Iconnect 572 802.11a/b/g/n Long-Range USB Adapter Dual-Band 2.4/5 GHz User Manual

Iconnect 802.11a/b/g/n Long-Range USB Adapter Dual-Band 2.4/5 GHz


User Manual

   IEEE 802.11n Wireless Series Long-Range USB Adapter         User Manual      Ver sion :  2 . 0  Dat e:  January 13, 2009
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 i FCC Certifications  Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.    These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.    This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 ii  CE Mark Warning  This equipment complies with the requirements relating to electromagnetic compatibility, EN 55022 Class B for ITE, the essential protection requirement of Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility.  Company has an on-going policy of upgrading its products and it may be possible that information in this document is not up-to-date. Please check with your local distributors for the latest information. No part of this document can be copied or reproduced in any form without written consent from the company.   Trademarks: All trade names and trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. Copyright © 2009, All Rights Reserved.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 iii TABLE OF CON TEN TS OVERVIEW ..........................................................1 UNPACKING INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE IEEE 802.11N WIRELESS USB ADAPTER ........................................ 1 KEY FEATURES ................................................................................................................ 2 IN STALLATION GUIDE ........................................2 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................. 2 MANAGEM ENT GUIDE.........................................5 MAKING A BASIC NETWORK CONNECTION .......................................................................... 5 Select a configuration tool .......................................................................................... 5 To connect with Microsoft Zero Configuration tool...................................................... 5 To connect with 802.11n Wireless LAN Utility ............................................................ 7 INTRODUCTION TO THE 802.11N WIRELESS LAN UTILITY .................................................... 8 Interfaces.................................................................................................................... 8 Link Status Information ............................................................................................... 9 Profile ....................................................................................................................... 10 Network .................................................................................................................... 19 Advanced.................................................................................................................. 20 Statistics ................................................................................................................... 21 WMM ........................................................................................................................ 22 WPS ......................................................................................................................... 24 CCX .......................................................................................................................... 35 Radio On/Off............................................................................................................. 35 AP MODE MANAGEMENT GUIDE FOR WINDOWS 2000/XP/VISTA......................................... 36 Config ....................................................................................................................... 38 Security Setting ........................................................................................................ 40 Access Control ......................................................................................................... 41 MAC Table................................................................................................................ 42 Event Log ................................................................................................................. 43 Statistics ................................................................................................................... 44
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 1 Overview  T hank  you for purchasing t his product . Re ad this cha pte r to know  a bout  your IEEE 8 02 .1 1n Wirele ss USB Ada pte r. Unpacking Information Before gett ing started, please verify that  your package includes t he follow ing item s:  1. I EEE 802.11n Wireless USB Adapter. 2. One Utilit y/  Manual CD. Introduction to the IEEE 802.11n Wireless USB Adapter The I EEE 802.11n Wireless USB adapter provides users to launch I EEE 802.11n wireless net work at  150 Mbps in t he 2.4GHz ( AWUS036NH/ AWUS036NEH) or 2.4GHz&5.2GHz&5.8GHz ( AWUS051NH) band, which is also com pat ible wit h I EEE 802.11b/ g and I EEE 802.11a/ b/ g wireless devices at 11/ 54 Mbps. You can configure t his adapt er wit h ad- hoc m ode to connect t o ot her 2.4GHz ( AWUS036NH/ AWUS036NEH)  or 2.4GHz&5.2GHz&5.8GHz ( AWUS051NH)  wireless com put ers or wit h I nfrast ructure m ode t o connect t o a wireless AP or router for accessing t o I nt ernet . This adapt er includes a convenient  Utilit y for scanning available net works and saving preferred networks t hat  users usually connect ed with. Security encryption can also be configured by t his ut ilit y.