Japan Radio JSS-296 MF/HF Radio Telephone User Manual 1

Japan Radio Co Ltd. MF/HF Radio Telephone 1


Pages 1 to 77

MF/HF Radio EquipmentJSS-296Instruction Manual
iCAUTIONS AGAINST HIGH VOLTAGERadio and radar devices are operated by high voltages of anywhere from a few hundred volts up to manyhundreds of thousands of volts. Although there is no danger with normal use, it is very dangerous if contactis made with the internal parts of these devices. (Only specialists should attempt any maintenance,checking or adjusting.)There is a very high risk of death by even a few thousand volts, in some cases you can be fatallyelectrocuted by just a few hundred volts. To circumvent accidents, you should avoid contact with theinternal parts of these devices at all costs. If contact is inevitable as in the case of an emergency, you mustswitch off the devices and ground a terminal in order to discharge the capacitors. After making certain thatall the electricity is discharged, only then can you insert your hand into the device. Wearing cotton glovesand putting your free hand in your pocket, in order not to use both hands simultaneously, are also verygood methods of shock prevention.Quite often, an injury occurs by secondary factors, therefore it is necessary to choose a sturdy and levelworking surface. If someone is electrocuted it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the affected area andseek medical attention as soon as possible.Cautions concerning treatment of electrocution victimsWhen you find an electrocution victim, you must first switch off the machinery and ground all circuits. If youare unable to cut off the machinery, move the victim away from it using a non-conductive material such asdry boards or clothing.When someone is electrocuted, and the electrical current reaches the breathing synapses of the centralnervous system inside the brain, breathing stops. If the victim's condition is stable, he or she can beadministered artificial respiration. An electrocution victim becomes very pale, and their pulse can be veryweak or even stop, consequently losing consciousness and becoming stiff.Administration of first aid is critical in this situation.
iiFirst aid☆Note points for first aidUnless there is impending danger leave the victim where he or she is, then begin artificial respiration.Once you begin artificial respiration, you must continue without losing rhythm.(1) Make contact with the victim cautiously, there is a risk that you may get electrocuted.(2) Switch off the machinery and then move the victim away slowly if you must.(3) Inform someone immediately (a hospital or doctor, dial emergency numbers, etc.).(4) Lay the victim on his or her back and loosen any constrictive clothing (a tie, or belt).(5) (a) Check the victim's pulse.(b) Check for a heartbeat by pressing your ear against the victim's chest.(c) Check if the victim is breathing by putting the back of your hand or face near the victim's face.(d) Check the pupils of the eyes.(6) Open the victim's mouth and remove any artificial dentifrice, food or chewing gum. Leave the mouthopened and flatten the tongue with a towel or by putting something into the mouth to prevent thevictim's tongue from obstructing the throat. (If he or she is clenching their teeth and it is difficult toopen the mouth, use a spoon or the like to pry open the mouth.)(7) Continually wipe the mouth to prevent the accumulation of saliva.
iii☆If the victim has a pulse but is not breathing("Mouth to mouth" resuscitation) Figure 1.(1) Place the victim's head facing backward (place something under the neck like a pillow).(2) Point the chin upward to widen the trachea.(3) Pinch the victim's nose, take a deep breath, then put your mouth over the victim's mouth and exhalecompletely, making sure that your mouth completely covers the victim's mouth. Then remove yourmouth. Repeat this routine 10 to 15 times per minute (holding the nostrils).(4) Pay attention to the victim to notice if he or she starts to breath. If breathing returns, stopresuscitation.(5) If it is impossible to open the victim's mouth, put something like a plastic straw or vinyl tube into one ofthe nostrils then blow air in while covering the mouth and the other nostril.(6) Occasionally, when the victim comes back to consciousness, they immediately try to stand up.Prevent this and keep them in a laying position. Give them something warm to drink and be sure thatthey rest (do not give them any alcohol).Administering artificial respiration by raising the head.①①①①(1) Raise the back of the head, then place onehand on the forehead and place the otherhand under the neck. →①→①→①→①Most victims open their mouth when doing this,making "mouth to mouth" resuscitation easier.②②②②(2) Cover the victim's mouth by opening yourmouth widely, then push your cheek againstthe victim's nose,  →②→②→②→②or pinch the victim's nose to prevent air fromleaking out of it.  →③→③→③→③③③③③(3) Completely exhale into the lungs.Exhale into the lungs until the chest is inflates.You have to blow as rapidly as possible for thefirst 10 times.("Mouth to mouth" resuscitation) Figure 1.
iv☆If the victim has no pulse and is not breathing(Heart massage in combination with artificial respiration.) Figure 2If the victim has no pulse, his or her pupils are dilated, and if you cannot detect a heartbeat, the heart mayhave stopped, beginning artificial respiration is critical.(1) Put both hands on the diaphragm, with hands on top of each other keeping both arms straight. (If yourelbows are bent, you cannot push with as much power.) Press the diaphragm with your body weightuntil the chest sinks about 2 cm (about 50 times per minute).(2) If administering first aid when alone:Perform the heart massage about 15 times then blow in twice. Repeat this routine.If administering first aid with two people:One person performs the heart massage 5 times, and the other person blows air in once. Repeat thisroutine. (Heart massage and "mouth to mouth" resuscitation used together.)(3) Constantly check the pupils and the pulse, if the pupils become normal and the pulse steadies, keepthem in a laying position and give them something warm to drink, be sure that they rest (do not givethem any alcohol.). In any case you have to entrust major decision making to a doctor. Havingunderstanding people around is essential to the victim's recovery from the mental shock ofelectrocution.①①①①②②②②③③③③④④④④(Heart massage in combination with artificial respiration.) Figure 2
vPrefaceThank you for purchasing JRC MF/HF Radio Equipment model JSS-296.● For best operation and performance results, read this manual thoroughly before use.● Keep this manual in a convenient place for future reference. Make use of this manual whenexperiencing operation difficulties.
viWARNINGBefore Operation  Concerning the symbolsThis manual uses the following symbols to explain correct operation and to prevent injury ordamage to property. The symbols and descriptions are as follows. Understand them beforeproceeding with reading this manual.Indicates a warning that, if ignored,may result in serious injury or evendeath.Indicates a caution that, if ignored,may result in injury or damage toproperty.  Examples of symbolsThe  △ symbol indicates caution (including DANGER and WARNING). Theillustration inside the △ symbol specifies the content of the caution moreaccurately. (This example is a general caution.)The     symbol indicates that performing an action is prohibited. The illustrationinside or next to the     symbol specifies the contents of the prohibited operation.(In this example, disassembly is prohibited.)The  ● symbol indicates operations that must be performed. The illustrationinside the ● symbol specifies the obligatory operation. (In the example,unplugging is the obligatory operation.)  Concerning warning labelsA warning label is pasted to the top cover of this product.Do not remove, damage, or modify the label.CAUTION
viiHandling PrecautionsWARNINGDo not disassemble or modify this unit. Doing so may cause fire, electrical shock, or failure.Do not use a voltage other than specified. Doing so may cause fire, electrical shock, or failure.If you remove a unit, be sure to store it in a non-conductive bag. If you wrap It up with materials such as aluminum foil, the back-up power supply may Short circuit and the ICs may be damaged.There are no user-serviceable parts inside this equipment. Inspection or maintenance by unauthorized persons may result in fire or electric shock.For inspection and maintenance, contact JRC or its authorized agents.
viiiHandling PrecautionsCAUTIONDo not use this equipment in an environment other than that specified.Doing so may cause failure or malfunction.Do not turn the trimmer resistors or trimmer capacitors on the PCB unit (they arepreset at the factory). Doing so may cause failure or malfunction.Do not install the equipment in a place near water or in one with excessivehumidity, steam, dust or soot. Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or failure.Do not get this equipment wet or spill any liquids on or near this equipment. Doingso may cause electrical shock or failure.Do not place this equipment anywhere vibration or impact is likely to occur. Doingso may cause a failure or injury.Do not place anything on top of this equipment. Doing so may cause fire or failure.Leave installation of this equipment to JRC or our agents. Installation by anunauthorized person may lead to malfunction.Be sure to turn OFF the printer’s power when opening and closing the printercover.Failure to comply could result in electrical shock, failure, or injury.Just after printing, the temperature of the printing head is high.Do not touch the printing head until the temperature goes down.Doing so may cause a burn or an injury.Do not touch any part of the cutter.Doing so is potentially dangerous.
