Fibocom Wireless H330 UMTS/HSPA + MODULE User Manual USERS MANUAL



                                       H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Manual   Version: V1.0.0 Date: 2012-05-29
H330 HSPA+ ConfidenThis docum(Fibocom). engineeringrequirementsubject to cof G&T.  CopyrigTransmittal,contents anbe held liabor design paCopyright © Revision VeV1 Tradema The FIBOCservice namCopyright ©       Module Hardntial Matment containsFibocom offg efforts that ts specificalhange. Discht , reproductiond communicle for paymeatent are res©1999-2010 n Historyrsion 1.0.0 arks NotOM Logo is mes or Logos©1999-2012 ware User Material s informationfers this info use the proly provided closure of thon, dissemincation thereoent of damaserved. Shenzhen Gy Date 2012-05-29ice   registered bs are the proShenzhen Ganual        n highly conormation as aoducts desigto Fibocom is informationation and/oof to others ges. All righG&T Industr9 Initialby Shenzhenoperty of theG&T Industr              nfidential to Sa service to gned by Fiboby the custoon to other por editing of twithout exphts created brial Developmn G&T Induseir respectivrial Developm           Shenzhen Gits customeocom. The inomers. All spparties is prothis documeress authoriby patent grament Co., LtRemastrial Develoe owners.ment Co., Lt            G&T Industriaers, to supponformation ppecificationsohibited withent as well azation are pant or registtd. All rightsarks opment Co., td. All rights            al Developmort applicatioprovided is bs supplied hhout the writts utilization prohibited. Oration of a us reserved.    Ltd. All othes reserved.   Page 2 of 44ment Co., Ltdon and based upon erein are ten consent of its Offenders wilutility model er product o           d ll r
H330 HSPA+  1Preface1.1S1.2S2Introdu2.1P2.2P2.3P3Machan3.1D3.2R4Hardwa4.1B4.2P4.24.25Hardwa5.1P5.O5.U5.45.4Module Harde .................Scope ........Standards ..ction ..........Product DesProduct SpeProduct Appnical ...........Dimension .Recommendare Scope ..Block DiagraPin Definitio2.1Pin M2.2Pin Dare InterfacePower Interf1.1VBAT1.2Powe1.3VIO .1.4VRTCOn/Off/Rese2.1Pin D2.2Powe2.3Powe2.4ReseIndicator Sig3.1Pin D3.2IndicaUSB Interfac4.1USB 4.2USB ware User Ma........................................................................scription .....ecification ...pearance ........................................d PCB .............on ...............Map ............Description ..e .................face Consump..................C on off ................gnal ............Description ..ator Descripce ..............Pin DescripDesign ......anual .......................................................................................................................................................................ption .......................................................................................................................................................................................ption ...............................ption ...............................              Contents................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................           s ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................            ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................            ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Page 3 of 44................. 5................. 5................. 5................. 6................. 6................. 6............... 10................ 11................ 11............... 12............... 13............... 13............... 14............... 14............... 14............... 20............... 20............... 20............... 21............... 24............... 24............... 25............... 25............... 26............... 26............... 27............... 28............... 28............... 29............... 30............... 30............... 30           55566601123344400014455667889000
H330 HSPA+ 5.5U5.55.55.6U5.A5.75.75.8D5.85.85.9O6Electric6.1E6.2E7RF Inte7.1O7.17.17.2R7.27.27.3A7.37.3 Module HardUART .........5.1UART5.2UARTUSIM .........6.1USIM6.2USIM6.3USIM6.4USIMAnalog Audi7.1Pin D7.2AudioDigital Audio8.1I2S ..8.2I2C ..Other and EnviElectrical ChEnvironmenerface .........Operational 1.1Main 1.2DiverRF PCB De2.1Layo2.2ImpeAntenna De3.1Main 3.2Diverware User Ma..................T Interface .T Design ......................M Interface ..M Design .....M Design NoM Hot Plug ...............Description ..o Descriptioo ......................................................................ronmental ..haracteristicntal Characte..................Band ........Antenna ....rsity ............sign ...........ut Guidelinedance ........esign ...........Antenna Dersity antennaanual        ..................................................................................................................otice .....................................................................n ................................................................................................................c ..................eristic .........................................................................................................e ........................................................esign Requia design .....              ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................rement ..........................           ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................            ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................            ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Page 4 of 44............... 31............... 31............... 32............... 33............... 33............... 33............... 34............... 35............... 35............... 35............... 36............... 37............... 38............... 38............... 38............... 39............... 39............... 39............... 40............... 40............... 40............... 40............... 41............... 41............... 41............... 41............... 41............... 43           1123334555678889990000111113
H330 HSPA+ 1 Prefa1.1 ScoThis manuathe H330 HThis manuaavailability oand softwar1.2 Stan 3GPP T 3GPP T(DTE-D 3GPP T 3GPP Tradio in 3GPP T 3GPP T 3GPP reselec 3GPP TStage 2 3GPP T 3GPP T 3GPP T 3GPP T 3GPP T 3GPP TModule 3GPP Tspecific 3GPP T 3GPP T 3GPP TModule Hardace ope al provides thSPA+ modual gives a coof any featurre version ofndards TS  27.007TS  27.005DCE) interfacTS  23.040TS  24.011 nterface   TS  27.010TS  27.060 TS  25.30ction in connTS  25.3082 TS  25.309TS  23.038TS  21.111 TS  31.111 TS  45.002TS  51.014e -  Mobile ETS  51.010cation  TS  22.004TS  23.090TS  24.008ware User Mahe electricalule in a host mplete set ore or functiof a specific H -v6.9.0: AT  -v6.0.1: Usce for Short -v6.9.0: Tec-v6.1.0: Po -v6.0.0: Ter -v6.0.0: Pa04-v6.10.0: Unected mode -v6.4.0: Hig -v6.6.0: FD -v6.1.0: Alp-v6.3.0: US-v6.11.0 "US -v6.12.0: M -v4.5.0: SpEquipment ( -1 -v6.7.0:  -v6.0.0: Ge -v6.1.0: Un v6.19, Mobanual        , mechanicaapplication.of hardware n, which is dH330 HAPA+command se of Data Te Message Schnical realiint- to - Poinrminal Equipcket domainUser Equipme  gh Speed DoDD enhancedphabets andIM and IC cSIM ApplicaMultiplexing aecification o(SIM-ME) inMobile Statieneral on sunstructured Sbile radio inte              al and enviro  features andescribed in + module.set for User erminal EquService (SMSzation of Shnt (PP) Shorpment to Usn; Mobile Stament (UE) prownlink Pacd uplink; Ov language -card requiremation Toolkit and  multipof the SIM Aterface  ion (MS) conpplementarySupplementaerface Laye           onmental rend functions this manuaEquipment ipment -DatS) and Cell Bhort Messagrt Message Ser Equipmeation (MS) srocedures incket Access erall descripspecific infoments   (USAT)"  le access onpplication Tonformance sy services ary Service r 3 specifica            quirements that may bel, depends o(UE)  a Circuit terBroadcast Se Service (SService (SMnt (TE-UE) mupporting Pn idle mode (HSDPA); Option; Stage ormation  n the radio poolkit for thespecificationData (USSDation;               for properlye provided bon the hardwminating EqService (CBSSMS)   MS) support omultiplexer packet Switchand procedOverall desc2   path  e Subscribern; Part 1: CoD); Stage 2 Page 5 of 44y integrating y H330. Theware revisionquipment S)  on mobile protocol  hed servicesures for cellription; r Identity onformance              e n s
H330 HSPA+ 2 Intro2.1 ProdH330 is a hGSM/GPRS850/900/1902.2 ProdProduct FSupporteData: Physical:EnvironmModule Hardoductionduct Desigh integrity S/EDGE GS00/2100MHzduct SpeFeatures ed Bands: • 4 Band U  850/900• 4 Band G  850/900• UMTS/H• HSUPA 5• HSDPA 2• GSM 3G• EDGE (E• GPRS m: • Size:33• Height:• Mounting• Weight:mental • Operatinware User Man scription3G WCDMAM850/900/Dz. ecificatioUMTS/HSPA0/1900/2100GSM  0/1800/1900SDPA/HSU5.76Mbps (C21Mbps (CaGPP release E-GPRS) mumulti-slot clas3.8mm x 27.2.45 mm g:LGA < 6 grams g Temperatanual        n A wireless mDCS1800/PCon A (WCDMA/0 MHz 0 MHz PA 3GPP reCat 6) at 14) 7 ulti-slot classss 12 .8mm ture:-30℃              module, LGACS1900MHz/FDD) elease 7 s 12 ~ +65℃            A package, 1z and UMTS            120 pin. It caS/HSDPA/HS            an support SUPA/HSPAPage 6 of 44A+
H330 HSPA+ PerformaOperatingCurrent CTx PowerRx SensitInterface ConnectoConnectivModule Hard• Storage ance g Voltage • Voltage: Consumptio• 2mA (Sle• 3G Idle: • 3G Talk: • 2G Talk: r(Typical) • UMTS/H• GSM 850• GSM 180• EDGE 85• EDGE 18tivity(Typic• UMTS/H• GSM:-1ors • RF Throu• Main Ant• Diversityvity • 1*USB 2• 2*UART ware User MaTemperatur3.6 ~ 4.2V on(Typical) eep Mode) 35mA 500mA 260mA (GSSPA Class30/900 MHz C00/1900 MH50/900 MHz800/1900 Mcal) SPA:-109d107dBm ugh Pads intenna y Antenna .0  anual        re:-40  ~℃SM PCL5)3 (24dBm)Class4 (33dHz Class1 (3z Class E2 (2Hz Class E2dBm  LGA, 2 x m              +85℃ dBm) 30dBm) 27dBm) 2 (26dBm)mini-UFL in P           PCIe model                        Page 7 of 44
