V1.2 PiHPSDR Controller Users Guide Pi HPSDR

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Apache Labs LLC
piHPSDR Controller
Users Guide

John Melton GØORX/N6LYT

pihpsdr v1.2

Contents - piHPSDR Controller Users Guide
1. Controller connection requirements.................................................................................................5

Network LAN Connection................................................................................................5
Controller Hardware requirements..................................................................................5
Controller software requirements:...................................................................................6
2. Front panel controls..........................................................................................................................7

Default assignments of switches and rotary encoders......................................................7
3. Front Panel Display...........................................................................................................................8
4. Side panel connections.....................................................................................................................9
5. Quick Start Instructions.................................................................................................................10

Hardware Setup...........................................................................................................10
Software Setup............................................................................................................10
6. Discovery Menu...............................................................................................................................11

Discover Ethernet Connections to RPi............................................................................11
Pihpsdr program START button.....................................................................................12
7. Main Menu.......................................................................................................................................13

Menu → Exit................................................................................................................14
Menu → Hide..............................................................................................................15
E1, E2, E3 Click-Set Assignments..................................................................................16
Menu → Radio.............................................................................................................17
Menu → Receive (individual receiver settings)...............................................................18
RaspberryPi (Audio Device Settings)..............................................................................20
Menu → TX with USB Input Source...............................................................................21
Menu → PA Gain by Band.............................................................................................22
Menu → CW................................................................................................................23
Menu → ANT...............................................................................................................24
Menu → DSP...............................................................................................................25
Menu → OC Open Collector Aux I/O connectors............................................................26
Menu → FreeDV..........................................................................................................27
Menu → Display..........................................................................................................28
Menu → Display (continued)........................................................................................29
Menu → XVTR.............................................................................................................30
Menu → Equalizers......................................................................................................31
Menu → Step..............................................................................................................32
Menu → Meter – now includes new Analog S-Meter.......................................................33
Menu → VOX...............................................................................................................34
Menu → FFT................................................................................................................35
Menu → About............................................................................................................37
8. On-Screen Controls and toolbar Buttons........................................................................................38

Touch Direct Frequency Entry.......................................................................................39
Toolbar – Function button............................................................................................40
There are eight (8) switches on the pihpsdr Controller...................................................40
The functions are arranged in four groups.....................................................................40
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Switches S1 through S6 change function as you push the FN key...................................40
Toolbar – Function menu selections..............................................................................41
Four Function menus – select with Function button or front panel FN switch...................41
Function Group 1.........................................................................................................42
Toolbar → MOX...........................................................................................................42
Toolbar → BAND VFO-A...............................................................................................43
Toolbar → Band Stack for VFO-A selected.....................................................................44
Toolbar → Band Stack for VFO-B selected.....................................................................44
Toolbar → Mode VFO-A................................................................................................45
Toolbar → Mode VFO-B................................................................................................45
Toolbar → Filter VFO-A................................................................................................46
Toolbar → Filter VFO-B................................................................................................46
Toolbar → NOISE VFO-A..............................................................................................47
Toolbar → NOISE VFO-B..............................................................................................47
Toolbar → AGC VFO-A.................................................................................................48
Toolbar → AGC VFO-B.................................................................................................48
Toolbar → Function button...........................................................................................49
Four Function Toolbar Groups → Menu.........................................................................49
Toolbar → VFO Lock....................................................................................................50
Toolbar → CTUN – Click Tuning....................................................................................51
Toolbar → A>B, AB........................................................................................52
Toolbar → SPLIT.........................................................................................................53
Toolbar → FREQ..........................................................................................................54
Toolbar → MEM...........................................................................................................55
Toolbar → RIT – Receiver Incremental Tuning..............................................................56
Tapping the RIT OFF/ON enables or disables Receiver Incremental Tuning.....................56
Tapping on the RIT+ (plus) or RIT- (minus) button will.................................................56
Tapping RIT CL = RIT CLEAR.......................................................................................56
Note: RIT offset shown in YELLOW TEXT above VFO-A..................................................56
Toolbar → TUNE..........................................................................................................57
9. User assignable Actions for Encoders E1, E2, and E3.....................................................................58

12 User Assignable actions for rotary encoders E1, E2, E3..............................................58
10. Individual Slider displays.............................................................................................................59

AGC Gain slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked............................60
Receive Attenuation slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked............60
MIC Gain slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked............................61
PA Drive slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked.............................61
Squelch slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked..............................62
MIC Compression is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked.........................62
11. Tuning...........................................................................................................................................63

VFO Encoder...............................................................................................................63
Touch Screen..............................................................................................................63
12. TUNE/SWR/FWD Power...............................................................................................................64

TUNE/SWR/FWD power................................................................................................64
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13. Appendix 13. Appendix.................................................................................................................65

Encoders and Switches.................................................................................................65
Switch or Encoder........................................................................................................67
GPIO pin Assignments (RaspberryPi..............................................................................68
14. Reference materials......................................................................................................................69

pihpsdr latest production version..................................................................................69
15. Steve Wilson KA6S special addition for Fldigi..............................................................................71

ping a Serial Port to TCP/IP port in Linux.......................................................................72
Example: Set up GRIG to talk to PiHPSDR.....................................................................73
Example: Connect FLDIGI to PiHPSDR...........................................................................74
Also – check the PTT via CAT button in the lower left corner..........................................75
Now Choose Config/Setup/TCPIP..................................................................................75
Setting up rigctld.........................................................................................................77
Multi-Client Support.....................................................................................................77
Running applications with the latest version of Hamlib...................................................79
Using CAT through a Serial Port....................................................................................80
KA6S Summary............................................................................................................82
16. Supported CAT Commands (TS-2000 Compatible)......................................................................83
17. Supported CAT Commands (ZZ Extension commands)................................................................88
18. Apache Support............................................................................................................................97

Apache Labs International Support...............................................................................97
Apache Yahoo Support Group.......................................................................................97
OpenHPSDR Group......................................................................................................97
19. Apache Service and Repair...........................................................................................................97

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1. Controller connection requirements
Network LAN Connection
Auto-negotiation of a the RaspberryPi 100BT Ethernet connection allows operation of the Controller at the
48000, 96000, and 192Ksps sample rates.

Apache Transceiver

piHPSDR Controller
crossover cable not required

The new piHPSDR-Controller can be connected directly to your ANAN Transceiver and each unit will make use of
the APIPA assignment for an IP address.

piHPSDR Controller

Apache Transceiver
Home Network

CAT-5 or CAT-6 shielded cables are recommended for connection to the LAN

Controller Hardware requirements
13.8vdc 2.5A (minimum 12vdc 2A) Power connection
100BT LAN connection to your Apache Transceiver
Note: when running the dual receiver version of pihpsdr, you may need to place passive
heatsinks on the CPU and LAN chip on the RaspberryPi-3b. Be mindful of the temperature
alarm shown on the right side of the display screen.
Heatsinks like these:

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Controller software requirements:
Pihpsdr Controller Operating System and application program are factory installed on an
SDHC card.
If you have purchased the piHPSDR-Controller KIT, you will need to create and install an SDHC card
with the RaspberryPi operating system and pihpsdr application.
Instructions for Installation of Rpi software are detailed in the Install pdf document that is available at:
If you wish to get the latest version of pihpsdr source code, executable binaries, and documentation the
instructions are available at:

Note: it is a good idea to make a backup of your Operating System and piHPSDR software. Use the RaspberryPi
Menu → Accessories → SD Card Copier utility. Use a new SDHC card of the same capacity as the original.
This is easily done using a USB – SDHC card reader/writer dongle plugged into one of the RPi USB ports on the
left side of the piHPSDR Controller.
A pdf document reader is included in the standard RaspberryPi operating system distribution.

