

ⅡUser Manual - DVR AVI Backup Manager38 3903 AVI Backup ManagerAVI Backup ManagerAVI Backup Manager converts the recorded data into AVI file formatto replay the image conveniently using Windows Media Player.  1-1 AVI BackupTo backup recorded data in to AVI format simply double click the AVIBackup Manager icon. 1-2 Selecting Data for BackupClick [Load Data] from top right of GUI Select the date you wish to backup Then click [LOAD] icon.1-3 Backup by Channels Select the channel you wish to backup.Channel icon turns green when selected.
ⅡUser Manual - DVR AVI Backup Manager40 411-4. Backup Time SelectionEnter the time you wish to start backup from Time Bar. Recorded data is indicated in red.1-5 Backup Data ConvertingClick [Converting] icon after entering the limits of the backup timein reference. Click the start time and click [A->B] icon. Start time willautomatically appear as below.Select the location of the directory to backup data and click [OK]. Click the end time and click [A->B] icon. End time willautomatically appear as below. ※AVI BackUp Manager can only convert files up to one hour. Backup datatime is only indicated when the difference between start time & end timeis less than one hour. AVI Backup ProcessingWindows prompt message indicating AVI Converting Endwill automatically appear. You have successfullyconverted your data for storage.
ⅡUser Manual - Backup Manager42 431-6 Play Backup Data using Windows Media-PlayerOur website offers utilities that users can Download & install AVIFormula Codec V 1.0 from, DownLoad -> Utilsection to properly replay stored data.You can now replay all AVI format data using your WindowsMedia Player .Media Player should replay stored data as seen below.04.Backup ManagerUsing Intotech Backup Manager recorded images(* iva. data) can bemanaged efficiently or quickly backup to CD using this software.[Backup Manager Detailed Information]: Transfer data to Backup List.: Remove data from Backup List.: Remove all data from Backup List.: Search screen will be displayed in (YUV) screenmode. (Default setting)  : Search screen will be displayed in (RGB) screen mode.Graphic Card may not support YUV mode YUV is the default setting. (Please convert to RGBmode when transferring or removing data .) : Play Backup Data. : Start Backup.: Stop Backup.11 )) Backup Manager illustrates recorded data by date, channel and time. 22))The following icons are used to help manage your recorded data.
ⅡUser Manual - Backup Manager44 45Add data to Backup List illustrated below.Backup folder & Progress Time Bar is indicated as follows. : Select directory to backup: Direct backup to CD (CD-RW required)1-4 Click() icon to setup backup directory.1-5 Choose HDD to backup and click [OK].Example selects C: Drive.1-1 Backup Manager HDD Backup1-2 Click Backup Manager icon to run program.1-2 Select date & time from Data List to Backup.1-3 Move selected data from Data List to Backup List. Click ( )icon to move data from Data List to Backup List.Ex) Indicates 2004/ 2/ 7 CH2 10 o’clock.
ⅡUser Manual - Backup Manager46 471-6 Click ()icon to start backup..1-7 Message is displayed after completion.2 CD Backup2-1 Click Backup Manager icon and run program.2-2 Select date & time from Data List to Backup.2-3 Move selected data from Data List to Backup List.Click()icon to move data.Ex) Indicates 2004/ 2/ 7 CH2 10 o lock.2-3 Click() icon.2-4 Click [CD – RW] and click [Contain Backup Player].(NOTE : The Contain Backup Player(7MB) must be checked.) 2-5 Click() icon to start backup
ⅡUser Manual - Backup Manager48 493  Play HDD Backup Data3-1 Click Backup Manager and run program.2-6 Message is displayed after completion. 3-4 Search Data screen illustrated below.a. Recorded data is shown in red.3-5 Choose date you want to playback and Click [Load].3-2 Click [Play] icon to  search Backup Data Directory.3-3 Select RGB Mode and select directory and Click [OK].aa⌒⌒
ⅡUser Manual - Backup Manager50 513-6 Click icon to exit from playback mode and return toBackup Manager.4.  Play CD Backup Data·Insert CD to CDROM.  (Run CDROM Drive -> Backup Player -> Click [ ] icon.)·Select CDROM directory and click [OK].[The following Error Messages appear usually means thefollowing errors.][Error Message]※There is no medium in the burner : There is no CD inside CD-RW drive.※If you want to Backup CD. Please reboot or end process‘imap.exe’: Please reboot PC OR stop  imap.exe’ by force from WindowsTask Manager.※Set CD recorder failed.: Conflict with CD-RW settings.※Not Enough Hdd Disk Free Space to Create CD IMAGE: HDD must have enough free space to CD backup data onto CD. ※The call failed because IMAPI has not been opened with Open.: Your Operating System(O/S) does not support CD Backup. If you have any further tech support issues, please contact yourlocal Intotech DVR dealer.