H330 HSPA+ Data FeatHSPA+ EDGE GPRS CSD SMS Voice FeaModule Hard• MUX Ov• Multiple • SPI Supp• I2C Supp• I2S Supptures • Embedde• Max uplin• Max dow• Multi-slot(4 Down; 4• Coding S• Multi-slot(4 Down; 4• Coding S• UMTS • GSM • MO / MT• Cell broaatures • Telephonware User Maer UART1 Profiles oveport port port ed TCP/IP ank 5.76Mbpwnlink 21Mbpt class 12 4 Up; 5 TotaScheme MCt class 12 4 Up; 5 TotaScheme CS1T Text and Padcast ny anual        r USB and UDP/IP s ps al) CS1-MCS9al) 1-CS4 PDU modes              protocol sta           ack                         Page 8 of 44
H330 HSPA+ Audio CoCharacteControl/SAT CommAccessorRegulatoModule Hard• Analog a• Voice coontrol • Broad ga• Echo sup• Noise su• Side toner Set • IRA • GSM • UCS2 • HEX Status Indic• GPIO’s • A/D • RTC mand Set • G&T pro• GSM 07.• GSM 07.ries • Firmware• User Ma• Developery and App• FCC ware User Maand Digital Aoders EFR/Hain control ppression uppression e cations prietary AT .05 .07 e Loader Tonual er Kit provals anual        Audio HR/FR/AMRcommandsool over USB              B/UART                                     Page 9 of 44
H330 HSPA+ 2.3 ProdH330 HTop Vie          Bottom              Module Hardw• RoHS • CE • RRB duct AppHSPA+ Moduew: m View: ware User Mapearanceule Appearaanual        e ance is below               w。                                     Page 10 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ 3 Mech3.1 DimModule Hardwhanical mension ware User Maanual                      Top ViewSide ViewBottom View            w                           Page 11 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ 3.2 RecModule Hardwcommendware User Mad PCB Deanual        esign                                                   Page 12 of 44            4
H330 HSPA+ 4 Hard4.1 BlocModule Hardwdware Scck Diagraware User Macope am anual                                                          Page 13 of 44            4
H330 HSPA+ 4.2 Pin 4.2.1 Pin4.2.2 PinNotice: H33H330 Pin dePin# PPower 59 V60 V61 V62 V64 V1 VModule HardwDefinition Map n Descripti30 logic elecescription:Pin Name VBAT VBAT VBAT VBAT VPA VTRX ware User Maon ion ctrical level is anual        s1.8V. I/O I I I I O O               DescriptPower suPower suPower su           tion upply upply indicatupply indicat             tor for RF PAtor for RF tra            A ansceiver Page 14 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ 46 V47 VOn/off 48 P49 PReset 77 RUSIM 4 U5 U6 U7 U8 UHigh Speed9 U10 UAudio 13 A14 A15 E16 E17 M18 M19 A20 A21 AModule HardwVIO VRTC POWER_OFPOWER_ONRESET_ALLUSIM_CD USIM_VCC USIM_RST USIM_CLK USIM_DATAd SIM USIM_D+ USIM_D- AUXO+ AUXO- EAR- EAR+ MIC+ MIC- AUXI- AUXI+ AGND ware User MaFF N L_N A anual        O I/O I I I I O O O I/O   O O O O I I I I GND              Digital poReal timeOff controOn controExternal USIM insUSIM poUSIM resUSIM cloUSIM daHigh speHigh speAudio chAudio chAudio chAudio chAudio chAudio chAudio chAudio chAudio GN           ower supply e clock poweol signal ol signal reset signalsert detect, lower supplyset ock ata eed SIM USBeed SIM USBannel2 outpannel2 outpannel1 outpannel1 outpannel1 inpuannel1 inpuannel2 inpuannel2 inpuND             1.8V. er ,1.71V ~ ow activity B data line+B data line-put+ put - put - put + ut + ut - ut - ut +。             1.89V (No suppo(No supporPage 15 of 44ort) rt)            4
H330 HSPA+ 22 VI2S 11 I224 I225 I226 I227  I2USB 31 U32 U33 U34 V92 UI2C 28 I229 I2UART1 35 U36 U37 U38 U39 U40 U41 U42 UUART2 Module HardwVSPK 2S2_CLK1 2S2_CLK0 2S2_WA0 2S2_TX 2S2_RX USB_DP USB_DM USB_ID VUSB USB_TEST 2C_SDA 2C_SCL UART1_RI UART1_DSRUART1_DTRUART1_DCDUART1_CTSUART1_RTSUART1_TXDUART1_RXDware User MaR R D S S D D anual        I O O O O I I/O I/O — I — I/O O O I O O I O O I               Audio coVBATI2S2 clocI2S2 clocI2S2 worI2S2 tranI2S2 receUSB dataUSB dataUSB ID lUSB powUSB TESI2C data I2C clockUART1 RUART1 DUART1 DUART1 CUART1 CUART1 RUART1 TUART1 R           odec speakeck ck rd alignmentnsmit line eive line a line + a line - ine wer supplyST line line k line Ring indicatoDTE Data SeDCE Data TeCarrier DeteClear to senRequest to sTransmitted Received Da            er part powert select or et ready erminal readct d send Data ata             r supply, condy Page 16 of 44nnect to            4
H330 HSPA+ 45 U44 UADC 50 A51 AEINT 56 W57 EUSB HSIC 90 H91 HAntenna 67 A71 AOther 23 D53 T54 C55 C89 S86 LNot Conne73 N74 N75 N76 NModule HardwUART2_TXDUART2_RXDADC2 ADC1 WAKE_UP EINT2 HSIC_USB_HSIC_USB_ANT_MAIN ANT_DIV DACOUT T_OUT0 CLKOUT0 CLK32K SMI LPG ct NC NC NC NC ware User MaD D _DATA _STRB anual        O I   I I   I I     I O                   UART2 TUART2 RAnalog dAnalog dWake upExternal HSIC USHSIC USMain antDiversity No SuppNo suppoNo suppoNo suppoSleep MoModule w               Transmitted Received Dadigital convedigital convep signal, low interrupt, lowSB data signSB pulse sigenna port, 5antenna poport ort ort ort ode Indicatoword mode i            Data ata rter 2(No srter 1(No sactivity. w activity. nal(No suppnal(No sup50ohm impeort, 50ohm imor ndicator             support) support) port) pport) edance mpedance Page 17 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ 105 N106 N107 N108 N78 N79 N80 N81 N82 N83 N84 N85 N87 N88 N94 N95 N96 N101 NGND 2 G12 G21 G30 G43 G58 G63 GModule HardwNC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC GND GND GND GND GND GND GND ware User Maanual                                                                                                            Page 18 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ 65 G66 G68 G69 G70 G72 G93 G97 G98 G99 G100 G102 G103 G104 G109 G110 G111 G112 G113 G114 G115 G116 G117 G118 G119 G120 GModule HardwGND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND ware User Maanual                                                                                                              Page 19 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ 5 Hard5.1 Pow5.1.1 VBAThe H330 pmust be abl2.0A.  