ICOM orporated 286900 VHF/UHF Dual Band FM Transceiver User Manual IC P7A

ICOM Incorporated VHF/UHF Dual Band FM Transceiver IC P7A


Users Manual 2

316MEMORY/CALL CHANNELSContents of programmed memory channels can be trans-ferred to another memory channels. qPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to enter selectmemory write mode.•1 short and 1 long beeps sound.•“ ” indicator and memory channel number blink.•Do not hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for more than 2 sec. otherwise thememory contents will be copied to VFO.wRotate [DIAL] to select the desired memory channel to betransferred.eWhile pushing and holding [CALL] (MODE•SCAN), rotate[DIAL] to select “CLEAR.”•Pushing [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)several times also “CLEAR” itemis selectable.rPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. •The displayed contents are cleared.CONVENIENT!:Instead of steps eand roperations, while pushing andholding [FUNC], push and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1sec. also clearing the contents.tRotate [DIAL] to select the desired target memory chan-nel.yPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to transfer thecontents.SCANS.MWATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Steps q and wStep eStep rStep tStep y[DIAL]SCANS.MW• Example— Transferring the contents of memory channel 20 to channel 30.+S.MWS.MWS.MWSCANSCANSET■Transferring memory contents
326MEMORY/CALL CHANNELS■Erasing/transferring bank contentsThe bank contents of programmed memory channels can becleared or reassigned to another memory bank.INFORMATION: Even if the memory bank contents arecleared, the memory channel contents still remain pro-grammed.qSelect the desired bank contents to be transferred orerased from the bank.➥Push [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to select memory mode.➥While pushing and holding [BAND] (TS•LOCK), rotate[DIAL] to select the desired memory bank.➥Rotate [DIAL] to select the bank channel.wPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to enter selectmemory write mode.•1 short and 1 long beeps sound.•Displays the original memory channel number automatically and“” indicator and memory channel number blink.•Do not hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for more than 2 sec. otherwise thebank contents will be copied to VFO.eWhile pushing and holding [CALL] (MODE•SCAN), rotate[DIAL] to select “BANK.”•Pushing [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)several times, “BANK” is also se-lectable.rWhile pushing and holding [BAND] (TS•LOCK), rotate[DIAL] to select the desired bank to receive the transferredinformation or erase the bank contents.•Select “-- -- -- --” indication when erasing the contents from thebank.tRotate [DIAL] to select the desired bank channel.yWhile pushing and holding [CALL] (MODE•SCAN), rotate[DIAL] to select “S.MW.”•Pushing [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)several times, “S.MW” is also se-lectable.uPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec.•3 beeps sound.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519When transferring When erasing ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519Push                  for 1 sec.S.MW6Push Push and hold Dual operation
336MEMORY/CALL CHANNELS■Call channel programmingqPush [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to select VFO mode, if necessary.wSet the desired frequency:➥Select the desired band with [BAND] (TS•LOCK).➥Set the desired frequency with [DIAL].➥Set other data (e.g. offset frequency, duplex direction, sub-audible tone frequency, etc.), if desired.ePush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to enter selectmemory write mode.•1 short and 1 long beep sound.•“ ” indicator and memory channel number blink.rRotate [DIAL] to select the desired call channel.•“ ” indicator and call channel number “C0” or “C1” blink.•While pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to select mem-ory channel in 10 channel steps.tPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec.•3 beeps sound■Copying call channel contentsqPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)momentarily to select a callchannel.wRotate [DIAL] to select the desired call channel.ePush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to enter selectmemory write mode.•1 short and 1 long beeps sound.•“ ” indicator and memory channel number blink.•Do not hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for more than 2 sec. otherwise thecall channel contents will be copied to VFO.rRotate [DIAL] to select the desired target memory chan-nel.tPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to transfer thecontents.CONVENIENT!:When you want to copy the call channel contents to the VFO,push and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 2 sec. as in steps e.SCANS.MWSETSCAN[DIAL]S.MWSCANS.MWSET[DIAL]S.MW
347SCAN OPERATION67Scanning searches for signals automatically and makes iteasier to locate new stations for contact or listening purposes.There are 7 scan types and 4 resume conditions to suit youroperating needs.FULL SCAN (p. 35) Repeatedly scans all frequen-cies over all bands. Some frequency ranges arenot scanned according to thefrequency coverage of thetransceiver’s version.495kHz 999.990MHzScanJumpSELECTED BAND SCAN(p. 35)Repeatedly scans all frequen-cies over the entire selectedband. Bandedge BandedgeScanJumpALL/SELECTED BANKSCAN (p. 37)Repeatedly scans all bankchannels or selected bankchannels. Skip scan is alsoavailable.SKIPSKIPA99 A03A00 A01 A02A04A98A05FREQUENCY/MEMORYSKIP FUNCTION (p. 39)Skips unwanted frequenciesor channels that inconve-niently stop scanning. Thisfunction can be turned ONand OFF by pushing [FUNC]+ [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)in eitherVFO or memory mode.Bandedge BandedgeScanSKIP SKIPJumpPROGRAMMED SCAN(p. 35)Repeatedly scans betweentwo user-programmed fre-quencies. Used for checkingfor frequencies within a speci-fied range such as repeateroutput frequencies, etc.Bandedge xxA xxbBandedgeScan edgesScanJumpMEMORY (SKIP) SCAN(p. 37)Repeatedly scans memorychannels except those set asskip channels. Skip channelscan be turned ON and OFFby pushing [FUNC] + [V/M](SKIP•S.MW)in memory mode.SKIPSKIPM 0 M 4M 1 M 2 M 3M 5M 199M 6■Scan types
qSelect VFO mode with [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW), if necessary.•Select the desired frequency band with [BAND] (TS•LOCK), if de-sired.wSet the squelch to the point where noise is just muted.ePush and hold [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to enterscan type selection condition.rRotate [DIAL] to select the desired scanning type.•“ALL” for full scan; “BAND” for band scan, “PROGxx” for pro-grammed scan (xx= 0 to 24; programmed scan edges numbersonly displayed)tPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)again to start the scan•Scan pauses when a signal is received.•Rotate [DIAL] to change the scanning direction, or resumesmanually.•To stop the scan, push [CALL] (MODE•SCAN).About the scanning steps: The selected tuning step ineach frequency band (in VFO mode) is used during scan.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519• During full/band scan • During programmed scanSCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519• Full scan selection• Band scan selection• Programmed scan selectionSelectable between “ 0” to “24” if programmedSCAN[DIAL]■Full/band/programmed scan 357SCAN OPERATIONPush Push and hold Dual operation
367SCAN OPERATION7Scan edges can be programmed in the same manner asmemory channels. Scan edge frequencies are programmedinto scan edges, 00A/00b to 24A/24b, in memory channels.qPush [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to select VFO mode, if necessary.wSet the desired frequency:➥Select the desired band with [BAND] (TS•LOCK).➥Set the desired frequency with [DIAL].➥Set other data (e.g. offset frequency, duplex direction, sub-audible tone frequency, etc.), if desired.ePush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to enter selectmemory write mode.•1 short and 1 long beeps sound.•“ ” indicator and memory channel number blink.rRotate [DIAL] to select the desired programmed scanedge channel from 00A to 24A.tPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec.•3 beeps sound•The other scan edge channel “b,” 00b to 24b, is automaticallyselected when continuing to push [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)after pro-gramming.yTo  program a frequency for the other pair of scan edges,00b or 24b, repeat steps wand t.•If the same frequency is programmed into a pair of scan edges,programmed scan will not function.SCANS.MWSETS.MW[DIAL][EXAMPLE]: Programming 145.300 MHz into scan edge 03A.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK I PMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Push                  for 1 sec. RotateS.MWPush                  for 1 sec.S.MW■Scan edges programming
