ICOM orporated 297400 VHF Air Band Transceiver User Manual IC A210

ICOM Incorporated VHF Air Band Transceiver IC A210


Manual Revised

iA210VHF AIR BAND TRANSCEIVERINSTRUCTION MANUALThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the condition that thisdevice does not cause harmful interference.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page a
iIMPORTANTREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completelybefore using the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL —This in-struction manual contains important operating instructions forthe IC-A210.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSThe explicit definitions below apply to this instruction manual.RIcom, Icom Inc. and the  logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incor-porated (Japan) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France,Spain, Russia and/or other countries.IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation inthe U.S.A. and other countries.FEATURES❍Large, bright OLED displayA fixed mount VHF airband first! The IC-A210 has an organic lightemitting diode (OLED) display. All man-made lighting emits its ownlight and display offers many advantages in brightness, not bright-ness, vividness, high contrast, wide viewing angle and response timecompared to a conventional display. In addition, the auto dimmerfunction adjusts the display for optimum brightness at day or night.❍Easy channel selectionIt’s fast and easy to select any of memory channels in the IC-A210.The “flip-flop” arrow button switches between active and standbychannels. The dualwatch function allows you to monitor two channelssimultaneously. In addition, the history memory channel stores thelast 10 channels used and allows you to recall those channels easily.❍GPS memory functionWhen connected to an external GPS receiver* equipped with an air-port frequency database, the IC-A210 will instantly tune in the localairport frequency as you fly into its airspace.*Ask your dealer for available GPS receiver details.❍13.8 V/27.5 V DC power sourceThe built-in DC-DC converter accepts a 13.8/27.5 V DC powersource. The IC-A210 is easily installed in most airplanes or vehicles.❍Intercom functionThe IC-A210 has a built-in voice activated intercom function allowingthe pilot to talk with a co-pilot via headset. The IC-A210 has ad-justable audio level and squelch control functions.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page b
DO NOT push the PTT when not actually desiring to trans-mit.AVOID using or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight orin areas with temperatures below –20°C (–4°F) or above+55°C (+131°F).AVOID placing the transceiver in excessively dusty envi-ronments.AVOID placing the transceiver against walls. This will ob-struct heat dissipation.AVOID the use of chemical agents such as benzine or al-cohol when cleaning, as they damage the transceiver sur-faces.BE CAREFUL! The transceiver will become hot whenoperating continuously for long periods.PRECAUTIONSiiRWARNING! NEVER operate the transceiver with aheadset or other audio accessories at high volume levels.Hearing experts advise against continuous high volume op-eration. If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce thevolume level or discontinue use.NEVER connect the transceiver to an AC outlet or to apower source of more than 28 V DC. Such a connection willdamage the transceiver.NEVER connect the transceiver to a power source that isDC fused at more than 5 A. Accidental reverse connection willbe protected by this fuse, higher fuse values will not give anyprotection against such accidents and the transceiver will beruined.DO NOT operate the transceiver near unshielded electricalblasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.DO NOT connect the transceiver to a power source usingreverse polarity. This connection will not only blow fuses butalso may damage the transceiver.DO NOT place unit in a non-secure place to avoid inad-vertent use by children.FCC caution: Changes or modifications to this transceiver, notexpressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority tooperate this transceiver under FCC regulations.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page c
iiiIMPORTANT .............................................................................................iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS...........................................................................iFEATURES ...............................................................................................iPRECAUTIONS........................................................................................iiTABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................iii1 PANEL DESCRIPTION.....................................................................1–4■ Front panel .....................................................................................1■ Rear panel......................................................................................3■ Main unit.........................................................................................3■ Function display..............................................................................42 BASIC OPERATION.........................................................................5–8■ Frequency selection .......................................................................5■ Standby frequency selection (Step 1-2) .........................................5■ Frequency exchanging/not exchanging (Step 2-2).........................6■ Receiving........................................................................................6■ Transmitting....................................................................................6■ Frequency set example ..................................................................7■ Direct frequency setting mode operation........................................8■ Dualwatch operation.......................................................................83 MEMORY OPERATION ..................................................................9–18■ Programming notes ........................................................................9■ Entering memory mode ..................................................................9■ Memory channel type .....................................................................9■ Channel selection.........................................................................10■ Programming a memory channel .................................................10■ Programming example..................................................................11■ Transferring memory contents......................................................12■ Memory mode menu(Regular memory and group memory channels only) ..................12■ Memory channel...........................................................................13■ Group memory channel................................................................13■ History memory channel...............................................................14■ Clearing the memory contents(Regular memory and group memory channels only) ..................14■ Programming channel names (Regular memory channel only) ...15■ Programming group names (Group memory channel only) .........15■ Programming channel tag(Group memory channel only)......................................................16■Channel tag list.............................................................................16■Weather memory channel (U.S.A. version only) ..........................17■GPS memory................................................................................17■GPS