ICOM orporated 259000 Amateur HF Scanning Transceiver User Manual IC 7800 Eng

ICOM Incorporated Amateur HF Scanning Transceiver IC 7800 Eng

Users Manual Part 3

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual Part 3
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2004-02-18 00:00:00
Date Available2004-02-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-02-16 16:56:30
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Document TitleIC-7800_Eng.pdf
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Document Author: danhuynh

■ Spectrum scope screen ……………………………………………… 5-2
D Center mode ………………………………………………………… 5-2
D Fix mode ……………………………………………………………… 5-3
D Mini scope screen indication ……………………………………… 5-4
D Scope set mode ……………………………………………………… 5-4
■ Preamplifier ……………………………………………………………… 5-9
■ Attenuator ……………………………………………………………… 5-9
■ RIT function …………………………………………………………… 5-10
D RIT monitor function …………………………………………………5-10
■ AGC function …………………………………………………………… 5-11
D Selecting the preset value …………………………………………5-11
D Adjusting the AGC time constant …………………………………5-11
D Setting the AGC time constant preset value ………………………5-11
■ Twin PBT operation …………………………………………………… 5-12
■ IF filter selection ……………………………………………………… 5-13
D IF filter selection …………………………………………………… 5-13
D Filter passband width setting (except FM mode) ……………… 5-13
D Roofing filter selection ……………………………………………… 5-14
D DSP filter shape …………………………………………………… 5-14
D Filter shape set mode ……………………………………………… 5-14
■ Dualwatch operation ………………………………………………… 5-16
■ Noise blanker ………………………………………………………… 5-17
D NB set mode ………………………………………………………… 5-17
■ Noise reduction ………………………………………………………… 5-18
■ Dial lock function ……………………………………………………… 5-18
■ Notch function ………………………………………………………… 5-19
■ Digital selector ………………………………………………………… 5-19
■ Spectrum scope screen
This function allows you to display the conditions of the
selected band, as well as relative strengths of signals.
The IC-7800 has two modes for the spectrum indication— one is center mode, and anther one is fix mode.
In addition, the IC-7800 has a mini scope screen for
regular scope indication.
D Center mode
Displays signals around the set frequency within the
selected span. The set frequency is always displayed
at the center of the screen.
q Push [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multifunction screen, if necessary.
w Push [F-1•SCOPE] to select the scope screen.
e Push [F-5•CENT/FIX] to select the center mode.
” is displayed when center mode is selected.
r Push [F-1•SPAN] several times to select the scope
• ±2.5, ±5.0, ±10, ±25, ±50, ±100 and ±250 kHz are available.
• Sweeping speed is selectable for each span independently in scope set mode. (pgs. 5-5, 5-6)
t Push [F-2•ATT] several times to activate an attenuator or turn the attenuator OFF.
• 10, 20 and 30 dB attenuators are available.
y Push [F-6•MAIN/SUB] to select main band.
• The spectrum scope with sub band selection is activated
during dualwatch or split frequency operation only.
u Push [F-3•MARKER] several times to select the
marker (sub readout or transmit frequency) or turn
the marker OFF.
” displays the marker at the transmit frequency.
” displays the marker at the sub readout frequency.
• “<<” or “>>” appears when the marker is out of range.
• The spectrum scope shows the transmit signal waveform while transmitting. This can be deactivated in
scope set mode. (p. 5-4)
• The spectrum scope shows the peak level holding function. Peak levels are displayed in the background of the
current spectrum in a different color until the receive frequency changes. This can be deactivated and the waveform color can be set in scope set mode. (p. 5-5)
• Observed indication example
i Push [F-4•HOLD] to freeze the current spectrum
• “ HOLD ” appears while the function is in use.
• The peak hold function can be deactivated in scope set
o Push [EXIT/SET] to exit the scope screen.
NOTE: If a strong signal is received, a ghost waveform may appear. Push [F-2•ATT] several times to
activate the spectrum scope attenuator in this case.
Spurious signal waveform may be displayed. They
are made in internal scope circuit and does not indicate a transceiver malfunction.
D Fix mode
Displays signals within the specified frequency range.
The selected frequency band conditions can be
grasped at a glance when using this mode.
q Push [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multifunction screen, if necessary.
w Push [F-1•SCOPE] to select the scope screen.
e Push [F-5•CENT/FIX] to select the fix mode.
” is displayed when fix mode is selected.
r Push [F-2•ATT] several times to activate an attenuator or turn the attenuator OFF.
• 10, 20 and 30 dB attenuators are available.
t Push [F-6•MAIN/SUB] to select main band.
• The spectrum scope with sub band selection is activated
during dualwatch or split frequency operation only.
y Push [F-3•MARKER] several times to select the
marker (sub readout or transmit frequency) or turn
the marker OFF.
” displays the marker at the main readout frequency.
(always displayed)
” displays the marker at the transmit frequency.
” displays the marker at the sub readout frequency.
• “<<” or “>>” appears when the marker is out of range.
• The spectrum scope shows the transmit signal waveform while transmitting. This can be deactivated in
scope set mode. (p. 5-4)
• The spectrum scope shows the peak level holding function. Peak levels are displayed in the background of the
current spectrum in a different color until the receive frequency changes. This can be deactivated and the waveform color can be set in scope set mode. (p. 5-5)
u Push [F-4•HOLD] to freeze the current spectrum
• “ HOLD ” appears while the function is in use.
• The peak hold function can be deactivated in scope set
i Push [EXIT/SET] to exit the scope screen.
NOTE: If a strong signal is received, a ghost waveform may appear. Push [F-2•ATT] several times to
activate the spectrum scope attenuator in this case.
The scope band width can be specified for each operating frequency band independently in scope set
mode. (pgs. 5-6 to 5-8)
D Mini scope screen indication
The mini scope screen can be displayed with another
screen indication, such as set mode menu, decoder
screen, memory list screen, etc. simultaneously.
q Set the scope mode (center or fix), marker, attenuator, span, etc. in advance. (pgs. 5-2, 5-3)
w Push [M.SCOPE] to toggle the mini scope indication ON and OFF.
