Honeywell International Inc. AVIATION DATA COMMUNICATIONS TRANSMITTER 150 1255 000
SYSTEM INSTALLATION MANUAL Global ® AFIS ® AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 400-045500-0001 through -0006 400-045500-0130 / -0210 / -2010 / -0211 / -2011 42000-01-01, -02-02, -03-03, -04-03 MANUAL NUMBER 150-1255-000 REVISION 11 MARCH, 2001 WARNING Prior to export of this document, review for export license requirement is needed. COPYRIGHT NOTICE 2000-2001 Honeywell International Inc. Reproduction of this publication or any portion thereof by any means without the expressed written permission of Honeywell is prohibited. For further information, contact the Manager of Technical Publications, Honeywell, Olathe, Kansas 66061. (913) 782-0400 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Paragraph 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.8 Page INTRODUCTION EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT DATA TRANSFER UNIT SATELLITE COMMUNICATION UNIT HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER/LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER SATELLITE ANTENNA CONFIGURATION MODULE ARNAV MFD 5115 RPU TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS UNIT SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS FUEL FLOW INPUT (ANALOG INPUT) RS-422A SERIAL DATA INPUT ARINC 429 INPUT ANALOG OUTPUTS (DMU) RS-422A SERIAL DIGITAL OUTPUTS (DMU) ARINC 429 OUTPUTS PRINTER INTERFACE CABIN TERMINAL INTERFACE DISCRETE INPUTS UNITS AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT FLIGHT PLANNING SERVICE DMU CONFIGURATION MATRIX ACCESSORIES REQUIRED DMU INSTALLATION KIT CONFIGURATION MODULE UNIT VHF ANTENNA OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES DATA TRANSFER UNIT ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT SATELLITE SYSTEM (SATAFIS) PRINTER CABIN PERSONAL COMPUTER LICENSE REQUIREMENTS VHF RADIO INMARSAT SATELLITE APPROVAL ARNAV RPU INSTALLATION KIT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS IMAFISJWA 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-7 1-7 1-16 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22 1-24 1-26 1-29 1-29 1-30 1-33 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-35 1-36 1-37 1-37 1-37 1-37 1-37 1-37 1-38 1-38 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SECTION 2 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION Paragraph 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.9 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.9.4 2.9.5 Page INTRODUCTION UNPACKING AND INSPECTING EQUIPMENT GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT (DMU) INSTALLATION DATA TRANSFER UNIT (DTU) INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION MODULE SATELLITE COMMUNICATION UNIT (SCU) INSTALLATION HPA/LNA INSTALLATION ANTENNA INSTALLATION BONDING CHECKLIST LOW PROFILE JET BLADE ANTENNA INSTALLATION ARNAV RPU INSTALLATION INSTALLATION KIT INSTALLATION GUIDE COOLING CONSIDERATIONS INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS DATABASE CARD 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 SECTION 3 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 3.0 3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION AFIS WX DISPLAY 3-1 3-117 SECTION 4 AFIS CONFIGURATION AND CHECKOUT Paragraph Page 4.0 GENERAL 4-1 4.0.1 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 4-1 4.0.2 GENERAL 4-1 4.1 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING FOR GNS-500A SERIES 4/5 WITH DMU P/N 42000-XX-XX 4-4 4.2 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING FOR GNS-500A SERIES FOR GNS-500A SERIES 4/5 WITH DMU P/N 400-045500-XXXX 4-19 4.3 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING FOR GNS-1000, GNS X, GNS-XES, GNS-XL OR GNS-XLS WITH DMU P/N 42000-01-01 OR 42000-03-03 4-33 IMAFISJWA ii March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SECTION 4 AFIS CONFIGURATION AND CHECKOUT (cont) 4.4 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING FOR GNS-1000, GNS X, GNS-XES, GNS-XL OR GNS-XLS WITH DMU P/N 400-045500-0001, -003, OR -005 AND OTHER FMS MANUFACTURES USING DMU P/N 400-045500-0001, -0002, -0003, -0004, -0005, -0006 OR -0130 4-44 4.5 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING FOR GNS-1000, GNS-X, GNS-XES, GNS-XL OR GNS-XLS WITH DMU P/N 400-045500-0210 OR 400-045500-2010. 4-59 4.6 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING FOR GNS-1000, GNS-X, GNS-XES, GNS-XL OR GNS-XLS WITH DMU P/N 400-045500-0211 OR 400-045500-2011. 4-75 4.7 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING FOR 739 MCDU AND OTHER FMS MANUFACTURERS WITH DMU P/N 400-045500-2011 OR 0211. 4-92 4.8 AFIS DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT (DMU) (ProComm Plus Reconfiguration 4-101 Procedure) 4.9 GENERAL 4-109 4.10 SYSTEM TEST AND CHECKOUT WITH CUSTOMER SUPPLIED PRE-PROGRAMMED AFIS DISK 4-109 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 Page AFIS GRAPHICS SERVICE AND DATABASE APPLICATION DMU PN 42000-XX-XX or 400-045500-XXXX DMU TRAY PN 42701-1 CONFIGURATION MODULE MOUNTING PROVISION P/N 31990-1 CONFIGURATION MODULE OUTLINE AND MOUNTING P/N 31990-1 DATA TRANSFER UNIT (DTU) PN 43000-01-01-X TRIPLE PORT DTU PN 15655-XXXX DTU DZUS MOUNTING DTU TRAY MOUNTING DTU INSTRUMENT PANEL MOUNTING PROVISION DTU TRAY PN 43010-X ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT (ASU) PN 44000-1 SATELLITE COMMUNICATION UNIT (SCU) SCU TRAY PN 300-317337-01 HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER / LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER (HPA / LNA) LOW PROFILE JET BLADE ANTENNA MFD 5115 RPU IMAFISJWA 1-31 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-11 2-13 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-17 2-19 2-21 2-23 2-25 2-27 iii March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (cont) Figure 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-9A 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-32A 3-32B 3-33 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-42 3-43 Page DMU FUEL FLOW WIRING USING ELDEC INDICATOR DMU FUEL FLOW WIRING FOR VARIOUS INDICATORS DMU FUEL FLOW INTERTECHNIQUE DMU FUEL FLOW GE 5 VRMS AC DMU FUEL FLOW ELDEC TRANSMITER AS SOURCE DMU TO TRIPLE PORT DTU DMU TO DTU PN 43000-01-01-3 AND PN 43000-01-01-4 DMU TO DTU PN 43000-01-01-1 AND PN 43000-01-01-2 DMU TO NMU GNS-X CDU-XLS TO AFIS INTERFACE DMU TO FMC GNS-500A SERIES 4/5 DMU TO SWITCHED AFIS ANTENNA DMU TO DEDICATED AFIS ANTENNA DMU TO PRINTERS AND TERMINALS DMU TO CONFIGURATION MODULE AND SATFONE SYSTEM DMU TO SCU DISCRETE WIRING DMU FUEL FLOW WIRING USING ELDEC INDICATOR DMU FUEL FLOW WIRING FOR VARIOUS INDICATORS DMU FUEL FLOW INTERTECHNIQUE DMU FUEL FLOW GE 5 VRMS AC DMU FUEL FLOW USING ELDEC TRANSMITTER AS SOURCE DMU TO TRIPLE PORT DTU PN 15655-XXXX DMU TO DTU PN 43000-01-01-3 AND PN 43000-01-01-4 DMU TO DTU PN 43000-01-01-1 AND PN 43000-01-01-2 DMU TO FMC GNS-1000 DMU TO GNS-500A SERIES 4 DMU TO SWITCHED AFIS ANTENNA DMU TO DEDICATED AFIS ANTENNA DMU TO PRINTERS AND TERMINALS DMU TO CONFIGURATION MODULE DMU TO SCU DMU TO ARNAV RPU AND GNS-XLS WIRING DIAGRAM DMU TO FLIGHT DATA ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DMU TO 739 MCDU DMU CONNECTOR PN 400-045500-XXXX DMU CONNECTOR PN 42000-XX-XX DTU CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT PN 43000-01-01-1 AND -2 DTU CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT PN 43000-01-01-3 AND -4 DMU J201 PIN ASSIGNMENT CONFIGURATION MODULE CONNECTION ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT PIN ASSIGNMENT TRIPLE PORT DTU CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT PN 15655-0X01 SCU UNIT CONNECTOR REMOTE PROCESSOR UNIT (RTU) MATING CONNECTOR CONNECTORS USED IMAFISJWA 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-9 3-11 3-13 3-15 3-17 3-19 3-33 3-37 3-39 3-41 3-43 3-45 3-47 3-51 3-53 3-55 3-57 3-59 3-61 3-63 3-65 3-67 3-69 3-77 3-79 3-81 3-83 3-85 3-87 3-91 3-93 3-95 3-97 3-102 3-105 3-106 3-107 3-108 3-109 3-110 3-111 3-113 3-114 iv March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM RECORD OF REVISIONS REV. NO. REVISION DATE 03/01/88 06/01/88 04/01/89 10/01/92 05/94 06/95 01/98 10/98 03/2000 10 05/2000 11 03/2001 IMAFISJWA DATE INSERTED BY REV. NO. REVISION DATE DATE INSERTED BY RR-1 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM RECORD OF REVISIONS (cont.) REV. NO. REVISION DATE IMAFISJWA DATE INSERTED BY REV. NO. REVISION DATE DATE INSERTED BY RR-2 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION This manual contains information relative to the physical, mechanical and electrical characteristics of the Global AFIS unit. General system installation information is also included. 1.2 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION The Airborne Flight Information System (AFIS) consists of the following aircraft components: Data Management Unit, Antenna Switching Unit (optional), Data Transfer Unit (optional), Satellite Communication Unit (optional), High Power Amplifier/Low Noise Amplifier (optional), Satellite Antenna (optional), Configuration Module and ARNAV MFD5115 RPU (optional). 1.2.1 Data Management Unit (see Table 1-10) The Data Management Unit (DMU) is a standard 1/2 ATR short unit. The DMU formats data received from the DTU, VHF network or Satellite network. The DMU formats data for sending to the ground from the aircraft using the VHF or Satellite network. The data is presented to the flight management system interfaced to the DMU for display on a CRT/CDU. The DMU incorporates a data quality VHF transceiver. The transceiver is tuned automatically by the DMU to use the appropriate VHF ground station for the purpose of transmitting data to and receiving data from the Global Data Center while in flight. The DMU can select between the VHF data network and a satellite network automatically if the DMU is connected to a satellite network. The DMU is capable of interfacing with one to six flight management systems. The DMU can be interfaced to two printers as well as two personal computers. 