Kelvin Hughes DTX-A3-FDLR X BAND RADAR User Manual

Kelvin Hughes Limited X BAND RADAR

User Manual

SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 1: ContentsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 2 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 1: ContentsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 3 of 2401 Contents1 Contents..................................................................................................................................... 32 Health & Safety warnings .........................................................................................................72.1 Hazards .......................................................................................................................................................................72.2 Antenna rotation warning .............................................................................................................................................72.3 Radiation hazards........................................................................................................................................................82.4 Microwave radiation levels ...........................................................................................................................................82.5 Working aloft................................................................................................................................................................92.6 Man aloft switch/ antenna isolation...............................................................................................................................92.7 Anti-static handling.....................................................................................................................................................102.8 RoHS statement.........................................................................................................................................................102.9 End of life disposal.....................................................................................................................................................102.10 AC supplies...........................................................................................................................................................112.11 Grounding/ earth points.........................................................................................................................................123 Software licensing and virus protection...............................................................................133.1 Software.....................................................................................................................................................................133.2 Virus precautions .......................................................................................................................................................134 Handbooks...............................................................................................................................155 Technical overview .................................................................................................................175.1 Generic system..........................................................................................................................................................175.2 SBS-900 overview......................................................................................................................................................185.3 SBS-900-1 .................................................................................................................................................................205.4 SBS-900-2 .................................................................................................................................................................215.5 SBS-900-3 .................................................................................................................................................................225.6 SBS-900-4 .................................................................................................................................................................235.7 SBS-900-51 ...............................................................................................................................................................245.8 Standard antenna sub system....................................................................................................................................255.9 Advanced antenna sub system ..................................................................................................................................265.10 Transceiver enclosure...........................................................................................................................................275.11 Radar Distribution Unit ..........................................................................................................................................305.12 System control ......................................................................................................................................................325.13 Unit identification...................................................................................................................................................336 Local operation instructions..................................................................................................356.1 Antenna rotation warnings..........................................................................................................................................356.2 Local control overview................................................................................................................................................366.3 Switch ON, OFF & Emergency stop ...........................................................................................................................416.4 Local control operational states..................................................................................................................................446.5 Switch from Local to Remote......................................................................................................................................466.6 Menus........................................................................................................................................................................477 Remote operation instructions..............................................................................................697.1 Remote control operator instructions..........................................................................................................................697.2 External commands ...................................................................................................................................................697.3 Remote control operational states..............................................................................................................................70
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 1: ContentsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 4 of 2408 Service display/ RadarView control ......................................................................................738.1 Overview....................................................................................................................................................................738.2 SBS-A3-2 Base system..............................................................................................................................................738.3 SBS-A3-3 Single transceiver......................................................................................................................................748.4 SBS-A3-4 dual transceiver.........................................................................................................................................748.5 SBS-A3-5 ASTERIX control .......................................................................................................................................758.6 Keyboard, monitor & Mouse.......................................................................................................................................758.7 Service Display PC overview......................................................................................................................................768.8 Switching ON/ OFF ....................................................................................................................................................778.9 Emergency Stop.........................................................................................................................................................788.10 RadarView operator overview................................................................................................................................809 Planned maintenance .............................................................................................................859.1 Standard Antenna Systems........................................................................................................................................859.2 Advanced Antenna Systems ......................................................................................................................................869.3 System isolation.........................................................................................................................................................879.4 Annual maintenance procedure..................................................................................................................................889.5 3-year maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................989.6 5-year maintenance three-phase inverter.................................................................................................................1009.7 10-year maintenance: VF-S15..................................................................................................................................1149.8 Earth bonding maintenance......................................................................................................................................12010 Corrective maintenance .......................................................................................................12110.1 General precautions............................................................................................................................................12110.2 Standard systems overview.................................................................................................................................12210.3 Standard X-band.................................................................................................................................................12810.4 Standard dual X & S-band...................................................................................................................................13410.5 Standard S-band.................................................................................................................................................13510.6 Advanced antenna sub systems..........................................................................................................................14110.7 Transceiver enclosure.........................................................................................................................................14210.8 SBS-A1-1 Radar Distribution Unit........................................................................................................................17910.9 Alert messages ...................................................................................................................................................22411 Abreviations...........................................................................................................................22812 Contacting Kelvin Hughes ...................................................................................................23012.1 Contact Kelvin Hughes........................................................................................................................................23012.2 On-line service request........................................................................................................................................23012.3 Kelvin Hughes regional offices ............................................................................................................................23113 Annex A: RadarView software & service display control software .................................23214 Annex B: Antenna sub system maintenance.....................................................................23415 Index.......................................................................................................................................236
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 1: ContentsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 5 of 240SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsThe Kelvin Hughes SBS-900 series is a range of X or S-band SharpEyeTM transceivers designed foruse in shore based radar applications. The SBS-900 range has been designed to enable systemintegrators to provide a radar sensor or range of sensors that meets the following requirements:Equipment StandardsSBS-900 seriesCoastal Surveillance Systems or a Vessel Traffic Services system as definedby IALA recommendations V-128Designed to meet IEC60945 clause 4.5.1 for class B protected equipment forboth emissions and immunityAll Kelvin Hughes designed equipments are designed to meet therequirements of IEC 60950, Safety of information technology equipment.Kelvin Hughes designed equipments are constructed so that access to highvoltages may only be gained after having used a tool, such as a spanner orscrewdriver. Warning labels are prominently displayed both within theequipment and on protective covers.All Kelvin Goab_m Kn^ ^_mcah_^ _kocjg_hn cm ^_mcah_^ [h^ g[ho`[]nol_^ ni J_fpch Goab_m iqh standards of practice being designed to meet the applicable requirements of the following directives:Equipment StandardsCE markingAll KH designed equipments are designed and constructed to KelvinGoab_m iqh mn[h^[l^m i` jl[]nc]_ [h^ [l_ BD g[le_^ qb_l_ l_kocl_^+ meeting the applicable requirements of the following directive:vRTTE Directive 1995/5/ECElectromagneticEmissionsDesigned to meet the requirements of unwanted emissions in the out ofband domain (ITU-R-SM.1541)Designed to meet the requirements of spurious emissions (ITU.R.SM.329.9)© Copyright Kelvin Hughes (2014) limited all rights reserved.No parts of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, translated or stored in anyform or by any means without the written permission of Kelvin Hughes Limited.Technical details contained in this publication are subject to change without notice.When translated, the original English version of the document will remain the definitive document andmbiof^ \_ l_`_ll_^ ni ch [hs mcno[ncih i` ^io\n+ ]ih`omcih il ]ih`fc]n-
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 1: ContentsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 6 of 240Document historyIssuenumberRelease date Details1 August 2014 First releaseAmendment recordWhen an amendment is incorporated into this handbook, the details should be recorded below. Anyequipment modifications should also be shown.Amendment Number Date inserted(DD-MM-YYYY) Initials Equipment Modnumber
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 2: Health & Safety warningsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 7 of 2402 Health & Safety warningsWhen working on Kelvin Hughes equipment, operators, engineers and agents are expected to workwithin the health and safety guidelines noted in the handbook, as issued by their respective employeror as stated by site regulations, shipyard or vessel owner.Risk assessments of a working area must be undertaken prior to commencement of any work andmust be regularly reviewed.2.1 HazardsELECTRICAL HAZARDS:Some equipment does not have safety interlocks fitted.Lethal single and three phase AC and DC voltages may be present when units are openand exposed.Before accessing any internal parts, ALL power sources to the equipment must be fullyisolated; this must include the isolation of all UPS supported supplies to the system.MAINS VOLTAGES:All Kelvin Hughes equipment is supplied with mains input voltage set for 220v, 50/60 Hzac unless otherwise stated on labels attached to the equipment.WARNING: Some equipment contains materials which may produce toxic fumes if burnt.Beryllium warning: The SharpEyeTM X and S band transceivers mounted withinthe SBS-800 series are factory sealed units which contain no field serviceableparts. The SharpEyeTM transceivers must not be dismantled in the field as somecomponents within the factory sealed processor contain Beryllium which ishazardous to health.Class 1 laser product: There is a class 1 laser within the sealed SharpEyetransceiver processor which can represent a risk if the processor isdismantled.When fitted, the LAN fibre optic cable that connects to the SharpEyeTMtransceiver and the to the MISM type 5 modules within the radar distributionunit is considered as a class 1 laser.2.2 Antenna rotation warningANTENNA ROTATION SAFETY NOTICE:When single and three-phase power is connected to the system and switched ON, theantenna will rotate immediately regardless of the RUN command status.Use the antenna rotation keyswitch or man aloft safety switches to stop antenna rotationin an emergency.Q_`_l ni nb_ g[chn_h[h]_ m_]ncih i` nb_ ij_l[nilm b[h^\iie `il ^_n[cfm ih mnijjcha nb_ antenna and isolating a system.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 2: Health & Safety warningsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 8 of 2402.3 Radiation hazardsRadiation hazard: non-ionisingAvoid exposure to the main beam of a stationary radar antenna.Avoid standing closer than 2 metres from the central front face of the antenna.Users of cardiac pacemakers should be aware of the possibility that radio frequencytransmissions can damage some devices or cause irregularities in their operation.Anyone using such devices should understand the risks present before exposure.2.4 Microwave radiation levelsThe Council of the European Union Recommendation 1999/519/EC (Annex III table 2) specifies themaximum RF non-ionising field strength (power density) safe range for human exposure averagedover a six minute period as 10W/m2in a frequency band of 10 to 300GHz.Calculations for all SBS-900 systems show that the rotating antenna safe distance is within theantenna turning circle although KH do not recommend any personnel to be in close proximity to arotating antenna due to RF exposure and the high risk of injury that can be caused by a rotatingantenna.SBS-900 system StateRange Within Which thePower Density Exceeds10W/m2X-band3.7m or 5.5m standardantennaRotating antenna 1.3mNon-rotating Antenna 3.0mS-band3.9m standard antennaRotating antenna 1.2mNon-rotating Antenna 3.0mX-bandEnhanced 5.5m antennaRotating antenna 1.7mNon-rotating Antenna 4.0mX-bandEnhanced 6.4m antennaRotating antenna 2.0mNon-rotating Antenna 5.0mThe safe range for a non-rotating antenna is far greater due to the lack of averaging but this is not apermitted operational mode and the system includes interlocks to prevent this mode of operation for aprolonged period.Note: 5m of waveguide is assumed.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 2: Health & Safety warningsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 9 of 2402.5 Working aloftSAFETY ALOFT:When working aloft or near any radar scanners, moving or RF radiating equipment, ALLpower sources to the platform and equipment must be fully isolated.Before working aloft ensure someone in authority or at ground level knows of yourintentions and ensure that suitable clear warnings are in place.Ensure all means of access aloft are secure and beware of wet or slippery ladder rungsand working areas.All working at height health and safety requirements and procedures, including theinspection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE), must be adhered to at alltimes as advised and required by your employer, site regulations, shipyard or vessel.2.6 Man aloft switch/ antenna isolation.Antenna rotation and transmission can be inhibited via a Man Aloft Switch (MAS) or an r<agXaaT IAA-AeXXs keyswitch. These mechanisms can be used by a person who sees a potential hazard such as aloose halyard and decides to protect the antenna.When activated, the reason for loss of turning is detected by the system and is reported to the localand remote usersSafety switchesAntennaRotationkeyswitchThe Antenna Rotation keyswitch is located on the door of the internally mountedRadar Distribution Unit (RDU)The key for the RDU keyswitch is captive when set to Free (enable rotation) butcan be removed when the keyswitch is to OFF.When in the OFF position all single and 3-phase AC power to the antenna andtransceiver is isolated thus stopping antenna rotation and transmission.The key should be removed and retained by the person who intends to enter thepotentially hazardous volume of the rotating antenna.Man aloftswitch(MAS)The man aloft switch (MAS) is designed to be installed such that it is still viewablefor the person who is carrying out maintenance tasks.Vb_h m_n ni nb_ •OFF jimcncih the transceiver/ gearbox is isolated from all singleand 3-phase AC power thus stopping the antenna rotation and transmission.The Man Aloft switch, Motor ON/ OFF and Antenna Rotation keyswitch form part of a safety currentloop. This safety loop is purely hardware (no software), when the current loop is opened, AC mainssupplies to the transceivers and antenna inverter are switch OFF by use of contactors.Kelvin Hughes recommends that the key switches noted above are used in conjunction with the manaloft switch but also recommend that radar users carry out a safety assessment and risk mitigationprocedure in terms of interlocks prior to approving any work on the equipment.Full details on isolating the systems from the AC supplies can be found in the planned maintenancesection of the relevant systems Operator & Maintenance handbook.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 2: Health & Safety warningsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 10 of 2402.7 Anti-static handlingCAUTION: Handling of electrostatic-sensitive semiconductor devicesCertain semiconductor devices used in the equipment are liable to damage due to staticvoltage. Observe the following precautions when handling these devices in their un-terminated state, or sub-units containing these devices:Persons removing sub-units from equipment containing these devices must be earthedby a wrist strap and a resistor at the labelled point provided on/ within the equipment.'Soldering irons used during authorised repair operations must be low voltage typeswith earthed tips and isolated from the mains voltage by a double insulatedtransformer.'Outer clothing worn must be unable to generate static charges.'Printed circuit boards fitted with these devices must be stored and transported in anti-static containers.'Fit new devices in a special antistatic safe handling area.'Fully isolate and mechanically disconnect all sources of AC before attaching ESDprotective wrist straps to the various points in the system.2.8 RoHS statementRestriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS): For details on RoHS statements please contactKelvin Hughes; contact details can be found in at the end of this handbook.2.9 End of life disposalWhen the equipment detailed in this handbook has reached the end of its serviceable life, the variousparts that make up the system must be disposed of in accordance with local industrial waste disposalregulations.Please contact your local regulatory body for disposal instructions or contact Kelvin Hughes for a listof any potentially hazardous material contained within the system.SharpEyenspecific disposal noticeSb_ Rb[ljDs_x nl[hm]_cp_l(s) located within the transceiver enclosure are factory sealed units thatcontains no field serviceable parts or lifed components.Components within the Rb[ljDs_x jli]_mmil (all variants) contain traces of beryllium and trivalentchromium.Please contact Kelvin Hughes regarding the repair or a Rb[ljDs_x or its end of life disposalinstructions. Contact details for Kelvin Hughes can be found at the end of this handbook.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 2: Health & Safety warningsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 11 of 2402.10 AC suppliesAll AC mains powered equipment is provided with apower rating plate that details the power requirementsand additional information for the equipment.The power rating plate is attached to the front cover of theequipment and indicates the following:- Equipment name- Part & serial numbers- Equipment weight- Supply voltage & frequency range(s)- Current ratings- IP rating- Product hazard warnings Example of power rating plateAC sources: Standard SBS-900 systems require the following switched and protected ACinputs:'Two sources of UPS supported 2 wire 115/ 230VAC single phasesupplies + protective earth.'3 wire 440VAC three-phase supply + protective earth.Health & safety: The information found on the power rating plates must be used in conjunctionwith the Health & Safety notices shown in this handbook.Cable requirements: The AC power requirements and cable specifications can be found in theexternal interfacing section of the systems installation and commissioninghandbook.Wiring: Wiring is to be carried out in accordance with the system manual using thecables defined. Please refer to the systems installation and commissioninghandbook for full details.Disconnection devices: To comply with CE approval and EN60950 requirements it is recommendedthat the AC supplies to the system are made with clearly labelled, readilyaccessible disconnection devices as follows:Single phase: Standard CE approved mains outlet sockets (not supplied).Three phase: Class B, red, 4-pole plug & socket (not supplied).Fuses: All accessible fuses and over current protection devices are detailed in thecorrective maintenance section of the handbook.Replacement fuses must be of the correct type and rating.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 2: Health & Safety warningsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 12 of 2402.11 Grounding/ earth pointsAll parts of the system must be fully and correctly connected to a proven earth point prior toconnecting any source of AC power.The system must never be switched ON or operated with an earthing point disconnected.Connection point: All Kelvin Hughes equipment is fitted with a single protective earth connectionpoint which is indicated on the mechanical installation drawings.Conductivity tests: During installation and maintenance, the earth connections must be tested forconductivity using a high current impedance meter such as a Megger orsimilar.Wrist Straps: Fully isolate and mechanically disconnect all sources of AC before attachingESD protective wrist straps to the various points in the system.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 3: Software licensing and virus protectionKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 13 of 2403 Software licensing and virus protection3.1 SoftwareOnly approved software may be used on Kelvin Hughes equipment. The use of unapproved orunlicensed software on any Kelvin Hughes equipment is strictly prohibited. The use of such softwarevoids the warranty status of the unit.Any Kelvin Hughes designed software supplied whether pre-installed, supplied on CD/ DVD or otherremovable media, is the copyright of Kelvin Hughes Ltd, which will not accept any responsibility forany damage or loss caused in whatever way by the use or misuse of the software. This copyrightapplies to software that can be supply in various formats including but not restricted to CD, DVD, USBmemory device, email or obtained via the Kelvin Hughes agents download area.Software supplied with Kelvin Hughes equipment may not be resold or re-distributed without theexpress permission of Kelvin Hughes Ltd.3rd party software supplied with the system such as the RadarView program remains the copyright ofthe original manufacturer. See the manufactures documentation for copyright information.3.2 Virus precautionsMany systems supplied by Kelvin Hughes Ltd including the optional Service Displays are nowPC based and it should be noted that such systems do not have anti-virus protection installed.It is the responsibility of installation engineers, service engineers, maintainers and system usersto ensure that virus threats are not transferred to the system via removable media.WARNING:Prior to use, all removable media used on or in Kelvin Hughes productsMUST be fully scanned for viruses on a PC installed with up to date anti-virus software.Any media containing potential virus infections must not be used.Charges relating to systems found to be infected with a virus will be passed onto thecompany found to be using removable media that has not been suitably scanned.Note: Kelvin Hughes cannot be held responsible for damage caused to systemsby virus infections.Removable media referred to includes but is not restricted to USB memory sticks, USB hard drives,`fijjs ^cm]m+ BC. CUCm [h^ [ff `ilgm i` l_gip[\f_ g_^c[-
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 3: Software licensing and virus protectionKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 14 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 4: HandbooksKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 15 of 2404 HandbooksThe system handbook is split into two volumes that contain the following details. Additionalhandbooks and technical data can be found in the handbook annexes:KH-1602-1Installation, Terminationand Commissioning HandbookKH1602-2Operation and MaintenanceHandbookContents:1. Contents2. Health and safety warnings3. Software licensing & virus precautions4. Handbooks5. System overview6. Equipment specifications7. External interfacing8. Options9. Mechanical installation10. Termination11. Setting to work12. Completion of installation13. System acceptance test (SAT)14. Abbreviations15. Contacting Kelvin Hughes16. Annex A: Antenna Sub system17. Annex B: Supporting documentation Note18. SBS-900 variants19. IndexContents:1. Contents2. Health and safety warnings3. Software licensing & virus precautions4. Handbooks5. Technical description6. Local operator instructions7. Remote operator instructions8. Service display/ RadarView control9. Planned maintenance10. Corrective maintenance11. Abbreviations12. Contacting Kelvin Hughes13. Annex A: RadarView user manual14. Annex B: Antenna sub systemmaintenance Note15. IndexAdvanced Antenna / Antenna Turning unit (ATU):ETahYTVgheXerf handbook: The SBS-900 series can be supplied with a range of Advancedantennas and Antenna Turning Units.The installation and maintenance instructions for the advancedantennas and the antenna turning unit (ATU) are detailed in aseparate handbook located in Annex B of the Installation andCommissioning handbook.The Advanced Antenna Turning Unit and antenna must be installedin accordance with the manufactures requirements which include butare not restricted to: Health and safety, unpacking, lifting andinstallation requirements.Handbook reference: Installation and Maintenance ManualRadar Antenna System type KAH20-AS-00000
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 4: HandbooksKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 16 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter5:Technical overviewKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage1717of2405Technicaloverview5.1GenericsystemStandard X or S-band gearboxS-band shown in for illustration purposesAdvance Xband gearboxThird party X or S-band antennainstallationAntenna options.Externally mounted SBS900 X or Sband6F?PN( WC\ RP?LQACGTCPCLAJMQSPCFibre opticOrOrCable connection(System dependant)Internally mountedRadar Distribution Unit (RDU)Serial & analogue signalsLANExample of a genericSBS-900 systemNote:Third party antenna interfacing is subject to initial inspection and compatibility checks.WANTrack extractorOptional range ofservice displaysExternal commandand displaysystemSite mains
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 18 of 2405.2 SBS-900 overview
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 19 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 20 of 2405.3 SBS-900-1
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 21 of 2405.4 SBS-900-2
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 22 of 2405.5 SBS-900-3
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 23 of 2405.6 SBS-900-4The LPA-A455 is a combination ofthe standard LPA-A55 (x-band)and the LPA-A3 (S-band) antennaswhich are fitted to a DTX-A19gearbox that has a dual rotatingjoint.The SBS-900-4 allows the operatorto select between X or S bandtransmission.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 24 of 2405.7 SBS-900-51
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 25 of 2405.8 Standard antenna sub systemThe standard antenna solution comprises a Kelvin Hughes manufactured gearbox and range of LowProfile Antennas (LPA) that can be used on all variants of the SBS-900 range:Antenna:The gearbox can be fitted with a range of Xor S-band Low Profile Antennas (LPA).The antenna utilises polyrod technologyand a horizontally polarised end fed slottedarray enclosed in a polycarbonate plasticcase. Example of a Kelvin Hughes X-band LPASingle antenna: The waveguide feed from the antenna is connected to the rotating joint ofthe gearbox.Combined X & S band antenna: The waveguide from each antenna is connected to aspecial dual waveguide connection at the rotating joint of the gearbox.SBS systemEquipment colourSignal white RAL9003 Silver grey RAL7001X-band SBS-900-1SBS-900-2SBS-900-3LPA-A37 (3.7m)orLPA-A55 (5.5m)LPA-A37-BAAA (3.7m)orLPA-A55-BAAA (5.5m)S-band SBS-900-51 LPA-A3 (3.9m) LPA-A3-BAAA (3.9m)CombinedX & S-band SBS-900-4 LPA-A455(5.5m & 3.9m) LPA-A455-BAAA(5.5m & 3.9m)Gearbox: The synchronous antenna motor is driven by a 3-phase voltagewhich is supplied and controlled from an inverter within the RDU.This inverter is configured to provide a soft start and a soft stop forthe Motor and adjustable antenna RPM. Note Three phase power isconnected via a junction box mounted on the motor.A DC supply from the transceiver enclosure powers the ACP/ ARPencoder within the gearbox enclosure. ACP and ARP signals areconnected to the transceiver enclosure by cables.The gearbox has a removable service access door that allows easy access to the ACP/ARP connections, the encoder and the RF coupling in S-and systems. There are no otherelectronics within the unit.SBS system Equipment colourSignal white RAL9003Silver grey RAL7001X-band SBS-900-1SBS-900-2SBS-900-3 DTX-A3-AXZX DTX-A3-BXZXS-band SBS-900-51 GTX-A11 GTX-A11-BAAACombinedX & S-band SBS-900-4 DTX-A19 DTX-A19-BAAASpecifications:Full specifications on the standard antenna and gearbox range can be found in theinstallation and commissioning handbook (KH-1602-1).Note: Antenna speeds/ RPM are factory configured.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 26 of 2405.9 Advanced antenna sub systemThe advanced antenna solution comprises an X-band antenna and Antenna Turning Unit (ATU) thatcan be used on with the SBS-900-1, SBS-900-2 and SBS-900-3 X-band systems.Antenna:The advanced antenna sub systemcomprises of a HI-gain 5.5 or 6.4m antennaThe antenna is rotated using a servo motorat 1 RPM but can be configured duringsetting to work only for speeds between 1and 10 RPM.Example of a 6.4m advanced antennaThe waveguide feed from the antenna is connected to the rotating joint of the AntennaTurning Unit.Antenna range DescriptionSBS-A55-10HW10 RPM5.5 m, Horizontal polarisation, whiteSBS-A55-10CW 5.5 m, Circular polarisation, whiteSBS-A64-10HW 6.4 m, Horizontal polarisation, whiteSBS-A64-10CW 6.4 m, Circular polarisation, whiteSBS-A55-20HW20 RPM5.5 m, Horizontal polarisation, whiteSBS-A55-20CW 5.5 m, Circular polarisation, whiteSBS-A64-20HW 6.4 m, Horizontal polarisation, whiteSBS-A64-20CW 6.4 m, Circular polarisation, whiteNote: White is according RAL 9016. For grey variants (RAL 7001) the above Kelvin Hughes part numbershave suffix G instead of W.Gearbox: Two Antenna Turning Units are available:- ST1-F10 (10 RPM)- ST1-F20 (20RPM)Both are powered by a three-phase supply generated and controlled by a static invertermounted within the RDU. This inverter is configured to provide a soft start and a soft stopfor the Motor and adjustable antenna RPM. NoteThree phase power is connected via a junction box mounted within the Antenna TurningUnit. The gearbox is fitted with an encoder giving 1024 @BOm [h^ 0 @QO [h^ m_lpi ginil-A +5VDC supply from the transceiver enclosure powers the ACP/ ARP encoder within thegearbox. ACP and ARP signals are connected to the transceiver enclosure by cables.Handbook: The installation, termination, commissioning processes and requirements for theadvanced range of antennas and the ST1-F10 & ST1-F20 Antenna Turning Unit (ATU) arenot included in this section. NotePlease refer to Annex B or to the handbooks provided with the equipment for fullinstallation details.Note: Antenna speeds/ RPM are factory configured.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 27 of 2405.10 Transceiver enclosureThe DTX-A7 is a range of external mountedwaterproof enclosures that contains the relevant X orS-Band SharpEyeTM transceiver(s), an azimuth signalinterface, system power supplies, a waveguide switch(where required) and an RF connection to the antennasub-assembly.The system is designed to be externally mounted andis convection cooled by the use of heatsinks and fourwind turned rotary ventilators mounted on top of theassembly.For areas operating in high ambient temperaturesadditional powered cooling fans can be fitted as anoption (SBS-A179).Example of a DTX-A7-3 shown with access doorsremoved for clarityConnection to antennaThe system is connected to the antenna sub-system via a bespoke waveguide connected to the top ofthe system. The waveguide/ flexwell is supplied preassembled with a static desiccator drying unit (55-100-0436-001).Turning data (ACP/ ARP) is interfaced to the enclosure from the turning unit via cable connections.NOTICE: Maximum flexwell/ waveguide distanceThe maximum flexwell/ waveguide run between the DTX-A7 transceiver enclosure and theantenna sub-assembly is 5 metres.Waveguide dryer: A static desiccator is supplied pre-assembled onto thewaveguide as part of all SBS-900 systems.The unit is a totally passive device and requires no electrical power.It connects directly into a gas inlet port that forms part of the flexwell/ waveguideassembly.The clear wall of the unit allows visual inspection of the desiccant condition. Asmoisture is adsorbed the colour will change from deep blue to pink/white. When80% of the desiccant material has changedcolour, the unit should be replaced.A pressurised waveguide dryer (SBS-A131-1) is also available as an option.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 28 of 240Connection to Radar Distribution UnitData Signals: The following signals are transferred between the DTX-A7 enclosure and the RadarDistribution Unit:'Digital signals in the form of radar video, display sync, ACP and ARP'System control, status and BITE data'Blanking signalsConnections between the two units are via:'SBS-900-1, -2, -3 & -4: Fibre optic cable'SBS-900-51: Cable connectionPower: The enclosure is AC powered and controlled by the Radar Distribution Unit. In singletransceivers a single AC supply is provided, in dual systems two AC supplies areprovided (one for each transceiver).Internal AC-DC power supplies provide all the internal DC power requirements of theenclosure. A DC supply is also provided to power the ACP/ ARP encoder in theantenna sub-system.- For Standard systems sub-systems the encoder supply is +15VDC- For Advanced antenna sub- systems the encoder supply is +5VDCOver current protection devices: The Transceiver enclosure is fitted with internal breakers for theAC supply(s) to the enclosure.-MCB1 isolates the AC supply to the left hand side of the enclosure.-MCB2 isolates the right hand side of the enclosure.All breakers must be in their OFF position before commencing any form of service ormaintenance work on the system.Access: Access to the unit is via two lockable (8mm hex key), waterproof doors mounted onthe front of the unit.Location: The DTX-A7-X waterproof enclosure is designed to be externally mounted locatedwithin 5 metres of the gearbox/ antenna turning unit.Interlocks: Maintenance and ENCOM safety switches are provided via an Antenna Rotationkeyswitch fitted on the RDU and an externally mounted Man Aloft switchBreakers for the AC input are located within the transceiver enclosure.If no azimuth (rotation) is detected, the SharpEye will automatically switch to standbywithin 60 seconds of signal loss.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 29 of 240K[Tec>lXn geTafVX\iXeSharpEyeTM transceiver technology radically departs from conventional marine navigation transceiversthrough the transmission of low power RF pulses and application of pulse compression and Dopplertechniques. The technology benefits from the following:'Solid state transmitter for high reliability 'Dynamic range of 126 dB (including sensitivitytime constant (STC) & pulse compression gain)'Digital pulse compression 'Minimum discernible signal (MDS) of-125dBm'Receiver noise figure <5.5dB 'Internal monitoring, no external componentsrequired to monitor operation'Pulse Doppler processing for improved rainand sea clutter rejection'Range discrimination: 7.5nm (24nm) and15nm (48nm)Solid state technology: Solid state transistors obviate the need for a warm-up time. When theRadar Distribution Unit is switched ON the SharpEyeTM is powered.When a Run command is received by the transceiver, it is ready fortransmission within 40 seconds.Output power: When transmitting, the amplifiers generate a nominal peak power of170Watts with a maximum duty cycle of 13% at the transceiveroutput flange.System monitoring: Comprehensive built in test (BIT) facilities within the transceiverprovide on-line monitoring of the following parameters within thetransceiver:'RF power 'Antenna systemVSWR'Power supplies'Temperature 'Receiversensitivity'Antenna rotationdataShould the system detect a fault condition which could lead to earlyfailure of the transceiver, i.e. a high VSWR, then the transceiverswitches to a low power state which permits transmission to continuein the short term. The built in test monitoring also ionjonm [ •Kiq QEOiq_l q[lhcha g_mm[a_ c` nb_ QE jiq_l ionjon `[ffm \_fiq 0// V- Sb_ ^_mcah cm •`[cf-mi`n nb_l_\s jlipc^cha al[]_`of ^_al[^[ncih ch nb_ event of single or multiple transistor failures.SBS-900 Range: System ID SharpEyeTMTransceiver Doppler FrequencyDiversitySBS-900-1 X-band & %SBS-900-2 X-band & &SBS-900-3 X-band(dual redundant) & &SBS-900-4 X and S-band(dual transceiver) &(X & S-band)&(X-band only)SBS-900-51 S-band & %
