IRay Technology 02110113 Wireless Digital Flat Panel Detector User Manual 2

iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Wireless Digital Flat Panel Detector Users Manual 2


Users Manual-2

 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  72/141Page 72 3. The rule of Multi-Share control is based on IP address. The second terminal with different IP address is not allowed to operate panel after the first one connected. If there is no command transmission between panel and Workstation over 5 minutes, panel releases access authority.  4.3 PanelConfigurationClick “Config” Set parameters Note: 1. If panel works in Isync Plus mode, it is not allowed to change any parameters and write into ROM or RAM. User is required to switch to software mode, change parameters and then switch to Isync Plus mode. On the other hand, we do not recommend user to switch working mode too often.  4.4 CorrectionandCalibrationTemplateGenerationIray recommends performing correction and calibration after installation or any major change on the system settings and hardware configuration. On the other hand, it is also recommended to do the correction and calibration in each 6 months. 4.4.1 Pre‐offsetTemplateGenerationIf panel is configured to do Pre-offset correction, Pre-offset Template is necessary. See below
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  73/141Page 73 Click “ Create”, Choose “Defect” Click “Create Offset”, wait until image acquisition ends /  4.4.2 GainCalibrationTemplateGenerationBefore Gain template generating, make sure SID1.2m, no copper is required, Choose “Post” offset mode1
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  74/141Page 74 Click “ Create”, Choose “Gain” Set “Expected Gray Value” 10000;Click “New Gain Point”; Set “Acquire Delay” 3000; If panel is in software mode, click “Prep” ,shoot X-ray, click “Acquire”; If panel is in Inner mode, click “Prep”, shoot X-ray; If panel is in Isync Plus mode, click “Prep Acquire”, wait for ready, shoot X-ray. Time window can be set by “Acquire Delay”;  Wait for Post-offset image uploaded, there will be value shown in “current average” box, change X-ray dose to make sure “current average” in the range of 10000±100, If yes, Click “Select”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  75/141Page 75 Repeat the same operation for 4 times, “Create Gain Correct file” button can be available, Click “Create Gain Correct file” Click “OK” / Note:1 please use software post offset correction.  4.4.3 DefectCorrectionTemplateGenerationBefore Defect template generating, make sure SID1.2m, no copper is required, Choose “Post” offset mode1
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  76/141Page 76 Click “ Create”, Choose “Defect” Click “start creating”, message box will show you the first image value for defect correction2; If panel is in software mode, click “Prep” ,shoot X-ray, click “Acquire”; If panel is in Inner mode, click “Prep”, shoot X-ray; If panel is in Isync Plus mode, click “Prep Aquire”, wait for ready, shoot X-ray. Time window can be set by “Acquire Delay”;  Click “start creating” to start the second X-ray shoot
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  77/141Page 77 Click “start creating” to start the third X-ray shoot Click “start creating” to start the fourth X-ray shoot After the fourth X-ray shoot, you do not need to change the X-ray dose, just repeat operation of “start creating” and image acquisition until it comes to the 19th images.
