Kinpo Electronics SP70A SMART-PHONE WITH BLUETOOTH FUNCTION User Manual S600 indb



  S600 User Manual  12-5More Programs12.2  Pocket WordYou can create and edit documents and templates in Microsoft Pocket Word just as you do in Microsoft Word on your desktop computer. Creating a Document1.  Tap   → Programs → Pocket Word.2.  Tap New. You’ll see either a blank document or a template.3.  You can enter information by working in different modes, which you select from the View menu. 4.  When you have finished entering the information and tap OK, the document is automatically saved. Word documents are usu-ally saved as .psw files, but you can also save them in other file formats, such as .doc, .rtf or .txt.Opening an Existing DocumentIn the document list, tap the document you want to open. If you don’t see the document in the list, make sure you’ve chosen the correct folder in the folder list (labeled All Folders by default).You can have only one document open at a time. When you open a second document, the first one is saved and closed automatically.   •  If you’re opening a Word document that was created on a desktop computer, you may want to select View > Wrap to Window so that you can see the entire document.12.3  Pocket ExcelYou can create and edit workbooks and templates in Microsoft Pocket Excel just as you do in Microsoft Excel on your desktop computer.Creating a Workbook1.  Tap   → Programs → Pocket Excel.2.  Tap New. You’ll see either a blank workbook or template.3.  You can enter formulas and functions, and then filter data to see the subset of information. 4.  When you have finished entering the information and tap OK, the document is automatically saved. Pocket Excel workbooks are usually saved as .pxl files, but you can also save them in .xls format.
12-6  S600 User ManualMore ProgramsOpening an Existing WorkbookIn the workbook list, tap the file you want to open. If you don’t see the workbook in the list, make sure you’ve chosen the correct folder in the folder list (labeled All Folders by default).•  You can open only one workbook at a time; when you open a second workbook, you will be asked to save the first.12.4  MSN MessengerMSN Messenger on your mobile device provides the same chat environment as MSN Messenger on your desktop computer. These features include:  Seeing who is online.  Sending and receiving instant messages.  Having an instant message conversation with a group of contacts.  Telling contacts that you are unavailable.  Blocking contacts from seeing your status or sending you messages.Setting Up an AccountBefore you can use MSN Messenger, you must set up the instant messaging account(s) to use. For MSN Messenger Service, you must have a Microsoft Passport or Hotmail account. For Exchange Instant Messaging, you must have an Exchange account. To set up a Microsoft Passport account, go to To set up a Hotmail account, go to To set up an Exchange account, see your network administrator.1.  Create a connection for your Pocket PC Phone. (See Chapter 13 for more information.)2.  Tap   → Programs → MSN Messenger.3.  Tap Tools → Options → Accounts.4.  Select Enable MSN Messenger Service and/or Enable Exchange Instant Messaging.5.  Enter your sign-in name and password for the selected account(s). Your sign-in name is usually in the form of:  If you select both accounts, tap Settings, and then select which account to sign in to first.Signing In and Out1.  Tap   → Programs → MSN Messenger.2.  To sign in, tap anywhere on the screen. Follow the directions on the screen.3.  To sign out, tap Tools → Sign out. Managing ContactsThe MSN Messenger window shows all of your messenger contacts at a glance and is divided into Online and Offline categories. From this view, while connected, you can chat, send email, block the contact from chatting with you or delete contacts from your list using the pop-up menu.