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter5:Technical overviewKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage3030of2405.11Radar Distribution UnitThere are 5 Radar Distribution Units used in thestandardSBS-900rangewith the only differencebeing the configuration and interfacing of the individual units.The operation of each of the Radar Distribution Units is identical.SBS system:SBS9001SBS9002SBS9003SBS9004SBS9005151RDUSBS-A1A1-4SBS-A1A1-5SBS-A1A1-6SBS-A1A1-7SBS-A1A1-8The SBS-A1A1-X Radar Distribution Unit (RDU)is a radar processing and distributionunit that accepts radar video inputs from the external transceiverenclosureandprovides signal outputs in digital form.The RDU acceptsradardatavia fibre optic cable or cable connection (cable onSBS900 51 only) andoutputsdigitised video including control and status datavia aLANtotothetrack extractor.AKelvin Hughes TCP/IP specific protocolis usedbased on the Asterix format.The RDU also provides an interim two way serial interface fora range of servicedisplays which offer localcontrol of thesystem for maintenance and monitoringpurposes.Control modes: The RDU can be operated in either of the following modesRemote controlIn normal operation,thesystemis remotely controlledvia a 3rdrdrdpartycommand & displaysystem or track extractorand WAN with the RDU acting as an interface.Note: The infrastructure of the track extractor and WAN are not detailed in this handbook.Local controlIn local control, the system can belocallyoperated using controlsmounted on the front of the Radar Distribution Unit (RDU); controlsinclude:-LocalorRemotecontrol selection.-Local transceiverRunandStandbycontrol.-Viewingof status and BITE data on an integrated LCD display.-Viewing and adjustment of system configurations.Optionalservice displayA range of optional service displays are available which enables a maintainer to view,control and display the radar locally for commissioning and maintenance purposes.AC Breakers:Tocomply with CEand EN60950 requirements it is recommended that theACconnections to the RDU are via clearly labelled, readily accessibledisconnectiondevices:s:-Single phasesupply:Standard CE approved mains outlet sockets (not supplied).-Three phasesupply:Class B, red, 4pole plug & socket (not supplied).Antenna Rotation Safety NoticeDepending on the status of the safety switches, when threephase powerisisconnected andconnected andswitched ON, the antennamay rotateimmediatelyregardless of the RUN command status.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 31 of 240AC requirementsSingle phase: Two independent sources of UPS supported, single phase, 115/ 230VAC supply areconnected to the RDU.The AC voltages are fed to an AC-DC power supply via user accessible breakerslocated within the RDU. The internal power supply provides all the DC powerrequirements of the RDU.Switched AC supply is sent from the RDU to the DTX-A7 transceiver enclosure.3-phase: A 440VAC 3-phase input is fed via a user accessible breaker to an internal staticinverter. This generates and controls the three phase requirements of the turningmechanism solution.Caution: When the three phase supply is connected and switched ON, the inverterunit is powered and sends three-phase voltages to the antenna motor which mayrotate immediately (see safety switches).Safety switches: A normally closed safety current loop is provided for the serial connection of safetyswitch contacts including an external Man Aloft switch.Antenna rotation switch: An Antenna Rotation safety keyswitchis provided on the RDU and is part of the safety current loop. Thisswitch can be set to OFF, removed and retained by themaintainer for safety.Man Aloft Switch (MAS): An externally mounted switch that canbe set to Free (rotate) or OFF.When either the Antenna Rotation or Man Aloft switches are setto OFF or if the safety current loop is broken/ open, the single and3-phase AC supplies from the RDU to the transceiver encloseand gearbox are isolated thereby stopping Antenna Rotation andsystem transmission.RDU AntennaRotation switchExternal Man AloftSwitchSecurity Switches: There is also provision for an optional set of normally closed Antenna Platformand a Hut Door switches that are used for monitoring purposes only. These switchesdo not isolate or control any part of the system, when fitted and enabled, the systemsreport the status of these switches to the RDU.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 32 of 2405.12 System controlRemoteControlIn normal operation, the system is remotely controlled by the track extractor with the RDUacting as an interface.An optional Service Displays enables the system maintainer to view, control and displaythe system for maintenance purposes.LocalControlIn Local control, the system can be operated using controls mountedon the front of the Radar Distribution Unit (RDU); controls include:-Local or Remote control selection.- Local transceiver Run and Standby control.- Viewing of status and BITE data on an integrated LCD display.- Viewing and adjustment of system configurations.Safety switches: The following switches are on a safety current loop which, when broken/open isolate the transceiver and turning unit from the single and three-phaseAC supplies thus stopping antenna rotation and transmission.-Antenna Rotation: A door mounted removable keyswitch to stop antennarotation & transmission.-Man Aloft Switch: An externally masthead mounted switch to stop antennarotation & transmission.Security switches:Hut door and antenna platform switch.The state of these switches is reported to the track extract, service displayetc. The switches do not isolate or control any aspect of the system and arefor switch status reporting only.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter5:Technical overviewKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage3333of2405.13Unit identificationThe equipment included in the SBS-900series can be identified as followsThe full part and serial number ofasystem should always bequotedwhen contacting Kelvin Hughesfor assistance or spares.DescriptionPart number & serial number location(arrow indicates label position)Standardlow profile antennas(all variants)LPAA37(x(x-band)LPAA55(x(x-band)LPAA455(dual X & S-band)LPAA3(S(Sband)Lowersurface(underside) of LPAStandard gearboxes(all variants)DTX-A3(x(x-band)DTX-A19(dual X & Sband)GTX-A11(S(Sband)Advanced systemsAntenna and Antenna Turning Unit(ATU)Please refer to themanufacturershandbooksupplied with theAdvanced antenna for detailsTransceiver Enclosure(all variants)DTX-A7Man aloft switchSBS-A132Radar distribution unitSBS-A1(all variants)Note: If a option has been added to asystem, an additional label is added notingthe option number
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 5: Technical overviewKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 34 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 35 of 2406 Local operation instructions6.1 Antenna rotation warningsANTENNA ROTATION SAFETY NOTICE:When three-phase power is connected to the system and switched ON, the antenna willrotate immediately regardless of the RUN command status (see conditions below).When three-phase AC mains supplies are connected and switched ON using the breakers locatedwithin the RDU, the antenna may rotate immediately.The system will only transmit when a RUN command is received from the track extractor, servicedisplay or is set to RUN using the Local controls located on door of the Radar Distribution Unit.Antenna rotation can be stopped by any of the following methods:Antenna Rotation Switch: Place the Antenna Rotation keyswitch located on the front of theRadar Distribution Unit into the OFF position.Man Aloft Switch:Place the masthead Man Aloft switch into the OFF position.RDU Breakers: Isolate the three phase AC supplies using the breaker located withinthe Radar Distribution Unit.Software Emergency Stop: Press the Antenna stop button in the service display RadarViewsoftware (see below).Caution: The software Antenna Stop function from the Service Display MUST NEVER beused as the primary means of system isolation for working aloft.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter6:Local operation instructionsKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage3636of2406.2Local control overview6.2.1RDULocalcontrolsRadar Distribution Unitfront panelLCD displayA backlit LCDdisplay shows the systemstatus,menus, error and alarm messagesGreenGreenLEDLEDPowerPowerOFFOFFNo power, the RDU is not switched ONONONThe power is switched ON and the systemisbeing controlledLocallylyorRemotelylyFlashingThe power is switched ONbutthe systemisnot controlled (no master)YellowYellowLEDLEDRUNRUNOFFThe system is in standbyONONThetransceiverhas entered RUN modeand is transmittingFlashingThe system is unable to run because:-TheMan Aloftswitch orAntennaRotationkey switchesare setin theOFF position-A fault is preventing transmission; checkthe status of the unitRedRedLEDLEDMUTEMUTEOFFNo Mute commands are being receivedthe system is transmitting for a full 360ONONThe transceiver is muted(notransmission)FlashingThe system is operating with sectorblanking appliedSwitchset toRemoteThe system is inRemoteControland is operated fromthe track extractor orremotecommand&display system.The Standby/ RUN switch hasno functionand can be in anypositionSwitchesSwitchesset toLocal&StandbyThe system is inLocalcontrolwith the transceiver inStandbymode.The track extractor orremotecommand&display system hasno controlNote.SwitchesSwitchesset toLocal&RUNThe system is inLocalcontroland the transceiver is set toRUNThe track extractor orremotecommand and display systemhas no controlNote.AntennarotationOFFThe antenna is inhibited.All AC mains power to thetransceiver enclosureandantenna subsystemis isolated.The system cannot be run.AntennarotationFREEThe antenna is free torotate.Power is applied to thetransceiver enclosure andantenna subsystem.The system is available for use.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter6:Local operation instructionsKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage3737of2406.2.2Remote/LocalswitchAswitch on the front of theRadar Distribution Unitallows the selection ofRemoteororLocaloperationThe following explains the basic operation of the system in these two modes.Antenna RotationWarning:Depending on the position of the safety switches, the antennawillrotate regardless of theposition of theRemote/LocalorStandby/Rununswitches.LocalWith Local selected, the system is inLocalcontroland isused by the installation engineer or system maintainer toconfigure, test orlocally control thesystem,Remotecontrol of the system is not possibleWith theoptional ServiceDisplayoff-line, system control,status and default information can be accessed, adjustedand viewed in the display panel which showscontrol,statusanddefaults:See Section6.2.4pages 3939onwardsfor full details ontheoperationof the front panel.Standby: With the Standby/ Runswitch in theStandbyposition,the SharpEyeTMTMis in a readystate but does not transmit.Run:With theStandby/ Run switch intheRununposition, theSharpEyeTMTMtransmits.Localcontrol disabled?When the optional Service DGQNJ?WGQAMLLCARCB?LBGQeonon-line ,Localcontrolat the RDUis not possible as the service display hascontrolFor RDULocalcontrol, the optional service display must be•off-line ; see Service Displaycontrolin the following section fordetails on Service Display operation.RemoteWhen Remote is selected, the system is controlled by theexternal command and display systemorortrack extractor.TheStandby/Runswitch has no functionandlocal/Service Displaycontrol is not possibleSystem status and default information can still beaccessed and viewed in the display panel which showsstatusanddefaults:See Section6.2.4pages 3939onwardsfor full details ontheoperationof the front panel.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 38 of 2406.2.3 System control statusSystemstatus Remote control RDULocal control Service displayLocal controlRDU set to LocalService displayOn-lineRemote control notpossible Local control at theRDU is not possible.The service displayhas control of thesystem.RDU set to LocalService displayOff-line,Disconnected orSwitched OFFRemote control notpossibleIn local mode, theRDU controls thesystem using thecontrols on the frontof the unit.The service display hasno control.RDU set toRemoteThe system iscontrolled by the trackextractorLocal control at theRDU is not possible. The service display hasno control.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 39 of 2406.2.4 LCD panel operationThe LCD display on the front of the RDU is a backlit, two line, 16 character display.Push buttons located either side of the display allow the control of the setup menus, local control andstatus monitoring.The buttons are used in association with the information displayed in the LCD panel.The bottom right button contains a warning lamp which flashes when an alarm condition is present.6.2.5 LCD display button functionsThe display menus and functions are controlled using the four push buttons located around the LCDdisplay.Adjustment & selection of the various menu functions depend on the symbol adjacent to each buttonas shown below:Select menu item to the left, usually associated with the top left button.Select menu item to the right, usually associated with the top right button.%Go to previous level menu, usually associated with the bottom left button.&Go to next level menu, usually associated with the bottom right button.,Select the option to the left, usually associated with the bottom left button.+Select the option to the right, usually associated with the bottom right button.#)Move the current cursor position to the right, usually associated with the bottom leftbutton.+Increase the current items value.-Decrease the current items value.Top right buttonBottom right buttonTop left buttonBottom left button
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter6:Local operation instructionsKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage4040of2406.2.6AlarmsWhenthe system is inLocalcontrolNote1andan alarmcondition exists, the lower right button will flashred and an audible alarm will be generated.View alarm condition:To view the alarm message/ condition,select theStatusmenuand the alarm condition(s) will bedisplayed in the lower section of the LCD display.Where present, the,symbol againstthe lower rightbuttonindicates that additional alarm conditions exist. Pressing the,button scrolls through any additional alarmmessages.Silence the audible alarm:To silence the alarm, select theStatusmenu and then press the lower right hand (red/ flashing) button.Theaudiblealarm will be silenced but the message will continue todisplay until the condition is cleared.ExampleNote2:In the example shown below, an X-band transceiveris inLocalcontrol with adisplayed indicating that the AC mains input B has failed, is switched OFF or there is afault with the power supply.Theandarrows allow navigation away from the alarmmessages to other functions available within the Status menu (seesection6.6.4pages 5656onwards).Additional alarms conditions are present as indicated by the,symbol.The%symbol returns the display to the main menu.Example of system statuswith active alarmsWhen analarm has been acknowledged and more than one alarm condition exists, the displayautomatically scrolls through the list of alarms.Note1:When theRadar Distribution Unitis set toRemote, alarm messages are still generated and displayed but the audiblealarm and flashingwarningLED is disabled.Note2:The alarm shown is anexampleandmay not be a valid alarm for the SBS900system.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 41 of 2406.3 Switch ON, OFF & Emergency stop6.3.1 Switch ONPrior to switching the system ON the following must be checked:First time switch ON: Ensure the setting to work/ commissioning of the system has beensuccessfully completed and signed off.Power: Check that all sources of external AC power are available and are switchedON.Antenna: Ensure the antenna is clear of all obstructions and that it is safe to rotate.Transmission: Ensure it is safe to transmit.ANTENNA ROTATION SAFETY NOTICE:When three-phase power is connected to the system and switched ON, the antenna willrotate immediately regardless of the RUN command status.The following describes the local switch-ON sequence for the SBS-900 transmission systems onlyand does not include the switch on procedures for the track extractor or optional service display.DTX-A7TransceiverenclosureEnsure that the AC breaker(s) located within thetransceiver enclosure are in the ON position. NoteNote: In normal operation, this switch would be left in the ON positionas it is only used/ switched OFF for maintenance purposes.SafetySwitchesMan Aloft Switch Ensure that the externallymounted Man Aloft Switch (MAS)is in the FREE position. Man Aloft SwitchRadar DistributionUnitEnsure that the AntennaRotation keyswitch on the frontof the Radar Distribution Unit isin the FREE position. Keyswitch on door of RDURadarDistributionUnitAC powerWithin the Radar Distribution Unit KDCm qcff cffogch[n_ ih each breaker indicating that AC mains inputs are presentwithin the system. NotePlace all RDU breakers into the ON (UP) position.Antenna Rotation Warnng: When three phase AC mainsis present and the breakers are in the ON position, theRadar Distribution Unit is switched ON and the antenna willrotate (see warnings in section 6.1 page 35). RDU AC breakersSystemavailable foruseWhen power is available, switched ON and the switches set as shown above, thesystem is available for use and the antenna will rotate.Note: The LED indicators located on power breakers are an indication that mains voltages are present. They are NOT anindication that the breakers are switched ON.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 42 of 2406.3.2 Switch OFFSwitch OFF: The following describes how to switch OFF the SBS-900 system for operation purposes.The following does not include the switch OFF/ shut down procedures for the track extractor, optionalservice display or external equipment attached to the system.System isolation: Please refer to the maintenance section of the system handbook (KH-1602-2) fordetails on isolating the system from the mains supplies for maintenance purposes or working aloft.CautionThe following details switching the SBS-900 system OFF for operation purposes only.The following must not be used as a primary means of system isolation for maintenanceprocedures or working aloft.RadarDistributionUnitSafetySwitchesPlace the Antenna Rotation keyswitch on the front ofthe Radar Distribution Unit into the OFF position.This removes all AC power to the DTX-A7Transceiver Enclosue and the Antenna sub-systemAs an additional safety precaution, when in the OFFposition the key can be removed. Keyswitch on door of RDURadarDistributionUnitAC powerPlace all three breakers within the Radar Distribution Unit to the OFF position.System status:- The Radar Distribution Unit is switched OFF but is not isolated from the ACinput supplies.- The DTX-A7 Transceiver Enclosure is switched OFF thus stopping anytransmission.- The antenna sub-system is switched OFF and will not rotate.The LED indicators on the breakers remain illuminated. NoteNote: The LED indicators located on power breakers are an indication that mains voltages are present. They are NOT anindication that the breakers are switched ON.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter6:Local operation instructionsKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage4343of2406.3.3EmergencyantennastopIn an emergency,antenna rotationandsystemtransmission can be stopped usingANY of thefollowing mechanisms.STOPantennarotationUseanyof thefunctionsshownRDU keyswitch:Place theAntenna Rotationkeyswitchon the front of theRadar Distribution Unitinto theOFFposition.As an additional safety precaution, when inthe OFFposition the key can be removed.Keyswitch on door ofRDUMan Aloft Switch (MAS):Place theexternally mountedmastheadMan Aloftswitch to the OFF position.This has the same effect as using theAntenna Rotationswitch noted above.Manaloft switchService Display:RadarViewsoftwareWhen the system is being operated via theservice display(softwaremust beOnOn-line),selectChannel AthenManage RadarSelect theEmergencyStopbutton.This has the same effect as using theAntennaRotation Keyswitch or the Man Aloft switch.Caution: This function is disabled when theService Display is Off-line.Example of Manage Radar windowin RadarViewprogramWhat happens?WhentheAntenna RotationororMan Aloftswitchesareset to OFForwhentheEmergency Stopsoftware function is activated, single andthreephase AC power to theDTX-A7A7transceiverenclosureandtotheAntenna sub-assemblyare isolated thus stopping antennarotatation and RF transmission.System isolation:Please refer to the maintenance section for details on isolating thesystem from theACmains supplies for maintenance purposes orworking aloft.Caution:When the emergency stop functions are used,single and three phase ACvoltages are still present within the RDU.The followingproceduresmust not be used as a primary means of system isolation formaintenance procedures or working aloft.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 44 of 2406.4 Local control operational statesFor the purposes of the following explanations, track extractor g_[hm nb_ om_lm ]igg[h^ [h^ display system or track extractor.SystemOFFSystemconfiguration'Single and three-phase AC supplies to the RDU are available.'Breakers within RDU are OFF.'Antenna Rotation keyswitch & Man aloft switch both set to OFF.'Remote/ Local &standby/ RUN switches on the RDU set to Remote &standby.'No commands being received from the Service Display.System status'AC power is present within the RDU but as the breakers are in the OFFposition, the dual redundant power supply is OFF and no DC rails arebeing generated.The Radar Distribution Unit is OFF.'Single and three-phase mains voltages are NOT sent to the transceiver /gearbox.SystemRUNSafetyswitchesOFFSystemconfiguration'Single and three-phase AC supplies to the RDU are switched ON.'The AC Breakers within RDU are ON.'Antenna Rotation keyswitch OR Man Aloft switch set to OFF.'Remote/ Local &standby/ RUN switches on the RDU set to Local &Standby.System status'The RDU detects that the Antenna Rotation keyswitch OR Man Aloftswitches are in the OFF position. This breaks the safety switch current loop.'The single and three-phase relays are opened and AC power to thetransceiver/ gearbox is switched OFF.'Antenna rotation and transmission is not possible'The Service Display has no control over the system.SystemstandbySystemconfiguration'Single and three-phase AC supplies to the RDU are available.'The AC Breakers within RDU are ON.'Antenna Rotation keyswitch & Man Aloft switch both set to FREE.'Remote/ Local &standby/ RUN switches on the RDU set to Local &Standby.System status'The RDU is switched ON. The software reads the condition of the AntennaRotation keyswitch and Man Aloft switch, detects these are in the FREEposition so makes relays within the breakers sending AC power to thetransceiver/ gearbox.'The antenna commences rotation regardless of the RUN commandState. Note'The SharpEye transceiver switches ON and after a 30 to 40 second warm-up time enters a standby state waiting for a RUN command from the RDU.'System and BITE data from both the RDU and transceiver is available.'The system is now in standby waiting commands from the Service Display.SystemRUNSystemconfiguration'Single and three-phase AC supplies to the RDU are switched ON.'The AC Breakers within RDU are ON.'Antenna Rotation keyswitch & Man Aloft switch both set to FREE.'Remote/ Local &standby/ RUN switches on the RDU set to Local & RUN.System status'The RDU detects that the RDU switches are set to Local and RUN.'The RUN command is sent to the transceiver which commencestransmitting.'Radar signals, ACP, ARP and heading line data is sent to the radar I/Omodule within the RDU.Note: Antenna rotation can be over-ridden in the Control Defaults menu.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 45 of 240Transceiver operational statesThe following table shows the various operation states of the X or S-band SharpEyeTM transceiverswithin the DTX-A7 transceiver enclosure:Operation state DescriptionOFF Power is not applied to the transceiver and it is switched OFF.InitialiseOn completion of initialisation the transceiver switches to standby or, if any ofthe self-test checks fail, to fault state.The system initialisation typically takes 30 to 40 seconds after which time thesystem becomes available for operation.StandbyIn standby the transceiver establishes communication with the RadarDistribution Unit and reports its status.The transceiver receives and acts on commands from the RDU.In Standby the antenna rotates but the system does not transmit.TransmitWhen a RUN command is received from the Radar Distribution Unit andazimuth and heading line signals are present, the SharpEyeTM transmits.The transceiver initially outputs at low power. The radar returns are thenprocessed enabling the VSWR to be checked without the risk of damage to thetransceiver.If the VSWR is within limits then the transceiver automatically switches to fullpower.If the VSWR is high, indicating an antenna fault, a warning message is sent tothe Radar Distribution Unit and the transceiver enters the degraded LowPower state.Degraded(Low power)The transceiver continuously runs background performance checks on forwardpower, reverse power, receiver sensitivity and temperature. If any of theseparameters falls outside predetermined levels a warning message is sent tothe Radar Distribution Unit indicating the nature of the fault.The transceiver continues to operate, but with reduced performance andfunctionality.FaultIf the performance or functionality is degraded such that the transceiver cannotoperate it enters the fault state and a fault message is sent to the displayequipment.The transceiver stops radiating RF and there is no video output to the RadarDistribution Unit.A spurious fault may be cleared by re-powering the equipment.CommunicationerrorIf communication is lost between the Radar Distribution Unit and theSharpEyeTM, the RDU reboots the SharpEye leading to a potential 60 secondgap in coverage.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 46 of 2406.5 Switch from Local to RemoteWhen Local control is no longerrequired, the system MUST beswitched to Remote.Caution: If the system is left in Localmode, remote operation by thecommand & display system or TrackExtractor will NOT BE POSSIBLE.Changeover: The system can only be changed from Local to Remote control using the switch on theRadar Distribution Unit; it is not possible to remotely change from Local to Remote.6.5.1 Set to RUN & switch to RemoteThe system can be set to Remote before the track extractor is on-line or ready (see below), this maybe desirable when handing the system back to the Remote operating station.LocalselectedWith Local selected use the front panel or servicedisplay to place the transceiver into RUN.Ensure the system is transmitting and is configured asrequired for operation.SwitchtoRemoteSwitch from Local to Remote.The system continues to transmit and is ready to accept controlcommands from the command & display system or track extractor.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 47 of 2406.6 MenusThere are four menus that can be selected from the RDU LCD display.Menu availability depending on the position of the RDU Local & Remote switch settings as detailedbelow:MenuRDU MenuavailabilityDescriptionLocalcontrol RemoteControlControlmenu NoteThis menu contains the operator and maintainer adjustableparameters for the system such as range mode,Mute ON/OFF,sea and rain filters etc.StatusmenuThe current status of the system can be viewed but notadjusted. For example signal status, transceiver run-time andtemperature figures etc.Defaultmenu The setup/ configuration of the system can be viewed but notadjusted.SetupmenuSb_ R_noj g_ho cm hin [p[cf[\f_ il l_kocl_^ `il hilg[f system operation. The menu is used by the system maintaineror commissioning engineer to configure the system.6.6.1 Navigating within menusWithin all RDU menu structures it is possible to move back and forward between menususing the left and right buttons located to the side of the LCD front panel:Note: In local control, the optional service display must be •iff-lineto obtain the Control Menu.RangemodeTXpowerTXfrequency Exit
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 48 of 240Page intentionally blank
is not available in normal operation andcanonly be accessedby authorised engineerswhocommissionor maintainthe system.There are NO operator functions within the Setup menu.Incorrect adjustment of valueswithin the Setup menu can reduce transceiver performance, disable functionality and/ or render the system un-operational.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter6:Local operation instructionsKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage5151of2406.6.3Control menuWhen operating in Local mode, theControl menuon theRadar Distribution Unitcan beused by theoperator or the systemmaintainertotoadjustthe system settings.Menu availability:Thecontrol menuis onlyavailable on the RDU when theRemote/Localswitch is set toLocaland the service display isoff-line, is not connected or is switched OFF.When Remote is selected, the control menu isnot available.WhenControlis selected from the front panel, the various functions shownbelowcan be selected andadjustedusing the LCD display buttons asdescribed in section6.2.4pages 3939onwards.There is noSave Changesbutton or function, any adjustments are immediately adopted.Caution:Incorrect configuration in theControlmenus can degrade the performance of the system orinhibit operation. TheControlmenus should only be used by asuitablytrained technician/maintainer6.6.3.1Radar SourceDual Systems:In dual transceiver systems, radar source selects the transceiver to be used.-SBS-900-3:Select between Tx A or Tx B (both xband)-SBS-900-4:4:Select between Tx A (X-band) or Tx B (Sband)Single system:The radar Source menu has no function insingle transceiver systems, the TX isautomatically selected and cannot be changed.-SBS-900-1:1:TX Aselected (Xband)-SBS-900-2:2:TX A selected (X-band)-SBS-900-51:TX B selected (S-band)
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 52 of 2406.6.3.2 Range ModeWithin the Range mode menu, the transceiver instrument range can be selected between 24 and48nm.24nm: Limits the transceiver to an instrumented range of 24nm. This offers twice the rangediscrimination of the 48nm range.48nm: Limits the transceiver to an instrumented range of 48nm. TX PowerThe output power of the SharpEyeTM transceiver can be switched between High (default) and Low.High power: The SharpEyeTM transceiver transmits at full power.This is the recommended default setting.Low power: Low power is used in close waters or in a high clutter environment where a highoutput power may produce excessive unwanted reflections from buildings, bridgesand vessels.The transceiver will utilise the standard frame pattern but with output power reducedto less than 40W.Caution: As a result of reduced output power, range performance will be reducedand the system may not meet the expected operational detection performance.When low power is selected, a low power status is automatically generated to advisethe operator that the system is operating at a reduced output power.Where the SharpEyeTM detects a VSWR or a high temperature within the transceiverthe system automatically switches to low power mode and generates system alarms.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 53 of 2406.6.3.4 TX FrequencyThe frequency of the SharpEyeTM transceiver can be selected which may be necessary to reduceinterference from other transceivers to obtain the best picture quality.Seven frequency bands are available between 9.21and 9.49GHz, each band being 20MHz wide andeach band being separated by 20MHz. MuteThe Mute function allows a 360 degree transmission inhibit to be enabled/ disabled.Mute ON: Transmission is muted/ stopped RF is radiated from the antennahowever the antenna continues torotate.The RED Mute LED on the front ofthe RDU illuminates.Mute OFF: The system transmits fully for 360degrees.The RED Mute LED on the front of isOFF.Mute LED illuminates when Mute is enabled6.6.3.6 Sea & rainThe level of Sea and Rain filtering can be adjusted between 000 (minimum) to 255 (maximum).Sea: Filters the effect of sea clutter on returns.Rain: Filters the effect of rain clutter on returns.The levels are set using the +(decrease value) and ,(increase value) buttons to produce the bestquality picture in the prevailing conditions.Caution: Care should be exercised when adjusting Sea and Rain filters as reducing thefilter level can reduce signal returns from wanted / actual targets.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 54 of 2406.6.3.7 Int. RejectionThe Int. Rejection (Interference Rejection) filtering reduces the effect of in-band asynchronousinterference from other radars thus reducing clutter on screen.Int. Rejection can be enabled, disabled and configured as shown below. NoteOFF: Interference rejection OFF/ disabled.Lower: Select lower of adjacent traces.Higher: Selects higher of adjacent traces. NoteAverage: Selects the average of adjacent traces. Note6.6.3.8 SweepSweep sets the signal sweep direction of the SharpEyeTM transceiver RF pulses during medium andlong pulse transmissions only.Sweep UP: Default setting.Sweep DOWN: This reverses the sequence of the RF pulses and may assist in the reductionof in-band asynchronous interference from other radars in the same Localitythus potentially improving the quality of returns.Note: Higher and Average interference rejection modes cannot be selected, these are for future developments
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 55 of 2406.6.3.9 RPMThe RPM function allows the operator to stop rotation (OFF), select auto or one of three pre-definedantenna rotation speed. Note 1- Antenna speeds are configured at the factory and are enabled or disabled during setting to work.- The RPM value set by selecting low, normal and high cannot be configured by the operator.- Depending on the system configuration, different antenna speeds may not be available.Auto: Automatically selects the optimum antenna RPM for the range mode in use. Note 1OFF: Antenna rotation is stopped. Note 2Low: Where enabled, the low antenna rotation speed configured during setting to work canbe selected.-Low speeds increase the probability of target detection whilst reducing the updaterate.Normal: The standard antenna rotation speed configured during setting to work can beselected.-Normal speed offers the best overall detection performance.High: Where enabled, the high antenna rotation speed configured during setting to workcan be selected.-High speeds increase the update rate whilst reducing the probability of detection. Exit control menuSelecting Exit closes the Control menu and returns the display to the default menu.There is no Save Changes button or function, any adjustments are immediately adopted.Note 1: Antenna speed selection is system dependant and is not available on all models. Please consult with Kelvin Hughesfor additional details.Note 2: Setting the antenna speed to OFF in the RPM menu must NOT be used as a primary means of isolating the antennaand its sub-systems for safety critical purposes.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter6:Local operation instructionsKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage5656of2406.6.4Status menuTheStatus menuon theRadar Distribution Unitis used by theoperator or the systemmaintainertoviewbut not configure or adjustthe current system settings.TheStatusmenuis available onthe RDUin boththeRemoteandLocalsetting.orWhenStatusis selected from the front panel, the various functions shown below can be selected andviewedas described in section6.2.4pages3939onwards6.6.4.1System statusWhen the status menu is initially selected the system status is shownwith any active alarms.In the example shown below, an X-band transceiver is inLocalcontrol with adisplayed indicating that the ACmains input B has failed, is switched OFF or there is a fault with thepower supply.NoteThe,symbol againstthe lower rightbutton indicates that additionalalarm conditions exist. Pressing the,button scrolls through thesealarms.Example of system statuswith active alarmsALARMS: When an alarm condition exists, the lower right button will flash red and an audible alarmwill sound.To silence the alarm, select theStatus menu and press thelower rightbutton. Theaudible alarm willstop however thealarm condition will continue to display until the condition is cleared.Where an alarm has been acknowledged and more than one alarm condition exists, the displayautomatically scrolls through the list of alarms.See section6.2.6page 4040for additional information on alarms.Note:The alarm shown in the example may not be applicable to the SBS900 system.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 57 of 2406.6.4.2 Radar Control StatusBy scrolling through the Radar Control Status menus, the following system configurations and settingscan be viewed but not adjusted.A full description of each function is shown in the Control menu section 6.6.3 pages 51 onwards.Radar Source Transceiver A or B selection in dual systemsRange mode Current instrumented range of 24nm or 48nm.TX power Rb[ljDs_x ionjon jiq_l i` Kiq il bcab-TX frequency Shows which of the 7 SharpEyeTMtransmission frequencies is selected.Mute Indicates if the Mute is switched ON or OFF.SEA Shows the configured value of the Sea filter ( 255max.).RAIN Shows the configured value of the Rain filter ( 255max.).Int rejection Shows if interference rejection is set to OFF or Lower.Sweep Shows if the sweep is set to Forward (default) or reverse.RPM Shows the selected speed (revolutions per minute) of the antenna motor.Rel sector 1Rel sector 1 to 4 will show Enabled or Disabled for each blanking sector.When Enabled, the start/ stop bearings of the selected sector is also shown.Rel sector 2Rel sector 3Rel sector 4Exit Exits the Radar control status menu.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 58 of 2406.6.4.3 SharpEyeBy scrolling through the SharpEye Tx A or SharpEye Tx B menus (see table below), the followingtransceiver conditions can be viewed but cannot be adjusted.Note: In Single transceiver systems, the Tx A or Tx B menu may not be available.System Transceivers TX A Tx BSBS-900-1SingleX-bandN/ASBS-900-2SingleX-bandN/ASBS-900-3DualX-bandX-bandSBS-900-4DualX-bandS-bandSBS-900-51SingleN/AS-bandSharpEye HL Shows the antenna RPM based on HL frequency.Azimuth Shows the value of the azimuth being received or Fail if no signalispresent. The normal value is 4096.Video Shows if the video is OK (present) or Fail if no signal is present.Sync Shows the current Sync value (PRF) or Fail if no signal ispresent.Blanking Shows if blanking is OK (present) or Fail if no signal is present.Status 0: Mode&Run ModeStandby or Run.Mute ON or OFF.Range24nm or 48nm.Frequency SharpEyeTMtransmission frequency (1 to 7).SweepForward or reverse.Power High or Low.RPMShows theRPM as detected by the SharpEyeTM25us Pre sync Pre-sync from the SharpEyeTMtransceiverEnabled or Disabled.Video rangeShow the instrumented video range inµs.Status 1: Alarm&RXReceiver OK orFail.VSWR VSWR OK or Fail ~if Fail the transceiverautomatically switches to low power mode.TX powerOutput power OK orFail.PLOProgrammableLocaloscillator OK orFail.SYNTHSharpEyeTMinternal synth OK orFail.TempInternal temperature OK, warning orshutdown.TurningAntenna turning data OK orFail.HLHeading line(ARP)OK orFail.AZ INAzimuth in(ACP)OK, reverseorFail.FPGA2FPGA 2 OK orFail.Status 2: GSR&SeaSea clutter: 000 (minimum) to 255 (maximum).Rain Rain clutter: 000 (minimum) to 255 (maximum).Int Rej Shows the current Interference Rejectionsetting.Doppler filterSelect levels of 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64.Continued on following page