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  78/141Page 78 Click “Create Defect”, wait until it ends   Note:1 please use software post offset mode. 2. Make sure your X-ray dose is right, if your dose is out of the range, idemo will remind you to adjust the dose. Then you can click “start creating” and try again.  4.4.4 LagTemplateGenerationLag template is only used in Isync plus mode, if panel works in other mode, user does not have to complete lag template. Before Lag template generating, make sure SID 1.2m, no copper is required. Choose “Post” offset mode Choose “curr” gain mode Choose “curr” defect mode / Click “Create” Choose “Lag” correction Click “Start creating”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  79/141Page 79 Change X-ray dose to make sure average gray value in the range of 10000±100, Shoot X-ray, Post-offset image is shown on screen, make sure exposure line between 100 and 500; Shoot X-ray, another Post-offset image is shown on screen, make sure exposure line between 2572 and 2972; Image acquisition finished; Click “Create Lag Map”; Display “Lag calibration finished”, correction finished, close correction window /  4.5 ImageAcquisitionContinuallyImage Acquisition continually can be used only in software mode and inner mode, it is not supported in Isync Plus mode. The operation is designed for panel testing, not for customer using.  “SEQU” is the command to start image acquisition and “STOP” is the opposite. If user wants to change frequency of image acquisition, change parameters in “Config-General Setting-Time Span”.  4.6 Imagesave“SAVE” provides two features of image saving for user. The first is saving multiple images, the second is saving single image.  4.6.1 MultipleimagesClick “Save”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  80/141Page 80 Set the number of images in blank; Choose the saving path; Click “Begin Save”;  4.6.2 SingleimageClick “Save” Click “Save Directly”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  81/141Page 81 Choose the saving path; Click “save”;  4.7 ImageCheckandupload“OPEN” provides three feature for image check and uploading. Local Image Check, Panel Image Upload and Panel Image Check. Local Image Check defines function to check image saved in Workstation. Panel Image Upload defines function to upload images stored in panel. Panel Image Check defines function to check images stored in panel.  4.7.1 LocalImageCheckClick “Open” Click “Open Local File” Choose images stored in Workstation, images would be shown on screen /
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  82/141Page 82  4.7.2 PanelImageUploadBefore panel image uploading, FTP server is necessary. Make sure firewall is closed Start “FTPServer.exe”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  83/141Page 83 Choose “Configuration”; Set FTP Port “21000”; Click “Start” button; Panel Image is uploaded as following. Click “Open” Click “Get File List”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  84/141Page 84 Images stored in panel would be shown in the list. From the list, user could check basic information of images Select images user wants; Click “Start Upload”; Images would be uploaded to */idemo/upload If user want to upload multiple images, select multiple images, click “start upload”, during uploading, user could click “stop upload” to stop uploading
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  85/141Page 85 4.7.3 PanelImageCheckIf user wants to check images stored in panel immediately,  see below Click “Open” Select image user need; Click “open in list”  4.8 DefectTemplateCheckandModificationIdemo provides function to check defect template. If defect template has updates, user could add and delete defect pixel or defect lines by modifying defect template opened. 4.8.1 DefectTemplateCheckClick “Open”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  86/141Page 86 Select defect template; Click “open”; Select Product Size “Venu1417 (2304*2800); Click “OK”, Defect template is shown on screen; Click “Close” to close Defect template  4.8.2 DefectTemplateModificationClick “Open”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  87/141Page 87 Select Defect Template; Click “Open”; Set product size “Venu1417 (2304*2800);Click “OK” If there is new defect pixel, input coordinate, click “Add”; If pixel is labeled as defect by mistake, input coordinate, click “Delete”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  88/141Page 88 If there is new defect line, input coordinate, click “Add”; If line is labeled as defect by mistake, input coordinate, click “Delete” Click “Close”  4.9 CorrectionandCalibrationManagement4.9.1 CorrectionandCalibrationtemplatesynchronizationPanel supports correction and calibration template storage. So template in panel could be uploaded to Workstation, and template in Workstation could also be downloaded to panel. Before synchronization, FTP server is necessary. Make sure firewall is closed
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  89/141Page 89 Start “FTPServer.exe” Choose “Configuration”; Set FTP Port “21000”; Click “Start” button;  Click “Config”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  90/141Page 90 Select “HW Correction” If user wants to download correction and calibration template to panel. Click “Download” from top to bottom; If user wants to upload correction and calibration template from panel. Click “Read out” and “Update Local” from top to bottom;  4.9.2 CorrectionandCalibrationmanagementPanel supports two ways to do correction and calibration. Software Correction and Calibration defines the scenario that Workstation completes all correction and calibration. If panel complete all correction and calibration by itself, it is named as Hardware Correction and Calibration. SoftwareCorrectionandCalibrationClick “Config”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  91/141Page 91 Select “HW Correction”; Set Offset Mode “NO”; Set Offset “POST”; Set Gain “CURR”; Set Defect “CURR”; HardwareCorrectionandCalibrationManagementClick “Config”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  92/141Page 92 Select “HW Correction”; Set Offset Mode “Post offset”; Set Gain “CURR”; Set Defect “CURR”;  4.10 SleepandWakeUpPanel supports sleep and wake up operation. User can trigger sleep manually or automatically, but there is only one way to wake up panel.
