Kenmore 141157902 User Manual GAS GRILL ELITE Manuals And Guides L0412379
KENMORE Grill, Gas Manual L0412379 KENMORE Grill, Gas Owner's Manual, KENMORE Grill, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Kenmore 141157902 141157902 KENMORE GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your KENMORE GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE #141157902. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Kenmore Parts:Kenmore GAS GRILL KENMORE ELITE Manual
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I T [M LiquidPropaneGas Grill M e114!,!57902 L _ .... WARNING: Resd this Owner's Manu_ carefully and be sure your gas 9ril_ is propedy assembled, lns_Hed and malta]ned. Failure to fo_w #_e instruc_ons could result in ser_s bodity _jury andfor property damage. _]s gas gri|l is i_tended for outdoor use only and is not intended to be inst_lIP._ in or on recreational vehicles or boats. Note to installer; Leave th_s Owner's Manual wi_ _e consumer after delivery an_or _sta_ation. J No_ to Consumer: Leave th_ O_Ys Manua! in a cor_ven_nt pl_ for lucre ceferen_° Manufacturer Customer _r-¢ice He|p]Ine: I_fme sh_ing _x is miss_g pads or y_J have quest_s _oout assembiy, ca_ the Custem_ Service Help|ine 8urn - 11pro CST, f_4o_daythrough Sea_ R_buck _d Co,_ Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U,S_. P4775AoRev:04J21_ Safe_ Inst_c_iens Pre-Assemb|y Pa_ Cooking Failure to compty with these lnstru_ons cou|d result |n • _ra o_r exp|_on which could cause serous bodily injury, death, or pro_ damage. instructions .................. ,...............4 Diagram Assembly ..............................................2 and Part Lists ................. 5 InstpJctJons ...................................... 8 _nst_ctions Grill Inatallstio_ Codes This gas gr_l must be _ns_lled Jn accordance wi_h aft _oca! _de_. in areas without _oca_ _es° foltow the latest edit_ of the National Fuel Gas Code _S_ Z223.Io in Caned& i_sta_lation mus_ conform to standard 16149.1 or t-b_4g.2 (|ns_allabon Co_e for Gas Burning Appliances and Equipment) and el) _eca) codes. ..................................... 15 .... 't5 FrequentJy Cooking Asked Gu{de Questions and ........................18 Recipes ....................19 Proper Placement and Clearance of Grill Never use _ur gas gr||l in a gaffe, por_, shed, b_eez_y or _y otr_erenc_os_ area. Your gas gri_! is to be used ou_oors only, at Jeast 24" from the back and side of any combustible surface,, Your gas _ff should not be p_taced u_nde_any surface that wiff burn. Do ne_ obs_ct the flow of vent#at_n a_r aroun_ 'the {}as gdH housing. _rom the date of purchase for '_e des_gna_ _me periods listed below, Sears wiff replace the foI{_owing g_ parts f_ee of cha_ if they are defective in mazda! or workmanship, This outdoor gas g_'tff_snot intended to be installed in _ recreat_ona_vehicles an_ boats. _, LifeSme of Grff_: Ex_r_or Stainless Steel Parts, Num_um Casings (except for paint _oss) • 3 Years: N_e Carte€! LPG Cylinder Usa Y_r gas gri!l _s designe_ for use w_th a s_ndard 20 [b. Uqu_d Propane Gas (LPG) _inder. not _nduded _th gri_ _x, Never connect your gas gd[_ to an LPG cylinder that exceeds th_s capac_yo A cylinder of approximately 12 inches in diameter ey 18-1/2 inches _igh sh_ld be the m_x_m_m size LPG cylinder used, We recommend buying an "OPD" gas cy_nde_ vah_nhoffers an Ove_ Prevention Dev_. Th_ safety feature prevents the _inder [rof_ being oved_J|ed wh_h can cause maifunct_on of the LPG _inder, regu_ato_ and/or grill. Tamers_ Cooking Gdds_ Burners • 5 Years; A_l Other Gdff Parts {except ignitor batte_) This warranty does not cover; • Labor costs for repa;_s • Griff ff it is used for commercial pu_ses, or rental Rep4acement parts ate availabie by contacting the nearest Sea_s _e Center. This wafraa#y apples of_y when _e gdff is used in _e United States. The LPG cylinder must be censtructee end marked st 8ccordance with specificat_s of the U.S. Dept. of Transpodat_on (DOT). _n Caned& the LPG cylinder must rnee| the Canadian Transpo_t_en and Communk:a#ons (CTC) specifications. _sa be sure: The LPG _inder has a shutoffvalve, [e_ hating in an LPG supply cy_n_ valve out_et, _a_ is compatJbJe w_th a Type I cy_nd_ connect_ device. The LPG cy_iader must also _ave a safety re_ie_ de_ce that _as a direct communication w_th the vapor space of the cylinder, 2. The _inder supply system must be a_ranged for vapor wffhdrawaL 3. The LPG c_i_der used must have a colta_ to protect the cylinder va_e. _is warranty gives you spec_3c _egaJ_ghts, and you may also have other rights wh_h vary from state _ state, _a_, RoebaC_ _nd Co. Dept. SI7WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60'179 2 ? Sea_, R_b_K and _. ING Failure to compty with these tns_ucUons cou|d resu_ In a fire or explosion which could cause serious bodtty injury, death, or _perty damage° t " • , • ,, Never connect an LPG cy'Fmder to _r gas gd& The gas regut[ator assemb_), su_lt_ w_th your gas gnl| Js adjusted to have an ouUet pressure of 1_° water column (W.C.) for connec|ion 1o aM LPG _inder. Only use _ r_u_ator and hose assembly suppl_ed wi_ your gas grill. Replacement regulators and hose assemblies must be those spec_f_ by Sears. Have your LPG cylinder fWed by a repub_ble propane gas _aJer and v_ue_fy inepec_d and refuelled at each fiJi}ngo Never fi]_ the _ cyt_nder b_tond 80% _ll. Have your propane gas deaNer che_ the release verve afiet avery fi_Bngto ensure _na! it remains free of defects. A_ways I3d_a t_\me__su_e_t_ok_g a_d also to allow the wok to reheat between ing_ed_nts. ,, Chic_en_ bone!ess chicken pieces sliced breasts - Fish, sli_ if#ere of fi_m fish, assoded seafoo_ such _ _wns, scollops and _lamari • Pork, si_d 5ilets, diced or minc_ po_k, sl_ced _eg steak, sliced _ops • Beef, sliced fi_tet, rib-eye_ round_ rump_ sidoin • Lamb, sliced r_tet, to,and, Ioin DEEP-FRYING ROTISSERIE TECHNIQUES A wide v_rie#f _ foods can be deep-fried _tdoors on your gdJl_, from po_toes, _ seafood and _ieken, Deep=frying uses a large _ion of oil preferably saturate. The ou_oor location is _eal for deep_ fryir_ as smoke, grease and srne!_areach for sky _ the ceiling of your ki_hen° Prepa_ng to Deep-fry Deep-fry on your grill us|rig a cook_ over direct heat wi_ _o g_it_iid ta_, pan _ wok_ TECHN|QUE$ Ro_sserie cooking produces foods that a_e moist, f_avo_l and attrac_ve. _3though _e rot_r_ ismost c_monly used for cooking moat or pou_, nearly anything_ be u_ if prepared _opedy. I_ ro_aserie _king, _ar_ing the fo_ is of utmos_ _po_nee. The rotisserie must turn evemJyor the stopping a_ s_tt_ng act,ion WIN_use the food to cook _nev_iy _d possibly b_m _e _aviet aide. Fil_the cooking pan no more than haft _]l of vegetable or corn oil Sta_ with 1_ heel then raise _e heat gradually. Check the temperature of the oILcarefully w_h a _y_ng thermometer or _es_with a cu_ of l_ead. _e cube of bread shoutd bro_ in about _ s_ds for most c_Jng needs. A | between 350 and 400 degrees _ optimal for preparing the ma}ority of deep-fred foods; The easiest foods _ ba_ce _e _se of uniform shape and texture, To _est ifthe food is balanced corr_y _ secured, p!