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 2 Key Features   y Com plies w it h I EEE 802.11n wireless standards y Supports wir eless dat a encrypt ion with 64/ 128- bit  WEP, WPA, WPA2, TKI P, AES y 2.4GHz ( AWUS036NH /  AWUS036NEH)  frequency band, MI MO y 2.4GHz&5.2GHz&5.8GHz ( AWUS051NH) frequency band, MI MO y Support s QoS:  WMM, WMM- PS y Com plies wit h USB 2.0  y Supports m ult iple BSSI D y High speed transfer dat a rat e up to 150 Mbps   y Support s auto- installation y Support s driver for Windows 2000, XP 32/ 64, Vist a 32/ 64, Windows 7, Linux ( 2.4.x/ 2.6.x) , and Mac ( 10.3.x/ 10.4.x/ 10.5.x/ 10.6.x)  Power PC & PC Inst allation Guide Software Installation N ot e :  y For Linux or Mac driver installat ion guide, please refer to the instruction in / Drive r/ Linux/ README or / Dr iver/ Ma c/ READM E in the CD- Rom . y The following driver installat ion guide uses Windows XP as t he presum ed operat ion system . The procedures and screens in Windows 2000 and Vist a are fam iliar with Windows XP. 1. The system  finds the new ly installed device aut om at ically. Click Cancel t o close this window.    2. I nsert  the CD- Rom  t hat  cam e wit h t his product t o your CD-Rom  drive. The m enu window pops up aut om at ically. Please click t he D r iver but ton of this product.   N ot e : I f t he CD- Rom  fails to aut o- run, please click on My Com put er >  your CD- Rom  drive  >  ( folder of t his produ ct )  >  D r iver t hen double- click  t he Se tup icon to start t his m enu.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 3 3. Select  if you are going t o inst all t he driver and wireless ut ility;  or install t he driver only.    4. Select  if you are going t o configure your wireless net work with t his device or w ith Microsoft  Zero Configuration t ool.   N ot e : This can be changed after inst alling t his soft ware.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 4 5. Click  t he I n st a ll butt on t o start inst alling.    6. Click t he Finish  but ton t o com plet e installat ion.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 5 Mana gem e nt Guide Rea d t his cha pte r t o unde rst and t he  m ana gem ent  inte rfac e of t he  devic e a nd how  t o m ana ge the  devic e. Making a Basic Network Connection   Select a configuration tool I n t he following inst ruct ion for m aking a network connect ion, we use t he Ut ilit y w e provide to configure your wireless net work sett ings.   N ot e : You could use either t he software we provide or Microsoft  Zero Configuration t ool to configure t his adapt er. To switch between the two configurat ion tools, please right click on t he ….. icon on system  tray t o select.    To connect with Microsoft Zero Configuration tool Aft er specifying the Microsoft  Zero Configuration t ool to configure your wireless network, right  click on t he   icon on system  t ray. Select View  Available  W ir e less N etw or k s t o specify your  wireless net work.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 6 The t ool shows t he available w ireless net works. Select your dem anding net work to connect w ith. To connect  t o a wireless network with m ore security set tings, please click Cha n ge  a dvan ce d se t t in gs t o be com pat ible with your wireless network securit y sett ings.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 7 To connect with 802.11n Wireless LAN Utility   We provide t his Ut ilit y for users to connect  t o a w ireless network easily. I t provides m ore inform at ion and configurat ion for t his adapt er. As default , t he Ut ility is start ed aut om at ically upon st arting your com put er and connect s t o a connect able wireless net work w it h best  signal strengt h and wit h no security set ting. Right click on the        icon in t he system  ray and select Launch Config utilit ies if t he Ut ilit y does not  start . Please refer t o t he following chapt ers t o get inform at ion regarding t o t he funct ions of this Utilit y.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 8 Introduction to the 802.11n Wireless LAN Utility   N ot e : The Ut ilit y in Linux and Mac are different  from  t he following.   Interfaces This Ut ilit y is basically consisted of three part s:   1 . Fu nct ional Bu t t ons: on t op of t he window. You can click each but ton t o access each configuration window.   N ot e : Click          t o enable/ disable w ireless connect ion stat us.   2 . Configur a tion Colum n: Cent er of t he Ut ilit y window. Make your changes for each function in this part . 3 . Lin k  St at us I nform at ion : bot t om  of t he ut ilit y w indow. Shows the connection stat us and system  inform ation. 1 2 3
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 9 Link Status Information  A. N et w ork I nfor m a tion:   I tem s  I n for m a t ion St a t us  Show the connecting stat us. Also shows t he SSI D while connect ing to a valid network. Ex t r a I nfo  Display link st at us in use. Channel  Display current  channel in use.   Au t he n t ica tion  Aut henticat ion m ode in use. En cryp t ion  Encrypt ion type in use. N e tw ork  Type  Network t ype in use. I P Address  I P address of current  connection. Sub M a sk  Subnet m ask of current  connect ion. Default  Gat ew ay  Default gat eway of current  connect ion. Link  Speed  Show current  transm it  rate and receive rate. Throu ghput   Display transm it  and receive throughput  in Mbps. B. H T: Display current HT stat us in use, cont aining BW, GI , MCS, SNR0, and SNR1 value. C. Lin k  Qua lit y and St rengt h  Ba r :  I tem s  I n for m a t ion Link  Qua lit y  Display connection qualit y based on signal strength and TX/ RX packet  error rate. Signal St re ngt h 1   Receive signal st rengt h 1.   N oise  St rengt h   Display noise signal st rengt h. User can choose t o display Signal and Noise Strength as percentage or dBm  form at  by m ark the dBm  checkbox.  D.  St a tist ics: I tem s  I nfor m a t ion Link  Speed  Show current  transm it  rate and receive rate. Thr oughpu t   Display t ransm it  and receive throughput  in Mbps. A B C D