• The S/RF meter type during mini scope indication can
be selected in display set mode (Meter Type (Wide
Screen) item). (p. 12-11)
D Scope set mode
This set mode is used to set the waveform color,
sweeping speed, scope range for fix mode, etc.
q During spectrum scope indication ON, push
[F-7•SET] to select scope set mode screen.
[F-3•Ω ≈] [F-7•WIDE]
• Push [F-7•WIDE] to toggle the screen size between normal and wide.
w Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired set
e Set the desired condition using the main dial.
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select the default condition
or value.
• Push [F-3•Ω ≈] to select the set contents for some
[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z][F-4•DEF] [EXIT/SET] Main dial
r Push [EXIT/SET] to exit from set mode.
Turn the transmitting signal waveform indication ON
and OFF.
NOTE: The transmitting signal waveform indication is available for the center mode only.
D Scope set mode (continued)
Turn the peak level holding function ON and OFF.
Select the center frequency of the spectrum scope
indication (center mode only).
• Filter center
: Shows the selected filter’s center
frequency at the center.
• Carrier Point Center
: Shows the selected operating
mode carrier point frequency at
the center.
• Carrier Point Center (Abs. Freq.)
: In addition to the carrier point
center setting above, the actual
frequency is displayed for the
bottom of the scope.
Set the waveform color for the currently receiving signals.
• The color is set in RGB format.
• Push [F-3•Ω ≈] to select R (Red), G (Green) and B
(Blue), and rotate the ratio from 0 to 255 range.
• The set color is indicated in the box beside the RGB
Set the waveform color for the receiving signals maximum level.
• The color is set in RGB format.
• Push [F-3•Ω ≈] to select R (Red), G (Green) and B
(Blue), and rotate the ratio from 0 to 255 range.
• The set color is indicated in the box beside the RGB
Select the sweeping speed for the ±2.5 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
NOTE: The waveform may be displayed incorrectly with “FAST” setting.
Select the sweeping speed for the ±5 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
NOTE: The waveform may be displayed incorrectly with “FAST” setting.
Select the sweeping speed for the ±10 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
Select the sweeping speed for the ±25 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
D Scope set mode (continued)
Select the sweeping speed for the ±50 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
Select the sweeping speed for the ±100 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
Select the sweeping speed for the ±250 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
with below 1.6 MHz band selection.
• Set the frequencies within 0.030 to 1.600 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 1.6 to 2 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 1.600 to 2.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 2 to 6 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 2.000 to 6.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 6 to 8 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 6.000 to 8.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
D Scope set mode (continued)
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 8 to 11 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 8.000 to 11.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 11 to 15 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 11.000 to 15.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 15 to 20 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 15.000 to 20.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 20 to 22 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 20.000 to 22.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 22 to 26 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 22.000 to 26.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
D Scope set mode (continued)
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 26 to 30 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 26.000 to 30.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 30 to 45 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 30.000 to 45.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
Set the scope edge frequencies for fix mode scope
when 45 to 60 MHz band is selected.
• Set the frequencies within 45.000 to 60.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Up to 500 kHz band width can be specified, so
either edge frequency will be set to the difference between higher and lower frequencies
become 5 to 500 kHz automatically while setting
another edge frequency.
■ Preamplifier
The preamp amplifies received signals in the front end
circuit to improve the S/N ratio and sensitivity. Set this
to preamp 1 or preamp 2 when receiving weak signals.
➥ Push [P.AMP] several times to set the preamp OFF,
preamp 1 ON or preamp 2 ON.
For all HF bands
High gain preamp for 24 MHz band and
✔ About the “P.AMP2”
The “P.AMP 2” is a high gain receive amplifier. When
the “P.AMP 2” is used during times of strong electric
fields, distortion sometimes results. In such cases, use
the transceiver with the “P.AMP 1” or “P.AMP OFF” setting.
The “P.AMP 2” is most effective when:
• Used on bands above 24 MHz and when electric
fields are weak.
• Receive sensitivity is insufficient during low gain, or
while using a narrow band antenna (such as small
loop, a Beverage antenna or a short Yagi antenna,
etc.) is used.
■ Attenuator
The attenuator prevents a desired signal from distortion when very strong signals are near the desired frequency or when very strong electric fields, such as
from broadcasting stations, are near your location.
➥ Push [ATT] several times to set the attenuator 6 dB,
12 dB, 18 dB or attenuator OFF.
➥ Push [ATT] for 1 sec. several times to set the attenuator 3 dB, 6 dB, 9 dB, 12 dB, 15 dB, 18 dB, 21 dB
or attenuator OFF.
3 dB
15 dB
6 dB
18 dB
9 dB
21 dB
12 dB
■ RIT function
The RIT (Receive Increment Tuning) function compensates for off-frequencies of the communicating
The function shifts the receive frequency up to
±9.99 kHz in 10 Hz steps without moving the transmit
q Push [RIT] to turn the RIT function ON and OFF.
” and the shifting frequency appear when the function is ON.
w Rotate the [RIT/∂TX] control.
• Push [CLEAR] for 1 sec. to reset the RIT frequency.
• Push [CLEAR] momentarily to reset the RIT frequency
when the quick RIT/∂TX clear function is ON. (p. 12-17)
• Push [RIT] for 1 sec. to add the shift frequency to the operating frequency.
D RIT monitor function
When the RIT function is ON, pushing and holding
[XFC] allows you to monitor the operating frequency
directly (RIT is temporarily cancelled).
✔ For your convenience— Calculate function
The shift frequency of the RIT function can be
added/subtracted to the displayed frequency.
➥ While displaying the RIT shift frequency, push [RIT]
for 1 sec.
■ AGC function
The AGC (auto gain control) controls receiver gain to
produce a constant audio output level even when the
received signal strength is varied by fading, etc.
[AGC] control for main [AGC] control for sub
The transceiver has 3 AGC characteristics (time constant; fast, mid, slow) for non-FM mode.
[AGC VR] for main [AGC VR] for sub
The FM mode AGC time constant is fixed as ‘FAST’
(0.1 sec.) and AGC time constant cannot be selected.
D Selecting the preset value
q Select non-FM mode.
w Push [AGC] several times to select AGC fast, AGC
medium (MID) or AGC slow.
D Adjusting the AGC time constant
q Select non-FM mode.
w Push [AGC VR], then rotate [AGC] control to adjust
the AGC time constant.
