ICOM orporated 284400 Scanning Receiver User Manual IC R9500 manual

ICOM Incorporated Scanning Receiver IC R9500 manual


Users Manual 3

11-1SET MODE Section 11■Set mode description  ………………………………………………… 11-2DSet mode operation  ………………………………………………… 11-2DScreen arrangement  ……………………………………………… 11-3■Level set mode  ………………………………………………………… 11-4■ACC set mode  ………………………………………………………… 11-7■Display set mode  ……………………………………………………… 11-8■Others set mode ……………………………………………………… 11-10■CF card/USB-Memory set menu  …………………………………… 11-16DCF/USB-Memory set screen arrangement  …………………… 11-16DLoad option set mode  …………………………………………… 11-17■File saving  …………………………………………………………… 11-18■File loading  …………………………………………………………… 11-19■Changing the file name ……………………………………………… 11-20■File copying …………………………………………………………… 11-21■Deleting a file  ………………………………………………………… 11-22■Unmount an USB-Memory  ………………………………………… 11-22■Formatting the CF card or USB-Memory ………………………… 11-23■Display set (Video) mode  …………………………………………… 11-24■LCD set mode ………………………………………………………… 11-26
11-2■Set mode descriptionSet mode is used for programming infrequentlychanged values or conditions of functions. The IC-R9500 has a level set mode, display set mode, timerset mode, accessory set mode, others set mode andCF/USB-Memory set mode.DSet mode operationqPush [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.wPush [F-7•SET] to select set mode menu screen.• Pushing and holding [EXIT/SET] for 1 sec. also selectsset mode menu screen.ePush [F-1•LEVEL], [F-2•ACC], [F-3•DISP], [F-4•TIME], [F-5•OTHERS] or [F-7•CF/USB] toenter the desired set mode.rFor level, accessory, display and others set mode,push [F-7•WIDE] to toggle wide and normal screen.tPush [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired item,then rotate main dial to adjust/select the desiredvalue or condition.• Pushing [F-3•Ω≈] operation may be necessary forsome items.yPush [EXIT/SET] twice to exit set mode.[EXIT/SET] Main dial[F-1•LEVEL][F-2•ACC] [F-3•DISP][F-5•OTHERS][F-4•TIME][F-7•CF/USB]11 SET MODE
11-311SET MODEDScreen arrangement• Set mode menu screen (p. 11-2)• Level set mode (p. 11-4)• ACC set mode (p. 11-7)• Time set mode (p. 10-2)• Display set mode (p. 11-8)• Miscellaneous (Others) set mode (p. 11-10)• CF/USB-Memory set menu (p. 11-16)
11-411 SET MODE■Level set modeSets the bass level of the receive audio in FM modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)FM Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio in FM modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)FM Tone  (Treble)0Sets the bass level of the receive audio in WFM modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)WFM Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio in WFMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)WFM Tone  (Treble)0Sets the bass level of the receive audio in AM modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)AM Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio in AM modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)AM Tone  (Treble)0Sets the bass level of the receive audio in SSB modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)SSB  Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio in SSB modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)SSB  Tone  (Treble)0Sets the bass level of the receive audio in CW modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)CW Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio in CW modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)CW Tone  (Treble)0
11-511SET MODE■Level set mode (continued)Sets the bass level of the receive audio in FSK modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)FSK  Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio in FSK modefrom –5 to +5. (default: 0)FSK  Tone  (Treble)0Sets the de-emphasis circuit ON and OFF when the15 kHz width filter is used in FM mode. (default: ON) (FM  15k)ONSets the de-emphasis circuit ON and OFF when the7 kHz width filter is used in FM mode. (default: ON)(FM  7k)ONSets the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF whenthe 50 kHz width filter is used in FM mode. (default:OFF)AF  High  Cut  (FM  50k)OFFSets the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF whenthe 15 kHz width filter is used in FM mode. (default:ON)(FM  15k)ONSets the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF whenthe 7 kHz width filter is used in FM mode. (default:ON)(FM  7k)ONSets the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF in WFMmode. (default: OFF)(WFM)OFFDe-emphasis is the use of an amplitude-frequencycharacteristic complimentary to the one used for pre-emphasis prior to transmission.Sets the de-emphasis circuit ON and OFF when the50 kHz width filter is used in FM mode. (default: OFF) De-Emphasis  (FM  50k)OFF
11-611 SET MODETurns the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF in SSBmode. (default: ON)(SSB)ONTurns the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF in CWmode. (default: ON)(CW)ONTurns the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF in FSKmode. (default: ON)(FSK)ONTurns the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF in P25mode. (default: ON)(P25)ON■Level set mode (continued)Sets the voice synthesizer audio output level from 0 to100% in 1% steps. (default: 50%)Speech  Level50%Sets the key-touch beep output level from 0 to 100%in 1% steps. (default: 50%)Beep  Level50%Turns the key-touch beep output level limiting capa-bility from ON and OFF. (default: ON)Beep  Level  LimitONSets the ratio for audio output level from the head-phone to the internal speaker from 0.60 to 1.40 rangein 0.01 steps. (default: 1.00)Phones  Level  Ratio1.00Turns the AF high cut filter circuit ON and OFF in AMmode. (default: OFF)(AM)OFF
11-711SET MODE■ACC set mode Sets the speech audio output level from [SPEECHOUT] from 0 to 100% in 1% steps.• Outputs approx. 200 mV at 50% (default) setting.SPEECH  OUT  Level50%Sets the desired output level of [S/P DIF OUT], from 0to 100% in 1% steps. (default: 100%)S/PDIF  Output  Level100%Sets the output level for an external meter indicationfrom 0 to 100% range in 1% steps.• Approx. 2.5 V at 50% (default) setting for full-scale indica-tion. (4.7 kimpedance)External  Meter  Level50%External  Meter  Level50%Selects the receiver’s reference signal condition fromIN, OFF and OUT. • IN : Use an external reference signal for the IC-R9500.• OFF : No input or output of the reference signal. (default)• OUT : Outputs the IC-R9500 reference signal toexternally connected equipment(s) for theirreference.NOTE: If the applied reference signal is off-fre-quency, or no signal is applied with “IN” selection,the IC-R9500 will not work properly. Select “OFF”or “OUT” then reboot the IC-R9500.External  Meter  Level50%Reference  IN/OUTOFFAdjusts the internal reference frequency within 0 to100% in 1% steps during frequency calibration. NOTE: Default setting is different for each receiver.REF  Adjust40%Turns the control signal of external equipment outputcapability ON and OFF. (default: OFF) • OFF : No signal output from [REC REMOTE]jacks. (default)• ON : The [REC REMOTE] jacks shorts toground when receiving a signal or thesquelch is open.REC  Remote  (External)OFFSelects the squelch condition output for an externalmeter indication from pin 8 of [ACC]. • Signal : Outputs the receiving signal strengthlevel during receiving. (default)• Signal+SQL: Outputs the receiving signal strengthlevel during receiving and outputssquelch open/close condition.External  Meter  OutputSignal
Selects the desired display type from A and B. (default: A)Display  TypeA■Display set mode Selects the desired signal meter type from “S,” “dBµ,”“dBµ[EMF]” and “dBm.”(default: S)Signal  MeterSTurns the meter peak hold function ON or OFF. (default: ON)This function is used for the bar meter only.Meter  Peak  HoldONSets the memory name indication, during memorymode operation, ON and OFF. (default: ON) • ON : The programmed memory name is displayedabove the frequency indication.• OFF : No memory name is displayed even a mem-ory name is programmed.Memory  NameON11-811 SET MODESelects the pop-up indication of the APF filter widthON and OFF when the APF function is turned ON.(default: ON)APF-Width  Popup  (APF  OFF➞ON)ONSelects the pop-up indication of the received ID inP25 mode ON and OFF. (default: ON) • ON (Hex): The received ID code (hexadecimal indi-cation) is displayed when an ID code isreceived.• ON (Dec): The received ID code (decimal indication)is displayed when an ID code is received.(default)• OFF : No ID code is displayed when an ID codeis displayed.P25  RX  ID  PopupON  (Dec)Selects the pop-up indication of the notch filter widthON and OFF when the notch filter is turned ON. (default: ON)MN-Q  Popup  (MN  OFF➞ON)ONTurns the screen saver function ON (15, 30 or 60 min-utes) and OFF. (default: 60 min.) The screen saver will activate when no operation isperformed for the selected time period to protect theLCD from “burn-in.”Screen  Saver  Function60minNOTE: “Display set (Video) mode” is described on page 11-24.
