Embeded Designs BS KIC Base Station User Manual KIC 2000

Embeded Designs KIC Base Station KIC 2000


Manual Part 2

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Document ID857736
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Document DescriptionManual Part 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2007-10-22 00:00:00
Date Available2007-11-06 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-08-27 18:35:28
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Document Lastmod2007-09-29 09:16:10
Document TitleKIC 2000 User Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat PDFMaker 6.0 for Word
Document Author: Copyright © KIC. All rights reserved. Patents pending.

KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Profile Graph Display
Once the KIC 2000 software opens the Profile Graph Display, all the tabs at the top will be accessible. The
General Tab will show the profile results for both the Preheat and Wave sections of the profile. You can
select either the Preheat tab or the Wave tab above the Statistic table. See Figure 103.
Preheat Tab
The Preheat tab represents only the section of the profile before the wave. The KIC 2000 software draws a
Blue rectangle around the area that is considered preheat. The profile statistics and set points which are
shown below the profile graph depict only the preheat section of the profile, the profile data inside the Blue
rectangle. See Figure 103.
Information regarding the Wave TC’s is displayed in a window at the upper-Right hand corner of the profile
graph. This information includes; Dwell time, parallelism, and the solder temperatures for the wave(s).
Figure 103: Profile Graph Display
Profile Information from the Wave TC’s is displayed in a window at the
upper-Right hand corner of the profile graph. See Figure 103 and Figure
104. This information includes; Dwell time and Parallelism in seconds,
and the Solder temperature set point and actual for the wave(s) portion of
the profile.
The Dwell time is measured by the Wave TC’s. The Parallelism is the
measured time difference between when the Wave TC-Left, and Wave TCRight hit the wave.
Figure 104: Wave Information
The Solder Temperature set point is input by the user before the profile when entering oven set point
information. The solder temperature value is measured by the Air TC during the profile.
Navigator – The Navigator software option will optimize only for the preheat section of the profile. The
Navigator will not predict changes to the wave section of the profile.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Statistics - Below the profile graph is the Profile Statistics. The Statistics are a numeric representation of
the profile and how well the profile fits the selected Process Window. The Statistics for this profile and the
predicted profile are shown. A percentage value is displayed in each cell beside the Statistic value. This
percentage represents the amount of Process Window being used. A PWI under 100% indicate the profile
fits within the selected Process Window, a PWI 100%or higher indicates the profile has exceeded the
selected Process Window. The KIC 2000 software will only display PWI values for the Preheat Statistics.
Original/Predicted Set points - Below the profile Statistics is the oven temperature and conveyor settings.
The original set points represent the oven settings when this profile was run; the predicted settings
represent the recommendation of the Navigator prediction software. If you did not purchase the Navigator
option, the software will display the same oven settings for the original and predicted statistics. Navigator
is an optional KIC 2000 software feature that automatically finds the best profile for your product based on
your solder paste specifications.
The KIC 2000 software will not show the predicted set points should the user want to print the profile. If
you wish to print the predicted set points, you can do so by pressing the F9 key. The F9 function key will
print any active profile screen of the KIC 2000 software.
Wave Tab
The Wave Tab will show profile information specific to the wave portion of the profile. The KIC 2000
software draws a Blue rectangle around the area that is considered Wave. The profile statistics and set
points which are shown below the profile graph depict only the Wave section of the profile.
See Figure 105.
Wave PWI – If you entered Wave specific Process Window specs when setting up your Process Window
then the Wave PWI will also be displayed when viewing the Wave tab. See Figure 105.
Figure 105: Profile Graph Display – Wave Tab
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Manual Profile Prediction
The KIC 2000 software has automatic (Navigator), and manual prediction capabilities. The standard
KIC 2000 software installation includes manual prediction capabilities.
Manual prediction gives the user the flexibility to easily predict changes to the oven settings (temperature
settings, conveyor speed), and view the results without having to spend the time actually running the
profile. This feature is very helpful to the user, minimizing the time spent fine tuning or developing a
thermal profile. See Figure 106.
Original/Predicted set points – Manual Prediction
Figure 106
Original/Predicted set points – Navigator (Optional)
Figure 107
This is an example of how the KIC 2000 software (standard and with Navigator) lists the “PWI, and oven
settings for the profile. This table is divided into the original section (top), and the Predicted section
(bottom). The original values represent the oven settings at the time the profile was run. The predicted
values represent the prediction results as determined by the Navigator software. See Figure 107.
If you purchased the Navigator software option, the KIC 2000 software will automatically generate results
that are best suited for the selected Process Window. In the event you wish to modify the prediction results
of the Navigator, you can do so.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
To predict changes to the oven settings, or modify the Navigator prediction results, click on the zone you
wish to change. In the example below, zone 1 has been selected. See Figure 108.
Figure 108
Type the new temperature setting, and then press Enter. The Navigator will predict the results of that
change, and then automatically update the PWI, predicted Statistics, and the profile graph. The new
predicted results will be displayed on the graph in a dotted-line format. This format enables the user to
easily determine the difference between the original and predicted profiles. See Figure 109.
Profile Graph Display
Preheat Section of Profile Graph
Predicted profile plot
(dotted lines)
Original profile plot
(solid lines)
Figure 109
The PWI for the profile is displayed in the bottom-Left corner of this screen. If the measured PWI is below
100%, the value will be displayed in a Green font. See Figure 110. If the measured PWI is 100% or
higher, the value will be displayed in a Red font. See Figure 111.
A PWI under 100%
is acceptable
Figure 110: PWI In-Spec
A PWI above 100%
is unacceptable
Figure 111: PWI Out-of-Spec
This display method enables the user to easily identify if the profile is in or out of spec.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Graph Controller
The Graph Controller allows the user to modify the
view of the KIC 2000-profile graph. To open the
Graph Controller, Left-click on the TC column header
in the Statistics table or Double-Left –click, anywhere
just outside the profile graph.
Auto Scale – The Auto Scale feature will
automatically adjust the X, and Y axis scales to fit all
of the data in the profile graph. When the Auto Scale
feature is disabled, the user must manually input the
minimum and maximum scale settings for the X, and
Y axis scale of the profile graph.
Selecting Thermocouples to View
The TC’s section is a list of the thermocouples used
for the profile. By selecting All you are selecting that
all the thermocouples used for the original profile will
be displayed on the profile graph. In the event that
you wish to view the profile without a particular or
multiple thermocouples, you can deselect individual
thermocouples, or deselect the All check box, and
choose only the thermocouples you wish to view.
Figure 112: Graph Controller – Wave-On
Deselecting Thermocouples
If a thermocouple has become disconnected during the profile, the profile results may be affected to due
above normal peak temperatures and such. This situation may cause the profile PWI value to be artificially
inflated due to bad data. In the event a single or multiple thermocouples become disconnected from the
product during the profile, you can deselect the affected thermocouple(s). The KIC 2000 software will
recalculate the PWI, and update the profile statistics based on the remaining thermocouples selected. You
must select at least one product thermocouple.
Grid – Enables/disables the view of the X, and Y-Axis scales.
Reference Lines – Enables the view of Reference Lines displayed on the profile graph. These lines
represent any temperatures referenced in the selected Process Window.
Zone Lines – Enables the view for the oven zone lines on the profile graph.
Predicted TCs Only - Removes the Original profile plot form view, displaying only the prediction profile
plot on the graph.
Zero Decimal – When viewing the Pointer tool, this setting enables or disables the decimal display. When
unchecked, the software will display one decimal point.
Internal Temp – Enables the view of the KIC profiler’s internal temperature profile plot on the graph.
Display Wave TC’s – Enables the display of the Wave TC’s and the Divider Timestamp Line on the
profile graph
Distance From Air TC – Displays the Distance From the Air TC for each thermocouple. You can edit
these values. These values were originally entered before the Profile start.
Wave TC 1/TC 2 – Distance from Air TC to each Wave TC.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Distance Between Last Preheat and Wave – This is the distance form the main wave to the last preheat
zone. You can edit this if necessary. This value was originally entered by the user in the Entering Oven
Recipe screen.
Dividers timestamp between Chip and Lambda waves (in seconds) – Time between waves in seconds.
Chip and lambda wave measurements
In some situations the KIC 2000 software will not display the Wave-On profiles correctly. This can be
caused by many factors. An incorrect display for the Wave portion of the profile display can effect the
Dwell Time and Parallelism measurements and in some cases only displays information for 1 wave even
though there are 2 waves present.
If you experience a problem with the Wave-On profile display, you can adjust the display manually. This
will ensure that the KIC 2000 software Wave-On profile display is as accurate as possible.
Chip zone length.
Lambda Zone Length
Distance between the ends of chip to the
beginning of the wave
Figure 113: Dual-wave Wave Solder Machine - Wave measurements
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
In order for the KIC 2000 software to display the Wave-On profiles correctly, the user can manually enter
the Wave Machine measurements in the Oven configuration file. See Figure #1 for details of each required
File Name to edit: C:\KIC Profiler 2000\Ovens\yourwaveovenname.kiccfg:
Enter the measurements for the required items listed below: See Figure 113 for details of each
required measurement.
