Fibocom Wireless H330 UMTS/HSPA + MODULE User Manual USERS MANUAL
H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Manual Version: V1.0.0 Date: 2012-05-29 Confiden ntial Matterial This docum ment containss information n highly con nfidential to Shenzhen G&T Industria al Developm ment Co., Ltd (Fibocom). Fibocom offfers this info ormation as a service to its custome ers, to suppo ort applicatio on and g efforts that use the pro oducts desig gned by Fibo ocom. The in nformation p provided is based upon engineering requirementts specifically provided to Fibocom by the custo omers. All sp pecificationss supplied herein are subject to change. Discclosure of this informatio on to other parties is pro ohibited with hout the writtten consent of G&T. Copyright Transmittal,, reproductio on, dissemin nation and/o or editing of this docume ent as well as utilization of its contents an nd communiccation thereo of to others without express authorization are p prohibited. Offenders willl be held liable for payme ent of damages. All righ hts created by b patent gra ant or registration of a utility model atent are resserved. or design pa Copyright ©1999-2010 © Shenzhen G&T Industrrial Developm ment Co., Lttd. All rightss reserved. Revision n History Version Date V1 1.0.0 2012-05-29 Rema arks Initial Tradema arks Notice b Shenzhen n G&T Indus strial Develo opment Co., Ltd. All othe er product or The FIBOCOM Logo is registered by mes or Logoss are the pro operty of the eir respective owners. service nam Copyright ©1999-2012 © Shenzhen G&T Industrrial Developm ment Co., Lttd. All rightss reserved. H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Ma anual Page 2 of 44 C Contents Preface e ................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Standards .................................................................................................................................. 5 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Product Desscription ................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Product Spe ecification ................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Product App pearance ................................................................................................................ 10 Machan nical .......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Dimension ................................................................................................................................ 11 3.2 Recommend d PCB Desig gn........................................................................................................ 12 Hardwa are Scope ................................................................................................................................ 13 4.1 Block Diagra am ......................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 P Definitio Pin on ........................................................................................................................... 14 4.2 2.1 Pin Map M ........................................................................................................................ 14 4.2 2.2 Pin Description .............................................................................................................. 14 Hardwa are Interface e ............................................................................................................................. 20 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Power Interfface ....................................................................................................................... 20 5.1 1.1 VBAT T............................................................................................................................. 20 5.1 1.2 Powe er Consump ption ..................................................................................................... 21 5.1 1.3 VIO ............................................................................................................................... 24 5.1 1.4 VRTC C ............................................................................................................................ 24 On/Off/Rese et............................................................................................................................ 25 5.2 2.1 Pin Description .............................................................................................................. 25 5.2 2.2 Powe er on ...................................................................................................................... 26 5.2 2.3 Powe er off....................................................................................................................... 26 5.2 2.4 Rese et ............................................................................................................................ 27 Indicator Sig gnal ........................................................................................................................ 28 3.1 5.3 Pin Description .............................................................................................................. 28 5.3 3.2 Indica ator Descrip ption ..................................................................................................... 