EpiCom SXT-800U CDMA 1x WLL Terminal User Manual Terminal

EpiCom Co., Ltd. CDMA 1x WLL Terminal Terminal

Users Manual

Terminal(FWT) User Quick Manual
How to enter commands
Hidden Menu
Ring / Sound Menu
Tools Menu
Time Menu
Setting Menu
Data Mode Menu
Phone Book
Sungil Telecom
( Model Name : SXT-800U )
This document and the information contained in it is CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION
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. How to enter commands.
- Pick up the handset on your pots.
- Press Entry code : ‘##XX’ ( ‘XX’ is 2 digit code )
: Prefix code, “##”, makes a terminal ready to receive commands. A following two digits
are command.
- Actually, Each commands are a sequence digits to get to a specific function like as a
following menu structure.
‘01’ – SIO : You just choosed Menu ‘0’ and Submenu Menu ‘1’ linked to SIO.
‘02’ – Emergency : You just choosed Menu ‘0’ and Submenu Menu ‘2’ linked
Emergency menu.
Note : Whenever you set the values of a Emergency, a hotline, a mirroring, a new code, a
outgoing restrict, a reset phone, a voice privacy, A lockcode prompt sound which
requests you to enter a lock code will be heard immediately.
Ex) ##03 Æ lockcode prompt sound Æ lock code Æ you can set Emergency number
Note : a FWT will go to idle state automatically when a user choose wrongly a parameter
or a function in a menu linked a command..
Menu Structure
1. SIO
2. Emergency
3. HOT Line
4. Mirroring ( will be used it in a factory )
5. A Key
6. Mater Clear ( will be used it in a factory )
0. Hidden Menu
7. Test Call ( will be used it in a Lab )
1. Ring Type
2. Volume
4. 1Min Alert
1. Ring / Sound
5. Svc Alert
1. Caller ID
2. Dial Tone
3. TTY Mode
1. Alarm
2. Auto Send Time
3. Time
3. Flash Time
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1. New Code
2. Restrict outgoing
3. Reset Phone
4. Voice Privacy
5. Auto gain control
4. Setting
1. Voice Call Mode
2. FAX Rx mode(use fax module)
3. ASYNC Data Rx mode(use data module)
4. PC FAX Rx mode
5. PC ASYNC Data Rx mode
6. FAX Tx mode(use fax module)
7. ASYNC Data Tx mode(use data module)
8. FAX Type Setting
5. Data Mode
9. FAX only
. Hidden Menu
SIO ‘##01’ + [ Functions ]
- You can change SIO configuration for your needs.
- As belows, SIO configuration has a DM/DS and port rate information.
- You can choose one of configurations listed at below table..
- After then, press À to make done.
- Otherwise rather than pressing À , the values will be back originally. That means “Cancel” for
what you did.
<Configuration list>
1 UART1 115,200 bps Serial DM to PC
2 UART1 9,600 bps Serial DS to PC
3 UART1 19,200 bps Serial DS to PC
4 UART1 38,400 bps Serial DS to PC
5 UART1 115,200 bps Serial DS to PC
6 UART1 19,200 bps DS to FAX
7 FAX 19,200 bps to PC
8 UART2 38,400 bps Serial DM to PC
##01 + 1 + À : To use UART1 for DM with 115,200 bps rate.
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Emergency ‘##02’ + [Index]
- You can set upto 3 Emergency numbers which has up to 16 digits.
- After ##02, Following number is a [ index ] from 1 to 3 associated each emergency number.
- After you enter a index, A lockcode prompt sound will be heard immediately.
- At this time, You can enter lock code. ( a default lock code is “0000” which can be change for
your need)
- After you heard confirmation tone for a right lock code, You can set one of Emergency
- And then press À to store it in a memory for preserving it from power-on/off cycle.
- If you press ‘#’ instead of À, What you did will be canceled..
Ex) ##021 Î lockcode prompt sound Î lock code Î911 Î À – Sets and store a
emergecny number #1 as 911
Hotline ‘##03’
- In the Hotline Menu, you can set hotline number which will be dialled automatically whenever
you pick up handset.
- Lockcode prompt sound follows a entering a command of “##03”.
- You can enter lock code. ( a default lock code is “0000” which can be change for your need)
- After you heard confirmation tone for a lock code , You can set a Hotline number..
