ICOM orporated 300900 HF/50 MHz Transceiver User Manual IC 7700 ENG

ICOM Incorporated HF/50 MHz Transceiver IC 7700 ENG


User Manual Part 2

6-1FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT Section 6■VOX function  …………………………………………………………… 6-2DUsing the VOX function  …………………………………………… 6-2DAdjusting the VOX function  ………………………………………… 6-2DVOX set mode  ……………………………………………………… 6-2■Break-in function ………………………………………………………… 6-3DSemi break-in operation  …………………………………………… 6-3DFull break-in operation  ……………………………………………… 6-3■∂TX function  …………………………………………………………… 6-4D∂TX monitor function ………………………………………………… 6-4■Monitor function  ………………………………………………………… 6-4■Transmit filter width setting (SSB only)  ……………………………… 6-5■Speech compressor (SSB only) ……………………………………… 6-5■Split frequency operation  ……………………………………………… 6-6■Quick split function ……………………………………………………… 6-7DSplit lock function  …………………………………………………… 6-7
6-2■VOX functionThe VOX (Voice-Operated Transmission) functionswitches between transmit and receive with your voice.This function provides “hands-free” operation.DUsing the VOX functionqSelect a phone mode (SSB, AM, FM).wPush  to turn the VOX function ON or OFF.• “  ” appears while the VOX is in use.• [VOX] indicator above this switch lights green.DAdjusting the VOX functionqSelect a phone mode (SSB, AM, FM).wPush  to turn VOX function ON.eWhile speaking into the microphone with your nor-mal voice level, rotate [VOX GAIN] to the pointwhere the transceiver is continuously transmitting.rDuring receive, rotate [ANTI VOX] to the pointwhere the transceiver does not switch to transmitdue to received audio from the speaker.tAdjust the VOX delay and the VOX voice delay inVOX set mode, if necessary.DVOX set modeqPush and hold  for 1 sec. to enter VOX setmode.wSelect the desired item using [Y] or [Z] .eRotate the main dial to the desired set value or con-dition.• Push and hold [DEF]  for 1 sec. to select a defaultvalue.rPush  to exit VOX set mode.EXIT/SETF-4F-2F-1VOXVOXVOXVOX[VOX GAIN] [ANTI VOX]AM/FMSSBVOXAM/FMSSBVOX6FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMITSet the VOX delay for a convenient interval before re-turning to receive within 0 to 2.0 sec. range.VOX  Delay0.2sSet the VOX voice delay to prevent unintended trans-mission of your voice when switching to transmit.Short, Mid., Long and OFF settings are available.When using the VOX voice delay, turn the TX mon-itor function OFF to prevent transmitted audio frombe echoed.VOX  Voice  DelayShort
6-3■Break-in functionThe break-in function is used in CW mode to automat-ically toggle the transceiver between transmit and re-ceive when keying. The IC-7700 is capable of fullbreak-in or semi break-in.DSemi break-in operationDuring semi break-in operation, the transceiver selectstransmit when keying, then automatically returns to re-ceive after a pre-set time after you stop sending.qPush  to select CW or CW-R mode.wPush  once or twice to turn the semi break-infunction ON.• “ ” appears.eRotate [DELAY] to set the break-in delay time (thedelay from transmit to receive).When using a paddle, rotate [KEY SPEED] to adjustthe keying speed.DFull break-in operationDuring full break-in operation, the transceiver auto-matically enters transmit while keying and returns toreceive immediately after keying is finished.qPush  to select CW or CW-R mode.wPush  once or twice to turn the full break-infunction ON.• “ ” appears.When using a paddle, rotate [KEY SPEED] to adjustthe keying speed.F-BKINBK-INCWBKINBK-INCWBK-INCW[DELAY] (outer control)[KEY SPEED] (inner control)6FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT
6-4■∂TX functionThe ∂TX function shifts the transmit frequency up to±9.999 kHz in 1 Hz steps (10 Hz steps when cancellingthe 1 Hz step readout) without moving the receive fre-quency.qPush .• “ ” appears.wRotate [RIT/∂TX].eTo reset the ∂TX frequency, push and holdfor 1 sec.• Push  momentarily to reset the ∂TX frequencywhen the quick RIT/∂TX clear function is ON. (p. 12-15)rTo cancel the ∂TX function, push  again.• “ ” disappears.D∂TX monitor functionWhen the ∂TX function is ON, pushing and holding[XFC] allows you to monitor the operating frequencydirectly (∂TX is temporarily cancelled).✔For your convenience— Calculate functionThe shift frequency of the ∂TX function can beadded/subtracted to the displayed frequency.➥While displaying the ∂TX shift frequency, push andhold  for 1 sec.■Monitor functionThe monitor function allows you to monitor your trans-mit IF signals in any mode. Use this to check voicecharacteristics while adjusting SSB transmit parame-ter (p. 12-5). The CW sidetone functions regardless ofthe switch setting.qPush  to switch the monitor function ONand OFF.• [MONITOR] indicator above this switch lights green.wRotate [MONI GAIN] for the clearest audio outputwhile pushing [PTT] and speaking into the micro-phone.NOTE: When using the VOX voice delay, turn themonitor function OFF; or transmitted audio will beechoed.MONITORMONITOR∂TX∂TX∂TXCLEARCLEAR∂TX∂TX[RIT/∂TX]∂TX CLEARXFC[MONI GAIN]MONITOR6FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT
6-5■Transmit filter width setting (SSB only)The transmit filter width for SSB mode can be selectedfrom wide, middle and narrow.➥During USB or LSB mode selection, push and hold[COMP] (MF6) for 1 sec. several times to select thedesired transmit filter width from wide, middle andnarrow.• The filter can be independently set on the speech com-pressor function is ON and OFF.• The following filters are specified as the default. Each ofthe filter width can be re-set in level set mode. (p. 12-6)WIDE : 100 Hz to 2.9 kHzMID : 300 Hz to 2.7 kHzNAR : 500 Hz to 2.5 kHz■Speech compressor (SSB only)The speech compressor increases average RF outputpower, improving signal strength and readability inSSB mode only.qSelect USB or LSB mode and adjust [MIC] to a suit-able level.• Push [METER] (MF2) several times to select the ALCmeter for microphone gain adjustment.wPush [COMP] (MF6) to turn the speech compressorON.ePush [METER] (MF2) once to select the COMPmeter.rWhile speaking into the microphone, rotate [COMP]control, so that the COMP meter reads within theCOMP zone (10 to 20 dB range) for your normalvoice level.When the COMP meter peaks exceed the COMPzone, your transmitted voice may be distorted.tPush [METER] (MF2) 5 times to select the ALCmeter.yWhile speaking into the microphone, rotate [DRIVE],so that the ALC meter reads within the 30 to 50%range of the ALC zone with your normal voice level.✔For your conveniencePush and hold [METER] (MF2) for 1 sec. to display themulti-function meter that can check the ALC andCOMP level at a glance.S1000125101010 2044 52V50 100 150 200 2501531.5IDVDdBWAPoSWRCOMP ALC59+20 +40 +60dB∞COMP zone[MIC][DRIVE] [COMP] controlCOMPMETERCOMP6FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT
6-6■Split frequency operationSplit frequency operation allows you to transmit andreceive in the same mode on two different frequencies.Split frequency operation is performed using 2 fre-quencies on the main and sub readouts.The following is an example of setting 21.290 MHz forreceiving and 21.310 MHz for transmitting.qSet 21.290 MHz (USB) in VFO mode.wPush  momentarily, then push and holdfor 1 sec.• The quick split function is much more convenient for se-lecting the transmit frequency. See the next section fordetails.• The equalized transmit frequency and “ ” appearon the LCD.• [SPLIT] indicator lights.• “TX” appears to show the transmit frequency readout.eSet the transmit frequency to 21.310 MHz in the fol-lowing way. ➥Rotate the main dial while pushing [XFC].• The transmit frequency can be monitored while push-ing [XFC].rNow you can receive on 21.290 MHz and transmiton 21.310 MHz.To change the transmit and receive frequencies, pushto exchange the main and sub readouts.✔CONVENIENT• Direct shift frequency inputThe shift frequency can be entered directly.qPush .wEnter the desired shift frequency with the digit keys.• 1 kHz to 1 MHz can be set.• When you require a negative shift direction, pushin advance.ePush .• The shift frequency is input in the sub readout and thesplit function is turned ON.[Example]To transmit on 1 kHz higher frequency:- Push  ,  then  .To transmit on 3 kHz lower frequency:- Push , ,  then .• Split lock functionAccidentally releasing [XFC] while rotating the maindial changes the receive frequency. To prevent this,use both the split lock and dial lock functions to changethe transmit frequency only. The split lock function can-cels the dial lock function while pushing [XFC] duringsplit frequency operation. The dial lock’s effect during split frequency operationcan be selected in the set mode for both receive andtransmit frequencies; or only the receive frequency. (p. 12-13)SPLIT73GENE •F-INPENTSPLIT1.8 1F-INPENTSPLITGENE •F-INPENTA/BSPLITA=BSPLITMain dial[SPLIT] indicatorSPLITA/B A=BXFC6FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT• When the split function ON• When [XFC] is pushed• The split frequency operation is ready
6-7■Quick split functionWhen you find a DX station, an important considera-tion is how to set the split frequency.When you push and hold the  switch for 1 sec.,split frequency operation is turned ON and the trans-mit frequency is equalized to the received frequency.This shortens the time needed to begin split frequencyoperation.The quick split function is ON by default. For your con-venience, it can be turned OFF in Others set mode.(p. 12-12) In this case, the  switch does notequalize the transmit frequency to the receive fre-quency.qSuppose you are operating at 21.290 MHz (USB) inVFO mode. wPush and hold  for 1 sec.• Split frequency operation is turned ON.• The transmit frequency (unselected VFO’s readout) isequalized to the receive frequency (selected VFO’s read-out).• “ ” indicator appears.eEnter the desired offset frequency from the keypadthen push  , or set the transmit frequencywith the main dial while pushing [XFC].• “ ” indicator appears when  is pushed.• Offset frequency setting with the keypad— exampleTo transmit on 1 kHz higher frequency:- Push ,  then .To transmit on 3 kHz lower frequency:- Push , ,  then .DSplit lock functionThe split lock function is convenient for changing onlythe transmit frequency. When the split lock function isnot used, accidentally releasing [XFC] while rotatingthe main dial, changes the receive frequency. The splitlock function is ON by default, but can be turned OFFin set mode. (p. 12-13)qWhile split frequency operation is ON, push [LOCK]to activate the split lock function.wWhile pushing [XFC], rotate the main dial to changethe transmit frequency.• If you accidentally release [XFC] while rotating the maindial, the receive frequency does NOT change.SPLIT73GENE •F-INPENTSPLIT1.8 1F-INPENTF-INPENTF-INPSPLITF-INPSPLITSPLITSPLITMain dial[SPLIT] indicatorSPLITXFCMain dial[LOCK] indicatorXFCLOCK6FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT
7-1VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS Section 7■About digital voice recorder  …………………………………………… 7-2■Recording a received audio …………………………………………… 7-3DBasic recording  ……………………………………………………… 7-3DOne-touch recording  ………………………………………………… 7-3■Playing the recorded audio  …………………………………………… 7-4DBasic playing  ………………………………………………………… 7-4DOne-touch playing  …………………………………………………… 7-4■Protect the recorded contents  ………………………………………… 7-5■Erasing the recorded contents  ………………………………………… 7-5■Recording a message for transmit  …………………………………… 7-6DRecording …………………………………………………………… 7-6DConfirming a message for transmit ………………………………… 7-6■Programming a memory name  ……………………………………… 7-7■Sending a recorded message  ………………………………………… 7-8DTransmit level setting  ……………………………………………… 7-8■Voice set mode  ………………………………………………………… 7-9■Saving a voice message into the USB-Memory  …………………… 7-10DSaving the received audio memory  ……………………………… 7-10DSaving the TX memory  …………………………………………… 7-10
7-2■About digital voice recorderThe IC-7700 has digital voice memories, up to 4 mes-sages for transmit, and up to 20 messages for receive. A maximum message length of 30 sec. can berecorded into receive memory (total message lengthfor all channels of up to 209 sec.) and a total messagelength of up to 99 sec. can be recorded in transmitmemory. The transmit memory is very convenient for repeatedCQ and exchange transmissions in contests, as wellas when making consecutive calls to DXpeditions.qSelect any mode.wPush [VOICE]  to display voice recorder screen.ePush  to display voice recorder menu.rPush [PLAY]  or [MIC REC]  to select thedesired memory channel screen, then record audioor playback the contents as described below.tPush  twice to exit voice recorder screen.EXIT/SETF-2F-1EXIT/SETF-2EXIT/SETREC PLAYF-1 F-2• Example— When [REC] is pushed and held for 1sec.• Example— When [REC] is pushed momentarily• Playing back the all contents in a channel • Playing back the end of 5 sec.* in a channel20 sec.15 sec.(default)30 sec. (max.) Not playing back Play back (5 sec.; default)3 sec.30 sec.Push      momentarily within 30 sec. after pushing and holding      for 1 sec., records the all contents.Push        momentarily re-cords the contents of the previous 15 sec.*When      is pushed momentarily again within 15 sec.* from the last     operation, all the contents between        operations will be recorded.Push       momentarily after passing 30 sec. from pushing and holding        for 1 sec., records the 30 sec. before can-celing the record.These contents won’t be recorded.*The recording time period can be changed with “Normal Rec Time” in voice set mode (p. 7-9).*The playing back time period can be changed with “Short Play Time” in voice set mode (p. 7-9).NOTE: The contents will be recorded into an independent memory channels automatically.RECRECRECRECRECRECRECRECPush and hold           for 1 sec.(starts recording)RECPush           momentarily(starts recording)RECPush           momentarily(starts recording)RECPush           momentarily(stops recording)RECPush and hold           for 1 sec.(starts recording)RECPush           momentarily(stops recording)RECPush           momentarily.PLAYOr, push and hold           for 1 sec.PLAYPush              momentarily.F-2PLAY7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS
7-3■Recording a received audioUp to 20 receive voice memories are available in theIC-7700. A total audio length of up to 209 sec. can berecorded in receive messages. However, the maximumrecordable length into a single message is 30 sec. This voice recorder records not only the receivedaudio, but also the information such as set operatingfrequency, mode, and the recording time for your fu-ture reference.DBasic recordingqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wSelect the desired mode.ePush [VOICE]  to call up the voice recorderscreen.• Previously selected screen, TX or RX memory, is dis-played. If the TX memory channel (T1–T4) appears,push [T/R]  to select RX memory channel.rPush and hold  for 1 sec. to start recording.• The operating frequency, mode and current time are pro-grammed as the memory names automatically.tPush  momentarily to stop recording.IMPORTANT!Push  to stop recording before, or when30 sec. has passed from the start of recording.The voice recorder memory records the 30 sec.(max.) of audio before  is pushed.For example, when recording 40 sec. of audio,the first 10 sec. audio will be over-written with thelast 10 sec., so that the total of audio recorded isonly 30 sec.When you record the 21st audio message, orwhen the total audio length exceeds 209 sec., theoldest recorded audio is automatically erased tomake room for the new audio.yPush  twice to exit the voice recorderscreen.NOTE: When transmit (or [PTT] is pushed) whilerecording, no audio will be recorded.DOne-touch recordingTo record the received signal immediately, one-touchvoice recording is available.➥Push  momentarily to record the previous15 sec. audio.• The recordable time period can be set in voice set mode.(p. 7-9)RECEXIT/SETRECRECRECRECF-7F-2EXIT/SETEXIT/SETRECF-7T/RF-2VOICEREC7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS
7-4■Playing the recorded audioDBasic playingqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [VOICE]  to call up the voice recorderscreen.• Previously selected screen, TX or RX memory, is dis-played. If the TX memory message (T1–T4) appears,push [T/R]  to select RX memory message.ePush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desiredvoice memory to playback.rPush [PLAY]  to start playback.• “ ” indicators appear and the timer counts down.tPush [PLAY]  again to stop playback if desired.• Playback is terminated automatically when all of therecorded contents in the message are played, or after30 sec.yPush  twice to exit the voice recorderscreen.DOne-touch playingThe previously recorded audio in message 1 can beplayed back without selecting voice recorder screen.➥Push  momentarily to play back the last 5 sec.of the previously recorded audio.• “ ” indicator appears.• Playback is terminated automatically when all of therecorded contents in the message are played, or after5 sec.• The playback time period can be set in voice set mode.(p. 7-9)≈PLAYPLAYEXIT/SETF-3≈PLAYF-3F-2F-1F-7F-2EXIT/SETF-3PLAYF-1∫F-2√AppearsAppearsCounts downPLAY7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS
7-5■Protect the recorded contentsThe protect function is available to protect the recordedcontents from accidental erasure, such as over-writing,etc.qCall up the voice recorder screen, RX memory.wPush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desiredvoice message.ePush [PROTECT]  to turn the protect functionON and OFF.• “ ” indicator appears when the contents is protected.rPush  twice to exit the voice recorderscreen.■Erasing the recorded contentsThe recorded contents can be erased independentlyby message.qCall up the voice recorder screen, RX memory.wPush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desiredvoice message to be erased.ePush and hold [CLR]  for 1 sec. to erase thecontents.• Push [PROTECT]  to release the protection in ad-vance if necessary.rPush  twice to exit the voice recorderscreen.EXIT/SETF-4F-5F-2F-1EXIT/SETF-4F-2F-1F-4PROTECTF-1∫F-2√F-5CLRF-1∫F-2√7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS
7-6■Recording a message for transmitTo transmit a message using the voice recorder, recordthe desired message in advance as described below.The IC-7700 has digital voice memories for transmis-sion, up to 4 messages and a total message length ofup to 99 sec. can be recorded.DRecordingqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [VOICE]  to call up the voice recorderscreen.ePush  to select voice recorder menu.rPush [MIC REC]  to select the voice mic.record screen.tPush [Y]or[Z]  to select the desiredmessage.yPush and hold [REC]  for 1 sec. to start record-ing.• “ ” indicator appears.• Speak into the microphone without pushing [PTT].• Previously recorded contents are cleared.• Audio output from the internal speaker is automaticallymuted.uWhile speaking into the microphone with your nor-mal voice level, adjust the [MIC] control so that the[MIC-REC LEVEL] indicator reads within 100%.iPush [REC]  momentarily to stop recording.• The recording is terminated automatically when the re-maining time becomes 0 sec.oPush  twice to exit the voice recorderscreen.DConfirming a message for transmitqPerform the steps qto ras “DRecording” above.wPush [Y]or[Z]  to select the desiredmessage.ePush [PLAY]  to playback the recorded con-tents.• “ ” indicator appears.rPush [PLAY]  again to stop playback.• Playback is terminated automatically when all of therecorded contents in the message are played.tPush  twice to exit the voice recorderscreen.EXIT/SETF-3≈PLAYF-3F-2F-1EXIT/SETF-4●RECF-4F-2F-1F-2EXIT/SETF-2EXIT/SETF-4RECF-1∫F-2√Appears Adjust [MIC] control so that this indicator reads within 100%.F-3PLAYF-1∫F-2√7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS
7-7■Programming a memory name Memory messages can be tagged with alphanumericnames of up to 20 characters each.Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols(! # $ % & ¥ ? “ ‘ ` ^ + – ✱/ . , : ; = < > ( ) [ ] { } | _ ~@)and spaces can be used. (See the table below.)qRecord a message as described in page 7-6.wDuring the voice mic. record screen indication, push[NAME]  to enter memory name edit condition.• A cursor appears and blinks.ePush [T1..T4]  several times to select the de-sired voice message.rInput the desired character by rotating the main dialor by pushing the band key for number input.• Push [ABC] (MF6) or [abc] (MF6) to toggle capital andsmall letters.• Push [123] (MF7) or [Symbol] (MF7) to toggle numeralsand symbols.• Push [Ω] or [≈]  for cursor movement.• Push [DEL]  to delete the selected character.• Push [SPACE]  to input a space.• Pushing the transceiver’s keypad, [0]–[9], can also enternumerals.tPush  to input and set the name.• The cursor disappears.yRepeat steps eto tto program another voicemessage’s name, if desired.uPush  twice to exit the voice recorderscreen.• Voice memory name editing example • Usable charactersEXIT/SETEXIT/SETF-4F-3F-2F-1F-7F-5KeypadT1..T4F-7//F-3DEL123 Symbol ABC abcF-1ΩF-2≈F-4SPACE7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONSKey selection Editable charactersA to Z (capital letters)a to z (small letters)0 to 9 (numbers)! # $ % & ¥ ? “ ‘ ` ^ + – ✱/ . , : ; =< > ( ) [ ] { } | _ ~@Symbol123abcABC
7-8■Sending a recorded messageqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wSelect a phone mode by pushing  or  .ePush [VOICE]  to call up the voice recorderscreen.• If the receive voice message appears, push [T/R] to select TX message (T1–T4).rPush the desired message switch, [T1]  to [T4], momentarily to transmit the contents.• The transceiver transmits automatically.• “ ” indicator appears and the memory timercounts down.• You hear the transmitted message from the speaker asthe default. This can be turned OFF in voice set mode.(p. 7-9)tPush the selected message switch, [T1]  to[T4]  , again to stop, if desired.• The transceiver returns to receive automatically when allof the recorded contents in the message are transmit-ted.yPush  twice to exit the voice memoryscreen.✔For your informationWhen an external keypad is connected to [EXT KEY-PAD], the recorded message, T1–T4, can be transmit-ted without opening the voice recorder screen.See page 2-7 for details.DTransmit level settingqCall up the voice recorder screen as described asabove.wPush [TX LEV.]  to select the voice memorytransmit level set condition.ePush the desired message switch, [T1]  to [T4], momentarily to transmit the contents.• The transceiver transmits automatically.• “ ” indicator appears and the memory timercounts down.rRotate the main dial to adjust the transmit voicelevel.• Push and hold [DEF]  for 1 sec. to select the defaultcondition.tPush  to return to the voice recorderscreen.EXIT/SETF-7SENDF-4F-1F-6EXIT/SETF-4F-1SENDF-4F-1F-7F-2AM/FMSSBEXIT/SETF-1T1F-2T2F-3T3F-4T4F-7T/REXIT/SETAppears Counts downMain dialEXIT/SETF-6TX LEV.F-7DEF7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS
7-9■Voice set modeSets the automatic monitor function, short play andnormal recording times for voice recorder.qPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [VOICE]  to call up the voice recorderscreen.ePush  to select voice recorder menu.rPush [SET]  to select voice set mode screen.tPush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desired item.yRotate the main dial to set the desired condition orvalue.• Push and hold [F-4•DEF]  for 1 sec. to select thedefault condition or value.uPush  to exit the voice set mode screen.EXIT/SETF-4F-2F-1F-7EXIT/SETF-2EXIT/SETMain dialF-4DEFF-1∫F-2√EXIT/SET7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONSTurn the automatic monitor function for recordedaudio contents transmission.• ON : Monitors transmitting audio automaticallywhen sending a recorded audio.• OFF : Monitors transmitting audio only when themonitor function is in use.Auto  MonitorONSet the desired time period for the one-touch playing(when  is pushed momentarily).• 3 to 10 sec. in 1 sec. steps can be set. (default: 5 sec.)PLAYShort  Play  Time5sSet the desired time period for the for one-touchrecording (when  is pushed momentarily).• 5 to 15 sec. in 1 sec. steps can be set. (default: 15 sec.)RECNormal  Rec  Time15s
7-10■Saving a voice message into the USB-MemoryDSaving the received audio memoryThe recorded RX memory contents can be saved intothe USB-Memory.qDuring voice recorder RX memory screen display,push [SAVE]  to select voice file save screen.• Previously selected screen, TX or RX memory, is dis-played. If the TX message (T1–T4) appears, push [T/R]to select RX message.wChange the following conditions if desired.• File name:zPush [EDIT]  to select file name edit con-dition.• Push [DIR/FILE]  several times to select thefile name, if necessary.xPush [ABC] (MF6), [123] (MF7) or [Symbol](MF7) to select the character group, then ro-tate the main dial to select the character.• [ABC] (MF6) : A to Z (capital letters); [123] (MF7): 0to 9 (numerals); [Symbol] (MF7): ! # $ % & ‘ ` ^ + –= ( ) [ ] { } _ ~@ can be selected.• Push [Ω]  to move the cursor left, push [≈]to move the cursor right, push [DEL]  todelete a character and push [SPACE]  to in-sert a space.cPush  to set the file name.• Saving locationzPush [DIR/FILE]  to select tree viewscreen.xSelect the desired directory or folder in theUSB-Memory.• Push [Ω≈]  to select the upper directory.• Push [Y] or [Z]  to select folder in thesame directory.• Push and hold [Ω≈]  for 1 sec. to select afolder in the directory.• Push [REN/DEL]  to rename the folder.• Push and hold [REN/DEL]  for 1 sec. todelete the folder.• Push and hold [MAKE]  for 1 sec. to makinga new folder. (Edit the name with the same man-ner as the “• File name” above.)cPush [DIR/FILE]  twice to select the filename.ePush [SAVE]  .• After the saving is completed, return to voice recorderRX memory screen automatically.DSaving the TX memory The TX memory contents can also be saved into theUSB-Memory. However, the contents are saved withthe message list, set mode conditions, etc. at the sametime. See page 12-22 for details.F-6F-1F-6F-5F-5F-4F-3F-2F-4F-1EXIT/SETF-4F-3F-2F-1F-1F-4F-7F-6Main dialDIR/FILE EXIT/SETF-1F-7WIDEF-6SAVEF-4EDIT7VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS• Voice recorder RX memory screen• Voice file save screen— file name edit• While savingThe USB-Memory is not supplied by Icom.
