Electronic Systems Technology ESTEEM192CHP Data Packet Radio User Manual ESTeem Users Manual Model 192 Products

Electronic Systems Technology Data Packet Radio ESTeem Users Manual Model 192 Products

Users Manual

Revision: 2.0 Date: March 26, 2001Electronic Systems Technology (EST) copyrights this manual and the firmware described in it, with all rights reserved.  Underthe copyright laws, this manual or the firmware internal to the ESTeem unit may not be copied, in whole or part, without thewritten consent of EST.  Under the law, copying includes translating into another language. EST cannot guarantee that you will receive notice of a revision to the firmware described in the manual, even if you havereturned a registration/warranty card received with the product.  You should periodically check with your authorized ESTdealer or call factory direct.EST and the EST logo are registered trademarks of Electronic Systems Technology, Inc.  Simultaneously published in theUnited States and Canada.  All rights reserved.ESTEEM USERS MANUALforMODELS 192C/F/MFirmware Versions 1.46 and above.March 2001
Revised: 26 Mar 01PRODUCT WARRANTYElectronic Systems Technology, Inc., (hereinafter EST)expressly warrants its products as free of manufacturingdefects for a period of one year from the date of sale tofirst user/customer. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSOR IMPLIED AND THERE IS EXPRESSLYEXCLUDED ALL WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.  NO OTHER WARRANTYGIVEN BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT,DISTRIBUTOR OR OTHER PERSON WITHRESPECT TO THE PRODUCT SHALL BE BINDINGON EST.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: EST's liability shall be limited to refunding of purchaseprice, repair or replacement of product.  IN NO EVENT SHALL EST HAVE LIABILITY FORCONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OREXEMPLARY DAMAGES CAUSED DIRECTLY ORINDIRECTLY BY THE PRODUCT, INCLUDINGBUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INTERRUPTION OFSERVICES, LOSS OF BUSINESS ORANTICIPATORY PROFITS.  IN NO EVENT SHALLEST BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGESWHATSOEVER IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASEPRICE OF THE PRODUCT.In the event that a unit or part requires replacement orfactory servicing, the following conditions apply:a) Customer must obtain from EST an authorizedRMA (Return Materials Authorization) number(call 509-735-9092 Customer Support) beforeshipment of product or parts to EST for anyreason;b) If the whole unit is shipped, it must be in itsoriginal carton and shipping components, or acarton and shipping components supplied byEST, or if parts only are shipped, they must bepackaged and cushioned so as to preventdamage in transit and shipped freight prepaid;PRODUCT WILL BE CONSIDERED OUT OFWARRANTY IF:a) If the product is damaged due to improper orabnormal use, abuse, mishandling, accident orimproper maintenance or failure to followoperating instruction;b) If the product is defective as a result of sand,dirt, or water damage;c) If any factory-sealed enclosure has been openedor shows evidence of an attempt to be opened;d) If defects or damage are caused by the use ofunauthorized parts or unauthorized service;e) If the product has had its serial numbers alteredor removed.Warranty repair form must be accompanied by proof ofuser's purchase of unit.  Product must be shipped to themanufacturer at the following address:Electronic Systems Technology415 North Quay StreetKennewick, Washington USA 99336ADDITIONAL SERVICE: If EST releases an improvement update to firmwareinternal to the ESTeem unit during the 90 day periodafter the unit was purchased by the first user/customer,EST will update the applicable unit with the revisedversion at no charge other than for UPS handling andshipping to and from your location to the EST factory. Return of any such item must be accompanied with proofof purchase.
TABLE OF CONTENTSRevised: 26 Mar 01CHAPTER 1 - STARTING OUTBefore You Start.................................................. 1-2ESTeem Utility....................................................1-2Installing ESTeem Utility Software......................1-2Running The Program......................................... 1-2Starting Out......................................................... 1-3Basic ESTeem Programming...............................1-5Help Functions ....................................................1-5Saving a Program................................................1-6Restoring Factory Defaults................................... 1-6CHAPTER 2 - MODES OF OPERATIONCommand Mode..................................................2-2Converse Mode....................................................2-2Transparent Mode ............................................... 2-3Semi-Transparent Mode ......................................2-3Hardware Mode Control ...................................... 2-3CHAPTER 3 - PROGRAMMING ESTEEMFEATURESDigi-Repeating Feature........................................3-2Global Broadcast Feature.....................................3-2Auto Transmit Feature.........................................3-3Auto Connect Feature..........................................3-3Multi-Connect Feature......................................... 3-3Remote Programming Feature .............................3-4Security Feature...................................................3-4Hardware Ring Line.............................................3-5Packet Monitor Feature........................................3-5Using The Infrared Communications Port ............3-5Updating Flash Memory.......................................3-6CHAPTER 4 - ESTEEM APPLICATIONPROGRAMSTransparent Auto-Connect...................................4-2Transparent Auto-Connect Global........................4-2Interactive Terminal Applications........................4-3Programmable Logic Controllers..........................4-3CHAPTER 5 - RS-232C/422/485INTERFACINGDTE vs DCE........................................................5-2Flow Control........................................................5-2Memory Buffers...................................................5-3Data Terminal Ready...........................................5-3RS-422/485 Configuration ...................................5-3RS-232/422/485 Configuration Tables .................5-4RS-232/422/485 Port Pin-out Table......................5-4RS-232/422/485 COMRATE Table......................5-4CHAPTER 6 - ANTENNASCoaxial Cables.....................................................6-2Weather Proofing Coaxial Connectors..................6-2Grounding ...........................................................6-2Lightning Arrestors..............................................6-3
TABLE OF CONTENTSRevised: 26 Mar 01CHAPTER 6 - ANTENNASReference Material ..............................................6-3Model 192 Typical Outdoor AntennaInstallation Diagram............................................6-4Model 192 Typical Indoor & Mobile AntennaInstallation Diagram............................................6-6ESTeem SWR Measurements Block Diagram...... 6-8CHAPTER 7 - THEORY OF OPERATIONIntroduction......................................................... 7-2ESTeem How It Works........................................7-2Spectrum Utilization............................................ 7-3Packet Protocols .................................................. 7-3Flow Control .......................................................7-3Data Privacy........................................................7-3Effective Baud Rate............................................. 7-3APPENDICESAppendix A  - Licensing(USA only)................................................  APX A-2Appendix B  - SpecificationsESTeem Specifications................................APX B-1Model 192 Antenna Specifications..............APX B-4Appendix C - Tables/DiagramsESTeem Command Error Message Table... APX C-1ESTeem System Status Message Table....... APX C-2ESTeem System Error Message Table........ APX C-3Appendix D - ESTeem Software CommandsFactory Default Settings............................  APX D-1Definitions................................................. APX D-2
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTBEFORE YOU STARTESTEEM UTILITYInstalling ESTeem Utility Software – Windows 95/98/NTRunning The ProgramSTARTING OUTBASIC ESTEEM PROGRAMMINGHELP FunctionsSaving A ProgramRestoring Factory Defaults
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 27 Mar 01 1-2BEFORE YOU STARTCongratulations on your purchase of the ESTeemWireless Modem!  This section of the manual willdescribe the basic functioning and programming of theESTeem to get your wireless network up as soon aspossible.  It is recommended that any first time user ofthe ESTeem and those that are unfamiliar with itsoperation complete all steps in this section beforeproceeding.Take a few minutes to inventory your equipment beforeyou proceed.  Report any missing or damaged items toCustomer Support as soon as possible.  We at ElectronicSystems Technology, Inc. (EST) are constantly trying toimprove our products and support system so if you haveany comments or suggestions on improvement of thismanual, please contact us at (509) 735-9092.The completion of this section requires loading theESTeem Utility program on your computer.  Thefollowing section will describe the installation and use ofthis valuable utility program.ESTEEM UTILITYThe ESTeem Utility is designed to assist the ESTeemuser in programming and troubleshooting.  The Utilitycovers basic operation, programming, PLC applications,and diagnostics of the ESTeem.  The ESTeem UtilityProgram is designed to operate with Windows 95®,Windows 98® and Windows NT® 4.0 and greater.Installing ESTeem Utility SoftwareThe ESTeem Utility Software is used for the setup andprogramming of the ESTeem. 1. Place the ESTeem Utility CD in your CD-ROMdrive.  The CD will auto load the ESTeem UtilitySetup window (Figure 2).  If the window is notdisplayed, proceed to step 2, otherwise proceed tostep 3.2. If you have Autorun disabled for you CD-ROMdrive, Press the Start button on your Windowdesktop and select Run.  Press the Browse button andselect your CD-ROM drive from the list.  Double-click on the "CDLoader.exe" icon and press the OKbutton.  Your computer will now display theESTeem Utility Setup window (Figure 2).3. The ESTeem Utility Setup window will allow you toinstall the ESTeem Utility Program, view the on-linedocumentation and install the Adobe Acrobat®Reader.  The Acrobat Reader is required to view thedocumentation.  To install the ESTeem Utilityprogram press the Install ESTeem Utility button onthe menu and follow the on-screen instructions toinstall the program.Running The Program1. Select the ESTeem Utility Icon on Start>Programsmenu.  Figure 3 shows an example of the MainUtility Menu.Figure 2: ESTeem Utility Setup MenuRS-232C Interface Cable(EST P/N AA061)12 VDC Power Supply(EST P/N AA174)2 Pin MolexConnectorESTeem Model 192Front ViewESTeem Model 192 UtilitySoftware Windows VersionComputer Running Windows 95/98/NTTNC MaleConnectorMagnetic Mount Antenna(Consult Appendix B forantenna type)Figure 1: Installation Diagram
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 27 Mar 01 1-3STARTING OUTThis section covers the basics setup and testing for theESTeem wireless modem.  If this is your first experiencewith the ESTeem wireless modems or you are unclear onhow to set the frequency, squelch, or test communication,the ESTeem Starting Out section will guide you throughthe basics of wireless communication. 1. Select ESTeem Starting Out from the main menu.  Awindow like the one in Figure 4 will be displayed.  Ifthis is your first time using the ESTeem wirelessmodems, select ESTeem Setup Guide for a completedescription of all ESTeem functions.  Proceed to step2.2. Step 1 – Installing External Power window will bedisplayed (Figure 5).  Select either Find ESTeem orthe model number of ESTeem you are programming.The power requirements for that product will bedisplayed.  The ESTeem model AA174 power supplycan be used with all ESTeem products.  If you areusing the ESTeem in a solar power application, pressCalculate Solar Consumption button for theAmp/Hours required.  Press Go to Step 2 tocontinue. 3. Step 2 – ESTeem Familiarization window will bedisplayed (Figure 6).  This step will explain theconnections to ESTeem Model 192 front panel.  SeeFigure 1 for a setup diagram.Figure 6: Step 2 – ESTeem FamiliarizationFigure 4: Starting Out Main MenuFigure 5: Step 1 - Installing External PowerFigure 3: ESTeem Utility Main Menu
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 27 Mar 01 1-44. Press the Front Panel Description button and awindow containing the ESTeem Model 192 frontpanel will appear (Figure 7).  Press any one of thebuttons for a complete description of the item’sfunction. For example, press the Power LED buttonand the description of the power LED and its usewill be displayed. Press Go To Step 3 button toproceed.5. Step 3 – Serial Connection window will be displayed(Figure 8).  This step will help configure thecomputer and the ESTeem to communicate witheach other.6. Press Display Cable Diagrams button and all serialpins to the ESTeem Model 192 will be displayed. Press OK to continue.  Note: A standard 9-Pin serial port on a computer toESTeem interface cable is the ESTeem AA061(Figure 1). 7. Press Change Port Settings.  This window willconfigure the communications port on your computerto operate with the ESTeem modem.  Select theoperating parameters you wish or set to the default of19,200,N,8,1.  Click OK to continue.8. Press Set Serial Switches button.  This window willconfigure the ESTeem’s RS-232/422/485 to operateat the setting selected in step 7 to match thecomputer port setting.  Follow the on-line guide toconfigure the data rate.9. Press Test ESTeem button.  If the ESTeem serialinterface cable and communication port areoperating correctly the ESTeem Welcome Messagewill be displayed.  This will confirm communicationbetween the computer and the ESTeem.  If you donot receive a welcome message, follow the on-screentroubleshooting guide that will be displayed.  PressGo to Step 4 button to proceed.10. Step 4 – ESTeem Setup Parameters window will bedisplayed (Figure 9).  This step will complete thesetup for your ESTeem Model 192.11. Press Set Address button.  You must give eachESTeem a unique address in the system.  Type in theaddress number and press OK to continue.12. Press Set Squelch/Antenna button.  This section willgive you instructions on antenna placement andinstallation.  Press the Set Squelch button and followFigure 8: Step 3 – Serial ConnectionAntenna Connector(TNC-R)12 VDC InputPower Connector(2 Pin Molex)Reset SwitchRS-232, 422 and 485Input/Output Connector(25 Pin DB Connector)RS-232/422/485Setup SwitchesPower LEDIR PortTransmit LEDReceive LEDT/E LED•Link Connect/Disconnect•Auto Connect Enable•Serial Port Framing ErrorFigure 7: ESTeem Front PanelFigure 9: Step 4 – ESTeem Setup Parameters
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 27 Mar 01 1-5the on-line guide to configure the ESTeem squelch. Press OK to continue.13. Press Set Frequency button.  Select the operatingfrequency for your ESTeem Model 192 and press SetFrequency to continue.  Set all ESTeems to the samefrequency for operation within this section.14. Press Complete Setup.  You have just configured alloperating parameters within the ESTeem.  If this isyour first ESTeem you have programmed for testing,press the Express Setup button on the Staring OutMenu (Figure 4) to program subsequent ESTeemModems.  The Express Setup will allow you toquickly configure the remaining ESTeem modemswithout additional instruction.  If you have at leasttwo ESTeems programmed and wish to testcommunication, proceed to step 17.15. Press Test Communication button.  This section willallow you to test the radio frequency (RF)communications between two or more ESTeems. Two types of tests are listed in this window (Figure10).  If you have a computer attached to bothESTeems proceed to step 18 and if you only haveone computer to test both ESTeems proceed to step19.16. The first test will be used if you have a computerattached to both ESTeems.  Select the first of twoitems and press ENTER.  Follow the instructions onthe screen to establish a communication link betweenmodems.17. This second test will allow you to use the remoteESTeem as a digi-repeater for your local modem. This procedure is explained in the window and cantest communication with only one computer.18. You now have completed the basic programmingand setup of your ESTeem modems.  You have testedtheir operation with each other and are now ready toproceed in programming them for your application. Press Exit to Main Menu and continue with theprogramming of the ESTeem for your application.BASIC ESTEEM PROGRAMMINGMost of the ESTeem commands outlined in this sectionhave been automatically input to the modem by theESTeem Utility program.  A few of the commands usedmost often in troubleshooting and programming arecovered here.  These commands can be programmed tothe modem directly by the Terminal Emulation section ofthe utility or by any other terminal software package.HELP FunctionsThe ESTeem has over eighty software commands to aidthe user in their application.  The HELP command allowthe user to list the various software commands and theirrespective values.From the COMMAND mode, type HELP<cr>.  Yourdisplay should list the following:Help switches are:ALL  (Lists all settings).CHANGE (List settings changed from factory default).CONTROL (List settings dealing with control).PLC (List settings for PLCs).RADIO (List settings for ESTeem radio).RS232 (List settings for RS-232/422/485)SETUP (List settings for control).SYSTEM (List settings for system).These are the different software categories.Example:  HELP SETUP<cr>, will list all theprogrammable variables and their settings for the SETUPcategory.You can interrogate a discrete software command by justtyping the command followed by a <cr>.Example:  ADD<cr>, will list the current address savedin the connected ESTeem.Figure 10: Test Radio Communication
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 27 Mar 01 1-6Note Appendix E of this manual will have thecomplete listing of software commands andcategories for the factory default of theESTeem.Saving A ProgramA program is saved by typing in the SAVE command atthe CMD: prompt.  The programming variables that havebeen changed will be written to the non-volatile memory.The programming parameters will be loaded each timethe modem is powered up or reset.Restoring Factory DefaultsThe ESTeem has a very simple procedure to restore theprogram variables in the unit to the factory defaultsetting.  When the FA<cr> command is entered from thecommand mode the ESTeem will be configured from avariable table located in its EPROM.  It is a good practiceto restore the ESTeem to a factory defaults before anyprogramming of the unit.To ensure the modem is in the COMMAND MODE set itback to the factory default by performing the following:1. Set both switches (#1&2) on the RS-232 setupswitches to the OFF position. 2. Reset the ESTeem. 3. Verify the computer's Comm port is configured for19,200,N,8,1.4. Type FA<cr> and the ESTeem welcome messageshould be displayed.  The characters may not beechoed on the screen. 5. Type SA<cr> to save the factory default table.