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 10 Profile This profile page allows users to save different  wireless set tings, which helps users to get  access to wireless net works at hom e, office or ot her wireless net work environm ent s quickly.    A. Pr ofile List : The list  shows all the profiles you have added before. B.  But t ons: You can click on these but tons to add a new profile, edit , delet e or activat e an old profile.  N ot e : For Vist a user, t here are ext ra   and   but tons in this feat ure. Click on t hese butt ons to im port  or export t he select ed profile.   C. Profile I nform at ion: While you select a profile in the profile list, you can see t he profile inform at ion shows on here. I tem s  I nfor m a t ion  Profile  N am e  The nam e of t he selected profile. SSI D  The SSI D of t he wireless syst em . N e tw ork  Type  Shows I nfrast ruct ure /  Ad- hoc t o indicate the network type of t he selected profile. Au t he n t ica tion  Shows t he aut henticat ion m ode in use. There are tot al 8 m odes:  Open, Shared, LEAP, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2- PSK and WPA- NONE. En cryp t ion  Shows t he encryption m ode in use. There are tot al 4 m odes:  None, WEP, TKI P and AES. Use  8 0 2 .1 x   Shows Yes/ No t o indicate whet her the select ed profile use t he 802.1x feat ure or not . Tx Pow er  Shows t he t ransm it power in use. There are tot al 7 types:  Aut o, 100% , 75% , 50% , 25% , 10%  and Low. Channel  Shows t he channel in use ( 1~ 14)  for Ad- Hoc m ode. Pow er Save M ode  Shows t he power save m ode in use. Two select ions:  CAM ( Constant ly Awake Mode)  and PSM ( Pow er Saving Mode) .   RTS Threshold  Shows t he RTS t hreshold value in use.   Fragm e n t  Threshold Shows t he fragm ent  t hreshold in use.  A B C
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 11 To add a new profile:  1. Click  t he Add but ton. The add profile window pops up. N ot e : you could also add a new profile quickly by selecting an available net w ork  in t he N e t w or k  function t hen click t he Add t o Profile but ton.  2. There are t hree tabs on t he window:   Set tings for:  Profile Nam e, SSI D, Network Type, Tx Power, Pream ble, Power Save Mode, RTS Threshold, and Fragm ent  Threshold.  Set tings for:  Aut hent ication, Encrypt ion, Preshared Key, and WEP Key.  Set tings for:  EAP Met hod, Tunnel Authent ication, and Session Resum pt ion. For different  EAP Method, you also have to configure different  require of I D/ Password, Client Cert ificate, or Server Cert ificat e.  Please follow the st eps below t o fill in t he inform at ion gradually. ←  Click on t hese t a bs
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 12 3. I n   sect ion, fill in inform at ion for t his profile:    I tem s  I n for m a t ion Profile  N am e  Choose a nam e for t his profile, or use default  nam e defined by system . SSI D  Fill in the int ended SSI D nam e or use the drop list  t o select from  available APs. N e tw ork  Type There are t wo types, infrastructure and 802.11 Ad- hoc m odes. Under Ad- hoc m ode, you could also choose t he pream ble type;  t he available pream ble t y pe includes aut o and long. I n addit ion t o t hat , the channel field will be available for set up in Ad- hoc m ode. Tx Pow er  Transm it power, t he am ount of power used by a radio t ransceiver t o send the signal out. Pream ble   Two selections:  Aut o, and Long Pream ble. This can only be set up in Ad –hoc m ode.   Channel  Channel in use for Ad-Hoc m ode. Pow er Save M ode  Choose from  CAM ( Constant ly Awake Mode)  or PSM ( Power Saving Mode) .  RTS Threshold  For adjust ing t he RTS t hreshold num ber by sliding t he bar or key  in t he value directly. The default  value is 2347. Fragm e n t  Threshold Adj ust  the Fragm ent t hreshold num ber by sliding t he bar or key in t he value directly. The default  value is 2346.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 13 4. I n   sect ion, select an encrypt ion type and fill in t he corresponding wireless net work inform ation:   I tem s  I n for m a t ion Au t he n t ica t ion  Type For W indow s 2 0 0 0  Use r There are 7 t ypes supported:  Open, Shared, LEAP, WPA, WPA- PSK, WPA2, WPA2- PSK, and WPA-NONE1. Please select  a type from  t he drop down list . For Vista User There are 7 t ypes support ed:  Open, Shared, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2- PSK, and CCKM. Please select a t ype from  t he drop down list. En cryp t ion  Type For W indow s 2 0 0 0  Use r There are 4 t ypes support ed:  None, WEP, TKI P and AES. The available encryption selection will differ from  t he aut hent icat ion t ype you have chosen, t he result  is shown below:   Au t he n t ica t ion  Availa ble Encrypt ion Select ion Open NONE, WEP Shared WEP LEAP ( no selection)  WPA/ WPA2/ WPA-PSK WPA2- PSK/ WPA- NONE TKI P, AES  For Vista User There are 6 t ypes support ed:  None, WEP, TKI P, AES, TKI P ( MFP)  and AES ( MFP) . The available encrypt ion select ion will differ from  t he authenticat ion t ype you have chosen, t he result  is shown below:   Au t he n t ica t ion  Availa ble Encrypt ion Select ion Open NONE, WEP Shared WEP WPA/  WPA-PSK/  WPA2-PSK TKI P, AES WPA2 TKI P, AES, TKI P( MFP) , AES( MFP) CCKM WEP, TKI P, AES                                                    1 WPA- NONE is only  available in Ad- hoc m ode.