UnitsEnumForWave=0 (0=Inches, 1=Centimeters)
After the measurements have been input, save the file and then close it.
From this point-forward all profiles run using this same oven name will be displayed using the values input
in the previous step.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves
If you receive an incorrect calculation result for the Wave(s) portion of the profile, such as: there should be
2 waves but it shows only 1, or the Dwell Time appears to be incorrect, then it may be necessary to adjust
the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves.
Here are the steps to follow on how to manually change the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda
Waves line position on the profile graph.
1. Open a Wave-On profile from the Profile Explorer or have a Wave-On profile (that has just been
run) displayed on the Graph screen.
Launch the Graph Controller. To enable, Left-click outside the Graph area. See Figure 116.
Select the Display Wave TC’s check box. See Figure 114.
Check this to display the
Wave TC’s on the graph
This value is the offset (in seconds) measuring
backwards from the Lambda wave’s peak
temperature position.
Figure 114: Graph Controller – Wave-On
Select the Green-Check button to save the changes made and return to the Profile Graph display.
See Figure 114.
Whenever a change is made in the Graph Controller that affects the profile display A KIC message will
appear asking the user if the changes should be saved or not. See Figure 115.
Figure 115
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
When returned to the profile graph, you will see the Wave TC’s and the Divider Timestamp between Chip
and Lambda Waves line between waves is displayed (shown in light green). See Figure 116.
If you notice that the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line is not positioned between
the 2 waves or is located before the Lambda wave (see the ideal location for the Divider Line between Chip
and Lambda Waves section), then an adjustment must be made in order to display the waves and Divider
Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line properly.
Below is an example of an incorrect Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves measurement
Only 1 wave is displayed even though there are really 2 waves present. See Figure 116.
The Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line is positioned incorrectly. It should be
positioned between the Chip and Lambda Waves and not inside the Lambda wave as displayed.
See Figure 116.
The divider Timestamp Line is
inside the lambda. We need to
adjust it so it will be between
chip and lambda waves.
Figure 116
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Launch the Graph Controller, to enable Left-click outside the Graph area. See Figure 116.
The current Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves is set to a value of 1”. See Figure 117.
To move the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line backward on the graph, enter a
higher value. To move Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line forward on the graph
enter a lower value.
Figure 117: Graph Controller – Wave-On
The ideal position for the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves is the Lambda wave Dwell
time + 1-2 seconds. For this example, the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves should be
set to 4 seconds. (2 seconds Dwell +2 Seconds) See Figure 118.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Figure 118: Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line is displayed in the correct position
The Wave-On profile is now displayed correctly showing 2 waves and the Divider Timestamp between
Chip and Lambda Waves line is displayed in the correct position. See Figure 118.
You can go back to the Graph Controller and turn off the Display wave TC’s option if you do not wish to
view them in the profile graph display. .
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
The ideal location for the Divider between chip and lambda waves line.
The correct Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line position will help to improve the
calculation of the Wave TC’s (Dwell Time and Parallelism).
The ideal Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line should be positioned between the 2
waves (Chip and Lambda waves) but not inside the Lambda wave. See Figure 119 through Figure 122.
Figure 119 through Figure 121 show examples of incorrect positioning of the Divider Timestamp between
Chip and Lambda Waves line.
Figure 119 shows that the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line is not positioned
correctly, as a result the line is displayed inside the Lambda wave.
The divider is inside the lambda
wave. This is not the correct
Figure 119: Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves = 1-inch
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Figure 120 shows that the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line is not positioned
correctly, as a result the line is inside the chip wave.
The divider is inside the chip
wave. This is not the correct
Figure 120: Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves = 5-inches
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Figure 121 shows that the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line is not positioned
correctly, as a result its position is outside both the Chip and Lambda waves.
The divider is outside the chip and
lambda wave. It is not in a correct
Figure 121: Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves = 10-inches
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Figure 122 shows the ideal location of the Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves line. The
line is positioned after TC1 and TC2 have passed the Chip wave and before the TC’s hit the Lambda wave.
This is the ideal position for the
divider line. Notice the number of
waves is displayed correctly.
Figure 122: Divider Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves = 4-inches
If you have any questions or need assistance with wave solder profiling or to manually change the Divider
Timestamp between Chip and Lambda Waves value contact KIC Technical Support: tech@kicmail.com.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Tips for Profiling Wave Solder
Listed below are tips for profiling wave solder machines using your KIC Profiler. These tips are intended
to help you in profiling your wave solder machine.
Your process may not match the pictures below.
Contact KIC Technical support if you have any questions regarding wave solder profiling using your
SlimKIC 2000 or KIC Explorer profiler. tech@kicmail.com.
Wave solder profiling is simplified with the Wave Surfer device. If you are not using a Wave Surfer
device, use a blank, spare board, or palette to carry the KIC Profiler on. It may be helpful to secure the
KIC profiler and Thermal Shield to the board/palette.
During the profile, you can run the KIC Profiler in front or behind the profile board. See Figure 123.
Run the thermal shield upside-down to prevent any solder from contacting the SlimKIC 2000.
See Figure 123.
Use a board stiffener when available. This will help prevent the board from sagging due to the weight
of the KIC Profiler.
This will also help prevent liquid solder from flowing onto the board, possibly contacting the
Thermal Shield or KIC Profiler.
It is helpful to raise the SlimKIC 2000 thermal shield at least 1/8” to 1/4” off the carrier
board/palette in order to prevent any liquid solder from entering the Thermal Shield.
See Figure 123.
You can run the profile with or without the spray fluxer active. If you choose to run wave solder
profiles with the spray fluxer on, you run the risk of contaminating the Wave Surfer or Thermal
shield. If operating properly all the spray flux should be removed by the process.
Figure 123: Profiling Wave Solder Using a KIC Profiler
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Cure Profiling
The process for running a Cure profile is very similar to
the KIC 2000 software Reflow application. You may
have to define your own spec, as the KIC 2000 software
does not contain process windows specifications
designed for cure applications.
From the KIC 2000 Main Menu select the Run Profile
button. See Figure 124.
This is the button that has a picture of a PCB. A text
label will be displayed as you place the mouse pointer
over each button.
Figure 124: KIC 2000 Main Screen
Name Product and Select Process Window/Application type
Figure 125: Run a Profile Screen #1
Select your product name from the list. If you’re profiling a new product type the name.
Select your Process Window from the list.
Select your process type from the application list. The KIC 2000 software profile and prediction
results are based on this setting, it is imperative that your select the correct application type.
Failing to do so can affect the profile results. Choose Cure.
Select your oven name from the list. If you’re profiling on a new oven or machine, type the name
in the Oven Name field.
Optionally you can type notes or descriptions for this profile in the “Profile Description” field.
These notes will be stored with the profile and can be edited later if necessary.
When you are satisfied with your selection, choose the “Next” arrow to proceed. The software will step
you through the screens in order to run a profile. See Figure 125.
Cure Profile Trigger temperatures
Profile start
Mid trigger
Profile end
If you have any questions, contact KIC Technical Support. tech@kicmail.com, (858)-673-6050 anytime.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Temperature vs. Time profiling
The Temperature vs. Time feature allows the user to profile a large variety of processes. By allowing the
user to make a simple temperature/time profile they will have the ability to run profiles and set up
experiments for practically any thermal process. This would include, batch processes for cure,
environmental temperature cycling, rework, hi-temp process, etc. Additional capabilities include being
able to measure temperatures from -150 to 1050. Temperature vs. Time profiling is different than the other
application types.
Differences include:
The KIC Profiler will not utilize temperature triggers for starting/stopping the profile. These
actions are performed manually.
TC #1 is not used as an Air-TC; it behaves as a normal TC. TC #1 can be included in Process
Window calculations. Data for TC #1 is displayed on the profile graph. Using any other
application type, it is not.
KIC 2000 prediction capabilities by design are not compatible with Temperature vs. Time profiles.
The Navigator prediction tool as well as Auto-Focus will not work on Temperature vs. Time
profiles. PWI is calculated for each profile.
The KIC Profiler must remain connected to the communication cable throughout the Temperature
vs. Time profile. This includes SlimKIC 2000 Profilers with RF capability.
KIC Explorer Profilers can utilize the RF option for wireless Temperature vs. Time profiles.
Using Temperature vs. Time, users can measure negative temperatures. Because temperature
triggers are not used, the KIC 2000 software can display data as low as -150C.
Sample Rate
When the Temperature vs. Time application is selected a fixed number of 5000 data points divided by the
Expected Profile Length is used to display the profile.
Note: To decrease the number of samples, enter a longer Expected Profile Length.
KIC 2000 software
This section will outline the information necessary to set up and run a Temperature vs. Time profile using
your KIC Profiler and KIC 2000 software. This section is written assuming the user has a basic
understanding of the KIC 2000 software before attempting to run a Temperature vs. Time profile.
