User Manual: cat.domular 3000

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1Bitron Video begins its industrial venture with thepurpose of designing, manufacturing and distributingvideo doorphone devices and systems, a great idea anda challenging innovation that dates as far back as 1967.The clear knowledge of the market readiness to acceptinnovative propositions - for systems of greaterperformance in all operational conditions - promptedBitron Video to develop and propose a new approach tocomfort and security. The immediate success among thepublic soon brought the Company to the attention ofbusiness operators in the electric market, bothdomestically and internationally.With relentless research, Bitron Video eliminated theneed of coaxial cables for video doorphone installations,and introduced the thin, flat-screen monitors as early asthe 80’s. Not even a decade thereafter, in the 90’s,Bitron Video hits another ‘first’ with the introduction ofcolour monitors using LCD screens with active crystals.Thanks to its consolidated know-how, Bitron Video is –since a long time - a renowned and well-respectedItalian market leader enjoying excellent reputationworld-wide.The Products LineBetween Comprehensivenessand QualityDoorphones and Video doorphonesBitron Video’s vast and exhaustive line of advancedproducts offers professional solutions for all needs, fromreliable kits to the most complex installations ofsophisticated performance. CCTVSince the early times of its activity, Bitron Video hasplayed an important role for professional CCTV installersin the domestic market. Strengthened by many years ofspecific experience, Bitron Video is now stepping outand offering a comprehensive range of professionalCCTV products to its International Clientele.Professional TutoringSince its very origins, Bitron Video has lived to its beliefthat all professional customers – the Installers – mustbe constantly updated on the latest technologies andmarket trends. To achieve such a vital goal, a team ofprofessional trainers offers educational seminars atvarious levels to meet the needs of sales managers,installation engineers, repair and maintenancepersonnel alike. All courses are supported with audio-visual materials and practical sessions, as needed.Bitron Video’s 35-year history of experience andtechnical excellency are made available to allProfessionals to heighten their skill and to support theirgrowth and success. Your success is our success!

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