It is requiremParametVBAT Special caresource indiramplifier (PAtransients, wThe burst-mfrom the powtransmissiodrop. If the vperformancIt is recommH330 interfaIn any caseburst. Droppan automatiTo minimizeguidelines:  Use a 1located Use low Use ca Filter th  Module Hardwdware Inwer InterfAT power supplyle to sustainment below:ter M3e must be tarectly supplieA). Thereforwill directly amode operatwer supply, n bursts convoltage drope.  mended that ace connect, the H330 sping below tic power-offe the losses  1000 uF, or gd as near to w impedancebling and rohe H330 supware User Materface face y must be a n the voltage: Min. 3.6  aken when des all the digre, any degraffect the H3ion of the Gwhich causensume the mps are not mthe voltage tor.  supply inputhe minimum.  and transiegreater, lowthe H330 ine power sououting as shopply lines usanual        single extere level duringRec3.8designing thegital and anaadation in th330 performSM transmises temporarmost instantaminimized, thdrops durin must not drm operating lnts on the p ESR capacterface connurce, cablingort as possibsing filtering               rnal DC voltag a GSM tracommend  e power supalog interfache power suance.  ssion and rery voltage draneous currhe frequent vng a transmitrop below thevel may repower supplycitor on the Hnector as pog and board ble.  capacitors,            age source ansmit burst Max.4.2 pply of the Hces, but alsopply performeception drarops of the prent, and thevoltage fluctt burst will nhe minimum esult in a lowy lines, it is rH330 supplyossible.  routing.  as describe            of 3.6V to 4current sergH330. The sio directly supmance, due aws instantapower supplerefore caustuations mayot exceed 3operating lew voltage detrecommendy inputs. Thed in the tabl            .2V. The powge, which mUnit V ngle externapplies the Rto losses, nneous currey level. Thee the largesy degrade th300mV, measevel during atection, whiced to follow e capacitor sle.  Page 20 of 44wer supply ay reach al DC powerRF power oises or ent surges st voltage he H330 sured on thea transmit ch will initiatethese should be            4 r e e
H330 HSPA+ RecomCapacito1000uF 10nF, 108.2pF, 133pF, 39 5.1.2 PowParametI off I idle I sleep IGSM-RMS Module Hardwmended or 00nF 0pF 9pF wer Consuter DesRTCIdleLowmoGS1 T1 Rware User MaUsage GSM TrasDigital sw1800/190b850/900 Mumption scription C mode e mode w power de M voice - TX slot      Rx slot anual        ansmit curreserge witching nois00 MHz GSMbands Hz GSM baConditio    DRX DRX DRX   GSM850EGSM90DCS180              Descnt Minimburstse FiltersourcM Filternds Filteron 0 PCL 00 PCL 00 PCL            cription mizes powets. Use maxrs digital logces.  rs transmissrs transmissT522 25 29 25 210 715 419 45 210 715 419 40 5 610 4            er supply losimum possigic noises frsion EMI.   sion EMI.   Typical 53uA 20.4  2.0  2.0 2.0  222.8  77.8  48.9  44.9  229.8  78.3  45.3  44.3  152.0  68.0  47.1              sses duringble value.   rom clocks Unit uA mA mA mA Page 21 of 44 transmit and data            4
H330 HSPA+ IGPRS-RMSIEGPRS-RMModule HardwS GP- 4 T1 RMS EG12 4 T1 Rware User MaPRS Class 12TX slot Rx slot PRS Class - TX slot Rx slot anual        PCS1902 GSM850EGSM90DCS180PCS190GSM850EGSM90              00 PCL 0 PCL 00 PCL 00 PCL 00 PCL 0 PCL 00 PCL            15 40 5 610 415 45 510 215 19 95 510 215 19 90 35 10 915 80 35 10 15 98 414 19 98 514             45.0  150.9  68.6  47.1  44.6  565.1  213.6  105.4  91.3  583.4  217.7  105.5  911.0  353.5  167.6  95.3  86.3  373.7  174.4  100.4  91.6  488.7  142.4  90.9  504.7  146.9              mA mA Page 22 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ IGSM-MAX IWCDMA-RMModule HardwPeaDurMS WCware User Maak current ring TX slot CDMA anual        DCS180PCS190GSM850EGSM90DCS180PCS190Band5 (8              00 PCL 00 PCL 0 PCL 00 PCL 00 PCL 00 PCL 850)            19 92 49 15 92 49 15 95 10 315 19 95 10 315 919 90 95 210 15 90 95 210 15 924dBm 40dBm -24dBm            91.2  498.4  104.6  91.0  496.9  113.1  98.4  1556.4  350.2  120.5  91.3  1595.4  358.8  90.9  97.9  952.9  270.6  115.1  92.4  957.2  278.1  110.6  92.4  455.7  142.0  135.4              mA mA Page 23 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+  5.1.3 VIOThe H330 inthe customeIt is for moddigital signa ParametVIO @ w 5.1.4 VRTVRTC is a pParametVRTC OModule HardwO ncorporates er applicatiodule to poweal. ter Mworking 1TC power supplter Output Voltagware User Maa regulatedon. It can be er supply digMin. 1.773  y for moduleMin. ge 1.71  anual        Band2 (1Band1 (2Band8 (9d voltage outused as a ingital signal inTyp1.8e RTC circu              1900) 2100) 900) tput VIO. Thndicator. nternal H330pical   it and can bTypical1.8             -50dBm24dBm 50dBm -24dBm-50dBm24dBm 50dBm -24dBm-50dBm24dBm 40dBm -24dBm-50dBmhe regulator 0, so it can bMax.1.827e connect to            133.7  512.5  146.3  137.2  135.6  564.2  117.1  105.4  103.4  431.9  142.3  135.8  134.1  provides a 1be used as a7  o external RMax. 1.89              1.8V output a reference Unit V RTC battery. UVPage 24 of 44for use by level for Unit V            4