11-911SET MODESets the introductory text, up to 10-character long,displayed in the opening screen.Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols(– / . @) and spaces can be used.zPush [F-5•EDIT] to select the name edit condition.• The cursor under the 1st character blinks.xPush [ABC], [abc], [123] or [Symbol] to select thecharacter group, then rotate the main dial to selectthe character.• Push [ABC] or [abc] to toggle capital and small letters.• Push [123] or [Symbol] to toggle numerals and sym-bols.• Push [F-1•Ω] or [F-2•≈] for cursor movement.• Push [F-3•DEL] to delete the selected character.• Push [F-4•SPACE] to input a space.• Using the receiver’s keypad, [0]–[9], can also enter nu-merals.cPush [EXIT/SET] to set the name.Opening  CommentSelect “ON” when the external display is connected. (default: OFF)• At least 800×600 pixel resolution is required for the dis-play.External  DisplayOFFSelects the suitable pulse level for the connected ex-ternal display from H and L. (default: H)External  Display  Sync  PulseHTurns the opening message screen indication capa-bility ON and OFF. (default: ON)Opening  MessageON■Display set mode (continued)
11-1011 SET MODE■Others set mode This item is used for a simple frequency check of thereceiver. (default: OFF)See p. 12-5 for calibration procedure.NOTE: Turn the calibration marker OFF afterchecking the frequency of the receiver.Calibration  MarkerOFFA beep sounds each time a switch is pushed to con-firm it. This function can be turned OFF for silent op-eration. (default: ON)The beep output level can be set in level set mode.(p. 11-6)Beep  (Confirmation)ONSets the desired key-touch beep sound frequencyfrom 500 to 2000 Hz in 10 Hz steps. (default:1000 Hz)Beep  Sound1000HzSelects the Panel lock function activity from “ALL” and“KEY.” (default: ALL)[PANEL  LOCK]  SWITCHALLSelects the speech language from English and Japan-ese. (default: English)SPEECH  LanguageEnglishSelects the speech speed from HIGH (faster) andLOW (slower). (default: HIGH)SPEECH  SpeedHighThe IC-R9500 speech processor has frequency,mode and signal level announcement. Signal level an-nouncement can be deactivated if desired.(default: ON)When “OFF” is selected, the signal level is not an-nounced.SPEECH  S-LevelON
11-1111SET MODESelects the frequency speech capability when scanstops; ON or OFF.NOTE: Output jacks are selected depending on“SPEECH Mix” settings. See the combination of“REC SPEECH” and “SPEECH Mix” settings in thetable below.• ON : The frequency is announced through the[REC OUT]/[LINE OUT] or [SPEECH OUT]when scan stops.• OFF : No speech audio outputs when scan stops.REC  SPEECHOFFSelects the speech audio output from the [REC OUT]or [LINE OUT].NOTE: See the combination of “REC SPEECH”and “SPEECH Mix” settings below table.• All : Outputs the speech audio when speechoperation is performed from the frontpanel or depends on above “RECSPEECH” setting. (default)• Operation: Outputs the speech audio when speechoperation is performed from the frontpanel.• OFF : No speech audio outputs from [RECOUT] or [LINE OUT].SPEECH  MixAllSelects the operating mode speech capability when amode switch is pushed; ON or OFF. (default: OFF)When “ON” is selected, the selected operating modeis announced when a mode switch is pushed.SPEECH  [MODE]  SWITCHOFF■Others set mode (continued)Switch setting Speech operation from front panel Scan stopsRECSPEECHOFFONSPEECHMixAllOperationOFFAllOperationOFFInternalSpeaker✔✔–✔✔–[REC OUT] /[LINE OUT]✔✔–✔✔–[SPEECH OUT]✔✔✔✔✔✔InternalSpeaker–––✔✔–[REC OUT] /[LINE OUT]–––✔––[SPEECH OUT]–––✔✔✔• Combination of REC SPEECH and SPEECH Mix settings
11-1211 SET MODESets the dial click function for the main dial from Autoor Manual.  • Auto : Sets the dial click function automaticallywhen a tuning step is set higher than 5kHz or changing the set mode contents,etc. (default)• Manual : Sets the dial click function manually.NOTE: When “Manual” is selected, set the nextitem “MAIN DIAL CLICK” ON or OFF.MAIN  DIAL  Click  ModeAutoSets the dial click function ON or OFF. This item canbe set when the previous item “MAIN DIAL ClickMode” is set to “Manual.”NOTE: When the previous item is set to “Auto,” thisitem is fixed “Auto.” • Auto : Selection can not be changed, set the previ-ous item to “Manual” in advance. (default)• ON : The dial click function is ON, “CLICK” indica-tor appears on the display.• OFF : The dial click function is OFF.MAIN  DIAL  ClickAuto■Others set mode (continued)Sets the auto tuning step function for the main dial.When rotating the main dial rapidly, the tuning stepautomatically changes several times as selected. There are 2 type of auto tuning steps: HIGH (Fastest)and LOW (Faster). (default: HIGH)• HIGH : Auto tuning step is turned ON. Fastest tun-ing step during rapid rotation. (default)• LOW : Auto tuning step is turned ON. Faster tun-ing step during rapid rotation.• OFF : Auto tuning step is turned OFF.MAIN  DIAL  Auto  TSHighSelects the dial click function while setting the setmode items, etc. from ON and OFF. (default: ON) • ON : The main dial click function is ON.• OFF : The main dial click function is OFF.MAIN  DIAL  Click  (Set mode,  etc)ONSelects the main dial function while scanning fromOFF and Up/Down. (default: Up/Down) • OFF : The main dial stops scan.• Up/Down : The main dial changes scanning direc-tion Up or Down.MAIN  DIAL  Operation  (SCAN)Up/DownThe AFC function automatically compensates the tun-ing when a received frequency drifts or goes off fre-quency.This item sets the AFC limit function ON and OFF.• ON : AFC function stops to tune when frequencygoes off the limited frequency range even ifreceived frequency is off frequency. (default)• OFF : AFC function continues to tune until displayedfrequency changes to reflect the center of thesignal.AFC  LimitON
11-1311SET MODE■Others set mode (continued)Selects the displayed frequency shift function fromON and OFF. (default: OFF)When this function is activated, the received signalwill continue to be received even when the operatingmode is changed between SSB and CW. The frequency shifting value may differ accordingto the CW pitch setting.• ON : The displayed frequency shifts when the op-erating mode is changed between SSB andCW.• OFF : The displayed frequency does not shift.SSB/CW  Synchronous  TuningOFFSelects the side band used to receive CW in CW nor-mal mode. (default: LSB)CW  Normal  SideLSBSets audio filter shape for APF from SOFT andSHARP. (default : SOFT). • SOFT : Soft filter shape makes distinguishingnoise and signals easier. The audio filterwidth is related to the CW pitch setting.• SHARP : Sharp filter shape rejects interference sig-nals. The audio filter width is fixed.APF  TypeSOFT
11-1411 SET MODESets the CI-V data transfer rate. 300, 1200, 4800,9600, 19200 bps and “Auto” are available. (default:Auto)When “Auto” is selected, the baud rate is automati-cally set according to the data rate of connected con-troller.CI-V  Baud  RateAuto■Others set mode (continued)Transceive operation is possible with the IC-R9500connected to other Icom transceivers or receivers.When “ON” is selected, changing the frequency, op-erating mode, etc. on the IC-R9500 automaticallychanges those of connected transceivers (or re-ceivers) and vice versa.CI-V  TransceiveONSelect [RS-232C] connector output data format fromCI-V and Decode. • CI-V : Outputs data in CI-V format. (default)• Decode : Outputs decoded contents in ASCII codeformat.RS-232C  FunctionCI-VSelects data transmission speed (Baud rate) when“Decode” is selected in “RS-232C Function” above;settings are 300, 1200, 4800, 9600 and 19200 bps. (default: 9600)Decode  Baud  Rate9600To distinguish equipment, each CI-V transceiver or re-ceiver has its own Icom standard address in hexa-decimal code. The IC-R9500’s address is 72h.When 2 or more IC-R9500’s are connected to an op-tional CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER, rotate the main dialto select a different address for each IC-R9500; therange is 01h to 7Fh.CI-V  Address72hSelects the connected keyboard type from Japanese,English, United Kingdom, French, French (Canadian),German, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Span-ish, Spanish (Latin American) and Italian. (default: English)Keyboard  TypeEnglish
11-1511SET MODESets the time period for delay within 100 to1000 msec. in 50 msec. steps. (default: 250 msec.)When a key of the connected keyboard is pressedand held for the set period, the character is input con-tinuously.Keyboard  Repeat  Delay  250ms■Others set mode (continued)Sets subnet mask for the IC-R9500 when connectingto your PC or LAN (Local Area Network) through theEthernet connector.Turn the receiver power OFF then ON to make thesetting effective. See p. 15-7 for details.Subnet  Mask  (Valid  after  Reboot)255.255.255.    0  (24bit)Sets the repeating rate for the connected keyboardwithin 2.0 to 30.0 cps in 0.1 cps steps. (default: 10.9 cps) *cps=character per secondWhen a key of the connected keyboard is pressedand held, the character is repeatedly input with the setspeed.Keyboard  Repeat  Rate10.9cpsSets IP address for the IC-R9500 when connecting toyour PC or LAN (Local Area Network) through theEthernet connector.Turn the receiver power OFF then ON to make thesetting effective. See p. 15-7 for details.IP  Address  (Valid  after  Reboot)192.168.    0.    1
11-1611 SET MODE■CF card/USB-Memory set menuDCF/USB-Memory set screen arrangementIC-R9500IC-R9500• CF/USB-Memory set menu• Setting load screen (p. 11-19)• Load option set mode (p. 11-17)• Copy files (p. 11-21)• Format menu (p. 11-23)• Setting save screen (p. 11-18) • Unmount USB-Memory (p. 11-22)• Firmware update (p. 15-4)
11-1711SET MODEDLoad option set modeSelects file loading condition from All and Select.(default: Select) • All : Loads and sets the all following contents. • Select : Loads and sets the selected contents only.LOAD  ContentsSelectSelects the reference signal setting loading conditionYES and NO. (default: NO). • YES : Loads and sets the reference signal setting.• NO : Use the original reference signal setting.REF  IN/OUT,  REF  AdjustNOSelects the IP address and subnet mask setting load-ing condition YES and NO. (default: NO). • YES : Loads and sets the IP address and subnetmask setting.• NO : Use the original IP address and subnetmask setting.IP  Address,  Subnet  MaskNOSelects the CI-V address setting loading conditionYES and NO. (default: NO). • YES : Loads and sets the CI-V address setting.• NO : Use the original CI-V address setting.CI-V  AddressNOSelects memory channel contents and other settingsloading condition YES and NO. (default: YES). • YES : Loads and sets memory channel contentsand other settings.• NO : Use the original memory channel contentsand other settings.Other  Memory  &  SettingsYESSelects the voice RX memory loading condition YESand NO. (default: NO). • YES : Loads and sets the voice RX memory.• NO : Use the original the voice RX memory.Voice  RX  MemoryNO
