The requirement that bstdt.val be in the same directory as the parser is not strictly enforced. As long as .ncbirc (see below) is properly configured, bstdt.val will be located. However, if bstdt.val is not in the same directory as parser, a warning will be issued in cbmmdb's log file. Despite the warning, the parser should work properly, granted the configurations files are all set properly. The .mmdbrc file should have at least 1 section [MMDB] with 3 fields: 1) Database: the path where the data source files (*.val.gz) are located 2) Index: the index file for the data source files (mmdb.idx: this is also downloaded by 3) Gunzip: path to gunzip Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 141 of 421 18/04/2005 sample .mmdbrc file: [MMDB] ;Where the data source files are located Database = ./ ;Index of all data source files Index = mmdb.idx ;Path to gunzip Gunzip = /bin/gunzip The .ncbirc file should have 1 section [NCBI] with 1 field: 1) Data: the path to bstdt.val sample .ncbirc file: In file .ncbirc, variable DATA should have a value which is the path of directory ncbi/data on your machine. File .ncbirc looks like (change text in italics): [NCBI] ROOT=/ DATA=/my_home/compile/ncbi/data/ [NCBI] ;where bstdt.val is located Data=/ncbi/data The .intrezrc file should have the pathmm set to where you want the databases to be stored. sample .intrezrc file: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= [sections] ;structural databases strucdb = 1 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 142 of 421 18/04/2005 Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) In section [sections] strucdb should be 1. mmdb.idx should be stored in the same directory as the data sources (*.val.gz files). It is an index, containing a list of MMDB ID and PDB code pairs. The first line is the number of Biostrucs in MMDB in the current release. The * in *.val.gz is the MMDB ID. The cbmmdb parser will initially parse the content of mmdb.idx to ensure its integrity. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 143 of 421 18/04/2005 command line parameters: Typing "./cbmmdb" at the command line will return a list of parameters and default settings. For example: > ./cbmmdb cbmmdb -n -m arguments: Initialize Database File for Biostrucs [T/F] Initialize Database File for MMDB Id and GI pairs [T/F] example use: ./cbmmdb -i T -m T associated scripts: retrieves all the data files for input to cbmmdb. error and run-time logs: cbmmdb writes to cbmmdblog additional info: See additional readme files on the NCBI ftp site ( See data table descriptions for each of the tables that are listed under “tables altered” Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 144 of 421 18/04/2005 vastblst parser purpose: The vastblst parser constructs the 3D domain information that is extracted from the MMDB 3D structures. vastblst builds the domdb table to store this information. module: strucdb input files: mmdb table tables altered: domdb source code location: slri/seqhound/domains/vastblst.c config file dependencies: slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc (UNIX platform) The relevant section in the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= [sections] ;structural databases strucdb = 1 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 145 of 421 18/04/2005 Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) In section [sections] strucdb should be 1. command line parameters: Typing ./vastblst at the command line will return a list of the command line parameters and default setting. For example: > ./vastblst vastblst arguments: -n Initialize Database File for Domains [T/F] example use ./vastblst -n T associated scripts: n/a additional information: See data table description for each table listed under “tables altered” Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 146 of 421 18/04/2005 pdbrep parser purpose: The pdbrep parser fills in the 'rep' field in the domdb table. 'rep' is the best representative domain for that blast set. The input files consist of non-redundant PDB chain set, BLAST rankings for the set and the representative for that chain set. pdbrep stores the representative into the domdb table. module: strucdb input files: nrpdb.* from tables altered: domdb source code location: slri/seqhound/domains/pdbrep.c config file dependencies: The relevant configuration file is: slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc (UNIX platform) The relevant sections are: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= [sections] ;structural databases Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 147 of 421 18/04/2005 strucdb = 1 Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) In section [sections] strucdb should be 1. command line parameters: Typing ./pdbrep at the commandline will generate a listing of commandline parameters. For example: >./pdbrep pdbrep -i arguments: Input nrpdb table [File In] example use: ./pdbrep -i nrpdb.010400 associated scripts: n/a error & run-time log: pdbrep writes to pdbreplog additional information: README's at see data table descriptions for each of the tables that are listed under "tables altered" Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 148 of 421 18/04/2005 mmdb table Database: Table: Module: Definition: seqhound mmdb strucdb Is a database of experimentally determined macromolecular 3D structures (Molecular Modeling DB). MySQL Field rowid Type int(11) Null No Default mmdbid int(11) No 0 asn1 pdbid bwhat models molecules size bzsize MySQL Indexes Keyname PRIMARY immdb_rowid immdb_mmdbid immdb_pdbid mediumblob varchar(20) int(11) int(11) int(11) int(11) int(11) No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX INDEX Column_Definition Auto number row identifier Molecular modeling database identifier Biostruc blob PDB id types of molecules in the biostruc number of models in record number of molecules in record size of uncompressed biostruc size of compressed biostruc Field mmdbid rowid mmdbid pdbid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: parser: 149 of 421 18/04/2005 Most 3D structures are obtained through X-ray crystallography and NMR-spectroscopy. MMDB is a subset of Protein Data Bank (PDB), excluding theoretical models. 3D structures can provide information pertaining to the biological function, mechanism of function, evolutionary history and relationships of a biomolecule. NCBI *.val.gz from slri/seqhound/scripts/ cbmmdb ***mmdbid*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: parser: function: API: ***asn1*** description: a unique, stable numerical identifier. MMDB ID are assigned when a new structure enters MMDB. If an entry is deleted from PDB, then its MMDB entry is obsolete. Obsolete structures get archived. 10 n/a Biostruc->Biostruc-id (choice 1) cbmmdb Biostruc2Modelstruc (ncbi/biostruc/mmdbapi1.c) SHound3DExists the Biostruct blob (see ASN structure below). Contains information about the 3D structure of a molecule including information about the researchers, Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual example: default value: source: parser: function: API: **pdbid *** description: example: default: ASN.1 struct: parser: function: API: ***bwhat *** description: 150 of 421 18/04/2005 molecule bond information, etc. see below n/a *.val.gz cbmmdb MMDBBiostrucGet SHoundGet3DfromPdbId SHoundGetPDB3D SHoundGet3D a 4 character identifier from the Protein Data Bank. 100D n/a Biostruc->Biostruc-id(choice 2) cbmmdb Biostruc2Modelstruc (ncbi/biostruc/mmdbapi1.c) no functions return the pdbid from mmdb, it is used as a key to retrieve a 3D structure, see asn1 API. an integer that represents the type of molecule. The possible flags are (defined in ncbi/biostruc/mmdbapi1.h) and their corresponding byte values are: 1) AM_ION 0x80 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual example: default: ASN.1 stuct: parser: function: API: ***models*** description: example: default: source: parser: function: API: 151 of 421 18/04/2005 2) AM_RNA 0x40 3) AM_WAT 0x20 4) AM_SOL 0x10 5) AM_HET 0x08 6) AM_DNA 0x04 7) AM_PROT 0x0 8) AM_POLY 0x01 9) AM_UNK 0x00 AM_ION AM_UNK Biostruc->Biostruc-graph->Molecule-graph->Bio-mol-descr->molecule-type cbmmdb Biostruc2Modelstruc (ncbi/biostruc/mmdbapi1.c) SHound3DbWhat an enumeration of the different models for this structure 3 n/a this is enumerated by NCBI code, increment for EACH Biostruc->Biostrucmodel in the ASN structure cbmmdb Biostruc2Modelstruc (ncbi/biostruc/mmdbapi1.c) n/a, no public interface provided to this field Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***molecules*** description: example: default: source: parser: function: API: ***size*** description: example: default: source: 152 of 421 18/04/2005 an enumeration of the number of molecules in the structure 3 n/a this is enumerated by NCBI code, increment for EACH Biostruc->Biostrucgraph->Molecule-graph in the ASN structure cbmmdb Biostruc2Modelstruc (ncbi/biostruc/mmdbapi1.c) n/a, no public interface provided to this field parser: function: API: the size of the uncompressed biostruc 7691 n/a the size of the uncompressed biostruc is determined just before it is compressed and appended cbmmdb AssignASNMemBZMemo (intrez_cb.c) n/a, no public interface provided to this field ***bzsize*** description: example: default: source: the size of the compressed biostruc 31 n/a the compressed size is determined after it is compressed Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual parser: function: API: 153 of 421 18/04/2005 cbmmdb AssignASNMemBZMemo (intrez_cb.c) n/a, no public interface provided to this field Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 154 of 421 18/04/2005 mmgi table seqhound mmgi strucdb A mapping of mmdbid to gi. Database: Table: Module: Definition: MySQL Field rowid mmdbid gi MySQL Indexes Keyname Type PRIMARY PRIMARY immgi_rowid immgi_mmdbid immgi_gi INDEX INDEX INDEX Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: parser: Type int(11) int(11) int(11) Null No No No Default 0 0 Column_Definition Auto number row identifier mmdb identifier GenInfo Identifier Field mmdbid gi rowid mmdbid gi NCBI *.val.gz from slri/seqhound/scripts/ cbmmdb (see mmdb for initialization info) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***mmdbid*** description: example: ASN.1 struct: parser: function: API: ***gi*** description: example: ASN.1 struct: parser: function: API: 155 of 421 18/04/2005 3D molecular model unique identifier 1 Biostruc->Biostruc-id (choice 1) cbmmdb Main SHound3DExists SHound3DFromGi SHound3DFromGiList GenInfo Identifier 1420979 Biostruc->Biostruc-id cbmmdb Main SHoundGiFrom3D SHoundGiFrom3DList Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 156 of 421 18/04/2005 domdb table seqhound domdb strucdb Stores the information of structural domains. Database: Table: Module: Definition: MySQL Field rowid mmdbid asn1 pdbid pdbchain gi domno Type int(11) int(11) mediumblob varchar(20) varchar(10) int(11) int(11) Null No No No No Yes No Yes NULL 0 NULL domall int(11) No 0 domid rep MySQL Indexes Keyname PRIMARY idomdb_rowid idomdb_mmdbid idomdb_pdbid idomdb_gi int(11) int(11) No Yes 0 NULL Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX Default 0 Column_Definition Auto number row identifier mmdb identifier asn blob pdb identifier pdb chain geninfo identifier domain number number of domains in the whole structure vast domain id representative of blast set Field domid rowid mmdbid pdbid gi Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual idomdb_domall idomdb_domid 157 of 421 INDEX INDEX 18/04/2005 domall domid Source org: Source file: Parser: Note: VAST (vector alignment search tool) is an NCBI-developed algorithm used to identify similar 3-D structures that may not possess sequence similarities. Structural information is taken from the mmdb database. 3D structures are converted into vectors (which corresponding to structurally significant regions of the protein). Adjacent vectors are grouped into domains. Domain information is used to determine distant homologs and provide structural information. The domains of proteins can be compared with other protein domains. Those with similar domain overlaps are likely to be distant homologs. The domdb database stores the domain information. NCBI MMDB database & nrpdb.* from vastblst & pdbrep vastblst parser uses SHoundGet3D to retrieve the MMDB information.. ***mmdbid*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: the 3D structure id from which the domain was computed. 3446 n/a retrieved from mmdbid by calling SHoundAllMMDBID. vastblst Main calls SHoundAllMMDBID and MakeAModelstruc Observation: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual API: ***asn1*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: 158 of 421 18/04/2005 not used by the API, there are other tables with more complete mmdbid's. the asn structure of the domain. The structure gives the gi of the domain and the starting and ending point of the domain. a text output of the SLRIValNode: SLRIValNode ::= { domain { gi 443581 , from 2 , to 393 } } n/a extracted from the biostruc reconstructed from what is stored in mmdb. vastblst WriteFASTAByDomain calls MakeDomain SHoundGetDomain to actually print out the ASN structure, after calling SHoundGetDomain, the return value (a SLRIValNodePtr object) must be opened and streamed into an asn IO stream. eg. { // start of program SLRIValNodePtr pdom = NULL; AsnIoPtr aip = NULL; pdom = SHoundGetDomain(443581, aip = AsnIoNew(ASNIO_TEXT_OUT, SLRIValNodeAsnWrite(pdom, aip, AsnIoClose(aip); } // end of program, text output 0); stdout, NULL, NULL, NULL); NULL); as in example SHoundGetFastaDomain (to retrieve the text, follow code above, replace SLRIValNode with SLRIFasta Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***pdbid*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: parser: function: API: ***gi*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***domno*** description: 159 of 421 18/04/2005 the PDB id of the 3D structure from which the domain was computed 9XIM n/a n/a vastblst WriteFASTAByDomain SHoundGetDomain the gi of the chain from which the domain was computed 443581 n/a extracted from the biostruc object reconstructed from data in mmdb. Biostruc->Biostruc-id (choice 1) vastblst WriteFASTAByDomain SHoundGiFromPDBchain This field can also be parsed from the SLRIValNode and SLRIFasta ASN structures (above). a protein chain may have several domains, each domain is enumerated, eg if a protein X has 10 domains, the first domain has domno 0, the Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***domall*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***domid*** description: example: default value: source: 160 of 421 18/04/2005 second domain has domno 1, ...etc 0 n/a this is enumerated by NCBI code vastblast WriteFASTAByDomain n/a, by itself, the domno provides little information, so it is not provided in the API The total number of domains in the 3D structure. In the above example protein X, domall is 10 1 n/a this is enumerated by NCBI code vastblast WriteFASTAByDomain n/a the id for the domain. domid is computed by hashing various id's, including (but not limited to) mmdbid, domno, etc. 34460200 n/a hashed in WriteFASTAByDomain Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual parser: function: API: ***rep*** description: example: default: source: parser: function: API: 161 of 421 18/04/2005 vastblast WriteFASTAByDomain n/a domains get grouped based on properties. The domains are then compared to the other domains in their group and then the best over domain representative of that group is chosen. This field reflects that representative. 1 0 nrpdb.* from columns 6, 9 & A pdbrep Main n/a Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 162 of 421 18/04/2005 Protein sequence neighbours (neighdb) module Last updated: August 18, 2004 Note: The neighbours tables are precalculated on a cluster and the resulting tables are distributed in MySQL format on our ftp site. Therefore, this section is provided for informational purposes only, or for those who would like to build neighbours tables from there own sequence data; it is not necessary if one wishes simply to include the neighbours module into their own seqhound instance, in which case they should simply download the precomputed tables. Note: the nblast development tree is in the slri directory on the same level as SeqHound (i.e.; slri/nblast). This documentation includes a description of the nblast program. The NBLAST paper is freely available from BioMed Central and is provided in the supplementary documents directory distributed with this manual. See: Dumontier M, Hogue CW. NBLAST: a cluster variant of BLAST for NxN comparisons. BMC Bioinformatics. 2002 May 8;3(1):13. Epub 2002 May 08. PMID: 12019022 Purpose: This section describes how to build and use nblast, a program for generating a database of sequence neighbours. Installing nblast: There are two ways to install nblast: * Download nblast binaries for your platform from the sourceforge website: or * Compile nblast on your system: In order to compile nblast, two pieces of third party software are prerequisite: NCBI's C toolkit and Sequiter software's CodeBase database library. Nblast currently only supports CodeBase as its database backend, but it may be ported to other databases in the future. If your system meets these requirements, download the platform independent source code for nblast from the link above and proceed. The NCBI C toolkit can be downloaded from NCBI's website at CodeBase is a commercial database software library available from Sequiter software. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 163 of 421 18/04/2005 A description of how to compile and set up the nblast software follows. If you installed the binaries, or already have compiled the software, skip to the Configuration section. The installation procedure for CodeBase and the NCBI C toolkit are not detailed here, but are assumed to have been successful. Once you have unpacked the source code tree, change directories into the topmost nblast directory and then exercise one of the following sets of instructions, depending on whether you are using a Unix or Windows system. Unix: • Modify the file for different source and library paths. • Modify the make.nblast file or project settings to create an executable that incorporates NBLAST (-D NBLAST_API), logging (-D NBLAST_LOG), and/or MoBiDiCK(-D MOBIDICK_API) (The MoBiDick library is currently not publicly available). • From the src directory type 'make -f make.nblast', if the nblast binary is built then build nblastcleanup with 'make -f make.nblastcleanup' The binaries will be placed in the build/ subdirectory of the source tree. Windows: • Open the nblast.dsw workspace in MSVC. Build NBLAST and NBLASTCLEANUP The two nblast executables, nblast and nblastcleanup, should now be present in the slri/nblast/build/ directory. Set your PATH environment variable appropriately so that you can execute them. Before you can use nblast, you'll have to do some more configuration, described in the next section. Configuration of nblast environment: At least one configuration file is required to use nblast and it's associated applications, more if you wish to have some of the relevant files outside of the current directory. At the very least, you must have an nblast configuration file, called .nblastrc on Unix, and nblast.ini on Windows. This file must be present either in your current directory or your home directory[may not apply on windows] and has the following formats: .nblastrc on Unix: ; NBLAST configuration file [NBLAST] writepath = /home/nblast/build/ nblast.ini on Windows: [NBLAST] writepath = g:\code\slri\nblast\build Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 164 of 421 18/04/2005 where the directory path named after “writepath = “ specifies where the files generated by nblast will be written to. A trailing slash(unix) or backslash(windows) is necessary for the directory path to work. If you want to place the scoring matrix (used by the blast algorithm) and/or the formatted fasta database in any directory but the current working one, you must also have an ncbi configuration file: .ncbirc on Unix: [NCBI] DATA = g:\code\ncbi\data [BLAST] BLASTDB = g:\blastdb\ ncbi.ini on Windows: [NCBI] DATA = /code/ncbi/data [BLAST] BLASTDB = /blastdb/ Where the path following “DATA =” specifies the path to find the scoring matrix file, and the path following “BLASTDB” specifies the path to find the formatted fasta database. The BLAST algorithm uses the BLOSUM62 scoring matrix. The file containing this matrix is required for nblast to function. The file is named BLOSUM62, and comes with the NCBI C toolkit. It should also come with the binary distribution of nblast. Once the configuration files have been properly set, you are ready to run nblast, detailed in the next section. Running NBLAST * Format the fasta database using formatdb: Before Nblast can process the protein sequences, they must be properly formatted. This is done using the formatdb program, available from NCBI, which takes a fasta formatted database of protein sequences and processes them into a form which can be BLASTed. Once you have downloaded formatdb, format your fasta database using the following command: formatdb -oT -i Where is the file name of your fasta formatted protein sequence database. Generally this is nr, the non-redundant protein sequence database, which can be downloaded from file (at the time of this writing, that file is ~500 MB compressed). will be used throughout the rest of this document to mean the filename of your original fasta formatted sequence database. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual * 165 of 421 18/04/2005 Use NBLAST to build the skeleton database: Before nblast can compare sequences, it needs to build a skeleton of the nblastdb table with information on how the sequences will be ordered and indexed. This is done by running nblast with the -N1 command line argument as follows: nblast -i -d -N1 * Use Nblast to do the blast comparisons. Before the neighbour tables can be built, nblast must do the pairwise blast comparisons. In addition to the nblast specific command line options mentioned here, you may also apply options related to NCBI's blastall to augment the BLAST results. For small databases, it is feasible to do this step on a single computer. Single computer execution: nblast -i -d -e -N2 Where is the maximum evalue allowed for BLAST comparisons between sequences. BLAST comparisons which result in evalues higher than this are not saved. Parallel Computer Execution: Since these comparisons are computationally intensive for large databases (like nr), nblast is capable of splitting up the task across multiple compute nodes. This is done by distributing the N.* files generated by the last step, and the .p* files generated by formatdb, to the compute nodes, and then running nblast on each compute node with node specific options: nblast -i -d -e -N2 -C -D Where is the total number of compute nodes in your parallel computing system, and is the index (ranging from 1 to ) of the current compute node with respect to the set of nodes which the nblast task is divided across. has the same meaning as in single computer usage. Both single and parallel computer execution of the N2 mode of nblast results in creation of files entitled B.* (for single computers, defaults to 1). These contain the set of blast results which that particular compute node generated. * Build the nblastdb table of sequence neighbours: Now the blastdb table of pairwise blast results can be used to build/fill the nblastdb table of neighbouring sequences. The pairwise BLAST results generated during the last step are processed and consolidated to generate the records for the neighbouring sequences table, nblastdb. Single Computer Execution: nblast -i -d -e -N4 Parallel Computer Execution: You must first collect the database files generated on the compute nodes during the last step onto the head node before running this step. Then run the following on the head node: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 166 of 421 18/04/2005 nblast -i -d -e -N4 -C -D * Cleanup the database and generate number of neighbours fields: The neighbours table, nblastdb, is nearly complete. All that needs to be done is to fill in the #Neighbours fields of the nblastdb table. This is done using the program nblastcleanup with the following arguments: nblastcleanup -bT -pT -aT -qT -d -n Where is the number of blastdb's to check/build from, generally equal to the number of compute nodes you used (1 in the single computer case). Your Neighbours database should now be completely built. NBLAST Update Procedure Nblast was designed to process NCBI's non-redundant sequence database, named nr. This database contains a non-redundant list of protein sequences and their associated GenInfo identifier numbers (GIs). The NCBI's nr database is updated on a regular basis, with some GI's being removed, and others being added. It is desirable to keep the NeighDB module's nblastdb and blastdb tables updated with the nr database, without having to recompute all the neighbours. This is the purpose of nblast's update procedure, which removes GI's which have been “killed” from any entries in the nblast tables which contain them, and BLASTs and inserts “new” GI's where they are appropriate. This process involves multiple steps, which are outlined and explained here. * Format new version of the fasta database using formatdb: Use formatdb to format your new version of the fasta database in the same way you did before. Note that your new fasta database should have the same name as the one you initially used to build the nblast tables. * * formatdb -oT -i Run Nblast in Update mode N5: This step compares the GIs in the out of date nblastdb with those in the updated FASTA database. It removes entries of the killed Gis from the neighbour lists of all gi's, deletes records which only exist because of the killed GI, and inserts empty records for the newly added GIs in the nblastdb. It also creates an update file called NBLAST_UPDATE.val which lists which GI's have been killed and which are to be added, for the next stages to use. On the head compute node, execute: nblast -i -N5 Run Nblast in Update mode N6: This step performs the pairwise BLAST comparisons between the newly added sequences and all the old sequences that haven't been killed, as well as comparing the new sequences with each other. Single Computer Execution: nblast -i -e -N6 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual * 167 of 421 18/04/2005 Parallel Computer Execution: nblast -i -e -N6 -C -D Where is the maximum allowed evalue for comparison results, as described earlier. Rebuild the Neighbouring Sequences Table: Now rebuild the nblast database using the same command you used to build it previously. Single Computer Execution: nblast -i -d -e -N4 Parallel Computer Execution: First collect all the B.* files from the compute nodes onto the head node. Then run the following command: nblast -i -d -e -N4 -C -D * Cleanup: The cleanup procedure is done in the same manner as for the initial build of the neighbour tables. Single Computer Execution: nblastcleanup -bT -pT -aT -qT -d -n Where is the number of blastdb's to check/build from, generally equal to the number of compute nodes you used (1 in the single computer case). Your Neighbours database should now be properly updated. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 168 of 421 18/04/2005 nbraccess program* Note: Not available at time of release. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 169 of 421 18/04/2005 BLASTDB table Last updated: August 4, 2004 SeqHound Database: (Sequence) Neighbours Module: NBLAST Source: Derived from NxN comparison of sequences from the NR database Source File: from Parser/Application: NBLAST (source & binaries) BMC Bioinformatics 2105/3/13/ Documentation: Pairwise sequence alignments from NBLAST computation Definition: Note: The neighbours tables are precalculated on a cluster and the resulting tables are distributed in MySQL format on our ftp site. Therefore, this section is provided for informational purposes only, or for those who would like to build neighbours tables from there own sequence data; it is not necessary if one wishes simply to include the neighbours module into their own seqhound instance, in which case they should simply download the precomputed tables. Codebase Column_Name UID Index P NULL N EVAL ASNSA N N N N MySQL Field rowid uid Type int(11) bigint(20) Data_Type INTEGER/Hash Key FLOAT MEMO Null Yes Yes Default NULL NULL Size 14 Column_Definition Perfect Hash for 2 Ordinal Numbers E-Value 12.7 Alignment Evalue ASN.1 Modified SeqAlign for pairwise sequence alignment Column_Definition Auto incremented id Perfect Hash for 2 Ordinal Numbers Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual eval asnsa decimal(12,7) Yes mediumblob Yes MySQL Indexes: Keyname iblastdb_rowid iblastdb_uid Type INDEX INDEX *** uid *** Description: example: default value: source: functions: *** eval *** Description: example: default value: function: 170 of 421 NULL NULL 18/04/2005 12.7 Alignment Evalue Modified SeqAlign for pairwise sequence alignment Field rowid uid 64 bit Perfect Hash Key generated from 2 32 bit Ordinal Numbers in nblastdb none NBLAST - a cluster computer extension of BLAST to compute NxN sequence comparisons ShoundGetBlastResult: Given two GIs, checks if alignment exists, returns NBlast-result-set else NULL SHoundGetBlastSeqAlign : Given two GIs, calls SHoundGetBlastResult and formats the NBlast-result-set to a SeqAlign The BLAST e-value reported for this alignment 0.0001 none Used by NBLAST to create the NBLASTDB table using a userspecified minimum evalue Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***asnsa*** Description: 171 of 421 18/04/2005 NBlast-Result-Set (ASN.1 definition is described in slri/nblast/asn/NBlastasn.asn) - Stores the useful parts of a seqalign from the BLAST computation including the alignment, bitscore, evalue Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 172 of 421 18/04/2005 NBLASTDB table Last updated: August 4, 2004 SeqHound Database: (Sequence) Neighbours Module: NBLAST Source: Derived from NxN comparison of the NR database from Source File: Parser/Application: NBLAST (source & binaries) BMC Bioinformatics 2105/3/13/ Documentation: Sequence neighbour lists from NBLAST computation Definition: Codebase Column_Name Index NULL Data_Type Size Column_Definition ORD P N INTEGER 10 The ordinal number of Ordinal this entry (autoincrement) Number GI I N INTEGER 10 The GenInfo Identifier GenInfo Id for the sequence for which there are neighbours in the list NUM I N INTEGER# 10 Number of neighbours in ASN.1 structure Neighbours ASNNBR N N MEMO ASN.1 ASN.1 structure containing the list of GIs whose sequences neighbour that of this entries GI, and the corresponding evalues of the alignments. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 173 of 421 MySQL Field rowid ord Type int(11) int(11) Null No No 0 gi int(11) No 0 num int(11) No 0 asnnbr mediumblob No MySQL Indexes: Keyname inblastdb_rowid inblastdb_ord inblastdb_gi inblastdb_num Type INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX ***ord*** Description: Example: Default Value: Function: Default 18/04/2005 Column_Definition Auto incremented id The ordinal number of this entry The GenInfo Identifier for the sequence for which there are neighbours in the list Number of neighbours in ASN.1 structure ASN.1 structure containing the list of GIs whose sequences neighbour that of this entries GI, and the corresponding evalues of the alignments. Field rowid ord gi num The ordinal value of the entry in the database (starts with 1). The ordinal values from two GIs in a pairwise alignment are perfectly and reversibly hashed into/from the BLASTDB UID value. This approach saves on space required to store two 32 bit integers. 1 NA Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***gi*** Description: Example: Default Value: 174 of 421 18/04/2005 The GenInfo Identifier of the query sequence 2495000 NA Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual API Function: 175 of 421 18/04/2005 SHoundNeighboursFromGiEx: Given GI, an evalue cutoff and a limit of 100 returned results, returns FLinkSet containing list of neighbour GIs and their alignment e-value Other functions that use SeqHound Functionality (Redundant Groups & Taxonomy Protein Lists) SHoundNeighboursFromGi: Calls SHoundNeighboursFromGiEx, and if the GI is not found, searches through the list of redundant GIs for the respective sequence to find an equivalent GI for which there is neighbour information, returning the ShoundNeighboursFromGiEx results for that GI. SHoundNeighboursFromGiList: Calls SHoundNeighboursFromGi with each GI in a valnode list SHoundNeighboursFromTaxID: Calls ShoundNeighboursFromGiList for each GI in a given taxonomy (SHoundProteinsFromOrganism) SHoundNeighboursOfNeighbours: Fetches the neighbours of supplied GI and each of their neighbours (limit 100) SHoundNeighboursOfNeighboursList: Fetches the neighbours of supplied GI list and each of their neighbours SHoundGiAndNumNeighboursList: returns a list of all the GIs with more than 0 neighbours SHoundNumNeighboursInDB: Fetches the number of neighbours in the nblastdb ***num*** Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual Description: Example: Default Value: Function: ***asnnbr*** Description: Functions: 176 of 421 18/04/2005 Quick lookup value to find out how many neighbours are in the ASN.1 structure. Can also be used to sort the GIs with most/least neighbours range of integer values 0 NBlast-GiAndEval-set (ASN.1 definition is described in slri/nblast/asn/NBlastasn.asn) stores the GI and it's list of sequence neighbours (as GI, evalue pairs) see above for GI Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 177 of 421 18/04/2005 Locus link functional annotations (lldb) module llparser Last updated: August 5, 2004 purpose: The llparser parses the LocusLink data files to create and update a set of tables that correlate curated sequence data and descriptive information about genetic loci. It retrieves information on official nomenclature, aliases, sequence accessions, phenotypes, EC numbers, MIM numbers, UniGene clusters, homology and map locations. module: lldb input files: LL_tmpl From tables altered: ll_cdd, ll_go, ll_llink, ll_omim source code location: slri/seqhound/locuslink/llparser.c config file dependencies: The relevant configuration file is: slri/seqhound/parsers/.intrezrc (for Unix platforms) or The relevant section of the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= [sections] ;locus link functional annotations lldb = 1 Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) In section [sections] lldb should be 1. command line parameters: This parser does not have any command line parameter, Just type “./llparser” and it will parse the LL_tmpl file. This input file must be in the same directory as the llparser executable. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 178 of 421 18/04/2005 associated scripts: see “slri/seqhound/scripts/” This script retrieves the input file or this parser. error and run-time logs: llparser writes to a log file called “llparserlog” where it writes Time Stamp, Error #, goparser.c line # and cause of the problem. e.g. =================[ May 21, 2003 3:49 PM ]================== ERROR: [000.000] {llparser.c, line 81} Main: Cannot find LL_tmpl file. troubleshooting: additional info: The LocusLink web page is at NCBI The LocusLink README file describes the input file for this parser See data table descriptions for each of the tables in the lldb module. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 179 of 421 18/04/2005 addgoid parser Last updated: August 5, 2004 purpose: Correlates sequence record gi's with GO annotation identifiers. The Gene Ontology flat file parser adds information to the supplements ll_go table. This information correlates sequence records GI’s with GO annotation identifiers. This information is retrieved from the gene_association.compugen.Genbank and gene_association.compugen.Swissprot files from Other GO annotation data is available at this site but it is not currently incorporated into SeqHound. This is actively being worked on at the time of writing. Note that the input files used here do not contain PubMed Identifiers. This parser is dependent on the following tables, asndb, parti, accdb and nucprot. This parser is also dependent on SeqHound API. For this reason, the mother parser must be run before using the addgoid parser. module: lldb input files: gene_ association.compugen.Genbank gene_association.compugen.Swissprot from tables altered: ll_go source code location: slri/seqhound/locuslink/addgoid.c config file dependencies: The relevant configuration file is: slri/seqhound/parsers/.intrezrc (for Unix platforms) or The relevant section of the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= [sections] ;locus link functional annotations lldb = 1 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 180 of 421 18/04/2005 Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) In section [sections] lldb should be 1. command line parameters: Typing “./addgoid –“ at the command line while in the directory where addgoid resides will return a list of command line parameters and default settings. For example: > ./addgoid – pdbrep arguments: -i Input file [File In] associated scripts: see /slri/seqhound/ The script retrieves the files used as input by the addgoid parser. This script also retrieves the three input files required by the goparser (see godb module). error and run-time logs: addgoid parser writes to a log file called addgoidlog where it writes Time Stamp, Error #, goparser.c line # and cause of the problem. For example ==================[ May 21, 2003 4:14 PM ]================== NOTE: CoreLib [002.003] {ncbifile.c, line 624} FileOpen("gene_association.compugen.Swissprot","r") failed troubleshooting: additional info: The NCBI LocusLink web page is at The Gene Ontology Consortium documentation at is at : See data table descriptions for each of the tables that are listed under the lldb module. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 181 of 421 18/04/2005 ll_omim table Last updated: August 5, 2004 seqhound Database ll_omim Table lldb Module OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. Definition Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIMTM) is a continuously updated catalog of human genes and genetic disorders. OMIM focuses primarily on inherited, or heritable, genetic diseases. It is also considered to be a phenotypic companion to the human genome project. OMIM is based upon the text Mendelian Inheritance in Man, authored and edited by Dr. Victor A. McKusick and a team of science writers and editors at Johns Hopkins University and elsewhere. MySQL Field Type Null Default Column_Definition rowid int(11) No Auto incremented id ll_id int(11) No 0 Locus Link Identifier omim_id int(11) No 0 OMIM Identifier. MySQL Indexes Keyname Type Field ll_id PRIMARY PRIMARY omim_id illomim_rowid INDEX rowid illomim_llid INDEX ll_id illomim_omimid INDEX omim_id Observation: Organization: Source db: *** ll_id *** description: example: default value: source: parser: NCBI Locus link record identifier. 1 0 First field in each locus link record. Eg: >>1 is the record with locus link id 1. llparser.c --> ll_parser.c Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual function: API: *** omim_id *** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: 182 of 421 18/04/2005 LL_ParseFile() --> LL_LineParser db_layer: LL_Append2OMIM_DB() SHoundLLIDFromOMIM() OMIM Online Mendelian 138670 n/a After tag 'OMIM: ' llparser.c --> ll_parser.c LL_LineParser() --> LL_ParseOMIM() db_layer: LL_AppendRecord() --> LL_Append2OMIM_DB() SHoundOMIMFromLLID() SHoundOMIMFromGi() SHoundOMIMFromGiList() Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 183 of 421 18/04/2005 ll_go table Last updated: August 5, 2004 seqhound Database: ll_go Table: lldb Module: Associates a locus link identifier with the gene ontology (GO) Definition: annotation. MySQL Field Type Null Default Column_Definition int(11) No Auto incremented id rowid int(11) No 0 Locus Link Identifier ll_id int(11) Yes NULL Gene Ontology ID. go_id int(11) Yes NULL Pub Med ID. pmid varchar(50) Yes NULL Evidence Code. evidence MySQL Indexes Keyname Type Field illgo_rowid INDEX rowid illgo_llid INDEX ll_id illgo_goid INDEX go_id illgo_pmid INDEX pmid Observation.: Organization: Source file: Parser: NCBI ll_parser.c *** ll_id *** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: Locus link identifier 2 n/a see above ll_parser.c -> ll_parser.c LL_LineParser() -> LL_ParseNPUnit SHoundLLIDFromGOIDAndECode () ***go_id*** description: Gene Ontology Identifier. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***pmid*** description: example: default value: source: 184 of 421 18/04/2005 5717 n/a after tag GO, 4th element e.g.: GO: cellular component|extracellular|IDA|GO:0005574|GOA|na ll_parser.c or ll_parser.c LL_LineParser() -> LL_ParseGOUnit SHoundGOIDFromLLID() SHoundGOIDFromGi() SHoundGOIDFromRedundantGi SHoundGOIDFromGiList SHoundGOIDFromRedundantGiList PubMed Identification. 3458201 n/a after tag GO, 6th element e.g.: GO: cellular component|extracellular|IDA|GO:0005574|GOA|345201 parser: function: API: ***evidence*** description: example: default value: source: parser: llparser.c -> ll_parser.c LL_LineParser() -> LL_ParseGOUnit SHoundGOPMIDFromGiAndGOID() Every GO annotation must indicate the type of evidence that supports it; these evidence codes correspond to broad categories of experimental or other support. IC: Inferred by Curator. ND: No biological Data available. TAS: Traceable Author Statement. IEA: Inferred from Electronic Annotation. n/a After a 'GO:' line, it's the 3rd. field element eg: GO: cellular component|extracellular|IDA|GO:0005574|GOA|34520 1 llparser.c -> ll_parser.c Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual function: API: 185 of 421 18/04/2005 LL_LineParser()-> LL_ParseGOUnit() SHoundGOECodeFromGiAndGOID() Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 186 of 421 18/04/2005 ll_llink table Last updated: August 5, 2004 seqhound Database: ll_llink Table: lldb Module: Associates a locus link id with a sequence identifier Definition: MySQL Field Type Null Default Column_Definition rowid int(11) No Auto incremented id ll_id int(11) No 0 Locus Link Identifier. gi int(11) No 0 Gene Info Identifier map text Yes NULL Gene location in chromosome. MySQL Indexes Keyname Type Field PRIMARY PRIMARY ll_id gi illll_rowid INDEX rowid illll_llid illll_gi Observation.: Organization: Source file: INDEX INDEX ll_id gi Maps a locus link id with a gi and its location in the chromosome. Not all locus link ids will have a gi. A gi may be specified as an NP gi or a XP gi ( experimentally determined ). If an NP gi is available, it will be used. If an NP gi is not available, then the XP gi will be used. If neither the NP nor XP gi is available, then no gi will be used. NCBI *** ll_id *** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: Locus Link Identifier. 2 n/a start of record eg. >>2 llparser.c --> ll_parser.c LL_AppendLLID_DB() LL_ParseFile() -> LL_LineParser() Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual API: ***gi*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***map*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: 187 of 421 18/04/2005 SHoundLLIDFromGi() SHoundLLIDFromGiList() Gene Info Identifier 21071030 n/a in the NP tag, 2nd element eg NP: NP_570602|21071030 llparser.c --> ll_parser.c LL_ParseFile() --> LL_LineParser() --> LL_Append2LLID_DB() SHoundGiFromLLID() SHoundGiFromLLIDList() Location of the gene in the Chromosome 19q13.4 n/a in the MAP tag: 1st element MAP: 19q13.4|RefSeq|C| llparser.c --> ll_parser.c LL_ParseFile() --> LL_LineParser() LL_Append2LLID_DB() SHoundLocusFromGi() Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 188 of 421 18/04/2005 ll_cdd table Last updated: August 5, 2004 seqhound Database: ll_cdd Table: lldb Module: Conserved Domain Database. Definition: Maps a locus link id to a Conserved Domain ID. Proteins often contain several modules or domains, each with a distinct evolutionary origin and function. The CDD database may be used to identify the conserved domains present in a protein sequence. Conserved Domains can be summarized with multiple local sequence alignments. Computational biologists have compiled collections of such alignments representing conserved domains, and LocusLink imports them from three major sources: * Smart, the Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool * Pfam (UK), Pfam-A seed alignments * COG (Clusters of Orthologous Groups) Smart and Pfam are public domain databases, which are offered in combination with HMM-based search engines and alignment visualization services. COG is an NCBI-curated protein classification resource. Sequence alignments corresponding to COGs are created automatically from constituent sequences and have not been validated manually for import in CDD. The default e-value cutoff of for data in this table is 0.01 MySQL Field rowid ll_id cdd_id evalue MySQL Indexes Keyname illcdd_rowid Type Null int(11) No int(11) No varchar(50) Yes decimal(20,10)Yes Default 0 NULL NULL Column_Definition Auto incremented id Locus Link Identifier CDD Source Database. Descriptive match. Type INDEX Field rowid illcdd_llid INDEX ll_id illcdd_cddid INDEX cdd_id Observation.: Domains can be thought of as distinct functional and/or structural units of a protein. These two classifications coincide rather often, as a matter of fact, and what is found as an independently folding unit of a Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual Organization: Source db: *** ll_id *** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***cdd_id*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***evalue*** description: 189 of 421 18/04/2005 polypeptide chain also carries specific function. Domains are often identified as recurring (sequence or structure) units, which may exist in various contexts. e.g.: of the CDD Record. CDD: pfam00207: Alpha-2-macroglobulin family|5952|2318|na|8.970050e+02 CDDID: pfam00207 Evalue: 8.970050e+02 NCBI Locus link identifier 2 n/a start of record eg. >>2 llparser.c --> ll_parser.c LL_AppendLLID_DB() LL_ParseFile() -> LL_LineParser() SHoundLLIDFromCDDID() SHoundLLIDFromGi() SHoundLLIDFromGiList() Conserved Domain Database Identifier pfam00207 n/a after CDD tag: 1st element CDD: pfam00207: Alpha-2-macroglobulin family|5952|2318|na|8.970050e+02 llparser.c --> ll_parser.c LL_ParseNPUnit() LL_ParseFile() --> LL_LineParser() SHoundCDDIDFromGi() SHoundCDDIDFromGiList() SHoundCDDIDFromLLID() Describes match between CDD and the sequence Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 190 of 421 18/04/2005 example: default value: source: 8.970050e+02 0 after CDD tag: last element CDD: pfam00207: Alpha-2-macroglobulin family|5952|2318|na|8.970050e+02 parser: function: llparser.c --> ll_parser.c LL_ParseNPUnit() LL_ParseFile() --> LL_LineParser() SHoundCDDScoreFromGi() API: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 191 of 421 18/04/2005 GENE module parser Last updated September 27, 2004 purpose: parses 4 files from the NCBI Gene database and populates gene_* tables in SeqHound. logic: first drops the gene_* tables and then recreates them. It then reads the files generated by to populate the new tables. In the future, the tables will not be dropped upon update. module: gene input files: gene2refseqUniq gene_infoUniq gene_historyUniq gene2pubmedUniq tables altered: gene_dbxref, gene_genomicgi, gene_history, gene_info, gene_productgi, gene_pubmed, gene_object, gene_synonyms. source code location: /seqhound/gene/ /seqhound/scripts/ config file dependencies: The relevant configuration file is: slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc (for Unix platforms) The relevant section of the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) .intrezrc must reside in the directory where the parser is running and .odbc.ini should be in your home directory. You should also have a copy of in the directory where the parser is running to read .intrezrc and .odbc.ini. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 192 of 421 18/04/2005 command line parameters: example use: perl associated scripts: Four files are downloaded from by gene2refseq.gz gene_info.gz gene_history.gz gene2pubmed.gz. unzips the files and makes sure that each file only contains unique records generating the following files: gene2refseqUniq gene_infoUniq gene_historyUniq gene2pubmedUniq error and run-time logs: parse_gene_files.log troubleshooting: additional info: Note that the NCBI gene database is experimental. This means that the input files and the SeqHound tables may change. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 193 of 421 18/04/2005 gene_dbxref table Last updated September 28, 2004 SeqHound Database: gene_dbxref Table: GENE Module: The table holds cross references to other databases for GeneIds and their Definition: associated gis. MySQL Field id Type Int(11) Null No geneinfoid Int(11) No dbname Varchar(255) No dbaccession Varchar(30) MySQL Indexes Keyname Type igenedbxrefs_id INDEX igenedbxrefs_infoid INDEX igenedbxrefs_db_name INDEX igenedbxrefs_db_access INDEX Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: ***id*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: No Default Column_Definition Identifier for a cross reference. Id of the gene_info record that this cross reference refers to. Database name Accession. Field id geneinfoid dbname dbaccess NCBI gene_info.gz Identifier for the cross reference. Mysql auto-increment table. 1 not available yet Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***geneinfoid*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***dbname*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***dbaccess*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: 194 of 421 18/04/2005 Identifier for the geneinfo record where this cross reference was found. 53577 not available yet Name of the database that contains the second reference. SGD not available yet Accession for the record that contains the name. S0000572 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 195 of 421 18/04/2005 gene_genomicgi table Last updated September 29, 2004 SeqHound Database: gene_genomicgi Table: GENE Module: Table that contains the gis of genomic DNAs that contain genes. The Definition: start, stop location and orientation on the genomic DNA are also included. MySQL Field Type Null id int(11) No geneobjectid int(11) No gi int(11) No start int(11) Yes The start location on the genomic DNA. end int(11) Yes The start location on the genomic DNA. orientation char(1) Yes The orientation on the genomic DNA. MySQL Indexes Keyname igenomic_id igenomic_objectid igenomic_gi Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Type Default Column_Definition Identifier of a product gi. Mysql auto-increment column. Identifier of the geneobject that this genomic gi refers to. The genomic gi. Field id geneobjectid gi NCBI gene_info.gz Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***id*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***geneobjectid*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***gi*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***start*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: 196 of 421 18/04/2005 Identifier of a genomic gi. 1 not available yet The gene object that this gi refers to. not available yet The genomic gi. 10954454 not available yet The start position of the gene on the genomic DNA. 348 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual source: parser: function: API: ***end*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***orientation*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: 197 of 421 18/04/2005 not available yet The end position of the gene on the genomic DNA. 1190 not available yet The orientation of the gene on the genomic DNA. - meaning "minus" strand or + meaning "plus" strand - not available yet Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 198 of 421 18/04/2005 gene_history table Last updated September 29,2004 SeqHound Database: gene_history Table: GENE Module: This table has information about geneids that are no longer current. Definition: MySQL Field Type Null id int(11) No taxid int(11) Yes currentgeneid int(11) Yes oldgeneid int(11) Yes oldsymbol varchar(20) MySQL Indexes Keyname igenehistory_id current_gene_id discont_gene_id discont_symbol Type Index Index Index Index Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Yes Default Column_Definition Identifier for a history record. Mysql auto-increment column. NCBI taxonomy identifier. The current NCBI Gene Id for this gene. The discontinued Gene Id. The symbol assigned to the discontinued Gene Id, if the discontinued record was not replaced with another. Field id currentgeneid oldgeneid oldsymbol Note that all fields except for id are optional. NCBI gene_history.gz Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***id*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***taxid*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***currentgeneid** * description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***oldgeneid*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: 199 of 421 18/04/2005 Identifier for the history record. Mysql auto-increment column. 212815 not available yet The NCBI taxonomy identifier for this gene.. 10116 not available yet The current NCBI gene id. 29666 not available yet The discontinued NCBI gene id. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual source: parser: function: API: ***oldsymbol*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: 200 of 421 18/04/2005 not available yet The symbol associated with the discontinued gene id, if no new record replaced the discontinued record. hlyB not available yet Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 201 of 421 18/04/2005 gene_info table Last updated September 29, 2004 SeqHound Database: gene_info Table: GENE Module: Information about a gene. Definition: MySQL Field id Type int(11) Null No geneobjectid int(11) No symbol varchar(255) Yes The default symbol for this gene. locustag varchar(255) Yes The LocusTag for this gene. chromosome varchar(32) Yes The chromosome where this gene is found. maplocation varchar(255) Yes description mediumtext Yes MySQL Indexes Keyname igeneinfo_id object_id symbol locus_tag chr Type Index Index Index Index Index Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Default Column_Definition Identifier for this record. geneobjectid association with this information. The map location of this gene on the chromosome. A description of this gene. Field id geneobjectid symbol locustag chromosome NCBI gene_info.gz Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***id*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***geneobjectid** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***symbol*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***locustag*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: 202 of 421 18/04/2005 Identifier for this record. 74058 The geneobjectid for the gene that this information refers to. 73870 The symbol for this gene. 1A981 gene->locus (NCBI says this is where the data comes from). The locus tag for this gene. 1A981 gene->locus-tag (NCBI says this is where the data comes from). Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual source: parser: function: API: ***chromosome*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***maplocation*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***description*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: 203 of 421 18/04/2005 The chromosome where this gene is found. I The map location of this gene on the chromosome. I;-19.13 cM (interpolated genetic position) A description of this gene. putative protein (69.3 kD) (1A981) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 204 of 421 18/04/2005 gene_object table Last updated September 29,2004 SeqHound Database: gene_object Table: GENE Module: This table contains information on the status of gene records. Definition: MySQL Field id geneid Type int(11) int(11) status varchar(64)) MySQL Indexes Keyname igeneobject_id igeneobject_geneid igeneobject_status Type Index Index Index Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Null No No Yes Default Column_Definition Identifier for this gene. NCBI's Gene Id. Status of the RefSeq for this gene. May be provisional, INFERRED, MODEL, PREDICTED, Reviewed or VALIDATED Field id geneid status NCBI gene2refseq.gz Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***id*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***geneid** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***status*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: 205 of 421 18/04/2005 Identifier for this gene. 8 not available yet NCBI's Gene Id. 1246510 not available yet The status of the RefSeq record that contains this gene. NULL INFERRED MODEL PREDICTED Provisional Reviewed VALIDATED Provisional not available yet Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 206 of 421 18/04/2005 gene_productgi table Last updated September 29, 2004 SeqHound Database: gene_productgi Table: GENE Module: Stores the gis of the RNA and Proteins produced by a gene. Definition: MySQL Field Type Null id int(11) No geneobjectid int(11) No gi MySQL Indexes Keyname iproduct_id iproduct_objected iproduct_gi int(11) No Type Index Index Index Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: ***id*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: Default Column_Definition Internal identifier for the product gi. Mysql auto-increment column. The geneobjectid for the gene that this gi belongs to. The gi. Field id geneobjectid gi NCBI gene2refseq.gz Internal identifier for this gi. Mysql auto-increment column. 9 not available yet ***geneobjectid*** Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***gi*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: 207 of 421 18/04/2005 NCBI's identifier for the gene that this gi belongs to. 10 not available yet The gi. May be a protein or an RNA gi. 32455275 not available yet Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 208 of 421 18/04/2005 gene_pubmed table Last updated September 29, 2004 SeqHound Database: gene_pubmed Table: GENE Module: This table stores publications that refer to genes. Definition: MySQL Field Type Null id int(11) No geneobjectid int(11) Yes pmid MySQL Indexes Keyname ipubmed_id ipubmed_geneid ipmid int(11) Yes Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: ***id*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: source: parser: function: API: Type Index Index Index Default Column_Definition Internal identifier for this reference. The geneobjectid that this reference is about. The pmid of the reference. Field id geneobjectid pmid NCBI gene2pubmed.gz Internal identifier of this reference or of this gene objectid-pmid pair 112394 not available yet Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***geneobjectid*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***pmid*** description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: 209 of 421 18/04/2005 The geneobjectid of the gene. 173392 The pmid of the reference. 8889548 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 210 of 421 18/04/2005 gene_synonyms table Last updated September 28, 2004 SeqHound Database: gene_synonyms table Table: GENE Module: Stores synonyms for genes. Definition: MySQL Field Type Null id int(11) No geneinfoid int(11) Yes Column_Definition Identifier of this synonym, Mysql auto-increment column The geneinfoid for this synonym. synonym MySQL Indexes Keyname igenesyn_id igeneinfoid isynonym text Yes The synonym. Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: ***id* description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: Type Index Index Index Default Field id geneinfoid synonym NCBI gene_info.gz Internal identifier for this synonym geneinfoid pair. Basically a rowid. Mysql auto-increment column. 11179 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***geneinfoid description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: ***synonym description: example: default value: ASN.1 struct: source: parser: function: API: 211 of 421 18/04/2005 The geneinfoid for the record where this synonym was found. 27686 The synonym. T1J24.19 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 212 of 421 18/04/2005 Gene Ontology hierarchy (godb) module goparser Last updated: August 5, 2004 purpose: Go data files contain information from the Gene Ontology Consortium that describe controlled vocabularies for the description of the molecular function, biological process and cellular component of gene products. The GO parser is responsible for generating the hierarchical gene ontology datafiles: go_name, go_parent, go_synonym and go_reference. This is accomplished by parsing the flat files component.ontology, function.ontology and process.ontology. module: godb input files: component.ontology function.ontology process.ontology. From tables altered: go_name, go_parent, GO_REF, GO_SYN source code location: slri/seqhound/go/goparser.c config file dependencies: The relevant configuration file is: slri/seqhound/parsers/.intrezrc (for Unix platforms) or The relevant section of the configuration file is: [datab] ;seqhound database that you are connecting username=your_user_name password=your_pass_word dsn=dsn_in_.odbc.ini_file database=seqhound local= [sections] ;gene ontology hierarchy godb = 1 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 213 of 421 18/04/2005 Text in italics must be changed for the .intrezrc file to function correctly with your SeqHound set-up. Variables username, password, dsn, database in section [datab] should have the same values as USER, PASSWORD, DSN and DATABASE respectively in your .odbc.ini (see Step 10 in section 4.4.) In section [sections] godb should be 1. command line parameters: This parser does not have any command line parameters. Typing “./goparser” will process the three Gene Ontology files. These files (component.ontology, function.ontology and process.ontology) must be present in the same directory as the compiled goparser executable associated scripts: see “/slri/seqhound/” This script retrieves the three input files required by the goparser. The script also retrieves the files used as input by the addgoid parser (see lldb module). error and run-time logs: goparser writes to a log file called “goparserlog” where it writes Time Stamp, Error #, goparser.c line # and cause of the problem. e.g. ================[ May 21, 2003 2:36 PM==================== ERROR: [000.000] {goparser.c, line 74} Main: Cannot find function.ontology file in current directory. troubleshooting: additional info: The Gene Ontology Consortium documentation is located at See data table descriptions for each of the tables that are listed under SeqHound's Data Dictionary. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 214 of 421 go_parent table Last updated: August 5, 2004 Seqhound Database: go_parent Table: Godb Module: Definition: MySQL Field Type Null rowid int(11) No go_id int(11) No parent_goid int(11) No MySQL Indexes Keyname Type Default 0 0 18/04/2005 Column_Definition Auto number row identifier GeneOntology ID Parent Go Id.. PRIMARY PRIMARY igoparent_rowid INDEX Field go_id parent_goid rowid igoparent_goid INDEX go_id igoparent_pid INDEX parent_goid Observation.: Organization: Source db: ***go_id*** description: example: Function, process and component are represented as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) or networks. The difference between a DAG and a hierarchy is that in the latter each child can only have one parent; a DAG allows a child to have more than one parent. A child term may be an "instance" of its parent term(isa relationship) or a component of its parent term (part-of relationship). A child term may have more than one parent term and may have a different class of relationship with its different parents. Gene Ontology ( function.ontology (Molecular function) process.ontology (Biological process) component.ontology (Cellular component) Gene Ontology identifier Child. 0016172 %antifreeze activity ; GO:0016172 {Parent} %ice nucleation inhibitor activity ; GO:0016173 default value: source: {Child} n/a related to the indentation in the file. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual parser: function: 215 of 421 18/04/2005 API: goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()->GO_Append_Name()-> GO_AppendParent() GO_GetParentOf() GO_GetChildrenOf() GO_GetAllChildren() GO_GetAllAncestors() SHoundGODBGetChildrenOf() ***parent_goid*** description: example: Gene Ontology identifier Parent. 0016173 default value: source: parser: function: API: %antifreeze activity ; GO:0016172 {Parent} %ice nucleation inhibitor activity ; GO:0016173 {Child} n/a Related to indentation in the file goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()->GO_Append_Parent() GO_GetParentOf() GO_GetChildrenOf() GO_GetAllChildren() GO_GetAllAncestors() SHoundGODBGetParentOf() Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 216 of 421 go_name table Last updated: August 5, 2004 seqhound Database: go_name Table: godb Module: Definition: MySQL Field Type rowid int(11) go_id int(11) go_name text Null No No Default 0 No 18/04/2005 Column_Definition Auto incremented id GeneOntology ID. Go_id Identifier name. go_db int(11) No 0 GO Database name. go_level MySQL Indexes Keyname int(11) No 0 Hierarchy level of the GO ID. PRIMARY PRIMARY igoname_rowid igoname_goid INDEX INDEX Observation.: Organization: Source db: ***go_id*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: Type Field go_id go_name go_db go_level rowid go_id This table contains a list of 'go_id' and it's molecular function name as well the database where the go_id was parsed from and the level in the Gene Ontology hierarchy. GeneOntology ( function.ontology (Molecular function) process.ontology (Biological process) component.ontology (Cellular component) Gene Ontology identifier. 15643 n/a See example Go File. The GO id follows 'GO:' tag. goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()->GO_Append_Name() Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual API: ***go_name*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***go_db*** description: example: 217 of 421 18/04/2005 GO_GetRecordByID() SHoundGOIDFromRedundantGi SHoundGOIDFromRedundantGiList SHoundGOIDFromGi SHoundGOIDFromGiList Gene Ontology identifier name. anti-toxin; n/a go_name follows, '%' and proceeds ';GO:'. goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()->GO_Append_Name() GO_GetNameByID() SHoundGODBGetNameByID API: Gene Ontology Database file. This is an integer 1, 2 or 3 1 where: 1 GO_MOLFUNCTION 2 GO_BIOPROCESS 3 GO_CELLCOMPONEN n/a NA goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()->GO_Append_Name() GO_GetClassification() SHoundGODBGetClassification() ***go_level*** description: Hierarchy level of the GO ID. default value: source: parser: function: This is not used because the same GO ID can appear at different levels making the process to determine its level irrelevant. This was intended to be used to indicate the distance of a given GO node from the root node. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual example: default value: source: 218 of 421 18/04/2005 3 n/a Related to the indentation of '%{function name}' parser: function: API: goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()->GO_Append_Name() GO_GetHierarchyLevel() SHoundGODBGetHierarchyLevel() this function is deprecated. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 219 of 421 go_reference table Last updated: August 5, 2004 seqhound Database: go_reference Table: godb Module: Definition: MySQL Field Type Null rowid int(11) No go_id int(11) No Default 0 18/04/2005 Column_Definition Auto incremented id GeneOntology ID go_ref text No go_ref_db MySQL Indexes Keyname varchar(50) Yes PRIMARY PRIMARY igoref_rowid INDEX rowid igoref_go_ref_db INDEX go_ref_db Observation.: Organization: Source db: ***go_id*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: Type GeneOntology Reference. NULL Reference Data Base Name Field go_id go_ref This table stores the 'go_id' with its database cross-reference. The cross-reference can be an external database identifier that points to something that is equivalent to a given GO term. GeneOntology ( function.ontology (Molecular function) process.ontology (Biological process) component.ontology (Cellular component) Gene Ontology identifier. 45174 n/a The go_id comes after '%{function name} ; GO:xxxxxx ; ' goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()>Go_Append_Reference() GO_GetRecordByReference() Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual API: ***go_ref*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: ***go_ref_db*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: 220 of 421 18/04/2005 SHoundGODBGetRecordByReference() Gene Ontology Synonym Description. ISBN: 0198506732 n/a go_ref comes after "GO:xxxxxx ; ISBN: 0198506732 ;" goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()>GO_Append_Reference() GO_GetRecordByReference() NA Gene Ontology Reference Database. EC ISBN TC n/a After '%{function_name} ; GO:xxxxxxx ; {go_ref_db} After '%{component_name} ; GO:xxxxxxx ; {go_ref_db} goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()>GO_Append_Reference() GO_GetRecordByReference() NA Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 221 of 421 go_synonym table Last updated: August 5, 2004 seqhound Database: go_synonym Table: godb Module: Definition: MySQL Field Type Null rowid int(11) No go_id int(11) No go_syn MySQL Indexes Keyname text PRIMARY KEY INDEX 0 Column_Definition Auto incremented id GeneOntology ID GeneOntology Synonym. igosynonym_rowid INDEX Field go_id go_syn(100) go_id igosynonym_go_id INDEX go_syn Observation.: Organization: Source db: Example of source file: ***go_id*** description: example: default value: source: parser: function: API: Type No Default 18/04/2005 GeneOntology ( function.ontology (Molecular function) process.ontology (Biological process) component.ontology (Cellular component) %glycine binding activity ; GO:0016594 ; synonym:Gly binding ; synonym:aminoacetic acid binding ; synonym:aminoethanoic acid binding Gene Ontology identifier. 45174 n/a The go_id follows '%{function name}; GO:' goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()->Go_Append_Synonym() n/a Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***go_syn*** description: example: default value: source: 222 of 421 18/04/2005 Gene Ontology Synonym Description. This can be a 'synonym' of a 'process' or 'component' name. 'Gly binding' n/a After '%{function_name} ; GO:xxxxxxx ; synonym:{synonym name}' After '%{component_name} ; GO:xxxxxxx ; synonym:{synonym name}' After '%{process_name} ; GO:xxxxxxx ; synonym:{synonym name}' glutathione dehydrogenase (ascorbate); glutamic acid binding %glycine binding activity ; GO:0016594 ; synonym:Gly binding ; synonym:aminoacetic acid binding ; synonym:aminoethanoic acid binding parser: function: API: goparser.c -> go_parser.c GODB_ParseFile()->GO_LineParser()>GO_AppendRecord() db_layer: GO_AppendRecord()->GO_Append_Synonym() n/a Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 223 of 421 18/04/2005 Gene Ontology Association (GOA) module Last updated April 5, 2005 This section is maintained by Renan Cavero. purpose: The GOA Module provides Gene Ontology (GO) information for all possible organisms that have GO terms. GO terms are controlled vocabulary for molecular function, biological process and cellular component of gene products. GO Annotation assignments are derived from and from The GO terms are linked to identifiers provided by the curating database (e.g. FlyBase) AND to the NCBI Gene Info identifier (GI) using the SeqHound DBXref Module. The GOA Module contains • GO term assignments to genes or proteins • Literature references like PubMed IDs • Evidence codes between the gene product and the GO term • Object types that get annotated such as gene, transcript, protein or protein structure • Gene symbols or other associated text • Taxonomic identifiers • Date on which the annotation was made. module: GOA Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 224 of 421 18/04/2005 input files: All files found under gene ontology FTP site NCBI EntrezGene tables altered: goa_association goa_gigo goa_reference goa_seq_dbxref goa_with goa_xdb Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 225 of 421 18/04/2005 Table summarizing input files, parsers and command line parameters for GOA module. Input file parser All files from: See note below. See note below. Tables: goa_gigo, dbxref, goa_seq_dbxref, goa_association, accdb, redund, taxgi. See note below. Tables: goa_gigo, goa_seq_dbxref, goa_association, accdb, redund, taxgi. See note below. Tables: goa_gigo, dbxref, goa_seq_dbxref, goa_association. See note below. command line parameters -d {Org.abbr.} (*) –c {Cluster: T F} -o {Offset: n} -n {Num. Lines: n} -f {Flag File} -d GO_GENE (**) -c {Cluster: T F} -o {Offset: n} -n {Num. Lines: n} -f {Flag File} -c {Cluster: T F} -o {Offset: n} -n {Num. Lines: n} -f {Flag File} -c -o -n -f -c -o -n -f {Cluster: T F} {Offset: n} {Num. Lines: n} {Flag File} {Cluster: T F} {Offset: n} {Num. Lines: n} {Flag File} Notes: (*) Parser Command Line Parameters. (See dbxref.ini for details.) Parse Gene Ontology Association files and populate GOA module tables. -d Organism Database File Abbreviation: Can be found under dbxref.ini Partition [GENE_ASSOCIATON_FILE] Ex.: GOA_DDB, GOA_CGEN. -c Cluster Option: T: True (run in a cluster environment); F: False: (run stand alone). The following options are optional. Needs to be set-up only if running in a Cluster environment. -o Offset: The offset in a flat file where a cluster node will start parsing. -n Number of lines: The number of line-records to process by a cluster node after the Offset is reached. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 226 of 421 18/04/2005 -f Flag File: For synchronization purpose. A file name that will be generated by a cluster node when finished parsing, telling the Cluster’s head node that the parsing was completed. (Cluster Head node will track completion of all nodes before continuing with the next process in the queue. (**) goa_gene_parser: Same as above but this parser will only parse gene2go file. Populates goa_gigo with GI’s (GenBank assessions) extracted from dbxref table and by looking-up Xref in goa_seq_dbxref will get GO terms from goa_association. When looking up GI’s in accdb, redundancy and taxonomies are considered. Looks up PDB records and chains from goa_seq_dbxref and by looking-up GIs in accdb populates gi-go pairs in goa_gigo. When looking up GI’s in accdb, redundancy and taxonomies are considered. Same as above but for GIs from Compugen records. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 227 of 421 18/04/2005 source code location: The parsers for this module have been updated to work in a cluster configuration. Source code is unavailable at the time of this manual release but will be released with the next code release. /slri/seqhound/dbxrefgoa config file dependencies: The relevant configuration file is: dbxref.ini (for Unix platforms) see dbxref.ini documentation. command line parameters: See summary table above. associated scripts: The following shell scripts execute the parsers: Cron job that runs Program that automates deployment and runs parsers in a cluster. (see dbxref.ini documentation for details) auxiliary scripts: In a cluster environment the following scripts will help in the deployment and execution: deploy files to be parsed to the cluster nodes. Generate an instruction script that distributes processes in the cluster nodes. run{organism database_file_abbreviation}: instruction script generated by Example.: clean (remove) files previously deployed by script makes the cluster’s head node wait until all the nodes finish processing the parser that was deployed. When receives a signal from all the nodes, it will continue with the next parser. See dbxref.ini for more details. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 228 of 421 18/04/2005 error and run-time logs: dbxrefgoa_errors.log: log that tracks run time error by the parsers. dbxrefgoa_updatecron.log: log that indicate what parser was run, completed or failed . A copy of this log will be send by email to the SeqHound administrator. goa_parser.log: log that summarize number of records updates by each goa parser. troubleshooting: will execute instructions from the configuration file dbxref.ini. Any error generated by this process or by the parsers will be recorded under dbxrefgoa_error.log. The final results will be summarized in dbxrefgoa_updatecron.log and goa_parser.log. By following the error messages, the SeqHound administrator will be able to adjust configuration parameters under dbxref.ini and run it again. additional info: The Gene Ontology Consortium documentation is located at Gene Ontology Module Diagram The tables also appears in Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 229 of 421 goa_seq_dbxref PK id FK3 I1 goa_xdb_id xref_key (2) taxid_1 (13a) taxid_2 (13b) type_id (12) symbol (3) full_name (10) synonym (11) timestamp 18/04/2005 goa_association PK,FK4 FK8 is_not (4) go_id (5) goa_seq_dbxref_id assigned_by (15) code (7) date (14) timestamp id FK4 FK5 goa_association_id goa_xdb_id (8) xref_key (8a, 8b, 8x) key_type goa_seq_dbxref_id timestamp FK6 PK go_id I2 I1 go_name go_db go_level Relational Data Base representation of Gene Ontology Association module in SeqHound. (Last updated March 23, 2005) goa_with PK go_name id Numbers beside column names refer to columns in the Gene Ontology flat file representation (see GO.annotation.shtml#file and table below). Gene Ontology Flat File goa_reference goa_xdb PK id abbreviation (1) name object example generic_url url_syntax url_example timestamp PK id FK3 goa_association_id goa_xdb_id xref_key (6a, 6b, 6x) timestamp goa_gigo gi go code xdbid xref_key DB (1) DB_Object_ID (2) DB_Object_Symbol (3) NOT (4) GOid (5) DB_Reference (6) Evidence (7) With (8) Aspect (9) DB_Object_Name (10) DB_Object_Synonym (11) DB_Object_Type (12) taxon (13) Date (14) Assigned_by (15) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 230 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_seq_dbxref table Last updated April 12, 2005 Seqhound Database: goa_seq_dbxref Table: GOA Module: The main table of the GOA Module. This table contains entries for a Definition: database record ID (e.g.: Fly Base ID FBgn0013277) and the information associated with the record that can be found in gene_association files from Gene Ontology. The record is the base to obtain other information like GO terms, reference and other annotation. Gene Ontology Source org: See module description above. Source file: See module description above. Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 231 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_seq_dbxref table Field Type Null id int(10) No goa_xdb_id int(10) No xref_key varchar(30) No taxid_1 int(11) No taxid_2 type_id int(11) varchar(20) Yes No Default Auto incremented integer. Column_Definition Internal primary record identifier. 0 Example 2099131 Source Assigned by source document parser. API NA Database identifier from 5 table goa_xdb. For example, an xdb_id of 4 indicates the Candida Genome Database. See note below. NA Record ID (in the above- PrID1098818 mentioned database) which points to the object being annotated. See note below. NA Taxonomic identifier of the species encoding the gene product. See note below. NA 0 See note below. NA 0 Taxonomic identifier of 0 the species where the gene product acts (in the manner described by the GO annotation). For example, if the protein is from a virus, the host organism might be listed here. Indicates the type of protein object being annotated (gene, transcript, protein etc.) See note below. NA 11676 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 232 of 421 18/04/2005 A unique and valid symbol to which the xref_key is matched. It can be an ORF name, gene product symbol or any other identifier. GI424263 See note below. NA cell surface glycoprotein See note below. gp138 NA symbol varchar(30) No full_name varchar(255) Yes NULL Name of gene or gene product. synonym varchar(50) Yes NULL Gene symbol or other text.fusA lastupdate timestamp No CURRENT_TIMES When was this entry last TAMP updated. 2005-04-01 17:25:44 See note below. Note: columns in this table may be mapped to the GO Annotation flat file format described at Also see the Figure entitled “GOA relationships” below. Version 3.3 NA NA The SeqHound Manual 233 of 421 goa_seq_dbxref indices Keyname Type Cardinality id_idx INDEX 2138717 goa_xdb_id_idx PRIMARY 91 xref_key_idx PRIMARY VC0002 taxid_1_idx INDEX 686 symbol_idx INDEX VC0002 synonym_idx INDEX mioC lastupdate_idx INDEX 18/04/2005 Field id goa_xdb_id xref_key taxid_1 symbol synonym 2005-04-01 17:25:44 lastupdate Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 234 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_association table Last updated April 12, 2005 Seqhound Database: goa_association Table: GOA Module: This table contains GO term information associated with the Record ID Definition: (goa_seq_xref.xref_key). See module description above. Source file: See module description above. Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 235 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_association table Field id Type int(10) Null Default Column_Definition Example No Auto Internal unique identifier for this record. 33 increment integer. Source API This identifier is incremented NA by the source file parser. is_not char(1) Yes NULL Flags that modify the interpretation of an F annotation. A GO ID with a Not in this field means that a particular gene product is NOT associated with a particular GO term. For more information please read "Using the Qualifier column" from tion.html “T” indicates that “NOT was found in this column. “F” indicates that “NOT” was not found. See note below. NA go_id int(10) No 0 Gene Ontology identifier for the term attributed to the object described by goa_seq_xref.xref_key. 3677 See note below. NA goa_seq_dbxref_id int(10) No 0 Foreign key pointing to 7 See note below. NA assigned_by int(10) No 0 database that made the annotation. 117 See note below. code char(4) No Evidence Code. One of IMP, IGI, IPI, IEA ISS, IDA, IEP, IEA, TAS, NAS, ND, IC. See note below. NA date char(8) Yes NULL Date on which the annotation was made. 20040107 See note below. NA lastupdate timestamp Yes NULL Date when this record was last modified. See note below. NA 2005-04-01 17:25:44 Note: columns in this table may be mapped to the GO Annotation flat file format described at See the Figure entitled “GOA relationships” below. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 236 of 421 goa_association indices Keyname Type Cardinality PRIMARY PRIMARY 8720064 18/04/2005 Field id go_id go_id UNIQUE 8720064 goa_seq_dbxref_id code goa_id_idx INDEX 21268 go_id goa_seq_dbxref_id_idx INDEX 8720064 goa_seq_dbxref_id assigned_by_idx INDEX 19 assigned_by code_idx INDEX code lastupadate_idx INDEX 2005-04-01 17:25:44 lastupdate Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 237 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_reference table Last updated April 12, 2005 Seqhound Database: goa_reference Table: GOA Module: This table contains the reference identifier for the GO annotation. Definition: Reference identifiers are unique identifiers appropriate to a database authority for the attribution of the go_id to the Record ID. They may be a literature reference or a database record. See module description above. Source file: See module description above. Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 238 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_reference table Field id Type int(10) Null Default Column_Definition No Auto increment A unique identifier for this record. integer. Example 1 Source API This value is autoincremented NA by the source file parser. goa_association_id int(10) No 0 Foreign key pointing to 530508 See note below. NA goa_xdb_id int(10) No 0 Database identifier that made the reference. Foreign key pointing to 49 See note below. NA xref_key varchar(20) No See note below. NA Reference Identifier. For example, if MGI:1354194 the reference is a published paper that has a PubMed ID, the PubMed ID number will be in this field 2005-04-01 17:25:44 Note: columns in this table may be mapped to the GO Annotation flat file format described at See the Figure entitled “GOA relationships” below. lastupdate timestamp Yes NULL When was this entry last updated? goa_reference indices Keyname Type Cardinality Field PRIMARY PRIMARY 8424423 id goa_association_id_idx INDEX 8424423 goa_association_id goa_xdb_id_idx INDEX 18 goa_xdb_id xref_key_idx INDEX 2864 xref_key lastupdate_idx INDEX 17122 lastupdate Version 3.3 NA The SeqHound Manual 239 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_with table Last updated April 12, 2005 Seqhound Database: goa_with Table: GOA Module: This table is used to hold additional identifiers for annotations using Definition: certain evidence codes. For more information please see "With (or) From" section at See module description above. Source files: See module description above. Parsers: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 240 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_with table Field id Type int(10) Null No Default Column_Definition Example Auto A unique identifier for this record. 1 increment integer. Source API This column is autoincremented NA by the source file parser. goa_association_id int(10) No 0 Foreign key pointing to See note below. NA goa_xdb_id int(10) No 0 Database Identifier that made the 37 'with' annotation. See note below. NA xref_key varchar(20) No Reference identifier. IPR001601 See note below. NA key_type int(10) No 0 Type of the symbol annotated: Type of the symbol annotated: 1=gene_symbol, 2=allele_symbol, 3=gene_id, 4=sequence_id, 5=go_id. 0 See note below. NA goa_seq_dbxref_id int(10) No 0 Foreign key pointing to 0 for quick lookup from a ‘with’ annotation back to the record id. See note below. This field is not currently implemented. NA lastupdate timestamp No NULL When was this entry last updated? 2005-04-01 17:25:44 530509 Note: columns in this table may be mapped to the GO Annotation flat file format described at See the Figure entitled “GOA relationships” below. Version 3.3 NA The SeqHound Manual 241 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_with indices Keyname Type Cardinality Field PRIMARY PRIMARY 1234449 id goa_association_id_idx INDEX 1234449 goa_association_id goa_xdb_id_idx INDEX 17 goa_xdb_id xref_key_idx INDEX xref_key key_type_idx INDEX key_type goa_seq_dbxref_id_idx INDEX goa_seq_dbxref_id lastupdate_idx INDEX lastupdate Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 242 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_xdb table Last updated April 12, 2005 Seqhound Database: goa_xdb Table: GOA Module: The table goa_xdb contains metadata about the organizations which Definition: contribute to the GO. There is a one to one relationship between abbreviations and URLs where data can be retrieved. A single URL which can be queried using database ids is referred to as a datasource. Each organization may have multiple datasources. Each abbreviation identifies one section of the file which provides the abbreviation and full name of that data source, the object type which is retrieved, an example database id, the generic url which identifies that data source uniquely and globally and the syntax of an actual query request with parameters filled in. For more information please read: See module description above. Source files: See module description above. Parsers: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 243 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_xdb table Field id Type int(11) Null No abbreviation varchar(50) No name varchar(255) Yes object varchar(255) example Default Column_Definition Example Auto A unique identifier for this record. 76 increment Note that this identifier is unstable integer. and may change from one release to another. Source API This column is NA autoincremented by the source file parser. Database abbreviation. SWISS-PROT See note below. NA NULL Database name or description. Swiss-Prot protein database. See note below. NA Yes NULL type of identifier returned from the data source: Accession number Locus identifier call number Gene symbol etc. varchar(50) Yes NULL An example database identifier. generic_url varchar(255) Yes NULL The root or representative URL for See note below. NA this data source. t/ url_syntax varchar(255) Yes NULL A string to which one can append See note below. NA a database ID and get a valid URL bin/sprot-search-ac? query for the object referenced by that id. There is no wild card to represent the database ID, it is simply appended to the end of the string. url_example varchar(255) Yes NULL An example of what the url_syntax will look like See note below. NA Swiss-Prot:P45867 See note below. NA See note below. NA bin/sprot-searchac?P45867 2005-04-01 17:25:44 Note: columns in this table may be mapped to the GO Annotation flat file format described at See the Figure entitled “GOA relationships” below. lastupdate timestamp No NULL Version 3.3 NA The SeqHound Manual 244 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_xdb indices Keyname Type Cardinality Field PRIMARY PRIMARY 117 id abbreviation_idx INDEX abbreviation name_idx INDEX name Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 245 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_gigo table Last updated April 5, 2005 Seqhound Database: goa_gigo Table: GOA Module: Pre-computed list of gi-go pairs. Definition: Since SeqHound database is NCBI GI Centric and GOA is organism database ID centric; the process to get a GO term given a GI can be complicated and time consuming, for this reason a pair list of gi-go were pre-computed and stored in goa_gigo table. The SeqHound core database (mainly accdb and redund tables) is required to run these parsers. See module description above. Source files: See module description above. Parsers: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 246 of 421 18/04/2005 goa_gigo table Field gi Type INTEGER Null No Default Column_Definition Example 0 Gene Info Identifier for an NCBI sequence 6552303 record Source API The record indicated by the last NA two columns of this table are converted to a matching Gene Info Identifier using the DBXref module. go INTEGER No 0 6281 From table goa_association:gi_id NA code varchar(4) Yes NULL Evidence Code. One of IMP, IGI, IPI, ISS, TAS IDA, IEP, IEA, TAS, NAS, ND, IC. For more information please read e.html From table goa_association:code NA xdb_id INTEGER Yes NULL Identifier for database. See also xref_key 103 below. From table goa_xdb. From table NA xref_key varchar(30) Yes NULL Identifier in database (see previous column) pointing to object that was originally annotated. P38398 From table goa_seq_dbxref:xref_key. NA lastupdate timestamp No NULL When was this entry last updated? 2005-04-01 17:25:44 Gene Ontology Identifier. Version 3.3 NA The SeqHound Manual goa_gigo indices Keyname Type PRIMARY 247 of 421 Cardinality PRIMARY 7936320 gi_idx INDEX go_idx INDEX code_idx INDEX xdb_id_idx INDEX xref_key_idx INDEX lastupdate_idx INDEX 3968160 7254 22 7936320 22 18/04/2005 Field gi go code gi go code xdb_id xref_key lastupdate Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 248 of 421 18/04/2005 dbxref module Last updated April 12, 2005 purpose: The purpose of the SeqHound dbxref module is to have a centralized data source (cross references) where related information can be found from a given ID. By using the dbxref module, it is possible to find one to "n" relationships between IDs from 3rd party databases for DNA, Protein Sequences, Domains and Interactions, GenBank Accession Numbers, Swiss-Prot, LocusLink, SGD, MGD, ZFIN, FB, PFAM, SMART, etc. See the “Explanation of the data table structure” below. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 249 of 421 18/04/2005 Who Cross-references who? The following table indicates what database records we collect as cross-references from primary database records in the SeqHound DBXref module. This table was last updated April 15th and may change on a regular basis. DB Cross references to: Primary DBs GENE SPTR ENSEMBL AFCS TIGR_ATH MGI RGD FB WB SGD DDB ZFIN GRAMINE GENEDB_SPOMBE TIGR_ATH TIGR_CMR UNIGENE VIDA GB SPTR CG TAIR UNIGENE IPI ENSEMBL OMIM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Explanation of the data table structure: The dbxref table is the core of the dbxref module. This explanation refers to that table. