JVC KENWOOD 512000 Scanning Receiver User Manual 3

JVC KENWOOD Corporation Scanning Receiver Users Manual 3

Users Manual 3

BandscopeWith the signal strength represented on the vertical axis andfrequency on the horizontal axis, the bandscope provides a visualrepresentation of the condition of the RX frequency band.•The bandscope comes in the following 3 modes.Center mode: A mode where the center of the horizontal axisrepresents the RX frequency.Fixed mode: A mode where the lower and upper frequencylimits of the frequency band to be displayed are fixed.Auto scroll mode: A mode where the scope range scrollsautomatically while maintaining the span when the lower orupper limit of the marker scope range is exceeded.•By displaying a waterfall below the bandscope display, the RXfrequency, surrounding conditions as well as transition in thesignal strength can be viewed.•The vertical axis of the waterfall display represents time whilethe horizontal axis represents frequency.•Signal strength is represented in a spectrum in the order of white(strong), red to yellow (medium) and green to blue (weak). Thecolor changes according to the strength of the signal to beobserved.•The speed of the waterfall drop can be adjusted.•When the waterfall is displayed, the height of the bandscopedisplay is reduced to one-third of the original size.•The filter passband is constantly represented by a translucentdisplay in the bandscope.●“OVF” is displayed when excessive signal is received. Inthis case, configure an attenuator for the bandscope.Displaying the BandscopePress [SCP] to display the scope screen.Pressing and holding [SCP] each time toggles the displaybetween “Bandscope” and “Audio Scope”.Bandscope.Audio Scope.Switching the Bandscope Display Type1Display the bandscope.2Press [SCP].Pressing [SCP] each time switches the selection in thefollowing sequence.“(Standard size) Bandscope + Waterfall”↓“(Enlarged size) Bandscope + Waterfall”↓“(Standard size) Bandscope”↓No scope display (ends scope display)•While a bandscope is displayed, pressing [ESC] ends thebandscope display.Adjusting the Reference LevelIf there is difficulty distinguishing the target signal from the noisewhen there is significant noise or when observing weak signalswhen there is little noise, the reference level of the bandscope canbe adjusted to ease identification of the target signal.1Press F5 [REF.LEV] to display the setting value ofthe reference level at the center of the bandscopescreen.•If F5 [REF.LEV] is not displayed, press F1 [MORE].2Turn the [MULTI/CH] control to adjust the referencelevel while observing the bandscope waveform andwaterfall spectrum on the bandscope screen.SettingValue -20 to 0 (default) to +10 dB (0.5 dB step)3Press F5 [REF.LEV] to end adjustment of thereference level.●If the target signal cannot be identified on the bandscopescreen even after adjusting the reference level due to theexcessively high input signals, switch to a differentattenuator for the bandscope.Configuring the Speed of Waterfall DropThe speed at which the waterfall is flowing can be selected fromthe options available.Press F4 [SPEED].Pressing F4 [SPEED] each time switches the flow speed.SettingValue Speed1/ Speed2/ Speed3/ Speed4 (default)•After altering the speed, “Speed n” is displayed in thewaterfall area for about 1 second.•Pressing and holding F4 [SPEED] switches the options inthe reverse sequence.SCOPE FUNCTIONS  77 SCOPE FUNCTIONS7-1
Waterfall Display during Tuning (Center Mode)This is a function for switching the behavior of the waterfall displaywhen the frequency is changed.Configure in Menu [8-03] “Waterfall when Tuning(Center Mode)”SettingValue Straight (default)/ FollowStraight: Uses a straight line to show transition in the level ofthe target signal displayed on the waterfall when the frequencyis altered.Follow: Tracks and displays the latest FFT level at the portionwhere the waterfall starts flowing when the frequency is altered.Reduced Bandscope DisplayA small bandscope (with a waterfall display) can be displayed onscreens such as those for the different settings, RTTYcommunication and PSK communication.1Display the menu, configuration modes exceptequalizer configuration and the RTTY/PSKcommunication screen.2Press [SCP].A small bandscope is displayed..●While the reduced bandscope is displayed, thehorizontally arrayed F keys are switched to the functionkeys of the configuration screen and thus the bandscopesettings cannot be changed.Switching the Scope Display Mode1Display the bandscope screen.2Press F2 [S.MODE].Pressing F2 [S.MODE] each time switches the selection to“Center Mode”, “Auto Scroll Mode” and “Fixed Mode” insequence. If [S.MODE] is not displayed, press F1 [MORE].Center Mode (CENTER MODE)Displays a bandscope with the display frequency as the centerat all times.Auto Scroll Mode (A.SCROLL MODE)The basic behavior is the same as that of the Fixed mode,except that the scope range scrolls automatically whilemaintaining the span when the marker (tuning frequency)exceeds the lower or upper limit of the scope range.Fixed Mode (FIXED MODE)The scope range is fixed for each of the amateur bands, andthe operating frequency is displayed with a marker.Center Mode.Auto Scroll Mode.Fixed Mode.Switching the Display Frequency SpanWhen the bandscope is displayed in the Center mode or AutoScroll mode, the display frequency span (the width between thelower and upper frequency limits in the bandscope screen) can beadjusted.Press F3 [SPAN].Pressing F3[SPAN] each time switches the frequency span.SettingValue ±2.5kHz/ ±5kHz/ ±10kHz/ ±15kHz/ ±25kHz (default)/±50kHz/ ±100kHz/ ±250kHz•Pressing and holding F3[SPAN] each time switches theoptions in the reverse sequence.•The selected display frequency span is displayed in thetoolbar of the bandscope screen as “SPAN 50kHz”, forexample.Selecting Relative or Absolute Frequency Display forthe Grid (Center Mode)During carrier point center display in the Center mode, the modeof frequency scale display at the bottom of the bandscope can beswitched to one of the options available.Configure in Menu [8-06] “Frequency Scale (CenterMode)”SettingValue Relative Frequency (default)/ Absolute FrequencyRelative Frequency: The frequency scale display at thebottom of the scope area represents the relative frequency fromthe center of the scope.Absolute Frequency: The frequency scale display at thebottom of the scope area represents the absolute frequency.Marker ShiftThis function shifts the scope range in the auto scroll modeoperation so that the marker is displayed at a position that makesobservation easier.Shifting the marker to the left edge in the upper frequencytransmitted by the DX station as well as in digital communicationwill widen the display area of the bandscope. Making it easier todetermine the TX frequency and to observe in the various digitalmodes.Shifting the MarkerPress F2 [SHIFT].The marker shifts to the preset shift position.7 SCOPE FUNCTIONS7-2
Changing the Shift Position of Marker Shift1Press and hold F2 [SHIFT].The transceiver enters the shift position configuration mode.The value indicating the position of the selected vertical gridline is displayed.2Move the shift position to the desired position usingthe [MULTI/CH] control.•Pressing and holding F [SHIFT] moves the shift position tothe center.3Press F [SHIFT].The transceiver exits the shift position configuration mode.●Depending on the relationship between the RXfrequency and the span, deviation of 1 grid to the left orright may occurred in the shift operation.ExpandThis function expands the frequency range for spectral analysis whilein the center mode (when the waterfall display during tuning isconfigured to “Straight”) or auto scroll mode to prevent the waterfalldisplay from being interrupted when the frequency is changed.Press F2 [EXPAND].Pressing F2 [EXPAND] each time toggles the expand functionbetween ON and OFF.•When the expand function is ON, “Expand” is displayedbelow the lower frequency limit display..Scope Range of Each Band (Fixed Mode)The steps to configure the scope range for each of the amateurbands when the bandscope is displayed in the Fixed mode aredescribed below. Three types of scope range are available forselection for each band.Switching the Scope RangePress F3 [RANGE].Pressing F3 [RANGE] each time switches the scope range.SettingValue Range No.1 (default)/ Range No.2/ Range No.3Configuring the Scope Range1Press and hold F3 [RANGE] to display the screenfor configuring the scope range in the Fixed mode..2Press F3 [RANGE] to select the scope range “RangeNo.1”, “Range No.2” and “Range No.3”.3Press F4 [LOWER] or F5 [UPPER] to select thefrequency to adjust.4Press F6 [–]/ F7 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto select the frequency.•Details of the configurable frequency range are shown in thetable below.BandConfigurableFrequencyRange[MHz]RangeNo.DefaultLower Limit[MHz]DefaultUpper Limit[MHz]LF Band 0.03 ≦ f ≦0.3001 0.130 0.1402 0.130 0.1403 0.130 0.140MF Band1 0.300 ≦ f ≦0.5221 0.470 0.4802 0.470 0.4803 0.470 0.480MF Band2 0.522 ≦ f ≦1.7051 0.750 1.2502 0.750 1.2503 0.750 1.2501.8 MHz Band 1.705 ≦ f ≦2.001 1.800 2.0002 1.800 1.8643 1.840 2.0003.5 MHz Band 2.00 ≦ f ≦4.001 3.500 4.0002 3.500 3.6003 3.600 4.0005 MHz Band 4.00 ≦ f ≦6.001 5.000 5.5002 5.000 5.5003 5.000 5.5007 MHz Band 6.00 ≦ f ≦8.001 7.000 7.2002 7.000 7.0453 7.045 7.20010 MHz Band 8.00 ≦ f ≦11.001 10.100 10.1502 10.100 10.1303 10.130 10.15014 MHz Band 11.00 ≦ f ≦15.001 14.000 14.3502 14.000 14.1003 14.100 14.35018 MHz Band 15.00 ≦ f ≦20.001 18.068 18.1682 18.068 18.1103 18.110 18.16821 MHz Band 20.00 ≦ f ≦22.001 21.000 21.4502 21.000 21.1503 21.150 21.45024 MHz Band 22.00 ≦ f ≦26.001 24.890 24.9902 24.890 24.9303 24.930 24.99028 MHz Band 26.00 ≦ f ≦30.001 28.000 28.5002 28.000 28.2003 28.200 28.70050 MHz Band 30.00 ≦ f ≦60.001 50.000 50.5002 50.000 50.1003 50.100 50.30070 MHz Band(E Type) 30.00 ≦ f ≦74.801 70.000 70.5002 70.000 70.2503 70.250 70.500SCOPE FUNCTIONS  77-3
Marker CenteringThe scope range can be shifted with the display frequency spanmaintained such that the marker of the selected amateur band isdisplayed near the center (within one grid to the left or right fromthe center).Press F4 [MKR.CTR].The scope range is shifted with the frequency span maintained..●Changes in the lower and upper frequency limits due tothe marker centering operation are temporary, and doesnot alter the preconfigured lower and upper frequencylimits of the scope band in question.Notification on Exceeding of Lower or Upper LimitIf the marker frequency falls outside the display range of thebandscope when a frequency marker is displayed on thebandscope in the Fixed mode, a display appears to inform the userthat the marker has moved out of the bandscope range.A “ ” icon appears at the left edge of the bandscope screen if themarker frequency value is smaller than the lower frequency limit,and a “ ” appears at the right edge if the marker frequency valueis larger than the upper frequency limit.The markers indicating that the lower or upper limit is exceededare color coded as follows.White: RX frequencyRed: TX frequency.Displaying Tuning Assist Line (SSB Only)This is a function for displaying a tuning assist line (yellow) in thewaterfall display area during operation in the SSB mode. When thetuning assist line is displayed, the peak of the waveform is set nearthis line.For example, the frequency spectrum of a male voice is said to bestrongest near 500 Hz. In this case, displaying the tuning assistline near a position shifted by 500 Hz from the carrier point of thewaterfall display area and allowing the part where strong signalsare flowing to overlap with the line helps to increase the probabilityof zeroing in the target signal.Configure in Menu [8-05] “Tuning Assist Line (SSBMode)”SettingValue Off (default)/ 300/ 400/ 500/ 600/ 700/ 800/ 1000/ 1500/2210 [Hz].●This function works in the Center mode only when Menu[8-03] “Waterfall when Tuning (Center Mode)” isconfigured to “Straight”.●The tuning assist line is displayed on the upper side withrespect to the carrier point in the case of USB and on thelower side in the case of LSB.Touchscreen TuningThis function enables signals to be received by touching thedesired point in the bandscope display area or waterfall displayarea.•When in the Center mode, touching a point sets thecorresponding frequency as the center frequency.•When in the Fixed mode, touching a point moves the marker tothe corresponding frequency..Turning ON/OFF Touchscreen TuningConfigure in Menu [0-14] “Touchscreen Tuning”SettingValue Off/ On (default)●The following operations are prohibited even whentouchscreen tuning is ON.•When the frequency lock function is ON•When the memory channels are empty or whentemporary change of memory channels is disabled•When an area outside the frequency range of thememory channel for specific band segments istouched•During transmission•When the TX frequency is received by TF-SET whileonly XIT is ON during simplex operationConfiguring the Gradation of the Waterfall10 levels of gradation are available for configuring the waterfalldisplay.To make it easy to find the weak signals, configure to a smallervalue to increase the sensitivity to color change.Configure in Menu [8-04] “Waterfall GradationLevel”SettingValue 1 to 7 (default) to 10 (1 step)7 SCOPE FUNCTIONS7-4
Touchscreen Tuning CorrectionTouch and hold with a finger on the correspondingpoint in the bandscope or waterfall display screenwhere signal is to be received.•Touching in the SSB/ CW/ FSK/ PSK mode changes thecorrection behavior according to the “Touchscreen TuningStep Correction” setting in the menu.•The CW auto tune function is activated after correction iscompleted in the CW mode.Step CorrectionConfigure the step correction operation during touchscreen tuningin the SSB/ CW/ FSK/ PSK mode.Configure in Menu [8-07] Touchscreen Tuning StepCorrection(SSB/ CW/ FSK/ PSK)SettingValue Off/On (default)Marker DisplayThe positions of the TX and RX frequencies are indicated asmarkers on the bandscope screen. This marker function allows thechecking of edge frequency on the bandscope by registering theedge frequency of the contest or band plan.During split operation, the TX frequency can be changed easily bymoving the TX frequency marker to the desired frequency whilemonitoring the bandscope screen.The frequency markers are color coded as follows.White: RX FrequencyRed: TX FrequencyRegistering a MarkerWhen a preferred frequency (up to 50 entries) is registered to thefrequency marker list, the registered frequency is indicated by amarker on the bandscope (white dotted line).1Press [MENU].2Press and hold F [F.MKR] to display the FrequencyMarker list screen..3Align with the frequency to register.4Press F4 [ADD] to register.•The current VFO frequency is added to the list.•When RIT is ON, the display frequency with RIT added isregistered.•The list is automatically sorted in ascending order startingfrom the lowest frequency.•If the frequency to be added is already registered, it will notbe registered twice and there will be no response even whenF4 [ADD] is pressed.•If there are already 50 frequency entries in the list, thefrequency will not be registered and pressing F4 [ADD] willhave no response.Deleting a Registered Frequency1Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the frequency to delete.2Press and hold F5 [(DELETE)] to delete.Turning ON/OFF Marker Function1Press [MENU].2Press F [F.MKR].Pressing F [F.MKR] each time toggles the marker functionbetween ON and OFF.Displaying the Maximum Value in the WaveformThe maximum value of the waveform shown on the bandscopescreen can be displayed to get a better grasp of the signal status.Turning ON/OFF Maximum Value DisplayPress F7 [MAX.HLD].Pressing F7 [MAX.HLD] each time toggles the maximum valuedisplay between ON and OFF.Configuring the Hold TypeSelect the method of displaying the maximum value of the waveform.Configure in Menu [8-02] “Bandscope Maximum Hold”SettingValue 10 [s] (default)/ Continuous10 [s]: Maximum value information is cleared after 10 seconds.Continuous: Maximum value information is not cleared.●The maximum value information is cleared automaticallyif the RX frequency changes in the Center moderegardless of the setting value selected.SCOPE FUNCTIONS  77-5
Pausing the Waveform DisplayThe waveform display on the bandscope screen can be paused.Press F7 [PAUSE] to pause the waveform display.•When the waveform display is paused, << >> isdisplayed on the screen..•Pressing F7 [PAUSE] again cancels the paused state.Averaging of Bandscope WaveformAveraging the bandscope waveform allows changes in thewaveform display to look smoother with continuous signals likethose of Morse signals which make observation easier.Press F6 [AVE.] to switch the averaging level.•Pressing F6 [AVE.] each time switches the selection in thefollowing sequence: “Off” (averaging disabled) → “1”(minimum) → “2” → “3” (maximum) → “Off”. The averaginglevel selected is displayed at the top right corner of the grid.•Pressing and holding F6 [AVE.] each time switches theoptions in the reverse sequence.•The default setting is “1”.Switching the Bandscope AttenuatorIf the target signal cannot be identified on the bandscope screeneven after adjusting the reference level due to the excessively highinput signals, attenuate the input level to the bandscope byswitching to a different attenuator for the bandscope.Press F6 [ATT] to switch to a different attenuator.Pressing F6 [ATT] each time switches the attenuator.SettingValue Off (default)/ 10 dB/ 20 dB/ 30 dB•Pressing and holding F6 [ATT] each time switches theoptions in the reverse sequence.•The current attenuator level setting is displayed at the top ofthe bandscope.Switching the attenuator for the bandscope does not affectthe RX sensitivity.Displaying the TX Signal WaveformA waveform for the TX signal can be displayed when a bandscopefor transmission is displayed in the Center mode.Configure in Menu [8-00] “Bandscope Displayduring TX”SettingValue Off (default)/ OnOn: Displays the TX waveform in the bandscope whiletransmission is in progress.Off: Does not display the waveform in the bandscope whiletransmission is in progress.●The TX signal waveform cannot be displayed in theFixed mode.●The setting for this function cannot be switched whiletransmission is in progress.Audio ScopeTwo audio scope screen modes are available for selection: the“audio scope screen” mode displays the waveform with an audiobandscope + waterfall as well as an oscilloscope, while the “multiscope screen” shows a reduced display of the bandscope at thetop together with the “audio scope screen”.●“OVF” is displayed when excessive signal is received. Inthis case, configure an attenuator for the audio scope.Displaying the Audio ScopePress and hold [SCP] to display the Audio Scopescreen.Pressing and holding [SCP] each time toggles the displaybetween “Audio Scope” and “Bandscope”.Audio Scope ScreenLeft: Audio scopeRight: Oscilloscope.Switching the Audio Scope Display Type1Display the Audio Scope screen.2Press [SCP].Pressing [SCP] each time switches the selection in thefollowing sequence.“Audio Scope screen”↓“Multi Scope screen”↓No scope display (ends scope display)Multi Scope ScreenTop: Reduced bandscope displayLeft: Audio scopeRight: Oscilloscope.3Press [ESC] to end the display.7 SCOPE FUNCTIONS7-6
Switching the Audio Scope AttenuatorWhen the signal input level to the audio scope is excessively high,attenuating the level helps to reduce the amplitude of thewaveform. Doing so optimizes the waveform display for easyobservation.Press F2 [ATT].Pressing F2 [ATT] each time switches the attenuator.SettingValue Off (default)/ 10 dB/ 20 dB/ 30 dB•Pressing and holding F2 [ATT] each time switches theoptions in the reverse sequence.•The current attenuator level setting is displayed at the top ofthe audio scope.Switching the Display Frequency Span of the AudioScopeThe display frequency span of the audio scope can be configuredto 3 kHz or 8 kHz. Configure the display frequency span to anappropriate setting according to the filter band setting andfrequency to observe.Press F3 [SPAN].Pressing F3 [SPAN] each time toggles the span between “3kHz (default)” and “8 kHz”..Display when 8 kHz is selectedDisplay when 3 kHz is selectedSwitching the Oscilloscope LevelSwitching the input level of signals to the oscilloscope alters thevertical amplitude of the waveform. Configuring the waveformamplitude to an appropriate size helps to ease observation of thewaveform.Press F6 [LEVEL].Pressing F6 [LEVEL] each time switches the input level.SettingValue 0 dB (default)/ -10 dB/ -20 dB/ -30 dB•Pressing and holding F6 [LEVEL] each time switches theoptions in the reverse sequence.•The current signal input level setting is displayed at the topof the oscilloscope.Switching the Sweep TimeSwitching the sweep time of the oscilloscope alters the time rangeof the oscilloscope display. The sweep time can be adjustedaccording to the status of the signal to be observed.Press F5 [TIME].Pressing F5 [TIME] each time switches the sweep time.SettingValue 1 ms/ Div/ 3 ms/ Div/ 10 ms/ Div/ 30 ms/ Div/ 100 ms/Div (default)/ 300 ms/ Div•Pressing and holding F5 [TIME] each time switches theoptions in the reverse sequence.•The sweep time is displayed at the bottom of theoscilloscope.Pausing the Audio ScopeWhen the waveform displayed on the Audio Scope screen ispaused, the waveform is maintained until it is unpaused. The audioscope can be paused to enable analysis of the waveform withoutbeing interrupted whenever the display is refreshed.Press F4 [PAUSE] to pause the waveform display.•When the waveform display is paused, << >> isdisplayed on the screen.•Pressing F4 [PAUSE] again cancels the paused state..SCOPE FUNCTIONS  77-7