  S600 User Manual  12-7More ProgramsChatting With ContactsTap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your message in the text entry area at the bottom of the screen or tap My Text to enter a preset message and tap Send. To invite another contact to a multi-user chat, in the Tools menu, tap Invite and tap the contact you want to invite.12.5  Windows Media PlayerUse Microsoft® Windows Media® Player 10 Mobile for Pocket PC Phone to play digital audio and video files that are stored on your device or on the Web.By default, Windows Media Player can play Windows Media or  MP3 and MP4  files (including files with the extensions .asf, .wma, .wmv, .mp3 and .mp4).Starting Windows Media PlayerTo start Windows Media Player, tap   → Programs → Windows  Media.By default, Windows Media Player displays the Library screen as the startup screen after the Pocket PC Phone is turned on.Screens and MenusWindows Media Player has three primary screens:  Playback screen  The screen that displays the playback controls (such as Play, Pause, Next, Previous, and Volume), the album art window, and the video window. You can change the appearance of this screen by choosing a different skin.  Now Playing screen  The screen that displays the Now Playing playlist. This special playlist indicates the currently playing file and any files that are “queued up” to play next.  Library screen  The screen that lets you quickly find your audio files, video files, and playlists. It contains categories such as My Music, My Video, My TV, and My Playlists.At the bottom of each screen is Menu. The commands on this menu change depending upon which screen you are viewing.  Playback screen menuItem DescriptionPlay/Pause Starts or pauses playback.Repeat Plays the items in the Now Playing playlist repeatedly.Stop Stops playback.Full Screen When a video is playing, displays it by using the entire screen.Library Displays the Library screen so you can choose a file to play.
12-8  S600 User ManualMore ProgramsItem DescriptionOpen URL Lets you play a file on a network, such as the Internet.Options Lets you adjust various Windows Media Player options, including net-work, skin, and hardware button options. (See the “Changing Windows Media Player Settings” section later in the chapter.)Properties Displays information about the currently playing file.About Displays information about Windows Media Player, such as the version number.  Now Playing screen menuItem DescriptionLibrary Displays the Library screen so you can choose a file to play.Move Up Moves the selected item up in the playlist order.Move Down Moves the selected item down in the playlist order.Delete from Playlist Deletes the selected item from the playlist.Clear Now Playing Deletes all items from the Now Playing playlist.Error Details Displays error information about the selected item (an exclamation mark appears before the item name if error details are available).Properties Displays information about the selected file.  Library screen menuItem DescriptionQueue Up Adds the selected item to the end of the current (Now Playing) playlist.Delete from Library Deletes the selected item from the library.Update Library Adds new items to the library by searching your device or storage card.Open File Lets you find and play files that are stored on your device or storage card but that are not in the library.Properties Displays information about the selected file.LibrariesThe library contains links to your audio files, video files, and playlists. As in the desktop Player, you will be allowed to sort your content by criteria such as artist name, album title, genre, or actor.Unlike the desktop Player, the Pocket PC Phone Player can have multiple libraries. Each library represents an available storage location. For example, if you store some content in the internal storage location on the device (known as random access memory or RAM), the My Device library will contain links to those files.If you also store content on removable storage cards, you will have additional libraries for each of those cards. On the Library screen, you can switch between the My Device library and any other libraries that are avail-able to your device.By default, Windows Media Player automatically searches the internal storage location of your device for compatible digital media files. If it finds any, they will be added to the My Device library.Similarly, when you insert a removable storage card into your device, Windows Media Player automati-cally searches it for content and adds it to a Storage Card library.If the Player does not detect new files that you copy to your device, you can manually update the library by using the Update Library command.
  S600 User Manual  12-9More ProgramsUpdating a LibraryIn most cases, Windows Media Player automatically updates your libraries as necessary. However, you can manually update a library to ensure that it has links to any new files that you might have recently copied to your Pocket PC Phone or a removable storage card.1.  Tap   → Programs → Windows Media.2.  If you are not already on the Library screen, tap Menu → Library.3.  On the Library screen, tap the Library arrow (near the top of the screen), and then tap the library that you want to update (for example, Storage Card).4.  Tap Menu → Update Library.5.  Tap Search, wait for the files to be added, and then tap Done.PlaybackPlaying Items on Your Pocket PC PhoneUse the library to find and play songs, videos, and playlists that are stored on your Pocket PC Phone or removable storage card.1.  Tap   → Programs → Windows Media.2.  If you are not already on the Library screen, tap Menu → Library.3.  On the Library screen, tap the Library arrow (near the top of the screen), and then tap the library that you want to update (for example, Storage Card).4.  Tap a category (for example, My Music or My Playlists), tap and hold the item that you want to play (such as a song, album, or artist name), and then tap Play or Queue Up.5.  Tap Play to start playing back the selected file.•  To play a file stored on your device but that is not in a library, on the Library screen, tap Menu → Open File. Tap and hold the item that you want to play (such as a file or a folder), and then tap Play or Queue Up.
