Good Way Technology FW2140 4 Port Wireless USB Server User Manual
Good Way Technology Co., Ltd. 4 Port Wireless USB Server
Manual r1
4-Port Wireless USB Server User's Manual Table of Contents Safety instructions ...............................................................4 Copyright...............................................................................4 Trademarks ...........................................................................4 Introduction...........................................................................5 Features.................................................................................5 Package contents .................................................................5 Connectivity ..........................................................................6 System requirement .............................................................6 Product overview..................................................................7 Connection............................................................................8 - Power connection...................................................................... 8 - Network connection..................................................................10 Utility installation................................................................ 13 Utility operation .................................................................. 14 - Getting started..........................................................................14 - Device mapping........................................................................16 - Device request .........................................................................18 - Device setting...........................................................................20 - Printer sharing ..........................................................................23 - Server manager .......................................................................25 :HEEDVHGFRQÂżJXUDWLRQ .................................................. 35 - Home page...............................................................................35 - Network page ...........................................................................36 - Status page ..............................................................................37 - Upgrade page...........................................................................37 - Log page ..................................................................................38 - Settings page ...........................................................................39 Regulatory compliance ...................................................... 40 - FCC conditions.........................................................................40 - CE ............................................................................................40 - WEEE information ....................................................................40 6SHFLÂżFDWLRQ ....................................................................... 41 Before attempting to connect, operate or adjust this product, please save and read the User's Manual completely. The style of the product shown in this User's Manual may be different from the actual unit due to various models. Safety instructions Always read the safety instructions carefully: Ĺś.HHSWKLV8VHUÂśV0DQXDOIRUIXWXUHUHIHUHQFH Ĺś.HHSWKLVHTXLSPHQWDZD\IURPKXPLGLW\ Ĺś,IDQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJVLWXDWLRQDULVHVJHWWKHHTXLSPHQW checked by a service technician: ⢠The equipment has been exposed to moisture. ⢠The equipment has been dropped and damaged. ⢠The equipment has obvious sign of breakage. ⢠The equipment has not been working well or cannot get LWWRZRUNDFFRUGLQJWRWKH8VHUÂśV0DQXDO Copyright This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. All right are reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced by any mechanical, electronic or other means, in any form, without prior written permission of the manufacturer. Trademarks All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners or companies. Introduction This server allows you to control the USB devices (such as multi-function printer, scanner, keyboard and etc.) using a computer through a network. it provides USB2.0 full-speed data transmission rate up to 480Mbps, and 4 USB device connections are supported. Except the Ethernet connection, the built-in WiFi connection allows you to access these USB devices without 5 meters limitation of USB cable. Features Ĺś&RPSOLDQWZLWK86%YHUVLRQVSHFLÂżFDWLRQ Ĺś+LJKVSHHG86%GDWDWUDQVPLVVLRQUDWHXSWR0ESV Ĺś0ESV(WKHUQHWSRUWIRU/$1 ĹśEJQ:L)LIRUZLUHOHVV/$1 Ĺś&HQWUDOL]HGUHPRWH86%VHUYHUPDQDJHPHQW Ĺś&HQWUDOL]HGUHPRYHGHYLFHVWDWXVPRQLWRULQJ Ĺś.9'&(6'LPPXQLW\WR86%SRUW Ĺś',1UDLOPRXQWDEOH Package contents ĹśWireless USB server x1 Ĺś&' 'ULYHU 8VHUÂśV0DQXDO [ Ĺś3RZHUDGDSWHU $8(88.86DGDSWHUFRQYHUWHU included) Connectivity - The USB server provides the following connections to your USB devices Ĺś86%+LJKVSHHGSRUWV Ĺś)XOOP$SRZHUSURYLGHGWRHDFKSRUW - The USB Server provides the following connections to your Network Ĺś5-(WKHUQHWFRQQHFWRU Ĺś0ESVDXWRVHQVLQJ $XWR0',;FDSDEOH Ĺś,3DGGUHVVLQJ6WDWLF'+&3 System requirement Ĺś,%0FRPSDWLEOHFRPSXWHURU0DF ÂŽ ÂŽ ÂŽ Ĺś:LQGRZV :LQGRZV9LVWD :LQGRZV;3 ELW ÂŽ ÂŽ Windows 2000 and Mac OS ; Ĺś%XLOWLQ86%SRUWFRPSXWHU Ĺś0%5$0RUKLJKHU ÂŽ Ĺś3HQWLXP 0+]RUKLJKHU Ĺś0DFLQWRVK0DF26; RUODWHU Ĺś/LQX[RU/DWHU Product overview 10 11 1 WiFi antenna 2 Reset button: Presses to restore the factory default settings. 3 Link/Act: ĹśLights green when connecting to an available 10 11 network. ĹśFlashes green when the wireless data is transmitting. Power indicator: Lights up when the power is on. Signal strength: Displays the status of signal strength. RJ-45 Ethernet connector: Connects to an available LAN (Local area network). LED indicator : Lights up when a USB type-A connector is used. USB 2.0 type-A connector: Connects to a desired USB device. DIN mounting: $WWDFKHVWRDVWDQGDUG',15DLO 5V3A DC Power jack 9~36 VDC power terminal Connection Power connection To power the USB server, choose one of the below methods. Power LED lights up when the USB server's power is on. DC-In Plug the supplied power adapter into a wall outlet and the other end to the USB server's DC power jack. Power cable ,QVHUWWKHFDEOHLQWRWKHSRZHU terminal block. 2. Tighten the screw using screwdriver. 3. Plug the power terminal block into the USB server according to the connector's orientation. Network connection This USB server can connect to an available LAN (Local Area Network) using wire or wireless. Select one of the following methods to connect the USB server. Note that the connection diagrams shown below are examples only. The real applications may be different from the actual conditions. Wireless connection USB server Laptop Wireless Wireless Wireless router USB server Laptop Wireless Cable Wireless router 7KHGHYLFHRIURXWHUFDQEHD'6/URXWHU(WKHUQHW+XE6ZLWFK RU[URXWHUEDVHVWDWLRQ 10 Wire connection USB server Laptop Cable Wireless router Cable PC connection Connect the USB server to a computer using Ethernet cable directly if you do not have a network. USB server Desktop Cable 11 USB devices connection Connect USB device(s) to the USB server when the USB server has been connected to a LAN. The supported USB devices of this USB server are USB printers, USB multifunction printers, USB scanners, USB hard drives, USB +,'GHYLFHV LHNH\ERDUGVDQGPLFH 86%FDPHUDV86% $XGLR9LGHRSURGXFWVDQGHWF Note:,QVWDOOWKH86%GHYLFH VGULYHUVEHIRUHFRQQHFWLQJWR the USB server is recommended. USB server Laptop Wireless Wireless USB cable USB cable Scanner 12 Printer Utility installation Note that the following descriptions of software installation and operations are on the Windows Operation System platform. Although the screen shots shown on this XVHUÂśVPDQXDOPD\QRWPDWFK\RXURSHUDWLRQV\VWHPWKH GHÂżQLWLRQVRIEXWWRQVWDEVDQGPHQXVDUHWKHVDPH ,QVHUWWKHVXSSOLHGGULYHU&'LQWR\RXUFRPSXWHU V&' '9'520 'RXEOHFOLFNWKHLQVWDOODWLRQÂżOHWRVWDUWWKHLQVWDOODWLRQ ZL]DUGDQGWKHQIROORZWKHRQVFUHHQLQVWUXFWLRQVWR complete the installation procedure. 3. ClickPower connection chapter. 3. Connect the USB server to a computer, refer to the Connection > Wireless connection or Wire connection chapter. 4. Launch the utility. 14 5. Utility's main menu. 1 Menu bar: Presents the command list and graphic user interfaces. 2 Function Panel: Lists the function of USB server utility. 3 Main window: Lists the connected device server and USB devices. 4 Server/Device Details Panel: Displays the detailed information which are selected on the main window. 5 Log panel: List the log of the USB server. Shows useful PHVVDJHVRIWKHXVHUÂśVSURFHVVLQJKLVWRU\ 15 Device mapping 1. Click < Device Mapping > on the function panel. 2. Click the < > on the toolbar to start the device mapping after connecting USB devices. 3. All the connected USB devices will be listed as a tree hierarchy under the USB server on the main window after a while. 16 4. By default, all the detected USB devices will be connected automatically when mapping procedure is ÂżQLVKHG,IWKHVWDWXVRI86%GHYLFHVKRZVDisconnect, Device Mapping to right click on the main window of bring up the pop-up menu and then select < Connect !WRYLUWXDOL]HVWKH86%GHYLFHRQWR\RXUFRPSXWHU 5. To disable the connection, right click the desired USB Device Mapping, and device on the Main window of then select < Disconnect >. 