ICOM orporated 318300 HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver User Manual CONFIDENTIAL ShortTerm IC 9100 UserMan

ICOM Incorporated HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver CONFIDENTIAL ShortTerm IC 9100 UserMan


User Manual 2

893DV MODE OPERATIONN$IGITALMODEOPERATIONThe IC-9100 can be operated in the digital voice mode, including low-speed data operation, for both transmit and receive. It can also be connected to a GPS re-ceiver* to transmit/receive position data. * Compatible with an RS-232 output/NMEA format/ 4800bps/9600 bpsN #ALLSIGNSETTINGSet the desired h52vh2vh2vANDh-9vcall signs to be used for DV operation, as described below.NOTE: )NTHE$2MODEYOUCANSETONLYh-9vCALLsign in the “CS” screen (Call Sign).q Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.w  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.e  Push [CS](F-1) to display the “CS” screen (Call Sign).s9OUCANPUSH;&=TOTOGGLEBETWEENTHECALLSIGNANDthe name.r  Push [Z](F-1) one or more times to display the h52vh2vh2vORh-9vSCREENt  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired call sign. s UR :  “CQCQCQ,” individual station call signs (U01–U99) or destination repeater call signs*1 is selected. s2 9OURACCESSAREAREPEATERSCALLSIGNISSE-lected. s R2  :  “NOT USE1”*2 or a link/gateway repeater call sign is selected. s-99OUROWNCALLSIGNSISSELECTED-9n-9 s&IRSTSELECTINGTHECALLSIGNGROUPBYPUSHING;43s'20=or [GRP](F-5)*3 makes it more convenient when “UR,” “R1” or “R2” is displayed. See the right column for de-tails of the repeater call sign group selection.y  Push [SET](F-4) to set the selected call sign to be used for DV operation.u  Repeat steps r to y to set the other call signs.i  Push [Z](F-1) one or more times to return to the “CS” screen.NOTE:9OUCANTOGGLEBETWEENDISPLAYINGTHERE-peater name or the repeater call sign by pushing [NAME](F-4) in the R1 and R2 screens.*1  ‘/’ is displayed in front of the repeater call sign. The repeater call sign with ‘/’ is used for the gateway CQ calling.*2  For an area (local) repeater communication only (Link repeater is not used.)*3 [GRP](F-5) is not used in the DR mode.[CS]/[√] [SET] [MENU] [DV・DR] [MAIN DIAL]CS CD R>CS UR DSETM3CS URCQCQCQJA3YUAMYR1R2NOT USEÚUR    URCLRCQCQCQEDT NAME GRPUR    URCLRJG3YMKEDT NAME GRPUR    U01JG3YMKSET GRPRotate [MAIN DIAL](OWTOSELECTTHEREPEATERCALLSIGNGROUPHold down [TSsGRP] or [GRP](F-5)*3 for 1 second to enter the group selection mode. Then rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired group. After selecting, PUSH;43s'20=OR;'20=&*3 to display the re-peater call signs in the group.Or, you can select the repeater group using the key-pad key.-  Only repeaters assigned to groups are selectable.!BOUTTHE4IME/UT4IMERFUNCTIONThe IC-9100 has a Time-Out Timer function for digi-tal repeater operation. The timer limits a continuous transmission to approximately 10 minutes. Warning beeps will sound approximately 30 seconds before time-out and then again immediately before time-out. Be sure to turn ON the function before operating in the digital mode. (p. 162)
948DV MODE OPERATION8N2ECEIVINGA$34!2REPEATERWhen the IC-9100 receives a signal from a D-STAR repeater, it receives four call signs: the calling station’s call sign, the called station’s call sign, the R1 repeater call sign (the repeater that receives a signal from the calling station on the uplink frequency), and the R2 re-peater call sign (the repeater that transmits a signal ONTHEDOWNLINKFREQUENCY9OUCANCOPYTHERECEIVEDcall signs into your radio, and reply to the call.Station A Station BRepeater446.000 MHz445.400 MHz 445.400 MHz446.000 MHzUplinkDownlink(Transmit frequency)(Receive frequency)s0RESETTINGq Select the desired frequency band. (p. 35)w  Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.e Push [A/B] once or twice to select VFO A.r  Set the desired repeater transmit (downlink) fre-quency. (p. 37) s!DJUSTTHEOUTPUTPOWERIFDESIREDPt  Push [MENU] to display the “M1” screen (Menu 1).y  Hold down [DUP](F-2) for 1 second to turn ON the One-touch repeater function. sh4vANDh$50nvAPPEARs4HEREPEATERRECEIVEUPLINKFREQUENCYAPPEARSATTHEbottom of the function display.u  Push [DUP](F-2) once or twice to switch the offset to the desired direction. sh$50nvORh$50vAPPEARSs7HENTHE!UTO2EPEATERFUNCTIONISINUSETHISSELEC-tion is not necessary (Only U.S.A. and Korean versions). (p. 67)i Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode. (p. 43)s“DV” appears. sh4vDISAPPEARSo  When a signal is received, the calling station’s call sign is displayed on the LCD. s)FTHECALLINGSTATIONHASPROGRAMMEDANOTEORMES-sage, it is displayed after the call sign.See the next page to view the received call sign.To reply to the calling station, see page 96.[VFO/MEMO] [A/B] [DV・DR]“T” disappearsAppearsM1DUPAGC AFC TON SCP445.40000M1DUPAGC AFC DSQ SCP445.40000AppearsUplink frequencyAppears
958DV MODE OPERATIONN2ECEIVEDCALLSIGNSWhen a call is received in the DV mode, the calling sta-tion and repeater call signs being used can be stored in the received call record. The stored call signs can be displayed in the following manner.Up to 20 calls can be stored.D$ESIREDCALLRECORDDISPLAYq Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.w  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPUSH;-%.5=ONCEORTWICETOSELECTthe “D1” screen.e  Push [CD](F-2) to display the “CD” screen (Call Re-cord).r  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired record channel (RX01 to RX20). s(OLDDOWN;#,2=&FORSECONDTOCLEARTHESELECTEDrecord channel.t  Push [Z](F-1) one or more times to display the call record. s#!,,%2 4HECALLINGSTATIONSCALLSIGN s  !FOURCHARACTERNOTEFROMTHESTATIONthat made the call. s#!,,%$ 4HECALLSIGNOFTHESTATIONTHATWAScalled, or “CQCQCQ.” s28204 4HECALLSIGNOFTHEREPEATERTHECALL-ing station accessed, or the call sign of the gateway repeater the calling station used. s28204 4HE CALL SIGN OF THE REPEATER YOUheard the call on. s-3' !NYRECEIVEDMESSAGEISDISPLAYED  After the MSG screen, the date and time infor-mation are displayed. If the received date and time are unknown, the elapsed time after the call was received is displayed (e.g. “(–12:34)”). If the power is turned OFF, then ON, or 48 hours have passed, “– – – – /– – /– – – –:– –” is displayed.y  Push [Z](F-1) one or more times to return to the “CD” screen.[√] [CD] [CLR] [MENU] [DV・DR] [MAIN DIAL]CS CD R>CS UR DSETM3CD JG3YMK CQCQCQRX01CLR COPYCDRxRPT1:RxRPT2:COPYÚCDCALLER: JG3YMKCALLED: CQCQCQ/COPYÚCDMSG: REPEATER IS JP3YHH AÚCD2010/10/10 10:10Ú
968DV MODE OPERATION8D/NETOUCHREPLYUSINGTHECALLRECORDThe calling station’s call sign, which is stored in the call record, can be used to quickly and easily reply.s&IRSTSETYOUROWNCALLSIGN-9Ps!FTERRECEIVINGACALLq  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPUSH;-%.5=ONCEORTWICETOSELECTthe “D1” screen.w  Hold down [R>CS](F-3) for 1 second to set the other station’s call sign.s4HERECEIVEDCALLSIGNISDISPLAYEDWHILEHOLDINGDOWN[R>CS](F-3), and after releasing, two beeps sound.s7HENACALLSIGNHASNOTBEENRECEIVEDCORRECTLYERRORbeeps sound, and no call sign is set.e  Push [PTT] on the microphone to reply the call. (or push [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver)r  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)s3ELECTINGACALLRECORDq  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPUSH;-%.5=ONCEORTWICETOSELECTthe “D1” screen.w  While holding down [R>CS](F-3), rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired record channel, then re-lease [R>CS](F-3) to set it.e  Push [PTT] on the microphone to reply the call. (or push [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver)r  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)For your informationWhen you receive a call addressed to your own call sign, the call signs of the calling station and the re-peaters they used can be automatically set for a quick reply. The set call signs are overwritten if another call is received.The following items must be set to “Auto” in the DV Set mode.These functions are not available in the DR mode.sh28#ALL3IGN7RITEvITEMP  The calling station’s call sign is automatically set to “UR.”sh282047RITEvITEMP  The repeater call signs are automatically set to “R1” and “R2,” if necessary.[R>CS][MAIN DIAL][TRANSMIT]CS CD R>CS UR DSETM3CS CD R>CS UR DSETM3YK/Hold downThe received call sign is displayed while hold-ing down [R>CS](F-3).Important!One-touch call signs are for only temporary use. They are not saved in a call sign memory. Therefore, when another call sign is set, the previous call sign will be over-written.If you want to save the set call sign, see ‘Copying the call record contents into call sign memory’ for details. (p. 98)
978DV MODE OPERATIONN#OPYINGTHECALLSIGND#OPYINGTHECALLSIGNMEMORYCONTENTSThe memorized UR call sign can be copied into an-other call sign memory.NOTE: First, make sure that the “Edit Record” item is set to “Auto” or “Select” in the DV Set mode. (p. 119)q Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.w  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.e  Push [CS](F-1) to display the “CS” screen (Call Sign).r  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “UR” screen.t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired UR call sign channel to be copied. s5TO5CANBESELECTEDy  Push [EDT](F-3) to enter the call sign programming mode. s4HESTDIGITOFTHESELECTEDCALLSIGNBLINKSThe displayed contents from step u are different, depending on the “Edit Record” item setting. (p. 119)7HENTHEh%DIT2ECORDvITEM ISSETTOh!utov  A blank channel is automatically selected, and the call sign channel’s data, selected in step t above, is displayed. u  Edit the displayed call sign as described in page 86. i  Push [MENU] to store the edited call sign into the channel.   NOTE: If there are no blank channels in the sta-tion call sign memory, “Full” appears instead of the channel number. In this case, follow the steps in ‘When the “Edit record” item is set to “Select”,’ as shown below.7HENthe h%DIT2ECORDvITEMISSETTO h3ELECTv  The selected call sign channel’s data is displayed. u  Edit the displayed call sign as described in page 86. i  Push [MENU] to set. o  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired call sign channel to store the data in. !0  Hold down [SET](F-5) for 1 second to store or overwrite the edited call sign into the selected channel.[√] [CD] [CLR] [MENU] [DV・DR] [MAIN DIAL]CS CD R>CS UR DSETM3CS URCQCQCQJA3YUAMYR1R2NOT USEÚUR    U06JG3YMKDEL SPCUR   U01JG3YML(JG3YMK)SETUR    U01CLRJG3YMKEDT GRPSETUR    U01JG3YMDEL SPCRotate [MAIN DIAL]UR    URCLRCQCQCQEDT NAME GRPWhen the “Edit Record” item is set to “Auto.”When the “Edit Record” item is set to “Select.”
988DV MODE OPERATION8This is a way to copy the call record data (“CALLER,” “RXRPT1” and “RXRPT2”) into call sign memory “UR” and a repeater all at the same time, or individually.q Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.w  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPUSH;-%.5=ONCEORTWICETOSELECTthe “D1” screen.e  Push [CD](F-2) to display the “CD” screen (Call Re-cord).r  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired record channel (RX01 to RX20).t  PUSH;#/09=&TOenter the copy item selection mode.CD JG3YMK CQCQCQRX01CLR COPYy  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the item to be copied. s!,, 4HE#!,,%228204AND28204call signs. s#!,,%24HECALLINGSTATIONSCALLSIGN s282044HECALLSIGNOFTHEREPEATERTHECALL-ing station accessed, or the call sign of the gateway repeater the calling station used. s282044HECALLSIGNOFTHEREPEATERYOURHEARDthe call on.CALLER: JG3YMKÚAUTO SELÙCOPYThe options in step u are different, depending on your selection in step y.7HENhALLvISSELECTEDINSTEPy: u  Select the desired copy destination.  s,)34 (OLDDOWN;,)34=&FORSECONDto automatically search a blank call sign memory channel, then copy the call signs of CALLER, RXRPT1 and RXRPT2 into the channel.  s#522 (OLDDOWN;#522=&FORSECONDto copy the call signs of CALLER, RXRPT1 and RXRPT2 into the cur-rent “UR,” “R1” and “R2” memory.COPYALLÚLIST CURRÙ7HENhCALLERvISSELECTEDINSTEPy: u  Select the desired copy destination  s!54/ (OLDDOWN;!54/=&FORSECONDto automatically search for a blank call sign memory channel, and copy the selected call sign into the de-tected one.  s3%, 0USH;3%,=&TOENTERTHECALLSIGNmemory channel selection mode. Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the de-sired channel to be pasted.    s4HECONTENTSOFTHESELECTEDCHAN-nel is displayed in parentheses.         Holzd down [SET](F-5) for 1 second to paste the calling station’s call sign into the selected channel. If a call sign has already been programmed, the selected channel will be overwrit-ten.CALLER: JG3YMKÚAUTO SELÙCOPYUR   U01(JG3YMK)SETCALLER: JG3YMKWhen “SEL” is selected, memory channel num-ber and call sign blink.7HENhRXRPT1vORhRXRPT2vISSELECTEDINSTEPy: u  Hold down [RP-L](F-5) to copy the repeater call sign into the repeater list “R1” or “R2.”COPYRxRPT1:ÚRP–LÙi  After copying has been completed, transceiver au-tomatically returns to the “CD” screen.D#OPYINGTHECALLRECORDCONTENTSINTOCALLSIGNMEMORY[√] [CD] [CLR] [MENU] [DV・DR] [MAIN DIAL]Push
998DV MODE OPERATIONDR (D-STAR Repeater) mode is used for D-STAR repeater operation. In this mode, you can select the pre-programmed repeaters and UR call sign by using [MAIN DIAL].s$2MODEOPERATIONmOWCHARTs2EPEATERSETTINGSCANBESTOREDINTOAREPEATERMEMORYchannel (Repeater list). N $2$34!22EPEATERMODEOPERATION3TEP2SELECTIONSelect your access repeater.- The Access repeater scan is useful to find a repeater.3TEP52CALLSIGNSELECTIONSelect your destination call sign#ALLING#1Through an access repeater : CQCQCQThrough a zone link repeater or gateway repeater :  Zone link repeater or Gateway repeater name#ALLINGASPECIlCSTATION3TEP2SELECTIONSelect a zone link or gateway repeater. If you make a call through an access repeater, select “NOT USE1.”Through an access repeater  : NOT USE1Through a zone link repeater  : Zone link repeater nameThrough a gateway repeater  : Gateway repeater namePush PTT to transmit, release to receive.Access/Area repeater (R1) selectionUR call sign (CQ) selectionUR call sign (specific station) selectionR2 (destination repeater) selectionGRP3D1RH RANO4CS CD R>CS UR DSETCQCS CD R>CS UR DSETD1URCQCQCQURCS CD R>CS UR DSETD1URJG3YMKCS CD R>CS UR DSETD1RNARA4D#OMMUNICATION&ORMs,OCALAREACALL(pp. 101, 103)To call a station through your local area (access) re-peater.s:ONECALL(pp. 102, 104)To call a station through your local area (access) re-peater and a link repeater in the same zone.s'ATEWAYCALL(pp. 102, 104)To call a station through your local area (access) re-peater, gateway repeater and your destination repeater by accessing the internet.NOTE: s  Programming the repeater list is required for DR mode operation. (pp. 89 to 92)s9OUCANNOTMAKEAN)NTERNETCALLIFTHESELECTEDrepeater (R2) has no gateway call sign.s  While operating voice communication or low-speed data communication via the internet net-work, some packets may be lost due to network error (poor data throughput performance). In such a case, the transceiver displays “ ” on the display to indicate Packet Loss has occurred.
1008DV MODE OPERATION8s!CCESSREPEATERSCAN’STARGETSETTING9OUCANSELECTTHEDESIREDREPEATERSASASCANTARGET, for faster selection and scanning.Non-selected repeaters are skipped during scanning.s  When a repeater is specified as a non-scan target, its “R1USE” setting is automatically set to NO. In this case, the repeater cannot be selected as the access repeater. (p. 90)q  In the DR mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “D2” screen.w  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired access repeater. s&IRSTSELECTINGTHE REPEATERCALLSIGN GROUPMAKESITmore convenient, if you have programmed repeaters into Groups. See the description in page 93 for details of the repeater call sign group selection.e  Hold down [SEL](F-2) for 1 second to set the select setting to ON.sh3%,vAPPEARSr Push [SEL](F-2) to set the select setting to OFF.sh3%,vDISAPPEARSt Push [MENU] to return to the “D2” screen.D!CCESSREPEATERSCANThe Access repeater scan is useful to find a repeater.For rapidly find, the Access repeater scan skips the repeaters which are not specified as a scan target.9OUCANSELECTTHEDESIREDREPEATERSASASCANTARGETSee page 90 or ‘Access repeater scan’s target setting’ as described below.q  Hold down [DVsDR] for 1 second to select the DR mode.s4HE$6MODEISAUTOMATICALLYSELECTEDsThe access repeater selection screen is displayed.    -  Only the repeaters, specified as a scan target are dis-played.w  Push [MENU] one or more time to display the “D2” screen.e  Push [SCAN](F-1) to start the Access repeater scan.s4HE-(ZANDK(ZDECIMALPOINTSANDh ” blink while scanning. s(OLDDOWN;3#!.=&FORSECONDTOENTERTHE3CANset mode. Push [MENU] to exit the Scan set mode.  -  If “Up/Down” is selected as the “MAIN DIAL (SCAN)” option in the Scan Set mode, rotating [MAIN DIAL] changes the scanning direction. (p. 147) s4HESCANPAUSESWHENASIGNALISRECEIVEDr Push [SCAN](F-1) to cancel the scan.[D[MAIN DIAL][D[MENU][SEL] GRPSCAN SEL A FC DSQ TCOND2GRP3SCAN SEL A FC DSQ TCOND2RHIRANO4GRP1SCAN SEL A FC DSQ TCOND2RFUJ SW4GRP1SELD2FU ISW4SELGRP1SELD2FU ISW4When the select setting is OFF.GRP1SCAN SEL A FC DSQ TCOND2RHAMACH 3Rotate [MAIN DIAL]Hold downPushWhile Access repeater scanning
1018DV MODE OPERATIONN#ALLING#1&IRSTPROGRAMA-9CALLSIGNINSTEPq.Next program the repeater list (p. 89). After that, follow this guide to access a D-STAR repeater.The optional CS-9100* cloning software is helpful for programming call signs and programming the repeater list.*Cloning cable is required.q3ETYOUROWNCALLSIGN-9(p. 85)w  Hold down [DVsDR] for 1 second to select the DR mode.sThe last used access repeater is displayed.    -  If the displayed frequency band on the SUB Band is the same as that of the last used access repeater, se-lecting the DR mode on the MAIN Band will automati-cally move the frequency band on the SUB Band to the Main Band display, and turn OFF the SUB Band display.e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired access repeater. s/NLYTHEREPEATERS, whose “R1USE” setting is set to 9%3OR!CCESSREPEATERSCANTARGETS are displayed. (pp. 90, 100) s&IRSTSELECTINGTHE REPEATERCALLSIGN GROUPMAKESITmore convenient, if you have programmed repeaters into Groups. (p. 93) s!CCESSREPEATERSCANCANBEUSEDFORTHESELECTION (p. 100)r  Push [UR](F-4) to enter the UR call sign selection mode.Steps t through u differ, depending on the com-munication form.CS CD R>CS UR DSETD1GRP3RNARA43CS CD R>CS UR DSETD1URUCQCQCQ[MAIN DIAL][DAccess repeater selection screenUR call sign selection screenRepeater group selection screenAppearsGRP3CS CD R>CS UR DSETD1RNARA4Appear[TRANSMIT] [[MAIN DIAL]MAIN Band TX/RX indicator-AKINGA#1CALLTHROUGHYOURLOCALAREAACCESSREPEATER,OCAL!REA#1My call sign:JA3YUACQAreaZoneRepeater q: NARA43 (JP3YHL)q w e rt Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “CQCQCQ.” s&IRSTSELECTINGACALLSIGNGROUPAS“CQCQCQ” by push-ING;43s'20=MAKESITMORECONVENIENTy  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSREDu  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)
1028DV MODE OPERATION8-AKINGA:ONE#1'ATEWAY#1CALLNOTE: The settings are the same between Zone CQ and Gateway CQ call.CS CD R>CS UR DSETD1GRP3UIKOMA 3Repeater selection screenAppear[TRANSMIT] [[MAIN DIAL]MAIN Band TX/RX indicatorThe selected channel number blinks.When a blank channel is selected.()1chARAS CQCQMWDV446.00000( ) 5chMW—————————.—————D3TORINGTHESETDATA9OU CANSAVETHE TEMPORARYSETTINGINTHE FOLLOWINGmanner.q  After setting, push [MW] to enter the memory select write mode, then rotate [MAIN DIAL] or [M-CH] to select the desired Memory channel, Call channel or Program scan edge channel.w  Hold down [MW] again for 1 second to store the set-ting.t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select a desired destination repeater. s&IRSTSELECTINGTHE REPEATERCALLSIGN GROUPMAKESITmore convenient, if you have programmed repeaters into Groups. (p. 93)y  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSREDu  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)s#ALLING#1THROUGHALINKREPEATERINTHESAMEZONE:ONE#1My call sign:JA3YUARepeater q : NARA43 (JP3YHL)Repeater r : IKOMA43 (JP3YHJ)CQq w e rAreaZones#ALLING#1THROUGHAGATEWAYREPEATER'ATEWAY#1Repeater e : Repeater y : CQq w e rt y u iMY call sign:JA3YUAGatewayGatewayAreaZone AZone BHIRANO43(JP3YHH)IcomUSA(N7IH)
1038DV MODE OPERATIONN#ALLINGASPECIlCSTATIONThis section describes how to call a specific station using the DR mode.When the Link repeater (R2) is set to “GW,” the des-ignated gateway repeater is automatically set as the Link repeater, and you can make a call to a specific station through the internet.q  Set your own call sign.w  Hold down [DVsDR] for 1 second to select the DR mode.sThe last used access repeater is displayed.    -  If the displayed frequency band on the SUB Band is the same as that of the last used access repeater, se-lecting the DR mode on the MAIN Band will automati-cally move the frequency band on the SUB Band to the Main Band display, and turn OFF the SUB Band display.e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired access repeater. s/NLYTHEREPEATERS, whose “R1USE” setting is set to 9%3OR!CCESSREPEATERSCANTARGETS are displayed. (pp. 90, 100)r  Push [UR](F-4) to enter the UR call sign selection mode.t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select a individual station call sign. s&IRST SELECTING THE station call sign memory groups (U01–U99)BYPUSHING;43s'20=MAKESITMORECONVE-nient.y  Hold down [UR](F-4) for 1 second to enter the Link/Gateway repeater (R2) selection mode.-AKINGACALLTOANINDIVIDUALSTATIONTHROUGHYOURLOCALAREAACCESSREPEATER,OCAL!REACALLMY call sign:JA3YUAStation call sign:JG3YMKRepeater  q : NARA43          (JP3YHL)q w e rAreaZoneu  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “NOT USE1.”i  Push [UR](F-4) to exit the Link repeater (R2) selec-tion mode.o  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSRED!0  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)s!FTERTRANSMITTINGPUSH;-7=TOENTERTHEMEMORYSE-lect write mode. (p. 102)[MAIN DIAL][D]NOT USE1CS CD R>CS UR DSETD1R2:NOT US [TRANSMIT] [UR] [MW][MAIN DIAL]MAIN Band TX/RX indicator
1048DV MODE OPERATION8Link repeater in the same zoneCS CD R>CS UR DSETD1R2IKOMA 4Gateway repeater “GW”CS CD R>CS UR DSETD1R2GW-AKING A CALL TO AN INDIVIDUAL STATION THROUGH ALINKREPEATERINTHESAMEZONE:ONECALLMY call sign:JA3YUAStation call sign:JG3YMKRepeater q : NARA43 (JP3YHL)Repeater r : IKOMA-43 (JP3YHJ)q w e rAreaZoneu  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the link repeater in the same zone. s/NLYREPEATERSWITHTHESAME GATEWAY REPEATERAP-pear.i  Push [UR](F-4) to exit the selection mode.i  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSRED!0  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)s!FTERTRANSMITTINGPUSH;-7=TOENTERTHEMEMORYSE-lect write mode. (p. 102)-AKING A CALL TO AN INDIVIDUAL STATIONTHROUGH AGATEWAYREPEATER'ATEWAYCALLRepeater e : Repeater y : HIRANO43(JP3YHH G)HAMA43(JP1YIU G)GatewayGatewayAreaZone AZone Bq w e rt y u iMY call sign:JA3YUAStation call sign:JM1ZLKu  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “GW.” s4HEPREPROGRAMMEDGATEWAYREPEATERISSETAS2 s/NLYREPEATERSWITHTHESAME GATEWAY REPEATERAP-pear.i  Push [UR](F-4) to exit the Link repeater (R2) selec-tion mode.o  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSRED!0  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)s!FTERTRANSMITTINGPUSH;-7=TOENTERTHEMEMORYSE-lect write mode. (p. 102)[TRANSMIT] [UR] [MW][MAIN DIAL]MAIN Band TX/RX indicatorNOTE: If other station has accessed a repeater at least once, the D-STAR system will automatically connect to the last repeater the station accessed, even if you don’t know where the station is. So it is no need to select the destination repeater.[TRANSMIT] [UR] [MW][MAIN DIAL]MAIN Band TX/RX indicator
1058DV MODE OPERATIONN Calling a specific station (Continued)D#ONlRMINGTHESETTINGq  In the DR mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “D1” screen.w  Push [CS](F-1) to display the “CS” screen (Call Sign).e  Push [Z](F-1) one or more times to sequentially DISPLAYTHEh52vh2vh2vORh-9vTOCONlRMTHEcurrent call sign setting.NOTE: In the DR mode, you can change only the h-9vCALLSIGNINTHE“CS” screen (Call Sign).[CS]/[Z][MENU]CS URJG3YMKJA3YUAMYR1JP3YHLR2JP3YHJÚGRP3D1RNA A4CS CD R>CS UR DSETD3ETTINGSFOR“UR”AND“2”DEPENDINGONTHECOMMUNICATIONFORM$ESTINATION#1 $ESTINATION!NINDIVIDUALSTATION#OMMUNICATIONFORM,OCALAREACALLCQs52SETTING#1#1#1s2SETTING.!#OMMUNICATIONFORM,OCALAREACALLs52SETTING!NINDIVIDUALSTATIONs2SETTING./453%1#OMMUNICATIONFORM:ONECALLCQs52SETTING$ESTINATIONREPEATERTOSEND#1INthe same zones2SETTING.!#OMMUNICATIONFORM:ONECALLs52SETTING!NINDIVIDUALSTATIONs2SETTING$ESTINATION REPEATER IN THE SAMEzone#OMMUNICATIONFORM'ATEWAYCALLCQs52SETTING$ESTINATIONREPEATERTOSEND#1s2SETTING.!#OMMUNICATIONFORM'ATEWAYCALLs52SETTING!NINDIVIDUALSTATIONs2SETTING'7NOTE: R1 setting is set to your access repeater’s call sign.
1068DV MODE OPERATION8s#ALLING#1MY call sign:JA3YUACQs#ALLINGANINDIVIDUALSTATIONMy call sign:JA3YUAStation call sign:JG3YMK[TRANSMIT]MAIN BandTX/RX indicator[MAIN DIAL][D[MENU][VFO/MEMO][UR]/[SET]CS CD R>CS UR DSETM3UR    URJG3LUKGRPURCQCQCQSET GRPU––Rotate [MAIN DIAL]s7HENCALLING#1q Select the desired frequency band. (p. 35)w Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.e Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.r  Set the desired frequency. (p. 37) s3ELECTTHEOUTPUTPOWERIFDESIREDP sWhen the duplex operation is selected, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M1” screen (Menu 1) and push [DUP](F-2) one or more times to turn it OFF.t  Push [MENU] twice to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3).y3ETYOUROWNCALLSIGNASTHECURRENT-9CALLSIGN(p. 85)u  Push [UR](F-4) to enter the UR call sign selection mode.i  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select UR call sign. s&IRSTSELECTINGTHECALLSIGNMEMORYGROUPSBYPUSHING;43s'20=OR;'20=&MAKESITMORECONVENIENT s When calling CQ : Select “CQCQCQ” s When calling an individual station      : Select the station’s call signo  Push [SET](F-4) to return to the “M3” screen (Menu 3).!0  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSRED!1  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again) s)FANOTHERSTATIONREPLIESITSCALLSIGNWILLBERECEIVED s2ECEIVEDCALLSIGNSCANBEAUTOMATICALLYSTOREDINTOTHEreceived call record. See page 95 for details.s!FTERTRANSMITTINGROTATE;-#(=TOSELECTAMEMORy channel, then hold down [MW] for 1 second to save this temporary programmed data into the channel.NOTE: The digital mode is vastly different than the FM mode. One of the differences is that changing the squelch setting in the digital mode will not open it to hear the hiss of “white noise,” like it does in the FM mode. It is only activated for digital squelch func-tions such as CSQL (Digital code squelch) or DSQL (Digital call sign squelch).N 3IMPLEXOPERATIONUSINGTHE6&/D-AKINGASIMPLEX#1CALLORACALLTOANINDIVIDUALSTATION
1078DV MODE OPERATIONs#ALLING#1My call sign:JA3YUACQAreaZoneRepeater q: JP3YHLq w e rs#ALLINGANINDIVIDUALSTATIONMy call sign:JA3YUAStation call sign:JG3YMKRepeater  q : JP3YHLq w e rAreaZoneN 2EPEATEROPERATIONUSINGTHE6&/D-AKINGA#1CALLORACALLTOANINDIVIDUALSTATIONTHROUGHYOURLOCALAREAACCESSRE-PEATER,OCAL!REACALL[TRANSMIT]MAIN BandTX/RX indicator[MAIN DIAL][D[MENU][VFO/MEMO][SET][Z] [GRP]UR    URCLRJG3YMKEDT NAME GRPR1    R1CLRJP3YHLEDT NAME GRPUR    U01CQCQCQSET GRPRotate [MAIN DIAL]R2    R2CLR EDT NAME GRPMY    MY1CLRJA3YUA   ⁄EDT NAMEUR    URCLRCQCQCQEDT NAME GRPs7HENCALLING#1THROUGHASINGLEREPEATERq Select the desired frequency band. (p. 35)w Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.e Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.r  Set the repeater’s transmit frequency, duplex direc-tion and offset. (pp. 37, 65, 163)t  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3).y  Push [CS](F-1) to display the “CS” screen (Call Sign).u  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “UR” screen, and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select UR call sign, then push [SET](F-4). s&IRSTSELECTINGTHECALLSIGNMEMORYGROUPSBYPUSHING;43s'20=OR;'20=&MAKESITMORECONVENIENT s When calling CQ : Select “CQCQCQ” s When calling an individual station      : Select the station’s call signi  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “R1” screen, and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the access repeater call sign, then push [SET](F-4). s&IRSTSELECTINGTHE REPEATERCALLSIGN GROUPMAKESITmore convenient, if you have programmed repeaters into Groups. (p. 93) s0USH;.!-%=&TOTOGGLETHECALLSIGNANDREPEATERname display, if the name has been programmed.o  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “R2” screen, and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to set R2 to “NOT USE1,” then push [SET](F-4).!0  Push [Z](F-1) TODISPLAYh-9vANDSETYOUROWNCALLsign if necessary, then push [SET](F-4).!1  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSRED!2  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again) s)FANOTHERSTATIONSREPLIESITSCALLSIGNWILLBESTOREDINthe receive log. s2ECEIVEDCALLSIGNSCANBEAUTOMATICALLYSTOREDINTOTHEreceived call record. See page 95 for details.s!FTERTRANSMITTINGROTATE;-#(=TOSELECTAMEMORYchannel, then hold down [MW] for 1 second to save this temporary programmed data into the channel.