11-1811 SET MODE■File savingMemory channel contents, set mode settings, etc. canbe saved into the CF (Compact Flash) memory card orUSB-memory for backup.qDuring set mode menu screen indication, push [F-7•CF/USB] to select CF/USB-Memory set menuscreen.wPush [F-2•SAVE] to select setting save screen.eChange the following conditions if desired.• File name:zPush [F-4•EDIT] to select file name edit con-dition.• Push [F-1• DIR/FILE] several times to select thefile name, if necessary.xPush [ABC], [123] or [Symbol] to select thecharacter group, then rotate the main dial toselect the character.• Push [123] or [Symbol] to toggle numerals andsymbols.• [ABC] : A to Z (capital letters); [123]: 0 to 9 (nu-merals); [Symbol]: ! # $ % & ‘ ` ^ + – = ( ) [ ] { } _ ~@ can be selected.• Push [F-1•Ω] to move the cursor left, push [F-2•≈]to move the cursor right, push [F-3•DEL] to deletea character and push [F-4•SPACE] to insert aspace.cPush [EXIT/SET] to set the file name.• Saving locationzPush [F-1•DIR/FILE] to select tree viewscreen.• Push and hold [F-1•DIR/FILE] for 1 sec. once ortwice to select the CF card or USB-Memory, whenUSB memory is Inserted.xSelect the desired directory or folder in the CFmemory card.• Push [F-4•Ω≈] to select the upper directory.• Push [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select folder in thesame directory.• Push and hold [F-4•Ω≈] for 1 sec. to select afolder in the directory.• Push [F-5•REN/DEL] to rename the folder.• Push and hold [F-5•REN/DEL] for 1 sec. to deletethe folder.• Push and hold [F-6•MAKE] for 1 sec. to making anew folder. (Edit the name with the same manneras the “• File name” above.)cPush [F-1•DIR/FILE] twice to select the filename.rPush [F-6•SAVE].• Confirmation screen appears.tPush [F-6•OK] to save.• After saving is completed, return to CF/USB-Memory setmenu automatically.[F-1•DIR/FILE][F-4•EDIT][F-6•SAVE]/[F-6•OK][F-7•WIDE]/[F-7•CANCEL][EXIT/SET] Main dial
11-1911SET MODE■File loadingBy loading the saved setting file from the CF memorycard or USB-Memory, you can easily set up anotherIC-R9500—several operators settings can easily beapplied to one IC-R9500.qDuring set mode menu screen indication, push [F-7•CF/USB] to select CF/USB-Memory set menuscreen.wPush [F-1•LOAD] to select setting load screen.ePush [F-5•OPTION] to select load option set mode,then set the desired loading conditions, if desired.• See page 11-17 for details.rPush and hold [F-1•DIR/FILE] for 1 sec. once ortwice to select the CF card or USB-Memory, whenUSB memory is Inserted.tPush [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select the desired set-ting file.yPush [F-4•LOAD].• Confirmation screen appears.uPush [F-6•OK] to starts loading.• After the loading is completed, the message dialog, “Re-boot the IC-R9500,” appears.iTurn the receiver power OFF then ON to make thesetting effective.[F-1•DIR/FILE][F-5•OPTION][F-4•LOAD][F-6•SORT]/[F-6•OK][F-7•WIDE]/[F-7•CANCEL][F-3•Z][F-2•Y][EXIT/SET]
11-2011 SET MODE■Changing the file nameThe file name, saved in the CF memory card or USB-memory, can be re-named from the receiver as de-sired.qDuring setting save screen display, push [F-1•DIR/FILE] to select tree view screen.• Push and hold [F-1•DIR/FILE] for 1 sec. once or twiceto select the CF card or USB-Memory, when USB mem-ory is Inserted.• Push [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select the desired folder.• “DECODE,” “SETTING” and “VOICE” folders are avail-able as the default.• After the folder is selected, push and hold [F-4•Ω≈] for1 sec. to display content folder(s), if available.wPush [F-1•DIR/FILE] to select file list screen.ePush [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select the desired file.rPush [F-5•REN/DEL] momentarily to select the filename edit condition.tPush [ABC], [123] or [Symbol] to select the charac-ter group, then rotate the main dial to select thecharacter.• Push [123] or [Symbol] to toggle numerals and symbols.• [ABC] : A to Z (capital letters); [123]: 0 to 9 (numerals);[Symbol]: ! # $ % & ‘ ` ^ + – = ( ) [ ] { } _ ~ @ can be se-lected.• Push [F-1•Ω] to move the cursor left, push [F-2•≈] tomove the cursor right, push [F-3•DEL] to delete a char-acter and push [F-4•SPACE] to insert a space.• Using the receiver’s keypad, [0]–[9], can also enter nu-merals.yPush [EXIT/SET] to set the file name.[F-1•DIR/FILE][F-5•REN/DEL][F-4•Ω≈][F-7•WIDE][F-3•Z][F-2•Y][EXIT/SET]
11-2111SET MODE■File copyingMemory channel contents, set mode settings, etc. inCF card or USB-Memory can be copied betweenmemory devices for backup.qDuring set mode menu screen indication, push [F-7•CF/USB] to select CF/USB-Memory set menuscreen.wPush [F-3•COPY] to select file copy screen.• Select the original file(Example Copying CF card to USB-Memory)zPush [F-1•DIR/FILE] to select tree view screen.• Push and hold [F-1•DIR/FILE] for 1 sec. to select theCF card, if USB-Memory is selected.• Push [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select the desired folder.• After the folder is selected, push and hold [F-4•Ω≈]for 1 sec. to display content folder(s), if available.xPush [F-1•DIR/FILE] to select file list screen.cPush [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select the desired file.vPush [F-4•COPY] to select the file.• Saving location zPush and hold [F-1•DIR/FILE] for 1 sec. to selectthe USB-Memory.xSelect the desired directory or folder in the USB-Memory.• Push [F-4•Ω≈] to select the upper directory.• Push [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select folder in the samedirectory.• Push and hold [F-4•Ω≈] for 1 sec. to select a folderin the directory.• Push [F-5•REN/DEL] to rename the folder.• Push and hold [F-5•REN/DEL] for 1 sec. to delete thefolder.• Push [F-6•MAKE] for 1 sec. to making a new foldercPush [F-1•DIR/FILE] twice to select the filename.ePush [F-6•SAVE].• After saving is completed, return to CF/USB-Memory setmenu automatically.[F-1•DIR/FILE][F-4•EDIT][F-6•SAVE][F-7•WIDE][EXIT/SET] Main dial[F-4•COPY]
11-2211 SET MODE■Deleting a file RECOMMENDATION! Deleting the setting file is ir-reversible. Confirm the contents before deleting asetting file!qDuring setting save screen display, push [F-1•DIR/FILE] to select tree view screen.• Push [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select the desired folder.• “DECODE,” “SETTING” and “VOICE” folders are avail-able as the default.• After the folder is selected, push and hold [F-2•Ω≈] for1 sec. to display content folder(s), if available.wPush [F-1•DIR/FILE] to select file list screen.ePush [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select the desired file tobe deleted.rPush and hold [F-5•REN/DEL] for 1 sec. • Confirmation screen appears.tPush [F-6•OK] to delete.• After the deleting, return to setting save screen auto-matically.■Unmount an USB-MemoryCAUTION! When removing the USB-Memory, un-mount operation is necessary. Unless otherwise in-side data of USB-Memory may be dameged.qPush and hold [F-6•UNMOUNT] for 1 sec.• Confirmation screen appears.wPush [F-6•OK] to unmount the USB-Memory.eAfter “ ” indication disappers, remove the USB-Memory.USB
11-2311SET MODE■Formatting the CF card or USB-MemorySaved data in the CF card or USB-Memory can beerased.IMPORTANT! Formatting erases all saved data inthe CF card/USB-Memory. Backing up your memorydevice on your PC is recommended.qDuring CF/USB-Memory set menu display, pushand hold [F-4•FORMAT] for 1 sec.• Selection screen appears.wPush [F-6•CF] or [F-7•USB] to select CF card orUSB-Memory, respectively.ePush [F-6•FAT] or [F-7•FAT32] to select the formattype, FAT or FAT32, respectively.• Confirmation screen appears.rPush [F-6•OK] to format.• Push [F-7•CANCEL] to cancel.tReturns to CF card set menu indication automati-cally.NOTE: If no USB-Memory is inserted and [F-7•USB]is selected as in step w, an error message appears.
11-2411 SET MODE■Display set (Video) modeThis set mode is used to set the HSB (Hue,Saturation, Brightness) color setting for video input oroutput, etc.NOTE: “Display set mode” is described on page 11-8.qPush [DISPLAY] momentarily to turn the mini TVscreen, if necessary.wPush and hold [DISPLAY] for 1 sec. to select thedisplay set (Video) mode.ePush [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired setitem.rSet the desired condition using the main dial.• Push and hold [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select a defaultcondition or value.tPush [EXIT/SET] to exit from set mode.NOTE: Video output from [DATA IN] is available anNTSC system only.[EXIT/SET][DISPLAY] Main dial[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z][F-4•DEF]Adjusts the saturation (vibrancy of the color) of thevideo signal from [VIDEO IN] jack. Adjustable rangeis 0 (shade of gray) to 100% (vivid color) in 1% steps.(default: 50%)Adjusts the hue (color type) of the video signal from[VIDEO IN] jack. Adjustable range is 0 (red) to 100(green) in 1 steps. (default: 50)NOTE: This setting is available when NTSC sys-tem signal is input from [VIDEO IN] connector.VIDEO  IN  Saturation50%VIDEO  IN  Hue  (NTSC)50%Adjusts the LCD contrast of the video signal from[VIDEO IN] jack. Adjustable range is 0 (low contrast)to 100% (high contrast) in 1% steps. (default: 50%)VIDEO  IN  Contrast50%Adjusts the LCD brightness of the video signal from[VIDEO IN] jack. Adjustable range is 0 (dark) to 100%(bright) in 1% steps. (default: 50%)VIDEO  IN  Bright50%Selects the TV system of your local area from “NTSCM,” “PAL B/G,” “PAL I,” “PAL D” and “SECAM K.” NOTE: Default setting is different depending onversions.TV  StandardNTSC M
11-2511SET MODETrims the frame of the video signal from [VIDEO IN]jack. (default: ON) OFF : Displays the entire area of video signal.ON : Cuts the frame area (each 4% width of upper,bottom, left and right areas) and expands therest of area.Selects the wide screen capability ON and OFF. NOTE: This setting is effective for the full screenonly.VIDEO  IN  TrimmingONVIDEO  IN  Wide  (Full)ON■Display set (Video) mode (continued)Selects the output video signal from pin 2 of [DATAIN] socket. (default: VIDEO IN) VIDEO IN : Outputs a video signal that is the same asthe input from [VIDEO IN] jack.LCD : Outputs a video signal that is the same asthe LCD.Adjusts the horizontal width of the output video signalfrom pin 2 of [DATA IN] socket. Adjustable range is 1(narrow) to 4 (wide) in 1 steps. (default: 1)VIDEO  (DATA  IN)  OutputVIDEO INVIDEO  Out  Horizontal  Size1Selects the setup level of the output video signal frompin 2 [DATA IN] socket. Selectable items are 0IRE(JPN NTSC) or 7.5IRE (USA NTSC).NOTE: Default setting is different depending onversions.Adjusts the saturation (vibrancy of the color) of theoutput video signal from pin 2 of [DATA IN] jack. Ad-justable range is 0 (shade of gray) to 100% (vividcolor) in 1% steps. (default: 80%)VIDEO  Out  Setup  Level7.5IREVIDEO  Out  Saturation80%Adjusts the hue (color type) of the output video signalfrom pin 2 of [DATA IN] jack. Adjustable range is 0(red) to 100 (green) in 1 steps. (default: 50)VIDEO  Out  Hue50%
11-2611 SET MODE■LCD set modeThis set mode is used to set the LCD contrast, bright-ness and other settings for 2 condition of the dimmerfunction ON and OFF.qPush [LCD SET] to select LCD set mode.wPush [DIMMER] once or twice to select the dimmerfunction ON or OFF.ePush [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select the desired setitem.rSet the desired condition using the main dial.• Push and hold [F-4•DEF] for 1 sec. to select a defaultcondition or value.• Push and hold [DIMMER] for 1 sec. to reset to a defaultcondition or value for all items at the same time.tPush [DIMMER] once to select the other dimmersetting, and repeat steps eand r.• Dimmer function OFF yPush [EXIT/SET] to exit from set mode.• Dimmer function ON[EXIT/SET][DIMMER] [LCD SET] Main dial[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z][F-4•DEF]Adjusts the brightness of LCD unit from 0 (dark) to100% (bright) range in 1% steps.  Default setting:Dimmer function OFF : 50%Dimmer function ON : 50%Adjusts the brightness of switch indicators from 1(dark) to 100 (bright) range in 1 steps.  Default setting:Dimmer function OFF : 50%Dimmer function ON : 25%LCD  Unit  Bright50%Backlight  (Switches)50%Adjusts the contrast of the LCD from 0 (low contrast)to 100% (high contrast) range in 1% steps.  Default setting:Dimmer function OFF : 75%Dimmer function ON : 25%Contrast  (LCD)75%Adjusts the brightness of the LCD from 0 (dark) to100% (bright) range in 1% steps.  Default setting:Dimmer function OFF : 100%Dimmer function ON : 25%Bright     (LCD)100%
