Kenmore 141157902 User Manual GAS GRILL ELITE Manuals And Guides L0412379

KENMORE Grill, Gas Manual L0412379 KENMORE Grill, Gas Owner's Manual, KENMORE Grill, Gas installation guides

User Manual: Kenmore 141157902 141157902 KENMORE GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your KENMORE GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE #141157902. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Kenmore Parts:Kenmore GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE Manual

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M e114!,!57902
L .... J
Resd this Owner's Manu_ carefully and be sure
your gas 9ril_is propedy assembled, lns_Hed and
malta]ned. Failure to fo_w #_e instruc_ons could
result in ser_s bodity _jury andfor property dam-
age. _]s gas gri|l is i_tended for outdoor use only
and is not intended to be inst_lIP._ inor on
recreational vehicles or boats.
Note to installer;
Leave th_sOwner's Manual wi_ _e consumer
after delivery an_or _sta_ation.
No_ to Consumer:
Leave th_ O_Ys Manua! in a cor_ven_nt pl_
for lucre ceferen_°
Manufacturer Customer _r-¢ice He|p]Ine:
I_fme sh_ing _x is miss_g pads or y_J have
quest_s _oout assembiy, ca_ the Custem_ Ser-
vice Help|ine 8urn -11pro CST, f_4o_daythrough
Sea_ R_buck _d Co,_
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U,S_.
Safe_ Inst_c_iens ..............................................2
Pre-Assemb|y instructions ..................,...............4
Pa_ Diagram and Part Lists ................. 5
Assembly InstpJctJons ...................................... 8
Cooking _nst_ctions ..................................... 15
.... 't5
FrequentJy Asked Questions ........................18
Cooking Gu{de and Recipes ....................19
_rom the date of purchase for '_e des_gna_ _me
periods listed below, Sears wiff replace the foI{_owing
g_ parts f_ee of cha_ if they are defective in
mazda! or workmanship,
_, LifeSme of Grff_: Ex_r_or Stainless Steel Parts,
Num_um Casings (except for paint _oss)
3Years: N_e Tamers_ Cooking Gdds_ Burners
5 Years; A_l Other Gdff Parts {except ignitor batte_)
This warranty does not cover;
Labor costs for repa;_s
Griff ff it is used for commercial or rental
Rep4acement parts ate availabie by contacting the
nearest Sea_s _e Center.
This wafraa#y apples of_y when _e gdff is used
in _e United States.
_is warranty gives you spec_3c _egaJ_ghts, and
you may also have other rights wh_h vary from
state _ state,
_a_, RoebaC_ _nd Co. Dept. SI7WA,
Hoffman Estates, IL 60'179
Failure to compty with these lnstru_ons
cou|d result |n • _ra o_rexp|_on which
could cause serous bodily injury, death,
or pro_ damage.
Grill Inatallstio_ Codes
This gas gr_l must be _ns_lled Jn accordance
wi_h aft _oca! _de_. in areas without _oca_
_es° foltow the latest edit_ of the National
Fuel Gas Code _S_ Z223.Io in Caned& i_sta_la-
tion mus_ conform to standard 16149.1
or t-b_4g.2 (|ns_allabon Co_e for Gas Burning
Appliances and Equipment) and el) _eca) codes.
Proper Placement and Clearance of Grill
Never use _ur gas gr||l in a gaffe, por_, shed,
b_eez_y or _y otr_erenc_os_ area. Your gas gri_!
is to be used ou_oors only, at Jeast24" from the
back and side of any combustible surface,, Your
gas _ff should not be p_taced u_nde_any surface
that wiff burn. Do ne_ obs_ct the flow of vent#a-
t_n a_r aroun_ 'the {}as gdH housing.
This outdoor gas g_'tff_snot intended to be installed in
_ recreat_ona_vehicles an_ boats.
Carte€! LPG Cylinder Usa
Y_r gas gri!l _s designe_ for use w_th as_n-
dard 20 [b. Uqu_d Propane Gas (LPG) _inder.
not _nduded _th gri_ _x, Never connect your
gas gd[_ to an LPG cylinder that exceeds th_s
capac_yo A cylinder of approximately 12 inches
in diameter ey 18-1/2 inches _igh sh_ld be the
m_x_m_m size LPG cylinder used, We recom-
mend buying an "OPD" gas cy_nde_ vah_nhoffers
an Ove_ Prevention Dev_. Th_ safety feature
prevents the _inder [rof_ being oved_J|ed wh_h
can cause maifunct_on of the LPG _inder,
regu_ato_ and/or grill.
The LPG cylinder must be censtructee end
marked st 8ccordance with specificat_s of the
U.S. Dept. of Transpodat_on (DOT). _n Caned&
the LPG cylinder must rnee| the Canadian
Transpo_t_en and Communk:a#ons (CTC)
specifications. _sa be sure:
The LPG _inder has a shutoffvalve, [e_
hating in an LPG supply cy_n_ valve out_et,
_a_ is compatJbJe w_th aType Icy_nd_
connect_ device. The LPG cy_iader must
also _ave a safety re_ie_ de_ce that _as a
direct communication w_th the vapor space of
the cylinder,
2. The _inder supply system must be a_ranged
for vapor wffhdrawaL
3. The LPG c_i_der used must have a colta_
to protect the cylinder va_e.
2?Sea_, R_b_K and _.
Failure to compty with these tns_ucUons
cou|d resu_ In a fire or explosion which
could cause serious bodtty injury, death,
or _perty damage°
Never connect an LPG cy'Fmder
to _r gas gd& The gas regut[ator assemb_),
su_lt_ w_th your gas gnl| Js adjusted to
have an ouUet pressure of 1_° water column
(W.C.) for connec|ion 1o aM LPG _inder.
t Only use _r_u_ator and hose assembly
suppl_ed wi_ your gas grill. Replacement
regulators and hose assemblies must be
those spec_f_ by Sears.
" Have your LPG cylinder fWed by arepub_ble
propane gas _aJer and v_ue_fy inepec_d
and refuelled at each fiJi}ngo
Never fi]_ the _ cyt_nder b_tond 80% _ll.
Have your propane gas deaNer che_ the
release verve afiet avery fi_Bngto ensure _na!
it remains free of defects.
A_ways I<e_ LPG _inders m an upright
, Do net sto_e {or use) gasoline or other fl_mmab{e
vapors and _iqu_dsin the v}cinityof th_s gas gd;
An LPG _-3_inderthat _ not connec|ed for use
must not be st_ed in the vicinity of this _ any
other gas grill
,, Do not subject the LPG cylind_ to excessive
Never s_ore an LPG c'y_nder indo_s. _f
store your gas gd_l in the _a_e or other
_ndoo_ location, always disconnect the LPG
¢34inder _rst and store it safely o_tslde.
=LPG cylinders mus_ be s_ored o_tdoo_s i_ a
we_ovent_ated area. D_sconnec|ed LPG cy_in_
ders must _ be stored in a bui_tding,
g_ra_ or any other enclosed _rea,
When _r gas gri_t_is not _n use the gas
must be turned off at the LPG cylinder.
The _gu_ator a_ hose assembly must be
_nsp_'_,ed before each use of the gr_lL If
there is excessive abrasion or wear or if the
hose is ouL it must be rep_ed prior to the
gr_lt being used _ain,
Keep the gas regulator hose aw_y from
not grW sude_s and dripping grease.
Avoid unn_ssa_y fw_sting of hose. V_is_{iy
insect ,hose prior to each use for cuts,
c_ac_s, excessive wear _ other _amage
|f the hose appears damaged do not _se
gas gra C,a_l_rs at _-8004-MY-HOME
for a Sears euthori_ replacement nose.
Never |_ht your gas grw with the _ dosed
or b_ore chewing to insure the burner tubes
are fuJty seated over the gas valve odfices.
Never a_ children to operate your gn& Do
not allow chitdre_-t _o platy near your gnU.
Shut off gas supply to the gr_&
-Ex|inguish _y open _ame_
* I_ odor cow,hues, imm_ately call .your
_as company or _a} fire d L
Fa_ure _ comply w_th these _q
couJd resutt in a f_re _ ex_Jon wh_h
cou!d cause serous bo_y _njury, death, _-
Astrong gas sme,lL _ the hissing sound of
gas indicates a sedo4Js probl,=,,mw_th your
gas gd_l _ the LPG cylinder: Fa;ilure to
_medlate{y f_Uow the steps I{sted _l_w
cou{d result in a _re or expl_ion wh_h
_u_d cause _ous _iP_t _jury, death,
*Get away from the LPG cylinder,
Do _t _y to f_ _ I_ob_em _rseff_
Ca_! your fire doper|meaL (Do r_t _li
near the LPG ¢-y_nd_ because your
|e|ept_one is an elec_ri_ device_)
CAUTION: Spi_s and sma_ _nsects occao
_enet_y sp_ webs or ma_e nes_ in the
gristburner tu_s during trans_ and wa_qe-
housing, The_ webs can _ead to a gas
obs_ _ich cou;_d result laa fize _n
and around the burner tubes. _is type of
fire is known as a "F_SH-SACK" _d _n
cause serious damage to y_r grill and
create an unsafe operating _d_n for _e
_ough _ burner tube is not
the on_y _u_ of "F_H-BAC_, it is _
mos_ _mmen c_se,
To reduce the chance of "FLA.SH,-BACK_,
_ must _ean the burner _s before
assemb_n 9 your gd_, a_d a_ least _ce a
m_th in |ate summer _ early fa_ when
spiders a_e most a_i_ AJso ped_3# th_
burner tube cteani_ procedure _ your gri}l
has not been us_ f_ an extendee period
of _me_
To _ the _._n_ of "FLASHBACK" (see
_utio_ on previous page) _an _ _Jmer tu_
and _me_s _ fuAy _m_i_ your g_
Re_ve _e _e_ pin _the rear u_t_ of
each _rr_ using apair _ long ;_ p!_.
_refu_iy I_n:each l_._rmf up and away _ _
-_lve _e. t_ refer to Figu_ _and
_o_ one of these _ _ni_ metes:
Ia_ _m0 (a i_I-_ coat:hanger
_Iow Run the h_, thresh t_ I_Jmer tu_
and in,de _t_e _mer _veral t:_ to _ve
any _s
2_ Use a bo_le _ _h af]exi_e baptize, Run
the brush thm_ _ _mer |u_ and ip_
e _ several_mes_ mm_,_ing any deb#_.
3_ Use an a+r f'_ to f_ air _ugh each
burrer tube+ The f_ _ir st_u_ pass
through the burner and out t_
The _ion _ the _r t_ wib_ _-d_e_
to _ _ce _ vIIalforsafe _ion,
Check to e_Jte the od_ is tn_ of
_er tube _re _ng _ur gas grt_. See
Fig. 2if the _me_ tu_ d_ n_ _ _ver
wive office, _mg IP_ _ may
cau_ and_J_¢fir_.