29 USB Interfacce .......................................................................................................................... 30 5.4 4.1 USB Pin Descrip ption ..................................................................................................... 30 5.4 4.2 USB Design .................................................................................................................. 30 H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Ma anual Page 3 of 44 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 UART ....................................................................................................................................... 31 5.5 5.1 UART T Interface ............................................................................................................. 31 5.5 5.2 UART T Design ................................................................................................................ 32 USIM ....................................................................................................................................... 33 5.6 6.1 USIM M Interface .............................................................................................................. 33 5.6 6.2 USIM M Design................................................................................................................. 33 5.6 6.3 USIM M Design No otice ..................................................................................................... 34 5.6 6.4 USIM M Hot Plug .............................................................................................................. 35 Analog Audiio ........................................................................................................................... 35 5.7 7.1 Pin Description .............................................................................................................. 35 5.7 7.2 Audio o Description.......................................................................................................... 36 Digital Audio o ............................................................................................................................ 37 5.8 8.1 I2S ................................................................................................................................ 38 5.8 8.2 I2C ................................................................................................................................ 38 Other ....................................................................................................................................... 38 Electriccal and Environmental .............................................................................................................. 39 6.1 Electrical Ch haracteristicc ........................................................................................................... 39 6.2 Environmen ntal Characte eristic ................................................................................................... 39 RF Inte erface ....................................................................................................................................... 40 7.1 7.2 7.3 Operational Band .................................................................................................................... 40 7.1 1.1 Main Antenna ................................................................................................................ 40 7.1 1.2 Diverrsity ........................................................................................................................ 40 R PCB Design ....................................................................................................................... 41 RF 7.2 2.1 Layout Guideline e ........................................................................................................... 41 7.2 2.2 Impedance .................................................................................................................... 41 Antenna De esign ....................................................................................................................... 41 7.3 3.1 Main Antenna De esign Requirement ............................................................................. 41 7.3 3.2 Diverrsity antenna a design .............................................................................................. 43 H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Ma anual Page 4 of 44 1 Prefa ace 1.1 Sco ope This manua al provides th he electrical, mechanica al and enviro onmental requirements for properly y integrating the H330 HSPA+ modu ule in a host application. al gives a complete set of o hardware features an nd functions that may be e provided by H330. The This manua availability of o any featurre or function, which is described in this manual, depends o on the hardw ware revision and softwarre version off a specific H330 HAPA+ + module. 