12-1MAINTENANCE Section 12■Troubleshooting ……………………………………………………… 12-2DReceiver power  …………………………………………………… 12-2DReceiving …………………………………………………………… 12-2DScanning …………………………………………………………… 12-3DDisplay ……………………………………………………………… 12-3DVoice recorder  ……………………………………………………… 12-3DFormat memory media  …………………………………………… 12-3■Screen type selection  ………………………………………………… 12-4■Main dial brake adjustment  ………………………………………… 12-4■Frequency calibration (approximate)  ……………………………… 12-5■Opening the receiver’s case  ………………………………………… 12-6■Opening the shield case  ……………………………………………… 12-6■UT-122 installation  …………………………………………………… 12-7■Clock backup battery replacement  ………………………………… 12-7■Fuse replacement  …………………………………………………… 12-8DAC power input fuse  ……………………………………………… 12-8DDC output fuse  ……………………………………………………… 12-8■Resetting the CPU  …………………………………………………… 12-9■Screen Saver Function  ……………………………………………… 12-9
■TroubleshootingThe following chart is designed to help you correctproblems which are not equipment malfunctions.If you are unable to locate the cause of a problem orsolve it through the use of this chart, contact you near-est Icom Dealer or Service Center.DReceiver powerDReceivingPROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.No sounds come out fromthe speaker.Sensitivity is too low, andonly strong signals areaudible.Received audio is unclearor distorted.The [ANT] switch does notfunction[AFC] cannot be turnedON.[AUTOTUNE](AFC) can-not be turned ON.[VSC] cannot be turnedON.[ANF] cannot be turnedON.[NOTCH1]/[NOTCH2]cannot be turned ON.The filter width cannot bechanged.A synthesized voice is notemitted when pushing[SPCH].• Volume level is too low.• The squelch is closed.• The RF gain is too decreases sensitivity.• The antenna is not connected properly.• The attenuator is activated.• A different antenna for HF band is selected.• Wrong operating mode is selected.• PBT function is activated.• Noise blanker is turned ON when receiving astrong signal.• Preamp is activated.• The noise reduction is activated and the [NR]control is too far clockwise.• The selected frequency is above 30 MHz.• The operating mode is not set in FM or WFMmode.• The operating mode is set in FM, WFM, FSKor P25 mode.• The operating mode is set in CW, FSK or P25mode.• The operating mode is not set in FM or WFMmode.• The operating mode is set in FM, WFM or P25mode.• The operating mode is set in WFM or P25mode.• “SPEECH Mix” in the others set mode is OFF.• Rotate [AF] clockwise to obtain a suitable lis-tening level.• Turn [SQL] to 10 o’clock position to open thesquelch.• Rotate [RF GAIN] clockwise to obtain anenough sensitivity.• Re-connect the antenna.• Push [ATT] several times to select “ATT OFF.”• Push [ANT] several times to select the correctantenna for the HF band.• Select a suitable operating mode.• Push [PBT CLR] for 1 sec. to reset the function.• Push [NB] to turn the noise blanker OFF.• Push [P.AMP] once or twice to turn the functionOFF.• Set the [NR] control for maximum readability.• Select a frequency below  30 MHz.• Select FM or WFM mode to activate AFC.• Select AM, SSB or CW mode to activate AUTO-TUNE.• Select FM, WFM, AM or SSB mode to activateVSC.• Select FM or WFM mode to activate ANF.• Select AM, SSB, CW and FSK mode to activateMN1/MN2.• Select FM, AM, SSB, CW and FSK mode.• Set “SPEECH Mix” to All or Operation in the setmode.p. 3-8p. 3-8p. 3-8—p. 5-9p. 9-3p. 3-7p. 5-11p. 5-15p. 5-9p. 5-16pgs. 3-4, 9-3pgs. 3-7, 5-17pgs. 3-7, 5-17pgs. 3-7, 8-3pgs. 3-7, 5-16pgs. 3-7, 5-16pgs. 3-7, 5-12p. 11-11PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.12-212 MAINTENANCEPower does not come onwhen the [POWER] switchis pushed.• Power cable is improperly connected.• The internal power supply is turned OFF.• The fuse is blown.• Re-connect the AC power cable correctly.• Turn the internal power supply ON.• Check for the cause, then replace the fuse.—p. 3-2p.12-8
DScanningDDisplayDVoice recorderDFormat memory media12-312MAINTENANCEPROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.Programmed scan doesnot stop.Scan does not start.(Programmed scan)(Memory scan)(Select memory scan)(Mode select memory scan)(∂F scan)(Auto memory write scan)• Squelch is open.•The same frequencies have been programmedin scan edge memory channels PxA and PxB.• 2 or more memory channels have not beenprogrammed.• 2 or more memory channels have not beendesignated as select channels.• 2 or more memory channels with desiredmode have not been programmed.• The center frequency for ∂F scan does notprogrammed.• Auto write bank is full.• Readjust the [SQL] threshold.• Program different frequencies in scan edgememory channel PxA and PxB.• Program more than 2 memory channels.• Designate more than 2 memory channels asselect channels for the scan.• Program more than 2 memory channels withdesired operating mode.• Program the center frequency for ∂F scan.• Clear the memory channels of auto write bank.pgs. 3-8, 8-3p. 8-6pgs. 7-4, 8-11p. 8-12pgs. 7-4, 8-14p. 8-8pgs. 7-7, 8-4PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.The displayed frequencydoes not change properly.The key operation on thefront panel does not func-tion.• The dial lock function is activated.• The panel lock function is activated.•Push [LOCK] to turn the function OFF.• Push [PANEL LOCK] to turn the function OFF.p. 9-2p. 9-2PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.The voice recorder cannotrecord.The voice recorder stopsrecording.• The selected memory media is full.• The recording memory media is full.• The recording file size is at maximum (2 GB).•Select a different memory media or clear theunnecessary files.•Select a different memory media or clear theunnecessary files.• Select a lower sound quality for long durationrecording.p. 6-4p. 6-4p. 6-6PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.Format error appearswhen formatting in FAT32Format error appearswhen formatting in FAT• The inserted memory media capacity is small-er than 64 MB.• The inserted memory media capacity is largerthan 2 GB.•Insert a memory media larger than 64 MB orselect the FAT format.•Insert a memory media smaller than 2 GB orselect the FAT32 format.p. 11-23p. 11-23
12-4■Screen type selection2 types of screen images are available in the IC-R9500.qPush [EXIT/SET] several times to close multifunc-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [F-7•SET] to select set mode menu screen.ePush [F-3•DISP] to enter the display set mode.rPush [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to select “Display Type”item.tRotate the main dial to select the desired screenimage.• Screen image is selectable from A and B.yPush [EXIT/SET] twice to exit from the display setmode.(Blue display)• Screen image example— type B(Black display)■Main dial brake adjustmentThe tension of the main dial may be adjusted to suityour preference.The brake adjustment is located on the bottom side ofthe front panel. See the figure at left.Slide the brake adjustment to a comfortable tensionlevel while turning the dial continuously and evenly inone direction.LightHeavy[MAIN DIAL]Brakeadjustment12 MAINTENANCE• Screen image example— type A (default)
12-5■Frequency calibration (approximate)A very accurate frequency counter is required to cali-brate the frequency of the receiver. However, a roughcheck may be performed by receiving radio stationWWV, WWVH, or other standard frequency signals.CAUTION: The IC-R9500 has been thoroughly ad-justed and tested at the factory before beingshipped. You should not have to re-calibrate it.qPush [SSB] to select USB mode.wPush and hold [PBT CLEAR] for 1 sec. to clear thePBT setting.eSet the frequency to the standard frequency stationminus 1 kHz.• When receiving WWV or WWVH (at 15.00000 MHz) asa standard frequency, set the operating frequency for14.99900 MHz.• Other standard frequencies can be used.rPush [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.tPush [F-7•SET] to select set mode menu screen.• Calibration marker item yPush [F-5•OTHERS] to enter the others set mode.uPush [F-1•Y] several times to select the “Calibra-tion Marker” item.iRotate the main dial clockwise to turn the calibra-tion marker ON.oPush [EXIT/SET] once to return to set mode menuscreen.!0 Push [F-2•ACC] to enter accessory set mode.!1 Push [F-2•Z] several times to select the “REF Ad-just” item.!2 Rotate the main dial to adjust for a zero beat withthe received standard signal as shown at left.• Zero beat means that two signals are exactly the samefrequency, resulting in a single tone being emitted.• REF Adjust item !3 Turn the calibration marker OFF in the others setmode.!4 Push [EXIT/SET] twice to exit set mode.[F-1•Y][F-2•ACC]/[F-2•Z]Main dial[EXIT/SET][F-4•DEF] [F-7•SET][F-5•OTHERS]12MAINTENANCE
12-6■Opening the receiver’s caseFollow the case opening procedures shown here whenyou want to install the optional unit UT-122, or replacethe clock battery or internal fuse.CAUTION!: DISCONNECT the AC power cablefrom the receiver before performing any work on thereceiver. Otherwise, there is danger of electric shockand/or equipment damage.CAUTION!: The receiver weighs approx. 20 kg(44 lb). Always have two people available to lift orturn over the receiver. qRemove the 6 screws from the rack mounting han-dles. And remove the rack mounting handles andside plates.wRemove the 10 screws from the rear of the receiverand remove the rear cover.eRemove the 8 screws from the top of the receiverand the 6 screws from the sides, then lift up the topcover.CAUTION: NEVER HOLD THE MAIN DIAL ORANY OTHER KNOBS when lifting the receiver.This may damage the receiver.■Opening the shield caseFollow the case opening procedures shown here whenyou want to replace the internal fuse or optional UT-122 installation.qRemove the 9 screws from the shield cover of thereceiver’s top side.wLift up the shield cover.qwe12 MAINTENANCE
12-712MAINTENANCE■UT-122 installationThe optional UT-122 DIGITAL UNIT provides P25 (digital)mode operation.WARNING: DISCONNECT the AC power cablefrom the AC outlet before removing the receiver’scover.qRemove the top cover and inside cover as shownat left page.wConnect the UT-122 as shown left.•Remove the protective paper from the UT-122 in ad-vance.eReturn the inside cover and top cover and screwsto the original position.■Clock backup battery replacementThe IC-R9500 has a lithium backup battery (CR2032)inside for clock and timer functions. The usual life ofthe backup battery is approximately 2 years.When the backup battery is drained, the receiver re-ceives normally but cannot retain the current time.WARNING: DISCONNECT the AC power cablefrom the AC outlet before removing the receiver’scover.qRemove the top cover as shown at left page.wReplace the clock backup battery, located on thefront panel as illustrated at left.• Make sure the battery polarity is correct.eReturn the top cover to the original position.rSet the date and time in time set mode. (p. 10-2)
12-812 MAINTENANCE■Fuse replacementIC-R9500 has two fuses for receiver protection.AC power input : 4 A (for 100/120 V AC versions)2 A (for 230/240 V AC versions)DC output jack : 1 AIf the fuse blows or the receiver stops functioning, findthe sources of the problem, if possible, and replace thedamaged fuse with a new fuse of the same rating.WARNING: DISCONNECT the AC power cablefrom the AC outlet before removing the receiver’scover. This can prevent shock to the user or dam-age to the receiver. DAC power input fuse The AC power input fuse is held in the [FUSE] holder.qUnscrew the [FUSE] holder using a standard screwdriver.wReplace the open fuse with a new, properly ratedone as shown at left.DDC output fuse When no external DC output is available from [EXTDC] and ACC connector, the internal fuse may beopen. Replace the fuse in this case.qRemove the top cover and shield case as shown atpage 12-6.wReplace the open fuse with a new, properly ratedone (FGB 1 A) as shown at left.eReplace the shield case and top cover.