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 250 of 421 18/04/2005 Dbxref represents cross-references between 3rd party databases and GeneBank. This table is created by parsing 3rd party flat files and creating records in "dbxref" for each record parsed. dbxref is a self-referencing table. The value in the "record_id" field may represent one of two things: 1. A source record: If the value of "parent_id" in the row is zero (0) it is referred to as an object id. Its "record_id" is the identifier/primary id for a record in the database ("source_db") from which cross-references have been retrieved. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 251 of 421 18/04/2005 For example, from the dbxref table content example listed below. P38903 S00055403 is a Primary ID in SwissProt Database is a Primary ID in SGD Database. 2. A database cross-reference found in a source record. The retrieved cross-references are stored as a combination of a) Source database ("source_db"). b) an identifier for a record in that database ("record_id"). c) the record that the cross-reference was found in. The field "parent_id" contains an integer. This integer refers to the row in this table (see "id") that contains the identifier of the record from which this cross reference was retrieved. d) cross references are retrieved from some field in a record. The name of this field is recorded in the "field" column or if there are no field names then the column number is recorded. For example : Col1 or Col4. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 252 of 421 18/04/2005 Example entries | id | source_db | record_id | parent_id | link | field | cv | +----+-----------+-----------+-----------+------+-------+----+ | 1 | SP | P38903 | 0 | 0 | ID | 0 | | 2 | GB | U06630 | 1 | 0 | DR | 1 | | 3 | GB | AAB38372 | 1 | 2 | DR | 2 | | 4 | GB | S79635 | 1 | 0 | DR | 1 | | 5 | GB | AAB35312 | 1 | 4 | DR | 2 | | 6 | GB | X87331 | 1 | 0 | DR | 1 | | 7 | GB | CAA60763 | 1 | 6 | DR | 2 | | 8 | GB | Z74922 | 1 | 0 | DR | 1 | | 9 | GB | CAA99203 | 1 | 8 | DR | 2 | | 10 | InterPro | IPR001757 | 1 | 0 | DR | 3 | | 11 | Pfam | PF00689 | 1 | 0 | DR | 3 | | 12 | SGD | S0005540 | 1 | 0 | DR | 0 | | 13 | SP | P47096 | 0 | 0 | ID | 0 | | 14 | GB | Z49525 | 13 | 0 | DR | 1 | | 15 | GB | CAA89550 | 13 | 14 | DR | 2 | | 16 | GB | X87297 | 13 | 0 | DR | 1 | | 17 | IPR | IPR007113 | 13 | 0 | DR | 0 | | 18 | SGD | S00055403 | 0 | 0 | Col4 | 0 | | 19 | GB | 1420113 | 18 | 0 | GI | 0 | | 20 | GermOnline| 143602 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 0 | | 21 | DIP | 4191 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 4 | | 22 | GB | 6324588 | 18 | 0 | GI | 0 | | 23 | GB | AX596518 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 1 | | 24 | CandidaDB | CA1247 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 0 | | 25 | GB | CAA99203 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 2 | | 26 | InterPro | IPR002554 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 0 | | 27 | GB | NP_014656 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 2 | | 28 | SP | P38903 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 0 | | 29 | PIR | S54620 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 0 | | 30 | GB | S79635 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 1 | | 31 | GB | U06630 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 1 | | 32 | GB | X87331 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 1 | | 33 | MIPS | YOR014W | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 0 | | 34 | GB | Z74922 | 18 | 0 | Col1 | 1 | +----+-----------+-----------+-----------+------+-------+----+ The "link", "field" and "cv" fields in the dbxref table help specify where the information is coming from. These are described below. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 253 of 421 18/04/2005 link The link field was created to support some databases (for example Swiss-Prot) which may store more than one cross-reference in one field. For example a swiss-prot record for a protein may contain a "DR" field that lists two EMBL identifiers. ie.: DR EMBL; U06630; AAB38372.1; -. The first identifier is a cross-reference for a nucleotide record in EMBL that encodes a protein (second identifier). The link field was created to capture this relationship between the two cross-references. The integer in the link field points to a row in the dbxref table (see "id") and indicates that the current cross-reference is linked (or comes after) some other cross reference in the same source record and field. The exact meaning of the database cross-reference can be discerned from the "cv" (Controled Vocabulary) column of this table. In this example, one cross-reference would be labeled as "nucleotide" and one would be labeled as "protein". 2: points to record "id=2" meaning that protein sequence identifier "AAB38372" comes after the identifier “U06630” in the DR field. 0: if no relationship exists or if the dbxref is the first one in a list field This describes the field in the source record where the database cross-reference was found. For example, “DR” is a field name in Swiss-Prot records indicating a Database Reference. Alternatively, a column number might be listed here is the source file was a tabdelimited text file. cv cv is a controlled vocabulary term that is used to describe the type of record that the database cross-reference is pointing to. This controlled vocabulary is simple at the moment and may be expanded in future. Briefly, 1 indicates a DNA sequence record 2 indicates a protein sequence record 3 RNA 100 Swiss-Prot record 101 Trembl record 110 Swiss-Prot secondary accession 111 Trembl secondary accession Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 254 of 421 18/04/2005 0 means not defined. source code location: /slri/seqhound/dbxref input Files: See summary table. parsers: See summary table. config file dependencies: dbxref.ini command line parameters: See summary table. example use: See summary table. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 255 of 421 18/04/2005 associated scripts: (See associated scripts under GOA Module.) The following shell scripts execute the parsers. Script to create all tables and sub-directories when running dbxref-goa module for the first time. Program that automates deployment and runs parsers in a cluster. (see dbxref.ini documentation for details) error and run-time logs: dbxrefgoa_errors.log: log that tracks run time error by the parsers. dbxrefgoa_updatecron.log: log that indicate what parser was run, completed or failed . A copy of this log will be sent by email to the SeqHound administrator. dbxref_parser.log: log that summarizes number of record updates by each dbxref parser. Error messages are sent by email when runs. troubleshooting: Check the email sent by to find out if any parsers had problems. For more details consult the log files. additional info: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 256 of 421 18/04/2005 How to update the DBXref and GO Annotation modules using a cluster. Last updated April 15th, 2005. This section is maintained by Zhe Wang and Renan Cavero. Note for those installing there own local instance of SeqHound. The data sets generated by this process are made available on the SeqHound ftp site at . These instructions are supplied as a description of our internal process. The scripts described are provided as part of the SeqHound code release package for those who may wish to use them as a guide for setting up their own internal cluster build. The framework presented here might also be useful to others for setting up cluster jobs. will generate scripts for distribution and execution of processes on a cluster. To accomplish this it uses clusterit tools. More information about clusterit can be found at: The file dbxref.ini has all the configurations to build and update the DBXRef/GOA modules on a computer cluster. This configuration file is read and executed by the script Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 257 of 421 18/04/2005 Understanding the dbxref.ini file Section [DBXREFDATA] describes the database to which the updated or new DBXRef/GOA data will be written. Variable “database” should be an existing database. The text in italics should be modified. The user must have write privilege to the database. [DBXREFDATA] # this should point to the server which has dbxref and goa modules host = staging_box port = 33306 user = user password = passwd database = dbxrefgoa table = dbxref tablegigo = goa_gigo Section [SEQHOUND] describes the SeqHound database from which information will be read in order to update the DBXRef/GOA modules specified in section [DBXREFDATA]. The user must have read privilege to the database. [SEQHOUND] # this should point to the server which has the most up-to-date tables of seqhound hostshound = production_box portshound = 3306 usersshound = user passwordshound = passwd databaseshound = seqhound working_dir = /home/user123/dbxrefgoa/ data_dir = /scratch/dbxrefgoa/download myemail = The variable “working_dir” specifies the directory in which to run script Directory /home/ is mapped to all cluster nodes. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 258 of 421 18/04/2005 Variable “data_dir” specifies where the input files are saved. Directory /scratch/ is a local directory on each node. Variable “myemail” should be the e-mail address of the SeqHound administrator who will be notified of the result of the DBXRef/GOA update. Section [LOG_FILES] has the name for three logs files: [LOG_FILES] results_log errors_log update_log = dbxrefgoa_results.log = dbxrefgoa_errors.log = dbxrefgoa_updatecron.log Section [DBXREF_FILES] and [GENE_ASSOCIATION_FILES] specify the data files to be processed. Each of sections [ORGANISM_DBXREF] and [ORGANISM_GOA] specifies the categories of data to be processed. [ORGANISM_DBXREF] ORGANISMS = “GENE;SP;TR” The value of the variable “ORGANISMS” indicates that there are three groups of data that need to be processed. This particular order of GENE, SP and TR is important for internal purposes. By looking at the value of the variable “ORGANISMS”, script goes to the proper section in this configuration file, dbxref.ini, to find information such as where to download the data file and what commands to be executed on the data file. For example, when reads “GENE”, it looks for section [GENE] in the dbxref.ini file. Section [GENE] is shown below. “GENE_URL” specifies the FTP path of the data file, “GENE_CMD” specifies the command to be run, and “GENE_CMD2RUN” specifies the command to be run on the cluster nodes. [GENE] GENE_URL="" GENE_CMD2RUN=perl Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 259 of 421 18/04/2005 GENE_CMD="./ GENE gene2accession" GENE_CMD="./ XREF_GENE >" GENE_CMD="./" GENE_URL="" GENE_OMIM_CMD2RUN=perl -d OMIM GENE_CMD="./ GENE mim2gene" GENE_CMD="./ XREF_GENE_OMIM >" GENE_CMD="./" GENE_CMD="./ GENE" GENE_URL="" GENE_UNIGENE_CMD2RUN=perl -d UNIGENE GENE_CMD="./ GENE gene2unigene" GENE_CMD="./ XREF_GENE_UNIGENE >" GENE_CMD="./" GENE_CMD="./ GENE" Script first creates a sub-directory called “GENE/wget/” in the directory specified by the variable “data_dir”. The newly created directory would be /scratch/dbxrefgoa/download/GENEl/wget/. Script then reads all GENE_URLs sequentially and downloads the data files if they been updated. These files are placed into the directory /scratch/dbxrefgoa/download/GENE/wget/, and then subsequently copied one level up to the directory /scratch/dbxrefgoa/download/GENE/. If no up-to-date data files are downloaded, script finishes with this section and moves to the next according to the value of “ORGANISMS” in section [ORGANISM_DBXREF]. Once all the data files are downloaded, the script reads the values of “GENE_CMD” and executes one command at a time. The first part of section “[GENE]” is used to explain how this works. [GENE] #GENE_URL="" GENE_CMD2RUN=perl GENE_CMD="./ GENE gene2accession" GENE_CMD="./ XREF_GENE >" GENE_CMD="./" Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 260 of 421 18/04/2005 The first command to be executed is "./ GENE gene2accession ". Script makes directory /scratch/dbxrefgoa/download/GENE/ on each of the cluster nodes and copy the data file gene2accession into the newly created directory on each node. The second command to be executed is "./ XREF_GENE >". Script takes in one parameter, XREF_GENE, which refers to the full path of the data file specified in variable “data_dir” plus “XREF_GENE” in section [DBXREF_FILE] of the configuration file dbxref.ini. The data file has been copied to each cluster node by executing command "./ GENE gene2accession". Each of the cluster nodes will process a part of the data file. The data file will be evenly divided into multiple segments each of which is processed by one node. In this way, the jobs on the nodes can finish in approximately the same time. The cluster nodes need to know where in the file to start and to end. Script reads the data file and calculates the start and end points of the file for each cluster node to process. The script also constructs the command line for each cluster node. The output of script is written to the file An example of such a shell script is: #! /usr/bin/bash rsh an090 "cd /home/user123/dbxrefgoa; perl -c T -o 0 -n 269259 -f an090.dat >> /home/user123/dbxrefgoa/xref_parser.log 2>&1 &" rsh an091 "cd /home/user123/dbxrefgoa; perl -c T -o 269259 -n 269259 -f an091.dat >> /home/user123/dbxrefgoa/xref_parser.log 2>&1 &" rsh an092 "cd /home/user123/dbxrefgoa; perl -c T -o 538518 -n 269259 -f an092.dat >> /home/user123/dbxrefgoa/xref_parser.log 2>&1 &" # Num of records: 807777 ./ an090.dat an091.dat an092.dat rm an090.dat an091.dat an092.dat Where “perl” is the value of variable “GENE_CMD2RUN” in section [GENE]. In this example, the data file has 807,777 records that are evenly divided into three segments each of which is processed on one cluster node. Script takes four parameters: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 261 of 421 18/04/2005 –c indicates whether this is a run on a cluster node (-c F would make the script process the entire data file regardless of the values of – o and –n), –o indicates the starting point or offset in the file for this node, –n indicates the number of records to be processed, –f specifies the name of the flag file. Since the next data file cannot be processed until the previous one is finished, it is necessary to know whether the process on every cluster node is completed. On each node, a flag file named node.dat (e.g. an091.dat) is generated when the process on that particular node is finished. The next data file won’t be processed until script finds file node.dat on all of the nodes. After this condition is met, removes all flag files. The last line in section [GENE] is: GENE_CMD="./" This command deletes all data files downloaded for this section from the cluster nodes in order to reclaim disk space. All of the other sections in the dbxref.ini file have the same format as just described for [GENE]. These additional sections are: [GENE], [SP], [TR], [FB]. [WB], [MGI], [SGD], [TIGR_ATH], [DDB], [RGD], [ZFIN], [XREFGOA], [GENEDB_SPOMBE], [TAIR], [TIGR_CMR], [UNIGENE], [VIDA], [GOA_CGEN], [GOA_DDB], [GOA_FB], [GOA_GENEDB_GMORSITANS], [GOA_GENEDB_LMAJOR], [GOA_GENEDB_PFALCIPARUM], [GOA_GENEDB_SPOMBE], [GOA_GENEDB_TBRUCEI], [GOA_GRAMENE_ORYZA], [GOA_MGI], [GOA_GOA_PDB], [GOA_RGD], [GOA_SGD], [GOA_TAIR], [GOA_TIGR_ATH1], [GOA_TIGR_CMR], [GOA_TIGR_TBRUCEI_CHR2], [GOA_TIGR_GENE_INDEX], [GOA_VIDA], [GOA_WB], [GOA_GOA_UNIPROT], [GOA_ZFIN] and [GO_GENE]. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 262 of 421 18/04/2005 Table summarizing input files, parsers and command line parameters for dbxref module. Input file parser 1 -d XREF_TR none none none none none none elease_5.genbank_accessions.txt.gz -d XREF_TIGR_ATH_GP xt.gz none none none none none -d XREF_XREFGOA_HUMAN –d command line parameters -d XREF_SP -d XREF_TIGR_ATH Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 263 of 421 Input file 18/04/2005 parser 1 command line parameters XREF_XREFGOA_MOUSE -d XREF_XREFGOA_RAT -d spombe -d tair -d tigr_cmr -d unigene -d vida -d OMIM -d UNIGENE 1 command line parameters: All DBXref parsers can run in a cluster environment setting the –c argument. -d Organism Database File Abbreviation: Can be found under dbxref.ini Partition [ORGANISM_DBXREF] Ex.: SPTR; FB. -c Cluster Option: T: True (run in a cluster environment); F: False: (run stand alone). The following options are optional. Needs to be set-up only if running in a Cluster environment. -o Offset: The offset in a flat file where a cluster node will start parsing. -n Number of lines: The number of line-records to process by a cluster node after the Offset is reached. -f Flag File: For synchronization purposes. A file name that will be generated when a cluster node finishes parsing telling the Cluster’s head node that the parsing is finished. (The Cluster Head node will track completion of all nodes before it continues with the next process in queue). Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 264 of 421 18/04/2005 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 265 of 421 18/04/2005 dbxref table Last updated April 12, 2005 SeqHound Database: dbxref Table: dbxref Module: The dbxref table is the core of the dbxref module. Definition: It represents cross references between 3rd party databases and GeneBank. This table is created by parsing 3rd party flat files and creating records in "dbxref" for each record parsed. dbxref is a selfreferencing table. See “Explanation of data table structure” above. multiple - see summary table Source org: multiple - see summary table Source file: multiple - see summary table FTP script: multiple - see summary table Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 266 of 421 18/04/2005 dbxref table Field Type id int(11) Null Default Column_Definition Auto No Identifier for this entry. increment Foreign key pointing to an identifier for a database, in table 2 dbxrefsourcedb. For example, 1 = Swiss-Prot, 2 = GenBank…etc. source_id int(11) No record_id char(30) No Record identifier in database mentioned in previous column. AAD12597 The format of this identifier will be that of the source database. No Link pointing to "id" (first column in this table) to the 1 record that is the source id of the Cross-Reference. An entry of “0” indicates that this is a source record from which database cross-references are parsed. parent_id int(11) 0 Example 2 0 0 Source1 All SQL insert statements will auto increment this field. API NA See dbxrefsourcedb:source_id. NA NA See dbxref:id NA SQL insert statements for proteins that NA have dbXref to the nucleotide will have the "link" field pointing to the "id" record of the nucleotide. If this relationship cannot be established the "link" value will be set to 0. link int(11) Yes NULL The link field was created to support some databases (for example Swiss-Prot) which may store more than one crossreference in one field. See the section above “Explanation of data table structure”. char(20) Yes NULL Describes the field in the source record where the database Col6 cross-reference was found. For example, “DR” is a field name for Database Reference found in Swiss-Prot records. NA field NA int(11) Yes NULL Controled vocabulary. This will be used to describe the type of record that the cross-reference is pointing to. See the section above “Explanation of data table structure”. 2 cv No NULL When was this entry last updated 2005-04-01 17:25:44 NA lastupdate timestamp 1. Multiple source files are parsed by multiple parsers. For details, see summary table. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 267 of 421 18/04/2005 dbxref indices Keyname Type Cardinality Field id_idx INDEX 16849002 id source_id_idx PRIMARY 18 source_id dbxref_id _idx PRIMARY 16849002 record_id parent_id_idx PRIMARY 16849002 parent_id link_idx INDEX 16849002 link field_idx INDEX field cv_idx INDEX 18 cv lastupdate_idx INDEX 51843 lastupdate Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 268 of 421 18/04/2005 dbxrefsourcedb table Last updated April 12, 2005 seqhound Database: dbxrefsourcedb Table: dbxref Module: This table assigns an internal identifier to all data sources where crossDefinition: references are found. These identifiers are used in the source_id column of the dbxref table. multiple - see summary table Source org: multiple - see summary table Source file: multiple - see summary table FTP script: multiple - see summary table Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 269 of 421 18/04/2005 dbxrefsourcedb table1 Field Type Null Default source_id int(11) No 0 Column_Definition Database ID, primary key in table dbxrefsourcedb. For example, 1 = Swiss-Prot Example 1 Source1 API NA NA No Abbreviated name of database. SP Abbreviations for database names are the same as those used by the Gene Ontology group see: "GO.xrf_abbs" This value is mandatory. NA isprimary_db tinyint(4) No Are cross-references retrieved from this database? 1 = YES 0 = NO lastupdate No source_db char(50) timestamp 0 1 NA 2005-04-01 17:25:44 1. The contents of this table are hand-edited as part of the dbxrefgoa.sql file. The entire contents of this table as of April 5, 2005 are listed below. dbxrefsourcedb indices Keyname Type Cardinality Field PRIMARY PRIMARY 33 source_id source_db_idx INDEX 33 source_db lastupdate_idx INDEX lastupdate Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 270 of 421 18/04/2005 Contents of dbxrefsourcedb table (last updated March 22, 2005). source_id source_db isprimary_db 1 SP 1 2 GB 0 3 PFAM 0 4 INTERPRO 0 5 MGI 1 6 SGD 1 7 SMART 0 8 ZFIN 1 9 FB 1 10 CG 0 11 TR 1 12 SPTR 1 13 WB 1 14 LL 0 15 CGEN 0 16 TIGR_ATH 1 17 REFSEQ 0 18 GENEDB_SPOMBE 1 19 DDB 1 20 GR 1 21 TAIR 1 22 TIGR_CMR 1 23 UNIGENE 1 24 VIDA 1 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 271 of 421 25 RGD 1 26 IPI 1 27 ENSEMBL 1 28 AFCS 1 29 HUGO 0 30 OMIM 0 31 PIR 0 32 GENE 1 18/04/2005 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 272 of 421 18/04/2005 RPS-BLAST domains (rpsdb) module domname parser Note: Not available at this time, as it has not been ported to an ODBC backend. Please go to our ftp site at to download precomputed domname tables. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 273 of 421 18/04/2005 Rpsdb parser Last updated: August 4, 2004 Note: The rpsdb table is precalculated on a cluster and the resulting table is distributed in MySQL format on our ftp site. Therefore, this section is provided for informational purposes only, or for those who would like to build rpsdb tables from there own sequence/domain data; it is not necessary if one wishes simply to include the rpsdb module into their own seqhound instance, in which case they should simply download the precomputed tables. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 274 of 421 18/04/2005 domname table Last updated: August 4, 2004 SeqHound Database: domname Table: Domain information parsed from CDD database. Definition: The table is populated by the program “DomNameToDB” whose Parser: source file is seqhoun/rps/domname.c The program traverses a directory that contains all the *.acd files (obtained from NCBI ftp site which contains the CDD ASN.1 records Similarly to rpsdb, this table has two API’s. The CDD ASN.1 Comments: definition seems to be under constant flux and with every new release there are new and revised fields. This in turn requires that we modify the parser functions and update API functions accordingly. Codebase (for historical purposes) Column_name Indexed NULL Data_type Size Column_Definition ACCESSION Yes No String 15 CDD id NAME Yes No String 25 Short domain label PDB-ID Yes Yes String 10 ID of PDB structure that is used as 3D representative of the domain ASN1 No Binary The entire CDD ASN.1 object record from the source file MySQL Field Type Null Default Column_Definition rowid int(11) No Auto incremented id accession varchar(15) No CDD id name varchar(25) No Short domain label Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 275 of 421 pdbid varchar(12) No asn1 mediumblob No MySQL Indexes Keyname idom_rowid idom_acc idom_name idom_pdbid Type INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX ***accession*** Description: Default Value: Source (ASN.1) : Parser : Function: More Info: More info: API: 18/04/2005 ID of PDB structure that is used as 3D representative of the domain The entire CDD ASN.1 record from the source file Field rowid accession name pdbid This is the domain’s Conserved Domain Database (CDD) unique identifier assigned by the CDD group in NCBI. It can also be SMART, Pfam, LOAD or CDD identifier. Null CddIdPtr, DomNameToDB FillDomNameNode In early versions of CDD the accession was the Pfam or SMART identifier. Therefore, in some of the comments in the code this field is referred to as the Pfam or SMART identifier. Currently, most of the domains have a unique CDD id but some may not. The API functions return a list. The reason is that a domain label such as SH3 may have a SMART and Pfam entry each stored as a separate CDD entry. Both ID’s will be returned. SHoundGetDomainIdFromLabel(CharPtr label); Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual ***name*** Description: Default value: source: Function: More info: API: ***pdbid*** Description: Default value: source: Function: More info: API: ***asn1*** Description: Default value: source: More info: 276 of 421 18/04/2005 Domain’s short label. Null This information is obtained from *.csq file that contains a FASTA description of the domain. The label is parsed from the definition line. FillDomNameNode string GetDomainLabelFromDomainId(string s); CharPtr LIBCALL SHoundGetDomainLabelFromDomainId(CharPtr accession) A 3D structure representative of the domain. null pCdd->master3d, part of Cdd record FillDomNameNode Get3DStructureFromDomainId SHoundGetDomain3DStructure This is the entire NCBI CDD ASN.1 structure. Null Cdd Important Note: The CDD structure contains place holders for describing the domains parent, sibling and child domains. These are domains that are structurally or otherwise related to the domain on the sequence level. The program DomNameToDB collects this information. In the latest release of CDD that was parsed these fields were left empty. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 277 of 421 18/04/2005 NCBI plans to (or may have) include this information in future releases. This is important information pertaining to the domains that may be included in future versions of the DomName table. Currently, the table has not been expanded with additional fields to hold this information. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 278 of 421 18/04/2005 rpsdb table Last updated: October 07, 2004 SeqHound Database: rpsdb Table: Domain annotation of proteins derived from RPS-BLAST and Definition: Conserved Domains Database (CDD). The rpsdb is precalculated on a cluster and distributed in MySQL Comments: format on our ftp site. This table contains two local API versions (C and C++) defined in rpsdbapi.hpp and rpsdbapi.c. For the most part the same information can be accessed by both API albeit in different forms. However, there may be cases where the two APIs are not identical. The default e-value cutoff for data in rpsdb is 1 Note: The rpsdb table is precalculated on a cluster and the resulting table is distributed in MySQL format on our ftp site. Therefore, this section is provided for informational purposes only, or for those who would like to build rpsdb tables from there own sequence/domain data; it is not necessary if one wishes simply to include the rpsdb module into their own seqhound instance, in which case they should simply download the precomputed tables. Codebase (for historical purposes) Column_name Indexed GI Yes CDDID Yes NULL No No Data_type Integer Integer Size 10 10 DOMID Yes No String 12 FROM No No Integer 6 Column_Definition Sequence identifier CDD ID (domain ID from CDD) Domain ID from primary database (Pfam, SMART, COG, KOG or cd) First a.a. position aligned to this domain Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 279 of 421 18/04/2005 ALIGN_LEN Yes No Integer 6 SCORE EVALUE No No No No Integer Double 10 15,8 BITSCORE MISSING_N No No No No Double Integer 15,8 6 MISSING_C No No Integer 6 NUMDOM Yes No Integer 4 MySQL Field rowid gi cddid Type int(11) int(11) int(11) Null No No No domid char(12) No rfrom int(11) No 0 align_len int(11) No 0 score int(11) No 0 evalue decimal(15,8) Yes Default 0 0 NULL Length of alignment b/w protein and domain RPS-BLAST score Base 10 log of RPSBLAST E- value RPS-BLAST bit score The length of N-terminus residues on the domain that were not aligned The length of C-terminus residues on the domain that were not aligned Number of total domains mapped to this protein Column_Definition Auto incremented id Sequence identifier CDD ID (domain ID from CDD) Domain ID from primary database (Pfam, SMART, COG, KOG or cd) First a.a. position aligned to this domain Length of alignment b/w protein and domain RPS-BLAST score Base 10 log of RPS-BLAST Evalue Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 280 of 421 18/04/2005 bitscore decimal(15,8) Yes NULL missing_n int(11) No 0 missing_c int(11) No 0 numdom int(11) No 0 MySQL Indexes Keyname irps_rowid irps_gi irps_cddid irps_domid irps_len irps_numdom Type INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX irps_gi_e INDEX Source db: Source program: Parser : SeqHound redundant table RPS-BLAST results rpsdb.h/c in seqhound/rps ***gi*** description: Default value : Primary sequence identifier assigned at NCBI 0 RPS-BLAST bit score The length of N-terminus residues on the domain that were not aligned The length of C-terminus residues on the domain that were not aligned Number of total domains mapped to this protein Field rowid gi cddid domid align_len numdom gi evalue Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 281 of 421 18/04/2005 More info: GI’s are collected from Seqhound redund table. Proteins that were not annotated in this table were the hypothetical ORF from RefSeq (XP_xxxxxx) and SWISS-PROT proteins. These proteins are not present in SeqHound (no Bioseq) although their GI's are in redund table. In each redundant group the first GI was used for computing RPS-BLAST (ordinal 1). These proteins are considered to be the best representative of the redundant group. However, some redundant groups may not have the first GI in SeqHound, in those cases the program collects ordinal 2 or higher. The redundant list is collected from redund table using “redundlist” program (seqhound/rps). SHoundGetGisByDomainIdAndEvalue SHoundGetGisByDomainId SHoundGetGisByNumberOfDomains There are two functions in the C version that use Codebase relational query. They should not be used and are there for experimental purposes only. seqhound/rps/rpsdb_README.txt ***cddid*** description: Default Value: Source (ASN.1) : Parser : Function: More info: Conserved Domain Database unique identifier. none CddIdPtr, can also be collected from CddHitPtr cdd_id field. rpsdb RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback seqhound/rps/rpsdb_README.txt source: API: Comment: ***domid*** Description: Default Value: Domain identifier from the primary database of origin. These correspond to either Pfam or SMART string identifiers. Null Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual source: Function: ***rfrom*** Description: Default value: source: Function: ***align_len*** Description: 282 of 421 18/04/2005 Definition field in CddHitPtr structure. RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback The index position of the first amino acid in the protein that is aligned with this domain. 