ix DISTRESS CALL            Transmissible Address         : XXXXXXXXX Nature          : UNDESIGNATED DIST Dist-position  : 12゚34’N123゚45’E  Dist-UTC        : 01:26  Dist-telecomm  : J3E TEL  End of sequence: EOS  Call TX/RX freq: 2,187.5/ 2,187.5 kHzDDIISSTTRREESSSS  CCAALLLLSSNCT-196NThere are three methods of transmitting a distresscall. These methods are described below in orderof ease of use, with the easiest first.Transmitting Distress Calls 1    Procedure1.  Open the cover on the left and press                      .The following screen is displayed.•If stop the distress transmission, press            .2.  Press          for 3.5 seconds continuously.           •  If stop the distress transmission, release          .3.  The following screen is displayed and the distress transmission is started.If a printer is connected, it prints out the distress message.The distress message is transmitted for 5 times successively.           •    If break the distress transmission, press              .STOPDISTRESS CALL          Transmitting TX frequency   : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time   :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26                                          1/ 5NoteDISTRESSDISTRESSDISTRESSNoteSTOPNote
x4.  When the distress transmission is completed, the screen is displayed as follows for afew seconds.5.  The distress transmission is repeated at random intervals of 3.5 to 4.5 minutes.On completion of the transmission, the screen is changed as follows. And the distresstransmission is repeated when the displayed time has counted down to zero. DISTRESS CALL          2,187.5 kHz NEXT DISTRESS CALL : AFTER 3.0 minDISTRESS CALL          Send Completed TX frequency   : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time   :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:27                                          5/ 5
xi DISTRESS CALL            Transmissible Address         : XXXXXXXXX Nature          : UNDESIGNATED DIST Dist-position  : 12゚34’N123゚45’E  Dist-UTC        : 01:26  Dist-telecomm  : J3E TEL  End of sequence: EOS  Call TX/RX freq: 2,187.5/ 2,187.5 kHzTransmitting Distress Calls 2   Front panel    Procedure1.  Press         or         .2.  Open the cover on the left and press                   .The following screen is displayed.•If stop the distress transmission, press            .3.  Press          for 3.5 seconds at least.           •  If stop the distress transmission, release          .4.  The following screen is displayed and the distress transmission is started.If a printer is connected, it prints out the distress message.The distress message is transmitted for 5 times successively.           •    If break the distress transmission, press              .DISTRESSDISTRESSDISTRESSDISTRESS1st: PRESS TO VERIFY & EDIT MESSAGE1st: PRESS TO VERIFY & EDIT MESSAGE1st: PRESS TO VERIFY & EDIT MESSAGE1st: PRESS TO VERIFY & EDIT MESSAGE2nd: PRESS & HOLD UNTIL BEEP SOUNDS2nd: PRESS & HOLD UNTIL BEEP SOUNDS2nd: PRESS & HOLD UNTIL BEEP SOUNDS2nd: PRESS & HOLD UNTIL BEEP SOUNDS     CONTINUOUSLY TO TRANSMIT     CONTINUOUSLY TO TRANSMIT     CONTINUOUSLY TO TRANSMIT     CONTINUOUSLY TO TRANSMITDISTRESSDISTRESSDISTRESSDISTRESSURGENCYURGENCYURGENCYURGENCYOTHERSOTHERSOTHERSOTHERSCLASS A DSCCLASS A DSCCLASS A DSCCLASS A DSC2187.5kHz2187.5kHz2187.5kHz2187.5kHz8414.5kHz8414.5kHz8414.5kHz8414.5kHzSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP CALLCALLCALLCALLALM/CALLALM/CALLALM/CALLALM/CALL2187.5kHz 8414.5kHzDISTRESS CALL          Transmitting TX frequency   : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time   :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26                                          1/ 5NoteDISTRESSDISTRESSNoteSTOPNoteDISTRESSSTOP
xii5.  When the distress transmission is completed, the screen is displayed as follows for afew seconds.6.  The distress transmission is repeated at random intervals of 3.5 to 4.5 minutes.On completion of the transmission, the screen is changed as follows. And the distress transmissionis repeated when the displayed time has counted down to zero. DISTRESS CALL          2,187.5 kHz NEXT DISTRESS CALL : AFTER 3.0 minDISTRESS CALL          Send Completed TX frequency   : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time   :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:27                                          5/ 5
xiiiTransmitting Distress Calls 3The NCT-196N enables an operator to create and edit messages for transmission.    Procedure1.  Confirm that the "DSC watching" screen is displayed.2.  Press        .The "MENU #1-EDIT&CALL" screen is displayed.3. Press       and then          to select “3. Distress call”.The "Distress Call" screen is displayed as follows. Then setup these items except for “Address”and “End of sequence” properly.4.  Open the cover on the left and press                    for 3.5 seconds at least.5.  The following screen is displayed and the distress transmission is started.If a printer is connected, it prints out the distress message.The distress message is transmitted for 5 times successively.           •    If break the distress transmission, press              . DSC watching   06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26 12゚34’N123゚45’E SPEED:12.4KT at 01:26    Self-ID =  XXXXXXXXX               [UTC]MENU MENU #1-EDIT&CALL        Select no.   1.Individual call  2.Acknowledgement call  3.Distress call   4.Distress relay call   5.Auto/semi-auto call   6.All ships call       Use    and     to scroll the screen.   7.Group call  8.Area call   9.Position request  10.Polling call  11.Test call▲▼3ENT DISTRESS CALL          Transmissible Address         : XXXXXXXXX Nature          : UNDESIGNATED DIST Dist-position  : 31゚00’N 135゚00’E  Dist-UTC        : 01:26  Dist-telecomm  : J3E TEL            Use     and   to End of sequence:  EOS                          scroll the screen.  Call TX/RX freq: 2,187.5/ 2,187.5 kHz▲▼DISTRESS CALL          Transmitting TX frequency  : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time  :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26                                         1/ 5DISTRESSNote STOP
xiv6.  When the distress transmission is completed, the screen is displayed as follows for afew seconds.7.  The distress transmission is repeated at random intervals of 3.5 to 4.5 minutes.On completion of the transmission, the screen is changed as follows. And the distress transmissionis repeated when the displayed time has counted down to zero.Receiving Distress CallsWhen a distress call is received, the "DISTRESS/URGENCY" LED lights up in red and the alarm tonesounds. Up to 20 received distress calls are automatically stored in memory for future confirmation.The distress messages are automatically deleted 48 hours after they have been received inorder to prevent unnecessary distress message relay transmission.  Thus the distressmessages more than 48 hours old cannot be displayed but it is a proper transaction. DISTRESS CALL          2,187.5 kHz NEXT DISTRESS CALL : AFTER 3.0 minDISTRESS CALL          Send Completed TX frequency   : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time   :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:27                                          5/ 5NoteWhen a distress call is received, inform the ship's captain or officer in charge and log thedistress call. There are legal repercussions if such a procedure is not followed.Furthermore if a distress call is received, make contact immediately according to"RECEPTION OF DSC DISTRESS ALERT ".ATTENTION
xvCONTENTSCAUTIONS AGAINST HIGH VOLTAGE ..........................................................................iCautions concerning treatment of electrocution victims............................................iFirst aid ..........................................................................................................................iiPreface ...........................................................................................................................vBefore Operation ..........................................................................................................viHandling Precautions..................................................................................................vii1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1-11.1 Outlines................................................................................................................................. 1-11.2 Features................................................................................................................................ 1-11.3 Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 1-21.4 External View........................................................................................................................ 1-41.5 Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................... 1-62. PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS........................................................................... 2-13. OPERATIONS ......................................................................................................... 3-13.1 System Standby ................................................................................................................... 3-13.1.1 Turning the Power ON ......................................................................................................... 3-13.1.2 Turning the Power OFF ....................................................................................................... 3-13.2 Mode Change ....................................................................................................................... 3-23.2.1 Mode change to DSC .......................................................................................................... 3-23.2.2 Mode change to TLX ........................................................................................................... 3-33.3 Setting Position and Time Data ............................................................................................ 3-43.3.1 Setting the Internal Clock (DATA&TIME EDIT).................................................................... 3-43.3.2 Specifying Position Input (POSITION EDIT) ....................................................................... 3-63.4 Radiotelephone operations .................................................................................................. 3-73.4.1 Turning the Power ON/OFF ................................................................................................. 3-7 Turning the Power ON...................................................................................................... 3-7  Turning the Power OFF.................................................................................................... 3-73.4.2 Communication Procedure .................................................................................................. 3-8 Setting the channel number with the Jog Dial.................................................................. 3-8  Monitoring the transmissio frequency .............................................................................. 3-9  Setting the channel number with keypad ......................................................................... 3-9  Manually inputting frequency ......................................................................................... 3-10  Scanning reception .........................................................................................................3-113.4.3 Other Functio Settings ....................................................................................................... 3-12 Setting the communication mode................................................................................... 3-12  Setting the uotput power ................................................................................................ 3-13  Turning the Automatic Gain Control(AGC)ON ............................................................... 3-13  Adjusting squelch Level ................................................................................................. 3-14  Setting the scanning speed............................................................................................ 3-15  Registering the User channel......................................................................................... 3-15  Registering a channel group name ................................................................................ 3-17  Setting the meter indication mode.................................................................................. 3-18  Setting the Automatic Tuning Start(ATS) ....................................................................... 3-18