Configuration of the Input Path of TX AudioThe method for transmitting the audio source that is input to theMIC connector on the front panel as well as the ACC 2, (USB-B)and LAN connectors on the rear panel of this transceiver can beconfigured.AudioSourceInput DescriptionMIC Inputs the microphone audio when MIC is set to ON.ACC 2 Inputs audio signal from the device connected to the ACC2 connector when ACC 2 is set to ON.USB Audio Inputs audio signal from the connected PC when USBAudio is set to ON.LAN Inputs audio signal from the audio device connected viaLAN when LAN is set to ON.Switching the Audio Source InputThe steps to configure the audio (audio source input) to transmitvia PTT/SS/SEND and DATA PTT/DATA SEND are as follows.•A separate setting can be configured when DATA mode is inthe OFF and ON status.1Press and hold [DATA] to display the audio sourceinput screen.The current ON/OFF status of the DATA mode at thetransmitting end is displayed at the top left corner..2Press F2 [ ], F3 [ ], F4 [ ] or F5 [ ] toselect the method of transmission (“SEND/PTT” or“DATA SEND (PF)”) and audio input line (“Front” or“Rear”).3Press F6 [SELECT] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto change the setting value.•Pressing and holding F1 [(RESET)] restores both audioinput settings of the selected method of transmission to thedefault values.•The default setting varies as follows when DATA mode is inthe ON and OFF status.Setting Item Setting Value DefaultDATA OFFSEND/ PTTFront Off/ MIC MICRear Off/ ACC 2/USB Audio/LAN OffDATA SEND(PF)Front Off/ MIC OffRear Off/ ACC 2/USB Audio/LAN ACC 2DATA ONSEND/ PTTFront Off/ MIC MICRear Off/ ACC 2/USB Audio/LAN OffDATA SEND(PF)Front Off/ MIC OffRear Off/ ACC 2/USB Audio/LANUSBAudio●Note that some setting combinations might triggerunintended transmission by this transceiver. Also, whenthis transceiver is connected to a PC or another audiosource via USB audio, LAN or ACC 2 and when DATAVOX is ON, sound that is emitted by the audio sourcemight trigger transmission by this transceiver.●These are common settings for the SSB, AM and FMmodes. Although settings can also be changed duringoperation while the operation mode at the transmittingend is configured to CW, PSK or FSK, the settings thatare displayed on the screen are those when DATA modeis in the OFF status.VOX (Voice-Operated Transmit)VOX (voice) is a function that automatically starts transmissionwhen the user speaks into the microphone and returns to thereceiving status when voice input stops. After speaking into themicrophone, insert a short pause before returning to the receivingstatus.•For Data VOX, data that is input from an audio source other thanthe MIC connector can also be transmitted in the same way.Turing ON/OFF VOX FunctionThe VOX function switches automatically between transmissionand reception based on audio input from the microphone in theSSB, FM or AM mode.Press [VOX].Pressing [VOX] each time toggles the VOX function betweenON and OFF.When the VOX function is ON, the [VOX] LED lights up in green.●During transmission using the VOX function, audio inputfrom the microphone is transmitted regardless of theaudio source input settings.●If transmission and reception are not performed automaticallywhen the VOX function is set to ON, try adjusting the VOX gainlevel, increasing the distance between the microphone and thespeaker, move closer to the microphone when speaking or turndown the volume level for incoming calls. If the above methodsdo not work, use a headphone.Selecting Audio Source Input for Data VOXThe transmission status can be activated automatically when dataaudio beyond a certain level is input from the ANI terminal of theACC 2 connector,   (USB-A or USB-B) or LAN connector onthe rear panel of this transceiver in the SSB, FM or AM mode. Thisfunction is known as Data VOX.The audio source input that is activated with the Data VOX functioncan be switched using the steps below.1Press and hold [DATA] to display the audio sourceinput screen.2Press F7 [D.VOX].Pressing F7 [D.VOX] each time switches the Data VOX audiosource.SettingValue Off (default)/ ACC 2/ USB Audio/ LAN•“OFF”, “ACC 2”, “USB” or “LAN” is displayed to the right of“D.VOX” at the top of the screen.●If this transceiver is left connected to an audio sourcesuch as a PC when Data VOX is configured to an audiosource input setting other than “OFF”, this transceivermay be placed in the transmission state by the signalsfrom the audio source.●When this transceiver is to be left connected to the audiosource, set the Data VOX audio source input to OFF toprevent transmission that is unintended.TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS  88 TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS8-1
Configuration ExampleTransmission via PTT by modulating signals from MIC in the SSBmode or transmission via DATA VOX by modulating signals froma PC via USB Audio in the SSB-DATA mode.Settings when DATA mode is OFF:•SEND/PTT Front: MIC, Rear: Off•DATA SEND (PF) Front: Off, Rear: USB Audio•DATA VOX: OffSettings when DATA mode is ON:•SEND/PTT Front: MIC, Rear: Off•DATA SEND (PF) Front: Off, Rear: USB Audio•DATA VOX: USB AudioVOX Configuration Screen1Press [VOX] to set the VOX function to ON.2Press and hold [VOX] to display the VOXconfiguration screen..On the VOX configuration screen, the horizontal rowsrepresent the audio source input while the vertical columnsrepresent the setting item.The VOX configuration screen ends when the transmittingend is configured to a mode (non-audio mode) other thanSSB, AM and FM mode.Adjusting VOX GainVOX gain of the VOX function allows the VOX gain level to beadjusted according to the loudness of the audio input from the MICconnector or the noise in the surroundings.VOX gain of the input data from the ANI terminal of the ACC 2connector,   (USB-A or USB-B) or LAN connector on the rearpanel of this transceiver can be adjusted in the Data VOX mode.1Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select the audio sourceinput (horizontal row).Select the audio source input row to adjust from “MIC”, “ACC2”, “USB” and “LAN”.2Press F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] to select the “VOX GAIN”.3Press F6 [–]/ F7 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto adjust the VOX level.Input signal from the audio source selected in step 2, and adjustthe level to activate transmission when audio signals are input.SettingValue 0 to 10 (default) to 20 (1 step)Adjusting the Anti VOX Gain LevelWhen the VOX function is ON, transmission may be activated bythe playback sound from the speaker in some cases in addition toaudio from the microphone. Speaker sound may be transmitted ifthe speaker volume is configured to a high level. This function canbe used to prevent unintended transmission by configuring the antiVOX level to adjust the lower limit for activating the VOX functionwith respect to the playback sound from the speaker.1Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select the audio sourceinput.2Press F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] to select “ANTI VOX”.3Press F6 [–]/ F7 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto adjust the sensitivity of the anti VOX gain.Adjust the sensitivity of the anti VOX level so that transmissionwill not be activated by the playback sound from the speaker.SettingValue 0 to 20 (1 step)•The smaller the anti VOX gain value, the more susceptiblethe transceiver is to playback sound from the speaker.•The default settings are as follows.•Microphone: 10•ACC 2: 0•USB: 0•LAN: 0●When a headphone is connected to the PHONESconnector, the VOX function (transmission) will not beactivated by the speaker audio regardless of the audiosource and anti VOX level settings.●Anti VOX gain applies to audio sources other than DataVOX.●The speaker output level is compared with the ANTI VOXlevel for any input line.Adjusting VOX Delay TimeDuring transmission of audio or data using the VOX function, thetransceiver may sometimes be restored to the receiving state, andthe end of the audio that is clipped off may not be transmitted asa result. To prevent this from occurring, the delay time can beadjusted to insert an appropriate pause before switching from thetransmitting to the receiving state.1Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select the audio sourceinput (horizontal row).Select the audio source input row to adjust from “MIC”, “ACC2”, “USB” and “LAN”.2Press F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] to select the “VOXDELAY”.3Press F6 [–]/ F7 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto select the delay time.Input signal from the audio source selected in step 2, and adjustthe delay time before returning to the receiving state after audioinput has ended.SettingValue 0 to 10 (default) to 20 (1 step)•When “MIC” is selected, adjust the delay time whilespeaking into the microphone.•The delay time for “MIC” can also be adjusted by turning the[DELAY] control.VOX Voice DelayWhen the VOX function is ON, there may be a time lag beforetransmission begins after voice input has started. For this reason,the beginning part of the audio may be clipped off. To prevent thisphenomenon from occurring wherever possible, a VOX voicedelay time can be configured between the timing whentransmission is activated and before audio signals are sent out.When using a microphone as the audio source inputfor transmission:Configure in Menu [6-13] “VOX Voice Delay(Microphone)”When using devices other than a microphone as theaudio source input for transmission:Configure in Menu [6-14] “VOX Voice Delay (ExceptMicrophone)”SettingValue Off/ Short/ Middle (default)/ Long8 TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS8-2
TX MonitorTX audio can be monitored while transmission is in progress. Thisis a convenient tool for checking the effect of the speech processoror TX equalizer. In the FSK and PSK modes, FSK and PSK signalstransmitted by this transceiver can be monitored.Press [MONI] to turn the TX monitor ON or OFFThe [MONI] LED lights up in green when the TX monitor isturned on.•The ON/OFF status of the TX monitor and monitor level arestored in the memory for each of the mode groups below.During split operation, the mode at the transmitting end willbe monitored.•SSB/ FM/ AM•SSB-DATA/ FM-DATA/ AM-DATA•FSK/ PSK•Each time there is a change in the mode, the transceiverswitches back to the TX monitor ON/OFF status stored ineach group. TX monitor is always OFF in the CW mode.Adjusting the TX Monitor LevelThe volume level when monitoring the TX audio can be adjusted.1Press and hold [MONI] to display the TX MonitorLevel configuration screen..2Press F4 [–]/ F5 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto select the TX monitor level.SettingValue 0 to 10 (default) to 20 (1 step)●Feedback may occur when a speaker is used in the SSB,AM or FM mode. Make use of a headphone instead.●Transmission of CW messages cannot be monitoredusing the TX monitor. To monitor CW messages, makeuse of CW sidetone.●In the FM, FSK and PSK modes, the audio of the TXmonitor may differ from the audio of the signal that isactually transmitted.Speech ProcessorIn the SSB mode, TX output power varies according to theloudness of the audio from the transmitting transceiver, which maysometimes cause audibility to deteriorate at the receivingtransceiver. A speech processor can be used in this case tocompress signals via digital signal processing to raise the averagepower.Similarly, using the speed processor in the AM or FM modestabilizes the degree of modulation regardless of the loudness ofthe audio from the transmitting transceiver and helps to enhanceintelligibility..TimeSpeech Processor OFFAmplitude LevelTimeSpeech Processor ONAmplitude LevelTurning ON/OFF Speech Processor1Press the mode key to select either SSB, AM or FMmode.2Press F [PROC].Pressing F [PROC] each time toggles the speech processorbetween ON and OFF.•When the speech processor is set to ON, “PROCOUT:nnn” is displayed at the top of the screen. [nnn: 0 to100]●The speech processor also functions with respect toaudio input from the ANI terminal of the ACC 2 connectoror the   (USB-B) connector on the rear panel of thistransceiver.Speech Processor Configuration ScreenPress and hold F [PROC] to display the SpeechProcessor configuration screenSSB/SSB-DATA/AM/AM-DATA Mode.FM/FM-DATA Mode.●Switching the mode at the transmitting end to a non-audio mode while the Speech Processor configurationscreen is displayed ends the Speech Processorconfiguration screen.TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS  88-3
Configuring the Speech Processor Input Level1Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select “Input”.2Press F4 [–]/ F5 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto adjust the input level.SettingValue 0 to 50 (default) to 100 (1 step)●The speech processor input level is used to adjust theinput level of the mixed audio between the audio sourceinput configured for microphone gain and that configuredon the audio source input screen.Configuring the Speech Processor Output Level1Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select “Output”.•“Output” is not displayed when the transmitting transceiveris in the FM mode.2Press F4 [–]/ F5 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto adjust the output level.•The output level can also be adjusted by turning the [MIC/PITCH)] control.SettingValue 0 to 50 (default) to 100 (1 step)●Configuring the output to a level that is too high causesdistortion to occur in the TX signals and deterioration inthe radio wave quality as a result.●The speech processor output level is applied to both theaudio input from the microphone as well as the audiosource configured on the audio source input screen.●The speech processor output level is fixed and notchangeable in the FM mode.Configuring the Speech Processor EffectIt is possible to configure how TX signals are to be processed bythe speech processor.Press F6 [EFECT].Pressing F6 [EFECT] each time switches the effect type.SettingValue Soft (default)/ HardHard: Places priority on raising the average power althoughsignals may remain distorted.Soft: Places priority on reducing the level of distortion with minimaleffect on raising the average power.●The speech processor effect selected is the same ineach mode.TX FilterConfigure the bandwidth of the SSB/AM or SSB-DATA/AM-DATATX filter to a low cutoff frequency or a high cutoff frequency.•The filter display area switches automatically according totransmission in the SSB, SSB-DATA, AM and AM-DATAmodes.•A trapezoidal waveform of the low cutoff/high cutoff frequencyconfigured with this function is displayed with the settings at thetop (LC: low cutoff frequency; BW: occupied bandwidth; HC:high cutoff frequency).Displaying the Filter Scope during TransmissionDuring transmission, an image of the passband width for the TXfilter and the audio FFT of the TX audio can be displayed on thefilter scope..Configure in Menu [8-01] “TX Audio WaveformDisplay”SettingValue Off/ On (default)On: Displays the TX filter bandwidth as well as TX monitorwaveform on the filter scope during transmission in the SSB,FM and AM modes.Off: The filter scope area maintains the last display duringtransmission and the waveform is not displayed.●During transmission in the CW, PSK and FSK modes,the image of the filter passband characteristics duringreception is maintained. In modes other than thoseabove, an image of the filter passband characteristics isdisplayed based on the HI/LO cut setting of the TX filter.In the FM (including DATA) mode, an image of thepassband characteristics for the fixed filter is displayed.●When the Audio Scope screen is displayed, waveformis not displayed in the filter scope.●The setting for this function cannot be switched whiletransmission is in progress.●When HI/SHIFT or LO/WIDTH is operated duringtransmission while the TX audio waveform display is ON,the setting value of the RX filter changes and the RX filterdisplay appears temporarily.8 TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS8-4
Changing the TX Filter Bandwidth●Please make use of the TX filter while ensuring that theoccupied bandwidth in the SSB mode falls within thepermitted range as stipulated by the relevant laws.Configuring the Low Cutoff Frequency in the SSB/AMModeConfigure in Menu [6-06] “TX Filter Low Cut(SSB/AM)”SettingValue 10/ 100 (default)/ 200/ 300/ 400/ 500 [Hz]Configuring the High Cutoff Frequency in theSSB/AM ModeConfigure in Menu [6-07] “TX Filter High Cut(SSB/AM)”SettingValue 2500/ 2600/ 2700/ 2800/ 2900 (default)/ 3000/ 3500/4000 [Hz]Configuring the Low Cutoff Frequency in the SSB-DATA/AM-DATA ModeConfigure in Menu [6-08] “TX Filter Low Cut (SSB-DATA/AM-DATA)”SettingValue 10/ 100 (default)/ 200/ 300/ 400/ 500 [Hz]Configuring the High Cutoff Frequency in the SSB-DATA/AM-DATA ModeConfigure in Menu [6-09] “TX Filter High Cut (SSB-DATA/AM-DATA)”SettingValue 2500/ 2600/ 2700/ 2800/ 2900 (default)/ 3000/ 3500/4000 [Hz]TX EqualizerThis item can be used to alter the frequency characteristics of theTX audio via DSP sound processing. It enables correction of themicrophone frequency characteristics as well as transmission inthe audio quality according to the audio properties or user’spreferences.Turning ON/OFF TX Equalizer1Press the mode key to select either SSB, AM or FMmode.2Press F [TX EQ].Pressing F [TX EQ] each time toggles the TX equalizerbetween ON and OFF.●The TX equalizer turns OFF automatically when thistransceiver is configured to a mode other than SSB, AMor FM.Selecting a Frequency Characteristic for the TXEqualizerThis transceiver comes with 6 types of frequency characteristicsfor the TX equalizer. In addition, there are 3 other types that canbe customized according to the user’s preferences. A selectioncan be made from these options.1Press and hold F [TX EQ] to display the TX Equalizerscreen..2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH] control to select a characteristic.•Make a selection based on the equalizer effects in the tablebelow.Effects PurposeHigh Boost 1 (HB1) Boosts the high frequency component. This iseffective for audio sound that contains a lowfrequency component.High Boost 2 (HB2) Boosts the high frequency component. The lowfrequency attenuation level for this option is halfof that of the HB1 option.Formant Pass (FP) This option attenuates frequency componentsthat is outside the audio bandwidth so that theaudio can be heard more clearly.Bass Boost 1 (BB1) Boosts the low frequency component. This iseffective for audio sound that contains a highfrequency component.Bass Boost 2 (BB2) Boosts the low frequency component. The lowfrequency is further boosted compared to BB1.Conventional (C)Applies a 3 dB boost to the frequency range of600 Hz or higher. This is suited forcommunication that attenuates gradually as itapproaches the low frequency range.User 1 (U1) Frequency characteristics can be adjustedaccording to the user’ preferences and stored inthe options between User 1 and User 3. The flatfrequency characteristic is selected in thedefault setting.User 2 (U2)User 3 (U3)TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS  88-5