1.2 Stan ndards 3GPP TS 27.007 -v6.9.0: AT command set s for User Equipment (UE) 3GPP TS 27.005 -v6.0.1: Use of Data Te erminal Equipment -Data Circuit terminating Eq quipment (DTE-D DCE) interfacce for Short Message Service (SMS S) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS S) 3GPP TS 23.040 -v6.9.0: Tecchnical realization of Sh hort Message Service (S SMS) 3GPP TS 24.011 -v6.1.0: Point- to - Poin nt (PP) Shorrt Message Service (SM MS) support on o mobile radio in nterface 3GPP TS 27.010 -v6.0.0: Terrminal Equip pment to User Equipment (TE-UE) m multiplexer protocol 3GPP TS 27.060 -v6.0.0: Packet domain n; Mobile Sta ation (MS) supporting Packet Switch hed servicess 3GPP TS 25.30 04-v6.10.0: User Equipm ment (UE) prrocedures in n idle mode and procedures for cell nected mode reselecction in conn 3GPP TS 25.308 -v6.4.0: Hig gh Speed Do ownlink Pac cket Access (HSDPA); O Overall description; Stage 2 3GPP TS 25.309 -v6.6.0: FD DD enhanced d uplink; Overall descrip ption; Stage 2 3GPP TS 23.038 -v6.1.0: Alp phabets and language - specific info ormation 3GPP TS 21.111 -v6.3.0: USIM and IC card requirem ments 3GPP TS 31.111 -v6.11.0 "US SIM Applica ation Toolkit (USAT)" 3GPP TS 45.002 -v6.12.0: Multiplexing and 3GPP TS 51.014 -v4.5.0: Specification of o the SIM Application To oolkit for the e Subscriberr Identity Module e 3GPP TS multiple access on n the radio p path Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) interface 51.010 -1 -v6.7.0: Mobile Statiion (MS) con nformance specification n; Part 1: Co onformance specificcation 3GPP TS 22.004 -v6.0.0: Ge eneral on supplementary y services 3GPP TS 23.090 -v6.1.0: Un nstructured Supplementa ary Service Data (USSD D); Stage 2 3GPP TS 24.008 v6.19, Mob bile radio inte erface Layer 3 specifica ation; H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Ma anual Page 5 of 44 2 Intro oduction 2.1 Prod duct Des scription H330 is a high integrity 3G WCDMA A wireless module, LGA A package, 120 1 pin. It ca an support S/EDGE GSM850/900/D DCS1800/PC CS1900MHz z and UMTS S/HSDPA/HS SUPA/HSPA A+ GSM/GPRS 850/900/190 00/2100MHzz. 2.2 Prod duct Spe ecificatio on Product Features Supporte ed Bands: • 4 Band UMTS/HSPA A (WCDMA//FDD) 850/900 0/1900/2100 0 MHz • 4 Band GSM 850/900 0/1800/1900 0 MHz Data: • UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA 3GPP re elease 7 • HSUPA 5.76Mbps (C Cat 6) • HSDPA 21Mbps (Ca at 14) • GSM 3G GPP release 7 • EDGE (E E-GPRS) mu ulti-slot classs 12 • GPRS multi-slot classs 12 Physical: : • Size:33 3.8mm x 27..8mm • Height:2.45 mm • Mounting g:LGA • Weight:< 6 grams Environm mental • Operating Temperatture:-30℃ ~ +65℃ H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Ma anual Page 6 of 44 • Storage Temperaturre:-40℃ ~ +85℃ Performa ance Operating g Voltage • Voltage: 3.6 ~ 4.2V Current Consumptio on(Typical) • 2mA (Sle eep Mode) • 3G Idle: 35mA • 3G Talk: 500mA • 2G Talk: 260mA (GS SM PCL5) Tx Powerr(Typical) • UMTS/HSPA Class3 3 (24dBm) • GSM 850 0/900 MHz Class4 (33d dBm) • GSM 180 00/1900 MH Hz Class1 (3 30dBm) • EDGE 85 50/900 MHzz Class E2 (2 27dBm) • EDGE 18 800/1900 MHz Class E2 2 (26dBm) Rx Sensittivity(Typic cal) • UMTS/HSPA:-109d dBm • GSM:-1 107dBm Interface Connecto ors • RF Throu ugh Pads in LGA, 2 x mini-UFL in PCIe model • Main Anttenna • Diversityy Antenna Connectiv vity • 1*USB 2.0 • 2*UART H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Ma anual Page 7 of 44 • MUX Over UART1 • Multiple Profiles over USB • SPI Supp port • I2C Supp port • I2S Supp port Data Feattures • Embedde ed TCP/IP and a UDP/IP protocol sta ack HSPA+ • Max uplin nk 5.76Mbps • Max dow wnlink 21Mbp ps EDGE • Multi-slott class 12 (4 Down; 4 Up; 5 Tota al) • Coding Scheme MC CS1-MCS9 GPRS • Multi-slott class 12 (4 Down; 4 Up; 5 Tota al) • Coding Scheme CS1 1-CS4 CSD • UMTS • GSM SMS • MO / MT T Text and PDU modes • Cell broa adcast Voice Fea atures • Telephon ny H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Ma anual Page 8 of 44 • Analog and a Digital Audio • Voice co oders EFR/H HR/FR/AMR Audio Co ontrol • Broad ga ain control • Echo sup ppression • Noise su uppression • Side tone Character Set • IRA • GSM • UCS2 • HEX Control/S Status Indic cations • GPIO’s • A/D • RTC AT Comm mand Set • G&T proprietary AT commands • GSM 07..05 • GSM 07..07 Accessorries • Firmware e Loader To ool over USB B/UART • User Manual • Develope er Kit Regulatory and App provals • FCC H330 HSPA+ Module Hardware User Ma anual Page 9 of 44 • RoHS • CE • RRB 2.3 Prod duct App pearance H330 HSPA+ Modu ule Appeara ance is below w。 Top Vie ew: m View: Bottom H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 10 of 44 3 Mech hanical 3.1 Dim mension Top View Side View Bottom View H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 11 of 44 3.2 Rec commend d PCB De esign H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 12 of 44 4 Hard dware Sc cope 4.1 Bloc ck Diagra am H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 13 of 44 4.2 Pin Definitio on 4.2.1 Pin n Map 4.2.2 Pin n Descriptiion Notice: H33 30 logic elecctrical level iss1.8V. H330 Pin de escription: Pin# P Name Pin I/O Descripttion Power 59 VBAT 60 VBAT 61 VBAT 62 VBAT 64 VPA Power su upply indicattor for RF PA VTRX Power su upply indicattor for RF tra ansceiver Power su upply H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 14 of 44 46 VIO Digital po ower supply 1.8V. 47 VRTC I/O Real time e clock powe er ,1.71V ~ 1.89V 48 POWER_OF FF Off contro ol signal 49 POWER_ON On contro ol signal RESET_ALL L_N External reset signal USIM_CD USIM ins sert detect, low activity USIM_VCC USIM po ower supply USIM_RST USIM res set USIM_CLK USIM clo ock USIM_DATA I/O USIM da ata On/off Reset 77 USIM High Speed d SIM USIM_D+ High spe eed SIM USB B data line+(No suppo ort) 10 USIM_D- High spe eed SIM USB B data line-(No supporrt) Audio 13 AUXO+ Audio channel2 outp put+ 14 AUXO- Audio channel2 outp put - 15 EAR- Audio channel1 outp put - 16 EAR+ Audio channel1 outp put + 17 MIC+ Audio channel1 inpu ut + 18 MIC- Audio channel1 inpu ut - 19 AUXI- Audio channel2 inpu ut - 20 AUXI+ Audio channel2 inpu ut +。 