0 Start field in CddHitPtr structure RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback Default value : source: Function: The length of sequence alignment between the protein and the domain. 0 stop- start field values in CddHitPtr. RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback ***score*** Description : Default value: source: Function: RPS-BLAST score parameter 0 score field in CddHitPtr RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback ***evalue*** Description : Default value: Source: Function: Base 10 log of RPS-BLAST evalue score 0 evalue field in CddHitPtr RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback ***bitscore*** Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual Description: Default : source: Function: ***missing_n*** Description: Default: source: Function: ***missing_c*** Description: 283 of 421 18/04/2005 RPS-BLAST bit score 0 bitscore field in CddHitPtr RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback The number of residues on the domain’s N-terminus that were not aligned with the protein. The missing length on the N-terminus of the domain. 0 It is collected from DenseDegPtr which is part of SeqAlign structure. This structure is filled up by the RPS-BLAST engine. It contains the collection of aligned segments between the domain and the protein. RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback Default: source: Function: The number of missing residues not aligned in the domain’s Cterminus. 0 Same as MISSING_N RPSDBSHoundRedund2ResultsCallback ***numdom*** Description: Default: source: Function: The total number of domains aligned with the protein. 0 The number of entries for the query GI in the rpsdb.. SLRICddCountSeqAligns in rpsdb Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual API: 284 of 421 18/04/2005 The above fields are all accessed through a set of calls that retrieve the domain annotation based on different requirements. SHoundGetDomainsFromGi SHoundGetDomainsFromGiWithEvalue SHoundGetDomainsFromGiListWithEvalue Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 285 of 421 18/04/2005 Molecular Interaction (MI) module MI-BIND parser Last updated October 1, 2004 purpose: The Molecular Interaction module is meant to consolidate the interaction data, and associated annotation, from disparate source interaction databases(e.g. BIND, IntAct, MINT, etc). The source data is parsed out of their own unique formats and placed into the MI module tables' data model. This data model has been designed to provide maximum flexibility in terms of the complexity of queries that can be made to it. Additionally, the module adds value to the data by cross-referencing distinct records, regardless of their source databases, to provide information on molecular object redundancy and interaction similarity. The MI module's set of parsers takes records from source interaction modules, parse out their data, and insert that data into the MI tables. Currently, there exists only one such parser, for parsing BIND XML records; parsers for other interaction databases will be developed in the future. Logic: MI-BIND parser: This parses the BIND XML records, available on the BIND ftp site. It uses the SAX XML parsing API, in order to achieve maximum parsing speed. In order to foster code reusability, the parser is broken down into three components: The first component parses out the BIND XML records interaction data and places it into a general MI data structure. This data structure is then passed to another component, which is responsible for placing the contents into the MI tables in the database. Another component is then called to do the cross-referencing and redundancy/similarity analysis on the data just processed, and places that additional annotation into the database. This break-down is convenient, because it means that developers of MI parsers for other source interaction databases will only need to replace the first component, the one which parses the data out of the source record, which they can then pass to the already written data feed and cross-referencing components. The parser was written in the Java programming language to take advantage of Java's mature XML processing capabilities, and because a great deal of java source code was available from the open source BIND project for processing BIND XML records. input files: The MI-BIND parser processes BIND records in their native XML format. These are available from the BIND ftp site, in a number of different partitions, each of which can be used interchangeable. In order to import all of BIND into the MI module, one would download the “Divisions” partition from*.xml Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 286 of 421 18/04/2005 and then process this list of input files using the MI-BIND parser. tables altered: MI_complex2ints MI_complex2subunits MI_complexes MI_dbases MI_exp_methods MI_ints MI_mol_type MI_obj_dbases MI_obj_labels MI_objects MI_record_types MI_refs MI_refs_db MI_source source code location: The source is contained in the following seqhound java packages: org.bluprint.seqhound.parsers.mi org.bluprint.seqhound.parsers.mi.bind config file dependencies: file This file must be present in the same directory as where the MI-BIND parser is being invoked, and must contain the entries: dbDriverName=myDatabaseDriversName dbUserName=myDatabaseUserName dbPassWord=myDatabasePassword dbURL=myDatabaseConnectionURL These contain the settings, which the parser will use to connect to the database management system, which manages the MI data tables. An example entry follows: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 287 of 421 18/04/2005 dbDriverName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver dbUserName=johnsmith dbPassWord=johmsmithspassword dbURL=jdbc:mysql://dbhostname:dbportnumber/MIdbname Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 288 of 421 18/04/2005 library dependencies: Along with the standard java runtime environment, the MI-BIND parser requires one third party java library; this is the open source xerces2 XML parser implementation, available for free from the apache foundation(see for free download instructions). The xerces jar files xercesImpl.jar and xmlParserAPIs.jar must be in classpath when executing the parser. The MI-BIND parser has been tested only with xerces2 java version 2.6.2, but may work with other versions. command line parameters: The MI-BIND parser takes one command line argument: a file containing a list of filenames of files for the parser to process. example use: java org.blueprint.seqhound.parsers.mi.bind.bmdParse BINDXMLFileList.txt Where BINDXMLFileList.txt is a text file containing a newline delimited list of the names of files containing the BIND XML records to be processed; these BIND XML files must be in the same directory. Note that the compiled bind module parser files, as well as the xerces jars, must be in classpath in order for the above command to function. associated scripts: none error and run-time logs: runtime and error information is printed to standard output and standard error, respectively. This will likely be changed in a future release, to print to a standard log file. troubleshooting: additional info: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 289 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_source table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_source Molecular Interaction(MI) Contains information about the source of an interaction record Field uid Type Int(11) Null No Default intcompid Int(11) No 0 db Smallint(6) Yes NULL acc Varchar(10) Yes Null id Int(11) Yes Null type Smallint(6) No Null descr Text Yes Null data_blob Longblob Yes Null data_clob Longtext Yes Null MySQL Version 3.3 Column Definition Internal MI identifier for record Internal MI identifier of the interaction, complex or pathway this record refers to Internal MI identifier of the source db which this record comes room, corresponds to db column of MI_dbases Source db accession of this record, if it exists Source db ID of this record, if it exists Type of this record, either interaction(1), complex(2) or pathway(3) Text description of this record from the source db Binary version of original record from source db, if it exists Text version of original record The SeqHound Manual 290 of 421 18/04/2005 from source db, if it exists MySQL Indexes Keyname Primary Type Primary Field uid Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND ***uid*** description: example: default value ASN.1 structure: parser: function: API: more info: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 291 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_ints table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_ints MI Contains information about individual interactions Field intid Type Int(11) Null No Default objAid Int(11) No 0 objBid Int(11) No 0 rig Int(11) No 0 Keyname Primary Type Primary Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Column Definition Internal MI id of this interaction Internal MI id of the first object in this interaction Internal MI id of the second object in this interaction Internal MI id of the redundant interaction group to which this interaction belongs MySQL Indexes Field intid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 292 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_objects table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_objects MI Contains information about the individual objects involved in interactions, complexes and pathways Field Type Null objid Int(11) No type Smallint(6) No 0 db Smallint(6) No 0 id Int(11) Yes Null tax Int(11) Yes Null acc Varchar(20) Yes Null rog Int(11) No 0 Keyname Primary Type Primary MySQL Default Column Definition Internal MI identifier for the object which this row describes Internal MI identifier for the molecule type of this object; corresponds to column type of MI_mol_type Internal MI identifier for the source db of this object; corresponds to column db of MI_obj_dbases Source db id of this object NCBI taxonomy id of this object, if applicable Source db accession of this object Internal MI id of the redundant object group to which this object belongs MySQL Indexes Field objid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 293 of 421 Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: 18/04/2005 Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 294 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_obj_dbases table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_obj_dbases MI Table of objects source databases Field Type Null db Smallint(6) No db_name Varchar(30) No Keyname Primary Type Primary Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Column Definition Internal MI identifier for the source db The name of the object source db MySQL Indexes Field db Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 295 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_mol_types table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_mol_types MI Molecular types of objects Field Type Null type Smallint(6) No type_name Varchar(15) No Keyname Primary Type Primary Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Column Definition Internal MI identifier for molecules of this type Natural language name for this molecule type MySQL Indexes Field type Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 296 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_dbases table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_dbases MI Table of source databases for interaction records Field Type Null db Smallint(6) No db_name Varchar(30) No Keyname Primary Type Primary Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Column Definition Internal MI identifier for this source interaction database Natural language name for this source interaction database. MySQL Indexes Field db Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 297 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_record_types table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_record_types MI Table of types for interaction records Field Type Null type Smallint(6) No type_name Varchar(20) No Keyname Primary Type Primary Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Column Definition Internal MI identifier for this record type Natural language name for this record type(by default, either interaction, complex or pathway). MySQL Indexes Field type Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 298 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_complexes table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_complexes MI Table of complex and pathway records Field Type Null compid Int(11) No numsubunits Int(11) No Keyname Primary Type Primary Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Column Definition Internal MI identifier for this complex record Number of subunits in this 0 complex MySQL Indexes Field compid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 299 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_complex2ints table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_complex2ints MI Mapping of complexes to their component interactions Field Type Null compid Int(11) No intid Int(11) No Keyname Type Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Column Definition Internal MI identifier for this 0 complex Internal MI identifier for an 0interaction which is a component of this complex MySQL Indexes Field Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 300 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_complex2subunits table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_complex2subunits MI Mapping of complexes to subunits Field Type Null compid Int(11) No objid Int(11) No Keyname Type Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Column Definition Internal MI identifier for this 0 complex Internal MI identifier for the 0subunit object which belongs to this complex MySQL Indexes Field Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 301 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_complex2subunits table Last updated October 4, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_complex2subunits MI Mapping of complexes to subunits Field Type Null Default compid Int(11) No 0 objid Int(11) No 0 Keyname Type Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Column Definition Internal MI identifier for this complex Internal MI identifier for the subunit object which belongs to this complex MySQL Indexes Field Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 302 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_refs table Last updated October 6, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_refs MI Mapping of MI records to literature references which support it Field Type Null Default uid Int(11) No 0 db Smallint(6) No 0 acc Varchar(15) Yes Null id Int(11) Yes Null method Smallint(6) No 0 Keyname Type Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MySQL Column_Definition Internal MI identifier for the interaction record which this reference is a part of Internal MI identifier for the reference database which this reference is from (eg pubmed or medline) Accession of this reference from source reference database ID of this reference from the source reference database Internal MI identifier for the experimental method used in the referenced experiment MySQL Indexes Field Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 303 of 421 Parser: 18/04/2005 MI-BIND Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 304 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_refs_db table Last updated October 6, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_refs_db MI Mapping of internal MI reference database Ids to source reference databases Field Type Null db Smallint(6) No db_name Varchar(15) Yes Keyname Primary Type Primary Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Null Column_Definition Internal MI identifier for this reference database The natural language name of the reference source database MySQL Indexes Field db Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 305 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_exp_methods table Last updated October 6, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_exp_methods MI Mapping of internal experimental method identifiers to their descriptions Field Type Null method Smallint(6) No method_descr Varchar(40) Yes Keyname Primary Type Primary Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Default Null Column_Definition Internal MI identifier for this experimental method Natural language name of the experimental method MySQL Indexes Field method Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 306 of 421 18/04/2005 MI_obj_labels table Last updated October 6, 2004 Database: Table: Module: Definition: MI MI_obj_labels MI Mapping of molecular objects to their free form labels Field Type Null Default uid Int(11) No 0 objid Int(11) No 0 label Text Yes Null Keyname Type Observation: Source org: Source file: FTP script: Parser: Blueprint BIND division files N/A MI-BIND MySQL Column_Definition Internal MI identifier for the interaction/complex/pathway record which assigns this label to this object Internal MI identifier for the molecular object being labeled Free form label given to this molecular object by this interaction/complex/pathway record MySQL Indexes Field Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 307 of 421 18/04/2005 Text mining module Overview: The SeqHound text mining module helps researchers locate mentions and co-mentions of biologically related entities in the scientific literature. At the time of writing this is limited to finding protein mentions in PubMed abstracts. The module however has been designed to be extensible to small molecules, complexes and even biological concepts in both abstract and full-text articles. Each of the steps in the process may be scored by multiple methods that can be developed internally or by external developers. mother parser Note that a number of the tables in the text module are created at the same time as the creation of the other core tables (see core.sql) and some of these tables are populated by the mother parser (see table descriptions below). Mother, is used to retrieve protein names and synonyms from the RefSeq database, so these tables are created at the same time as other core module tables. The mother parser is described under the core module section above. Parsers specific to the text module are described below. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 308 of 421 18/04/2005 text searcher parser last updated February 25th, 2005 purpose: The text update parser and related programs are used to collect bionames, search against a literature database, and then investigate comentions of bioentities in the literatures. The co-mentions of bioentities are scored using pattern recognition and statistical machine learning methods to look for potential biophysical interactions between bioentities. The text mining module tables are updated daily. logic: Most of the update logic is implemented in the Perl module and other scoring programs. The text update parser calls the functions in and other Perl modules. The text mining module depends on the CORE module to generate and update names of proteins and on the MyMED in house literature database. These resources are updated daily. The steps taken to update the text-mining module are as follows: Step 1: Collect bioentity names from the lexicon Step 2: Formulate searches; collect search results and scores Step 3: Collect co-occurrences of names and scores Step 4: Summarize evidence for each pair of bioentities and scores module: text input files: Latest Medline release:*.xml.gz Latest PubMed Central release: Latest Biomed Central release: Latest NRC LitMiner SVM release: British National Corpus: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 309 of 421 18/04/2005 Moby project English word list: PubMed help stop word list: Smart English stop word list: tables altered: text_bncorpus, text_db, text_doc, text_docscore, text_doctax, text_englishdict, text_evidence, text_evidencescore, text_method, text_namepair, text_namepairresult, text_organism, text_pattern, text_point, text_pointscore, text_result, text_resultscore, text_rng, text_rngscore, text_search, text_searchscore, text_stopword source code location: slri/seqhound/text/ config file dependencies: slri/seqhound/text/text.ini command line parameters: Typing “./ -“ or “perl -” at the command line while in the directory where resides will return a list of command line parameters and default settings. -r arguments: redo all name searches against new insertions from MyMED using time stamp [T/F] optional -t taxnomy ids for organism to be searched, seperated by comma. If specified in command line, only provided organism(s) will be searched. Otherwise, a default list of taxids stored in text.ini file will be searched. Optional -u update target table only, default is all. Optional Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 310 of 421 18/04/2005 example use: For example: >./ -r F –t 4932,10090,9606 -u text_searchscore associated scripts: slri/seqhound/text/text.sql Data Definition file for text mining module tables. slri/seqhound/text/ Mysql dump script for portable tables. slri/seqhound/text/ Script used to create Text database, the starting point. slri/seqhound/text/ Script used to score evidence using regex patterns. slri/seqhound/text/ contains most functions that will be using for update. slri/seqhound/text/ Perl module used to represent regular expression objects. slri/seqhound/text/ Perl module used to branch the output to different outputs. slri/seqhound/text/ Text module daily update cron script. slri/seqhound/text/ Entrez eutil script used for comparing results between MyMED and entrez searches. error and run-time logs: Errors and runtime logs will be directed to file specified in text.ini , current default log file name is text_update.log Daily update log will also be send to email account specified in text.ini file troubleshooting: Check the email message sent by to see if there is any error during update. Consult update log file to look for detail problem. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 311 of 421 18/04/2005 additional info: All text mining module tables are in small cases, and are prefixed with "text_". Tables with auto incremented rowid have a primary key "id" as default. When referencing primary key in other table, the field name in the referencing table will be the referenced table name plus id. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 312 of 421 18/04/2005 parser Last updated September 27, 2004 purpose: The yeastnameparser extracts names from the SGD file Only names that belong to yeast records that are already in RefSeq are added, as determined using the DBXRef module. This means that this parser MUST be run after the DBXRef parsers. It is not necessary to run this parser, if yeast names are not desired. logic: The yeastnameparser reads through each record in It searches for a refseq cross reference for each record. If one is found, then the parser gets the relevant bioentityid and checks all names for that bioentityid. If the name does not already exist in the database, then it is added and the db field is set to “sgd” and the access field is set to the SGDID. The action field is set to 1, ADD and the current data is written to actiondate. Existing names in the database are also compared to the file. Names which are no longer present in the yeast file are marked as deleted (action =2) and the current data is written to actiondate. If the name already exists in refseq, then a SECONDREFS record is filled out for the yeast record. module: names input files: from tables altered: bioentity, bioname, secondrefs source code location: slri/seqhound/names/ config file dependencies: The relevant configuration files are: .intrezrc and .odbc.ini should be set up as described above for seqhound. The values will be read by, which should be located in the same directory as yeastnameparser. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 313 of 421 18/04/2005 command line parameters: None. example use: perl associated scripts: The program can be used for both the initial read of and updates of the file. checks whether needs updating, downloads it and calls is updated weekly by SGD. error and run-time logs: yeastnameparser writes errors to a file called yeastname.log. Updates are written to a file called yeastupdate.log as a tab delimited file where the fields are: name, sgdid, bionameid and field. Additions are written to a file called yeastadd.log as a tab delimited file where the fields are:name, sgdid bioentityid and field. troubleshooting: additional info: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 314 of 421 18/04/2005 text_bioentity table Last updated Febuary 15, 2004 SeqHound Database: text_bioentity Table: text (note mother parser is part of the core module) Module: A bioentity refers to any biological object with names that may be used in the literature to refer to these objects. Definition: Currently, all bioentities are proteins from RefSeq. This table tells us which database contains the primary record for this bioentity, the accession and the field which refers to this bioentity. At the moment, all bioentities are obtained from RefSeq. RefSeq was chosen because it represents a high quality database of non-redundant records. The intention of this part of the core is to collect a non-redundant list of biological objects and the names that are used in written language to refer to them by. *.bna.gz from Source file: FTP script: mother Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 315 of 421 18/04/2005 text_bioentity table Field Type Null Default id int(11) no Auto incremented id. A unique identifier for this bioentity. Bioentity type (for 1 example, molecule type). Id from the bioentitytype table. mother parser (see SHoundBioentityFromBioentityId GetType()) parsing and see bioseq->mol mother parser inserts SHoundBioentityFromBioentityId “ref” Example 1 Source mother parser autoincrements this field API SHoundBioentityIdFromGi SHoundBioentityIdFromAcc SHoundBioentityIdListFromBionameAndTaxId bioentitytypeid int(11) No db varchar(15) No The primary database ref where this bioentity was found. No Accession in the primary NP_858066 mother parser (see database. Any FillBionameDB()) and see bioseq-alphanumeric identifier >seqid used by the primary database. Yes Numeric identifier for this 31982991 bioentity in the primary database; for example an NCBI Gene Info identifier (GI). This field is not required. mother parser (see SHoundBioentityFromBioentityId GetGI) see bioseq->seqid (choice 12)). mother parser (see ASN.1 path) No A number that represents 1 the field from which this bioentity was derived. This is the id from the fieldtype table. For example, 1 indicates the ASN.1 path “seqentry/seqset/bioseq” access identifier fieldtypeid varchar(20) int(11) int(11) 0 Column_Definition Version 3.3 SHoundBioentityFromBioentityId SHoundBioentityFromBioentityId The SeqHound Manual text_bioentity indices Keyname Type PRIMARY PRIMARY ibioe_id INDEX ibioe_type INDEX ibioe_identifier INDEX 316 of 421 18/04/2005 Field access id bioentitytypeid identifier Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 317 of 421 18/04/2005 text_bioname table Last updated February 15, 2005 SeqHound Database: text_bioname Table: text (note that the mother parser is part of the core module) Module: This table holds names for bioentities. A Bioname is some “name” applied to some bioentity. Definition: NCBI Source org: *.bna.gz from Source file: FTP script: mother Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 318 of 421 18/04/2005 text_bioname table Field Type Null Default Column_Definition id int(11) No timestamp datetime Yes NULL bioentityid int(11) No 0 name text No The name. Type of name. For example, protein name (1) or gene name (2). This is the id from the nametype table. A unique identifier for this bioentity-name pair. Source API mother parser SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId auto increments this column mother parser yeastnameparser The id of the bioentity to which this name refers. 1 SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId mother parser yeastnameparser 2mother parser SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId isopropylmal yeastnameparser ate synthase 1 mother parser SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId yeastnameparser nametypeid int(11) No db varchar(15) No The database in which this name ref was found. access varchar(20) No The accession of the record in which this name was found. SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId NP_047187 mother parser yeastnameparser 10954458 Yes NULL The identifier of the record in which this name was found; for example a Gene Info identifier (GI). 0 The field of the record in which 5 this name was found. This is the id from the fieldtype table; for example, 5 indicates the ASN.1 path “seqentry/seqset/bioseq/descrtitle/” identifier fieldtypeid int(11) int(11) No 0 Example 1 Version 3.3 SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId mother parser yeastnameparser mother parser SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId yeastnameparser mother parser SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId yeastnameparser The SeqHound Manual 319 of 421 18/04/2005 official int(11) Yes 0 Is this an official name? 1=Yes, 2=N0 1 yeastnameparser SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId deprecated int(11) Yes 0 Has this name been deprecated? 0 Not used at present. SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId datedeprecated datetime Yes 000000000 The date the name was 00000 deprecated. 00000000000 mother parser SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId 000 yeastnameparser ruleid int(11) Yes NULL What rule was used to construct 1 this name? This is the id from the rules table. For example, 1 indicates that A gene name is being used to refer to a protein. action char(1) Yes A What was the last action taken on this record. A=ADD, D=DELETE. actiondate datetime Yes 000000000 Date of the last action. 