Figure 1
ASS_k_LY ,._ // 8_JRN_ R tBt_R
TO_ _ T_, _.................::::::: .......................,...........:............
_R T_J_ COTT1E_ P_
_. _ Use
H005 _ 4 xl_ Ph_lips Head Sc_'_v 4
!/4 _ Nut: 4
_t4_×_ Ph_il_ Head Screw 3
1/4" N_ 3
1/4" N_: 7
_!4"Xlt2" Phil|i_ He_ S_ 4
!/4 _ N_ 4
H0O7 _mm Phi!_i_ _ad _ 4
_/4"×_ P_ll_ H_ S_ 4
_/4"x3/4' Phillt_ H_ Scr_ 4
114" L_ N_ 4
1/4_x3/4'PhWi_ Hea_l _8
F_239A D_ H_le 2
P5589A M_ _r _op 2
PS080A _ _ery !
P_A Flame Tamer Sr_ 4
II ii i / .................................... [ III IIII [
|nst_ll Bottom _ To Cad Legs
InStil Wheels To Ca_ Legs
Install Rear P_el 'To _
in_a_i Top P_ _ _om Shelf To Ca_:
_!_ _ SI_ To Cart
|_1_ T_k Holder To Cm!
|r_al! Te_k H_ To _rl
RestrictD_ From Be.J_ Fhjl_ Out Too Far
l_st_llG_I Head To C_
|_1_ _ Shelves To C_rt
_n_t To ¢_t
Install To Ele_ I_il_
I_ To _ _ Panels
T.......... III III r_H[ I
aw_y; inste_ u_ _ _ an elev_ _,e,
-Por_a_n_ _p;hl!_
LkJ Side _ne_- Left
U_ S_de Panel _ Right
Name P_
Ud Na_le
S_r@Away Wa_ing Ra_
Cas_ #on _ng G#d
Stainless Sleei Flame Tame_
_amer SUp_ Bracke_
Gas _|_ec_r Box w! E_c_
Ign_t_n Wke _:
Bowl Pane_ _Left
Bowl Psnei- Right
_wt Panel - Roar
Brawl Pane| - Fron_
H_ Sh_e_
Gas Val_e As_b_
Gas _n_e_
Con_ _el
_ntrol Kr_b
Top _el of Cabinet
_,_tage Bin
Grea_ _ral_ng Tray
Le_- Heat Sh_
_r_se_ P|ate - Sta_nie_ ,Stael
_om Shelf _ Cabin_
S_de S_f -Left
Side Sh_f- R_ht
Hea_4nsu|atmg Spacer
Ca_ Legs-, Castor S_e
CaA L_s -Wheei S_de
O_w_- Painfed, Graphite
Castor _at
£_nf Do_r
Rega_ator and _se
Whee_ Hub -G_a_i_e
Wheei- Graphi_s
Tank _k
Tank _
M_',ettc Door S_p
Do_r Handle
Grease Shield
Rain Sh_d
Owner's Manua!
Ha_a[e Pack (con_en_ page 5)
PI _318
if _ur shipp}ng box is m_sst_ or _u have
q_aestbns_tas_h_, cal:[8 8m -11 _ CST,
M_eay _rcajgh Friday, !-888-3!7-7642
Fat _ repair or replacement _rt$ you _d:
Ca_ 6 am _I _ CST, 7da_ a week
To make sure _ebt_n _e corr__ ;replacem_l
parts for your Kenmore £!i_e gas; £d!!, p|ease
refe_ to _ha part n_bers on [h_ pa_. _e
fo_l_win,£ _nfo_a_en _s _u}red _e assure _,_u
ra6eive the correc_ pa_:
t Gri![ M_e Number (_e _GA tabs _ g#I|}
2, Part Number
3, Pa_ Descrlpt_
4 Quantity of pa_ _ded
]mpo#_nt: Keep _ Owner's Manual far ¢_v_lent
referral and for part replacement
|m_l: Use o_N Seam a_:hofiz_ pa_ The
u_ of any part _at _ mot _ au_ho,_d cam
dan_ro_s aad wi_ _18o void yo_r product
B_ore yo_ _ _.1_ use the p_ts
_to _ the_ a]! necessary par|s have _n
_gn_i _cart _for d_m_ge
you Woce_l. _not or ope_e your
gtifl _ _ _a_ damaged, if _u have queries
during tl_ _eml_y _1! 1_3t7:7642_
8am - ]i_ _To Moray through F_y_
While _is for one per:,_ to _
th_ g_ gritl_ have _ anotJ_ _._
when _ _ the _r, _avier _s,
espe,_affy the gdi! head°
Re_e aU _paris, h_n_, and gril! _ad
from ca_ten. Assem_ the g_ gel1 on aprotective
Re_ to parts IL_ _haldwa_
to help you _mble _r gr_li_
_mbli_ TI_ G_tl Cart
Position _om Shell (Pa_ List item I_31)
with its fmr_ vertica! I_e facir_ __ t_fore
the _ Lags to the _om Sheff_
make _ gs 2 _les f_ _Stop a_
located _n the front, _ Fig= 1, Insta_ the
Ca_t Side on the |eft _e of the
Bo_em Shelf. _the _r Channel faci_
in, The 90 dag_ lip on _and _of
[_tom S_f must be on the o_de Of the
_e Panels fo_ prop_ fit. _re u_ng 2of
the "_/4"x1/2_Phi|lips h_ad sc_ _n_.s
pt_e_. Install the ¢_tl Legs_V_[heel Side to
the other s_e of _om S_ by u_
2. in_t_l R_r Panel to _e of _e Pa_ by using
3_t_ 1/4"xl/2" _1_ he_ _and nu_,
See Fig, 2,
the 2 C_ _nto Casto_ 5ea_ (see
bo_om of C_ _). T_ the
th_ casto_ stem by ha_, clockwise ur_il it
stops. T_h|en _ _ Open..ep_ 1t/t6" w__
|n_all _he 2Whee_ te the _ _s-Whee_
Sk_. by ir_ng the _bolt t_
_ ar_l a_de _on _cart leg as _
in F_g. 2. Put sp_ng _ and 3_" n_l _.o
_ _hten secrecy _r_ a _ 4_ps
r. Do not ove@_n or _eel _ no_
t_m _ly_ Snap _Hubs o_o _t_ v_eels.
5_ Position Top P_nel (Pa_.s D_ Item #24) with
its front ve_l ledge _ng _p. Befor_
the Top P_, _ke _Jr_ _ 2
for the D_or Stop are k_d in the f_t.
Pl_e Top Panel i_o . with the 90
Cleg_ee lip on t_ o_'_de of Rear Panel
Fig, 3. _re firmly using 7 of the _14"xl/_
Phi_lip_ ffead _ a_ nuts prov_
Flg_ I
Figure 3
_mblir_ T_e _blr_et C_
_in_|i Oo_ S_ to _om Sh_ and Top
Pane! of _t, in_ S_ Fig. 4_ _m _ly
4_ _ _/4_xt12_ Phil_i_ head screws
2, Remove _wMe _ec_.e _m from
sta|_ steet _ _ aDO_ Handle to
each Fro_ _ _ _ 2_ _ M4_mm
3_ _in_li_ me Front _m_ _e sure
_ _ _e Cart
4_ Install either F_ Door _ inse_J_ t/4_ "
_'t _gh the I_wer dot_ _4_
_ _e Fro_ Boor a_ into ll_
_ the Bottom She_ T_ht_n se_rel¥,
Next, align the _r _ bolt P_ _F_
DOOr w_h the t_ hole in the Top Paget of
p_ and t_n _ty_
5_ Rep_= _ _ to in_l t_ _her Fm_ Do_
Wh_ the top _of the cabi_ d_ do _{
li_p y_u_ g_l! _ _ to _ _,_ Th_ step
is often _ui_ afte¢ _it_ _y a_ 'when
your g_ll h_ _ _ved _oanew _;_. To
levely_o_r_llCart__an _i116__
_toun_ theCa_e_s
from_r C_or Seals(seetx_tto_rn_tl_ Cart
Legs) u_d!_ ca_ _ are aligned, _F_,
F_ S
_bl_ T'rm, Tank Hook and G_[| Ora_r
,, A_ the Tank Hook and Tank _to
the wheeks_e of gd_! as _ in Fig. 6.
Align the tapp_ hoJ_ of _h _ _ the
he_ on Sk_ Panel Se_re fl_y usi_
114"x1/T Phillips head _provide.
2, |r_|] 2_the 1/4"xl/T _H_ he,_ sc_
to tl_ _ar of _e _ T_,
4_ in_l 2 of the _/4"x!/_ Phillips head
to _ fror_ of the Drawer Tra_. Th_ impor*
ta_ step the d_ from _g
_ _e the tra_. See Fig, 7,
Now that yo_ve __ _e g_|l _ _u
_n install me Gri|! Head
_e Fig. 8 To reduce the _fght _ _ Gril!
I_ad, _ _ y_ o_ the G_il_ Lid and
remo_,_ the _ Even
the removed, this _ep _ 2
_e to I_ a_ potion the Gd|t _o_o
the gdl| ca¢_. _s_re to alan the 2 _s
benea_ _e hang _ _ each _of tt_e
Gdl_ Head _h the 2hotes _ e_
b_ of _ Raise G_i_ _and mse_t 4of
the _14"x_4" Phiilips head _a_ P._
nu_ and _ght_ se_rely.
2. From the _ _ of g_! he_, i_a_ the
G_aoo _in_ T_y,, See Fig, $_
3 Cer_e_ the G_ R_e under Gm_
O_n_ T_ay _F_= 8_
Figure 7
_, Remo_ a_ disca_ the _t:,L_ _
_m _ _de She_ bra_,
2. Attac_ S_ St_h,_ to Ca_ L_ as _in
Fig. 9 Align the 4 holes _each Side Shelf frame
with the holes on _e _ Legs_Tighten _re_y
u_ 4 o_ the 1/4"_J4" Phifl_ _
3_ PI_ a Sto_ Bin i_o ea_ _e _e_.
I_ttor _f! ]_on - _Fig. 10
iU_ the Jgn_or Cap _e(/ on the _II
Control Pane| and m_ tt_ _t_ and
Spr_r_ f_ the Ignit_r Slolo
2. PI_ the manufacturer su_ _ battery
into _e _r _ _m to pl_ t_
3_ _ace the Sp_ng _er the _battery, then
_the Co_ct on top of _-e S_ng.
the _nito_ Cap _o_o _ gr_H
_ntro! Pa_.