1088DV MODE OPERATION8s#ALLING#1My call sign:JA3YUARepeater q : JP3YHLRepeater r : JP3YHJCQq w e rAreaZones#ALLINGANINDIVIDUALSTATIONMy call sign:JA3YUAStation call sign:JG3YMKRepeater q : JP3YHLRepeater r : JP3YHJq w e rAreaZone[TRANSMIT]MAIN BandTX/RX indicator[MAIN DIAL][D[MENU][VFO/MEMO][SET][Z] [GRP]UR    URCLRJG3YMKEDT NAME GRPR1    R1CLRJP3YHLEDT NAME GRPUR    U01CQCQCQSET GRPRotate [MAIN DIAL]R2    R2CLRJP3YHJEDT NAME GRPMY    MY1CLRJA3YUA   ⁄EDT NAMEUR    URCLRCQCQCQEDT NAME GRPs#ALLING#1 INTHESAMEZONE:ONE#1q Select the desired frequency band. (p. 35)w Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.e Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.r  Set the repeater’s transmit frequency, duplex direc-tion and offset. (pp. 37, 65, 163)t  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3).y  Push [CS](F-1) to display the “CS” screen (Call Sign).u  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “UR” screen, and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select UR call sign, then push [SET](F-4). s&IRSTSELECTINGTHECALLSIGNMEMORYGROUPSBYPUSHING;43s'20=OR;'20=&MAKESITMORECONVENIENT s When calling CQ : Select “CQCQCQ” s When calling an individual station      : Select the station’s call signi  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “R1” screen, and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the access repeater call sign, then push [SET](F-4). s&IRSTSELECTINGTHE REPEATERCALLSIGN GROUPMAKESITmore convenient, if you have programmed repeaters into Groups. (p. 93) s0USH;.!-%=&TOTOGGLETHECALLSIGNANDREPEATERname display, if the name has been programmed.o  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “R2” screen, and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the link repeater call sign in the same zone, then push [SET](F-4).!0  Push [Z](F-1) TODISPLAYh-9vANDSETYOUROWNCALLsign if necessary, then push [SET](F-4).!1  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSRED!2  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again) s)FANOTHERSTATIONSREPLIESITSCALLSIGNWILLBESTOREDINthe receive log. s2ECEIVEDCALLSIGNSCANBEAUTOMATICALLYSTOREDINTOTHEreceived call record. See page 95 for details.s!FTERTRANSMITTINGROTATE;-#(=TOSELECTAMEMORYchannel, then hold down [MW] for 1 second to save this temporary programmed data into the channel.D-AKINGA#1CALLORACALLTOANINDIVIDUALSTATIONTHROUGHALINKREPEATERINTHESAMEZONE:ONECALL
1098DV MODE OPERATIONq Select the desired frequency band. (p. 35)w Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.e Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.r  Set the repeater’s transmit frequency, duplex direc-tion and offset. (pp. 37, 65, 163)t  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3).y  Push [CS](F-1) to display the “CS” screen (Call Sign).u  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “UR” screen, and ro-tate [MAIN DIAL] to select UR call sign, then push [SET](F-4). s&IRSTSELECTINGTHEcall sign memory groups by pushing ;43s'20=OR;'20=&MAKESITMORECONVENIENT s When calling CQ :  Select a link repeater call sign for sending CQ s When calling an individual station      : Select the station’s call signi  Push [Z](F-1) to display the “R1” screen, and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the access repeater call sign, then push [SET](F-4). s&IRSTSELECTINGTHE REPEATERCALLSIGN GROUPMAKESITmore convenient, if you have programmed repeaters into Groups. (p. 93) s0USH;.!-%=&TOTOGGLETHECALLSIGNANDREPEATERname display.o  Push [Z](F-1) to display “R2,” and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select your gateway repeater call sign, then push [SET](F-4).!0  Push [Z](F-1) TODISPLAYh-9vANDSETYOUROWNCALLsign if necessary, then push [SET](F-4).!1  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSRED!2  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again) s)FANOTHERSTATIONSREPLIESITSCALLSIGNWILLBESTOREDINthe receive log. s2ECEIVEDCALLSIGNSCANBEAUTOMATICALLYSTOREDINTOTHEreceived call record. See page 95 for details.s!FTERTRANSMITTINGROTATE;-#(=TOSELECTAMEMORYchannel, then hold down [MW] for 1 second to save this temporary programmed data into the channel.[TRANSMIT]MAIN BandTX/RX indicator[MAIN DIAL][D[MENU][VFO/MEMO][SET][Z] [GRP]UR    URCLRJG3YMKEDT NAME GRPR1    R1CLRJP3YHLEDT NAME GRPUR    GRP1⁄ JP1YIUSET GRPRotate [MAIN DIAL]R2    R2CLRJP3YHH GEDT NAME GRPMY    MY1CLRJA3YUA   ⁄EDT NAMEUR    GRP1CLR⁄ JP1YIUEDT NAME GRPs#ALLING#1 THROUGHTHEGATEWAYs#ALLING#1Repeater q : JP3YHLRepeater e : JP3YHH GRepeater u : JP1YIUCQq w e rt y u iMy call sign:JA3YUAGatewayGatewayAreaZone AZone Bs#ALLINGANINDIVIDUALSTATIONRepeater q : JP3YHLRepeater e : JP3YHH GRepeater u : JP1YIUGatewayGatewayAreaZone AZone Bq w e rt y u iMy call sign:JA3YUAStation call sign: JM1ZLKN Repeater operation in the VFO (Continued)D-AKINGA#1CALLORACALLTOANINDIVIDUALSTATIONTHROUGHGATEWAYREPEATERS'ATEWAYCALL
1118DV MODE OPERATIONN-ESSAGEOPERATIOND48MESSAGEPROGRAMMINGThe transceiver has a total of 5 message memories to store short messages to transmit during DV mode operation. Message of up to 20 characters can be pro-grammed for each memory.q  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.w  Push [DSET](F-5) to display the “DSET” screen.e  Push [TXM](F-3) to display the “TXM” screen (Tras-nmit message).r  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired transmit message channel. s4-TO4-AND/&&ARESELECTABLEt  Push [EDT](F-1) to enter the transmit message pro-gramming mode. s!CURSORAPPEARSANDBLINKSy  Push [F-1] one or more times to select the desired character type.#HARACTERTYPE 3ELECTABLECHARACTERSABC A to Zabc a to zetc <" ’ ` ^ + – 1b< > ( ) [ ] { } ¦ _ ¯ @u  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the first character to input.  When inputting numbers or a decimal point, push the appropriate keypad key. s0USH;$%,=&TODELETETHESELECTEDCHARACTERSYM-bol or number. s0USH;30#=&TOINPUTASPACE s7HENALL CHARACTERSHAVEBEENprogrammed, an error beep sounds. If you want to reprogram, push [Ω](F-2) or [≈](F-3) to select a character, then push [DEL](F-4) to delete it.i  Push [Ω](F-2) to move the cursor backward, or push [≈](F-3) to move the cursor forward.o  Repeat steps y through i to program a message of up to 20 characters.!0  Push [MENU] to save the programmed message.While [SET](F-5) is blinking, push it to set the dis-played channel as the first appearance channel when [TXM](F-3) is pushed in step e.TXMOFFTXMTM1:EDT SETABCTXMTM1:HELLODEL SPC[MAIN DIAL][MENU] [TXM][DSET][EDT]Rotate [MAIN DIAL]ABCTXMTM1:HELLODEL SPCCharacter type display Cursor[][][DEL][SPC] [MAIN DIAL]Number input Character type selections0ROGRAMINGATRANSMITMESSAGEInput a spaceDelete a characterMove cursor forwardsMove cursor backwardsCharacter type selection
1128DV MODE OPERATION8D-ESSAGE4RANSMISSION9OUCANSELECTAMESSAGECHANNEL4-n4-TOTURNON the message transmission function. When a mes-sage channel is selected, the transceiver transmits the pre-programmed text message. The default setting is OFF.q  Set the operating frequency, call signs and other settings, such as those for repeater operation, as desired.w  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.e  Push [DSET](F-5) to display the “DSET” screen.r  Push [TXM](F-3) to display the “TXM” screen (Transmit message).t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired transmit message channel, then push [SET](F-5). s4-TO4-ARESELECTABLEs7HEN/&&ISSELECTEDTHEMESSAGEISNOTTRANSMITTEDy  Push [MENU] to return to the “DSET” screen.u  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit the mes-sage. (or push [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver)s4HEMESSAGEISTRANSMITTEDEACHTIMEYOUPUSH;044=(or [TRANSMIT]).s4HEMESSAGEISAUTOMATICALLYTRANSMITTEDEVERYSEC-onds during continuous transmission. s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSREDD28MESSAGEDISPLAYq  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPUSH;-%.5=ONCEORTWICETOSELECTthe “D1” screen.w  Push [CD](F-2) to display the “CD” screen (Call Re-cord).e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired record channel (RX01 to RX20).r  Push [Z](F-1) three times to select “MSG” item. s4HERECEIVEDMESSAGEISDISPLAYEDt  Push [Z](F-1) or [MENU] to return to the record channel, selected in step e.NOTE: Up to 20 messages can be stored, but only one message can be stored for each call sign.The oldest message is cleared when 21st message is received.EDTTM1:TXMSET[MAIN DIAL][MENU] [TXM][DSET]/[SET][TRANSMIT]MAIN BandTX/RX indicator For your informationWhen a call with a message is received, the call sign and the message scrolls across the function display.The received call sign and/or message display func-tions can be turned OFF in the DV SET mode, if de-sired.± “RX Message Disp” item (p. 119)± “RX Call Sign Disp” item (p. 119)[MAIN DIAL][MENU][CD][√]CD JG3YMK JA3YUARX01CLR COPYCDMSG: REPEATER IS JP3YHH AÚAfter selecting the record channel, push [Z](F-1) three times.
1138DV MODE OPERATIONN $6AUTOMATICDETECTIONWhen a non-digital signal is received during DV mode operation, the “DV” and “FM” icons simultaneously blink. The transceiver automatically selects the FM mode to monitor the signal, if the DV Auto Detect func-tion is turned ON.q  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.w  Push [DSET](F-5) to display the “DSET” screen.e  Push [SET](F-5) to enter the DV Set mode.r  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “DV Auto De-tect.”t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to turn ON the DV automatic detect function. sThe operating mode is set to DV if this setting is “OFF.”y  Push [MENU] to return to the “DSET” screen.The received FM audio may be distorted when using this function.[MAIN DIAL][MENU][DSET]/[SET][][]BlinkWhile receiving a non-digital signal while in the DV modeN!UTOMATIC2EPLYFUNCTIONWhen a call addressed to own your call sign is re-ceived, the Automatic Reply function automatically re-plies with your call sign.q  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.w Push [DSET](F-5) to display the “DSET” screen.e Push [SET](F-5) to enter the DV Set mode.r Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “Auto Reply.”t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to turn ON the Automatic reply function.y Push [MENU] to return to the “DSET” screen.NOTE: The Automatic replay function is automati-cally turned OFF, when [PTT] (or [TRANSMIT]) is pushed to transmit.Ù2ÚONSET Auto Reply[MAIN DIAL][MENU][DSET]/[SET][][]When the Automatic reply function is ON.
1148DV MODE OPERATION8N$IGITALSQUELCHFUNCTIONSThe digital squelch opens only when receiving a sig-nal addressed to your own call sign, or a signal that INCLUDESAMATCHINGDIGITALCODE9OUCANSILENTLYWAITfor calls from others.NOTE: Use digital code squelch function when com-municating with two or more stations, because the digital call sign squelch function opens only when receiving a signal addressed to your own call sign. Thus the digital call sign squelch function can be used when communicating with only one station.q Select the desired frequency band. (p. 35)w  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M1” screen (Menu 1). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D2” screen.s4HESETTINGCANBERESPECTIVELYMADEINTHE$6MODEand the DR mode.e  Push [DSQ](F-4) one or more times to turn ON the digital call sign squelch or digital code squelch.sh$31,vAPPEARSWHENTHEDIGITALCALLSIGNSQUELCHISON. sh#31,vAPPEARSWHENTHEDIGITALCODESQUELCHIS/.When digital call sign squelch is turned ON in step e, skip steps r and t, and go to step y.r  When digital code squelch is turned ON in step e, hold down [DSQ](F-4) for 1 second to display the “DSQ” screen. And rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired code between 00 and 99.s(OLDDOWN;&=FORSECONDTORESETTOTHEDEFAULTSET-ting, if desired.t  Push [MENU] to return to the “M1” screen (Menu 1). s)NTHE$2MODERETURNTOthe “D2” screen.y  When the received signal includes a matching call sign/code, the squelch opens and the signal can be heard.s7HEN THE RECEIVED SIGNALS CALL SIGNCODE DOES NOTmatch, digital call sign/digital code squelch does not OPENHOWEVERTHE3METERSHOWSSIGNALSTRENGTHM1DUPAGC AFC DSQ SCPM1DUPAGC AFC DSQ SCP[MAIN DIAL][MENU][DSQ]Appears00DSQ Digital Code“DSQ” screen (Digital code setting)Appears
1158DV MODE OPERATIONN%-2COMMUNICATIONThe EMR (Enhanced Monitor Receive) communication mode can be used in only the DV mode. In the EMR mode, no call sign setting is necessary. When an EMR mode signal is received, the audio (voice) will be heard at the specified level, even if the volume setting level is set to the minimum level, or digital call sign/digital code squelch is in use.q Select the desired frequency band. (p. 35)w  Set the desired frequency. (p. 37)e  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.r  Push [DSET](F-5) to display the “DSET” screen.t  Push [SET](F-5) to enter the DV Set mode.y  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “EMR.”u  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to turn ON the EMR mode.s“ ” appears.i  Push [MENU] to return to the “DSET” screen.o  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSRED!0  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)s“ ” blinks when receiving an EMR signal.NOTE: The EMR communication function is auto-matically turned OFF when the transceiver is turned OFF.19  ONSETEMRÙ20Ú50%SET EMR AF Level[TRANSMIT]MAIN BandTX/RX indicator[MAIN DIAL][MENU][DSET]/[SET][][]When the EMR communication mode is ON.DEFAULTAppearsD!DJUSTINGTHE%-2!&LEVELThe audio output level when an EMR signal is received is adjustable.When an EMR signal is received, the audio will be heard at the preset level, or the [AF] control level, whichever is higher.q  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.w Push [DSET](F-5) to display the “DSET” screen.e Push [SET](F-5) to enter the DV Set mode.r  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “EMR AF Level.”t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to adjust the EMR audio out-PUTLEVELBETWEENMINIMUMANDMAXI-mum).s(OLDDOWN[F-3] for 1 second to reset to the default set-ting, if desired.y Push [MENU] to return to the “DSET” screen.
1168DV MODE OPERATION8N"REAKINCOMMUNICATIONThe break-in function allows you to break into a con-versation, where the two other stations are communi-cating with call sign squelch enabled.q  While receiving another station’s communication in the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.w  Hold down [R>CS](F-3) for 1 second to set the other station’s call sign.s7HENACALLSIGNHASNOTBEENRECEIVEDCORRECTLYERRORbeeps sound, and no call sign is set. Try to capture the call sign of the signal again, or enter it manually.e  Push [DSET](F-5) to display the “DSET” screen.r  Push [SET](F-5) to enter the DV Set mode.t  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “BK.”y  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to turn ON the break-in func-tion.s“ ” appears.u  Push [MENU] to return to the “DSET” screen.i  When both stations are in standby, push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or push [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver)s4HEPROGRAMMEDCALLSIGNSTATIONRECEIVESTHEBREAKINcall as well as your call sign. s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSREDo  Release [PTT] to receive. (or push [TRANSMIT] again)  Wait for a reply call from the station who received the break-in call.!0  After receiving the reply call, communicate nor-mally.s“ ” blinks when receiving a break-in call.!1  To cancel the break-in function, turn OFF the Break-in function in the DV Set mode as shown in steps r through y.18  ONSETBK[TRANSMIT]MAIN BandTX/RX indicator[MAIN DIAL][MENU] [R>CS][DSET]/[SET][][]When the Break in function is ON.Appears(OWTOUSEBREAKINWhile using digital call sign squelch, the squelch never opens (no audio sounds) even if a call is received, unless YOUROWNCALLSIGNh-9vISSPECIlEDPHowever, when a call including the “BK ON” signal (break-in call) is received, the squelch will open and audio sounds even if the call is specified for another station.Station A Station BStation CStation A Station BStation CStation A and B are communicating using the digital call sign squelch.Station A and B are communicating using the digital call sign squelch.Station B never hears that Station C is calling Station A.Station B also hears that Station C is calling Station A.NOTE: The break-in function is automatically turned OFF when transceiver is turned OFF.
1178DV MODE OPERATIONIn addition to digital voice communication, low-speed data communication can be made.Use the optional OPC-1529R DATA  COMMUNICATION CABLE with a third-party serial data communication software.s!53"PORTCANALSOBEUSEDFORTHELOWSPEEDDATACOM-munication, depending on the “USB2/DATA1 Func (^3)” item setting in the Set mode. (p. 164)NOTE: First, turn OFF the “GPS TX Mode” item in the GPS Set mode to send the low-speed data. (p. 134)D#ONNECTIONConnect the transceiver to your PC using the optional OPC-1529R cable, as illustrated below.OPC-1529R(optional)To the [DATA1] jackIC-9100 (Rear panel)PCTo RS-232C portD,OWSPEEDDATACOMMUNICATION APPLICATIONSETTINGConfigure the serial data communication software as follows.s0ORT 4HE#/-PORTNUMBERWHICHISUSEDby the IC-9100.*1s"AUDRATE BPS2s$ATA BITs0ARITY .ONEs3TOP BITs&LOWCONTROL8ON8OFF*1  Depending on the PC environment, the COM port number used by the IC-9100 may be higher than 5. In such case, use the application which can set to higher than 5.*2  Set the baud rate in the “DVdat/GPS Out Baud” item of the Set mode. (p. 168)D,OWSPEEDDATACOMMUNICATION OPERATIONq  Set the desired call signs as described in ‘Call sign setting.’ (p. 93)w  Follow the instructions of the data communication application software.e  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit the data and an audio signal. (or push [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) s4HE-!)."AND4828INDICATORLIGHTSREDsThe input data from the [DATA1] jack are automatically transmitted when “AUTO” is selected in the “DV Data TX” item of the DV Set mode. (p. 118)N 0ACKETLOSSINDICATIONWhile operating voice communication or low-speed data communication through the internet, some packets may be lost due to network error (poor data throughput performance). In such a case, the IC-9100 displays “ ” on the display to indicate Packet Loss has occurred.N,OWSPEEDDATACOMMUNICATION
1188DV MODE OPERATION8N$63ETMODEDESCRIPTIONThe DV Set mode is used for programming infrequently changed values or functions in the DV mode.D DV 3ETMODESETTINGSq  In the DV mode, push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M3” screen (Menu 3). s)NTHE$2MODEPush [MENU] once or twice to select the “D1” screen.w Push [DSET](F-5) to display the “DSET” screen.e Push [SET](F-5) to enter the DV Set mode.r  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the desired item.t Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired option.s(OLDDOWN[F-3] for 1 second to reset to the default set-ting, if desired.y  Push [MENU] to save, and return to the “DSET” screen.3TANDBY"EEP1.  $EFAULT/.Turn the Standby beep function ON or OFF.This function sounds a beep when the other station stops transmitting.s/&& 4URNS/&&THEFUNCTIONs/. 4URNS/.THEFUNCTIONTOSOUNDABEEPs/. 4URNS/.THEFUNCTIONTOSOUNDABEEP      If the call was sent to your call sign, the beep has a higher pitch.!UTO2EPLY2.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the automatic reply function ON or OFF.This function automatically replies to a call addressed to your own call sign, even if you are away from the transceiver.This function is automatically turned OFF after you push [PTT] (microphone) or [TRANSMIT].s/&& 4URNS/&&THEFUNCTIONs/.  4HETRANSCEIVERAUTOMATICALLYREPLIESTOTHEcall with your own call sign.$6$ATA483.  $EFAULT044For low-speed data communication, select whether to transmit the input data manually or automatically.s044 0USH;044=MICROPHONEOR;42!.3-)4=TOmanually transmit the input data.s!UTO 7HENDATAISINPUTFROMA0#THROUGHTHE[DATA1] jack, the transceiver automatically transmits it.$IGITAL-ONITOR4.  $EFAULT!UTOSelect the RX monitoring mode by holding down [XFC]  while in the DV mode.s!UTO  Monitors in the DV mode or FM mode, de-pending on the received signal.s$IGITAL -ONITORSINTHE$6MODEs!NALOG-ONITORSINTHE&-MODE$IGITAL2043ET5.  $EFAULT/.Turn the digital repeater setting function ON or OFF.When accessing a repeater that has a call sign dif-ferent than the transceiver’s “R1” setting, this function reads the repeater’s downlink signal and automatically sets the correct repeater call sign into “R1.”s/&& 4URNS/&&THEFUNCTIONs/.  !UTOMATICALLYSETSTHEREPEATERCALLSIGN28#ALL3IGN7RITE6.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the RX call sign automatic write function ON or OFF.When receiving a call addressed to your own call sign, this function automatically sets the call sign of the call-ing station into “UR.”While in the DR mode, this function is disabled.s/&& 4URNS/&&THEFUNCTIONs!UTO !UTOMATICALLYSETSTHECALLSIGNOFTHECALLINGstation into “UR.”1   ON–1Standby BeepSETSelect the item Reset to the default settingDisplays the DV Set mode item name and number Displays the option[MAIN DIAL][MENU][DSET]/[SET][][]
1198DV MODE OPERATION282047RITE7.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the repeater call sign automatic write function ON or OFF.When you receive a call addressed to your own call sign through a repeater, this function automatically sets the repeater call signs included in the signal, into your current “R1” and “R2.”While in the DR mode, this function is disabled.OFF  : Turns OFF the function. Auto :  Automatically sets the call sign of the used re-peater into your “R1” and “R2.” DV Auto Detect 8.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the DV mode automatic detect function ON or OFF.When receiving other than a DV mode signal, dur-ing DV mode operation, this function automatically switches to the FM mode.s/&& Turns OFF the function. The operating mode is fixed to the DV mode.s/.  Automatically selects the FM mode for tem-porary operation.The received FM audio may be distorted when re-ceiving an FM signal with this function.%DIT2ECORD9.  $EFAULT!UTOSelect an option for the call sign edit record function.When a call sign in the memory is edited, this function saves the new call sign in a different memory than the original one.sOFF :  Turns OFF the function. The previously set call sign is overwritten with the edited call sign.sSelect :  The edited call sign is programmed into the selected call sign memory.sAuto :  The edited call sign is automatically pro-grammed into a blank memory.'ATEWAY!UTO3ET10.  $EFAULT!UTOTurn the gateway automatic set function ON or OFF for calling an individual station in the DR mode.This function enables the transceiver to automatically set the pre-programmed gateway repeater in “R2.”s/&& %VENSELECTINGANINDIVIDUALSTATIONIN“UR,” the previously used repeater call sign re-mains in R2.s!UTO !FTERSELECTINGANINDIVIDUALSTATIONIN“UR,” the pre-programmed gateway repeater is au-tomatically set in R2.282ECORD20411.  $EFAULT!,,The transceiver can record data of up to 20 individual calls.Select whether to record all calls or only the latest call whose called station did not reply, or whose Link re-peater was not found.sALL   : Records all calls. sLatest Only : Records only the latest call.28#ALL3IGN$ISP12.  $EFAULT!UTOWhen a call is received, the call sign of the calling sta-tion can be automatically displayed.sOFF  : Turns OFF the function. sAuto :  Automatically displays the call sign of the calling station.48#ALL3IGN$ISP13.  $EFAULT52Select whether or not to display the programmed call SIGN-9OR52ATTHEBEGINNINGOFYOURTRANSMIS-sion.sOFF  : Turns OFF the function. sUR   :  Displays the call sign of the station you called.s-9   : Displays your own call sign. 28-ESSAGE$ISP14.  $EFAULT!UTOSelect whether or not to display and scroll a received message.sOFF :  Does not display the message. To check the message, push [CD] (F-2) in M3, and then select MSG. sAuto :  Automatically displays and scrolls the mes-sage.3CROLL15.  $EFAULT&ASTSelect the scrolling speed of a message or call sign.sSlow  : Sets the scrolling speed to “Slow.” sFast   : Sets the scrolling speed to “Fast.” $2#ALL3IGN0OPUP16.  $EFAULT/.Select whether or not to display a selected station or repeater call sign when the DR mode is selected, or when you switch the “UR,” “R1” and “R2” display while in the DR mode.s/&& !CALLSIGNISNOTDISPLAYEDs/.  !CALLSIGNISDISPLAYEDN DV Set mode description (Continued)
1208DV MODE OPERATION8/PENING#ALL3IGN17.  $EFAULT/&&3ELECTWHETHERORNOTTODISPLAY-9CALLSIGNONTHELCD when the transceiver is turned ON.sOFF  : Turns OFF the function.s/.  $ISPLAYS-9CALLSIGNATPOWER/."+ 18.  $EFAULT/&&The break-in function allows you to break into a con-versation where two other stations are communicating with call sign squelch enabled.See page 116 for details.s/&& 4HEBREAKINFUNCTIONISSETTO/&&s/.  4HEBREAKINFUNCTIONISSETTO/.   s“” appears on the display.NOTE: The break-in function is automatically turned OFF when the transceiver is turned OFF.EMR  19.  $EFAULT/&&The EMR communication mode can be used for digital mode operation. In the EMR mode, no call sign setting is necessary. When an EMR mode signal is received, the audio (voice) will be heard at the specified level even if the volume setting level is set to minimum level, or digital call sign/digital code squelch is in use. See page 115 for details.s/&& 4HE%-2FUNCTIONISSETTO/&&s/.  4HE%-2FUNCTIONISSETTO/.   s“” appears on the display.NOTE: The EMR communication function is auto-matically turned OFF when the transceiver is turned OFF.%-2!&,EVEL20.  $EFAULT%NTERANUMBERBETWEENMINIMUMAND(maximum) to set the audio output level when an EMR signal is received.When an EMR signal is received, the audio will be heard at the programmed level, or the [AF] control level, whichever is higher.
