Insight SiP ISP130301 Bluetooth Low Energy Module User Manual 00 isp ble DS130301 R5

Insight SiP Bluetooth Low Energy Module 00 isp ble DS130301 R5


User manual_00_isp_ble_DS130301_R5

       June 30, 2014 Page 1/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301   ISP130301 Bluetooth Low Energy Module with Integrated Antenna   Key Features      Single Mode BLE v4.0 Slave or Master   Proprietary 2.4 GHz protocols   Based on Nordic Semiconductor nRF51 family   2.4GHz low energy RF Transceiver   32bit ARM Cortex M0 CPU with 256kB Flash   Analog and Digital peripherals   Ultra Low Power Consumption   Single 2.1 to 3.6 V supply   Very small size 8.0 x 11.0 x 1.2 mm   Temperature -25 to 75 °C   Fully integrated RF matching and Antenna   Integrated 16 MHz  and 32.768 kHz Clocks   Certifications      FCC certification pending  CE certification pending   IC certification pending   Bluetooth SIG certified   RoHS compliant  Applications    Space constrained BLE Slave Devices   Sport and fitness sensors   Health care sensors   Out of Range (OOR) sensors   Personal User Interface Devices (PUID)   Remote controls   General Description  This  module  is  based  on  nRF51822  Nordic Semiconductor  2.4GHz  wireless  System  on  Chip (SoC) integrating a 2.4 GHz  transceiver, a 32 bit ARM  Cortex™-M0  CPU,  a  flash  memory,  and analog and digital peripherals. It can support BLE and a range of proprietary 2.4 GHz protocols, such as Gazell from Nordic Semiconductor.  Fully  qualified  BLE  stacks  for  nRF51822  are implemented  in  the  S100  series  of  SoftDevices which can be freely downloaded. ISP130301 can then be used in Master and Slave modes for BLE and  for  both  ends  of  other  proprietary  protocols. The ANT protocol can be handled on request.  The  module  is  specifically  designed  for  both  PC peripherals and ultra low power applications such as  sports  and  wellness  sensors.  Ultra  low  power consumption  and  advanced  power  management enables battery lifetimes up to several years on a coin  cell  battery. Even  though  its  very  small size  8x11x1.2mm,  the  module  integrates  decoupling capacitors,  16  MHz  and  32  kHz  crystals,  load capacitors, DC-DC converter, RF matching circuit and antenna in addition to the wireless SoC.  The   module   forms   a   standalone   BLE   node  for which only the addition of a suitable DC power source is necessary for proximity or Out of Range applications.  Sensor  applications  require  only  the  further  addition  of  the  appropriate  sensors.  As  the module has several end applications, the antenna was designed to be compatible with several ground plane sizes such as USB dongle or cell phone.
       June 30, 2014 Page 2/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301   Contents  1. Electrical Specifications ........................................................................................................... Page 1-2 2. RF Performances .................................................................................................................... Page 1-6 3. Product Development Tools .................................................................................................... Page 1-9 4. Mechanical Outlines .............................................................................................................. Page 1-10 5. Quality & User Information ..................................................................................................... Page 1-13 6. Packaging & Storage ............................................................................................................. Page 1-14    1. Electrical Specifications  Electrical Performance  The specifications of the module follow those of the nRF51822. The following high level parameters are given for the module.  The operating temperature range is -25 to +75 °C with the following performances.  Parameter Value Unit Supply voltage Supply Voltage 2.1 to 3.6 V Current consumption Static levels   Peak current, receiver active (supply at 2.1V) 12.6 mA Peak current, transmitter active +4 dBm Output Power 16 mA Peak current, transmitter active 0 dBm Output Power 10.5 mA Current drain, connection-less state 0.5 µA Current drain between connection events 2.3 µA  The EUT is intended to be supplied by a current limited power source.  Pin Assignment  The module uses an LGA format with a double row of pads on a 0.65 mm pitch. The pad layout follows the QFN Jedec standard for 2 row LGA parts.  Pads 1  thru  56  are  signal pins 0.4  x  0.4  mm, Pad 57 is an  exposed metal pad  that  is  connected to ground. The NC pads are 0.8 x 0.8 or 0.4 x 0.4 mm and are to be connected to isolated metal pads on the application PCB for mechanical stability and reliability (drop test).