memory edit .........................................................................18■Memory protection........................................................................184 OTHER FUNCTIONS....................................................................19–21■Lock function ................................................................................19■Accessing 121.5 MHz emergency frequency ...............................19■Intercom function..........................................................................20■Squelch test function ....................................................................20■Weather memory channel scan (U.S.A. version only)..................215 MENU MODE................................................................................22–27■MENU mode programming...........................................................22■MENU mode items .......................................................................236 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL.......................................................28■Transceiver installation.................................................................28■Transceiver removal .....................................................................287 CLONING............................................................................................298 SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................309 OPTIONS ............................................................................................3110 SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION ...............................................35TABLE OF CONTENTSIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page d
11PANEL DESCRIPTION01■Front panelqDUAL SWITCH [DUAL]➥Push to turn dualwatch operation ON or OFF (p. 8).➥Push and hold for 2 sec. to turn the intercom functionON or OFF.wEMERGENCY CHANNEL SWITCH [EC]➥Push to set the emergency frequency (121.5 MHz) tothe standby frequency (p. 19).➥Push and hold for 2 sec. to enter the direct frequencysetting mode (p. 8), and set the emergency frequency(121.5 MHz) (p. 19).eVOLUME/POWER SWITCH [VOL]➥Turn [VOL] to switch the power ON and OFF (p. 5).➥Adjusts the audio output level.The volume level bar appears while rotating [VOL].➥Push to set the squelch test function ON or OFF (p. 20).➥Push and hold for 2 sec. to start the weather channel(U.S.A. version only) scan (p. 21).rFREQUENCY EXCHANGE SWITCH (FLIP-FLOP)[↔]➥Push to exchange the standby frequency with the ac-tive frequency (p. 6).➥Push and hold for 2 sec. to enter direct frequency set-ting mode (p. 8).RCLMEMOFFVOLPUSHTESTCOMMDUALECiA210CH09 SAMPLE121.525118.00RX MEMORYeytriouqwIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 1
21PANEL DESCRIPTION■Front panel (Continued)tMEMORY SWITCH [MEM]➥Push and hold for 2 sec. to be programmed a displayedfrequency to any blank regular memory channel ordelete/revive the selected memory channel (dependingon the operating mode) (p. 9).➥Push to display the memory mode menu, and operateselected menu (p. 9).yRECALL SWITCH [RCL]➥Push to enter/exit the memory mode (p. 9).➥Push and hold for 2 sec. to enter the menu mode(p. 22).uLIGHT-SENSITIVE DETECTORThis detector senses ambient light. The detector is usedto adjust “Dimmer brightness (Low/High)” (p. 25) automat-ically when “Dimmer Mode” (p. 25) sets to ‘AUTO.’iINNER (Small) TUNING DIAL [DIAL]➥Rotate to set the standby frequencies (kHz digit) (p. 5),memory channels (p. 10), MENU mode conditions(p. 22), etc.➥Push and hold for 2 sec. to turn the dial/panel lock func-tion ON (p. 19).oOUTER (Large) TUNING DIAL [O-DIAL]➥Rotate to set the standby frequencies (MHz digit) (p. 5),group memory channel (p. 13), cursor position (p. 15),etc.➥Rotate to change the scan direction while scanning(p. 21).RCLMEMOFFVOLPUSHTESTCOMMDUALECiA210CH09 SAMPLE121.525118.00RX MEMORYeytriouqwIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 2
31PANEL DESCRIPTION01■Rear panelqANTENNA CONNECTORConnects an antenna connector.wDATA JACKConnects a 3rd party GPS receiver*1or optional cloningcable (OPC-1529R).*1Ask your dealer for available GPS receiver details.eDC, MICROPHONE, SPEAKER AND HEADPHONEJACKConnects a 13.8 V or 27.5 V DC power supply, speakerand headphone.Refer to the “INSTALLATION GUIDE” in details.■Main unitqMetal catch (For Icom products)Use to attach to an installation rack for Icom products(p. 28).wMetal catch (For 3rd party products*)Use to attach to an installation rack for 3rd party products*(p. 28).*Ask your dealer for available products details.q we qe• Top view • Bottom viewq wIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 3
41PANEL DESCRIPTION■Function displayqACTIVE FREQUENCY INDICATOR➥Shows the active frequency (p. 6).➥Shows the MENU mode items in the MENU mode(p. 22).wTX INDICATORAppears while transmitting (p. 6).eRX INDICATOR➥Appears when receiving a signal on the active fre-quency signal (p. 6).➥Appears when receiving a signal on the standby fre-quency signal while dualwatch operation (p. 8).➥Appears when opening the active frequency’s squelchfunction (p. 6).rINTERCOM INDICATORAppears when the intercom function is in use (p. 20).tDUALWATCH INDICATORAppears when the dualwatch function is active (p. 8).yMEMORY CONDITION INDICATOR➥Indicates “MEMORY” when the regular memory channelis selected (p. 13).➥Indicates “GRP01–GRP20” when the group memorychannel is selected (p. 13).The group name is also indicated if the name has beenentered.➥Indicates “HISTORY” when the history memory chan-nel is selected (p. 14).➥Indicates “WEATHER” when the weather memory chan-nel is selected (U.S.A. version only) (p. 17).➥Indicates “GPS” when the GPS memory channel is se-lected (The 3rd party GPS receiver is required) (p. 17).uSTANDBY FREQUENCY INDICATOR➥Shows the standby frequency (p. 5).➥Shows the setting values in the MENU mode (p. 22).iCHANNEL NAME INDICATORShows the channel name during memory mode (p. 15).oMEMORY CHANNEL INDICATORShows the selected memory channel number during mem-ory mode (p. 13).!0 TEST INDICATORAppears while the squelch test function is active (p. 20).!1 LOCK INDICATOR (p. 19)➥Indicates “ ”while the dial lock function is in use.➥Indicates “ ”while the panel lock function in use.CH09 SAMPLETEST121.525118.00RX DUAL MEMORY RXICSOFDTXetr y eio!1uq!0wIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 4
52BASIC OPERATION0102■Frequency selectionIC-A210 has 2 ways to select the desired frequency.ïGeneral frequency selectionSelect the desired frequency which is used for the next oper-ating frequency in the standby frequency indicator. Then ex-change the active frequency for the standby frequency.NOTE: Operate from “Standby frequency selection(Step 1-2)” to “Frequency exchanging (Step 2-2)” as pgs. 5–6.ïDirect frequency selectionThe desired frequency direct selection is available.Refer to “Direct frequency selection mode operation.”■Standby frequency selection(Step 1-2)qRotate [VOL] clockwise to turn power ON.• Previously used frequencies appear in the active andstandby frequency indicators.wRotate [DIAL] and [O-DIAL] to select the desired fre-quency to the standby frequency.• The active frequency is not affected.• Rotate [O-DIAL] to set above 1 MHz digit.• Rotate [DIAL] to set below 100 kHz digit.•Set the frequency step* in the menu mode, if necessary (p. 27).*Available for depending on versions.TIP: For quick frequency setting, often used frequenciescan be programmed into memory channels. Refer to “MEM-ORY OPERATION” (pgs. 9–18).When a memory channel is recalled, the previous standbyfrequency is erased.CAUTION: DO NOT turn the power ON until the aircraft engines havebeen started. It is very important for protection of the powersupply circuit.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 5
