Inmarsat GSPSCM2 Satellite Radio Module for Inmarsat GMR2+ network User Manual My

Inmarsat Limited Satellite Radio Module for Inmarsat GMR2+ network My

User manual

DRAFTWhile the information in this document has been prepared in good faith, no representation, warranty, assurance or undertaking (express or implied) is or will be made, and no responsibility or liability (howsoever arising)is or will be accepted by the Inmarsat group or any of its officers, employees or agents in relation to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness, reasonableness or fitness for purpose of the information in this document. Alland any such responsibility and liability is expressly disclaimed and excluded to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. INMARSAT is a trademark owned by the International Mobile Satellite Organisation, theInmarsat LOGO is a trademark owned by Inmarsat (IP) Company Limited. Both trademarks are licensed to Inmarsat Global Limited. All other Inmarsat trade marks in this document are owned by Inmarsat GlobalLimited.Confidential and Proprietary © Inmarsat Global Limited 2017. All rights reserved.GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HWDescriptionVersion 0.9Publication Date: 13-Jan-2017INMARSAT> GSPS
DRAFTContents1: Purpose 42: Scope 52.1: References 53: VAM-CM Overview 63.1: VAM Terminal Architecture 63.2: VAM-CM Concept 63.2.1:Evaluation module 73.3: VAM-CM Architecture 73.3.1:High Level System Design 73.3.2:VAM Control interface 94: VAM-CM interfaces 114.1: Absolute maximum ratings 114.2: VAM Control interface description 124.2.1:System USB description 124.2.2:USIM interface description 134.2.3:VAM control UART interface descriptionVoltage levelsInterface controlData formats 144.2.4:Analog Audio interface description 144.2.5:Digital Audio interface descriptionVoltage levelsData formats 154.2.6:Power Supply interface description 164.2.7:External VRTCSupply Functionality 164.2.8:Control and ID interface descriptionSignal conditions 184.3: Radio interface description 182:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4.3.1:GMR2 transceiver antenna interfaceExternal antenna requirements. 184.3.2:GPS receiver antenna interfaceExternal GPS antenna requirements. 194.4: VAM-CM Power Management HandlingVAM-CM USB interface PM HandlingVAM-CM UART interface PM Handling 204.5: Mechanical interface 204.6: Environmental conditions 215: Evaluation tools 225.1: Evaluation kit 225.2: Evaluation module 225.2.1:Evaluation module size 235.2.2:Evaluation module interfacesIndicatorsButtons and switchesUSB InterfaceVAM control interfaceUART InterfaceAudio interfacesSIM interface 305.2.2.8:Evaluation module Power supply interface 305.2.2.9:RF Interfaces 315.3: Control tools 313:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT1: Purpose1: PurposeThe purpose of this document is to describe the VAM-CM HW external interfaces.4:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT2: Scope2: ScopeThis document describes the HW Interfaces of VAM-Core Module (VAM-CM). Interfaces of VAM-CMare dedicated for VAM manufacturers to interface their own satellite terminal UI and controlelectronics.The intended audiences are engineers from Inmarsat, LM, manufacturing partners, VAMmanufacturers and Sasken and a working knowledge of the Inmarsat space segment and GMR2+specification is assumed.2.1: ReferencesReference Document Version[R1]VAM Tool User Guide1.0[R2]Standard and Proprietary ATCommands1.0-1[R3]VAM Core Module User Guide0.95:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT3: VAM-CM Overview3: VAM-CM OverviewThe main goal in VAM-CM design is to utilize the IsatPhone 2 high level architecture and provide acompact core module with a simple single connector control interface to enable board to boardconnection.3.1: VAM Terminal ArchitectureA GSPS VAM terminal shall consist of a VAM-CM that is interfaced via and controlled by a VAMcontroller board. The VAM controller board takes care of the external interfaces from the user toVAM-CM and is responsible for VAM CM modem control.Figure 1shows an example architecture of aVAM terminal including the VAM-CM, VAM controller and basic interfaces. The VAM-CM interface isdescribed in more detail in VAM-CM interfaces on page 11.Figure 1. VAM Terminal Architecture3.2: VAM-CM ConceptThe target of VAM concept was to produce small GMR 2+ modem with simple cost effective RF andcontrol interfaces. The VAM-CM design shown inFigure 2is optimized from