1.2.2 Antenna Switching Unit (44000-1) The Antenna Switching Unit (ASU) is a small box that is required for those installations where the DMU VHF transceiver is to share an existing VHF communication antenna. The ASU contains switching circuitry which allows the DMU transceiver to share a common antenna with an external VHF communication transceiver. In receive mode both receivers are connected to the antenna. In transmit mode, only one of the transmitters is connected to the antenna at any one time. The ASU switches the transmit side of the antenna between the DMU data transmitter and the voice transmitter. Pressing the AFIS annunciator on the instrument panel switches the transmit side of the antenna to the DMU transmitter. Pressing the annunciator again or pressing the “push-to-talk” button on the VHF communication radio switches the transmit side of the antenna back to the voice transmitter. 1.2.3 Data Transfer Unit (15655-0101 or 15655-0201) The Data Transfer Unit (DTU) is a 3.5 inch micro floppy disk unit. It can be mounted on 5.75 inch DZUS rails or bulkhead mounted with a tray. The DTU contains a microfloppy drive, drive electronics and control logic. The DTU is used to read AFIS flight plans and weather from a disk inserted in the DTU. The disk is read by the DTU and the data is transferred to the Data Management Unit. A ground-to-air transmitted AFIS flight plan can also be written to a disk by the DTU as the flight plan is received by the Data Management Unit. The DTU is optional. If a customer does not choose to load information from the disk then the DTU is not required. IMAFISJWA 1-1 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.2.4 Satellite Communication Unit (153-017311-01) The Satellite Communication Unit (SCU) is an ATR rack mounted unit. The SCU incorporates a satellite transceiver and instructions for transmitting to and receiving from the satellite “C” network. The SCU also contains information which allows it to tune to the appropriate satellite operating region automatically and to the appropriate ground station. The SCU is optional. If a customer does not choose to use satellite “C” operation then the SCU is not required. 1.2.5 High Power Amplifier/Low Noise Amplifier (153-017310-01) The High Power Amplifier/Low Noise Amplifier (HPA/LNA) amplifier is a bulkhead mounted unit. The HPA/LNA amplifies transmitted and received satellite “C” information while minimizing noise and is connected between the SCU and a Satellite antenna. The HPA/LNA is required if the SCU is installed. 1.2.6 Satellite Antenna (121-017537-01) The Satellite Antenna is designed to meet Inmarsat system specifications for satellite “C” system operation and is required if the SCU and HPA/LNA are installed. The Satellite Antenna is connected to the HPA/LNA. 1.2.7 Configuration Module (31990-1) The Configuration Module is mounted on the rack of the DMU. The Configuration module is a nonvolatile memory that provides to the DMU, at power up, items that are related to the customer aircraft such as tail number, aircraft basic operating weight, number of flight management systems and selectable features such as on-off reporting, on-ground position reporting available to the customer. 1.2.8 ARNAV MFD 5115 RPU (453-2530-08) The ARNAV MFD 5115 RPU (Remote Processing Unit) is mounted in a frame assembly. The RPU supplies AFIS™ weather graphical data to the GNS-XLS. If a customer does not choose to use AFIS™ weather graphical data services then the RPU is not required. IMAFISJWA 1-2 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.3 1.3.1 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS UNIT SPECIFICATIONS DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT (DMU) TSO COMPLIANCE: See Environmental Qualification Appendix PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: See Figure 2-1 TEMPERATURE: -55° C to +55° C ALTITUDE: 55,000 feet WEIGHT: 400-045500-0001,-0003,-0130,-0210,-0211 400-045500-0002,-0004 400-045500-0005,-2010,-2011 400-045500-0006 42000-01,02,03 (-) 01,02,03 42000-04-03 11.92 LBS. (5.89 KG.) 12.62 LBS. (6.23 KG.) 12.94 LBS. (6.39 KG.) 13.62 LBS. (6.73 KG.) 11.90 LBS. (5.89 KG.) 12.60 LBS. (6.22 KG.) POWER REQUIREMENTS: 28 VDC 7.0 Amps Max - VHF Transmitter ON 2.0 Amps Max - VHF Transmitter OFF SATELLITE COMMUNICATION UNIT (SCU) TSO COMPLIANCE: FAA-PMA BEECH MODEL E-90 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: See Figure 2-12 TEMPERATURE: -25° C to +55° C ALTITUDE: 25,000 feet above MSL WEIGHT: 6.0 Lbs max (2.72 Kg) POWER REQUIREMENTS: 27.5 VDC 6.7 Amps Max - Transmitter ON 1.0 Amps Max - Transmitter OFF IMAFISJWA 1-3 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DATA TRANSFER UNIT (DTU) TSO COMPLIANCE: See Environmental Qualification Appendix PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: See Figure 2-5 TEMPERATURE: -55° C to +55° C ALTITUDE: 55,000 feet WEIGHT: 3.0 Lbs max (1.36 Kg) POWER REQUIREMENTS: 28 VDC 1.0 Amps Max ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT (ASU) TSO COMPLIANCE: See Environmental Qualification Appendix PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: See Figure 2-11 TEMPERATURE: -55° C to +55° C ALTITUDE: 55,000 feet WEIGHT: 1.3 Lbs max (0.59 Kg) POWER REQUIREMENTS: 28 VDC 0.8 Amps Max IMAFISJWA 1-4 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER / LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER (HPA/LNA) TSO COMPLIANCE: FAA-PMA BEECH MODEL E-90 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: See Figure 2-14 TEMPERATURE: -55° C to +70° C ALTITUDE: 55,000 feet HUMIDITY: CAT B Noncondensing VIBRATION: Random Vibration CAT C WEIGHT: 4.84 ± 0.44 Lbs (2.18 Kg) POWER REQUIREMENTS: TX (through coax cable) RX (through coax cable) 26.5 - 30.0 VDC, 2.8 Amps Max 13 - 16 VDC, 0.05 Amps Max FREQUENCY: TX BAND RX BAND 1626.5 - 1646.5 MHz 1530 -1545 MHz VSWR: 3:1 maximum INPUT POWER TX: -3 to +20dBm (1626.5 - 1646.5 MHz) OUTPUT POWER TX: 21 WATTS maximum LNA GAIN: 42 - 49 dB CONFIGURATION MODULE TSO COMPLIANCE: See Environmental Qualification Appendix PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: See Figure 2-4 TEMPERATURE: -55° C to +55° C ALTITUDE: 55,000 feet WEIGHT: 0.102 Lbs (0.045 Kg) max POWER REQUIREMENTS: Supplied by DMU IMAFISJWA 1-5 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM LOW PROFILE JET BLADE ANTENNA TSO COMPLIANCE: FAA-PMA Unit - Sensor Systems, Inc. PMA Holder PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: See Figure 2-15 TEMPERATURE: -54° C to +71° C ALTITUDE: 55,000 feet WEIGHT: 1.5 Lbs max (0.68 Kg) POWER HANDLING: 60 WATTS CW FREQUENCY: TX BAND RX BAND 1626.5 - 1660.5 MHz 1530 -1559 MHz VSWR: < 1.5: 1 POLARIZATION: RHCP IMPEDANCE: 50 ohms REMOTE PROCESSING UNIT (RPU) TSO COMPLIANCE: TSO Unit - ARNAV Systems Inc. TSO Holder PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: Height Width Depth 2.0 inches (50.8 mm) 6.25 inches (159 mm) 9.25 inches (235 mm) TEMPERATURE: -20° C to +70° C ALTITUDE: 50,000 feet WEIGHT: 2.5 Lbs (1.15 Kg) POWER REQUIREMENTS: 27.5 Vdc at 750 mA IMAFISJWA 1-6 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.3.2 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS The following pages of system characteristics provide details of the various interfaces for the AFIS. Fuel Flow Input (ANALOG INPUT) NOTE: Fuel Flow information is only applicable to DMUs PN 42000-02-02, PN 42000-04-03, PN 400-045500-0002, PN 400-045500-0004, and PN 400-045500-0006. J.E.T. Fuel Flow System NOTE: This interface is provided by a modification to 54-1158-01 module per J.E.T. SB number SB542-1158-7. Source LearJet volumetric flow rate transducer Range See Table 1-1 Accuracy ± 0.5% of volume Scale Factor Flow Rate = 28.125 x frequency Where: Flow Rate = Pounds Per Hour and Frequency = Hertz Load 10K ohms minimum Amplitude +9 volts, ground referenced J.E.T. Range (PPH) Accuracy Scaling (PPH/V) Output Impedance Applicable to J.E.T. SB 542-1158-7 0 to 2500 ± 0.5% of 28.125 10K Ohms volume Table 1-1 IMAFISJWA 1-7 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM ELDEC Mass Flow Fuel System Source ELDEC Mass Flow Transducer Signal Type Each sensor generates two AC signals. Flow rate information is contained in the phase difference between the two signals. Range 150 to 2200 PPH Amplitude 0.30 to 1.60 V P-P Drum Signal 0.30 to 1.60 V P-P Impeller Signal Frequency 5.7 to 28 Hz Phase Delay 0 to 55 msec Scale Factor See Table 1-2 Load 200K ohms minimum ELDEC SENSOR MODEL NUMBER TRANSMITTER SCALING (LB/HR/mS) 9-127-27 9-127-33 9-127-51 9-127-39 40 9-127-12 100 9-231-05 20 Table 1-2 IMAFISJWA 1-8 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM ELDEC Mass Fuel Flow System NOTE: There are two types of indicator outputs: pulse width and DC voltage. Some of the indicators have both. If this is the case the pulse width output is preferred. Pulse Width Output From Indicator Source ELDEC Fuel Flow Indicator Type Ground referenced voltage pulse flow rate is proportional to width. Amplitude VOL = 0 ± 2 Volts VOH = 12 ± 2 Volts Indicator Output Impedance 15K ohms Range/ Accuracy/ Impedance See Table 1-3 Repetition Time 36 to 175 msec DC Rate Output Indicator Source ELDEC Fuel Flow Indicator Type DC differential voltage proportions to fuel rate. The signal low is 5.1 ± 1.0 Volts above the power ground. A reference voltage of 6.2 ± 0.32 VDC is provided by ELDEC, but is unused by the GNS-500. Signal Range 0.0 to 5.5 VDC differential Indicator Output Impedance 5K ohms each leg Scaling/ Range/ Accuracy See Table 1-3 IMAFISJWA 1-9 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM ELDEC Indicator Model No. Aux Pulse Width Aux DC Rate Range PPH 9-328-01 YES YES 0 to 2200 9-328-10 YES YES 9-328-13 YES 9-328-17 Scaling Pulse PPH/mS DC V/PPH Accuracy Pulse DC 40 0.0025 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 0 to 2200 40 0.0025 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% YES 0 to 3000 100 0.00167 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% YES N/A 0 to 2000 40 --- ± 2 lb/hr --- 9-328-26 YES --- 0 to 4000 100 --- ± 2 lb/hr --- 9-328-19 YES YES 0 to 3300 100 0.00142 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-328-20 YES YES 0 to 4000 100 0.00143 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-394-01 YES TBD TBD 100 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-422-01 YES N/A 0 to 10000 80 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-464-02 YES YES 0 to 1000 40 TBD ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-464-06 YES YES 0 to 1000 40 