.TX Characteristic CurveFrequency (Hz)OFFHB1HB2FPBB1BB2C05-5-10-30-25-20-1510100103102101Adjusting the TX EqualizerThe frequency characteristics of the TX equalizer can be adjustedto produce the desired sound quality.1Press and hold F [TX EQ] to display the TX Equalizerscreen.2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a characteristic.3Press F3 [ADJ] to display the TX EqualizerAdjustment screen..4Press F3 [ ]/ F4 [ ] to select the frequencyband to adjust.5Press F5 [–]/ F6 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto adjust the level of each frequency band.•Touching a point on the RX Equalizer Adjustment screenselects the corresponding band and changes the frequencyto the selected level.An alternative way is to touch a rough point followed by fine-tuning in steps 3 and 4.•Pressing and holding F2 [(RESET)] resets all the frequencylevels to the default setting.Copying the TX Equalizer SettingsEqualizer effects that are configured according to the user’spreferences can be copied and saved as user-defined settings.1Press and hold F [TX EQ] to display the TX Equalizerscreen.2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a characteristic..3Press F5 [COPY].A message with instructions on how to specify the destinationfor saving the settings is displayed..•To copy after adjusting the TX equalizer settings, press F5[COPY] on the TX Equalizer Adjustment screen.4Press F2 [USER1], F3 [USER2] or F4 [USER3] tospecify the destination for saving the settings.•Copying of the TX equalizer settings is complete and thedisplay returns to the TX Equalizer screen.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] returns the display to the TXEqualizer screen without copying the settings.Saving the TX Equalizer SettingsThe steps to write the TX equalizer settings data are as follows.•Before doing so, configure the destination for saving the data in“File Storage Location” of the “USB/File Management Menu” to“Internal Memory” or “USB Flash Drive”.•To save the data to a USB flash drive, insert a USB flash driveformatted using this transceiver into   (USB-A).1Press and hold F [TX EQ] to display the TX Equalizerscreen.2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a characteristic..3Press F7 [SAVE].A message indicating that saving is complete is displayed..4Press F4 [OK] to end the process.●The saved file is named in the “yyyymmdd_hhmmss”format. The extension of the saved file is “.equ”.(Example) If the date is 10:20:30 a.m., February 15, 2018:20180215_102030.equ●The name of the destination folder is as follows. (The namevaries depending on the destination for saving files.)USB flash drive: “KENWOOD\TS-890\SETTINGS\RX_EQ”Built-in memory: “SETTINGS\RX_EQ”●When removing the USB flash drive, make sure to execute“Safe Removal of USB Flash Drive”. (See 11-6)8 TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS8-6
Reading the TX Equalizer SettingsThe steps to read the TX equalizer settings that are saved in theinternal memory or USB flash drive are as follows.•To read data from a USB flash drive, insert the USB flash drivecontaining the TX equalizer data into   (USB-A).1Press and hold F [TX EQ] to display the TX Equalizerscreen.2Press F2[ ] / F3[ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH] control to select an equalizer characteristic toread..3Press F6 [READ] to display the File (TX EQ.) screen.•The File (TX Equalizer) screen appears..•To read data from the internal memory, press F7 [INT.MEM].•To read data from the USB flash drive, press F7[USB.MEM].•Pressing F1 [ ] exits data file selection and returns thedisplay to the TX Equalizer screen.•Pressing F6 [DELETE] displays a message to confirmdeletion of the file. Pressing F4 [OK] deletes the file.•Pressing F5 [NAME] allows the file name to be changed.4Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a file.5Press F4 [OK] to read the settings data.•A “reading” message appears while reading is in progress,which changes to a “reading complete” message whenreading is complete.6Press F4 [OK].●When removing the USB flash drive, make sure to followthe proper steps on the USB screen to remove the devicesafely. (See 11-6)●Even if the equalizer type selected in step 3 is differentfrom the equalizer type that is associated with the file toread, the settings data read will overwrite the TXequalizer selected in step 3.TX TuningThis is a function that transmits constant output carriercontinuously regardless of the current TX mode. It is used forpurposes such as adjusting external antenna tuners or linearamplifiers.Assign TX tuning (“TX Tune 1” or “TX Tune 2”) to a PF key. Formore details, please refer to “PF (Programmable Functions)”.Toggling between transmission and reception eachtime the key is pressed:1Press the PF key that is assigned with “TX Tune 1”.•Transmits with a continuous carrier in the CW mode.•“TX TUNE” blinks.•The meter switches to SWR.2Press the PF key that is assigned with “TX Tune 1”again.Stops transmission and returns to the original mode.Activating transmission only while the key is pressed:1Press the PF key that is assigned with “TX Tune 2”.•Transmits in the CW mode while the key is pressed.•“TX TUNE” blinks.•The meter switches to SWR.2Release the PF key that is assigned with “TX Tune2”.Stops transmission and returns to the original mode.Adjusting TX Output Power during TX Tuning1Press and hold F [MAX-Po] to display the TransmitPower Limit screen..2Press F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] to select a frequencyband.The settings of the selected frequency band column can bechanged.3Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select the “TX TunePower” (horizontal row).4Press F6 [–]/ F7 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto select a TX output power.SettingValue 5 to 10 (default) to 100 [W] (1-step)TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS  88-7
Timeout Timer (TOT)This function forcibly stops transmission and restores the receivingstatus when the preconfigured TX time is exceeded.Configure in Menu [6-02] “Time-out Timer”SettingValue Off (default)/ 3/ 5/ 10/ 20/ 30 [min]ID BeepDuring continuous transmission via the [SEND] key, [PTT] on themicrophone or the SS/PKS function on the rear panel, a beep tone(ID ID “・・ ‒・・ ・・ ‒・・”) is output whenever thepreconfigured duration from the time transmission starts isexceeded.Configure in Menu [6-05] “ID Beep”SettingValue Off (default)/ 1 to 30 [min] (1 step)●The transceiver may not function as intended in somecases as it may return to the receiving state during CWbreak-in or VOX transmission.8 TRANSMIT FUNCTIONS8-8
This transceiver comes with 120 memory channels, each of whichcan be used for registering operating data.The 120 memory channels are divided into 3 types which areassigned respectively with the following channel numbers: 00 to99, P0 to P9 and E0 to E9. Below is a general outline of therespective memory channel types.00 to 99 (standard memory channels):For registering operating data that are frequently used.P0 to P9 (memory channels for specific bandsegments):For registering programmable VFO or program scan frequencyranges.E0 to E9 (expanded memory channels):These can be used in the same way as the standard memorychannels.Data that can be registered in each of the memory channels areas follows.Operating DataChannel00 to 99/E0 to E9 P0 to P9RX Frequency(Simplex)TX FrequencyRX Mode(Simplex)TX ModeSplit OperationStart FrequencyEnd FrequencyTone/CTCSS/Cross ToneTone FrequencyCTCSS FrequencyMemory NameLockoutDisplaying the Memory Channel ListSettings registered in a memory channel can be displayed on theMemory Channel List screen. The channel for registeringoperating frequency data or the channel to use can be selected onthe Memory Channel List screen.Memory channels can be assigned with names on this screen.A memory channel can be selected on the Memory Channel Listscreen.1Press F7 [M.LIST] to display the Memory ChannelList screen..•The selected memory channel is indicated in white color.When registering data to the memory channel, it changesinto a pink display.•Pressing F7 [EXTEND] enlarges the Memory Channel Listscreen display. Pressing it again restores the screen to theoriginal size.2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a memory channel.Operating frequency data that are displayed on the MemoryChannel List screen are as follows.Operating Data DescriptionCHDisplays the channel number.00 to 99: standard memory channelsP0 to P9: memory channels for specific bandsegmentsE0 to E9: expanded memory channelsFrequency 1Registers a single frequency and mode for simplexchannels. (Simplex operation frequency or radiostation frequency)Registers the RX frequency and mode during splitoperation for split channels.Registers the start frequency and mode of a bandsegment for memory channels assigned tospecific band segments.Frequency 2This is left blank in the case of simplex channels.Registers the TX frequency and mode during splitoperation for split channels.Registers the end frequency and mode of a bandsegment for memory channels assigned tospecific band segments.Name Displays the name of the memory channel.Lockout Displays the lockout status of the respectivememory channels. Memory scan is not performedfor channels selected with a check mark.MEMORY CHANNELS  99 MEMORY CHANNELS9-1
Registering Operating Frequency Data to a MemoryChannelThe steps to register the frequency and mode to the memorychannel are as follows.•To register a split channel, press [SPLIT] to switch to the splitmode and operate accordingly.1Configure the frequency and mode to register.2Press F7 [M.LIST] to display the Memory ChannelList screen.3Press [M.IN].4Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the memory channel forregistering the operating data.•Choose a memory channel from 00 to 99 or E0 to E9.5Press [M.IN] or F4 [M.IN] to register the operatingdata.•Pressing F1 [CANCEL] or [ESC] exits the Memory ChannelList screen without registering the operating data to thememory channel.Configuring the Operating Data through DirectFrequency EntryThe numeric keypad can be used to register a frequency to amemory channel or make changes to an operating data that isalready registered to a memory channel.This is handy for adjusting the frequency to a station with a fixedfrequency.1Turn the [MULTI/CH] control to select the memorychannel (00 to 99 or E0 to E9) for registering theoperating data.2Press [ENT] to enable use of the numeric keypad.•The frequency entry mode starts up in the correspondingband with all the frequency digits appearing as “-”.•To change the operating mode, press the mode key..3Key in a frequency value using the numeric keypad.•“-” changes into a numeric value when a numeric key is pressedand a value can be input starting from the highest-order digit.•To enter 1.82 MHz, press [0/50], [1/1.8], [8/24] followed by[2/3.5], and press [ENT] when input is complete.•To enter a frequency lower than 6 MHz for K typetransceivers, start by keying in a “0”.•To enter a frequency lower than 8 MHz for E typetransceivers, start by keying in a “0”.•Pressing [CLR] clears the input and exits the frequencyentry mode.4Press [ENT] to register the operating data.The operating data is now registered to the memory channelselected in step 2.Memory Channel ModeAn operating data can be called up from a memory channel fortransmission or reception. Operating data such as the TX and RXfrequencies, mode and tone can be changed temporarily.Operating in the Memory Channel ModeFollow the steps below to call up the operating data of a memorychannel. Operating data that is registered in the memory channelselected on the memory channel list is called up.1Pressing [M/V] in the VFO mode to switch to thememory channel mode.The selected band switches to the operating data that isregistered in the memory channel on the memory channel list,and the memory channel number that is used is displayed onthe screen..2Press [UP] or [DOWN] on the microphone or turn the[MULTI/CH] control to switch to the target memorychannel.3Pressing [M/V] again exits the memory channelmode.The transceiver returns to the VFO mode.Direct Entry of a Memory Channel NumberA memory channel number can be selected by pressing thecorresponding number on the numeric keypad.1Enter the tens digit of the memory channel using thenumeric keypad.•The tens digit of the channel number is being entered for theselected band while the ones digit appears as “-”.2Enter the ones digit of the memory channel usingthe numeric keypad.•The operating data corresponding to the entered number iscalled up and the channel number entry mode ends.•Pressing [CLR] clears the input and exits the channelnumber entry mode.9 MEMORY CHANNELS9-2
Changing the Memory Channel TemporarilyDuring operation in the memory channel mode, it is possible tochange the frequency and mode temporarily without affecting theregistered memory channel settings.Changing the Frequency TemporarilyFollow the steps below to change the frequency temporarily.1Configure Menu [4-01] “Temporary Change(Memory Channel Configurations)” to “On”.SettingValue Off (default)/ On2Press [M/V] to switch to the memory channel mode.3Turn the Tuning control to alter the frequency.To register a frequency that has been changed, store it in adifferent memory channel.●For memory channels assigned to specific bandsegments, changing the frequency or mode alters theoperating data that is registered in the correspondingmemory channel regardless of this setting.●Operating data related to the operating mode and FMtone can be altered temporarily regardless of this setting.Copying the Operating Data of a MemoryChannelOperating data of a memory channel can be copied to a VFO oranother memory channel.Memory Shift (Memory → VFO)The operating data of a memory channel can be copied to a VFO.It comes in handy when the frequency to use is near the frequencyregistered in a memory channel.Selecting a Memory Channel and Copying to VFO1Turn the [MULTI/CH] control in the memory channelmode to select a memory channel.2Press and hold [M/V], or press F6 [M   VFO] to copythe operating data to the VFO.The operating data of the selected memory channel is copiedto the VFO.•The transceiver exits the memory channel mode and entersthe VFO mode.•When the operating data is temporarily changed, the alteredoperating data is copied to the VFO.•Operating data of memory channels assigned to specificband segments cannot be copied to a VFO.•Operating data that is registered in “Frequency 1” is copiedto the VFO.•Performing memory shift of a split memory channel copiesthe information of Frequency 1 to VFO A and that ofFrequency 2 to VFO B and switches the VFO mode to thesplit state.Copying Data from the Memory Channel List Screento VFO1Press F7 [M.LIST] to display the Memory ChannelList screen.2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a memory channel.3Press and hold [M/V], or press F4 [M   VFO] to copythe operating data to the VFO.•After operating data is copied to a VFO, the data at thesource will be erased.•The transceiver exits the memory channel mode and entersthe VFO mode.•Operating data of memory channels assigned to specificband segments cannot be copied to a VFO.•When in the VFO mode, operating data that is registered inthe memory channel selected on the Memory Channel Listscreen is copied to the VFO.Channel-to-Channel CopyingOperating data of a memory channel can also be copied to anothermemory channel. This is useful in cases such as when sorting theregistered memory channels in a certain sequence.1Press F7 [M.LIST] to display the Memory ChannelList screen.2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the memory channel for which theoperating data is to be copied.3Press F6 [COPY] to copy the operating data.•The memory channel that is being copied changes into apink display.4Press F2[ ]/ F3[ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the memory channel forregistering the copied operating data.5Press F4 [M.IN] to end the process.•Operating data of the memory channel selected in step 2 iscopied to the memory channel selected in step 4.•Pressing F1 [CANCEL] or [ESC] ends the operation withoutcopying the operating data.●Operating data of the standard memory channels (00 to99) and expanded memory channels (E0 to E9) cannotbe copied to memory channels assigned to specific bandsegments (P0 to P9). The same applies to copying frommemory channels for specific band segments tostandard and expanded memory channels.●Operating data cannot be copied from memory channelsthat are not registered with operating data.MEMORY CHANNELS  99-3
Configuring the Program Scan FrequencyRangeThe frequency range for programmable VFO or program scan canbe registered to the memory channels from P0 to P9. Register thestart frequency and end frequency in advance to enable changesto the frequency or scanning operation within a specific range.For more details on program scan, please refer to Chapter 10.1When in the VFO mode, turn the Tuning or[MULTI/CH] control to align the VFO frequency withthe frequency at which to start scanning.2Press [M.IN] to display the Memory Channel Listscreen.3Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the memory channel (P0 to P9) forregistering the frequency range.4Press F4 [M.IN] or [M.IN] to register the startfrequency.The start frequency is registered to “Frequency 1”.5Turn the Tuning or [MULTI/CH] control to align theVFO frequency with the end frequency.6Press F4 [M.IN] or [M.IN] to register the endfrequency.The end frequency is registered to “Frequency 2” and thetransceiver exits the Memory Channel List screen.Erasing Memory ChannelsData from a registered memory channel can be erased.1Press F7 [M.LIST] to display the Memory ChannelList screen.2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a memory channel to be erased.3Press and hold F4 [(CLEAR)] to erase the operatingdata.●When the operating data of a memory channel is erasedduring operating in the memory channel mode, thecorresponding channel number will be maintained butthere will be no registered data inside.●To erase all the memory channels, perform memorychannel reset.Registering a Memory Channel NameEach memory channel can also be assigned with a name. Thename should contain not more than 10 characters (alphanumericcharacters and symbols).1Press F7 [M.LIST] to display the Memory ChannelList screen.2Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the memory channel to be named.3Press F4 [NAME].4Use the function keys, [MULTI/CH] control or USBkeyboard to enter a name.•Enter a name that contains not more than 10 characters.Key BehaviorF1 [SPACE] Inserts a space.F2 [–]/ F3 [+] Selects a character.F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] Moves the cursor.F [BACK SPACE] Deletes the character to the left of thecursor.F [DEL] Deletes the character to the right of thecursor.F [CHAR]Switches the type of character to edit.Pressing the key each time switches theselection in the following sequence:ABC (upper case) → abc (lower case)→ !”# (symbols) → ABC (upper case).5Press F6 [SAVE] to register the name.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] returns the display to the MemoryChannel List screen without assigning a name to thememory channel.●Characters that can be used are characters that can beinput using the keyboard selected in menu [9-01]“Keyboard Language (USB Keyboard)”.●Quick memory channels cannot be assigned with aname.●Only memory channels that contain registered operatingdata can be assigned a name.9 MEMORY CHANNELS9-4
Quick Memory ChannelsQuick memory is a function that enables speedy registration oftemporary data without specifying a memory channel. Forexample, this function is useful for registering the operating dataof the mobile station that this transceiver communicates with whenmoving within a specific band to search for a DX station.A quick memory channel can be called up only during operation inthe VFO mode. The following types of operating data can beregistered to a quick memory channel.•Frequency/mode of VFO A and VFO B•TX and RX functions•Status of the RIT function•Status of the XIT function•RIT/XIT frequency•Status of the FINE-tuning function•Status of the noise blanker•Noise reduction status•Status of the beat canceler•Status of the notch filter function•RX filterRegistering a Quick Memory ChannelUp to 10 quick memory channels (Q0 to Q9) can be registered onthis transceiver. The latest operating data that is registered isassigned to “Q0”. Whenever operating data is newly registered,the current registered data in “Q0” will be shifted to “Q1”, while thenewly-registered data will occupy the “Q0” channel.Press [Q-M.IN] to register the operating data to thequick memory channel.•When in the VFO mode, pressing [Q-M.IN] registers theoperating data to the channel 0.•When in the quick memory channel mode, pressing[Q-M.IN] registers the operating data to the selected quickmemory channel.•Each time new operating data is registered, the currently-registered data will be shifted to the next larger channelnumber.●When the memory channel mode is active, pressing[Q-M.IN] does not register data to a quick memorychannel.●If all the quick memory channels are occupied withregistered data, pressing [Q-M.IN] erases the oldestoperating data which is stored in the largest quickmemory channel number.Calling up a Quick Memory ChannelFollow the steps below to call up a registered quick memorychannel.1Press [Q-MR] to call up the operating data from thequick memory channel.Displays the quick memory channel number.2Turn the [MULTI/CH] control to switch the quickmemory channel.•Pressing [Q-MR] again exits the quick memory channelmode and returns the transceiver to the VFO mode.●When data is retrieved from a memory channel for useor when operating data is not registered to the quickmemory channel, pressing [Q-MR] does not call up thequick memory channel.●Temporary changes can be made to the frequency andother operating data without affecting the operating datathat is registered in the quick memory channel. Toregister the operating data after changes are made,press [Q-M.IN] to register it to a quick memory.Configuring the Number of Quick Memory ChannelsThis transceiver comes with 10 quick memory channels (Q0 toQ9). However, it is possible to customize the number of quickmemory channels for registering data.Configure in Menu [4-00] “Number of Quick MemoryChannels”SettingValue 3/ 5 (default)/ 10 [ch]●When the number of quick memory channels is reducedfrom a larger to a smaller number, registered data thatexceeds the smaller number of channels will be erased.●The preconfigured number of quick memory channelscannot be changed when a quick memory channel isbeing called up.Erasing a Quick Memory ChannelFollow the steps below to erase all registered operating data fromthe quick memory channels.1Press [Q-MR] to call up a quick memory channel.2Press and hold [Q-MR].A message appears which prompts the user to confirm deletionof all the operating data in the quick memory channels..3Press F4 [OK] to erase the operating data.•Operating data is erased from the quick memory channelsand the transceiver switches to the VFO mode.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] clears the confirmation messagewithout erasing the operating data from the quick memorychannels.MEMORY CHANNELS  99-5
