ICOM orporated 333202 UHF Mobile Transceiver User Manual IC F5020 F6020 series Instruction Manual

ICOM Incorporated UHF Mobile Transceiver IC F5020 F6020 series Instruction Manual

User Manual

iIMPORTANTREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and com-pletely before using the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL — This instruction  manual  contains  important  oper ating  instruc-tions for the IC-F5121D, IC-F5123D, IC-F5128D VHF MO-BILE TRANSCEIVERS and the IC-F6121D, IC-F6123D, IC-F6128D UHF MOBILE TRANSCEIVERS.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSWORD DEFINITIONR WARNING! Personal  injury,  fire  hazard  or electric shock may occur.CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.NOTEIf disregarded, inconvenience only. No risk of personal injury, fire or electric shock.FCC INFORMATION• FOR CLASS B UNINTENTIONAL RADIATORS:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason-able protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in ac-cordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interfer-ence to radio communications. However, there is no guaran-tee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna. •Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandre-ceiver. •Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdiffer-ent from that to which the receiver is connected. •Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianfor help.CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this transceiver, notexpresslyapprovedbyIcomInc.,couldvoidyourau-thority to operate this transceiver under FCC regulations.For Canada:This device complies with RSS-310 of Industry Canada. Op-eration is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.Cet appareil est conforme au CNR-310 d’Industrie Canada. Sonexploitationestautoriséesousréservequel’appareilnecausepasdebrouillagepréjudiciable.
iiPRECAUTIONSR WARNING! NEVER connect the transceiver to an AC outlet. This may pose a fire hazard or result in an electric shock.R WARNING! NEVER connect the transceiver to a power source of more than 16 V DC or use reverse polarity. This could cause a fire or damage the transceiver.R WARNING! NEVER cut the DC power cable be-tween the DC plug and fuse holder. If an incorrect connection is made after cutting, the transceiver might be damaged.R WARNING! NEVER place the transceiver where normal operation of the vehicle may be hindered or where it could cause bodily injury.CAUTION: NEVER allow children to touch the trans-ceiver.CAUTION: NEVERexposethe transceivertorain,snow or any liquids.USE the specified microphone only. Other microphones have different pin assignments and may damage the trans-ceiver.DO NOT use or place the transceiver in areas with tem-peratures below –30°C (–22°F) or above +60°C (+140°F), or in areas subject to direct sunlight, such as the dashboard.DO NOT operate the transceiver without running the ve-hicle’s engine. The vehicle’s battery will quickly run out when the transceiver transmits while the vehicle’s engine is OFF.DO NOTplacethetransceiverinexcessivelydustyenvi-ronments.DO NOT place the transceiver against walls. This will ob-struct heat dissipation.DO NOT use harsh solvents such as benzine or alcohol when cleaning,  as  they  will damage the transceiver  sur-faces.BE CAREFUL! The transceiver will become hot when operating continuously for long periods of time.Icom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in Japan, the United States, the United King-dom,Germany,France,Spain,Russiaand/orothercountries.All other products or brands are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
iiiTABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANT .......................................................................... iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ....................................................... iFCC INFORMATION ............................................................. iPRECAUTIONS .................................................................... iiTABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................... iii1  PANEL DESCRIPTION ................................................1–7 ■ Front panel ...................................................................1 ■ Function display ...........................................................2 ■ Programmable function keys ........................................32  BASIC OPERATION ..................................................8–14 ■ Turning ON the power ..................................................8 ■ Channel selection .........................................................8 ■ Call procedure ..............................................................9 ■ Receiving and transmitting ...........................................9 ■ User Set mode ...........................................................12 ■ Encryption function .....................................................13 ■ Emergency transmission ............................................13 ■ Stun function ..............................................................14 ■ Priority A channel selection ........................................14 ■ Power OFF Emergency function ........................................ 143  CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE ....................15–17 ■ Rear panel connection ...............................................15 ■ Supplied Accessories .................................................16 ■ Mounting the transceiver ............................................16 ■ Antenna ......................................................................17 ■ Fuse replacement ......................................................17 ■ Cleaning .....................................................................17 ■ Options .......................................................................174  SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION .............................18
11PANEL DESCRIPTION12345678910111213141516q wtSpeakerFunction display (p. 2)re■ Front panelq AF VOLUME CONTROL KNOB [VOL]  Rotate the knob to adjust the audio output level. •Minimumaudiolevelispre-programmed.(p.12)w UP/DOWN KEYS [CH Up]/[CH Down]  Push to select an operating channel, etc.  * The desired function can be assigned by your dealer. (p. 3)e POWER KEY [ ]Push to turn the power ON or OFF. •ThefollowingoptionalfunctionsareavailableatpowerON:    - Automatic scan start    - Password promptr DEALER-PROGRAMMABLE KEYS   Required functions can be independently programmed by your dealer. (p. 3)t MICROPHONE CONNECTOR  Connect the supplied or optional microphone.    NEVER connect non-specified microphones. The pin assign-ments may be different and may damage the transceiver.D MicrophoneThe supplied or optional microphone has a PTT switch and a hanger hook.•ThefollowingfunctionsareavailablewhenthemicrophoneisONorOFF hook (depending on the preprogramming):  - Automatic scan starts when you put it ON hook.  - Scan is cancelled when you take it OFF hook.  - Scan is paused when you take it OFF hook.  -  Automatically selects the Priority channel when you take it OFF hook.  -  Sets to the ‘Inaudible’ mode (mute state) when you put it ON hook.  -  Sets to the ‘Audible’ mode (unmute state) when you take it OFF hook.