CHAPTER 2MODES OF OPERATIONRevised:  27 March 01                                                                                                           2-2The ESTeem has three major modes of operation,Command, Converse, and Transparent.  This chapter ofthe manual describes each one of these modes.COMMAND MODEThe COMMAND Mode (CMD: prompt) is the defaultmode that the ESTeem initially enters on power-up orafter a hardware or software reset.  From this mode theuser can command or program the ESTeem.  In thismode the user may access the various programcommands to configure the ESTeem for the specificapplication. These values can be stored in nonvolatilememory within the ESTeem by the use of the SAVEcommand.  The ESTeem reads these setup parametersstored in memory on power-up or RESET. When programming in the COMMAND Mode, the userneed only enter enough characters to uniquely identifythe respective command.Example:    CMD:ADD 15 <Enter>This enters the source address of the ESTeem to thedecimal value of 15.  The first three letters ADD wereenough for the ESTeem to uniquely identify thecommand for ADDress.  The number of characters thatneed to be typed varies depending upon the commandbeing entered.  In some cases, four or even more lettersmay have to be entered in order for the identification tobe uniquely determined.  Up to ten multiple commandscan be written on the same line if separated by a colon.Example:  CMD:ADD 15:SETC 2:SAVE <Enter>CONVERSE MODEThis mode allows bi-directional communication from theinput/output device attached to the ESTeem to adestination ESTeem and its respective input/outputdevice.  The ESTeem will automatically switch to theCONVERSE Mode after the initial CONNECT has beenmade.When the ESTeem is in the CONVERSE Mode the *prompt will be displayed.  The ESTeem will remain inthe CONVERSE Mode until the radio link has beenbroken or by typing a control character defined by theuser with the COMMAND variable.The factory default for the COMMAND variable isCTRL C.  You can return to the CONVERSE Mode fromthe COMMAND Mode by typing CONV <Enter>.When you are in the CONVERSE Mode the echoing ofthe character comes from the ESTeem if ECHO = ON(factory default) has been programmed in the ESTeem.Transmitting DataThe ESTeem will transmit data from the CONVERSEMode if one or more of the following conditions havebeen met.1. The ESTeem transmit buffer has been filled.  Thesize of the transmit buffer is defined in the ESTeemby the PACKLEN variable.  This variable isprogrammable from 1 to 2000 bytes.  Factory defaultis 2000.2. The ESTeem receives a SENDPAC (send packet)character from the RS-232C input data stream.  TheSENDPAC variable can be defined from 0 to 255 bythe user.  Factory default is 13 (carriage return).  TheSENDPAC character is also transmitted by theESTeem.  In file dump applications the SENDPACcharacter can be programmed to be the EOF (end offile) character transmitted from the sending device(i.e.; CTRL Z, CTRL G, etc.).3. Termination control timer.  The termination controltimer is enabled by the TERMC (on/off) command. When enabled, the termination timer starts from thetime the last transmit buffer has been updated in theRS-232C port.  If the termination timer expiresbefore another character is received or transmitted,the contents of the ESTeem transmit buffer will betransmitted.  The waiting time of the timer is definedby the TERMT variable (termination time).  Theprogramming range of the TERMT variable is10-65,535ms.  Factory default values are TERMC =OFF and TERMT = 50.  It is noted that when thetermination timer is used, the SENDPAC variable isusually programmed to be a character that is nonoccurring in your data stream (i.e.; SENDPAC =255) so that premature transmission does not occur.
CHAPTER 2MODES OF OPERATIONRevised:  27 March 01                                                                                                           2-3TRANSPARENT MODEThe TRANSPARENT Mode allows the ESTeem to passall data characters (O-255 or 0-FF hex) using 8 data bits. To program the ESTeem in the TRANSPARENT modethe TRANSPARent command must be enabled andswitch Bit 2 to ON (RS-232C Setup Switch).  TheTRANSPARent command will defeat the SENDPAC andCOMMAND variables and put the ESTeem in thetransparent mode when Bit 2 is ON. The transmission of the data packets can only beaccomplished by enabling the  termination controlcommands (TERMC and TERMT) or the PACKLENbuffer being filled. The value of TERMT should beslightly longer than the maximum delay encounteredduring RS-232C transmission. If this time is set to short,the ESTeem will truncate your data stream improperly.When using the TRANSPARENT Mode, data flowcontrol is by hardware handshaking only.  Hardwarehandshaking is initiated by enabling hardware flowcontrol (XHF = ON).The SETCON (Set Connect command) must be used todefine the node that you want to communicate with whilein the TRANSPARENT Mode. When theTRANSPARENT Mode is enabled you can notcommunicate to the ESTeem in the COMMAND Modeunless you use the Hardware Mode Control line (seeexplanation this chapter).To remove the ESTeem from the TRANSPARENT Modethe user must perform the following:1. Switch Bit 2, Off on the RS-232C Setup Switch.2. Reset the ESTeem from the front panel switch.3.  Type  TRANS OFF <Enter>. SEMI-TRANSPARENT MODEThis mode should be utilized when sending a non-ASCIIfile and there is a possibility that the SENDPACcharacter could be contained in the transmitted data set. Perform the following prior to programming the ESTeemto initialize the unit to factory default settings:1. Turn Bit 2, OFF on the RS-232C Setup Switch.2. Reset the ESTeem.3. TYPE FA <Enter>.  Please note the characters mayor may not be echoed by the CRT.        ESTeem-------------------------ADD xxx xxx = your addressSETC yyy yyy = destination addressTERMC ONTERMT 10SENDP 255EDIT OFFXSF ONSAVEIf EDIT is off, and SENDPAC = 255, the SENDPACcharacter is disabled. This character when received willnot cause packet transmission and will be passed asnormal data.  The TERMC and TERMT commands areused to transmit the contents of the ESTeem transmitbuffer.Software flow control in this example is enabled (factorydefault XSF = OFF) therefore the ESTeem will pass allcharacters except the data flow control characters forXon/Xoff.HARDWARE MODE CONTROLThe MODECON (Mode Control) command is providedin the ESTeem to change the mode of the ESTeemmodem from COMMAND Mode to CONVERSE (orTRANSPARENT Mode) via a hardware control line. The hardware line is located on pin 19 of the RS-232Cconnector.  If MODEC = HARDWARE, a "low or 0" onpin 19 (-3 to -15 vdc) will put the ESTeem in theCOMMAND Mode and a "high or one" on pin 19 ( +3 to+15 vdc) will put the ESTeem in the CONVERSE orTRANSPARENT Mode. The factory default isSOFTWARE.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 27  March 01                                                                                                        3-2     Listed in this chapter are the major ESTeem features andprogramming examples on how to use them.  Thesefeatures are individual building blocks to solve yourapplication needs.  Remember your particular applicationmay require one or more of these features enabled.DIGI-REPEATINGThe Repeater feature allows an ESTeem to relay it's respective transmission or packet through a maximum ofthree ESTeems to increase the operating range of theunit.  Any ESTeem in your radio network can function asa repeater for any other ESTeem.  This is independent ofthe fact that the ESTeem being used as a repeater islinked or connected to another node, therefore anESTeem can function as a repeater, operational node, orboth at the same time.  The data that is digi-repeatedthrough an ESTeem will not be output through therepeating ESTeem’s RS-232C port.To specify one or more ESTeems as repeaters, theCONNECT command has been expanded to except up tothree added addresses as follows:CONN r1,r2,r3,dar1 = Address (1 to 254) of first ESTeem repeater.r2 = Address (1 to 254) of second ESTeem repeater.r3 = Address (1 to 254) of third ESTeem repeater.Da = Address (1 to 255) of destination ESTeem.Note: Address 255 is used for Global.When transmitting packets through other ESTeems, thesource ESTeem will automatically adjust it's FRACKtime to allow additional time for the packet to reach itsdestination and for the returned acknowledgment.  Fracktime takes into account the packet size and the number ofrepeaters specified.  The ACK still comes from thedestination ESTeem, not the first or any repeater.For testing purposes, you can loop back a connection toyourself by placing your source address in the destinationaddress of the repeater string.  Any data transmitted willrepeat through the repeater address and display back onthe screen.Example:CONN r1,Sar1 = Address (1 to 254) of first ESTeem repeater.Sa = Address of local ESTeem.Any ESTeem command in this manual that uses anaddress string can be configured to use the Digi-repeating feature.Example: SETC r1,r2,r3,daGLOBAL BROADCASTGlobal broadcast is the ability of one ESTeem to transmitit's message to more than one ESTeem at one time.  AllESTeems within radio range will receive the messagewhether or not they are connected to another ESTeem orin command or converse mode. You can put your ESTeem in Global by connecting orprogramming the SETC to address 255.  Address 255 isa non assignable unit address and is used by the ESTeemCPU to access this special mode.  When an ESTeem is inGlobal, the standard ACK protocol from the receivingESTeem is disabled, but the 32 bit CRC error checkingon the received ESTeem is still operational.  When youperform CONN 255 <Enter> from the COMMANDMODE the ESTeem will immediately go to theCONVERSE MODE (* is displayed).  All messages sentwill be transmitted globally to all ESTeems in radiorange.In the ESTeem you have a GLOBAL (on/off) command. When GLOBAL = On, you can receive Globaltransmissions.  If GLOBAL = Off you will not displayGlobal transmissions from other ESTeems. Note: Factory default is ON.By using the repeater function you can transmit Globalmessages from another ESTeem using the Digi-repeatingfeature.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 27  March 01                                                                                                        3-3     Example: CONN 10,20,30,255<Enter>SETC 10,20,30,255<Enter> By adjusting these commands you can route from unit 10to 20, 20 to 30, and go Global at unit 30.You can enable global transmissions in more than oneESTeem in your network.  This will allow globalcommunications between all ESTeems within radiorange.AUTO TRANSMITThe Auto Transmit feature of the ESTeem allows theuser to transmit a data packet without filling up thePACKLEN (packet length) buffer or defining a specialcontrol character using the SENDPAC (send packet)variable.  The Auto Transmit feature is a timer that isenabled in the ESTeem that monitors traffic in and out ofthe RS-232C port.  If there are characters in the RS-232Cbuffer, the termination control timer starts from the timethe last receive or transmitted character is updated in thebuffer.  If the termination time expires before anothercharacter is received or transmitted, the receivedcharacters are transmitted.To enable this feature perform the following from theCOMMAND MODE:TERMC (on/off) = On. Enable termination control.TERMT (10-65535) = One unit number equals 1ms.TERMC is the termination control command.  TERMT is the termination time command.  Factory default forTERMC = Off and TERMT = 50.AUTO CONNECTThe Auto Connect feature allows the user to program theESTeem to perform a CONNECT to another ESTeemwhen data is sent to the RS-232C communications port.To enable this feature perform the following from theCOMMAND MODE:SETCON (1-255) = Address of destination ESTeem.Remember, you can use the Repeater routing(r1,r2,r3,da) or put the ESTeem in Global (address 255). SETCON is the set connect command.SA SAVE command. This will save the SETCvariable to the non volatile memory so that itwill not be lost when the ESTeem is RESET.Bit 2 (on/off) = On.  