Memory Shift (Quick Memory → VFO)Follow the steps below to copy the operating data of a quickmemory channel to the VFO.1Press [Q-MR] to call up a quick memory channel.2Turn the [MULTI/CH] control to select the quickmemory channel for which the operating data is tobe copied.3Press and hold [M/V], or press F6 [M   VFO].•Operating data is copied from the quick memory channel tothe VFO and the transceiver switches to the VFO mode.•When the operating data is temporarily changed, the alteredoperating data is copied to the VFO.9 MEMORY CHANNELS9-6
Scan is a function that searches for signals by automaticallyaltering the frequency. This transceiver makes use of the followingscan methods to search for signals.Scan Type PurposeNormal ScanProgram ScanPerforms scan in the frequencyranges that are registered in thememory channels for specific bandsegments (P0 to P9).VFO ScanPerforms scan on the entire RXfrequency band. When ProgramScan is set to OFF for all thememory channels for specific bandsegments, Program Scan switchesautomatically to VFO Scan.However, when VFO Scan isselected, VFO Scan is performedeven when not all channels are setto OFF.Scan UsingMemoryChannelsAll-ChannelScan Scans all Memory channels from 00to 99, P0 to P9, and E0 to E9.Group Scan Scans the grouped memorychannels.Quick MemoryScan Scans the Quick Memory channels.Program ScanProgram Scan performs scan between the range specified by thestart and end frequencies which are registered in the each ofmemory channels for specific band segments (P0 to P9).•Configure the frequency range for Program Scan in the memorychannels for specific band segments (P0 to P9). Up to 10frequency ranges that are transmitted by specific stations canbe preconfigured. Enabling standby in a nearby frequencymakes it easy to perform tuning to a specific station when thestation starts communication in the preconfigured frequencyrange.●Program Scan performs scan between the start and endfrequencies of a memory channel for specific bandsegments and moves to the next channel after scanningof the specified frequency range has ended.●While scanning is in progress, turning the Tuning or[MULTI/CH] control allows the frequency to be changedquickly. The same operation can also be used to changethe scanning direction.●Scanning is performed in the ascending order from lowto high frequency. Configuring the end frequency to avalue smaller than the start frequency by turning theTuning or [MULTI/CH] control reverses the scanningdirection (high to low frequency).●Scanning is performed based on the step frequency ofthe Tuning control when in the SSB, CW, FSK and PSKmodes, while it is based on the step frequency of the[MULTI/CH] control when in the FM mode, and fixed at100 Hz in the AM mode.●Scanning stops when signals are received whileperforming Program Scan (VFO Scan) in the FM modeor during Memory Scan (All-channel Scan or GroupScan) or Quick Memory Scan regardless of the operatingmode. For more information on the conditions to resumescanning, please refer to “Configuring the Conditions forResuming Scan”.●During standby for the CTCSS tone in the FM mode,scan stops only when there is a matching CTCSS tone.●When the [SQL] control is turned to the right to a levelthat far exceeds the squelch threshold while in the FMmode, scanning may not stop even at a channel wherea signal is present. Configure the squelch level to a pointthat is near the squelch threshold.Starting the Program Scan (VFO Scan)1Press [M/V] to switch to VFO mode.2Press F5 [SCAN] to start program scan (VFO scan).•Pressing F5 [SCAN] again or [ESC] ends the Program Scan(VFO Scan)..Configuring the Program Scan (VFO Scan)Frequency RangeScanning can be configured to the frequency range specified inthe memory channels for specific band segments (Program Scan)or the entire RX frequency band (VFO Scan).To perform Program Scan, register the memory channels forspecific band segments.1Press [M/V] to switch to VFO mode.2Press and hold F5 [SCAN] to display the ProgramScan segment screen..3Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select a memorychannel for specific band segments.4Press F4 [ ] to select whether to scan thememory channel for specific band segments.•Pressing F4 [ ] each time selects (performs scan) ordeselects (does not perform scan) the checkbox.•When performing VFO Scan, deselect the checkboxes forall the memory channels for specific band segments or press[VFO/PRG] to switch the display to “VFO SCAN”.•Pressing F6 [SEL.ALL] selects the checkboxes for all thememory channels for specific band segments.•Pressing F7 [CLR.ALL] deselects the checkboxes for all thememory channels for specific band segments.SCAN  1010 SCAN10-1
●Examples on the configuration of Program Scan andVFO Scan:•Configure the memory channels for specific bandsegments such that the checkboxes for P1, P3 andP5 are selected. Next, press F5 [SCAN]. ProgramScan starts and scanning is performed in thefrequency range registered for the respectivechannels.•Configure the memory channels for specific bandsegments such that all the checkboxes aredeselected and press F [SCAN]. Or press [VFO/PRG] to switch the display to “VFO SCAN”. VFO Scanis performed on the entire RX frequency band.•The checkbox will remain deselected for memorychannels that do not contain any operating data.These checkboxes cannot be selected.•For more details on registering memory channels forspecific band segments, please refer to 9-4“Configuring the Program Scan Frequency Range”.Switching the Scan SpeedThe time interval for switching the Program Scan (VFO Scan)frequency can be configured in modes other than FM.1Press F3 [–] or F4 [+] while Program Scan (or VFOScan) is in progress.The scan speed is shown below the frequency display..The frequency switching interval changes as follows.Scan Speed Display Frequency Switching IntervalSCAN-SPD1 10 msSCAN-SPD2 30 msSCAN-SPD3 100 msSCAN-SPD4 150 msSCAN-SPD5 200 msSCAN-SPD6 250 msSCAN-SPD7 300 msSCAN-SPD8 350 msSCAN-SPD9 400 msProgram Slow ScanProgram Slow Scan is a function that extends the frequencyswitching interval (performs scan more slowly) using thepreconfigured frequency for performing Program Scan (frequencypoint) and the frequencies before and after this point (segment).Switching slowly between the specified frequency (frequencypoint) and the corresponding segment allows the communicationstatus to be checked in detail.•To perform Program Slow Scan, register a frequency range toa memory channel for specific band segments in advance.Turning ON/OFF Program Slow ScanTo combine the use of Program Slow Scan while Program Scan isrunning, set Program Slow Scan to ON in advance.•When scanned frequency falls in the segment for Program SlowScan during Program Scan, “SCAN-SLOW” is displayed on thescreen and the speed of frequency switching slows down.Configure in Menu [4-02] “Program Slow Scan”SettingValue Off/ On (default)Configuring the Frequency Points for Program SlowScanThe frequency points for extending the frequency switchinginterval during Program Slow Scan can be configured as follows.•Up to 5 frequency points can be configured for each memorychannel assigned to specific band segments (P0 to P9).•To configure the frequency points, register a band segment toa memory channel for specific band segments in advance.1Press [M/V] to switch to the memory channel mode.2Press F7 [M.LIST] to display the Memory ChannelList screen..3Press F2 [ ] or F3 [ ], or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a memory channel for specificband segments.4Press F5 [SLW.SCN] to display the Program SlowScan screen..5Turn the Tuning control and align the “Current”frequency as the frequency point for Program SlowScan.6Press any of the function keys (F2 [POINT 1] to F6[POINT 5]) to configure the center point of thepreferred frequency range to perform ProgramSlow Scan.•Pressing and holding the key clears the frequency point thatis stored.•Pressing and holding F7 [(CLR ALL)] clears all thefrequency points.10 SCAN10-2
7Press F1 [ ] to exit the Program Slow Scanscreen.The display returns to the Memory Channel List screen.●Pressing a function key (F2 [Point 1] to F6 [POINT 5])that already contains a frequency point overwrites thefrequency point with the new input.●When configuring a frequency point, frequencies that aresmaller than 10 Hz are rounded off.Configuring the Segment for Program Slow ScanThe frequency switching interval during Program Scan slows downin the preconfigured segment that contains frequencies before andafter the frequency point for Program Slow Scan.Configure in Menu [4-03] “Program Slow ScanRange”SettingValue 100/ 200/ 300 (default)/ 400/ 500 [Hz]•For example, when 500 [Hz] is selected, the frequencyswitching interval is extended to a range of ± 500 Hz fromthe frequency point.Scan HoldWhile Program Scan (VFO Scan) is performed in a mode otherthan FM, changing the frequency by turning the Tuning or [MULTI/CH] control pauses the scan operation for 5 seconds.Signals can be received temporarily without stopping the scanoperation.Configure in Menu [4-04] “Scan Hold”SettingValue Off (default)/ OnWhen Scan Hold is set to “On”, signals are received withProgram Scan paused for 5 seconds.Memory ScanMemory Scan allows the registered memory channel to beautomatically switched at a specific time interval for scanning.There are 2 types of Memory Scan modes. All-channel Scanperforms scan on all the memory channels that are registered withoperating data, while Group Scan performs scan on a selectedgroup among the memory channels.Performing Memory Scan1Press [M/V] to switch to the memory channel mode.2Press F5 [SCAN] to start memory scan.•Turning the [MULTI/CH] control allows the scan channel tojump rapidly to the next or previous channels.•Pressing F5 [SCAN] again or pressing [ESC] ends MemoryScan.•The scan direction is fixed at the ascending order.●The frequency switching interval during Memory Scan is400 ms. However, when a CTCSS tone is received in theFM mode, the frequency switching interval is extendedto 600 ms. During Memory Scan, “SCANNING” isdisplayed instead of the scan speed.Configuring All-channel Scan and Group Scan1Press [M/V] to switch to the memory channel mode.2Press and hold F5 [SCAN] to display the MemoryScan group screen..3Press F2 [ ] or F3 [ ] to select a memorygroup.4Press F4 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH] control toselect whether to start scanning of the memorychannels belonging to a memory group.•Pressing F4 [ ] each time selects (performs scan) ordeselects (does not perform scan) the checkbox.•When performing All-channel Scan, select the checkboxesfor all the memory groups.•Pressing F6 [SEL.ALL] selects the checkboxes for allmemory groups.•Pressing F7 [CLR.ALL] deselects the checkboxes for allmemory groups.•Memory channels are classified into memory groups asfollows. The classification of the memory groups andchannels cannot be altered.Group MemoryChannel Group MemoryChannel0 00 to 09 6 60 to 691 10 to 19 7 70 to 792 20 to 29 8 80 to 993 30 to 39 9 90 to 994 40 to 49 P P0 to P95 50 to 59 E E0 to E9SCAN  1010-3
●Pressing F5 [SCAN] does not start the scan operationwhen the memory groups to be scanned are configuredas follows.•When the checkboxes for all the memory groups aredeselected.•When operating data is not stored in the memorychannels of a memory group, even if the checkboxesof the memory group are selected.•When all the memory channels belonging to amemory group are locked out, even if the checkboxesof the memory group are selected.●Examples on the configuration of All-channel Scan andGroup Scan:•When the checkboxes for Memory Groups 1 and 5 areselected, pressing F5 [SCAN] activates Group Scan.In this case, scan is performed on the memorychannels included in Memory Groups 1 and 5.•When the checkboxes for all memory groups areselected, pressing F5 [SCAN] activates All-channelScan.Memory Channel LockoutSelected memory channels can be omitted (locked out) in advancebefore performing Memory Scan.1Press F7 [M.LIST] to display the Memory ChannelList.2Press F2 [ ] or F3 [ ], or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a memory channel.3Press F6 [L.OUT] to lock out the memory channel.•Lockout is applied to memory channels for which the“Lockout” checkbox is selected.•Pressing F6 [L.OUT] again cancels the lockout mode.•“L.OUT” lights up in the standard mode screen andcompression mode screen..Quick Memory ScanQuick Memory Scan allows the registered quick memory channelto be automatically switched at a specific time interval forscanning.1Press [Q-MR] to call up a quick memory channel..2Press F5 [SCAN] to start quick memory scan.•Turning the [MULTI/CH] control allows the scan channel tojump rapidly to the next or previous channels.•Pressing F5 [SCAN] again or pressing [ESC] ends QuickMemory Scan.•The scan direction is fixed at the ascending order.Configuring the Conditions for Resuming ScanScanning stops when signals are received while performingProgram Scan (VFO Scan) in the FM mode or during Memory Scanor Quick Memory Scan regardless of the operating mode.•The conditions for resuming the scan operation after it hasstopped can be configured.Time-operated (Time-operated mode):Pauses scan for 3 seconds after signals are received. Continuesto pause scan for another 3 seconds if signal reception is still inprogress after 3 seconds.Scan operation resumes after this interval even if reception is stillongoing. (The maximum duration for pausing scan using the time-operated mode is 6 seconds.)Carrier-operated (Carrier-operated mode):Pauses scan while signals are received. Scan operation resumeswhen signals are not received for a duration of 2 seconds.Configure in Menu [4-05] “Scan Resume”SettingValue Time-operated (default)/ Carrier-operated10 SCAN10-4
Managing Different File TypesThe following data can be stored as files on this transceiver.•Settings data of the transceiver•Settings data of TX and RX equalizers•Audio data of manual and full-time recordings•Audio data of timer recordings•Screen capture image data (can be stored but cannot bedisplayed on this transceiver)•CW, RTTY and PSK communication log data•KNS communication log data (can be stored but cannot bedisplayed on this transceiver)Destination for Saving FilesFiles are stored in the built-in memory of the transceiver (maximumcapacity of 1 GB) in the default setting. However, settings can bechanged for files to be saved to a USB flash drive that is connectedto the transceiver.Copying Files Stored in the Built-in Memory to anExternal SourceFiles that are stored in the built-in memory of the transceiver canbe copied to a PC that is connected to this transceiver via a USBcable.Folder Configuration of the Built-in MemoryWhen copying files to a PC via a USB cable, the built-in memoryof the transceiver is recognized on the PC as a removable devicewith the name “TS-890”. The folder configuration of the “TS-890”removable device is as follows..TS-890CAPTUREDECODEKNS_LOGRX_RECSETTINGSTIMER_RECCWFSKPSKDATARX_EQTX_EQFolder for audio files of timer recordingsFolder for TX equalizer data filesFolder for RX equalizer data filesFolder for settings data filesFolder for audio files of manual and full-time recordingsFolder for KNS communication log filesFolder for PSK communication log filesFolder for FSK communication log filesFolder for CW communication log filesFolder for captured image files●All the folders above are read-only files. They cannot beedited or deleted on the PC.●Among the folders above, only those selected by theoperations in “Copying Files to a PC” (see 11-4) willappear under “TS-890” removable device.Folder Configuration of the USB Flash Drive.Folder for screen saver image filesFolder for audio files of timer recordingsFolder for TX equalizer data filesFolder for RX equalizer data filesFolder for settings data filesFolder for audio files of manual and full-time recordingsFolder for KNS communication log filesFolder for PSK communication log filesFolder for FSK communication log filesFolder for CW communication log filesFolder for captured image filesTS-890CAPTUREDECODEKNS_LOGIMAGERX_RECSETTINGSTIMER_RECCWFSKPSKDATARX_EQTX_EQKENWOODImage Files for Use as Screen SaversWrite image files to be used as screen savers (Type 3) in advanceto the “Folder for screen saver image files (IMAGE)” of the USBflash drive such as via a PC before loading them into the built-inmemory of the transceiver.●For more details on the method of configuration, pleaserefer to “Configuring the Screen Saver”. (16-1)Saving Files (For Both USB Flash Drive and Built-inMemory)•When the date and time are not configured in the CLOCK menu,the recorded date and time when the file is saved is determinedwith the timing at which this transceiver is powered on asJanuary 1, 2018, 0:00.•A maximum number of 255 files can be stored in each folder.When trying to save files that exceed this number, an erroroccurs and a screen showing “Insufficient Memory Size” isdisplayed.•If the USB flash drive is write-protected when writing files to theUSB flash drive, an error occurs and a screen showing“Insufficient Memory Size” is displayed.Compatible USB Flash Drives•This transceiver does not come supplied with a USB flash drive.Use a commercially available USB flash drive.•The USB flash drive needs to be formatted by this transceiverbefore it can be used. After formatting is complete, a folder isautomatically created in the USB flash drive. (Formatted toFAT32)•When formatting is performed, any file that exists on the USBflash drive will be erased. To prevent data from being lost, backup the necessary files to devices such as a PC beforeformatting.•When a compatible USB flash drive is connected to thistransceiver, any data that is not found in the folder configurationwill be automatically created.•If multiple USB flash drives are connected to this transceiver atthe same time, only the first USB flash drive that is recognizedcan be used.●A USB flash drive and USB keyboard can also beconnected at the same time via a USB hub.●The USB-A connector of this transceiver supports theUSB 1.1 standard. The USB flash drive is capable ofrunning at the Full Speed (maximum 12 Mbps) transferrate.●We do not provide guarantee with regard to the operationand power supply of all USB devices that arecommercially available.●When using an extension cable, make use of one thatcomplies with the USB standard with a length not longerthan 3 m.●If the power consumption of the connected deviceexceeds the allowable current of this transceiver (0.5 A),a “USB bus power error screen” is displayed.●This transceiver does not support security-enabled USBflash drives.USB/FILE MANAGEMENT  1111 USB/FILE MANAGEMENT11-1
