Dynabook PA3171WL Wireless LAN Module User Manual Exhibit 8 users manual for colocated BT functionality

Toshiba Corporation Wireless LAN Module Exhibit 8 users manual for colocated BT functionality

Exhibit 8 users manual for colocated BT functionality

Download: Dynabook PA3171WL Wireless LAN Module User Manual Exhibit 8 users manual for colocated BT functionality
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Document ID226235
Application IDdb+i/tvTYdQkHqAmZDyv3w==
Document DescriptionExhibit 8 users manual for colocated BT functionality
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize161.83kB (2022884 bits)
Date Submitted2002-02-14 00:00:00
Date Available2002-03-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2002-02-12 18:16:56
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleExhibit 8 users manual for colocated BT functionality
Document CreatorHP 9100C Digital Sender

About this Quick Start Guide Page 1 of 1
About this Quick Start Guide
This “Quick Start Guide" explains the first steps on using the Bluetooth Service Center utility and it consists of the
following items:
E starting Bluemoth
lgonnecting to thmerngt
E Communicating with other computers
L Appendix
’ Bluetooth Brand
For more demiled information, please reier to the “Bluetooth Utility Usefs Guide“.
Start Bluetooth Page 1 of 3
Starting Bluetooth
1. Turning on the Wireless Communication Switch
First, turn on the wireless communication switch on your personal computer.
Note: For details about the wireless communication switch, please refer to the user's manual that came with your
personal computer.
2. Starting Bluetooth Manager
Go to [Start]-[Programs]-[B|uetoom Toshiba Stackl-[Bluetooth Manager].
After Bluetooth Manager has started, the internal power supply of Bluetooth tums on automatically and it can be
a connected. As the following figure shows, after Bluetooth Manager starts, the program raides permanently on
the task bar and the icon image changes according to the operation taking place.
Miami—tout; t ‘s:54 PM
In addition, when cancelling the auto Power ON of the Bluetooth module, right-click the [Bluetooth Manager] icon
on the task bar and select “Auto Power ON' in the pop-up menu.
The next time the Operating System starts, the internal Bluetooth module will not be turned on automatically after
Bluetooth Manager starts. To turn on the power of the internal Bluetooth Manager, choose [Power ON].
filuelnnlh Service Center
fiPANwoikx ZDDO
Qevice Propane:
v Auto Payne! IJN
Bower DFF
3. Starting the Bluetooth Service Center
Start the Bluetooth Service Center by selecting: [StartJ-[Prcgramsl-[Bluetocth Toshiba Stackl-[Bluetooth Service
The main window of Bluetooth Service Center is shown below. The service view on the right side shows the
profile services that your PC has. In this case, the PC has COMG and COM7 as default COM Ports.
Note: The default COM port number depends on the configuration of your PC.
Start Bluetooth Page 2 of 3
(jv’Bluelnnth Selwce Cenler glitz;
Erie Edit V in Elwmnth Heb
| Status lAddress
firushhaammmh NutConnected unmadznzumc
CoD:iJ|:01 [in
T“ [P m ; D-evice Made: Discovereble éConnectahle Péuable Nor-{sews
4. Startan the Device Discovery
The Device Discovery function detects the Bluetoo‘lh devices within range. Click [Bluetooth] on the menu bar in
Bluetooth Service Center. Select [Device Discovery] from the pull-down menu. You can also start the Device
Discovery by clicking the g [Device Discovery] icon on the tool bar.
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J”. Remote Devnc. Device filter ) ' 7 7
Device gm, Made »
JaTorhhaBt UserMnde Propertiexu zmziizmzfld EnDzflcflim
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Irutbd Device Properties...
Local CDM Wizard...
Stgt Network Server Service
LL 1.1]
“rmmh Devin? ‘Discovera'flé' Tlfannectah:_VPerebleW—_mon-n;:ure “V”
You need the following information to connect to the remote device.
- Device Name: e.g. Toshiba Bluetooth
- Device Address: e.g. 00:50:11:22:33:44
o Passkey (Password): in case a passkey is set up on the remote device
5. Service Search for the Remote Device
After the device discovery has been performed, discovered devices are listed in the device list view. Select the
discovered device to connect to and click the L2] [Service Search] icon. The Service Search will start Service
Search is investigating what sen/ice a remote machine owns.
Start Bluetooth Page 3 of 3
‘g’muexuum Service Cenlel BEI-
V flaw};
"madam loaviceMnd'eE'Discover'ahle tunmmwi' ‘Fiaiiéhle
Connecting to the Internet Page 1 of 4
Connecting to the Internet
By using a Bluetooth enabled modem. you can connect to the Internet wirelessly. To do so, perform the following
Bluetoolh malted modern
1. Starting Bluetooth
Execute the Device Discovery to detect the remote device. If you need to, click here to refer to the section about
Starting Bluetooth.