21 AGND GND Audio GN ND H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 15 of 44 V VSPK Audio co odec speake er part powerr supply, con nnect to VBAT 11 I2 2S2_CLK1 I2S2 cloc ck 24 I2 2S2_CLK0 I2S2 cloc ck 25 I2 2S2_WA0 I2S2 worrd alignmentt select 26 I2 2S2_TX I2S2 tran nsmit line 27 I2 2S2_RX I2S2 rece eive line 31 USB_DP I/O USB data a line + 32 USB_DM I/O USB data a line - 33 USB_ID — USB ID line 34 VUSB USB pow wer supply 92 USB_TEST — USB TES ST line 28 I2 2C_SDA I/O I2C data line 29 I2 2C_SCL I2C clock k line 35 UART1_RI UART1 Ring indicato or 36 UART1_DSR UART1 DTE Data Se et ready 37 UART1_DTR UART1 DCE Data Te erminal read dy 38 UART1_DCD UART1 Carrier Detect 39 UART1_CTS UART1 Clear to send 40 UART1_RTS UART1 Request to send 41 UART1_TXD UART1 Transmitted Data 42 UART1_RXD UART1 Received Da ata 22 I2S USB I2C UART1 UART2 H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 16 of 44 45 UART2_TXD UART2 Transmitted Data 44 UART2_RXD UART2 Received Da ata ADC 50 ADC2 Analog digital converter 2(No ssupport) 51 ADC1 Analog digital converter 1(No ssupport) EINT 56 WAKE_UP Wake up p signal, low activity. 57 EINT2 External interrupt, low w activity. USB HSIC 90 HSIC_USB_ _DATA HSIC US SB data sign nal(No supp port) 91 HSIC_USB_ _STRB HSIC US SB pulse signal(No sup pport) Antenna 67 ANT_MAIN Main antenna port, 50ohm impe edance 71 ANT_DIV Diversity antenna po ort, 50ohm im mpedance Other 23 DACOUT No Supp port 53 T_OUT0 No suppo ort 54 CLKOUT0 No suppo ort 55 CLK32K No suppo ort 89 SMI Sleep Mo ode Indicato or 86 LPG Module word mode indicator Not Connect 73 NC 74 NC 75 NC 76 NC H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 17 of 44 105 NC 106 NC 107 NC 108 NC 78 NC 79 NC 80 NC 81 NC 82 NC 83 NC 84 NC 85 NC 87 NC 88 NC 94 NC 95 NC 96 NC 101 NC GND GND 12 GND 21 GND 30 GND 43 GND 58 GND 63 GND H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 18 of 44 65 GND 66 GND 68 GND 69 GND 70 GND 72 GND 93 GND 97 GND 98 GND 99 GND 100 GND 102 GND 103 GND 104 GND 109 GND 110 GND 111 GND 112 GND 113 GND 114 GND 115 GND 116 GND 117 GND 118 GND 119 GND 120 GND H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 19 of 44 5 Hard dware Interface 5.1 Pow wer Interfface 5.1.1 VBA AT The H330 power supplyy must be a single exterrnal DC volta age source of 3.6V to 4.2V. The pow wer supply must be ablle to sustain n the voltage e level during g a GSM tra ansmit burst current serg ge, which may reach 2.0A. ment below:: It is requirem Parametter Min. Rec commend Max. Unit VBAT 3.6 3.8 4.2 Special care e must be ta aken when designing the e power sup pply of the H330. The single externa al DC powerr source indirrectly supplie es all the dig gital and ana alog interfac ces, but also o directly sup pplies the RF R power amplifier (PA A). Thereforre, any degradation in th he power supply perform mance, due to losses, noises or transients, will w directly affect the H3 330 performance. The burst-m mode operation of the GSM transmisssion and re eception dra aws instantaneous curre ent surges from the pow wer supply, which cause es temporarry voltage drrops of the power supply level. The transmission bursts con nsume the most instanta aneous currrent, and the erefore cause the larges st voltage drop ps are not minimized, th he frequent voltage flucttuations mayy degrade th he H330 drop. If the voltage performance. mended that the voltage drops durin ng a transmitt burst will not exceed 3 300mV, meas sured on the It is recomm H330 interfa ace connecttor. In any case, the H330 supply input must not drrop below th he minimum operating le evel during a transmit ping below the minimum m operating level may re esult in a low w voltage dettection, whic ch will initiate burst. Dropp an automatiic power-off. To minimize e the losses and transients on the power supply y lines, it is recommend ed to follow these guidelines: uF, or greater, low ESR capaccitor on the H330 supplyy inputs. The e capacitor should be Use a 1000 located d as near to the H330 interface conn nector as po ossible. Use low w impedance e power sou urce, cabling g and board routing. Use cabling and ro outing as sho ort as possib ble. he H330 sup pply lines ussing filtering capacitors, as described in the tablle. Filter th H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 20 of 44 Recommended Capacito or 1000uF Usage Desc cription GSM Tra ansmit current serge 10nF, 10 00nF Digital sw witching noisse Minim mizes powe er supply lossses during transmit burstts. Use maximum possible value. Filterrs digital log gic noises frrom clocks and data sourc ces. 8.2pF, 10pF 1800/190 00 MHz GSM Filterrs transmisssion EMI. bands 33pF, 39 9pF 850/900 MHz GSM bands Filterrs transmisssion EMI. 5.1.2 Pow wer Consu umption Parametter Des scription I off I idle I sleep Typical Unit RTC C mode 