Farsun Photoelectric Science Technologies FG2800 Wireless Barcode Scanner User Manual FG2600

Farsun Photoelectric Science Technologies co., LTD Wireless Barcode Scanner FG2600

User manual

         Barcode scanner   User¶s Manual
       2      Contents  Programming with Parameter ..............................................................  4 Interface selection ...................................................................................... 6 Scanning Mode Setting ............................................................................... 7 Keyboard wedge ......................................................................................... 9 USB interface ............................................................................................ 11 RS-232 Interface ....................................................................................... 12 Global Settings .......................................................................................... 16 Indication ..................................................................................................  21 EAN-13 and ISBN/ISSN .............................................................................. 22 EAN-8 ........................................................................................................  24 UPC-A ........................................................................................................  23 UPC-E ........................................................................................................  28 Code128 C................................................................................................. 28 Code 39 ..................................................................................................... 29 Code 93 ..................................................................................................... 32 Interleaved 2 of 5 ..................................................................................... 34 Industrial 2 of 5 ......................................................................................... 38 Matrix 2 of 5 ............................................................................................. 40 Codabar .................................................................................................... 37 Code 11 ..................................................................................................... 38 MSI/Plessey .............................................................................................. 44 UK/Plessey ................................................................................................  46
  3 GS1 DataBar (GS1 DataBar Truncated) ..................................................... 44 GS1 DataBar Limited ................................................................................. 45 GS1 DataBar Expanded ............................................................................. 50 Advanced Bar Code Data Formatting ....................................................... 51 Prefix ...................................................................................................  51 Suffix ...................................................................................................  52 Preamble ............................................................................................ 52 Postamble ...........................................................................................  53 Code ID ............................................................................................... 48 Code ID position ................................................................................. 48 Code name transmission .................................................................... 49 Code length transmission ................................................................... 49 Case conversion: ................................................................................. 49 Insert String G1 Setting ....................................................................... 50 Insert String G2 Setting ....................................................................... 50 Insert String G3 Setting ....................................................................... 50 Insert String G4 Setting ....................................................................... 51 FN1 substitution string setting ........................................................... 51 Truncate leading G5 String setting ..................................................... 57 Truncate ending G6 string setting ...................................................... 57 Replace String Setting ......................................................................... 58 Appendix 1 ASCII Table 1-2 ....................................................................... 53 Appendix 2 Parameter bar code ............................................................... 55 **Wireless Communication Setting͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙.56 Wireless Channel͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙.͙͙͙..57 RF operĂƚŝŶŐŵŽĚĞ͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙..͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙58