Rgum 9
_fom placing the _og comments into your
gr_|l, ep_u_e _at the S_ Ele_e Tip
_positioned within each Gas Co_le_r _x
(a _/4" wide staiol_; mfou_ _ the
_'_t _ _ _ of bu_,) _ _ way
to _m this _ to _o_m the f_ _e
Have an a_ _nd L_ir_l to t_ right
_ _r_ll and _k _ _ ea_ Gas
_o_ 8ox. N_R _ _r face i_de
the g_il'l _;
3_ the |_n_t_ Cap and have
wat_ for a small _ _r_ _hi_ e_
G_ ColLe_or Box If a+_rk; is p_e_erd 'the
Ti_ ate p_pedy ed_
4, If no _ is _ I_ ;$pa_ _p _ i:n
Fig. 1_ needs !o _ _u_ed as f_i_:
Usi_ an edju_e _, Io_ _e Inside
N_ just u_|l the G_ Col_or _ _
_n,J_ered _t_ _
The _p _ _ S_ E_e _p
a_d _e bottc_ of the Gas Collar
If the gap _ _ _n _6" use _ _tt of
_e _m a_ g_ _u_e _ Gas Coile_
t_ _ _1 t_ g_p _ _
Return the __liecl_ _x tO_ originai
hodz:o_ _, _cu_ the Inside _ut a_
FJ_ _1 -SJ_ View
]_Jng C_Jng C_po_m
_m _ng _ y_ _ the first
_rm, soapy water_ _ and
Se_ with _Jng el| _. _tter cooki_
_ _|l to H_H s_ for _five
mt_es to _m _ e_ gP_ or food _,)
_. _ _e 4Rame Tamer S_ on t_
Patois. See Fig, i_ _ _ 2S_i_
_e_ Flame Tamers _ _ lower _
a_ove _ners. T-_y sL_ n'_ _tl_ center,
1Ev_ly _the reve_ _ ;1_
G¢_s on _ I_dge a_ve the _a_Jess _
FigUre t2
Su_ _ ea_ side. P'_ the a_ _tL_
sw_away Wa_ng Ra_ i_o beth _,
Cyli_er To Yo_ _-ill
Hang your fir_d gas _71inder on tyro top Tank
_ _ rt_ _ _ the _s cylinder
on t_ Tank H_er. See P_.g, _3, _ke
s_ the LPG c-_l_er valve _in the ful_ OFF
C_'_ _ _i_r v_ve features to ensure
has proper e_e! mating threads to _ the
hose &r_Jlator _bly _ (Type
per ANS! _1.58m1998)
Make s_ al:l _me_ val_ _re in the OFF
4. In_ the vah_e connection pot1 and reg_Jator
L_o_ for any dam_ or _.
Re_eve any de_. 1_ hose f_ da,_ge
_ver attempt to use dam_ _r #_ed
When the hose and regu|a_o_
assembly to the _i_ valve, hand t_l_en
nul do_se to aMI _. Do Not _ a
wrench to tighten _ecause itcou_ damage
the Ou_ C.oupl|ng _ and resu_ M a
=Open the cyii_ valve futly
_). Use asoapy _er so_ to che_
a|! for leaks before attempting to
li_h_ your gdt|. If a I_k is {o_nd, tun1 the
cy|inder vatve off _@_use your _t_il
u_il repa_s am ma_e.
__ng A L_id Pro_ Gas (_G)
C_|_r From Y_ G_B
1. Turn t_ btj_ valves an_ LPG cy|irder va_te
to the [ul! OFF _sitio_, (T_m _ to
2_ Detach |he hose and reg_lat_ _bly _m
the LPG _11_ v_ve by t_ming the Qui_
Cou_ing Nut cou i_.
CAU_rJ_, _n the applm_ m n_ in _ the
gas must be __ the _p_ cylimler;
Your Kenmom _ite _ g_i_ is r_ _y _r
use. _fote the find _ and _the heg,nni_
,e_ season (_ whe_er the L_G g_
cyl_ler has been
LRe_ all _ |i_ng and
2, Check _valve od_, _mer tu_ a_
ip_ructions fo_M _ _ 13 of this
1. Famtii_ y_lf_h t_ saf_ et
e &on_ _th_ manual _ _ _e _ile
I_h_n9 grill _ _ g_ s_
3_ Che_ _t the _of each _r |u_ _ _r_y
_ed overe_ _e _
4 Make su_ all g_ _nn_io_s a_ _
5_ Open t_g_l t_.
err .................
Failure to _n _ gd]! _d_ tt'_
or exptosm vvt.h:h ¢ou_ _ _ous
_|iy iP_u,'3t, _er proper _.
6;. :8_ _r_l _ _ _F ar_ _n t_ L_G
7. P_ _rum ,_ _ntml _ to HIGH.
8. T;_n imm_t_ely _ the _ ig_ f_:_
_m_s to _: the I_mer.
9o ff the _mer _ _ I_, turn t_ cc_-_t_ _b to
_, wa_ 5 minu_es fo_gaS tO _ar. t_ _:
bum_ can _ I_ _ _ply t_mtr'_ _'s comml ke_
1i Adjust _nt_! _o_ to y_ _si_ _
IF Y_ SM_ _:
8hut o_ g_ _pl_y to the gd|L
- Open g_|l I_d.
-ff _r _n_eso imm_ia_e_ cal! _ur
Failure to _pPf wi_'_these i_io_
_u_d _ in a fi_ _expl_on _i_
_cau_ _s _!!y inj_, death, or
pro_y _e
Chec_ng F_ _Gas
Never test for iea_ _aP,ame. _ to first
_, _ _e beg_ of each _ or_
_me your _cyii_ _chet_ed, _
_ _ leaks. Fol_ these _ steps:
_ke a _ap _iu'don; by mixi_ _e _
T_m t_ g_ consu!l k_ to _e ful| OFF
|_s= _ w_!! _r in tt_ soap _Jt_On
the _r_ ar_ _ _y sealed,
T_l_en o_ _tr as r'_ssa_jo
If you !mve _ g_ _k thai _ _not
repair, turn off _ et the _, ,d_
_g_ su_i_ f_ _r
A s_c_ g_ _e_, ,_ the h_ _of
9_ gd_ _the L_ _ind_o Fa_ to
_iete|y fol_ t_ _eps i_ _
* Get away _ the _ _r_le_o
*Oe not try to P_ _ _m _u_
U_htt_ Yo_ Gdi| by Match
To light your g_ g_l _m_, foP.owsteps I through
6_the Basic Ligl_ p Ti_n, i_ a lit
match '&_ough the !_ng hole _ _r _the
g4_, _ Fig, _4, Turn _n_st co_ro_ knob to the
H!_ _to _se gas° The t_J_ sP_k_ light
F_um t4
Never _n over '_ _! _king a_a wh_
_your gas gnl!o Keep yo_r face _
body a _e (at lea_ 18 in_s)
from _e £_ieg hole or bun_ts, -when
I_hting yo_r grit_ _ma|_
|f the gdlt fat|s to i|ght prope_y:
_, Turn gas off at seur_ and _um _e _t_o_ knob
OFF. W_ at |essl _ve minutes for gas le clear,
then retd.
Check gas supply and connections
Repeat lighting procedure. Jfyoot grill still fails
to operate pro_,r_y,turn thegas off at: source,
turn the control knobs to OFF, then chec_ the
Mi entofbumer_b_overoriftces
Correction: Repositi_ burner _bes _vet
Obst_ct_n h gas line
Correction: Remove _ li_ from gri!l.Do not
smoke1 Open gas supplyfor one secor_ to
(;_ar ony from _ ]i_e, Close off
gas supply at source and recenne_t fuet line
Plugged orifice
_rrection: Remove burners from grill by p_Jtiing
cot_rpin burner) us_g a ecmw_r_vet
pliers. CarofuHyi_ftea¢_ bu_ up a_ away
from gas vane _3ce. Remove _e o_3ce from
gas valve and gantry _ear a_y _s_¢tio_! witha
_ne'_re._ Then teins_H aHorifices, burners,
co_r pine _t_dcOOkingcompone_q_s_
If an obstruction _ _spect_ in_s valves or
gas vat_vebrackeL p_ease_ll fo_ repair service
at 1_H'oHOME
M_sa_ignmen_of _nitor on bume_
Correct_n; Check re#proper positionef_e
e_e_rode t_, The _p of _e elec_ede should
poin_ng _owa_d_e bottom of the _lector box,
as shown in Figure _1_The gap between the
spark elect_de and the bottom of the _aS
collector box shoukJ be _6", A_just if neces-
earl, With the gas s_pply c$os_ _d a_ Con_o_
_ebs set toOFF press _e. _ec_ric igni_r cap
ar_ _k f_ _e ptesence ef a spark 8t _he
_ition WI_ss
Correction: _nspect _e Ig_i_otjunc_Jon box
found beneath _hoC_ntrol Panel Connect _oose
ignitor _res to the _ur_c_ box and _ryto ligh_
the gr'_|.
Weak _ batl_y
Correction: Un_ew the _gni_o_"C_ end
Sho_d a"F_H.BACK" _e occur' i_o_
at_u_ the bum_ tu_a, follow _s
_tow. Failure _comply
with these |n_dct:ions could _$u|t in a
_re o_"explosi_n whl_ co_ ¢au_
s_o_s bodily in}u_, death, or property
_mm_iately _rn _e _s OFF a_ _s
Turn the co_r_! knobs to OFF _on
Once _e gr_ll has _e_l down, _lea_
the burne_ _s _ burners according
lo _'_e _eani_ instru_Jons found on
page _5 in this manual
4. If al_checks or have been made _d
your gr_l s_J_tfa_s to operate propa_y, _ll %800_4_
MY-HOME for repair service
_fore co_ing on mr gas gall f_" me first time,
will want _"bum off" the gdI 'to e_imlnate any odor o_
_rdgn mat'_r. Just ignite _ _mers, close the lid_
and ope_te gr'd on the HiGH se_ng for about five
Opera_ your gdli on the HIGH setting f_ ton_ _an
five minutes may d_mage certain parts of _ur grill Do
not: leave _ut grillunattended.
Before and a_ e_ ecdkout, apply a_in _y_r
_king d, spry _v_etab}e s_enir_g _
cook_g g_id__ sure_ coat _ andre _ induing
ed_ _ _y _eas _ ch_p_ porce_in. Insert
cooking g_s _to you_warm g_ _ 2_3min_J_s.,
The fats _d ju_s d_pping from gr_/ed f_ can cause
flare_ups. Sir_ _re-UpS lmpatta fa._rably didi_c'_Jve
taste and co,or to foodcooked,_r _ open _me_
they s_d be accepted up to a point. Neve_dess,
_co_ol_ _ring con _esult ina ru_n_ meal
To preheat, light _ur gd! on H_GH, close the lid _d
For lowtemperature cook_g, preheat gr_
To slow cook, p_e_lng is not necessary.