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2. Front panel controls


Default assignments of switches and rotary encoders


Power ON/OFF – switches external 12vdc 2A power to the Controller
S1 – Band
S2 – Band Stack
S3 – Mode
S4 – Filter
S5 – Noise Blanker/Reducer
S6 – AGC
FN – Function switch to toggle the functions of the S1-S6 buttons
E1 – Rotate to change the value of the assigned function. Push Encoder knob to pop up
menu for functions, rotate to select function, push to close the function menu.
E2 – Rotate to change the value of the assigned function. Push Encoder knob to pop up
menu for functions, rotate to select function, push to close the function menu.
E3 – Rotate to change the value of the assigned function. Push Encoder knob to pop up
menu for functions, rotate to select function, push to close the function menu.
E4 – VFO – main tuning knob
Note: Appendix page 74 has a table showing the Switch, Encoder, and Touch Screen

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3. Front Panel Display










VFO-A Receiver Rx0



VFO-B Receiver Rx1


6 Slider controls


Function Menu
Status Lines above and below VFO frequency


Meter displays S-Meter and ALC displays


Main MENU on screen control


Panadapter display Rx0


Waterfall Rx0


Panadapter display Rx1

Note: if you are not using a touch sensitive display panel, you may wish to operate pihpsdr from
your favorite Linux system using the RealVNC connection or connect a mouse/keyboard for easy

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4. Side panel connections

(center positive)

Power connection


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5. Quick Start Instructions

please refer to front and back panel illustrations
Hardware Setup
Carefully unpack the piHPSDR Controller.
Connect a CAT 5/6 Ethernet cable between the rear panel LAN jack with proper access to your
Apache Transceiver, Gigabit switch, or suitable router. Please see Network LAN connection page 9.
Connect the supplied piHPSDR Controller power cable to a fused 12vdc typical (13.8vdc) Amateur
Radio station power supply.
Apache Transceiver connections to MIC, KEY, Headphones

Software Setup
The piHPSDR Controller software is pre-formatted on the Operating System SDHC card inserted in
the RaspberryPi.
Alternative software configurations are not provided by Apache Labs.
A person familiar with the Raspbian operating system may wish to modify or update the contents
of the SDHC card using appropriate Linux tools. Please refer to page 10.
Note: pihpsdr is OpenSource. If you would like to compile the program on a Linux system, the
source, binaries, and documentation are located at:

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6. Discovery Menu
Discover Ethernet Connections to RPi

When first started, piHPSDR will try to discover all the HPSDR compatible radios on the
network. It will look for devices running both protocol 1 and protocol 2 (the new protocol).
If one or more Transceiver interfaces are found they will be identified by the device type,
the software version, the IP address and the MAC address of the device.
If no devices are found you should check connectivity between the radio and the network
that piHPSDR is connected to. Tapping on OK will try discovery again. Tapping on Cancel
will exit piHPSDR back to the Raspberry Pi desktop.
The Discover protocol will allow a device to see and respond even if they are not on the
same subnet. If this is the case, the Start button will be disabled and the text replaced
with Subnet The most common cause of this problem is usually that the radio has not been able to get
a DHCP address and has defaulted to the Self Assigned IP Address, or the device has a static IP address
that is not on the same subnet as the piHPSDR.

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Pihpsdr program START button

Tapping on the Start button will start the radio – on the selected Ethernet interface.
In this example you see both the Rpi Wireless and Ethernet connections are active and
were discovered properly.
Depending on your particular WLAN and LAN setup, either will work well with pihpsdr
100Mbps network requirement. Both the Rpi and your Apache Transceiver must be on the
same subnet.
Configuration of the GPIO default connections are shown on page 57

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7. Main Menu

Tapping the Menu button brings up the menu dialog.
Menu items explained in detail in following pages
Radio Receivers, Alex, RIT, VFO
RX Sample Rate, Dither, Local Audio, Stereo
TX MIC/Line, Boost, TX Filter, TX Display, FM, CTCSS, Tune Drive
PA Calibration all bands
CW Break-in delay, Modes, Speed, Sidetone Level, Sidetone Freq, Weight
ANT ANT-1,2,3 EXT-1,2,3 XCTR Tx ANT-1,2,3 GEN, WWV, 136kHz, 472kHz
DSP AGC Hang Threshold, NR/NR2/ANF pre-post-selection
OC Open Collector Output pin assignments
FreeDV FreeDV Digital Voice
DISPLAY Fill, FPS, Pan High, Pan Low, Waterfall, Waterfall High, Waterfall Low, Detector, Averaging
XVTR Transverter Min-Freq, Max-Freq, LO Freq, Disable PA
Equalizer Enable Tx and Rx Equalizers in four octave groups
Step VFO Step selection of 20 step sizes
Meter S-Meter Analog, or S-meter Bar graph, S-Meter Peak/Average; ALC Peak/Average/Gain
VOX MIC Level, VOX Threshold, VOX Hang Time
FFT Filter Type - Linear Phase or Low Latency
RIGCTL Rigctl Enable, RigCtl Port Number
About software version, WDSP version, Device, MAC Address, Interface IP Addresses
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Menu → Exit

The Exit piHPSDR button will bring up a sub-dialog allowing you to end the piHPSDR application in
a number of ways:
Close – close this dialog box
Exit – exit piHPSDR back to the Raspberry Pi Desktop
Reboot – reboot the Raspberry Pi
Shutdown – Shutdown the Raspberry Pi - (note the Controller power button remains
You can also tap the Menu button again to close the Exit Menu and bring up the Menu
Menu → Hide

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The purpose of the HIDE option is to minimize the pihpsdr application window and to then
provide easy access to the RaspberryPi operating system.

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E1, E2, E3 Click-Set Assignments


The function of E1, E2, and E3 are shown in the Panadapter display. Push E1, E2, or E3 to pop up encoder
selection. Rotate encoder or tap screen to select function. Push encoder or tap to close the menu.
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Menu → Radio

Receivers - changing pihpsdr to 1 or 2 receivers.
Region – NOTE: Region is UK or Other. Be sure to select your Region.
Sample Rate - The Sample Rate selection selects the width of the Panadapter displayed on
the piHPSDR Controller screen. This is the rate which pihpsdr uses to decode a portion of
the 60Mhz spectrum data from the Apache Transceiver.
Note: Protocol 1 provides for an identical sample rate for both receivers, shown in the Menu
→ Radio
Protocol 2 - Receivers can have individual sample rates, shown in the Menu → Rx0/1
Note: 768k and 1.536K are not available on Rpi.
RIT Step size – This value is the increment or step size for the RIT control.
VFO Encoder Divisor is set at the factory to 15
set to 15, 1 revolution of the (600ppr) encoder = 4kHz/revolution
setting the Encoder Divisor to 30 slows the VFO Encoder tuning to 2kHz/revolution.
setting the Encoder Divisor to 7 increased the VFO Encoder tuning to 9kHz/revolution.

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Menu → Receive (individual receiver settings)
When you touch or select either PANADAPTER you change to that VFO and the RX menu
changes from Rx0 to Rx1.