53uA uA Idle e mode 20.4 mA Low w power mode Conditio on DRX 2.0 DRX 2.0 DRX 2.0 222.8 10 77.8 15 48.9 19 44.9 229.8 10 78.3 15 45.3 19 44.3 152.0 68.0 10 47.1 mA GSM850 0 PCL IGSM-RMS GSM voice T slot 1 TX 1 Rx R slot mA EGSM90 00 PCL DCS180 00 PCL H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 21 of 44 15 45.0 150.9 68.6 10 47.1 15 44.6 565.1 10 213.6 15 105.4 19 91.3 583.4 10 217.7 15 105.5 19 911.0 353.5 167.6 10 95.3 15 86.3 373.7 174.4 10 100.4 15 91.6 488.7 14 142.4 19 90.9 504.7 14 146.9 PCS190 00 PCL 0 PCL GSM850 EGSM90 00 PCL IGPRS-RMSS GP PRS Class 12 T slot 4 TX 1 Rx R slot mA DCS180 00 PCL PCS190 00 PCL IEGPRS-RM MS EGPRS Class 12 T slot 4 TX 1 Rx R slot GSM850 0 PCL mA EGSM90 00 PCL H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 22 of 44 DCS180 00 PCL PCS190 00 PCL 19 91.2 498.4 104.6 15 91.0 496.9 113.1 15 98.4 1556.4 10 350.2 15 120.5 19 91.3 1595.4 10 358.8 15 90.9 19 97.9 952.9 270.6 10 115.1 15 92.4 957.2 278.1 10 110.6 15 92.4 24dBm 455.7 0dBm 142.0 -24dBm 135.4 GSM850 0 PCL EGSM90 00 PCL IGSM-MAX Pea ak current Durring TX slot mA DCS180 00 PCL PCS190 00 PCL IWCDMA-RM MS WC CDMA Band5 (8 850) H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual mA Page 23 of 44 -50dBm 133.7 24dBm 512.5 0dBm 146.3 -24dBm 137.2 -50dBm 135.6 24dBm 564.2 0dBm 117.1 -24dBm 105.4 -50dBm 103.4 24dBm 431.9 0dBm 142.3 -24dBm 135.8 -50dBm 134.1 Band2 (1 1900) Band1 (2 2100) Band8 (9 900) 5.1.3 VIO The H330 in ncorporates a regulated d voltage outtput VIO. Th he regulator provides a 1 1.8V output for use by the custome er applicatio on. It can be used as a in ndicator. It is for mod dule to powe er supply dig gital signal in nternal H330 0, so it can be b used as a reference level for digital signa al. Parametter Min. Typ pical Max. Unit VIO @ working 1.773 1.8 1.827 5.1.4 VRT TC VRTC is a power supply for module e RTC circuit and can be connect to o external R RTC battery. Parametter Min. Typical Max. Unit VRTC Output Voltag ge 1.71 1.8 1.89 H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 24 of 44 VRTC In nput Voltage (RTC is working) VRTC In nput Currentt (RTC is working) 0.5 1.8 1.89 1.5 uA VRTC refere ence design n is below: Notes: d resistor. R8 is limited VRTC consumption currrent is less than 2uA. ermine the re eserved time. C9 can dete 5.2 On/O Off/Rese et 5.2.1 Pin n Descriptiion H330 has 3 control sign nals to on, off o ,reset mod dule. on is below: Pin definitio Pin n# Pin Name Electrrical Level Description 48 POWER_OFF CMOS S 1.8V Off con ntrol signal 49 POWER_ON CMOS S 1.8V On con ntrol signal 77 RESET T_ALL_N CMOS S 1.8V Extern nal reset sign nal H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 25 of 44 5.2.2 Pow wer on When the H330 is powe ered off, the e PMU opera ates at low power mode, with only th he RTC time er active. H330 will po ower on aga ain when the e POWER_O ON signal is falling edge e. Asserting the POWER R_ON signal low for a minimum of 10 00 milliseco onds will turrn H330 on Parrameter Pullse width Condition Min. Typiical 100 300 Max Unit ms Control timing is below:: Recommand Design: 5.2.3 Pow wer off When set s POWER R_OFF to low w level, H330 will be pow wer down. H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 26 of 44 Parrameter Pullse width Condition Min. Typiical Max Unit 100 300 3000 ms Control timing is below:: Recommand Design: 5.2.4 Res set The RESET T_N input sig gnal would be b reset the H330 imme ediately. Whe en the RESET_N signa al is low, the H330 is reset without th he work net logging out. Important: or the system. When de esign it need d be protecte ed totally. The reset siignal is veryy important fo It’s recommended that it should con nnect he 33//39pF capac citor to GND D on externa al circuit. H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 27 of 44 Parrameter Condition Pullse width Min. Typiical Max Unit 100 300 3000 ms : Control timing is below: Recommand Design: 5.3 Indicator Sig gnal 5.3.1 Pin n Descriptiion Pin# P Name Pin Descrip ption 86 LPG Work mode indicato or 89 SMI Sleep Mode Indicator 56 WAKE_UP Wake up u module VTRX Power supply indiccator for transce eiver 64 VPA Power supply indiccator for RF PA H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 28 of 44 5.3.2 Indicator Des scription LP PG LPG workin ng state desccription is be elow: State Work mode • NO SIM ca ard • SIM Error g network • Registering 60 00ms High, 600ms Low • Register network failurre (always) • IDLE mode 75 5ms High, 3S 3 Low • Calling Lo ow • Data comm municating 75 5ms High, 75ms Low • Calling Sle eep High Notice:Hig gh level is 1..8V. MI SM Module Mode SMI Working mod de Sleep Mode 2.5S High; 100ms Low Other Mode Low Module Mode AKE_UP WA WAKE E_UP Workin ng Descripttion Low Wake up u the modu ule, from Sle eep to Idle High Keep Sleep mode Low Keep mode, no afffect High Module e cannot set to Sleep mo ode Sleep Idle/Call H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 29 of 44 Otther Pin Name Electriical Level Description VTRX 1.8V RF Transceiver PM MU work indicator VPA 0-4.3V It workss in Tx mode e, when the low power iit is about 0.65V V, when the max. power it is about 4..3V, other mode it is 0V Notice: They are in ndicator sign nal, it cannott be used for other, it ca an be set NC C. 5.4 USB B Interfac ce 5.4.1 USB Pin Des scription Pin# Pin Na ame I/O Desc cription 31 USB_D DP I/O USB signal + 32 USB_D DM I/O USB signal - 33 USB_IID — USB ID signal 34 VUSB USB power supp ply 92 USB_T TEST — USB TEST signa al H330 can support USB2.0. It is nee ed to install USB driver. 