the IsatPhone 2 platformdesign by excluding non-necessary handset related interfaces and features, by including industrystandard ‘board to board’ interface connectors and by optimizing the PWB area consumption.6:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT3: VAM-CM OverviewFigure 2. VAM-CMDue to the simple and compact interfaces, testing and evaluation of the VAM-CM requires interfaceextension to enable easier access to control and indication signals. The VAM-CM Evaluation Moduleavailable from Inmarsat provides easier and more convenient interfacing to the VAM-CM duringterminal test and evaluation phases.3.2.1:Evaluation moduleThe Evaluation Module is intended for VAM terminal product HW and SW development and extractsthe VAM-CM control and SIM card pin header interfaces to standard interfaces as well as providingsome system setting possibilities.Evaluation module and control software are described in more detail in Evaluation tools on page223.3: VAM-CM Architecture3.3.1:High Level System DesignFigure 3shows the HW architecture of the VAM-CM platform.7:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT3: VAM-CM OverviewFigure 3. Block diagram of IsatPhone 2v1 VAM-CM8:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT3: VAM-CM Overview3.3.2:VAM Control interfaceFigure 4. VAM control interfaceThe VAM control interface is marked with a blue dashed line inFigure 3above.Figure 4shows theVAM Control and ID interface and pin header connector.VAM Control and ID interface includes the following baseband interfaces; for more detail, see VAM-CM interfaces on page 11.>System USB>Direct USB interface to access VAM-CM for direct controls and firmware updates. Thisinterface can also be used as VAM control interface if selected by VAM Boot selection.>USIM interface>Interface for external USIM socket located in VAM terminal.>VAM control UART>UART interface to control VAM-CM functions. UART is the default interface for VAMcontrol. USB control mode can be selected by VAM Boot selection.9:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT3: VAM-CM Overview>Analog Audio interface>Analog audio in (Ext Mic) and audio out (Ex Ear) signals.>Digital Audio interface>Digital PCM audio interface>Power Supply interface>Power supply for VAM-CM>Control and ID interface>Digital operating mode controls>This interface includes VAM CM boot mode pins to initialize VAM CM in correctoperating mode. (Control interface, audio interface, modem reset etc.)>This interface also includes some informative data from VAM CM. (Modem Good, TTANot OK, etc,)10:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfaces4: VAM-CM interfacesThis chapter describes all VAM-CM external interfaces. These interfaces are divided into threesections; VAM Control and ID interface, radio interface and mechanical interface. In addition thereare also several test points located in the PWB which can be used for debugging and verificationpurposes.Pin numbers for signals are subject to change during the development phase of the device.Figure 5shows the location of the interfaces in the VAM-CM. Interfaces are specified in more detailedin the following chapters.Figure 5. VAM-CM interface locations4.1: Absolute maximum ratingsSignal Description Min Max UnitUSB USB interface 0 4,5 VUART UART interface -0,5 5,5 VDigital Audio Digital audio interface -0,5 5,5 VAnalog audio Analog audio interface 0 4,5 VControl Level shifter interface -0,5V 5,5 VSIM SIM interface -0,3 5,5 V11:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfacesSignal Description Min Max UnitPWR on/off Power on/off control 0 4,5 VSupply Supply voltage 2,1 4,5 VVio IO system voltage -0,5 5,5 VTable 1. Absolute maximum ratings4.2: VAM Control interface descriptionThe VAM control interface is a combination of digital and analog baseband interfaces dedicated tocontrol the VAM-CM. The Interface also includes other user interface related signals like USIM andaudio. The VAM control interface is a Harwin M50-360-25 42 male type pin header connector. TheConnector is located so trace lengths are short enough to enable correct functionality of allinterfaces.The VAM-CM processor (DM3725) uses 1,8V I/O system. In order to protect the processor, digitalinterfaces are connected via level shifters. A VAM terminal can determine the interface voltage levelby applying the desired V_io voltage to the VAM control interface connector. Voltage requirementsfor logic levels are shown inTable 2. For more details, see Power