ⅡUser Manual - NetClient Interface52 534 NetClient Interface01. Intotech Net-Client InterfaceNetClient Program is able to receive images from DVR Server usingthe Internet. NetClient functions: Display & recording, camera controlfrom remote site and other features that we will illustrated in thisdocument.1-1 Control PanelThe Control Panel can search program, open connection setup,save & print still images and record server image from remote PCwhere NetClient is installed.1-2 Screen Partition PanelSupport 7 kinds of various screen partition,full-screen and sequence rotation displaymode.  Search Icon: Runs search program.Connection Setup Icon:Run [Connecting & Configuration Management] used for internetaccess. Run [Modem Connection] used for internet access .1-3 Pan/Tilt Control Panel Pan / Tilt / Zoom / Focus control is supported from remote sitewhen DVR Server is using Pan/Tilt camera. Control sensitivitycan be configured in Control Panel. Only broadband Internet users can use Pan/Tilt control,Modem users cannot use this feature.1-4 Network Type Selection PanelSelect [LAN] from Network Type SelectionPanel when using broadband connection and Select [Modem] when using Modem.1-5 Camera Selection PanelClick specific channel from Camera Selection Panel toenlarge and view image.→Search Icon→Print IconConnection Setup Icon →Save IconREC Icon →→All IconSave Icon: Save selected channels as JPEG file.Print Icon: Print the selected channels in various modes.REC Icon: Record the image of selected channels.All Icon: Select all channels to record.
ⅡUser Manual - NetClient Interface54 551-6 Internet User Real-Time SurveillanceClick [LAN] from [Network Type Selection Panel] and viewreal-time from remote site. Click [Connection] from [ControlPanel] and [Connecting & ConfigurationManagement] screen will appear. Register the Server IP Address and connect using theregistered IP. 2. Channel ConnectionRegister the Server and use the registered server to connectto each channel. 2-1 Server Registration- Server has Fixed IP(Static IP)Select the [Fixed IP] from [Connecting & ConfigurationManagement] insert the Server Name, IP Address, ID &Password(Insert the ID & Password which is registered in theServer program [User Management].) and click [Register]. -  Server is using Dynamic IPRegister for DHS Service,( )*Refer toAnnex. Select [Dynamic IP] from [Connecting & ConfigurationManagement] and insert the ID from DHS Server. Insert the ID& Password which is registered in the Server program [UserManagement] and click [Register]. 2-2 Connection Select [Connect Mangement] and insert the Server Name andServer Channel to each camera channel.
ⅡUser Manual - NetClient Interface56 573 Group ConnectionGroup Connection enable users the convenience ofconnecting specific channels from different servers at once.3-1 Group Setup- Register Group NameGoto [Management of group] and click [Add Group]. Insert theGroup Name you wish to use and click [OK]. Group Name will be displayed on left side of Group List. Select the Group Name from Group List. 3-2 Group Organization.Click the Server you wish to include in Group from Server List. Specific channels can be selected after you select ServerName from Server List.Select the specific Server channel you wish to include inGroup and click [Add Group]. In one group, users are allowed to register up to 16CH fromdifferent Servers.