12-10  S600 User ManualMore ProgramsControlsItem DescriptionPlays a file.Pauses a file.Skips to the beginning of the current file or to the previous file.Skips to the next file.Adjusts the playback progress of a selected file.Increases the volume level.Decreases the volume level.Turns the sound on or off.Displays a video by using the entire screen (full screen).Displays a Web site, such as, where you can find music and videos to play.If your device hardware supports it, you can rewind and fast-forward files by pressing and holding the Left/Right controls.Playing an Item on a NetworkUse the Open URL command to play a song or video that is stored on the Internet or on a network server.1.  Tap   → Programs → Windows Media.2.  If you are not on the Playback screen, tap OK to close the current screen and display the Playback screen.3.  Tap Menu → Open URL.4.  In the URL box, enter a network address. Or, in the History box, tap a URL that you have previously used.•  To play an item on a network, the phone must be connected to a network. For more information on creating a remote connection between your portable device and a network, see Chapter 13.PlaylistsA playlist is a list of digital media files that play in a specified order. By using the playlist, you can group audio and video files together for convenient playback.For example, in the desktop Player, you can create a playlist of upbeat songs to listen to when you exercise or a playlist of soothing songs to enjoy during a long flight. When you synchronize with the desktop version of Windows Media Player 10, your favorite playlists are automatically copied to your Pocket PC Phone.Your playlists are available in the library (in the My Playlists category). A temporary playlist, called Now Playing, is available from the Now Playing menu. It lists the currently playing file, as well as any files that have been “queued up” to play next.SynchronizationUse the Sync feature in the desktop version of Windows Media Player 10 to automatically copy your favor-ite audio files, video files, and playlists from your desktop Player library to your Pocket PC Phone Player library every time you connect your Pocket PC Phone to your computer.For more information on synchronization, see the Windows Media Player Help on the desktop computer.
  S600 User Manual  12-11More ProgramsCopying Files to Your Pocket PC PhoneUse the desktop version of Windows Media Player 10 to synchronize digital media files to your Pocket PC Phone (instead of dragging a file from a folder on your desktop computer to a folder on your Pocket PC Phone, for example). Using the desktop Player ensures that licenses are copied with protected files.For more information on copying files to your Pocket PC Phone, see the Windows Media Player Help on the desktop computer.Licenses and Protected FilesProtected files are digital media files that are secured with a license to prevent unauthorized distribution or playback.The license specifies how you can use the file. For example, a license can specify how many times you can play a file. A license can also specify whether you can burn the file to a CD or synchronize (copy) the file to a portable device.The terms of the license are specified by the person or company that provided the file. Most people obtain protected files from online stores, such as MSN Music and Napster.When copying a protected file from your computer to your Pocket PC Phone, always use the desktop ver-sion of Windows Media Player 10 to synchronize (copy) the file to your Pocket PC Phone. For example, do not use Windows Explorer to drag and drop files from your computer to your Pocket PC Phone.For more information on copying files to your Pocket PC Phone, see the Windows Media Player Help on the desktop computer.•  You can view the protection status for a file by checking its file properties (Menu → Properties).CodecsHigh-quality digital media files can require a large amount of storage space. To minimize file size, digital media files are often compressed by using software called a codec (short for compressor/decompressor). To play the file, it must be decompressed by using the same codec that compressed the file.Windows Media Player for Pocket PC Phone can play files that have been compressed by using any of the following audio and video codecs. You can determine which codecs a file uses by checking its file proper-ties (Menu → Properties).Audio codecs  Microsoft Windows Media Audio codec versions 1.0, 2.0, 7, 8, and 9  Although Windows Media Player for Pocket PC Phone supports all variants of the Windows Media Audio 9 codec (including the Windows Media Audio 9, Windows Media Audio 9 Professional, Windows Media Audio 9 Voice, and Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless codecs), the following variants are only partially supported:  Windows Media Audio 9 Professional codec  Multiple channels are combined into a stereo mix during playback. Depending upon the audio playback capabilities of your device, content with an audio sampling rate higher than 48 kilohertz (KHz) may be played as 48 KHz.  Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless codec  Depending upon the audio playback capabilities of your device, content with an audio sampling rate higher than 48 kilohertz (KHz) may be played as 48 KHz.