To connect to a remote device, the following information is required:
0 Device Name: e.g. Toshiba Bluetooth Modem
0 Device Address: e.g. 00:50:11:22:33:44
o Passkey (Password): in case a passkey is set up on the modem
2. Service Search for the remote device
After the device discovery has been performed, discovered devices are listed in the device list. Select the
discovered wireless modem you wish to connect to and click the {Q [Servioe Search] icon. The Service Search
will start. The Service Search is investigating which servlce a remote machine owns.
"3 Bluelonlh ear-nee Cenlel
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Not Connecled UU‘SD‘cd‘I‘lzflTfld EDD 01:01 DI]
1 Mil a: '
thnecleble liairabiem Non-sebum _
After the Service Search has been performed, the service that the wireless modem owns is displayed on the
Connecting to the Internet Page 2 of 4
service list view. The following example shows which services the wireless modem has.
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l}, Hemole Devices v i f " 1
Dov’ce ] Stains ] Addiess Elm
J'loshlbaB! Not Connected Uflzfiflzcdflfllfll unoccmuu
bTUSHIBA HT Mod,.. NntEonnechsd UU’SU:cd111t00:4c EuD:1DDZdU
Fax 5 anal Purl
"oéiiceMude; DisE‘uvelahla torirectahle '
Pailele N'onfz'ecue
3. Connection wlth a Bluetooth wlreless modem
Check Dial-up networking icon in the sen/ices list view and click the Q“ [connect] icon. The following example
shows the connection established between the PC and the modem.
9’ Eluelnfllh Semce Center [
Ei aw Ehetooth Heb
Remote Devices
Lhtnshibaal Nu! Connected
é TDSHIBA BT Modem Cmnecled
-, v :11:fl1‘fl4 CoD‘UcUlDU
Baffledzflzflflic [00:100240
Fax Senal Poll
«I in
“41“ {A [lei/Ea Mode: bismveléfile I annne-ztable Pious Non-seems
To check which COM pout your machine is using, select I‘Local Device“ from the tool button bar. The following
example shows that the Local COMG port is connecting with the wireless modem.
Connecting to the Internet Page 3 of 4
‘i’ Bluetoulh 5mm Renter HIE E
Ie Edi giew Blueluoth fldp
‘ MHIB’ |Device Mudef|mscuvaissi§ i t'mneuang Feiahle N56 saw—e"
Note: If the wireless modem that you intend to connect sets up a passkey (password), the dialog that asks for a
passkey (password) as shown in the following figure is displayed. In this case, please use the password
beforehand set up by the modem.
Bluetunlh Manager , Bluelnnlh Secullty
Bluetnulh Fauna. [HM 1: I
% [If left blank. the delaull PIN will he used]
r Request Device ' -
Bluetouth Device Addrem DU:W:CD:11:DO:4C
Bluetnnth Device Nine: TElSHlEA BT Modem
L ,r__t ,, _, ,_, W , _
Cancel 1
Only input the password the first time.
4. Accessing an Internet Service Provider
Finally, set up configurations tor the wireless modern and a browser to access an Internet Service Providert
Note: It a Bluetooth enabled modem's driver is not installed on your PC, please install the drivers for wireless
5. Disconnecting a COM Port Connection
To disconnect a link established to a remote device. oheok Dial-up networking ioon on the service list view and
Q- [Disoonneot] icon on the tool bar.
Connecting to the Internet Page 4 of 4
Eie Edit \_liew Bluetnnth Heb
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grnsmswmwem Enmected DD'Sflzch1zmz4c cunnnnzw Fax SenaIF‘ml
c] '|
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Communicating with other computers Page 1 of 1
Communicating with other computers
You can communicate with other Bluetooth enabled computers wirelessly by using the Biuetooth Network Service
Examples of using the Bluetooth Network Service:
0 Sharing files/folders with the other machine.
- NetMmIng withln a Bluetooth network.
The next pages explain the Bluetooth Network Sen/ice.
Start Network Sewer Service Page 1 of 1
Network Server Service
In a Bluetooth network service the machine which plays the role of a server must start the network service. The
other machine will be a Client.
E It your machine has the role of a sewer, read the following section.
If your machine has the role of a client, go to the next section.
Starting a Network Sewer Service
In a Bluetcoth network service the machine which plays the role of a sewer must start the network service. Go to
[Bluetooth] of menu bar, select [Start Network Sewer Service] to start the Network Sewer Service
The tollowing dialog displays. Click [OK] to store this dialog into the task bar.