USB/File Management Menu Screen1Press [MENU].2Press F [USB/FILE] to display the USB/FileManagement menu screen..Configuring the Destination for Saving FilesFollow the steps below to select the destination for saving filessuch as the transceiver data and audio recordings.1Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select “File StorageLocation”.2Press F4 [SELECT].3Press F4 [–]/ F5 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto select the destination for saving the files.SettingValue Internal Memory (default)/ USB Flash DriveInternal Memory: Saves files to the built-in memory of thetransceiver.USB Flash Drive: Saves files to a USB flash drive.●The destination for saving files cannot be changed whilemanual recording or CW/RTTY/PSK communication logrecording is in progress. Pressing F4 [SELECT] in thiscase displays a “File destination change error” on thescreen.Saving Settings DataSettings data or audio data created using this transceiver can alsobe written to the built-in memory or a USB flash drive.•To save the data to a USB flash drive, insert a USB flash driveformatted using this transceiver into   (USB-A).•<< >> starts to blink when a USB flash drive is connected,and << >> lights up when the USB flash drive is recognizedby this transceiver.1Select “Save Configuration Data” in the USB/FileManagement menu.2Press F4 [SELECT].File saving starts.•While file saving is in progress, a “processing” screen isdisplayed on the screen. (This is not displayed if the durationof the saving process is very short.)3When the “data saving complete screen” isdisplayed, press F4 [OK].●The settings data contains the data of all settings that arecurrently configured on this transceiver. However, thefollowing are excluded.•Data that are stored in the operating environment(CONFIG A or B) that is not currently selected.•Screen capture image files•Audio data files of manual recordings, full-timerecordings and timer recordings•Settings data files of TX and RX equalizers•CW/TTY/PSK communication log files•KNS communication log files•Image files for screen savers (Type 3)●The destination folder cannot be selected.•USB flash drive: “\KENWOOD\TS-890\SETTINGS\DATA”•Built-in memory: “\SETTINGS\DATA”●The extension of the saved file is “.dat”.●The saved file is assigned with a name using the dateand time in the following format:“yyyymmdd_hhmmss.dat”.●(Example)•20180215_102030.dat (File that is saved on February15, 2018, 10:20:30 a.m.)●To save files to a USB flash drive, check the following inadvance.•The USB flash drive is formatted by this transceiver.•The USB flash drive is correctly inserted into thistransceiver.•There is sufficient free space on the USB flash drive.•The USB flash drive is not write-protected or the filesystem is not corrupted.●If there is insufficient memory, “Insufficient Memory Size”is displayed on the screen.●If the USB flash drive is removed while files are beingsaved to it, “Saving to USB flash drive unsuccessful” isdisplayed on the screen.●If the USB flash drive for saving files to is write-protected,“Insufficient Memory Size” is displayed on the screen.11 USB/FILE MANAGEMENT11-2
Reading Settings DataFollow the steps below to read the settings data file of thetransceiver that is stored in the built-in memory or a USB flashdrive.•To read data from a USB flash drive, insert the USB flash drivecontaining the settings data into   (USB-A).1Select “Read Configuration Data” in the USB/FileManagement menu.2Press F4 [SELECT].A screen for selecting the file (DATA) to read appears..•Information of the location to read files from (built-in memoryor USB flash drive) that was last selected on this screen isdisplayed. However, if a USB flash drive is not connected orcannot be correctly recognized, information of the built-inmemory will be displayed.•If no file is found, “No file is found.” is displayed on thescreen.3Select the file to read.•To read data from the internal memory, press F7 [INT.MEM].•To read data from the USB flash drive, press F7[USB.MEM]. (If a USB flash drive is not connected, a messagewill appear prompting you to get ready the USB flash drive.)•Pressing F5 [NAME] allows the file name to be changed.•Pressing F6 [DELETE] displays a message to confirmdeletion of the file. Pressing F4 [OK] deletes the file.4Press F2 [ ]/F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the settings data file to read.5Press F4 [OK] to display the selection screen(DATA) for reading the data.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] ends the operation without readinga file..6Press F2 [ ] or F3 [ ], or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select a function group to read.7Press F5 [ ] to select the checkbox to the leftof the settings data name.•Pressing F5 [ ] again deselects the checkbox.(Settings data will not be read.)8Repeat steps 7 and 8 to select the correspondingcheckboxes for the settings data to read.9Press F4 [OK] to start reading the files.Reading of settings data files with a check mark starts. Whenreading starts, a reading in progress screen is displayed.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] exits the file selection screenwithout starting reading and returns the display to the USB/File Management menu screen.•After the settings data files have been read successfully, amessage indicating that reading is complete is displayed.10 Press F4 [OK] to end the process.This transceiver reboots automatically.●Data that are not created by this transceiver cannot beread.●The following function groups can be excluded from thereading process.•“Environmental Dependent” data (settings data thatare dependent on the installation environment)•Antenna selection data and preset data of antennatuner•Settings for items in menu group 6 (settings relatedto the rear terminals)•Advanced menu settings•Linear amplifier menu settings•Transverter settings•LAN menu settings•KNS menu settings and KNS registered users’ list•Clock menu settings•“CW/RTTY/PSK Message Memory” data (CW/RTTY/PSK message memory)•“Voice Message Memory” data (voice message data)●If the settings data file is saved in a transceiver with anewer firmware version, pressing F4 [OK] in step 9 willresult in an error. A “data reading error screen due tomismatch between new and old firmware versions” isdisplayed and reading is not executed.●If the settings data file is corrupted, pressing F4 [OK] instep 6 will result in an error. A “file reading NG screen” isdisplayed and reading is not executed.●If data mismatch is detected after reading a settings datafile, a “corrupted data is detected screen” is displayed.When this occurs, pressing F4 [OK] runs a full reset andreboots this transceiver.USB/FILE MANAGEMENT  1111-3
Changing the Name of Files Stored in the Built-inMemoryThe file name of the settings data that is stored on the transceivercan be changed by the user to ease identification.1Select “Read Configuration Data” in the USB/FileManagement menu.2Press F4 [SELECT] to display the screen forselecting the file (DATA) to read..3Press F5 [NAME].The file name edit screen is displayed.4Use the function keys and the [MULTI/CH] controlto edit the file name.•Enter a name that contains not more than 255 characters.Key OperationF1 [SPACE] Inserts a space.F2 [–]/ F3 [+] Selects a character.F4 [ ]/ F5[ ] Moves the cursor.F [BACK SPACE] Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.F [DEL] Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.F [CHAR]Switches the type of character to edit. Pressingthe key each time switches the selection in thefollowing sequence:ABC (upper case) → abc (lower case) → !”#(symbols) → ABC (upper case)5Press F6 [SAVE] to save the file name.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] discards the edited information andreturns the display to the USB/File Management menuscreen.Copying Files to a PCFiles that are stored in the built-in memory of this transceiver canbe copied to a PC.•Connect the USB-B connector on the rear panel of thistransceiver to a PC using a commercially available USB cable.(See 1-4)1Select “Copy Files to PC (via USB Cable)” in theUSB/File Management menu.2Press F4 [SELECT].A screen for selecting the files to copy is displayed..3Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the items to copy.4Press F5 [ ] to select the checkbox to the leftof the settings data name.•Pressing F5 [] again deselects the checkbox. (Filesare not copied.)•Pressing F6 [CLR.ALL] deselects all the checkboxes.•Select at least 1 item to copy from the following.Display DescriptionConfiguration Files Settings data fileAudio Files (RX_REC) Audio files of manual and full-timerecordingsAudio Files (TIMER_REC) Audio files of timer recordingsEqualizer Files (TX_EQ)TX equalizer data filesEqualizer Files (RX_EQ) RX equalizer data filesCommunication Log Files (CW) CW communication log filesCommunication Log Files (FSK) RTTY communication log filesCommunication Log Files (PSK) PSK communication log filesScreen Captured Files Screen capture image filesKNS Log Files KNS communication log files5Press F4 [OK].A screen indicating “preparing to copy” is displayed. A“confirmation tone” is output once the copy preparation iscompleted and a “PC on copy standby screen” is displayed.Then, a removable device with the name “TS-890” appears onthe PC.●When the built-in memory is selected as the destinationfor saving files and while manual recording or CW/RTTY/PSK communication log recording is in progress,selecting a file to copy followed by pressing F4 [OK] willresult in an error and an “unable to copy” message willbe displayed.●Pressing F7 [CANCEL] while the “preparing to copy”screen is displayed starts the cancel copy operation.When the cancel copy operation is complete, the displayreturns to the USB/File Management menu screen.●After the “preparing to copy” screen is displayed, a“confirmation tone” is output once the copy preparationis completed and a copy standby screen is displayed onthe PC. Then, a removable device with the name“TS-890” appears on the PC.●When a remote user is logged in via the KNS functionand the communication log is set to ON, selecting “KNSLog Files” and pressing F4 [OK] will result in an error andan “unable to copy” message will be displayed.11 USB/FILE MANAGEMENT11-4
6Access the removable device named “TS-890” fromthe PC and copy the files or folders to the PC.7After copy is complete, remove the removabledevice (“TS-890”) safely from the PC.●The files may not be copied successfully if the propersteps to remove the device safely from the PC are notobserved.8Press F4 [EXIT].A confirmation screen on the batch deletion of files is displayed.Items for which the checkboxes are selected on the screen forselecting the files to copy can be deleted from the built-inmemory.•Pressing and holding F4 [(DELETE)] executes the filedeletion operation.•Pressing F7 [KEEP] leaves the files intact and returns thedisplay to the USB/File Management menu screen.Deleting Files (Built-in Memory)Follow the steps below to delete settings data or audio data fromthe built-in memory. Deletion will apply to the function folders thatcontain the corresponding files.1Select “Delete Files (Internal Memory)” in the USB/File Management menu.2Press F4 [SELECT].A screen for selecting the files to delete is displayed..3Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the items to delete.4Press F5 [ ] to select the checkbox to the leftof the settings data name.•Pressing F5 [] again deselects the checkbox. (Filesare not deleted.)•Pressing F6 [CLR.ALL] deselects all the checkboxes.•Select at least 1 item to delete.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] returns the display to the USB/FileManagement menu screen.5Press F4 [OK].A file deletion confirmation screen is displayed.6Press F4 [OK].File deletion starts.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] returns the display to the filedeletion confirmation screen without deleting the files.●When the built-in memory is selected as the destinationfor saving files and the item to be deleted coincides withan item for which manual recording or CW/RTTY/PSKcommunication log recording is in progress, pressing F4[OK] will result in an error and an “unable to delete”message will be displayed.●When a remote user is logged in via the KNS functionand the communication log is set to ON, selecting “KNSLog Files” as an item to delete and pressing F4 [OK] willresult in an error and an “unable to delete” message willbe displayed.Formatting a USB Flash DriveThe USB flash drive needs to be formatted by this transceiverbefore it can be used. USB flash drives cannot be recognized ifthey are not formatted by this transceiver.●Formatting a USB flash drive using this transceivererases all data that exist in the USB flash drive. As such,make sure to save the necessary data to a PC or otherexternal data storage devices before deleting.1Insert the USB flash drive into the   (USB-A)connector.<< >> starts to blink and lights up when the USB flash driveis recognized by this transceiver.2Select “Format USB Flash Drive” in the USB/FileManagement menu.3Press F4 [SELECT] to start formatting.•A message to confirm the start of the formatting process isdisplayed.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] ends the operation withoutformatting the USB flash drive.4Press F4 [OK].When formatting is complete, the display returns to the USB/File Management menu screen.Copying Files to a USB Flash DriveFiles that are stored in the built-in memory of this transceiver canbe copied to a USB flash drive.•Insert a USB flash drive formatted using this transceiver into (USB-A).1Select “Copy Files to USB Flash Drive” in the USB/File Management menu.2Press F4 [SELECT].A screen for selecting the files to copy is displayed..3Press F2[ ] or F3[ ], or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the items to copy.4Press F5 [ ] to select the checkbox to the leftof the settings data name.•Pressing F5 [] again deselects the checkbox. (Filesare not copied.)•Pressing F6 [CLR.ALL] deselects all the checkboxes.•The items that can be copied are the same as those in thetable in “Copying Files to a PC”. Select at least 1 item.5Press F4 [OK].Copy starts and a copy in progress screen is displayed.After file copying is complete, a confirmation screen on thebatch deletion of files is displayed.Items for which the checkboxes are selected on the screen forselecting the files to copy can be deleted from the built-inmemory.•Pressing and holding F4 [(DELETE)] executes the filedeletion operation.•Pressing F7 [KEEP] leaves the files intact and returns thedisplay to the USB/File Management menu screen.USB/FILE MANAGEMENT  1111-5
●If the number of files exceeds 255 while copy is inprogress, the copy operation stops.●When removing the USB flash drive, make sure toexecute “Safe Removal of USB Flash Drive”.●If the same file on the source location is also found in thedestination USB flash drive, the latter file will be overwritten.●If there is insufficient memory in the USB flash drive forall the files to be copied, pressing F4 [OK] will result inan error and “Insufficient Memory Size” will be displayedon the screen.●Pressing F7 [CANCEL] while copying is in progressstarts the cancel copy operation. When the cancel copyoperation is complete, the display returns to the USB/FileManagement menu screen.●While manual recording or CW/RTTY/PSKcommunication log recording is in progress, selecting afile to copy followed by pressing F4 [OK] will result in anerror and an “unable to copy” message will be displayed.●When a remote user is logged in via the KNS functionand the communication log is set to ON, selecting “KNSLog Files” and pressing F4 [OK] will result in an error andan “unable to copy” message will be displayed.Safely Removing the USB Flash DriveWhen removing a USB flash drive from this transceiver, make sureto follow the steps below to remove the device safely. Failure to doso may result in the damage of the USB flash drive, settings datafiles and audio data files or malfunction of this transceiver.1Select “Safe Removal of USB Flash Drive”.2Press F4 [SELECT].A message on the safe removal of the USB flash drive is displayed..•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] ends the operation withoutperforming the safe removal of the USB flash drive.3Press F4 [OK].Safe removal starts...4Press F4[OK].The USB flash drive can now be removed.11 USB/FILE MANAGEMENT11-6
Recording/Playing a Voice MessageThis transceiver comes with a function for recording, playing andtransmitting standard voice messages as well as a function forrecording and playing audio that is transmitted or received.Voice messages can be recorded to a maximum of 6 channels.Messages recorded with a microphone can also be transmitted.•This is handy during DX-pedition or contest operation whererepeated calls need to be made over a long period of time or foradjusting an antenna or transceiver by transmitting a test radiowave. The maximum recording time is 100 seconds. In otherwords, recording to all the channels is possible up to a durationof 100 seconds in total.Recording a Voice MessageFollow the steps below to record a voice message to a voicemessage channel (TX CH 1 to TX CH 6).1Press the mode key to select either SSB, FM or AMmode.2Press F2 [TX MSG] to display the Voice Messagescreen..3Press and hold the function key (F2 [CH 1] to F7 [CH6]) corresponding to the channel for storing thevoice message.A message to confirm the start of voice message recordingappears.•If F2 [CH 1] to F7 [CH 6] is not displayed, press F1[MORE]..4Press F2 [REC IN].•Pressing F2 [REC IN] each time switches the audio inputpath.SettingValue MIC (default)/ ACC 2/ USB/ LAN•To adjust the recording level, turn the [MIC] control. Adjustthe recording level while monitoring the peak recording levelon the recording level meter such that the peak does notshow in the red zone.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] ends the recording.5Press and hold F4 [REC].Recording continues and the recording time of the voicemessage is displayed while F4 [REC] is pressed and helddown..6Releasing F4 [REC] ends the recording and savesthe voice message.●Recording ends automatically when the total recordingtime of all channels exceeds 100 seconds even whenthe F4 [REC] key is still pressed down.●This transceiver does not allow continuous voicemessage recording using multiple channels.●When a new message is recorded, the voice messagethat already exists on the channel will be overwritten.Registering a Name for a Voice MessageRecorded voice messages can be assigned with a name.1Press F2 [TX MSG] to display the Voice Messagescreen..2Select the voice message to name.3Press F6 [NAME].Doing so enables editing of the voice message name..4Use the function keys, [MULTI/CH] control or USBkeyboard to input the characters.Key OperationF1 [SPACE] Inserts a space.F2 [–]/ F3 [+] Selects a character.F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] Moves the cursor.F [BACK SPACE] Deletes the character to the left of thecursor.F [DEL] Deletes the character to the right of thecursor.F [CHAR]Switches the type of character to edit.Pressing the key each time switches theselection in the following sequence:ABC (upper case) → abc (lower case)→ !”# (symbols) → ABC (upper case)5Press F6 [SAVE] to save the name of the voicemessage.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] discards the input characters andexits the editing mode for the voice message name.VOICE MESSAGE/AUDIO FILE  1212 VOICE MESSAGE/AUDIO FILE12-1
Playing Back a Voice MessageFollow the steps below to play back a recorded voice message.1Select a voice message channel to play back.2Press F4 [PLAY] to play back the voice message.The voice message playback screen appears..The following operations are possible while a voice message isbeing played back.Operation BehaviorPress and hold F6 [FF].Fast forwards the voice message.•Release the key to resume playback atthe normal speed.Press and hold F2 [REW] .Rewinds the voice message.•Release the key to resume playback atthe normal speed.Press F3 [  PAUSE]. Pauses the voice message.Press F3 [  PLAY] whileplayback is paused Resumes playback from the position whereit was paused.Press F4 [  STOP]. Stops the playback of voice message.Press [ESC]. Closes the Voice Message screen andends the playback.Adjusting the Playback VolumeConfigure the volume level when playing back a voice message.Configure in Menu [1-01] “Voice Message Volume(Play)”SettingValue Off/ 1 to 10 (default) to 20 (1 step)Configuring to a larger value raises the volume level. Selecting“Off” mutes the playback sound.●When TX monitor is ON, the voice message is output asthe TX monitor audio so the volume changes in tandemwith the TX monitor level.●For more details on adjusting the TX monitor level,please refer to (8-3).Sending a Voice MessageA recorded voice message can be transmitted while it is beingplayed back.1Press F2 [TX MSG] to display the Voice Messagescreen.2Press and hold the function key (F2 [CH 1] to F7 [CH6]) corresponding to the channel that contains thevoice message to be transmitted.•A voice message playback screen is displayed, and thevoice message is transmitted..•Turning the [MIC/PITCH] control while transmission of avoice message is in progress enables the gain level of themicrophone used exclusively for the voice message to beadjusted.•The following operations are possible while a voicemessage is being transmitted.Operation BehaviorPress F5[REPEAT].Plays back and transmits the voice messagerepeatedly. Pressing F5 [REPEAT] again endsrepeat playback and transmission, and returnsthis transceiver to the RX mode.•<< >> lights up while repeat playback isin progress.•The time interval for repeating thetransmission can be configured.Press F4 [STOP]. Stops transmission of the voice message andcloses the voice message transmission screen.Press [ESC]. Closes the Voice Message screen and endstransmission of the voice message.Deleting a Voice MessageFollow the steps below to delete a recorded voice message.1Select a channel that contains the voice messageto be deleted..2Press and hold F7 [(DELETE)] to delete the selectedvoice message.Configuring the Time Interval for RepeatedTransmissionThe time interval for repeating playback of a voice message canbe configured.Configure in Menu [5-16] “CW/Voice MessageRetransmit Interval Time”SettingValue 0 to 10 (default) to 60 [s] (1 step)Configuring to a larger value lengthens the playback interval.12 VOICE MESSAGE/AUDIO FILE12-2
