User Manual
HD16(RF)配 Mk10D(带 SER100)技术说明书 版本 修改日期 修改说明 修改人 适用范围 Version Modification Date Description Applicability Scope V1.0 2016-05-15 初版 Modified By 李文科 First Edition Wenke Li (EDMI HD16(RF) For SER100 HD16_V1.0_S001 Shenzhen) V1.1 2016-05-19 1、The last Credit Tokens 由 5 条增加 为 10 条; 2 、 time/date of the last 10 credit 李文科 Wenke Li HD16(RF) For SER100 HD16_V1.0_S002 tokens 3、kwh values from the last 10 credit tokens 4、the last 10 engineering tokens 5、time/date of the last 10 engineering tokens V1.2 2016-11-30 1、增加了低电量报警功能:当剩余电 安涛 量低于 10kWh 的时候 Credit LED 常 AnTao 亮,蜂鸣器报警,长按 Enter 键可取消 蜂鸣器报警。 2、增加了 RF 模块生产测试功能:短 接 TP3 进入功率测试界面;键盘输入 2580 进入接收灵敏度测试界面。按 Back 键可退出测试界面。 V1.3 2016-12-2 完善描述不清楚的地方:长按 Enter 键 1 秒钟可取消蜂鸣器报警。 安涛 将发射功率改为 8dbm。 安涛 V1.4 2017-04-21 AnTao AnTao HD16(RF) For SER100 HD16_V1.0_S006 HD16(RF) For SER100 HD16_V1.0_S006 HD16(RF) For SER100 HD16_V1.0_S008 1 / 31 目录 Table of Contents 1. 简介 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3 2. 外观、尺寸、液晶和安装图 External Features, Dimensions, Liquid Crystal and Installation Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 外观 External Features....................................................................................................... 4 2.2 液晶 Liquid Crystal ............................................................................................................. 4 2.3 外观尺寸 External Appearance & Dimensions ................................................................. 5 2.4 安装尺寸及方式 Installation Dimensions & Method..................................................... 5 3. 电气参数 Electrical Parameters ................................................................................................ 7 3.1 工作电压 Operating Voltage ............................................................................................. 7 3.2 工作电流 Operating Current .............................................................................................. 7 3.3 无线通讯参数 RF Communications Parameters ................................................................ 7 3.4 按键规格 Keys Specifications ............................................................................................. 7 3.5 显示规格 Display Specifications ....................................................................................... 7 3.6 工作环境 Operating Environment ..................................................................................... 7 3.7 接口 Interface .................................................................................................................... 8 4. 按键定义 Keys Definitions ......................................................................................................... 8 5. LED 指示、背光控制、LCD 显示以及蜂鸣器告警 LED Indicators, Backlight Control ,LCD Iconsand Buzzer Alarm ................................................................................................................... 9 6. 开机、关机、自动关机 Powered on and Power off and Auto Power Off .............................. 12 6.1 开机步骤 Power OnStep 1:初始化设备 Initialize the Device ....................................... 12 6.2 开机步骤 Power onStep 2:建立通讯 Establish the Communications........................... 12 6.3 关机 ................................................................................................................................. 12 7. 默认显示界面 Default Display Interface ................................................................................. 13 8. HASH 界面 Interface ................................................................................................................... 14 9. TOKEN 界面 Interface ................................................................................................................ 15 10. 合闸功能 Relay Close ............................................................................................................. 17 11 序列号修改界面 Serial Setting Interface ................................................................................. 