Garmin 02670 Wireless Dog Trainer User Manual

Garmin International Inc Wireless Dog Trainer


Sport PRO™Quick Start ManualApril 2015 Printed in Taiwan 190-01893-01_0ADRAFT
Getting Started WARNINGSee the Important Safety and ProductInformation guide in the product box forproduct warnings and other importantinformation.Setting Up the Sport PRO SystemBefore you can use the Sport PROsystem, you must set up the devices.1Attach the dog collar device to thecollar strap (page 3).2Charge the handheld device(page 3).3Charge the dog collar device(page 4).4Turn on the devices (page 5).5If necessary, pair the dog collar devicewith the handheld device (page 5).Device OverviewsSport PRO Handheld DeviceÀDog collar device toggle switchÁIntensity level and training mode dialÂContinuous stimulation keyBarkLimiter™ on key (AUX mode)ÃMomentary stimulation keyBarkLimiter off key (AUX mode)ÄVibration keyLight on key (AUX mode)ÅTone keyLight off key (AUX mode)2 Getting StartedDRAFT
Sport PRO Dog DeviceÀPower keyÁStatus LEDÂLightsÃContact pointsÄCharging clip contactsAttaching the Dog Collar Device tothe Collar Strap1With the buckle À facing outward,insert the end of the collar strapthrough the slot Á on the collardevice.2Pull most of the collar strap throughthe two slots  on the dog device.3Insert the end of the collar strapthrough the slot à on the oppositeside of the device.4Pull the strap until it is tight across thefront of the device.Charging the Handheld DeviceNOTICETo prevent corrosion, thoroughly dry theUSB port, the weather cap, and thesurrounding area before charging orconnecting to a computer.You should fully charge the battery beforeyou use the device for the first time orwhenever the battery is low. It is normalfor the battery to discharge inapproximately 7 to 10 weeks when thedevice is not in use. Charging a fullydepleted battery takes about 2 hours.NOTE: The device will not charge when itis outside the temperature range of 32° to104°F (0° to 40°C).1Lift the weather cap À.Getting Started 3DRAFT
You should fully charge the batterybefore you use the device for the firsttime or whenever the battery is low. Itis normal for the battery to discharge inapproximately 7 to 10 weeks when thedevice is not in use. Charging a fullydepleted battery takes about 2 hours.2Plug the small end of the power cableinto the mini-USB port Á on thedevice.3Plug the other end of the power cableinto an appropriate power source.The status LED is solid red when thedevice is charging.4After the status LED turns solid green,unplug the power cable from thedevice.Charging the Dog Collar DeviceNOTICETo prevent corrosion, thoroughly dry thecontacts on the collar and the surroundingarea before connecting the charging clip.You should fully charge the battery beforeyou use the device for the first time orwhenever the battery is low. It is normalfor the battery to discharge inapproximately 7 to 10 weeks when thedevice is not in use. Charging a fullydepleted battery takes about 2 hours.NOTE: The device will not charge whenoutside the temperature range of 32° to104°F (0° to 40°C).1Snap the charging clip À onto thedevice Á.4 Getting StartedDRAFT
2Plug the power cable into a powersource.The status LED is solid red when thecollar is charging.3After the status LED turns solid green,remove the charging clip from thecollar.Turning On the Dog Collar Device• On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the status LED turnsgreen and the collar beeps to turn it onin training mode.•On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the status LED turnsblue to turn on the BarkLimiter feature.• On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the status LED turnsyellow to enter pairing mode(page 5).Turning Off the Device1On the dog collar device, hold thepower key until the red LED appears.2Release the power key.The dog collar device beeps to confirmpowering off.NOTE: If the device is powered off inBarkLimiter mode, the LED flashes thenumber of corrected barks beforepowering off .Dog Collar DeviceYou can use up to 3 dog collar deviceswith a single handheld device.Each dog collar device must be pairedwith the handheld device before it can beused. During the pairing process, eachdog collar device is associated with adifferent color on the handheld device.Pairing a Dog Collar Device with theHandheld DeviceNOTE: If your handheld device and dogcollar device were included in the samepackage, the devices are paired from thefactory.Getting Started 5DRAFT