8-1MEMORY OPERATION Section 8■Memory channels  ……………………………………………………… 8-2■Memory channel selection  …………………………………………… 8-2DUsing the / keys ………………………………………… 8-2DUsing the keypad  …………………………………………………… 8-2■Memory channel programming  ……………………………………… 8-3DProgramming in VFO mode  ………………………………………… 8-3DProgramming in memory mode  …………………………………… 8-3■Frequency transferring  ………………………………………………… 8-4DTransferring in VFO mode  ………………………………………… 8-4DTransferring in memory mode  ……………………………………… 8-4■Memory list screen ……………………………………………………… 8-5DSelecting a memory channel using the memory list screen  …… 8-5DConfirming programmed memory channels  ……………………… 8-5■Memory names  ………………………………………………………… 8-6DEditing (programming) memory names  …………………………… 8-6■Memory clearing  ………………………………………………………… 8-6■Memo pads ……………………………………………………………… 8-7DWriting frequencies and operating modes into memo pads  …… 8-7DCalling up a frequency from a memo pad  ………………………… 8-7√∫
8-2■Memory channelsThe transceiver has 101 memory channels. Memorymode is very useful for quickly changing to often-usedfrequencies.All 101 memory channels are tunable which means theprogrammed frequency can be tuned temporarily withthe main dial, etc. in memory mode.■Memory channel selectionDUsing the  /  keysqPush  to select memory mode.wPush  /  several times to select the de-sired memory channel.• Push and hold  /  for continuous selection.• [UP] and [DN] on the microphone can also be used.eTo return to VFO mode, push  again.DUsing the keypadqPush  to select memory mode.wPush .ePush the desired memory channel number using thekeypad.• Enter 100 or 101 to select scan edge channel P1 or P2,respectively.rPush  or  to select the desired memorychannel.[EXAMPLE]To select the memory channel 3;- Push  ,  , then push  or  .To select the memory channel 12;- Push , , , then push or.To select the scan edge channel P1;- Push , , , , then pushor .To select the scan edge channel P2;- Push , , , , then pushor .√∫1.8 150 01.8 1F-INPENT√∫50 050 01.8 1F-INPENT√∫3.5 21.8 1F-INPENT√∫73F-INPENT√∫F-INPENTV/MV/M√∫√∫V/M√∫V/MY ZKeypad F-IMP ENTV/MY Z8MEMORY OPERATIONMEMORY MEMORY TRANSFER OVER-CHANNEL CHANNEL CAPABILITY TO VFO WRITING CLEARNUMBERRegular memory 1–99 One frequency and one mode  Yes Yes Yeschannels in each memory channel.Scan edgeOne frequency and one mode inmemory P1, P2 each memory channel as scan Yes Yes Nochannels edges for programmed scan.
8-38MEMORY OPERATION■Memory channel programmingMemory channel programming can be preformed ei-ther in VFO mode or in memory mode.DProgramming in VFO modeqSet the desired frequency, operating mode and fil-ter width in VFO mode.wPush  /  several times to select the de-sired memory channel.• Memory list screen is convenient for selecting the de-sired channel.• Memory channel contents appear in the memory chan-nel readout (below the frequency readout).• “--.---.--” appears if the selected memory channel is ablank channel (and does not have contents).ePush and hold  for 1 sec. to program thedisplayed frequency, operating mode, etc., into thememory channel.DProgramming in memory modeqSelect the desired memory channel with  /in memory mode.• Memory channel contents appear in the memory chan-nel readout (below the frequency readout).• “--.---.--” appears if the selected memory channel is ablank channel (and does not have contents).wSet the desired frequency and operating mode inmemory mode.• To program a blank channel, use direct frequency entrywith the keypad or memo pads, etc.ePush and hold  for 1 sec. to program thedisplayed frequency and operating mode into thememory channel.MW√∫MW√∫MWY ZorPush for 1 sec.BeepBeepBeepMWSSB[EXAMPLE]:Programming 7.088 MHz/LSB into memory channel 12.or thenPush for 1 sec.BeepBeepBeep721MWSSB[EXAMPLE]:Programming 21.280 MHz/USB into memory channel 18.
■Frequency transferringThe frequency and operating mode in a memory chan-nel can be transferred to the VFO. Frequency transfer-ring can be performed in either VFO mode or memorymode.DTransferring in VFO modeThis is useful for transferring programmed contents toa VFO.qSelect VFO mode with  .wSelect the memory channel to be transferred with/ .• Memory list screen is convenient for selecting the de-sired channel.• Memory channel contents appear in the memory chan-nel readout (below the frequency readout).• “--.---.--” appears if the selected memory channel is ablank channel. In this case transferring is not possible.ePush and hold  for 1 sec. to transfer the fre-quency and operating mode.• Transferred frequency and operating mode appear onthe frequency readout.DTransferring in memory modeThis is useful for transferring frequency and operatingmode while operating in memory mode.When you have changed the frequency or operat-ing mode in the selected memory channel:•Displayed frequency, mode and filter setting aretransferred.•Programmed frequency and mode in the memorychannel are not transferred, and they remain in thememory channel.qSelect the memory channel to be transferred with/  in memory mode.• And, set the frequency or operating mode if required.wPush and hold  for 1 sec. to transfer the fre-quency and operating mode.• Displayed frequency and operating mode are transferredto the VFO.eTo return to VFO mode, push  momentarily.V/MV/M√∫V/M√∫V/M8-48MEMORY OPERATIONTRANSFERRING EXAMPLE IN VFO MODEOperating frequency : 21.320 MHz/USB (VFO)Contents of M-ch 16 : 14.018 MHz/CWTRANSFERRING EXAMPLE IN MEMORY MODEOperating frequency : 21.320 MHz/USB (M-ch 16)Contents of M-ch 16 : 14.018 MHz/CWorPush for 1 sec.BeepBeepBeepV/MPush for 1 sec.BeepBeepBeepProgrammed contents appear.V/M
8-58MEMORY OPERATION■Memory list screenThe memory list screen simultaneously shows 9 mem-ory channels and their programmed contents. 15 mem-ory channels can be displayed in the wide memory listscreen.You can select a desired memory channel from thememory list screen.DSelecting a memory channel using the memory list screenqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [MEMORY]  to select memory list screen.• [WIDE]  switches the standard and wide screens.eWhile pushing and holding [ROLL]  , rotate themain dial to select the desired memory channel.• and  can also be used.rPush  to exit memory list screen.• Memory list screenDConfirming programmed memory channelsqSelect memory list screen as described above.wWhile pushing [ROLL]  , rotate the main dial toscroll the screen.ePush [SET]  to select the highlighted memorychannel, if desired.•“≈” appears beside the selected memory channel num-ber in the memory list screen and the selected memorychannel contents are displayed below the frequencyreadout.rPush  to exit memory list screen.EXIT/SETF-2F-1EXIT/SET√∫F-1F-7F-4EXIT/SETMain dialF-2SETF-1ROLL EXIT/SETMain dialZ YF-7WIDEF-1ROLLF-4MEMORY EXIT/SET
8-68MEMORY OPERATION■Memory namesAll memory channels (including scan edges) can betagged with alphanumeric names of up to 10 charac-ters each.Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols(! # $ % & ¥ ? " ’ ` ^ + – ✱/ . , : ; = < > ( ) [ ] { } | _ ~@)and spaces can be used.DEditing (programming) memory namesqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [MEMORY]  to select memory list screen.eSelect the desired memory channel.rPush [NAME]  to edit memory channel name.• A cursor appears and blinks.• Memory channel names of blank channels cannot beedited.tInput the desired character by rotating the main dialor by pushing the keypad for number input.• Push [ABC] or [abc] to toggle capital and small letters.• Push [123] or [Symbol] to toggle numerals and symbols.• Push [Ω] or [≈]  for cursor movement.• Push [DEL]  to delete the selected character.• Push [SPACE]  to input a space.• Pushing the transceiver’s keypad, [0]–[9], can also enternumerals.yPush  to input and set the name.• The cursor disappears.uRepeat steps eto yto program another memorychannel’s name, if desired.iPush  to exit memory list screen.■Memory clearingAny unused memory channels can be cleared. Thecleared memory channels become blank channels.qSelect memory mode with  .wPush [MEMORY]  to select memory list screen.eSelect the desired memory channel with  /  .rPush and hold [CLR]  for 1 sec. to clear thecontents.• The programmed frequency and operating mode disap-pear.tTo clear other memory channels, repeat steps eand r.F-5√∫F-4V/MEXIT/SETEXIT/SETF-4F-3F-2F-1F-4F-4EXIT/SETPush for 1 sec.BeepBeepBeep(CLR)F-5F-5CLRKeypad//F-3DEL123 Symbol ABC abcF-1ΩF-2≈F-4SPACE
8-78MEMORY OPERATION■Memo padsThe transceiver has a memo pad function to store fre-quency and operating mode for easy write and recall.The memo pads are separate from memory channels.The default number of memo pads is 5, however, thiscan be increased to 10 in set mode if desired. (p. 12-15)Memo pads are convenient when you want to memo-rize a frequency and operating mode temporarily, suchas when you find a DX station in a pile-up, or when adesired station is busy for a long time and you want totemporarily search for other stations.Use the transceiver’s memo pads instead of relying onhastily scribbled notes that are easily misplaced.DWriting frequencies and operating modes into memo padsYou can store the readout frequency and operatingmode by pushing  .When you store a 6th frequency and operating mode,the oldest stored frequency and operating mode areautomatically erased to make room for the new set-tings.Each memo pad must have its own unique combi-nation of frequency and operating mode; memopads having identical settings cannot be written.DCalling up a frequency from a memo padYou can call up the desired frequency and operatingmode of a memo pad by pushing  severaltimes.• Both VFO and memory modes can be used.• The frequency and operating mode are called up, startingfrom the most recently written.When you call up a frequency and an operating modefrom memo pads with  , the previously dis-played frequency and operating mode are automati-cally stored in a temporary pad. The frequency and op-erating mode in the temporary pad can be recalled bypushing several times.• You may think there are 6 memo pads because 6 differentfrequencies (5 are in memo pads and 1 is in the temporarypad) are called up by  .If you change the frequency or operating modecalled up from a memo pad with the main dial, etc.,the frequency and operating mode in the temporarypad are erased.MP-RMP-RMP-RMP-RMP-WMEMO PADSMP-RMP-RNewestOldestNewestErasedOldestIn this example, 21.276 MHz (USB) will be erased when 7.067 MHz (LSB) is written.MP-WMP-RMP-W
9-1SCANS Section 9■Scan types  ……………………………………………………………… 9-2■Preparation ……………………………………………………………… 9-2■Voice squelch control function  ………………………………………… 9-3■Scan set mode  ………………………………………………………… 9-3■Programmed scan operation  ………………………………………… 9-4■∂F scan operation  ……………………………………………………… 9-4■Fine programmed scan/Fine ∂F scan  ……………………………… 9-5■Memory scan operation ………………………………………………… 9-6■Select memory scan operation  ……………………………………… 9-6■Setting select memory channels  ……………………………………… 9-7DSetting in scan screen  ……………………………………………… 9-7DSetting in memory list screen  ……………………………………… 9-7DErasing the select scan setting  …………………………………… 9-7■Tone scan  ……………………………………………………………… 9-8
9-2■Scan types• The scan function can be used on the main read-out only.• You can operate a scan while operating on a fre-quency using the split functions. PROGRAMMED SCANRepeatedly scans between two scan edge frequencies (scan edge memory channels P1 and P2).This scan operates in VFO mode.SELECT MEMORY SCANRepeatedly scans all or one of 3 select memory channels.∂F SCANRepeatedly scans within ∂F span area. This scan operates in memory mode.This scan operates in memory mode.This scan operates in both VFO and memory modes.ScanScan edge P1 or P2Scan edge P2 or P1JumpMEMORY SCANRepeatedly scans all programmed memory channels.Mch 1★1Mch 5★1Mch 2★2Mch 3★1Mch 4Mch 6★3Mch 7★1Mch 99★1Mch 1★1Mch 5★1Mch 2★2Mch 3★1Mch 4Mch 6★3Mch 7★1Mch 99★1Blank channel Blank channelScanScan–∂F frequency +∂F frequencyStart frequencyJump*“★1,” “★2” and “★3” show that the channel is specified as the select memory.*“★1,” “★2” and “★3” show that the channel is specified as the select memory.9SCANS■Preparation• ChannelsFor programmed scan: Program scan edge frequencies into scan edge mem-ory channels P1 and P2.For∂F scan:Set the ∂F span (∂F scan range) in the scan screen.For memory scan: Program 2 or more memory channels except scanedge memory channels.For select memory scan: Designate 2 or more memory channels as select mem-ory channels. To designate the channel as a selectmemory channel, choose a memory channel, thenpush [SELECT]  in the scan screen (memorymode) or in the memory list screen.• Scan resume ON/OFFYou can select the scan to resume or cancel when de-tecting a signal in set mode. Scan resume ON/OFFmust be set before operating a scan. See p. 9-3 forON/OFF setting and scan resume condition details.• Scan speedScan speed can be selected from 2 levels, high or low,in scan set mode. See p. 9-3 for details.• Squelch conditionF-3SQUELCHCLOSEDSQUELCHOPENScan stops when detecting a signal.If you set scan resume ON in set mode, thescan pauses for 10 sec. when detecting asignal, then resumes. When a signal disap-pears while scan is paused, scan resumes2 sec. later.The scan continuesuntil it is stoppedmanually, and doesnot pause even if itdetects signals.Scan pauses oneach channel whenthe scan resume isON; not applicablewhen OFF.SCAN PROGRAMMEDSTARTS SCAN MEMORY SCANWITH
9-3■Voice squelch control functionThis function is useful when you don’t want unmodu-lated signals pausing or cancelling a scan. When thevoice squelch control function is activated, the trans-ceiver checks received signals for voice components.If a received signal includes voice components, andthe tone of the voice components changes within1 sec., scan pauses (or stops). If the received signalincludes no voice components or the tone of the voicecomponents does not change within 1 sec., scan re-sumes.➥While a phone mode (SSB, AM or FM) is selected,push [VSC] (MF7) to switch the VSC (Voice SquelchControl) function ON and OFF.• “VSC” appears when the function is activated.• The VSC function activates for any scan.• The VSC function resumes the scan on unmodu-lated signals, regardless of whether the scan re-sume condition is set to ON or OFF.■Scan set modeWhen the squelch is open, scan continues until it isstopped manually— it does not pause on detected sig-nals. When squelch is closed, scan stops when de-tecting a signal, then resumes according to the scanresume condition. Scan speed and the scan resumecondition can be set using the scan set mode.qPush [SCAN]  to select scan screen.wPush [SET]  to select scan set mode.ePush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desired item.rRotate the main dial to select the desired condition.• Push and hold [DEF]  for 1 sec. to select the defaultsetting.tPush  to return to scan menu.EXIT/SETF-4F-2F-1F-7F-5Main dialF-4DEFF-1∫F-2√EXIT/SETVSC9SCANSSelect the desired scan speed from high and low. • HIGH : scan is faster• LOW : scan is slowerScan  SpeedHIGHSet the scan resume function ON and OFF. • ON : When detecting a signal, scan pauses for10 sec., then resumes. When a signal disap-pears, scan resumes 2 sec. later.• OFF : When detecting a signal, cancels scanning.Scan  ResumeON
9-4■Programmed scan operationqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wSelect VFO mode.eSelect the desired operating mode.• The operating mode can also be changed while scan-ning.rPush [SCAN]  to select the scan screen.tSet [SQL] open or closed.• See page 9-2 for squelch condition.yPush [PROG]  to start the programmed scan.• “ ” and decimal points blink whilescanning.uWhen the scan detects a signal, scan stops, pausesor ignores it depending on the resume setting andthe squelch condition.iTo cancel the scan, push [PROG]  .• Rotating the main dial also cancels the scan.oPush and hold [RECALL]  for 1 sec. to recallthe frequency that is set before starting the scan, ifdesired.If the same frequencies are programmed into thescan edge memory channel P1 and P2, pro-grammed scan will not start.■∂F scan operationqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wSelect VFO mode or a memory channel.eSelect the desired operating mode.• The operating mode can also be changed while scan-ning.rPush [SCAN]  to select the scan screen.tSet the main band’s [SQL] open or closed.• See page 9-2 for squelch condition.ySet the ∂F span by pushing [∂F SPAN]  .• ±5 kHz, ±10 kHz, ±20 kHz, ±50 kHz, ±100 kHz,±500 kHz and ±1000 kHz are selectable.uSet center frequency of the ∂F span.iPush [∂F]  to start the ∂F scan.• “ ” and decimal points blink while scanning.oWhen the scan detects a signal, the scan stops,pauses or ignores it depending on the resume set-ting and the squelch condition.!0 To cancel the scan, push [∂F] .• Rotating the main dial also cancels the scan.!1 Push and hold [RECALL]  for 1 sec. to recallthe frequency that was set before starting the scan.F-6F-2:F SCANF-2F-4F-5EXIT/SETF-6F-1PROGRAM SCANF-1F-5EXIT/SET[SQL] Main dialEXIT/SETF-1PROG[SQL] Main dialF-2∂FF-4∂F SCAN EXIT/SET9SCANS
9-5■Fine programmed scan/Fine ∂F scanIn fine scan (programmed or ∂F), the scan speed de-creases when the squelch opens, but the transceiverkeeps scanning. The scanning tuning step shifts from50 Hz to 10 Hz when the squelch opens.qPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [SCAN]  to select the scan screen.eSet for programmed scan or ∂F scan as describedon previous page.rPush [PROG]  or [∂F]  to start a scan.• “ ” or “ ” and decimalpoints blink while scanning.tPush [FINE]  to start a fine scan.• “ ” or “ ” blinks in-stead of “ ” or “ ,” respec-tively.yWhen the scan detects a signal, the scan speed de-creases but scan does not stop.uPush [PROG]  or [∂F]  to stop the scan;push [FINE]  to cancel the fine scan.• Rotating the main dial also cancels the scan.iPush and hold [RECALL]  for 1 sec. to recallthe frequency that is set before starting the scan, ifdesired.F-6F-3F-2F-1:F SCANPROGRAM SCANFINE :F SCANFINE PROGRAM SCANF-3:F SCANPROGRAM SCANF-2F-1F-5EXIT/SETF-2∂FF-3FINEF-1PROG EXIT/SET9SCANS