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 14  Use  8 0 2 .1 x  This checkbox appears while t he environm ent  is set  t o an Open aut henticat ion with WEP encrypt ion. Mark the checkbox t o m ake the   sect ion available. The   sect ion is also available in WPA and WPA2 aut henticat ion t ypes. Preshar e d Ke y This is the shared secret  between AP and STA. For WPA- PSK, WPA2-PSK and WPA- NONE aut henticat ion m ode, t his field m ust  be filled wit h characters longer t han 8 and less t han 32 lengt hs. The follow ing dialog appears if you have input invalid values.  W EP Ke y Only available when using WEP encrypt ion algorit hm . The key m ust m at ch AP's key. Select Hex1 or ASCI I 2 to set up t he key value. The follow ing dialog appears if you have input  invalid values.                                                    1 Hex adecim al digit s consist  of t he num bers 0- 9 and t he let t ers A- F. 2 ASCI I  ( Am er ican Standard Code for I nform at ion I nt erchange) is a code for represent ing English let ters as num bers from  0- 127.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 15 5. Specify the 802.1x inform at ion if you are using t he 802.1X cert ificat ion m ethod. Users that do not  use this function or connect ing to an open-wireless network please skip t his part.    A. EAP M e t hod:  For W indow s 2 0 0 0  User: There are t ot al 5 m odes:  PEAP, TLS/ Sm art  Card, TTLS, EAP- FAST, and MD5- Challenge.  For Vista User: There are t otal 4 m odes:  PEAP, TLS/ Sm art  Card, EAP- FAST, and LEAP. Please select an EAP m ethod from  t he drop down list .  I tem s  I n for m a t ion PEAP  Prot ect  Extensible Aut hent icat ion Prot ocol. PEAP t ransport  securely authent icates data by using t unneling bet ween PEAP clients and an aut henticat ion server. PEAP can aut hent icate wireless LAN client s using only server- side cert ificates, t hus sim plifying the im plem ent ation and adm inistrat ion of a secure wireless LAN. TLS/ Sm a r t  Card Transport  Layer Security. Provides for cert ificat e-based and m ut ual authenticat ion of t he client and t he net work. I t  relies on client- side and server-side cert ificates to perform  aut hent icat ion and can be used t o dynam ically generat e user-based and session- based WEP keys t o secure subsequent  com m unications bet ween the WLAN client  and t he access point .   TTLS Tu n n e l e d  Tr a n s p o r t  L a y e r  S e c u r i t y.  Th is securit y m et hod provides for cert ificat e- based, m ut ual aut hent ication of t he client and net work t hrough an encrypt ed channel. Unlike EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS requires only server- side cert ificates. EAP- FAST Flexible Aut hent icat ion via Secure Tunneling. I t  was developed by Cisco. I nst ead of using a cert ificat e, m utual authent ication is achieved by m eans of a PAC ( Pr ot ect ed Access Credential)  which can be m anaged dynam ically by t he aut hent ication server. The PAC can be supplied ( dist ribut ed one t im e) t o the client either m anually or aut om at ically. Manually, it is delivered to the client via disk or a secured net work distribut ion m et hod. Autom atically, it is supplied as an in- band, over the air, distribut ion. For tunnel aut henticat ion, only support " Generic Token Card" aut hentication. MD 5 -  Challe nge Message Digest Challenge. Challenge is an EAP authent icat ion t ype t hat  provides base-level EAP support. I t provides for only one- way authentication -  t here is no m ut ual aut hent icat ion of wireless client and the net work. LEAP Light  Extensible Authent ication Protocol is an EAP aut henticat ion type used prim arily by Cisco Aironet  WLANs. I t  encrypt s dat a transm issions using dynam ically generated WEP keys, and supports m ut ual aut hent icat ion. A  B  C
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 16 B. Tunnel Aut he n t ica tion: The t unnel authenticat ion will differ from  t he EAP m et hod you have chosen, t he result  is shown below:  For  W indow s 2 0 0 0  User: EAP M et hod Tunnel Authe n t ica tion PEAP  EAP- MSCHAP v2 , EAP-TLS/ Sm art Card, Generic Token Card TLS/ Sm art Card  ( no selection)  TTLS  CHP, MS- CHAP, MS- CHAP-V2, PAP, EAP- MD5 EAP- FAST  Generic Token Card MD5-Challenge ( no selection)  For Vista User: EAP M et hod Tunnel Authe n t ica tion PEAP  EAP- MSCHAP v2 , EAP-TLS/ Sm art Card, Generic Token Card TLS/ Sm art Card  ( no selection)  EAP- FAST ( no selection)  LEAP ( no selection)  C. Se ssion Resum pt ion : Mark t o enable t his function or unm ark it  to disable. Aft er doing t he above settings, please click on the t abs below. There are several t abs on the window, please fill in t he inform at ion gradually.   Set tings for:  Authent icat ion I D/ Password, Tunnel I D/ Password and Password Mode1.  Set tings for using t he Client  Cert ificat e function or not .  Set tings for using t he Server Cert ificate funct ion or not .  Set ting for EAP- FAST m ethod.  Set tings for Single Sign On. N ot e : This tab only appears in Vista system .                                                  1 Password m ode is only available in EAP- FAST m et hod. ←  Click on t hese t a bs