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  93/141Page 93 4.10.1 Sleep ManualSleepClick “Sleep”, panel will go to sleep immediately Message box shows that panel is sleeping AutomaticSleepTo go to sleep automatically, user should set the time flag first. If panel detects that there is no operation in time flag, panel would go to sleep. If time flag is set zero, panel would not go to sleep automatically. Click “Config”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  94/141Page 94 Set “auto sleep timeout” value user need If there is no operation in time flag user sets, panel would go to sleep Message box shows that panel is sleeping
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  95/141Page 95 4.10.2 WakeUpIf panel is sleeping, click “Wake Up” Message box shows that panel is ready  4.11 FirmwareUpdatePanel supports updating firmware. If user wants to update new firmware, see below 4.11.1 MCUUpdateIf current MCU version is 2.5.1.*, we should follow instruction below. Open “mini Cover”  / Remove original Ethernet cable, insert J-link download cable / Start J-flash ARM  /
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  96/141Page 96 Click “file->open data file” Click “option->project setting”, Set “connection to J-link” USB mode Click “Target Interface”, Choose “SWD”
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  97/141Page 97 Click “ CPU”; Select “ST STM32L151C8”; Click “Target->Connect”  / Click “Target-> Erase”  / Click “Target->Program”  / Click “Target->Start Application”  / Note:1. Make sure panel is powered up. If current MCU version is 2.5.2.*, Please refer to 4.10.2 and 4.10.3 for upgrading. 4.11.2 FTPServerMake sure firewall is closed
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  98/141Page 98 Click On “FTPServer.exe” Choose “Configuration”, set “FTP Port” 21000, others as default Start FTP Server
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  99/141Page 99 4.11.3 FirmwareUpdatePut update file in the directory of “*\idemo\update” Click “Config”, Choose Firmware Update
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  100/141Page 100 Choose Update Type “core1” Click “Select”, choose right update file2  Click “update”, waiting for message box3 Click message box, waiting for end of rebooting4; Panel finishes rebooting, Click “OK” 5 / Note: 1. It is not limited to “Core”, actually, other choice is also ok. 2. If it is MCU update, choose MCU image file. Otherwise, choose ALL-Image file, Please make sure update file is selected, if not, panel will be not in use after updating.  3. There is a progress bar for indication. Make sure battery is inserted and battery capacity is over 25% 4. This rebooting function is controlled by panel itself. It has the same function with “ Reset FPD” 5. Please make sure Idemo show “ Ready”. It can also be checked by click “ Config” button, there is firmware version.
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  101/141Page 101 4.12 ShortcutiDemo supports some shortcuts as follows:  Double-click the left mouse button, the image displayed in center and with maximum size.  Double-click the right mouse button, the window level and width adjusted to WL:8191/WW:16383.  Drag the left mouse button, drag the image displayed.  Lateral-drag the right mouse button to adjust the window width, and vertical-drag the right mouse button to adjust the window level.  F3 Key: Quickly adjust the image window width and window level.