Supply interface descriptionon page 16.Description Min Max UnitVIH High level input voltage VIO – 0,4 VIO VVIL Low level input voltage 0 0,15 VVOH High level output voltage VIO * 0,67 VIO VVOL Low level output voltage VIO <3V 0 0,4 VVIO >=3V 0,55 VTable 2. Logic levels for Level ShifterFigure 6. VAM-Control interface connectorFigure 6shows the connector used for VAM control interface and pin arrangement. Followingchapters describe the sub interfaces and their location in connectors.4.2.1:System USB descriptionThe system USB interface is a dedicated interface providing access to the VAM-CM. This interface istargeted for firmware updates and direct VAM-CM controls. The system USB connector shall berouted out from VAM terminal for direct access. The system USB interface can also be used for VAM-CM control when USB mode is selected with VAM Boot selector during VAM-CM power-on. The VAMcan put CM in low power mode by sending USB suspend command and wakeup is initiated bysending resume command. Refer to VAM-CM USB interface PM Handling on page 20 for CMlow power (Sleep state) handling.System USB interface signals are located in VAM Control interface as described inTable 3.12:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfacesPin Signal Description#21 VBUS Supply voltage, 5,5V max#23 Dp Digital data#25 Dm Digital data#27 GND Signal GNDTable 3. System USB interface pins4.2.2:USIM interface descriptionThe USIM interface provides USIM interface from the VAM-CM to VAM terminal for easier useraccess.The USIM reader in VAM terminal should be placed so that trace length from VAM control interface toUSIM reader shall not exceed 300mm.USIM interface signals are located in VAM Control interface as described inTable 4.Pin Signal In/out Description#26 SIM_V Out Supply voltage for SIM.#28 SIM_RST Out Digital data#30 SIM_CLK Out Digital clock#32 SIM_IO In/Out Digital data#34 Card detect In "HIGH" (Float) = Card not present"LOW" = Card present#36 SIM_GND Signal GNDTable 4. USIM interface pins4.2.3:VAM control UART interface descriptionThe VAM control UART interface provides for VAM terminal to control VAM-CM features. The UARTinterface is connected via level shifter circuit which allows VAM terminal to determine the signalvoltage level using V_io pin in VAM-CM system connector.The UART control interface is the default control interface for VAM-CM. The Control interface can bechanged to USB using VAM Boot selector (Table 9).VAM control UART interface signals are located in VAM Control interface as described inTable 5.VAM-CM is using 2-wire UART interface with TXD, RXD signals. VAM_CM_WAKEUP and VAM_CM_SLEEP signals is used to wake up CM from sleep state (low power mode) and to get CM sleep statestatus, refer VAM-CM UART interface PM Handling on page 20 section for CM low power(Sleep state) handlingPin Signal In/Out Description#16 TXD Out UART transmit data#18 RXD In UART receive data#24 GND UART GNDTable 5. VAM control UART interface pins13:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfaces4.2.3.1:Voltage levelsThe UART control bus is equipped with level shifter in VAM-CM board. This solution enables VAM toadjust I/O voltage system by applying own V_io voltage to VAM control interface connector. Voltagerequirements for logic levels are shown inTable 2. More details in chapter Power Supplyinterface description on pageInterface controlUART control interface operation modes can be set using AT commands. More detailed informationabout communication mode settings can be found inStandard and Proprietary AT Commands.Data formatsUART control interface uses protocol with 8 data bits and 1 stop bit. Parity bits are not used in UARTcommunication. UART communication speed is 115200bps (bits per second).4.2.4:Analog Audio interface descriptionThe Analog audio interface is dedicated for simple audio interface for VAM terminals having analogaudio devices. Extensive care needs to be taken in analog audio interface design to avoid introducingadditional noise into audio signals.Analog audio signals are located in VAM Control interface as described inTable 6.PIN Signal DescriptionParameter min typ max unit#48 Audio Input Input resistance 50 60 70 ohmInput capacitance 0 200 pF#49 Audio Output Load resistance 14 16 ohmLoad capacitance 100 pFpeak output 0dBFs 1,5 VppPeak output with 0dB gain settings#50 GND Audio GNDTable 6. Analog audio interface pins4.2.5:Digital Audio interface descriptionThe Digital audio interface is dedicated for