12-912MAINTENANCE■Resetting the CPUqTurn the main power switch on the rear panel ON.• Make sure the receiver power is still OFF.wWhile pushing and holding [CE] and [M-CL], push[POWER] to turn power ON.• The internal CPU is reset.• The CPU start-up takes approx. 5 sec.• The receiver displays its initial VFO frequencies whenresetting is complete.eCorrect the set mode settings after resetting, if de-sired.NOTE: Resetting CLEARS all programmed con-tents in memory channels and returns programmedvalues in set mode to default values.■Screen saver functionThe IC-R9500 has a screen saver function to protectthe LCD from the “burn-in” effect.qPush [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.wPush [F-7•SET] to select set mode menu screen.ePush [F-3•DISP] to enter the display set mode.rPush [F-1•Y]/[F-2•Z] several times to select the“Screen Saver Function” item.tRotate main dial to select the desired time periodfor the screen saver activation from 15, 30, 60 min.and OFF.• Deactivate the screen saver with “OFF” selection.yPush [EXIT/SET] twice to exit the set mode.[F-1•Y] [F-2•Z]Main dial[EXIT/SET][F-4•DEF] [F-7•SET]/[F-7•WIDE][F-3•DISP][F-5•PREVIEW][CE] [M-CL][POWER]ALL CLEARiR9500
13-1CONTROL COMMAND Section 13■Remote interface (CI-V) information ………………………………… 13-2DCI-V connection example  ………………………………………… 13-2DData format  ………………………………………………………… 13-2DCommand table  …………………………………………………… 13-3DTo send/read memory contents  ………………………………… 13-10DCodes for memory name, bank name, opening message, and clock 2 name contents  ……………………………………… 13-10DOffset frequency setting  ………………………………………… 13-10DTone squelch frequency setting  ………………………………… 13-10DDTCS squelch code setting ……………………………………… 13-10DNAC squelch code setting  ……………………………………… 13-11DSelective squelch code settings  ………………………………… 13-11DColor setting   ……………………………………………………… 13-11DData mode with filter width setting  ……………………………… 13-11
13-2■Remote interface (CI-V) informationDCI-V connection exampleThe receiver can be connected through an optionalCT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER to a PC equipped with anRS-232C port. The Icom Communications Interface-V(CI-V) controls the receiver.Up to 4 Icom CI-V transceivers or receivers can beconnected to a PC equipped with an RS-232C port.See p. 11-14 for configuring the CI-V using set mode.DData format The CI-V system uses the following data formats.Data formats differ according to command numbers. Adata area or sub command is added for some com-mands.Controller to IC-R9500FE FE 72H E0 Cn Sc Data area FDPreamblecode (fixed)Receiver’sdefault addressController’sdefault addressCommand number(see the command table)Sub command number(see command table)BCD code data forfrequency or memorynumber entryEnd of messagecode (fixed)OK message to controllerFE FE E0 72H FB FDFE FE E0 72H FA FDPreamblecode (fixed)Controller’sdefault addressReceiver’sdefault addressOK code(fixed)End of messagecode (fixed)NG message to controllerNG code(fixed)IC-R9500 to controllerqwert y uFE FE E0 72H Cn Sc Data area FDqwert y uPersonalcomputermini-plug cable9–15 V DCIC-R950013 CONTROL COMMAND
13-3DCommand table13CONTROL COMMAND00 — Send frequency data01 Same as  Send mode datacommand 0602 — Read upper/lower frequencies forselected band03 — Read operating frequency04 — Read operating mode05 — Set operating frequency 06 00 Select LSB01 Select USB02 Select AM03 Select CW04 Select FSK05 Select FM07 Select CW-R08 Select FSK-R11 Select S-AM(D)14 Select S-AM(L)15 Select S-AM(U)16 Select P2507 — Select (Last selected) VFO mode08 — Select memory mode0–1219* Select memory channel*0–999, 1000–1099 (A00–A99),1100–1199 (S00–S99),1200–1219 (P0A–P9A)0–12* Select memory bank*0–9, 10 (Bank-A), 11 (Bank-S),12 (Bank-P)09 — Memory write0A — Memory to VFO0B — Memory clear0C — Read offset frequency (see p. 13-10 for details)0D — Set offset frequency (see p. 13-10 for details)0E 00 Scan stop01 Programmed scan (Prog 0)/memory scan start02 Programmed scan (Prog 0) start03 ∂F scan start04 Auto memory write scan start12 Fine programmed scan start13 Fine ∂F scan start22 Memory scan start23 Select memory scan start24 Mode select memory scan start42 Priority scan (Prio 0) startA0 Set ∂F scan Fixed frequency ON AA Set ∂F scan Fixed frequency OFFA1–A7 Set ∂F scan span (A1=±5 kHz;A2=±10 kHz; A3=±20 kHz;A4=±50 kHz; A5=±100 kHz; A6=±500 kHz; A7=±1 MHz)B0 Set as non-select channelB1 Set as select channel (1–9=★(SEL)1–9; when no datacommand is specified, the previous-ly set number or “★1” is selected)B2 Set the number for select memoryscan (0=ALL; 1–9=★(SEL)1–9D0 Set scan resume OFF0E D1 Set scan resume ON(Close Timer)D3 Set scan resume ON(Close and Delay)10 Turn duplex OFF. (Simplex)11 Turn duplex ON. (DUP–)12 Turn duplex ON. (DUP+)10 00 Select 1 Hz tuning step01 Select 10 Hz tuning step02 Select 100 Hz tuning step03 Select 1 kHz tuning step04 Select 2.5 kHz tuning step05 Select 5 kHz tuning step06 Select 6.25 kHz tuning step07 Select 9 kHz tuning step08 Select 10 kHz tuning step09 Select 12.5 kHz tuning step10 Select 20 kHz tuning step11 Select 25 kHz tuning step12 Select 100 kHz tuning step13 Select 1 MHz tuning step14 Select Prog tuning step11 — Select/read attenuator (00=OFF;06=6 dB; 10=10 dB; 12=12 dB;18=18 dB; 20=20 dB; 24=24 dB;30=30 dB)12 00 Select/read the antenna below 01 30 MHz. (00=HF ANT1,02 01=HF ANT2, 02=HF ANT3) 13 00 Announce with voice synthesizer01 (00=all data; 01=frequency and 02 S-meter level; 02=receive mode)14 01 + Level data [AF] level setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)02 + Level data [RF] level setting (0=max. CCW to 255=11 o’clock)03 + Level data [SQL] level setting (0=11 o’clock to 255=max. CW)06 + Level data [NR] level setting (0=min. to 255=max.)07 + Level data Left [TWIN PBT] setting or IF shiftsetting (0=max. CCW, 128=center,255=max. CW)08 + Level data Right [TWIN PBT] setting (0=max. CCW, 128=center,255=max. CW)09 + Level data [CW PITCH] setting (0=300 Hz, 128=600 Hz,255=900 Hz; 5 Hz steps)0D + Level data [NOTCH1] setting (0=low freq. to 255=high freq.)11 + Level data [AGC] control setting (0=max.CCW to 255=max. CW)12 + Level data [NB] control setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)18 + Level data [CONTRAST] setting (0=max.CCW to 255=max. CW)19 + Level data [BRIGHT] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)1A + Level data [NOTCH2] setting (0=low freq. to 255=high freq.)1B + Level data [BASS] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)1C + Level data [TREBLE] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
13-4DCommand table (continued)13 CONTROL COMMAND14 1D + Level data [SCAN SPEED] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)1E + Level data [SCAN DELAY] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)15 01 Read squelch status02 Read signal (S-meter) level03+Sign+M-type Read signal (dB meter) levelSign: 0/1=+/–, M-type 0/1/2=dBµ,dBµ[EMF], dBm04 Read center meter level16 02 Preamp (0=OFF; 1=preamp 1;2=preamp 2)12 AGC selection (0=OFF; 1=Fast;2=Mid; 3=Slow)22 Noise blanker (0=OFF, 1=NB1, 2=NB2)32 Audio peak filter (APF type isSHARP; 0=OFF, 1=320 Hz,2=160 Hz, 3=80 Hz), (APF type isSOFT; 0=OFF, 1=WIDE, 2=MID,3=NAR)40 Noise reduction (0=OFF; 1=ON)41 Auto notch (0=OFF; 1=ON)43 Tone squelch (0=OFF; 1=ON)48 Manual notch1 (0=OFF; 1=ON)4A AFC (0=OFF; 1=ON)4B DTCS squelch (0=OFF; 1=ON)4C VSC (0=OFF; 1=ON)4D Manual AGC (0=OFF; 1=ON)4F Twin peak filter (0=OFF; 1=ON)50 Dial lock (0=OFF; 1=ON)51 Manual notch2 (0=OFF; 1=ON)52 P25 Digital squelch (0=OFF; 1=NAC, 2=SEL)19 00 Read the receiver information1A 00 Send/read memory contents (seep. 13-10 for details)03 Send/read the selected filter width(AM: 0=200 Hz to 49=10 kHz;SSB, CW: 0=50 Hz to 40=3600 Hz;FSK: 0=50 Hz to 31=2700 Hz)04 Send/read the selected AGC timeconstant (AM: 0=OFF, 1=0.3 sec.to 13=8.0 sec., SSB, CW, FSK:0=OFF, 1=0.1 sec. to 13=6.0 sec.)050001 Send/read FM Tone (Bass) level(0=–15 to 30=+15)050002 Send/read FM Tone (Treble) level(0=–15 to 30=+15)050003 Send/read WFM Tone (Bass)level (0=–15 to 30=+15)050004 Send/read WFM Tone (Treble)level (0=–15 to 30=+15)050005 Send/read AM Tone (Bass) level(0=–15 to 30=+15)050006 Send/read AM Tone (Treble) level(0=–15 to 30=+15)050007 Send/read SSB Tone (Bass) level(0=–15 to 30=+15)050008 Send/read SSB Tone (Treble)level (0=–15 to 30=+15)050009 Send/read CW Tone (Bass) level(0=–15 to 30=+15)050010 Send/read CW Tone (Treble) level(0=–15 to 30=+15)1A 050011 Send/read FSK Tone (Bass) level(0=–15 to 30=+15)050012 Send/read FSK Tone (Treble)level (0=–15 to 30=+15)050013 Send/read De-emphasis (FM 50k)(0=OFF, 1=ON)050014 Send/read De-emphasis (FM 15k)(0=OFF, 1=ON)050015 Send/read De-emphasis (FM 7k)(0=OFF, 1=ON)050016 Send/read AF high-cut filter (FM50k) (0=OFF, 1=ON)050017 Send/read AF high-cut filter (FM15k) (0=OFF, 1=ON)050018 Send/read AF high-cut filter (FM7k) (0=OFF, 1=ON)050019 Send/read AF high-cut filter(WFM) (0=OFF, 1=ON)050020 Send/read AF high-cut filter (AM)(0=OFF, 1=ON)050021 Send/read AF high-cut filter (SSB)(0=OFF, 1=ON)050022 Send/read AF high-cut filter (CW)(0=OFF, 1=ON)050023 Send/read AF high-cut filter (FSK)(0=OFF, 1=ON)050024 Send/read AF high-cut filter (P25)(0=OFF, 1=ON)050025 Send/read speech level (0=0% to 255=100%)050026 Send/read beep gain (0=0% to 255=100%)050027 Send/read beep gain limit (0=OFF, 1=ON)050028 Send/read headphones outputratio (0=0.60 to 255=1.40)050029 Send/read SPEECH OUTPUTlevel (0=0% to 255=100%)050030 Send/read S/P DIF output level(0=0% to 255=100%)050031 Send/read REC REMOTE output(0=OFF, 1=ON)050032 Send/read external meter outputselection(0=Signal, 1=Signal+SQL)050033 Send/read external meter outputlevel(0=0% to 255=100%)050034 Send/read reference signal in/outsetting (0=IN, 1=OFF, 2=OUT)050035 Send/read reference signal fre-quency setting (0=0% to 255=100%)050036 Send/read screen image type(0=A, 1=B)050037 Send/read signal meter type (0=S,1=dBµ, 2=dBµ[EMF], 3=dBm050038 Send/read meter peak hold set (0=OFF, 1=ON)050039 Send/read memory name indica-tion setting (0=OFF, 1=ON)050040 Send/read audio peak filter widthpop-up indication setting (0=OFF, 1=ON)050041 Send/read manual notch widthpop-up indication setting(0=OFF, 1=ON)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