xvi Setting the wait time for ATS .......................................................................................... 3-19  Turning the key-in sounds ON/OFF ............................................................................... 3-19 Setting the loudspeaker output ON/OFF........................................................................ 3-20 List of shortcut keys........................................................................................................ 3-213.5 DSC operations .................................................................................................................. 3-233.5.1 Menus and Modes ............................................................................................................. 3-233.5.2 Receiving Messages .......................................................................................................... 3-253.5.3 Sending Messages ............................................................................................................ 3-293.5.4 Other Functions.................................................................................................................. 3-633.6 NBDP operations................................................................................................................ 3-753.6.1 NBDP SettingsMenus and Modes ..................................................................................... 3-753.6.2 ARQ Communication ......................................................................................................... 3-773.6.3 FEC Communication..........................................................................................................3-81 SFEC Communication.................................................................................................... 3-81  CFEC Communication.................................................................................................... 3-833.6.4 Scanning for TLX mode ..................................................................................................... 3-85 Scanning start................................................................................................................. 3-85  Scanning stop................................................................................................................. 3-863.7 PA operations...................................................................................................................... 3-873.7.1 AC/DC power source voltage checking ............................................................................. 3-873.7.2 DC (Battery) charge/discharge current checking............................................................... 3-873.7.3 RF current of Antenna and PA checking ............................................................................ 3-883.7.4 PA voltage (Vc) and current (Ic) checking.......................................................................... 3-893.7.5 SWR of PA output checking ............................................................................................... 3-903.7.6 Beeping sound ON/OFF setting......................................................................................... 3-913.7.7 PA alarm sound ON/OFF setting........................................................................................ 3-913.7.8 Battery charge mode (Ordinary/Equal) setting .................................................................. 3-923.7.9 DC operation ...................................................................................................................... 3-923.8 Printer operations ............................................................................................................... 3-933.8.1 Names and Functions ........................................................................................................3-943.8.2 Operation Panel ................................................................................................................. 3-953.8.3 Opening/Closing the Printer Cover .................................................................................... 3-963.8.4 Replacing the Roll Paper ...................................................................................................3-983.8.5 Replacing the Ribbon Cassette Cartridge ....................................................................... 3-1023.8.6 Adjusting the Printing Pressure (to Printing Paper Thickness)........................................ 3-1043.8.7 Setting thd DIP Switch ..................................................................................................... 3-1053.8.8 How to Attend to Error Detection ..................................................................................... 3-1074. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION....................................................................... 4-14.1 General Maintenance and Inspection .................................................................................. 4-25. AFTER-SALES SERVICE ....................................................................................... 5-15.1 Before returning repair ......................................................................................................... 5-15.2 Periodical maintenance recommended................................................................................ 5-16. SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................... 6-1
xviiAbbreviationsAM: Amplitude Modulation. The carrier amplitude is modulated in accordance with thesignal.AMVER: Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue SystemARQ: Automatic Repeat RequestASCII: American Standard Code for Information InterchangeATS: Automatic Tuning StartATU: Antenna TunerAUTO TELEX: A kind of Telex communication. The line is automatically established by receiving afree signal transmitted from a coast station.CFEC: Collective Forward Error Correcting. A mode transmitting to many and unspecifiedstations.CIRM: Committee International Radio MaritimeCOMSAR: Sub-committee on Radio Communications and Search and RescueDIM: DimmerDSC: Digital Selective CallingDTE: Data Terminal EquipmentFEC: Forward Error Correction SystemGMDSS: Global Maritime Distress and Safety SystemGPS: Global Positioning SystemHF: High Frequency
xviiiIMO: International Maritime OrganizationITU: International Telecommunication Union. Regulates the treaty and rules relating to thetelecommunication of wire, wireless, land wires, marine, air and space. As internalmachinery, there are WARC, CCIR, CCITT and others.MF: Medium Frequency (300 kHz to 3 MHz)NBDP: Narrow Band Direct PrintingNNSS: Navy Navigation Satellite SystemPC: Personal ComputerRCC: Rescue Coordinate CenterRR: Radio RegulationsSAR: Search and RescueSFEC: Selective Forward Error Correcting. Destination is specified and transmitted in thismode.SOLAS: International Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaSSB: Single Side BandUTC: Universal Time Coordinated
1-11.        INTRODUCTION1.1 OutlinesThe JSS-296 MF/HF Radio Equipment is designed for vessels navigating A2, A3 and A4 sea areas. It consistsof mainly the JSB-196GM Radiotelephone, NFC-296 Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU), NCT-196N DSC/NBDPMODEM, NDZ-127J Data Terminal Equipment (DTE), NDF-268 Keyboard, and NAH-692 Power Amplifier, andit provides the optimum GMDSS system for the superior performance, compact, lightweight and highly efficientdesign of the units, which ensures easy operation for distress and safety calling as well as generalcommunications.1.2 Features●●●●Fully Complies with GMDSS RequirementsAll the functions required by IMO resolutions A.804 (19) and A.806 (19) are equipped, and suitable for radioinstallations of vessels navigating A2, A3 and A4 sea areas.●●●●Inadvertent Distress Alert ProtectionThe DISTRESS button is protected by a cover to prevent inadvertent distress alert transmission.●●●●AC/DC Two-way Power SupplyThe Power Supply equipped in the NAH-692 Power Amplifier is connected to both AC mains and auxiliaryDC24V battery, and can switch them automatically.●●●●Selfcheck FunctionA Built-in high grade selfcheck function centrally controlled using JSB-196GM Radiotelephone ensures easymaintenance.●●●●Built-in Dummy Load for ATU SelfcheckThe dummy load for checking the NFC-296 Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU) is built-in and not required to connect asextra unit.●●●●Outdoor Installable Antenna Tuning UnitThe NFC-296 Antenna Tuning Unit can be installed outdoors such as on deck, ensuring effective emission oftransmitter power.
1-21.3 ConfigurationWARNINGDo not disassemble or modify this unit. Doing so may cause fire, electrical shock, or failure.Do not use a voltage other than specified. Doing so may cause fire, electrical shock, or failure.CAUTIONDo not use this equipment in an environment other than that specified.Doing so may cause failure or malfunction.Do not install the equipment in a place near water or in one with excessive humidity,steam, dust or soot. Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or failure.Do not get this equipment wet or spill any liquids on or near this equipment. Doing somay cause electrical shock or failure.Do not place this equipment anywhere vibration or impact is likely to occur. Doing somay cause a failure or injury.Do not place anything on top of this equipment. Doing so may cause fire or failure.
1-3NFC-296 ATUNAH-692 Power AmplifierNCT-196N DSC/NBDP ModemJSB-196GM RadiotelephoneNDF-268 KeyboardNDZ-127J  DTENKG-800 Printer
1-41.4 External View●●●● JSB-196GM Radiotelephone(Unit: mm)●●●● NFC-296 Antenna Tuner(Unit: mm)
1-5●●●● NCT-196N DSC/NBDP Modem (Unit: mm)●●●● NAH-692 Power Amplifier(Unit: mm)
1-61.5 Block Diagram●●●●  JSB-196GM MF/HF Radio Equipment
1-8●●●● NAH-692 Power AmplifierPFC DC24VDC/DC 1DC80VDC/DC 2DC13.6VDC/DC 4AC INPA(A)(300W)SpliterCombiner SurgeSuppressorRF OUTto ATUCONTSerial(TXD/RXD)Analog valuePA_MUTESerial(TXD/RXD)PA_MUTE+BK/-BK/RBKTX_INHJSB-196GMRadiotelephoneNFC-196ATUExternalUnitsANT CURRPA/PS controlAnalog valueAlarmDC24V(Battery)DC24V(VHF)DC13.6V(JSB-196)RF INfrom JSB-196DC80VDC26-30VPS UNITNAH-296/596/896    PA UNITPA UNIT*Note)    JSS-296 needs PA(A) only.              Additionally JSS-596 needs PA(A) and PA(B), and               JSS-896 needs all of the PA modele (A to C).DC24V(SES)SESorMF/HFDC12VSub-PSDC24VDC/DC 3DC350VDC12V+BK/RBKCONTDC24VDC24VDC24VPA(B)(300W)PA(C)(300W)NAH-692/695/698 PA UNIT