62BASIC OPERATION■Frequency exchanging/not exchanging (Step 2-2)qAfter selecting the standby frequency, push [↔]to ex-change the standby frequency with the active frequency.•Rotate [VOL] to set the volume level, if necessary.• When receiving a signal, “RX” appears and audio is emitted fromthe speaker or headset.•Further adjustment of audio level may be necessary at this point.• Adjust the squelch level in the menu mode, if necessary (p. 24).wPush and hold [PTT] to transmit, then speak into the mi-crophone.• Transmit indicator “TX” lights.eRelease [PTT] to receive.Frequency exchanging can be also performed remotely fromthe yoke-mounted frequency exchange switch.■ReceivingqSelect an operating frequency.• Refer to pgs. 5–6 in details.• “RX” appears when receiving a signal or opening squelch.wPush [VOL] to open the squelch manually.• Refer to p. 20 “Squelch test function” in details.eRotate the volume control to adjust the audio level.■TransmittingqSelect the yoke-mounted communication/intercom switchto the “communication” position.wSelect an operating frequency.• Refer to pgs. 5–6 in details.ePush the PTT switch.• “TX” appears.rSpeak into the microphone at your normal voice level.• DO NOT set the microphone too closely to your mouth or speaktoo loudly. This may distort the signal.tRelease the PTT switch to receive.TIP: The intercom function is useful for swift communica-tion between the pilot and co-pilot.Set the communication/intercom switch on the VHF controlpanel to the “intercom” position. Voice signals from the mi-crophone are sent to both the pilot and co-pilot’s headsets.NOTE: To prevent interference, listen on the frequency be-fore transmitting. If the frequency is busy, wait until the fre-quency is clear.NOTE: DO NOT push and hold [↔]continuously. Oth-erwise the standby frequency disappears. If this happens,again push and hold [↔]until the standby frequency reap-pears.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 6
72BASIC OPERATION02■Frequency set exampleThe following example shows to how to select 126.40 MHz in the standby frequency indicator and then exchange it to the activefrequency indicator.qweThe active frequency and the standby frequenies are exchanged.Previously used frequencies appear.Rotate the large tuning dial to change the standby frequency in MHz steps.Rotate the small tuning dial to change the standby frequency in kHz steps.121.805134.80RX126.805134.80RX126.405134.80RX134.805126.40RXRotate  [O-DIAL] clockwise to select “126” MHz.Rotate  [DIAL]  counterclockwise to select “400” kHz.Push [↔].DO NOT push and hold. See “Direct frequnecy setting mode operation” on p. 8 if you make a mistake and do push and hold.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 7
82BASIC OPERATION■Direct frequency settingmode operationThe direct frequency setting mode operation is useful whensetting the desired frequency directly to the active frequencyindicator.qPush and hold [↔]for 2 sec. to enter the direct frequencysetting mode.• The only active frequency is displayed.wSelect an operating frequency.• Refer to pgs. 5–6 in details.ePush [RCL] or [↔]to exit the direct frequency settingmode.■Dualwatch operationThe dualwatch operation monitors active and standby fre-quencies alternately. Therefore, it’s useful to monitor thestandby frequency while receiving the active frequency.qPush [DUAL] to enter dualwatch operation.• “DUAL” appears on the active frequency indicator.• The active or standby frequency‘s “RX”blinks when receiving sig-nal or opening the squelch.wPush [DUAL] again to exit dualwatch operation.• “DUAL” disappears.• You may also exit dualwatch by pushing [PTT].121.80RX129.405121.00RX DUAL RXIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 8
93MEMORY OPERATION0203■Programming notesïBlank channelA memory or group channel with no frequency content iscalled as a blank channel. When a blank channel is selectedwhile memory programming, “–––––” appears instead of afrequency.ïMemory protect functionIC-A210 has a memory protect function. The function pre-vents accidental changes or deletion.The function can be set in the MENU mode.■Entering memory mode• Push [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• Push [RCL] to set the selected memory channel frequencyto the standby frequency, then exit the memory mode.• Push and hold [RCL] for 2 sec. to exit the memory mode(The standby frequency is set the frequency before enter-ing the memory mode ).■Memory channel typeThe transceiver has 5-memory* channel types as follows.*Depends on versions, the transceiver has 5 different types of mem-ory channels.ïRegular memory channel (MEMORY)There are up to 10 available memory channels. The following functions are available:REPLACE, DELETE, REVIVE and CHANNEL NAME EDITfunctions.ïGroup memory channel (GRP01–GRP20)There are up to 200 group channels (10 CH ×20 Groups).The following functions are available:REPLACE, DELETE, REVIVE, GROUP NAME EDIT andCHANNEL TAG functions.ïWeather memory channel (WEATHER)(U.S.A. version ONLY)10 weather memory channels are available. They are used for monitoring NOAA (National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration) broadcasts (reception of weathermemory channels possible in U.S.A. version only).ïHistory memory channel (HISTORY)There are up to 10 available history memory channels. The active frequency is written into history memory channelsautomatically when pushing [↔]to exchange the active andstandby frequency (except weather channels: U.S.A. versiononly).ïGPS memory channel (GPS)There are up to 10 available GPS memory channels.When connected to an external GPS receiver* equipped withan airport frequency database, the frequency data such asnearby airports can be transferred into GPS memory chan-nels .* Ask your dealer for available GPS receiver details.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 9
103MEMORY OPERATION■Programming a memorychannelThis transceiver is equipped with 10 regular memory and 200group channels. You can program often-used frequencies intothem.qRotate [DIAL] and [O-DIAL] to set the desired frequencyfor the standby frequency indicator.wPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.• The memory channel name also appears if it has been entered.eRotate [O-DIAL] to select the desired memory channeltype.• Select regular memory channel or group memory channel.rPush [MEM] again, and then rotate [O-DIAL] to select a“REPLACE” menu.• The memory channel number blinks.tRotate [DIAL] to select a memory channel to be pro-grammed.yPush [MEM], then the selected memory channel is pro-grammed.• “WRITE COMPLETED” appears on the display when the regularmemory channel is programmed.uPush [RCL] to exit the memory mode.■Channel selectionThe transceiver has 10 regular memory and 200 groupchannels (10 channels ×1 REGULAR MEMORY and 10channels  ×20 GROUPS) for storage of often-usedfrequencies along with 6-character notes.qPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.• The memory channel name also appears if it has been entered.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the memory channel type.• Select from regular memory channel or group memory channel.eRotate [DIAL] to select the desired memory channel num-ber.Transferring the memory channel to the active fre-quency is necessary if operating at the memory chan-nel.Refer to “Transferring memory contents” (p. 12) for de-tails.rPush [RCL] to exit the memory mode.CH01127.005122.00RX MEMORYIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 10