Bit 2 is located on the RS-232CSETUP SWITCH on the front of theESTeem.  The ESTeem must beRESET after the Bit has been changedto be read by the ESTeem CPU.RESET ESTeem RESET is located on the front panelOFF/ON switch.  The T/E light on thefront panel of the ESTeem should nowflash at a two times per second rate.MULTI-CONNECTThe actual polling of the ESTeem must originate fromthe host device connected to the ESTeem using theCONNECT command to originate the initial connect andthe COMMAND character to return from theCONVERSE mode to the COMMAND mode.  The firsttime around the pole a CONNECT data packet (rftransmission)  will be initiated.  When a link isestablished, it is held internally in the ESTeem connecttable.  The next time around the pole to the same address,the link status will be checked in the ESTeem table.  Ifthe address indicates a link has already been established,then only data and its corresponding ACK will betransmitted to that node.  This greatly increases pollingtime by eliminating the usualCONNECT/DISCONNECT sequence each time exceptwhen communication is first established.The MULTID command allows the user to send data to aspecific ESTeem address from the CONVERSE Mode byspecifying the ESTeem address routing before the datapacket.  This feature will also display the address of thesending ESTeem on any received data.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 27  March 01                                                                                                        3-4     Example Of Transmitted Data:[001]DATA Routes data to an ESTeem addressed 1.[100,200,250,1]DATA  Routes data to an ESTeemaddressed 1 via ESTeemsaddressed 100, 200, and 250.The above example replaces the CONNECT commandfrom the COMMAND Mode. Received data packets will have the address of theESTeem that sent the data at the beginning of the datapacket.Example Of Received Data:[004]RECEIVED DATA Data received from anESTeem addressed 4.[030,100,244,004] Data received from an ESTeemaddressed 4 via ESTeemsaddressed 30, 100, and 244.MULTID (on/off) = On Enables this feature. Factorydefault = OFF.REMOTE PROGRAMMINGThe Remote Programming feature allows the user toremotely program ESTeems in his network.  When aconnection has been made with the remote ESTeem theRPG: prompt will be displayed showing that you are nowin the COMMAND mode of that remote ESTeem.To enable this feature perform the following from theCOMMAND MODE:PROG (1-254) Address of destination ESTeem.Note:   You can also use the Repeater routing(r1,r2,r3,da) to reach the destination ESTeem. (r1 = address of first repeater, r2 = address ofsecond repeater, etc.  da = destination address).To end a remote programming session, hold Control andtype C (^C) and you will return to the COMMANDprompt of your ESTeem.  There is a Watch Dog Timerthat will automatically disconnect you from remoteprogramming if there is no activity for thirty seconds.The REMPROG (on/off) feature is used to defeat theability of your ESTeem from being remotelyprogrammed.  If REMPROG = OFF another ESTeemcannot remotely program your unit.  Factory default =ON.SECURITYThe Security feature allows the user to lock outprogramming of the ESTeem.  REMEMBER TO STOREYOUR CODE NUMBER IN A SAFE PLACE.To enable this feature perform the following from theCOMMAND MODE:SECURITY (1 to 100,000) Entering a securitynumber enables thesecurity feature. SAVE   To enter the security code permanently into theESTeem memory.Note:  When enabled,  the ESTeem will output a“Security On” message.To disable the security feature perform the followingfrom the COMMAND mode.SECURITY (1 to 100,000) Entering your securitynumber disables thesecurity feature. SAVE To remove the security code permanently fromthe ESTeem memory.Note: When disabled,  the ESTeem will output a“Security Off” message.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 27  March 01                                                                                                        3-5     HARDWARE RING LINE (Factory Option)When the ESTeem establishes a CONNECT or link withanother ESTeem (T/E Light on solid), pin 22 at theESTeem RS-232C will change from a -15 vdc voltagestate to a +15 vdc voltage state.  The RING softwarecommand allows the user to change the output from alatched state to a pulsed state.  To change the state of thisline program the following from the COMMAND mode. Factory default = LATCH.RING  =Latch.  Pin 22 is high when the ESTeem T/Elight is on solid.RING  =Pulse.  Pin 22 is pulsed (positive 250 ms.) whenthe ESTeem T/E light is on solid.PACKET MONITORThe PACKM [ON/OFF] command places the ESTeem ina special packet monitor mode.  When this feature isenabled the ESTeem is placed in a receive only mode andwill not function as a normal ESTeem.  The ESTeem willmonitor and report the status of all message traffic withinthe network in the following format, the actual packetmessage will not be outputted.SA-xxx, DA-xxx, Type Code, R1-Repeater Status, R2-Repeater Status, R3-Repeater Status, Data Bytes Sentxxx = ESTeem AddressDA = Destination ESTeemSA = Source ESTeemR1 = Address of first ESTeem repeater.R2 = Address of second ESTeem repeater.R3 = Address of third ESTeem repeater.Type CodesI = InformationDISC = DisconnectedRR = Receive ReadyUA  = Unnumbered AcknowledgeRNR  = Receive Not ReadyFRMR  = Frame RejectREJ = RejectDM  = Disconnected ModeUI   = Unnumbered InformationSABM  = Set Async. Balance ModeRepeater StatusP=PendingD= DoneUSING THE INFRAREDCOMMUNICATIONS PORTThe infrared (IR) communications port will allow you toprogram and interrogate the ESTeem withoutdisconnecting the serial cable from the back of themodem.  The IR port is located on the front panel of theESTeem, above the T/E light.To communicate from a computer to the ESTeemthrough the IR port you will need a copy of the ESTeemUtilities (Version 4.0 or higher) and an ESTeem IRCommunication Dongle (ESTeem P/N AA300).Connect the dongle directly to the serial port of thecomputer.  The dongle requires initialization from theESTeem Utilities.  From the Terminal Emulation screenpress the F3 function key to initialize the dongle.  If themodem is not in the COMMAND mode, press CTRL-Cto display the CMD: prompt.Note:With Switch 2 (RS-232 Setup) in the On positionthe ESTeem defaults the IR port to the commandmode.ANTENNAS/N:T/ETXRXPWRIRPortPhoneModel 192SAntenna 12 VDCRESETInfrared Communications Port forRemote Programming and DiagnosticsWithout Interruption Of The WirelessRadio Area NetworkIR Communications Dongal(EST p/n AA300)3 ft. RangeRESETFigure 1: Using The IR Port
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 27  March 01                                                                                                        3-6     The IR dongle has a range of approximately three feet,directly in front of the port.  The dongle is powered bythe serial port and requires no additional power sources.Note: Only one of the three communications ports(RS-232/422/485 connector, IR port or RemoteProgramming) can be in the Command mode ata time.  When either the IR or the Phone portswitch to converse mode, the RS-232/422/485port is blocked from receiving any data.UPDATING FLASH MEMORYThe ESTeem Model 192 stores its operating system inflash memory that can be updated without returning themodem the to the factory.  To upload the latest operatingfile, please contact Customer Support at 509-735-9092 ore-mail support@esteem.com to request the latest flashmemory update file for your product.Once you receive the flash file from Customer Support,conduct the following steps to update the memory:1. Open the ESTeem Utilities and select TerminalEmulation.2. Verify that both switches (Bits 1 and 2) are in thedown (OFF) position and reset the modem.3. Select Terminal Setup>Port from the menu itemsand configure the computer serial port for19,200,N,8,1.Note: The flash update can not be loaded through theInfrared Dongle or remote programming.  You mustconnect directly the ESTeem serial port.4. Set the modem to factory defaults by entering FA<Enter> at the command prompt (CMD:).5. Select ESTeem Setup>Update Flash Memory fromthe menu and the Utility will read information aboutthe connected modem and ask for the location of theflash file (Figure 2).  Browse to the location of theflash update file on the computer and select Open.6. Once the upload has been completed, re-program themodem for operation.Figure 2: Updating Flash Memory
CHAPTER 4ESTEEM APPLICATION PROGRAMSRevised: 27 March 01                                                                                                                   4-2Listed below are different application programs to aid theuser in programming the ESTeem.TRANSPARENT AUTO-CONNECTThis mode is used for a dedicated point to pointapplication.  The ESTeem will initiate the radio linkwhen data is received by the RS-232/422/485 port.Perform the following prior to programming theESTeem(s) to initialize the unit to factory defaultsettings:1. Turn Bit 2  OFF on the RS-232C Setup Switch.2. Reset the ESTeem.3. TYPE FA <Enter>.  Please note the characters maynot be echoed by the CRT. ESTeem A ESTeem B------------------------------ --------------------------------ADD xxx ADD yyySETC yyy SETC xxxTERMC ON TERMC ONTERMT 10 TERMT 10XHF ON * XHF ON *DISACK ON * DISACK ON *TRANS ON TRANS ONSAVE SAVEBit 2  ON  Bit 2  ON (RS-232 Switch)Reset ESTeem Reset ESTeemNotes:• Turn DISACK ON only if you want to defeat theacknowledge packet.• xxx and yyy represent an ESTeem address which isuser definable from 1 to 254.TRANSPARENT AUTO-CONNECTGLOBALThis mode is usually used for a point to multi-pointapplications when a customers devices include their ownaddressing protocol to communicate between devices. The ESTeem packet addressing and acknowledgeprotocol is defeated.  All ESTeems will receive the datatransmission.  The 32 bit CRC error checking onreceived data is still enabled.  This program is used in allESTeems, the only difference is the unit addresses.Perform the following prior to programming theESTeem(s) to initialize the unit to factory defaultsettings:1. Turn Bit 2 OFF on the RS-232C Setup Switch2. Reset the ESTeem.3. TYPE FA <Enter>.  Please note the characters maynot be echoed by the crt.ESTeem A----------------------------------------------------ADD xxx   (xxx = ESTeem address)SETCON 255TERMC ONTERMT 10XHF ON *TRANS ONSAVEBit 2 ON (RS-232 Switch)Reset ESTeemNote:Only hardware flow control can be used in thismode.
CHAPTER 4ESTEEM APPLICATION PROGRAMSRevised: 27 March 01                                                                                                                   4-3INTERACTIVE TERMINAL APPLICATIONThis program is used to connect a mainframe to a remoteterminal.  This setup is a typical point to pointconfiguration with the AUTO-CONNECT  featureenabled.Perform the following prior to programming theESTeem(s) to initialize the unit to factory defaultsettings:1. Turn Bit 2  OFF on the RS-232C Setup Switch.2. Reset the ESTeem.3. TYPE FA <Enter>.  Please note the characters mynot be echoed by the crt.ESTeem At Mainframe ESTeem At Terminal-------------------------- ------------------------ADD xxx ADD yyySETC yyy SETC xxxTERMC ON TERMC ONTERMT 10 TERMT 10XSF OFF XSF OFFXHF ON * XHF ON *DISACK ON * DISACK ON *TRANS ON TRANS ONSAVE SAVEBit 2  ON Bit 2 ON (RS-232 Switch)RESET ESTeem RESET ESTeemNotes:• Turn DISACK ON only if you want to defeat theacknowledge packet.• Only hardware flow control can be used in thismode.• xxx and yyy represent an ESTeem address which isuser definable from 1 to 254.PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERSEST has available complete Engineering Reports for eachPLC manufacturer make which will be provided at nocharge by calling EST Customer Support on509-735-9092.  All Engineering Reports are alsoavailable on the ESTeem Utility Software CD (EST P/NAA106) in Adobe™ PDF format.