Nigh setting: Onty use this se_n_ fo_ _ast warm-up,
seadng steaks _'¢hops and for bum_g food r_idue
off the gall after c_king is _mp/ete_ Never use _e
HiGH set%g for extend_ c_;_g:
_edium to _ settings: Most r_pes specify
medium to _Owse_ngs,, i_d_di_g all s_oking, rol_s-
sede cooking and for _I<ing iean_ts such as fish.
NOTE: Temperature settings wil_vary with the amount
of wind and temperature outside your h_e.
The tired _king me_ _n be used wi'_ tt'_
pan p_ dirty 0vet the litgrill bum_ Direct
cooking requires the grail lid _be open, _is
meth_ is ideal f_ searing and whenever you _nt
taste_ Deep f_ng and smoking are aIso _si co_ed
i_ th_ismanner because _ey require direct heat.
The tndtrec_ cooking method _n Btso be used wi_ the
supp_'_d cast-iron gdds. optional gddd/e or Gooki_
the le_ or r_htside of _u_ gall with the bum_ !_ on
_ck mounted Inside your gall lid and [ight the odor
gdl! _mers. Either way, indi_ coo_ing must be
done with the lt_ _own
Your grill will get very hoL Never lean
over the _ing area wh_e using _ur gdlL
Do not touch cook_g su_aces, gdli housing.
gdll lid or any oth_r gall pads while _gall
is in _erat_, or unLtilthe grill has cod_
do_, _er use.
F_ilure to compty wi_ these in may
recur In _ous _i{y inju_.
wi_ _t appliances, prier _and maide_ance
wi_!keep your grill _ top _er_iing conditJanend
prdong its _ife.By foIiow'_gthese cleaning procedures
on a timety b_s, yourgall w_llstay clean an_ work
prepay with minimum effod.
Cloning The Coo_ir=g Grids
Before initialuse and _._edicaliy _ s_JggestyOu wash
your cooking gr_s _ a mild_p and warm wa_r
sdut_n. You can use awash clo_ or _dabte b_sh
to _ean grids,.
Take c_re not _ chip or scratch the porceta._ f_n_sh
because tt wi[tvoid _ur warranty. Never _te dean
your _oking gr_s ,u_ss you are sur_ the _ds _re
Cleaning The Flame Tamers
Ily you should _sh the Flame Tame_ in a
s_p and wa_ water solute. Use awire btus_ to
remo_¢es_bbom burnt-on _ki_ residue, Dry _e
Flame Tamers _ghiy befo_eyou t_ into
th_ cookingb_vL
Cleaning The Grease Tray and Receptacle
To reduce the chance of fire, _e Grease D_ining Tray
and Grease Receptacle _ouid be visuallytnspeded
bdote eac_ gd|l use. Remove any grease end _h
g_ease t_ and le w_ a mil_ soap and warm
The _Tu_ ar_ Buff Po_
To _ _e _nce Qf"FLA_ACK" t_
dufe below s_ld be _ _ least once am_h ifl
I_e _mer or e_y f_ when _a_ _a_ct_e
wl"_n yo_ g_|l ha_ not _ used for a pedod
_, Turn aH _JiTl_l tVa|¥_ _O_i_efu_ OFF _ion.
2, Turn the L_ cyli_e_ valve totl_ tull
OFF position,
3Detact_ the _ulator a_ f_ the LPG
c?li_d_ by t_rn|_ the Qulct_Coupling Nut counter-
4. Remove the o0oldr_ {}nds, flametamers_ ar_l
g_ase _ys from your grill
5o Remove _ o_tter p_nfrom the _ underside _
each _usi_g a pair of _ _
7. Refer to Fig, 1 ar_ _rfo_n one _ |_
th_ _a_g melho_:
_nd a_ff wire, (a lightweight coal ha_er
_1) into a smal_ hook _shown
be_ow. Run the _ th_h the _r
tu_ a_ tn_ the burner se_l times to
remove any de__
-Use a bottle br_ w_h a _×tble handle.
Run the _sh though the _ tube
in_ I_ bu_ se_¢eralti_s, re_|ng
any debris.
Use _n a_ h_ _ _t_e air th_h each
I_ l_loe.'The f_'_-_ air shoul_
_b#_s oi" obsttu_Jo_ through _e _mer
and ou_ _ _r_.
Rega_ness _ _er _m
u_e,we _a_ the thl_t_g
steps|o help _-'_ b_mer life_
Use _ _ _ to _a_ the er_im ou_e_sutier_e
Mea_ _r u_l f_eeof food _ anddid.
2, _a_ any__ds_as_v_re._as
and ff such d_mage is found, o_r and in_al! a
new bum_ After _l_ion. _eck to i_re that
the gas val'_ __ pl_ _e
the ends of the burner t_. _ct_ the
pos;_ionof _
"r_ _,ation of the _mer t_be _ respect
_o the o_ is v_al rot _ _on.
C_ to _ t_ o_ is i_ of the
bu_ t_be _using y_ gas gri_°
Fig. 2. If t_ _er t_ does no_ f_ over
V_E_ O_iCe. lighting the t_ may
cause e_.on ;_nd/or fi_e.
Figu_ Z
_ _ TU_
F_m t
Be sure your gr_l_is OFF end _ before cloning.
Take care Rot to Chipor SC_|Ch the painted surfe_es
because it,wi|i void _r warran_.
Annual Cleen|ng of The Grill Interior
Bumi_-off the grill _ ev_ cookout w#l keep it
reaoy for ins{_antuse. However, on_ a _r you
should g_e the entire gdile thorough cleaning to keep
ff _ top operating _ndifion, Fel_w these steps:
1. Turn a_lbu_ valves to the _ll OFF positS,
2_ Turn the LPG c_4tnd_ wive (clockwise) _ethe full
3_ De_r'J1the assam biy _m g_eLPG cylinder
bytuming _ Quick Coupling Nut counterclockwise.
Remove and Clean the flame _mers, cooking grk_s
8n_ gdtl burners,
Cover each 9as va|ve orifice with aluminum foil.
Brush _e _si_ and bottomofthe gril_with a stiff
w_e brush, and wash with 8 mi|d soap ar_ w_m
water solution. Rinse _oro_hly a_ _etd_
7. Remove a!uminum foi! from orates and check
_ or_ for ebs_u¢_on.
8. Check each spark elec_ode_ adjusting as _°
The Electrode tip shou!d be _nting toward the
bottom of _e g_s c_l_ter box and approximately
3/16" from the b_tom of the coU_tor box.
9. Rep_e _e burners and _just _e gas _l_e_tor
box. The edge of the co_or box should be
overlapping the b_rner port.
_0_Replace g_me tamers _ the cooking grids.
Re_-_nect _e gas _rca _d observe _e burner
flame for correct _eration.
Cleaning Exterior Surfaces:
Before intt_a!use, _nd p_ica_ly thereafter, we
suggest _J w_h y_ur gall|usi_ _ mild_p and
w_ _ _u_on. Yo_ _n u_ a wash cloth or
sponge for this process. Do net use a s#ff wire or
brass brush tha_migh_ _meve paint dudng the
Cleani_ Exted_ 8tala_s Steel Surfaces:
W_ering and extreme heat can cause exte_
s_ainlessSteel surfaces to turn _n inc_or.Fc4_w
these steps forthe _ cleaning results.
_. T_m_ LPGc_4_r_ervo_ (_wi_)to_e _}_ OFF
posit_noOi_nect _e regu_or _ hose y
fr_ LPG ¢_i_r, C_,/er expose: _ fitting with
8tuminum folio
2_ Remove eirt or grease us'rag_ s_ _eth _d polish
stainless surfaces using a S_inless Steel Foam
Cleaner. Never use ab_si_ cleaners or _b-
hey _-_ll;scratch a_'_ddamage _Jr stainless
3. Wi_ wi_ _soft c!o_ _d allow to air d_ before
starting your grit
ne_ _ the bo_m of the gdl_ housing
with 8/_mi_um foil, _nd or any substa_'_ca
that wt}l restdct the flow of grease !rite the
grease draining _ray _d receptacle,
Failure to comply with these insmJCtions
couk_ result in a fire or e×p_osion _ich
_u_d _ause sedo_s bodily injury, dea_, or
property damage
Question:Who do I call _qu_tiOns a_t grHt
or pa_s miss_g from my shipping box?
Answer: Ca{I _e Customer Setv_ Help_ine
8_- !t pm CST, Monday through Friday, at
Question: Can Iconvert my Kenm¢_e Elite LPG(l_uid
prop_qe gas) _ill to r_t_ral gas?
Ans!N_: iY_r _ _ gdll ls m_u_ured
_sa_ is _proved by _e Ame_
Gas (AGA) _ LPG use _ly. F_ your,_
safety° _verskm }df_sare not avaiJ_e and any _pt
c_ your grillfrom LPG _ natutat gas "_t °_d
_r pt_uct warr_.
Qu-_ion; Are :_ s_l and mc,d_ num_ o#my
gr_dllisted somewhere f_ _re ref_ce?
Answer: Yes, thisvaiu_ in_, a_n _ listed _ a
Si_V_ labet found _ the _ck Of you[ gd_L
Question: Why doesn't_ hose and _to_ _m-
b_ysuppl_ withmy new Kenmore E!_ g_Hfit the order
LPG ¢'ylin_ P_eused _ _?
Answer: _e U.S. Government regulates _s appli-,
_nces and LPG _in_ers, W_enever new regula_Jo_s
8re passed the LPG,_tn_ fi_ngs are _ered. if yo_J_
_rent _ir_er does not fR_ _ose and _eg_ato_
supplied w_h yournew _ili, _e cyiinderis outda_ arid
Q_tion; How do Jseason c_td_
Answer: _efore _ after _ cookout,a_ a thin
layer _k_g oil, spray or _s,horten_
_ing _d_ _ sure _ _t the e_Jre su_
iron.cling _ges a_ any areas wt_ c_d porcelain.
Pre_%ea__r gra!lf_r2 _ 3 minutes _en _sert
cocking _s. The cook_ g_s will be seaso_ and
ready f_ use after 5 m_tes in _r warm @_H.
Question: Sometimas my gril!_es not lightwhen I
push the _nit_ button, Why?.
An_m-; Refer _ _, L_hting ]nst,,_JC_ionsin _is
owners manual _so check t_ common _uses.
lunar ha, _tte_y' may need repia@_g,
, lgnJto_wires may _ _se_ Remove _e
barry, i_sp_t the Ignito_-j_n_Jon box f_nd
benea_ the Con_'oJPar_, _d connec_ any loose
Question: Wh_re _n I buy _p_acement: par_s?