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 59 of 240SharpEye(continued)Status 3: VERS &ZM number System software identification number.SoftwareVERSThe version number of the above ZM number.FPGA versionVersion of code loaded into the FPGA.Status 5: Times &Time-ON Number of hours the SharpEyeTMhas beenswitched ON(HH:MM).Run-time Number of hours the system has beentransmitting (HH:MM).Status 8: Temp&FPGA 1 tempThe current temperature of FPGA 1 (Deg. C).FPGA2 tempThe current temperature of FPGA 2 (Deg. C).ExitExit the SharpEye Tx A or Tx B menu6.6.4.4 NetworkThe IP addresses and network status can be viewed but not adjusted.Note: In some configurations, the menu will not be present.TempShows the temperature in Degrees C.Range LimitTBCVideo TimingTBCVideo reportsTBCLocal SAC SIC IDTBCDestination SAC SIC IDTBCIP AddressTBCGateway AddressTBCNetmask Address TBCDest AddressTBCControl Port TBCMTU sizeTBCFragment TBCMAC AddressTBCExit Exit the Network menu.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 60 of 2406.6.4.5 NTP StatusThe IP addresses and network status can be viewed but not adjusted.Note: In some configurations, the menu will not be present.Time Stamp TBCIP AddressTBCNTP PortTBCTime (hh:mm:ss)TBCExitExit the Network menu. COMMS statusBy scrolling through the COMMS status menus, the following system conditions can be viewed butcannot be adjusted.System Transceivers TX A Tx BSBS-900-1SingleX-bandN/ASBS-900-2SingleX-bandN/ASBS-900-3DualX-bandX-bandSBS-900-4DualX-bandS-bandSBS-900-51SingleN/AS-bandIn the following Active/ Inactive means:Active: A correctly configured and connected system is switched ON and sending serialcommand or status request messages.Inactive: A correctly configured and connected system may be switched OFF or is not sendingserial messages.SharpEye TX-A The transceiver is active or inactiveNote 1SharpEye TX-BThe transceiver is active or inactiveNote 1Comms S/E A1TBCComms S/E B1TBCTE displayTrack Extractor (TE) is active or inactiveNote 2Service displayService display is active or inactiveNote 2Network CardTBCEnclosureTBCExitExit the Comms status menuNote 1: If communication between the RDU and the transceiver is lost, the RDU carries out a single power reset to thetransceiver (cycles the AC mains). If communication is not re-established the COMMS status will show Inactive.Note 2: A request status from the track extractor or optional service display is not necessary when in the Control menu.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 61 of 2406.6.4.7 MISM statusBy scrolling through the MISM status (Modular Interface System Module) menus, the status ofeach of the 12 slots on the backplane can be viewed.A1 MISB 5Possible MISM conditions:Empty: A PCA is not fitted in the slot.Error: The PCA is in the wrong slot for the RDU variant.Missing: The PCA required by the software is not present not loaded.Present: The correct PCA is fitted.Error messages: If a module is fitted in the wrong slot or is missing,the RDU will not function further than reporting theerror.B1 MISM 5A2 MISM 5B2 MISM 5A3 I/O Mk2B3 I/O Mk2A4 I/O Mk2B4 SignalsA5 SignalsB5CommsA6 SignalsB6 I/O Mk2MISBPSUExitExits the MISM status menu
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 62 of 2406.6.4.8 EnclosureThe status of the transceiver enclosure and optional antenna sub-assembly monitoring can be viewedin the Enclosure menu.Encl Temp Internal temperature of the transceiver enclosure in Degrees C.Note: The temperature sensor is located on SBS-A126 PCA.Oil level MON Status of the optional oil level monitoringNote: Advanced antenna sub systems only.Oil Temp MON Optional Oil Temperature statusNote: Advanced antenna sub systems only.ENH Encoder Shows if an enhanced encoder is enabled or disabledNote: Enabled for Advanced antenna sub systems only.WG / FIB / POL Shows if a polarised antenna is enabled.Note: Advancedantenna sub systems only.Fan A1Optional SBS-A179Powered FanassemblyStatus of Fan A1Note: In single transceiver systems. Fanbank A or B may not be present in themenu structure.Fan A2Status of Fan A2Fan A3Status of Fan A3Fan B1Statusof Fan B1Fan B2Status of Fan B2Fan B3Status of Fan B3PSU Tx A: 3.3VIndicates the power supply voltage.Note: In single transceiver systems Tx A or Tx B voltages may not be present in the menu.PSU Tx A: 15VPSU Tx A: 13VPSU Tx B: 3.3VPSU Tx B: 15VPSU Tx B: 13VPSU INT: 15VIndicates the power supply voltage.PSU INT: 5.0VIndicates the power supply voltage.ExitExits the Enclosure menu
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 63 of 2406.6.4.9 Software infoBy scrolling through the software info menus, the various software versions for the system can beidentified:MISBBackplaneThese menus display the software part and version umbers loaded intothe system.MISB FPGA numberSharpEyeTx AS/WSharpEyeTx AFPGASharpEye A1 SoftwareSharpEye A1FPGASharpEye B1 SoftwareSharpEye B1 FPGASharpEye B2 SoftwareSharpEye B2 FPGASharpEye B SoftwareSharpEye B FPGANetwork SoftwareEnclosureExitExits the Software Info menu. Exit Status menuSelecting Exit closes the status menu and returns the display to the default menu. As no changes canbe made, there is no Save Settings function.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter6:Local operation instructionsKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage6464of2406.6.5Default andSetupmenuDepending onthesystem status, theRDUfront panel will showDefaultsororSetup.Default:This is the normal operational setting and is used by the operator or systemmaintainer to view the system configurations(read only).Setup:When configured for commissioning,the Setup menu is used by an authorisedtechnician or system maintainerforconfiguration/setting to work.TheSetup menu isnot used during normal operation.Description:The basic outline of the menu is detailed on the following pages. Detailedexplanations for each setting can be found in theSetting toWorksection of thesystem Installation and Commissioning handbook (reference KH-16021).Menu variations:The menu structure can vary depending on the system variant selected. Forexample in a single Xband system, theSharpEye IP Tx BandFan Band Bmenusare not present.Default menu(normal use)When the service display isinactive(off-line), theDefaultmenuis availablein bothRemoteandLocalmodesSettings in theDefault menuscanbe viewed butcannotbe adjusted.orSetup menu(Commissioning/ setting to work)TheSetupmenuis only available when theservice display is offline, theswitch is set toLocalandthe RDU is configured to be commissioned.Caution:The Setup menu isnot usedin normal operation as it allows the commissioningand setting to work of the SBS system.Incorrect configuration in the setup menus can the systemperformanceor inhibitoperation.The setup menusmustonly be used by a suitablytrainedand authorisedtechnician orsystemmaintainer.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 65 of 2406.6.5.1 BrightnessBrightness is used to set the backlight brilliance of the LCD front panel on the Radar Distribution Unit.Bright+Increases the backlight brilliance of the front panel.Bright -Decreases the backlight brilliance of the front panel. Variant OptionsThe Variant Options menu shows the system configuration.SBS variant Shows the SBS system numberi.e.SBS-900-1.CAN Mode Shows the CAN mode as OFF, RIU, TIU or Fixed.CAN AddressTo Be Confirmed.TX PSU CONT Set to Always ON in SBS-900 systems.Days to Swap Shows the number of days until the transceiver automatically swaps (Dual transceiversystems only).Door switch Enabled where a Hut door security switch is connected.WG dryerEnabled when the optionalpressurized waveguide dryer isinstalled.Platform switch Enabled where an Antenna Platform security switch is fitted.Horizontal POLEnabled when a polarised antenna is being fitted.Circular POLAnti-clock POLVertical POLENH Encoder Fitted is displayed when an enhanced encoder is installed.Oil status Enabled when the optional oil monitoring input from the Advanced antenna Turning Unit isinstalled.Fan Bank A Enable or disable the optional powered fan kit for Tx A.Note: In single Transceiver systems, this menu may not be present.Fan Bank B Enable or disable the optional powered fan kit for Tx B.Note: Insingle Transceiver systems, this menu may not be present.Active Fan Set the temperature that Fan Bank A switches on or set to permanently ON.Note: In single Transceiver systems, this menu may not be present.Reserve Fan Set the temperature that Fan Bank B switches on or set to permanently ON.Note: In single Transceiver systems, this menu may not be present.Minimum FREQ Displays nb_ gchcgog [p[cf[\f_ Rb[ljDs_x `l_ko_h]s.Maximum FREQDisplaysnb_ g[rcgog [p[cf[\f_ Rb[ljDs_x `l_ko_h]s.Low RPM Enabled when LOW RPM antenna speeds have been commissioned.High RPMEnabled when HIGH RPM antenna speeds have been commissioned.Auto RPM Enabled when AUTO RPM antenna speeds have been commissioned.Alt Chan Plan This allows the system toNote: Systemspecific menu, this may not be present in standard system.Ant Gain Allows the selection of the antenna gain when Alt Chan Plan is selected.Note: System specific menu, this may not be present in standard system.EXITExits the Variant Options Menu. Serial PortsThe serial ports menu displays the baud rates configured for the serial outputs to the transceiver,Service Display (SKL: Service display serial port) or the optional analogue track extractor (SKK: TEserial port).TE port Displays the Baud Rate for the Track Extractor (TE) outputService portDisplays the Baud Rate for the Service Display.TX/ RX A Ccmjf[sm nb_ A[o^ Q[n_ `il nb_ Rb[ljDs_x SW . Qr @-TX/ TX BCcmjf[sm nb_ A[o^ Q[n_ `il nb_ Rb[ljDs_x SW . Qr A-EXITExits the Serial Ports menu
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 66 of 2406.6.5.4 NetworkThe Network menu shows the system settings for the network.Note: In ASTERIX enabled systems, this menu may not be present.Range limit 48nm is the factory defaultVideotimingFrame is the factory defaultVideo reports Continuous is the factory defaultLocal SAC SIC IDTo Be Confirmed.Destination SAC SIC ID System area code and security identifierIP ADDR Default IP address for the Radar Distribution UnitGatewayADDRDefault gateway address for the Radar Distribution UnitNetwork ADDR Default Netmask address for the Radar Distribution UnitMulticast ADDRDefault multicast address for the Radar Distribution UnitTime to Live To Be Confirmed.MTU 1500 is the factory defaultFragmentIP is the factory defaultSource port To Be Confirmed.Dest portTo Be Confirmed.Video Gain To Be Confirmed.Video Offset To Be Confirmed.Pre-Sync TimeTo Be Confirmed.Bihnlif Uc[} To Be Confirmed.ExitExits the Networkmenu6.6.5.5 NTP timeDisplay of the NTP (Network Time Protocol) time settings.Note: In ASTERIX enabled systems, this menu may not be present.Time stamp Displays if NTP time is ON or OFFNTP IP ADDRShows the default IPaddress ( port Shows the default port (00123) OP1, 2 & 3 Radar O/PThis menu displays the RDU analogue levels for outputs 1, 2 and 3.HL O/P widths Displays the heading line output pulse widthAZO/P widthDisplays the azimuth output pulse widthAZ/HL STAB Displays if the azimuth is stabilised or unstabilised.This is set to UNSTAB for all SBS-900 systemsAZ/HL type Displays if the Heading line is Quadrature or Pulsed.This is set to Pulse for all SBS-900 systemsAZ/HL ratio Displays the Azimuth / Heading Line ration.This is set to 4096:1 for all SBS-900 systemsAZ/HL DIRECTNSet to Normal for all SBS-900 systemsAZ/HL O/PDisplays a value between 0 and 63 that is used to set the azimuth and heading lineoutput voltage. NoteVideo gain Displays a value between 0 and 63 that is used to set the video output gain.NoteVideo offset Displays a value between 0 and 63 that is used to set the video output offset withrespect to ground/ 0V.NotePRESYNC time Displays the pre-sync (Sync Delay) time used for range alignment.Sync outputDisplays a value between 0 and 63 that is used to set the Sync output.NoteBlanking O/P Displays a value between 0 and 63 that is used to set the blanking outputamplitude NoteEXITExits the OP1, 2 or 3 Radar O/P menuNote: This is NOT an indication of the actual voltage output level.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 67 of 2406.6.5.7 SharpEye IP Tx A & BNote: The Tx A or Tx B menu may not be present in single transceiver systems. Rel SectorThe following menu displays the start and stop bearings of each of the four relative blanking sectors.It also shows if the sectors are enabled or disabled.R SEC START 1 Relative Sector 1 Displays the start bearing of muteR SEC END 1 Displays the end bearing of muteR SEC ENA 1Shows if the Mute Sector is Enabled or DisabledR SEC START 2 Relative Sector 2 Displays the start bearing of muteR SEC END 2Displays the end bearing of muteR SEC ENA 2Shows if the Mute Sector is Enabled or DisabledR SEC START 3 Relative Sector 3 Displays the start bearing of muteR SEC END 3Displays the end bearing of muteR SEC ENA 3 Shows if the Mute Sector is Enabled or DisabledR SEC START 4Relative Sector 4Displays the start bearing of muteR SEC END 4Displays the end bearing of muteR SEC ENA 4 Shows if the Mute Sector is Enabled or DisabledEXITExits the Rel Sector menu6.6.5.9 Radar CNTRL (Control) DefaultsThis menu displays the Radar Control Defaults settings.Radar SourceShows which transceiveris selected indual systemsRange mode Current instrumented range of 24nm or 48nm.TX power Rb[ljDs_x ionjon jiq_l i` Kiq il bcab-TX frequencyShows which of theSharpEyeTMtransmission frequencies is selected.Mute Indicates if the Mute is switched ON or OFF.SEAShows the configured value of the Sea filter ( 255max.).RAIN Shows the configured value of the Rain filter ( 255max.).IntrejectionShows if interference rejection is set to OFF or Lower.SweepShows if the sweep is set to Forward (default) or reverse.RPM Shows the selected speed (revolutions per minute) of the antenna motor.ExitExits the Radar control status menu.FREQ/ HLSkewNew sub menu +HL SKEW Displays the Heading Line skew for eachSharpEyefrequencythatisenabled.Exit ,Returns to the SharpEye IP menu.FD SquintTo Be ConfirmedBlanking O/P New sub menu +Blanking Pre Displays the value of the pre blankingpulse.Blanking Post Displays the value of the post blankingpulse.BlankingThreshold TBCExit ,Returns to the SharpEye IP menu.Serial controlNew sub menu+External COM 3:TBCExternal COM 4: TBCExit ,Returns to the SharpEye IP menu.Video source Indicates which MISM PCA is the source the VideoAZ HL sourceIndicates which MISM PCA is the source the ACP/ ARPEXIT Exits the SharpEye IP Tx A or Tx B menu
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 6: Local operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 68 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 7: Remote operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 69 of 2407 Remote operation instructionsWhen the Radar Distribution Unit is set to Remote operation, the externalcommand and display system or track extractor has control of the system.For test purposes, the optional service display can be configured for Remotecontrol and be connected to the track extractor (TE) port to test the serial portfunctionality.RDU Local control: With the switch set to Remote, Local control of the system via the RadarDistribution Unit is NOT possible.7.1 Remote control operator instructionsExternal command and display and track extractorOperator instructions for the external command and display or track extractor systems are notincluded in this handbook; please refer to the suppliers system handbooks for instructions.Service display (optional)The operator instructions for the service display and service display control software can be found inAnnex A of this handbook.7.2 External commandsThe commands sent and received by the SBS-900 system are detailed in a separate documentreference KSD-4750: Serial Control of SBS Radar Systems which is available upon request.Alternatively a copy can be found in Annex B of the system installation manual KH-1602-1.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 7: Remote operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 70 of 2407.3 Remote control operational statesEil nb_ joljim_m i` nb_ `iffiqcha _rjf[h[ncihm+ nl[]e _rnl[]nil g_[hm nb_ om_lm ]igg[h^ [h^ display system or track extractor.SystemOFFSystemconfiguration'Single and three-phase AC supplies to the RDU are available.'The AC Breakers within RDU are OFF.'Antenna Rotation keyswitch & Man aloft switch both set to OFF.'Remote/ Local &Standby/ RUN switches on the RDU are set to Remote &Standby.'Commands being received from the Service Display.System status'AC power is present within the RDU but as the breakers are in the OFFposition, the dual redundant power supply is OFF and no DC rails arebeing generated.The Radar Distribution Unit is OFF.'Single and three-phase mains voltages are NOT sent to the transceiver /gearbox.SystemRUNSafetyswitchesOFFSystemconfiguration'Single and three-phase AC supplies to the RDU are switched ON.'The AC Breakers within RDU are ON.'Antenna Rotation keyswitch OR Man Aloft switch set to OFF.'Remote/ Local &Standby/ RUN switches on the RDU are set to Remote &Standby.System status'The RDU detects that the Antenna Rotation keyswitch OR Man Aloftswitches are in the OFF position. This breaks the safety switch current loop.'The single and three-phase relays are opened and AC power to thetransceiver/ gearbox is switched OFF.'Antenna rotation and transmission is not possible.'The Service Display has no control over the system.SystemStandbySystemconfiguration'Single and three-phase AC supplies to the RDU are available.'The AC Breakers within RDU are ON.'Antenna Rotation keyswitch & Man Aloft switch are both set to FREE.'Remote/ Local &Standby/ RUN switches on the RDU are set to Remote &Standby.'No commands being received from the Service Display.System status'The RDU is switched ON. The software reads the condition of the AntennaRotation keyswitch and Man Aloft switch, detects these are in the FREEposition so makes relays within the breakers sending AC power to thetransceiver and gearbox.'The antenna commences rotation regardless of the RUN commandState. Note'The SharpEye transceiver switches ON and after a 30 to 40 second warm-up time enters a standby state waiting for a RUN command from the RDU.'System and BITE data from both the RDU and transceiver is available.'The system is now in standby waiting for system commands.RemotecontrolSystemRUNSystemconfiguration'Single and three-phase AC supplies to the RDU are available.'The AC Breakers within RDU are ON.'Antenna Rotation keyswitch & Man Aloft switch both set to FREE.'Remote/ Local &Standby/ RUN switches on the RDU set to Remote &Standby.'ARUN commandis being received.System status'The RDU detects the RUN command which is sent to the transceiver.'The SharpEye is in a standby state with the antenna running. When the runcommand is received from the RDU the system commences transmitting.'Radar signals, ACP, ARP and heading line data is sent to the radar I/Omodule within the Radar Distribution Unit.'The RDU processes the transceiver data and sends it to the track extractorand optional service display.Note: Antenna rotation can be over-ridden in the Control Defaults menu.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 7: Remote operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 71 of 240Transceiver operating statesThe following table shows the various operation states of the SharpEyeTM transceiver.The antenna will rotate regardless of the transceiver state.Operation state DescriptionOFF Power is not applied to the transceiver which is switched OFF.InitialiseOn completion of initialisation the transceiver switches to standby or, if any ofthe self-test checks fail, to fault state.The system initialisation typically takes 30 to 40 seconds after which time thesystem becomes available for operation.StandbyIn standby the transceiver establishes communication with the RadarDistribution Unit and reports its status.The transceiver receives and acts on commands from the RDU.In Standby the antenna rotates but the system does not transmit.TransmitWhen a RUN command is received from the Radar Distribution Unit andACP/ARP signals are present, the SharpEyeTM transmits.The transceiver initially outputs at low power. The radar returns are thenprocessed enabling the VSWR to be checked without the risk of damage to thetransceiver.If the VSWR is within limits then the transceiver automatically switches to fullpower.If the VSWR is high, indicating an antenna fault, a warning message is sent tothe Radar Distribution Unit and the transceiver enters the degraded LowPower state.Degraded(Low power)The transceiver continuously runs background performance checks on forwardpower, reverse power, receiver sensitivity and temperature. If any of theseparameters falls outside predetermined levels a warning message is sent tothe Radar Distribution Unit indicating the nature of the fault.The transceiver continues to operate, but with reduced performance andfunctionality.FaultIf the performance or functionality is degraded such that the transceiver cannotoperate it enters the fault state and a fault message is sent to the displayequipment.The transceiver stops radiating RF and there is no video output to the RadarDistribution Unit.A spurious fault may be cleared by re-powering the equipment.CommunicationerrorIf communication is lost between the Radar Distribution Unit and theSharpEyeTM, the RDU reboots the SharpEyexleading to a potential 20second gap in coverage.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 7: Remote operation instructionsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 72 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 73 of 2408 Service display/ RadarView control8.1 OverviewSBS systems can be controlled and radar returns viewed using the optional range of service displays.Service displays can be used as a maintenance/ commissioning tool or when correctly configured, asa primary means of system control.There are a number of service display options for the SBS series as follows:Service display part number & description SBS-900-1SBS-900-2SBS-900-51SBS-900-3SBS-900-4SBS-A3-2 Single radar sensorBase components for integration into a 3rd party supplied PC & &SBS-A3-3 Single radar sensor displayRS232/ ASTERIX control & monitoring & &SBS-A3-5 Single radar sensorLAN/ ASTERIX and RS232 control & monitoring(No radar input card fitted)%&LAN kit required.See NoteAll service displays are supplied with the following software pre-loaded.ZM-2283RadarView softwareRadarView Software: This software provides the radar processing and displayand has integrated control and monitoring functions for the SBS series.Operator instructions: The use and operator instructions for the ZM-2283RadarView and SBS control software can be found in Annex B.8.2 SBS-A3-2 Base systemThe SBS-A3-2 allows the serial control of a single transceiver system via a customer supplied thirdparty PC/ Microprocessor. See the options section in the system overview handbook for the minimumPC specification.The kit provides all the hardware and software to be installed onto a PC to make the systemcompatible with the SBS series and comprises the following:Kelvin Hughespart number DescriptionSBS-A109 08 l[]e giohn[\f_ '0T( mervice display patch panel and cablesZM-2283 RadarView software including SBS radar control and replay software formaintenance displays.Supports of HPx-200 and/ or Asterix video.45-980-0041-001 HPx-200 PCI radar interface cardZM-2602 SBS service display graphic V2Note: The SBS-A3-5 service display can only be used with the LAN kit is fitted.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 74 of 2408.3 SBS-A3-3 Single transceiverThe SBS-A3-2 ecn ]ihn[chm [ 08 l[]e giohn[\f_ '1T( gc]lijli]_mmil jl_fi[^_^ qcnb [ff nb_ necessary software and an interface place for connecting the system to a single transceiver system.Kelvin Hughes partnumberDescription45-975-0183-001 08 '2U) rack mountable microprocessor.SBS-A109 08 l[]e giohn[\f_ '0T( mervice display patch panel and cablesZM-2283 RadarView software including SBS radar control and replay software formaintenance displays.Supports of HPx-200 and/ or Asterix video.45-980-0041-001 HPx-200 PCI radar interface card (preinstalled into the PC)ZM-2602 SBS service display graphics card (preinstalled into the PC)SBS-A124-11 Cable kit for connecting the SBS-A109 plate to the SBS system (11m)Note: Other cable lengths are available; please contact Kelvin Hughes for additional details.8.4 SBS-A3-4 dual transceiverThe SBS-A3-3 ecn ]ihn[chm [ 08 l[]e giohn[\f_ '1T( gc]lijli]_mmil jl_fi[^_^ qcnb [ff nb_ necessary software and two interface places for connecting to a dual transceiver system.Kelvin Hughes partnumberDescription45-975-0183-001 08 '2U) rack mountable microprocessor.SBS-A109 1 r 08 l[]e mountable (1U) service display patch panel and cablesZM-2283 RadarView software including SBS radar control and replay software formaintenance displays.Supports of HPx-200 and/ or Asterix video.45-980-0041-001 2 x HPx-200 PCI radar interface card (preinstalled into the PC)ZM-2602 SBS service display graphics card (preinstalled into the PC)SBS-A124-11 Cable kit for connecting the SBS-A109 plate to the SBS system (11m)Note:Othercablelengths are available; please contact Kelvin Hughes foradditional details.SBS-A3-3Service displaySingle transceiverSBS system Video/ Sync (analogue)Serial controlSBS-A3-3Service displayDual transceiverSBS system 2 x Video/ Sync (analogue)2 x Serial control
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 75 of 2408.5 SBS-A3-5 ASTERIX controlThe SBS-A3-4 ecn ]ihn[chm [ 08 l[]e giohn[\f_ '1T( gc]lijli]_mmil jl_fi[^_^ qcnb [ff nb_ necessary software for connection to a dual transceiver system.The service display can accept ASTERIX video and control is possible via Serial or LAN connection.NoteKit contentsThe SBS-A3-4 dual radar service kit comprises of the following:45-975-0183-001 08 '2U) rack mountable microprocessor.ZM-2283 RadarView software including SBS radar control and replay software formaintenance displays.Supports of HPx-200 and/ or Asterix video.ZM-2602 SBS service display graphics card (preinstalled into the PC)SBS-A220-11 Cable kit for connecting the SBS-A109 plate to the SBS system (11m)Note28.6 Keyboard, monitor & MouseThe processor requires a flat screen display, standard USB QWERTY keyboard and USB mouse (notsupplied). If these are required the following commercial off the shelf products can be supplied:Kelvin Hughes partnumber DescriptionMonitor45-975-0189-00122 inch wide screen LCD monitor.Auto-ranging AC input 110VAC to 230VAC 47Hz to 63Hz.Case colour black.Keyboard45-975-0191-001 USB QWERTY keyboard, case/ key colour black.Mouse45-975-0190-001 Black USB optical scroll mouse with three buttons.Note 1: LAN control is only available when the LAN interface kit has been fitted to the Radar Distribution Unit (kit referenceSBS-A129).Note 2: Other cable lengths are available; please contact Kelvin Hughes for additional details.SBS-A3-3Service displayDual transceiverSBS system 2 x Serial controlOr LAN controlNote 1
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 76 of 2408.7 Service Display PC overviewSb_ `iffiqcha acp_m [h ip_lpc_q i` nb_ 08 '1T( l[]e giohn_^ gc]lijli]_mmil om_^ ch nb_ SBS-A3-3,-4 &-5 service displays.Note: The make and model of the service display PC may change from the version shown however the switch functionalityand input/ output connectivity will be similar.SBS-A3-3 Service display front viewDetail of service display controlsSBS-9.-67 .6q eTV^ `bhagTU_X %.M& fXei\VX W\fc_Tl \agXeYTVX c_TgX7The following plate is used to connect signals to the service display (1 plate required per transceiver).The system runs the software required to display and control a single radar sensor but does notinclude a monitor, keyboard or mouse.Air filterReset switchPower switchDVD open/ close button2 x USB portPower & Hard drive LEDMains inputand PowerswitchLAN inputCOM 1(Serialconnection)VGA / HDMI /AVI outputs
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 77 of 2408.8 Switching ON/ OFFSBS-A3-2: Third party systemThe operation of third party PC equipment used in the SBS-A3-2 service display is not detailed withinthis handbook. Please refer to the user manuals supplied with the original third party equipment.SBS-A3-X: 2U 19 inch processor rackThe following details the switching ON/ OFF of the microprocessor used in the SBS-A3-3,-4&-5.Switch ONi. Ensure an AC mains supply is connected to the system and is switchedON (115/ 230VAC auto-ranging)ii. Open the front panel of the service display processor.iii. Place the power switch into the ON ( I ) position.iv. The green power LED illuminates and the processor will start.Run RadarViewapplicationWhen the service display has started, run the RadarViewapplication from the desktop.A brief overview of the operation of RadarView softwarecan be found in the following section. RadarView desktop iconResetIf a system lockup or freeze occurs, temporarily press the Reset switch whichrestarts the processor.Caution: Pressing reset aborts all programs that are running. All unsaved work andtemporary configurations will be lost. The main system configurations and settings areretained.Closing theRadarViewapplicationPrior to switching the OFF service display, the RadarView application must beclosed.Shut-down andswitch OFFEnsuring the RadarView application has closed, shut down the system usingthe Start/shutdown function from the Windows desktop.When Windows has shut-down, place the power switch into the OFF (0)position or if the switch is spring loaded, press and hold the OFF button for 5seconds)
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter8:Service display/ RadarView controlKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage7878of2408.9Emergency StopThe Emergency Stop is a function within the RadarView software that isolates power to thetransceiverenclosureand antenna turningsub assembly. This function is only available when theservice display/ RadarViewisONON-lineIf the Service display isofflinethe Emergency Stopfunctioncannot be accessed/ used.Emergency Stop is designed to be used by the operator if an emergency situation is detected thatrequires immediate shutdown of the transmission system.Caution:The software Emergency Stop function must never be used to stop the system formaintenance purposes or for working aloft.The system must be fully isolated from all sources of power prior to carrying out any maintenancetask or before working aloft.To activate the Emergency Stop function, selectChannel Athen% 1=175) 14 1AJfrom theRadarView main screen.Press theEmergency stop button and the following occurs:YesAntenna rotation andsystem transmission isstopped.NONOAction cancelled.The system continues tooperate normally.When the Emergency Stop is activated, the following system changes occur:RadarView softwareRadar Distribution UnitAntennaSpeed:Stopis automatically selected.AC power:Single & three phase relays (R1, R2and CON1) switch OFF.TransceiverMode:Standbyis automatically selected.Alarm:AnEmergency Stopalarm isgeneratedat the RDU.Stopbutton:TheEmergency Stopbutton textchanges toRestart.AntennarotationAC power is removedfrom the AntennaSubSystem.Antenna rotation is stopped.TransceiverEnclosureAC power is removed from thetransceiverEnclosure.System transmission is stopped.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter8:Service display/ RadarView controlKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage7979of240Emergency Stoppsystem re-startWhen the situation that caused the Emergency Stop function to be activated has been cleared, thesystem must be restarted:Pressing theRestartbutton is pressed configures the RDU so that it is ready to go to RUN.Further operator action is required from the RadarView software to then commence systemtransmission and antenna rotation:YesThe RDU is available torestart transmissionNONOAction cancelled.Antenna Speed:Select therequired antenna speedTransceiver Mode:Switch fromStandbytoRUNto commence transmission.The system will now operate normally.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 80 of 2408.10 RadarView operator overview8.10.1OverviewThe manufactures operator handbook for RadarView can be located as follows:Printed copies In printed copies of this handbook, a copy of the RadarView usermanual can be found in section Annex B.Electroniccopies (PDF) In electronic copies, the RadarView user manual can be found in theroot directory of the KH1600 document (PDF format).Document details andcopyright notice:Cambridge PixelRadarViewuser manualSPx RadarView for Windows User ManualDocument number: CP-25-110-27Kelvin Hughes Ltd is not responsible for the content of theRadarView user manual which remains the copyright of CambridgePixel Ltd.Document reference CP-25-110-27 contains proprietary information that issensitive to the commercial interests of Cambridge Pixel Ltd. The contentsof this document should not be communicated to third parties without theprior written consent of the Company.The following i``_lm [ \lc_` ip_lpc_q i` nb_ Q[^[lUc_q ij_l[nilm m]l__h. Users mustrefer to the manufactures handbook noted above for full instructions.The RadarView application is run by double clicking on the desktop icon; this willopen the main PPI view shown below.Example of RadarView screen for an SBS-900-2 system
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 81 of 2408.10.2 RadarView pmanage radarSelecting •Channel-9 , ETaTZX JTWTeor opens the Manage Radarscreen which allows the remote control and viewing of:-The Radar Distribution Unit (RDU).-Transceivers.-System information.The screen also allows the activation of the Emergency Stop function.Each section is detailed on the following pages.Control Panel-View system information (softwareversion etc.).-H/B: Shows the transmitted andreceived Heartbeats (flashes green).-Off-line:Select to take the servicedisplay Off-line.-N\Xj LeTYY\Vo: Opens a new windowshowing the messages flowingbetween the service display and theRDU.View Traffic windowTransceiverShows the current transceiver settings.AntennaShows the current antenna speed.Sector BlankingShows the status of blanking sectors & Mute ON/ OFF.TuneShows the current tune level
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 82 of 240Backup & RestoreBackup or restore the RadarView settings.Emergency StopSelecting Emergency Stop sends an antenna/trasnmission stop command to the RDU. All AC poweris removed from the transceiver/ gearbox.Status pRDUSelect the 8Q_MUW^f button for information.Status Green: No fault conditions exist.Status Red: A fault condition is present.RDU rDetailspsStatus pActive or Reserve TransceiverSelect the 8Q_MUW^f button for information.Status Green: No fault conditions exist.Status Red: A fault condition is present.Example of the Active Transceiver windowStatus pMiscellaneousSelect the 8Q_MUW^f button for information.Status Green: No fault conditions exist.Status Red: A fault condition is present.Example of Miscellaneous status
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter8:Service display/ RadarView controlKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage8383of2408.10.3Transceiver statusTransceiver warm up:At switch ON, the transceiver enters ashort initialisation periodwhere thetransceiver(s) will show asNot Readyand the TX status indicator in the RadarView software will showas Red.After theinitialisation period, the TX status indicator changes to Green signifying that the transceiveris ready for use.Magnetron heaterturndownThe system is shipped with the magnetron heaters configured to beThe system is shipped with the magnetron heaters configured to bealways ON, i.e. when the system isswitched ONand inStandbythe transceiver remains in aReadyReadystate indefinitely.During commissioning it is possible to set the magnetron heaters to switch OFF when set to Standbyafter a predetermined time. When the heaters are OFF, the transceiver is NotReady and the 90second delay would be required before the unit becomes available for use.Heaterturn-down/ Standby OFF delay may be a site requirement to preserve the life of themagnetron.Caution:The RadarView software DOES NOT report when the heaters have switchedOFF and will continue to show the transceiver as Ready (green).If thesystem is swapped to a transceiver that has been switched OFF, there will be a 90 seconddelay whilst the transceiver warms up.View heater time:To view the heater turn-down time, select the following menus on the LCD displayof the transceiver(s):-Defaults / Heater / SBY OFF delay:Available values are 0 (disabled) to 60 minutes.ReadyNoNot Ready