13-5DCommand table (continued)13CONTROL COMMAND1A 050042 Send/read P25 received ID pop-up indication setting(0=OFF, 1=ON(Dec), 2=ON(Hex))050043 Send/read screen saver set(0=OFF, 1=15 min., 2=30 min.,3=60 min.)050044 Send/read output signal setting forexternal display (0=OFF, 1=ON)050045 Send/read external display syn-chronous pulse level setting (0=L, 1=H)050046 Send/read opening message indi-cation (0=OFF, 1=ON)050047 Send/read opening message con-tents (see p. 13-10 for details)050048 Send/read date (20000101=1st Jan. 2000 to20991231=31st Dec. 2099)050049 Send/read time (0000=00:00 to 2359=23:59)050050 Send/read clock 2 function(0=OFF, 1=ON)050051 Send/read offset time for clock 2(240001=–24:00 to 240000=+24:00)050052 Send/read clock 2 name (Up to 3-character; see p. 13-10)050053 Send/read calibration marker(0=OFF, 1=ON)050054 Send/read confirmation beep(0=OFF, 1=ON)050055 Send/read beep audio frequency (50=500 Hz to 200=2000 Hz)050056 Send/read panel lock function set(0=ALL, 1=KEY)050057 Send/read speech language(0=English, 1=Japanese)050058 Send/read speech speed (0=Slow, 1=Fast)050059 Send/read S-level speech(0=OFF, 1=ON)050060 Send/read speech with a modeswitch operation (0=OFF, 1=ON)050061 Send/read REC Speech set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050062 Send/read Speech Mix functionset (0=OFF, 1=Operation, 2=All)050063 Send/read main dial auto TS(0=OFF, 1=Low, 2=High)050064 Send/read main dial click functionmode set (0=Manual, 1=Auto)050065 Send/read main dial click functionset(When above is Manual; 0=OFF,1=ON or Auto; 0=OFF, 1=Auto)050066 Send/read main dial click (setmode, etc) function (0=OFF, 1=ON)050067 Send/read main dial operationduring scan (0=OFF, 1=Up/Down)050068 Send/read AFC limit set (0=OFF, 1=ON)050069 Send/read SSB/CW synchronoustuning function (0=OFF, 1=ON)050070 Send/read CW normal side set(0=LSB, 1=USB)050071 Send/read APF type (0=SHARP, 1=SOFT)1A 050072 Send/read CI-V transceive set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050073 Send/read RS-232C function(0=CI-V, 1=Decode)050074 Send/read RS-232C decodespeed (0=300, 1=1200, 2=4800,3=9600, 4=19200)050075 Send/read keyboard type (00=English, 01=Japanese,02=United Kingdom, 03=French,04=French (Canadian),05=German, 06=Portuguese,07=Portuguese (Brazilian),08=Spanish, 09=Spanish (LatinAmerican), 10=Italian)050076 Send/read keyboard repeat delay(10=100 msec. to 100=1000 msec.)050077 Send/read keyboard repeat speed(0=2.0 cps to 31=30.0 cps)050078 Send/read IP address set (0000000000000001= to0255025502550255= Send/read subnet mask (1= to30= Send/read TV type (0=NTSC M, 1=PAL B/G, 2=PAL I,3=PAL D, 4=SECAM K)050081 Send/read the LCD contrast of thevideo signal from [VIDEO IN](0=0% to 255=100%)050082 Send/read the LCD brightness ofthe video signal from [VIDEO IN](0=0% to 255=100%)050083 Send/read the saturation of thevideo signal from [VIDEO IN](0=0% to 255=100%)050084 Send/read the hue of the videosignal from [VIDEO IN] (0=0% to 255=100%)050085 Send/read the frame trimming ofthe video signal from [VIDEO IN].(0=OFF, 1=ON)050086 Send/read the wide screen set.(0=OFF, 1=ON)050087 Send/read the output video signalfrom [DATA IN](0=VIDEO IN, 1=LCD)050088 Send/read the width of the outputvideo signal from [DATA IN](0=1 (narrow) to 3=4 (wide))050089 Send/read setup of the outputvideo signal from [DATA IN](0=0IRE (JPN NTSC), 1=7.5IRE(USA NTSC))050090 Send/read output saturation levelfrom [DATA IN](0=0% to 255=100%)050091 Send/read output hue level from[DATA IN]. (0=0% to 255=100%)050092 Send/read the LCD contrast withdimmer OFF condition(0=0% to 255=100%)050093 Send/read the LCD brightnesswith dimmer OFF condition(0=0% to 255=100%)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
13-6DCommand table (continued)13 CONTROL COMMAND1A 050094 Send/read the LCD unit brightnesswith dimmer OFF condition(0=0% to 255=100%)050095 Send/read the key backlight withdimmer OFF condition(0=0% to 255=100%)050096 Send/read the LCD contrast withdimmer ON condition(0=0% to 255=100%)050097 Send/read the LCD brightnesswith dimmer ON condition(0=0% to 255=100%)050098 Send/read the LCD unit brightnesswith dimmer ON condition(0=0% to 255=100%)050099 Send/read the key backlight withdimmer ON condition(0=0% to 255=100%)050100 Send/read scope max. hold(0=OFF, 1=ON)050101 Send/read scope center frequen-cy set (0=Filter center, 1=Carrierpoint center, 2=Carrier point cen-ter (Abs. Freq.))050102 Send/read waveform color forreceiving signal (see p. 13-11 for details)050103 Send/read waveform color formax. hold(see p. 13-11 for details)050104 Send/read marker color for receiv-ing signal(see p. 13-11 for details)050105 Send/read marker color for max.hold (see p. 13-11 for details)050106 Send/read scope peak excursion(0=0 dB to 80=80 dB)050107 Send/read scope peak threshold(0=–100 dB to 100=0 dB)050108 Send/read voice recorder’s shortplay time (3=3 sec. to 10=10 sec.)050109 Send/read voice recorder shortrecord time (5=5 sec. to 30=30 sec.)050110 Send/read voice recorder’srecording quality(0=SQ1 (8 kHz), 1=SQ2 (12 kHz),2=HQ1 (16 kHz) 3=HQ2(24 kHz)4=SHQ (48 kHz))050111 Send/read REC remote set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050112 Send/read SPEECH Mix set(0=OFF, 1=Operation, 2=All)050113 Send/read speech mix level(0=0% (Receive audio only) to255=100% (Speech audio only))050114 Send/read memory bank limit setfor memory channel selection(0=OFF, 1=ON)050115 Send/read memory bank limit setfor memory scan (0=OFF, 1=ON)050116 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-0) (see p. 13-10 for details)050117 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-1) (see p. 13-10 for details)1A 050118 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-2) (see p. 13-10 for details)050119 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-3) (see p. 13-10 for details)050120 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-4) (see p. 13-10 for details)050121 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-5) (see p. 13-10 for details)050122 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-6) (see p. 13-10 for details)050123 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-7) (see p. 13-10 for details)050124 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-8) (see p. 13-10 for details)050125 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-9) (see p. 13-10 for details)050126 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-A) (see p. 13-10 for details)050127 Send/read memory bank name(Bank-S) (see p. 13-10 for details)050128 Set/read FFT scope averaging setfor FSK decoder (0=OFF, 1=2, 2=3, 3=4)050129 Set/read FFT scope waveformcolor set for FSK decoder (see p. 13-11 for details)050130 Send/read FSK decode USOS(0=OFF, 1=ON)050131 Send/read FSK decode new linecode(0=CR,LF,CR+LF, 1=CR+LF)050132 Send/read clock selection for timestamp (0=Local time, 1=Clock 2)050133 Send/read frequency stamp(0=OFF, 1=ON)050134 Send/read FSK received text fontcolor (see p. 13-11 for details)050135 Send/read time stamp text fontcolor (see p. 13-11 for details)050136 Send/read skip scan set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050137 Send/read auto memory scanmemory clear set (0=OFF,1=[AUTO] Long Push, 2=ON)050138 Send/read auto scan screen setwhen scan start (0=OFF, 1=ON)050139 Send/read NB1 depth (0=1 to 9=10)050140 Send/read NB1 width (0=0 to 255=100)050141 Send/read NB2 depth (0=1 to 9=10)050142 Send/read NB2 width (0=0 to 255=100)050143 Send/read TS (1 Hz) as selectabletuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050144 Send/read TS (10 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050145 Send/read TS (100 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050146 Send/read TS (1 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
13-7DCommand table (continued)13CONTROL COMMAND1A 050147 Send/read TS (2.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050148 Send/read TS (5 Hz) as selectabletuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050149 Send/read TS (6.25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050150 Send/read TS (9 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050151 Send/read TS (10 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050152 Send/read TS (12.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050153 Send/read TS (20 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050154 Send/read TS (25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050155 Send/read TS (100 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050156 Send/read TS (1 MHz) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050157 Send/read TS (PROG) as selec-table tuning step for FM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050158 Send/read TS (1 Hz) as selectabletuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050159 Send/read TS (10 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050160 Send/read TS (100 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050161 Send/read TS (1 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050162 Send/read TS (2.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050163 Send/read TS (5 Hz) as selectabletuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050164 Send/read TS (6.25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050165 Send/read TS (9 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050166 Send/read TS (10 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050167 Send/read TS (12.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050168 Send/read TS (20 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)1A 050169 Send/read TS (25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050170 Send/read TS (100 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050171 Send/read TS (1 MHz) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050172 Send/read TS (PROG) as selec-table tuning step for WFM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050173 Send/read TS (1 Hz) as selectabletuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050174 Send/read TS (10 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050175 Send/read TS (100 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050176 Send/read TS (1 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050177 Send/read TS (2.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050178 Send/read TS (5 Hz) as selectabletuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050179 Send/read TS (6.25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050180 Send/read TS (9 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050181 Send/read TS (10 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050182 Send/read TS (12.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050183 Send/read TS (20 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050184 Send/read TS (25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050185 Send/read TS (100 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050186 Send/read TS (1 MHz) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050187 Send/read TS (PROG) as selec-table tuning step for AM(0=OFF, 1=ON)050188 Send/read TS (1 Hz) as selectabletuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050189 Send/read TS (10 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050190 Send/read TS (100 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