_ the _ds of the re|isle spit _osely in the palms of your hands, if there is no tendency tore/J, give _e spit a quarter turn. if i_ is sti|ta_b_e, give it a final quarter turn.,it should r_ wi_out _rni_ in o_h _ _ese pos_-,n,s. It can then att_e_ to your gdll, Feo_s being d_4ded taste better _en coated with either ba_r or breaecrurnbs to add flavor and prevent moisture from escaping. When preparing pou_ry, truss _e birds tightty so that wings and drums_ are cl_e to _e _y of the bi_do The cavib/_ the b_rd rn_ be stuff_ prk_ 'to th_ ff you wish, Pu_lthe neck skin d_ and,, es_r_l a smati skewer, fix it to the back _ the b_d, Push the rotisser_ sp_tthrough lengthw/_se, catching the bird in the fork of the w_hb_e, Center the b_rdand |ighten with • _eho|d_g f_s, Test the balance as de.scdb_ above. SIo_'_ylower foods into the hot o_!_sing a wire s_p or stainless stee_ tongs. Add only a small quantity of foo_ to the oil. allow it to cook. then repeat w_ another small quantity. This ensures the o_ldoesn't drop tn temperature.Once _e food is cooked, remove it carefully a_d drain onto a paper _oweL Turn the heat off as s43enas you have _nished deep-frying and al_,' the pan to cool. When _o o_ is cooL r_ove al! remnants of fr_ foods by straining it through a {_e me_ sieve. Once the o_|is quite c_. store it _na clean be|fie for future use. COOKING ON TH_ WARMING RAC_ Vege_:ab/esare gane_ly easy to cook on the grill. The wa_ing rack makes it _nvenient _use you can still _se the main cook_g area while the vegetables are s_spanded from above. Precook ha_ re.tables by briefly boiling or micrewaving them before cooki_g on the gr_tLWra_ vegetab/]es in a double th_kness of fo_i to protect them _le cooking on the grin Then, remove the foil tf desired, 10-15 minute_ before the end of cooking, brush v_tables with butter or oil and finish cooking, The warming rack can be gsed fo_ purposes other than just the obvious. Co,sider using it for warming French bread, gad_ bread, croissants or even A sma_! whole fish wrapped in foil a_socooks we_]in the warming rack. Parcels of seafoo_ such as scallops, pra_s and sliced fish fille'_ prepared m a sauce and po_ into smut foil w_aps cooks well th_ way. to,o, A fettled piece of rnest reqeires the rotisserie skewe¢ to be inserf_d through the center of _e length of rneati then secured and baJanced. For meats _at oon_in _n_, it is b_ to secure the rotisserie skewer d_a_nat_y through _ meaty seco lions, if protrudi_ _es or wi¢_ brown too quickJy, co_er wi_ pieces of foil. Tips for Rotisserie Cooking When ro_sserie _king, the rnaj_ of heat will coma from an i_l_'ec_ source, ino_er w_s, the burners ea_ end of the art/| are Ii_and the food is placed centrally on _e rotisserie, with no d_'_ he_ source und_neath. 