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  102/141Page 102 4.13 Software4.13.1 MainGUI iRay provides test tools, such as iDemo for testing the basic performance of detector. It can connect the detector, acquire image, image correct and calibrate. Function description of regions and buttons within the main window as follows: 1  Start/End  Load or unload NIC device driver 13 Open/Close  Open or close defect map 2  Sleep/Wake  Sleep or wake up panel  14 Offset  Open or close software post offset 3  Prep  Clear lags of the panel  15 Gain  Open or close gain calibration 4  Abort Exp  Close exposure Window  16 Defect  Open or close defect correction 5  Acquire  Acquire an image without clearance 17 Create Generate gain template and defect template
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  103/141Page 103 6  Check ID  Check panel SN  18 Version of the idemo 7  Prep Acquire  Clear lags and acquire an image  19 Status of the idemo 8  Config  Configure the panel  20 Panel feedback message 9  Sequ  Start acquiring images continually 21 Acquisition interval between two images 10 Stop  Stop acquiring images continually 22 Pixel X/Y coordinate and gray scale value of Pixel(14 bit) 11  Save  Save images continually or save an image 23 Image acquisition instruction box 12  Open  Open local images(.DCM) or open images in the panel 24 WiFi signal and battery capacity indication      25 Region of image display 4.13.2 MessageBox StatusBoxStatus box defines the current status of panel. Value Description Offline  Idemo loose connection with panel, it does not receive heart beat Ready  Idemo builds connection with panel, panel is ready for receiving new operation Busy  Idemo builds connection with panel, panel is busying on the last operation, it can not be interrupted Sleeping  Idemo builds connection with panel, panel has gone in sleep Waking  Idemo builds connection with panel, panel is being wake up Timeout  Command executes overtime
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  104/141Page 104 FeedbackBox Feedback box shows feedback message from panel. AcquisitionIntervalBoxAcquisition Interval Box shows the time between two image acquired currently. CoordinateandGrayScaleBoxCoordinate and Cray Scale Box show the coordinate and gray scale of mouse. ImageAcquisitionBoxImage Acquisition Box shows whether image is uploading Color Description Red  Image is uploading from panel Green others BatteryandConnectionBoxBattery and Connection Box shows battery capacity, wireless signal level and wire connection. ProgressBar Progress Bar defines as following.
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  105/141Page 105  If progress bar is Green when shooting X-ray, image quality is acceptable, otherwise image quality would degrade.   4.13.3 ConfigurationGUI GeneralSettings   Item Description Modify Detector Info Product type  Type of panel product  NO Serial Number  Serial number of the panel  NO Version Detail Lib Version  Version number of idemo  NO Core Version  Version number of ARM application  NO Kernel Version  Version number of ARM OS Kernel  NO Main Version  Version number of Core FPGA  NO
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  106/141Page 106 Read Version  Version number of Read FPGA  NO MCU Version  Version number of MCU  NO Sensor details Temperature  Panel inner temperature(Read Board and Core Board) NO Humidity  Panel inner Humidity  NO General Settings Trigger  Detector trigger mode: 1.Outer 2.Inner   3.Software 4.PREP 5.Service 6.FreeSync (Default) YES Time Span  This parameter is used only in continual acquisition. The time span is the time interval between two nearby acquisition process YES Exp Window  Exposure window is used in Inner mode, it defines the time for X-ray shooting. YES FreeSync Window  Not Used  YES Acquire Delay  Delay time before image acquisition.  YES Delay time  Exposure Window in Isync Plus mode/Delay time between clearance and acquisition in other mode. YES Auto Sleep Timeout  Time span of idle before going to sleep  YES Integrate  The integration time for the photo diode  NO Inner Delay  The real delay time between clearance and acquisition most recently. NO Button Recover ROM  Recover configuration to factory setting  / Write ROM  Write configuration data into nonvolatile memory  / Read ROM  Read configuration data from nonvolatile memory / Write RAM  Write configuration data into volatile memory  / Read RAM  Read configuration data into volatile memory  / Reset FPD  Reboot the panel  /