simple audio interfacing in cases where VAM terminal hasdigital audio processing applied. The Digital audio interface is connected via level shifter circuit whichallows VAM terminal to determine the signal voltage level using V_io pin in VAM-CM systemconnector.Digital audio interface signals are located in VAM Control interface as described inTable 7Pin Signal In/Out Description#29 dig_Au_FS In / Out Frame sync#31 dig-Au_CLK In / Out Clock#35 dig_Au_Dx Out Data out14:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfacesPin Signal In/Out Description#33 dig_Au_Dr In Data in#37 GND GNDTable 7. Digital audio interface pins4.2.5.1:Voltage levelsThe Digital audio bus is equipped with level shifter in the VAM-CM board. This solution enables VAMto adjust I/O voltage system by applying own V_io voltage to VAM control interface connector.Voltage requirements for logic levels are shown inTable 2. For more details, see Power Supplyinterface description on pageData formatsTwo modes are available for the PCM protocol: mode 1 and mode 2. For both modes, there are twotypes of operation: mono and stereo channels. The difference between PCM mode 1 and PCM mode2 is in the way they use either the rising or the falling edge of the clock signal, and the frame-synchronization polarity.>PCM Mode 1: Input data is latched on the falling edge of the clock, and the transmitted datastarts on the rising edge of the clock. Frame-synchronization pulse is active high.>PCM Mode 2: Input data is latched on the falling edge of the clock, and the transmitted datastarts on the falling edge of the clock. Frame-synchronization pulse is active low.Figure 7andFigure 8shows an example of PCM protocol, mode 1 and mode 2, respectively, for aframe composed one word (width: 32 bits) with 16 bits data.More detailed information concerning PCM interface can be found inTexas Instruments DM3725documentation.Figure 7. PCM Protocol – Mode 1 Data Format15:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfacesFigure 8. PCM Protocol – Mode 2 Data Format4.2.6:Power Supply interface descriptionThe Power supply interface contains multiple pins to share high current flow of one pin to severalpins. Additional grounding pins are spread out for different sub-interfaces.Digital interfaces to VAM-CM processor (DM3725) are connected via level shifters. VAM terminal candetermine the interface voltage level by applying interface voltage in V_io pin (#15) of VAM-CMsystem connector. V_io can be selected between 1,65V … 5,5V.Power supply interface pins are located in VAM Control interface as described inTable 8Pins Signal Description#1, - #8 3v9 Power Supply for VAM-CM3,9V (min3,6V, max 4,2V)1,0A rms (4A peak)#9 -#14,#44,#46,#47GND Power Supply GND#15 Vio I/O voltage supply for level shifters in VAM-CMVio voltage range 1,65V … 5,5V#19 Ext VrtcsupplyExternal backup voltage supply to enable possibility to arrange externalbattery backup supply for RTC and backup features.3,3V (maximum load 1mA)Table 8. Power Supply interface pins4.2.7:External VRTCSupply FunctionalityInternal RTC battery is left out from the VAM-CM design. Ext Vrtc supply input is however included inVAM system interface to allow possibility to feed external back-up voltage for VAM-CM to enablewarm start in case of long term cut off of 3v9 Supply. Internal buffer capacitors in VAM-CM willmaintain back-up voltage for 10 seconds which is meant to keep up back-up operation during short3v9 supply cut-offs.16:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfacesBack-up voltage is internally supplied in VAM-CM meaning that if 3v9 Supply is available for VAM-CM, also internal back-up voltage is present. Powering off the VAM-CM does not shut down internalback-up voltage supply. Omission of Ext Vrtc supply has influence only in case that 3v9 Supply is cutoff for some reason.Back-up voltage keeps on the slow clock (32kHz), RTC date information and GPS satellite statusinformation. When back-up voltage goes down this information is lost and VAM-CM needs to makecold start which will add about 35 seconds (GPS fix, TTA calculation) to warm start time.4.2.8:Control and ID interface descriptionThe Control and ID interface is provided to set dedicated operating modes for VAM-CM for differentuse cases. These modes can be related for boot-up or control mode. Control and ID interface isconnected via level shifter circuit which allows VAM terminal to determine the signal voltage levelusing V_io pin in VAM-CM system connector (Table 8). Power on/off control is not connected via levelshifter to enable powering up the VAM-CM when level shifters are not active.Control and ID interface pins are located in VAM Control interface as described inTable 9Pin Signal In/Out Description#17 Power On/Off In "0,5…1s LOW pulse" Turns modem on or off depending of currentstate."FLOAT" = Rest state no action#20 VAM-CM Sleep Out Indicates VAM-CM sleep mode status"HIGH" – Modem Active"LOW" – Modem Sleep#22 VAM-CM Wake-upIn VAM-CM wake-up control input"Rising edge" – Modem wake-up#38 TX Disable In VAM-CM transmitter control input"LOW" = TX operation of VAM-CM disabled"HIGH" = normal operation#39 Modem OK Out Indicates modem status"LOW" = Modem not ready for operation"HIGH" = Modem OK#40 Modem RST In Warm reset for VAM-CM"LOW" pulse for 1s to reset the VAM-CM"High" normal operation#41 TTA Not OK Out Modem synchronization status"LOW" = Modem is OK for calls"HIGH" = No TTA available#42 VAM Boot 1 In Control interface selection."LOW" = during power on for USB control"HIGH" = during power on for UART controlTable 9. Control and ID interface pins17:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfaces4.2.8.1:Signal conditionsThe Control and ID interface is equipped with level shifter in VAM-CM board. This solution enablesVAM to adjust I/O voltage system by applying own V_io voltage to VAM control interface connector.For more details, see Power Supply interface description on page 16.Power on/off is not controlled via level shifter. Power on/off is pull down type control having internalpull-up resistor for "HIGH-state" implemented in VAM-CM board. Power on/off action is achieved bypulling this line to GND so no level shifting is needed. Power on/off line shall be floating wheninactive, no external pull-up is allowed.4.3: Radio interface description4.3.1:GMR2 transceiver antenna interfaceDedicated antenna interface for GMR2 transceiver. The antenna interface uses snap on SMBconnector JAE SMB003D00 to provide cost efficient and robust interfacing for RF signal.Figure 9shows the connector used for GMR2 RF transceiver antenna interface.Figure 9. GMR2 transceiver antenna interface connectorSignals in GMR2 transceiver antenna interface are connected as shown inTable 10.Pin Signal DescriptionCenter GMR RF Frequency: 1518 MHz – 1675 MHzPower:output +33,5 dBm MAXinput-10dBm MAXFrame GND Signal GNDTable 10. GMR2 transceiver antenna interface pins4.3.1.1:External antenna requirements.External GMR antenna shall meet following baseline requirements (RF cable losses not included inantenna gain figures). It shall be noted that actual antenna performance requirements aredependent on terminal type (fixed, maritime etc). Detailed antenna requirements may be providedby Inmarsat on request.min max UnitFrequency band 1518 1675 MHz18:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfacesmin max UnitPass band impedance 50 50 OhmsPass band gain 2 dBicExtended band gain 0 dBicAxial ratio 4 dBExtended band Axial ratio 6 dBExtended band frequencies: RX 1518…1525MHz, TX 1668…1675MHzTable 11. GMR external antenna requirements4.3.2:GPS receiver antenna interfaceThe GPS receiver Antenna interface uses snap on SMB connector JAE SMB003D00 to provide costefficient and robust interfacing for RF signal.Figure 10shows the connector used for GPS RF receiverantenna interface.Figure 10. GPS receiver antenna interface connectorSignals in GMR2 transceiver antenna interface are connected as shown inTable 10.Pin Signal DescriptionCenter GPS RF Frequency: 1575 MHz – 1605 MHzPower: -20 dBm MAXFrame GND Signal GNDTable 12. GPS receiver antenna interface pins4.3.2.1:External GPS antenna requirements.External GPS antenna shall meet following requirements (RF cable losses not included in antennagain figures).min max UnitFrequency band 1575 1605 MHzPass band impedance 50 50 OhmsPass band gain 0 dBiTable 13. GPS external antenna requirements19:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfaces4.4: VAM-CM Power Management HandlingThe VAM-CM power management handling is based on VAM-CM control interface, UART or USB.This is required to put CM in low power mode to reduce CM power consumption.VAM-CM USB interface PM HandlingIn the VAM-CM USB control interface, core module (CM) supports USB suspend/resume feature asper USB2.0 standards to put in low power mode. By default low power mode is disabled in CM andCM can be put into low power mode based on USB suspend signal and wakeup based on resumesignal, seeReferences