'To catch any drips from the rotisserie food it will _ nece_ry to rem_e _e cooking grids and then p{ace 8 drip pan direc_y #haler the food. These drippings c_ be used to make gra_es _nd o_er sauces to accompany the cooked me_. Place the tk_ d_ over the food _en _ s_A |o cook • he cooking t_mes on a rotisserie WIN_ approximately the same as for o_#e_cooking Preheat your gdlt 3-5 minutes, then {_ver heat to achievethe bakJ_'lgtarnp_ature _i_ed, Baking uses Ilia indirect cooing method. Therefore. _r cooking pan sh_Id be pl_ on the _ft or _ghts_de of your gd_l wt_ the burner lit on _e opposite s_de. Certainly not a me_ of _k_ng usually associated with the ba_ue grW, baking can be easily me ,an your Kenrnore Et_teMs gdiL _ere is no _imit to recipes you can bake _ you_ gdJll,From casseroles and _bread _ del_s deserts Jike fondue fruit skewers or crumb cake, Ws ;as_sy as baking inthe kitchen. Pre_ring T}p_ for Baking Prepare y_r favorite reci_ as _ w_|d _ ki_en, F#s cook_ in the gri#for _g pedods of _Jrnashould a_ays be ¢ove_ed _naluminum fog retain , You wifl need to stir the f_ several times 8s it bakes, and add edditiona_ liquid ff required_ _ Ba_ To bake tn your n_ gdJl'_u31 need a baking dish cast4ron cooking pan, and a pair of in.mated c_king rrnttts, ff the _king pa_ is c_st4ron be sure to_ason the pan before use, Watch the tern_tu{e, and _just _ cook accora_'_g to your recipe _irectionso Recomman#_ _, 30,3? * 340? F _|h N_derate 355? - 3_? F One _ts_e _urner _ high, and the other _|side burner on low H_ 41 O? -4_? Both o_J_ide burners _ high F 25 _s_e 6rlI| $_ng burners on _ow A han_ and mustard sau_ gi_s the onion s!_ces as they cook a|ongside these de{i¢ious burgers. For optimaJ sweetness, _ect Vidatlia or WalJa Wa_a onions. Makes 4 open face burgers. 2 2 2 :2 targe s_et 0nicks, slJ_d (_2 te 16 ounces) tablespoons margarine or m(dted bulter p_nd lean ground _ef U4 4 4 4 teaspoon pep_ sBcesTexas toast teffuoeleaves tomato, slices Place _ions In a _3ki_ pan or on a small pleoeof a_um_um foilCombine meit_ margarine, mustard _nd honey, Ihan dri_e over onionS. Cov_ p_n with lid _ told up e_gee .offoi_ and seal with _b|e reid to completely e_!ose on_s _vir_Ispace for ste_ to bu_Id. Place pan _ foit p_ket on gr'_;/directly _¢er medium heat f_ _5 minutes _ the griithood u_, Prep_dng Buyers While onions _ro cooking. _mbtne ground b_f, sa_ and pep_ tn _ m_ium _ an_ mix well. Shape mixiure into four 3/4 }nob burger pat_iesand _dd to gfllI, di_ec_y over heat; Gri_|burgers along with _ions fo_ about 5 minutes, the_ rum _rgers: Gri!! for 8 to t0 m_qutes more or un_ii no pink remains in meat, an_ onions are tender. To set#e, teas| both sides of Texas toast on gdll T_ top each s!i_e of Texas toast: with a butg_, le_uce, _rnate _nd onio_ Spdnkle wi_ _pp_r if desired, 1t4 U2 2 teaspoon salt pounds teen ground b_f cups shredded lettuce II3 1/4 cup fine|y slnreddeldirectly over medium heat w_th_ up. GdU for i3 to 15 minutes ot until no pink remains. Turn burgers o_, hal_ throb gdBir_ time. At_nge the shredded lettuce on ind:hfiduai p_ates. Top tettuce wi_ a burger, cheddar ch_se and sal_. SePce w_ths_r cream andior gu_amo|e. CHICAGO STYLE HOT DOGS Saree these hot _S "Chefs.e" pars] Makes 4 se_ings. with pickled pep Ingred|ents U4 2 2 cup chopped pickled peppers 4 4 _uIlycooked 4-ounce jumbo hot dogs ho__ buns tablespoons _opped onion Combine ketchup, chopped pickled peppers, relish, an_ and poppy seed in a small _. then set aside. Preparing Hot Dogs DOUBLE SALSA BURGERS A fresh _mate salsa flavors the bee_ mixture for e zes_ tasting burger° The sa_ _iso _rves as colorful toppi_,MaCes 6 burger pallas, Place hot dogs on gdl_ direc_ over medium _15 to 8 minutes _h _e lid up, "rum hot dogs and brush with some of lhe relish mixture: Gd_lhot dogs 6 to B minutes more or untiI thoroughly cook_. To _rve Ir_redtents large _omate, seed_ and fi_el_ chopped I/2 _Z4 2 cup fine_y chopped green pepper c_p finePf chopped red onion, finety chopped, seeded je!