• [AGC VR] indicator above the switch lights green.
D Setting the AGC time constant preset value
q Select the desired mode except FM mode.
w Push [AGC] for 1 sec. to enter AGC set mode.
e Push [AGC] several times to select FAST time constant.
r Rotate the main dial to set the desired time constant
for ‘AGC FAST.’
• AGC time constant can be set between 0.1 to 8.0 sec.
(depends on mode) or turned OFF.
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select a default value.
• Selectable AGC time constant
(unit: sec.)
Selectable AGC time constant
0.3 (FAST)
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0,
2.0 (MID)
2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
6.0 (SLOW)
0.1 (FAST)
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0,
0.5 (MID)
2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
1.2 (SLOW)
t Push [AGC] to select medium time constant.
y Rotate the main dial to set the desired time constant
for ‘AGC MID.’
• AGC time constant can be set between 0.1 to 8.0 sec.
(depends on mode) or turned OFF.
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select a default value.
u Push [AGC] to select slow time constant.
i Rotate the main dial to set the desired time constant
for ‘AGC SLOW.’
0.1 (FAST)
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0,
0.5 (MID)
2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
1.2 (SLOW)
3.0 (FAST)
0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,
5.0 (MID)
4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
7.0 (SLOW)
0.1 (FAST)
• AGC time constant can be set between 0.1 to 8.0 sec.
(depends on mode) or turned OFF.
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select a default value.
o Select another mode except FM. Repeat steps e to
i if desired.
!0 Push [EXIT/SET] to exit the AGC set mode screen.
■ Twin PBT operation
General PBT (Passband Tuning) function electronically
narrows the IF passband width by shifting the IF frequency to slightly outside of the IF filter passband to
reject interference. This transceiver uses the DSP circuit for the PBT function. Moving both [TWIN PBT]
controls to the same position shifts the IF.
➥ The LCD shows the passband width and shift frequency graphically.
➥ Push [FILTER] for 1 sec. to enter the filter set
screen. Current passband width and shift frequency
is displayed in the filter set screen.
➥ To set the [TWIN PBT] controls to the center positions, push [PBT CLR] for 1 sec.
[TWIN PBT] for main [TWIN PBT] for sub
The variable range depends on the passband width
and mode. The edge of the variable range is half of the
passband width, and PBT is adjustable in 25 or 50 Hz
[PBT CLEAR] for main [PBT CLEAR] for sub
• [TWIN PBT] should normally be set to the center positions (PBT setting is cleared) when there is no interference.
• When PBT is used, the audio tone may be changed.
• Not available for FM mode.
• While rotating [TWIN PBT], noise may occur. This comes
from the DSP unit and does not indicate an equipment
Shows filter width, shifting value and condition
• PBT operation example
Both controls at
center position
Cutting a lower
Cutting both higher and
lower passbands
IF center frequency
Desired signal
Desired signal
■ IF filter selection
[FILTER] for main
The transceiver has 3 passband width IF filters for
each mode.
[FILTER] for sub
For SSB, CW and PSK modes, the passband width
can be set within 50 to 3600 Hz in 50 or 100 Hz steps.
A total of 41 passband widths are available.
For RTTY mode, the passband width can be set within
50 to 2700 Hz in 50 or 100 Hz steps. A total of 32 passband widths are available.
For AM mode, the passband width can be set within
200 Hz to 10 kHz in 200 Hz steps. A total of 50 passband widths are available.
For FM mode, the passband width is fixed and 3 passband widths are available.
The filter selection is automatically memorized in
each mode.
The PBT shift frequencies are automatically memorized in each filter.
D IF filter selection
q Select the desired mode.
w Push [FILTER] several times to select the IF filter 1,
2 or 3.
• The selected passband width and filter number is displayed in the LCD.
D Filter passband width setting (except FM mode)
q Push [FILTER] for 1 sec. to enter filter set screen.
w Select any mode except FM.
• Passband widths for FM modes are fixed and cannot be
e Push [FILTER] several times to select the desired IF
r While pushing [F-1•BW], rotate the main dial to set
the desired passband width.
• In SSB, CW and PSK modes, the passband width can
be set within the following range.
50 to 500 Hz
50 Hz steps
600 to 3600 Hz 100 Hz steps
• In RTTY mode, the passband width can be set within the
following range.
50 to 500 Hz
50 Hz steps
600 to 2700 Hz 100 Hz steps
• In AM mode, the passband width can be set within the
following range.
200 Hz to 10 kHz 200 Hz steps
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select the default value.
t Repeat steps w to r if desired.
y Push [EXIT/SET] to exit filter set screen.
The PBT shift frequencies are cleared when the
passband width is changed.
This filter set screen graphically displays the PBT
shift frequencies and CW pitch operations.
D Roofing filter selection
The IC-7800 has 6 kHz roofing filter. The roofing filter
allows you an interference reduction from nearby
strong signals.
q Push [FILTER] for 1 sec. to enter filter set screen.
w Select any mode except FM.
e Push [F-6•ROOFING] to select the desired filter
from 15 kHz (regular 1st IF filter) and 6 kHz (roofing filter).
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select a default value.
r Push [EXIT•SET] to exit filter set screen.
D DSP filter shape
The type of DSP filter shape for each SSB, SSB data
and CW can be selected independently from soft and
q Push [FILTER] for 1 sec. to enter filter set screen.
w Select SSB, SSB data or CW mode.
e Push [F-7•SHAPE] to select the desired filter shape
from soft and sharp.
r Push [EXIT•SET] to exit filter set screen.
The filter shape can be set for each band (HF and
50 MHz bands), mode, as well as the passband width
setting (CW only) independently as your default setting
in filter shape set mode.
D Filter shape set mode
The type of DSP filter shape for each SSB, SSB data
and CW can be selected independently from soft and
q Push [FILTER] for 1 sec. to enter filter set screen.
w Push [F-7•SHAPE] for 1 sec. to enter filter shape set
e Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired item.
r Rotate the main dial to select the filter shape from
soft and sharp.
t Push [EXIT/SET] to exit filter shape set mode.
Select the filter shape for SSB mode in HF bands.