9121GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN'03OPERATION9OUCANDISPLAYYOUROWN'03DATAINALLOPERATINGMODES9OUCANALSOTRANSMIT'03DATAWHENINTHEDV mode. To receive GPS data, connect a third-party GPS receiver that has an RS-232C output and NMEA data format. Third-party GPS receivers connect to the [DATA1] jack of the transceiver.In addition, GPS messages can also be transmitted in the GPS mode.s4OCONNECTTHE'03RECEIVERGPSreceiverD'03SCREENCONSTRUCTIONq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [POS](F-1), [GPM](F-2), [MSG](F-3) or [SET](F-5) to select the desired menu.  See the diagram below. s0USH;-%.5=TORETURNTOTHEPREVIOUSDISPLAYAGC DUP COMP TBW SCPM11   4800SETGPS Receiver BaudGPMPOS MSG SETGPSGL WRMY PositionM35˚45.00’N ELE:−−−−ft135˚36.00’E 12:00:00ALMGPMRXRXMTXMMSGGPS Messages'03SCREENs0OSITIONSCREEN (p. 123) s'03-EMORYSCREEN (p. 127)s'03-ESSAGESCREEN (p. 125)[F-1][F-2][F-3][POS][MENU] [MSG] [CALL/GPS][GPM] [SET]The screen you want to appear first can be se-lected between GPS and Position in the “GPS 1st Menu” item of the Set mode. (p. 165)Hold downs'033ETMODESCREEN (p. 132)PushApproximately 2 seconds[F-5]to the RS-232C port( null modem adapter is required)OPC-1529R(optional)4RANSCEIVER(Rear panel)To the [DATA1] jack
1229GPS/GPS-A OPERATION9D3ENTENCEFORMATTERSETTINGq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [SET](F-5) to enter the GPS Set mode.e  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “GPS TX Mode.”r  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “GPS.” s)Fh$ISABLEvORh'03!vISSELECTEDTHESENTENCEFORMAT-ter items as described in step t will not appear.t  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the desired GPS sentence. s!TOTALOFSENTENCES2-#''!',,'3!64'ANDGSV are selectable.y  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to turn the sentence ON or OFF.s(OLDDOWN;&=FORSECONDTORESETTOTHEDEFAULTSET-ting, if desired.u  Repeat steps t and y to select another GPS sen-tence. s5PTOFOUR'03SENTENCESCANBESELECTEDi  Push [MENU] to save, and return to the “GPS” screen.NOTE:  Set the GSV sentence to OFF when sending the GPS message to conventional digital transceivers (IC-2820H, IC-E2820, ID-800H, IC-91AD, IC-E91, IC-V82, IC-U82, IC-2200H, ID-1). The GSV sentence is incompatible with them. Those transceivers will not display GPS messages properly if a GSV sentence is sent from the IC-9100.GPMPOS MSG SETGPSPush[SET][CALL/GPS] [MAIN DIAL][MENU][][]Ù 12ÚGPSSET GPS TX ModeÙ 13ÚONSET GPS Sentence (RMC)PushSelectDUPAGC AFC TON SCPM1Hold downWhen RMC sentence usage is set to ON.D'03DATACOMMUNICATIONThe transceiver transmits GPS data or low-speed data to the PC through the [DATA1] jack, depending on the Set mode setting. (p. 168)q  Hold down [MENU] for 1 second to enter the Set mode.w  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “USB2/DATA1 Func.” (64)e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “GPS” as the func-tion of the [DATA1] jack to be used for position data input.r Push [MENU] to save, and exit the Set mode.[MAIN DIAL][MENU][][]Ù 64Ú––––– ⁄  GPS    ]SET USB2⁄DATA1 FuncGPS (default)
1239GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN GPS operation (Continued)D0OSITIONDISPLAYq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [POS](F-1) to display the position data. Then push [F-2] one or more times to display your current position, received position or GPS memory alarm position information.s7HILETHEPOSITIONDATAISDISPLAYEDPUSH;&=TOSELECTNorth or South as the top of the compass. s-90OSITION $ISPLAYSYOUROWNLATITUDELONGI-tude, direction*, elevation* and the time*.    *  These items do not appear when h-ANUALvISSELECTEDASTHEh-90O-sition” item option in the GPS Set mode. (p. 132) s280OSITION $ISPLAYSTHECALLERSOTHERSTATIONlatitude, longitude, call sign, direc-tion and distance from your posi-tion. s'0-0OSITION$ISPLAYSTHE'03-EMORYCHAN-nel’s latitude, longitude, direction and distance from your position, if the GPS Alarm function is set to the channel.   s)FTHE'03!LARMFUNCTIONISSETTOALLchannels or a bank, “–” is displayed instead of the position information.e  Push [MENU] to return to the “GPS” screen.NOTE: Depending on the GPS signals, your posi-tion/elevation may change even though you are sta-tionary.These sample indications assume that “Position For-mat” is selected as “ddd°mm.mm,” and “Units” is se-lected as “feet/mile.” (p. 132)“TIME” data may not be displayed, depending on the connected GPS receiver.[F-2] [CALL/GPS][MENU][POS]ÚGLÚGPM PositionG35˚45.00’N 135˚36.00’E DST:1051mlGL WRGL WRMY PositionGPMPOS MSG SETGPSM20˚35.00’N ELE: 16ft134˚26.00’E 12:00:00ÚRX PositionR35˚45.00’N JA3YMK 135˚36.00’E DST:1051mlPushPushPushs-YPOSITIONs2ECEIVEDPOSITIONs'03-EMORYALARMPOSITIONApproximately 2 secondsApproximately 2 secondsApproximately 2 seconds
1249GPS/GPS-A OPERATION9D'03AUTOMATICTRANSMISSIONIn the DV mode, this function automatically transmits the GPS receiver’s current position data, at a selected interval.When a GPS message is programmed, the transceiver transmits it along with the position data. See page 125 for the GPS message programming.q  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w Push [SET](F-5) to enter the GPS Set mode.e Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “GPS Auto TX.”r  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired position DATATRANSMITTINGINTERVALTOORSECONDS3, 5, 10 or 30 minutes, or OFF. * If four GPS sentences are selected in GPS Set mode on page 122, “5 sec.” cannot be selected. s4HE'03MESSAGEISALSOTRANSMITTEDIFPROGRAMMEDt  Push [MENU] to save, and return to the “GPS” screen.NOTE:s9OUROWNCALLSIGNMUSTBEENTEREDTOACTIVATETHEGPS automatic transmission. (p. 93)sUse GPS automatic transmission in only the sim-plex mode.s  GPS automatic transmission through a repeater may interfere with other communications.[SET][CALL/GPS] [MAIN DIAL][MENU][][]OFF (default)Ù11ÚOFFSET GPS Auto TXq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [POS](F-1), then push [F-2] once or twice to display your own or the caller’s (other station) posi-tion information.s9OU CANNOT SAVE THE DATA ON THE h'0- 0OSITIONvscreen.e  Hold down [F-5] for 1 second to save the position data to GPS memory (G00).s4HE-EMORYCHANNELNUMBERADVANCESAUTOMATICALLYIFthe next Memory channel already contains information. s'03-EMORYCHANNELAREAVAILABLED$ISPLAYTHE'RID,OCATORINFORMATIONThe Grid Locator expresses the latitude and longitude position data in a short string of characters. The IC-9100 can display it on the LCD.q  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [POS](F-1), then push [F-2] one or more times to display the position information.e  While holding down [F-4], the grid locator informa-tion is displayed.M35˚45.00’N 135˚36.00’E GL:PM75TSHold down[POS] [CALL/GPS][F-5][F-2]D3AVINGYOUROWNORRECEIVEDPOSITIONDATA
1259GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN GPS operation (Continued)D'03MESSAGEPROGRAMMINGEnter a GPS message of up to 20 characters to be transmitted with the position data.q  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [MSG](F-3) to display the “MSG” screen (GPS Message).e  Push [TXM](F-1) to display the “TXM” screen (TX Message Edit). s!CURSORAPPEARSANDBLINKSr  Push [F-1] one or more times to select the desired character type.#HARACTERTYPE 3ELECTABLECHARACTERSABC A to Zabc a to zetc <" ’ ` ^ + – 1b( ) [ ] { } ¦ _ ¯ @t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the first character or symbol to input.  When inputting numbers or a decimal point, push the appropriate keypad key. s0USH;$%,=&TODELETETHESELECTEDCHARACTERSYM-bol or number. s0USH;30#=&TOINPUTASPACE s7HENALL CHARACTERSHAVEBEENprogrammed, an error beep sounds. If you want to reprogram, push [Ω](F-2) or [≈](F-3) to select a character, then push [DEL](F-4) to delete it.y  Push [Ω](F-2) to move the cursor backward, or push [≈](F-3) to move the cursor forward.u  Repeat steps r to y to program a message of up to 20 characters.i  Push [MENU] to save the message, and return to the “MSG” screen (GPS Message).o  Push [MENU] again to return to the “GPS” screen.[MSG][CALL/GPS] [MAIN DIAL][MENU][TXM]GPMPOS MSG SETGPSPushABCDEL SPCTXMDUPAGC AFC TON SCPM1Hold down[][][F-1] [DEL][SPC] [MAIN DIAL]Keypads4OPROGRAMAMESSAGEABCDEL SPCXMI ’ mCharacter type CursorInput a spaceDelete a characterMove cursor forwardMove cursor backwardSelect the character typeRXMTXMMSGGPS MessagePush
1269GPS/GPS-A OPERATION9D2ECEIVED'03MESSAGEDISPLAYq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [MSG](F-3) to display the “MSG” screen (GPS Message).e  Push [RXM](F-2) to display the “RXM” screen (RX message). s-ESSAGESOF UPTO CHARACTERSCAN BEDISPLAYEDWhen the received GPS message includes more than 36 characters, push [F-1] to display the rest of the mes-sage.r  Push [MENU] to return to the “MSG” screen (GPS Message).t  Push [MENU] to return to the “GPS” screen.[MSG][CALL/GPS] [MAIN DIAL][MENU][RXM]RXMTXMMSGGPS MessageRXMHELLOPush
1279GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN'03MEMORYOPERATIONThe transceiver has 50 GPS memory channels to store the received position data, or other-used position data, along with an alphanumeric channel name.D!DDA'03MEMORYq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [GPM](F-2) to display the “GPM” screen (GPS Memory).e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “ALL” or a desired memory bank.s The bank can be selected in ‘Memory bank setting,’ as described on page 128.r  Push [LIST](F-1), then push [ADD](F-1) to enter the “ADD” screen (GPS Memory Add) to manually add new data. 4OCANCELTHEPROGRAMMEDDATA  When the “ADD” screen is selected, push ;-%.5=TODISPLAYh#ANCEL/+v0USH;9%3=(F-4) to cancel programming and return to the “GPM” screen, or push [NO](F-5) to keep pro-gramming and return to the “ADD” screen.t  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the item.-EMORY.AMEPROGRAMMING q  When “NAME” is selected, push [EDT](F-4) to enter the memory name programming mode.  s!CURSORAPPEARSANDBLINKS w  Push [F-1] one or more times to select the de-sired character type.#HARACTERTYPE 3ELECTABLECHARACTERSABC A to Zabc a to zetc <" ’ ` ^ + – 1b< > ( ) [ ] { } ¦ _ ¯ @ e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the first character or symbol to input.   When inputting numbers or a decimal point, push the appropriate keypad key.  s0USH;$%,=&TODELETETHESELECTEDCHARACTERsymbol or number.  s0USH;30#=&TOINPUTASPACE  s7HENALLCHARACTERSHAVEBEENprogrammed, an error beep sounds. If you want to reprogram, push [Ω](F-2) or [≈](F-3) to select a character, then push [DEL](F-4) to delete it. r  Push [Ω](F-2) to move the cursor backward, or push [≈](F-3) to move the cursor forward. t  Repeat steps w through r to program a name of up to 9 characters. y  Push [MENU] to save the programmed name, and return to the “ADD” screen.[CALL/GPS] [MAIN DIAL][LIST]/[ADD]/[][GPM]/[]GPMPOS MSG SETGPSPushLIST CLR ALMGPMALLDUPAGC AFC TON SCPM1Hold downALMGPMRXRotate [MAIN DIAL]PushEDTADD CLR ALMGPM00:PushÚÙ EDT WRADDNAME:[][][F-1][DEL][MENU] [SPC] [MAIN DIAL]Keypads4OPROGRAMA'03MEMORYNAMEabcDEL SPCADDNAME:Character type CursorInput a spaceDelete a characterMove cursor forwardMove cursor backwardSelect the character typeSelect the item
1289GPS/GPS-A OPERATION9,ATITUDEDATAPROGRAMMING u  When “LAT” is selected, rotate [MAIN DIAL] to enter the desired latitude data.  s!CURSORBLINKSONTHEPROGRAMMABLEDIGIT  s0USH;Ω ≈](F-3) to select the digit.  s3ELECTh.vTOINPUT..ORTHLATITUDE  s3ELECTh3vTOINPUT33OUTHLATITUDE  s9OUCANNOTUSETHEKEYPADKEYS i  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to save the pro-grammed latitude data, and select other item.,ONGITUDEDATAPROGRAMMING o  When “LON” is selected, rotate [MAIN DIAL] to enter the desired longitude data.  s!CURSORBLINKSONTHEPROGRAMMABLEDIGIT  s0USH;Ω ≈](F-3) to select the digit.  s3ELECTh7vTOINPUT77ESTLONGITUDE  s3ELECTh%vTOINPUT%%ASTLONGITUDE  s9OUCANNOTUSETHEKEYPADKEYS !0  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to save the pro-grammed longitude data, and select other items.4IMEDATAPROGRAMMING !1  When “TIME” is selected, rotate [MAIN DIAL] to enter the desired time data.  s!CURSORBLINKSONTHEPROGRAMMABLEDIGIT  s0USH;Ω ≈] to move the cursor forward and back-ward.  s9OUCANNOTUSETHEKEYPADKEYS !2  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to save the pro-grammed time data, and select other item.-EMORYBANKSETTING !3  When “BANK” is selected, rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired bank letter. !4  Push [EDT](F-4) to enter the bank name pro-gramming mode.  s!CURSORAPPEARSANDBLINKS !5  Repeat steps w through r of ‘Name programming’ on the previous page to program a bank name of up to 9 characters. !6  Push [MENU] to save the programmed bank name, and return to the “ADD” screen.t  After programming, hold down [WR](F-5) for 1 sec-ond to write the data into the GPS memory, and return to the “GPM” screen (GPS Memory).y  Push [MENU] two times to return to the “GPS” screen.ÚÙ  WRADDLAT  :    º 00. 00’ Ns4OPROGRAMALATITUDEORLONGITUDESelect the itemSelect the digit Write into the GPS memoryBlinks(This illustration is based on entering a latitude.)North latitude is selected.s4OPROGRAMATIMEDATAÚÙ  WRADDTIME: :−−:−−Select the itemSelect the digit Write into the GPS memoryBlinkss4OPROGRAMABANKNAMEÚÙ EDT WRADDBANK: ABank A is selected.PushabcDEL SPCADDBANK: AInput a spaceDelete a characterMove cursor forwardMove cursor backwardSelect the character typeBlinks
1299GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN GPS memory operation (Continued)D%DITA'03MEMORYThe GPS memory name, latitude and longitude data, time data and a memory bank name can be edited.q  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [GPM](F-2) to display the “GPM” screen (GPS Memory).e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “ALL” or desired mem-ory bank.s The bank can be selected in ‘Memory bank setting,’ as described on page 128.r  Push [LIST](F-1), then push [EDT](F-2) to enter the “EDT” screen (GPS Memory Edit) to edit the pro-gramed data. sh"LANKvAPPEARSWHENNOMEMORYISPROGRAMMED 4OCANCELTHEPROGRAMMEDDATA  When the “EDT” screen is selected, push [MENU] TODISPLAYh#ANCEL/+v0USH;9%3=&TOCAN-cel programming and return to the “GPM” screen, or push [NO](F-5) to keep programming and re-turn to the “ADD” screen.t  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the item.y  Enter a memory name, latitude data, longitude data, time and memory bank name, as described in steps q to !6 of ‘D Add a GPS memory’ on pages 127 and 128.u  After programming, hold down [WR](F-5) for 1 sec-ond to write the data into the GPS memory, and return to the “GPM” screen (GPS Memory).y  Push [MENU] two times to return to the “GPS” screen.[CALL/GPS] [MAIN DIAL][LIST]/[][GPM]/[EDT]/[]GPMPOS MSG SETGPSPushLIST CLR ALMGPMALLDUPAGC AFC TON SCPM1Hold downALMGPMRXRotate [MAIN DIAL]PushEDTADD CLR ALMGPM00:PushÚÙ EDT WREDTNAME:Select the item
1309GPS/GPS-A OPERATION9D'03ALARMSETTINGA GPS alarm can sound when a target position comes into the alarm area. This function can be set to the caller station, all GPS Memory channels, a specified Memory bank or a specified Memory channel.q  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [GPM](F-2) to display the “GPM” screen (GPS Memory).e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired memory group, or memory channel.sh28vh!,,vAMEMORYBANKORMEMORYCHANNELCANBEselected.9OUCANSELECTAMEMORYCHANNELAFTERPUSHING;,)34=(F-1) when “ALL” or a memory bank is selected.r Push [ALM](F-5) to turn ON the Alarm function. s0USH;!,-=&AGAINTOTURN/&&THE!LARMFUNCTIONt  Push [MENU] to return to the “GPS” screen. For your information!s7HENh28vORMEMORYCHANNELISSELECTEDINSTEPe, the alarm functions depend on “Alarm Area2” setting in the GPS Set mode. (p. 133)s7HENh!,,vORAMEMORYBANKISSELECTEDINSTEPe, the alarm functions depend on “Alarm Area1” setting in the GPS Set mode. (p. 133)[CALL/GPS] [MAIN DIAL][MENU][GPM] [ALM]GPMPOS MSG SETGPSPushDUPAGC AFC TON SCPM1Hold downALMGPMRXRotate [MAIN DIAL]LIST CLR ALMGPMALLPushLIST CLR ALMGPMALLAppears when the Alarm function is ON.
1319GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN GPS memory operation (Continued)D'03MEMORYCLEARINGs#LEARALLMEMORYCHANNELSq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [GPM](F-2) to display the “GPM” screen (GPS Memory).e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “ALL.”r  Hold down [CLR](F-3) for 1 second to clear all Memory channels. sh!,,#LEAR/+vAPPEARSt0USH;9%3=&FORSECONDTOCLEARsTo cancel clearing, push [NO](F-5).y  Push [MENU] two times to return to the “GPS” screen.s#LEARADESIREDBANKq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [GPM](F-2) to display the “GPM” screen (GPS Memory).e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired Memory bank.r  Hold down [CLR](F-3) for 1 second to clear the se-lected Memory bank. sh"!.+#LEAR/+vAPPEARSt0USH;9%3=&FORSECONDTOCLEARsTo cancel clearing, push [NO](F-5).y  Push [MENU] two times to return to the “GPS” screen.s#LEARADESIREDMEMORYCHANNELq  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w  Push [GPM](F-2) to display the “GPM” screen (GPS Memory).e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “ALL” or a Memory bank, then push [LIST](F-1).r  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired GPS Memory channel to be cleared.t  Hold down [CLR](F-3) for 1 second to clear the se-lected Memory channel. sh#LEAR/+vAPPEARSy0USH;9%3=&FORSECONDTOCLEARsTo cancel clearing, push [NO](F-5).y  Push [MENU] two times to return to the “GPS” screen.[CALL/GPS] [MAIN DIAL][CLR][LIST][GPM] [YES] [NO]LIST CLR ALMGPMALLHold downYES NOGPMALL Clear OK?EDTADD CLR ALMGPM00:Hold downYES NOGPMClear OK?LIST CLR ALMGPMA :Hold downYES NOGPMBANK Clear OK?
1329GPS/GPS-A OPERATION9N GPS Set modeThe following individual settings are selectable in the GPS Set mode. Set them to suit your GPS operating needs.q  Hold down [CALL/GPS] for 1 second to display the “GPS” screen.w Push [SET](F-5) to enter the GPS Set mode.e  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the desired item.r Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired option.s(OLDDOWN;&=FORSECONDTORESETTOTHEDEFAULTSET-ting, if desired.t  Push [MENU] to save, and return to the “GPS” screen.'032ECEIVER"AUD1.  $EFAULTSet the baud rate of the GPS receiver to 4800 bps or 9600 bps.0OSITION&ORMAT2.  $EFAULTDDD°mm.mm’Select either the ddd°mm.mm’ or ddd°mm’ss" format to display position information.5NITS3.  $EFAULTFEETMILESelect either meter or feet/mile format to display the distance and elevation information.#/-0!33$IRECTION4.  $EFAULT.ORTH2%&Select the compass display type.When the position data is displayed, push [F-1] to se-lect the compass type.s.ORTH2%&4HE TOP OF THE COMPASS REPRESENTSnorth.s3OUTH2%&4HE TOP OF THE COMPASS REPRESENTSsouth.54#/FFSET5.  $EFAULTÒSet the time difference between UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) and the local time to between –14:00 and +14:00 in 00:05 steps.'03)NDICATOR6.  $EFAULT/.Turn the GPS icon (“ ”) display function ON or OFF.s/&&h ” does not appear.s/. h ” appears on the display when a valid po-SITIONDATAISRECEIVEDBLINKSWHENANINVALIDdata is received.-90OSITION7.  $EFAULT'03Select either GPS or Manual to enter your current po-sition.s'03 4HE'03RECEIVERSPOSITIONDATAISUSEDs-ANUAL-ANUALLY ENTERED POSITION DATA IS USEDHowever, when the GPS receiver is con-nected to the transceiver, this setting will automatically switch to “GPS.”-ANUAL0OSITION8.   $EFAULT,!4 ’N      ,/.’%Manually enter your latitude and longitude data. The manually programmed data can be memorised.This item does not appear when “GPS” is selected in “My Position.”q  Push [EDT](F-4) to enter the position data edit mode.w  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “LAT” or “LON,” and rotate [MAIN DIAL] to enter the desired posi-tion data.s7HENh,!4vISSELECTEDENTERTHELATITUDEDATAs7HENh,/.vISSELECTEDENTERTHELONGITUDEDATA s3EEPAGEFORDETAILSe  Hold down [WR](F-5) to write the data.Select the item Reset to the default setting[][MENU] [F-3] [MAIN DIAL][] [SET][][CALL/GPS]Ù 1Ú4800SET GPS Receiver BaudDisplays the Set mode item name and number Displays the option
1339GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN GPS Set mode (Continued)!LARM!REA9.  $EFAULTgWhen the GPS Alarm function is set to “ALL” or one of the memory banks, set the GPS alarm active range.When ddd°mm.mm’ is selected in “Position Format,” the active range can be set to between 00’08" and 59’99" in 00’01" steps.When ddd°mm’ss" is selected in “Position Format,” the active range can be set to between 00’05" and 59’59" in 00’01" steps.See page 132 for details.00.25’ 00.25’00.25’00.25’Your positionPoint APoint CPoint BPoint DN( This description is based on the ddd°mm.mm’ posi-tion formatPWhen a target position enters the alarm area, the GPS alarm sounds.!LARM!REA10.  $EFAULT"OTHWhen the GPS Alarm function is set to the memory channel or “RX,” set the GPS alarm active range to “Both,” “Extended” or “Limited.”s,IMITED 7HENTHETARGETPOSITIONISINTHEAP-proximate 500 meter range, the GPS alarm sounds three times.s%XTENDED 7HENTHETARGETPOSITIONISINTHEAP-proximate 1 kilometer range, the GPS alarm sounds three times.s"OTH 7HENTHETARGETPOSITIONISINTHEAP-proximate 1 kilometer range, the GPS alarm sounds one beep, and when it is in the approximate 500 meter range, the alarm sounds three beeps.        500 meter (547 yard)        1 kilometer (1094 yard)Extended range(approx. 1 km; 1094 Y)Limited range(approx. 500 m; 547 Y)Your positionThe target position definitions for Alarm Area 2.!LARMINDICATIONWhen a target position comes into the alarm area, the icon below appears.AGC DUP AFC TON SCPM1s0OSITIONOFPOINT! .%s0OSITIONOFPOINT" .%s0OSITIONOFPOINT# .%s0OSITIONOFPOINT$ .%s%XAMPLE 9OURPOSITION .%      Alarm Area1 setting : 00.25’s%XAMPLEBlinks
1349GPS/GPS-A OPERATION9GPS Auto TX 11.  $EFAULT/&&Select the desired interval from OFF, 5, 10, 30 sec-onds, 1, 3, 5, 10 or 30 minutes for automatic position data transmission.The current position data, received from a GPS re-ceiver, is transmitted at the selected interval when “GPS” or “GPS-A” is selected as the “GPS TX Mode” option as described below.The GPS message is transmitted as well as the posi-tion data, if it is programmed.Even if this setting is set to OFF, you can manually transmit the position data by pushing [TRANSMIT] or [PTT] (microphone).NOTE:s7HENFOUR'03SENTENCES ARE SELECTED AT THE same time, “5sec” cannot be selected.s7HENh-ANUALvISSELECTEDINh-Y0OSITIONvTHEcurrent position data will not be automatically transmitted.GPS TX Mode 12.  $EFAULT$ISABLESelect the GPS or GPS-A operating mode to transmit the position data from a GPS receiver, or turn OFF the function.NOTE: When “GPS” or “GPS-A” is selected, low-speed data communication cannot be used.'033ENTENCE2-#13.  *1 $EFAULT/&&Turn the GPS sentence formatter “RMC” ON or OFF.'033ENTENCE''!14.  *1 $EFAULT/.Turn the GPS sentence formatter “GGA” ON or OFF.'033ENTENCE',,15.  *1 $EFAULT/&&Turn the GPS sentence formatter “GLL” ON or OFF.'033ENTENCE'3!16.  *1 $EFAULT/&&Turn the GPS sentence formatter “GSA” ON or OFF.'033ENTENCE64'17.  *1 $EFAULT/&&Turn the GPS sentence formatter “VTG” ON or OFF.'033ENTENCE'3618.  *1 $EFAULT/&&Turn the GPS sentence formatter “GSV” ON or OFF../4%FOR'03SENTENCESs5PTOFOUR'03SENTENCESAREUSABLEATTHESAMEtime.s3EEPAGEFOR'03SENTENCESETTINGDETAILS5NPROTO!DDRESS19.  *2    $EFAULT!0)$34!21Enter an unproto address of up to 56 characters. The manually programmed data can be memorized.s5NPROTOADDRESSPROGRAMMINGq  Push [EDT](F-4) to enter the unproto address edit mode.w  Push [F-1] one or more times to select the desired character type.#HARACTERTYPE 3ELECTABLECHARACTERSABC A to Zabc a to zetc <" ’ ` ^ + – 1b( ) [ ] { } ¦ _ ¯ @e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the first character or symbol to input.s7HENENTERINGNUMBERORADECIMALPOINTPUSHTHEAP-propriate keypad key. s0USH;$%,=&TODELETETHESELECTEDCHARACTERSYM-bol or number. s0USH;30#=&TOINPUTASPACE s7HENALL CHARACTERSHAVEBEENprogrammed, an error beep sounds. If you want to reprogram, push [Ω](F-2) or [≈](F-3) to select a character, then push [DEL](F-4) to delete it.r  Push [Ω](F-2) to move the cursor backward, or push [≈](F-3) to move the cursor forward.t  Repeat steps w through r to program an unproto address of up to 56 characters.y  Push [MENU] to save the unproto address, and re-turn to the “SET” screen.*1 Appears when “GPS” is selected in “GPS TX Mode.”*2 Appears when “GPS-A” is selected in “GPS TX Mode.”
1359GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN GPS Set mode (Continued)$ATA%XTENSION20.  * $EFAULT/&&Set the data extension capability to “Course/Speed” or OFF.When you select “Course/Speed,” the transceiver’s course and speed information is transmitted along with the position data.NOTE: When “Course/Speed” is selected, “Com-ment (Extension)” appears instead of “Comment,” and number of characters is limited to 36.4IME3TAMP21.  * $EFAULT/&&Select either the DHM or HMS format to transmit the current UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time as a time stamp, or turn OFF the function.s/&& $OESNOTTRANSMITTHETIMEINFORMATIONs$(-4RANSMITSTHETIMESTAMPINTHE$AY(OURand Minute format.s(-34RANSMITSTHETIMESTAMPINTHE(OUR-INUTEand Second format.'03!3YMBOL22.  *    $EFAULT(OUSE14(6(&Select the desired GPS-A symbol which represents your means of transportation. Selectable symbols:!MBULANCE"US&IRE4RUCK"ICYCLE9ACHT(ELICOPTERSmall Aircraft, Ship, Car, Motorcycle, Balloon, Jeep, RV, Truck, Van, House QTH (VHF) and OtherIf there is no symbol you want to use, you can make a desired symbol code, as described below.s3YMBOLPROGRAMMINGq Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select “Other.” s;%$4=&ANDTHECURRENTSYMBOLCODEAPPEARw  Push [EDT](F-4) to enter the programming mode. s!CURSORBLINKSON“ ⁄ ”.e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the first digit character to input. 5SABLECHARACTERSb<TO!TO:r  Push [≈](F-3) to select the second digit. s!CURSORBLINKSON“–”.t  Push [F-1] one or more times to select the desired character type.#HARACTERTYPE 3ELECTABLECHARACTERSABC A to Zabc a to zetc <" ’ ` ^ + – 1b[ ] { } ¦ _ ¯ @ (space)y  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the second digit char-acter to input.  When inputting numbers or a decimal point, push the appropriate keypad key.u  Push [MENU] to save the symbol code, and return to the “SET” screen.When “Other” is selected, check the symbol codes of APRS®, and set them correctly.SSID23.  * $EFAULTTo assist in identifying a station’s type, the displayed  APRS® based SSID is added after the GPS-A data call sign.s  $OESNOTUSEANY33)$(OWEVERIFYOUuse a capital letter, it will be used as an SSID.       %XAMPLE   *!95!¨*!95!   *!95!!¨*!95!!s  .O33)$)FYOUUSEACAPITALLETTERITWILLbe deleted.       %XAMPLE   *!95!¨*!95!   *!95!!¨*!95!sTO !DDSAN33)$OFTOTOYOURCALLsign. If you use a capital letter, it will be replaced with the SSID.       %XAMPLEhvISENTERED   *!95!¨*!95!   *!95!!¨*!95!NOTE: If you have multiple transceivers, your call signs are distinguished by a single capital letter in the D-STAR* system. When you use an SSID, the capital letter will be replaced by the SSID, depend-ing on the setting.* Appears when “GPS-A” is selected in “GPS TX Mode.”
1369GPS/GPS-A OPERATION9#OMMENT24.  *Program a comment of up to 43 characters.The programmed comment is transmitted with the GPS position data.See ‘Comment programming,’ as described below.This item appears when “Data Extension” is set to OFF, as described on page 135.#OMMENT%XTENSION25.  *Program a comment of up to 36 characters.The programmed comment is transmitted with the GPS position data.See ‘Comment programming,’ as described below.This item appears when “Course/Speed” is selected in “Data Extension,” as described on page 135.s#OMMENTPROGRAMMINGq Push [EDT](F-4) to enter the programming mode. s!CURSORAPPEARSANDBLINKSw  Push [F-1] one or more times to select the desired character type.#HARACTERTYPE 3ELECTABLECHARACTERSABC A to Zabc a to zetc <" ’ ` ^ + – 1b( ) [ ] { } ¦ _ ¯ @e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the first character or symbol to enter.  When inputting numbers or a decimal point, push the appropriate keypad key. s0USH;$%,=&TODELETETHESELECTEDCHARACTERSYM-bol or number. s0USH;30#=&TOINPUTASPACE s7HENALLORCHARACTERSHAVEBEENprogrammed, an error beep sounds. If you want to reprogram, push [Ω](F-2) or [≈](F-3) to select a character, then push [DEL](F-4) to delete it.r  Push [Ω](F-2) to move the cursor backward, or push [≈](F-3) to move the cursor forward.t  Repeat steps w through r to program a comment of up to 43 characters*. *  36 characters can only be programmed when “Course/Speed” is selected in “Data Extension.”y  Push [MENU] to save the comment, and return to the “SET” screen.
1379GPS/GPS-A OPERATIONN'03!OPERATIOND'03!FUNCTIONSet the following to activate the GPS-A function.q Push [DVsDR] to select the DV mode.w  Enter the GPS Set mode.e  Set the desired position data transmitting interval in “GPS Auto TX.” (p. 134)r  Select “GPS-A” in “GPS TX Mode.” (p. 134)t  Set the GPS-A mode operation’s items. (pp. 134–136)D'03!CODEDETAILSIn GPS-A operation, the following codes are transmit-ted to the PC connected to the IC-9100.GPS-A code is based on APRS® code.(APRS® : Automatic Position Reporting System)JA3YU!!0)$34AR∗H.%)AMHERE#ANYOUSEEME9our own call signUnproto addressTime stampTime stamp H H.M.S (Hour/Minute/Second)Z D.H.M (Day/Hour/Minute)LatitudeLongitudeData extensionCommentGPS-A symbol (Car)s'03!CODEDETAILS7HENCONNECTINGTHE0#WITHTHE53"PORTConnect a USB cable* between the transceiver’s USB port on the rear panel and the PC. (p. 26)When “DV dat” is selected as the “USB2/DATA1 Func” (63) item option, the GPS-A data can be send from the USB port. (p. 167)* Purchase separately7HENCONNECTINGTHE0#WITHTHE;$!4!=JACKConnect the optional OPC-1529R between the trans-ceiver’s [DATA1] jack on the rear panel and the PC. (p. 26)When “DV dat” is selected as the “USB2/DATA1 Func” (64) item option, the GPS-A data can be send from the [DATA1] port. (p. 168)
10138MEMORY OPERATION10N'ENERALDESCRIPTIONThe transceiver has 106 Memory channels in each fre-quency band. (99 regular, 6 scan edges and 1 call)The Memory mode is very useful to quickly change to often-used frequencies.While in the memory mode, all 106 Memory channels are tunable, which means the programmed frequency can be tuned temporarily with [MAIN DIAL].NOTE:Memory data can be erased by static electricity, elec-tric transients, etc. In addition, they can be erased by malfunction and during repairs. Therefore, we recom-mend that memory data be backed up or be saved to a PC using the optional CS-9100 CLONING SOFT-WARE.-EMORY#HANNELS $ESCRIPTIONS1–99 Regular Memory channels with Split frequency capability.*1A/1b–3A/3b Program Scan Edge Memory channels with only Simplex capability.Stores the scan edge frequencies for programmed scans.C Call channel with Split frequency capability*. Instantly recalls a specified frequency.*Usable only on HF/50 MHz frequency bands.D-EMORYCHANNELCONTENTSThe following information can be programmed into Memory channels:s/PERATINGFREQUENCYPs/PERATINGMODEPs)&lLTERNUMBERPs3PLITDATAP ( Usable only on the regular Memory channels and Call channel on HF/50 MHz frequency bands.)s-EMORYNAMEPs$UPLEXDIRECTION$50ORn$50ANDFREQUENCYOFF-set (pp. 65, 163)s3UBAUDIBLETONEENCODERPTONESQUELCHORDTCS squelch ON/OFF (pp. 62, 63)s3UBAUDIBLETONEFREQUENCYPTONESQUELCHFRE-quency or DTCS code with polarity (pp. 62, 63)s523TATIONCALLSIGNP s22CALLSIGNPs#ALLSIGNSQUELCHOR$IGITALCODESQUELCH/./&&(p. 114) s$IGITALCODEPThe optional UT-121 is required for DV mode operation.