_anO _p_ i _blesp_ snip_ ci_antre Toast inner sides of hot dog buns on gdll _e hot dogs tns_e buns and top with remaining relish mixture, RIB EYE STEAKS WITH GRILLED G_LIC they cook, the garlic cloves mell_ in flavor, making a delicious sauce for any grilled meat. _d for an spread _ softened c_rveS OV_ |coSted slices Of ften_ bread! Makes 4 servings. 1 who4e head of gar_ tablespoons olive oil or cooki_ o_1 tables_n snipped fresh basilorI12 teaspoondriedbas_,crushed t_espoon sniped fresh rosema_ o_ 1/2 Leaspoon dr_d rosemary, crushed tv_lve-ozo boneless rib eye steaks 2 1 Use a _k]og pan or tear off a 24xlS-inch p_eceo! aluminum foil and fold long length in half, then _m to make a 12-in_ square. Remove the ¢_Jterlayer of g_i¢ he_, then cut off and discard the top l_=inch of gafttc head to e_ose the gallic c|o_. P_ace garl_ head _n center of a _king pan or in center of f_ w_tha|| s_des Of_e fOi_fo_ded up _ound the garlic to form a cup. r)riz_e get|it with oil and sprinkle with _/and rosemary. Cover pan _ twist the ends of the foil to _p_ete_y e_dose the garf_. P_epadng Steaks Place s_eaks and _ garlic pack on grill dirty over medium heat and cook a_t 7 minutes with the I_ up. Turn steaks _ gnu for 5 _ 8 minutes more, or until c_ked to _ste. _ remove steaks and p_ce platter. Remove ga_lic and d_e its juices over your steak. Remove the softene_ garlic cloves and spread ove_-your s_eak. Season v_th salt and peppa_ as desired and cut _ntoserving-size pieces. SIRLOIN 8_BECUED _IBS Serve thistangy _a cob, green salad, _lo _assic wi'_ corn-on-thesalad or colesl_! |ngredien_ Proper|rig I;he Garlic HERB-PEPPER Combine ketchup, pepper, _sema_, b_i_ _ garlic _e_ Coat bo_ s_desof steak w_thmixture. Grill steak wi_ h_ _p, direcgy over medium heat for 6 m_gtes. Turn steak and 9r_Hfor 8 _ 12 minutes more or unti__ked 8s desired. Cut into serving size pieces STEAK The hearf_ beef flavor is cemp_emen|ad wi_ a deli_ cio_s herb _ng( Makes 6 _i_gs. 2 !/2 I '_ _blespoons ket_up teasp_n coa_ely g,-ound pepper _eas_ns snipped _esh _ma_ or 1/2 teasp_n dri_ rosemary, cP_sh_ _ teaspoons Sniped fresh bas_!or __ reason dried basil crushed i 1/2_nd beneiess beef sidoin steak, cutt-i_ch _ick 2 I_ pounds Amed_an s_e _ cup barbe,_e sauce spareribs 2 few drops of |obas_ sau_ P_ace _ibsin_ a large g_ass _ ceram_ dish Combine rema_i_g ingr_tents and pour ove__ n_. Refdge_ale for _ral hours. P_eheat your griJ_3 mintes and _ace _e ribs on cook_g grid. _k tndt_Uy, over a l_ to medium heat un_I¢ook_, During _e task:few m_nutes of cookingyou can cook the ribs over a direct fire for added bs_ecue _avor and te×tu_. MARINATED TUNA STEAl'{ Combine th_ fish, margarine or bu'_er, _ juice, musta_ and basil in_ a cooking pan or aluminum foJ_recta_e, _d cook direly over _mv flame un8 _ited. 8rush mb_e o_r both sides bad-butfish stoaks_ Pour balance of m_xture into smaIl_, Experiment with unique dishaso like this tuna steak recipe beasti_ a (_4ic:_ouswine marinad!! Makes 4 servings, Ingredients 4 6-ounoe fresh or frozen Luna ste_s cut 1 inch thick. Thaw fish ff frown cup dry white wine Place _ean _ki_ p_ or foi_ on center of grt_ with both _ter burners on m_ium. P_ fish gr_ and c_ _fd, Cook _directty fof8 to _2 m_nutes or just unti! fish beans to flake easily, turning onoe and brush_ng as