Derman Risk The Boys Guide HEDGE

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The boy’s guide to
pricing and hedging
Emanuel Derman

here is an unfortunate strain of
pedantry running through the teaching of quantitative finance, one involving an excess of abstraction, formality,
rigour and axiomatisation that makes the
subject unnecessarily daunting and difficult. Over the years I’ve seen a few too
many fresh graduates who, on being asked
why one believes one can obtain a credible value for an option, reply that it’s because of Girsanov’s theorem.
I’d like to think most of the useful aspects of quantitative finance are relatively simple, and so, here is my rather
abbreviated poor man’s guide to the field.


finance inevitably involve expectations
and estimates of future behaviour, and
those estimates and expectations are people’s estimates.
Financial economists refer to their essential principle as the law of one price,
or the principle of no risk-free arbitrage,
which states that: ‘Any two securities with
identical future payouts, no matter how
the future turns out, should have identical current prices.’
The law of one price is not a law of nature. It’s a general reflection on the practices of human beings, who, when they
have enough time and information, will

Price and value

The law of one price is not a law of nature. It’s a
reflection on the practices of human beings, who,
when they have enough time and information,
will grab a bargain when they see one

You must first distinguish between price
and value. Price is what you pay to acquire
a security; value is what it is worth. The
price is fair when it is equal to the value.
But what is the value? How do you estimate it? Judging value, in even the simplest way, involves the construction of a
model or theory.

The one and only commandment of
quantitative finance
According to legend, Hillel, a famous sage,
was asked to recite the essence of God’s
laws while standing on one leg. “Do not
do unto others as you would not have them
do unto you,” he is supposed to have said.
“All the rest is commentary. Go and learn.”
You can summarise the essence of
quantitative finance on one leg too: “If
you want to know the value of a security, use the price of another security that’s
as similar to it as possible. All the rest is
modelling. Go and build.”
The wonderful thing about this law,
when compared with almost everything
else in economics, is that it dispenses with
utility functions, those unobservable hidden variables whose ghostly presences
permeate economic theory. But don’t think
you can escape all human perceptions by
using this law; the models of quantitative

grab a bargain when they see one. This
law usually holds in the long run, in welloiled markets with enough savvy participants, but there are always short-term or
even longer-term exceptions that persist.

Valuation by replication
How do you use the law of one price to
determine value? If you want to estimate
the value of a target security, the law of
one price tells you to find some other
replicating portfolio, a collection of more
liquid securities that, collectively, has the
same future payouts as the target, no matter how the future turns out. The target’s
value is then simply the price of the replicating portfolio.
Where do models enter? It takes a
model to show that the target and the
replicating portfolio have identical future
payouts under all circumstances. To
demonstrate the identity of payouts, you
must specify what you mean by ‘all circumstances’ for each security, and find a
strategy for creating a replicating portfo-

lio that, in each future scenario, will have
identical payouts to those of the target.
Most of the mathematical complexity
in finance involves the description of the
range of future behaviour of each security’s price.
There are two kinds of replication,
static and dynamic. A static replicating
portfolio is a collection of securities that,
once defined and never altered, reproduces the payout of a target security
under all future scenarios. Static replication is the simplest and most comprehensive method of valuation, but is
feasible only in the rare cases when the

target security closely resembles the liquid securities available.
For more complex non-linear securities, such as stock options, static replicating portfolios are unavailable, but
sometimes you can find a dynamic replicating portfolio, a mixture of liquid securities whose proportions, continually
adjusted by trading out of one security
and into another, will replicate the payout of the target. Static or dynamic, the
initial price of the replicating portfolio is
the estimated value of the target.
Models are only models, toy-like descriptions of idealised worlds. Simple
models envisage a simple future; more
sophisticated models incorporate a more
complex set of future scenarios that can
better approximate actual markets. But
no mathematical model will capture the
intricacies of human psychology. If you
listen to the models’ siren song for too
long, you may end up on the rocks or in
the whirlpool.
We now proceed to apply replication

How do you value the promise of a future payment? The simplest answer is: find
an institution whose liquid bonds have an
estimated risk of default similar to your
debtor’s and use that institution’s term
structure of interest rates to discount the
payouts of your target bond.
Why use interest rates? Because they
allow you to compare investments. Quoting bond prices in terms of rates or yields
is a sort of model too, albeit a simple one
that projects bonds of different coupons
and maturities on to a one-dimensional
yield scale that’s more enlightening than
mere dollar price. The most easily embraceable models convert inexpressive
prices into a more eloquent one- or twodimensional scale that makes comparison
more intuitive.
Complex bonds, mortgages or swaptions, for example, whose payouts are
contingent on interest rates or other market parameters, are best modelled using
dynamically replicating portfolios, as described later.