on page 5 section and Without handling USBsuspend/resume the CM will not enter low power mode and hence overall current consumption willbe more. It is recommended that the VAM should implement USB suspend/resume feature to put CMin low power mode and wakeup from low power mode.VAM-CM UART interface PM HandlingIn VAM-CM UART control interface, core module (CM) low power mode (sleep) is by default enabledand VAM can get sleep state and wakeup from sleep state using VAM_CM_SLEEP and VAM_CM_WAKEUPsignals. VAM can check CM sleep state using VAM_CM_NSLEEP signal, high=Active andlow=sleep. VAM need to check VAM_CM_SLEEP signal before sending any data to CM and if thissignal is low then set VAM_CM_WAKEUPsignal high for 100mSec to wakeup CM and ready toprocess data. SeeTable 9for Sleep and Wake-up signal details.4.5: Mechanical interfaceMechanical dimensions and mounting points are shown inFigure 11-Figure 13. VAM-CM can bemounted with four 2,5mm screws from the module corners. 5mm extension towers are required tomount VAM-CM so that tightening the screws does not introduce any forge to components and shieldcan soldered on the board.Figure 11. Front view dimensions20:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT4: VAM-CM interfacesFigure 12. Side view dimensionsFigure 13. Rear view dimensions4.6: Environmental conditionsEnvironmental operating conditions for VAM-CM are shown inTable 14.Min Nominal Max UnitOperating temperature -20 +25 +70 Celsius degreesHumidity 0 90 %Vibration 0,960,96m2/s25 Hz to 20 Hzm2/s220 Hz to 100 Hz(30 minutes/axis)(thereafter -3dB/octave)Table 14. Environmental requirements21:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation tools5: Evaluation toolsThis chapter gives more detailed information concerning the evaluation module and control softwareincluded in evaluation kit.5.1: Evaluation kitThe VAM-CM evaluation kit includes VAM-CM evaluation module, control software anddocumentation. VAM terminal manufacturer can use evaluation kit to verify the VAM-CM functionalityby controlling VAM-CM directly with control SW. The evaluation kit also allows VAM terminalmanufacturer to connect their own controller board to evaluation kit and verify planned interfaces.Figure 14shows the simplified visualization of the evaluation module.Figure 14. VAM-CM Evaluation module visualization5.2: Evaluation moduleThe Evaluation module is built to ease handling and evaluation of VAM-CM product. Evaluationmodule shown inFigure 15contains VAM-CM evaluation board and VAM core module packaged in asimple mechanical structure. VAM-CM interfaces are extracted with VAM-CM evaluation board tomake interfacing and control of VAM-CM easier.22:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation toolsFigure 15. VAM-CM Evaluation module break down5.2.1:Evaluation module sizeThe evaluation board is designed to hold the VAM-CM module and standard interface connectors,control switches and indicators. Dimensions of Evaluation board shown inFigure 16are 80mm by130mm by 14,4mm excluding the extension length of parts reaching through the mechanicalstructure.23:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation toolsFigure 16. VAM-CM Evaluation board dimensionsMechanical structure of evaluation module is milled aluminium. Dimensions of mechanical structureshown inFigure 17are 90mm by 140mm by 20,6mm excluding the rubber feet.Figure 17. VAM-CM Evaluation module dimensions5.2.2:Evaluation module interfacesThis chapter describes the outer Indicators and interfaces of VAM-CM evaluation module. Interfacelocation can be seen inFigure 18. SIM socket and Boot switch are marked with red colour indicatingthat component is at bottom side of the evaluation board. Other interfaces (marked with blue colour)are located on top side of PWB.Interfaces are designed so that basic interfacing can be done with standard connectors e.g. USB,UART, SIM and Audio. In addition there are also pin headers to provide easier interfacing withcontroller board.24:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation toolsFigure 18. VAM-CM Evaluation module interface locationsEach interface is described in following chapters. Following chapters also indicate the specialarrangements when pin headers are applied instead of standard interfaces.Pin numbers for signals are subject to change during R&D phase of the device.IndicatorsEvaluation module includes LED indicators showing the status information of the system. Availablestatus