Ecolab FAS1541 PSS Bed Beacon User Manual FCC Part 15

UltraClenz LLC. PSS Bed Beacon FCC Part 15


     3998 FAU Blvd. Suite 310 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel: 561-961-5585  Fax: 561-961-5587 Certification Exhibit     FCC ID:  Z9O-FAS1541 IC: 10060A-FAS1541  FCC Rule Part: 15.209, 15.231, 15.249 IC Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210  ACS Project:  15-2042   Manufacturer: UltraClenz, LLC Model: FAS1541-00     User Manual
     Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation Revision 0.0                                     UltraClenz, LLC
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 1   Table of Contents Abstract........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Revision History ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Reference Documents ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction to the Patient Safeguard System (PSS) ............................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Hardware Components ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1.1 Healthcare Worker Badge ........................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1.2 Dispenser Beacon ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1.3 Bed Beacon ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Bentley Wireless Network ................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2.1 Hubs ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2.2 Gateway ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Dashboard and Offsite Server ............................................................................................................................................ 5 2. Required Materials .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 3. PSS Patient Bed Installation Functions .................................................................................................................................... 7 4. Installation ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Bed Beacon Mount Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Bed Beacon Installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.3 AC Line Power Sensor (ALP) ............................................................................................................................................... 9 4.4 Cable Management ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 5. Adjusting the Communication Range .................................................................................................................................... 10 5.1 Range Adjustment on Bed Beacon .................................................................................................................................. 10 5.2 Bed Beacon to Test Badge Range Adjustment ................................................................................................................. 11 5.3 Dashboard Test with the PSS Badge and Bed Beacon ..................................................................................................... 12 6. Metadata Entry ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 6.1 New Bed Beacon Metadata Entry .................................................................................................................................... 16 6.2 Replacing an Existing Bed Beacon – Swapping Metadata................................................................................................ 17 7. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18 7.1 No Bed Beacon Heartbeats on the Dashboard ................................................................................................................ 18 7.2 The Bed Installation Does Not Communicate with a Badge ............................................................................................ 18 7.3 Bed Beacon FAS1541 ....................................................................................................................................................... 18 8. System Component Care and Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 19 8.1 Cleaning the Components ................................................................................................................................................ 19 8.2 Handling the Bed Beacon ................................................................................................................................................. 19 8.3 Battery Replacement ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix A - Certification and Safety Approvals ....................................................................................................................... 20
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 2  FCC Statement ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Industry Canada ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Appendix B - Warranty .............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Appendix C – Bed Label ............................................................................................................................................................. 22    Figures  Patient Safeguard System Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Figure 1. Bed Installation Components ................................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 2. Bed Beacon Details ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 3. Bed Beacon Mounted on Patient Bed Model Hill-Rom Versa Care P3200 ............................................................ 8 Figure 4. Bed Beacon Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 5. AC Line Power Sensor Attached to Power Cord ..................................................................................................... 9 Figure 6. ALPS Cable Routing and Cable Tie Holder Placement ............................................................................................ 