Global Preferences
Units of Measure – Set the unit of measure for each item. These settings will determine the units used to
display the profile graph.
Product Start Temperature - The default setting is 31C. This setting is used for Temperature vs. Time
profiling even though temperature triggers are not used. Instead the profile can start as soon as the
Start Profile button is selected and as long as the product TC’s are below this temperature setting.
Profiling Hardware –Even if you have a SlimKIC 2000 or KIC Explorer profiler that has RF capability,
the KIC Profiler must remain connected to the communication cable throughout the duration of the
Temperature vs. time profile.
Auto Focus Tab – The Auto Focus feature by design is not compatible with Temperature vs. Time profiles.
If you have made any changes, be sure and select the Green check mark button to save those changes when
exiting the Global Preferences screen.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Process Window Setup
The Process Window is a set of limits applied to the profile data. The user has the option of either not
using a defined Process Window in which case no PWI will be calculated, or define a Process Window and
have the KIC 2000 software calculate and display a PWI for that profile.
Deselect this check box
to assign separate specs
for each thermocouple
used. See details below.
Figure 126: Process Window
Process Window Name – Name of the KIC Process Window file that includes the statistics chosen and
limits for those statistics, along with whatever text is typed in the Description field.
Solder Paste Menu - A read only library list of numerous solder pastes along with the statistics and
limits suggested by the paste mfg., also included is a User-Defined option in the list which allows you
to create a spec. of your own. See below for additional details.
Edit Specs – Screen allowing the user to edit or choose statistics and limits for a chosen solder paste or
define your own specs
Wave – This radio button switches between the process specs and the Wave process specs for the
selected Process Window. Set up a Process Window specific to Wave TCs for Wave Solder profiling.
Read only text box – Shows the paste name, statistics name, and limits for a Process Window chosen,
edited, or saved by the user. To edit select the Edit Specs button.
Same Specs for all TC’s – By deselecting this checkbox, you can assign separate specifications for
each individual thermocouple you are using. After deselecting the checkbox, you’ll need to click on
the Edit Specs button to choose which statistics will be used and what spec limits will be set for each
thermocouple used. This option would be used if you had component specific specifications that differ
from the general solder paste specs. Another use for this would be if you wanted to monitor the actual
board temperature as well as component temps. You would then only select the statistics for that TC
that are relevant. If you wish to use the same specifications for all thermocouples, put a check mark in
the box.
Select TC to View – This dialog box will appear only if the Same Specs for all TC’s checkbox is
deselected. By clicking on the dropdown menu, you can view the specifications that have been defined
for that number thermocouple. If a description was included, it will be displayed next to Label.
Process Window Description – Field allowing for freehand notes for a particular Process Window
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Running a Temperature vs. Time profile
From the KIC 2000 Main Menu select the Run Profile button.
This is the button that has a picture of a PCB. A text label will be displayed as you place the mouse pointer
over each button.
Name Product and Select Process Window/Application Type
Figure 127: Run a Profile Screen #1 – Time vs. Temperature
Select your Product Name from the list. If you’re profiling a new product type the name.
Select your Process Window from the list.
Select Temperature vs. Time from the Application list. The KIC 2000 software profile display and
calculations are based on this setting
Select your oven name from the list. If you’re profiling on a new oven or machine, type the name
in the Oven Name field.
Optionally you can type notes or descriptions for this profile in the Profile Description field.
These notes will be stored with the profile and can be edited later if necessary.
When you are finished with your selection, choose the Forward Arrow button to proceed.
See Figure 127.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Selecting the thermocouples and starting a profile
This screen displays the live readings for all thermocouples connected to your KIC profiler. Select the
thermocouples by clicking the check box next to each TC number. Make sure the SlimKIC 2000 has a fresh
battery and is powered on. See Figure 128.
Selecting Thermocouples - To select a thermocouple, check the box next to the thermocouple number.
The live temperatures are displayed beneath each thermocouple label.
Thermocouple Labels - Optionally you can check the box to Include thermocouple labels. When this box
is checked you can type a text label for each selected thermocouple. 20 character maximum.
If the selected Process Window has Separate Specs for TC’s, then the user must return to the Process
Window-Edit Specs screen in order select/deselect TC’s or change their labels.
Select this button
to start a profile.
Figure 128: Run a Profile Screen #2 – Time vs. Temperature
Expected Profile Length – This value controls the X-Axis on the profile graph. Make sure to enter
enough time to complete your profile. Otherwise the profile plot will stop as soon as the Expected
profile Length is achieved. Data outside this time limit will not be displayed.
Note: to decrease the number of samples, enter a longer Expected Profile Length
Once you have selected your thermocouples, you are ready to profile.
Make sure your KIC profiler hardware is properly connected to the computer. You will be able to view the
live readings for each selected thermocouple. If you do not see the live readings, then your KIC profiler
hardware is not connected properly.
Recheck the connections. Temperature vs. Time profiles cannot begin until your KIC Profiler is connected
via the cable, and communication established.
Select the Start Profile (Green traffic light) button to begin profiling. The profile will begin at this point.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
The KIC 2000 software requires that the selected thermocouples read valid temperatures below the
Maximum product temperature at start of profile as set in the Global Preferences screen. The default
setting is 31ºC/88ºF.
If any of the selected thermocouples read too high, this message will appear. See Figure 129.
Figure 129
When the KIC 2000 software detects valid temperatures for all of the selected thermocouples, it will allow
you to start the profile.
The maximum operating temperature for
the SlimKIC 2000 profiler is 105°C/220°F. If
your process temperatures will cause the
SlimKIC to exceed this limit then DO NOT
place the SlimKIC into the oven.
The maximum operating temperature for
the KIC Explorer is 85°C/185°F. If your
process temperatures will cause the KIC
Explorer to exceed this limit then DO NOT
place the KIC Explorer into the oven.
Trailing Wire Profiling
The SlimKIC 2000 and KIC Explorer profilers can be used with elongated thermocouples or a
thermocouple extension long enough to pass through the process. This is especially useful for low
clearance processes or higher temperature processes that would normally cause the SlimKIC 2000 or
KIC Explorer profiler to overheat during use.
Select the Stop Profile button when the profile is complete. Leave the product TC’s connected until the
software displays a message instructing you to turn off your KIC profiler.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Live Profile Graph Display
The Live Profile Graph display will show the profile plot on the graph for the current profile that is
running. See Figure 130.
Live temperature readings and Delta
Temperature plot
Profile status
Figure 130: Live Profile Graph Display
While the KIC Profiler is in the oven, and until the profile has ended, the software will continue to display
the Live Profile Graph. The Description tab at the top of the screen is inaccessible.
The live profile is plotted on the graph
The current temperatures for each thermocouple and the Delta between them are displayed in a
small window in the upper-Left hand corner of the profile
graph. The elapsed time is also displayed.
The Live Profile Graph display will remain on your screen until the
Stop Profile button is selected even if the profile time has completed
and the profile plot has ended. See Figure 130.
Figure 131
The software will display 2 messages when the Stop Profile button is
The first will ask the user to confirm the Profile Stop. See Figure 131.
If the user selects No, then the profile continues.
If the user selects Yes, then the second message instructs the user to turn
your KIC Profiler off. See Figure 132.
KIC 2000 User Manual
Figure 132
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Viewing the Profile and Statistics
Temperature plots
Figure 133: Profile Graph Display – Time vs. Temperature
The Profile screen-General Tab displays the product name, and profile start time at the top of the screen.
The profile, profile statistics and PWI are also displayed. See Figure 133.
Profile View – To maximize the profile display, double click inside the profile graph area. The profile
graph will change and be displayed in a full screen format. Double click again to return to normal view.
Statistics View – To maximize the Statistics view, double click inside the Statistics table area. The
Statistics will change and be displayed in a full screen format. Double click again to return to normal view.
Description tab
The Description tab contains a text area that
displays a description of the profile should
you wish to enter any. See Figure 134.
This text is the same text that you can enter
in the Select Product screen at the
beginning of the Run Profile Routine.
This text is also displayed in the Profile
Explorer view for each profile.
Figure 134: Description Tab – Time vs. Temperature
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Graph Controller
The Graph Controller allows the user to modify the
view of the KIC 2000-profile graph. To open the Graph
Controller, Left-click on the TC column header in the
Statistics table or Double-Left –click, anywhere just
outside the profile graph. See Figure 135.
Auto Scale
The Auto Scale feature will automatically adjust the X,
and Y axis scales to fit all of the data in the profile
graph. When the Auto Scale feature is disabled, the user
must manually input the minimum and maximum scale
settings for the X, and Y axis scale of the profile graph.
Selecting Thermocouples to View
The TC’s section is a list of the thermocouples used for
the profile. By selecting All you are selecting that all the
thermocouples used for the original profile will be
displayed on the profile graph. In the event that you
wish to view the profile without a particular or multiple
thermocouples, you can deselect individual
thermocouples, or deselect the All check box, and
choose only the thermocouples you wish to view.