12-12  S600 User ManualMore ProgramsVideo codecs  Microsoft Windows Media Video codec versions 7, 8, and 9  Microsoft Windows Media Video 9 Image codec versions 1.0 and 2.0  Microsoft MPEG-4 codec version 2.0 and 3.0  ISO MPEG-4 video codec version 1.0Changing Windows Media Player Settings1.  Tap   → Programs → Windows Media.2.  If you are not on the Playback screen, tap OK to close the cur-rent screen and display the Playback screen.3.  Tap Menu → Options to customize Windows Media Player settings.Item DescriptionChange player appearance Tap Skins. Tap Previous or Next until you find the skin that you want to use.Shrink oversized video Tap Audio/Video. Select the Shrink to fit window check box.Play video in full screen Tap Audio/Video. In Play video in full screen, select the desired option.Change background playback Tap Playback. Select or clear the Pause playback while using another program check box.Change how time is displayed Tap Playback. In the Show time as box, select the desired option.Change playback after a phone call Tap Playback. Select or clear the Resume playback after a phone call check box.Change network connection speed Tap Network. In the Internet Connection Speed box, tap the speed of your network connection.Change network protocol options Tap Network. In Protocol, select the check box for each protocol you want to enable.Change the startup screen Tap Library.  Select the Start Player on Library screen check box to show the Library screen when you start Windows Media Player. Clear the Start Player on Library screen check box to show the Playback screen when you start Windows Media Player.
  S600 User Manual  12-13More Programs12.6  PicturesUse Pictures to view .jpg pictures stored on your device or on a storage card, send pictures to others, view a slideshow of your pictures, or set a picture as the background on the Today screen.Viewing Pictures1.  You can copy jpg pictures from your desktop computer to the My Pictures folder, within the My Documents folder on your Pocket PC Phone. For more information on copying files from your desktop computer to your Pocket PC Phone, see ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.2.  To view pictures in a storage card, insert the card.3.  Tap  → Programs → Pictures.4.  By default, the program displays thumbnails of the jpg pictures in the My Pictures folder, within the My Documents folder on your Pocket PC Phone. To view the jpg pictures in a storage card, tap the   icon. To view pictures on the Pocket PC Phone, tap the   icon.5.  Thumbnails of pictures appear on the screen. You can tap one of them to view the picture in full screen.Sending PicturesYou can send a .jpg picture to others as an email attachment. The picture is resized to approximately 30 KB, making it easier to send over wireless connections.1.  Tap  → Programs → Pictures.2.  Tap the picture you want to send as an email attachment.3.  Tap Tools → Send via Email to create an email message with the picture attached.Slideshow of PicturesYou can view your .jpg pictures as a slideshow on your device. Pictures will display slides of the pictures shown in thumbnail view with 5-second intervals between slides.1.  Tap  → Programs → Pictures.2.  Tap the   icon to view pictures as a slideshow.3.  Tap anywhere on the screen to display the Slideshow toolbar, which you can use to pause the slideshow, rotate the view, and more.Setting a Picture as Background1.  Tap  → Programs → Pictures.2.  Tap the picture you want to set as the background.3.  Tap Tools → Set as Today Wallpaper.12.7  JAVAJava is a programming environment targeting various applications running on mobile devices, such as games and useful applets. Downloading Java applications may be charged or free of charge. For free Java applications, download them from the Internet or WAP sites. For charged Java applications, consult your mobile phone service provider for purchase. To use Java, you need to subscribe to the GPRS service from your mobile phone service provider, and make sure that you have set up the GPRS connection on the Pocket PC Phone.You can use the Java program to download Java games or applications. Tap  → Programs → Java.