13910 -%-/29/0%2!4)/.N-EMORYCHANNELSELECTIONWhen the SUB Band setting is turned ON, you can se-lect a Memory channel in the SUB Band as well as in the MAIN Band. (p. 33)sh ” appears when the SUB Band setting is ON.D3ELECTIONINTHE6&/MODEq  Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.w  Rotate [M-CH] to select a Memory channel num-ber. s2OTATECLOCKWISETOSELECTAHIGHER-EMORYCHANNELNUMBERROTATECOUNTERCLOCKWISETOSELECTALOWER-EM-ory channel number. s!LL-EMORYCHANNELSINCLUDINGBLANKCHANNELSCANBEselected.sh” appears when no information has been pro-grammed into the Memory channel. (Blank channel)e Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the Memory mode. sh-%-/vANDCONTENTSOFTHE-EMORYCHANNELAPPEARD3ELECTIONINTHE-EMORYMODEq Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the Memory mode.w Rotate [M-CH] to select a Memory channel. s2OTATECLOCKWISETOSELECTAHIGHER-EMORYCHANNELNUMBERROTATECOUNTERCLOCKWISETOSELECTALOWER-EM-ory channel number. s!LL-EMORYCHANNELSINCLUDINGBLANKCHANNELSCANBEselected.sh” appears when no information has been pro-grammed into the Memory channel. (Blank channel) s-EMORYCHANNELSCANALSOBESELECTEDUSINGTHEMICRO-phone [UP]/[DN] keys. In such case, the blank channels are skipped.[VFO/MEMO] [M-CH]While in the VFO modeAppears if the selected Memory channel has no information.While in the Memory modeN#ALLCHANNELSELECTIONEach frequency band has its own Call channel. Fac-tory default frequency and operating modes are pro-grammed into the Call channel. Change these to suit your operating needs. (see page 141)q0USH;#!,,s'03=TOSELECTTHE#ALLCHANNEL s!CAPITALh#vAPPEARSw  0USH;#!,,s'03=AGAINTORETURNTOTHEPREVIOUSscreen display.Appears
14010-%-/29/0%2!4)/.10Memory channels can be programmed in either the VFO mode or the Memory mode.D0ROGRAMMINGINTHE6&/MODEq Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.w  Set the desired settings into both VFO A and VFO B.± Select the band using [BAND](MAIN/SUB).±  Set the frequency with [MAIN DIAL] or the key-pad. (p. 37)±  Set the operating mode with the mode switch.  (p. 43)±  Set other data (e.g. frequency offset, duplex di-rection, tone squelch, split frequency operation, etc.), if desired. (p. 138)e  Rotate [M-CH] to select the Memory channel num-ber to be programmed.sh” appears if the selected Memory channel is a blank channel.r  Hold down [MW] for 1 second to program the con-tents into the Memory channel.s4HREEBEEPSSOUNDWHENTHEmemory programming is complete.D0ROGRAMMINGINTHE-EMORYMODEq Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the Memory mode.w  Rotate [M-CH] to select the Memory channel to be programmed.s4HECONTENTSOFTHE-EMORYCHANNELAPPEARINTHEDIS-play.sh” appears if the selected Memory channel is a blank channel.e Set the desired settings into the Memory channel.±  Set the frequency with [MAIN DIAL] or the key-pad. (p. 37)s7HENABLANKCHANNELISSELECTEDYOUMUSTSETTHEdesired frequency using the keypad.± Set the operating mode with the mode switch.±  Set other data (e.g. frequency offset, duplex di-rection, tone squelch, etc.), if desired.r  Hold down [MW] for 1 second to program the con-tents into the Memory channel.s4HREEBEEPSSOUNDWHENTHEMEMORYPROGRAMMINGIScomplete.NOTE: If you perform the above operations in a pre-programmed channel, the previous channel data will be overwritten.N-EMORYCHANNELPROGRAMMING[MW] [M-CH][EXAMPLE]:Programming 7.088 MHz/LSB into the Mem-ory channel 12 while in the VFO mode.[EXAMPLE]:Programming 21.280 MHz/USB into Memory channel 18 while in the Memory mode.s$URINGSETTINGTHECONTENTS[MAIN DIAL]Keypad[BAND](MAIN/SUB)Mode selection
14110 -%-/29/0%2!4)/.N#ALLCHANNELPROGRAMMINGThe Call channel is programmed in the same way as the regular Memory channels are. It is convenient to program a most-often-used frequency into the Call channel for quick recall. As with Memory channels, the Call channel can also hold split frequencies, and other parameters. See page 138 for details.q  Rotate [M-CH] to select the Call channel.sA capital “C” appears.w  Select the desired frequency and operating mode to program into the Call channel.e  Hold down [MW] for 1 second to program the dis-played frequency and operating mode into the Call channel.s4HREEBEEPSSOUNDWHENMEMORYPROGRAMMINGISCOM-plete.IMPORTANT!7HENTHE#ALLCHANNELISSELECTEDWITH;#!,,s'03=you cannot change the memory contents. However, when the Call channel is selected using [M-CH] in the VFO or Memory mode, the memory contents can be changed.[MW] [M-CH]AppearsAppears[VFO/MEMO] [M-CH][M-CLR]Hold downThe operating band appears.N-EMORYCLEARINGAny no-longer-used regular Memory channels can be cleared, and then become blank channels.q Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the Memory mode.w  Rotate [M-CH] to select the regular Memory chan-nel to be cleared.e  Hold down [M-CLR] for 1 second to clear the con-tents.s4HEPROGRAMMEDCONTENTSDISAPPEARsh” appears.s4HREEBEEPSSOUNDWHENTHEMEMORYCLEARINGISCOM-plete.r  To clear other Memory channels, repeat steps w and e.!BOUTTHEBLANKCHANNELDISPLAYWhen a blank channel is selected, or after clearing the Memory channel contents, the “ ” icon ap-pears, and then after 2 seconds, the operating band appears.
14210-%-/29/0%2!4)/.10The Memory channel contents (frequency, operating mode, etc.) can be copied to the VFO.The copy can be performed in either the VFO mode or the Memory mode.D#OPYINGINTHE6&/MODEThis is useful for copying programmed contents toa displayed VFO.q Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.w  Rotate [M-CH] to select the Memory channel num-ber to be copied.sh” appears if the selected Memory channel is a blank channel. In this case nothing can be copied.e  Hold down [VFO/MEMO] for 1 second to copy the Memory channel contents into the VFO.s4HREEBEEPSSOUNDWHENTHECOPYISCOMPLETED#OPYINGINTHE-EMORYMODEThis is useful for copying the Memory channel con-tents while operating in the Memory mode.When you have changed the displayed frequency, operating mode, etc. in the selected Memory chan-nel:s$ISPLAYEDdata is copied.s0ROGRAMMEDcontents in the Memory channel are not copied, but remain only in the Memory chan-nel.q Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the Memory mode.w  Rotate [M-CH] to select the Memory channel to be copied.sh” appears if the selected Memory channel is a blank channel. In this case nothing can be copied. s3ETTHEFREQUENCYOROPERATINGMODEIFREQUIREDe  Hold down [VFO/MEMO] for 1 second to copy the Memory channel contents into the VFO.s4HREEBEEPSSOUNDWHENTHETRANSFERISCOMPLETEr  Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.[VFO/MEMO] [M-CH]Hold downPushWhile in the Memory modeThe Memory channel contents are transferredHold downWhile in the VFO modeThe Memory channel contents are transferredN-EMORYCONTENTSCOPYING
14310 -%-/29/0%2!4)/.N-EMORYNAMEPROGRAMMINGAll Memory channels, including scan edges and Call channel, can be tagged with alphanumeric names of up to 9 characters each.[EXAMPLE]:  Programming a memory name into Memory channel 99.q Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the Memory mode.w  Rotate [M-CH] to select Memory channel 99.e  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M2” screen (Menu 2).r  Push [MEM](F-2) to display the “MEM” screen (Memory Menu).t  Push [EDT](F-1) to display the “EDT” screen (Mem-ory name Edit). s!CURSORAPPEARSANDBLINKS s)FTHECHANNELYOUSELECTISABLANKCHANNELANERRORbeep sounds after pushing [EDT](F1).y  Push [F-1] one or more times to select the desired character type. s3EEh#HARACTERTABLELISTvASSHOWNBELOWu  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the first character or symbol to input.  When inputting numbers and a decimal point, push the appropriate keypad key. s0USH;$%,=&TODELETETHESELECTEDCHARACTERSYM-bol or number. s0USH;30#=&TOINPUTASPACE s7HENALLCHARACTERSHAVEBEENprogrammed, an error beep sounds. If you want to reprogram, push [Ω](F-2) or [≈](F-3) to select a character, then push [DEL](F-4) to delete it.i  Push [Ω](F-2) to move the cursor backwards, or push [≈](F-3) to move the cursor forwards.o  Repeat steps y to i to program a memory name of up to 9 characters.!0  Push [MENU] to save the name, and return to the “MEM” screen (Memory Menu).!1  Push [MENU] to return to the “M2” screen (Menu 2).#HARACTERTABLELIST#HARACTERTYPE 3ELECTABLECHARACTERSABC A to Zabc a to zetc <" ’ ` ^ + – 1b;=[]¦ _ ¯ @[VFO/MEMO] [MEM] [EDT] [M-CH][MENU]SCAN ME M S WR TCON VS CM2EDT ( ) SELMEM14.19500  USBABCDEL SPCEDT[][][F-1] [DEL][SPC] [MAIN DIAL]Keypads7HENPROGRAMINGAMEMORYNAMEabcDEL SPCEDTDX spotCharacter type CursorInput a spaceDelete a characterMove cursor forwardsMove cursor backwardsSelect character type[EXAMPLE]:  Programming “DX spot” into Memory channel 99.PushPush
14410-%-/29/0%2!4)/.109OUCANCALLUPAMEMOPADBYPUSHING;-02=ONEORmore times while in either the VFO or Memory mode.s4HEMEMOPADDATAISCALLEDUPSTARTINGFROMTHEMOSTrecently written.When you call up a memo pad, the previously dis-played data is automatically stored in a temporary pad. The temporary pad can be recalled by pushing [MP-R] one or more times.s9OUMAYTHINKTHEREAREMEMOPADSBECAUSEDIFFERENTfrequencies (5 are in memo pads and 1 is in the temporary pad) are called up by [MP-R].If you change the data called up from a memo pad, the stored temporary pad data is replaced with the changed data.N-EMOPADFUNCTIONThe transceiver has a Memo pad function to store the displayed data for easy writing and recalling. The memo pads are separate from the Memory channels.The default number of memo pads is 5. However, you can increase the number to 10 in the “Memopad Num-bers” item of the Set mode, if desired. (p. 164)Memo pads are convenient when you want to memo-rize the displayed data temporarily, such as when you find a DX station in a pile-up, or when a desired station is busy for a long time and you want to temporarily search for other stations.Use the transceiver’s memo pads instead of relying on hastily scribbled notes that are easily misplaced.D7RITINGTHEDISPLAYEDDATAINTOMEMOPADS9OUCANSTORETHEDISPLAYEDDATABYPUSHING;-07=When you store the 6th data into memo pads, the old-est stored entry is automatically erased, to make room for the new data.AGC DUP COMP TBW SCPM1In this example, 21.347 MHz (USB) will be erased when 21.280 MHz (LSB) is written.Memo padsErased[MP-W] NewestOldestAGC DUP COMP TBW SCPM1[MP-R] NewestOldest[MP-R]NOTE: Each memo pad must have its own unique SETOFDATAMEMOPADSHAVINGIDENTICALDATACANNOTbe written.D #ALLINGUPTHEMEMOPADSMemo padsPushPushPush
11145SCANSScan–∂F frequency +∂F frequencyCenter frequency(Start frequency)JumpMch 1 Mch 5Mch 2 Mch 3 Mch 4Mch 6Mch 7Mch 99SELSELSELSEL SELMch 1 Mch 5Mch 2 Mch 3 Mch 4Mch 6Mch 7Mch 99SELSELSELSEL SELFM FMUSB FM CWUSBFMFMScan1A2A3A1b2b3bJumpScan edgesN3CANTYPESScanning automatically searches for signals and makes it easier to locate new stations for contact or lis-TENINGPURPOSES4HE)#HASSEVERALSCANTYPESProgrammed scan, Memory scan, Select Memory scan, Mode Select scan and ∂F (Delta Frequency) scan.The MAIN and SUB Bands can be independently scanned. When the SUB Band setting mode is turned ON  (“ ” appears), the SUB Band is scanned. MEMORY SCAN (p. 150)Repeatedly scans all programmed Memory chan-nels.This scan operates in the memory mode.PROGRAMMED SCAN (p. 149)Repeatedly scans between scan edges. P1 scans between 1A and 1b, P2 scans between 2A and 2b, and P3 scans between 3A and 3b frequencies.This scan operates in the VFO mode.SELECT MEMORY SCAN (p. 151)Repeatedly scans all Select Memory channels.This scan operates in the memory mode.MODE SELECT SCAN (p. 150)Repeatedly scans all selected mode Memory chan-nels.This scan operates in the memory mode.∂F SCAN (p. 152)Repeatedly scans within the ∂F span area.This scan operates in both VFO and memory modes.
14611SCANS11N0REPARATION&ORA0ROGRAMMEDSCANProgram scan edge frequencies into Program Scan Edge channels “1A–3A” and “1b–3b.” (p. 148)&ORA-EMORYSCANProgram two or more Memory channels. (Program Scan Edge channels will not be scanned.) (p. 140)&ORA-ODE3ELECTSCANProgram two or more Memory channels, all with the same operating mode. (p. 43)&ORA3ELECT-EMORYSCANProgram two or more Memory channels as Select Memory channels. (p. 151)&ORA∂&SCANSet the ∂F span (∂F scan range) in the “SCAN” screen. (p. 152)s3CAN2ESUMEFUNCTION9OUCANSELECTTHESCANTORESUMEORCANCELWHENDE-tecting a signal in the Scan Set mode. The Scan Re-sume function must be set before operating a scan. (p. 147)s3CANSPEEDThe scan speed can be set to high or low in the Scan Set mode. (p. 147)s;-!).$)!,=FUNCTIONHow the [MAIN DIAL] functions during a scan, can be set in the Scan Set mode. (p. 147)s3QUELCHSTATUSM4HESCANSTARTSWITHTHESQUELCHOPEN&ORAPROGRAMMEDSCANWhen the tuning step is 1 kHz or less:The scan continues until it is stopped manually— it does not pause*, even if signals are detected.*  The scan is paused when the squelch is closed and then opened. The scan resumes, or is cancelled, depending on the Scan Resume setting.When the tuning step is 5 kHz or more:If Scan Resume is ON, the scan pauses on each step when a signal is detected, then resumes.If the Scan Resume is OFF, the scan does not start.&ORMEMORYSCANIf Scan Resume is ON, the scan pauses on each channel when a signal is detected, then resumes.If Scan Resume is OFF, the scan does not start.M4HESCANSTARTSWITHSQUELCHCLOSEDThe scan pauses when signals are detected. The scan resumes, or is cancelled, depending on the Scan Re-sume setting.-ODE33"!-&-This function is useful when you do not want unmodu-lated signals pausing or cancelling a scan. When the Voice Squelch Control (VSC) function is ON, the re-ceiver checks received signals for voice components.The scan pauses, or is cancelled, if a received signal includes voice components, and the tone of the voice components changes within 1 second. See “Squelch status” as described above.The scan resumes if the received signal includes no voice components, or the tone of the voice compo-nents does not change within 1 second.q  Push [SSB] or [AM/FM] once or twice to select the operating mode.w  Push [MENU] to display the “M2” screen (Menu 2).e  Push [VSC](F-5) to turn the VSC function ON or OFF.sh ” appears when the VSC function is ON. s0USH;-%.5=TORETURNTOTHEPREVIOUSDISPLAYs4HE63#FUNCTIONISAVAILABLEFORPHONEMODES(SSB, AM and FM).s4HE63#FUNCTIONRESUMESTHESCANONUNMODU-lated signals, regardless of whether the Scan Re-sume function is set to ON or OFF.N6OICE3QUELCH#ONTROLFUNCTIONSCAN ME M S WR TCON VS CM2Appears
14711 SCANSN3CANSETMODEThe scan speed, Scan Resume function and [MAIN DIAL] scan function can be set in the Scan Set mode.q  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M2” screen (Menu 2).w  Push [SCAN](F-1) to display the “SCAN” screen.e  Push [SET](F-5) to enter the Scan Set mode.r  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the desired item.t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired option.s(OLDDOWN;&=FORSECONDTORESETTOTHEDEFAULTvalue.y  Push [MENU] to save, and return to the “SCAN” screen.u  Push [MENU] again to return to the “M2” screen (Menu 2).[SET] [SCAN]/[] [MENU] [F-3] [MAIN DIAL][]SCAN ME M S WR TCON VS CM2PRO FSPAN S E TFINSCANPROG:P1F:  10kÚSCAN SpeedÙ1 HIGHSETÚSCAN ResumeÙ2ONSETÚMAIN DIAL (SCAN)Ù3 Up/DownSET3#!.3PEED1.  $EFAULT()'(Select the desired scan speed between high and low.s()'( 4HESCANISFASTERs,/7 : The scan is slower.SCAN Resume 2.  $EFAULT/.Set the Scan Resume function ON or OFF.s/. 7HENASIGNALISDETECTEDTHESCANPAUSESFOR10 seconds, then resumes. When a signal dis-appears, the scan resumes 2 seconds later.s/&&7HENASIGNALISDETECTEDTHESCANISCAN-celled.-!).$)!,3#!.3.  $EFAULT5P$OWNSelect how the [MAIN DIAL] functions, during a scan.s/&& 2OTATING;-!).$)!,=CANCELSTHESCANs5P$OWN 2OTATING;-!).$)!,=CHANGESTHESCAN-ning direction.PushPushPushPush
14811SCANS11N3CANEDGESPROGRAMMINGMemory channels 1A–3A and 1b–3b are the Program Scan Edge channels. They are used to program the upper and lower frequency edges for programmed scans. (p. 149)Each frequency band has its own Scan Edge chan-nels. Factory default frequency and operating modes are programmed into the Scan Edge channels.If both upper and lower band edges are programmed with the same frequency, a programmed scan can-not start.EXAMPLE:  Programming 14.00000 MHz into 1A and 14.35000 MHz into 1b.q  Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.w Rotate [M-CH] to select scan edge 1A.e Set 14.00000 MHz as the lower frequency.r  Hold down [MW] for 1 second to program 14.00000 MHz into scan edge 1A.s4HREEBEEPS SOUND WHEN THEPROGRAMMING ISCOM-plete.t Rotate [M-CH] to select scan edge 1b.y Set 14.35000 MHz as the upper frequency.u  Hold down [MW] for 1 second to program 14.35000 MHz into scan edge 1b.s4HREEBEEPS SOUND WHEN THEPROGRAMMING ISCOM-plete.i  If 1A/1b is selected as the scanning range when a programmed scan is started, it will search for sig-nals between 14.00000 MHz and 14.35000 MHz. (p. 149)[VFO/MEMO] [MW] [M-CH]Programming 14.00000 MHz into 1AProgramming 14.35000 MHz into 1b
14911 SCANSA programmed scan searches for signals between Program Scan Edge channels “1A–3A” and “1b–3b.”Before starting the programmed scan, scan edges must be programmed into these channels.See the previous page for scan edge programming.If the same frequencies are programmed into the Program Scan Edge channels, the programmed scan will not start.q  Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the VFO mode.w  Push the mode switch to select the desired operat-ing mode.s4HEOPERATINGMODECANALSOBECHANGEDWHILESCAN-ning.e  Push [TS] one or more times to select a tuning step. (p. 38) s4HETUNINGSTEPCANALSOBECHANGEDWHILESCANNINGr  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M2” screen (Menu 2).t  Push [SCAN](F-1) to display the “SCAN” screen.y Set [RF/SQL] open or closed.s4HESCANPERFORMANCEDIFFERSDEPENDINGONTHESQUELCHsetting when the scan was started. See page 146 for details.s)FTHE;2&31,=CONTROLFUNCTIONISSETTOh!54/vTHESQUELCHIS ALWAYSOPENINTHE 33"#7 AND 2449modes. (pp. 44, 162)u  Hold down [PRO](F-1) for 1 second to select the desired scan range between “P1,” “P2” and “P3.”s4HESCANSEARCHESBETWEENPROGRAMMEDSCANCHAN-nels 1A–1b (P1), 2A–2b (P2) or 3A–3b (P3).i Push [PRO](F-1) to start the programmed scan.s4HE-(ZANDK(ZDECIMALPOINTSANDTHESELECTEDSCANrange display blink while scanning. s)F“Up/Down” is selected as the “MAIN DIAL (SCAN)” option in the Scan Set mode, rotating [MAIN DIAL] changes the scanning direction. (p. 147)o  When the scan detects a signal, the scan stops, pauses or ignores it, depending on the Scan Re-sume function, the VSC function or the squelch sta-tus.!0 Push [PRO](F-1) to cancel the scan.N0ROGRAMMEDSCAN&INEPROGRAMMEDSCAN6&/MODED!BOUTTHE&INEPROGRAMMEDSCANWhen a signal is received during Fine programmed scan, the scanning tuning step is temporarily set to 10 Hz and the scan speed decreases.q Start the programmed scan. s&OLLOWSTEPSq through i as described above.w  While scanning, push [FIN](F-3) to switch the scan function between a programmed scan and a Fine programmed scan.e Push [PRO](F-1) to cancel the scan.[SCAN]/[PRO] [VFO/MEMO] [TS] [MENU][RF/SQL] Mode switchesPRO ∂FSPAN S E TFINSCANPROG  SCAN:P2SCAN ME M S WR TCON VS CM2PRO FSPAN S E TFINSCANPROG:P1F:  10kPRO FSPAN S E TFINSCANPROG:P2F:  10kHold downWhile Programmed scanningPRO ∂FSPAN S E TFINSCANPROG  SCAN:P2PRO ∂FSPAN S E TFINSCANF−PROG  SCAN:P2While Fine programmed scanningPushPushPush
15011SCANS11D-EMORYSCANA Memory scan searches for signals through Memory channels 1 to 99.Blank (unprogrammed) Memory channels are skipped.NOTE: For a Memory scan to start, two or more Memory channels must be programmed. (p. 140)q  Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the memory mode.w  Push [MENU] to display the “M2” screen (Menu 2).e  Push [SCAN](F-1) to display the “SCAN” screen.r Set [RF/SQL] open or closed.s4HESCANPERFORMANCEDIFFERSDEPENDINGONTHESQUELCHsetting when the scan was started. See page 146 for details.s)FTHE;2&31,=CONTROLFUNCTIONISSETTOh!54/vTHESQUELCHIS ALWAYSOPENINTHE 33"#7 AND 2449modes. (pp. 44, 162)t Push [MEM](F-1) to start the Memory scan.s4HE-(ZANDK(ZDECIMALPOINTSANDh-%-/3#!.vblink while scanning. s)F“Up/Down” is selected as the “MAIN DIAL (SCAN)” option in the Scan Set mode, rotating [MAIN DIAL] changes the scanning direction. (p. 147)y Push [MEM](F-1) to cancel the scan.N-EMORYSCAN-EMORYMODE[SCAN]/[MEM] [VFO/MEMO] [MENU][RF/SQL]SCAN ME M S WR TCON VS CM2MEM FSPAN S E TSELSCANF:  10kMEM ∂FSPAN S E TSELSCANMEMO  SCANWhile Memory scanningD-ODE3ELECTSCANRepeatedly scans all Memory channels with the same operating mode as the displayed mode.NOTE: For a Mode Select scan to start, two or more Memory channels must be programmed, and their operating mode must be the same as the displayed mode.q  Follow steps q through r as described above.w  Hold down [MEM](F-1) for 1 second to turn ON the Mode Select scan. sh-/$%3vAPPEARSe  Push the mode switch to select the desired operat-ing mode to be scanned.r Push [MEM](F-1) to start the Mode Select scan.s4HE-(Z AND K(ZDECIMAL POINTSANDh-/$%3%,SCAN” blink while scanning. s)F“Up/Down” is selected as the “MAIN DIAL (SCAN)” option in the Scan Set mode, rotating [MAIN DIAL] changes the scanning direction. (p. 147) s-EMORYSCANAND-ODE3ELECTSCANCANBESWITCHEDby holding down [MEM](F-1) for 1 second.t Push [MEM](F-1) to cancel the scan.While Mode Select scanningPushPushMEM ∂FSPAN S E TSELSCANMODE−SEL  SCAN[SCAN]/[MEM] [VFO/MEMO] [MENU][RF/SQL] Mode switches
15111 SCANS!BOUTTHESCANTYPESWITCHINGPROCEDURE9OUCANSWITCHTHESCANTYPEBETWEENVARIOUSSCANSWHILESCANNINGASSHOWNBELOWMEM ∂FSPAN S E TSELSCANSEL−MEMO  SCANSelect Memory scanMEM ∂FSPAN S E TSELSCANSEL−MEMO  SCANSelect Memory scanD3ELECT-EMORYSCANSelect Memory scan searches for signals through Memory channels specified as “Sel” (Select).NOTE: For a Select Memory scan to start, two or more Memory channels must be designated as Se-lect Memory channels. (See above)q  Follow steps q through t as described in ‘D Memory scan’ on the previous page, to start Mem-ory scan.s7HILESCANNINGHOLDINGDOWN;-%-=&FORSECONDturns ON the Mode Select scan.w  Push [SEL](F-3) to turn ON the Select Memory scan.s4HESCANCHANGESTOA3ELECT-EMORYSCAN sh3%,n-%-/3#!.vBLINKSWHILESCANNING s0USHING;3%,=&TOGGLESBETWEEN-EMORYSCANORMode Select scan)* and Select Memory scan.    *Only when the Mode Select scan is turned ON. s)F“Up/Down” is selected as the “MAIN DIAL (SCAN)” option in the Scan Set mode, rotating [MAIN DIAL] changes the scanning direction. (p. 147)e Push [MEM](F-1) to cancel the scan.All Memory channels can be set as Select Memory channels, except for the Scan Edge and Call channels.±  When the “SCAN” screen is displayed, push [SEL](F-3), or when the “MEM” screen (Memory Menu) is displayed, push [SEL](F-5) to set or cancel the displayed Memory channel as a Select Memory channel.sh3%,vAPPEARS WHENTHECHANNEL IS SET AS A3ELECTMemory channel. s!N ERROR BEEP SOUNDS WHEN THE DISPLAYED -EMORYchannel is a blank channel. s(OLDINGDOWN[SEL](F-3) or [SEL](F-5) for 1 second DISPLAYSh3%,!,,#LEARv(OLDDOWN;9%3=&TOclear all Select Memory channel settings.MEM ∂FSPAN S E TSELSCANMEMO  SCANMEM ∂FSPAN S E TSELSCANSEL−MEMO  SCANEDT ( ) SELMEM14.19500  USBMEM FSPAN S E TSELSCANF:  10kAppears“SCAN” screen“MEM” screen (Memory Menu)While Select Memory scanningN Memory scan (Memory mode) (Continued)D 3ETTING#ANCELLING3ELECT-EMORYCHANNELSPush[SEL](F-3)PushMEM ∂FSPAN S E TSELSCANMEMO  SCANMEM ∂FSPAN S E TSELSCANMODE−SEL  SCANHold down[MEM](F-1)Memory scanMode Select scanPush[SEL](F-3)
15211SCANS11∂F (Delta Frequency) scan searches for signals within the specified range with the displayed VFO frequency or Memory channel frequency as the center frequency. The frequency range is specified by the width of the selected span.q  Push [VFO/MEMO] once or twice to select the VFO mode or memory mode.w  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M2” screen (Menu 2).e  Push [SCAN](F-1) to display the “SCAN” screen.r Set [RF/SQL] open or closed.s4HESCANPERFORMANCEDIFFERSDEPENDINGONTHESQUELCHsetting when the scan was started. See page 146 for details.s)FTHE;2&31,=CONTROLFUNCTIONISSETTOh!54/vTHESQUELCHIS ALWAYSOPENINTHE 33"#7 AND 2449modes. (pp. 44, 162)t  Push [SPAN](F-4) one or more times to select the desired ∂F span width. sÒ K(Z Ò K(Z Ò K(Z Ò K(Z Ò K(Z±500 kHz and ±1 MHz are selectable.y Set the center frequency of the ∂F scan. s)NTHE6&/ MODEPUSHTHE KEYPADORROTATE;-!).DIAL] to set the center frequency. s)NTHEMEMORYMODEROTATE;-#(=TOSELECTTHEDE-sired Memory channel whose frequency will be the cen-ter frequency.u Push [∂F](F-2) to start the ∂F scan.sh∂F SCAN,” the MHz and kHz decimal points blink while scanning. s)F“Up/Down” is selected as the “MAIN DIAL (SCAN)” option in the Scan Set mode, rotating [MAIN DIAL] changes the scanning direction. (p. 147)i  When the scan detects a signal, the scan stops, pauses or ignores it, depending on the Scan Re-sume function, VSC function or the squelch status.o Push [∂F](F-2) again to cancel the ∂F scan.N ∂&SCANAND&INE∂&SCAND!BOUTTHE&INE∂&SCANWhen a signal is received during Fine ∂F scan, the scanning tuning step is temporarily set to 10 Hz and the scan speed decreases.q Start ∂F scan. s&OLLOWSTEPSq through u as described above.w  While scanning, push [FIN](F-3) to switch the scan function between ∂F scan and Fine ∂F scan.e Push [∂F](F-2) to cancel the scan.[SCAN] [VFO/MEMO] [M-CH] [MENU] [∂F] [SPAN] [MAIN DIAL]SCAN ME M S WR TCON VS CM2MEM FSPAN S E TSELSCANF:  10kMEM FSPAN S E TFINSCANF  SCAN20kMEM FSPAN S E TSELSCANF:  20kFWhile ∂F scanningKeypadMEM FSPAN S E TFINSCANMEM FSPAN S E TFINSCANF−F  SCANF  SCAN20k20kWhile Fine ∂F scanningPushPushPushPush
12153SATELLITE OPERATIONBoth Satellite Mode B (435 MHz uplink, 145 MHz downlink) and Mode J (145 MHz uplink, 435 MHz downlink) can be operated with the IC-9100, and Mode L can be operated when the optional UX-9100 1200 MHz BAND UNIT is installed.Satellite communications is possible only when a sat-ellite is in view and its transponder is operating.N3ATELLITENOTES1.  NEVER set the output power too high. Too much power will shorten the satellite’s life.  Set your transmit power so that your downlink sig-nal level is lower than the beacon’s signal level.2.  Confirm a satellite’s operating mode in advance through documentation (magazines, etc.) or via ap-propriate satellite tracking software. In the wrong mode, you cannot use the satellite, even if you re-ceive its beacon signal.3.  Preamplifiers may be necessary to receive satel-lite signals. Optional amplifiers, AG-25, AG-35 and AG-1200* (for the UX-9100), can be used with the IC-9100. (p. 71) * AG-1200 has been discontinued, but it can be still be used.4.  When you use a reverse tracking satellite in the SSB mode, use LSB for the uplink frequency and USB for the downlink frequency.s7HENUSINGANORMALTRACKINGSATELLITEIN33"MODEuse USB for both the uplink and downlink frequencies.Operating frequencies in the satellite mode can be se-lected either before or after selecting the mode. Nor-mal and reverse tracking are selectable.D4RANSFERRINGTHE6&/FREQUENCIESTOTHESATELLITE6&/q  Select the downlink frequency (receive) in the MAIN band, and the uplink frequency (transmit) in the SUB band.w  Hold down [SATELLITE] for 1 second to transfer the frequencies, selected in step q, to the satellite VFO.s4HESATELLITEMODEISAUTOMATICALLYSELECTEDAFTERTRANS-ferring. s“” and the last operated tracking icon (“ ” or “”) appear.s6&/OR-EMORYMODEDATAISDISPLAYEDONTHE35"band during satellite mode.435 MHz band435 MHz band145 MHz band145 MHz bandFUJI 3 (FO-29)UplinkDownlink-ODE*OPERATINGDIAGRAM ;%XAMPLE=&5*)&/-ODE*Uplink frequency  : 145.9000–146.0000 MHzDownlink frequency  : 435.8000–435.9000 MHzTracking direction  : ReverseCW beacon frequency : 435.7950 MHz/RBITINFORMATIONOrbit information describes satellite location, reach-ing angles, etc. This information may be available in ham magazines or organization publications, such as those from ARRL, RSGB handbook, etc.Satellite tracking software is also convenient.N3ATELLITECOMMUNICATIONSOUTLINEN3ELECTINGTHESATELLITEMODE[SATELLITE]
15412SATELLITE OPERATION12N3ETTINGTHESATELLITE6&/q Push [SATELLITE] to enter the satellite mode.s“ ” and either “ ” or “ ” appear.w  Push [VFO/MEMO] to toggle between the satellite VFO and Memory mode.s6&/OR-EMORYMODEDATAISDISPLAYEDONTHE35"band while in the satellite mode.e  Push [MAIN](1.8 1) to enable downlink frequency tuning. s4HEUPLINKFREQUENCYDISAPPEARSr  Select the downlink frequency and the operating mode. s0USH;-!).=AGAINAFTERTUNINGt  Push [SUB](3.5 2) to enable uplink frequency tun-ing. s4HEDOWNLINKFREQUENCYDISAPPEARS s0USH;35"=AGAINAFTERTUNINGNOTE: To select the operating mode for uplink, push [SUB] to enable the SUB band setting mode.N4RACKINGSELECTIONq Push [SATELLITE] to enter the satellite mode.s“ ” and either “ ” or “ ” appears.w  Push [NOR/REV](7 3) to toggle between normal and reverse tracking.D.ORMALTRACKINGBoth downlink and uplink frequencies simultaneously increase or decrease in the same steps when you ro-tate the [MAIN DIAL].D2EVERSETRACKINGThe downlink frequency follows the tuning dial rota-tion, however, the uplink frequency changes in the reverse direction to the [MAIN DIAL] rotation, in the same steps.[SATELLITE] [SUB] [VFO/MEMO] [MAIN](1.8  1)[SUB](3.5  2)[MAIN DIAL] [M-CH]Mode switchMAIN BandDownlink (Receive) frequencySUB BandUplink (Transmit) frequency[SATELLITE] [NOR/REV](7  3)[MAIN DIAL]Varies simultaneouslySatellite and tracking iconIn the DR mode, pushing [SATELLITE] cancels it, and then switches the transceiver to the satellite mode.If you want to operate in the DR mode after exiting THESATELLITEMODEYOUMUSTHOLDDOWN;$6s$2=FOR1 second.
