Gutermann Technology ZS820915AL ZONESCAN 820 ALPHA - DATA COLLECTION UNIT User Manual


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Download: Gutermann Technology ZS820915AL ZONESCAN 820 ALPHA - DATA COLLECTION UNIT User Manual
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Date Submitted2012-01-17 00:00:00
Date Available2012-01-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-01-16 09:15:35
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 10.1.1 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2012-01-17 13:20:01
Document Titleuntitled

ZONESCAN 800/820
Edition 0110820
Table of Contents
GUTERMANN ............................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
ZONESCAN 800 software .............................................................................................. 6
Deploying the Loggers in the field ......................................................................................... 18
Importing a Digital Mapinto the Zonescan Software .................................................. 19
Downloading the data in the Loggers ......................................................................... 24
Programming‐ Correlation .................................................................................................... 15
When a logger(s) fails to synchronize ................................................................................... 16
Deploying the Zonescan Loggers ................................................................................ 17
Inserting a New Logger .......................................................................................................... 11
Insert Muliple Loggers ........................................................................................................... 11
Logger Setup – Measurement Settings ................................................................................. 12
Zonescan 820 Sensitivity Boost ............................................................................................. 13
Programming the Loggers .......................................................................................... 14
Initial ZS800 Commlink Setup.................................................................................................. 7
Check Radio Connection .......................................................................................................... 8
Initial ZS820 Commlink Setup.................................................................................................. 8
Zonescan Loggers Process Flow Chart ........................................................................... 9
Creating a new Database............................................................................................ 10
System Components................................................................................................................ 6
Radio loggers ........................................................................................................................... 6
System Communication Link ................................................................................................... 6
Setting the Threshold Leak Levels ......................................................................................... 25
Start the Download ............................................................................................................... 26
The Noise Logging Principal ........................................................................................ 28
Tab.2 The first sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. A..................................... 29
Tab.3 the second sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. B ................................. 30
Tab.4 the third sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. C .................................... 31
Tab.5 the fourth sample taken of 21dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. D .................................. 32
Tab.6 the fifth sample taken of 18dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. E ..................................... 33
Tab.7 the sixth sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. F..................................... 34
Tab.8 the seventh sample taken of 13dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. G ................................ 35
Tab.9 the eighth sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. H .............. 36
9 Analysing Results ....................................................................................................... 37
No Leak Result ....................................................................................................................... 38
Possible Leak Result .............................................................................................................. 39
Probable Leak Result ............................................................................................................. 40
Interpreting noise logging results ......................................................................................... 41
Which logger is closer to the leak?........................................................................................ 43
What is the Leak Value? ........................................................................................................ 44
Reliability of Results .............................................................................................................. 44
10 Performing Correlations ............................................................................................. 45
Correlation between two loggers.......................................................................................... 45
The Correlation Result ........................................................................................................... 47
Exhaustive Correlation .......................................................................................................... 48
11 Interpreting the Correlation Results ........................................................................... 49
12 Project Management.................................................................................................. 52
13 Appendix Section ....................................................................................................... 53
13.1 Wizard Assisted Version ........................................................................................................ 53
Main Window ................................................................................................................ 53
Function buttons ............................................................................................................ 53
Logger list ..................................................................................................................... 54
Status panel ................................................................................................................... 54
13.2 Main Menu (Wizard Assisted Version) .................................................................................. 55
File ................................................................................................................................. 55
Logger ........................................................................................................................... 55
View .............................................................................................................................. 55
Setup .............................................................................................................................. 55
13.3 Logger State (Wizard Assisted Version) ................................................................................ 56
Synchronize ................................................................................................................... 57
Remote listening ............................................................................................................ 57
13.4 Logger Setup (Wizard Assisted Version)................................................................................ 57
13.5 Logger Synchronization (all loggers) – Wizard Assisted Version ........................................... 58
13.6 View Logger Measurements (Wizard Assisted Version) ....................................................... 59
Measurement list ........................................................................................................... 59
Measurement data.......................................................................................................... 59
14 Measurement ............................................................................................................ 59
Correlate Sound Signals (Wizard Assisted Version) .............................................................. 60
15 Sync. numbers ............................................................................................................ 60
16 Status panel ............................................................................................................... 60
Result display......................................................................................................................... 61
Filter ...................................................................................................................................... 61
17 Connection ................................................................................................................. 62
18 Audio ......................................................................................................................... 62
19 Language .................................................................................................................... 62
20 HotSync ...................................................................................................................... 62
21 Function buttons ........................................................................................................ 66
22 Logger list ................................................................................................................... 67
Use these 3 step process ................................................................................................... 68
23 Status panel ............................................................................................................... 69
24 File ............................................................................................................................. 69
25 Logger ........................................................................................................................ 69
26 View ........................................................................................................................... 70
27 Options ...................................................................................................................... 70
28 Synchronize ................................................................................................................ 72
29 Remote listening ........................................................................................................ 72
30 Actions ....................................................................................................................... 75
31 Order of synchronization ............................................................................................ 75
32 Synchronization mode................................................................................................ 75
33 Correlation ................................................................................................................. 76
34 Report .................................................................................................................... 76
35 Synchronization ....................................................................................................... 76
36 Measurement list ....................................................................................................... 78
37 Measurement data..................................................................................................... 79
38 Export measurement data .......................................................................................... 79
39 Measurement ............................................................................................................ 80
40 View ........................................................................................................................... 80
41 Correlate Sound Signals (Standard Professional Version) ........................................... 82
42 Sync. Numbers ........................................................................................................... 82
43 Status panel ............................................................................................................... 83
Result display......................................................................................................................... 83
Filter ...................................................................................................................................... 83
Function buttons: ....................................................................................................... 86
Warning levels ......................................................................................................... 88
Map ........................................................................................................................... 89
Connection ................................................................................................................. 89
Audio ......................................................................................................................... 89
Language .................................................................................................................... 89
HotSync ...................................................................................................................... 89
Conduit Setup ............................................................................................................ 90
Synchronize the files .................................................................................................. 90
Handheld overwrites PC ............................................................................................. 91
Connection Type ........................................................................................................ 91
Zonescan820 Commlink Setup.................................................................................... 92
Creating the link between the Zonescan Software and Bluetooth Manager ............... 95
Updating the Commlink Firmware.............................................................................. 96
ZONESCAN 800/820
Correlating Radio Logger
1. Introduction
Welcome to the ZONESCAN 800 System.
ZONESCAN 800 is a professional, easy‐to‐use analysis and documentation tool for detecting leaks in
drinking water distributions. It consists of small, intelligent units (loggers) that are deployed throughout
the distribution network for collecting analysis data and a communication unit for interactive controlling
and transferring the data to a mobile computer (laptop). The components provide powerful radio
transmission abilities in order to allow convenient operation from inside a vehicle. The system comprises
the following functions:
‐ Automatic monitoring and analyzing of noise characteristics
‐ Calculation of leak probability with optical and acoustic indication
‐ Off‐line correlation of sound signal for localizing leaks
‐ Remote listening of leak noise
For further details concerning the loggers and the communication link see also System Components.
The integrated ZONESCAN 800 Windows™ software provides easy‐to‐use operation of the radio units
and powerful analysis tools of the measurement data. It supports project management for easier
organization of the loggers as well as integration of geographical maps. The software also contains
various graphical and tabular data diagnostics tools and export functions.
The Windows software can be operated in two modes: Wizard assisted mode which provides guided
functions and is easy to use or Standard professional mode. The operation mode can be switched in the
initialization window.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user's authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits and Industry Canada RSS102 set forth for an
uncontrolled environment.
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator &
your body.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de
brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
1.1. System Components
The ZONESCAN 800 system consists of the following components:
‐ Radio loggers
‐ System Communication Link (ZS820 Bluetooth)
‐ Communication cable (Serial/RS 232C)
‐ Mobile computer (laptop) with ZONESCAN 800 software
1.2. Radio loggers
The radio loggers continuously monitor and analyze noise characteristics. The loggers need no
maintenance. Depending on the setting of radio operation period and how often the functions
Correlation and Remote listening (see Logger State) are used, battery lifetime normally exceeds 5
years. Battery may be replaced by authorized personnel only.
1.3. System Communication Link
The System Communication Link (abbreviated: CommLink) serves as an interface for radio
communication between computer and the loggers. It is connected to the computer‘s serial
interface via the Communication Cable. When connected to the computer the System
Communication Link will be automatically detected as soon as the ZONESCAN 800 software is
started. It is switched off either by exiting the software or disconnecting it from the computer.
Later version CommLinks have a push on/off button. Depending on the surrounding conditions,
radio transmission to the loggers is possible up to several hundred metres.
2. ZONESCAN 800 software
The ZONESCAN software provides a variety of functions:
‐ transferring, storing and visualizing logger measurement data
‐ correlation of sound signals
‐ remote listening via PC speakers or headphone
‐ programming the loggers
‐ checking the logger state
‐ analyzing and printing measurement data
‐ exchanging data with other PCs
‐ audio messages during synchronization of loggers
‐ geographical map of loggers (standard professional mode)
The software may be easily installed on every computer by executing the file SETUP.EXE from the
installation CD or installation disk 1. The installation software will guide the user through the
installation procedure. Minimum system requirements are:
‐ Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000
‐ Pentium II 120 or higher
‐ 32 MB RAM
‐ 5 MB free disk space
‐ Windows compatible mouse
2.2. Initial ZS800 Commlink Setup
Identify the Commlink, does it require a cable or Bluetooth to
connect to a computer. If it’s a cable continue with this section.
If it’s a Bluetooth go to Section 2.3.
The pathway of communication between the Commlink,
Zonescan software and the computer’s communication ports
require configuration before the loggers can be used. [Fig.1
Connect the System Communication Link via the
Communication Cable to an unused COM port of the PC. If the
computer does not have a RS232 inbuilt socket then a USB to
RS232 adaptor will be required. USB to RS232 Adaptors are
available from a computer dealer.
Fig.1commlink picture
In Windows go to device manager and expand the Ports to see which COM Port the Zonescan
Commlink or USB to RS232 serial port adaptor is assigned to. [Fig.2 in the Zonescan software check
COM port setting: select menu command File ‐ Options ‐ Setup, then select Connection and modify
setting if necessary.