       June 30, 2014 Page 3/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301   Pin Name Pin function Description 1 P0_07 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 2 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 3 P0_09 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 4 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 5 P0_13 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 6 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 7 P0_19 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 8 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 9 P0_17 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 10 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 11 P0_20 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 12 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 13 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 14 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 15 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 16 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 17 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 18 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 19 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 20 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 21 NC Not Connected Isolated pad on application PCB for mechanical stability 22 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 23 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 24 OUT_MOD Module I/O This pin is the RF I/O pin of the BLE module. It should be connected to Pin 26 OUT_ANT for normal operation. During certification the pin may be connected via to an RF connector for module measurement using a Bluetooth test setup. 25 VDD_PA PA supply PA supply indicates Transmit mode (Active High) 26 OUT_ANT Antenna  I/O This  pin  is  connected  to  the  internal  antenna.  It  should  be connected  to  Pin  24  OUT_MOD  for  normal  operation.  During certification  the  pin  may  be  connected  to  an  RF  connector  for antenna measurement 27 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 28 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 29 VCC_nRF Power Power supply (2.1 – 3.6V). VDD in nRF51822 doc. 30 VSS Ground Should be connected to ground plane on application PCB 31 SWDCLK Digital Output HW debug and flash programming I/O 32 P0_18 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 33 SWDIO-nRESET Digital I/O System reset (active low). Also HW debug and flash  programming I/O 34 P0_16 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 35 P0_15 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 36 P0_14 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 37 P0_12 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 38 P0_10 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 39 P0_11 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 40 P0_05-AIN6 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin ADC input 6
       June 30, 2014 Page 4/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301  NC NC303929NCNC55 53 51 49 47 45 43 4156 54 52 50 48 46 44 42108642119753157 EP GNDNC NCNCNCNCNCNC NC NC NC NC NCNCNCNCNC12 28401314151617181920212223242526273132333435363738Pin Name Pin function Description 41 P0_06-AIN7-AREF1 Digital I/O Analog input Analog input General purpose I/O pin ADC input 7 ADC Reference voltage 42 P0_03-AIN4 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin ADC input 4 43 P0_04-AIN5 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin ADC input 5 44 P0_01-AIN2 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin ADC input 2 45 P0_31 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 46 P0_02-AIN3 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin ADC input 3 47 P0_30 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 48 P0_00-AREF0 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin ADC Reference voltage 49 P0_29 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 50 P0_28 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 51 P0_24 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 52 P0_23 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 53 P0_21 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 54 P0_22 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 55 P0_25 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 56 P0_08 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin 57 GND_EP Ground Exposed  metal  pad.  Should  be  connected  to  ground  plane  on application PCB         ISP130301pad placement and pin assignment for the LGA QFN package  TOP VIEW
       June 30, 2014 Page 5/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301  Electrical Schematic  Electrical schematic showing ISP130301 module connections
       June 30, 2014 Page 6/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301    2. RF Performances   RF Specifications according to standards  Parameter Value BT V4 Std limit Unit Condition Output Power -20 to +4 -20 to 10 dBm Channels 0 to 39 RF Frequency tolerance Better than  +/-20 +/- 50 Hz Channels 0 to 39 Rx sensitivity -93 -70 dBm Level for BER <0,1% ideal Tx Max range  > 200  m Open field @1m height EIRP 4.6  dBm  Antenna Gain 0.6  dBi  Rx sensitivity 51.4  dBµV/m    Typical Antenna Return Loss Module mounted on a USB dongle ground plane
       June 30, 2014 Page 7/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301  Radiation Pattern in 3 planes Module mounted on a USB dongle ground plane                                  Ground Plane Effect Simulation                               -40-30-20-100gain (dBi) @ 2.45GHzz=0°=90°yxyz-40-30-20-100gain (dBi) @ 2.45GHzz=0°=90°xxyz-40-30-20-100gain (dBi) @ 2.45GHz=0°=90°yxxyzUSB dongle ground plane (size : 18 x 30 mm²)   Cell phone config 1 ground plane  (size : 40 x 100 mm²) Cell phone config 1 with side ground plane   (size : 40 x 100 mm²)