9 Figure 7. ALP Sensor Cable Routing and Cable Tie Holder Placement ................................................................................ 10 Figure 8. ALP Sensor Cable Routing to Bed Beacon and Cable Tie Holder Placement ........................................................ 10 Figure 9. Bed Beacon Range Adjustments .......................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 10. Test Badge Height Is 50 Inches From the floor .................................................................................................... 11 Figure 11. Test Badge Activation Distance from Bed’s Handrail  Center  is 24” ................................................................... 12 Figure 12. Dashboard Entry Screen....................................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 13. First Screen of Dashboard .................................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 14. Choose Device Screen .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 15. Device Bed Beacon Screen ................................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 16. Choose the Search for Bed Beacon ...................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 17. Search for and See Device Screen ........................................................................................................................ 15 Figure 18. PSS Event Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Figure 19. Active Bed Beacon List ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 20. Bed Beacon Metadata .......................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 21. Replace Icon ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 22. Replace Device Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 18 Figure 23. Battery Cover ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 3  Abstract This document covers the basic operation of the Bed Installation and its components. Also covered is the installation of the various components used in a Bed Installation. Revision History   Revision Date By Description 0 08/12/15 AP Initial Release             Reference Documents Patient Safeguard System™ Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide, DOC1046. Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations Bentley UltraClenz’ Proprietary Wireless Network HCW Healthcare Worker LED Light Emitting Diode POST Power On Self-Test PSS Patient Safeguard System ALPS AC Line Power Sensor AC Alternating Current (Bed 120 volt power from wall socket)
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 4  1.  Introduction to the Patient Safeguard System (PSS) The Patient Safeguard System is a state of the art wireless hand hygiene reminder system designed to enable best practices for proper  hand  hygiene  in  a  healthcare  facility.   Multiple  studies  from  organizations  like the  World  Health  Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have repeatedly demonstrated that proper hand hygiene leads directly to improved infection control  and  a  reduction  in  Healthcare Associated Infections  (HAI).    The PSS  is  a cost-effective, energy efficient, robust and easily installed system for coaching healthcare workers (HCWs) to always wash or sanitize their hands before and after patient contact.  The system can be divided into three parts, hardware components, the Bentley Wireless Network and the Dashboard web-based application. 1.1  Hardware Components The PSS is built on individual components or devices that work in concert to deliver real-time individual hand hygiene status  to  HCWs  and  near  real-time  statistics  for  both  onsite  and  offsite  monitoring  of  current  and  historical  hand hygiene  compliance  data.   Currently,  the components  of  PSS  are the  HCW  Badge,  the Dispenser  Beacon and  the Bed Beacon. 1.1.1  Healthcare Worker Badge The Badge is a wireless device worn by the HCW to provide real-time notification of the HCW’s current hand hygiene status.    Notification  is  provided  by  both  visual  and  audible  alerts.    The  Badge  is  responsible  for  determining, maintaining and transmitting the current hand hygiene status of the HCW to other PSS components. 1.1.2  Dispenser Beacon The  Dispenser  Beacon  is  attached  to  or  embedded  within  a  soap  or  sanitizer  dispenser.    Its  function  is  to communicate with the Badge worn by the HCW when the dispenser is activated (dispense event), collect dispense event data from that Badge and then transmit the collected data to a network where it will ultimately be sent to an offsite server for processing and archiving. 1.1.3  Bed Beacon The  Bed  Beacon,  along  with  its  internal  low  frequency  antenna,  is  mounted  to  a  patient  bed.    Its  function  is  to communicate with the Badge worn by the HCW when the HCW comes in close proximity with the patient bed (bed event),  collect  bed  event  data  from  that  Badge  and  then  transmit  the  collected  data  to  a  network  where  it  will ultimately be sent to an offsite server for processing and archiving. 1.2  Bentley Wireless Network Bentley is a wireless mesh network used to transport event data collected by Dispenser Beacons and Bed Beacons to the offsite server for processing and archiving.  Bentley is composed of two types of devices, Hubs and a Gateway. 1.2.1  Hubs Hubs  are  installed  throughout  a  healthcare  facility  and  communicate  with  nearby  Bed  Beacons  and  Dispenser Beacons.  When an event is generated by a Beacon, it broadcasts the event data to the nearest Hub.  The Hub then receives the event data and rebroadcasts it to the Gateway (if it is in range) or the next nearest Hub where the data is passed from Hub to Hub until it reaches the Gateway. 1.2.2  Gateway The Gateway receives event data generated by Dispenser Beacons or Bed Beacons directly, if they are in range, or from  Hubs  which  act  as  repeaters.    The  Gateway  then  transmits  the  event  data  to  an  offsite  server  via  cellular modem for processing and archiving.