1-9●●●● NFC-296 Antenna Tuning UnitRF INPUT to AntennaL0∼L8Ci0∼Ci8L9CpMatching sensorCPUPIO DriverI/FSerialTXD SWR_VF L_PHASE SWR_VR LOW_R (Impedance < 50 ohm)SerialRXDCo0∼Co6CsANTCURRsensor UNIT_ATemperaturedetectionResetE+12VEANT_CURR99730A/DA/DJSB-196GMRadiotelephoneCo_onHI_TEMP (inside > 70deg)TEMPPCB ID UNIT_BDummy(50ohm)FROMA/DTRNSPA MUTE
2-12.    PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS●●●● JSB-196GM Radio EquipmentOperation PanelMIC ConnectorFuse 40AFuse 40ARx Antenna Input Ground TerminalGround TerminalExternal Speaker OutputATU Control OutputAccessory TerminalNCT-196N DSC/NBDP ModemGLOBE E-mail (option) / PCTelegraph Key Jack13.6VDC Power Source InputPTT SwitchNQW-213Hand Set
2-2①②③④⑤⑥①①①①    Liquid Crystal Display Panel ②②②②    MICConnects the hand microphone orhandset.③③③③    Turns power ON or OFF.④④④④    Controls the brightness of the LCD.⑤⑤⑤⑤    RF GAINControls the RF gain.⑥⑥⑥⑥    CLARIAdjusts the frequency variation, whichranges from –200 to +200Hz in 1Hzsteps.⑦⑦⑦⑦            ∼   ,These buttons are used to inputfrequency/channel values or to set a menu.⑧⑧⑧⑧    Enters the input information.⑨⑨⑨⑨         Starts channel selection.⑩⑩⑩⑩    Jog DialUsed to select a channel or receivefrequency or to select a menu.⑪⑪⑪⑪    VOLUMEControls the sound volume of reception.⑫⑫⑫⑫    Turns the attenuator ON or OFF.⑬⑬⑬⑬    Starts antenna tuning.⑭⑭⑭⑭    Temporarily monitors the transmissionfrequency in the Semi-Duplex mode⑮⑮⑮⑮    Reduces pulsating noises.POWERDIMMERNRLISN/TXATTCLRMENU90ANTTUNE                  CHENT             1              2              3               4              5A         ,.,.SCANSQLRX FREQRDYTXTX FREQTUNEATTNRkHz AGCkHz LOMODE         2 1 8 2COMPASS  SAFE  DISTANCE   1.5m
2-3●●●●NCT-196NNCT-196NNCT-196NNCT-196N    DSC/NBDPDSC/NBDPDSC/NBDPDSC/NBDP Modem Modem Modem ModemOperation PanelDTE TerminalFuse 7.5A13.6VDC Power Source InputDMC TerminalGround TerminalTRX/NMEA TerminalJSB-196/196GM TerminalPrinter TerminalPrinter13.6VDC Power Output TerminalRx Antenna InputPower Switch
2-4①②③④⑤⑥①  Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Panel②  Sends a distress call.③  Transmit/Receive lamp    Red:    Lights when a distress or emergency    call is being sent or received.        Green :    Lights when a normal call is being  sent or received.④            ,Sets the JSB-196/196GM to the designatedfrequency and F1B mode.⑤ ・ Stops the call if pressed while a call is being sent.・ Turns off the alarm lamp and cancels the buzzer ifpressed when a call is being received.・ If you press this key followed by the         , thesoftware version is displayed and the set navigationaid/radio equipment is momentarily displayed. (Thisis not the initial setting process.)⑥  Press after editing a message to startTransmission of the message.⑦       to    ,・  When editing, these keys enter the indicatednumbers.・  If you press the     key followed byto     and    , the following operations areperformed:    SCAN:  Alternately starts and stops scanning    when using the JSB-196/196GM to scan  the receive frequencies.     DIM     Adjusts the LCD and key brightness in  four steps.     PRINT:  Prints the current mode operations. In   "DSC watching" mode, this key selects   "PRINTMENU."     QUIT:   Quits editing and returns to the higher   mode (MENU, etc.).     POS:   When selecting "WORK FREQUENCY"   and "POSITION" when editing a   message, this key switches to   "POSITION".     FREQ:  When selecting "WORK FREQUENCY"   and "POSITION" when editing a   message, this key switches to "WORK   FREQUENCY".     SAVE:  Saves edited data and returns to the   higher mode (MENU, etc.).⑧         Enters key input and selected items.⑨      When pressed in "DSC watching" mode, the          screen switches from "MENU#1" to "MENU#2"     to "DSC watching", in that order.⑩           Press this key to select the functions indicated in     blue.⑪      Horizontal:  Use to selectively display received      messages and to select the      contents when editing messages.     Vertical:    Use to scroll the display and to      move the screen pointer vertically.⑫ ・  Deletes data that has been keyed in.・  Enters the initial value when entering "POSITION"or "WORK FREQUENCY."⑬  Watch-keeping receiver channel        Lights the channel scanned by the watch-    keeping receiver. 2187.5kHz and 8414.5kHz are    fixed and cannot be switched.      1st: PRESS TO VERIFY & EDIT MESSAGE1st: PRESS TO VERIFY & EDIT MESSAGE1st: PRESS TO VERIFY & EDIT MESSAGE1st: PRESS TO VERIFY & EDIT MESSAGE2nd: PRESS & HOLD UNTIL BEEP SOUNDS2nd: PRESS & HOLD UNTIL BEEP SOUNDS2nd: PRESS & HOLD UNTIL BEEP SOUNDS2nd: PRESS & HOLD UNTIL BEEP SOUNDS     CONTINUOUSLY TO TRANSMIT     CONTINUOUSLY TO TRANSMIT     CONTINUOUSLY TO TRANSMIT     CONTINUOUSLY TO TRANSMIT5DISTRESS692187.5kHz 8414.5kHzENTMENUSTOPFUNCFUNCCALL90.CLRFUNC1111961234NCT-196N   DSC/NBDP MODEM
2-5●●●● NAH-692 Power Amplifier①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧ ⑨⑩ ⑪⑫ ⑬⑭⑮⑯
2-6①①①①    Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) PanelDisplay for menu mode or selected meter value②②②②    Menu Buttons・  DIM: Dimmer control switch (High/ Medium/ Low)・  CLR: Clear button for menu selection or alarm sound・  MENU: MENU mode setting button・  ENT: Selected menu or parameter entry button③③③③    Menu DialAdjust the LCD contrast and select the menu items④④④④    AC Power Switch⑤⑤⑤⑤    DC Power Switch⑥⑥⑥⑥    AC INAC100V~240V mains connector⑦⑦⑦⑦    DC13.6VDC13.6V power source output connector for JSB-196GM/NCT-196N⑧⑧⑧⑧    24V BATTERYDC24V power source input connector⑨⑨⑨⑨    ACCESSORYPeripherals (+/-BK, SES, ANT Changer, etc) control signal connector⑩⑩⑩⑩    TUNERTuning control signal connector (to NFC-296 ATU)⑪⑪⑪⑪    TUNER/JSB-196GMTuning control signal connector (from JSB-196GM Radiotelephone)⑫⑫⑫⑫    BATTERY MONITORBattery and charger status monitor output connector⑬⑬⑬⑬    AUX P/SDC24V power source output connector (for SES, VHF, etc)⑭⑭⑭⑭    PA INRF input connector (from JSB-196GM Radiotelephone)⑮⑮⑮⑮    PA OUTRF output connector (to NFC-296 ATU)⑯⑯⑯⑯    GND
3-13.    OPERATIONSThis chapter describes mainly the way to use the JSS-296.3.1 System Standby3.1.1  Turning the Power ON1. Turn on the AC and DC switches of NAH-692 Power Amplifier.The other components except for JSB-196GM Radiotelephone are turned ONsimultaneously. After that the LCD on the front panel of the NAH-692 Power Amplifiershows as follows.AC Volt 221VDC Volt 24.2V2. Turn on the POWER switch of JSB-196GM Radiotelephone. (Note that it isnecessary to keep the POWER switch press for 1 sec at least to turn it on.)Keep the NCT-196N DSC/NBDP Modem power switch turn ON because of theobligation to watchkeep 24 hours a day while at sea.3.1.2  Turning the Power OFF1.1.1.1. Turn off the AC and DC switches of NAH-692 Power Amplifier.Turn off the AC and DC switches of NAH-692 Power Amplifier.Turn off the AC and DC switches of NAH-692 Power Amplifier.Turn off the AC and DC switches of NAH-692 Power Amplifier.The other components including NCT-196N DSC/NBDP Modem are turnedOFF simultaneously. Therefore don’t turn OFF the switches while at seabecause of the obligation to watchkeep 24 hours a day.Regarding the JSB-196GM Radiotelephone or NCT-196N DSC/NBDP Modem operations in detail,see the specialized instruction manuals for them respectively.ATTENTIONNoteNote
3-23.2  MODEM MODE ChangeAfter turning ON the system, according to the mode setting when the system was turned OFF last,the NCT-196N selects the mode. However if needed to change the mode, operate the system inaccordance with the following procedure.3.2.1  MODE change to DSC1.  Confirm that the NCT-196N displays the following screen.2.  Press            on the panel of the NCT-196N.It is also available to press the keys concerning to Distress(        ,        , or        ) .3.  After the mode change completed, the following initial display appears.The mode of the peripheral units such as JSB-196/196GM Radiotelephone and NDZ-127J DTE is changed to DSC mode simultaneously by the above-mentionedoperation. DSC watching   06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26 12゚34’N123゚45’E SPEED:12.4KT at 01:26    Self-ID =  XXXXXXXXX               [UTC]ENTNoteDISTRESS2187.5kHz 8414.5kHz DSC watching   06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26-------------------------------------------- MODE: XXXX  (Press ENT to set DSC mode.)--------------------------------------------Note
3-33.2.2  MODE change to TLX1.  Confirm that the NDZ-127J displays the following screen in any mode except for TLX.2. Press Enter on the NDF-268 Keyboard.3.  After the mode change completed, the following initial display appears.The mode of the peripheral units such as JSB-196/196GM and NCT-196N is changedto TLX mode simultaneously by the above-mentioned operation.Note [TLX] Tx=12345.6kHz / Rx=12345.6kHz (ITU CH=   0)       10-APR-2002  12:00(LT)                                              Loc: N19.00  E115.30 at 11:00(UTC) File  Mode  Connect                                      Service  System  Help                                [ STATUS INFO ]                    Scanning info                                       Tuner/Tx.POWER   [No scanning]                                      TUNER   :[READY]                                                      Tx.POWER:[FULL]    Last status messagesMove the cursor to the item you want with ↑,↓,→,← then press EnterST-BYFile [xxx] Tx=12345.6kHz / Rx=12345.6kHz (ITU CH=   0)       10-APR-2002  12:00(LT)                                              Loc: N19.00  E115.30 at 11:00(UTC) File  Mode  Connect                                      Service  System  Help                                [ STATUS INFO ]                    Scanning info                                       Tuner/Tx.POWER   [No scanning]                                      TUNER   :[READY]                                                      Tx.POWER:[FULL]    Last status messages  Press Enter key to set NBDP mode...Move the cursor to the item you want with ↑,↓,→,← then press Enter
3-43.3  Setting Position and Time Data3.3.1  Setting the Internal Clock(DATE & TIME EDIT)The built-in clock of the NCT-196N can be set the date (year, month, and day) and time manually. However if theNCT-196N is connected to a navigation aid, the manual input data is overwritten because the navigation aid haspriority over the NCT-196N internal clock. The standard time is UTC but it is possible to input time difference fromthe UTC and display the current local time (LT). Note that in case of no navigation aid connecting, time data shouldbe set to the present time manually and periodically because the time data input manually is treated as invalid dataand deleted after 23.5 hours past.    Procedure1. Check that the "DSC watching" screen is displayed.If the "DSC watching" screen is not displayed, press       3 times in succession to switch to the"DSC watching" screen.On the screen     mark is displayed when no printer is connected to the NCT-196N.2. Press              .The "MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen is displayed.STOPMENU DSC watching   06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26 P 12゚34’N123゚45’E SPEED:12.4KT at 01:26    Self-ID =  XXXXXXXXX               [UTC] MENU #1-EDIT&CALL        Select no.   1.Individual call  2.Acknowledgement call  3.Distress call   4.Distress relay call   5.Auto/semi-auto call   6.All ships call             Use     and    to scroll.   7.Group call  8.Area call   9.Position request  10.Polling call  11.Test call▼▲PNoteIf the position and time data from navigation aids such as a GPS receiver stop for more than 5 minutes,or if it past for more than 4 hours without further input after entering position and time data manually, theNCT-196N sounds alarm. When the alarm sounding in condition of navigation aid connecting, checkthe navigation aid or the connections to the NCT-196N. Or when the alarm sounding in condition of nonavigation aid connecting, enter the new position and time data manually.ATTENTION