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  107/141Page 107 Exit  Exit configuration GUI  / Query Live Time  Check the active time of panel  / AdvancedSettings Item Description ModifyAdvacned Settings Row Pre Delay  Delay time before acquiring row data  YES VT  Voltage corresponding to the charge compensation YES Freesync Center Threhold Not used YES Row Post Delay  Delay time after acquiring row data  YES PGA Integrator capacitor range.  YES Freesync Edge Threhold Not used YES Detector Auto Clear  Set the detector in auto clear mode  NO Detector Auto Clear Period Auto clear period for panel NO Mammo Exposure Mode  Not used  NO AEC Main Time  Not used  NO
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  108/141Page 108 Dyna Offset Mode  Not used  NO Dyna Offset Time  Not used  NO Correct Folder  Not used  NO Shock Sensor Read Grid Status  Not used  NO Read Shock log  Read shock sensor log  NO Clear Shock Log  Clear shock sensor log  NO Set Threshold  Shock sensor threshold  YES R  Read Shock sensor threshold from panel  NO W  Write Shock sensor threshold to panel  NO Syncbox  Tube Ready Time  Not used  NO R Not used  NO W Not used  NO Button  L  Read Log from panel  NO NetworkSettingsClient Mode:  AP Mode:
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  109/141Page 109  Item Description ModifyMode  Client  Set panel in client mode  NO AP  Set panel in AP mode  NO Client Mode Add  Add available wireless AP account  NO Del  Delete Exist wireless AP account  NO Up  Wireless AP account move up  NO Down  Wireless AP account move down  NO Default  Set AP account as default connection  NO AP Mode  SSID  Wireless AP SSID when panel in AP mode  YES Key  Wireless AP Key when panel in AP mode  YES Security  Wireless AP Security method when panel in AP mode YES Frequency  Wireless AP frequency(2.4GHz and 5GHz) when panel in AP mode YES Country  Wireless AP Country when panel in AP mode  YES Band  Wireless AP Band(HT20 and HT40) when panel in AP mode YES Channel  Wireless AP Channel when panel in AP mode  YES
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  110/141Page 110 DHCP Server  DHCP function when panel in AP mode  YES Scan Local Wlan  Scan local wifi signal when panel in AP mode  YES FPD  IP  Network IP address of panel  YES Port  Network Port of panel  NO MAC  Network MAC address of panel  YES Image Channel  Network protocol of panel  YES Button  Read Wifi Status  Read wireless module status from panel  NO Read Config from FPD Read wireless module setting from panel NO Write Config to FPD  Write wireless module setting to panel  NO Scan from FPD  Scan Wifi signal by panel  NO HWCorrection Item Description ModifyHW  Offset Mode  Hardware offset mode of panel NO: no hardware offset mode Pre: hardware pre-offset mode YES
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  111/141Page 111 Post: hardware post-offset mode Gain Map   Gain calibration mode of panel Do in SDK: software gain calibration Do in HW: hardware gain calibration NO Defect Map  Defect correction mode of panel Do in SDK: software defect correction Do in HW: hardware defect correction NO Lag Map  Lag correction of panel  NO Download  Download correction and calibration template to panel NO Read out  Upload correction and calibration template from panel NO Update local  Replace local correction and calibration template with template uploaded currently  NO Update status  Get correction and calibration configuration from panel NO
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  112/141Page 112 FirmwareUpdate Item Description ModifyFirmware  Update Type  Not used  YES Image File  Local address of update file   NO Progress  Progress bar of updating  NO Select Select update file  NO Update Start update  NO Reload  Reload firmware of panel  NO
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  113/141Page 113 4.13.4 CorrectionandCalibration Gain Calibration  Item Description ModifyExpected Average Expected Gray Value  Not used  YES New Gain Point  Start generating gain template  NO New Point Selected Gain  Number of selected gain point  NO Current Average  Average value of the complete image  NO Center Average  Average value of  the image in center ROI ( 100X100) NO Select  Select and save current gain point  NO Button  Prep  Send “Clear” command to panel  NO Acquire  Send “Acquire” command to panel  NO Prep Acquire  Send “Clear Acquire” command to panel  NO Create Gain Correct  Start generating gain Calibration template  NO
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  114/141Page 114 File DefectCorrection  Item Description ModifyCreate Light File Current  Current sequence of defect point  NO Start creating  Start defect point acquisition  NO Auto completion  Automatically acquire defect point  NO Button  Refresh HW Offset Template Updating pre-offset template in panel  NO Prep  Send “Clear” command to panel  NO Acquire  Send “Acquire” command to panel  NO Prep Acquire  Send “Clear Acquire” command to panel  NO Create Offset  Generate pre-offset template  NO