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 17 ID \ PASSWORD   I tem s  I nform at ion  Au t he n t ica tion I D /  Pa ssw ord  The ident ity, password and dom ain nam e for server. Only "EAP- FAST" and "LEAP"  aut henticat ion can be keyed in dom ain nam e. Blank space can be keyed in dom ain nam e. Tunne l I D /  Pa ssw or d  I dent ity and Passw ord for server. Passw ord M ode   Select  the power save m ode.   For W indow s 2 0 0 0  User There are t wo select ions:  Soft  Token and St atic Password. For Vista User There are four selections:  Soft Token, St atic Password, Windows Logon and Prom pt User. Client Certificate  I tem s  I n for m a t ion Use  Client  cer t ificat e  Client  cert ificate for server authent ication. Use  m y sm a rt card  Client  cert ificate for server authent ication.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 18 Server Certificate  I tem s  I n for m a t ion Use Ce rt ificat e cha in   Mark t he checkbox t o enable using cert ificat ion chain. Allow  in t im idat e  cert ifica tes Mark to allow int im idat es certificat ion. Server nam e Enter an aut hent ication sever root . EAP Fast   I tem s  I n for m a t ion Allow  una ut hent icat ed pr ov ision m ode During t he PAC can be provisioned ( dist ribut ed one t im e)  to t he client aut om at ically. I t only support ed " Allow unaut henticat ed provision m ode" and use " EAP- MSCHAP v2" aut henticat ion t o aut hent icat e now. I t  causes to cont inue wit h the est ablishm ent  of t he inner t unnel even t hough it  is m ade with an unknown server. Mark t o enable unaut henticat ed provision m ode. Use  prot ect ed aut he n t ica tion cr ed en t ia l Use protected aut hent ication credential:  Using PAC, the cert ificat e can be provided t o t he client  m anually via disk or a secured net work dist ribution m et hod. Mark t o use protected aut henticat ion credential.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 19 Network This network lists the available wireless net w orks. The Ut ilit y connects t o a wireless net w ork with best  signal st rengt h aut om at ically. You can change t he connecting network by clicking on the net work nam e and click t he Con ne ct  butt on. To see detail inform at ion of each network, please double click on each it em  t o pop up t he inform ation w indow.  A. Sort e d by: Click each butt on t o sort t he list ing net w orks by SSI D, channel and Signal st rengt h. B. Show  dBm : Mark t he checkbox t o show the signal and noise st rengt h in dBm , unm ark to show in percentage.   C.  But t ons: You can click on t hese but tons t o add a new profile, edit, delet e or activat e an old profile. I tem s  I n for m a t ion Re sca n   To rescan available wireless net works. Connect   To connect  t o a designat ed net work. Add t o Pr ofile To add a network to profile aft er selecting a net work. A  B C
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 20 Advanced This page provides advanced configurations t o this adapt er. Please refer t o t he follow ing chart for definit ions of each it em .  I tem s  I nfor m a t ion  W ireless m ode   Select  wireless m ode. 2.4G/ 5.2G&5.8G is support ed. Ena ble TX Bur st   Select  to enable connecting to a TX Burst supported device. Ena ble TCP W indow  Size  Mark t he checkbox t o enable TCP window size, which help enhance t hroughput .   Fast  Roa m ing a t _ _  dBm   Mark the checkbox t o enable fast roam ing. Specify t he transm it power for fast roam ing. Show  Aut he n t icat ion St atus Dialog Mark the checkbox to show “Aut henticat ion Stat us Dialog” while connect ing to an AP with aut hent icat ion. Aut henticat ion Stat us Dialog displays t he process about  802.1 x authenticat ions. Select  Your  Coun t ry Re gion Code  Eight  count ries t o choose. Channel list :   1 ~ 11 channels (North America) 1 ~ 13 channels (General Europe) 1 ~ 14 channels (Japan) IEEE802.11a 4 Channels (Japan) 19 Channels (Europe) 13 Channels (USA) Ena ble CCX ( Cisco Com pat ible  ext ensions)  Select  t o enable CCX. This funct ion can only be applied when connect ing t o a Cisco com pat ible device.   Turn on  CCKM   Mark to enable CCKM. Ena ble Ra dio M easur e m e nt s  Mark to enable channel m easurem ent  every 0~ 2000 m illiseconds. N on- Servin g Channel Me a sur e m e n t s lim it Mark to revise t he channel m easurem ent. N ote :  For Vist a user, click on the CCX butt on t o do m ore configurat ion. Please refer to CCX for m ore inform at ion.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 21 Statistics  St atist ics page displays t he detail count er inform at ion based on 802.11 MI B count ers. This page translat es t he MI B count ers int o a form at  easier for user t o understand.    I tem s  I nfor m a t ion  Fram es Transm itt ed Successfully  Fram es successfully sent. Fram e s Ret r a nsm it t ed Successfully Successfully ret ransm itt ed fram es num bers. Fram es Fail To Re ceive ACK Aft er All Re t ries Fram es failed t ransm it  aft er hit ting ret ry  lim it . RTS Fr a m e s Successfully Receive CTS Successfully receive CTS aft er sending RTS fram e.   RTS Fr a m e s Fa il To Re ce ive CTS  Failed to receive CTS aft er sending RTS. Re set  Coun t er  Reset  count ers to zero.  I tem s  I n for m a t ion Fra m e s Received Succe ssfully  Fram es received successfully. Fram es Receive d W it h CRC Er r or   Fram es received wit h CRC error. Fram es Dropped D ue To Out- of- Resource Fram es dropped due t o resource issue. Duplicat e Fr a m e s Received  Duplicat e received fram es. Re set  Coun t er  Reset  count ers to zero.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 22 WMM Th is p ag e al l ow s u ser s t o act iv a t e t h e  W MM f u n ct i o n  f or  t h i s d ev i ce.  Pl e a se n o t e t hat  t h i s f u n ct io n  only works w hile connecting t o a WMM com pat ible device.  I tem s  I n for m a t ion W M M  Enable     Enable Wi- Fi Mult i- Media. W M M  -  Pow e r  Sa ve  Ena ble  Enable WMM Power Save. Please enable WMM before configuring this funct ion.   Direct  Link  Se tup Ena ble    Enable DLS ( Direct Link Set up) . Please enable WMM before configuring this funct ion. MAC Addre ss  Fill in the blanks of Direct Link wit h MAC Address of STA. Tim e out Value  Tim e of aut om at ically disconnect aft er som e seconds. The value is int eger. The int eger m ust be between 0~ 65535. I t represent s that  it  always connect s if t he value is zero. Default  value of Tim eout  Value is 60 seconds. Apply /  Tear  D ow n  After fill in the "MAC Address" and "Tim eout Value" , click "Apply" but ton to save your configurat ion. The result  will appear in the following    " DLS Stat us"  blanks. To rem ove t he configurat ion, please select t he configurat ion in the blanks and t hen click " Tear Down" but t on.