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 5  1.3  Dashboard and Offsite Server The  Dashboard  is  a  web-based  application  running  on  a  designated  offsite  server.    It  is  responsible  for  collecting, processing  and  archiving  onsite  Dispenser  Beacon  and  Bed  Beacon  event  data  sent  by  the  onsite  Gateway.    The Dashboard  provides  a  user  interface  which  allows  access  to  hand  hygiene  data,  statistics  and  reports  compiled  from event data originating at the healthcare facility.     Patient Safeguard System Overview
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 6  2.  Required Materials                                   The materials needed for this install:  (A) Small Phillips screwdriver (B) D cell alkaline batteries (2 ea.) (C) Wire cutters (D) Cable Ties 14in long (4ea.) (E) Alcohol Wipe (F) Test Badge (FAS1527) (G) HCW Badge (FAS1527) (H) Double sided tape (I) Tape Measuring device (J) Cable Tie Holder (10ea.) (K) Cable Tie 4in long (10ea.) A B C D G E F H K I J
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 7  The Patient Bed installation is comprised of three main components.  The first component is the Bed beacon which is used to create a zone around the patient bed and controls the zone around a patient bed.  The second component is the AC Line Power Sensor that senses when bed is connected or disconnected from AC power. The third component is the Bed Mount which the Bed Beacon clips onto.             Figure 1. Bed Installation Components  3.   PSS Patient Bed Installation Functions  The Bed Beacon works with the internal antenna  to create a zone around a patient bed, referred to as the patient zone.  When  a  healthcare  worker  (HCW)  wearing  a  Badge  enters  the  zone,  the  Bed  Beacon  wirelessly  communicates  with  the Badge and lets the Badge know that it has entered the zone around a specific patient bed.   The Bed Beacon will emit an audible beep and flash a  green LED  when  it  has successfully communicated with the Badge.   If communications with the Badge  are  successful  the  Bed  Beacon  then  sends  information  about  its  interaction  with  the  Badge  to  the  server  via  the Bentley wireless network.  For more information about how the Badge will react to being in the patient zone, please read the document Patient Safeguard System® Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide (DOC1046).                 Figure 2.  Bed Beacon Details  When the Bed Beacon is mounted on a bed and connected to the AC Line Power Sensor through the RJ11 jacks, it detects when the bed is connected to the wall outlet. This will cause the Bed Beacon to emit a beep and flash a green LED.  Each time the state of the bed’s AC power changes state the Bed Beacon will send a message over the Bentley network.  If the bed’s power cord is disconnected from AC wall power the patient zone will be turned off while the bed is in transit.  When the ALP Sensor loses AC detection the Bed Beacon will emit 1 beep and flash 1 red LED.  When the bed is brought back into the room and bed AC  power  is restored the Bed Beacon  will  emit  1  beep and  flash  1 green LED.  Each  time any  device is connected or disconnected from the Bed Beacon, the Bed Beacon will send a message over the Bentley network. Bed Antenna (FAS1540) Status LED’s Audio port AC Line Power Sensor (FAS1542) AC Line Power Sensor (FAS1542) Bed Beacon (FAS1541) RJ11 Connectors Bed Mount
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 8  4.  Installation 4.1  Bed Beacon Mount Installation The Bed Beacon Mount can be mounted directly to the frame of the bed itself (see Figure 3).                      Figure 3.  Bed Beacon Mounted on Patient Bed Model Hill-Rom Versa Care P3200  Tape mounting Mount the Bed Beacon Mount onto the metal surface with the double-sided tape (supplied) and secure with the 14” long  cable  tie.  Make  sure  the  Bed  Mount  and  the  mounting  surface  are  clean  and  free  of  dirt  and  oil.    Spray  a mixture of Dawn soap (1% of Dawn soap per a gallon of water) and scrub the mounting surface with a plain Scotch-Brite  scouring  pad.  Wipe  the  surface  with  a  lint  free  cloth  to  clean  off  any  contaminants.  Then  use  a  soft  cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol to further clean the mounting surface. Repeat the process as necessary. Ensure the mounting surface is dry before attaching antenna and firmly push and hold in place for several minutes (see Figure 3).  4.2  Bed Beacon Installation  The Bed Beacon (see Figure 4) chips directly into the Bed Beacon Mount.                                                                                      Figure 4. Bed Beacon Installation  Bed Beacon  14” Long Cable Tie Bed Beacon Mount