113MEMORY OPERATION03■Programming exampleThe following is an example showing how to program 126.000 MHz into regular memory channel 4.“         ” appears when no frequency has been programmed into regular memory channel 4.“MEMORY” and regular memory channel number appear.“126.00” appears in the standby indicator.126.005134.80RXCH01134.80RX MEMORYCH04134.80RX MEMORYCH04126.000---.---134.80RX MEMORYREPLACE       ÇCH04126.005134.80RX MEMORYSet a “126.000 MHz” in the standby indicator.qPush  [RCL], then rotate [O-DIAL] to select “MEMORY”.wPush  [MEM], then rotate [O-DIAL] to select “REPLACE.”rPush  [MEM] to store the desired frequency into the selected regular memory channel.tSelect regular memory chan-nel 4 with [DIAL].e“WRITE COMPLETED” is displayed when the selected frequency is stored.Regular memory channel number blinks.TIP: Push and hold [MEM] for 2 sec. to program a displayed frequency to any blanket memory channel automatically, after stepq.NOTE: The programming is cancelled while all regular memory channels have already programmed.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 11
123MEMORY OPERATION■Transferring memorycontentsThis function transfers a memory channel’s contents into theactive frequency indicator.qPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.• The memory channel name also appears if it has been entered.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the desired memory channeltype.• Select regular, group history, weather* or GPS memory channel.* Selectable depending on versions.eRotate [DIAL] to select a memory channel to be trans-ferred.rPush [↔], then the selected memory channel is trans-ferred into the active frequency indicator.• The memory mode is cancelled automatically.■Memory mode menu(Regular and group memorychannels only)ïREPLACEReplacing the selected memory channel to the standby fre-quency.ïDELETEDeleting the selected memory channel.ïREVIVEReturning the selected memory channel to its previous state.ïCH NAME (Regular memory channel only)Setting the channel name to the selected regular memorychannel.ïGRP NAME (Group memory channel only)Setting the group name to the selected memory group.ïCH TAG (Group memory channel only)Setting the channel tag to the selected memory channel (Se-lecting the group memory channel is the only option).ïDONEReturn to the memory mode.CH01127.005122.00RX MEMORY122.005127.00RX MEMORYPush [↔].IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 12
133MEMORY OPERATION03■Regular memory channelThe transceiver has 10 regular memory channels. 5 actionsare selectable.qPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.• The memory channel name also appears if it has been entered.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the regular memory channel.• “MEMORY” appears.ePush [MEM] again, then rotate [O-DIAL] to select a menuas follow.• The memory channel number blinks.rPush [MEM] to perform the selected action.■Group memory channelThe transceiver has 200 memory channels 200 groupchannels (10 channels ×20 groups). 6 actions are selectable.qPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.• The memory channel name also appears if it has been entered.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the group memory channel.• “GRP01–GRP20” appears.ePush [DIAL], and then rotate [O-DIAL] to select the mem-ory group from GRP01 to GRP20 if necessary.• The group and channel numbers blink.• Push [DIAL] again, or push [RCL] to set the memory group.rPush [MEM] again, rotate [O-DIAL] to select a menu asfollow.• The memory channel number blinks.tPush [MEM] to perform the selected action.CH01127.005122.00RX GRP01CH01127.005122.00RX MEMORYREPLACE Replace to the standby frequency.DELETE Delete the memory channel.REVIVE Revive the previous memory channel data.CH NAME Edit the memory channel name.DONE Do nothing and return to the memory mode.REPLACE Replace to the standby frequency.DELETE Delete the memory channel.REVIVE Revive the previous memory channel data.GRP NAME Edit the group name.CH TAG Set the memory channel as a tag channel.DONEDo nothing and return to the memory mode.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 13
143MEMORY OPERATION■History memory channelThe transceiver has 10 history memory channels.The standby frequency is stored into a history memory chan-nel when pushing [↔].The frequency is stored into the history memory channel inorder from “CH01” to “CH10.”qPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.• The memory channel name also appears if it has been entered.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the history memory channel.• “HISTORY” appears.eRotate [DIAL] to select a desired channel.• Push [↔]to exchange the history memory channel frequency tothe active frequency if necessary.rPush [RCL] to exit the memory mode.■Clearing the memory contents(Regular and group memorychannels only)Unwanted memory channels can be cleared.qPush [RCL] to select memory mode.• The channel number appears.• The memory channel name also appears if it has been entered.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the memory channel type.• Select from regular memory channel or group memory channel.ePush  [MEM] again, then rotate [O-DIAL] to select“DELETE.”• The memory channel number blinks.rPush [MEM] to delete the memory channel data.•“-- -- -- -- -- --” appears momentarily, then the next selectablechannel appears.tPush [RCL] to exit the memory mode.CH01127.005122.00RX HISTORYCH01127.000127.000122.00RX MEMORYÅDELETE       ÇCH01122.00RX MEMORYIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 14
153MEMORY OPERATION03■Programming channel names(Regular memory channel only)The regular memory channel can display a 6-character namein addition to the memory number.qPush [RCL], then rotate [O-DIAL] to select the desiredregular memory channel in the memory mode.• Rotate [O-DIAL] to select the memory channel type if necessary.wPush [MEM], then rotate [O-DIAL] to select “CH NAME.”ePush  [MEM], then memory channel name’s 1st digitblinks.rRotate [DIAL] to select the desired character.• The character type as shown below is selectable.• Push [DIAL] to switch capital (A, B, C, ···) →lower case (A, B, C,···) →number (0, 1, 2, ···) →capital (A, B, C, ···) in order.tRotate [O-DIAL] to select the next input digit.yRepeat r–tto input the memory channel name.uPush [MEM] to decide the memory channel name.• Selectable characters■Programming group names(Group memory channel only)The group memory channel can display a 6-character namein addition to the group number (“GRP01”–“GRP20”).qPush [RCL], then rotate [O-DIAL] to select the desiredmemory channel in the memory mode.• Rotate [O-DIAL] to select the memory channel type if necessary.wPush [DIAL], and then rotate [O-DIAL] to select the mem-ory group from GRP01 to GRP20, if necessary.ePush [MEM], then rotate [O-DIAL] to select “GRP NAME”.rPush [MEM], then group name’s 1st digit blinks.tRotate [DIAL] to select the desired character.• The character type as shown left “Selectable characters” is se-lectable.• Push [DIAL] to switch capital (A, B, C, ···) →lower case (A, B, C,···) →number (0, 1, 2, ···) →capital (A, B, C, ···) in order.yRotate [O-DIAL] to select the next input digit.uRepeat t–yto input the group name.iPush [MEM] to decide the group name.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]^ _ `a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ■! ” # $% & ’ ( ) ∗+ , – . /IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 15