The set filter shape is automatically used only
when the IF filter that 600 Hz or wider setting is
Select the filter shape for SSB data mode in HF
The set filter shape is automatically used only
when the IF filter that 600 Hz or wider setting is
D Filter shape set mode (continued)
Select the filter shape for CW mode in HF bands.
The set filter shape is automatically used only
when the IF filter that 500 Hz or narrower setting is
Select the filter shape for CW mode in HF bands.
The set filter shape is automatically used only
when the IF filter that 600 Hz or wider setting is
Select the filter shape for SSB mode in 50 MHz band.
The set filter shape is automatically used only
when the IF filter that 600 Hz or wider setting is
Select the filter shape for SSB data mode in 50 MHz
The set filter shape is automatically used only
when the IF filter that 600 Hz or wider setting is
Select the filter shape for CW mode in 50 MHz band.
The set filter shape is automatically used only
when the IF filter that 500 Hz or narrower setting is
Select the filter shape for CW mode in 50 MHz band.
The set filter shape is automatically used only
when the IF filter that 600 Hz or wider setting is
■ Dualwatch operation
Dualwatch monitors 2 frequencies simultaneously.
The IC-7800 has 2 independent receiver circuits to
allow you to a dualwatch even in different frequency
band and mode.
q Set the desired frequency and mode into the main
” appears.
• Pushing [DUALWATCH] for 1 sec., the sub band is
equalized at the same time. This quick dualwatch function can be turned OFF in set mode. (p. 12-13)
[AF] for sub
e Rotate the sub dial to set the desired frequency.
r Push [SUB] to enables the sub band access when
changing the frequency band, operating mode, etc.
in sub band.
• Push [MAIN] for the main band access.
t Rotate [AF] for sub band to adjust the sub band
audio level.
y To transmit on the sub band readout, push
• Beat may be sound according to the set frequency combination, such as 3.5 MHz and 7 MHz
band’s frequencies.
• Receiver sensitivity will be decreased when the
same frequency band and the same antenna are
selected during dualwatch.
• The RIT function can be used for the main readout only.
• The ∂TX function can be used for the transmit
readout (main readout when the split function
OFF; sub readout when the split function ON).
• Split frequency operation during dualwatch
■ Noise blanker
The noise blanker eliminates pulse-type noise such as
from car ignitions. The noise blanker is not available
for FM mode.
[NB] for main
q Push [NB] to turn the noise blanker function ON and
[NB] for sub
• [NB] indicator above their switch lights green.
w Rotate [NB] control to adjust the noise blanker
threshold level.
When using the noise blanker, received signals may
be distorted if they are excessively strong or the
noise type is different. Turn the noise blanker OFF,
or rotate [NB] control to a shallow position in such
[NB] control for main [NB] control for sub
D NB set mode
To deal with various type of noises, attenuation level
and noise width can be set in NB set mode.
q Push [NB] for 1 sec. to enter NB set mode.
w Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired item.
e Rotate the main dial to set the desired level or value.
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select a default value.
r Push [EXIT/SET] to exit filter shape set mode.
Set the noise attenuation level within 1 to 10.
Set the noise pulse width within 1 to 100.
■ Noise reduction
The noise reduction function reduces noise components and picks out desired signals which are buried
in noise. The received signals are converted to digital
signals and then the desired signals are separated
from the noise.
q Push the [NR] to turn the noise reduction ON.
[NR] for main [NR] for sub
• [NR] indicator above their switch lights green.
w Rotate the [NR] control to adjust the noise reduction
e Push the [NR] switch to turn the noise reduction
• [NR] indicator lights off.
Deep rotation of the [NR] control results in audio
signal masking or distortion. Set the [NR] control for
maximum readability.
[NR] control for main [NR] control for sub
■ Dial lock function
[LOCK] indicator for main
The dial lock function prevents changes by accidental
movement of the main dial. The lock function electronically locks the dial.
[LOCK] indicator for sub
➥ Push [LOCK] to toggle the dial lock function ON and
• The [LOCK] indicator lights when the dial lock function
is in use.
[LOCK] for main [LOCK] for sub
■ Notch function
This transceiver has auto and manual notch functions.
The auto notch function automatically attenuates more
than 3 beat tones, tuning signals, etc., even if they are
moving. The manual notch can be set to attenuate a
frequency via the [NOTCH] control.
The auto notch can be used in SSB, AM and FM
The manual notch can be used in SSB, CW, RTTY,
PSK and AM modes.
[NOTCH] control for main [NOTCH] control for sub
[NOTCH] for main [NOTCH] for sub
• Auto notch indication
➥ Push [NOTCH] to toggle the notch function between
auto, manual and OFF in SSB and AM modes.
➥ Push [NOTCH] to turn the manual notch function
ON and OFF in CW mode.
➥ Push [NOTCH] to turn the auto notch function ON
and OFF in FM mode.
• [NOTCH] indicator above their switch lights green.
• Push [NOTCH] for 1 sec. to select the notch filter width
for manual notch from wide, middle and narrow.
• Set to attenuate a frequency for manual notch via the
[NOTCH] control.
” appears when auto notch is in use.
” appears when manual notch is in use.
• Manual notch indication
While operating the manual notch, noise may be
heard. This comes from the DSP unit and does not
indicate an equipment malfunction.
■ Digital selector
The digital selector manually adjusts the center frequency of the automatic pre-selector.
[DIGI-SEL] control for main [DIGI-SEL] control for sub
The automatic pre-selector filters the desired signal
only and eliminates intermodulation from another
bands strong signals at the RF stage.
The automatic pre-selector that operates in conjunction with the operating frequency, follows the change
in operating frequency at the minimum kHz steps.
[DIGI-SEL] for main [DIGI-SEL] for sub
q Push [DIGI-SEL] to turn the digital selector ON and
• [DIGI-SEL] indicator above their switch lights green.
w Rotate [DIGI-SEL] control to adjust the center frequency.
• When rotating the main dial (and sub dial during the
dualwatch or split function) while the digital selector
is activated, mechanical noise will be heard due to
the switching noise from internal relays.
• The preamp (P.AMP1 or P.AMP2) cannot be used
while the digital selector is activated.