CHAPTER 5RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACINGRevised: 27 Mar 01 5-2 DTE vs. DCEThe ESTeem is configured as a Data CommunicationEquipment (DCE) device.  The following signals areavailable at the RS-232C connector located at the rear ofthe unit.Pin Description---------------------------------------------------------------------1 FG Shield Ground2 TXD Transmit Data (Input)3 RXD Receive Data (Output)DCE 4 RTS Request To Send (Input)5 CTS Clear to Send (Output)7 SG Signal Ground8 DCD Data Carrier Detect (Output)     12 RTS Request To Send (Output)     20 DTR Data Terminal Ready (Input)     22 Ring Ring Indicator (Output)The important thing to remember is that for the ESTeemto communicate with an external device, the data outputfrom pin 3 of the ESTeem RS-232C connector must beconnected to the data input of the device you areconnected to; otherwise, the ESTeem won't work.  Likewise, the data input to pin 2 of the ESTeem must beconnected to the data output of the device you areconnected to.  Normally, if the equipment you areconnecting to looks like a terminal or computer (DTE),its input, Receive Data (RXD), will be on pin 3 itsoutput, Transmit Data (TXD), will be on pin 2. Therefore, the ESTeem can be connected directly. If the device you are connecting to is configured as amodem (DCE), its output will be on pin 3.  If thisconfiguration is connected to the ESTeem, damage mayresult to the ESTeem or the connecting device.  In thiscase, you can purchase a null connector that internallyreverses pins 2 and 3. Whatever your situation may be, it is always best to checkthe manual on your particular device and connectaccordingly.Purchase or fabricate a RS-232C shielded cable for yourESTeem. The ESTeem requires a standard male 25 pin Dconnector on one end of the cable for proper connection. Remember to install the small retaining screws on eitherside of the cable connector. Tightening these screwskeeps you from accidentally losing connection with yourESTeem.Notes: • The ESTeem requires a shielded RS-232 cable.  Thisis to prevent unwanted electrical noise from enteringthe ESTeem and also to prevent any electrical noisefrom getting out of the ESTeem. • Remember -- always use a shielded RS-232C cable.• Pins 9, 10, 14, & 16 are used for RS-422/485interfacing and should be left open if not used.FLOW CONTROLThe ESTeem can be enabled to support SOFTWARE orHARDWARE flow control. Software Flow ControlSoftware flow control is enabled by the XSFLOW(on/off) command in the ESTeem.  When XSFLOW isON the ESTeem will respond to <XOFF>, (stop) and<XON>, (off) commands from the RS-232 port.  Thefactory default setting is OFF.  The default value forSTART is 17 (CTRL Q) and for STOP is 19 (CTRL S).Hardware Flow ControlHardware flow control is enabled by the XHFLOW(on/off) command in the ESTeem.  The factory defaultvalue is OFF.When XHFLOW is enabled (on) the control signal lines,Request To Send (RTS, pin 4), Data Carrier Detect(DCD, pin 8), and Clear To Send (CTS, pin 5) areavailable to the user at the RS-232C connector.  The CTSand RTS signals are used to control the flow of data intoand out of the ESTeem. The CTS signal on pin 5 is used to control the data intothe ESTeem.  When CTS is set (high on pin 5) themodem is ready to receive data.  When CTS is reset (lowon pin 5) the ESTeem is not ready to receive data. The RTS signal is used to control data out of theESTeem. RTS is set (high on pin 4), by the user toindicate to the ESTeem that the user is ready to receivedata.  When reset, the user is not ready to receive data. (NOTE: Low = On, High = Off).
CHAPTER 5RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACINGRevised: 27 Mar 01 5-3 MEMORY BUFFERSThe ESTeem has a 4000 byte buffer on the TRANSMITSIDE (outgoing data) and a 4000 byte buffer on theRECEIVE SIDE (incoming data).Transmit BufferThe outgoing data buffer will hold two data blocks beforethe ESTeem will enable its RS-232C hardware/softwareflow control on data coming into the modem if thenetwork is busy.  A data block in this example is a blockof data that is defined by the PACKLENGTH orSENDPAC character which ever occurs first.Therefore, if PACKLENGTH = 10 the modem will inputa maximum of 20 bytes before it enables itshardware/software handshake line (two 10 byte packets). In another example, if PACKLENGTH = 2000 but thedata block is terminated by the SENDPAC characterbefore the input buffer reaches the full 2000 bytes, thebuffer will still hold only two data blocks if the networkis busy.In order to utilize the 2000 bytes storage for small datapackets (bar code readers, etc.), program the modemusing the following guidelines:PACKLENGTH = 2000 SENDPAC = 255TERMC = ON TERMT = 10Note: Set the TERMT time greater than the pausebetween data bursts.By programming the above parameters the ESTeem willbuffer the incoming data packets and automaticallytransmit the data when the 2000 byte buffer is filled orthe TERMT time limit is met.  This will allow thecustomer to use two blocks of 2000 or 4000 bytes beforethe modem enables the respect hardware/softwarecontrol.Receive BufferIf the device that the receiving ESTeem is outputting datato, enables its respective hardware or software control,the modem will store 4000 bytes of data before flowcontrolling off the transmitting ESTeem.DATA TERMINAL READY (DTR)A software switch, DTR_ENAB (ON/OFF) is provided inthe ESTeem for monitoring the status of a deviceconnected to pin 20 of the RS-232C connector.  Thefactory default setting is OFF.  When this command isenabled the ESTeem will monitor the DTR signal on pin20.  If the DTR line being supplied to the ESTeem, fromthe user, is at a SPACE (high) condition then theESTeem is enabled.  If the DTR line is at a MARK (low)condition then the ESTeem is disabled.This signal is normally used by the ESTeem modem asan indication that connection is made to a device that ison line and ready to transmit/receive data.RS-422/485 CONFIGURATIONThe ESTeem will support the requirements of the EIAStandard RS-422/485. This is a four (4) wire interfaceconsisting of the TRANSMIT DATA (-), TRANSMITDATA (+), RECEIVE DATA (-), AND RECEIVEDATA (+) or a two (2) wire interface using B (+) and A(-). These signals are available at the 25 pin RS-232Cconnector on the modem.Pin Description    9 BTR (-)  TRANSMIT DATA (-)10 BTR (+)  TRANSMIT DATA (+)DCE 14 BRX (+)  RECEIVE DATA (+)(4-Wire) 16 BRX (-)  RECEIVE DATA (-)Pin DescriptionDCE 14 (+)   HALF-DUPLEX B (+)(2-Wire) 16 (-)  HALF-DUPLEX A (-)This interface is designed to provide unipolar differentialdrive to twisted pair or parallel wire transmission lines.Note: The ESTeem is configured at the factory for RS-422 interfacing . RS-485 (either 4 or 2 wiremode) requires internal jumper configuration. Please contact EST Customer Support at 509-735-9092 for instruction.The ESTeem can be factory configured RS-485interfacing prior to shipment.  Call ESTCustomer Support on 509-735-9092 for furtherdetails.
CHAPTER 5RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACINGRevised: 27 Mar 01 5-4 RS-232C/422/485 Configuration TablesOn the front plate of the ESTeem is a two positionRS-232 Setup switch labeled SW. The switch positionsare defined as follows:                    RS-232C/422/485SETUP SWITCH TABLEBIT 1 OFF Default baud rate 19.2K, N, 8, 1BIT 1 ON Use software to select baud rateBIT 2 OFF Enter Command Mode uponinitializationBIT 2 ON Enter Conversation Mode uponinitializationNote: *The ESTeem is configured at the factory forRS-422 interfacing.  RS-485 (2 or 4 wire) requiresinternal jumper configuration.  Please contact ESTCustomer Support at 509-735-9092 for instructionRS-232C/422/485 COMRATE TablesThe ESTeem Model 192 uses the COMRATE softwarecommand to set the communication port speed when Bit1 on the RS-232 Setup Switches is in the ON position. The ESTeem Utility Program will calculate the requiredCOMRATE value and download to the ESTeem in Step3 of the Starting Out Menu or by selecting ESTeemSetup>Configure ESTeem Serial Port from the TerminalEmulation menu.  If you would like to manually enter thecommand to set the serial port speed on the modemplease use the following table as a guideline:19,200 9,600 4,800 2,400 1,200 6000 12345N,7,18 9 10 11 12 13 N,7,216 17 18 19 20 21 E,7,124 25 26 27 28 29 E,7,232 33 34 35 36 37 N,8,140 41 42 43 44 45 N,8,248 49 50 51 52 53 E,8,156 57 58 59 60 61 E,8,280 81 82 83 84 85 O,7,188 89 90 91 92 93 O,7,2112 113 114 115 116 117 O,8,1120 121 122 123 124 125 O,8,2ESTeem RS-232C/422/485Port Pin-Out TablePin No. Function1Shield Ground2Transmit Data (TxD)3Receive Data (RxD)4Request To Send (RTS Input)5Clear To Send (CTS)6Data Set Ready (DSR)7Signal Ground8Data Carrier Detect (DCD)19 Mode Control20 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)22 Ring Indicator (RI)12 Request To Send (RTS Output)9* RS-422/485 Transmit Data (-)10* RS-422/485 Transmit Data (+)14* RS-422/485 Receive Data (+)16* RS-422/485 Receive Data (-).
CHAPTER 6ANTENNASRevised: 27 Mar 01 6-2EST offers different types of antennas ranging from 1/4wave to 5/8 wave in physical size.  The user choice isdependent on the application.Communications in the VHF and UHF bands arenormally over "Line of Sight (LOS)". Looking from theantenna of one wireless modem you must be able to seethe antenna of the wireless modem you wish tocommunicate with. If a large object obstructs the line ofsight view it is unlikely that satisfactory communicationswill result. This means you must relocate the antennas oruse the REPEATER FEATURE and a second modem togo over or around the object.The Model 192C/F/M products are allowed by the FCCto use high gain directional antennas.It is noted that a 1/4 wave antenna that does not haveground plane radials requires a ground plane to operateat maximum efficiency.  This can simply be a conductingsurface under the antenna that is a 1/4 wave length indiameter.  For the Model 192C this is approximately 6.5inches.  A conducting surface can be anything from theroof top of an automobile to a file cabinet.COAXIAL CABLESTo minimize signal loss, the overall length of the coaxialcable should be as short as possible. To avoid corrosionselect coaxial cable manufacturers with tinned copperbraid, where possible. Listed below are representativecable losses in db/100ft at the VHF and UHF frequencies:Frequency (MHz)     RG-58u              RG-8      ½” Heliax---------------------------------------------------------------------150-174        - 5.2     - 2.3          - 0.845402-420       -10.0     - 4.2            - 1.5450-470       -10.8     - 4.4            - 1.5                                    In a severe noise environment it my be desirable to use adouble shield type of coax cable such as RG-214/U.Note: Pre-made coax cables can be purchased fromthe factory.  A -3 dB loss means you have lost1/2 of your signal.  A +3 dB gain means youhave doubled (x2) your signal.Keep the antenna feedline as short aspossible to minimize losses.Extreme care must be taken when attachingcoax connectors to the antenna feedlines. If there is any error in making thisconnection the output of the transmitter willbe greatly reduced.WEATHER PROOFING COAXCONNECTIONS1. Coat the threads of the connectors with siliconelubricant prior to assembly (See Note 1) and handtighten.  Care should be taken not to get anylubricant on the center conductor.2. Wrap the connector assembly with a vapor barrierpatch for weather proofing (See Note 2), ensuring tooverlap onto the coax cable approximately 1 1/2inches.3. Apply a electrical coating (sealing agent) over thevapor barrier patch for added protection (See Note3).Notes:1. Dow Corning RTV-3140 or equivalent.2. Suggested vendors:VAPOR-WRAPDecibel Products3184 Quebec St.Dallas, TX 75356214-631-0310VYNIL-MASTIC, P/N 22003-M CompanyCustomer Service512-984-18003. SCOTCHKOTE, 3-M Company, or equivalent.GROUNDINGAll building mount antennas require attachment to agood earth ground for optimum efficiency.  Contact areputable local communications shop for procedures foryour area.
CHAPTER 6ANTENNASRevised: 27 Mar 01 6-3LIGHTNING ARRESTORSLightning arrestors should be used on all externalbuilding mount antennas for personal protection and tominimize damage to the transceiver during lightningstorms.  The units should be installed as permanufacturers instructions provided with the device.REFERENCE MATERIALThe ideal reference book for antennas and transmissionlines is the “The Radio Amateur's Handbook”, by theHeadquarters Staff of the American Radio Relay League.