377SCAN OPERATIONqSelect memory mode with [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW).wSet the squelch to the point where noise is just muted.ePush and hold [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to enterscan type selection mode.rRotate [DIAL] to select the desired scanning type.•“M ALL” for all memory scan; “B ALL” for all bank scan; “B LINK”for bank link scan; “BANK” for bank scan.tPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)momentarily to start the se-lected scan.•Scan pauses when a signal is received.•Rotate [DIAL] to change the scanning direction, or resumesmanually.yTo stop the scan, push [CALL] (MODE•SCAN).IMPORTANT!: To  perform memory or bank scan, 2 ormore memory/bank channels MUST be programmed, oth-erwise the scan never starts.FM AM DUP SQL DTCSTWFM AM DUP SQL DTCSTWATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519• During all memory/all bank/   bank link scan • During bank scanFM AM DUP SQL DTCSTWFM AM DUP SQL DTCSTWATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519• All memory scan selection • All bank scan selection• Bank link scan selection • Bank scan selectionProgrammed bankSCANS.MWSETSCAN[DIAL]S.MW■Memory/bank scanPush Push and hold Dual operation
387SCAN OPERATION7■Auto memory write scanThis scan is useful for searching a specified frequency rangeand automatically storing busy frequencies into memorychannels. The same frequency ranges used for program scanare used for auto memory write scan.qSelect VFO mode with [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW), if necessary.wPush and hold [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to enterscan type selection condition.eRotate [DIAL] to select the desired scanning type.•“ALL” for full scan; “BAND” for band scan, “PROGxx” for pro-grammed scan (xx= 0 to 24; programmed scan edges numbersonly displayed)rPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)to start the scan.tPush [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to toggle the automatic memorywrite function ON and OFF.•“ ” indicator blinks during auto memory write.yPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)to stop scan.DDDuring auto-memory write scanning:•When a signal is received, scan pauses and the frequencyis stored into auto memory write channel group (000♦–199♦).-2 short beeps sound when stored.•Scan resumes after frequency storing.•When all channels are stored, the scan cancels automati-cally and 1 long beep sounds.DDRe-calling the stored frequencies:qPush [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to select memory mode.wPush [BAND] (TS•LOCK)several times, or while pushingand holding [BAND] (TS•LOCK), rotate [DIAL] to select theauto memory write channel group.•“♦” appears.eRotate [DIAL] to select the desired channel.DDClearing the stored frequencies:qSelect the auto memory write channel group.wWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to clear the all channels con-tents.•1 short and 1 long beeps sound.NOTE: The auto memory write channel contents CANNOTbe cleared as an independent channel. Thus it is a goodidea to copy the contents into a memory channel.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519AppearsSCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519SCAN[DIAL]“       ” indicator blinks
397SCAN OPERATIONYou can set the selected memory channel as a skip channelwhich is skipped during memory skip scan. In addition, it canbe set as a skip channel for both memory skip scan and fre-quency skip scan. These are useful to speed up the scan in-terval.qSelect a memory channel:➥Push [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to select memory mode.➥Rotate [DIAL] to select the desired channel to be a skipchannel/frequency.wPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to enter selectmemory write mode.ePush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)several times to select “SKIP.”•While pushing and holding [CALL] (MODE•SCAN), rotating [DIAL]can also select “SKIP.”rRotate [DIAL] to select the skip condition from “SKIP,”“PSKIP” or “OFF” for the selected channel.•OFF : The channel or programmed frequency is scanned dur-ing any scan.•SKIP : The channel is skipped during memory or bank scan. •PSKIP : The channel is skipped during memory/bank scan andthe programmed frequency is skipped during VFO scan,such as programmed scan.SCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519• Skip settingSCANAfter 1 sec.Setting indication[DIAL]SCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519S.MW[DIAL]■Skip channel/frequency settingPush Push and hold Dual operation
407SCAN OPERATION7tPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)several times; or while pushingand holding [CALL] (MODE•SCAN), rotate [DIAL] to select“S.MW.”yPush and hold [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for 1 sec. to set the skipcondition.•“SKIP” or “PSKIP” indicator appears, according to the skip se-lection in step r.✔CONVENIENT!The skip setting can also be easily set with the following op-eration.qSelect the desired memory channel to be set as a skipchannel/frequency.wWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push [V/M](SKIP•S.MW)momentarily to select the skip condition from“SKIP,” “PSKIP” and “OFF (no indication).”✔CONVENIENT!During VFO scanning, such as programmed scan, the skipsetting can be programmed into the highest blank memorychannel which is automatically selected with the following op-eration.qStart the VFO scan.➥Select VFO mode with [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW).•Select the desired frequency band with [BAND] (TS•LOCK), ifdesired.➥ Push and hold [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to enterscan type selection condition.➥Rotate [DIAL] to select the desired scanning type.•“ALL” for full scan; “BAND” for band scan, “PROGxx” for pro-grammed scan (xx= 0 to 24; programmed scan edges num-bers only displayed)➥ Push [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)again to start the scan.•Scan pauses when a signal is received.•Rotate [DIAL] to change the scanning direction, or resumesmanually.wWhen scan pauses and you want to set the paused fre-quency as a skip frequency.➥ Push and hold [FUNC] then push [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)for1 sec. to store the paused frequency into the highestblank memory channel.•While pushing and holding [FUNC], scan pauses; and afterwriting the frequency, scan resumes.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519• Skip channel setting • Program skip setting“SKIP” appears“PSKIP” appears
417SCAN OPERATIONDDScan pause timerThe scan pauses when receiving signals according to thescan pause time. It can be set from 2–20 sec. or unlimited.qWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select “EXPAND.”eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to turnthe expanded set mode ON.rRotate [DIAL] to select “PAUSE.”tWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to set thedesired scan pausing time from 2–20 sec. (2 sec. steps) or“HOLD.”•“2SEC”–“20SEC”; scan pauses 2–20 sec. while receiving a signal.•“HOLD”; scan pauses on a received a signal until it disappears.yPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode.DDScan resume timerThe scan re-starts after a signal disappears according to theresume time. it can be set from 0–5 sec. or unlimited.qWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select “EXPAND.”eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to turnthe expanded set mode ON.rRotate [DIAL] to select “RESUME.”tWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to set thedesired scan pause time from 0–5 sec. (1 sec. steps) or“HOLD.”•“0SEC”; scan restarts immediately after the signal disappears.•“1SEC”–“5SEC”; scan restarts 1–5 sec. after the signal disappears.•“HOLD”; scan restarts by rotating [DIAL] only.yPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode.SCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519After 1 sec.Setting indicationSET[DIAL] • Resume timer settingSCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519• Pause timer settingAfter 1 sec.Setting indicationSET[DIAL]■Scan resume conditionUSINGEXPANDED SET MODE
428PRIORITY WATCH■Priority watch typesPriority watch checks for signals on a frequency every 5 sec.while operating on a VFO frequency or scanning. The trans-ceiver has 3 priority watch types to suit your needs. The watch resumes according to the selected scan resumecondition. See the page at left for details.NOTES:If the pocket beep function is activated, the transceiver au-tomatically selects the tone squelch function when prioritywatch starts.DDAbout priority beep functionWhen receiving a signal on the priority frequency, you can bealerted with beeps and a blinking “S.” This function can beactivated when setting the priority watch function ON.MEMORY CHANNEL WATCHWhile operating on a VFO fre-quency, priority watch checks fora signal on the selected memorychannel every 5 sec.•Amemory channel with skip infor-mation can be watched.MEMORY SCAN WATCHWhile operating on a VFO fre-quency, priority watch checks forsignals on each memory chan-nel in sequence.•The memory skip function and/ormemory bank scan is useful tospeed up the scan.5 sec.VFOfrequency Memorychannel5 sec.VFOfrequencySKIPMch 000Mch 001Mch 001Mch 999VFO SCAN WATCHWhile scanning in VFO mode,priority watch checks for signalson the selected memory chan-nel every 5 sec.5 sec.VFOscan Memorychannel78Push Push and hold Dual operation