21PANEL DESCRIPTION■ Function displayq TRANSMIT ICONAppears while transmitting a signal.w BUSY ICONAppears while the channel is busy (receiving).e SIGNAL STRENGTH ICONShows the relative receive signal strength level.Weak      Receive Signal level      Strong r LOW POWER ICONAppears when low output power is selected.t AUDIBLE ICON➥  Appears when the channel is in the ‘Audible’ (unmute) mode.➥  Appears when a matching signal is received.y ENCRYPTION ICONAppears when the encryption function is activated while operating in the digital mode.u BELL ICON Appears/blinkswhenamatching2/5-toneorDigitalID*isreceived, depending on the preprogramming.i SCAN ICON➥  Blinks during a scan.➥  Appears when a scan channel is selected.o ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY Displays an operating channel number, channel name, User Set mode contents, DTMF code, etc.* Digital operation only  See the operating guide for details of MDC and Digital system operations. Ask your dealer for details.q w e r t y u io
31PANEL DESCRIPTION12345678910111213141516■ Programmable function keysThe following functions can be assigned to [UP], [DOWN], [P0], [P1], [P2] and [P3] programmable function keys.Consult your Icom dealer or system operator for details con-cerning your transceivers programming.CH UP AND DOWN KEYS As described in  the following topics, after  pushing a pro-grammed key, push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select an op-tion, setting, etc.ZONE KEYPushthiskey,thenselectthedesiredzoneusing[CHUp]/[CH Down].  What is “zone”?— Certain channels are grouped together and assigned to a zone, according to their intended to use. For example,‘StaffA’and‘StaffB’areassignedtoa“Busi-ness”zone,and‘John’and‘Cindy’areassignedtoa“Pri-vate” zone.SCAN START/STOPKEY➥Push to start and cancel scanning operation. •WhenascanisstartedwiththePowerONScanorAutomaticscan function, push this key to cancel it. The cancelled scan resumes after the pre-programmed time period. ➥Hold down this key for 1 second to display the scan group, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired one.SCAN ADD/DEL (TAG) KEY➥ Push to add the channel to, or delete it from, the current scan group.  1.  Push  to  display  the  scan  group,  then  push  [CH  Up]  or [CH Down] to select the desired one.  2.  Push to add the channel to, or delete it from, the selected scan group. 3.Holddownfor1secondtoexitthescanlistselectionmode.➥ While a scan is paused on a non-priority channel, push this key to delete the selected channel from the scan group.    Depending on the setting, the cleared channel is added to the scan group again after the scan is cancelled.
41PANEL DESCRIPTION■ Programmable function keys (Continued)PRIO A/B KEYS➥ Push to select the Priority A or Priority B channel.➥  Hold  down  [Prio A  (Rewrite)]  or  [Prio B  (Rewrite)]  for 1 second to rewrite the operating channel as Priority A or Priority B, MR-CH 1/2/3/4 KEYSPush to directly select memory channel 1 to 4.MONI (AUDI) KEY ➥PushtoturntheCTCSS(DTCS)or2/5-tonesquelchmuteON or OFF.  •OnlyduringLMR(LandMobileRadio)operation,pushtoopenany squelch, or deactivate any mute functions. •OnlyduringPMR(PrivateMobileRadio)operation,pushtoacti-vate one or two of the following functions on each channel (de-pending on the preprogramming):    -  Hold down to unmute the channel (‘Audible’ mode).    - Push to mute the channel (‘Inaudible’ mode).    -  After the communication is finished, push  to send  a ‘reset code’ (only 5-tone operation).    NOTE: The ‘Audible’ (unmute) mode may automatically return to the ‘Inaudible’ (mute) mode, after the pre-pro-grammed time period.LIGHT KEYPush to turn ON the backlight for about 5 seconds, when the backlightfunctionissetto“OFF”intheUserSetmode.LOCK KEY➥Holddownthiskeyuntil“LOCKON”isdisplayedtoelec-tronicallylockallprogrammablekeysexceptthefollow-ing:   [Moni(Audi)], [Lock], [Call] (incl. Call A and Call B), [Emergency], [Surveillance], [Siren], [Lone Worker] and [Light].➥  When the Key Lock function is ON, hold down this key until“LOCKOFF”isdisplayedtoturnitOFF.LONE WORKER KEYPush to turn the Lone Worker function ON or OFF.•IftheLoneWorkerfunctionisturnedON,andnooperationoccursduring the pre-programmed time period, the Emergency function is automatically turned ON.HIGH/LOW KEYPush to select the transmit output power temporarily or per-manently, depending on the preprogramming.•Askyourdealerfortheoutputpowerlevelforeachselection.C.TONE CH ENT KEYPush to enter the continuous tone channel selection mode. Then, push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to change the tone fre-quency/codesetting.Theselectedchannelremainssetasthe continuous tone channel until another channel is desig-nated as such.
51PANEL DESCRIPTION1TONE/RAN CH SELECT KEY➥  While in analog mode, push to enter the continuous tone channel selection mode. Then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] toselectadesiredtonefrequency/codesetting.Aftertheselection, push this key again to set it.➥  While in digital mode, push to enter the RAN channel se-lection mode. Then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select a desired RAN code. After the selection, push this key again to set it.➥Whileinmixed(digitalandanalog)mode,pushtoenterthe continuous tone channel selection mode. Then push [CHUp]or[CHDown]toselectadesiredtonefrequency/code setting. After setting, push this key to set it. After that, the RAN channel selection mode appears. Select a desired RAN code with [CH Up] or [CH Down]. After the selection, push this key again to set it.TALK AROUND KEYPush to turn the Talk Around function ON or OFF.•TheTalkAroundfunctionequalizesthetransmitfrequencytothereceive frequency for transceiver-to-transceiver communication.WIDE/NARROW KEYPush to toggle the IF bandwidth between wide and narrow. •Thewidepassbandwidthcanbeselectedfrom25.0or20.0kHzusingtheCS-F3100D/F5120Dc l o n i n g  s o f t w a r e . (PMR operation only) Ask your dealer for details.DTMF AUTODIAL KEY➥  Push to enter the DTMF channel selection mode, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired DTMF channel.➥  After selecting the DTMF channel, push again to transmit the selected DTMF code.RE-DIAL KEYPush to transmit the last-transmitted DTMF code.•TXmemoriesareclearedafterturningOFFthetransceiver.EMERGENCY KEYHold down for a specified period to transmit an emergency call.•Ifyouwanttocanceltheemergencycall,holddownthekeyagain,before transmitting it.
61PANEL DESCRIPTION■ Programmable function keys (Continued)CALL KEYSPushtotransmita2/5-toneIDcode.•Tonecalltransmissionmaybenecessarybeforeyoucallanotherstation, depending on your signalling system.•[CallA]and/or[CallB]maybeselectablewhenyoursystemem-ploysselective‘Individual/Group’calls.Askyourdealerwhichcallis assigned to each key.SURVEILLANCE KEYPush to turn the surveillance function ON or OFF.When a signal is received, or a key is pushed, while this function is turned ON, the beeps do not sound and the LCD backlight does not light.SIRENHold down for 1 second to sound the siren.This function can be used for situations other than an emer-gencyalert,suchasasecurityalarmforexample.•ThesirencanonlybestoppedbyturningOFFthetransceiverpower.TX CODE ENTER KEY (PMR operation only)Push to enter the TX code edit mode, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to set a desired digit. (p. 11)TX CODE CHANNEL SELECT KEY➥  Push to enter the TX code channel selection mode, then push [CH Up] or  [CH Down] to set a  desired  channel. (p. 10)➥  While in the TX code channel selection mode, hold down this key for 1 second to enter the TX code edit mode. Then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to set a desired digit. (p. 11)TX CODE CHANNEL UP/DOWN KEYSPush to select a TX code channel.ID-MR SELECT KEY (PMR operation only)➥ Push to recall the received ID code. •Push this key, then select the ID code using [CH Up]/ [CH Down]. •Upto5codescanbememorized.➥  Hold down this key for 1 second to clear the selected ID code.ENCRYPTION KEY While operating in the digital mode, push to turn the encryp-tion function ON or OFF.