9-6■Memory scan operationqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wSelect memory mode.ePush [SCAN]  to select the scan screen.rSet [SQL] open or closed.• See page 9-2 for squelch condition.tPush [MEMO]  to start the memory scan.• “ ” and decimal points blink while scan-ning.yWhen the scan detects a signal, the scan stops,pauses or ignores it depending on the resume set-ting and the squelch condition.uTo cancel the scan, push [MEMO]  .• Rotating the main dial also cancels the scan.2 or more memory channels must be programmedfor memory scan to start.■Select memory scan operationqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wSelect memory mode.ePush [SCAN]  to select the scan screen.rSet [SQL] open or closed.• See page 9-2 for squelch condition.tPush [SEL No.]  several times to select the se-lect scan number from ★1, ★2, ★3 and ★1/★2/★3.yPush [MEMO]  to start the memory scan.• “ ” and decimal points blink while scan-ning.uPush [SELECT]  to start select memory scan;push [SELECT]  again to return to memoryscan, if desired.• “ ” blinks instead of“ ” during select memory scan.iWhen the scan detects a signal, the scan stops,pauses or ignores it depending on the resume set-ting and the squelch condition.oTo cancel the scan, push [MEMO]  .• Rotating the main dial also cancels the scan.2 or more memory channels must be designated asselect memory channels, as well as the same selectscan channel number, for select memory scan tostart.F-1MEMORY SCANSELECT MEMORY SCANF-3F-3MEMORY SCANF-1F-5F-5EXIT/SETF-1MEMORY SCANF-1F-5EXIT/SET[SQL] Main dialEXIT/SETF-1MEMOF-3SELECTF-5SEL No.[SQL] Main dialEXIT/SETF-1MEMO9SCANS
9-7■Setting select memory channelsDSetting in scan screenqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wSelect memory mode.ePush [SCAN]  to select the scan screen.rSelect the desired memory channel to set as a se-lect memory channel.• /  keys and direct keypad selections can beused.tPush [SELECT]  several times to set the mem-ory channel as a select memory ★1, ★2, ★3 or not.yRepeat steps rto tto program another memorychannel as a select memory channel.uPush  to exit the scan screen.DSetting in memory list screenqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [MEMORY]  to select memory list screen.eRotate the main dial while pushing [ROLL]  or [SET]  to select the desired memory channel.• /  keys and direct keypad selections can beused.rPush [SELECT]  several times to set the mem-ory channel as a select memory ★1, ★2, ★3 or not.tRepeat steps eto rto program another memorychannel as a select memory channel.yPush  to exit the memory list screen.DErasing the select scan settingqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [MEMORY]  to select memory list screen,or push [SCAN]  to select scan screen.ePush and hold [SELECT]  for 1 sec. to displaymemory select all clear window.rPush one of the following keys to clear all selectscan setting.[F-1•★1] : Clears all ★1 setting.[F-2•★2] : Clears all ★2 setting.[F-3•★3] : Clears all ★3 setting.[F-4•★1,2,3] : Clears all select setting.tPush  to exit the memory list screen.EXIT/SETF-3F-5F-4EXIT/SETEXIT/SETF-3√∫F-2F-1F-4EXIT/SETEXIT/SETF-3√∫F-5EXIT/SET9SCANS
9-8■Tone scanThe transceiver can detect subaudible tones in a re-ceived signal. By monitoring a signal that is beingtransmitted on a repeater input frequency, you can de-termine the tone frequency required to access the re-peater.qSet the desired frequency or memory channel to bechecked for a tone frequency.wPush  several times to select FM mode.ePush and hold [TONE] (MF6) for 1 sec. to enter tonefrequency screen.rPush [Y] or [Z]  to check the repeatertone frequency or tone squelch frequency, respec-tively.tPush [T-SCAN]  to start the tone scan.• “SCAN” blinks while scanning.yWhen the tone frequency is detected, the tone scanpauses.• The tone frequency is set temporarily on a memorychannel. Program the memory channel to store the tonefrequency permanently.• The decoded tone frequency is used for the repeatertone frequency or tone squelch frequency.uTo stop the scan, push [T-SCAN]  .• Push and hold [DEF]  for 1 sec. to select the defaultfrequency.iPush  to exit tone frequency screen.EXIT/SETF-4F-6F-6F-2F-1AM/FMEXIT/SETF-1∫F-2√F-4 F-6T-SCANDEFTONE9SCANS
10-1ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION Section 10■Antenna connection and selection  ………………………………… 10-2■Antenna memory settings  …………………………………………… 10-3DAntenna type selection  …………………………………………… 10-3DTemporary memory  ………………………………………………… 10-4DAntenna selection mode  …………………………………………… 10-4DReceive antenna I/O setting  ……………………………………… 10-5■Antenna tuner operation  ……………………………………………… 10-6DTuner operation  …………………………………………………… 10-6DIf the tuner cannot tune the antenna  …………………………… 10-7
10-2■Antenna connection and selectionThe IC-7700 has 4 antenna connectors for theHF/50 MHz bands, [ANT1], [ANT2], [ANT3], and[ANT4].For each operating band the IC-7700 covers, there is aband memory which can memorize the selected an-tenna. When you change the operating frequency out-side of a band, the previously used antenna is auto-matically selected (see below) for the new band. Thisfunction allows automatic switching of 4 separate an-tennas for HF and 50 MHz bands operation.• Antenna selection mode: “Auto”After an antenna has been selected for use (by push-ing [ANT] (MF1)), the antenna is automatically selectedwhenever that band is used.[EXAMPLE]: a 3.5/7 MHz antenna is connected to[ANT1], a 21/28 MHz antenna is connected to [ANT2],a 50 MHz antenna is connected to [ANT3]. When theantenna selector function is set to “Auto,” an antennais automatically selected when changing bands.A receive-only antenna can be specified for [ANT4].• Antenna selection mode: “Manual”When “Manual” is selected, you can use the all an-tenna connectors, [ANT1] [ANT2], [ANT3] and [ANT4],however, band memory does not function. In this caseyou must select an antenna manually. • Antenna selection mode: “OFF”In this case, only [ANT1] antenna connector can beused. [ANT] (MF1) switch does not function.ANTANT 1ANT 2 ANT 3ANT 43.5/7 MHzbands21/28 MHzbands50 MHzbandsRXonlyANT10 ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION
10-3■Antenna memory settingsThis function stores the antenna connector number foreach frequency band.qPush  several times to close multi-functionscreen, if necessary.wPush and hold [ANT] (MF1) for 1 sec. to select an-tenna set screen.eSelect the desired frequency band with a band key.rPush [ANT] (MF1) several times to select the desiredantenna number that you want to set for the se-lected frequency band.•“★” appears.tPush and hold [ANT MW]  for 1 sec. to storethe antenna selection into the antenna memory.•“★” disappears.yRepeat the steps eto tto store the antenna se-lection for another frequency bands, if desired.uPush  to exit antenna set screen.DAntenna type selectionWhen no antenna is connected to [ANT2], [ANT3],and/or [ANT4], these antenna connectors can be de-activated — deleting the antenna number from theavailable selections. This prevents the transceiver fromaccidentally transmitting into an unused antenna con-nector. In addition, a receive-only antenna can bespecified for [ANT4].qSelect the antenna set screen as described above.wPush [ANT TYPE]  to select antenna type setscreen.ePush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desired an-tenna.rRotate the main dial to select the desired antennacondition from TX/RX, RX (ANT4 only) and OFF.• TX/RX : Select when an antenna is connected.• OFF : Select when no antenna is connected.• RX : Select when a receive only antenna isconnected. (available for the [ANT4] only)tPush  to exit antenna type set screen.✔For your informationThe “OFF” antennas cannot be selected with [ANT](MF1) switch operation, or with the antenna memorysetting.When “RX” is selected for [ANT4], “1/R,” “2/R” and“3/R” selections will be added for the selection for both[ANT] (MF1) switch operation and the antenna memorysetting. In these selections, the antenna connected to[ANT1], [ANT2] and/or [ANT3] will be used for trans-mission and the antenna connected to [ANT4] will beused for reception.EXIT/SETF-2F-1F-7EXIT/SETF-3EXIT/SETBand keysANTF-3ANT MWF-1∫F-2√F-7ANT TYPE10ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION
10-4■Antenna memory settings (continued)DTemporary memoryThe antenna temporary memory memorizes the man-ually selected antenna. The selected antenna will bere-called even if frequency band has been changed. qSelect the antenna set screen.wPush [TEMP-M]  to turn the temporary mem-ory ON and OFF.eSelect the desired frequency band with a band key.rPush [ANT] (MF1) to select the desired antenna.•“★” appears when a different antenna from the original isselected.tPush [ANT MR]  to re-call the original antenna.•“★” disappears.yPush  to exit antenna set screen.CAUTION!: Before transmitting with the manuallyselected antenna, make sure the selected antennasuits the operating frequency. Otherwise the trans-ceiver may be damaged.DAntenna selection modeThe automatic antenna selection (antenna memory)and the [ANT] (MF1) switch function can be deactivatedif desired.qSelect the antenna set screen.wPush [[ANT]SW]  to select the antenna selec-tion from Auto, OFF and Manual.• Auto : Use the antenna memory. Antenna selec-tion with [ANT] switch is also available.• OFF : Only the antenna connected to [ANT1]can be used. [ANT] switch is deactivated.• Manual: Deactivate the antenna memory function.Antenna can be selected with [ANT]switch operation only.ePush  to exit antenna set screen.EXIT/SETF-6EXIT/SETF-2F-4Push                          to select the antenna selection mode.F-6[ANT] SW “★” indicators appear when a different antenna from the original is selected.Push [F-4•TEMP-M] to turn the temporary memory ON and OFF.10 ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION
10-510ANTENNA TUNER OPERATIONDReceive antenna I/O settingIn default setting, receive antenna connectors, [RXANT-IN] and [RX ANT-OUT], on the rear panel are de-activated and are connected internally by the switch-ing relay. If you want to connect an external preamp orlow-pass filter between the [RX ANT-IN] and [RX ANT-OUT], you must activate them as described below.qSelect the antenna set screen.wSelect the desired frequency band with a band key.ePush [RX-I/O]  to activate the receive antennaconnectors ([RX ANT-IN] and [RX ANT-OUT]).• “RX-I/O” indicators appear when [RX ANT-IN] and [RX-ANT-OUT] are active. rRepeat steps wand e, if desired.tPush  to exit antenna set screen.EXIT/SETF-1“RX-I/O” indicators appear when [RX ANT-IN] and [RX ANT-OUT] are active.Band keysF-1RX-I/OReceiverPreamp orLow-pass filter,etc.TransmitterTransceiverIN[RX ANT]OUTTransmit/Receiveswitching circuitANTRXonly
10-610 ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION■Antenna tuner operationThe internal automatic antenna tuner matches thetransceiver to the connected antenna automatically.After the tuner matches an antenna, the variable ca-pacitor settings are memorized as a preset point foreach frequency range (100 kHz steps). Therefore,when you change the frequency range, the variable ca-pacitors are automatically preset to the memorized set-ting.CAUTION: NEVER transmit with the tuner ON whenno antenna is connected. This will damage thetransceiver. Be careful of the antenna selection.DTuner operation➥Push  to turn the internal antenna tuner ON.The antenna is tuned automatically when the an-tenna SWR is higher than 1.5:1.• When the tuner is ON, [TUNER] switch indicator lightsgreen.• While tuning, [TUNER] switch indicator blinks green.• MANUAL TUNINGDuring SSB operation at low voice levels, the internaltuner may not be tuned correctly. In such cases, man-ual tuning is helpful.➥Push and hold  for 1 sec., to start manualtuning.• A side tone is emitted and [TUNER] switch indicatorblinks red while tuning.• If the tuner cannot reduce the SWR to less than 1.5:1after 20 sec. of tuning, the [TUNER] switch indicatorgoes out.• AUTOMATIC TUNER START (HF bands only)If you want to deactivate the tuner under conditions ofVSWR 1.5:1 or less, use the auto tuner start functionand turn the tuner OFF. This function activates thetuner automatically when the SWR exceeds 1.5:1.This function is turned ON in set mode. (p. 12-13).TUNERTUNERTUNERNOTES:•NEVER transmit without an antenna properly con-nected to antenna port in use.• When 2 or more antennas are connected, selectthe antenna to be used with [ANT].• If the SWR is higher than about 1.5:1 when tuningabove 100 kHz on an antenna’s preset point, pushand hold  for 1 sec. to start manual tuning.• The internal tuner may not be able to tune in AMmode. In such cases, push and hold  for1 sec. to manually tune.TUNERTUNER
10-710ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION■Antenna tuner operation (continued)• PTT TUNER STARTThe tuner is always tuned when the PTT is pushedafter the frequency is changed (more than 1% fromlast-tuned frequency). This function removes the “pushand hold  ” operation and activates for the firsttransmission on a new frequency. This function is turned ON in set mode. (p. 12-13).• Antenna tuner of the IC-PW1When using an external antenna tuner such as the IC-PW1’s tuner, tune with the external antenna tuner, andturn OFF the IC-7700’s tuner. After tuning is com-pleted, turn the internal tuner ON. Otherwise, bothtuners tune simultaneously and correct tuning may notbe obtained.See the instruction manual included with each antennatuner for their respective operations.DIf the tuner cannot tune the antennaCheck the following and try again:• the [ANT] connector selection.• the antenna connection and feedline.• the untuned antenna SWR. (Less than 3:1 for HF bands; Lessthan 2.5:1 for 50 MHz band)• the transmit power. (8 W for HF bands; 15 W for 50 MHz band)• the power source voltage/capacity.If the tuner cannot reduce the SWR to less than 1.5:1after checking the above, perform the following:• repeat manual tuning several times.• tune with a 50 dummy load and re-tune the antenna.• turn power OFF and ON.• adjust the antenna feedline length.(This is effective for higher frequencies in some cases.)• Some antennas, especially for low bands, have a narrowbandwidth. These antennas may not be tuned at the edgeof their bandwidth, therefore, tune such an antenna as fol-lows:[Example]: Suppose you have an antenna which has anSWR of 1.5:1 at 3.55 MHz and an SWR of 3:1at 3.8 MHz.qPush  to turn the antenna tuner ON.wSelect CW mode.eTurn OFF the break-in function. (p. 6-3)rPush to set to the transmit condition.tSet 3.55 MHz and key down.ySet 3.80 MHz and key down.uPush to return to the receive condition.TRANSMITTRANSMITTUNERTUNER
11-1CLOCK AND TIMERS Section 11■Time set mode  ………………………………………………………… 11-2■Daily timer setting ……………………………………………………… 11-3■Setting sleep timer  …………………………………………………… 11-4■Timer operation ………………………………………………………… 11-4
11-2■Time set modeThe IC-7700 has a built-in calendar and 24-hour clock(accuracy ±75 sec. per month) with daily powerON/OFF timer functions. Before operating these timerfunctions, set the current date and time.qPush  to close multi-function screen, ifnecessary.wPush [SET]  to select set mode menu screen.ePush [TIME]  to select time set mode.rPush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desired item.tRotate the main dial to set or select the desiredvalue or condition.yPush  to exit time set mode.EXIT/SETF-2F-1F-4F-7EXIT/SETMain dialEXIT/SET///F-3Ω ≈F-5EDIT SET123 Symbol ABC abcF-1ΩF-2≈F-4DEF11 CLOCK AND TIMERSSets the date. zPush [Ω≈]  to select between the year and themonth/day, then rotate the main dial to select them.• The date setting and “DATE-set Push [SET]” indicationblink.xPush [SET]  to set the date.F-5F-3Date2000 –  1 –  1 ( Sat )Sets the local time. zRotate the main dial to set the local time.• The time setting and “TIME-set Push [SET]” indicationblink.xPush [SET]  to set the time.F-5Time  (Now)1:23Turns the CLOCK2 indicator ON and OFF.CLOCK2 is convenient to indicate UTC or other coun-try’s local time, etc.• ON  : The CLOCK2 indicator is displayed below thelocal time indication.• OFF : The CLOCK2 indicator does not display.CLOCK2  FunctionONSets the desired off-set time period for CLOCK2 dis-play within –24:00 to +24:00 in 5 min. steps.• Push and hold [DEF]  for 1 sec. to select the defaultvalue.F-4CLOCK2  Offset0:00Sets the desired 3-character name for CLOCK2.Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols(! # $ % & ¥ ? " ’ ` ^ + – ✱/ . , : ; = < > ( ) [ ] { } | _ ~@)and spaces can be used.zPush [EDIT]  to select the name edit condition.• The cursor under the 1st character blinks.xPush [ABC], [abc], [123] or [Symbol] to select thecharacter group, then rotate the main dial to selectthe character.• Push [ABC] or [abc] to toggle capital and small letters.• Push [123] or [Symbol] to toggle numerals and sym-bols.• Push [Ω] or [≈]  for cursor movement.• Push [DEL]  to delete the selected character.• Push [SPACE]  to input a space.• Pushing the transceiver’s keypad, [0]–[9], can alsoenter numerals.cPush  to set the name.EXIT/SETF-4F-3F-2F-1F-5CLOCK2  NameUTC
11-3■Daily timer settingThe transceiver turns power ON and/or OFF automat-ically on the specified day and time, with the specifiedfrequency settings.qPush  several times to close multi-functionscreen, if necessary.wPush and hold  for 1 sec. to select timer setscreen.ePush one of [TIMER1]  to [TIMER5]  toselect the desired timer.rRotate the main dial to select the timer action ONand OFF.tPush [≈]  to select the “DAY” cell, then rotatethe main dial to select the desired day of the week.• Select “– – –” not to specify the day of the week. Thetimer will function every day in this case.• Once a day of the week is selected, push [CLR]  toselect “– – –.” yPush [≈]  to select the “REPEAT” cell, then ro-tate the main dial to select the repeat function ONand OFF.• ON : The timer functions every selected day of theweek. (repeats)• OFF : The timer does not repeat.uPush [≈]  to select the “ON” cell, then rotatethe main dial to set the desired transceiver powerON time.• When using power OFF timer only, push [CLR]  toselect “– – –.” This setting cannot be set when the powerOFF timer is set to “– – –.”iPush [≈]  to select the “OFF” cell, then rotatethe main dial to set the desired transceiver powerOFF time.• When using power ON timer only, push [CLR]  toselect “– – –.” This setting cannot be set when the powerON timer is set to “– – –.”oPush [≈]  to select the “Mch” cell, then rotatethe main dial to select the desired memory channelnumber.• If using the currently set VFO condition, push [CLR] to select “– – –.” !0 Push [SET]  to set the timer.• The timer indicator above  switch lights green.!1 Repeat steps eto !0 to set other timers, if desired.!2 Push  to exit timer set screen.EXIT/SETTIMERF-7F-4F-2F-4F-2F-4F-2F-2F-4F-2F-5F-1TIMEREXIT/SETMain dial≈F-2TIMER2F-3TIMER3TIMER4EXIT/SET//ΩF-1TIMER1 /F-4TIMER5F-5 F-7SETCLRTIMER11CLOCK AND TIMERS