H330 HSPA+ VRTC In(RTC is wVRTC In(RTC is wVRTC refereNotes: R8 is limitedVRTC consC9 can dete 5.2 On/O5.2.1 PinH330 has 3Pin definitioPin48 49 77  Module Hardwnput Voltageworking) nput Currentworking) ence designd resistor. umption curermine the reOff/Resen Descripti control signon is below: n# ware User Mae 0.5  t    n is below: rrent is less eserved timet ion nals to on, oPin NaPOWEPOWERESETanual        than 2uA.e. off ,reset modme R_OFF R_ON T_ALL_N               1.8   dule. ElectrCMOSCMOSCMOS           rical LevelS 1.8V S 1.8V S 1.8V             1.89  1.5 DescrOff conOn conExtern            VuA iption ntrol signal ntrol signal nal reset signPage 25 of 44V A nal            4
H330 HSPA+ 5.2.2 PowWhen the HH330 will polow for a mi ParPul Control timi Recomman 5.2.3 PowWhen s Module Hardwwer on H330 is poweower on aganimum of 10rameter lse width ng is below:d Design: wer off set POWERware User Maered off, theain when the00 millisecoCondition  : R_OFF to lowanual        e PMU operae POWER_Oonds will turMin. 100 w level, H33              ates at low pON signal is rn H330 onTypi3000 will be pow           power modefalling edgeical Mwer down.            , with only the. Asserting Max             he RTC timethe POWERUnit ms   Page 26 of 44er active. R_ON signa           4 l
H330 HSPA+ ParPul Control timiRecomman  5.2.4 ResThe RESETH330 is resImportant: The reset siIt’s recomm  Module Hardwrameter lse width ng is below:d Design: set T_N input siget without th ignal is veryended that ware User MaCondition  : gnal would bhe work net y important foit should conanual        Min. 100 be reset the logging out.or the systennect he 33/              Typi300H330 imme  m. When de/39pF capac           ical M3ediately. Wheesign it needcitor to GND            Max 3000 en the RESd be protecteD on externa            Unit ms   ET_N signaed totally. al circuit.   Page 27 of 44al is low, the            4
H330 HSPA+ ParPul Control timiRecomman 5.3 Indi5.3.1 PinPin# 86 89 56 1 64 Module Hardwrameter lse width ng is below:d Design: cator Sign Descriptiware User MaCondition  : gnal ion PLSWVVanual        Min. 100 Pin Name PG MI WAKE_UPVTRX VPA               Typi300           ical M3DescripWork mSleep MWake uPower stranscePower s            Max 3000 ption mode indicatoMode Indicaup module   supply indiceiver supply indic            Unit ms   or tor cator for cator for RF Page 28 of 44PA            4
H330 HSPA+ 5.3.2 Ind5.3.2.1 LPLPG workinState • NO SIM ca• SIM Error • Registering• Register n(always) • IDLE mode• Calling • Data comm• Calling SleNotice:Hig SMModule Mode Sleep ModeOther Mode WAModule Mode Sleep Idle/Call  Module Hardwicator DesPG ng state descard g network etwork failure municating eep gh level is 1.MI SMI We 2.5S He Low AKE_UP WAKELow High Low High ware User Mascription cription is beWre 6075Lo75H.8V. Working modHigh; 100ms E_UP anual        elow: Work mode00ms High, 5ms High, 3ow 5ms High, 7High de Low WorkinWake uKeep SKeep mModule              600ms Low3S Low 75ms Low ng Descriptup the moduSleep modemode, no affe cannot set           w tion ule, from Slefect to Sleep mo            eep to Idle ode             Page 29 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ OtPin Name VTRX VPA Notice: 5.4 USB5.4.1 USPin# 31 32 33 34 92 H330 can sWhen H330 1 p 2 p 2 p 2 p 5.4.2 USReference DModule Hardwther Electri1.8V 0-4.3V They are inB InterfacB Pin DesPin NaUSB_DUSB_DUSB_IVUSB USB_Tupport USB0 connect to port is for 3Gports are forports are forports are resB Design Design: ware User Maical Level  ndicator signce scription ame DP DM ID TEST 2.0. It is neePC by USBG Modem tor AT Commar trace. served. anual        DescriRF TraIt works0.65Vit is 0Vnal, it cannot I/O I/OI/O—I —ed to install B, PC will ge do data opeand.               ption nsceiver PMs in Tx modeV, when the mV t be used foDescUSBUSBUSB USBUSB USB 7 port bloweration            MU work inde, when the max. power r other, it cacription signal + signal - ID signal power suppTEST signaw:             icator low power iit is about be set NCply al             it is about .3V, other mC. Page 30 of 44mode            4