71PANEL DESCRIPTION12345678910111213141516USER SET MODE KEY➥  Hold down for 1 second to enter the User Set mode. •WhileintheUserSetmode,pushthiskeytoselectanitem*,and change the value or setting using [CH Up] or [CH Down].    * Selectable  items  may differ,  depending  on  the  preprogram-ming.➥  Holddownthiskeyfor1secondagaintoexittheUserSetmode.The User Set mode is also available via the ‘Power ON’ func-tion. In this case, all set mode items are available. See page 12.HOOK SCANWhen the Hook Scan function is pre-programmed, push this key to temporarily disable the function. Push this key again to enable the function.Ext. CH Sel Mode KEYPushtoturntheExt.CHSelectfunctionONorOFF.When the function is turned ON, memory channels can be selectedwithonlyandexternalinput.When the function is turned OFF, memory channels can be selected by pushing [CH Up] or [CH Down], and cannot be externallycontrolled.•Thisfunctionisavailablewhentheexternalunit,suchasadimmercontrol is connected to the transceiver with an optional OPC-1939 or OPC-2078 cable (p. 17).•Askyourdealerformoredetailsonexternalinputoperation.POWER OFF EMERGENCYWhile holding down this key, turn OFF the transceiver to activate the Power OFF Emergency function. This function makes the transceiver transmit emergency calls, even though it appears to be powered OFF. (p. 14)
82BASIC OPERATION■ Turning ON the powerq Push [ ] to turn ON the power.w  If the transceiver is programmed for a start up password, input the digit codes as directed by your dealer. •Thekeysshownbelowcanbeusedforpasswordinput:     The transceiver detects numbers in the same block as identical.  Therefore“01234”and“56789”arethesame.eIfthe“PASSWORD”indicationdoesnotclearafterinput-ting 6 digits, the input code number may be incorrect. Turn OFF the power and re-enter your password.■ Channel selectionThere are several methods to select channels, and they may differ, depending on your system set up.NON-ZONE TYPE:To select the desired operating channel:•Push[CHUp]or[CHDown].•Pushoneof[MR-CH1]to[MR-CH4].ZONE TYPE:To select the desired operating channel:Push [Zone], then push [CH Up] or [CH Down].AUTOMATIC SCAN TYPE:Channel setting is not necessary for this type. When turning ON the power, the transceiver automatically starts scanning. Scanning stops when a signal is detected.KEYNUMBER 0549382716
92BASIC OPERATION12345678910111213141516■ Call procedureWhenyoursystememploystonesignaling(excludingCTCSSand DTCS), a call procedure may be necessary prior to voice transmission. The tone signalling employed may be a selective calling system which allows you to call only specific station(s), and prevents unwanted stations from contacting you.qSelectthedesiredTXcodechannelor2/5-tonecode,ac-cording to your System Operator’s instructions. •Thismaynotbenecessary,dependingonthepreprogram-ming. •Refertopages10and11forselection.w  Push [Call] (assigned to one of the dealer programmable keys).e  After transmitting, the remainder of your communication can be carried out in the normal fashion.Selective calling Non-selective calling■ Receiving and transmittingReceiving:q Hold down [ ] for 1 second to turn ON the power.w  Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select a channel.e  When receiving a call, rotate [VOL] to adjust the audio out-put level to a comfortable listening level.NOTE: Depending  on  the  preprogramming,  the  transceiver automatically transmits the microphone audio for the specified time period*, when a matched RX code signal is received.•HM-148GorHM-152h a n d  m i c r o p h o n e  is required.* Depending on the preprogramming. Ask your dealer for details.Transmitting:Wait for the channel to become clear to avoid interference.q  Take the microphone OFF hook. •The‘Audible’modeisselected. •Aprioritychannelmaybeautomaticallyselected.w Wait for the channel to become clear. •The channel is busy when the BUSY icon appears on the LCD.e  While holding down [PTT], speak into the microphone at your normal voice level.r Release [PTT] to return to receive. IMPORTANT:Tomaximizethereadabilityofyoursignal; 1. Pause briefly after pushing [PTT]. 2.  Hold  the  microphone 5  to  10  cm (2  to  4 inches)  from your mouth, then speak into the microphone at a normal voice level.