■ VOX function ……………………………………………………………
D Using the VOX function ……………………………………………
D Adjusting the VOX function …………………………………………
D VOX set mode ………………………………………………………
■ Break-in function …………………………………………………………
D Semi break-in operation ……………………………………………
D Full break-in operation ………………………………………………
■ ∂TX function ……………………………………………………………
D ∂TX monitor function …………………………………………………
■ Monitor function …………………………………………………………
■ Transmit filter width setting (SSB only) ………………………………
■ Speech compressor (SSB only) ………………………………………
■ Split frequency operation ………………………………………………
■ Quick split function ………………………………………………………
D Split lock function ……………………………………………………
■ VOX function
The VOX (Voice-Operated Transmission) function
switches between transmit and receive with your voice.
This function provides an opportunity to input log entries into your computer, etc., while operating.
D Using the VOX function
q Select a phone mode (SSB, AM, FM).
w Push [VOX/BK-IN] to turn the VOX function ON or
• “VOX” appears while the VOX is in use.
• [VOX/BK-IN] indicator above this switch lights green.
D Adjusting the VOX function
q Select a phone mode (SSB, AM, FM).
w Push [VOX/BK-IN] to turn VOX function ON.
e While speaking into the microphone with your normal voice level, rotate [VOX GAIN] to the point
where the transceiver is continuously transmitting.
r During receive, rotate [ANTI VOX] to the point
where the transceiver does not switching to transmit
with the receive audio from the speaker.
t Adjust the VOX delay and the VOX voice delay in
VOX set mode, if necessary.
D VOX set mode
q Push [VOX/BK-IN] for 1 sec. to enter VOX set
w Select the VOX gain item using [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z].
e Rotate the main dial to the desired set value or condition.
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select a default value.
r Push [EXIT/SET] to exit VOX set mode.
Set the VOX delay for a convenient interval before returning to receive within 0 to 2.0 sec. range.
Set the VOX voice delay to prevent mis-transmission
of your voice when switching to transmit.
Short, Mid., Long and OFF settings are available.
When using the VOX voice delay, turn the TX monitor function OFF. The transmission audio will be
■ Break-in function
The break-in function is used in CW mode to automatically toggle the transceiver between transmit and receive when keying. The IC-7800 is capable for full
break-in or semi break-in.
D Semi break-in operation
During semi break-in operation, the transceiver selects
transmit when keying, then automatically returns to receive after a pre-set time from when you stop keying.
[KEY SPEED] (inner control)
q Push [CW] to select CW or CW-R mode.
w Push [VOX/BK-IN] several times to turn the semi
break-in function ON.
[DELAY] (outer control)
• “BK IN” appears.
e Rotate [DELAY] to set the break-in delay time (the
delay from transmit to receive).
When using a paddle, rotate [KEY SPEED] to adjust
the keying speed.
D Full break-in operation
During full break-in operation, the transceiver automatically selects transmit while keying and returns to
receive immediately after keying is finished.
q Push [CW] to select CW or CW-R mode.
w Push [VOX/BK-IN] several times to turn the full
break-in function ON.
• “F-BK IN” appears.
When using a paddle, rotate [KEY SPEED] to adjust
the keying speed.
■ ∂TX function
The ∂TX function shifts the transmit frequency up to
±9.999 kHz in 1 Hz steps (10 Hz steps when cancelling
the 1 Hz step readout) without moving the receive frequency.
• See (3 on p. 1-11 for function description.
q Push [∂TX].
[RIT/∂TX] [∂TX]
” appears.
w Rotate [RIT/∂TX].
e To reset the ∂TX frequency, push [CLEAR] for
1 sec.
• Push [CLEAR] momentarily to reset the RIT frequency
when the quick RIT/∂TX clear function is ON. (p. 12-1)
r To cancel the ∂TX function, push [∂TX] again.
” disappears.
D ∂TX monitor function
When the ∂TX function is ON, pushing and holding
[XFC] allows you to monitor the operating frequency
directly (∂TX is temporarily cancelled).
✔ For your convenience— Calculate function
The shift frequency of the ∂TX function can be
added/subtracted to the displayed frequency.
➥ While displaying the ∂TX shift frequency, push
[∂TX] for 1 sec.
■ Monitor function
The monitor function allows you to monitor your transmit IF signals in any mode through the speaker. Use
this to check voice characteristics while adjusting SSB
transmit tones. (p. 12-4) The CW sidetone functions regardless of the [MONI] switch setting.
q Push [MONI] to switch the monitor function ON and
• [MONI] indicator above this switch lights green.
w Rotate [MONI GAIN] for the clearest audio output
while pushing [PTT] and speaking into the microphone.
NOTE: When using the VOX voice delay, turn the
monitor function OFF. The transmission audio will
be echoed.
■ Transmit filter width setting (SSB only)
The transmit filter width for SSB mode can be selected
from wide, middle and narrow.
➥ During USB or LSB mode selection, push [COMP]
for 1 sec. several times to select the desired transmit filter width from wide, middle and narrow.
• The filter functions regardless of the speech compressor
• The following filters are specified as the default. Each of
the filter width can be re-set in level set mode. (p. 12-5)
WIDE : 100 Hz to 2.9 kHz
: 300 Hz to 2.7 kHz
: 500 Hz to 2.5 kHz
■ Speech compressor (SSB only)
The speech compressor increases average RF output
power, improving signal strength and readability in
SSB mode only.
q Select USB or LSB mode and adjust [MIC] to a suitable level.
• Push [METER] several times to select the ALC meter for
microphone gain adjustment.
w Push [COMP] to turn the speech compressor ON.
e Push [METER] once to select the COMP meter.
r While speaking into the microphone, rotate [COMP]
control, so that the COMP meter reads within the
COMP zone (10 to 20 dB range) with your normal
voice level.
When the COMP meter peaks exceed the COMP
zone, your transmitted voice may be distorted.
t Push [METER] 5 times to select the ALC meter.
y While speaking into the microphone, rotate [DRIVE],
so that the ALC meter reads within the 30 to 50%
range of the ALC zone with your normal voice level.
[COMP] control [DRIVE]
COMP zone
0 10
+20 +40
100 150
1.5 102
44 52V VD
✔ For your convenience
Push [METER] for 1 sec. to display the multi-function
meter that can check the ALC and COMP level at a
■ Split frequency operation
Split frequency operation allows you to transmit and
receive in the same mode on two different frequencies.