- And then press À to store it in a memory for preserving it on power-on/off cycle.
- If you press ‘#’ instead of À, it will be canceled.
Ex) ##03 Î enter lock code Î 39533447 + À Sets and store a hotline as 39533447.
Mirroring ( will be used in a factory ) ‘##04’
- In the Mirroring menu, you can backup/restore system configuration values of Terminal.
- Lockcode prompt sound follows a entering a command of “##04”.
- You can enter lock code. ( a default lock code is “0000” which can be change for your need)
- After you heard confirmation tone for a lock code , You can press À for backing up and ‘#’
for restoring a stored values.
- if it is succeeded, a confirmation tone will be heard and after then, a terminal will be reset.
##04 Î enter lock code Î À Performs backing up system values
##04 Î enter lock code Î ‘#’ Performs restoring system values
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A Key ‘##05’
- In the A Key menu, you can set 26 digits A Key on FWT..
- A short go-ahead tone follows a entering a command of “##05”.
- Input A Key of 26 digits .
- Pressing À will store A Key safely on FWT’s memory..
- If the entered A key is valid, you can hear confirmation tone. Otherwise, you can not..
##05 Î 26 digits (20 digits + 6 digits checksum) Î À
Master Clear ( will be used in a factory ) ‘##06’ + [ DS Baud Rate ]
- Before packing just a made product, In a factory, a phone has to makes changed value for
testing to a default values . At this time, this commands make a FWT has default values
predifined by a operator. a command of À or ‘#’ has to follow “##06” for proper DS rate for
your system configuration. This option is needed due to FAX usually supports 19,200 rate.
- After done, the Terminal will be reset.
<Master Clear Mode>
À Master clear to 115,200 DS Mode
‘#’ Master clear to 19,200 DS Mode for a FAX
##06 + À : Master clear with 115,200 option
##06 + ‘#’ : Master clear with 19,200 option
Test Call ( will be used in a lab like CDG2 ) ‘##07’ + [Option]
Pressing À needs for make completed.
Ex) ##07+1+ À : Test a call for New 8K MARKOV
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. Ring / Sound Menu
Ring Type ‘##11’ + [Ring type Index]
- In the Ring type menu, you can choose one of 9 ring types.
- A ring type index is needed after ##11 and a ring type index has from 1 to 9 linked by a
specific ring tone. At this moment, you can listen your choosed ring tone on your speaker or a
handset of your POTS. If you choose zero,0, It will be canceled.
- During playing a choosed ringtone, Pressing À is needed to make done. Also, choosed ring
tone will be stored on a FWT’s memory.
If you press ‘#’ instead of À, it will be canceled.
##11+0: Canceled what you did. it will make a terminal idle.
##11+1 Î assigned ring tone Î À : Index 1’s ring tone will be selected.
##11+9 Î assigned ring tone Î À : Index 9’s ring tone will be selected.
##11+9 Î assigned ring tone Î # : Canceled what you did.
Volume level ‘##12’
- With this command, You can stay on a volume level menu until you press ‘0’ to save a
adjusted volume level.
- During staying on a volume level menu, Whenever you press À key, A voice volume will be
increased. When you press ‘#’ key, A voice volume will be decreased. Also a volume level will
be started again from a minimum level by a pressing À when last volume level reached
maximum level.
- When you meet your voice volume level, press ‘0’ to save and make done.
- If you want to cancel what you did, just press other key rather ‘0’.
DTMF ‘##13’ + [ DTMF Type]
- In the DTMF menu, you can select DTMF tone length.
- Press À to make it long, press ‘#’ to make it short.
##13 + À : To make DTMF tone long
##13 + # : To make DTMF tone short
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1 Min Alert ‘##14’ + [On/Off]
- you can set 1 Min alert on or off. If this option set on, An alert tone will be heared every 1
minute during a call.
- To make this alert on, a pressing À key has to follow ##14.
- To make this alert off, a pressing ‘#’ key has to follow ##14.
##14 + À : to make a 1 min alert on
##14 + # : to make a 1 min alert off
Service Alert ‘##15’ + [On/Off]
- You can set Service alert on or off. If this option set on, An alert tone will be heared whenever
FWT lost a signal or is getting a network.
- To make this alert on, a pressing À key has to follow ##15.
- To make this alert off, a pressing ‘#’ key has to follow ##15.