3-5Use     and    to scroll.3. Press           again.The "MENU#2-READOUT&SETUP" screen is displayed.4. Press          , and then press            .The "SETUP" screen is displayed.5. From the "SETUP" screen, press          , and then press            .The "DATE&TIME EDIT" screen is displayed.6. Enter the respective settings.・When the display time is set to "LT", enter the difference to the UTC in the "Time difference" item.・Use the cursor keys (   and   ) to switch between "+/-" for the "Time difference" and between"UTC/LT" for the "Display time".7. On completion of entering the data, press            , and then press         (SAVE).Operation returns to the "SETUP" screen.If you press       , and then press      (QUIT), the settings are discarded.1ENT DATE&TIME EDIT  Date (dd:mm:yy):06.05.00  Time (hh:mm)    :19:23  Time difference:-05:00   Display time  :UTC               Use    and    to scroll.▲▼9FUNCFUNC 4MENU3ENT SETUP               Select no.   1.Date&time edit  2.Position edit  3.Calling frequency registration   4.Address registration  5.Distress setup               Use     and    to scroll.  6.Others alarm setup  7.Automatic acknowledgement setup  8.Scanning setup  9.Watchkeeping receiver setup▲▼ MENU #2 -READOUT&SETUP    Select no.  1.Received distress message readout 2.Received others message readout 3.Setup 4.Self test                        ▲▼Note
3-63.3.2  Specifying Position Input (POSITION EDIT)This operation enters the ship's position data manually. However if the NCT-196N is connected to a navigation aid,which inputs the date and time data, the data from the navigation aid overwrite this position data input manuallybecause the navigation aid has priority over the NCT-196N. The position data is used in the distress file whenpressing the DISTRESS button, in the automatic acknowledgement files and as the initial value when editingmessages. For the "SETUP" screen, please see Section 3.3.1, " Setting the Internal Clock (DATE&TIME EDIT)",steps 1 to 4. Note that in case of no navigation aid connecting, the position data should be set manually andperiodically because it is treated as invalid and deleted after 23.5 hours past.    Procedure1. From the "SETUP" screen, press         and then press          .The "POSITION EDIT" screen is displayed.2. Enter the ship's position.・Use the cursor keys (     and     ) to switch between "NE", "NW", "SE", and "SW".3. On completion of entering the data, press            , and then press         (SAVE).Operation returns to the "SETUP" screen.If you press     , and then press      (QUIT), the settings are discarded.ENT POSITION EDIT  Position Data: 12゚34’N123゚45’E  9FUNCFUNC 42Note
3-73.4 Radiotelephone operations3.4.1  Turning the Power ON / OFF CAUTIONNever touch the antenna terminal, grounding terminal or counterpoise when theJSB-196GM is turned ON. Doing so, may cause electrical shock.Place Antenna Tuner NFC-196, antenna and counterpoise in position where no onetouches them. Doing not so, may cause electrical shock.    Turning the Power ONPress                  on the front panel until the channel and frequencies are displayed as follows:Figure 5.1    Initial display on the LCD (immediately after the equipment is powered on)    Turning the Power OFFPress           until LCD disappears.The latest frequency and set-up state information such as communication mode arestored in memory when the equipment is turned OFF.    It will be set automatically whenthe equipment is powered on again except the following items and these items will beset to as follows:⋅ Built-in loudspeaker ON/OFF (ON as default)⋅ Squelch value (0 as default)POWERPOWERNote                    RX FREQ,,,,....KHz   TX FREQ,,,,....KHz                                                                                                                                                  NRAGCRDY
3-83.4.2 Communication ProcedureThe JSB-196GM employs the Jog Dial for simply setting or selection for principal functions such asTX/RX frequency, communication mode, output power, squelch, AGC, etc. and the followingprocedures are provided for pleasant communication.  Setting the channel number with the Jog DialUser channels can be set with the Jog Dial.Procedure Examples of display on the LCDExample of user channel number 1011. Press         .Group number appears in the channel fieldof the LCD.(in the TEL mode)2. Turn the Jog Dial. (*1)Turn the Jog Dial until the group number,ex. ”GROUP 6 TEL”, including the objectivechannel number is displayed.3.  Press         .User channel number is displayed.4.  Turn the Jog Dial again until the objectivenumber, ”USR-101” is displayed andcomplete setting.    If         is blinking, press     .     lights steadily during tuning, anddisappear when tuning is completed.5.  With these steps, the JSB-196GM is readyto communicate. Start communication bypressing PTT on the hand set.*1    For easy selection of a channel number, you can allocate an identification label to        each channel (See "5.3.6 Registering a user channel").CHNote                             ANTTUNE                                           RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz         TUNENBAGCRDY,,,, ....,,,, ....RDY                                   RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz              TUNENRAGCRDY,,,, ....,,,, ....TUNETUNE                                 ENT
3-    Monitoring the transmission frequencyIn semi-duplex mode the TX/RX frequency are set differently , though only one way transmission orreception is possible at the same time. The transmission frequency signal can be checked forinterference.Procedure  1.  Press         .     JSB-196 starts to receive TX frequency. After the check, press                again or transmit to     return to the initial state.    Setting the channel number with keypadUser channel number can be set with keypad as follows.Procedure Examples of display on the LCDExample of user channel number 101 (RXfrequency 26145.0 kHz / TX frequency25070.0 kHz).1. Press         ."GROUP 1 TEL" appears in the channelfield of the LCD.(in the TEL mode)2. Press      ,      and      .The channel number is displayed in thechannel field of the LCD.User channel number: 1 to 200ITU channel number:    TEL: 401 to 2517    CW : 401 to 2524TLX: 401 to 2571    DSC: 401 to 25033. Press         .The input channel number is fixed.       4.  Input the RX/TX frequency.    See the「 Registering the user channelstep 4∼7」.5.  If        is blinking, press      .            lights steadily during tuning, anddisappear when tuning is completed.6.    With these steps, the JSB-196GM is readyto communicate. Start communication bypressing PTT on the Hand set.            At channel setting, current mode must not be DSC mode.CH                                                                   0 1ENTANTTUNETUNETUNE                                        RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz         TUNENBAGCRDY, , , ,  . . . . , , , ,  . . . . RDY                               RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz              TUNENRAGCRDY,,,, ....,,,, ....LISN/TXLISN/TX1NoteNote
3-    Manually inputting frequencyIn this case, communication mode must be set in advance(For setting of a radio mode, see "5.3.1setting a communication mode").TX and RX frequency can be set with keypad as follows.Procedure Examples of display on the LCDExample of RX frequency 4357.0 kHz / TXfrequency 4065.0 kHz .1. Press    ,     ,     ,     and     forthe RX frequency. The RX frequency isdisplayed in the channel field of the LCD.  2. Press      .The RX frequency is fixed. When you wantto use this frequency also as a TXfrequency, press       again.(in the TEL mode)3. Press    ,     ,     ,     and     forthe TX frequency. The TX frequency isdisplayed in the channel field of the LCD.               4. Press    .The TX frequency is fixed.5.  If       r is blinking, press     .    lights steadily during tuning, anddisappear when tuning is complete.6. With these steps, the JSB-196GM is readyto communicate. Start communication bypressing PTT on the Hand set.           •    Press two or three times                , enable to change the RX/TX frequency              individually.           •  Press      to change the DISTRESS frequency 2,182.0 kHz.4 3 5 7040650ENTANTTUNETUNETUNEENT                                               RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz                                                                     NRAGCRDY                                                 RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz                                                                     NRAGC    ,,,, ....    ,,,, ....RDY                                               RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz              NBAGCTUNE    ,,,, ....    ,,,, ....RDY                                               RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz              RDY TUNENRAGC    ,,,, ....    ,,,, ....ENTCHNote0
3-  Scanning receptionThe reception frequency stored in user channel group 1 to 10, each 20 channels can be scanned.You can select a desired group (20 user channels per group) for scanning.Procedure Examples of display on the LCDExample of group 7.1. Press      , then turn the Jog Dial until"SCAN" appears in the channel field of theLCD.(in the TEL mode)2. Press      ."Group 1    1" appears in the channel field ofthe LCD.3. Turn the Jog Dial until objective group isdisplayed.4. Press      .Scanning reception starts.           appears on the center left of the LCD.The group name and number which arescanned are displayed in the channel field ofthe LCD.5.    To cancel scanning, press    . The lastcommunication mode and the frequenciesare set.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz                 SCAN NRAGCRDY TUNE,,,, ....,,,, ....ENTMENUENTSCANCLR
3-123.4.3  Other Function SettingsThe function setting is basically executed by using                key and the Jog Dial, and the settableitems blinks and is set with                key.    Setting the communication modeIn the use of manually inputting frequency, communication mode must be set in advance.Procedure Examples of display on the LCDExample of CW.1. Press     ."MODE" in the channel field of the LCDblinks.(in the TEL mode)2. Press     .The current communication mode "TEL"blinks.3. Turn the Jog Dial.Turn the Jog Dial until objective mode."CW" is blinking.4. Press     .CW is fixed as communication mode.5. If      is blinking, press    .        lights steadily during tuning. Anddisappear when tuning is complete.           •  Press         to change the communication mode successively.                                                                                                                                                                                 MENUENTMENUENTANTTUNETUNETUNEENT                                                                      RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz            NBAGCTUNE,,,, ....,,,, ....RDY                                                                  RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz            NRAGCRDY TUNE,,,, ....,,,, ....Note CLR