Deselecting Thermocouples
Figure 135: Graph Controller – Time vs. Temperature
If a thermocouple has become disconnected during the
profile, the profile results (PWI) may be affected to due
above normal peak temperatures and such. This situation may cause the profile PWI value to be artificially
inflated due to bad data. In the event a single or multiple thermocouples become disconnected from the
product during the profile, you can deselect the affected thermocouple(s). The KIC 2000 software will
recalculate the PWI, and update the profile Statistics based on the remaining thermocouples selected. You
must select at least one product thermocouple.
Grid – Enables/disables the view of the X, and Y-Axis scales.
Reference Lines – Enables the view of Reference Lines displayed on the profile graph. These lines
represent any temperatures referenced in the selected Process Window.
Zone Lines – Enables the view for the oven zone lines on the profile graph.
Zero Decimal – When viewing the Pointer tool, this setting enables or disables the decimal display. When
unchecked, the software will display one decimal point.
Internal Temp – Enables the view of the KIC profiler’s internal temperature profile plot on the graph.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Automatic Calculation of Delta T + Delta (or range) for all Stats
The software will automatically calculate, and display in the Pointer tool display box, the Delta for the
profile data for all TC’s for all Statistics columns. This is the range of the highest to the lowest value for
any given specification. This information is strictly being displayed and is not factored in to the PWI value
Pointer Tool
You can also view the Delta T (∆T), or Delta Temperature, at specific points across the profile by right
mouse clicking on the graph. This will bring up the Pointer tool and a chart will appear in the upper left
corner of the graph. See Figure 136. Wherever the pointer is moved across the
profile, the following data will be displayed:
The first column is the actual temperature for each TC.
The Delta T for both actual and predicted TC data.
The time during the profile at which the pointer is placed.
Figure 136: Graph Pointer
Profile Screen Buttons
There are four buttons at the bottom of the Profile screen.
Edit/Define Process Window – Choose this button to either view or edit the process specification(s) for
the product used in this profile.
Copy to clipboard – Choose this button to copy the profile data to the Windows clipboard. You can then
paste the data to a different application.
Print – Choose this button to print a copy of the profile that is currently on your screen.
Return to Profile Explorer button– When finished viewing or analyzing the profile, select this button to
return to the KIC 2000 main menu. You will be returned to the Profile Explorer if the profile was opened
from there.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Exiting the profile screen
Saving changes to the profile
Any changes to the Description Notes or the Process
Window can be saved with the profile. This will
permanently update this profile with the changes. Changes
to the Process Window saved here only, save the changes
with the profile. To save the changes to Process Window
file see next dialog box. See Figure 137.
Figure 137
Saving changes to the Process Window
If you have made changes to the Process Window
while viewing a profile you can save these changes
when you exit the Profile screen. The Process
Window will permanently have these changes
whenever it is used to profile from this point
forward. See Figure 138.
The KIC 2000 software will take you to the Edit
Process Window screen in order to save the
changes that you have made.
Figure 138
These 2 messages will only appear if changes have been made while viewing the profile.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Profilers
SlimKIC 2000
The SlimKIC 2000 is a real-time solder
reflow process setup and optimization
tool. The SlimKIC 2000’s configuration
guarantees a perfect profile every time by
both transmitting data in real-time as it
passes through the process and
simultaneously recording the data
internally. When the SlimKIC 2000
profiler has completed its run through the process, the internally logged profile is automatically wirelessly
downloaded, filling in any gaps that may have occurred due to broken transmission of the real-time profile.
The wireless download feature ensures that every profile run is a good one, and that it will never be
necessary to hold up production to run a second profile.
Internal Operating Temp:
Thermocouple Compatibility:
Temperature Range:
Computer Compatibility:
Power Requirements
Operating Frequency:
+/- 2ºF (1.2ºC)
Variable 0.3 to 0.1ºC
0ºC to 105ºC
Type K, 9 or 12 TCs
-150ºC to 1050ºC
9V Alkaline battery
433.92 MHz
Varies depending upon model and shield.
SlimKIC 2000 Maximum Internal Temperature is 105°C
Removing the SlimKIC 2000 cover
Figure 139
Figure 140
To remove the SlimKIC 2000 cover or change the battery you will have to first unscrew the battery cover
from the bottom side of the SlimKIC 2000. This will require a small Flathead screwdriver. The screw has
a retaining clip to keep it in place so it will not come all the way out. Just loosen it enough so the cover
comes free. Remove the battery cover. See Figure 139 and Figure 140.
Locate the retention slots on the side of the SlimKIC 2000 cover. To remove the SlimKIC 2000 cover you
will need to apply equal pressure to 2 of the retention springs on the same side, and then pull up on the
cover slightly. Do the same for the other side retention springs. Once both sides have been lifted slightly,
you should be able to remove the cover easily.
You can use a small Flathead screwdriver to assist this procedure.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Inside the SlimKIC 2000
9V Battery
Figure 141: SlimKIC 2000 Internal view
Serial Number Location
The SlimKIC 2000 serial number label is located on the main connector block (J1). The SlimKIC 2000
shield must be removed I order to view the serial number. See Figure 141.
Internal Components
This is the 8 pin download/communication port located at the rear of the SlimKIC 2000.
This is the main power connector. This connector fits a 9Volt battery.
This is the CALIBRATE potentiometer, and is the only adjustment on the SlimKIC 2000 used for
calibrating the unit.
This is the MAX TEMP Potentiometer. This is used to increase or decrease the upper range of
temperatures that the SlimKIC 2000 can read.
SW1 This is the On/Off toggle switch.
This is the socket that holds the SlimKIC 2000 - EPROM. The EPROM version can change, check
with KIC regularly to ensure you have the latest version firmware in your SlimKIC 2000.
Transmitter models include
This 2 position jumper enables or disables the RF transmission capability.
TX1 This is the transmitter and facilitates the RF transmission capability.
ANT This is the antenna connector. Normally the KIC 2000 does not use an antenna. In some cases an
antenna can be added to improve the transmission strength.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
SlimKIC 2000 calibration
Before calibration, connect the SlimKIC 2000 Profiler directly to the PC using the SlimKIC 2000 Direct
Connect cable.
The SlimKIC 2000 Thermal Profiler is connected to a computer COM port using the direct connect cable
for the purpose of setting up the SlimKIC 2000, downloading logged data, collecting data in real-time, or
calibration. See Figure 142.
Figure 142: SlimKIC 2000 direct connect to PC
SlimKIC 2000 Calibration Procedure
The suggested calibration frequency cycle for the SlimKIC 2000 is 12 months. To calibrate the
SlimKIC 2000 you will need a thermocouple simulator.
Perform the following steps to properly calibrate the SlimKIC 2000 within +1.2°C (+2.0°F):
Let the SlimKIC 2000 stand for at least 30 minutes, with its power on, in a constant ambient environment
free of drafts.
Turn on the computer and start the KIC 2000 or KIC 24/7 software.
Connect the SlimKIC 2000 to the computer with the direct connect cable.
On the KIC 2000 or KIC 24/7 software’s main screen, choose the Hardware status button. The
KIC 2000 or KIC 24/7 software will display the temperatures for each thermocouple connected.
Connect the thermocouple simulator to the TC1 (Air TC) position on the SlimKIC 2000.
Set the thermocouple simulator to the maximum temperature you expect to read in your oven.
Observe the display of Product TC #1’s (Air TC) temperature on the screen. This display should
update rapidly.
Adjust the Calibrate potentiometer very slowly until this Maximum Temperature is correct.
Set the thermocouple simulator to below room temperature (40°F ~ 65°F).
Adjust the Calibration potentiometer very slowly until this low temperature is correct.
Repeat these steps until both temperatures are reading correctly.
When both temperatures are reading correctly, the SlimKIC 2000 is calibrated.
KIC offers calibration services for all KIC hardware. Contact KIC Technical Support for details.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Setting the SlimKIC 2000 Maximum Temperature
The Maximum Temperature setting for the SlimKIC 2000 refers to the highest temperature that the
SlimKIC 2000 is set to read. When you received your SlimKIC 2000, it was preset for 932°F (500°C) as the
Maximum Temperature. It can be changed. The highest temperature that the SlimKIC 2000 is capable of
reading is 1050°C.
TIP: If you exceed this temperature while running a profile, your TC inputs will read OVR (over-range).
If this happens to you, the first thing to suspect is that the Maximum Temperature setting for your
SlimKIC 2000 is not set high enough for the temperature application you're attempting to measure.
Follow these steps to change the SlimKIC 2000 Maximum Temperature.
Turn on the computer and start the KIC 2000 or KIC 24/7 software.
Connect your SlimKIC 2000 to the computer via the direct connect communication cable.
Turn on your SlimKIC 2000.