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 23 St e ps t o e n a ble Direct  Link Set u p fu n ct ion : 1. Click t he " Direct  Link Set up Enable"  checkbox. 2. Change to "Net work" function. Add an AP t hat  supports DLS features t o t he Profile. 3. Fill in the blanks of Direct Link wit h MAC Address of STA. The STA m ust  conform  to t hese two condit ion s:   y Connect wit h an AP that  support s DLS feat ures. y Ensure that DLS is enabled 4. Fill in t he Tim eout Value and t hen click  . 5. Aft er configuring the DLS successfully, the MAC address and Tim eout  Value are displayed in t he "DLS St atus" .  6. I f you want t o disconnect  Direct Link Setup, select  the list  in “ DLS St atus”  and t hen click on t he  butt on. DLS Sta t us
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 24 WPS The prim ary goal of Wi- Fi Prot ect ed Set up ( Wi- Fi Sim ple Configurat ion)  is t o sim plify t he security set up and m anagem ent of Wi- Fi networks. This adapter supports t he configurat ion set up using PI N configurat ion m ethod or PBC configurat ion m et hod through an internal or ext ernal Regist rar.  I tem s  I n for m a t ion 1 . W PS AP List   Display the inform at ion of surrounding APs with WPS I E from  last scan result . List  inform at ion includes SSI D, BSSI D, Channel, I D ( Device Password I D) , and Securit y- Enabled. 2 . W PS Profile List  Display all of credent ials got from  the Regist rar. List  inform at ion includes SSI D, MAC Address, Aut henticat ion and Encrypt ion Type. I f STA Enrollee, credent ials are creat ed as soon as each WPS success. I f STA Regist rar, Ut ility creat es a new credent ial wit h WPA2- PSK/ AES/ 64Hex- Key and doesn't  change until nex t  sw it ching t o STA Registrar. 3 . Rescan  Click t o rescan the wireless networks. 4 . I n for m a t ion  Display t he inform at ion about  WPS I E on t he selected network. List inform ation includes Aut henticat ion Type, Encryption Type, Config Met hods, Device Password I D, Selected Registrar, St ate, Version, AP Set up Locked, UUI D- E and RF Bands. 5 . Pin Code  8- digit  num bers. I t is required t o ent er PI N Code int o Registrar using PI N m ethod. Each Network card has only one PI N Code of Enrollee. Click on t he Renew button to renew t he PI N code. 6 . Config Mode  Enrollee or an ext ernal Registrar. 7 . Deta il  I nform at ion about  Securit y and Key in t he credential. 8 . Connect   Com m and to connect t o t he select ed network inside credent ials.   9 . Rot a te  Com m and to connect  to t he next net work inside credent ials. 10. D isconnect   Stop WPS act ion and disconnect t his act ive link. And then select t he last profile at  t he Profile Page of Utilit y if exist s. I f t here is an em pt y profile page, t he driver w ill select  any non- securit y AP. 11. Export  Profile   Click t he " Export  Profile" but ton will export  t he WPS profile. 12. Delete  Delet e an existing credent ial. And t hen select t he next credent ial if exist. I f there is an em pty credent ial, t he driver will select any non- securit y AP. 13. PI N   St art  to add t o Registrar using PI N configurat ion m et hod. 14. PBC  St art  to add t o AP using PBC configuration m ethod. 15. W PS associate  I E Send t he associat ion request wit h WPS I E during WPS setup. I t  is optional for STA. 16. W PS probe I E  Send t he probe request  wit h WPS IE during WPS setup. It is optional for STA. 17. Auto  Select t he AP aut om at ically. 18.  Progress Bar  Display rat e of progress from  Start t o Connect ed st at us. 19. St a t us Bar  Display currently WPS Stat us.  1  2  1 3  1 4  1 5  1 6  1 7  34  5  6  7  8  9  1 0  1 1  1 2  1 8  1 9
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 25 The following descript ion divides int o four part s:     A. W PS I nfor m a tion on AP B. Exam ple  of Adding t o Re gistr a r  Using PI N Met hod C. Exam ple  of Adding t o Re gist r a r Using PI N Me t hod D. Exam ple  of Configuring a N e tw ork / AP Using PI N  or  PBC Me t hod
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 26 A. W PS I nfor m a tion on AP: On Network AP list, double click on t he AP t hen you can see the inform ation appears below.  I tem s  I n for m a t ion Au t he n t ica tion Type  There are three authent ication m odes supported by t his ut ility. They are open, Shared, WPA-PSK and WPA system . En cryp t ion  Type   For open and shared aut henticat ion m ode, t he selection of encryption type are None and WEP. For WPA, WPA2, WPA- PSK and WPA2- PSK aut henticat ion m ode, t he encryption t ype support s both TKI P and AES. Config Met hods  Correspond to the m et hods the AP supports as an Enrollee for adding ext ernal Regist rars. (a bitwise OR of values) Device  Passw ord I D I ndicates the m et hod or identifies t he specific password that  the selected Registrar intends t o use. APs in PBC m ode m ust  indicate 0x0004 wit hin two- m inut e Walk Tim e. Selecte d Re gist r a r  Indicates if t he user has recently activated a Registrar t o add an Enrollee. The values are "TRUE" and "FALSE". St a t e  The current  configuration st at e on AP. The values are "Unconfigured"  and "Configured". Version  WPS specified version. AP Set up Lock ed  I ndicat es if t he AP has ent ered a setup locked stat e.   UUI D- E  The universally unique ident ifier ( UUI D)  elem ent generated by the Enrollee. This is a 16 byt e value. RF Ba nds  I ndicat es all t he RF bands available on t he AP. A dual- band AP m ust  provide it . The values are "2.4GHz/ 5.8GHz"   and "5GHz" .