11-4■Setting sleep timerThe sleep timer turns the transceiver power OFF au-tomatically after passing the set period. The timer canbe set to 5–120 min. in 5 min. steps.The sleep timer function counts the ‘minute’ units,and does not count the ‘second’ units. For example,when the sleep timer is started at 12:00 59, first oneminute past for just 1 sec. That is way it has a max.59 sec. error. This is normal, not a malfunction.qPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush and hold  for 1 sec. to select timer setscreen.ePush [SLEEP]  to select the sleep timer setcondition.• “– – –” blinks.rSet the desired time period using the main dial.• “TIMER–set Push [SET]” blinks.• Push [CLR]  to select “– – –” to cancel the setting.tPush [SET]  to set the time.• Push  to cancel the setting.• The timer indicator above  switch lights green.yPush  to exit timer set screen.uThe transceiver emits 10 beeps and turns OFF afterthe sleep timer period elapses.• The timer indicator blinks while beeping.• Push  momentarily to cancel the sleep timer, ifdesired.■Timer operationqPreset the daily timer as described previously.wPush  momentarily to turn the timer functionON.• The timer indicator above this switch lights green whenthe timer function is ON.ePush and hold  for 1 sec. to turn the powerOFF.• The timer indicator lights continuously.rWhen the set time arrives, the power is automati-cally turned ON.tThe transceiver emits 10 beeps and turns OFF afterthe power-off period elapses.• The timer indicator blinks while beeping.• Push  momentarily to cancel the sleep timer, ifdesired.Timer action in the timer set screen must be se-lected ON to enable timer operation, described inpage 11-3 steps r.TIMERPOWERTIMERTIMEREXIT/SETTIMEREXIT/SETF-7F-4F-7TIMEREXIT/SETMain dialSLEEPEXIT/SET/F-4 F-7SETCLRTIMERPOWERTIMER11 CLOCK AND TIMERS
12-1SET MODE Section 12■Set mode description  ………………………………………………… 12-2DSet mode operation ………………………………………………… 12-2DScreen arrangement  ……………………………………………… 12-3■Level set mode  ………………………………………………………… 12-4■ACC set mode  ………………………………………………………… 12-7■Display set mode  ……………………………………………………… 12-9■Others set mode  …………………………………………………… 12-12■USB-Memory set menu  …………………………………………… 12-19DUSB-Memory set screen arrangement  ………………………… 12-19DSave option set mode  …………………………………………… 12-20DLoad option set mode  …………………………………………… 12-21■File saving  …………………………………………………………… 12-22■File loading  …………………………………………………………… 12-23■Changing a file name  ……………………………………………… 12-24■Deleting a file  ………………………………………………………… 12-25■Unmounting USB-Memory  ………………………………………… 12-25■Formatting the USB-Memory  ……………………………………… 12-26
12-2■Set mode descriptionSet mode is used for programming infrequentlychanged values or conditions of functions. The IC-7700 has a level set mode, display set mode, time setmode, accessory set mode, Others set mode andUSB-Memory set menu.DSet mode operationqPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [SET]  to select set mode menu screen.• Pushing and holding  for 1 sec. also selects setmode menu screen.ePush [LEVEL]  , [ACC]  , [DISP]  ,[TIME]  , [OTHERS]  or [USB]  toenter the desired set mode.rFor level, accessory, display and Others set mode,push [WIDE]  to toggle wide and normalscreen.tPush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desireditem, then rotate the main dial to adjust/select thedesired value or condition.• Pushing [Ω≈]  operation may be necessary forsome items.yPush  twice to exit set mode.EXIT/SETF-3F-2F-1F-7F-7F-5F-4F-3F-2F-1EXIT/SETF-7EXIT/SETMain dialF-1LEVELF-2ACCF-5OTHERS EXIT/SETF-3DISPF-4TIMEF-7USB12 SET MODE
12-312SET MODEDScreen arrangement• Set mode menu screen (p. 12-2)• Level set mode (p. 12-4)• ACC set mode (p. 12-7)• Time set mode (p. 11-2)• Display set mode (p. 12-9)• Others set mode (p. 12-12)• USB-Memory set menu (p. 12-19)F-1 F-2 F-3F-3F-4F-5F-7F-2F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7
12-412 SET MODE■Level set modeSets the bass level of the receive audio tone in SSBmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio tone in SSBmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)Tone  (Treble)0Sets the bass level of the receive audio tone in AMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio tone in AMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)Tone  (Treble)0Sets the bass level of the receive audio tone in FMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)  Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the receive audio tone in FMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)Tone  (Treble)0Sets the low-pass filter (100 Hz to 2000 Hz) and high-pass filter (500 Hz to 2400) of the receive audio in 100Hz steps in SSB mode. (default: OFF)NOTE: When this setting is active, below 2 itemswill be reset to default value, ‘0.’SSB    RX  HPF/LPF– – –   –   – – –Sets the low-pass filter (100 Hz to 2000 Hz) and high-pass filter (500 Hz to 2400) of the receive audio in 100Hz steps in AM mode. (default: OFF)NOTE: When this setting is active, below 2 itemswill be reset to default value, ‘0.’AM      RX  HPF/LPF– – –   –   – – –Sets the low-pass filter (100 Hz to 2000 Hz) and high-pass filter (500 Hz to 2400) of the receive audio in 100Hz steps in FM mode. (default: OFF)NOTE: When this setting is active, below 2 itemswill be reset to default value, ‘0.’FM      RX  HPF/LPF– – –   –   – – –
12-512SET MODE■Level set mode (continued)Sets the bass level of the transmit audio tone in SSBmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)SSB    TX  Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the transmit audio tone in SSBmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)Tone  (Treble)0Sets the bass level of the transmit audio tone in AMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)AM     TX  Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the transmit audio tone in AMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)Tone  (Treble)0Sets the bass level of the transmit audio tone in FMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)FM     TX  Tone  (Bass)0Sets the treble level of the transmit audio tone in FMmode from –5 to +5. (default: 0)Tone  (Treble)0Sets the low-pass filter (100 Hz to 2000 Hz) and high-pass filter (500 Hz to 2400) of the receive audio in 100Hz steps in CW mode. (default: OFF)CW      RX  HPF/LPF– – –   –   – – –Sets the low-pass filter (100 Hz to 2000 Hz) and high-pass filter (500 Hz to 2400) of the receive audio in 100Hz steps in RTTY mode. (default: OFF)RTTY  RX  HPF/LPF– – –   –   – – –Sets the low-pass filter (100 Hz to 2000 Hz) and high-pass filter (500 Hz to 2400) of the receive audio in 100Hz steps in PSK mode. (default: OFF)PSK    RX  HPF/LPF– – –   –   – – –
■Level set mode (continued)12-612 SET MODESets the voice synthesizer audio output level from 0 to100% in 1% steps. (default: 50%)Speech  Level50%Sets the side tone output level from 0 to 100% in 1%steps. (default: 50%)Side  Tone  Level50%Turns the side tone output level limiting capability fromON and OFF. (default: ON)Side  Tone  Level  LimitONSets the key-touch beep output level from 0 to 100%in 1% steps. (default: 50%)Beep  Level50%Turns the key-touch beep output level limiting capa-bility from ON and OFF. (default: ON)Beep  Level  LimitONSets the ratio for audio output level from the head-phone toward to the internal speaker within a rangeof 0.60 to 1.40 in 0.01 steps. (default: 1.00)Phones  Level  Ratio1.00Sets the transmission passband width to wide settingby changing the lower and higher cut-off frequencies.Lower freq. : 100 (default), 200, 300 and 500 HzHigher freq.: 2500, 2700, 2800 and 2900 Hz (default)SSB  TBW  (WIDE)100   –   2900Sets the transmission passband width to middle set-ting by changing the lower and higher cut-off frequen-cies.Lower freq. : 100, 200, 300 (default) and 500 HzHigher freq.: 2500, 2700 (default), 2800 and 2900 HzSSB  TBW  (MID)300   –   2700Sets the transmission passband width to narrow set-ting by changing the lower and higher cut-off frequen-cies.Lower freq. : 100, 200, 300 and 500 Hz (default)Higher freq.: 2500 (default), 2700, 2800 and 2900 HzSSB  TBW  (NAR)500   –   2500
■ACC set mode 12-712SET MODESets the desired audio output level, output from[ACC1], within 0 to 100% in 1% steps.• Outputs approx. 200 mV at 50% (default) setting.ACC  AF  Output  Level50%Sets the desired output level of [S/P DIF], within 0 to100% in 1% steps. (default: 100%)S/PDIF  Output  Level100%Sets the desired audio input level for modulation from[ACC1].• Approx. 100 mV at 50% (default) setting.ACC  MOD  Level50%Sets the desired input level for modulation from[S/P DIF], within 0 to 100% in 1% steps. (default: 50%)S/PDIF  MOD  Level50%Selects the desired connector(s) for modulation inputwhen data mode is not in use.• MIC : Use the signals from [MIC].• ACC : Use the signals from [ACC1] (pin 4).• MIC,ACC : Use the signals from [MIC] and [ACC1](pin 4). (default)• S/P DIF : Use the signals from [S/P DIF].DATA  OFF  MODMIC,ACCSelects the desired connector(s) for modulation inputwhen data 1 mode (D1) is in use.• MIC : Use the signals from [MIC].• ACC : Use the signals from [ACC1] (pin 4).(default)• MIC,ACC : Use the signals from [MIC] and [ACC1](pin 4).• S/P DIF : Use the signals from [S/P DIF].DATA1  MODACCSelects the desired connector(s) for modulation inputwhen data 2 mode (D2) is in use.• MIC : Use the signals from [MIC].• ACC : Use the signals from [ACC1] (pin 4).• MIC,ACC : Use the signals from [MIC] and [ACC1](pin 4). (default)• S/P DIF : Use the signals from [S/P DIF].DATA2  MODMIC,ACC
12-812 SET MODE■ACC set mode (continued)Selects the switching relay type for [RELAY] fromLead and MOSFET.Select the suitable relay type when connecting a non-Icom linear amplifier.• Lead : Use mechanical relay. (16 V DC/0.5 A max.; default)• MOS-FET: Use semiconductor type relay.(250 V/200 mA max.)SEND  Relay  TypeLeadSelects the desired item for an external meter indica-tion.• Auto : Outputs the receiving signal strength levelduring receive, and outputs the selectedlevel (selected with [METER]), duringtransmit. (default)• S : Outputs the receiving signal strength levelduring receive.• Po : Outputs the transmitting power level dur-ing transmit.• SWR : Outputs the VSWR level during transmit.• ALC : Outputs the ALC level during transmit.• COMP : Outputs the compression level duringtransmit.•VD: Outputs the drain terminal voltage of thefinal amplifier MOSFETs.•ID: Outputs the drain current of the final am-plifier MOSFETs.External  Meter  OutputAutoSets the output level for an external meter indicationwith in 0 to 100% range in 1% steps.• Approx. 2.5 V at 50% (default) setting for full-scale indica-tion. (4.7 kimpedance)External  Meter  Level50%Selects the desired connector(s) for modulation inputwhen data 3 mode (D3) is in use.• MIC : Use the signals from [MIC]. (default)• ACC : Use the signals from [ACC1] (pin 4).• MIC,ACC : Use the signals from [MIC] and [ACC1](pin 4).• S/P DIF : Use the signals from [S/P DIF].DATA3  MODMIC
12-912SET MODE■ACC set mode (continued)Selects the transceiver’s reference signal conditionfrom IN, OFF and OUT.• IN : Use an external reference signal for the IC-7700. Turn the transceiver power OFF thenON to make the setting effective.• OFF : Not input/output the reference signal. (default)• OUT : Outputs the IC-7700 reference signal to ex-ternally connected equipment(s) for their ref-erence.NOTE: If the applied reference signal is off-fre-quency, or no signal is applied with “IN” selection,the IC-7700 will not work properly. Select “OFF” or“OUT” then reboot the IC-7700 in such case.REF  IN/OUTOFFAdjusts the internal reference signal frequency within0 to 100% range in 1% steps during frequency cali-bration.NOTE: Default setting is different for each trans-ceiver.REF  Adjust50%■Display set modeAdjusts the LCD unit brightness from 0 (dark) to 100%(bright) range in 1% steps. (default: 50%)LCD  Unit  Bright50%Adjusts the switch indicators brightness from 1 (dark)to 100 (bright) range in 1 steps. (default: 80)Backlight  (Switches)80Selects the desired display type from A (Black back)and B (Blue back). (default: A)See p.13-4 for details.Display  TypeASelects the desired font for frequency readout fromBasic (1), Basic (2), Italic, Round and Slim.(default: Basic (1))See p.13-4 for details.Display  FontBasic  (1)
12-1012 SET MODE■Display set mode (continued)Selects the desired S/RF meter type during normalscreen indication from Standard, Edgewise and Bar.(default: Standard)Meter  Type  (Normal  Screen)StandardSelects the desired S/RF meter type during widescreen or mini scope indication from Edgewise andBar. (default: Bar)Meter  Type  (Wide  Screen)BarTurns the meter peak hold function ON and OFF. (default: ON)This function is used for the bar meter only.Meter  Peak  Hold  (Bar)ONSelects the pop-up display for the APF filter widthfrom ON and OFF.(default: ON)APF–Width  Popup   (APF  OFF   ON)ONEnables the pop-up indication capability when thenotch filter width is changed from ON to OFF. (default: ON)MN–Q  Popup   (MN  OFF   ON)ONSets the memory name indication, during memorymode operation, ON and OFF. (default: ON)• ON : The programmed memory name is displayedabove the frequency indication.• OFF : No memory name is displayed even a mem-ory name is programmed.Memory  NameONSet meter needle response from SLOW, MID andFAST. (default: MID)This setting is effective for the standard and edge-wise meter type selections only.Meter  ResponseMID
12-1112SET MODESelect “ON” when the external display is connected. (default: OFF)• At least 800×600 pixel resolution is required for the dis-play.External  DisplayOFFSelects the suitable pulse level for the connected ex-ternal display from H and L. (default: H)External  Display  Sync  PulseHTurns the opening message screen indication capa-bility ON and OFF. (default: ON)Opening  MessageON■Display set mode (continued)Turns the screen saver function ON (15, 30 or 60minutes) and OFF. (default: 60 min.)The screen saver will activate when no operation isperformed for the selected time period to protect theLCD from the “burn-in” effect.Screen  Saver  Function60minSelects the screen saver type from “Bound,” “Rota-tion” and “Twist.” (default: Bound)The screen saver indication can be displayed for yourreference while pushing and holding [PREVIEW]  .F-5Screen  Saver  TypeBoundSets the introductory text, up to 10-character long,displayed in the opening screen.Usually, you set your call sign for the opening screen.Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols(– / . @) and spaces can be used.zPush [EDIT]  to select the name edit condition.• The cursor under the 1st character blinks.xPush [ABC] (MF6), [abc] (MF6), [123] (MF7) or[Symbol] (MF7) to select the character group, thenrotate the main dial to select the character.• Push [ABC] (MF6) or [abc] (MF6) to toggle capital andsmall letters.• Push [123] (MF7) or [Symbol] (MF7) to toggle numeralsand symbols.• Push [Ω] or [≈]  for cursor movement.• Push [DEL]  to delete the selected character.• Push [SPACE]  to input a space.• Pushing the transceiver’s keypad, [0]–[9], can alsoenter numerals.cPush  to set the name.EXIT/SETF-4F-3F-2F-1F-5My  Call
12-1212 SET MODE■Others set mode This item is used for a simple frequency check of thetransceiver. (default: OFF)See p. 13-5 for calibration procedure.NOTE: Turn the calibration marker OFF afterchecking the frequency of the transceiver.Calibration  MarkerOFFA beep sounds each time a switch is pushed to con-firm it. This function can be turned OFF for silent op-eration. (default: ON)The beep output level can be set in level set mode.(p. 12-6)Beep  (Confirmation)ONA beep sounds when an operating frequency entersor exits an amateur band. This functions independentof the confirmation beep setting (above). (default: ON)The beep output level can be set in level set mode.(p. 12-6)Beep  (Band Edge)ONSets the desired key-touch beep sound frequencywithin 500 to 2000 Hz in 10 Hz steps. (default:1000 Hz)Beep  Sound1000HzWhen this item is set to ON, pushing and holdingfor 1 sec. sets the unselected VFO’s readoutfrequency to the selected VFO’s readout frequencyand activates split operation.(default: ON)See p. 6-7 for details.SPLITQuick  SPLITON
12-1312SET MODE■Others set mode (continued)Sets the offset (difference between transmit and re-ceive frequencies) for the quick split function. This set-ting is used for HF bands in FM mode only and isused to input the repeater offset for an HF band.The offset frequency can be set from –9.999 MHz to+9.999 MHz in 1 kHz steps. (default: –0.100 MHz)FM  SPLIT  Offset(HF)–0.100MHzSets the offset (difference between transmit and re-ceive frequencies) for the quick split function. This set-ting is used for 50 MHz band FM mode only, and isused to input the repeater offset for the 50 MHz band.The offset frequency can be set from –9.999 MHz to+9.999 MHz in 1 kHz steps. (default: –0.500 MHz)FM  SPLIT  Offset(50M)–0.500MHzWhen this item is ON, the main dial can be used toadjust the transmit frequency while pushing [XFC]even while the lock function is activated. (default: OFF)See pgs. 6-6, 6-7 for split frequency operation details.SPLIT  LOCKOFFThe internal antenna tuner has an automatic start ca-pability which starts tuning if the SWR is higher than1.5–3:1.• OFF : The tuner remains OFF even when the SWRis poor (1.5–3:1). (default)• ON : Automatic tune starts even when the tuner isturned OFF during HF bands operation. Tuner  (Auto  Start)OFFTuning of the internal antenna tuner can be startedautomatically at the moment the PTT is pushed afterthe operating frequency is changed (more than 1%from last-tuned frequency). (default: OFF)Tuner  (PTT  Start)OFF
12-1412 SET MODESelects the transverter operation condition from Autoand ON. (default: Auto)• ON : Turn the transverter operation ON.• Auto : The transceiver turns into transverter opera-tion condition when 2 to 13.8 V DC is appliedto [ACC2] pin 6.Transverter  FunctionAutoSets the desired offset frequency for the transverteroperation within 0.000 to 99.999 MHz in 1 kHz steps.(default: 16.000 MHz)Transverter  Offset16.000MHz  (14.000.00   30.000.00)■Others set mode (continued)Selects the RTTY mark frequency. RTTY mark fre-quency is switched between 1275, 1615 and2125 Hz. (default: 2125 Hz)2125 Hz is automatically selected when the internalRTTY decoder is used.RTTY  Mark  Frequency2125Selects the RTTY shift width. There are 3 selectablevalues: 170, 200 and 425 Hz. (default: 170 Hz)170 Hz is automatically selected when the internalRTTY decoder is used.RTTY  Shift  Width170Selects the RTTY keying polarity. Normal or reversekeying polarity can be selected.(default: Normal)When reverse polarity is selected, Mark and Spaceare reversed.• Normal : Key open/close = Mark/Space• Reverse : Key open/close = Space/MarkRTTY  Keying  PolarityNormalSelects the desired PSK tone frequency for the PSKreception from 1000, 1500 and 2000 Hz. (default: 1500 Hz)PSK  Tone  Frequency1500Selects the speech language from English and Japan-ese. (default: English)SPEECH  LanguageEnglishSelects the speech speed from HIGH (faster) andLOW (slower). (default: HIGH)SPEECH  SpeedHIGH