CHAPTER 6ANTENNASRevised: 27 Mar 01 6-4Model 192M OutdoorFixed Base Site DiagramN MaleConnectorN MaleConnectorTNC MaleConnector2 Pin MolexConnectorUser’sDeviceRG-8 Coax(EST Part No. AA234RS-232CSetupSwitchesRS-232C, 422, & 485Interface ConnectorNOTES1.  Use coax cable runs as short as practical tominimize cable losses.2.  Vapor wrap all external antenna coaxconnections with vinyl wrap (EST Part No. AA241)and apply Scotchkote Electrical Coating (EST PartNo. AA242).3.  Contact EST for recommendations regardingantenna mounting hardware and installation tips.4.  Ground antenna structure, base and lightningarrestor.ANTENNARECOMMENDATIONS1. Omni-Directional(EST P/N AA20M orASP682).2. Directional (EST P/NAA202M).DirectionalAntennaOmni-DirectionalAntennaUHF MaleConnectorfor AA235or AA238ANTENNA FEEDLINERECOMMENDATIONS1. Up to 50 ft. use RG-8Coax (EST P/N AA235)or AA237.2. Over 50 ft. use 1/2”heliax (EST P/N AA236)or AA238.N MaleConnectorfor AA236or AA23712 VDC Power Supply(EST Part No. AA174)RS-232C,422, or 485Interface Cable(EST Part No. AA06,AA061, AA07, orcustom depending ondevice)Lightning Arrestor(EST Part No. AA162)
CHAPTER 6ANTENNASRevised: 27 Mar 01 6-5 Models 192C and 192F Typical OutdoorAntenna Installation DiagramN MaleConnectorN MaleConnectorTNC MaleConnector2 Pin MolexConnectorUser’sDeviceRG-8 Coax(EST Part No. AA234RS-232CSetupSwitchesRS-232C, 422, & 485Interface ConnectorNOTES1.  Use coax cable runs as short as practical tominimize cable losses.2.  Vapor wrap all external antenna coaxconnections with vinyl wrap (EST Part No. AA241)and apply Scotchkote Electrical Coating (EST PartNo. AA242).3.  Contact EST for recommendations regardingantenna mounting hardware and installation tips.4.  Ground antenna structure, base and lightningarrestor.ANTENNARECOMMENDATIONS1. Omni-Directional(EST P/N AA20M orASP682).2. Directional (EST P/NAA202M).DirectionalAntennaOmni-DirectionalAntennaUHF MaleConnectorfor AA235or AA238ANTENNA FEEDLINERECOMMENDATIONS1. Up to 50 ft. use RG-8Coax (EST P/N AA235)or AA237.2. Over 50 ft. use 1/2”heliax (EST P/N AA236)or AA238.N MaleConnectorfor AA236or AA23712 VDC Power Supply(EST Part No. AA174)RS-232C,422, or 485Interface Cable(EST Part No. AA06,AA061, AA07, orcustom depending ondevice)Lightning Arrestor(EST Part No. AA162)
CHAPTER 6ANTENNASRevised: 27 Mar 01 6-6 Model 192M Typical Indoor & MobileEquipment DiagramOmni-Directional AntennaMagnetic Mount.  EST P/NAA19M with 19 inchrubber duck radial withapproximately 12 ft. ofintegral RG-58 cable fordirect connection toESTeem.UHF MaleConnectorANTENNA FEEDLINERECOMMENDATIONS1. Up to 50 ft. use RG-8Coax (EST P/N AA233).2. Over 50 ft. call EST.TNC MaleConnector12 VDC POWER SUPPLYRECOMMENDATIONSEST P/N AA174Battery Packs2 Pin MolexConnectorUser’sDeviceRS-232CSetupSwitchesRS-232C, 422, & 485Interface ConnectorOmni-Directional AntennaPermanent Mount.  ESTP/N AA20M with 21 inchvertical radials.RS-232C,422, or 485INTERFACE CABLEEST P/N AA06,AA061, AA07, orcustom depending ondevice.ANTENNARECOMMENDATIONSNOTES1.  Use coax cable runs as short as practical tominimize cable losses.2.  Vapor wrap all external antenna coaxconnections with vinyl wrap (EST Part No. AA241)and apply Scotchkote Electrical Coating (EST PartNo. AA242).3.  Contact EST for recommendations regardingantenna mounting hardware and installation tips.4.  Ground antenna structure, base and lightningarrestor.Omni-Directional AntennaVehicle Mount.  EST P/NAA191 with integral 17 ft.of RG-58 cable for directconnection to ESTeem.
CHAPTER 6ANTENNASRevised: 27 Mar 01 6-7Model 192C and 192F Typical Indoor & MobileAntenna Installation DiagramUHF MaleConnectorANTENNA FEEDLINERECOMMENDATIONS1. Up to 50 ft. use RG-8Coax (EST P/N AA233).2. Over 50 ft. call EST.TNC MaleConnector12 VDC POWER SUPPLYRECOMMENDATIONSEST P/N AA174Battery Packs2 Pin MolexConnectorRS-232CSetupSwitchesRS-232C, 422, & 485Interface ConnectorRS-232C,422, or 485INTERFACE CABLEEST P/N AA06,AA061, AA07, orcustom depending ondevice.Omni-Directional AntennaMagnetic Mount.  EST P/NAA19C/F with 19 inchrubber duck radial withapproximately 12 ft. ofintegral RG-58 cable fordirect connection toESTeem.Omni-Directional AntennaPermanent Mount.  ESTP/N AA20C/F with 29 inchvertical radials.ANTENNARECOMMENDATIONS Omni-Directional AntennaVehicle Mount.  EST P/NAA191C/F with integral 17ft. of RG-58 cable fordirect connection toESTeem.NOTES1.  Use coax cable runs as short as practical tominimize cable losses.2.  Vapor wrap all external antenna coaxconnections with vinyl wrap (EST Part No. AA241)and apply Scotchkote Electrical Coating (EST PartNo. AA242).3.  Contact EST for recommendations regardingantenna mounting hardware and installation tips.4.  Ground antenna structure, base and lightningarrestor.
CHAPTER 6ANTENNASRevised: 27 Mar 01 6-8 ESTeem SWR Measurement Block DiagramProgramming The ESTeem Model 192 For SWR Measurements1. Configure the hardware as per the above diagram.2. Turn Switch 2 on the RS-232 Setup Switch (located on the rear ofthe ESTeem) to the OFF position.3. Reset the ESTeem (front panel push button).4. Install the ESTeem Utility on the PC hard drive as per instructionswith the software.5. From Utility Main Menu (Figure 1) select the Terminal EmulationMode.6. In the Terminal Emulation Mode type the following commandsfollowed by a RETURN.         FA Return    This returns the unit to factory default   parameters.RAD ON Return    Enable the RADIO ON command.   The   transmitter will alternate ON for 10 seconds                                            and OFF for 3 seconds.7. When the testing is completed, type the following:        RAD OFF Return  This disables the RADIO ON command.N MaleConnector N MaleConnectorTNC  MaleConnectorAntenna2 Pin MolexConnectorRS-232C Interface Cable(EST P/N AA061)UHF MaleConnectorSWR MeterRG-8 Cable(EST P/N AA230)12 VDC Power Supply(EST P/N AA174)S/N:T/ETXRXPWRIRPortPhoneModel  192SAntenna 12 VD CRESE TESTeem Model 192 UtilitySoftware Windows VersionFigure 1: ESTeem Utility Main Menu
CHAPTER 7THEORY OF OPERATIONRevised:  27 March 01                                                                                                        7-2  INTRODUCTIONESTeem wireless modem products provide a "WirelessSolution" by eliminating conventional hardwiring ofleased phone lines.All of the ESTeem models come with the industrystandard RS-232C, RS-422, and RS-485 asynchronouscommunications ports to give the user a new dimensionto "Local Area Networking".Our packet burst, frequency agile communicationsproducts allow the user to create a "Radio Area Network"of up to 255 users on a single frequency.  The packetburst communications technique was chosen to give thesystem very high data integrity in high noise industrialenvironments.  The ESTeem incorporates a method oferror checking that provides received data accuracy ofgreater than one part in 100 million.Internal Digi-Repeater features allow the user to increaseoperating range by relaying transmission through amaximum of three ESTeems to reach the destinationESTeem.  An ESTeem can operate as an operating node,a repeater node, or both simultaneously for addedflexibility."Private Data Communications" is provided by the use ofan interleaving technique of the modulated data, userdefinable commands for unit addressing, networkaddressing, and security lock-out of softwareprogramming.  If higher security is required, the ESTeemis compatible with asynchronous Data EncryptionStandard (DES) encryption devices.The ESTeem has programmable software commands toallow the user to easily configure the unit for anyapplication or mission.  The ESTeem setup parametersare saved in non-volatile memory.When you buy ESTeem products you are gettingequipment designed by the company that holds theUnited States and Canadian patent for the wirelessmodem.  We are proud to say that we design, develop andmanufacture our products in the United States.  EachESTeem is subjected to a rigorous quality control benchtest before shipping to insure our customers haveout-of-the-package reliability.  We also have a dedicatedCustomer Support Staff, Field Engineering Services andFactory Training classes to make sure that yourapplication problems are solved.HOW IT WORKSNow, as you can probably guess, the ESTeem is asophisticated piece of technology, however the concept iseasy to comprehend if you understand packet radio. All packet systems, whether hardwired or radio, share thesame principle of operation; data is taken from yourstandard RS-232C, RS-422, or RS-485 asynchronous portand is transmitted in "Blocks".  Think of this block as an"Electronic Envelope" that we call a packet.  The size ofthe packet can be defined by the user from 1 to 2000bytes of information.  Reducing the size of the packetallows the ESTeem to operate better in high EMF noiseenvironments, because by reducing the packet size youreduce transmission exposure time on the radio wavesthereby increasing your probability of a successfultransmission. Once this packet of data is formed, it’s transmitted in a"burst," one ESTeem to another, hence the term "packetburst communications".  Now, if more than one packet isrequired to send the data then the ESTeem goes into fullautomatic mode and transmits additional packets. Before an ESTeem transmits its packet it listens to ensurethat the air waves are clear before transmitting.  Thislisten before transmit scheme is called "carrier sensedmultiple access," or CSMA. When a "packet" has been transmitted, every modem inradio range on the same frequency hears it.  To design amodem to communicate with a network of modems it hasto be "address specific" so only the modem you want totalk to accepts your information.  It's like yelling into acrowd of 255 people but you want only the person’s nameyou called to acknowledge (ACK).  Well, very simply,that's how the ESTeem works.  Once the address you'recalling receives your packet, it's checked for accuracy. Accuracy is probably the single most important part ofany communication device.  The ESTeem uses ForwardError Correction (FEC) and a 32 bit Cyclic RedundancyCheck (CRC) which is a very sophisticated method ofchecking the data integrity of the packet once its beenreceived.  The CRC insures data integrity greater thanone part in one hundred million.  Once the CRC iscompleted on the received packet, the data is outputted tothe user and a positive acknowledgment (ACK) istransmitted back to the sender.
CHAPTER 7THEORY OF OPERATIONRevised:  27 March 01                                                                                                        7-3  It's safe to assume that the data you receive is good dataor you get nothing at all using the CRC technique.  If noACK is returned after a given delay, the sender assumesthe packet was not received and "retries" thetransmission.  The number of retries are user definablefrom 1 to 255, allowing the unit to automatically retrysending the packet. SPECTRUM UTILIZATIONThe ESTeem uses a "listen before transmit" or CarrierSensed Multiple Access (CSMA) scheme.  This meansonly one unit in a network is allowed to transmit at atime.  By fixing each user's communication window andallowing the computer in the ESTeem to be the AirTraffic Controller, many individual users can share onefrequency.  The ESTeem firmware can support up to 255ESTeems on a single channel or frequency.  For examplein the United States there are 1600 frequencies (12.5 kHzchannel spacing) in UHF, giving a network density ofgreater than 408,000 users in a given cell or geographicalarea.  Once you are out of radio range, you can constructanother cell of users.The CSMA technique is a very efficient way to manageyour network of ESTeems and prevent communicationbottlenecks.  In addition, an anti-collision softwarescheme is used to recover data if two or more unitstransmit at exactly the same time.  When this feature isadded the technical term for this technique is now calledCSMA-CD (collision detection). By using this communications technique only onefrequency channel is needed with a very narrowbandwidth (this is called narrow band FM modulation)thereby saving valuable radio spectrum space.PACKET PROTOCOLSBy using CSMA no polling station or token is required inthe ESTeem network.  When an ESTeem has informationto send it will check to see if the channel is clear beforetransmitting its packet and await an (ACK).  TheESTeem is a Master/Master system, meaning anyESTeem can communicate with any other ESTeem.FLOW CONTROLThe ESTeem supports hardware and software flowcontrol, which allow different devices on the network tocommunicate at different baud rates.  In addition to flowcontrol the ESTeem also has a 4000 byte data buffer onboth the receive and transmit buffers in the unit.DATA PRIVACYData privacy in the ESTeem is provided by three levels ofdata encoding in the firmware and by the user being ableto define over four security and communicationsparameters (Unit Address, Network ID, and OperatingFrequency) that allow communications access to themodem giving over 100 million combinations.  If highersecurity is required, the units are compatible withasynchronous Data Encryption Standard (DES)encryption peripherals.EFFECTIVE BAUD RATEThe maximum input baud rate to the modem is 19,200baud, asynchronous, full duplex, but this is misleadingsince the ESTeems actually communicate to each simplexover the RF link, at 19,200 bps (25 kHz channel spacing- Model 192C/F) or 9,600 bps (12.5 kHz channel spacing- Model 192C/F).  The effective baud rate is a function ofthe above plus the packet length variable in the ESTeem(definable from 1 to 2000 bytes).  If the packlengthvariable is set to 2000 bytes the effective baud rate isapproximately 18,000 baud (25 kHz channel spacing) or9,000 baud (12.5 kHz channel spacing) the effective baudrate will degrade as the packlength variable is reduced. Another item that must be understood is transmissionturn around time.  Remember that the ESTeem sends adata packet and waits for an (ACK) from the destinationmodem before another packet is transmitted.  All radiotransmitters have a fixed delay time, this is the amount oftime it takes the transmitter to stabilize once it isenergized before it can send data.  In the ESTeem thedelay is approximately 15 milliseconds one way whichincludes transmitter turn-on time and packet frameoverhead or a total turn around time accounting for the(ACK) of 30 milliseconds.  Therefore total time to send adata packet is 30 milliseconds plus the time required tosend the data (i.e. number of bits sent/19,200 b/s).