15512 SATELLITE OPERATIONN3ATELLITEMEMORYThe IC-9100 has 20 satellite memory channels (CH 00 to 19) to memorize both uplink and downlink frequen-cies, operating modes and other data.D3ATELLITEMEMORYSELECTIONq Push [SATELLITE] to enter the satellite mode.w  Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the satellite memory mode.sh-%-/vANDTHEMEMORYCHANNELNUMBERAREDISPLAYEDbeside the uplink frequency (SUB band) display.e  Rotate [M-CH] to select a satellite mode Memory channel.D3ATELLITEMEMORYPROGRAMMINGq Push [SATELLITE] to enter the satellite mode.w  Push [VFO/MEMO] to select the satellite memory mode.e  Rotate [M-CH] to select the desired Memory chan-nel.r  Select the desired downlink frequency in the MAIN band, and uplink frequency in the SUB band, as well as the operating mode.t  Hold down [MW] for 1 second to program the con-tents into the Memory channel.s4HREEBEEPSSOUNDWHENTHEmemory programming has completed.NOTE: Tracking selection, normal or reverse, is not programmed in the satellite memory channels.Satellite memory channelSelect the desired satellite memory channelDownlink (Receive) frequencyUplink (Transmit) frequency
15612SATELLITE OPERATION12N0REPARATIONq  Decide on a usable satellite, and point your antenna direction towards it.w  Confirm the approximate location of the satellite and operating mode (e.g. “B,” “J,” etc.) through a publication (magazine, etc.) or an appropriate sat-ellite tracking software.e Push [SATELLITE] to enter the satellite mode.r  Push [NOR/REV](7 3) to toggle between normal and reverse tracking.t Select the operating mode as listed below.s4OSELECTTHEOPERATINGMODEFORTHEUPLINKPUSH;35"=before selecting the operating mode.Satellite Downlink(MAIN band)Uplink(SUB band)Reverse tracking type USB (or CW) LSB (or CW)Normal tracking type USB (or CW) LSB (or CW)y  Select the desired downlink frequency in the MAIN band to match the beacon frequency. s2EFERTOAHAMMAGAZINEORBOOKFORDETAILEDINFORMA-tion. s!DJUSTTHEANTENNADIRECTIONSOTHATTHE3METERSHOWSits strongest level.s4HE3METERLEVELSHOULDBENOTEDTOADJUSTTRANSMITpower during a loop test.u Perform a loop test.,OOPTESTPROCEDURES q  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select a vacant frequency, within the satellite’s coverage, as the downlink frequency on the MAIN band. w  Push [PTT] on the microphone to transmit. (or [TRANSMIT] on the transceiver) e  Push [SUB](3.5 2), then select the uplink fre-quency on the SUB band while transmitting a single tone such as a whistle to find your down-link signal and monitor your own signal correctly. r Push [SUB](3.5 2) again after setting.NOTE: To avoid excessive power, set the output power so that the downlink signal strength is lower than the beacon’s strength.i  Select the desired frequency to begin your satellite communications. s"OTHTHEDOWNLINKANDUPLINKFREQUENCIESCHANGESIMUL-taneously.o  When your downlink audio drifts (Doppler effect), push [SUB](3.5 2) then rotate [MAIN DIAL] to adjust the uplink frequency (SUB band).  After adjusting, push [SUB](3.5 2) again.s7HENAPARTICULARSTATIONSAUDIOISOFFFREQUENCYUSEthe RIT function (push [RIT]).!0 To exit the satellite operation, push [SATELLITE]. For your convenienceAs the transceiver has 20 satellite memory channels, once entered, desired satellite frequencies can be recalled instantly.Satellite and tracking iconUplink (transmit) frequencyDownlink (receive) frequencySelect the downlink frequency to match with the beacon frequency.Select a vacant frequency as the downlink fre-quency, within the satellite’s coverage.Adjust the uplink frequency
15712 SATELLITE OPERATIONN3ATELLITEOPERATIONWhen your own signal can be received with a loop test, satellite communication can be performed.q  When a frequency is shifted by the Doppler effect, push [SUB](3.5 2), then rotate [MAIN DIAL] to re-tune the uplink frequency. s4HEDOWNLINKFREQUENCYDISPLAYDISAPPEARSw  When the other station’s signal frequency is shifted, push [MAIN](1.8 1), then rotate [MAIN DIAL] to re-tune the downlink frequency. s4HEUPLINKFREQUENCYDISPLAYDISAPPEARSs9OUCANTUNETHEDOWNLINKFREQUENCYÒK(ZWITHTHERIT. (p. 69)
13158ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION13The IC-9100 has 2 antenna connectors for the HF/50 MHz bands, [ANT1] and [ANT2], and a dedicated an-tenna connector for each of the 144 MHz, 430 MHz AND-(ZBANDSATOTALOFANTENNACONNEC-tors.9OU CAN MEMORIZETHEANTENNA FOREACH OPERATINGband the IC-9100 covers.When you change the operating band to one outside of the current memorized antenna band, the antenna is automatically selected for the new band. (See below)This function is especially convenient when you use 2 antennas for HF and 50 MHz band operation.To use the band memory, select “Auto” as the “[ANT] Switch” option in the Set mode. (p. 163)s!NTENNASELECTIONMODEh!UTOv (default)Once an antenna has been selected for use with a BANDBYPUSHING;!.4s-%4%2=THEANTENNAISAUTO-matically selected whenever that band is accessed.[EXAMPLE]: a 3.5/7 MHz antenna is connected to [ANT1], a 21/28/50 MHz antenna is connected to [ANT2]. When the antenna selector function is set to “Auto,” the correct antenna is automatically selected when you changes bands.s!NTENNASELECTIONMODEh-ANUALv;!.4s-%4%2=FUNCTIONSHOWEVERTHEBANDMEMORYfunction is disabled. In this case, you must select an antenna manually.s4HEANTENNACONNECTORSFORTHE-(Z-(ZAND1200 MHz* bands are automatically selected.[EXAMPLE]: an optional antenna tuner and HF an-tenna are connected to [ANT1] and a 50 MHz an-tenna is connected to [ANT2].s!NTENNASELECTIONMODEh/&&v;!.4s-%4%2=DOESNOTFUNCTION4HE;!.4=CONNEC-tor is always selected during HF and 50 MHz bands operation.N!NTENNACONNECTIONANDSELECTION3.5/7 MHzbands21/28/50 MHzbands144 MHzband430 MHzband1200 MHzband*[ANT2] [144MHz ANT] [430MHz ANT][1200MHz ANT][ANT1][ANT2] [144MHz ANT] [430MHz ANT][1200MHz ANT][ANT1]AH-4HF bands50 MHzbands144 MHzband430 MHzband1200 MHzband**  The optional UX-9100 is required for 1200 MHz frequency band operation.
15913 ANTENNA TUNER OPERATIONM  )FTHETUNERCANNOTTUNETHEANTENNACHECKTHEFOLLOWINGANDTRYAGAINsTHECORRECTANTENNACONNECTORSELECTIONsTHEANTENNACONNECTIONANDFEEDLINEsTHEUNTUNEDANTENNA372,ESSTHANFORTHE(&BANDS,ESSTHANFORTHE-(ZBANDsTHETRANSMITPOWER7FORTHE(&BANDS7FORthe 50 MHz band)sTHEPOWERSOURCEVOLTAGECURRENTCAPACITYIf the tuner still cannot reduce the SWR to less than 1.5:1 after checking the above, perform the following:sTRYMANUALTUNINGONEORMORETIMESsADJUSTTHEANTENNAFEEDLINELENGTH4HISISEFFECTIVEfor higher frequencies in some cases.)Even if manual tuning does not match the antenna and the tuner turns OFF the first time, it may match the an-tenna the second time.M4UNINGANARROWBANDWIDTHANTENNASome antennas, especially for the low bands, have a narrow bandwidth. These antennas may not be tuned beyond the edge of their operating bandwidth, therefore, manually tune such an antenna as follows:;%XAMPLE=  Suppose you have an antenna which has an SWR of 1.5:1 at 3.55 MHz and an SWR of 3:1 at 3.8 MHz.q  Select 3.55 MHz and hold down [TUNER] for 1 second. to start manual tuning.w  Select 3.80 MHz and hold down [TUNER] for 1 second to start manual tuning.NOTES:s4HEINTERNALANTENNATUNERCANONLYTUNETHE(&and 50 MHz bands— the 144 MHz, 430 MHz and 1200 MHz* bands cannot be tuned.sNEVER transmit without an antenna properly con-nected to each antenna port in use.s7HENANTENNASARECONNECTED SELECTTHEAN-TENNATOBEUSEDWITH;!.4s-%4%2=s)FTHE372ISHIGHERTHANABOUTWHENTUN-ing farther than 100 kHz from an antenna’s pro-grammed preset point, hold down [TUNER] for 1 second to start manual tuning.s4HEINTERNALTUNERMAYNOTBEABLETOTUNEINthe AM mode. In such cases, hold down [TUNER] for 1 second to manually tune.[TUNER]N!NTENNATUNEROPERATIONThe internal automatic antenna tuner automatically matches the transceiver to the selected antenna. After the tuner matches an antenna, the variable capacitor set-tings are memorized as a preset point for each frequency range (100 kHz steps). Therefore, when you change the frequency range, the variable capacitors are automati-cally preset to the memorized setting.CAUTION: NEVER transmit with the tuner ON when no antenna is connected. This will damage the trans-ceiver. Be careful of the antenna selection. For your convenienceWhen you purchase a brand-new antenna, or you want to change the antenna settings, you can erase all of the internal antenna tuner preset points with “Tuner Preset Clear” in the Set mode. (p. 163)D 4UNEROPERATION±  Push [TUNER] to turn ON the internal antenna tuner. The antenna is automatically tuned when the antenna SWR is higher than 1.5:1. s7HENTHETUNERIS/.h ” appears.D-ANUALTUNINGTransmitting in SSB with a soft voice, the internal tuner may not automatically tune correctly. In such cases, manual tuning is helpful.±  Hold down [TUNER] for 1 second to start manual tuning.s!SIDETONESOUNDSh ” blinks and the TX/RX indi-cator (MAIN Band) lights red while tuning.s)FTHETUNERCANNOTREDUCETHE372TOLESSTHANafter 20 sec. of tuning, “ ” disappears and the TX/RX indicator (MAIN Band) goes out.
16013ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION13s!((&-(Z!54/-!4)#!.4%..!45.%2The optional AH-4 matches the IC-9100 to a long wire antenna more than 7 m/23 ft long (3.5 MHz and above).s3EEPAGEFORTHETRANSCEIVERAND!( CONNEC-tion.s3EETHE!(INSTRUCTIONMANUALINSTALLATIONANDAN-tenna connection details.AH-4 setting example:For mobile operation    For outdoor operation    Long wireOptional AH-2bantenna elementR DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE!NEVER touch the antenna element while tuning or transmitting.CAUTION: operate the AH-4 without an antenna wire or element. The tuner and transceiver will be damaged.NEVER operate the AH-4 when it is not grounded.Transmitting before tuning may damage the trans-ceiver. Note that the AH-4 cannot tune when using a 1⁄2 λ long wire or multiple of the operating frequency.When connecting the AH-4, the antenna connector assignments are [ANT2] for the internal tuner and [ANT1] for the AH-4. The antenna icon in the LCD displays “ANT” when the AH-4 is connected and se-lected.s!(OPERATIONTuning is required for each frequency. Be sure to re-tune the antenna before transmitting when you change the frequency— even slightly.q  Select the desired frequency in an HF or 50 MHz band for use with the AH-4.s4HE!(WILLNOTOPERATEONFREQUENCIESOUTSIDEthe ham bands.w Hold down [TUNER] for 1 second.s“ ” blinks while tuning.e  “” appears constantly when tuning is com-plete.s7HENTHECONNECTEDWIRECANNOTBETUNEDh ” dis-appears and the AH-4 is bypassed. At that point the an-tenna wire connection root is to the transceiver directly, and not via the AH-4 antenna tuner.r To bypass the AH-4 manually, push [TUNER].[TUNER]s!NTENNATUNEROFTHE)#07%52/When using an external antenna tuner such as the IC-PW1/EURO’s tuner, tune when the internal tuner is turned OFF. After tuning has completed, turn ON the internal tuner.Otherwise, both tuners simultaneously tune, and proper tuning may fail.See the instruction manual included with each antenna tuner for their respective operations.N/PTIONALEXTERNALTUNEROPERATIONs!UTOMATICTUNERSTART (HF bands only)If you want to deactivate the tuner when the VSWR is 1.5:1 or less, use the auto tuner start function and turn OFF the tuner. This function activates the tuner automatically when the SWR is high, and is con-trolled in the Set mode. (p. 163).s4HETUNERMAYNOTSTARTIFTHE48POWEROUTPUTISNOTSTA-ble longer than the specified time period in the SSB or CW mode operation.s044TUNERSTARTTuning of the internal*/external antenna tuner starts when [PTT] is pushed on a new frequency that is MORE THAN  AWAY FROM THE LASTTUNED FREQUENCYThis function removes the “holding down [TUNER]” operation, and starts tuning on the first transmission on a new frequency.*Tuning starts if the internal antenna tuner is ON.This function is turned ON in the Set mode. (p. 163).
14161SET MODEN3ETMODEDESCRIPTIONThe Set mode is used for programming infrequently changed values or functions.D 4HE3ETMODESETTINGSq  Hold down [MENU] for 1 second to enter the Set mode.w  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the desired item.e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired option.s(OLDDOWN;&=FORSECONDTORESETTOTHEDEFAULTSET-ting, if desired.r  Push [MENU] to save, and exit the Set mode.Select the item Reset to the default setting[][MENU] [F-3] [MAIN DIAL][][]Ù 1Ú50%SET LCD ContrastDisplays the Set mode item name and number Displays the option,#$#ONTRAST1.  $EFAULT!DJUSTTHE,#$CONTRASTTOBETWEENANDINSTEPS,#$"ACKLIGHT2.  $EFAULT!DJUSTTHE,#$BACKLIGHTBRIGHTNESSTOBETWEENANDINSTEPSNOTE: Regardless of this setting, the LCD backlight BRIGHTNESSISMAXIMUMATPOWER/.BYDE-sign. (It is not an equipment malfunction.) Then, the brightness level automatically returns to the ad-justed value."EEP,EVEL3.  $EFAULTAdjust the confirmation and band edge beep tones OUTPUTLEVELTOBETWEENANDINSTEPS"EEP,EVEL,IMIT4.  $EFAULT/.Turn the confirmation and band edge beep tones out-put level limiting ON or OFF.When you set this item to ON, the beep tones are ad-justed by the [AF] control until rotating the [AF] control reaches the level specified in the “Beep Level” item, as described above. Further rotation will not increase the volume of the beep tones.s/&&"EEPLEVELADJUSTMENTISNOTLIMITEDs/. "EEPLEVELADJUSTMENTISLIMITEDTOTHELEVELspecified in “Beep Level,” above."EEP5.  $EFAULT/.Turn the confirmation beep ON or OFF.Set the beep output level in the “Beep Level” item as described to the left.s/&&4HECONlRMATIONBEEPIS/&&3ILENTOPERA-tion)s/. 4HECONFIRMATIONBEEPSOUNDS EACH TIME Aswitch is pushed."AND%DGE"EEP6.  $EFAULT/.$EFAULTWhen you tune into or out of an amateur band’s fre-quency range, you can hear a beep tone.)FYOUSELECTh/.5SERvORh/.5SER48vYOUCANprogram a total of 30 band edge frequencies in the “User band Edge” item.9OUCANSETTHEBEEPOUTPUTLEVELINthe “Beep Level” item as described to the left.s/&&  "ANDEDGEBEEPIS/&&s/.$EFAULT 7HENYOUTUNEINTOOROUTOFTHEdefault amateur band’s frequency range, a beep sounds.s/.5SER  7HENYOUTUNEINTOOROUTOFAUSERprogrammed amateur band’s fre-quency range, a beep sounds.s/.5SER487HENYOUTUNEINTOOROUTOFAUSERprogrammed amateur band’s fre-quency range, a beep sounds.           In addition, transmission is inhibited outside the programmed range.
16214SET MODE145SER"AND%DGE7. This “User Band Edge” item appears only when “ON 5SERvORh5SER/.48vISSELECTEDINTHEh"ANDEdge Beep” item. (p. 161)7HENYOUSELECTh/.5SERvORh/.5SER48vINthe “Band Edge Beep” item, you can program a total of 30 band edge frequencies in this item. See page 42 for programming details."EEP3OUND-!).8.  $EFAULT(ZSet a desired beep frequency for the MAIN Band to between 500 Hz and 2000 Hz in 10 Hz steps.9OUCANSETTHEBEEPOUTPUTLEVELINthe “Beep Level” item. (p. 161)"EEP3OUND35"9.  $EFAULT(ZSet a desired beep frequency for the SUB Band to be-tween 500 Hz and 2000 Hz in 10 Hz steps.9OUCANSETTHEBEEPOUTPUTLEVELINthe “Beep Level” item. (p. 161)2&31,#ONTROL10.  $EFAULT2&31,Set the [RF/SQL] control operation.s!54/ ;2&31,= FUNCTIONS AS ONLY AN 2&GAINCONTROLIN33"#7AND2449Asquelch control in AM, FM and DV.s31, ;2&31,=FUNCTIONs as a squelch con-trol.s2&31, ;2&31,=FUNCTIONs as a noise squelch or an 3METERSQUELCHIN&-ONLYas an S-meter squelch in SSB, CW, 2449, AM and DV.-ETER0EAK(OLD11.  $EFAULT/.Turn the Meter Peak Hold function ON or OFF.When this function is set to ON, the peak level of a re-ceived signal strength or the output power is displayed for approximately 0.5 seconds.&-$6#ENTER%RROR12.  $EFAULT/.Turn the FM and DV center error detection ON or OFF.When an off-frequency signal is received, the MAIN and SUB Band’s TX/RX indicators blink.4IME/UT4IMER13.  $EFAULT/&&To prevent a prolonged transmission, the transceiver has a Time-Out Timer function.If a continuous transmission exceeds the set period, the transmission will be cut off.Set the time period to 3, 5, 10, 20 or 30 minutes, or turn OFF the Time-Out Timer function.044,OCK14.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the PTT Lock function ON or OFF.To prevent accidental transmissions, this function in-hibits transmitting, when turned ON.1UICK30,)415.  $EFAULT/.Turn the Quick Split function ON or OFF.When this item is set to ON, hold down [SPLIT] for 1 second to shift the transmit frequency from the receive frequency, according to the “SPLIT Offset” option as described below. See page 83 for details.30,)4/FFSET16.  $EFAULT-(ZSet the offset* for the quick split function.*The difference between transmit and receive frequencies.The frequency offset can be set to between –9.999 MHz and +9.999 MHz in 1 kHz steps.SPLIT LOCK 17.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the Split Lock function ON or OFF.When this item is set to ON, you can use [MAIN DIAL] to adjust the transmit frequency while holding down [XFC], even while the Dial Lock function is enabled.See pages 82, 83 for split frequency operation de-tails.
16314 SET MODE$50/FFSET18. 3ETTHEOFFSETFORDUPLEXOPERATION9OUCANSETTHErepeater offset for each band.*The difference between transmit and receive frequencies.±  When you select this item, hold down [BAND](MAIN/SUB) for 1 second to select the desired frequency band. Then, rotate [MAIN DIAL] to set the offset.s4HEFREQUENCYOFFSETCANBESETTOBETWEEN-(Zand 9.9999 MHz*.    *99.9999 MHz for the 1200 MHz frequency band.The default value may differ, depending on the se-lected frequency band and transceiver version.NOTE:s9OUCANUSETHISSETTINGONLYWHENTHE3PLITFUNC-tion is OFF for the HF/50 MHz frequency band.shvISDISPLAYEDWHENABLANKMEMORYCHANNELis selected, or the satellite mode is ON.The optional UX-9100 is required for 1200 MHz frequency band operation./NE4OUCH2EPEATER19.  $EFAULT$50–Set the one touch repeater shift direction.s$50n4HETRANSMITFREQUENCYSHIFTSDOWNFROMTHEreceive frequency by the offset amount.s$504HETRANSMIT FREQUENCY SHIFTSUPFROMTHEreceive frequency by the offset amount.!UTO2EPEATER 20.    $EFAULT/.–1 ;  for U.S.A. version      ON ; for Korea version(Only U.S.A. and Korea versions)Set the Auto Repeater function ON or OFF.To activate the Auto Repeater function, first program the auto repeater frequency range, then select ON. (p. 67)U.S.A. version:s/.n!CTIVATESDUPLEXONLYs/.n!CTIVATESDUPLEXANDTONEs/&& !UTOREPEATERFUNCTIONISTURNED/&&Korea version:s/.  !CTIVATESDUPLEXANDTONEs/&& !UTOREPEATERFUNCTIONISTURNED/&&4UNER!UTO3TART21.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the Automatic Antenna Tuner function ON or OFF. This function is for only the HF bands.s/&&4HEINTERNALANTENNATUNERREMAINS/&&EVENwhen the SWR is high.s/. 4HEINTERNALANTENNATUNERAUTOMATICALLYSTARTStuning when the SWR is high, even if the tuner is turned OFF.4UNER0443TART22.  $EFAULT/&&Whenever you push [PTT], the internal or external an-tenna tuner automatically starts tuning if the operat-INGFREQUENCYHASCHANGEDBYMORETHANFROMTHElast-tuned frequency.s/&&4UNINGSTARTSONLYWHEN;45.%2=ISPUSHEDs/. )NTERNALANTENNATUNER4UNINGSTARTSWHENyou push [PTT] on a new frequency, if the in-ternal antenna tuner is ON.       (External antenna tuner) Tuning always starts when you push [PTT] on a new frequency, re-gardless of whether the external antenna tuner is ON or OFF.4UNER0RESET#LEAR23. Select the desired antenna.The selected antenna’s preset memory* is cleared by holding down [CLR](F-4) for 1 second.* The variable capacitor settings are memorized as a preset point for each frequency range (100 kHz steps) after the tuner matches an antenna.s#,2!.44HEPRESETMEMORYOF;!.4=SANTENNAis cleared.s#,2!.44HEPRESETMEMORYOF;!.4=SANTENNAis cleared.;!.4=3WITCH24.  $EFAULT!UTOSet the antenna switch function to Auto, Manual or OFF.When you change the operating frequency on the HF/ 50 MHz frequency band, this function will automatically select the correct antenna, or you must do it manually.s/&& ;!.4s-%4%2= DOES NOT FUNCTION 4HE[ANT1] connector is always selected.s-ANUAL 9OUMUSTMANUALLYCHANGETHEANTENNABYPUSHING;!.4s-%4%2=s!UTO 4HEANTENNAMEMORIZEDBYTHEBANDMEM-ORYISAUTOMATICALLYSELECTED9OUCANALSOmanually change the antenna by pushing ;!.4s-%4%2=N Set mode description (Continued)
16414SET MODE1430%%#(,EVEL25.  $EFAULT!DJUSTTHESPEECHAUDIOOUTPUTLEVELTOBETWEENNOOUTPUTANDMAXIMUMOUTPUT30%%#(,ANGUAGE26.  $EFAULT%NGLISHSelect English or Japanese as the speech language.30%%#(3PEED27.  $EFAULT()'(Select HIGH (faster) or LOW (slower) speech speed.30%%#(3,EVEL28.  $EFAULT/.The signal level announcement with the voice synthe-sizer can be turned ON or OFF.s/&&3IGNALLEVELISNOTANNOUNCED/PERATINGFRE-quency and mode are announced.s/. 3IGNALLEVELOPERATINGFREQUENCYANDMODEare announced.SPEECH [MODE] SW 29.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the Operating Mode Speech function ON or OFF. When this function is ON, the selected operating mode is verbally announced when a mode switch is pushed.s/&&4HEOPERATINGMODE3PEECHFUNCTIONIS/&&s/. 4HEOPERATINGMODE3PEECHFUNCTIONIS/.[SPEECH/LOCK] SW 30.    $EFAULT30%%#(,/#+Select the [SPEECH/LOCK] switch action.s30%%#(,/#+0USHING THE ;30%%#(,/#+=switch turns ON the voice synthe-sizer function.           Holding down the [SPEECH/LOCK] switch turns the dial lock function ON or OFF.s,/#+30%%#(0USHING THE ;30%%#(,/#+=switch turns the dial lock function ON or OFF.           Holding down the [SPEECH/LOCK] switch turns ON the voice synthe-sizer function.-EMOPAD.UMBERS31.  $EFAULTSet the number of available memo pads to 5 or 10.See page 144 for details.MAIN DIAL Auto TS 32.  $EFAULT()'(Set the Auto Tuning Step function for [MAIN DIAL]. When rapidly rotating [MAIN DIAL], the tuning step au-tomatically changes as selected.There are two types of auto tuning steps: LOW (Faster) and HIGH (Fastest).s/&& !UTOTUNINGSTEPISTURNED/&&s,/7 !PPROXIMATELYTIMESFASTERs()'(!PPROXIMATELYTIMESFASTERWHENTHETUNINGSTEPISSETTOK(ZORSMALLERSTEPSAPPROXI-mately 2 times faster when the tuning step is set to 5 kHz or larger steps.-)#5P$OWN3PEED33.  $EFAULT()'(Set the rate at which frequencies are scanned while holding down the microphone [UP]/[DN] switches.s,/7,OWSPEEDTUNINGSTEPSSECONDs()'((IGHSPEEDTUNINGSTEPSSECOND1UICK2)4#LEAR34.  $EFAULT/&&Select the RIT/∂TX frequency offset clearing opera-tion with [CLEAR].s/&&(OLDINGDOWN;#,%!2=FORSECONDCLEARSTHERIT and ∂TX frequency offset.s/. 0USHING;#,%!2=INSTANTLYCLEARSTHE2)4AND∂TX frequency offset.!&#,IMIT35.  $EFAULT/.Turn the AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) limit function ON or OFF.The AFC function automatically compensates the tun-ing when a received frequency drifts or goes off fre-quency.s/&&4HE!&#FUNCTIONCONTINUESTOTUNEUNTILTHEdisplayed frequency changes to reflect the center of the signal.s/. 4HE!&#FUNCTIONSTOPSTUNINGWHENTHEFRE-quency goes off the limited frequency range, even if received frequency is off frequency.AFC limit value:IF Filter width AFC limit value15 kHz ±10 kHz10 kHz ±7 kHz7 kHz ±5 kHz
16514 SET MODE;./4#(=3733" 36.    $EFAULT!UTO-ANUALSelect the Auto, Manual or Auto/Manual notch filter to be used for SSB mode operation.s!UTO  Only the Auto notch filter can be used.s-ANUAL  /NLY THE -ANUAL NOTCH FILTER CAN BEused.s!UTO-ANUAL"OTHTHE!UTOAND-ANUALNOTCHlLTERScan be used.;./4#(=37!- 37.    $EFAULT!UTO-ANUALSelect the Auto, Manual or Auto/Manual notch filter used for AM mode operation.s!UTO  Only the Auto notch filter can be used.s-ANUAL  /NLY THE -ANUAL NOTCH FILTER CAN BEused.s!UTO-ANUAL"OTHTHE!UTOAND-ANUALNOTCHlLTERScan be used.-.10OPUP-./.38.  $EFAULT/.Turn the manual notch filter width display ON or OFF.When this item set to ON, and the manual notch filter is selected with [NOTCH], and the manual notch filter width appears on the function display."70OPUP0"439.  $EFAULT/.Turn the IF filter passband width and shift value dis-play ON or OFF.When this item set to ON, and the [TWIN PBT] control is rotated, the passband width and shifting value ap-pear on the function display."70OPUP&),40.  $EFAULT/.Turn the IF filter passband width and shift value dis-play ON or OFF.When this item set to ON, and [FILTER] is pushed, the passband width and shifting value appear on the function display.33"#73YNC4UNING41.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the displayed frequency shift function ON or OFF.When this function is turned ON, the audio pitch or tones of the received signal will remain the same, even when the operating mode is changed between SSB and CW.The amount of frequency shift may differ, depending on the CW pitch setting.s/&&4HEDISPLAYEDFREQUENCYDOESNOTSHIFTs/. 4HEDISPLAYEDFREQUENCYSHIFTSWHENTHEOP-erating mode is changed between SSB and CW.#7.ORMAL3IDE42.  $EFAULT,3"Select the sideband used to receive CW in the CW normal mode between LSB and USB.+%9%2ST-ENU43.  $EFAULT+%9%22OOT3ELECT+%9%22OOTOR+%9%23%.$ASTHEMENUTHATAPPEARSlRSTAFTERPUSHING;+%9=&INTHEh-vscreen (Menu 1), when the CW mode is selected.s+%9%22OOT -EMORYKEYERMENUAPPEARSlRSTs+%9%23%.$+EYER3%.$MENUAPPEARSlRST'03ST-ENU44.  $EFAULT'032OOTSelect GPS-Root or GPS-POS as the menu that ap-pears first after holding down [CALL/GPS].s'032OOT '03MENUAPPEARSlRSTs'030/3 0OSITIONMENUAPPEARSlRST%840!-045.  $EFAULT/&&Switch the preamplifier control ON or OFF. When using the optional AG-25, ON must be selected. Oth-erwise, the preamplifier is never enabled.DO NOT connect any equipment, such as an SWR or power meter, between the transceiver and preampli-fier. In such case, the preamplifier may not function correctly.%840!-046.  $EFAULT/&&Switch the preamplifier control ON or OFF. When using the optional AG-35, ON must be selected. Oth-erwise, the preamplifier is never enabled.DO NOT connect any equipment, such as an SWR or power meter, between the transceiver and preampli-fier. In such case, the preamplifier may not function correctly.N Set mode description (Continued)
16614SET MODE14%840!-047.  $EFAULT/&&Switch the preamplifier control ON or OFF. When using the optional AG-1200*, ON must be selected. Otherwise, the preamplifier will not function.*AG-1200 has been discontinued, but it can be still be used.DO NOT connect any equipment, such as an SWR or power meter, between the transceiver and preampli-fier. In such case, the preamplifier may not function correctly.This item appears only when the optional UX-9100 is installed.%84303EPARATE48.  $EFAULT3EPARATESelect the audio output method when the optional external speakers are connected to both [EXT-SP (MAIN)] and [EXT-SP (SUB)] jacks.s3EPARATE 4HE -!). AND 35" "AND AUDIO AREseparately sent to the [EXT-SP (MAIN)] and [EXT-SP (SUB)] jacks.s-IX  4HE -!). AND 35" "AND AUDIO AREcombined and sent to both the [EXT-SP (MAIN)] and [EXT-SP (SUB)] jacks.0HONE3EPARATE49.  $EFAULT!UTOSelect the audio output method when headphones are connected to the transceiver.s3EPARATE 4HE -!). AND 35" "AND AUDIO AREseparately sent to the right speaker (MAIN Band) and left speaker (SUB Band).s-IX  4HE -!). AND 35" "AND AUDIO AREcombined, and sent to both the right and left speakers.s!UTO 7HENTHE35""ANDISDISPLAYEDTHEMAIN and SUB Band audio are sepa-rately sent to the right speaker (MAIN Band) and left speaker (SUB Band).         When the SUB Band is not displayed, the MAIN Band audio is sent to both the left and right speakers.3UB"AND-UTE4850.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the SUB Band Audio Mute function ON or OFF.While transmitting, the SUB band audio is muted when this function is turned ON.s/&&   4HE35""ANDAUDIOISNOTMUTEDwhile transmitting.s/.30/NLY 4HE35""ANDAUDIOSENTTOTHEspeaker, is muted while transmit-ting.s/.3053"4HE35""ANDAUDIOSENTTOTHEspeaker and USB port, is muted while transmitting.!##!&31,3ELECT51.  $EFAULT-!).Set the [ACC] socket’s pin 12 (AF) and pin 13 (SQLS) output usage.s-!).3ENDSTHE-!)."ANDSRECEIVEAUDIOANDsquelch.s35" 3ENDSTHE35""ANDSRECEIVEAUDIOANDsquelch.$!4!!&31,3ELECT52.  $EFAULT-!).Set the [DATA2] socket’s pin 4 (DATA), pin 5 (AF) and pin 6 (SQL) output usage.s-!).3ENDSTHE-!)."ANDSRECEIVEAUDIOANDsquelch.s35" 3ENDSTHE35""ANDSRECEIVEAUDIOANDsquelch.63%.$3ELECT53.  $EFAULT/.Set the [ACC] socket’s pin 7 (VSEND) and pin 3 (HSEND) output usage.s/&& 63%.$ISNOTUSED         HSEND is used for all bands.s5(&/NLY 63%.$ISUSEDFORTHE-(ZAND1200 MHz bands.         HSEND is used for the HF/50 MHz and 144 MHz bands.s/.  63%.$ IS USED FOR THE  -(Z430 MHz, and 1200 MHz bands.         HSEND is used for the HF/50 MHz bands.