Fig.2 setting up communication port
After these basic setup steps the software is prepared for normal operation. It is recommended to
check radio connection to the loggers next:
2.2. Check Radio Connection
Refer to section 3.1 on how to insert a logger to use to check the Radio Connection. Select a logger
in transmission range (click on according entry in logger list) and press the function button Logger
or the function key F3. Radio connection should be established after some seconds and
logger state data should be visualized in the Logger State window.
2.3. Initial ZS820 Commlink Setup
The ZS820 Commlink is cable less and uses Bluetooth as its form of communication therefore a
computer with inbuilt Bluetooth or a USB Bluetooth Dongle is required. For the Setup please refer to
the section” Zonescan820 Commlink Setup” in the Appendix of this document.
1 Zonescan Loggers Process Flow Chart
Create new database
To program the logger,
synchronise PC and all
required loggers using the
connection or Blue Tooth
More logging required?
Retrieve deployed loggers and
down load data
Analyse the leak noise results
Run correlations for each logger
Do results indicate a leak?
Red = probable leak
Amber = possible leak
Green = No leak
Pinpoint with
3. Creating a new Database
Start the Zonescan software in standard professional mode, see page 63. The Zonescan Loggers are
individually identified by a serial number which is stamped on the top of the logger. This serial number is
used by the Zonescan software as a means of communicating with each logger. Fig.3 shows how to
create a New Project by selecting File from the menu bar and then selecting New Project from the pull‐
down menu.
Fig.3 file new project
The cursor will flash in the box where the Project name needs to be entered. Use a name which helps identify
the area where the loggers are deployed.
Fig.4 name new project
3.1 Inserting a New Logger
The main window is blank, its ready to insert the loggers required for the newly created project. Select the
Insert New Logger as in Fig.5, a new smaller window will appear to allow the logger serial numbers to be
entered. Click OK and then to enter another logger, repeat the process. The Logger Position and comment
maybe filled in after the Loggers have been deployed however it is important that the logger position is
noted on a Map when deployed. The Measurements will require setting before Synchronization, this will be
covered later.
Fig.5 insert logger window
3.2 Insert Muliple Loggers
Click the Insert Multiple Loggers button to enter a large quantity of loggers. Fig.6 shows where to enter the
first and last serial number for the project. Click OK and all the loggers will appear as a list in the main
Fig.6 inset multiple loggers
3.3 Logger Setup – Measurement Settings
The Start and Stop time’s aswell as the Interval (sample rate) require setting to suit your requirements, the
best time period is when pressure is highest and consumption is lowest, if this doesn’t happen then the
standard settings will remain as in Fig.6. Click the Logger Setup Icon. Once these settings are complete then
reduce the radio operational window down to the period of time for programming and downloading the
Loggers, by doing this the battery life will be extended. Fig.7 the radio operation period is the time when
communication with the loggers is required during operators working hours.
Use the Copy to All Loggers button to set all the loggers with the same parameters.
Note: Set the measurement Intervals as follows: 3s for 3 hours logging, 2s for 2 hours and 1s for
than 2 hours
Fig.7 measurement settings in logger setup
3.4 Zonescan 820 Sensitivity Boost
The Zonescan 820 Loggers have an extra feature which Boost the sensitivity of the sensor, this is
recommended for very quiet leaks. Tick the box as in Fig.8 and copy to all loggers to set the Boost.
Fig.8 sensitivity boost
Programming the Loggers
Connect the Commlink with Antenna to the PC and switched on. Click the Synchronize button and a smaller
window appears. See Fig.9. Tick the option Transfer logger settings from PC to Logger, this means the
settings selected in Logger Setup and the PC time will be transferred to the Logger. The Zonescan Loggers are
versatile with respect to the Order of Synchronization. ‘Synchronize only reachable loggers’ is used when the
loggers are deployed in the field as a ‘Drive By’ communication. The loggers Synchronize as they come in
transmission range when driving around the deployment zone.
‘Synchronize according to logger list’ is the method of communication when all loggers are in one place e.g.
in the carry case. For more detailed explanation of this Synchronization methods see the section Logger
Synchronization on page 75.
Fig.9 actions and order of synchronization settings
In the section ‘Order of synchronization’ select according to logger list and tick ‘Wake up Logger’.
Wake up loggers: Wake up loggers that are in sleep mode. This function should be activated during
synchronization outside of the logger's radio operation period (see also Logger Setup). This is only for
synchronizing according to logger list.
Click ‘More’ to reveal further synchronization options. As ‘Get Measurements’ is not selected then leave the
Fast Sync option of Leak Values selected. This is not used for programming; it’s used for the download of
results, see download section.
Fig.10 get measurements synchronization settings
4.1 Programming‐ Correlation
To take advantage of the correlation function of the Zonescan Loggers the option must be selected by ticking
‘Prepare logger for correlation (record sound signal)’. Choose a Recording time which is between the
measurement times of 1:00am to 4:00am, 3:00am is recommended. Leave Noise Reduction selected as this
record 3 separate 8 second recordings. Choose a 5 to 10 minute Rec.pause this will help eliminate any
ambiguities such as a resident flushing a toilet (false leak) during the recording time. Single correlation
records 1 noise source and allows fast downloads. High‐res correlation is an extension of ‘Noise reduction
correlation with 5 separate 8 second recordings, downloads will take longer. Sound signals record once for
the first night and will require setting the next day for the following night.
Fig.11 correlation synchronization settings
Once all the Synchronize settings are set then click start to load the settings into the loggers. The
corresponding box in the ‘Read’ column of the database will turn green as each logger is successfully
synchronized Fig.12. A green ‘light’ in the database window confirms connection to the Communications Link
(the Commlink). Real‐time progress of the synchronization process is also indicated in the bottom left corner
of the main database window, when all loggers are synchronized the progress window will be blank and the
read column for all loggers will be green.
Fig.12 synchronization process
4.2 When a logger(s) fails to synchronize
If a logger fails to Synchronize then individually synchronize the logger by using the ‘Logger State’ (eye
symbol) function. Click the Synchronize button within the ‘Logger State’ window.
Any loggers which are missed
during synchronization, may be
individually synchronised by
using the ‘Logger State’ facility
(shown as an ‘eye’ icon).
Once in the ‘Logger State’
window for the desired logger,
simply select ‘Synchronize’ to
commence synchronization.
Fig.13 individual synchronization in logger state window
5 Deploying the Zonescan Loggers
Print out a paper copy of the deployment area map, as you move around the area mark the position of the
Zonescan Logger’s Serial number on a printed version of the Digital map. Use the Spacing Guide to help set
the loggers out. It’s important not to over space the loggers, use the table in Fig.15 as a guide.
Fig.14 hard copy of a digital deployment map
Pipe Material
Ductile or Cast Iron
Ductile or Cast Iron
Higher than 25m
Less than 25m
Higher than 25m
Less than 25m
Higher than 25m
Less than 25m
Less than
Logger Spacing
Fig.15 Logger Spacing Guide
5.1 Deploying the Loggers in the field
Use the following photographs as a guide to quality logger deployment.
1. Open the chamber Lid
2. Clean the Hydrant or Valve with a wire brush
3. Make sure there is a good, clean, magnetic contact to the valve stem or hydrant. For optimum sound and
radio transmission deploy the Zonescan vertically. To prevent the Antenna touching the metal lid and
reducing transmission, fit a polystyrene block between the lid and Antenna.
6 Importing a Digital Map into the Zonescan Software
Step 1. To setup and view a map from the PC hard drive, select; “Show Map” (the Globe icon) on the menu
Step 2. A map window will open as shown in Fig.16. Next, click “Picture Manager” (the Map icon) in the Map
window menu bar
Fig.16 mapping window
Important: Save Digital Maps in a known folder in JPEG or BMP format, to convert a different file format by
print screen the image and open in paint then save it as a JPEG or BMP.
Step 3. Click the first File box twice to open the “Select Picture File” window. Locate and ‘double click’ on
desired picture file then close Picture Manager Window. See Fig.16.1
Fig16.1 Picture manager
Step 4. Zoom in by selecting the desired scale from the pull down menu or alternatively, zoom in or out one
scale at a time by ‘right clicking’ the mouse and selecting “Zoom in” or “Zoom out”
Fig16.2 Zoom in the map
Step 5.To move loggers to desired position on the map, select the “Move loggers” icon on the menu bar
then, using the PC mouse, click and drag each logger to its desired position on the map
The logger being moved will also be highlighted on the logger database
Fig.16.3 moving a logger
To view the main window (the project database) over the map at any time, click on the “Show Main
Window” icon on the menu bar and reduce the main window to the desired size.
Arrange screen layout of Map and Database windows as desired using the standard Windows “Maximise”
and “Restore Window” icons
Fig.16.4 rearranging the windows
7 Downloading the data in the Loggers
Ensure the CommLink, antenna and PC connections are correctly made and switch the Commlink on. Click
the Synchronize button and a smaller window appears. See Fig.17. To download the loggers, begin by
selecting the box; ‘Get measurements’.
If ‘Transfer logger settings from PC to logger’ is selected then this will prepare the loggers for the next logging
session, be sure to select the Logger settings prior to Synchronization. This will clear the logger memory once
the logger data has been downloaded.
If a correlation is required, also check the box ‘Get noise signal for correlation’ as shown (Please note: a
correlation signal will only be available if the loggers were set to record a correlation during synchronization
in the last 24 hrs)
Fig.17download settings in the Synchronize window
Select box; “Synchronize only reachable loggers” if the loggers are still deployed in the field or ‘Synchronize
according to list’ if the loggers are together in their carry case.
Synchronization mode for ‘Get measurements’ has 2 options 1. Leak values and latest amplitude distribution
(Fast Sync) – this is used for downloading the results of the previous nights logging.
All available amplitude distributions which downloads all available nights recordings, this is usually required if
the loggers have been deployed in the same location for several days without being downloaded.
Select ‘Get sound signal for correlation’ to download the recorded sound signal from the previous night
logging. For accurate correlations download recorded sound signals with a 24 hour period.
Important: Prior to Synchronization set the Leak Threshold Levels for possible and probable Leak, for this
information P.T.O.
7.1 Setting the Threshold Leak Levels
To set alarm threshold warning levels for leakage & low battery, select the “Set‐Up” icon on the main
database menu bar. Enter desired Possible and Probable Leak threshold value(s) see table Fig.19 for correct
values to suit the pressure and pipe material.