1On the handheld device, move thetoggle switch and select a key tochoose the color associated with thedog collar device.2On the handheld device, set theintensity level to a numbered position.3On the dog collar device, hold thepower key for about 5 seconds untilthe status LED changes to yellow.4On the handheld device, select atraining key.The dog collar device beeps when thedevices have paired successfully. If thedevice does not beep, pairing has notbeen successful.TIP: If the devices did not pairsuccessfully, you should verify thebatteries in both devices are fully chargedand the intensity level is set to a numberedposition.Selecting a Dog Collar DeviceBefore you can select and control a dogcollar device, you must pair the dog collardevice with the handheld device (page 5).Move the dog collar device toggleswitch to select the color associatedwith a dog collar device.The training keys control the dog collardevice associated with the selected color.Dog TrainingYou should research and investigate thetraining methods best suited for you, yourdog, and your needs.When used properly, the Sport PROtraining system is an effective training toolto aid your dog in reaching its full potential.The use of the training system should bepart of an overall training program.Fitting the Collar on Your Dog CAUTIONTo prevent irritation from the contactpoints, remove the collar for at least eighthours out of every 24-hour period.This device is not intended for human use.Do not attempt to use on any person.Do not spray the device or collar withharsh chemicals including but not limitedto flea or tick spray. Always ensure thatany flea or tick spray that is applied to thedog is completely dry before placing thecollar on the dog. Small amounts of harshchemicals can damage the plasticcomponents and collar laminate.6 Dog TrainingDRAFT
In order to properly correct the dog, thecollar and device must fit the dog properly.If the collar is too loose or positionedincorrectly, corrections may beinconsistent. This can delay or preventsuccessful training.1Position the device at the front of thedog's neck, with the status LED facingtoward the dog's chin and the contactpoints against the throat.TIP: For bark correction, the devicecontact points should be positionednear the dog's vocal cords. Thislocation varies based on the breed ofdog. If the device does not seem todetect the dog's barks, you shouldmove the device closer to or fartherfrom the dog's body to find the ideallocation.2Tighten the strap so that it is very snugaround the dog's neck, and fasten thebuckle.NOTE: The collar should fit tightly andshould not be able to rotate or slide onthe dog's neck. The dog must be ableto swallow food and water normally.You should observe your dog'sbehavior to verify that the collar is nottoo tight.3Wiggle the device to work the contactpoints through the dog's coat.NOTE: The contact points must havecontact with the dog's skin to beeffective.4If the strap is too long, cut off theexcess, leaving at least 3 in. (8 cm) tospare.TIP: You can mark the hole used tofasten the buckle for future reference.Dog Training 7DRAFT
Selecting and Installing the ContactPointsFor best results, select the correct contactpoints based on your dog's coat.1Select the correct contact point lengthfor your dog's coat type:•For dogs with thicker coats, usethe longer contact points.•For dogs with shorter coats, usethe shorter contact points.2If necessary, use the included wrenchto remove the contact points.3Twist the contact points into the collar.4Tighten with the included wrench, butdo not overtighten.When you put the collar on the dog, makesure the contact points are tight againstthe neck.Training MethodsNOTE: Training features are not availablein all areas for tracking collars.Momentary stimulation: Applies a briefstimulation when you press the trainingkey, regardless of how long the key isdepressed.Continuous stimulation: Appliesstimulation to the dog the entire timeyou press the training key, for amaximum of 8 seconds. Yourstimulations should typically be muchshorter than 8 seconds.Tone: Activates an audible tone instead ofstimulation. A tone can be used aseither a positive or negative trainingcue, depending on your trainingprogram.Vibration: Applies vibration instead ofstimulation to the dog the entire timeyou press the training key, for amaximum of 8 seconds. Theeffectiveness of vibration may varybased on the dog's temperament andexperience.Device InformationHandheld Device SpecificationsBattery type Rechargeable lithium-ionBattery life 60 hr. typical useOperatingtemperature rangeFrom -20° to 60°C (from-4° to 140°F)Chargingtemperature rangeFrom 0° to 40°C (from32° to 104°F)8 Device InformationDRAFT
Storagetemperature range(up to 1 month)From -20° to 50°C (from-4° to 122°F)Storagetemperature range(up to 3 months)From -20° to 35°C (from-4° to 95°F)Water rating IEC 60529 IPX7**The device withstands incidentalexposure to water of up to 1 m for up to30 min. For more information, go to Collar Device SpecificationsBattery type Rechargeable,replaceable lithium-ionBattery life 60 hr. typical useOperatingtemperature rangeFrom -20° to 60°C (from-4° to 140°F)Chargingtemperature rangeFrom 0° to 40°C (from32° to 104°F)Storagetemperature range(up to 1 month)From -20° to 50°C (from-4° to 122°F)Storagetemperature range(up to 3 months)From -20° to 35°C (from-4° to 95°F)Water rating 1 ATM**The device withstands pressureequivalent to a depth of 10 m. For moreinformation, go to Your DeviceHelp us better support you by completingour online registration today.• Go to• Keep the original sales receipt, or aphotocopy, in a safe place.Getting More InformationYou can find more information about thisproduct on the Garmin® website.• Go to• Go to, or contactyour Garmin dealer for informationabout optional accessories andreplacement parts.Device Information 9DRAFT
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