##15 + À : to make a service alert on
##15 + # : to make a service alert off
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. Tools Menu
Caller ID ‘##21’ + [Caller ID type[
- You can select CID type for a caller id type of your POTS.( Default type is non cid )
- There are 3 types of caller ID as belows.
- When you choose one of them after entering ##21, press À to make complete
- Press ‘#’ to cancel what you did.
<Caller ID types>
2. V.23
4. None CID
##21 + 3 + À : to set a caller id type as DTMF caller id.
##21 + 4 + À : to make a displaying of a caller id off.
Dial Tone ‘##22’ + [Dial tone Type[
- You can select a dial tone type for your country.
- There are 4 types as belows.
- At the end of the command, Press À to set. Press ‘#’ to cancel.
<Dial tone types>
1. Default
2. Latin
3. China / Nicaragua
4. India
##22 + 1 + À : to set a dial tone as a default dial tone.
##22 + 4 + À : to set a dial tone as an india dial tone.
TTY Mode ‘##23’
- You can set Full TTY mode.
- Press À to set, Press ‘#’ to release.
Ex) ##23 + À : Set Full TTY mode on.
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. Time Menu
Alarm ‘##31’ + [HHMM]
- You can set the alarm time.
- After entering ##31, immediately short go-ahead tone will be heard.
- Enter 4-digits for an alarm time like as ‘HH-MM’ of 24 hour type.
- After entering an alarm time. press À to alarm on.
- To turn an alarm off, Press ‘#’ key after entering this command of ##31.
##31 + 1540 + À : to set an alarm time to PM 3 oclock 40 minute. .
##31 + # : to cancel predefined alarm time. ( means turn an alarm off )
Auto send time ‘##32’ + [Index of Time Table]
- You can set auto send time which is setting as 5 secs defaultly..
- Auto send time will be able to be set as from 1 sec to 10 secs according to a index as below..
- After entering a time index, press À to set.
- Press ‘#’ to cancel what you did,
<Time table>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1sec 2sec 3sec 4sec 5sec 6sec 7sec 8sec 9sec 10sec
##32 + 7 + À : to set an auto send time to 7 secs. .
##32 + 0 + À : to set an auto send time to 10 secs
Flash time ‘##33’
- To recognize a flash key of your POTS well, you can adjust this period time with an
experimental results.
- After entering ##33, a short go-ahead tone will be heard.
- At this time, you can enter your flash time between 50 ms and 800 ms.
- If you entered an excessive time lke more then 800 ms, What you did will be canceled with
an alert tone.
- To set an entered flash time, Press À. Or press ‘#’ to cancel what you did.
##33 + 200 + À : to set a flash time to 200 ms
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. Setting Menu
New Code ‘##41’
- You can change a lock code which is being ‘0000’ as default value.
- After you enter a command of ‘##41’ , A lockcode prompt sound will be heard immediately.
- At this time, You have to enter current lock code to get an authority to change a lock code.
- Then, If the entered current lock code is right, a confirmation tone will be heard.
- After then, You can try yo enter new lock code.the process of an entering new lock code has
two steps. First, you have to enter new lock code and press À key and second, you have to
enter that lock code again to make a double check and press À.
- If first code and second code was matched, a confirm tone will be heard. Otherwise, the
codes are different. you should do all process again from begin..
- Press ‘#’ to cancel what you did.
Ex) Suppose a current lock code is ‘7777’, user want to change this to ‘8888’.
##41 Î a lock-code prompt sound Î 7777 Î a confirmation tone Î 8888 Î Press À Î
8888 Î Press À Î a confirmation tone
Restrict outgoing ‘##42’
- You can restrict outgoing call to protect someone from call outgoing without your permit.
- After you enter a command of ‘##42’ , A lockcode prompt sound will be heard immediately.
- You can enter lock code. ( a default lock code is “0000” which can be change for your need)
- After you heard confirmation tone , You can set a restriction on by pressing À.
- Press ‘#’ to cancel what you did.
Ex) Suppose a current lock code is ‘7777’
##42 Î a lock-code prompt sound Î 7777 Î a confirmation tone Î Press À
Reset phone ‘##43’
- You can reset this terminal to make a terminal values to the factory values.
- After you enter a command of ‘##43’ , A lockcode prompt sound will be heard immediately.