12-1512SET MODE■Others set mode (continued)Sets the auto tuning step function for the main dial.When rotating the main dial rapidly, the tuning stepautomatically changes several times as selected. There are 2 type of auto tuning steps: HIGH (Fastest)and LOW (Faster). (default: HIGH)• HIGH : Auto tuning step is turned ON. Fastest tun-ing step during rapid rotation. (default)• LOW : Auto tuning step is turned ON. Faster tun-ing step during rapid rotation.• OFF : Auto tuning step is turned OFF.MAIN  DIAL  Auto  TSHIGHSets the number of memo pad channels available. 5or 10 memo pads can be set. (default: 5)Memopad  Numbers5The IC-7700 speech processor has frequency, modeand signal level announcement. Signal level an-nouncement can be deactivated if desired.(default: ON)When “OFF” is selected, the signal level is not an-nounced.SPEECH  S-LevelONSelects the operating mode speech capability when amode switch is pushed; ON or OFF. (default: OFF)When “ON” is selected, the selected operating modeis announced when a mode switch is pushed.SPEECH  [MODE]  SwitchOFFSets the rate at which frequencies are scanned whenthe microphone [UP]/[DN] switches are pushed andheld. High or low can be selected.• HIGH : High speed (default; 50 tuning steps/sec.)• LOW : Low speed (25 tuning steps/sec.)MIC  Up/Down  SpeedHIGHSelects the RIT/∂TX frequency clearing instructionwith the  switch.• ON : Clears the RIT/∂TX frequency whenis pushed momentarily. • OFF : Clears the RIT/∂TX frequency whenis pushed and held for 1 sec. (default)CLEARCLEARCLEARQuick  RIT/∂TX  ClearOFF
■Others set mode (continued)12-1612 SET MODESelects [DIGI-SEL] control function from DIGI-SELand APF.• DIGI-SEL : [DIGI-SEL] control functions as the digi-tal selector operation. (default)• APF : [DIGI-SEL] control functions as theaudio peak filter adjustment.DIGI–SEL  VR  OperationDIGI–SELSelects notch functions for SSB mode operation fromAuto, Manual and Auto/Manual.• Auto : Only the auto notch can be used.• Manual : Only the manual notch can be used.• Auto/Manual : Both the auto and manual notch canbe used. (default)[NOTCH]  Switch  (SSB)Auto/ManualSelects notch functions for AM mode operation fromAuto, Manual and Auto/Manual.• Auto : Only the auto notch can be used.• Manual : Only the manual notch can be used.• Auto/Manual : Both the auto and manual notch canbe used. (default)[NOTCH]  Switch  (AM)Auto/ManualSelects the displayed frequency shift function fromON and OFF. (default: OFF)When this function is activated, the audio pitch ortones of the received signal will remain the sameeven when the operating mode is changed betweenSSB and CW. The frequency shifting value may differ accordingto the CW pitch setting.• ON : The displayed frequency shifts when the op-erating mode is changed between SSB andCW.• OFF : The displayed frequency does not shift.SSB/CW  Synchronous  TuningOFFSelects the side band used to receive CW in CW nor-mal mode. (default: LSB)CW  Normal  SideLSBSet audio filter shape for APF from SOFT andSHARP. (default: SOFT)• SOFT : Soft filter shape makes distinguishingnoise and signals easier. The audio filterwidth is related to the CW pitch setting.• SHARP : Sharp filter shape rejects interferencesignals.APF  TypeSHARP
12-1712SET MODESets the external keypad for voice message trans-mission capability ON and OFF.See page 2-7 for the equivalent circuit of an externalkeypad and connection. • ON : Pushing one of external keypad switches,transmits the desired voice message contentsduring a phone mode operation.• OFF : External keypad does not function. (default)External  Keypad  (VOICE)OFFSets the external keypad for keyer memory transmis-sion capability ON and OFF.See page 2-7 for the equivalent circuit of an externalkeypad and connection. • ON : Pushing one of external keypad switches,transmits the desired keyer memory contentsduring CW mode operation. • OFF : External keypad does not function. (default)External  Keypad  (KEYER)OFF■Others set mode (continued)Transceive operation is possible with the IC-7700connected to other Icom HF transceivers or receivers.When “ON” is selected, changing the frequency, op-erating mode, etc. on the IC-7700 automaticallychanges those of connected transceivers (or re-ceivers) and vice versa.CI–V  TransceiveONTo distinguish equipment, each CI-V transceiver hasits own Icom standard address in hexadecimal code.The IC-7700’s address is 74h.When 2 or more IC-7700’s are connected to an op-tional CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER, rotate the main dialto select a different address for each IC-7700; therange is 01h to 7Fh.CI–V  Address74hSets the CI-V data transfer rate. 300, 1200, 4800,9600, 19200 bps and “Auto” are available. (default:Auto)When “Auto” is selected, the baud rate is automati-cally set according to the data rate of connected con-troller.CI–V  Baud  RateAuto
12-1812 SET MODE■Others set mode (continued)Select [RS-232C] connector output data format fromCI-V and Decode.• CI-V : Outputs data in CI-V format. (default)• Decode : Outputs decoded contents in ASCII codeformat.RS–232C  FunctionCI–VSelects data transmission speed (Baud rate) when“Decode” is selected in “RS-232C Function” above;settings are 300, 1200, 4800, 9600 and 19200 bps. (default: 9600)Decode  Baud  Rate9600Selects the connected keyboard type from Japanese,English, United Kingdom, French, French (Canadian),German, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Span-ish, Spanish (Latin American) and Italian. (default: English)Keyboard  TypeEnglishSets the time period for delay within 100 to1000 msec. in 50 msec. steps. (default: 250 msec.)When a key of the connected keyboard is pressedand held for the set period, the character is input con-tinuously.Keyboard  Repeat  Delay250msSets subnet mask for the IC-7700 when connectingto your PC or LAN (Local Area Network) through theEthernet connector.Turn the transceiver power OFF then ON to make thesetting effective. See p. 16-7 for details.Subnet  Mask    (Valid  after  Reboot)255. 255. 255.     0  (24bit)Sets the repeating rate for the connected keyboardwithin 2.0 to 30.0 cps.  (default: 10.9 cps)*cps=character per secondWhen a key of the connected keyboard is pressedand held, the character is repeatedly input with the setspeed.• Available repeating rate2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 3.0, 3.3, 3.7, 4.0, 4.3, 4.6, 5.0,5.5, 6.0, 6.7, 7.5, 8.0, 8.6, 9.2, 10.0, 10.9, 12.0,13.3, 15.0, 16.0, 17.1, 18.5, 20.0, 21.8, 24.0, 26.7,30.0Keyboard  Repeat  Rate10.9cpsSets IP address for the IC-7700 when connecting toyour PC or LAN (Local Area Network) through theEthernet connector.Turn the transceiver power OFF then ON to make thesetting effective. See p. 16-7 for details.IP  Address    (Valid  after  Reboot)192. 168.     0.     1
12-1912SET MODE■USB-Memory set menuDUSB-Memory set screen arrangement• USB-Memory set menu• Setting load screen (p. 12-23)• Load option set mode (p. 12-21)• Firmware update (p. 16-4)• Format menu (p. 12-26)• Setting save screen (p. 12-22)• Save option set mode (p. 12-20)F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4F-3F-4F-2F-5 F-6 F-7F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7• Unmount USB-Memory (p. 12-25)F-5Updating  the  firmware  is very  risky.  If  you  make  a  mistake,  the  IC-77Updating  the  firmware  is very  risky.  If  you  make  a  mistake,  the  IC-7700  may00  maynot  operate  properly,  and  repair  at  Icom  Inc,  (Japan)  may  be  the  only  way  to  fix  it.You  undertake the updating  of  the  firmware  at  your  own  risk  and  responsibility.Please  refer  to  the  firmware  download  homepage  and/or  the  instruction  manualfor  the  correct  procedures  in  updating  the  firmware.
DSave option set mode12-2012 SET MODESelects file save condition from All and Select.(default: All)• All : Saves all the following contents. • Select : Saves the selected contents only.SAVE  ContentsAllThis setting is fixed “YES.” • YES : Saves memory channel contents and set-tings of set modes.Memory  &  SettingsYESSelects the voice TX message save condition fromYES and NO. (default: YES)• YES : Saves the voice TX message.• NO : Does not save.Voice  TX  MemoryYESSelects the voice RX message save condition fromYES and NO. (default: NO)• YES : Saves the voice RX message.• NO : Does not save.Voice  RX  MemoryNO
12-2112SET MODEDLoad option set modeSelects file load condition from All and Select.(default: Select)• All : Loads and sets the all following contents. • Select : Loads and sets the selected contents only.Load  ContentsSelectSelects the antenna memory setting loading conditionYES and NO. (default: NO).• YES : Loads and sets the antenna memory.• NO : Use the original antenna memory setting.ANT  MemoryNOSelects the reference signal setting load conditionYES and NO. (default: NO).• YES : Loads and sets the reference signal setting.• NO : Use the original reference signal setting.REF  IN/OUT,  REF  Adjust NOSelects the IP address and subnet mask setting loadcondition YES and NO. (default: NO).• YES : Loads and sets the IP address and subnetmask setting.• NO : Use the original IP address and subnetmask setting.IP  Address,  Subnet  Mask NOSelects the CI-V address setting load condition YESand NO. (default: NO).• YES : Loads and sets the CI-V address setting.• NO : Use the original CI-V address setting.CI–V  Address NOSelects memory channel contents and other settingsload condition YES and NO. (default: YES).• YES : Loads and sets memory channel contentsand other settings.• NO : Use the original memory channel contentsand other settings.Other  Memory  &  Settings YESSelects the voice TX message load condition YESand NO. (default: YES).• YES : Loads and sets voice TX message.• NO : Use the original voice TX message.Voice  TX  Memory YESSelects the voice RX message load condition YESand NO. (default: NO).• YES : Loads and sets voice RX message.• NO : Use the original voice RX message.Voice  RX  Memory YES
12-2212 SET MODE■File savingMemory channel contents, set mode settings, etc. canbe saved into the USB-Memory for backup.qDuring set mode menu screen indication, push [USB]  to select USB-Memory set menu screen.wPush [SAVE]  to select setting save screen.eChange the following conditions if desired.• File name:zPush [EDIT]  to select file name edit con-dition.• Push [DIR/FILE]  several times to select thefile name, if necessary.xPush [ABC] (MF6), [123] (MF7) or [Symbol](MF7) to select the character group, then ro-tate the main dial to select the character.• [ABC] (MF6): A to Z (capital letters); [123] (MF7): 0to 9 (numerals); [Symbol] (MF7): ! # $ % & ‘ ` ^ + –= ( ) [ ] { } _ ~ @ can be selected.• Push [Ω]  to move the cursor left, push [≈]to move the cursor right, push [DEL]  todelete a character and push [SPACE]  to in-sert a space.cPush  to set the file name.• Save optionzPush [OPTION]  to enter save option setmode.xPush [Y] or [Z]  to select the item,then rotate the main dial to select the desiredsetting. (see p. 12-20 for details)• “Text” is the default setting.• Push and hold [DEF]  for 1 sec. to select thedefault setting.cPush  to return to the previous indi-cation.• Saving locationzPush [DIR/FILE]  to select tree viewscreen.xSelect the desired directory or folder in theUSB-Memory.• Push [Ω≈]  to select the upper directory.• Push [Y] or [Z]  to select folder in thesame directory.• Push and hold [Ω≈]  for 1 sec. to select afolder in the directory.• Push [REN/DEL]  to rename the folder.• Push and hold [REN/DEL]  for 1 sec. todelete the folder.• Push and hold [MAKE]  for 1 sec. to makinga new folder. (Edit the name with the same man-ner as the “• File name” above.)cPush [DIR/FILE]  twice to select the filename.rPush [SAVE]  .• Confirmation screen appears.tPush [OK]  to save.• After saving is completed, return to USB-Memory setmenu automatically.F-6F-6F-1F-6F-5F-5F-4F-3F-2F-4F-1EXIT/SETF-4F-2F-1F-5EXIT/SETF-4F-3F-2F-1F-1F-4F-2F-7Main dialDIR/FILE EXIT/SETF-1F-7WIDE CANCELF-5OPTIONF-6SAVE OKF-4EDIT//
12-2312SET MODE■File loadingBy loading the saved setting file from the USB-Mem-ory, you can easily set up another IC-7700—severaloperators settings can easily be applied to one IC-7700.qDuring set mode menu screen indication, push [USB]  to select USB set menu screen.wPush [LOAD]  to select setting load screen.• The indicator above the USB connectors and “USB” in-dicator on the display blink.• After the USB-Memory contents are displayed, the indi-cators stop blinking.ePush [OPTION]  to select load option setmode, then set the desired loading conditions, if de-sired.• See page 12-21 for details.rPush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desiredsetting file.tPush [LOAD]  .• Confirmation screen appears.yPush [OK]  to starts loading.• After the loading is completed, the message dialog, “Re-boot the IC-7700,” appears.uTurn the transceiver power OFF then ON to makethe setting effective.F-6F-4F-3F-2F-5F-1F-7DIR/FILEF-1F-7WIDE CANCELF-5OPTIONF-6SORT OKF-4LOAD//F-2∫F-3√EXIT/SET
■Changing a file nameThe file name, saved in the USB-Memory, can be re-named from the transceiver as desired.qDuring setting save screen display, push [DIR/FILE]  to select tree view screen.• Push [Y] or [Z]  to select the desired folder.• “DECODE,” “SETTING” and “VOICE” folders are avail-able as the default.• After the folder is selected, push and hold [Ω≈]for 1 sec. to display content folder(s), if available.wPush [DIR/FILE]  to select file list screen.ePush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desired file.rPush [REN/DEL]  momentarily to select the filename edit condition.tPush [ABC] (MF6), [123] (MF7) or [Symbol] (MF7) toselect the character group, then rotate the main dialto select the character.• [ABC] (MF6): A to Z (capital letters); [123] (MF7): 0 to 9(numerals); [Symbol] (MF7): ! # $ % & ‘ ` ^ + – = ( ) [ ] { }_ ~ @ can be selected.• Push [Ω]  to move the cursor left, push [≈] tomove the cursor right, push [DEL]  to delete a char-acter and push [SPACE]  to insert a space.• Pushing the transceiver’s keypad, [0]–[9], can also enternumerals.yPush  to set the file name.EXIT/SETF-4F-3F-2F-1F-5F-3F-2F-1F-4F-3F-2F-1DIR/FILEF-1F-7WIDE CANCELREN/DELF-5F-4Ω ≈/F-2∫F-3√EXIT/SET12-2412 SET MODE
12-2512SET MODE■Deleting a file RECOMMENDATION! Deleting the setting file is ir-reversible. Confirm the contents before deleting asetting file!qDuring setting save screen display, push [DIR/FILE]  to select tree view screen.• Push [Y] or [Z]  to select the desired folder.• “DECODE,” “SETTING” and “VOICE” folders are avail-able as the default.• After the folder is selected, push and hold [Ω≈]for 1 sec. to display content folder(s), if available.wPush [DIR/FILE]  to select file list screen.ePush [Y] or [Z]  to select the desired fileto be deleted.rPush and hold [REN/DEL]  for 1 sec. • Confirmation screen appears.tPush [OK]  to delete.• After the deleting, return to setting save screen auto-matically.■Unmounting USB-MemoryCAUTION! When removing the USB-Memory, un-mount operation is necessary. If you do not unmountthe memory in this case, data in the USB memorymay be corrupted.qPush and hold [UNMOUNT]  for 1 sec.• Confirmation screen appears.wPush [OK]  to unmount the USB-Memory.eAfter “ ” indication disappears, remove theUSB-Memory.USBF-6F-6F-6F-5F-3F-2F-1F-4F-3F-2F-1
12-2612 SET MODE■Formatting the USB-MemorySaved data in the USB-Memory can be erased.IMPORTANT! Formatting erases all saved data inthe USB-Memory. Making a backup file on your PCis recommended.qDuring USB-Memory set menu display, push andhold [FORMAT]  for 1 sec.• Confirmation screen appears.wPush [FAT]  or [FAT32]  to select the for-mat type, FAT or FAT32, respectively.• Confirmation screen appears.ePush [OK]  to format.• Push [CANCEL]  to cancel.rReturns to USB-Memory set menu indication auto-matically.NOTE: If no USB-Memory is inserted and [FOR-MAT]  is selected as in step q, an error mes-sage appears.F-4F-7F-6F-7F-6F-4
13-1MAINTENANCE Section 13■Troubleshooting ……………………………………………………… 13-2DTransceiver power  ………………………………………………… 13-2DTransmit and receive  ……………………………………………… 13-2DScanning …………………………………………………………… 13-3DDisplay ……………………………………………………………… 13-3DFormat USB-Memory  ……………………………………………… 13-3■Main dial brake adjustment  ………………………………………… 13-3■SWR reading …………………………………………………………… 13-4■Screen type and font selections  …………………………………… 13-4■Frequency calibration (approximate)  ……………………………… 13-5■Opening the transceiver’s case  ……………………………………… 13-6■Clock backup battery replacement  ………………………………… 13-6■Fuse replacement  …………………………………………………… 13-7■Resetting the CPU  …………………………………………………… 13-7■About protection indications  ………………………………………… 13-8■Screen Saver Function  ……………………………………………… 13-8