information is shown inTable 15.Indicator Name Color DescriptionD3001 PWR ON BLUE Supply voltage for VAM-CM is active.D1000 Modem OK GREEN VAM-CM Modem is active.D1001 TTA Not OK RED VAM-CM active but does not have network connectionTable 15. Evaluation module indicators5.2.2.2:Buttons and switchesThe evaluation module includes control switches allowing the user to control the operations of theVAM-CM. Controls are implemented with two push button switches S1001 for Power on/off andS1002 Modem RST.25:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation toolsBoot selection switch S2003 is located at bottom side of PWB available only with pin tool via smallhole in mechanics. This button is used to make VAM-CM to boot from USB device to start firmwareupgrade tool or enable direct USB flashing. Boot selection is required during R&D phase firmwareupdates.VAM-CM control buttons are shown inTable 16.SW Control DescriptionS1001 PWR on/off Power on/off switching of VAM-CM.S1002 Modem RST Warm reset for VAM-CM.S2003 USB Boot SW Boot selection switchTable 16. Evaluation module control buttons5 way switch block S1000 allowing user to set-up and control the VAM-CM operation. Order ofswitches in switch block is represented inFigure 19. Functions of included VAM-CM controls areshown inTable 17.Figure 19. Function order in control selector switch blockSW Control Description#1 VAM Boot 1 Control interface selection during VAM-CM power-up."UP" – UART control active (default)."DOWN" – USB control active#2 Reserved#3 Reserved#4 TX Disable Disables transmitter operation of VAM-CM."UP" – Transmitter enabled (default)."DOWN" – Transmitter disabled#5 ReservedTable 17. Evaluation module control selectorsControl switches and buttons are connected in parallel with VAM control interface. When evaluationmodule is controlled via VAM control interface (pin header) all switches in S1000 shall be in "up"position to allow VAM control interface to disable controls.26:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation tools5.2.2.3:USB InterfaceUSB interface is implemented with Keystone Electronics 924 B-type USB connector CN-1001. Signalorder in connector is.Pin Control Description#1 VBUS USB Bus voltage#2 Dm Negative data line#3 Dp Positive data line#4 GNDTable 18. USB interface signals5.2.2.4:VAM control interfaceThe evaluation module control interface CN1005 includes most of VAM-CM controls. Only audiointerface is separated to its own pin header. VAM control interface enables connection of the SIM,applying button and switch controls and getting the status of VAM-CM indicators.VAM Power can also be supplied via the VAM control interface together with interface voltage Vio.With Vio user can select suitable interface voltage level between 1,65V and 5,5v. Default 3,0V Vio issupplied also in pin header and by default it is applied with jumper between pin #13 and #14. Ifcustom Vio is applied then jumper is removed and Vio is fed in pin #14 from external source.The VAM control interface allows VAM terminal manufacturer to use external controller to adjustVAM-CM settings. Control interface is 2 row 32 way pin header Harwin M20-9721645 which providesfollowing controls shown inTable 19. Pin organization is shown inFigure 20.Pin Control Description#1 …#6VBAT 3,9V supply for VAM-CM#7 ...#12GND#13 3,0V ViooutputPower supply for Vio#14 Vio input Supply input for Vio.By default this is connected to pin #13#15 Ext VrtcsupplyExternal backup voltage supply to enable possibility to arrange external batterybackup supply for RTC and backup features.3,3V (maximum load 1mA)#16 VAM-CMWake-upVAM-CM wake-up control input“Rising edge” – Modem wake-up#17 PWR on/off Power on/off switching of VAM-CM."LOW" 1 second pulse PWR on/off"HIGH" (Float) no action27:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation toolsPin Control Description#18 VAM_MODEM_OKModem OK#19 ModemRSTWarm reset for VAM-CM"LOW" Warm reset for VAM-CM"HIGH" (Float) no action#20 TTA NotOKModem has no GPS location or channel assignment#21 VAM-CMSleepIndicates VAM-CM sleep mode status“HIGH” – Modem Active“LOW” – Modem Sleep#22 SIM_V SIM supply voltage output#23 VAM_BOOT_1Control interface selection (UART/USB) during power-up"HIGH" (Float) UART control mode (default)"LOW" USB control mode#24 SIM_RST SIM Reset output#25 VAM_BOOT_2Reserved for future use#26 SIM_CLK SIM Clock output#27 VAM_BOOT_3Reserved for future use#28 SIM_IO SIM IO interface#29 TX_DISABLEDisables VAM-CM transmitter