18 12. 页面跳转 Page Changeover.................................................................................................... 19 13. 通讯流程 Communications Process/Flow .............................................................................. 21 13.1 初始化通讯流程图 Initialization Communications Flowchart ..................................... 21 13.2 HASH 通讯流程图 Communications Flowchart ............................................................. 23 13.3 Token 通讯流程图 Communications Flowchart ............................................................ 24 14 电池和充电器 battery and charger.......................................................................................... 26 15.RF 模块生产测试功能 RF Module production test function .................................................... 26 16. 注意事项 Notice ...................................................................................................................... 27 附录 1:短码列表 Appendix 1: HASH Command Code List ...................................................... 27 2 / 31 1. 简介 Introduction CIU(Customer Interface Unit)是配合电能表使用的用户界面单元,用户通过 CIU 查询电表 的剩余电量、继电器状态等信息,并可输入 TOKEN 序列号,完成 TOKEN 功能。 CIU (Customer Interface Unit) is for use with electricity meter. Using this device, users may check the meter’s energy balance (energy credits remaining), relay status and other information, input TOKEN serial number, and complete TOKEN’s functionality. 本手册适用设备为 HD16(RF) ,并配合电表 Mk10D 安装 SER100 RF modem 使用。 This manual is applicable to HD16(RF) equipment and for use with electricity meter SER100 RF modem 本手册的目标人员是:公司内部技术人员、工程人员、测试人员等,不建议直接提供给 客户。 Target audience for this manual are: Technical, engineering, testing personnel, etc. This manual is not recommended to be given to customers (end-users). 本手册为相关人员提供该 CIU 设备的具体参数规格、操作方式,技术原理及流程。 This manual will provide the CIU’s parameters, specifications, operation method, technical principle and process to the relevant personnel. 请按照目录顺序阅读本手册。 Please read this manual sequentially according to its Table of Contents. 3 / 31 2. 外观、尺寸、液晶和安装图 External Features, Dimensions, Liquid Crystal and Installation Diagram 2.1 外观 External Features HD16 正面 Front View HD16 底部 Base HD16 背面 Back View 2.2 液晶 Liquid Crystal 4 / 31 2.3 外观尺寸 External Appearance & Dimensions HD16 实际尺寸 Actual Dimensions:长 Length95mm、宽 Width149mm、厚 Depth29mm; 2.4 安装尺寸及方式 Installation Dimensions & Method 5 / 31 Direction 1 Direction 2 1)用螺钉“B”,将挂钩“A”固定在墙壁上 Use a first screw (denoted as item B) to mount and secure CIU bracket (denoted as item A) to the wall. 2)将 HD16( “C” ),按照(“方向 1”)卡在“A”上 Next, move HD16 (denoted as item C) in the direction of “Direction 1” to place C’s back groove initially into top portion of CIU bracket (denoted as item A). 3)将 HD16( “C” ),按照(“方向 2”)卡紧 Next, move HD16 (denoted as item C) downwards in the direction of “Direction 2” to fit C securely on CIU bracket (denoted as item A). 4)将螺钉“D”从“E”处锁紧“A”和“C” Use a second screw (denoted as item D) to secure the CIU and CIU bracket (items A and C) at point E of CIU (top of CIU). 6 / 31 3. 电气参数 Electrical Parameters 3.1 工作电压 Operating Voltage 由锂电池供电,或者由 5V 直流适配器供电 Power by lithium battery or 5V DC 3.2 工作电流 Operating Current 1)无通讯,LED 及背光全灭:<=24mA When CIU is not communicating and LED and backlight are OFF (switched off): <=24mA 2)有通讯,亮其中 2 个 LED,亮按键背光,亮 LCD 背光:60mA When CIU is not communicating, 2 LEDs are ON (lit up), the pressed key’s backlight is ON (lit up) and the LCD backlight is ON (lit up): Less than 60mA 3)待机电流:小于 120uA current less than 100uA in sleep model 3.3 无线通讯参数 RF Communications Parameters 无线频率:见 HD16 RF 规格 RF frequent: Check Manufacturing Codes 调制方式:FSK Modulation: FSK 发射功率:8dBmRF Power 8dBm RF 频段:ISM 433MHz、915MHz,其它频段需定制; 通信速率:10Kbps、 38.4Kbps Communicate Rate 38.4Kbps 通讯距离:空旷距离 100m 以上 Communicate Distance: More than 100m 3.4 按键规格 Keys Specifications 使用电容式触摸按键 Capacitive-touch keys are used. 3.5 显示规格 Display Specifications 使用字段式液晶显示屏 黄色 LED 指示灯 1 个,绿色 LED 灯 1 个,红色 LED 灯 1 个 Character-segment LCD screen Indicator LED light: 1 x yellow LED, 1 x green LED, 2 x red LED, 3.6 工作环境 Operating Environment 工作温度范围 Operating TemperatureRange:‐25 Range:‐10~ ~ +45℃ 工作极限温度范围 Limit Temperature +55℃ 贮 存温度范围 StorageTemperature Range:‐5 ~ +35℃ 湿度范围 Humidity Range:<95%(无凝露 No condensation) 7 / 31 3.7 接口 Interface 使用 Micro USB 4. 