Kenmore 141157902 User Manual GAS GRILL ELITE Manuals And Guides L0412379

KENMORE Grill, Gas Manual L0412379 KENMORE Grill, Gas Owner's Manual, KENMORE Grill, Gas installation guides

User Manual: Kenmore 141157902 141157902 KENMORE GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your KENMORE GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE #141157902. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Kenmore Parts:Kenmore GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE Manual

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ITLiquidPropaneGasGrillM e114!,!57902[ML .... J_WARNING:Resd this Owner's Manu_ carefully and be sureyour gas 9ril_is propedy assembled, lns_Hed andmalta]ned. Failure to fo_w #_e instruc_ons couldresult in ser_s bodity _jury andfor property dam-age. _]s gas gri|l is i_tended for outdoor use onlyand is not intended to be inst_lIP._ inor onrecreational vehicles or boats.Note to installer;Leave th_sOwner's Manual wi_ _e consumerafter delivery an_or _sta_ation.No_ to Consumer:Leave th_ O_Ys Manua! in a cor_ven_nt pl_for lucre ceferen_°Manufacturer Customer _r-¢ice He|p]Ine:I_fme sh_ing _x is miss_g pads or y_J havequest_s _oout assembiy, ca_ the Custem_ Ser-vice Help|ine 8urn -11pro CST, f_4o_daythroughSea_ R_buck _d Co,_Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U,S_.P4775AoRev:04J21_
Safe_ Inst_c_iens ..............................................2Pre-Assemb|y instructions ..................,...............4Pa_ Diagram and Part Lists ................. 5Assembly InstpJctJons ...................................... 8Cooking _nst_ctions ..................................... 15.... 't5FrequentJy Asked Questions ........................18Cooking Gu{de and Recipes ....................19_rom the date of purchase for '_e des_gna_ _meperiods listed below, Sears wiff replace the foI{_owingg_ parts f_ee of cha_ if they are defective inmazda! or workmanship,_, LifeSme of Grff_: Ex_r_or Stainless Steel Parts,Num_um Casings (except for paint _oss)•3Years: N_e Tamers_ Cooking Gdds_ Burners•5 Years; A_l Other Gdff Parts {except ignitor batte_)This warranty does not cover;• Labor costs for repa;_s• Griff ff it is used for commercial or rentalpu_ses,Rep4acement parts ate availabie by contacting thenearest Sea_s _e Center.This wafraa#y apples of_y when _e gdff is usedin _e United States._is warranty gives you spec_3c _egaJ_ghts, andyou may also have other rights wh_h vary fromstate _ state,_a_, RoebaC_ _nd Co. Dept. SI7WA,Hoffman Estates, IL 60'179Failure to compty with these lnstru_onscou|d result |n • _ra o_rexp|_on whichcould cause serous bodily injury, death,or pro_ damage.Grill Inatallstio_ CodesThis gas gr_l must be _ns_lled Jn accordancewi_h aft _oca! _de_. in areas without _oca__es° foltow the latest edit_ of the NationalFuel Gas Code _S_ Z223.Io in Caned& i_sta_la-tion mus_ conform to standard 16149.1or t-b_4g.2 (|ns_allabon Co_e for Gas BurningAppliances and Equipment) and el) _eca) codes.Proper Placement and Clearance of GrillNever use _ur gas gr||l in a gaffe, por_, shed,b_eez_y or _y otr_erenc_os_ area. Your gas gri_!is to be used ou_oors only, at Jeast24" from theback and side of any combustible surface,, Yourgas _ff should not be p_taced u_nde_any surfacethat wiff burn. Do ne_ obs_ct the flow of vent#a-t_n a_r aroun_ 'the {}as gdH housing.This outdoor gas g_'tff_snot intended to be installed in_ recreat_ona_vehicles an_ boats.Carte€! LPG Cylinder UsaY_r gas gri!l _s designe_ for use w_th as_n-dard 20 [b. Uqu_d Propane Gas (LPG) _inder.not _nduded _th gri_ _x, Never connect yourgas gd[_ to an LPG cylinder that exceeds th_scapac_yo A cylinder of approximately 12 inchesin diameter ey 18-1/2 inches _igh sh_ld be them_x_m_m size LPG cylinder used, We recom-mend buying an "OPD" gas cy_nde_ vah_nhoffersan Ove_ Prevention Dev_. Th_ safety featureprevents the _inder [rof_ being oved_J|ed wh_hcan cause maifunct_on of the LPG _inder,regu_ato_ and/or grill.The LPG cylinder must be censtructee endmarked st 8ccordance with specificat_s of theU.S. Dept. of Transpodat_on (DOT). _n Caned&the LPG cylinder must rnee| the CanadianTranspo_t_en and Communk:a#ons (CTC)specifications. _sa be sure:The LPG _inder has a shutoffvalve, [e_hating in an LPG supply cy_n_ valve out_et,_a_ is compatJbJe w_th aType Icy_nd_connect_ device. The LPG cy_iader mustalso _ave a safety re_ie_ de_ce that _as adirect communication w_th the vapor space ofthe cylinder,2. The _inder supply system must be a_rangedfor vapor wffhdrawaL3. The LPG c_i_der used must have a colta_to protect the cylinder va_e.2?Sea_, R_b_K and _.

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