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 27 B. Exam ple  of Adding t o Re gistr a r  Using PI N Met hod The user obtains a device password ( PI N Code)  from  t he STA and ent ers the password into the Regist rar. Both t he Enrollee and t he Regist rar use PI N Config m ethod for the configurat ion set up. Please follow  t he step below. 1. Select  "Enrollee"  from  t he Config Mode drop- down list . 2. Click " Rescan" t o updat e available WPS APs.  3. Select  an AP ( SSI D/ BSSI D)  t hat  STA will j oin t o.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 28 4. Click " PI N"  t o ent er t he PI N. 5. Ent er t he PI N Code of t he STA int o t he Registrar when prom pt ed by t he Regist rar.  N ot e :  y Allow of an exchange between Step 4 and Step 5. y I f you use Microsoft Window Connect ion Now as an Ext ernal Regist rar, you m ust start PI N connection at STA first. Aft er t hat , search out your WPS Device nam e and MAC address at  Microsoft Regist rar. Add a new device and ent er PI N Code of STA at Microsoft  Regist rar when prom pted. 6. The result  should appear as the im age below.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 29 7. Configure one or m ore credent ials. Then connect  successfully.    8. Click  " Det ail."  You can see the figure below.  C. Exam ple  of Adding t o the  Regist rar Using t he PBC M e t hod   The PBC m ethod requires t he user t o press a PBC but ton on both t he Enrollee and t he Regist rar wit hin a t w o- m inute int erval called t he Walk Tim e. I f there is only one Regist rar in PBC m ode, t he PBC m ode select ed is obt ain ed f r om  I D  0 x 0 00 4,  and  is f ou n d  af t er  a com p let e scan .  Th e En r ollee can t hen im m ediat ely begin running t he Registrat ion Prot ocol. I f t he Enrollee discovers m ore t han one Regist rar in PBC m ode, it  MUST abort  it s connect ion at t em pt  at t his scan and cont inue searching unt il t he two- m inut e tim eout . N ot e : Before you press PBC on STA and candidate AP. Mak e su r e all APs ar en ' t  PBC m od e or  APs using PBC m ode have left  t heir Walk Tim e. The user can configure WPS profiles with eit her PI N m ethod or PBC m et hod. Please follow  t he steps below.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 30 1. Select  " Enrollee"  from  t he Config Mode drop- down list.  2. Click PBC to st art  the PBC connection. 3. Push the PBC on AP.   N ot e : Allow tim e for an exchange between Step 2 and St ep 3.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 31 4. The progress bar as shown in t he figure below indicates that  scanning progress.  5. When one AP is found, j oin it.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 32 6. Check WPS I nform ation on t he available WPS APs.  7. Configure and receive one or m ore credential( s).Then connect successfully. The result  will be displayed as it  is in t he figure below.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 33 D. Exam ple  of Configuring a N e tw ork / AP Using PI N  or  PBC Me t hod 1. Select  "Registrar" from  t he Config Mode drop- down list .  2.  Ent er t he det ails of t he credent ial and change configurations (SSI D, Aut henticat ion, Encryption and Key) m anually if needed.  3. I f t he PI N configuration is set up, ent er t he PI N sent  from  t he Enrollee. 4. St art  PI N or PBC. The following procedures are as sim ilar  as section PI N Enrollee Setup or PBC Enrollee Setup.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 34 5. I f your AP Enrollee has been configured before the WPS process, the credential you set in advance will be updat ed t o the AP it self. Ot herwise, after a successful registrat ion, t he AP Enrollee will be re- configured wit h the new param et ers, and t he STA Regist rar will connect  t o the AP Enrollee wit h these new param et ers.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 35 CCX This page is available for Vist a  user only . I t  provides CCX configurat ions t o t his adapt er. Please refer to t he following chart for definit ions of each item .  I tem s  I n for m a t ion Ena ble CCX ( Cisco Com pat ible  ext ensions)  Select  t o enable CCX. This funct ion can only be applied when connect ing t o a Cisco com pat ible device.   Turn on CCKM  Mark to enable CCKM. Ena ble Ra dio M easur e m e nt s  Mark to enable channel m easurem ent  every 0~ 2000 m illiseconds. N on - Se rving Cha nnel Me a sur e m e n t s lim it Mark to revise t he channel m easurem ent. N e tw ork  EAP  Enable the NetwrokEAP authenticat ion algorit hm . Ena ble RF Roa m ing  Enable RF roam ing funct ion Ena ble CAC ( Tole r a nce )   Enable t he call adm ission cont rol CAC  There are four selections:  ADDTS ( Directly send TS) , DELTS, and RESET. Select  an item  from  t he drop down list and then click on the   but t on. Diagnosis  Select  a profile which the user want s t o diagnose, and t hen click on t he Diagnose but t on t o perform  the  test.  Radio On/Off Click on t he but ton t o enable/ disable wireless connection stat us.     Connect ed:   Disconnect ed:
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 36 AP mode management guide for Windows 2000/XP/Vista I f you wish t o share t he I nt ernet access with t he wireless st at ions in your environm ent , you can configure this wireless adapt er as a soft ware access point  ( Soft  AP) . I n t his m ode, t his wireless adapt er becom es the wireless access point  t hat provides local area net work and I nt ernet  access for your wireless stat ions. To use t his adapt er as an access point , please right  click the    icon on syst em  tray and select Sw it ch t o AP m ode. Please refer to the following int roduction and inform ation about  this AP- m ode ut ilit y.  N ot e : I n windows XP, it provides WPA support  at  hot fix Q815485. However;  you have t o m ake sure t hat  hotfix Q815485 (require XP SP1 installed)  has been installed in your system  before you can start  using WPA feat ures. You can check t he inst allat ion of hot fix in add/ rem ove soft ware page under cont rol panel.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 37    Software Access Point (Soft AP) Application