按键定义 Keys Definitions 0~9: 数字键 Number Keys : “Power”键用于开机关机 power key: use for Power and Power off : “back”键 key(用于 Used for:删除 Deletion、退出 exiting program) : “enter”键 key(用于 Used for:确认数字输入 Confirming User’s inputs) : “*”键 key(用于 Used for:向下翻页 page down) : “#”键 key(用于 Used for:向上翻页 page up) 8 / 31 5. LED 指示、背光控制、LCD 显示以及蜂鸣器告警 LED Indicators, Backlight Control ,LCD Iconsand Buzzer Alarm 如下图,为 LCD 全显内容,HD16 在开机时 LCD 全显 LCD will display all segment when HD16 starting up 如下表所示,为 LCD 图标及 LED 指示说明 LCD icons and LED indicator description are as shown in the tables below: LED 与背光指示 LED / Backlight Controls 说明 Description Credit 此 LED 常亮表示:剩余电量<=10 kWh When this LED is permanently ON (lit up), it indicates Energy Credits Remaining (Current Energy Balance)<=10 kWh RXD 此 LED 亮 200ms 表示:接收到一帧数据,且解析正确 When this LED is ON (lit up) for 200ms, it indicates CIU is receiving a frame and parsing the frame correctly. TXD 此 LED 亮 200ms 表示:发送一帧数据时 When this LED is ON (lit up) for 200ms, it indicates CIU is transmitting a frame. KEY 与 LCD 背光 (KEY backight and LCD backlight) 有按键触发时点亮,无按键触发 30s 后关闭 When a key is touched, these backlights are ON (lit up) for 30s, then they are OFF (switched off ). LCD 图标及指示 LCD Display Icon & Indicator 说明 Description 此图标显示表示:与电表成功建立通讯 This icon is displayed to indicate CIU has established communications with the Meter successfully. 此图标显示表示:正在与电表通讯 This icon is displayed to indicate CIU is communicating with the Meter now. 格数 Bars 电池电量 battery level 0~5% 5%~25% 9 / 31 LCD 图标及指示 LCD Display Icon & Indicator 说明 Description 25%~75% 75%~100% → → → → HD16 由电源适配器充电 HD16 charge by 5V DC 电池已经充满 The battery of HD16 is full 电量,电压,电流,功率单位 This Unit of Measurement (UOM) icon changes according to the electrical quantity (Energy, Voltage, Current or Power) that is being displayed on the LCD as explained below: kWh 电量单位 This icon is displayed to indicate unit of Energy is kilo Watt‐hour. kW 功率单位 This icon is displayed to indicate unit of Power is kilo Watt. For example, this is the nit for “Instantaneous (Active)Power” 当前有功功率 in Tanzania, Malaysia and Post‐pay menus. 功率单位 This icon is displayed to indicate unit of Power is Watt. For example, this is the Unit for “Maximum Power Limit (MPL)/ Load Limit”最大功率限值 in Tanzania menu. 电流单位 This icon is displayed to indicate unit of Current is Ampere. 电压单位 This icon is displayed to indicate unit of Voltage is Volts. 等待状态 This icon is displayed to indicate CIU fails to communicate with Meter and goes into Waiting mode. 表示读取的内容是空的 This icon is displayed to indicate the content read by CIU is empty; or no such data item. 表示通讯失败 This icon is displayed to indicate communications has failed. 表示写 EEPROM 失败。 This icon indicates that writing to EEPROM has failed. 开机时没有检查到按键模块 This icon is displayed to indicate CIU fails to detect its Key‐pressing module during CIU‘s powering on. 10 / 31 LCD 图标及指示 LCD Display Icon & Indicator 蜂鸣器告警 Buzzer 说明 Description 说明 Description Alarm 蜂鸣器每 10 秒响一 次,每次持续 1 秒 当剩余电量低于剩余电量告警阀值时,蜂鸣器告警,长按“ENTER” 键 1 秒钟可取消告警。 The buzzer alarm 1 The buzzer will alarm if the Energy Credits Remaining falls below the second every 10 Alarm‐off Threshold, Long press “ENTER”key for 1 second to cancel the second alarm 11 / 31 6. 