12-14  S600 User ManualMore Programs12.8  File ExplorerFile Explorer allows you to explore and manage the folders and files stored on the Pocket PC Phone or storage card.1.  Tap  → Programs → File Explorer.2.  Tap the folder list (labeled My Documents by default) and then the folder that you want to view.3.  To open an item, tap it. 4.  To quickly delete, rename, copy, or move an item, tap and hold. Then, on the pop-up menu, tap Copy, Delete, or Rename.•  To select multiple items, tap and drag.12.9  CalculatorYou can use Calculator to perform any of the standard operations for which you would normally use a handheld calculator. 1.  Tap  → Programs → Calculator.2.  Use the Calculator buttons or the input panel to enter numbers and perform calculations. •  To clear the current calculation or the displayed number, tap C.•  To clear the last digit entered in a multidigit entry, tap the arrow to the right of the entry box.•  To clear memory, tap MC. 12.10  Pocket MSNYou can access the Pocket MSN web site where you can subscribe to get popular MSN services on your Pocket PC Phone.You need to connect the Pocket PC Phone to the Internet to access the Pocket MSN web site. (See information in Section 12.1 or Chapter 13.)
  S600 User Manual  12-15More Programs1.  Tap  → Programs → Pocket MSN.2.  Tap Continue at the lower-left of the screen.3.  Select the desired language for display.4.  The screen displays the Pocket MSN web site.Tap and hold on the screen to add the page to the Favorites list. To add a page to the Favorites list, tap   → Add/Delete → Add, enter the name and address of the page, select the storage location and then tap Add.You can subscribe to services from the web site. 12.11  IE FavoritesThere is an IE Favorites hot key on your Pocket PC Phone. Press this key to access the IE Favorites main page.IE Favorites provides several categories of links for quick access.  POCKET IE    WEBSITES   FINANCE  NEWS//MOVIES  OPERATOR    DOWNLOAD    MUSIC    PDA NEWS
12-16  S600 User ManualMore Programs12.12  Games SolitaireThe object of Solitaire is to use all the cards in the deck to build up the four suit stacks in ascending order, beginning with the aces.1.  To open Solitaire, tap  → Programs → Games → Solitaire.2.  A new game is started. You can also tap New on the command bar to start a new game. 3.  You can:•  To move a card to one of the stacks, drag the card. Build the row stacks in descending order, from king to two, alternating between red and black cards.•  To display cards in the upper-left stack, tap the stack.•  In the row stacks, turn a card face-up by tapping it. You can move a king to an empty row stack.•  To undo a move, tap the     icon.Setting solitaire OptionsTo change the setting options, tap Tools → Options. Game Rules•  Draw  selects one card or three cards for each draw.•  Scoring  selects the Standard or Vegas scoring system, or no scoring.•  Time game  enables the timing function.•  Display status  shows the elasped time and scores of games.•  Keep cumulative score  keeps a cumulative score when using the Vegas scoring system. Card Back  You can select a desired card back.