Dither - Dither is a built-in electronic feature of the Linear Technologies LTC-2208 Analog to Digital
Converter chip inside each Apache Software Defined Radio Transceiver.
Random - Random is a built-in electronic feature of the Linear Technologies LTC-2208 Analog to Digital
Converter chip inside each Apache Software Defined Radio Transceiver.
Local Audio Output – This column identifies all the audio output connections that pihpsdr recognizes
when it starts.
By default the audio output from the receiver is sent back to the radio for output to the
audio connections on the radio.
You can also output the audio to either the audio output connector on the Raspberry Pi or a
USB connected audio device.
To enable output to a selected device check the Local Audio Output check box. The output
will be directed to the selected device.
plughw:0,0 bcm2835 ALSA is the Raspberry Pi output to the audio connector.
plughw:0,1 bcm2835 ALSA is the Raspberry Pi output to the HDMI interface.
plughw:1.0 USB Audio CODEC is a USB connected audio device.
Only one output stream can be directed to the devices listed above, but the ALSA sound
system includes a mixer that lets multiple streams output to a single device.
dmix:CARD=ALSA,DEV=0 is a mixer for the plughw:0,0 bcm2835 ALSA output
dmix:CARD=ALSA,DEV=1 is a mixer for the plughw:0,1 bcm2835 ALSA output
dmix:CARD=CODEC,DEV=0 is a mixer for the plughw:1.0 USB Audio CODEC output
Stereo, Left, Right, Mute when not active
If you select the same dmix device for both receivers, the output from both will be mixed
and sent to that device. You can select that the receivers output is either Stereo, Left or
Right to select the channel(s) that the audio is sent on. This would allow one receiver inn
the Left headphone/speaker and the other receiver in the Right headphone/speaker.
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The Mute when not active when selected will simulate the output to the radio where only the
active receiver is output to the device.
Note that if one receiver’s audio is set to output to the plughw device the other receiver cannot be
connected to the dmix device for that audio output.

(protocol 1 = single sample rate, protocol 2 = independent sample rates)
Illustrates individual sample rates with new Ethernet protocol
Note: Protocol 1 provides for an identical sample rate for both receivers, shown in the Menu →
Protocol 2 - Receivers can have individual sample rates, shown in the Menu → Rx0/1
768k and 1.536K are not available on Rpi.

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RaspberryPi (Audio Device Settings)

Note RIGHT click on RaspberryPi taskbar AUDIO ICON to assign RPi in/out devices

Note: USB DEVICE SETTINGS (from RPi taskbar ICON) detailed information

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Menu → TX with USB Input Source

Mic Boost (20db boost for transceiver front panel connection).
Mic Line In (Transceiver ACC connector).
Mic Compression (0 to 20db compression).
Tx Filter width.
Tx Panadapter display High, Tx Panadapter display Low.
AM Carrier Level.
FM Tx Pres-emphasis before limiting.
CTCSS Enable and Frequency.
Tune - Use Drive level (when checked Tune will use the drive setting, when not checked it will
use the percentage of drive).
Tune Percent of Drive (if box not checked)

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Menu → PA Gain by Band

Sets the PA gain for each band by adjusting the drive level. This adjustment allows you to
set the Transceiver for maximum rated Transmit output.
the setting are increased the drive level is decreased. This adjustment is set for maximum
rated output protect the PA Final Amplifier.
Caution: The User should follow the instructions for PA Gain settings in PowerSDR/Thetis.
These instructions define setting the TUNE POWER to the Maximum Rated Output while
adjusting the PA Gain settings. Operationally the user can use the pihpsdr Drive slider to
adjust for a lower output power – for example when driving a Linear Amplifier.
Note: Transmit out of band – enables transmit outside of ham bands (for example MARS
operation) or for use with external transverter with IF on non Ham bands.
Default disabled.

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Menu → CW

Controls the firmware CW Keyer.
CW Speed (WPM) – sets speed of dot/dash generator when in Mode A or Mode B.
CW Break In – when enabled sets the delay time in milliseconds to switching to receive.
CW KEYER STRAIGHT – selects the key connected will be a straight key.
CW KEYER MODE A – selects a paddle key running in Mode A
CW KEYER MODE B – selects a paddle key running in Mode B
Keys reversed – when enabled the dot/dash paddles are reversed.
Sidetone Level – sets the audio level of the sidetone at the Headphone or Line Out of the
Apache Transceiver.
Sidetone Freq – set the frequency of the sidetone at the Headphone or Line Out of the
Apache Transceiver.
Weight – sets the dot/dash weighting.

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Menu → ANT

The Ant menu selects which antenna is used for receive and transmit on each band. The
Antenna Menu will differ depending on the specific Apache Transceiver Model. This illustration shows
the user selection of up to 3 Receive and Transmit Antennas. The EXT-1 and EXT-2 selections are
available on the ANAN-100/100B/100D/200D.

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Menu → DSP

The DSP has options for the DSP functions.
AGC Hang Threshold – sets the Hang Threshold for the AGC.
NR/NR2/ANF – selects where in the DSP processing the noise reduction functions are
performed/ The default id Pre AGC processing.
Pre AGC – perform noise reduction pre AGC
Post AGC – perform noise reduction post AGC
NR2 Gain Method – selects the method used for the gain processing. The default is Gamma.
Linear - Gaussian speech distribution, linear amplitude scale
Log - Gaussian speech distribution, log amplitude scale
Gamma - Gamma speech distribution
NR2 NPE Method – selects the Noise-Power-Estimation method. The default is OSMS.
OSMS - Optimal Smoothing Minimum Statistics
MMSE - Minimum Mean -Square Error
NR2 AE Filter - Enable Artifact elimination. Default enabled.

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Menu → OC

Open Collector Aux I/O connectors

The user can configure the Open Collector outputs for each band for both Transmit and Receive. These
can be used to control an external device such as bandpass filters or external Linear Amplifier band
selection. The default is none are enabled.
Refer to the Apache Labs Users Guides for details and limitations of using Open Collector FET outputs.
When an external ATU is used the Tune option can be used to signal to the ATU to start its tune
function. The default is “none are enabled”.
Tune – configure an OC to be turned on when Tx is enabled.
Full Tune milliseconds – specifies the time the OC is enabled when the Tuning.
Memory Tune milliseconds – keydown time for TUNE when using an external Automatic Antenna

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Menu → FreeDV

FreeDV: Open Source Amateur Digital Voice by The FreeDV.org. piHPSDR uses the FreeDV API.
FreeDV provides a number of codecs that can run on HF over a typical SSB channel (1600, 700,
700B, 700C an 800XA). It also includes codec for running over FM channels on VHF/UHF (2400A
and 2400B).
Speech is compressed down to 700-1600 bit/s then modulated onto a 1.25 kHz wide signal
comprised of 16 QPSK carriers. FreeDV 700C is approaching SSB in it’s low SNR performance. At
high SNRs FreeDV 1600 sounds like FM, with no annoying analog HF radio noise.
Enable FreeDV - when enabled microphone input is passed to the FreeDV library for encoding and
the output is passed into WDSP for processing into I/Q signals for transmitting. On receive the
audio output from WDSP if passed to the FreeDV library to decode the audio.
SNR Squelch Enable - when enabled uses the SNR value to set the squelch. SNR shown in RED
letters next to S-Meter. Adjust as needed to achieve quiet idle.
CODEC select

select codec to use for HF














select codec to use for VHF/UHF


Audio Gain sets the gain of the audio output from the codec passed to WDSP when transmitting.
Tx Message - specifies the text message that is transmitted along with the digital voice.

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Menu → Display

Fill Panadapter – when enabled the panadapter graph will be filled. When not enabled it will be drawn
as a line. Default enabled.
Frames Per Second – Update rate of Panadapter and Waterfall.
Panadapter High - Maximum signal level displayed in Panadapter.
Note: now included as a sub-menu selection for E1, E2, E3 Encoder function assignment
Panadapter Low – Minimum signal level displayed in Panadapter.
Note: now included as a sub-menu selection for E1, E2, E3 Encoder function assignment
Waterfall Automatic – When enabled the Waterfall High and Waterfall Low are adjusted
Waterfall High – Manual control to set the maximum signal used in the waterfall.
Waterfall Low – Manual control to set set the minimum signal used in the waterfall.
Display Sliders – displays the six on screen sliders

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Menu → Display (continued)

Detector – Selects Peak, Rosenfell, Average or Sample for the Panadapter display.
Averaging – Selects the method for averaging the Panadapter display.
Display Waterfall – when selected the Waterfall display is displayed on the main screen.
Display Sliders – when selected the slider controls are displayed as shown on the main

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Menu → XVTR

Configure up to 8 transverters
Title – the name as it appears in the Band, Ant and OC menus.
Min Feq – The minimum frequency in Hz.
Max Feq – The maximum frequency in Hz.
LO Feq – The Local Oscillator frequency in Hz.
LO Error – adjust ± Hz for frequency error correction of transverter local oscillator.
Disable PA – When checked, the Transceiver power amplifier will be disabled on transmit.
Note that the frequency the radio is tuned to is the selected frequency minus the LO
frequency. In the example above the 144MHz to 146MHz Transverter frequency will be
tuned to 28MHz to 30MHz on the radio.
When one or more Transverters are configured they will appear in the band selection dialog
and also in the ANT selection menu and the PA Gain menu.