开机、关机、自动关机 Powered on and Power off and Auto Power Off 长按 键开机或者关机 HD16 will Power On or Power off by Press the key for long 如果电池电压太低可能导致无法开机,需要接上 5v 电源适配器对电池进行充电 If the battery level low, the HD16 would not Power On, and the HD16 need to Power by 5V DC 6.1 开机步骤 Power OnStep1:初始化设备 Initialize the Device LCD 全显 All segments are ON (lit up) LED 轮流亮灭,每个 LED 亮 0.5s LEDs take turns to be ON (lit up) and OFF (switched off); Each LED is lit for 0.5s. LCD 背光与 KEY 背光:亮 LCD backlight and KEY’s backlight: Lit (ON) 此过程持续 1.5 秒 LCD: LED: This process lasts for 1.5 seconds 如下图所示,为 LCD 上电全显: LCD’s all segments are ON (lit up) when Meter is powered on – as indicated in the diagram below: 6.2 开机步骤 Power onStep 2:建立通讯 Establish the Communications 此时 LCD 显示 During this period, the LCD displays: 1)主屏显示 Main screen displays“‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐” 6.3 关机 长按 可关机,press this key for long can power off HD16 或者在以下条件全部满足的情况下自动关机:HD16 will power off auto in bellow condition 1)1 分钟内无按键操作 no key pressed in 1 minute 2)1 分钟内无通讯动作(在默认显示界面除外)RF do not work in 1 minute 12 / 31 7. 默认显示界面 Default Display Interface 序 号 Item No. 显示屏 Display Screen 显 示 内 容 说 明 Explanation of Displayed Content 第 01 屏 No. 01 Screen 显示剩余电量:‐0.01kWh Credits Remaining is ‐0.01kWh 第 02 屏 No. 02 Screen 显示电表序列号 211493090 Meter Serial Number is 211493090 第 03 屏 No. 03 Screen 显示继电器状态 rELay‐y: 继电器合闸 relay close rELay‐n: 继电器拉闸 relay open 此界面按键功能: In this interface, the key‐pressed functions are: 1)数字键:可输入 HASH 码、token、密码(用于配置 HD16) Numeric keys: Use these keys for inputting HASH code, token, and password(for configuration HD16). 2)*键:可翻到下一个按键显示项 * key:Use this key to flip (change) display to the next display item of key‐pressed menu. 3)#键 key:可翻到上一个按键显示项 Use this key to flip (change) display to the previous display item. 1) Back 键 key:不可用 Not used 2) Enter 键 key:确认数字输入 Use this key to confirm the input of numbers. 13 / 31 8. HASH 界面 Interface 输入 1~2 位数字,然后按“确认”键,可进入 HASH 界面 Input 1 or 2 numbers and press “ENTER” Key, get into the HASH interface 此界面 LCD 显示: In this interface, the LCD displays: 1) 主屏:显示 HASH 项 Main Screen displays the HASH item. 2) 左下角数字:显示 HASH 号 Number displayed at the lower left corner is HASH Number 3) 单位:显示对应 单位 unit icon: Displays the Unit of measurement that corresponds to the electrical quantity that is currently displayed. 此界面按键功能: In this interface, the key‐pressed functions are: 1) 数字键:可输入 HASH 码、token、密码 Numeric keys: Use these keys for inputting HASH code, token, and password. 2)*键 key:不可用 Not used 3)#键 key:不可用 Not used 4) Back 键 key: 返回到“菜单显示界面” Return to “Menu Display Interface”. 5) Enter 键 key:确认数字输入 Use this key to confirm the input of numbers. 如下图所示,为 HASH 命令 08 时 HD16 的 LCD 显示 Example: Input Hash command “08” and press “ENTER” key on HD16, LCD will display as follow 14 / 31 9. TOKEN 界面 Interface 输入 20 位数字,然后按“确认”键,可进入 token 界面 Input 20 numbers and press “ENTER” Key, get into the token interface 此界面 LCD 显示: In this interface, the LCD displays: 1) 主屏:显示输入数字 Main Screen displays the numbers that are input. 2) 左下角数字:显示输入数字个数 Number displayed at the lower left corner is the length of numeric input (i.e. the number of digits input so far) 此界面按键功能: In this interface, the key‐pressed functions are: 1)数字键:不可用 Numeric keys: Not used 2)*键 key:不可用 Not used 3)#键 key:不可用 Not used 4) Back 键 key: 返回到“菜单显示界面”,如果正在进行传输 token 码的通讯,就中断这个通讯, 重 新输入数字 Return to “Menu Display Interface”. If token transmission process is interrupted, user needs to re‐input the token (numbers). 5) Enter 键 key:不可用 Not used token 结果显示 显示 说明 Display Code Explanation 充 值 成 功 Energy replenishment/ top‐up is successful (Energy units are incremented). Authentication failed Validation failed Token is older than the oldest token in the meter Token has already been used in this meter Meter key has expired 15 / 31 显示 说明 Display Code Explanation Overflow in Credit Balance Token had an error except for overflow, 1stKCT, 2ndKCT First Key Change Token (1stKCT) has been entered Second Key Change Token (2ndKCT) has been entered 通讯中断导致充值失败 Communications link failure (timeout) causes energy replenishment/ top‐up to fail. 16 / 31 10. 