Hitron TECHNOLOGIES CGNV21 Wireless Gateway EMTA User Manual

Hitron TECHNOLOGIES Wireless Gateway EMTA

User Manual

Download: Hitron TECHNOLOGIES CGNV21 Wireless Gateway EMTA User Manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Hitron TECHNOLOGIES CGNV21 Wireless Gateway EMTA User Manual
Document ID2939036
Application IDjxvzAyQCibTOjuXKed8dzg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize187.98kB (2349799 bits)
Date Submitted2016-03-23 00:00:00
Date Available2016-03-23 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-11-21 22:34:58
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-11-21 22:34:58
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows)

Check the box contents
Read me
Look in the box and make sure you have the following:
Connect to the network
Connect your phones (Optional)
Set up your wireless network (Optional)
Connect the cable port
Connect your cable outlet to the device’s CABLE connector.
Use the cables to connect your phones and fax machines to the
LINE port. Do this only if you ordered phone/ fax service.
Connect wireless computers (optional)
Connect the power
Connect the power adaptor to the POWER port.
Connect your phones / fax machines (optional)
You can connect computers to the wireless network. Look at the
sticker on the bottom of the device, and make a note of the SSID
and Wireless PassPhrase.
Connect wired computers (optional)
You can use the included Ethernet cable to connect a computer to
one of the LAN ports.
Open the wireless network connections from the taskbar and select the SSID
that belongs to the CGNV21 then press "Connect".
Another window will popup, input the Security Key (PassPhrase) assigned to
the SSID you wish to connect then press Accept.
Once connected, the SSID will be on the top
of the list and marked as "Connected".
Next, look at the LEDs (lights) on the
front of the device. Wireless LED on, or
blinking? If so, the wireless network is on.
If not, turn the wireless network on by pressing the WPS button on
the side of the device for 1 second.
Press the WPS button more than 5 secconds for WPS function.
Setup Complete
Connect options
Use t he configurat ion int erface t o complet e cont rol over t he
device’ s behavior. In a Web browser, ent er in t he
address bar. Ent er cusadmin as t he username and password as
t he password in t he screen displays.
IP addresses
If your gat eway is successfully connect ed
t o t he net work but you cannot access t he
Int ernet from a connect ed comput er,
your comput er’ s IP Address may be set
up wrongly. In your comput er’ s cont rol
panel eit her ensure t hat t he comput er is
configured t o receive an IP address
aut omat ically (recommended) or it has a
st at ic IP address in t he range
LED Display
Green-St eady
Device is running wit h AC power.
Not powered.
The modem is searching for t he downst ream
Green-St eady
Downst ream frequency is locked.
(1 channel only)
Blue-St eady
Downst ream frequency is locked.
(channel bonding)
Regist rat ion is in progress wit h cable
company’s head-end.
Green-St eady
Gat eway is operat ional.
Gat eway is offline.
Dat a t ransmit t ing.
Green-St eady
10/ 100Mbps Link up.
Dat a t ransmit t ing.
Green-St eady
10/ 100Mbps Link up.
Tel line is in use.
Green-St eady
Gat eway’s line port is online.
Gat eway’s line port is not online.
The 2.4GHz wireless net work is enabled, and
dat a is being t ransmit t ed or received.
Green-St eady
The 2.4GHz wireless net work is enabled, and
no dat a is being t ransmit t ed or received.
The 2.4GHz wireless net work is not enabled.
Not scanning.
The modem is searching for t he upst ream
Green-St eady
Upst ream frequency is locked. (1 channel only)
Blue-St eady
Upst ream frequency is locked.
(channel bonding)
Not scanning.
Safety Warnings
Risk of elect rical shock. Do not expose t he device t o wat er or moist ure.
The device is a high-performance communicat ions device designed for home and office environment s. Do not use t he device out doors.
Keep t he device in an environment bet ween 0° C ~ 40° C (32° F ~104° F).
To avoid overheat ing, do NOT place any obj ect on t op of t he device.
Do not rest rict t he flow of air around t he cable modem.
The manufact urer assumes no liabilit ies for damage caused by any improper use of t he device.
The manufact urer assumes no liabilit ies wit h respect t o t he cont ent s of t his document . The manufact urer also reserves t he right t o revise t his document or updat e t he cont ent t hereof
wit hout any obligat ion t o not ify any person of such revisions or amendment s. Specificat ions subj ect t o change wit hout not ice.
The cable dist ribut ion syst em should be grounded (eart hed) in a accordance wit h ANS/ NFPA 70, t he Nat ional Elect rical Code (NEC), in part icular Sect ion 820.93, Grounding of Out er
Conduct ive Shield of a Coaxial Cable.
FCC Statement:
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been t est ed and found t o comply wit h t he limit s for a Class B digit al device, pursuant t o Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. These limit s are designed t o provide reasonable prot ect ion against
harmful int erference in a resident ial inst allat ion. This equipment generat es, uses and can radiat e radio frequency energy and, if not inst alled and used in accordance wit h t he inst ruct ions, may cause harmful
int erference t o radio communicat ions. However, t here is no guarant ee t hat int erference will not occur in a part icular inst allat ion. If t his equipment does cause harmful int erference t o radio or t elevision
recept ion, which can be det ermined by t urning t he equipment off and on, t he user is encouraged t o t ry t o correct t he int erference by one of t he following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caut ion: Any changes or modificat ions not expressly approved by t he part y responsible for compliance could void t he user’ s aut horit y t o operat e t his equipment .
This device complies wit h Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operat ion is subj ect t o t he following t wo condit ions: (1) This device may not cause harmful int erference, and (2) t his device must accept any int erference
received, including int erference t hat may cause undesired operat ion. For product available in t he USA/ Canada market , only channel 1~11 can be operat ed. Select ion of ot her channels is not possible.
This device and it 's ant ennas(s) must not be co-locat ed or operat ing in conj unct ion wit h any ot her ant enna or t ransmit t er except in accordance wit h FCC mult i-t ransmit t er product procedures.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies wit h FCC radiat ion exposure limit s set fort h for an uncont rolled environment . This equipment should be inst alled and operat ed wit h minimum dist ance 20cm bet ween t he radiat or &
your body.

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