Observe the Hardware Status screen. The number that you'll be calibrating is the Max Temp
Capability in the SlimKIC 2000 section.
Remove the cover of the SlimKIC 2000, using a small screwdriver adjust the Max Temp
potentiometer very slowly until the desired maximum temperature is achieved.
Turn Clockwise to decrease the Maximum Temperature.
Turn Counterclockwise to increase the Maximum Temperature.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Explorer
The KIC Explorer is a new generation of
thermal profilers featuring an
impressively compact design. It will
easily move through restrictive process
dimensions you encounter in today’s
thermal applications. The KIC Explorer
incorporates state-of-the-art SMT
technology and high-temperature rated
components, backed by our distinguished
reputation for reliability. You can depend
on this rugged, innovative hardware to endure the harsh conditions of real-world factory use
System Accuracy:
Internal Resolution:
Internal Operating Temp:
Measurement Range:
Sample Rate:
Storage Capacity:
PC Connection:
Power Requirements:
Radio Frequency (RF):
Thermocouple Compatibility:
0°C to 85°C
-150°C to 1050°C
0.1 to 10 per second
7-Channel Unit:
12-Channel Unit:
USB 2.0 (Std-A/Mini-B)
(3) AAA batteries
916 MHz
131,040 samples
224,640 samples
7-Channel Unit:
12-Channel Unit:
Type K, Standard
Type K, Mini-TC
7-Channel Unit:
12-Channel Unit:
200.0 x 60.0 x 17.0
178.0 x 60.0 x 14.0
Dimensions (L x W x H mm):
KIC Explorer Maximum Internal Temperature is 85°C
FCC Statement (Applies to KIC Explorers with RF capability only)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the users’ authority to operate the equipment.
Party Responsible for Declaration of Conformity:
KIC, 15950 Bernardo Center Dr, Suite E, San Diego, CA92127, 858 945 7428
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
As a standard feature, the KIC Explorer has 12 thermocouples to meet your requirements. See Figure 143.
The miniature-TC harness design makes this possible, and is less expensive than a standard Type-K
thermocouple. If you prefer to use Type-K thermocouples, the KIC Explorer is available in a standard
Type-K, 7-channel model. See Figure 144.
Figure 143: KIC Explorer 12 Channel
Figure 144: KIC Explorer 7 Channel
KIC Explorer 12 Channel - Mini-TC Harness
The 12 channel KIC Explorer uses an all new thermocouple connector design named the Mini-TC Harness.
The Mini-TC Harness is a 3-thermocouple harness in a very small connector. The size of these Mini-TC
connectors allows the KIC Explorer to utilize 12 thermocouple inputs without increasing the size of the
KIC Explorer dimensionally over the 7-channel model.
The 12 channel KIC Explorer model has Mini-TC Harness ports. Each port facilitates 3 separate
Connecting the Mini-TC’s
Align the Mini-TC Harness with the Mini-TC port. See Figure 145.
Slide the Mini-TC Harness into the Mini-TC port. See Figure 146.
When fully seated, the Mini-TC Harness will lightly click into position. See Figure 147.
Figure 145
Figure 146
Figure 147
Note: During use and during the calibration procedure, the 12 channel KIC Explorer models must remain
inside their thermal shield in order to maintain accurate temperature readings. No Exceptions.
Mini-TC Temperature ratings
Mini-TC harness assemblies are available in 2 different temperature ratings, Low-Temperature, and
Medium Temperature.
Low-Temperature Mini-TC’s –Teflon, double insulation, 30 gauge wire, for use up to 300ºC.
(Low temperature Mini-TC’s are not standard and will not be included with the KIC Explorer kit.)
Medium Temperature Mini-TC’s – Glass, double insulation, 30 gauge wire, for use up to 400ºC.
If you have any questions about Mini-TC temperature ratings contact KIC Technical Support;
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Mini-TC Lengths
Due to the color of the wire used to manufacture the medium temperature Mini-TC Harness it can be
difficult to identify the individual thermocouple wires. For ease of use each KIC Explorer Mini-TC
Harness will have 3 different lengths of wire. The longest wire is always the first thermocouple in the
group. The second longest is the 2nd thermocouple in the group. The shortest wire is always the 3rd
thermocouple in the group. See Figure 148.
Mini-TC harnesses are available in different lengths ranging from 18" to 36" in 6" increments. Standard
KIC Explorer units ship with the Mini-TC “Sample” set that includes multiple length thermocouples, a
sample of each length offered by KIC. See Figure 148. If you require a specific length wire you, it can be
ordered and included with the KIC Explorer at the time of purchase or ordered separately.
Sample Set, Mini-TC (Qty 4)
TC #1
TC #2
TC #3
TC Position
TC #1
TC #2
TC #3
TC Position
TC #1
TC #2
TC #3
TC Position
TC #1
TC #2
TC #3
TC Position
Figure 148
Figure 149
Figure 150
Figure 151
Figure 152
Which Mini-TC do I need for my application?
To determine the length of Mini-TC's needed
for a particular product the user will measure
their products length, and then add the
distance of 12" (min. distance between KIC
profiler and product), and then add 1" for the
Air TC position.
6" (Product Length) + 12"
= 18" + 1" (for Air TC)
= 19"
Use the table to the Right to determine the
correct Mini-TC length. SeeFigure 153.
Figure 153
If you have any question regarding Mini-TC length or are unsure what length to order, contact KIC
Technical Support, tech@kicmail.com.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Installing/changing Batteries
Figure 154: KIC Explorer Battery install/replacement
The KIC Explorer uses 3 standard alkaline AAA sized batteries. KIC recommends the use of standard
alkaline batteries; however you can use other types including rechargeable batteries.
If you experience negative effects using other types of batteries or discover your KIC Explorer is not
operating properly then switch back to standard alkaline batteries. If problems persist, contact KIC
Technical Support: tech@kicmail.com.
Battery Life
The KIC Explorer is very efficient on battery usage. Independent tests show that a standard set of alkaline
batteries will last more than 25 hours while operating at room temperature. Operating temperatures can
affect battery performance.
Batteries and Temperature
The KIC Explorer is designed to pass through ovens that will cause the batteries inside the KIC Explorer to
heat up. Since the batteries have a high heat capacity they will tend to continue to heat even after the
KIC Explorer has exited the oven.
Even is the KIC Explorer has cooled sufficiently to allow the user to run another profile, the battery may
not have cooled down as low as the KIC Explorer.
In the event the KIC Explorer batteries become heated during use and you wish to run another profile, KIC
suggests substituting a different (room temperature) cooler set of batteries before the next profile is run.
This will allow the user to run more frequent profiles without the chance of overheating the batteries or the
KIC Explorer.
Lead-Free (hot) thermal profiles can cause the battery packaging to un-wrap. This is normal
and should be monitored to ensure the batteries condition is intact and operational before each
In the event the batteries become heat damaged or corrosive, replace them immediately. Failing
to do so can lead to KIC Explorer damage and or personal injury.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Explorer Base Station
The KIC Explorer Base Station is part of the optional RF
hardware. The Base Station facilitates the 2-way wireless
(RF) communication between the KIC Explorer and the
computer running the KIC 2000 software. See Figure 155.
The Base Station connects to a USB port and three LED’s,
the Green/Red LED’s will only light up while the KIC 2000
software is open, or during a profile depending on the events
that are transpiring.
Base Station LED Indicators
Red = Data received
Green = RF Activity
Orange = Error/Data not received
Figure 155: KIC Explorer Base Station, RF Models Only
Base Station Antenna
The KIC Explorer Base Station antenna is a screw on-90 degree pivot.
See Figure 155.
For convenience, a 6’-USB port extension cable is included with your
KIC Explorer so that the user can adjust the position of the Base Station
and find a more suitable location if needed.
The orientation of the antenna will affect the RF capability of the
KIC Explorer. Since every different location has different RF levels, KIC
can not recommend a particular position that will yield the best results.
In most cases the user can simply connect the Base Station to a USB port
and be ready to profile trouble free. In some situations the user must
adjust the Base Station location for improved or for acceptable
The user is responsible for locating the Base Station and adjusting the
Base Station antenna orientation to best suite their needs.
Figure 156: KIC Explorer Base Station
Connected to Computer
FCC Statement (Applies to KIC Explorers Base Station)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the users’ authority to operate the equipment.
Party Responsible for Declaration of Conformity:
KIC, 15950 Bernardo Center Dr, Suite E, San Diego, CA92127, 858 945 7428
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Explorer Antenna
The KIC Explorer antenna is required when utilizing your KIC Explorer in
RF Mode. Without it the KIC Explore can not communicate wirelessly.
The KIC Explorer RF antenna connects to the Antenna port on the
KIC Explorer. See Figure 157.
Note: Use the Global Preferences screen to activate the RF functionality of
the KIC Explorer.
Figure 157: KIC Explorer Antenna
By connecting the Base Station and KIC Explorer antenna the
KIC Explorer device becomes an intentional radiator of RF. See page 96.