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Menu → Equalizers

A 3 band graphic equalizer is implemented for both Transmit and Receive:
Low – 0-400 Hz slider dB
Mid – 400-1500 Hz slider dB
High – 1500-6000 Hz slider dB.
The radio buttons TX Equalizer and RX Equalizer select which values are displayed.
The equalizers can be enabled by the checkbox Enable TX Equalizer or Enable Rx Equalizer.

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Menu → Step

Step sets the increment for VFO Tuning rate via Touch or VFO (E4) Encoder, and Mouse

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Menu → Meter – now includes new Analog S-Meter

NEW S-Meter Analog meter movement or bar graph
S-Meter Peak and Average
ALC Peak Average or GAIN
Meter values appear in the upper right hand corner of the display.
You should adjust your Microphone (dB) slider so that ALC does not exceed zero on voice peaks.

Examples of Receive Analog S-Meter and Transmit TUNE SWR and Power Display

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Menu → VOX

Highlighted box indicates Microphone Level as you speak to adjust Threshold and Hang
Threshold for VOX activation
Hang for how long to hold VOX between words while speaking

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Menu → FFT

Linear Phase or Low Latency selection

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Menu → RIGCTL

Menu → RIGCTL Please refer to special Section 15 page 79 for specifics of the new KA6S Rig Control
and Serial port option

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Menu → About

Note information in Menu → About display
Build date
Build Version
WDSP version
Device Hermes Protocol
Device MAC Addresses
Device IP Addresses
Includes: FreeDV

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8. On-Screen Controls and toolbar Buttons
Touch selection of VFO-A (Rx0)Touch selection of VFO-B (Rx1)

Note: dragging the panadapter image with finger or mouse changes VFO frequency

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Touch Direct Frequency Entry

Touch or Mouse on VFO-A or VFO-B digits to bring up Direct Frequency Entry menu
(example touch 1-4-3-2-0-KZ or 14.320 mHz = 14.320Mhz 20M)
Note: there is a separate direct Freq entry for each VFO when 2 Receivers are active
RIT Step Receiver Incremental Tuning
VFO Step Frequency change per increment of VFO Encoder

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Toolbar – Function button
There are eight (8) switches on the pihpsdr Controller.
The functions are arranged in four groups.
Switches S1 through S6 change function as you push the FN key

Physical Function FN button
switches Tune/MOX and S1 – S6 functions
as you push the FN button.

On-Screen Function
switches Tune/MOX and S1 – S6 functions
as you touch the Function button.

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Toolbar – Function menu selections
The function touch screen button or physical FN button enable selection of the 4 function menu
Four Function menus – select with Function button or front panel FN switch

4 Function Groups

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Function Group 1

Toolbar → MOX

The MOX touch screen button is like Push-to-Talk and switches from Receive to Transmit as
indicated by the RED VFO display.

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Toolbar → BAND VFO-A

Tapping the Band button pops up the Band Selection Menu. Tap on a band to change to that band. If
the band is the same as the current band, it will step to the next band stack entry.

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Toolbar → Band Stack for VFO-A selected

Toolbar → Band Stack for VFO-B selected

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Toolbar → Mode VFO-A

Toolbar → Mode VFO-B

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Toolbar → Filter VFO-A

Toolbar → Filter VFO-B

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Toolbar → NOISE VFO-A

Toolbar → NOISE VFO-B

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Toolbar → AGC VFO-A

Toolbar → AGC VFO-B

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Toolbar → Function button

The function touch screen button or physical button enable the optional functions of some
of the buttons and encoders.
Four Function Toolbar Groups → Menu
select with FN button or front panel touch screen Function

4 Function Groups

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Toolbar → VFO Lock

Function Group 2 Menu items

The VFO can be locked by pressing the button on the AF Gain encoder or by tapping on the left side of the
VFO display. To unlock press the AF Gain encoder button again or tap on the left side of the VFO display.
When the VFO is locked, the red Locked text will be displayed near the VFO.

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Toolbar → CTUN – Click Tuning

Note: how filter is Tuned to a new frequency and CTUNE is announced in the status bar in Yellow
Tapping on the CTUN button will enable or disable the click tuning function. When the function is
enabled the CTUN button text will be shown in yellow.
When CTUN is enabled, tuning is restricted to the passband currently displayed. The tuned
frequency and filter moves withing the current passband display without moving the panadapter
or waterfall left or right.

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Toolbar → A>B,


The Function menu Group 2 - allows you to copy the VFO frequency:
VFO-A into VFO-B ( A>B )
VFO-B into VFO-A ( AB )

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Toolbar → SPLIT

The Split function allows you to select VFO-A for Receive and VFO-B for Transmit. The illustration
shows transmission on VFO-B. This is a common practice when working Contests, DX, or

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Toolbar → FREQ

Function menu group 3

Direct frequency entry touching the screen display is easily done by first selecting the VFO you wish to
change, and then entering in the frequency in kHz or mHz. This illustration shows selection of 7.228 LSB on
RIT step the increment in Hz for the RIT+ and RIT- toolbar entries (shown on page 48).
VFO step the increment in Hz for the VFO Knob (E4) or Mouse Wheel.

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Toolbar → MEM

Convenient storage and recall of five favorite frequencies

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Toolbar → RIT – Receiver Incremental Tuning

Tapping the RIT OFF/ON enables or disables Receiver Incremental Tuning
Tapping on the RIT+ (plus) or RIT- (minus) button will
Note: RIT offset shown in YELLOW TEXT above VFO-A

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Toolbar → TUNE

Function Group 4 menu items

The TUNE Toolbar gives quick access to keying the rig in CW and Generating TUNE watts.
Note: the FWD power and SWR measurements are indicated in the upper rightShown here as 39W Forward
Power and 1.0:1 SWR

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9. User assignable Actions for Encoders E1, E2, and E3
12 User Assignable actions for rotary encoders E1, E2, E3

Each rotary encoder E1, E2, E3 can be assigned to any one of the convenient twelve user selected
items. Push on Encoder knob {1,2,3} and then rotate the knob to select the desired item:
AF Gain
AGC Gain (Threshold)
Mic Gain
CW Speed
CW Sidetone Frequency
Panadapter High
Panadapter Low
COMP compression

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10. Individual Slider displays
The individual sliders are displayed when E1, E2, or E3 are rotated and Menu → Display → Sliders is
turned off.

AF Gain slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked

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AGC Gain slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked

Receive Attenuation slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked

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MIC Gain slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked

PA Drive slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked

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Squelch slider is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked

MIC Compression is shown when DISPLAY → show sliders is unchecked

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11. Tuning
VFO Encoder
The VFO encoder knob is used to tune the radio. By turning the encoder clockwise and
anticlockwise the frequency will increment or decrement by the amount of the step value.
The General Menu has a field to set the resolution of the encoder.
Touch Screen
Touching and dragging on the panadapter or waterfall will move the frequency up or down.
Note that it will move in step increments.
Tapping a frequency on the panadapter or waterfall will move to that frequency.
Left down and holding then dragging while on the panadapter or waterfall will move the
frequency up or down.
Left clicking will move to the selected frequency.
Moving the scroll wheel will increment or decrement the frequency by the step value.