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  115/141Page 115 Create Defect  Generate Defect correction template  NO  4.13.5 ImageCheckandupload   Item Description ModifyRemote File List Index  Sequence number of image  NO File name  Name of image in panel  NO Create Time  Acquisition time of image in panel  NO Attr Image label 0x01—Do Offset 0x02—Do Gain 0x04—Do Most gain 0x08—Do Defect 0x10—Post Offset Raw Image NO Delay Time  Time between clear and image acquisition  NO Button  Get File List  Get file list from panel  NO Start Upload  Start uploading image selected  NO Stop Upload  Stop uploading process  NO
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  116/141Page 116 Open in List  Open image selected  NO Open Local File  Open local images in Workstation  NO  4.13.6 InfraredRegistration Item Description Modify/  Work Mode  Work mode of infrared registration tools  Write Only: infrared registration tools is allowed to write to panel Read Only: infrared registration tools is allowed to read from panel Read & Write: infrared registration tools is allowed to read from panel and write to panel Read &confirm by User: infrared registration tools is allowed to read from panel and write to panel only when confirmed by user YES
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  117/141Page 117 AP Mode Configuration AP Mode  Set panel in AP mode or Client mode  YES SSID  Wireless AP SSID when panel in AP mode  YES Key  Wireless AP Key when panel in AP mode  YES Security  Wireless AP Security way when panel in AP mode YES Frequency  Wireless AP Frequency(2.4GHz and 5GHz) when panel in AP mode YES Country  Wireless AP Country Code when panel in AP mode YES Band  Wireless AP Band(HT20 and HT40) when panel in AP mode YES Channel  Wireless AP Channel when panel in AP mode  YES Client Mode Configuration  SSID  Wireless SSID when panel in Client mode  YES Key  Wireless Key when panel in Client mode  YES Button  Apply  Save wireless parameter in infrared registration tools NO Start  Start write wireless parameter in panel  NO Exit  Exit infrared registration tools  NO
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  118/141Page 118 5 Regulatory Information 5.1 Medical equipment safety standards  Medical equipment classification Type of protection against electrical shock  Class I Equipment, using medical approved adaptor supply Internally powered  Equipment, using battery power supply Degree of protection against electrical shock Without Applied Parts Degree of protection against ingress of water IPX0 (Mars1717V) IPX0 (Charger-KV) Mode of operation  Continuous operation Flammable anesthetics  Not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide Not suitable for use in the oxygen rich environment Note: The product safety standards that apply to Mars1717V which includes the main units: detector and charger-kv .  References harmonized standards under Directive 93/42/EEC MDD (93/42/EEC)  Medical Device Directive EN ISO 13485:2012/EN ISO 13485:2012/AC:2012 Medical devices --- Quality management systems --- Requirements for regulatory purposes EN ISO14971: 2012  Medical device – Application of risk management to medical devices EN 60601-1:2014  Medical electrical equipment -- Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance EN 60601-1-2:2007  Medical electrical equipment – Part 1-2: Collateral standard: Electromagnetic compatibility – Requirements and tests
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  119/141Page 119 EN 60601-2-54:2009 Medical electrical equipment -- Part 2-54: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for radiography and radioscopy IEC 62133:2012 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them,  for use in portable applications EN 62220-1:2004 Medical electrical equipment - Characteristics of digital X-ray imaging devices - Part 1: Determination of the detective quantum efficiency EN 62304:2006/AC:2008  Medical device software - Software life-cycle processes EN 62366:2008  Medical devices - Application of usability engineering to medical devices  5.2 Guidance and manufacture’s declaration for EMC  Electromagnetic emissions Mars1717V is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of Mars1717V should assure that it is used in such an environment. Emission Test  Compliance  Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance RF emissions CISPR 11  GROUP1 Mars1717V uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment. RF emissions CISPR 11  Class B Mars1717V is suitable for use in all establishments, including domestic establishments and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes. Harmonic emissions IEC 61000-3-2 Class B Voltage fluctuations/ flicker emissions IEC 61000-3-3 Complies