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 8: Service display/ RadarView controlKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 84 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 85 of 2409 Planned maintenance9.1 Standard Antenna SystemsEquipment: The following pages detail the monthly, annual, 3 and 5-year plannedmaintenance schedules for the following Standard antenna sub-systems.LPA-A37LPA-A55LPA-A3LPA-A455X and S-band Low Profile Antennas (all variants)DTX-A3GTX-A11DTX-A19 X and S-band gearboxes (all variants)DTX-A7 Downmast transceiver enclosure (all variants)SBS-A1 RDU - Radar Distribution Unit (all variants)55-100-0436-001 Static desiccatorRecommended maintenance schedule:Annual:(General inspection and cleaning of the system(Fan checks(Safety checks3-year: (Replacement of gearbox oil5-year: (Replacement of static inverter and RDU power supply fansMaintenance record: The following pages have been designed to be printed, completed and storedas a maintenance record for standard systems.Any damage that is identified as part of an inspection should immediately bereported to Kelvin Hughes and appropriate action taken to prevent furtherdamage occurring.Procedure: Prior to carrying out any maintenance the system must be fully isolated fromall sources of AC power including any UPS supported supplies, the requiredmaintenance task(s) should be undertaken and on completion, the powerrestored and the system fully tested.Spares: Where required, only Kelvin Hughes approved spares must be used. The useof unapproved spares invalidates the warranty status of the unit could lead toa malfunction of the system.Adverse weather: It is strongly recommended that the gearbox inspections noted in AnnualMaintenance procedures are carried out at the earliest safe opportunity afterthe system has been exposed to severe or adverse weather conditions.Health & safety: All safety warnings for the system noted in section 2 must be observed at alltimes when working on, inspecting or maintaining any part of the system orits associated sub systems.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 86 of 2409.2 Advanced Antenna SystemsThe planned maintenance procedures for theAdvanced ST1-F10/ 20 Antenna Turning Unit(ATU) and antenna range are briefly outlinedbelow but are not detailed in this handbook.ST1-F10/ 20 Antenna Turning Unit & antennaPlease refer to the installation and maintenance handbook supplied with the advancedequipment for full details on planned maintenance.Electronic copies of these handbooks (Pdf) are available on request.For reference use only, the recommended maintenance schedule is:Recommended maintenance schedule for ATU and antenna:Every 6 months: (General inspection of the ATU and the antenna.Every 6 years:(Replacement of the crossed roller bearing of the bearing-mountedantenna mounting flange.(Replacement of the gearbox complete with motor(Replacement of the rotary joint.Transceiver enclosure and Radar Distribution Unit:The transceiver enclosure and Radar Distribution Unit MUST be inspected in line with theStandard system planned maintenance schedule which is shown in the following section.This includes the inspection of the following equipment:DTX-A7 Downmast transceiver enclosure (all variants)SBS-A1 RDU - Radar Distribution Unit (all variants)55-100-0436-001 Static desiccatorWARNING:Lethal voltages are present within the equipment.All maintenance procedures must be carried out with all relevant power sources switchedOFF, fully isolated and disconnected.Health & Safety precautions: All health & safety notices noted in this document and the enhancedsystem handbook must be read and observed at all times.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 87 of 2409.3 System isolationIn addition to the normal health and safety requirements, the system must be made safe prior tocarrying out any maintenance task by fully isolating all AC power including any UPS supportedsupplies to the system as shown below:Man aloftswitch(MAS)As an additional safety precaution, the Man Aloft Switchcan be placed into the OFF position.This acts as a backup safety measure to removing theAntenna Rotation keyswitch.RDUAntennarotationswitchPlace the Antenna Rotation keyswitch on the front of theRadar Distribution Unit into the OFF position.The key should be removed and retained until themaintenance task being undertaken has been completed.DTX-A7TransceiverenclosureEnsure that the AC breaker(s) located within thetransceiver enclosure are in the OFF position.Note: Sb_ KDCm ih _[]b \l_[e_l [l_ cffogc[n_^ qb_h @B supplies are still connected to the transceiver enclosure.RDUAC powerWithin the Radar Distribution Unit, ensure allbreakers are in the OFF position.Note: Vb_h mqcn]b_^ NEE+ nb_ KDCm ih _[]b breaker remain illumiated indicating that ACsupplies are still connected to the RDU.External ACIsolate and disconect ALL single and 3-phase AC supplies to the RadarDistribution Unit including all UPS supported supplies and physically remove allpower sockets.The system is now fully isolated from all sources of AC supply.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 88 of 2409.4 Annual maintenance procedureSBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet1 of 10Equipment detailsAntenna Sub-SystemNoteGearbox/ Antenna Turning Unit AntennaPart No. PartNo.Serialnumber: SerialNo.Transceiver enclosurePart number DTX-A7-Serialnumber(s)Radar Distribution Unit (RDU)Part number SBS-A1-Serialnumber(s)Man Aloft Switch (MAS)Part number SBS-A132SerialnumberInspectiondate:(DD/ MM/ YYYY)Inspected by: Print: Sign:Toolsrequired'Blower or soft brush.'Medium flat head screwdriver (for opening RDU and transceiver enclosure).'Mild detergentNote: Do not use abrasive cleaners or products containing alcohol.'Soft abrasive free cloth.'Safety ohmmeter, bridge Megger or Multimeter.'Spanners (6mm, 10mm and as required for custom earth attachments).'Wire brush or emery cloth.Skill level Basic electrical training, working at heights awareness.Time Approximately three hours depending on equipment location and accessibilityNote - Advanced ATU and antennas: Please refer to the advanced installation and maintenancehandbook supplied with the equipment for full details on plannedmaintenance of advanced equipment.The maintenance procedure for the Advanced antenna sub-systemis NOT covered or recorded in this document.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 89 of 240SBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet2 of 10WARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarise themselveswith the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance and health and safety sectionsof the system handbooks.Prior to carrying out planned maintenance, the system must be fully isolated from ALL single and 3-phase AC supplies including any UPS supported supplies.Caution: When the gearbox and antenna have been operating in strong sunlight or elevatedtemperatures, the gearbox casing and antenna surfaces will be extremely hot.Antenna inspectionTask Description Pass FailCleaningClean the antenna facia with a soft cloth moistened in a mild non-abrasive soap solution.Note1: Cleaning the antenna is important as the system performance can bedegraded if the antenna transmission face becomes obscured by dirt.Note2: The antenna facia must never be painted.' 'PhysicalinspectionEnsure that all securing bolts are tights, secure and show no signs ofsevere corrosion or damage. ' 'Check that waveguide couplings are securely fastened and appear tobe waterproof. ' 'The antenna should be checked to ensure that there is no obviousexternal damage, cracking or potential faults that could lead to ageneral failure of any part of the system.' 'Check the antenna for signs of excessive vertical end play.Example of antenna end-playIf the end play is more than +/-10mm please consult with KelvinHughes.' 'Caution:'The following tests should only be undertaken when it is safe to manually rotate the antennai.e. the system is fully isolated from all sources of power and the antenna can be safelyaccessed and reached.'Do not use excessive force.'Do not take unnecessary risk when turning the antenna such as reaching too far or leaningoutside safety guardrails.'This task should be disregarded if there are any safety concerns.Task Description Pass FailManualantennarotationNoting the above safety precautions and where safe to do so,manually rotate the antenna and ensure that it is free from obstructionand turns smoothly' 'Antennanotaccessible '
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 90 of 240SBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet3 of 10Gearbox inspectionTask Description Pass FailGeneralcleaning Clean all exterior surfaces with a soft, cloth moistened in a mild non-abrasive soap solution. ' 'PhysicalinspectionEnsure that all securing bolts for the gearbox and antenna are secureand show no signs of severe corrosion or damage. Pay particularattention to the bolts that hold the gearbox assembly onto themounting plate.' 'Inspect the gearbox including all mounting points for any signs ofstress damage.Severe weather: This inspection should be carried out at the earliestsafe opportunity after the system has been exposed to severe oradverse weather conditions.' 'Check that cable glands, cable entries and waveguide couplings aresecurely fastened and appear to be waterproof. ' 'Within reason and where safe to do so, check all accessible orexposed cables for any signs of damage and ensure they are safelysecured into/ onto cable trays or trunking.' 'The system should be checked to ensure that there is no obviousexternal damage or potential fault conditions that could lead to ageneral failure of any part of the system.' 'Check for any signs of oil leaks from the gearbox assembly. ' 'EarthbondingandcontinuityEnsure that the earth bonding nuts and bolts are tight and free fromcorrosion.If corrosion is present, clean and re-terminate as described in section9.7 page 114.' 'Test the earth bonding conductivity by attaching one lead of the testequipment note1 to earth/ chassis and the other to an unpainted part ofthe equipment under test.Check earth bonding for continuity, the resistance should not exceed0.1 ohms. If a test fails, investigate the bonding, rectify (see section9.7 page 114) and repeat the test.Note1:Safety ohmmeter, bridge Megger or Multimeter.' '
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 91 of 240SBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet4 of 10Radar Distribution unit (RDU)Task Description Pass FailCleaningExternalsurfaces Clean with a soft, non-abrasive cloth moistened in a mildsoap solution. ' 'InternalsurfacesOpen the door of the Radar Distribution Unit using ascrewdriver. Carefully clean out the unit using blowerand/ orsoft brush.' 'PhysicalinspectionExternalEnsure that all mounting bolts are secure. ' 'Ensure all connectors are securely in place; inspectinternal cabling for condition and wear. ' 'Check that all air vents are clear of obstructions anddust. ' 'InternalDhmol_ [ff OBAm [h^ ]ihh_]nilm [l_ m_]ol_fs ch jf[]_; inspect internal cabling for condition and wear. ' 'Check that all air vents and fans are clear of obstructionsand clear of dust accumulation. ' 'GeneralThe system should be checked to ensure that there is noobvious internal, external damage or potential faultconditions that could lead to a general failure of any partof the system.' 'EarthbondingandcontinuityOn the underside of the RDU, visually inspect the earth terminal fordamage and corrosion.If corrosion is present, clean and re-terminate as described in section9.7 page 114.' 'Check that the earth bonding strap between the RDU door andchassis is present, clean and re-terminate as described in section 9.7page 114.' 'Test the earth bonding conductivity by attaching one lead of the testequipment note1 to earth/ chassis and the other to an unpainted part ofthe equipment under test.Check the earth bonding for continuity, the resistance should notexceed 0.1 ohms. If a test fails, investigate the bonding, rectify andrepeat the test.Note1:Safety ohmmeter, bridge Megger or Multimeter.' '
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 92 of 240SBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet5 of 10DTX-A7-xx Transceiver enclosureTask Description Pass FailGeneralcleaning Clean all exterior surfaces with a soft cloth moistened in a mild non-abrasive soap solution. ' 'PhysicalinspectionEnsure that all securing bolts are secure and show no signs of severecorrosion, damage. Pay particular attention to the main chassissupporting bolts.' 'Inspect the unit including all mounting points for any signs of stressdamage.Severe weather: This inspection should be carried out at the earliestsafe opportunity after the system has been exposed to severe oradverse weather conditions.' 'Check that cable glands, cable entries and waveguide couplings aresecurely fastened and appear to be waterproof. ' 'Within reason and where safe to do so, check all accessible orexposed cables for any signs of damage and ensure they are safelysecured into/ onto the cable tray or trunking.' 'The system should be checked to ensure that there is no obviousexternal damage or potential fault conditions that could lead to ageneral failure of any part of the system.' 'Check that the four wind turned rotary ventilators mounted on top ofthe assembly are free from dust and obstructions and can rotatefreely.' 'Check that no moisture or water is present within the enclosure. ' 'StaticDesiccatorThe sachets in the static Desiccator must be changed every 12months.The two sachets are within the desiccator which is located on thebase of the enclosure or on earlier units between the two front accessdoors.Used/ removed sachets must be disposed of in accordance with localdisposal regulation.When the sachets have been replaced, ensure that the desiccantenclosure cap is securely in position and fully tightened.Replacement sachet: 55-100-0494-002 NotesSachet shelf life: 2-yearsNotes:-The part number noted above is for 1 sachet, two are required.-Split or torn sachets must not be used.-Replacements must be from a sealed package (replacements have a shelf life of 2-years).-Two sachets MUST be used.' '
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 93 of 240SBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet6 of 10Transceiver enclosureTask Description Pass FailBaseplate airbaffleThe air baffle plates located on the base of the Transceiver Enclosureshould be checked and cleaned as necessary.Base of DTX-A7 Transceiver EnclosureEach baffle is retained by 4 cross-head screws as indicated above.' 'The plates should be removed and any dust orforeign objects removed from the plate and theheatsinks above using a brush or blower.If necessary, the ducted fans on the top of the unitcan also be removed to assist in cleaning theheatsink void.These are retained by two crosshead screws ateither end of the enclosure. Side view of DTX-A7EarthbondingandcontinuityEnsure that the earth bonding nuts and bolts are tight and free fromcorrosion.If corrosion is present, clean and re-terminate as described in section9.7 page 114.' 'Test the earth bonding conductivity by attaching one lead of the testequipment note to earth/ chassis and the other to an unpainted part ofthe equipment under test.Check earth bonding for continuity, the resistance should not exceed0.1 ohms. If a test fails, investigate the bonding, rectify (see section9.7 page 114) and repeat the test.Note: Safety ohmmeter, bridge Megger or Multimeter.' '
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 94 of 240SBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet7 of 10Man aloft switchTask Description Pass FailPhysicalinspection Ensure that all fastenings are secure and show no signs of severecorrosion or damage. ' 'Switchaction Ensure the switch operation is smooth and that both the Free andOFF positions can be selected. ' 'EarthbondingandcontinuityTest the earth bonding conductivity by attaching one lead of the testequipment note1 to chassis/ earth and the other to an unpainted part ofthe equipment under test.Check the earth bonding for continuity, resistance should not exceed0.1 ohms. If test fails, investigate the bonding, rectify and repeat thetest.Note1:Safety ohmmeter, bridge Megger or Multimeter.' '55-100-0436-001 Static desiccatorTask Description Pass FailPhysicalinspectionThe clear wall of the static desiccator unit allows visualinspection of the desiccant condition.As moisture is adsorbed the desiccant colour will changeto either:Deep blue (dry) to pink/white (wet).orOrange (dry) to purple (wet).When 80% of the desiccant material has changedcolour, the unit should be replaced.To prevent moisture from entering the breather hole, theohcn gomn \_ l_jf[]_^ [m mbiqh qcnb nb_ •hih-`cnncha _h^ that contains the breather hole pointing downwards.Maintenance frequency note: In areas of high humidity it may benecessary to increase the inspection period of the desiccant.StaticDesiccator' 'Restore power to the systemOn completion of the above maintenance tasks and noting that the following will cause antennarotation and system transmission, restore power to the system.Securityswitches Place the Antenna rotation and man aloft switches in the FREEpositions.Antennarotation'Man aloft 'ACBreakers Switch the single and three-phase breakers within the RDU ON.Caution: This will cause the antenna to rotate 'Remotecontrol Place the Remote/ Local switch on the RDU to the Local position. 'Test Test the system and ensure full functionality. '
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 95 of 240SBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet8 of 10Powered tests: Safety switch testsThe following tests should be carried out with power restored to the system.Caution: When carrying out the following test, do not contravene any health and safetyprecautions regarding working aloft, antenna or electrical safety.The following tests will Stop and Start antenna rotation and system transmission. The area aroundthe antenna must be kept clear at all times during these tests.Task Description Pass FailAntennaRotationkeyswitch(RDU)- Set the system to RUN so that it is transmitting and the antennais rotating.- Place the Antenna Rotation keyswitch (located on the door ofthe Radar Distribution Unit) into the OFF position.Remove and RETAIN the key.- The yellow LED on the front panel of the Radar Distribution Unitwill flash.- Ensure that the system has stopped transmitting, that antennarotation has stopped and that the appropriate system alarms aregenerated.' 'Man aloftswitch(MAS)- Where safe to do so, change the Man Aloft switch to the OFFposition.- Reinsert the key into the Antenna Rotation Keyswitch and set toFREE.- As the Man Aloft Switch is OFF the system should not transmitand the antenna rotation should not rotate.- Place the Antenna Rotation keyswitch back to the OFF position.Remove and RETAIN the key.' 'Man aloftswitch& AntennaRotationkeyswitch- Change the Man Aloft switch to the FREE position.- Reinsert the key into the Antenna Rotation Keyswitch and set toFREE.-Ensure system transmission and antenna rotation commence.' 'Hut doorswitchWhere fitted- Open the hut door.- Ensure the appropriate system alarm is generated at the RDU.- Close the HUT door.' 'Not fitted 'AntennaplatformswitchWhere fitted- Where it is possible and SAFE to do so, open the antennaplatform access door.- Ensure the appropriate system alarm is generated at the RDU.- Close the antenna platform access door.' 'Not fitted '
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 96 of 240SBS-900 Annual planned maintenance record sheet Inspection sheet9 of 10Powered tests: Cooling fan checksThe following tests require access to the internal electronics within the Radar Distribution Unit andthe transceiver enclosure.Caution: Lethal AC, DC and high voltages are present within the system. Exerciseextreme caution when carrying out the following checks.RDU: There are two fans mounted within the RDU on the power supply assembly:Task Description Pass FailAntennaisolation Isolate the 3-phase supply to the Radar Distribution Unit. ' 'RDUfanoperation- Open the door to the RDU.- Visually confirm that the two fans on the dual redundant powersupply are running.' 'Transceiverenclosure Where fitted, ensure that the SBS-A179 powered fan kits areoperational.' 'Not fitted '
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter9:Planned maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage9797of240SBS900Annualplanned maintenancerecord sheetInspection sheet10 of 10Fan condition checkThefan within the static inverterlocated within the RadarDistribution Unit has a service lifeof approximately 30,000 hours.The fan run time must be checkedand the fan replaced wherenecessary.Toshiba VFS11 inverterRadar distribution unitFan runtime-On the static inverter control panel press theMODEbutton twice and ensure thatFrFrFisdisplayed-Press the down ($) button once and thecumulative operating hours will bedisplayed.The runtime will be indicated byTx.xx where:T0.01= 1 hour,t1.00= 100 hoursRecord the run-time and proceed to thenext step-Press the down ($) button again and 4singleheightlines should be shown:The fan should be changed when thelast linechanges to a double height line:If any of the first three lines are double height,this indicates a potential fault condition withinthe inverter which should be replaced.If the recorded time is>30000(t300.00)hoursthe fan must bechangedInverter displayFan OKChange fanInverter displayChange inverterTaskDescriptionResultFanconditioncheckInverter fan run time(e.g. t0.50)Fan inverter OK or Change fanPlease refer tothe CorrectiveMaintenancesectionfor details on changing theinverterfan.Fan OKChangeChangefan''
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 98 of 2409.5 3-year maintenance3-year maintenance:Changing gearbox oil (Standard systems only) Inspection sheet1 of 2Kelvin Hughes DTX-A3-xxxx gearbox and antennaAfter three years of use, the oil in the standard gearbox should be changed:Advanced Antenna Turning Unit and antenna: Please refer to the installation and maintenancehandbook supplied with the equipment for full details on planned maintenance.Equipment detailsTransceiver/ gearboxPart number: DTX-A3-AXZX 'GTX-A11 'DTX-A19 'DTX-A3-BXZX 'GTX-A11-BAAA 'DTX-A19-BAAA 'Serial number:Oil changedate: (DD/ MM/ YYYY)Changed by: Print: Sign:Tools required'5mm across flats hexagonal wrench/ Allen key.'Suitable syringe or equivalent with small pipe attached for reaching intogearbox.'Suitable container to hold at least 200ml of oil.'Mineral oil ARAL DEGOL BG320 quantity 200 ml.Kelvin Hughes Part No. 55-100-0391-001'Protective gloves.Skill level Basic electrical and mechanical training, working at heights awareness.Time Less than two hours depending on equipment location and accessibility
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 99 of 2403-year maintenance:Changing gearbox oil (Standard systems only) Inspection sheet2 of 2Health & safety precautionsWARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance andhealth and safety sections of the system handbooks.AC power: Prior to carrying out any planned maintenance, the system must be fullyisolated and disconnected from all sources of single and 3-phase supply including anyUPS supported supplies.Caution: When the transceiver, gearbox and antenna have been operating in strongsunlight or elevated temperatures, the gearbox casing and antenna surface will beextremely hot.Gearbox: Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to remove the motor from thegearbox or the gearbox from the main chassis as this will lead to major loss of oil and damage tothe sealing gaskets.Gloves: Protective gloves must be worn at all times when the changing oil in the gearbox.CoSHH: Please refer to the CoSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)sheetsupplied with the oil for information on the oil including hazard identification, first aid,fire precautions and disposal recommendations.Temperature: Due to the pour point of the oil, this task should not be carried out when the ambienttemperature is below -15 deg C.Oil: When the gearbox has been operating in elevated temperatures, the oil removedfrom the gearbox may be hot.Disposal: Oil removed from the gearbox must be disposed of in accordance with local wastedisposal regulations.Drain/ filler holeRemove and carefully retain the 5mm oilfiller grub screw from the gearbox.Using a syringe or equivalent and asuitable container which will hold at least200ml, remove as much oil as is possiblefrom the gearbox.RefillRefill with the specified oil using a suitablesyringe or equivalent.Refill the oil to the level shown opposite.Refit and tighten the 5mm grub screw.Completion of taskWhen the oil has been replaced and the filler grub screw securely replaced, restore power to thesystem and ensure that the gearbox and system are fully operational.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 100 of 2409.6 5-year maintenance three-phase inverterThe 5-year maintenance schedule depends on the static inverter mounted within the RadarDistribution Unit.After 5 or 10-years of use, the static inverter located within the Radar Distribution Unit must bechanged as over time the electrolytic capacitors within the inverter can dry out.A number of versions of the inverter are available as detailed below.Visual confirmation of the inverter fitted is strongly recommended prior to commencing the procedureor obtaining spares.Manufactures part number Unit detail Replacement scheduleVF-S11 Every 5-yearsVF-S15Note: 440V and 220VAC variants Every 10-yearsVf-nC3 Every 5-years
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 101 of 2409.6.1 5 year maintenance: VF-S115-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet1 of 6After 5-years of use, the static inverter located within the Radar Distribution Unit must be changed asover time the electrolytic capacitors within the inverter can dry out.This maintenance procedure applies to Radar Distribution Units fitted with the inverter detailed below.Equipment detailsRadar Distribution Unit (RDU) Replacement InverterPart number SBS-A1- Part number 45-690-0065-001Serial number Serial numberToshiba VF-S11With the exception of the user replaceablefan, the VF-S11 inverter is a sealed unit thatcontains no field serviceable or repairableparts.The unit must never be dismantled orrepaired in the field. Toshiba VF-S11 inverterRadar distribution unitInverterreplacement date (DD/ MM/ YYYY)Changed by Print: Sign:Tools required A general selection of flat and cross headed screwdrivers.Skill level Mechanical and electrical training including awareness of single and threephase AC supplies.Time Less than two hours depending on equipment location and accessibilityHealth and safetyWARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance and healthand safety sections of the system handbooks.AC power: Prior to carrying out any planned maintenance, the system must be fullyisolated and disconnected from all sources of single and 3-phase supply including anyUPS supported supplies.Warning: When powered lethal voltages are present on the terminals and within theinverter.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter9:Planned maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage102of2405-year maintenance:Changing the static inverter in theRDUInspection sheet2of6Disconnect the power:All AC sourcesincluding UPS supported suppliesmust be FULLY isolatedand disconnectedfromthe Radar Distribution Unit prior to commencing thisor any maintenancetask.Disconnection:Ensurethe system is fully disconnected from allACpower sourcesDisconnect/ unplug PL4: This is the 3-phase supply to the antenna motor and is located on thebase of the Radar Distribution Unit.This must not be reconnected until the replacement inverterhahas been configuredThe screw terminalswithin theinverter can beaccessed by openingthe door of the inverter.The main screw terminals are furtherprotected by a removablesafetycover.This is retained by plastic lugson each side and canbe gentlypulledpulledfrom the enclosure.IMPORTANT: Prior todisconnecting any cables makea full note of the positions/ pinnumbers, polarity and cablemarkersofALLcablesbeingremovedThe cable pin outs areThe cable pin outs arenot shownin this document.Having noted the cable locations,disconnect all cables from theinverter.Static inverterwithin the RDUopened.Terminal protection coverfitted (left) and removed (right)Removaland replacementThe inverter is mechanically retainedinto the RDU chassis by 3 bolts asshown.Removed and retain these bolts (theyare required for refitting).The inverter can now be removedfrom the RDU.The replacement inverter can now beinstalled using the same mountingpoints and fasteners.ReconnectDODONOTreconnect PL4 (3phase supply to antenna motor).Reconnect allothercablesensuring thatthey are replaced using thepositions, polarity and/ ormarkernumbers noted when removing them earlier.The inverter will now need to be commissioned as shown on the following page.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 103 of 2405-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet3 of 6When a new inverter is switched ON for the first time, it must be configured as shown below BEFOREconnecting the three-phase output to the antenna motor (PL4 on the Radar Distribution Unit).Inverter operation overview
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 104 of 2405-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet4 of 6Inverter first time POWER ONDO NOT reconnect the three-phase connection (PL4 on the base of the RDU) to the antenna motor.Reconnect and switch ON the single and three-phase AC power to the RDU and switch the systemON.At first switch-ON the inverter initialises and the readout displays n50, which indicates 50Hz inputconditions will be set. If this does not occur, press.until n50 is displayed.Press ENTER. The inverter will set the relevant internal settings; the display will show HELLO thensettle at 0.0.Operator controls- Whilst programming, the Prg indicator will illuminate when the main menus are selected and Flashwhen the F.--- settings menu have been selected.- scroll down through a function menu.- Press /to scroll up through a function menu.- At any menu function press ENT to read the current setting then press the ./ buttons to changethe setting.- Press ENT to accept the new setting and return to function menu.- When the menu reaches F---, Press ENT to access F100 then .to scroll F101, F102 etc.- At any F--- function press Ent to read the current setting then press the ./ buttons to change thesetting.- To Exit the menus, press the MODE button until 0.0 is displayed.Inverter configurationWhen a replacement inverter is first switched on, the following parameters must be checked and set.Firstly press the MODE button to enter programming mode then select and configure the following:Custom Settings for TOSHIBA VF-S11 static InverterFunction Description Set to Available modesCN0d Command mode 00: Remote Control1: Inverter operation panelFN0d Frequency setting mode 50: Internal potentiometer setting1: VIA2: VIB3: Operation panel4: Serial communication5: External contact up/down6: VIA+VIB (Override)typ Standard setting mode(Input frequency) 10: -1: 50Hz default setting2: 60Hz default setting3: Standard default setting (initialisation)4: Trip record clear5: Cumulative operation time clear6: Initialization of type information7: Save user-defined parameters8: Call user-defined parameters9: Cumulative fan operation time record clear
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 105 of 2405-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet5 of 6Function Description Set to Available modesFR Forward / reverse 00: Forward run1: Reverse run2: Forward run (F/R switching possible)3: Reverse run (F/R switching possible)ACCAcceleration time2.00.0-3200dECDeceleration time10.00.0-3200FH Maximum frequency 50 30.0-500.0 (Hz) Set by TYPUL Upper limit frequency 50 0.5 - FH (Hz) Set by TYPLL Lower limit frequency 00.0 - UL (Hz)uLBase frequency (motor)5025-500.0 Set by TYPuLuBase frequency voltage 144050-660 (500/600V class) As requiredPt V/F Control mode selection 00: V/F constant1: Variable torque2: Automatic torque boost control3: Vector control4: Energy-saving5: Dynamic energy-saving (for fans and pumps)6: PM motor controlubTorque boost50.0-30.0tHr Motor thermal protection level34or80The power limit setting depends on the gearbox in use:Standard systems: Set to 34% (750W motor)Advanced systems: Set to 80% (1.5KW motor)0LNThermal protection level0Overload protection OFF, overload stall ONSr-1 Pre-set speed frequency 1 11 11Hz (10 RPM)Sr-2 Pre-set speed frequency 2 22 22Hz (20 RPM)Sr-3 Pre-set speed frequency 3 44 44Hz (40 RPM)Sr-4Pre-set speed frequency 40.00HzSr-5Pre-set speed frequency 50.00HzSr-6Pre-setspeed frequency60.00HzSr-7Pre-setspeed frequency70.00HzF--- Extended parameter ENT Press ENT to enter extended F--- menus.F109 Analogue / logic inputfunction select 2Contact inputF111Assigns F input (forward) for anexternal stop safety commandwhich overrides all software &manual control settings.2Trip stop command from external input device disabled.F170 Base frequency 2 50 25.0-500.0 Set by TYPF300PWM carrier frequency4.02.0 - 16.0F301 Auto restart 00: Disabled1: At auto-restart after momentary stop2: ST terminal on or off3: At auto-restart or when turning STCC on or off4: At start-upF302 Repetitive power ride-through 00: Disabled1: Automatic setting2: Slowdown stopF303 Retry selection (set for 5times at 1 second intervals) 50: Disabled1-10F417Motor rated speed2820 - Ybe 3.Cm rglcs fXgg\aZ3384 - Ybe 4.Cm rglcs fXgg\aZ2820or3384100-32000F607 Motor 150% overload timelimit 10 10 to 2400 secondsF634 Annual average ambient temp 331 to 40°C
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 106 of 2405-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet6 of 6Measuring the three phase outputThe three phase output of the inverter is a pulse width modulated (PWM) sine wave which cannot beaccurately measured using a standard DVM (Digital voltmeter).If measured the 440VAC output will actually measure approximately 220VAC +/-10% depending onthe multimeter being used.Completion of taskOn completion of the inverter commissioning, switch the system OFF and reconnect the three-phaseoutput to the antenna motor (PL4 on the base of the RDU).Switch the system ON and ensure that the inverter is operational and that the antenna is rotating.When operational, the inverter will have the following status:'The charge light will be ON'The Run indicator will be ON'The display will show 22Hz for 20RPM systems and 44Hz for 40 RPM systems.With the inverter ON and the antenna rotation and man aloft switches are in the FREE position theantenna should rotate.Remote control operationWhen the inverter and fan replacement is completed, ensure that the Local/ Remote switch on theRadar Distribution Unit (RDU) is in the Remote position.Ensure that the system can be remotely controlled and is fully operation.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 107 of 2409.6.2 5-year maintenance VF-nC35-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet1 of 6After 5-years of use, the VF-nC3 static inverter located within the Radar Distribution Unit must bechanged as over time, the electrolytic capacitors within the inverter can dry out.This maintenance procedure applies to Radar Distribution Units fitted with the inverter detailed below.Equipment detailsRadar Distribution Unit (RDU) Replacement InverterPart number SBS-A1- Part number 45-690-0066-001Serial number Serial numberToshiba VF-nC3With the exception of the user replaceablefan, the VF-nC3 inverter is a sealed unit thatcontains no field serviceable or repairableparts.The unit must never be dismantled orrepaired in the field.Toshiba VF-nC3 inverterRadar distribution unitInverterreplacement date(DD/ MM/ YYYY)Changed by Print: Sign:Tools required A general selection of flat and cross headed screwdrivers.Skill level Mechanical and electrical training including awareness of single and threephase AC supplies.Time Less than two hours depending on equipment location and accessibilityHealth and safetyWARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance and healthand safety sections of the system handbooks KH-1601-1 or KH-1601-2.Prior to carrying out planned maintenance, the system must be fully isolated anddisconnected from all single and 3-phase AC supplies. See system isolation in the plannedmaintenance section of the system handbook KH-1601-2.Warning: When powered lethal voltages are present on the terminals and within theinverter.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter9:Planned maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage108of2405-year maintenance:Changing the static inverter in the RDUInspection sheet2of6Single phase input inverter removal and replacementDisconnect the power:As noted in the health and safety warning, all AC sources must beFULLY isolatedanddisconnectedform the radar distribution unit prior to commencing this task.Disconnection:-Ensure the system isfullyisolated from all sources of power including UPS supplies-Disconnected from all power sources from the RDU-Disconnect PL4 (3-Phase outto antenna motor) from the base of the RDUDisconnect the inverterIMPORTANT:Prior todisconnectingany cables,make anote of thecablepositionsandcable numbers as these are NOTshown in this handbookThemainscrew terminalscan beaccessed byremoving the covers asshown.Noting the cable numbers andlocations, disconnect all cables to theinverter.VFVF-nC3 terminal positions (top and bottom)Terminal cover removalReplacement inverterKelvin Hughes spare part numberfor Toshiba VF-nC3:4545-690-0066001Caution:The use ofalternativesor unapproved sparesinvalidatesthe warranty status of the unit and can effect or inhibitsystem performance.Removaland replacementThe inverter is retained into the RDUchassis by 2 bolts as shown.Remove and retain these bolts.The inverter can be removed from theRDU.The replacement inverter can now beinstalled using the same mountingpoints and fasteners.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 109 of 2405-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet3 of 6Antenna motor connectionDO NOT CONNECT PL4PL4 is the 3-Phase output to antenna motor.The inverter must be configured BEFORE power is connected to the antenna.Reconnect all cables to the inverterReconnect all other cables ensuring that they are replaced in the correct positions, polarity and/ ormarker numbers as noted when removing them earlier.The inverter MUST now be commissioned as shown on the following pages.Inverter control overviewAfter replacing the inverter and prior to applying AC power to the RDU/ inverter, engineers mustfamiliarise themselves with the inverter operation as shown below:
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 110 of 2405-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet4 of 6A. First time POWER ONi. With PL/ SK 4 disconnected apply power to the RDU.ii. The inverter initialises and the display will show HELLO then settle at 0.0.B. Region Settingi. If the display is flashing SEt, then a region code has to be entered.ii. Rotate the wheel to ASIA and press wheel to set, (init will appear) display should now be 0.0.iii. If Set is not flashing it is necessary to restore the inverter back to the factory default setting priorto entering a new region code.iv. Ol_mm LNCD [h^ \s `iffiqcha nb_ aoc^[h]_ \_fiq m_n nsj ni 02-  @`n_l l_m_n+ m_n nb_ l_acih code to ASIA as detailed above.C. Custom SettingsThe Inverter parameters must then be changed as follows:i. Press MODE, AUH should appear, then rotate wheel to CnOd and press wheel to set parameteras shown in the following page. (Pressing the wheel after each setting should advance to nextfunction).ii. Rotate the wheel clockwise to scroll down through the function menu as listed below. Rotatingthe wheel counter clockwise will scroll up the menu.iii. At any function press the wheel to read the function setting. Rotatewheel to change setting.iv. Press the wheel to enter a new setting and return to function menu.v. To exit menus, press STOP button (4 times) until 0.0 is displayed
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 111 of 2405-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet5 of 6First time switch ON inverter configurationCustom Settings for TOSHIBA VFNC3 InverterFunction Description Set to OperationCN0d Command Mode 00 - GTX-A104 SKA control1 - Inverter operation panelFN0d Frequency Setting Mode 00 - GTX-A104 SKA control1 - Inverter operation panel2 - Inverter panel potentiometerFnSL Meter Selection Mode 0N/AFn Meter gain adjustment 0N/AFr Forward / Reverse 00 - Forward1 - ReverseACC Acceleration Time55 secondsdEC Deceleration Time1010 secondsFH Maximum Frequency 50 Hahil_; m_n \s nsjUL Upper Limit Frequency 50 Hahil_; m_n \s nsjLL Lower Limit Frequency 00HzuL Base Frequency, (Motor)50Hahil_; m_n \s nsjuLu Supply Voltage230Hahil_; m_n \s nsjPt V/F Control Mode Selection 0Voltage / Frequency constant3 - Sensor less Vector controlub Torque Boost 55% boosttHr Motor thermal protection level34or80The power limit setting depends on the gearboxin use:Standard systems: Set to 34% (750W motor)Advanced systems: Set to 80% (1.5KW motor)0LN Electronic Thermal ProtectionLevel 0Overload Protection OFFOverload Stall ONSr-1 Pre-set Speed Frequency 11111Hz (10RPM)Sr-2 Pre-set Speed Frequency 22222Hz (20RPM)Sr-3 Pre-set Speed Frequency 34444Hz (40RPM)Sr-4 Pre-set Speed Frequency 4 00HzSr-5 Pre-set Speed Frequency 5 00HzSr-6 Pre-set Speed Frequency 6 00HzSr-7 Pre-set Speed Frequency 700Hztyp Default parameters1__0or2__01 __0, sets FH, UL, uL & F170 to 50Hz2__0, sets FH, UL, uL & F170 to 60HzNote: SET 4 selects factory default settings of variousparameters including 50Hz operation suitable for Europeregion.SEt Region 3Set at initial power or at OEM factory to AsiaPSEL Registered Parameter display0Hahil_; m_n \s nsjF1-- Extended ParameterPresswheelF109 Analogue / Logic input functionselect 0Voltage signal input (0 - 10 V) for V1F127 Sink / Source input selection 0SinkF170 Base Frequency 50 Hahil_; m_n \s nsjF300 PWM Carrier Frequency 44kHzF301 Auto Restart0DisabledF302 Repetitive Power Ride-Through0DisabledF303 Retry Selection55 times at 1 second intervalsF417 Motor Rated Speed 28203384 2820 `il 4/Gt nsj m_nncha3384 `il 5/Gt nsj m_nnchaF607 Motor 150% overload time limit1010 to 2400 seconds
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 112 of 2405-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet6 of 6Measuring the three phase outputThe three phase output of the inverter is a pulse width modulated (PWM) sine wave which cannot beaccurately measured using a standard DVM (Digital voltmeter).If measured the 440VAC output will actually measure approximately 220VAC +/-10% depending onthe multimeter being used.Completion of taskOn completion of the inverter commissioning, switch the system OFF and reconnect the three-phaseoutput to the antenna motor (PL4 on the base of the RDU).Switch the system ON and ensure that the inverter is operational and that the antenna is rotating.When operational, the inverter will have the following status:'The charge light will be ON'The Run indicator will be ON'The display will show 22Hz for 20RPM systems and 44Hz for 40 RPM systems.With the inverter ON and the antenna rotation and man aloft switches are in the FREE position theantenna should rotate.Remote control operationWhen the inverter and fan replacement is completed, ensure that the Local/ Remote switch on theRadar Distribution Unit (RDU) is in the Remote position.Ensure that the system can be remotely controlled and is fully operation.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter9:Planned maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage113of2409.6.3Power Supply Fans5-year maintenance:Changing theRDU PSU fansInspection sheet1 of 1PSU fans:Regardless of the inverter fitted withinthe system, the two fans mounted onthepower supplyunitwithin the RDUhaveamanufacturers MTBF of 50Khours.Radar Distribution Unit Power SupplyRadar distribution unitFan fail:In the event of a failure,afan failurewarning isdisplayed onthe RDUfrontpanel, service display or command and display system. The power unitcontinues to operate when a fan fails; the faultyunit must bereplacedassoon as possible.Replacement:Thehesesefansmust bechangedevery5 years as part of aroutine maintenanceschedule.Procedure:The procedure for replacing the fan is detailed in section10.8.7.4page193.Fan replacementFan replacement partnumber:4545-690-0080003(Order x2 for replacement)Note: The replacement part is the fan only and does not contain the casework which must beremoved from theoldfan.Fan replacement date(DD/ MM/ YYYY)Changed by:Print:Sign:
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 114 of 2409.7 10-year maintenance: VF-S1510-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet1 of 6After 5-years of use, the VF-nC3 static inverter located within the Radar Distribution Unit must bechanged as over time, the electrolytic capacitors within the inverter can dry out.This maintenance procedure applies to Radar Distribution Units fitted with the inverter detailed below.Equipment detailsRadar Distribution Unit (RDU) Replacement InverterPart number SBS-A1- Part number 45-690-0084-002Serial number Serial numberToshiba VF-S15With the exception of the user replaceablefan, the inverter is a sealed unit that containsno field serviceable or repairable parts.The unit must never be dismantled orrepaired in the field. VF-S15 inverterRadar distribution unitInverterreplacement date (DD/ MM/ YYYY)Changed by Print: Sign:Tools required A general selection of flat and cross headed screwdrivers.Skill level Mechanical and electrical training including awareness of single and threephase AC supplies.Time Less than two hours depending on equipment location and accessibilityHealth and safetyWARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance and healthand safety sections of the system handbooks KH-1601-1 or KH-1601-2.Prior to carrying out planned maintenance, the system must be fully isolated anddisconnected from all single and 3-phase AC supplies. See system isolation in the plannedmaintenance section of the system handbook KH-1601-2.Warning: When powered lethal voltages are present on the terminals and within theinverter.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter9:Planned maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage115of2401010-year maintenance:Changing the static inverter in the RDUInspection sheet2of6Disconnect the power:All AC sourcesincluding UPS supported suppliesmust be FULLY isolatedand disconnectedfromthe Radar Distribution Unit prior to commencing thisor any maintenancetask.Disconnection:Ensurethe system is fully disconnected from allACpower sourcesDisconnect/ unplug PL4: This is the 3-phase supply to the antenna motor and is located on thebase of the Radar Distribution Unit.This must notbe reconnected until the replacement inverterhas been configuredThe main screw terminals protectedby a removablesafetycover.This isremoved by gently pushing a smallscrewdriver into the locking tab asshown.The 2ndndndlower protective tab can thenberemovedIMPORTANT: Prior todisconnecting any cables makea full note of the positions/ pinnumbers, polarity and cablemarkersofALLcablesbeingremovedThe cable pin outs areThe cable pin outs arenot shownin this document.Having noted the cable locations,disconnect all cables from theinverter.Upper terminal protection coverfitted (left) and removed (right)Lower terminal protection coverfitted (left) and removed (right)Removaland replacementThe inverter mounted onto a platethat is held in the RDU chassis by 4bolts.Removed and retain these boltsasthey are required for refitting.The inverter can now be removedfrom the RDU.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 116 of 24010-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet3 of 6The inverter is mounted onto a flat plate; this must be removed and fitted to the replacementinverter.The replacement inverter assembly can now be installed using the same mounting points andfasteners.ReconnectDO NOT reconnect PL4 (3-phase supply to antenna motor).Reconnect all other cables ensuring that they are replaced using the positions, polarity and/ ormarker numbers noted when removing them earlier.The inverter will now need to be commissioned as shown below.A.SwitchSettings: There are two switches withinthe inverter that need to beconfigured as follows.The switches are locatedbehind the access door on thefront of the unit.These switches MUST be setbefore power is applied to areplacement inverter andbefore any changes are madeto the inverter setup menus.SW1: Set to the middleposition.SW2 Set as shown.B. First time POWER ONSwitch ON the AC mains supply connected to PL3. The inverter will initialise and the readoutshould display n50. This indicates 50Hz input conditions will be set (if not, press.buttonuntil n50 is displayed).Press ENTER. The inverter will set the relevant internal settings; the display will showHELLO then settle at 0.0.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 117 of 24010-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet4 of 6C. Custom SettingsThe Inverter parameters must then be changed as follows:Press the MODE button.'Whilst programming, the Prog indicator is ON for main function path and Flashingfor F.---setting path.'Press.buttons to scroll down through the function menu as listed below. Pressing/button scrolls up the menu.'At any function press ENT to read the function setting. Press ./ buttons to changesetting.'Press ENT to enter new setting and return to function menu.'When the menu reaches F---, Press ENT to access F100 then .to scroll F101F102 to F990.'Pressing /scrolls F100, F990, F880 .. to F100.'At any F--- function press Ent to read function setting and ./buttons to changeSetting.'Press Ent to enter the new setting and return to the Function menu.'To exit menus, press MODE button until 0.0 is displayed.Custom Settings for TOSHIBA InverterFUNCTION DESCRIPTION SET OPERATIONCN0d Command Mode 0 0 pRemote Control1 - Inverter operation panelFN0d Frequency Setting Mode 50: Internal potentiometer setting1: VIA2: VIB3: Operation panel4: Serial communication5: External contact up/down6: VIA+VIB (Override)typ Standard Setting Mode(Input frequency)10: -1: 50Hz default setting2: 60Hz default setting3: Standard default setting(Initialization)4: Trip record clear5: Cumulative operation time clear6: Initialization of type information7: Save user-defined parameters8: Call user-defined parameters9: Cumulative fan operation timerecord clear
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 118 of 24010-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet5 of 6FR Forward / Reverse 00: Forward run1:Reverse run2: Forward run (F/R switchingpossible)3: Reverse run (F/R switchingpossible)ACC Acceleration Time2.00.0-3200dEC Deceleration Time 10.0 0.0-3200FH Maximum Frequency 50.0 30.0-500.0 (Hz) Set by TYPUL Upper Limit Frequency 50.0 0.5 - FH (Hz) Set by TYPLL Lower Limit Frequency0.00.0 - UL (Hz)uL Base Frequency, (Motor)50.025-500.0 Set by TYPuLu Base frequency voltage 144050-660 (500/600V class)As requiredPt V/F Control Mode Selection 00: V/F constant1: Variable torque2: Automatic torque boost control3: Vector control4: Energy-saving5: Dynamic energy-saving(for fans and pumps)6: PM motor controlub Torque Boost5.00.0-30.0tHr Motor Thermal ProtectionLevel34or80The power limit setting depends on thegearbox in use:Standard systems: Set to 34% (750Wmotor)Advanced systems: Set to 80% (1.5KWmotor)0LN Electronic Thermal ProtectionLevel 0Overload Protection OFFOverload Stall ONSr-1 pre-set Speed Frequency 1 11.0 11Hz (10 RPM)Sr-2 pre-set Speed Frequency 222.022Hz (20 RPM)Sr-3 pre-set Speed Frequency 344.044Hz (40 RPM)Sr-4 pre-set Speed Frequency 40.00HzSr-5 pre-set Speed Frequency 50.00HzSr-6 pre-set Speed Frequency 6 0.0 0HzSr-7 pre-set Speed Frequency 7 0.0 0HzF--- Extended Parameter ENTF109 Analogue / Logic input functionselect 2Contact InputF111Assigns F input (Forward) foran External Stop safetycommand which overrides allsoftware and manual controlsettings.2Trip stop command from external inputdevice disabled.F170 Base Frequency 2 50.0 25.0-500.0 Set by TYPF300 PWM Carrier Frequency 4.0 2.0 - 16.0F301 Auto Restart 00: Disabled1: At auto-restart after momentarystop2: ST terminal on or off3: At auto-restart or when turning STCCon or off4: At start-up
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 9: Planned maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 119 of 24010-year maintenance: Changing the static inverter in the RDU Inspection sheet6 of 6F302 Repetitive Power Ride-Through 00: Disabled1: Automatic setting2: Slowdown stopF303Retry Selection(set for 5 times at 1 secondintervals)50: Disabled1-10F417 Motor Rated Speed282033842820`il 4/Gt nsj m_nncha3384 `il 5/Gt nsj m_nnchaF607 Motor 150% overload time limit 10 10 ~2400 secondsF634 Annual Average AmbientTemperature 321 to 30°CMeasuring the three phase outputThe three phase output of the inverter is a pulse width modulated (PWM) sine wave which cannot beaccurately measured using a standard DVM (Digital voltmeter).If measured the 440VAC output will actually measure approximately 220VAC +/-10% depending onthe multimeter being used.Completion of taskOn completion of the inverter commissioning, switch the system OFF and reconnect the three-phaseoutput to the antenna motor (PL4 on the base of the RDU).Switch the system ON and ensure that the inverter is operational and that the antenna is rotating.When operational, the inverter will have the following status:'The charge light will be ON'The Run indicator will be ON'The display will show 22Hz for 20RPM systems and 44Hz for 40 RPM systems.With the inverter ON and the antenna rotation and man aloft switches are in the FREE position theantenna should rotate.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter9:Planned maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage120of2409.8Earth bonding maintenanceWhere an earth/ chassisbonding point has been found to be corroded or fails a conductivity test, thebonding joint should be dismantled, cleaned and reassembled as follows:Caution:Isolate the system before commencing this task.Under no circumstances should straps orequipment be disconnected from earth/ chassisbefore all power supplies areisolatedremoved atsource.Earth bonding cleaning procedure(Fully isolate the equipmentfrom the single and 3-phase AC powersuppliesincluding any UPSsupported supplies(Release the nuts/bolts securing the equipment/straps.(Clean the affected parts withawire brush or emery cloth to provide bright metal surfaces.(Refit the equipment/straps and tighten all nuts/bolts.(Carry out a continuity check in accordance withthe appropriate maintenanceprocedure(If the test is satisfactory, restore the equipment power supplies and test the system.Radar Distribution Unit(all variants)M6 grounding/ earth studGearbox(all variants)Grounding strapTransceiver enclosure(all variants)M6 grounding/ earth stud
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 121 of 24010 Corrective maintenanceThe following section details the corrective maintenance tasks that can be carried out on all standardSBS-900 systemsHealth & Safety notices: When carrying out any corrective or planned maintenance, the healthand safety notices shown in section 2 must be observed at all times.Fibre optic cables: Where fibre optic cables are removed as part of any maintenanceprocedure the protective dust caps must be fitted to prevent damageto the fibre optic terminals or dust ingress within the connector.10.1 General precautionsAntenna Rotation Safety Notice:When three-phase power is connected to the system and switched ON, the antenna mayrotate immediately regardless of the RUN command status.Use the antenna rotation keyswitch, man aloft safety switches or antenna control in thecommand and display system to stop antenna rotation in an emergency.WARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance and healthand safety sections of the system handbooks.AC supplies: Prior to carrying out any maintenance, the system must be fully isolated anddisconnected from all single and 3-phase AC supplies. This must include the full isolationof any UPS supported supplies to the equipment.Caution: The motor/ gearbox assembly must NEVER be dismantled as this would causesignificant loss of oil and damage to oil seals.Caution: When the gearbox and antenna have been operating in strong sunlight orelevated temperatures, the gearbox casing and antenna surfaces will be extremely hot.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 122 of 24010.2 Standard systems overview10.2.1 Power connectionsAC/ DCpower: RDU: Two sources of UPS supported single phase AC and a separatethree phase supply are connected to the RDU.Internal breakers and contactors control the AC voltages to the restof the system.An internal power supply generates all the DC rails required by theRDU.TransceiverEnclosure Single or dual (system dependent) sources of AC power areconnected from the RDU and are internally protected and switchedby the use of breakers.Internal power supplies generate all the DC rails required by thetransceiver enclosure.A separate DC rail is provided to power the ACP/ ARP encoder in theantenna sub-system.Antenna sub-system The antenna motor is driven by the three phase output of the RDU(see below).A DC rail from the transceiver Enclosure is used to power the ACP/ARP encoder.Three phase measurement: The three phase output of the inverter is a pulse width modulated(PWM) sine wave which cannot be accurately measured using astandard DVM (Digital voltmeter).If measured the 440VAC output will actually measure approximately220VAC +/-10% depending on the multimeter being used.10.2.2 Over current protection devicesKelvin Hughes gearboxes: There are no fuses or breakers located within the gearbox for the ACsupplies to the Kelvin Hughes gearbox.The safety mechanisms within the Radar Distribution unit andtransceivers which include the Man Aloft Switch and AntennaRotation keyswitch should be used to isolate the system.See section 9.3 page 87 onwards for full details.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 123 of 24010.2.3 Service door removalService Door removal: The service door on the turning mechanism must be opened to gain accessto the electrical terminations for the ACP and ARP signals and for connectingthe flexwell in S-Band systems (X-band systems connect externally).Opening the service access door is not required for any other reason.Caution: The service access door is heavy, care should beexercised when removing and handling the door.The door removal process is identical for both X and S-band systemsSafety clips: There are two safety P-clips that must beremoved to detach the door.These clips MUST be re-attached whenreplacing the service door.Safety lanyard:Door bolts:To prevent a drop hazard, the door is fitted with an internally mounted safetylanyard. If required this lanyard can be unclipped and the door carefullylowered to a safe position.There are nine M8/ 13mm bolts restraining the door. Care should be takenwhen removing these bolts are they are NOT captive.Release points: The door is mounted on two locatinglugs. It may be necessary to gentlyleaver the door open using the twodoor release points marked on thedoor.Care should be taken to ensure thepaint is not damaged whilst removingthe door.Replacement: Prior to replacing the door, the following should be checked:- The system is fully isolated from all sources of AC power- Ensure the door is correctly located on the mounting lugs and that therestrain clips have been replaced.- Pay attention to the safety lanyard as this can easily become trapped inthe door when being closed.- Tighten all bolts on the main door, the 3-phase motor cover and cableglands ensuring a full waterproof seal is achieved.- To prevent corrosion, any chipped or damaged surfaces must be paintedwith polyurethane paint.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 124 of 24010.2.4 Antenna removalThe Low Profile Antenna will need to be removed and temporarily stored for some maintenance tasks.The lifting procedures are listed below.Where an antenna is to lifted, all safety and lifting requirements noted in below must be read,understood and fully observed.WARNING:Antennas are heavy items and must be lifted using suitable liftingequipment, a secured block and tackle or by rope strops.CAUTION: During removal and installation, the antenna must be secured and supportedat all times to prevent any risk of falling or slipping.Antennas must never be left unsupported on the swing casting.'All health and safety requirements must be checked and observed at all times when lifting anyequipment. All appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must be worn.'Where special equipment such as cranes hoists and jigs is required, consideration must be givento the authority to use such equipment.'During lifting, a safety zone shall be established beneath the lifting area around any cranes orplatforms. Safety personnel must ensure that persons do not encroach on the area of work.'Consult with the lifting operator to obtain the best and safest method of securing lifting strops orropes to the equipment and advise lifting operators of the areas of a system that are susceptible to^[g[a_ mo]b [m [hn_hh[ `[m]c[m+ mqcha ][mncham _n]-'Check that the centre of gravity of the equipment cannot cause the lifting strops or ropes to slip ormove.'All straps, lifting cables or ropes must be thoroughly checked to ensure that there is no risk of theunit slipping or falling from the lifting strap or lifting equipment.'If lifting a transmitter/ gearbox with the antenna pre-assembled, the lifting equipment, ropes orstraps must not place any pressure on any part of the antenna or the swing casting.'Kelvin Hughes cannot be held responsible for any damage that occurs to supplied or 3rd partyequipment as a result of incorrect lifting procedures or handling or equipment.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage125of240X-bandAntennaremovalIn addition to the normal tools required forinstallation andservice work, an8.0mm hexkey will be required toremove andinstall theX-bandLPASupport the antennaEnsure the antenna is fully supported ready to be lifted.Antenna weight:LPAA37-xxxx 3.7m low profile antenna: 20KgLPAA55-xxxx 5.5m low profile antenna: 30KgS band antenna shown for illustrationpurposesRelease forward boltsOn both arms of the swingcasting,removeand retainthe 4 boltsand washersindicated.Retain these bolts andwashers as they will bewashers as they will berequired when reinstallingthe antenna.S band antenna shown for illustrationpurposesDisconnect the 4 x 4BA bolts that connect the antennawaveguide to the rotating joint.waveguide to the rotating joint.5 CK MTC?LBPCR?GLRFCe2 fPGLEDPMK RFCAMLLCARGML?QRFGQwill be required for refitting.will be required for refitting.Loosen final bolts andremove antennaObserving all safety requirementsandensuring theantenna isfullysupported and ready for lifting,remove and retain the bolts and washers that hold the antenna onto the swing casting.Retain these bolts and washers as they are requiredfor reinstallation of the antenna.The antenna is now looseand is ready to belifted.The antenna should be carefully stored ensuring that the waveguide is not crushed, bent ordamaged. The antenna must never be handled by the waveguide.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 126 of 240S-band Antenna removalCaution: All safety precautions regarding the lifting and handling of antennas noted in this sectionmust be read, fully understood and observed.The Kelvin Hughes LPA-A3 and LPA-A3-BAAA S-band low profile antennas are supplied with a set oflifting straps which must be used for lifting the antenna. These straps are individually marked with the[hn_hh[m m_lc[f hog\_l [h^ gomn \_ retained with the equipment for possible future maintenancework.Prior to use, the straps must be fully checked for any signs cuts, abrasions and signs of chemicaldamage. If there is any evidence of damage the lifting straps must not be used and should bereplaced.Replacement lifting strap can be order from kelvin Hughes by quoting part number LPA-1052 (tworequired) and the serial number of the antenna.Caution: Lifting straps maximum weightThe lifting straps supplied with S-band low profile antennas have a maximum weight limit of 200Kg.They must only be used for lifting the LPAqA3 or LPA-A3-BAAA antennas and are not designed forlifting of any other equipment.Tools: In addition to the normal tools required for installation and service work thefollowing tools will be required to remove and re-install the S-band LPA onto thetransceiver/ gearbox.1.5mm and 8.0mm hex/ Allen key10mm socket set (recommended)±1 °CL AS S H1 3CL AS S 6 gC LAS S 6 HBS 36 43SMITHS INDUSTRIES PUBLIC LI MITED COMPANY. IT ISTO BE TREATED AS CONFIDE NTIALC KELVIN HUGHESLIMITEDTHE PREVI OUS CONS ENT OF KELVIN HUGH ESLTD.TO WHOM IT MUST B ERETURNE DANDMA YNOT BEREPRODUCED ORUSED ORDISCLOSEDTO THI RD PARTIESWI THOUTTHIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF K ELV IN HUGHES LTD. A SUBSIDIARY OFANG UL ARNO DECIM A L P L AC E ± 1.0ONE DECIMA L P L ACE ± 0.5TW OD ECIM AL P LAC E S ±0.15DIM ENS IO NA LTO BS 4 50 0HOL ESEX TE R NALINTERNA LCOAR S E PITCHSCREW TH READ SDRAWING PRACT ICE TO BS 308PROJECTIONTHIRD ANGLESIG.DATEISSISS D ATEUSED ONDRAWNCODE NoFINISHMATERIALTITLEM/C SCALECODE No.SIMILAR TOISS SIG.NRDDR04581NRD2004LPA-1097NTSLPA RECOMMENDEDLIFTING TECHNIQUELPA-1097SHEET 1 OF 1 A3DO NOT SCALENOTES1.ANTENNA WEIGHT = 70 Kg2.ENSURE LIFTING STRAPS CAN NOT FREERUN THRO' LIFTING HOOK.3.ENSURE THAT LIFTING STRAP CAN NOTRUN FREE THRO' LIFTING STRAPS LPA-1052SEE NOTE 2LPA-1052SEE NOTE 3IN 2 POS'NS
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage127of240Support the antennaEnsure the antenna is fully supported ready to be lifted.The LPA-1052 lifting supportsoriginallysupplied withthe antenna MUST BE USED.Arrayweight: 70KgRelease forward boltsOn both arms of the swingcasting,removeand retainthe 4 boltsandwashersindicated.Retain these bolts andwashers as they arewashers as they arerequired when reinstallingthe antenna.Release waveguide couplingRemove the three bolts that hold the waveguidecoupling together.Separate the waveguide and remove the coupling bullet?LBe2 fPGLE$LCU@SJJCR?LBe2 fPGLE?PCQSNNJGCB?QN?PRMDRFCinstallationkit.When removing the bolts that retain the array to theQUGLEA?QRGLERUM@MJRQFMJCQ?PCeQJMRRCBf?JJMUGLERFCarray to be moved. This canbe ofassistance whenremovingthe RF bullet in the waveguide coupling.CAUTION: The arraymust be supportedat alltimeswhen removing any bolts and especially if the twowhen removing any bolts and especially if the twoslotted guides are the only fasteners retaining the arrayto the swing casting.Waveguide coupling showing9 LCC<K8 E;V- WI@E>Example of swing castingLoosen final bolts and remove antennaObserving all safety requirementsandensuring theantenna isfullysupported and is ready forlifting, remove and retain the 10 bolts and washers that hold the antenna onto the swing casting.Retain these bolts andwashers as they are required for reinstallation of the antenna.The antenna is now looseand is ready to belifted.The antenna should be carefully stored ensuring that the waveguide is not crushed, bent ordamaged. The antenna must never be handled bythe waveguide.RotatingJointFlexwell toantenna
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage128of24010.3Standard Xband10.3.1AntennaThe corrective maintenancefor the standardLPA-A37 and LPA-A55Low Profile Antennas isrestricted to keeping them clean and inspectingfor damage.SeePlanned MaintenanceAnnual Maintenancefor cleaning and inspection details.StandardDTXTXA3A3-AXZX gearbox fitted with an LPA-A55 AAAA10.3.2GearboxTheDTX-A3A3-AXZX and DTX-A3A3-BXZX gearbox housingisa cast enclosurewithaservicecoverthat allows access to theazimuth/ heading line (ACP/ARP) encoder and it connections.There are no other electronic assemblies within the gearbox casing.TheX Band gearboxcomprisesofthe followingsub-assemblies10.3.3Spares listingX Bandsystem descriptionPart numberCasing colourSignal whiteCasing colourSilver GreyComplete assemblyDTX-A3A3-AXZXDTX-A3A3-BXZXAntenna motor / gearbox assembly5555-100-0273001DTX-A186Motor coupling gasket5555-100-02730035555-100-0273003RF rotaryJointRotating joint gasketDTX-A183GTX-A1246DTX-A1836464GTX-A1246Service access door seal5555-100-0311001Azimuth/ heading line quadrature encoderGTX-A188Door seal5555-100-0311001Tools:In addition to the normal tools required for service andmaintenance work, thefollowing tools will be required:M8/ 13mmspanner:Used for the removal of the transceiver service door.1.5mm hex/ Allen key: Grub screws retaining azimuth encoder.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 129 of 24010.3.4 Internal layout
10.3.5 ACP/ARP encoderGTX-A188 Optical quadrature azimuth and headingline encoderThe sealed ACP/ ARP encoder is situated inside the gearbox housing and is located around therotating joint shaft. It outputs 1024 pulses (two azimuth streams 90deg phase shifted and two inverseazimuths) per revolution.The encoder also outputs a heading line pulse and an inverse heading line pulse for each revolutionof the antenna. The azimuth, heading line output signals and DC power input are connected to TB1which is internally located in the base of the gearbox.The encoder is supplied with +15V DC supply from the transceiver enclosure.The Quadrature ACP comprises of two 90° phase shifted square wave pulse trains ACP1 & ACP2whose frequency is dependent on antenna rotation rate.- 1024 ACP pulses are required per 360° antenna rotation from each pulse train.- ACP2 lags ACP1 by 90° for an antenna rotating clockwise when viewed from above.-The output pulses have an amplitude of +15V.Each rising or falling edge is decoded from these two pulse trains to provide 4096 ACPs per antennarevolution.The ARP pulse width is required to be equal to at least one 4096 decoded period but does not have tohave any specific timing in relation to ACPs i.e. it can be asynchronous w.r.t ACPs.Polarity : PositiveStabilisation : RelativeFormat :1024 bi-phase quadratureACP & ARPRatio : 1:1 with scanner rotationAmplitude : 5V to 15V differentialImpedance 9 Hhni 0e|')$8 # %$&(*.-%*+-&-3/61 63427Note: The azimuth encoder is a sealed unit and contains no field serviceable or repairable parts.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage131of240EncoderremovalTheazimuth encodercan be removedas follows:a)a)Fully isolate theentire system from allsources of AC powerb)b)Unplug theazimuthencoder flying lead fromthe housing cable form (located in the top ofthe housing).c)c)Noting the position and order of washers,unscrew, remove and retainthetwo pillars(A)that hole mounting bracketfrom the baseofthe rotating joint.d)d)Slacken the two M3 (1.5mm hex key) grubscrews securing the azimuth encoder to thegearbox and carefully remove the azimuthencoder, ensuring the cable is not damaged.Example of GTXTXA188Noting the position and order of washers, unscrew, remove and retainthefourcross head bolts(B)that retain the supporting bracket to the encoder.Encoder replacementTo replace the azimuth encoder, reverse the removal procedure shown above.The encoder must never be hammered into position.Using a hammer to fit the encoder can damage thedevice.Heading Marker NoteThere is no heading orientation mark on the encoder. When a replacementencoder is fitted the heading line must be configured/ adjusted in thesetupmenu of the radardistribution unit.GTXA188 encoder and waveguideDetail of encoder mountingDTXA3A3-AXZX & DTX A3A3-BXZXPower & signalconnectionGTXTXA188encoderAB
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage132of24010.3.6RF rotary jointTheRFRF•Qi- MfMPPMR?PWHoint is the mechanism by which the RFfrom the waveguide iscoupled to the rotating antenna waveguide.The joint is secured to the centre of theswing castingand connectsto the waveguide on theunderside of the antenna.Time:The removal and replacement of therotating jointcan take between4 to5hours tocomplete depending on accessibilityand availability of lifting equipment.There are a number of tasks involved in the removal and replacement of the rotating joint:a)a)Removal of the antennab)b)Removal of the RF coupling and azimuth encoder from within thegearboxhousingc)c)Removal and replacement of the rotating jointd)d)ReRe-assembly of the RF coupling and azimuth encodere)e)ReRe-installation of the antennaSpares requiredCasing colourSignal whiteCasing colourSilver GreyReplacement rotating jointRotating joint gasketDTX-A183GTX-A1246DTX-A1836464GTX-A1246Antenna removalSee section10.3.1for the precautions and instructions on removing the antenna.RF coupling and encoder removalCoupling:Within the gearbox enclosure, disconnect the base of the Ro-Jo from the innerwaveguide assembly.Ensure the inner waveguide is suitably supported to prevent any stress on retainingfasteners.Encoder:Prior to removing the rotating joint, it is necessary to remove the azimuth encoderfrom the inside of the gearbox housing.Full details can be found in section10.3.5page130.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage133of240Rotating joint removalWith the antenna, internal waveguide and azimuth encoder removed, the rotating joint can now beremoved.Noting their positions, removeand retainthe 6 x M12 bolts and washers shown below:The entire rotating joint can now be gently removed from the transceiver housing.Remove and discard the gasket which MUST NOT berere-used. A replacement gasket ordered withthe rotating joint (GTX-A1246) must be used when the new Ro-Jo is assembled.This completes the removal process.ReplacementRotating jointTo replace the rotating joint, reverse the above procedureusing thenew GTX-A1246 replacementgasket.Waveguide coupling& azimuth encoderReverse the removal process.AntennaReverse the removal procedure detailed in the above section.-Tighten and torque load the 12 antenna retaining bolts to 56 Nm andapplyLoctite 222 on their threads during assembly.-Waterproof the waveguide joint by sealing with a layer of greasedNJ?QRGAAMK NMSLBQSAF?Q+ CLJCWfQAMK NMSLBMP' CLQMTape.-After installation, the antenna should be checked to ensure that itcan freely rotate without obstruction.6 x M12 boltsand washersDO NOTREMOVEthe 6 largerbolts
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage134of24010.4Standard dualX & S-band10.4.1AntennaThe corrective maintenancefor the standardLPA-A455 Low Profile Antennas is restricted tocleaning and inspecting for damage.SeePlanned MaintenanceAnnual Maintenancefor cleaning and inspection details.StandardDTXA19fitted with an LPA-A45510.4.2GearboxTheDTX-A19andDTX-A19BAAA gearbox housingisa cast enclosure withaservicecoverthat allows access to theazimuth/ heading line (ACP/ ARP)encoder and it connections and the Sband flexwell connection.There are no other electronic assemblies within the gearbox casing.Thegearboxcomprisesofthe followingsub-assembliesX Band system descriptionPart numberCasing colourSignalwhiteCasing colourSilver GreyComplete assemblyDTX-A19DTX-A19-BAAAAntenna motor / gearbox assemblyTBCTBCMotor coupling gasketTBCTBCRF rotary JointRotating joint gasketTBCTBCService access door seal5555-100-0311001Azimuth/ heading linequadrature encoderTBCMaintenance detailsSection under constructionPlease consult Kelvin Hughes for maintenance procedures for thefollowing equipment:DTX-A19 gearbox(all variants)LPA-A455antenna (all variants)Contact details can be found insection 12 of this handbook.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 135 of 24010.5 Standard S-band10.5.1AntennaThe corrective maintenance for the standardLPA-A3 and LPA-A3-BAAA Low Profile Antennasis restricted to cleaning and inspecting fordamage.See Planned Maintenance/Annual Maintenancefor cleaning and inspection details. Standard GTX-A11 fitted with an LPA-A310.5.2 GearboxThe GTX-A11 and GTX-A11-BAAA gearbox housing is a cast enclosurewith a service cover that allows access to the azimuth/ heading line (ACP/ARP) encoder and it connections and the S-band flexwell connection.There are no other electronic assemblies within the gearbox casing.The gearbox comprises of the following sub-assemblies:10.5.3Spares listingX Band system description Part numberCasing colourSignal whiteCasing colourSilver GreyComplete assembly GTX-A11 GTX-A11-BAAAAntenna motor / gearbox assembly TBC TBCMotor coupling gasket TBC TBCRF rotary JointRotating joint gasket TBC TBCService access door seal 55-100-0311-001Azimuth/ heading line quadrature encoder TBCDoor seal 55-100-0311-001
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 136 of 24010.5.4 ACP/ARP encoderGTX-A188 Optical quadrature azimuth and headingline encoderThe sealed ACP/ ARP encoder is situated inside the gearbox housing and is located around therotating joint shaft. It outputs 1024 pulses (two azimuth streams 90deg phase shifted and two inverseazimuths) per revolution.The encoder also outputs a heading line pulse and an inverse heading line pulse for each revolutionof the antenna. The azimuth, heading line output signals and DC power input are connected to TB1which is internally located in the base of the gearbox.The encoder is supplied with +15V DC supply from the transceiver enclosure.The Quadrature ACP comprises of two 90° phase shifted square wave pulse trains ACP1 & ACP2whose frequency is dependent on antenna rotation rate.- 1024 ACP pulses are required per 360° antenna rotation from each pulse train.- ACP2 lags ACP1 by 90° for an antenna rotating clockwise when viewed from above.-The output pulses have an amplitude of +15V.Each rising or falling edge is decoded from these two pulse trains to provide 4096 ACPs per antennarevolution.The ARP pulse width is required to be equal to at least one 4096 decoded period but does not have tohave any specific timing in relation to ACPs i.e. it can be asynchronous w.r.t ACPs.Polarity : PositiveStabilisation : RelativeFormat :1024 bi-phase quadratureACP & ARPRatio : 1:1 with scanner rotationAmplitude : 5V to 15V differentialImpedance 9 Hhni 0e|')$8 # %$&(*.-%*+-&-3/61 63427Note: The azimuth encoder is a sealed unit and contains no field serviceable or repairable parts.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage137of240Encoder removalTheazimuth encodercan be removedas follows:e)e)Fully isolate the entire system from allsources of AC power.f)f)Unplug theazimuthencoder flyinglead fromthe housing cable form (located in the top ofthe housing).g)g)Noting the position and order of washers,unscrew, remove and retainthetwo pillars(A)that hole mounting bracketfrom the baseofthe rotating joint.h)h)Slacken the two M3 (1.5mm hex key) grubscrews securing the azimuth encoder to thegearbox and carefully remove the azimuthencoder, ensuring the cable is not damaged.Example of GTXTXA188Noting the position and order of washers, unscrew, remove and retainthefourcross head bolts(B)that retain the supporting bracket to the encoder.Encoder replacementTo replace the azimuth encoder, reverse the removal procedure shown above.The encoder must never be hammered into position.Using a hammer to fit the encoder can damage the device.Heading Marker NoteThere is no heading orientation mark on the encoder.When a replacementencoder is fitted the heading line must be configured/ adjusted in thesetupmenu of the radardistribution unit.Power & signalconnectionGTXTXA188encoderAB
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage138of24010.5.5RF rotary jointTheRFRF•Qi- MfMPPMR?PWHoint is the mechanism by which the RFfromthe transceiver waveguide iscoupled to the rotating antenna waveguide.The joint is secured to the centre of the casting swing castingandconnects to the waveguide on theunderside of the antenna.Time:The removal and replacement of therotating jointcantake between4 to5 hours to complete depending onaccessibilityand availability of lifting equipment.Example of rotating joint withyellow transit caps fittedThere are a number of tasks involved in the removal and replacementof the rotating joint:f)f)Removal of the antennag)g)Removal of the RF coupling and azimuth encoder from within the transceiver housingh)h)Removal and replacement of the rotating jointi)i)ReRe-assembly of the RF coupling and azimuth encoderj)j)ReRe-installation of the antennanaSpares requiredCasing colourSignal whiteCasing colourSilver GreyReplacement rotating jointGTX-A1502-SNoteNoteGTX-A1502-BAAASNoteNoteNote:The Rotating jointis delivered in kit formcontainingthe ro-jo, areplacementgasket and coupling bullet.Antenna removalSee section10.2.4for the precautions and instructions on removing the antenna.RF coupling and encoder removalCoupling:Within the gearbox enclosure, disconnect the base of the Ro-Jo from the innerwaveguide assembly.Ensure the inner waveguide is suitably supported to prevent any stress on retainingfasteners.Encoder:Prior to removing the rotating joint, it is necessary to remove the azimuth encoderfrom the inside of the gearbox housing.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage139of240Rotating joint removalWith the antenna, internal RF coupling and azimuth encoder removed, the rotating joint can now beremoved.Noting their positions and thread depths, removeand retainthe bolts and washers shown below:Take four of the M6 x 20mm bolts andrefit them into the holes used by the M6 x 6mm boltsWhen loosened,the entire rotating joint can be gently removed from the housing.Remove and discard the gasket which MUST NOT be reused. A replacement can be found inthespares kit.This completes the removal process.4 offM6 x 6mmbolts with nowashers6 offM6 x 20mmbolts withwashersDO NOTREMOVEthe 6 largerboltsThe holes that contained thefour M6 x 6mm bolts arethreaded.Place four M6 x 20mm bolts intothese threaded holes and gentlytighteneach of the bolts in turn,this will push the rotating jointout of the housing.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 140 of 240ReplacementRotating joint To replace the rotating joint, reverse the above procedure using the replacementgasket+ \off_n [h^ N lcha `ioh^ ch nb_ mj[l_m ecn-RF coupling& azimuthencoder Reverse the removal process shown in section 10.5.4 pages 136 onwards.AntennaReverse the removal procedure detailed in the above section.-Dhmol_ nb_ l_jf[]_g_hn \off_n [h^ N lcha [l_ ]ill_]nfs chmn[ff_^ ch nb_ waveguide junction between the ro-jo and the antenna waveguide.To avoid SharpEyeTM SWR errors at start up, ensure that ALL connectors arecorrect and secure. Pay particular attention to the coupling bullets, Ro-Jo toFlexi Waveguide & Co-Ax Adaptor.- Tighten and torque load the 12 antenna retaining bolts to 56 Nm and applyLoctite 222 on their threads during assembly.- Waterproof the waveguide joint by sealing with a layer of greased plastic]igjioh^ mo]b [m G_hf_sm ]igjioh^ il C_hmi-Tape.- After installation, the antenna should be checked to ensure that it can freelyrotate without obstruction.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 141 of 24010.6 Advanced antenna sub systemsEnhanced ATU and antennas: The correctivemaintenance procedures for the advancedST1-F10/ 20 Antenna Turning Unit (ATU) andrange of antennas are not detailed in thissection. ST1-F20 Antenna Turning Unit & antennaPlease refer to the installation and maintenance handbook supplied with the equipment for full detailson corrective maintenance.Spares: Where required, only Kelvin Hughes approved spares must be used. The useof unapproved spares can invalidate the warranty status of the unit or lead toa failure of the system.Adverse weather: It is strongly recommended that the gearbox inspections noted in section 9.4are carried out at the earliest safe opportunity after the system has beenexposed to severe or adverse weather conditions.Health & safety: All safety warnings for the system noted in section 2 must be observed at alltimes when inspecting and maintaining any part of the SBS system or itsassociated sub systems.System isolation: Please refer to section 9.3 page 87 for details on isolating the system from allsources of AC power.WARNINGLethal voltages are present within the equipment.All maintenance procedures must be carried out with all relevant power sources switchedOFF, fully isolated and disconnected.Caution: When the system has been operating in strong sunlight or elevatedtemperatures, gearbox casings and antenna surfaces will be extremely hot.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 142 of 24010.7 Transceiver enclosure10.7.1 Safety noticesANTENNA ROTATION SAFETY NOTICE:When three-phase power is connected to the system and switched ON, the antenna mayrotate immediately regardless of the RUN command status.Use the Antenna Rotation keyswitch, Man Aloft safety switches or antenna control in thecommand and display system to stop antenna rotation in an emergency.WARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance andhealth and safety sections of the system handbooks.AC supplies: Prior to carrying out any maintenance, the system must be fully isolatedand disconnected from the single and 3-phase AC supplies. This must include the fullisolation of any UPS supplies connected to the system.10.7.2 System Part numberingA number of options can be specified for the DTX-A7-* SBS-900 transceiver enclosure.Currently, these options can be factory fitted or retro fitted in the field.In order that the equipment can be ordered correctly, built & identified and supported in thefuture with any valid number of options, the equipment part number is to be suffixed by a 6-digit option number as below when an option is fitted:The option code contains a digit for each available option, where:'0= Indicates the option is not required, not fitted or not available.'1= Indicates the option is required or fitted.'n= Indicates the particular type of option is required or fitted.DTX-A7-*- 0 = Not fitted Notallocated.Reserved forfuture useNotallocated.Reserved forfuture useNotallocated.Reserved forfuture useNotallocated.Reserved forfuture use0 = NotapplicableSBS-900FAN KIT ,SBS-A179ProjectSpecificOption,(see below)Example: DTX-A7-3-200000 is an SBS900-3 Transceiver Enclosure with two optionalfan kits fitted (dual transceiver).