163MEMORY OPERATION■Programming channel tag (Group memory channel only)The tag name can be set a 3-character name in addition tothe group number. It is convenient for separating memorytype.qPush [RCL], then rotate [O-DIAL] to select the desiredgroup memory channel in the memory mode.• Rotate [O-DIAL] to select the memory channel type if necessary.wPush [MEM], then rotate [O-DIAL] to select “CH TAG”when selecting “LABEL” in “Group memory channel dis-play” of the menu mode (p. 24)ePush [MEM], then rotate [DIAL] to select the desiredchannel tag.• The tag type as shown below is selectable.rPush [MEM] to decide the channel tag.• Selectable tags___ / TWR / GND / ATS / ATF / APP / ARR / AWS / CLR /CTF / DEP / FSS / RFS / UNI / MF / OTH / U-1 / U-2■Channel tag listTAG DISPLAYMEANSNAME Group*1GPS*2_ _ _ YES – Non-tagTWR YES YES TowerGND YES YES GroundATS YES YES ATISATF YES YES Air trafficAPP YES YES ApproachARR YES YES ArrivalAWS YES YES Automatic Weather StationCLR YES YES Clearance / DeliveryCTF YES YESCommon Traffic Advisory FrequencyDEP YES YES Departure FrequencyFSS YES YES Flight Service StationRFS YES YES Remote Flight Service StationUNI YES YES Unicom frequencyMF YES YES Mandatory frequencyOTH YES – OtherU-1 YES – User1 setting (Refer to p. 26)U-2 YES – User2 setting (Refer to p. 26)*1Group memory, *2GPS memoryCH01127.005122.00RX GRP01TWRIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 16
173MEMORY OPERATION03■GPS memoryWhen connected to an external GPS receiver* equipped withan airport frequency database, frequency data such asnearby airports can be transferred and made available in theGPS memory (maximum 10-memory channels).*Ask your dealer for available GPS receiver details.qPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the GPS memory channel.• “GPS” appears.eRotate [DIAL] to select a desired channel.rPush [RCL] to exit the GPS memory mode.■Weather memory channel (U.S.A. version only)The U.S.A. version has VHF marine WX (weather) channelreceiving capability for flight planning.qPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the weather memory channel.• “WEATHER” appears.eRotate [DIAL] to select a desired channel.rPush [RCL] to exit the weather memory mode.WX01162.555122.00RX DUAL WEATHERCH01 TWR122.055122.00RX GPS RJTJAirport codeTag nameChannel Frequency Channel FrequencyWX01 162.550 MHz WX06 162.500 MHzWX02 162.400 MHz WX07 162.525 MHzWX03 162.475 MHz WX08 161.650 MHzWX04 162.425 MHz WX09 161.775 MHzWX05 162.450 MHz WX10 163.275 MHz• Weather memory channel listNOTE: See the GPS receiver’s instruction manual whentransferring the frequency data in details.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 17
183MEMORY OPERATION■GPS memory editThe received GPS memory data is stored to desired groupmemory channel.qPush [RCL] to enter the memory mode.• The channel number appears.• The memory channel name also appears if it has been entered.wRotate [O-DIAL] to select the GPS memory channel.• “GPS” appears.ePush [MEM] to enter the GPS memory channel edit mode,then rotate [O-DIAL] to select the desired group memory.• “GPS” and airport code blink.rPush [MEM] to store the GPS memory channel data to theselected group memory.tPush [RCL] to exit the memory mode.NOTE:The GPS memory data is overwritten if the settinggroup memory channel has already memorized other data.■Memory protectionThe transceiver has memory protection which inhibits to theediting (storing, deleting, replacing, etc.) of the memory groupmemory channels.Refer to “Memory Protection” (pgs. 18, 24) for details.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 18
194OTHER FUNCTIONS0304■Lock functionThe lock function prevents accidental frequency changes andaccidental function activation.qPush and hold [DIAL] for 2 sec. to turn the lock functionON.• “ ” appears when DIAL lock mode is selected.• “ ” appears when PANEL lock mode is selected.wTo turn the function OFF, repeat step qabove.• “ ” or “ ” disappears.■Accessing 121.5 MHzemergency frequencyThe IC-A210 can be set to the 121.5 MHz emergency fre-quency quickly. This function can be activated even when thekey lock function is in use.qPush [EC] to call the emergency frequency to the standbyfrequency, and then entering the dualwatch operation au-tomatically.wPush [↔]to transfer emergency frequency to the activefrequency if necessary.• “EC” appears.ePush [↔]to exit from the emergency frequency.• Set the frequency except 121.500 MHz before pushing [↔]tothe standby frequency if necessary.• “EC” disappears.NOTE: “EC” also appears on the display while the activefrequency is set to 121.500 MHz.OPODOPODNOTE: AUTOMATIC LOCK RELEASE FUNCTIONThis transceiver has an “Automatic Lock Release Function”which releases the Lock function automatically when an op-erator gets into a panic.The function performs when operating to push any keys (ex-cept [EC]) 8-times or rotating any dials (except [VOL]) 25-clicks for 5 sec.CONVENIENT!: Push and hold [EC] for 2 sec. to enterthe direct frequency setting mode (p. 8), and set the emer-gency frequency (121.5 MHz).• “EC” appears.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 19
204OTHER FUNCTIONS■Intercom functionWhen 2-headphone and microphone jacks are connected tothe transceiver, these headsets can be used as a voice-acti-vated intercom.qEnter to the MENU mode.• See p.22 for details.wSet Intercom Usable Setting to ON.• See p.27 for details.eExit from the MENU mode.• See p.22 for details.rPush and hold [DUAL] for 2 sec. to enable the intercomfunction.• “ICS” appears.• The headphone audio output level can be selected“OFF,” “output level fixing (001–076)” or “interlocking with[VOL]” in the MENU mode (p. 23).• The microphone1 and microphone2 audio input levelscan be also selected “OFF” or “output level fixing(001–076)” in the MENU mode (p. 23).■Squelch test functionThis function opens the squelch manually for testing.qPush [VOL] to turn the squelch test function ON.• “TEST” appears.wTo turn the function OFF, repeat step qas above.• “TEST” disappears.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 20
214OTHER FUNCTIONS■Weather memory channelscan (U.S.A. version only)Scanning searches for weather channel signals automaticallyand makes it easier to listen purposes.Repeatedly scans all weather memory channels.This function is available for the U.S.A. version only.qSet to the weather memory channel mode.wPush and hold [VOL] for 2 sec. to start weather memorychannel  scan.• To change the scan direction, turn [DIAL].• “NO WTH” appears when no signal receives from WX01– WX10channels. Then the weather memory channel scan stops auto-matically.• “SEARCH“ flashes while scanning.ePush and hold [VOL] for 2 sec. again to stop the scan.162.555122.00RX WEATHERSEARCH04IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 21
225MENU MODE■MENU mode programmingMENU mode is available at power ON and allows you to setseldom-changed settings. In this way you can customizetransceiver operations to suit your preferences and operatingstyle.DOperating MENU modeqRotate [VOL] to turn the transceiver’s power ON.wPush [RCL] to set VFO mode if memory mode is selected.ePush and hold [RCL] for 2 sec. to enter the MENU mode.rRotate [O-DIAL] to select setting items.tRotate [DIAL] to select the desired condition.yPush [RCL] to exit MENU mode, and returning to the pre-vious operating condition.• MENU mode itemsMENU MODEHP LEVEL AF GAIN01/31RCLMEMOFFVOLPUSHTESTCOMMDUALECiA210AF GAINOFF001076Desired condition settingHP LEVELINCOM LV1INCOM LV2MIC1 SQLMenu mode items settingMenu mode items Items numberSetting valuep. 23HP LEVELGRP MEMORYINCOM LV2INCOM LV1MIC1 SQLMIC2 SQLANLSQL LEVELFM SQL LV**Not available on all versions.LOCK MODEDW INTERVALMEM PROTECTMIC2 GAINMIC1 GAINSIDETONE LVTX MIC SELDISP HIGHDISP MAN.AUX LEVELDISP MODEDISP LOWDISP RESP.FREQ DISPU-1 ID SETU-2 ID SETAUX INBEEPINCOM MODETIME OUTMEM CLEARp. 26p. 27p. 25p. 24p. 25IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 22