3-    Setting the output powerThe output power can be set to "HI (150W)" or "LOW (50W)".Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press         ,then turn the Jog Dial until"Power" in the channel field of the LCDblinks.2. Press      .The current out power "HI" blinks.3. Turn the Jog Dial until "LOW " blinks.4. Press      .The output power is set to "LOW ".    on the lower right corner of the LCDturns on.    Turning the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) ONThe AGC circuit functions to maintain a constant receiver output by automatically adjusting the gainaccording to the strength of the reception signals.Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press      , then turn the Jog Dial until"AGC" in the channel field blinks.2. Press      .The current AGC status "SLW" blinks.3. Turn the Jog Dial until desirable state "FST"or "OFF" appears.4. Press      .            The desirable "AGC" state is fixed.            “AGC” turn on the right corner of the LCDwhen you set to "SLW" or "FST".In “TLX” mode, “AGC” state is fixed to “FST”. (You can not set to “SLW”.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MENUENTENTLOMENUENTENTNote
3-    Adjusting squelch levelThe squelch circuit functions to mute received signals based on its level. The larger the squelch level,the larger the antenna input level is required to open the squelch circuit. When the squelch circuit isactivated (mute status),              in the LCD turns on.Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press      ,then turn the Jog Dial until"SQUELCH" blinks.2. Press      .The current squelch level “0” blinks.3. Turn the Jog Dial until desired squelch levelappears. When turn the Jog Dial, the bar onthe bottom of the LCD expands to indicatethe squelch level.4.  Press         .     The squelch level is fixed.                                                                                                        MENUENT                                                                                      RX FREQ,,,,....KHz  TX FREQ,,,,....KHz                                                                                          SQL NRAGCRDY TUNESQLENT
3-  Setting the scanning speedThe scanning time for each channel is settable between 0.3 to 5 seconds.(multiple of 0.1 second)Procedure Examples of display on the LCDExample of 0.3 seconds.1. Press       , then turn the Jog Dial until"SCAN SPD" blinks.2. Press      .The current value “10” blinks.3. Turn the Jog Dial until desirable scanningtime appears or manually input the valuefrom keypad.4. Press      .        The scanning time is fixed to 0.3 seconds.    Registering the user channelYou use frequently can be registered as a user channel up to 200, channel number 1 to 200.Procedure Examples of display on the LCDExample of registration for RX frequency 4357.0kHz / TX frequency 4065.0 kHz, communicationmode is TEL, Channel Label Registration isMITAKA1 at the user channel number 1.1. Make sure that a objective communicationmode is set and press         and thenturn the Jog Dial until "USR MEMO" blinks.2. Press      .Select the user channel number with the JogDial or keypad.3. Press      .Select the communication mode with the JogDial(*1).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MENUENTENTMENUENT                                                 ENT
3-16Procedure Examples of display on the LCD4. Press      .Press    ,     ,     ,     and     forthe RX frequency. The RX frequency isdisplayed in the channel field of the LCD.5. Press      .The RX frequency is fixed(*2).6. Press   ,     ,     ,     and     forthe TX frequency. The TX frequency isdisplayed in the channel field of the LCD.7. Press       .The TX frequency is fixed.8. Select an alphabet or number(MITAKA1)with the Jog Dial. Input decision or “SPACE”key is         .After selection, press        ,       and fix to press         (*3).9. The Channel Label Registration mode isset.    If you want to complete the inputtinguser channel, two times         .*1 When correct the registered channel, press                , then select the collection itemas follows:        In case of change the communication mode or clear the channel, turn the Jog Dial.Then press         .        In case of change the RX or TX frequency or the channel Label,press         successively and input the new parameter.*2    In step 2, the frequency can be inputted manually. RX frequency and a TXfrequency in this order and go to step 8 (When you want to use an identicalfrequency for reception and transmission, press      only after inputting RXfrequency).*3 In step 7, you do not need the label, press      and go to step 9.NoteENTENTENTCLRENTENTCLRENT4 3 5 7 0ENT406 5 0CH                                                     RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz                                                                     NRAGC    ,,,, ...., , , ,  . . . . RDY                                                   RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz              NBAGCTUNE    ,,,, ....    ,,,, ....RDY                                                  RX FREQ KHz  TX FREQ KHz              NBAGCTUNE    ,,,, ....    ,,,, ....RDYENTENT
3-  Registering a channel group name200 user channels are grouped into 10 groups, each 20 channels. These groups are used forscanning reception, and can be named for quick selection.Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press      , then turn the Jog Dial until"GRP MEMO" blinks.2. Press      .A group number “1” blinks in the right end ofthe channel field of the LCD.3. Turn the Jog Dial until the objective groupappears.4. Press      .“_” blinks.5. Repeat to select an alphabet or numberwith the Jog Dial, and press         eighttimes.6. Channel group number is fixed.                                                                                                                                                                                    MENUENTENTENT
3-  Setting the meter indication modeThe bar indicator on the bottom of the LCD indicates signal level during reception or output duringtransmission, furthermore output indication is settable to the output power mode or antenna currentmode.Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press      , then turn the Jog Dial until"METER" blinks .2. Press      ."PWR" blinks.3. Turn the Jog Dial until desired modeappears."PWR" : Indication for output power.        "ANT" : Indication for antenna current.4. Press      .Indication mode, "PWR" or "ANT", is fixed.    Setting the Automatic Tuning Start (ATS)The ATS function is used for pre-tuning at change of channel / frequency, and tuning startsautomatically when the standing-wave ratio (SWR) is wrong.Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press      , then turn the Jog Dial until"ATS" blinks.2. Press      ."OFF" blinks.3.  Turn the Jog Dial to set "ON" or "OFF".4. Press      .The ATS function is turned "ON" or "OFF" .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MENUENTENTMENUENTENT
3- Setting the wait time for ATSOn the ATS function, wait time for tuning start after change of channel / frequency is adjustable.Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press      , then turn the Jog Dial until"ATS WAIT" blinks.2. Press      ."3" blinks.3. Turn the Jog Dial to select the time ormanually input the time with keypad.4. Press      .The wait time is fixed.   Turning the key-in sounds ON / OFFThe key-in sounds are available for keypad operation.Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press      , then turn the Jog Dial until"BEEP" blinks.2. Press      .“BEEP” lights steadily and "ON" blinks.3.  Turn the Jog Dial to select "ON" or "OFF".4. Press      .The key-in sounds are turned "ON" or"OFF".                        The key-in sounds are suspended, when set the loudspeaker OFF.MENUENTENTENTENTMENU                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Note
3- Setting the loudspeaker output ON / OFFThe loudspeaker output can be turned OFF.Procedure Examples of display on the LCD1. Press      , then turn the Jog Dial until"SPEAKER" blinks.2. Press      ."SPEAKER" lights steadily and "ON" blinks.3. Turn the Jog Dial to select "ON" or "OFF".4. Press      .The loudspeaker output is turned "ON" or"OFF".                                                                                                                                MENUENTENT
3- List of shortcut keysThe following shortcut keys are provided for easy selection of menu items.Using a shortcut key: The expression "1. Press    , then turn the Jog Dial" in the aboveprocedure steps can be substituted by " Press    and input its shortcut key number withkeypad".Menu item Shortcut keynumber FunctionMODE 1 Select the communication mode.TEL (J3E), DSC (F1B), TLX (F1B), CW (A1A), AME (H3E)POWER 2 Set the output power to low (50 watts).AGC 3 Select the AGC (Auto Gain Control) function.SQUELCH 4 Adjust the squelch level.SCAN 5 Enable the scanning function.SCAN SPD 6 Set the scanning time.USR MEMO 7 Register the user channel.GRP MEMO 8 Register the channel group name.METER 9 Select the bar-meter function.ANT: antenna current, PWR: output power.ATS 10 Enable the ATS (Automatic Tuning Start) function.ATS WAIT 11 Set the wait time for the ATS function.BEEP 12 Disable the key-in sound panel.SPEAKER 13 Disable the output of the built-in loudspeaker.CHECK 14 Perform the Self Diagnosis function.VERSION 15 Display the farm-ware version on Control unit CDJ-1960, DSP,Antenna Tuner and Power Amplifier.            In JSS-296, Control unit’s version must be 2.00 or later.MENUMENUNote
3-233.5 DSC operationsThis section describes menus and modes (Section 3.5.1), receiving DSC calls (Section 3.5.2), and making DSCcalls (Section 3.5.3). Section 3.5.4 describes how to store the calling frequencies used with the DSC, and thesetting of destination IDs, etc.3.5.1 Menus and Modes(1) Menu HierarchyThe menus displayed on the screen have the following hierarchical structure.DSC watching       MENU#1-EDIT&CALL           1.Individual call           2.Acknowledgement call           3.Distress call           4.Distress relay call           5.Auto/semi-auto call           6.All ships call           7.Group call           8.Area call           9.Position request           10.Polling call           11.Test call       MENU#2-READOUT&SETUP           1.Received distress message readout           2.Received others message readout           3.Setup               1.Data&time edit               2.Position edit               3.Calling frequency registration               4.Address registration               5.Distress setup               6.Others alarm setup               7.Automatic acknowledgement setup               8.Scanning setup               9.Watchkeeping receiver setup           4.Self test               1.Modem loop test               2.Printer test               3.Display test               4.Frequency remote test               5.Watchkeeping receiver test       RECEIVED MESSAGE       PRINT MENU           1.ALL RECEIVED DISTRESS MESSAGES           2.ALL RECEIVED OTHERS MESSAGES           3.ALL EDIT/CALL MESSAGES           4.ALL SETUP INFORMATION