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage143of24010.7.3AC Input& breakersSingle Phase AC supply:Depending on the system, the transceiver enclosure receivesone ortwo sources ofsinglephaseACsupply fromthe Radar Distributionunit.ACMains input AACMains input A & BSBS-900-1DTX-A7A7-1SBS-900-3DTX-A7A7-3SBS-900-2DTX-A7A7-2SBS-900-4DTX-A7A7-4SBS-900-51DTX-A7A7-5151The AC input terminates onRHRH-TB1(righthand side)The AC input terminates onLHLH-TB1(left hand side)10.7.4OverviewDTXA7A7dualtransceiverenclosureshown with doorsand front coverremoved for claritySBSA126Control &BITE PCATB1/ MCB1LH ACConnection& breakerTx A6F?PN( WC\ processorDTXA295QuadratureBuffer PCAWaveguideto antennaTBTB1 / MCB2RHACconnection &breakerCable entriesPowersupply unitfor Tx APowersupply unitfor Tx BTx B6F?PN( WC\ processorService ACsocket(50W max)Waveguideswitch (dualsystemsonly)
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SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 147 of 24010.7.6 Power unit assemblyAC-DC power supply unitPart number SBS-A146The AC-DC power supply unit is a single assembly that provides the DCoutputs required by the transceiver enclosure.The PSU assembly consists of a mains rectification unit and a number of DC/DC converters mounted onto a chassis.WARNING: Lethal AC and DC voltages of up to 450VDC are present within the SBS-A146 assembly. Ensure the system is fully isolated prior to disconnecting the unit.AC supplies: Prior to carrying out any maintenance, the system must be fully isolatedand disconnected from all single and 3-phase AC supplies. See system isolation in theplanned maintenance section of the system handbook.UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply): Where connected, ensure that UPS supplies tothe RDU are fully isolated prior to carrying out any maintenance task on the system.Location: Depending on the system there will be one or two power units in the chassis.Single transceiver systems: One PSU located in the left hand side of theenclosure.Dual transceiver systems: Two power supplies one on the left and anotheron the right hand side of the enclosure. Spares & repairsThe repair of the SBS-A146 is limited to unit replacement only.- The power supply assembly contains no field serviceable or user adjustable parts.- The unit must NOT be dismantled in the field as specialist equipment is required for testing theelectrical safety barriers.- Circuit diagrams and sub assembly spares for the power unit assembly are not available. Output checksWith the system switched ON, the voltages for the Transceiver Enclosure power supply canbe check using the menus on the RDU.From the RDU front panel select Status then Enclosure.In the Enclosure menu, thefollowing power supply rails can be checked:PSU A PSU B Internal suppliesPSU Tx A 3.3V PSU Tx A 3.3V PSU INT +15VPSU Tx A 15V PSU Tx A 15V PSU INT +5.0VPSU Tx A 13V PSU Tx A 13V
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage148of24010.7.6.3Removal & ReplacementDisconnection:Ensure that the system is fully isolated from allACpower sources.Remove the safety cover from the assembly; thiscoveris retained by fournuts and washers(circled below)which will be required for refitting.Carefully note the position and cable numbers of the input and output cablesindicated below.CAUTION:The cable numbers are not detailed in this handbook.SBSA-146 power supply assembly shown with safety cover removedRemoval:The SBS-A146 assembly is retained into the enclosure by 6 nuts andwashers(circledabove).Remove and retain these fasteners as they will be required for refitting.The SBS-A146 assembly can now be removed from the enclosureReplacement:To replace the power supply, reverse the above removal process.+15VDCoutAC mainsinput+3.3VDCout
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 149 of 24010.7.7 DTX-A295 quadrature buffer PCBThe DTX-A295 converts pulsed 90:1 or 180:1 Azimuth and HL inputs into 4096 Quadrature differentialsignals. The board uses a small processor to multiply the incoming Azimuth pulses in accordance withthe rate of turn detected.Inputs are opto-coupled for signal integrity and isolation purposes.The PCA is powered by the power supply located within the transceiver enclosure and can operatefrom an input of between +12V to 24VDC. The PCA generates all required DC rails from the inputvoltage with all rails being isolated (including GND) from the input supply. PCB layout and connector detailsPL1PL2PL1-1ACP1PL2-1+12VPL1-2nACP1PL2-2ACP1PL1-3ACP2PL2-3nACP1PL1-4nACP2PL2-4ACP2PL1-5ARPPL2-5nACP2PL1-6nARPPL2-6ARPPL2-7nARPPL2-8GND/ 0V10.7.7.2 LEDsD1 (Green): Processor statusProcessor running (Normal) Flashing at 1Hz(0.5 sec ON and OFF)No heading line LED ON for 2 secondsNo azimuth LED OFF for 2 secondsExample: If the AZ OK but there is no HL then the LED will be ON for 2 seconds, OFF for0.5 second, ON for 2 seconds etc.D4 (Green): DC presentDC power ON ONNo DC power to PCBOFFPL1:ACP &ARPINPL2:ACP &ARPOUTPL3ProgrammingDownload leadSW1 & SW2Not used innormal servicePL4Not used innormal serviceD1D4
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 150 of 24010.7.7.3 Links and switchesLinks Factory default position Optional settings1, 2 & 3 A positionDirect buffer mode B positionProcessor mode4OpenTest mode disabled MadeEnables test mode (factory use only)5,6 & 7 OpenSignal input filter disabled MadeSignal input filter enabled8,9 &10 OpenLow input voltage signals disabled MadeLow input voltage signals enabledSwitchesSW1SW2 Not used (factory use only)SW30 Quad IN 4 90 Pulsed INQuad OUT18192 Pulsed INQuad OUT 5Quad IN4096 OUT24096 Pulsed INQuad OUT 6 to F Spare/ not used3180 Pulsed INQuad OUTNote: When changing any links or switch settings, the PCA must be powered OFF/ ON to accept thelink setting changes. Removal & replacementDisconnection: Ensure that the DTX-A7 Transceiver Assembly is fully isolated from allsources of AC power.Noting their polarity, carefully disconnect PL1 and PL2.Removal: The DTX-A265 PCA is retained onto the chassis by 4 nuts. Remove andretain the nuts as they will be required for refitting.The PCA may now be removed from the DTX-A7 enclosure.Replacement: Ensure that all links and switches on the replacement board are set in thesame position as those on the PCA that has just been removed.To replace the board reverse the removal process.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 151 of 24010.7.7.5 Circuit diagram
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SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 153 of 24010.7.8 SBS-A126 Switch Control & BITE PCA10.7.8.1 OverviewThe Switch control and BITE PCA system is a non-critical link in the system where one or twoSharpEyeTM transceivers are located within the same enclosure and share a single antenna sub-system.The role of the Switch control and BITE PCA is to:'Derive power for the +5V advanced antenna sub-system ACP/ ARP encoder.'Derive power for the +28V waveguide switch.'Provide power to the +15V Standard antenna sub-system ACP/ ARP encoder.'Monitor and digitally transmit voltage levels via RS422.'Monitor system states and transmit via RS422 to the RDU.'Monitor enclosure temperature using on-board sensor and transmit via RS422 to the RDU.'Receive commands via RS422 and activate waveguide switch and polarisation switch.'Ccmnlc\on_ Rcah[fm `lig nb_ @hn_hh[ _h]i^_l ni nb_ Rb[ljDs_x nl[hm]_cp_lm [h^ nb_ QCT-'Clcp_ nb_ \f[hecha ionjonm `lig nb_ Rb[ljDs_x nl[hm]_cp_lm ni nb_ QCT-'Allow throughput of video, sync and CAN signals to transceiver B.Tx A Tx BPSUAPSUBSwitch control and BITE PCARDUAntenna Sub-SystemSwitched Mains BFibre Control and StstusControl & StatusMotor OnBlanking BlankingMotor OnSwitched Mains ARS422 / Blanking A+BOil Level and Temp StatusDC / ACP / ARP / FailPolarization control & statusDC Power440V Motor DriveDC PowerDC Power DC PowerWaveguideWaveguideWaveguideFibre Control and StatusACP/ARPCANBUSCANBUSVideo & SyncVid & SyncOptionalCoolingFansRPM Data x6Simplified Switch control and BITE PCA interconnection diagram
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 154 of 240PCA failure: If a failure of the Switch control and BITE PCA should occur then the defaulttransceiver (Tx A) will still be able to operate. Manual control of the waveguide switch,and therefore Tx B, is still available.Start-up: During start up, the waveguide switch is to be set to Tx A, and the polarisation switchto horizontal. Once the communication between the PCA and the RDU has beenestablished and start-up checks are complete, then the processor takes over thecontrol of the waveguide and polarisation switches as commanded by the RDU.Power: The PCA is powered by the 15VDC output of the power supply. When either PSU A(single transceiver systems) or PSU B (dual transceiver systems) is powered, thePCA is powered and operational.On board DC-DC conversion provides all the power requirements of the PCA.+15VPSU A+15VPSU BControl and BITE PCACHL AntennaEncoder PowerWaveguideSwitch Driver+15V+15VBoard PowerRequirements+5V+28V (+0/-3V)KH AntennaEncoder Power+15VCHL PolarisationSwitch Driver5V Stepdown5V Stepdown+28V DC-DCConverter PolarisationSwitchWaveguideSwitchSBS-A126 PCA DC power schematic10.7.8.2 Encoder DC power selectionEncoder power: The SBS-A126 PCA provides a DC power source for the ACP/ ARP encoder in theantenna sub-assembly.Link 8: Depending on the system installed, link 8 must be set to select the appropriate DCoutput voltage.SBS-A126 DC output Standardantenna sub-systems Advancedantenna sub-systemsEncoder powerSBS-A126: PL4 Pins 11 and 12 +15VDC +5VDCLink 8 setting R_n ni •A jimcncih R_n ni •Bposition
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 155 of 24010.7.8.3 Signal interfaces:There are multiple interfaces for the Switch control and BITE PCA. The status of the various inputs ismonitored and transmitted to the RDU.Control andBITE PCATx A Tx BTurning MechanismCHL or KH AntennaEncoder FailProcessorOil LevelOil TempHorizontal PolarisationWaveguide SwitchSwitch Position ASwitch Position BTellbackDriverMotor OnMotor OnRDURS422DifferentialDriverDifferentialDriverBlankingBlankingBlankingBlanking Circular PolarisationDriverPolarisation TellbackCANACPARPVideoSyncACPARPTemperatureSensorTempACPARPACPARPOptionalCoolingFansRPM Data x6SBS-A126 signal interface schematicOil level: The oil level indicator monitors a normally closed voltage free contact. An open circuitch^c][n_m [ fiq icf `[ofn ]ih^cncih- Sbcm cm ihfs [p[cf[\f_ ih advanced antenna sub-systems.Oil temp: The oil temperature indicator monitors a normally closed voltage free contact. Anij_h ]cl]ocn ch^c][n_m [h ip_l n_gj_l[nol_ `[ofn ]ih^cncih- Sbcm cm ihfs [p[cf[\f_ ih advanced antenna sub-systems.Encoder fail: The encoder on advance antenna sub-systems has a TTL (+5.0VDC) encoder failsignal. @ l_]_cp_^ mcah[f i` z2.5V indicates normal operation, a signal of <0.5Vch^c][n_m [h Dh]i^_l E[cf `[ofn ]ih^cncih-Polarisation control: This is only available on advanced antenna sub-systems and controls thestatus of the antenna polarisation. The default position is horizontal.Polarisation tellback: The current polarisation position is fed to the PCA and reported to the RDU.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 156 of 240Waveguide switch selector: (Dual transceiver systems only) Two +28V outputs provided for thewaveguide switch control. One output will cause the waveguide switch to set totransmitter A, and the other sets the waveguide switch to transmitter B. The defaultposition is transceiver A. The selector switch defaults to the A position if there is afault in the communications to the PCA.Waveguide switch tellback: (Dual transceiver systems only) The current position of the waveguideswitch is sensed and reported back to the RDU.Motor on: Two motor ON signal inputs are monitored, one from each of the transceivers. Eachhas a signal level of 15V DC when the motor is on, and 0V when the motor is off. Thestatus of the motor used to indicate which transceiver is running but does not controlthe motor ON/ OFF function.Blanking: Two blanking inputs are to be received by the card. A blanking input is received foreach transceiver via a 75SMB connection.ACP/ARP: The Azimuth Clock Pulse (ACP) and Azimuth Reset Pulse (ARP) are distributed fromthe encoder to both SharpEyeTM transceivers, the signals are also transmitted to theRDU. The signals are not amplified and continue to operate in the event of a powerfailure on the board.Power fan sensing: Inputs receive, monitor and report the outputs (RPM) of the optional forced airfans. IndicatorsLED Colour LED status+15V Input A (input from PSU A) Green ON: +15V input ONOFF: +15V input OFF+15V Input B (input from PSU B) Green ON: +15V input ONOFF: +15V input OFF+15V (PCA power on) Green ON: +15V OKOFF: +15V OFF+5V (Generated on PCA) Green ON: +5V PSU OKOFF: +5V PSU Off+1.5V (Generated on PCA) Green ON: +1.5V PSU OKOFF: +1.5V PSU Off+28V (Generated on PCA) Green ON: +28V PSU OKOFF: 28V PSU OffMotor on Tx A Red ON: Motor On (Tx A)OFF: Motor OFFMotor on Tx B Red ON: Motor On (Tx B)OFF: Motor OFFWaveguide switch tellback position 2 x Red A ON: Waveguide switch in position A Waveguide B ON:Waveguide switch in position BBoth OFF: Waveguide switch in transition positionOil level Red ON: Oil level OKOFF: Oil level lowOil temp Red ON: Oil temp OKOFF: Oil temp highEncoder fail Red ON: Encoder OKOFF: Encoder failPolarisation HP/VP tellback Bi-Colour RED ON: Waveguide switch in horizontal positionGreen ON: Waveguide switch in vertical positionBoth OFF:Waveguide switch in transition positionPolarisation Circular tellback Bi-Colour Red ON: Waveguide switch in CW positionGreen ON: Waveguide switch in ACW positionBoth OFF: Waveguide switch in transition positionOptional Fan tellback Red ON: All fan speeds OKOFF: One or more fan speed fail
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 157 of 24010.7.8.5 Test pointsTest Point Description of test+15V A +15V PSU A onto the PCA+15V B +15V PSU B onto the PCA+15V Board Derived +15V combined DC supply to PCA+5V +5VDC+28V +28VDC+1.5V +1.5VDCACP UA0 Enable connection of an oscilloscope between itsdifferential inputs tomonitor waveform.ACP UA1 Enable connection of an oscilloscope between itsdifferential inputs to monitor waveform.ARP Enable connection of an oscilloscope between itsdifferential inputs to monitor waveform.Motor on Test signal level input at the input to the boardWaveguide switch position A +28Vcontrol Test +28V output to the waveguide switch actuator.Waveguide switch position B +28Vcontrol Test +28V output to the waveguide switch actuator.Waveguide switch tellback position A Test continuity of waveguide switch tellback signalbetween the tellback position A signal and the tellbackswitch common signal connections.Waveguide switch tellback position B Test continuity of waveguide switch tellback signalbetween the tellback position B signal and the tellbackswitch common signal connections.Oil level Test continuity of oil level switch between the two oillevel signal connections.Oil temp Test continuity of oil temp switch between the two oiltemp signal connections.Encoder fail Test voltage inputPolarisation tellback A Test voltage inputPolarisation tellback B Test voltage inputPolarisation tellback C Test voltage inputPolarisation tellback D Test voltage inputMotor on Tx A Test signal voltage level at input, between +ve and ~veinput.Motor on Tx B Test signal voltage level at input, between +ve and ~veinput.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 158 of 24010.7.8.6 LinksLink function RefPosition AorOpenPosition BorMadeSETTINGAntenna Encoder Poweroutput LK8 15V 5V BPolarity sw. A Pwr Option LK5 +28V switching supplyoutput External Supply APolarity sw. B Pwr Option LK6 +28V switching supplyoutput External Supply APolarity sw. C Pwr Option LK7 +28V switching supplyoutput External Supply APolarity Sw.A Tellback A optopower option LK14 +15V pull up selected Active high external input APolarity Sw.A Tellback A optopower option LK13 Active low input 0V APolarity Sw.A Tellback B optopower option LK12 +15V pull up selected Active high external input APolarity Sw.A Tellback B optopower option LK10 Active low input 0V APolarity Sw.B Tellback A optopower option LK18 +15V pull up selected Active high external input APolarity Sw.B Tellback A optopower option LK17 Active low input 0V APolarity Sw.B Tellback B optopower option LK16 +15V pull up selected Active high external input APolarity Sw.B Tellback B optopower option LK15 Active low input 0V APolarity Sw.C Tellback A optopower option LK22 +15V pull up selected Active high external input APolarity Sw.C Tellback A optopower option LK21 Active low input 0V APolarity Sw.C Tellback B optopower option LK20 +15V pull up selected Active high external input APolarity Sw.C Tellback B optopower option LK19 Active low input 0V ARDU RS422 TX termination LK24 No Termination Termination OpenRDU RS422 RX termination LK25 No Termination TerminationOpenRDU Comms mode LK26 RS422 RS232OpenTest Mode LK11 Normal Mode Test ModeOpenDebug LK9 No Debug Debug Enabled Open13V/36V BITE option LK23 13V 36V OpenWaveguide Sw. Tellback Aopto power option LK4 +15V pull up selected Active high external input AWaveguide Sw. Tellback Aopto power option LK2 Active low input 0V AWaveguide Sw. Tellback Bopto power option LK3 +15V pull up selected Active high external input AWaveguide Sw. Tellback Bopto power option LK1 Active low input 0V A
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 159 of 24010.7.8.7 PCA LayoutGreen LED3.3VDCGreen LED1.5VDCGreen LEDFan OKRedLEDm 'nij ni \innig(Waveguide Switch Position AWaveguide Switch Position BFibre Switch Position AFibre SwitchPosition BGreen LED (FlashingPCA runningGreen LED (top to bottom)+5V OK+15V_A OK-15V_B OK+15V_OK+28V OKGreen LEDTx A Motor ONGreen LEDTx B Motor ONGreen LEDOil Temp HighGreen LEDOil level Low
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 160 of 240PL1: Connection to RDU PL2: Serial & Blanking PL3: Waveguide Switch PL4: Antenna connectionsPL1-1GndPL2-1GndPL3-1Fibre position B tellback INPL4-1nARPPL1-2ACP1PL2-2Tx A blanking OUTPL3-2Fibre position A tellback INPL4-2ARPPL1-3nACP1PL2-3GndPL3-3+5V fibre position BPL4-3GndPL1-4GndPL2-4GndPL3-4GndPL4-4nACP2PL1-5ACP2PL2-5Tx B blanking OUTPL3-5WG position B tellbackPL4-5ACP2PL1-6nACP2PL2-6GndPL3-6WG position A tellbackPL4-6GndPL1-7GndPL2-7GndPL3-7+V In WGPL4-7nACP1PL1-8ARPPL2-8RS422 Tx+PL3-8+28V WG position APL4-8ACP1PL1-9nARPPL2-9RS422 Tx-PL3-9+28V WG position BPL4-9GndPL1-10GndPL2-10GndPL3-10GndPL4-10Encoder Fail INPL1-11TxB CAN+PL2-11RS422 Rx+PL4-11Encoder PowerPL1-12TXB CAN-PL2-12RS422 Rx-PL4-12Encoder PowerPL5: Ant. Polarisation PL6: Fans IN PL7: Tellback SK8: Tx A & B serialPL5-1Pol. AAPL6-1GndPL7-1Pol. Pair A pos. BSK8-1RxD APL5-2Pol. ABPL6-2FAN1 INPL7-2+V IN pol. pair ASK8-2TxD APL5-3Ext Pol. DC APL6-3FAN2 INPL7-3GndSK8-3GndPL5-4 Gnd PL6-4 FAN3 IN PL7-4 Pol. TB pair A pos. A SK8-4 RxD BPL5-5GndPL6-5FAN4 INPL7-5Pol. TB pair B pos. BSK8-5TxD BPL5-6Pol. BAPL6-6FAN5 INPL7-6+V IN pol. pair BSK8-6GndPL5-7Pil. BBPL6-7FAN6 INPL7-7GndPL5-8Ext Pol. DC BPL6-8GndPL7-8Pol. TB pair B pos. APL8:BITE connectionPL5-9GndPL6-8+12V Fans APL7-9Pol. TB pair C pos.BPL8-1+3.3VDCPL5-10GndPL6-10+12V Fans BPL7-10+V IN pol. Pair CPL8-2GndPL5-11Pol. CAPL6-11GndPL7-11GndPL8-3Oil sensor switchPL5-12Pol. CBPL6-12GndPL7-12Pol. TB pair C pos. APL8-4GndPL5-13Ext Pol. DC CPL7-13GndPL5-14GndPL7-14+28VDC
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 161 of 240PL9: TX A connection PL10: TX B connection PL11: PSU A PL12: PSU BPL9-1ACP1PL9-1ACP1PL11-1GndPL12-1GndPL9-2nACP1PL9-2nACP1PL11-2+15VDCPL12-2+15VDCPL9-3GndPL9-3GndPL11-3GndPL12-3GndPL9-4ACP2PL9-4ACP2PL11-4+3.3VDCPL12-4+3.3VDCPL9-5nACP2PL9-5nACP2PL11-5GndPL12-5GndPL9-6GndPL9-6GndPL11-6+13VDCPL12-6+13VDC/ +36VDCPL9-7ARPPL9-7ARPPL9-8nARPPL9-8nARPPL9-9GndPL9-9GndPL9-10Tx A Mon +PL9-10Tx B Mon +PL9-11Tx A Mon-PL9-11Tx B Mon-PL9-12GndPL9-12GndPL9-13N/CPL9-13Tx B CAN +PL9-14N/CPL9-14Tx B CAN-
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 162 of 240Page internationally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 163 of 24010.7.9 SharpEyenerror messagesIf a fault condition is detected within the SharpEyeTM transceiver, a fault message is sent to the RadarDistribution Unit and in certain conditions the unit switches to a degraded low power state ofoperation.The following is a list of possible alarm conditions that can occur within the SharpEye transceiver.SharpEyeTMerror Message DescriptionRx sensitivity If the minimum detectable signal rises above a pre-set level the transceiversends a receiver sensitivity warning message.VSWRIf the VSWR on the RF output is worse than 1.4:1 the transceiver sends anantenna VSWR warning message and switches to the degraded fiq jiq_l state of operation.If the VSWR on the RF output is worse than 2.0:1 the transceiver enters faultmode and is shutdown.SYNTH The synthesiser has not initialised correctly; cycling the power may clear thiscondition (emergency stop).Tx powerIf the RF output power falls below 100W the transceiver sends an RF PowerLOW warning message and switches to the degraded fiq jiq_l state ofoperation.Over temperatureIf the temperature of the RF power transistors in the transceiver exceeds ajl_^_n_lgch_^ fcgcn+ nb_ nl[hm]_cp_l m_h^m [h •ip_l-n_gj_l[nol_ q[lhcha ni nb_ Radar Distribution Unit and switches to the degraded fiq jiq_l state.If the temperature exceeds a further pre-set limit the transceiver switches tothe fault state and transmission is stopped.As the temperature returns to within the predetermined limits, the transceiverreturns to the degraded state and then to normal transmit operation.Turning info lostIf the antenna stops rotating when not commanded to stop, a warningmessage is sent to the display equipment and the transceiver switches to thefault state and transmission is stopped.ARP/HL notdetectedIf an azimuth or heading line pulse is not detected, a message is sent to thetransceiver and for safety reasons transmission is stopped within 60 seconds.Azimuth status(1)Antenna rotation is checked for clockwise rotation (viewed from above). If anti-clockwise rotation is detected, a message is sent and transmission is stoppedwithin 60 seconds.Azimuth status(2)If missing pulses between heading lines are detected, a message is sent andtransmission is stopped within 60 seconds.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 164 of 240SharpEyeTMerror Message DescriptionFPGA2 failed If the transceiver detects a hardware fault, it sends a warning message to thedisplay equipment and switches to the Degraded state of operation.Degraded(Low power)The transceiver continuously runs background performance checks on forwardpower, reverse power, receiver sensitivity and temperature. If any of theseparameters falls outside predetermined levels a warning message is sent tothe Radar Distribution Unit indicating the nature of the fault.The transceiver continues to operate, but with reduced performance andfunctionality.Caution: As a result of reduced output power, range performance will bereduced and the system may not meet the expected operational detectionperformance.FaultIf the performance or functionality is degraded such that the transceiver cannotoperate it enters the fault state and a fault message is sent to the displayequipment.The transceiver stops radiating RF and there is no video output to the RadarDistribution Unit.A spurious fault may be cleared by re-powering the equipment.CommunicationerrorIf communication is lost between the Radar Distribution Unit and theSharpEyeTM, the RDU reboots the SharpEye leading to a potential 60 secondgap in coverage.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 165 of 24010.7.10 X-band transceiver processor10.7.10.1 OverviewSb_ mifc^ mn[n_ Rb[ljDs_x nl[hm]_cp_l(s) are secured inside the transceiver enclosure and arecontrolled by the Radar Distribution Unit.SharpEye processor gsealed unit:'The SharpEyeTM processor uses solid state components and has no 'lifed' items.'The unit has no field serviceable or repairable parts and must be returned to themanufacturer for repair.'The processor must never be dismantled as it is a sealed unit that contains beryllium(see health and safety notices in section 2).Spares kits: Where a SharpEyeTMprocessor is supplied as a spare, it is shipped ina kit form that includes:- A spare processor- A ruggedised delivery case that must be used for returning the removedprocessor-Instructionson returning the removed unitPrecautionsHEAVY ITEM: The SharpEyeTM transceiver is a heavy item. Care should be exercisedwhen removing and moving the processor.HOT SURFACES: If the SharpEyeTM has been in operation or the transceiver enclosurehas been exposed to strong sunlight, the processor unit will be hot to the touch.Do not operate the SharpEyeTM system with the waveguide or antenna disconnected.No. of people: Due to the weight of the processor and depending on the level of access tothe transceiver Enclosure, it is recommended that changing the processor iscarried out by two people.Health & Safety: All health and safety notices shown in section 2 must be observed at all timesincluding those regarding working aloft.ToolsTools: In addition to the normal tools required for service work, the following tools will berequired to carry out this replacement.- 4BA open ended spanner- 5.0mm Allen key (recommended 150mm long)
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage166of24010.7.10.2Removal & replacementThe following process shows the removal of a single X-@?LB6F?PN( WC\ NPMACQQMPlocated in thelefthand side of the enclosure.The removal and replacement processes areexactly thesame for theremoval of theright handprocessorPrior to undertaking this task, maintainers should familiarise themselves with the processes detailedbelow.Removala)a)Fully isolate the entire systemfrom all power sources including any UPS services.b)b)As a safety precaution, switch OFF the AC mains breaker(s) located within the transceiverenclosure.c)c)To improve access, remove and retain the clear cover over the power supply unit.CAUTION:When AC power is removed,residualDCvoltages will be present for a shortperiod on the terminals of the capacitors within the power supply unitd)d)Noting the positions, orientation and connector numbers, disconnectALLinternalconnectionstotheRb[ljDs_xprocessor as detailed below:-SK6(transmitter power), located on the top lefthand side of the unit.-PL2(digital supply), also located on the top lefthand side of the unit.-SK1(encoder)andPL1(CANBus), located onthe top right hand side of the unit.-SK5(Blanking), located on the right hand side ofthe unit.-Fibre Optic cable:Carefully note the positionsof each cable and gently remove.Note:The Dtype connectors have sliding metalretainerwhich must be moved fully one waybeforethe connector can be removed.LockedUnlockede)e)Interconnections:There are two interconnecting connectorson the top of the processor whichcan be removed to improve access. These must be replaced and returned with the processor.Xband6F?PN( WC\ NPMACQQMPQFMUGLEAMLLCARMPQ
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage167of240d)d)The waveguide coupling (SBS-     9 <KN<<EK?<0 ?8 IG$P<S GIF: <JJFI8 E;K?<D 8 @Ewaveguidemust nowbe removed.e)e)Fibre Optic connectorThe fibre optic connector can restrict access. To prevent damage to thisconnector and the cables, it is recommended that the connector is carefully unscrewed from thechassis and gently lowered out of the way.The connector is retained into the chassis by 4cross head bolts accessed from the base of theenclosure.The connector also has a waterproof seal that should be carefully retain as it MUST be replaced.Fibre cableand connectorrestricting accessDetail of fibreconnector on base of enclosuref)f)Static Desiccator:If required, the static desiccatorcan be removedto improve access.Thedesiccatorassembly can be removed by unscrewing the retaining ring within the enclosure.The unit is fittedwith awaterproof seal that should be carefullyretainedas it MUST be replaced.Remove and retain the 4 x 4BA bolts that fix the SBSA203waveguide coupling to the main waveguidewithin the enclosureThere is a waveguide shim between the SBS-A203 and thewaveguide.Note its position and orientation, remove and retain this as it mustbe replaced during reinstallation.Remove and retain the 4 x 4BA bolts that fix the SBSA203waveguide coupling to the SharpEye waveguide interconnection.7FCPCGQ?U?TCESGBCQFGK ?LB?LeOfPGLE@CRUCCLRFC6 %6A203and the SharpEye waveguide interconnection, remove and retainthese.TheSBSA203waveguidecouplingcan now be removed.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 168 of 240g) Processor removal: The SharpEyeTM processor is retained into the Enclosure by 17 x 5mm hexbolts. These should be removed, retained and the processor carefully lifted from the assemblyusing the carrying handles.Caution: Sb_ \ifnm ih nb_ Rb[ljDs_x jli]_mmil cnm_f` LTRS MNS AD QDLNUDC;removal of these bolts invalidates the warranty status of the unit (see below).Bolts to be removed DO NOT removeNote: Some of the bolts circled below are obscured in the drawing.X-=TaW L[Tec@lXo JebVXffbeRemoval hint: Rotating the processor by 90 degrees makes it easier to remove the unit fromthe processor.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 169 of 240Processor replacementReplacement: The processor is replaced by reversing the removal procedure.Supporting lugs: The processor can be temporarily rested on two logs inserted into thebackplate of the enclosure. This helps to support and align the processorduring the replacement processes but does not secure the unit into place.Caution: As noted in the previous section, the processor is a heavy item;care should be exercised when replacing the unit.Retaining bolts: Replace the 17 retaining bolts and washers removed earlier in the removalprocess. ALL 17 fasteners MUST be replaced.Caution: The bolts ensure that a full thermal bond is achieved between theprocessor and the heatsink in the enclosure. Failure to replace a boltincreases the possibility of a poor bond leading to L[Tec@lXo cebVXffbeoverheating issues.Waveguide: Replace the waveguide joiner removed earlier betweennb_ Rb[ljDs_x jli]_mmil [h^ nb_ g[ch q[p_aoc^_- @ffnuts, bolts, washers and waveguide shims/ O-ringsmust be replaced.Pay particular attention to the orientation of thewaveguide shim.Connectors: Reconnect all connectors.The D-type connectors have sliding metal retainers which must be movedfully one way to lock the connector into positionLocked UnlockedRe-Y\go7 Where removed to improve access, refit the following:- The fibre Optic cable/ connector- Static desiccator- Clear power supply protection cover.Unit inspection: Prior to restoring AC power to the system carry out the following checks:- All fasteners are securely tightened.- All connectors are securely fitted in the correct positions.- All RF (Waveguide) couplings are securely and correctly fitted andtightened.Test: When th_ Rb[ljDs_x jli]_mmil b[m \__h mo]]_mm`offs l_-fitted, apply ACpower to the system and test.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 170 of 240Part and serial number log:Use the following form to log the part and serial numbers of the removed and replacement unit:The details required below can be found on the front of the SharpEye processor.Replacement unit fitted:Part NumberS/W VER. (software version)Serial No.Build StateReplacement date (dd / mm / yyyy)Unit returnThe SharpEyeTM processor is a sealed unit that must be returned to Kelvin Hughes for repair or in linewith RoHS requirements, for safe disposal when the equipment has reached the end of its serviceablelife.The removed unit must be returned to Kelvin Hughes Ltd in the ruggedised case supplied with the kit.Warranty SealsThe breaking of any warranty seals invalidates the warranty status of the unit.Removed unit to be returned:Part NumberS/W VER. (software version)Serial No.Build StateReplacement date (dd / mm / yyyy)
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 171 of 24010.7.11 S-band Transceiver processor10.7.11.1 OverviewSb_ mifc^ mn[n_ Rb[ljDs_x nl[hm]_cp_l is secured into the right hand side of the transceiverenclosure and is controlled by the Radar Distribution Unit.SharpEye processor gsealed unit:'The SharpEyeTM processor uses solid state components and has no 'lifed' items.'The unit has no field serviceable or repairable parts and must be returned to themanufacturer for repair.'The processor must never be dismantled as it is a sealed unit that contains beryllium(see health and safety notices in section 2).Spares kits: Where a SharpEyeTMprocessor is supplied as a spare, it is shipped ina kit form that includes:- A spare processor- Full removal and installation instructions- A ruggedised delivery case that must be used for returning the removedprocessorPrecautionsHEAVY ITEM: The SharpEyeTM transceiver weighs approximately 15Kg. Care should beexercised when removing and moving the processor.HOT SURFACES: If the SharpEyeTM has been in operation or the transceiver enclosurehas been exposed to strong sunlight, the processor unit will be hot to the touch.Do not operate the SharpEyeTM system with the waveguide or antenna disconnected.No. of people: Due to the weight of the processor and depending on the level of access tothe transceiver Enclosure, it is recommended that changing the processor iscarried out by two people.Health & Safety: All health and safety notices shown in section 2 must be observed at all timesincluding those regarding working aloft.ToolsTools: In addition to the normal tools required for service work, the following tools will berequired to carry out this replacement.- 4BA open ended spanner- 5.0mm Allen key (recommended 150mm long)
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 172 of 24010.7.11.2 S band processor removal & replacementThe following process shows the removal of a single S-\[h^ Rb[ljDs_x processor located in theright hand side of the enclosure.Prior to undertaking this task, maintainers should familiarise themselves with the processes detailedbelow.RemovalThe removal process is identical to the X-band processor removal shown in the previoussection. Please refer this section for instructions.RF coupling: The only difference between the X-band and S-band removal is the RF coupling. Inthe S-band system the waveguide is replaced by a semi-rigid RF coupling.ReplacementReplacing the S-band SharpEye processor is carried out using the replacement processes describedin the X-band section.The only difference between the X-band and S-band removal is the RF coupling. In the S-bandsystem the waveguide is replaced by a semi-rigid RF coupling.Refitting the semi-rigid RF cable: When refitting the cable, ensure you observe the handlingprecautions noted below.- The nut on the semi-rigid RF cable should be tightened to 1.0Nm.-H` hi nilko_ ql_h]b cm [p[cf[\f_ nb_ `[mn_hcham mbiof^ \_ a_hnfs ncabn_h ni •finger tight-- DO NOT over tighten as this can deform and damage the cable.Semi-rigid coaxial cable handling precautions:- Take care when removing and re-installing the coaxial cable.- The rigid coaxial cable must not be bent, crushed, deformed or damaged in any way.- If the cable is accidently damaged, it must be replaced.-Damage to this cable can reduce the transceiver performance or in the worst case stoptransmission.Semi-rigid coaxial cable handling precautions:- Take care when removing and re-installing the coaxial cable.- The rigid coaxial cable must not be bent, crushed, deformed or damaged in any way.- If the cable is accidently damaged, it must be replaced.-Damage to this cable can reduce the transceiver performance or in the worst case stoptransmission.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 173 of 240Part and serial number log:Use the following form to log the part and serial numbers of the removed and replacement unit:The details required below can be found on the front of the SharpEye processor.Replacement unit fitted:Part NumberS/W VER. (software version)Serial No.Build StateReplacement date (dd / mm / yyyy)Unit returnThe SharpEyeTM processor is a sealed unit that must be returned to Kelvin Hughes for repair or in linewith RoHS requirements, for safe disposal when the equipment has reached the end of its serviceablelife.The removed unit must be returned to Kelvin Hughes Ltd in the ruggedised case supplied with the kit.Warranty SealsThe breaking of any warranty seals invalidates the warranty status of the unit.Removed unit to be returned:Part NumberS/W VER. (software version)Serial No.Build StateReplacement date (dd / mm / yyyy)
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage174of24010.7.12Waveguide switchWaveguide switchassemblyThe RF outputs of TxA and Tx B are connected to the antenna via a waveguide switchinternallymounted in the centre of the transceiver enclosure. waveguide switch operates from+28VDC fromthe SBS-A126 PCA. This supplyis available as soon as the transceiver enclosure switchesON.Control:During Local or Remote operation, the waveguide switch is controlled by the RadarDistribution Unit via the SBS-A126 PCA and requires no operator input.Tx A selected-TheTxTxA select line will beat +28VDC-When the switch has selectedTxTxA, theTxTx(A) SEL tell back line goesHiconfirming that the switchover has been successful.-TheTxTx(B) select andTxTx(B) tell back lines are both at zero volts.Tx B selected-TheTxTxB select line will beat +28VDC-When the switch has selectedTxTxB, theTxTx(B) SEL tell back line goesHiconfirming that the switchover has been successful.-TheTxTx(A) select andTxTx(A) tell back lines are both at zero volts.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 175 of 24010.7.12.2 SchematicExtract from Transceiver system diagram reference DTX-C7If there is a fault condition that prevents the waveguide switch selecting a transceiver, the RDU willmake 10 attempts at reselecting the switch. After the 10thattempt the system reverts to the originaltransceiver and the RDU will display an alarm stating Waveguide Switch Fail.In this condition and providing the waveguide switch is not jammed is possible to manually change theposition of the waveguide switch using the rotary control on the top of the switch.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage176of24010.7.12.3Removal & replacementTools:In addition to the normal tools required for service and maintenance work, thefollowing tools will be required:4BA spanner:Used for the removal of the waveguide bolts.The waveguide switch cannot be repaired in the field and contains nouser accessible parts.Removal:The waveguide switch is removed as follows:1.1.Fully isolate and disconnect the system from all sources of AC power including any UPSsupported mains.2.2.Disconnect the connector from thetopof the waveguide switch.3.3.Remove and retain all nuts, bolts and washers that retain the switchininto thetransceiverenclosure.All fastenings must be retained as they will be required for refitting.4.4.Once the fastenings are removed the switch can be removedWaveguide switch on SBS-A125chassisWaveguide switch port identification:The ports are identified by numbered labels (1, 2, 3&4) attached to the main switch.Port 1:RF feed for antennaPort 2:RF feed for transceiver BPort 3:dummy LoadPort 4:RF feed for transceiver ARefitting:To refit the waveguide switch, reverse the above removal process making a carful note ofthe port locations on the switch noted above.RF seal:Ensure that all RF couples are correctly aligned and tightened. Incorrectly terminatedRF couplingscan lead to RF leakage which can be hazardous to health and causesystem performance issues.Caution:When reinstalling the switch take extreme care when fitting and tightening the boltsinto the switch assembly as it is easy to cross thread or break thebolts.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 177 of 24010.7.13 Static desiccatorThe DTX-A7 Transceiver Enclosure is fitted with a static desiccator. With the exception of changingthe two desiccant packets contained within the unit, the desiccator assembly requires nomaintenance.The desiccator is accessed externally on the base of the Enclosure or on earlier units is locatedbetween the two access doors on the front of the enclosure.Example of desiccatorExample of desiccator with cover removedThe unit contains two desiccant sachets which must be changed annually (see Annual PlannedMaintenance section 9.4 pages 88 onwards).When removing and replacing the desiccant sachets care should exercised to ensure that the packetsare not torn or split. Split or damaged sachets must not be used.Spares part numberReplacement sachet: 55-100-0494-002Sachet shelf life: 2-yearsNote: The part number noted above is for 1 sachet, two are required.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 178 of 24010.7.14 Service socketAC socket: A universal switched AC service socket is provided withinthe transceiver enclosure and is located on the right handside of the unit.Maximum load: The maximum load on this AC output is 100W10.7.15 IlluminationWhen the AC breaker is switched ON, LED illumination is provided within the Transceiver enclosure.There is no switch for the lighting which remains illuminated at all times when AC power is presentand switched ON.10.7.16 Spares listingDescription Part numbers(s)Rb[ljDs_x nl[hm]_cp_l [mm_g\fs Note 1 Please contact Kelvin Hughes Ltd for details.Control and BITE PCA SBS-A126Power Converter module Assembly (PSU) SBS-A146AC line filter 45-690-0077-001AC Mains relay (12VDC 16A) 85-200-0059-001LED (for AC breaker) 45-6000-0118-001MCB 10A DIN rail mounting 45-600-0102-001Quadrature puffer PCA DTX-A295Wind turned rotary ventilator 45-925-0032-001 (1 per)Static Desiccator sachets 55-100-0494-002LED strip light (1 per) 45-625-0032-001Note 1: The SharpEye processor will be shipped as a spares replacement kit containing the main processor and aruggedised transport/ returns case.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 179 of 24010.8 SBS-A1-1 Radar Distribution Unit10.8.1 System part numbingIn addition to the main part number for the system, a number of options can be added to theRadar Distribution Unit (RDU). These options are identified by a 6-digit Option numberwhich is added as a suffix to the main part number.The option code contains a digit for each available option, where:'0= Indicates the option is not required, not fitted or not available.'1= Indicates the option is required or fitted.'n= Indicates the particular type of option is required or fitted.SBS-A1-4- 0 0 0 0 0 0LANInterfaceSBS-A129AdditionalAnalogueOutput FittedSBS-A260AntennaMotor DriveInverterOption(see below)MantaDigitalInterface KitSBS-A270AntennaPolarisationControl KitSBS-A302ProductSpecificOption(see below)Antenna Motor Drive Inverter Option:To cater for global and specific customer requirements the RDU can be supplied with one ofthree types of motor drive static inverter fitted.The kits are factory fitted therefore the option needs to be specified with the main order.Part No. Output voltage OptionCodeSBS-A403440V Three Phase Inverter Kit0SBS-A229220V Single Phase Inverter Kit1SBS-A404 220V Three Phase Inverter Kit 2Product Specific Options:This code is used for project specific variations to hardware or software and would bedefined in the specification for the system.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 180 of 24010.8.2 AC powerSingle phase supply: Dual single phase AC mains inputs are required. It is recommended thateach mains input is provided via a separate external UPS which is notsupplied as part of the SBS system.- The AC supplies are fed to the dual redundant AC-DC power unit via aset of user accessible over current protection devices in the form ofcircuit breakers and contactor relays.- Switched single phase AC outputs are also routed to the transceivers.AC power loss:Main input A: In the event of the loss of mains input A, the dual redundant AC-DC power supply willcontinue to operate using the mains input B power source, however AC power to theTx/ Rx A (SK/ PL5) will be lost.In an emergency and with all supplies isolated, AC power may be restored to Tx A bytemporarily reversing mains input A & B.Main input B: In the event of the loss of mains input B, the dual redundant AC-DC power supply willcontinue to operate using the mains input A power source, however AC power to theTx/ Rx B (SK/ PL6) will be lost.Operators are alerted to the loss of any AC input through system alarms.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage181of240Three-phase:A separate3-phase inputpowers the antenna drive motor viaastatic inverterlocatedwithin the Radar Distribution Unit.The 3phase input isfed toa staticinvertervia a set of user accessibleover current protection devicesin theform of circuitbreakers and contactor relays.10.8.3FusesSafety I-loop fuse:The+24VDC supply to the Radar Distribution Unitsafety I-loop is protected by auser accessiblefufuseselocated on the top of the RDU.PSU backplaneThe power sharing PCB mounted on the back of the power supply has threefuseholderswhich serve different purposes depending on the system installed. ThePCB also contains four self-resetting thermal fuses.Power share PCB fitted to the 45-690-0080-001 power supply assemblyFS7Used onallstandardSBS-900 systems to protect the main +5V rail.FS5 & FS6Only used in SBS-A1A1-11 systemstotoindependently protect each +5Vrail(FS7 is not fitted).Fuse ratingsSafety I-loopF1500mA 240VAC,Ceramic, time lag, 5 x 20mm.Kelvin Hughes part number45456500060002Power supplyF1F1+24VDC @ 3ASelf-resetting thermal fuses.Selfresetting thermal fuses cannot be replaced or manually reset. If afault condition exists, switch the system OFFand allow the thermal fuseto reset.F2F2+15VDC @ 1.85AF3F3-15VDC @ 0.9AF4F4+5VDC @ 3AFS510A 250V, ceramic, time lag, 5 x 20mm.Please contact Kelvin Hughes for the correct part numberFS6 & 715A 250V, ceramic, time lag, 5 x 20mm.Please contact Kelvin Hughes for the correct part numberReplacement fuses must be of theexacttypespecified above.PLPL1:3-phaseinputFilter andindicator6.0AbreakererContactorMotorinverterSafety switchAntenna RPM controlMotor ON/ OFF controlSK4:3-phaseoutput toantenna motorFS6FS7FS5