235MENU MODE■MENU mode itemsDHeadphone Level “HP LEVEL”Set the headphone output level while receiving.• AF gain : The output level is same as [VOL].• OFF (0) : While muting the headphone.• 001–080 : Setting audio level from 1 to 80.DIntercom1 Microphone Audio Input Level“INCOM LV1”Set the intercom1 microphone input level.• OFF (0) : While muting the intercom1 microphone.• 001–080 : Setting the intercom1 input level from 1 to 80.DIntercom2 Microphone Audio Input Level“INCOM LV2”Set the intercom2 microphone input level.• OFF (0) : While muting the intercom2 microphone.• 001–076 : Setting the intercom2 input level from 1 to 80..DIntercom1 Squelch Level “MIC1 SQL”Set the intercom1 squelch level.The setting level is required to open the squelch when speak-ing to the intercom1.• OFF (0) : While opening the intercom1 squelch.• 001–030 : Setting the intercom1 squelch level from 1 to 30.DIntercom2 Squelch Level “MIC2 SQL”Set the intercom2 squelch level.The setting level is required to open the squelch when speak-ing to the intercom2.• OFF (0) : While opening the intercom2 squelch.• 001–030 : Setting the intercom2 squelch level from 1 to 30.DAutomatic Noise Limiter “ANL”The ANL (Automatic Noise Limiter) function reduces noisecomponents such as that caused by engine ignition systemswhile receiving.• OFF : The ANL function is OFF.• ON : The ANL function is ON.05IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 23
245MENU MODE■MENU mode items (Continued)DAM Squelch Level “SQL LEVEL”Set the squelch level for AM mode operation.In order to receive signals properly, as well as for the scan tofunction effectively, the squelch must be adjusted to theproper level.• –010–010 : Setting AM squelch level from –10 to 10.DFM Squelch Level “FM SQL LV”(U.S.A. version only)Set the squelch level for FM mode operation.• –010–010 : Setting FM squelch level from –10 to 10.DLock Mode “LOCK MODE”Set the lock function effective area.• OFF : The lock function is nonfunctional.• DIAL : The lock function applies to [DIAL].• PANEL : The lock function applies to buttons on the front panel.DDualwatch Interval “DW INTERVAL”Set the interval time while operating dualwatch or weatherscan.• FAST : The interval time sets to 300 msec.• MID : The interval time sets to 600 msec.• SLOW : The interval time sets to 2 sec..DMemory Protection “MEM PROTECT”Set the memory protection to regular memory channels andgroup memory channels.Editing the regular memory and group memory channels isinhibited while the protection is ON.• OFF : The memory protection is OFF.• ON : The memory protection is ON.DGroup Memory Channel Display“GRP MEMORY”Set the displaying whether the label displays or not.• CH : The only channel number is displayed.• LABEL : The label is also displayed.DMicrophone1 Gain “MIC1 GAIN”Set the microphone1’s gain.• –010–010 : Setting the microphone1’s gain from –10 to 10.DMicrophone2 Gain “MIC2 GAIN”Set the microphone2’s gain.• –010–010 : Setting the microphone2’s gain from –10 to 10.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 24
255MENU MODE■MENU mode items (Continued)DSidetone Level “SIDETONE LV”When using an optional headset (supplied from 3rd party*)via the adapter, the transceiver outputs your transmitted voiceto the headset for monitoring.*Ask your dealer in details.• OFF (0) : The sidetone function is OFF.• 001–080 : Setting sidetone level from 1 to 80.DTransmitting Microphone Selection“TX MIC SEL”Set the usable microphone when pushing microphone’s PTTswitch.The item allows you to control which connected microphoneis permitted to transmit.• MIC1 : Selecting the microphone1.• MIC2 : Selecting the microphone2.• MIC1+2 : Selecting both the microphone1 and microphone2.DDimmer Mode “DISP MODE”Set the OLED dimmer mode.• OFF : The dimmer function is OFF.• AUTO : Set the dimmer automatically depending on local bright-ness.The light sensor which built-in the display is used forthis function. • MANUAL : Set the dimmer depending on Dimmer Brightness (Low)“DISP LOW”.DDimmer Brightness (Low) “DISP LOW”Set the lower brightness level in the automatic adjustmentrange when “AUTO” is selected at the “Dimmer Mode.”The transceiver automatically adjusts its display brightnessby the current lighting conditions.• OFF : The key backlight sets OFF.• 001–049 : Setting low dimmer brightness level from 1 to 49.DDimmer Brightness (High) “DISP HIGH”Set the upper brightness level in the automatic adjustmentrange when “AUTO” is selected at the Dimmer Mode.• 050–100 : Setting dimmer brightness level from 50 to 100.05IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 25
265MENU MODE■MENU mode items (Continued)DDimmer Brightness (Manually) “DISP MAN.”Set the brightness manually to suit your own preferences.• 0–100 : Setting dimmer level manually from 0 (OFF) to 100.DDimmer Response “DISP RESP.”Set the dimmer switching speed when selecting “AUTO” atthe “Dimmer Mode.”• STANDARD: Selecting switch speed is normal.• FAST : Selecting switch speed is fast.DFrequency Display “FREQ DISP”Set the 1 kHz digit frequency displaying to the OLED.• OFF : The 1 kHz digit always does not display on the OLED.• ON : The 1 kHz digit always display on the OLED.• ZERO SUPP.: The 1 kHz digit display on the OLED (Except the digitis 0).DUSER-1 Setting “U-1 ID SET”Set the USER-1, channel tag, to the desired ID.qPush [MEM] to enter the U-1 ID edit mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select the desired character.eRotate [O-DIAL] to select the next input digit.rRepeat w–eto input the U-1 ID.tPush [MEM] again to store the U-1 ID, and exit the edit mode.DUSER-2 Setting “U-2 ID SET”Set the USER-2, channel tag, to the desired ID.qPush [MEM] to enter the U-2 ID edit mode.wRotate [DIAL] to select the desired character.eRotate [O-DIAL] to select the next input digit.rRepeat w–eto input the U-2 ID.tPush [MEM] again to store the U-2 ID, and exit the edit mode.DExternal Input “AUX IN”Set the external input mode.• OFF : The external input does not use.• ON : The external input is available while squelch is closing.• INCOM : The external input is available with the intercom opera-tions as following.- The intercom function is OFF.- While the intercom function does not use.- While audio signal does not input to the intercom’s mi-crophone.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 26
275MENU MODE■MENU mode items (Continued)DExternal Input Level “AUX LEVEL”Set the external input level.• OFF (0) : The external input does not operate.• 001–080 : Setting the external input level from 1 to 80.• AF GAIN : Interlocking with [VOL].DBeep Tone Level “BEEP”Confirmation beep tones normally sound when storing mem-ory, operating time-out-timer function, etc. These can be setthe desired beep level as you prefer.• OFF (0) : The beep tone turns OFF.• 001–100 : Setting the beep tone level from 1 to 100.DIntercom Usable Setting “INCOM MODE” Set the intercom using or not.• ON : The intercom is usable.• OFF : The intercom is unusable.DTime-Out-Timer “TIME OUT”To prevent accidental prolonged transmission, etc., the trans-ceiver has a time-out-timer function. This timer starts when atransmission begins, and will cut off the transmission whenthe time set in the timer elapses.• 020–240 : Setting time-out-timer starting period from 20 sec. to240 sec. at 10 sec. intervals.DMemory Clear “MEM CLEAR”Setting values in the CPU are cleared.Push and hold [MEM] for 2 sec., the CPU is reset as follow.• MENU : MENU mode items are reset.• MEMORY : Stored memories are reset.• ALL : All CPU data is reset. 05IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 27
286INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL■Transceiver installationqInsert a 3/32in allen wrench into the 2-holes in the frontpanel.wTurn the wrench counterclockwise until the front panel isloose.• A cable connects the front panel with the main unit.eDisconnect the flat cable from the front panel’s connectorto remove the front panel.rVisually confirm that the metal catches on the top and bot-tom of the transceiver are as shown below.tTurn the wrench clockwise until the main unit is fixed to theinstallation rack.• Turn the wrench in the upper socket as shown below when usingthe installation rack for Icom products.• Turn the wrench when in the lower socket as shown below whenusing the installation rack for 3rd party* products.yReplace the disconnected cable and removed front panelin place.■Transceiver removalThe IC-A210 may easily be removed from the installationrack, if desired.qPerform the same steps as q–eof “Transceiver installa-tion” to remove the front panel (See the left column).wTurn the wrench counterclockwise until the main unitmoves slightly from the installation rack.• See tof “Transceiver installation” for details.ePull out the transceiver slowly from the installation rack.RCLMEMOFFVOLPUSHTESTCOMMDUALECiA210• Front panel rear view• Main unit top/bottom viewMain unit front viewIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 28
297CLONINGDData cloning Cloning allows you to quickly and easily transfer theprogrammed contents or data from a PC to a transceiverusing the optional CS-A210 CLONING SOFTWARE.Data can be cloned to and from a PC (IBM compatible) usingthe optional CS-A210 CLONING SOFTWARE and the optional OPC-1529R CLONING CABLE. Consult the CS-A210 instruction manualand HELP message in details.DDisplayed Message• While clone writing.• When clone writing is finished properly.• When clone writing error occurs.• While clone reading.• When turn the power OFF/ON after clone writing error oc-curs.(The transceiver boots with Error mode.)In this case, Clone writing correctly data to the transceiver isnecessary to cancel the error.CLONEWRITECLONEWRITE OKCLONEWRITE ERRCLONEREAD127.00RX MEMORYCLONENO DATA0607IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 29
308SPECIFICATIONSDGeneral• Frequency range : 118.000 to 136.975 MHz161.650 to 163.275 MHz*• Channel spacing : 25 kHz• Frequency stability : ±5 ppm • Operating temperature : –20˚C to +55˚C–4˚F to +131˚F• Antenna impedance : 50 Ω• Number of memory channels : 10 memory channels200 group channels10 history channels10 GPS channels10 weather channels*• Mode : AM (6K00A3E)•Power supply requirement : 13.80 V / 27.50 V DC (negative ground)•Dimensions : 160 (W)✕34 (H)✕271 (D) mm(projections not incl.)65/16(W)✕111/32(H)✕1021/32(D) in• Weight  : approx 1.0 kg; 2.2 lb*U.S.A. version only, receiving only.DTransmitter• Mode : A3E• Output power : 8 W (Carrier power)• Spurious emissions : –60 dBc• Microphone impedance : 600 Ω• Modulation limiting : 70% (Max 98%)DReceiver• Receive system : Double conversionsuperheterodyne• Intermediate frequencies : 1st 38.85 MHz2nd 450 kHz•Sensitivity : (AM) Less than 2 µV (pd)at 6 dB S/N(FM) Less than 1.4 µVat 12 dB SINAD*• Selectivity : 6 dB ±3 kHz60 dB ±22 kHz• Spurious response rejc. : More than 74 dBµ• Audio output power : 5 W with a 4 Ωload (Externalspeaker)60 mW with a 500 Ωload(Headphone)Measurements made in accordance with RTCA DO-186B forU.S.A. version. All stated specifications are subject to changewithout notice or obligation.IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 30
319OPTIONSDCS-A210CLONING SOFTWAREProvides quick and easy programming of items, including pri-vate channels, scan settings, etc., via an Windows®PC (Mi-crosoft®Windows®2000/Me/XP/Vista™) to transceiver.DOPC-1529RCLONING CABLEThis cloning cable provides convenient connection to a PC toaccess programmable features, such as memory channels,memory name, etc.DMB-53MOUNTING BRACKETFor mounting the transceiver to a vehicle. The externalspeaker and microphone are included.DPS-80POWER SUPPLYProvides convenient operation of the transceiver on theground. A built-in speaker and microphone* are included.*Depending on version.NOTE: PS-80’s specificationsDimensions : 200 (W) ×200 (H) ×300 (D) mm7.9 (W) ×7.9 (H) ×11.8 (D) inOutputs : 13.8 V DC / 6 A0809IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 31
32INDEXAAccessing 121.5 MHz emergency frequency.........................................19AM squelch level....................................................................................24Automatic noise limiter...........................................................................23BBasic operation ........................................................................................5Beep tone level ......................................................................................27Blank channel...........................................................................................9CChannel selection...................................................................................10Channel tag list ......................................................................................16Clearing the memory contents ...............................................................14Cloning...................................................................................................29DData cloning  ..........................................................................................29Dimmer brightness (High) ......................................................................25Dimmer brightness (Low).......................................................................25Dimmer brightness (Manually) ...............................................................26Dimmer mode ........................................................................................25Dimmer response...................................................................................26Direct frequency selection........................................................................5Direct frequency setting mode operation .................................................8Displayed message................................................................................29Dualwatch interval..................................................................................24Dualwatch operation ................................................................................8EEmergency frequency ............................................................................19Entering memory mode............................................................................9External input .........................................................................................26External input level.................................................................................27FFM squelch level ....................................................................................24Frequency display..................................................................................26Frequency exchanging/not exchanging ...................................................6Frequency selection.................................................................................5Frequency set example............................................................................7Frequency step ......................................................................................27Front panel...............................................................................................1Function display .......................................................................................4GGeneral frequency selection ....................................................................5GPS memory..........................................................................................17GPS memory channel..............................................................................9GPS