TBD ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-464-09 N/A YES 0 to 1200 --- TBD ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-464-16 YES YES 0 to 1000 40 --- ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-464-25 YES YES 0 to 1200 40 .004166 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% 9-464-41 YES YES 0 to 1200 40 .004166 ± 2 lb/hr ± 2% Table 1-3 AMETEK Indicator Fuel Flow NOTE: Flow rate is proportional to voltage Source Auxiliary flow rate output from AMETEK Range 0 to 2400 PPH Signal Type 0.5 to 5.5 VDC ground referenced Scaling Flow Rate = 480 (Vsig - 0.5) Where: Flow Rate = PPH, Vsig = Volts Accuracy ± 50 mV IMAFISJWA 1-10 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Gull Indicator Fuel Flow - Model 360-954-XXX NOTE: Flow rate is proportional to voltage Source Gull fuel flow indicator Range 0 to 2000 PPH Accuracy ± 3% Signal Type 1.0 to 5.4 VDC differential Scaling Flow Rate = 500 (vsig - 1.0) Where: Flow Rate = PPH Vsig = VDC General Electric 5v RMS AC Fuel Flow NOTE: Flow rate is proportional to RMS voltage. Fuel flow - G.E. PN 8TJ64GBM-3 Source Pick off type fuel flow transducer Signal Type Signal 0 to 5 VRMS, 400 Hz differential signal Range 0 to 4000 PPH Scaling F = 800 (Vsig) Where: F = Flow in PPH, Vsig = VRMS Reference 115 VRMS nominal, 400 Hz aircraft power Fuel flow- G.E. PN 8TJ85GBA Source G.E. AC Fuel Flow Transmitter Signal Type Signal 0 to 5 VRMS, 400 Hz differential signal Range 400 to 12,500 PPH Motor Frequency 8 cycles per second Scale Factor F = 2400 (Vsig) Where: F = Flow in PPH, Vsig = VRMS Reference 115 VRMS nominal, 400 Hz aircraft power IMAFISJWA 1-11 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Fuel flow - G.E. PN 8TJ85GAT Source G.E. AC Fuel Flow Transmitter Signal Type Signal 0 to 5 VRMS, 400 Hz differential signal Range 400 to 12,500 PPH Motor Frequency 8 cycles per second Scale Factor F = 2400 (Vsig) Where: F = Flow in PPH, Vsig = VRMS Reference 115 VRMS nominal, 400 Hz aircraft power IDC Indicator Fuel Flow NOTE: Auxiliary fuel flow rate output from an IDC fuel flow indicator. Some models have pulse width outputs, DC voltage outputs or both. The use of the pulse width output is preferred. Pulse Width Output Signal From Indicator (Flow rate is proportional to pulse width.) Type Ground referenced voltage pulse Amplitude VOL = 0V, VOH = 5V Output Impedance for Indicator 10K Ohm pull-up Repetition Time 100 to 500 msec Range/ Accuracy/ Scaling See Table 1-4 IMAFISJWA 1-12 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DC Rate Output from Indicator Type DC Differential Voltage proportional to fuel rate Signal Range 0 to 4.0 VDC Output Impedance 200 Ohms on each leg Range/ Accuracy/ Scaling See Table 1-4 IDC Indicator Model No. Aux Pulse Width Aux DC Rate Range PPH 31653-003 YES --- 0 to 8000 31653-004 YES --- 31653-013 YES 31653-014 Scaling Pulse PPH/mS DC V/PPH Accuracy 80 --- ± 20 PPH 0 to 8000 80 --- ± 20 PPH YES 0 to 8000 80 0.0005 ± 20 PPH YES YES 0 to 8000 80 0.0005 ± 20 PPH 37804-001 YES --- 0 to 8000 80 --- ± 20 PPH 37804-002 YES --- 0 to 8000 80 --- ± 20 PPH 37804-011 YES --- 0 to 8000 80 --- ± 20 PPH 37804-012 YES --- 0 to 8000 80 --- ± 20 PPH 37804-101 YES YES 0 to 8000 80 0.0005 ± 20 PPH 37804-102 YES YES 0 to 8000 80 0.0005 ± 20 PPH Table 1-4 IMAFISJWA 1-13 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM RAGEN Data Systems Fuel Flow NOTE: RAGEN Data Systems also manufactures fuel systems formerly manufactured by Consolidated Airborne and Bendix. Flow rate is proportional to Voltage. Source Fuel Flow Rate Signal from fuel flow transducer Signal Type DC Voltage Output Output Impedance See Table 1-5 Range/ Accuracy/ Scaling See Table 1-5 RAGEN Model Range (PPH) Accuracy Scaling (PPH/V) Output Impedance 3268-005 0 to 1800 TBD 283.688 TBD 3268-014 0 to 1800 TBD 283.114 TBD 3268-011 0 to 500 TBD 100.000 TBD Table 1-5 Canadian Marconi Fuel Flow System NOTE: DC voltage output in which the voltage is proportional to the flow rate. Source Auxiliary Fuel Flow Rate Signal From Indicator Signal Type DC Voltage Output Output Impedance 1K Ohms Range/ Accuracy/ Scaling See Table 1-6 IMAFISJWA 1-14 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Canadian Marconi Model No. Range (PPH) DC Scaling (PPH/V) Accuracy 418-107-103 0 to 4500 900 ±2% 418-107-104 0 to 4500 900 ± 2% Table 1-6 Aero Systems Fuel flow System NOTE: Signal frequency is proportional to fuel flow rate. Source Aero Systems Model DD-4000-004 Magneson Fuel Flow Signal Convertor. The DD-4000 converts G.E. Second Harmonic flow signals to a frequency proportional to fuel rate for a maximum of four engines Signal Range 0 to 2500 Hz Signal Levels High side of signal switches between 7.5V and 15.0V whereas the low side is 7.5V above ground. Output Impedance 2 Kohms pull up to +15V. Transistor switch to 7.5V. Range/ Accuracy/ Scaling See Table 1-7 Aero Systems Model No. DD-4000-004 Range (PPH) Scaling (PPH/Hz) Remarks 0 to 2300 0.92 DD-4000-004 is only the 0 to 3000 1.200 convertor model number. 0 to 4000 1.600 The scaling, however is 0 to 8000 3.200 custom calibrated for 0 to 12000 4.800 each aircraft. 0 to 14000 5.600 Table 1-7 IMAFISJWA 1-15 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Intertechnique Fuel flow System NOTE: Flow rate is proportional to frequency; the fuel relative density signal is a 3 to 5 VDC signal proportional to the fuel specific gravity (relative density). Source Intertechnique totalizer amplifier indicator Models 723-161-1 and 723-161-2. The signals from the indicators are input to the totalizer. Range Reference 0 to 2000 PPH Scaling Flow = [Vsig/5.0] x 34.506 x frequency Where: Flow is PPH, Vsig = Voltage of density signal and Freq = Frequency of rate signal Signal: Frequency: Density: VOL = 0.7 ±TBD V VOH = 12.0 ±TBD V Pulse width = 2.5 ±TBD V Impedance Output = 270 ohms Range = 3 to 5.0 VDC Output Impedance = 3.9 Kohms RS-422A Serial Data Input Data Transfer Unit (DTU) Data Type Both transmit and receive data are two-wire, balanced voltage digital signals in accordance with EIA RS-422A electrical format. Receive Logic Level Logic 1: +2 to +6V differential Data Rate 22.5 KBS Bit Stream Format Asynchronous with 1 start bit, 8 bits of data and 2 stop bits between words. Word Type 8 bit with no parity IMAFISJWA Logic 0: -2 to -6V differential 1-16 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Satellite Communications Unit (SCU) NOTE: The following information is only applicable to DMUs P/N 42000-03-03, 42000-04-03, 400-045500-0003, 400-045500-0004, 400-045500-0130, 400-045500-0210, 400-045500-0211, 400-045500-2010, and 400-045500-2011. SAT 422 Receive Data Type Receive data is a two-wire balanced voltage digital signals in accordance with EIA RS-422A electrical format. Receive Logic Level Logic 1: +2 to +6V differential Logic 0: -2 to -6V differential Data Rate 4800 bit per second Bit Stream Format Asynchronous with 1 start bit, 8 bits of data and 1 stop bit between words. Word Type 8 bit with no parity SAT 422 CONTROL IN Data Type CONTROL IN is a two-wire balanced voltage digital signal in accordance with EIA RS-422A electrical format. CONTROL IN Logic Level Logic 1: +2 to +6V differential Data Rate Changes on software conditions, indicates the current state of the SCU for receiving data from DMU Data Level ON (high): SCU ready to receive data from DMU OFF (low): SCU not ready to receive data from DMU IMAFISJWA Logic 0: -2 to -6V differential 1-17 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM ARINC 429 INPUT - (See Tables 1-8A and 1-8B) NOTE: The following information is only applicable to DMU PN 400-045500-XXXX. Data Type 2 wire serial data meeting ARINC 429 characteristics Logic State Logic 1: > 5V differential, +6.5 to +13 V Logic 0: < 5V differential, -6.5 to -13 V NULL: 0 V differential Data Rate Changes on software conditions, indicates the current state of the SCU for receiving data from DMU Format 32 bit word, including 1 parity bit Return-To-Zero (RZ) format with at least 4 nulls between words. NAME LABEL DATA RATES ISO Alphabet #5 Messages 357 SPECIAL GMT 125 0.1 Sec Baro Corrected Altitude 204 0.0625 Sec True Airspeed 210 0.125 Sec Static Air Temperature 213 0.5 Sec DATE 260 1.0 Sec Present Position Latitude 310 0.2 Sec Present Position Longitude 311 0.2 Sec Groundspeed 312 0.04 Sec Wind Speed 315 0.1 Sec Wind Direction 316 0.1 Sec ARINC 429 Digital Input Navigational System Table 1-8A NOTE: The following table is only applicable to DMUs PN 400-045500-0005, 400-045500-0006, 400-045500-2010, and 400-045500-2011. IMAFISJWA 1-18 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM NAME LABEL DATA RATES ISO Alphabet #5 Messages 304 SPECIAL SDU System Status 270 1.0 Sec ARINC 429 Digital Input Satellite and SATFONE System Table 1-8B ANALOG OUTPUTS (DMU) Valid Discretes DTU and DMU Data Type Indicates system is operating Logic State Ground (<10 ohms) indicates a valid output Open (>1M ohm) indicates an invalid output Response Time 1.0 ± 0.5 seconds valid to invalid 2.5 ± 0.5 seconds invalid to valid Current Load 250 mA PTT Line Ground (50 ohms or less between PTT line and DC ground) turns the transmitter ON. Open (50,000 ohms or more between PTT line and DC ground) turns the transmitter OFF. AFIS Annunciator NOTE: The following information is only applicable to DMU PN 400-045500-XXXX installations using the Antenna Switching Unit. Logic State DMU J1 pin 42: Ground (<10 ohms) indicates AFIS is Disabled Open (> 1 M ohm) indicates AFIS is Enabled DMU J1 pin 80: Ground (<10 ohms) indicates AFIS is Enabled Open (> 1 M ohm) indicates AFIS is Disabled Signal Type Level Current Capacity .5 Amp Maximum IMAFISJWA 1-19 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM RS-422A SERIAL DIGITAL OUTPUTS (DMU) Data Transfer Unit (DTU) Data Type Both transmit and receive data are two-wire balanced digital signals in accordance with EIA RS-422A electrical format. Transmit Logic Level Logic 1: +2V to +6V differential Logic 0: -2V to -6V differential Data Rate 22.5 KBS Bit Stream Format Asynchronous with 1 start bit, 8 bits of data and 2 stop bits between words. Word Type 8 bit with no parity Satellite Communications Unit (SCU) NOTE: The following information is only applicable to DMUs PN 42000-03-03, 42000-04-03, 400-045500-0003, 