ⅡUser Manual - NetClient Interface58 593-3 Group ConnectionClick [Connect group] to connect.(It will take about 10~30 sec to connect to all channels.)4 Modem User Connection Setup4-1 Modem SetupSelect [Modem] icon from [Network Type Selection Panel] to connect from remote site using Modem. Click [Connection] icon from [Control Panel] to run[Modem Connect] window.[Modem Connection] window is initialized. Insert Telephone No.(Insertthe number assigned to DVR Server. Insert “ ” and Telephone No. toadd the waiting time while the line is being dialed. E.g.:9w0232851525), ID & Password, (Insert the ID & Password which isregistered in the Server program, [User Management].) Select thecamera channel number and click [Connect]. You can only access onechannel at one time using Modem. In order to change to differentchannel, click [Disconnect] from [Modem Connect] window, changechannel and reconnect. Note: If You are not using 56K Internet Access,you do not need to access Internet Service Provider.Click [Properties] to view General/Advanced default setup.Use default when use of modem. 4-2 Configuration SetupThe modem model name will appear when you click[Configuration]. During intial setup, the Model Name needs tobe confirmed to complete registration, thereafter, this step willbe bypassed.
ⅡUser Manual - NetClient Interface60 615 Search5-1 Remote Search※Broadband: To search recorded images from remote site,click [LAN] from [Network Type Selection Panel] when usingBroadband Internet connection to connect to Server. Click[Search] Icon from [Control Panel] to run Search program.※※Modem: To search recorded images from remote site, click[Modem] from [Network Type Selection Panel] when usingModem to connect to Server. Click [Search] Icon from [ControlPanel] to run Search program.※※Remote Search[Remote Search using Internet]- Server Connection: Insert Server, Connection Port, ID &Password, Channel number and click [Connect]. - Data Load: Click the date from calendar and click [Load Data]. - Insert telephone no. of Server, ID & Password, channel numberand click [Connect]. - Image Output Control Panel: Consists of [Play] & [Stop].- Screen Partition Panel:Maximum 4CH search & playback is available from remote siteusing Broadband.1CH search & playback is available from remote site usingModem.- Search Data Process Bar※Hour Bar: If there is recorded data in selected hour, recordeddata is indicated in red from minute bar ※Minute Bar: Minutes of recorded data is indicated from0~59min. and recorded data is indicated in red.- Control Panel: Consists of [Surveillance Mode] icon, [LocalSearch] icon, [Remote Search] icon, [Save Still Image] iconand [Print Still Image] icon. Surveillance Mode Icon: Converts to Surveillance Mode.Local Search Icon: Runs [Local Search] window.Remote Search Icon: Runs [Remote Search] window.
ⅡUser Manual -  WebClient62 635-2 Local SearchClick [Local Search] from Search Mode, Surface ModeWindow will appear. Click [OK] to run Local Search program. ※[Local Search] from NetClient Program is similar to thefunctions from Main Program (Server Program). Refer to theServer Program Manual (Chapter 2: Search Program) forinformation regarding other featured functions. 02. WebClientWebClient can receive the images from remote site & view throughthe internet without installing any other program.1. Connection 1-1 For Fixed IP Users(Static IP)Insert the Server IP Address in Internet Web Browser. e.g.: Insert as if the Server IP Address is
ⅡUser Manual -  WebClient64 65Message as above will appear if this is your first time connectingthrough Internet Web Browser.Click <yes> button and it will take a few seconds to load theWebClient program. IP address & Port No. will be automatically retained in theWebClient program. You will be asked to enter ID & Passwordagain for security. Click [Connect] to view image.For Dynamic IP UserInsert the ID you have been given then click [Login] button. Message as above will appear if it is your first time connectingthrough Internet Web Browser.Click <yes> button and it will take a few seconds to load theWebClient program. IP address & Port No. will be automatically retained in theWebClient program. You will be asked to enter ID & Passwordagain for security. Click [Connect] to view image.
