Houston Radar SS300 Doppler Speed Radar User Manual SS300UserManual Rev3

Houston Radar LLC Doppler Speed Radar SS300UserManual Rev3


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Houston Radar LLC
Installation and User Manual
K-Band Doppler Speed Sensor
Houston Radar LLC
13814 Sherburn Manor Dr. Cypress .TX
Email: sales@Houston-Radar.com
Contact: 1-888-602-3111
Rev 3, 20 August 2009
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This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Any modification or use other than specified in this manual will strictly void the
certification to operate the device.
This device carries FCC modular approval and as such is labeled with FCC ID
TIASS300. If this label is not visible when the module is installed inside another device,
then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label
referring to the enclosed SS300 module. This exterior label can use wording such as the
following: “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: TIASS300” or “Contains FCC ID:
TIASS300.” Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used.
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Note: Specifications may change without notice.
Note: Not liable for typographical errors or omissions.
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Table Of Contents
INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................5
MOUNTING: .................................................................................................................5
DIRECTION POINTING: ..................................................................................................6
RECOMMENDED ENCLOSURE: .......................................................................................6
Power Input:............................................................................................................7
Serial Connection:...................................................................................................7
Setting Detection Sensitivity via the ASCII Interface:...............................................7
WIRE SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS: .......................................................................................9
USE ..............................................................................................................................10
Internal Clock: ......................................................................................................11
Configuring the Unit: ............................................................................................11
Setting Variables in the Radar:..............................................................................12
SS300 SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................14
GENERAL ...................................................................................................................14
DATA INTERFACES .....................................................................................................14
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Congratulations on your purchase of the Houston Radar LLC’s directional Doppler speed
sensor SS300. This state of the art K-band microwave Doppler speed radar based sensor
is specifically designed for the license free battery operated speed-sensing market.
Utilizing the latest in high performance, ultra low power DSP (Digital Signal Processing)
technology, you will find that this high quality product meets your exacting standards for
performance and reliability.
Some of the highlights of this product include:
FCC approved for your convenience and piece of mind
Unprecedented low power usage of only 9 mA at 12VDC
Unprecedented small size to allow incorporation into virtually any location
Advanced DSP based performance yields consistent performance and speed detection
Typically 300+ feet of pickup distance for incoming vehicles on open and level road
Two trigger outputs capable of handling 130 mA each when vehicle detected
Radar internal software is “bootloader” flash upgradeable in the field
Optional rotary/thumbwheel switch input allows changes to speed threshold
Many radar parameters can be set via serial port input including:
o Min/Max speed limit of detection
o Speed limit setting for flashing trigger” output
o Sensitivity setting for changing detection range
o Serial port settings
o Complete radar built in self test
The SS300 is supplied in an “open frame” format. It requires a weatherproof enclosure
before it may be mounted outside. Alternatively it may be mounted as a component in
another product.
The SS300 should be mounted such that the “golden pads” on the front of the unit are
vertical as shown in the picture on the front page. The unit may be mounted 90degrees
from the suggested optimal mounting. However, in this case, the detection range may be
reduced by about 25%.
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Direction Pointing:
The SS00 is directional in nature. It rejects traffic moving away from it and only
measures oncoming traffic. If you require the unit to detect outgoing traffic,
please contact Houston Radar for a firmware update.
For optimal performance:
Radar should be mounted with the words “NARROW” on the face of the unit
either on the top or bottom
Radar should be pointed into the direction of the oncoming traffic.
Radar should be placed along the size of the road to minimize the angle of the
oncoming traffic to the radar.
o If radar cannot be placed right along the side of the road, it should be
pointed at least 100-150 feet up the road into oncoming traffic.
The radar may pickup rotating fans. Avoid pointing it at fans or compressors.
Radar should be mounted at least 3 feet high from the road for optimal
performance and at least 5 feet off the ground for maximum pickup distance
Recommended Enclosure:
The radar needs to be enclosed in a weatherproof enclosure for outside use. The
following needs to be observed for optimal performance:
1. The front face of the radar (with the golden pads) is the antenna and is the face
that must point into traffic.
2. Any cover or window in front of the unit MUST be at least ¼” away from the
3. Do NOT spray any conformal (or other) coating, paint or other substance on the
4. The optimum material to use as a front window is Lexan (Polycarbonate) plastic.
5. The optimum thickness of this polycarbonate window is half wavelength of
24.125Ghz or 3.5mm thick.
a. Alternatively a thin window of any plastic material may be used. The
maximum thickness in this case should be no more than 1 mm (40 mils).
6. Other plastic materials may be used as a front window, but the optimum thickness
will wary with the material’s dielectric constant. Please contact us for details.
Alternatively, you may consider a weatherproof version of SS300 that is available from
Houston Radar.
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Power Input:
The SS300 radar should be powered from a nominal 12V DC battery and features
industry leading operational power consumption of less than 9mA (average). There is no
other radar in the world that even comes close to this ultra-low power usage.
This operational power translates directly into a longer battery life or gives you an option
to power the unit from smaller batteries that would also require smaller solar panels.