DCommand table (continued)13-813 CONTROL COMMAND1A 050191 Send/read TS (1 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050192 Send/read TS (2.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050193 Send/read TS (5 Hz) as selectabletuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050194 Send/read TS (6.25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050195 Send/read TS (9 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050196 Send/read TS (10 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050197 Send/read TS (12.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050198 Send/read TS (20 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050199 Send/read TS (25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050200 Send/read TS (100 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050201 Send/read TS (1 MHz) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050202 Send/read TS (PROG) as selec-table tuning step for SSB(0=OFF, 1=ON)050203 Send/read TS (1 Hz) as selectabletuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050204 Send/read TS (10 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050205 Send/read TS (100 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050206 Send/read TS (1 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050207 Send/read TS (2.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050208 Send/read TS (5 Hz) as selectabletuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050209 Send/read TS (6.25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050210 Send/read TS (9 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050211 Send/read TS (10 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050212 Send/read TS (12.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)1A 050213 Send/read TS (20 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050214 Send/read TS (25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050215 Send/read TS (100 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050216 Send/read TS (1 MHz) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050217 Send/read TS (PROG) as selec-table tuning step for CW(0=OFF, 1=ON)050218 Send/read TS (1 Hz) as selectabletuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050219 Send/read TS (10 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050220 Send/read TS (100 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050221 Send/read TS (1 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050222 Send/read TS (2.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050223 Send/read TS (5 Hz) as selectabletuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050224 Send/read TS (6.25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050225 Send/read TS (9 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050226 Send/read TS (10 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050227 Send/read TS (12.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050228 Send/read TS (20 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050229 Send/read TS (25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050230 Send/read TS (100 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050231 Send/read TS (1 MHz) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050232 Send/read TS (PROG) as selec-table tuning step for FSK(0=OFF, 1=ON)050233 Send/read TS (1 Hz) as selectabletuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050234 Send/read TS (10 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
13-913CONTROL COMMANDDCommand table (continued)1A 050235 Send/read TS (100 Hz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050236 Send/read TS (1 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050237 Send/read TS (2.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050238 Send/read TS (5 Hz) as selectabletuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050239 Send/read TS (6.25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050240 Send/read TS (9 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050241 Send/read TS (10 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050242 Send/read TS (12.5 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050243 Send/read TS (20 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050244 Send/read TS (25 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050245 Send/read TS (100 kHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050246 Send/read TS (1 MHz) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050247 Send/read TS (PROG) as selec-table tuning step for P25(0=OFF, 1=ON)050248 Send/read CW pitch set(0=300 Hz to 120=900 Hz in 5 Hzsteps)050249 Send/read FSK RX frequency(0=Mark(Space), 1=Mark/SpaceCenter)050250 Send/read FSK tone frequency(0=1275 Hz, 1=1500 Hz,2=1615 Hz, 3=2125 Hz)050251 Send/read FSK shift width(0=170 Hz, 1=200 Hz, 2=425 Hz,3=800 Hz,4=850 Hz )08 Send/read DSP filter shape(0= sharp, 1= soft)09 Send/read roofing filter set(FM/AM/SSB/CW/FSK; 0=3 kHz,1=6 kHz, 2=15 kHz, 3=50 kHz,WFM; 4=240 kHz, P25; 2=15kHz)0A Send/read manual notch1 width(0=Wide, 1=Mid., 2=Nar.)0B Send/read manual notch2 width(0=Wide, 1=Mid., 2=Nar.)1B 01 Set/read TSQL tone frequency.(see p. 13-10 for details)02 Set/read DTCS squelch code(see p. 13-10 for details)03 Set/read NAC squelch code(see p. 13-11 for details)04 Set/read TGID for selectivesquelch (see p. 13-11 for details)05 Set/read UNIT ID for selectivesquelch (see p. 13-11 for details)1D 00 Send/read remote function set(0=OFF, 1=REMOTE1 (locks VRsonly), 2=REMOTE2 (locks VRs.Keys,and dials)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
13-1013 CONTROL COMMANDDTo send/read memory contentsWhen sending or reading memory contents, additionalcodes must be added to appoint the memory channelas follows.➥Additional code: 0000–1219• Memory channel code • Memory bank code DCodes for memory name, bank name,opening message and clock 2 namecontentsTo send or read the desired memory name settings,the character codes as follows are used. •Character’s code•Character’s code— Symbols DOffset frequency settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the offset frequency setting.DTone squelch frequency settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the tone frequency setting.DDTCS squelch code settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the DTCS code setting.DTCS Polarity†, ‡: 0. 1100 digit: 0–710 digit: 0–71 digit: 0–7Fixed digit: 0†Fixed digit: 0q†00X X XweX†Not necessary when normal is set.‡0=Normal, 1=Reverse100Hz digit: 0–210 Hz digit: 0–91 Hz digit: 0–90.1 Hz digit: 0–9Fixed digit: 0*Fixed digit: 0*q*00XXXweX*Not necessary when setting a frequency.1 kHz digit: 0–9100 Hz digit: 0 (fixed)100 kHz digit: 0–910 kHz digit: 0–910 MHz digit: 0–91 MHz digit: 0–4q0XXXXXXwe r01 GHz digit: 0 (fixed)100 MHz digit: 0–4Character ASCII code Description0–9 30–39 NumeralsA–Z 41–5A Alphabetical charactersa–z 61–7A Alphabetical charactersspace 20 Word spaceCharacter ASCII code Character ASCII code!21#23$24%25&26¥5C?3F” 22’27`60^5E+2B–2D✱2A/2F.2E,2C:3A;3B=3D<3C>3E(28)29[5B]5D{7B}7D|7C_5F–7E @ 40Code Bank number Memory Cnannel0000–0999 Bank-0–Bank-9 0–9991000–1099 Bank-A (Auto) A00–A991100–1199 Bank-S (Skip) S00–S991200–1219 Bank-P (Scan edge) P0A–P9BCode Bank number00–09 Bank-0–Bank-910 Bank-A (Auto)11 Bank-S (Slip)12 Bank-P (Scan edge)
13-1113CONTROL COMMANDDNAC squelch code settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the NAC code setting.DSelective squelch code settings•TGID settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the TGID code setting.•UNIT ID settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the UNIT ID code setting.DColor setting The following data sequence is used when sending orreading the color setting.1000100101q0XXX0XXX0XXXwerty10001001011000100101R (Red) G (Green) B (Blue)Using 0000–0255 for each color element.2nd digit: 0–F3rd digit: 0–FFixed digit: 0Fixed digit: 0q0Selectable UNIT ID: 0 0 0 0 0 1 – 9 8 9 6 7 F0X X XwertyFixed digit: 001st  digit: 0–F4th digit: 0–FXFixed digit: 00X0X05th digit: 0–FFixed digit: 06th digit: 0–FFixed digit: 02nd digit: 0–F3rd digit: 0–FFixed digit: 0Fixed digit: 0q00X X XwerFixed digit: 0Selectable TGID: 0 0 0 0 – F F F F01st  digit: 0–F4th digit: 0–FXFixed digit: 002nd digit: 0–F3rd digit: 0–FFixed digit: 0Fixed digit: 0q00X X XweFixed digit: 001st digit: 0–FSelectable NAC: 0 0 0 – F F F
14-1SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS Section 14■Specifications ………………………………………………………… 14-2DGeneral ……………………………………………………………… 14-2DReceiver …………………………………………………………… 14-3■Options ………………………………………………………………… 14-4
14-2■SpecificationsDGeneral• Frequency coverage (unit: MHz) :USA 0.005000–821.999999, 851.000000–866.999999896.000000–3335.000000France 0.050000–29.999999, 50.200000–51.200000,87.500000–108.000000, 144.000000–146.000000,430.000000–440.000000, 1240.000000–1300.000000Europe, U.K., Canada, EXP, Australia 0.005000–3335.000000• Operating mode : USB, LSB, CW, FSK, AM, FM, WFM, P25• Number of memory channels : 1220 (1000 regular channels, 100 auto memory writechannels, 100 skip channels, 20 scan edge channels)• Antenna connector : Type-N×2 (antenna impedance: 50 ),SO-239×1 (antenna impedance: 50 ),Phono (RCA)×1 (antenna impedance: 500 )• Operating temperature range : 0˚C to +50˚C; +32˚F to +122˚F• Frequency stability : Less than ±0.05 ppm (approx. 5 min. after from turn themain power, [I/O], ON, 0–50˚C; 32–122˚F)• Frequency resolution : 1Hz• Power supply requirement : 100 V, 120 V, 230 V, 240 V AC• Power consumption :Receive Stand-by Less than 100 VAMax. audio Less than 100 VA• Dimensions (projections not included) :424×149×340 mm; 1611⁄16×57⁄8×133⁄8in• Weight : Approx. 20 kg; 44 lb• ACC connector : 8-pin DIN connector• DATA IN connector : 8-pin DIN connector• Display*:7-inch (diagonal) TFT color LCD (800×480)• EXT-DISPLAY connector : D-sub 15S • RS-232C connector : D-sub 9-pin• VIDEO IN connector : Phono (RCA)• VIDEO OUT connector : Phono (RCA)• SPEECH OUT connector : Phono (RCA)• LINE OUT connector : Phono (RCA)• USB connector : USB (Universal Serial Bus)1.1/2.0• CI-V connector : 2-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)• ANT-SEL connector : 3-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)• DET OUT connector : 3-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)• EXT-SP connectors : 2-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)/8 • REC REMOTE connector : 3-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)×2(Front and rear panels)• REC OUT connector : 3-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)• PHONES connector : 3-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)14 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONSAll stated specifications are typical and subject to change without notice or obligation.
14-3DReceiver•Sensitivity :SSB, CW, FSK (BW (SSB, FSK)=2.4 kHz, (CW)=500 Hz, 10 dB S/N)0.100–1.799 MHz 0.5 µV (pre-amp 1 ON)1.800–29.999 MHz 0.2 µV (pre-amp 1 ON)30.000–2999.999 MHz 0.32 µV (pre-amp ON)3000.000–3335.000 MHz 1 µV (pre-amp ON)AM (BW=6 kHz, 10 dB S/N)0.100–1.799 MHz 6.3 µV (pre-amp 1 ON)1.800–29.999 MHz 2.5 µV (pre-amp 1 ON)30.000–2999.999 MHz 3.5 µV (pre-amp ON)3000.000–3335.000 MHz 11 µV (pre-amp ON)FM (BW=15 kHz, 12 dB SINAD)28.000–29.990 MHz 0.5 µV (pre-amp 1 ON)30.000–2999.999 MHz 0.5 µV (pre-amp ON)3000.000–3335.000 MHz 1.6 µV (pre-amp ON)FM50k (BW=50 kHz, 12 dB SINAD)28.000–29.990 MHz 0.71 µV (pre-amp 1 ON)30.000–2999.999 MHz 0.71 µV (pre-amp ON)3000.000–3335.000 MHz 2.2 µV (pre-amp ON)WFM (BW=180 kHz, 12 dB SINAD)30.000–2999.999 MHz 1.4 µV (pre-amp ON)3000.000–3335.000 MHz 4.5 µV (pre-amp ON)• Internal modulation distortion (typical) :Dynamic range 109 dB (at 14.100 MHz, 100 kHz separation, Pre-amp 1 OFF)• Selectivity :SSB, FSK (BW=2.4 kHz) More than 2.4 kHz/–3 dBLess than 3.6 kHz/–60 dBCW (BW=500 Hz) More than 500 Hz/–3 dBLess than 700 Hz/–60 dBAM (BW=6 kHz) More than 6.0 kHz/–3 dBLess than 15.0 kHz/–60 dBFM (BW=15 kHz) More than 12.0 kHz/–6 dBLess than 25.0 kHz/–60 dBWFM More than 180.0 kHz/–6 dB• Spurious and image rejection response ratio :0.1.000–30.000 MHz More than 70 dB30.000–2500.000 MHz More than 50 dB2500.000–3000.000 MHz More than 40 dB• Audio output power : More than 2.6 W at 10% distortion with an 8 load14SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS*The LCD display may have cosmetic imperfections that appear as small or dark spots. This is not a malfunctionor defect, but a normal characteristic of LCD displays.Spurious signals may be received near the following frequencies. These are made in the internal circuit and doesnot indicate a receiver malfunction.• 114.110 kHz, • 229.280 kHz, • 8.636 MHz, • 10.749 MHz, • 66.671 MHz, • 119.259 MHz,• 161.732 MHz, • 200.865 MHz, • 440.865 MHz, • 1226.749 MHz, • 1269.398 MHz, • 1317.398 MHz,• 1410.649 MHz, • 1439.999 MHz, • 1599.999 MHz, • 1645.449 MHz, • 1674.799 MHz, • 1810.773 MHz,• 1856.098 MHz, • 1875.665 MHz, • 2005.448 MHz, • 2154.798 MHz, • 2336.099 MHz, • 2394.798 MHz,• 2512.199 MHz, • 2799.999 MHz, • 2842.848 MHz, • 2933.500 MHz, • 2999.999 MHz, • 3199.999 MHz,• 3232.198 MHz, • 3261.548 MHzSpurious waveforms may be displayed on the spectrum scope screen regardless of the receiver’s condition.They are made in the scope circuit. This does not indicate a receiver malfunction.