ⅡUser Manual -  WebClient66 671-2 Display ModeDisplay Mode: There are two modesavailable: YUV Mode & RGB Mode. RGBMode uses more overload than YUVMode. If you are not able to view theimages using YUV Mode, update theGraphics Card Driver and if problempersists check whether the Graphics Cardsupports YUV ModeConnect to All Channel (All Mode )WebClient program is set to All Mode as default. If you wish to view all channels from the Server, click [Connect]button while it is set to [All Mode]. Connect to specific channel ( Select Mode)1-3 Screen PartitionThere are 7 variations of screenpartitioning that is supported according tocamera number. If you wish to view specific channels from theServer(Not all channels), convert to [SelectMode] and click [Connect] button. Displayedabove, channel selection panel will appear onthe right side of WebClient program. Selectthe specific channel and click [Start] button.1-4 Connection
68 69※※I/O DEVICE 9.1 Input/Output DeviceInput/Output Control is available from DVR Program [Configuration][Event] and it consists of Sensor, (A)ction/Digital Output. 9.2. Channel Selection & Apply AllSelect channel after preparation of Input/Output Board andother Surveillance equipment. 9.3 Sensor Input[Sensor] is equivalent to Digital Input. When there is input signalfrom outside to selected channel(Sensor is activated, e.g.: Whenuse of fire alarm, sensor is activated when occurrence of fire),selected channel will recognize as occurrence of event. All the surveillance equipment is connected to every channel, andto control all channel, click [Apply All] after setup of [Sensor],[Action/Digital Output], [Digital Output], [Warning Sound],[Duration]. 9.3.1 NC[NC] stands for “Normal Close”If this button is selected,Normally(Event is not occurred) the circuit will be closed. GeneralSensors are “Normal Close”but in case of special sensor which is“Normal Close”type, do not select [NC]. 9.3.2 Sensor Port ControlConfirm the video channel of sensor you want to insert, thenclick [Enable the Sensor]. Setup the sensor port which isconnected to SmartDVR I/O Board by each channel. Can usesensor port regardless of digital output number. 9.4 Action//Digital OutputAction//Digital Output - [Enable Event Recording] will automatically recordthe image when sensor is activated after an occurrence of event.  [Enablethe warning sound] will make a warning sound from the speaker.※Annex 1.  I/O DEVICE
※Annex 2.  Dynamic IP User Manual70 71※※Dynamic IP User Manual1-1 DHS(Dynamic Host Service)DHS service helps support Dynamic IP remote access. InternetService Provider frequently change IP address when using astandard broadband connection. DHS Hosting Service keepstrack of Server ID and updates IP address periodically to supportremote access without the need of a Static IP Address. 1-2 DHS Service Registration- Connect to from Internet Web Browser.2 Click [Join Now] and enter information on registration form. 3 Our server manager will contact you within 24 hours after theregistration is complete. 4 Connect to and login with the ID that has beenassigned to you. 9.5 Digital OutputConfirm the video channel of digital output you want to insert,then setup [Digital Output]. Setup the Digital Output Numberby each channel. Can use digital output port regardless ofsensor input number.9.6 Warning SoundSelect Wave file to change warning sound. 9.7 Duration TimeSetup duration time of Warning Sound using mouse wheel.
※Annex 3.  IP Router72※※IP Router User ManualFor Customers who use Routers inside their intranet environmentfor PC & DVR internet access. 1 The following steps will guide you to allocate Private IP addressto DVR Server.Goto [Start] – [Control Panel] – [My Network Places]2 Click the right mouse button from [Local Area Connection] inLAN or High Speed Internet. 3 Click [Properties]. 4 Double click [Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)].5 Manually input private IP address, do not select [AutomaticallyObtain IP Address.] If you do not know your IP address: Click [Start] – Click [Run] and enter cmd or command and pressOK.  A black DOS screen will appear, then type  ipconfig’ andpress Enter.  Your IP Address, Submask and GateWay will bedisplayed, use these IP addresses and enter into Step 5 - Insert ‘’ for DNS.6 After the setup is complete, you must access your router to setPort Forwarding.   - Refer to Router manual since Port forwarding function isdifferent for every Router. <Following is an example of AnyGate IP Router.>Port forwarding Port No. : 20408, 265407 Refer to Dynamic IP Manual after the above setup is complete.
FCC NOTICE   THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC FULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITION: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED,   INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDERSIRED   OPERATION.    This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.   These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses   and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio   communication. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful   interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct   the interference by one or more of the following measures :    - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.    - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.    - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit difference from that to which       the receiver is connected.    - Consult the dealer of an experienced radio/TV technician for help.     NOTE : The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment.  Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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