The split frequency operation is basically performed
using 2 frequencies on the main and sub readouts.
The following is an example of setting 21.290 MHz for
receiving and 21.310 MHz for transmitting.
q Set 21.290 MHz (USB) in VFO mode.
w Push [SPLIT] momentarily, then push [M=S] for
1 sec.
[SPLIT] indicator [M=S] [CHANGE] [SPLIT]
• The quick split function is much more convenient for selecting the transmit frequency. See the next section for
• The equalized transmit frequency and “
” appear on the LCD.
• [SPLIT] indicator lights.
• “TX” appears to show the transmit frequency readout.
[XFC] Main dial Sub dial
e Set the transmit frequency to 21.310 MHz with the
one of following ways.
➥ Rotate the main dial while pushing [XFC].
➥ Rotate the sub dial.
• When the split function ON
• The transmit frequency can be monitored while pushing [XFC] or using dualwatch.
r Now you can receive on 21.290 MHz and transmit
on 21.310 MHz.
To change the transmit and receive frequencies, push
[CHANGE] to exchange the main and sub readouts.
• When [XFC] is pushed
• Direct shift frequency input
The shift frequency can be entered directly.
q Push [F-INP•ENT].
w Enter the desired shift frequency with the digit keys.
• 1 kHz to 1 MHz can be set.
• When you require a minus shift direction, push [GENE•.]
in advance.
e Push [SPLIT].
• The split frequency operation is ready
• The shift frequency is input in the sub readout and the
split function is turned ON.
To transmit on 1 kHz higher frequency:
- Push [F-INP•ENT], [1.8•1] then [SPLIT].
To transmit on 3 kHz lower frequency:
- Push [F-INP•ENT], [GENE•.], [7•3] then [SPLIT].
• Split lock function
Accidentally releasing [XFC] while rotating the main
dial changes the receive frequency. To prevent this,
use both the split lock and dial lock functions to change
the transmit frequency only. The split lock function cancels the dial lock function while pushing [XFC] during
split frequency operation.
The dial lock’s effectiveness during split frequency operation can be selected in the set mode for both receive and transmit frequencies; or only the receive frequency. (p. 12-14)
■ Quick split function
When you find a DX station, an important consideration is how to set the split frequency.
When you push the [SPLIT] switch for 1 sec., split frequency operation is turned ON, the sub readout is
equalized to the main readout frequency and enters
standby for transmit frequency input.
This shortens the time needed to start split frequency
The quick split function is ON by default. For your convenience, it can be turned OFF in set mode. (p. 12-14)
In this case, the [SPLIT] switch does not equalize the
main and sub readout frequencies.
[SPLIT] indicator [XFC]
q Suppose you are operating at 21.290 MHz (USB) in
VFO mode.
w Push [SPLIT] for 1 sec.
• Split frequency operation is turned ON.
• The sub readout is equalized to the main readout frequency.
” indicator appears and the sub readout enters standby for transmit frequency input.
e Enter the desired offset frequency from the keypad
then push [SPLIT], or set the transmit frequency with
the main dial while pushing [XFC], or with the sub
Main dial
” indicator disappears when [XFC] is pushed
or the main/sub dial is rotated.
• Offset frequency setting with the keypad— example
To transmit on 1 kHz higher frequency:
- Push [F-INP•ENT], [1.8•1] then [SPLIT].
To transmit on 3 kHz lower frequency:
- Push [F-INP•ENT], [GENE•.], [7•3] then [SPLIT].
D Split lock function
The split lock function is convenient for changing only
the transmit frequency. When the split lock function is
not used, accidentally releasing [XFC] while rotating the
main dial, changes the receive frequency. The split lock
function is ON by default, but can be turned OFF in set
mode. (p. 12-14)
[LOCK] indicator for main
q While split frequency operation is ON, push [LOCK]
for both main and sub band to activate the split lock
w While pushing [XFC], rotate the main dial to change
the transmit frequency.
[LOCK] indicator for sub
• If you accidentally release [XFC] while rotating the main
dial, the receive frequency does NOT change.
[XFC] Main dial
for main for sub
■ About digital voice recorder …………………………………………… 7-2
■ Recording a received audio …………………………………………… 7-3
D Basic recording ……………………………………………………… 7-3
D One-touch recording ………………………………………………… 7-3
■ Playing the recorded audio …………………………………………… 7-4
D Basic playing ………………………………………………………… 7-4
D One-touch playing …………………………………………………… 7-4
■ Protect the recorded contents ………………………………………… 7-5
■ Erasing the recorded contents ………………………………………… 7-5
■ Recording a message for transmit …………………………………… 7-6
D Recording …………………………………………………………… 7-6
D Confirming a message for transmit ………………………………… 7-6
■ Programming a memory name ……………………………………… 7-7
■ Sending a recorded message ………………………………………… 7-8
D Transmit level setting ……………………………………………… 7-8
■ Voice set mode ………………………………………………………… 7-9
■ Saving a voice memory into the CF card …………………………… 7-10
D Saving the received audio memory ……………………………… 7-10
D Saving the TX memory …………………………………………… 7-10
■ About digital voice recorder
The IC-7800 has digital voice memories, up to 4 channels for transmit, and up to 20 channels for receive.
A maximum message length of 30 sec. can be
recorded into a receive channel and the total message
length of up to 209 sec., and a total message length of
up to 99 sec. can be recorded in transmit channels.
Providing a transmission memory is very convenient
for repeated CQ and number transmissions at contest
times, as well as when making consecutive calls in
q Select any mode.
w Push [F-2•VOICE] to display voice recorder screen.
e Push [EXIT/SET] to display voice recorder menu.
r Push [F-1•PLAY] or [F-2•MIC REC] to select the desired memory channel screen, then records audio or
playback the contents as described below.
t Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit voice recorder screen.
[F-1] [F-2]
• Example— When [REC] is pushed for 1sec.
for 1 sec. Push
(starts recording)
(stops recording)
for 1 sec.
(starts recording)
(stops recording)
20 sec.
30 sec.
Push [REC] momentarily within 30 sec.
after pushing [REC] for 1 sec., records
the all contents.