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12. TUNE/SWR/FWD Power
When the Function button is selected, it toggles the TUNE/MOX button on the far left. FWD

power and SWR can then be read in the top of the pihpsdr window.

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13. Appendix 13. Appendix
Encoders and Switches
Switch or Encoder


Touch Screen

Power ON/OFF

Controller power on/off

Controller power on/off

TUN – TUNE button

generates a carrier with
generates a carrier with
Tune power selection slider Tune power selection

MOX – MOX button

Space bar toggle for PTT
or MOX button

Space bar toggle for PTT
or MOX button

S1 – Band

10 HF Bands + General
Coverage + WWV + LF +

10 HF Bands + General
Coverage + WWV + LF +

S2 – BandStack

Four last used frequencies

Four last used











S3 – Mode





S4 – Filter

10 IF Filter widths

10 IF Filter widths



S5 – Noise

5 Noise Reduction modes

5 Noise Reduction modes



S6 – AGC

5 AGC Decay settings

5 AGC Decay settings



FN – Function

Function switch to toggle
TUNE or MOX button
displayed on the bottom

Function switch to toggle
TUNE or MOX and the
action of E1, E2, E3

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Switch or Encoder


Touch Screen

Power ON/OFF

Controller power on/off

TUN – TUNE button

generates a carrier with
generates a carrier with
Tune power selection slider Tune power selection

MOX – MOX button

Space bar toggle for PTT
or MOX button

Space bar toggle for PTT
or MOX button

S1 – Band

10 HF Bands + General
Coverage + WWV + LF +

10 HF Bands + General
Coverage + WWV + LF +

Four last used frequencies

Four last used

S2 – BandStack

Controller power on/off










S3 – Mode





S4 – Filter

10 IF Filter widths

10 IF Filter widths



S5 – Noise

5 Noise Reduction modes

5 Noise Reduction modes



S6 – AGC

5 AGC Decay settings

5 AGC Decay settings







left of the screen


E1 -- assignable



E2 – assignable



E3 – assignable





E4 – VFO Main
tuning knob





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Switch or Encoder


Touch Screen





Main piHPSDR Menu



Select band



3 to 5 level quick freq

3 to 5 level quick freq


Menu → Mode





Menu → Filter

IF Filter width

IF Filter Width



Menu → Noise

Noise Blanker mode

Noise Blanker Mode



Menu → AGC

Automatic Gain

Automatic Gain




Right click on VFO
Frequency to toggle
Frequency Lock

Touch VFO Frequency to
toggle Frequency Lock




Right click on S-Meter for
S-Meter and ALC

Touch S-Meter for SMeter and ALC



Menu → Band
Menu → Band Stack

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GPIO pin Assignments (RaspberryPi

Note: You may wish to reverse the direction of Tuning on the VFO Encoder. The GIPIO
table shown at the START of pihpsdr allows convenient text entry. For example, the VFO
direction of TUNING can easily be changed by swapping GPIO-A from 1 to 0, and GPIO-B
from 0 to 1.

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14. Reference materials
Jacinto Rebelo CU2ED for his homebrew of a pihpsdr Controller
Kjell Karlasen LA2NI for his complete RPi-e System
Scott WU2O homebrew Controller http://wu2o.dyndns.org/wu2o_pi_4.html
Bill Diaz KC9XG homebrew Controller and contributor to this manual
F'Hafen video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7QfP28YjCw
Outstanding Video from F’Hafen 2016 with KV0S Editing http://openhpsdr.org/videos.php

This document contains references to the Apache Labs Transceiver products
In cooperation with VK6PH, NRØV, W5WC, K5SO, KA6S
and the OpenHPSDR Hardware and Software Projects
all images and manufacturer data is copied here with permission of the owner

pihpsdr latest production version
explanation of “Low Latency” buffer optional
June 10, 2016 - Warren, NR0V and Doug, W5WC
PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR_mRX_PS v3.4.2 has been released.
This release can be downloaded from the OpenHPSDR.org git repository.
This release contains the following changes:
Receive latency is the time between when RF reaches your antenna and the corresponding
audio is produced in your speaker or headphones. Similarly, transmit latency is, for
example, the time between audio reaching
your microphone and RF being on its way to your antenna. For many SDRs, especially those
with sharp "brick wall" filters, the latency can be much larger than you might expect.
Depending upon the radio design and various settings, SDR latencies can significantly
exceed 100mS. Long latencies can create problems for the operator in contest operation,
high-speed break-in CW, and even SSB rapid-turnaround VOX operation.
This release incorporates some technologies that allow us to achieve low latencies in the
same category as leading conventional radios. Furthermore, we can do this with extremely
sharp filters.
First of all, a couple basics:
* Sometime ago, we moved CW Transmit from software to the FPGA in the radio hardware.
This means that CW transmit latency was already very low, really based upon your delay
settings which are chosen to avoid any hot-switching of relays.
* It has always been the case that the Buffer Size setting on the Setup=>Audio/Primary
tab effects latency. The lower the size, the lower the latency. However, the lower the size,
the more CPU cycles are required. Depending upon the speed of your computer, you may be
limited in how low you can go. Fortunately, this is not likely to have such a large impact on
your latency. For a very rough estimate of the latency due to this buffer, divide the buffer
size by the sample rate. For example, a buffer of size 256, at a sample rate of 192K,
contributes only about 256/192000 = 1.33mS.
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As of this release, there are some new features and corresponding controls to allow you to
achieve much lower latency:
* Up until this release, "Filter Size" and "DSP Buffer Size" have been the same and there
has only been one setting, called "DSP Buffer Size." Filter Size determines how sharp your
filters are; higher filter size leads to sharper filters. However, higher DSP Buffer Size leads
to more latency because we must collect enough samples to fill the buffer before the buffer
can be processed. As of this release, DSP Buffer Size and Filter Size are separate and can
be set by mode on the Setup=>DSP/Options tab. So, using a very low DSP Buffer size
minimizes latency and using a high Filter Size leads to sharper filters. The trade-off here is
that using lower DSP buffer sizes requires somewhat more CPU cycles and using a high
Filter Size does as well. With a reasonably fast computer, you will likely be able to run at a
DSP Buffer Size of 64, the minimum, except, perhaps, for the FM mode. With filter sizes of
1024 or 2048, the sharpness of our filters rival the best radios. However, larger sizes, up to
16384, are available if you need them.
* You now have a choice of Filter Type, with two types available: Linear Phase and Low
Latency. In the past, our filters have always been Linear Phase. Linear Phase filters have
the property that all frequencies are delayed by the same amount of time as the signal is
processed through the filter. This means that the time-domain waveform of a signal that is
totally within the passband will look the same at the input of the filter and the output of the
filter. The Low Latency filter does not strictly comply with this same type of operation.
With the Low Latency filter, signals at frequencies very near the lower and upper edges of
the passband may experience more delay than signals at other frequencies. Comparing the
two types of filters, beta testers have reported little, if any, difference in sound quality, no
problems with several digital modes that have been tested, and no significant negative
impacts at all from using the Low Latency filters. However, both filter types are provided
for your comparison and your choice. Of course, the Low Latency filters provide lower
latency. In fact, the latency of Linear Phase filters increases linearly with Filter Size while
the latency of the Low Latency filters is very low and nearly independent of Filter Size.
Benchmark Comparisons:
* For CW/SSB receive, using minimum Buffer Sizes and Low Latency filters, our beta testers
have measured receive latencies in the 15mS to 20mS range. Using minimum Buffer Sizes
and Linear Phase filters, the latencies are 25mS to 30mS for a Filter Size of 1024 and 35mS
to 40mS for a Filter Size of 2048. Using features such as noise blankers, EQ, and noise
reduction will add some amount to that, depending upon the feature(s) and settings. These
numbers compare with ~65mS and ~120mS using DSP Buffer sizes of 1024 and 2048,
respectively, in prior software releases.
You WILL need to reset your database. This release will build a new wisdom file on first
time use. Depending on your system, it may take a very long time to complete. Please be
Thanks & 73,
Warren, NR0V
Doug, W5WC

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15. Steve Wilson KA6S special addition for Fldigi
Using PiHPSDR with other applications:
PiHPSDR emulates several commands available in the CAT control found in the TS-2000.
However, it receives commands over TCP/IP instead of through an RS-232 connection. For
some applications this is trivial – for others some internet plumbing is required.