       4   Battery Status͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙.͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙͙.. 59 Programming with Parameter It is need to scan more than one setting barcode to program the scanner with parameter.     Program Parameters Notice: 1. Please carefully read the User Manual before using the barcode scanner. 2. All software, including firmware, furnished to the user is on a licensed basis. 3. The right is reserved to make changes to any software or product to improve reliability, function, or design. 4. The material in this manual is subject to change without notice. . when powered on, the wireless function will automatically send signal each 11seconds. For your health, turn it off is recommended when not use.5
  5  The steps of    programming are:  1. 6FDQWKH)XQFWLRQ6HWWLQJ%DUFRGH7KH6FDQQHUZLOOLVVXHDEHHS´sound, and the Red LED is on until the program is finished. 2. Scan the parameters bar code. The parameters may be one or more than one digits. 3. 6FDQWKHVHWWLQJEDUFRGH³)LQLVK6HWWLQJ´,ILWLVSURJUDPPHGVXFFHVVIXOWKHVFDQQHUZLOOLVVXHD³EHHSEHHS´VRXQGEXWLVVXHD³EHHSEHHSEHHS´VRXQGZKHQIDLOV  e.g.˖Set min. code length of Code 128 to 5 chars ˖ ƻ1˖Open the manual and turn chapter "code128 ". Scan the setting bar code ³Scan Min. Code Length´ Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅    ƻ2˖Turn to the last page of this Manual Appendix 10 Parameter bar code, VFDQWKHSDUDPHWHUEDUFRGH³´DQG  ³´˖  0   5
       6    ƻ3˖6FDQ³)LQLVK6HWWLQJ´ILQLVKWKHVHWWLQJ. Finish Setting  Set Factory Defaults If you wish to return the base unit to the entire factory default settings (radio FRPPXQLFDWLRQVHWWLQJLVQRWLQFOXGHGVFDQWKHEDUFRGH´Set Defaults´ Set Defaults  Interface selection This scanner supports interfaces such as keyboard wedge, RS-232 serial wedge, and USB interface. Typically, host is able to identify the host port type automatically. In extreme cases, host port may need setting manually if the host fails to identify it.   AutomaticIdentification*           USB
  7    PS/2KeyBoard                           RS232                           Scanning Mode Setting  Good-read off scanning Mode:    The trigger button must be pressed once to activate scanning. The light source of scanner stops scanning when there is a successful reading or no code is decoded after the Stand-by duration elapsed. Select Good-read off scanning Mode *
       8    Auto-detection scanning Mode: The scanner will start scan Automatically if any object enter the scan area. The laser light of scanner stops scanning when there is a successful reading or no code is decoded after the Stand-by duration elapsed. Once the laser light stops scanning, the present object must be remove away from the scan area to enable Auto-detect sensor. Select Auto-detection scan  Press Scanning Mode˖It can continue scan barcode when the button is continuing pressed.   Press Scanning Mode  Click Scanning Mode: When the button is click, the scanner will keep scanning the barcode until the barcode is reader or the Stand-by duration elapsed. Click Scanning Mode     Continuous Scanning mode:    the scan engine is always scanning and decoding. The module will read the barcode which gets into the scanning area automatically. Only when the barcode that has been read gets out of the scanning area, the module can read the next barcode.
  9  Select Continuous Scanning mode   Auto Continue mode: The scanner will start continuous scan Automatically if any object enter the scan area. When there is no bar code is read for half a minute, the scanner shutdown the laser line and exit continuous scanning mode.  Auto Continue mode              Keyboard wedge Keyboard type        IBM ATˈPS/2 *
       10         Other˄Reserved˅      Keyboard layout USA *  Italian  French  Turkish F  Turkish Q
  11 USB interface USB device type HID Keyboard*                        Virtual RS232 Port˄reserved˅                  Note: Virtual RS232 Port need driver!  IBM Table Top USB                     IBM Hand-Held USB                  USB OPOS Hand-Held   USB Keyboard layout USA*                              German                 French                               Other
       12      RS-232 Interface Baud Rate 2400   4800   9600*    19200   38400
  13 57600     Handshaking None˖Scan the bar code below if no Hardware Handshaking is desired None˄Default˅  Standard RTS/CTS˖Scan the bar code below to select Standard RTS/CTS Hardware Handshaking. Standard RTS/CTS  RTS/CTS Option 1: When RTS/CTS Option 1 is selected, the scanner asserts RTS before transmitting and ignores the state of CTS. The scanner de-asserts RTS when the transmission is complete. RTS/CTS Option 1  RTS/CTS Option 2: When Option 2 is selected, RTS is always high or low (user-programmed logic level). However, the scanner waits for CTS to be asserted before transmitting data. If CTS is not asserted within Host Serial Response Time-out, the scanner issues an error indication and discards the
       14   data RTS/CTS Option 2    RTS/CTS Option 3: When Option 3 is selected, the scanner asserts RTS prior to any data transmission, regardless of the state of CTS. The scanner waits up to Host Serial Response Time-out for CTS to be asserted. If CTS is not asserted during this time, the scanner issues an error indication and discards the data. The scanner de-asserts RTS when transmission is complete. RTS/CTS Option 3  ACK/NAK: When this option is selected, after transmitting data, the scanner expects either an ACK or NAK response from the host. When a NAK is received, the scanner transmits the same data again and waits for either an ACK or NAK. After three unsuccessful attempts to send data when NCK are received, the scanner issues an error indication and discards the data.  ACK/NCK   ENQ: When this option is selected, the scanner waits for an ENQ character from the host before transmitting data. If an ENQ is not received within the Host Serial Response Time-out, the scanner issues an error indication and