Fig.18 logger options
Pipe Material
Ductile or Cast Iron(High Pressure Greater than25m)
Ductile or Cast Iron (Low pressure lower than 25m)
A.C (High Pressure Greater than 25m)
A.C (Low Pressure less than 25m)
PVC (High Pressure Greater than 25m)
PVC (Low Pressure less than 25m)
Leak Settings
Fig.19 leak level thresholds
7.2 Start the Download
Now all the Threshold and Synchronization settings are entered click start. The following screen shots
explain what happens during the download process.
Fig.20 downloading started
As each logger is synchronised, a leakage probability is calculated. If the leak value falls BELOW the user
selected threshold, “NO LEAK INDICATED” will be audibly announced, and the respective logger will be turn
GREEN in both the database and on the map view (if used)
Until the synchronization for each logger is completed, the logger remains grey in colour, both in the
database and in the map view
Fig.21 downloading continued
A correlation recording may take slightly longer to transfer, as the file is larger than logged data. Real‐time
progress of the file transfer is given.
Fig.22 download complete
As each logger is synchronised, if the leak value falls BETWEEN the user selected thresholds, “POSSIBLE LEAK
INDICATED” will be audibly announced, and the respective logger will be turn ORANGE in the database and
also on the map view.
If the leak value is ABOVE the user selected threshold, “CAUTION, LEAK INDICATED” will be audibly
announced, and the respective logger will be turn RED in the database and also on the map view
8 The Noise Logging Principal
An understanding on how the Zonescan Loggers build the Histogram will help when interpreting the
results. The following section explains how the sampling process works. The tables depict when the
logger takes a noise sample and what the sample is caused by, e.g a passing car or leak. Traffic &
Consumption noise should be ignored. A large number of samples at the quietest level, indicate a
consistant sound that could be a leak which never stops. The Leak is the closest to the loudest,
quietest noise.
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Tab.2 The first sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. A
Fig. A
Amplitude Distribution Graph
Number of 0.6
Samples 0.4
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Noise Level in DB
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Tab.3 the second sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. B
Amplitude Distribution Graph
Number of
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Noise Level in DB
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Tab.4 the third sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. C
Amplitude Distribution Graph
Number of
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Noise Level in DB
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Tab.5 the fourth sample taken of 21dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. D
Amplitude Distribution Graph
Number of
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Noise Level in DB
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Tab.6 the fifth sample taken of 18dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. E
Amplitude Distribution Graph
Number of
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Noise Level in DB
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Tab.7 the sixth sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. F
Amplitude Distribution Graph
Number of
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Noise Level in DB
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Tab.8 the seventh sample taken of 13dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. G
Amplitude Distribution Graph
Number of
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Noise Level in DB
Sample Time
Noise Level
Description of
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Car Coming
Car Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Truck Coming
Truck Going
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Leak Noise
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Toilet Flush
Tab.9 the eighth sample taken of 12dB is plotted on the histogram below in Fig. H
This process continues until the logging is complete and the Histogram is built.
Amplitude Distribution Graph
Number of 3
Samples 2
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Noise Level in DB
9 Analysing Results
To view the amplitude distribution graph of the logged results:
 Step #1 : select the desired logger in the database window
 Step #2: select ‘Show measurements’ on the menu bar (shown as a bar graph icon) or alternatively
double click the desired logger to show the measurement histogram.
 Highlight the desired date to view historical recorded data for the selected logger
Fig.23show measurements
9.1 No Leak Result
The following screen shots show a No Leak situation.
Fig.24 no leak measurement with logger list and map
Fig.25 no leak measurement
9.2 Possible Leak Result
The following screen shot show a Possible Leak situation:
Fig.26 possible leak
9.3 Probable Leak Result
The following screen shots show a Probable Leak:
Fig.27 clear probable leak
9.4 Interpreting noise logging results
Steps 1 – Analyse all logger s Histograms to establish the “no‐leak” noise level in the area.
Fig.28 3.5 dB minimum noise histogram
Fig.29 5db minimum noise histogram
3.5dB Minimum Noise Level
5dB Minimum Noise Level
Step 2 – identify areas 2 to 3 db higher than the “no‐leak” level
Fig.30 7dB minimum noise level
7dB Minimum Noise Level
Step 3 – Determine the Areas of Interest
Analyse the minimum noise level for each logged point. Higher minimum noise levels are closer to the leak.
Fig. 30 area of interest
9.5 Which logger is closer to the leak?
It’s only natural to use the Leak Value as an indication which logger is closest to the Leak however closer
analysis of the Minimum Noise Levels is required, see the following examples.
Fig.32 quieter possible leak
7dB Minimum Noise Level
Fig.33 possible leak
9dB Minimum Noise Level
Although Fig.32 has a higher Leak value than Fig.33 the later is closer to the leak with a higher minimum
noise level.
9.6 What is the Leak Value?
A calculated percentage of there being a leak based on the noise level and number of samples (consistency).
Fig.33 what is the leak value
High levels and narrow peaks create high leak values. Any leak value above 0 could be a leak especially in a
quiet pipe network environment such as low pressure PVC.
9.7 Reliability of Results
The noise logged results indicate any constant noise for the logging period. Reliability is increased if logging is
performed for 2 – 3 nights to see if you get the same result every night.
Fig.34 leaving the loggers out for at least 3 nights
10 Performing Correlations
Correlation is the process of pinpointing the position of a leak between two loggers. In order to run
correlations ‘Sound Recordings’ must be selected in the Synchronization menu and then downloaded once
the logging is complete.
Correlation between two loggers
Click the single pipe symbol with a leak to reveal the Correlation window.
Fig.35 opening the correlation window
Step #1: Select the first logger in the database indicating leak or possible leak. This is classed as
Logger1; the serial number of the logger will appear in the window.
Step #2: Then select the next logger using the ‘Next record’ or ‘Previous record’ arrow keys in the
Logger2 partition.
Step #3: To enter pipe material(s), select ‘Enter pipe data’ symbol
Step #4: Enter distance measured along pipeline between the two loggers
Step #5: Select the pipeline material from the pull‐down menu
Step #6: Select the pipeline diameter from the pull‐down menu
For mixed materials repeat process for up to 4 different pipe sections between the two loggers.
See Fig.36 a screen shot of the pipe material entering process, PTO.
Step #4: Enter distance
measured along pipeline
between the two loggers
Step #5: Select the pipeline
material from the pull-down menu
Step #6: Select the pipeline
diameter from the pull-down menu
Sound velocity and filters are
then computed automatically
Repeat process for up to 4
different pipe sections
between the two loggers
Fig.36 entering the pipe details
Fig.37 adjusting the filters
In the Correlation window the low and high filters maybe adjusted to clean up and fine tune the correlation
The Correlation Result
Fig.38 correlation window
When Examining the Correlation Graph a clear peak as shown in Fig.38 is required for confidence leak
Q = Quality of correlation so the more bars the better.
The Position of the Leak is shown in the Result window with the distance from the Leak to either Logger is
given. If incorrect distances are entered then the result will be wrong.
Exhaustive Correlation
Click on the Execute all correlations button to perform an exhaustive correlation. The window appears
enabling the user to change the quality limit and distance between 2 loggers before execute correlations.
Fig.39 setting the preferences in execute correlations
Press start to correlate and all the combinations will be explored. A list of correlation greater than quality
limit (e.g. 60%) will be produced. The higher the quality percentage the greater the probability of a good
Run through the list and double click on Logger 1’s serial number, the single correlation window will appear
which allows the pipe data to be entered and a single correlation to be performed as described in the
previous section.
11 Interpreting the Correlation Results
Leak Positions in the Central Third are more accurate but beware of centre correlations. Small velocity errors
will cause correlations in the outer thirds to be less accurate.
Never dig a hole based on a correlation peak, unless you have confirmed the leak position with a ground
Fig.40 middle third of correlation screen
Fig.41 Example of good quality correlation on an 80m section of Cast Iron
Fig.42 the following screen shot shows an example of an out of bracket correlation: the main
peak on the graph is beyond the 0mand is confirmed by the ‐4.5mresult. Choose the next
logger beyond the logger1 (108518) to bring the peak within bracket as shown below in
Fig.43 in bracket leak
Fig.44 this shows a centre correlation created by both Loggers 1 and Logger 2 being the same
logger 108097. To avoid centre correlation Logger 1 and 2 must be different serial numbers.
12 Project Management
The software provides a project management in order to allow the user to manage different projects. A
project may be a local distribution network or part of it (e.g. a town, a suburb, etc.) or any other organization
unit. All loggers that are to be inserted into the software's database must be assigned to a project. Loggers
may be inserted into several units with the same logger number. However, it has to be taken in consideration
that measurement data stored in the logger can only be transferred into one project. This is because
successful transferring of the data automatically empties the logger's memory.
After first time starting of the software an example project with example data will be opened. Before
inserting new loggers a new project should be created (main menu command New project...):
A project name has to be chosen (free choice, project names may also include spaces) and after pressing the
ok button the tabular logger list will be cleared.
The main menu commands allow switching between different projects, as well as copying, renaming and
deleting of projects.
Additionally, projects may be shared between different users by packing them into ZIP files and sending them
via e‐mail or transferring them by disk or network. Direct sending via email requires a MAPI‐capable mail
software (MAPI = Mail Application Programming Interface), e.g. Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, Outlook
Express or Netscape Messenger. Other mail software can also be used by choosing the second sending
option: Prepare project for manual sending. In this case a ZIP file is created that has to be attached manually
to an email. The ZIP files sent via email or copied via disk or network can be easily imported on another
computer by activating the Import project function.
Send Project:
Import Project:
13 Appendix Section
Wizard Assisted Version
How To Start:
After first time starting of the software:
Please select I want to create a new project
Choose a name for the new project and enter the name of the project
Insert loggers: Enter logger no. of first logger (as imprinted on logger case) and add a short
description of logger position and press OK. If you like to add additional loggers please answer
question with Yes
4. Repeat step 2 for all loggers or use Insert multiple loggers function when entering logger no
5. Follow the further steps as shown in software
6. If you like to transfer logger settings from PC to logger, please connect the System
Communication Link via the Communication Cable to the PC before proceeding.
In case the software is unable to establish a connection, COM port setting should be checked:
‐ Abort synchronization (
‐ Select menu command File ‐ Options ‐ Setup, then select Connection and modify setting if necessary.