102BASIC OPERATION■ Receiving and transmitting (Continued)D Transmitting notes• Transmit inhibit function   The transceiver has several inhibit functions which restrict transmission under the following conditions: -Thechannelisinthe‘Inaudible’(mute)mode;“ ” (Audible icon) does not appear.  -  The channel is busy. However, depending on the prepro-grammed settings, you can transmit when the call includes an unmatching (or matching) CTCSS (DTCS), RAN code, or Individual or Talkgroup ID.  - The selected channel is a ‘receive only’ channel.• Time-out timer Ifcontinuoustransmissionexceedsthepre-programmedtime-out timer limit, the transmission is cut off.• Penalty timer   After the transmission is cut off by the time-out timer, trans-mission is further inhibited for the pre-programmed penalty timer period.• PTTID call   The transceiver automatically sends the 5-tone, DTMF, BIIS or digital ANI ID code when [PTT] is pushed (at the begin-ningofthetransmission),and/orwhenitisreleased(attheend of transmission), depending on the preprogramming.   A PTTID call also be made with the MDC 1200 signaling system.D TX code channel selectionIf the transceiver has a key assigned to [TX Code CH Select], the dysplay can be toggled between the operating channel number (or name) and TX code channel number (or name). When the TX code channel number (or name) is displayed, [CH Up] or [CH Down] selects the TX code channel.USING [TX CODE CH SELECT] KEY:q  Push [TX Code CH Select]— a TX code channel number (or name) appears.w  Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired TX code channel.e After selecting, push [TX Code CH Select] to set. •Returntothestand-bymode.r Push [Call] to transmit the selected TX code.USING [TX CODE CH UP]/[TX CODE CH DOWN] KEY:If the transceiver has a key assigned to [TX Code CH Up] or [TX Code CH Down], the programmed TX code channel can be directly selected when pushed.
112BASIC OPERATION12345678910111213141516D TX code number edit (PMR operation only)If the transceiver has a key assigned to [TX Code CH Select] or [TX Code Enter], TX code contents can be edited within the allowable digits.USING [TX CODE CH SELECT] KEY:q  Push [TX Code CH Select] to enter the TX code channel selection mode. •SelectthedesiredchannelbeforeenteringtheTXcodechannelselection mode, if necessary.w  Hold down [TX Code CH Select] for 1 second to enter the TX code edit mode. •Thedigittobeeditedblinks.e  Push [TX Code CH Select] to select the desired digit to be edited.r Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired digit.t  Push [TX Code CH Select] to set. The digit to the right will automatically blink.y Repeat r and t to edit all allowable digits.u After editing, push [TX Code CH Select] to set. •Returntothestand-bymode.i Push [Call] to transmit.USING [TX CODE ENTER] KEY:q Push [TX Code Enter] to enter the TX code edit mode. •Thedigittobeeditedblinks.w  Push [TX Code Enter] to select the desired digit to be ed-ited.e Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired digit.r  Push [TX Code Enter] to set. The digit to the right will au-tomatically blink.t Repeat e and r to edit all allowable digits.y After editing, push [TX Code Enter] to set. •Returntothestand-bymode.u  Push [Call] to transmit.D DTMF transmissionIf the transceiver has a key assigned to [DTMF Autodial], the automatic DTMF transmission function is available. Up to 8 DTMF channels are selectable.q Push [DTMF Autodial]— a DTMF channel appears.w  Push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired DTMF channel.e Push [DTMF Autodial] to transmit the DTMF code.
122BASIC OPERATION■ User Set modeThe User Set mode can be accessed with the ‘Power ON’ function. In this case, all set mode items are selectable. The User Set mode allows you to set seldom-changed set-tings,andyoucan“customize”thetransceiveroperationtosuit your preferences and operating style.  NOTE: While in the User Set mode, [Up], [Down] and [P0] activate regardless of the assigned key functions.Entering the User Set mode:q  Push [ ] to turn OFF the power.w  While holding down [P1] and [P2], push [ ] to turn ON the power. •Holddown[P1]and[P2]continuouslyuntil“SETMODE”ap-pears on the display.[P1] [P2] [    ]e Hold down [P0] for 1 second to enter the User Set mode. •ToexittheUserSetmode,holddown[P0]for1secondagain.[P0]r  Push [P0] several times to select the appropriate item, then push [Up] or [Down] to set the desired level or set-ting. •SelectableSetmodeitemsareBacklight, Beep ON/OFF, Beep Level, Ringer Level, SQL Level, AF Min Level, Mic Gain, Bat-tery Voltage, Horn, Signal Moni, Lone Worker and System Info. [P0] [Up]/[Down] t  Hold down [ ] for 1 second to turn OFF the power, then ON again to return to the normal operating mode.[    ]The User Set mode can also be selected using a program-mable key. Please refer to the [User Set Mode] section on page 6 for instructions on how to use the key assigned to the User Set mode.[User Set Mode] can be used for the quick item selection. Set“Enable”fortheoftenuseditemswiththeCS-F3100D/F5120D c l o n i n g  s o f t w a r e .