00000 mother parser SHoundBionameListFromBioentityId yeastnameparser mother parser yeastnameparser 2004-08-20 mother parser 01:30:08 yeastnameparser Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual text_bioname indices Keyname ibioname_id ibioname_identifier ibioname_access ibioname_bioentityid ibioname_nametypeid ibioname_official ibioname_deprecated ibioname_ruleid ibioname_action ibioname_actiondate 320 of 421 Type INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX 18/04/2005 Field id identifier access bioentityid nametypeid official deprecated ruleid action actiondate Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 321 of 421 18/04/2005 text_secondrefs table Last updated February 15, 2005 SeqHound Database: text_secondrefs Table: core Module: Additional references for sources of bionames. Definition: SGD Source org: from ftp://genomeSource file: FTP script: Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 322 of 421 18/04/2005 text_secondrefs table Field Type Null id int(11) No timestamp datetime Yes NULL bionameid int(11) No 0 db varchar(15) No access varchar(20) Yes NULL Accession of the record that refers to the name. fieldtypeid int(11) No 0 Identifies the field in the record where this name was found. Default Column_Definition Example 1 id of the second reference. Mysql auto-increment column. Source yeastnameparser will Autoincrement this column yeastnameparser id of the name that this reference refers to. Database in which this reference is found. 1 yeastnameparser retrieves this from text_bioname table sgd yeastnameparser (see AddSeconfRef()) S000033 yeastnameparser (see AddSeconfRef()) 101 yeastnameparser (see AddSeconfRef()) Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual text_secondrefs indices Keyname isecondrefs_id isecondrefs_bionameid isecondrefs_dbsearch isecondrefs_field 323 of 421 Type INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX 18/04/2005 Field id bionameid access, db field Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 324 of 421 18/04/2005 text_bioentitytype table Last updated February 15, 2005 SeqHound Database: text_bioentitytype Table: text (note that this table is currently defined when the core module is Module: created) Look up table that stores bioentity types. Definition: Blueprint Source org: core.sql Source file: NA FTP script: NA Parser: text_bioentitytype table Field Type Null id int(11) No type varchar(80) No Default Column_Definition Identifier for a bioentitytype. Mysql auto-increment column. Example 1 Source core.sql The molecule type. protein core.sql text_bioentitytype indices NA Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 325 of 421 18/04/2005 text_fieldtype table Last updated February 15, 2005 SeqHound Database: text_fieldtype Table: text (note that this table is defined when the core module is created) Module: Look up table that stores the field that contains the name. Definition: Blueprint Source org: This is a look up table that is filled by core.sql Source file: NA FTP script: NA Parser: text_fieldtype table Field id pathtofield Type int(11) varchar(80) Null No No Default Column_Definition Identifier for a fieldtype. Example 1 The field that contains the name. For an ASN.1 record, this is the ASN.1 "path" to the field that contains the name. For a flat file, this is of the form "Column #:Column Name". seqentry/seq core.sql set/bioseq/s eqannot/seqfea t-gene/syn text_fieldtype indices NA Version 3.3 Source core.sql API The SeqHound Manual 326 of 421 18/04/2005 text_nametype table Last updated February 15, 2005 SeqHound Database: text_nametype Table: text (note that this table is defined when the core module is created) Module: Look up table that stores name types. Definition: Blueprint Source org: This is a look up table that is filled by core.sql Source file: NA FTP script: NA Parser: text_nametype table Field Type id type Null Default Column_Definition Identifier for a nametype. Mysql auto-increment int(11) No column. varchar(880) No The type of name. Example 1 Source core.sql protein core.sql text_nametype indices NA Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 327 of 421 18/04/2005 text_rules table Last updated September 30, 2004 SeqHound Database: text_rules Table: text (note that this table is defined when the core module is created) Module: Look up table that stores rules for generating names. Definition: Blueprint Source org: This is a look up table that is filled by core.sql Source file: NA FTP script: NA Parser: text_rules table Field Type Null id int(11) No type varchar(80) No Default Column_Definition Identifier for a rule. Mysql autoincrement column. The rule. Example 1 Source core.sql Use gene name for protein. core.sql text_rules indices NA Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 328 of 421 18/04/2005 text_db table Last updated February 15, 2005 seqhound Database: text_db Table: text Module: Lookup table that lists biomedical literature databases used by the text Definition: module. Source file: Blueprint Source org: NA FTP script: NA Parser: text_db table Field dbid Type int(11) Null No name varchar(80) No text_db indices Keyname PRIMARY Type PRIMARY Default Column Definition Auto incremented id Example 1 Source text.sql name of database PubMed text.sql Field dbid Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 329 of 421 18/04/2005 text_doc table Last updated February 16, 2005 seqhound Database: text_doc Table: text Module: This table lists the accession ids from each literature database and Definition: assigns them an internal document id.*.xml.gz Source file: NLM MEDLINE and other biomedical literature databases Source org: slri/medline/updates/ FTP script: slri/medline/pubmedcentral/ Parser: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual text_doc table Field docid dbid Type int(11) int(11) 330 of 421 18/04/2005 Null Default Column Definition Example Source No auto incremented identifier 1077882 No 0 literature database id 1 1077882 accession int(11) No 0 accession in literature database such as a PubMed identifier (PMID) status char(10) Yes NULL insert, delete or update text_doc indices Keyname id dbid accession Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX Medline Xpath: “/MedlineCitati on/PMID” Or PMC Xpath: /art/ui[@type=" pmid"]' NULL Field id dbid accession Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 331 of 421 18/04/2005 text_docscore table Last updated September 28, 2004 seqhound Database: text_docscore Table: text Module: This table lists scores for documents. Multiple scores (from different Definition: scoring methods) may be listed for each document. Source file: NRC Source org: wget –P ~/nrc -m FTP script: slri/text/ LitMiner : bin/bindpresent.cgi?qry=10747882 The current method for scoring a document is an SVM (support vector Notes: machine) classifier implemented by National Research Council's Joel Martin and Berry deBruijn. Detailed information can be found in the prebind publication: bmedid=12689350 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 332 of 421 18/04/2005 text_docscore table Field Type Null id int(11) No methodid int(11) No score double No text_docscore indices Keyname Type PRIMARY PRIMARY methodid INDEX score INDEX Default Column_Definition foreign key from doc table. See docid Example 25 Source scoring method identifier. See the 1 text_method table. For example, 1 indicates an SVM trained to recognize papers describing interaction data. 0 score -0.852876574 Field (docid, methodid, score) methodid score Version 3.3 API The SeqHound Manual 333 of 421 18/04/2005 text_evidence table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_evidence Table: text Module: This table assigns a unique identifier to each co-occurrence of two Definition: bionames in the same document. A bioname points to a specific name bioentity pair in the bioname table (this pair is repeated here). This is to be distinguished from a pair of names that co-occur in a document; this pair of names is identified by a namepairid and does not make any reference to a specific pair of bioentities. This evidence is in support of some point and is based on some name pair. Program: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 334 of 421 18/04/2005 text_evidence table Field Type Null Default Column_Definition id int(11) No docid int(11) No 0 the document identifier 325387 where this evidence occurs resultidA int(11) No 0 search result identifier for bioname A 2200 bioentityida int(11) No 0 identifier for bioentity A 107564 nama char(80) No name referring to A LEU1 resultidB int(11) No 0 search result identifier for bioname B 9513 bioentityidb int(11) No 0 identifier for bioentity B 109911 namb char(80) No name referring to B HIS4 pointid int(11) Yes NULL POtential INTeraction 2 between two bioentites that this evidence supports int(11) Yes NULL corresponding namepairid on which this evidence is based 10634 namepairid state smallint(6) Yes NULL book keeping 0 A unique identifier for this piece of evidence. Example 1 Version 3.3 Source Auto incremented identifier API The SeqHound Manual text_evidence indices Keyname Type PRIMARY PRIMARY docid INDEX resultida INDEX resultidb INDEX 335 of 421 18/04/2005 Field evidenceid docid resultidA resultidB Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 336 of 421 18/04/2005 text_evidencescore table Last updated February 16, 2005 seqhound Database: text_evidencescore Table: text Module: This table assigns a score to a piece of evidence. See evidence table. Definition: Multiples cores may be assigned to one evidence if different methods were used. Currently, this table stores potential protein-protein interaction scores for each co-occurrence of bionames. The current scoring method uses a set of manually collected regular expression patterns to identity interactions. Detailed information can be found at: Program: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual text_evidencescore table Field Type evidenceid int(11) methodid int(11) score double 337 of 421 Null Default Column_Definition Example No 0 see text_evidence table 8 scoring method identifier 2 (see text_method table); for example, 2 indicates a method that uses regular No 0 expressions to detect bioentities that are physically interacting No text_evidencescore indices Keyname Type PRIMARY PRIMARY methodid INDEX score INDEX 18/04/2005 0 the score 0.63 Field (evidenceid, methodid, score) methodid score Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 338 of 421 18/04/2005 text_method table Last updated March 15, 2005 seqhound Database: text_method Table: text Module: This table assigns a unique identifier to each of the multiple scoring Definition: schemes used in the SeqHound text mining module. This file is hand-edited. Source: Blueprint Source Org. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 339 of 421 18/04/2005 text_method table Field id Type int(11) Null No type varchar(30) No hypothid int(11) Yes hypoth text Yes Default 0 Column_Definition Auto incremented identifier Example 1 This field describes the type of searchscore score that is generated by the method. It will be one of searchscore, docscore, resultscore, evidencescore or pointscore. 0 corresponding hypothesis identifier. See the text_hypoth table. NULL a hypothesis that this method attempts to support or refute. 23 This document describes biophysical interaction data for some molecule(s). method text Yes NULL A support vector machine was trained to recognize a more detailed description of the abstracts containing method with pointers to more biophysical details about the method and its interaction data. performance. See PubMed Identifier 12689350 for more details. text Yes NULL the value (range) of scores corresponding to the hypothesis being found TRUE >0 positive text Yes NULL the value (range) of scores corresponding to the hypothesis being found FALSE <0 negative Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 340 of 421 18/04/2005 undecided text Yes NULL the value (range) of scores corresponding to the hypothesis being found UNDECIDED implemented enumerated Yes NULL has this method been implemented NO assume text Yes NULL script text Yes NULL text_method indices Keyname Type methodid PRIMARY 0 the score value that can be >0 assumed if the method has been implemented but no score is found the script or program that implements the method Field methodid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 341 of 421 18/04/2005 text_point table Last updated February 16, 2005 seqhound Database: text_point Table: text Module: A POINT represents two bioentities for which some POtential Definition: INTeraction may occur in the literature. Each POINT may be supported by multiple pieces of evidence in the evidence table. Program: text_point table Field Type id int(11) Null Default Column_Definition Example No auto incremented identifier 1 bioentityidA int(11) No 0 bioentity identifier 110070 bioentityidB int(11) No 0 bioentity identifier 1268438 state small int Yes NULL book keeping 0 text_point indices Keyname tid bioentityida bioentityidb Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX Field id bioentityida bioentityidb Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 342 of 421 18/04/2005 text_pointscore table Last updated February 16, 2005 seqhound Database: text_pointscore Table: text Module: This table lists scores for potential interactions. These scores may be Definition: viewed as a summary of the scores for all the pieces of evidence that support this POINT. A POINT may have multiple scores that are generated by multiple methods. Program: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual text_pointscore table Field Type pointid int(11) methodid int(11) score double 343 of 421 Null Default Column_Definition Example a unique identifier for some 11 No 0 POINT (see text_point table) an identifier for the method 3 used to generate this score No 0 for the POINT (see text_method table). No text_pointscore indices Keyname Type PRIMARY PRIMARY methodid INDEX score INDEX pointid INDEX 18/04/2005 0 the score 0.63 Field (pointid, methodid, score) methodid score pointid Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 344 of 421 18/04/2005 text_result table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_result Table: text Module: This table stores all the search results (document ids) for performed Definition: searches (see text_search table). Position default is 0, which means that the bioname appears somewhere in the document without specifying exactly where or how many times. Program: text_result table Field Type id int(11) Null Default Column_Definition Example No auto incremented identifier 1 searchid int(11) No 0 identifies the search that generated this result docid int(11) No 0 the document identifier 7874750 where the name was found 0 0 the postion id in the document where the name appears (0 indicates no specified position) NULL book keeping 0 positionid int(11) No state smallint(6) Yes text_result indices Keyname Type tid PRIMARY 1 Field id Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual searchid docid positioned INDEX INDEX INDEX 345 of 421 18/04/2005 searchid docid positionid Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 346 of 421 18/04/2005 text_resultscore table Last updated February 16, 2005 seqhound Database: text_resultscore Table: text Module: This table holds scores for search results; i.e., is the searched-for Definition: bioentity really mentioned in the document. This table might be used to store disambiguation scores for search results. Because a bioname can refer to many different bioentities, an algorithm (some method) )may be used to determine which bioentity a name occurrence refers to. This table might also hold the results of methods that disambiguate bioentities that have English words as names. Program: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 347 of 421 18/04/2005 text_resultscore table Field Type id int(11) Null Default Column_Definition Example No 0 Auto incremented identifier 1 methodid int(11) No 0 identifier for the method 3 used to score this result (see text_method table) score double No 0 the score text_resultscore indices Keyname Type PRIMARY PRIMARY resultid INDEX methodid INDEX score INDEX -1 Field (resultid, methodid, score) resultid methodid score Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 348 of 421 18/04/2005 text_search table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_search Table: text Module: This search table is generated using the text_bioname table. A search is Definition: minimally composed of a name that is used to look for some bioentity (listed in this table) using some method. Currently all bioname items with nametypeid=2 and a taxid that can be found in the taxgi table and are inserted into this search table for MyMedline searching. Program: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 349 of 421 18/04/2005 text_search table Field Type id int(11) bioentityid int(11) Null Default Column_Definition Example No auto incremented identifier 1 No 0 bioentity being searched for 106945 bionameid int(11) No name char(80) No taxid int(11) No rngid int(11) Yes 0 bionameid used to search for 414737 bioentity name used to find mention of bioentity AI1 0 taxonomy identifier for bioentity (if applicable) 4932 NULL redundant name group identifier 70513 method used to search for 1 the bioentity mention using name methodid int(11) No searched datetime No 0000-00date and time that search 00 was last performed 00:00:00 results int(11) Yes NULL text_search indices Keyname PRIMARY bioentityid bionameid taxid Type PRIMARY INDEX INDEX INDEX number of search results returned 2004-12-01 10:12:22 17 Field searchid bioentityid bionameid taxid Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual searched INDEX 350 of 421 18/04/2005 searched Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 351 of 421 18/04/2005 text_searchscore table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_searchscore Table: text Module: This table holds some score that may be used to determine if a given Definition: search strategy WILL BE informative if performed or its results are likely TO BE informative if examined. This score might also be used to determine whether a search strategy is to be performed at all or if some search strategy is best left until more informative searches have been informed. For example, if the name to be used is an English word, the search may be scored so as to skip this search. Multiple methods (and their scores) may be applied to a single search. Program: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 352 of 421 18/04/2005 text_searchscore table Field Type Null Default searchid int(11) No 0 methodid int(11) No 0 identifies the method used to score the search strategy score double No 0 the score text_searchscore indices Keyname Type PRIMARY PRIMARY searchid INDEX methodid INDEX score INDEX Column_Definition identifies a search strategy (see text_search table) Example 1 Field (searchid, methodid, score) resultid methodid score Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 353 of 421 18/04/2005 text_rng table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_rng (redundant name group) Table: text Module: This table groups together bionames that have equivalent names (i.e. Definition: homonyms). This table facilitates searching by reducing the eliminating redundant searches for the same string in the document collection. It is thus an intermediate table in the process of creating the text_result table. Program: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 354 of 421 18/04/2005 text_rng table Field Type Null id int(11) No name char(80) No searched datetime No 0000-00-00 when this name was last used to 00:00:00 search Yes NULL the number of documents returned 0 by this search Yes NULL book keeping results status text_rng indices Keyname Id Name Searched Results Status char(20) Type PRIMARY Unique INDEX INDEX INDEX Default Column_Definition Example auto incremented identifier. This 8 is a unique identifier for the redundant name group identifier. the homonym represented by this SRB8 group 2004-12-01 12:02:23 searched Field id Name Searched Results status Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 355 of 421 18/04/2005 text_rngresult table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_rngresult Table: text Module: This table is an intermediate step in one method for searching for Definition: mentions of protein names in text. The table stores search results for redundant name groups. These results are combined with the text_doctax table to generate the final text_results table. Program: This is an intermediate table and is not distributed as part of SeqHound. Note: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 356 of 421 18/04/2005 text_rngresults table Field id Type int(11) Null No Default rngid int(11) No 0 a redundant name group identifier. 2 See the text_rng table. docid int(11) Yes NULL a document identifier where this name appears pmid int(11) Yes NULL the corresponding PubMed 45549 identifier where this name appears state int(11) No 0 book keeping text_rngresults indices Keyname Type Id PRIMARY Rngid INDEX Docid INDEX Pmid INDEX State INDEX Column_Definition Auto incremented identifier. Example 1 45549 0 Field Id Rngid Docid Pmid State Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 357 of 421 18/04/2005 text_doctax table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_doctax Table: text Module: This table keeps a list of the organisms (by taxon identifiers) that are Definition: described in a document. Program: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 358 of 421 18/04/2005 text_doctax table Field Type Null id int(11) No docid int(11) No 0 document identifier (see text_doc table). taxid int(11) No 0 organism described in this document (listed by NCBI taxonomy database identifier) text_doctax indices Keyname Id Docid Taxid Type PRIMARY INDEX Index Default Column_Definition Auto incremented identifier. A unique identifier. Example 1 Field Id Docid taxid Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 359 of 421 18/04/2005 text_organism table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_organism Table: text Module: This table keeps a list of the MESH terms that are used to identify the Definition: presence of an organism in a PubMed abstract. Program: Blueprint Source Org: Source file: Note: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 360 of 421 18/04/2005 text_organism table Field id Type int(11) Null No Default Column_Definition Example auto incremented identifier 1 taxid int(11) No 0 NCBI taxonomy identifier mesh timestamp No searched timestamp Yes CURRENT_TIM time that this search was last 2005-02-15 15:58:38 ESTAMP completed results int(11) Yes NULL number of documents returned bioentities int(11) Yes NULL number of bioentities for this NULL organism bionames int(11) Yes NULL number of names for this organism maxbionameid int(11) Yes NULL maximum bioname identifierNULL lastupdate timestamp Yes 0000-00-00 00:00:00 time that all all updates were 0000-00-00 00:00:00 last completed text_organism indices Keyname Type Id PRIMARY 4932 mesh term found in abstracts Saccharomyces cerevisiae that describe this organism NULL NULL Field Id Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 361 of 421 18/04/2005 text_englishdict table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_englishdict Table: text Module: This table holds an English Dictionary from Moby project Definition: Program: Oxford University Organization: File: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 362 of 421 18/04/2005 text_englishdict table Field Type Null Default Column_Definition Example Auto incremented identifier. 1 Aunique identifier for this wordpos combination. id int(11) No word char(16) Yes NULL the word the pos char(10) Yes NULL part of speech Det freq int(11) Yes NULL frequency in the bnc per million words 61847 count int(11) Yes NULL how many bioname identifiers does this word refer to 1 pubmed NULL pubmed = this word is in th pubmed stopword list stop = present in other stopword lists other possibilities source char(10) Yes text_englishdict indices Keyname Type Id PRIMARY Word Index Pos Index Freq Index Count Index Field Id Word Pos Freq count Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 363 of 421 18/04/2005 text_bncorpus table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_bncorpus Table: text Module: This table holds the British National Corpus. Definition: Parser: Oxford University ( Organization: File: this file is not distributed with SeqHound Note: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 364 of 421 18/04/2005 text_bncorpus table Field Type Null id int(11) No word char(160) No freq int(11) No pos char(16) No files int(11) No text_bncorpus indices Keyname Type Id Primary Word Index Freq Index Default 0 0 Column_Definition auto incremented identifier. A unique identifier for this word. Example 1 the word the frequency in the corpus 6187267 part of speech at0 number of files (out of 4120) that 4120 this word appears in Field Id Word Freq Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 365 of 421 18/04/2005 text_pattern table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_pattern Table: text Module: This table holds a list of regular expressions used to detect mentions of Definition: biophysical interactions between two given names that appear in a sentence. Program: Blueprint Source Org: Source File: Note: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 366 of 421 18/04/2005 text_pattern table Field Type Null id varchar(8) No parentid varchar(8) Yes NULL the parent identifier if this expression is derived from another. class int(11) No 0 does this expression identify an 1 interaction (1) or the absence of an interaction (-1). score double Yes NULL score for this regex 0.85 regex text Yes NULL the regular expression A(\S*\s+){0,4}\S*B(\S*\s+){0,4}\S *heterodimer text_pattern indices Keyname Type Id Primary Parentid Index Default Column_Definition Example a unique identifier for this regular 9920 expression. 99 Field Id Parentid Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 367 of 421 18/04/2005 text_stopword table Last updated February 16, 2004 seqhound Database: text_stopword Table: text Module: This table contains a complete list of stopwords. Definition: 1. pwords 2. 3. Manually collected from bioname table Program: Various (see definition) Source Org: Source file: Note: Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 368 of 421 18/04/2005 text_stopword table Field id Type int(11) Null No word char(16) source char(16) text_ indices Keyname Id Word Type Primary Index Default Column_Definition Auto incremented identifier Example 1 No the stop word a Yes Source of this stop word PubMed help Field Id word Version 3.3 Source API The SeqHound Manual 369 of 421 18/04/2005 6. Developing for SeqHound. Open source development. SeqHound code is developed on a cvs tree internal to the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute by the members of the Blueprint Initiative Development team. The most stable current release is available at External developers are encouraged to discuss major additions or modifications to the system with the Project Manager at Minor additions or corrections may also submitted to Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 370 of 421 18/04/2005 Code organization. Note: The following section is under revision and will be updated shortly. This document summarizes the contents in the directories under slri/seqhound and slri/nblast as of June of 2003. The contents of directories are first stated and then the purpose of the contents is given. Under the current directory hierarchy, the seqhound directory contains the following directories (/) and files (*): asn/ bioperl/ build/ cgi/ config/ db2/ domains/ examples/ genomes/ go/ html/ include/ include_cxx java/ lib/ locuslink/ parsers/ perl/ rps/ scripts/ shreadme/ shreadme_cxx/ src/ src_cxx/ taxon/ tindex/ updates/ yeast/ seqhound .mk***** shreadme* shreadme_cxx* Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual asn/ : bioperl/: build/: cgi/: config/: db2/: domains/: examples/: genomes/: go/: html/: include/: include_cxx/: java/: lib/: locuslink/: parsers/: perl/: rps/: scripts/: src/: src_cxx/: taxon/: tindex/: updates/: yeast/: 371 of 421 18/04/2005 contains the asn specifications (*.asn) for various objects used in seqhound, auxiliary files used by datatool & asntool (*.def), and the scripts used by asntool and datatool to autogenerate the objects in unix (*.sh) and windows (*.bat) platforms. contains the files used in the SeqHound bioperl module contains a directory structure used to store the executables. As executables get compiled, they will be moved into their relevant directories inside the build directory. Executables using Codebase will be moved to cb/, db2 executables are moved to db2/, and odbc executables to odbc/. The appropriate directories will get created as the need arises. contains the source code for the cgi and web services. the configuration files used in seqhound remote & local applications. scripts to create the tables in db2 and redund for db2. source code for the domain module. source code showing how to use some of the code in seqhound, ex the asn structures and functions, the C++ remote library. source code for the complete genome module. source code for the gene ontology module. documentation for SeqHound API, and some scripts for converting the documentation to html the *.h files for SeqHound the include files for the C++ remote library source code for the SeqHound Java remote library libraries for SeqHound are copied here once compiled. source code for the locuslink module. source code for various parsers (mother, cbmmdb, cddb, redund, mmdbloc) the SeqHound perl module (deprecated in favor of bioperl) source code for the rps module (domname, rpsdb) various scripts to retrieve flatfiles from NCBI, and to build SeqHound source code for SeqHound (includes db layers for GO, HIST, LOCUSLINK, NBR, rpsdb, taxdb& core modules), the C remote API source code for the remote C++ library. source code for the taxon module parser. source code for the text indexer. source code for the daily updates & histparser. source code for importing yeast GO into Seqhound (never completed). Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual *.mk: shreadme*: 372 of 421 18/04/2005 various auxiliary files used by SeqHound makefiles. readme files for C & C++ SeqHound Under the current directory hierarchy, the nblast directory contains the following directories(/) and files(*): asn/ db/ docs/ lib/ msvc/ scripts/ src/** asn/: db/: docs/: lib/: msvc/: scripts/ : src/: *.mk: contains the ASN specifications for nblast. source code for nblast Codebase layer. instructions for compiling nblast. source code for the ASN nblast object. files for Microsoft Visual C++ project. various scripts for retrieving NCBI Blast flatfiles & setting up NBlast. core source code for nblast. auxiliary makefile for nblast applications. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 373 of 421 18/04/2005 Adding/Modifying a remote API function to SeqHound. Note: This section is included for historical purposes and is being rewritten for a future release (5.0) Overall steps: 1. open a new Bugzilla report 2. create the database search functionality 3. create the local API call 4. create the CGI call 5. add the remote calls (C/C++/Java/Bioperl/Perl) 6. test the new functionality in each of the layers 7. write/update documentation 8. inform technical writer 9. inform tester 10. update seqrem and local library in production server 11. In some rare cases, modifications may have to be made to the underlying data table structure, then SeqHound must be rebuilt in test and production environments before code is checked into cvs. 12. check in the new source code 13. update API website 14. close Bugzilla report This document only goes over steps 2-5 in detail. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 374 of 421 18/04/2005 Overall architecture of the SeqHound system. The diagram shows how the various code layers in SeqHound. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 375 of 421 18/04/2005 2. Create the Database Search Functionality If adding a new data file, you will need to write the database search functions, one for each data file. Database Search functions are found in ‘slri/seqhound/src/*_cb.c’ files. ‘*’ is the name of the module that the searched table belongs to like ‘GO’ or ‘intrez’. ‘cb’ refers to the database engine that the function talks to like CodeBase (cb) or ODBC compliant databases (odbc). Functions that search data tables are typically called SearchXXX. New data files require you to define the ASN structure, typically each field in the data file corresponds to an ASN field. Most of the existing databases already have search functions so you should not have to write these yourself. If they don’t exist, then you should consult the instructions under Creating a new SeqHound module first. The details below are here to help you understand the database layer and to use Search functions in your API function. Boolean LIBCALL SearchACCDB (StAccdbPtr PNTR ppac) The search functions should find ALL instances of a key in the database and return them through the ASN pointer. Each ASN structure is a linked list, so multiple records can be retrieved. Pseudo code for the typical search function: Boolean SearchXXX(ASNLinkList Pointer) { foreach record that matches key in Pointer create a new ASNLinkList Node; fill node with record fields; join node to Pointer; end foreach return TRUE if key found else return FALSE; } As an example, the function Boolean LIBCALL SearchACCDB (StAccdbPtr PNTR ppac) finds records in the accdb table for an ODBC compliant database engine. This function is located in slri/seqhound/src/intrez_odbc.c. The corresponding function for a CodeBase database engine has the same name but is found in slri/seqhound/src/intrez_cb.c. The ASN structure that StAccdbPtr points to is defined in slri/seqhound/asn/slristruc.asn (search for StAccdb) and the corresponding C structure is defined in slri/seqhound/include/objslristruc.h. You need to know this when you use a database search function in your local API function. 3. Create The Local API Function You will need to change one of three files in order to add new functionality to SeqHound. a) go_query.c : to add functionality to gene ontology module API functions b) ll_query.c : to add to locuslink module API functions c) intrez.c : to add new functionality to the other data tables. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 376 of 421 18/04/2005 Declare function prototype in slri/seqhound/include/seqhound.h. Try to group the functions logically in the .c and .h files. The API functions follow a general logic. You should try to stick to that logic. Typical example of an API function: Int4 LIBCALL SHoundFindAcc(CharPtr pcAcc) { Int4 gi = 0; StAccdbPtr pac = NULL, pachead = NULL; Int2 res = 0; if ((pcAcc == NULL) || (strcmp(pcAcc, "n/a") == 0)) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SHoundFindAcc: No accession."); return 0; } pac = StAccdbNew(); pachead = pac; pac->access = StrSave(pcAcc); res = SearchACCDB(&pac); Input integrity check Each data table has specific asn structure. Set the key in the asn structure database layer to search for the key. The asn structure will hold all the records that match the key. if (res == FALSE) Failed search. { Free structure ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SHoundFindAcc: Search failed."); and return StAccdbFree(pachead); return 0; }else if(res == TRUE){ gi = pac->gi; Successful search - extract what pac = pac->next; } you need and return it. StAccdbFree(pachead); return gi; } 4. Step 4. Create the CGI Function Definitions: CGI (Common Gateway Interface): a program that allows 2 computers connected to the internet to communicate with each other. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): a way of passing messages between the 2 computers. Is used for web services, eg CGI, servlets … Format of HTTP: http://server_name/path/to/cgi/cgi_name?key1=value1&key2=value2&…. Query string: The portion of the HTTP call that is used to pass parameters to the CGI. Format of query strings: ?param1=value1¶m2=value2…. SeqHound’s CGI is slri/seqhound/cgi/seqrem.c. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 377 of 421 18/04/2005 Remote users can call seqrem on our servers using HTTP calls. Format of a HTTP call: 2 parts to edit in seqrem.c 1. if statement in function: ProcessFnctRequest(CharPtr pfnct); 2. Add a corresponding CGI function call that calls the local API There is currently an if-else statement in the ProcessFnctRequest function. It needs to be modified to check if the first field of the query string contains your new function name. If so, it will call a CGI function that calls your local API function. SLRI_ERR ProcessFnctRequest(CharPtr pfnct) { if(SeqHoundInit() == SLRI_FAIL) { MemFree(pfnct); return 1; } else if (strcmp(pfnct, "SeqHoundFindAcc") == 0) { if(SeqHoundFindAcc() == SLRI_FAIL) { MemFree(pfnct); return 1; Calling internal } … see below } ... CGI function Your new function gets called here } else if(strcmp(pfnc, “YourNewFunction” .. if(SeqHoundYourNewFunction() ... } } Next you need to define a function with the prototype SLRI_ERR SeqHoundYourNewFunction(void) This function will extract the remaining keys in the query string portion of the HTTP call, and call the local API function you defined in step 3, then output the HTTP response to be sent back to the user. Internal CGI function that calls the local API SLRI_ERR SeqHoundFindAcc(void) { Int4 gi = 0; Int4 IndexArgs = -1; Output the HTTP printf("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); if ((IndexArgs = WWWFindName(ginfo,"acc")) >= 0) headers { pcThis = WWWGetValueByIndex(ginfo,IndexArgs); Extract the remaining pacc = StringSave(pcThis); } fields from the CGI if ((pacc == NULL) || (strlen(pacc) == 0)) ti { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0, " Failed to get parameter value."); fprintf(stdout, "SEQHOUND_ERROR Failed to get parameters."); return SLRI_FAIL; } gi = SHoundFindAcc(pacc); Calling the local API f ti Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 378 of 421 fprintf(stdout, "SEQHOUND_OK\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%ld\n", (long) gi); MemFree(pacc); return SLRI_SUCCESS; } 18/04/2005 Send output back to remote users using HTTP Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 379 of 421 18/04/2005 5. Step 5. Create the Remote Calls We have programs available in most of the widely used languages that allow SeqHound users to write programs in their favorite language, accessing SeqHound data without having to understand how everything works. Our remote programs in effect constructs the HTTP calls (described above), sends the HTTP calls to the server and then parses the server’s return value and sends this back to the user’s program. Our remote interfaces are: 1. slri/seqhound/src/seqhoundapi.c 2. slri/seqhound/src_cxx/Seqhound.cpp 3. slri/seqhound/java/ 4. slri/seqhound/perl/ 5. slri/seqhound/bioperl/ Int4 LIBCALL SHoundFindAcc(CharPtr pcAcc) { Char fpath[PATH_MAX]; Int4 gi = 0; if(pcAcc == NULL) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0, "Invalid parameter."); return 0; } Making the HTTP call. Contains the server name, path to CGI, sprintf(fpath,"%s?fnct=SeqHoundFindAcc&acc=%s", slri_cgipath, pcAcc); ErrPostEx(SEV_INFO,0,0, "SeqHoundFindAcc request: %s.\n", fpath); if(SHoundWWWGetfile(slri_sername, fpath) == 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0, "SHoundWWWGetfile failed."); return 0; } gi = ReplyBSGetInteger(); if (gi == 0) { ErrPostEx(SEV_INFO,0,0, "SeqHoundFindAcc returned zero."); return 0; } return gi; Send the HTTP call Get the return value. A family of ReplyBSGetXX X exists for } Similar logic is used in the remote C++, Java, and Perl libraries. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 380 of 421 18/04/2005 Adding a new module to SeqHound Note: This section is included for historical purposes and is being rewritten for a future release (5.0) This section describes how to go about adding a new module to SeqHound from the developer’s point of view. It is basically a description of the different files that have to be written for a new module and where they should go in the code tree. So this section may be used as a guide for looking at existing modules to find out what files are expected and where they are. However, historically, several programmers have added modules to SeqHound and have used different code organization schemes; therefore, historical modules may be organized differently. Going forward (as of November 2003) all modules will have the components that are organized in the way described below. 1. Start a new module project plan Creating a new module begins with starting a new project plan (see Format for project reports). This should contain a clearly stated “Need” and “Objective” as well as a “General approach” to developing the module; this may include background information on the data resource being incorporated into SeqHound. The “Detailed planning” section will contain a section on “Data table design” and “Code Organization” that will be described further. See the DBXREF (Database crossreference) module Project Plan as an example (./slri/seqhound_priv/dbxref/dbxref_module_desc.txt). The components of a new module are summarized in the diagram below. The rest of this section describes the creation of each of these components and their organization. File names in bold italics indicate files that may be looked at as examples. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 381 of 421 18/04/2005 Database layer 2. Design the data table structure The module’s project description should contain a description of the final table design. See the example in the DBXREF (Database cross-reference) module Project Plan as an example. 3. Write the script file that creates the data table. You must modify the existing script file that creates the SeqHound data tables (this step is only for ODBC SeqHound). This file is called seqhound.sql and is located in ./slri/seqhound/sql/seqhound.sql Add the line DROP TABLE SEQHOUND.DBXREF_tablename; near the top of the file. Every time this script is run, it will destroy any pre-existing data tables that belong to the module. Add the lines that describe the table(s) that are a part of the module so the script creates the new tables belonging to the module. See the example file “seqhound.sql”. Note that CodeBase tables to not require a script to be made; these tables are created by the function InitCodeBase in the _cb.c file. 4. Write ASN.1 structure(s) that corresponds to data table descriptions. The file ./slri/seqhound/asn/slristruc.asn must be modified to contain a description of tables in the module. See the example structure StDbXref in the slristruc.asn file. The shell script “./slri/seqhound/asn/makeasn” calls asntool which auto generates slristruc.h, objsslristruc.h and objslristruc.c files. These files contain functions that allow one to allocate and free memory for a structure corresponding to a database record. See the makeasn file. 5. Step 5: Design new functions for the Database code layer The DB layer contains C functions that create and retrieve records from tables in the module. In the case of the DBXREF module, the tables are populated by a parser written in PERL so there are no functions listed that write to the tables. The requirement for a certain Perl modules is however noted in the project plan; these modules allow Perl to converse with a database. The DB layer will have three files that were auto generated from the preceding step. a) ./slri/seqhound/include/slristruc.h b) ./slri/seqhound/include/objsslristruc.h c) ./slri/seqhound/src/objsslristruc.c These files will be placed in this location by the makeasn script. In addition, DB layer will require that two new files be made. a) ./slri/seqhound/include/_odbc.h This will contain function prototypes and comments for functions in Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 382 of 421 18/04/2005 b) ./slri/seqhound/src/_odbc.c This will contain at least one functions called “Search that retrieves records from the database. Other functions that read or write to the database may be included in this file. The example function “SearchDBXREF” (see dbxref_odbc.h and dbxref_odbc.c) takes as input a pointer to a structure called StDbXref. This structure has the same fields as the DBXREF table. This structure is described in ASN.1 and functions to allocate and free memory for this structure are auto generated using ASNtool. Any row in a DBXREF table that contains field values matching anyone of the field values passed to “SearchDBXREF” will be returned in a linked list of Valnodes that contain pointers to StDBXref structures. 6. Make changes to existing code to accommodate changes to the database code layer. You must modify the existing function called InitCodeBase so that it handles tables that are new to the module. This function is found in two locations: a) ./slri/seqhound/src/intrez_cb.c is the file that supports a CodeBase database backend to SeqHound. InitCodeBase() needs to be changed to open the code base data files that belong to the new module. See the example intrez_cb.c file. b) ./slri/seqhound/src/intrez_odbc.c is the file that supports a supports an ODBC database backend to SeqHound. InitCodeBase() need to contain the necessary code to establish a connection to the Database Server. See the example intrez_odbc.c file. The function InitCodeBase() under intrez_odbc.c has a function call: GetAppParam(intrez", "datab", "db2alias", NULL, (Char*)dsn, sizeof(char) * 10) <= 0 ) that retrieves database connection information from the ./slri/seqhound/config/.intrezrc configuration file. Parser layer 7. Design the parser layer. Parsers are generally written in C or Perl. A separate script is written to download some file from an external ftp site. The parser takes this file as input and uses it to populate a set of data tables belonging to the module. Pseudocode for parsers should be documented in the project plan. Parser layer code is located in ./slri/seqhound//[parser_name] for example ./slri/seqhound/dbxref/ Finally, by project end, all parsers must be documented according to the examples given in the SeqHound manual. See the example parser description for “mother”. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 383 of 421 18/04/2005 Local API layer (Query layer) 8. Design the Local API layer Design the local API local query layer. This layer will consist of three files a) ./slri/seqhound/src /[Module name]_query.c This file contains all of the API functions that query the module’s tables as well as auxiliary functions (if any). Note that this naming convention is not followed by API calls that belong to the core module of SeqHound; code for these local API calls that query core module tables is in ./slri/seqhound/src/intrez.c. b) ./slri/seqhound/include/[Module name]_query.h This file contains function prototypes and comments for auxiliary functions (if any) that may be used by the module’s parsers, API functions or other applications specific to the module. c) ./slri/seqhound/include/seqhound.h This is where all publicly available API functions are defined. Note that the local and the remote API’s use the same header file. ALL API functions for ALL modules are defined in this header. This file already exists and must be simply modified. Examples are: ./slri/seqhound/src /dbxref_query.c ./slri/seqhound/include/dbxref_query.h ./slri/seqhound/include/seqhound.h An example of an API function is a function(s) to retrieve data base cross-references given a source record (SHoundDBXREFGetDBXrefListBySourceRecord). See the example in the dbxref_query.c file. This is a local API call. Notice the naming convention: ‘Shound’ followed by the module name ‘GODB’ followed by the actual API function name. In the example function note the line if(!SHoundModule("godb")) This checks the SeqHound configuration file to make certain that the build of SeqHound actually includes this module. All API function calls must have an analogous check. Note that this function calls a database layer function called SearchDBXREF. CGI layer 9. Design the CGI layer The SeqHound cgi layer that supports the remote API is contained in only one file ./slri/seqhound/cgi/seqrem.c There is no header file for seqrem.c since all functions are defined before “Main()” and Main only calls functions in this file. Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 384 of 421 18/04/2005 This file must be edited to include cgi support for the remote API calls for the new module. See the examples in the seqrem.c file. See the example function SeqHoundDBXREFGetDBXrefListBySourceRecord. Note the naming convention: SeqHound followed by the module name followed by the same function name used by the local API function. Remote API layer 10. Design the remote API layer The remote API for SeqHound supports 4 languages. So there are four files that must be modified to include new API functions for the new module. For C: ./slri/seqhound/src/seqhoundapi.c For C++: ./slri/seqhound/src_cxx/SeqHound.c For Java: ./slri/seqhound/java/ For Perl: ./slri/seqhound/perl/ The function names will be exactly the same as those listed in the local API layer (for example; SHoundDBXREFGetDBXrefListBySourceRecord). Examples for the C remote API are given in the seqhoundapi.c file. 11. Modify the seqhound config file. New modules require that another entry be made in the .intrezrc file. This setting allows the SeqHound administrator to indicate whether any given SeqHound module has been built. The function SHoundModule() will look at these config file settings every time a local API call is made to determine if the module is present. Modify the ./slri/seqhound/config/intrezrc according to the example. Analogous additions must be made to the ./slri/seqhound/config/intrez.ini file for Windows platforms. Modify the ShoundModule() function in ./slri/seqhound/src/intrez_cfg.c file to support the new module. Follow the example in this file. 12. Modify/create make files to support the new module. Modify the following files. ./slri/seqhound/ SEQH_SRC_ODBC SEQH_OBJ_OODBC ./slri/seqhound/ SEQH_SRC_COM SEQH_OBJ_COM SEQH_ODBC_COM Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 385 of 421 18/04/2005 ./slri/seqhound/ ./slri/seqhound/ ./slri/seqhound/src/make.shoundlocllib ./slri/seqhound/src/make.shoundremlib Create the following make files for any parsers written in C. ./slri/seqhound//make.[parser_name] see the example in ./slri/seqhound/locuslink/make.llparser 13. Design regression tests Regression tests are based on the CuTest C Unit Testing Framework. (see One file must be modified to support tests for the new module. Follow the examples in: ./slri/seqhound/test/regresion/main.c And a new file must be created that contains the actual test functions. See the examples in the test driver for the database layer for the DBXREF module: ./slri/seqhound/test/regresion/dbxref_odbc_driver.c Examples of some test cases Function calls. void testDBXREF_GetObjectIDbyAcc(CuTest *tc){...} Another driver contains test functions for the ./slri/seqhound/test/regresion/dbxref_query_driver.c Finally, the following file must be modified to accommodate the new module test drivers. Follow the examples in: ./slri/seqhound/test/regresion/make.test_driver 14. Design test cases These test cases refer to tests of the local and remote API functions relevant to the module. 15. Code test and debug 16. Finish documentation 17. Compile SeqHound code in test environment 18. Build SeqHound db in test environment 19. Check in code 20. Pass the project on to delivery team (Test Dev/Systems Dev/Software Training) 21. Build module in production (SEQHOUND ADMIN) 22. Update data tables (SEQHOUND ADMIN) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 386 of 421 18/04/2005 23. Update seqrem (SEQHOUND ADMIN) 24. Update docs (SEQHOUND ADMIN) 25. Update website (SEQHOUND ADMIN) Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 387 of 421 18/04/2005 7. Appendices Example GenBank record in ASN.1 format Example SwissProt record in ASN.1 format Example EMBL record in ASN.1 format Example PDB record in ASN.1 format Example Biostruc in ASN.1 format GO background material Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 388 of 421 18/04/2005 Example GenBank record Seq-entry ::= set { class nuc-prot , descr { title "Vairimorpha necatrix largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RPB1) gene, complete cds." , source { org { taxname "Vairimorpha necatrix" , db { { db "taxon" , tag id 6039 } } , <==========================TAXGI/taxid orgname { name binomial { genus "Vairimorpha" , species "necatrix" } , lineage "Eukaryota; Fungi; Microsporidia; Burenellidae; Vairimorpha" , gcode 1 , mgcode 1 , div "INV" } } } , create-date std { year 1998 , month 12 , day 10 } , pub { pub { sub { authors { names std { { name name { last "Hirt" , first "R" , initials "R.P." } } , { name name { last "Healy" , first "B" , initials "B." } } } , affil std { affil "The Natural History Museum" , div "Zoology" , city "London" , country "UK" , street "Cromwell Road" , postal-code "SW7 5BD" } } , medium email , date std { year 1998 , month 4 , day 16 } } } } , update-date std { year 1999 , month 2 , day 4 } , pub { pub { article { Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 389 of 421 18/04/2005 title { name "Microsporidia are related to Fungi: evidence from the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II and other proteins." } , authors { names std { { name name { last "Hirt" , initials "R.P." } } , { name name { last "Logsdon" , initials "J.M." , suffix "Jr." } } , { name name { last "Healy" , initials "B." } } , { name name { last "Dorey" , initials "M.W." } } , { name name { last "Doolittle" , initials "W.F." } } , { name name { last "Embley" , initials "T.M." } } } , affil str "Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom." } , from journal { title { iso-jta "Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A." , ml-jta "Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A" , issn "0027-8424" , name "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America." } , imp { date std { year 1999 , month 1 , day 19 } , volume "96" , issue "2" , pages "580-585" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 9892676 , medline 99110933 } } , muid 99110933 , pmid 9892676 } } } , seq-set { <==================================beginning of bioseq <===========================look down for end of bioseq(see ASNDB/asn1) seq { id { genbank{<===============================ACCDB/DB name "AF060234" ,<================== ======ACCDB/name Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 390 of 421 18/04/2005 accession "AF060234" ,<=====================ACCDB/accession version 1 } ,<============================ACCDB/version gi 4001823 } , <==========================Many tables/GI descr { molinfo { biomol genomic } } , inst { repr raw , mol dna , length 5019 , seq-data ncbi2na '171B6C0C434EFC0FBDC301F7E3FFFF3F396FF3FD7FFFF355C03BF8E03EC 10020DDB4350F6BF3FDD48203080352EDB5030D4578053A00EAF57037AEBF0C8FC00EA4 71202A7 FFCEF4D7B8008C3FF7E57AD3FE944F83C1C250EF53BEBC4E18034200DFA0EEFEFFCFBDC 87C03CB 1000DF0808FE0FFB3A0CFDC21C02EFE60AE03EA803ABF129EE80C2497B0C00082838BF8 C9FF380 A208202E3AC0B0FF83A2022F4C33DE0823EC0E08E7BBFFABFE3482FC70978BA7CFF87BD FF2F5D7 5F7B0A5CB3ED3A0A0EF889208E3F874C0FA48CCB009C31F37C203383C82A917AD3B2C2A 3CE043C 750FD33E510E3E10E130BA5051291F4802EA657F0024FDE761E029020A98B5AA03F0EA0 02AC8FD 2E52B7B0F1978D60CFDEC820B68BD7D223E608D447F5480F3075FF0CF8597C701FB740E A5038B1 56A983CEC3080E1A1020C87C0FD0CAA233C2F2082BCECB622113908688ECBFCFC32105F 7F1100E 24E3A74FFB58B4E829007FC8703FB7EEDD95CC19A3FE1AA180E0DF44E5902F104B0A683 C820F3B F2C2C042CF0B510DC3014B0EA8CB1084BF049DC21FFC4F188F4FFF8DB22010E43CF33DE C0CF0C3 CE2FC78F6D80F0F3874E3874FEB0C3F131E0837D033CE00CF03F549CFDF35C203EE87AC 040DF0B C4FF140C43F30E80370E244182087E803B608F7C6D30F203A6037C2E83CF842027B6AD0 4429AFC 3D130F90387FAD7848B87EFDFE38E748038E0DFCFD9C430197FDCFA0FAE190C92102010 E2D0B10 20B32012702042C0E034CB4091000301C808F14ACED0E22227F80B42C0F13FE0C050884 FDE99B4 9F4037F8BFFB0C138A18EB5E928D00A74FCC0CFD10B449FBF2B4100EC828008357F6BFC 3CC8DFC 513FCB0268F3DEA037228FEC8032F3B00A0F1D7820F7DFD39CEA2B220ADC3E33E73C012 4804A33 3D020872C0243A08E71ED1DF8C8DEC228923A3F3F3433831A208EBFE3947FFC80E40038 74E386E 9C702386EDFF003F93F2C84EFC48FE0FD90C000803BC48D03F103CF871E3B03F1200FF3 38E0FE2 EBC0E00EC000CE000E0CF9CB53B0FD40830C0FC98FCC0FE3EC802884FD56CFC3FC8C7F0 00FC320 0FC50F083F3C3E033C300CC3F3630228FF0383303CD3C827CC3E8FF0080F03F00FF00D0 C3F7503 80EB291FE9A7437B2A81494540E1FC0C7F53F24A2CD240CF18EA2C508F0080F303BE600 33C21D7 ECE08FCFC02353F0C01FC80E9C200D40B83C83FD233002DDEE0FCB80FCF3857B8C8211F 7300823 023FEF4A0CFF8FD5E3813F23FCB00E5C0FCD308F003E120F03EB0B003F80F200CFB002F C4E297F 5C33FD4CC3C8D238032D20FC30C20C23B3F4DFE0C30EC833CC3F10CC00CCF03F023CEAF 30C0342 02FFCC2E08C08408E2EB3F12123A2FECC22033DDD3503B20A13FAC1F70E3F0380CB20BF CA0C827 9C888437E0E0F87F2F321A03A0BCED0D329134971E9E3B8E10E0A8C5F12B304213A2E0C 0BA8FEA E47019934FE0807BA33FC721927F2C920033B0402BCC488330E3A845C957FAA12832805 E7FE8EC 2C0F230273147F70148330F3820BE3194FCC44B52ED2005E2CC24BA01E895A7CFCB20A0 3633994 0042FCCF75862561F32D4189504CCB5462541332D4109507C495842541F32D4189585C7 4504D94 DB32D610B58BC4B5042562F12D4109589CCB5042D4DF3254109537C4B504D16DF12D413 Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 391 of 421 18/04/2005 45B7C4B 504256DF32D41095B7CCB504256DF32D41B18C38600801C3280600A024300CF0CB0000F C00FFFF FFEC03FFCCD035CCF8DCCBFC33C030304'H } , annot { { data ftable { { data gene { locus "RPB1" } , location int { from 100 , to 4917 , id gi 4001823 } } } } } } , <==============================the first bioseq ends here see ASNDB/asn1 <==============================next bioseq begins here seq { id { genbank { accession "AAD12604" , version 1 } , gi 4001824 } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } , title "largest subunit of RNA polymerase II; RPO21 [Vairimorpha necatrix]" } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 1605 , topology not-set , seq-data ncbieaa "MFDEIVTKRISSIQFGLFSPEEIRKSSVVQIIHPETMENGFPKSGGLIDLKMGTTERAF LCSSCEKDNFSCPGHFGHIELTKPMFHVGYMTKIKKILECVCFYCSRLKISTKNLKKDLNFVWNISKTKSV CEGEIGE NGFTGCGNKQPVIKKEGMSLIAFMKGEEESDGKVILNGERVHNILKKIVNEDAVFLGFDQKFTKPEWLILT VLLVPPP SVRPSIVMEGMLRAEDDLTHKLADIVKANTYLKKYELEGAPGHVVRDYEQLLQFHIATMIDNDISGQPQAL QKSGRPL KSISARLKGKEGRVRGNLMGKRVDFSARSVITPDPNISVEEVGVPSEIAKIHTFPEIITPFNIDRLTKLVS NGPNEYP GANYVIRNDGQRIDLNFNRGDIKLEEGYVVERHMQDGDVVLFNRQPSLHKMSMMAHFVRVMEGKTFRLNLS CVSPYNA DFDGDEMNLHMPQSYNSKAELEELCLVSKQVLSPQSNKPVMGIVQDSLTALRLFTLRDSFFDRRETMQLLY SVNINNY EFTDSSKLIMTHDDSFGNNLHTEESSNIMKILNFPAISYPKKLWTGKQILSYILPNTIYNGKSNEHNEEDL ENVEDSY VIIRNGEILSGIIDKKAVGSTQGGLIHIIANDFGPDRVTCFFDDAQKMMNLYFATINAFSIGIGDAIADKE TMSQVQR SIETAKEQVNEIIVKAQKNKLERLPGMSMRESFESQVNYILNKPRDISGASASKSLSFCNNMRTMVLAGSK GSFINIS QVTACLGQQNVEGKRIPFGFNYRSLPHFSKADYSGKSRGFVENSYVKGITPEEFFFHAMGGREGLIDIAIK TAETGYI QRRLVKAMEDATVTLDRSVRGADGFIYQYEYGEDGFDATFLEMQKMTHDDVATKDDVSFKNLHLVDMFTDL NFAIKKE NVTDQIYKLLTTDVNLQKILYDEFEWLNENVKKYEKMNIASPCNFQRIINLAIYKFDCRKGDISPYLILDT LKNLIEN LPIKNLLIEILIKYNLSIKRILNEYKLSLEAYNWILKEIKFKILKSIISPNEMVGTLAAQSVGEPATQMTL NTFHLAG VSANITMGVPRLKEIINVAKNIKTPCMKIYLKDPFNKTLEMAKKIQSELEFSDIKSLCEFSEIYYDPVIED TSIKEDK DFVQEYFDFPDEHLDFSKMPKFIIRLKIDRIKLVSKNLKLENIVKSLHEAFPNIFHIIRSDENSQNLIIRI RCISSLN Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 392 of 421 18/04/2005 NNVEYYNLQYKNILNLKIMGYNKIKKVFISEDKDKDEWYLQTDGVCIREIFSHPNVEGHLVTSNDLNEIVE VLGIEAA RETILNELTLVIDGNGSYVNHRHISLLADVMTMKGYLTGITRHGVNKVGFGCTKRASFEETVDILLDAALV AEKYVTK GYTENIMMGHLAPLGTGIGNLLLDVSKLDKAIPLSKPEYNYEEVDTPFIHSPVSENLSISSGNWSPAYLVE GNRYAPK TSLYSPTSPTYSPTSPTYSPTSPTYSPTSPTYSPTSPTYSPTSPTYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTS PSYSPTS PSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTYDNDEKKTNRKRKGKQ" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "largest subunit of RNA polymerase II" , "RPO21" } } , location int { from 0 , to 1604 , strand plus , id gi 4001824 } } } } } } } , annot { { data ftable { { data cdregion { frame one , code { id 1 } } , product whole gi 4001824 , location int { from 100 , to 4917 , strand plus , id gi 4001823 } } } } } } Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 393 of 421 18/04/2005 Example SwissProt record Seq-entry ::= seq { id { swissprot { name "RPB1_YEAST" ,<============================ACCDB/name accession "P04050" } ,<=========================ACCDB/accession gi 2507347 } , descr { <======ACCDB/title title "DNA-DIRECTED RNA POLYMERASE II LARGEST SUBUNIT (B220)." , comment "-----------------------------------------------------------------~This SWISS-PROT entry is copyright. It is produced through a~collaboration between the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and~the EMBL outstation - the European Bioinformatics Institute.