After these basic setup steps the software is prepared for normal operation. You can Synchronize the loggers
now in order to receive measurement data or a check a single logger by means of the Logger State function
or function key F3).
13.1.1 M a i n W i n d o w
After starting the software the main window is displayed on the screen. The window is subdivided into a
menu bar, a control panel with Explorer‐style function buttons, a tabular list of the loggers of the actual
project and a status panel at the bottom of the window. The name of the actual selected project is displayed
together with the program name (ZONESCAN 800) in the window title.
Closing the main window exits the program.
13.1.2 F u n c t i o n b u t t o n s
The function buttons are arranged on sub‐panels that can be easily rearranged and even be detached from
the main window by grabbing the left side with the two vertical lines and dragging them to the desired new
position. A short description of the function of each button is displayed by moving the mouse cursor over the
button (without pressing the button) and waiting a short time. The buttons provide the following functions:
‐ Synchronize all loggers: Initiates the synchronization process that transfers data from and to the loggers
‐ Logger state: Opens the Logger State window that displays settings and data of the actual selected logger
(highlighted entry in the logger list of the main window). Logger state only can be displayed when the logger
can be reached by radio transmission. It also allows remote listening of the sound signal recorded by the
‐ Print report: Printout of the tabular logger list
‐ Show measurements: Displays measurement window to view measurement results including leak value and
amplitude distribution (see View Logger Measurements) .
‐ Correlate sound signals: Displays a window that allows Correlating of sound signals in case appropriate
sound signals have been recorded.
‐ Navigation buttons: These buttons provide easy navigation functions for selecting a logger. Alternatively,
logger may be selected by clicking on an entry of the tabular list or by using the arrow keys of the keyboard
(only possible when list has the focus, i.e. list is the active element in the window).
‐ Insert new logger
‐ Delete logger
13.1.3 L o g g e r l i s t
The tabular logger list displays settings and readings of the loggers of the current project.
‐ Logger no.: Unique logger no. (must be identical with the number on the logger case)
‐ Position: User entry for easier identification of the logger (see Logger Setup)
‐ Read: Date of last reading (synchronizing) of the logger
‐ Leak Value: Evaluated leak probability value (0..100, see View Logger Measurements). The value is taken
from the newest measurement that has been transferred from this logger. The field is shown in orange/red
colour in case the leak value exceeds the warning level of a possible/probable leak, otherwise it is shown in
green colour. The warning levels may be adjusted by the user (see Program Setup).
Double clicking on an entry of the list opens the View Logger Measurements window (same function as
corresponding button or main menu item).
13.1.4 S t a t u s p a n e l
The left section of the status panel indicates whether there's a connection to the System Communications
Link or not. Connection is needed during synchronization and when checking the logger state.
The middle section displays battery voltage and firmware version of the System Communication Link during
The right section is used for status messages, especially during synchronization.
Main Menu (Wizard Assisted Version)
13.2.1 F i l e
New project...: Create a new empty project (see Project Management)
Open project...: Open an existing project
Save project as...: Save current project under a new project name
Delete project...: Delete current project including all loggers
Send project...: Pack current project into a ZIP file and send it via e‐mail or save it on disk
Import project...: Import project from a project ZIP file
Print...: Print logger list of current project (for printing measurements see View Logger
Printer page setup...: Adjust printer page properties (margins, font, etc.)
Exit...: Exit program
13.2.2 L o g g e r
Synchronize all loggers: Initiate/terminate the synchronization process that transfers data from and
to the loggers
Logger state...: Open Logger State window
Logger setup...: Open Logger Setup window
Logger audio recordings...: Open a window that allows creating/changing audio recordings for logger
identification. Each time a logger is identified during logger synchronization the appropriate logger
audio recording will be played (if available).
Disconnect Comm Link: Disconnect System Communication Link (switch off CommLink, in order to
preserve battery Power)
Find logger...: Find a logger by logger no. in the logger list
Insert new logger: Insert a new logger
Import loggers...: Import loggers from another project
Sort loggers: Sort loggers in list according to logger no.
Delete logger: Delete currently selected logger
Delete all loggers: Delete all loggers of current project
13.2.3 V i e w
Measurements...: Display measurement window to view measurement results including leak value
and amplitude distribution (see View Logger Measurements)
Correlate sound signals...: Display a window that allows Correlating of sound signals in case
appropriate sound signals have been recorded.
Synchronization report: View last synchronization report, save reports and review saved reports
13.2.4 S e t u p
Setup...: Open the Program Setup window
Contents: Show contents of online help
Info...: Display version and memory information
Logger State (Wizard Assisted Version)
The Logger State window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in the
main window or by simply pressing F3. It allows checking of the logger's settings, battery state and
availability of measurements. Additionally, there's a remote listening function that allows the user to "listen"
to the logger's input signal.
After opening the window the software first tries to establish a connection to the Comm Link. Then the
Comm Link tries to obtain logger state information of the selected logger via radio transmission. This process
may last several seconds. Success is indicated in the display field next to the logger no. field:
Logger found ‐ attempt has been successful
Logger unreachable ‐ radio transmission has failed: either logger is out of radio transmission range (this is the
common reason) or logger is out of operation
Error in connection ‐ connection to Comm Link can't be established. possible reasons: cable is not properly
connected to PC or Comm Link, wrong COM port selected (see Program Setup) or battery voltage of Comm
Link is too low
Displayed information:
Logger no.: Selected logger. Selection may be done by clicking on a list entry in the main window's logger list
or by using the navigation button on the top of the Logger State window. Logger state information can be
only obtained if the logger with exactly the same number on its case is in radio transmission range.
Clock: Logger clock date and time. Logger clock will be updated during synchronization as soon as the
difference to the PC's clock exceeds 1 min. Thus, it is very important that the PC clock's time is checked
regularly and will be adjusted if necessary.
No. of amplitude distr.: Number of available amplitude distributions (1 per day, max. 10)
No. of leak values: Number of available leak value measurements (1 per day, max. 180)
Sound signal avail.: Indicates whether sound signal recording is available or not
Next sound recording: Time of next sound signal recording. Sound signal recordings may be programmed
during Logger Synchronization.
Battery voltage: Battery voltage of the logger. Note: The voltage value of a fully loaded logger battery
typically remains at 3.0 V steadily for a long time, as the value can't exceed 3 V due to internal restrictions.
Temperature: Temperature inside the logger's case
Start measurement: Programmed starting time of daily measurement (see Logger Setup)
Stop measurement: Programmed stop time of daily measurement
Interval: Programmed measurement interval
Version no.: Logger firmware version no.
Radio operation from: Start of radio operation period (see Logger Setup)
Radio operation to: End of radio operation period
13.3.1 S y n c h r o n i z e
This button can be used to initiate the synchronizing process only for the selected logger instead of
synchronizing all loggers. "Synchronizing" is the process of sending logger setup data and receiving
measurement data, for details see Logger Synchronization. After synchronizing the logger can't be re‐
synchronized for about 1 min. (during synchronization of all loggers: 5 min.). The button is enabled after
successful connection to logger.
13.3.2 R e m o t e l i s t e n i n g
Remote listening is initiated/terminated by pressing the Remote listening button (enabled after successful
connection to logger). The noise signal monitored by the logger will be sent to the PC's sound output device
depending on the hardware configuration (e.g. internal or external speakers, headphone, line‐out, etc.).
There's a slight delay between the real noise signal and the output signal. After 8 seconds remote listening
will be interrupted for about half a second. This pause is necessary for re‐syncronizing the radio transmission.
Volume: Displays a Windows™ built‐in utility software that allows adjustment of the volume.
Remote listening involves considerable current consumption, thus decreasing the logger's battery lifetime. It
shouldn't be initiated too often without necessity in order to preserve battery power.
Remote listening shouldn't be initiated during measurement, i.e. during the programmed measurement time
of the logger (see Logger Setup), as it might affect collecting of the analysis data.
Logger Setup (Wizard Assisted Version)
The Logger Setup window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or by simply pressing F4.
It allows adjustment of the properties of the actual selected logger:
Logger no.: Each logger has its own unique logger number that is needed for identification. This number can
be found on the logger case. The number has to be entered exactly into the Logger no. field for each logger
of the project, otherwise the logger cannot be found by the Comm Link.
Position: A short description of the position the logger is deployed. Some data should be entered by means
of easier identification of the logger.
The navigation buttons may be used to switch to another logger without leaving the Logger Setup window.
Any changes to the settings won't be saved to the internal database unless they are confirmed or cancelled
by the user. Confirmation is done by pressing the ok symbol button or the Return key or by switching to
another logger, cancellation is done by pressing the X symbol button or the Escape key.
In case the Logger Setup window is invoked by the Insert logger function, there's also an Insert multiple
loggers button. This function allows easy insertion of a sequence of loggers with consecutive logger numbers.
After pressing this button and entering the numbers of the first and the last logger, pressing OK will insert all
loggers at once.
Logger Synchronization (all loggers) – Wizard Assisted Version
Logger synchronization is initiated/terminated by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in
the main window or by simply pressing F2. Logger synchronization allows programming of the loggers by
transferring the corresponding logger setup data to the logger and receiving stored measurements from the
In wizard mode the user will be guided through the synchronization setup.
Explanation of options:
Synchronize only reachable loggers (in case only few loggers are in transmission range, "drive‐by‐
operation"): During synchronization the System Communication Link will search for the next reachable
logger. This option should be used during normal operation when loggers are deployed throughout the
distribution network and only few loggers are in transmission range. If too many loggers can be reached at
the same time, the System Communications Link won't be able to establish radio transmission to all loggers.
See also note below.
Synchronize according to logger list (in case many or all loggers are in transmission range): This mode should
be used when many loggers are at the same place e.g. for initial programming or testing of the loggers.
During synchronization the software will try to connect the loggers exactly in the same order as shown in the
loggers list of the main window. This mode is not suited for collecting data of deployed loggers as the
synchronization process follows a strict time course.
Get sound signal for correlation: Get recorded sound signal. Sound signal is only available if logger was
prepared to record sound signal during a previous synchronization.
After selecting the options, synchronization process will be started automatically. According to the selected
order of synchronization, the System Communication Link will search for the next reachable logger or the
next logger of the logger list. Once a logger is recognized, data will be transferred from and to the logger as
specified by the synchronization options. Success and failure messages as well as warning messages will be
displayed in the status panel of the Main Window. If audio output is switched on, there will also be audio
messages. After successful synchronizing a logger in Reachable loggers mode the logger can't be re‐
synchronized the next 5 minutes.