The Basics
PiHPSDR listens on Port 19090 for TCP/IP connections. It interprets TS-2000 protocol
commands and will respond appropriately. It is NOT a full implementation. Some things
don't make sense, i.e. they are features not shared between the TS-2000 and PiHPSDR.
Others are still to be implemented.

Note: The latest version of Hamlib has a radio definition for the PiHPSDR, thus any application that
uses Hamlib will be able to talk to PiHPSDR in its native manner, i.e. directly through TCP/IP without
using the serial port. (Thanks to Jae, K5JAE for the hamlib port!) The serial port methodology is
presented here for older iterations of Hamlib. To get access to to native support you will need to
compile Hamlib from source and install it. That is beyond the scope of this manual.




Raspberry PI
Use the Raspberry PI
TCP/IP Address
And set for Port 19090

Note that before you can begin using this connection you must configure and enable it through the
main menu. This is done by choosing RIGCTL from the Main Menu:
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Upon hitting the RIGCTL button the configuration menu is presented.

By hitting the Rigctl Enable Button you can turn on the CAT control system. Hit Close to continue.
Note that if you exit the program at this point RIGCTL will remain enabled. It is also possible to
change the default Port number by using the -/+ buttons to decrement/increment the port number.
ping a Serial Port to TCP/IP port in Linux

Perhaps the easiest way to do this is via the utility “socat” available in most Linux distributions. This
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utility is sort of a swiss army knife for interconnectivity, and one its abilities is to map Linux Serial
ports to TCP/IP ports.
To obtain “socat” and install it on an Ubuntu system type:
sudo apt-get install socat
To use it – first start PiPHSDR. You need to know the TCP/IP address of your Raspberry Pi. This will
be a 32 bit number formatted as XX.XX.XX.XX. I'll use in some examples, in other examples. These are where I have HPSDR radios assigned in my local network.
To run it – type:
socat pty,link=/tmp/vtty,raw tcp:
This will do two things. It creates a fake serial port called /tmp/vtty that can be opened by most
applications and acts just like a serial port.
The next step is to point your application at /tmp/vtty where you would normally choose a serial port
and set it to talk to a TS-2000. It really is that simple!
This allows applications that are built to use Hamlib to talk to PiHPSDR.
Example: Set up GRIG to talk to PiHPSDR

grig –-model=214 –-rig-file=/tmp/vtty *

/tmp/vtty is a temporary file – it disappears as soon as socat ends.
Grig is built around the Hamlib radio access library. The TS-2000 is model 214 in Hamlib. Any
application that uses Hamlib should be able to communicate with PiHPSDR by using /dev/vtty and
choosing model 214 as the radio.
Something else to realize is that more than one application can talk to PIHPSDR at a time. PiHPSDR
supports multiple connections to the CAT port.
If you have the latest version of Hamlib that supports PiHPSDR natively – the command to start grig
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would be:
grig –model=240 –rig-file= &
Example: Connect FLDIGI to PiHPSDR

FLDIGI can be connected to PiHPSDR using the native PiHPSDR interface built into the latest version
of Hamlib. However, it polls PiHPSDR way to fast.
Have no fear – FLRIG is here. FLRIG is a companion application to FLDIGI that can act as a server
You can install FLRIG on with:
sudo apt-get install flrig
You can install FLDIGI with:
sudo apt-get install fldigi
Start FLRIG first with
No need to start it with sudo since it talks directly to PiHPSDR.

To set up FLRIG – Hit the Config button on the top of the application and Choose
Config/Setup/Transceiver – the Window below will pop up.

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Use the arrow to the right of the Rig: box and slide it to TS-2000.
Also – check the PTT via CAT button in the lower left corner.

Hit Close
Now Choose Config/Setup/TCPIP

The window below will pop up.

Select the TCPIP tab. Enter the TCPIP address of your Raspberry Pi – in our example you see Type in the TCPIP box 19090 and that should do it. Hit the “Use tcpip” button. If the
connected light isn't green – hit the Init button in the upper right portion of the window.
Hit Close and you should have FLRIG up and controlling your PiHPSDR.
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The Frequency should work by using the scroll wheel over the digit you want to change.
The volume, RF, PWR, and MIC sliders should all work.
The PTT should cause the radio to transmit.
The S Meter should register.
Now get FLDIGI running.
Choose Configure/Rig Control
Hit the flrig tab and the window below will pop up.
Hit the “Enable flrig xcvr control with fldigi as client” button.
Note that the TCP/IP address is – which is the same as the machine you are running flrig and
fldigi on. The TCP/IP port 12345 should already be configured.
Also hit the “Flrig PTT keys modem”

That is it.
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You need to use actual audio cables from the Radio to your Linux computer for the audio as of now –
but this should be all that is necessary for FLDIGI to talk to your radio!
Setting up rigctld

The Hamlib system must be installed to use some packages – specifically to run the rigctld daemon.
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libhamlib-utils
sudo apt-get install libhamlib2
Note: These packages don't yet have PiHPSDR supported natively. It is necessary to compile the latest
version from source and that is beyond the scope of this manual.
Multi-Client Support

PiHPSDR can communicate with multiple independent clients simultaneously. An example
of this might be running FLRIG/FLDIGI with the logging program CQLOG.

First – make sure you have CQLOG installed.
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install CQLOG
We need do three things to get cqrlog running.
1) Create a virtual terminal – see the instructions above about running cqrlog. There is one change here.
We're going to aim the virtual serial port /tmp/vtty at TCP/IP port 19090 again.
2) Start up the hamlib rigctld – this is a “daemon” in Unix parlance that is responsible for interfacing
between applications and the virtual terminal using the internal hamlib protocol. Note that SOME
applications have the hamlib software built in, while others use the daemon – cqrlog uses the daemon.
The rigctld must be started using “sudo”
3) Start up cqrlog. Specifically do NOT use “sudo” for this command.
In a single xterm – you can start up both socat AND the rigctld daemon. Note again the use of “sudo”
prior to the command AND note that the first program can be put into the background safely. Rigctld
doesn't work if you do that..

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In another xterm – start up cqrlog
Enter: cqrlog &
This will start up cqrlog talking the PiHPSDR radio using port 19091. Note that this can be safely put
into the background using the ampersand operator.
Configure cqrlog as shown in the picture below:

Note that we are choosing to NOT launch rigctld when the program starts – but rather starting it by
Next – start up flrig as you have previously using port 19090. It should be configured correctly from
the first time you used it. Since cqrlog spouts messages – you may need to use another xterm…
% flrig &
And this you can start up FLDIGI using the same xterm..
The picture below shows all applications running – using the two TCP/IP ports.