  S600 User Manual  12-17More Programs JawbreakerTo play Jawbreaker, you need to align similar jawbreakers in order to form large blocks of jawbreakers before bursting them. The more jawbreakers in the block before they are burst, the greater number of points you will receive.1.  To open Jawbreaker, tap  → Programs → Games → Jawbreaker.2.  Tap a jawbreaker that is connected to other similar jawbreakers. Those connected jawbreakers (at least two jawbreakers) will be highlighted, and a new jawbreaker will pop up displaying that block’s potential jawbreaker points.3.  Tap on your selection again in order to burst the jawbreakers. All jawbreakers above your burst block will now fall down.  To take back the last move you have made, tap the   icon.4.  To start a new game, tap Games → New Game.5.  To view the statistics, tap Info → Statistics.Setting Jawbreaker OptionsTo change the setting options, tap Game → Options. Play Sounds  sets whether or not you want Jawbreaker to make sounds. Confirm End Game  sets Jawbreaker to pop up a confirmation dialog when the “End Game” menu item is selected. Display Burst  sets to display the burst of jawbreakers or not. Guest Mode  plays the game without affecting the statistics Game Style  selects one of the following game styles.•  Standard  The default mode of play where there is a set number of jawbreaker that will not increase.•  Continuous  In this style, whenever a vertical set of jawbreakers has been burst and the remaining jawbreakers have shifted over to the right, a new randomly selected column of jawbreakers will pop up on the left, thereby allowing a game to be played for an extended amount of time.•  Shifter  In this style, when a set of jawbreakers has been burst, all remaining jawbreakers to the top and left will shift down and to the right.•  MegaShift  This style is a combination of the shifter and continuous styles in that jawbreakers will shift down and to the right while empty columns will fill on the left. Breaker set  changes the color of the jawbreakers.
12-18  S600 User ManualMore Programs BallstormThe goal of Ballstorm is to clear out the bricks by hitting them with one of the space balls.1.  To open Ballstorm, tap  → Programs → Games → Ballstorm.2.  Tap the screen to start the new game. You have three chances for a game. The game level and scores are displayed at the upper-left corner of the screen, and the remaining chances at the upper-right corner.3.  Tap the bat to release the ball to hit the bricks.•  Tap and drag to move the bat. You can also press the navigation pad to move the bat.  Navigation pad:  ok: confirming a new game    ↑: releasing the bat    ← and →: moving the bat•  Hitting the bricks may bring you bonus or bombs.•  During the game, you can tap the   icon to pause the game; to resume the game, tap Game → Resume or tap the   icon. •  During the game, you can tap Game → Save or tap the   icon to save the progress of the game.           To resume the game, tap Game → Open or tap the   icon to open the game that you saved previously.4.  When all bricks are cleared, tap the screen to enter the next level.5.  To start a new game, tap Game → New or tap the   icon.6.  To view the high scores, tap Game → Top Ranking or tap the   icon.
  S600 User Manual  12-19More ProgramsSetting Ballstorm OptionsTo change the setting options, tap Game → Options. Specify the music volume  adjusts the music volume. Bat speed / Acceleration  adjusts the speed and acceleration of the bat’s movement. Sparks  selects to show sparks on the screen when the ball hits the brick. Auto-Fire  selects to enable auto firing when you acquire firing weapon. SnailsSnails is a fun action-strategy game. You need to install this game using the supplied CD.1.  To open Snails, tap  → Programs → Games → Snails.2.  Tap Deathmatch on the main menu to select a game mode and play against an opposing team.3.  Tap Missions to select a mission. Each mission contains two to four levels.4.  Tap Move to move your position.5.  Tap Aim to select a weapon for attack. FluxFlux is a 3D space flying racing game. You need to install this game by using the supplied CD.1.  To open Flux, tap  → Programs → Games → Flux.2.  On the login screen, enter your login name and tap OK.3.  On the main menu, select a game mode, such as Practice.4.  On the next screen, select a racing track, such as Serpent.5.  On the next screen, select a flying craft, such as Mosquito.6.  After the loading, tap the screen to start the game.