- You can enter lock code. ( a default lock code is “0000” which can be change for your need)
- After you heard confirmation tone , You can reset a terminal by pressing À and a FWT will be
- Press ‘#’ to cancel what you did.
Ex) Suppose a current lock code is ‘7777’.
##43 Î a lock-code prompt sound Î 7777 Î a confirmation tone Î Press À
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Voice privacy ‘##44’
- You can set the option of Voice privacy to protect your voice from tapping But It is possible
only an operator supports this feature..
- After you enter a command of ‘##44’ , A lockcode prompt sound will be heard immediately.
- You can enter lock code. ( a default lock code is “0000” which can be change for your need)
- After you heard confirmation tone , You can change the option by doing follows.
- Press À for changing a current value to ‘Standard’ option
- Press ‘#’ for changing a current value to ‘Enhanced’ option.
NOTE: If you want to change Voice privacy’s option on conversation, you press
À À 0À ” for standard mode or “À À 1À ” for enhanced mode.
Ex) Suppose a current lock code ‘7777’
##44 Î a lock-code prompt sound Î 7777 Î a confirmation tone Î Press ‘#’ : Enhanced
##44 Î a lock-code prompt sound Î 7777 Î a confirmation tone Î Press À : Standard
Auto Gain Control ‘##45’
- You can set AGC which is able to adjust volume level according to the order from BTS..
- After entering a command of ##45,
- Press À to make it enable
- Or press ‘#’ to make it disable
##45 + À : Set AGC on
##45 + ‘#’ : Set AGC off
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. Data Mode Menu
- “TX” means “Transmitting” , “RX” means “Receiving”
Voice call mode ‘##51’
- You can set a terminal mode to voice mode.
- Press À to make completed
- Or press ‘#’ to cancel what you did.
##51 + À : Set a terminal mode to voice mode.
FAX Rx mode(use FAX Module) ‘##52’
- Only In case that a terminal has a fax module currently, This command can affect the
- You can choose one of two behaviors in FAX RX mode.
< FAX RX mode >
À FAX RX mode will be set always until a user change other mode.
We call this as FAX RX always mode for making it easy to say.
‘#’ FAX RX mode will be change voice mode after a terminal receive FAX once. We
call this as FAX RX once mode for making it easy to say..
##52 + À : FAX RX always mode will be on
##52 + # : FAX RX once mode will be on
ASYNC Data Rx mode (use Data Module) ‘##53’
- Only In case that a terminal has a module currently, This command can affect the terminal..
- You can choose one of two behaviors in ASYNC Data RX mode
< ASYNC Data receiving mode >
À ASYNC Data RX mode will be set always until a user change other mode.
We call this as ASYNC Data RX always mode for making it easy to say
‘#’ ASYNC Data RX mode will be change voice mode after a terminal receive ASYNC
Data once. We call this as ASYNC Data RX once mode for making it easy to say.
##53 + À : ASYNC Data RX always mode will be on
##53 + # : ASYNC Data RX once mode will be on
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PC FAX Rx Mode ‘##54’
- This mode enables a user to send and receive a FAX with a computer without a Fax module
and a Fax equipment.
- You can choose one of two behaviors in PC FAX Rx Mode for a receiving a fax..
< PC FAX Rx Mode >
À PC FAX Rx mode will be set always until a user change other mode.
We call this as PC FAX Rx always mode for making it easy to say.
‘#’ PC FAX Rx mode will be change voice mode after a terminal receive FAX once.
We call this as PC FAX Rx once mode for making it easy to say.
Note: Without setting this, a user is able to send a FAX always.But when a user want to
get a fax from air to PC, a user has to set this setting.
PC ASYNC Data Rx Mode ‘##55’
- This mode enables a user to receive a Async Data with a computer without a Fax module.
- You can choose one of two behaviors in PC ASYNC Data Rx Mode for a receiving a Async
< PC ASYNC Data Rx Mode >
À PC ASYNC Data Rx Mode will be set always until a user change other mode. We
call this as PC ASYNC Data Rx always mode for making it easy to say.
PC ASYNC Data Rx Mode will be change voice mode after a terminal receive
ASYNC Data once. We call this as PC ASYNC Data Rx once mode for making it
easy to say.
Note: Without setting this, a user is able to send a ASYNC Data always.But when a user
want to get a ASYNC Data from air to PC, a user has to set this setting.