438PRIORITY WATCHDDMemory channel watch and memory scan watchqSelect VFO mode, then set an operating frequency.•TX channel can also be selected.wPush [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to enter memory mode, then se-lect the channel(s) to be watched.For memory channel watch:Rotate [DIAL] to select the desired memory channel.For memory scan watch:Push and hold [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to enter scantype selection condition to select the scan type, then push[CALL] (MODE•SCAN)again to start memory/bank scan.eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.rRotate [DIAL] to select “PRIO.”tWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to turnthe priority watch ON.•Select “BELL” if the priority beep function is necessary.yPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode and start the watch.•“PRIO” indicator appears.•The transceiver checks the memory/bank channel(s) every 5 sec.•The watch resumes according to the selected scan resume con-dition. (p. 41)uWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push [SQL] (ATT•SET)to cancel the watch.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519• During priority watchMonitors VFO frequency for 5 sec. Pauses on a memory (bank) channel when a signal is received.• During priority watch with priority beepEmits beep and blinks “S” indicator when a signal is re-ceived on a memory (bank) channel.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Priority ON Priority beep ONSCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519SET[DIAL]S.MWSCANAfter 1 sec.■Priority watch operation
448PRIORITY WATCHDDVFO scan watchqPush [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to enter memory mode, then rotate[DIAL] to select the memory channel.wPush and hold [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to enterscan type selection condition to select the scan type, thenpush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)again to start memory/bankscan, if desired.When scanning memory/bank channels:Starts memory/bank scan first. Memory/bank scan can-not be started after VFO scan is started.eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.rRotate [DIAL] to select “PRIO.”tWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to turnthe priority watch ON.•Select “BELL” if the priority beep function is necessary.yPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode and start the watch.•“PRIO” indicator appears.uPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to enter scan type se-lection condition.iRotate [DIAL] to select the desired scan type from “ALL,”“BAND” and “PROGxx (xx= 0–24).”oPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)to start the VFO scan watch.•The transceiver checks the memory channel(s) every 5 sec.•The watch resumes according to the selected scan resume con-dition. (p. 41)!0While pushing and holding [FUNC], push [SQL] (ATT•SET)to cancel the watch and scan.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519• During VFO scan watchSearches VFO frequen-cies for 5 sec. Pauses on a memory (bank) channel when a signal is received.• During VFO scan watch with priority beepEmits beep and blinks “S” indicator when a signal is re-ceived on a memory (bank) channel.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Priority ON Priority beep ON8Push Push and hold Dual operation
45TONE SQUELCH AND POCKET BEEP9The tone or DTCS squelch opens only when receiving a sig-nal with the same pre-programmed subaudible tone or DTCScode, respectively. You can silently wait ffor a signal using thesame specified tone.qSet the desired frequency in FM mode.wWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.eRotate [DIAL] to select “T/TSQL.”rWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to selectthe desired tone squelch condition from “TSQL,” “P BEEP,”“DTCS” and “P DTCS.”tPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode.•One of “TSQL,” TSQLS,” “DTCS” or “SDTCS” appears ac-cording to the tone selection in the step r.yWhen a signal with a matching tone is received, thesquelch opens and the transceiver emits audio.When pocket beep function is activated, the transceiveralso emits beep tones and blinks “S.”•Beep tones sound and “S” blinks for 30 sec.uPush [FUNC] to manually stop the beeps and blinking.•“S” disappears and the pocket beep function is deactivated.iTo cancel the tone squelch or DTCS, select “OFF” with the“T/TSQL” in the set mode, as described in step r.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO PSKIPMR519Tone squelch selectionTone squelch with pocket beep function selectionDTCS selection DTCS with pocket beep function selectionATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Tone squelch selectionTone squelch with pocket beep function selectionDTCS selection DTCS with pocket beep function selectionSubaudible tone OFFRepeater tone selection■Tone/DTCS squelch operation
469TONE SQUELCH AND POCKET BEEP■Tone squelch frequency/DTCS code setting88.5 Hz and 023 is set as the default for the tone squelch fre-quency and the DTCS code, respectively. The frequency andcode can be selected as desired.qWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select “C TONE” when selecting the tonesquelch frequency; select “CODE” when selecting theDTCS code.eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to selectthe desired subaudible tone frequency or DTCS code.•See the tables at right.rPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode.•Available tone frequencyNOTE: The transceiver has 50 tone frequencies and con-sequently their spacing are narrow compared to units hav-ing 38 tones. Therefore, some tone frequencies mayreceive interference from adjacent tone frequencies.•Available DTCS code02302502603103203604304705105312513113213414314515215515616224524625125225526126326526627135636436537141141241342343143250651652352653254656560661262405406507107207307411411511612216517217420521222322522624324427430631131532533133234334635144544645245445546246446546650362763163265466266470371272373173273474375467.069.371.974.477.079.782.585.488.591.594.897.4100.0103.5107.2110.9114.8118.8123.0127.3131.8136.5141.3146.2151.4156.7159.8162.2165.5167.9171.3173.8177.3179.9183.5186.2189.9192.8196.6199.5203.5206.5210.7218.1225.7229.1233.6241.8250.3254.1ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Tone squelch frequency selectionAfter 1 sec.DTCS code selectionAfter 1 sec.9
479TONE SQUELCH AND POCKET BEEPAs well as a code setting, the polarity setting is also availablefor the DTCS operation. When a different polarity is set, theDTCS never releases audio mute even when a signal with amatching code number is received.qWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select “EXPAND.”eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to turnthe expanded set mode ON.rRotate [DIAL] to select “DTCS P.”tWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to selectthe polarity from “BOTH N” (normal), “TN-RR” (TX: normal,RX: reverse), “TR-RN” (TX: reverse, RX: normal) and“BOTH R” (reverse).yPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519TX/RX: Normal polarity TX: Normal, RX: ReverseTX: Reverse, RX: Normal TX/RX: Reverse polaritySCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519After 1 sec.SET[DIAL]■DTCS polarity settingPush Push and hold Dual operation
489TONE SQUELCH AND POCKET BEEPBy monitoring a signal that is being operated with pocketbeep, tone or DTCS squelch function, you can determine thetone frequency or DTCS code necessary to open a squelch.qSet the frequency to be checked for a tone frequency orcode.wTurn the desired tone type ON in set mode; “TONE” (re-peater tone), “TSQL” (tone squelch) or “DTCS” (DTCSsquelch).•One of “T,” “TSQL” or “DTCS” appears. •Even if the pocket beep function is activated, it is cancelled whenthe tone scan is started.eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push [CALL](MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to start the tone scan.•To change the scanning direction, rotate [DIAL].rWhen the CTCSS tone frequency or 3-digit DTCS code ismatched, the squelch opens and the tone frequency orcode is temporarily programmed into the selected condi-tion, such as a memory channel.•The tone scan pauses when a CTCSS tone frequency or 3-digitDTCS code is detected.✔CONVENIENT!Even if no tone type is selected, pushing and holding [CALL](MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. while pushing and holding [FUNC]also starts tone scan. In this case, the tone scan searches forrepeater tone frequency only.☞NOTE: The decoded tone frequency or code is pro-grammed temporarily when a memory channel is se-lected. However, this will be cleared when the memorychannel is re-selected.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519DTCS scanTone squelch scanRepeater tone scanSCANS.MWSET[DIAL]SCAN■Tone scan9