Chapter 13Getting Connected13.1  Setting up Connections13.2  GPRS/MMS Connections13.3  Transferring Items Using Infrared13.4  Bluetooth
  S600 User Manual  13-2Getting Connected13.1  Setting up ConnectionsYou can set up connections to the Internet and corporate network at work in order to do such activities as browse the Internet or intranet, send/receive email and instant messages, and synchronize information using ActiveSync.Connections can be made using a modem, wireless network, or network (Ethernet) card. A modem con-nection can be used to set up connections with an external modem, or through your mobile phone network using a cellular line or GPRS.Your device has two groups of connection settings:  My ISP settings  are used to connect to the Internet My Work Network settings  can be used to connect to any private network, such as a corporate network you use at work.Connecting to the Internet1. Obtain the following information from your ISP: ISP server phone number, user name, and password. 2.  Tap   → Settings → Connections → Connections.3.  In My ISP, tap Add a new modem connection.4.  Enter a name for the connection, such as your company’s name. In the Select a modem list, tap your modem type.  Tap Next.5.  Enter the phone number. Tap Next.6.  Enter your user name, password, and domain name as provided by your ISP. If a domain name was not provided, try the connec-tion without entering a domain name. You need not to change any advanced settings. Tap Finish.7.  To start a connection, insert any necessary equipment, such as a modem card, into the device, and begin using a desired program. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse to a Web page. Your device will automatically get connected.•  If you are using any type of external modem, in the Select a modem list, select the modem by name. If a listing does not exist for your external modem, tap Hayes Compatible on COM1.•  To set up a network card or wireless network connection for your ISP, create a new connection in My Work Network.
13-3  S600 User Manual Getting ConnectedConnecting to Work1.  Obtain the following information from your network administrator: server phone number, user name, and password.2.  Tap   → Settings → Connections → Connections.3.  In My Work Network, tap Add a new modem connection.4.  Enter a name for the connection, such as your company’s name. In the Select a modem list, tap your modem type.  Tap Next.5.  Enter the phone number. Tap Next.6.  Enter your user name, password, and domain name as provided by your network administrator. If a domain name was not provided, try the connection without entering a domain name. You need not to change any advanced settings. Tap Finish.7.  To start a connection, insert any necessary equipment, such as a modem card, into the device, and begin using a desired program. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse to a Web page. Your device will automatically get connected.•  If you are using any type of external modem, in the Select a modem list, select the modem by name. If a listing does not exist for your external modem, tap Hayes Compatible on COM1.Setting up VPN Server ConnectionsA VPN connection helps you to securely connect to servers, such as a corporate network, via the Internet. Ask your network administrator for your user name, password, domain name, TCP/IP settings, and host name or IP address of the VPN server.1.  Tap   → Settings → Connections → Connections.2.  In My Work Network, tap Add a new VPN server connection.
  S600 User Manual  13-4Getting Connected3.  In Name, enter a name for the connection, such as your company name.  In Host name/IP, enter the name and IP address of the  VPN server.  Next to VPN type, select the type of authentication to use with your device: IPSec/L2TP or PPTP. If you aren’t sure which option to choose, ask your network administrator.  Tap Next.4.  Select the type of authentication. If you select A pre-shared key, enter the key provided by your network administrator.  Tap Next.5.  Enter your user name, password, and domain name as provided by your network administrator. If a domain name was not provided, try the connection without entering a domain name. You should not need to change any advanced settings. Tap Finish.6.  To start a connection, insert any necessary equipment, such as a network (Ethernet) card, into the device, and begin using a desired program. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse to a Web page. Your device will automatically get connected.Setting up Proxy Server SettingsIf you are connected to your ISP or private network during synchronization, your mobile device should download proper proxy settings during synchronization from your desktop computer. If these settings are not on your desktop computer or need to be changed, ask your ISP or network administrator for the proxy server name, server type, port, type of Socks protocol used, and your user name and password.1.  Tap   → Settings → Connections → Connections.2.  In My Work Network, tap Add a new proxy server.3.  Select This network connects to the Internet and This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet. In the Proxy server box, enter the proxy server name.4.  To change such settings as port number or proxy server type, tap Advanced and change desired settings. 5.  When you are finished, tap OK.