合闸功能 Relay Close 1)在“菜单显示”界面下,长按“确认”键,HD16 显示“1‐CLoSE” 1) In “Menu Display Interface” Press“ENTER” Key for long, HD16 will display “1‐CLoSE” 2)按数字键“1”,HD16 显示“0‐ESC10”最后 2 位数字显示倒计时,在倒计时未结束前, 按数字键“0”终止倒计时 2) Press number key “1” HD16 display “0‐ESC10”, The last 2 numbers count down, Press number key “0” would stop the numbers count down before it count to 0. 3)倒计时结束后,HD16 显示“CLoSing”,并且对电表写入合闸命令,然后读取继电器状态, 如果合闸显示“ya”,如果未合闸显示“no” 3) HD16 display “CLoSing” when the numbers count to 0, HD16 send command to close the relay of meter, then read the relay status of meter. if relay close HD16 will display “ya”, if relay not close HD16 will display “no”. 17 / 31 11 序列号修改界面 Serial Setting Interface 输入密码“755204”后,按“ENTER”键,进入序列号修改界面 Input numbers“755204”and press “ENTER” key, get into the serial setting interface 输入的数字 个数受限制,不可超过 9 个,输入数字完成后,按 ENTER 键可以保存序列号, 保存序列 号成功 LCD 显示 ya,保存失败显示“Err‐E” The number input numbers is limited not more than 9, Press “ENTER” key will ensure the serial LCD will display “ya” if store the serial success, or display “Err‐E” 注意 Notice 1)如果 HD16 未被设置过序列号,或者设置的序列号为“000000000”,HD16 开机会进入序 列号修改界面 1) If HD16 never be setting serial number, or the serial number set to “000000000”, HD16 will get into “Serial Setting Interface when startup” 2)退出序列号修改界面时,HD16 会重新初始化 2) HD16 will initialize when exit “Serial Setting Interface” 18 / 31 12. 页面跳转 Page Changeover 19 / 31 20 / 31 13. 通讯流程 Communications Process/Flow 13.1 初始化通讯流程图 Initialization Communications Flowchart 21 / 31 22 / 31 13.2 HASH 通讯流程图 Communications Flowchart 输入短码进入 HASH 界面 显示 “------” 读取该 HASH 项 超时次数<3 次 3s 内有有效数 据返回 通讯超时 显示 “Err-1” LCD 显示该数据 23 / 31 13.3 Token 通讯流程图 Communications Flowchart 24 / 31 25 / 31 14 电池和充电器 battery and charger 电池:HD16(RF)内置 500mAh 或者 1000mAh 可充电式锂电池,充电次数约为 300 次。 Battery: HD16(RF) have 500mAh or 1000mAh battery inside, the battery can be charged 300 cycles 充电器:需满足以下要求: The charger should content requirements as bellow: 输出电压:DC 5V 输出电流:根据电池容量 300mA 以上或者 500mA 以上 Output voltage: DC 5V; Output current: more than 300mA or 500mA (according to battery volume) 符合当地对充电器的要求 in accordance with local requirements. 以下为某一种充电器的参数:One charger for HD16 as bellow: 输入 Input:AC 100~240V / 50~60HZ /150mA Max 输出 Output:DC 5V / 1.2A 充电器外观如下图: The charger appearance as follow 15.RF 模块生产测试功能 RF Module production test function 当将测试点 TP3 短接到地的时候,HD16 进入功率测试界面,此时可通过频谱仪观察波 形判断发送功率,2 分钟后自动退出或按 Back 键退出功率测试界面。 When the test point TP3 short received, HD16 into the power test interface, this time can be measured by spectrum analyzer to determine the transmission power, after 2 minutesor press the Back key to exit the power test interface. 通过键盘输入 2580,HD16 可以进入接收灵敏度测试界面,此时当 RF 模块收到数据,都 会通过串口发送出来,2 分钟后自动退出或按 Back 键退出接收灵敏度测试界面。 Through the keyboard input 2580, HD16 can enter the receiver sensitivity test interface, when the RF module receives the data that will be sent out through the serial port, after 2 minutes or press the Back key to exit the receiver sensitivity test interface. 26 / 31 16. 注意事项 Notice HD16 按键板,如果受到强烈静电干扰,会导致某一按键一直触发, 此按键 ic 有自动调整功能,大约 15s 后会自动对此按键进行调整,调整后按键可重新正 常工作。 If HD16’s keypad encounters strong electrostatic interference, it may cause one key (button) to be triggered continually. HD16’s key (button) IC has automatic adjustment function: After about 15s, the IC will do auto‐adjustment to this key (button). After adjustment, this key (button) will function normally again). 如果一直按住某一按键大约 15s,将会触发此 IC 的自动调整功能,会导致 15s 内该按键 无法触发的现象,如果出现此现象,请等待约 15s。 If any key (button) is pressed (held down) continually for about 15s, the automatic adjustment function by HD16’s key (button) IC will be triggered. User may find that this key (button) cannot be triggered meanwhile (i.e. within this about 15s period). So if this phenomenon occurs, please wait for 15s. 