These contents Push [REC] momentarily after passing
won’t be recorded. 30 sec. from pushing [REC] for 1 sec.,
records the 30 sec. before canceling
the record.
• Example— When [REC] is pushed momentarily
momentarily Push
(starts recording)
(starts recording)
NOTE: The contents will be recorded into an independent memory
channels automatically.
When [REC] is pushed momentarily again within 15 sec.*
from the last [REC] operation, all the contents between
[REC] operations will be recorded.
15 sec. 3 sec.
Push [REC] momentarily
records the contents of
the previous 15 sec.*
*The recording time period can be changed with “Normal Rec Time” in voice set mode (p. 7-9).
• Playing back the all contents in a channel
• Playing back the end of 5 sec.* in a channel
Or, push
for 1 sec.
30 sec. (max.)
Not playing back
Play back (5 sec.; default)
*The playing back time period can be changed with
“Short Play Time” in voice set mode (p. 7-9).
■ Recording a received audio
Up to 20 channels of receive voice memories are
available in the IC-7800. And the total audio length of
up to 209 sec. can be recorded in receive channels.
However, the maximum recordable length into a
channel is 30 sec.
This voice recorder records not only the received
audio, but also the information that the set operating
frequency, mode, and the recording time for your future reference as the memory names.
D Basic recording
q Push [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.
w Select the desired mode.
e Push [F-2•VOICE] to call up the voice recorder
• Previously selected screen, TX or RX memory, is displayed. If the TX memory channel (T1–T4) appears,
push [F-7•T/R] to select RX memory channel.
r Push [REC] for 1 sec. to start recording.
[REC] [EXIT/SET] [F-7•T/R]
• The recording timer counts down.
• The operating frequency, mode and current time are programmed as the memory names automatically.
t Push [REC] momentarily to stop recording.
Push [REC] to stop recording before, or when
30 sec. has passed from the start of recording.
The voice recorder memory records the 30 sec.
(max.) of audio before [REC] is pushed.
For example, when recording 40 sec. of audio,
the first 10 sec. audio will be over-recorded with
the last 10 sec., so that the total of audio recorded
is 30 sec. only.
When you records a 21st audio, or when the total
audio length exceeds 209 sec., the oldest
recorded audio is automatically erased to make
room for the new audio.
y Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the voice recorder
NOTE: When transmit (or [PTT] is pushed) while
recording, no audio will be recorded.
D One-touch recording
To record the receiving signal contents immediately,
one-touch voice recording is available.
➥ Push [REC] momentarily to records the previous
15 sec. audio.
• The recordable time period can be set in voice set mode.
(p. 7-9)
■ Playing the recorded audio
D Basic playing
q Push [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.
w Push [F-2•VOICE] to call up the voice recorder
• Previously selected screen, TX or RX memory, is displayed. If the TX memory channel (T1–T4) appears,
push [F-7•T/R] to select RX memory channel.
e Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired voice
memory to playback.
r Push [F-3•PLAY] to start playback.
[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z] [F-3•PLAY]
” indicators appear and the timer counts down.
t Push [F-3•PLAY] again to stop playback if desired.
• Playback is terminated automatically when all of the
recorded contents in the channel are played, or after
30 sec.
y Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the voice recorder
Counts down
D One-touch playing
The previously recorded audio in channel 1 can be
playback without selecting voice recorder screen.
➥ Push [PLAY] momentarily to playback the end 5 sec.
of the previously recorded audio.
” indicator appears.
• Playback is terminated automatically when all of the
recorded contents in the channel are played, or after
5 sec.
• The playback time period can be set in voice set mode.
(p. 7-9)
■ Protect the recorded contents
The protect function is available to protect the recorded
contents from accidental erasing, such as over-record,
q Call up the voice recorder screen, RX memory.
w Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired voice
e Push [F-4•PROTECT] to turn the protect function
ON and OFF.
” indicator appears when the contents is protected.
r Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the voice recorder
[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z] [F-4•PROTECT]
■ Erasing the recorded contents
The recorded contents can be erased channel
q Call up the voice recorder screen, RX memory.
w Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired voice
memory to be erased.
e Push [F-5•CLR] for 1 sec. to erase the contents.
• Push [F-4•PROTECT] to release the protection in advance if necessary.
r Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the voice recorder
[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z] [F-5•CLR]
■ Recording a message for transmit
To transmit a message using a voice recorder, record
the desired message in advance as described below.
The IC-7800 has digital voice memories for transmission, up to 4 channels and the total message length of
up to 99 sec. can be recorded.
D Recording
q Push [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.
w Push [F-2•VOICE] to call up the voice recorder
e Push [EXIT/SET] to select voice recorder menu.
r Push [F-2•MIC REC] to select the voice mic. record
t Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired memory channel.
y Push [F-4•REC] for 1 sec. to start recording.
[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z] [F-4•REC]
” indicator appears.
• Speak into the microphone without pushing [PTT].
• Previously recorded contents are cleared.
• Audio output from the internal speaker is automatically
u While speaking into the microphone with your normal voice level, adjust the [MIC] control so that the
[MIC-REC LEVEL] indicator reads within 100%.
i Push [F-4•REC] momentarily to stop recording.
Adjust [MIC] control so that this
indicator reads within 100%.
• The recording is terminated automatically when the remaining time becomes 0 sec.
o Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the voice recorder
D Confirming a message for transmit
q Perform the steps q to r as “D Recording” above.
w Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired memory channel.
e Push [F-3•PLAY] to playback the recorded contents.
” indicator appears.
r Push [F-3•PLAY] again to stop playback.
• Playback is terminated automatically when all of the
recorded contents in the channel are played.
t Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the voice recorder
[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z] [F-3•PLAY]
■ Programming a memory name
Memory channels can be tagged with alphanumeric
names of up to 20 characters each.
Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols
(! # $ % & ¥ ? “ ‘ ` ^ + – ✱ / . , : ; = < > ( ) [ ] { } | _ ~ @)
and spaces can be used. (See the table below.)
q Record a message as described in page 7-6.
w During the voice mic. record screen indication, push
[F-5•NAME] to enter memory name edit condition.