KIC Explorer Power On/Off
Power On – Press/hold the Amber colored On/Off button for 1 second
(located at the back of the KIC Explorer). When power in on, the LED
indicators will power on. The LED color/pattern will represent the current
KIC Explorer hardware state/status. See Figure 158.
Power Off – Press/hold the Amber colored On/Off button for 1 second
(located at the back of the KIC Explorer). See Figure 158. When the
power is turned off, the LED indicators will be off.
Figure 158
KIC Explorer LED Indicators
The KIC Explorer LED indicators will indicate the current state/status of the KIC Explorer. The KIC
Explorer has 2 LED indicators, 1-Red, and 1-Green and can be viewed by looking at the top of the KIC
Explorer near the On/Off button. See Figure 158.
KIC Explorer State/Status
Initialization(Power up)
State 1 - Resetting or TC(s) above profile start temp.
State 2 - Ready to profile (Start Trigger)
State 3 - (Mid Trigger) , 4 - (Stop Trigger), 6 - (manual mode)
State 8 - (End of Profile)
State 5 - (Idle)
During Flashing FW
KIC 2000 User Manual
LED Indicators
Red On/Green On (for about 2 seconds)
Red ON
Red flashing
Green flashing (profile in progress)
Green flash and Red flash
Green On
Red On/Green On (same as power up)
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Explorer Thermal Shields
KIC offers 2 models of KIC Explorer thermal shields:
Cool Touch – The Cool Touch-KIC Explorer thermal shield is standard and is included with all
standard KIC Explorer profiling kits. The Cool Touch shield can be handled without gloves,
however gloves are recommended whenever heat is present. The Cool Touch thermal shield also
allows the KIC Explorer longer duration at given temperatures during use.
Stainless Steel – The Stainless Steel -KIC Explorer thermal shield is optional accessory for the
KIC Explorer. The Stainless Steel thermal shield has no outer insulation and measures 1/8” lower
in Height than the Cool Touch shield.
Important Note about KIC Explorers and Thermal shields:
Both the 7 channel and 12 channel KIC Explorers are not intended to be used without a KIC approved
thermal shield and must remain inside their thermal shield at all times during use or during the
KIC Explorer calibration procedure. Failing to do so will yield inaccurate temperature data and/or an
inaccurate PWI value.
Loading the KIC Explorer into the Thermal Shield
12 Channel -KIC Explorer – Place the KIC Explorer into bottom half of the KIC Explorer thermal shield.
The Mini-TC harnesses should rest flat on the metal block inside the shield.
The thermocouple wires should exit from the front of the thermal shield.
The KIC Explorer antenna should extend fully, and exit from the back of the thermal shield.
See Figure 159.
Figure 159: 12 Channel KIC Explorer with Thermal Shield
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
7 Channel -KIC Explorer – Place the KIC Explorer into bottom half of the KIC Explorer thermal shield.
The thermocouples should rest flat on the bottom of the inside the shield.
The thermocouple wires should exit from the front of the thermal shield.
The KIC Explorer antenna should extend fully, and exit from the back of the thermal shield.
See Figure 160.
Figure 160: 7 Channel KIC Explorer with Thermal Shield
Once the KIC Explorer is set inside the bottom half of the thermal shield and the thermocouple wires and
antenna are properly routed to the rear of the shield, verify the KIC Explorer is on by viewing the LED near
the On/Off button.
Next place the top-half of the KIC Explorer over the bottom half and then swing the latching mechanisms
into the closed positions at each end. See Figure 161.
Figure 161: KIC Explorer Thermal Shield Latching Mechanism
Contact KIC Technical Support if you need any assistance with your KIC Explorer: tech@kicmail.com .
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Explorer Utility
The KIC Explorer Utility is a software program that facilitates calibration the KIC Explorer as well as
firmware upgrades and or hardware troubleshooting.
The KIC Explorer Utility is included in the standard KIC 2000 software installation. It is located in
C:\KIC Profiler 2000\KE Utility folder.
In order to calibrate or upgrade the firmware make sure your KIC Explorer is on and connected to the
computers USB port and then open the KIC Explorer Utility software program.
The KIC Utility Calibration Tab
Note: Changes made to the Gain
and Offset values within the
KIC Explorer Utility will have a direct
affect on all thermocouple readings
made by the KIC Explorer.
KIC Explorer Device
If your KIC Explorer is on and connected
the KIC Explorer Utility will display the
KIC USB device name. If the
KIC Explorer Device field is blank then no
device is detected or the device is not
displayed, in which case select the Refresh
button. See Figure 162.
Note: If you are KIC Explorer is not
recognized, then make sure the power is
on, recheck the cable connections and or
Base Station connection and verify your
USB port is working correctly.
Figure 162
Note: For calibration of the KIC Explorer
you can use the USB communication cable or if your KIC Explorer is equipped for RF use you can connect
the KIC Explorer Base Station and perform the KIC Explorer calibration procedure wirelessly.
Select your KIC Explorer model – Select either 12 channels KE, or 7 channels KE.
Note: Failure to select the correct model will result in a failed calibration.
Calibration Status Window
The Calibration Status Window displays the log of all KIC Explorer Utility events and recorded
temperatures during Offset and Gain calibration. See Figure 163.
Figure 163
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Calibration Status Window Functions
Get Current TC – displays the current thermocouple values for all channels of the KIC Explorer.
See Figure 164.
Figure 164
Get Gain/Offset – Displays the currently stored Gain and Offset values for the KIC Explorer.
See Figure 165.
Figure 165
Set Gain/Offset – Opens the “Set Gain Adjust and Offset Temperatures” Window. This window displays
the currently stored Gain/Offset values for the KIC Explorer. See Figure 166.
Figure 166
Offset Temperatures #1-4 – Displays the current Gain and Offset values stored in the
KIC Explorer for each of the 4 thermocouple ports. The user can manually change the offset
values if needed. See Figure 166.
Note: Changes made to the Gain and Offset values within this window will have a
direct affect on all thermocouple readings made by the KIC Explorer.
Set All to Zero – Manually set the Gain and all Offset values to zero and closes the “Set Gain
Adjust and Offset Temperatures” windows. See Figure 166.
Set – Hard sets the currently displayed Gain and Offset values.
Cancel – Cancels all actions and closes the “Set Gain Adjust and Offset Temperatures” window.
See Figure 166.
Reset – Clears the KIC Explorer data memory and returns the KIC Explorer to the “ready to Profile” state.
Set Idle – Stops data collection and sets the KIC Explorer to “Idle” state.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Explorer Calibration
KIC Explorer calibration procedure should only be performed by qualified persons. If you need assistance,
training, or need to arrange for KIC to calibrate your KIC Explorer contact KIC Technical Support
tech@kicmail.com, asia.tech@kicmail.com, europe.tech@kicmail.com.
The KIC Explorer is electronically calibrated using the KIC Explorer Utility. The KIC Explorer has 4
separate calibrations, 1 for each of its 4 thermocouple connector ports. Using the KIC Explorer Calibration
Adapter is the only way to properly calibrate the KIC Explorer profiler.
The suggested calibration frequency cycle for the KIC Explorer is 12-months.
To calibrate the KIC Explorer you will need the following hardware:
• KIC Explorer
• KIC Explorer USB communication cable or Base Station
• KIC Explorer thermal shield
• Type “K” thermocouple simulator
• KIC Explorer Calibration Adapter (7 or 12 channel models).
• KIC 2000 ver.
• KIC Explorer Utility ver. 1.31
The KIC Explorer Utility uses the Fahrenheit temperature scale for its calibration.
Perform the following steps to properly calibrate the KIC Explorer within +1.2°C (+2.0°F):
Make sure your KIC Explorer is on and connected to the computers USB port or connect the
KIC Explorer Base Station.
Connect the KIC Explorer calibration adapter to the KIC Explorer making sure to occupy all of
the thermocouple inputs as required. Connect the other end to your type “K” thermocouple
simulator’s output port.
Turn the power to your thermocouple simulator on and set the output value to 77°F.
Open the KIC Explorer Utility software program or if already open select the Refresh button. To
verify communication between the KIC Explorer and the KIC Explorer Utility, select the “get
Current TC” button in the Calibration Status window. If communicating properly you should see
the current live temperatures from the KIC Explorer. See Figure 167.
Figure 167
CJREF (Cold Junction Reference) Offset
The CJRED Offset is the amount of temperature to add or subtract from the base KIC Explorer readings.
KIC recommends setting this value to the same temperature as the cjref (Internal) temperature. You can
view the cjref (Internal) temperature by selecting the “Get Current TC” button.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
It is recommended to use the default Calibration Temperature value; however the user can enter the
Calibration Temperature value between 50°F and 212°F.
Calibration Temperature – The default Calibration Temperature is 77°F.
Whatever the value of the Calibration Temperature
field, the thermocouple simulator must match
Adjust the thermocouple simulators
output to be the same value as the
Calibration Temperature field.