Note: The radar employs aggressive power saving measures that include turning off parts
of the circuit that are not being used at any instant. To get a true measure of the power
usage of the circuit use a multi-meter that has an averaging function. Otherwise you will
get current readings that fluctuate from 4 mA to 18 mA.
Serial Connection:
The SS300 features a RS232 interface that is used to configure the unit as explained later
in this document.
Setting Detection Sensitivity via the ASCII Interface:
In addition through the supplied PC program interface, the radar also allows ASCII
programmatic sensitivity setting.
Over the serial interface, send in ASCII the following commands:
Sensitivity:nn\n and
In the 1st case it sets the detection sensitivity to "nn" where nn is from 10 to 99 and is a %
of the max detection distance (typically about 600 feet but can vary with installation
effects and size of the target).
If the sensitivity is set ok, it replies with
Note 1: The setting of the sensitivity is written to flash and is NON-volatile. DO NOT
write the sensitivity value on a periodic basis (e.g. every second or every minute) (i.e.
only change it when the user changes it). The flash has a limited number of write cycles
and will wear out with excessive writes!!
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Note 2: A reset is required after setting the sensitivity as the radar will no longer send
speeds out (it changes the mode to a different serial interface mode). The regular
interface mode is restored when the radar is powered cycled.
No reset is required when using the Windows PC interface.
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Wire Signal Descriptions:
Note 1: See Appendix A for detailed description on how to hookup an
external device to be triggered when radar detects incoming objects.
Incorrect hookup will result in the output devices being destroyed and will
not be covered under warranty.
The SS300 features TWO low impedance outputs that can trigger/turn on an
external display/device to bring it out of power saving mode when a vehicle is
detected. Both outputs are under radar software control and the typical
functionality is to turn both on together when a vehicle is detected. However, if
you need different functionality please contact us.
When a vehicle is detected and the speed is above the LO” speed limit and
below the “HI” speed limit both these pins are pulled down to GND and held
down to GND as long as a vehicle is detected. These pins are released as soon
as the radar detects no further traffic.
These are “open drain” (AKA open collector) outputs capable of sinking 130 mA
each. You must limit the current externally to ensure that no more than 130 mA
goes into each pin when they turn on. They may be connected in parallel to
double the sink capacity to 260 mA.
The device providing this functionality on the radar board is the ON-Semi
“NUD3160” relay driver. Please refer to the datasheet for this device on detailed
operating characteristics for these trigger outputs.
Pin #
(wrt Radar)
1 GND PWR Radar GND (battery “–“ terminal)
2 N/C N/C Do not connect
3 I/O0 I/O Reserved for future use
4 I/O1 I/O Reserved for future use
5 I/O2 I/O Reserved for future use
6 I/O3 I/O Reserved for future use
7 Trig O/P 1 Output Open Drain Output 1”. See Note 1.
8 Trig O/P 2 Output Open Drain Output 2”. See Note 1.
9 RS232 TX Output RS232 Transmit Signal from radar
10 RS232 RX Input RS232 Receive Signal into radar
11 VCC PWR +9.5 to +18VDC Power Supply
12 GND PWR Radar GND (battery “-“ terminal)
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Turn on the power to the SS300 to make it operational. No other action is required. The
radar will trigger OUT 1 and OUT 2 open collector outputs whenever it detects a vehicle
that is above the programmed lower speed limit (the “LO” value) and below the
programmed high limit (the “HI” value). The default limits are set at 5mph (kph) and
99mph (kph) at the factory (the values in brackets apply if units are set to KPH).
Using the provided configuration Windows software and via the serial port, program the
high limit to de-assert the trigger outputs above this limit. If you do not wish an upper
detection limit, set this value to 159. This will ensure that the upper limit is never reached
regardless if the units are set to MPH or KPH.
Set the “LO” variable to set the lower detection speed limit. The outputs will be de-
asserted for vehicles below this speed limit. The lowest value this may be set is 3 MPH
Green LED flashes on front at 1/3 Hz (1/6
duty cycle) rate when radar is running
giving a visual OK signal.
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Internal Clock:
The radar has a built in clock/calendar function. At the moment this is not used by the
firmware. However future functionality may be added that uses this functionality.
The radar does not feature a clock backup battery. So power must remain
connected to the radar for the clock to keep time.
Configuring the Unit:
The units internal parameters may be configured by connecting the radar’s RS232 port
to a PC’s RS232 serial port and using the Houston Radar Advanced Stats Analyzer
program’s configuration screen as described here.
The following internal “variables” may be set. Their functions are described below:
Variable Name
RS Sets the RS232 serial port’s baud rate and output format. Do not change
this value unless a value is provided by Houston Radar.
UN Sets the internal speed units of the radar. All LO, SP & HI speeds are
interpreted to be in this units.
0 = MPH
1 = KPH
LO Low speed cutoff. Vehicles are not detected below this speed.
Minimum value is 3. Should be set to be less than HI. Speeds above
this limit trigger the O/P1 and O/P2 outputs.
HI High speed cutoff. Vehicles are not detected above this speed.
Maximum value is 159. Should be set higher than LO speed.