  15 discards the data. The host must transmit an ENQ character at least every Host Serial Response Time-out to prevent transmission errors. ENQ    ACK/NAK with ENQ: This combines the two previous options. For re-transmissions of data, due to a NAK from the host, an additional ENQ is not required.           ACK/NCK with ENQ   XON/XOFF: An XOFF character turns the scanner transmission off until the scanner receives an XON character. There are two situations for XON/XOFF: ;2))LVUHFHLYHGEHIRUHWKHVFDQQHUKDVGDWDWRVHQG:KHQWKHVFDQQHUhas data to send, it waits up to Host Serial Response Time-out for an XON character before transmission. If the XON is not received within this time, the scanner issues an error indication and discards the data. ;2))LVUHFHLYHGGXULQJDWUDQVPLVVLRQ'DWDWUDQVPLVVLRQWKHQVWRSVDIWHUsending the current byte. When the scanner receives an XON character, it sends the rest of the data message. The scanner waits up to 30 seconds for the XON XON/XOFF
       16   RTS Line State Host: Low RTS  ˄Default˅   Host: High RTS &RH  Host Serial Response Time-out    2 sec˄Default˅                      5 sec            7.5 sec                             10 sec            Data Bits 7-Bit                              8-Bit*˄Default˅                Stop Bit Select 1 Stop Bit˄Default˅                      2 Stop Bit
  17  Parity             None*˄Default˅  Odd  Even                  Select Mark parity and the parity bit is always 1. Mart  Select Space parity and the parity bit is always 0. Space  Global Settings   Element amendment   Enable Element amendment *  Disable Element amendment
       18    Printable character Output only   Enable  Disable*  Decoder optimization Enable Decoder optimization *  Disable Decoder optimization     Save Power Enable*  Disable
  19     Standby duration 2 second  5 second *  10 second  20 second      Double confirm   Disable Double confirm*                    5 Times
       20                2 Times                               10 Times               Same barcode delay time If a barcode has been scanned and output once successfully, the laser beam must be off or moved away from the barcode beyond delay time to active VFDQQLQJWKHVDPHEDUFRGH:KHQWKLVIHDWXUHLVVHWWREH³[))´WKHQWKHdelay time is indefinite.  Same barcode delay time˄2 Digits;00~99;00*˅   Global Max./Min. code length Global Max. code length˄2 Digits;00~99;99*)  Global Min. code length˄2 Digits;00~99;XX*)
  21 Global G1-G6 string selection Global Insert String 1(1 Digits˗0~6; 0*)  Global Insert String 2(1 Digits˗0~6; 0*)  Decode UPC/EAN Only With Supplemental   Enable                           Disable *               Indication Volume of beeper      High*  Middle  Low  Mute
       22     Beep tone            High Tone  Middle Tone *  Low Tone    EAN-13 and ISBN/ISSN Enable/Disable EAN-13 Enable EAN-13*                     Disable EAN-13                 EAN-13 Check Digit Verification Enable EAN-13 Check Digit Verification *
  23   Disable EAN-13 Check Digit Verification  EAN-13 Check Digit Transmission Transmit EAN-13 Check Digit*  Do Not Transmit EAN-13 Check Digit  EAN13 Supplement Digits 2 Digits  5 Digits  2 Digits or 5 Digits  None*
       24    ISBN/ISSN Conversion   Convert EAN-13 to ISBN/ISSN  Do Not Convert EAN-13 to ISBN/ISSN*   EAN-8  Enable/Disable EAN-8 Enable EAN-8*  Disable EAN-8  EAN-8 Check Digit Verification Enable EAN-8 Check Digit Verification *  Disable EAN-8 Check Digit Verification
  25  EAN-8 Check Digit Transmission Transmit EAN-8 Check Digit L*  Do Not Transmit EAN-8 Check Digit    EAN-8 Supplement Digits 2 Digits  5 Digits  2 Digits or 5 Digits  None*
       26   Expand EAN-8 to EAN-13 Expand to EAN-13                  Do Not Convert to EAN-13*                 EAN-8 &RGH,'VHWWLQJ³G´  Scan Code ID˄2 Digits˗00~FF˗ 64*˅        UPC-A Enable UPC-A 0*                      Disable UPC-A                UPC-A Check Digit Verification Enable UPC-A Check Digit Verification *  Disable UPC-A Check Digit Verification  UPC-A Check Digit Transmission
  27 Transmit UPC-A Check Digit *  Do Not Transmit UPC-A Check Digit   Supplement Digits 2 Digits                             5 Digits                 2 Digits or 5 Digits                         None *                 UPC-A Truncation/Expansion Expand UPC-A to EAN-13  Truncate leading zeros    None*
       28     UPC-E  Enable/Disable UPC-E Enable UPC-E*                   Disable UPC-E               UPC-E Check Digit Verification Enable UPC-E Check Digit Verification *  Disable UPC-E Check Digit Verification  UPC-E Check Digit Transmission Transmit UPC-E Check Digit *  Do Not Transmit UPC-E Check Digit
  29  Supplement Digits     2 Digits                            5 Digits                2 Digits or 5 Digits                      None*                UPC-E Truncation/Expansion Truncate leading zeros  Expand UPC-E to EAN-13  Expand UPC-E to UPC-A  None*
       30   Code128 C   Enable Code 128*                    Disable Code 128                Code128 Check Digit Verification Enable Code 128 Check Digit Verification *   Disable Code 128 Check Digit Verification  Code 128 Check Digit Transmission Transmit Code 128 Check Digit *   Do Not Transmit Code 128 Check Digit