Answer: For _e repair or re _p_s YO_
n_d _ _ _ -1t pm CST, 7da_ a w_ek 'I_OG
366_P_ (!-8_6-7278)_ Use only _ears au_o-
4zed parts The _ of any _ _at is no_ Sea_
aut_ze_ _n be dangerous and wil__so void your
product warranty
Question: What is _e best way to protect my new
Kenmo_e Elite g_ grief?
Answer; A _ _ua_ity_l _ver sh_ld be used to
pr_ect y_ _]l _en not _ use. _so, _ol_ _e
c|_ing an_ ma_nance in_ons _ this owner's
ma_al _ a _me_ bas_, and _r new grill _ offe_
Q_est|en: i u_s_d; rusting is a na_al ox_aBon
process, _ w_t can _do _ help preve_ _ cas_4ron
ooek_g grids from_st_ng?
Answer: To protect a_st _e na'u_r_ r_s_ p_s,
_r =_4ron _ing g_ _ a _ce_ain finch,
H_,_er, _pp_. scraping _ _tching the c_ing
g_s _ll dama_ the _ain finisha_ ag_ rus_.
To mir;_ize rustir_ we recommend you "_n"
¢ast-_ _k_ng _ds regula_ afore a_ a_ each
u_. _sistent seasoning _llheip_sl_@on reset
rusting and _I _te a non-s_k _k_ surface.
_fore _kL_g on your gas gdI! for the first time and
after every meal, you wt_]went to bum off" bhegdl{ to
eJiminate any odor _ fore_n rna_er Just ignite the
burners, dose the !id, a_ epe_te gril__ the H|GH
setting f_ about five minutem
O_ttng _t gr_lJon the HIGH se_ing fo_ !onger than
five minutes may damage r_r_n parts of your gd&
Do net leave your grill unattend_,
Before and a_ each cook_,, apply a_in I_ of
cook_g oil,sp_ _ _oea_
_g gF_. _ SU_ to ¢O8_ _ en_e surface _nchJd-
ing edges and any af_s wF_ ¢h_ped perceive. Insert
the ¢o_-_ g_s _ your _ g_l for 2 to 3 m_utos.
The _Ls and juices draping from gtil_ food _n
cause _re-ups. Since _are-ups imparta favorably
disfJnct_e_ste and _lor to food c_ked over _ open
flame, they sP_d be accepted up to a p_nL Never-
theless, uncontrolled flaring can result m a ruined
To preheat, light your gritJon HIGH, dose the lid _d
fo_tow_is _metable:
- Fo_ high lem_e_ature cooking, preheat gril_
5 minutes.
Fo_ i_tem_rature cooking, preheat gril_
TO sl_ _ok, preheating is not neces_ty.
Nig_ setting: Only use this setting for fast _rm-up,
seating _eaks _ ChOps_ for burning fo_ res_e
off the grill after cook_g is complete. Never use _e
H|GH setting _r extend_ cooking
M_ium to Low _ttings: Most recipes speci_
m_um to low settings, inct_g all smoking, ro_is-
ser'_ecooking, and for cooking I_n cuts su_ as fish.
NOTE: Tem_ratu_e sett_gs will varywith the amount
of wind and tem_ature ou_id_ y_r home.
The dire_ cooking method can _used _|h the
suppled cast_iton gd_, op_onal gdddte or cooking
pan placed dkectly ove_"the lit gr_l b_me_. Oirect
ceo_lng requires _e gtiil lid to _o_n. This
method is _eal for searing and whenev_ you want
meat, poultry ot fish to have an open-flame barbecued
_ste. Deep frying _d smoking are also _t cooked
in this manne_ because |hey require dkect heat.
_e indirect _oking meth_ can also _ used with the
supp!ied cast:_on gr_s_ _t_ gddd]_ cooking
pa_. To _ook indi_ectly, _e food sh_ld be placed on
the i_ or dght side of y_r gr_l_with _e burner !_
_e _pos._e side_Or place _r food on _hewan_ing
rack mounted inside your g_itl _ and Itght _e outer
done wlth _e lid down.
An Important Note About Heat Beings
The suggested heal settings shown on the fo_tow-
tng pages ate approximate. There are many
factors su_ as outside tem_ature, wind condi-
tions and Iocati_ ofgrill that affecl your grill
performance. An o meat can ruin the
fun, so we offer thesecooking times as a conve-
nience, but suggest you watch t_ gt_l|t_e_om-
eter and adjust the heat accordingly.
Gdliing is a low fat cooking _¢hnique that lends _elf
to 8 wide range of foods. Yo_r Kenmore EIite gas gril_
is a fas_ heating gr_l that produces the barbecue_
appearance and _aver eve,,one _joys so much.
You can expand adinnerfor _ to a neighborhood
block patty by simply pur_as_qg larger cuts and
quanSties o_meat wh_h cook beau_ty on your new
_ll This technique doesn't require m_ch experience
or skill o_ your part to pto_uce a superb supper.
Preparing to G_|!
Preheat you_ gtii_ for 5 minutes with the burners on
high and the gd_llid dow_. Before placing the food
onto _e gdlLbrush the _oking grids with a _ht
coat_ of cooking o_ _is step isn'tnecessary when
foo_s have been marinating in an oil-based m_nade.
Your Kenmo_e Elite gas 9d|l is r_ow_'eady to griff.
Remember to keep _e _idopen when _king di_y
on the gr_L For meal foods it'sbest to stad grilling on
high,Once thefood is _ared, reduce the hea_to
medium. Foods marinated with ingredients such as
honey may bum b_use of the high _ugar center%
You should begin the_r_k_g on medium. A favorite
on the grill is sausages, _ways cook them s_ow_yand
tf they're parti_uladyfa_, it may be best to papally
be# them !_rst.
Turn the gdI_burners on high, close the l_
and preheat your gdt_5 minutes. After 5
minutes _ace the meat on the cooking grid
directly above the Btbumers_ _k Me meat
on both si_ until se_r_, Redu_ the heat
to medium and cook meat un_! done_
Gfi!ii_g times will vary according to ma_t
Grilling_mburger and Sausag_
"rum the grH1burners on high,dose _idand
preheat your gfitl 5 minutes. A_r 5 minutes
pl_e the meat on the cooking grid directJy
a_v_ the lit burners. Cook the meat onboth
sides until seared. Redu_ _e heat to
medium _ move the me_t away from the
litburners: C_osethe gdH _ and c_k Me
meat indirectly until done: Gri]l_g times will
varyaccording to meat thi_.ness
GriUlng Pou|tP/
Turn the grill burners on high, ¢_ese|_ and
preheat your gdt! 2 to 3 minutes. Then raise
e lid, redu_ heat to medium and cook
poul_y directly over E_tburners unti! done.
P_ltry skin is fatty so you shouldexp_t
some flare-ups wh_ using; this direct
To mlnim_ flate_ps, |ry grillingpouJ_
usingthe _directmeth_. P_ac_ the peulmj
on one side of the gdi_w_ththe opposing
burners _ m_m heat, and tower the gd_/
lid; Gdlling times _U _ry based on the size
dyour primly.
Gtillling Pork
"rum bume_s _ h_h and p_eheat your grii_
5 minu_es with Me _ down. Rai_ I_d,piece
pork on cooking gr_ and c_k until seared.
Retire h_ _ medium _d cook unti!
done,. Gdlling times w_l/va_ a_tdi_g to
meat thickness.
Cut;of Meat
T-bone steak
Si_oin steak
Po_t ho,Jses_ak
N_ "Yorks_p steak
(cook w_h bone d_n )
Chicken wings
Whore bird
(cc_k ,_th b_east up)
Por_ spate dbs
_oxtmate Cooki_ Times
Rate: 4-8 min_es
Well _ne: 15-20 minutes
_ra: 4-6 minutes
M_ium: 8-10 minutes
We|l done: 10-15 minutes
Indited meth_::
up _ 30 minutes
|n_ite_t meth_:
approximatety t h_r
Rare." 4-8 minutes
WeB done: 15-20 minutes
Who|e Fish and Whole Fi||ets
Preheat your grill on HiGH for 2-3 minutes
with the lid down, R_se IJdand turn bum_
to medium heat. _ce fish (skin down) on
_ and _k over d_rectheat until done.
Use cooking time _ a guide or _1 fish is,
Cut of Meat
Whole 5sh
Whole fish _llets
_proxima_ _oking Times
10 -12 m_nutes per pound o_"
Smaller Fish Filte_ and Cubes
FolJow_hedirections fr_ above, usi_
Place a small piece _ aluminum foiJ _ the
cooking gr_s if the fishpieces are sma|!
enough to drop be_een the cooking grids.
Boneless cubes
4o5minutes ea_ side
Prepare you_rfruit of vegetables and b_sh w_thbutter
or basSng sauce if desired, To co_k tndire_ly_ t_e
foe0 should _ p4aced o_ the le_ of r_ht side of your
grill with the burne_ lit on the cpposlte side, Or place
your food on the warming rack mounted ins_ your
grilllid and I_ht the outer grill bufr_ers. Eithe_ way,
indirect cooking must be done with the lid down
in some instances, you may want to g_'iHvegetables
and ftui_ direct|y over the heat, using the suppt_d
cooking grids or an _t_sI _idd_, F_s that wo_'k
best with dir_ heat are relatively soft and require a
sh_ cooking _me; mushrooms, z_J¢_hini,tomatoes
and skewered f_ such as ap_icoL%peaches,
pineapple, s_-_awberr_sand kiwis. Remember the g_ll
lid must remain up when cooking directly.
Grilling _mes using the i_d_°ect me_od with the h_
down will be similar to |hose for _r kitchen ov_ F_
v_ firm vegetable a_c_ady a_ _ms,
we recommen_ _et _u part_ily be# unti_almost
cooked, _fore placing them on the gri_L
Coo_g times for foods prepat_ wi_ tt'e direc_
method _li be much shorter mainly because of the
softness of the f_odo Timing wiU_ _pat_b_e to
nofma_ pan fryin£ Or gri_ng.
Roastingisv__y easy with your Kenmore Elite gas
grill, ff leaves you p_nty of t_meto relax with fam_y
and fr_ds ,and saves _ the hours _'eqgired to
tie,an a di_ kit(hen oven. Roas_g is suitable for
pdme, tends" cu_ of meat_ poultryand game, many
whole f_h and some vegeta_les_
Roasting uses the indirect cooking method. There-
fob'e,the food should be pieced _ _a left or right
side of _ur grH]with t_ _mer lit _ _e opposite
side. P_ your meat inside an _t_a_ roasting _ack
and cooki_ pan Lhat a_ you to _ect jgices for
making gravy, You can also use the supplied coo_ing
g¢_lwffh an aluminum drip pan underneath, Either
way, _dtr_ cooking requires the lkJ _ your grill to
Preheati_ your grillts not required for slow cooking
methods such _ roasting° if _ do ehoose to
Weheat _r gri]! before roasting, _m the burners
h_h and dose _idfor approximately 2_3minutes.