16714 SET MODE%XTERNAL+EYPAD54.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the external keypad ON or OFF for keyer mem-ory transmission.See page 26 for the equivalent circuit of an external keypad and connection.s/&&  4HEEXTERNALKEYPADDOESNOTFUNC-tion.s+%9%23%.$)NTHE#7MODEPUSHINGONEOFEX-ternal keypad switches transmits the desired keyer memory contents.53"!UDIO31,55.  $EFAULT/&&/0%.Select whether or not to output the audio from the [USB] connector on the rear panel, according to the squelch state.The same audio signals are sent from the [USB] con-nector and the [ACC] sockets.-  The beep tones and the voice synthesizer announce-ments are not sent.-  The received audio output level cannot be adjusted with the [AF] control.s/&&/0%. 4HERECEIVEDAUDIOISALWAYSSENTregardless of the squelch state.s/.   4HERECEIVEDAUDIOISSENTWHENTHEsquelch is open.53"-/$,EVEL56.  $EFAULTSet the input modulation level of the [USB] connector TOBETWEENANDINSTEPSBPS-ODE57.  $EFAULT/&&Turn the [DATA2] socket’s 9600 bps data transmission ON or OFF.s/&&&ORONLYTHEREGULARAUDIOORSLOWDATATRANS-mission.s/. &ORBPSDATATRANSMISSIONDATA OFF MOD 58.  $EFAULT-)#!##Select the desired connector(s) for data modulation input in the data OFF mode.s-)# 5SETHESIGNALSFROM;-)#=s!## 5SETHESIGNALSFROM;!##=PINs-)#!## 5SETHESIGNALSFROM;-)#=AND;!##=(pin 11).s53" 5SETHESIGNALSFROM;53"=DATA MOD 59.  $EFAULT!##Select the desired connector(s) for data modulation input in the data mode.s-)# 5SETHESIGNALSFROM;-)#=s!## 5SETHESIGNALSFROM;!##=PINs-)#!## 5SETHESIGNALSFROM;-)#=AND;!##=(pin 11).s53" 5SETHESIGNALSFROM;53"=#)6"AUD2ATE60.  $EFAULT!UTOSet the CI-V data transfer rate between 300, 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200 bps and “Auto.”When “Auto” is selected, the baud rate is automatically set according to the data rate of the connected con-troller.CI-V Address 61.  $EFAULT#HTo distinguish equipment, each CI-V transceiver has its own Icom standard address in hexadecimal code.The IC-9100’s address is 7Ch.When 2 or more IC-9100’s are connected to an op-tional CT-17 CI-V level converter, rotate [MAIN DIAL] to SELECTADIFFERENTADDRESSFOREACH)#THERANGEis 01h to DFh.#)64RANSCEIVE62.  $EFAULT/.Turn the transceive function using the CI-V system ON or OFF.When this item is set to ON, changing the frequency, operating mode, etc. on the IC-9100 automatically changes those settings on other Icom transceivers or receivers, and vice versa.s/&&4RANSCEIVEFUNCTION/&&s/. 4RANSCEIVEFUNCTION/.53"$!4!&UNC63.  $EFAULT;='03Two COM port numbers are assigned to the [USB] connector. One of them is “USB1,” used for cloning and CI-V operation. The other one is “USB2,” and the function is selected by this item.s-----   : “USB2” is not used.s2449 5SEDTOSEND2449DECODEDSIGNALSs$6DAT 5SEDFORLOWSPEEDDATAINPUTANDOUTPUT   s)FYOUSETTHEFUNCTIONOFTHE;$!4!=JACKTO“GPS,” and “DATA1  USB2” is selected as the “GPS Out” item’s option, as described below, “USB2” will be used for the low-speed data input and GPS data output.N Set mode description (Continued)
16814SET MODE1453"$!4!&UNC64.  $EFAULT;'03=Select the function of the [DATA1] jack.s-----   : The [DATA1] jack is not used.s2449 5SEDTOSEND2449DECODEDSIGNALSs$6DAT 5SEDFORLOWSPEEDDATAINPUTANDOUTPUTs'03 5SEDFORTHE'03RECEIVERCONNECTIONFORposition data input.GPS Out 65.  $EFAULT/&&When a GPS receiver is connected to the [DATA1] jack, the GPS position data is input through the jack.9OUCANSELECTWHETHERORNOTTOSENDTHEDATAFROMthe COM port (“USB2”).NOTE:9OUCANUSETHISFUNCTIONONLYWHENh-----” or “DVdat” is selected as the “USB2/DATA1 Func” (63) option, and “GPS” is selected as the “USB2/DATA1 Func” (64) option.s/&&  4URNSTHEFUNCTION/&&s$!4! USB2 :  Sends the GPS position data from the COM port (“USB2”).$6DAT'03/UT"AUD66.  $EFAULTSet the DV or GPS data transfer speed to 4800 or 9600 bps.2449$ECODE"AUD67.  $EFAULT3ETTHE2449DECODEMONITORSPEEDTO4800, 9600 or 19200 bps.#ALIBRATION-ARKER68.  $EFAULT/&&Use as a simple frequency check of the transceiver. See page 179 for calibration procedure.NOTE: Turn OFF the calibration marker after check-ing the frequency of the transceiver.s/&&#ALIBRATIONMARKER/&&s/. #ALIBRATIONMARKER/.REF Adjust 69. During frequency calibration, set the internal refer-ENCEFREQUENCYTOBETWEENANDRANGEINsteps.NOTE: The default setting is different for each transceiver.
16914 SET MODED The 4ONECONTROL3ETMODESETTINGSq  Push [MENU] one or more times to display the “M2” screen (Menu 2).w  Push [TCON](F-4) to enter the Tone control Set mode.e  Push a mode switch to select the desired operating mode.r  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select the desired item.s3ELECTABLEITEMSDIFFERDEPENDINGONTHESELECTEDOPER-ating mode.t Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired option.s9OUCANSELECTTHEOPTIONFOREACHOPERATINGMODEs(OLDDOWN;&=FORSECONDTORESETTOTHEDEFAULTSET-ting, if desired.y  Push [MENU] to save, and exit the Set mode.Select the item Reset to the default settingMode switches[][MENU][F-3] [TCON][MAIN DIAL][][]Ù 1ÚSSB[   – – – ] –   – – –TCONRX HPF⁄LPFDisplays the Set mode item name and numberDisplays the optionRX HPF/LPF 1.  $EFAULT/&&-ODE33"#72449!-&-$6First select the operating mode, then set the receive audio high-pass filter to between 100 Hz and 2000 Hz in 100 Hz steps.NOTE: When the receive audio high-pass and low-pass filters are active, “RX Bass” and “RX Treble” items will be reset to the default value.RX HPF/LPF 2.  $EFAULT/&&-ODE33"#72449!-&-$6First select the operating mode, then set the receive audio low-pass filter to between 500 Hz and 2400 Hz in 100 Hz steps.NOTE: When the receive audio high-pass and low-pass filters are active, “RX Bass” and “RX Treble” items will be reset to the default value.28"ASS3.  $EFAULT-ODE33"!-&-$6First select the operating mode, then set the receive audio bass level to between –5 and +5.284REBLE4.  $EFAULT-ODE33"!-&-$6First select the operating mode, then set the receive audio treble level to between –5 and +5.48"ASS5.  $EFAULT-ODE33"!-&-$6First select the operating mode, then set the transmit audio bass level to between –5 and +5.484REBLE6.  $EFAULT-ODE33"!-&-$6First select the operating mode, then set the transmit audio treble level to between –5 and +5.4"77)$%,7.  $EFAULT-ODE33"Set the lower cut-off frequency of the transmission passband width for your wide setting to 100, 200, 300 or 500 Hz.4"77)$%(8.  $EFAULT-ODE33"Set the higher cut-off frequency of the transmission passband width for your wide setting to 2500, 2700, 2800 or 2900 Hz.Displays the selected operating modeN4ONECONTROL3ETMODEDESCRIPTION
15171DATA COMMUNICATIONN#ONNECTIONSTNCDATA  INDATA OUT(9600bps)GNDAF OUT(1200bps)PTTPRear panel viewTX AUDIORX AUDIOPTTGNDSQ*qrwteySQLDATA  INDATA OUT(9600bps)GNDAF OUT(1200bps)PTTPTX AUDIORX AUDIOPTTGNDSQ*qrwteySQLPCRS-232CTNCTNCTNCPCRS-232CRear panel view4812123765910 1113RTTY OUTPUTAUDIO INPUTPTTGNDFSKKAF OUTSEND*GND4812123765910 1113RTTY OUTPUTAUDIO INPUTPTTGNDFSKKAF OUTSEND*GNDquitryAFSK OUTPUTAF INPUTPTTGNDSQL INPUT TNCAUDIO OUTPUTAF INPUTPTTGNDquit12345678quit*1yr*2Rear panel viewTNC PCRS-232C*  When connecting the squelch line, consult the necessary manual (TNC, etc.).s3ELECTPIN63%.$ANDPIN(3%.$OUTPUTUSAGEINTHE3ETMODEP* e HF/50 MHz  : HSEND u 144/430/1200 MHz : VSEND*1  When using the VOX function, no connection is needed. Refer to the instruction manual of the external equipment.*2  When connecting the squelch line, consult the necessary manual.Connect to the serial port, parallel port, speaker jack, microphone jack and line IN/OUT jack, etc.See the instruction manual of the application for details.Connect to the serial port, parallel port, speaker jack, microphone jack or line IN/OUT jack, etc.See the instruction manual of the application for details.Connect to the serial port, parallel port, speaker jack, microphone jack and line IN/OUT jack, etc.See the instruction manual of the application for details.D7HENCONNECTINGTO;$!4!=D7HENCONNECTINGTO;!##=D7HENCONNECTINGTO;-)#=
17215DATA COMMUNICATION15N0ACKET!&3+OPERATIONBefore operating packet (AFSK), be sure to consult the operating manual that came with your TNC.q Connect the TNC and PC. (p. 171)w Select the desired band. (p. 35)e  Push [SSB] or [AM/FM] to select the desired oper-ating mode. (p. 43)r  Hold down the same key you pushed in step e to select the Data mode.t  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to select the desired fre-quency.y  Transmit your AFSK signals using your PC’s key-board. s2OTATE;2&0/7%2=TOSETTHEOUTPUTPOWERs7HILEUSINGA4.#THERELATIVESTRENGTHOFTHETRANSMIT-ted signal is indicated on the Po meter.s7HENOPERATINGINTHE33"DATAMODEADJUSTTHEOUT-put power so that the ALC meter reading stays in the ALC zone.NOTE: When connecting the TNC to the ACC socket on the rear panel, select the USB, LSB, AM and FM data mode, or disconnect the microphone and ro-tate [MIC GAIN] fully counterclockwise.When the SSB data mode is selected, the audio input from the [MIC] connector is automatically cut, and the audio input from the [ACC] socket is used.Also, when the SSB data mode is selected, the fixed SETTINGSLISTEDBELOWAREAUTOMATICALLYSELECTEDs3PEECHCOMPRESSOR/&&s4RANSMITBANDWIDTH -)$ Fixed to the default VALUE(ZTO(Z)s4XTONE"ASS s4XTONE4REBLE s%XAMPLELSB/LSB data modeMark freq.: 2125 HzShift freq.: 200 Hz2325 Hz200 Hz 2125 HzCarrier point(Displayed frequency)When operating AFSK in the SSB mode, the displayed frequency is the signal’s carrier point.D&REQUENCYDISPLAYDURING!&3+OPERATIONAppears when the FM data mode is selected.[AM/FM] [MAIN DIAL][SSB]
17315 DATA COMMUNICATIONWhen the data transmission speed is set to 9600 bps, the data signal coming from the TNC is applied exclu-sively to the internal limiter circuitry to automatically maintain band width.NEVER apply data levels from the TNC of over 0.6 Vp-p. Otherwise the transceiver will not be able to maintain the band width, and your transmitted signal may possibly interfere with other stations.D5SINGALEVELMETERORSYNCHROSCOPEWhen using a level meter or synchroscope, adjust the TX audio output level (DATA IN level) from the TNC as follows. 0.4 Vp-p (0.2 Vrms)  : recommended level 0.2–0.5Vp-p (0.1–0.25 Vrms)  : acceptable levelD.OTUSINGAMEASURINGDEVICEq Connect the TNC to the transceiver. (p. 171)w  Enter a test mode (“CAL,” etc.) on the TNC, then transmit some test data.e  If the transceiver fails to transmit the test data, or transmits sporadically, (TX/RX indicator doesn’t light or it flashes): -  Decrease the TNC output level until the transmit indicator lights continuously.  If transmission is not successful, even though the TX indicator lights continuously:  - Increase the TNC output level.N!DJUSTINGTHE4.#OUTPUTLEVELN$ATATRANSMISSIONSPEEDIn the FM data mode, the transceiver can be set to a maximum data speed of 9600 bps.q  Hold down [MENU] for 1 second to enter the Set mode.w  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “9600bps Mode.”e  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to turn the 9600 bps mode ON or OFF.  s/. BPSDATASPEED s/&&$ISABLESDATA TRANSMISSION AT  BPSThis is used for only regular audio or slower data transmission.r Push [MENU] to save and exit the Set mode.[][][MAIN DIAL][MENU]OFF (default)Ù57ÚOFFSET 9600bps ModeINFORMATION!7HENh2449vISSELECTEDASTHE“USB2/DATA1 Func” (63) item option inTHE3ETMODETHE53"PORTSENDS2449decode signal. In this case, you must connect a USB cable* between the transceiver’s USB port on the rear panel and the PC. (p. 167)*Purchase separatelys4HE53"DRIVERANDTHEINSTALLATIONGUIDECANBEDOWNLOADEDFROMOURWEBSITE URL: http://www.icom.co.jp/world/index.html).
16174OPTION INSTALLATION16N/PENINGTHETRANSCEIVERSCASEIcom strongly suggests that the customer have their dealer or Icom distributor, for a reasonable fee, in-stall Icom options at the time of the order. Icom un-derstands that even the simplest of installations de-mands the judgment of a trained Icom technician. Therefore, Icom will not be responsible for damage to the optional unit, or subsequent damage to the transceiver due to user installation problems. The option’s or the transceiver’s Warranty can be voided in such situations, at the sole judgment of Icom.For those customers who still wish to install their own options, knowing the risks and possible con-sequences, the following information is provided for information purposes only.The following are instructions for removing the covers of the IC-9100.R WARNING! Turn OFF the power and disconnect the DC power cable from the transceiver before per-forming any work on the transceiver. Otherwise, there is danger of electric shock and/or equipment damage.q  Remove the two screws from the carrying handle and remove it from the transceiver.w  Remove the seven screws from the top of the trans-ceiver and the six screws from the sides, then lift up the top cover.e Turn the transceiver upside-down. #!54)/..%6%2(/,$4(%5.)4"94(%-!).$)!,/2!.9/4(%2+./"3when you turn the transceiver upside down. This may dam-age them, or cause you to drop the transceiver.r  Remove the six screws from the bottom, and then lift off the bottom cover. About the leg padsTo detach the leg pads from the right side panel of the top/bottom cover, push them out from the inside of each cover, after completing steps q through r above.Carrying handleBottom coverTop coverPA shielding plateTopBottomRearFront
17516 OPTION INSTALLATIONN UX-9100 1200 MHz BAND UNIT INSTALLATIONThe optional UX-9100 is required to operate on the 1200 MHz frequency band.q  Remove the top and bottom covers as shown in the diagram on page 174.w  Remove the antenna plate from the chassis on the rear panel using a standard flat screwdriver. R WARNING! NEVER push on the antenna plate using your finger to remove it. This may cause an injury.e  Connect the DC power cable, coaxial cables and flat cable, as shown to the right. ±  Connect the longer coaxial cable from the trans-ceiver to J12, and the other one, with a white mark near the connector, to J101 on the IF unit. ±  Connect the coaxial cable from the UX-9100’s main unit to J11 on the IF unit. ±  Ensure the flat cable is connected to the IF unit correctly, and not upside down.   After connecting, fold the cable, but not too tightly, as illustrated to the right.r  Connect the 9-pin connector from the transceiver’s front unit to J3 on the IF unit.t  Connect the 12-pin connector from the IF unit to J1, and the 11-pin connector to J2 on the transceiver’s front unit.y  Attach the UX-9100 and IF unit using the eight sup-plied screws. s-AKESURETHEmATCABLEISNOTPINCHEDWHENTHE589100 is installed.u  Return the top and bottom covers to their original positions.R WARNING! When UX-9100 is installed, the unit continues to draw current, even when the trans-ceiver is turned OFF. Therefore, when you don’t in-tend to use the transceiver for a long period of time, disconnect the transceiver’s DC power cable.UX-9100IF unitTopBottomRearFrontIF unitDC power cableCoaxial cable(from the transceiver)Flat cableAntenna plateCoaxial cable (from the UX-9100)UX-9100White mark11-pin12-pin9-pinIF unitAfter connect-ing, fold the cable like this.Secure the coaxial cable, con-necting to J12 on the IF unit, by the clip, as shown here.
17616OPTION INSTALLATION16N UT-121 DIGITAL UNIT INSTALLATIONN FL-430/FL-431 1ST IF FILTER INSTALLATIONThe optional Roofing Filters, FL-430 1ST IF FILTER (6 kHz) or FL-431 1ST IF FILTER (3 kHz) provides 6 or 3 kHz filtering to reduce interference from strong nearby signals.q  Remove the top and bottom covers as shown on page 174.w  Install the FL-430 or FL-431 as shown to the right.s4HECONNECTORSONTHE)#AREMARKEDFORTHEAP-propriate filter. s%NSURETHE&,OR&,ISINSTALLEDCORRECTLYe  Return the top and bottom covers to the original po-sitions.FL-431 (3 kHz)FL-430 (6 kHz)The optional UT-121 DIGITAL UNIT is required for DV mode operation, including the DR mode.q  Remove the top and bottom covers as shown on page 174.w  Remove the upper two screws from the front panel (q).e  Loosen the lower two screws on the front panel (w), then slowly fold down the front panel in the direction of the arrow (e).r  Remove the protective paper from one side of the double sided adhesive sheet (r), then place the sheet on the panel, as shown below. (t).t  Remove the other side of the protective paper, and install the UT-121 as shown below (y).y  Return the front panel, top and bottom covers to their original positions.TopBottomRearFrontTopBottomRearFrontq Remove UT-121q Remove w Loosenrw Loosentey
17177MAINTENANCED4RANSCEIVERPOWER02/",%- 0/33)",%#!53% SOLUTION REF.Power does not turn ON when the [POWER] switch is pushed.s4HEPOWERCABLEISIMPROPERLYCONNECTEDs!FUSEISBLOWNs2ECONNECTTHE$#POWERCABLECORRECTLYs#ORRECT THECAUSETHENREPLACETHEFUSE WITHan equivalent fuse. ( Fuses are installed in the DC power cable and in the internal PA unit.)p. 27p. 180D4RANSMITANDRECEIVE02/",%- 0/33)",%#!53% SOLUTION REF.No sound from the speaker. s4HEAUDIOVOLUMELEVELISTOOLOWs4HESQUELCHISCLOSEDs4HETRANSCEIVERISINTRANSMITs2OTATE THE ;!&= CONTROL CLOCKWISE TO OBTAIN Asuitable listening level.s2OTATETHE;2&31,=CONTROLTOOCLOCKPOSI-tion to open the squelch.s0USH ;42!.3-)4= TO RECEIVE OR CHECK THESEND line of an external unit, if connected.p. 45p. 44p. 46Sensitivity is too low, and only strong signals are au-dible.s4HEANTENNAISNOTCONNECTEDPROPERLYs4HEANTENNAFORANOTHERBANDISSELECTEDs4HEANTENNAISNOTPROPERLYTUNEDs4HEATTENUATORISTURNED/.s2ECONNECTTOTHEANTENNACONNECTORs3ELECT AN ANTENNA SUITABLE FOR THE OPERATINGfrequency.s(OLDDOWN;45.%2=FORSECONDTOMANUALLYtune the antenna.s0USH;0!-0!44=ONEORMORETIMESTOSELECT“ATT OFF.”—p. 158p. 159p. 71Received audio is unclear or distorted.s4HEOPERATINGMODEISNOTMATCHEDs4HE0ASSBAND4UNINGFUNCTIONISTURNED/.s.OISE "LANKER FUNCTIONS WHEN RECEIVING Astrong signal.s0reamplifier is turned ON.s4HE .OISE 2EDUCTION FUNCTION IS TURNED /.and the [NR] control is too far clockwise.s3ELECTASUITABLEOPERATINGMODEs(OLD DOWN ;0"4#,2= FOR  SECOND TO RESETthe function.s0USH;."=TOTURN/&&THEFUNCTIONs0USH ;0!-0!44= ONE OR MORE TIMES TO TURNOFF the function.s3ETTHE;.2=CONTROLFORMAXIMUMREADABILITYp. 43p. 75p. 76p. 71p. 77;!.4s-%4%2= DOES NOTfunctions4HE !NTENNA 3WITCH FUNCTION HAS NOT BEENturned ON.s3ET THE !NTENNA 3WITCH FUNCTION TO h!UTOv OR“Manual” in the Set mode.p. 163Transmitting is impossible. s4HE OPERATING FREQUENCY IS OUTSIDE THE SE-lected ham band.s3ET THE FREQUENCY TO BE WITHIN THE SELECTEDham band.p. 37Output power is too low. s4HE ;2& 0/7%2= CONTROL IS SET TOO FAR COUN-terclockwises4HE;-)#'!).=CONTROLISSETTOOFARCOUNTER-clockwises4HEANTENNAFORANOTHERBANDISSELECTEDs4HEANTENNAISNOTPROPERLYTUNEDs2OTATETHE;2&0/7%2=CONTROLCLOCKWISEs3ETTHE;-)#'!).=CONTROLTOASUITABLEPOSI-tion.s3ELECT AN ANTENNA SUITABLE FOR THE OPERATINGfrequency.s(OLDDOWN;45.%2=FORSECONDTOMANUALLYtune the antenna.p. 46p. 46p. 158p. 159No contact can be made with another station.s4HE2)4OR∂TX function is turned ON.s4HE 3PLIT FUNCTION ANDOR $UPLEX FUNCTION AREturned ON.s0USH;2)4=OR;∂TX] to turn OFF the function.s0USH ;30,)4= ANDOR ;$50=& IN THE h-vscreen) to turn OFF the function.pp. 69, 81pp. 65, 82Transmit signal is unclear or distorted.s4HE ;-)# '!).= CONTROL IS SET TOO FAR CLOCK-wise.s3ETTHE;-)#'!).=CONTROLTOASUITABLEPOSI-tion.p. 46Repeater cannot be ac-cessed.s4HESPLITORDUPLEXFUNCTIONISNOTTURNED/.s4HEPROGRAMMEDSUBAUDIBLETONEFREQUENCYISwrong.s0USH ;30,)4= ANDOR ;$50=& IN THE h-vscreen) to turn ON the function.s2ESETTHEFREQUENCYpp. 65, 82p. 65AM cannot be selected. s4HE-(ZFREQUENCYBANDISSELECTED sSelect the HF/50/144/430 MHz frequency band.pp. 43, 61Transmitting is impossible in AM.s4HE144/430/1200 MHz frequency band is se-lected.sSelect the HF/50 MHz frequency band.pp. 43, 46N4ROUBLESHOOTINGThe following chart is designed to help you correct problems which are not equipment malfunctions.If you are unable to locate the cause of a problem, or solve it through the use of this chart, contact your nearest Icom Dealer or Service Center.
17817MAINTENANCE17D3CANNING02/",%- 0/33)",%#!53% SOLUTION REF.Programmed scan does not stop.s3QUELCHISOPEN s3ET THE ;2&31,= CONTROL TO THE THRESHOLDpoint.pp.  44, 146Programmed scan does not start.s The same frequencies have been programmed into both “1A–3A” and “1b–3b” of the scan edge memory channels.s0ROGRAMDIFFERENTFREQUENCIESINTOTHE“1A–3A” and “1b–3b” scan edge memory channels.p. 148Memory scan does not start. s OR MORE MEMORY CHANNELS HAVE NOT BEENprogrammed.s0ROGRAMMORETHANMEMORYCHANNELS p. 140Select memory scan does not start.s OR MORE MEMORY CHANNELS HAVE NOT BEENdesignated as select channels.s$ESIGNATE MORE THAN  MEMORY CHANNELS ASselect channels for the scan.p. 151Mode select memory scan does not start.sORMOREMEMORYCHANNELSWITHDESIREDMODEhave not been programmed.s0ROGRAM MORE THAN  MEMORY CHANNELS WITHthe desired operating mode.p. 43∂F scan does not start. s4HE CENTER FREQUENCY FOR ∂F scan is not pro-grammed.s0ROGRAMTHECENTERFREQUENCYFORA∂F scan. p. 152D$ISPLAY02/",%- 0/33)",%#!53% SOLUTION REF.The displayed frequency does not change properly.s4HEDIALLOCKFUNCTIONISturned ON.s4HE3ETMODESCREENISSELECTEDs4HEINTERNAL#05HASMALFUNCTIONEDs(OLD DOWN ;30%%#(,/#+= FOR  SECOND TOturn OFF the function.s0USH[MENU] to exit the Set Mode.s2ESETTHE#05p. 77p. 161p. 181
17917 MAINTENANCEN&REQUENCYCALIBRATIONAPPROXIMATE[PBT-CLR] [](MAIN Band)[](MAIN Band)[][][][][][][MAIN DIAL]Ù 68ÚOFFSET Calibration MarkerÙ69Ú50%SET REF Adjusts#ALIBRATIONMARKERITEMs2%&!DJUSTITEMA very accurate frequency counter is required to cali-brate the frequency of the transceiver. However, a rough check may be performed by receiving radio sta-tion WWV, WWVH, or other standard frequency sig-nals.CAUTION: The IC-9100 has been thoroughly ad-justed and tested at the factory before being SHIPPED9OUSHOULDNOTHAVETORECALIBRATEITq  Push [SSB] to select the USB mode.w  Push [PBT-CLR] for 1 second to clear the PBT set-tings and make sure that the RIT/∂TX function is not turned ON.e  Set the frequency to the standard frequency station minus 1 kHz.s When receiving WWV or WWVH (at 15.000.00 MHz) as a standard frequency, set the operating frequency for 14.999.00 MHz. s/THERSTANDARDFREQUENCIESCANALSOBEUSEDr  Hold down [MENU] for 1 second to enter the Set mode.t  Push [Y](F-1) or [Z](F-2) to select “Calibration Marker.”y  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to turn ON the calibration marker. s!SIDETONEMAYBEHEARDu  Push [Z](F-2) to select “REF Adjust.”i  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to adjust for a zero beat with the received standard signal.s:EROBEATMEANSTHATTWOSIGNALSAREEXACTLYTHESAMEfrequency, resulting in a single tone being heard.o  Push [Y](F-1) to select “Calibration Marker.”!0  Rotate [MAIN DIAL] to turn OFF the calibration marker.!1  Push [MENU] to save, and exit the Set mode. The tuning tension of [MAIN DIAL] may be adjusted to suit your preference.The tension adjustment is located on the bottom side of the front panel. See the figure to the right.Slide the tension adjustment to a comfortable level while turning the dial continuously and evenly in one direction. MAIN DIALTuning tensionadjustmentLightFirmN-AINDIALTUNINGTENSIONADJUSTMENT
18017MAINTENANCE17D#IRCUITRYFUSEREPLACEMENTExcept for the power amplifier, the 13.8 V DC from the DC power cable is applied to all units in the IC-9100, through the circuitry fuse. This fuse is located in the PA unit.q Remove the top cover. (p. 174)w  Remove the 22 screws, then remove the PA shield-ing plate as shown to the right.e  Remove the speaker cable from the connector on the PA unit as shown to the right.r  Replace the circuitry fuse as shown in the diagram to the right.t  Replace the speaker cable, PA shielding plate, top cover and screws to their original position.CAUTION: DO NOT pull the speaker cable when removing the PA shielding plate, or DO NOT put the speaker cable under the PA shielding plate when replacing it. This could damage the transceiver.ATC 30 A fuseN&USEREPLACEMENTIf a fuse blows, or the transceiver stops functioning, find the source of the problem, and repair it. Then re-place the damaged fuse with a new, adequately rated fuse.R WARNING! Turn OFF the power and disconnect the DC power cable from the transceiver before per-forming any work on the transceiver. Otherwise, there is danger of electric shock, equipment dam-age and/or fire infury.The IC-9100 has two fuse types installed for trans-ceiver protection.s$#POWERCABLEFUSES ..............................  ATC 30 A s#IRCUITRYFUSE ..............................................  ATC 5 AD$#POWERCABLEFUSEREPLACEMENTRefer the figure described to the right for the DC power cable fuse replacement.Speaker cablePA shielding plateATC 5 A fuseConnector
18117 MAINTENANCEN2ESETTINGTHE#05D0ARTIALRESETIf you want to reset the operating parameters to their default values (VFO frequency, VFO settings, menu group’s contents) without clearing certain data as de-scribed below, a partial reset can be performed.The following data will not be cleared when doing a Partial reset:s-EMORYCONTENTSs#ALLSIGNMEMORIESs2EPEATERLISTSs48MESSAGESs'03MEMORIESs'03MESSAGESs-EMORYKEYERCONTENTSs0ROGRAMMEDUSERBANDEDGEFREQUENCIESs0ROGRAMMED!UTO2EPEATERFREQUENCYRANGESs2%&!DJ2EFERENCEFREQUENCYSETTINGq First, turn OFF the transceiver power.w  While holding down [F-INP ENT] and [VFO/MEMO], push [POWER] to turn ON the power.s$URING STARTUP THE TRANSCEIVER DISPLAYSh0!24)!,RESET,” then its initial VFO frequencies when resetting is complete.s)FYOUOPERATETHETRANSCEIVERBEFOREh0!24)!,2%3%4vdisappears, the resetting will be cancelled.e  If desired, edit the Set mode settings after reset-ting.D!LLRESETThe display may occasionally display erroneous infor-mation (e.g. when first applying power). This may be caused externally by static electricity or by other fac-tors.If this problem occurs, turn OFF the power. After wait-ing a few seconds, turn ON the power again. If the problem persists, perform the following procedure.NOTE: Resetting the CPU CLEARS all programmed contents and returns them to their default settings.q First, turn OFF the transceiver power.w  While holding down [F-INP ENT] and [M-CLR], push [POWER] to turn ON the power.s$URINGSTARTUPTHETRANSCEIVERDISPLAYSh!,,#,%!2vthen when resetting is complete, then displays the initial VFO frequencies.s)FYOUOPERATETHETRANSCEIVERBEFOREh!,,#,%!2vDIS-appears, the resetting will be cancelled.e  After resetting, edit the Set mode settings, if de-sired.[POWER] [F-INP ENT] [M-CLR][POWER] [F-INP ENT] [VFO/MEMO]
18217MAINTENANCE17N$ATACLONINGD#LONINGBETWEENTRANSCEIVERSThe IC-9100 has transceiver-to-transceiver data clon-ing capability.This function is useful when you want to copy all of the programmed contents from one IC-9100 to another.s!MINIPLUGCABLEISREQUIRED0URCHASESEPARATELYq  Connect a mini plug cable to the [REMOTE] jack of the master and sub transceivers.s4HEMASTERTRANSCEIVERISUSEDTOSENDDATATOTHESUBtransceiver.w  3UBTRANSCEIVERSOPERATION  While holding down [F-1] on the sub transceiver, push [POWER] to turn ON the power and enter the cloning mode. -ASTERTRANSCEIVERSOPERATION  While holding down [F-2] on the master transceiver, push [POWER] to turn ON the power and enter the cloning mode.sh#,/.%vAPPEARSANDTHETRANSCEIVERSENTERTHECLONEstandby mode.sh-vAPPEARSONTHEMASTERTRANSCEIVERSDISPLAYTOINDI-cate it as the master transceiver.e  Push [OUT](F-5) on the master transceiver.sh#,/.%/54vAPPEARSONTHEMASTERTRANSCEIVERSDIS-play, and the bar meter shows that data is being trans-ferred to the sub-transceiver.sh#,/.%).vAPPEARSAUTOMATICALLYONTHESUBTRANS-ceiver’s display, and the bar meter shows that data is being received from the master transceiver.r  When cloning is finished, turn power OFF, then ON again to exit the cloning mode.sh#,/.%%.$vAPPEARSAUTOMATICALLYONTHESUBTRANS-ceiver’s display after the cloning is completed.D#LONINGUSINGAPERSONALCOMPUTERThe optional CS-9100 CLONING SOFTWARE is also available to clone/edit contents with a PC using ICF format files.Microsoft® Windows® XP (32bit), Windows Vista® (32/64bit) or Windows® 7 (32/64bit) OS is required.s!53"CABLEISREQUIREDTOCONNECTTHETRANSCEIVERANDAPC. (Purchase separately)[REMOTE] Mini plug cable(Purchase separately)[USB]USB cable(Purchase separately)PCUse as short a mini plug cable as possible.Depending on the length of the cable, data cloning cannot be done.