400-045500-0004, 400-045500-0130, 400-045500-0210, 400-045500-0211, 400-045500-2010 and 400-045500-2011. SAT 422 Transmit Data Type Transmit data is a two-wire balanced voltage digital signal in accordance with EIA RS-422A electrical format. Transmit Logic Level Logic 1: +2V to +6V differential Logic 0: -2V to -6V differential Data Rate 4800 bits per second Bit Stream Format Asynchronous with 1 start bit, 8 bits of data and 1 stop bit between words. Word Type 8 bit with no parity IMAFISJWA 1-20 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SAT 422 CONTROL OUT Data Type CONTROL OUT is a two-wire balanced voltage digital signal in accordance with EIA RS-422A electrical format. CONTROL OUT Logic Level Logic 1: +2V to +6V differential Logic 0: -2V to -6V differential Data Rate Changes on software conditions, indicates the current state of the DMU for receiving data from SCU. Data Level ON (high): The DMU is ready to receive data from SCU OFF (low): The DMU is not ready to receive from SCU. SAT NAV DATA 422 Transmit Data Type Transmit data is a two-wire balanced voltage digital signal in accordance with EIA RS-422A electrical format. Transmit Logic Level Logic 1: +2V to +6V differential Logic 0: -2V to -6V differential Data Rate 4800 bits per second Bit Stream Format Asynchronous with 1 start bit, 8 bits of data and 1 stop bit between words. Stream of data appears once a second if satellite configured and present position information available. Word Type 8 bit with no parity ARINC 429 OUTPUTS (See tables 1-9A & B) NOTE: The following information is only applicable to DMU Part Number 400-045500-XXXX. Data Type 2-wire serial data meeting electrical characteristics of ARINC 429 Logic State Logic 1: + 10 ± 1 V differential balance to ground Logic 0: - 10 ± 1 V differential balance to ground NULL: ± 2.5 V differential Data Rate 12.5 KBS Format 32 bit word including 1 parity bit, Return-to-Zero (RZ) format with a least 4 nulls between words. IMAFISJWA 1-21 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM NAME LABEL DATA RATES AFIS System Status 270 SPECIAL AFIS Data Status 271 SPECIAL Fuel Flow - Engine 347 0.1 Sec ISO Alphabet #5 message 357 SPECIAL ARINC 429 Digital Output Table 1-9A NOTE: The following table is applicable to DMUs PN 400-045500-0005, 400-045500-0006, 400-045500-2010 and 400-045500-2011. NAME LABEL DATA RATES AFIS System Status 270 1.0 Sec ISO Alphabet #5 message 307 SPECIAL ARINC 429 Digital Output Satellite & SATFONE System Table 1-9B Printer Interface NOTE: Four signal lines are required between the AFIS DMU and the printer: Printer Serial Data Out, Printer Serial Data Return, Printer DTR (Data Terminal Ready) IN, and Printer DTR return. Printer Serial Data Out IMAFISJWA 1-22 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Electrical RS-232C electrical characteristics. Two wire system. Direction Data from DMU to printer. Signal Format Asynchronous, serial transmission. 11 bit times comprised of 1 start bit, 8 data bits, and 2 stop bits. 8 data bits defined by ASCII character set. No parity bit Order of Bit Transmission First bit is start bit, followed by least significant data bit, followed by remaining 7 data bits, followed by 2 stop bits. Data Rate 1200 bits per second Data Stream 1 - 80 printable characters transmitted Carriage return (CR) and linefeed (LF) are transmitted following the last printable character. File Structure File contains 1 - 4000 printable characters (hexadecimal 20 7E), CR characters (hexadecimal 0D), and LF characters (hexadecimal 0A). Control character, ETX (hexadecimal 03), is sent as last character of a file transmission to indicate that the file is completed and can be used for printer buffer control.The printer may ignore the ETX character if buffer control is not needed. A CR and LF is transmitted at the beginning of each new file. The file is transmitted in groups of 80 characters or less with a CR character and a LF character following each group of 80 characters or less. The printer must be capable of printing 80 columns or have auto wrap so that the 80 characters can be printed without including the CR and LF characters until the end of the 80 character or less transmission. Printer Serial Data Return IMAFISJWA 1-23 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Electrical Return line associated with the Serial Data Out line. Printer DTR In Electrical Discrete input with RS-232C electrical characteristics. Two wire system. Signal Format Low Voltage Level: Printer Inoperative Printer Paper out Printer power off Printer ribbon out Printer busy Any printer status that does not permit the printer to receive data High Voltage Level: Printer operative and ready to receive data Direction: Printer to DMU Data Rate Printer DTR Return Electrical Voltage level maintained at appropriate level as long as condition exists. DMU will not transmit serial data when Printer DTR In has low voltage. Return line associated with the Printer DTR in signal line. Cabin Terminal Interface NOTE: Cabin Terminal Interface is only applicable to DMU Part Numbers 42000-03-03, 42000-04-03, 400-045500-0003, 400-045500-0004, 400-045500-0130, 400-045500-0210 and 400-045500-0211 when used with Satellite systems. Six signal lines are required between the AFIS DMU and each cabin terminal: Cabin Data In, Cabin Data In return, Cabin Data out, Cabin Data Out return, Cabin Terminal Control In, Cabin Terminal Control In return. IMAFISJWA 1-24 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Cabin Data In Electrical RS-232C electrical characteristics. Two wire system. Direction Data from Cabin Terminal to DMU. Signal Format Asynchronous, serial transmission. 11 bit times comprised of 1 start bit, 8 data bits, and 2 stop bits. 8 data bits defined by ASCII character set. No parity bit. Order of Transmission First bit is start bit, followed by 8 data bits, followed by 2 stop bits. Data Rate 9600 bits per second Data Stream Defined by AFIS cabin terminal software File Structure Defined by AFIS cabin terminal software Cabin Data In Return Electrical Return line associated with Cabin Data In signal line Cabin Data Out Electrical RS-232C electrical characteristics. Two wire system. Direction Data from DMU to Cabin Terminal. Signal Format Asynchronous, serial transmission. 11 bit times comprised of 1 start bit, 8 data bits, and 2 stop bits. 8 data bits defined by ASCII character set. No parity bit. Order of Transmission First bit is start bit, followed by 8 data bits, followed by 2 stop bits Data Rate 9600 bits per second Data Stream Defined by AFIS cabin terminal software. File Structure Defined by AFIS cabin terminal software. IMAFISJWA 1-25 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Cabin Data Out Return Electrical Return line associated with Cabin Data Out signal line Cabin Terminal Control In Electrical Discrete input with RS-232C electrical characteristics. Two wire system. Signal Format Low Voltage Level: Cabin Terminal Inoperative Cabin Terminal power off Cabin Terminal not running AFIS cabin software. High Voltage Level: Cabin Terminal operative and running AFIS cabin terminal software. Direction: Cabin Terminal to DMU Data Rate Cabin Terminal Control In Return Electrical Voltage level maintained at appropriate level as long as condition exists. DMU will not transmit serial data when Cabin Handshake has low voltage. Return line associated with the Cabin Handshake In (DTR) signal line. DISCRETE INPUTS NOTE: The following information is only applicable to DMUs PN 400-045500-XXXX configured for Special Features item #5 ACARS reports. IMAFISJWA 1-26 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Brake Release Data Type Logic Input Logic State The OPEN condition is defined as a resistance to DC ground from the AFIS DMU connector of 100,000 ohms or more, or a DC level greater then 12 volts and not more than 36 volts. The CLOSED condition is defined as a DC ground, zero ± 2 volts with a maximum current of 2 ma. Logic Format Atlantic Coast Airlines An OPEN condition indicates the brakes are set. A CLOSED condition indicates the brakes are released. Mesaba Airlines An OPEN condition indicates brakes are released. A CLOSED condition indicates brakes are set. Oil Pressure Data Type Logic Input Logic State The OPEN condition is defined as a resistance to DC ground from the AFIS DMU connector of 100,000 ohms or more, or a DC level greater then 12 volts and not more than 36 volts. The CLOSED condition is defined as a DC ground, zero ± 2 volts with a maximum current of 2 ma. Logic Format IMAFISJWA An OPEN condition indicates there is oil pressure A CLOSED condition indicates there is no oil pressure. 1-27 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Weight On Wheels Data Type Logic Input Logic State The OPEN condition is defined as a resistance to DC ground from the AFIS DMU connector of 100,000 ohms or more, or a DC level greater then 12 volts and not more than 36 volts. The CLOSED condition is defined as a DC ground, zero ± 2 volts with a maximum current of 2 ma. Logic Format An OPEN condition indicates the aircraft is in the air. A CLOSED condition indicates the aircraft is on the ground. Engine Stop Switch Data Type Logic Input Logic State The OPEN condition is defined as a resistance to DC ground from the AFIS DMU connector of 100,000 ohms or more, or a DC level greater then 12 volts and not more than 36 volts. The CLOSED condition is defined as a DC ground, zero ± 2 volts with a maximum current of 2 ma. Logic Format An OPEN condition indicates normal engine operation. A CLOSED condition held for at least 2 seconds indicates the engine is shut down. Door Switch Data Type Logic Input Logic State The OPEN condition is defined as a resistance to DC ground from the AFIS DMU connector of 100,000 ohms or more, or a DC level greater than 12 volts and not more than 36 volts. The CLOSED condition is defined as a DC ground, zero ± 2 volts with a maximum current of 2 ma. Logic Format IMAFISJWA An OPEN condition indicates the door is closed. A CLOSED condition indicates the door is open. 1-28 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.4 UNITS AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED 1.4.1 DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT The Data