14-4■Options•CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTERFor remote receivers control using a PC. You canchange frequencies, operating mode, memorychannels, etc. (software is not included)•SP-20 EXTERNAL SPEAKER4 audio filters; headphone jack; can connect to 2receivers.• Input impedance : 8 • Max. input power : 5 W14 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS
15-1UPDATING THE FIRMWARE Section 15■General ………………………………………………………………… 15-2■Caution ………………………………………………………………… 15-2■Preparation …………………………………………………………… 15-3DFirmware and firm utility  …………………………………………… 15-3DFile downloading  …………………………………………………… 15-3■Firmware update— USB-Memory  …………………………………… 15-4■Firmware update— PC  ……………………………………………… 15-6DConnections ………………………………………………………… 15-6DIP address setting  ………………………………………………… 15-7DUpdating from the PC  ……………………………………………… 15-8
15-2■GeneralThe IC-R9500’s firmware can be updated if desired.By updating the firmware, new function(s) can beadded and performance parameters improved.2 methods of firmware update are available; one usesthe USB-Memory, and the other uses a PC.You can choose either method according to your PCcapabilities.• When only one PC that is connected to the INTER-NET is available➥Refer to ■Preparation (p. 15-3) and ■Firmwareupdate—USB-Memory (p. 15-4)• When two or more PCs that are connected to the IN-TERNET are available and they are connected to aLAN (Local Area Network)➥Refer to ■Preparation (p. 15-3) and either■Firmware update— PC (p. 15-6) or■Firmware update—USB-Memory (p. 15-4)Ask your dealer or distributor about how to update thefirmware if you have no PC.■CautionRCAUTION!: NEVER turn the receiver power OFFwhile updating the firmware. You can turn the receiver power OFF only when the re-ceiver display shows that rebooting is required.If you turn the receiver power OFF, or if a power failureoccurs during updating, the receiver firmware will becorrupted and you will have to send the receiver backto the nearest Icom distributor for repair. This type ofrepair is out of warranty even if the warranty period isstill valid.Recommendation!Backing up the settings and/or memory contents to theCF card or USB-Memory before starting the firmwareupdate is recommended. Settings and/or memory contents will be lost or re-turned to default settings when the firmware update isperformed.At least one available USB (2.0 or 1.1) port isrequired to copy the downloaded firmware file.An Ethernet card/board (10 BASE-T/100 BASE TXcompatible) is required when updating the firmwarefrom the PC.The USB hub and Ethernet card/board are not sup-plied by Icom.Ask your PC dealer about a USB hub and anEthernet card/board for details.15 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
15-3■PreparationDFirmware and firm utility The latest firmware and the firm utility can be down-loaded from the Icom home page via the INTERNET.Access the following URL to download the firm utilityand the latest firmware.http://www.icom.co.jp/world/download/index.htmFor updating from the USB-MemoryWhen updating the firmware from the USB-Memory,copy the downloaded firmware data (e.g. 9500xxxx.dat)to the USB-Memory (in “IC-R9500” folder) using an avail-able USB port (USB hub may be required; purchased sep-arately from your PC dealer).DFile downloadingqAccess the following URL directly.http://www.icom.co.jp/world/download/index.htm• No link is available from the top page.wRead “Regarding this Download Service” carefully,then click [AGREE].eClick “IC-R9500” link then click the firmware file link.rClick [Save] in the displayed File Download dialog.tSelect the desired location to whichyou want tosave the firmware, then click [Save] in the displayedFile Download dialog.• File download starts.yAfter download is completed, extract the file.• The firmware and the firm utility are compressed in “zip”format, respectively.• When updating the receiver using with the USB-Mem-ory, copy the extracted firmware (e.g. 9500xxxx.dat) tothe USB-Memory IC-R9500 folder.• The USB-Memory must have been formatted by the IC-R9500 (p. 11-23).Select the savinglocationClick9500xxxx.datClickClickRead carefully15UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
15-4■Firmware update—USB-MemoryWhen updating the firmware with the CF card or USB-Memory, no IP address or subnet mask settings arenecessary. qCopy the downloaded firmware data into the USB-Memory (“IC-R9500” folder).• The USB-Memory must have been formatted by the IC-R9500.wInsert the USB-Memory into the USB connector.ePush [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.rPush [F-7•SET] to select set mode menu screen.tPush [F-7•CF/USB] to select CF/USB-Memory setmenu.yPush and hold [F-3•FIRM UP] for 1 sec.uRead the displayed precautions carefully.• Push [F-1•Y] or [F-2•Z] to scroll the text.• Push [F-7•CANCEL] to cancel firmware updating.iAfter you read and understand all of the precau-tions, push [F-6•OK].• [F-6•OK] appears only following the precautions.• Push [F-7•CANCEL] to cancel the firmware updating.oPush [F-2•Y] or [F-3•Z] to select the firmware file,then push [F-4•FIRM UP].• Push and hold [F-1•DIR/FILE] for 1 sec. to select theUSB-Memory, if CF card is selected.!0 Read the displayed precautions carefully.!1 If you agree, push [F-6•OK] for 1 sec. to start thefirmware update.• Push [F-7•CANCEL] to cancel firmware updating.!2 While loading the firmware from the CF memorycard, the dialog at left is displayed.[EXIT/SET][F-2•Z]/[F-2•Y][F-3•FIRM UP]/[F-3•Z] [F-6•OK][F-1•Y]/[F-1•DIR/FILE][F-7•SET]/[F-7•CF/USB]/[F-7•CANCEL][F-4•FIRM UP]15 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
15-5!3 After firmware loading is completed, the receiverstarts the update automatically and the dialog at leftis displayed.RWARNING!: NEVER turn the IC-R9500 powerOFF at this stage.The receiver firmware will be damaged.!4 When the dialog disappears, the precaution as atleft is displayed.!5 Read the precaution carefully, and then push [F-6•OK].• Return to CF/USB-Memory set menu.!6 Push [POWER] to turn the IC-R9500 power OFF,then ON again.!7 Depending on the status of the update process, ei-ther of dialogs at left will appears in sequence.RWARNING!: NEVER turn the IC-R9500 powerOFF at this stage.The receiver firmware will be corrupted.!8 After the dialog disappears, the firmware update iscompleted and the normal operation screen ap-pears.RX-DSP  UPDATING...Please  wait  for  20sec.WARNING!    NEVER  turn  power  OFF.Please  wait  for  45sec.WARNING!    NEVER  turn  power  OFF.15UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
15-6■Firmware update— PCDConnections Connect the IC-R9500 and the PC through a LAN(Local Area Network) as follows.=××××*Purchased separatelyto WAN/Internet networkEthernet cable*(Patch cable)to crossover port• IP address setting exampleHub/Router*IC-R9500 ( PC1( PC2( addressSubnet maskPC2192.168.100.12255.255.255.0IC-R9500192.168.100.13255.255.255.015 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
15-7DIP address settingIMPORTANT!: A fixed (static) IP address is used forthe IC-R9500.When you connect the IC-R9500 to a LAN, ask thenetwork manager about a usable/assignable IPaddress and the subnet mask in advance.NEVER use an IP address that has already beenallocated to another device in the network. If the IPaddress is duplicated, the network will crash.qPush [EXIT/SET] several times to close a multi-function screen, if necessary.wPush [F-7•SET] to select set mode menu screen.ePush [F-5•OTHERS] to select the others set mode.rPush [F-1•Y]/[F-2•Z] several times to select “IP Ad-dress.”tPush [F-3•Ω≈] to select the desired segment thenrotate main dial to set the desired or specified IP ad-dress.• “” is the default setting.yPush [F-2•Z] to select “Subnet Mask” item.uRotate main dial to set the desired or specified sub-net mask.• “” is the default setting.iPush [POWER] to turn the receiver power OFF,then ON to accept the new IP address and subnetmask settings.[EXIT/SET][F-2•Z][F-1•Y][F-3•Ω≈][F-5•OTHERS] [F-7•SET]When updating the firmware from the USB-Memory,setting the IP address is not necessary.15UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
15-8DUpdating from the PCqStart up the IC-R9500 Firm Utility.• The window as at left appears.wRead the caution in the window carefully.eClick [Yes] if you agree and to continue the firmwareupdating.rSelect the firmware file with the “dat” extension (e.g.:9500xxxx.dat).• Click […], then select the file, as well as the location.tType the IC-R9500’s IP address into “IC-R9500 IPAddress” text box.yClick [Start].uThe window at left appears.Read the precaution in the window carefully. iClick [Yes] if you want to start the firmware update.Updating the main CPU firmware first.It will take approx. 1 minute.DO NOT turn the IC-R9500 power OFF until "Completed" dialog is displayed.Depending on the updated contents, the sub CPU and/or DSP firmware will automatically be updated when rebooting the IC-R9500 and this will take approx. 2 minutes. DO NOT turn the IC-R9500 power OFF until the normal operational screen appears, in such case.Do you wish to start the firmware update?Click to start thefirmware updateiR9500COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVERIC-R9500 IP AddressVersion 1.00(C) 2006 Icom Inc.Firmware File NameTurn the IC-R9500 power ON.When the normal operational screen appears, set the firmware file nameand IP address, then click [Start] button.IC-R9500 Firm UtilityClick […] to select the firmware file.Type the IC-R9500’s IP address here.Do you agree to all of the above?iR9500COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVERFirm Utility===CAUTION===Updating the firmware is very risky. If you make a mistake, the IC-R9500 may not operate properly, and repair at Icom Inc.(Japan) may be the only way to fix it.You undertake the updating of the firmware at you own risk and responsibility, Please refer to the firmware download homepage and/or the instruction manual for the correct procedures in updating the firmware.Also all preciously set conditions, the memory contents, etc will be lost when making a firmware update.Making a backup file of programmed contents and settings onto the CF/USB-Memory before updating is recommended.Click tocontinue15 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
15-9oThe screen at left is displayed.• The following dialog appears in the IC-R9500 display.RWARNING!: NEVER turn the IC-R9500 powerOFF at this stage.The receiver firmware will be corrupted.!0 Click [OK] to finish the firmware update.• The “FIRMWARE UPDATING” dialog as above disap-pears.!1 Push [POWER] to turn the IC-R9500 power OFF,then ON again.!2 Depending on the status of the update process, ei-ther of dialogs at left will appear in sequence.RWARNING!: NEVER turn the IC-R9500 powerOFF at this stage.The receiver firmware will be corrupted.!3 After the dialog disappears, the firmware update iscompleted and the normal operation screen ap-pears.RX-DSP  UPDATING...Please  wait  for  20sec.WARNING!    NEVER  turn  power  OFF.Please  wait  for  45sec.WARNING!    NEVER  turn  power  OFF.Firmware up dating for the main CPU is completed.The sub CPU and/or DSP firmware update will start automatically depending on the updated contents, and this will take approx. 2 minutes.Turn the IC-R9500 power OFF, then ON again with [POWER] switch.After turning the power ON, the IC-R9500 will work with the updated firmware.DO NOT turn the IC-R9500 power OFF until the normal operational screen appears.Click [OK] to finish the firmware update.iR9500COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVERIC-R9500 IP AddressIC-R9500 IP AddressFirmware File NameVersion 1.00(C) 2006 Icom Inc.Firmware File NameConnecting to the IC-R9500.Connected to the IC-R9500.Transfer in progress...Transfer successful.Start update.Please wait a while.IC-R9500 Firm Utility15UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
ABOUT CEDECLARATIONOF CONFORMITYD sseldorf 13th Jan.2007Place and date of issueIcom (Europe) GmbHHimmelgeister stra§e 100D-40225 D sseldorfAuthorized representative nameH. IkegamiGeneral ManagerSignatureWe Icom Inc. Japan1-1-32, Kamiminami, Hirano-kuOsaka 547-0003, JapanDeclare on our sole responsibility that this equipment complies with theessential requirements of the Radio and Telecommunications TerminalEquipment Directive, 1999/5/EC, and that any applicable Essential TestSuite measurements have been performed.Kind of equipment: COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVERType-designation: iR9500Version (where applicable):This compliance is based on conformity with the following harmonisedstandards, specifications or documents:i) Article 3.1a EN 60950-1 (2001):A11:2004ii) Article 3.1b EN 301489-1 and EN 301489-15iii) Article 3.2 EN 301 783-2iv)v)
Please record the serial number of your IC-R9500 receiver below for future servicingreference:Serial Number :Date of purchase :Place where purchased :
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan<Intended Country of Use>■GER ■FRA ■ESP ■SWE■AUT ■NED ■POR ■DEN■GBR ■BEL ■ITA ■FIN■IRL ■LUX ■GRE ■SUI■NORIC-R9500#03 (France) <Intended Country of Use>■GER ■FRA ■ESP ■SWE■AUT ■NED ■POR ■DEN■GBR ■BEL ■ITA ■FIN■IRL ■LUX ■GRE ■SUI■NORIC-R9500#04 (Europe) <Intended Country of Use>■GER ■FRA ■ESP ■SWE■AUT ■NED ■POR ■DEN■GBR ■BEL ■ITA ■FIN■IRL ■LUX ■GRE ■SUI■NORIC-R9500#05 (UnitedKingdom)

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