18183CONTROL COMMANDN2EMOTEJACK#)6INFORMATIONController to IC-9100FE FE 7C E0 Cn Sc Data area FDPreamblecode (fixed)Transceiver’sdefault addressController’sdefault addressCommand number(see the command table)Sub command number(see the command table)BCD code data such asfor frequency, memorynumber entry(see the data content description) End of messagecode (fixed)OK message to controllerFE FE E0 7C FB FDFE FE E0 7C FA FDPreamblecode (fixed)Controller’sdefault addressTransceiver’sdefault addressOK code(fixed)End of messagecode (fixed)NG message to controllerNG code(fixed)IC-9100 to controllerqwert y uFE FE E0 7C Cn Sc Data area FDqwert y uD#)6CONNECTIONEXAMPLE The transceiver can be connected through an optional CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER to a PC equipped with an RS-232C port. The Icom Communications Interface-V (CI-V) controls the transceiver.Up to 4 Icom CI-V transceivers or receivers can be connected to the PC. See p. 167 for setting the CI-V condition using the set mode.D$ATAFORMATThe CI-V system can be operated using the following data formats. Data formats differ depending on com-mand numbers. A data area or sub command is added to some commands.IC-91009−15V DCPCct-17mini-plug cableRS-232CcableWhen the transceiver is connected to a PC with the USB cable (purchased separately), the optional CT-17 is not required.
18418CONTROL COMMAND18D#OMMANDTABLECmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION00 see p. 190 Send operating frequency for transceive01 see p. 190 Send operating mode for transceive02 see p. 191 Read band edge frequencies03 see p. 190 Read operating frequency04 see p. 190 Read operating mode05 see p. 190 Send operating frequency06 see p. 190 Send operating mode07 Select VFO mode00 Select VFO A01 Select VFO BA0 Equalize VFO A and VFO BOr, equalize MAIN and SUB BandsB0 Exchange VFO A and VFO BOr, exchange MAIN and SUB BandsD0 Select MAIN BandD1 Select SUB Band08 Select Memory mode0001 to 0105Select Memory channel-#(TO-#(!B!B!B0106 Select Call channel00 to 19 Select Satellite Memory channel3ATELLITE-#(TO3ATELLITEM-CH19)09 Memory write0A Memory copy to VFO0B Memory clear0C Read offset frequency0D Send offset frequency0E 00 Scan stop01 Programmed/memory scan start02 Programmed scan start03 ∂F scan start12 Fine programmed scan start13 Fine ∂F scan start22 Memory scan start23 Select memory scan start24 Mode select scan startA1 Set ∂F scan span ±5 kHzA2 Set ∂F scan span ±10 kHzA3 Set ∂F scan span ±20 kHzA4 Set ∂F scan span ±50 kHzA5 Set ∂F scan span ±100 kHzA6 Set ∂F scan span ±500 kHzA7 Set ∂F scan span ±1 MHzB0 Set as non-select channelB1 Set as select channel( The previously set number by CI-V is set after turning power ON, or “1” is selected if no selection is performed.)D0 Set scan resume OFFD3 Set scan resume ON0F Read Split function or duplex setting00 Set the Split function OFF01 Set the Split function ON10 Set simplex operation11 Set –DUP operation12 Set +DUP operationCmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION10 00 Send/read the tuning step 10 Hz (1 Hz)01 Send/read the tuning step 100 Hz02 Send/read the tuning step 1 kHz03 Send/read the tuning stepd 5 kHz04 Send/read the tuning step 6.25 kHz05 Send/read the tuning step 9 kHz06 Send/read the tuning step 10 kHz07 Send/read the tuning step 12.5 kHz08 Send/read the tuning step 20 kHz09 Send/read the tuning step 25 kHz10 Send/read the tuning step 50 kHz11 Send/read the tuning step 100 kHz12 Send/read the tuning step 1 MHz (except for HF/50 MHz band)11 00 Send/read attenuator OFF20 Send/read 20 dB attenuator12 00 Send/read ANT1 selection01 Send/read ANT2 selection13 00 Announce operating frequency, operating mode and S-meter level with voice syn-thesizer01 Announce operating frequency and S-meter level with voice synthesizer02 Announce operating mode with voice syn-thesizer14 01 0000 to 0255Send/read [AF] positionMAX##7MAX#702 0000 to 0255Send/read [RF/SQL] position (RF gain level)MAX##7OCLOCK03 0000 to 0255Send/read [RF/SQL] position (squelch level)OCLOCKMAX#706 0000 to 0015Send/read [NR] positionMAX##7MAX#707 0000 to 0255Send/read inner [TWIN PBT] positionMAX##7CENTERMAX#708 0000 to 0255Send/read outer [TWIN PBT] positionMAX##7CENTERMAX#709 0000 to 0255Send/read [CW PITCH] positionMAX##7CENTERMAX#70A 0000 to 0255Send/read [RF POWER] positionMAX##7TOMAX#70B 0000 to 0255Send/read [MIC GAIN] positionMAX##7TOMAX#70C 0000 to 02553ENDREAD;+%930%%$=POSITIONMAX##7TOMAX#70D 0000 to 0255Send/read [NOTCH] positionMAX##7CENTERMAX#70E 0000 to 0255Send/read COMP levelTO0F 0000 to 0255Send/read Break-IN Delay settingDTOD12 0000 to 0255Send/read NB levelTO15 0000 to 0255Send/read Monitor gainTO16 0000 to 0255Send/read VOX gainTO17 0000 to 0255Send/read Anti VOX gainTO18 0000 to 0255Send/read CONTRAST levelTO19 0000 to 0255Send/read BRIGHT levelTO
18518 CONTROL COMMANDD Command table (continued)Cmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION15 01 00 Read squelch status (squelch close)01 Read squelch status (squelch open)02 0000 to 0255Read S-meter level333D"11 0000 to 0255Read RF power meter12 0000 to 0255Read SWR meter37237237237213 0000 to 0255Read ALC meter-INTO-AX14 0000 to 0255Read COMP meterD"D"D"16 02 00 Send/read Preamp OFF01Send/read Preamp ON (144/430/1200 MHz)Send/read Preamp 1 ON (HF/50 MHz)02 Send/read Preamp 2 ON (HF/50 MHz)12 01 Send/read AGC FAST02 Send/read AGC MID03 Send/read AGC SLOW22 00 Send/read Noise Blanker OFF01 Send/read Noise Blanker ON40 00 Send/read Noise Reduction OFF01 Send/read Noise Reduction ON41 00 Send/read Auto Notch function OFF01 Send/read Auto Notch function ON42 00 Send/read Repeater tone OFF01 Send/read Repeater tone ON43 00 Send/read Tone squelch OFF01 Send/read Tone squelch ON44 00 Send/read Speech compressor OFF01 Send/read Speech compressor ON45 00 Send/read Monitor function OFF01 Send/read Monitor function ON46 00 Send/read VOX function OFF01 Send/read VOX function ON47 00 Send/read BK-IN function OFF01 Send/read Semi BK-IN function ON02 Send/read Fill BK-IN function ON48 00 Send/read Manual notch function OFF01 Send/read Manual notch function ON4A 00 Send/read AFC function OFF01 Send/read AFC function ON4B 00 Send/read DTCS OFF01 Send/read DTCS ON4C 00 Send/read VSC function OFF01 Send/read VSC function ON4F 00 Send/read Twin Peak Filter OFF01 Send/read Twin Peak Filter ON50 00 Send/read Dial lock function OFF01 Send/read Dial lock function ON55 00 Send/read 1st IF filter 3 kHz01 Send/read 1st IF filter 6 kHz02 Send/read 1st IF filter 15 kHz56 00 Send/read DSP filter type SHARP01 Send/read DSP filter type SOFT57 00 Send/read manual notch width WIDE01 Send/read manual notch width MID02 Send/read manual notch width NAR58 00 Send/read SSB transmit bandwidth WIDE01 Send/read SSB transmit bandwidth MID02 Send/read SSB transmit bandwidth NARCmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION16 59 00 Send/read Sub band OFF01 Send/read Sub band ON5A 00 Send/read Satellite mode OFF01 Send/read Satellite mode ON5B 00 Send/read DSQL/CSQL OFF (DV mode only)01 Send/read DSQL ON (DV mode only)02 Send/read CSQL ON (DV mode only)17 see p. 191 Send CW messages19 00 Read the transceiver ID1A 00 see p. 195 Send/read memory contents01 see p. 191 Send/read band stacking register con-tents02 see p. 191 Send/read memory keyer contents*103 00 to 49 Send/read the selected filter width!-(ZK(Z OTHERTHAN!-MODES(Z(Z(Z04 00 to 13Send/read the selected AGC time constant/&&!-SECTOSEC 33"#72449SECTOSEC05 0001 0000 to 0255Send/read LCD contrast levelLOWTOHIGH0002 0000 to 0255Send/read LCD backlight brightness levelDARKTOBRIGHT0003 0000 to 0255Send/read beep levelTO0004 00 Send/read beep level limit OFF01 Send/read beep level limit ON0005 00 Send/read confirmation beep OFF01 Send/read confirmation beep ON0006 00 Send/read band edge beep OFF01 Send/read band edge beep ON(Beep sounds with a default band)02 Send/read band edge beep with user set-ting ON03 Send/read band edge beep with user set-ting/TX limit ON0007 0050 to 0200Send/read beep audio frequency for MAIN Band(ZTO(Z0008 0050 to 0200Send/read beep audio frequency for SUB Band(ZTO(Z0009 00 Send/read Auto selection for [RF/SQL]01 Send/read SQL selection for [RF/SQL]02Send/read RF+SQL selection for [RF/SQL]0010 00 Send/read Meter Peak Hold function OFF01 Send/read Meter Peak Hold function ON0011 00 Send/read FM/DV Center Error function OFF01 Send/read FM/DV Center Error function ON0012 00 Send/read Time-Out Timer OFF01 Send/read 3 min. Time-Out Timer02 Send/read 5 min. Time-Out Timer03 Send/read 10 min. Time-Out Timer04 Send/read 20 min. Time-Out Timer05 Send/read 30 min. Time-Out Timer0013 00 Send/read PTT Lock function OFF01 Send/read PTT Lock function ON0014 00 Send/read Quick Split function OFF01 Send/read Quick Split function ON0015 see p. 192 Send/read Split offset frequency
18618CONTROL COMMAND18Cmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION1A 05 0016 00 Send/read Split Lock function OFF01 Send/read Split Lock function ON0017 see p. 192 Send/read Duplex offset frequency0018 00 Send/read One Touch Repeater DUP–01 Send/read One Touch Repeater DUP+0019 00 Send/read Auto Repeater OFF01 Send/read Auto Repeater ON-1 (for USA version) or ON (for Korea version)02 Send/read Auto Repeater ON-2 (for USA version)0020 00 Send/read Tuner Auto Start OFF01 Send/read Tuner Auto Start ON0021 00 Send/read PTT Tune OFF01 Send/read PTT Tune ON0022 00 Send/read antenna selection OFF01 Send/read manual antenna selection02 Send/read auto antenna selection0023 0000 to 0255Send/read voice synthesizer levelTO0024 00 Send/read English selection for voice syn-thesizer speech language01 Send/read Japanese selection for voice synthesizer speech language0025 00 Send/read speech speed slow01 Send/read speech speed fast0026 00 Send/read S-meter level announcement OFF01 Send/read S-meter level announcement ON0027 00 Send/read operating mode announce-ment (after pushing mode switch) OFF01 Send/read operating mode announce-ment (after pushing mode switch) ON0028 00 Send/read [SPEECH/LOCK] key function setting0USH30%%#((OLDDOWN,/#+01 Send/read [SPEECH/LOCK] key function setting0USH,/#+(OLDDOWN30%%#(0029 00 Send/read number of memo pad channels 501 Send/read number of memo pad channels 100030 00 Send/read auto TS for [MAIN DIAL] OFF01 Send/read auto TS for [MAIN DIAL] Low02 Send/read auto TS for [MAIN DIAL] High0031 00 Send/read Low selection for microphone Up/Down speed01 Send/read High selection for microphone Up/Down speed0032 00 Send/read Quick RIT/∂TX clear OFF01 Send/read Quick RIT/∂TX clear ON0033 00 Send/read AFC functioning range limit OFF01 Send/read AFC functioning range limit ON0034 00 Send/read Auto Notch selection for SSB mode01 Send/read Manual notch selection for SSB mode02 Send/read Auto/Manual Notch selection for SSB mode0035 00 Send/read Auto Notch selection for AM mode01 Send/read Manual Notch selection for AM mode02 Send/read Auto/Manual Notch selection for AM modeCmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION1A 05 0036 00 Send/read Manual Notch filter width pop-up OFF01 Send/read Manual Notch filter width pop-up ON0037 00 Send/read BW Popup (PBT) setting OFF01 Send/read BW Popup (PBT) setting ON0038 00 Send/read BW Popup (FIL) setting OFF01 Send/read BW Popup (FIL) setting ON0039 00 Send/read SSB/CW Synchronous Tuning function OFF01 Send/read SSB/CW Synchronous Tuning function ON0040 00 Send/read LSB selection for CW normal side01 Send/read USB selection for CW normal side0041 00 3ENDREAD+%9%22OOTSELECTIONFORkeyer 1st menu01 3ENDREAD+%9%23%.$SELECTIONFORkeyer 1st menu0042 00 Send/read GPS-Root selection for GPS 1st Menu01 Send/read GPS-POS selection for GPS 1st Menu0043 00 Send/read external preamplifier (AG-25) control for 144 MHz band OFF01 Send/read external preamplifier (AG-25) control for 144 MHz band ON0044 00 Send/read external preamplifier (AG-35) control for 430 MHz band OFF01 Send/read external preamplifier (AG-35) control for 430 MHz band ON0045 00 Send/read external preamplifier (AG-1200) control for 1200 MHz band OFF01 Send/read external preamplifier (AG-1200) control for 1200 MHz band ON0046 00 Send/read Separate selection for the ex-ternal speaker output method01 Send/read Mix selection for the external speaker output method0047 00 Send/read Separate selection for the headphone audio output method01 Send/read Mix selection for the head-phone audio output method02 Send/read Auto selection for the head-phone audio output method0048 00 Send/read SUB Band audio mute during transmit on the main band OFF01 Send/read SUB Band audio mute during transmit on the main band ON0049 00 Send/read MAIN selection for the [ACC] AF/SQL line output01 Send/read SUB selection for the [ACC] AF/SQL line output0050 00 Send/read MAIN selection for the [DATA] AF/SQL line output01 Send/read SUB selection for the [DATA] AF/SQL line output0051 00 Send/read VSEND select OFF01 Send/read UHF Only selection for VSEND02 Send/read VSEND select ON0052 00 Send/read external keypad OFF01 3ENDREAD+%9%23%.$SELECTIONFORTHEexternal keypad0053 00 Send/read USB audio squelch OFF (OPEN)01 Send/read USB audio squelch ON
18718 CONTROL COMMANDD Command table (continued)Cmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION1A 05 0054 0000 to 0255Send/read USB modulation levelTO0055 00 Send/read 9600 bps mode OFF01 Send/read 9600 bps mode ON0056 00 Send/read MIC selection for the modula-tion input during DATA mode OFF01 Send/read ACC selection for the modula-tion input during DATA mode OFF02 Send/read MIC+ACC selection for the modulation input during DATA mode OFF03 Send/read USB selection for the modula-tion input during DATA mode OFF0057 00 Send/read MIC selection for the modula-tion input during DATA mode ON01 Send/read ACC selection for the modula-tion input during DATA mode ON02 Send/read MIC+ACC selection for the modulation input during DATA mode ON03 Send/read USB selection for the modula-tion input during DATA mode ON0058 00 Send/read CI-V transceive OFF01 Send/read CI-V transceive ON0059 00 Send/read no function selection for “USB2” (COM port) function01 3ENDREAD2449SELECTIONFORh53"v(COM port) function02 Send/read DVdat selection for “USB2” (COM port) function0060 00 Send/read no function selection for [DATA1] function01 3ENDREAD2449SELECTIONFOR;$!4!=function02 Send/read DVdat selection for [DATA1] function0061 00 Send/read OFF selection for GPS Out01 Send/read DATA->USB2 selection for GPS Out0062 00 Send/read 4800 bps selection for GPS position data transmission speed of [DATA1]01 Send/read 9600 bps selection for GPS position data transmission speed of [DATA1]0063 00 3ENDREADBPSSELECTIONFOR2449Decode Baud rate01 3ENDREADBPSSELECTIONFOR2449Decode Baud rate02 3ENDREADBPSSELECTIONFOR2449Decode Baud rate03 3ENDREADBPSSELECTIONFOR2449Decode Baud rate04 3ENDREADBPSSELECTIONFOR2449Decode Baud rate0064 00 Send/read Calibration marker OFF01 Send/read Calibration marker ON0065 0000 to 0255Send/read reference frequencyTO0066 00 to 10 Send/read COMP level-INIMUMTO-AXIMUM0067 see p. 192 Send/read SSB RX HPF/LPF setting0068 00 to 10 Send/read SSB RX Tone (Bass) levelnTO0069 00 to 10 Send/read SSB RX Tone (Treble) levelnTO0070 00 to 10 Send/read SSB TX Tone (Bass) levelnTO0071 00 to 10 Send/read SSB TX Tone (Treble) levelnTO0072 see p. 192 Send/read SSB TX bandwidth for WIDECmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION1A 05 0073 see p. 192 Send/read SSB TX bandwidth for MID0074 see p. 192 Send/read SSB TX bandwidth for NAR-ROW0075 see p. 192 Send/read AM RX HPF/LPF setting0076 00 to 10 Send/read AM RX tone (Bass) levelnTO0077 00 to 10 Send/read AM RX Tone (Treble) levelnTO0078 00 to 10 Send/read AM TX tone (Bass) levelnTO0079 00 to 10 Send/read AM TX Tone (Treble) levelnTO0080 see p. 192 Send/read FM RX HPF/LPF setting0081 00 to 10 Send/read FM RX tone (Bass) levelnTO0082 00 to 10 Send/read FM RX Tone (Treble) levelnTO0083 00 to 10 Send/read FM TX tone (Bass) levelnTO0084 00 to 10 Send/read FM TX Tone (Treble) levelnTO0085 see p. 192 Send/read DV RX HPF/LPF setting0086 00 to 10 Send/read DV RX tone (Bass) levelnTO0087 00 to 10 Send/read DV RX Tone (Treble) levelnTO0088 00 to 10 Send/read DV TX tone (Bass) levelnTO0089 00 to 10 Send/read DV TX Tone (Treble) levelnTO0090 see p. 192 Send/read CW RX HPF/LPF setting0091 see p. 192 3ENDREAD244928(0&,0&SETTING0092 00 Send/read Normal selection for contest number style01 Send/read “190 䊻ANO” selection for con-test number style02 Send/read “190 䊻ANT” selection for con-test number style03 Send/read “90 䊻NO” selection for con-test number style04 Send/read “90 䊻NT” selection for contest number style0093 01 Send/read M1 selection for count up trig-ger channel02 Send/read M2 selection for count up trig-ger channel03 Send/read M3 selection for count up trig-ger channel04 Send/read M4 selection for count up trig-ger channel0094 0001 to 9999Send/read present numberTO0095 0000 to 0255Send/read CW sidetone gainTO0096 00 Send/read CW sidetone gain limit OFF01 Send/read CW sidetone gain limit ON0097 01 to 60 Send/read CW keyer repeat timeSECTOSEC0098 00 Send/read Normal selection for message display01 Send/read Message selection for mes-sage display0099 28 to 45 Send/read CW keyer dot/dash ratioTO0100 00Send/read 2 msec. selection for CW Rise time01Send/read 4 msec. selection for CW Rise time02Send/read 6 msec. selection for CW Rise time03Send/read 8 msec. selection for CW Rise time
18818CONTROL COMMAND18Cmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION1A 05 0101 00 Send/read Normal selection for paddle polarity01 Send/read Reverse selection for paddle polarity0102 00 Send/read Straight selection for keyer type01 Send/read BUG-Key selection for keyer type02 Send/read ELEC-Key selection for keyer type0103 00 Send/read Mic. up/down keyer OFF01 Send/read Mic. up/down keyer ON0104 00 3ENDREAD(ZSELECTIONFOR2449mark frequency01 3ENDREAD(ZSELECTIONFOR2449mark frequency02 3ENDREAD(ZSELECTIONFOR2449mark frequency0105 00 3ENDREAD(ZSELECTIONFOR2449SHIFTwidth01 3ENDREAD(ZSELECTIONFOR2449SHIFTwidth02 3ENDREAD(ZSELECTIONFOR2449SHIFTwidth0106 00 3ENDREAD.ORMALSELECTIONFOR2449keying polarity01 3ENDREAD2EVERSESELECTIONFOR2449keying polarity0107 00 3ENDREAD2449DECODE53/3/&&01 3ENDREAD2449DECODE53/3/.0108 00 Send/read “CR,LF,CR+LF” selection for 2449DECODENEWLINECODE01 3ENDREADh#2,&vSELECTIONFOR2449decode new line code0109 00 Send/read 2 lines selection for number of 2449DECODERLINE01 Send/read 3 lines selection for number of 2449DECODERLINE0110 00 Send/read Scan speed Low01 Send/read Scan speed High0111 00 Send/read Scan resume OFF01 Send/read Scan resume ON0112 00 Send/read OFF selection for MAIN DIAL function during a scan01 Send/read Up/Down selection for MAIN DIAL function during a scan0113 0000 to 0255Send/read NB level (HF/50 MHz)TO0114 00 to 09 Send/read NB depth (HF/50 MHz)TO0115 0000 to 0255Send/read NB width (HF/50 MHz)TO0116 0000 to 0255Send/read NB level (144 MHz)TO0117 00 to 09 Send/read NB depth (144 MHz)TO0118 0000 to 0255Send/read NB width (144 MHz)TO0119 0000 to 0255Send/read NB level (430 MHz)TO0120 00 to 09 Send/read NB depth (430 MHz)TO0121 0000 to 0255Send/read NB width (430 MHz)TO0122 0000 to 0255Send/read NB level (1200 MHz)TO0123 00 to 09 Send/read NB depth (1200 MHz)TO0124 0000 to 0255Send/read NB width (1200 MHz)TOCmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION1A 05 0125 0000 to 0255Send/read VOX gainTO0126 0000 to 0255Send/read ANTI-VOX gainTO0127 00 to 20 Send/read VOX delay timeSECTOSEC0128 00 Send/read VOX voice delay OFF01 Send/read Short selection for VOX voice delay02 Send/read Mid selection for VOX voice delay03 Send/read Long selection for VOX voice delay0129 0000 to 0255Send/read BK-IN delay timeDTOD0130 0000 to 0255Send/read MONITOR gainTO0131 00 Send/read Standby Beep OFF01 Send/read ON-1 selection for Standby Beep02 Send/read ON-2 selection for Standby Beep0132 00 Send/read Auto Reply OFF01 Send/read Auto Reply ON0133 00 Send/read PTT selection for DV Data TX01 Send/read Auto selection for DV Data TX0134 00 Send/read Auto selection for Digital Moni-tor01 Send/read Digital selection for Digital Monitor02 Send/read Analog selection for Digital Monitor0135 00 Send/read Digital RPT Set OFF01 Send/read Digital RPT Set ON0136 00 Send/read RX Call Sign Auto Write OFF01 Send/read Auto selection for RX Call Sign Auto Write0137 00 Send/read RX RPT Call Sign Auto Write OFF01 Send/read Auto selection for RX RPT Call Sign Auto Write0138 00 Send/read DV Auto Detect OFF01 Send/read DV Auto Detect ON0139 00 Send/read Call Sign Edit Record OFF01 Send/read Select selection for Call Sign Edit Record02 Send/read Auto selection for Call Sign Edit Record0140 00 Send/read Gateway Auto Set OFF01 Send/read Auto selection for Gateway Auto Set0141 00 Send/read ALL selection for RX Record (RPT)01 Send/read Latest Only selection for RX Record (RPT)0142 00 Send/read RX Call Sign Auto Display OFF01 Send/read Auto selection for RX Call Sign Auto Display0143 00 Send/read TX Call Sign Display OFF01 Send/read UR selection for TX Call Sign Display02 3ENDREAD-9SELECTIONFOR48#ALL3IGNDisplay0144 00 Send/read RX Message Display OFF01 Send/read Auto selection for RX Message Display0145 00 Send/read Scrolling speed slow01 Send/read Scrolling speed fast
18918 CONTROL COMMANDCmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION1A 05 0146 00 Send/read DR Call Sign Popup OFF01 Send/read DR Call Sign Popup ON0147 00 Send/read Opening Call Sign OFF01 Send/read Opening Call Sign ON0148 00 Send/read BK function OFF01 Send/read BK function ON0149 00 Send/read EMR mode OFF01 Send/read EMR mode ON0150 0000 to 0255Send/read EMR AF LevelTO0151 00 Send/read 4800 bps selection for GPS Receiver Baud01 Send/read 9600 bps selection for GPS Receiver Baud0152 00 Send/read ddd˚mm.mm’ selection for Po-sition Format01 Send/read ddd˚mm’ss” selection for Posi-tion Format0153 00 Send/read Meter selection for the display-ing unit01 Send/read Feet/Mile selection for the dis-playing unit0154 00 Send/read North REF selection for com-pass direction01 Send/read South REF selection for com-pass direction0155 see p. 192 Send/read UTC Offset0156 00 Send/read GPS Indicator OFF01 Send/read GPS Indicator ON0157 00 3ENDREAD'03SELECTIONFOR-90OSITIONinput method01 3ENDREAD-ANUALSELECTIONFOR-90OSI-tion input method0158 see p. 192 Send/read my position information0159 see p. 193 Send/read Alarm Area10160 00 Send/read Limited selection for Alarm Area201 Send/read Extended selection for Alarm Area202 Send/read Both selection for Alarm Area20161 00 Send/read GPS Auto TX OFF01 Send/read 5 sec. selection for GPS Auto TX interval02 Send/read 10 sec. selection for GPS Auto TX interval03 Send/read 30 sec. selection for GPS Auto TX interval04 Send/read 1 min. selection for GPS Auto TX interval05 Send/read 3 min. selection for GPS Auto TX interval06 Send/read 5 min. selection for GPS Auto TX interval07 Send/read 10 min. selection for GPS Auto TX interval08 Send/read 30 min. selection for GPS Auto TX interval0162 00 Send/read Disable selection for GPS TX Mode01 Send/read GPS selection for GPS TX Mode02 Send/read GPS-A selection for GPS TX Mode0163 00 Send/read GPS Sentence (RMC) OFF01 Send/read GPS Sentence (RMC) ON0164 00 Send/read GPS Sentence (GGA) OFF01 Send/read GPS Sentence (GGA) OND Command table (continued)Cmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION1A 05 0165 00 Send/read GPS Sentence (GLL) OFF01 Send/read GPS Sentence (GLL) ON0166 00 Send/read GPS Sentence (GSA) OFF01 Send/read GPS Sentence (GSA) ON0167 00 Send/read GPS Sentence (VTG) OFF01 Send/read GPS Sentence (VTG) ON0168 00 Send/read GPS Sentence (GSV) OFF01 Send/read GPS Sentence (GSV) ON0169 see p. 193 Send/read Unproto Address0170 00 Send/read position data extension OFF01 Send/read Course/Speed selection for position data extension0171 00 Send/read Time Stamp OFF01 Send/read DHM selection for Time Stamp02 Send/read HMS selection for Time Stamp0172 00 to 16 Send/read GPS-A Symbol!MBULANCE"US&IRE4RUCK"ICYCLE9ACHT(ELICOPTER3MALL!IRCRAFT3HIP#AR-OTORCYCLE"ALLOON*EEP264RUCK6AN (OUSE14(6(&/THER0173 see p. 193 Send/read GPS-A Symbol Other0174 00 to 16 Send/read GPS-A SSIDTO0175 see p. 193 Send/read Comment0176 see p. 193 Send/read Comment (Extension)0177 see p. 193 Send/read GPS TX Message06 see p. 193 Send/read DATA mode selection07 see p. 196 Send/read Satellite memory contents1B  00 see p. 193 Send/read Repeater tone frequency01 see p. 193 Send/read Tone squelch frequency02 see p. 193 Send/read DTCS code and polarity07 see p. 193 Send/read CSQL code (DV mode)1C 00 00 Send/read Transceiver’s status (RX)01 Send/read Transceiver’s status (TX)01 00 Send/read Antenna tuner OFF (through)01 Send/read Antenna tuner ON02 Send/read Manual tuning selection02 00 Send/read Transmit frequency monitor check OFF01 Send/read Transmit frequency monitor check ON1E 00 Read number of available TX frequency band01 see p. 191 Read TX band edge frequencies02 Read number of user-set TX frequency band03 see p. 191 Send/read User-set TX band edge fre-quencies1F 00 see p. 193 3ENDREAD$6-9CALLSIGN01 see p. 194 Send/read DV TX call signs02 see p. 194 Send/read DV TX message20 00 00 00*2Send/read Auto DV RX Callsigns output OFF01*2Send/read Auto DV RX Callsigns output ON01 see p. 194 Output DV RX Callsigns02 see p. 194 Read  DV RX Callsigns01 00 00*2Send/read Auto DV RX message output OFF01*2Send/read Auto DV RX message output ON01 see p. 194 Output DV RX message02 see p. 194 Read  DV RX message
19018CONTROL COMMAND18Cmd.Sub cmd.$ATA $ESCRIPTION20 02 00 00*2Send/read Auto DV RX status output OFF01*2Send/read Auto DV RX status output ON01 see p. 194 Output DV RX status02 see p. 194 Read  DV RX status*1  The counter can be inserted into only one channel.*2  Output setting is automatically turned OFF after turning the power OFF, then ON.s#HARACTERCODESETTINGCommand :  1A 00, 1A 05 0169, 1A 05 0173,  1A 05 0175, 1A 05 0176, 1A 05 0177, 1F 02, 20 0001, 20 0002, 20 0101, 20 0102#HARACTER ASCII code #HARACTER ASCII codeA–Z 41–5A a–z 61–7A0–9 30–39 Space 20!21#23$242526 <5C?3F" 22’27` 60^5E+2B–2D12A⁄2F.2E,2C: 3A3B 3D<3C> 3E(28 )29[5B ]5D{7B }7D¦7C _5F¯7E@40s/PERATINGFREQUENCYCommand  : 00, 03, 05qXXXXXweXrtXX XX10 Hz digit: 0–91 Hz digit: 0–91 kHz digit: 0–9100 Hz digit: 0–9100 kHz digit: 0–910 kHz digit: 0–910 MHz digit: 0–91 MHz digit: 0–91000 MHz digit: 0–1100 MHz digit: 0–4s/PERATINGMODECommand  : 01, 04, 06qXXXXwq /PERATINGMODE w &ILTERSETTING00: LSB 03: CW 07: CW-R 01: FIL101: USB 2449 24492 02: FIL202: AM 05: FM 17: DV 03: FIL3Filter setting (w) can be skipped with command 01 and 06. In that case, “FIL1” is automatically selected with command 01, and the default filter setting of the operating mode is automatically selected with com-mand 06.D$ATACONTENTDESCRIPTION