Recording/Playing Voice CommunicationThis transceiver can be used to record voice communication orplay back the recordings.Recording functions that can be used on this transceiver are asfollows.Manual Recording•Voice recordings up to 9 hours per file can be stored in the built-in memory of this transceiver. As the built-in memory is alsoused by other functions, the maximum recording time variesdepending on the remaining space available.•Voice data up to 18 hours per file can be recorded when a USBflash drive is used. If recording continues for a duration longerthan 18 hours per file, a new file will be created upon reaching18 hours and recording will continue.Full-time RecordingThis recording function records the most recent voice data up tothe last 30 seconds to an audio file.Timer Recording (USB Flash Drive Only)This function records audio based on the preconfigured durationand conditions. For more details on the timer recording operation,please refer to Chapter 14 “CLOCK DISPLAY/TIMER”.●If DC power is turned off during recording, the saving ofthe file recorded at that time is not guaranteed. To turnoff the power during recording, do so using [ ] on thefront panel.Manual RecordingThe [ ] and [ ] keys can be used to start or stop recording ofcommunication using this transceiver.1Press [ ] to start recording.•“ REC” appears on the screen and the [REC] LED lightsup..2Press [ ] to end the recording.•“  REC” disappears from the screen and the [REC] LEDlight goes off.●When the remaining memory at the destination forstoring the file runs out while recording is in progress, a“recording end” tone is output and the recording endsautomatically.Full-time RecordingThis recording function records the most recent communicationaudio up to the last 30 seconds. This allows the user to check thecontent of the most recent voice communication.Configuring the Maximum Duration for Full-timeRecordingConfigure in Menu [6-00] “Playback Time (Full-timeRecording)”SettingValue Last 10/ Last 20/ Last 30 (default) [s]Saving Full-time Recording AudioPress and hold [ ].•The <<[REC]>> LED starts to blink for 1 second.•The most recent audio until [ ] is pressed and held downis recorded to the built-in memory or USB flash driveaccording to the preconfigured maximum duration (numberof seconds) for full-time recording.●Pressing F1 [RX PLAY] or F2 [TX MSG] does notactivate full-time recording if manual recording is inprogress.●When the remaining memory at the destination forstoring the file is running out, a “Insufficient memoryspace” message is displayed on the screen andrecording ends automatically.●When the squelch did not open for a duration longer thanthe preconfigured recording time, pressing and holding[ ] does not activate recording.Audio Recording in Tandem with SquelchRecording of the RX audio can be activated in tandem with thesquelch operation.Configure in Menu [6-01] “Recording with Squelch”SettingValue Off/ On (default)Off: Performs recording even when a signal is not received.On: Performs recording only when the squelch opens. (Closing thesquelch while recording is in progress pauses the recordingoperation.)●When “Recording with Squelch” is enabled, the “REC” remains lit even when the squelch is closed. Also,the “  REC” remains lit even if the squelch has notopened at all. (In this case, a file will not be generatedwhen recording ends.)VOICE MESSAGE/AUDIO FILE  1212-3
Quick PlaybackThis function allows playback of the most recent manual recordingor full-time recording audio file.PlaybackPress [ ] to play back the most recent audio file.•“  PLAY” and the playback progress bar appear..•The selected audio file is played back when the audio filescreen is displayed.Pausing PlaybackPress [ ] during playback to pause the audio file.•<< >> lights up..Pressing [ ] again resumes the playback.Stopping PlaybackPress [ ] to stop playback of the audio file.•The light of “  PLAY” and that of the playback progress bargoes off.Adjusting the Playback VolumeTurn the [AF] control to adjust the playback volume.Audio Recording File ScreenAudio files saved via manual recording, full-time recording or timerrecording can be operated on this screen..Playing Back an Audio FileFollow the steps below to play back audio files that are stored inthe built-in memory or a USB flash drive.To use a USB flash drive, insert it into   (USB-A) in advanceand check to ensure that it is recognized by this transceiver.1Press F1 [RX PLAY] to display the audio recordingfile screen.2Press F7 [INT.MEM] or F7 [USB MEM] to togglebetween the screens for the built-in memory andUSB flash drive.•Pressing F7 [INT.MEM] displays the audio file (built-inmemory) screen. “Internal” is shown on the screen.•Pressing F7 [USB MEM] displays the audio file (USB flashdrive) screen. “USB” is shown on the screen.•To change the folder to browse, press F1 [FOLDER].•Files recorded using the timer-recording reservationfunction are stored in the TIMER_REC folder, while all otherrecordings are stored in the RX_REC folder.3Press F2[ ]/ F3[ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the audio file to play back.4Press F4 [PLAY] or [ ] to play back the audio file..The following operations are possible while an audio file is beingplayed back.Operation BehaviorPress and hold F5 [FF].Fast forwards the audio file. Release thekey to resume playback at the normalspeed.Press and hold F2 [REW] . Rewinds the audio file. Release the key toresume playback at the normal speed.Press F3 [  PAUSE].Pauses the audio file. Pressing F3[PLAY] while playback is paused resumesplayback from the position where it waspaused.Press F7 [NEXT  ]. Plays back from the beginning of the audiofile that immediately precedes the audio filethat is current playing.Press F1 [  PREV]twice quickly.Plays back from the beginning of the audiofile that immediately follows the audio filethat is current playing.Press F1 [  PREV]once. Plays back the currently playing audio fileagain from the beginning.Press F4 [  STOP]. Stops playback of the audio file.Press [ESC]. Exits the audio file playback screen andaudio recording file list screen.Turn [MULTI/CH]. Cueing is possible when 2 or more audiofiles are saved.●RX audio is muted during playback of an audio file.Transmission is also disabled.●When removing the USB flash drive, make sure toexecute “Safe Removal of USB Flash Drive”. (See 11-6)12 VOICE MESSAGE/AUDIO FILE12-4
Renaming an Audio FileThe name of audio files saved via manual recording, full-timerecording or timer recording can be changed.1Press F1 [RX PLAY] to display the audio recordingfile screen.2Press F2[ ]/ F3[ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the audio file for which the nameis to be changed.3Press F5 [NAME]..4Use the function keys, [MULTI/CH] control or USBkeyboard to enter a name.Key OperationF1 [SPACE] Inserts a space.F2 [–]/ F3 [+] Selects a character.F4 [ ]/ F5[ ] Moves the cursor.F [BACK SPACE] Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.F [DEL] Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.F [CHAR]Switches the type of character to edit. Pressingthe key each time switches the selection in thefollowing sequence:ABC (upper case) → abc (lower case) → !”#(symbols) → ABC (upper case)5Press F6 [SAVE] to save the file name.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] discards the information enteredand exits the audio file name input mode.●When removing the USB flash drive, make sure toexecute “Safe Removal of USB Flash Drive”. (See 11-6)Deleting an Audio FileFollow the steps below to delete audio files that are stored in thebuilt-in memory or a USB flash drive.To use a USB flash drive, insert it into   (USB-A) in advanceand check to ensure that it is recognized by this transceiver.1Press F1 [RX PLAY] to display the audio file screen.2Press F2[ ]/ F3[ ] or turn the [MULTI/CH]control to select the audio file to delete.3Press F6 [DELETE].A message to confirm deletion of the file is displayed.4Press F4 [OK] to delete the audio file.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] returns the display to the audio filescreen without deleting the audio file.VOICE MESSAGE/AUDIO FILE  1212-5
This transceiver comes with a voice guidance that sends out avoice notification of the operating status that is displayed on thescreen.The voice guidance content is described in the following style inthis manual.Voice The actual voice guidance content is enclosedin quotation marks (“ ”).Numeric values andalphabetsContent of the voice guidance is describedcollectively using numeric values andalphabets.OptionsThe actual voice guidance content is listed upusing [ ]. Each option is separated from theother by a slash (/), and only one of the optionswill be uttered at a time.Voice GuidancePressing the PF key that is assigned with the voice guidancefunction outputs a guidance voice on the operating status from thebuilt-in speaker.The following 4 types of voice guidance are available.VOICE1Announces the current frequency and operating status.The default setting is [PF A].VOICE2Announces the status of the S meter and power meter.The default setting is [PF B].VOICE3Announces the status of the meter selected in F [METER] exceptfor the power meter.The default setting is [PF C].Auto AnnounceAnnounces automatically when a specific operation is performedor upon entering a specific status. The default setting is “OFF”.Adjusting the Voice Guidance VolumeAdjust the volume level of the voice guidance. When the voiceguidance volume is set to OFF, pressing the corresponding PF keydoes not output a voice guidance announcement from thistransceiver.Configure in Menu [1-03] “Voice Guidance Volume”SettingValue Off/ 1 to 10 (default) to 20 (1 step)•Configuring to a larger value raises the volume level.Adjusting the Voice Guidance SpeedAdjust the speed of the announcement.Configure in Menu [1-04] “Voice Guidance Speed”SettingValue 1 (default) to 4 (1 step)•The larger the value, the faster the speed of theannouncement. (1:1x (normal speed), 2:1.15x, 3:1.3x,4:1.45x)●Increasing the voice guidance speed may sometimescause the audibility to deteriorate depending on thecontent of the announcement.Configuring the Voice Guidance LanguageThe voice guidance language can be configured to English orJapanese.Configure in Menu [1-05] “User Interface Language(Voice Guidance & Messages)”SettingValue English (default)/ JapaneseAuto Voice GuidanceWhen auto voice guidance is set to ON, a voice guidance isautomatically output when a specific operation is performed.Configure in Menu [1-06] “Automatic VoiceGuidance”SettingValue Off (default)/ On●When this function is in the OFF status, turning on thepower of this transceiver while pressing down the [PFA] key turns on [Auto Voice Guidance].•When auto voice guidance is ON, voice guidance is outputin the following sequence.*1 : Announces the VFO (“A” or “B”) that is currently operating.*2 : “X” is uttered when XIT is ON, “R” is uttered when RIT is ON,and “XR” is announced followed by the RIT/XIT frequencieswhen both XIT and RIT are ON. The numeric values of the“RIT/XIT frequencies” are announced in sequence startingfrom the kHz digit. “Point” is uttered after the kHz value. If thefrequency is a negative value, “Minus” is uttered at thebeginning.*3 : [USB/ LSB/ CW/ FSK/ PSK/ FM/ AM/ USB Data/ LSB Data/CW Reverse/ FSK Reverse/ PSK Reverse/ FM Data/ AMData]*4 : When in the SWL mode, “SWL” is added to the beginning ofthe announcement.Operation onThisTransceiver Key Operation Content of Voice GuidanceWhen poweringon -Announces the data used foroperation regardless of the status ofthe setting screen. (Refer to “Voice1”.)Switchingbetween VFO Aand VFO B [A/B]Outputs announcements accordingto the operating status afterswitching. (Refer to “Voice 1”.)Switchingbetween theVFO mode andmemory channelmode[M/V]Memory shift [M   V]F [M   VFO]Announces the data used foroperation. (Refer to “Voice 1”.)Switching to thequick memorychannel mode [Q-MR] Announces the details of the quickmemory channel mode. (Refer to“Voice 1”.)Switching of thememory channelin the memorymode (exceptwhen theMemoryChannel Listscreen isdisplayed)Turn[MULTI/CH]Blank channel:“Channel” + Number + “Blank”Simplex mode:“Channel” + Number + Frequency +([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XIT Frequency) *2Split mode:“Channel” + Number + “Split” +Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XITFrequency) *2VOICE GUIDANCE  1313 VOICE GUIDANCE13-1
Operation onThisTransceiver Key Operation Content of Voice GuidanceSwitching ofquick memorychannelTurn[MULTI/CH]Simplex mode:“Quick” + Number + [A/ B]*1Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XITFrequency) *2Split mode:“Quick” + Number + “Split” + [A/B]*1 Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] +RIT/XIT Frequency) *2Entering afrequency usingthe numerickeypad[ENT]“Enter”Entering achannel numberusing thenumeric keypadPress a key onthe numerickeypad Numeric value that is enteredSwitching thefrequency entryhistoryTurn[MULTI/CH] Frequency entry historySwitchingfrequency lock [LOCK] “Lock” + [On/ Off]Switching splitoperation [SPLIT] “Split” + [On/ Off]Configuring splitfrequency vianumeric keypadoperationPress and hold[SPLIT] “Split” + “Enter”When [0] is firstpressed “Minus”Numeric keypad“TX” + [Plus/ Minus]* + Numericvalue that is entered + “Kilohertz”* Pressing the keys from [1] to [9]adds a “Plus” utterance, whilepressing [0] + ([1] to [9]) adds a“Minus” utterance.Whenconfiguration ofthe splitfrequency usingthe Tuningcontrol iscomplete[SPLIT] (Afterconfigurationusing the Tuningcontrol)“TX” + Finalized TX frequencyChange in thelow cutofffrequencyTurn [LO/WIDTH] “Low” + FrequencyChange in thewidth Turn [LO/WIDTH] “Width” + OptionsChange in thehigh cutofffrequency Turn [HI/SHIFT] “High” + OptionsChange in theshift frequency Turn [HI/SHIFT] “Shift” + OptionsChange in theTX output power Turn [POWER]•When drive output is ON: TXpower + Value•When drive output is OFF:When the transverter is ON and “TXPower Down with TransverterEnabled” is “On”: “TX power” + 5In all other cases: “TX power” +Value (The value shows a value upto the TX output power limit if the TXoutput power limiter is operating.)[MIC/PITCH]controloperationTurn [MIC/PITCH]•When adjusting microphonegain: “Mic. Gain” + Value•When adjusting the speechprocessor output level:“Processor”+ “Out” + Value* No voice is output duringadjustment of the sidetone/pitchfrequency.Operation onThisTransceiver Key Operation Content of Voice Guidance[DELAY] controloperation Turn [DELAY]•When adjusting the break-indelay time: “Full” + “Break-in” inthe case of FULL-BKDELAY: “Break-in delay” +Displayed value in the case of 1 to20•When adjusting VOX delay:“VOX delay” + Value[KEY] controloperation Turn [KEY] •When adjusting the keyingspeed: Keying speed + ValueTimer functionON/OFFoperation F [TIMER] “Timer” + [On/ Off]Dimmerswitching F [DIMMER]F2 [DIMMER] “D” + Numeric value (single digit)Antennaswitching F [ANT] “Antenna” + NumberBand DirectselectionBand Directkeys (includingoperation of[GENE])FrequencyCalling up thepreconfiguredemergencyfrequencyPF [EmergencyFrequency] “Emergency” + FrequencyMeter switching F [METER]Analog meter display (TX digitalmeter OFF): [Power/ SWR/ ID/Processor/ ALC/ VD]Analog meter display (TX digitalmeter ON): [SWR/ ID/ Processor/VD/ TMP]Digital meter display: [SWR/ ID/Processor/ VD/ TMP]Mini digital meter display: [Power/SWR/ ID/ Processor/ ALC/ VD/TMP]Error/warningmessages (none)Error or warning + NumberFor more details on the number,please refer to the “ErrorMessages” and “WarningMessages” lists.Voice 1Voice 1 announces the displayed frequency, channel number,details of the respective configuration modes as well as the statusof menu settings.Announces the digits of the VFO and memory channel frequencieswhich are higher than 10 Hz when fine tuning is OFF. “Point” isuttered after announcing the MHz digits. When a channel that doesnot contain any operating data is selected during memory scroll,“Blank” is uttered.Press the PF key that is assigned with “VOICE1”.Announces the operating status. Announces the setting valuewhile configuration is in progress on the configuration screen.●Pressing the PF key that is assigned with “VOICE1”,“VOICE2” or “VOICE3” during the announcement stopsthe announcement.●Altering the frequency by turning the Tuning or[MULTI/CH] control during an announcement stops theannouncement.●For more details on how to change the assignment of PFkeys, please refer to “PF Keys (Programmable FunctionKeys)”.●Announcement is not output while scanning is inprogress.13 VOICE GUIDANCE13-2
Pressing “VOICE1” outputs an announcement as follows. The content of the announcement varies with the screen that is being displayed.Announcements Related to Operating Frequency (Including Content of Auto Announcements)Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementVFO mode *4 Simplex mode [A/ B]*1 Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XIT Frequency) *2Split mode “Split” + [A/ B]*1 Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XIT Frequency) *2Memory channel mode *4Blank channel “Channel” + Number + “Blank”Simplex mode “Channel” + Number + Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XIT Frequency) *2Split mode “Channel” + Number + Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XIT Frequency) *2Quick memory channelmode *4Simplex mode “Quick” + Number + [A/ B] + Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XIT Frequency) *2Split mode “Quick” + Number + “Split” + [A/ B]*1 Frequency + ([X/ R/ XR] + RIT/XIT Frequency) *2During frequency entryBefore numeric keypad input EnterInput in progress The numeric value that is most recently input (“Point” is also uttered after announcingthe MHz digits. A pause is inserted for the kHz digit.)During confirmation [A/ B] + FrequencyWhen entry is canceled No announcementWhen entry history is selected Frequency entry historyDuring entry of memorychannel no.During 1-digit input “Enter” + NumberDuring 2-digit input 1st digit + 2nd digit + [Frequency/Blank]When configuring the splitfrequencyPressing and holding SPLIT “Split” + “Enter”When [0] is first pressed “Minus”When the numeric keypad ([1]to [9]) is operated“TX” + [Plus/ Minus]* + Numeric value that is entered + Kilohertz* Pressing the keys from [1] to [9] adds a “Plus” utterance, while pressing [0] + ([1] to[9]) adds a “Minus” utterance.Announcements during Display of Configuration Screens (Including Content of Auto Announcements)Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementAuto modeScreen launch “Auto” + Frequency at the top of the list + Mode *3When [VOICE1] is pressed “Auto” + FrequencyWhen a selection is made Selected frequency + Mode *3When frequency is copied to thelist “Copy” + Copied frequency + Mode *3Switching between ON/OFF “Auto” + [On/ Off]AGC settingsWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “AGC” + [Fast/ Middle/ Slow/ Off] (+ Value)When value is changed ValueWhen AGC speed is switched [Fast/ Middle/ Slow] + ValueAGC OFF “AGC” + “Off”EqualizerWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed [RX/TX] + “Equalizer” + (HB1/ HB2/ FP/ BB1/ BB2/ F/ C/ U1/ U2/ U3)When a selection is made viakey operation [HB1/ HB2/ FP/ BB1/ BB2/ F/ C/ U1/ U2/ U3]Equalizer adjustmentWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed [RX/TX] + “Equalizer” + “Adjustment”When a selection is made [0/0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4/2.7/3.0/3.3/3.6/3.9/4.2/4.5/4.8/5.1] (+ [+/-]) + Value +dB ([+/-] is not uttered when it is 0 dB.)When value is changed via keyoperation (+/-) + Value + dB ([+/-] is not uttered when it is 0 dB)Initialization No announcementConfirmation of equalizercopy When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Copy” + “Are you Sure?”VOICE GUIDANCE  1313-3
Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementSelection of file to readWhen the RXEQ screen isdisplayed or when [VOICE1] ispressed“File” + “List” + “RX” + “Equalizer”When the TXEQ screen isdisplayed or when [VOICE1] ispressed“File” + “List” + “TX” + “Equalizer”When the DATA screen isdisplayed or when [VOICE1] ispressed“File” + “List” + “Data”When a selection is made Year + Month + Day + Time (Announces the time stamp of the file)When the file deletionconfirmation screen isdisplayed or when [VOICE1] ispressed“Delete” + “Are you Sure?”Name editing “Edit”When the file browsing locationis changed [USB/ Internal]Selection of data to read(DATA)When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Read” + “Data” + “Selection”When a selection is made(environment-dependent) “ENV” + [On/ Off]When a selection is made (CW) “CW” + “Message” + [On/ Off]When a selection is made (voicemessage) “Voice” + “Message” + [On/ Off]Switching between ON/OFF [On/ Off]Processing (withoutCANCEL key) When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Please wait” (Announcement is not output when reading data with RXEQ/TXEQ.)Data reading complete When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Completed”Request to get ready theUSB flash drive When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “USB” + “Connect”Data saving complete When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Completed”TX audio source inputsettingsWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Moduration-Source” + [Mic. + PTT/ Data + PTT]Switching method oftransmission [Mic. + PTT/ Data + PTT]Specification of audio input line(Front/Rear) (</>) [F/ R]Front input selection F4[SELECT] [Off/ Mic.]Rear input selection F4[SELECT] [Off/ ACC 2/ USB/ LAN]Switching DATA VOX betweenON/OFF “Data” + “VOX” + [Off/ ACC two/ USB/ LAN]VOX level configurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed [VOX gain/ Anti- + VOX gain/ VOX delay] + [Mic./ ACC two/ USB/ LAN] + ValueSwitching of audio source input [Mic./ ACC two/ USB/ LAN]Switching the parameter toconfigure [VOX gain/ Anti- + VOX gain/ VOX delay]Increasing or decreasing thesetting value ValueReset to default value No announcementTX output power limiterconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed [TX power + Limit + [SSB/ CW/ FSK PSK/ FM AM/ Data]/ [TX Tune] + Band + ValueThe band is [1.8/ 3.5/ 5/ 7/ 10/ 14/ 18/ 21/ 24/ 28/ 50] + Mega HertzTX output power type selection [TX power + Limit + [SSB/ CW/ FSK PSK/ FM AM/ Data] / TX Tune]Band selection [1.8/ 3.5/ 5/ 7/ 10/ 14/ 18/ 21/ 24/ 28/ 50/ 70] + Mega HertzIncreasing or decreasing TXoutput power ValueReset to default value No announcementSpeech processorconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Processor” + [Soft/Hard] + [In/Out] + ValueEffect selection [Soft/ Hard]Switching between “Input” and“Output” [In/ Out]Increasing or decreasing thevalue Value13 VOICE GUIDANCE13-4
Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementCW message (paddleversion)When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed(deselected)“CW” + “Message”When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed(selected)“Channel” + Number (+ “Repeat”) (+ “Blank”)Switching of repeat mode “Repeat” + [Off/ On]Switching of channel Number + “Repeat” + “Blank”Switching of playback list No announcementDelete No announcementStandby for CW message(paddle) registration When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed No announcementDuring CW messageregistration When [VOICE1] is pressed No announcementCW message (text version)When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed(deselected)“CW” + “Message”When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed(selected)“Channel” + Number (+ “Repeat”) (+ “Blank”) (+ Contest number)Switching of repeat mode “Repeat” + [Off/ On]Switching of channel Number (+ “Repeat”) (+ “Blank”) (+ Contest number)Switching of playback list No announcementDelete No announcementSubtraction of contest number Contest numbersChannel message editing “Edit”RTTY communication When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “RTTY” + “Communication”PSK communication When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “PSK” + “Communication”RTTY/PSK messageWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed(deselected) [RTTY/ PSK] + “Message”When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed(deselected)“Channel” + Number + “Auto” + “TX” + “RX”Switching of channel NumberAUTO TX mode switching “Auto” + “TX” + [Off/ On]AUTO RX mode switching “Auto” + “RX” + [Off/ On]Message editing (includingwhen [VOICE1] is pressed) “Message” + “Edit”Log file selectionWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressedIn the case of log file selection screen (CW):“Log” + “File” + “CW”In the case of log file selection screen (RTTY):“Log” + “File” + “RTTY”In the case of log file selection screen (PSK):“Log” + “File” + “PSK”When a selection is made Year (2018 to 2099) + Month + Day + TimeFile deletion confirmation “Delete” + “Are you Sure?”Name editing “Edit”When the file browsing locationis changed [USB/ Internal]Log View When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Log” + “View”FM tone frequencyconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Tone” + FrequencyChange in frequency FrequencyStart of TONE scanningDuring TONE scanning or when[VOICE1] is pressed“Tone” + “Scan”End of TONE scanning FrequencyFM CTCSS frequencyconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “CTCSS” + FrequencyChange in frequency FrequencyStart of CTCSS scanningDuring CTCSS scanning orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed“CTCSS” + “Scan”End of CTCSS scanning FrequencyVOICE GUIDANCE  1313-5
Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementFM cross tone frequencyconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Cross-Tone” + [Tone/ CTCSS] + FrequencyTONE/CTCSS switching [Tone/ CTCSS]Change in frequency FrequencyRX filter configurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “RX” + “Filter” + [A/ B/ C] + [R/ IF/ AF] + OptionsSwitching of filter [A/ B/ C]Switching of roofing filter [Auto/ 270 + Hertz/ 500 + Hertz/ 2.7 + Kilohertz/ 6 + Kilohertz/ 15 + Kilohertz]Switching of shape factor [Soft/ Medium/ Sharp]Configuring or clearing presetpassband characteristics No announcementSwitching of audio filter width [Narrow/ Medium/ Wide]Audio peak filterconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “APF” + [Narrow/ Medium/ Wide]When a selection is made [Narrow/ Medium/ Wide]Switching of shift frequency “Shift” (+ [+/-]) + Value + “Hertz”Switching of gain level “Gain” (+ [+]) + Value + “dB”NB1/ NR1/ NR2 levelconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed“Noise blanker” + “1” + Value“Noise reduction” + “1” + Value“Noise reduction” + “2” + ValueReset to default value No announcementSwitching of setting value ValueNB2 level configurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed“Noise blanker” + “2” + “A” + Value or “Noise blanker” + “2” + “B” + “Level” + Value or“Noise blanker” + “2” + “B” + “Width” + Value or “Noise blanker” + “2” + “B” + “Depth” +ValueSwitching of type [A/ B]When a selection is made [Level/ Width/ Depth]Reset to default value No announcementSwitching of value Value(Standard size) Bandscope+ Waterfall When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Bandscope”(Standard size) Bandscopescreen When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Bandscope”(Enlarged size) Bandscope+ Waterfall When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Bandscope”Audio scope When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Audioscope”Multi scopeBandscope (upper screen)/audio scope (lower screen)When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Audioscope”13 VOICE GUIDANCE13-6
Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementMemory channel listWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressedDuring normal selectionBlank channel: “Memory” + “List” + Number + “Blank”Simplex mode: “Memory” + “List” + Number + FrequencySplit mode: “Memory” + “List” + Number + “Split” + FrequencyDuring selection of data writing destinationBlank channel: “Memory” + “In” + Number + “Blank”Simplex mode: “Memory” + “In” + Number + FrequencySplit mode: “Memory” + “In” + Number + “Split” + FrequencyWhen a selection is made Blank channel: Number + BlankSimplex mode: Number + FrequencySplit mode: Number + Split + FrequencyRegistration or pasting of data No announcementInput of start frequency forspecific band segments (Inputof end frequency)“End” + “Frequency” + Current frequencyErasing channel data No announcementName input “Edit”Lockout mode switching “Lockout” + [On/ Off]Confirmation for deletion ofall quick memory data When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Quick memory” + “Clear” + “Are you Sure?”Group configuration forMemory ScanWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Memory” + “Scan” + “Group” + Number + [On/ Off]When a selection is made Number + [On/ Off]Switching between ON/OFF [On/ Off]Switching between All ON/AllOFF“Select” + “All”“Clear” + “All”Configuration of segment forProgram ScanWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed Program Scan: “Program” + “Scan” + “Channel”+ Number + [On/ Off]VFO Scan: “VFO” + “Scan”When a selection is made Number + [On/ Off]Switching between ON/OFF [On/ Off]Switching between VFO Scan/Program Scan [VFO + Scan/ Program + Scan]Switching between All ON/AllOFF“Select” + “All”“Clear” + “All”Configuration of ProgramSlow Scan pointsWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Program” + “Slow” + “Scan” + Operating frequencyDuring configuration of pointfrequency No announcementBatch delete “Clear” + “All”Voice messageWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Voice” + “Message”When the editing screen isdisplayed or when [VOICE1] ispressedBlank channel: “Message” + Number + “Blank”Registered channel: “Message” + Number (+ “Repeat”)Switching of channel to edit Blank channel: Number + “Blank”Registered channel: Number (+ “Repeat”)Switching of repeat mode “Repeat” + [Off/ On]Deletion No announcementName registration(Including when [VOICE1] ispressed)“Edit”Voice message recordingstandbyWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Record” + [Mic./ ACC two/ USB/ LAN]Switching of audio source input [Mic./ ACC two/ USB/ LAN]VOICE GUIDANCE  1313-7
Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementRecording file (built-inmemory)When screen is opened or when[VOICE1] is pressedWhen browsing audio files:“Audio” + “File”When browsing audio files of timer recordings:“Audio” + “File” + “Timer”When a selection is made Year (2018 to 2099) + Month + Day + TimeFolder switching (recording file/timer)When browsing the built-in memory: Same as when a screen is displayedWhen browsing the USB flash drive: Refer to “When a screen is displayed” in “Recordingfile (USB flash drive)”Switching memory Same as when the recording file (USB flash drive) screen is launchedHowever, if the USB flash drive is not connected, refer to the “Request to get ready theUSB flash drive” screenFile deletion confirmation(Including when [VOICE1] ispressed)“Delete” + “Are you Sure?”Editing of file name “Edit”Request to get ready the USBflash drive(Including when [VOICE1] ispressed)“USB” + “Connect”Recording file (USB flashdrive)When screen is opened or when[VOICE1] is pressed When browsing audio files: “Audio” + “File” + “USB”When browsing audio files of timer recordings: “Audio” + “File” + “USB” + “Timer”When a selection is made Year (2018 to 2099) + Month + Day + TimeSwitching memory Refer to the Recording file (built-in memory) screenFolder switching (betweenTIMER_REC and RXREC)When browsing a USB flash drive: Same as when a screen is displayedWhen browsing the built-in memory: Refer to “When a screen is displayed” in“Recording file (built-in memory)”File deletion confirmation(Including when [VOICE1] ispressed)“Delete” + “Are you Sure?”Name editing “Edit”LAN menuWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “LAN” + “Menu” + Item number (1 digit) + SettingsSwitching of setting item Item number (1 digits) + SettingsStart of setting value editing,movement of selection, input ofsetting value Value of selected positionSwitching of setting item(Related to address)Item number (1 digit) + nnn + “Point” + nnn + “Point” + nnn + “Point” + nnnHowever, content is as follows when nnn is blank:Item number (1 digit) + “Blank”Switching of setting item(Related to ID/Pass) Item number (1 digit)Start of setting value editing,movement of selection (relatedto address) Value of selected positionInput of setting value (related toaddress) Numeric value that is enteredSelection of setting value(related to address) Selected valueCLOCK menu top When a screen is displayed “Clock” + “Menu” + “Group” + Group number (1 digit)Group selection NumberCLOCK menu items displayWhen screen is opened or when[VOICE1] is pressed “Clock” + “Menu” + Item number (2 digit) + SettingsItem selection Item number (2 digits) + SettingsStart of Date and Timeconfiguration “Edit”Start of configuration No announcementChange in setting value DescriptionAcquisition of NTP date/timedata When a screen is displayed “Clock” + “Update”Acquisition of NTP date/timedata is complete When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Completed”Acquisition of NTP date/timedata failed When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Error” + NumberTimer configurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Programmable” + “Timer” + OptionsWhen the sleep timer settingsare changed “Sleep Timer” + Options13 VOICE GUIDANCE13-8
Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementProgram timer configurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed“Programmable” + “Timer” + [On/ Off]“Programmable” + “Timer” + “Repeat” + [On/ Off]“Programmable” + “Timer” + Day + [On/ Off]“Programmable” + “Timer” + “Mode” + [Timer Off/ On/ Off/ Both/ Record]“Programmable” + “Timer” + “Start” + “Hour” + Numeric value (2 digits)“Programmable” + “Timer” + “Start” + “Minute” + Numeric value (2 digits)“Programmable” + “Timer” + “End” + “Hour” + Numeric value (2 digits)“Programmable” + “Timer” + “End” + “Minute” + Numeric value (2 digits)“Programmable” + “Timer” + Frequency + Timer RX modeWhen a selection is madeAnnounces the status of the selected position“Timer” + [On/ Off]“Repeat” + [On/ Off]Day + [On/ Off]“Mode” + [Timer Off/ On/ Off/ Both/ Record]“Start” + “Hour” + Numeric value (2 digits)“Start” + “Minute” + Numeric value (2 digits)“End” + “Hour” + Numeric value (2 digits)“End” + “Minute” + Numeric value (2 digits)Frequency + Timer RX modeWhen a setting value is input Numeric value that is enteredSwitching between ON/OFF [On/ Off]Mode switching [Timer Off/ On/ Off/ Both/ Record]Change in selected setting([MULTI/CH] control/F4[+]/F5[–]/numeric keypad) DescriptionProgram timer configurationis complete When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Completed”Menu topWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Menu” + “Group” + Group number (1 digit)Group selection “Group” + Group number (1 digit)Upon entering SWL mode “SWL” + “On”When SWL mode is OFF “SWL” + “Off”Menu items displayWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Menu” + Group number (1 digit) + Item number (2 digits) + SettingWhen a menu is selected Item number (2 digits) + SettingsDuring start of parameterediting(Including when [VOICE1] ispressed)“Edit”When a setting value is selected No announcementWhen a setting value is altered Selected value[GROUP   ]“Group” + Group number (1 digit)[GROUP   ]“Group” + Group number (1 digit)USB/file management menuWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressedAnnounces the selected function item“USB” + “File” + “Menu” + [Remove/ Read + Configuration/ Save + Configuration/ Copy+ File + PC/ Copy + File + USB/ Read + File/ Delete + File/ File + Save/ Format]When an item is selected [Remove/ Read + Configuration/ Save + Configuration/ Copy + File + PC/ Copy + File+ USB/ Read + File/ Delete + File/ File + Save/ Format]Selection of destination tosave filesWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “File” + “Save” + [Internal/ USB]When switching the selectionoption [Internal/ USB]Selection of items to copyWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressedAnnounces the selected function item“Copy” + “File” + “Select” + [Configuration/ Audio/ Timer + Audio/ TX + Equalizer/ RX +Equalizer/ CW + Log/ RTTY + Log/ PSK + Log/ S + C/ KNS + Log]When an item is selected [Configuration/ Audio/ Timer + Audio/ TX + Equalizer/ RX + Equalizer/ CW + Log/ RTTY+ Log/ PSK + Log/ S + C/ KNS + Log]Switching between check anduncheck [Off/ On]VOICE GUIDANCE  1313-9
Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementSelection of items to deleteWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressedAnnounces the selected function item“Delete” + “File” + “Select” + [Configuration/ Audio/ Timer + Audio/ TX + Equalizer/ RX+ Equalizer/ CW + Log/ RTTY + Log/ PSK + Log/ S + C/ KNS + Log]When an item is selected [Configuration/ Audio/ Timer + Audio/ TX + Equalizer/ RX + Equalizer/ CW + Log/ RTTY+ Log/ PSK + Log/ S + C/ KNS + Log]* S+C: Screen Captured FilesSwitching between check anduncheck [Off/ On]Formatting confirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Format” + “Are you Sure?”When “formatting inprogress” screen isdisplayed or during otherongoing processes ingeneralWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Please wait”Unmount confirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Remove” + “Are you Sure?”Unmount is complete When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Completed”RESET menu items display When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed“Menu Reset”“Memory Channel Reset”“VFO Reset”“Standard Reset”“Full Reset”Standard reset confirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Standard Reset” + “Are you Sure?”Full reset confirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Full Reset” + “Are you Sure?”VFO reset confirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “VFO Reset” + “Are you Sure?”Memory reset confirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Memory Channel Reset” + “Are you Sure?”Menu reset confirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Menu Reset” + “Are you Sure?”Reset in progress When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Please wait”Advanced menu itemsdisplayWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Advanced” + “Menu” + Item number (from 1 digit)When a selection is made Item number (from 1 digits) + SettingsAdvanced menu adjustmentWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed No announcementChange in setting value ValueTouchscreen adjustment inprogressWhen screen is displayed (Novoice is output when [VOICE1]is pressed)“Touchscreen” + “Calibration”Advanced menu licensedisplay When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “License”Version display foradvanced menu firmware When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed Numeric value + “Point” + 2-digit numeric valueSwitching of operatingenvironment data When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “A” + Waiting time + “B” + “Are you Sure?”Error/warning message When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed [Error/ Warning] + NumberAGC quick recoveryconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “AGC Quick Recovery” + [Off/ On] (+ Value)Switching between ON/OFF [On/ Off]Change in threshold level ValueCarrier level configurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Carrier” + ValueChange in carrier level ValueTX monitor levelconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “TX monitor” + ValueChange in TX monitor level Value13 VOICE GUIDANCE13-10