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 9  4.3  AC Line Power Sensor (ALP) The AC Line Power Sensor (see Figure 6) is mounted onto the bed’s AC power cord (3” from cable gland).  The ALP Sensor  senses  the  AC  power  of  the  patient  bed  cord  to  activate  or  deactivate  the  Bed  Beacon  during  the  bed’s connect or disconnect, for transit to another location.   The ALP Sensor is attached directly to the  Dock  via a  small cable.  It mounts to bed’s power cord with 2 cable ties.  Make sure a service loop is left in the ALP Sensor’s cable run, allowing for the bed to be raised and lowered.                Figure 5.  AC Line Power Sensor Attached to Power Cord Cable Tie mounting Mount the AC Line Power Sensor on the patient bed’s AC power cord using 2 cable ties (see Figure 5).  Use cable tie holders for routing the wire to the Dock, and make sure the mounting surface is clean and free of dirt and oil.  A soft cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol works well to clean both surfaces.    4.4  Cable Management 1.  Place cable tie holders, cable ties and route cable to the Bed Beacon as shown (see Figure 6, 7 & 8).  Make sure the mounting surfaces are clean and free of dirt and oil.  A soft cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol works well to clean the mounting surfaces.                  Figure 6. ALPS Cable Routing and Cable Tie Holder Placement  AC  Line  Power  Sensor attached to power cord Service Loop (17”)
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 10  2.  Place cable tie holders and route the ALP Sensor cable along the inside rail and tie down any excess cable (Service Loop) as shown (see Figure 7).                   Figure 7. ALP Sensor Cable Routing and Cable Tie Holder Placement   1. Place a cable tie holder and route the ALP Sensor cable as shown (see Figure 8).                  Figure 8. ALP Sensor Cable Routing to Bed Beacon and Cable Tie Holder Placement 5.  Adjusting the Communication Range 5.1  Range Adjustment on Bed Beacon The Bed Beacon communication range is adjusted during installation to maximize communication with the  healthcare worker Badge.  To adjust the communication range, the range buttons are located on the back of the Bed Beacon. The Bed  Beacon  communication  range  is  adjusted  by  repeatedly  pushing  either  the  “+”  increment  or  the  “–“decrement range  buttons  (see  Figure  9)  to  achieve  the  desired  range.    The  total  adjustable  range  of  the  Bed  Beacon  is  1  to  15 increments between the lowest and the highest setting.  Each push of the “+” button will produce an audible beep and the  green  LED  will  flash  once  indicating  one  (1)  increment  up.    When  the  highest  setting  is  reached,  two  (2)  audible Head of the bed Foot of the bed Head of the bed Foot of the bed Tie Downs
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 11  beeps will be heard and two (2) green LED flashes will be visible.  Each push of the “-” button will produce an audible beep and the red LED will flash once indicating one  (1) increment down.  When the lowest setting is reached, two (2) audible beeps will be heard and two (2) red LED flashes will be visible.  To reset a Bed Beacon’s range back to the factory default setting, push and hold both of the “+” and “–“ buttons at the same time.  Four (4) audible beeps will be heard and the LEDs will flash in an alternating pattern between green and red.  The factory default range setting for the Bed Beacon is position 9.  Replace the battery cover when the adjustment is complete.                  Figure 9.  Bed Beacon Range Adjustments 5.2  Bed Beacon to Test Badge Range Adjustment   2. Set and adjust the bed and mattress height to the average height for beds in the facility.   3. While holding the Test Badge 50 inches from the floor and 24 inches from the bed’s handrail center location (side of bed) (see Figures 10 & 11), the Test Badge’s red and yellow LEDs should flash once a second, indicating that the proper activation range and communication have been successfully established.  If range is not 24” adjust the Bed Beacon’s range buttons until the Badge activation range is 24 inches (see Figure 9).    Figure 10. Test Badge Height Is 50 Inches From the floor  Decrement “-“   Increment “+”
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 12              Figure 11. Test Badge Activation Distance from Bed’s Handrail  Center  is 24”  5.3  Dashboard Test with the PSS Badge and Bed Beacon   1. With the HWC Badge, verify that the Bed Beacon and Badge activates at 24 x 50 inches, and that Badge’s device address is confirmed and verified on the dashboard.    2. Go to Google (Internet) and type your facility’s Dashboard URL and you should see Figure 12.  3. Type in the correct email address, password, and answer the math question correctly to sign in.     Figure 12. Dashboard Entry Screen   4. When access is granted you should see the screen shown in Figure 13.
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 13    Figure 13. First Screen of Dashboard   5. Click on Device and Bed Beacon as shown in Figure 14.    Figure 14.  Choose Device Screen   6. Click on Column and you should see the choose selection block as shown in Figure 15.
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 14    Figure 15. Device Bed Beacon Screen  7. Check the box Search choice as shown in Figure 16.    Figure 16. Choose the Search for Bed Beacon   8. Enter the Bed Beacon’s device address number as shown in Figure 17 and the device should be found as shown. Click on the PSS button shown.