H330 HSPA+ T101 and TVUSB is USNotice: VUSB shouUSB_DP an Thpro It ispo Yo Du Int5.5 UAR5.5.1 UAH330  supp 8 l 2 lUART1UART1 Pin# 35 36 37 Module Hardw102 should SB power suuld be connend USB_DMhe layout desotocol, with ds recommenints on the Aou don’ t neeue to the useterface of veRT RT Interfaport 2 UARTines UART1ines UART2 and UARTPin NameUART1_RUART1_DUART1_Dware User Mabe low capaupply, it is 2.ect to a levelM are high spsign of this cdifferential lnded that seAP for debuged to conneced enclosureersion 2.0 orace T, one is 8 lin1 support flo2 only suppo2 defined bee RI DSR DTR anual        acitor TVS, i5V ~ 5.25V. (2.5V ~ 5.2peed lines, itcircuit on theining and imet USB_DP ag.  ct the USB_Ve material, thr higher. Thenes ; the othow control, cort AT elow: I/O O I O               t is below 1  25V) or USBt is 480 Mbpe AP board smpedance coand USB_DVBUS whenhe mobile pe connectionher is 2 linesan be used DescrUARTUARTUART           pF. B cannot be rps, It is PCBshould compontrol to 90 oM pins as ten the functionhone shall on to so calleds。 to downloadiption 1 Ring indic1 DTE Data1 DCE Data             recognized. B Layout reqply with the ohm.  est points ann of USB is only be connd power USBd or AT comcator  Set ready a Terminal re            uirement beUSB 2.0 hignd then placnot used.   nected to a UB is prohibitmunication. eady Page 31 of 44elow: gh speed ce these test  USB ed.            4 t
H330 HSPA+ 38 39 40 41 42 UART2 Pin# 44 45 5.5.2 UAH330(DCEAppliRXD TXD RTS CTS DSR DTR RI DCD  H330(DCE AppliRXD TXD  Module HardwUART1_DUART1_CUART1_RUART1_TUART1_RPin NameUART2_RUART2_TRT DesignE)UART1 cication MCUE)UART2 cication MCUware User MaDCD CTS RTS TXD RXD e RXD TXD n connect to PU(DTE) connect to PU(DTE) anual        O I O O I I/O I O PC(DTE),Signal dir        PC(DTE),Signal dir                UARTUARTUARTUARTUARTDescrUART2UART2, the signal drection , the signal drection            1 Carrier De1 Clear to se1 Request to1 Transmitte1 Received iption 2 Transmitte2 Received direction is bH33UAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAdirection is bH33UAUA            etect end o send ed Data Data ed Data Data below: 30 Module (RT1_TXD RT1_RXD RT1_CTS RT1_RTS RT1_DTR RT1_DSR RT1_RI RT1_DCD below: 30 Module (RT2_TXD RT2_RXD             (DCE) (DCE) Page 32 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ Notice: H330 UARTIf DTE is noWhen use it 5.6 USIMH330 s5.6.1 USIP567814 5.6.2 USIReference dModule HardwT high level iot suitable, nt, need careM support USIMIM InterfacPin# 5 6 7 8 2 4 IM Designdesign: ware User Mais 1.8V. need add elee about the sM ,now don’ce Pin NamUSIM_VCUSIM_RSUSIM_CLUSIM_IOGND USIM_CDn anual        ectrical levelsignal directit support hige  I/OCC OST OLK OO I/OGD I               translation.ion. gh speed SIO    O ND            . M. DescripUSIM poUSIM ReUSIM cloUSIM daUSIM grUSIM ins            ption ower supply eset signal ock signal ata signal round sert detect s            output signal Page 33 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ Notice:  5.6.3 USIThe SIM intcard. There meets the re Thso Thco To recsu Thele(TD Module Hardw USIM_IO USIM_CD IM Designterface and sare severalequired stanhe SIM shouurces, such he SIM interfnnector andavoid crosscommendedrrounding grhe SIM card ements (zenDK). We alsware User Mais pulled upD can suppon Notice signals desi design guidndards and rld be locateas the RF aface signals d the SIM trastalk betweed to rout themround planesignals shoner diodes, eso recommenanual        p internal H3rt SIM hot pgn is extremdelines that mregulations. d, and its sigantenna andlength shouay. This is toen the SIM cm separatelye.  uld be proteetc.). The recnded the ES              330. plug, low is amely importamust be follo gnals shouldd digital switculd not exce meet with Eclock and day on the appected from EcommendedSD compone           active and Sant for propeowed to achd be routed,ching signaled 100 mm EMC regulatta signals (Splication boaESD using ved part no of Eent should la            IM card is iner operation hieve a robus away from ls.  between thetions and imSIM_CLK anard, and prefery low capaESD is AVRayout with S            nserted。 of H330 andst and stableany possible H330 intermprove signand SIM_DATferably isolaacitance proR-M1005C08SIM hold closPage 34 of 44d the SIM e design thae EMI rface al integrity. TA), it is ated by a otective 80MTAAB sely.              4 at
H330 HSPA+ 5.6.4 USIH330 suppo5.6.4.1 HaWhen SIM iIn referenceWhen no SI5.6.4.2 SoWhen set ATdetected witSIM_CD=LoSIM_CD=HImportant: disabled co5.7 Ana5.7.1 PinThe H330 ainterface's ofully controlcommands  Pin# 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Module HardwIM Hot Pluort SIM hot pardware Deis removed, e design USIM card, SWoftware DesAT+MSMPD=th SIM_CD ow level, SIMigh or NC, SThe defaurrespondingalog Audn Descriptiaudio interfacoperating moled by the hset.  Pin NamAUXO+ AUXO- EAR- EAR+ MIC+ MIC- AUXI- AUXI+ ware User Maug plug. sign USIM_CD iIM_CD connW2 is high; Insign =1, the SIM pin.  M card is onSIM card is oult value of Mgly.   io ion ce supportsodes, activeost applicatme anual        s high; insenect U3 Pin8nsert SIM, Sdetected feansite and regoff site and HMSMPD par two channee devices, amion, throughI/O O O O O I I I I               rt SIM ,USIM8(SW2),PSW2 connectature will begister the neH330 drop orameter is “0el audio devmplification lh advanced pDescAudioAudioAudioAudioAudioAudioAudioAudio           M_CD is lowPin7(SW1t SW1,USIMe actives. Thetwork automout the netw0”. And also,ices and oplevels and sprogrammincription o channel2 oo channel2 oo channel1 oo channel1 oo channel1 io channel1 io channel2 io channel2 i            w。 ) connect M_CD is pulle SIM card matically.  ork.  , the SIM deerating modspeech proceng options anoutput+ output - output - output + nput + nput - nput - nput +。             GND. ed down。 is on site oretected featudes. The audessing algornd a versatilPage 35 of 44r not will be ure was dio rithms are le AT            4