APPENDICESAPPENDIX “A” FCC INFORMATION (USA Only)APPENDIX “B” SPECIFICATIONSESTeem SpecificationsAntenna SpecificationsAPPENDIX “C” TABLES/DIAGRAMSESTeem Command Error Message TableESTeem System Status Message TableESTeem System Error Message TableAPPENDIX “D” ESTEEM SOFTWARE COMMANDSFactory Default SettingsDefinitions
APPENDIX AFCC LICENSINGRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX A-2  INFORMATION TO USERSWARNING: This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class A digitaldevice,  pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmfulinterference when the equipment is operatedin a commercial environment.  Thisequipment generated, uses, and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructionmanual, may cause harmful interference toradio communications.  Operation of thisequipment in a residential area is likely tocause harmful interference in which case theuser will be required to correct theinterference at his own expense.To insure compliance to FCC non-interference regulations, peripherals attachedto this modem require shielded I/O cables.If this equipment does cause interference toradio or television, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the following measures:1. Re-orient the radio/TV receiving antenna.2. Re-orient the modem antenna.3. Relocate the modem with respect to the radio/TVreceiving antenna.4. Plug the power supply for the modem into a differentoutlet so that the modem and radio/TV receiver are ondifferent branch circuits.5. Verify that the modem chassis is connected to an earthground.6. Attach a split bead (FAIR-RITE PN 2643164251) tothe RS-232 cable.If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by theFCC helpful."How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV InterferenceProblems"This booklet is available from the U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, D.C. 20402 - Stock No. 004-000-00245-4.  Application forms for the license are availablefrom the nearest office of the FCC.Electronic Systems Technology maintains a list ofconsultants that provide professional services at areasonable cost to assists the users in licensing.Other InformationModel 192C25 KHz Channel Spacing, 19,200 bpsFCC Type Acceptance No:  ENPESTEEM192Emissions Designator:  17K6F1D12.5 KHz Channel Spacing, 9,600 bpsFCC Type Acceptance No: ENPESTEEM192AEmissions Designator:  10K8F1D12.5 KHz Channel Spacing, 19,200 bpsIndustry Canada Type Acceptance No:  2163 195 214AEmissions Designator:  10K0F1DModel 192F25 KHz Channel Spacing, 19,200 bpsIndustry Canada Type Acceptance No:  2163 195 214AEmissions Designator:  17K6F1D12.5 KHz Channel Spacing, 9,600 bpsIndustry Canada Type Acceptance No:  2163 195 214AEmissions Designator:  10K8F1D25 KHz Channel Spacing, 19,200 bpsMalaysia Telecom  No:  RADL 60A 1097 SEmissions Designator: 17K6F1DModel 192M25 kHz Channel Spacing, 19,200 bpsU.S.A. Type Acceptance: ENPESTEEM192MEmission Designator: 17K6F1D12.5 kHz Channel Spacing, 9,600 bpsU.S.A. Type Acceptance: ENPESTEEM192MEmission Designator: 10K8F1D25 kHz Channel Spacing, 19,200 bpsCanada:  2163195385AEmission Designator: 17K6F1D12.5 kHz Channel Spacing, 9,600 bpsCanada:  2163195385AEmission Designator: 10K8F1D
APPENDIX AFCC LICENSINGRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX A-3  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FIELD OFFICESALASKA1011 E. Tudor Rd.Rm 240  Box 2955Anchorage, AK  99510CALIFORNIA7840 El Cajon BlvdSuite 405La Mesa, CA  920413711 Long Beach BlvdSuite 501Long Beach, CA  90807323A Battery StSan Francisco, CA 94111COLORADOExecutive Tower1405 Curtis StSuite 2925Denver, CO  80202FLORIDA919 Federal Bldg51 SE First Ave.Miami, FL  331301211 N. WestshoreSuite 601A.D. P. BuildingTampa, FL  33607GEORGIAMassell Bldg. 4401365 Peachtree NEAtlanta, GA  30309HAWAII7304 Prince KuhiFederal BuildingHonolulu, HIHAWAII300 Almoana Blvd.P.O. Box 50023Honolulu, HIILLINOIS3935 Federal Bldg230 S. DearbornChicago, IL  60604LOUISIANA1009 Edw Hebert Bldg.600 South StreetNew Orleans, LA  70130MARYLAND1017 Geo. FallonBuilding 31Hopkins PlazaBaltimore, MDMASSACHUSETTS1600 Customhouse165 State StreetBoston, MA  02109MICHIGAN1054 Federal Building231 W LaFayetteDetroit, MI  48225MINNESOTA691 Federal Building316 N Robert St.St. Paul, MNMISSOURIBrywood Office Tower6800 E. 63rd StreetKansas City, MONEW YORK1307 Federal Building111 W. HuronBuffalo, NY  14202201 Varick StreetNew York, NY  10014OREGON1782 Federal Building1220 SW 3rd AvenuePortland, OR  97204PENNSYLVANIARoom 4042300 E. Lincoln HLanghorne, PAPUERTO RICO747 Federal BuildingCarlo Chardon Ave.Hato Rey, PR  00918TEXASCabeli Building1100 CommerceDallas, TX  752425636 Federal Building515 Rusk AvenueHouston, TX  77002VIRGINIAMilitary Circle870 N. Military Hwy.Norfolk, VA  23502WASHINGTON3256 Federal Building915 Second AvenueSeattle, WA  98174
APPENDIX AFCC LICENSINGRevised: 6 Jul 98                                                                                                          APX A-4  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FIELD OFFICESALASKA1011 E. Tudor Rd.Rm 240  Box 2955Anchorage, AK  99510CALIFORNIA7840 El Cajon BlvdSuite 405La Mesa, CA  920413711 Long Beach BlvdSuite 501Long Beach, CA  90807323A Battery StSan Francisco, CA 94111COLORADOExecutive Tower1405 Curtis StSuite 2925Denver, CO  80202FLORIDA919 Federal Bldg51 SE First Ave.Miami, FL  331301211 N. WestshoreSuite 601A.D. P. BuildingTampa, FL  33607GEORGIAMassell Bldg. 4401365 Peachtree NEAtlanta, GA  30309HAWAII7304 Prince KuhiFederal BuildingHonolulu, HIHAWAII300 Almoana Blvd.P.O. Box 50023Honolulu, HIILLINOIS3935 Federal Bldg230 S. DearbornChicago, IL  60604LOUISIANA1009 Edw Hebert Bldg.600 South StreetNew Orleans, LA  70130MARYLAND1017 Geo. FallonBuilding 31Hopkins PlazaBaltimore, MDMASSACHUSETTS1600 Customhouse165 State StreetBoston, MA  02109MICHIGAN1054 Federal Building231 W LaFayetteDetroit, MI  48225MINNESOTA691 Federal Building316 N Robert St.St. Paul, MNMISSOURIBrywood Office Tower6800 E. 63rd StreetKansas City, MONEW YORK1307 Federal Building111 W. HuronBuffalo, NY  14202201 Varick StreetNew York, NY  10014OREGON1782 Federal Building1220 SW 3rd AvenuePortland, OR  97204PENNSYLVANIARoom 4042300 E. Lincoln HLanghorne, PAPUERTO RICO747 Federal BuildingCarlo Chardon Ave.Hato Rey, PR  00918TEXASCabeli Building1100 CommerceDallas, TX  752425636 Federal Building515 Rusk AvenueHouston, TX  77002VIRGINIAMilitary Circle870 N. Military Hwy.Norfolk, VA  23502WASHINGTON3256 Federal Building915 Second AvenueSeattle, WA  98174
APPENDIX BSPECIFICATIONSESTeem General SpecificationsRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX B-1  SWITCHES:• CPU Reset• RS-232C/422/485 SetupLED INDICATORS:• Power On• Receiver Carrier Detect• Transmitter Enable• Link Connect/Disconnect• Auto Connect Enabled• RS-232C/422/485 FramingErrorI/O - CONNECTORS:• Asynchronous Full Duplex,RS-232C, RS-422 and RS 485with 25 Pin Sub D Connector.• Antenna Output - TNCconnector• Input Power - 2 pin molexADDRESSING RANGE: • 1 to 255DATA INPUTS:• Selectable 600 to 19,200 baud• 7 to 8 data bits• Even, odd, or no parity• One or two stop bitsDATA BUFFERS:• Transmit 4000 bytes• Receive   4000 bytesFLOW CONTROL:• Hardware or SoftwareDATA TRANSMISSIONPROTOCOL:• Carrier Sensed MultipleAccess with CollisionDetection (CSMA-CD)ERROR CHECKING:Forward error correction and 32Bit Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) with packet acknowledgeand retryMINIMUM RADIO TURNAROUND TIME:• < 15 ms + Data (W/O ACK)• < 30 ms + Data (W/ACK)POWERREQUIREMENTS:Models 192C & 192F• 11 to 15 VDC @ 400 ma Rx               2 W RF          1.5 A   Tx               4 W RF          2.0 A   TxModel 192M• 11 to 15 VDC @ 400 ma Rx   2 W RF       1.5 A   Tx                 4 W RF       2.0 A   TxSIZE:•  2.45 in. Height•  9.37 in. Width•  8.16 in. LengthWEIGHT:•  5 lbs.ENVIRONMENT:•  -30 TO 50 ° C.•  95% non-condensingWARRANTY:• 1 Year
APPENDIX BSPECIFICATIONSESTeem Transceiver SpecificationsRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX B-2  ESTeem Model 192C ESTeem Model 192FFrequency Range 450 to 470 MHz 400 to 420 MHzFrequency Selection Digitally Synthesized - Software Selectable Digitally Synthesized - Software SelectableFrequency Stability +/- 1 ppm +/- 1 ppmFrequency Selectability 6.25KHz 6.25KHzRF Data Rate 19,200 bps @ 25 KHz Channel SpacingU.S.A. Type Acceptance:ENPESTEEM192Emission Designator: 17K6F1D9,600 bps @ 12.5 KHz Channel SpacingU.S.A. Type Acceptance:ENPESTEEM192AEmission Designator: 10K8F1D19,200 bps @ 12.5 KHz Channel SpacingCanada:  2163 195 214AEmission Designator: 10K0F2D19,200 bps @ 25 KHz Channel SpacingCanada:  2163 195 214AEmission Designator: 17K6F1D9,600 bps @ 12.5 KHz Channel SpacingCanada:  2163 195 214AEmission Designator: 10K8F2DTransmitter Modulation DC to 4800 Hz @ 19,200 bps DC to 4800 Hz @ 19,200 bpsDC to 2400 Hz @  9,600 bps DC to 2400 Hz @  9,600 bpsTransmitter Deviation  4 KHz @ 19,200 bps  4 KHz @ 19,200 bps3 KHz @  9,600 bps 3 KHz @  9,600 bpsTransmitter RF Power Output 2 Watts (4 Watts optional) 4 Watts (2 Watts optional)Transmitter Duty Cycle 100% 100%Transmitter Spurious & Harmonics > 55 dB down from carrier > 55 dB down from carrierTransmitter Rise Time 1 msec 1 msecTransmitter FM Hum & Noise > 50 dB down from carrier > 50 dB down from carrierReceiver Sensitivity: -101 dBm -101 dBmReceiver Spurious & Image Rejection > 50 dB > 50 dBReceiver Squelch Sensitivity Adjustable - Four Levels Adjustable - Four LevelsReceiver Adjacent Channel Rejection > 70 dB > 70 dBReceiver Modulation Acceptance: 25 KHz 25 KHzReceiver Base Bandwidth: 4.8 KHz 4.8 KHzTransmit/Receive Switch Integral to Unit Integral to UnitRF Output Impedance 50 Ohms 50 OhmsRF Input/Output Connector TNC Female TNC FemalePower Supply Voltage 12 to 15 VDC 12 to 15 VDCPower Supply Current @ 12 VDC 400 ma Receive1.5 A Transmit (2 W RF Output)2.0 A Transmit (4 W RF Output)400 ma Receive1.5 A Transmit (2 W RF Output)2.0 A Transmit (4 W RF Output)Input Power Connector 2 Pin Molex (male) 2 Pin Molex (male)Temperature Range -30 to + 50 ° C. -30 to + 50 ° C.Size 2.45 in. H  x  9.37 in. W  x  8.16 in. L. 2.45 in. H  x  9.37 in. W  x  8.16 in. L.Weight 5 lbs. 5 lbs.