3-24(2) Transition Among ModesThe following chart shows the keys and key combinations used to shift from one mode to anotheron the NCT-196N.                                   Select print menu.                                   Quit print menu.                           Received message                                   Press once to clear the call alarmand call lamp.                                   Press once more to quit callmessage display mode.                           No. selection                                                                    Discards the current edits and quitsediting.                                  Saves the current edits and quitsediting.                          or           Quits readout of received message.                                                No. selection                                                                        No. selection                                                                                                     No. selection                                                           Discards the current settings andquits editing.                                                        Saves the current settings andquits editing.                                                   Stops self-diagnostic tests.                              Quits self-diagnostic mode.                       (From any mode, press       three times to return to "DSC watching.")DSCwatching Display and printreceived message.MENU #1MENU #2PrintmenuMessageeditingSelfdiagnosisVarioussettingsReadoutreceivedmessage.4FUNCFUNC 3STOPSTOP4FUNC9FUNCMENUMENUMENU4FUNC4FUNCSTOP4FUNC9FUNCSTOP9FUNCFUNCSTOP4
3-253.5.2 Receiving Messages(1) Receiving a MessageWhen a message is received, it is displayed on the screen and printed out on the printer, if a printer is connected.In addition, depending on its content, the message is classified as either a distress/urgent message or a generalmessage and the corresponding panel lamp blinks. Simultaneously, a buzzer sounds to indicate which type ofmessage has been received. The message is then saved as either a distress/urgent message or a generalmessage.The NCT-196N stores up to 20 received distress/urgent messages and up to 20 general messages. When 20messages have been stored, the oldest message is deleted each time a new message is received.In case of distress/urgent messages, newly received messages are not stored if a message with the same contentalready exists in memory. However, if any error occurs while receiving the message, both of the messagescontaining the error and the error-free message are stored.In case of general messages, the NCT-196N stores both the original message and the new message even if theyhave the same content as each other.Distress/urgent messages ・・・・・Messages in "DISTRESS" format or for which the category is"DISTRESS" or "URGENCY".General messages ・・・・・・・・・・・Messages other than distress/urgent messages.Print receivedmessage.Is this a distress orurgent message?●DISTRESS/URGENCY lamp lights.●Distress/urgent buzzer sounds.●Message stored internally as distress/urgentmessage.●Note, however, that if a message with identicalcontent has already been received, thismessage is not stored.●OTHERS lamp lights.●General call buzzer sounds.●Message stored internally as general message.●Note that even if a message with identicalcontent has already been received, thismessage is stored.YESYESYESYESNONONONONote
3-26Use     and    to scroll.(2) Reading a Distress/Urgent MessageMessages are loaded at the "DSC watching" screen.           ATTENTION      To prevent unnecessary distress message relay transmission, the NCT-196N automatically deletes            distress/urgency messages after 48 hours since these received. Thus the procedure above-            mentioned to read distress message received is invalid at that time.    Procedure1. Check that the "DSC watching" screen is displayed.If the "DSC watching" screen is not displayed, press       3 times in succession to switch to the"DSC watching" screen.On the screen     mark is displayed when no printer is connected to the NCT-196N.2. Press              .The "MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen is displayed.3. Press           again.The "MENU#2-READOUT&SETUP" screen is displayed.STOPMENUMENU DSC watching   06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26 P 12゚34’N123゚45’E SPEED:12.4KT at 01:26    Self-ID =  XXXXXXXXX               [UTC] MENU #1-EDIT&CALL         Select no.   1.Individual call  2.Acknowledgement call  3.Distress call   4.Distress relay call   5.Auto/semi-auto  call   6.All  ships  call      Use     and    to scroll.   7.Group call  8.Area call   9.Position request  10.Polling call  11.Test call▼▲ MENU #2 -READOUT&SETUP    Select no.  1.Received distress message readout 2.Received others message readout 3.Setup 4.Self test▲▼PNote
3-27 RECEIVED DISTRESS MESSAGE READOUT #01 RX date&time   :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26 Format          :DISTRESS Address         :XXXXXXXXX  Nature          :UNDESIGNATED DIST  Dist-position  :12 ゚34’N123 ゚45’E  Dist-UTC        :01:26  Dist-telecomm  :J3E TEL  End of sequence:EOS  RX frequency  :      .  kHzUse     and    to scroll.4. Press          , and then press            .The "RECEIVED DISTRESS MESSAGE READOUT" screen is displayed.Use the horizontal cursor keys (   and   ) to display other received messages.The following screen is displayed if no distress messages have been received or deleted after48hours past.5. After reading the message(s), press            , and then press        .Operation returns to the "MENU#2 READOUT&SETUP" screen.6. Press           .Operation returns to the "DSC watching" screen.1ENT▲▼ RECEIVED DISTRESS MESSAGE READOUT Received message not found !!MENUFUNC 4Note
3-28Use     and    to scroll.(3) Reading a General MessageMessages are loaded at the "DSC watching" screen.    Procedure1. Press              twice to display the "MENU#2-READOUT&SETUP" screen.The screen shown in step 3 of "(2)    Reading a Distress/Urgent Message" is displayed.2. Press          , and then           .The following screen is displayed if no general messages have been received.3. After reading the message(s), press            , and then press        .Operation returns to the "MENU#2 READOUT&SETUP" screen.4. Press           .Operation returns to the "DSC watching" screen.MENU2ENT RECEIVED OTHERS MESSAGE READOUT   #01 RX date&time   :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26 Format       :INDIVIDUAL Address       :XXXXXXXXX  Category      :ROUTINE  Telecommand1   :J3E TEL  Telecommand2   :NO INFORMATION  Work TX/RX freq:12,321.0/12,343.2 kHz  End of sequence:ACK RQ  RX frequency   :12,187.5 kHz RECEIVED OTHERS MESSAGE READOUT Received message not found !!MENUFUNC 4▲▼Note
3-32 INDIVIDUAL CALL      Transmissible Address         :XXXXXXXXX Category         :ROUTINE Telecommand-1   :J3E TEL  Telecommand-2   :NO INFORMATION Ship’s position:12 ゚34’N123 ゚45’E Call TX/RX freq: 4,208.0/ 4,219.5 kHzUse     and    toscroll the screen.    ProcedureExample: ROUTINE procedure.1. Check that the "DSC watching" screen is displayed.2. Press            .The "MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen is displayed.3. Press          , and then press           .The "INDIVIDUAL CALL" screen is displayed.The following items have been set in this example.「Address」:XXXXXXXXX「Category」:ROUTINE「Telecommand-1」:J3E TEL「Telecommand-2」:NO INFORMATION「Ship’s position」:12 ゚34’N123 ゚45’E「Call TX/RX freq」:4,208.0/4,219.5 kHzMENU1ENT▲▼ DSC watching   06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:26 12゚34’N123゚45’E SPEED:12.4KT at 01:26    Self-ID =  XXXXXXXXX               [UTC] MENU #1-EDIT&CALL        Select no.   1.Individual call  2.Acknowledgement   3.Distress call   4.Distress relay call   5.Auto/semi-auto call   6.All  ships call      Use    and     to scroll the screen.   7.Group call  8.Area call   9.Position request  10.Polling call  11.Test call▼▲
3-33●Entering the respective items:After selecting each item, press        to confirm the selection.(1) Address: Use the numerical keys (     to        ) to specify the address of the destinationstation (coastal or ship station).(2) CategoryTelecommand-1: Use the     and     keys to select the items.Telecommand-2(3) Ship's position: Use  the    and     keys to determine the direction, and then input theship's position using the numerical keys (     to    ).(4) Call TX/RX freq: Use the      and     keys to select one of the preset frequencies, or usethe numerical keys (     to    ,and     ) to specify a frequency directly.(5) Other settings:・"Work TX/RX freq": Use the numerical keys (    to    ,and     ) to specify a frequencydirectly.・Switching from "Ship's position" to "Work TX/RX freq": Press         (FREQ).・Switching from "Work TX/RX freq" to "Ship's position": Press          (POS).Set the "Work TX/RX freq" to a frequency in the same band as "Call TX/RX freq".4. Press           .The following screen is displayed and the message is transmitted.When the transmission is completed, the following screen is displayed for a while, and the message issaved. After that returns to the "MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen.Refer to the example in "(6) ALL SHIPS CALL" for information on the DISTRESS RELAY procedure.To store a message without sending it, press          (SAVE).To discard the message and quit, press         (QUIT).0 9090 9 .FUNC 6FUNC 5ENTCALL INDIVIDUAL CALL      Transmitting TX frequency  : 4,208.0 kHz TX date&time  : 06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:30 INDIVIDUAL CALL    Send Completed TX frequency : 4,208.0 kHz TX date&time  : 06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:30FUNC9FUNC40 9 .NoteNote
3-35Use     and    toscroll the screen.(2-1)    INDIVIDUAL ACK CALL    ProcedureExample: An acknowledgement call based on the message received1. From the "MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen, press          , and then press          .The "Acknowledgement" screen is displayed.1 :Select 1 to edit the received message.2, 3 :Select 2 or 3 to edit a new acknowledgement message.2. Press    , and then press      .The "INDIVIDUAL ACK CALL" screen is displayed.The following items have been set in this example.「Address」:XXXXXXXXX「Category」:ROUTINE「Telecommand-1」:J3E TEL「Telecommand-2」:NO INFORMATION「Work TX/RX freq」:12,345.6/12,456.7 kHz「Call TX/RX freq」:4,357.0/4,388.5 kHz●Entering the respective items:After selecting each item, press        to confirm the selection.(1) Address: Use the numerical keys (   to   ) to specify the address of the destination station(coastal or ship station).(2) CategoryTelecommand-1: Use the     and     keys to select the items.Telecommand-2(3) Work TX/RX freq: Use the numerical keys (   to   , and   ) to directly specify afrequency.(4) Call TX/RX freq: Use the      and     keys to select one of the preset frequencies, or usethe numerical keys (     to    ,and     ) to specify a frequency directly.(5) Other settings:・Switching from "Ship's position" to "Work TX/RX freq": Press        (FREQ).・Switching from "Work TX/RX freq" to "Ship's position": Press        (POS).2ENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT          Select no.  1.INDIVIDUAL ack.  Rcv:06.Sep.01:20 2.INDIVIDUAL ack.  EDIT 3.DISTRESS ack.    EDIT1ENT INDIVIDUAL ACK CALL Address        :XXXXXXXXX Category        :ROUTINE Telecommand-1  :J3E TEL  Telecommand-2  :NO INFORMATION Work TX/RX freq:12,345.6/12,456.7kHz Call TX/RX freq: 4,357.0/ 4,388.5kHz09FUNC 6FUNC 5ENT09.▲▼Note0 9 .