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 15    Figure 17. Search for and See Device Screen     9. You should now see the Bed Beacon and HCW Badge device addresses as shown in Figure 18.    Figure 18. PSS Event Screen  There may be circumstances which require a Bed Beacon’s range to be adjusted, after the initial installation, to properly communicate with a Badge.  Examples of why a Bed Beacon’s range may need to be adjusted are explained below. Cases for Bed Beacon Range Adjustment 1. Two beds with Bed Beacons in one room.  Bed Beacon Address Badge Address
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 16  2. Two beds with Bed Beacons in separate but adjacent rooms separated by a wall. In both cases, the range of communication of a given Bed Beacon may overlap or interfere with a nearby Bed Beacon.  If this occurs, the HCW’s Badge may communicate with a nearby Bed Beacon instead of the intended Bed Beacon.  This miscommunication  can  result  in  the  system  reporting  contact  with  the  wrong  patient.  To  eliminate  the  possibility  of miscommunication, the range of Bed Beacons in close proximity may be decreased, at any time, to insure that a HCW’s Badge will communicate with the intended Bed Beacon. 6.  Metadata Entry 6.1  New Bed Beacon Metadata Entry  Activate the Bed Beacon with a Badge, twice, at the hospital.  The events will be transmitted to the server to be viewed on the dashboard.  To locate the active Bed Beacon, login to the dashboard and select the “Device” tab and select “Bed Beacons” from the drop down list as shown in Figure 14.  The metadata can only be accessed by restricted logins.  Read the Bed Beacon address on the product label.  The Bed Beacon hexadecimal address will start with a 1E.  The 1E at the beginning of the address is the device type and tells the dashboard that this is a Bed Beacon.  Enter the full address into the “Device ID” column search window.  In the example below, the address is 1E00048A (see Figure 19).  Click the “Click To Edit Device” icon under the “Action” column to open the device’s metadata page.   Figure 19. Active Bed Beacon List   Device Information (see Figure 19)   The Bed Beacon device information is optional.  The device information can be found on the product label.   Facility (see Figure 14) Select  the  facility  location  from  the  drop  down  list.    The  facility  location  is  pre-populated  in  the  “System”  tab, “Facility Setup” before the installation.   The box below the facility setup is used to enter the building metadata for large hospitals with multiple buildings or wings.  For single building hospitals this field can be left blank.   Unit Type (see Figure 20) Unit type: Bed Beacon (not optional metadata).  The unit types are pre-populated in the “System” tab, “Unit Types Management”.
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 17   Bed  Number:  example  – “001”  (optional  metadata).    The  installer  can  choose  to  place  a  numbered  label  at  the bed’s footboard frame to easily identify beds because the Bed Beacon label may not be in a convenient location to easily view.   Bed  Make:  example  – “Hill  Rom”  (optional  metadata).  The  bed  manufacturer  information  can  assist  staff  in identifying a bed.   Bed Model: example – “Versacare” (optional metadata).  The bed model information can assist staff in identifying a bed.   Bed Serial Number: example – “123456” (optional metadata).  The bed serial number information can assist staff in identifying a bed.   Figure 20. Bed Beacon Metadata   6.2  Replacing an Existing Bed Beacon – Swapping Metadata Remove the Bed Beacon and read the address from the product label.  Enter the Bed Beacon’s address in the active Bed Beacon device list (see Figure 19 above).  Click the replace icon in the device list “Action” column (see Figure 19). The replacement tab will open.  Enter the new Bed Beacon’s address into the blue box.  Check the “I have verified the device ID” then click “Replace” to transfer the old Bed Beacon’s red box to the new Bed Beacon blue box (see  Figure 22).   The  old  Bed  Beacon will be  marked  for  repair  and  deleted  from  the  active device  list.   Click  “Replace  Another Device?” to replace another Bed Beacon.   Figure 21. Replace Icon
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 18   Figure 22. Replace Device Tab  7.  Troubleshooting 7.1  No Bed Beacon Heartbeats on the Dashboard If the Bed Beacon has stopped transmitting heartbeats to the Dashboard there is one of three possible solutions: 1. The  batteries  have  died.  Place  a  new  set  of  batteries  in  the  Bed  Beacon  and  test  the  Bed  Beacon’s  other function,  communications  with  a  Badge  as  described  in  section  5.  If  the  unit  tests  well,  then  give  the  Bed Beacon a couple of hours to transmit a few heartbeats to the Dashboard. 2. If new batteries do not fix the problem, there is a problem with the wireless network hardware.  Remove and replace the Bed Beacon.  Refer to section 6.2 – Replacing  an  Existing  Bed  Beacon  –  Swapping Metadata  for instructions on how to replace device information on the dashboard.   3. If replacing the Bed Beacon does not remedy the problem there, may be a problem with the Bentley network. 7.2  The Bed Installation Does Not Communicate with a Badge If a Bed Installation is not communicating with Badges but is sending heartbeats to the dashboard, there are a number of possible causes.  The following steps will help to find the cause of the problem. 7.3  Bed Beacon FAS1541 1. Verify that the bed’s AC power cord is plugged into an active power source and the ALP Sensor is connected to the Bed Beacon. Verify that you get an alert and a red flash when disconnecting from the Bed Beacon.   2. Verify the batteries of the Bed Beacon are 2.20v or Higher.  Note: If any of the components of the Bed Installation are replaced, the bed’s range will have to be re-checked and           readjusted as needed.