[ABC]/[abc] [123]/[Symbol] [F-3•DEL] Keypad
• A cursor appears and blinks.
e Push [F-7•T1..T4] several times to select the desired
voice memory.
r Input the desired character by rotating the main dial
or by pushing the band key for number input.
• Push [ABC] or [abc] to toggle capital and small letters.
• Push [123] or [Symbol] to toggle numerals and symbols.
• Push [F-1•Ω] or [F-2•≈] for cursor movement.
• Push [F-3•DEL] to delete the selected character.
• Push [F-4•SPACE] to input a space.
• Pushing the transceiver’s keypad, [0]–[9], can also enter
[F-1•Ω] [F-2•≈] [F-4•SPACE] [F-7•T1..T4]
t Push [EXIT/SET] to input and set the name.
• The cursor disappears.
y Repeat steps e to t to program another voice
memory’s name, if desired.
u Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the voice recorder
• Usable characters
• Voice memory name editing example
Key selection
Editable characters
A to Z (capital letters)
a to z (small letters)
0 to 9 (numbers)
<>()[]{}|_ @
■ Sending a recorded message
q Push [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.
w Select a phone mode by pushing [SSB] or [AM/FM].
e Push [F-2•VOICE] to call up the voice recorder
• If the receive voice memory channel appears, push
[F-7•T/R] to select TX memory channel (T1–T4).
r Push the desired memory channel switch, [F-1•T1]
to [F-4•T4], momentarily to transmit the contents.
[F-1•T1] [F-2•T2] [F-3•T3] [F-4•T4] [EXIT/SET] [F-7•T/R]
• The transceiver transmits automatically.
” indicator appears and the memory timer
counts down.
• The transmitting contents are sound from the speaker as
the default. This can be turned OFF in voice set mode.
(p. 7-9)
t Push the selected memory channel switch, [F-1•T1]
to [F-4•T4], again to stop, if desired.
• The transceiver returns to receive automatically when all
of the recorded contents in the channel are transmitted.
y Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the voice memory
✔ For your information
When an external keypad is connected to [EXT KEYPAD], the recorded message, T1–T4, can be transmitted without opening the voice recorder screen.
See page 2-6 for details.
D Transmit level setting
q Call up the voice recorder screen as described as
w Push [F-6•TX LEV.] to select the voice memory
transmit level set condition.
e Push the desired memory channel switch, [F-1•T1]
to [F-4•T4], momentarily to transmit the contents.
• The transceiver transmits automatically.
” indicator appears and the memory timer
counts down.
r Rotate the main dial to adjust the transmit voice
[F-6•TX LEV.] [EXIT/SET] Main dial
• Push [F-7•DEF] for 1 sec. to select the default condition.
t Push [EXIT/SET] to return to the voice recorder
■ Voice set mode
Sets the automatic monitor function, short play and
normal recording times for voice recorder.
q Push [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.
w Push [F-2•VOICE] to call up the voice recorder
e Push [EXIT/SET] to select voice recorder menu.
r Push [F-7•SET] to select voice set mode screen.
t Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired item.
y Rotate main dial to set the desired condition or
[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z] [F-4•DEF] [EXIT/SET] Main dial
• Push [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select the default condition
or value.
u Push [EXIT/SET] to exit the voice set mode screen.
Turn the automatic monitor function for recorded
audio contents transmission.
• ON
: Monitors transmitting audio automatically
when sending a recorded audio.
• OFF : Monitors transmitting audio only when the
monitor function is in use.
Set the desired time period for the one-touch playing
(when [PLAY] is pushed momentarily).
• 3 to 10 sec. in 1 sec. steps can be set.
(default: 5 sec.)
Set the desired time period for the for one-touch
recording (when [REC] is pushed momentarily).
• 5 to 15 sec. in 1 sec. steps can be set.
(default: 15 sec.)
■ Saving a voice memory into the CF memory card
D Saving the received audio memory
The recorded RX memory contents can be saved into
the CF (Compact Flash) memory card.
q During voice recorder RX memory screen indication, push [F-6•SAVE] to select voice file save
[F-6•SAVE] [F-7•WIDE]
• Previously selected screen, TX or RX memory, is displayed. If the TX memory channel (T1–T4) appears,
push [F-7•T/R] to select RX memory channel.
w Change the following conditions if desired.
• File name:
z Push [F-4•EDIT] to select file name edit condition.
Main dial
• Push [F-1• DIR/FILE] several times to select the
file name, if necessary.
• Voice recorder RX memory screen
x Push [ABC], [123] or [Symbol] to select the
character group, then rotate the main dial to
select the character.
• [ABC] : A to Z (capital letters); [123]: 0 to 9 (numerals); [Symbol]: ! # $ % & ‘ ` ^ + – = ( ) [ ] { } _ ~
@ can be selected.
• Push [F-1•Ω] to move the cursor left, push [F-2•≈]
to move the cursor right, push [F-3•DEL] to delete
a character and push [F-4•SPACE] to insert a
• Voice file save screen— file name edit
c Push [EXIT/SET] to set the file name.
• Saving location
z Push [F-1•DIR/FILE] to select tree view
x Select the desired directory or folder in the CF
memory card.
• While saving
• Push [F-4•Ω ≈] to select the upper directory.
• Push [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select folder in the
same directory.
• Push [F-4•Ω ≈] for 1 sec. to select a folder in the
• Push [F-5•REN/DEL] to rename the folder.
• Push [F-5•REN/DEL] for 1 sec. to delete the
• Push [F-6•MAKE] for 1 sec. to making a new
folder. (Edit the name with the same manner as
the “• File name” above.)
c Push [F-1•DIR/FILE] twice to select the file
e Push [F-6•SAVE].
• After the saving is completed, return to PSK decode
menu 2 automatically.
D Saving the TX memory
The TX memory contents can also be saved into the
CF (Compact Flash) memory card. However, the contents are saved with the memory channel list, set mode
conditions, etc. at the same time.
See page 12-23 for details.

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Metadata Date                   : 2004:02:16 17:12:41-05:00
Document ID                     : uuid:674bc2a7-132f-43b5-a249-20b7db26957e
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Title                           : IC-7800_Eng.pdf
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Author                          : danhuynh
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 6.0 (Windows)
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: AFJ259000

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