Management Unit (DMU) is available in the following variations. PN 400-045500-0003 which is the standard DMU and supports VHF and AERO-C (SATAFIS) data communications. PN 400-045500-0005 which supports aeronautical 741 satellite data communications (e.g. Honeywell/Racal) as well as VHF data communications. PN 400-045500-0130 which supports regional airline data entry, displays and VHF Communications and AERO-C (SATAFIS) data communications. PN 400-045500-0210 which supports WX Graphics capability on GNS-XLS and supports VHF and AERO-C (SATAFIS) data communications. PN 400-045500-2010 which supports WX Graphics capability on GNS-XLS and supports AERO-H (741) satellite data communications (e.g. Honeywell/Racal) as well as VHF data communications. PN 400-045500-0211 which supports Dual GNS-XLS WX Graphics capability, as well as, NZ 2000 WX Graphics and supports VHF, AERO-C (SATAFIS) data communications. PN 400-045500-2011 which supports Dual GNX-XLS WX Graphics capability, as well as, NZ 2000 WX Graphics and supports VHF, AERO-C (SATAFIS), AERO H/H+, AERO I (ARINC741) satellite data communications. Supports Honeywell Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS) which is a part of the Honeywell Flight Data Acquisition Management System (FDAMS) Other DMUs no longer manufactured: PN 400-045500-0001 supports VHF data communication only. PN 400-045500-0002 support VHF data communication only and has fuel flow information to be used with a GNS 500 navigational system. PN 400-045500-0004 supports VHF and aeronautical-’C’ data communications and has fuel flow information to be used with a GNS-500 navigational system. PN 400-045500-0006 supports aeronautical 741 satellite data communications, VHF data communications and fuel flow information to be used with a GNS-500 navigational systems. PN 42000-01-01 supports VHF data communication only and can only be used with GNS 500 and 1000 flight management systems. PN 42000-02-02 supports VHF data communication only, has fuel flow information to be used with a GNS 500 navigational system and can only be used with GNS 500 and 1000 flight management systems. IMAFISJWA 1-29 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM PN 42000-03-03 supports VHF and aeronautical ’C’ data communications. This DMU can only be used with GNS flight management systems. PN 42000-04-03 supports VHF, aeronautical ’C’ data communications and has fuel flow information to be used with a GNS 500 navigational system. This DMU can only be used with GNS flight management systems. 1.4.2 FLIGHT PLANNING SERVICE Flight Planning Service includes planning and pre-departure clearance service. Services include weather briefing, flight plan creation and filing, pre-departure delivery and arrival/departure reservations. Details on subscription fees and specifically what other capabilities are available can be obtained by contacting the Global Data Center, telephone number 1-888-634-3330. The following page (figure 1-1) contains a copy of the AFIS Graphics Service and Database Application. After printing off a copy, complete all entries and fax to the number shown on the form. IMAFISJWA 1-30 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Figure 1-1 IMAFISJWA 1-31 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS RESERVED IMAFISJWA 1-32 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.4.3 DMU CONFIGURATION MATRIX DMU 42000-XXXX OPTIONS DMU 400-045500-XXXX -01-01 -02-02 -03-03 -04-03 -0001 -0002 -0003 -0004 -0005 -0006 -0130 -0210 -2010 -0211 -2011 67 PIN CONNECTOR YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 106 PIN CONNECTOR NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES FUEL FLOW NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO NO NO NO NO COLOR CDU DISPLAY NO NO YES YES MOD4 MOD4 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 10 LINE MONO CDU NO NO YES YES MOD4 MOD4 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES GLOBAL SCU SAT SYSTEM NO NO YES YES NO NO YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES ARINC 429 FMS INTERFACE NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES TRIPLE PORT DTU PN 15655-X YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES DTU PN 43000-01-01-X YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES OTHER MFG. SAT SYSTEMS NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO NO YES NO YES ARINC 739 FMS INTERFACE NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES FDAMS INTERFACE NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES Table 1-10 IMAFISJWA 1-33 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.5 1.5.1 ACCESSORIES REQUIRED DMU INSTALLATION KIT The DMU Installation Kit PN 149-017305-6850 is required to install DMU PN 400-045500-XXXX. 1/2 ATR Short Tray PN 42701-1 Qty 1 ea DMU Connector PN 129-214251-01 Qty 1 ea The DMU Installation Kit PN 149-017301-5970 is required to install DMU PN 42000-XX-XX. 1.5.2 1/2 ATR Short Tray PN 42701-1 Qty 1 ea DMU Connector PN 42770-1 Qty 1 ea CONFIGURATION MODULE UNIT The Configuration Module Unit is to be mounted on the rear of the 1/2 ATR Short Tray. Configuration module 1.5.3 PN 31990-1 Qty 1 ea VHF ANTENNA If the VHF antenna is to be shared with another VHF radio then the optional Antenna Switching Unit (ASU) is required. 1.6 1.6.1 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES DATA TRANSFER UNIT The Data Transfer Unit (DTU) is required if flight plan or weather information is to be loaded into the DMU via a disk from the AFISCOM system. The DTU is available in the following variations: Triple Port DTU which is used to provide data base information to GWS flight management systems and data information to DMU: IMAFISJWA Triple Port DTU PN 15655-0101 (Gray) Triple Port DTU PN 15655-0201 (Black) 1-35 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Single Port DTU (no longer manufactured) supplies data information to DMU: PN 43000-01-01-1 Gray +8 VDC / +12 VDC PN 43000-01-01-2 Black +8 VDC / +12 VDC PN 43000-01-01-3 Gray +28 VDC PN 43000-01-01-4 Black +28 VDC PN 43000-01-01-5 Gray +8 VDC / +12 VDC PN 43000-01-01-6 Black +8 VDC / +12 VDC PN 43000-01-01-7 Gray +28 VDC PN 43000-01-01-8 Black +28 VDC DTU INSTALLATION KIT The DTU installation kit is required if DTU is installed. Select one of the following options: DTU Installation Kit, Grey, for DTU PN 43000-01-01-X PN 149-017302-5983 (kit no longer available from Honeywell) DTU Connector PN 12893-1 Qty 1 ea Grey with Tray PN 43010-1 Qty 1 ea DTU Installation Kit, Black, for DTU PN 43000-01-01-X PN 149-017302-5984 (kit no longer available from Honeywell) DTU Connector PN 12893-1 Qty 1 ea Black with Tray PN 43010-2 Qty 1 ea Triple Port DTU Installation Kit PN 129-215678-01 DTU Connector 1.6.2 PN 129-215678-01 Qty 1 ea ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT The ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT (ASU) is required if a VHF antenna is going to be shared between the DMU and another VHF communication radio. Antenna Switching Unit PN 44000-1 If an ASU is being installed, the Antenna Switching Unit Installation Kit is required: IMAFISJWA 1-36 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM ASU Installation Kit PN 149-017303-5990 ASU Connector 1.6.3 PN 12893-2 Qty 1 ea SATELLITE SYSTEM (SATAFIS) If the aeronautical “C” satellite system, SATAFIS, is to be installed the following equipment is required: EQUIPMENT PART NUMBER Satellite Communication Unit (SCU) 153-017311-01 High Power Amplifier/Low Noise Amplifier (HPA/LNA) 153-017310-01 Low Profile Jet Blade Antenna 121-017537-01 Jet Blade Antenna (no longer manufactured) 121-017308-01 SCU Installation Kit - PN 149-017536-0001 1.6.4 Mounting Tray PN 300-317337-01 Qty 1 ea SCU Connector PN 129-217338-01 Qty 1 ea Coaxial Cable Adapter PN 123-117429-01 Qty 1 ea PRINTER Details on specifically what printer will operate with the DMU and other requirements can be obtained by contacting the Global Data Center. 1.6.5 CABIN PERSONAL COMPUTER Details on specifically what Personal Computer is supported with the DMU and other requirements can be obtained by contacting the Global Data Center. 1.7 1.7.1 LICENSE REQUIREMENTS VHF RADIO Aircraft must have proper VHF radio license to operate on frequencies between 128.000 Mhz to 132.000 Mhz for DMU. 1.7.2 INMARSAT SATELLITE APPROVAL Aircraft must be registered with INMARSAT for use of the SATAFIS system if installed. INMARSAT approval is coordinated through the Honeywell Global Data Center. IMAFISJWA 1-37 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.7.3 ARNAV RPU INSTALLATION KIT The ARNAV RPU installation kit, PN 453-0083, is required to install the ARNAV MFD 5115 RPU, PN 453-2503-08. Assemble tray per sheet 1 of Figure 2-16. DESCRIPTION ARNAV PART NUMBER RPU Rear Panel Assembly 452-0116 Shield Plate 402-1277 RPU Frame (marked with kit assy, PN 453-0083 402-1276 Washer, Flat #4 x 1/4 SS 246-0004 Screw, PHP 4-40 x 1/4 SS 201-0404 Screw, PHP 3-48 x 3/8 STL 201-0306 Base, Cable Tie 182-1032 Receptacle, Panel 24 pin 150-1151 Screw, 6-32 x 1/2 PH Slot SS 207-0602 1.8 QTY INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS The instructions for continued airworthiness given in the TC or STC approvals for this product supplements or supersedes the instructions for continued airworthiness in this manual. Most Honeywell products are designed and manufactured to allow "on condition maintenance." On condition maintenance is described as follows; There are no periodic service requirements necessary to maintain continued airworthiness. No maintenance is required until the equipment does not properly perform it’s intended function. When service is required, a complete performance test should be accomplished following any repair action. Consult the appropriate unit Maintenance/Overhaul Manual for complete performance test information. IMAFISJWA 1-38 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SECTION 2 INSTALLATION 2.0 INTRODUCTION The component sizes, centers of gravity, tray dimensions and installation locations are shown in Figures 2-1 through 2-15. NOTE: The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this article are minimum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those desiring to install this article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within TSO standards. The article may be installed only if further evaluation by the applicant documents an acceptable installation and is approved by the Administrator. 