The risk of stocks
A stock’s most germane characteristic is
the uncertainty of its return. About the
most elementary model of uncertainty is
the risk involved in flipping a coin. Figure 1 illustrates a similarly simple model
– the binary tree – for the evolution of
the price of a stock with return volatility σ over a small instant of time ∆t. On
an up-move the price increases by the
µ∆t + σ ∆t
while on an equally probable down-move
it increases by only:
µ∆t − σ ∆t
The volatility σ is the measure of the
stock’s risk.
According to the law of one price, the
risk-free rate of return r must lie in the
zone between the up and down returns.
If both the up and down returns were
greater than the risk-free return, you
could create a portfolio long $100 of stock
and short $100 of a risk-free bond with
zero price and a paradoxically positive
payout under all future scenarios. Any
model with such possibilities is in trouble
before it leaves the ground.
This apparently naive ‘either-up-ordown’ model captures much of the inherent risk of owning a stock and many
other risky securities. Repeated over and
over again for small time steps, it mimics

1. Evolution of a stock’s price

What future expected reward justifies a
particular present risk? This is the paramount question of life and finance. If you
know the future volaility of a stock σ,
what rate of return µ should you expect?
The law of one price tells you how
to value securities you can replicate, but
some payouts simply cannot be replicated. Certain risk factors are intrinsic,
unavoidable, the thing in itself. We need
to extend the law of one price – same
payout, same return – to demand that
the same unavoidable risk should lead
to the same expected return, or, more
precisely, that risk factors with equal risk
should have equal expected return. We
can use this principle to determine the
rational relationship between risk and
The key point is that, by adding a riskfree short-term investment in a bond to
any risky position, one can reduce the
magnitude of the risk and return in a predictable manner while preserving the
risk’s character.
Figure 2 shows the binary tree for a
risk-free bond. It is degenerate: whether
the stock moves up or down, the bond
produces a guaranteed return r∆t. By
adding a risk-free bond of this type with
zero volatility to a stock of volatility σ and
return µ, you can commensurately reduce
both the risk and return of your investment. The binary tree for a 50:50 mix of
stock and cash suffers half the volatility σ
and produces half the expected excess return (µ – r) over the risk-free rate. The
principle of equal-unavoidable-riskequal-expected-return then dictates that
any security with half the risk produces
half the excess return, or, even more generally, that excess return is proportional
to risk, so that:
µ − r = λσ
where λ is the Sharpe ratio.

Risk reduction by diversification
implies the Sharpe ratio is zero
We have shown that since you can reduce
risk by keeping part of your money in
risk-free bonds, it follows that excess return is proportional to risk. But you can
also diminish risk by diversifying. If you
can accumulate a portfolio of so many uncorrelated unavoidable risks that their

µ∆ t + σ

Risk reduction by adding risk-free
bonds implies ‘more risk, more return’

Stock price

Modelling (relatively) risk-free bonds

the more-or-less continuous motion of
prices in a reasonable though imperfect
way, much as movies produce the illusion
of life by changing images at the rate of
24 frames a second.

return zone

∆ t

Mean  µ ∆ t

µ∆t – σ

∆ t


2. Evolution of a risk-free bond’s price

r∆ t



and the law of one price to various securities of interest.


risks cancel, so that the portfolio’s net
volatility is zero, then, by the law of one
price, since it is risk-free, it must produce
the risk-free rate of return. In that case,
each stock in the portfolio must earn the
risk-free rate too, so that µ = r and the
Sharpe ratio λ must be zero.
If all risk factors can be cancelled by
diversification, investors should expect
only the risk-free return on any single

Risk reduction by hedging implies only
factor risk is rewarded
Stock markets aren’t truly amenable to
the total diversification we assumed
above. That’s because large financial
markets are more than a collection of individual uncorrelated risk factors. Experienced investors are always trying to
detect patterns in the universe of stock
returns. They perceive stocks as belonging to groups that have in common
their sensitivity to a particular asset, factor or set of factors.
Let ρ be the correlation of the returns

3. A stock is straight, an option curved
A stock is straight, an option curved


Stock S

Call option C(S),
strike $100


Binary price trees for a stock S and a $1 investment in a
risk-free bond. The stock and bond can be decomposed into
a security p that pays out only in the up state and a security
1 – p that pays out only in the down state