Food p_paration
Trim meat of excess faL Truss mea_ end poultry'with
cooking string to _e_m .shape if des_t_d. 8_=_onstrips
can be used to cowr the outside surface of _eanm_t
and _j_try _ he_pprevent it _m d_ out Another
me_hod fo_ keeping {_ moist dudr_l l_ast_g is to put
water _na cooking pan, m_ cover _e food (and
roasting r_k) _h fo_. The foit shouldbe removed
for the '{_ or _e !_ pad of the cooking _rne to
ensure _oper browning_
Except w_ r_sting with water _ _heroasting p_n.
the i _ices that collect_nt_e pan can be _sed as _,he
_se for a _s_,4segce or g_vy. Place a¢_ng pan
directly over the heat. _d extra buyer _ r,_u_, then
add several spoo_u_s of f_urto thicken saul.
Finally, add su_/_ent chicken or bee{ stock to obtain
Once _e meal is cooke_, remove $_from yo_r grilland
cover w_ a p_ of fol_.Allow it to stand for 10-15
minutes which allows the ju_s to settle. Th_swi}_make
_tv_ng easiest and ensu_e a tender juicy roaM,
How Cooked
Approximate C_klng Times
23 m_u_s per pound
Lamb Medkm'_ 18 m_utes per pound
WeII done 23 minutes per pound
Veal 27 minutes per pound
Turkey; under t6 pounds
Turke% over ! 6 pounds
!0 minutes p_ pound
20-25 per pound +:30 minutes
18-23 _t pound + 15 minutes
Smok_g gives food a distinctive, delicious flavor. This
yQUiCkand versatile cookingmethod exp_r_s
creativeche£s menu w_ endless new andinnevatbe
ways to prepare popular barbecue dishes.
Preparing to Smoke
#J__ need for smoking on _r Kenmore Elite gas
g_ is a _king pan and roas_g reck_ First, Jinethe
inside of the pan with foil. The smoking agent, either
pu_ w_ chi_ or _.mok_g mix,is sprinkJed over the
foiL Otted herbs and spices may also be added to
produce different flavors° Piece the c_ing pan
direct|y over the burner. Me di_ heat w_l!eventu_y
produce smoke and season the food. Devote your
food above _e cooking pan w_h aroa_t_ng t_k or
baking tacit.
You can reduce the strength of the smoke flavor by
onmysmokir_g for haft or three quarters of 5he cooking
time then roost your f_ until done. The he_t
_equ_redfor smoking _snormam_ylow to medium.
Foods naturally high in oils lend themselves well to
smok_g_ whi_edrier foods ben_ from a marinade.
Red meats. _ltry, game. f_sha_d seafood can aUbe
smoked easily in _ur new grill You can a{sorub the
food with h_s. sp_cesor flavored o_s- An enormous
a_ray of foods can be smoked in your Kenm_e Elite
gas grittto produce stunning results with very li_e
effort. Here 8to a few suggestions:
* Tuna steaks, marinated in Asian f_avors of
sesame oil, soy sauce _nd s_rry.
-Pork fll|ets, nabbed with ginger, orange find and
brushed with maple syrup.
- Mussels. brushed with lemo_ rind a_ chiJioil.
. Lamb c_tlets, marinated in virgin otive eli, lemon.
oreg_n_ _nd b_eck pepper. The s4_mem_fi_ade
can be used for a whole _egor rack of lamb,
This met_h_ ,ofcookir_g _spoputar around the wedd
_d can _ easily accomplLshed outdoors _ your
Kenmore E[t_ gas grill, its a qu_k and w_
of:preparing a complete meal _sing meat, po_[try or
seafood ininfinite Combinationsw_ other g
ingrodi_ _ikevegetables, rice _ noodl_°
Preparing to Stir-fry
Al_ough _ is possible to stt fry _nother _ishes, _e
_k _s_r best tool |ts high .sides enable the cook to
s_r food _thout sp[i_ge° its co_s_'_ct_ _ you to
_k quk_PJyat h_h temperatures, with instant control
of heat _ich is essen_J_ for successfu! s_t fr_r_.
Food pre_ion
S4ice meat and pou/_ _ntoiongth_ns_ips and cube
fish fi[_e_. Remove a_lfat from meat _d pc,J_tryand
cut large v_etab_es _to even s].i_orcubes,
Marinate f_s for extr_ flavor a_
Marinating times wi_ vary for red me_, fish and
v_rio_s cuts. Less terser cuts Of mea_ should
mari_ate_ I_r. _m_ to a_wa_ _i_ mafina_
foodin the refd_8_r pdor to_ing
SLir-fnymeats, _ttry or f_shfirst. Ne×t, add h_rd
vegetables !_kecarrots: Then cent_nue w_thsof_r
vegetables _ik,e sn_wpe_ and peppers: To _s_re
even c-ookJr_g,_ntir_JaJty s_r and toss the food in t_
_k _s}ng a wooden spoonor spatuta
Piece _e wok directly over a high heat on your #fill Add
enlyasma_l amount of f(>3d_a t_\me__su_e_t_ok_g
a_d also to allow the wok to reheat between ing_ed_nts.
,, Chic_en_ bone!ess chicken pieces
sliced breasts
- Fish, sli_ if#ere of fi_m fish, assoded seafoo_
such _ _wns, scollops and _lamari
Pork, si_d 5ilets, diced or minc_ po_k, sl_ced
_egsteak, sliced _ops
Beef, sliced fi_tet, rib-eye_ round_ rump_ sidoin
Lamb, sliced r_tet, to,and,Ioin
Awide v_rie#f _ foods can be deep-fried _tdoors on
your gdJl_,from po_toes, _ seafood and _ieken,
Deep=frying uses a large _ion of oil preferably
saturate. The ou_oor location is _eal for deep_
fryir_ as smoke, grease and srne!_areach for
sky _ the ceiling of your ki_hen°
Prepa_ng to Deep-fry
Deep-fry on your grill us|rig a cook_ pan _wok_
over direct heat wi_ _o g_it_iid ta_,
Fil_the cooking pan no more than haft _]l of vegetable
or corn oil Sta_ with 1_ heel then raise _e heat
gradually. Check the temperature of the oILcarefully
w_h a _y_ng thermometer or _es_with acu_ of l_ead.
_e cube of bread shoutd bro_ in about _ s_ds
for most c_Jng needs. A | between 350
and 400 degrees _ optimal for preparing the ma}ority
of deep-fred foods;
Ro_sserie cooking produces foods that a_e moist,
f_avo_l and attrac_ve. _3though _e rot_r_ ismost
c_monly used for cooking moat or pou_, nearly
anything_ be u_ if prepared _opedy.
I_ ro_aserie _king, _ar_ing the fo_ is of utmos_
_po_nee. The rotisserie must turn evemJyor the
stopping a_ s_tt_ng act,ion WIN_use the food to cook
_nev_iy _d possibly b_m _e _aviet aide.
The easiest foods _ ba_ce _e _se of uniform
shape and texture, To _est ifthe food is balanced
corr_y _ secured, p!_ the _ds of the re|is-
le spit _osely in the palms of your hands, if there is
no tendency tore/J, give _e spit aquarter turn. if i_ is
sti|ta_b_e, give it afinal quarter turn.,it should r_
wi_out _rni_ in o_h _ _ese pos_-,n,s. It can then
att_e_ to your gdll,
Feo_s being d_4ded taste better _en coated with
either ba_r or breaecrurnbs to add flavor and prevent
moisture from escaping.
SIo_'_ylower foods into the hot o_!_sing a wire s_p
or stainless stee_tongs. Add only a small quantity of
foo_ to the oil. allow it to cook. then repeat w_
another small quantity. This ensures the o_ldoesn't
drop tn temperature.Once _e food is cooked, remove
it carefully a_d drain onto a paper _oweL Turn the heat
off as s43enas you have _nished deep-frying and
al_,' the pan to cool. When _o o_ is cooL r_ove al!
remnants of fr_ foods by straining it through a {_e
me_ sieve. Once the o_|is quite c_. store it _na
clean be|fie for future use.
Vege_:ab/esare gane_ly easy to cook on the grill.
The wa_ing rack makes it _nvenient _use you
can still _se the main cook_g area while the veg-
etables are s_spanded from above.
Precook ha_ re.tables by briefly boiling or
micrewaving them before cooki_g on the gr_tLWra_
vegetab/]es in a double th_kness of fo_i to protect them
_le cooking on the grin Then, remove the foil tf
desired, 10-15 minute_ before the end of cooking,
brush v_tables with butter or oil and finish cooking,
The warming rack can be gsed fo_ purposes other
than just the obvious. Co,sider using it for warming
French bread, gad_ bread, croissants or even
Asma_! whole fish wrapped in foil a_socooks we_]in
the warming rack. Parcels of seafoo_ such as scal-
lops, pra_s and sliced fish fille'_ prepared m a sauce
and po_ into smut foil w_aps cooks well th_ way.
When preparing pou_ry, truss _e birds tightty so that
wings and drums_ are cl_e to _e _y of the bi_do
The cavib/_ the b_rdrn_ be stuff_ prk_ 'to th_ ff
you wish, Pu_lthe neck skin d_ and,,es_r_l a smati
skewer, fix it to the back _ the b_d, Push the rotis-
ser_ sp_tthrough lengthw/_se, catching the bird in the
fork of the w_hb_e, Center the b_rdand |ighten with
• _eho|d_g f_s, Test the balance as de.scdb_
Afettledpiece of rnest reqeires the rotisserie skewe¢ to
be inserf_d through the center of _e length of rneati
then secured and baJanced.
For meats _at oon_in _n_, it is b_ to secure the
rotisserie skewer d_a_nat_y through _ meaty seco
lions, if protrudi_ _es or wi¢_ brown too quickJy,
co_er wi_ pieces of foil.
Tips for Rotisserie Cooking
When ro_sserie _king, the rnaj_ of heat will coma
from an i_l_'ec_source, ino_er w_s, the burners
ea_ end of the art/| are Ii_and the food is placed
centrally on _e rotisserie, with no d_'_ he_ source
und_neath. 'To catch any drips from the rotisserie
food it will _ nece_ry to rem_e _e cooking grids
and then p{ace 8drip pan direc_y #haler the food.