■TroubleshootingThe following chart is designed to help you correctproblems which are not equipment malfunctions.If you are unable to locate the cause of a problem orsolve it through the use of this chart, contact you near-est Icom Dealer or Service Center.DTransceiver powerDTransmit and receivePROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.No sounds from thespeaker.Sensitivity is too low, andonly strong signals areaudible.Received audio is unclearor distorted.The [ANT] switch does notfunctionTransmitting is impossible.Output power is too low.No contact possible withanother station.Transmit signal is unclearor distorted.Repeater cannot beaccessed.• Volume level is too low.• The squelch is closed.• The transceiver is in transmit.• The antenna is not connected properly.• The antenna for another band is selected.• The antenna is not properly tuned.• The attenuator is activated.• Wrong operating mode is selected.• PBT function is activated.• Noise blanker is turned ON when receiving astrong signal.• Preamp is activated.• The noise reduction is activated and the [NR]control is too far clockwise.• The antenna switch has not been activated.• The operating frequency is not inside a hamband.• [RF PWR] is set too far counterclockwise• [DRIVE] is set too far counterclockwise• [MIC] is set too far counterclockwise• The antenna for another band is selected.• The antenna is not properly tuned.• RIT or ∂TX function is activated.• Split frequency function is activated.• [MIC] is set too far clockwise• Split frequency function is not activated.• Programmed subaudible tone frequency iswrong.• Rotate [AF] clockwise to obtain a suitable lis-tening level.• Turn [SQL] to 10 o’clock position to open thesquelch.• Push [TRANSMIT] to receive or check theSEND line of an external unit, if connected.• Re-connect to the antenna connector.• Select an antenna suitable for the operatingfrequency.• Push and hold [TUNER] for 1 sec. to manuallytune the antenna.• Push [ATT] (MF4) several times to select “ATTOFF.”• Select a suitable operating mode.• Push and hold [PBT-CLR] for 1 sec. to reset thefunction.• Push [NB] to turn the noise blanker OFF.• Push [P.AMP] (MF3) once or twice to turn thefunction OFF.• Set the [NR] control for maximum readability.• Set the antenna switch in set mode to “Auto” or“Manual.”• Set the frequency to be in a ham band.• Rotate [RF PWR] clockwise.• Set [DRIVE] to a suitable position.• Set [MIC] to a suitable position.• Select an antenna suitable for the operatingfrequency.• Push and hold [TUNER] for 1 sec. to manuallytune the antenna.• Push [RIT] or [∂TX] to turn the function OFF.• Push [SPLIT] to turn the function OFF.• Set [MIC] to a suitable position.• Push [SPLIT] to to turn the function ON• Reset the frequency using set mode.p. 3-9p. 3-9p. 3-12—p. 10-2p. 10-6p. 5-9p. 3-8p. 5-12p. 5-16p. 5-9p. 5-17p. 10-4p. 3-5p. 3-12p. 3-13p. 3-12p. 10-2p. 10-6pgs. 5-10, 6-4p. 6-6p. 3-12p. 6-6p. 4-33PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.13-213 MAINTENANCEPower does not come onwhen the [POWER] switchis pushed.• Power cable is improperly connected.• The internal power supply is turned OFF.• Circuit breaker is tripped.• Re-connect the AC power cable correctly.• Turn the internal power supply ON.• Check for the cause, then re-set the circuitbreaker.p. 2-5p. 3-2—
13-3DScanningDDisplayDFormat USB-Memory13MAINTENANCEPROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.Programmed scan doesnot stop.Programmed scan doesnot start.Memory scan does notstartSelect memory scan doesnot start• Squelch is open.•The same frequencies have been programmedin scan edge memory channels P1 and P2.• 2 or more memory channels have not beenprogrammed.• 2 or more memory channels have not beendesignated as select channels.• Set [SQL] to the threshold point.• Program different frequencies in scan edgememory channel P1 and P2.• Program more than 2 memory channels.• Designate more than 2 memory channels asselect channels for the scan.p. 3-9p. 8-3p. 8-3p. 9-7PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.The displayed frequencydoes not change properly.• The dial lock function is activated.• A set mode screen is selected.• The internal CPU has malfunctioned.•Push [LOCK] to turn the function OFF.• Push [EXIT/SET] several times to exit the setmode screen.• Reset the CPU.p. 5-17p. 12-2p. 13-7■Main dial brake adjustmentThe tension of the main dial may be adjusted to suityour preference.The brake adjustment is located on the bottom side ofthe front panel. See the figure at left.Slide the brake adjustment to a comfortable tensionlevel while turning the dial continuously and evenly inone direction.LightHeavy[MAIN DIAL]Brake adjustmentPROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.Format error appearswhen formatting in FAT32Format error appearswhen formatting in FAT• The inserted USB-Memory capacity is smallerthan 64 MB.• The inserted USB-Memory capacity is largerthan 2 GB.•Insert a USB-Memorylarger than 64 MB orselect the FAT format.•Insert a USB-Memorysmaller than 2 GB orselect the FAT32 format.p. 12-26p. 12-26
13-4■SWR readingThe SWR meter indicates the SWR over the transmis-sion line in all modes.qPush  to turn the antenna tuner OFF.wPush and hold [METER] for 1 sec. to display multi-function meter.ePush once or twice to select RTTYmode.rPush .tRotate [RF PWR] clockwise past the 12 o’clock po-sition for more than 30 W output power.yRead the SWR on the SWR meter gage.uPush  to close multi-function meter.The built-in antenna tuner matches the transmitterto the antenna when the SWR is lower than 3 : 1.■Screen type and font selections2 types of screen images and 5 types of frequencyreadout indication fonts are available in the IC-7700.qPush  several times to close multi-functionscreen, if necessary.wPush [SET]  to select set mode menu screen.ePush [DISP]  to enter display set mode.rPush [Y] or [Z]  to select “Display Type”item when selecting the screen image, select “Dis-play Font” when selecting the frequency readout in-dication font.tRotate the main dial to select the desired screenimage or font.• Screen image is selectable from A (Black back) and B(Blue back).• Basic (1), Basic (2), Italic, Round and Slim are availablefor the frequency readout font.yPush  twice to exit from display set mode.EXIT/SETF-2F-1F-3F-7EXIT/SETEXIT/SETTRANSMITRTTY/PSKTUNERS1000125101010 2044 52V50 100 150 200 2501531.5IDVDdBWAPoSWRCOMP ALC59+20 +40 +60dB∞Better than 1.5:1[RF PWR] RTTY/PSK EXIT/SETTUNERTRANSMIT METER13 MAINTENANCE• Screen image example— Display Type: B, Display Font: Slim
13-5■Frequency calibration (approximate)A very accurate frequency counter is required to cali-brate the frequency of the transceiver. However, arough check may be performed by receiving radio sta-tion WWV, WWVH, or other standard frequency sig-nals.CAUTION: The IC-7700 has been thoroughly ad-justed and tested at the factory before beingshipped. You should not have to re-calibrate it.qPush  to select USB mode.wPush and hold  for 1 sec. to clear thePBT setting and make sure that the RIT/∂TX func-tion is not activated.eSet the frequency to the standard frequency stationminus 1 kHz.• When receiving WWV or WWVH (at 15.00000 MHz) asa standard frequency, set the operating frequency for14.99900 MHz.• Other standard frequencies can be used.rPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.• Calibration marker item tPush [SET]  to select set mode menu screen.yPush [OTHERS]  to enter Others set mode.uPush [Y]  several times to select the “Calibra-tion Marker” item.iRotate the main dial clockwise to turn the calibra-tion marker ON.oPush  once to return to set mode menuscreen.!0 Push [ACC]  to enter accessory set mode.!1 Push [Z]  several times to select the “REF Ad-just” item.!2 Rotate the main dial to adjust for a zero beat withthe received standard signal as shown at left.• REF Adjust item• Zero beat means that two signals are exactly the samefrequency, resulting in a single tone being emitted.!3 Turn the calibration marker OFF in Others setmode.!4 Push  twice to exit set mode.EXIT/SETF-2F-2EXIT/SETF-1F-5F-7EXIT/SETPBT-CLRSSBMain dialF-2F-1ACCF-5OTHERS EXIT/SETF-7SET/∫ √13MAINTENANCE
13-6■Opening the transceiver’s caseFollow the case opening procedures shown here whenyou want to replace the clock backup battery or inter-nal fuse.CAUTION!: DISCONNECT the AC power cablefrom the transceiver before performing any work onthe transceiver. Otherwise, there is danger of elec-tric shock and/or equipment damage.CAUTION!: The transceiver weighs approx. 24 kg(53 lb). Always have two people available to lift orturn over the transceiver. qRemove the rack mounting handle from both side.See p. 2-3 for rack mounting handle detachmentdetails.wRemove the 8 screws from the top of the trans-ceiver and the 6 screws from the sides, then lift upthe top cover.eTurn the transceiver upside-down.CAUTION: NEVER HOLD THE MAIN DIAL ORANY OTHER KNOBS when the transceiver isbeing turned upside down. This may damage thetransceiver.rRemove 7 screws from the bottom, then lift up thebottom cover.■Clock backup battery replacementThe IC-7700 has a lithium backup battery (CR2032) in-side for clock and timer functions. The usual life of thebackup battery is approximately 2 years.When the backup battery is discharged, the transceivertransmits and receives normally but cannot retain thecurrent time.WARNING: DISCONNECT the AC power cablefrom the AC outlet before removing the transceiver’scover.qRemove the top cover as shown above.wReplace the clock backup battery, located on thefront panel as illustrated at left.• Make sure the battery polarity is correct.eReturn the top cover to the original position.rSet the date and time in time set mode. (p. 11-2)13 MAINTENANCE
13-7■Fuse replacementWhen no external DC output is available from [EXTDC] and ACC connectors, the internal fuse may beopen. Replace the fuse in this case.WARNING: DISCONNECT the AC power cablefrom the AC outlet before removing the transceiver’scover.qRemove the bottom cover as shown left.wRemove the 8 screws from the shield cover of thetransceiver’s bottom side.eReplace the open fuse with a new, properly ratedone (FGB 2 A) as shown at left.rReturn the inside cover and bottom cover andscrews to the original position.■Resetting the CPUqTurn the main power switch on the rear panel ON.• Make sure the transceiver power is still OFF.wWhile pushing and holding  and  ,push  to turn power ON.• The internal CPU is reset.• The CPU start-up takes approx. 5 sec.• The transceiver displays its initial VFO frequencieswhen resetting is complete.eCorrect the set mode settings after resetting, if de-sired.NOTE: Resetting CLEARS all programmed con-tents in memory channels and returns programmedvalues in set mode to default values.POWERMWF-INPENTMW F-IMP ENTPOWER13MAINTENANCEALL CLEAR
13-8■About protection indicationsThe IC-7700 has a 2-step protection function to protectthe final power amplifiers.The protector monitors the power amplifier tempera-ture and activates when the temperature becomes ex-tremely high.• Power down transmissionReduces the transmit output power to 100 W.“LMT” appears beside the transmit indicator duringtransmit.• Transmission inhibitDeactivates the transmitter. The transmit indicator is displayed in gray duringtransmit.When the protector is activated, wait until the poweramplifier cools down using the transceiver in stand-by or receive condition.NOTE: DO NOT turn the transceiver power OFFwhen the protector is ON. If you do, the cooling fanwill not function and it will take longer to cool thetransceiver.The power amplifier temperature can be monitored inthe multi-function meter, TEMP gauge.■Screen saver functionThe IC-7700 has a screen saver function to protect theLCD from the “burn-in” effect.qPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [SET]  to select set mode menu screen.ePush [DISP]  to enter display set mode.rPush [Y] or [Z]  several times to selectthe “Screen Saver Function” item.tRotate the main dial to select the desired time pe-riod for the screen saver activation from 15, 30,60 min. and OFF.• Deactivate the screen saver with “OFF” selection.yPush [Z]  to select the “Screen Saver Type”item.uRotate the main dial to select the screen saver typefrom “Bound,” “Rotation” and “Twist.”• Push and hold [PREVIEW]  to display the indica-tion for your reference.iPush  twice to exit set mode.EXIT/SETF-5F-2F-2F-1F-3F-7EXIT/SETCheck the temperatureMain dialF-2 F-3F-1DISPF-5PREVIEW EXIT/SETF-7SET∫ √13 MAINTENANCE
14-1CONTROL COMMAND Section 14■Remote jack (CI-V) information  ……………………………………… 14-2DCI-V connection example  ………………………………………… 14-2DData format  ………………………………………………………… 14-2DCommand table  …………………………………………………… 14-3DTo send/read memory contents …………………………………… 14-9DBand stacking register  …………………………………………… 14-9DCodes for memory keyer contents  ……………………………… 14-9DCodes for memory name, opening message and CLOCK2 name contents ……………………………………… 14-9DOffset frequency setting  ………………………………………… 14-10DRepeater tone/tone squelch frequency setting ………………… 14-10DSSB transmission passband width setting  …………………… 14-10DColor setting   ……………………………………………………… 14-10DBandscope edge frequency setting  …………………………… 14-10DData mode with filter width setting  ……………………………… 14-10DAntenna memory setting  ………………………………………… 14-10
14-2■Remote jack (CI-V) informationDCI-V connection exampleThe transceiver can be connected through an optionalCT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER to a PC equipped with anRS-232C port. The Icom Communications Interface-V(CI-V) controls the transceiver.Up to 4 Icom CI-V transceivers or receivers can beconnected to a PC equipped with an RS-232C port.See p. 12-17 for setting the CI-V condition using setmode.DData formatThe CI-V system can be operated using the followingdata formats. Data formats differ according to com-mand numbers. A data area or sub command is addedfor some commands.Controller to IC-7700FE FE 74 E0 Cn Sc Data area FDPreamblecode (fixed)Transceiver’sdefault addressController’sdefault addressCommand number(see the command table)Sub command number(see command table)BCD code data forfrequency or memorynumber entryEnd of messagecode (fixed)OK message to controllerFE FE E0 74 FB FDFE FE E0 74 FA FDPreamblecode (fixed)Controller’sdefault addressTransceiver’sdefault addressOK code(fixed)End of messagecode (fixed)NG message to controllerNG code(fixed)IC-7700 to controllerqwert y uFE FE E0 74 Cn Sc Data area FDqwert y upersonalcomputerct- 17IC-7700 9–15 V DCmini-plug cable14 CONTROL COMMAND
14-3DCommand table14CONTROL COMMAND00 — Send frequency data01 Same as  Send mode datacommand 0602 — Read band edge frequencies03 — Read operating frequency04 — Read operating mode05 — Set operating frequency 06 00 Select LSB01 Select USB02 Select AM03 Select CW04 Select RTTY05 Select FM07 Select CW-R08 Select RTTY-R12 Select PSK13 Select PSK-R07 — Select VFO mode00 Select VFO-A01 Select VFO-BA0 Equalize VFO-A and VFO-BB0 Exchange VFO-A and VFO-B08 — Select memory mode0001–0101* Select memory channel*P1=0100, P2=010109 — Memory write0A — Memory to VFO0B — Memory clear0E 00 Scan stop01 Programmed/memory scan start02 Programmed scan start03 ∂F scan start12 Fine programmed scan start13 Fine ∂F scan start22 Memory scan start23 Select memory scan startA1–A7 Set ∂F scan span (A1=±5 kHz;A2=±10 kHz; A3=±20 kHz;A4=±50 kHz; A5=±100 kHz; A6=±500 kHz; A7=±1 MHz)B0 Set as non-select channelB1 Set as select channel (1=★1; 2=★2; 3=★3; when nodata command is specified, thepreviously set number or “★1” isselected)B2 Set the number for select memoryscan (0=ALL; 1=★1; 2=★2; 3=★3)D0 Set scan resume OFFD3 Set scan resume ON0F 00 Turn the split function OFF01 Turn the split function ON10 00 Select 10 Hz (1 Hz) tuning step01 Select 100 Hz tuning step02 Select 1 kHz tuning step03 Select 5 kHz tuning step04 Select 9 kHz tuning step05 Select 10 kHz tuning step06 Select 12.5 kHz tuning step07 Select 20 kHz tuning step08 Select 25 kHz tuning step11 — Select/read attenuator (0=OFF; 1=6 dB; 2=12 dB;3=18 dB)12 00 + RX ANT Select/read ANT1 selection(00=RX ANT OFF; 01=RX ANT ON)01 + RX ANT Select/read ANT2 selection(00=RX ANT OFF; 01=RX ANT ON)02 + RX ANT Select/read ANT3 selection(00=RX ANT OFF; 01=RX ANT ON)03 + RX ANT Select/read ANT4 selection(00=RX ANT OFF; 01=RX ANT ON)13 00 Announce with voice synthesizer01 (00=all data; 01=frequency and 02 S-meter level; 02=receive mode)14 01 + Level data [AF] level setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)02 + Level data [RF] level setting (0=max. CCW to 255=11 o’clock)03 + Level data [SQL] level setting (0=11 o’clock to 255=max. CW)05 + Level data [APF] level setting(0=Pitch–550 Hz, 128=Pitch,255=Pitch+550 Hz; 10 Hz steps)06 + Level data [NR] level setting (0=min. to 255=max.)07 + Level data Inside [TWIN PBT] setting or IFshift setting (0=max. CCW,128=center, 255=max. CW)08 + Level data Outside [TWIN PBT] setting (0=max. CCW, 128=center,255=max. CW)09 + Level data [CW PITCH] setting (0=300 Hz, 128=600 Hz,255=900 Hz; 5 Hz steps)0A + Level data [RF POWER] setting (0=max.CCW to 255=max. CW)0B + Level data [MIC] setting (0=max. CCW to255=max. CW)0C + Level data [KEY SPEED] setting (0=max.CCW to 255=max. CW)0D + Level data [NOTCH] setting (0=low freq. to 255=high freq.)0E + Level data [COMP] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)0F + Level data [DELAY] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)11 + Level data [AGC] control setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)12 + Level data [NB] control setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)13 + Level data [DIGI-SEL] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)14 + Level data [DRIVE] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)15 + Level data [MONI GAIN] setting (0=max.CCW to 255=max. CW)16 + Level data [VOX GAIN] setting (0=max.CCW to 255=max. CW)17 + Level data [ANTI VOX] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
