User Manual
TRP-8100 Interior Transponder Mounting
Instructions for passenger vehicles
The TRP-8100 transponder mounts in passenger vehicles on the windshield. LEDs on the side of
the transponder provide transaction feedback. Mount the transponder with the LEDs visible to the
Preferred Mounting Location
Alternate Mounting Location
top of windshield
6 in. 6 in.
6 in.
rear view mirror
centerline of mirror
2 in.
centerline of mirror and transponder
rear view mirror
approx. 1 in.
TRP-8100 Transponder Mounting Instructions
Select a mounting location, ensuring the LEDs are visible to the driver.
The preferred mounting location is centered and to the left behind
the rear view mirror, leaving approximately 1 in. of the left side of the
transponder visible.
For reliable operation of the transponder, the vehicle must be
equipped with only one transponder while passing through a toll
facility. Other transponders present in or on the vehicle must be
switched o or enclosed in an RF shield.
The mounting location must provide direct line-of-sight
communication between the transponder and the toll facility
overhead antenna.
Apply Dual Lock™ fasteners in accordance with 3M™ document
If the transponder cannot be mounted in the preferred mounting
location, mount the transponder anywhere within the alternate
mounting area shown below:
Kapsch TracCom IVHS
TRP-8100 Transponder - Rear View
1. Clean the mounting location in accordance with 3M document
2. Remove the protective backing from the two Dual Lock fasteners
and press the transponder onto the mounting location, ensuring the
status LEDs on the left side of the transponder are facing the driver.
Maintain the pressure for approximately 15 seconds to ensure a
good bond.
801850-023 rev A1.©Kapsch TracCom IVHS. All rights reserved. Subject to alteration without notice.
3. Remove the transponder by lifting any corner with sucient force to
separate the Dual Lock strips. Do not reuse the Dual Lock strips if
removing them from the windshield. Obtain new strips as required.
Kapsch TracCom IVHS | 6020 Ambler Drive | Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2P1 | CANADA | Phone +1 905 624 3020 | Fax +1 905 625 6197
54 S. Commerce Way, Suite 100 | Bethlehem, PA 18017 | Phone +1 610 419 1479 | Fax +1 610 419 1489
E-Mail ktc.ca.info@kapsch.net | ktc.us.info@kapsch.net | www.kapsch.net
Kapsch Group
The Kapsch Group and its entities Kapsch TracCom, Kapsch CarrierCom and Kapsch BusinessCom are specialised in the future-oriented market
segments of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Kapsch. Always one ste p ahead.
Dual Lock fasteners