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Running applications with the latest version of Hamlib

The biggest advantage of running applications through latest version of Hamlib is that the whole virtual
terminal concept is removed! Applications can talk directly to PiHPSDR without any middleware. I'll
use CQRLOG to illustrate the setup.
The first trick is to make rigctld runnable without being root. THIS IS A SECURITY HOLE – Proceed
at your own risk! The following command allows rigctld to be run without being root…
sudo chown pi /usr/local/bin/rigctld
This makes the user “pi” owner of the rigctld daemon.
Next – start up cqrlog and set up its preferences as shown in the next picture.

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Things to note:
Rig Model is OpenHPSDR PiHPSDR – radio model 240.
Device: Use the TCP/IP/Port number – so
The “Run rigctld when program starts” is checked – since we don't have to root to run rigctld.
It is also possible to start cqrlog on OTHER than the Raspberry Pi. The settings would be the SAME
since the device entry is what actually aims the communications at the PiHPSDR TCP/IP port. Rigctld
can be started on another machine and it will be able to communicate via TCP/IP directly to the
PiHPSDR application.
Using CAT through a Serial Port

The latest update to PiHPSDR can also operate over a USB Serial port. This will allow normal
connection from a PC to PiHPSDR through a serial port similar to other radio CAT connections. Note
that multiple connections are concurrently available through the TCP/IP connection as previously
described after the Rigctl Enable button is lit. These two paths function independently.
It is important to set up the Baud Rate and choose the USB port BEFORE you enable the Serial Port!
It is also important to plug in the USB to Serial adapter before you try and enable the function. Note
that the Serial Port Enable will NOT stay lit if there is no /dev/ttyUSBx port available.

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Configure the Baud Rate by selecting one of the 4 choices shown below:

Use the +/- buttons to change the USB serial port to match what is available on your system.
Once the Baud rate and /dev/ttyUSBx port are selected – enable the Serial Port by hitting the Serial
Port Enable Button.

If the Serial Port Enable button doesn’t stay lit – no /dev/ttyUSBx was found.
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KA6S Summary

PiHPSDR provides a TCP/IP channel on ports19090 which can communicate with other applications
using an emulation of the TS-2000 command set. The port number CAN be configured on the
RIGCTL menu, as well as enabled/disabled.
Some applications require a virtual serial port – use the socat command run to create the virtual serial
The very latest version of Hamlib supports PiHPSDR natively. Radio model is 240, and uses TCPIP
Address/Port Number instead of the serial port.
Other applications require the hamlib rigctld to be present – start /usr/bin/rigctld with sudo.
To run FLDIGI – use FLRIG as the server for FLDIGI since FLDIGI has issues talking to the virtual
serial port.
Conventional connection to PiHPSDR is available through a USB to Serial adapter plugged into the
Raspberry PI by enabling the Serial Port Enable button.

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16. Supported CAT Commands (TS-2000 Compatible)

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17. Supported CAT Commands (ZZ Extension commands)
This is an extended command set which gives the CAT port access to most of the controls within PiHPSDR.
Note: These commands are not yet supported by Hamlib

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18. Apache Support
Apache Labs International Support
Technical support for ANAN-10 from the factory is available via the Apache Labs Yahoo
Group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/apache-labs/
or directly via email 
Apache Yahoo Support Group
OpenHPSDR Group
Instructions relating to joining the OpenHPSDR Group reflector are here:
The OpenHPSDR archives may also be searched here:
The latest version of the OpenHPSDR User Manual can be obtained from
http://openhpsdr.org/documents.php Author Phil Harman VK6PH
19. Apache Service and Repair
1023 Tower B4, Spaze I-Tech Park
Sector - 49, Sohna Road
Gurgaon - 122001
Haryana, India
Tel: 91-0124-4245173/4/5 (10AM - 6PM IST]
Email: support@apache-labs.com

: http://www.apache-labs.com

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Alphabetical Index
100BT LAN connection...................................................................................5
11. Tuning...................................................................................................63
12. TUNE/SWR/FWD Power..........................................................................64
13. Appendix...............................................................................................65
13.8vdc 2.5A.................................................................................................5
14. Reference materials................................................................................69
15. Steve Wilson KA6S special addition for Fldigi............................................71
18. Apache Support......................................................................................97
19. Apache Service and Repair......................................................................97
2. Front panel controls...................................................................................7
3 band graphic equalizer..............................................................................31
4. Side panel connections...............................................................................9
5. Quick Start Instructions............................................................................10
6. Discovery Menu.......................................................................................11
7. Main Menu...............................................................................................13
8. On-Screen Controls and toolbar Buttons....................................................38
About display...............................................................................................37
AF Gain slider..............................................................................................59
AGC Gain slider............................................................................................60
AGC Hang Threshold....................................................................................25
ALC Peak Average or GAIN...........................................................................33
Apache Labs International Support................................................................97
Apache Labs LLC............................................................................................1
Apache Service and Repair...........................................................................97
Apache Support...........................................................................................97
Apache Yahoo Support Group.......................................................................97
Audio Gain...................................................................................................27
AUDIO ICON................................................................................................20
Automatic Antenna Tuner.............................................................................26
backup of your Operating System...................................................................6
Bill Diaz KC9XG............................................................................................69
99 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2

Build date....................................................................................................37
Build Version...............................................................................................37
CAT 5/6 Ethernet cable................................................................................10
close this dialog box.....................................................................................14
CODEC select...............................................................................................27
Configure up to 8 transverters......................................................................30
Connect FLDIGI to PiHPSDR.........................................................................74
Controller connection requirements.................................................................5
Controller Hardware requirements..................................................................5
Controller software requirements:...................................................................6
CW Break In................................................................................................23
CW Keyer....................................................................................................23
CW KEYER MODE A......................................................................................23
CW KEYER MODE B......................................................................................23
CW KEYER STRAIGHT..................................................................................23
CW Speed...................................................................................................23
Default assignments of switches and rotary encoders.......................................7
Device Hermes Protocol................................................................................37
Device IP Addresses.....................................................................................37
Device MAC Addresses.................................................................................37
Direct frequency entry..................................................................................54
Direct Frequency Entry menu........................................................................39
Disable PA...................................................................................................30
Discover Ethernet Connections to RPi............................................................11
Discover protocol.........................................................................................11
Discovery Menu...........................................................................................11
Display Sliders..........................................................................................28p.
Display Waterfall..........................................................................................29
documentation.........................................................................................6, 10
E1, E2, E3 Click-Set Assignments..................................................................16
100 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2

Enable FreeDV.............................................................................................27
Encoders and Switches.................................................................................65
equalizers can be enabled............................................................................31
executable binaries........................................................................................6
exit piHPSDR back to the Raspberry Pi Desktop.............................................14
Exit piHPSDR button.....................................................................................14
explanation of “Low Latency” buffer optional.................................................69
Fill Panadapter.............................................................................................28
FLDIGI – use FLRIG as the server.................................................................82
FN button....................................................................................................49
Four Function Toolbar Groups → Menu.........................................................49
Frames Per Second......................................................................................28
Front panel controls.......................................................................................7
Front Panel Display........................................................................................8
Full Tune milliseconds..................................................................................26
Function................................................................................................65, 67
Function Group 1.........................................................................................42
Function Group 2 Menu items.......................................................................50
Function Group 4 menu items.......................................................................57
Function menu group 3................................................................................54
function touch screen...................................................................................41
fused 12vdc.................................................................................................10
GPIO.....................................................................................................65, 67
GPIO default connections.............................................................................12
GPIO pin Assignments (RaspberryPi..............................................................68
Hardware Setup...........................................................................................10
holding then dragging..................................................................................63
Includes: FreeDV.........................................................................................37
Install pdf document......................................................................................6
101 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2