0 connect to PC by USB B, PC will ge et 7 port blow w: When H330 1 port p is for 3G G Modem to do data ope eration 2 ports are forr AT Comma and. 2 ports are forr trace. 2 ports are resserved. 5.4.2 USB Design Reference Design: H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 30 of 44 T101 and T102 should be low capa acitor TVS, it is below 1 pF. VUSB is US SB power su upply, it is 2.5V ~ 5.25V. Notice: VUSB shou uld be conne ect to a level (2.5V ~ 5.2 25V) or USB B cannot be recognized. USB_DP an nd USB_DM M are high sp peed lines, itt is 480 Mbp ps, It is PCB B Layout requirement be elow: Th he layout dessign of this circuit on the e AP board should comp ply with the USB 2.0 hig gh speed pro otocol, with differential lining and im mpedance co ontrol to 90 ohm. It iss recommen nded that se et USB_DP and a USB_DM pins as te est points an nd then plac ce these testt points on the AP A for debug g. ou don’ t nee ed to connecct the USB_V VBUS when n the function n of USB is not used. Yo Du ue to the use ed enclosure e material, th he mobile phone shall only be conn nected to a USB Intterface of ve ersion 2.0 orr higher. The e connection n to so called d power USB B is prohibited. 5.5 UAR RT 5.5.1 UART Interfa ace H330 supp port 2 UART T, one is 8 lin nes ; the oth her is 2 lines s。 8 lines UART1 1 support flo ow control, can be used to download d or AT communication. 2 lines UART2 2 only suppo ort AT elow: UART1 and UART2 defined be UART1 Pin# Pin Name I/O Description 35 UART1_R RI UART1 Ring indiccator 36 UART1_D DSR UART1 DTE Data Set ready 37 UART1_D DTR UART1 DCE Data a Terminal re eady H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 31 of 44 38 UART1_D DCD UART1 Carrier De etect 39 UART1_C CTS UART1 Clear to se end 40 UART1_R RTS UART1 Request to o send 41 UART1_T TXD UART1 Transmitte ed Data 42 UART1_R RXD UART1 Received Data Pin# Pin Name I/O Description 44 UART2_R RXD UART2 2 Transmitte ed Data 45 UART2_T TXD UART2 2 Received Data UART2 5.5.2 UART Design H330(DCE E)UART1 connect to PC(DTE), , the signal direction is below: Appliication MCU U(DTE) Signal dirrection H33 30 Module ((DCE) RXD UART1_TXD TXD UART1_RXD RTS UART1_CTS CTS UART1_RTS DSR UART1_DTR DTR UART1_DSR RI UART1_RI DCD UART1_DCD E)UART2 connect to PC(DTE), , the signal direction is below: H330(DCE Appliication MCU U(DTE) Signal dirrection H33 30 Module ((DCE) RXD UART2_TXD TXD UART2_RXD H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 32 of 44 Notice: T high level is i 1.8V. H330 UART If DTE is no ot suitable, need add ele ectrical level translation.. When use itt, need care e about the signal directiion. 5.6 USIM H330 support USIM M ,now don’t support hig gh speed SIM. 5.6.1 USIIM Interfac ce Pin# Pin Name I/O Descrip ption USIM_VC CC USIM po ower supply output USIM_RS ST USIM Re eset signal USIM_CL LK USIM clo ock signal USIM_IO I/O USIM da ata signal 12 GND GND USIM grround USIM_CD USIM inssert detect ssignal 5.6.2 USIIM Design Reference design: H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 33 of 44 Notice: p internal H3 330. USIM_IO is pulled up D can support SIM hot plug, low is active and SIM card is in nserted。 USIM_CD 5.6.3 USIIM Design n Notice The SIM intterface and signals design is extrem mely importa ant for prope er operation of H330 and d the SIM card. There are several design guid delines that must be follo owed to ach hieve a robusst and stable e design tha at equired stan ndards and regulations. meets the re Th he SIM should be located, and its sig gnals should d be routed, away from any possible EMI sources, such as the RF antenna and d digital switc ching signalls. he SIM interfface signals length shou uld not exceed 100 mm between the e H330 interrface Th connector and d the SIM tra ay. This is to meet with EMC regulattions and im mprove signa al integrity. en the SIM clock and data signals (S SIM_CLK an nd SIM_DAT TA), it is To avoid crossstalk betwee d to rout them m separatelyy on the app plication boa ard, and prefferably isola ated by a reccommended surrounding grround plane e. he SIM card signals should be prote ected from ESD using ve ery low capa acitance pro otective Th ele ements (zen ner diodes, etc.). The reccommended d part no of ESD is AVR R-M1005C08 80MTAAB (TD DK). We alsso recommen nded the ES SD compone ent should la ayout with S SIM hold clos sely. H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 34 of 44 5.6.4 USIIM Hot Plu ug H330 suppo ort SIM hot plug. Ha ardware Design When SIM is i removed, USIM_CD is high; insert SIM ,USIM M_CD is low w。 In reference e design USIM_CD conn nect U3 Pin8 8(SW2),P Pin7(SW1) connect GND. When no SIIM card, SW W2 is high; In nsert SIM, SW2 connectt SW1,USIM M_CD is pulled down。 