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 38 Config This page provides overall configurat ion to t his adapt er. Please find t he following item s for ident ification t o each field.    1 . SSI D: AP nam e of user t ype. User also can select  [ Use Mac Address]  t o display it .   2 . W ire le ss M ode: Select wireless m ode. Only 2.4G is support ed.     1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 12 13 15 14
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 39 3 . Count ry Region Code : eight count ries to choose. Count ry channel list:       Classification      Range 0:  FCC ( Canada)     CH1    ~   CH11 1:  ETSI     CH1  ~  CH13 2:  SPAI N   CH10 ~  CH11 3:  FRANCE   CH10 ~  CH13 4:  MKK    CH14 ~  CH14 5:  MKKI  (TELEC)     CH1    ~   CH14 6:  I SRAEL   CH3  ~  CH9 7:  I SRAEL   CH5  ~  CH13 N ot e : Count ry Region code is not  support  for Vist a. 4 . Bea con ( m s) : The tim e bet ween two beacons. Syst em  default  is 100 m s. 5 . TX Pow e r : Manually force the AP t ransm its power. System  default  is 100% . 6 . I dle  Tim e: Manually force the I dle Tim e using selected value. Default  is 300. 7 . Cha n ne l: Manually force the AP using t he channel. Syst em  default  is channel 1.   8 . Use Mac Address: Use MAC address of used wireless card t o b e AP n am e.  Sy st em  d ef au l t  is APX ( X is last num ber of Mac Address) . 9 . Se curit y  Se t t ing: Authenticat ion m ode and encryption algorithm  used within the AP. System  default  is no aut hent icat ion and encryption. 10. No forw arding a m ong w ire le ss clie n t s: I f t here is no beacon am ong t he wireless clients, they can’t share inform ation wit h each ot her.   11. Hide SSI D : Prev en t  t h is AP fr om  r ecogn ized in w ir eless n et w or k.  This is disabled as def ault . 12. Allow  BW 4 0  MH z: Allow BW40 MHz capabilit y. 13. De fa ult : Use system  default  value. 14. Cance l: Cancel t he above changes. 15. Apply:  Apply the above changes.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 40 Security Setting This page pops up aft er clicking t he Secur it y Se t t ing butt on. Please follow t he inst ructions below:    1 . Au t hent icat ion  Type: Select  to be open, shared, WPA- PSK, WPA2-PSK, or WPA PSK/ WPA2-PSK system . 2 . Encryption Type : Select an encryption t ype from  the drop list . 3 . W PA Pr e - share d Key: A shared string bet ween AP and STA. For WPA-PSK aut henticat ion m ode, t his field m ust be filled wit h character longer t han 8 and less than 32 lengths. 4 . Group Re k ey I n t erval: Only valid when using WPA- PSK encrypt ion algorithm . The key will change com pliance with seconds or beacon t hat user set . 5 . W EP Key: Only valid w hen using WEP encry pt ion algorithm . The key m ust  m at ch the key on AP. There are several form at s t o ent er the keys. a. Hexadecim al (40bit s) :  10 Hex characters. b. Hexadecim al ( 128bits):  32Hex charact ers. c. ASCI I  ( 40bit s) :  5 ASCI I  characters. d. ASCI I  ( 128bit s) :  13 ASCI I  characters.   1  2 3 4 5
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 41 Access Control This function filters users t o use this device by designat ing MAC address. Please refer t o the following chart  for int roduct ion.  1 . Access Policy: Choose a m et hod to process access cont rol from  t he drop list  to det erm ine the MAC addresses that  you designat ed are allowed to access t he AP or not . 2 . M AC Addr ess: Add allowed ( or denied)  MAC addresses t o the MAC address list. 3 . Access List : Display all Mac Addresses t hat  you designated. 4 . De le t e: Delet e Mac addresses t hat  you selected. 5 . Rem ove  All: Rem ove all Mac address in [ Access List] . 6 . Apply: Apply changes.        1 2  34 5 6
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 42 MAC Table This page displays t he stat ion det ail inform at ion of current  connection.  I tem s  I n for m a t ion MAC Addre ss  The station MAC address of current  connect ion. AI D  Raise value by current connection. Pow er Saving Mode Check if t he connected stat ion support s power saving. St a t us  The connection stat us.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 43 Event Log Record Soft  AP all event t im e and m essage.  I tem s  I n for m a t ion Event  Tim e  ( yy/ m m / dd- hh:m m :ss)   Record event  t im e. Me ssa ge  All event  m essages.
January 13, 2009 /  Ver sion:  2.0 44 Statistics St at istics page displays the detail count er inform at ion based on 802.11 MI B count ers.    1 . Tr a nsm it  St at ist ics I tem s  I n for m a t ion Fram es Transm itt ed Successfully Fram es t hat successfully sent. Fra m e s Fa il To Re ce ive  ACK Aft e r  All Re t ries Fram es t hat failed to t ransm it  aft er hitt ing ret ry lim it . RTS Fr am e s Successfu lly Receive CTS Counts of CTS t hat successfully received aft er sending RTS fram e. RTS Fr a m e s Fa il To Re ce ive CTS Count s of CTS t hat  fail t o be received aft er sending RTS fram e. Fram es Ret r ansm it te d Successfully Successfully ret ransm itt ed fram es num bers. 2 . Receive St at ist ics I tem s  I n for m a t ion Fra m e s Received Succe ssfully  Fram es received successfully. Fram es Receive d W ith CRC Er r or  Fram es received wit h CRC error. Fram es D roppe d Due To Out - of- Resource Fram es dropped due t o resource issue. Duplicat e Fr a m e s Received  Duplicat e received fram es. 3 . Reset  Counter s: Reset  count ers to zero.   1 2 3

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