49SET MODE10■GeneralSet mode is used for programming infrequently changed val-ues or conditions of functions.In addition, the IC-P7A has an expanded set mode which isused for programming even more infrequently changed val-ues or conditions of functions. When turning the expandedset mode OFF, only half of the set mode items are displayedfor simple operation.DDSet mode entering and operationqWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select the desired item.eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to selectthe desired value or condition.rPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode, or rotate [DIAL] toselect another set mode item.DDExpanded set mode ON/OFFqWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select “EXPAND.”eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to turnthe expanded set mode ON and OFF.rRotate [DIAL] to select the desired item.tWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to selectthe desired value or condition.yPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode, or rotate [DIAL] toselect another item.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Expanded set mode OFF Expanded set mode ONATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519After 1 sec.SCANS.MWSETSET[DIAL]Push Push and hold Dual operation
5010SET MODE■Set mode itemsThe following items are available in the set mode and ex-panded set mode.DDGeneral set mode items10• Repeater tone (p. 52) • Tone squelch tone (p. 52)• Key-touch beep (p. 54) • Beep output level (p. 54) • Display backlighting (p. 55)• DTCS code (p. 52)• Tone selection (p. 53) • Duplex direction (p. 54)• Offset frequency (p. 53)• Dial select step (p. 53)• Priority watch (p. 54)• Expanded set mode (p. 49)• Power save (p. 55)
5110 SET MODEDDExpanded set mode items *Available for the USA and Korea versions only.†Available for the USA version only.• Key lock effect (p. 46) • Dial speed acceleration (p. 56)• Auto repeater* (p. 58)• DTCS polarity (p. 58) • Bank link (p. 59)• Monitor key action (p. 56)• Scan resume timer (p. 57)• Scan pause timer (p. 57)• Auto power OFF (p. 57)• Scan stop beep (p. 57)• Weather alert† (p. 59)• LCD contrast (p. 59)
5210SET MODEDDRepeater tone frequencySelects subaudible tone frequency for ac-cessing a repeater, etc. Total of 50 tone fre-quencies (67.0–254.1 Hz) are available.(default: 88.5 Hz)DDTone squelch frequencySelects tone frequency for tone squelch orpocket beep operation from one of 50 avail-able frequencies (67.0–254.1 Hz).(default: 88.5 Hz)•Available subaudible tone frequencies DDDTCS code Selects DTCS (both encoder/decoder) codefor DTCS squelch operation. Total of 104codes (023–754) are available.(default: 023)•Available DTCS codeThe polarity can also be set in “DTCS P” as described onpage 58.023025026031032036043047051053125131132134143145152155156162245246251252255261263265266271356364365371411412413423431432506516523526532546565606612624054065071072073074114115116122165172174205212223225226243244274306311315325331332343346351445446452454455462464465466503627631632654662664703712723731732734743754ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Code 023 setting Code 754 setting67.069.371.974.477.079.782.585.488.591.594.897.4100.0103.5107.2110.9114.8118.8123.0127.3131.8136.5141.3146.2151.4156.7159.8162.2165.5167.9171.3173.8177.3179.9183.5186.2189.9192.8196.6199.5203.5206.5210.7218.1225.7229.1233.6241.8250.3254.1ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR51988.5 Hz setting 254.1 Hz settingATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR51988.5 Hz setting 254.1 Hz setting10
5310 SET MODEDDDial select stepSelect the tuning step while pushing andholding [FUNC] from 100 kHz, 1 MHz (de-fault) and 10 MHz.DDOffset frequencySets the offset frequency for duplex (re-peater) operation for each frequency band in-dependently within 0 to 159.995 MHz range.During duplex operation (–DUP or +DUP),the offset frequency shifts the transmit fre-quency (or while [SQL] (ATT•SET)is pushed).The default value may differ according to the selected fre-quency band (before accessing set mode)and transceiver ver-sion.The selected tuning step in VFO mode is used for settingthe offset frequency.DDTone selectionSets the tone encoder, tone squelch or DTCSsquelch operation and pocket beep capabil-ity, when waiting for the desired signal.•OFF : Regular noise squelch operation. (default)•TONE : Using tone encoder. Some repeaters requiresubaudible tones to be accessed.•TSQL : Using tone squelch. The squelch opens onlywhen a signal with matched subaudible tone isreceived.•PBEEP : In addition to the “TSQL” setting, alert beepswill sound when a signal with matched tone isreceived.•DTCS : Using DTCS squelch. The squelch opens onlywhen a signal with matched DTCS code is re-ceived.•PDTCS : In addition to the “DTCS” setting, alert beepswill sound when a signal with matched DTCScode is received.The subaudible tone frequency and DTCS code are pro-grammed as the tone frequency and DTCS code items, re-spectively.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519DTCS squelch operationTone squelch operationATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR5191 MHz step 100 kHz step
5410SET MODEDDDuplex directionSets the duplex direction. The transmit fre-quency is shifted from the receive frequency bythe offset frequency when transmitting or whenthe monitor function is in use.•OFF : Simplex operation. (default)•–DUP : The transmit frequency shifts down while trans-mitting.•+DUP : The transmit frequency shifts up while transmit-ting.DDPriority watchTurn the priority watch or priority beep (prior-ity watch with beep capability) ON. (default: OFF)•ON: Start priority watch after exiting set mode.•BELL : Emits beeps and blinking “S” indicator when asignal is received on the priority frequency.DDKey-touch beepThe key-touch beep can be turned OFF forsilent operation. (default: ON)DDBeep output levelAdjust the key-touch beep tone level to thedesired level within 8 levels.Beep tone sounds while setting. The tone sound let you knowthe approximate sound level.(default: 2)The key-touch beep (previous item) must be set to ON tohave a beep tone.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Default level Maximum levelATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Key-touch beep ON Key-touch beep OFFATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Priority watch OFF Priority beep ONATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Simplex operation Positive duplex operation10
5510 SET MODEDDDisplay backlightingThe transceiver has display backlighting witha 5 sec. timer for night time operation. Thebacklighting can be turned ON continuouslyor turned OFF, if desired.•AUTO: Lights when an operation is performed, goes outafter 5 sec. (default)•ON: Lights continuously during transceiver power isON.•OFF : Never lights.DDPower saveThe power save function reduces the currentdrain to conserve battery power. This powersave function can be turned OFF, if desired. In the default setting (“ON” selection), the power save func-tion is activated in 1:4 (125 msec.: 500 msec.) ratio when no sig-nal is received for 5 sec. The ratio becomes 1:8 (125 msec.:1sec.) when no signal is received for another 60 sec.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Power save ON Power save OFFATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Auto setting Continuously ON setting
5610SET MODEDDKey lock effectWhile the key lock function is ON, [YY]/[ZZ]and[SQL] (ATT•SET)can still be accessed. Accessible keys canbe set to one of 4 groups.[PWR] and [FUNC]+[BAND] (TS•LOCK)are also accessibleduring the lock, however, these keys are not effected by thissetting.•NORMAL : [YY]/[ZZ]and [SQL] (ATT•SET)are accessible.(default)•NO SQL : [SQL] (ATT•SET)is accessible. •NO VOL : [YY]/[ZZ]are accessible. •ALL : No accessible key is available, except [PWR]and [FUNC]+[BAND] (TS•LOCK).DDDial speed accelerationThe dial speed acceleration automaticallyspeeds up the tuning dial speed when rotating [DIAL] rapidly.•ON: The dial speed acceleration is tuned ON. (default)•OFF : The dial speed acceleration is turned OFF.DDMonitor key actionThe monitor key, [SQL] (ATT•SET), can be setas a ‘sticky’ key. When set to the sticky condition, each pushof [SQL] (ATT•SET)toggles the monitor function ON and OFF.•PUSH: Pushing and holding [SQL] (ATT•SET)to monitorthe frequency. (default)•HOLD : Push [SQL] (ATT•SET)momentarily to monitor thefrequency and push momentarily again to cancel it.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Monitor key activates as HOLD function key.Monitor key activates as PUSH function key.Push and hold [SQL] to monitor Push to monitorATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519The acceleration ON The acceleration OFFATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Normal lock condition Squelch level can be adjustedAudio output can be adjusted Transceiver power and lockfunction only switchable10