These drippings c_ be used to make gra_es _nd
o_er sauces to accompany the cooked me_. Place
the tk_d_ over the food _en _ s_A |o cook
he cooking t_mes on a rotisserie WIN_ approximately
the same as for o_#e_cooking
Certainly not a me_ of _k_ng usually associated
with the ba_ue grW, baking can be easily me ,an
your Kenrnore Et_teMs gdiL_ere is no _imit to
recipes you can bake _ you_ gdJll,From casseroles
and _bread _ del_s deserts Jike fondue fruit
skewers or crumb cake, Ws;as_sy as baking inthe
Pre_ring _ Ba_
To bake tn your n_ gdJl'_u31 need a baking dish
cast4ron cooking pan, and a pair of in.mated c_king
rrnttts, ff the _king pa_ is c_st4ron be sure to_ason
the pan before use,
Preheat your gdlt 3-5 minutes, then {_ver heat to
achievethe bakJ_'lgtarnp_ature _i_ed, Baking uses
Ilia indirect cooing method. Therefore. _r cooking
pan sh_Id be pl_ on the _ft or _ghts_de of your
gd_lwt_ the burner lit on _e opposite s_de.
T}p_ for Baking
Prepare y_r favorite reci_ as _ w_|d _
ki_en, F#s cook_ in the gri#for _g pedods of
_Jrnashould a_ays be ¢ove_ed _naluminum fog
retain ,You wiflneed to stir the f_ several
times 8s it bakes, and add edditiona_ liquid ff required_
Watch the tern_tu{e, and _just _ cook accora_'_g
to your recipe _irectionso
Recomman#_ 6rlI| $_ng
_, 30,3?*340? F _|h _s_e burners on_ow
N_derate 355? - 3_? F One _ts_e _urner _ high, and the
other _|side burner on low
H_ 41O? -4_? FBoth o_J_ide burners _ high
A han_ and mustard sau_ gi_s the onion s!_cesas
they cook a|ongside these de{i¢ious burgers. For
optimaJ sweetness, _ect Vidatlia or WalJa Wa_a
onions. Makes 4 open face burgers.
targe s_et 0nicks, slJ_d (_2 te 16 ounces)
tablespoons margarine or m(dted bulter
p_nd lean ground _ef
teaspoon pep_
sBcesTexas toast
1t4 teaspoon salt
U2 pounds teen ground b_f
2cups shredded lettuce
II3 cup fine|y slnredde<!cheddar cheese
1/4 Cup dairy sour c_m end tor guacamole
Pt_eparing the Salsa
Curable _mato, green p_p_, onion, ialapano
peps, gar!_, cilantro and serf in a bowl. Set
_kte 2 t_btespoons of salsa, Cover and _1
remaint_ sa_ unt_ s_ Ume
Preparing Burgers
In another b_. combine g_ound beet with 2
lablespoons of reserved s_se. rnJxwelL Shape
mixture into six !L2 in_ thick bu_g_ end pl_e on
the gri)>ldirectly over medium heat w_th_ up.
GdU for i3 to 15 minutes ot until no pink remains.
Turn burgers o_, hal_ throb gdBir_ time.
At_nge the shredded lettuce on ind:hfiduaip_ates.
Top tettuce wi_ a burger, cheddar ch_se and
sal_. SePce w_ths_r cream andior gu_amo|e.
Place _ions In a _3ki_ pan or on a small pleoeof
a_um_um foilCombine meit_ margarine, mustard
_nd honey, Ihan dri_e over onionS. Cov_ p_n with
lid _ told up e_gee .offoi_ and seal with _b|e reid to
completely e_!ose on_s _vir_Ispace for ste_ to
bu_Id.Place pan _ foit p_ket on gr'_;/directly _¢er
medium heat f_ _5 minutes _ the griithood u_,
Prep_dng Buyers
While onions _ro cooking. _mbtne ground b_f, sa_
and pep_ tn _ m_ium _ an_ mix well. Shape
mixiure into four 3/4 }nob burger pat_iesand _dd to
gfllI, di_ec_y over heat; Gri_|burgers along with _ions
fo_ about5 minutes, the_ rum _rgers: Gri!!for 8 to t0
m_qutes more or un_iino pink remains in meat, an_
onions are tender. To set#e, teas| both sides of Texas
toast on gdll T_ top each s!i_e of Texas toast:with a
butg_, le_uce, _rnate _nd onio_ Spdnkle wi_
_pp_r if desired,
A fresh _mate salsa flavors the bee_ mixture for e
zes_ tasting burger° The sa_ _iso _rves as
colorfultoppi_,MaCes 6 burger pallas,
large _omate, seed_ and fi_el_ chopped
cup fine_y chopped green pepper
c_p finePfchopped red onion,
finety chopped, seeded je!_anO _p_
_blesp_ snip_ ci_antre
Saree these hot _S "Chefs.e" with pickled pep
pars] Makes 4 se_ings.
cup chopped pickled peppers
tablespoons _opped onion
_uIlycooked 4-ounce jumbo hot dogs
Combine ketchup, chopped pickled peppers, relish,
an_ and poppy seed in a small _. then set aside.
Preparing Hot Dogs
Place hot dogs on gdl_direc_ over medium _15 to
8minutes _h _e lid up, "rum hot dogs and brush with
some of lhe relish mixture: Gd_lhot dogs 6 to Bminutes
more or untiI thoroughly cook_.
To _rve
Toast inner sides of hot dog buns on gdll _e hot
dogs tns_e buns and top with remaining relish mixture,
they cook, the garlic cloves mell_ in flavor,
making a delicious sauce for any grilled meat. _d for
an spread _ softened c_rveS OV_ |coSted
slices Of ften_ bread! Makes 4 servings.
who4e head of gar_
tablespoons olive oil or cooki_ o_1
tables_n snipped fresh basilorI12
t_espoon sniped fresh rosema_ o_ 1/2
Leaspoon dr_d rosemary, crushed
tv_lve-ozo boneless rib eye steaks
Proper|rig I;heGarlic
Use a _k]og pan or tear off a 24xlS-inch p_eceo!
aluminum foil and fold long length in half, then _m to
make a 12-in_ square. Remove the ¢_Jterlayer of
g_i¢ he_, then cut off and discard the top l_=inch
of gafttc head to e_ose the gallic c|o_. P_ace garl_
head _ncenter of a _king pan or in center of f_
w_tha|| s_desOf_e fOi_fo_ded up _ound the garlic to
form acup. r)riz_e get|it with oil and sprinkle with
_/and rosemary. Cover pan _ twist the ends of the
foil to _p_ete_y e_dose the garf_.
P_epadng Steaks
Place s_eaks and _ garlic pack on grill dirty over
medium heat and cook a_t 7minutes with the I_ up.
Turn steaks _ gnu for 5 _ 8 minutes more, or until
c_ked to _ste. _ remove steaks and p_ce
platter. Remove ga_lic and d_e its juices over your
steak. Remove the softene_ garlic cloves and spread
ove_-your s_eak. Season v_th salt and peppa_ as
desired and cut _ntoserving-size pieces.
Combine ketchup, pepper, _sema_, b_i_ _ garlic
_e_ Coat bo_ s_desof steak w_thmixture. Grill
steak wi_ h_ _p, direcgy over medium heat for 6
m_gtes. Turn steak and 9r_Hfor 8 _ 12 minutes more
or unti__ked 8s desired. Cut into serving size
Serve thistangy _a _assic wi'_ corn-on-the-
cob, green salad, _lo salad or colesl_!
2pounds Amed_an s_e _spareribs
I_ cup barbe,_e sauce
few drops of |obas_ sau_
P_ace_ibsin_ a large g_ass _ ceram_ dish
Combine rema_i_g ingr_tents and pour ove__
n_. Refdge_ale for _ral hours.
P_eheat your griJ_3mintes and _ace _e ribs on
cook_g grid. _k tndt_Uy, over a l_ to medium
heat un_I¢ook_, During _e task:few m_nutes of
cookingyou can cook the ribs over adirectfire for
added bs_ecue _avor and te×tu_.
The hearf_ beef flavor is cemp_emen|ad wi_ a deli_
cio_s herb _ng( Makes 6 _i_gs.
2 _blespoons ket_up
!/2 teasp_n coa_elyg,-ound pepper
I '_ _eas_ns snipped _esh _ma_ or 1/2
teasp_n dri_ rosemary, cP_sh_
_teaspoons Sniped fresh bas_!or __ reason
dried basil crushed
i1/2_nd beneiess beef sidoin steak,
cutt-i_ch _ick
Experiment with unique dishaso like this tuna steak
recipe beasti_ a (_4ic:_ouswine marinad!!
Makes 4 servings,
4 6-ounoe fresh or frozen Luna ste_s cut 1 inch
thick. Thaw fish ff frown
cup dry white wine
tab_poon o_Jveoil of cooking o_1
clove 8a_tc. min_
reasons snipped fTesh ro_ary, crushed,
or 1/2 teaspoon dr_d rosemary, _ushed
teaspoon snippes #e_-_h_r_ano_ crushed, of
1/4 teaspoon dr_d oregano, crushed
teaspoon sa_|
Combine wine. o& gadJc, rosemary, enega_ and
sa||°Place tuna steak in Dlas|_ bag and _ntoshaJ_ow
dish, add marinade _en _al bag, Rotate bag to
coat fish well then chi]l for up to 2 _rs. |uming
fish o_.
Remove fish from bag and dis_ m_nade. Placea
cooking p_ _ baking rack _ r_ting rack into
center of grBIwith outer burners on medium heat.
Cook uJna shank on top of r-,_c_kw_ I_ d_ for 8 to
12 minutes or untilfish begins to flake aesir_ Turn
fish once dung cooking.. When cooked, remove fish
from _i[Iand serve.
A simp4e seu_ of m_ed margarine, _emonju_,
Dijon-s_e mustard and _si!adds 8 scin_llatingnote
to _eSe s_ing fish steaks_ Makes 4 servings,
4 6_Jnce fresh of frozen hal_I3utsteaks, cut t
inch _ick
t_blespoons margarine or butter
DOnD_on-_ mustard
_aspoons s_pped fresh basit or 1_
teaspoons tided basil crushed
Combine th_ fish, margarine or bu'_er, _
juice, musta_ and basil in_ acooking pan or
aluminum foJ_recta_e, _d cook direly over _mv
flame un8 _ited. 8rush mb_e o_r both sides
bad-butfish stoaks_ Pour balance of m_xture into
Place _ean _ki_ p_ or foi_ on center of grt_
with both _ter burners on m_ium. P_ fish
gr_ and c_ _fd,Cook _directty fof8 to _2
m_nutes or just unti! fish beans to flake easily,
turningonoe and brush_ng as nee_d 'withremain-
This '_ _ '"'n
_tc_ous recipe is u,nIqu_ a_d _sy to prepare o
your Kenmore Elite gas gdlloMak_ 4 servings.