55 LAN Emulahon Nelwork 5mm
J IJEkEL'Ichzl 1:001CC
End Servicem] !
When the LAN Emulation Server Service has started, a service icon is placed in the Task bar. It shows that the
service is availabe and the computer is acting as the server.
iii‘fi’filiiflN—Q 1 rig,- 1.59 PM
The start of the LAN service is also indicated by the LAN icon in the service view.
<1) lilmalowlh '§v_~w|cu raw», HEM:
Device ¢
mrgshmse W 329
TOSHIBA Devlceflode’ iDlscov'réqabliitgim- (Wholly Nonvpelvablemsecufiy' /
Connecting/Disconnecting Network Page 1 of 2
Connecting to /Disconnecting from a Network
1. Starting Bluetooth
Perform a Device Discovery to detect the Sewer machine. If you need to, click hereto refer to the section on
“Starting Bluetooth".
To connect to a remote device, the following information is required.
0 Device Name: e.g. Toshiba Bluetooth Sewer
- Device Address: eg. 00:50:11:22:33:44
0 Passkey (Password): in case a passkey is set up on the remote machine
2. Connect to a Network
Cauttom The machine used as a client must not select “Start LAN Emulation Service“.
At the client side, pertorm 3 Device Discovery to detect a sewer machine and perform the following steps. Check
the detected server machine in the device list view, and click Q[Sewice Search] icon to do a service search.
After that, you will be able to see a “LANE" icon in the sewice list view as shown in the mllowing screenshot.
m ,
‘ HIuPlunth
L5 RemoteDevrces vf x e , 3g! . ®l x E .
Demos I Status ‘Mdless l ”559“ “327W ;;.
J, Toshiba Bbelouth Not Connected 00-50 cm 1 1001cc COD 000100 W 2,33 Q“ in)
J, an summon m um Connected 0050 cdll 00 u CoD'OcU‘lOD 159MB cow LANE
Test-nu "Device Mod; gbgc‘a‘veiam: «commit? ifiéiafiie “shame ‘ ‘ f,‘
Next, check the “LANE” icon, and click the 5“: [ccnnect] icon. The Client Service starts to access the Sewer
machine. The following screen shows the connection established between the Sewer and the Client machine.
Telnet-mm Sew-cc [19mm
dnmwewces ' a; l Q
Device | Status | Adam I Class 1
A, Toshiba 8»:ch Connected 0&50:od'11.00 cc 030050100 .&.
«A, 00:50 cd n 0014 Not Connected on 50 ed“ mm 1200 000100 coma COM?
TOSHIBA [Dewcelicde-tbiscwcrable lConnectdfile 7 Portable chn»secure
Connecfing/Disoonnecting Network Page 2 of 2
3. Dlsconnectlng from a Network
To disconnect a Network Client, select [LANE] from the services list and click the Q [disconnect] icon in the tool
End of Network Server Service Page 1 of 1
Closing the Network Server Service
To close the Network Service in a network group on the server machine, click the [Network Server Service]
icon i the fi bar Whn he following dirt xi displayed, ti he [End M0900] butane
if IAN Emulation Nelwurk Sewe- Selvme
$19 m50:cn:11;nu:cc
End Serviceul I
Sharing files/folders with the other machine Page 1 of 2
Sharing a file/folder
Please perform the following setup on all the machines in a network group before starting Network Service.
1. Starting the Bluetooth Manager
2. Configure the IP address
Go to [Control Panell-[Network]. Open the [Configuration] tab. Check “TCP/IP->Toshiba Bluetooth LAN
Emulation” and click the [Properties] button.
Open the [IP address] tab and click "Specify an IP address”. Input the same IP address within a Network as in the
figure below. But assign a different address in the 4'" column for each machine. Click [OK] to close the dialog.
Curliourah‘unIrdenrificarim]Amesscmrmil Binding: | Advanced ] NetBIUS 1
Bus Configuration | Gateway | wrus Configuration IP Address
The IolIowing network component: are instdled:
T Fast Infrared Protocol »> smc IrEE [Inlrared Corr An IP address can be eutflmficsly assigned in this monomer.
3— TEF/IP > Dial- Up Adapter if your network doe: not automatically new IP addesses, ask
your network admiristrator for an address. md then type it in
3: TCPIIP > IntellH] PHD/1 DU VE Network Donne rhg space below,
r u [n llan'
IQ File and prlnler sharing lor M osolt Networks
L|________._____1 r ghrain an IP address automatically
' G fipecily an IF address: w V 7 .