nee_d 'with remaintrig mixture, 1 1 1 2 It4 tab_poon o_Jveoil of cooking o_1 clove 8a_tc. min_ reasons snipped fTesh ro_ary, crushed, or 1/2 teaspoon dr_d rosemary, _ushed teaspoon snippes #e_-_h_r_ano_ crushed, of 1/4 teaspoon dr_d oregano, crushed teaspoon sa_| A_MOND COATED TROUT This _tc_ous '_ _ ' recipe " is u,n 'Iqu_ a_d _sy to prepare on your Kenmore Elite gas gdlloMak_ 4 servings. Ing_dien_ Combine wine. o& gadJc, rosemary, enega_ and sa||° Place tuna steak in Dlas|_ bag and _ntoshaJ_ow dish, add marinade _en _al bag, Rotate bag to coat fish well then chi]l for up to 2 _rs. |uming fish o_. Remove fish from bag and dis_ m_nade. Placea cooking p_ _ baking rack _ r_ting rack into center of grBIwith outer burners on medium heat. Cook uJna shank on top of r-,_c_k w_ I_ d_ for 8 to 12 minutes or untilfish begins to flake aesir_ Turn fish once dung cooking.. When cooked, remove fish from _i[I and serve. MUSTARD-G_ED Ingredients 2 t_blespoons margarine or butter 2 1 2 1/2 I 1 i/3 cup a_ pu_se fl_r cup parmesa_ _ease, grated o_]ve or peanut oil for f_J_g F_I{a cast-iron p_ w_ t to 2 i_hes of oJ|._d pl_ ever h_h heal Cook t_out unti_ _den brown. Drain oi|, spdnk_ trout with parmesan cheese a_d serve right from the gale A simp4e seu_ of m_ed margarine, _emonju_, Dijon-s_e mustard and _si!adds 8 scin_llating note to _eSe s_ing fish steaks_ Makes 4 servings, 6_Jnce fresh of frozen hal_I3ut steaks, cut t inch _ick _Jt Remove the head and _il 'from trout and fi!let al! b_'_es. Cut each fish in half to form 4 _g fillet& Coat fish _ flout, d!p in _g a_ ro[_in almonds. Re_r_gerate for I hour', HALIBUT STEAKS 4 2 DOnD_on-_ mustard _aspoons s_pped fresh basit or 1_ teaspoons tided basil crushed 28 SOUTHWEST CHICKEN BREASTS _is p_u[_ recipe an also be a gdlt_ _icken sated! S|P_ech_ken into smafl s_ips and place them t_ of shre_ed lettuce with evade dressing and _p'w_th cheese_ Makes 6 s_rvings. 1/4 2 2 If4 6 2 t 2 2 1 1 1 cup d@ white w_ne _blespoons aide o_Jor cooking ei_ s snip_ fresh tarragon _ 1/4 _s_ dned tarragon, crusl'_d BARBECUED Ano_er b_kyafd fav_te, _his recipe includes an easy to make, sweet and spry s_ce° Makes 4 servings. ! _/4 to _ sk_less, bonet_s chicken breast helves avocados, p_, _e|_ and ehopp_ dOVe _iC, min_'_d Sfine_y_opp_ seeded green chi|i peppers of _ut cho_ce green _ions, f_neiy chopp_ snipped fresh cilantro tablespoon _ey Combine wine, o_, ta_on a_ salt PJn_ ¢,hic_en aP_3d_ wi_ paper towels P!_e ch_en tn ptastic b_ and in_ shall_d_sh hen add marin_e and sea_ b_. Rotate chicken to _ we_ and @it! gp to 2_ hours, _ming bag _as_:_na|_y Preps_ng the ,Avocado Dressing Combine _voc_dos, tom,to, gads. _i_ipeppers, on_s, cilent_o, honey _d lemon j_Ice.Toss _11 _en cover _nd chiJ| up _ 2 h_rs, Remove the chicken from plas_ bag and reserce the rear,ads. Grt|t chicken directly over medium heat with lid up for 5 m_u_es_ Turn _Icken a_ brush with mar|n_e. _ g_i|I for 5-_0 m_,_es more or until _icken is no longer pink,Serve with side of avoc_o dressing, CHICKEN 2 _ hattie: hot pepper sauce _a 3 _und broiier4ryer _icke_, pre-cut Combine ketc_3_p, marmalade, _Aneg_r,celery sa_, thai| p_er and hot pepper sauce in a cooking pan, _ cook d_ectfy over a _w to mad|urn heat Leave _e.cooked sauce in _e p_ and remove _om heat until _cken is prepared. P_spadng th_ Chicken W_sh _iCken and _ with paper towels_ Turn Outsideburners on medium and p_ace We-cut chicken pi_ (bone side d_) in caner of