Important Notes (please read):
Please check whether the selected order of Synchronization option is adapted to the transmission situation.
Synchronize only reachable loggers won't work properly with too many loggers and Synchronize according
to logger list won't work properly with deployed loggers. In case synchronization of a single logger is desired
please use the Synchronize command accessed from the Logger State window.
Sound signal is recorded only once (the next time the logger clock coincides with the programmed recording
time). This is because sound recording needs a large amount of memory space, thus not allowing more than
one recording.
The shorter the time between logger programming and receiving the recorded sound signal the more
accurate the results. As a rule of thumb sound recordings should be transferred to the PC 24 hours after
logger programming at the latest. This is only important for sound recordings because of the strong influence
of clock accuracy on the results. Amplitude distribution measurements and leak values are not influenced by
clock accuracy. The logger can store amplitude measurements up to 10 days and leak values up to 180 days
without losing any data.
If the synchronization process includes programming or receiving of sound recordings, it is very important
that the synchronization process won't be interrupted until all loggers will be synchronized. Synchronization
process is interrupted by pressing the Synchronize button again, by disconnecting the Comm Link, by exiting
the program or switching off the PC. Interruption of the synchronization process will cause a switch off of the
Comm Link, thus losing clock synchronization. However, subsequent correlation of the recorded sound signal
is only possible with proper clock synchronization of the corresponding loggers! Interruption of
synchronization doesn't affect leak values and amplitude distributions.
View Logger Measurements (Wizard Assisted Version)
The Measurements window allows viewing of the stored leak values and amplitude distributions. It is
displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in the main window or by simply
pressing F5. It allows graphical and tabular representation of the stored data, as well as printing and
exporting of the data.
The window is parted into a list of the stored measurements of the selected logger (left side) and the
measurement data of the currently selected measurement (right side). A measurement can be selected by
simply clicking on the corresponding entry of the list or by using the up and down cursor keys. The vertical
dividing line between the two parts can be moved by "grabbing" it with the mouse cursor and moving it to
the left or right side.
13.6.1 M e a s u r e m e n t l i s t
When showing leak measurements, list displays (from left to right):
Measurement date, leak value (see below), programmed measurement duration, programmed measurement
interval and date of measurement transfer.
Leak value: This value is evaluated from the amplitude distribution shown on the right side. Its range is 0 to
100, characterizing the leak probability. The leak value depends on spread and shape of the amplitude
distribution. It is especially influenced by sharpness and position of its main peak. The field background is
shown in orange/red colour in case the leak value exceeds the warning levels of a possible/probable leak,
otherwise it is shown in green colour. The warning levels may be adjusted by the user (see Program Setup).
13.6.2 M e a s u r e m e n t d a t a
The displayed measurement data is the amplitude distribution of the signal that is monitored and analyzed
during the programmed measurement period (see Logger Setup). Analyzing the amplitude distribution allows
obtaining further information concerning measurement conditions, interfering noise sources, etc.
Menu commands:
14 Measurement
Print report...: Print overview list or graphic view of the displayed measurement data
Allow multiple selection: Enable multiple measurement selection for deletion
Delete measurements: Delete currently selected measurement(s)
Delete all measurements: Delete all measurements of currently selected logger
The printer symbol button corresponds to the menu item Print report. The navigation buttons allow
switching to another logger without leaving the Measurement window.
Correlate Sound Signals (Wizard Assisted Version)
The Correlation window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in the
main window or by simply pressing F7. It allows correlating of the sound signals of two loggers in order to
calculate leak positions.
How to correlate:
1. Select loggers
Enter logger no. or use navigation buttons to select logger 1 and logger 2:
When selecting the same logger no. as logger 1 and 2 auto correlation will be performed, otherwise the
sound signals will be cross correlated (normal operation mode for leak location).
2. Select sound recordings
Click on desired sound recording in the sound recordings list of logger 1 or logger 2.
After selecting a sound recording of a logger, the software attempts to find a fitting sound recording in the
logger list of the other logger. If an appropriate sound recording is found, it will be automatically selected.
Cross correlation (leak location) is only possible in case the 2 selected sound recordings have been recorded
at the same date and time.
15 Sync. numbers
Newer versions of the logger firmware provide so‐called sync. numbers, in order to recognize whether the
sound recordings have been made with the same time synchronization or not. In case a sync. no. exists (see
field below sound recordings list), the sync. numbers of the 2 sound recordings have to be the same. The
sync. no. will increase with every switch‐on of the System Communication Link.
16 Status panel
When selecting loggers and sound recordings the status panel shows whether correlation is possible or not
and gives further information.
3. Enter pipe data
For calculating cross correlations, pipe data has to be entered by selecting the menu item Measurement ‐
Enter pipe data... or pressing the button
Up to 4 different pipe sections may be entered by selecting pipe section length, material, diameter and
sound velocity. If material or diameter is not in the list or exact sound velocity is known, sound velocity can
be entered manually by selecting material Other. Entered pipe data will be automatically stored in internal
Auto correlation may be done without entering pipe data.
Result display
After entering pipe data, the correlation results will be displayed below the correlation graphics (or values
table, if tabular view is selected). The result display shows the distances between the two loggers and a
possible leak. On the left side there's a small bar graphics (Q) indicating the calculated quality of the
correlation (0 to 5 bars). The higher the value the better the correlation quality and the higher the leak
Quality of correlation results may be improved by using the filter function. Filter frequencies will be
preselected after entering the pipe data and may be adapted manually by the user.
Test correlation
Function for a quick check whether the selected combination of loggers produces a reasonable correlation
(i.e. probable leak) or not. Pipe data needn't be entered (the correlation will be calculated on base of a pipe
length of 600 m and a sound velocity of 1000 m/s). Correlation quality will be calculated and will allow quick
assessment whether a leak is probable.
Note: This function is not suitable to obtain leak distances. For calculating a correct correlation result
(distance to leak) it is necessary to enter correct pipe data and to switch off the test correlation function.
Execute all test correlations (main menu item): Function for testing all combinations of loggers whether
there are probable leaks or not. A window will appear containing the test results. It is possible to adjust the
test pipe length and sound velocity, as well as the quality limit value.
After pressing the Start button, correlation quality will be calculated for each possible combination of loggers
(value 0 to 100%), in case there are appropriate sound recordings. Only test correlations with a quality value
exceeding the limit value will be listed in the result list (correlation quality, peak maximum value, distance to
the middle, logger numbers, date and time of sound recording). Results may be sorted by column (mouse
click on column header). They also may be exported or printed. Execution of this function may take up some
considerable amount of time, depending on the number of loggers in the main window's list.
The remaining function buttons and menu items have the same functions as in the Measurements Window.
Program Setup (Wizard Assisted Version)
The Program Setup window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item (Options ‐ Setup) or
function button in the main window. It allows adjustment of general settings of the program:
17 Connection
Selection of COM port.
18 Audio
Create/change recordings of audio messages during synchronization process. The respective message can be
selected by choosing a list entry. The recordings may be played (if available) or (re‐)recorded. For new
recording of a message the option Allow recordings must be enabled. Recording and playback volume
settings may be changed by pressing the corresponding buttons. They will display a Windows built‐in utility
software that allows adjustment of the volume. Audio output may be suppressed by disabling the option
Audio output during synchronization.
19 Language
Selection of display language.
20 HotSync
Registering and unregistering of ZONESCAN 800 conduit (see Data Synchronization via Palm HotSync®).
Standard Professional Version
This is the initial screen. You have 3 seconds to change the Options
otherwise the software continues in the previously used mode. On
first use of the Zonescan software standard wizard assist mode
How To Start
After first time starting of the software:
1. Create new project: select menu command File ‐ New Project..., and then enter project name and
press OK.
2. Insert loggers: Press function button Insert logger
, then enter logger no. of first logger (as
imprinted on logger case), add a short description of logger position, eventually modify remaining
settings and press OK.
3. Repeat step 2 for all loggers or use Insert multiple loggers function when entering logger no.
4. Connect the System Communication Link via the Communication Cable to an unused COM port of the PC.
5. Check COM port setting: select menu command File ‐ Options ‐ Setup, then select Connection and modify
setting if necessary
After these basic setup steps the software is prepared for normal operation. It is recommended to check
radio connection to the loggers next:
Select a logger in transmission range (click on according entry in logger list) and press the function button
Logger State
or the function key F3 . Radio connection should be established after some seconds and
logger state data should be visualized in the Logger State window.
After deploying the loggers in the distribution network, programming of the loggers and receiving of
measurement data is done by means of the Synchronize function.
Main Window (Standard Professional Version)
After starting the software the main window is displayed on the screen. The window is subdivided into a
menu bar, a control panel with Explorer‐style function buttons, a tabular list of the loggers of the actual
project and a status panel at the bottom of the window. The name of the actual selected project is displayed
together with the program name (ZONESCAN 800) in the window title.
Closing the main window exits the program.
21 Function buttons
The function buttons are arranged on sub‐panels that can be easily rearranged and even be detached from
the main window by grabbing the left side with the two vertical lines and dragging them to the desired new
position. A short description of the function of each button is displayed by moving the mouse cursor over the
button (without pressing the button) and waiting a short time. The buttons provide the following functions:
Synchronize all loggers: Initiates the synchronization process that transfers data from and to the
Logger state: Opens the Logger State window that displays settings and data of the actual selected
logger (highlighted entry in the logger list of the main window). Logger state only can be displayed
when the logger can be reached by radio transmission. It also allows remote listening of the sound
signal recorded by the logger
Logger setup: Displays the Logger setup window.
Show measurements: Displays measurement window to view measurement results including leak
value and amplitude distribution (see View Logger Measurements).
Show signal graphics: Displays sound signals that have been recorded and stored for Correlating
sound signals.
Correlate sound signals: Displays a window that allows Correlating of sound signals in case
appropriate sound signals have been recorded.
Execute all correlations: Displays a window that allows the correlation of all possible combination
of loggers. Correlation recordings must be made to make this possible.
Show map: Opens the Logger Map, a graphical overview of the deployed loggers
Setup: Displays the program Setup window.
Print report: Printout of the tabular logger list
Find logger: Opens a small window for searching a certain logger by logger no.