5710 SET MODEDDAuto power OFFThe transceiver can be set to automaticallyturn OFF after a specified period with a beep when no keyoperations are performed.30 min., 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours and OFF (default) can bespecified. The specified period is retained even when thetransceiver is turned OFF by the auto power OFF function. Tocancel the function, select “OFF” in this set mode.DDScan pause timerSelects the scan pause time. When receivingsignals, the scan pauses according to the scan pause time.•2–20 : Scan pauses for 2–20 sec. on a received signal,and is selected in 2 sec. steps. (default: 10 sec.)•HOLD: Scan pauses on a received signal until it disap-pears. Rotate [DIAL] to resume manually.DDScan resume timerSelects scan resume time. Scan resumesafter the specified period when the received signal disap-pears.•0 : Scan resumes immediately when the receivedsignal disappears.•1–5 : Scan pause 1–5 sec. after the received signaldisappears. (default: 2 sec.)•HOLD: Scan pauses on the received signal even if it dis-appears. Rotate [DIAL] to resume manually.DDScan stop beepTurns the scan stop beep function ON andOFF (default). When the function is activated (“ON” is selected), a long beepwill sound each time a signal is received during scan.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519No beep is sound whenreceiving a signal A long beep is sound whenreceiving a signalATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Scan resumes after 2 sec. Scan resumes manuallyATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519Scan pauses for 10 sec. Scan pauses until signal disappearsATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR51930 min. timer 2 hrs. timer
5810SET MODEDDAuto repeaterThe auto repeater function automatically turns ON or OFF theduplex operation and tone encoder. The offset and repeatertone is not changed by the auto repeater function. Resetthese frequencies, if necessary.U.S.A. version:•OFF : The auto repeater function is turned OFF.•DUP ONLY : Activates for duplex only. (default)•DUP TONE : Activates for duplex and tone.Korea version:•OFF : Deactivates the function.•ON: Activates duplex and tone. (default)DDDTCS polaritySets DTCS polarity from “BOTH N” (TX/RX:normal), “TN-RR” (TX: normal, RX: reverse),“TR-RN” (TX: reverse, RX: normal) and“BOTH R” (TX/RX: reverse).(default: BOTH N)ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519TX/RX: Normal polarity TX: Normal, RX: ReverseTX: Reverse, RX: Normal TX/RX: Reverse polarityATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Auto repeater OFF Auto repeater ONATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Duplex only Duplex and toneU.S.A./KOREA versions only10
5910 SET MODEDDMemory bank link functionSets the memory bank link function ON (de-fault) and OFF. The link function providescontinuous bank scan, scanning all contentsin the selected banks during bank scan.•Bank link settingqWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to selectthe desired bank to be linked.•“A-ON” to “y-ON” appears.• A to H, J, L, N, O to R, T, U and y are available for usage bygroupwPush [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)to select “ON” to link the bank.eRepeat steps qand wto link other banks.•To cancel the memory bank link function, repeat steps qandwto select “OFF.”DDLCD contrastSets the LCD contrast within 1 to 4 levels asdesired.(default: 3)DDWeather alert functionTurns weather alert function ON and OFF.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Weather alert OFF Weather alert ONU.S.A. version onlyATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Contrast 3 setting Contrast 4 settingATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Bank A is linked Bank Y is linked
6011OTHER FUNCTIONSDDWeather channel selectionqSelect VFO mode with [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW).wPush [BAND] (TS•LOCK)several times, or while pushingand holding [BAND] (TS•LOCK)rotate [DIAL] to select theweather channel group.eRotate [DIAL] to select the desired weather channel. rPush [BAND] (TS•LOCK)to change frequency band, orpush [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to select memory mode.DDWeather alert functionNOAA broadcast stations transmit weather alert tones beforeimportant weather announcements. When the weather alertfunction is turned ON, the selected weather channel is moni-tored once every 5 sec. for the announcement. When the alertsignal is detected, the “AL.T” and the WX channel are dis-played alternately and sounds a beep tone until the transceiveris operated. The previously selected (used) weather channelis checked periodically during standby or while scanning.qSelect the desired weather channel.wTurn the weather alert function ON in expanded set mode.➥While pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)to enter set mode.➥Rotate [DIAL] to select “WX ALT,” then rotate [DIAL]while pushing and holding [FUNC] to set ON.➥Push [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode.SCANS.MWSETSET[DIAL]SCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519Weather channel indication[DIAL]1011■Weather channel operation U.S.A. version onlyPush Push and hold Dual operation
6111 OTHER FUNCTIONSeSet the desired stand-by condition.•Select VFO or memory channel.•Scan or priority watch operation can also be selected.rWhen the alert is detected, a beep sounds and the follow-ing indication will be displayed.tTurn the weather alert function OFF in set mode.NOTE: While receiving a signal (on a frequency other thanthe weather alert ON frequency), the receiving signal oraudio will be interrupted momentarily every 5 sec. (approx.)in case the alert function is turned ON. This symptom iscaused by the WX alert function. To cancel these symp-toms, set the weather alert item OFF in set mode.■Data cloningCloning allows you to quickly and easily transfer the pro-grammed contents from one transceiver to another; or datafrom a personal computer to a transceiver using the optionalCS-P7 CLONING SOFTWARE.DCloning between transceiversqMaster transceiver:While pushing and holding [CALL] (MODE•SCAN), turnpower ON to enter cloning mode.•The master transceiver is used to send data to the sub-trans-ceiver.Sub-transceiver:While pushing and holding [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW), turn powerON to enter cloning mode.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCST SQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519MastertransceiverSub-transceiverSCANS.MW“CLONE” and “m” appear “CLONE” appearsATPOWER ONATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519Show above indications alternately.Push Push and hold Dual operation
6211OTHER FUNCTIONSwConnect the OPC-474 cloning cable to the [MIC/SP] jackof the master and sub-transceivers.ePush [SQL] (ATT•SET)on the master transceiver.•The transceiver show following indications.rWhen cloning is finished, turn power OFF, then ON to exitcloning mode.DCloning using a personal computerData can be cloned to and from a personal computer (Mi-crosoft®Windows®98/98SE/Me/2000/XP) using the optionalCS-P7 CLONING SOFTWAREand the optional OPC-478/478UCLONING CABLE. Consult the CS-P7 CLONING SOFTWAREHELPfile for details.DCloning error☞NOTE: DO NOT push any key on the sub-transceiver dur-ing cloning. This will cause a cloning error.When the display appears as below, a cloning error has oc-curred.In such a case, both transceivers automatically return to theclone standby condition and cloning must be repeated.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation inthe U.S.A. and other countries.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519CAUTION: Be sure to turn OFF the transceiver when con-necting the cloning cable, otherwise cloning op-erations cannot be performed.ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SKIPMR519DuringcloningAftercloningMaster transceiver indications Sub-transceiver indicationsto [MIC/SP] to [MIC/SP]Mastertransceiver Sub-transceiver11