132BASIC OPERATION2■ Emergency transmissionWhen [Emergency] is held down for the specified time pe-riod*, the emergency signal is transmitted on the specified emergency channel once or repeatedly.When no emergency channel is specified, the call is transmit-ted on the operating channel.The repeat emergency signal is automatically transmitted until you turn OFF the power.Depending on the preprogramming, receiving a matching 5-tone code cancels the transmission.If you want to cancel the Emergency function, hold down [Emergency] for the pre-programmed time period again be-fore transmitting the call.If your transceiver is programmed for Silent operation, you can transmit emergency calls without the beep sounding and the LCD indication change.  IMPORTANT:  It  is  recommended  to  set  an  emergency channel individually to provide the certain emergency call operation.D NOTESDepending  on  the  preprogramming,  the  following  functions are automatically activated. Ask your dealer for details.• Auto TX functionAfter the emergency call transmission, audio from the micro-phone  is  automatically  transmitted  for  a  specified  time  pe-riod.*•TheHM-148GorHM-152handmicrophoneisrequired.• Auto RX functionAfter the emergency call transmission, the transceiver stands by in the audible mode for the specified time period.**  Depending on the preprogramming. Ask your dealer for de-tails.■ Encryption functionThe encryption function provides private communication be-tween stations while operating in the digital mode.q Push [Encryption] to turn ON the encryption function. •“ ” (Encryption icon) appears.w  Push [Encryption] again to turn OFF the encryption func-tion. •“ ” disappears.
142BASIC OPERATION■ Stun functionThedispatchercansenda2/5-tonesignalthatwillstun,killor revive your transceiver. When the Stun ID is received, a beep sounds*, and the trans-ceiver becomes unusable. Receiving a Revive command or entering password* (p. 8) is necessary to operate the trans-ceiver again in this case.When the Kill ID is received, a beep sounds*, and the trans-ceiver becomes unusable (the transceiver switches to the cloning required condition). Cloning the transceiver is neces-sary to operate the transceiver again in this case.*  Depending on the preprogramming. Ask your dealer for de-tails.  See the operating guide for details of the Stun function with the MDC and Digital system operations. Ask your dealer for details.■ Power OFF Emergency functionWhen the transceiver has  a  key assigned to Power OFF Emergency, you can use the function.This function  makes  the transceiver transmit emergency calls, even though it appears to be powered OFF.To activate the Power OFF Emergency function, turn the power OFF while holding down [Power OFF Emergency].Whenthefunctionisactivated,anykeyoperation,theON/OFF Hook and Lone Worker functions become invalid. The beep, display and speaker are turned OFF as well.On the other hand, the transceiver can transmit emergency calls according to the pre-programmed emergency settings.Depending on the pre-programmed settings, the  Remote Monitor function can also be used (digital operation only).To cancel the Power OFF Emergency function and restore the transceiver, turn the power ON.■ Priority A channel selectionWhen one of the following operations is performed, the trans-ceiver automatically selects the Priority A channel.• Turning ON the power   The Priority A channel is selected each time the transceiver power is turned ON.• Auto Reset   The Priority A channel is selected when the Auto Reset timer ends.• OFF hook   The Priority A channel is selected when you take the micro-phone OFF hook.
153CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE12345678910111213141516erAntennaBlackRed12VBatterySolderCrimpNOTE: Use the terminals as shown for the cable connections.q ANTENNA CONNECTORConnect to an antenna. Ask your dealer  about  antenna  selection and placement.qww EXTERNAL SPEAKER JACKConnect to a 4 to 8 ø external speaker.e MICROPHONE HANGERConnect the supplied micro-phone hanger to the vehicle’s ground for  microphone on/off hook functions. (See page 2)r OPTIONAL CABLE (OPC-1939, OPC-2078)tt DC POWER RECEPTACLEConnect  to  a  12  V  DC  battery. Pay attention to polarities.Optional speakerConnect an external modem, dimmer control, etc.R WARNING! NEVER connect to a 24  V  battery. This could damage the transceiver.R WARNING! NEVER remove the fuse-holders from the DC power cable.(Depending on version, the fuse holder may not be attached to the black cable.)■ Rear panel connection
163CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE■ Supplied Accessories ■ Mounting the transceiverThe universal mounting bracket supplied with your trans-ceiver allows overhead mounting.•Mountthetransceiversecurelywiththe4suppliedscrewsto  a  thick  surface which can  support  more than 1.5  kg (3.3 lb).Flat washerFelt*Spring washerWhen usingself-tapping screws *Felt reduces the effects of vibration.Microphone Microphone hanger and screw setMicrophone hanger cableDC power cableFlat washersSpring washers Bracket boltsMounting screws (5×12)Self-tapping screws (5×20)NutsFunction name stickers*Used  for  labelling  the  programmable  function keys according to their assinged functions.*Mounting bracket
173CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE12345678910111213141516■ AntennaA key element in the performance of any communication sys-tems is its antenna. Contact your dealer for more information regarding antennas and how to install them.■ Fuse replacementA fuse is installed in each fuse holder of the supplied DC power cable*. If a fuse blows or the transceiver stops func-tioning, track down the source of the problem if possible, re-paire it and then replace the damaged fuse with a new rated one.*Depending on version, only one fuse holder may be attached.❑Fuserating:10A(foronefuseholder)/20A(forTwofuseholders) USE the applicable fuse only.■ CleaningIf the transceiver becomes dusty or dirty, wipe it clean with a soft, dry cloth. DO NOT use harsh solvents such as benzine or alcohol, as they will damage the transceiver sur-faces.■ Options• OPC-1132A/OPC-347 d c  p o w e r  c a b l e Two fuse holders are attached. USE the 20 A fuse only.   OPC-1132A: 3 m (9.8 ft)   OPC-347: 7 m (23 ft)• OPC-1939/OPC-2078 a c c  c a b l e Allowsyoutoconnecttoanexternalterminal.  OPC-1939: D-sub 15-pin, OPC-2078: D-sub 25-pin•HM-152/HM-152T/HM-148G h a n d  m i c r o p h o n e  HM-152  :  Hand microphone  HM-152T : DTMF microphone  HM-148G :  Self ground heavy duty microphone•SM-26 d e s k t o p  m i c r o p h o n e•SP-22/SP-30 e x t e r n a l  s p e a k e r  Input impedance  : 4 ø SP-22 :Ratedinput;5W,Max.input;7W SP-30 :Ratedinput;20W,Max.input;30WApproved Icom optional equipment is designed for optimal perfor-mance when used with an Icom transceiver.Icom is not responsible for the destruction or damage to an Icom transceiver in the event the Icom transceiver is used with equipment that is not manufactured or approved by Icom.
4SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION18WARNINGYour Icom radio generates RF electromagnetic en-ergy during transmit mode. This radio is designed for and classified as  “Occupational  Use  Only”, meaning it must be used only during the course of employment by individuals aware of the hazards, and the ways to minimize such hazards. This radio is NOT intended for use by the “General Popula-tion” in an uncontrolled environment.•ForcompliancewithFCCandIndustryCanadaRFExposureRe-quirements, the transmitter antenna installation shall comply with the following two conditions: 1.Thetransmitterantennagainshallnotexceed0dBi.  2. IC-F5121D:  The antenna is required to be located outside of a vehicle and kept at a distance of 45 centimeters or more between the trans-mitting antenna of this device and any persons during operation. For small vehicle as worst case, the antenna shall be located on the roof top at any place on the centre line along the vehicle in order to achieve 45 centimeters separation distance. In order to ensure this distance is met, the installation of the antenna must be mounted at least 45 centimeters away from the nearest edge ofthevehicleinordertoprotectagainstexposuretobystanders.  2. IC-F6121D:  The antenna is required to be located outside of a vehicle and kept at a distance of 37 centimeters or more between the trans-mitting antenna of this device and any persons during operation. For small vehicle as worst case, the antenna shall be located on the roof top at any place on the centre line along the vehicle in order to achieve 37 centimeters separation distance. In order to ensure this distance is met, the installation of the antenna must be mounted at least 37 centimeters away from the nearest edge ofthevehicleinordertoprotectagainstexposuretobystanders.  3. IC-F5121D:   Transmit only when people outside the vehicle are at least the recommended minimum distance of 100 centimeters away from the properly installed antenna. This separation distance will en-sure that there is sufficient distance from a properly installed externally-mountedantennatosatisfytheRFexposurerequire-mentsintheapplicableRFexposurecompliancestandards.  3. IC-F6121D:   Transmit only when people outside the vehicle are at least the recommended minimum distance of 82 centimeters away from the properly installed antenna. This separation distance will en-sure that there is sufficient distance from a properly installed externally-mountedantennatosatisfytheRFexposurerequire-mentsintheapplicableRFexposurecompliancestandards.
SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION 41216151413121110987654193CAUTIONTo ensure that your exposure to RF electromag-netic energy is within the FCC allowable limits for occupational use, always adhere to the following guidelines:•DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attached, as thismaydamagetheradioandmayalsocauseyoutoexceedFCCRFexposurelimits.Aproperantennaistheantennasuppliedwiththis radio by the manufacturer or an antenna specifically authorized by the manufacturer for use with this radio.•DO NOTtransmitformorethan50%oftotalradiousetime(“50%duty cycle”). Transmitting more than 50% of the time can cause FCCRFexposurecompliancerequirementstobeexceeded.Theradioistransmittingwhenthe“transmitindicator”appearsontheLCD.Youcancausetheradiototransmitbypressingthe“PTT”switch.Electromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityDuring transmissions, your Icom radio generates RF energy that can possibly cause interference with other devices or systems. To avoid such interference, turn OFF the radio in areas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, JapanA-6903H-1EX-0aPrinted in Japan© 2010–2011 Icom Inc.Printed on recycled paper with soy ink.