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FAX TX Mode(use Fax Module) ‘##56’
- “TX” means “Transmit”
- Only In case that a terminal has a fax module currently, This command can affect the
- After setting this, You can send a fax data through a FAX machine wihout prefix dialing
- You can set and cancel this mode as a following table.
< FAX TX Mode >
À FAX TX mode will be set
‘#’ FAX TX mode will be canceled. A terminal mode will be back to a previous
Note: Without setting this, a user is able to send a FAX with Fax machine always with
prefix dial number, #0À, when you dial a specific number for a fax. After a sending
fax, a terminal will be back to a previous mode. a example is here.
Ex) Suppose you want to send a fax data to 12345678.
Dial on a FAX : #0À12345678
ASYNC Data Tx Mode (use Data Module) ‘##57’
- Only In case that a terminal has a fax module currently, This command can affect the
- You can set and cancel this mode as a following table.
<ASYNC Data Tx mode>
À ASYNC Data Tx mode will be set
‘#’ ASYNC Data Tx mode will be canceled.
A terminal mode will be back to a previous mode.
Note: Without setting this, a user is able to send a Async data always with prefix dial
number, #8À, when you dial a specific number for a Async data. After a sending
Async data, a terminal will be back to a previous mode. a example is here.
Ex) Suppose you want to send a async data to 12345678.
Dial on PC or POS equipment: #8À12345678
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FAX Type ‘##58’ + [ Fax Type]
- You can choose one of two fax types according to your service provider.
- A.4 and A.7 came from IS707 standard.
< FAX Type>
À FAX A.4. It usually be used at PC FAX
‘#’ FAX A.7
##58À : To set a fax type to A.4
##58# : To set a fax type to A.7
FAX Only ‘##59’
- Only In case that a terminal has a fax module currently, This command can affect the
- Actually, this mode is included FAX Tx mode and FAX Rx mode. So, At receiving time or
sending time, a user is able to send ot receive a fax data freely without any command.
- You can set and cancel this mode as a following table.
<ASYNC Data Tx mode>
À FAX only mode will be set
‘#’ FAX only mode will be canceled.
A terminal mode will be back to a previous mode.
VIII. Phone Book
You can make a quick dial supported up to 99.
[Sequence to make it]
- pick up the handset.
- Press phone number.
- Press À À.
- Press address number.
- Press À À.
- Confirmation tone is heard.
Ex) Suppose you want to make a quick dial of 1 memory address for 01032083343 no.
01032083343 Î À À Î 01 Î À À Î confirmation tone.
After this, Just pressing ‘1’ for a around 1 sec will make a call to 01032083343 immediately.
--- Additional page ---
Your wireless phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure
to radio frequency (RF)energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S.Government. These limits are part of
comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. The guidelines are based on
standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluate on of scientific studies.
The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The
SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg.*Tests for SAR are conducted with the phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all
tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while
operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use
only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power
output. Before a phone model is available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certified to the FCC that it does not exceed the
limit established by the government adopted requirement for safe exposure.
The tests are performed in positions and locations (e.g., at the ear and worn on the body) as required by the FCC for each model. The
highest SAR value for this model phone when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is
1.410 W/kg. (Body worn measurements differ among phone models, depending upon available accessories and FCC requirements).
While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the government
requirement for safe exposure. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels
evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can
be found under the Display Grant section of http://www.fcc.gov / oet / fcc id after searching on FCC ID : R2NSXT-800U.
Additional information on Specific Absorption Rates (SAR)can be found on the Cellular Telecommunications &Internet Association
(CTIA) web-site at http://phonefacts.net.*In the United States and Canada, the SAR limit for mobile phones used by the public is
1.6watts/kg (W/kg)averaged over one gram of tissue. The standard incorporates a substantial margin of safety to give additional
protection for the public and to account for any agitations in measurements.
In August 1996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States with its action in Report and Order FCC 96-326
adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated
transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies.
The design of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines and these international standards.
For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC website at www.fcc.gov
Near-Body Operation
To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, maintain a 2.5cm(0.98 inch), separation distance between the user's
body and the phone, including the antenna, whether extended or retracted.
WARNING! Read this information before use
Modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Compliance Information
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received. Including interference that may cause undesired
Information to User
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ tv technician for help.

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