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  120/141Page 120  Electromagnetic immunity Mars1717V is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of Mars1717V should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity Test  IEC 60601 Test Level  Compliance Level  Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance Electrostatic discharge (ESD)  IEC 61000-4-2 ±6 kV contact ±8 kV air ±6 kV contact ±8kV air Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative humidity should be at least 30%. Electrical fast transient/ burst IEC 61000-4-4 ±2 kV for power supply lines ±1 kV for input/ output lines ±2 kV for power supply lines ±1 kV for input/ output lines Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. Surge IEC 61000-4-5 ±1 kV differential mode ±2 kV common mode ±1 kV differential mode ±2 kV common mode Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on power supply input lines IEC 61000-4-11 <5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 0.5 cycle. 40% UT (60% dip in UT) for 5 cycle. 70% UT (30% dip in UT) for 25 cycle. <5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 5 sec. <5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 0.5 cycle. 40% UT (60% dip in UT) for 5 cycle. 70% UT (30% dip in UT) for 25 cycle. <5% UT (>95% dip in UT) for 5 sec. Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. If the user of that requires continued operation during power supply interruptions, it is recommended that be powered from an uninterruptible power supply. Power frequency (50/60Hz) magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 3 A/m  3 A/m Power frequency magnetic fields should be at levels characteristic of a typical location in a typical commercial or hospital environment. UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.   Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration----electromagnetic immunity
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  121/141Page 121 Mars1717V is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of Mars1717V should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity Test  IEC 60601 Test Level  Compliance Level  Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6 3 Vrms 150kHz to 80MHz 3 Vrms  Portable and mobile RF communications equipment,AC-DC adapter or electromagnet should be used not closer to any part of the Model Mars1717V, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter. Recommended separation distance d = 1,2 p d = 1,2   80 MHz to 800 MHz d = 2,3 p 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz Where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in meters (m). Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromagnetic site survey, should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range. Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:  Radiated  RF IEC 61000-4-3 3 V/m 80MHz to 2.5GHz 3 V/m  NOTE: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level. NOTE1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies. NOTE2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. a. Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which p
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  122/141Page 122 Mars1717V is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, Mars1717V should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating Mars1717V. b. Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than [V1] V/m.   Recommended separation distances between portable or mobile RF communications equipment and Mars1717V Mars1717V is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or user of Mars1717V can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable or mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and Mars1717V as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment. Rated maximum output power of transmitter /W Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter /m 150kHz~80 MHz d = 1.2  p 80 MHz~800 MHz d = 1.2  p 800 MHz ~2.5GHz d = 2.3  p 0.01 0.12  0.12  0.23 0.1 0.38  0.38 0.73 1 1.2  1.2 2.3 10 3.8  3.8  7.3 100 12  12  23 For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d inmeters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer. NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies. NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.   Cables information belowis provided for EMC reference.