14-4DCommand table (continued)14 CONTROL COMMAND14 18 + Level data [CONTRAST] setting (0=max.CCW to 255=max. CW)19 + Level data [BRIGHT] setting (0=max. CCW to 255=max. CW)15 01 Read squelch condition02 Read S-meter level11 Read RF power meter 12 Read SWR meter 13 Read ALC meter 14 Read COMP meter 15 Read VDmeter16 Read IDmeter16 02 Send/read Preamp setting(0=OFF; 1=preamp 1;2=preamp 2)12 Send/read AGC selection (0=OFF; 1=Slow; 2=Mid; 3=Fast)22 Send/read noise blanker setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)32 Send/read Audio peak filter set-ting for CW mode(APF type=SHARP: 0=OFF;1=320 Hz; 2=160 Hz; 3=80 Hz,APF type=SOFT: 0=OFF;1=WIDE; 2=MID; 3=NAR)40 Send/read noise reduction setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)41 Send/read auto notch setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)42 Send/read repeater tone setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)43 Send/read tone squelch setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)44 Send/read speech compressorsetting (0=OFF; 1=ON)45 Send/read monitor setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)46 Send/read VOX function setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)47 Send/read Break-in function set-ting (0=OFF; 1=semi break-in;2=full break-in)48 Send/read manual notch setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)4C Send/read VSC setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)4D Send/read Manual AGC setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)4E Send/read DIGI-SEL setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)4F Send/read twin peak filter setting(0=OFF; 1=ON)50 Send/read dial lock function set-ting (0=OFF; 1=ON)53 Send/read RX antenna connectorsetting (0=OFF; 1=ON)19 00 Read the transceiver ID1A 00 Send/read memory contents (seep. 14-9 for details)01 Send/read band stacking registercontents (see p. 14-9 for details)02 Send/read memory keyer con-tents (see p. 14-9 for details)1A 03 Send/read the selected filter width(SSB, CW, PSK: 0=50 Hz to40=3600 Hz; RTTY: 0=50 Hz to31=2700 Hz; AM: 0=200 Hz to49=10 kHz)04 Send/read the selected AGC timeconstant (0=OFF, 1=0.1/0.3 sec.to 13=6.0/8.0 sec.)050001 Send/read SSB RX HPF/LPF(HPF: 0=Through, 1=100 to20=2000, LPF: 5=500 to24=2400, 25=Through)050002 Send/read SSB RX Tone (Bass)level (0 =–5 to 10=+5)050003 Send/read SSB RX Tone (Treble)level (0=–5 to 10=+5)050004 Send/read AM RX HPF/LPF(HPF: 0=Through, 1=100 to20=2000, LPF: 5=500 to24=2400, 25=Through)050005 Send/read AM RX Tone (Bass)level (0 =–5 to 10=+5)050006 Send/read AM RX Tone (Treble)level (0=–5 to 10=+5)050007 Send/read FM RX HPF/LPF(HPF: 0=Through, 1=100 to20=2000, LPF: 5=500 to24=2400, 25=Through)050008 Send/read FM RX Tone (Bass)level (0 =–5 to 10=+5)050009 Send/read FM RX Tone (Treble)level (0=–5 to 10=+5)050010 Send/read CW RX HPF/LPF(HPF: 0=Through, 1=100 to20=2000, LPF: 5=500 to24=2400, 25=Through)050011 Send/read RTTY RX HPF/LPF(HPF: 0=Through, 1=100 to20=2000, LPF: 5=500 to24=2400, 25=Through)050012 Send/read PSK RX HPF/LPF(HPF: 0=Through, 1=100 to20=2000, LPF: 5=500 to24=2400, 25=Through)050013 Send/read SSB TX Tone (Bass)level (0 =–5 to 10=+5)050014 Send/read SSB TX Tone (Treble)level (0=–5 to 10=+5)050015 Send/read AM TX Tone (Bass)level (0 =–5 to 10=+5)050016 Send/read AM TX Tone (Treble)level (0=–5 to 10=+5)050017 Send/read FM TX Tone (Bass)level (0 =–5 to 10=+5)050018 Send/read FM TX Tone (Treble)level (0=–5 to 10=+5)050019 Send/read SSB TX bandwidth forwide (see p. 14-10 for details)050020 Send/read SSB TX bandwidth formid. (see p. 14-10 for details)050021 Send/read SSB TX bandwidth fornarrow (see p. 14-10 for details)050022 Send/read speech level (0=0% to 255=100%)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
14-5DCommand table (continued)14CONTROL COMMAND1A 050023 Send/read CW side tone gain(0=min. to 255=max.)050024 Send/read CW side tone gain limit(0=OFF, 1=ON)050025 Send/read beep gain (0=min. to 255=max.)050026 Send/read beep gain limit (0=OFF, 1=ON)050027 Send/read headphones outputratio (0=0.60 to 255=1.40)050028 Send/read AF output level to ACC(0=0% to 255=100%)050029 Send/read S/P DIF output level(0=0% to 255=100%)050030 Send/read MOD output level toACC (0=0% to 255=100%)050031 Send/read S/P DIF MOD outputlevel (0=0% to 255=100%)050032 Send/read MOD input connectorduring DATA OFF (0=MIC;1=ACC; 2=MIC/ACC; 3=S/P DIF)050033 Send/read MOD input connectorduring DATA1(0=MIC; 1=ACC; 2=MIC/ACC;3=S/P DIF)050034 Send/read MOD input connectorduring DATA2(0=MIC; 1=ACC; 2=MIC/ACC;3=S/P DIF)050035 Send/read MOD input connectorduring DATA3(0=MIC; 1=ACC; 2=MIC/ACC;3=S/P DIF)050036 Send/read relay type selection(0=Lead, 1=MOS-FET)050037 Send/read external meter outputselection(0=Auto, 1=S, 2=Po, 3=SWR,4=ALC, 5=COMP, 6=VD, 7=ID)050038 Send/read external meter outputlevel (0=0% to 255=100%)050039 Send/read reference signal in/outsetting (0=OFF, 1=IN, 2=OUT)050040 Send/read reference signal fre-quency setting (0=0% to 255=100%)050041 Send/read LCD unit backlightbrightness (0=0% to 255=100%)050042 Send/read switch indicator bright-ness (0=0% to 255=100%)050043 Send/read screen image type(0=A, 1=B)050044 Send/read frequency readout font(0=Basic (1), 1=Basic (2), 2=Italic,3=Round, 4=Slim)050045 Send/read meter response setting(0=SLOW, 1=MID, 2=FAST)050046 Send/read meter type(0=Standard, 1=Edgewise, 2=Bar)050047 Send/read meter type during widescreen or mini scope indication(0=Edgewise, 1=Bar)050048 Send/read peak hold set for Barmeter (0=OFF, 1=ON)1A 050049 Send/read memory name indica-tion setting (0=OFF, 1=ON)050050 Send/read audio peak filter widthpop-up indication setting (0=OFF, 1=ON)050051 Send/read manual notch widthpop-up indication setting(0=OFF, 1=ON)050052 Send/read screen saver set (0=OFF, 1=15 min., 2=30 min.,3=60 min.)050053 Set/read screen saver type(0=Bound, 1=Rotation, 2=Twist)050054 Send/read output signal setting forexternal display (0=OFF, 1=ON)050055 Send/read synchronous pulselevel setting (0=L, 1=H)050056 Send/read opening message indi-cation (0=OFF, 1=ON)050057 Send/read opening message con-tents (see p. 14-9 for details)050058 Send/read date (20000101=1st Jan. 2000 to20991231=31st Dec. 2099)050059 Send/read time (0000=00:00 to 2359=23:59)050060 Send/read CLOCK2 function(0=OFF, 1=ON)050061 Send/read offset time for CLOCK2(240001=–24:00 to240000=+24:00)050062 Send/read CLOCK2 name (up to 3-character; see p. 14-9)050063 Send/read calibration marker(0=OFF, 1=ON)050064 Send/read confirmation beep(0=OFF, 1=ON)050065 Send/read band edge beep(0=OFF, 1=ON)050066 Send/read beep audio frequency (50=500 Hz to 200=2000 Hz)050067 Send/read quick split set (0=OFF, 1=ON)050068 Send/read FM split offset –9.999to +9.999 MHz for HF (see p. 14-10 for details)050069 Send/read FM split offset –9.999to +9.999 MHz for 50 MHz (see p. 14-10 for details)050070 Send/read split lock set (0=OFF, 1=ON)050071 Send/read tuner auto start set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050072 Send/read PTT tune set (0=OFF, 1=ON)050073 Send/read transverter set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050074 Send/read transverter offset (see p. 14-10 for details)050075 Send/read RTTY mark frequency(0=1275 Hz, 1=1615 Hz,2=2125 Hz)050076 Send/read RTTY shift width(0=170 Hz, 1=200 Hz, 2=425 Hz)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
14-6DCommand table (continued)14 CONTROL COMMAND1A 050077 Send/read RTTY keying polarity(0=Normal, 1=Reverse)050078 Send/read PSK tone frequency (0=1000 Hz, 1=1500 Hz,2=2000 Hz)050079 Send/read speech language(0=English, 1=Japanese)050080 Send/read speech speed (0=Slow, 1=Fast)050081 Send/read S-level speech(0=OFF, 1=ON)050082 Send/read speech with a modeswitch operation (0=OFF, 1=ON)050083 Send/read memo pad numbers(0=5 ch, 1=10 ch)050084 Send/read main dial auto TS(0=OFF, 1=Low, 2=High)050085 Send/read mic. up/down speed(0=Low, 1=High)050086 Send/read quick RIT/∂TX clearfunction (0=OFF, 1=ON)050087 Send/read SSB notch operation (0=Auto, 1=Manual,2=Auto/Manual)050088 Send/read AM notch operation (0=Auto, 1=Manual,2=Auto/Manual)050089 Send/read DIGI-SEL control func-tion (0=DIGI-SEL, 1=APF)050090 Send/read SSB/CW synchronoustuning function (0=OFF, 1=ON)050091 Send/read CW normal side set(0=LSB, 1=USB)050192 Set/read APF type(0=SHARP, 1=SOFT)050093 Send/read external keypad setfor voice memory (0=OFF, 1=ON)050094 Send/read external keypad setfor keyer memory (0=OFF, 1=ON)050095 Send/read CI-V transceive set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050096 Send/read RS-232C function(0=CI-V, 1=Decode)050097 Send/read RS-232C decodeBaud rate (0=300, 1=1200,2=4800, 3=9600, 4=19200)050098 Send/read keyboard type (00=English, 01=Japanese,02=United Kingdom, 03=French,04=French (Canadian),05=German, 06=Portuguese,07=Portuguese (Brazilian),08=Spanish, 09=Spanish (LatinAmerican), 10=Italian)050099 Send/read keyboard repeat delay(10=100 msec. to100=1000 msec.)050100 Send/read keyboard repeat rate(0=2.0 cps to 31=30.0 cps)050101 Send/read IP address set (0000000000000001= to0255025502550254= 050102 Send/read subnet mask (1= to30= Send/read scope indication duringTX (0=OFF, 1=ON)050104 Send/read scope max. hold(0=OFF, 1=ON)050105 Send/read scope center frequen-cy set (0=Filter center, 1=Carrierpoint center, 2=Carrier point cen-ter (Abs. Freq.))050106 Send/read waveform color forreceiving signal (see p. 14-10 for details)050107 Send/read waveform color formax. hold (see p. 14-10 for details)050108 Send/read scope sweep speedfor ±2.5 kHz span (0=Slow, 1=Mid., 2=Fast)050109 Send/read scope sweep speedfor ±5 kHz span (0=Slow, 1=Mid., 2=Fast)050110 Send/read scope sweep speedfor ±10 kHz span (0=Slow, 1=Mid., 2=Fast)050111 Send/read scope sweep speedfor ±25 kHz span (0=Slow, 1=Mid., 2=Fast)050112 Send/read scope sweep speedfor ±50 kHz span (0=Slow, 1=Mid., 2=Fast)050113 Send/read scope sweep speedfor ±100 kHz span (0=Slow, 1=Mid., 2=Fast)050114 Send/read scope sweep speedfor ±250 kHz span (0=Slow, 1=Mid., 2=Fast)050115 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 0.03 to 1.60 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050116 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 1.60 to 2.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050117 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 2.00 to 6.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050118 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 6.00 to 8.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050119 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 8.00 to 11.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050120 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 11.00 to 15.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050121 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 15.00 to 20.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050122 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 20.00 to 22.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050123 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 22.00 to 26.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
14-7DCommand table (continued)14CONTROL COMMAND1A 050124 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 26.00 to 30.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050125 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 30.00 to 45.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050126 Send/read scope edge frequen-cies for 45.00 to 60.00 MHz band(see p. 14-10 for details)050127 Send/read auto voice monitor set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050128 Send/read voice memory shortplay time (3=3 sec. to 10=10 sec.)050129 Send/read voice memory normalrecord time (5= 5 sec. to 15=15 sec.)050130 Send/read contest number style (0=Normal, 1=190AANO,2=190AANT, 3=90ANO,4=90ANT)050131 Send/read count up trigger chan-nel (1=M1, 2=M2, 3=M3, 4=M4)050132 Send/read present number(1–9999)050133 Send/read CW keyer repeat time(1=1 sec. to 60=60 sec.)050134 Send/read CW keyer dot/dashratio (28=1:1:2.8 to 45=1:1:4.5)050135 Send/read rise time (0=2 msec., 1=4 msec.,2=6 msec., 3=8 msec.)050136 Send/read paddle polarity (0=Normal, 1=Reverse)050137 Send/read keyer type (0=Straight,1=Bug-key, 2=ELEC-Key)050138 Send/read mic. up/down keyer set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050139 Send/read FFT scope averagingset for RTTY decoder (0=OFF, 1=2, 2=3, 3=4)050140 Send/read FFT scope waveformcolor set for RTTY decoder (see p. 14-10 for details)050141 Send/read RTTY decode USOS(0=OFF, 1=ON)050142 Send/read RTTY decode new linecode(0=CR,LF,CR+LF, 1=CR+LF)050143 Send/read RTTY diddle (0=OFF,1=Blank, 2=LTRS (Letter code))050144 Send/read RTTY TX USOS(0=OFF, 1=ON)050145 Send/read RTTY auto CR+LF byTX (0=OFF, 1=ON)050146 Send/read RTTY time stamp set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050147 Send/read clock selection for timestamp (0=Local time, 1=CLOCK2)050148 Send/read frequency stamp(0=OFF, 1=ON)050149 Send/read received text font color(see p. 14-10 for details)050150 Send/read transmitted text fontcolor (see p. 14-10 for details)1A 050151 Send/read time stamp text fontcolor (see p. 14-10 for details)050152 Send/read text font color in TXbuffer (see p. 14-10 for details)050153 Send/read FFT scope averagingset for PSK decoder (0=OFF, 1=2, 2=3, 3=4)050154 Send/read FFT scope waveformcolor set for PSK decoder (see p. 14-10 for details)050155 Send/read PSK AFC function tun-ing range (0=±8 Hz, 1=±15 Hz)050156 Send/read PSK time stamp set(0=OFF, 1=ON)050157 Send/read clock selection for timestamp (0=Local time, 1=CLOCK2)050158 Send/read frequency stamp(0=OFF, 1=ON)050159 Send/read received text font color(see p. 14-10 for details)050160 Send/read transmitted text fontcolor (see p. 14-10 for details)050161 Send/read time stamp text fontcolor (see p. 14-10 for details)050162 Send/read text font color in TXbuffer (see p. 14-10 for details)050163 Send/read scan speed (0=Low, 1=High)050164 Send/read scan resume (0=OFF, 1=ON)050165 Send/read antenna selection for0.03 to 1.60 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050166 Send/read antenna selection for1.60 to 2.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050167 Send/read antenna selection for2.00 to 6.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050168 Send/read antenna selection for6.00 to 8.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050169 Send/read antenna selection for8.00 to 11.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050170 Send/read antenna selection for11.00 to 15.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050171 Send/read antenna selection for15.00 to 20.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050172 Send/read antenna selection for20.00 to 22.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050173 Send/read antenna selection for22.00 to 26.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050174 Send/read antenna selection for26.00 to 30.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050175 Send/read antenna selection for30.00 to 45.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)Command Sub command Description Command Sub command Description
DCommand table (continued)14-814 CONTROL COMMAND1A 050176 Send/read antenna selection for45.00 to 60.00 MHz band (see p. 14-10 for details)050177 Send/read antenna temporarymemory set (0=OFF, 1=ON)050178 Send/read antenna selection(0=OFF, 1=Manual, 2=Auto)050179 Send/read usage for ANT2(0=OFF, 1=TX/RX)050180 Send/read usage for ANT3(0=OFF, 1=TX/RX)050181 Send/read usage for ANT4(0=OFF, 1=TX/RX, 2= RX)050182 Send/read VOX delay (0=0.0 sec.to 20=2.0 sec.)050183 Send/read VOX voice delay(0=OFF, 1=Short, 2=Mid.,3=Long)050184 Send/read NB depth (0=1 to 9=10)050185 Send/read NB width (0=0 to 255=255)06 Send/read DATA mode with filterset (see p. 14-10 for detail)07 Send/read SSB transmit band-width (0=WIDE, 1=MID, 2=NAR)08 Send/read DSP filter shape(0= Sharp, 1= Soft)09 Send/read roofing filter set(0=3 kHz, 1=6 kHz, 2=15 kHz)0A Send/read manual notch width(0=Wide, 1=Mid., 2=Nar.)1B 00 Send/read repeater tone frequen-cy (see p. 14-10 for details)01 Set/read TSQL tone frequency(see p. 14-10 for details)1C 00 Send/read the transceiver’s condi-tion (0=Rx; 1=Tx)01 Send/read antenna tuner condi-tion(0=OFF, 1=ON, 2=Start tuning orwhile tuning)Command Sub command Description
14-914CONTROL COMMANDDTo send/read memory contentsWhen sending or reading memory contents, additionalcodes must be added to append the memory channelas follows.➥Additional code: 0000–0101 (0100=P1, 0101=P2)DBand stacking registerTo send or read the desired band stacking register’scontents, combined codes of the frequency band andregister codes as follows are used. For example, when sending/reading the oldest con-tents in the 21 MHz band, the code “0703” is used.• Frequency band code • Register code DCodes for memory keyer contentsTo send or read the desired memory keyer contents,the channel and character codes as follows are used. • Channel code • Character’s code DCodes for memory name, openingmessage and CLOCK2 name contentsTo send or read the desired memory name settings,the character codes, instructed codes for memorykeyer contents as above, and follows are used. •Character’s code— Alphabetical characters•Character’s code— Symbols Character ASCII code Character ASCII codea–z 61–7A — —Code Frequency band Frequency range (unit: MHz)01 1.8 1.800000– 1.99999902 3.5 3.400000– 4.09999903 7 6.900000– 7.49999904 10 9.900000–10.49999905 14 13.900000–14.49999906 18 17.900000–18.49999907 21 20.900000–21.49999908 24 24.400000–25.09999909 28 28.000000–29.99999910 50 50.000000–54.00000012 GENE Other than aboveCode Registered number01 1 (latest)02 203 3 (oldest)Character ASCII code Description0–9 30–39 NumeralsA–Z 41–5A Alphabetical charactersspace 20 Word space / 2F Symbol? 3F Symbol, 2C Symbol. 2E Symbol^ 5E e.g., to send BT, enter ^4254✱2A Inserts contest number (can beused for 1 channel only)Code Channel number01 M102 M203 M304 M4Character ASCII code Character ASCII code! 21#23$24%25&26¥5C?3F ” 22’27`60+2B–2D:3A;3B=3D<3C>3E ( 28)29[5B]5D{7B}7D|7C_5F–7E@40
14-1014 CONTROL COMMANDDOffset frequency settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the offset frequency setting.DRepeater tone/tone squelch frequencysettingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the tone frequency setting.DSSB transmission passband widthsettingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the SSB transmission passband width setting.DColor setting The following data sequence is used when sending orreading the color setting.DBandscope edge frequency settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the bandscope edge frequency setting.DData mode with filter width settingThe following data sequence is used when sending orreading the data mode with filter width setting.DAntenna memory settingThe following codes are used when sending or read-ing the antenna memory setting.0=ANT1, 1=ANT2, 2=ANT3, 3=ANT4, 4*=TX: ANT1, RX: ANT4, 5*=TX: ANT2, RX: ANT4,6*=TX: ANT3, RX: ANT4*RX should be selected for ANT4qXXXXw00=Data mode OFF01=FIL102=FIL203=FIL300=Data mode OFF01=Data mode 1 (D1)02=Data mode 2 (D2)03=Data mode 3 (D3)1 kHz: 0–9100 Hz: 0 (fixed)100 kHz: 0–910 kHz: 0–910 MHz: 0–61 MHz: 0–91 kHz: 0–9100 Hz: 0 (fixed)100 kHz: 0–910 kHz: 0–910 MHz: 0–61 MHz: 0–9qXXXXXXXXXXXXwertyLower edge Higher edge1000100101q0XXX0XXX0XXXwerty10001001011000100101R (Red) G (Green) B (Blue)Using 0000–0255 for each color element.XXHigher edge: 0=2500 Hz 1=2700 Hz 2=2800 Hz 3=2900 HzLower edge:  0=100 Hz 1=200 Hz 2=300 Hz 3=500 Hz100Hz digit: 0–210 Hz digit: 0–91 Hz digit: 0–90.1 Hz digit: 0–9Fixed digit: 0*Fixed digit: 0*q*00XXXweX*Not necessary when setting a frequency.1 kHz digit: 0–9100 Hz digit: 0 (fixed)100 kHz digit: 0–910 kHz digit: 0–910 MHz digit: 0–9†1 MHz digit: 0–4Direction:00=+ direction01=– directionq0XXXXXXwe0r**No need to enter for transverter offset frequency setting.†Transverter offset only; Fix to ‘0’ for split offset setting.