SP Flashing speed limit. Any speed higher than this value “flashes” the
trigger output at 2/3 duty cycle, 1Hz.
ST Target detection sensitivity. Valid values are from 10 to 99 and are a
percentage of max range. So a value of 50 would yield about 150 feet
detection. Note: This is not a range setting but detection sensitivity.
Thus if large vehicles are being detected at 400 feet, a value of 500 will
make them detect at approx 200 feet.
SF 1 = Select Fastest Target if multiple targets are detected on the road
0 = Select Strongest Target if multiple targets are detected on the road
KY Reserved. Do not set unless value provided by Houston Radar
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Setting Variables in the Radar:
1. Install the Houston Radar Advanced Stats Analyzer Windows program on a
Windows 2000, XP or Vista computer.
2. Connect the radar RS232 port to the PC’s RS232 serial port. If the PC does not
have a serial port you may buy a USB serial converter dongle (from BestBuy,
Radioshack or any Internet store).
3. Power up the radar. Ensure the green LED on the front flashes at a 1/3Hz 1/6 duty
cycle rate.
4. Start the Houston Radar Stats Analyzer program
5. Click on Start->Connect to Radar…
6. Click on “Connect” button.
7. Ensure you see a “Radar found on COM” message. The COM # will depend on
your computer
8. Click on OK. Now you are ready to configure the radar.
9. To configure the LO, SP & HI limits, click on “Radar Limits” menu bar item. The
three fields show the current values of the three variables. Change the variables to
the desired values and click on “Save”.
10. To configure any other variable, click on “Advanced->Radar Configuration”. In
the window that comes up, enter the two letter variable name in the “Variable”
field. Enter its value in the Value” field and click on “Set Variablebutton.
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Set Serial Baud Rate:
The supplied Windows configuration program can auto detect the baud rate of the radar
serial port. However if you wish to communicate with the radar from your electronics, the
radar serial port may be configured to different baud rates.
Baud Rate
# Data
# Stop
“RS” variable
1200 7 1 Even 10
1200 7 1 Odd 11
1200 7 1 None 12
1200 8 1 None 13
2400 7 1 Even 20
2400 7 1 Odd 21
2400 7 1 None 22
2400 8 1 None 23
9600 7 1 Even 30
9600 7 1 Odd 31
9600 7 1 None 32
9600 8 1 None 33
115200 7 1 Even 40
115200 7 1 Odd 41
115200 7 1 None 42
115200 8 1 None 43
19200 7 1 Even 50
19200 7 1 Odd 51
19200 7 1 None 52
19200 8 1 None 53
Note: The radar has other baud rates and output format options that can
be set via the serial port. Contact Houston Radar if one of the above
is not suitable for your requirements.
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Operating Band K-Band
Frequency 24.125 GHz ±50Mhz
Power Output 5mW
Antenna Beam Pattern 45deg x 38 deg
Polarization Linear
Supply Voltage 9V DC to 18V DC
Reverse Battery Protected
Nominal Current Draw 9 mA avg. (+/-1ma,) (@+12V DC)
Operating Temp. -22°F to +185°F
(-30°C to +85°C)
Weatherproof No
IR Remote Programmable No
Approvals FCC Part 15, modular approval
Data Interfaces
Serial Communication RS232 for configuration
Data Rate Baud Rates from
1200 to 115200 baud
Data & Pwr Connector Molex “C Grid SL” male shrouded 12 pin RA part #70553-0011
Weight approx 33 grams (1.16 oz)
Dimensions 2.1”x1.75”x0.6” (LxWxD)
Cable Exit Side
Mounting Four 2-56 standoff’s embedded on module
Accuracy ±0.1 mph (internal)
Speed Range 5 mph to 105 mph
(8 Kmph to 168 Kmph)
Detection Range Typically 300 feet on open and level road w/ radar mounted 5
feet above road for compact vehicles. May vary with installation
and road conditions.
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Appendix A: Hooking up to the trigger outputs on the radar
The SS300 radar features two “open drainoutputs. The device used for this purpose is the On
Semiconductor relay driver NUD3160. The output configuration of this device is shown below
(from the On Semi datasheet).
The two outputs O/P1 and O/P2 are brought out on the radar connector pins (see IO connector pin
out in manual for connector pin numbers).
This device can sink 130mA of DC current at up to 48VDC (minimum 60VDC breakdown
voltage- do not operate at this breakdown voltage).
However, these are low impedance outputs, which means that you must externally limit the
maximum current that will flow into these outputs to 130mA at the worst-case head voltage. They
may be parallel together to increase this value to 260mA.
There are two ways to ensure this:
1. Connect an output device that is rated to draw no more than 130mA at your supply
voltage (+Vhead). This device can be powered up to 48VDC. For example, this can be a
12 or 24VDC relay coil rated at more than 130 mA coil current or
2. Connect an external resistor in series with the output load and the O/P1 or O/P2 pins. The
value of this external resistor should be calculated as follows (ohms law):
R (in K Ohms)= (Vhead –Vload drop)/130
Load rated to draw
max of 130mA at
+Vhead max
Method 1
Method 2

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