So oftware Des sign When set AT+MSMPD= AT =1, the SIM detected fea ature will be e actives. The SIM card is on site orr not will be detected witth SIM_CD pin. SIM_CD=Lo ow level, SIM M card is on nsite and reg gister the ne etwork autom matically. SIM_CD=High or NC, SIM S card is off o site and H330 drop out o the network. Important: The defau ult value of MSMPD parrameter is “0 0”. And also,, the SIM de etected featu ure was gly. disabled corresponding 5.7 Ana alog Audio 5.7.1 Pin n Descriptiion The H330 audio interfacce supports two channe el audio devices and operating mod des. The aud dio interface's operating mo odes, active e devices, am mplification levels and speech proce essing algorrithms are fully controlled by the host application, through h advanced programmin ng options an nd a versatille AT commands set. Pin# Pin Nam me I/O Desc cription 13 AUXO+ Audio o channel2 output+ 14 AUXO- Audio o channel2 output 15 EAR- Audio o channel1 output 16 EAR+ Audio o channel1 output 17 MIC+ Audio o channel1 input + 18 MIC- Audio o channel1 input - 19 AUXI- Audio o channel2 input - 20 AUXI+ Audio o channel2 input +。 H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 35 of 44 21 AGND GND Audio o GND 22 VSPK Audio o codec speaker part po ower supply, connect to VBAT 5.7.2 Aud dio Description The audio input an nd output cha annels are differential in nterfaces. An nd have prefect perform mance at RF uppression. When conne ect to the ha andset, need d external au udio amplifie er. Spurious su In PCB B Layout, the e differential lines need equal length h, parallel, as short as p possible, for a better performance, the input and output need GND Isolation and d the interface need add d ESD prote ection. udio Chann nel 1 Au Audio channel 1 interface are differential liines, Can be e use as Ha and-phone. Audio channel 1:MIC input ch haracteristicc: Parame eters Test con nditions Min Typ Max Un nit Bias voltage No load 1.9 2.0 2.1 Gain Programm mable,step ps gain:2dB 32 dB Load re esistance 2.2 Ko ohm 1:EAR output characteristic: Audio channel Parame eters Test con nditions Out volttage No load Min Typ Max Un nit Vp pp Load re esistance 32 ohm DC Bias voltage udio Chann nel 2 Au Audio channel 2 interface are differential liines, Can be e use as Ha and-free. Note:The VSPK must be con nnected to VBAT, Otherw wise it will be e outwork. 2:A AUXI input characterist ic: Audio channel Param meters Test cond ditions Min Typ Max Unit Bias voltage No load 1.9 2.0 2.1 H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 36 of 44 Gain Programm mable,step ps gain:2dB 32 Load resistance 2.2 dB Kohm Audio channel 2:A AUXO outpu ut characterristic: Param meters Test con nditions Out vo oltage No load Min Typ Max Unit Vpp Load resistance ohm DC Bia as voltage 5.8 Digiital Audio Pin# Pin Name I/O Des scription 24 I2S2_CLK K0 Bit Clock 25 I2S2_WA0 Frame clock(LR RCK) 26 I2S2_TX Serrial data outp put 27 I2S2_RX Serrial data inpu ut 28 I2C_DATA I/O I2C data line 29 I2C_SCL I2C clock line 54 CLKOUT0 26M MHz clock ou utput H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 37 of 44 5.8.1 I2S 5.8.2 I2C Notice: can be set s master mode of slavver mode (1) I2S (2) It I support so ome audio sample rate (48KHz, 44.1KHz, 32KH Hz, 24 KHz, 22.5 KHz, 16 1 KHz, 12 KHz, 11.025 5 KHz, 8 KHzz ). 5.9 Othe er Other are a not supp ported like GPIO、MIPI、 、MMC、DA AC now. H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 38 of 44 6 Electtrical an nd Environmenttal 6.1 Elec ctrical Ch haracteristic The table iss H330 electtrical characteristic: Min. Max. Un nit VBAT -0.2 4.2 Digital Sign nal -0.2 1.9 6.2 Env vironmen ntal Charracteristic The table iss H330 envirronmental ch haracteristicc: Condition Operationa al Temperatu ure Storage ure Temperatu H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Min n. Max. Unit -30 +85 °C -40 +85 °C Page 39 of 44 7 RF In nterface H330 module inclu udes main an ntenna and diversity anttenna. Main an ntenna:GS SM/WCDMA A Tx and Rx . Diversitty antenna:WCDMA diversity Rx . 7.1 Ope erational Band 7.1.1 Main Antenna Opera ating Band Tx Rx UMTS S 2100 (Band I IMT) 1920–198 80 MHz 2110–2 2170 MHz UMTS S 1900 (Band II PCS) 1850–191 10 MHz 1930–1990 MHz UMTS S 850 (Ban nd V CLR) 824–849M MHz 869–89 94 MHz UMTS S 900 (Ban nd VIII GSM M) 880–915 MHz 925–96 60 MHz GSM 850 MHz 824–849 869–89 94 MHz GSM 900 880–915 MHz 925–96 60 MHz GSM 1800(DCS) 1710–178 85 MHz 1805–1880 MHz GSM 1900(PCS) 1850–191 10 MHz 1930–1990 MHz 7.1.2 Div versity Opera ating Band Rx UMTS S 2100 (Band I IMT) 2110–217 70 MHz UMTS S 1900 (Band II PCS) 1930–199 90 MHz UMTS S 850 (Band V CLR) UMTS S 900 (Band VIII GSM) H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual 869–894 MHz 925–960 MHz Page 40 of 44 RF PCB Design 7.1.3 Lay yout Guide eline When desig gn RF, we ne eed connectt H330 modu ule RF pin to o antenna, we w recomme ended to use e micro-line The shorterr the better, insert loss <0.2dB,and d impedance e is 50ohm.。 。 It is recomm mended to mount H330 module and d antenna co onnector to the t same sid de of layout . Add a π-typ pe circuit (tw wo parallel de evice ground d pin directly y to the main land) for a antenna mattching. 7.1.4 Imp pedance All RF lines should be 50ohm impe edance。 