2.1 UNPACKING AND INSPECTING EQUIPMENT Exercise extreme caution when unpacking equipment. Perform a visual inspection of the unit for evidence of physical damage incurred during shipment. If a damage claim must be filed, save the shipping container and all packing materials to substantiate your claim. The claim should be filed as soon as possible. The shipping container and packing materials should be retained in the event that storage or re-shipment of the equipment is necessary. 2.2 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS (a) For GNS-1000 Installations: The maximum recommended cable length between the DMU and Flight Management Computer (FMC) is 50 feet. Do not bundle DMU/FMC data lines or antenna cables with any power cables. (b) For GNS-500A Installations: The maximum recommended cable length between the DMU and Control Display Unit (CDU) is 50 feet. Do not bundle DMU/CDU data lines or antenna cables with any power cables. (c) For GNS-X, GNS-XLS, GNS-XL, GNS-XES flight management systems Installations: The maximum cable length between the DMU and the flight management systems is 50 feet. Do not bundle DMU/flight management systems data lines or antenna cables with any power cables. (d) The maximum recommended cable length between the DMU and DTU is 50 feet. Do not bundle DMU/DTU data lines or antenna cables with any power cables. (e) The maximum recommended cable length between the DMU and SCU is 100 feet. Do not bundle DMU/SCU data lines or antenna cables with any power cables. (f) The maximum cable length between the Jet Blade antenna and HPA/LNA is 10 feet, refer to Figure 3-31, Table 1. The maximum cable length between Low Profile Jet Blade antenna and HPA/LNA is 10 feet, refer to Figure 3-31, Table 1. (g) The maximum cable length between the SCU and HPA/LNA is determined by the type of cable used. Refer to Table 2 in Figure 3-31 for cable length information. IMAFISJWA 2-1 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM (h) The DMU has heat removed by conduction: make sure the unit is installed in a location where the ambient temperatures are -67° F to +131° F (-55° C to +55° C). (i) The DTU should be mounted within the pressure vessel in a temperature controlled environment of +5° F to +131° F (-15° C to +55° C). (j) Mount SCU tray to provide good electrical bonding to airframe ground. Lightning strike protection, RF susceptibility and emission characteristics are dependent on good electrical grounding of the tray and cable shield returns. (k) The SCU should be mounted within the pressure vessel in a temperature controlled environment of -13° F to +131° F (-25° C to +55° C). 2.3 DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT (DMU) INSTALLATION (a) See Figures 2-1 and 2-2. (b) Mount DMU 1/2 ATR short tray. (c) Install DMU in tray. 2.4 DATA TRANSFER UNIT (DTU) (a) See Figures 2-5 through 2-10. (b) Mount DTU in aircraft cockpit in a location easily accessible to pilot. (c) Two mounting provisions are available; DZUS or tray mounting. NOTE: The DTU uses AUL-SPEC Dzus fasteners as standard mounting provisions. However, for aircraft not equipped with these fastener strips see Figure 2-9. 2.5 CONFIGURATION MODULE IN DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT (DMU) TRAY (a) For ease of assembly it is recommended that the DMU be wired to the configuration module per Section 3, ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION prior to installing configuration module. The wires are to be soldered to the tray pins. NOTE: The location and number of the configuration module pins are stamped on the tray for reference during wiring. (b) Remove configuration module from packing, be sure not to bend pins of module. (c) Place module on tray as shown in Figures 2-2 and 2-3 aligning pins with holes in tray. Tighten screws once module is fitted properly. Do not force seating of module. IMAFISJWA 2-2 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 2.6 SATELLITE COMMUNICATION UNIT (SCU) (a) See Figures 2-12 and 2-13. (b) Mount 1/4 ATR short rack per Paragraph 2.2. (c) Install SCU in rack and secure hold down mechanism. 2.7 HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER/LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER INSTALLATION (HPA/LNA) (a) See Figure 2-14. (b) The HPA/LNA should be mounted in an area that ensures optimum antenna placement. Coax lengths should be within maximum length limits per Figure 3-31 Table 2. (c) The HPA/LNA should be well bonded to the aircraft skin per Paragraph 2.8.1. 2.8 2.8.1 ANTENNA INSTALLATION Bonding Checklist (a) The recommended bonding jumper for DC and low frequency AC (50 kHz) is braided wire. For radio frequencies greater than 50 khz use a flat metal strap with a length to width ratio of 1. For brass and copper alloys the strap should be 0.025 inch thick. For aluminum alloys the strap should be 0.040 inch thick. (b) Periodic inspections should be made of aircraft bonding devices since they are subject to wear and breakage. (c) After major modification, painting, or repairs, inspect control surfaces, inspection plates, and drain masts to assure that proper metal-to-metal contact is maintained. 2.8.2 Low Profile Jet Blade Antenna Installation (See Figure 2-15) (a) The Jet Blade antenna should be mounted on the center line of the aircraft on the aircraft skin which is horizontal during enroute flight. (b) The antenna should be mounted on the top of the aircraft, over the cockpit or on top of the tail of the aircraft. NOTE: This location reduces the possibility of obstructing satellite signals because of shadowing. (c) The antenna should be mounted as far as possible from other radiating devices (3 feet minimum VHF comms, HF comms, etc.). (d) The antenna should be well bonded to the aircraft skin per Paragraph 2.8.1 (a). (e) The antenna should be sealed to the aircraft to prevent corrosion from forming between the skin of the aircraft and the antenna. IMAFISJWA 2-3 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 2.9 2.9.1 ARNAV RPU INSTALLATION Installation Kit An ARNAV MFD 5115 Installation Kit P/N 453-0083 is required to install the ARNAV MFD 5115 RPU. 2.9.2 Installation Guide See figures 2-16 and 2-17. 2.9.3 Cooling Considerations It is highly recommended to use forced air cooling. A duct port is provided on the install tray. Make sure that the unit is installed in a location where the ambient temperature is between -20° C and +70° C. 2.9.4 Installation Considerations Wiring length between the RPU and the GNS-XLS CDU should be no more than 15 feet. Wiring between the RPU and the DMU is unlimited. Must be mounted inside the pressure vessel. Should have access to front, to facilitate changing of the database PCMCIA card. 2.9.5 Database Card To begin database service and receive the database card, please complete the form in figure 1-1 and fax it to (602) 436-1501. IMAFISJWA 2-4 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT (DMU) PN 42000-XX-XX OR PN 400-045500-XXXX Figure 2-1 IMAFISJWA 2-5 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Note: All dimensions are in inches (centimeters). DMU TRAY PN 42701-1 Figure 2-2 IMAFISJWA 2-6 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU RACK NOTE: 1. Weight 0.102 lbs. (0.045 Kg) max. Configuration Module Mounting Provision P/N 31990-1 Figure 2-3 IMAFISJWA 2-7 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Configuration Module Outline and Mounting P/N 31990-1 Figure 2-4 IMAFISJWA 2-8 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM NOTE: All dimensions are in inches (millimeters). DATA TRANSFER UNIT (DTU) PN 43000-01-01-X Figure 2-5 IMAFISJWA 2-9 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS RESERVED IMAFISJWA 2-10 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM NOTES: 1. All dimensions are in inches (millimeters). Triple Port DTU PN 15655-XXXX Figure 2-6 IMAFISJWA 2-11 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Figure 2-7 Figures 2-7 and 2-8 are provided for DTU mounting reference only. DTU TRAY MOUNTING Figure 2-8 IMAFISJWA 2-13 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DTU INSTRUMENT PANEL MOUNTING PROVISION Figure 2-9 IMAFISJWA 2-14 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DTU TRAY PN 43010-X Figure 2-10 IMAFISJWA 2-15 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS RESERVED IMAFISJWA 2-16 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT (ASU) PN 44000-1 DWG. NO. 155-06047-0000 Figure 2-11 IMAFISJWA 2-17 March/2000 Globall AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SATELLITE COMMUNICATION UNIT (SCU) DWG. NO. 153-017311-01 REV AA Figure 2-12 IMAFISJWA 2-19 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM NOTE: All dimensions are in inches (millimeters). SCU TRAY PN 300-317337-01 Figure 2-13 IMAFISJWA 2-21 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS RESERVED IMAFISJWA 2-22 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER/LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER (HPA/LNA) DWG. NO. 153-017310-01 REV AA Figure 2-14 IMAFISJWA 2-23 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM LOW PROFILE JET BLADE ANTENNA DWG. NO. 153-017537-01 REV AA Figure 2-15 IMAFISJWA 2-25 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM MFD 5115 RPU DWG. NO. 155-05453-0000, REV A, Sheet 1 of 4 Figure 2-16 IMAFISJWA 2-27 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM MFD 5115 RPU DWG. NO. 155-05453-0000, REV A, Sheet 2 of 4 Figure 2-16 IMAFISJWA 2-29 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM MFD 5115 RPU DWG. NO. 155-05453-0000, REV A, Sheet 3 of 4 Figure 2-16 IMAFISJWA 2-31 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM MFD 5115 RPU DWG. NO. 155-05453-0000, REV A, Sheet 4 of 4 Figure 2-16 IMAFISJWA 2-33 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SECTION 3 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 3.0 GENERAL The basic system interconnect wiring is shown in Figure 3-1 through Figure 3-31 and the connectors for each system component are shown in Figures 3-32 through 3-43. Transmitter designation applies to the signal