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage182of24010.8.4BreakersThe Radar Distribution Unitis fitted with threeuser accessible DIN rail mounted earth leakage trips/breakers located in the base of the RDU behind the main access door.The output of the breakers is fed to therest of thesystem via contactors that are controlled by theRDU as shown below.RDU Single phase AC input schematicRDUsingle and 3-phase AC inputand breakerschematicAC power indication:When AC supplies are connected to the RDU, LED indicators illuminate onthebreakers regardless of their state indicating that AC mains is presentwithin the system.Earth leakageDue to the use of EMC filters on all AC supply inputs, earth leakage currentto amaximum of100mAwill exist on the3-phase input.All parts of thesystem must be fully and correctly earthed prior to connectingany source of AC power.RCD trips:If an RCD trip is fitted in the supply outlet it must be a100mA RCD Type A orsimilar.Spare:If replaced, the breakers within the RDU must be of the exactsame typePLPL1:3-phaseinputFilter andindicator6.0AbreakerContactorMotorinverterSafety switchAntenna RPM controlMotor ON/ OFF controlSK4:3-phaseoutput toantenna motor
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 183 of 24010.8.5 RDU overviewThe Radar Distribution Unit provides the interface between the transceiver enclosure [h^ nb_ om_lm command and display system, track extractor and optional service display.The RDU comprises on the following main components:Processor: A card frame mounted in the top half of the unit carries the modular interfacesystem backplane (MISB) and modular interface system modules (MISM).The MISM modules used in the SBS-900 series are:RadarProcessingModuleType 5NTX-A462SharpEye radar data and control andLAN outputRDU processor backplaneModular radarI/Otype 9NTX-A477 (3 off)Analogue radar input/ output circuitryfor track extractor, service displayand spare output.Modularcommunicationsmodule type 11NTX-A478 Serial RS232 orRS422communications to service displayand track extractor.CANBus communication to optionalKelvin Hughes MANTADigitalprocessor.Modular signalI/Otype 4 Mk 2NTX-A490Safety and security switch inputs andinverter controlPower supplies: DC power for the RDU is provided by a dual redundant auto ranging powersupply. The power unit has auto-ranging inputs so manual voltage setting isnot required.Three-phase inverter: A three-phase inverter that provides power for the antenna sub-assemblymotor. The Inverter provides a 'soft-start' of nominally 2 seconds and a 'soft-stop' (braking) of nominally 10 seconds. This reduces the high currentsassociated with starting and stopping a motor under load.AC breakers: The RDU contains a set of internally DIN rail mounted breakers for the singleand three-phase AC mains inputs.The DIN rail also contains contactor relays which isolate the mains supplieswhen the safety i-loop (Antenna Rotation or Man Aloft Switches) is broken.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 184 of 240Example of an RDUShown with door removed for clarityMISM processor backplane and cardsDual redundant AC-DC power supplyInverterBreakers and relays for single & three-phasesuppliesConnections totransceiver enclosure, theexternal control systemand optional servicedisplaySingle and three-phaseAC input and outputconnections Earth stud
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 185 of 24010.8.6 Schematic
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SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 189 of 24010.8.7 Dual redundant power supplyDual redundant AC-DC power supply unitPart number: 45-690-0080-001The dual redundant power supply unit is a single unit that provides the DC output requirements of theRadar Distribution Unit.The PSU assembly consists of two AC-DC power units and a separate PCB that provides the powersharing diodes for the dual redundancy output. The Radar Distribution Unit is capable of running onjust one of these power supplies (see AC power loss regarding transceiver power in previous section).As noted below, the power supply must not be operated (switched ON) on a test bench or whenelectrically and mechanically disconnected from the RDU.WARNING: High earth leakage current devices are fitted to the dual power supply. Donot operate the power unit disconnected from the Radar Distribution Unit Chassis anddisconnected to the MISM backplane.WARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance andhealth and safety sections of the system handbooks.AC supplies: Prior to carrying out any maintenance, the system must be fully isolatedand disconnected from all single and 3-phase AC supplies. See system isolation in theplanned maintenance section of the system handbook.UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply): Where connected, ensure that UPS supplies tothe RDU are fully isolated prior to carrying out any maintenance task on the system.Input: 100 to 240VAC 50/60Hz full range inputPower source: PL2: GT\af DH r<s on the base of the RDU and MCB1 supply AC power toPSU A and to the transceiver enclosure via SK5.PL3: GT\af DH r=s on the base of the RDU and MCB2 supply AC power toPSU B and to the transceiver enclosure via SK6 (dual systems only).Outputs: +24.1VDC +/- 0.6V+15VDC +/- 0.7V-15VDC +/-0.7V+5VDC (4.5 to 5.9VDC)Signals: Power good and fan fail signalsFans: The power supply is fitted with two fans that report their status to the RDU(Good/ Fail).In the event of a fan failure, the power unit continues to function. Failed fansmust be replaced at the earliest safe opportunity.Spares: The power supply is a line replacement unit and contains no field serviceableor user adjustable parts.Repair: The unit must not be dismantled in the field as specialist equipment isrequired for testing the electrical safety barriers. Circuit diagrams are notavailable for the unit.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage190of240Dual redundant PSU layout10.8.7.1Power indication: FCL$& NMUCPGQ?NNJGCBRMRFCNMUCPQSNNJWRFCDMJJMUGLE/( ' fQUGJJGJJSK GL?RCML@MRFthe powersupplyandonthe backplane:* $# WJFE.02# " GFN<I* $# WJFE9 8 : BGC8 E<PSU BPSUAAC inputfromPL2/ MCB1AC inputfromPL3/ MCB2Amber LED(Within PSU casework)AC input OKGreenLED(Within PSU casework)+24VDC OKGreenLED(On external PCB)All power share rails OKDC power LEDsLocated on backplanenext to the PSUD6 = +1.2VDC OKD7 = +1.5VDC OKD8 =+3.3VDC OKD9 =-5VDC OKD1 Flashing @ 1Hz(green) = processorrunning
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 191 of 24010.8.7.2 PSU removalPower supply fail warning: If a PSU failure warning is received on the RDU, optional service displayor command and display system, first check that AC power is present at the RDUinput and at the power supply. If AC power is available at the unit the PSU will need tobe changed.Removal: The power supply unit is retained within nb_ Q[^[l Ccmnlc\oncih Thcn \s nqi e_s_^ locating posts and two bolts.WARNING: High earth leakage current devices are fitted to the dual powersupply. Do not operate the power unit when mechanically or electricallydisconnected from the RDU chassis or with SK1 of the MISM backplanedisconnected.WARNING: Prior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users mustfamiliarise themselves with the health & safety warnings noted in theplanned maintenance and health and safety sections of the systemhandbooks.AC supplies: Prior to carrying out any maintenance, the system must befully isolated and disconnected from all single and 3-phase AC supplies.See system isolation in the planned maintenance section of the systemhandbook.UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply): Where connected, ensure thatUPS supplies to the RDU are fully isolated prior to carrying out anymaintenance task on the system.Prior to removal, the following connections will need to be removed:-ORT @ [h^ A @B chjonm- DC connections to backplane- Signal outputs to backplane- Earth connection to PSU mounting pillar (pink cable marked PSU)Locating postMain securing bolt Main securing BoltObscured in drawingLocating postDC connections tobackplaneSignal outputs (x2) tobackplaneORT A @B chjonORT @ @B chjon
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 192 of 24010.8.7.3 PSU replacementReplacement: To replace the power supply reverse the removal process shown in the previoussection.Seating: When re-installing the unit, ensure the assembly is securely positioned onto thelocating lugs as this ensures the unit connects with the RDU chassis which acts as aheatsink.Earth warning: A warning label attached to theRDU door notes that the powersupply must NEVER be operated(switched ON) when it ismechanically and electricallydisconnected from the RDU andSK1 of the MISM backplane.Earth cable: The earth cable from thecommon earthing point in thebase of the RDU MUST bereconnected to the power supplychassis.45-690-0080-001 power unitEarth/ groundcable fromcommon earthpoint in base ofRDU
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage193of24010.8.7.4FanreplacementReplacement fanpart number: 45-690-0080003Note: The replacement part is the fan only and does not contain the casework which must be removed from the faulty fan.Fan life:The two fans mounted on the RDU power supply havea manufacturersMTBF(meantime between failure)of 50000hours. It is therefore recommended that the fans arechanged every 5 years as part of the routine maintenance procedures.PSU operation:In the event of afailure,afan failurewarning isdisplayed onthe RDUfront panel,service display or command and display system.The power unit continues to operatewhen a fan fails; the faultyunit must bereplacedas soon as possibleReplacement:Firstly identify which of the two fanson thepowerunitis inoperative, fan (A) is thelower fan, fan (B) is the upper fan.WARNING:Prior to commencing any maintenanceprocedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health&safety warnings noted in the planned maintenanceandhealth and safetysectionsof the system handbook.AC supplies:Prior to carrying outanymaintenance, the system must befully isolatedand disconnectedfrom the single and 3-phase AC supplies. Seesystem isolationin theplanned maintenance section of the system handbook.UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply):Where connected, ensure that UPS supplies tothe RDU are fully isolated prior to carrying outanymaintenance task on the system.It is notnecessary to remove the power unit to replace the fan.The fan is mounted in a removable case which is mounted on thePSU chassis and restrained by a single screw and four locatinglugs.Remove the screw and unplug the fan from the power unit.Noting the orientation of the fan and the cable position, remove thefan from its case which is retained by four nuts, bolts and washers.Checking the direction of the airflow (blows out from the powerunit), secure the replacement fan into the case using the originalnuts, bolts and washers.Place the fan assembly onto the PSU chassis and secure with thesingle screw removed earlier.Caution: ensure the power cable exits the casework as shown andis not trapped under the case.Reconnect the power to the system,switch on and check that:-The replacement fan is operational.-Thefan fail warning messagesis no longer displayed on theRDU, service display andcommand and display system.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 194 of 24010.8.8 NTX-A402 backplaneModular Interface System Backplane (MISB)Part number: NTX-A402-7Backplane software: ZM-2279The modular interface system backplane within the Radar Distribution Unit is a flexible backplanesystem designed to provide interconnect and communication resources to the installed MISMs. Themodular interface system backplane incorporates a microcontroller with multiple serial communicationinterfaces. A field programmable gate array (FPGA) provides digital routing and processingresources. This allows modules to interface to other modules and the serial communication interfaces.The modular interface system backplane also incorporates analogue cross point switching to allowradar video to be routed between modules.LEDs, links and test pointsLEDs (all green)D1Flashes whenthemicrocontroller is operatingnormallyD6Lit when +1.2V supplypresentD7Lit when +1.5V supply presentD8Lit when +3.3V supply presentD9Lit when-5.0V supply presentLinksLK1 Position A Video B2 Out routed to SW IP 04 (input) Note: Links 1 to 8Links 1 to 8 are configured duringmanufacture and should not be changedduring operation or service unless specificallyinstructed to do so by Kelvin Hughes Ltd.The default link settings are:Links 1 to 4 = B positionLinks 5 to 8 = A positionThe links are used to route the video via a 16x 16 analogue cross point switch which iscontrolled by the microcontroller. This routesany of the video inputs to one or more of the16 video outputs. The video inputs andoutputs are 75|, 1 V peak-peak radar video.The video cross point switch provides outputswith the same characteristic as the input.Position BVideo B2 Out routed to SW OP 04 (output)LK2 Position A Video A2 Out routed to SW IP 03 (input)Position BVideo A2 Out routed to SW OP 03(output)LK3 Position A Video B1 Out routed to SW IP 02 (input)Position B Video B1 Out routed to SW OP 02 (output)LK4Position AVideo A1 Out routed to SW IP 01 (input)Position B Video A1 Out routed to SW OP 01 (output)LK5Position AVideoB2 In routed to SW IP 08 (input)Position B Video B2 In routed to SW OP 08 (output)LK6 Position A Video A2 In routed to SW IP 07 (input)Position BVideo A2 In routed to SW OP 07 (output)LK7 Position A Video A1 In routed to SW IP 05 (input)Position BVideo A1 In routed to SW OP 05 (output)LK8 Position A Video B1 In routed to SW IP 06 (input)Position B Video B1 In routed to SW IP 06 (output)LK9 Open Normal operation (default)Made Test Mode (Kelvin Hughes use only)LK10OpenNormal operation(default)MadeSetup Enabled(setting to work use only)Test pointsTP1 Ground/ 0V TP8 +24VTP2 Ground/ 0V TP9 +3.3 VTP3Ground/ 0VTP10+1.5 VTP4Ground/ 0VTP11+1.2 VTP5+5.0VDCTP12A-5VTP6-15VDCTP13Debug (Kelvin Hughes use only)TP7+15V
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 195 of 240Location of LEDs, links and test pointsNTX-A402 backplane
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 196 of 240PowerThe backplane is provided withvoltages from connector CON2on the dual redundant power toPL1 on the backplane:Voltage(DC) Tolerance PSU NTX-A402backplane+24.1V±0.3VCON2-1PL1-1+15V±0.4VCON2-2PL1-2-15V±0.4VCON2-3PL1-3+5.0V±0.2VCON2-4PL1-40VCON2-5PL1-50VCON2-6PL1-6The backplane generates the following supplies internally:Voltage Generatedfrom D>=rf(all green) Testpoint Notes+12V +15V input No LED No testpoint The +12V is used for the status and alarm panel andcan be measured at PL3 pin 5+3.3V±0.25V +5.0V input LED D8 TP9 General use+1.5V±0.1V +5.0V input LED D7 TP10 General use+1.2V±0.1V +5.0V input LED D6 TP11 FPGA core supplyA +5.0VRegulatedby +5.0V +5.0V input No LED No testspointThis rail is derived from the +5.0V supply via a lowpass filter network and is used to power the videoswitching circuitryA -5.0V±0.25V -15V input LED D9 TP12 The A (analogue)-5V is also used to power the videoswitching circuitry
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 197 of 240Backplane schematic67'0-2 - =EEG8 +64A 7D=H8D=62CAN3TxCAN3Rx64A 7D=H8D=6*)CAN4TxCAN4Rx64A 7D=H8D=6**CAN5TxCAN5Rx64A 7D=H8D=6*+CAN6TxCAN6Rx64A 7D=H8D=6*.CAN1TxCAN1Rx64A 7D=H8D=6*/CAN2TxCAN2Rx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
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 198 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 199 of 24010.8.9 NTX-A462 Radar processing moduleModular interface system module (MISM) Type 5 (Radar processing module type 5)Part numbers NTX-A462-101 (SX) & NTX-A462-102 (FX)Backplane locations: TBCOverview: The purpose of the Modular Interface System Module (MISM) Type 5 (RadarProcessing Module) is to provide Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)and memory resources and have the following interfaces:- One fibre optic SFP Small form-factor pluggable transceiver connector- Four high speed SATA II interfacesDC power: The MISM Type 5 uses +15 V, +3.3 V and -15 V supplies from the ModularInterface System Backplane (MISB).Fibre Optic link: The SFP socket SK7 provides the fibre optic interface complaint to the INF-8074i standard. The connector consists of an SFP cage and connectorassembly which can connect up to six fibre optic cables.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 200 of 240KDCmLEDNumberFunctionLED1"CHANNEL UP" or "DATA VALID CH1". On the NTX-A462-1 fitted in bays A1 andB1this is "CHANNEL UP" which indicates the presence of data input from the LAN. Onthe NTX-A462-3 fitted in bay A2 this is "DATA VALID CH1" which indicates thepresence of valid data input from module A1 via the SATA link.LED2 "DATA VALID" This red LED indicates presence of decoded zero range trigger pulse.LED3 "RUNNING" This red LED indicates FPGA is loaded and running and should normallybe flashing.LED4 This red LED is not used.LED5 "FPGA NOT LOADED" This Red LED indicates FPGA has failed to load and shouldnormally be unlit.LED6 "FLASH MEMORY CHECKSUM ERROR" This Red LED indicates a checksum error inflash memory and should usually be unlit.LED7 "SFP TX FAULT" This Red LED indicates failure of SFP TX module or that the moduleis not fitted. This LED should be lit on NTX-A462-1 fitted in bays A1 and B1 and unlit onNTX-A462-3 fitted in bay A2.LED8 "POWER SUPPLIES OK" This Green LED illuminates when the power monitor IC36detects the power rails are within limits. The +5 V, +3.5 V, +1.8 V, AVTTRX, AVTTTX,AVCC and AVCCPLL voltage rails are monitored. This LED should normally be on.LED9"SFP LOSS" This Red LED indicates a Loss Of Signal (carrier) such as when themedia is disconnected or broken, or when the signal level is below an acceptable level.It is also illuminated in the absence of an SFP due to pull-up R164. This LED shouldnormally be off.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 201 of 24010.8.10 NTX-A477-1 radar I/O moduleModular interface system module (MISM) Type 9 (radar I/O module Mk 2)Part number NTX-A477-1Backplane locations: A3 (service display output)A4 (Track extractor output)B3 (Spare output)Overview: The radar I/O module interfaces the following signals with the backplane:- Analogue radar input (video, sync, azimuth and heading line)- Analogue radar output (video, sync, blanking, azimuth and heading line)- An auxiliary video channel is used for an ESM Blanking pulse input fromthe Tx/ Rx- A blanking output is used to output an ESM blanking pulseThe board is controlled by the backplane which selects the radar input fromone of many input channels and route the data to the output channels usingthe video switching circuitry.Video IN: Radar video is received on SKA at +1.0V to +6.0V peak-to-peak with an inputimpedance of 75ohms and is routed to the radar I/O PCB.The video is applied to an operational amplifier which provides a 2.0V peak-to-peak output which is dropped to 1.0V peak-to-peak (TP5) for application tothe backplane. The video amplifier gain and offset is manually set andcontrolled from the backplane at 1.0V peak-to-peak ensuring the correct inputlevel. The offset circuit allows the amplifier to compensate for any DC offset inthe input signal, thus providing the correct signal level to the backplane.LED D5 flashes when the video input is detected by the backplane.Video OUT: Video out of the radar I/O PCB is sent to the backplane terminated at 75ohmsto provide an output of between +1.0V to +5.0V peak-to-peak to SKD whichcan be measured at TP9.Sync IN: Radar sync is input on SKB at 3.0V to 15V pulses and an input impedance of75ohm and is routed to the radar I/O PCB. The sync is processed and passedvia a high speed differential comparator to the backplane as an LVTTL signal(TP8).LED D4 is lit when the sync input is detected by the backplane.Sync OUT: The sync output from the radar I/O PCB is amplified by to provide syncpulses between 3.0V and 14V on SKE and TP11. The sync level is controlledfrom the backplane and an operational amplifier.Aux video/ blanking: The auxiliary video input/ blanking from the radar I/O PCB is amplified toprovide blanking pulses between 3.0V and 14V on SKF and TP10. Theblanking pulse level is controlled from the backplane and an operationalamplifier.Azimuth: The Azimuth inputs (Az1 and Az2) utilises the same circuitry as for a pulsedformat, but are all terminated by a link selectable 120|resistor (links 1, 2 & 6for RS422). Azimuth can be received as pulsed, quadrature, RSS422 or+5.0V to +17.5V peak-peak (adjustable during system configuration/ factoryset to +15V).
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 202 of 240Heading line: The heading line utilises the same circuitry as for a pulsed format, but are allterminated by a link selectable 120|resistor.ARP/ Heading line signals can be received as pulsed, quadrature, RSS422 or+5.0V to +17.5V peak-peak (adjustable during system configuration, factoryset to +15V).LEDs, links and test pointsLEDs (all green) LED StatusD4 Lit when sync pulses (in & out) present at the backplane ON An input is being receivedand an output generated atthe backplaneD5 Lit when video signals are presentD6 Lit when auxiliary video (blanking) pulses are present Flashing Only an input or an output isavailable at the backplaneD7 Lit when azimuth signals are presentD8 Lit when heading line pulses are present OFF No input is being received orno output is available from thebackplanefromthe backplaneD10 Lit when +5.0V is presentD11 Lit when -5.0V is presentLinks (factory default settings in BOLD)LK1 Open Heading line un-terminatedMadeG_[^cha fch_ n_lgch[n_^ 01/| `il QR311LK2 Open Azimuth 2 un-terminatedMadeAzimuth 2 terminated01/| `il QR311LK3 Position A Pulsed heading line inputPosition B Closing contact heading line inputLK4OpenHeading line input for >5VDCMade Heading line input for RS422 levels or <5VDCLK5OpenAzimuth 1 input for >5VDCMadeAzimuth 1 inputfor RS422 levels or <5VDCLK6 Open Azimuth 1 un-terminatedMade@tcgonb 0 n_lgch[n_^ 01/| `il QR311LK7 Open Azimuth 2 input >5VDCMadeAzimuth 2 input for RS422 levels or <5VDCLK8Position AVariable azimuth and heading line amplitudePosition B RS422 azimuth and heading line level amplitudeTest pointsTP1Heading line IN LVTTL heading line pulses (3.3VDC)TP2Az1 IN LVTTL pulse for each azimuth pulseTP3Not accessible for service or maintenance useTP4Az2 IN LVTTL pulse for each azimuth pulseTP5Video IN 1.0V peak to peak videoTP6Analogue ground 0VTP7Aux video IN LVTTL video or blanking pulsesTP8Sync IN LVTTL pulsesTP9Video OUT 1.0V to 5.0V peak to peak videoTP10Blanking pulse OUT 3.0V to 14V pulsesTP11Sync OUT 3.0V to 14V pulsesTP12Analogue ground 0VPowerThe Radar I/O PCA uses +24V, +15V, +3.3V and -15V directly from the backplane. The +24V isapplied to a Voltage Regulator to generate a +5.0V and -5.0V supply for the internal circuits.- LED D10 is lit when the +5.0V supply is present.-LED D11 is lit when the -5.0 V supply is present.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 203 of 240Location of LEDs, links and test pointsNTX-A477-1 radar I/O module NTX-A477-1 schematic
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 204 of 240
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 205 of 24010.8.11 NTX-A478 serial coms moduleModular interface system module (MISM) type 4 Mk2 serial coms modulePart number NTX-A478Backplane location: B5Overview: The serial communications module within the Radar Distribution Unit iscontrolled by the backplane and provides the following interfaces:- Three CANBus V2.0B interfaces.- Six RS232/422 serial interfaces.- Four opto-isolated parallel inputs and/ or relay isolated outputs.CANBus: The V2.0B CAN bus controllers are located on the backplane; the PCB onlyprovides the physical interface to the external CAN bus. The board convertsand buffers the CAN bus LVTTL transmit and receive signals.RS232/422 serial interfaces: The board has six identical RS232/422 interfaces. The LVTTL serialtransmit and receive signals on the backplane interface are configured for bi-directional operation by a multi-protocol transceiver. Each input can beconfigured by links which are MADE for RS232 and OPEN for RS422.Parallel inputs/ outputs: The PCB has four identical parallel input/output ports. Each port can beconfigured as an input and/or output, with the following options (port 1 shownbelow as an example):- Opto-isolated input, with LK10 set to Position B and LK13 OPEN.- Isolated output, with LK10 and LK11 both set to position A, LK12 not fittedand LK13 MADE.- Input and output, with LK10 set to Position A and LK13 OPEN.LEDs, links and test pointsLED (green)D1Lit wheninternally generated +5.0V is presentLinks (factory defaults in BOLD)LK1OpenCANBus 1 un-terminatedMade B@MAom 0 n_lgch[n_^ chni 01/|LK2 Open CANBus 2 un-terminatedMadeCANBus 2 terminated into01/|LK3 Open CANBus 3 un-terminatedMadeB@MAom 2 n_lgch[n_^ chni 01/|LK4 Open Serial interface 1 set to RS422 operationMadeSerial interface 1 set to RS232 operationLK5OpenSerial interface 2 set to RS422 operationMade Serial interface 2 set to RS232 operationLK6OpenSerial interface 3 set to RS422 operationMadeSerial interface 3 set to RS232 operationLK7 Open Serial interface 4 set to RS422 operationMadeSerial interface 4 set to RS232 operationLK8 Open Serial interface 6 set to RS422 operationMadeSerial interface 6 set to RS232 operationLK9OpenSerial interface 5 set to RS422 operationMadeSerial interface 5 set to RS232 operation
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 206 of 240Links (factory defaults in BOLD)LK10 Position A Isolated outputParallel 1Position BOpto-isolated outputLK11 Open Normally open output contactPosition APosition BNormally closed output contactLK12 OPEN Isolated outputPosition ANon-isolated output groundPosition B Non-isolated output +15VLK13OPENOpto-isolated inputMADEIsolated outputLK14 Position A Isolated outputParallel 2Position BOpto-isolated outputLK15 Open Normally open output contactPosition APosition BNormally closed output contactLK16 OPEN Isolated outputPosition ANon-isolated output groundPosition B Non-isolated output +15VLK17 OPEN Opto-isolated inputMADEIsolated outputLK18 Position A Isolated outputParallel 3Position B Opto-isolated outputLK19OpenNormally open output contactPosition APosition BNormally closed output contactLK20 OPEN Isolated outputPosition A Non-isolated output groundPosition BNon-isolated output +15VLK21 OPEN Opto-isolated inputMADEIsolated outputLK22 Position A Isolated outputParallel 4Position B Opto-isolated outputLK23OpenNormally open output contactPosition APosition BNormally closed output contactLK24 OPEN Isolated outputPosition A Non-isolated output groundPosition BNon-isolated output +15VLK25 OPEN Opto-isolated inputMADEIsolated outputTest pointsTP1Ground / 0VTP2Ground / 0VPowerThe PCB uses +15V and +3.3V supplies directly from the backplane.A +5.0V DC rail is generated on the PCB from the +15V supply, LED D1 (green) is lit when this +5.0Vsupply is present.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 207 of 240Location of LEDs, links and test pointsNTX-A478 Serial communications PCB
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 208 of 240NTX-A478 schematic
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 209 of 24010.8.12 NTX-A490 signal I/O moduleModular interface system module type 11 signal I/O modulePart number NTX-A490Backplane location: B4Overview: The signal I/O Module within the Radar Distribution Unit is controlled by thebackplane and provides the following interfaces:- Three switched relay outputs: F-OUT, S1-OUT and S2-OUT.- Three co-axial outputs: SKA, SKB and SKC.- Four I/O channels configurable using links to be inputs or outputs.- Two Input only channels and two output only channels.Coaxial outputs: There are three identical coaxial outputs with adjustable voltage levels ofbetween 5.0V and 15VDC.Switched relay outputs: There are three Identical Relay outputs. These are primarily used to controlthe 3-phase inverter which supplies power for the gearbox motor.Input/ outputs: Configurable ports (channels 1 to 4): The board has four configurable input/output ports that can be configured using links to be:- A pulse input with a relay output.- An opto-isolated input.- An isolated input.- An input and output port.Non configurable ports (channels 5 and 6): Pulsed inputs with a relayoutputs.LEDs, links and test pointsLED (green)D24Lit wheninternally generated +5.0V is presentD24Lit wheninternally generated-5.0V is presentLinksLK1Position APulse in/ Relay out(default)Position B Differential outputLK2 Position A Pulse in/ Relay outPosition BDifferential outputLK3 Position A +15V ref for input; input action low on IOBPosition BInput drive from IOALK4 Position A Closing contact relayPosition BOpeningcontact relayLK5Position AGround ref for relayPosition B +15V ref for relayLK6MadeConnects IOB to relay refOpen No actionLK7 Position A Pulse in/ Relay outPosition BDifferential outputLK8 Position A Pulse in/ Relay outPosition BDifferential outputLK9 Position A +15V ref for input; input action low on IOBPosition BInput drive from IOALK10Position AClosing contact relayPosition B Opening contact relayLK11Position AGround ref for relayPosition B +15V ref for relay
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 210 of 240LinksLK12 Position A Connects IOB to relay refPosition BNo actionLK13 Position A Pulse in/ Relay outPosition B Differential outputLK15Position A+15V ref for input; input action low on IOBPosition B Input drive from IOALK16Position AClosing contact relayPosition B Opening contact relayLK17 Position A Ground ref for relayPosition B+15V ref for relayLK18 Position A Connects IOB to relay refPosition BNo actionLK19 Position A Pulse in/ Relay outPosition B Differential outputLK20Position APulse in/ Relay outPosition B Differential outputLK21Position A+15V ref for input; input action low on IOBPosition B Input drive from IOALK22 Position A Closing contact relayPosition BOpening contactrelayLK23 Position A Ground ref for relayPosition B+15V ref for relayLK24 Position A Connects IOB to relay refPosition B No actionLK25Position APulse in/ Relay outPosition B Differential outputLK26Position APulse in/ Relay outPosition B Differential outputLK27 Position A Closing contact relayPosition BOpening contact relayLK28 Position A Ground ref for relayPosition B+15V ref for relayLK29 Position A Pulse in/ Relay outPosition B Differential outputLK30Position APulse in/ Relay outPosition B Differential outputLK31Position AClosing contact relayPosition B Opening contact relayLK32 Position A Ground ref for relayPosition B+15V ref for relayLK33 Position A Direct drive pulse outPosition B50| n_lgch[ncihNot fitted AC coupled outLK34 Position A Direct drive pulse outPosition B50| n_lgch[ncihNot fitted AC coupled outLK35Position ADirect drive pulse outPosition B 50| n_lgch[ncihNot fittedAC coupled outTest pointsTP1GndTP8Input 2 (TTLV level)TP2GndTP9Input 3 (TTLV level)TP3Pulse output (SKB)TP10Input 4 (TTLV level)TP4+5.0VTP11Pulse output (SKA)TP5Pulse output (SKC)TP12Input 5 (TTLV level)TP6-5.0VTP13Input 6 (TTLV level)TP7Input 1 (TTLV level)
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 211 of 240PowerThe board uses +24V, +15V and +3.3V supplies directly from the backplane. A +5.0V and -5.0Vsupply is generated o the PCB from the +24V rail.- LED D24 (green) is lit when the +5.0V supply is present.- LED D25 (green) is lit when the -5.0V supply is present.Location of LEDs, links and test pointsNTX-A490 signal I/O module
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 212 of 24010.8.13 VDR-A121-3 status and control PCBThe Status and Control PCB Assembly (Front panel)provides indication of the unit status by means of anLCD display and a set of LEDs, and provides controlof the unit functions by means of four pushbuttonswitches.The unit is interfaced via a bi-directional RS232 serialdata link on PL1 to SK3 on the backplane.The four switches are momentary action pushbutton switches. The lower right switch also contains anintegral LED indication, which may or may not be used depending on the requirements of the parentequipment.When a switch is pressed the interface to the microprocessor is pulled down to ground and this isdetected by the microprocessor. The switch functions and LED display are determined by theconfiguration software, not by the on-board software.LEDs, links and test pointsLEDsD1Red LED - Lit when unit is being programmed (Kelvin Hughes use only)D2Red LEDFront panel LEDs: The LED status depends on system activity.D3Green LEDD4Yellow LEDNote: PL4 is used for programming the PCB during manufacture and must not be used for any other purpose. Caution:Unauthorised use of this port can rendering the PCB defective.PowerThe board uses the +12V rail direct from the backplane which is received on PL1 pins 1 & 2. (+12V)+12V DC from PL1 pins 1 and 2.@ 4-/U l[cf cm chn_lh[ffs a_h_l[n_^+ nb_l_ [l_ hi KDCm il n_mn jichnm `il nbcm l[cf-SoftwareThe status & control PCB runs ZM-2010 software which has no user configurable parameters.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage213of24010.8.14Three-phaseinverterVFVF-S15Manufactures part number:VFVF-S15Kelvin Hughes part number:4545-690-0084002TheRadar Distribution Unitcan be fitted with differentthreephaseinverters designed to meet the site AC requirements.This converts the incoming three-phase supply into a voltage suitable forthe supply and control of the antenna motor.The unit is also configuredtoprovide a soft start and a soft stop for theMotor.For systems where a three phase supply is not availableand optionalfactory fitted 220VACsingle phase input kit is available.Maintenance:The maintenance or the inverter is restricted to replacementof the cooling fan if it becomes faulty.The manufactures recommend that the fans are changed every 10yearswhich coincides with the recommended replacement of the completeinverter assembly.Note:With the exception of the user accessible and replaceable fan, the inverter is afactory sealed unit that contains no field serviceable parts.WARNING:Lethal voltages are present within the RDU and the three-phase inverter.The system must be fully isolated from all sources of power prior to commencing anyinspection ormaintenance procedures.Antenna rotation warning:When AC voltages are applied to the system, three phasevoltages are generated and the antenna WILL ROTATE even if no RUN command ispresent.WARNING:Unauthorised adjustment of the inverter parameters can potentially damagethe antenna motor or stop the operation/ output of the inverter.Basic schematicThe inverter voltagesand speeds areset during manufacture, apart from the tasks detailed in plannedmaintenance;no operator action is required for the inverter.PLPL1:3-phaseinputFilter andindicator6.0AbreakerContactorMotorinverterSafety IloopAntenna RPM controlMotor ON/ OFF controlSK4:3-phaseoutput toantenna motor
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage214of240FanreplacementHealth and safety noticeFan replacement notes:When used under normal operational conditions, the fan has an operationallife of 10 years and should only need replacing if it fails. Due to the drying of the electrolyticcapacitors, the entire inverter must be replaced every10 years.WARNING:PrPrior to commencing any maintenance procedure, users must familiarise themselveswith the health & safety warnings noted in the planned maintenance and health and safety sectionsof the system handbook.Prior to carrying out planned maintenance, the system must be fully isolated and disconnected fromthe single and 3phase AC supplies. Seesystem isolationin the planned maintenance section ofthe system handbook.Warning:When the RDU is switched ONlethal voltages are present within the inverter.The VF-S1S15inverter is located within theRadar DistributionUnit (RDU).Repair:The inverter is a sealed unit that containsNONOfieldserviceable or repairable parts.The unit must never be dismantled orrepaired in the field.Inverter removal:To replace the fan, the inverter will needtobe removed from the radar distribution unit.See section9.6page100for the inverter removal instructions.Fan replacement:When the inverter has been removed, thefan can be accessed at the base of the unit.Radardistribution unitRemoval:The fan assembly isretained by two clips which arereleased by pressing towards thecentre of the fan.The fan assembly can now beremoved.Disconnect the power connectorfrom the inverter.Fan assembly removalFanpowerconnectionReplacement:Noting theorientation and direction, the fancan now be removed from theplastic case and the replacementfan fitted.The fan is retained in the caseby 4 plastic clips.The fan assembly can now bereconnected/ refittedand theinverter replaced into the RDU.Fan removed from caseFan noting airflow direction
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage215of24010.8.15Three-phase inverterVFVF-S11Manufactures part number:VFVF-S11Kelvin Hughes part number:4545-690-0065001NOTICE: This part has beensuperseded by the VF-S15 (see previous section)TheRadar Distribution Unitcan be fitted with differentthreephaseinverters designed to meet the site AC requirements.This converts the incoming three-phase supply into a voltage suitablefor the supply and control of the antenna motor.The unit is also configuredtoprovide a soft start and a soft stop for theMotor.For systems where a three phase supply is not availableand optionalfactory fitted 220VACsingle phase input kit is available.Note:With the exception of the user accessible and replaceable fan, the inverter is afactory sealed unit that contains no field serviceable parts.WARNING:Lethal voltages are present within the RDU and the three-phase inverter.The system must be fully isolated from all sources of power prior to commencing anyinspection ormaintenance procedures.Antenna rotation warning:When AC voltages are applied tothe system, three phasevoltages are generated and the antenna WILL ROTATE even if no RUN command ispresent.Basic schematic for SBS-A1A1-2 and SBS-A1A1-3The inverter voltage and speed is set during manufacture, apart from the tasks detailed in plannedmaintenance, no operator action isrequired for the inverter.Caution:Unauthorised adjustment of the inverter parameters can potentially damage theantenna motor or stop the operation/ output of the inverter.PLPL1:3-phaseinputFilter andindicator6.0AbreakerContactorMotorinverterSafety IloopAntenna RPM controlMotor ON/ OFF controlSK4:3-phaseoutput toantenna motor
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage216of240FanreplacementHealth and safetynoticeWARNING:Prior to commencing any maintenanceprocedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health&safety warnings noted in the planned maintenanceandhealth and safetysectionsof the system handbook.Prior to carrying outplanned maintenance, the system must befully isolated anddisconnectedfrom the single and 3-phase AC supplies. Seesystem isolationin theplanned maintenance section of the system handbook.Replacement fan part number: NTX-A518 (fan and cable but not the plastic enclosure).The Toshiba VF-S11 inverter islocated within the radar distributionunit (RDU).The inverter is a sealed unit thatcontains no field serviceable orrepairable parts.The unit must never be dismantledor repaired in the field.Toshiba VFS11 inverterRadar distribution unitWarning:When poweredlethal voltages are presentwithin the inverter.Inverter removal:To replace the fan, the inverter will need tobe removed from the radar distributionunit.See section9.6page100for the inverter removal instructions.When the inverter has been removed, the fan canbe accessed at the base of the unit.The fan assembly is retained by two clips whichare released by pressing towards the centre ofthe fan.The fan assembly can now be removed.Disconnect the power connector from theinverter.Fan assembly removalFan power disconnectionNoting the orientation anddirection, the fan can now beremoved fromthe plasticcase and the replacementfan fitted.The fan is retained in thecase by 4 plastic clips.The fan assembly can nowbe reconnected/ refitted andthe inverter replaced into theRDU.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 217 of 240Reset the fan run-time counterWhen the fan has been replaced, the run time counter in the inverter must be reset to zero as follows:Caution: The following task is carried out with the inverter switched ON and must must only beundertaken by a qualified electrical engineer who understands the voltage hazardspresent within the inverter and the Radar Distribution Unit.Setup: The Radar Distribution Unit must be switched ON.The Local/ Remote switch on the door of the RDU is set to Local.The man aloft and antenna rotation switches are both in the FREE position.WARNING: The following task is carried out with the Radar Distribution Unit switched ONand powered. Lethal voltages are present within the unit so extreme care must be takenwhen carrying out the adjustments detailed below.I. On the inverter press the STOP button and wait until 0.0 is displayed.This stops the inverter producing a three-phase output but single andthree-phase AC supplies are still present within the system.II. Press the Mode button once, the PRG lamp will illuminate.III. Press the button eight (8) times until typ is displayed.IV. Press ENT once then press the button until menu 9is displayed.V. Press ENT again. This reset the fan run-time counter to zero.VI. Press MODE until 0.0 is displayed.VII. Ensure the PRG lamp is no longer illuminated.VIII.Close and secure the RDU door then test the systemInverter replacementAfter 5-years of use, the static inverter located within the radar distribution unit must be changed asover time, the electrolytic capacitors within the inverter can dry out.The inverter replacement procedure is detailed in section 9.6 page 100 of Planned Maintenance.