When both the calibration Temperature
field and the thermocouple simulator
output values match, select the CJREF
Offset-Start button to begin the
KIC Explorer calibration.
See Error! Reference source not found..
The KIC Explorer Utility will automatically adjust
the 4 thermocouple port’s calibrations. The
calibration for each thermocouple port is separate
and differences in Offset values between
thermocouple ports are normal.
Figure 168
Note: During this process electronic adjustments are made in order to “tune” the KIC Explorer for
maximum accuracy at the specified temperature.
When the KIC Explorer Utility has finished the
Offset calibration a “CJREF Offset calibration is
successfully completed” notice will appear in the
Report area at the bottom of the KIC Explorer
Utility screen and the Offset calibration Log is
displayed in the Calibration Status window.
See Figure 169.
Figure 169
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Figure 170
When the “End of Offset Temperature calibration” is displayed in the Calibration Status Log window the
Offset portion of the KIC Explorer calibration procedure is complete. See Figure 170. Next is the Gain
Adjust procedure.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Gain Adjust
The Gain Adjust portion of the KIC Explorer calibration procedure affects the accuracy of the
KIC Explorer across its temperature capability range.
For maximum accuracy set the Gain Adjust calibration value to the highest temperature you expect to read
for your process. It is recommended to use the default
calibration temperature; however, you can enter calibration
values between -1480°F and -58°F, or between 302°F and
Calibration Temperature – The default Calibration
Temperature is 1292°F.
Whatever the value of the Calibration Temperature
field, the thermocouple simulator must match exactly.
Adjust the thermocouple simulators output to be the
same value as the Calibration Temperature field.
When both the Calibration Temperature field and the
thermocouple simulator output values match, select the
Gain Adjust-Start button to begin the KIC Explorer
calibration. See Figure 171.
Figure 171
The KIC Explorer Utility will begin to automatically adjust the
Gain Adjust setting.
Note: During this process electronic adjustments are made in
order to “tune” the KIC Explorer for maximum accuracy at the
specified temperature.
When the KIC Explorer Utility has finished the Gain Adjust
portion, a “Gain Adjust calibration is successfully completed”
notice will appear in the Report area at the bottom of the
KIC Explorer Utility screen and the Offset calibration Log is
displayed in the Calibration Status window. See Figure 172.
Figure 172
Figure 173
When the “End of Gain Adjust calibration” is displayed in the Calibration Status Log window the Gain
Adjust portion of the KIC Explorer calibration procedure is complete. See Figure 173.
This concludes the KIC Explorer calibration procedure. You can close/exit the KIC Explorer Utility.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Utility Flash Upgrade Tab
The KIC Explorers firmware can be upgraded using the KIC Explorer Utility. This gives KIC Explorer
users the ability to upgrade their KIC Explorers whenever a new firmware is available.
Periodically KIC will post updated firmware files on the website www.kicthermal.com . The KIC
Firmware flash file is needed to complete this process.
Flash updating or “Flashing” the KIC Explorer can only be done by use of the USB communication cable.
Flashing the KIC Explorer
KIC Explorer Device
If your KIC Explorer is on and connected the
KIC Explorer Utility will display the
KIC Explorer Device name (KIC Explorer). If
the KIC Explorer Device field is blank then no
device is detected or the device is not displayed,
in which case select the Refresh button.
See Figure 174.
API Version – Displays the current API
version; KIC Explorer background
communication utility.
Current Firmware Version – Displays the
current firmware version for the KIC Explorer.
KIC Explorer Firmware Image File –
Displays the selected firmware flash file. Select
the Browse button to search for the file.
Start Firmware Upgrade – This button
starts the firmware upgrade.
Status – Displays the current KIC Explorer
Figure 174
status once the flash process has begun.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
KIC Explorer Flash Update
Follow these steps to flash your
KIC Explorer:
Make sure your KIC Explorer is on and
connected to the computers USB port
using the USB communication cable.
Open the KIC Explorer Utility software
program or if already open select the
Refresh button. . See Figure 162.
Type the name of the firmware file or
select the Browse button to locate the
file. See Figure 175.
Figure 175
When you have selected the firmware
file it will be displayed in the
KIC Explorer Firmware Image File
field. See Figure 176.
Select the “Start Firmware Upgrade”
button to begin the flash process. See
Figure 176.
During the flash process the
KIC Explorer status will be displayed in
the Status field.
Figure 176
When the flash process is finished a KIC message
will appear letting the user know the process in
complete and show the previous and new-current
firmware versions. Select the “OK” button. See
Figure 177.
Figure 177
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
This concludes the KIC Explorer flash upgrade
Figure 178
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Appendix A:
The Process Window Index
A Method for Quantifying Thermal Profile Performance
The Problem
While there are currently statistically valid methods for quantifying pick and place and screen printer
performance, there is no widely accepted method for comparing performance of thermal profiles, and thus,
no quantifiable system of ranking thermal process performance. Once a thermal profile has been run, it is
judged as being either in or out of spec, and perhaps subjectively judged as being OK, good, or really good.
Efforts to track process performance for SPC or QC generally focus on a single, or a small group, of profile
statistics; for example, peak temperature of one or two thermocouples on a golden board. The Process
Window Index is a statistical method for ranking thermal profile and thermal process performance.
Defining the Process Window Index
The Process Window Index is a measure of how
well a profile fits within user defined process
limits. See Figure 179.
This is done by ranking process profiles on the
basis of how well a given profile “fits” the
critical process statistics. A profile that will
process product without exceeding any of the
critical process statistics is said to be inside the
Process Window. The center of the Process
window is defined as zero, and the extreme
edge of the process window as 99%.
Figure 179: Process Window and PWI
A “Process Window Index” of 100% or more
indicates that the profile will not process
product in spec. A “Process Window Index” of
99% indicates that the profile will process
product within spec, but it is running at the very
edge of the Process Window. A “Process
Window Index” of less than 99% indicates that
the profile is in spec and tells users what
percentage of the process window they are
using: for example, a PWI of 70% indicates a
profile that is using 70 percent of the process
Figure 180: The Process Window Index
(Single Statistic—Peak Temperature of one Thermocouple)
The PWI tells users exactly how much of their
process window a given profile uses, and thus how robust that profile is. The lower the PWI, the better the
profile. A PWI of 99% is risky because it indicates that the process could easily drift out of control. Most
users seek a PWI of below 80%, and profiles with a Process Window Index between 50% and 60% are
commonly achieved (if the oven is sufficiently flexible and efficient).
Figure 180 shows the Process Window Index for the Peak Temperature of a single thermocouple. The
Process Window Index for a complete set of profile statistics is calculated as the worst case (highest
number) in the set of statistics.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
For example: if a profile is run with six thermocouples, and four profile statistics are logged for each
thermocouple, then there will be a set of twenty-four statistics for that profile, and the PWI will be the
worst case (highest number expressed as a percentage) in that set of profile statistics. Note that Figure 181
shows the user designated critical statistics for a single thermocouple.
How Process
Window Index (PWI) is Determined
Typical Leaded Process Window
Time Above
Soak Time Between
140oC ~ 170oC
Temp oC
PWI = 0%
PWI = 20%
PWI = 60%
PWI = -40%
PWI = 60%
Figure 181: The Process Window Index
(Multiple Statistics for a Single Thermocouple and Final PWI Calculation)
Calculating the PWI
To calculate the Process Window Index: i=1 to N (number of thermocouples); j=1 to M (number of
statistics per thermocouple); measured_value[i,j] is the [i,j]th statistic’s value; average_limits[i,j] is the
average of the [i,j]th statistic’s high and low limits; and range[i,j] is the [i,j]th statistic’s high limit minus the
low limit.
PWI = 100
( measured_value[i,j]
average_limits[i,j] )
( range[i,j]
Table 3: Process Window Index Formula
Thus, the PWI calculation includes all thermocouple statistics for all thermocouples. The profile PWI is
the worst case profile statistic (maximum, or highest percentage of the process window used), and all other
values are less.
Benefits of Ranking Thermal Profile Performance
The analysis of thermal profiles with the Process Window Index offers four significant benefits. The first
is that profiles can be easily compared, and users can be confident that they are using the best profile their
process can achieve. Before the PWI was available for profile analysis, comparing profiles was subjective,
and users could never be certain they had the best profile for their product. The PWI provides an excellent
opportunity for process improvement and its use is a significant step towards Zero-defect Production.
The second benefit is that the PWI greatly simplifies the profiling process. When used in advanced
profiling tools, all profile statistics are reduced to a single number (the PWI) that even the most
inexperienced operator can understand. This means significant savings in terms of training costs and a
reduction in defects caused by operator error. It further means that in a few minutes, an inexperienced
operator can setup an oven with the optimal profile, a job that formerly could take an experienced engineer
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
The third benefit is that because the PWI reflects the performance of the whole profile, it provides much
better indicator of process capability than tracking a single statistic. The PWI thus provides excellent data
for SPC and other QC monitoring programs while simplifying data gathering and reducing process
monitoring costs.