APPENDIX BSPECIFICATIONSESTeem Transceiver SpecificationsRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX B-3  ESTeem Model 192MFrequency Range 150 to 174 MHzFrequency Selection Digitally Synthesized - Software SelectableFrequency Stability +/- 2.5 ppmFrequency Selectability 12.5 kHzRF Data Rate 19,200 bps @ 25 kHz Channel SpacingU.S.A. Type Acceptance:ENPESTEEM192MEmission Designator: 17K6F2D9,600 bps @ 12.5 kHz Channel SpacingU.S.A. Type Acceptance:ENPESTEEM192MEmission Designator: 10K8F2D19,200 bps @ 25 kHz Channel SpacingCanada:  2163195385AEmission Designator: 17K6F2D9,600 bps @ 12.5 kHz Channel SpacingCanada: 2163195385AEmission Designator: 10K8F2DTransmitter Modulation DC to 4800 Hz @ 19,200 bpsDC to 2400 Hz @  9,600 bpsTransmitter Deviation  4 kHz @ 19,200 bps3 kHz @  9,600 bpsTransmitter RF Power Output 2 Watts (4 Watts optional)Transmitter Duty Cycle 100%Transmitter Spurious & Harmonics > 55 dB down from carrierTransmitter Rise Time 1 msecTransmitter FM Hum & Noise > 50 dB down from carrierReceiver Sensitivity: -101 dBmReceiver Spurious & Image Rejection > 50 dBReceiver Squelch Sensitivity Adjustable - Four LevelsReceiver Adjacent Channel Rejection > 70 dBReceiver Modulation Acceptance: 25 kHzReceiver Base Bandwidth: 4.8 kHzTransmit/Receive Switch Integral to UnitRF Output Impedance 50 OhmsRF Input/Output Connector TNC FemalePower Supply Voltage 12 to 15 VDCPower Supply Current @ 12 VDC 400 ma Receive1.5 A Transmit (2 W RF Output)2.0 A Transmit (4 W RF Output)Input Power Connector 2 Pin Molex (male)Temperature Range -30 to + 50 ° C.Size 2.45 in. H  x  9.37 in. W  x  8.16 in. L.Weight 5 lbs.
APPENDIX BSPECIFICATIONSModel 192C & F AntennasRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX B-4  Model No: AA19C & AA19FAntenna Type: Omni-Directional, ½ WaveApplications:Mobile Mount.Frequency: 450 to 470 MHz - AA19C400 to 420 MHz - AA19FPolarization: VerticalImpedance: 50 ohmsGain: 2 db.VSWR: < 2 to 1Front To Back Ratio: n/aHorizontal Beamwidth: n/aVertical Beamwidth:   60 degreesAntenna Material: Rubber duck whip.Mounting Hardware:   Magnetic base.Antenna Connector:TNC with 12 feet integral RG-58 cable.Antenna Envelope: 16 in. length.  Magnetic base 3.5 in. by 3 in by 1 in.Weight:   1 lb. 5 oz.Model No: AA20C & AA20FAntenna Type: Omni-Directional, DC grounded, Collinear 5/8 waveover 1/2 wave.Applications:Fixed base or mobile mounting. L shaped mountingbracket may be removed for panel mounting.  Groundplane radials may be removed depending onapplication.Frequency: 450 to 470 MHz - AA20C400 to 420 MHz - AA20FPolarization: VerticalImpedance: 50 ohmsGain: 4.5 dB.VSWR: < 1.5Front To Back Ratio: n/aHorizontal Beamwidth: n/aVertical Beamwidth:   30 degreesAntenna Material: Stainless steel whip and ground plane radials.  Allother hardware anodized metal.Mounting Hardware:   Stainless steel clamps for mounting to ¾ in. to 1 /2 in. pipe with right angle mount or directmount.Antenna Connector:UHF Female (S-239)Antenna Envelope: 37 ½ in. length by 16 in width with ground plane radials.Weight:   2 lbs.Model AA19Model AA20
APPENDIX BSPECIFICATIONSModel 192C & F AntennasRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX B-5  Model No: AA201C & AA201FAntenna Type: Directional, DC grounded, 8 element yagi.Applications:Fixed base.Frequency: 450 to 470 MHz - AA201C400 to 420 MHz - AA201FPolarization: VerticalImpedance: 50 ohmsGain: 11 dBVSWR: < 1.5Front To Back Ratio: 23 dBHorizontal Beamwidth: 42 degreesVertical Beamwidth:   50 degreesAntenna Material: High strength aluminum painted black.Mounting Hardware:   Heavy duty U bolts for mounting to ¾ in. to 1 ½ in. pipe with right angle mount or directpanel mount.Antenna Connector:UHF Female (SO-239)Maximum Power Input: 300 WattsAntenna Envelope: 60 in. length by 15 in. widthWindload (RWV): 100 mphWind Load,Flat Plate (Ft2): .52Lateral Thrust @RWV: 14 mphBending Moment @RWV: 23 ft. lbs.Weight: 2 lbs.Model No: AA202C & AA202FAntenna Type: Directional, DC grounded, 5 element yagi.Applications:Fixed base.Frequency: 450 to 470 MHz - AA202C400 to 420 MHz - AA202FPolarization: Vertical or HorizontalImpedance: 50 ohmsGain: 10 dBVSWR: < 1.5Front To Back Ratio: 20 dBHorizontal Beamwidth: 59 degreesVertical Beamwidth:   53 degreesAntenna Material: High strength aluminum with gold chromate finish.Mounting Hardware:   Heavy duty U bolts for mounting up to 2 1/8 in. pipe with right angle mount or direct panelmount.Antenna Connector:UHF Female (SO-239)Maximum Power Input: 300 WattsAntenna Envelope: 34.5 in. length by 13.25 in. widthWindload (RWV): 100 mphWeight: 1.68 lbs.Model 201Model 202
APPENDIX BSPECIFICATIONSModel 192M AntennasRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX B-6  Model No: AA19MAntenna Type: Omni-Directional, ½Wave over ¼ Wave.Applications: Mobile Mount.Frequency: 150 to 174 MHz Polarization: VerticalImpedance: 50 ohmsGain: UnityVSWR: < 1.5 to 1Front To Back Ratio: n/aHorizontal Beamwidth:n/aVertical Beamwidth:   60 degreesAntenna Material: Rubber duck whip.Mounting Hardware:    Magnetic base.Antenna Connector: TNC with 12 feet integral RG-58 cable.Antenna Envelope: 11 in. length.  Magnetic base 3.5 in. by 3 in. by 1 in.Weight:    1 lb. 5 oz.Model No: AA20MAntenna Type: Omni-Directional, DC Grounded, 5/8 Wave.Applications: Fixed base or mobile mounting.  L shapedmounting bracket may be removed for panelmounting.   Ground plane radials may be removeddepending on application.Frequency: 150 to 175 MHz Polarization: VerticalImpedance: 50 ohmsGain: 3.0 dB with ground plane radialsVSWR: < 1.5Front To Back Ratio: n/aHorizontal Beamwidth:n/aVertical Beamwidth:  60 degreesAntenna Material: Stainless steel whip and ground plane radials.  Allother hardware anodized metal.Mounting Hardware: Stainless steel clamps for mounting to .75 in. to 1.5in. pipe with right angle mount or direct panel mount.Antenna Connector: UHF Female (SO-239)Antenna Envelope: 61 in. length by 43.5 in. width with ground plane radialsPower:   200 wattsWeight:   2 lbs.1 in.3 in.3.5 in.12 ft.RG-8 CableMaleTNC9.5 in.WhipDrawing NotTo ScaleModel 191.5 in.9 in.Drawing Not To Scale5/16 in.Diameter52 in.21 in.Model 20
APPENDIX BSPECIFICATIONSModel 192M AntennasRevised: 27 Mar 01 APX B-7  Applications:    Fixed base mounting.Antenna Type: Directional, 3 Element Yagi, DC GroundFrequency: 150 to 174 MHz Polarization: Vertical or HorizontalImpedance: 50 ohmsGain: 7.1 dBVSWR: < 1.5Front To Back Ratio: 17 dBHorizontal Beamwidth: 72 degreesVertical Beamwidth:   57 degreesAntenna Material: 6061-T6 AluminumBoom Diameter:   7/8 in. 6061-T6 Aluminum, double wallconstructionMounting Hardware:    Stainless steel U bolts for mounting to 1 5/8 in. diameter pipe.Antenna Connector: UHF Female (SO-239)Maximum Power Input: 500 WattsAntenna Envelope: 42 in. length by 39 in. widthWindload (RWV): 100 mphWind Load, Flat Plate (Ft 2 ):   .36 sq. ft.Lateral Thrust @ RWV: 14.6 lbs.Bending Moment @ RWV: 25.3 ft. lbs.Weight: 3 lbs.Model 202
APPENDIX CSPECIFCATIONSESTeem Command Error Message TableRevised:  27 Mar 01 APX C-1  Listed below are the ESTeem Command Error Messages and their definitions.  To receive these messages, TYPSYSTEMmust be ON (See Appendix D, Definitions).  All System Status Message have a bell (O7H or CTRL G) preceding themessage except when Messform is ON.  If  MESSFORM = OFF Line A will be displayed.  If MESSFORM = ON Line Bwill be displayed. 1. A "TOO MANY CHARACTERS FORCOMMAND" B EMO1This message will be displayed if more than the allocated number of characters are typed for a com-mand. This is because some commands are truncated ata length of 8 characters. 2. A "AMBIGUOUS COMMAND"B EMO2This is the case of not enough characters being enteredto uniquely identify a command.3. A "INVALID ARGUMENT"B EM03This is displayed when a non valid value is given to aCommand.  Example; a value of O cannot be given toFRACK because the only valid values are 1-255.
APPENDIX CSPECIFCATIONSESTeem System Status Message TableRevised:  27 Mar 01 APX C-2  Listed below are the ESTeem System Status Messages and their definitions.  To receive these messages, TYPSYSTEM mustbe ON (See APPENDIX D, DEFINITIONS).  All System Status Messages have a bell (O7H or CTRL G) preceding themessage except when Messform is ON.  If Messform = OFF Line A will be displayed. If Messform = ON Line B will bedisplayed. 1. A "CONNECTED TO XX"B SSO1-xxThis message is caused by either receiving a replyfrom a Log On Packet, receiving a Log On Packet, orby typing LINK when connected and in theCOMMAND MODE.  XX is the address of themodem connected to. 2. A "DISCONNECTED FROM XX"B SSO2-xxTells that you have been disconnected from thedevice you were originally connected to (xx is unitaddress). 3. A "LINK DOWN"B SSO3This message occurs after sending the last retry datapacket and receiving no response from thedestination node.  This message usually indicates ahard failure -i.e. destination node not energized,wrong baud rate, (not compatible between units)improper transmit/receive frequency between nodes,etc. 4. A "CURRENTLY NOT CONNECTED!"B SSO4The Disconnect was issued while the modem was notconnected to another modem or when LINK is typedin the COMMAND MODE when you are notconnected.This message is displayed when the modem is configured inthe monitor mode.5. A "FAILED TO CONNECT!"B SS05This message occurs if the modem fails to connect.6. A "FAILED TO DISCONNECT!"   B SS06This message occurs if the modems are connectedand are unable to disconnect.7. A "USING FACTORY DEFAULTS"B SS07This command states when factory defaults havebeen enabled.8. A "REMOTE PROGRAMMING"B SS08This message is displayed when the ESTeem hasbeen placed in the remote programming mode.9. A "PHONE MODEM CONNECTED. INFRARED PORT DISABLED"B SS09This message is displayed when the ESTeem phoneport has received an in-coming call.10. A "PHONE MODEM DISCONNECTED. INFRARED PORT ENABLED"B SS10This message is displayed when the ESTeem porthas been disconnected.