  31  Code128 Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅   UCC/EAN 128   Enable/Disable UCC/EAN 128 Enable*                            Disable                 UCC/EAN 128 Check Digit Verification Enable*                        Disable
       32   UCC/EAN 128 Check Digit Transmission Transmit Check Digit *           Do Not Transmit  Check Digit                UCC/EAN 128 Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅   Code 39 Enable/Disable Code 39   Enable*                           Disable                 Code 39 Check Digit Verification
  33 Enable                            Disable*                  Code 39 Check Digit Transmission Transmit Code 39 Check Digit      Do Not Transmit Code 39 Check Digit *                  Code 39 Full ASCII Conversion    Enable Code 39 Full ASCII            Disable Code 39 Full ASCII *                   Start/End transmission   Enable Code 39 Start/End transmission     Disable Enable Code 39 Start/End transmission *
       34     Convert Code 39 to Code 32 Enable Convert Code 39 to Code 32   Disable Convert Code 39 to Code 32*    &RGH3UHIL[³$´WUDQVPLVVLRQ Enable &RGH3UHIL[³$´WUDQVPLVVLRQ  Disable &RGH3UHIL[³$´WUDQVPLVVLRQ*  ³´DVGDWDFKDUDFWHU Enable
  35 Disable*   Code39 Length  Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗1*˅   Code 93 Enable/Disable Code 93       Enable*                         Disable               Code 93 Check Digit Verification Enable Code 93 Check Digit Verification *
       36     Disable Code 93 Check Digit Verification  Code 93 Check Digit Transmission Transmit Check Digit *                       Do Not Transmit Check Digit                         Code 93 Full ASCII Conversion Enable Code 93 Full ASCII     Disable Code 93 Full ASCII *
  37   Code 93 Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅   Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅          Interleaved 2 of 5 Data digits (Variable)  Check digit (one bit ,optional)  Interleaved 2 of 5 Enable*                     Disable
       38   Interleaved 2 of 5 Check Digit Verification Enable                           Disable*              Interleaved 2 of 5 Check Digit Transmission Transmit Check Digit                Do Not Transmit Check Digit *              Interleaved 2 of 5 Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅   Industrial 2 of 5 Enable/Disable Industrial 2 of 5
  39 Enable*                           Disable                Industrial 2 of 5    Check Digit Verification Enable                          Disable *               Industrial 2 of 5 Check Digit Transmission Transmit Check Digit            Do Not Transmit Check Digit *               Industrial 2 of 5 Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅
       40   Matrix 2 of 5 Enable/Disable Matrix 2 of 5   Enable*                           Disable                 Matrix 2 of 5 Check Digit Verification Enable                               Disable *                Matrix 2 of 5 Check Digit transmission Transmit Check Digit              Do Not Transmit Check Digit *                Matrix 2 of 5 Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅
  41   Coda bar   Enable/Disable Codabar    Enable*                           Disable                    Coda bar Check Digit Verification Enable                              Disable*               Coda bar Check Digit Transmission Transmit Check Digit                Do Not Transmit Check Digit *                Coda bar Start/End type ABCD/ABCD  *                        abcd/abcd
       42                 ABCD/TN*E                            abcd/tn*e               Coda bar Start/End transmission Enable  Disable *    Coda bar Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅
  43 Code 11 Enable/Disable Code 11 Enable*                                     Disable                Code 11 Check Digit Verification Enable 1bit check Digit *  Enable 2 bit check Digit    Disable check Digit    Code 11 Check Digit Transmission Transmit Code11 Check Digit     Do Not Transmit Code11 Check Digit *
       44     Code 11 Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ4*˅    MSI/Plessey Enable/Disable MSI/Plessey   Enable *0  Disable   MSI/Plessey Check Digit Verification
  45 Enable 1 digit˄Mod10˅  Enable 2 digit˄Mod10/10˅  Enable 2 digit˄Mod11/10˅  Disable*    MSI/Plessey Check Digit Transmission Transmit MSI/Plessey Check Digit   Do Not Transmit MSI/Plessey Check Digit *
       46   MSI/Plessey Length Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅   Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ4*˅          UK/Plessey Check digit verification: The UK/Plessey has two optional check digits. The check digit 1 and check digit 2 will be calculated as the sum module 10 or 11 of the data digits. Enable UK /Plessey *                  Disable UK /Plessey
  47 UK/Plessey Check Digit Verification Enable*                            Disable                UK /Plessey Check Digit Transmission Transmit Check Digit               Do Not Transmit Check Digit *              UK/Plessy Lenght Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅  Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅   GS1 DataBar (GS1 DataBar Truncated)   GS1 DataBar Truncated is structured and encoded the same as the standard GS1 DataBar format, except its height is reduced to a 13 modules minimum; while GS1 DataBar should have a height greaterthan or equal to 33 modules.