6311 OTHER FUNCTIONS■Auto power-off functionThe IC-P7A can be set to automatically turn OFF after a spec-ified period in which no operation is performed.120 min., 90 min., 60 min., 30 min. and OFF can be specified.The specified period is retained even when the transceiver isturned OFF by the auto power-off function. To cancel thefunction, select “OFF” in step ebelow.qWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[SQL] (ATT•SET)for 1 sec. to enter set mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select “AP OFF.”•Turn the expanded set mode ON for selection. (p. 39)eWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to selectthe desired time or to turn the function OFF.rPush [SQL] (ATT•SET)to exit set mode.■TV channel operationTV channel operation is available only when TV channels are pro-grammed using the optional CS-P7 CLONING SOFTWARE. (p. 61)DTV channel receivingqPush [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)to select VFO mode, if necessary.wPush [BAND] (TS•LOCK)several times to select the TVchannel band.•“tV” and channel number appear.•While pushing and holding [BAND] (TS•LOCK), rotating [DIAL]also selects the TV channel band.eRotate [DIAL] to select the desired channel.•While pushing and holding [FUNC], rotating [DIAL] selects theall channels including skip channel.DSkip channel settingUnwanted channels can be skipped for rapid selection, etc.qRotate [DIAL] to select the channel to be skipped.•To clear the skip setting, rotate [DIAL] while pushing and holding[FUNC] to select a skip channel.wWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push [V/M](SKIP•S.MW)to toggle the skip setting ON and OFF.•“SKIP” appears when the channel is set as skip channel.DAutomatic TV channel programmingTV channels can be programmed automatically.➥Push and hold [CALL] (MODE•SCAN)for 1 sec. to start TVchannel programming.•The programming will automatically stop when scanning allchannels.SCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519After 1 sec.SET[DIAL]USINGEXPANDED SET MODE
6411OTHER FUNCTIONS■Partial resetIf you want to initialize the operating conditions (VFO fre-quency, VFO settings, set mode contents) without clearingthe memory contents, a partial reset function is available forthe transceiver.➥While pushing and holding [FUNC] and [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW),turn the power ON to partially reset the transceiver.■All resetThe function display may occasionally display erroneous in-formation (e.g. when first applying power). This may becaused externally by static electricity or by other factors.If this problem occurs, turn power OFF. After waiting a fewseconds, turn power ON again. If the problem persists, per-form the following procedure.•Partial resetting is also available. See left for details.IMPORTANT!:Resetting the transceiver CLEARS all memory informationand initializes all values in the transceiver, including TVchannel skip setting.➥While pushing and holding [FUNC], [V/M] (SKIP•S.MW)and[SQL] (ATT•SET), turn the power ON to reset the CPU.SCANS.MWSETATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519ATTDTCSTSQLWFMAM -DUPLOWVOL PRIO P SK IPMR519SETS.MW*The displayed frequency differs according to tranceiver version. ATPOWER ONSCANS.MWSETS.MWATPOWER ON11Push Push and hold Dual operation
CH Freq.40 628.7541 636.7542 644.7543 652.7544 660.7545 668.7546 676.7547 684.7548 692.7549 700.7550 708.7551 716.7552 724.7553 732.7554 740.7555 748.7556 756.7557 764.7558 772.7559 780.7560 788.7561 796.7562 804.7563 812.7564 820.7565 828.7566 836.7567 844.7568 852.7569 860.75CH Freq.146.75253.75360.75467.755180.756187.757194.758201.759208.7510 215.7511 222.7512 229.7521 476.7522 484.7523 492.7524 500.7525 508.7526 516.7527 524.7528 532.7529 540.7530 548.7531 556.7532 564.7533 572.7534 580.7535 588.7536 596.7537 604.7538 612.7539 620.75■TV channelsThe following tables show the channels versusvideo and audio frequencies depending on eachversion.DDU.S.A. channels (unit: MHz)CH Freq.259.75365.75471.75581.75687.757179.758185.759191.7510 197.7511 203.7512 209.7513 215.7514 475.7515 481.7516 487.7517 493.7518 499.7519 505.7520 511.7521 517.7522 523.7523 529.7524 535.7525 541.7526 547.75CH Freq.27 553.7528 559.7529 565.7530 571.7531 577.7532 583.7533 589.7534 595.7535 601.7536 607.7537 613.7538 619.7539 625.7540 631.7541 637.7542 643.7543 649.7544 655.7545 661.7546 667.7547 673.7548 679.7549 685.7550 691.7551 697.75CH Freq.52 703.7553 709.7554 715.7555 721.7556 727.7557 733.7558 739.7559 745.7560 751.7561 757.7562 763.7563 769.7564 775.7565 781.7566 787.7567 793.7568 799.7569 805.75DDCCIR channels (unit: MHz) DDAustralian channels(unit: MHz)CH Freq.43 637.7544 644.7545 651.7546 658.7547 665.7548 672.7549 679.7550 686.7551 693.7552 700.7553 707.7554 714.7555 721.7556 728.7557 735.7558 742.7559 749.7560 756.7561 763.7562 770.7563 777.7564 784.7565 791.7566 798.7567 805.7568 812.7569 819.75CH Freq.051.75162.75269.75391.754100.755107.755A 143.756180.757187.758194.759201.7510 214.7511 221.7528 532.7529 539.7530 546.7531 553.7532 560.7533 567.7534 574.7535 581.7536 588.7537 595.7538 602.7539 609.7540 616.7541 623.7542 630.7565FREQUENCY TABLE12
6612FREQUENCY TABLE12DDChina channels (unit: MHz)CH Freq.156.25264.25372.25483.75591.756174.757182.758190.759198.7510 206.7511 214.7512 222.7513 477.7514 485.7515 493.7516 501.7517 509.7518 517.7519 525.7520 533.7521 541.7522 549.7523 557.7524 565.7525 613.7526 621.7527 629.7528 637.7529 645.7530 653.7531 661.75CH Freq.32 669.7533 677.7534 685.7535 693.7536 701.7537 709.7538 717.7539 725.7540 733.7541 741.7542 749.7543 757.7544 765.7545 773.7546 781.7547 789.7548 797.7549 805.7550 813.7551 821.7552 829.7553 837.7554 845.7555 853.7556 861.7557 869.7558 877.7559 885.7560 893.7561 901.7562 909.75CH Freq.63 917.7564 925.7565 933.7566 941.7567 949.7568 957.75CH Freq.150.75260.75367.754180.755187.756194.757201.758208.759215.7510 222.7511 229.75DDNewZealandchannels(unit: MHz)CH Freq.52 725.2553 733.2554 741.2555 749.2556 757.2557 765.2558 773.2559 781.2560 789.2561 797.2562 805.2563 813.2564 821.2565 829.2566 837.2567 845.2568 853.2569 861.25CH Freq.21 477.2522 485.2523 493.2524 501.2525 509.2526 517.2527 525.2528 533.2529 541.2530 549.2531 557.2532 565.2533 573.2534 581.2535 589.2536 597.2537 605.2538 613.2539 621.2540 629.2541 637.2542 645.2543 653.2544 661.2545 669.2546 677.2547 685.2548 693.2549 701.2550 709.2551 717.25DDUK channels (unit: MHz)CH Freq.43 653.7544 661.7545 669.7546 677.7547 685.7548 693.7549 701.7550 709.7551 717.7552 725.7553 733.7554 741.7555 749.7556 757.7557 765.7558 773.7559 781.7560 789.7561 797.7562 805.7563 813.7564 821.7565 829.7566 837.7567 845.7568 853.7569 861.75CH Freq.249.25354.00457.255182.506190.507198.508206.509214.5010 222.5021 477.7522 485.7523 493.7524 501.7525 509.7526 517.7527 525.7528 533.7529 541.7530 549.7531 557.7532 565.7533 573.7534 581.7535 589.7536 597.7537 605.7538 613.7539 621.7540 629.7541 637.7542 645.75DDFrench channels (unit: MHz)
6712 FREQUENCY TABLEDDIndonesian channels(unit: MHz)CH Freq.253.75360.75467.755180.756187.757194.758201.759208.7510 215.7511 222.7512 229.7521 476.7522 484.7523 492.7524 500.7525 508.7526 516.7527 524.7528 532.7529 540.7530 548.7531 556.7532 564.7533 572.7534 580.7535 588.7536 596.7537 604.7538 612.7539 620.75CH Freq.40 628.7541 636.7542 644.7543 652.7544 660.7545 668.7546 676.7547 684.7548 692.7549 700.7550 708.7551 716.7552 724.7553 732.7554 740.7555 748.7556 756.7557 764.7558 772.7559 780.7560 788.7561 796.7562 804.7563 812.7564 820.7565 828.7566 836.7567 844.7568 852.7569 860.75DDItalian channels (unit: MHz)CH Freq.A59.25B67.75C87.75D180.75E188.75F197.75G206.75H215.75H1 222.75H2 229.7521 476.7522 484.7523 492.7524 500.7525 508.7526 516.7527 524.7528 532.7529 540.7530 548.7531 556.7532 564.7533 572.7534 580.7535 588.7536 596.7537 604.7538 612.7539 620.7540 628.7541 636.75CH Freq.42 644.7543 652.7544 660.7545 668.7546 676.7547 684.7548 692.7549 700.7550 708.7551 716.7552 724.7553 732.7554 740.7555 748.7556 756.7557 764.7558 772.7559 780.7560 788.7561 796.7562 804.7563 812.7564 820.7565 828.7566 836.7567 844.7568 852.7569 860.75DDTaiwan channels(unit: MHz)CH Freq.7179.758185.759191.7510 197.7511 203.7512 209.75DDFOT channels(unit: MHz)CH Freq.4181.755189.756197.757205.758213.759221.75
6812FREQUENCY TABLE12■VHF marine channels (unit: MHz)CH Ship ShipNo. Transmit Receive01 156.050 160.65001A 156.050 156.05002 156.100 160.70003 156.150 160.75003A 156.150 156.15004 156.200 160.80004A 156.200 156.20005 156.250 160.85005A 156.250 156.25006 156.300 156.30007 156.350 160.95007A 156.350 156.35008 156.400 156.40009 156.450 156.45010 156.500 156.50011 156.550 156.55012 156.600 156.60013 156.650 156.65014 156.700 156.70015 156.750 156.75016 156.800 156.80017 156.850 156.85018 156.900 161.50018A 156.900 156.90019 156.950 161.55019A 156.950 156.95020 157.000 161.60020A 157.000 157.00021 157.050 161.650WX CH Frequency01 162.55002 162.40003 162.47504 162.42505 162.45006 162.50007 162.52508 161.65009 161.77510 163.275CH Ship ShipNo. Transmit Receive21A 157.050 157.05021b 161.650 161.65022 157.100 161.70022A 157.100 157.10023 157.150 161.75023A 157.150 157.15024 157.200 161.80025 157.250 161.85025b 161.850 161.85026 157.300 161.90027 157.350 161.95028 157.400 162.00028b 162.000 162.00060 156.025 160.62561 156.075 160.67561A 156.075 156.07562 156.125 160.72562A 156.125 156.12563 156.175 160.77563A 156.175 156.17564 156.225 160.82564A 156.225 156.22565 156.275 160.87565A 156.275 156.27566 156.325 160.92566A 156.325 156.32567 156.375 156.37568 156.425 156.42569 156.475 156.475CH Ship ShipNo. Transmit Receive70 156.525 156.52571 156.575 156.57572 156.625 156.62573 156.675 156.67574 156.725 156.72577 156.875 156.87578 156.925 161.52578A 156.925 156.92579 156.975 161.57579A 156.975 156.97580 157.025 161.62580A 157.025 157.02581 157.075 161.67581A 157.075 157.07582 157.125 161.72582A 157.125 157.12583 157.175 161.77583A 157.175 157.17583b 161.775 161.77584 157.225 161.82584A 157.225 157.22585 157.275 161.87585A 157.275 157.27586 157.325 161.92586A 157.325 157.32587 157.375 161.97587A 157.375 157.37588 157.425 162.02588A 157.425 157.425■Weather channels(unit: MHz)