Screen Operation/Status Content of AnnouncementCW communicationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “CW” + “Communication”Contest number decrement Subtracted contest numberScope range configuration inFixed mode When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Bandscope” + “Configuration”TX output power limiter OFFconfirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “TX power” + “Limit” + “Off” + “Are you Sure?”Dimmer configurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed“D” + “Menu” + Value (1 to 100)* D: DimmerWhen the position to configureis selected(When F3 [ ]/ F4 [ ] ispressed)[D/L] + Value*D: Display/ L: LEDAltering of value ValueLinear amplifier menuconfigurationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed“Linear Amplifier” + Target bands of linear amplifier menu + Function name of focusingposition + SettingBand selection [HF/ 50/ 70 (E type only) + Mega Hertz]Linear amplifier ON/OFF [Off/On]Linear amplifier TX control [Low/ High]Linear amplifier TX delayON/OFF [Off/ On]Linear amplifier TX delay time(CW/FSK/PSK) [5/ 10/ 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 35/ 40]Linear amplifier TX delay time(SSB/AM/FM) [5/ 10/ 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 35/ 40/ 45/ 50]Linear amplifier relay control [Off/ On]Linear amplifier external ALCvoltage [-1/ -2/ -3/ -4/ -5/ -6/ -7/ -8/ -9/ -10/ -11/ -12]KNS information When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “KNS” + “Connect” + [Off / User name]KNS configuration When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressedWhen a selection is made“KNS” + “Configuration” + Item number (from 1 digit) + SettingsKNS Users ListWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “KNS” + “User” + “List” + User name of selected item*When a selection is made User name of selected item** The registered user name is uttered one character at a time. Characters that cannotbe uttered will be inserted with a pause. Blank is uttered if a user name is not registered.KNS user registrationWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “KNS” + “User” + “List” + User name of selected item*When a selection is madeName of selected item** The content of the announcement for the item name is as follows.“User Name”: “User”“Passwoard”: “PASS” (utters 1 character at a time)“Description” :“D”“RX Only”: “RX” + [Off/ On]“Disabled”: “Disable” + [Off/ On]Switching between check anduncheck [Off/ On]Frequency marker listWhen screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed“Frequency” + “Marker” + “List” + [ON/OFF] + [Blank / Frequency] ** “Blank” if no data is registered. Frequency when data is registered.When a selection is made [Blank / Marker + Frequency]Calling up the preconfiguredemergency frequency When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Emergency” + “Frequency”Confirmation for batchdeletion of files When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “All” + “Delete” + “Are you sure?”File deletion confirmation When screen is displayed orwhen [VOICE1] is pressed “Delete” + “Are you sure?”●For more details on the option numbers when configuring the PF keys, please refer to “List of Assignable Functions”. Whenthe higher order digit of the menu number or memory channel number is “0”, “0” will also be uttered.●When the setting screen overlaps with messages on errors, warnings and other information, announcement will be output forthe error, warning or information message.●Frequency value in the VFO mode is announced in sequence starting from the highest order digit that is being displayed.“Point” is uttered as a delimiter for MHz.VOICE GUIDANCE  1313-11
Voice 2Pressing the key that is assigned with “VOICE2” announces the Smeter and power meter values. For example, “S5” or “20 dB” willbe announced in this case.Press [PF B] or the PF key that is assigned with“VOICE2”.Announces the S meter and power meter values.●Pressing the PF key that is assigned with “VOICE1”,“VOICE2” or “VOICE3” during the announcement stopsthe announcement.●For more details on how to change the assignment of PFkeys, please refer to “PF Keys (Programmable FunctionKeys)”.●Even while an analog meter is displayed, the “VOICE2”announcement changes according to the level when adigital meter is displayed (dot: 0 to 70).Content that is announced in the VOICE2 mode is as follows.S meter Power MeterLevelContent ofAnnouncementLevel Content ofAnnouncement0 S 0 0 P 01 to 4 S 1 1 to 5 P 55 to 8 S 2 6 to 10 P 109 to 12 S 3 11 to 14 P 17.513 to 16 S 4 15 to 19 P 2517 to 20 S 5 20 to 27 P 37.521 to 24 S 6 28 to 35 P 5025 to 28 S 7 36 to 47 P 7529 to 32 S 8 48 to 59 P 10033 to 36 S 9 60 to 65 P 12537 to 41 10 dB 66 to 70 P 15042 to 47 20 dB - -48 to 52 30 dB - -53 to 58 40 dB - -59 to 64 50 dB - -65 to 70 60 dB - -Voice 3Pressing the key that is assigned with “VOICE3” announces themeter values.Press [PF C] or the PF key that is assigned with“VOICE3”.Announces the meter value at the time when the key is pressed.●VOICE3 makes announcement only duringtransmission.●Pressing the PF key that is assigned with “VOICE1”,“VOICE2” or “VOICE3” during the announcement stopsthe announcement.●For more details on how to change the assignment of PFkeys, please refer to “PF Keys (Programmable FunctionKeys)”.●Even while an analog meter is displayed, the “VOICE3”announcement changes according to the level when adigital meter is displayed (dot: 0 to 70).●When the meter selected is PWR meter, theannouncement is the same as that of the PWR meter inVOICE2.●Pressing [VOICE3] while the voice message recordingstandby screen or the voice message recording inprogress screen is displayed announces the value(recording level) of the “Recording Level Meter”.●Pressing [VOICE3] during configuration of themicrophone gain in Advanced Menu [10] announces thevalue of the level meter.Content that is announced in the VOICE3 mode is as follows.SWR Meter COMP Meter ALC MeterLevelContent ofAnnouncementLevelContent ofAnnouncementLevelContent ofAnnouncement0 to 1 R 1.0 0 C 0 dB 0 A 02 R 1.1 1 to 9 C 5 dB 1 to 2 A 13 to 4 R 1.2 10 to 19 C 10 dB 3 to 4 A 25 R 1.3 20 to 34 C 15 dB 5 to 6 A 36 to 7 R 1.4 35 to 50 C 20 dB 7 to 8 A 48 to 9 R 1.5 51 to 57 C 25 dB 9 to 10 A 511 to 12 A 610 to 11 R 1.658onwardsC OVER 13 to 14 A 712 to 13 R 1.7  15 to 16 A 814 to 15 R 1.8     17 to 18 A 916 to 17 R 1.9     19 to 20 A 1018 to 21 R 2.0     21 to 22 A 1122 to 27 R 2.5     23 to 24 A 1228 to 36 R 3.0     25 to 26 A 1337 to 42 R 4.0     27 to 28 A 1443 to 47 R 5.0     29 to 30 A 1548onwardsR OVER     31 to 32 A 16        33 to 34 A 17       35onwardsA OVERID Meter TEMP Meter VD MeterLevelContent ofAnnouncementLevelContent ofAnnouncementLevelContent ofAnnouncement0 to 9 I 2.5 0 to 25 T LOWUp to 46V LOW10 to 17 I 5 26 to 60 T MID 47 to 48 V 1018 to 26 I 7.561onwardsT HIGH 49 to 51 V 1127 to 35 I 10     52 to 55 V 1236 to 44 I 12.5     56 to 58 V 1345 to 52 I 15     59 to 61 V 1453 to 60 I 17.5     62 to 64 V 1561onwardsI 20    65onwardsV HIGHRecording Level Meter/Audio Lever Meter during FM Microphone Gain ConfigurationLevel Content of Announcement0 L 01 to 2 L 13 to 4 L 25 to 6 L 37 to 8 L 49 to 10 L 511 to 12 L 613 to 14 L 715 to 16 L 817 to 18 L 919 to 20 L 1021 to 22 L 1123 to 24 L 1225 to 26 L 1327 to 28 L 1429 to 30 L 1531 to 32 L 1633 to 34 L 1735 onwards L OVER13 VOICE GUIDANCE13-12
Configuring Date and TimeThis transceiver can display 2 types of clocks.Local ClockDisplays the current date and time.Auxiliary ClockDisplays information such as the UTC clock.Displaying the Clock Menu Screen1Press [MENU] to display the menu screen.2Press F [CLOCK] to display the Clock menu screen..3Select Clock Menu [0] “Date and Time”.4Press F4 [SELECT].The date/time configuration screen is displayed..●Pressing F7 [CANCEL] while the date and timeconfigurations for Local Clock is still in progress discardsthe settings and returns the display to the Date and Timeconfiguration screen.Configuring the Local Clock DateThe date of the local clock that is used for display or the time stampin files can be configured as follows.1Select Clock Menu [00] “Date (Local Clock)”.2Press F4 [EDIT].3Use the function keys and the [MULTI/CH] controlto select the date.Key BehaviorF2 [–]/ F3 [+] Selects a setting value.[MULTI/CH]F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] Moves the cursor.●The date and time is displayed in the parameter field ofthe Clock screen according to the “Date DisplayFormat” setting.●The local clock cannot be configured when the auto timecorrection function using the NTP server is ON.4Press F6 [OK].Configuring the Local Clock TimeFollow the steps below to configure the local clock time. This isusually configured to the local time of the location where thistransceiver is being operated.1Select Clock Menu [01] “Time (Local Clock)”.2Press F4 [EDIT].3Use the numeric keypad, function keys and the[MULTI/CH] control to configure the time.A numeric value can be entered by pressing the correspondingkey on the numeric keypad.Key/Control BehaviorF2 [–]/ F3 [+] Selects a setting value.[MULTI/CH]F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] Moves the cursor.4Press F6 [OK].Configuring the Local Clock Time ZoneFollow the steps below to configure the time zone of the local clock.1Select Clock Menu [02] “Timezone (Local Clock)”.2Press F4 [SELECT].3Press F2 [–]/ F3 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto select the time zone of the local clock.SettingValue UTC-14:00 to UTC+00:00 (default) to UTC+14:00(15min/step)4Press F6 [OK].Configuring the Auxiliary Clock Time ZoneFollow the steps below to configure the time zone of the auxiliaryclock.1Select Clock Menu [03] “Timezone (SecondaryClock)”.2Press F4 [SELECT].3Press F2 [–]/ F3 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto select the time zone of the local clock.SettingValue UTC-14:00 to UTC+00:00 (default) to UTC+14:00(15min/step)4Press F6 [OK].Registering an Auxiliary Clock IdentifierThe auxiliary clock can be assigned with a single alphabet as anidentifier.1Select Clock Menu [04] “Secondary ClockIdentification Letter”.2Press F4 [EDIT].3Press F2 [–]/ F3 [+] or turn the [MULTI/CH] controlto select an identifier character.•“U” is used in the default setting, which stands for“Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)”.4Press F6 [OK].CLOCK DISPLAY/TIMER  1414 CLOCK DISPLAY/TIMER14-1
Configuring the Date Display FormatThe date display format can be configured as follows.1Select Clock Menu [05] “Date Display Format”.2Press F4 [SELECT].3Select the preferred date display format.SettingValue MMM/DD/'YY (K type: default)/ DD/MMM/'YY (E type:default)/ 'YY/MMM/DD4Press F6 [OK].Configuring the Clock DisplayFollow the steps below to configure the types and number of clocksto display.1Select Clock Menu [06] “Clock Display”.2Press F4 [SELECT].3Select the preferred time display format.SettingValue Off/ Local Clock/ Secondary Clock/ Both (default)Off: Does not display the clock.Local Clock: Displays only the local clock.Secondary Clock: Displays only the auxiliary clock.Both: Displays both the local clock and auxiliary clock.4Press F6 [OK].Clock Correction Using NTP (Network TimeProtocol)The NTP server can be used to correct the clock timeautomatically. This is done by applying the date and time acquiredfrom the NTP server to the built-in clock of this transceiver.The following configuration procedures are needed to make useof the NTP function.•Connect this transceiver to a network such as a home LAN viaa LAN cable.•To make use of an NTP server on WAN, allow communicationto be established via the Network Time Protocol Port (port 123).For a home LAN that uses a broadband router, ensure that port123 of the broadband router is open.•Configure the network on this transceiver.•Configure the network and IP address on this transceiver. Formore details on the method of configuration, please refer to“Configuring the IP Address”.•Configure the address of the NTP server.•Configure the NTP server address of the time zone configuredfor the local clock on this transceiver. For more details on themethod of configuration, please refer to “Configuring the NTPServer Address”.Displaying the Auto Correction Configuration Screen1Press [MENU] to display the menu screen.2Press F [CLOCK] to display the Clock menu screen.3Select Clock Menu [1] “Automatic TimeCorrection”.4Press F4 [SELECT].The auto correction configuration screen is displayed..Configuring the NTP Server AddressFollow the steps below to configure the address of the NTP server.1Select Clock Menu [01] “NTP Server Address”.2Press F4 [EDIT].3Use the function keys, [MULTI/CH] control or USBkeyboard to enter the address of the NTP server.Key BehaviorF2 [–]/ F3 [+] Selects a character.F4 [ ]/ F5 [ ] Moves the cursor.F [BACK SPACE] Deletes the character to the left of thecursor.F [DEL] Deletes the character to the right of thecursor.F [CHAR]Switches the type of character to edit.Pressing the key each time switches theselection in the following sequence:ABC (upper case) → abc (lower case)→ !”# (symbols) → ABC (upper case)4Press F6 [SAVE] to save the address.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] discards the input and restores thistransceiver to the NTP server address setting input mode.14 CLOCK DISPLAY/TIMER14-2
●The response time of the NTP server varies dependingon the condition of the network and the NTP server.●Search for the NTP server address using “NTP server”as the keyword.Turning ON/OFF Auto Clock CorrectionThe date and time that is configured for the clock of this transceivercan be corrected by communicating automatically with the NTPserver.1Select Clock Menu [00] “Clock Correction using theNTP Server”.2Press F4 [SELECT]..3Press F2 [–]/ F3 [+] to set auto correction to “On” or“Off”.When auto correction is set to “On”, communication isestablished automatically with the NTP server when the power() of this transceiver is turned on and correction of the clock’sdate and time is performed. If the power ( ) of this transceiveris left on, auto correction is performed at an interval ofapproximately 24 hours. The default setting is “Off”.4Press F6 [OK].Correcting the Date and Time ManuallyThe date and time that is configured for the clock of this transceivercan be corrected by connecting this transceiver manually to theNTP server.1Select Clock Menu [1] “Automatic TimeCorrection”.2Press F4 [SELECT]..3Press F6 [UPDATE].Communication with the NTP server starts, and the date andtime configured for the clock of this transceiver is corrected.After correction is complete, a message is displayed to notifythe user that communication with the NTP server has ended.•Pressing F7 [CANCEL] while acquiring the date and timevia NTP stops the acquisition process.●The NTP server is a public server, please refrain fromaccessing it frequently.TimerThis transceiver supports programmed operation using thefollowing timer functions. The frequency and mode can beconfigured in the Program Timer screen.Power ON (Program Timer Configuration Screen)Turns on this transceiver with the preconfigured frequency andmode at the preconfigured timing.Power OFF (Program Timer Configuration Screen)Turns off this transceiver at the preconfigured time.Power ON and Power OFF (Program TimerConfiguration Screen)Turns on or off this transceiver with the preconfigured frequencyand mode and at the preconfigured timing.Timer Recording (Program Timer ConfigurationScreen)Records RX audio to the built-in memory or a USB flash driveduring the interval between the preconfigured Power-on andPower-off time.Sleep Timer (Timer Configuration Screen)Turns off this transceiver after the preconfigured duration haselapsed.APO (Auto Power Off) (Menu [0-32])Turns off this transceiver if there is no key or control operation forthe preconfigured duration.Configuring the Program TimerFollow the steps below to configure the timing for powering on andoff this transceiver as well as the operation of the program timer.1Press F [TIMER] on the menu screen to display theTimer configuration screen..2Press F3 [PROG] to display the ProgrammableTimer configuration screen..3Press F2 [ ]/ F3 [ ] to select the setting item.4Use the function keys and the [MULTI/CH] controlto configure the program timer.CLOCK DISPLAY/TIMER  1414-3
SettingItem Configuration MethodTimer ModePress F4 [MODE] to select a timer operation.•Power-on: Turns on this transceiver at thepreconfigured time.•Power-off: Turns off this transceiver at thepreconfigured time.•Power-on/off: Turns on this transceiver for thepreconfigured time.•Record: Performs recording for the preconfiguredtime.•Off: Disables timer function.RepeatPress F4 [ON/OFF] to toggle the repeat mode betweenON and OFF.•On: Operates the timer at the preconfigured daysevery week.•Off: Operates the timer only once at thepreconfigured day.Day of theWeekPress F4 [] to program the timer operation ona specific day of the week.•Timer operation is enabled only on the days forwhich the corresponding checkbox is selected.Power-onTime/Power-offTimePress F4 [–]/ F5 [+] or the numeric keypad, or turn the[MULTI/CH] control to configure the time for turning onand off this transceiver using the timer.•Configure the time to a value between “00:00” and“23:59”.•When “Power-on” is selected, the power-on timecan be configured.•When “Power-off” is selected, the power-off timecan be configured.Frequency/ModePress F5 [COPY] to configure the frequency and modeto start up in by the timer.•Turn the Tuning or [MULTI/CH] control or use theBand or Mode key to change the current receivingVFO or memory channel and align it with thefrequency/mode for performing reception when theprogram timer is activated.•Press F5 [COPY] every time when changing thefrequency or mode to start up by the timer.5Press F6 [OK].The “configuration complete” screen appears.•The programmed timer operation is now enabled. (<< >>lights up.)6Press F6 [OK].Returns to the Timer menu screen.7Press [ESC] to end the process.8If the timer (excluding Power-off timer) is set to ON,press [ ] to power off this transceiver.•If a timer mode other than “Off” is configured, the [POWER]LED lights up in orange.●Before pressing F5 [COPY] to copy the operating datathat is registered in the memory channel, press [M>V] toshift the operating data of the memory channel to VFO.●Configure settings other than frequency and modebefore pressing F5 [COPY] in step 5.●When programming the timer recording function, theremust be an interval of at least 1 minute from the timerecording starts (Power-on time) to the time recordingends (Power-off time). Otherwise, programmedrecording cannot be performed.●Timer recording up to a duration of 4 hours can beconfigured.●Program timer can be configured even when F6 [OK] instep 4 is pressed after the preconfigured interval haselapsed.●To record audio to a USB flash drive, insert the USB flashdrive into the (USB-A) connector on the front panel afterconfiguring the timer recording settings and beforerecording starts. Use a USB flash drive that is formattedby this transceiver and one with sufficient remainingspace.●Timer recording does not starts unless this transceiveris powered off.●When the power of this transceiver is OFF, the [POWER]LED starts blinking 1 minute before timer recordingstarts, and pressing [ ] in this state does not power onthis transceiver.●If the power of this transceiver is not in the OFF statewhen timer recording is ON, a message will be displayed3 minutes and 1 minute before timer recording starts.Press [ ] to power off this transceiver.●The [POWER] LED light remains orange during timerrecording, while the [REC] LED lights up in red.●To cancel timer recording after the [POWER] LED startsblinking and before timer recording starts, press andhold [ ] for 4 seconds.●While timer recording is in progress, all other operationsare disabled until timer recording stops. To cancel timerrecording, press [ ] and follow the displayed messageto press and hold down F4 [(BREAK)] .●If the sleep timer is configured, the operation of theprogram timer function will be temporarily disabled.●If the power-off time configured in APO is earlier, thepower of the transceiver is turned off by the APOfunction.Pausing Program Timer OperationThe program timer can be paused while the timer is running.•Power shutdown at the Power-off time•Start of timer recording•Power shutdown by the sleep timerAfter the program timer is paused, pressing F [TIMER] resumesthe program timer operation.Press F [TIMER].<< >> goes off, and countdown by the sleep timer orprogram timer is paused.Pressing F [TIMER] again illuminates << >> and resumescountdown by the sleep timer or program timer.14 CLOCK DISPLAY/TIMER14-4
Sleep timerSleep timer is a function for powering off this transceiver after thepreconfigured interval has elapsed.Configuring the Sleep Timer1Press F [TIMER] on the menu screen to display theTimer configuration screen..2Press F5 [SLEEP] and select the duration beforepowering off this transceiver.<< >> lights up.SettingValue Off (default)/ 5/ 10/ 15/ 30/ 60/ 90/ 120 [min]•Select “Off” if the sleep timer is not used.3Press [ESC] to end the process.Pausing the Sleep TimerThe sleep timer can be paused while the timer is running.Press F [TIMER].<< >> goes off, and automatic power-off by the sleep timeris temporarily disabled.●Pressing F [TIMER] again disables or resumes both thesleep timer and programmable timer.●If the power-off time configured in APO is earlier, thepower of the transceiver is turned off by the APOfunction.APO (Automatic Power Off)APO is a function that powers off this transceiver when there is nokey or control operation in the RX mode for the preconfigured timeinterval. “CHECK” is output in the Morse code from the speaker 1minute before the power of this transceiver turns off.Configure in Menu [0-32] “Automatic Power Off”SettingValue Off (default)/ 60/ 120/ 180 [min]●Upon reaching the preconfigured APO time, a timerpower off screen is displayed and the power shuts downafter 10 seconds. Operating any of the keys while thetimer power off screen is displayed turns off the APOsetting.CLOCK DISPLAY/TIMER  1414-5

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