APPENDIX CSPECIFCATIONSESTeem System Error Message TableRevised:  27 Mar 01 APX C-3  Listed below are the ESTeem System Error Messages and their definitions.  To receive these messages, TYPSYSTEM mustbe ON (See APPENDIX D, DEFINITIONS).  All System Status Messages have a bell (O7H or CTRL G) preceding themessage except when Messform is ON.  If Messform = OFF Line A will be displayed. If Messform = ON Line B will bedisplayed.1. A "NOVRAM FAILED"B SEO1If this response is received after a save, there is ahardware problem with the ESTeem's NOVRAMCircuitry.2. A "ROM FAILED"B SEO2If this response is received after a save, there is ahardware problem with the ESTeem's ROMCircuitry.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 27 Mar 01 APX D-2        A_BCTRLThis function enables the Allen Bradley controllerprotocol.  For further details reference the EST EngineeringReport on Allen Bradley controller interfacing. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.ADDress (1-255)The command defines the ESTeem source address.  Thedefault value is whatever address has been stored innonvolatile memory. Addresses 1 to 254 are usable for unitaddressing.  Address 255 is used for GLOBAL.APPEndru (l#,r#,a1,a2,g)The APPEndru command appends routes to a connectaddress that are defined by the ROUTE command. l # = Location of route number in memory.  Addresslocations 1 to 16.r # = Appended route number.  Route numbers 1 to 16.a1 =  Address of first destination node.  Addressnumbers from 1 to 254.a2 = Address of last destination node. .  Addressnumbers from 1 to 254.g = Group feature is enabled by inserting a 1 in thisfield.Factory default = 0.  APPEndru 0 disables this feature.Note: This command is used in conjunction with theROUTE Command.AUtolf (on/off)This command enables the auto line feed sent to theterminal after each carriage return. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.BLOck (on/off)The BLOCK command, when enabled, disables the RS-232C/422/485 communications port from receiving oroutputting data.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.CARbsy (0-255)This command defines the carrier busy delay inmilliseconds.  A value of 0 will disable the carrier busydelay.  Factory default = 1.COMMand (0-255)This command specifics the value (in decimal) of an ASCIIcharacter used to return the ESTeem to COMMANDMODE.  If the COMMAND character is read by theESTeem when in the CONVERSE MODE, the modem willexit to the COMMAND MODE.  A value of 0 in thiscommand will disable the function.  Factory default = $O3(Hex) or CTRL-C.COMRate (0-255)This command defines the RS-232/422/485 configurationwhen Switch 1 on the RS-232 Setup Switches is engaged. See Chapter 5 for table.CONNect (r1,r2,r3,da)This command performs the CONNECT to a destinationESTeem.  This function supports a direct connect or aconnect through a maximum of three repeater nodes.  Thedefault value is whatever address has been stored by theSETCon COMMAND.r1 = ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 1.r2 =ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 2.r3 = ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 3.da =Destination address (1 to 254).CONVersThe execution of this command causes an immediate exitfrom COMMAND MODE into CONVERSE MODE.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 27 Mar 01 APX D-3        COPrightThe execution of this command causes the copyrightinformation to be printed.DISACK (on/off)This command when enabled instructs the modem todisable the acknowledgment request on the informationpacket. This is used when the designation device willrespond with its own acknowledgment. Factory default = OFF.DISCONnect (1-254)The disconnect command.  The execution of this commandimmediately initiates a disconnect request with thecurrently connected node or in a multi-connectenvironment only a specific node may be addressed.DTR_enab (on/off)The DTR enable command.  This command, when enabled,allows the ESTeem modem to monitor pin 20 of theRS-232C connector in regards to the status of an externaldevice connected to it.ON: Enables monitoring the DTR signal on pin 20 ofthe RS-232C connector.  If DTR is at a spacecondition, then the modem is enabled.  If DTR isat a mark condition, then the ESTeem modem willbe disabled.  The normal operation of this line isfor the ESTeem modem to have status on theexternal device, out-putting to pin 20.  This linecan act as a status to the ESTeem when theexternal device is ready to transmit or receivedata.OFF: DisabledFactory default = OFF.Note: If the DTR command is enabled and the line isdisabled then the ESTeem will perform a"Disconnect" if connected.  The DTR Commandwill also activate the Data Carrier Detect (DCD)Line (Pin 8) to toggle High when connected andLow when disconnected.ECHO (on/off)This command enables the ESTeem to echo charactersreceived from the input device back to the input device.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.EDit (on/off)This command enables the EDIT functions from theCONVERSE Mode. Factory default = ON.FActoryThe factory default command. The execution of thiscommand causes the ESTeem to restore the command tablevalues from factory values that are stored permanently inmemory. This will allow the user the ability to restore theESTeem to factory conditions during testing or set-up.FLASHThis command places the ESTeem in Flash mode forreprogramming of the operation system.FRAck (1-255)This command programs the frame acknowledge delay inmilliseconds.  This value is used as a minimum time beforedecrementing the retry count and retransmitting a packet ifthe retry count is not zero.Factory default = 50.GE_CTRLThis command enables the General Electric controllerprotocol.  For further information please reference the ESTEngineering Report on General Electric controllerinterfacing. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 27 Mar 01 APX D-4        HElpHELP switches are:HELP Displays this Help menu.HELP ALL Displays All commands switchesand arguments.HELP CHANGE Displays only the commands thatare changed from factory default.HELP CONTROL Displays Control commandsswitches and arguments.HELP PLC Displays PLC commands switchesand arguments.HELP RADIO Displays Radio commands switchesand arguments.HELP RS-232 Displays RS232 commandsswitches and arguments.HELP SETUP Displays Setup commands switchesand arguments.HELP SYSTEM Displays System commandsswitches and arguments.JOHNctrl (on/off)This function enables the Johnson controller protocol.  Forfurther detail Reference the EST Engineering Report onJohnson controller interfacing.  ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.LATLatches the selection of the desired serial frequencysynthesizer on the Tx/Rx cardMESSform (on/off)When enabled all of the system status and error messageswill be in a formatted form."xx" indicates what error or message (See ErrorMessages and System Status Messages).EMxx <CR> [ESTeem Error Messages]SExx <CR> [System Error Messages]SSxx <CR> [System Status Messages]SSxx-xxxx <CR> [System Status MessageW/Returned Value]ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.MOdecontr (on/off)ON:  The mode of the ESTeem modem is controlled bypin 19 of the RS-232C connector.  A low (0)directs the ESTeem into the COMMAND mode. A high (1) directs the ESTeem intoCONVERSE/TRANSPARENT mode.OFF: The mode of the ESTeem modem is controlled byASCII character.Factory default = OFFMODEL (xx)Displays the product model of default firmware that isinstalled.  Model should be the same as product being used.Listed below are the model codes19C = ESTeem Model 192C19F = ESTeem Model 192F19V = ESTeem Model 192VMODCTRLThis command enables the Modicon controller protocol. For further detail Reference the EST Engineering Reporton Modicon controller interfacing. OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 27 Mar 01 APX D-5        MODUlate (on/off)The radio modulate command.  When enabled will transmita modulated test signal when the RADIO ON command isenabled.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.MOORE (on/off)This function enables the Moore products using Hartprotocol.  For further details reference the EST EngineeringReport on Moore Products interfacing. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.MULTID (on/off)This command when enabled allows the ESTeem User tosend data to another ESTeem from the CONVERSEMODE by specifying the routing address before the data.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default  = OFF.Example Of Transmitted Data:[001]DATA Routes data to an ESTeem addressed 1.[100,200,250,1]DATA  Routes data to an ESTeemaddressed 1 via ESTeemsaddressed 100, 200, and 250.This replaces using the CONNECT command from theCOMMAND Mode.  Received data packets will have theaddress of the ESTeem that sent the data at the beginningof the data packet.Example Of Received Data:[004]RECEIVED DATA Data received from an ESTeemaddressed 4.[030,100,244,004] Data received from an ESTeemaddressed 4 via ESTeemsaddressed 30, 100, and 244.NETwork (0-255)Network identification code. This is used to program acommon code for all modems in the customers network sothat another facility on your frequency using the sameaddresses will not interfere with your equipment.  Factorydefault = 37.OPTO (on/off)This function enables the Opto 22 protocol.  For furtherdetails reference the EST Engineering Report on Opto 22interfacing. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.PACKleng (1-2000)This command defines the length of the data packet inbytes.  Factory default = 2000.PACKMon (on/off)Places the ESTeem in the packet monitor mode.  Factorydefault = OFF.PHone (on/off)Phone port  enable command.  The ESTeem will answer anincoming call when enabled.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 27 Mar 01 APX D-6        PLC_MAST (on/off)The programmable logic controller (PLC) command. ON: When enabled, the ESTeem modem will identifythe desired route from the master PLC message. The ESTeem modem will only identify the PLCmaster route if the master command is enabled inthe PLC.OFF: The ESTeem modem will be configured as tointerface to a slave PLC.Factory default = OFF.POLLed (on/off)When enabled the ESTeem will only transmit the contentsof its internal transmit buffer when it receives an ENQ (hex5) from a polling ESTeem.  During non polled times theESTeem transmit buffer will be continuously updated fromdata being received by theRS-232C/422 port. This software feature was developed forinterfacing the ESTeem to output devices without flowcontrol that are to be polled from a master device.ON: Enabled will transmit the contents of its transmitbuffer when a ENQ (hex 5) is received.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.PROGram (1-254,1-254,1-254,1-254)This command is used to remote program another ESTeemunit.  Example PROG 10 (Unit 10 is the address of theremote unit).  When a connection has been made with theremote ESTeem the RPG: prompt will appear.  The RPG:prompt is the command prompt of the remote modem. Note: See REMPROG Command.PROMpt (on/off)The prompt enable command.ON: The prompt responses are enabled.  These are theprompts for Converse or Trans Mode that arenormally output from the RS-232C serial port bythe ESTeem.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.RADio (on/off)The radio transmitter enable command.  The ESTeem radiotransmitter will cycle on and off when enabled for tuningand antenna testing procedures. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.RANdom (on/off)The RANDOM command when enabled will generate asimulated random data output when the RADIO ONcommand is enabledON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.REMprog (on/off)This command will disable the ESTeem from beingremotely programmed by any another ESTeem. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.RESetThe software reset command for the ESTeem.  Theexecution of this command resets the internal electronics inthe ESTeem.RESToreThe restore command.  The execution of this commandrestores the ESTeem command variables and switchesconfigurations stored in nonvolatile memory.RETry (1-255)The retry command number.  This is the number specifyingthe number of retries, retransmission of frames, that are notacknowledged.  Frames are retransmitted RETRY timesbefore operation is aborted.  Factory default = 6.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 27 Mar 01 APX D-7        RFcyclesThis command defines the number of cycles the ESTeemwill transmit when programmed with the RADIOCOMMAND.Factory default = 10.RFPower (0-255)This command sets the output RF power of the ESTeem. These values are calculated and tested at the factory andshould not be adjusted without consulting calling CustomerSupport at 509-735-9092. Caution:  Improper adjustment of this value can causedamage to the ESTeem transmitter.ROUTe (l#,r1,r2,r3,)The ROUTE sets up the route table in the ESTeem.l # = User defined route number.  Route numbers 1to 16 may be used.r1 =  Address of first repeater. Address numbersfrom 1 to 254 may be used.r2 =  Address of second repeater. Address numbersfrom 1 to 254 may be used.r3 =  Address of third repeater. Address numbersfrom 1 to 254 may be used.Note: See APPENDRU Command.Factory default = 0.RXData (1-255)This command defines the time (milliseconds) the receiverwaits after a carrier detect before starting the receivesequence.  This value is optimized at the factory and shouldnot be changed.Factory default = 1.RXEnd (1-255)This command defines the time (milliseconds) to wait afterthe last character is received before reinitializing thereceiver.Factory default = 1.RXSIGNAL (on/off)This command enables the signal to noise ratio meteroutput.  Output level varies from 0 to 248 (248 being thehighest reading).ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.SAveThe save command.  The execution of this command storesthe current command values and switches. Note: Please wait approximately two seconds afterexecuting the SAVE command before turning offpower to the ESTeem.SECURITY (off or 1- 100000)The security command disables programming the ESTeem.1 to 100000 This feature is enabled when you enter anumber from 1 to 100000.  When enabled theESTeem will return a Security ON message. To disable security enter SECURity xxxxxx.xxxxxx =  your predefined security number.When disabled the ESTeem will return aSecurity Off message.OFF Security disabled.Factory default = OFF.SENDPACK (0-255)Send packet (SENDPACK) command. The value specifiesan ASCII character used to signal when to send thepacket. If set to a value of 255 the command is disabled. The factory default value is 13 (Return).SEL/A1 (1-255)The SEL/A1 command sets the transceiver for a specificfrequency. SEL/N1 (1-56635)The SEL/A1 command sets the transceiver for a specificfrequency.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 27 Mar 01 APX D-8        SEL/N2 (1-999)The SEL/N2 command sets the transceiver for a specificfrequency.  SETCon (r1,r2,r3,da)This command defines the destination address for theESTeem to perform a connect using the Auto Connectfeature.  This function supports a direct connect or aconnect through a maximum of three repeaters.r1 =  ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 1.r2 =  ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 2.r3 =  ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 3.da = Destination address (1 to 254).S/NSerial Number command.  When executed from theCommand Model will output the ESTeem serial number ofthe unit that is defined at the time of manufacturer.SQDCTRL (on/off)This function enables the Square D controller protocol.  Forfurther detail Reference the EST Engineering Report onSquare D controller interfacing. Factory default = OFF.SQDADD (1-254)This function is used with the SQDCTRL command tocontrol the address fence when using SQ-D NetworkInterface Modules.  For further details reference the ESTEngineering Report on the SQ-D controller. Factory default = 0.SQUELCH (0-3)This command defines the squelch threshold of thereceiver.  Listed below are the settings:0 = -101 dBm  2 V1 = -  93 dBm  5 V2 = -  87 dBm 10 V3 = -  70 dBm 70 VFactory default = 0.TERMCont (on/off)The RS-232C/422/485 receive termination timer. ON: If there are characters in the RS-232 buffer andthe modem is in Converse Mode, the terminationtimer starts from the time the last receive characteris updated in the buffer.  If the termination timeexpires before another character is received, thecharacters are transmitted.OFF: DisabledFactory default = OFF.TERMTime (10-65535)The RS-232C/422/485 receive termination timer value. This value can be 10 to 65535  milliseconds.  This value isenabled by TERMCONT. Factory default = 5O.TRANSPAR (on/off)The transparent mode command. This mode allows theESTeem link to be completely transparent to thecommunicating RS-232/422/485 devices.  ReferenceChapter 2.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.TXSTATThis command outputs the total number of rf transmissionsvs. the total number of retries.  After output is completed,the counter is zeroed.TYPerr (on/off)This command enables the Communication ErrorMessages. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 27 Mar 01 APX D-9        TYPSyste (on/off)This command enables the System and Error MessageCommands. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.VERSIONThis command will display the current software versionbeing used by the ESTeem.XHflow (on/off)This command enables hardware flow control.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.XSflow (on/off)This command enables software flow control. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.

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