6912 FREQUENCY TABLECH Frequency1462.5625 MHz2462.5875 MHz3462.6125 MHz4462.6375 MHz5462.6625 MHz6462.6875 MHz7462.7125 MHz■Other communications in the USADDFRS (Family Radio Service) channelsDot color FrequencyRed 151.625 MHzPurple 151.955 MHzBlue 154.570 MHzGreen 154.600 MHzWhite 462.575 MHzBlack 462.625 MHzOrange 462.675 MHzBrown 464.500 MHzYellow 464.550 MHz“J” Dot 467.763 MHz“K” Dot 467.813 MHzSilver Star 467.850 MHzGold Star 467.875 MHzRed Star 467.900 MHzBlue Star 467.925 MHzTransceiver TransceiverReceive transmit462.5500 MHz 467.5500 MHz462.5625 MHz462.5750 MHz 467.5750 MHz462.5875 MHz462.6000 MHz 467.6000 MHz462.6125 MHz462.6250 MHz 467.6250 MHz462.6375 MHz462.6500 MHz 467.6500 MHz462.6625 MHz462.6750 MHz 467.6750 MHz462.6875 MHz462.7000 MHz 467.7000 MHz462.7125 MHz462.7250 MHz 467.7250 MHzCH Frequency1151.820 MHz2151.880 MHz3151.940 MHz4154.570 MHz5154.600 MHzCH Frequency126.965 MHz226.975 MHz326.985 MHz427.005 MHz527.015 MHz627.025 MHz727.035 MHz827.055 MHz927.065 MHz10 27.075 MHz11 27.085 MHz12 27.105 MHz13 27.115 MHz14 27.125 MHz15 27.135 MHz16 27.155 MHz17 27.165 MHz18 27.175 MHz19 27.185 MHz20 27.205 MHzDDBRS (Business RadioService) channelsDDGMRS (General MobileRadio Service) channelsDDMURS channelsDDHF CB (Citizens Band) channelsCH Frequency21 27.215 MHz22 27.225 MHz23 27.255 MHz24 27.235 MHz25 27.245 MHz26 27.265 MHz27 27.275 MHz28 27.285 MHz29 27.295 MHz30 27.305 MHz31 27.315 MHz32 27.325 MHz33 27.335 MHz34 27.345 MHz35 27.355 MHz36 27.365 MHz37 27.375 MHz38 27.385 MHz39 27.395 MHz40 27.405 MHzCH Frequency8467.5625 MHz9467.5875 MHz10 467.6125 MHz11 467.6375 MHz12 467.6625 MHz13 467.6875 MHz14 467.7125 MHz
7012FREQUENCY TABLE12Frequency Description121.500 Emergencies122.000 Flight Advisory Service122.200  Flight Service Stations122.700  Unicom— Uncontrolled airports122.725  Unicom— Private airports122.750 Unicom— Air-to-air communications122.800  Unicom— Uncontrolled airports122.900  Search & rescue training, & uncontrolled airports122.950  Unicom— Controlled airports123.000  Unicom— Uncontrolled airports123.025 Helicopters— Air-to-air communications123.050 Unicom— Heliports123.075 Unicom— Heliports123.100  Search & Rescue123.300 Flight Schools123.450  Air-to-air communications (unofficial)123.500 Flight Schools123.600  Flight Service Stations— Uncontrolled airports148.125  Civil Air Patrol Repeaters— Secondary148.150  Civil Air Patrol Repeaters— Primary156.300 Aircraft-to-ship— safety156.400 Aircraft-to-ship— commercial156.425 Aircraft-to-ship— non-commercial156.450 Aircraft-to-ship— commercial156.625 Aircraft-to-ship— non-commercial156.900 Aircraft-to-ship— commercial243.000  Military Emergency “Guard”255.400 Flight Advisory Service257.800 Civilian Towers311.000 SAC Primary321.000 SAC Secondary381.800 USCG— PrimaryDDGeneral aviation frequencies (unit: MHz)CHFrequencyRemarksrange2– 13 54–216 (same as broadcast VHF)14– 22 120–174 Mid band Ch. A–I23– 36 216–300 Super band J–W37– 53 300–402 Hyper band AA–QQ54– 64 402–46865– 94 468–648 (Ultra band)95– 99 90–120 Low band A5–A1100–125 648–804 (Ultra band)DDCable TV (IRC) (unit: MHz)169.445 MHz169.505 MHz170.245 MHz170.305 MHz171.045 MHz171.105 MHz171.845 MHz171.905 MHz*Power limited to 1/20 watt. These frequencies are also used at drive-in win-dows at some fast-food restaurants.DDWireless Microphones
7112 FREQUENCY TABLE■Other communications— other countriesCH Frequency1446.006252446.018753446.031254446.043755446.056256446.068757446.081258446.09375DDPMR446 channels(unit: MHz)CH Frequency59 434.52560 434.55061 434.57562 434.60063 434.62564 434.65065 434.67566 434.70067 434.72568 434.75069 434.775CH Frequency1433.0752433.1003433.1254433.1505433.1756433.2007433.2258433.2509433.27510 433.30011 433.32512 433.35013 433.37514 433.40015 433.42516 433.45017 433.47518 433.50019 433.52520 433.55021 433.57522 433.60023 433.62524 433.65025 433.67526 433.70027 433.72528 433.75029 433.775DDLPD (Low Power Device) channels (unit: MHz)CH Frequency30 433.80031 433.82532 433.85033 433.87534 433.90035 433.92536 433.95037 433.97538 434.00039 434.02540 434.05041 434.07542 434.10043 434.12544 434.15045 434.17546 434.20047 434.22548 434.25049 434.27550 434.30051 434.32552 434.35053 434.37554 434.40055 434.42556 434.45057 434.47558 434.500
7212FREQUENCY TABLE12CH Frequency1476.425 MHz2476.450 MHz3476.475 MHz4476.500 MHz5476.525 MHz6476.550 MHz7476.575 MHz8476.600 MHz9476.625 MHz10 476.650 MHz11 476.675 MHz12 476.700 MHz13 476.725 MHz14 476.750 MHz15 476.775 MHz16 476.800 MHz17 476.825 MHz18 476.850 MHz19 476.875 MHz20 476.900 MHzDDUHF C.R.S (Citizen Radio Service) channelsCH Frequency21 476.925 MHz22 476.950 MHz23 476.975 MHz24 477.000 MHz25 477.025 MHz26 477.050 MHz27 477.075 MHz28 477.100 MHz29 477.125 MHz30 477.150 MHz31 477.175 MHz32 477.200 MHz33 477.225 MHz34 477.250 MHz35 477.275 MHz36 477.300 MHz37 477.325 MHz38 477.350 MHz39 477.375 MHz40 477.400 MHz
73MAINTENANCE13PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.■Troubleshooting If your transceiver seems to be malfunctioning, please checkthe following points before sending it to a service center.No power comes on.No sound comes from thespeaker.Sensitivity is low and onlystrong signals are audible.Frequency cannot be set.No beep sound.Receive audio is distorted.Transmitting is impossible.No contact possible withanother station.Repeater cannot be ac-cessed.•The batteries are exhausted.•The battery polarity is reversed.•Volume level is too low.•Squelch level is set too tight.•Different tone is selected with tone/DTCSsquelch.•Attenuator function is activated.•The lock function is activated.•Beep tones are turned OFF or the beep tone levelis too low.•The operating mode is not selected correctly.•The battery pack is exhausted.• A frequency outside of the 144/440 MHz amateurbands is set•The other station is using tone squelch.• The transceiver is set to duplex•Wrong offset frequency is programmed.• Priority watch is paused on the watching fre-quency•Charge the battery pack.•Check the battery polarity. •Push [YY]to obtain a suitable level.•While pushing and holding [SQL], rotate [DIAL] toset the squelch level.•Turn the appropriate function OFF.•While pushing and holding [FUNC], push [SQL]momentarily to turn the attenuator function OFF.•While pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold[BAND] for 1 sec. to turn the function OFF.•Turn beep tone ON or set the beep tone level to ap-propriate level in set mode.•While pushing and holding [FUNC], push [CALL]several times to select a suitable operating mode.•Charge the battery pack.• Set the frequency within the 144/440 MHz amateurbands.•Turn the tone squelch function ON.• Set to simplex.•Correct the offset frequency.• Correct the subaudible tone frequencyp. 6p. 6p. 13p. 14p. 45p. 15p. 18p. 54p. 14p. 6pgs. 9,11p. 45p. 19p. 20p. 21
7413MAINTENANCE13PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.Desired set mode itemcannot be selected.Programmed scan doesnot start.Memory or bank scandoes not start.Charging indicator (BC-164) lights red whilecharging.•“EXPAND” item is set to OFF.•Program scan edges are not programmed.•No or only one memory or bank channel is pro-grammed.•The temperature is too hot or too cold around thecharger (BC-164).•Turn “EXPAND” item ON.•Program a pair of scan edge channels.•Program at least 2 memory or bank channels•Place the charger within the specified temperaturerange (+5°C to +35°C; +41°F to +95 °F), thencharge the battery pack.p. 49p. 36pgs. 24,25p. 8If the fuse blows or the charger stops functioning while oper-ating with the optional CP-21LR, find the source of the prob-lem if possible, and replace the damaged fuse with a new,rated one (FGB 2 A) as shown at right.Fuse 2 A■Optional CP-21LR fuse replacementTroubleshooting (continued)