附录 1:短码列表 Appendix 1: HASH Command Code List HASH Register Register Number Data Type Example Value Unit Present Average Power in kW E033 Float 2.57 kW Total User Consumption to Date 1E00 (Assuming TOU ch1) Float 78.37 kWh Meter Serial Number F002 Char(11) “123456789 01” CIU software version CIU feature Total user credit entered to Date F04B Float -0.10 Meter Software version F003 String 1.43L Wh per pulse FF30 Float 0.2 10 Tariff index no. F202 Byte 11 Load limit(kW) token value F233 Long 0.00 12 Power purchase token of last time F220 String 1892322345 2304456000 13 Power purchase token of last 2nd F221 time String 1892322345 2304456000 14 Power purchase token of last 3rd time F222 String 1892322345 2304456000 15 Power purchase token of last 4th time F223 String 1892322345 2304456000 16 Power purchase token of last 5th time F224 String 1892322345 2304456000 V1.0S002 kWh Wh kW 27 / 31 17 Time and date of last valid token loaded F225 Data 2011-08-27 14:15:27 18 Time and date of last 2nd valid token loaded F226 Data 2011-08-27 14:15:27 19 Time and date of last 3rd valid token F227 Data 2011-08-27 14:15:27 F228 Data 2011-08-27 14:15:27 loaded 20 Time and date of last 4th valid token loaded 21 Time and date of last 5th valid token loaded F229 Data 2011-08-27 14:15:27 22 Amount purchased last time F22A Long 4.50 kWh 23 Amount purchased last 2nd time F22B Long 3.70 kWh 24 Amount purchased last 3rd time F22C Long 5.20 kWh 25 Amount purchased last 4th time F22D Long 20.00 kWh 26 Amount purchased last 5th time F22E Long 10.00 kWh 27 Occurrence time of last power off event FC20 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 28 Date and time of last tariff index change F230 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 29 Date and time of last 2nd tariff index F231 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 change 30 Date and time of last 3rd tariff index change F232 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 31 Number of tariff index changes F22F Short 200 32 Supply Group Code (SGC) “901132” constant 33 Key revision number “1” constant 34 Present Power Factor E026 Float 123.45 38 Energy measured since last format 1E00 (Assuming TOU ch1) Float 78.59 kWh 39 Power consumption in current month 0000 Float 78.60 kWh 40 Power consumption of last month 0200 Float 0.00 kWh 41 Power consumption of 2nd month 0400 Float 0.00 kWh 42 Power consumption of 3rd month 0600 Float 0.00 kWh 43 Power consumption of 4th month 0800 Float 0.00 kWh 44 Power consumption of 5th month 0A00 Float 0.00 kWh 45 Power consumption of 6th month 0C00 Float 0.00 kWh 46 Power consumption of 7th month 0E00 Float 0.00 kWh 47 Power consumption of 8th month 1000 Float 0.00 kWh 48 Power consumption of 9th month 1200 Float 123.45 kWh 49 Power consumption of 10th month 1400 Float 123.45 kWh 28 / 31 50 Power consumption of 11th month 1600 Float 123.45 kWh 51 Power consumption of 12th month 1800 Float 123.45 kWh 55 Present Phase A average Power E030 Float 56 Present PhB power E031 Float 57 Present PhC Power E032 Float 2577 58 Present PhA Current E010 Float 0.00 59 Present PhB Current E011 Float 0.00 60 Present PhC Current E012 Float 11.38 61 Present PhA Voltage E000 Float 0.00 62 Present PhB Voltage E001 Float 0.00 63 Present PhC Voltage E002 Float 226.32 70 Power purchase token of last time F310 String 1892322345 2304456000 71 Power purchase token of last 2nd F311 time String 1892322345 2304456000 72 Power purchase token of last 3rd time F312 String 1892322345 2304456000 73 Power purchase token of last 4th time F313 String 1892322345 2304456000 74 Power purchase token of last 5th time F314 String 1892322345 2304456000 75 Power purchase token of last 6th time F315 String 1892322345 2304456000 76 Power purchase token of last 7th time F316 String 1892322345 2304456000 77 Power purchase token of last 8th time F317 String 1892322345 2304456000 78 Power purchase token of last 9th time F318 String 1892322345 2304456000 79 Power purchase token of last 10th time F319 String 1892322345 2304456000 80 Time and date of last valid token loaded F320 