17 Device request ,QDORFDODUHDQHWZRUNWKHFRQQHFWHG86%GHYLFHVFDQ be used by multi-users through the USB device. Note that only one user can access a USB device at a time. When the status of USB device shows Busy, it means this USB device has been claimed by one user already. To access this USB device, you have to request that user to relinquish the connection. 5LJKWFOLFNWKHEXV\86%GHYLFHRQWKHMain window of Device Mapping to bring up the pop-up menu, and then select . Alternatively, you can select from Menu bar. 2. A message will appear on the screen when the request has been sent successfully, and then click . 18 3. The current user which is accessing the USB device will receive a Device Free Request message as shown below. 4. The current user can either click to release the USB device or click the reject the request. 19 Device setting To setup the connection of USB device, right click the desired USB device to bring up the pop-up menu, and then select Settings. Automatically connect this device The auto connection can be enabled or disabled for each device. By default, the auto connection is enabled for all USB devices after mapping. To change the default setting, uncheck this option, and then click to exit. 20 Reconnect the device if the connection is loss You may re-establish the connection back with the device if disconnecting. To enable the auto re-connect back to the network as your default setting, tick this option, otherwise re-connect the network manually. To exit the setting window, click . Note: The reasons for disconnection may include the following: USB server is power cycled, USB device is XQSOXJJHGQHWZRUNÂśVFDEOHLVXQSOXJJHGDQGHWF 21 Auto launch the program $XWRODXQFKHVDVSHFLÂżFDSSOLFDWLRQZKHQWKHVSHFLÂżF86% device is connected. 1. Tick Launch a program when this device connects option. 2. Click to set the path of the application which needs to be launched, then click to exit the dialog window. 3. A message as shown below will appear on the screen if the setting is successful, and then click button to close the window. 7. Once the printer is set to a printer server, it remains free except the printer is accessed and becomes Busy when a user prints to the printer. The printing jobs from multiple user will be executed on a time sharing basis. Remove the obsolete printer To remove the obsolete printer, right click the selected printer, and then select option on the Printer Sharing window. The obsolete printer means the driver KDVEHHQXQLQVWDOOHGIURPDFOLHQWXVHU5HPRYHWKHSULQWHU which is not an obsolete printer is banned. The user will receive the message as Printer XXX: Is not an obsolete Printer!!. Note: ,IDSULQWHUKDVEHHQVHWLQSULQWHUVKDULQJPRGHWKHAuto Connect will be turned off. ,IWU\WRHQDEOHWKHAuto Connect function for a printer which is in the printer sharing mode through device setting, a message will pop-up and show that it cannot be FRQÂżJXUHGWRAuto Connect mode as its Printer Sharing mode is already enabled. 24 Server manager 1. Click < Server Manager > from function panel. 5LJKWFOLFNWREULQJXSDSRSXSPHQXRQWKHMain window of Server Manager, and then select . 3. All the searched server will be listed on the Main window of Server Manager as shown below. 25 4. By default, the USB server is protected by a password. 7RFRQÂżJXUHWKH86%VHUYHUWKHXQORFNSURFHGXUHLV necessary. 5LJKWFOLFNDQGVHOHFWUnlock> to bring up the password dialog window. .H\LQWKHSDVVZRUG7KHGHIDXOWSDVVZRUGIRUWKH86% server is "usbip". 7. The message of Unlock OK appears on the screen when the authentication is successful. Now the USB server can EHFRQÂżJXUHG 26 6HUYHUFRQÂżJXUDWLRQ 5LJKWFOLFNWREULQJXSWKHSRSXSPHQXRQWKHMain Server Manager, and then select . 2. The 6HUYHU&RQÂżJXUDWLRQ window will appear on the screen. 2-1 Rename the server 1. Click tab, and then tick checkbox of . 2. Enter a desired name to the column of Server Name. 3. Click tab, and then tick the checkbox of . Note:%\GHIDXOWWKH,3DGGUHVVRIWKLVVHUYHULV 6HOHFWDSUHIHUUHG,3FRQÂżJXUDWLRQ 3. Enter the desired IP address, Subnet Mask and Gate Way, and then click . Note:(DFKGHYLFHLVLGHQWLÂżHGE\LWVXQLTXH,3DGGUHVVLQ WKHQHWZRUN'RQRWXVHWKH,3DGGUHVVZKLFKKDVEHHQ assigned to other device already. 2-3 Enable, disable or change the password 1. Click the tab. 2. Tick the checkbox of upper to enable or disable the password option. 3. Tick the checkbox of lower to change your password. 29 Restore the factory default settings 5LJKWFOLFNWREULQJXSWKHSRSXSPHQXRQWKHMain Server Manager, and then select window of . 2. Click to restore the settings. Note: All settings will restore the factory default if the ÂżUPZDUHLVXSJUDGHG 30 Search server by MAC ID (DFK86%VHUYHULVDVVLJQHGZLWKDXQLTXH0$&,'ZKLFK FDQEHVHDUFKHGDQGFRQÂżJXUHGHYHQLIWKH86%VHUYHULV QRWFRQÂżJXUHGLQWKHVDPHQHWZRUN 5LJKWFOLFNWREULQJXSWKHSRSXSPHQXRQthe Main Server Manager, and then select Search window of by MAC ID. 2. A reminder message pop-up on the screen, click to add the application to the Windows Firewall Exception List. 31 3. The 6HUYHU4XLFN&RQÂżJXUDWLRQ8WLOLW\ will be launched after clicking , and then click . 