Add... Flgmoye
PrimaryNeIworkLogon: 3 lPAdd'w: 192.155. 11 .1|1
. . _________~ I
Client Ior Microsult Networks Syhne! Mask 255 155 155 . 0
Ella and Print Sharing." ]
Detonation —
TDF/IP is live pretend you use to cement to the Ir
, wide area networks.
3. Input Identitr ation
Open the [Identification] tab Input your computer and workgroup name, which Identifies your computer to other
people on the network But use the same workgroup name within the wireless network service. If necessary, input
the “Computer Description.
Sharing files/folders with the other machine Page 2 of 2
N etwork B B
Configuration HENH'EENQN 1 Access Bonito]!
Wrndows uses the fulluw'ng ininrmaliun lo identify your
computer on the netwoik Please type a name iar this
cnrwuler, the wolkgruun it wil appear in, and a short
description of the commn
Computer name: li oxhlha
Wurkgrow: Wurkgruup
Computer l—‘_‘—‘
4. Startan the Bluetooth Network Service
The Sewer starts the Network Sewer Service and the Client starts the connection with the Server. Double-click
the [Network] icon on the Desktop and double-click [Entire Network] for exploring the Network neighborhood.
NetMeeting Page 1 of 1
Using the Bluetooth Network Service enables you to perform a Vifindows NetMeeting by wireless communication
NetMeeting recognizes the meeting on a network, and the sharing of an application. For detailed information
about NetMeeting, please refer to andows Help.
Appendix Page 1 of 2
A. Security Mode
With regard to security setup, the standard is set beforehand as the Office/MobiIe/Home/Others button of the
Service Center as shown in the figure below. It is possible to change a security setting easily. However, this
setting is very important. so please be careful of altering anything.The detault security mode is configured as
“Others” with “Non-security”. If you need to change it, please refer to the “Bluetooth Utility User‘s Guide".
(finmemunh Serwce ceme-
file Edit \_Iiew Etuetonth Eel)
«1 Remote Devnces
B. Add a Local COM Port
As a default setting, the local COM Port already creates a COMG. However, when a port is being used by
another application, a Local COM is not created.
if you need to create a new local OOM Port, open [Start]-[Set'ting]-[Control Panell-[LcceICOM] and add a
new COM Client Port. For more detailed information, please refer to the “Bluetooth Utility User's Guide”.
fl l'untml Palm!
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7"? , Jul X
'? “Up l Cut
‘ 53
Control , “
Panel {in
w" “i lnteflFll Internet Keyboard LocscoM
LocachM PHOSet Options
Bluetocth Local / q, ,. \
COM utility. @ D Q $9;
_'_| Modems Mouse Multimedia Network _‘_’
C. Bluetooth Network Service
By using the Bluetooth network service, your wireless network environment can recognize a maximum of 8
PCs. ABluetooth [rework coniste of divers and Brute, jut Lib a wired ANA
Page 2 of 2
An example of a Bluetooth Network Sewioe
Bluetooth Brand Page 1 of 1
Bluetooth Brand
Bluetooth”, research development and decisions about standards is carried out by the Bluetooth” SIG (Special
Interest Group).
Bluetooth” SIG is the joint achievement of nine leading companies: Toshiba , Ericsson. Nokia, Intel, IBM, 300m,
Lucent Technologies, Microsoft, and Motorola. More than 1300 other manufacturers, from all parts of the world
and various field of business, have now also joined the Bluetooth” family. Toshiba Personal Computers that
integrate Bluetooth devices passed the Bluetooth” Qualification Program and are able to use the Bluetooth
For more information on Bluetooth“ SIG, please refer to the Bluetooth” Official site. (http://www.bluetooth.coml)
Bluetooth Technical Facts
Atiny Bluetooth“ microchip, incorporating a radio transceiver, is built into digital devices. The Bluetooth“
technology makes all connections instantly and without an inch of cable. lt facilitates fast and secure
transmissions of both voice and data, even when the devices are not within line-of-sight. The radio operates in a
globally available frequency band, ensuring compatibility worldwide.
Also, the radio operates in the 2.45GHz band, which is license-free and available to any radio system in the world.
A Bluetooth radio link has a maximum data transfer rate of 724kbit/s. The normal range of the Bluetooth radio is
either 10 meters or 100 meters, depending on your Bluetth equipment.
0 The BLUETOOTH trademarks used throughout this guide are owned by their proprietor and used by
Toshiba under license.
t Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and
other countries.
0 Other company and product names mentioned in this guide are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 19
Creator                         : HP 9100C Digital Sender
Create Date                     : 2002:02:12 18:16:56
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Title                           : 
Subject                         : Quick Start Guide
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FCC ID Filing: CJ6PA3171WL

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