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  123/141Page 123 Cable Recommendedcable length Shielded or Unshielded Number  Cable classification Input Power Cable  3m  Unshielded  1 Set  AC Power Ethernet  Cable  3.5m  Shielded  1 pcs  Signal DC Power Cable  3.5m  Unshielded  1 pcs  Signal LAN Cable  3m  Shielded  1 pcs  Signal   Important information regarding Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Mars1717V require special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed only by iRay or authorized personnel and put into service according to EMC information provided in the user manual. Mars1717V in use may be susceptible to electromagnetic interference from portable and mobile RF communications such as mobile (cellular) telephones. Electromagnetic interference may result in incorrect operation of the system and create a potentially unsafe situation. Mars1717V conforms to this EN60601-1-2:2007 standard for both immunity and emissions. Nevertheless, special precautions need to be observed: The use of accessories, transmitters and cables other than those specified by this User Manual, with the exception of accessories and cables sold by iRay of Mars1717V as replacement parts for internal components, may result in increased EMISSIONS or decreased IMMUNITY of Mars1717V. Mars1717V should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment.  5.3 Radio Frequency Compliance Information Country  Item U.S.A  FCC Part 15.107 Subpart (b) / 15.109(g) Subpart B FCC Part 15 Subpart E 15.407 FCC Part 15 Subpart C 15.247
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 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  133/141Page 133    6.4.2 Inspection method 1.Doespowerindicatorlightup?AdapterinspectionNo Adapterworksnormally?ReplaceAdapeterNoMeasurethevoltagebetweenpin1andpin8YesYesInsertthebattry Doeschargingindicatorlightup? NoDockisintactYesBatteryinspectionDoesbatteryworknormally?ReplacebatteryNoIsit找研发要V?DockfaultNoIndicatorfaultYesYes 6.5 Detector Main Unit Inspection Know how to obtain the log of SDK and detector is necessary before diagnose any problem of detector main unit, and the method is described in chapter 6.1. 6.5.1 Get SDK and detector log Fetch SDK log Find the location of iDemo.exe, and there is a folder called “Correct” in the same directory. Find the folder named by the serial number of detector. The folder called “Log” is the storage path of SDK fie, and the date is contained in name of each log file. Please compress the log file before send it.       The log function can be switched on in the config.ini. in the folder named “Res”, please check the configuration before start iDemo. SET_LOG_INFO=1//Open log function’  SET_LOG_INFO=0//Close log function Pin Voltage  Description 1,2  +   Battery Charge Positive Terminal 7,8  -  Battery Charge Negative Terminal
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  134/141Page 134 Detector log Find FTP Server.exe                                         and open the FTP Server, attention that the FTP port number should be set as same as the config.ini of iDemo. Click      button to start FTP server after finish setting the FTP port number.           Find the “L” button in the following diagram in the configuration GUI of iDemo, click “L” button and the FTP will upload the “Log” in the storage path “upload\[FPD 13 number S/N]\logs” which is at the same location of iDemo.exe.
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 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  136/141Page 136 6.7.2 Connection Failed in Client Mode  6.7.3 Disconnect in AP Mode  6.8 DarkImageAcquisitionAfterExposureinInnerMode Modifythetriggermethodto“Software”AcquireabrightimageIsitdarkimage?ReturnFPDtofactoryNoChecktheX‐raymachineYes DoesproduceX‐ray?YesMaintainX‐raymachineNo
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  137/141Page 137 6.9 No Image Acquire after Exposure  6.10 Image Inspection All the correction files are in the storage path “res\Correct\ [FPD series number] \0” Calibration type  File format  Remark Offset  *.off  iRay mostly use post offset, the offset is done during the image acquisition process. So the offset file is not effective in the correction file storage path. Gain  *.gn  The gain file can be select or deselect through iDemo Defect  *.dft  The gain file can be select or deselect through iDemo Lag  *.lag  The Most gain is effective while it’s in the correction file storage path. Rename it or move it to other directory can make it invalid.  The following is the image  Image type  Description Original dark image  Acquire by click “Prep Acquire” button without exposure and offset correction Dark image  Acquire by click “Prep Acquire” button without exposure and the offset calibration should be added at least. Original bright image  Acquire the image under exposure condition and without any correction.  Bright image with offset  Acquire the image under exposure condition and add offset correction only.  6.10.1 Artifact on bright image  6.10.2 Horizontal Line on bright image  Adjust the WW to 30 and WL to 100 through iDemo for checking the horizontal line of dark image. Normally the dark image with horizontal line is shown as the figure 1.
 iRay Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. Doc N0.  037‐201‐02 Version    A1 Mars1717VUser’sManual Date  2015.11.06 Page  138/141Page 138  Inspection method
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