H330 HSPA+ 21 22  5.7.2 AudThe auSpurious suIn PCBperformanc5.7.2.1 AuAudio cAudio cParameBias voGain Load re Audio cParameOut voltLoad reDC Bia AuAudio cNote:Audio cParamBias vModule HardwAGND VSPK dio Descrdio input anuppression. WB Layout, thee, the input udio Channchannel 1 inchannel 1:eters ltage esistance channel 1:eters tage esistance s voltage udio Channchannel 2 inThe VSPK mchannel 2:Ameters voltage ware User Maiption nd output chaWhen connee differential and output nel 1 terface are dMIC input chTest conNo load Programmgain:2dB  EAR output Test conNo load   nel 2 terface are dmust be conAUXI input cTest condNo load anual        GND I annels are dect to the halines need eneed GND Idifferential liharacteristicnditions mable,stepcharacterisnditions differential linnected to Vcharacteristditions               AudioAudioto Vdifferential inandset, needequal lengthIsolation andines, Can bec: Min1.9 ps  0  tic: Min   ines, Can beVBAT, Otherwic: Min 1.9            o GND o codec speBAT nterfaces. And external auh, parallel, ad the interfae use as HaTyp2.0 2.2Typ 32 1 e use as Hawise it will beTyp 2.0             aker part pond have preudio amplifies short as pce need addand-phone. Max2.1 32  Max2   and-free. e outwork. Max 2.1             ower supply,fect performer. possible, for d ESD protex  UnV dBKox  UnVpohV Unit V Page 36 of 44 connect mance at RFa better ection. nit B ohm nit pp m            4
H330 HSPA+ Gain Load r Audio cParamOut voLoad rDC Bia5.8 Digi Pin# 24 25 26 27 28 29 54  Module Hardwresistance channel 2:Ameters oltage resistance as voltage ital Audioware User MaProgrammgain:2dB  AUXO outpuTest conNo load   o Pin NameI2S2_CLKI2S2_WA0I2S2_TX I2S2_RX I2C_DATAI2C_SCL CLKOUT0anual        mable,steput characternditions e I/OK0 O 0 O O I A I/OO 0 O               ps  0  ristic: Min    DesBit CFraSerSerI2CI2C26M            2.2 Typ  8 2 scription Clock me clock(LRrial data outprial data inpu data line  clock lineMHz clock ou            32  Max 4   RCK)  put ut utput             dB Kohm Unit Vpp ohm V Page 37 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ 5.8.1 I2S5.8.2 I2CNotice: (1) I(2) IK5.9 OtheOther aModule Hardw C I2S can be sIt support soKHz, 11.025er are not suppware User Maset master mome audio s5 KHz, 8 KHzported like Ganual        mode of slavample rate (z ). GPIO、MIPI、              ver mode (48KHz, 44.、MMC、DA           1KHz, 32KHAC now.             Hz, 24 KHz,               22.5 KHz, 1Page 38 of 4416 KHz, 12            4
H330 HSPA+ 6 Elect6.1  ElecThe table is VBAT Digital Sign 6.2 EnvThe table is OperationaTemperatuStorage Temperatu Module Hardwtrical anctrical Chs H330 electnal vironmens H330 envirCal ure   ure   ware User Mand Envirharactertrical characMin. -0.2 -0.2 ntal Charronmental chCondition   anual        onmentistic teristic: racteristiharacteristicMin-30-40              tal Max.4.21.9c c: n.             Max.+85 +85             UnV V             nit Unit °C °C Page 39 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+ 7 RF InH330 mMain anDiversit7.1 Ope7.1.1 MaOperaUMTSUMTSUMTSUMTSGSM GSM GSM GSM  7.1.2 DivOperaUMTSUMTSUMTSUMTSModule Hardwnterfacemodule incluntenna:GSty antenna:erational in Antennating Band S 2100 (BanS 1900 (BanS 850    (BanS 900    (Ban850 MHz   900  1800(DCS) 1900(PCS) versity ating Band S 2100 (BanS 1900 (BanS 850 (BandS 900 (Bandware User Mae udes main anSM/WCDMAWCDMA dBand a   d I  IMT)  d II  PCS) nd V  CLR) nd VIII  GSM d I  IMT)  d II  PCS)  V  CLR)   VIII GSM) anual        ntenna and A Tx and Rxiversity Rx .   M)                     diversity ant. . Tx 1920–1981850–191824–849M880–915 824–849880–915 1710–1781850–191Rx 2110–2171930–199869–894 925–960            tenna. 80 MHz 10 MHz MHz MHz MHz 85 MHz 10 MHz 70 MHz 90 MHz MHz MHz             Rx 2110–21930–1869–89925–96869–89925–961805–11930–1            2170 MHz 990 MHz 94 MHz 60 MHz 94 MHz 60 MHz 880 MHz 990 MHz Page 40 of 44           4
H330 HSPA+   RF PCB 7.1.3 LayWhen desigThe shorterIt is recommAdd a π-typ7.1.4 ImpAll RF lines  7.2 Ante7.2.1 Ma1. AntennAntenna effThe radiatedlosses: retudimensions2. S11 or S11 (return impedance Module HardwDesign yout Guidegn RF, we ner the better, imended to mpe circuit (twpedance should be 5enna Desin Antennna Efficiencficiency is thd power of arn loss, mat. EfficiencyVSWR loss) indica(50 ohm). Sware User Maeline eed connectinsert loss <mount H330 wo parallel de50ohm impesign a Design cy  e ratio of thean antenna terial loss, ay of the mastes the degrS11 shows thanual        t H330 modu<0.2dB,andmodule andevice groundedance。 Requireme input poweis always lownd couplingster antennaree to whichhe resonanc              ule RF pin tod impedanced antenna cod pin directlyment er to the radwer than the loss. The ea > 40% (–4h the input ime feature an           o antenna, we is 50ohm.。onnector to ty to the maidiated or rece input powefficiency of a4dB) mpedance ofnd impedanc            we recomme。 the same sidn land) for a ceived poweer due to thean antenna f an antennace bandwidth            ended to usede of layout antenna matr of an antee following arelates to itsa matches thh of an antePage 41 of 44e micro-line . tching. nna.  antenna s electrical he referencenna. Voltage           4 e e