7.2 Ante enna Des sign 7.2.1 Main Antenna Design Requirem ment 1. Antenn na Efficienc cy Antenna effficiency is the ratio of the e input powe er to the rad diated or recceived power of an antenna. The radiated d power of an a antenna is always low wer than the e input powe er due to the e following antenna losses: return loss, matterial loss, and coupling loss. The efficiency of an a antenna relates to its s electrical dimensions. y of the mas ster antenna a > 40% (–4 4dB) Efficiency 2. S11 or VSWR h the input im mpedance off an antenna a matches th he reference S11 (return loss) indicates the degrree to which S shows th he resonance feature an nd impedancce bandwidth h of an antenna. Voltage impedance (50 ohm). S11 H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 41 of 44 standing wa ave ratio (VS SWR) is ano other expresssion of S11.. S11 relatess to the ante enna efficien ncy. S11 can be measure ed with vecto or analyzer. S11 of the maste er antenna < –10 dB 3. Polarizzation The polariza ation of an antenna is th he orientatio on of the elec ctric field ve ector that rottates with tim me in the direction of maximum ra adiation。 n is recomm mended forr the antenn na:diversitty antenna different to o main The linear polarization antenna 。 4. Radiation Pattern on pattern off an antenna a reflects the e radiation fe eatures of th he antenna in n the remote e field region n. The radiatio The radiatio on pattern off half wave dipole antennas is the be est for wirele ess terminals. If it is built-in antenna a, PIFA antenn na is recomm mended: 5. An ntenna area :high 6mm m*wide 10m mm*long 100mm。 Ra adiation Pa attern :om mnidirection nal Gain and Directivity on pattern off an antenna a representss the field strrength of the e radiated ellectromagne etic waves in The radiatio all directionss。 mmended an ntenna gain n≤ 2.5dBi. Recom 6. Interference e antenna pe erformance, the interfere ence on the user board also affectss the radio performance Besides the (especially the t TIS) of the module. To guarante ee high perfo ormance of the module,, the interferrence sources on the user boa ard must be e properly co ontrolled. On n the user bo oard, there a are various interference CD, CPU, au udio circuitss, and powerr supply. All the interfere ence sources emit sources, such as the LC e signals tha at affect the normal operration of the module. Fo or example, tthe module sensitivity interference can be decrreased due to t interferen nce signals. Therefore, during the de esign, you n need to cons sider how to reduce the effects of intterference sources on th he module. You Y can takke the following measure es: Use an LCD with op ptimized perrformance; shield the LC CD interferen nce signals; shield the ssignal cable of the board d; or design filter circuits. 7. TRP/TIIS TRP (Total Radiated d Power): W850/W900/W1900 0/W2100>1 19dBm 0>27dBm GSM850 GSM900 0>28dBm DCS1800 0>25dBm H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 42 of 44 PCS1900 0>25dBm TIS (Tootal Isotropic Sensitivity): W850/W900<-102d dBm W2100<-10 03dBm; /W1900/W GSM850 0<-102dBm GSM900 0<-102dBm DCS1800 0/PCS1900 0<-102dBm 7.2.2 Div versity anttenna desiign H330 diverssity antenna is optical, Iff need to support divers sity, must to increase the e diversity antenna. Diversity an ntenna desig gn methods and the maiin antenna, its efficiencyy indicators to allow the lower 3dB. Main antenn na and diverrsity antenna a isolation re equirements s greater tha an 12dB. EU Regulatory Conforma ance Hereby, She enzhen G&T T Industrial Developmen nt Co., Ltd., declares tha at this modu ule, model H330 is in compliance with the esssential requirements and other relevant provisio ons of Direcctive 1999/5//EC. Importan nt compliance infformation n for Norrth Amerrican use ers has been grante ed modular approval for mobile appllications. Inttegrators ma ay use the The H330 Module H330 Modu ule in their fin nal productss without add ditional FCC C certification n if they mee et the follow wing conditions. Otherwise, additional FC CC approva als must be obtained. 1. aration dista ance betwee en the antenna and the user’s body must be ma aintained at At leastt 20cm sepa all times. 2. mply with FCC regulation ns limiting bo oth maximum m RF output power and d human exp posure to RF To com radiation, th he maximum m antenna ga ain including g cable loss in a mobile--only exposu ure condition n must not exceed 2.5d dBi. 3. 330 Module and its ante enna must no ot be co-loca ated or operrating in con njunction witth any other The H3 transmitter or o antenna within a host device. H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 43 of 44 4. A label must be afffixed to the outside of th he end produ uct into whicch the H330 Module is in ncorporated, evice contains FCC ID: ZMOH330. with a statement similarr to the following: For H330: This de 5. h the end pro oduct must clearly indic cate the operrating requirrements and d conditions A user manual with e observed to t ensure co ompliance with w current FCC RF exp posure guide elines. that must be oduct with an embedded d H330 Mod dule may als so need to pass the FCC C Part 15 un nintentional The end pro emission testing require ements and be properlyy authorized per FCC Pa art 15. ntended for use in a porrtable device e, you are re esponsible ffor separate approval to Note: If this module is in requirements of FC CC Part 2.10 093. satisfy the SAR CE: FCC NOTIC Changes orr modifications made to this equipm ment not expressly appro oved by She enzhen G&T T Industrial Development Co., Ltd. may void the FCC authorization to operate thiss equipment. H330 HSPA+ Module Hardw ware User Ma anual Page 44 of 44
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