~The original entry is available from" , comment "[FUNCTION] DNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE CATALYZES THE TRANSCRIPTION OF DNA INTO RNA USING THE FOUR RIBONUCLEOSIDE TRIPHOSPHATES AS SUBSTRATES." , comment "[CATALYTIC ACTIVITY] N NUCLEOSIDE TRIPHOSPHATE = N PYROPHOSPHATE + RNA(N)." , comment "[SUBUNIT] RNA POLYMERASE II CONSISTS OF 12 DIFFERENT SUBUNITS. THIS SUBUNIT IS THE LARGEST COMPONENT OF RNA POLYMERASE II." , comment "[SUBCELLULAR LOCATION] NUCLEAR." , comment "[PTM] THE TANDEM 7 RESIDUES REPEATS CAN BE HIGHLY PHOSPHORYLATED. THE PHOSPHORYLATION ACTIVATES POL2." , comment "[MISCELLANEOUS] THREE DISTINCT ZINC-CONTAINING RNA POLYMERASES ARE FOUND IN EUKARYOTIC NUCLEI: POLYMERASE I FOR THE RIBOSOMAL RNA PRECURSOR, POLYMERASE II FOR THE MRNA PRECURSOR, AND POLYMERASE III FOR 5S AND TRNA GENES." , comment "[SIMILARITY] BELONGS TO THE RNA POLYMERASE BETA' CHAIN FAMILY." , sp { class standard , extra-acc { "Q12364" , "Q92315" } , seqref { gi 4397 , gi 4398 , gi 1419218 , gi 1419221 , gi 1431216 , gi 1431217 , gi 886080 , gi 886082 , gi 2144431 } , dbref { { db "SGD" , tag str "L0001744" } , { db "PFAM" , tag str "PF00623" } , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 394 of 421 18/04/2005 { db "PROSITE" , tag str "PS00115" } } , keywords { "Transferase" , "DNA-directed RNA polymerase" , "Transcription" , "Zinc" , "Repeat" , "DNA-binding" , "Nuclear protein" , "Phosphorylation" , "Zinc-finger" } , created std { year 1986 , month 11 , day 1 } , sequpd std { year 1997 , month 11 , day 1 } , annotupd std { year 1999 , month 7 , day 15 } } , create-date std { year 1986 , month 11 , day 1 } , update-date std { year 1999 , month 7 , day 15 } , source { org { taxname "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" , common "baker's yeast" , db { { db "taxon" , tag id 4932 } } , orgname { name binomial { genus "Saccharomyces" , species "cerevisiae" } , lineage "Eukaryota; Fungi; Ascomycota; Saccharomycotina; Saccharomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Saccharomyces" , gcode 1 , mgcode 3 , div "PLN" } } } , molinfo { biomol peptide , completeness complete } , pub { pub { gen { serial-number 1 } , muid 85282617 , article { title { name "Extensive homology among the largest subunits of eukaryotic and prokaryotic RNA polymerases." } , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 395 of 421 18/04/2005 authors { names std { { name name { last "Allison" , initials "L.A." } } , { name name { last "Moyle" , initials "M." } } , { name name { last "Shales" , initials "M." } } , { name name { last "Ingles" , initials "C.J." } } } } , from journal { title { iso-jta "Cell" , ml-jta "Cell" , issn "0092-8674" , name "Cell." } , imp { date std { year 1985 , month 9 } , volume "42" , issue "2" , pages "599-610" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 3896517 , medline 85282617 } } , pmid 3896517 } , comment "SEQUENCE FROM N.A.~STRAIN=A364A" } , pub { pub { gen { serial-number 2 } , muid 97127826 , article { title { name "Analysis of a 26,756 bp segment from the left arm of yeast chromosome IV." } , authors { names std { { name name { last "Wolfl" , initials "S." } } , { name name { last "Hanemann" , initials "V." } } , { name name { last "Saluz" , initials "H.P." } } } , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 396 of 421 18/04/2005 affil str "Hans-Knoll-Institut fur Naturstoff-Forschung, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Jena, Germany." } , from journal { title { iso-jta "Yeast" , ml-jta "Yeast" , issn "0749-503X" , name "Yeast (Chichester, England)" } , imp { date std { year 1996 , month 12 } , volume "12" , issue "15" , pages "1549-1554" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 8972577 , medline 97127826 } } , pmid 8972577 } , comment "SEQUENCE FROM N.A.~STRAIN=S288C / FY1679" } , pub { pub { gen { serial-number 3 } , muid 95377607 , article { title { name "The gene encoding the biotin-apoprotein ligase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae." } , authors { names std { { name name { last "Cronan" , initials "J.E." , suffix "Jr." } } , { name name { last "Wallace" , initials "J.C." } } } , affil str "Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois, Urbana 6180, USA." } , from journal { title { iso-jta "FEMS Microbiol. Lett." , ml-jta "FEMS Microbiol Lett" , issn "0378-1097" , name "FEMS microbiology letters." } , imp { date std { year 1995 , month 8 , day 1 } , volume "130" , issue "2-3" , pages "221-229" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 7649444 , medline 95377607 } } , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 397 of 421 18/04/2005 pmid 7649444 } , comment "SEQUENCE OF 1669-1733 FROM N.A.~STRAIN=S288C" } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 1733 , seq-data ncbieaa "MVGQQYSSAPLRTVKEVQFGLFSPEEVRAISVAKIRFPETMDETQTRAKIGGLNDPRLGSIDR NLKCQTCQEGMNECPGHFGHIDLAKPVFHVGFIAKIKKVCECVCMHCGKLLLDEHNELMRQALAIKDSKKR FAAIWTL CKTKMVCETDVPSEDDPTQLVSRGGCGNTQPTIRKDGLKLVGSWKKDRATGDADEPELRVLSTEEILNIFK HISVKDF TSLGFNEVFSRPEWMILTCLPVPPPPVRPSISFNESQRGEDDLTFKLADILKANISLETLEHNGAPHHAIE EAESLLQ FHVATYMDNDIAGQPQALQKSGRPVKSIRARLKGKEGRIRGNLMGKRVDFSARTVISGDPNLELDQVGVPK SIAKTLT YPEVVTPYNIDRLTQLVRNGPNEHPGAKYVIRDSGDRIDLRYSKRAGDIQLQYGWKVERHIMDNDPVLFNR QPSLHKM SMMAHRVKVIPYSTFRLNLSVTSPYNADFDGDEMNLHVPQSEETRAELSQLCAVPLQIVSPQSNKPCMGIV QDTLCGI RKLTLRDTFIELDQVLNMLYWVPDWDGVIPTPAIIKPKPLWSGKQILSVAIPNGIHLQRFDEGTTLLSPKD NGMLIID GQIIFGVVEKKTVGSSNGGLIHVVTREKGPQVCAKLFGNIQKVVNFWLLHNGFSTGIGDTIADGPTMREIT ETIAEAK KKVLDVTKEAQANLLTAKHGMTLRESFEDNVVRFLNEARDKAGRLAEVNLKDLNNVKQMVMAGSKGSFINI AQMSACV GQQSVEGKRIAFGFVDRTLPHFSKDDYSPESKGFVENSYLRGLTPQEFFFHAMGGREGLIDTAVKTAETGY IQRRLVK ALEDIMVHYDNTTRNSLGNVIQFIYGEDGMDAAHIEKQSLDTIGGSDAAFEKRYRVDLLNTDHTLDPSLLE SGSEILG DLKLQVLLDEEYKQLVKDRKFLREVFVDGEANWPLPVNIRRIIQNAQQTFHIDHTKPSDLTIKDIVLGVKD LQENLLV LRGKNEIIQNAQRDAVTLFCCLLRSRLATRRVLQEYRLTKQAFDWVLSNIEAQFLRSVVHPGEMVGVLAAQ SIGEPAT QMTLNTFHFAGVASKKVTSGVPRLKEILNVAKNMKTPSLTVYLEPGHAADQEQAKLIRSAIEHTTLKSVTI ASEIYYD PDPRSTVIPEDEEIIQLHFSLLDEEAEQSFDQQSPWLLRLELDRAAMNDKDLTMGQVGERIKQTFKNDLFV IWSEDND EKLIIRCRVVRPKSLDAETEAEEDHMLKKIENTMLENITLRGVENIERVVMMKYDRKVPSPTGEYVKEPEW VLETDGV NLSEVMTVPGIDPTRIYTNSFIDIMEVLGIEAGRAALYKEVYNVIASDGSYVNYRHMALLVDVMTTQGGLT SVTRHGF NRSNTGALMRCSFEETVEILFEAGASAELDDCRGVSENVILGQMAPIGTGAFDVMIDEESLVKYMPEQKIT EIEDGQD GGVTPYSNESGLVNADLDVKDELMFSPLVDSGSNDAMAGGFTAYGGADYGEATSPFGAYGEAPTSPGFGVS SPGFSPT SPTYSPTSPAYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTS PSYSPTS PSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPAYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSPSYSPTSP NYSPTSP SYSPTSPGYSPGSPAYSPKQDEQKHNENENSR" , hist { replaces { date std { year 1997 , month 10 , day 9 } , ids { gi 133330 } } } } , annot { { data ftable { { data region "Zinc finger region" , comment "C2H2-TYPE (POTENTIAL)." , location int { from 66 , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 398 of 421 18/04/2005 to 82 , id gi 2507347 } , exp-ev not-experimental } , { data region "Domain" , comment "CARBOXYL-TERMINAL 7-RESIDUE REPEATS." , location int { from 1543 , to 1718 , id gi 2507347 } , exp-ev experimental } , { data region "Variant" , comment "MISSING (IN STRAIN A364A)." , location int { from 1652 , to 1658 , id gi 2507347 } , exp-ev experimental } , { data region "Conflict" , comment "A -> V (IN REF. 1)." , location pnt { point 1513 , id gi 2507347 } , exp-ev experimental } , { data region "Conflict" , comment "G -> A (IN REF. 1)." , location pnt { point 1523 , id gi 2507347 } , exp-ev experimental } , { data region "Conflict" , comment "T -> M (IN REF. 1)." , location pnt { point 1600 , id gi 2507347 } , exp-ev experimental } , { data gene { locus "RPB1" , syn { "RPO21" , "RPB220" , "SUA8" , "YDL140C" , "D2150" } } , location int { from 0 , to 1732 , id gi 2507347 } } , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 399 of 421 18/04/2005 { data prot { name { <=============ACCDB/title "DNA-DIRECTED RNA POLYMERASE II LARGEST SUBUNIT" } , ec { "" } } , location int { from 0 , to 1732 , id gi 2507347 } } } } } } Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 400 of 421 18/04/2005 Example EMBL record Seq-entry ::= set { level 1 , class nuc-prot , descr { pub { pub { gen { cit "Unpublished" , authors { names std { { name name { last "Drebot" , initials "M.A." } } , { name name { last "Jansma" , initials "D." } } , { name name { last "Himmelfarb" , initials "H.J." } } , { name name { last "Friesen" , initials "J.D." } } } } , title "Suppressors of yeast RNA polymerase II mutations belong to a family of gene products that interact with a protein kinase" } } } , pub { pub { sub { authors { names std { { name name { last "Jansma" , initials "D." } } } , affil str "David Jansma, Genetics, Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University, Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X8, Canada" } , medium other , date std { year 1992 , month 7 , day 28 } } } } , create-date std { year 1992 , month 12 , day 11 } , update-date std { year 1993 , month 3 , day 12 } , source { org { taxname "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 401 of 421 18/04/2005 common "baker's yeast" , db { { db "taxon" , tag id 4932 } } , orgname { name binomial { genus "Saccharomyces" , species "cerevisiae" } , mod { { subtype isolate , subname "Mating type a" } } , lineage "Eukaryota; Fungi; Ascomycota; Saccharomycotina; Saccharomycetes; Saccharomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae; Saccharomyces" , gcode 1 , mgcode 3 , div "PLN" } } , subtype { { subtype chromosome , name "7" } } } } , seq-set { seq { id { embl { name "SCSPM2" ,<==============================ACCDB/name accession "Z14128" ,<========================ACCDB/accession version 1 } ,<==================================ACCDB/version gi 287914 } , descr { title "S.cerevisiae spm2+ gene for spm2+ protein" , embl { div fun , creation-date std { year 1992 , month 12 , day 11 } , update-date std { year 1993 , month 3 , day 12 } , keywords { "CDC68/SPT16 protein" , "spm2+ gene" , "spm2+ protein" } , xref { { dbname name "SGD" , id { str "L0001891" , str "SIP2" } } , { dbname code swissprot , id { str "P34164" , str "SIP2_YEAST" } } } } , molinfo { biomol genomic } } , inst { repr raw , mol dna , length 2032 , seq-data ncbi2na Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 402 of 421 18/04/2005 '00F965EC6C171E0103E3BFD06B54022FC17F9A55FFCDD14FFD770607B4E 0107C933066C7C4C8C8F0323053933470724DB4E0C91BF973183E69693ADFF33E757E85 8B023F1 7E6FF68DB4037FCA80A303114423D7A80E00B3780C3EE7FE82AC78892E0BF73AB1C610B 4D49500 024041000BB6E45CD38B86F2200152439D0A798164203A39EE24202F1E0789F0303BD23 D50866A 925F42A2A373C50000361BCF9E6E38A18951CE502737BCE8079EE847877AB7DB71C98E3 822A233 CF9521848950908E52D78E38D9D294F7D952228A841240C6E50209F6A2B50B80D089D3C 3AF56E8 8C2BA490AEBD00BF1B84A74F4503A28038DAFE3178F78430E9D3F4EE09C29E7D4A444C8 F48FCCB A30E27C8BCB8FD7951241E348EA01F6D0F1320B4A4148000541C180230AD428248F5398 5D51498 D8D743E77903EB0A35218FFAE1A3310AFD38237B45485D6FA0CC41213D596EFC7856DED 3A0631C F317E8DB4902431E31B4E9E114550F175D2FA20EF37E0C0C739464214BD062041D299DE 54F5814 EEB9F051FAF1CB24F0910C47FBB25D4DBD8CC0480CED1523DFCC654C8B5DB0D6A3D71FF C0A6CFB 333FFA49CE911C3F73F50FCBB0922332093304C38FC70EA74B1DD0E7CFBCD1014631C31 5A0B66E 37FFFFF6803883651FF706020CF80DF0CFAE208A0C02C9C222D1A8700AC00BD273D41FC 75FDE33 E45FDB81E9F6ECFC2E0CE'H , hist { replaces { date std { year 1993 , month 6 , day 11 } , ids { gi 4525 } } } } , annot { { data ftable { { data pub { pub { muid 92017853 , article { title { name "CDC68, a yeast gene that affects regulation of cell proliferation and transcription, encodes a protein with a highly acidic carboxyl terminus." } , authors { names std { { name name { last "Rowley" , initials "A." } } , { name name { last "Singer" , initials "R.A." } } , { name name { last "Johnston" , initials "G.C." } } } , affil str "Department of Microbiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada." } , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 403 of 421 18/04/2005 from journal { title { iso-jta "Mol. Cell. Biol." , ml-jta "Mol Cell Biol" , issn "0270-7306" , name "Molecular and cellular biology." } , imp { date std { year 1991 , month 11 } , volume "11" , issue "11" , pages "5718-5726" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 1833637 , medline 92017853 } } , pmid 1833637 } } , location int { from 1282 , to 2031 , id gi 287914 } } , { data gene { locus "spm2+" } , location int { from 398 , to 1645 , id gi 287914 } } } } } } , seq { id { embl { accession "CAA78503" , version 1 } , gi 287915 } , descr { title "spm2+ [Saccharomyces cerevisiae]" , molinfo { biomol peptide } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 415 , seq-data ncbieaa "MGTTTSHPAQKKQTTKKCRAPIMSDVREKPSNAQGCEPQEMDAVSKKVTELSLNKCSDS QDAGQPSREGSITKKKSTLLLRDEDEPTMPKLSVMETAVDTDSGSSSTSDDEEGDIIAQTTEPKQDASPDD DRSGHSS PREEGQQQIRAKEASGGPSEIKSSLMVPVEIRWQQGGSKVYVTGSFTKWRKMIGLIPDSDNNGSFHVKLRL LPGTHRF RFIVDNELRVSDFLPTATDQMGNFVNYIEVRQPEKNPTNEKIRSKEADSMRPPTSDRSSIALQIGKDPDDF GDGYTRF HEDLSPRPPLEYTTDIPAVFTDPSVMERYYYTLDRQQSNTDTSWLTPPQLPPQLENVILNKYYATQDQFNE NNSGALP IPNHVVLNHLVTSSIKHNTLCVASIVRYKQKYVTQILYTPIESS" , hist { replaces { date std { year 1993 , month 6 , day 11 } , ids { gi 4526 } } } } , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 404 of 421 18/04/2005 annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "spm2+" } , activity { "Wild-type version of SPM2,a dominant extragenic suppressor of some temperature-sensitve mutations in RPO21 and PRP4." } } , location whole gi 287915 } } } } } , seq { id { embl { accession "CAA78504" , version 1 } , gi 4388554 } , descr { title "CDC68 /SPT16 [Saccharomyces cerevisiae]" , molinfo { biomol peptide , completeness partial } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 1 , seq-data ncbieaa "M" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "CDC68 /SPT16" } } , partial TRUE , location whole gi 4388554 } } } } } } , annot { { data ftable { { data cdregion { frame one , code { id 1 } } , product whole gi 287915 , location int { from 398 , to 1645 , id gi 287914 } , dbxref { { db "SWISS-PROT" , tag str "P34164" } } } , { data Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 405 of 421 18/04/2005 cdregion { frame one , code { id 1 } } , partial TRUE , product whole gi 4388554 , location int { from 2029 , to 2031 , id gi 287914 , fuzz-to lim gt } , cit pub { muid 92017853 } } } } } } Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 406 of 421 18/04/2005 Example PDB record Seq-entry ::= set { class pdb-entry , descr { pdb { deposition std { year 1992 , month 4 , day 3 } , class "Isomerase(Intramolecular Oxidoreductse)" , compound { "D-Xylose Isomerase (E.C. Mutant With Glu 186 Replaced By Gln (E186Q) Complex With Xylose And Mn" } , source { "(Actinoplanes missouriensis) E186Q Mutant Gene Expressed In (Escherichia coli)" } , exp-method "X-Ray Diffraction" } , comment "Revision History:~JUL 15 93 Initial Entry" , pub { pub { sub { authors { names std { { name name { last "Janin" , full "J.Janin" , initials "J." } } } } , date std { year 1992 , month 4 , day 3 } } } } , pub { pub { muid 92304915 , article { title { name "Protein engineering of xylose (glucose) isomerase from Actinoplanes missouriensis. 1. Crystallography and site-directed mutagenesis of metal binding sites." } , authors { names str { "J.Jenkins" , "J.Janin" , "F.Rey" , "M.Chiadmi" , "H.van Tilbeurgh" , "I.Lasters" , "M.De Maeyer" , "D.Van Belle" , "S.J.Wodak" , "M.Lauwereys" , "P.Stanssens" , "N.T.Mrabet" , "J.Snauwaert" , "G.Matthyssens" , "A.-M.Lambeir" } } , from journal { title { Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 407 of 421 18/04/2005 iso-jta "Biochemistry" , ml-jta "Biochemistry" , issn "0006-2960" , name "Biochemistry." } , imp { date std { year 1992 , month 6 , day 23 } , volume "31" , issue "24" , pages "5449-5458" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 1610791 , medline 92304915 } } , pmid 1610791 } } , pub { pub { muid 92304916 , article { title { name "Protein engineering of xylose (glucose) isomerase from Actinoplanes missouriensis. 2. Site-directed mutagenesis of the xylose binding site." } , authors { names str { "A.-M.Lambeir" , "M.Lauwereys" , "P.Stanssens" , "N.T.Mrabet" , "J.Snauwaert" , "H.van Tilbeurgh" , "G.Matthyssens" , "I.Lasters" , "M.De Maeyer" , "S.J.Wodak" , "J.Jenkins" , "M.Chiadmi" , "J.Janin" } } , from journal { title { iso-jta "Biochemistry" , ml-jta "Biochemistry" , issn "0006-2960" , name "Biochemistry." } , imp { date std { year 1992 , month 6 , day 23 } , volume "31" , issue "24" , pages "5459-5466" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 1610792 , medline 92304916 } } , pmid 1610792 } } , pub { pub { muid 92304917 , article { title { name "Protein engineering of xylose (glucose) isomerase from Actinoplanes missouriensis. 3. Changing metal specificity and the pH Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 408 of 421 18/04/2005 profile by site-directed mutagenesis." } , authors { names std { { name name { last "van Tilbeurgh" , initials "H." } } , { name name { last "Jenkins" , initials "J." } } , { name name { last "Chiadmi" , initials "M." } } , { name name { last "Janin" , initials "J." } } , { name name { last "Wodak" , initials "S.J." } } , { name name { last "Mrabet" , initials "N.T." } } , { name name { last "Lambeir" , initials "A.M." } } } , affil str "Plant Genetic Systems N.V., Gent, Belgium." } , from journal { title { iso-jta "Biochemistry" , ml-jta "Biochemistry" , issn "0006-2960" , name "Biochemistry." } , imp { date std { year 1992 , month 6 , day 23 } , volume "31" , issue "24" , pages "5467-5471" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 1610793 , medline 92304917 } } , pmid 1610793 } } , pub { pub { muid 92172844 , article { title { name "Arginine residues as stabilizing elements in proteins." } , authors { names Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 409 of 421 18/04/2005 str { "N.T.Mrabet" , "A.Van Den Broek" , "I.Van Den Brande" , "P.Stanssens" , "Y.Laroche" , "A.-M.Lambeir" , "G.Matthijssens" , "J.Jenkins" , "M.Chiadmi" , "H.van Tilbeurgh" , "F.Rey" , "J.Janin" , "W.J.Quax" , "I.Lasters" , "M.De Maeyer" , "S.J.Wodak" } } , from journal { title { iso-jta "Biochemistry" , ml-jta "Biochemistry" , issn "0006-2960" , name "Biochemistry." } , imp { date std { year 1992 , month 3 , day 3 } , volume "31" , issue "8" , pages "2239-2253" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 1540579 , medline 92172844 } } , pmid 1540579 } } , pub { pub { muid 89184498 , article { title { name "Structural analysis of the 2.8 A model of Xylose isomerase from Actinoplanes missouriensis." } , authors { names std { { name name { last "Rey" , initials "F." } } , { name name { last "Jenkins" , initials "J." } } , { name name { last "Janin" , initials "J." } } , { name name { last "Lasters" , initials "I." } } , { name name { Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 410 of 421 18/04/2005 last "Alard" , initials "P." } } , { name name { last "Claessens" , initials "M." } } , { name name { last "Matthyssens" , initials "G." } } , { name name { last "Wodak" , initials "S." } } } , affil str "Laboratoire de Biologie Physicochimique, Universite Paris Sud, Orsay, France." } , from journal { title { iso-jta "Proteins" , ml-jta "Proteins" , issn "0887-3585" , name "Proteins." } , imp { date std { year 1988 } , volume "4" , issue "3" , pages "165-172" , language "eng" } } , ids { pubmed 3237716 , medline 89184498 } } , pmid 3237716 } } } , seq-set { seq { id { pdb { mol "9XIM" ,<===================================ACCDB/name chain 65 ,<====================================ACCDB/chain rel std { year 1992 , ,<===========================ACCDB/release month 4 , day 3 } } , gi 443580 } , descr { // record truncated Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 411 of 421 18/04/2005 Example Biostruc An example of the ASN biostruc. Some data has been removed for the sake of brevity. Biostruc ::= { id { mmdb-id 2 } descr { name "101D" pdb-comment pdb-comment pdb-comment pdb-comment pdb-comment pdb-comment pdb-comment pdb-comment pdb-comment , , "remark "remark "remark "remark "remark "remark "remark "remark "remark 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 0" 3: Refinement." , Program Nuclsq" , Authors Westhof,Dumas,Moras" , R Value 0.163" , Free R Value 0.252" , Number Of Reflections 2430" , Resolution Range 8.0 - 2.25 Angstroms" , Data Cutoff 2.0 Sigma(F)" , Number Of Protein Atoms , Number Of Nucleic Acid Atoms pdb-comment "remark 488" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Number Of Solvent Atoms 33" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Rms Deviations From Ideal Values (The Values Of" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Sigma, In Parentheses, Are The Input Estimated" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Standard Deviations That Determine The Relative" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Weights Of The Corresponding Restraints)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Distance Restraints (Angstroms)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Sugar-Base Bond Distance 0.024(0.030)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Sugar-Base Bond Angle Distance 0.040(0.040)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Phosphate Bond Distance 0.026(0.040)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Phosphate Bond Angle Distance, H-Bond 0.057(0.050)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Plane Restraint (Angstroms) 0.014(0.020)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Chiral-Center Restraint (Angstroms3) 0.161(0.150)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Non-Bonded Contact Restraints (Angstroms)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Single Torsion Contact 0.093(0.100)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Multiple Torsion Contact 0.097(0.100)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Isotropic Thermal Factor Restraints (Angstroms2)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Sugar-Base Bond 4.282(6.000)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Sugar-Base Angle 4.990(6.000)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Phosphate Bond 5.693(6.000)" , pdb-comment "remark 3: Phosphate Bond Angle, H-Bond 5.227(6.000)" , pdb-comment "remark 101: Residue +c A 9 Has Br Bonded To C5." , pdb-comment "remark 101: Residue +c B 21 Has Br Bonded To C5." , pdb-comment "remark 105: The Protein Data Bank Has Adopted The Saccharide Chemists" , pdb-comment "remark 105: Nomenclature For Atoms Of The DeoxyriboseRIBOSE MOIETY" , pdb-comment "remark 105: Rather Than That Of The Nucleoside Chemists. The Ring" , pdb-comment "remark 105: Oxygen Atom Is Labelled O4 Instead Of O1." , pdb-comment "remark 106: The Hydrogen Bonds Between Base Pairs In This Entry Follow" , pdb-comment "remark 106: The Conventional Watson-Crick Hydrogen Bonding Pattern." , pdb-comment "remark 106: They Have Not Been Presented On Conect Records In This" , pdb-comment "remark 106: Entry." , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 412 of 421 18/04/2005 history { data-source { name-of-database "Protein Data Bank" , version-of-database release-date std { year 1995 , month 2 , day 28 } , database-entry-id other-database { db "PDB" , tag str "101D" } , database-entry-date std { year 1994 , month 12 , day 14 } } } , attribution sub { authors { names std { { name name { last "Goodsell" , full "D.S.Goodsell" , initials "D.S." } } , { name name { last "Kopka" , full "M.L.Kopka" , initials "M.L." } } , { name name { last "Dickerson" , full "R.E.Dickerson" , initials "R.E." } } } } , imp { date std { year 1994 , month 12 , day 14 } } } , attribution gen { cit "To Be Published" , authors { names std { { name name { last "Goodsell" , full "D.S.Goodsell" , initials "D.S." } } , { name name { last "Kopka" , full "M.L.Kopka" , initials "M.L." } } , { name name { last "Dickerson" , full "R.E.Dickerson" , initials "R.E." } } } } , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 413 of 421 18/04/2005 title "Refinement Of Netropsin Bound To Dna: Bias And Feedback In Electron Density Map Interpretation" } , attribution equiv { muid 85264810 , article { title { name "Binding of an antitumor drug to DNA, Netropsin and C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-BrC-G-C-G." } , authors { names std { { name name { last "Kopka" , initials "M.L." } } , { name name { last "Yoon" , initials "C." } } , { name name { last "Goodsell" , initials "D." } } , { name name { last "Pjura" , initials "P." } } , { name name { last "Dickerson" , initials "R.E." } } } } , from journal { title { iso-jta "J. Mol. Biol." , ml-jta "J Mol Biol" , issn "0022-2836" , jta "J6V" } , imp { date std { year 1985 , month 6 , day 25 } , volume "183" , issue "4" , pages "553-563" } } } } } , chemical-graph { descr { name "Dna (5'-D(CpGpCpGpApApTpTp(Br)cpGpCpG)-3') Complexed With Netropsin, Re-Refinement" , pdb-class "Deoxyribonucleic Acid" , pdb-source "Synthetic" , assembly-type other } , molecule-graphs { { id 1 , descr { name "A" , pdb-comment "SEQRES" , molecule-type dna , organism { org { taxname "synthetic construct" , db { { Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 414 of 421 db "taxon" , tag id 32630 } } , orgname { name partial { { fixed-level other , level "species" , name "synthetic construct" } } lineage "artificial sequence" , gcode 11 , div "SYN" } } } } , seq-id gi 996094 , residue-sequence { { id 1 , name " 1 " , residue-graph standard { biostruc-residue-graph-set-id other-database { db "Standard residue dictionary" tag id 1 } , residue-graph-id 66 } } , { id 5 , name " 5 " , residue-graph standard { biostruc-residue-graph-set-id other-database { db "Standard residue dictionary" tag id 1 } , residue-graph-id 61 } } , { id 8 , name " 8 " , residue-graph standard { biostruc-residue-graph-set-id other-database { db "Standard residue dictionary" tag id 1 } , residue-graph-id 70 } } , { id 9 , name " 9 " , residue-graph local 1 } , { id 10 , name " 10 " , residue-graph standard { biostruc-residue-graph-set-id other-database { db "Standard residue dictionary" tag id 1 } , residue-graph-id 67 } } , { id 11 , name " 11 " , residue-graph standard { biostruc-residue-graph-set-id other-database { 18/04/2005 , , , , , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 415 of 421 18/04/2005 db "Standard residue dictionary" , tag id 1 } , residue-graph-id 64 } } , { id 12 , name " 12 " , residue-graph standard { biostruc-residue-graph-set-id other-database { db "Standard residue dictionary" , tag id 1 } , residue-graph-id 68 } } } , inter-residue-bonds { { atom-id-1 { molecule-id 1 , residue-id 11 , atom-id 9 } , atom-id-2 { molecule-id 1 , residue-id 12 , atom-id 1 } } } } , { id 2 , descr { name "B" , pdb-comment "SEQRES" , molecule-type dna , organism { org { taxname "synthetic construct" , db { { db "taxon" , tag id 32630 } } , orgname { name partial { { fixed-level other , level "species" , name "synthetic construct" } } , lineage "artificial sequence" , gcode 11 , div "SYN" } } } } , seq-id gi 996095 , residue-sequence { { id 9 , name " 21 " , residue-graph local 1 } , { id 10 , name " 22 " , residue-graph standard { biostruc-residue-graph-set-id other-database { db "Standard residue dictionary" , tag id 1 } , residue-graph-id 67 } } , { id 12 , name " 24 " , residue-graph Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 416 of 421 18/04/2005 standard { biostruc-residue-graph-set-id other-database { db "Standard residue dictionary" , tag id 1 } , residue-graph-id 68 } } } , inter-residue-bonds { { atom-id-1 { molecule-id 2 , residue-id 1 , atom-id 6 } , atom-id-2 { molecule-id 2 , residue-id 2 , atom-id 1 } } , { atom-id-1 { molecule-id 2 , residue-id 11 , atom-id 9 } , atom-id-2 { molecule-id 2 , residue-id 12 , atom-id 1 } } } } , { id 3 , descr { name "1" , molecule-type other-nonpolymer } , residue-sequence { { id 1 , name " 9 " , residue-graph local 2 } } } , { id 4 , descr { name "2" , molecule-type other-nonpolymer } , residue-sequence { { id 1 , name " 21 " , residue-graph local 2 } } } , { id 38 , descr { name "3" , molecule-type solvent } , residue-sequence { { id 1 , name " 58 " , residue-graph local 5 } } } , { id 39 , descr { name "3" , molecule-type solvent } , residue-sequence { { id 1 , name " 59 " , residue-graph local 5 } } } } , inter-molecule-bonds { { Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 417 of 421 18/04/2005 atom-id-1 { molecule-id 1 , residue-id 9 , atom-id 18 } , atom-id-2 { molecule-id 3 , residue-id 1 , atom-id 1 } } , { atom-id-1 { molecule-id 2 , residue-id 9 , atom-id 18 } , atom-id-2 { molecule-id 4 , residue-id 1 , atom-id 1 } } } , residue-graphs { { id 1 , descr { name " +C DNA" , pdb-comment "" } , residue-type deoxyribonucleotide , iupac-code { "N" } , atoms { { id 1 , name " P " , iupac-code { " P " } , element p } , { id 18 , name " C5 " , iupac-code { " C5 " } , element c } , { id 19 , name " C6 " , iupac-code { " C6 " } , element c } } , bonds { { atom-id-1 16 , atom-id-2 17 , bond-order unknown } , { atom-id-1 16 , atom-id-2 18 , bond-order unknown } } } , { id 2 , descr { name " BR" , pdb-comment "Bromine" } , residue-type other , iupac-code { "X" } , atoms { { id 1 , name "BR " , iupac-code { "BR " } , element br } } , bonds { } } , { Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 418 of 421 18/04/2005 id 3 , descr { name " NT" , pdb-comment "Netropsin" } , residue-type other , iupac-code { "X" } , atoms { { id 1 , name " C1 " , iupac-code { " C1 " } , element c } , { id 5 , name " C2 " , iupac-code { " C2 " } , element c } , { id 31 , name " N10" , iupac-code { " N10" } , element n } } , bonds { { atom-id-1 1 , atom-id-2 2 , bond-order unknown } , { atom-id-1 1 , atom-id-2 3 , bond-order unknown } , { atom-id-1 12 , atom-id-2 14 , bond-order unknown } , { atom-id-1 29 , atom-id-2 31 , bond-order unknown } } } , { id 4 , descr { name "MO3" , pdb-comment "Magnesium Ion, 3 Waters Coordinated" } , residue-type other , iupac-code { "X" } , atoms { { id 1 , name "MG " , iupac-code { "MG " } , element mg } , { id 2 , name " O1 " , iupac-code { " O1 " } , element o } , { id 3 , name " O2 " , iupac-code { " O2 " } , element o } , { id 4 , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 419 of 421 18/04/2005 name " O3 " , iupac-code { " O3 " } , element o } } , bonds { { atom-id-1 1 , atom-id-2 2 , bond-order unknown } , { atom-id-1 1 , atom-id-2 3 , bond-order unknown } , { atom-id-1 1 , atom-id-2 4 , bond-order unknown } } } , { id 5 , descr { name "HOH" , pdb-comment "" } , residue-type other , iupac-code { "X" } , atoms { { id 1 , name " O " , iupac-code { " O " } , element o } } , bonds { } } } } , model { { id 3 , type pdb-model , descr { name "Model 1 from PDB entry 101D" , pdb-reso "Resolution: 2.25" , pdb-method "X-Ray Diffraction" , pdb-comment "FEB 27 95 Initial Entry" } , model-space { coordinate-units angstroms , thermal-factor-units b } , model-coordinates { { id 1 , coordinates literal atomic { number-of-points 556 , atoms { number-of-ptrs 556 , molecule-ids { 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 5 , 5 , 5 , 6 , 6 , 6 , Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 420 of 421 18/04/2005 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 12 , 12 , 12 , 12 , 12 , 1 , 1 , 1 } } , sites { scale-factor 1000 , x { 18598 , 19853 , 20375 , 16812 } , y { 34469 , 34632 , 33233 , 30694 } , z { 24672 , 22605 , 8518 , -2033 , 26343 } } , temperature-factors isotropic { scale-factor 1000 , b { 23239 , 24930 } } } } } } } } Version 3.3 The SeqHound Manual 421 of 421 18/04/2005 GO background material Please see:} Version 3.3

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