function for that unit. Example, a DMU transmitter (H) and (L) will connect to a DTU receiver (H) and (L). All signal and power shields are to be grounded at one end, preferably at the point of origination and shield continuity shall be maintained through bulkhead disconnects. All digital data shields are to be grounded at both ends and shield continuity shall be maintained through bulkhead disconnects. NOTE: This equipment has been designed to be installed in aircraft locations where it is not subjected to falling water (generally the result of condensation), rain, or sprayed water in the course of normal aircraft operations. IMAFISJWA 3-1 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS RESERVED IMAFISJWA 3-2 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW WIRING USING ELDEC INDICATOR Dwg. No. 155-01712-4001 Rev 0 Figure 3-1 IMAFISJWA 3-3 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW WIRING FOR VARIOUS INDICATORS (see note 5) Dwg. No. 155-01712-4002 Rev A Figure 3-2 IMAFISJWA 3-5 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW INTERTECHNIQUE Dwg. No. 155-01712-4003 Rev A Figure 3-3 IMAFISJWA 3-7 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW GE 5 VRMS AC Dwg. No. 155-01712-4004 Rev A Figure 3-4 IMAFISJWA 3-9 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW Eldec Transmitter As Source Dwg. No. 155-01712-4005 Rev A Figure 3-5 IMAFISJWA 3-11 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO TRIPLE PORT DTU Dwg. No. 155-01712-4006 Rev 0 Figure 3-6 IMAFISJWA 3-13 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO DTU PN 43000-01-01-3 and PN 43000-01-01-4 Dwg. No. 155-01712-4007 Rev A Figure 3-7 IMAFISJWA 3-15 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO DTU PN 43000-01-01-1 and PN 43000-01-01-2 Dwg. No. 155-01712-4008 Rev 0 Figure 3-8 IMAFISJWA 3-17 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO NMU GNS-X Dwg. No. 155-01712-4009 Rev C Figure 3-9 (Sheet 1 of 7) IMAFISJWA 3-19 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO GNS-XLS Dwg. No. 155-01712-4009 Rev C Figure 3-9 (Sheet 2 of 7) IMAFISJWA 3-21 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO GNS XL Dwg. No. 155-01712-4009 Rev C Figure 3-9 (Sheet 3 of 7) IMAFISJWA 3-23 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO Honeywell FMS NZ-2000 Dwg. No. 155-01712-4009 Rev C Figure 3-9 (Sheet 4 of 7) IMAFISJWA 3-25 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO Honeywell FMS IAC (F-900 EX) Dwg. No. 155-01712-4009 Rev C Figure 3-9 (Sheet 5 of 7) IMAFISJWA 3-27 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO COLLINS FMS Dwg. No. 155-01712-4009 Rev C Figure 3-9 (Sheet 6 of 7) IMAFISJWA 3-29 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO UNIVERSAL FMC UNS-1C Dwg. No. 155-01712-4009 Rev C Figure 3-9 (Sheet 7 of 7) IMAFISJWA 3-31 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM CDU-XLS TO AFIS INTERFACE Dwg. No. 155-01657-0000 Rev Figure 3-9A (Sheet 1 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-33 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM CDU-XLS TO AFIS INTERFACE Dwg. No. 155-01657-0000 Rev Figure 3-9A (Sheet 2 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-35 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO FMC GNS-500A SERIES 4/5 Dwg. No. 155-01712-4010 Rev 0 Figure 3-10 IMAFISJWA 3-37 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO SWITCHED AFIS ANTENNA Dwg. No. 155-01712-4011 Rev A Figure 3-11 IMAFISJWA 3-39 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO DEDICATED AFIS ANTENNA Dwg. No. 155-01712-4012 Rev 0 Figure 3-12 IMAFISJWA 3-41 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO PRINTERS AND TERMINALS Dwg. No. 155-01712-4013 Rev A Figure 3-13 IMAFISJWA 3-43 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO CONFIGURATION MODULE AND SATFONE SYSTEM Dwg. No. 155-01712-4014 Rev B Figure 3-14 IMAFISJWA 3-45 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO SCU Dwg. No. 155-01712-4015 Rev B Figure 3-15 (Sheet 1 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-47 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO SCU Dwg. No. 155-01712-4015 Rev B Figure 3-15 (Sheet 2 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-49 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DISCRETE WIRING Dwg. No. 155-01712-4016 Rev 0 Figure 3-16 IMAFISJWA 3-51 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW WIRING USING ELDEC INDICATOR Dwg. No. 155-01711-0001 Rev A Figure 3-17 IMAFISJWA 3-53 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW WIRING For Various Indicators (see note 5) Dwg. No. 155-01711-0002 Rev A Figure 3-18 IMAFISJWA 3-55 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW INTERTECHNIQUE Dwg. No. 155-01711-0003 Rev A Figure 3-19 IMAFISJWA 3-57 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW GE 5 VRMS AC Dwg. No. 155-01711-0004 Rev A Figure 3-20 IMAFISJWA 3-59 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU FUEL FLOW ELDEC TRANSMITTER AS SOURCE Dwg. No. 155-01711-0005 Rev A Figure 3-21 IMAFISJWA 3-61 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO TRIPLE PORT DTU PN 15655-XXXX Dwg. No. 155-01711-0006 Rev 0 Figure 3-22 IMAFISJWA 3-63 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Dwg. No. 155-01711-0007 Rev 0 DMU TO DTU PN 43000-01-01-3 AND PN 43000-01-01-4 Figure 3-23 IMAFISJWA 3-65 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Dwg. No. 155-01711-0008 Rev 0 DMU TO DTU PN 43000-01-01-1 AND PN 43000-01-01-2 Figure 3-24 IMAFISJWA 3-67 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO FMC GNS-1000 Dwg. No. 155-01711-0009 Rev B Figure 3-25 (Sheet 1 of 4) IMAFISJWA 3-69 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO NMU GNS-X Dwg. No. 155-01711-0009 Rev B Figure 3-25 (Sheet 2 of 4) IMAFISJWA 3-71 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO GNS-XLS Dwg. No. 155-01711-0009 Rev B Figure 3-25 (Sheet 3 of 4) IMAFISJWA 3-73 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO GNS-XL Dwg. No. 155-01711-0009 Rev B Figure 3-25 (Sheet 4 of 4) IMAFISJWA 3-75 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO GNS-500A SERIES 4 Dwg. No. 155-01711-0010 Rev B Figure 3-26 IMAFISJWA 3-77 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO SWITCHED AFIS ANTENNA Dwg. No. 155-01711-0011 Rev A Figure 3-27 IMAFISJWA 3-79 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO DEDICATED AFIS ANTENNA Dwg. No. 155-01711-0012 Rev A Figure 3-28 IMAFISJWA 3-81 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO PRINTERS AND TERMINALS Dwg. No. 155-01711-0013 Rev A Figure 3-29 IMAFISJWA 3-83 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO CONFIGURATION MODULE Dwg. No. 155-01711-0014 Rev 0 Figure 3-30 IMAFISJWA 3-85 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Dwg. No. 155-01711-0015 Rev A DMU TO SCU Figure 3-31 (Sheet 1 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-87 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO SCU Dwg. No. 155-01711-0015 Rev A Figure 3-31 (Sheet 2 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-89 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO ARNAV RPU AND GNS-XLS WIRING DIAGRAM DWG NO. 155-01712-4017, Rev. C Figure 3-32 IMAFISJWA 3-91 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO FLIGHT DATA ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FDAMS) DWG NO. 155-01712-4018 Figure 3-32A IMAFISJWA 3-93 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU TO 739 MCDU DWG NO. 155-01712-4019 RFigure 3-32B IMAFISJWA 3-95 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU Unit Connector PN 400-045500-XXXX Figure 3-33 (Sheet 1 of 3) IMAFISJWA 3-97 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS RESERVED IMAFISJWA 3-98 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM PIN SIGNAL NAME PIN SIGNAL NAME PIN SIGNAL NAME Config MOD CLK 23 429 TX No.2 (L) 45 Spare Config MOD SEL. 24 429 RX No.2 (H) 46 Spare Config MOD DATA IN 25 429 RX No.2 (L) 47 422 NAV SAT TX (H) Config MOD DATA OUT 26 429 TX No.3 (H) 48 422 NAV SAT TX (L) 429 ACMS RX - 2(L) 27 429 TX No.3 (L) 49 Spare 429 SDU TX (H) 28 429 RX No.3 (H) 50 Spare 429 SDU TX (L) 29 429 RX No.3 (L) 51 Spare 429 ACMS RX - 2(H) 30 Discrete 1 52 429 ACMS TX - 2(H) 31 Discrete 2 10 429 SDU RX (H) 32 11 429 SDU RX (L) 12 PIN PIN SIGNAL NAME +28V Switched ON 86 DTU RX (H) POWER CONTROL 87 DTU RX (L) +28V Switched ON 88 422 RX No.1 (H) POWER CONTROL 89 422 RX No.1 (L) +28V Switched ON 90 422 RX No.2 (H) POWER CONTROL 91 422 RX No.2 (L) 70 No. 4 Engine 92 422 RX No.3 (H) Spare 71 No. 4 Engine 93 422 RX No.3 (L) 53 Spare 72 No. 4 Engine 94 No. 1 Engine Discrete 3 54 Spare 73 No. 4 Engine 95 No. 1 Engine 33 Discrete Brake Release 55 Spare 74 No. 4 Engine 96 No. 1 Engine 429 ACMS TX - 2(L) 34 Discrete Engine Stop SW 56 Spare 75 No. 3 Engine 97 No. 1 Engine 13 Spare 35 Discrete Oil Pressure 57 Spare 76 No. 3 Engine 98 No. 1 Engine 14 Spare 36 Door Closure 58 Spare 77 No. 3 Engine 99 DTU TX (H) 15 Spare 37 Discrete 8 59 Spare 78 No. 3 Engine 100 DTU TX (L) 16 Spare 38 Discrete COMM Status 60 Spare 79 No. 3 Engine 101 422 TX No.1 (H) 17 #2 Printer Control IN 39 AFIS Transmit Enable 61 Spare 80 AFIS ANNUNCIATOR 102 422 TX No.1 (L) 18 429 TX No.1 (H) 40 Discrete Weight on Wheels 62 Spare 81 No. 2 Engine 103 422 TX No.2 (H) 19 429 TX No.1 (L) 41 ASU PTT 63 Spare 82 No. 2 Engine 104 422 TX No.2 (L) 20 429 RX No.1 (H) 42 AFIS Annunciator 64 Spare 83 No. 2 Engine 105 422 TX No.3 (H) 21 429 RX No.1 (L) 43 Spare 65 Spare 84 No. 2 Engine 106 422 TX No.3 (L) 22 429 TX No.2 (H) 44 Spare 66 Spare 85 No. 2 Engine DMU CONNECTOR J1 PN 400-045500-XXXX Figure 3-33 (Sheet 2 of 3) IMAFISJWA 3-99 March/2001 67 SIGNAL NAME 68 69 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM PIN SIGNAL NAME PIN SIGNAL NAME A1 DMU VHF TRANSCEIVER (ANT.) 20 PRINTER DATA RETURN (L) DC RETURN 21 PRINTER DATA OUT (H) DC RETURN 22 PRINTER DTR RETURN(L) SPARE 23 PRINTER DTR IN (H) #2 PRINTER DATA OUT 24 SPARE SPARE 25 SPARE + 28V AIRCRAFT POWER 26 422 SAT TX (H) + 28V AIRCRAFT POWER 27 422 SAT TX (L) CONFIG MOD GROUND 28 422 SAT RX (H) DTU DC RETURN 29 422 SAT RX (L) 10 ANTENNA SWITCH UNIT (GND) 30 422 SAT CONTROL OUT (H) 11 SPARE 31 422 SAT CONTROL OUT (L) 12 SPARE 32 422 SAT CONTROL IN (H) 13 + 28V ANTENNA SWITCH UNIT 33 422 SAT CONTROL IN (L) 14 + 28V SHIELD 34 #2 CABIN TERMINAL CNTL IN / GND FOR GRAPHICS 15 + 5V FOR CONFIG MOD 35 #1 CABIN TERMINAL CNTL IN / GND FOR GRAPHICS 16 + 8VDC DTU FILTERED 36 #2 CABIN DATA / ARNAV RPU OUT 17 + 12VDC DTU FILTERED 37 #1 CABIN DATA / ARNAV RPU OUT 18 SPARE 38 #2 CABIN DATA / ARNAV RPU IN 19 SPARE 39 #1 CABIN DATA / ARNAV RPU IN NOTE Printer and Cabin Terminal lines are RS232. “IN” and “OUT” are in respect to the DMU DMU Connector J2 PN 400-045500-XXXX Figure 3-33 (Sheet 3 of 3) IMAFISJWA 3-101 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DMU Connector PN 42000-XX-XX Figure 3-34 (Sheet 1 of 3) IMAFISJWA 3-102 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM PIN SIGNAL NAME PIN SIGNAL NAME NC 35 422 SAT RX (L) Spare 36 422 SAT RX (H) + 28V AIRCRAFT Power 37 422 No.3 RX (H) DC RETURN 38 422 No.3 RX (L) +28V AIRCRAFT Power 39 422 No.2 RX (H) Conf. MOD (Ground) 40 422 No.2 RX (HL Conf. MOD + 5VDC 41 422 No.1 RX (H) DTU Return 42 422 No.1 RX (L) DTU +8VDC 43 #2 Cabin Data OUT 10 DTU +12VDC 44 NC 11 #1 Cabin Data IN 45 NC 12 #1 Cabin Data OUT 46 NAV Data TX (H) 13 #1 Cabin Terminal Control IN 47 NAV Data TX (L) 14 Config. MOD CLK 48 Printer Data Out RS 232 15 Config. MOD SEL 49 Printer CNTL IN RS 232 16 Config. MOD IN 50 SPARE 429 TX (H) 17 Config. MOD OUT 51 SPARE 429 TX (L) 18 422 SAT Cntl OUT (L) 52 NC 19 422 SAT Cntl OUT (H) 53 VHF AUDIO IN (H) 20 #2 Printer CNTL IN 54 VHF AUDIO IN (L) 21 ON Control No.1 55 AFIS ANNUNCIATOR 22 ON Control No.2 56 #2 Printer Data OUT 23 ON Control No.3 57 NC 24 422 No.3 TX (H) 58 NC 25 422 No.3 TX (L) 59 SPARE 422 RX (H) 26 422 No.2 TX (H) 60 SPARE 422 RX (L) 27 422 No.2 TX (L) 61 VHF Audio OUT (H) 28 422 No.1 TX (H) 62 VHF Audio OUT (L) 29 422 No.1 TX (L) 63 SPARE 429 RX (H) 30 DTU Transmit (H) 64 SPARE 429 RX (L) 31 DTU Transmit (L) 65 NC 32 DTU RCVR (H) 66 NC 33 DTU RCVR (L) 67 NC 34 WEIGHT ON GEAR DMU CONNECTOR J1 PN 42000-XX-XX Figure 3-34 (Sheet 2 of 3) IMAFISJWA 3-103 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM PIN SIGNAL NAME PIN SIGNAL NAME A1 DMU VHF TRANSCEIVER 20 Fuel Flow ENGINE 2 AFIS TRANSCIEVER PTT 21 Fuel Flow ENGINE 2 PTT STATUS 22 Fuel Flow ENGINE 2 AFIS TRANSMIT ENABLE 23 Fuel Flow ENGINE 2 SAT 422 TX (H) 24 Fuel Flow ENGINE 3 SAT 422 TX (L) 25 Fuel Flow ENGINE 3 #2 Cabin Data IN 26 Fuel Flow ENGINE 3 #2 Cabin Terminal Control IN 27 Fuel Flow ENGINE 3 Fuel Flow Engine 1 28 Fuel Flow ENGINE 4 Antenna Switch Unit +28 VDC 29 Fuel Flow ENGINE 4 10 SAT 422 Control IN (H) 30 Fuel Flow ENGINE 4 11 SAT 422 Control IN (L) 31 Fuel Flow ENGINE 4 12 SPARE 422 RX (H) 32 NC 13 SPARE 422 RX (L) 33 NC 14 Antenna Switch Unit GROUND 34 NC 15 Fuel Flow ENGINE 1 35 NC 16 Fuel Flow ENGINE 1 36 NC 17 Fuel Flow ENGINE 1 37 NC 18 Fuel Flow ENGINE 1 38 NC 19 Fuel Flow ENGINE 2 39 NC DMU Connector J2 PN 42000-XX-XX Figure 3-34 (Sheet 3 of 3) IMAFISJWA 3-104 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DTU CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT PN 43000-01-01-1 AND PN 43000-01-01-2 Figure 3-35 IMAFISJWA 3-105 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM DTU CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT PN 43000-01-01-3 AND PN 43000-01-01-4 Figure 3-36 IMAFISJWA 3-106 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM IMAFISJWA 3-107 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MODULE CONNECTION Figure 3-38 IMAFISJWA 3-108 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM ANTENNA SWITCHING UNIT PIN ASSIGNMENT Figure 3-39 IMAFISJWA 3-109 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM TRIPLE PORT DTU CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT PN 15655-0X01 Figure 3-40 IMAFISJWA 3-110 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SCU UNIT CONNECTOR Figure 3-41 (Sheet 1 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-111 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM PIN SIGNAL NAME PIN SIGNAL NAME SPARE 14 SPARE SPARE 15 SPARE SPARE 16 SPARE SPARE 17 SPARE SPARE 18 SPARE SPARE 19 SPARE SPARE 20 SPARE SPARE 21 SPARE SPARE 22 SPARE 10 SPARE 23 SPARE 11 SPARE 24 SPARE 12 SPARE 25 SPARE 13 SPARE 26 SPARE SCU Connector J1 PIN SIGNAL NAME PIN SIGNAL NAME PIN SIGNAL NAME + 28VDC AIRCRAFT POWER 12 SPARE 23 CONTROL IN (L) - 28VDC AIRCRAFT POWER 13 SPARE 24 CONTROL OUT (L) Chassis Ground 14 SPARE 25 CONTROL OUT (H) Control ON/OFF 15 SPARE 26 NAV Data (L) SPARE 16 SPARE 27 NAV Data (H) SPARE 17 SPARE 28 SPARE SPARE 18 Data Transmit (L) 29 SPARE SPARE 19 Data Transmit (H) SPARE 20 Data Receive (L) A1 SPARE 10 SPARE 21 Data Receive (H) A2 SPARE 11 SPARE 22 CONTROL IN (H) A3 ANTENNA A4 SPARE SCU Connector J2 Figure 3-41 (Sheet 2 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-112 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM Remote Processor Unit (RPU) Mating Connector ARNAV P/N 150-1151 Figure 3-42 (Sheet 1 of 2) Remote Processor Unit (RPU) Mating Connector ARNAV P/N 150-1151 Figure 3-42 (Sheet 2 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-113 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM AFIS COMPONENT UNIT CONNECTOR MATING CONNECTOR DATA TRANSFER UNIT BURNDY BT02A-12-10P BENDIX PT02A-12-10P (Global P/N 12893-1) BURNDY L12TF-10S-6NA BENDIX PT06AC-12-10S ITT KPT061312-10S TRIPLE PORT DTU ITT KPT02A14-19P BURNDY BT02A-14-19P MIL-C-26482 MS3110E1419P (Global P/N 129-215678-01)1 ITT KPT06F14-19S BENDIX PT06CE-14-19S DATA MANAGEMENT UNIT P/N 400-045500-XXXX ITT DPX2NA -A106S40W1MP34B-0144 VENDOR PN FOR RF INSERT 249-2073-001 (Global P/N 129-214251-01)1 ITT DPX2NA-A106P40W1MS33B-0044 ITT PN FOR RF INSERT 249-2078-001 P/N 42000-XX-XX ITT DPX2NA67MP40W1MP34B-01 VENDOR PN FOR RF INSERT 249-2073-001 (Global P/N 42770-1) ITT DPX2NA67MS40W1MS33B-00 ITT PN FOR RF INSERT 249-2078-001 ANTENNA SWITCH UNIT P1 BURNDY BT02A-12-10PW BURNDY L12TF-10S-6WA BT06AC12-10SW Global PN 12893-2 J1,J2,J3 KINGS KC-19-154 KINGS KC-59-123 SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS UNIT AMPLIFIER (HPA/LNA) (Global P/N 129-217338-01)1 AMP R2P26S33C4S0001(200) TNC TYPE WITH ECS 310801 (Global P/N 129-017353-01 Straight)1 ECS CTS 022 (Global P/N 129-017353-02 Right Angle)1 ECS CTR 022 N TYPE WITH RG 142 (Global P/N 129-017354-01 Straight)1 ECS CTS 722 (Global P/N 129-017354-02 Right Angle)1 ECS CTR 722 Connectors Used Figure 3-43 (Sheet 1 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-114 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM AFIS COMPONENT UNIT CONNECTOR MATING CONNECTOR JET BLADE ANTENNA TNC TYPE WITH ECS 310801 (Global P/N 129-017353-01 Straight)1 ECS CTS 022 (Global P/N 129-017353-02 Right Angle)1 ECS CTR 022 LOW PROFILE JET BLADE ANTENNA TNC TYPE WITH ECS 310801 (Global P/N 129-017353-01 Straight)1 ECS CTS 022 (Global P/N 129-017353-02 Right Angle)1 ECS CTR 022 ARNAV REMOTE PROCESSOR UNIT CENTRONICS STYPE D SUB ARNAV P/N 150-11511 AMPHENOL 57-20240 1 Mating connectors with Global part numbers are the only connectors supplied by Honeywell. Connectors Used Figure 3-43 (Sheet 2 of 2) IMAFISJWA 3-115 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS RESERVED IMAFISJWA 3-116 March/2000 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.1 AFIS WX Display AFIS DMU PN 400-045500-0210 or 400-045500-2010 are required to allow graphical weather to be displayed. An ARNAV MFD 5115 RPU will be required to create the graphical images. AFIS DMU PN 400-045500-0211 or 400-045500-2011 is required for Dual GNS-XLS graphical weather display. An ARNAV MFD 5115 RPU will be required for each GNS-XLS to create the graphical images. AFIS DMU PN 400-045500-0003 or 400-045500-0005 will require software modification to allow graphical weather to be displayed. AFIS DMU PN 400-045500-0210 or 400-045500-2010 will require software modification to allow Dual GNS-XLS graphical weather display. Wiring between the GNS-XLS and AFIS DMU remains as defined in the present AFIS Installation Manual. Additional GNS-XLS pins for the AFIS weather graphics are as follows: GNS-XLS TO RPU J101-F7 WX RS422 Receive HI J101-R4 RGB Green LO J101-F8 WX RS422 Receive LO J101-R5 RGB Blue HI J101-F9 WX RS422 Transmit HI J101-R6 RGB Blue LO J101-F10 WX RS422 Transmit LO J101-R7 RGB Horizontal Sync J101-R1 RGB Red HI J101-R8 RGB Video Ground J101-R2 RGB Red LO J101-R9 RGB Vertical Sync J101-R3 RGB Green HI AFIS DMU pins for the weather graphics are as follows: FROM DMU: TO RPU: OPTION #1 J2-37 #1 CABIN DATA / ARNAV RPU OUT 14 RX RS232 J2-39 #1 CABIN DATA / ARNAV RPU IN 15 TX RS232 J2-35 #1 CABIN TERMINAL CNTL IN (CTS ACTIVE LOW) IMAFISJWA JUMPER TO CHASSIS GROUND 3-117 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM OPTION #2 J2-36 #2 CABIN DATA / ARNAV RPU OUT 14 RX RS232 J2-38 #2 CABIN DATA / ARNAV RPU IN 15 TX RS232 J2-34 #2 CABIN TERMINAL CNTL IN (CTS ACTIVE LOW) IMAFISJWA JUMPER TO CHASSIS GROUND 3-118 March/2001 Global AIRBORNE FLIGHT INFORMATION SYSTEM SECTION 4 AFIS CONFIGURATION AND CHECKOUT 4.0 GENERAL This section contains instructions for configuring the AFIS Configuration Module on GNS-500A, GNS-1000, GNS-X, GNS-XES, GNS-XL or GNS-XLS systems that contain DMU P/N 42000-XX-XX or DMU P/N 400-045500-XXXX. There are four different procedures for various configurations. Select the procedure that pertains to the specific aircraft installation. 4.0.1 Special Equipment and Materials ITEM USE TEST CONNECTOR HONEYWELL P/N 12870-1 MB926T10F35P-19 BY MATRIX KJ6F10N-35PN BY CANNON MS27473T10 A 35P 4.0.2 CONNECTED TO J102 ON FRONT OF DMU, ALLOWS ACCESS TO CONFIGURATION PROGRAM FEATURE. PIN 2 IS JUMPERED TO PIN 3. General The test connector Honeywell P/N 12870-1 must be connected to the DMU in order to write to the configuration module. During the Configuration Module Programming Procedure, consult table 4-1for appropriate aircraft type. NOTE: FOR AIRCRAFT NOT LISTED, CONTACT GLOBAL DATA CENTER FOR GLOBAL TYPE DESIGNATOR. MANUFACTURER MODEL GLOBAL TYPE DESIGNATOR AVIONS MARCEL MYSTERE FALCON 10 FA10 DASSAULT MYSTERE FALCON 20 MODEL C DA20C MYSTERE FALCON 20 MODEL D DA20D MYSTERE FALCON 20 MODEL F FA20F MYSTERE FALCON 20 RETROFIT DA20RF MYSTERE FALCON 50 FA50 MYSTERE FALCON 50 (SB F50-0161) FA50H MYSTERE FALCON 100 FA100 MYSTERE FALCON 100 (SB F10-0052) FA100A MYSTERE FALCON 200 FA200 MYSTERE FALCON 900 FA900 TABLE 4-1 (Sheet 1 of 3) IMAFISJWA 4-1 March/2001
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