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 81 Time and date of last 2nd valid token F321 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 F322 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 loaded 82 Time and date of last 3rd valid token loaded 83 Time and date of last 4th valid token loaded F323 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 84 Time and date of last 5th valid token F324 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 F325 Time/Date 2011-08-27 loaded 85 Time and date of last 6th valid token 29 / 31 loaded 14:15:27 th 86 Time and date of last 7 valid token loaded F326 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 87 Time and date of last 8th valid token F327 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 F328 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 loaded 88 Time and date of last 9th valid token loaded 89 Time and date of last 10th valid token loaded F329 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 90 kwh values from the last credit token F330 Long 4.50 kWh nd 91 kwh values from the last 2 token credit F331 Long 3.70 kWh 92 kwh values from the last 3rd credit token F332 Long 5.20 kWh 93 kwh values from the last 4th credit token F333 Long 20.00 kWh 94 kwh values from the last 5th credit token F334 Long 10.00 kWh 95 kwh values from the last 6th credit token F335 Long 4.50 kWh 96 kwh values from the last 7th credit token F336 Long 3.70 kWh 97 kwh values from the last 8th credit token F337 Long 5.20 kWh 98 kwh values from the last 9th credit token F338 Long 20.00 kWh 99 kwh values from the last 10th credit token F339 Long 10.00 kWh 100 the last F340 String 2979440793 8320483066 101 the last 2nd engineering token F341 String 2979440793 8320483066 102 the last 3rd engineering token F342 String 2979440793 8320483066 103 the last 4th engineering token F343 String 2979440793 8320483066 104 the last 5th engineering token F344 String 2979440793 8320483066 105 the last 6th engineering token F345 String 2979440793 8320483066 106 the last 7h engineering token F346 String 2979440793 8320483066 107 the last 8th engineering token F347 String 2979440793 engineering token 30 / 31 8320483066 th 108 the last 9 engineering token F348 String 2979440793 8320483066 109 the last 10th engineering token F349 String 2979440793 8320483066 110 time/date of the last engineering token F350 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 111 time/date of the last 2nd engineering token F351 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 112 time/date of the last 3rd engineering token F352 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 113 time/date of the last 4th engineering token F353 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 114 time/date of the last 5th engineering token F354 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 115 time/date of the last 6th engineering token F355 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 116 time/date of the last 7th engineering token F356 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 117 time/date of the last 8th engineering token F357 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 118 time/date of the last 9th engineering token F358 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 119 time/date of the last 10th engineering token F359 Time/Date 2011-08-27 14:15:27 § 15.19 Labelling requirements. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. § 15.21 Information to user. Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. 31 / 31 § 15.105 Information to the user. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ‐Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ‐Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ‐Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ‐Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 32 / 31
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