3-363. Press          .The following screen is displayed and the message is transmitted.If the tuner is not tuned to the transmission frequency, the "tuner mismatch!!" warning message isdisplayed. Press        to tune the tuner, then transmit the message.When the transmission is completed, the following screen is displayed for a while. After that returns to the"MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen.・ Unable to store the message.・ To discard the message and quit without sending it, press        (QUIT).CALL INDIVIDUAL ACK CALL  Transmitting TX frequency  : 4,357.0 kHz TX date&time  :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:30 INDIVIDUAL ACK CALL  Send Completed TX frequency : 4,357.0 kHz TX date&time :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:30FUNC 4ENTNoteNote
3-37Use     and    toscroll the screen.(2-2)    DISTRESS ACK CALLPerform the distress acknowledgement call as follows. The message is not made automatically becauseconfirmation of the distress condition is necessary. Compile the acknowledgment message manually andthen transmit it.Compile the acknowledgment call so that the contents are the same as the received distress message.       ATTENTION            When a distress call is received, perform communication according to            "RECEPTION OF DSC DISTRESS ALERT".    ProcedureExample: Acknowledgement call procedure based on received distress message1. From the "MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen, press          , and then press           .The "Acknowledgement" screen is displayed.1 :Select 1 to edit the received message.2, 3 :Select 2 or 3 to edit a new acknowledgement message.2. Press          , and then press           .The "DISTRESS ACK CALL" screen is displayed.The following items have been set in this example.「Address」:XXXXXXXXX「Nature」:UNDESIGNATED DIST「Dist-position」:12 ゚34’N123 ゚45’E「Dist-UTC」:01:20「Dist-telecomm」:J3E TEL「Call TX/RX freq」:2,187.5/2,187.5 kHz●Entering the respective items:After selecting each item, press        to confirm the selection.(1) Address: Use the numerical keys (    to   ) to specify the address of the destinationstation (coastal or ship station).(2) NatureDist-telecomm: Use the     and     keys to select the items.2ENT DISTRESS ACK CALL Dist-address   :XXXXXXXXX Nature          :UNDESIGNATED DIST Dist-position  :12゚34’N123゚45’E  Dist-UTC        :01:20 Dist-telecomm  :J3E TEL               Call TX/RX freq: 2,187.5 / 2,187.5 kHz0 9ENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT           Select no._ 1.INDIVIDUAL ack.   Rcv:06.Sep.01:20 2.INDIVIDUAL ack.   EDIT 3.DISTRESS ack.      EDIT3ENT▲▼Note
3-38(3) Dist-position: Use the     and     keys to determine the direction, and then input the ship'sposition using the numerical keys (   to   ).(4) Dist-UTC: Use the numerical keys (   to   ) to enter the time.(5) Call TX/RX freq: Use the      and     keys to select one of the preset frequencies, or usethe numerical keys (     to    ,and     ) to specify a frequency directly.3. Press          .The following screen is displayed and the message is transmitted.If the tuner is not tuned to the transmission frequency, the following screen is displayed. Press     totune the tuner and then transmit the message.When the transmission is completed, the following screen is displayed and, after a brief interval, operationreturns to the "MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen.・ Unable store the message.・ To discard the message and quit without sending it, press        (QUIT).090 9CALL DISTRESS ACK CALL   Transmitting TX frequency : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:30 DISTRESS ACK CALL   Send Completed TX frequency : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:30FUNC 4 tuner mismatch ! !   Press [ENT] key to tune & send   Press [CLR] key to sendENTNote0 9 .
3-40 DISTRESS CALL       Transmissible Address           :XXXXXXXXX Nature            :UNDESIGNATED DIST Dist-position    :12゚34’N123゚45’E  Dist-UTC         :01:20 Dist-telecomm   :J3E TEL  End of sequence :EOS  Call TX/RX freq :2,187.5 /  2,187.5 kHzUse     and    toscroll the screen.    Procedure1. From the "MENU#1-EDIT&CALL" screen, press          , and then press          .The "DISTRESS CALL" screen is displayed.The following items have been set in this example.*「Address」:XXXXXXXXX「Nature」:UNDESIGNATED DIST「Dist-position」:12 ゚34’N123 ゚45’E「Dist-UTC」:01:20「Dist-telecomm」:J3E TEL*「End of sequence」:EOS「Call TX/RX freq」:2,187.5/2,187.5 kHz          *    Not edit the these setting.●Entering the respective items:After selecting each item, press      to confirm the selection.(1) NatureDist-telecomm: Use the    and     keys to select the items.(2) Dist-position: Use the    and    keys to determine the direction, and then input theship's position using the numerical keys (   to   ).(3) Dist-UTC: Use the numerical keys (   to   ) to enter the time.(4) Call TX/RX freq: Use the      and     keys to select one of the preset frequencies, or usethe numerical keys (     to    ,and     ) to specify a frequency directly.2. Press                    for at least 3.5 seconds (until the intermittent alarm tone changes toa continuous tone).The following screen is displayed and the message is transmitted. The same distress message is sent 5times in succession.On completion of the transmission, the following screen is displayed. Transmission of the distress call isrepeated when the displayed time has counted down to zero.Press        to cancel the DISTRESS transmission.To store the message without sending it, press         (SAVE).To discard the message and quit without sending it, press         (QUIT).The distress call is sent repeatedly until a distress call acknowledgement is received.3ENTENT0 90 9DISTRESS CALL       Transmitting TX frequency : 2,187.5 kHz TX date&time :06.Sep.2001(Thu) 01:30                                                     1/5 DISTRESS CALL       2,187.5 kHz NEXT DISTRESS CALL:AFTER 3.7 minDISTRESSFUNC 9FUNC 4STOP▲▼NoteNote0 9 .
3-41●About Distress CallsDistress calls, distress relay and distress acknowledgement functions are described here.○Distress Call TransmissionDistress type FORMAT CATEGOLY TELECOMMAND-1 Operating keys No. of transmissionsDISTRESS DISTRESS −− DISTRESS 5 successive transmissionswith intervalsDISTRESS DISTRESS −− CALL>DISTRESS 5 successive transmissionswith intervalsDISTRESS INDIVIDUALALL SHIPSGROUPAREADISTRESS J3E TEL, etc. CALL>DISTRESS Once onlyDISTRESS RELAY INDIVIDUAL DISTRESS DISTRESS RELAY CALL>DISTRESS Once onlyDISTRESS RELAY ALL SHIPS DISTRESS DISTRESS RELAY CALL>DISTRESS Once onlyDISTRESS ACK ALL SHIPS DISTRESS DISTRESS ACK CALL Once only○Distress Calls①When transmitting without editing and using only the      key, the message with the contentspreviously compiled in the distress setting is transmitted. This message is transmitted five timessuccessively at 3.5- to 4.5-minute intervals.②The following are two ways of distress transmitting after editing:1. Transmitting details of distress conditionsThis transmission is made according to 3.5.3 (3), "DISTRESS CALL." The nature of the distress, theship's position, time, and communication method are transmitted. The message is transmitted five timessuccessively at 3.5- to 4.5-minute intervals.This is the primary method.2. This transmission includes INDIVIDUAL, ALL SHIPS, GROUP, and AREA, and it is enabled when"DISTRESS" is selected for the CATEGORY. The contents of the message are the same as othermessages. This message is transmitted only once.○DISTRESS RELAY CALLThis transmission is made according to 3.5.3 (4), "DISTRESS RELAY CALL." The message to betransmitted can be edited by selecting "DISTRESS" for FORMAT and "DISTRESS RELAY" for CATEGORYin individual or all ships calls. However, the contents are the same. The received message is edited so that itis the same as the received distress message. It is then transmitted to a coastal station. This message istransmitted only once.○DISTRESS ACK CALLThis transmission is made according to 3.5.3 (2), "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CALL (2-2)." The message is notcreated automatically because the contents need to be confirmed. The acknowledgement message isedited manually and then transmitted. It is necessary to edit the message to be transmitted according to thecontents of the received message. This message is transmitted only once by using      key.                 ATTENTION                When a distress message is received, make the transmission according to        "RECEPTION OF DSC DISTRESS ALERT".DISTRESSCALL

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