‐ Navigation buttons: These buttons provide easy navigation functions for selecting a
logger. Alternatively, logger may be selected by clicking on an entry of the tabular list or by using the arrow
keys of the keyboard (only possible when list has the focus, i.e. list is the active element in the window).
Insert new logger
Delete logger
Move logger one row up in list
Move logger one row down in list
22 Logger list
The tabular logger list displays settings and readings of the loggers of the current project.
‐ Logger no.: Unique logger no. (must be identical with the number on the logger case)
‐ Position: User entry for easier identification of the logger (see Logger Setup)
‐ Read: Date of last reading (synchronizing) of the logger
‐ Leak Value: Evaluated leak probability value (0..100, see View Logger Measurements). The value is taken
from the newest measurement that has been transferred from this logger. The field is shown in orange/red
colour in case the leak value exceeds the warning level of a possible/probable leak, otherwise it is shown in
green colour. The warning levels may be adjusted by the user (see Program Setup).
‐ Batt.: Battery voltage of the logger. Value will be updated during synchronization. The field is shown in red
colour in case the value exceeds the battery warning level. The warning level may be adjusted by the user
(see Program Setup). Note: The voltage value of a fully loaded logger battery typically remains at 3.0 V
steadily for a long time, as the value can't exceed 3 V due to internal restrictions.
‐ Vers.: Version no. of logger firmware
‐ Measurem. from: Date of oldest measurement that has been transferred from the logger
‐ Measurem. to: Date of the newest measurement
Double clicking on an entry of the list opens the View Logger Measurements window (same function as
corresponding button or main menu item).
Amplitude Distribution Histogram Result
Step 1 – establish the “no‐leak” noise
level in the area. Minimum noise is 4db
Step 2 – identify areas 2 or 3 db higher
than the “no‐leak” level. Minimum noise is
Step 3 – Determine the Areas of Interest. Analyse the
minimum noise level for each logged point.
Higher minimum noise levels are closer to the leak
Use these 3 steps to help determine which
logger(s) the leaks is near to, this is especially
useful in quiet PVC environments.
23 Status panel
The left section of the status panel indicates whether there's a connection to the System Communications
Link or not. Connection is needed during synchronization and when checking the logger state.
The middle section displays battery voltage and firmware version of the System Communication Link during
The right section is used for status messages, especially during synchronization.
Main Menu (Standard Professional Version)
24 File
New project...: Create a new empty project (see Project Management)
Open project...: Open an existing project
Save project as...: Save current project under a new project name
Delete project...: Delete current project including all loggers
Send project...: Pack current project into a ZIP file and send it via e‐mail or save it on disk
Import project...: Import project from a project ZIP file
Print...: Print logger list of current project (for printing measurements see View Logger Measurements)
Printer page setup...: Adjust printer page properties (margins, font, etc.)
Exit...: Exit program
25 Logger
Synchronize all loggers: Initiate/terminate the synchronization process that transfers data from and to the
Logger state...: Open Logger State window
Logger setup...: Open Logger Setup window
Logger audio recordings...: Open a window that allows creating/changing audio recordings for logger
identification. Each time a logger is identified during logger synchronization the appropriate logger audio
recording will be played (if available).
Disconnect Comm Link: Disconnect System Communication Link (switch off CommLink, in order to preserve
battery Power)
Find logger...: Find a logger by logger no. in the logger list
Insert new logger: Insert a new logger
Import loggers...: Import loggers from another project
Sort loggers: Sort loggers in list according to logger no.
Delete logger: Delete currently selected logger
Delete all loggers: Delete all loggers of current project
26 View
Measurements...: Display measurement window to view measurement results including leak value and
amplitude distribution (see View Logger Measurements)
Signal graphics...: Display sound signal recordings of selected logger (see View Logger Measurements)
Correlate sound signals...: Display a window that allows Correlating of sound signals in case appropriate
sound signals have been recorded.
Show map...: Open the Logger Map, a graphical overview of the deployed loggers
Synchronization report: View last synchronization report, save reports and review saved reports
27 Options
Setup...: Open the Program Setup window
Contents: Show contents of online help
Info...: Display version and memory information
Logger State (Standard Professional Version
The Logger State window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in the
main window or by simply pressing F3. It allows checking of the logger's settings, battery state and
availability of measurements. Additionally, there's a remote listening function that allows the user to "listen"
to the logger's input signal.
After opening the window the software first attempts to establish a connection to the Comm Link. Then the
Comm Link attempts to obtain logger state information of the selected logger via radio transmission. This
process may last several seconds. Success is indicated in the display field next to the logger no. field:
Logger found ‐ attempt has been successful
Logger unreachable ‐ radio transmission has failed: either logger is out of radio transmission range (this is the
common reason) or logger is out of operation
Error in connection ‐ connection to Comm Link can't be established. Possible reasons: cable is not properly
connected to PC or Comm Link, wrong COM port selected (see Program Setup) or battery voltage of Comm
Link is too low
Displayed information:
Logger no.: Selected logger. Selection may be done by clicking on a list entry in the main window's logger list
or by using the navigation button on the top of the Logger State window. Logger state information can be
only obtained if the logger with exactly the same number on its case is in radio transmission range.
Clock: Logger clock date and time. Logger clock will be updated during synchronization as soon as the
difference to the PC's clock exceeds 1 min. Thus, it is very important that the PC clock's time is checked
regularly and will be adjusted if necessary.
No. of amplitude distr.: Number of available amplitude distributions (1 per day, max. 10)
No. of leak values: Number of available leak value measurements (1 per day, max. 180)
Sound signal avail.: Indicates whether sound signal recording is available or not
Next sound recording: Time of next sound signal recording. Sound signal recordings may be programmed
during Logger Synchronization.
Battery voltage: Battery voltage of the logger. Note: The voltage value of a fully loaded logger battery
typically remains at 3.0 V steadily for a long time, as the value can't exceed 3 V due to internal restrictions.
Temperature: Temperature inside the logger's case
Start measurement: Programmed starting time of daily measurement (see Logger Setup)
Stop measurement: Programmed stop time of daily measurement
Interval: Programmed measurement interval
Version no.: Logger firmware version no.
Radio operation from: Start of radio operation period (see Logger Setup)
Radio operation to: End of radio operation period
28 Synchronize
This button can be used to initiate the synchronizing process only for the selected logger instead of
synchronizing all loggers. "Synchronizing" is the process of sending logger setup data and receiving
measurement data, for details see Logger Synchronization. After synchronizing the logger can't be re‐
synchronized for about 1 min. (during synchronization of all loggers: 5 min.). The button is enabled after
successful connection to logger.
29 Remote listening
Remote listening is initiated/terminated by pressing the Remote listening button (enabled after successful
connection to logger). The noise signal monitored by the logger will be sent to the PC's sound output device
depending on the hardware configuration (e.g. internal or external speakers, headphone, line‐out, etc.).
There's a slight delay between the real noise signal and the output signal. After 8 seconds remote listening
will be interrupted for about half a second. This pause is necessary for re‐syncronizing the radio transmission.
Volume: Displays a Windows built‐in utility software that allows adjustment of
the volume.
Remote listening involves considerable current consumption, thus decreasing the logger's battery lifetime. It
shouldn't be initiated too often without necessity in order to preserve battery power.
Remote listening shouldn't be initiated during measurement, i.e. during the programmed measurement time
of the logger (see Logger Setup), as it might affect collecting of the analysis data.
Logger Setup (Standard Professional Version)
The Logger Setup window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in the
main window or by simply pressing F4. It allows adjustment of the properties of the actual selected logger:
Logger no.: Each logger has its own unique logger number that is needed for identification. This number can
be found on the logger case. The number has to be entered exactly into the Logger no. field for each logger
of the project, otherwise the logger cannot be found by the Comm Link.
Position: A short description of the position the logger is deployed. Some data should be entered by means
of easier identification of the logger.
Comment: A data field provided for various users purposes. Entry is arbitrary.
Start Meas.: Starting time of daily measurement (default value: 02:00)
Stop. Meas.: Stop time of daily measurement (default value: 04:00)
Interval: Measurement interval, selectable from 1 sec to 3 min (default value: 3 sec)
Restrictions: When setting interval to 1 sec max. measurement duration is 12 hours, otherwise it can be set
to max. 23 hours 59 min.
Noise characteristics is monitored and analyzed only between starting and stop time. By restriction of the
measurement time it is possible to exclude daytime periods with interfering noise sources (e.g. traffic) from
being analyzed, thus leading to false evaluation results.
Radio operation from: Start of radio operation period. During radio operation period, loggers are reachable
in 5 s periods in order to ensure easy connection during synchronization. Outside the radio operation period,
loggers go to sleep mode in order to save battery capacity. In sleep mode, loggers are reachable in 30 second
periods: They can be connected to within 30 seconds using the logger state function or during synchronizing
according to logger list (in case wake up loggers function is activated, see Logger Synchronization).
Synchronizing using "only reachable loggers mode" is not recommended outside radio operation mode.
Radio operation to: End of radio operation period
Note: Eventually, the logger clock should be checked to ensure proper operation regarding measurement and
radio communication settings.
Copy to all loggers (not available when window invoked by
the Insert logger function): For easier setup it is possible to copy changes of the measurement settings to all
loggers of the project.
Latitude and longitude coordinates: (see Logger
The navigation buttons may be used to switch to another logger without
leaving the Logger Setup window. Any changes to the settings won't be saved to the internal database unless
they are confirmed or cancelled by the user. Confirmation is done by pressing the ok symbol button or the
Return key or by switching to another logger, cancellation is done by pressing the X symbol button or the
Escape key.
In case the Logger Setup window is invoked by the Insert logger
function, there's also an Insert multiple loggers button. This function allows easy insertion of a sequence of
loggers with consecutive logger numbers. After pressing this button and entering the numbers of the first
and the last logger, pressing OK will insert all loggers at once.
Sensitivity Boost: This option is only available with the Zonescan 820 loggers and Software Version 5.13
onwards. It’s used to increase the Sensor Sensitivity and is useful for logging quiet, difficult leaks. To activate,
tick the box and then copy all loggers.
Logger Synchronization (all loggers) ‐ Standard Professional Version
Logger synchronization is initiated/terminated by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in
the main window or by simply pressing F2. Logger synchronization allows programming of the loggers by
transferring the corresponding logger setup data to the logger and receiving stored measurements from the
After initiating synchronization a window is displayed, allowing the user to select synchronization options.