15-1SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS Section 15■Specifications ………………………………………………………… 15-2DGeneral ……………………………………………………………… 15-2DTransmitter ………………………………………………………… 15-2DReceiver …………………………………………………………… 15-3DAntenna tuner  ……………………………………………………… 15-3■Options ………………………………………………………………… 15-4
15-2■SpecificationsDGeneral• Frequency coverage (unit: MHz) :Receiver 0.030000–60.000000*1Transmitter 1.800000–1.999999*2, 3.500000–3.999999*2,5.330500*3, 5.346500*3, 5.366500*3, 5.371500*3,5.403500*3, 7.000000–7.300000*2,10.100000–10.150000*2, 14.000000–14.350000*2,18.068000–18.168000*2, 21.000000–21.450000*2,24.890000–24.990000*2, 28.000000–29.700000*2,50.000000–54.000000*2*1Some frequency ranges are not guaranteed.*2Depending on versions. *3USA version only.• Operating mode : USB, LSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31, AM, FM• Number of memory channels : 101 (99 regular, 2 scan edges)• Antenna connector : SO-239×4 (antenna impedance: 50 )• Operating temperature range : 0˚C to +50˚C; +32˚F to +122˚F• Frequency stability : Less than ±0.05 ppm (approx. 5 min. after from turnthe main power, [I/O], ON, 0–50˚C; 32–122˚F)• Frequency resolution : 1Hz• Power supply requirement : 85–265 V AC (universal input)• Power consumption :Receive Stand-by 200 VA typicalMax. audio 210 VA typicalTransmit at 200 W 800 VA• Dimensions (projections not included) :425×149×437 mm; 1623⁄32×57⁄8×177⁄32 in• Weight : Approx. 22.5 kg; 50 lb• ACC 1 connectors : 8-pin DIN connector• ACC 2 connectors : 7-pin DIN connector• Display*:7-inch (diagonal) TFT color LCD (800×480)• EXT-DISPLAY connector : D-sub 15S • CI-V connector : 2-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)• RS-232C connector : D-sub 9-pin• USB connector : USB (Universal Serial Bus)1.1/2.0×2DTransmitter• Transmit output power :SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31, FM5–200 WAM 5–50 W• Modulation system :SSB P.S.N. modulationAM Low power modulationFM Phase modulation• Spurious emission : More than 60 dB (HF bands)More than 70 dB (50 MHz band)• Carrier suppression : More than 63 dB• Unwanted side-band suppression : More than 80 dB•∂TX variable range : ±9.999 kHz• Microphone connector : 8-pin connector (600 )• ELEC-KEY connector : 3-conductor 6.35 (d) mm (1⁄4w)• KEY connector : 3-conductor 6.35 (d) mm (1⁄4w)• RELAY connector : Phono (RCA)• ALC connector : Phono (RCA)15 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS
15-3DReceiver•Receive system : Double conversion superheterodyne system•Intermediate frequencies :1st 64.455 MHz2nd 36 kHz•Sensitivity (typical) :SSB, CW, RTTY (BW=2.4 kHz, 10 dB S/N)0.100000– 1.799999 MHz 0.5 μV (pre-amp 1 ON)1.800000–29.990000 MHz 0.16 μV (pre-amp 1 ON)50.000000–54.000000 MHz 0.13 μV (pre-amp 2 ON)AM (BW=6 kHz, 10 dB S/N)0.100000– 1.799999 MHz 6.3 μV (pre-amp 1 ON)1.800000–29.990000 MHz 2 μV (pre-amp 1 ON)50.000000–54.000000 MHz 1 μV (pre-amp 2 ON)FM (BW=15 kHz, 12 dB SINAD)28.000000–29.990000 MHz 0.5 μV (pre-amp 1 ON)50.000000–54.000000 MHz 0.32 μV (pre-amp 2 ON)• Internal Modulate Distortion (typical) :Dynamic range 105 dB(at 14.100 MHz, 100 kHz separation, pre-amp OFF,CW mode; BW=500 Hz)• Selectivity :SSB, RTTY (BW=2.4 kHz) More than 2.4 kHz/–3 dBLess than 3.6 kHz/–60 dBCW (BW=500 Hz) More than 500 Hz/–3 dBLess than 700 Hz/–60 dBAM (BW=6 kHz) More than 6.0 kHz/–3 dBLess than 15.0 kHz/–60 dBFM (BW=15 kHz) More than 12.0 kHz/–6 dBLess than 20.0 kHz/–60 dB• Spurious and image rejection ratio : More than 70 dB (except IF through on 50 MHz band)• Squelch sensitivity (pre-amp OFF) :SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31 Less than 5.6 μVFM Less than 1 μV• RIT variable range : ±9.999 kHz• Audio output power : More than 2.6 W at 10% distortion with an 8 load• PHONES connector : 3-conductor 6.35 (d) mm (1⁄4w)• EXT-SP connectors : 2-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1⁄8w)/8 DAntenna tuner• Matching impedance range : 16.7 to 150 unbalanced(HF bands; VSWR better than 3:1)20 to 125 unbalanced(50 MHz band; VSWR better than 2.5:1)• Minimum operating input : 8W (HF bands)15 W (50 MHz band)• Tuning accuracy : VSWR 1.5:1 or less• Insertion loss (after tuning)  :Less than 1.0 dB 15SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS*The LCD display may have cosmetic imperfections that appear as small or dark spots. This is not a malfunctionor defect, but a normal characteristic of LCD displays.Spurious signals may be received near the following frequencies. These are made in the internal circuit and doesnot indicate a transceiver malfunction.• 0.15 MHz • 0.23 MHz 0.31 MHz • 10 MHzSpurious waveforms may be displayed on the spectrum scope screen regardless of the transceiver’s condition(Tx or Rx). They are made in the scope circuit. This does not indicate a transceiver malfunction.All stated specifications are typical and subject to change without notice or obligation.
15-4■Options•IC-PW1/EURO HF/50MHzALL BAND1kW LINEAR AMPLIFIERFull-duty-cycle 1 kW linear amplifier including an auto-matic antenna tuner. Has automatic tuning and bandselection capability when used with an Icom trans-ceiver. Full break-in (QSK) operation. Theamplifier/power supply unit and the remote control unitare separate.•SM-20 DESKTOP MICROPHONEUnidirectional, electret microphone for base stationoperation. Includes [UP]/[DOWN] switches and a lowcut function.•CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTERFor remote transceiver control using a PC. You canchange frequencies, operating mode, memory chan-nels, etc. (software is not included)•SP-20 EXTERNAL SPEAKER4 audio filters; headphone jack; can connect to 2transceivers.• Input impedance : 8 • Max. input power : 5 W•HM-36 HAND MICROPHONEHand microphone equipped with [UP]/[DOWN] switch-es.15 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS
16-1UPDATING THE FIRMWARE Section 16■General ………………………………………………………………… 16-2■Caution ………………………………………………………………… 16-2■Preparation …………………………………………………………… 16-3DFirmware and firm utility  …………………………………………… 16-3DFile downloading  …………………………………………………… 16-3■Firmware update— USB-Memory  …………………………………… 16-4■Firmware update— PC  ……………………………………………… 16-6DConnections ………………………………………………………… 16-6DIP address setting  ………………………………………………… 16-7DUpdating from the PC  ……………………………………………… 16-8
16-2■GeneralThe IC-7700’s firmware can be updated if desired. Byupdating the firmware, new function(s) can be addedand the improvement of performance parameters canbe made.2 methods of firmware update are available: one usesthe USB-Memory, and  the other uses a PC. You canchoose either methods according to your PC capabili-ties.• When only one PC connected to the Internet is avail-able➥Refer to ■Preparation (p. 16-3) and ■Firmwareupdate— USB-Memory (p. 16-4)• When two or more PCs connected to the Internet areavailable and they are connected to a LAN (LocalArea Network)➥Refer to ■Preparation (p. 16-3) and either■Firmware update— PC (p. 16-6) or■Firmware update— USB-Memory (p. 16-4)Ask your dealer or distributor about how to update thefirmware if you have no PC.■CautionRCAUTION!: NEVER turn the transceiver power OFFwhile updating the firmware. You can turn the transceiver power OFF only when thetransceiver displays that rebooting is required.If you turn the transceiver power OFF, or if a power fail-ure occurs during updating, the transceiver firmwarewill be corrupted and you will have to send the trans-ceiver back to the nearest Icom distributor for repair.This type of repair is out of warranty even if the war-ranty period is still valid.Recommendation!Backing up the settings and/or memory contents to theUSB-Memory before starting the firmware update isrecommended.Settings and/or memory contents will be lost or re-turned to default settings when the firmware update isperformed.At least one available USB (2.0 or 1.1) port isrequired to copy the downloaded firmware file.An Ethernet card/board (10 BASE-T/100 BASE TXcompatible) is required when updating the firmwarefrom the PC.The USB hub and Ethernet card/board are not sup-plied by Icom.Ask your PC dealer about a USB hub and anEthernet card/board for details.16 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
16-3■PreparationDFirmware and firm utility The latest firmware and the firm utility can be down-loaded from the Icom home page via the Internet. Ac-cess the following URL to download the firm utility andthe latest firmware.http://www.icom.co.jp/world/support/index.htmFor updating from the USB-MemoryWhen updating the firmware from the USB-Memory,copy the downloaded firmware data (e.g. 7700_110.dat)to the USB-Memory (in “IC-7700” folder) using an avail-able USB port (USB hub may be required; purchased sep-arately from your PC dealer).DFile downloadingqAccess the following URL directly.http://www.icom.co.jp/world/support/index.htmwClick “Firmware Updates/Software Downloads” linkthen click the firmware file link.eRead “Regarding this Download Service” carefully,then click [AGREE].rClick [Save] in the displayed File Download dialog.tSelect the desired location in which you want tosave the firmware, then click [Save] in the displayedFile Download dialog.• File download starts.yAfter download is completed, extract the file.• The firmware and the firm utility are compressed in “zip”format, respectively.• When updating the transceiver using with the USB-Memory, copy the extracted firmware (e.g.7700_110.dat) to the USB-Memory IC-7700 folder.• The USB-Memory must have been formatted by the IC-7700. (p. 12-26)Select the savinglocationClick7700_110.datClick16UPDATING THE FIRMWAREClickRead carefully
16-4■Firmware update— USB-MemoryWhen updating the firmware with the USB-Memory, noIP address or subnet mask settings are necessary. qCopy the downloaded firmware data into the USB-Memory (“IC-7700” folder).• The USB-Memory must have been formatted by the IC-7700.wInsert the USB-Memory into the USB connector.ePush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.rPush [SET]  to select set mode menu screen.tPush [USB]  to select USB-Memory set menu.yPush and hold [FIRM UP]  for 1 sec.uRead the displayed precaution carefully.• Push [Y] or [Z]  to scroll the indication.• Push [CANCEL]  to cancel the firmware updating.iAfter you read and understand all of the precau-tions, push [OK]  .• [OK]  appears only following the precautions.• Push [CANCEL]  to cancel the firmware updating.oPush [Y] or [Z]  to select the firmwarefile, then push [FIRM UP]  .!0 Read the displayed precautions carefully.!1 If you agree, push and hold [OK]  for 1 sec. tostart the firmware update.• Push [CANCEL]  to cancel the firmware updating.!2 While loading the firmware from the USB-Memory,the dialog as at left is displayed.F-7F-6F-4F-3F-2F-7F-6F-6F-7F-2F-1F-3F-7F-7EXIT/SET/∫DIR/FILEF-1F-7USB CANCELFIRM UPFIRM UPF-6OKF-3F-4/SET ///F-2√ ∫√EXIT/SET16 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
16-5!3 After the firmware loading is completed, the trans-ceiver starts the update automatically and the dia-log at left is displayed.RWARNING!: NEVER turn the IC-7700 powerOFF at this stage.The transceiver firmware will be corrupted.!4 When the dialog disappears, the precaution at leftis displayed.!5 Read the precaution carefully, and then push [OK] .• Return to USB-Memory set menu.!6 Push  to turn the IC-7700 power OFF, thenON again.!7 Depending on the update, one or two dialog boxesas at left appear in sequence.RWARNING!: NEVER turn the IC-7700 powerOFF at this stage.The transceiver firmware will be corrupted.!8 After the dialog disappears, the firmware updatingis completed and normal operation screen appears.POWERF-6Please  wait  for  10sec.WARNING!    NEVER  turn  power  OFF.Please  wait  for  25sec.WARNING!    NEVER  turn  power  OFF.TRX-DSP  UPDATING...SCOPE-DSP  UPDATING...16UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
16-6■Firmware update— PCDConnections Connect the IC-7700 and the PC through a LAN (LocalArea Network) as follows.=××××*Purchased separatelyto WAN/Internet networkEthernet cable*(Patch cable) to crossover port• IP address setting exampleHub/Router*IC-7700( addressSubnet maskPC2192.168.100.12255.255.255.0IC-7700192.168.100.13255.255.255.016 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
16-7DIP address settingIMPORTANT!: A fixed (static) IP address is used forthe IC-7700.When you connect the IC-7700 to a LAN, ask thenetwork manager about a usable/assignable IPaddress and the subnet mask in advance.NEVER use an IP address that has already beenused with another device in the network. If the IPaddress is duplicated, the network will crash.qPush  several times to close a multi-func-tion screen, if necessary.wPush [SET]  to select set mode menu screen.ePush [OTHERS]  to select Others set mode.rPush [Y] or [Z]  several times to select“IP Address” item.tPush [Ω≈]  to select the desired part then ro-tate the main dial to set the desired or specified IPaddress.• “” is the default setting.yPush [Z]  to select “Subnet Mask” item.uRotate the main dial to set the desired or specifiedsubnet mask.• “” is the default setting.iPush  to turn the transceiver power OFF,then ON to enable the IP address and subnet masksettings.POWERF-2F-3F-2F-1F-5F-7EXIT/SETWhen updating the firmware from the USB-Memory,the following settings are not necessary.F-2 F-3F-1Ω ≈F-5OTHERS EXIT/SETF-7SET∫ √16UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
16-8DUpdating from the PCqStart up the IC-7700 Firm Utility.• The window as at left appears.wRead the caution in the window carefully.eClick [Yes] if you agree and continue the firmwareupdating.rSelect the firmware file, that has “dat” extension(e.g.: 7700_110.dat).• Click […], then select the file, as well as the location.tType the IC-7700’s IP address into “IC-7700 IP Ad-dress” text box.yClick [Start].uThe window as at left appears.Read the precaution in the window carefully. iClick [Yes] if you want to start the firmware update.Updating the main CPU firmware first.It will take approx. 1 minute.DO NOT turn the IC-7700 power OFF until "Completed" dialog is displayed.Depending on the updated contents, the sub CPU and/or DSP firmware will automatically be updated when rebooting the IC-7700 and this will take approx. 2 minutes. DO NOT turn the IC-7700 power OFF until the normal operational screen appears, in such case.Do you wish to start the firmware update?Click to start thefirmware updateIC-7700 IP AddressVersion 1.00(C) 2007 Icom Inc.Firmware File NameTurn the IC-7700 power ON.When the normal operational screen appears, set the firmware file nameand IP address, then click [Start] button.IC-7700 Firm UtilityClick [ ] to select the firmware file.Type the IC-7700 s IP address here.Do you agree to all of the above?i7700HF/50MHz TRANSCEIVERFirm Utility===CAUTION===Updating the firmware is very risky. If you make a mistake, the IC-7700 may not operate properly, and repair at Icom Inc.(Japan) may be the only way to fix it.You undertake the updating of the firmware at you own risk and responsibility, Please refer to the firmware download homepage and/or the instruction manual for the correct procedures in updating the firmware.Also all preciously set conditions, the memory contents, etc will be lost when making a firmware update.Making a backup file of programmed contents and settings onto the USB-Memory before updating is recommended.Click tocontinue16 UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
16-9oThe screen as at left is displayed.• The following dialog appears in the IC-7700 display.RWARNING!: NEVER turn the IC-7700 powerOFF at this stage.The transceiver firmware will be corrupted.!0 Click [OK] to finish the firmware update.• The “FIRMWARE UPDATING” dialog as above disap-pears.!1 Push  to turn the IC-7700 power OFF, thenON again.!2 Depending on the update, one or two dialog boxesas at left appear on the IC-7700 display in se-quence.RWARNING!: NEVER turn the IC-7700 powerOFF at this stage.The transceiver firmware will be corrupted.!3 After the dialog disappears, the firmware update iscompleted and normal operation screen appears.POWERPlease  wait  for  10sec.WARNING!    NEVER  turn  power  OFF.Please  wait  for  25sec.WARNING!    NEVER  turn  power  OFF.TRX-DSP  UPDATING...SCOPE-DSP  UPDATING...Firmware up dating for the main CPU is completed.The sub CPU and/or DSP firmware update will start automatically depending on the updated contents, and this will take approx. 2 minutes.Turn the IC-7700 power OFF, then ON again with [POWER] switch.After turning the power ON, the IC-7700 will work with the updated firmware.DO NOT turn the IC-7700 power OFF until the normal operational screen appears.Click [OK] to finish the firmware update.IC-7700 IP AddressIC-7700 IP AddressFirmware File NameVersion 1.00(C) 2007 Icom Inc.Firmware File NameConnecting to the IC-7700.Connected to the IC-7700.Transfer in progress...Transfer successful.Start update.Please wait a while.IC-7700 Firm Utility16UPDATING THE FIRMWARE
INSTALLATION NOTESFor amateur base station installations it is recom-mended that the clearance in front of the antenna arrayis calculated relative to the EIRP (Effective IsotropicRadiated Power). The clearance height below the an-tenna array can be determined in most cases from theRF power at the antenna input terminals.Different exposure limits have been recommended fordifferent frequencies, a relative table shows a guide-line for installation considerations.Below 30 MHz, the recommended limits are specifiedin terms of V/m or A/m fields as they are likely to fallwithin the near-field region. Similarly, the antennasmay be physically short in terms of electrical lengthand that the installation will require some antennamatching device which can create local, high intensitymagnetic fields. Analysis of such installations is bestconsidered in association with published guidancenotes such as the FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01and its annexes relative to amateur transmitter instal-lations. The EC recommended limits are almost identi-cal to the FCC specified ‘uncontrolled’ limits and tablesexist that show pre-calculated safe distances for differ-ent antenna types for different frequency bands. Fur-ther information can be found at http://www.arrl.org/.• Typical amateur radio installationExposure distance assumes that the predominant ra-diation pattern is forward and that radiation downwardis at unity gain (side lobe suppression is equal to mainlobe gain). This is true of almost every gain antennatoday. Exposed persons are assumed to be beneaththe antenna array and have a typical height of 1.8 m.The figures assume the worst-case emission of con-stant carrier.For the bands 10 MHz and higher the following powerdensity limits have been recommended:10–144 MHz 2 W/sq mEIRP clearance heights by frequency band1 Watts 2.1 m10 Watts 2.8 m25 Watts 3.4 m100 Watts 5 m1000 Watts 12 mForward clearance, EIRP by frequency band100 Watts 2 m1000 Watts 6.5 m10,000 Watts 20 m100,000 Watts 65 mIn all cases any possible risk depends on the transmit-ter being activated for long periods. (actual recom-mendation limits are specified as an average during 6minutes) Normally the transmitter is not active for longperiods of time. Some radio licenses will require that atimer circuit automatically cuts the transmitter after 1–2minutes etc.Similarly some types of emission, i.e., SSB, CW, AMetc. have a lower ‘average’ output power and the as-sessed risk is even lower.Versions of the IC-7700 which display the“CE” symbol on the serial number seal,comply with the essential requirements ofthe European Radio and TelecommunicationTerminal Directive 1999/5/EC.This warning symbol indicates that thisequipment operates in non-harmonised fre-quency bands and/or may be subject to li-censing conditions in the country of use. Besure to check that you have the correct ver-sion of this radio or the correct programmingof this radio, to comply with national licens-ing requirement.• List of Country codes (ISO 3166-1)ABOUT CE1 Austria AT2 Belgium BE3 Bulgaria BG4 Croatia HR5 Czech Republic CZ6 Cyprus CY7 Denmark DK8 Estonia EE9 Finland FI10 France FR11 Germany DE12 Greece GR13 Hungary HU14 Iceland IS15 Ireland IE16 Italy IT17 Latvia LV18 Liechtenstein LI19 Lithuania LT20 Luxembourg LU21 Malta MT22 Netherlands NL23 Norway NO24 Poland PL25 Portugal PT26 Romania RO27 Slovakia SK28 Slovenia SI29 Spain ES30 Sweden SE31 Switzerland CH32 Turkey TR33 United Kingdom GBCountry Codes Country Codes
ABOUT CEDECLARATIONOF CONFORMITYDüsseldorf 30th Nov.2007Place and date of issueIcom (Europe) GmbHHimmelgeister straße 100D-40225 DüsseldorfAuthorized representative nameH. IkegamiGeneral ManagerSignatureWe Icom Inc. Japan1-1-32, Kamiminami, Hirano-kuOsaka 547-0003, JapanDeclare on our sole responsibility that this equipment complies with theessential requirements of the Radio and Telecommunications TerminalEquipment Directive, 1999/5/EC, and that any applicable Essential TestSuite measurements have been performed.Kind of equipment: HF/50 MHz ALL MODE TRANSCEIVERType-designation: i7700Version (where applicable):This compliance is based on conformity with the following harmonisedstandards, specifications or documents:i) EN 301489-1 v1.4.1 (2002-08)ii) EN 301489-15 v1.2.1 (2002-08)iii) EN 301 783 v1.1.1 (2000-09)iv) EN 60950-1 (2001):A11:2004iv)v)
Please record the serial number of your IC-7700 transceiver below for future servicingreference:Serial Number :Date of purchase :Place where purchased :
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan<Intended Country of Use>■AT■BE■CY■CZ■DK■EE■FI■FR■DE■GR■HU■IE■IT■LV■LT■LU■MT■NL■PL■PT■SK■SI■ES■SE■GB■IS■LI■NO■CH■BG■RO■TR■HR<Intended Country of Use>■AT■BE■CY■CZ■DK■EE■FI■FR■DE■GR■HU■IE■IT■LV■LT■LU■MT■NL■PL■PT■SK■SI■ES■SE■GB■IS■LI■NO■CH■BG■RO■TR■HR<Intended Country of Use>■AT■BE■CY■CZ■DK■EE■FI■FR■DE■GR■HU■IE■IT■LV■LT■LU■MT■NL■PL■PT■SK■SI■ES■SE■GB■IS■LI■NO■CH■BG■RO■TR■HR<Intended Country of Use>■AT■BE■CY■CZ■DK■EE■FI■FR■DE■GR■HU■IE■IT■LV■LT■LU■MT■NL■PL■PT■SK■SI■ES■SE■GB■IS■LI■NO■CH■BG■RO■TR■HR<Intended Country of Use>■AT■BE■CY■CZ■DK■EE■FI■FR■DE■GR■HU■IE■IT■LV■LT■LU■MT■NL■PL■PT■SK■SI■ES■SE■GB■IS■LI■NO■CH■BG■RO■TR■HRIC-7700#03 (Europe) IC-7700#04 (France) IC-7700#07 (UnitedKingdom)IC-7700#05 (Italy) IC-7700#06 (Spain)

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