       48   Enable/Disable GS1 DataBar Enable *                             Disable               Conversion Convert GS1 DataBar to UCC/EAN 128   Convert GS1 DataBar to UPC-A or EAN-13   Disable Conversion *      GS1 Data Bar Limited Enable/Disable GS1 DataBar Limited
  49 Enable*                        Disable                 Conversion Convert GS1 DataBar Limited UCC/EAN 128   Convert GS1 DataBar Limited UPC-A OR EAN-13   Disable Conversion*
       50   GS1 DataBar Expanded  Enable/Disable GS1 DataBar Expanded   Enable*                          Disable                  Conversion Convert GS1 DataBar to UCC/EAN 128      Disable Conversion*                 GS1 DataBar Expanded Lenght Scan Max. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99˗99*˅   Scan Min. Code Length˄2 Digits˗00~99ˈ1*˅
  51    Advanced Bar Code Data Formatting Format of barcode data transmission˖ Prefix Code name Preamble Code ID Code length Code data Code ID Postamble Suffix Suffix Quick Setup CR *L0                                    LF                   CR & LF                                   None                  Prefix Transmit Prefix:  Do Not Transmit Prefix *    Scan Prefix˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅
       52      Suffix    The default Suffix is CRDŽ Transmit Suffix *  Do Not Transmit Suffix    Scan Suffix˄0~22 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅    Preamble Transmit Preamble  Do Not Transmit Preamble *
  53 Scan preamble˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅    Postamble Transmit Postamble  Do Not Transmit Postamble *  Scan Postamble˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅    Code ID Transmit Proprietary ID  Transmit AIM ID  Do Not Transmit Code ID*
       54    Code ID position Before code data                 After code data *             Code name transmission Transmit Code name               Do Not Transmit Code name *              Code length transmission Transmit Code length             Do Not Transmit Code length *             Case conversion: The characters within code data or the whole output string can be set in either upper case or lower case Disable*  Upper (data only)
  55 Lower (data only)                 Upper (whole string)    Lower (whole string)  Insert String G1 Setting Scan Inert String G1˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅  Scan the Position of G1˄2 Digits˗00~99˗ 00*˅  Insert String G2 Setting Scan Inert String G2˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅  Scan the Position of G2˄2 Digits˗00~99˗ 00*˅
       56   Insert String G3 Setting G3 is also used as the string to be replaced when the replace function is enabled.     Scan Inert String G3˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅  Scan the Position of G3˄2 Digits˗00~99˗ 00*˅  Insert String G4 Setting G4 is also used as the string to replace G3 in a bar code data when the replace function is enabled.  Scan Inert String G4˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅   Scan the Position of G4˄2 Digits˗00~99˗ 00*˅  FN1 substitution string setting The FN1 character (0x1D) in an UCC/EAN128 barcode, or a Code 128 barcode, or a GS1 DataBar barcode can be substituted with a defined string.
  57 Enable FN1 Substitution  Disable FN1 Substitution *   Scan FN1 substitution string setting˄0~4 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅    Truncate leading G5 String setting By setting G5, a defined leading character or string can be truncated. G5 can also be set to be repeated.   Scan G5 String˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅  Truncate leading G5 string setting (2 Digits˗00~99˗ 01*˅  Truncate ending G6 string setting By setting G6, a defined ending character or string can be truncated. G5 can also be set to be repeated.