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 19  8.  System Component Care and Maintenance 8.1  Cleaning the Components The components should be cleaned by wiping with a soft cloth.   The cloth should be damp but not wet.  A soft cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol works well to clean the external surfaces.  Only the exterior of the components may be cleaned.  Do not attempt  to clean any interior surface of these components as this  will damage the component’s circuitry.  Do not use abrasive cleaners or cleaning products in aerosol cans as they will damage the component’s finish.  8.2  Handling the Bed Beacon The  Bed  Beacon  is  an  electronic  device  and  should  be  handled  with  care.    Like  other  electronic  devices  such  as  cell phones,  the  Bed  Beacon  must  be protected  from  extreme  heat,  cold and  moisture.    Avoid  handling  the  Bed  Beacon with wet hands or exposing it to rain.  Avoid dropping or tossing the Bed Beacon.  The shock can damage the Beacon’s sensitive internal electronics. 8.3  Battery Replacement Bed Beacon is powered by 2 “D” Cell Alkaline Batteries.  Avoid reverse polarity by installing the batteries as indicated.         Figure 23. Battery Cover
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 20  Appendix A - Certification and Safety Approvals FCC Statement NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.   These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.   This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications.   However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a particular installation.    If this equipment causes harmful interference to  radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  and  correct  the  interference  by  one  or  more  of  the  following measures:   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  WARNING:  Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  UltraClenz,  LLC  could  void  the  user’s  authority  to  operate  the equipment.  RF EXPOSURE: “This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be  installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or  operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.” Industry Canada Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada.  To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should  be  so  chosen  that  the  equivalent  isotropically  radiated  power  (e.i.r.p.)  is  not  more  than  that  necessary  for  successful communication.  This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this  device  may  not  cause  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference,  including  interference  that  may  cause undesired operation of the device.  This radio transmitter (IC:10060A-FAS1541) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.   Le présent émetteur  radio  (IC:10060A-FAS1541)  a été approuvé  par Industrie  Canada  pour  fonctionner avec  les types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant  un  gain  admissible  maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque  type  d'antenne.  Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 21  Appendix B - Warranty This device is warranted against defective materials and workmanship for two years from the date of purchase. Equipment  covered  by  this  warranty  will  be  repaired  or  replaced  in  the  United  States  and  Canada,  WITHOUT  CHARGE, except for shipping and handling, by our Factory Service Center. When  returning  equipment  for  warranty  service,  you  must  first  call  your  distributor’s Warranty Service  Department for your Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA).  The RMA must be on your return label and the shipping charges must  be  pre-paid  and  a  copy  of  your  receipt  must  be  enclosed.    Equipment  should  be  returned  to  UltraClenz  Customer Service, 1201 Jupiter Park Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458. This warranty covers all defects incurred from normal use of the equipment and does not apply in the following cases: a. Loss  or  damage  to  the  equipment  due  to  abuse,  mishandling,  accident  or  failure  to  follow  installation  or  use instructions.  b. If the equipment is defective as a result of leaking batteries.  c. If the equipment has been serviced or modified by someone other than our authorized agents.   THE AFOREMENTIONED IS IN LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE VENDOR BE LIABLE  FOR  CONSEQUENTIAL,  INCIDENTAL,  INDIRECT  OR  SPECIAL  DAMAGES  OR  LIABILITY,  TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION  OR  SUBSTITUTION  COSTS,  DELAYS,  OR  FOR  ANY  OTHER  DAMAGES,  COSTS,  OR  EXPENSES  INCURRED, IRRESPECTIVE  OF  HOW  THEY  OCCUR.    THIS  WARRANTY  SHALL  NOT  EXTEND  TO  ANY  OTHER  PERSON  OTHER  THAN  THE ORIGINAL PUCHASER OF THIS EQUIPMENT OR THE PERSON FOR WHOM IT WAS PURCHASED AS A GIFT. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state.  This warranty is given with respect to equipment purchased in the United States.
Patient Safeguard System® Patient Bed Installation   UltraClenz, LLC       Page 22  Appendix C – Bed Label  The bed  label  (Figure 1) is a  unique  bed  number  that  will be linked  to the  PSS  dashboard  Bed  Beacon Metadata.  During installation, the bed labels are located on or near the foot-board frame of the patient bed (Figure 2). The bed number helps to quickly identify the PSS Bed Beacon address that’s on the bed.                                              Figure 1. Bed Installation Label Figure 2. Bed Label Location

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