KAPSCH TRAFFICCOM CANADA 801660 Transponder User Manual

KAPSCH TRAFFICCOM CANADA INC. Transponder Mark IV Industries Corp

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Mounting Instructions

            RReevv  AA..    3300--NNoovv--0066                                                                                                                                                                                                          SShheeeett  11  ooff  11  880011885500--000011..ddoocc  ©©  MMAARRKK  IIVV  IINNDDUUSSTTRRIIEESS  CCoorrpp..  EEXXCCEEPPTT  AASS  MMAAYY  BBEE  OOTTHHEERRWWIISSEE  PPRROOVVIIDDEEDD  BBYY  CCOONNTTRRAACCTT,,  TTHHEESSEE  DDRRAAWWIINNGGSS  AANNDD  SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS  CCOONNTTAAIINN  PPRROOPPRRIIEETTAARRYY  IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN  AANNDD  AARREE  TTHHEE  PPRROOPPEERRTTYY  OOFF  MMAARRKK  IIVV  IINNDDUUSSTTRRIIEESS  LLTTDD..  AANNDD  AARREE  IISSSSUUEEDD  IINN  SSTTRRIICCTT  CCOONNFFIIDDEENNCCEE  AANNDD  SSHHAALLLL  NNOOTT  BBEE  TTRRAANNSSMMIITTTTEEDD  OORR  RREEPPRROODDUUCCEEDD  OORR  CCOOPPIIEEDD  OORR  UUSSEEDD  AASS  TTHHEE  BBAASSIISS  FFOORR  MMAANNUUFFAACCTTUURREE  OORR  SSAALLEE  OOFF  AAPPPPAARRAATTUUSS  WWIITTHHOOUUTT  PPRRIIOORR  WWRRIITTTTEENN  PPEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN..     Short Range Vehicle-to-Roadside Communications Equipment for Automatic Vehicle Identification Short Range Vehicle-to-Roadside Communications Equipment for Automatic Vehicle Identification   G4 Interior Transponder Mounting Instructions G4 Interior Transponder Mounting Instructions for car interior on windshield for car interior on windshield For proper operation, make sure the transponder is mounted as follows:For proper operation, make sure the transponder is mounted as follows:   1.  Identify the front face of the transponder. It displays your agency label and two upward-pointing arrows. (Fig.-1) This side faces the driver with the arrows pointing toward the roof of your vehicle. 2.  Identify the position in your vehicle in which the transponder will be mounted. The preferred location is between the exposed edge of the windshield (roofline) and the rear view mirror post—as long as the clear-ances in Fig.-2 can be maintained. If there is insufficient room, the alter-nate location shown in Fig.-3 must be used. 3.  Having determined the mounting position in your vehicle, clean the inside surface of that section of the windshield if necessary. Now carefully re-move the protective backing from the Dual LockTM mounting strips on the rear of the transponder as shown in Fig. 4 and firmly press the rear of the transponder against the glass. Maintain the pressure for about 15 seconds to achieve a good bond.  The transponder may be removed by lifting any one corner with sufficient pressure to separate the Dual LockTM strips. Do not remove the Dual LockTM from the windshield and reuse it; obtain new strips from your service cen-ter if necessary.       ®MARK IV Industries Corporate, I.V.H.S. Division    Fig.-1 Transponder Front Face  Fig.-2 Preferred Mounting Location                Fig.-4 Transponder Rear Face  Fig.-3 Alternate Mounting Location   Rear view mirror  Transponder ARROWS POINT UPMARK IVFCC ID:  JQU801630This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the condition that this devicedoes not cause harmful interference.IC:  2665A-801630UNITED STATES PATENT Nos.4,870,419; 4,937,581; 5,132,687; 5,164,7325,192,954; 5,196,846CANADA PATENT Nos.1,165,427; 1,248,613DUAL LOCK STRIPSPEEL OFF BACKING
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]
Document ID750753
Application IDn2UUxuPvTf7YkefFosnpUw==
Document DescriptionMounting Instructions
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize7.61kB (95123 bits)
Date Submitted2007-01-25 00:00:00
Date Available2007-01-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-12-07 10:07:50
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 6.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2006-12-07 10:07:58
Document TitleFPT Interior Transponder Mounting Instructions
Document CreatorAcrobat PDFMaker 6.0 for Word
Document Author: John Wolkowski
FCC ID Filing: JQU801660

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