AVERTISSEMENT Votre radio Icom produit une énergie électromagnétique de radiofréquences (RF), en mode de transmission. Cette radio est conçue pour un «usage pro-fessionnel  seulement»  et  classée comme tel, ce qui signifie qu’elle doit être utilisée uniquement dans le cadre d’un  travail  par  des  personnes conscientes des dangers et des mesu-res visant à minimiser ces dangers. Elle N’EST PAS conçue pour une «uti-lisation grand public», dans un envi-ronnement non contrôlé.•  An de satisfaire aux exigences de la FCC et d’Industrie Canada en matière d’exposition aux RF, il est néces-saire que l’antenne soit installée conformément aux trois conditions suivantes:  1.  Le gain de l’antenne du radio émetteur ne doit pas dépasser 0dBi.  2. IC-F5121D:     Il faut que l’antenne émettrice de cet appareil soit pla-cée à l’extérieur d’un véhicule et tenue éloignée d’au moins 45 centimètres de toute personne pendant le fonctionnement. Dans le pire des cas, pour un petit vé-hicule, l’antenne doit être placée sur le toit, n’importe où dans l’axe central du véhicule, an de respecter une distance de 45 cm du bord le plus rapproché du véhicule et ainsi éviter que les personnes présentes soient exposées.  2. IC-F6121D:     Il faut que l’antenne émettrice de cet appareil soit pla-cée à l’extérieur d’un véhicule et tenue éloignée d’au moins 37 centimètres de toute personne pendant le fonctionnement. Dans le pire des cas, pour un petit vé-hicule, l’antenne doit être placée sur le toit, n’importe où dans l’axe central du véhicule, an de respecter une distance de 37 cm du bord le plus rapproché du véhicule et ainsi éviter que les personnes présentes soient exposées.  3. IC-F5121D:     Émettre uniquement lorsque les personnes à l’exté-rieur du véhicule se trouvent à au moins la distance minimale recommandée de 100 cm de l’antenne cor-rectement installée. Cette distance de sécurité assu-rera que les personnes soient placées sufsamment loin d’une antenne correctement xée à l’extérieur pour satisfaire aux exigences en matière d’exposition aux RF, en vertu des normes de conformité applica-bles.  3. IC-F6121D:     Émettre uniquement lorsque les personnes à l’exté-rieur du véhicule se trouvent à au moins la distance minimale recommandée de 82 cm de l’antenne correc-tement installée. Cette distance de sécurité assurera que les personnes soient placées sufsamment loin d’une antenne correctement xée à l’extérieur pour satisfaire aux exigences en matière d’exposition aux RF, en vertu des normes de conformité applicables.MISE EN GARDE Afin de vous assurer que votre exposi-tion à une énergie électromagnétique de RF se situe dans les limites permi-ses par la  FCC  pour une  utilisation grand public, veuillez en tout temps respecter les directives suivantes:  •  NE PAS faire fonctionner la radio sans qu’une an-tenne appropriée y soit xée, car ceci risque d’endom-mager la radio et causer une exposition supérieure aux limites établies par la FCC. L’antenne appropriée est celle qui est fournie avec cette radio par le fabri-cant ou une antenne spécialement autorisée par le fabricant pour être utilisée avec cette radio.  •  NE PAS émettre pendant plus de 50 % du temps total d’utilisation de l’appareil («50 % du facteur d’utilisa-tion»). Émettre pendant plus de 50 % du temps total d’utilisation peut causer une exposition aux RF supé-rieure aux limites établies par la FCC. La radio est en train d’émettre lorsque le témoin du mode de trans-mission s’afche sur l’écran ACL. La radio émettra si vous appuyez sur le bouton du microphone.Interférence électromagnétique et compatibilité En mode de transmission, votre radio Icom produit de l’énergie de RF qui peut provoquer des interférences avec d’autres appareils ou systèmes. Pour éviter de telles inter-férences, mettez la radio hors tension dans les secteurs où une signalisation l’exige. NE PAS faire fonctionner l’émetteur dans des secteurs sensibles au rayonnement électromagnétique tels que les hôpitaux, les aéronefs et les sites de dynamitage.INFORMATION EN MATIÈRE DE SÉCURITÉA-6903H-3EXImprimé au Japon© 2011 Icom Inc.

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