75SPECIFICATIONS14■TransceiverDGeneral•Frequency coverage : (unit: MHz)*1Guaranteed 440–450 MHz only, *2Guaranteed 144–148 MHz only*3Guaranteed 430–440 MHz only, *4Guaranteed receiving ranges are same as transmit ranges•Mode : FM, AM (Rx only), WFM (Rx only)•No. of memory channels : 1250 (incl. 50 scan edges, 200 automemory write channels)•No. of call channels : 2 channels•Usable temp. range : –10°C to +60°C; +14°F to +140°F•Tuning steps : 5, 6.25, 8.33, 9, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25,30, 50, 100 and 200 kHz•Frequency stability : ±6 ppm (–10°C to +60°C;+14°F to +140°F)•Power supply  : Specified battery pack (3.7 V DC)•Current drain (at 3.7 V DC) :Tx High 144, 440 MHz Less than 1.5 ATx Low 144 MHz 0.4 A (approx.)440 MHz 0.5 A (approx.)Rx rated audio Less than 150 mAstandby 80 mA (approx.)•Antenna connector : SMA (50 Ω)•External MIC/SP connector:3-conductor 3.5(d) mm; 1⁄8˝8 Ω(SP)/2 kΩ(MIC)•Dimensions : 47(W)×81(H)×28(D) mm;(projections not included) 127⁄32(W)×33⁄16(H)×13⁄32(D) in•Weight (approx.) :160 g; 5.64 oz (with antenna and BP-243)DReceiver•Receive system : Double-conversion superheterodyne•Intermediate frequencies : 1st 46.35 MHz (FM/AM)14.85 MHz (WFM)2nd 450 kHz•Sensitivity : (except spurious points)FM (at 12 dB SINAD)30.000–89.995 MHz Less than 0.45 µV90.000–143.995 MHz Less than 0.2 µV144.000–147.995 MHz Less than 0.18 µV148.000–179.995 MHz Less than 0.2 µV350.000–470.000 MHz 0.18 µV (typical)600.000–939.990 MHz Less than 1.4 µV940.000–999.990 MHz Less than 2.5 µVU.S.ACanadaAustraliaKoreaTaiwanGeneralTransmit144–148, 430–450*1144–148, 430–450*1144–148, 420–450*3144–146, 430–440144–146, 430–432136–173.995*2,400–478.995*3Receive*40.495–821.990, 851–866.990,896–999.9900.495–999.9900.495–999.990144–146, 430–440144–146, 430–4320.495–999.990All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
■Battery pack (BP-243)•Capacity : 1800 mAh•Battery voltage : 3.7 V•Charging temp. range : 0°C to +40°C; +32°F to +104°F•Usable temp. range : –20°C to +60°C; –4°F to +140°F•Storage temp. range :Within 1 month –20°C to +50°C; –4°F to +122°FWithin 3 months –20°C to +35°C; –4°F to +95°FWithin 1 year –20°C to +20°C; –4°F to +68°F•Dimensions : 35.3(W)×11.4(H)×53.1(D) mm;(projections not included) 13⁄8(W)×7⁄16(H)×23⁄32(D) in•Charging period (approx.) :3 hrs.•Battery life*1(approx.) :20 hrs.*1Operating periods are calculated under the following conditions;Tx : Rx : standby =5 : 5 : 90, power save function: auto setting is activated■Battery charger (BC-164)•Power supply  : 12 to 16 V DC or the specified IcomAC adapter (BC-145LA/LE/LV)•Charging current : 760 mA±10%•End voltage : 4.2 V±0.1 V•Charging temp. range : +5°C to +35°C; +41°F to +95 °F•Dimensions : 67(W)×86.5(H)×50(D) mm;(projections not included) 25⁄8(W)×313⁄32(H)×131⁄32(D) in•Weight (approx.) :95 g; 3.4 oz7614SPECIFICATIONS14AM (at 10 dB S/N)0.495–4.995 MHz Less than 2.2 µV5.000–29.995 MHz Less than 1.4 µV118.000–136.995 MHz Less than 1.4 µVWFM (at 12 dB SINAD)76.000–107.995 MHz Less than 1.8 µV600–799.990 MHz Less than 2.5 µV•Selectivity :FM, AM More than 12 kHz/6 dB Less than 30 kHz/60 dBWFM More than 150 kHz/10 dBLess than 700 kHz/20 dB•Spurious and image rejection ratio:More than 40dB•Audio output power  : More than 50 mW at 10% (at 3.7 V DC) distortion with an 8 ΩloadDTransmitter•Modulation system : Variable reactance frequency modulation•Output power (at 3.7 V DC) :144 MHz High 1.5 W, Low 0.1 W (approx.)440 MHz High 1.0 W, Low 0.1 W (approx.)•Max. frequency deviation : ±5.0 kHz•Spurious emissions : Less than –60 dB (High power)Less than –50 dB (Low power)
77OPTIONS15■OptionsCP-21LRCIGARETTE LIGHTERCABLE WITH NOISE FILTERAllows you to charge the trans-ceiver using supplied BC-164BATTERY CHARGER.OPC-782PLUG ADAPTER CABLEUsed for connection with anIcom speaker-microphone orearphone. AD-92SMAANTENNACONNECTOR ADAPTERAllows you to connect an exter-nal antenna with a BNC con-nector.SP-13EARPHONEProvides clear receive audio innoisy environments. An optionalOPC-782 is required for con-nection.BP-243 LI-ION BATTERY PACK3.7 V/1800 mAh Lithium Ion bat-tery pack. Same as supplied one.OPC-474 CLONING CABLEFor connection between trans-ceivers for data cloning.CS-P7 CLONING SOFTWARE+ OPC-478UCLONING CABLE(USB type)Allows you to transfer data, suchas memories, and quickly andeasily edit and store data via aPC (for Microsoft®Windows®98/Me/2000/XP). Current RS-232C (DB 9-pin) type cloningcable, OPC-478, is also available.BC-145LA/LE/LV AC ADAPTERSame as supplied AC adapterwith BC-164. (Not supplied withsome versions) Regularly charges the installedbattery pack into transceiver.
7815OPTIONS15DDHM-153 EARPHONE MICROPHONEAn optional OPC-782 is required for connection.DDHM-128 EARPHONE MICROPHONEAn optional OPC-782 is required for connection.DDHM-131 SPEAKER MICROPHONEAn optional OPC-782 is required for connection.HM-131HM-128SCANSETS.MWMicrophoneOPC-782HM-153Speaker/MICconnector[MIC/SP] capNOTE: Connect the OPC-782 after removing the [MIC/SP] cap (MIC/SP jack cover). Keep the [MIC/SP]  cap attached when jack are not in use to keep the contact clean.
7915 OPTIONSDDLC-161 CARRYING CASEHelps protect the transceiver from scratches, etc.Tension release loopLC-161TransceiverOPC-782NOTE: When using as below illustration, tension release loop protects the [MIC/SP] connector from being damaged by cable stress or vibrationewq
16POCKET GUIDEImportant operating instructions are summed up inthis and the following page for your simple reference.By cutting along the line and folding on the dottedline, it will become a card sized operating guide whichcan easily be carried in a card case or wallet, etc.q Cut w Fold r Completee Fold80qweriP7A■ VFO and memory mode selectionPOCKET GUIDEPush  [V/M] to toggle between VFO and memory mode.➥■ Operating mode selectionWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push [CALL] several times to select the desired mode.➥■ Audio level settingPush [Y] to increase, push [Z] to decrease the audio level.➥■ Squelch level settingWhile pushing [SQL], rotate [DIAL]  to set the squelch level.➥■ Frequency band selectionPush  [BAND] several times, or while pushing and holding [BAND], rotate [DIAL] to select the desired frequency band.➥■ Tuning step selectionWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push  [BAND] to enter tuning step selection. Then rotate [DIAL]  to select the desired tuning step.• Push [BAND] again to return to the previous condition.➥■ Monitor functionPush and hold [SQL].• The 1st segment of S/RF meter blinks.➥■ Key lock functionWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push [BAND]  for 1 sec. to toggle the key lock function ON and OFF.• “ L ” appears when the lock function is in use.➥■ Set mode settingWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push and hold [SQL] for 1 sec. to enter set mode.Rotate [DIAL] to select the de-sired item.While pushing and holding [FUNC], rotate [DIAL] to set the desired value or condition.Push [SQL] to exit set mode. qw■ Frequency settingPush  [V/M] to select VFO mode.Rotate  [DIAL] to set the de-sired operating frequency. • While pushing [FUNC], dial rota-tion changes frequency in 1 MHz steps.qw■ Memory channel selectionPush  [V/M] to select memory mode.Rotate  [DIAL] to set the de-sired memory channel.• While pushing [FUNC], dial rota-tion changes memory channel in 10 channels steps.■ Attenuator functionWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push [SQL] to toggle the attenuator function ON and OFF.• “ATT” appears when the attenuator function is in use.➥■ Transmit power settingWhile pushing and holding [FUNC], push [PTT] to toggle the transmit output power High and Low.• “LOW” appears when the low out-put power is selected.➥<CUT HERE><CUT HERE>
8116 POCKET GUIDEqwe■ Memory bank channel selectionPush  [V/M] to select memory mode.Push  [BAND] several times, or while pushing and holding [BAND], rotate [DIAL] to select the desired bank group.Rotate [DIAL] to select the de-sired bank channel.qw■ Call channel selectionPush  [CALL] to select call channel mode.Rotate [DIAL] to select the de-sired call channel.• Push [CALL] again or push [V/M] to return to the previous condition.qwer■ Memory channel programmingSet the desired frequency and other functions in VFO mode.Push and hold [V/M] for 1 sec. to enter select memory write mode.• 1 short and 1 long beeps sound.Rotate  [DIAL] to select the de-sired memory channel number.Push and hold [V/M] for 1 sec. again to program the contents into the selected channel.• 3 beeps sound.qwe■ Scan skip settingPush  [V/M] to select memory mode.Rotate  [DIAL] to select the de-sired memory channel.While pushing and holding [FUNC], push [V/M] to set the skip setting (skip channel or skip frequency) ON and OFF.qw■ VFO scansPush  [V/M] to select VFO mode.Push and hold [CALL] for 1 sec.• One of scan type “ALL,” “BAND” or “PROG xx” (xx= 0–24) appears. erRotate [DIAL] to select the de-sired scan type. Push [CALL] again to start the scan.• Rotate [DIAL] to change the scan-ning direction.• During scan, push [V/M] to start auto memory write scan.Push [CALL] again to stop the scan.erRotate [DIAL] to select the de-sired scan type. Push [CALL] again to start the scan.• Rotate [DIAL] to change the scan-ning direction.Push [CALL] again to stop the scan.qw■ Memory scansPush  [V/M] to select memory mode.Push and hold [CALL] for 1 sec.• One of scan type “M ALL,” “B ALL,” “B LINK” or “BANK”  appears, if memory banks are assigned.

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