Jacinto Rebelo CU2ED..................................................................................69
John Melton GØORX/N6LYT............................................................................1
June 10, 2016 - Warren, NR0V and Doug, W5WC..........................................69
KA6S Summary............................................................................................82
Keys reversed..............................................................................................23
Kjell Karlasen LA2NI.....................................................................................69
latest version of pihpsdr source code..............................................................6
Linear Phase................................................................................................70
Linear Phase and Low Latency......................................................................70
LO Error......................................................................................................30
LO Feq........................................................................................................30
Local Audio Output.......................................................................................18
LOWER LATENCY.........................................................................................69
Max Feq......................................................................................................30
Memory Tune milliseconds............................................................................26
Menu → About............................................................................................37
Menu → ANT...............................................................................................24
Menu → CW................................................................................................23
Menu → Display...........................................................................................28
Menu → DSP...............................................................................................25
Menu → Equalizers......................................................................................31
Menu → Exit................................................................................................14
Menu → FFT................................................................................................35
Menu → FreeDV..........................................................................................27
Menu → Hide...............................................................................................15
Menu → Meter.............................................................................................33
Menu → OC.................................................................................................26
Menu → PA Gain by Band.............................................................................22
Menu → Radio.............................................................................................17
Menu → Receive..........................................................................................18
Menu → RIGCTL..........................................................................................36
Menu → Step...............................................................................................32
Menu → TX.................................................................................................21
Menu → TX with USB Input Source...............................................................21
Menu → VOX...............................................................................................34
102 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2

Menu → XVTR.............................................................................................30
Menu button................................................................................................13
Menu items explained in detail in following pages..........................................13
Meter values appear in the upper right hand corner of the display..................33
MIC Gain slider............................................................................................61
Microphone (dB)..........................................................................................33
Microphone Level.........................................................................................34
Min Feq.......................................................................................................30
minimize the pihpsdr application window.......................................................15
minimum 12vdc 2A........................................................................................5
minimum Buffer Sizes and Low Latency filters................................................70
mouse/keyboard for easy access....................................................................8
Moving the scroll wheel................................................................................63
MOX touch screen button.............................................................................42
Multi-Client Support.....................................................................................77
Network LAN Connection................................................................................5
NEW S-Meter Analog meter movement or bar graph......................................33
NR2 AE Filter...............................................................................................25
NR2 Gain Method.........................................................................................25
NR2 NPE Method.........................................................................................25
Open Collector Aux I/O connectors...............................................................26
Open Collector outputs.................................................................................26
OpenHPSDR archives...................................................................................97
OpenHPSDR Group.......................................................................................97
OpenHPSDR Hardware and Software Projects................................................69
PA Drive slider.............................................................................................61
Panadapter High..........................................................................................28
Panadapter Low...........................................................................................28
physical FN button.......................................................................................41
piHPSDR Controller........................................................................................1
pihpsdr latest production version..................................................................69
PiHPSDR listens on Port 19090 for TCP/IP connections...................................71
103 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2

Pihpsdr program START button.....................................................................12
ping a Serial Port to TCP/IP port in Linux.......................................................72
Post AGC.....................................................................................................25
Pre AGC.......................................................................................................25
PTT via CAT button......................................................................................75
Quick Start Instructions................................................................................10
RealVNC connection.......................................................................................8
reboot the Raspberry Pi................................................................................14
Receive Analog S-Meter................................................................................33
Receive Attenuation slider............................................................................60
Receiver Incremental Tuning...................................................................39, 56
RED VFO.....................................................................................................42
reverse the direction of Tuning on the VFO....................................................68
RIT CLEAR...................................................................................................56
RIT OFF/ON enables or disables....................................................................56
RIT offset shown in YELLOW TEXT................................................................56
RIT step................................................................................................39, 54
RIT Step size...............................................................................................17
RIT+ (plus) or RIT- (minus).........................................................................56
Running applications with the latest version of Hamlib...................................79
S-Meter Peak and Average............................................................................33
Sample Rate................................................................................................17
Scott WU2O.................................................................................................69
Set up GRIG to talk to PiHPSDR....................................................................73
Setting up rigctld.........................................................................................77
Shutdown the Raspberry Pi...........................................................................14
Sidetone Freq..............................................................................................23
104 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2

Sidetone Level.............................................................................................23
SNR Squelch Enable.....................................................................................27
Software Setup............................................................................................10
Squelch slider..............................................................................................62
Start button will start the radio.....................................................................12
Start button will start the radio – on the selected Ethernet interface...............12
Stereo, Left, Right, Mute when not active......................................................18
storage and recall........................................................................................55
sudo apt-get install fldigi..............................................................................74
sudo apt-get install flrig................................................................................74
sudo apt-get install socat..............................................................................73
Switch or Encoder..................................................................................65, 67
The individual sliders are displayed when E1, E2, or E3 are rotated and Menu →
Display → Sliders is turned off......................................................................59
The VFO encoder knob.................................................................................63
Toolbar – Function button............................................................................40
Toolbar →...................................................................................................56
Toolbar → A>B, AB........................................................................52
Toolbar → AGC VFO-A.................................................................................48
Toolbar → AGC VFO-B..................................................................................48
Toolbar → Band Stack..................................................................................44
Toolbar → Band Stack for VFO-A selected.....................................................44
Toolbar → Band Stack for VFO-B selected.....................................................44
Toolbar → BAND VFO-A...............................................................................43
Toolbar → CTUN..........................................................................................51
Toolbar → CTUN – Click Tuning....................................................................51
Toolbar → Filter VFO-A................................................................................46
Toolbar → Filter VFO-B................................................................................46
Toolbar → FREQ..........................................................................................54
Toolbar → Function button...........................................................................49
Toolbar → MEM...........................................................................................55
Toolbar → Mode VFO-A................................................................................45
Toolbar → Mode VFO-B................................................................................45
Toolbar → MOX...........................................................................................42
Toolbar → N................................................................................................47
105 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2

Toolbar → NOISE VFO-A..............................................................................47
Toolbar → SPLIT.........................................................................................53
Toolbar → TUNE..........................................................................................57
Toolbar → VFO Lock....................................................................................50
Touch Direct Frequency Entry.......................................................................39
Touch Screen...................................................................................63, 65, 67
touch screen Function..................................................................................49
Touch selection of VFO-A (Rx0)....................................................................38
Touch selection of VFO-B (Rx1)....................................................................38
Touching and dragging on the panadapter....................................................63
Transceiver interfaces..................................................................................11
Transceiver power amplifier will be disabled on transmit................................30
Transmit out of band....................................................................................22
Transmit TUNE SWR and Power Display........................................................33
TS-2000 protocol.........................................................................................71
TUNE.....................................................................................................26, 64
TUNE Toolbar..............................................................................................57
TUNE/SWR/FWD power................................................................................64
TX Equalizer and RX Equalizer.......................................................................31
Tx Message.................................................................................................27
USB DEVICE SETTINGS................................................................................20
Users Guide...................................................................................................1
Using PiHPSDR with other applications:.........................................................71
VFO Encoder................................................................................................63
VFO Encoder Divisor.....................................................................................17
VFO step................................................................................................39, 54
VFO Tuning rate..........................................................................................32
Video from F’Hafen 2016..............................................................................69
Waterfall Automatic......................................................................................28
Waterfall High..............................................................................................28
Waterfall Low..............................................................................................28
WDSP version..............................................................................................37
Wireless and Ethernet connections................................................................12
.................................................................................46, 48, 59, 61, 63, 67pp.
106 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2

(individual receiver settings.........................................................................18
Linear Phase or Low Latency selection..........................................................35

107 of 107
pihpsdr v1.2


Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 107
Language                        : en-US
Title                           : v1.2 piHPSDR Controller Users Guide
Subject                         : v1.2 piHPSDR Controller Users Guide
Keywords                        : v1.2, piHPSDR, Controller, Users, Guide
Creator                         : Writer
Producer                        : LibreOffice 5.3
Create Date                     : 2017:11:12 09:11:22-06:00
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools

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