Pressing the More... button will reveal less often used options.
30 Actions
Get measurements: Get leak values and amplitude distribution measurements (if available)
Transfer logger settings from PC to logger: Program logger with the corresponding logger settings, see
Logger Setup. Important: Transferring logger settings will erase all measurements stored in logger. It is
recommended always to select the Get measurements option together with this option for transferring any
stored measurements to the PC before erasing the logger memory.
31 Order of synchronization
Synchronize only reachable loggers (in case only few loggers are in transmission range, "drive‐by‐
operation"): During synchronization the System Communication Link will search for the next reachable
logger. This option should be used during normal operation when loggers are deployed throughout the
distribution network and only few loggers are in transmission range. If too many loggers can be reached at
the same time, the System Communications Link won't be able to establish radio transmission to all loggers.
See also note below.
Synchronize according to logger list (in case many or all loggers are in transmission range): This mode should
be used when many loggers are at the same place e.g. for initial programming or testing of the loggers.
During synchronization the software will try to connect the loggers exactly in the same order as shown in the
loggers list of the main window. This mode is not suited for collecting data of deployed loggers as the
synchronization process follows a strict time course.
Wake up loggers: Wake up loggers that are in sleep mode. This function should be activated during
synchronization outside of the logger's radio operation period (see also Logger Setup). Only for synchronizing
according to logger list.
32 Synchronization mode
Leak values and latest amplitude distribution (Fast Sync): This allows fast synchronization of each logger, as
there will be transferred max. one amplitude distribution. This mode is especially suited for drive‐by
collecting of data of deployed loggers.
Leak values and all available amplitude distributions: Full synchronization, may take longer time than Fast
Sync mode, depending on number of stored amplitude distributions.
33 Correlation
Press the More Button to access the Correlation options
Prepare logger for correlation (record sound signal): Program logger for recording of sound signal at the
desired recording time. The recording of sound signals allows correlation in order to locate the noise source
(especially leaks). Correlation is only possible, when two loggers record the sound signal at the same
programmed recording time. As frequent recording and transferring of the sound signal reduces battery
lifetime, this option should only be used when needed.
Get sound signal for correlation: Get recorded sound signal. Sound signal is only available if logger was
prepared to record sound signal during a previous synchronization, see below.
34 Report
Create report: If selected, a text file containing a short report of the last synchronization process will be
View report: Display report file.
35 Synchronization
Pressing the Start button will start the synchronization process. According to the selected order of
synchronization, the System Communication Link will search for the next reachable logger or the next logger
of the logger list. Once a logger is recognized, data will be transferred from and to the logger as specified by
the synchronization options. Success and failure messages as well as warning messages will be displayed in
the status panel of the Main Window. If audio output is switched on, there will also be audio messages. After
successful synchronizing a logger in Reachable loggers mode the logger can't be re‐synchronized the next 5
Important Notes (please read):
Please check whether Order of Synchronization option is adapted to the transmission situation. Synchronize
only reachable loggers won't work properly with too many loggers and Synchronize according to logger list
won't work properly with deployed loggers. In case synchronization of a single logger is desired please use
the Synchronize command from the Logger State window.
Sound signal is recorded only once (the next time the logger clock coincides with the programmed recording
time). This is because sound recording needs a large amount of memory space, thus not allowing more than
one recording.
The shorter the time between logger programming and receiving the recorded sound signal the more
accurate the results. As a rule of thumb sound recordings should be transferred to the PC 24 hours after
logger programming at the latest. This is only important for sound recordings because of the strong influence
of clock accuracy on the results. Amplitude distribution measurements and leak values are not influenced by
clock accuracy. The logger can store amplitude measurements up to 10 days and leak values up to 180 days
without losing any data.
If the synchronization process includes programming or receiving of sound recordings, it is very important
that the synchronization process won't be interrupted until all loggers will be synchronized. Synchronization
process is interrupted by pressing the Synchronize button again, by disconnecting the Comm Link, by exiting
the program or switching off the PC. Interruption of the synchronization process will cause a switch off of the
Comm Link, thus losing clock synchronization. However, subsequent correlation of the recorded sound signal
is only possible with proper clock synchronization of the corresponding loggers! Interruption of
synchronization doesn't affect leak values and amplitude distributions.
View Logger Measurements (Standard Professional Version)
The Measurements window allows viewing of the stored leak values, amplitude distributions and sound
measurements. It is displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in the main window
or by simply pressing F5 (leak measurements and amplitude distributions) or F6 (sound signals). It allows
graphical and tabular representation of the stored data, plus printing and exporting of the data.
The window is parted into a list of the stored measurements of the selected logger (left side) and the
measurement data of the currently selected measurement (right side). A measurement can be selected by
simply clicking on the corresponding entry of the list or by using the up and down cursor keys. The vertical
dividing line between the two parts can be moved by "grabbing" it with the mouse cursor and moving it to
the left or right side.
36 Measurement list
When showing leak measurements, list displays (from left to right):
Measurement date, leak value (see below), programmed measurement duration, programmed measurement
interval and date of measurement transfer.
Leak value: This value is evaluated from the amplitude distribution shown on the right side. Its range is 0 to
100, characterizing the leak probability. The leak value depends on spread and shape of the amplitude
distribution. It is especially influenced by sharpness and position of its main peak. The field background is
shown in orange/red colour in case the leak value exceeds the warning levels of a possible/probable leak,
otherwise it is shown in green colour. The warning levels may be adjusted by the user (see Program Setup).
When showing sound signals, the list displays (from left to right):
Measurement date and time, date of measurement transfer and date of synchronization (programming).
Note: There shouldn't be more than one day between programming and measurement transfer because of
the danger of inaccuracy when correlating the sound signals (see also Logger Synchronization)
37 Measurement data
Measurement data can be shown in graphic or tabular view. Switching is done by the corresponding menu
command or function button.
When showing leak measurements, the displayed measurement data is the amplitude distribution of the
signal monitored and analyzed during the programmed measurement period (see Logger Setup). Analyzing
the amplitude distribution allows obtaining further information concerning measurement conditions,
interfering noise sources, etc.
When showing sound signals, the displayed measurement data is the sound signal recorded at the
programmed measurement time. Due to the amplitude resolution of the recorded signal, measurement
values can only be 10 or ‐10. In normal operation signal values should be equally distributed to positive and
negative values.
During graphic view display features may be changed by the user (see Chart Options).
38 Export measurement data
During tabular view all or part of the displayed measurement values may be exported to a file or to the
clipboard by pressing the right mouse button and selecting the appropriate item.
Menu commands:
39 Measurement
Print report...: Print overview list or graphic view of the displayed measurement data
Find measurement...: Find measurement by date
Allow multiple selection: Enable multiple measurement selection for deletion
Delete measurements: Delete currently selected measurement(s)
Delete all measurements: Delete all measurements of currently selected logger
40 View
Graphic/tabular view...: Toggle between graphic and tabular view of the measurement data
The function buttons correspond to the menu items Graphic/tabular view, Print report and Find
measurement. The navigation buttons allow switching to another logger without leaving the Measurement
Chart Options (Standard Professional Version)
The display features of the graphic view (chart) may be changed by the user:
Function buttons
From left to right:
Type of presentation: Area chart, bar chart, line chart, point chart
Chart options: Activate/deactivate vertical grid, horizontal grid, 3‐D‐view
Colours: Colour of the background, of the grid and of the foreground (measurement graph).
Unzoom functions: Adjust chart to all values (un‐zoom in y direction), show all values (un‐zoom in x
direction). Note: Keys are not activated when the chart is displayed in the original scale.
Pressing the left mouse button displays a vertical cursor line, together with a small, yellow window that
displays x and y values of the cursor position.
The right mouse button may be used for zooming in or out of the graphics. Selection of the desired zoom
area is done by moving the mouse over the graphics with right mouse button pressed. Zooming may be
repeated. The original representation may be recalled by using the Un‐zoom functions (see above).
Settings will be stored at program exit and be recalled after program restart.
Correlate Sound Signals (Standard Professional Version)
The Correlation window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in the
main window or by simply pressing F7. It allows correlating of the sound signals of two loggers in order to
calculate leak positions.
How to correlate:
1. Select loggers
Enter logger No. or use navigation buttons to select logger 1 and logger 2:
When selecting the same logger No. as logger 1 and 2 auto correlation will be performed, otherwise the
sound signals will be cross correlated (normal operation mode for leak location).
2. Select sound recordings
Click on desired sound recording in the sound recordings list of logger 1 or logger 2.
After selecting a sound recording of a logger, the software attempts to find a fitting sound recording in the
logger list of the other logger. If an appropriate sound recording is found, it will be automatically selected.
Cross correlation (leak location) is only possible in case the 2 selected sound recordings have been recorded
at the same date and time.
42 Sync. Numbers
Newer versions of the logger firmware provide ‘Sync. Numbers’, in order to recognize whether the sound
recordings have been made with the same time synchronization or not. In case a ‘Sync. No.’ exists (see below
sound recordings list), the ‘Sync. Numbers’ of the 2 sound recordings have to be the same. The ‘Sync. No.’
will increase with every switch‐on of the System Communication Link.
43 Status panel
When selecting loggers and sound recordings the status panel shows whether correlation is possible or not
and gives further information.
3. Enter pipe data
For calculating cross correlations, pipe data has to be entered by selecting the menu item Measurement ‐
Enter pipe data... or pressing the button
Up to 4 different pipe sections may be entered by selecting pipe section length, material, diameter and
sound velocity. If material or diameter is not in the list or exact sound velocity is known, sound velocity can
be entered manually by selecting material Other. Entered pipe data will be automatically stored in internal
Auto correlation may be done without entering pipe data.
Result display
After entering pipe data, the correlation results will be displayed below the correlation graphics (or values
table, if tabular view is selected). The result display shows the distances between the two loggers and a
possible leak. On the left side there's a small bar graphics (Q) indicating the calculated quality of the
correlation (0 to 5 bars). The higher the value the better the correlation quality and the higher the leak
Quality of correlation results may be improved by using the filter function. Filter frequencies will be
preselected after entering the pipe data and may be adapted manually by the user.