       June 30, 2014 Page 8/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301                                                                                                           Cell phone config 2 with side ground plane  (size : 40 x 100 mm²) Cell phone config 3 with side ground plane   (size : 40 x 100 mm²)
       June 30, 2014 Page 9/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301    3. Product Development Tools   Interface  ISP130301 integrates a full microprocessor interface with up to 32 General Purpose I/O pins (GPIO) and several functions (2 x SPI, 2 x I2C, UART, 8 x ADC, SWDIO interface).   Hardware  The following development kit is recommended for using and testing ISP130301 module:    Insight SiP Development Kit (ISP130301-DK1), need to be purchased separately   Development Tools and Software  The  following  development  tools  and  software  are  recommended  for  using  and  testing  ISP130301 module:    Nordic  Semiconductor  nRFgo  Studio  (downloadable  from  after  purchasing ISP130301-DK1)   Nordic  Semiconductor  Master  Control  Panel  (downloadable  from  after purchasing ISP130301-DK1)   Keil MDK-ARM Lite (downloadable for free from   Segger J-Link Lite (downloadable for free from   S100 nRF51822 SoftDevice: fully qualified Bluetooth low energy stacks for nRF51822 integrated in ISP130301 module. The S100 series of  SoftDevices (object code, no source)  can  be  downloaded from after purchasing ISP130301-DK1   nRF51 Software Development Kit (SDK): nRF51 SDK can be downloaded from after purchasing ISP130301-DK1. It contains example of source codes applications (C language): - Precompiled HEX files - Source code - Keil ARM project files
       June 30, 2014 Page 10/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301    4. Mechanical Outlines   Mechanical Dimensions  Dimensional drawing for 8 x 11 x 1.2 mm, 57-Pad LGA Package      11 mm8 mm1.2 mm0.65 mm1.0 mm0.275 mm0.3 mm0.1 mmPIN 1 INDICATORC 0.3 mm5 mm3mm0.4 mm0.4 mm0.4 mm0.4 mm 0.8 mm0.8 mm0.4 mm
       June 30, 2014 Page 11/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301   SMT Assembly Guidelines  Recommended PCB Land Pattern and Solder Mask layout
       June 30, 2014 Page 12/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301   Antenna Keep-Out Zone  Recommended metal keep out areas for optimal antenna performance: no metal, no traces and no components on any layer except mechanical LGA pads.
       June 30, 2014 Page 13/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301    5. Quality & User information   USA – User information  This intends to inform how to specify the FCC ID of our module “ISP130301” on the product. Based on the Public Notice  from FCC, the host device should  have a  label which indicates that it contains our module. The label should use wording such as: “Contains FCC ID: XXXXX-ISP130301”. Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used. The label of the host device should also include the below FCC Statement. When it is not possible, this information should be included in the User Manual of the host device:  “This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions. (1) This device may not cause harmful interference (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Caution: Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.”   CANADA – User information  This intends to inform how to specify the IC ID of our module “ISP130301” on the product. According to Canadian standards “RSS-210” and “RSS-Gen”, the host device should have a label which indicates that it contains our module.  The label should use wording such as: “Contains IC: XXXXXX-ISP130301”. Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used. The label of the host device should also include the below IC Statement. When it is not possible, this information should be included in the User Manual of the host device:  “This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Cette notice nous informe comment spécifier le IC ID de notre module ISP130301.  Selon les normes Canadiennes "RSS-210" et "RSS-Gen",  le  dispositif  doit avoir une  étiquette  mentionnant  qu’il  contient notre module. L’étiquette doit être sous la forme : "IC :XXXXXX-ISP130301". Tout libellé similaire exprimant le même sens peut être utilisé. L’étiquette  du  dispositif  devra  également  inclure  la  déclaration  ci-dessous.  Si  cela  n’est  pas  possible, cette information devra être précisée dans le manuel de l’utilisateur :  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.”
       June 30, 2014 Page 14/14 Document Ref: isp_ble_DS130301_R5 Insight SiP – Green Side – 400 avenue Roumanille – BP 309 – 06906 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex – France – The information contained in this document is the property of Insight SiP and should not be disclosed to any third party without written permission. Specification subject to change without notice.     BLE MODULE ISP130301    6. Packaging & Storage   Package marking  I S P 1 3 0 3 0 1 C    Y Y W W                   ISP130301 Product number C Hardware version YY  Two digit year number WW Two digit week number   Moisture Sensitivity  All plastic packages absorb moisture. During typical solder reflow operations when SMDs are mounted onto  a  PCB,  the  entire  PCB  and  device  population  are  exposed  to  a  rapid  change  in  ambient temperature. Any absorbed moisture is quickly turned into superheated steam. This sudden change in vapor pressure can cause the package to swell. If the pressure exerted exceeds the flexural strength of the plastic mold compound, then it is possible to crack the package. Even if the package does not crack, interfacial delamination can occur.  Since the device package is sensitive to moisture absorption, it is recommended to bake the product before assembly. The baking process for dry packing is 24 hours at 125°C. ISP130301CYYWWIC5 mm max

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