       58   Scan G6 String˄0~16 Charsˈ2 Digits /Char˗00~FF˗ 00*˅   Scan Repeat of a G6 String (2 Digits˗00~99˗ 01*˅  Replace String Setting Replace G3 string to G4 string in barcode data. Enable                           Disable *                 Appendix 1 ASCII Table Table 1 Function Keys H  L  P/S2 keyboard //USB  RS--232   0  1  0  1  0  Null   NUL  DLE  1  Up  F1  SOH  DC1  2  Down  F2  STX  DC2  3  Left  F3  ETX  DC3
  59 4  Right  F4  EOOT DC4  5  PgUp  F5  ENQ  NAK  6  PgDn  F6  ACK  SYN  7   F7  BEL  ETB  8  Bs  F8  BS  CAN  9  Tab  F9  HT  EM  A   F10  LF  SUB  B  Home  Esc  VT  ESC  C  End  F11  FF  FS  D  Enter  F12  CR  GS  E  Insert  Ctrl+  SO  RS  F  Delete  Alt+  SI  US  Example˖ĀTabā Ā09ā.  Table 2  Chars    HH  LL 2  3  4  5  6  7  0 SP 0 @ P ` p 1 ! 1 A Q a q 2  Ā 2 B R b  r
       60   3 # 3 C S c s 4 $ 4 D T d t 5 % 5 E U e u 6 & 6 F V f v 7  þ 7 G W g  w 8  ˄ 8 H X h  x 9  ˅ 9 I Y i  y A * ˖ J  Z  j  z B + ; K [ k { C , < L \ l | D - = M ] m } E . > N ^ n ~ F / ? O _ o DEL Example˖$6&,,Āʽā Āā.   Appendix 2 Parameter bar code 0  %N0                            1  %N1                                       2                               3
  61                               4                               5                                                      6                               7                                                    8                               9                        A                               B                            C                               D                                                     E                                F                                              Finish Setting
       62   Wireless Communication Setting   Unpair the scanner from host Unpair the scanner from host   Pair Scanner with Host Pairing is the process by which a scanner initiates communication with a host. The scanner with the Host pairing as follows: 1. Connect the scanner to the Host with the Charging Cable.   3UHVVWKH3DLULQJ%XWWRQ´XQWLOWKH6FDQQHULVVXHGDEHHSEHHSVRXQG NOTE: A host is able to work with as more as 99 scanners at the same time.   Clear the Buffer of Scanner   Scan the setting bar code below will clear the bar code data save in the scanner buffer. Clear the Buffer of Scanner
  63    Wireless Channel When there are more than one host work in the same Space, every host has to work in different channel. Channel is set as follows: 1. Open a Notepad or other text editor.   2. Press the "Channel Settings button" to change the channel of a host, and the channel NO will be displayed in the screen.  Scanner ID Set the Scanner ID˄2 Digits˗00~99˗00*˅  Add Scanner ID as Prefix If this item is enabled, the scanner will add its ID as prefix of every barcode. E.g. When scan the bar code ³´LIWKH,'RIWKHVFDQQHULV³´DQGWKHRXWSXWEDUFRGHGDWDZLOOEH  ³,'´ NOTE: The ID of a scanner can be set manually or assigned by the host DXWRPDWLFDOO\(YHU\VFDQQHUZRUNZLWKWKHVDPH+RVWFDQ¶WEHZLWKWKHsame ID.  Enable Add Scanner ID as Prefix      Disable Add Scanner ID as Prefix *
       64                     Power off Interval Power Off Interval˄2 Digits˗00~99seconds˗15seconds*˅4   Shut down the Scanner Immediately     RF operating mode: Auto-Store Mode: The scanner starts storing barcode data when it loses its connection to a host (for example, when a user holding the scanner walks out of range). Data transmission is triggered by reestablishing the connection with hsot (for example, when a user holding the scanner walks back into range). Auto-Store Mode*
  65  NO-Store Mode:   Do not batch data. The scanner attempts to transmit every scanned barcode. If the transmission is failed, the barcode data is ignored and issued a "beep EHHSEHHS´VRXQG NO-Store Mode    Manual Transmission Mode : Data transmission is triggered by scanning ³Start transfer Bar Code Data´  Manual Transmission Mode   Start transfer Bar Code Data (for Manual Transmission Mode)   Wireless Communication Inter-character delay
       66   Scan Wireless Communication Inter-character delay˄2 Digits˗0.0~9.9seconds˗0.5seconds*˅   Battery Status  *Scan the barcodeˈthe battery status will display on your screen.
  67 FCC Statement Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.   This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.    These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.   -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions (1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation

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