H330 HSPA+ standing wabe measureS11 o3. PolarizThe polarizadirection of The linear pantenna  。4. RadiatThe radiatioThe radiatioPIFA antenn An Ra5. Gain aThe radiatioall directions6. InterfeBesides the(especially tsources on sources, suinterferencecan be decrreduce the eLCD with opor design fil7.  TRP/TITRP (T    Module Hardwave ratio (VSed with vectof the mastezation ation of an amaximum rapolarization ion Patternon pattern ofon pattern ofna is recommntenna area adiation Pand Directivon pattern ofs。 Recomrence e antenna pethe TIS) of tthe user boach as the LCe signals thareased due teffects of intptimized perter circuits. IS  Total RadiatedW850/WGSM850GSM900DCS1800ware User MaSWR) is anoor analyzer. er antenna <antenna is thadiation。 n is recomm f an antennaf half wave dmended: :high 6mmattern  :omity f an antennammended anerformance, he module. ard must beCD, CPU, auat affect the to interferenterference srformance; sd Power): 900/W19000>27dBm 0>28dBm 0>25dBm anual        other expres< –10 dB he orientatiomended for a reflects thedipole antenm*wide 10mmnidirectiona representsntenna gainthe interfereTo guarantee properly coudio circuitsnormal opernce signals. sources on thshield the LC0/W2100>1              ssion of S11.on of the elecrthe antenne radiation fenas is the bemm*long 1nal s the field strn≤ 2.5dBi.ence on the ee high perfoontrolled. Ons, and powerration of the Therefore, dhe module. YCD interferen19dBm            . S11 relatesctric field vena:diversiteatures of thest for wirele00mm。 rength of theuser board ormance of n the user bor supply. All module. Foduring the deYou can taknce signals;            s to the anteector that rotty antenna he antenna iness terminae radiated elalso affectsthe module,oard, there athe interfereor example, tesign, you nke the follow shield the s            enna efficientates with timdifferent ton the remotels. If it is builectromagnes the radio p, the interferare various ence sourcethe module need to consing measuresignal cable Page 42 of 44ncy. S11 canme in the o main e field regionlt-in antennaetic waves inerformance rence interferences emit sensitivity sider how toes: Use an of the board           4 n n. a, n e o d;
H330 HSPA+  TIS (To      7.2.2 DivH330 diversDiversity anMain antenn EU RegHereby, Shecompliance  Importan The H330 MH330 Moduconditions.  1. At leastall times.  2. To comradiation, thexceed 2.5d 3. The H3transmitter o Module HardwPCS1900otal Isotropic W850/W/W1900/WGSM850GSM900DCS1800versity antsity antennantenna designa and diverulatory Cenzhen G&Twith the essnt complModule has bule in their finOtherwise, at 20cm sepamply with FChe maximumdBi. 330 Module or antenna wware User Ma0>25dBm Sensitivity): 900<-102dW2100<-100<-102dBm0<-102dBm0/PCS1900tenna desi is optical, Ifgn methods rsity antennaConformaT Industrial Dsential requiance infbeen grantenal productsadditional FCaration distaC regulationm antenna gaand its antewithin a hosanual        dBm 03dBm;  m m 0<-102dBmign  f need to suand the maia isolation reance Developmenirements anformationed modular as without addCC approvaance betweens limiting boain includingenna must not device.               m pport diversin antenna, equirementsnt Co., Ltd., d other relen for Norapproval for ditional FCCals must be oen the antenoth maximumg cable loss ot be co-loca           sity, must toits efficiencys greater thadeclares thavant provisiorth Amermobile applC certificationobtained. na and the um RF outpuin a mobile-ated or oper            increase they indicators an 12dB. at this moduons of Direcrican uselications. Intn if they meeuser’s body t power and-only exposurating in con            e diversity ato allow the ule, model Hctive 1999/5/ers tegrators maet the followmust be mad human expure conditionnjunction witPage 43 of 44ntenna. lower 3dB.H330 is in /EC. ay use the wing aintained at posure to RFn must not th any other            4 F
H330 HSPA+ 4. A label with a state 5. A user that must be The end proemission te Note: If this satisfy the S  FCC NOTICChanges orDevelopmeModule Hardwmust be affment similarmanual withe observed toduct with asting requiremodule is inSAR requireCE:  r modificationt Co., Ltd. ware User Mafixed to the or to the folloh the end proto ensure con embeddedements and ntended for ments of FCns made to may void thanual        outside of thwing: For Hoduct must compliance wd H330 Modbe properlyuse in a porCC Part 2.10this equipme FCC auth              he end produ330: This declearly indicwith current Fdule may alsy authorized rtable device093. ment not exporization to            uct into whicevice contaicate the operFCC RF expso need to pper FCC Pae, you are reressly approoperate this            ch the H330 ns FCC ID: rating requirposure guideass the FCCart 15. esponsible foved by Shes equipment            Module is inZMOH330. rements andelines. C Part 15 unfor separate enzhen G&T. Page 44 of 44ncorporated d conditions nintentional approval toT Industrial            4 , o

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