1 + r∆t




Risk-free bond


1 + r∆t


1 + r∆t

1 + r∆t

You can replicate an option's non-linear payout over each
instant by suitable investments in the elemental securities p
and 1 – p

(1 + r∆t)C = (CU) × p + (CD) × (1 – p)

between a stock S with volatility σ and
some tradable risky asset M with volatility σM. Because of the correlation between
each stock’s return and that of M, you can
hedge the M-related risk of any stock. If
you have $100 invested in a stock S, you
can short β times as many dollars of the
factor M against it, where β = ρ(σ/σM) is
the number of percentage points that stock
S is expected to rise when M rises by 1%.
This factor-hedged portfolio, consisting of
a $100 long position in the stock combined
1 Wilmott, Paul, in the prologue to Derivatives,
John Wiley & Sons, 1998

with β times as much of a short position
in M, will carry no net exposure to the
price of M, because any increase in the
price of the stock will, on average, be cancelled by a correlated decrease in value of
the short position in M.
The net expected return on this factorhedged M-neutral portfolio is proportional to the return of the stock S less β
times the return of M, namely µ – βµM.
Assuming there are no other factors influencing the stock S, this residual risk is
If you can diversify over a large
enough M-neutral portfolio of stocks so
that their accumulated unavoidable risk
cancels, then this M-neutral portfolio of
zero volatility must earn the risk-free rate
r. The same must therefore be true of each
M-neutral element of the portfolio. This
leads to the result that:

(µ − r ) = β ( µ M − r )
This is the result of the capital asset
pricing model or arbitrage pricing theory: in a world of rational investors, the excess return you can expect from buying
a stock is its β times the expected return
of its hedgeable factor. Put differently, you
can only expect to be rewarded for the
unavoidable factor risk of each stock,
since all other risk can be eliminated by
The rationality of the investing world
is still hotly debated. In finance – a social
science overlaid with a useful veneer of
quantitative analysis – the exact truth is
hard to determine.

The choice-of-currency trick
It seems obvious that the value of a security in dollars should be independent of
the currency (dollars, yen, shares of IBM,
etc) you choose for modelling its evolution. A little thought often suggests a natural choice of currency that can greatly
simplify thinking about a problem. Just as
stock analysts find it convenient to measure a stock’s price in units of projected
earnings rather than dollars, thereby making stock comparison easier, so financial
modellers can sometimes cleverly choose
a more meaningful currency than the dollar when valuing a complex security. Convertible bonds, for example, which involve
an option to exchange a bond for stock,
can sometimes be fruitfully modelled by
choosing a bond itself as the natural valuation currency. Financial mathematicians
call this trick ‘the choice of numeraire’.

Derivatives are not independent
A derivative is a contract whose value is
determined by the non-linear relation-

ship between its payout and the value
of some other, simpler security called its
underlyer. The most interesting characteristic of a derivative is the curvature of
its payout C(S), as illustrated for a simple call option in figure 3.
If you know the price of a simple stock,
whose payout is linear, what is the value
of the non-linear option?
In the binary tree model, there are only
two possible states (up and down) for the
stock or the option after a time ∆t. These
states are spanned by two independent
securities, the stock itself and a risk-free
bond. You can decompose the stock and
bond into a basis of two more elemental
securities – p and 1 – p – each respectively paying out in only one of the final
states, as shown in figure 3. By creating
a portfolio that is a suitable mixture of
these two securities, you can instantaneously replicate the payout of any nonlinear function C(S) over the next instant
of time ∆t, no matter into which state the
stock evolves.
The value of the option is therefore
the price of the mixture of stock and
bond that replicates it. By choosing ∆t
to be infinitesimally small, you can repeat this replication strategy instant after
instant, so that, if the final payout C(S)
is known, its dynamic replication at all
earlier times is determined. The value of
the replicating portfolio depends on the
size of the stock price movements in the
stock’s binary tree – that is, on the stock’s
volatility σ. If you know the future
volatility, you can synthesise an option
out of stock and bonds.
The same strategy of dynamic replication can be extended to more complex
and realistic models of stock evolution,
as well as to the replication of derivatives
on all sorts of other underliers, as long
as there are enough independent underliers to span all future states.

Axiomatisation is helpful when axioms
hold true to a high degree of accuracy.
But, as Paul Wilmott aptly expressed it,
“every financial axiom ... ever seen is
demonstrably wrong”. Therefore, quantitative finance practitioners need to
know where best to spend their effort in
the grittily messy world they inhabit. In
preparing for that world it’s best to start
with the concrete and then proceed to
the abstract. ■


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Metadata Date                   : 2002:12:10 14:02:52-04:00
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