19118 CONTROL COMMANDs"ANDEDGEFREQUENCYSETTINGCommand 02*, 1E 01, 1E 03qXXXwertyuio!0 !1 !2XXXXXXXXX2DXXXXXXXXXX10 Hz digit: 0–91 Hz digit: 0–91 kHz digit: 0–9100 Hz digit: 0–9100 kHz digit: 0–910 kHz digit: 0–910 MHz digit: 0–91 MHz digit: 0–91000 MHz digit: 0–1100 MHz digit: 0–910 Hz digit: 0–91 Hz digit: 0–91 kHz digit: 0–9100 Hz digit: 0–9100 kHz digit: 0–910 kHz digit: 0–910 MHz digit: 0–91 MHz digit: 0–91000 MHz digit: 0–1100 MHz digit: 0–9Separator (fixed)Lower edge Higher edgeEdge number*: 01–30*  Edge number setting is not necessary with com-mand 02.s"ANDSTACKINGREGISTERCommand  : 1A 01qXXXXwWhen sending the contents, the codes, such as op-erating frequency and operating mode*, should be added after the register code, as shown below.* See t to %1 on ‘Memory content setting’ for details. (p. 195)q Frequency band code Code &REQBAND &REQUENCYRANGEUNIT-(Z01 1.8 1.800000– 1.99999902 3.5 3.400000– 4.09999903 7 6.900000– 7.49999904 10 9.900000–10.49999905 14 13.900000–14.49999906 18 17.900000–18.49999907 21 20.900000–21.49999908 24 24.400000–25.09999909 28 28.000000–29.99999910 50 50.000000–54.00000011 VHF 108.000000–174.00000012 UHF 420.000000–480.00000013 1.2G 1240.000000–1320.00000014 GENE Other than abovew Register codeCode 2EGISTERED.O01 1 (latest)02 203 3 (oldest)For example, when reading the oldest contents in the 21 MHz band, the code “0703” is used.s-EMORYKEYERCONTENTSCommand  : 1A 02Xq: Channel dataw–&1: Text dataXXX…… XX01: M102: M203: M304: M4s#HARACTERSCODE#HARACTER ASCII code $ESCRIPTION0–9 30–39 NumberA–Z 41–5A Alphabetical charactersa–z 61–7A Alphabetical charactersspace 20 Word space / 2F Symbol? 3F Symbol, 2C Symbol. 2E Symbol@ 40 Symbol^5Ee.g., to send BT, enter ^BT12A Inserts contest number (can be used for 1 channel only)s#7MESSAGECONTENTSCommand : 17Set a CW message of up to 30 characters.s#HARACTERSCODE#HARACTER ASCII code $ESCRIPTION0–9 30–39 NumberA–Z 41–5A Alphabetical charactersa–z 61–7A Alphabetical charactersspace 20 Word space / 2F Symbol? 3F Symbol. 2E Symbol– 2D Symbol, 2C Symbol: 3A Symbol’ 27 Symbol( 28 Symbol) 29 Symbol3D Symbol+ 2B Symbol” 22 Symbol@ 40 Symbols“FF” stops sending CW messages.s“^” is used to transmit a string of characters with no inter-character space.D Data content description (continued)
19218CONTROL COMMAND18s3PLITOFFSETFREQUENCYSETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 00151 kHz digit: 0–9100 Hz digit: 0 (fixed)100 kHz digit: 0–910 kHz digit: 0–910 MHz digit: 0 (fixed)1 MHz digit: 0–9Direction: 00: + direction01: – directionq0XXXXXXwe0rs$UPLEX/FFSETFREQUENCYSETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0017qXXXXXweX1 kHz digit: 0–9100 Hz digit: 0–9100 kHz digit: 0–910 kHz digit: 0–910 MHz digit*: 0–91 MHz digit: 0–9*10 MHz digit can be entered on only the 1200 MHz frequency band.s33"TRANSMISSIONBANDWIDTHSETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0072, 0073, 0074XXLower edgeHigher edgeLower edge0: 100Hz1: 200Hz2: 300Hz3: 500HzHigher edge0: 2500Hz1: 2700Hz2: 2800Hz3: 2900Hzs28(0&AND,0&SETTINGSINEACHOPERATINGMODECommand :  1A 05 0067, 0075, 0080, 0085, 0090, 0091XXXXLPF (upper side)HPF (lower side)HPF00: through01 to 20: 100 to 2000 HzLPF05 to 24: 500 to 2400 Hz25: throughSet the LPF value larger than HPF one.s54#/FFSETSETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0155qXXXXweX X10 hour digit: 0–11 hour digit: 0–910 min. digit: 0–51 min. digit: 0–9Direction00=+ direction01=– directions-YPOSITIONDATASETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0158qXwertyuio!0 !1XXXXXX00X0XXXXXXXX00XLatitude Longitude10 degree digit: 0–91 degree digit: 0–910 min. digit: 0–51 min. digit: 0–90.1 min. digit: 0–90.01 min. digit: 0–90.001 min. digit: 0–90 (fixed)0 (fixed)S*=0/N*=10 (fixed)100 degree digit: 0–110 degree digit: 0–91 degree digit: 0–910 min. digit: 0–51 min. digit: 0–90.1 min. digit: 0–90.01 min. digit: 0–90.001 min. digit: 0–90 (fixed)0 (fixed)W*=0/E*=1*S: South latitude  N: North latitude W: West longitude  E: East longitude
19318 CONTROL COMMANDs!LARMAREASETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0159qXXXX0we010 min. digit: 0–51 min. digit: 0–90.1 min. digit: 0–90.01 min. digit: 0–90.001 min. digit: 0–90 (fixed)s5NPROTO!DDRESSSETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0169Set an unproto address of up to 56 characters.See ‘Character code setting’ for details. (p. 190)s'03!3YMBOLSETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0173XXXXSecond digitFirst digit b<TO!TO:CANBEUSEDFORTHEFIRSTDIGITcharacter.See ‘Character code setting’ for the second digit character. (p. 190)s#OMMENTSETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0175Set a comment of up to 43 characters.See ‘Character code setting’ for details. (p. 190)s#OMMENT%XTENSIONSETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0176Set a comment of up to 36 characters.See ‘Character code setting’ for details. (p. 190)s'03MESSAGESETTINGCommand  : 1A 05 0177Set a GPS message of up to 20 characters.See ‘Character code setting’ for details. (p. 190)s$ATAMODEWITHlLTERWIDTHSETTINGCommand  : 1A 06XXXXqw00: Data mode OFF01: FIL102: FIL203: FIL300: Data mode OFF01: Data mode ONs2EPEATERTONETONESQUELCHFREQUENCYSETTINGCommand  : 1B 00, 1B 01q*ew00XXXX0 (fixed)0 (fixed)100 Hz digit10 kHz digit1 Hz digit0.1 Hz digit*Not necessary when setting a frequency.s$4#3CODEANDPOLARITYSETTINGCommand  : 1B 02qewXX0XXXTransmit polarity:0: Normal1: ReverseReceive polarity:0: Normal1: Reverse0 (fixed)First digit: 0–7Second digit: 0–7Third digit: 0–7s$IGITALCODESQUELCHSETTINGCommand  : 1B 07XXqSecond digit: 0–9First digit: 0–9s$6-9CALLSIGNSETTINGCommand  : 1F 00Set your own call sign and note of up to 12 charac-ters.XX XXXXXXXXXXo–!2q–i……q–i9OUROWNCALLSIGNSETTINGo–!2 Note settingD Data content description (continued)
19418CONTROL COMMAND18s$648CALLSIGNSSETTINGCommand  : 1F 01Set “UR,” “R1” and “R2” call signs of up to 8 characters.XX……XX XXXXXXXX……!7–@4o–!6q–i……q–i UR (Destination) call sign settingo–!6 R1 (Access/Area repeater) call sign setting!7–@4 R2 (Link/Gateway repeater) call sign settings#HARACTERSCODEOFTHECALLSIGN#HARACTER ASCII code #HARACTER ASCII code0–9 30–39 A–Z 41–5ASpace 20 ⁄ 2Fs$648MESSAGESETTINGCommand  : 1F 02Set the transmit message of up to 20 characters.See ‘Character code setting’ for details. (p. 190)“FF” stops sending or reading messages.s$6283TATUSSETTINGCommand  : 20 0201, 20 0202$ATA 3TATUS $ESCRIPTION"IT70——60/1Receiving a voice callDuring receiving a digital voice signal, select “1.”( Regardless of DSQL and CSQL setting)50/1 Last call finisher When the last call was finished by you, select “1.”40/1 Receiving a sig-nalWhen the audio tone can be heared, select “1.”30/1 Receiving a BK callDuring receiving a BK call, se-lect “1.”20/1 Receiving a EMR callDuring receiving a EMR call, select “1.”10/1 Receiving a sig-nal other than DVWhen “DV” and “FM” are blink-ing, select “1.”00/1 Packet loss status During displaying a packet losss$628MESSAGESETTINGCommand  : 20 0101, 20 0102XX XXXX XX@1–@8 @9–#2……XX……XXq–@0q–@0 RX message (up to 20 characters)@1–@8 Call sign of the calling station (up to 8 characters)@9–#2 Note of the calling station (up to 4 characters)See ‘Character code setting’ for details. (p. 190)“FF” stands for no message receiving after turning ON the transceiver.s$628CALLSIGNSETTINGCommand  : 20 0001, 20 0002XX XXXXXX XX XX……!5–@2e–!0 !1–!4XXXX ……q、wXX……XX@3–#0XX……X X#1–#8q Header flag data (First byte)$ATA $ESCRIPTION"IT70 (fixed) —60 (fixed) —50 (fixed) —40/1 6OICE$ATA30/1 $IRECT4HROUGHREPEATER20/1 .O"REAKIN"REAKIN10/1 $ATA#ONTROL00/1 .ORMAL%MERGENCYw Header flag data (Second byte)$ATA &UNCTION"IT "IT "IT111Repeater control110Send auto acknowledge101(Not used)1 0 0 Request to re-transmit0 1 1 Send acknowledge0 1 0 Receive no reply001Repeater disabled0 0 0 NULLe–!0  Call sign of the calling station (up to 8 characters)!1–!4  Note of the calling station (up to 4 characters)!5–@2  Call sign of the station that was called (up to 8 characters)@3–#0  Call sign of the access/area repeater (R1) (up to 8 characters)#1–#8  Call sign of the link/gateway repeater (R2) (up to 8 characters)See ‘Character code setting’ for details. (p. 190)“FF” stands for no call sign receiving after turning ON the transceiver.
19518 CONTROL COMMANDD Data content description (continued)q Frequency band setting00 : HF/50 MHz frequency band01 : 144 MHz band frequency band02 : 430 MHz band frequency band03 : 1200 MHz band frequency bandw, e Memory channel number0001–0099 : Memory channel 0 to 990100     : Programmed scan edge 1A0101     : Programmed scan edge 1b0102     : Programmed scan edge 2A0103     : Programmed scan edge 2b0104     : Programmed scan edge 3A0105     : Programmed scan edge 3b0106     : Call channelr Split and Select memory settingsXXr0: Select memory OFF1: Select memory ON0: Split OFF1: Split ONWhen the program channel is selected, both settings should be “0.”When the Call channel is selected, the Select mem-ory setting should be “0.”t–o Operating frequency setting3EE@s/PERATINGFREQUENCY!0, !1 Operating mode setting3EE@s/PERATINGMODE!2 $ATAMODESETTING1 byte data (XX)00: Data mode OFF01: Data mode ON!3 Duplex and Tone settingsXX!30: OFF, 1: Tone2: TSQL, 3: DTCS0: Duplex OFF1: − Duplex, 2: + Duplex!4 Digital squelch settingX0!40: Digital squelch function OFF1: Digital call sign squelch function ON (DSQL)2: Digital code squelch function ON (CSQL)!5–!7 Repeater tone frequency setting!8–@0 Tone squelch frequency setting3EE@s2EPEATERTONETONESQUELCHSETTING@1–@3 DTCS code setting3EE@s$4#3CODEANDPOLARITYSETTING@4 Digital code squelch setting3EE@s$IGITALCODESQUELCHSETTING@5–@7 Duplex offset frequency setting3EE@s$UPLEX/FFSETFREQUENCYSETTING@8–#5  Destination call sign setting (up to 8 characters)#6–$3  R1 (Access/Area repeater) call sign setting (up to 8 characters)$4–%1  R2 (Link/Gateway repeater) call sign setting (up to 8 characters)3EE@s$648CALLSIGNSSETTING%2–^0 Memory name settingUp to 9 characters.3EE@s#HARACTERCODESETTING!BOUTCLEARINGOPERATION“1A 00” command with the format as below clears the data of the selected memory channel.w, e  : Memory channel 0 to 99r   : FFt or later : NoneNOTE: s4HESAMEDATAASt–%1 are stored in t–%1.s7HENTHE3PLITFUNCTIONIS/.THEDATAOFt–%1 is used for transmit.s%VENIFTHE3PLITFUNCTIONIS/&&ENTERTHEDATAinto t–%1 to match your transceiver. We recom-mend that you set the same data as t–%1.s-EMORYCONTENTSETTINGCommand  : 1A 00Xrqt∼o!0、!1 !2 !4 @4!3 !5∼!7 @5∼@7@1∼@3!8∼@0XXX……XXXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXw、e$4∼%1XX……XX ……………… ……XX XXt∼%1 %2∼^0#6∼$3XX……XX@8∼#5XX……XX
19618CONTROL COMMAND18q, w Satellite memory channel number0001–0099 : Satellite memory channel 00 to 19e–u Operating frequency setting3EE@s/PERATINGFREQUENCYi, o Operating mode setting3EE@s/PERATINGMODE!0 Data mode setting1 byte data (XX)00: Data mode OFF01: Data mode ON!1 Tone setting0X!10: OFF1: Tone2: TSQL3: DTCS!2 Digital squelch settingX0!40: Digital squelch function OFF1: Digital call sign squelch function ON (DSQL)2: Digital code squelch function ON (CSQL)!3–!5 Repeater tone frequency setting!6–!8 Tone squelch frequency setting3EE@s2EPEATERTONETONESQUELCHSETTING!9–@1 DTCS code setting3EE@s$4#3CODEANDPOLARITYSETTING@2 Digital code squelch setting3EE@s$IGITALCODESQUELCHSETTING@3–#0  Destination call sign setting (up to 8 characters)#1–#8  R1 (Access/Area repeater) call sign setting (up to 8 characters)#9–$6  R2 (Link/Gateway repeater) call sign setting (up to 8 characters)3EE@s$648CALLSIGNSSETTING$7–%5 Memory name settingUp to 9 characters.3EE@s#HARACTERCODESETTINGNOTE: s4HESAMEDATAASe–$6 are stored in e–$6.se–$6 is used for the uplink frequency (transmit).se–$6 is used for the downlink frequency (re-ceive).s3ATELLITEMEMORYCONTENTSETTINGCommand  : 1A 07Xe∼ui、o!0 !2 @2!1 !3∼!5 !9∼@1!6∼!8X……XXXXXXXX0XX0XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXXXq、w#9∼$6XX……XX ……………… ……XX XXe∼$6 $7∼%5#1∼#8XX……XX@3∼#0XX……XX
19197SPECIFICATIONSN'ENERALs&REQUENCYCOVERAGE  UNIT-(Z Receive 0.030–60.000*1*2 136.000–174.000*1*2 420.000–480.000*1*2 1240.000–1320.000† Transmit 1.800–1.999*2, 3.500–3.999*2, 5.33200*3,  5.34800*3,  5.35850*3,  5.37300*3,  5.40500*3, 7.000–7.300*2, 10.100–10.150*2, 14.000–14.350*2, 18.068–18.168*2, 21.000–21.450*2, 24.890–24.990*2, 28.000–29.700*2, 50.000–54.000*2 144.000–148.000*2, 430.000–450.000*2 1240.000–1300.000† *1Some frequency bands are not guaranteed. *2Depending on version.  *3USA version only.s-ODE  53",3"#72449!-&-DVs.OOFMEMORYCHANNELS  #((99CH × 3 band) ( 396CH with UX-9100†99CH × 4 bands)s.OOFSCANEDGE memory channels  :  18CH (6 × 3 band) ( 24CH with UX-9100†6CH × 4 bands)s.OOFCALLCHANNELS  #((1 × 3 band) ( 4CH with UX-9100†1CH × 4 bands)s.OOF3ATELLITE memory channels  : 20s!NTENNACONNECTORTYPE  3/× 3  ( 50 ø impedance for HF/50 MHz and 144 MHz bands)  Type-N × 2  ( 50 ø impedance for 430 MHz and 1200 MHz† bands)s4EMPERATURERANGE 0˚C to +50˚C (+32˚F to +122˚F)s&REQUENCYSTABILITY  ,ESSTHANÒPPMMINAFTERpower ON. #TO#&TO+122˚F)s&REQUENCYRESOLUTION  (Zs0OWERSUPPLY 6$#Ò(negative ground)s0OWERCONSUMPTION   Transmit      Max. power  :  24.0 A (HF/50/144/430 MHz band) 9.0 A (1200 MHz band)†   Receive     Standby  :  3.0 A (HF/50/144/430 MHz band) 4.0 A (1200 MHz band)‡      Max. audio  :  4.5 A (HF/50/144/430 MHz band) 5.5 A (1200 MHz band)‡s$IMENSIONS 315(W) × 116(H) × 343(D) mm (projections not included)  125⁄16(W) × 49⁄16(H) × 131⁄2(D) ins7EIGHTAPPROXIMATELY  KGLB KGLB(with UX-9100)s!##CONNECTOR  PINs#)6CONNECTOR  CONDUCTORDMM1⁄8″)N4RANSMITTERs/UTPUTPOWER(continuously adjustable)&REQUENCYBAND /UTPUTPOWERHF/50 MHz 2 to 100 W (AM: 2 to 30 W)*144 MHz 2 to 100 W430 MHz 2 to 75 W1200 MHz†1 to 10 W(at 13.8 V DC/+25˚C)*  In the AM mode, transmission can be performed only on the HF/50 MHz frequency band.s-ODULATIONSYSTEM  SSB  : Digital PSN modulation   AM  :  Digital Low power modulation   FM  : Digital Phase modulation DV  : GMSK Digital Phase modulations3PURIOUSEMISSION (Spurious domain)  HF bands  :  Less than –50 dB    50/144 MHz band  : Less than –63 dB    430 MHz band  : Less than –61.8 dB    1200 MHz band†  : Less than –53 dB (Out-of-band domain)  HF bands  :  Less than –40 dB    50/144/430 MHz band :  Less than –60 dB    1200 MHz band†  : Less than –50 dBs#ARRIERSUPPRESSION  -ORETHAND"s5NWANTEDSIDEBAND suppression :  More than 55 dB (1200 MHz: More than 40 dB)†s∂TX variable range  :  ±9.999 kHzs-ICROPHONECONNECTOR  PINCONNECTORs-ICROPHONEIMPEDANCE  øs%,%#+%9CONNECTOR 3-conductor 6.35(d) mm (1⁄4″)s+%9CONNECTOR 3-conductor 6.35(d) mm (1⁄4″)s3%.$CONNECTOR  0HONOJACK(RCA)s!,#CONNECTOR  0HONOJACK(RCA)†  The optional UX-9100 is required for 1200 MHz frequency band operation.‡  When the 1200 MHz frequency band is selected. (The optional UX-9100 is required.)
19819SPECIFICATIONS19N2ECEIVERs2ECEIVESYSTEM HF/50/144/430 MHz band : Double superheterodyne system  1200 MHz band†  :  Triple superheterodyne systems)NTERMEDIATEFREQUENCIES 1st  :  64.455 MHz (HF/50 MHz band) 10.850 MHz (144 MHz band) 71.250 MHz (430 MHz band) 243.950 MHz (1200 MHz band)† 2nd  :  36 kHz (HF/50/144/430 MHz) 10.950 MHz (1200 MHz)† 3rd  : 36 kHz (1200 MHz)†s3ENSITIVITY  SSB, CW  : 0.16 μV (1.80–29.99 MHz)*4 D"3."7K(Z  0.13 μV (50.0–54.0 MHz)*5    0.11 μV (144/430/1200† MHz) AM (10 dB S/N) : 12.6 μV (0.5–1.799 MHz)*4 "7K(Z   2.0 μV (1.80–29.99 MHz)*4 1.6 μV (50.0–54.0 MHz)*5    1.4 μV (144/430 MHz) FM (12 dB SINAD) : 0.5 μV (28.0–29.7 MHz)*4 "7K(Z  0.32 μV (50.0–54.0 MHz)*5    0.18 μV (144/430/1200† MHz) DV "%2 : 1.0 μV (28.0–29.7 MHz)*4 #(3PACEK(Z  0.63 μV (50.0–54.0 MHz)*5    0.35 μV (144/430/1200† MHz)s3QUELCHSENSITIVITY&REQUENCYBAND 3QUELCHSENSITIVITYHF SSB : Less than 5.6 μV*4FM : Less than 0.3 μV*450 MHz SSB : Less than 5.6 μV*5FM : Less than 0.3 μV*5144/430 MHz SSB : Less than 1.0 μVFM : Less than 0.18 μV1200 MHz†SSB : Less than 1.0 μVFM : Less than 0.18 μV *4 Pre-amp 1 is ON.  *5 Pre-amp 2 is ON.s3ELECTIVITY(IF filter shape is set to SHARP.)  SSB (BW: 2.4 kHz)  :  More than 2.4 kHz/–6 dB     Less than 3.4 kHz/–40 dB  CW (BW: 500 Hz)  :  More than 500 Hz/–6 dB Less than 700 Hz/–40 dB2449"7(Z  -ORETHAN(ZnD"     Less than 800 Hz/–40 dB  AM (BW: 6 kHz)  :  More than 6.0 kHz/–6 dB Less than 10.0 kHz/–40 dB  FM (BW: 15 kHz)  :   More than 12.0 kHz/–6 dB Less than 22.0 kHz/–40 dB DV (CH space: 12.5 kHz) :  More than –50 dBs3PURIOUSANDIMAGEREJECTIONRATIO    HF/50 MHz band*  :  More than 70 dB    *except IF through on 50 MHz band    144/430 MHz band  : More than 60 dB    1200 MHz band†  : More than 50 dBs!&OUTPUTPOWER  -ORETHAN7AT  (at 13.8 V DC)  distortion with an 8 ø loads!&OUTPUTIMPEDANCE  øs2)4VARIABLERANGE  ÒK(Zs0(/.%3CONNECTOR  CONDUCTORDMM1⁄4″)s%XTERNAL30CONNECTOR  CONDUCTORDMM (1⁄8″)/8 øs$30!.&ATTENUATION  -ORETHAND" (with 1 kHz single tone)s$30-.&ATTENUATION  -ORETHAND"s$30.2ATTENUATION  -ORETHAND" (noise rejection in SSB)N!NTENNATUNERs-ATCHINGIMPEDANCERANGE  HF bands  :  16.7 to 150 ø unbalanced (Less than VSWR 1:3)  50 MHz band  :  20 to 125 ø unbalanced (Less than VSWR 1:2.5)s-INIMUMOPERATINGINPUT 7(&BANDS power      15 W (50MHz band )s4UNINGACCURACY  6372ORLESSs)NSERTIONLOSS  ,ESSTHAND" (after tuning at RF power 100 W)Spurious signals may be displayed on the spectrum scope screen regardless of the transceiver’s state (Tx or Rx). They are gener-ated in the scope circuit. This does not indicate a transceiver mal-function.All stated specifications are typical and subject to change without notice or obligation.
20199OPTIONSAH-4 HF AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNERSpecially designed to tune a long wire antenna for the HF/50 MHz bands, particularly in portable or mobile oper-ation. The “PTT tune” function pro-vides simple operation.s)NPUTPOWERRATING7AH-2b ANTENNA ELEMENTA 2.5 m long antenna ele-ment for mobile operation with the AH-4.s&REQUENCY COVERAGE 7–54 MHz band with the AH-4SM-30 DESKTOP MICROPHONEUnidirectional, electret microphone for base station operation. Includes a low cut switch and mic gain control.SM-50 DESKTOP MICROPHONEUnidirectional, dynamic microphone for base station operation. Includes [UP]/ [DOWN] switches, a low cut switch and mic gain control.SP-23 EXTERNAL SPEAKER AUDIO FILTERS HEADPHONE JACK CANconnect to 2 transceivers.s)NPUTIMPEDANCEøs-AXINPUTPOWER7HM-36 HAND MICROPHONEHand microphone equipped with [UP]/[DOWN] switches.The same as that attached with the transceiver.IC-PW1/EURO HF/50 MHz ALL BAND 1 kW LINEAR AMPLIFIERFull-duty 1 kW linear amplifier including an automatic antenna tuner. Has auto-matic tuning and band selection capability. Full break-in (QSK) operation is possi-ble. The amplifier/power supply unit and the remote control unit can be separated.The optional OPC-599 ADAPTER CABLE is required for connection.PS-126 DC POWER SUPPLY s/UTPUTVOLTAGE6$#s-AXOUTPUTCURRENT!UX-9100 1200 MHz BAND UNITAllows you additional all mode oper-ation on the 1200 MHz frequency band.FL-430  1ST IF FILTER (6 kHz)FL-431 1ST IF FILTER (3 kHz)(Both filters are for HF/50 MHz Band)The roofing filters reduce interfer-ence from strong nearby signals.SP-21 EXTERNAL SPEAKERDesigned for base station operation.s)NPUTIMPEDANCEøs-AXINPUTPOWER7
20020OPTIONS20CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER UNITFor remote transceiver control using a personal computer equipped with an 23# PORT 9OU CAN CHANGE FRE-quencies, operating mode, memory channels, etc., via your computer.s AG-25 WEATHER-PROOF PREAMPLIFIER (for 144 MHz Band)s AG-35 WEATHER-PROOF PREAMPLIFIER (for 430 MHz Band)External all-weather, mast mounting preamplifiers for com-pensating for coaxial cable loss.s AG-2400 DOWN CONVERTER UNITAll-weather, satellite down converter with superior NF and gain.Input frequency  : 2400–2402 MHzOutput frequency : 144–146 MHzConversion gain  : More than 25 dBTotal NF   : Less than 1.5 dBs OPC-1529R DATA COMMUNICATION CABLE (RS-232C type)Allows low-speed data communication in the DV mode, and receiving a GPS data from a third-party GPS receiver.s OPC-599 ADAPTER CABLE13-pin, ACC connector to 7-pin + 8-pin ACC connector.s-" CARRYING HANDLEConvenient when carrying the transceiver.The same as that attached with the transceiver.s CS-9100 CLONING SOFTWAREUse this software to program settings, memory channels and set mode contents quickly and easily via your PC’s USB port.A USB cable is required. (A-B type, purchase separately)s23"! IP REMOTE CONTROL SOFTWARETo remotely control radios using the RS-BA1, "%352% that you comply with your local regulations.Approved Icom optional equipment is designed for optimal performance when used with an Icom trans-ceiver.Icom is not responsible for the destruction or damage to an Icom transceiver in the event the Icom trans-ceiver is used with equipment that is not manufac-tured or approved by Icom.
21201CEINSTALLATION NOTESFor amateur base station installations it is recom-mended that the forward clearance in front of the an-tenna array is calculated relative to the EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power). The clearance height below the antenna array can be determined in most cases from the RF power at the antenna input terminals.As different exposure limits have been recommended for different frequencies, a relative table shows a guideline for installation considerations.Below 30 MHz, the recommended limits are specified in terms of V/m or A/m fields as they are likely to fall within the near-field region. Similarly, the antennas may be physically short in terms of electrical length and that the installation will require some antenna matching device which can create local, high inten-sity magnetic fields. Analysis of such MF installations is best considered in association with published guid-ance notes such as the FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 and its annexes relative to amateur transmitter installations.The EC recommended limits are almost identical to the FCC specified ‘uncontrolled’ limits and tables exist that show pre-calculated safe distances for different antenna types for different frequency bands. Further information can be found at http://www.arrl.org/.s4YPICALAMATEURRADIOINSTALLATIONExposure distance assumes that the predominant ra-diation pattern is forward and that radiation vertically downwards is at unity gain (sidelobe suppression is equal to main lobe gain). This is true of almost every gain antenna today. Exposed persons are assumed to be beneath the antenna array and have a typical height of 1.8 m.The figures assume the worst case emission of a con-stant carrier.For the bands 10 MHz and higher the following power density limits have been recommended: 10–400 MHz   2 W/sq m  435 MHz   2.2 W/sq m%)20CLEARANCEHEIGHTSBYFREQUENCYBAND  Watts  10–2 m  70 cm  23 cm 13 cm and above  1  2.1 m  2 m  2 m  2 m  10  2.8 m  2.7 m  2.5 m  2.3 m  25  3.4 m  3.3 m  2.7 m  2.5 m  100  5 m  4.7 m  3.6 m  3.2 m  1000  12 m  11.5 m  7.3 m  6.3 m&ORWARDCLEARANCE%)20BYFREQUENCYBAND  Watts  10–2 m  70 cm  23 cm 13 cm and above  100  2 m  2 m  1.1 m  0.7 m  1,000  6.5 m  6 m  3.5 m  3 m  10,000  20 m  18 m  11 m  7 m  100,000  65 m  60 m  35 m  29 mIn all cases any possible risk depends on the trans-mitter being activated for long periods. (actual recom-mendation limits are specified as an average during 6 minutes) Normally the transmitter is not active for long periods of time. Some radio licenses will require that a timer circuit automatically cuts off the transmitter after 1–2 minutes etc.Similarly some modes of transmission, SSB, CW, AM etc. have a lower ‘average’ output power and the as-sessed risk is even lower.Versions of the IC-9100 which display the “CE” symbol on the serial number label, comply with the essential requirements of the European Radio and Telecommunica-tion Terminal Directive 1999/5/EC.This warning symbol indicates that this equipment operates in non-harmonised frequency bands and/or may be subject to licensing conditions in the country of use. Be sure to check that you have the correct version of this radio or the correct program-ming of this radio, to comply with national licensing requirement.s,ISTOF#OUNTRYCODES)3/#OUNTRY Codes#OUNTRY Codes1234567891011121314151617AustriaBelgiumBulgariaCroatiaCzech RepublicCyprusDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceHungaryIcelandIrelandItalyLatviaATBEBGHRCZ#9DKEEFIFRDEGRHUISIEITLV18192021222324252627282930313233LiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMaltaNetherlandsNorwayPolandPortugalRomaniaSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandTurkeyUnited KingdomLILTLUMTNLNOPLPTROSKSIESSECHTRGB
20221CE21DECLARATIONOF CONFORMITYWe Icom Inc. Japan1-1-32, Kamiminami, Hirano-kuOsaka 547-0003, JapanKind of equipment:Type-designation:SignatureAuthorized representative namePlace and date of issueVersion (where applicable): Y. FurukawaGeneral ManagerIcom (Europe) GmbHCommunication EquipmentAuf der Krautweide 24,65812 Bad Soden am Taunus,GermanyHF/VHF/UHF TRANSCEIVERiC- 910011th Jan. 2011Bad SodenDeclare on our sole responsibility that this equipment complies with the essential requirements of the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive, 1999/5/EC, and that any applicable Essential Test Suite measurements have been performed.This compliance is based on conformity with the following harmonised standards, specifications or documents:EN 301 489-1 v1.6.1 (September 2005)EN 301 489-15 v1.2.1 (August 2002) EN 301 783-2 v1.1.1 (September 2000)  EN 60950-1 2006 A11: 2009  i)ii)iii) iv)v) vi) !BOUT!'!'AND!'PREAMPLIlERSThe use of IC-9100 (#03, #04,#05, #06, #11) in com-bination with AG-25, AG-35 and/or AG-1200 pream-plifiers do not comply with the European Harmonised Standard regulations. Please do not use the IC-910H with these preamplifiers (AG-25, AG-35 and/or AG-1200) intended for the US, Asian, Oceanian and Af-rican markets.

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