7KHSUHFRQÂżJXUHG86%VHUYHUVZLOOEHVHDUFKHGDV shown below. 32 &RQÂżJXUHWKH86%VHUYHUIURP86%6HUYHU4XLFN &RQÂżJXUDWLRQ8WLOLW\ 1. Click the desired MAC address from Search Result list, and then click . Alternatively, enter the MAC address to the columns of MAC address directly. &KRRVHWRFRQÂżJXUHWKH86%VHUYHU,3DGGUHVVLQDHCP mode if the connected network supports DHCP. Choose StaticDVWKH,3FRQÂżJXUDWLRQPRGHLIWKHFRQQHFWHG network does not support DHCP. 33 3. Tick checkbox of Server Name to assign a desired user QDPHIRULGHQWLÂżFDWLRQ2QFHWKHVHWWLQJVKDYHEHHQ completed, click to apply. 4. Click to enter. The default user name is "admin" and the password is "usbip". 6HYHUDOFRQÂżJXUDWLRQSDJHVDUHFRQWDLQHGZKHQWKH ZHEFRQÂżJXUDWLRQLVRSHQHG&OLFNRQHRIWKHSDJHVWR FRQÂżJXUHWKH86%VHUYHU Home page Displays the information of USB server, such as Server QDPHQHWZRUNVHWWLQJVÂżUPZDUHYHUVLRQDQGHWF 35 Network page The contents of network page will be changed depending on the type of connection you selected. Wire connection Click the wire option when connecting to a router through DQ(WKHUQHWFDEOH&RQÂżJXUHWKHStatic IP, Subnet Mask, and GatewayPDQXDOO\RUHQDEOHWKH'+&3WRREWDLQDQ,3 address. Wireless connection 1. Click the wireless option when using a wireless connection to a router. 2. Click to search the available wireless LAN(s), and then select a desired wireless LAN to join. 3. Enable the Encryption option and then enter the password if the network is secured. 36 (QDEOHWKH'+&3WRJHWDQ,3DGGUHVVIURPWKHZLUHOHVV router or disable to change the IP address, Subnet mask and Default Gateway. Status page The status page shows the current status of the connected USB devices, and update the information automatically every 10 seconds. Upgrade page 7RXSGDWHWKHÂżUPZDUHRIWKH86%VHUYHUFOLFNWRHQDEOH Complete Firmware Upgrade option. 2. Enter TFTP Sever IP address and Upgrade File Name, then click , and then click . 2. Enable the FTP Transfer. 3. Enter the FTP address that you wish to receive the log ÂżOHWRWKHFTP-IP Address. 4. Enter the user name and password that you have set in WKHVSHFLÂżFIWSWRWKHFTP-USER and FTP-Password address respectively. 38 Settings page Change the password 1. To protect the USB server using a password, click to select in the Password Enable/Disable option. 2. Enter the password, and then click . Change the Server Name Enter a desired name to the Server Name option. Restore the settings Ĺś7RUHVWRUHWKHIDFWRU\GHIDXOWVHWWLQJVFOLFNRestore Defaults>. Once the restore function has been operated, all the settings will be erased and return to the factory default. Reset the Server Ĺś7R reset the USB server, click . 39 Regulatory compliance FCC conditions Caution: changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofconditions the following measures: FCC ââ Reorient or relocate receiving This equipment hasthe been testedantenna. and found to comply with ââ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 3DUW&ODVV%RIWKH)&&5XOHV2SHUDWLRQLVVXEMHFWWR ââ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different the following two conditions: from that to which the receiver is connected. (1) This may cause harmful interference ââ Consultdevice the dealer or not an experienced radio/TV technician for help. (2) This device accept anyevaluated interference RF exposure: Themust device has been for RF exposure at a received andininclude interference that distance of 20cm mobile conditions. Keep themay antennas of the device awayundesired at least 20cm from persons. cause operation. Regulatory compliance CE This equipment is in compliance with the requirements of the following regulations: EN 55 022: CLASS B WEEE information For EU (European Union) member users: According to the WEEE (Waste electrical and electronic equipment) Directive, do not dispose of this product as household waste or commercial waste. Waste electrical and electronic equipment should be appropriately collected and recycled as required by practices established for your country. For information on recycling of this product, please contact your local authorities, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. 40 6SHFLĂFDWLRQ ,WHP Ports Connector ESD protect Transmission Speed Interface Interface connector Power requirements Operating temperature Operating humidity Regulatory approvals Description 4xUSB2.0 USB-A female .9(6' 12M~480Mbps *LJD/$1:L)L 5-$QWHQQD 9$'&a9'& 0 ~ 55°C a5+ )&&&( 41 4-Port Wireless USB Server User's Manual 0614v1
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