gdiL Close _ and cook indJr_y for _ Iv'_r _ until ch_ken is _ longer pink _rush occasionally with saul° Remove chicken from grill once _ed, then place cooking pan wi_ _e in_ center of gril! and reheat. Pou_ _rme_ _ce ove_chicken and serve. T_D_IONAL Pi_ HOLIDAY TURKEY Imagine ev_eryone's surprise _ _ serve_ _ h_iday turkey ompletewith dressing e_ous and tender s_aJgh_from the gdl# _tves 8 - 50 8_ 50 pound whote turkey 4 2 t_espoons chopped _yme 2 2 teaspoons grated lem_ dad Yap rn_y aev_ want to ca41_t f_ p_ again_ Fotk_ this p_ d_ugh recipe, or purchase readymade p_a dough fooad in y_r g;acers refrigerated section ex_ _ _e bis_its. Sl_ce and s4_cvedirec'dy f_om tt_ gri& 8e_es 6; -8 1_ 1 3 2 ounces buyer 2 8 2 114 2 4 _ions, f_eLy _epped _nces b_, chopped t_esp_ port wine cup red _ne c_k_ sk-_k cubes _nc_ chopped cashews, hazelnuts cups at! purpose _r 1_4 CUptomato paste or itat_ tom_to sa_ 3/4 red pepper, roasted ar,_ sliced k _es 8 ounces g_d mo_re_la c_se !t's easy tocustomize _is recipe with to_ings to _it _ur family's task; Fat spieler crust, lightly _b the dough w_h ol_-e oil then _ice with _pper and gadic salt before spreading _ur tomato sau_ Prepa_ng _he Pica to _ste the Dressing Prepare dressing _ a coeklng pan direc_y over medium heal Me_tbu_e_, _d onions and b_ _en saute 3 mtnutes. Add port,, red wine and stock ,cubes and bring to a boil, Cook 2 minutes° Remm,_ pan to alJow _gredients to coot. _d remaining _gredients and m_. Prapadng the Turkey _ou_ net required, _u may want _o _t gr_J3 minut_ olive ei_ 3 t 1/2 cup chopped cele_ 1_ cup chopped _rrot 1 - t 112 cups #ash _ite _adcrumbs 1 Preparing table.cons 6 pecan_ salt and p_p_ ON THE GRILL your W_h inside of _ey a¢_ dr,.#w_ pape_- t_rwels° ip_ seasoning _o the _rkey _v_. O_bine the bu_er_ _, _erm_ juice end dad te_er _na _ Using _rkey baster, i_ert bu_ter mitre under s_Jn¢o_¢e_ng_he _key breast° T_ss the bjrkey w_ std_g _ pl_aceit _ a bak_ or roa_t_g r_ _ rests _te a cooking pan Re_e the cooking gri_ from your gr_l _ _e_sary, _en p_ace_ cooking pan _e tu_ey i# the center _ y,-_Jrgr_L Turn_e _de b_r te low, o_r _ me_Jrn, and ck#_ t_J Cook _trec_y for 3 1_ _ 4 h_s _ an8 cooked_ Ha_way _rough _king t_rr_ you _y _rnate burn_ tern so tha_the turkey b_owns even_yoOnce cooked, Fete dress_ from cooked turkey, sl_ and _rve _ugh C_ine _t, water a_ sa_ _ ar_ iet s_and _ a warm p_a_ unt_ mixture s_rts _ foam, Add _ yeast mbdure to _uf a_ o_ and _mbine to form y_r pi_ dough, Kn_ _ a lightly su#ace u_t{_smooth and e_stk_. Cover _d star_ in a _rm place until doubled _ s_. _k back dOU_ and roll out _ a rectang_ _ s_ _ _ur coo_ng pan _ bak_g dish Ra_ doL_h _ a iight_y oiled pan° _f _ pu_ased a ready-made pizza dough, simply open _n a_ ro_I dough in_ a lighSy oil_ cooking pen. P_epaflng the Pizza S_re_ tomato paste _ Ita_i_ tomato _uce on top of _a rn_ #._ce cheese first w_, _'_gs on last. R_ cook_g pan in c_r _ gdll and cook _lio _y, _ one ou_e b_Jrner_ h_ end the _er on _ow,for approximateh! 20 rn_nutes_ untO!bottom of _st _ _ht brown. Lusty, rai_ the lid _ _nish _king p_ try _m_g _m_ ur_ the cook_ pan _ ht_ for a_3t 2 minb_ _ _t _ _he center _ p_ g_ brow_o Th_ _ _ heat. s_ce a_ serve d_Iy _ pan. FRESH VEGETABLE GRILLED POTATO SKINS STIR.FRY Serve these ¢rkspy potatoeS as a snack or s_e dish. We've included m_rowave ins_ctions for a _mesaw ir_shod cu_. Makes _2 servings,, Take a trip to the Orient w_ththis easy. and heaJthy vegetable _pe Ma_s 4 -6 servings. ingredients 2 1 2 1 2 ! 