Finally, the PWI gives users a simple method for comparing thermal process performance. Comparisons
may be made between individual lines on the shop floor, between processes at multiple plants, and between
processes using dissimilar equipment. The ability to quantify thermal process performance will give
electronics assemblers a means for comparing the performance of their soldering equipment. This will be
of value in selecting equipment, for buy off, and for process troubleshooting.
Table 4 is the result of a series of tests comparing oven performance using several sizes of PCBs. Each
board was profiled in the given oven, and then an automated profile prediction tool was used to find the
optimal profile for that board in the given oven. After the oven set points were changed and the oven
stabilized, a second profile was run to confirm that the predicted PWI had been achieved. Table 4 shows
that there is significant variation in oven performance between various makes and models. In this test,
Oven C had more zones than Ovens A and B, and performed better, as would be expected.
Board Type
Cell Phone
PWI = 87%
PWI = 71%
PWI = 33%
PWI = 62%
PWI = 58%
PWI = 29%
PWI = 79%
PWI = 61%
PWI = 34%
PWI = 126%
PWI = 93%
PWI = 58%
Table 4: Comparison of Oven Performance — Best Achievable PWI
The simplicity of the Process Window Index makes its validity as a statistical tool readily apparent and its
adoption as an industry standard clearly offers a significant opportunity for the improvement of the
soldering process. The advantages detailed above point to its value in demystifying the soldering process
and open the door to precision control of a process that has been ignored for too long. Issues like the
coming of Lead-free electronic assembly mean that electronics assemblers can no longer be complacent
about their soldering process. Sophisticated tools utilizing the PWI as a standard for accurately measuring
the thermal process will mean more efficient production, improved and simplified process control, and
higher quality final product.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Attaching Thermocouples to the product
Thermocouple attachment is one of the single most important factors for attaining accurate thermal profile
results. If a thermocouple is not attached properly, the profile will yield inaccurate results. The objective is
to attach a thermocouple to the lead of a component in order to measure the solder joint temperature to
verify the thermal profile meets the specified process parameters. We have outlined 2 methods for
thermocouple attachment below.
When selecting a position for your thermocouples, you want to measure points on the product that represent
the entire mass-range of the product. Select at least one position that is a high-mass area of the board (large
component) and at least one position that is a low-mass area of the board (small component). If you can
develop an acceptable profile for the low and high -mass areas of the board, the other areas of the board
will be processed within the same process parameters.
High temperature solder is considered the industry standard for attaching thermocouples to PCBs for
thermal profiling. High temperature solder provides excellent repeatability, and is a very strong attachment
method. The cons to using high temperature solder are that it is not easy to work with, requires tools, and
is usually destructive to the test product. For these very reasons KIC tested alternative means of attaching
thermocouples to PCBs. Of the many different attachment methods tested by KIC, Aluminum tape
provided profile results most similar to high temperature solder and it proved to be non-destructive as well.
Aluminum Tape
Aluminum tape provides a secure connection with excellent thermal
conductivity. It offers users of pass-through profilers a simple,
inexpensive, and nondestructive method of attaching thermocouples
for thermal profiling. Using Aluminum tape reduces the effort
required for obtaining an accurate thermal profile as opposed to
high temperature solder.
Aluminum Tape
Attachment Method
Solder Pad
The Aluminum tape is cut with scissors to a size of approximately
1/4” × 1/4” and is used to secure the thermocouple to the product.
The tape can be used on the bare PCB or easily conform over the
shape of components and leads. Tape can be used to hold excess
wire down to the board and provide some strain relief.
See Figure 182.
Solder Pad
For Aluminum tape ordering information contact KIC,
Figure 182
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
High Temperature Solder
Do not attempt to attach the TC by melting solder into the spot and
then shoving in the bead. Place the TC bead on the attachment surface
and heat both evenly with the soldering iron. Make sure your iron is
set to achieve temperatures over the solder melting point. For the
solder KIC provides 300C should be sufficient. Then touch the solder
to the heated TC bead and let the heat from the TC bead melt the
solder. This method gives you superior wetting and a stronger solder
attachment to the pad or lead. See Figure 183.
Attachment Method
High Temp
Solder Pad
High Temp
Be sure and remove any residual eutectic solder before applying the
high temperature solder. If the eutectic solder is not removed, the
tension of the thermocouple wire may lift the component as soon as
the eutectic solder reaches its melting point, which is a lower
temperature than high temperature solder.
Your temperature reading will come from the first point of contact
between the two wires leading from the TC. To insure accurate
readings, it is critical to carefully separate the two wires all the way up
to the TC bead after soldering.
Solder Pad
Figure 183
High temperature solder is an efficient heat conductor, so if a tiny bit gets between the TC bead and the
lead or pad; you will still get an accurate reading. However, too much solder at the measurement point will
increase the heat capacity of the TC and cause your peak temperature measurement to read low.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Writing KIC 2000 Data over a Network
The KIC software can easily be configured to write the collected data to a network drive location. This
would allow data from one or even multiple systems to be stored in one centralized location (Server/Shared
Hard Drive).
First, map a network drive from the PC running the KIC software to the desired network location.
Due to the varieties of O/S and network configurations, KIC cannot detail this step. We recommend you
contact your I.T. Department or Network Administrator for assistance.
Once you have established the network drive, on the PC where the KIC software will be running, follow the
steps below:
Ensure the KIC software is shutdown. Open Windows Explorer, and locate the KIC Profiler 2000
“Log” directory. Then double-click the KIC2000DataPath.kiccfg file.
The KIC2000DataPath.kiccfg file will open up in Notepad. See Figure 184.
Figure 184
Change the value of AllowUserToManuallyChangeWorkingDataPathInThisIniFile
from =0 to =1. See Figure 185.
Figure 185
Change the values of KIC2000DefaultDataPath and ProfileExplorerDataPath to the
desired network location. See Figure 186.
Figure 186
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Once the KIC2000DataPath.kiccfg file has been modified with the new locations, choose
File/Save from the drop down menu to save the changes.
Close Windows Explorer and start the KIC 2000 software.
With the KIC software open, go into Profile Explorer. You should now see the new data path
directory displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen. See Figure 187.
Figure 187
All data collected in this KIC 2000 application will now be written to the network folder chosen. It will
automatically create a subfolder named “Profiles” in the directory chosen. In that “Profiles” folder, it will
create sub folders for each product name, just as it would in the default KIC 2000 directory.
You can now view the collected data from any PC on the network that is running the KIC 2000 software.
When selecting the folder, browse to the root directory of the main “Profiles” folder. For example, if the
profiles are in a directory called F:\KIC Profiler 2000/Profiles/ Board A, you would browse only to the
F:\KIC Profiler 2000 folder.
If there is no network connection when the KIC software is started, the software will automatically
change the data path back to the default location of C:\KIC Profiler 2000. To resume writing
data to a network location, you will need to repeat the steps listed above.
KIC 2000 User Manual
KIC 2000 v2.4.0.x
Contacting KIC
There are various means of contacting or attaining information from KIC.
15950 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite E
San Diego, CA 92127 USA
Phone: +1 (858) 673-6050
+1 (858) 673-0085
KIC International Sales – European Office
Vía Aventina, 18
Rome, Italy 00153
Phone: +39 06 4547.3670
+39 06 4547.3670
KIC International Sales –
Singapore Office
KIC International Sales –
China Office
71 Ubi Crescent
#08-14, Excalibur Centre
Singapore 408571
Phone: +65 6744-4998
+65 6744-1433
Unit 0204B, Block 1A Xindu Plaza
No 8, Jinjihu Road, Suzhou Industrial Park
Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021 China
Phone: +86.512.6763.5171
On the Web
You can find the latest KIC product news along with a library of useful information at our website
www.kicthermal.com or www.kic.cn
KIC Technical Support
KIC Tech Support (phone) is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, +1 (858) 673-6050 or by eMail,
USA: tech@kicmail.com
Europe: europe.tech@kicmail.com
Asia: asia.tech@kicmail.com
KIC Product Training
Contact KIC Customer Support +1 (858) 673-6050, or by eMail, training@kicmail.com
KIC Sales
Contact KIC sales:
USA: phone +1 (858) 673-6050, or by eMail, sales@kicmail.com
Europe: phone +39 06 4547.3670, by eMail, europe.sales@kicmail.com
Asia: phone +65 6744-4998, or by eMail, asia.sales@kicmail.com
China: phone +86.512.6763.5171, or by eMail,, asia.sales@kicmail.com
Find the KIC Representative in Your Area
Call KIC; send an eMail, or visit or web page Find a Local Representative.
Author: Cameron Sinohui
Contributions: Mick Shadduck (Graphics), Tom Bergeron, Robert Baxter, Greg Jones
KIC 2000 User Manual

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Author                          : Copyright © KIC.  All rights reserved.  Patents pending.
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