Test correlation
Function for a quick check whether the selected combination of loggers produces a reasonable correlation
(i.e. probable leak) or not. Pipe data does not need to be entered (the correlation will be calculated on base
of a pipe length of 600 m and a sound velocity of 1000 m/s). Correlation quality will be calculated and will
allow quick assessment whether a leak is probable.
Note: This function is not suitable to obtain leak distances. For calculating a correct correlation result
(distance to leak) it is necessary to enter correct pipe data and to switch off the test correlation function.
Execute all test correlations (main menu item):
Function for testing all combinations of loggers whether there are probable leaks or not. A window will
appear containing the test results. It is possible to adjust the test pipe length and sound velocity, as well as
the quality limit value.
After pressing the Start button, correlation quality will be calculated for each possible combination of loggers
(value 0 to 100%), in case there are appropriate sound recordings. Only test correlations with a quality value
exceeding the limit value will be listed in the result list (correlation quality, peak maximum value, distance to
the middle, logger numbers, date and time of sound recording). Results may be sorted by column (mouse
click on column header). They also may be exported or printed. Execution of this function may take up some
considerable amount of time, depending on the number of loggers in the main window's list.
The remaining function buttons and menu items have the same functions as in the Measurements Window.
Logger Map (Standard Professional Version)
The Logger Map window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item or function button in the
main window or by simply pressing F8. It is used to show a geographical view of the project's loggers.
The loggers are displayed as symbols together with their logger number on a geographical map. The loggers
position can be modified either by editing the coordinates in the Logger Setup window (press right mouse
button and choose Show logger setup) or by moving the logger symbol by mouse (see below). Clicking on a
logger symbol will select the according entry in the logger list of the Main Window. Double clicking on a
logger symbol will open the Measurement Window showing the stored leak values and amplitude
distributions of the selected logger (or press right mouse button and choose Show measurements). The
colour of the logger symbol corresponds to the background colour of the logger list leak value: In case the
leak value exceeds the warning level a red logger symbol is shown otherwise an orange (possible leak) or a
green (no leak) symbol is shown.
Change scale of map. The scale may be also changed by pressing the right mouse button and selecting Zoom
in or Zoom out.
44 Function buttons:
Show main window: Switch to main window.
Show grid: Toggle display of a coordinates grid.
Move loggers: When pressed, loggers may be moved by mouse: After selecting a logger symbol, it
may be dragged to a new position with the left mouse button.
Picture manager: Shows a window that allows managing of the background pictures (maps). One or
more picture files may be inserted to the pictures list. The pictures origin coordinates and
extensions may be adapted numerically or graphically (picture manager has to be open).
Auto Adjusts the Map size to fit the window and display all the loggers. This is demonstrated in the
image below.
When the Loggers have the correct co‐ordinates entered either manually or via a
GPS Handheld PDA with Scanner when deployed then the Google Earth facility
maybe used to plot the loggers on the Planet. See Lift and Shift instruction manual
for further information.
Status panel:
The left section indicates the mouse cursor position transformed to geographical coordinates. The right
section shows the logger number of the selected logger, together with the leak value of the newest
measurement (if available).
Map origin coordinates and extensions may be changed in the Logger Setup window.
Deployment of Loggers: when deploying the loggers around the network the logger spacing is critical
especially if correlation recordings are made. Below is a guide to Logger Spacing who depends on Pipe
Material and Network Pressures to determine the distance between loggers. Sometimes it’s not practically
possible to maintain the spacing due to actual distance between valves and hydrants therefore this table can
only be used as a guide and common sense is required.
Program Setup (Standard Professional Version)
The Program Setup window may be displayed by selecting the appropriate menu item (Options ‐ Setup) or
function button in the main window. It allows adjustment of general settings of the program:
45 Warning levels
Selection of warning levels for leak value and logger battery voltage. If the values received from the loggers
exceed the warning level, the corresponding field will be shown with a different background colour (see Main
Window and View Logger Measurements). Additionally, there will be a warning message in the status panel
during synchronization. If audio output is switched on, there will also be an audio message. Below is a guide
to what warning levels to set depending on Pipe Material and Network Pressures.
46 Map
Selection of origin coordinates and extension of the Logger Map.
47 Connection
Selection of COM port.
48 Audio
Create/change recordings of audio messages during synchronization process. The respective message can be
selected by choosing a list entry. The recordings may be played (if available) or re‐recorded. For new
recording of a message the option Allow recordings must be enabled. Recording and playback volume
settings may be changed by pressing the corresponding buttons. They will display a Windows built‐in utility
software that allows adjustment of the volume. Audio output may be suppressed by disabling the option
Audio output during synchronization.
49 Language
Selection of display language.
50 HotSync
Registering and un‐registering of ZONESCAN 800 conduit (see Data Synchronization via Palm HotSync®).
Data Synchronization via Palm HotSync®
The ZONESCAN 800 software package includes a software module for transferring measurement and logger
setup data between a PC (laptop) and a Palm OS® driven handheld via the Palm HotSync Manager® . This
software module is called a conduit.
Registering Conduit
Before using the ZONESCAN 800 conduit, it has to be registered to the HotSync Manager (Palm Desktop
software has to be installed before):
‐ Start ZONESCAN 800 Windows software
‐ Select Options ‐ Setup from main menu
‐ Select HotSync tab
‐ Register conduit (in case it is not yet registered)
In case the ZONESCAN 800 HotSync conduit is already registered a green LED will be displayed (otherwise red
LED). In case of problems please refer to ReadMe file in Conduit folder.
Updates of the ZONESCAN 800 software package may contain newer versions of the conduit. Registration of
updated conduit will be done automatically as soon as the ZONESCAN 800 Windows software is started,
manual registering is not necessary. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to start the ZONESCAN 800
software at least once after software update before initiating a HotSync.
Besides of registering the conduit, the ZONESCAN 800 Windows software doesn't contain any functions
regarding HotSync data synchronization. All data transfer is done by the conduit itself. Therefore, it is not
necessary to run the ZONESCAN 800 Windows software during a HotSync. In order to avoid data conflicts, it
is recommended to exit the ZONESCAN 800 Windows software before starting a HotSync.
51 Conduit Setup
Before initiating the HotSync process, the synchronization mode of the ZONESCAN 800 conduit should be
checked and eventually be modified.
Click the HotSync Manager icon, then select Custom. Synchronization mode of the ZONESCAN 800 conduit
will be displayed and may be changed:
52 Synchronize the files
This is the normal operation mode for synchronizing the databases: Measurement data will be transferred
from the handheld to the PC and logger setup data will be transferred into the direction depending on where
it was modified. New loggers may be added to the PC database as well as to the handheld database. Due to
security reasons, deleting of loggers will not be mirrored from the handheld to the PC (in order to avoid
possible data loss).
Important Note 1: The name of the handheld ZONESCAN 800 project must exist inside the PC database
(database of last installed ZONESCAN 800 Windows software). In case the project name doesn't exist no data
transfer will occur. The handheld project name may be adjusted by selecting Options ‐ Settings ‐ Project
inside the handheld ZONESCAN 800 software.
Important Note 2: In this mode the handheld should always be synchronized with the same PC. It is possible
to synchronize more than one handheld with the same PC but not vice versa. Synchronizing a handheld to
several PCs may result in loss of the handheld's ZONESCAN data.
53 Handheld overwrites PC
Logger and measurement data will be mirrored from handheld to PC. Existing data in the PC database will not
be deleted (but may be overwritten). In case the handheld project name does not exist inside the PC
database, the project name will be automatically added as new project to the PC database. This mode is
especially useful for transferring handheld data to several PCs.
Do Nothing (No Action)
No data transfer will occur.
Change of synchronization mode may be done temporarily (e.g. only valid for next HotSync) or permanently.
In the latter case Set as Default has to be marked inside the Change dialog.
54 Connection Type
In case HotSync is done only via USB port, the serial port option should be disabled because of a possible
conflict with the ZONESCAN 800 Windows software:
Click the HotSync Manager icon, then click Local Serial in case there's a check mark left to the entry (un‐
check entry).
55 Zonescan820 Commlink Setup
The Zonescan820 Commlink (shown below) uses Bluetooth to connect with a computer. The Computer either
requires an inbuilt Bluetooth or a USB Bluetooth dongle for communication with the Commlink. The
Bluetooth Hardware usually has Bluetooth Managing Software which controls it.
Bluetooth Manager Software
The Computers with inbuilt Bluetooth are normally activated by pressing a button or flicking a switch. Once
this is done the Bluetooth symbol will appear in the right side of the task bar, some have a short cut on the
desktop, double click to open. USB Bluetooth Dongles will require installing the software; a short cut will be
created. The screen shot below is an example of the Bluetooth Software Manager.
1. Open the Bluetooth Manager on your PC, turn on the Zonescan 820 Commlink and refresh or search
for devices. The Commlink will appear as a device but not as a mobile phone.
2. Create the Bluetooth Link by selecting the Device, double click the symbol and enter the pin code
which is 4 zeros (0000) and click OK, see below.
3. The Serial number of the Commlink (this is on a label underneath the unit) will be displayed.
4. Connect to the ZS820 Bluetooth device by choosing the option to connect or pair.
5. Connection to the ZS820 Bluetooth device will happen through a designated com port. In this example
it is com5‐ remember this port.
6. For this Bluetooth Utility a link is shown by a dotted line to the Sun. Other Bluetooth Managers will
display this in another way.
7. Disconnect from the ZS820 Bluetooth device by choosing the option to Disconnect.
56 Creating the link between the Zonescan Software and Bluetooth Manager
1. Open the latest version of the Zonescan Software, in this example its 5.13.
2. Go to Setup and then choose Options.
3. Select the Commlink’s allocated com port, in this example COM5 in the Connection drop down and
click OK. Use Logger State to communicate with a logger to check the setup is correct.
Note. The Zonescan820 is rechargeable so charge the unit before use.
57 Updating the Commlink Firmware
Make sure a connection is made with the Commlink by communicating with a logger using the Logger State
function, then close the Logger State window.
Select Setup then Update Commlink if a new version of the firmware is released. The update takes
approximately 10 minutes.
Browse for the saved latest version update file and then select and open
The progression of the update is displayed as a counting up percentage as shown above.
Once this reaches 100% then programming begins as shown below.
The connection will fail as the Commlink will turn itself off when programming is complete. Switch the
Commlink back on and establish a connection. The new version firmware will be displayed next to the battery
When a new version firmware is released you will be notified by email with a copy of the new firmware file.

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