2 _Jt
1/2 cup a_ pu_se fl_r
i/3 cup parmesa_ _ease, grated
o_]veor peanut oil for f_J_g
Remove the head and _il 'from trout and fi!let al!
b_'_es. Cut each fish in half to form 4 _g fillet&
Coat fish _ flout, d!p in _g a_ ro[_in almonds.
Re_r_gerate for I hour',
F_I{a cast-iron p_ w_ tto 2i_hes of oJ|._d
pl_ ever h_h heal Cook t_out unti_ _den brown.
Drain oi|, spdnk_ trout with parmesan cheese a_d
serve right from the gale
_is p_u[_ recipe an also be a gdlt_ _icken
sated! S|P_ech_ken into smafl s_ips and place them
t_ of shre_ed lettuce with evade dressing and
_p'w_th cheese_ Makes 6 s_rvings.
Ano_er b_kyafd fav_te, _his recipe includes an
easy to make, sweet and spry s_ce°
Makes 4 servings.
cup d@ white w_ne
_blespoons aide o_Jor cooking ei_
s snip_ fresh tarragon _ 1/4
_s_ dned tarragon, crusl'_d
sk_less, bonet_s chicken breast helves
avocados, p_, _e|_ and ehopp_
dOVe _iC, min_'_d
Sfine_y_opp_ seeded
green chi|i peppers of _ut cho_ce
green _ions, f_neiy chopp_
snipped fresh cilantro
tablespoon _ey
Combine wine, o_, ta_on a_ salt PJn_ ¢,hic_en
aP_3d_ wi_ paper towels P!_e ch_en tn ptastic
b_ and in_ shall_d_sh hen add marin_e and sea_
b_. Rotate chicken to _ we_ and @it! gp to 2_
hours, _ming bag _as_:_na|_y
Preps_ng the ,Avocado Dressing
Combine _voc_dos, tom,to, gads. _i_ipeppers,
on_s, cilent_o,honey _d lemon j_Ice.Toss _11
_en cover _nd chiJ| up _ 2h_rs,
_/4 to _ hattie: hot pepper sauce
2_ _a 3_und broiier4ryer _icke_, pre-cut
Combine ketc_3_p,marmalade, _Aneg_r,celery
sa_, thai| p_er and hot pepper sauce in a
cooking pan, _cook d_ectfy over a _w to
mad|urn heat Leave _e.cooked sauce in _e p_
and remove _om heat until _cken is prepared.
P_spadng th_ Chicken
W_sh _iCken and _ with paper towels_Turn
Outsideburners on medium and p_ace We-cut
chicken pi_ (bone side d_) in caner of gdiL
Close _ and cook indJr_y for _ Iv'_r _ until
ch_ken is _ longer pink _rush occasionally with
saul° Remove chicken from grill once _ed,
then place cooking pan wi_ _e in_ center of
gril!and reheat. Pou__rme_ _ce ove_chicken
and serve.
Remove the chicken from plas_ bag and reserce the
rear,ads. Grt|t chicken directly over medium heat with
lid up for 5 m_u_es_ Turn _Icken a_ brush with
mar|n_e. _ g_i|Ifor 5-_0 m_,_es more or until
_icken is no longer pink,Serve with side of avoc_o
Imagine ev_eryone's surprise _ _ serve_
_ h_iday turkey ompletewith dressing e_ous
and tender s_aJgh_from the gdl# _tves 8- 50
8_ 50
pound whote turkey
t_espoons chopped _yme
teaspoons grated lem_ dad
2ounces buyer
2_ions, f_eLy _epped
8_nces b_, chopped
2t_esp_ port wine
114 cup red _ne
2 c_k_ sk-_k cubes
4 _nc_ chopped cashews, hazelnuts
1/2 cup chopped cele_
1_ cup chopped _rrot
1 - t 112cups #ash _ite _adcrumbs
salt and p_p_ to _ste
Preparing the Dressing
Prepare dressing _ a coeklng pan direc_y over
medium heal Me_tbu_e_, _d onions and b_ _en
saute 3 mtnutes. Add port,, red wine and stock ,cubes
and bring to a boil, Cook 2 minutes° Remm,_ pan to
alJow _gredients to coot. _d remaining _gredients
and m_.
Prapadng the Turkey
_ou_ net required, _u may want _o_t your
gr_J3 minut_
W_h inside of _ey a¢_ dr,.#w_ pape_- t_rwels°
ip_ seasoning _o the _rkey _v_.
O_bine the bu_er_ _, _erm_ juice end dad
te_er _na _ Using _rkey baster, i_ert bu_ter
mitre under s_Jn¢o_¢e_ng_he_key breast°
T_ss the bjrkey w_ std_g _ pl_aceit _ a bak_
or roa_t_g r_ _rests _te a cooking pan
Re_e the cooking gri_ from your gr_l _ _e_-
sary, _en p_ace_ cooking pan _e tu_ey i# the
center _ y,-_Jrgr_L Turn_e _de b_r te low,
o_r _ me_Jrn, and ck#_ t_J Cook _trec_y
for 3 1_ _ 4 h_s _ an8 cooked_ Ha_way _rough
_king t_rr_ you _y _rnate burn_ tern
so tha_the turkey b_owns even_yoOnce cooked,
Fete dress_ from cooked turkey, sl_ and _rve
Yap rn_y aev_ want to ca41_t f_ p_ again_
Fotk_ this p_ d_ugh recipe, or purchase ready-
made p_a dough fooad in y_r g;acers refrigerated
section ex_ _ _e bis_its. Sl_ce and s4_cvedirec'dy
f_om tt_ gri& 8e_es 6;-8
1 _
table.cons olive ei_
cups at! purpose _r
CUptomato paste or itat_ tom_to sa_
red pepper, roasted ar,_ sliced
k _es
ounces g_d mo_re_la c_se
!t's easy tocustomize _is recipe with to_ings to _it
_ur family's task; Fat spieler crust, lightly _b the
dough w_h ol_-e oil then _ice with _pper and gadic
salt before spreading _ur tomato sau_
Prepa_ng _he Pica _ugh
C_ine _t, water a_ sa_ _ar_ iet
s_and _ a warm p_a_ unt_ mixture s_rts _ foam,
Add _ yeast mbdure to _uf a_ o_and _mbine to
form y_r pi_ dough, Kn_ _ a lightly
su#ace u_t{_smooth and e_stk_. Cover _d star_ in a
_rm place untildoubled _ s_. _k back dOU_
and roll out _ a rectang_ _ s_ _ _ur coo_ng
pan _ bak_g dish Ra_ doL_h _ aiight_yoiled
_f _ pu_ased a ready-made pizza dough,
simply open _n a_ ro_Idough in_ a lighSyoil_
cooking pen.
P_epaflng the Pizza
S_re_ tomato paste _Ita_i_tomato _uce on topof
_a rn_ #._ce cheese first w_, _'_gs on last.
R_ cook_g pan in c_r _ gdll and cook _lio
_y, _ one ou_e b_Jrner_ h_ end the _er
on _ow,for approximateh! 20 rn_nutes_ untO!bottom of
_st _ _ht brown. Lusty, rai_ the lid _ _nish
_king p_ try _m_g _m_ ur_ the cook_
pan _ ht_ for a_3t 2 minb_ _ _t _ _he
center _ p_ g_ brow_o Th_ _ _ heat. s_ce
a_ serve d_Iy _ pan.
Take atrip to the Orient w_ththiseasy. and heaJthy
vegetable _pe Ma_s 4 -6servings.
tablespoons o_l
onion° cut inf_owedges
carrot, thinly s_.,ed
cups brocco_, cut _o _at_ f_owerets
red pepper, sliced
sticks celery, thinly sliced
cup sn_ pe_
cup ch_ken broth
Heat oil in awok or saute pan, directty overah_gh
heat. _d onion and ce_k 1 minute. Add carrot and
broccoti and stir-fry 2 minutes, then add red
pepper, celery and snow peas and conth'_ue
cooking t minute m_e. Add chicken broth and Ms
vegetables until cooked to desired doneness.
Grea_ served as asnack, or to dress up ba_ued
meats, _Itry or fish. Makes 4 servings.
medium sweet onions (4-5 ounces each)
t;_blespoons rna_rine or butter, meltad
_aspoon Dijo_-stytemus_rd
maspoen hot pepper sauce
_b_es_on brovm sugar
pepper (optkm_)
Serve these ¢rkspy potatoeS as a snack or s_e dish.
We've included m_rowave ins_ctions for a _mesaw
ir_shod cu_. Makes _2 servings,,
baking po_s (a_ut 8oun_ _)
tablespoons margarine orbutter,mette_
_p shre_ed _eddar _eese (4 ounce)
slices b_, _isp-cook_ _nd c_mbl_
or u_ p_epack_ed ba_ bits
chop_ tomato (op_na0
d_ gt_n on_ (op_n_I)
cup s_r cream (optional)
Pun_.ure¢Jean potatoes wi_ a fork, v_ap in atumi-
hum _i! ar_ pla,'.,edkecBy over low to m_iurn heat.
Close lid and cook di_ec_yfor 1 hour or unt_ _nter _s
tender OR- Microwave cle_n, punctured potat_
on h_ghfor t5 to 20 minutes, or untt_ center _nder.
A_ow cooked potatoes _ coot then urw_r_p and
d[_rd fo}L
Cut potatoes in half _lengthwise, _ outpotato
pulp(_tve separatel_ or discard.)8e Sure to leeve
1/44nCh th_k potato shel_rema|ni_. Brush the _slde
ofe_h potato_e{_ w_thm_d margarine, Spoon 2
teaspoons ptcen_ __to eacl_ potatos_,
spdnkJewith cheese and t_ with ba_.
P_aceprepared potato ski_s on gra_,directly over
medium heat. Close _idand cook fo_ 8 to 10 minutes
or untl_pota_o skins a_'ecrisp. SpdnNe each potato
skin _th tomato and green onionand then top w_
_ur cream, if desi_ed
Pe_ onions, then cu_almost _mpletaly _rough each
_ion, forming8 wedges O_ionwillbe io_se,butst_ll
inL_ct.Prepare four 124nch squares of aluminum
foil Place one onion _ the center of each foi_ _uare.
Stir margarine (or burr) with hot _pper sauce and
ddzTJe over _ions. SpMnk_ewith brown suite Then
bdng up _ sides of foi| _#are and double fo_.
8ring remaining comers _p and completa|y _cI_e -
leaving enough space for steam to build.
Pta_ va_ppee on_ blo_ssoms on UtaH,d_ectly over
medium heal C_e _k_a_ cook t 5 to 25 minu_ or
u_t_ on_s are nearlytende_. Make a2-inch open_ng
at the top of each onion wrapping, t_en c_e I_ and
cook 5 _ I0 minutes more, _ until _!ons are lt_t|y
brow_ed. Sprinkle with _pper _ desired and serve
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