13-5  S600 User Manual Getting ConnectedSetting up a Network CardUse a network (Ethernet) card to connect directly to a network. Once the network is connected, you can view the Internet or intranet, or download email. You do not need to create a new connection on your device.1.  Obtain the following information from your network administrator: user name, password, and domain name.2.  Insert the network card into your device.3.  The first time you insert the card, Network Settings will appear automatically so that you can configure the network card. If it does not appear, or to change settings later, tap   → Settings → Connections → Network Cards.4.  If you need to enter specific server information, tap the appropriate adapter, and then tap Name Servers. Most networks use DHCP, so you should not have to change these settings unless your network administrator instructs you to do so.5.  If necessary, connect the network card to the network by using a network cable. For information, see the documentation that came with your network card.6.  To start a connection, insert the network card, and begin using a desired program. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse to a Web page. Your device will automatically get connected.•  If you use your network card with two networks, such as a private network at work and one at home for the Internet, you will need to change the network to which the network card connects.13.2  GPRS/MMS ConnectionsGPRS is a high-speed transmission through the mobile phone network, which provides permanent on-line connection.When you apply for the GPRS service, your service provider may have already set up a GPRS connection for you. You can also perform automatic or manual GPRS configuration on your Pocket PC Phone.•  If you have subscribed to the GPRS and MMS services from your mobile phone service provider, GPRS connection is active, and so is MMS connection.Automatic ConfigurationYour Pocket PC Phone can perform automatic GPRS configuration.Tap   → Settings → Connections → GPRS Auto Configuration. Select Auto Configuration, select your mobile phone service provider, and then tap OK.
  S600 User Manual  13-6Getting ConnectedManual ConfigurationIf you need to set up the GPRS connection manually, follow this procedure:1.  Tap   → Settings → Connections → Connections.2.  Tap Manage existing connections.3.  The Pocket PC Phone has several existing connections for your selection. Tap the desired connection and tap Edit. Or, tap New to create a new connection.4.  Enter a name for the connection.  In Select a modem, select Cellular Line (GPRS).  Tap Next.5.  Enter the access point name provided by your mobile phone service provider. Tap Next.6.  Enter your user name, password, and domain name as provided by your ISP. If a domain name was not provided, try the connection without entering a domain name. You should not need to change any advanced settings. Tap Finish.7.  The new connection is now on the connection list. Make sure you select the proper connection and tap OK.•  To remove a GPRS connection from the list, tap and hold the connection, and tap Delete.13.3  Transferring Items Using InfraredUse beaming software and hardware, such as infrared (IR), to send and receive information and files between mobile devices. If an IR port is installed on your desktop computer, you can send and receive information and files between your device and desktop computer.When data transmission is not available, please note:  Transfer only one file, or no more than 25 contact cards, at a time.  When using IR, make sure nothing is between the two IR ports.  Adjust the room lighting or move to another location (some types of light interfere with beaming). Sending Information1.  Switch to the program where you created the item you want to send and locate the item in the list.2.  Tap and hold the item and tap Beam File on the pop-up menu.•  In Tasks, tap Beam Task.•  In Contacts, tap Beam Contact.•  In Calendar, tap Beam Appointment.3.  Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a close range.
13-7  S600 User Manual Getting ConnectedReceiving Information1.  Before receiving beamed information, tap   → Settings → Connections → Beam.2.  Select Receive all incoming beams, and tap OK.3.  Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a close range.4.  The Pocket PC Phone will search for the other device and receive information automatically.13.4  BluetoothBluetooth is a short-range wireless communications technology. Devices with Bluetooth capabilities can exchange information over a distance of about 10 meters (30 feet) without requiring a physical connection. You can use Bluetooth in the following ways:  Beam information, such as files, appointments, tasks, and contact cards, between devices that have Bluetooth capabilities.  Create a dial-up modem connection between your device and a Bluetooth phone. You can then use the Bluetooth phone as a modem.Turning on and off BluetoothUsing the Bluetooth Icon1.  Tap and hold the Bluetooth icon on the lower right of the Today screen until the pop-up menu appears for Bluetooth settings. (When Bluetooth is turned off, the first item on the pop-up menu is Open Bluetooth; when Bluetooth is turned on, the first item is Close Bluetooth.)2.  From the pop-up menu, tap Bluetooth Manager → Devices to search for other devices with Bluetooth turned on.

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