operation"HIGH" Transmission enabled in VAM-CM (default)"LOW" Transmission disabled in VAM-CM#30 CARD_DETECTSIM card inserted inputTable 19. VAM Control interface signalsFigure 20. VAM control interface pin organization28:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation tools5.2.2.5:UART InterfaceUART interface is implemented with single row 6 way pin header CN1007. Applied interface iscommonly used interface and allows commercially available USB/UART cable e.g. FTDI TTL-232R-3v3 adapter cable. Pin header type is Harwin M20-9730645. Signal order in pin header is shown infollowingTable 20. Pin organization is shown inFigure 21.Pin Control Description#1 GND#2 NC#3 NC#4 RXD Received data#5 TXD Transmit data#6 NCTable 20. UART interface signalsFigure 21. UART interface pin organization5.2.2.6:Audio interfacesThe evaluation module has two audio interfaces. Analog audio interface N1000 is 3,5mm standardmono jack SJ-3523-SMT from CUI Inc providing audio in, audio out and GND. Signal order in analogaudio interface is shown inTable 21.Pin Signal Description#1 Tip an_Au Ext Ear Analog audio output0.53Vrms (load 16 ohm)#2 Ring an_Au Ext Mic Analog audio input1.5 Vpp (0dBFS, 0dB gain)#3 Sleeve An_Au GNDTable 21. Analog audio interface signalsAnother audio interface XCN1004 is 2 row 10 way pin header Harwin M20-9720545 which providesboth analog and digital audio interfaces for VAM control. Signal order in pin header is shown inTable22. Pin organization is shown inFigure 22.Pin Signal Description#10 AN_AUD_EXT_MIC Analog audio input#1 AN_AUD_EXT_MIC Analog audio input29:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation toolsPin Signal Description#10 AN_AUD_EXT_MIC Analog audio input#2 AN_AUD_EXT_EAR Analog audio output#3 AGND_1 GNDfor analog audio#4 AGND_1 GNDfor analog audio#5 GND GNDfor digital audio#6 GND GND for digital audio#7 DIG_AU_DX Digital audio transmit data#8 DIG_AU_CLK Digital audio clock#9 DIG_AU_DR Digital audio receive data#10 DIF_AU_FS Digital audio frame syncTable 22. Audio pin header interfaceFigure 22. Audio pin header interface pin organization5.2.2.7:SIM interfaceThe evaluation module SIM interface CN1006 is implemented with push-push type SIM socket Molex47553-2001. Pin configuration of SIM interface is shown inTable 23.Pin Control Description#1 C1 VSIM SIM Supply voltage#2 C5 SIM GND SIM GND#3 C2 SIM RST SIM Reset#4 C6 NC Not used#5 C3 SIM CLK SIM Clock#6 C7 SIM IO SIM data IO#7 CD0 CD0 Card Detect#8 … #10 CD1, GND0, GND1 GNDTable 23. SIM interface signalsWhen applying the VAM control interface SIM card shall be removed from SIM socket CN1006 toavoid malfunctions.Evaluation module Power supply interfaceThe power supply interface CN3000 for evaluation module is provided with standard DC socket CliffElectronics DC10A. Evaluation module has internal regulators which will provide supply for VAM-CM.30:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation toolsSupply voltage requirement for evaluation module is 5V with 1A continuous current supply capability(4A peak). Power supply interface is protected with 2A SMD fuse. Pin configuration of power supplyinterface is shown inTable 24.Pin Signal Description#1 Center Vsupply +5 V, 4A peak#2 Body GND GNDTable 24. ower supply interface signals5.2.2.9:RF InterfacesRF interfaces are connected directly to VAM-CM antenna connectors which are described in moredetail in Radio interface description on page 18.5.3: Control toolsThe VAM control tool is based on web interface and back-end command server to interact with VAMterminals. The VAM control tool enables the use of AT-commands and AT-command sequences tocontrol VAM terminal. Controls and DUT responses can be logged for future investigation.The VAM control tool also contains simplified engineering mode enabling the possibility to controlreceiver and transmitter independently. Simplified engineering mode allows turning on thetransmitter in dedicated channel and output power level as well as turning on the receiver indedicated channel and to measure RCER and RSSI of the input signal.Figure 23shows a screen shot of VAM control tool log viewer. More detailed information concerningthe VAM control tool can be found inVAM Tool User Guide.31:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global
DRAFT5: Evaluation toolsFigure 23. VAM-CM Control tool screen shot32:GSPS Core Module 2.0 VAM-CM HW DescriptionConfidential and Proprietary – Inmarsat Global

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