memory edit...................................................................................18Group memory channel......................................................................9, 13Group memory channel display .............................................................24HHeadphone level ....................................................................................23History memory channel ....................................................................9, 14IInstallation and removal .........................................................................28Intercom function....................................................................................20Intercom usable setting..........................................................................27Intercom1 Microphone audio input level ................................................23Intercom1 squelch level .........................................................................23Intercom2 Microphone audio input level ................................................23Intercom2 squelch level .........................................................................23LLock function..........................................................................................19Lock mode..............................................................................................24MMemory channel type...............................................................................9Memory clear .........................................................................................27Memory mode menu ..............................................................................12IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 32
33INDEXMemory operation ....................................................................................9Memory protect function...........................................................................9Memory protection ...........................................................................18, 24Menu mode items...................................................................................23Menu mode programming......................................................................22Microphone1 gain ..................................................................................24Microphone2 gain ..................................................................................24OOperating menu mode ...........................................................................22Other functions.......................................................................................19PPanel descriptions....................................................................................1Programming channel names ................................................................15Programming channel tag......................................................................16Programming example ...........................................................................11Programming group names....................................................................15Programming notes..................................................................................9Programming a memory channel...........................................................10RRegular memory channel...................................................................9, 13SSafety training information .....................................................................35Sidetone level  .......................................................................................25Squelch test function..............................................................................20Standby frequency selection....................................................................5TTime-Out-Timer ......................................................................................27Transceiver installation ..........................................................................28Transceiver removal...............................................................................28Transferring memory contents ...............................................................12Transmitting .............................................................................................6Transmitting microphone selection  .......................................................25UUSER-1 setting ......................................................................................26USER-2 setting ......................................................................................26WWeather memory channel..................................................................9, 17Weather memory channel scan .............................................................21IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 33
34M E M OIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:12 AM  Page 34
3510SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONYour Icom radio generates RF electromag-netic energy during transmit mode. Thisradio is designed for and classified as “Oc-cupational Use Only”, meaning it must beused only during the course of employmentby individuals aware of the hazards, and theways to minimize such hazards. This radiois NOT intended for use by the “GeneralPopulation” in an uncontrolled environment.• For compliance with FCC and Industry Canada RF Expo-sure Requirements, the transmitter antenna installation shallcomply with the following two conditions:1. The transmitter antenna gain shall not exceed 0 dBi.2. The antenna is required to be located outside of a vehicleand kept at a distance of 36 centimeters or more betweenthe transmitting antenna of this device and any personsduring operation. For a small vehicle, the antenna asworst case, the antenna shall be located on the roof topat any place on the centre line along the vehicle in orderto achieve 36 centimeters separation distance. In orderto ensure this distance is met, the installation of the an-tenna must be mounted at least 36 centimeters awayfrom the nearest edge of the vehicle in order to protectagainst exposure to bystanders.To ensure that your exposure to RF elec-tromagnetic energy is within the FCC al-lowable limits for occupational use, alwaysadhere to the following guidelines:•DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna at-tached, as this may damage the radio and may also causeyou to exceed FCC RF exposure limits. A proper antenna isthe antenna supplied with this radio by the manufacturer oran antenna specifically authorized by the manufacturer foruse with this radio.•DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time(“50% duty cycle”). Transmitting more than 50% of the timecan cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements tobe exceeded. The radio is transmitting when the “TX indica-tor” appears. You can cause the radio to transmit by press-ing the “PTT” switch.Electromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityDuring transmissions, your Icom radio generates RF energythat can possibly cause interference with other devices orsystems. To avoid such interference, turn off the radio inareas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operate thetransmitter in areas that are sensitive to electromagnetic ra-diation such as hospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.10IC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:13 AM  Page 35
A-6602H-1EXPrinted in Japan©2007 Icom Inc.Printed on recycled paper with soy ink. 1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, JapanIC-A210.qxd  2007.07.24  8:13 AM  Page 36

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