112 tablespoons o_l onion° cut inf_owedges carrot, thinly s_.,ed cups brocco_, cut _o _at_ f_owerets red pepper, sliced sticks celery, thinly sliced cup sn_ 6 3 3 pe_ t 1 cup ch_ken broth baking po_s (a_ut 8 oun_ _) tablespoons margarine orbutter, mette_ _p shre_ed _eddar _eese (4 ounce) slices b_, _isp-cook_ _nd c_mbl_ or u_ p_epack_ed ba_ bits chop_ tomato (op_na0 d_ gt_n on_ (op_n_I) cup s_r cream (optional) Heat oil in a wok or saute pan, directty overa h_gh heat. _d onion and ce_k 1 minute. Add carrot and broccoti and stir-fry 2 minutes, then add red pepper, celery and snow peas and conth'_ue cooking t minute m_e. Add chicken broth and Ms vegetables until cooked to desired doneness. Pun_.ure¢Jean potatoes wi_ a fork, v_ap in atumihum _i! ar_ pla,'.,edkecBy over low to m_iurn heat. Close lid and cook di_ec_yfor 1 hour or unt_ _nter _s tender OR- Microwave cle_n, punctured potat_ on h_gh for t5 to 20 minutes, or untt_ center _nder. A_ow cooked potatoes _ coot then urw_r_p and d[_rd fo}L Cut potatoes in half _ lengthwise, _ outpotato pulp (_tve separatel_ or discard.) 8e Sure to leeve 1/44nCh th_k potato shel_rema|ni_. Brush the _slde ofe_h potato_e{_ w_thm_d margarine, Spoon 2 teaspoons ptcen_ _ _to eacl_ potatos_, spdnkJewith cheese and t_ with ba_. ONION BLOSSOMS Grea_ served as a snack, or to dress up ba_ued meats, _Itry or fish. Makes 4 servings. 4 i _t8 1 P_ace prepared potato ski_s on gra_,directly over medium heat. Close _idand cook fo_ 8 to 10 minutes or untl_pota_o skins a_'ecrisp. SpdnNe each potato skin _th tomato and green onionand then top w_ _ur cream, if desi_ed medium sweet onions (4-5 ounces each) t;_blespoons rna_rine or butter, meltad _aspoon Dijo_-styte mus_rd maspoen hot pepper sauce _b_es_on brovm sugar pepper (optkm_) Pe_ onions, then cu_almost _mpletaly _rough each _ion, forming8 wedges O_ion will be io_se,butst_ll inL_ct. Prepare four 124nch squares of aluminum foil Place one onion _ the center of each foi_ _uare. Stir margarine (or burr) with hot _pper sauce and ddzTJe over _ions. SpMnk_ewith brown suite Then bdng up _ sides of foi| _#are and double fo_. 8ring remaining comers _p and completa|y _cI_e leaving enough space for steam to build. Pta_ va_ppee on_ blo_ssoms on UtaH,d_ectly over medium heal C_e _k_a_ cook t 5 to 25 minu_ or u_t_ on_s are nearlytende_. Make a 2-inch open_ng at the top of each onion wrapping, t_en c_e I_ and cook 5 _ I0 minutes more, _ until _!ons are lt_t|y brow_ed. Sprinkle with _pper _ desired and serve 31 For in-home repair of a major appliance, no matter who made it, no maffer who sold it! Call 24 hours a da_; 7 days a week 1-800 -MY-HOME Para ped|r sewlc"i o o ordenar piezas: l_88-SU-HOG_'" (1-888-7_6427) Pour tout le sewice: l_77-LE-FOYER TM (1-877-533_937) For repair of carw4n products !ike vacuums, !awn mowers, stereos and VCRs, call for the nearest Sears Set€ice Center location. Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week For the replacement pans and owner's manuals that you need to "do-it-yourself," call and ask for Pa_sDIrect. Call 6 a.m. - !1 p.m. CT, 7 days a week 1-8004iMY-HOME SM (1 00 6g 663) www,sea_,comJpa_d!_t For a Sears Service Agreement purchase or mqumry:" " Call 7 a.m.- 5 p.m. CT, Monday- Saturday Trill P_ _ P4_ IIII -- ......... ..... iiirlrTt .................. !r _1_.......................
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