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage218of24010.8.16Single phase inverterVFVF-nC3Manufactures part number:VFVF-nC3Kelvin Hughes part number:4545-690-0066001An optional inverter is available that has a single phase AC voltage input. This is used where a 3phase supply is not available on site.TheRadar Distribution Unitcan be fitted with differentthreephase invertersdesigned to meet the site ACrequirements.This converts the incoming single phase AC supply into a three-phasevoltage suitable for the supply and control of the antenna motor.The unit is also configuredtoprovide a soft start,a soft stop for the Motorand antenna speed selection(system dependent).The inverter is not a retro fit item and must be specified at the point of order.Note:With the exception of the user accessible and replaceable fan, the inverter is afactory sealed unit that contains no field serviceable parts.WARNING:Lethal voltages are present within the RDU and the inverter.The system mustbe fully isolated from all sources of power prior to commencing any inspection ormaintenance procedures.Antenna rotation warning:When AC voltages are applied,three phase voltages aregenerated and the antenna WILL ROTATE even if no RUN command is present.Basic schematicThe inverter voltage and speed is set during manufacture, apart from the tasks detailed in plannedmaintenance, no operator action is required for the inverter.Caution:Unauthorised adjustment of the inverter parameters can potentially damage theantenna motor or stop the operation/ output of the inverter.PLPL1:Singlephase inputFilter andindicator6.0AbreakerContactorMotorinverterSafety IloopAntenna RPM controlMotor ON/ OFF controlSK4:3-phaseoutput toantenna motor
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1010:Corrective maintenanceKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage219of240FanreplacementHealth and safety noticeWARNING:Prior tocommencing any maintenanceprocedure, users must familiarisethemselves with the health&safety warnings noted in the planned maintenanceandhealth and safetysectionsof the system handbook.Prior to carrying out planned maintenance, the system mustbefully isolated anddisconnectedfrom the single and 3-phase AC supplies. Seesystem isolationin theplanned maintenance section of the system handbook.The ToshibaVFVF-nC3inverter islocated within the RadarDistribution Unit (RDU).The inverter isa sealed unit that,with the exception of the fan,contains no field serviceable orrepairable parts.The unit must never be dismantledor repaired in the field.Toshiba VFnC3inverterRadar distribution unitWarning:When poweredlethal voltages are presentwithin the inverter.Inverter removal:To replace the fan, the inverter will need tobe removed from the Radar DistributionUnit.See section9.6.2page 107forthe inverter removal instructions.When the inverter has beenremoved, the fan can beaccessed atthe top of the unit.The fan assembly is retained by asingle clip which is released bypressing towards the centre of thefan.The fan assembly can now beremoved.Disconnect the power connectorfrom the inverter.Fan assemblyon top of inverterFan power connectionNoting the orientation and direction, the fan can now be removed from the plastic case and thereplacement fan fitted.The fan is retained in the case by 4 plastic clips.The fan assemblycan now be reconnected/ refitted and the inverter replaced into the RDU.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 220 of 240Reset the fan run-time counterWhen the fan has been replaced, the run time counter in the inverter must be reset to zero as follows:Caution: The following task is carried out with the inverter switched ON and must only beundertaken by a qualified electrical engineer who understands the voltage hazardspresent within the inverter and the Radar Distribution Unit.Setup: The Radar Distribution Unit must be switched ON.The Local/ Remote switch on the door of the RDU is set to Local.The man aloft and antenna rotation switches are both in the FREE position.WARNING: The following task is carried out with the Radar Distribution Unit switched ONand powered. Lethal voltages are present within the unit so extreme care must be takenwhen carrying out the adjustments detailed below.I. On the inverter press the STOP button and wait until 0.0 isdisplayed. This stops the inverter producing a three-phase output butsingle and three-phase AC supplies are still present within thesystem.II. Press the Mode button once, the PRG lamp will illuminate.III. Rotate the thumbwheel until typ is displayed.IV. Press the thumbwheel and again rotate the wheel until menu 9isdisplayed.V. Press ENT again. This reset the fan run-time counter to zero.VI. Press MODE until 0.0 is displayed.VII. Ensure the PRG lamp is no longer illuminated.VIII.Close and secure the RDU door then test thesystemInverter replacementAfter 5-years of use, the static inverter located within the radar distribution unit must be changed asover time, the electrolytic capacitors within the inverter can dry out.The inverter replacement procedure is detailed in the routine maintenance section 9.6.2 page 107.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 221 of 24010.8.17 Safety and security switchesSafety switchesThe safety switches form part of a safety current I-loop. When either the Antenna Rotation or ManAloft switches are set to OFF or if the safety current loop is open, single and 3-phase AC supplies tothe transceiver/ gearbox are isolated thereby stopping antenna rotation and system transmission.Antenna rotation Key switch Man aloft switchThe Antenna Rotation keyswitch is located onthe front door of the RDU.This switch can be set to OFF and the keyremoved and retained by the maintainer.An externally mounted waterproof mastheadswitch.This switch can be set to FREE or OFFSafety current loop: Serial connection of normally closed switches.Polarity Positive Amplitude Fused (500mA anti-surge) +24VAdditional switches: The Antenna Rotation keyswitch and Man Aloft switch are provided asstandard however additional switches can be serially connected as shown:
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 222 of 240Security switchesConnections are provided on the RDU for two security switches. The system reports the status ofthese switches to the command and display system, track extractor or optional service display.The normally closed (N/C) switch inputs switches are for monitoring purposes only and do not isolateor control any aspect of the system.Where fitted, these switches must be enabled during setting to work of the system.Two switch connections are available as follows:SKM / Ant Platform: This is designed for a security switch on the gate or access point to theantenna platform.SKN / Hut door: This is designed for a security switch on the equipment building or hut accessdoor.Additional security switches can be serially added using a junction box (not supplied) in a similarfashion to the security switches as shown on the previous page.Antenna platform/ Hut door switch: Normally closed (N/C) switch returning a voltage back toRDU.Polarity Positive Amplitude *04U qcnb m_lc_m 2e2  ]oll_hn fcgcncha l_mcmnil
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 223 of 24010.8.18 Spares listingsSBS-A1-xx Radar Distribution UnitPart number DescriptionVDR-A121-3 STATUS & ALARM PCA85-200-0043-001 RELAY 2NO, DIN RAIL MOUNTED45-6000-0118-001 LED GREEN, DIN RAIL MOUNTED45-600-0102-001 MCB, DIN RAIL MOUNTED (10A)45-600-0102-004 MCB 6A DIN RAIL 2 POLE S202-D640-666-2234 DIODE TYPE 1N400345-690-0080-001 DUAL PSU C-0204-090-240-7467-145-650-0060-009 FUSE CERAMIC 2.5A 5x20mm TIME LAGNTX-A680 SIGNAL I/O MODULE (MISM 11)NTX-A478 SERIAL COMMS MODULE (MISM 4 MK2)NTX-A477-1 RADAR IO MODULE Mk2 ( MISM 9 )NTX-A402-7 MODULAR INTERFACE SYSTEM BACKPLANENTX-1336 KEY SWITCH45-600-0103-001 KEYSWITCH 2 WAY IP6745-611-100 SWITCH SINGLE POLE ON/OFF TYPE 50145-600-0101-001 SWITCH SPDT, IP67, ON-ON TOGGLE 20A45-680-0140-001 MAINS FILTER 12A FN2080-12/0645-680-0140-003 MAINS FILTER 6A TYPE FN2080-6-0645-650-0060-002 FUSE CERAMIC 0.5A 5x20mm TIME LAG45-825-0039-001 Fan 24VDC 80x80x38mm 8214J/2H4PNTX-A462-101 Radar Processing Module (MISM-5) SXNTX-A462-102 Radar Processing Module (MISM-5) FX45-980-0039-003 SFP Transceiver (Single Mode)45-825-0030-001 FAN 5V 35x35x1055-100-0527-001 O Ring 22 X 2.5 FKM 80 (FP80 18 01)SBS-A403: 440V Three Phase Inverter Kit45-690-0084-002 INVERTER 3 PHASE 440VNTX-A518 INVERTER COOLING ASSY45-690-0065-002 FILTER 3-PHASE TYPE HLD 110-500/1285-200-0044-001 CONTACTOR45-6000-0118-001 LED GREEN, DIN RAIL MOUNTED45-625-0657-001 THREE PHASE VOLTAGE INDICATOR45-600-0102-002 MCB 6A DIN RAIL 3 POLE40-666-2234 DIODE TYPE 1N4003SBS-A229: 220V Single Phase Inverter Kit45-690-0066-001 TRANSISTOR INVERTERSBS-A405 VF-nC3 Inverter Fan Assy45-680-0140-001 MAINS FILTER 12A TYPE FN2080-12/0685-200-0044-001 CONTACTOR45-6000-0118-001 LED GREEN, DIN RAIL MOUNTED45-600-0102-001 MCB 10A DIN RAIL 2 POLE40-666-2234 DIODE TYPE 1N4003SBS-A404: 220V Three Phase Inverter Kit45-690-0084-001 INVERTER 3 PHASE 240VNTX-A518 INVERTER COOLING ASSY45-690-0065-002 FILTER 3-PHASE TYPE HLD 110-500/1285-200-0044-001 CONTACTOR45-625-0657-001 THREE PHASE VOLTAGE INDICATOR45-600-0102-002 MCB 6A DIN RAIL 3 POLE40-666-2234 DIODE TYPE 1N4003Additional55-100-0436-001 STATIC DESSICATOR SD-003SBS-A132 MAN ALOFT SWITCH (SBS)
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 224 of 24010.9 Alert messagesThe following table lists the alarms that may be displayed on the LCD front panel of the RadarDistribution Unit.Alarm conditions can relate to individual equipment performance or be to report an issue with anexternal input. An alarm on the system does not necessarily indicate a fault condition; the alarm maybe generated to alter the operator to a loss of signal, security switch status or an issue with thesystem power.RDU LCDMessage System status DescriptionAir Dryer Information warning only; no changein system performance.This is an indication of low pressure and/ or highhumidity in waveguide.Antenna PlatformOpenInformation warning only; no changein system performance. The antenna Platform switch is open.ARP/HL notdetectedMessage received from SharpEyeTMprocessor.Antenna rotation and systemtransmission will have stopped.If an azimuth or heading line (HL) pulse is notdetected by the SharpEyeTM processor, amessage is sent to the transceiver and for safetyreasons transmission is stopped within 60seconds.Azimuth status (1)Message received from SharpEyeTMprocessor.Antenna rotation and systemtransmission will stop.Antenna rotation is checked for clockwise rotation(viewed from above). If anti-clockwise rotation isdetected, a message is sent and transmission isstopped within 60 seconds.Azimuth status (2)Message received from SharpEyeTMprocessor.Antenna rotation and systemtransmission will stop.If missing pulses between heading lines aredetected, a message is sent and transmission isstopped within 60 seconds.CommunicationFailureThe system will continue to operatein its last configuration but cannotbe controlled.Caution: The software EmergencyStop function is disabled.Communication has been lost with the trackextractor, command & display system or servicedisplay. The system continues operation untilcontrol is restored or the system is manuallyswitched to Local control.Caution: When communication to the RDU islost, the Emergency Stop function on the trackextractor, command & display system or servicedisplay will NOT function.FPGA2 failedMessage received from SharpEyeTMprocessor.Antenna rotation and systemtransmission will have stopped.If the transceiver detects a hardware fault, itsends a warning message to the displayequipment and switches to the Degraded state ofoperation.Hut Door Open Information warning only; no changein system performance. The hut door switch is open.Oil level low Information warning only; no changein system performance.The oil level in the CHL antenna gearbox is lowand should be inspected at the earliest safeopportunity.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 225 of 240RDU LCDMessage System status DescriptionOil leveltemperatureInformation warning only; no changein system performance.The oil temperature in the CHL gearbox is high. Atthe earliest safe opportunity, a general inspectionof the antenna should be made to see if there isany reason for the elevated oil temperature.The oil level should also be checked.Overtemperature 1Message received fromSharpEyeTM processor.Transceiver switches to Low powermode. See note belowIf the temperature of the RF power transistors inthe transceiver exceeds predetermined limits, thenl[hm]_cp_l m_h^m [h •ip_l-n_gj_l[nol_ q[lhcha ni the Radar Distribution Unit and switches to the^_al[^_^ fiq jiq_l mn[n_- Overtemperature 2Message received fromSharpEyeTM processor. Antennarotation and system transmissionwill stop. See note belowIf the temperature exceeds a further pre-set limitthe transceiver switches to the fault state andtransmission is stopped.Over temperature notes: As the SharpEyeTM processor temperature returns to predetermined limits, the transceiverreturns to the degraded state and then to normal operation.PSUA PWRalarmDepending on the fault condition thesystem may operate normally orantenna rotation and systemtransmission may have stopped. Seenote belowIndicates a fault condition with one half of the dualredundant power supply within the RDU or aproblem with AC input A (PL2).If the fault is with the power supply, the system willoperator normally using PSUB outputs.If AC input A has failed or is lost, power to thetransceiver will also be lost stopping antennarotation and system transmission.PSUB PWRalarmInformation warning only; no changein system performance. See note belowThere is a fault with PSUB on the dual redundantpower supply within the RDU or a problem with theAC input B (PL3).The system will operator normally using PSUAoutputs.PSU A or B PWR alarm notes: The cause of any power supply related alarms must be investigated at the earliest safeopportunity and corrective action taken.Safety currentI-loop openAntenna rotation and systemtransmission will have stopped.The Safety current I loop is open.Check that the Antenna Rotation, Man Aloft Switchor any additional safety switches are in the FREE/normally closed position.Rx sensitivityThe system will be operationalhowever target detection may bereduced.If the minimum detectable signal rises above a pre-set level the transceiver sends a receiver sensitivitywarning message.Standby Antenna rotation and systemtransmission will have stopped.The system is in standby mode, ensure that nofault conditions exist that could be preventing thesystem entering Run mode.SYNTHMessage received from SharpEyeTMprocessor.Antenna rotation and systemtransmission will have stopped.The SharpEyeTM processor synthesiser has notinitialised correctly. Cycling the power to thetransceiver may clear this condition.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 226 of 240RDU LCDMessage System status DescriptionTx powerMessage received from SharpEyeTMprocessor.The transceiver will switch to Lowpower mode (see below).If the RF output power falls below 100W thetransceiver sends an RF Power LOW warningg_mm[a_ [h^ mqcn]b_m ni nb_ ^_al[^_^ fiq jiq_l state of operation.Turning info lostMessage received from SharpEyeTMprocessor.Antenna rotation and systemtransmission will have stopped.If the antenna stops rotating when not commandedto stop, a warning message is sent to the displayequipment and the transceiver switches to the faultstate (see below) and transmission is stopped.VSWRMessage received fromSharpEyeTM processor.The transceiver will switch to LowPower or Fault mode.If the VSWR on the RF output is worse than 1.4:1the transceiver sends an antenna VSWR warningg_mm[a_ [h^ mqcn]b_m ni nb_ ^_al[^_^ fiq jiq_l state of operation (see below).If the VSWR on the RF output is worse than 2.0:1the transceiver enters fault mode (see below) andis shutdown.This can be an indication of a problem with theSharpEyeTM processor, the connecting waveguideor the antenna.SharpEyeTM modesIn some of the alarm conditions noted above, the SharpEyeTM transceiver may enter one of the threefollowing states.If any of these states is detected attempt a system reset. Should the fault condition persist pleasecontact Kelvin Hughes for further assistance.Transceiver lowpower modeThe transceiver continuously runs background performance checks on forward power,reverse power, receiver sensitivity and temperature. If any of these parameters fallsoutside predetermined levels a warning message is sent to the Radar Distribution Unitindicating the nature of the fault.The transceiver continues to operate, but with reduced performance and functionality.Caution:As a result of reduced output power, range performance will be reduced andthe system may not meet the expected operational detection performance.Transceiver faultmodeIf the performance or functionality is degraded such that the transceiver cannot operateit enters the fault state and a fault message is sent to the display equipment.The transceiver stops radiating RF and there is no video output to the RadarDistribution Unit.A spurious fault may be cleared by re-powering the equipment.RDU to transceivercommunicationerrorIf communication is lost between the Radar Distribution Unit and the SharpEyeTM, theRDU reboots the SharpEye leading to a potential 60 second gap in coverage.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 10: Corrective maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 227 of 240Page Intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 11: AbreviationsKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 228 of 24011 AbreviationsAC Alternating CurrentACH Anti-condensation heaterACPAzimuth Clock PulseAISAutomatic Identification SystemARPAzimuth Reset PulseBIT /BITE Built In Test / Built in Test EquipmentCANBusController Area Network BusCFARConstant false Alarm RateCW Continuous WaveDC Direct CurrentECDIS Electronic Chart Display & Information SystemEDPCEnhanced Digital Pulse CompressionEMElectromagneticEMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMCON Electromagnetic ControlESMElectronic Surveillance MeasureFATFactory AcceptanceTestFCSFire Control SystemFD Frequency DiversityFSM Functional Status MessageGaNGallium NitrideGPSGlobal Positioning SystemHL Heading LineHRDPC High Resolution Digital PulseCompressionIALA International Association of LighthouseAuthoritiesIBSIntegrated Bridge SystemIEC International Electrotechnical CommitteeIF Intermediate FrequencyILSIntegrated Logistic SupportIMOInternational Maritime OrganisationI/O Input/ OutputIP Internet ProtocolIRSInterface Requirement SpecificationKHKelvin HughesKSDKelvin (Hughes) Software DocumentLAN Local Area NetworkLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayLEDLight Emitting DiodeLNFELow Noise Front EndLPA Low Profile AntennaLRU Line Replaceable UnitmMetreMACMedia Access ControlMASMan Aloft SwitchMDP L[hn[Ccacn[fx Oli]_mmilMDS Minimum Detectable SignalMISMModular Interface System ModuleMMIMan Machine InterfaceMTD Moving target DetectionMTTR Mean Time To RepairnmNautical MilePCPersonal ComputerPCBPrinted Circuit BoardPRF Pulse Repetition FrequencyPWM Pulse Width ModulationRALGerman Colour StandardRACONRadar BeaconRDURadar Distribution UnitRF Radio FrequencyRPM Revolutions Per MinuteRxReceiveSARTSearch And Rescue TransponderSBSShore Based SystemsSETD Systems Engineering Technical DocumentSTC Sensitivity Time ControlTBATo Be AdvisedTBCTo Be ConfirmedTCPTransmission ControlProtocolTFT Thin Film TransistornTrademarkTxTransmitUG_cabn ohcn i` 08 l[]e msmn_g UDPUniversal Datagram ProtocolUPS Uninterruptable power supplyUSB Universal Serial BusVSWRVoltage Standing Wave RatioWANWide Area NetworkWI Work Instruction
SBS-900-11 Long Range Surveillance Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 11: AbreviationsKH-1611-2 operator & maintenance handbook issue 1Page 229 of 240Page Intentionally blank
SBS-900 ShoreBaBasedRadar SystemsChapter1212:Contacting Kelvin HughesKHKH-1602 2issue 1:Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage230of2401212Contacting Kelvin Hughes12.1Contact Kelvin HughesAddress:Kelvin Hughes LimitedVoltageMollison AvenueEnfield, UKEN3 7QXPhone:+4444(0)1992 805 200Fax:+44 (0)1992 805 805 301Technical 805 805 301InternetWebsite:www.kelvinhughes.comwww.kelvinhughes.com12.2OnOn-line service requestA service request can be made via the Kelvin Hughes web site as followsFrom the Kelvin Hughes web, selectMarine SystemsWorldService,RequestServiceand then complete the on-line form.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 12: Contacting Kelvin HughesKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 231 of 24012.3 Kelvin Hughes regional officesThe following details the regional offices of Kelvin Hughes. A full list is also available in the Contacttab of the Kelvin Hughes website @ www.kelvinhughes.comKelvin HughesRotterdam, Netherlands BV(GMT+1)service@kelvinhughes.nlPhone: +31 10 472 4050Fax:+31 10 472 4051Kelvin Hughes A/SArhus, Denmark(GMT+1)service@kelvinhughes.dkPhone: +45 8611 2888Fax:+45 8611 2260Kelvin Hughes A/SBergen, Norway(GMT+1)service@kelvinhughes.dkPhone: +45 8611 2888Fax:+45 8611 2260Kelvin Hughes PTE LtdSingapore(GMT+8)service@khsing.comPhone: +65 6545 9880Fax: +65 6545 8892Kelvin HughesShanghai, China(GMT+8)service@kelvinhughes.cnPhone: +86 21 58 772 105Fax:+86 21 58 785 944Kelvin Hughes LimitedNew Orleans, USA(GMT-5)usservice@kelvinhughes.comPhone: +1 504 731 2999Fax: +1 866 648 9763
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 13: Annex A: RadarView software & service display control softwareKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 232 of 24013 Annex A: RadarView software & service display controlsoftwarePrinted copies In printed copies of this handbook, a copy of the RadarView usermanual can be found in this section.Electroniccopies (PDF) In electronic copies, the RadarView user manual is can be found inthe root directory of the KH1601 document (PDF format).Cambridge PixelRadarViewuser manualDetails and copyright noticeSPx RadarView for Windows User ManualDocument number: CP-25-110-27Kelvin Hughes Ltd is not responsible for the content of theRadarView user manual which remains the copyright of CambridgePixel Ltd.Document reference CP-25-110-27 contains proprietary information that issensitive to the commercial interests of Cambridge Pixel Ltd. The contentsof this document should not be communicated to third parties without theprior written consent of the Company.Kelvin HughesService display controlsoftware.Details on the Kelvin Hughes software that interfaces the optionalservice display with the Radar Distribution Unit/ transceiver.
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 13: Annex A: RadarView software & service display control softwareKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 233 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 14: Annex B: Antenna sub system maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 234 of 24014 Annex B: Antenna sub system maintenanceETahYTVgheXerf handbook: The SBS-900 series can be supplied with a range of Advancedantennas.The installation and maintenance instructions for these antennas andthe antenna turning unit (ATU) are detailed in a separate handbookcontained in this Annex.The Antenna turning unit/ gearbox and antenna must be installed inaccordance with the manufactures requirements which include butare not restricted to: Health and safety, unpacking, lifting andinstallation requirements.Handbook reference: Installation and Maintenance ManualRadar Antenna System type KAH20-AS-00000
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 14: Annex B: Antenna sub system maintenanceKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 235 of 240Page intentionally blank
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 15: IndexKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 236 of 24015 IndexAAbreviations ....................................................... 228ACBreaker type .................................................... 11Breakers .......................................................... 30Overview.......................................................... 11AC supply isolation............................................... 87Adverse weather - Checks after........................... 85AlarmsMessages ...................................................... 224Silence audio ................................................... 40View alarm condition........................................ 40AntennaAdvanced sub-system overview ...................... 26Emergency STOP............................................ 43Isolation ............................................................. 9Lifting............................................................. 124Radiation hazard................................................ 8Rotates at switch on ........................................ 35Rotation ON/ OFF switch on RDU ................. 221Rotation safety notice .................................. 7, 35S-band removal ............................................. 126Standard sub-system overview........................ 25X-band removal ............................................. 125Anti-static handling............................................... 10BBrightness (RDU LCD)......................................... 65Button functions (front panel) ............................... 39CCE marking ............................................................ 5COMMS status menu........................................... 60Contact details for Kelvin Hughes ...................... 230Control menuDetail ............................................................... 51Overview.......................................................... 49DDefaultMenu (RDU)..................................................... 64Menu overview................................................. 50Document history................................................... 6Door removal...................................................... 123DTX-A295 .......................................................... 149DTX-A7 overview ................................................. 27EEarth bonding maintenance ............................... 120Earth connections ................................................ 12Electrical hazards................................................... 7Emergency antenna stop......................................43Emergency StopRadarView activation .......................................78RadarView restart ............................................79Enclosure menu ...................................................62Encoder ReplacementS-band systems .............................................136X-band systems .............................................130End of life disposal ...............................................10External commands..............................................69FFanFailure warning (RDU) ...........................113, 193Replacement (RDU PSU) ..............................193Replacement (VF-nC3 inverter) .....................219Replacement (VF-S11 inverter) .....................216Replacement (VF-S15 inverter) .....................214Reset timer (VF-nC3 inverter)........................ 220Reset timer (VF-S11 inverter) ........................217Front panelButtons & control..............................................39Overview & replacement ................................212Fuse RDU...........................................................181GGearbox oil...........................................................98Grounding.............................................................12HHandbooks ...........................................................15KH-1601-1 installation......................................15KH-1601-2 operator .........................................15RadarView .......................................................80Health and safety warnings ....................................7IInterference rejection menu..................................54InverterControl (VF-nC3)............................................109VF-nC3 Single phase inverter........................218VF-S11 Three phase inverter.........................215VF-S15 Three phase......................................213Isolating the system..............................................87KKelvin HughesContact details ...............................................230Regional offices .............................................231
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 15: IndexKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 237 of 240LLED RDU front panel ........................................... 36LiftingAntenna ......................................................... 124S-band antenna supports .............................. 126LocalOperational states............................................ 44Operator instructions ....................................... 35RDU controls ................................................... 36Switch.............................................................. 37Switch to Remote............................................. 46MMaintenance10-year maintenance............................. 114, 1173-year planed maintenance ............................. 985-year planned maintenance ......................... 100Advacned antenna sub-systems...................... 86Annual planned maintenance .......................... 88Antenna & Gearbox ....................... 128, 134, 135Earth bonding ................................................ 120Planned ........................................................... 85Man aloft switch ................................................. 221MenuControl menu ................................................... 51Control menu overview.................................... 49Default menu ................................................... 64Navigation within menus.................................. 47RDU menus..................................................... 47Setup menu ..................................................... 64Setup/ Default overview................................... 50Status menu..................................................... 56Status menu overview ..................................... 49Microwave radiation levels ..................................... 8MISM errors ......................................................... 61MISM status menu ............................................... 61Mute menu ........................................................... 53NNetworkMenu (Default/ Setup)...................................... 66Status menu..................................................... 59NTPDefault/ Setup menu........................................ 66Status menu..................................................... 60NTX-A402 backplane......................................... 194NTX-A462 Radar processing module................. 199NTX-A477-1 radar I/O module ........................... 201NTX-A478 serial comms module........................ 205NTX-A490 signal I/O module ............................. 209OOP1, 2 & 3 Radar O/P menu................................ 66Over current protection devices ........................... 11Gearbox .........................................................122RDU .......................................................180, 181Transceiver enclosure......................................28PPart numberRDU ............................................................... 179Transceiver enclosure....................................142Planned maintenanceAdvanced antenna sub-systems......................86Standard antenna sub-systems ....................... 85Power isolating the system...................................87Power rating plate ................................................11Power supply (RDU)Fan replacement............................................193Indicators .......................................................190Overview........................................................189Removal.........................................................191QQuadrature converter PCB.................................149RRadar CNTRL defaults menu ...............................67Radar Control Status menu..................................57Radar Distribution UnitBackplane ......................................................194Breakers.........................................................182Fuses .............................................................181Overview..........................................................30Power supply (AC-DC)...................................189Radar I/O module...........................................201Schematic ......................................................187Serial Comms module....................................205Signal I/O module...........................................209Technical Overview........................................179Radar Source menu .............................................51RadarViewEmergency Stop...............................................78Handbook.........................................................80Manage radar menu.........................................81Operator overview............................................80Radiation hazards ..................................................8Range Mode menu...............................................52Rel Sector menu...................................................67RemoteOperation .........................................................69Operational states............................................70Switch ..............................................................37RoHS....................................................................10Rotating joint removalS-band systems .............................................138X-band systems .............................................132RPM menu ...........................................................55
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 15: IndexKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 238 of 240SSafety aloft............................................................. 9Safety switch...................................................... 221Safety warnings...................................................... 7S-band Processor removal & replacement......... 171SBS-900-1 overview ............................................ 20SBS-900-2 overview ............................................ 21SBS-900-3 overview ............................................ 22SBS-900-4 overview ............................................ 23SBS-900-51 overview .......................................... 24SBS-A126Antenna power selection ............................... 154Overview........................................................ 153SBS-A3-2 service display..................................... 73SBS-A3-3 service display..................................... 74SBS-A3-5 service display..................................... 75Sea & rain menu .................................................. 53Security switch................................................... 222Serial Ports menu................................................. 65Service atendance ............................................. 230Service displayEmergency stop............................................... 78Overview.......................................................... 73PC overview..................................................... 76Reset ............................................................... 77Switch ON/ OFF............................................... 77Setup menuDetails.............................................................. 64Overview.......................................................... 50SharpEye menu ................................................... 58Rb[ljDs_x _llil g_mm[a_m.............................. 163Software info menu .............................................. 63Software licensing................................................ 13Spares listingAdvanced antenna sub-systems.................... 141Approved spares.............................................. 85RDU............................................................... 223Standard S-band gearbox.............................. 135Standard X-band gearbox.............................. 128Transceiver enclosure ................................... 178Static desiccatorTransceiver Enclosure................................... 177Static inverterConfiguration/ settings................................... 104Maintenance operation .................................. 103Removal ................................ 101, 107, 114, 117Status menuDetails.............................................................. 56Overview.......................................................... 49Sweep menu........................................................ 54SwitchAntenna rotation.............................................221Man Aloft Switch ............................................221Safety.............................................................221Security..........................................................222SwitchingOFF..................................................................42OFF Emergency STOP....................................43ON....................................................................41System control overview.......................................32System isolation ...................................................87System overview ..................................................17System status menu.............................................56TThree phase measurement ................................112TransceiverEnclosure overview..........................................27Operational states............................................45Transceiver enclosureAC input .........................................................142AC service socket ..........................................178Internal illumination........................................178Power supply unit(s).......................................147S-band processor replacement ......................171X-band processor replacement ......................165Transceiver EnclosureStatic desiccator.............................................177Transceiver operating states ................................71TX Frequency menu.............................................53TX Power menu....................................................52UUnit identification..................................................33VVariant Options menu...........................................65VDR-A121-3 status and control PCB..................212Virus protection ....................................................13WWaveguide switch...............................................174Working aloft ..........................................................9XX-band Processor removal & replacement.........165
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 15: IndexKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 239 of 240Notes
SBS-900 Shore Based Radar SystemsChapter 15: IndexKH-1602-2 issue 1: Standard SBS900 Systems Operator & Maintenance HandbookPage 240 of 240Kelvin Hughes LimitedVoltage, Mollison AvenueEnfield EN3 7QX United Kingdomt+44 (0)1992 805200f+44 (0)1992 805310www.kelvinhughes.comUKVWCVKQPCN!KPVGNNKIGPEG-!VJG!YQTNF!QXGT!

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